#my humble low quality gifs
sixespresso · 6 months
The way Crowley orbits around his angel 💫
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usedpidemo · 5 months
Update - Happy New Year! (and some housekeeping)
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*TV static intensifies*
Hey everyone! π here.
Once again, I'd like to wish all of you formally a happy new year! This will be my third year with you, and I hope you're still enjoying my works and I appreciate you for your continued support.
Now that I have your attention, I'd like to give you an overall update on things happening behind the scenes, but first:
2023 Poll
I only posted 10 fics over the previous year, rip, but they're easily some of my most popular and positively received works in the library. Vote up to three of your favorite fics released from me during 2023! I was supposed to include Plaid on the list, but I didn't finish it on time, and as a result this poll also delayed lol. You can change your votes anytime if you have a change of heart. Poll begins from today until January 7, 2024 1:00 P.M. KST/12:00 AM EST.
2024 Road map
And because I only posted 10 fics all throughout 2023, my personal goal in 2024 is to increase the amount of releases, while continuing to improve the quality and maintain consistency. Hopefully. In real life, I'll be entering my third year of college once the holidays are over, and this may be the last full year of freedom I get. I might have to do on-the-job training (OJT) and write up my thesis, which requires a lot of personal commitment so I can finally graduate. I'm basically on borrowed time at this point.
Plans change. Shit happens. Everything that I'm about to say isn't exactly a 100% guarantee, and I really don't wanna promise anything because I've broken way too many promises. But here's the initial proposed list of idols that will be getting fics in 2024:
Minji (Newjeans)
And this doesn't include idols I've already written :)
Looks ambitious—and it is—but if I can complete even half of that list, I feel as if I've already accomplished my goal.
To the people who've been waiting for their requests, once again I'd like to apologize for the delays. I feel terrible knowing I've got so many projects in limbo because of circumstances beyond my control, and it feels as though I've betrayed your trust. However, we're picking things up and I'll gradually be releasing them throughout the early stages of 2024. Thank you for waiting just a little bit longer.
With that said, my personal plan is to implement the following so this never happens again: I'll be scaling back on the number of commissions I can accept at a time so there's more breathing room for requests as well as personal ideas/projects. Ideally, this would mean releasing fics in a 2-to-1 format: 2 commissions then 1 personal idea, but this would vary based on personal schedule and overall demand. Balancing real life commitments with burnout is a huge challenge, and I believe this is the most comfortable situation for me. Please understand that I'm still just one guy and I can't do everything all at once. If I could clone myself, I would abuse the shit out of that ability.
Overall, I've been blessed to have such a wonderful 2023, and I pray 2024 will be just as kind, if not kinder. I've experienced some of the highest highs and the lowest lows, but I personally feel that 2023 was the best year I've had in almost a decade, and this blog is one reason for that. It wasn't as productive as it used to be, but the increasing support is simply humbling. Heck, I've been entrusted to bring some of your visions/fantasies to life, which shows how much faith you have in me to succeed and bring you quality art. There's no amount of words that can express how truly grateful I am to you, the readers, my peers in the writing community, and to our heavenly Father.
Regardless of what happens to me or this blog, I hope 2024 will be kind to you all. Love you.
with grace,
peter / π
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thirdofjune · 4 years
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The Legend of Fei (teaser)
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hiraethhh-h · 3 years
zhongli ideal s/o and relationship hc’s
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note: reader is gender neutral- this is also my contribution for zhongli to come home pls 😃💔i hit my pity but i pulled mona- and i keep getting constellations for razor/chongyun bc i have all 4*’s and probably i bc i also pulled childe while he was out- time to save up for venti when he comes back in march ig (UID 608839674 ar 44) also there’ll probably be more hc’s in the future coughcoughxiaocoughcough
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Ideal s/o
Someone who listens to him. As we all know, he’s very knowledgeable about Liyue and the past. He has tons of stories he could drone on about for hours, and he wants you to be there to listen. Be it you listening as a bedtime story or during afternoon tea.
Someone who’s patient with him. Being alive for thousands of years causes him to bear lots of emotional weight, and as stated in his past, he sometimes has trouble expressing himself or coming to terms with his feelings. In public he’s seen as a stoic and calm figure, but behind closed doors is when he lowers his guard, especially if you’re around.
Someone loyal, reliable, and truthful. Being someone who values contracts, if you can keep your word to someone and follow through, he’ll respect you for that.
Someone who’s humble. Zhongli himself is a humble person, he isn’t flashy with his money and prefers things to be kept on the down low, regardless of price or quality.
Someone he can spoil. As the God of Mora, he has unlimited money. Although he may not flaunt it, he can and will buy you things that remind you of him, or things that remind him of you.
Someone who can hold conversations. As much as Zhongli loves sharing his own stories, he too would love to hear from you. He wouldn’t mind listening to you either if you want to get something off of your chest.
Relationship hc’s
Please, please keep a good amount a lot of money in hand just in case he forgets his wallet. If you do end up paying for him, he’ll find a way to repay you back of course.
As stated before, this man can and will go on and on for hours about stories. Please be patient with him, especially when it comes to his emotions. I have a feeling that after losing Guizhong, he still has issues addressing his feelings and a great fear of losing you.
Exploring with him is a big thing. On his days off or late at night if you’re not tired, he will take you to his favorite spots in Liyue just to get some alone time with you. As the Geo Archon, he knows spots that have beautiful views.
Expect lots of trinkets from him, we know he doesn’t look at price tags for anything or he forgets his wallet yet somehow pays it off. A jewel that brings out your complexion? Sold. A hairpin that compliments your hair? It's yours.
Lots of fine dining but he’s open to any requests you may have. Want street food? Be sure to share some with him. Although he’s the oldest archon, I suspect there are many modern things he has yet to try.
Zhongli isn’t big on PDA, but once you two discuss it I’m sure he wouldn’t mind opening up to the idea. Of course, it’ll start as simple as hand holding in public, but behind closed doors he’ll give you as many cuddles and forehead kisses as you want.
He looks to be or is 6ft (182cm) tall, so I suspect that he’ll end up being the big spoon most of the time big spoons need cuddles too sometimes. When you’re cuddling together, expect him to be super warm.
After a stressful day, sometimes he’ll come to you and let his hair down so you can comb your hands through it.
When he gets extra busy, sometimes Zhongli will send you something in the form of a greeting when he isn’t able to see you in person.
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Kentucky Calling
Pairing: Beth Harmon/Benny Watts Rating: T Word Count: 1426
Summary: Beth calls Benny up, hoping to talk a few things through after Russia, and finds him just as eager to hear her voice as she is to hear his.
Beth’s eyebrows rise at Benny’s fed-up tone.
“Well, this isn’t the greeting I was expecting.” She smiles against the receiver.
“That’s right,” she says with a laugh in her voice. “Who am I supposed to be?”
He groans and her smile widens, sure his irritation is not for her.
“The fucking State Department.”
“Why are you angry at the State Department?”
“They wouldn’t give me any details about you, when you were expected back. I managed to keep one son of a bitch on the line half an hour, but he just squirmed the whole time, refusing to share your itinerary. Where are— You’re back,” he says with sudden realization.
She hears him calm and uses the change to judge how worried he was a moment ago. Fairly worried, Beth decides. Oh, Benny.
“Yep. In Lexington as we speak. Calling from my own kitchen.”
He sighs.
“You might’ve let me know.”
“You know, I asked on the plane, but the pilot just wouldn’t radio the control tower to call you up for me,” she jokes. She laughs.
“So, did you give them the slip?”
“More or less. The State Department’s itinerary didn’t align very well with mine at the end there. I stayed a couple extra days to actually experience a little of the city and then flew home by myself.”
Beth grips the phone.
“Are you going to forgive me for worrying you? Now that I’ve confirmed they didn’t lose me over the Atlantic?”
“You yes. Them? No. Those bastards deserve a little hassling after they didn’t fund your trip. They pay a guy to watch you every waking goddamn minute, plus his flight, his room—how much does that cost?”
“I can’t believe you’ve been sitting around harassing the government on my behalf,” Beth says wonderingly, partly to head off Benny’s building rant. The man loves to talk.
“Well, the others got sick of me, as you can imagine.”
“Harry? Matt? The others? They’re still with you?”
“Can’t get rid of ‘em. They’ve been celebrating since you won and sleeping that off until midafternoon. When they drag themselves out to have lunch somewhere, I… well, I sit around with the phone to my ear, on hold, looking for you.”
“I beat him,” she whispers, because she can finally break the news to him herself.
“You did.” She can feel Benny smiling in the long pause. She’s doing the same. “I saw the writeup of your moves; looked like the most expensive phone call I’ve ever made was worth something.”
“It meant a lot. If you hadn’t had a clue about what I should try next against Borgov, it would’ve meant the same.”
“Look. I’m… I shouldn’t have spoken to you the way I did before you left. I felt terrible about it right away.”
“Good. And I…” Beth takes a deep breath that she’s sure he can hear. She twists the phone cord around her finger and tilts her head back against the wall. “…I shouldn’t have pushed you away in the first place. I hurt you, I could hear it in your voice, and—”
“I don’t need excuses. It was shortsighted of me to get defensive. What you were trying to accomplish was bigger than me.”
She agrees with a hum and adds, “Yes. Beating communists in the name of Jesus is for the good of us all.”
She thrills at his burst of laughter.
“How the hell did you pay for Moscow without them?”
“Jolene. You’ll meet her sometime, I hope.”
“If that means I can see you again, I’d be glad to.”
Now, there’s a distinct lack of breath because they both seem to be holding it.
“You will,” she says. After grazing her gaze thoughtfully around the kitchen, Beth frowns and remembers something. “Did the papers say anything about how Borgov looked at the end of the match?”
“They said he took the defeat with dignity. That he hugged you—is that true?”
She rolls her eyes at Benny’s poorly disguised annoyance.
“Yes, but I mean his face. He seemed at peace. Like I had helped him, somehow. Other people I’ve played, and I’m sure people you’ve played too, have this franticness, this terrifying, transparently obvious floundering quality. They don’t know what they’re going to do with the next five minutes of their life after losing, never mind months or years. But Borgov knew. His wife and son were always with him. I think, at the end, he was ready to be with his family.” She waits a second or two, mentally checking and confirming her next move before she speaks. “That’s what I want too.”
“I— What is this, Beth? A proposal?”
She laughs and clutches the phone as she shakes her head.
“Of course not. I just want you to know that you’re important to me.” Her voice grows solemn and fond. “Thank you for calling. I’ll never forget it.”
“I guess I had enough to get to Moscow with you after all,” Benny says, speech softening similarly until he sounds impossibly intimate. Like he only really has that time he said he missed her. The fact that he’s more vulnerable like this than he is face-to-face is something Beth enjoys about them being far enough apart to need to call. He clears his throat. “So it’s good that you weren’t trying to propose, because we know my, uh, allocation of funds could use some improvement and you don’t need to saddle yourself with that.”
“I certainly don’t. I have three thousand dollars to pay back to Jolene and then… I don’t know. Keep paying for the house.”
Beth twirls her hand in the air to indicate it, though he’s not there to see. If she tries, she can picture his leather jacket folded over the back of a chair, his hat tossed carelessly onto the counter. It’s not a bad picture. Definitely not the worst domestic vignette this place has ever staged.
“Grand plans.”
“Don’t make fun of me.”
“Make fun of the woman who just annihilated the World Champion? I wouldn’t dare. You’d drive straight out here and do to me what you did to Borgov. I can only be humbled like that so often.”
“Once every fifteen years?” she prompts.
“Hmm, ideally, but I won’t be able to resist playing you that long.”
“Well, I won’t go easy.”
“Going easy would only insult me,” Benny assures her.
“Got it. You prefer being beaten so thoroughly that I have to sweep the ashes of your ego off the board afterwards. Like dust.”
“I’m not rushing to play you again after that comment.”
“We could do something else. When I see you,” Beth elaborates, feeling herself perk up, her back straightening. “We don’t have to play chess.”
“The two of us, not playing chess.” He sounds like he’s genuinely contemplating it. “That’s original, but I don’t think it’d last very long. How much of the time we’ve shared has been spent not playing chess? I’ll tell you: very little.”
“But it’s possible. Whether or not you’ll stop talking about chess, on the other hand…”
“I—ha—I do remember a particular instance of you being ticked off at me about that.”
Whether or not Beth has consciously led them there, they’ve arrived. At least he can recall that going over strategy immediately after they had sex didn’t impress her, though he was befuddled by her brusqueness at the time.
“You wanna show me that you’ve learned from that?” she challenges.
She hears the groan he must be muffling behind his hand.
“If I told you in full how badly I want to show you that, we’d be running up another big telephone bill.”
Beth smiles coyly to herself and taps her fingernail against the back of the receiver.
“How big, Benny?”
“Beth, I— Hey, you’re back!” His voice is louder and she understands it’s for other people, the friends who have reentered his apartment. “No, idiot, she doesn’t want to talk to you. She doesn’t have to tell me, I already know.”
“Tell them all I hope to see them soon,” she pipes up to reclaim Benny’s attention. They can’t carry on now.
She hears him deliver her message before his voice sinks low again for her, his audience of one.
“Can you come to New York?” he asks. It has the ring of a riddle with all the times he’s posed the question to her before.
“Fuck that,” Beth says, grinning. “I’ll see you in Kentucky the day after tomorrow.”
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mypersonmyg · 4 years
whisked away | ksj
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pairing: seokjin x reader
genre: fluff
rating: g
wc: 915
warnings: none, just le fluff
summary: the cookies need to cool OR you convince jin to sway
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a/n: drabble #4, i hope you guys are actually enjoying these and i’m not just being annoying lol. HA POSTED BEFORE MIDNIGHT MUAHAHAHAHAH
prompt 4. D - Dance. Do a little dance! Make a little love! Get down tonight! Whoo~!
november drabbles masterlist
main masterlist 
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The scent of rising dough invades open senses, the barrier of crisp white walls shielding from the first of a baker's dozen. You chuckle at the light hum of a chef doting on his cooling pastries as you round the corner taking his comforting solitude by surprise. Jin easily scoops paper bags from strained muscles, stacks of cartons adding up to a heavy sum. His action is not without a peck, your nose graced with full lips. 
“Wow, you’ve been busy.” You run a hand along the counter, flour stained and nearly overflowing, pan along pan spanning the marble piece. First stop is the sink, the warmth of a steady stream satiating frost bitten palms, the scent of seasonal soap an added bonus. 
Your eyes travel the length of the kitchen, strung lights hazed in your peripheral. Your earlier statement falls short of exaggeration, the cooling of holiday treats taunting with the heady fragrance of Jin’s ingenious blends of sugar and spices. The wipe of cleansed hands to the nearest hand towel is followed by the calculated dip of a digit into a crimson bowl. 
The stain of red to your fingers tip is inconsequential upon the touch of heaven to tongue, homemade icing one of Jin’s specialties. 
“Yeah I-what are you doing!” Jin’s hand falls delicately to your wrist, removing your finger from its position between half clenched teeth. Your pupils rest in dilation, scandalized by his sudden action, icing still clinging to skin. “Keep your filthy hands away from my icing.”
“Filth-excuse you, sir, but these hands smell like a winter breeze.” You tut, snatching your wrist for a job with half satisfaction. You step past Jin, hand running the length of his broad shoulder as you take in festive shapes, dough perfectly rounding at the limbs of faceless gingerbread and sugar cookies begging to be topped. “Ooooh, can we ice now?”
“A child is what you are, my dear.” His words are a chuckle, chin against your crown and hands settling about the counter on either side of you. He’s stained with the stench of dough unbaked, flower caked to snug material with the hopes to forgo a permanent stain. “But no, we can’t.”
“Why not?” The words are soft, the tick of the timer thrumming in the background. You suddenly realize the heat of layer aplenty, the blaze of the roaring oven filling the kitchen with ready warmth. You wiggle your way from Jin’s grip, jacket shrugged from shoulders and unceremoniously tossed aside. 
“We have to let them cool a bit first. I just took them out before you walked in,” He explains, a smile fond upon his face at the witness of your antics. 
You sigh, hand extended for Jin, his brow raised in silent question. You don’t offer explanation, only urge him forward, turning on your heel at the acceptance of your outstretched limb. You journey towards the living room, an early gift of vinyl resting in the heavily decorated corner. 
You don’t fight a warmth that gnaws at the sight of your stalkings decked above the festive hearth, the precise stitching of your names into thick material an aesthetic appealing to your festive soul. You leave Jin firmly planted in the room’s center, feet covering a rug recently purchased to draw together a room overflowing with stylized comfort. 
You quickly shuffle records, pulling the most recently purchased, anniversary happily close to the winter season. The traction of vinyl is followed by the delicious hum of rich tune, your body easily floating back to where Jin awaits. 
“Let’s dance,” You don’t miss the immediate heating of tanned cheeks, Jin never one for such physical spontaneity. It’s a quality that always sends you careening further into the depths of love, a man humble with no need. 
You’re well aware that he’s not altogether with acts of the physical, dancing low on hobbies of choice, but you also know that he loves the intimacy of dancing with you. It’s a rare occurrence, the drift of a melody through your shared space, bodies molded in a steady rhythm. It’s the convincing that takes the most work.
“Ah, you know I can’t.”
“I’m not asking you to do Swan Lake, just hold me.” You offer yourself, hugging his middle with unwavering strength. You’re alone for a moment, the heat of his hands floating unsure before you. It’s a slow settling, the feel of his loosening frame bringing a smile to your face. 
The movement is simple, a loose sway to a sweeping carol, the scent of cookies and the company of the man you love enough to soothe you into easing slumber. You’re aware of the steady stream of affection placed atop your head, the warmth of breath pulling you deeper into unintentional hypnotics. 
“I love you,” Jin murmurs, face still buried and your ear muffled in the fabric of his apron. 
“Love you more,” You counter, the song fading out, your legs ready for another go around the tiny space. You’re just moving to adjust the broken track when a resounding chime catches the perk of your ears. “Is that…?
“Oh, I think the cookies are ready for--” You’re speeding past Jin before the rest of the words fall, delight in the decoration of cripsed dough enough to drive you from momentary calm. You miss the fond trail of Jin’s eyes as he follows in your wake, his only thoughts resting on love never ending as your excitable squeals urge him on.
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neonriser · 3 years
I have a vision.
There is this series in my head that has been evolving for several years now. I’ve drawn the characters a couple times, and I’ve imagined several scenarios that involve them. Soon enough, I’m torn between comic issues with an overarching plot, writing a graphic novel, making a one-shot for a comic zine, or my personal favourite, make it first an original work of written fiction enjoyed by family members and their friends, then write it as a 100+ page webcomic, then have it approved by local comic book specialists, and years later get a Canadian comic series, a couple spin offs, a dozen memorable characters, a crossover or two (which may or may not involve a some dude in a chameleon costume), some merchandise, a hopefully small fandom, plenty of memes, some moderators in case the fandom communities get toxic, a couple YouTube videos reviewing the series, a Top 10 Character list, an animated adaptation of the webcomic, and last but not least, the utter realization that you ended up recreating Homestuck without your own knowledge. Or Genshin Impact. Or the Marvel Universe. Or any Ancient Greek epic you can think of. Or whatever.
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Whew, that is quite a word-ful. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We’re not going to be like “as we’re making our original film, let’s prepare to create a trilogy-wait no, we’re making a series-wait no, how about a universe” because let’s face it, that mentality can lead us to just one crappy movie that flopped in the box office (or any comic / webcomic equivalent). As much as we’re tempted to, we’re not going to hype up our idea like “This comic is rad and cool” or “Look, we know the comic industry is at an all-time low right now. In fact, the comics that have been produced recently aren’t even that good! All they seem to care about is getting backlash from angry fans in the name of clout. But we’re not like that. With this high-quality comic, this comic will save the industry and bring a new era where creativity and innovation with thrive thanks to a fresh twist on the superhero genre!” and then end up on the shelves for 10 years or until some random person picks it up, reads it out of curiosity, and then posts a review about it like “The premise is so interesting, Why is no one talking about these days? This is clearly Lost Media! There’s not even a Wikipedia article about it!”
Instead, we are going to start humble. This means I will not elaborate my intent any further and get right to the point.
Here’s my pitch.
For several years, a pair of psychic brothers, Millenious and Mundi battle each other to earn the favour of their eldest sibling: the mayor of Toronto.
One day, Millenious finds out that his brother Mundi has already formed a team of assorted superheroes. He then decides to get even by starting up a supervillain team and impress the mayor once and for all… before the main events of the series.
The story/series would focus on the superheroes on Mundi’s team, such as his best friend Wolfman, the quick British scientist Lightning, the quiet geomancer Qiana, the rich, confident Vera, the fungus-bending soldier Mico, the blind firebender FlareSight, the explosion-inducing Iceberg, and a few others. Together they would discover clues about Millenious’ plan, which cumulates to the Final Battle between the forces of Mundi and Millenious.
How far will they go to impress the mayor? Will their efforts pay off after all these years, or will they be in vain? And is the victory worth the price, whatever the price is? And would they ever pay that price to achieve that victory? And most importantly, how would the real protagonists play a vital role in this?
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That is where YOU come in! If you find the pitch appealing and wish to answer at least one of these questions above, please give us a reply via private messaging or reblogging. I am always open to constructive criticism!
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ghostiewriter · 4 years
chapter one | tale of a slightly unstable teen hero
Summary: JJ is starting to gain recognition around New York as the new hero in town. However, some complications arise with his new chemistry partner. Oh, and turns out he isn’t the only bloke around here with powers.
Warnings: John B is a simp, I feel like that needs a warning tbh. Umm there’s a lot of swearing (I’m Scottish, don’t judge), again some violence and fighting, also some cute ass moments between JJ and his mum so enjoy that
Word Count: 8.1K
A/N: Sooo there’s finally some Jiara in this chapter!! Hope you enjoy👀and I’m not responsible for any feels caused by JJ and Georgia Maybank!!
masterlist // taglist // ao3
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“Spider-Man does it again! Report of our favourite web-slinging hero saving the day once again after a fatal accident left an apartment complex on the corner of 5th and 36th street in flames. The teen hero arrived at the scene not long after the distress call was made to the local fire department and managed to rescue over twelve people that were trapped on the top floor. New York thanks Spider-Man once again.”
JJ grinned as he leaned back in his seat, sparing a smug look towards John B in the driver’s seat. JJ didn’t usually carpool with John B but it was getting colder and his extra-curricular activities were wearing him exhausted by morning. Plus, the last time JJ skated to school when he was half asleep, Pope had to pull him out of a trash can. Turns out raccoons can be very territorial and did not appreciate the blond taking a small visit into their home. He was pretty sure he still had scars on his back from some of those little bastards.
“Three weeks on the job and you already have a little fanbase,” John B commented, reaching over to turn the radio down a little since the reporter moved onto some irrelevant news neither of the boys cared about. “Soon you’ll have a swarm of fangirls chasing after you while you fight crime.”
“Don’t be jealous, JB,” JJ grinned, both arms behind his head as he looked at the passing view. “I’m sure one of my groupies will slum it down for you.” He teased, only laughing when he felt the flick on his forehead.
As much as he hated to admit it, JJ had seriously enjoyed the past three weeks. They were intense, impulsive and unpredictable. Just how JJ liked his life to be. It wasn’t easy at first though, it took a good few attempts before the people of New York actually labelled him as a hero. Maybe it was because he was some young bloke who popped out of nowhere with abilities that no could really understand. Or maybe it was because he was going around in a red ski mask, blue shirt, a red vest with an awfully drawn spider on it and some blue joggers. He looked like a right on idiot, especially with the chunky goggles Pope added to his costume. But if it kept his identity secret, then so be it. The last thing JJ wanted was a bunch of journalists swarming his apartment, especially since he wanted to keep this whole alter ego away from his parents. In fact, he wanted to keep it away from anyone who wasn’t John B or Pope.
It was safer that way.
“At least that’s one more that Pope.” John B said nonchalantly.
“As if, dude!” JJ scoffed, grinning at the distressed—and fairly high pitched—‘WHAT’ that came from the brunette. “Oh, c’mon, Pope created a whole ass bat signal for me! You just sit there and look pretty! Pope gets at least two groupies.” He said with a shrug.
It was true. JJ knew Pope was smart, but this was next level. After realising that JJ wasn’t getting the recognition he needed to be labelled a ‘superhero’, Pope had come up with the ingenuous idea to infiltrate the police radio stations. Not only did they have full access to updates on crimes around the city, but Pope even felt a little fancy and made it so JJ would get a notification sent to his phone the second there was a job for Spider-Man. That boy was way too smart for his own good, but JJ was grateful for it.
“Aw, you think I’m pretty?” John B asked with a teasing grin.
“Yeah,” JJ smiled, reaching to place his hand on John B’s shoulder with a squeeze. “Pretty fucking ugly.”
John B’s smile instantly dropped as he scowled at JJ, who was happily snickering at the sudden change in mood. “Whatever, Spider-boy.”
“Yikes, low blow.”
The rest of the journey was spent in a similar vibe, except with JJ checking his phone every five minutes. He couldn’t help it, but the past three weeks had been some of the most exciting in his life. JJ had been labelled the troublemaker his whole life, the one that was throwing pencils into Mrs Ramirez’s curls because they looked like little hoops. Or even just doing his damn best to avoid the work he was given. It was a force of habit. JJ’s brain was running at a million miles a second. Nothing could hold him down, keep him entertained for longer than thirty minutes at most. And his teachers had constantly reminded him that his impulsive nature and high energy would lead him nowhere good in life.
All JJ had to say to them now was a massive ‘FUCK YOU!’ because how wrong they were. It was those qualities that made JJ the perfect hero. He could react quick to a sudden change, he was always on his feet, he had found something that not only could he channel all his energy into—but he was damn good at it as well. John B and Pope had warned him that it was best to keep himself humble, to not get too arrogant. But who was he kidding? JJ made a pretty fucking bomb superhero and everyone loved him. It seemed like he deserved to feel arrogant, to soak in his time in the spotlight. He enjoyed every single second.
So, can you really blame JJ for checking his phone, wanting an excuse to put that mask on and do the one thing he is good at? Except for skateboarding. Everyone knew JJ was the best skater in Queens.
Unfortunately, there was no sudden crimes that JJ could use as excuse to ditch school. A true tragedy, if you asked him. It seems like he will just have to suffer through another day of learning things that either happened way too long ago, didn’t make sense to him or he just truly didn’t care about. Which just happened to be basically every subject—excluding wood-shop. Except he was taken out of the class because apparently making mini bongs for birds is not okay. Who would’ve thought.
“I don’t see what the issue is—it’s a fool-proof plan!” John B argued as the two boys made their way through the corridors of Midtown High. Only stopping once they reached John B’s locker where he exchanged his books and JJ checked out the hallway for anything that caught his eye.
“Bro, you have a ten-year plan to end up with Sarah Cameron,” JJ stated bluntly. “And even then, you end up as her second husband—“
“No one can prove what happened to the first.”
“It’s fucking sad, JB.”
“It’s a solid plan.” John B stated simply and shrugged his shoulders, deciding to ignore JJ as he rolled his eyes, muttering something about John B being a ‘hopeless fool’. John B only grinned wider and glanced at his watch before whispering a small ‘shit’ to himself. “I gotta go, see you at lunch.” And with that, John B was zooming his way down the corridor.
“You know it’s really creepy that you plan when you bump into her!” JJ called down the corridor, but he doubted John B heard him. “Like really fucking creepy…like restraining order level creepy!
Once he noticed John B’s head turn the corner, undoubtedly on his way to ‘coincidentally’ bump into Sarah Cameron, JJ calmly made his way to his first period class, not in a big rush to get there.
You see, after the incident in wood shop and many others after that, the school had taken the decision to move JJ into a class they deemed more valuable of his time. Chemistry. Stick the ADHD kid in a room full of chemicals…seemed about right. However, JJ was being transferred half way through the term with absolutely no knowledge in chemistry other than how to make a Molotov cocktail. Therefore, he didn’t really see an issue in showing up to a class he was already hopeless in. His teacher disagreed.
“Mr Maybank, it’s nice of you to finally join us.” Mr Marino—a middle-aged bald man who had looked as though he had been through one too many divorces and contained most of his knowledge in the form of his beer belly—commented as JJ entered the class.
“Oh, you wouldn’t believe what happened to me!” JJ sighed dramatically.
“Let me guess: your alarm didn’t go off.”
“It was my pet monkey, sir. Has a mind of its own.”
“Your pet monkey?”
“Yup, his name is JB. Nasty wee guy but I keep him around, he’s a good laugh. Could do with a shower though.”
“Take a seat, Maybank.”
“I can feel the love.” JJ grinned before he turned to look at the class. It was set up with eight workbenches, two seats at each. His eyes scanned over each one before he caught an empty seat at the back-left workbench, the only empty seat—and just his luck it was next to the curly haired beauty for the trip.
JJ was starting to think he might actually enjoy this class.
“We just keep meeting, sweetheart. I think it’s a sign.” JJ whispered to her as he took his seat next to her, definitely sitting a little closer than he had to. He tried not to smirk when he noticed her subtly moving away from him. JJ always loved a challenge.
“Or a punishment.” She replied bluntly, not even sparing JJ a glance.
“Aw, is this how it’s going to be for the rest of the year, princess?” JJ muttered with a pout. He tried not to smile when she finally turned to look at him.
“Rafe got a concussion.” She hissed.
“So?” JJ frowned.
“So? You caused it!”
“And I should care because?”
“He is banned from the football team for six weeks!”
JJ stared at her blankly. “And…?”
“He is the captain!”
“Boohoo, they’ll survive without him.” JJ shrugged, leaning back in his stool as he flashed her one of his usual girl-charming smiles. “But hey, if you’re really stressed out about it, I’m sure I can help you find a way to relax.”
“You’re a pig.” She stated with a small huff, stubbornly turning to face the front, planning to not even give him the chance to redeem himself. Trust me when I say Kiara is an open person, always there to give people a second chance. But JJ Maybank was not one of those people. In the three times she had met him, he had been nothing but a shameless flirt who had no care for the world beyond his sex life. She could be judging him too quickly, but in her defence, he hadn’t given her anything else to work with.
However, Kiara assumed her behaviour was clear enough that she didn’t want to talk to him, that she could gladly go the rest of the year without willingly speaking to him. But this is JJ. Hyperactive, unable to sit still JJ. He didn’t get the hint.
“So, do anything interesting this weekend?” JJ asked her, that classic smirk of his on his lips. But she didn’t answer him. Instead, she kept her gaze on Mr Marino and his oh-so interesting talk on bond orbitals within an atom.
JJ raised his eyebrows when he received no reply from her. “Giving me the silent treatment now? That’s a bit rude.” He commented.
“So is giving someone a concussion.” She stated.
“Do you want to know what I did?” JJ asked.
“Geez, princess, no one ever taught you manners?” He teased, taking the pen he was spinning between his fingers to gently poke her arm. She only huffed and moved her seat further away.
“Okay, alright, fine! I get it…” JJ trailed off, and Kiara couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. But she spoke to soon. She heard the scrape of a chair and suddenly she could feel the warmth of JJ right beside her, their elbows just touching.
“Is there an issue, Mr Maybank?” She heard Mr Marino call out but the boy next to her just shook his head, that mischievous glint shining in his eyes.
“No, please carry on, Alan.” The blond replied, his fingers tapping against the worktop counter.
Kiara sighed. She knew very well that she could put her hand up and complain, or even ask Mr Marino to change seats after class ended. But she was stubborn, and she would be damned if she gave JJ that satisfaction of knowing that he got under her skin.
This was going to be a long year.
“She called me JB! That basically takes three years off my plan!”
“Dude, I don’t know if this is really sad or creepy now…” JJ grimaced. He had spent the last fifteen minutes listening to John B and his ‘coincidental’ encounter with Sarah Cameron. And if he was being honest, he was concerned for his friend. And his stomach…this boy needed to let JJ eat his lunch before he had to hear one more comment about how ‘yellow is totally her colour’.
“I mean, it just compliments her complexion so well! C’mon, how many people do you know that can pull of yellow and not looked totally washed out!” John B argued. But JJ just met him with a blank stare.
“When the fuck did you become a fashion expert?” JJ spoke up, his nose scrunched in confusion.
“I took a class once.”
JJ looked at him with his mouth agape. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Piss off, I wanted to learn how to dress better.”
“Says the guy that wears horrible thrifted Hawaiian shirts.” JJ deadpanned. John B only rolled his eyes and turned his attention back onto Sarah.
JJ followed his line of sight towards Sarah Cameron and her group, and he was shocked at the sight. He noticed the usual people in their uptown outfits and obnoxious laughs he could unfortunately hear from his seat. But it was the sight of his chemistry partner looking quite cosy under Rafe’s arm that caught him off-guard. His eyebrows furrowed a little, but hey, JJ should have seen this coming. The uptown kids like to stick with each other. Yet, JJ couldn’t help but find the sight quite uncomfortable to look at—Rafe had that effect on people. It was a surprise he managed to score…JJ paused. He had spent a whole hour with her and yet, he didn’t even know her name.
He nudged John B, yet neither one of them looked away from the group. “Hey JB, who’s Sarah’s new chick?”
“The pretty curly haired one standing next to her, dumbass.”
“Oh…I don’t actually know—“
“—Kiara Carrera. Relocated here from Kernersville, North Carolina. Her father owns a large chain of restaurants around the country. She is also the only junior other than yours truly doing three AP classes, including environmental science, biology and English.” Pope finished, panting a little considering he had literally just ran into the cafeteria and heard the last few words of their conversation.
JJ looked up at Pope with a mix of awe and fear. “What, you forgot her national insurance number as well? How the fuck do you know all that?”
“The school files.” Pope answered easily as he turned his laptop around and with the screen facing them, JJ decided he was definitely a little scared of Pope.
“Those are meant to be locked away in some super, secret network thing!” JJ hissed, only to be met with a smirking Pope.
“As if, it’s easy as fuck to hack something as amateur as the school’s firewall. Could do it with my eyes closed.” He grinned at the two of them. “Why, JJ? Hiding something from us like…I don’t know…your middle name being Belinda.” He snickered.
“YOUR NAME IS BELINDA?!” John B gasped, looking at JJ with wide eyes.
“Shut up, would you!” JJ hissed at the both of them, leaning over the table to flick John B on the forehead. “I was named after my grandmother.”
“Aww, Grammie Belinda.” John B cooed. JJ only glared at him.
“Hey, Grammie Belinda was a saint, don’t disrespect her like that.” JJ huffed, pointing a finger towards John B. He then turned to Pope who had made himself comfortable in the seat next to him.
“Why were you asking about Kiara?” Pope asked JJ, snatching a few chips from his plate. JJ swatted his hand away but didn’t stop Pope from doing it again. “Does JJ have a little crush?” He teased, pouting a little.
“Piss off,” JJ laughed as he nudged Pope with his shoulder. “She’s just my chemistry partner.”
“Ooh, so you guys have chemistry together?” John B grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Fuck off, JB. Go back to stalking your little uptown princess.” JJ commented, returning the grin as both friends shook their head. They both knew the other meant no harm.
“Well, if you two little lovebirds are done having your moment,” Pope piped up, both boys looking over at him. “I need you to meet me on your rooftop at nine sharp tonight.”
“Damn, Pope, finally taking me out?”
“You wish, Spider-Boy,” He grinned, but the look he was giving made JJ a little nervous for what Pope had hidden up his sleeve. It could honestly range from a pet raccoon he befriended to creating some weird Frankenstein bug. “Just be there.”
John B pouted. “What about me?! Is this where I become the third-wheel?”
“In here!”
JJ dropped his bag by the couch as he made his way to the kitchen, the soft sound of the click telling him the door shut behind him. He sniffed the air as he walked in, seeing his mum at the stove and grinned a little, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“What’s for dinner?” He asked, peeking over her shoulder.
“Spaghetti,” She hummed, a soft smile on her lips as she peeked a glance at her son. “How was school?”
“The usual,” He answered with a shrug as he made his way to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water before heading towards his usual spot on the counter. “Teachers still don’t appreciate my comments, Pope said smart things I didn’t understand and JB was a love-sick puppy.”
She grinned, shaking her head a little. “I find John B’s attempts to woo that girl quite admirable actually,” She commented. “It wouldn’t kill you to be a hopeless romantic every once in a while.” Yet, she only laughed when she saw JJ’s face scrunch up in disgust.
Despite JJ’s reputation for being an adrenaline junkie who loves to live life on the edge, these were actually his favourite moments. The little moments he shared with his mum, just the two of them. It is one of the few moments in his life where he feels relaxed, no expectations or pressures. And as sappy as it sounded—and no offence to John B and Pope—but JJ wasn’t ashamed to admit that she was one of his best friends, one of the few people in his life he truly cared about. People like her are the reason he enjoys being Spider-Man, because despite the shit people in the world, there were some genuinely good people out there, like Georgia Maybank.
It was hard to believe JJ and Georgia Maybank were related. She was a sweetheart, the type of woman who would take time out of her own life to volunteer at local food shelters despite having just done a twelve-hour shift at the hospital. She is the type of woman to buy flowers and hand them to strangers on the street just to brighten someone’s day. She is the type of woman who would work her ass off to give her son all that she could, despite the struggles she faced with the bills and rent because her son was her life. She was the opposite of JJ’s hyperactive self.
But boy, did they look very similar. From the sandy blonde hair the two of them shared, to the bright blue eyes, to even the exact same smile. JJ really was a carbon copy of his mother. And there was a small part of her, one she would never outwardly admit, that adored the fact JJ looked so much like her. Like a primal mother instinct, she loved her son and she loved that everyone knew he was her son. She would be damned if someone ever asked her to hide that.
Georgia was the type of mother that had that warm aura around her, the one that made you just trust her with your life. The hugs she gives just makes you want to stay in her arms forever, because everything is just better with Georgia Maybank. JJ knew that and he always reminded himself of that. No matter what shit he gets into, no matter how much he may envy the uptown kids—none of them will ever have Georgia Maybank and he would gladly flaunt that.
He may not have designer clothes or a fancy car to drive to school. But they don’t have Georgia Maybank, dancing around barefoot in the kitchen while she badly sings along to some old 80s song that is playing on the radio, just to make him crack a smile.
JJ grinned as his mother grabbed his hand, pulling off the counter before they jokingly began to waltz around the small kitchen, some classical song playing from the small radio that sat on the counter by the stove. JJ only laughed as he apologized for stepping on her toes again, but she didn’t mind. She just smiled and continued to dance.
“Why do I have to do this? I’m starving, woman!” He whined playfully as he twirled his mum around a few times.
“Because, JJ, one day you’re going to have a beautiful girl—or boy, I won’t assume—that will somehow fall for that charm of yours,” She spoke softly, placing a hand on her son’s cheek, a proud glint in her eyes when he rolled his eyes at her statement but still had a small smile on his face. “And I will be damned if I don’t teach my son how to sweep a girl off her feet.”
“Nothing says romantic like stepping on a girl’s toes.” He stated bluntly.
Georgia only laughed and ruffled his hair before she turned back to the stove. She grabbed two plates, putting in a larger portion for JJ—which with his new transformation wouldn’t actually be enough but he will sneak out during the night to eat the leftovers when she’s asleep—before placing them on the small dining table in the corner, gesturing for him to join her.
The rest of the dinner was fairly uneventful, simply just JJ telling her about John B’s updated seven-year plan with Sarah Cameron and Georgia sharing any particularly interesting stories about patients she had to deal with during her shift. JJ really let this dinner sink in. As much as he loved his mother, her inability to say ‘no’ and be so giving kind of bothered him. Because she had taken up extra shifts for a few of her colleagues due to something about the ‘stress of wedding planning’. JJ had been seeing her less and less—and though it was good for his recent Spider-Man shenanigans—this dinner made him realise just how much he missed her. Just a nice, wee dinner with his mum, nothing else. And everything seemed to be going well, until he heard the radio presenter’s voice flowing through the kitchen.
“Locals say that Spider-Man is the next best thing to happen to New York since deep-fried pizza! But I don’t know, Janet. I mean, who is this kid? Where did he come from? There just seems to be a lot of unanswered questions with this so-called hero. Can we really trust some prepubescent boy who probably spends his day with his head in a textbook? It just doesn’t seem—“
The radio presenter was cut off by Georgia turning the volume down. “People can’t appreciate a good gesture anymore.” She huffed. JJ watched her closely as she finished off washing the last of the dishes before turning to face him, a small frown on her lips.
“I think he’s doing the city a favour.” JJ said half-heartedly with a shrug.
Georgia nodded, her fingers gently fiddling with chain around her neck, well more specifically the gold ring attached to it. “I know but,” She sighed. “What a shame, putting all this pressure on a poor teenage boy. Oh, I feel bad for his parents!”
JJ coughed a little. “It could be his decision, you know.”
Georgia continued as though she hadn’t heard him. “I could only imagine how stressful it would be have your son out there, throwing himself at danger.” She shook her head as she made her way to where JJ still sat at the dining table. “Promise me you wouldn’t do something so careless?” She asked sweetly, gently cupping his face in her hands as she looked down at him.
Now, JJ knew there was a teasing tone to her words. She wasn’t being serious because, how could she? Her son being a superhero with crazy powers? Not possible. She and JJ shared everything and it was because of that he couldn’t help but feel a wave of guilt wash over him. He hated lying to his mum, he hated keeping secrets from her. They were always close, JJ never felt the need to hide things from her. There was always such a comfortable vibe between them. But he knew how she would react if he told her the truth. He knew she would freak out and make him stop. And JJ didn’t want to stop. As much as he hated the guilt that bubbled inside him, he pushed it away and gave her a grin.
“Of course not, I would come up with a better name than Spider-Man.” He joked lightly and closed his eyes when he felt his mum press a kiss to his forehead. He nuzzled his head slightly as he wrapped his arms around her, resting his head against her stomach. He smiled softly when he felt her hands running through his hair, just like the way she used to do when he was younger and struggling to fall asleep. He tried to hold back a yawn.
“That’s my baby boy.” She said with a gentle laugh.
“Mama, I’m a not a baby! I’m a man now.” He whined but he didn’t pull away from her grip just yet. He missed his mum’s hugs, sue him.
“You’ll always be my baby boy.” She commented with a small shrug.
“Yeah, yeah,” He murmured. After a few moments of silence, he looked up at her, giving the best puppy-dog eyes he could. She was always a sucker for those. “Can I go hang out with JB and Pope tonight?” He asked with a sweet smile.
She rolled her eyes but nodded. “Just be back before your father gets home.”
JJ rubbed his hands together as he stared at the view from the roof. New York looked absolutely stunning this time of year, especially at night. The sky was pitch black, and it should’ve seemed daunting. But the bright lights of the city illuminated everything. It was mesmerising, a sight that JJ would never get tired of seeing. And with his newly discovered powers, he found something therapeutic about swinging around the city and being surrounded those bright lights. It felt like he was swinging through the stars—he obviously didn’t share that with the boys, they would take the piss out of him. Speaking of which…
“Where the fuck is he?” JJ hissed, turning to look at John B who only shrugged in response. As much as JJ liked New York at night, it was cold. The lower body temperature caused by the spider bite really didn’t help the situation. He had a hoodie and a jacket on and still the light breeze was making his teeth chatter.
“I don’t know.” John B shrugged. JJ rolled his eyes in annoyance. It was 9:15pm and JJ was about five minutes away from freezing to death.
Just then, the rooftop door opened and a wild Pope was sprinting towards then, panting heavily as he ripped his backpack off and quickly unzipped it. Words were leaving his lips but between the panting, neither of them could work out what he was saying.
“Dude, calm down, breathe!” John B exclaimed. Pope nodded and took a minute to catch himself.
“Your lives are gonna change forever!” He grinned before looking at JJ. “Strip.”
JJ raised his eyebrows. “What?”
“Dude, it’s like fifty fucking degrees, I am not gonna fucking strip!”
“Stop whining and do it!”
JJ huffed and started to take his clothes off, muttering some very…colourful phrases towards Pope. However, he didn’t get much time to question his friend’s demands because the second he was stripped down to his boxers, he had a bunch of fabric thrown at him.
“Wait…is this…?” He trailed off, looking at Pope with a new look of excitement shining in his eyes.
“You bet,” Pope grinned. “Say hello to your brand-new suit, Spider-Man.”
JJ excitedly began to pull the suit on, suddenly forgetting all about his theatrics with the cold. But Pope wasn’t done with his surprise.
“The suit is a total upgrade!” He began, his hands moving wildly as he spoke. “The fabric is strong but flexible. I have added small web-shooters to go over your spinneret glands so you can have a more direct shots. There are a few extra things I’ve added like a small heater to keep you warm and a few sensors, so we can keep track of your vitals. Oh, and for us—” He paused before handing John B a silver bracelet.
John B looked at the bracelet in confusion. “Uh, thanks?”
Pope only grinned and showed John B that he was wearing a similar bracelet. He slipped it off before unclipping a small oval shaped device from the middle of the bracelet. “This is the coolest part,” He nodded for John B to copy his movements. “To be honest, these took the longest. I had JJ’s suit done like two weeks ago but—”
“And you made me wait this long? Dude, I looked like a weirdo running around in joggers!” JJ groaned, but there was no real hostility in his voice.
“Just put on your mask, dude!”
JJ rolled his eyes but didn’t answer as he slipped the mask over his face. He was a bit surprised at how easily he could see through it, way better than the goggles he had before. The suit was a perfect fit—props to Pope after it took an hour to get all of JJ’s measurements. The material was tight and breathable, practically clinging onto JJ like a second skin. Oddly enough, he felt far more comfortable in it than his last costume. Pope clearly liked the colour scheme, having kept the red and blue palette but with a massive spider on his chest, with lines wrapping around him to look like a web. He looked totally badass, he felt badass. He felt like a proper hero from one of those comic books and posters Pope has around his room.
“So, how do I look?” JJ asked, flexing as he gave the boys a little spin. Pope only grinned, proud of his creation. John B gasped, clearly just as hyped as JJ was.
“Dude, your ass looks great.” John B commented, causing JJ to snort.
“When does it not look great?”
“Guys! The last surprise!” Pope piped up, causing both boys to stop staring at JJ’s ass and instead turn to him.
“These little guys,” He said, nodding between the small oval devices in his and John B’s hands. “Are gonna help us keep in contact with you while you’re swinging around. Little ear pieces so we can help you out and keep tabs on you if you need any help.”
“Where’s my bracelet?” JJ frowned beneath the mask.
“You don’t need one, dumbass. Your ear piece is connected into your mask!” Pope grinned proudly. JJ let out a scoff, shaking his head.
“Pope, you fucking genius!” He yelled, and he pulled his friend into a tight hug. John B, feeling a little left out, quickly joined the hug.
“This is so cool, dude, now we are like an actual team!” John B grinned.
Pope was the first to pull back, looking at JJ with a wild look in his eyes. “I think it’s time for Spider-Man to show the city his new look.”
JJ grinned under the mask, already beginning to take a few steps back. “I think you’re right.” And without a second thought, he left himself fall off the edge of the building.
On that October night, New York watched their own hero swing through the streets, letting the cheers and whoops of the strangers sink in. They watched their hero in a new light, a more professional one. The next day, he was no longer that kid running around like some wannabe. He was Spider-Man, the new saviour of New York and a beloved hero.
It was wild what a good new suit could do for your reputation.
“Did you see the pictures The Daily Bugle released?”
“He looked so hot!”
“I’d let him save me any day!”
“You don’t even know what he looks like…”
“So? Have you seen those arms? Nothing else matters!”
JJ couldn’t help but let the smirk on his face grow as he walked through the corridors of the school. It was the day after his new suit reveal and he wasn’t going to lie, he was soaking in all the attention. He was particularly enjoying the twitter thread that was made about his ass. John B didn’t lie, his ass did look good in this new suit.
He continued his way through the sea of students before he made it to his chemistry class, not surprised that people were still talking about Spider-Man. His eyes instantly glanced over at Kiara, who was sitting at their workbench scrolling through her phone.
He grinned as he quickly past the other students and sat quite comfortably in his seat. His eyebrows raised slightly when she didn’t react at first to his appearance. His curiosity got the best of him as he leaned towards her, peeking over her shoulder to see what she was looking at. Now, JJ won’t lie to you, but when he saw her staring at pictures of Spider-Man, his ego definitely inflated a little. Okay, maybe more than a little but you get the point.
“You a fan?” He couldn’t help but ask, trying to keep his smirk to himself.
Kiara quickly snapped her head to look at him, slamming her phone down screen first onto the desk. “Can you mind your business?” She huffed, trying to calm her heartbeat a little. She didn’t even hear him come in, which is odd since usually you could hear JJ from a mile away.
“Aw, c’mon, Kiara! I thought we were besties now.” He grinned to her, wiggling his eyebrows a little. He leaned forward on the desk, bringing him a little closer to her. His forearms were pressed against the desk, his body leaning on them. She noticed how close their hands were. But after yesterday, she refused to left JJ get under her skin again. Or at least let him see how much he is bothering her. So, she stayed where she was, not moving back like he expected.
“You know my name.” It wasn’t a question, more a statement.
“Surprised?” He whispered, smirking a little when he noticed he wasn’t moving away. JJ risked it a little more and moved a bit closer.
“Took you long enough.” She replied with a shrug. JJ’s grin only widened.
“Oh yeah, counting down the days, princess?” He raised an eyebrow. He noticed her lips quirk a little, like she was fighting back a smile.
“You wish, pretty boy.”
“You think I’m pretty?”
“Shut up.”
“I think someone has a little crush, Kiara.” He grinned at her, only to witness her roll her eyes and push him away.
“In your dreams, Maybank.”
“Oh, you’re definitely in my dreams, Kiara.”
She rolled her eyes again but didn’t bother replying this time. She instead focused her gaze on the front of the class as Mr Marino entered the room, beginning the lesson. But if she had glanced over to the blond sitting on his right, she would’ve seen he was smiling throughout the whole lesson.
“Thank you, dear!”
JJ nodded his head a little in acknowledgement and gave the older woman a small salute. “Always here to help, ma’am.” He said, handing her the small handbag that he had just rescued from the hands of some man who had tried to steal it from her.
“Aw, you’re really starting to win over the senior citizens.”
JJ rolled his eyes when he heard Pope’s voice through his earpiece. “Dude, I think she pinched my ass.”
“Lucky you, older woman, that’s hot.”
“JB, shut up.”
JJ snorted a little at the bickering, extending his arm out before he was swinging between the buildings with no trouble. He had been using any free time he had lately to be out in his suit, getting used to all the cool, extra bits that Pope had added. And he won’t lie, the boy really outdid himself. JJ felt like a total badass, being able to swing around and save people and feel like a real hero. He also enjoyed the change in attitude people had with him. He was Spider-Man, the city hero. He was appreciated. He was wanted. Not something JJ felt very often.
“Anything happening around town?” JJ asked, his eyes scanning the streets below, waiting to see any conflict. He couldn’t help but feel as though there was a part of him that was on edge. He couldn’t really explain it, it was like a bad shiver down his spine. It was a similar feeling he felt before that bank robbery fiasco a few weeks ago. It was a nasty wee feeling, one that had him on alert. Something was wrong, he didn’t know what. But he could sense it.
“Nah, everything seems to be fine. Maybe you should take a break, you’ve been swinging around for, like, three hours. You need to rest, dude.”
“What?” JJ muttered, so quiet that the boys on the other side barely heard him. That couldn’t be right, he can feel it. Something isn’t right, something bad is going to happen. “Guys, are you—”
He was cut off by a series of screams.
JJ’s body was reacting way before his brain did, like his hero side just leaped into action at the alert of any distress. He was swinging as fast as he could, his arms burning a little as he got closer and closer to the sound of those screams. He could hear his blood pumping in his ears, could feel his heart rate pick up. The adrenaline coursing through him, making him forget about the burning in his muscles from the three hours of patrolling he had done.
“That’s fucking weird, there is no police reports coming through.”
JJ ignored the voices coming through the earpiece, his whole body feeling rigid as he crouched on top of a building, looking at the carnage below. There, in the middle of the square stood what looked like a moving black cloud. Civilians were screaming and running away, but the black cloud just remained. His eyes narrowed slightly, like he was waiting for it to do something, to lash out. But it didn’t. He opened his mouth, ready to ask Pope if he was just imagining something when he heard the black cloud speak.
“Spider-Man, oh Spider-Man! Come out, come out wherever you are!” It spoke in a raspy, demonic voice. Whatever this way, it wasn’t human. JJ may have failed biology, but he knew that for sure.
“JJ, don’t. We are have no idea what this thing is. It could be a trap—”
“I got this, Pope.” JJ muttered, ignoring his friends’ pleas to think this through as he swung down, landing a couple of feet away from the black cloud. “You called?”
Suddenly, in the middle of the cloud, JJ swore he could see lips begin to materialise. He frowned beneath the mask but didn’t move away. His fist was clenched at the side, ready to react if the cloud tried anything.
“Ah, we finally meet, Spider-Man.” The cloud spoke again. The voice sent shivers down his spine. JJ pushed away that feeling of discomfort. Something about the cloud felt familiar, but he couldn’t tell what. It was like an annoying itch he couldn’t reach.
“Am I supposed to know who you are?” JJ questioned. “Look, dude, if you’re a fan, I appreciate it, but you don’t need to scare away a whole block of people to get my attention. You can just ask for an autograph like everyone else.”
“JJ stop provoking it!”
“You’ll know me soon enough.” The voice replied ambiguously. JJ furrowed his eyebrows together. Whatever this cloud was, it was being far too vague for JJ’s liking.
JJ winced, clutching his ears. His body was on high-alert, his ears sensitive to pick out any small noise or rustle. He looked at the cloud and then at his surroundings, noticing how every screen—every phone, every billboard, every electrical compliance in this vicinity that he could see—was projecting the black cloud. It was broadcasting to the whole city. JJ couldn’t help but wonder where the fuck the hidden camera was. How was it doing this?
“YOU LABEL THIS KID AS YOUR HERO! YOU TRUST THIS CHILD WITH YOUR LIVES! YOU ARE FOOLISH!” The voice boomed, suddenly the black cloud began to form tentacles that were slithering from whatever was at the centre of it. “LET ME SHOW YOU THE TRUTH! LET ME SHOW YOU WHO YOU HAVE TO PROTECT YOU!”
JJ was a little too distracted by the concept of a cloud broadcasting to the city that he didn’t even notice one of the tentacles slithering towards him. It wrapped itself around his leg before swinging him into the nearest building.
JJ let out a small oomph as his body made contact with the brick wall. He could hear yelling in the distance, the sounds of people screaming. But nothing was overpowering the ringing in his ears as he slowly dragged himself to stand up.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” He muttered, blinking a few times before he turned back to look at the cloud. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise and quickly rolled over to the side, the tentacle that threw him smashing into the wall not even a second later. That rush of adrenaline hitting JJ again as he quickly swung out of there, not even looking behind him until he knew he was a good distance away to assess the situation.
JJ swore under his breath, trying to catch up with his thoughts as he watched more tentacles appear from the cloud. “Where the fuck are they coming from?” He muttered before swinging down to a lower building rooftop, crouching at the edge. He narrowed his eyes as he extended his hand out, shooting a web towards the centre of the cloud. There had to be something solid within this thing, something he can grip on to, something he can fight. But he was met with nothing. “Fuck.” He frowned before he began to crawl down the side of the building.
“You seem a bit jealous, mate!” JJ called out, watching as all eight of the tentacles seemed to snap their attention towards him. God, that was scary. “Don’t you have to tell me some wild origin story before you kill me?”
“Oh, that’s really reassuring, thank you so much.”
“A bit of an odd wish, if you ask me.” He murmured to himself, quickly snapping his wrist before swinging around the black cloud. He watched as the tentacles reached out for him, just grazing him as he swung between the buildings.
“How the fuck do I fight something that isn’t solid? Get a vacuum? If you have one big enough, please do share. Call the ghostbusters or something!”
He heard more screams, some closer than he expected. He assumed everyone ran off, but when he turned his head to the side, he noticed a man standing there, frozen in fear. More importantly, he saw a car heading straight towards the scared man.
“Shit, shit, shit,” JJ yelled as he quickly yanked his web, spinning around and landing in front of the man, his hands extended out in front of him. Seconds later he felt the impact of the car, the weight and momentum it came crashing in at hit him strong enough to make him slide back a few feet. “Go, dude!” He yelled at the man, who had finally come to his senses and thanked JJ profusely before sprinting away. JJ groaned and threw the car away from him, huffing slightly.
“Oh, no shit, Sherlock! I thought it was Barbie’s Dreamhouse.” Only JJ would be sarcastic while his life is in threat.
But it was that sarcasm that distracted him long enough for one of the tentacles wrap around his ankle, yanking him down from the small jump he had taken so the web he was currently gripping snapped with ease, preventing him a quick escape like he planned. He didn’t even have time to scream before he noticed the tentacle bringing him closer to the middle of the cloud, his eyes widening slightly.
He wiggled around in the tentacle’s grip, trying to find a way out but it was relentless. He wasn’t sure what was real or not, not sure if he imagined screaming in his head or if he actually did as he was dropped into the centre of the cloud.
Then, he felt nothing.
JJ was vaguely aware of his surroundings. He didn’t know if his eyes were open or not, but it was dark. He tried to move his arm, but it felt constricted, like he was swimming in something really thick. His brain was screaming at him to call out for Pope and John B, to move his hands and swing out of here, to do something. But another part of JJ felt completely content in this situation. He couldn’t explain it, but something washed over him, like a massive electric shock that made him aware of just how…familiar this seemed. It was similar to the feeling he had earlier.
He felt safe, understood.
And then that feeling was gone.
Suddenly, JJ found himself being thrown around in circles, something holding a tight grip on his ankle. But soon enough, that let go too and JJ was soon flying through the air, too out of it to even react fast enough to web onto something or soften his eventual crash.
JJ felt the air be completely knocked out of him, his body bouncing off the concrete a couple of times before he rolled over. It took him a few attempts to finally open his eyes, take in his surroundings, to see he was in some dingy alleyway. He turned his head to the side, briefly seeing a black blob in the distance. He could hear some muffled yelling.
JJ vaguely furrowed his eyebrows together before turning his head to stare at the blue sky above instead. When the ringing and the muffling was over, he could hear the screams of his friends coming through the earpiece.
JJ frowned a little, his whole throat felt dry and numb. There was also a metallic taste in his mouth that told him he must’ve bitten his tongue at some point. God, he hated the taste of blood. “It…It felt…”
“It felt just like me.” He finally got out.
Then everything went black.
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angel-thorne · 4 years
groove killer ↠ cameron & angel {dmc}
[[ The reaction he gets from Angel when he speaks is more than enough to recover from the awkwardness Cameron feels, standing there lost on the outside edge of the dance floor, looking towards the tables. ]] Angel. [[ He smiles, the tension flowing from his shoulders as he takes a seat next to his friend. ]] Much appreciated, my friend.
[[ Angel jumps right into it, and Cameron’s grateful for it. The sensory overload that comes with a party like this makes it particularly challenging for Cameron to find something useful to say, or at least something situationally appropriate. His default is rhyme scheme, meter, narrative tone – less club and more library – so he’s grateful for the jumping off point. He leans back in the chair, and switches the eye patch to his other eye, suspending the pretense of the evening. ]] I thought it was brilliant; I don’t know why I haven’t heard you sing more often. Is this what I’m missing on these karaoke nights I’ve been hearing about?
[[ Cameron knows the answer is that he’s a homebody, and his primary haunts are limited to the dining hall, the library, and his classroom. He knows Angel had been a singer before D-Day, but he’s never heard an actual performance, with all the stage lights and the microphone and all. Definitely his loss. ]] And how’s your night been besides that? Licking your wounds doesn’t seem to be too painful. [[ He isn’t the least bit competitive, but the teasing makes him laugh. ]]
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[Angel is as fickle and sensitive as a celebrity nature often dictates; when it comes to flattery he is very easily pleased. And Cameron has a terribly earnest quality, something about him that absolutely beseeches you to trust him. Even though Angel had sought out the compliment on his performance, he wholeheartedly believes that Cameron really means it. Ego sufficiently stroked, Angel all but glows.] 
Thank you, thank you. [He croons, head inclined as if he’s anything close to humble.] Y’know, I ain’t been to a karaoke night here yet. Maybe I’ll have to drag you to the next one, eh?
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[Angel loves karaoke; it’s silly and fun and it gets people in a good mood. He’s mostly teasing about dragging Cameron along; though he doesn’t know the man particularly well, he’d wager that karaoke isn’t high on his list of hobbies. However, he’s also a supporter of breaking people out of their comfort zones, and might well try to coax Cameron into it some day.
Angel gives a low, lyrical chuckle at his comment about licking his wounds.] Oh, bein’ on stage is better than any medicine for me. Can’t say I’m an enormous fan of gettin’ me arse kicked, but most people seemed to have a real ball durin’ the Games and that’s what counts. I wouldn’t imagine it’s your cuppa tea either, though, eh? You strike me more as a ‘pen is mightier’ type. [And the Games are definitely not a creative or intellectual pursuit, as far as Angel is concerned.]
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a-lil-bi-furious · 4 years
Fave characters from the last 5 things I’ve watched/read/seen/etc:
Thanks for tagging me @capricornsicle​! I’m adding gifs, because I’m bored and I want to.
1) Isabelle Lightwood from Freeform’s Shadowhunters. The show is hella cheesy and low budget, but also improves significantly in quality from even just the first to second season. I’d definitely recommend anyway because it’s got some great diversity and tackles a lot of important issues of discrimination. Plus, the Shadowhunters world is really cool (Thank you Cassandra Clare). And Isabelle? Loving, confident, passionate, intelligent, drop-dead gorgeous, complete badass...really, why wouldn’t she be my favorite? Did I mention she fights with a whip that she wears as a fucking bracelet.
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2) Kira Yukimura from MTV’s Teen Wolf. I’ve loved Teen Wolf since I finally stopped judging it for its name and started watching way back in 2013.Dropped off for a while, hopped back in again. It’s got it’s fair share of issues, but it also has an abundance of lovable characters, some really cool ideas, and sets this comforting, funny tone (despite the show being super dark) that  I really connected with. I’ve obsessed over several other characters (and ships), but my favorite character always seems to come back to Kira. She’s adorably awkward, incredibly caring, brave and strong-willed, and could kick pretty much anybody’s ass. Not to mention she’s just so pretty. Look at her!!! How could anyone not love her?? Anyway, I will never forgive Jeff for the way he treated her (and Arden). Jeff, if this post gets to you...Come fight me, you coward.
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3) Simon Spier from the movie Love, Simon. This movie is near and dear to my heart. It was nice to have a big LGBTQ+ coming-of-age movie that had a happy ending. And it really hits close to home for me. Simon’s situation (having liberal parents and some close friends who likely would take no issue, but still struggling with coming out to them and figuring out his identity) mirrors my own in a way I haven’t really seen elsewhere, and I really appreciated it. I just really relate to the kid. Plus, he’s such a sweet disaster gay, and I love it. 
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4) Kara Danvers from The CW’s Supergirl. Because I’m in love with her. Supergirl is great. 10/10 would recommend. The social commentary made by this show alone makes it worth the watch. (I mean, what better way to subtly point out rampant racist and xenophobic arguments than to show them through the persecution of literal aliens?) But beyond that, it’s just generally a great feel-good show, and never fails to make me feel inspired. Her relationship with Alex is gold. I’m endlessly appreciative of how they show her struggles with rage; women are never allowed to be outwardly angry and it’s harmful and unfair. Really, I don’t have proper words to explain all that Kara represents for me. But she makes me feel like I can pull myself out of any dark place, no matter how hopeless it seems. Kara’s loyal, selfless, kind, and determined. She’s powerful and strong (hello, Woman of Steel here), but we see her break down over and over, just like anyone else. And every time she finds a way to pick herself back up. Plus, she totally kicked Superman’s ass that one time. So.
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5) Landon Kirby and Josie Saltzman from The CW’s Legacies. I’m cheating because I won’t can’t choose. Legacies is literally a bunch of tiny Vampire Diaries crack fics put together to make one giant crack fic. As my friend once described it, the plot feels a lot like when a kid tells you a story and none of it makes sense by the end. But I still rather enjoyed it? I really loved several of the characters, and the show was lighthearted and fun even if it frustrated me. I love Landon because he’s this completely dorky guy who just manages to be so charming and funny. He always wants to help and his first concern always lies with other people. He just wants to be a hero so badly, and he’s getting there. I wish more male protagonists were selfless and sweet and sensitive without being presented as weak and/or useless (this narrative is old and I’m tired of it). Also he’s a phoenix, and everyone knows phoenixes are cool.
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Josie is the definition of “looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you,” but is also very much a cinnamon roll. She’s so sweet and kind and cares so much (too much) for others. I appreciate her codependency issues actually being presented as problematic and being sorted through on screen. I also really appreciate...everything about her. She’s bright and bold and talented, and even though she has no magic of her own, she still makes quite the powerful, badass witch. And she plays with fire, like...a lot (cutest pyromaniac I’ve ever seen).
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I’m going to tag @welldressedllama​ and @taylorlahey1316​ to participate (if y’all want to)!
No clue how to do an under the cut or anything, but here are the links to source these gifs (They are not mine. I am but a humble Google forager.): 1) https://images.app.goo.gl/FzJFfokndJJ1PYpZ8 2) https://images.app.goo.gl/W4dV8o6wfwMzGMqn7 3) https://images.app.goo.gl/5UHJakFp4J8GDc6m6 4) https://images.app.goo.gl/tfVZ6ArJLANy5zqu5 5) 6) https://images.app.goo.gl/Lg6h6kf3ziW2B2yf9
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mycarlydotcom · 5 years
Looking Back at iCarly
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Hello internet! This blog lives on, and so do I! My Nickelodeon heart still beats, and here I am in 2019, having recently finished re-watching iCarly…again. Admittedly, there is a part me still clinging to this fandom and I don’t think it will ever go away. So, I recently sat my grown ass adult-self down to re-watch the series, and I feel the desire to just talk about it.
Let’s preface everything with an acknowledgement to nostalgia and the impact it has on how we view things we enjoyed in the past. Nostalgia is typically viewed through rose colored lenses that disguise the truth about whatever it is we remember so fondly. I realize this, and fully acknowledge that nostalgia is probably the biggest reason for my enjoyment during this re-watch; but whether it was nostalgia or not, I have no shame in saying that I loved it. I loved every single second of it. Yeah it was a little cringey at first, (Honestly, that’s to be expected when looking back at shows like these with more mature eyes) but that feeling settled pretty fast, and it didn’t take long for me to fall right back in love with the show.
I love this show. I watched it frequently as a preteen into my teenage years (Around the ages of 11-15 I’d say). I watched until about Season 3 but I ended up falling off with it as I grew older; so I never saw anything from Season 4 onward during its initial run. Fast forward a few years later, and somewhere around 2013 an iCarly clip found its way into my YouTube suggestions. I don’t remember the specific clip, but it had something to do with Sam and Freddie (It may have been the elevator scene from iLove You). It caught my attention because I always remembered thinking that Sam and Freddie would end up together. Curiously enough, I clicked it, and that served as the impetus to make me watch the entire series. I watched it all, and I loved it. I loved it so much that I even made this blog dedicated to it, and other shows cut from the same cloth. I had my heart stolen by Sam and Freddie, and obsessed over the pairing like many others had done before me. I became so attached to the characters, and as corny as it sounds, I felt like they were my friends. I just loved it all. I was hooked, and the series known as iCarly ended up leaving a lasting impression on me. Going on that journey was such a blast; but like all good things, it eventually came to end. After a while I started using this blog less and less. I slowly stopped watching reruns of old Nickelodeon shows, and I eventually fell off completely. So now, we fast forward one more time and here we are in 2019, I have watched the series again, and it turns out that I still harbor that deep connection to it that I had before. The fandom still lives within me, and I’ve realized it will never go away. It is always going hold a place in heart.
Now that my long-winded introduction is over, let’s move on to talking about the show itself. Upon this most recent viewing of the series, I will say that in my humble opinion, the show peaks in Season 3. While I may love the series as a whole, I cannot deny that its glory days are definitely in its earlier years. During this re-watch, I noticed a subtle dip in the quality of show from Season 4 onward. It’s not like it falls off a cliff or anything, it was still very enjoyable, but it definitely felt like they were losing control. This trend continued in Season 5, and parlayed right into the final season as well. By the time you reach the end, it’s apparent they were desperate for ideas, or were just ready to move on. Again, it’s not awful, but it’s not firing on all cylinders like it was in the earlier seasons. There are a plethora of issues we could point to when discussing this, but I think the biggest culprit to the show’s decline in quality was the “ships.” That entire craze definitely had a negative impact on the series overall; even as a “Seddier,” I can admit that. I’ve actually previously, briefly discussed (Here) how I believe “shipping,” directly changed the original, intended story of Sam and Freddie; and I still believe that. The creative direction was undoubtedly influenced by the divide in the audience, and I don’t think that can be disputed. But regardless of the slight dip in quality, I will say that iCarly is still tremendous overall, and Seasons 4 through 6 still have their moments and some great episodes. Season 6 itself recovers wonderfully by the end, with the last five episodes of the series serving as a splendid return to form for the show.
iCarly was one of the most successful Nickelodeon shows for a reason…because it truly is great. In many ways it was a glimpse into the future when you think about the power of the internet and its ability to influence and create success nowadays. It capitalized on that ever growing popularity of the internet, and did so wonderfully. Who didn’t want to have their own version of the iCarly web show? Everyone did, it was the coolest concept. Couple that with the amazing cast they gathered to play the character’s we all came to love, and the show had a recipe for brilliance. 
Let’s actually talk about casting on this show because it is absolutely tremendous…
Miranda wonderfully transitioned from the devious little sister, Megan, on Drake & Josh, to the lovable protagonist known as Carly, and she was perfect for the role. Carly is portrayed as the best friend that anyone could ever ask for, and Miranda fills that role so believably well. You truly feel that she cares deeply for all of her friends, and honestly, I think that’s just an extension of Miranda herself. All you have to do is listen to any of her fellow cast member’s talk about her, and it’s not hard to understand why she played Carly so well.
Then there is Jennette; what else can I say about Jennette McCurdy that I haven’t already gushed about on this blog? I adore her to pieces, and her on screen counterpart known as Sam Puckett, I adore even more. I’ve heard Jennette be critical of the show and the role she played, especially as she’s gotten older and distanced herself from the Nickelodeon bubble, but I honestly think she doesn’t give herself enough credit for pulling off Sam the way she did. There is nobody else they could have cast to play that role better than her. There are many layers to Sam Puckett, and while the show tends to shy away from truly fleshing that out, we still get glimpses of it throughout the series. It’s the biggest reason why I love Sam so much, and Jennette excellently captures that contrast within the character. Sam is a tough as they come, and rarely displays compassion or vulnerability, but underneath her rough exterior is a wonderful person with a heart of gold. Much like that character, it often seems that there is a lot more than what’s displayed on the surface with Jennette as well, curiously enough. She herself, is somewhat of an enigma (which I plan on discussing one day as well). The character, and actor are very similar in that regard, and I think that’s why Sam was so great. For the purpose of comedy, Sam is a totally over-exaggerated character, and much more of a tomboy than Jennette is in real life, but beneath all the comedic hyperbole, there are some striking parallels between the character and the actor.
Of course, there is Nathan Kress, who played the role of Freddie, and did a splendid job capturing the loveable tech nerd Freddie was; especially in the earlier years. Nathan also deserves major props for continuing to pull the Freddie character off as time went on because let’s be honest, Nathan matured into quite the handsome young fella right in the midst of this show airing. It was funny juxtaposition to see him still have to portray Freddie, as Sam might say, a “nub,” when he very clearly wasn’t. So again, props to him because he still made it believable that Freddie was just a big dork who struggled with girls and whatnot despite his dapper, physical appearance.
Who doesn’t love Jerry Trainor? He comes across as the most fun person to be around, and I have to imagine that working with him is a total joy. All you have to do is watch the blooper episodes, iBloop and iBloop 2, and you can see just how much fun he makes the work environment for all of his fellow actors. He, as Spencer, is low key probably everyone’s favorite character. He was the perfect choice to portray Spencer, and while he does all the whacky humor and eccentric behavior perfectly, he also captures the moments where Spencer needs to be a responsible adult, arguably even better.
And last but not least, Noah Munck as Gibby. From starting as a reoccurring character with a strange quirk where he persistently took his shirt off , to transitioning into the main cast where announcing his own name in exaggerated fashion became a staple of the show, Noah took this peculiar character and brought him to life in the most entertaining way possible. To quote Gibby himself, Noah made the show, “a lot of fun,” and provided some of the best laughs in series.
I cannot say enough good things about iCarly. It is an all-timer as far as Nickelodeon shows are concerned, and those who were part of the fandom know just how special it was. I’ll forever hold it in my heart, and remember the joy it brought me whenever I “need a laugh, cheer, or random dance.”
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And, we're clear...
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annievvv7 · 5 years
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@mylokabrennauniverse My dearest friend, with this humble attempt of a postcard, I want to wish infinite Loki-Luck to you for tomorrow and for the day after tomorrow. 😘😘🤗🤗⚡💥⛈☀🌈 The Gods will be with you always.
Sorry for the quality, originally, I’d made a better and bigger version but Tumblr couldn't load the size, so, I had to make a low quality version.
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mary-tudor · 7 years
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This Codicell made by me Marye by the Grace of God Quene of Engld &c., & lawful wyfe to the most noble and vertuous Prynce Philippe, by the same grace of God, Kynge of the said Realmes and Domynions of Englond, &c., the twenty-eighth day of October, in the yere of our Lord God 1558, and in the 5th yere of the reign of my said most dere Lord and husbande, and in the Sixth yere of the reigne of me the said Quene. The which Codicell I will and ordeyne shall be added and annexed unto my last Will and Testament heretofore by me made and declared. And my mynd and will ys, that the said Codicell shall be accepted, taken and receyved as a part and parcell of my said last will and testament, and as tho' it were incorporate with the same to all entents and purposes, in manner and forme followynge.
Fyrste, whereas I the said Quene have with the good contentment and pleasure of my said most dere belov'd Lorde and husbande the Kyng's Majesty devis'd & made my said last will and testament, beryng date the 30th day of Marche last past, and by the same, for that as I then thowght myself to be with childe did devise and dispose the Imperiall Crowne of this Realme of Englond and the Crowne of Ireland, with my title to France and all the dependances thereof, and all other honours, Castells, Fortresses, Prerogatives and hereditaments, of what nature, kynde or qualitie soever they be, belongyng to this crowne, unto the heires, Issewe and frewte of my body begotten, & the government, order, and rewle of the said heire and Issewe I recommended unto my said most dere Lord and husband duryng the mynoryte of the said heire, accordynge to the lawes of this Realme in that case provided.
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Forasmuch as God hath hitherto sent me no frewte nor heire of my bodie, yt ys onlye in his most devyne providence whether I shall have onny or noo, Therefore both for the discharge of my conscyence and dewtie towards God and this Realme, and for the better satisfaction of all good people, and to thentent my said last will and Testament (the which I trust, is agreeable to God's law and to the laws of this Realme) may be dewly performed, and my dettes (pryncipally those I owe to many of my good subjects, and the which they most lovyngly lent unto me) trewly and justly answered payed, I have thought it good, fealynge myself presently sicke and week in bodye (and yet of hole and perfytt remembrance, our Lord be thanked) to adde this unto my said testament and last will, viz. 
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Yf yt shall please Almighty God to call me to his mercye owte of this transytory lyfe without issewe and heire of my bodye lawfully begotten, Then I most instantly desire et per viscera misericordiae Dei, requyre my next heire & Successour, by the Laws and Statutes of this Realme, not only to permytt and suffer the executors of my said Testament and last will and the Survivours of them to performe the same, and to appoynte unto them such porcyon of treasure & other thynges as shall be suffycient for the execution of my said testament and last will, and to ayd them in the performance of the same, but also yf such assurance and conveyance as the Law requyreth for the State of the londs which I have devysed and appoynted to the howses of Religion, and to the Savoye, and to the Hospitall I would have erected, be not suffycyent and good in Lawe by my said Will, then I most hertily also requyre both for God's sake, and for the honour and love my said heyre and Successour bereth unto me, that my said heyre and Successour will supplye the Imperfection of my said will and testament therein, & accomplyshe and fynishe the same accordynge to my trew mynde and intente, for the dooyng whereof my said heire and Successour shall, I dowte not, be rewarded of God, and avoyde thereby his severe justice pronounced and executed agt all such as be violaters and brekers of wills and testaments, and be the better assisted with his specyall grace and favour in the mynistracyon of ther Regall function and office, And the more honored of the world and loved of ther subjects, whose natural zeale and love (as a most precious jewell unto every Prynce) I leve and bequeathe unto my said heire and Successour for a specyall Legacye and bequeste, the which I most humbly beseech our Lord, the same may enjoye and possesse (as I trust they shall) chefely to the advancement of God's glorye & honor, and to the good quyetnesse and Government of this Realme, the which two thynges I most tender. And albeit my said most Dere Lord and Husband shall for defawte of heyre of my bodye have no further government, order and rewle within this Realme and the domynions thereunto belongynge, but the same doth and must remayne, descend, and goo unto my next heyre and Successour, accordyng to the Lawes and Statuts of this Realme, yet I most humbly beseech his Majesty, in recompence of the great love and humble dewtye that I have allwayes born and am bounden to bere unto his Majesty, and for the great zeale and care the which his Highness hath always sens our marriage professed and shew'd unto this Realme, and the Subjects of the same, and for the ancyente amyte sake that hath always ben betwene our most Noble Progenitours and betwene this my Realme and the Low countries, whereof his Majesty is now the enheritour, 
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And finally, as God shall reward hym, and I praye (I hope among the elect servants of God) that yt may please his Majesty to shew hymself as a Father in his care, as a Brother or member of this Realme in his love and favour, and as a most assured and undowted frend in his powre and strengthe to my said heire and Successour, and to this my Country and the Subjects of the same, the which I trust his Highnesse shall have just cause to thynke well bestowed, for that I dowte not, but they will answer yt unto his Majesty with the like benevolence and good will, the which I most hertily requyre them to doo, bothe for my sake, and for the honour and suerty of this Realme. And in witnesse that I have cawsed this Codicell to be made, and that my will & entent ys, that the same shall be annexed and added unto my said former testament & last will, the which my full mynde and will ys shall stonde and remayne in perfytte force and effect, to all intents and purposes, and this Codicell to be accepted taken and declared only as a part and parcell of my said testament and last Will, I have sign'd this Codicell with my Signe Manuell, and have also cawsed my privy Signet to be put thereunto, the day and yere fyrste in this Codicell above written. These beying called to be my wytnesses as well to my said testament and last will as to this Codicell whose names followeth.
Source: http://tudorhistory.org/primary/will.html
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