#my laptop fan stopped working on it's own
class1akids · 19 hours
hey! how are you feeling following these last chapters? tbh i just want it to end already 😅 but i have a question for you!! as a huge shouto and todo-fam fan what would be YOUR preferred ending for them?? either as what could happen in a possible chapter for the epilogue or in more general terms what do you want for them and for shouto in special in the future
Not good. I thought I was going to enjoy the epilogue, but tbh, after this last chapter, I can't imagine reading about Eri singing or having another Sport Festival without wanting to throw my laptop across the room.
The Todoroki family is really in a tough spot currently, because I don't really see an straightforward way to satisfy all the different characters' arcs. But for me, it should have the following components:
Touya lives. This is a big one. With Tomura, you could argue that he helped bring down AFO, with Toga you could say that her heart was saved, but where Touya was left off? A death would serve no narrative purpose. Even just with an open ending, there needs to be a hope that he can get better.
Enji delivers on his "I'll watch Touya" promise. He needs to make some kind of sacrifice where he puts his family first over his hero career. What form this will take? Idk.
Shouto and Touya need a moment. That moment of connection where Touya saw Shouto as a child needs to be spoken into existence somehow. I don't expect anything as sweet or idyllic as the Tgchk or Deku-Tenko moments, but I think Shouto deserves an opening from Touya even if it comes as a sarcastic comment about favourite foods. Like something fittingly low-key that gives us a glimpse of how they could eventually down the line build something.
Enji and Rei need to take Shouto off the pedestal and embrace him as a child. Shouto getting the "family hero label" and all the expectations that come with that now needs to stop. All the kids are masterpieces in their own beautiful ways and Shouto should be embraced with the unconditional love he deserves without any pressure of who he needs to be and what he needs to deliver to get it. All the other kids too.
Public fall-out addressed. This is a bit a stress-test on a society level. I think it's a given that the Todoroki family will stand by Touya (in contrast to Toga's parents who quickly disowned her). What will happen with Touya (prison, mental clinic, house arrest, some secret rehab program) is a test to see if anything changed. Also, how the public relates to Shouto who chose to save his villain brother, who is tainted by family scandals is a big question.
In the end, I'm hoping for an open, but somewhat hopeful ending. Rei, Fuyumi and Natsuo living in the new house, Touya getting the help he needs with a rehabilitation path, Enji putting him first and Shouto while obviously will keep his family close in his heart, being freed from the "hero role" and can be free to work on his own path and joining his friends.
I don't mind if he forgives Endeavor even - I feel like that's something he may decide for himself just to be rid of the anger, but it's a difficult balance because the past cannot be forgotten. So I definitely don't want the whiplash of a sudden chummy relationship with Endeavor and Shouto being handled as Endeavor's redemption trophy.
I think also a long-overdue hug from Rei and a reason to make Shouto smile genuinely are the only things I'm hoping from the epilogue.
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laptop making too much noise? take out the fan 😎 follow me for more laptop hacks
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mellowwillowy · 8 months
Streamer Reader: *streams normally*
Yan! Hacker: *moderating chat professionally*
Streamer Reader: great job Seth! You are the best mod I've ever had! Not to mention my revenue is increasing after you fill in for that last mod.
Yan! Hacker: *doxxing and blackmailing all the haters into donating for you* mmh, that's great.
The previous mod: *scared shitless after getting blackmailed by Seth*
-- IMG, NSFW —𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓 - 𝑳𝑰𝒇𝑬 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕
Yan! Hacker who tapped your phone the first time you and he had an IRL meet-up. He doesn't look like those typical stuck in at all, instead, he is very nice although tends to be silent/listener all the time.
Yan! Hacker who is not only nice, he is actually no different from how he acts in the game you two were once stuck in! Remember how much of an asshat he was? (No, I don't.) Yes, he is still an asshat except that you don't know that he's an asshat that is obsessed over you!
Yan! Hacker who thought the first meeting you two had as a first date deep down inside his heart, remembering every little thing the two of you did and jot it down like a teenager in love.
Yan! Hacker who will somehow find a way to make you invite him to your place, allowing him to tap your PC, laptop, door's password anything that
Yan! Hacker who is surprisingly actually really younger than you by 2 years, you thought he was only bluffing in the game to make himself younger. He would use that fact to tease you for being an oldie, fooling your fans into thinking you are some teenager.
Yan! Hacker who would watch you non-stop after having your whole shits under his control. While he did introduce himself to you as a programmer, he has also learned more than just those silly codings. Oh, he even knows how to deactivate your security alarm so that you would never know how he sneaks into your room, jerking himself off into your face.
Don't worry, he will reactivate it again once he leaves, wouldn't want people to barge into your place like they own it right.
Yan! Hacker who will somehow always give you the things you place in the wishlist cart. While it is indeed touching, how the fuck does he know all the things you want and need???
Yan! Hacker who will do questionable shits to every conversation you hold online. Anyone he deems as an eyesore would somehow be... gone. Don't worry, he's sane enough to not bother anything related to your work. That will be handled by him personally without using your account. (Read blackmail)
Yan! Hacker: How about we go to Japan? I heard the Love Hotel here *shows review* is great. Lots of varieties and *explains everything you've done your research on*
Streamer Reader: ...? Yeah this is where I wanna go on my next vacation, how come you got the same idea as I do?
Streamer Reader: *loses a debate online*
Yan! Hacker: *coming in like a white knight with another fresh blackmail material*
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feelbokkie · 1 year
📱Distancing yourself from BF!SKZ after receiving hate 📱 (Part 2) (Hyung + Hyunjin Line)
☀️Feelbokkie M.list☀️
genre: heavy angst, hurt/comfort
pov: 1st & 2nd person
description: Your boyfriend finds out why you've been distancing yourself (Half smau, half written)
pairing: bf!skz & fem!reader
warnings: swearing, break up, mentions of violence, mention of self harm (?), self loathing, mostly fluff, let me know if I missed anything
word count: listed below
screenshot count: 4
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
Part 1
Part 2 (Maknae Line)
방 찬 (Bang Chan) (1,150 words)
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“Y/N’s a better person than me. I don’t think I would be able to handle it.”
“Handle what?” Chan asked the two staff members who were talking in the corner. 
Chan normally stays out of things that don’t concern him, but when he heard your name he could help but get involved. 
“All the hate. I don’t know what I would do if I was constantly being told to kill myself by strangers.” The taller of the two staff members mentions. 
Chan thought quietly to himself for a few seconds. He knows that you had gotten some hate in the past, it’s only natural that a few fans would be upset that Chan is in a relationship. But he handles the situation with a message on bubble and everything was fine. Right? You wouldn’t keep something like this from him. Right?
“Thank you for your hard work today,” Chan says quickly before shuffling off to a quiet corner of the room. 
He pulls out his phone and types in your name on Twitter. All the top mentions of your name are so vile and full of malice that he can only imagine how worse it must be in your inbox. 
Chan spent the whole journey back to his dorm reading all the comments that you must have seen. You had to have seen them and that’s why you’re avoiding him. There’s no other explanation. All of your social media accounts are now private, comments are turned off, and you even took off your profile pictures. It’s bad and he blames himself for not seeing how much you were suffering sooner. Once they get home, Chan walks straight to his room and slams the door, causing Jisung, Changbin, and Hyunjin to share a scared and confused look. 
With a need to put an end to all the madness before it escalates even further, he does the only thing he can do: start a Channie’s Room. 
I stared at the link Chan had sent me for 5 minutes. I’ve been avoiding him for a few days, it doesn’t make sense that he would just send me a link like everything is okay. But it’s not, everything is fucked.
Our relationship is public, much to Chan’s dismay. He would have preferred to keep everything private, but after a picture of us was at risk of being leaked, we decided to get in front of the narrative and announce our relationship. Everything was fine, my name and picture were never released. A few weeks ago my identity was revealed. I didn’t tell Chan, I didn’t want to worry him with something I could handle on my own. And I did, but the toll on my mental health from most of the comments being directed at me would have been a dead giveaway.
I bite my lip and open the video on my laptop. I sit with my knees to my chest at my computer desk. The video stars and I see Chan sitting in his bedroom wearing the couple hoodie we picked out our first year of dating. I can’t stop the corner of my lips from turning up. His expression is hard to read. He looks tired. I can see it in the bags under his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. I know you guys weren’t expecting a Channie’s Room today. It’s going to be short. I promise.” Chan explains as he reads comments on his phone. Why did he send me a link to this?
“‘Why are we here?’ I thought we could have a little chat. Just a quick conversation about something that’s come to my attention.’”A flash of anger hits his eyes only for a quick second.
Shit. He knows. He knows and he’s going to address it. I quickly pull my phone and dial Chan’s number to get him to stop whatever crusade he’s about to embark on. Chan picks up his phone and swipes his hand across the screen just as the call ends. Chan holds his phone up to the camera.
“If it’s alright with you guys, I’m going to put my phone away. It’s almost dead. But don’t worry, I can still see your comments on my computer.” He smiles at the camera before literally tossing his phone behind him.
“Fuck!” I shut my laptop and race around my room grabbing my shoes, wallet, and keys before making a mad dash to the dorm.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Hyunjin asks when he answers the door. I take a second to catch my breath, doubled over in front of the door. I managed to turn a 30-minute walk into a 15-minute marathon. Call me superwoman.
“C…han…is Chan still in his room?” I ask, finally standing up having collected myself after a few minutes.
“Yeah, but I would wait for a second. He’s pissed.” Han calls from the couch. 
“Oh, believe me, I already know.” I finally make my way into the dorm and head straight to Chan’s room. 
I open the door and freeze when I see Chan still sitting at his desk. I quietly close the door and lean against it as I try to catch my breath. Chan looks at me quickly before finishing the live and giving me his full attention.
“Why are you out of breath? What’s wrong?” He stands up and places a hand on my shoulder.
“What’s wrong? I ran all the way over here to stop you from doing whatever the fuck that was on live.” I push his hand off and make my way over to the beanbag chair that Chan has for me to sit in.
“You’re mad at me for defending you?” He grabs a water bottle from his mini fridge and opens it before handing it to me. I take a huge sip.
“Not mad, upset. I was handling it.”
“How were you handling? By avoiding me?”
“I only avoided you because you can read me like a book. I didn’t want you to worry while you’re busy with your comeback.”
“So you were just going to suffer in silence?” Chan sits down on the edge of his bed and hands me the water bottle cap.
“Chan, I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to start dating you. I expected something like this would happen eventually. I didn’t want you to worry because you already have so much weight on your shoulders.”
“It’s literally my job as your boyfriend to worry about you. It’s not a burden. You’ll never be a burden.” Chan climbs off the bed and kneels next to me.
“I love you. I promise that I will lean on you more.” I take Chan’s hand and kiss his cheek.
“And I promise to also lean on you so that you don’t have to worry about coming to me. Stay the night?”
“Don’t have to ask me twice.”
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이 민 호 (Lee Min-Ho) (921 words)
Part 3
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Minho rarely goes on social media. He’ll post the occasional picture on Instagram for the official Stray Kids page, but that’s all. He has his secret account, but he mostly uses it when he’s been away from you for a while and misses seeing your face. He hadn’t seen you for a couple of weeks so he logged in to look at your most recent pictures. That’s when he saw all of the hate comments that were under all your pictures.
“What the fuck?” He mutters under his breath.
“What’s wrong?” Han asks, looking concerned at Minho. Dance practice had run late so they’re all resting on the floor of the practice room.
“All these comments on Y/N’s pictures. They’re so vicious.” And recent.
“Do you think that’s why she hasn’t been around?” Minho blinks a few times before shutting his phone and putting his stuff away. He looks down at his phone one more time before leaving without saying anything to the others.
I set down a cup of water in front of Minho before returning to my spot in my armchair. He’s been quiet ever since he showed up at my door. It wasn’t completely strange for him to show up unannounced like this. He often comes over to spend the night on a whim. But this time feels different.
“How was practice?” I finally say, breaking the silence.
“Long and difficult, but we’ll figure it out. We always do.” The room falls silent again. I don’t know why I’m nervous, it’s just Minho. We’ve been together long enough, silence shouldn’t be awkward for us. If anything, we prefer it. Most of our nights in are quiet while we both just enjoy each other’s company.
“I saw the comments on your Instagram. When were you going to tell me?” Minho reaches for the glass of water and takes a sip.
“I… I was going to. I just didn’t know when or how to bring it up.” A few weeks ago, a few Stay found my social media and began commenting rude things under all my pictures. It’s escalated into a bigger issue than what I initially thought it was going to be. 
“Are you okay?”
“Are you actually asking?”
“Y/N, I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t actually want to know.” I don’t know why, but he saying that breaks me. Tears start falling down my face faster than I can stop myself.
The truth is, I’m not okay. I knew that dating an idol came with its own set of challenges and that publicly dating one would be even harder. I knew to an extent that I would probably get hate, either directly or indirectly, at some point in our relationship once we went public. So, I constantly did a lot of mental preparation for this exact situation. But no amount of mental preparation will ever prepare you for having all of your flaws pointed out and constantly being told to kill yourself. I hate to admit it, but it has severely impacted my mental health. I can’t sleep, and when I do it’s never for long. My appetite is nonexistent, I only eat when I realize that I hadn’t eaten anything all day.
“I’m not doing great if I’m being completely honest. I can’t remember the last time I got a decent sleep or ate a proper meal. I barely made all of my social media private, but that doesn’t stop people from sending me DMs. I have to delete every comment by hand because if I just turned off my comments, I would miss seeing the stuff you wrote. But that means I have to read each comment to make sure I’m not getting rid of yours— I’m just really exhausted.”
Minho is silent again as he gets up from his spot on the couch and kneels in front of me. He takes me in his arms and strokes my hair as I sob into his shoulder. I knew everything was getting to me, but I didn’t know how much it is affecting me until I said it out loud. 
Min presses a kiss on my cheek and pulls away once I’m done crying. He places both hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eyes. His are filled with tears and he has a sad smile.
“Let’s break up.” He says it so quietly, I almost didn’t hear him.
“What? No—”
“Y/N, you’re miserable. You’re not eating or sleeping, and in a way, it’s because of me. Even if we were to block all of the people sending you hate and delete the comments and DMs, you’ll still be at the center of all this negativity. The only way you’ll know peace is if we aren’t together anymore.”
“I love you, I don’t want to break up.” Tears begin to fall down my face again.
“I love you too, and that’s why we have to. It would be selfish of me to stay with you knowing that you’re dying inside because of me. I would rather end this and know that you’re happy somewhere than lose you forever.” The tears that were welling in his eyes finally start to fall too.
He’s right, even if he went and reprimanded everyone for sending me hate, it would never truly end. I wouldn’t be happy.
“Can we break up tomorrow? I just really need you right now.” I choke out.
“Whatever you need, my love. And just know, I’ll always be here for you.”
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서 창 빈 (Seo Chang-Bin) (826 words)
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“Excuse me, could we take a picture with you?” Changbin had run into a few fans on his way out of the grocery store when he was getting ingredients to make you soup.
“Ah, just one, I have popsicles.” He lifts one of the bags to show them the shopping he just did. They take a quick group photo before heading their separate ways.
“Changbin oppa is so sweet. I wonder what he sees in that bitch.” One of the fans says as they walk away.
“She’s probably just after him for his money. You know what the forums say.” Another one pipes up. 
They thought that they were far away enough from Changbin when they started talking, but he heard them. When he turned around to confront them, they were gone. It takes him a few seconds to process what they were talking about. Forums? That mentioned you? Once he realized what was going on, he ran off to your apartment.
“Are you receiving hate?” Changbin asked when I opened my door.
I was laying down in bed, reading some new mentions on Twitter, when I got a text from Changbin saying he was downstairs. I shouldn’t have said I had a headache. Any mention of me being sick or hurt, he runs to take care of me. I knew he would find out eventually, I was just hoping it wouldn’t be tonight.
“Hello to you too.” I close the door and follow him into the kitchen. He put some grocery bags on the counter and was now leaning over the sink. I roll my eyes and start going through the bags. He really can’t multitask.
“Why didn’t you tell me about what’s going on?” He says without looking at me.
“Bin, can we not do this tonight? I really do have a headache.” I grab the box of popsicles and put them in my freezer.
“Your head wouldn’t hurt if you told me that people were harassing you online. I am your boyfriend, you should come to me when these things happen.” I put the last of the groceries away and walk to the living room.
“Yah! Y/N, don’t walk away from me. I just want to talk.” I love Changbin, but he can be loud. I’m used to it, but it’s unbearable right now.
“Maybe I didn’t tell you because it’s none of your business.”
“You are my business! And if someone is treating you like shit, I should know.” He sits down on the couch, running his hand through his hair.
“You can’t fight everyone to defend my honor.” I sit down on the opposite side of the couch.
“I can try.”
“And tell them what? That they’re wrong? That I’m not a cold bitch? Or a slut? Can you prove that I’m not? For fucks sake— you came all the way over here because you were worried about me and I’m trying to push you away. Changbin, I didn’t tell you because they’re telling the truth. I’m not the most attractive person. My personality is shit and my body count is a bit higher than I like to admit. The only thing that they’re wrong about is me being a gold digger.” Changbin’s expression softens. He scoots closers to me on the couch and places a hand on my knee.
“Don’t talk about my girlfriend like that. You’re wrong. They’re wrong. I’m the only one who is right. They don’t know you like I do. Who are they to call you a bitch? They don’t know that you carry around snacks for dogs and cats with you just in case you run into a stray. They don’t know that you’re the one who makes sure I don’t overwork myself, and take care of me when I ultimately do with no complaints. They don’t know that you also take care of the rest of my group members when they’re sick so that the rest of us stay healthy. They don’t know that you’re prettiest without your makeup, especially when you first take it off. They don’t know that you were going through something before we met. So why should what they say about you matter?”
“If you don’t like something about yourself because you personally have an issue with it, that’s fine. It’s normal and I’ll be right here to help you fall in love with yourself again. And if you’re letting the opinions of others who have no idea what they talking about, I will personally kick their asses for you.” I can’t stop the corner of my mouth from turning up.
“I’m sure JYP and Dispatch would love that.”
“Y/N, I’m serious. I love you and I want to be there for you, but I can’t do that if you don’t let me in.” He moves his hand to my hand and squeezes.
“You can’t protect me from everything.” I sigh, squeezing his hand back.
“Wanna bet?”
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황 현 진 (Hwang Hyun-Jin) (1,076 words)
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“Hyunjin hyung, isn’t this Y/N noona’s apartment?” Jeongin held his phone in front of the older boy’s face. On it played a video that showed your apartment, your place of work, and the shops in your neighborhood that you frequent. At the end of the video your phone number and the addresses for both your home and appear on the screen.
“What is this?” The color drains from Hyunjin’s face as he picks up his phone again and sends you a quick text, more panicked this time.
“I don’t know. I just saw it right now, but apparently, it was uploaded a couple of weeks ago— Chan hyung!”Jeongin dropped his phone and tried to steady Hyunjin’s swaying body.
“What’s wrong?” Chan asked looking at the scene unfolding in front of him. Jeongin quickly catches Chan up on what’s happening as Hyunjin slowly starts to zone back in.
“Something’s happened to Y/N, I just know it. I…I need to go check on her.” Hyunjin mumbles.
It wasn’t uncommon for you and Hyunjin to have spells when you didn’t talk to or see each other. So when you first stopped replying to him, he didn’t think anything of it. But slowly, as time went on he would worry a little each day. When he first reached out and you didn’t reply, he just figured you weren’t ready to talk yet and left it alone. Finding out that you had been doxxed and were now unreachable racked his body with guilty. 
“I’ll go with you, ‘kay? Minho, you’re in charge.” Chan wrapped his arm around the fragile boy and led him out of the room.
I haven’t left my apartment in a couple of days. I’ve barely left my bedroom since the incident at the convince store. I had been fired earlier that day because the unwanted attention I was receiving was messing with productivity. I had gone to get some snacks and cheap food for the next couple of days when I ran and got into an altercation with a couple of sasaengs. It’s safer in my room and I have enough food in my apartment for the next few weeks.
A knock at my bedroom door draws my attention. Knock? Did they finally manage to break in? I know there are been some people hanging around my apartment for a while now. My eyes scan my room for a place to hide. I settle on the closet. I quietly make my way to the closet and situate myself in the back of it, hugging my knees to my chest. I can’t even call for help, my phone is somewhere on the floor in my living room where it has stayed after I threw it. I have been getting an insane amount of calls and texts I was being bombarded with.
My heart is pounding so hard, I can’t hear anything. I squeeze my eyes tight and take a deep breath in. I let my breath out as I rub my sweaty palms on my pant legs. I should have taken some sort of self-defense course when I decided to move out of my parents' house. I didn’t think I needed to. Hyunjin went along with me when I was looking for an apartment. This one was in the safest neighborhood in my price range. He left a pair of his shoes and one of his coats by the door so it looks like he lives here. Hyunjin. He’s going to be devastated when he finds out. Whatever happens today, I hope isn’t the one who finds me. He’d torture himself for not being here, for not knowing.
I hold my breath when I hear the closet door open. If I stay as still as humanly possible, maybe they’ll leave. I squeeze my eyes tighter as the footsteps walk a little deeper into the closet. A rush of cool air hits my face as the clothes around me move.
“Hyunjin! I found her!”
Chan? I open my eyes to find the older boy standing over me with soft, yet relieved eyes. Hyunjin runs into the room and makes eye contact with me. Chan walks out of the closet to make room for Hyunjin. He kneels next to me and engulfs me in a hug, burying my face in his chest. Breathing in his scent, I start sobbing.
We sit like that for what feels like hours. The whole time, Hyunjin stayed quietly stroking my hair. Being in Hyunjin’s arms is the most peace I’ve felt in a month. The warmth radiating from his body and his familiar scent lulls me into a quiet state.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper when I finally calm down enough.
“Why are you sorry? If anything, this is my fault.” Hyunjin’s voice cracks. I pull away from his chest and look into his eyes. They’re red and glassy. I swipe my thumb under his eye.
“It’s not your fault. You didn’t leak my information to the world.”
“That wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t dating me. Y/N,” he lets go of me and turns to face me fully, “I was so scared when I found out what happened. I was terrified that I was going to come here and find you…” Tears start to well up in his eyes at the thought of how badly this could have turned out.
“I know. I was scared too. But it’s fine. I’m fine”
“But it could have been really bad. Look at you—you’re covered in bruises. You can’t live here anymore.” He gently lifts my head to examine my face. Most of the damage is on my arms and torso, I have a small bruise on the corner of my mouth and a slightly busted lip.
“I know that—I’ve been looking at new places. But it’s going to take a while.”
“Just stay with me, it’s safer. Living with Changbin hyung and Chan hyung is like living with two bodyguards. And Jisung is pretty entertaining. Plus, I’m there.” I crack a small smile.
“Don’t you always complain about living with 3racha?” Hyunjin brushes my hair out of my face.
“Yeah, but maybe they’ll get their shit together if you move in with us. Anyway, let’s go. We can get something to eat and talk about everything.” Hyunjin stands up and sticks his hand out toward me. I take his hand and he pulls me up.
“I’m right behind you.”
Buy me a coffee?
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cutielando · 6 months
world champion ~ max verstappen
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Summary: You've been by Max's side since his early days in the business, and now he finally achieves his dream with you by his side.
Words: 1.0k+
Other works: my masterlist
Ever since he started in Formula 1, the biggest dream Max had was becoming a World Champion. Signing with Red Bull was the first step towards making his dream come true.
Having you by his side was the second thing he needed.
His family couldn't come at every single race that he had, having their own lives and work prevented them from being able to fly out to the numerous countries that he found himself in every week.
But you had a very flexible job, you had your own little business and could essentially work from your laptop from anywhere you were, which was why you had never missed a race since Max started in F1.
He always joked with Christian in calling you his lucky charm.
The season had been going well for him, he'd won numerous races and was now tied with Charles Leclerc in the Championship standings. But you knew he could do it, you could feel the win coming.
"I'm going crazy" he told you the night before the race that would essentially decide who the champion is.
The famous Yas Marina circuit in Abu Dhabi.
"Stop stressing, you're going to give yourself wrinkles if you stress so much" you called out from the hotel bathroom where you were doing your skincare routine before bed.
"How can I not be stressed? My career is essentially on the line. Everything relies on what happens tomorrow, I can't let everyone down and not win" he said, his voice quiet and somber.
You finished doing your skincare routine and exited the bathroom, joining him on the king sized bed and wrapping your arms around him.
He buried his face in your chest and held onto you tightly, your arms being the only comfort for his nerves before every single race.
"Nobody is going to hate you or judge you if you don't win. Everybody is going to be proud of you for being able to be at the top for the entire season. I'm proud of you, Max, and I'll be proud of you regardless if you finish in first or last place. Don't beat yourself up if things don't go your way tomorrow, there is always next year and we're all going to be there for you, no matter what" you explained, kissing the top of his head as a confirmation that you were there and will always be by his side, no matter the results.
"You really mean that?" his voice was timid, but you could feel his muscles starting to relax under your touch.
"Of course I do. You don't have to put this kind of pressure on yourself. You're not doing this for the fans or for your family or for me, you're only doing this for yourself. Just go out there and drive your best and let the results come to you if it's meant to be"
He nodded and squeezed you tighter. 
"I love you, so damn much" he mumbled, kissing your clothes chest and settling back down against you.
"I love you too, baby" you whispered and started running your hand up and down his back, knowing it was one of his favorite things.
As minutes went by, his breath started to slow down, indicating that he had fallen asleep. You smiled and placed a final kiss on his forehead before getting comfortable to go to sleep yourself, excited for what tomorrow would bring. 
The atmosphere in the Red Bull garage was exhilarating. For Christian and all the engineers, Max was already the World Champion.
Nothing could ruin their mood that morning, and the same could be said about you.
"How are you feeling?" you asked your boyfriend as he started getting ready to go in the car.
"Still nervous, but not as much as before. What happens, happens. I'll give it my best and we'll see" he said and gave you a sincere smile, reassuring you that he was okay.
"Good luck, baby. I love you, please be safe" you said and leaned up to kiss his lips before he'd have to put on his balaclava and helmet.
"I will. I love you too" 
He departed after that, going over last-minute strategies with his engineers and making sure the car was ready for battle.
Once the mechanics rolled him out of the garage and onto the track, you took a seat next to his race engineer, who immediately gave you a pair of headphones.
"How's our boy?" he asked you, a warm smile on his face.
You and Gianpiero had a close relationship ever since he started working with Max, frequently exchanging thoughts and opinions before and after every race.
Sure, you didn't have the whole technical knowledge perfected yet, but you knew your way around the sport and strategies and everything after being with Max for so many years.
"He's nervous, but I know he's going to give it his all. I told him to drive his best and see what happens. Didn't feel like putting more pressure on him than necessary" you explained, earning a nod from the engineer.
"He'll win, I can feel it"
And right he was.
Seeing him cross that finish line and checkered flag long before anyone else was like a breath of fresh air. You and Gianpiero jumped up from your seats and hugged each other, your cheeks already full of the tears that were flowing down.
You took your headphones off and make your way out of the garage, impatiently waiting for Max to pull up and get out of the car.
Once you saw his car approaching, you started jumping up and down, feeling happier than you had ever been.
"You did it!!" you screamed once Max got out of the car and enveloped you in his arms.
You didn't even care that he was sweaty and tired, all you could focus on was the fact that he had finally achieved his childhood dream.
"I did it" he sobbed into your shoulder, his arms holding you tightly against his body.
As you stood embraced in the middle of the paddock in your own little bubble, you knew that all of the sleepless nights, the hundred hours of training, the dozens races he's done, his entire hard work has finally paid off.
He was World Champion.
But more importantly, he was your champion. 
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greynatomy · 6 months
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alessia russo x reader
based on this and this request.
You were currently seven months pregnant. And you were miserable. Alessia, your wife, has been amazing through the whole journey.
Like right now, you woke up in the middle of the night after feeling some pain in your back. Unable to fall asleep, you carefully got out of your wife’s grip and exited the bedroom. You went to the living room, seeing a bit of a mess and started to clean up.
Back in the bedroom, Alessia stirs in her sleep and reaches out to the other side of the bed for you only to find it empty. The space was still slightly warm meaning you got out just recently. She gets out of the bed, shivering when her bare feet touches the cold floor and makes her way out. Entering the living room, she finds you with a duster, dusting anything and everything you could reach. She leans against the hallway wall, arms folded over her chest.
“Hey, honey. What are you doing?”
“Ugh! Don’t even get me started.”
“Anything I can do to help?”
“If you can somehow get this baby out of me.”
Alessia pushes off the wall and walks towards you.
“Can I try something?” You feel her standing behind you, her breath fanning against your ear sending shivers down your spine. You can only let out a hum of confirmation, too flustered to know how to use words.
Her arms move to wrap themselves around your waist, hands coming under your bump.
“What are you doing?”
“Shh. Just lean on me.” Her voice soft, you comply, turning your head to breathe in her scent.
She intertwines her hands together under your bump, slowly and carefully lifts your stomach up. Immediately you let out a sigh, relieved at the weight being taken from you.
“Oh, I could marry you all over again.”
She holds your stomach for about a minute, pressing light kisses all over your neck and shoulders.
“I’m gonna put it down slowly now.” She does, making you release a groan. “Think you can come back to bed?”
A few days later, Alessia had gotten home late. She expected you to be asleep, but she found you awake sitting at the dining room table, laptop open and papers sprawled over.
“Baby? Why are you still up?” She asks, moving to stand behind you, hands massaging your shoulders.
You sigh, not taking your eyes off the screen.
“There’s still so much to do.”
“Well, when do you need them done by?”
“Uh, Thursday.”
“Babe. You have like a week to get it done. You’re working too much.”
“I just wanna get ahead.”
Being with you for years, Alessia knows one way to get you to stop working. Grabbing her phone, she connects it to the speakers around the house.
You look away from the screen, hearing the familiar song, a favorite of yours.
Perfect by Ed Sheeran
“May I have this dance?”
You accept her hand that she held out for you. She pulls you as close to her as she could, minding your belly. It’s was silent bar the music. Alessia takes the lead, swaying to the melody.
“You really shouldn’t be overworking yourself, amore mio. It’s not good for you and the baby.”
You sigh into her neck. “I know. I just want to get everything done before she comes.”
“And you will. Just give yourself some more breaks. I want the baby to be healthy, but I want my wife to be healthy as well.”
Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her homeI found a lover, to carry more than just my secrets To carry love, to carry children of our own
“Feel like watching a film with me?”
“Depends. Which film?”
“Oh, baby. If you think I was bad watching that before I was pregnant, wait and see after. These hormones got me acting up.”
“And I’ll have a box of tissues ready for you.”
She pulls away from the dance, hands coming up to cup your cheeks as the song ends, giving you a passionate kiss. It makes you tear up.
Pulling away from the kiss, she goes back to hold you, her warm breath fanning over your ear as she sings you the last line.
You look perfect tonight.
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
nude model!gojo who honestly became a nude modeller for fun. the man already had a successful career as a cat walker, cataloguer and a social media influencer but it just wasn’t doing anything for him.
“satoru, i just dont think it’s worth the indecency to move down that career pathe. plus it’s just tacky.”
safe to say, that personal assistant was sacked! that was nude model!gojo’s trigger to pull away from the agency life and is now a freelancing nude model — yippee!
but unfortunately, nude model!gojo found out the hard way that freelancing wasn’t easy and that maybe he kinda underestimated the power of a pa scouting all those gigs for him. not very yippee at all. but not to threat! nude model!gojo has connections of his own — friends who owe him favours, models who looked up to him, fans who revered him! luckily, the first person nude model!gojo could think to turn to was his trusty best friend who also happened to be an excellent networker.
“you want me to find you a nude gig, right?”
your face glowers blue from the light of your laptop. your eyes peer over the top to watch at nude model!gojo who appeared to have no concern for a couch that wasn’t his own.
“yes. nothing catwalky or social media-y. that shit actually acquires work.” nude model!gojo groans.
“i hear it…” you continue tapping at your laptop but after a few minutes youre shaking your head.
“no luck?” nude model!gojo mumbles.
“there’s barely anything paid for this typa stuff. at this point you’re better off creating the content yourself to build a portfolio.” with a shrug you close your laptop screen.
sitting up, nude model!gojo suddenly has an enthusiastic spirit. something in you tells you that’s a bad reaction.
“then why don’t we make a portfolio now?!”
you sigh, because you somehow knew he’d suggest something along those lines, but anything to help a creative in need you guess.
backdrop out, lamp lights on and nude model!gojos walking around butt naked in your living room turned-studio.
“gojo, you can’t be bricked up for this typa shit.” you half sigh as you try and avert your eyes. now that you think about it, this was your first time seeing nude model!gojo in this light and youd be lying if you said you weren’t impressed.
with a huff, nude model!gojo sits down on the chair propped up between the lamplights and backdrop, manspreading as if he was fully clothed.
“hows that my fault?”
he grumbles but theres a glint in his blue pupils once he sees your wandering eyes that always seem to watch back at his curved cock. with a sly smile, nude model!gojo holds his member at the base and languidly strokes a hand up it as he watches your wanton reaction.
“well?!” he teases at you to gauge your attention. when your eyes meet his, he knows you’re both on the same page. “its not gonna go down on its own now, is it?”
nude model!gojo moans with his head backwards at the feeling of your mouth indulging around his cock. the soft wetness of your tongue and hollowed cheeks are so addictingly sweet that he cant help but buck upwards into you.
“oh…my love, you’re just perfect.”
nude model!gojo is even more enamoured once he realises that you dont even let your gag reflexes stop you from spatting up onto his cock, your saliva bubbly white and phlegmish as you the continue to fist the rest of his length.
“dont need no gig…” he moans as he ends up fucking your face. “you’re enough” is what he ends up garbling before he’s spilling down the length of your throat.
hes so pleased. so so pleased at your performance. nude model!gojo almost jokes that you should probably start a channel with him — give the audience something they dont even know they want yet.
“let’s focus on getting your portfolio done first.” you croak, as you wipe your lips with your palms but when you look up at nude model!gojo from your position on the floor, shivers run down your back.
“problem hasn’t been solved yet though.” nude model!gojo says as he sweetly taps his once again semi hard cock against the dip of your lips.
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
Lando's and Quadrant's fans finding out his girl is quite sarcastic and funny through one of the streams 👀
You walked into the stream room after Max and Lando gave you the okay, "but as we were saying, it gets harder the more you work with it!", you heard as soon as you set the snacks on the table.
"You know what also gets harder the longer they're played with?", Lando wiggled his eyebrows at you, the mischievous glint on his eyes looking up at you from his spot on the chair while Max groaned, "I swear, you guys there are people watching!", he muttered.
"I know what, bread dough!", you smiled, "so the yeast goes all into place where it should be, you need to be careful otherwise the bread won't be good", you answered, waving at the camera before you left to grab your laptop in your own office, smirking as Max high-fived you.
"When I said 'whatever helps you sleep at night', I didn't mean this, baby", you chuckled as you found Lando with arms held out for you to lay against his chest, looking at the flood of comments in the chat, "I didn't know that he was streaming, and I told him over lunch that he was the best, you know, to help morale and stuff, and whatever he needed my help for", you giggled, kissing his cheek as you looked at the stats on the screen.
"Who do you think is going to let you play?", your boyfriend questioned as you pushed the keyboard closer to you, "who's going to stop me?", you chirped back, smirking at your own antics.
(Thank you for your submission ✨️)
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seaadc · 9 months
sshshshshsh heyhey could i have some uhh aqua hoshino x streamer!reader
I feel like such a genius for thinking about this my third eye has been opened
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status | aqua hoshino x streamer!fem!reader
summary: aqua being madly infatuated with you ever since he had saw you streaming.
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- “If the world was against us, then I’m against the world.”
You are definitely in for a treat, definitely.
Before Aqua had met you, he was not that quite.. expressive? He had a cold demeanor, You can call him stern, but not too quite.
When Aqua was silently working on the little short trailer of a video that the team he was working with in “Love now” was gonna post, He came across you in the internet.
You were streaming in youtube, Your hair looked good and it looks recently brushed. You were talking to your fans since you were popular— heck, you even knew Mem-cho! You were slightly more popular than her which caused you to have a lot of viewers.
The girl was talking about her life and desires, how she’d want to be an idol someday. Aqua narrowed his eyes at the screen, staring deep into your galactic eyes.. How mesmerizing. He wouldn’t admit that
You were acting all so bubbly and giddy, showing your viewers some stuff in your room. And, to be honest, Aqua enjoyed watching you. Or was he just tired? He was tired from editing the short clip, he just laid his head down the table and using his arms as support while he looked at the laptop, gazing into your eyes that wasn’t even staring into his own.
He then sighed and closed the laptop, standing up while he went outside to grab the juice Yuki was going to gave him.
Aqua went out, Mem-cho went inside and opened the laptop, checking if the video had gotten more popular but she was greeted by a familiar face.
“Oh! It’s [Name]!” The blondie muttered to herself, wondering what was the tab doing in the laptop.
“Huh.. Aqua left the room last.”
Aqua decided to take a stroll outside the building, not too far but not too near. He was walking down the sidewalks when he felt like he should get a snack. He went to the nearest store and went inside, the bell on top of the door ringing.
Aqua sighed to himself and grabbed some chips, To his surprise there was a girl next to him.
She looked up at the shelf and grabbed the same chips Aqua had got but a different flavor, The girl smiled brightly to herself and adjusted her cap.
Aqua looked at her, He was 2 inches taller than her if he could presume.. She looked oddly familiar.
“Miss… Uh.. Have I seen you somewhere?” Aqua asked softly, his eyes narrowing at the girl’s cap which was colored white.
The girl looked up at him, Aqua widening his eyes at the realization it was the streamer had come across earlier.
“Well that’s interesting. People can still recognize me?” You mumbled, sighing in disbelief while you headed over at the cashier and placed your chips down at the counter.
Aqua hummed and followed, right behind you while he waited in line. It was awkward.. The only sound you could hear was the cashier’s machine clacking and doing such beeps.
The girl turned and looked at Aqua, smiling warmly. “[Name], At your service.” She introduced, and left while the bell rang.
Aqua stared off into the door, following your figure until it has dissipated. He looked down at the chips and put it down the counter.. Somehow, He felt.. attached. He couldn’t explain why, It was definitely not the universe playing tricks on both of you… right?
Ever since Aqua met you in real life, He couldn’t stop. As in, He couldn’t stop checking your profile everyday to see if you have a new video or stream. Truth be told, He watched every single video you had made and streams. Even if they were past streams, He still persevered to watch it.
Aqua felt comfortable and satisfied whenever he would rewatch a video of yours when you won’t post due to lack of motivation, but he would always check. Everyday, Everynight.
One day as you set up your computer, You thought of the fair blonde guy you met at the shop. You smiled at the thought, knowing it was the same guy you supported in the show “Love now” and the upcoming Tokyo Revenger live action.
You started streaming and viewers rushed in the stream, waiting for other viewers to arrive while a certain username joined.
“AquaHoshino… Are you a fan or the guy himself?” You chuckled, the viewers commenting of how cute and adorable your smile is while the user you had mentioned didn’t reply.
Meanwhile, through the other screen, Aqua couldn’t contain himself when his tongue slipped out of your mouth. He kept staring at your face, He didn’t know why, but the word that fits to what he kept on doing for the past few months was definitely ‘Infatuation’.
Considering he was a doctor before, ‘course he knew what this thing was. But it took him quite a long time to accept that he was inlove with you. A streamer who makes money off it.
Aqua just entered Strawberry Productions since Miyako called for him, only to find out that you, yes you, had signed a contract. Turns out Mem-cho had invited you and both of you were conversing with eachother on the green couch.
Miyako smiled and walked up to Aqua. “We have a new member.” She spoke with a soothing voice. Aqua flinched when he saw you, You both held eye contact until you smiled.
Oh shit, That was the best thing he ever saw. (except Ai’s smile) His heart melted, feeling it race like a sports car. Aqua cleared his throat and turned away, trying to hide the redness creeping up to his face while Mem-cho merely giggled. “Your so charismatic, [Name]-chan.” Mem-cho teased to which Aqua sighed at, He left the area to not get embarrassed any further and went to his room, leaving a very confused [Name]. and he would probably sabotage things a bit because he doesnt want you to be an idol, being a streamer is already making you tired and he doesn’t want that.
And since then, You would always talk to him with the most giddy-est personality ever. He would reply in short answers but he enjoyed your company, he wasn’t going to say that straightforwardly to you but might as well include it.
He would enjoy the peaceful silence you both shared in benches, school cafeterias, living rooms, and so many more places!
Aqua would probably be clingy to you in private, He isn’t a fan of PDA but he would gladly let you if you would do the first move or if he’s.. ehem.. jealous.
He once saw you conversing too much with a male employee at the cinema counter since you asked to join him in the mall which he couldn’t decline at. Only to find out another person was going to spend all your time with him.
Aqua approached with the popcorn he had bought and gave one to you, glaring at the employee. You thanked him while he simply nodded.
He took your hand and intertwined it with his, which made your heart pounding like some sort of wildebeest in a stampede.
And you both enjoyed that day.
Aqua had confessed, inside the store you both first met. The cashier looked very amused while imaginary stars appeared beside her.
“W-what..?“ You stuttered, blushing a pink hue at the sudden confession Aqua had made, since he just kind of.. said that so fast.
Aqua sighed with the tip of his ears were flaming red while his cheeks were red too. “I’m not repeating that.” He blurted out, looking away while he kept a blank expression though the color of his cheeks say otherwise.
Being his girlfriend made you realize how hard is life is, how he would risk anything just to get justice for his mother. Which he told you after a few not a few months of dating. He got comfortable around you and you would always be there to comfort him during his nightmares, And he would always be there for you whenever you get a hate comment that gets you really insecure.
To be honest, You would probably wake up one day and getting the news of the person who kept on hating on you suddenly so quiet… I wonder what your lovely red flag boyfriend did.
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Blorbo thought of the day #7
Call me: (feral!Steven Grant x fem!reader)
Summary: Steven needs you. What else is new?
Genre: pwp, established relationship
Author’s note: ya seemed to enjoy feral!Steven getting sucked off and so… I brought him back. So, here is Steven just being all out needy and desperate for you… at the most inconvenient of times. (Dashes of Marc.)
Warnings: masturbation (at work), phone sex, sorta dirty talk.
MINORS (and ageless/untitled blogs) interacting will be blocked. 18+ only
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“I’ve got a bit of a problem,” Steven breathes through the phone, and you immediately note how his voice sounds alarmingly wobbly.
In response, you pace just as urgently to your office, seeking privacy, and keeping your voice hushed as you swerve through the corridors. “What is it? Is everything alright?”
“Mmhmph. I need you.” His voice is quivering now, and it only adds to your sudden, spiking concern. “So good to hear your voice, I…”
“Okay. Okay, Steven, I can be there,” you reassure without a second thought, clicking your office door closed behind you and scanning your desk for your car keys. “Just tell me what happened.”
“Oh. Oh, no. I’m fine, love,” Steven backtracks. “I don’t want to worry you. It’s just. It’s just that I… I need you.” His emphasis on the word need is a little bratty. Almost petulant. Stretched out, low and slow.
Oh. Oh it’s like that, is it?
You plonk yourself down into your office chair, with relief that he’s okay. And then, it doesn’t take long at all for you to reframe the conversation so far. To rethink the breathiness and tremor in his voice.
You recognise it.
That desperation.
That want; the pleas normally delivered into your skin, your throat, your arousal, spoken in between obedient swipes of his tongue.
“Oh, you do, baby? Well, I need you too, Steven,” you purr, voice hushed - as though someone else in the building could possibly hear you, even though you’re relatively sure that would be impossible. You slam the lid on your laptop shut all the same though, just in case you somehow initiate a video call against all conceivable odds. Then, licking your lips, you think up something tantalising to offer him, and it doesn’t take you long. “Just wait until later, baby. I’ll take all of you in my mouth until-“
“No?” But he usually likes that.
“No. I can’t wait,” he pleads, and the neediness in his hoarse, fractured voice has you pulsing with your own want. Squeezing your thighs unconsciously together. “You’ve got to help me. Please.”
“Fuck. Where are you?”
“I’m downstairs. In inventory.” You bite your lip. Steven hates that room. His need must really be a problem if he’s willingly taken himself down there. Out of sight. He must really be driven to distraction, and God, the thought of him working himself up behind that gift shop desk - with no possible hope of relieving himself - makes you feel some kind of way.
“Are you alone?”
“Of course I’m alone. I’ve had to lock the bloody door, haven’t I? I’ll get blimmin’ arrested if I walk around the museum with this in my trousers.” Your mind short-circuits a little at the thought of his bulging arousal. “I’m just so… uhhhhh. You have to help me, love. Can’t stop thinking about you and your beautiful body and I…” he huffs a punched breath into the receiver. “I need you.” The plea sends a warm honey melting through you core, and you can’t help but tease the pad of your finger along the centre seam of your trousers, enjoying the pressure against your now aching clit.
“Mmmm. Are you all hard for me, Steven?”
“Y-yes,” he flusters, and you can imagine his pretty eyelashes fanning against his cheek. “Aching. I thought hearing your voice would make it better but it’s… even harder to… concentrate on anythin’ else…”
The effect you have on him. How open he is with his want. Some men would be derogatory about how earnest Steven is, you’re sure. Personally, however, you find a man who knows what he wants and who isn’t afraid of it so endlessly hot. Especially, of course, when what he wants so badly is you.
Thinking quickly, you unfurl your headphones from your pocket, plugging them into your phone and leaving it on the desk. If you’re going to make Steven come, you want it in surround sound. And, of course, you might just want your own hands entirely free, after all. “It’s okay, Steven,” you soothe, voice smooth as silk and dousing some of his urgency. You hear a relieved exhale sound into the shell of your ear. “I’m going to help you, baby boy. Don’t worry. I’m here.”
“Th-thank you.”
“Good, Steven. Now. Can you… can you take yourself out of your pants?” You fight now to keep your own voice level, your chest heaving slightly - getting worked up for him too.
“Wh-what? Here? You can’t be bloody serious. Donna would have a-“
“-Yes. Right there, Steven,” you say more firmly. “It’ll be okay. It’ll be good. Can you do that for me?”
You can tell that he doesn’t have the will to argue. That he wants this. “O-okay. One sec. I’m gonna-”
You vaguely hear the clink of a belt buckle being loosened. Imagine that you hear the crank of a zip. But you most definitely do hear Steven’s muffled groan into the receiver, which lets you know - with certainty- that he’s now gripping his aching, weighty shaft in his broad, warm hand.
Tension hangs taut on the line, and his voice comes back little more than a whisper - which somehow fills your head all the same. “What now?”
“Move your hand, Steven. Up and down that thick shaft of yours. Really slow. Don’t rush.” Steven is breathing so hard that the sound crackles through your headphones, like a rumble of thunder in your head. “Are you hard, baby boy? Tell me.”
“‘M so hard.”
“Feel tender?” Steven’s in the most sensitive cock you’ve had. You think of the way he jerks and bucks against every touch. The way the flushed head of him throbs. The gusts of breath which billows out as his hands twist in the sheets. As he tries to stave off his end and fails. As you make him come over and over, just the way he likes, until he’s made a mess of himself, load after load covering his toned stomach. Edging him and milking him until he can’t take it anymore - and still, he begs you not to stop.
“Mmmmhmmm,” he hums affirmatively.
“Most sensitive cock I’ve had, aren’t you, my sweet thing?”
His breath and his voice are shaking now, fluttering against the receiver like fragile bird’s wings. “Y-yes. Only for you. Make me feel so g-good.”
“Mmm, Steven. Fuck. You’re making me all wet at my desk, do you know that? Keep touching yourself for me. Don’t you dare stop.”
“Won’t. Can’t stop. Anything you say.”
“That’s good, sweet boy.”
“W-will you… will you do it with me? Can you? Please.” The words are being squeezed out of him now, the way the circle of his fist must be squeezing down on his shaft. Gripping himself hard. Rolling his palm over the sensitive head of him, spreading that leaked bead of slick over his flushed, veined length. “Need to hear you, darling. B-been thinking about it all morning. The way you moaned into my ear last night when we made you cum. Like an angel, so beautiful. Keep thinking about you touching me. Making me give you everything, love.”
You can’t be blamed, can you, for popping the button on your trousers. For slipping them down around your ankles beneath the desk so you can part your legs just enough. For dragging your knickers aside just enough to skim a finger through your heat, finding it sensitive and slick. “I’m soaking, Steven. All wet for you. Do you want me to touch myself? Is that what you need?”
“Yes.” The man sounds broken. Levelled by want. You think back to how shy he was when you’d first gotten to know him. When he’d never had anyone touch him like that. About how quickly all of that unravelled as soon as you had gotten your hands - and mouth, and heat- on him.
“I’m going to put a finger inside of myself now, just for you.”
“No,” he counters.
“Two. Spread yourself open.”
“Fuck. Okay.” You slip two fingers inside of yourself and you find that your cunt swallows them eagerly, so ready to be filled. “Still touching yourself for me too?”
“Yes. I wanna…”
“What do you want?”
“Wanna be good for you.”
Hnnng. From the bashfulness in his tone you can imagine the crimson flush creeping up his neck and reddening his cheeks all too well. You wonder if, with your words, you can make him blush more deeply again, even if you aren’t there to see it. “You are good for me,” you purr, and his breaths grow more ragged, the sounds coming hard and fast through the headphones. “You’re so good for me, Steven. So handsome. So beautiful. Touching yourself so well. Going to give me everything, aren’t you?”
“Use your words, baby boy. How does it feel? Tell me.”
“N-nothing like you,” he stutters. “But f-feels good. Feels n-nice.
You moan too, as you pulse your two fingers inside your heat, curling them and gathering up your dripping juices. Steven moans too as he hears your own sounds filter through the phone, and you can only imagine the glassy-eyed, pussy-drunk look washing over his face.
“So beautiful,” he gushes. “Want to be inside you.”
“Again. Please.”
“What, baby?”
“Touch yourself, and say my name again. Please. Not anyone else. Need you all for myself.”
“Who’s a greedy little thing today, hmm?”
“Yeah. I am. Don’t care. Want you to be all mine. Need you so badly. Please.”
His broken, cracked apart plea breaks you, and you relish the pressure and glide of the slick pads of your fingers as you circle them against your wanting clit. “Steven,” you suspire, and that’s a wrecked sound too. You realise then the state you’re in, his brazen want inching you towards your own precipice. Dragging you over that edge with him. “Fuck, Steven, you’re going to make me come at my desk.”
“Want you to. Need you to. Please.”
“Are you close?”
“I’m going to make a mess.”
“Mmmm. That sounds delicious.”
Steven submits some broken apart syllables to you then, unable to get his words out.
“What is it, baby boy?”
“What should I think about when I…?” He huffs out a taut, loaded breath, and you know it signals that he is close to his end.
You increase the pressure and ministrations of your own hand, thinking about him doing the same. Thinking about how, if he were here, he could so easily glide the swollen head of him inside you and pulse himself into the depths of you. “Think about opening me up on your cock, Steven. Think about-“
That’s enough.
That’s enough and Steven’s blissed-out noises fill your head. You slip your fingers back inside of yourself as you picture him spilling himself over his own knuckles, the slight look of awe and surprise that always settles over his pretty face when he comes undone for you. You thumb at your clit and it’s enough. More than enough as Steven’s breathy noises punctuate each relieving pulse of his cock.
“Yes, that’s it, Steven. I’m coming now too. Fuck, baby. So good for me.”
Shit. You’re coming hard. So hard that you buck yourself against your own hand. That you screw your eyes shut as his disbelieving moans fill your head, right in the shell of your ear as though he is next to you. The sensations explode out through your whole body and you shudder with aftershocks, nervy and shaking, and sitting in a pool of your own juices on the sticky, faux leather office chair.
You relish it. Stay silent for a moment as you listen to Steven squeeze out every last drop. Wring himself dry. You enjoy each little nuance and variation of his ragged breaths right in your ear. All his little noises as he comes down, increasingly slow instead of urgent. Calm and sated rather than distressed. “Mmmm,” he hums as you curl your fingers inside of you one more time, the sound drawing a final, blooming aftershock from you which seeps warmly through your core. “Thank you, love.”
“Better?” You smile softly, feeling sleepy and cosy, despite it being the middle of the day. Despite being in your goddamn office.
“Much, thank you. You’re a goddess, you know?”
“So I’ve been told,” you smile, thinking of the man who has met actual deities and still sees fit to address you as such. It makes you feel special. Continues the warm buzz emanating through your body.
“Are you all gooey now?”
“I’ve made quite the mess,” you giggle.
“Me too.”
“Can you clean up?”
“Think so. Mostly went on the wall, thankfully. Bugger - there’s so bloody much of it.”
“Just couldn’t wait for me, baby?”
“No, angel.” There is a beat, as Steven’s feral state recedes, and his unfortunate thud back to reality begins. “Oh god, you weren’t busy when I called, were you, love?”
“Nah. Was only in a meeting with Royce. The twatty foxhunter prick?” Steven hums to signal he remembers. “Trust me. This was much more fun.”
“I’m glad. I’m gonna have to go though, love, I’m so sorry to dash.” You glance at the clock. He doesn’t have long left of his lunch break. “I love you, so much.”
“I love you too, Steven.”
“See you later tonight, yeah?”
“Bye, baby.”
You feel blissed out as you prepare to hang-up the call; however, something prevents you from doing so. Another, even more unexpected voice on the line.
“Wait. Don’t hang up.”
Your stomach churns pleasantly, wondering if he’s been listening to you. Maybe even watching Steven. “I’m here. Been missing you.” It’s been a few days since he fronted.
“Good. ‘Cause it’s my turn next. How’s that little clit feeling, princess? Can it take another thrashing?”
“Jesus, Marc.”
“What? Getting Steven all worked up like that… Think you don’t do the exact same thing to me?”
“Mmmmph.” Words fail you right now, honestly. Sometimes, you truly can’t believe how lucky you are. “Alright. Tell me then. How can I be of service to you, Marc?”
“First thing’s first. Send me a picture of the mess you made.”
A dark smirk blooms over your mouth. “I will if you will.”
There is a beat. You hang on his every word, until he responds to you. “Copy that. But you’ll have to get me to make one first.”
Well. You might be in the office, but today, you really love your job.
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evermourning · 9 months
𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 - bang chan
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pairing: bang chan x reader
genre: fluff, comfort, slice of life, based off "must be love" by laufey
wc: 0.8k
warnings: neck kisses (non-sexual), use of nicknames (baby, sweetheart), language
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now that you had someone you could call your own, it was like time stopped.
you were used to not much going your way, like the world had it out for you. it was some sort of sick fucking joke, like a dark raincloud hanging over your fate and covering up all that was good. you learned to code with it. that was how you lived.
until chan came along, of course.
he was the warm ray of sunshine you needed to push the melancholia inside you away. immediately, you could tell something was different. this guy was just full of so much love, it seemed surreal. intangible.
now, months into a relationship with the supposed man of your dreams, you missed him miserably. he sat absorbed in his work, the studio forming a impenetrable fortress that took away any means of self or time...and you sat in traffic.
whenever you were with him, the bad things faded out of view, and when you weren't near his remedial presence, they quickly made themselves known once again.
however, your boyfriend had taught you to appreciate the little things in life. you were composed, calm as you settled into the remotely soft car seat and looked out your window. the sky was like a canvas, warm colors with hues of reds, oranges, pinks, and yellows danced across the dimming sky as the sun bid its final goodbyes...until it would return joyously the next day, like clockwork.
when you finally arrived home, much later than anticipated, you opened the door to the smell of spices and a delicious and piquant scent wafting from the oven, and your boyfriend hard at work in the kitchen.
"you're back!" he said, grinning. carefully setting down the wooden spoon, making sure not even a single drop stained your counters. "i was beginning to worry, you didn't even send me a text..." he faked a pout, only causing your smile to widen.
"i'm sorry, the sunset was so mesmerizing tonight, baby. and i was stuck in traffic." seeing his incredulous glance, you let out a tiny chuckle. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry! in my defense, i thought you were holed up in your studio again, so i assumed you wouldn't even be here..."
"can't do that as much anymore," he mumbled, wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder. "my baby would miss me too much."
you laughed softly, closing your eyes and feeling yourself get lost in the moment as chan pressed soft kisses along your collarbone and neck.
the little moments like these were the ones where you let yourself go, succumbing to the tranquility of the time spent with him.
you'd fallen so hard, you realized. sometimes you couldn't even believe he was your lover, feeling more akin to some silly school crush whenever you'd get all tongue-tied from his rampant flirting.
this was something more than a crush, though. this feeling of a blooming flower, spreading its vibrant petals far and wide throughout your heart was new. and you...liked it.
"where the hell have you been? you're almost alway busy nowadays!" your friend nagged on the phone. "don't tell me that no-good boyfriend of yours is monopolizing all your time...." you tuned her out as her incessant cacophony of yapping made your ears ring. instead, you chose to focus on your boyfriend's eyes, two serene pools of melted chocolate, filled with an elixir of love only for you.
"you're so damn pretty." he commented, staring at you, his lips stretched into a goofy little grin. "i wanna write another song about you."
"another?" you asked, hanging up on your friend. the silence felt heavenly. "you've been writing quite a bit recently, sweetheart...don't you think your fans will start to notice?"
his grin widened.
"see, that's my master plan. i keep all the recordings on my special laptop. therefore, i'll have them without the fans knowing. just for the two of us." he cooed, giving you a quick yet loving kiss. "you should go see ms. screech owl, now. i don't want to prove her point and monopolize your attention...although i really wish i could."
his words played on your heartstrings like a talented violinist, as usual. nowadays, he conducted an entire symphony inside your heart, driving you absolutely crazy.
nearly every waking moment, you felt euphoric, stuck inside a wonderland just for you. chan inhabited every waking thought of yours, and you just couldn't shake him. when he wasn't with you, it felt like a piece of you wasn't there. when he was with you, you felt like you were on cloud nine.
this wasn't normal, you concluded. there was only one possible answer to the scenario you'd entangled yourself in.
this was love, wasn't it?
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How to Plant Snapdragons (pt. 5)
Task Force141 + König + Keegan x Female Criminal!Reader (except Captain Price, because he'll be like a father to the bunch, and König and Keegan won't appear until later on in the story)
CHAPTER SUMMARY: You and Task Force 141 arrived in Rio along with Phillip Graves and his company.
You are currently reading Chapter 5. Here is Chapter 4 and the Masterlist!
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CONTENT WARNING: Strong Language and Violence, Bullying Soap (don't take it seriously) WORD COUNT: 2.8k
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“So, you fucked with him?” Soap questioned in a low voice, mouth next to your ear as you both took a seat in the plane. Gaz who was over his side leaned in the conversation as well, while Price sighed and Ghost simply stayed quiet beside you.
You pulled down the headset to your neck and raised a brow. “Who?”
Soap pulled a face and mouthed, "Graves."
You guffawed, throwing your head back that you slammed into the metal wall, but that didn't stop you. You repeatedly slapped your thigh, wheezing to the point you coughed and felt like vomiting.
The shadows on the opposite side of the plane stared at you with frowns underneath their goggles. They had worked and lived with you under the same roof, but they had never gotten used to how you laughed.
You hated Graves’ guts, but you could acknowledge a fine man who knew how things work. You had seen him in the gym during your time in the Shadow Company. Topless, and sweaty, his veins bulging every time his muscles flexed, and you couldn’t help but steal a glance and draw what you could remember when you were alone (which you sold to one of his shadows—you didn’t know if the guy was into Graves or his fans or maybe both). But that was it—he had done many things that you hated, and you had equally given him things that he loathed.
You calmed yourself down and smiled at Soap, who also stared at you in confusion. "I'd cut my vagina if ever I had his penis in me."
Soap and Gaz's mouths flew open.
Ghost grunted. "Fuckin’ Hell, have ya got no filter?"
"Watch the language, young lady," Price ordered, shaking his head.
You frowned, waving a hand. "What? It's the scientific term for the reproductive organs of females and males." You crossed your arms and huffed. "Is it because you guys don't actually know the right terms for women and your genitals? The outside of the pussy is called the vulva where you men are supposed to do your best to please—" The next words never left your mouth as Soap clamped his large hand on your face.
"I don't want to have SexEd in an airplane, please," Soap said, glancing at the Shadows across the 141. Was this what they experienced during your stay in the Shadow Company? Did they get it worse or did you mind your own business before? He doubted it would be the latter.
Johnny pulled his hand from you as you all felt the plane running and you quickly strapped your seatbelt on you to secure your position. It didn’t take long till the transport was airborne, the loud engines echoing through your headset, and it felt like something heavy was on you. You all kept silent until everything seemed to steady and Captain Price removed his seatbelt, rising to his feet and walking over to a table. He placed a laptop on top of it and pushed it open.
Graves followed suit, stopping on the other side of the table. “Shadows, gather around.”
The Task Force rose from their positions and crowded around the table, while you stood between Graves and Price, making them both look at you for a second before shifting their attention back to the device. Once again, both the leaders talked over the key points of the mission, starting from going to Graves facility in Salvador to travel by chopper instead, the raid in the favelas to capture the target, subduing the militia, and the exfiltration with Nikolai and the Shadow Company, before going back to the Shadows' facility.
“What if he refuses to speak English?” Gaz questioned, grabbing onto his vest. “We’ve dealt with people who wouldn’t speak even after torture.”
“So have I,” Graves claimed, making you silently scoff before he turned to you. “That’s why we have her.”
Heads snapped towards your way, and Ghost asked, “You know Portuguese?”
You raised a finger and opened your mouth to answer, but the CEO was faster. “Seen her teach one of my men before.”
You knew Portuguese, alright, but you didn’t teach one of his shadows Portuguese. It was Arabic numerals. Yet you also didn’t feel like correcting him and let Graves assume things. It was better for him to think that you only knew Portuguese and English.
You put your hand down. "What he said, but I'm not that fluent."
"Better than nothing," Price declared and he put a hand on the table. "Let's end it here for now. We still have some time later on."
One simple nod from Graves, the Shadow scattered, and he patted the Captain's shoulder before stepping away, going in the direction of the pilot.
As the Task Force 141 walked back to their seats, you patted Ghost's arm. He looked down at you with a questioning gaze and you asked, "Do you have any spare mask and war paint?"
"Why?" He inquired, reaching into one of the pockets of his vest.
You raised a brow. "If I want to get back safely in Rio again, I'll have to hide my face from the locals, no?"
He scoffed and pulled out a mask, handing it down to you. It was a black balaclava with a white skull design. Very Ghost fashion, but it was something similar to what you used to see every day before. "Ya know how to put on camo?"
"Yeah." You nodded, tracing your finger on the soft fabric—thankful that it didn’t actually smell of dirt, sweat, and blood. You weren't a fan of camo face paints as they were hard to remove, and you had someone put it on you instead because you couldn't paint camo on without poking your eye or putting some paint on your eye, said the person. That was a lie. That person just wanted to keep holding your face, running their thumb over your lips, or say there wasn't any mirror when in fact, they keep mirrors all the time as part of the tactic not to expose their head when peeking out a corner.
"Alright." Ghost gave you a can of paint and a mirror.
You both sat down and you began to paint the upper half part of your face since the balaclava would cover the rest. You put the paint down on your lap and pulled the mirror away, angling your head from right to left. Then, you slipped the mask on, adjusted the hole around your sight, and tucked the hem under the collar of your jacket. “How do I look?” you inquired, handing back the camo and mirror to Ghost.
“Ready to kick some arse,” Soap fired immediately.
“A she-ghost,” Gaz said.
“Ghost’s sibling,” the Captain commented.
You, Soap, and Ghost turned the other two. Soap pursed his lips to stop himself from smiling, while Ghost glared at them. You, on the other hand, had a grimace underneath the mask. “Agreeing with your favorite, Captain?”
A gasp escaped Kyle’s lips, facing the Price with bright, expecting eyes. “I’m your favorite?”
Johnny’s brows furrowed. “He’s your favorite?”
Simon couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “Since when do we have favorites?”
Price pulled a face, shaking his head. “I don’t have favorites,” he proclaimed, but that wasn’t enough to convince both the Sergeants. You and Ghost merely listened to their debate and some friendly hits between the Sergeants, really starting to act like siblings fighting for some candies.
It was wonderful to witness, that even though these men weren’t connected by blood, they could be as close as a family who went through heaven and hell, stood in front of death’s door, but would always have one another’s back.
It was admirable—beautiful, that a desire to protect them bloomed in you. If they get dirty, so the world would stay clean, you’d get dirty, so they could continue what they needed to do.
You closed your eyes, feeling it become heavy due to the lack of sleep the past couple of days, and leaned back, a small smile painting on your lips.
Now, you felt like laughing.
Did Task Force 141 remind you of your old friends to feel this way? They’d probably laugh at you and say you’d leave the 141 as well, like what you did to them, or would they laugh because you wouldn’t be able to leave this time with a shackle on?
Oh, how you wish you’d know, no matter how hurtful the truth would be.
Ghost slightly stiffened at the sudden heaviness on his arm and he shifted down his head, finding you sound asleep, cheek squished against him. You looked peaceful with your mouth shut, not moving an inch unlike when you were awake and hyper as though you were on crack. Vulnerable, feeling safe enough to let yourself fall asleep on him in front of all these people who could snap your neck like a twig. But most of all, you looked like a normal person despite the disguise you had put on, simply sleeping because of the lack of. 
It irked him to hear Shepherd refer to you as a tool—a weapon to be used and disposed of. It reminded him of the times before he met Price—before the said man made him feel like a human. Not as Ghost, but Simon. And maybe, if the Captain had done it to him before, perhaps Price can also do it to you.
“Soap,” he called, making Johnny halt from smacking Gaz, his elbow almost hitting you.
Johnny turned to face him with one brow raised, only for both his brows to arch upon seeing you asleep. “Didn’t know she could look quiet.”
“Anyone would look peaceful in their sleep except you,” Price said, crossed his arms, and leaned back, pulling his hat down to cover his eyes as he closed them.
Soap snapped his head at his way. “Captain!”
Gaz painted a smug smirk on his lips, lifting his chin proud. “And that’s why I am his favorite.”
“Ya goddamn—”
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"Keep up, lass," Price's deep voice echoed on your headset as you jogged after him and Gaz in the dark—the Sergeant glancing over his shoulder to make sure you were following them and not planning to run away.
Not that you could.
You had a frown on your face, hidden by the night vision you had on, frustrated that you couldn’t get the chance to see the statue of Christ the Redeemer with all the houses (if you could call this cluster of shacks, houses) covering your sight. But there was no time for being hot-headed as you were already in the lion's den.
"Up the roof!" Gaz shouted, firing at the man on the rooftop above you three.
"Engaging enemies on the lower favelas," Price declared, running towards a corner of a house.
You slid for cover behind a crate, before aiming up the roof, shooting a man who had emerged from their covers. Blood splattered at each hit, painting the roof and the ground as he fell.
You quickly averted your attention from the sight and announced, "They're using assault rifles."
"Copy," replied the Captain and Gaz.
“Enemies on sight,” Ghost claimed in a rough voice.
There was a crackle on your headset. "Shadow 0-1 to Bravo 0-6 and Bravo 0-7, Shadows are ready for some takedown," Graves responded.
You pumped your fist in the air where someone would have been whenever you fought, a smile appearing on your lips. "Showtime."
You ran towards a corner and fired at the man crouching behind a window, shattering the glass, before aiming from left to right. With no man in sight, you proceed down to another alley.
A gunshot echoed in the air and you whipped around to where it came from. You pulled the trigger, and hid behind a wall, grabbing a grenade. You peeked out and threw it through an open window, then aimed at the house as it exploded. You sprinted towards it, slowly entering the shattered door, finding three men burned and unconscious.
You noticed a phone lit up in one of their pockets. You grinned, bending out and snatching it. You slipped it into one of the compartments of your vest and gazed up the stairs. "Found a way up the roofs."
"Good, do what you must," Price ordered, making you chuckle as you climbed up the stairs. It could only mean one thing, considering he had tested you in the range before. Show him what you could do.
"Wishing our lady death, Captain?" Kyle's soft voice resounded, making you smile.
"Why don't you save me like a good knight in vest you are, Sergeant?” you questioned, humming as you climbed up the stairs. You glanced from left to right and found a window.
A soft laughter echoed in your headset. “Alright, call for my name when you need me later.”
“How ‘bout I call ya, Gaz?” Soap questioned in a mocking voice.
“He’d kill ya instead,” Ghost said, there was a hint of amusement in his tone.
“I’d tell the militia they could take Soap home,” Gaz responded.
You cackled at the top of your lungs and jumped out of the window, blasting the heads of a couple of men you alerted with your laughter. “Perhaps you could learn Portuguese, Soap.”
“I’ll gie ye guys a skelpit lug,” Johnny barked out.
“Speak English,” the three of you remarked simultaneously, making the poor handwash groan and curse at you three.
“American English, perhaps,” Graves piped in, making you and Kyle howl in laughter.
“Not ye too, Graves!” Johnny yelled, making you flinch at the sudden loud volume, which quickly died down.
“You guys are bullying Soap too much,” Price said in a calm voice.
“Tell them, Captain. Tell them!” Soap exclaimed, and you could imagine him stomping and throwing his hands around like a kid.
Then, Price added, “Do it again, kids.”
“Fuck you!”
You ran, dashing behind walls that went higher than some roofs as bullets whistled past you, and slid, shooting multiple rounds.
A series of gunshots and explosions from all directions could be heard. It seemed that the Shadows had risen from the dark, and now the Task Force could focus on the target.
You launched yourself from one roof to another, landing with a thud and rolling. You got up to your feet and put bullets through a door from below. The door broke down and one man fell out. You proceeded forward, climbing up a higher shack due to the slope of the hill.
Just as you got inside, a curse in Portuguese shot to your covered ears. You slipped forward as the man aimed his handgun and you unsheated your knife, slashing his thigh. He fell with a stifled scream and you drive the blade to his neck. You pulled it off in a swoop and blood gushed out, splatting on your clothes.
You were thankful you couldn’t feel the warmth of it, but you could feel your skin slick with sweat. You looked down at the man next to your feet, blood pooling underneath, and sighed, averting your gaze away.
You marched toward a terrace on the side and noticed a light on top of a mountain from far away. You gasped. “Guys, I see him!”
“Fabricio?!” Price yelled over the comms.
“No, sir! Christ the Redeemer!” You leaped out of the terrace, grinning wide, although you couldn’t see it. You stowed behind a wall as you noticed several men jogging above a makeshift metal bridge to cross roofs. “Can we go later there? I want to see it up close!”
A silence answered you before Price responded in a low voice. “I can’t guarantee that, kid.”
You peeked from the corner and struck them down swiftly. “I know that, sir. I’m just messing with you.”
You heard another sigh from him that got blocked over by Ghost’s loud voice. “I spotted Fabricio! He’s headed down your way, Soap!”
“I see him!” Soap shouted back. “Ah, shite—Captain, he’s going your way!”
“Copy!” The Captain replied in a serious voice. “What the—he’s down yours, Gaz!”
Upon hearing his words, you ran and jumped to another roof, where the militia was headed earlier. Considering the direction where they supposedly proceed and where Gaz should be chasing down the man now, you would be able to see him from a bird’s eye view.
“Bloody man, can’t he settle in one way?!” Kyle commented, clearly frustrated by how annoying the changes in the route of the target were, which was expected as he was on his home ground. “Shit, he’s gonna get away!”
You turned to the right, jumped to another roof, and there the scurrying rat was. You leaped and everything seemed to be in slow motion as you went down and landed on Fabricio, bringing him down on the ground. He grunted in pain and you quickly aimed a gun on his head as you moved more comfortably on the man’s back, completely sitting down on him.
You looked in all directions and smiled under your mask at the Task Force emerging from the shadows one by one. “I better get a good dinner tonight for this.”
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Next chapter is here!
You can also read the series in AO3!
Taglist: @yyiikes, @the-faceless-bride, @sae1kie, @sarahedwards16, @kenma-izhu, @kkaaaagt
Note: Ngl, Graves is cute and that makes me want to bully him so bad. As you guys can see, this is based on the Favela mission of MW2 2009. Also, feel free to ask to be tagged, guys! It makes me happy people are reading this shit LMAO
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Hello hello! I wanted to request a neglected teen! reader who always cuts themselves off from the real life by always playing video games or listening to music or just watching anime and never expresses their feelings. They never take care of themselves and often skip meals and have insomnia. Butttt once you get close to them, they are a bundle of emotions. They are a big fan of physical affections and is a little childish once comfortable. Maybe the reader is also an plush lover? How do the self aware! Bsd cast take care of them and react to them opening up?
You don't have to do this request so take care and don't stress over anything!
Here you go. Hope, you like it.
And don't worry, I am not stressed. But thank you for your concern.
The Real You
Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x GN! Teen! Neglected! Reader
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Description: You don't want to be jugged by others. They want you to be serious. To stop been childish. You don't want to change. But to make things easier for you, you pretend to be emotionless.
But you want to have someone in your life, with whom you can be yourself.
Found Family. Reader love hugs. Reader loves plushies.
Warning: Emotionally Neglectful parents. Reader skip meals and have insomnia. OOC, English is my second language.
They said, that it's time for you to grow up. Your parents almost never been home, spending all their time in their company.
"Your parents are doing it, so you can have a good life. You understand, right?"
Yes, you understand. But, you wished, that they spent more time with you. At least, do their parenting and make sure, that you are eating and sleeping regularly.
"Be serious, please. Don't be childish."
You don't know, if liking manga, anime, music, games and plushies makes you childish, but it doesn't mean, that you can't be serious. Can't you be yourself in your own house?
"Are you spending money on plush toys again?"
"You are playing with plush toys? What are you, a baby?"
Yes, but you earn this money by helping people on the Internet with homework. You can decide, on what you spend this money.
"[Y/N], we are busy right now, we can't give you a hug."
No hugs, no head pats...
Everyone wants you to be serious
To stop been childish.
You aren't sure, you can change.
But you are sure, you can pretend.
Pretend to be distant and emotionless. Hide your interests.
So people won't judge you.
Cut yourself from others, so they won't find out about the real you.
And never tell anyone, that you want a hug.
You almost fell down from the chair.
You doze off again. You shake your head, and blink a few times.
The game you were playing was paused. You yawn. Okay, enough for today.
You turn off your laptop and look at your phone.
5:00 am.
Once again, you didn't have any sleep tonight. Thanks, God, you are on vacation and don't have school for the next two months.
Or you, once again, will had to drink a few cups of black coffee to keep yourself awake.
You stand up from the chair, and take a few steps towards the bed. You plopped down on the bed. Right in the middle of your "nest", that was made out of plush toys.
Your house was big. Big and empty. Your parents work abroad, only visiting you two-three times per year.
Your parents barely were around. They prefer working. They send you money and hire some people to keep an eye on you.
You don't like this people.
They didn't care about your wellbeing. They didn't care, that you skip meals, or have sleepless nights.
They did bare minimum and do their own things.
It would be nice to have someone to care about you.
You cover yourself with a blanket and try to have some sleep.
🐾 Few days later, your wish come true.
🐾 BSD Characters got into your world. And they didn't like what they saw.
🐾 First thing they do - drove away people, that was your parents hired. And, thanks to some hacking from Ango and Katai and Tecchou's and Fitzgerald's diplomacy skills, they make your parents hire them to take care of you instead.
🐾 So, starting from that day, you had a bunch of people, who take care of you.
🐾 At first, you, as always with other unfamiliar people, were distant and emotionless. You don't want them to laugh at your love for plush toys and hugs.
🐾 Maybe, if you manage to become friends...
🐾 BSD gang doesn't like what they see. You were strange. They have felt your emotions back in their world. You were so emotional, so open. So why you were so closed off? Why you didn't care about your health?
🐾 Well, they will make sure, that you will become better.
🐾 Yosano performs medical check up on you almost weekly.
🐾 The problem with sleep are tricky to deal with.
🐾 They don't want to tie you to the bed or turn off the power in the house.
🐾 So, they just check you from time to time.
🐾 You actually start sleeping more and better.
🐾 The problem with skipping meals were also solved.
🐾 But, they find a solution. A meal duty.
🐾 Teruko and Oda are on meal duty.
🐾 Oda will call you to come out and eat. If you refuse, Teruko will use her ability on you, to turn you into a child. Then Oda would carry you to the dinning room and will place you on the couch between two characters. Then Teruko, once again, would turn you back to normal.
🐾 The first time it happened were interesting.
"Oda, I will eat later... Wha? Teruko?" Teruko turn you to a nine-year-old kid. Your clothes were too big for you.
"Well, [Y/N], you need to eat. Don't skip meals." Explained Teruko, giving you a soft look.
Not giving you a chance to react, Oda picked you up and carry to the dinning room. There was almost all BSD gang.
Oda carries you to a couch, where Jouno and Tecchou already were sitting. Oda places you between them.
"There, now I will bring you a plate."
After Oda left, Teruko used her ability again. You were teen again. You wanted to stand up and go to your room, but Jouno and Tecchou almost squeezed you between them. You were trapped.
The dinner was delicious. And you have a nice chat with Tecchou and Jouno.
🐾 After a week of Oda's and Teruko's efforts, you stopped skipping meals. While it was nice to be carried by Oda, or having pats from Teruko, you don't want to be a brat.
🐾 You are not a brat. And you start to open up to the characters. But you were still shy around them.
🐾 The first time you came to the dining room by yourself, you thought, that you will sit on the chair. You would miss sitting on the couch between characters and having chats.
🐾 But, before you can sit on a chair, Naomi grabbed you by the shoulders and lead you to the couch.
🐾 For the rest of the dinner, you were sitting between Tanizaki siblings, having a conversation about new movies.
🐾 Thanks to the meals, you were opening up to others.
🐾 You start to show them your emotions.
🐾 For characters, it was a good sign. You start to resemble the person they knew you are. But, they feel, that something was still hidden.
🐾 Despite understanding, that BSD characters care about you, for now, you were still nervous to show them your more 'childish' side. You were afraid to tell them, that you like hugs and a collection of plushies in your closet.
🐾 The best part of the meals, is that you have a some sort of human touch.
🐾 You love hugs. But, as everyone always said to you, it was childish to like them.
🐾 It was childish to like plush toys.
🐾 Your plushies originally were on your bed, but you hide them in the old closet in the hall, so others won't see them. To others, you said, that there were old rugs in this closet.
🐾 But, one day, the cat was out of the bag.
While you and Atsushi were shopping, Goncharov had an idea to do a spring-cleaning. With everyone to help with it.
For a spring-cleaning, they need a lot of rugs.
They gather around the closet, where you told them old rugs are.
You and Atsushi were back from the supermarket. When you walk inside the house, you saw Kenji opening the closet door.
Before you can stop him, all your plushies fall from the closet.
You looked at the characters, embarrassed.
Characters looked at you.
All of you were silent for a good minute.
"[Y/N], why there are plush toys of Sigma, Kenji, Ranpo and me in a basket that says 'Mission: Get a hug'?" Asked Atsushi, looking at your plushies.
You mumble something incoherent. You were so embarrassed. Now they see, how childish you are.
Ranpo chuckled quietly and take a step towards you.
"I can help with explanation".
Ranpo grins.
"Like plushies?"
"Yes" No laughing. Doesn't seem, that BSD gang will mock you.
"Has another interest, that seems not suitable for teens?"
"Yes" You looked at the floor.
"Were called childish?"
"Yes" Gang looked sympathetic.
"It hurts you?"
"Yes" Even more sympathetic looks.
"Try to pretend that your interests have changed?"
"Yes" You finally looked at Ranpo. He doesn't look smug. His gaze was soft, and the smile was reassuring.
"Too much pressure?"
"Yes" Atsushi, who was standing next to you, pet your shoulder.
"Start skipping meals and stay up late?"
"Yes" Yosano's eye twitch. She was really concerned. Finally, she knew the reason behind your bad habits.
"Parents don't care?"
"Yes" This fact angered your new friends. Hirotsu mumbles something about 'not-suitable for parenting people'.
"People, that we throw away, didn't care?"
"Yes" You are sure, you heard Junchirou and Jouno talking about visiting your former 'caretakers'.
"Were afraid that we won't care or will laugh?"
"Yes..." Your cheeks feel warm.
"Feel better now?"
"Yes" You nodded.
"Want a hug?" Ranpo's grin became bigger.
"Yes... Wait, what?" Before you can react, Ranpo hugged you. He was warm. Ranpo start petting your back.
You were pretending not to like it for a whole thirty seconds.
After that, you almost melt in Ranpo's embrace.
🐾 The Wall is broken.
🐾 Now, with BSD cast, you can be yourself.
🐾 You are emotional. You are not afraid to show, that you like your new friends.
🐾 But, for you, the best thing that came, were hugs and head pats.
🐾 The sheer contrast between an emotionless teen with bags under their eyes, that you were, and a bundle of emotions, who almost purr after getting a head pat from Fukuzawa for doing good at school.
🐾 Your physical health and mental health have improved. Now there is no stress in your life, no people, who judge you.
🐾 Now there's only you and BSD characters. You care for each other. And nothing can destroy your new family
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mayajadewrites · 3 months
For Me (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
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summary: Levi Ackerman has a staring problem. Specifically staring at a woman that he has been admiring at his local coffee shop for months. She doesn't usually notice, however, one day she did. She would flip his world upside down, but would she let him in her world?
pairing: levi ackerman x reader
modern attack on titan au (no titans)
"One Earl Grey tea." The barista at your favorite locally owned coffee shop sings. She's always in the best mood, even on days where the sky looks like it's about to break out into tears. "If it isn't my favorite regular!" She smiles and slides the tea towards me. "Writing anything good today?"
"One can only hope." You smile, grabbing the cup of tea. The steam is almost dancing off of the hot liquid, the warmth gracing your skin. "I'm working on my latest fiction novel. Romance is not the easiest to write for, contrary to popular belief." You offer her a warm smile. "I'll see you soon."
"Good luck!" She waved as you walked to your usual table. The coffee shop is based off earthy tones, plants hanging in the corner along with welcoming decor. As you sink into your seat, you feel a pair of eyes on you. You think about looking up into the eyes that could burn a hole in your skin, but you don't. You have work to do. 
Your tote bag sits on the seat next to you, almost bursting with anything one would need for a day out. You pick your headphones out of the bottomless pit and pick out your 'writing playlist'. Next, your laptop. As you open it, you stare at your reflection across the black screen. A sigh leaves your lips as you type in your password and begin brainstorming for your next novel. 
Your books have become more popular as more people are reading now-a-days. Thanks to social media, a few of your books have gone semi-viral. Typically you write fiction, specifically romance. Your fans are usually on the younger side, falling in love with your characters and wishing for more books featuring them. 
You bite your lower lip as you begin typing, only to press down on the backspace key a few seconds later. Since when is coming up with ideas so hard for you? 
You feel goosebumps populate your skin as you sense the same pair of eyes looking at you again. This time, you indulge. Your eyes meet his steel grey ones and it feels like time has stopped. The world now only contains you and him. You expect him to look away, but he keeps staring. 
Raising an eyebrow, you continue to hold his gaze. Without looking down, he takes a sip of his tea from the ceramic white mug that comes with every drink. 
His jet black hair mostly stays on one side, covering one of his eyebrows. You notice his undercut, which looks like he just recently got it buzzed. You study his skin, clear of any imperfections. His mouth is almost in a straight line, but his lips are pouting ever so slightly. He is dressed like he's going to work as a CEO - suit, tie, all that. 
You break the staring contest you were participating in when you hear someone next to you trying to get your attention. 
"Hey, sorry to bother you." A man with light brown hair smiled, watching you take your headphones off.
"Okay..." You look at the man, waiting for him to speak. "Did you need something?" 
"I-I just wanted to tell you that you're beautiful." His cheeks began to turn a shade of red. "And I would like your number." His eyes darted to the floor. You raise an eyebrow, analyzing his face. He looks young, can't be older than 23. You notice a group snickering as the man seemingly embarrasses himself in front of you by the color of red that is burning his cheeks. 
"Do you have a name?" You ask, taping your almond shaped fingernails on your laptop. You look down at your hands and admire your perfect manicure with your favorite nude shade of nail polish.
"Jean. I'm sorry, I should have started with that." 
"Yeah, maybe." You glance at the group again. "Are those your friends?"
"Yes. They didn't think I was man enough to come up to you and ask for your number, which is why they're rudely staring right now." 
"I appreciate your bravery, Jean." You smile at him, holding your palm out. "Hand me your phone." 
Without hesitation Jean slips his phone into your hand. You open up the contacts app and add your name and number. You tell Jean your name as you give his phone back to him. 
"Thank you. I'll... text you later?" Jean ended the sentence as a question. 
"What else would you do with my number?" You let out a soft laugh. "Yes, we'll talk soon." 
Jean walks back to his group of friends, putting his hands up to show victory. He's with 3 women, and 3 men. The men pat Jean on the shoulder while the women shake their hands, continuing whatever conversation they had going on before Jean came up to you. 
When you turn to focus on your laptop once again, you feel eyes on you again. 
This man will not stop staring, and he's almost shameless about it. 
Back at your apartment, you begin your 'Sunday reset' of your apartment. It's a weekly tradition for you - your sheets get washed, the floors get mopped, and you get your house ready for the week to come. Since you spend most of your time there, you try to make it as clean as you can while still feeling like a lived in home. Your phone buzzes in your pocket as you strip your bed of your sheets. 
YOU: Hey there.
JEAN: Thank you again for giving me your number, I can't believe a woman as beautiful as you would even give me the time of day.
YOU: I admire your bravery and think it's cute that you got all red trying to talk to me. And thank you, you're very kind.
JEAN: Can I take you out for dinner this week? Wednesday?
YOU: Sounds like a plan. Text me where and what time and I'll meet you there. 
JEAN: Will do! :)
You smile to yourself as you put your phone on your side table next to your couch. Your mind wanders as you clean, leading back to the man that has a staring problem. Why was he staring? How long had he been staring for? 
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 1 month
ok I’m sorry about having you write those heartbreaking Grayson hcs, I’m gonna be honest they made me sob so hard 😭 so let’s get some happy Grayson ones (I loved that last one by the way, he’s so cute)
happy grayson head canons
of course, i have made another grayson post (some are happy, some are sad), but i'll make another one bc he's everything (it might be shorter though).also i have no idea what 'happy' head canons are so here are some that aren't sad (some funny, some happy, some embarrassing, etc). hope you like them <3. @lanterns-and-daydreams helped with some of these
he doesn't smile often, but when he does you see his little dimples (idk if this is canon but, if it isn't, i like the idea of him having dimples)
he talks to their dog, tiramisu, in a really high pitched voice
he works out religiously. he has like a schedule and everything, and he sings when he works out.
he watches my little pony as a guilty pleasure. xander knows and is using it as blackmail material.
he desperately wants a cat but doesn't want their dog to kill it.
he has an obsession with is ass. he takes pride in it being big and juicy.
he's jealous of jameson bc he's an inch taller than gray is, and he uses it against him.
he joined a yoga group without knowing it was for girls only, so now, once a week, he gossips and does yoga with these old ladies.
he loves face masks more than anything. xander and jameson have tons of pictures of him with cucumbers on his eyes and a face mask.
he doesn't like colors. if someone were to ask him what his favorite color is, he'd just say black or white or smth
he loves composing his own piano pieces and playing them to his brothers and the others.
he despises sex education with a passion. whenever he used to have those classes in school, he would blush so hard the teachers thought he was having a stroke or some shit
grayson loves poetry (ik this was mentioned in tbh, but i hc he still does it for fun to express his emotions (he didn't stop after the one year challenge))
when he was younger, he really liked snails. he used to collect some and give them a 'home' in jars he found around the mansion.
he's a sucker for matchas. he literally makes himself one every morning before he starts working. (he has a cup with cats on it that he uses every day)
he owns a human dog bed (if you don't know what it is, search it up)
he once tried to watch p*rn to see what the hype is all about, but he got so disgusted and uncomfortable he threw away his laptop.
all of the pens in his pen collection are placed side by side from smallest to biggest in his drawer.
he has the biggest walk in closet you can imagine (bigger than barbie's)
xander once bought him a skirt and dared him to go to work wearing it. pictures of it got out and his fans started calling him baby girl.
he makes playlist for his favorite book couples.
this dude cannot smirk for the life of him. he looks like a constipated sloth when he tries to.
he can do the splits perfectly.
when someone kicks him in the balls, he sounds like a dying hyena. he just wheezes for like 5 minutes straight whilst everyone just looks at him in horror. he then wobbles away.
he's a really good just dance player. he actually laughs when he plays.
grayson knows how to pole dance.
when he was younger, he was jealous that jamie had more prominent abs so he used to contour his to make them look like jamie's
when he was younger, he tried to learn how to purr. he thought it would be cool
he wanted to be like nash so bad when he was younger than he would stick a hay strand in his mouth and try to speak in a southern accent. skye was mortified.
grayson loved flower crowns. xander used to make him some and he would walk around wearing them proudly.
he wears subtle makeup sometimes (when he's in the mood) (blush, concealer, very subtle eyeliner, etc)
when he was younger, he would also try to gallop around like a horse. he would get on his hands and knees and strut around (tobias wanted to kill himself)
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katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
Wardrobe Malfunction Reaction
Warnings: Wardrobe malfunction, crying, being upset, being exposed accidentally. Some are angst and some are fluff. I think thats it.
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Kim Seokjin
You and your group were performing at an event in an open topped arena, along with many other groups.
It was extremely windy that day, and wind mixed with short skirts was never a good thing. You all spent the entire performance holding down your skirts and holding back laughter.
As you all ran off stage, you saw BTS waiting in the wings for their turn to perform. Jin was waiting with open arms, smiling widely.
‘Oh my God that was so embarrassing!’ You laughed as you ran into his arms. He laughed back, both of you able to find humour in the situation.
‘You handled it so well though. Nobody was able to catch anything.’
‘They better not have seen! Or our stylist will have a lot to answer for!’
‘Jagi don’t be dramatic. You have shorts on underneath!’ He jokingly flipped your skirt up to prove his point.
‘YAH! Have you lost your mind?’ You whacked his arm as he let out a hearty laugh. ‘You are sleeping on the sofa tonight mister.’
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Min Yoongi
As you were performing you could feel the zip on your dress slowly slipping down your back. You didn’t think much of it at first, but as it slipped further, you quickly reached back and held it together the best you could at the awkward angle. You also weren’t able to wear a bra with this specific dress, so there was a lot on the line.
You could see the shocked faces of the crowd as you finished your performance. You kept your head down as you ran off stage, wanting to get to your dressing room as soon as possible, until you felt someone grab your arm.
‘Hey. Let me help.’ You spun round to see the concerned face of your boyfriend. He was stood with the other BTS members, who had all adverted their gaze respectfully. You nodded thankfully and he lead you to a secluded corner and proceeded to zip up your dress, with a surprising amount of difficulty. He made an annoyed face.
‘Why is your stylist giving you clothes that don’t fit?’ You turned round and buried your face into his chest.
‘I’m so embarrassed’ You cried into his shirt. He sighed sadly.
‘There’s no need to be-‘
‘Everybody saw!’ You cut him off sharply. Undeterred, he took your face in his hands and wiped away a tear with his thumb.
‘I promise you, nobody saw anything they shouldn’t have, and you handled yourself so professionally too.’  You nodded, though you were still unsure.
When you saw the broadcast, they had been considerate enough to edit in a way so that the wardrobe malfunction was barely even visible. If people in the studio saw, there had been no footage released of the incident and you hoped it stayed that way.
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Jung Hoseok
It was the day after the awards show when the photos were released. You and Hoseok had arrived together, and just as he was helping you from the car, you had accidentally flashed your underwear, which you weren’t even aware you did until the following day.
Some a-hole photographers took advantage of you in that vulnerable moment, so they could get an easy pay check.
‘Hobi... How could I have been so careless?’ You whispered out, trying hard not to cry. Hoseok slammed the laptop closed before sitting next to you and taking your hand.
‘Don’t speak like that. It’s not your fault that some perverts saw and took an opportunity.’ You nodded sadly but didn’t speak.
‘Plus both yours and my fans have been mass reporting the images. Everybody is on your side jagi.’ He rubbed your arms soothingly. Hoseok was trying his best to comfort you, but he didn’t think it was working. He himself had put out a cryptic post on his own Instagram, basically calling out predatory photographers, against the company’s wishes no less. But he knew you wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about the situation until every last one of those images were officially scrubbed from the internet....
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Kim Namjoon
Your group and BTS were sat besides each other at the awards show, with you and Namjoon bridging the gap in the middle.
Everyone was waiting for them to announce the winners of the current category. You didn’t even know what the current one was, they all kind of mesh together after a while.
Namjoon had his hand on your knee and was whispering things to you that should never be uttered in a public setting when suddenly, your groups name was called, causing you all to jump up in surprise. Only, when you jumped up, Namjoon’s hand came with you. His ring was stuck to your fishnet tights!
‘Joon what have you done!?’ You laughed as you tried your best to free yourself.
‘I didn’t mean to! And you guys are no help!’ Referring to the sniggering BTS members doing nothing to help their leader. You finally managed to get unsnagged and ran to your other members who were already on stage with the award.
‘Sorry I’m late!’ You spoke into the microphone. ‘Wardrobe malfunction!’
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Park Jimin
One of the downsides of being a female idol, was dancing in heels. Usually it was only for televised or awards shows you wore heels to dance, but either way you had gotten used to them over the years.
Your group was currently performing on stage for a televised show. There were many idol groups in the audience, but you always managed to spot Jimin in the crowd, cheering you on loudly.
Everything was going smoothly, until you suddenly found yourself on the ground. There was a shoked gasp from the crowd, and your group members were looking on with wide eyes, but they had to carry on. It was then tat you felt searing pain in your ankle. Looking down, you saw your heel had somehow snapped in half and your ankle was now sitting at an odd angle. It was obvious you couldn’t continue to perform. You were trying your hardest to not scream out in pain, but that was easier said than done.
A few stage hands ran out on stage and whisked you away to the medical room.
You were sat on the medical bed, ankle wrapped up and feeling sorry for yourself, when Jimin burst into the room, running over and enveloping you into a hug.
‘Jagi! Oh my God are you ok? When I saw you fall I rushed back here!’ You chuckled softly at his rambling and tapped his arm lightly.
'Jimin I'm fine, it's just a sprain.’ He pulled back and studied your ankle carefully, before pushing you a little more rough than you are sure he intended.
‘No more wearing heels for you! You are on bed rest!’
‘Jimin!’ You exclaimed with a hearty laugh. ‘Stop being dramatic! I’m still performing, I’ll just be sat down.’
‘Nooo! I wont let you!’
‘You’re one to talk about performing whilst unwell.’ You retorted smirking, knowing he couldn’t argue. Jimin flopped down in the chair and crossed his arms with a pout. You had won this round.
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Kim Taehyung
Both your group and BTS were attending an American awards show. Since you and Tae were dating, your groups had been close to each other the entire evening. At some point, you and Tae had wondered off a little ahead of the group arm in arm, when you suddenly heard frantic screaming and shouting coming from behind you.
Just as you spun round to see what was going on, you and Tae were knocked to the ground by a girl, excitedly exclaiming about how much she loved you.
As soon as she made contact she was pulled away, though not without taking a chunk of your dress with her. The damaged front of your dress slipped down, exposing the top of your breast before you quickly bought your hand up to cover yourself.
There was so much commotion around you didn’t know what was happening.
‘Jagi your dress!’ Taehyung hissed out, draping his jacket over your shoulders, which you pulled tight. He quickly helped you up, before both of you were lead to a back room by staff.
Taehyung was fuming when you were settled in the private room.
‘What the hell happened? What if she had a knife or something!?’ He yelled at the poor attendant who was profusely apologising.
‘Tae...’ You whispered meekly, catching his attention. He came and sat next to you, rubbing your back.
‘Did anyone see?’ You were afraid to ask, but he knew what you meant.
‘No jagi. You covered up in time..’ He was quick to reassure you.
‘But what if I didn’t though? Oh God.’ You covered your face as you began sobbing. All he could do was try his best to comfort and reassure you that nobody saw anything.
Either way, once he found out who screwed up, he would make sure they no longer had a job.
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Jeon Jungkook
You were performing on an outdoor stage. Weather had been predicted to be sunny and clear, but in reality it was coming down so bad that there was talk of cancelling, though with only 1 song left there didn’t seem to be much point.
Unfortunately, what you were wearing had completely slipped your mind. If it were sunny and dry it would have been fine, but in the pouring rain...
You just so happened to glance to the wings where Jungkook was standing, only to see him wide eyed and gesturing up and down his body. It was only then that you looked down at yourself and all the blood drained from your face.
Your WHITE dress had become completely see through from the rain, and your light pink bra and pants were on display.
You froze in place, dread completely taking you over. Hesitantly, you glanced up to the crowd. Your worst fears came true when you saw hundreds of wide eyes and open mouth gaping up at you.
You burst out crying and ran off stage, performance be damned and tried your best to conceal yourself.
Jungkook captured you in a hug backstage, and some helpful stylists ran over and basically threw a couple blankets over your head, to cover your modesty.
‘It’s ok jagi.’ Jungkook comforted you as he quickly lead you away from prying eyes.
‘It’s not ok! Don’t tell me it’s ok when you weren’t the one on display for the whole world to see!’
Jungkook stood wide eyed as you screamed at him. You pushed him away roughly and stalked off alone, clutching the blankets close to your body. Jungkook wouldn’t take your tone personally. He knew you were upset and needed time.
He would do everything he could, pay as many lawyers as he needed to, to make sure that the footage of you never saw the light of day.  
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