#my last birthday I literally fucked off into the woods on my own for a weekend with my own and it was glorious
prince-liest · 10 months
inspired by a series of convos in the 3zun server and also my own recent camping trip:
please imagine mundane modern au nieyao going camping
meng yao is like twenty-three, freshly graduated from college after having to take a gap year to take care of his ailing mother. nie mingjue is in his thirties, and knows meng yao as the responsible young man who befriended his brother and is probably one of the driving forces preventing nie huaisang from having skipped too many classes to actually earn a degree. he's not technically meng yao's boss, but he works in the same organization and he thinks it's perfectly acceptable to mosey on over to meng yao's actual boss during the interview process and give them a stellar review of what he knows of meng yao's work ethic.
the fact that meng yao eventually (read: very rapidly) gets promoted to work at nie mingjue's right hand is... probably fine. it's not too strange. in fact, they're friends! good friends! good enough friends that when nie huaisang finally puts his foot down and downright refuses to go on the nie annual camping trip, citing that he is a "real" adult now (whatever that means) and that means he doesn't have to spend a week in the woods every year getting bitten by mosquitos and hunting down the nearest wifi connection if he doesn't want to, da-ge, maybe it'd be cute for taking photos if they just went for the weekend - well, then nie mingjue retorts that he doesn't see the point in driving all the way out to yosemite for a single weekend and invites meng yao instead.
meng yao, on the other hand, is thinking: hm. he is pretty sure he has seen this porno. a week out in the woods with his hot older boss who is also his best friend's big brother. you couldn't fit more tropes into it if you tried. maybe if there were debt collectors after him and nie mingjue was a mafia boss.
(there are no debt collectors. meng yao has made certain of it. he has been very financially responsible in the aftermath of his mother's passing.)
nie mingjue is a responsible hiker and at least somewhat aware that he's taking somebody with no experience on a camping trip, largely courtesy of nie huaisang. meng yao ends up dressed mostly in nie huaisang's unused hiking clothes, packing his things in nie huaisang's unused hiking backpack, and sleeping in nie huaisang's unused sleeping bag. he looks up the price of the socks that nie mingjue handed him and then decides not to look up any more for the sake of his emotional wellbeing.
they make it to yosemite. meng yao has looked up all the things to do in yosemite valley, but for some reason they end up driving way farther north through some winding mountain roads that make him wonder if the car is just going to... tip over the side and neither of them will ever be seen again. for some reason there's a random porta-potty around one of the bends that meng yao silently stares at as they pass. it takes several hours to arrive, but there's a surprising amount of gas left over in the car for how much time the trip took.
the camp grounds are a little...
"isn't this a little crowded?" meng yao asks. "why don't we go farther into the woods?"
nie mingjue looks at him like he's the strange one. this is how meng yao learns that you cannot camp just anywhere inside of a national park. apparently it's okay, because most people are respectful of the common spaces. also, there is no shower in this specific camp. nie mingjue brought wet wipes.
these are not the ideal circumstances for fucking in the woods, but meng yao is a trooper and he understands that sometimes reality is a little more complicated than not safe for work media.
it's fine. besides, they get there pretty early in the day, all-considered. and it's spring, so it's still cool enough to go hiking at midday. a waterfall sounds pretty romantic, he thinks, watching nie mingjue work some kind of eldritch magic with tent poles while taking mental notes so that he can prove himself competent should he ever need to set up a tent again in his life.
an hour and a half later, meng yao is soaked through with sweat and half-convinced that he's developed adult-onset asthma. nie mingjue is glistening attractively. for some reason the incline of the 'easy' hike to a nearby waterfall that they're on suddenly turned into a rock climbing challenge in the last quarter mile. the worst part about going down it is knowing that he will have to go back up on the way back. there aren't that many people around, but if nie mingjue is taking him here to fuck him, then meng yao is going to simply have to throw himself into the river rapids and drown. it would be a kinder form of death.
they get to the waterfall. it is spring, so the river is flowing so strongly with icemelt that it's too dangerous to truly swim. meng yao considers at least dipping in, but when he puts his feet in, the water is so cold that he decides that he likes having physical sensation above his ankles, thank you. nie mingjue smiles proudly at him and tells him that nie huaisang usually complains up a storm by this point and that he loves his brother but it's nice to be with a more appreciative partner. something in meng yao's chest squeezes a little bit.
it gets a little tighter when he realizes that he's finished all of his water and nie mingjue crouches down to show him how to use the iodine water tablets on the river water. they make the water taste strange, but meng yao is mostly distracted by the fact that nie mingjue's mouth was just on the lip of the water bottle that he's about to drink from.
he drinks, tilting his head back. his hands are shaky with exhaustion and some of the water spills. it's cool on his chin and throat and he doesn't bother brushing it away - he's so sweaty that it's probably impossible to discern what's sweat and what's water anyway. when he opens his eyes again, nie mingjue is watching him.
they hike back. by the time they arrive at camp, meng yao's legs have entirely turned into jelly and nie mingjue takes pity on him, sitting him down in a camping chair with a beer and going off to pick up dry wood ("why would I buy firewood when deadwood is free?"). he teaches meng yao how to start a campfire, stacking small twigs in increasingly larger sizes until there's enough kindling to set the big logs ablaze. meng yao finds himself shivering in the dark, pressed up against nie mingjue's side and leaning towards the flames. funny, how he thought he would never feel cooled down again just an hour ago. his face burns, and his back is only cold until nie mingjue offers him a blanket.
they absolutely do not fuck that night, nor any other night. but meng yao has fun: he hasn't felt so free to learn and mess up and explore since he was a kid, and the absolute newfound freedom that he experiences when he once asks if they could go look at something off a path and nie mingjue says yes - says, in fact, that the whole point of going off into the woods like this is being able to do and see whatever you want, as long as it's within legal boundaries - means meng yao basically forgets his initial plan entirely.
they nearly get lost on their next hike, missing a turn in the established path and only turning around when they reach what could best be described as a ravine. there are more waterfalls - meng yao didn't know there were this many waterfalls anywhere in the world. they move campgrounds a few times, too. apparently it's quite difficult to get seven straight days booked in a yosemite campground. meng yao sets up the tent the second time. some of the campgrounds have showers, wooden buildings with cool water and moths fluttering around the lights. the most delicious meal meng yao swears he's ever eaten is the cheese-filled sausages nie mingjue roasts over a campfire, combined with cup noodles that they cook using water from the same camping stove tea kettle they use for their tea in the mornings.
eventually, it is time to go home. meng yao hasn't washed his hair in two days and doesn't remember the last time he heard the ping of his phone demanding that he put out yet another fire at work. he'd been asked to keep his phone on and check his email when he can during his vacation, but most of the places they've been don't actually have service.
they drive back through the same mountains as before. the porta potty is still there. meng yao actually points out its strangeness this time, and nie mingjue laughs. meng yao smiles. he's been smiling a lot during this trip. he feels vaguely like a new person. it's fresh air and endorphins, nie mingjue says. good for the soul. meng yao is pretty sure it's nie witchcraft, too.
(or maybe it's endorphins. he certainly gets a hot flood of those when, dropping off meng yao at his doorstep, nie mingjue finally hesitates - and steps close, mumbling, "didn't wanna make you uncomfortable while you were trapped in the woods with me, but..." before kissing him. his hands are so big on meng yao's hips.)
(they do fuck that night. but not before meng yao drags both of them into his shower and scrubs himself from top to bottom. yosemite was great, but he has standards.)
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garpond · 7 months
happy birthday to neil young here are some of my favorite things about him
-by the age of 20 he had owned 3 different used hearses, all of which experienced some form of extreme mechanical failure that caused him to have to get rid of them
-in buffalo springfield whenever he had to go out on a date with a girl he'd tell his friends about it beforehand so that they could interrupt the date to tell him he needed to be somewhere and was late so that he could be allowed to leave
-hated going in grocery stores because he would get overstimulated and have to leave
-didn't like how the first pressing of Comes A Time sounded so he bought 200,000 of the first copies of it and used them as shingles for a barn roof
-when one of his tour buses was destroyed (i forget how) he had it brought to his ranch and buried on the property like a beloved family pet
-his early ambition before music was to be a chicken farmer
-when he and carrie snodgress where dating she'd have a ton of people over sometimes and it gave him anxiety so one evening he decided to open the living room window and crawl out of it to get away from people instead of walking through the room to get to the door because apparently he couldn't wait that long and everyone saw it
-another time he randomly showed up at a neighbors' house and they didn't really know why he dropped in all of the sudden because he wasn't very social and it turns out it was because his manager had set up a meeting for him with the band America and he didn't want to do it so he was hiding
-during buffalo springfield he would hide in peoples closets a lot
-once he was guitar shopping with stephen stills and when he was offering on a guitar stephen offered more money on it to try and get it and it pissed him off so he started bidding higher to kick off a bidding war between then and once it was up to a ridiculous amount of money he just dropped it and was like ok you win lol ! and stephen had to pay an insane amount of money for it
-during one filmed interview with MTV or something he decided to fuck with them by adjusting the position of his hat super slightly every couple seconds so that when they cut the footage together and shifted things out of order it would look confusingly different every time
-during the recording of deja vu he lived by himself in a motel but he brought his 2 pet bush babies (named Harriet and Speedy) and they scared the shit out of Graham Nash
-gave a stranger he met like a week ago unrestricted access to his finances because the guy claimed he was going to help him buy a boat and the guy ended up stealing a couple thousand dollars
-during last buffalo springfield concert he was the only person who was not even remotely sad and on the way home jim messina was literally crying and neil was just like :] the whole way
-one year on his birthday at the ranch there was going to be a party and it was a tradition to have a bonfire at it so he went out into the woods to get sticks for it but somehow managed to grab a bunch of poison oak and it was used at the fire and after that he was not allowed to gather bonfire sticks anymore
-while filming the lincvolt documentary he met a trans woman and when he was interviewing her to ask for her opinion about the car she told him that what he was doing with it was a big change and he should probably ask for the car's permission to do it and he actually did do this later
-"everybodys rockin" originated as an r/maliciouscompliance type of project because while he was on geffen records Old Ways was rejected and the label asked for a "rock and roll album" and this was his response to that
-the infamous Eat A Peach incident
-there is much more but this is all i can come up with rn
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purple-scrunchie · 4 months
More Heathers Headcanons bc they're rotting my brain
Heather Chandler:
absolutely dogshit at croquet. Only plays to knock other people out
mostly Heather
*slaps roof * this blondie can fit so much anger
has a deep respect for Duke but sees too much of herself in her (and therefore as a threat) and doesn't know how to deal with that healthily
Has an older stepsister she's only met twice
They write each other letters and they're quite close
refuses to let herself or any other Heather date the football team (she says "we don't date the help")
secretly likes her friends but doesn't know how to go about telling them she loves and appreciates them as people
her love language is getting people matching earrings for their birthdays
Heather Duke:
ex dance kid (iykyk)
wrote emo poetry in 7th grade (she burned it all last year though)
queen of malicious compliance
knows a shit ton of card tricks
is not allowed to shuffle the deck on poker night
she knows what she did
queen of telling scary stories (has made Heather, Heather, and Veronica sob like little babies before)
had a photography phase too
still has loads and loads of undeveloped film left over in her closet from this
her dad used to take her fishing and she secretly still loves it
Heather McNamara:
hates swimming
hates water in general
This girl only drinks milk it's a problem
Has literally everything you could ever need in her bag
once mistook her mace for her sunscreen
never again
ex theater kid (she was really good but then got busy with cheer, which took priority because her parents said so)
used to want to be an actress
now she wants to be an equine vet so she can get paid to be a horse girl all day
Not stupid at all, just has a selective attention span
broke her arm when she got thrown off a horse in 3rd grade
Veronica Sawyer:
has all 3 Heathers in her contacts as 'Heather'
she knows what's from who based on the messages
her bag is so damn disorganized she's basically Mary Poppins
we're talking everything from extra snacks to industrial-grade superglue
wanted to get a tattoo but her parents said no
she got JD to do it for her anyway (it's a really shitty rendition of her childhood cat, JFK)
lives off peanut butter & jelly sandwiches
still falls for the toothpaste in Oreos prank
bit her nails until Heather got her that nasty anti-biting polish for her birthday last year
Jason Dean:
red sox supporter
owns a tattoo gun
owns a real gun too
and a signed baseball bat (too bad he can't read the signature)
should not own any of these items
best friends with the movie theater clerk
uses this to see so many movies for free
the definition of "I know a place"
likes to walk around in the woods
just fuck around and throw rocks and shit
He told Veronica that if he ever goes missing that's the first place she should check
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aleksanderscult · 2 months
Since we have officially entered the Aries' season I thought I should honor the fact that it's the Darkling's birthday! 🎉🎊
(No, we don't know his exact birthdate but we know he's an Aries. Anyways)
To celebrate it let's remember some facts about him.
Even though he was a Shadow Summoner, he loved bright colors. Blue, red, purple but most of all the color of sunlight.
Since we mentioned that he was a Shadow Summoner, isn't it endearing and ironic how he feared the dark when he was a child?
Once he didn't sleep for two nights because his mother had left him in a tent without a lantern.
He loved sweets! Cakes, pies etc. but his two favorites were a cake with cherries and sweet cream from Kerch and candies coated in sesame from Shu.
He had trouble mastering his powers as a child. He felt embarrassed for the fact that he couldn't make the Cut at the age of 13.
He could play the violin. 🎻
He was really intelligent from a very young age. Until the age of 13 he could speak three languages fluently and could read people and their behavior like an open book.
He was awkward and felt uneasy around children his own age since Baghra always kept them on the move and insisted not to let anyone touch him or for him to get close to someone.
He never met his father although he kept asking about him to his mother and wanted to meet him. The only thing he (possibly) ever knew was that he was a Heartrender.
He loooved nature. The trees and forests. The smell of them. Especially the evergreen trees. He even decorated his room in the Little Palace with carvings of trees.
Oh and he loves animals too! In the "Demon in the Wood" he got excited in the thought that he would see white tigers for the first time and Leigh once mentioned that he's kind to animals (we even saw that in "The Tailor" when he took time out of his duties to visit his horses, pat them and whisper to them soothingly).
And he actually saw those white tigers eventually.
Apparently he has great good looks to the point that he attracts others (and especially girls) like magnet since forever.
And his life was full of sex so he was experienced with it (Alina, your opportunity to fuck around and find out was literally right there).
The author confirmed (in 2014-2015, years before even the show came out) that he indeed harbored strong feelings for Alina and believed that they were destined for a future together (my man was ready to buy IKEA furnitures for their future house😭😭).
He had many, many half-siblings (one of them was a mermaid) and throughout the centuries he sought them out, out of a need for kinship, companionship and a desire to not be alone (🥲🔫)
This one is especially sad. He wasn't conceived out of love.
On another note though, his smell has been described as the smell of winter, forests and of the night.
In a solar eclipse his powers wouldn't be affected.
He's the Grisha with the most aliases in the Grishaverse (that's what living in a persecuted environment as a child does to you).
It's confirmed by the author that he was created after fantastical villains that she used to love, so please let that rumor that he was inspired after her abusive ex finally rest for good.
He had indeed fallen in love many times in the past but he kept witnessing the people he loved die from their mortality. At some point he just gave up on love and became more and more closed off. (Let's talk about the break he never had💀)
We might not know which person was the first he ever fell in love with, but we know which was the last one: Alina.
Do you remember those countless letters Alina was sending to Mal in "Shadow and Bone"? Well, the Darkling not only kept them secretly but read ALL off them.
He has a throat-neck fetish. And it's probably canon. The way he kissed Alina's throat every chance he got, the way he once nipped it, the collar and how he was always touching it.
According to Leigh, he didn't start wanting to be King. But this ambition came eventually after deeming it the only way to change things.
Kaz has been described as more selfish than Aleksander.
Well most of them turned out to be sad and tragic but that's because he had a tragic life and he himself was a tragic character.
Happy birthday to one of the best and most iconic book characters ever created. 🎉🎊
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simpinberry · 1 year
costar reader and bella messing around on set of tlou?
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costar! reader, platonic and romantic, gnreader!,
i adore this idea <3 making this for some of us who just wanna be friends with bella.
i know damn well everyone would be looking for you guys on set just to find y’all in a corner making tiktoks. i can’t be the only one who thinks bella would 100% be down to make funny tiktok dances with you. lmaoo i can see them doing the “my blickyyy uponnn the dresserr” trend.
boredom is something you and bella have banished from set. you have a 2 hour wait in the middle of the woods. y’all are picking up sticks and fighting each other. playfully obviously but someone’s definitely gonna get hurt in the end. it’d start by you finding a big stick and challenging bella with a “HUSSAH” and she’d immediately match your energy, running off to find her own stick. y’all would get told off for getting ur clothes dirty (you end up rolling around in mud and dirt). bella simply shrugs it off reminding them you’re both literally on the set of the last of us. bless ur stylists fr
the perks of being on the set of tlou is that you guys get to shoot in some really cool places. when bella can she rlly loves using the camera you got her for their birthday. always makes you lose in front of the pretty views with big mountains in the back. has embarrassing an embarrassing video of you spilling down a hill and getting your entire ass handed to u. you’ll get her back by sneaking photos of her and pedro sleeping with their mouths open lmaooo. you two are always sneaking photos and documenting the whole experience, smth everyone will be grateful for later on.
although you both try to remain as professional as possible and not let ur relationship get in the way of ur actor duties. you guys r the cheesiest and cutest mfs on set. will steal kisses right before director yells “action” (can u guys tell ik nothing abt being on a set lmaoo) you guys are famous for taking ur naps together when you have time and are exhausted. two idiots, sleeping in their chairs, hand and hand.
giggle attacks. i know the crew is SICK OF YALLLL. you’ll say one stupid joke and you’re both GONE. cut the show, end it, done for the day yall r menaces. bella will try her best to hide her giggle into your shoulders but it’ll just make u laugh even more. will shush you, finger to her lips. tries everything she can think of to get u to stop. puts both of their hands on your face and tells you to take a ‘deep breath’ and whilst making eye contact. YALL WERE ROLLLINGGG ON THE FLOOR.
if you forget a line, even once, you’ll never hear the end of it from bella. they’ll find it the funniest thing on the planet and will tease you relentlessly for it. silent treatment mode activate‼️‼️ will genuinely beg for ur forgiveness once u don’t budge “babe no pls i’m sorryyyy, cmon tell me what will make this better? cmon how can i get you to forgive me hmm?” lots of pouting they’re soo cute. but you’re STUBBORN. “hmm how bout some kisses?” boom you got her exactly where u wanted her. she’ll attack your face with kisses until you break out in giggles. will continue to do so until you pry her off you. “yeah? my prtty bby likes kisses?” you give her one big long kiss before pulling away. “yes idiot, i do like your kisses but istg stop making fun of me now”
bella is so gf it acc makes me blush deeply sometimesss. i love writing about how it would be like to be around cuz they seem so fucking lovely
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xbellaxcarolinax · 9 months
Hi babessss congratulations again I’m here to request Marc Fuck-Me-Hair Spector + “do you want my fingers” 😫😫
I will literally devour this however you decide to write it 😈🩷
Dbf!Marc Spector x f!reader
Word Count: 988
Warnings: Language, smut, fingering (female receiving), hidden relationship, reader obvs younger than Marc but of age, Marc's teasing.
Hey bestie, gonna give dbf Marc a try, okay? Sorry if it’s shit! Hope you like it <3
Marc knew precisely where to find you.
His eyes gleamed when he’d disrupted your hiding spot: the old treehouse in your backyard that he'd helped your father build an eternity ago. It was weathered and old, rotting from years of rain and snow, but it was yours. 
And sometimes, on summer nights when the heat was tolerable and you were a needy, wet mess underneath him, it was Marc’s too. 
Heat pooled between your legs when Marc crowded you up against the wall, snatching the book you'd been reading from your hands and tossing it carelessly to the side.
"Everyone’s lookin’ for you, sweetheart.” He muttered over your lips before giving you a proper kiss, the kind that had your knees weak and your hands flying to tangle in his hair. 
"Yeah?" You whimpered, feeling his hands ghost over the hem of your skirt, his calloused fingers digging under the soft fabric and carefully skimming over your slit through your panties. "Dad sent you to find me, didn't he?"
“Mhm." Marc hummed, nibbling on your ear, "You’re missing your own party, baby.” 
You really didn’t want a birthday party this year, but your dad had insisted, saying it was your last year of truly being his little girl. But he said that every year.
You sighed when Marc slipped past the barrier of your silky underwear, gently teasing your soaked slit.
"I-I don't wanna go." You complained, gently throwing your head back as Marc explored your wetness, the sweet sounds of your slick pussy loud in the quietness of the treehouse. 
"Your dad went through all this trouble to throw you a party, and you’re not gonna go?” Marc tutted, the tip of his finger circling over your sensitive bud. “Bad girl.”
You moaned, tugging desperately at his dark curls. He knew what he was doing—knew that his words alone could make you putty in his hands. 
“M-Marc,” you pleaded, your voice wavering as he continued to play with your clit, “p-please.” He chuckled, keeping you firmly pressed into the wall, the wood warm for the blazing sun. He placed his brow against yours, relishing in your little pants and mewls.
"Do you want my fingers?" It was a question that promised trouble. He knew exactly what you wanted. 
You nodded, worrying your lip, “Yes, fuck—”
“You gonna behave and go to the party?” He pressed the tip of his middle finger into your hole, quickly dipping in before circling your entrance. 
“Yesyesyesyes, I’ll do whatever you want just—” He cut you off by capturing your lips in a sloppy kiss as he plunged two fingers into your sopping cunt without warning.
It was blinding. The way Marc's thick fingers expertly stuffed your tight cunt was always so fucking blinding.
You whimpered into his mouth,  and he proudly swallowed all of your moans, licking into your mouth as if to devour you. Your eyes fluttered, your hands flying down to grip his toned biceps—muscles earned from his time in the Marines rippling under your touch.
"Shhh, baby," Marc cooed, shifting to press his mouth against your ear as he moved his fingers skillfully in and out of your tight channel, "I’ll give you what you want but you have to stay quiet f’me, mm? Can you do that?”
“Mmmm, y-yeah.” 
You could hear his own breathing quicken, feel how his other hand had a firm grip on your hip, his fingers digging into your skin whenever you squeezed the fingers he had deep inside your sopping cunt.
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he groaned, pressing his erection against your thigh, “dripping all over my hand, baby.” He closed his eyes for a moment savoring your tiny mewls as he worked his skillful fingers inside. They were nothing compared to his cock, but they always reached deep enough, and right now, they were brushing against something that had you seeing stars.
“M-Marc, I’m close.” Marc hummed his approval, stuffing you good till your eyes rolled back, a loud moan ripping past your lips.
You gushed all over his hand but he didn’t let up, continuing to plunge his soaked fingers into your tightening channel, pressing hot kisses over your shoulder and neck.
“That’s it,” he praised, “you came so good, hm?” You tried to hold back your cries as your body flopped against his. Gently, he pulled his fingers out to examine them. They were pruned up and thickly coated in your slick. He smirked before tapping them against your pouty lips.
“You know what to do.” He said, his eyes lidded as he continued to press his clothed cock against you for some relief. You obediently open your mouth, your tongue darting out to lick his fingers clean before taking them completely in your mouth with a moan. 
“Fuck,” Marc groaned, biting his lip, “you’re dad’s gonna fucking kill me if he finds out.”
“Then don’t let him find out.” You pant, still coming down from your high as you slurped at his fingers, making sure to lick up every drop of your tangy essence. 
Marc grunted, pulling his fingers from your mouth to press a quick kiss to your lips. 
“Marc!” You could hear your dad call from a distance, “Did you find her yet? I’m about to start grilling!” You both looked out the makeshift window, watching your dad turn on the grill before heading back into the house.
Marc sighed, gently giving your pussy a light slap before adjusting your skirt. 
“Let’s get outta here before he starts suspecting.” He tried to step away from you but you stopped him, gripping his wrist. You fluttered your lashes for him.
“Will I see you later?” You asked, ignoring the wetness between your legs. “I wanna take care of you.”
Marc chuckled, taking your hand and kissing the inside of your wrist. 
“Yeah, baby, I told your dad I was staying over. Keep your door unlocked for me.”
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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Snowed In
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A/N: Alright, don't know why I had this idea or why every last one of my ideas has to grow into 5k words, but have some Mike!
Pairing: Mike (Hellraiser) x reader (you)
Summary: You were going to spend the weekend at your dad's cabin in the woods with your boyfriend, but he bails on you and leaves you - quite literally - out in the cold. Good thing your best friend's brother shows up...
Word count: 5.3k
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, SMUT, MINORS DNI. First time p-in-v sex, oral (m receiving), Mike being an idiot. Some uncomfortable, awkward mentions of teen feelings. Y'know.
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@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @keanureevesisbae @fvckinghenrycavill @ellethespaceunicorn @peaches1958 @sillyrabbit81 @peyton-warren
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You’d stolen the keys to the cabin years ago, and you were fairly sure your dad had no idea you owned copies, because if he did, you’d have been grounded for that - possibly until your fortieth birthday.
Your best friend is covering for you, there is a bag of snacks and other necessities on the seat next to you, and you are facing the prospect of a romantic weekend with your boyfriend. What could possibly go wrong?
A breakup text after you’ve spent three hours waiting anxiously for him to arrive? Yeah, that'll do it. Now, you’re sitting on the couch in the small cabin, freezing because you can’t start a fire, and crying because you were dumped through a text on the night you were finally going to give it up. Honestly, you’re glad he broke it off before you were able to make that mistake.
Tears are hot on your cold cheeks, and you grab another blanket, but it doesn’t help. Getting dumped and freezing to death seems like a very harsh punishment for sneaking out, really, but it’s slowly becoming a viable threat.
When someone sticks a key in the lock of the door, you almost faint. No one is supposed to be here this weekend. Your dad is out of town on business, your mom doesn’t come here alone... A murderer probably wouldn’t have the keys. Right? On a whim, you turn off the lights and hide behind the couch right before the door swings open.
“Huh? Thought I saw the lights on?” The voice is familiar, but you can’t put a finger on it. “Uncle Walt?” Oh no. No, no, no. There’s only one person in the world who calls your dad that, and it’s Mikey.
Mike Salvatore – the brother of Bianca Salvatore, who just so happens to be your best friend – has been a pain in your ass for as long as you can remember. His dad is a friend of your dad’s, which meant you and Bianca grew up together, and you got to deal with her annoying older brother for free. How fun.
Mike steps inside and turns the lights on.  “I can see someone’s in here, I’d really like to know who it is.”
“It’s, eh...” You crawl out from behind the couch. “Me. Hi. What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same damn thing. At least I got the keys from your dad.” He sounds upset, and although you can’t quite figure out why, you assume it must have something to do with the fact that you’re in the way of him having a quiet night here by himself. If he didn’t have the same idea as you, that is.
“Oh, I’m just here, freshly dumped on what should have been an awesome weekend with my boyfriend. Never fucking mind me, Mike.” There’s no pretending, no holding back tears, no nothing. Because it doesn’t matter. You’ve been caught, Mike is definitely going to snitch on you. You’re sad and single, you’re freezing and you’re going to be so, so dead.
“I’ll just go.” You try to squeeze past him, but he stops you.
“It’s dark out. I wouldn’t let you drive home even if it was an option.” He sounds so serious...
“What do you mean ‘if it was an option’?” Why isn’t it an option now?
“Sorry, Sweetcheeks, we’re snowed in...” Snowed in? Snowed in? Never in a million years... You stare at Mike, and it takes a while before you realize that your mouth is open. “... so even if it wasn’t dark, and you weren’t upset, we’d still be stuck here.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” you cry out, and more tears stream down your face.
“Is there any reason these tears are practically freezing to your cheeks? Are you trying to kill yourself? Because I’m not on board with that, just so you know.” Mike tries to play it off as a joke, but you can see the concern in his eyes.
“Couldn’t start a fire,” you say. For the first time, you realize your teeth are chattering.
“Alright, let’s get that settled first, or else both of us are going to die of hypothermia.” He walks over to the fireplace and laughs when he sees your latest failed attempt at lighting it. “Damn, Sweetcheeks, it’s a good thing I showed up.”
He takes a pocket knife out of his bag and shaves a bunch of thin slivers off the block of wood you had laying in the ashes.
“Grab that basket, would you?” The basket he’s referring to is filled with sticks. “Come here, sit down.”
“Why am I sitting here? I should just stay out of your way.”
“Babygirl, you would have frozen to death if I hadn’t gotten here. You’re learning how to make a fire. Now.” Alright, that does sound like a useful survival skill, now more than ever. And so does ‘breathing normally’, but you can’t seem to remember how to do that, either. Your heart is racing, and you’re past the point of chalking that up to the cold, because it wasn’t nearly as bad before Mikey got here…
“How did you learn?” You ask mostly to distract yourself from your racing pulse and dry mouth. Mikey wasn’t exactly the boy scout type. He was just the annoying older brother type, nothing more, nothing less.
Nothing more. Nothing less. Right?
“I’m a man.” You fight back the urge to snort. That’s a major overstatement. After all, you’re talking about Mikey. Immature, goofy, stupid, dumb, cute– wait, what? “But before I grew up, I was a boy, and they like to set stuff on fire. So, their dads teach them how to do that without burning the house down, and the world is a better place because of it.”
“You never grew up, Mikey, you only got taller.” And somewhere around the time you turned fifteen, he magically got hotter. But that’s not relevant right now, even though it’s fairly hard to ignore now that he’s so close to you.
“Yeah, I have to annoy my baby sister and her cute little friend somehow, right?” Did Mike just call you ‘cute’? You decide not to dwell on it, and instead pay attention to what he has to say. “Alright, fire needs three things: fuel, oxygen, heat. If one of those is not accounted for…” He makes a general gesture at the fireless fireplace.
A few minutes of his slightly condescending explanation later, Mike has actually managed to get a nice fire going. He fills up the kettle with water after ordering you to stay put. You don’t complain; it’s still cold as balls.
“Can I get in on this blanket situation you have going on?” he asks as he sits down next to you. “You kinda took all of them, and I’m gonna get cold, too.” You carefully peel off one blanket-layer and hand it to him.
The tea is hot, the blankets are soft, and the small room is slowly getting warmer. It gets to a point where you slowly unwrap yourself from your carefully constructed cocoon.
“Don’t,” Mike says, “your lips are still blue.” You can only assume he wraps his arms around you without thinking, because… Well, because Mike does most things without thinking, for starters, and because he wouldn’t have done it if he was thinking clearly. Probably.
“Mike, what the hell were you planning on doing here?” you ask. You’re ashamed to think that if you can hear how hoarse your voice is when you say it, Mike can definitely hear, too. And then there’s the thing about not really wanting to find out the answer.
“Eh… There was this chick. She, eh… She bailed on me, but I was halfway here and didn’t feel like turning around.” Is there something in his voice that sounds like he’s lying? Or are your ears deceiving you? Either way… It hurts like a bitch. Which makes no sense because Mike is obnoxious, annoying, gross, and immature.
“Sorry I’m the sucky little stand-in,” you say sarcastically. What you didn’t expect was Mike putting his hands on your cheeks.
“Sucky little stand-in, my ass,” he says, “and get me the name of this guy.”
“You know him,” you say. Mike’s been playing soccer with the guy since they were freshmen in high school.
“Ryan. And you were going to sleep with him.” It’s definitely not a question, but you’re not entirely sure what else it’s supposed to be. The tone in Mike’s voice suggests it’s almost an accusation. “Yeah, don’t say anything, that face is all I need. Fuck, I’m so glad he didn’t show up, baby girl.” His hands fall away from your face, and he wraps you up in a massive hug.
The rest of the night is marshmallows, popcorn, snacks, and games. You never spend time alone with Mikey, it’s weird at first, but you get used to it quickly. Mike is easy to talk to, when he’s not being the annoying older brother. Time goes by fast, and it’s getting kind of late. At some point, you realize that neither of you have really thought about sleeping arrangements.
“You take the bed, I’ll take the couch,” Mike says resolutely, but it doesn’t sit right with you.
“No, it’s okay! I’m a less terrible fit for that couch,” you reply, “you can take the bed.” Mike thinks about that for a second. It’s not a big couch, you’re going to have to curl up enough as is, and Mikey is definitely taller than you. Then he makes a suggestion that makes your heart skip a beat.
“It’s a double bed,” he says, “we could just…” The living room is toasty warm due to the fire, that’s why your cheeks feel hot. Because of the fire. Maybe if you tell yourself that enough times, you will start to believe it.
After some more back and forth on the subject of who deserves to sleep where, you end up in bed together. Mike is clearly more relaxed about the whole thing than you are; you’ve maneuvered yourself as closely to the edge of the bed as possible.
“Would you relax?” Mike chuckles behind you. “We’ve known each other for, what? Fifteen years?” Yeah, that sounds about right.
“But you’re Bianca’s stupid older brother,” you say – out loud, what is wrong with you?
“Yeah, I am,” he admits, “which is exactly why you don’t have to be so… uptight, right now.” Is that his way of saying nothing is going to happen? And why does that sting so bad, for crying out loud? You turn around, so you’re facing him, and if it weren’t for Mike’s incredible reflexes, you’d have fallen out of bed.
“Thanks,” you mutter. “Can I ask you something?” It’s a stupid question; you can always ask Mike anything, you always could.
“Why are you so glad Ryan bailed on me?” Mike laughs when he hears your question, and sighs. As far as Mike is concerned, Ryan isn’t the right guy for you. He’s too much of a player.
“Takes one to know one, right?” you throw back at him.
“Yeah. Well... I don’t have a double-digit body count, he does.” Mike growls. “There’s… some… overlap. Y’know, between the girls he… and the ones I… The… reviews aren’t good, okay. And… And I just don’t want him near you.” The way he’s shy, talking about this all of a sudden, it’s so cute it melts your brain. Thinking Straight? We don’t know her.
“So, what? You’re saying you’d be a better option?” That stupid, stupid, big fucking mouth of yours… You never should have come here. You never should have agreed to sleep in the same bed. All of this could have been avoided if only you’d used your dumb brain. Apparently, Mike disagrees, because he moves closer, pulling you in as he does, until you’re flush against his body.
“I’m saying great white shark would be a better option,” he whispers. He’s so close now that you can feel his breath on your cheeks.
“I feel you’re a step up from a great white,” you mutter, “maybe even more than one.” Where is this coming from? Are you flirting with him? You’re comparing him to a shark. That can’t be flirting – or at the very m it’s incredibly poor flirting. But he’s the one who brought up the shark thing. Maybe neither of you are very good at this?
Mike laughs and mutters a ‘thank you’.
“Turn around, Sweetcheeks,” he says softly, and you hum a sort of question that he seems to understand. “Let me snug up to you, keep you warm tonight, okay?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Mikey,” you whisper, shifting uncomfortably. When Mike wrapped you into that hug, you didn’t notice his hand: It’s dangerously close to your ass. Strong fingers flex against you, digging into you, making you shiver. Your own arm, which has been pushing against his shoulder up until now, slides to his back, and you lean your head against his chest.
For a few minutes, you just rake your fingers over his back while he does the same to you, pulling each other closer as you go. It’s tough to ignore the erection pressing into your thigh, so you don’t bother. It’s not as if you’re doing anything wrong. Besides, you can still stop this. As long as you don’t turn your face to his, nothing more has to happen. Then why the fuck do you turn your head?
It’s no use trying to figure out who kissed who first, but from the moment his lips touch yours, you’re lost in him. A soft first kiss soon turns intense and demanding. Mike has a very eager tongue – you should have seen that coming – and is completely incapable of keeping his hands in decent places. All you hear are the moans that escape you both, and the sound of your blood rushing in your ears. You clench your thighs every time Mike grinds his hips into you. Should you be this wet? It’s not just from this, but from everything. The hugs by the fire. Small touches while playing games. The way his hand briefly brushed past your thigh when... God, you forgot what he was even doing when that happened, but just the thought of the way his fingers caressed your skin fuels the fire inside you.
He rolls on top of you, the weight of his body making you gasp, and you make room for him between your legs. If there was still a way back, it’s definitely gone now that his cock is pressed against your pussy. You even wrap your legs around him and pull him closer. Mike chuckles under his breath, bringing up insecurities you didn’t know you had.
“What?” You ask timidly. Mike smirks at you and leans his forehead against yours.
“You’re cute like this,” he says. There’s something gravelly in his voice that seems to vibrate throughout your body.
“Like what?” You surprise yourself with how steady your voice is.
“Horny,” Mike answers plainly. You should have expected bluntness – it’s Mikey, after all – but you didn’t, and now you have nothing else to say. He smirks at you as he lies next to you again. “Bet you’re wet as fuck, too, huh?”
“Mikey!” You slap him on the shoulder and try to turn away, but he holds you firmly in place.
“Oh no, Sweetcheeks,” he says, “you’re not going anywhere.” Hearing the need in his voice sends shivers all through your body. You squirm in his arms in desperation, your cheeks hot with embarrassment because of what he said, but there’s no part of you that even considers actually trying to get away from him. You like this coy little cat and mouse game. Mike’s hand travels down your stomach and into your pajama pants and underwear without hesitation. His eagerness startles you – so does the fact that you don’t try to stop him.
One of his fingers slips between your folds, and he smirks.
“Goddamn, Sweetcheeks,” he says before kissing your neck. You moan when the stubble on his jaw scratches your skin. Suddenly, a memory makes you laugh. Mike quirks an eyebrow as his fingers retreat slightly – you can’t blame him; this is not an appropriate time to laugh.
“I’m sorry,” you chuckle, “memories.”
“Of that time you made me cut my face while shaving?” Pff! Lucky guess! Your eyes confirm his suspicion, and he chuckles, too. “My date that night felt really bad for me, so thanks, I guess.”
“What even startled you?” He’d seen you barge into the bathroom he and Bianca shared countless times at that point, so what was different that time?
“You and Bibi had just gotten back from summer camp; I hadn’t seen you in a few months and...” His voice trails off and he doesn’t seem prepared to keep talking. No dice.
“And what?” you continue your interrogation. “What changed.”
“God, Sweetcheeks, don’t make me say it! I’m gonna sound like such a perv!” He tries to bury his head in your neck, but you push back. All of a sudden, you realize the hand he had stashed in your pants, has moved to your ass. Mike groans, because he realizes you’re really going to make him answer. “You left for camp, like... Flat. And you came back kinda, sorta... fully equipped.”
“You cut yourself shaving because you were checking out my rack?” Fucking unbelievable. No, actually, scratch that. Completely believable. You laugh when you see the monstrously guilty look on his face. Mike really looks like a kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
“I actually cut myself because I turned my head to look away.” Oh. Well... Mike picks up on your confusion somehow. “They were nice. But also attached to my sister’s best friend.”
“And now you’re feeling me up in my dad’s cabin in the woods.”
“A dream come true,” he laughs. Does he mean it? From the looks of it... “I mean it. I’ve had a bit of a crush on you for years.”
You can’t believe your ears! Mikey has a crush on you?
“I wish I could say the same, but I thought you were fucking annoying until a few hours ago,” you say without thinking.
Mike grins ear to ear. “Right.”
“I’m serious!” You are! You really are serious! Someone can be both annoying and hot, right?
“I believe you,” he says as he pulls you closer. “I also believe you’re more than a little hot for me now.”
He’s right – obviously. Your body is on fire, heart racing, butterflies fluttering in your stomach – all because of him. His lips on your neck confirm it, his hand squeezing your ass, slowly moving back around to work its way between your legs, his breath on your ear as he softly moans when he slips two fingers into your pussy. You want to fuck him. End of story.
“Goddamn, Sweetcheeks,” he moans into your mouth, “I might lose my patience over this juicy pussy.”
“What patience?” you tease. Mike never had much to begin with, and to be perfectly honest, yours has taken a hit to the point where you’re almost begging him to take you. His fingers slip out of you and find your clit. It’s almost impossible to focus on what his hands are doing while his cock is still pushing into your thigh, but at the same time, the way those fingers move, drawing tight circles around your swollen, sensitive little pearl consumes every fiber of your body.
“Don’t tempt me, please,” Mike groans into your ear, “I wanna do this right. You finish first.” Somehow, it never occurred to you that he’s actually trying to make you come. You give his hand the slightest nudge to the side, holding your breath for the reaction that move usually gets you, but it doesn’t happen. He just takes the advice and keeps going.
From then on, practically the only words out of your mouth are ‘fuck’ and ‘oh God’ as he works you up to your climax with surprising ease. He chuckles softly, as if he’s as surprised as you are – and in all honesty: he probably is. It takes you some time to notice the way he’s grinding his hips into your side, and you turn in his arms, forcing him to pull his hand away from your oversensitive clit. Following a deep breath, your hand trails his chest and stomach until it rests on the bulge in his pyjama pants. A cocky – pun not intended – grin appears on his face when he watches you bite your lower lip. He’s big – bigger than you’re used to, anyway. With your free hand, you push the hem of his t-shirt up until he takes over and pulls it over his head. He moans when you lick and kiss his neck, but to your surprise, he stops you when you move further down.
“Have at it if you wanna,” he says shyly, “but only if you want to. I don’t... I won’t return the favor, just... So we’re clear on that.” You’re not sure whether you’re imagining things, or if the pitch of his voice climbs as you make your way down his chest and stomach, leaving a few love bites here and there, listening to Mike groan and feeling him squirm in anticipation as if he’s never had a blowjob before in his life. He sits up, giving you more room to get as comfortable as possible, and leans back against his pillow with an impatient smirk.
You can’t suppress a chuckle when you pull Mike’s pants down and his cock springs free. It’s the way it just... moves that makes you laugh. Mike fakes looking offended and then laughs too, only to stop abruptly when your tongue touches the tip of his cock.
Teasing a guy is easy. Find out what he likes from a shockingly long list of maybe three whole things, and then do that so very lightly that he wants to grab your hair and slam his dick down your throat. Or so you’ve been told. Ryan was too impatient for you to ever try it out, but Mikey seems like a very willing victim. Every time he squirms or moans, or his leg twitches when you change your approach, you laugh softly. His fingers tangled in your hair, and he gently guides you further down onto his cock. He looks down at you and smiles like an idiot.
“Fuck, Sweetcheeks! I don’t know if this is a really good blowjob, or it’s just been a while but...” He stops talking – which is probably for the best. You lose any and all interest in his dick and sit up again.
“Mike,” you try to sound stern, but he looks so mortified that you can’t help but laugh, “what the fuck?”
“In my defense,” he says awkwardly, “there was a really pretty girl sucking my cock, therefore I wasn’t thinking. Like, at all.”
You crawl up until you’re straddling his lap and wrap your arms around his neck. Mike rests his hands on your hips and squeezes you lightly as he leans in to kiss you again. His lips all but force yours apart in their enthusiasm, and he slips his tongue into your mouth as soon as he can. Somehow, it’s the boyish impatience in everything he does that makes you fall for him even harder. It’s the eager kiss, those hands that can’t seem to be still for even a second, the moans that turn into whines whenever you move your hips…
“I can’t wait anymore,” Mike pants when he breaks your kiss, “I want you.”
Part of you wants to tell him to stop, that you don’t want him, that this was a mistake – but that part of you is a liar. You’ve wanted this for years, even Bianca knows that. She never said anything about it, and you never pushed it because Mike is her brother, and you always thought it would be super weird, but you’re never getting this chance again, and if you don’t go for it, you know you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. That realization makes it all the more painful when Mike stops his exploration of your neck and chest and looks at you for a long moment – a very long moment.
“Are you sure about this?” he finally asks, and only then are you able to exhale that breath you were holding in without even noticing.
“Yes,” you say after swallowing the lump in your throat away.
“And because you’re so sure about this and ready for it,” Mike continues, “you remembered to bring protection, of course?”
Jackass. You roll your eyes at him and make sure to grind your ass against his cock extra hard when you get up to grab your bag. Normally, you couldn’t throw anything to save your life, but now, the small box of condoms hits Mike right in the… palm of his hand. Because he can actually catch things, as it turns out. Too bad, you were aiming for his face.
The room is pretty cold, and even though Mike never actually took any clothing off you, you’re freezing. All you want is to get back under the covers with him, but you can’t seem to move. Mike tosses the box onto the nightstand and throws the covers back by means of an invitation while he finishes getting naked. It takes a goofy smile and his reaching out his hand for you to finally move closer to the bed again.
“I’m nervous,” you say softly as you crawl into his arms. He squeezes you, it’s lovely. He’s not buff, but he’s stronger than he looks, and it’s very reassuring.
“So am I,” he says to your surprise. Your face must have asked the question for you, because he continues: “I want it to be good for you. Not that I normally don’t… Oh, fuck, never mind. I just want to make sure you have a nice first time.”
Mike slips his hands back underneath the fabric of your pajama shirt, only this time, he lifts it so he can pull it off you. Those hands may have wandered everywhere, but his eyes haven’t, and it makes you insecure until you see the look on his face. The hasty, sloppy kisses to your neck and shoulders are almost a form of keeping decorum, a way to pretend he doesn’t want to go straight for your chest, but he still makes it there within seconds. When he explored the rest of your body, his focus was fleeting – exactly what you were used to from him, because that’s exactly what he always does with everything. Now, however, he shows a level of commitment and dedication you’ve never seen in him. His lips wrap around one of your nipples, and you shriek when he sucks softly. The feeling itself is amazing, but the sounds that Mike lets out are even better. There’s absolutely no doubt in your mind that he loves what he’s seeing – although, at the moment, you doubt he’s seeing much to begin with, because his head is buried against your chest.
“Mikey!” you hiss when he gently bites down on your nipple. That finally gets him to let go of your breasts and kiss you again.
“Sorry,” he says when he breaks away again, “you have awesome boobs.”
As he kisses you again, he pushes your pants down your legs. Despite the nerves that still gnaw on your insides a little, you help him. For a while, it’s relatively easy to calm those pesky jitters down a little, until Mike reaches for the box on the nightstand.
“Are you sure about this?” Mike asks as he positions himself between your legs after putting a condom on. The tip of his cock pushes at your entrance in the most teasing way. When you nod, Mike kisses you softly before he pushes into you. He goes slow, and he’s really gentle, but you still wince.
“Whoa!” Mike stops moving as soon as he hears you hiss softly while your face scrunches up from the pain. “Relax, okay? Take a deep breath.” You do as he tells you, breath catching in your throat as he slides into your core further – this time it feels amazing, and you can’t stop yourself from moaning loudly. Mike chuckles when he hears you.
“Good?” His voice is strained, as if he’s having trouble behaving – and knowing him, he does. You nod again, unable to speak, overwhelmed by the new sensations in your body. When Mike moves his hips, you gasp. His movements are slow and shallow at first, but once he realizes you can take him, they become deeper, faster and more enthusiastic.
“Oh my god, Mikey!” you squeal when he hits a good spot inside you. Your fingers find their way into his curls, and you pull him down to kiss him.
“Feels so good,” you mumble against his lips. Mike’s lips pull into a grin, you can feel it.
“Fuck,” he hisses. His hips slow, but he doesn’t stop. Still, it makes you sad, because – and you can’t believe you’re actually having this thought – you want him to pound you.
“Don’t stop,” you whine, and you give Mike a pouting look.
“Hey, this is hard work!” Mike says quasi-offended. You both laugh – it feels strange, with him still inside you. When you stop, he looks at you in earnest. “Besides, I don't want this to be over yet.” He continues his slow tempo for a while, as he keeps kissing your neck, your chest, circling your nipples with his tongue, rolling the sensitive little buds between his fingers, making you squirm in every possible way until you’re almost begging him to fuck you hard again.
Suddenly, Mike lowers his head until his lips are right next to your ear. “Ready?” he whispers, but he doesn’t wait for an answer. His grip on your hip tightens, and his other hand crosses your back to grab your shoulder. Mike holds you tight as he slams his hips into you, leaving you breathless. He’s rough, not to the point where it hurts, but definitely approaching that edge. It feels amazing. You wrap your legs around his waist and close your eyes as your head falls back. A few harsh thrusts make you shriek. Mike hides his groaning in your neck before collapsing on top of you.
You whine when he pulls out, your walls suddenly clenching around nothing again. It’s a strange sensation after what you just experienced. Empty. Lonely. It gets even worse when Mike gets up.
“I’ll be right back.” Somehow, it’s not very reassuring. You curl up under the covers, fighting back tears. How could you sleep with your best friend’s stupid brother? Bianca will never forgive you…
“Whoa! Are you alright, Sweetcheeks?” Mike crawls into the bed behind you and wraps his arms around you.
“Bianca is going to kill me,” you say. Mike laughs, which annoys you. A lot. “Mikey, it’s not funny! She’s my best friend and you’re her brother!”
“Sweetcheeks,” Mike says, “we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, okay? Just come here, let’s go to sleep.” He pulls you into his arms, and for a moment – one that happens to last until the next morning – everything is perfect.
You wake up to twelve missed calls from Bianca and several text messages, the last of which reads ‘I know – I hope… – you’re busy licking my brother but call me back, maybe?’
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ariondevereux · 2 years
Not the other person but I would love to hear more about one of ur other Ocs. They all sound so great! Any is fine, i would love to hear some hcs u have of them if you're comfortable sharing ofc, no pressure! ❤️❤️
pls i got excited when i saw this ask skdjsks thank you!! i know you asked for some headcanons but this ended up getting so long and rambly 😭 under the cut for hcs i’ve always wanted to get out of my system <3
maya quimby from golden + her otp and brotps <3
maya grew up feeling neglected. like she’s aware her parents are important people with important jobs but for once she just wanted to be someone’s priority. she doesn’t remember the last time they put her first
i remember labelling maya as my snobby oc because of her lifestyle but over time i fleshed her out and realized she’s really not. she just grew up rich and a bit out of touch with the real world but deep down, she’s very sensitive and despite her lavishly displaying her money, she never does it to make anyone feel like she’s above them. she’s just trying to fill the void that her dad left in her life
i chose phoenix as her ro because out of the four, p always came off to me as the one who’s as rational as they are emotionally intelligent. and maya easily lets her emotions get the best of her; when she gets overwhelmed, she shuts the world out. she needs someone like phoenix who *i think* can understand what she feels but also talk some sense into her and keep her lucid before she mentally shuts down completely
also phoenix and maya are my pairing that i literally did not expect to be one of my angstier otps until mila dropped the pinterest boards and i looked at p’s and saw some pins about how they’re always choosing but never chosen and those are the same pins in maya’s board and i just went “well…. 🥲”
random maya fact to break the angst — she studies law and loves fashion design. she’s like lehsa’s elle woods hehe look up sabrina carpenter’s “sue me” mv and that’s maya <3
OKOK LESS ANGSTY HCS!!!! it actually didn’t take long for maya to develop a crush on phoenix and i don’t blame her because he’s so kind and so pretty with the sexiest brain but maya is soooooo in denial. she’s like “hmm nope. he’s just a nice guy i bet he’s nice to everyone” — in an au where my all golden ocs exist together, kaidan and maya would bond over that because friends who are in denial together stay together <333
at the same time, kaidan and maya would push each other like “dude i’m TELLING you lira’s into you! stop being so fucking blind” “fuck you take your own advice” pls i literally LOVE these two so much i would lay down my life for them (lira is my k-mancer btw)
despite kaidan not being openly affectionate, he deeply cares for maya. he’s actually the first in the team to see right through her “rich girl” front and can sense that she’s really lonely. i think that’s why their friendship works so well. kaidan doesn’t care about her money and that’s exactly what maya wants. someone who genuinely enjoys being around her regardless of her wealth and status
these pictures are the closest visual representation of kaidan and maya’s friendship
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maya also becomes close to blaze because they’re both into fashion. he’s the first member in the team she took to her fashion studio. sometimes she would show him all the best places to shop. on one of blaze’s birthdays, she designs a jacket for him 🥺
in an au where maya and my b-mancer, kirsten, coexist, maya would be the biggest blaze x kirsten shipper shdusksk fast forward to the relationship stage, phoenix x maya and blaze x kirsten go on double dates <3 — side note: phoenix is kirsten’s closest friend in the group
kaidan, blaze and maya are my chaotic three. but sometimes it’s against blaze’s will when kaidan and maya kidnap him for a night out skdjsks this trio makes phoenix get all fuzzy like “aw my girl gets along with my friends 🥹” while asher’s patience is wearing thin LMFAO
ok back to phoenix and maya — so yk how i said she’s in denial right? it’s not that she doesn’t trust him. she wants to because she really thinks he’s a good guy. she just has trust issues in general. the longer phoenix goes trying to get to know her, maya’s urge to flee just gets stronger because she’s so scared of the good thing they have going on and how good it makes her feel but at the back of her mind she knows it’s only a matter of time before it all crashes and burns
this is a tentative hc and it might change depending on how the revelation goes in the game about a and k wanting to kill mc but out of all my golden girls, maya will take it the hardest. she’s already got enough baggage to begin with then you add her finding out about her vampire bestie wanting to kill her just because. and the guy she trusts and is completely in love with kept it from her. and phoenix would probably be so desperate to console her and ask her to hear him out but maya would be so blinded by rage and betrayal at this point that even though she knows phoenix was against asher and kaidan’s choice, it would fly over her head and she’d start asking “why? what did i ever do to you?” and she’d start saying things she doesn’t mean because she’s hurt. so yeah. that shit would send her on a spiral she wouldn’t be able to keep a clear head. we need a therapist in lehsa asap
sigh. ANYWAYS enough angst — eventually, phoenix shows maya some of his earliest and messiest sketchbooks. maya points at one of his anatomy drawings and jokes “this guy would look so good in a [insert piece of clothing]” and if phoenix will let her, she’ll definitely take one of his sketchbooks just to own something that’s his
relationship stage: she definitely steals his sweaters and wears them like an oversized shirt dress. one time blaze jokes about phoenix and maya starting to look like each other and kaidan says “well you are what you eat”
i have this scenario in my head where maya tries to compliment phoenix and tells him he has beautiful eyes and phoenix just ruins the moment like “you’re flattering yourself. we have the same blue eyes” and it annoys her because she was being sincere but he’s not wrong 😭
maya’s not the best at love because she grew up thinking love hurts until phoenix turned out being her safe place. she’s still learning to not be afraid to be vulnerable but she tries her best to show him that the person he chooses this time also chooses him <3
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sixthwater · 2 years
HIIIIIIIIIII HIIIIIIII harvest, orchard, pumpkin, bonfire, cranberry ! <3
Harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
Okay I know I already answered this yesterday but 1. Got too many of them and 2. I literally forgot the bitch that shares my birthday, life goals, and familial dynamic and trauma, I'm a moron?? Nagisa from Ansatsu Kyoushitsu my absolute baby darling. I have to recreate the border from my last ask cause it was peak old-school tumblr culture Gokudera from KHR!! idc about any of amano's writing she can't even write women she's wrong he Would believe in astrology also more mother issues. Finishing off with Gilbert from Pandora Hearts, a big fucking loser and loves way too much way too hard for his own good. These both tie together though with starting off having a shit ton of negative traits and having no control of them and becoming a much better person by the end of their journey also they're both dorks and started smoking because they wanted to be cool and intimidating i hate the both of them
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Orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn.
I'd LIKE to say get a job but my faith in the job market is about negative a thousand and I don't see it recovering any time soon but it's okay because so far my first job has gotten it's karma so you know what :) I want my Latest job to receive it's karma as long as the people I like are safe, and also I wanna beat my friend's ass at mini golf and the other activities we have planned, which is coming up soon
Pumpkin - do you think that humans are inherently good or bad?
GOOD! This reminds me of an incident forever ago where some dick was acting up in line and when confronted he responded to us going "nice guys don't get anywhere in life!" like,,,,very hardcore of you. We are only as good as the people who helped raise us and our neighborhood, but even then if we have the right resources or role models, we can resist a good amount of shitty outcomes. A snippet from a video covering something that I strongly believe in, expresses exactly what I mean. Plus, you can take me for a personal example because you know lmao, but it is very important to have strong pillars in your life either at your darkest moments or at an early age. Humans are never inherently bad, they just become it if nothing stops them.
Bonfire - describe your dream house.
You remember Björk's house?? That. If I Can't Have That, then I will settle for being at the beach or like engulfed by woods. Either way I don't want people to fucking reach me at all except for the tiny little woodland creatures like some lord of the rings shit.
Cranberry - what’s one physical feature that you get complimented on?
My eyes and eyelashes! Also my hair, I just got a compliment on it this weekend v sorry to the lady cause I was in the middle of drinking and almost choked trying to respond while swallowing my frapp
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thursdaynights · 2 months
This one isn’t getting stuck in the mud this year !
How boring it is to be sad at home. ☝🏽NTS: I am minimizing my own depression and that’s not helping anyone. One of my birthday resolutions is to not do this anymore. I would never do this to a friend so why am I treating myself like that? It’s the same way my parents treated me when I came to them with this and I don’t need to keep that up. I can treat myself to the same compassion I give freely to everyone around me. I can give myself the love I so easily pour out of my heart of literally everyone and everything else. Im allowed to have some of that, too. This depression is heavy but I’m not going to find a way out of this just looking in the spot my eyes land when my head is hanging.
My list of Birthday resolutions for the Sacred Age:
Start a religion
Amass at least 12 followers
Have one that’ll betray me
Upset the Romans
Get crucified
Pay off my credit card debt ✅
Do better at not letting that pile up 👀
Start treating myself like a friend
Go to the doctor’s and get my stomach checked out
Solidify daily routine that will allow me to better manage my time.
Maybe start going to a gym to work out. Or take a boxing class. My favorite way to work out is when I am using my body for something that it would do naturally like hiking or getting into a fight. What I would lOVE to do is get into competitive wood cutting. And archery. I am pretty ok with a bow and even more solid with an axe. Recruit me.
With everything that has happened in the last couple months, I am very proud that I got the things done that I needed done like filing my taxes, updating my car registration, and updating my address on my license and voter registration as well as updating the addresses on all my bank accounts. I went to the dentist and got a clean bill of health, too. I know that may seem mundane for anybody else but I am somebody who becomes paralyzed if there are enough important feeling, time sensitive tasks on my to do list. It’s scary and I know it’s executive dysfunction rearing it’s head and it doesn’t make it any easier that the people I leaned on for advice in the past made me feel worse for asking them for help. To help avoid that being put down feeling (what eventually leads to the paralysis), I ripped everything off and did as much of it as I can by myself. Instead of relying on my dad and his CPA to file my taxes, I did it myself on HRblock and got the same return I got last year all for free.I had no idea my taxes were this easy to file. My dad has always made it seem like some boogeyman situation where if I did it wrong, I’ll immediately go to jail. But, I found it was pretty easy to do your taxes correctly and that if you’re trying to do some fucky shit, that’s the complicated bit and that’s on you- speaking on trying to justify deductions to get more of a return. I’m not out here trying to get back more than what I’m owed but I do understand filing your taxes can become more complicated If you have to report things like a mortgage payments or any expenses related to work or volunteering service, or if you’re anything other than a W2. Up to right now, that’s not me and I’ve never needed anything fancy in that regard. I was going through the flowery motions for no good reason. Same with my move, my dad has always been the one to provide a truck and some workers (reluctantly) whenever any of his kids needed to move, but I didn’t want to do that this time to avoid the feeling of being an obligation to him. I rented a truck myself and between me and the guy we hired, we had everything out of my apartment in one sweep. I made one trip to my new studio in less than two hours I paid 60 bucks for the truck, enjoyed the fuck out of driving the box truck myself 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠, and returned it without issue. Moving expenses were at most 260 bucks.
There’s a lot more to get done and I am still very lost in this place. But, I’ve got my hands out now and I’m starting to feel my way around.
I need to remind myself of how much ground I’ve covered, though. From 2020 on it’s been nothing but a freefall.
I cannot disregard all of the movement I made between 2019 and now. It’s just hard to have a bookmark visible on that progress when my entire identity was leveled in 2022. 2022 was the repacking and leveling of a foundation that I will build on with plans of my own design. No more cookie cutter houses. No more following someone else’s idea for m y life. If I want to do something, I will check in with ((myself)) and move on that advice. I will seek professionals in the field I am drawn to and find mentors. Apply myself. I have a life to dedicate to something. I’d like to that be a life of learning about the world I live in. It’s a wonder and I find absolute joy in watching and learning how things exist together.
And trees. This bitch l o v e s trees. Im going to bring more trees in my life.
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8one6 · 8 months
I mentioned it before but whenever I start gearing up to run a TTRPG for my friends I put together a campaign prospectus. It's a page or so with three to five different campaign ideas that I both think would be fun to play and that I'd be willing to run.
In the past it led to some fun campaigns like the post-post (technically post-post-post) apocalyptic Fantasy Craft game where they had to find the keys to the engine keeping the world running, or the GURPS campaign that was pitched as "Non-military Stargate".
This time I've got five pitches:
Trinity's Gate - 80s cyberpunk/fantasy
The nuclear tests of the 1940s & 50s opened gates to realms beyond Earth. Wonders beyond imagination brought rapid advances in science and technology, allowed the wealthy to prosper, and caused the world to fall into corporate dystopia fueled by suffering and sorcery.
Arcanotronic cyberware, megacorps run by billionaire elves, shadows to run, and scores to settle.
This one is a little light on the description because it's going to be pretty obvious that it's store brand Shadowrun. Most of the players enjoy the various flavors of cyberpunk and I think adding portals to fantasy worlds offers a lot of hooks for the players and for running it. Also making the tech explicitly magic powered means I can go as chrome and neon mirrorshades as I want.
Blood Red Planet - 90s action/horror
The Face of Cydonia was real. Beneath the 10 million year old ruins of the Red Planet the first explorers found strange artifacts that kicked off a 21st century gold rush. You live and work in Muskberg, one of the half dozen cities on Mars, living the normal lives of service workers, corporate drones, or security guards when one day all hell literally breaks loose. Now monsters tear through the aging habitats and leaky domes, strange energies mutate your fellow citizens, and the only way off the planet is through the heart of the ruins. You'll need your wits, some luck, and the biggest fucking gun you can carry to escape from a planet stained blood red.
This is "What if Doom and Total Recall had a baby?" and I'm not even going to pretend it's not. It would likely be a shorter campaign mostly due to there being a pretty firm end goal of either stopping the invasion of Mars or getting off the planet.
Aaron's Troubleshooters - space adventure
Freelance problem-solving you can trust! Courier service, private investigation, security consulting, defense contracting, emergency extractions, resource scouting, and birthday parties. No job is too big. Founded by the child of the former owner/CEO of Aaron-Starjet Astroneering (And Aaron's Errands package delivery), the Troubleshooters have fallen on hard times. You are the crew of the company's last starship, the cryptid-class Chupacabra. Your mission is to take any job worth more than the fuel cost to get there, pay off your debts, save the company, and maybe solve a galactic crisis or two while doing it.
This one is a bit of the opposite. It's an open ended sandbox. The players get a ship and a goal to wipe out their mountain of debt. Also the name is 100% because Aaron sounds like errand and I thought the pun works.
Spears & Spirits - Animal empowered cavemen vs demons of shadow and bronze
You know the rituals to absorb a creature's spirit and take its power and strength for your own. You know how to make stone and claws, wood and bone, fangs and flesh, into tools and weapons for yourself, your band of warriors, and your tribe. You know how to tame flame and turn back the darkest night.
Something evil now encroaches upon the lands of three rivers. Creeping from the depths of dark fire mountain a new threat has arisen, monsters armed with strange, gleaming weapons and commanding the forbidden dark flame.
Think fantasy Far Cry: Primal. The players gain the powers of creatures they hunt (like wolves, cave bears, dragons, etc) and use them to fight the armies of invading demons. I was looking for an idea that wasn't just standard fantasy and I had the idea that stone age vs bronze age (but with magic) would be neat.
Hench-Monsters in the Dimension of Dungeons - Monster dungeoneering
Hench-Monsters: name for the many creatures spawned in endless hordes by the Mother Dungeon, a near limitless expanse of always, mazes, chambers, corridors, caves, and caverns.
Known to the outsiders as the Dimension of Dungeons, the outsiders come seeking treasures, power, and the glory of defeating the Dread-Boss at the heart of every subdomain.
You were a Hench-Monster until something awoke within you. Perhaps by random chance or a gift imbued by the Mother Dungeon herself, it is a spark of greatness, a spark of awareness, and unfortunately for you, a spark that has severed you from the Grand Cycle of battle and rebirth. Without that you are as much an outsider to the other dungeon denizens as any Elf or Human.
By scavenged sword, by tooth and claw, by wits and cunning you fight and survive. Will you carve your own kingdom from the dungeon walls, will you seek the outsider gates and the realms beyond, or will you brave the perils to seek the secrets of Mother Dungeon herself?
Simple idea: what if you played the monsters in the dungeon? The setting is basically the dungeon from Danmachi and the players would use the species creation rules from the Genesys RPGs Keyforge book to build their characters.
All of these are pitches for a Genesys RPG game because right now it's my favorite generic/universal system (no one wants to play anything goes GURPS for some reason). We've got access to all of the published materials and it's got some decent support on Drivethrurpg.
Once we can get together to discuss what sounds good for the group I'll know which pitch they like and can begin camping prep.
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The Adventures of Garl and Odra Manyboots- Heatwaves and Zombies
“Gaaaarlll… it’s fucking hot ooouuuut…”
Garl groaned softly but made no attempt to move from his place under the tree or to even open his eyes. Odra rolled across the ground and finally came to a stop in front of the gargoyle.
“How is it so hot? It’s not even midday yet. And I’m gonna burn to death.”
“It’s a heat wave, Odra,” Garl said, trying to be patient with the cranky child that was his companion. “We’re taking the day off from getting to the Underdark because of it, calm the fuck down and stop moving so much. Movement brings up your body heat. You’re not helping yourself.”
“Everything makes you hotter though!” Odra complained, throwing her arms up in the air. “Drinking booze makes you hotter, dancing makes you hotter, the only thing that cools you down is snow, ice, or a lake! And we have none of those!”
Garl sighed and pressed his hands to his temples. The heat was giving him a headache. “Odra. Are you naked?” he asked a question he already knew an answer to.
“Yeah, why?”
“Nevermind. Is that why Sylvia and Dullahan are nowhere to be heard?”
“Dullahan’s making an acid weapon out of his own stomach bile and… I don’t know where Sylvia is.” Odra scratched her ear. “What else did you expect me to do? It’s so hot out here a tiefling would be sweating his balls off. A fucking tiefling.”
“At least put something on your lower half. Not everyone’s used to seeing you run around in your birthday suit.” Garl was past the point of caring- he’d seen his little companion butt naked so many times he’d been pretty desensitized to it.
Odra whined before she rolled herself across the ground where her pile of clothes was. She did put her leggings back on, but even that was miserable. “I’m gonna die,” she declared before looking over at Garl and their special delivery. “So… how’s your friend?”
This finally got Garl to open his eyes. He looked over at the cart that was carrying the gargoyle’s body.
“He’s dead, Odra. Nothing’s changed from the last time you’ve asked, so why do you keep asking?”
“… It’s just weird.” Odra walked up to the cart, looking the statuesque creature up and down while being sure not to touch. “When everything else dies, it disappears. I mean, after swelling and bubbling and rotting, but it disappears.”
“That’s what makes us different from everything else.” Garl wiped the forming condensation off his face. “Ulgth. Even I’m sweating. How the fuck am I sweating?”
“The air’s super sticky. And you’re a fucking rock. You’re making me regret putting pants back on.” Odra flopped back on the ground and rolled back to Garl. “I’m glad I’ll disappear when I’m dead. I don’t like… just the idea of being here forever. It weirds me out.”
Garl hummed softly before he closed his eyes again. Odra wouldn’t understand. Goblins had such a blip of a lifespan. Even their elderly were barely fifty years before they croaked. Gargoyles were, in a quite literal sense, forever. Even when their souls were gone, they left behind their shells to forever watch over their ancestral dens.
This one would be returned back to its resting place soon.
“… Uh, Garl?”
“Something’s not right.”
Garl’s eyes popped open and he reached for his blade. “How not right?” he asked.
“Birds.” Odra’s ears twitched as she inched towards her rapier where it laid next to her discarded clothing. “They stopped singing.”
Good. Perfect.
“Odra, fall back to the grass if you have an opening. I have to stay with him.”
Odra didn’t question him, but she didn’t have much time to. She barely scooped up her rapier when the first zombie stumbled out of the woods.
“GARL!” Odra skittered backwards, keeping her rapier at the ready as the rotting creature hissed and spat at the goblin. “I need my daggers!”
“In the cart! Fall back! And plug your ears!”
Garl took a deep breath before he threw his head back and roared. He didn’t care to bring so much attention to himself, but he needed to get the others back here, and fast- more zombies were coming out of the undergrowth, and not all of them were human. That big one with the loosely hanging jaw was a fucking ogre.
Odra dived into the cart before emerging with her daggers, flipping them around in her fingers. “I hope they heard that!” she fired back before throwing herself into the fray.
Garl looked up at the undead ogre that was now shambling towards him.
“… Same.”
Garl charged forward with another ear shattering roar and swung his blade at the ogre. Thankfully the hit connected- zombies weren’t great at dodging. However, it didn’t seem to mind that its guts were now starting to drip down to its knees, and Garl grimaced as he saw it raise its morningstar.
Garl ducked under the blow, but the weapon instead crashed into a tree. The tree cracked down the middle and teetered for a second before it tipped to the side and fell… right towards Odra.
The goblin dodge rolled out of the way of the tree, but unfortunately right into the path of another zombie’s whack. She yelped as it punched the back of her head, sending her sprawling on the ground.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuckfuckfuck-
Garl couldn’t have been more thankful when a shadowy beast came crashing out of the trees and bodyslammed the ogre, getting its attention off of Garl. While the ogre turned to deal with the new threat, Garl bolted over to where Odra was getting her bearings.
“Odra! You all right?”
Odra hummed before stumbling to her feet, rubbing the back of her head. “You’ve hit me harder,” she joked before she slipped both of her daggers out of her belt. “Keep their attention. They’ll never see me coming, hehe!”
A bottle of a nasty yellowish liquid soared through the air and shattered in front of a few of the other undead. One made the mistake of stepping in it and immediately it started to melt. By the time it reached the other side of the puddle it was little more than arms, shoulders, and head.
“Well, this is a lot of dead bodies.”
Dullahan strode out of the trees and tossed another bottle of that vile looking concoction between his hands. Garl grimaced as he caught a whiff from the puddle. “That’s your vomit, isn’t it?”
“Garl, the things I know about how to weaponize hair would make you stay up at night.”
As if to demonstrate this, one of the zombies ambled closer to Dullahan, swiping at the madman. Dullahan took a step back and Garl watched as the hair rose on the human’s arms before it grew and shot out to stab the zombie through the head. The zombie twitched before it dropped to the ground, back to being dead.
“… Oh. Well, that’s actually new. Interesting.”
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” Garl snapped.
Dullahan shrugged before he sidestepped another zombie coming to eat his face. “Well, as much as I’d like to continue this experiment, it’d be appreciated if someone took care of that one…”
Odra flung herself out of the bushes and onto the zombie’s back, stabbing both of her daggers into its skull. Blood and brain flew through the air as Odra cackled, obviously having completely forgotten about the heat of the day. Nothing made a rogue happier than pulling off multiple sneak attacks, which considering zombies had just about as much awareness as you’d expect, she was getting a lot of those.
The ogre zombie finally toppled over as the shadowy creature bit its head off. Sylvia walked out of the trees. “Oh gods, it smells,” she gagged, reaching up to cover her nose.
Garl dodged another zombie’s pitiful grab for him before he slashed the corpse down the spine. “Where did they even come from?” he said.
“Who the fuck knows, and who the fuck cares- GAH! GET OFF!”
Sylvia shoved a zombie back but not before its rotting fingers tore open her cheek. She hissed in pain as she covered the bloody wound. Without another word, she just barked an order at her summon while lifting her crossbow up to fire.
The bolt stunned it for a second, enough for the summon to get its claws into it. Sylvia spat out any of the blood that dripped into her mouth before easing back into the shadows, her eyes positively glowing with rage.
How were there still more of these sons of bitches out here-
Garl felt something in the air change and he knew to hit the ground before the lighting hit.
The drow mages dropped from the shadows as the zombies twitched and writhed. Now everything smelt like Dullahan’s shitty acid potions, rotting flesh, and burning flesh.
At least once they stopped twitching they were all dead. One of the drow, likely the one in charge, took off her helmet to reveal a nifty pair of goggles that likely shielded her eyes from the daylight. She snapped something in Elvish, her lip curling at the sight of the party.
Garl shook the blood off his blade as he glowered at the sorceress. “Speak Common, for the love of-”
Dullahan cleared his throat and raised his hand to cut Garl off. Then he responded in perfect Elvish to the drow sorceress, dropping to one knee and bowing his head.
This clearly got the right impression from her, as a smile crossed her lips and she patted the human on the head. They had a brief conversation before Dullahan was allowed to rise.
“We’re good. She knows a shortcut into the Underdark, she just thought we might have something to do with the zombies that have been apparently harassing their entrances. We can bring the dead guy too.”
Garl took a deep breath, counted to ten, and said, “I hate him. I really do.”
Sylvia snorted as she pressed a handkerchief against her scratched cheek. “Join the club,” she grumbled before she followed after him.
“You okay, Garl?”
Odra dropped down on Garl’s shoulders and Garl managed a smile before he grabbed the cart and pulled it as they joined the others. “Just fine. How’s your head?”
“I got a thick skull, I shook it off. And Dullahan gave me a potion that I’m pretty sure had a few of his fingernails floating around in it judging by the texture. Very. Sharp. And metallic.”
That was something about that that made Garl shudder. “I hope he lets Sahsi give him manicures sometimes. That’s fucking disgusting.” Dirty fingernails. No thank you.
Funny, he’d wanted to actually bring the hexblood with them, but she wasn’t in her room when he went to recruit her. Pity. He’d prefer her sissy healing potions that smelled like rose petals over whatever gods forsaken crap Dullahan pulled off or out of himself to make his concoctions.
They would’ve missed this entrance to the Underdark if they hadn’t had a drow guard. The leader woman murmured some secret words at a stone and it just rolled out of the way, revealing a dark tunnel that seemed to go on forever. At the sight of it, Odra sighed with relief.
“At least it’ll be cooler down there!”
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transparentheart69 · 1 year
Uncontrollable urge to fall off the face of the earth. Delete all social media throw my phone off the Y bridge. Get a cabin in the woods. Grow, raise and slaughter all of my own food.
Truthfully who would miss me? Everyone's gotten along pretty well without me for the last couple years. All I am to people is a yearly Facebook birthday post annnnd I bet I get MAYBE 20 of those this year and only 5-8 of those will be people NOT related to me. 😅
Y'all know my disorder isn't contagious right? 😅 You're not gonna catch one of my multiple personalities or my PTSD or my Schizophrenia and take it home with you unfortunately enough I'm kinda stuck with all of that. There's no cure. No magic medication to make them go away. They are literally PART OF ME ya know the guy you all grew up with...the guy you called your brother, bestfriend, homie. I'm the same fucking person.
Stop asking me "how do they fix that?" I'm not an old radio in a beat up mustang that needs to be fixed I'm not fucking broken. Literally all I need is that ONE person to hug me and tell me everything these fucking voices tell me on a day to day basis is bullshit.
I need SOMEONE to look at me in the middle of a full on break down after just talking to my aunt that's been dead for the last 13 years AND JUST TELL ME I'M NOT FUCKING CRAZY FOR DOING THAT.
We love breaking down at work. Sigh. And not a single soul in this warehouse is gonna know I was just in here crying like a little girl. Gotta love conditioning yourself to "suck it up".
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lord-ofthe-frogs · 2 years
fantasy game but it's in the present and instead of getting quests to attack stronger and stronger monsters and stuff like that you just get more fucked up and hard to do quests.
"lvl 15 quest: powerwash this rotting rodent off my porch."
"lvl 30 quest: this one actually isn't all that bad. find this specific special quarter in all these quarter rolls. Just kidding it's pretty bad and will likely take you hours and if you miss it you will have to finish whole thing and then do it again."
"lvl 50 quest: I'm hiring you to find me a first edition mint copy of this comic."
"lvl 65 quest: clean up this dead old ladies house so it can go on the market again. Warning, there are at least 3 dead animals and alot of rotting things. Might want to skip this one if you have a weak stomach."
"lvl 70: man passes you stack of 100's and tells you he'll give you the rest if you can kill his next door neighbor. He doesn't really care how you do it he just doesn't want the blame to be able to end up on him."
"lvl 75: I'm pretty sure someone dumped a dead body in those woods. Go search literally the entire forest with no guidance. Also yes, the forest and where they are hidden is randomly generated (generated to make them hard to find of course. but they won't be in the same place every time)
"lvl 78: some guy found the body I dumped in the woods. I'll give you a thousand bucks and this mint first edition comic if you can either get rid of it or shift the blame to someone else."
"lvl 80: same guy that handed you a stack of 100's comes back with a briefcase full of cash and asks you to kill his other next-door neighbor. You wonder if that's gonna draw attention to him. He then explains that this next-door neighbor is a politician."
"lvl 85: it drew attention to him. He now shows up with a jug of gasoline and asks you to help him fake his death. He says you can take whatever you find in his house, which he would like you to then light on fire along with the houses of his next-door neighbors. You don't know how much he has in his house but at this point. You're kind of obligated, in a way. Plus, that politician deserved it.
"lvl 85 (again): the guy who asked you to get rid of the body before walks up to you, thanks you again for last time (with a hundred dollar bill), and then explains that he needs some help smuggling his friend over the border. you're not exactly sure what border because this world is supposed to be made up, but something gives you the impression you're smuggling them out of America. He says it will be nice for you to go on a little vacation, and he'll pay for vacation expenses; if you want to tag along.
You meet up with him to cross the border and find that his "friend" happens to be the guy you helped fake his own death. He affectionately calls out your name upon recognizing you, the two exchange greetings and share how they know you, and the guy who's neighbors you assassinated crawls under a tarp in their truck as the other guy escorts you to the drivers seat."
"lvl 90: you're in what seems to be some warped game version of mexico now, and for some reason they wont let you go back to fake game america. The quest this time is just to help those two get settled and find some way to cross the border without getting noticed."
"lvl 91: you actually go back to the nice little quests like the ones you had at the beginning. helping grandmas get groceries, getting cats out of trees, catching common street thieves. it's weird to go back to it now, though. Knowing what you've done. when did you stray so far?"
"lvl 92: some poor guy is now paying you to help impress his crush on their first date."
"lvl 93: his crush is now paying you for intel on him. You have to wonder what direction exactly their relationship might be going..."
"lvl 94: he asked you to find out what kind of things she likes so he can get her a suitable gift for her birthday. you are now "spying" on both of them for each other."
"lvl 95: the crush asks you to assassinate someone. Upon investigating, it seems like the one she wants you to assissinate is an ex-lover of some sort, and is being king of a bitch about her new relationship. Also has been threatening to kill her boyfriend. Plus you find out he's been abusing his dog. ... it seems maybe the girl really does love her new boyfriend?"
"lvl 100: suddenly there is a time skip and you are about 3-5 years in the future. You hold a wedding invitation in your hand. It appears to be... For the two guys you helped smuggle out of the country? it's a good thing gay marriage is legal in fake-mexico. Good for them? Somehow the couple you helped at lvl 92-95 are there too, and are quite excited for the wedding! You assume their relationship went well because they start kissing passionately in the backseat of the minivan you possibly stole. maybe. Also you find out the boyfriend came out as trans 2 years ago and is actually a girlfriend. also comes out that her crush that asked you to get intel on her at lvl 93 was actually an assasin all along, but also genuinely interested in her, and just wanted intel to make sure they were safe to date and that her assassinations wouldn't impact them. This has since been revealed to her and she has accepted it as part of them. Love wins I guess."
0 notes
writing-wh0re · 3 years
October 7th. Kinky Halloween Special Masterlist
Kink: Daddy
Au!Fred x Reader.
Words: 2,524.
Warnings: Smut18+, Unprotected Sex, Female Performing Oral, Male Performing Oral, Dirty Talk, Daddy Dom Fred, Praise. Best-friends Dad (Age Gap) 
*Nova is my own character. 
The moment Nova had suggested that I tag along with her for the summer and stay at her dad’s lake house, I couldn’t refuse. I was so excited. 
One, the lake house is in the prime location, bars are within walking distance, the pool is immaculate and the view was something else all together. 
Two, Nova’s dad, Fred. 
God Fred was the definition of Dilf. 
The first time I noticed my school girl crush was Nova’s 21st birthday. Fred had booked out a private Yacht and invited most of the people from our classes. It was sweet and probably the happiest I have seen Nova. However, I spent most of the night at the top of the Yacht drinking and joking around with Fred, both of us wanting to escape the crowd. That night solidified my crush for the older man, especially the second his fingertips brushed my knee which caused my skin to erupt with goosebumps and my breath to catch in my throat. I could have sworn Fred’s eyes lingered on my cleavage a little too much that night but I’m sure it was the alcohol swirling through my veins. 
“Ready?” Nova’s voice pulls me from my thoughts, her suitcase behind her. 
“Definitely.” I confirm zipping my case and following Nova out of our dorm, excitement and nervous bubbling inside of me. 
Nova pushes the large dark wood door open, the smell of cinnamon and apple filling the air, light chatter bouncing off the walls. 
“I think my uncle is here.” Nova mumbles, leaving her suitcase on the ground and walking through the house. I follow her lead, ditching my suitcase and taking in the beautifully styled home. 
“Hey Dad, uncle George.” 
I almost faint on the spot, there’s Fred and a literal duplicate of Fred.
“Uh Dad you remember Y/n, George this is my best friend Y/n.” I smile weakly at the pair as George smiles at me.
“Good to see you again Y/n.” Fred smiles, I notice George side eye Fred quickly raising his eyebrows before taking a sip of his drink. Fred simply smirks, nodding softly, his eyes lingering on me before darting over to Nova. I frown my eyebrows together trying to understand what they are silently talking about, surely not me. I shake the thought from my head, of course two grown men haven't been talking about me, especially not my best friend's dad. Get it together Y/n. 
“So, what do you have planned for this summer?” George asks, his eyes flicking between Nova and I. 
“Definitely hitting the bars, soaking in the sun and maybe finding a man or two.” Nova winks as she hands me a glass of wine. 
“A man?” Fred questions. 
“Or two?” George questions both of them laughing at each other. 
“It's summer, why not have a little fun?” The second the words leave my lips I feel a blush creep upon my face, Fred and George both chuckling in response. 
“Maybe we should go have some summer fun Freddie.” George smirks causing Nova to gag slightly. 
“Right, that's our cue to leave.” Nova mumbles quickly downing the rest of her glass and walking back inside the house. 
“Uh.” The heat returns to my body as I get left alone with Fred and George. I leave my glass on the table in front of me and walk inside the house, once inside I turn back to take in Fred’s appearance one last time. My breath hitches in my throat and butterflies erupt inside of me as our eyes lock together. I hurriedly look away and rush through the house to get ready for the night with Nova. 
Coincidence. Just a simple Coincidence. 
Nova and I had been dancing for hours, the music thumped through my chest, the alcohol flowed through my veins and my mind kept wandering to Fred, curious as to what he is doing right now. 
“Hey, this is Tom and we’re getting out of here.” Nova squeals excitedly, pulling a blonde guy behind her before I even have a chance to respond. 
“Seriously?” I yell, my voice falling silent over the sound of the music. I follow behind the pair, hoping to catch Nova and ask if she is seriously leaving me in the club right now. 
Nova’s body disappears into a cab before she has the chance to hear me. 
“Fuck.” I huff, the cool breeze hitting my exposed skin. Only a three minute walk back to the house, I tell myself. I quickly check the time, 11:45pm, Fred will definitely be asleep and won’t question Nova’s hodiny act. 
The walk back was quick and almost claiming. The sound of the wind blowing in the trees, owls hooting and the crispy moon light shining along the streets. 
The walk back to the house had definitely sobered me up, now fully aware of how loud my heels are against the pavement. I decide to slip my heels off before walking on the wooden deck, not wanting to disturb Fred. I search through my bag, trying to find the house key but coming up empty handed. 
“Fuck you Nova.” I mumble, slightly lifting up the doormat with my foot in hopes of a spare key, but no luck. Right as I’m about to walk around the back and sleep on the deck chairs the door pulls open. 
Fred and George both laugh and continue their conversation before their eyes land on me. 
“Oh Y/n, hello again.” George smiles. 
“Um, hey.” I smile back. My eyes quickly flick to Fred his toned chest on full display and loose grey sweatpants hanging on his hips. 
“Everything okay? You’re missing Nova.” Fred asks, slight worry filling his voice. 
“Yeah no, everything is fine, Nova is making her summer fun with Tom?” I question wondering if I should even be telling her father and uncle this. 
The twins laugh at my question, both shaking their heads. 
“Well I will see you later, nice meeting you y/n.” George smiles, “Enjoy your summer Freddie.” George’s eyes look me up and down before he walks past me, the sound of his car unlocking in the near distance. 
“Excuse me.” I mumble pushing past Fred as he stands in the doorway, I quickly drop my shoes with the others at the door, wanting to rush away to my room. 
“So why aren’t you out making your summer fun with a guy?” 
I feel my mouth go dry at his question, how do I answer this without saying it’s because of you dumbass. 
“The guy’s I typically go for aren’t hanging around at clubs.” Fred raises his eyebrow, his eyes flicking from my lips and back to my eyes. 
“What kind of guys do you go for?” 
Now's your chance, say it's him, if it goes badly act super drunk and blame it on that. I take a deep breath after listening to the internal battle with myself. 
“Guys that choose to stay in with their brothers and drink.” The moment the sentence flows through the air, my cheeks heat up, both with nerves and regret. 
Fred smirks, licking his lips before walking towards me. I back away from him slightly before my back hits the wall. 
“Is that so? Darling, I'm old enough to be your father” 
“That has never been an issue for me… daddy.” 
Fred groans before locking his lips with mine. I moan into the kiss, the sweet taste of cinnamon whiskey on his tongue as our tongues fight for dominance. His hands roam my body, falling to the middle of my back and pulling me flush against his chest. My fingers lace in his hair, tugging on the strands. 
“This is wrong.” I pant, pulling away from the kiss as our chests rise and fall. 
“Say the word and I stop.” Fred’s eyes search mine for any hesitation before I close the gap between us. His hands fall to my thighs picking me up in one swift motion and slowly walking us to his bedroom. My red dress hikes up my thighs with every step closer to the room, my black lace panties on full display. I pull my lips away from Fred’s kissing down his neck before discovering his sweet spot. His fingers grip my ass tight, moans falling from his lips. 
A surprised squeal escapes me as Fred drops me on his bed, his eyes lingering on my body. Before he has the chance to ask me I pull my dress from my skin, leaving me in just my panties, thankful that my dress didn’t require a bra. 
“Jesus.” Fred steps back, taking in the sight of me half naked and under him, egar for him. 
“Daddy please.” The nickname causes his eyes to roll back slightly, a low sigh passing his lips as he cages me in against the mattress, kissing my lips before trailing kisses down my neck towards my boobs. I arch my back causing my nipple to press against his tongue more, his teeth pulling at the hardening nub. 
“Yes, daddy.” 
Fred smirks, chuckling as the slight vibration rumbles against my skin. 
“I’ve barely touched you babygirl, look at you, so needy and eager for me.” 
“Only you.” 
My words pull yet another chuckle from his lips. Fred’s fingertips trail along the waistband on my panties causing a shiver to run down my spine. He leans down over my body, his warm breath fanning against my neck. 
“Get on your knees.” Within a second I am on my knees looking up at him. “Fuck, such a good girl.” 
I softly nod in response, my hand palming his evident erection through his sweatpants. Fred hisses at the contact before ridding himself of the clothing. 
A whimper escapes me at the sight of his hard cock. Longer and thicker than I had imagined but everything I need. 
Without being asked I take his dick in my hand, pumping up and down as I lightly swirl my tongue around the head. 
“Yes baby.” Fred’s fingers loop in my hair, holding it out of the way to ensure he gets the perfect view of his cock disappearing into my throat. I bob my head up and down his length, my tongue swirling and my cheeks hollowing out. Fred’s cock leaves my lips with a pop, he grabs his dick and slowly slides it up and down my tongue moaning at the sight. 
“Fucking perfect.” My eyes roll back at the praise, arousal leaking down my thighs and my mind hoping this isn’t some twisted dream. 
Fred pulls me up by my arms, his lips finding mine again in a hungry kiss. His fingertips brush against my clothed pussy before slipping past the fabric and rubbing my swollen clit. I hiss at the contact, Fred moans at the feeling of my wetness. 
“Daddy’s girl likes sucking dick huh?” 
“Makes her little pussy drip?” 
“Does my princess touch herself to the thought of me?” 
I meekly nod in response not wanting the pleasure to stop, however Fred stops his movements causing me to whimper. 
“Daddy asked you a question darling, do you think of me when you cum?” 
“Good girl.” He presses a quick kiss to the side of my head before he pushes me back onto the bed, ripping the panties from my skin. His tongue presses flat against my clit as I sigh with pleasure and surprise. 
Fred hums against my pussy, swirling his tongue in a figure eight motion as my fingers grip the bed sheets. Fred continues to lap at my cunt, savouring the taste before his hands find mine, lacing our fingers together. 
“Fuck.” I moan as I look down at Fred, his eyes catching mine while swiping his tongue side to side. 
“Yes, fuck, oh I’m close.” I regret saying the words the second Fred pulls away from me. 
“No baby, you’re cumming on my cock.” Butterflies fill my stomach at his words, truly hoping this is really happening. 
Fred lays down next to me on the bed, grabbing my hips and guiding me to straddle his waist. His hand falls behind my neck, our lips meet in a brief kiss before being broken by my moans. Fred slides inside of me, stretching my walls perfectly. 
“So big daddy.” My fingernails drag down his chest earning a hiss from his lips. After a few seconds of adjusting to his size I rock my hips back and forth, keeping my hands placed on his chest for balance. 
“Beautiful.” Blush fills my cheeks at his praise, his soft hands rubbing up and down my sides. I keep my rhythm, every now and again swirling my hips for a different sensation, one that pulls the most delicious moans from his lips. Fred’s hands grip my ass, spanking the supple skin as I cry out in pleasure. 
“Is this what you like, baby? Taking control and fucking daddy?” I hum in response as my eyes flutter closed basking in the feeling of his cock hitting my g-spot. Fred’s hands move to my back, flipping us over as I gasp. 
“Only I can make you feel this good.” 
My lips part and my eyes squeeze shut at the new angle. Fred’s resting on his knees with my legs against his chest, ankles resting on his shoulders, his hands groping my boobs. 
“Look at you squirming on my cock, ruining you for any other man.” 
“God daddy yes.” 
“You’re mine.” 
“Only yours daddy.” 
Fred grunts at my response, his pace picking up as he starts to rub fast circles on my clit. 
“Yes!” I cry out, my pussy clenching around him. “Just like that.” 
“You cum when I say.” 
I huff, digging my nails into the comforter as I scream and cry out. 
“Daddy please, please let me cum.” 
Fred grunts, licking his lips.
“Mmm hold it for me.” 
My eyes roll back as my back arches off the mattress. 
“Daddy, please!” 
I feel Fred’s cock twitch inside of me, a deep moan filling the air. 
“Fucking cum for me Y/n.” 
A shiver runs down my spine, my body tenses as Fred’s name passes my lips. My mind feels foggy and my vision blurs. Fred grips my legs, his hips faltering as his hot release fills me. 
Fred pulls out of me, both of us sighing, our chests rising and falling, sweat glistening on our bodies. 
“Thank you.” I blurt out, feeling tiredness wash over me. 
“No need to thank me Darling.” He places a soft kiss to my lips as I feel my eyelids get heavier, not even bothering to move as sleep envelops me. 
I wake up the next morning to the sun shining through the blinds. Instantly everything floods back from last night. I quickly lift up the bedsheets, my naked body confirming that it wasn’t just a dream. 
“Morning.” Fred mumbles, his morning voice sending wetness straight to my pussy. 
“Morning.” I whisper a goofy smile on my face. Fred pulls me into him, his nose brushing against mine before our lips meet in the middle. 
“Hey dad, have you see- WHAT THE FUCK?”
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kiridarling · 3 years
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katsuki bakugou | birthday gone wrong (aha), f!reader, baker!reader, pro hero!katsuki, blizzards, angst and smut, exhibitionism, cockwarming, begging, confessions. minors dni!
— 4.7k words
Wanna blow off some steam?
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Katsuki jumps ten feet high, and the plastic grocery bags precariously balanced on each finger tear without a second thought. Apples hit the ground with a thud and the egg carton with a depressing slap; one that signifies the crack of at least half a dozen. Katsuki looks at the crowd, red-faced and livid, and Eijirou Kirishima intercepts the awkward silence with:
“Happy Birthday Bakubro! I know y—“
“Said that I didn’t want a fuckin’ party?” Katsuki growls, groceries forgotten on the forgotten. Eijirou looks guilty and chuckles, scratching the back of his head.
“W-Well, yeah, but—“
“Everybody out.”
People sigh, and you think you hear Denki whisper told you he’d kick us out. You hate to say that you foresaw a similar outcome. Katsuki’s never been one for people.
Especially you.
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“Awe come on, Kacchan,” Izuku says with hands on his hips. “We came all this way! Just let us stay for a little bit.”
“Yeah!” Eijirou seems to cheer up once given a sliver of hope. “Plus, we got cake and stuff. And Just Dance.”
Katsuki narrows his eyes, but you know better—he’s always had a soft spot for the redhead. You all wait with baited breath, wondering if this entire evening was a bust, as Katsuki weighs his options in a pool of fallen groceries.
“One hour.”
Eijirou gasps so hard he chokes, and Katsuki’s generosity earns him applause from the audience. (Plus whoops and hollers from Denki and Mina.)
“And I mean it—y’all have sixty fuckin’ minutes before you’re gone without a goddamn trace. Kapeesh?”
Katsuki sighs, rubbing at his temples as he steps over the mess at the front door. You assume he’ll make Eijirou clean it up. “Whatever. Where’s the fuckin’ cake?”
“In the kitchen, my good sir!” Denki says as he ushers the ash-blond into the said kitchen, the rest of the party hot on their heels. Eijirou grabs the cake from the fridge and you’re tense until the plate hits the marble of their island.
“Flavor?” Katsuki asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Uh, I dunno, [Y/N] made it,” Eijirou throws you under the bus, just like that, and you want to scoff at the way Katsuki freezes—if only for a moment. Eijirou’s oblivious as ever, “[Y/N]?”
“It’s red velvet,” you say, trying not to burn under Katsuki’s carmine eyes. You don’t know why he doesn’t look away.
As if you’d give him anything else.
Eijirou tries his best to cram 26 candles into the cake before being forced to opt for 23 lest he ruin your decorations. Denki presses him to make a wish and Katsuki rolls his eyes as he blows out the candles. Eijirou wipes an invisible tear because ‘his boy is getting so old.’ Mina and Jiro cut the cake and people seem to enjoy it, and you think that maybe, reuniting with your high school friends after so long isn’t as bad as you thought it’d be.
Even if he said he never wanted to see you again.
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“—due to the incoming blizzard, we highly suggest all those who reside in the red and orange zones stay inside until it passes; which should be around ten am tomorrow morning.”
You spoke too soon.
Katsuki turns to the crowd, and you know what he’s going to say before his lip curls.
“Kacchan, don’t be unreasonable!” Izuku says from his comfortable position on the couch. “We’d get caught in the storm if we leave now.”
“Not if you’re fuckin’ fast enough,” Katsuki growls, pulling the greenette’s to his feet by his hair. “Get out, I’m not bunking with you fuckers overnight.”
“Dude,” Denki points to the window, and if you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve thought the blizzard had already started. “If we leave now, we’ll literally die.”
“Die, then.”
Eijirou sighs, clapping his roommate on the back. “C’mon, man. You know we ca—“
There’s a whirr then a click, and the lights and tv die at once. You can’t see a thing but you definitely hear Katsuki shout:
Eijirou turns his phone flashlight on first; Katsuki’s busy angrily flicking at the light to no avail. You sigh, turning to the ash-blond (and ignoring those ugly fucking butterflies in your stomach.)
“It’s a blackout Katsuki. The lights aren’t going to work.”
“Don’t you think I fuckin’ know that, dumbass?” And your chest tightens because even though he’s not eighteen anymore, he sounds the same—but you aren’t sure why you expected him to sound so different either.
You lift an eyebrow (not that he can see it), “It doesn’t look like you do.”
Denki snorts at that, hollering about how you just owned the ash-blond as Katsuki yells at him to shut the fuck up. It’s...familiar and comfortable, like you’re all in high school again, before you had to worry about your friends dying in their line of work because you couldn’t be there with them.
Before you got injured.
“Well I mean, we have a few blankets,” Eijirou offers, and as your eyes slowly adjust to the dark, you’re convinced you see his figure cross the living room. “And like, sweatshirts if it gets too cold.”
“It’s already getting too cold,” Mina says, and you can’t help but agree. The quickly cooling room has the goosebumps raising on your shoulders, and you’re starting to regret forgetting your jacket at home.
“Okay! I don’t have that many, but,” Eijirou hollers from somewhere, before returning with a handful of cloth. He drops it onto the coffee table. “Plus Hanta and Denks left their hoodies here last time.”
“Oh shit, we did?” Hanta says, and you assume it’s his figure who starts digging through the clothes. “Totally thought I lost this, lol.”
“Did you just saw lol out loud?”
“I did.”
“Ooh Ei, do you still have that old Red Riot hoodie?” Mina asks, and all of a sudden, she’s all over the pile. She finds it before the redhead can answer and snatches it away with a gasp.
You watch the pile dissolve in the darkness, one by one, and by the time you reach for something, your palm hits the cool wood of the coffee table. Fuck.
“Oh [Y/N]! Do you need some of my blanket?” Mina offers, but the blanket is small, and wrapping it around both of your shoulders just renders it utterly useless. You shake your head after she tries for a while.
“It’s fine Mina, I’m not that cold,” you laugh, but she shakes her head vehemently.
“No! Girl c’mon, you look like you’re freezing!”
And, well. Freezing is a stretch. Sure, you’re a little cold, but you’ll live.
“Do you need my sweatshirt?” Eijirou asks, already pulling at the hem. You roll your eyes.
“I’m serious guys, it’s not that bad,” you say, waving your arms for emphasis. They all grumble but they give up, and you feel like you can finally relax.
Something soft and army green drops into your lap. You pick it up in confusion, before looking up to see who dropped it.
Katsuki looks down at you, face glowing white from the phone flashlights. His eyes pierce your soul nevertheless.
“I don’t ne—“
“Take it.”
Katsuki takes a seat next to you on the couch in his own hoodie. You don’t realize until you put it on that he gave you a sweatshirt themed after his own hero costume.
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You can’t sleep.
You can’t sleep, and you’re sure it’s due to the temperature. The wind howls and it sounds like you’re in the eye of a tornado, loose branches knocking against the rattling glass, and upon looking through the window, you see nothing but stark white. You sigh, checking the time on your phone for the fiftieth time this hour. Yep. Still four am.
“Stop fuckin’ movin’, dumbass.”
You all decided to bunk in the living room for warmth. You’re surprised Katsuki stayed, though; you figured he would just head to his room and let you all fend for yourselves while he slept in a comfortable bed. But here he is, sleeping next to you on the cold fucking floor.
“Sorry,” you say, but it’s hard when your shivering and your jaw aches from stunting your chattering teeth. Katsuki and Eijirou only had a limited amount of sleeping bags, meaning you’ve got to share a blanket with the hulking ash-blond.
“You cold?” He grunts. You don’t know why he’s asking.
Katsuki sighs, and you hear him adjust, the blanket sliding from your neck to your shoulder. “You’re a shit liar.”
You prop yourself up on your elbows to glare his way, and you look to notice Katsuki’s laying the same way.
“What’s your point?”
Katsuki doesn’t answer for a moment, but it doesn’t seem like he’s looking for an answer, either—his neon red eyes glow through the dark and straight into your soul, and the next time you shiver, it isn’t because of the temperature.
“You’re stubborn.”
You roll your eyes, scoffing, “Thought you figured that out senior year.”
Katsuki’s face flashes with an emotion you can’t quite pinpoint before it’s gone again. “Yeah. You’d think almost dying would fuckin’ fix that.”
You sigh. Looks like you’re having this conversation now, then.
“I didn’t almost die—“
“Yes, you fuckin’ did,” Katsuki snarls, and Denki almost stirs at his raised tone. “You took that bullet and you didn’t get up for months—“
“And then I woke up and everything was fine! Seriously Katsuki, what’s your problem? I lived.”
“My problem is that you shouldn’t have been there in the goddamn first place!” Katsuki says through grit teeth. You watch his temple roll underneath his hairline. “That was my fuckin’ fight. I don’t need some chick jumping in front of a bullet for me just ‘cause she thinks I can’t take it!”
You scoff, looking around to see if any of your other sleeping friends are listening because get a load of this guy. Naturally, they don’t respond.
“That’s what this is about? Oh, well I’m sorry I bruised your dignity because I didn’t want to see you get fucking shot!”
Katsuki chest inflates with disbelief before it deflates again, and he’s rolling his eyes before he says, “That’s not—you fuckin’ know that’s not what I meant.”
“Oh really?” You laugh, and goddammit Katsuki, you just had to bring it up, didn’t you? “Because waking up after two months to your best friend telling you to give up doesn’t preserve your dignity at all, huh?”
“I didn’t tell you to fu—“
“You said those exact words, Katsuki. You said give up, and you left the hospital.”
The ash-blond has nothing to say to that, because he knows that you know you’re right, and trying to jedi mind trick you into believing he isn’t an asshole won’t work.
“Well you fuckin’ listened,” he grumbles, more to himself than you, but enough emotion flares in your core to make you want to scream.
“I didn’t have a choice,” you say, huffing, before turning your back to him, deeming this conversation over. “Good night, Katsuki.”
There’s a lull and it has you convinced you’ve won, finally relaxing (as much as you can) onto the cold floor. At least arguing heated your blood up a bit.
“The fuck do you mean?”
You roll your eyes even though they’re closed before you hop back onto your forearms to give the ash-blond a nasty look. “What?”
“You...said you didn’t have a choice,” Katsuki says, and it’s the first time you think you’ve heard him sound weary. Unsure. “The fuck does that mean?”
“It means I had to give up on being a hero either way.”
Which sucked. Because you had spent the past four years of your life working your ass off to save others, and you wind up out of commission before you even got started. You...suppose you didn’t tell Katsuki the whole story. Well, you hadn’t had a chance to—today’s the first time speaking with him since you woke up in the hospital.
Katsuki eyes you out of his peripheral, but only for a second. “And that means...?”
“It means that if I land on my spine the wrong way, there’s a high chance I’ll be paralyzed from the waist down.” You growl, frustrated that it was easier to coax the truth out of you than you thought.
The bullet buried close to your spinal column. You had to do PT for months, relearning how to walk as you slowly regain your motor functions. That’s when you started to bake.
The howling of the wind turns from somewhat soothing to aggravating as Katsuki’s unimpressive “oh” hangs heavy in the air, and you find yourself sighing, the puzzle pieces finally clicking in your head. “Stop it.”
“Stop what?” Katsuki asks—he’s still not looking at you.
“Blaming yourself,” you gesture to his figure, which is lax with depression, lacking its sturdiness and usual fire. “You didn’t shoot the gun.”
Katsuki snorts at that, running a hand through his hair, “I might as well.”
“You got shot because of me,” Katsuki says as if it were a fact. “They were trying to kill me. Not you.”
“And they didn’t kill me. I’m here and you’re here. If I hadn’t been there, you’d be six feet under right now,” you reason. Katsuki shrugs because he’s just as stubborn as you are, and you figure he’s been carrying around this baggage for too many years.
“Does your back hurt often?”
“No,” you shake your head. “I mean sure, I get flare-ups sometimes, but it’s not too bad. Doesn’t really get in the way of baking as long as the table is high enough.”
Katsuki thinks for a moment, teeth worrying his bottom lip. “Is the table high enough? At your café.”
You shrug, failing to see where he’s going with this. “I have a platform thingy, so. It’s mostly for decorating cakes and things—“
“I’ll buy you a new one.”
“I’ll buy you a new table,” Katsuki says, nodding to himself as if he was confirming the idea. “A higher one.”
It takes a second for his offer to process, but once it does, you’re fighting a smile. Still the same kid. “Kats, I don’t nee—“
“An—And if you need a new chair. I’ll pay for that shit too.”
You shake your head—mainly in disbelief, “I don’t need a chair, Katsuki.”
“Then what?” He asks, and it almost sounds desperate with the speed he rushed the sentence, “Y’need a car? That hunk of junk you drive could use some work.”
You ignore the jab, because your car works perfectly fine thank you very much, and snort at the suggestion of such an outrageous purchase.
“What? You tryna be my sugar daddy or something?” You joke. Katsuki gives you a look, and it's dead serious.
“D’ya need one?”
“I—no!” You laugh, and have to remind yourself to reel it in before you actually wake Denki up. “I’m fine financially I just—what’s gotten into you?”
“Nothin’.” Katsuki quickly grumbles, facing forwards again. “I just...”
You raise an eyebrow, “You just..?”
“I dunno. I dunno,” Katsuki shakes his head. You let him gather his thoughts in silence before he tries again. He doesn’t.
“Then fuck me.”
In your defense, your mouth moved before you thought it through.
Katsuki has an unreadable look on his face, but his voice is anything but steady when he says, “What?”
Fuck. Fuck.
“U-Uh, I mean,” you recoil. Stupid big mouth. “I—you—don’t worry about it.”
“You said you wanted to fuck me,” Katsuki deadpans. You choke.
“I—no, that’s not—“
“That’s exactly what you said.”
“No, I meant as in I’m pent up. Obviously,” you defend with a huff, crossing your arms on the pillow as you glare daggers his way. Katsuki matches your stare.
“Not as pent up as a Pro Hero,” he scoffs, lifting an eyebrow. You take it as a challenge.
You click your tongue in faux pity, “Awe, the number two hero Dynamight doesn’t get laid?”
“No fuckin’ time,” he grunts, though you don’t find much remorse in his voice.
“Well, you have time now,” you say, completely unsure of where this confidence is coming from. Either way, you’ll take it and run.
“I do,” Katsuki confirms, leaning in closer. He’s close enough that you can smell what’s leftover of his cologne, and see the hint of a grin that makes his upper cheek shine silver in the moonlight. You find yourself leaning in just as much as he does.
“Wanna blow off some steam?” You dare to question. Katsuki’s grin only grows wider.
“Thought you’d never ask.”
Katsuki’s kisses are surprisingly soft, you think, and so are his lips. But you don’t have much time to think about it as he pulls you in by the waist, quietly groaning into your mouth while he lays you down on your back.
“Always thought you were the prettiest fuckin’ thing,” he growls, trailing butterfly kisses down your neck. “‘M gonna make it up to you, yeah? Make you feel so fuckin’ good.”
A hand hikes his sweatshirt above your chest before Katsuki’s latching onto the skin under your collarbone and sucking, teeth digging into your skin hard enough to bruise.
“Y-Yeah, that’s fine,” you whimper, intoxicated by the way Katsuki’s lips flush pink as he pulls away, eyes locked on the fresh hickey on your chest. They flicker up to you; he grins.
Katsuki hums at that, licking his lips before diving back in. You hiss when he bites too hard, prompting him to bite harder, but he always soothes it over with his tongue, topping each bruise with a kiss. You flinch when his lips wrap around your nipple and he chuckles at your meek whimper; a hand removes its grip on the sweatshirt in favor of sliding it up your thigh.
“Fuckin’ perfect,” Katsuki says once he pulls away, enjoying the sight of you writhing in anticipation. “And it’s all for me, ain’t it?”
“Yeah, ‘m all yours just—“ you kick a leg in frustration at the thumb playing with the hem of your panties, “—do something already.”
Katsuki raises an eyebrow, “Do what?”
You frown, huffing, “You know what.”
Katsuki shrugs, adjusting so he’s caging you to the floor. Ghosting a thumb over your panties, he says, “‘Course I do. You gotta ask nicely first.”
You tighten your hands into fists. He would.
“I’m no—“
“Beg, Princess,” Katsuki growls, his stare unwavering. He presses an inquisitive finger to your clit through your panties either as a promise or a threat—which, you’re not quite sure.
You crumble.
“I—fine, just—finger me.”
Katsuki doesn’t move. Asshole.
The ash-blond grins, finally pushing your panties to the side.
“Good girl.”
When Katsuki slides his first finger in, it’s much too easy, and you blame it on the foreplay. You shudder, hands moving to brace themselves on his big shoulders, and the ash-blond muffles a moan as your nails dig into his shoulders.
“Another,” you moan, bucking your hips into his palm. Katsuki’s heated gaze flickers from your body to your face.
“Already?” He chuckles, the rasp in his throat giving his arousal away. You nod—he clicks his tongue.
“Fuckin’ dirty.”
Two fingers feel like so much more than just one, and they have your eyebrows folding in a poor attempt to muffle a whimper. Katsuki’s fingers still move tentatively but they’re getting comfortable, curling and searching for that place that’ll make you tremble. And then he finds it.
“F-Fuck,” your body jolts, and Katsuki’s shushing you against the pillows.
“Keep your mouth shut, Princess,” he purrs, head dipping down to nip at your neck. It adjusts the angle ever so slightly, but enough to make you hiss, and he chuckles. “Unless you wanna get caught.”
“Oh yeah, because that sounds fun right now,” you snort towards the ceiling. Katsuki pulls away with an unimpressed look as his thumb comes down over your clit.
“Can’t wait to fuck the brat outta ya. Maybe then you’ll actually shut up for once, huh?” Katsuki inserts a third finger without you asking him to, and you gasp, clawing at his back.
“Shh, shh, shh,” he laughs against your mouth lowly, as if the light kisses will do anything but make more noise, “Good God sweetheart, you’re really pent up, aren’t ya?”
“Shit—I doubt you’re much better,” you try, scoffing at what you can see of his painfully hard cock in his sweatpants. Katsuki looks down before sending a huff your way, with a cute little blush dusted on his cheeks.
“Shut the fuck up,” he grunts, pulling out his fingers. You whine at the loss. “How d’ya want me to fuck you?”
You need to take a step back from how crude the question is. Right, sex.
“Right um,” you look around, trying to find the least obvious position—and one that doesn’t make a shit ton of noise. Laying on your side, you tuck an arm under the pillow, before turning around to Katsuki to suggest, “Cuddle-fucking?”
“Yep,” you say with finality, popping the p. Making big grabby hands his way, you say, “C’mere, big guy.”
Katsuki rolls his eyes but moves behind you anyways, warm arms easily finding themselves around your waist under the blanket. After a few adjustments and ensuring you're both fully covered, Katsuki’s hard cock presses against your entrance as he hooks his head over your chin with a huff.
“This is so not on fuckin’ brand.”
“I don’t think fucking in a living room with sleeping friends is on-brand for a pro hero or a baker,” you say casually. Katsuki breaks out into a snort, pressing his face deeper into your neck.
“God, I fuckin’ missed you, ya know that?” He chortles. Your chest blooms with something it hasn’t in years, and for the first time, you find that you don’t mind.
“Don’t be such a dick and maybe I’ll stick around this time,” you quip with a smile he can’t see. Though you feel his against the base of your neck.
Katsuki’s last words hang in the air, unusually heavy, and your eyes catch the snow beating against the window with a less than angry howl. Katsuki’s chest shudders against your back but he doesn’t move, hands frozen at your waist.
“Hey, I thought you were gon—“
“I’m getting to it,” Katsuki snaps, and you gasp as he starts to push inside. “So fuckin’ impatient, goddamn.”
He pulls you down until he fills you completely, and you suppress the urge to shout at the speed he did it with. Katsuki moves a hand to slap over your mouth.
“Shut the fuck up.”
You reach around to pinch him in the side with a huff, he calls you a bitch. It’s a little hard to hear you behind his hand as you say, “Then don’t catch me off guard like that, asshole.”
Katsuki snaps his hips and does exactly what you tell him not to do—prompting another surprised whine out of you and a dark chuckle from the ash-blond. His cheek presses into your jaw as he finds leverage in hiking your lower half up until your puffy cunt is level with his cock, and fucking you until you drool all over the pillow.
“What a pretty fuckin’ thing,” Katsuki grunts, and you can tell he struggles to keep quiet in the way his chest sporadically shudders. You have to grip the pillow for some semblance of purchase and Katsuki chuckles at watching you struggle, before he’s hiking your leg up to fuck you that much deeper.
“I always—always knew you’d sound so good,” he pants, the grip around your mouth bordering on clammy. You want to tell him that if he keeps making so much noise he’ll wake up everyone in this fucking room, but there isn’t much time between moans to get more than a word in. “Fuck baby, keep tightening around me like that, and I might fuckin’ cum.”
You find it amusing how close he is so quickly, until two fingers land on your clit and start rubbing in slow, small circles. Your walls flutter around him and Katsuki digs his teeth into your neck with a curse, his grip around your raised thigh contracting as he tries to hold on for as long as he can.
And that’s when Denki starts to move.
First, he rolls to the left. Which would’ve been fine, seeing as it’s in the opposite direction until he bops Eijirou straight on the nose and promptly rouses the redhead from his slumber. Katsuki’s hips still.
“O-Ow, dick,” Eijirou curses under his breath, quickly scrambling to his forearms. It’s hard to tell through the darkness, mostly because you’re squinting your eyes to feign sleep, but it seems like Eijirou rubs under his nose, only to blink back at a bloody hand.
Katsuki’s hips shift, ever so slightly, but enough to nestle his cock deeper and force you to bite back a whine. And another. And then another.
You try your hardest to be discreet when you reach to pinch Katsuki in the side, and he breathes a laugh down your neck.
“What?” He whispers, though it's more than a rasp than anything else. Good to know you’re not the only one struggling to not cum, here.
“You know 'what,'” you quickly hiss. But Katsuki’s hips don’t stop as Eijirou weighs his options to cure his bloody nose in the dark. The fingers on your clit return their usual pressure and you inhale sharply, nails digging into Katsuki’s forearm as your orgasm begins creeping up on you.
Eijirou sniffles and gets up, stumbling through the darkness to turn down the hall that leads to the bedrooms. Katsuki sees that as fucking freedom and his hips really start to pick up so much speed that you struggle to breathe through it all.
“‘M gonna cum,” Katsuki whimpers into your neck, burying his face deeper in a poor attempt to stunt any sound. “Fuck, fuck ‘m gonna cum, you close baby?”
“Y-Yeah jus’ a little more,” you whimper, eyes rolling as Katsuki finds some inhumane energy in him to fuck faster. He nods at that and bites into your shoulder with a growl, “C’mon, fuckin’ cream all over my cock—atta girl, fuck, fuck—“
Katsuki fills you up the moment you clench around his cock with a sigh, the weight of your orgasm knocking you forehead-first into your pillow as you bite the urge to squeal. Katsuki doesn't growl as much as you expect, moans breathy and light as his hips finally stutter to a stop—but you suppose some things have to change over the years.
Katsuki collapses next to you in pure exhaustion and you’re sure that’s his cum leaking down your thigh, but for some reason, you don’t really mind.
“Hey you,” he speaks first, eyes blazing red in the darkness. You snort.
“Hey, you.”
Katsuki chuckles with a stupidly giddy smile on his face, "Y'know, you still fuck really well."
You drop your head on his chest to snort, and his hands find their rightful place around your waist.
"Better than high school?"
"Yeah..." Katsuki grumbles, before his eyes narrow. "Wait—hey, yo—"
"I haven't fucked anyone since," you snuff the fire before it even starts, and Katsuki relaxes, though his eyes stay slim. He pulls you closer and you sigh—it's comfortable.
"Good," he grunts. And then after a pregnant silence: "I haven't either."
That's...strangely reassuring.
Your arms wriggle until they fold over his shoulders to play with the small hairs on the back of his neck, and he hums, eyes fluttering shut with a final peck on the lips. As Katsuki's breathing evens and the white of the snow dyes the highest points of his face white, you smile. He looks older.
You think he's asleep until he nudges your waist.
"Be my girlfriend."
You don't even hesitate.
By the time Eijirou comes stumbling down the hall, both you and Katsuki are passed out—with his body encompassing yours in the most intimate way, face tucked into your hickey-ridden neck as your arms and legs lock around his being. The redhead gives you both a soft smile as he passes, snorting to himself.
“Took them long enough.”
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