#my life is just a pathetic single cell
scandiacamoons · 2 years
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petals2fish · 1 month
He’s shirtless.
He’s fucking standing there, shirtless.
Lily did not know what to do with her hands, or eyes, or legs, or hair. She’s frozen in the middle of the field where she’d been meeting Marley for a post practice walk back to the castle for the Slug Club meeting. Marley was busy blabbering on about Anna Spinnet getting on her nerves, going on and on about some rule book thing.
To be honest, the words didn’t even register in Lily’s brain. There was nothing going on up there, not a single brain cell firing, not once she caught sight of him. Instead she stood there, mute, wondering if she could die from attraction.
Next to “Fatal Attraction” in the dictionary, was James Potter.
Now don’t get her wrong, she crushed on him everyday. He had many qualities that made him worthy of a swoon.
His hair, for one, was windswept to one side with curls sticking out in places he’d not managed to tap down. She’d once gotten to run her fingers through the strands and they’d felt like sugar candy from the fair, waves spun like thread that might melt from her touch.
His eyes, if she were standing close enough, would be a deep shade of brown with gold and green flecks. Not emerald green like hers, a softer green, like the color of the sea in photos from southern islands. She’d seen it in postcards, almost like diamonds reflecting a green light.
More impressively, he was shirtless.
Rippled arm muscles demanded her gaze as he drank from a water bottle, the water dripping out of his mouth he was so careless with it. It was May, warming up, and the early summer sun had slightly tanned his chest. Curly black hair ran across his chest, and normally she hated chest hair, but this was James Potter. 
He broke all her rules but that only made sense where he was concerned. Lily often wondered if the man had ever followed a rule in his life. He was known for detentions and late night parties with friends. He had no idea how to stay out of trouble, but maybe that’s why she liked him so much.
She couldn’t stay out of trouble either.
Lily imagined if he ever showed up to class like that, she would grab him by the waistband of his quidditch joggers and pull him into her lap. Merlin, he’d tower over her, consume her, on top. His hand was big enough to hold a quaffle so he could handle her breasts with ease. One of those hands ran across his beautiful body, preparing to stretch and—
She swallowed a sigh just as someone side smacked her, making her call out and capturing the attention of everyone nearby.
“What was that for!” Lily demanded with a cry, rubbing the side of her head and glaring at Sirius Black who had his arms crossed and was looking at her like he could read her mind.
“Dunno,” Sirius tilted his head, his grey eyes slightly narrowed, “I couldn’t tell if you were having a stroke or not, your eye kept twitching.”
“So you hit me?” Lily stepped away from the tall Gryffindor, still rubbing her cheek pathetically, her eyes darting back to James who (still shirtless) was now watching them with one eyebrow quirked.
“My house elf taught me to smack my uncle Boris when he was having a stroke,” Sirius shrugged as he waltzed past, cool as could be, in James’ direction. “Hasn’t failed me yet.”
“I wasn’t having a stroke!” She called after him, “I was—“
Sirius grinned wickedly as he turned on a heel to watch her expression momentarily falter as she stopped herself from speaking. “I know what you were doing, but until you’re willing to pay up, gawking counts.”
She shot him a nasty hand gesture at which he laughed before finishing a complete turn to face James who mumbled something to Sirius quietly. Sirius kept in a bit of laughter as he passed James a shirt, not answering.
Lily cursed Sirius within an inch of his life when James took the shirt and covered back up. Sure, she might’ve made a bet with Sirius that she’d never date James Potter, or else she’d owe him twenty galleons, but that hardly meant she couldn’t stare politely when James offered himself up for it.
She just had to figure out how to get him shirtless again.
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jymwahuwu · 3 months
Absolutely devastated by the flood of hate you're getting, you only deserve the best (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ unfortunately, all I have to offer are these ideas rotting in my head...
JY reading fanfics about himself where the darling looks like you/fics about you where he can insert himself is an idea that has been haunting me. Once he has you as his beloved wife, maybe he'll test the accuracy of those stories.
Do you truly sob pathetically when he places a vibrator on your clit for hours upon end or do you succumb to your desires? Only one way to find out.
I honestly refuse to believe that this man doesn't have a folder titled "research" where it's just porn that he needs to test the accuracy of, regardless of which AU we're talking about. He's just a really dedicated guy.
Thank you Raku, you always show up in time to comfort me (つ´∀`)つ And that...
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CW: yandere, non-con (will happen in the future), imagine you and masturbate
Jing Yuan reads fan fiction in his free time. He knows that there are people from Xianzhou Luofu who like to read and write about them, and there are even authors from other planets/space civilizations. None of them had any idea that their fan fiction was being read, liked, and collected by the General himself. He will read them while he is in the warmth of his bed, holding his cell phone, and looking for readers with personality descriptions like yours.
He loves the way you describe being ravaged or destroyed by him so gently… and always in all kinds of creative ways. Imagine him on top of you, penetrating you deeply with his cock, or tongue-kissing you passionately. Mating press and oral sex both sound great. Jing Yuan released the painfully hard cock in his crotch and stroked himself, moaning softly. It's a shame it needed to be this way before he got you. One thing these fan fictions describe accurately - he is indeed a virgin and has not been in love for over seven hundred years. He needs to do some research, for you.
And Jing Yuan learned something new - if the general put a vibrator on your clitoris, would you really whimper and squirt pitifully? ("P-please put it down!! I can't-take any more-") The final mess? He actually kind of wanted to put a few more in there. Or will those lactation potions help? He thought there should be side effects. Maybe getting you pregnant would be the perfect way. He learned how to tie you to the bed. Also bought the collars and ropes described in the novels, and even cute kitten bells!!
Jing Yuan has specially categorized bookmarks and study folders, in which you can be any profession!! He just imagined the readers and protagonists to look like you. Although he has been single for seven hundred years (and has yet to form a romantic relationship with you), the General is curious and capable of learning, and is always ready for you.
He knows he can try each of these on you after the wedding and record your reactions. He looks forward to a sweet life.
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saerins · 13 hours
ᯓ ᝰ RIGHT HERE .ᐟ — touya todoroki
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touya x female reader. content tags modern au, childhood sweetheart!touya, both are working adults, making out, mentions of infidelity/murder, he’s a tease. word count 1.7k
ᯓ notes .ᐟ haha can you tell i love touya too much rn ? just getting back into writing so have some of my touya :) thanks to any of you who read this <3
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“touya, you’re gonna make me late for work tomorrow,” you whine, pouting as he wins you in yet another round of super smash bros. (and hence you’d have to stay up and continue playing at his behest.)
beside you, touya smirks, rows of pearly white visible while he clearly enjoys tormenting you. “weren’t you the one who said you needed a distraction?”
you grumble as you take the couch pillow and hold it over your face, groaning in frustration. touya’s right; you’d called him right after dinner, practically forced him to come after you figured out that you’re actually not as strong you thought and you’re actually still really upset that your ex cheated on you.
it’s only pathetic because it’s already been a couple of months and you’re still wallowing over it somehow.
“you know, i bet all that frustration will go away if you just let me kill that fucker,” touya tells you, flicking your forehead as leans forward, yanking the cushion off your face.
unamused, you deadpan at him. “yeah? then what am i gonna do when you’re in jail, huh?”
touya snickers, “aww, what? can’t handle being without me?”
in a strange way, your honest answer is definitely not. you’ve known touya forever. ever since you were five and your families connected at a preschool event. ever since your friend fuyumi introduced you to her brother. ever since touya confided in you how much he hated his father.
fast forward more than a decade later and you’re both sitting in your apartment, in a different state than either of your families, still as close as you were when you were kids.
you glare at touya, rolling your eyes before scrunching your nose and smirking at him. “actually, go ahead, i’ll go find myself a better guy while you rot in the cell.”
your best friend scoffs, cocking a brow and looking like he’s offended. “i off someone for you and you don’t marry me immediately? the fuck is wrong with you?”
the shit-eating grin that dawns on his face immediately after makes your heart skip a beat. yeah, you’ve always found him attractive, maybe even had a crush on him back in high school, but he’d always had girls after girls, and somewhere along the way you learned to stuff those flimsy emotions back down.
until you remember that he’s been single for a while now, and the fact that you’re both working adults with all the freedom in the world.
fuck, you really shouldn’t go back there.
“haha, funny,” you try to wave it off sarcastically. “says the one who told his ex that he just sees me as a little sister.”
he laughs, leaning back against the couch, a hand behind his head, abs sticking out from the edge of his shirt. it takes you a second to rein yourself in, not wanting to get teased relentlessly by him if you get caught staring.
“hey, she was getting jealous of me spending so much time with you! what was i supposed to say?”
yes, you’re aware. most of them were. most of the time you never told touya about any of that; of how his girlfriends were coming up to you, all insecure about your friendship and asking if you could back off. that was the most common thing among all his relationships: the girls’ pleas for you to keep a distance.
you did… the first few times.
and after his fifth relationship, you realised that touya would always pull you back close. would always end up breaking up with them if your friendship is causing them too much worry.
“you didn’t have to say anything, maybe you should’ve just kept your distance, you know? since most of them seemed to have a problem with it,” you comment, trying to act as nonchalant as possible, though even you don’t believe yourself.
a life without touya is unimaginable for you. even if you can’t really say the same for him.
touya sighs, shifting in his position before ultimately putting an arm around you, pulling you close. he smells like your soap and his hair against your face tickles.
he’s always like this; always touchy, always close. recently he’s been more than usual, coming over and sleeping the night (you never did anything physical!), chasing other guys away at the club because they’re not good enough for you.
and when he’s like that, you think maybe there’s no harm in letting those long-lost feelings flow back.
it’s dangerous.
he’s always like this. always way too much for you to handle. and yet you can’t live without him.
and then he does something he’s never done before.
you feel his lips on your temple, and you hear the chuckle reverberating from his throat. his left arm around you holds you tight, not that you’re running anywhere—you’re pretty sure you’re frozen stiff from the shock.
did that really happen?
“how can i do that when you’re the only one i want?”
you’re sure that’s his voice. it can’t be anyone else’s. but you’re not sure if you believe him. is he really saying what you think he’s saying?
slowly, you turn to face him, expecting him to wear that smug grin and tease you for being so gullible but it never comes. instead, you’re greeted with his half-lidded eyes, blue pupils staring at your lips like he’s hypnotised, his thumb caressing your lower lip from left to right like he’s trying to memorise all the grooves.
it’s so soft that you barely recognise your own voice when it comes, “touya, kiss me.”
and maybe he’s always wanted to, because he doesn’t miss a beat. the second you open your mouth, he’s giving you what you asked for, his tongue prying your lips open and he tastes just like the warm in winter mornings, like the comfort people always dream about.
mint. you can taste the sweet from when he ate it right before he beat you in the game. you can feel the cold on the tip of your nose from when you brush against the piercings on his nostrils. you can feel him carry you onto his lap, feel his hands wrapping around your waist. you can feel his heartbeat under his chest, under your palm, almost as erratic as your own.
were you really just upset over someone else?
every relationship you’d been sad over suddenly didn’t seem to make sense anymore. not when touya’s right here, lips locked with yours and telling you more with his kiss than you’ve ever heard from his words.
by the time you pull away, both of you are breathless, his hand on your cheek, lips softly brushing over your own like he can’t bear to be away even for just a second. you can’t bring yourself to open your eyes, half overwhelmed and half confused.
“fuck, did we really just—”
“shh,” you hush him, putting a finger on his lips, suddenly embarrassed. your foreheads are still pressed together, and you can’t see it but he’s admiring your face, holding himself back from just kissing you even more.
touya moves your finger away. he whispers your name in the most gentle tone you’ve ever heard, “does that mean you feel the same?”
you swallow the lump in your throat, tongue-tied and still straddling your best friend on the couch. you’re just a single impulsive action away from going all the way.
pulling back even further, you’re about to make a break for your bedroom when touya pulls you back, making sure you face him.
“no running this time,” he tells you, voice raspy and his eyes flicking from your eyes to your nose and your lips but mostly your lips. “i want you,” he whispers, and the minute you lock gazes, the answer has never been more clear to you.
“i want you too, touya,” you answer, both excited and afraid but he never lets you harp on things too much because he’s already kissing you silly, barely letting you breathe—you don’t have to guess with him; he wants you so desperately you can feel it in his actions.
“touya, we should stop,” you whine, knowing that this might be going way too quick yet you want it all the same.
touya shakes his head, big hands slipping under your shirt and squeezing your waist. “no, don’t wanna stop,” he whispers into your mouth.
he’s about to pull your shirt over your head when the loud shrill of his phone interrupts. he would’ve tossed it to the side if you hadn’t taken it and insisted he should take it. it’s from shoto, after all. (he doesn’t call often, it’s a complicated relationship.)
grumbling, touya leans back, keeping your thighs in place so you can’t move away. he’s smirking at you as he answers, “shoto, what is it?”
you can’t hear his brother over the phone. you can only guess snippets of the conversation from touya’s end.
“what for?”
“you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“yeah, yeah, whatever.”
when he finally puts it down, he pulls you close by the chin, a glint of mischief in his grin. “get ready, doll.”
“huh? for what?”
touya gives you a peck on the lips. “family’s visiting, a surprise or whatever. they’re already in the city.”
you blink, praying he’s not being serious and wishing it’s not what you’re thinking. “okay, have fun!”
“and where do you think you’re going?” touya laughs, pulling you back down after you barely got back up.
“go spend some time with them, it’ll be fun.”
“oh i’m sure it’ll be fun,” he smirks, typing something into his phone and sending the message before you can sneak a peek.
you’re almost too scared to ask. but you do. “and why’s that?”
touya chuckles, thinking you’re way too stubborn, playing dumb even if it’ll kill you. but he guesses it’s fine if he has to spell it out for you. “because i wanna re-introduce you.”
“wait, what do you mean?”
with a gentle smile and a poke on your forehead, he looks you in the eyes. “i’m gonna introduce them to my future wife.”
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talaok · 1 year
Good afternoon honey, I was wondering if you could write dark! Joel x plus size reader where the reader is suffering with body image and that night you go out to a club and meet Joel but smut? love the blog🥰
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Pairing:Joel Miller x plus size!reader
Warnings: body image problems, negative talk of reader's body and self, smut| dub-con, unprotected p in v sex, a bit of degrading, and dark! Joel
A/n: ok ok ok I've never written a plus-size reader so if this is bad just tell me, honestly, I'll delete it, it's fine (yes I'm really nervous about this, I'm scared it's disrespectful) thank you so much for the ask tho babe💗
The dress looked absolutely horrendous on you. It was too tight and too loose in all the wrong places.
Your curves looked like they were stretching the fabric so much it was gonna tear the moment you took a step, and the makeup on your face now just looked like a pathetic attempt at driving people's attention away from it.
This was a mistake, you sighed, looking at the loser staring back at you from the other side of the mirror.
I should have never agreed to this, It's so fucking stupid.
You mumbled to yourself as you unsuccessfully tried fixing the dress in any way that wouldn't make it look so incredibly ridiculous.
Maybe I can pretend I'm sick or something, 
Maybe I got a really bad headache all the sudden,
Maybe I got fucking infected, I don't know, that would be believable. I can just start making some weird ass noises and I doubt she'd still want to go out with me.
"Hey, you ready?" Kora opened the door, causing all your plans to fall apart with one single action.
"yep" you forced a smile "all ready"
"Great, let's go!"
fuck my life man.
__ __ __
"Are you serious?" you asked, actually kind of mad
"I know, I know, I'm sorry"
"you've just met him" you pointed out, frustration and annoyance lacing your tone.
"I know" she repeated "but-" she sighed, glancing back at the man "he's so hot y/n, I mean-"
you rolled your eyes "Whatever, go have fun, I'm just gonna go home"
"no don't go home, you can have fun without me," she said "Maybe with someone else..." she raised her brows suggestively and you felt one breath away from punching her.
You shot her a look.
Yeah, like anyone would want to "have fun" with me
"what?" she asked, clueless
you stared at her, the same expression in your eyes.
"you know what"
"oh my god," she moaned "again with this thing? Y/n you're hot as fuck, anyone with half a brain cell can see that"
You remained silent.
You hated the pity party of having everyone constantly lie to you about how you looked.
Just tell me the truth. I look like shit.
It's fine, I know it, you know it, the whole world fucking knows it so stop talking to me like I'm a fucking baby and tell me the truth.
I can take it. Trust me, I've been telling it to myself since I was born.
"in fact..." A small smirk tugged at her lips as her eyes focused somewhere behind you " I think somebody definitely noticed" she grinned like an idiot as she stared at someone behind you.
"shut up" you stopped her "You know he's not," you said "He's probably looking at you"
"Oh no" she shook her head, that stupid smile still tugging at her lips "No he's definitely looking at you" She waved at him and you immediately grabbed her hand, forcing it down
"stop! what are you doing!?"
"I'm helping you out" she smirked "You'll thank me later," she said with a wink, turning to walk away but not before chuckling a taunting"Have fun"
You could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks as you sneakily tried to catch a glimpse of whatever Kora was talking about.
She was probably bluffing, you thought as you slowly turned, but just then, you had to think again.
A man was looking at you, no, not looking, staring.
His eyes were pointed at you like a viewfinder in a gun. 
He was sat at a table alone, an empty beer bottle clutched in one hand, and the other one relaxed on his leg.
He looked focused, like a tiger watching a gazelle.
His salt and pepper beard suggested he was older, and so did the lines across his forehead.
But most of all... his eyes were the tell.
His deep brown eyes staring back at yo-
You turned away.
I was staring at him,
You clutched your purse to leave, but a voice stopped you in your tracks.
"hi sweetheart"
He sounded exactly how you'd imagined.
You turned to him, your eyes glimmering with shame
"hi" you breathed "Sorry if I bothered you"
He chuckled "A pretty thing like you could never bother me"
he sat down "Besides," he said "I was staring at you first"
You forced a chuckle as an awkward silence fell between you.
"I saw your friend left," he said, sitting down on the stool next to you,
"yeah" You nodded "She does that a lot"
"that's too bad" he cooed "well maybe not entirely" he considered, something switching in his tone.
"What's your name sweetheart?"
"I-I'm y/n"
"y/n" he let your name roll out his mouth with ease "pretty name for a pretty lady" he commented, "I'm Joel"
"nice to meet you" you mumbled, stumbling over your own words.
Was he coming onto you? 
"the pleasure's all mine darling"
He definitely was
But, like... why?
"I'm sorry-do you- do you know my friend?"
He grinned, his white teeth showing "no,"
"she didn't like, tell you to come here or anything?"
A small laugh fled his throat "no sweetheart"
"oh" you breathed "so you came here 'cause..." you trailed off, 
" 'cause you caught my eye from the moment you entered, and when I saw your friend leave you here all alone, I couldn't not offer a bit of company"
You felt a shy smile spill from your lips
" 'got a pretty smile angel" he smirked 
"t-thank you" 
He chuckled again "Why are you so nervous sweetheart?" he asked, his hand traveling to your thigh and stopping all oxygen from getting to your lungs "Is it me? Am I so scary?" his voice got lower as he inched closer "I don't bite y'know?" he joked "not unless you want me to"
A small gasp fled your throat, making him chuckle.
"what is it, angel?"
"I-I'm sorry I'm just not- used to this"
"Now I don't believe that" he murmured "A sweet thing like you?"
"I just-"
"If you want we could go back to my place, and you can tell me all about it with a little more privacy" he suggested, "what do you say?"
Your cheeks were as red as the fire burning in his eyes.
"I-" you stuttered
"I can show you a good time angel"
"I'm sorry" you breathed, leaning away "I'm-I'm sorry I have to go to the bathroom" You stumbled over your own words, clutching your purse and rushing off the stool and through the groups of people in the club.
You didn't even realize you were bumping and hitting every person in your trajectory as all you were focused on was that damn door right in the corner.
Oh my god, what felt like the first actual breath you'd taken in ten full minutes, finally left your mouth as you entered the bathroom.
"oh my god," you mumbled to yourself, walking to the sink to look at your reflection in the mirror.
"what the fuck was that?" you sighed 
Am I dreaming? Is that it?
If that's it this is not funny brain.
I'm so confused,
This is... I mean this is just-
What the fuck is this?
He's hot. Like hot hot and I'm... You looked at yourself, and I'm me.
You took a deep breath, looking around you.
The green stalls were empty, and the music was still blaring from the other side of the door.
You could still picture him, feel him. He was so close to you, and you could feel every molecule of your being dancing as his hand remained on your leg.
God, what the fuck
I don't even know how old he is.
And just then, the door opened.
You turned the faucet on to pretend to be washing your hands, but a voice startled you.
"there you are"
Your eyes snapped open
"T-This is the women's bathroom"
Joel smirked, "you thought you could get away from me that easily?" he asked, taking a step towards you.
"I-" you took a step back, but he followed.
"I was being nice there," he said "complimented you and shit" 
Your back was to a stall and he was right before you.
"and what did you do?" he asked "you ran"
"I didn't mean to, I was j-"
"what, angel?" he mocked "You got shy?"
"well don't you worry" His hand went to your chin, tilting it up "I'll fix that right up" He took another step, imprisoning you "I'll help you out sweetheart, mh?"
Your mouth gaped open to say something, but before you could, his lips were on yours, and his hands on your back were forcing you flush against him.
His tongue moved into your mouth as he quite literally shoved you into the stall behind you, pressing you against the closed door.
"thought you could get away from me?" he growled, kissing your neck as his hands roamed on your body, one of them roughly grabbing your ass "Thought I was just gonna let you go?" he asked, now looking at you.
"oh no angel" he kissed your mouth "I have to have you" he murmured "And I will" He kissed you again, and this time, you found yourself reciprocating.
This was wrong and scary and weird, and still... countless butterflies filled your belly.
"there you go" he praised you "That's a good girl" He moved some hair out of your face " 'knew you wanted this too," he said "knew you'd be good, angel" He smirked before you felt his hands go to your waist.
"turn around for me"
With a little push from him, you did, finding your cheek flush against the door.
"god baby" his hands took in every inch of you, adoration clear in his tone "Wanted to fuck this body of yours since I first saw you" he explained, as he slowly rolled your dress up to your waist until only your panties were left to cover you.
"it's what you wanted too, isn't it," he asked, suddenly grabbing your arms to force them together behind your back "You wanted to be fucked like a little slut didn't you?" he continued as his hand pulled your panties down, the cold hitting your core "didn't you angel?" he urged, his grip tightening as he kissed your neck again.
"I-" You didn't know what to say. you were feeling too many things at once.
"Tell me you want this" he breathed, and you heard his zipper being undone.
"tell me you want this angel," he asked again, his hot breath on the skin of your neck "C'mon, I know you do"
" I do" you admitted, and you felt him smirk.
"that's right" He nodded, positioning himself at your entrance "and you're gonna get it" he promised, pushing himself into you hard.
"fuck" Your moan resembled more of a scream as you tightened your fists on your back
"What angel, can't take it?" he taunted, speeding up " 's too big for you little slut?"
"y-yes" you begged, making him chuckle "I can't take it"
"yes you can" he groaned "You're gonna take it all in this little tight pussy and you're not gonna complain about it, understand?"
"understand?" he asked again, his threatening voice spilling in your ear.
"y-yes I'm sorry"
"good girl" he praised, resuming his violent pace, as a cry fled your mouth and tears filled your eyes.
He smacked your ass and you gasped, but before you could let out a moan, his hand covered your mouth.
The door had opened, and two women had walked in.
"we gotta be quiet, angel" he whispered to your ear
"can you be quiet for me?"
"can you be a good little girl and keep that pretty mouth shut for me?
"mh-mh" you nodded, your breathing made difficult by his hand on your mouth
"atta girl," he said, still fucking you, but much slower, and to your dismay, much deeper.
He was hitting undiscovered spots inside of you, and the mix of the pain from his cock stretching you with the pleasure of each thrust was making it really hard not to moan.
"fuck" he groaned softly in your ear "You've got the tightest little pussy angel," he said "Squeezing me so good" he breathed " like it's made for me"
You whined
"Like you were made to be my little slut" he whispered "and have this little cunt abused by my cock"
Your eyes were wide shut, your orgasm approaching as he kept hitting you so fucking well.
"you coming angel?" he asked and you nodded "We're gonna come together" he purred "I'm gonna fill you up real good" his breathing was ragged "and then you're gonna get out there and dance with my come leaking down your thighs"
"you understand?"
You nodded 
"no cleaning up," he said "I want everyone to know how much of a slut you are" 
The women's voices resumed. Or maybe they never stopped. You had no idea of what was happening beside your impending orgasm.
"fuck" he groaned "Such a good fucking slut" he whispered, his head falling in the crook of your neck, as the door opened again and the women finally got out.
His hand left your mouth
"you coming angel?"
"then let it all out baby"
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swaglet · 1 month
absolutely unhinged rant about fertility treatments (specifically ICSI) below the cut
uhm... just watched a video of the process of an ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) fertility treatment and they used a needle to inject one single sperm into an egg. that gave me the heebie jeebies as a biologist. like. the only reason 99.9% of us are alive at all is because 1) the egg we were made from was viable, 2) only the utmost fit sperm were able to reach the egg at all, and 3) naturally the egg has the 'final say' in which sperm 'wins' and it chooses which sperm is most fit to fertilize it.
like. injecting an egg with a needle can hurt the cell membrane and fuck up fetal development. what happens if the one single sperm you chose from the cum vial was one that wouldn't even be able to swim past the inside of the pussy lip, congrats, you just let a dumbshit useless disadvantageous sperm fertilize an egg. you have no idea if that egg was viable or not and what if it was fucked up before you even stuck a needle through the membrane.
idk this almost makes me sick to think about. the female body works so hard to protect you from pregnancy and has a system to try and get you only the healthiest of pregnancies possible, your egg shits on bad sperm and your endometrium tries its hardest to flush out the zygote if it doesnt implant correctly and in a safe location. i think there's only so far you can take fertility treatments until it becomes completely inhumane for everyone involved, but especially the mother and the fetus.
the absolute worst part of it all is that ICSI was created for couples that are having trouble concieving because of Male Factor Infertility. why the fuck are we making lab babies out of sperm that isn't even functional enough to do the only thing it was made to do: SWIM? imagine every single sperm this guy ever shoots out from his pathetic cum is too weak to swim up to the egg. idk if this is just the evolutionary biologist in me talking but i would rather die than willingly incubate, give birth to, and raise the poor kid who would end up being a result of absolutely abysmal sperm. if they can't swim to the egg then they don't deserve to fertilize the egg. i don't want to damn my own child to a life of genes that are actively working against its survival
even if i wasnt terrified of pregnancy and didnt hate kids and i really really wanted a family, i still wouldnt want to have my own biological child because there's an almost guaranteed chance that, regardless of its sex, it will have FXS or at least the premutation for it because that shit is on both of my stupid little X chromosomes and i would not wish this on anyone ever
Like. i know that fertility treatments are mad expensive and very few people get them but whyyy why why why would you let inept sperm fertilize something why are we even entertaining this it is sooo unethical in every way
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dark-angel-of-muses · 8 months
A03 Link
Legend stood over the body of the last monster, breathing heavily. It had been torture for two weeks, trying to find where Ravio had gone. The merchant disappeared after taking a trip to town alone one day, and Legend enlisted the help of every single person he knew trying to track him down. 
Finally, at the end of it all, he found that his boyfriend had been ambushed by monsters on the road and taken into a makeshift dungeon in a monster den. Legend went on a rampage the moment he found where it was, slaughtering monsters left and right in a haze of fury.
The others were behind him, clearing out the surrounding area and backup troops. Legend wasn’t thinking of them. His thoughts were only on the jangling silver keys the monster he had just slain dropped. With a growl, he scooped them up, running towards the back of the dungeon.
The rows of cells were mostly empty, and Legend grunted in frustration as he passed by each one, growing increasingly desperate.
“Is someone there? Please…” The whine was pathetic and thin, but familiar. Painfully familiar. Legend felt his chest seize as he stumbled to the source, unlocking the cell door with a panicked fervor.
Ravio was huddled against the cell wall, shivering. His tail wrapped around his middle, and Legend’s stomach dropped as he saw his ribs pressing from underneath his skin. His eyes, usually a brilliant green with white specks resembling hearts, were now dominated by red, the sign of affection starvation in succubi, according to Warriors.
“Ravio!” Legend threw his sword to the floor, running to scoop his boyfriend up in a hug. Ravio shivered, clearly not having had any physical touch in the two weeks since he’d been taken. 
“Please, love me,” Ravio whispered, burying his face in Legend’s collarbone. Legend's pelt grew wet with tears, and he felt another growl rising in his throat. The need to hold Ravio close spiked intensely, and he squeezed. Ravio hiccuped, tail wrapping around Legend’s leg and squeezing back with equal intensity. “I’m so hungry.”
Legend started shushing him, whispering sweet nothings and doing his best to channel all of his feelings so Ravio could eat his fill. His vision was starting to blur with tears, relief and sadness and gratefulness all crashing together in an emotional tsunami.
Suddenly, there was a hand on his shoulder. Legend tensed, holding Ravio even closer.
“It’s just me, hey.” Warriors’ voice was uncharacteristically soft, contrasted against his firm grip on Legend’s shoulder. “I’m going to need you to let go.”
“Let go? What the hell are you talking about?! He’s been starved!” Legend's magic spiked angrily, fur on his seal pelt standing up straight.
“Your feelings are too intense right now, you’re going to make him-”
Ravio threw up on Legend’s shirt.
Legend stared numbly at Ravio, pale and shuddering, eyes still dominated by the red sheen of desperation.
Thankfully, Warriors still had his head on straight, gently pulling the shivering succubus into his own arms, ignoring that he was getting sick on himself as well.
“It’s been a long day and you’re not emotionally ready to take care of him right now. Let’s go home, get cleaned up, and I’ll tell you how to help him.”
“He’s gonna be ok? You won’t let him get hurt?” Legend’s voice broke halfway through the plea.
“I swear on my life.”
Warriors was a godsend, helping take control while Legend went numb. He managed to delegate the task of sending the good news that Ravio had been found, carry the succubus home, and start the fire for the bath so the three of them could clean up.
Legend helped Wars clean Ravio up since he was too weak and out of it to handle it himself. The succubus kept reaching for Legend, who felt his heart clench and would reach back if not for Warriors body blocking him.
“He’s going to try to entice you, but he’ll just make himself sick again. I know it’s hard, but hold back.” Warriors was kind, but left no room for argument. 
Legend struggled with the urge to bite the other succubus for getting between him and Ravio, but glumly acknowledged he probably knew what was best in this situation. He kept his teeth clenched. For now.
Once Warriors carried Ravio to the couch and laid him gently down, he pulled Legend to the kitchen. The selkie whined in protest at leaving, but Warriors kept his grip tight. 
“Ok, check in time, how are you feeling?” Warriors snaked his tail around Legend’s wrist, keeping him in place.
“How I’m feeling?! That doesn’t matter, Ravi is still-”
“No, this is related to Ravio. What you say is important to how we’re going to handle feeding him.” 
Oh. That made sense. Legend took stock of himself.
“I’m exhausted, I haven’t slept much the past couple of weeks.” Legend looked up as Warriors nodded, waving his hand in a go on motion.
“I’m happy he’s alive, but I’m really worried. I just want to run back in there and hold him close and tell him I’m never going to let anything ever hurt him again.”
“Hm. Yeah, that’s what I was worried about.”
Legend jerked at Warrior’s accusing tone, but was held in place by the tail still holding onto him.
“That’s normal, he was kidnapped!”
“Those feelings are normal, yes. But they’ve gotten mixed up in Ravio’s magic. That magic is going to make you want to do nothing else but feed him. Tell me, do you want to sleep with him right now?”
Legend paled at the words, because neither he nor Ravio ever had any interest in that sort of intimacy, but the idea was burning a hole in his brain, tugging insistently at the edges of his mind.
“Like I thought.” Warriors didn’t sound happy about being right. “That’s his magic. It’s not his fault, he can’t control it at all right now. Any starving man will beg for a scrap of food, no matter how abhorrent they’d find it in their right minds.”
Legend felt the thought of sleeping with Ravio sit heavy in the pit of his stomach. Ravio said he never wanted sex, and Legend firmly promised he was ok with that and would never ask for it. He’d never felt the need for it before now, and his breathing began to quicken. What if the magic made him do something terrible? What if he couldn’t control himself? 
“I-I never want to hurt him, or take advantage of him!” Legend started panicking, tears returning to his eyes.
“C’mon, it’s ok, you won’t.” Warriors pulled Legend in for a hug, letting him cry into his shirt. “You’re still you, and you still have control of yourself. I know you’d never do anything to hurt him. I just needed to make sure you were aware of what was happening so we could make a plan.”
“Should I stay away? Is it dangerous to be near him right now?” Legend mumbled into Warrior’s collar.
“No. As long as you’re aware of it, your will can overpower charm magic.You can stay away if the magic makes you feel too uncomfortable, but I think it would be in both your best interests to be around each other right now. Ignoring all the succubi aspects, the past two weeks have been emotionally rough and you need each others’ support right now.” Warriors let the hug go on for a bit longer, then gently separated the two of them, pushing Legend back with the tip of his tail.
“Thank you, Wars.”
“Think nothing of it. You’re both important to me.” Warriors waved flippantly, giving a tired smile in response. “Now, let’s get you in there and holding his hand.”
Warriors hadn’t been joking. Apparently hand-holding was a great source of slow-drip affection, meaning Ravio would have a much harder time eating himself sick. 
Ravio made a desperate grab at Legend, and for a moment he wanted nothing more than to scoop the succubus up in arms and kiss him silly, but Wars had been right. Recognizing that desire was coming from the magic and not himself made it much easier to compartmentalize and deny. 
Ravio whined at the smallness of the affection, but settled quickly once he realized he wasn’t getting anything more.
Warriors was his rock, keeping a careful eye on them and giving Legend as many updates as he could.
“You’re doing well, he’s replenishing his stores at a good pace. I’ll tell you when you need to stop.”
Legend focused on Ravio’s hands. They had grown bonier since his imprisonment. He let his thumb rub soothing circles on the back of Ravio’s hand, causing a shudder down the Succubus’ spine.
“Alright, stop.” Hang on, really? No time had passed at all!
The outrage must have shown on his face, because Warriors explained, “Affection starvation is tricky. A lot of types of affection that normally don’t feel like much are made much more intense after having nothing. He needs time to recover from that intensity. We’re going to be working him up to longer sessions, but right now things are going to be very light and short, ok?”
“I guess.” Legend’s heart broke a little as Ravio whined from the loss of contact between their hands. He held strong, detaching himself and stepping away. 
He lifted his head to look at Wars. “What now?”
“Now, I think you should be at each other’s sides. For your sake as much for his.”
“Won’t I be feeding him by doing that?” Ravio had said before that even just companionable silence had a flavor.
“As long as there’s no touch, there’s no danger. Those passive kinds of affection are essentially impossible to overdo.”
Legend nodded in understanding, then moved to the other arm of the couch, where Ravio was resting his head. He looked into those green eyes, a bit relieved to see the bright warning red heart was fading into a softer pink. It was still a much deeper color than Ravio’s normal white, but it was a relief to see some forward progress being made. 
Legend leaned his head against the couch, taking in the relief of being home and safe with his boyfriend, appreciative of Warriors’ careful watch all the while.
Ravio gained back a semblance of coherence the next day, overly apologetic and weepy.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t make you do anything, right? Once I realized you were there I don’t remember much after.”
Legend laughed and reassured him, squeezing his hand gently. Ravio’s eyelids fluttered at the touch, wings making the same motions in a shiver.
With the return of Ravio’s cognizance, the charm magic he had been desperately reaching out with mostly vanished. Every so often it would return, the pink hearts in Ravio’s eyes pulsing, but he usually caught himself and would bend over backwards apologizing and crying again.
Warriors stuck around, which Legend was grateful for. While he didn’t need the other succubus, the reassurance that he wasn’t doing this alone and that there would be someone there to catch him if he ever slipped up calmed his nerves. He even took care of things that had entirely slipped Legend’s mind.
“Eat. It’s been two days.”
In response to the offered fish skewer, Legend’s stomach rumbled angrily. He tore into the meat, forgoing any manners he’d learned in his human form. The spike holding the meat together was bare in less than a minute.
Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Legend looked up at Wars. “Do you need to eat, too? We’d been looking for Ravio for a while, I don’t know if you had the time to find someone during all that.”
“I didn’t.” Warriors frowned, fangs poking his lower lip. “As much as I share your instinct to be a self-sacrificing moron, I should set an example and actually take care of myself. Can I get a hug?” 
Legend ignored the jab. Warriors earned it for all the help he’d given the past two days- no. Past two weeks, really. He threw the skewer into the trash and wrapped his arms around Wars. The succubus’ tail wrapped and unwrapped around Legend’s middle, and his wings fluttered aimlessly. For all Wars had been standing strong the past two days, he melted into the hug, leaning his head over Legend’s shoulder.
“Is this ok? I know you usually prefer more intense affection. I really won’t mind if you need to leave to find your own food.”
“This is great, thanks. Don’t worry about me, I’ll tell you if I can’t stay. I plan to stick around as long as you both need.”
Legend squeezed, a silent thank you. Wars’ tail squeezed back.
Legend tried to make it a point to give Wars a hug at least once or twice each day, in between all the rehab sessions with Ravio. Wars likewise made sure he ate and drank, enlisting help from Four with cooking.
Ravio’s eyes were lightening up by the day. Magenta turned fuschia turned rose, inching ever closer to the healthy white hearts Ravio normally sported. His magic was easing back into normalcy as well. Even when Ravio did lose momentary control and it tried to pull Legend into feeding the succubus, the feelings were less intense, the desires for much more familiar sorts of affection.
The first day Warriors said they could try cuddles, Legend wasn’t sure if it was him or Ravio that was more excited. They tangled up on the couch together, the succubus humming in delight as he buried his head into Legend’s neck and let his tail roam, curling around Legend’s limbs to ensure he was solid and real.
With his head so close, Legend finally got a good look at Ravio’s horns. They were hard to spot, both covered by Ravio’s curly hair poofing and engulfing them, and their charcoal gray color blending into Ravio’s hair, especially from a distance. The horns had grown over his time in captivity. It made sense, monsters had no reason to give prisoners emery boards.
Warriors called off their cuddle session after what felt like far too soon, but Legend followed his word without question. He had done an immaculate job of figuring out where Ravio’s limits were so far, and Legend trusted that they’d get back to lazy all day snuggles as soon as was safe.
During one of Warriors’ own feeding sessions, Legend found himself asking, “Is there anything you want for this? You’ve helped me so much, if there’s anything I can do for you, just say the word.”
Warriors shifted in the hug. “Hah, give me freebies from the shop. Those elemental rods look like they’d be fun to play with.
“Done.” Ravio was his everything. No price was too great for him being ok.
Warriors blinked at the sudden and firm response, then looked away bashfully. “I was joking. I don’t need anything for this.”
Legend pushed. “I’m serious. Blank check. I can’t repay you enough for your help.”
Warriors considered him, tail waving in slow motions. “How about this then? You promise to be happy together, take care of yourselves, and eat well.”
Legend’s heart melted. For all he and Warriors would bicker and tease, they were family. Not by blood or magic, but in the way where you agreed to take care of someone and care. 
“Also, you take me clothes shopping for one full day and foot the bill, no matter what or how much I buy. Blank check, if I remember correctly?”
Legend’s heart unmelted. Bastard. He laughed, nodding. Well, he did promise.
It was an arduous two week process of working Ravio back up to normal. Everybody in the Chain stopped by at least once, usually more. 
Wild inserted himself into a cuddle session once, phasing through the couch to grab up the couple in a group hug. Ravio purred in approval, and Legend didn’t hate the feeling either.
Hyrule came by with little kisses on the cheek, tinged with fae magic that sparkled on their skin long after he left.
Twilight came by in wolf form, hopping onto their laps and making himself a living blanket. Or using them as living mattresses, depending on how you saw it. 
Time came by to assure them that the woods were keeping watch for creatures with ill intent. He was working on expanding his influence along the paths to Kakariko Village so something like this wouldn’t happen again.
Four was always around, living in their house, but he did come out of hiding to hug Ravio’s cheek. The succubus hummed in delight as he held the Brownie in his hands, drinking in the tiny hugs.
Wind came by with his baby sister, and Ravio delighted in the two kids' cuddles, happy to listen to Wind spin tales of great sea adventures and all the ships he’d followed until they fell asleep in a pile.
Sky’s brand of affection was one of Ravio’s favorite rare treats. The nymph felt like how clouds looked, soft and cozy with just the right amount of give to be a perfect cuddle partner. It helped that the nymph was constantly sleepy from the heavy atmosphere of the earth. Ravio said sleepiness made things taste fluffier, like a well-whipped meringue.
As Sky settled into being the big spoon, he immediately started dozing, snores coming away in soft puffs of cloud. Ravio adjusted in his grip, leaning back against his cloudy pillow. Legend was taking a break from being the cuddler, but was still nearby, taking up the recliner to read a book.
“Hey, Link?”
“Yeah Ravi?”
“I love you.” The hearts in his eyes were a healthy creamy white, matching the soft bits of cloud Sky was exhaling.
“I love you too.” Legend smiled. He made sure Ravio ate well.
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graysonnightwing · 21 days
like its the fact that capital f Fandom has unanimously decided that
women characters are uninteresting and probably poorly written anyway so we dont need to think about them ever at all
the only stories worth telling are romance and sexual stories
we Need gay men to not only be represented but be the focal point of every single story told
m/f relationships are shallow, overused and boring and f/f relationship just dont hit the spot i guess?
and so 99% of fics out there are shipping fics about two (white obviously) gay men who fall in love or have sex or both. women characters will show up sometimes to inhabit whatever stereotype is en vogue for that month--mean lesbian, the one with the brain cell, the mother, etc just listing these makes me want to cry--and then promptly fuck off when their role is finished.
like can y'all please think about yourselves and your relationship to misogyny for three seconds?? please. like im literally begging you.
women characters are just as interesting, as passionate, as cruel, as pathetic, as fun, as adventurous, as hot, as as as as as male characters. women characters deserve love stories. women characters deserve to be put in that god awful coffee shop au. women characters deserve to go on adventures and have sex and pine for their best friends. they deserve fluffy stories and angsty stories and hurt/comfort stories and kid fic stories and enemies-to-lovers stories.
because real life women deserve to read these stories and see themselves in fandom!! and when you say "well they're just not interesting to me" you are being misogynistic. examine yourself and get better so your misogyny doesnt have to be my problem anymore.
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sundewhasaudhd · 9 days
Fuck it, I know I said I wouldn’t post things about my AU’s out of order, but it’s my blog, and do want I fucking want
Sad TNT duo scene (tw: knives, suicide)
(PS, this thing’s pretty long, so you might wanna go grab some potatocorn or something):
W: *Looking down sadly at his reflection in his knife*
Q: *Practically slams open this man’s fucking door like he isn’t breaking and entering* Jesus fucking Christ Wilbur, where the fuck have you been?! I…people were really starting to worry about you.
W: (to himself) You, you cared?
Q: What?
W: Nothing. Why are you here?
Q: Did you not hear me dipshit, looking for you. I hadn’t seen you in a few days, I was starting to get concerned.
W: That feels a bit dramatic, don’t you think?
Q: Not when you’re at my border bugging me everyday, no
W: …
Q: You ok?
W: Yeah, yeah, I’m fine
Q: You sure? There were a lot of pauses in that four word sentence. Y’know if you have something you want to say to me you can say it
W: Yeah, since when has that been true?
Q: Excuse me 
W: Never mind, that’s not important right now
Q: Feels pretty damn important, but ok, sure
W: *takes a deep breathe* Quackity, kill me
Q: W-w-w
W: It’s perfect, I won’t be able to hurt you or anyone else, and you won’t have to put up with me anymore 
Q: Wilbur if this is your idea of “a joke” it’s not very funny
W: What about me asking you to kill me sounds like a joke to you? It’s not that hard if that’s what you’re concerned about. There are a bunch of knives in here, just take your pick. There are some over there, I think I have one near my bed, plus I’m sure you plenty weapons in your room. *Wilbur’s voice starts fading out* And you don’t have to make it painless if you don’t want to… *his voice is completely drowned out by either ringing or static, I haven’t fully decided yet*
Q: N-no you said you wouldn’t leave me! Th-that you’d be here for me! You promised you wouldn’t leave me again! You promised!
W: That’s what I do Quackity. I lie. I lie and I hurt and that’s all I’ll ever be good for. I can’t change that, no one can, which is why it’d be better for everyone if you just killed me
Q: I- no I’m not gonna kill you Wilbur!
W: Quackity, I want you to look me in the eye and tell me a single reason why I still deserve to live, why I should still be here tomorrow
Q: I-
W: You can’t. I know you can’t. And that’s okay. That’s great even! That’s you realizing how badly I’ve hurt you, and that you shouldn’t want me around *placing his knife in Quackity’s hand, which his dumbass doesn’t notice, because Wilbur’s touching his face and he’s gay* I don’t deserve to live Quackity. *starts moving Quackity’s hands (the knife) towards his chest* You should know that more then anyone. The only thing I’ve ever given you is pain, especially when you’re already hurting. You’re just doing yourself a disservice by letting me live.
W: Y’know, I really will miss you. You’re my favorite person, and I love spending every second I can with you. But that’s really selfish of me. At least you won’t miss have to miss me. Hell, anyone with half a brain cell won’t miss me
Q: What the fuck are you on about, of course I’d miss you if you died!
W: No, you won’t. I mean, come on, why would you. You hate me, remember
Q: I don’t h- *sees the knife in his hands, and then immediately drops it* Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with you?!
W: EVERYTHING!!! Every single decision I’ve ever made was at the expense of someone else! I’m trying to do the only good thing I can with my pathetic existence by ending it, which YOU don’t seem to understand! 
Q: Because that’s stupid! Yeah, you’ve hurt people, so what? We’ve all hurt someone else at some point!
Q: …
W: I’m- this is exactly what I’m talking about. This is all I do. So, just pick up the knife, and put an end to my pathetic existence
Q: No! I won’t kill you Wilbur
W: Why are you being so stubborn about this?
Q: Because I love you, ok! I love you a lot. You’re the only constant in my life, and I really don’t wanna think about what would happen if you weren’t here. You’re my everything. And I *shaky sigh* I just can’t lose you again
W: …
Q: Fuck, just forget I said anything. I’ll just leave and pray that your not dead tomorrow mornin-
W: *hugs in gay* I love you too 
Q: *starts crying while hugging Wilbur tighter*
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thegreymoon · 1 month
The Story of Minglan
I hate having to have a job. There is no time or energy left for me to watch my little shows and read my little books. I should have been born rich 😢
Oh, now you're doing damage control 🙄
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Both you and your brother are ridiculous. You should have sent this idiot brat home the moment she showed up here uninvited, but no, there you were, entertaining her instead and indulging her gross gossip of your LEGITIMATE sister-in-law. I am very much going to enjoy watching this blow up in your faces.
I'm so willing to be on her side and watch her end them all, but I am beyond pissed that she is letting herself fall for Madam Qin's cheap ploys.
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Eat her, please.
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Not only is she mean, she is a moron too.
Sister Zhang, you are making it SO HARD to root for you 😑
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Insulting Minglan in her own home, smh.
Murder them all, Minglan. Poison the food or something.
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LMAO, at least Molan is enjoying herself.
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Why Minglan hasn't gone scorched earth with her yet I'll never know.
I want to be on her side so bad, but anyone going against Minglan can just rot.
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Oh, I am sure you have made living in your household a hell on Earth.
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I've seen this woman in three (?) shows so far and I've hated her in every single one.
Anyway, when do I get to watch these two pieces of shit die? 🤬
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LMAO, I love them 🤣🤣
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They are my favourite people and favourite couple in this drama.
That's right, baby, get pissed off.
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I honestly blame her for that more than your shitty aunt. Shit aunt was just being shit because that's in her shitty nature, but Minglan should have known better.
Yes, but her sister is still not her and is a complete moron to boot.
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If you feel guilty and want to repay your dead sister-in-law, you would do better to manage that idiot before she ruins herself and brings all of you down with her.
OMG, Minglan, mind your own marriage and your own business!
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She is what my mother would call a "lid for every pot", always getting herself involved in other people's problems.
Oh, she made the situation unbearable, now did she 🙄
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For her sake, I hope Minglan talks some sense into that idiotic head of hers.
God. She's beyond stupid.
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There is no saving her.
Minglan, you are talking in vain.
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She had one barely active brain cell and even that was eaten up by her arrogance and vanity.
Let her dig her own grave.
Honestly, the only reason Minglan should try talking sense into any of these stupid people is because these idiots are Gu Tingye's friends and could easily drag him down into the abyss too.
God, please pull your head out of your ass and see that Minglan is the only person in this entire shitty city that still has an ounce of sincerity left.
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I really want to root for you to murder your shit husband and your shit mistress, but I can't do that if you are going to be working against Minglan.
You're so right, Minglan.
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The modern-day relative ease of divorce and the option to not marry and still live a good life is the best thing that ever happened to women.
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anamericangirl · 5 months
Egypt opened up a humanitarian channel to allow ambulances to bring injured Palestinian children into Egypt for treatment. Israel responded by bombing the ambulances, killing the drivers and the patients.
I want you, an avid pro-life advocate, to explain how murdering injured people fleeing from your bombs is self defense.
You know, if I for a second thought you genuinely wanted to hear my perspective and to try and understand I would make a good effort to respond and explain my thoughts but I know you are just here to ignore whatever I say and if I don't immediately say "Bad Israel I'm with Palestine now" you're just going to say "wow how pro-life of you to support murder" regardless of what I say. Because you're not here to listen and that doesn't make me want to answer questions like this because I'm tired of the lame gotchas you pathetic losers throw out that are so dumb you have to ignore all context and reality to even pretend you have a point.
But I will say I don't want any innocent people on either side of this conflict to be killed. I don't like it when Palestinians are killed by rockets from Israel or used as human sacrifices by Hamas. It's terrible what the civilians on both sides of this relentless war are experiencing on a daily basis.
But you are a rotten disingenuous fool if you are going to assert that intent doesn't matter and is completely irrelevant when it comes to war. Throwing the word murder around to try and demonize people for knowing there's a difference between intentionally killing innocent people and unintentionally killing innocent people is a pathetic tactic.
I can't find any reports confirming what actually went down that aren't from the first 48 hours after the event took place and the only source that Israel bombed an ambulance and killed and injured people is from Hamas health officials. The report was unable to be verified. Israel admits to the airstrike as they say they had identified it as being used as a terrorist cell, which we know Hamas does! Whether this claim is true or the claim from Hamas is true was not able to be verified but seeing as Hamas has a history of blatantly lying about shit like this it is crazy to just take their word for it.
I mean they fucking blamed Israel for bombing a hospital and killing 500 people when in reality a Hamas rocket hit a parking lot outside the hospital and no one was killed yet you're ready to just jump on the bandwagon again. You're an idiot if you believe anything Hamas says without being able to independently verify it.
Now you explain why you're so bent out of shape when you hear a claim alleging that 15 people might have died in an airstrike from Israel as they were targeting a structure Hamas is known to use as a terrorist cell because they love sacrificing the lives of innocent people to protect their weapons but you don't give a single shit about the massacre Hamas committed in Israel a month before this event, raping women and children and killing 1400 innocent people.
Fucking explain that one to me you prick.
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ladybellissima · 7 months
Finding Love Katakuri x Reader Part 34
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His powerful steps echoed through the corridors, while his serious look pierced one frightened cadet after another. Pissed was an understatement. Balling his fists in anger, the heat in his hand soon steamed furiously. No one dared to say a word to the Navy Admiral. Shaken the marines were quickly getting out of his way, while praying to not get his attention.
This question haunted his mind and let his blood boil in anger.
Why was this straw hat always getting in his way?
He planned everything perfectly, like always. Like he was used to get things like he wanted. He couldn't wait, until he was finally getting back to the marineford. This beautiful woman was haunting his mind. Every single minute, she dared to pop up and disturb his work. He wanted her and he was just an order away to get things settled. But damn.
He had to leave again.
"Fleet Admiral Akainu, sir.", a cadet spoke shakenly and let him look down annoyed.
"The ship is ready, sir. We can leave to Wano Land right away, sir…", the marine spoke worried of the silent glare he got as answer. Nodding shortly, he left to his office to calm down. Sighing he couldn't believe what this woman was doing to him. Normally he was more than ready to fight these bastards, but this time his mind was clouded with a newfound desire. For the first time he didn't want to go on a mission.
"Admiral Akainu sir!"
Again he was disturbed. Growling angered his look fell onto a marine, who was pale like a ghost after entering his office.
"I hope you are worth my time otherwise…", he spoke in a low threatening tone, but stopped midway after his eyes landed onto the newspaper in the cadet's hand. Looking at her breathtaking smile, the way she was dressed, absolutely stunning in this crimson color, Akainu quickly grabbed the paper and was met with the headline.
"Admiral… What are we going to do about this?", the man beside him asked and regretted it quickly, after noticing the trembling hands of his superior.
"(Y/N) Charlotte….", his voice growled low. She was his wife. This bastards wife.. She came all the way to the marineford to get her husband. The newspaper started to burn in his hands. Quickly he shook it to rescue the picture. How happy she looked, while clinging onto this monster's hand. How was this possible? How could someone like him have her?
His flawless, innocent (Y/N). God damn it, why did he let himself get into this?
Looking to his side, he found the marine still standing by his desk.
"Get the den den mushi.", he ordered shortly and let the cadet quickly rush out of the room.
Looking back to the burnt paper, he was surprised that he wasn't already destroying the whole room.
"Is this what they call to be heartbroken?", he spoke with a frustrated chuckle and slowly burnt the paper in his hands. Her smile soon turned into black flakes.
"You want to play my dear… I know a sweet game too..", he growled pissed and slammed his hand onto the desk and broke it in two.
"I will get you. You played with the wrong person sweetheart. I will show you where you belong princess…where your place is.. ", his look fell onto the marine with the den den mushi in his hand.
"Contact the marineford and get Captain Coby. Arrest (Y/N) Charlotte immediately. Also get Officer Tashigi and Vice Admiral Smoker. Tell them to get their asses to the base and guard Katakuri Charlotte. This bastard won't get out of this cell and she won't get close to him ever..", he ordered angered, while the marine took things into action.
Looking at his shattered desk it looked similar like his heart. How pathetic. He knew right away that something was off. God damn it he knew she was hiding something, but he couldn't stop it. For the first time in his life, in his career, he wanted to be wrong. He let things happen, without any control, just to get her trust, to get her heart and love.
On the other side far away of all the troubles, which led more and more into chaos, a tall thin woman rushed passed her siblings, while breathing heavily.
"Oven!!! Daifuku!!!!", Brulee shouted, while tripping and fell into his room with full force. Annoyed and confused, the tall man got up from his seat to look at his sister, who was lifting her hand with the daily news.
"Brulee I have things to discuss with Daifuku. Mama is going on a rampage at Wano Land and won't come back soon. We have to deal with so much work..", he spoke and gasp of (Y/N) 's photo. Grabbing the news, he read through the text quickly.
"so much time passed.. Do you think she was able to get to the marineford?", Brulee asked worried, while Oven gave her a frustrated sigh.
"I don't know… But now the whole world and mostly the marines know, who she is… Seeing our brothers soon execution, I hope she is out there somewhere safe and alive. Maybe she was able to speak to him. Maybe Katakuri spoke some sense into her that things are hopeless..", he spoke sadly and threw the newspaper into the basket.
Getting back to his seat, Oven let himself fall down and rubbing his eyes of exhaustion.
" God (Y/N)…we can't do anything, while you and Katakuri are out there… Where are you… ", he whispered stressed, while getting back to the amount of work they had to deal with.
No one knew what was going on right now. Not Katakuri's family nor the possesive Admiral, while the trio made their way from one corridor to another. As silently as possible, Coby led the way to get them to the underground passage. Sweat rolled down his forehead, while he was on high alert, if someone was around. Katakuri was holding (Y/N) in his arms and carry her bridal style, even if she protested of his wounds. It eased his worries the moment he was holding her in his protective grip.
"I have to get the keys and open the double doors ahead of us. Stay here for a moment. ", Coby ordered and rushed ahead. Katakuri sat his wife down for awhile for a short break. She could see by his uneven breathing that he was in a bad condition, nevertheless he still didn't want to take the pink pill. Sighing of her husband's stubborness, her look wandered around for any enemies, while Katakuri sat down and closed his eyes for a moment. God his body pained. Sadly they weren't able to stay like they were ordered to, because (Y/N) was met with a horde of marines, which were coming their way with weapons in their hands.
"Katakuri? "
"Just a moment (Y/N)…"
"But Honey?"
Hearing the funny nickname he opened his eyes and looked up to his shocked wife. Footsteps echoed through the corridors and Katakuri's eyes widened of the hundreds of marines coming their way. Jumping to his feet, he quickly took his wife and ran to Coby, who was irritated of meeting them.
"Out of the way pinkie!", Katakuri growled and pushed him aside to enter the double doors, which Coby luckily had opened already. Pissed about their reckless act, he suddenly was met with a horde of marines and knew all too well what that meant.
"Captain Coby! Glad that you are already chasing them! We got an order from Fleet Admiral Akainu to arrest (Y/N), but Katakuri Charlotte is out of his cell too! We are screwed!!! What should we do!? ", they shouted shocked of noticing the tall sweet generel ahead from them.
Gulping nervously his mind was racing with scenarios of how to get them as far away as possible without being suspicious.
"Calm down. We will handle that. I will follow them downstairs with a small group. The others head to the outposts and make the ships ready that we have the upper hand outside.", he quickly spoke and felt more than relieved that the mass of soldiers were slowly dissappearing. Followed by the smaller group, he suddenly felt the ground tremble.
" Maybe it's Vice Admiral Smoker. Thank god he came so quickly!", one marine spoke relieved, while Coby felt his worries raise.
" Shit… What's going on down there. ", he thought stressed and rushed down the steps to be met with the worst case scenario. They were so close. The ship was just a door away, but it wasn't meant to be.
"You think it would be that easy to escape?", a deep voice spoke angered and slowly the silvered haired vice Admiral stepped out of the smoke with his loyal Officer.
"(Y/N) Charlotte you are arrested and you scum… I don't know how you were able to get out.. That's a topic to be dealt with later, but go back to where you belong. In your cell and wait for your death. ", he spoke seriously and watched the dangerous sweet general angered. In his condition it would be an easier fight, nevertheless Smoker knew what this man was capable of. Quickly Katakuri pushed (Y/N) behind him and got into a fighting stance. His tall and intimitating aura let everyone shiver. Katakuri was struggling, but he would fight till the end to make sure that his wife would be safe. Coby was completely lost of what to do now. He wanted to help them as much as possible, but couldn't go that far to fight the Vice Admiral. He was on a whole different level. Smoke surrounded them and the next moment Katakuri clashed with the vice Admiral in a fiery battle. Coby knew that Smoker sure had the upper hand with Katakuri's bad condition, but Katakuri's willpower and brutal strength was still deadly and shouldn't be underestimated. Frustrated he saw the whole plan breaking into pieces.
"I will handle the traitor!", Tashigi growled out at the sidelines and stumbled through the smoke. She just wanted to arrest her, but accidently tripped across some rocks and fall into a surprised (Y/N) with her sword pointed to her chest. Everything happened so fast. Coby was calling out for her horrified, while Katakuri's breath hitched.
A scream echoed through the foggy atmosphere. A shocked scream, which let everyone froze in the spot. Katakuri pushed Smoker away with full force and looked out for his wife in despair. This couldn't be happening right now.
"How.. How could you…", (Y/N) 's shocked voice reached his ears, while the smoke slowly disappeared and showed them the results of Tashigi' s attack. Mouth agape everyone was looking to Katakuri's wife, who was shaken violently, while Tashigi layed before her with a regretful expression. There she stood in all her glory. (Y/N), with an cut open blouse and shorts, showing her red lacy bra, perfect curves and parts of her red panties with an horrifyed expression on her face.
"What the hell!", Katakuri shouted pissed, while the marines flew back with a massive nosebleed and hearts in their eyes.
"Tashigi!!!!!? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!", Smoker gapsed shocked, while he had to control his bleeding nose. It didn't help that (Y/N) tried to close the blouse and accidently pressed her breasts together.
"It was an accident…", she spoke ashamed and was about to get up, but a sudden explosion pushed her back to the ground.
"Katakuri now.", Coby whispered strained and he knew right away that the pink haired captain was the cause of this. Quickly grabbing a squeaking (Y/N) into his arms they used the moment of confusion to get through the door and to their ship.
"Don't tell me you took Mama's bonbon ship…", Katakuri whispered shocked after noticing the familiar pink mass before him.
"We get from one trouble to the next…", he spoke in disbief and let her down to open the entry. With a relieved smile, (Y/N) and Katakuri made their way inside, while Coby watched them with mixed feelings. Katakuri let himself fall down at the back exhausted. He couldn't move an inch of the immense pain in his body. (Y/N) turned around and gave Coby a small wave. The last gesture he would ever see from his sweet friend. He was about to say his goodbyes, but a dangerous presence got his attention. With quick skilled moves he jumped in the way. It was out of instinct, like his body moved on its own to be faster, than the shot from the gun. Eyes widened, (Y/N) watched Coby falling down with a bloody stomach. Looking up to the source, she was only able to see smoke and new explosions, which let the marines at the back struggle to go on. Gasping of disbelief she couldn't believe what happened.
Crying out in despair (Y/N) got out of the ship and to his side. Katakuri watched the scene shocked and felt pity for this man. He sure was a honorable soldier and got his respect, but they didn't have enough time. He knew things had to end quick now.
Smiling slightly Coby brushed her teary face.
"Go (Y/N). You finally made it. I am so happy for you. I was able to protect you.. I wish you all the best", he whispered and was surprised of seeing her angered look. He often had read about such things in books and there it was described even more dramatic, where the woman was crying helplessly about the fearless and brave man. He always dreamed about, that someday, being such a proud soldier. But reality seemed not so romantic or wasn't (Y/N) aware of such moments?
"Don't you dare speak to me like you are gonna die.", she spoke frustrated and took him off guard.
Quickly getting her bag she got the pink pill and shoved it into his mouth. Stunned he taste the sweet bonbon and slowly felt his pain leaving.
"Captain you stay alive. You are amazing Coby. Thank you for saving us. Promise me to never change.. ", she spoke with a bright smile and kissed his flustered cheek. Getting back up (Y/N) jumped into the ship, where Katakuri was already waiting at the back with an annoyed expression on his face. She quickly pushed the buttons and they got under water to finally leave this nightmare behind.
Coby was still laying on the ground with his bloody uniform and a heavy feeling on his chest. Footsteps got his attention and he was met with his loyal underling Helmeppo. Smiling he slowly got into a sitting position and was amazed about the magic pill of (Y/N).
"I have to say your plan was quite risky. I knew that something like that would happen after you told me about her. Thank god the bombs worked. By the way she really is a sweetheart. What a pity that she is taken", the blond marine spoke amused, while watching the empty spot of (Y/N) 's ship.
"What happened with Smoker?", Coby asked stressed and got a small chuckle back.
"He was scolding Tashigi, while I bombed their surroundings. After realizing his waste of time I led them to a wrong direction. But we soon have to deal with them and the problem that Katakuri Charlotte got away.", he spoke with worry. Sighing Coby got up and clapped Helmeppo onto his shoulder.
"I will get Garp. We will need him to get out of this mess alive…", he spoke calmly and headed back with a small smile.
It was worth it.
Because the beautiful princess was finally able to go home.
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beesmygod · 1 year
I'm glad you watched another playthrough of the devil in me bc sgfs run made it look so bad I wondered if he had missed some absolutely crucial game choice but no I guess it really is just like that
the shit makes no sense. im going to "spoil" it rn but like. you can't spoil this game. theres no twist theres just a fucked up guy who walks at you. the killer was killerman. you win prize money.
like lets do a quick list of what was good ("good") and what wasnt. most of these are just going to be moments or isolated plot elements
it wasnt as accidentally funny as their previous games. accidentally funny i mean.
it had the audacity to end with someone picking up the h.h. holmes mask (not a thing that exists btw. no one is making these except like custom on etsy. its so fucking suspicious) like "oooh hes going to do it agaiiiin!" but he got chopped up by a boat propeller. no he isnt
the areas and parts where certain players were "supposed" to die were REALLY telegraphed and detrimental to the pacing of an already artificially bloated plot
why was there a dog that hated the murderer living on the island waiting to bite the shit out of him. whose dog was that. why was there dog. cheap emotional fodder tossed in at the end.
the opening kill is legitimately unpleasant to watch. they forgot that the kills are supposed to be gruesome and not stomach churningly sadistic or remind me of holocaust movies
the characters are genuinely awful and boring people who hate each other. not a single lifeline to be had. even the dog shows up too late for you to establish any kind of friendship
the reason why no one has cell phones is because a guy who is tricking them into taking his place as the murder victims just takes them as part of the "experience". they're a fucking film crew lol. theres no way
i legit thought it was going to end up being a team of people bc he was somehow everywhere at once doing the slow jason walk
instead it's one man, an ex-FBI agent who was abused by his mom and gets talked into doing serial murder by the single lamest serial killer monologue ive ever heard in my life. its just a guy who decided to try something different one day. and then i guess he built a murder hotel after faking his death so he could do more murder. this sucks. i dont care about this.
the plot elements are completely random. the animatronics made out of PEOPLE (they apparently did not get the news that they were beat to this idea by a solid near decade) have nothing to do with anything at all. not h.h. holmes, not murder hotel. they're just there for no reason. they barely even get used.
and they had the audacity to show him MAKING animatronics OF THE 5 FILM CREW MEMBERS after they arrived on the island. this game takes place over the course of one day. he did not do this. there is no way. this game stretches the player's suspension of disbelief too far.
the writing on the mom and the serial killer is pathetic lol. its rough to see evil attempted by people who can only conceptualize it in terms of physical violence
oh great another taxidermy guy. thanks
it was just some guy
the ending is so bad that its ballsy. it cuts to a news reporter talking about how they are still finding bodies in the hotel where 5 person groups were tricked into staying so that they could be murdered. the ppl watching the report are interrupted by their friend who tells them her viral video won a contest (dog its 2022 lol) and the prize is that 5 of them get to stay in a mysterious hotel owned by a man with the same name as the guy they were just talking about.
then it zooms into the email the girl got telling her that she won and that one image of h.h. holmes is just in the window
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did he make the little graphic announcing she has won? did he deliberately include himself? did he not notice somehow that he was in the picture. did he set up a timer and run up to the top floor so he could be very spooky and mysterious
HOW could he POSSIBLY afford another murder house. the invoice for the first one on the private island is IN THE GAME and its an eye popping amount. he does NOT have another house like where is he getting the money? or getting it zoned? or tricking ANOTHER construction team into building death traps that are suspiciously like the ones on the news
theres a part where a woman is stuck in a closet having an anxiety/asthma attack and the scary murder man gives her her inhaler. for some reason. this is never explained
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why did he have ultra specific recordings of his mom commenting on what time he arrives and what page of his baby book he looks at. or what time it is.
theres phonographs and creepy music playing everywhere and no one turns them off like "what the fuck!!!" they're just like ooooh no im being menaced SSOOOO much
why was one of the crew members friends with someone who was strangled by "the campus strangler". as far as i can tell this adds nothing to the story, it just freaks her. as the player i dont care bc the the killerman just finds this out somehow and finds a copy of the paper where they used a photo taken of her, her friend and the strangler. guess which one is the strangler:
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how could they identify his fake dead body from "dental records". they explicit say this. did he fucking glue a set of teeth into the guys mouth. is he toothless throughout the whole game. is he wearing fake teeth. im laughing just typing this up. what the fuck
he pulled an hh holmes on the construction crew after they built a hh holmes themed murder hotel for him.
the murder counter. why does it exist. how does it know to update.
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im now thinking about how funny it is that he put in a 4th digit. get real dude! no WAY
the director being baited into an obvious trap with cigarettes like he was being hunted by wiley e. coyote was insane. my dude you are being murdered. you know you are at this point. why did you go into the room with only one entrance!!
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it was just some guy
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aro-iceland · 5 months
not really a drawing request but id love to know more about your ocs??? from what you’ve posted they look amazing??
Thank you VERY much!!! i forgot how much i love to talk about them
(sorry for the old art or picrews, i am too excited to not talk about them and simultaneously not patient enough to redraw them)
All picrew links: Kit + Kevín + Lilly Annalise Piper + Cecily Mikael + Claire Princeton
here's a general overview of everything that exists:
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part 1: em groups
you should at least be vaguely familiar with my em. every single au and whatever hetalia character i feel like grabbing for that day goes in there. interesting little tidbit that somehow hasn't come up so far is that in more human AUs of mine he's part irish! ~20% of icelandic males and 60% of females actually have irish/keltic ancestry!!! ireland being his mom hc is going WILD in me. he's also very magic because that headcanon singlehandedly started the ice obsession in me. how well in tune he is with it and how exactly it looks like depends on the au . i also make him closer friends with swe and fin because i can👍
(excerpt from my em content dedicated whatsapp group with just my (non-hetalia) best friend and me: )
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le is there a lot because i love him so so much. incredibly phoenix coded man
there's also monaco, gwendolyn or gwenny to me. she's a permanent resident because i support women's rights (slaying) and wrongs (gambling addictions)
a notable not fully formed character is faroe islands! petra sometimes, emma other times. i genuinely don't know where those names come from. i heard the faroe islands and iceland being referred to as "kind of like twins" and as each othere's "best friends" *somewhere* and i am VERY normal about that too. oh SO normal
part 2: mikael's world
a fusion of 2 groups put into one world, connected by one flimsy tie. it's mostly analogous to real life but no homophobia👍
Group A: Pentagon
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Mikael started out as a swedish micronation oc but we don't talk about that. he has a chicken called omelette because of inside jokes during... my wattpad era... shudders. i project onto him a lot and lots of his design is just wish fullfillment. while i love my ocs suffering and angst, because i put so much of myself in him, ultimately, his story is one of healing. major point of difference between us though is that his parents abandoned him and mine... didn't.do.that. 💀👍
Claire and Piper both actually started out as minecraft skins i made for fun!! and then i made them kith:3
Cecily and Kit were added becaue i felt like something was missing to complete the friendgroup!
Group B: menace club
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Kevín and Lilly are my ACNL and ACNH side accounts...... and Annalise was some pretty trans woman i drew one day there's nothing much to this
Part 3: D&D
so.. confession: i haven't actually played d&d yet! but my friends love it a lot, i love a couple ttrpg podcasts so.. yeah i have a couple concepts!
The Leighlar Pilayden, or blueberry bitchfuck as i like to call him, Half Elf sorcerer who was abandoned as a babg and raised in a cult which, in a world with multiple deities, somehow ended up believing in the *one* that doesn't exist! he's a sorcerer but they all think his powers a blessing from their god
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TIEFLING BARD I might get to play as him soon... negative strength, the only reason he has such a high charisma stat is because everyone pitties him... he accidentally ended up in a criminal gang... he plays the pan flute and bagpipes... pathetic baby
Part 4: Miscellaneous
All the Characters that are alone in their worlds!
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(^aesthetic wise but he definitely kins larry)
Brian is the brain cell a friend and i are sharing and also the last one we have. he's a SOO overworked office worker. he has to handle EVERYTHING he's so exhausted please give him a break. he recently got a boyfriend. good for my him
Recently re-named Ailbhe used to be Avery and is a genderless, fully white skinned(as in colour not the skin colour we associate with the word. imagine porcelaine!) and neon yellow haired fallen angel/ex-demi-god!! not much lore but... lots of potential!!
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Firenze is... idk he just happened in one history lesson in 2018 and now he's here. bunny boy with lots of responsibilities around the palace!!!
and ... phew. i THINK that's it? mostly? oh my god. if. there's anyone you wanna know more about... tell ME
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rebelrainfall · 1 year
to break open a heart
Hello from your Secret Santa, @andorerso! It’s been so much fun writing for you, I hope you enjoy! 💜💜💜
ao3 link
If Jyn were a more positive person, she might think that all things considered, they’re lucky. They’re lucky it wasn’t the stormtroopers at the end of the street that hauled Cassian away. Lucky the woman who processed him wore kelly green to match her hair, not Imperial grey. Lucky there likely won’t be a match for his biometrics in this database.
Looking up at the decaying black building in front of her, nothing at her side but a single knife at the small of her back, Jyn doesn’t feel very lucky.
Still, there’s no hesitation in her stride on the way to the front desk of the building, praying to whatever power might be listening that the being behind it, the same green-haired human who took Cassian away, won’t recognize her. Yesterday when they’d met Jyn was a redhead, thick glasses obscuring part of her face, and she can only hope the change is enough. She would have preferred an entirely different disguise, to be sure. But desperate times, and all that shit.
Those desperate times, of course, being this: the Alligare Syndicate has at least two dozen containment cells in this building they disguise as a hotel. Cassian is in one of them.
Jyn has no idea how long she has. As lucky as she may be it isn’t the Empire she’s up against at the moment, the Imperials at least follow measurable and predictable protocol. She’d have some concept of a timeline, some awareness of how long the bastards would be delayed by the paper trail up and down before someone with the authority to wield the knife made their way to him.
The Alligare Syndicate, though, who ran Cassian’s forged papers just slightly more thoroughly than they could hold up against… 
They don’t have nearly the resources the Empire would, and even if they discover his real identity, they aren’t likely to have any prior knowledge of Cassian Andor, threat to the Empire. But they do have near-total control over the city, a network the size of which is unknown to Jyn, and from what she’s seen of them, they’re far more efficient than most criminal syndicates she’s ever seen. She has no idea what they’re capable of, or what they might do to a prisoner.
And Cassian is in their hands.
It could be too late already, a traitorous voice in her head whispers, and she shakes it away, because there’s no time for that, but it nags at her all the same. Took you nearly half a day to be back here. Pathetic, Erso, he could be dead a dozen times over.
“How can I help you?” The woman at the desk asks as she approaches. Her words are polite, but she does a poor job hiding her hostility. “Just a single room for you tonight?”
“I’m here for a visit, actually,” Jyn says pleasantly, adopting the Corellian accent Cassian taught her on the way home from their first mission together. “My husband was brought here, could you direct me to him? His name is - “
“We don’t allow visitors,” the woman says flatly.
“Please, ma’am. I brought his medication. He’s a human man, you brought him in early this morning and he needs - “
The woman rolls her eyes. “Give it here, I’ll make sure he gets it.”
She leans over the low desk to reach for the bottle in Jyn’s hand, and it’s the mistake Jyn was hoping for. Not giving her time to realize what’s happening, she jumps over the desk, her knife to the woman’s throat and her arms twisted behind her back before she can even think of hitting whatever panic button Jyn suspects is hidden under her desk.
“Human man. You brought him in this morning. Take me to him, now.”
“This isn’t going to work. You’ll never get out of the building,” the woman promises, shockingly defiant for a being held at knife point. 
“Do you know how many bones are in the human hand?” Jyn asks, almost pleasantly.
“Can’t say I do,” the woman growls.
“Twenty-seven,” Jyn says, squeezing one of the woman’s trapped hands meaningfully. “And if you don’t take me to him right now I swear on his life I will break every single one of yours.”
To her credit, the woman still appears mostly unshaken. After a loaded moment, though, she gives in with a nod, still glaring daggers at Jyn but showing no sign of trying to fight back. 
“No need for that,” she grumbles. “The keys are in my desk, gonna kill me when I reach for them?”
“Tell me where they are.”
With a bit of tricky manoeuvring she keeps the knife at the woman’s throat while she fishes in the indicated drawer, coming up with not only a set of keys (analog keys, for deadbolt locks. Another thing the Empire doesn’t use), but, to her delight, a small blaster.
“You should really keep weapons like this locked up,” she says flatly, checking it’s unloaded before slipping it into the waistband of her trousers. “Now. Let’s go.”
Jyn doesn’t know what to expect when the woman unlocks the door, the blaster still pressed to her side, but somehow what she finds disturbs her more than she’d prepared for anyway. It’s a well-lit room, the fluorescent light spilling into the much darker hallway. There’s no visible system of restraint nor sign of violence, no evidence of any of the many methods of interrogation she’s known used. If she didn’t know better, she’d almost want to believe Cassian hadn’t been hurt at all.
Which is why it’s more than a little disturbing to see him on the far side from the door, crowded into the corner of the bright room like he wants to disappear into it, giving no indication he’s even noticed the door opening.
“Cass?” She ventures, only realizing she’s slipped up calling him by his real name after the word has left her mouth. It’s fine, she thinks, they’re fine. Lots of names could have the nickname Cass.
His eyes are wide and hazy, staring straight ahead, but he blinks at her voice. Slowly, like it takes great effort, he drags his gaze to the doorway, only to flinch away, eyes returning to the floor, when he sees the woman beside Jyn.
“I’m not strong enough,” he breathes, so quiet Jyn can hardly hear him even in the stillness of the cell block. “Make her -- make her go away. I’ll break. It - it hurts…”
In that single moment Jyn realizes two things. One: Alligare has done something terrible to Cassian, something that has reduced her restrained, ever stoic partner to stuttering pleas. And two: the woman in green, the one she holds at gunpoint, has to have been the one to do it.
She’ll make her go away, alright. And she won’t regret it.
The blaster fires in a flash of green light to match her hair. Jyn hardly spares a glance as she falls to the hallway floor.
She’s kneeling before Cassian in a moment, reaching out until he shies away from her hand.
“Cassian,” She whispers, to no response except a slightly louder, gasping breath. “Hey, Cass, it’s alright, it’s me. She’s not going to hurt you anymore.”
“I - I knew you’d come,” he rasps, though he still cringes from her touch when she reaches out again. “I was… You shouldn’t have - you shouldn’t have come but I - fuck, Jyn, I’m so happy you’re here…”
Something is so wrong here. This isn’t the first time she’s had to come back for him, not the first time she’s dragged him from a cell. She’s found him half-dead and incoherent and drugged out of his mind. No matter how beat up he is he’s never so… honest. She’s seen him bleeding out on the floor still insisting he can handle it himself. Something about the sentimental simplicity of his words is jarring. What could they have done to him, to break him open so plainly?
“Of course I’m here,” she murmurs, “Can you walk?”
“I don’t know,” he says, but he allows her to help him up, leaning heavily against the wall. “Jyn, Stars, I’m so - so happy you came back… You should have left…”
“We don’t leave each other.”
Cassian is still rambling, repeating the same few sentences over and over again as she drapes his arm over her back to take on some of his weight. 
“I know, I know. You’re happy I’m here, you think I shouldn’t be. Save some breath for walking, ok?” As far as Jyn knows there aren’t many guards in the cell block itself, most of them stationed around it as a more visible display of power, but they can’t risk calling attention to themselves either way. At her request he goes quiet as they make their way slowly to the doorway. His breathing is laboured and uneven, hitching at the top of every inhale, but they can’t afford to pause long enough for her to understand what it is that’s hurting him.
He’s under the effects of some kind of drug, that she’s sure of. Something that’s left him disoriented and afraid, an effect common enough in psychoactive interrogation methods. Whether whatever pain he’s feeling comes from it as well or from something else she can’t be sure, but it isn’t impossible. The syndicate must have access to better resources than she’d expected, at least in this department. She’ll have to be sure the Alliance knows they’re a genuine threat.
To her relief they don’t seem to have triggered any kind of alarm and the corridor outside is empty, their shuffling footsteps and Cassian’s pained breathing echoing unnervingly in the silence. Of the cells they pass most are similarly empty, doors left ajar to reveal bare and windowless rooms like Cassian’s. The hall feels unfathomably long, but once they’ve left his cell he seems to regain some strength, carrying more of his own weight and allowing them to pick up the pace enough that they’re nearly at the end of it before the next shock to hit Jyn.
“I love you,” Cassian declares suddenly, like that’s something they say to each other. It hits Jyn like a blaster bolt through the heart, but she forces herself not to react. He isn’t himself right now, and as much as she wants to stop, to beg to know what he means, how he could use a word like love for her, they can’t afford to stop. All of this can wait, it has to wait. 
She’s ripped from her spiralling thoughts after less than a moment, her attention snapping back to Cassian when he whimpers almost as soon as the words have left his mouth. “I’m sorry, I didn’t - I didn’t want to say that, I shouldn’t - I’m sorry…” He’s struggling in her loose hold, fighting weakly to get away from her, but she’s too afraid of what he’d do to himself if he succeeded. “You should go, you should leave me here…”
Alright, maybe she was wrong. Maybe this can’t wait. Jyn steers Cassian inside the next open door, casting a glance around to be sure the cell is empty before she guides him to lean against the wall beside the doorway. Whatever this is, she needs to know how to deal with it or neither of them are getting out of here.
“What did they do to you?” She murmurs, holding him upright against the wall. He only whines, turning away from her. “C’mon, Cass, you have to tell me so I can help you.”
The noise he makes almost sounds like a sob, and he still won’t look at her. She can’t see much of his face in the scarce light of the cell, not nearly enough to read his expression, but there’s fear in his posture. Because of her? Force, she prays it isn’t because of her.
“What did they do?” She asks again, gentler, tucking his hair back just for an excuse to touch him. He sways, like he isn’t sure whether to lean into it or run. He’s silent for another long moment, dilated eyes flitting around her face, wide like he’s fighting himself behind them.
“They - I - I can’t lie,” he finally gasps like it hurts him to say, flinching away from the words themselves.
“You don’t have to,” she soothes. Cassian shudders, whimpering. “You know you can tell me anything.”
“No - you don’t - I can’t lie, they gave me something, some kind of drug and I can’t - I’m compromised.” He’s still trying to pull away from her again, though he can’t get far without her there to hold him up and he seems present enough to realize that, at least. “I - I didn’t give them anything important, I swear, I didn’t tell them about - but I need -”
Footsteps at the end of the corridor. Jyn frees one hand to cover his mouth, dread rising in her chest despite her efforts to tamp it down.
This is… this is bad. This is very, very bad.
The footsteps pass them without hesitation, fading back into silence as their owner makes their way down the hall, but Jyn’s horror doesn’t fade with them.
The Empire has many, many methods of interrogation, but there’s something they don’t have that she knows they desperately want. How many times, reading through Imperial memos searching for something important, has she found mention of a hypothetical drug just like this? An interrogation method that would require no physical torture at all. 
A psychoactive drug that would compel its victim to answer every question posed truthfully, no torture necessary. 
The Alligare Syndicate, it would appear, has beat the Empire at this game. 
This is a spy’s greatest fear, the nightmare scenario. And here is Cassian facing it.
By some unknowable luck they make it out of the building without incident, and Jyn can send a message to the rest of their crew to be ready for takeoff. By the time they stumble onto the ship Cassian’s carrying most of his own weight, but his eyes are still dilated and glassy and Jyn isn’t naive enough to think the worst has passed. 
“How long ago did they give you that drug?”
“I don’t… I don’t know? I don’t know how long I was there. But Jyn -”
“Shh, it’s ok. Not your fault.” She stops him before he can say anymore. Just because he’s telling the truth doesn’t mean he wants her to hear it.
“No, Jyn, it’s - I can’t stay out here, someone will hear something, I need somewhere… the cargo hold. Lock me in the cargo hold.”
Of course. They may be out of public earshot, but Cassian hardly knows their pilot or the other man on the crew. Jyn doesn’t even know their names, and he certainly doesn’t trust them with whatever truths Cassian’s on the verge of spilling. Jyn kneels to dig a medpack and an emergency blanket from under the bench where he’s sitting.
“I’m not going to lock you anywhere alone right now,” she argues, raising a hand to stop him when he opens his mouth to protest. “I don’t know what else this drug did. We’ll go to the cargo bay, and once I make sure you aren’t dying, then we’ll talk.”
“Don’t argue, it won’t work.” Don’t tell me something you’ll regret.
He hardly looks pleased about it but he nods, and when she slips into the cargo hand he follows, closing and locking the door after him.
“Tell me where it hurts,” Jyn orders. 
“Head, leg, lower ribs,” Cassian says, radiating discomfort as he watches her lay the emergency blanket out on the floor. She wishes she could appreciate his honesty, that it were born of anything but torture. This is a sort of nightmare so specifically cruel to Cassian that she struggles to even comprehend it, a hell specially built of his very worst fears. Any question feels like taking advantage of him, helpless against them as he is, but she has no choice, not if she’s going to help him. All she can do is keep her queries as simple and specific as possible.
“Did you hit your head?”
“No, I think that’s the drug.”
“The Scarif leg, wrenched something while I was blindfolded on the way in.”
“Lie down on the blanket. Ribs?”
He winces as he lowers himself to the floor. “When they caught me, I think. Someone kicked me. It hurts to breathe.”
“Well, keep breathing for me anyway,” She says, rummaging through the medpack, though for what she’s not yet entirely sure. 
“It’s always for you,” He mumbles, settling on his back on the blanket with a groan. 
Jyn pretends not to have heard that.
There’s half a dozen painkillers to choose from, and Jyn spends longer than may be necessary considering them. What she needs is something unlikely to react with whatever’s already in his system, so she picks the most basic. Next she fishes out a heat pack like the one he uses on base sometimes, laying it over his bad knee. She’s stalling, she recognizes that, but she’s hardly looking forward to the next logical step. Cassian’s exposed enough as it is.
“I need you to unbutton your shirt,” she finally says, not quite meeting his eyes, “Just so I can see what’s wrong. Ok?” 
She can tell he’s not in love with the idea, not that she can blame him in the slightest, but he reaches obediently to undo the buttons of his shirt.
“This isn’t how I pictured this happening,” he mutters, and she won’t ask what he means by that but stars, she wants to. Then he lets his shirt fall open, baring his chest, and she forgets to ask entirely.
“Cass,” she hisses, eyes fixed on the mess of green and purple bruising spread across his mid torso, surrounding a shallow but worrying gash just above his navel. In her head she can hear him protesting - it’s not as bad as it looks, I’m fine - and in every other circumstance he’d be saying it. His silence freezes her blood far more effectively than the sight of his injury.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, looking up at her with wide, vulnerable eyes. She wants to lie. She wants to say it’s been a long day, I’m tired, I twinged my back on the way here. But if Cassian can’t lie to her, how cruel would it be to lie to him?
“I’m worried about you,” she says, honestly.
He only looks more distressed at this admission, and a little bit confused. “You should go, I can take care of it myself. This shouldn’t be your responsibility.”
“I’m not going anywhere until you’re patched up.” Jyn says. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I care about you.”
“I - You shouldn’t.”
“Cassian - “
“No. You deserve better than this, Jyn. I get you hurt. You know I’ll let you down.”
“You haven’t yet.” 
He chuckles, humourless. “Give it time.”
Clearly he wants to leave it there, but Jyn can’t. She wants to kill whoever it was that taught him to think of himself this way, but for now the truth will have to do.
“You haven’t yet,” she repeats, because it’s true. “But maybe you will, and even if you do. You’re only human, Cass. You’d never hurt me on purpose. We care about each other, right?”
“I love you,” Cassian whimpers again, looking so miserable she’d burn the galaxy away to fix this. 
“Cassian -”
“You should go.”
He’s scared, and helpless, and she can’t hold any of this against him. Still, it hurts. Jyn wants to shake him or burst into tears or break something. She wants, more than anything, to make him look into her eyes and say the first thing again. Can he mean it the way it sounds? Does he mean it the way she wants it? For a man forced to be honest, he’s certainly finding ways to mix his messages. 
Suddenly the ship jerks violently with the jump to hyperspace. Cassian gives a pained moan.
Right. Yes. Patching him up, that’s what she’s meant to be doing. Her own stupid feelings can wait, even if they’re tearing her apart. Even if he has just shaken her to the core.
“Just let me help you, and then I’ll go.”
Cassian doesn’t answer, staring up at the ceiling. She takes it as acquiescence and reaches for the painkiller again and a bacta patch that will cover the wound and the worst of his bruising. 
It shouldn’t surprise her that he refuses the painkiller, muttering shouldn’t waste it on me as if he isn’t the most important person on this ship both to her and to the rebellion. She doesn't push the issue, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to.
Cassian whimpers when she sprays the disinfectant onto his wound and the area around, but says nothing. His breathing becomes even more shallow with the pain and force of others she just wants him to stop hurting.
“I’m almost done,” she soothes, “and then I’ll go if you still want me to, ok?” 
He’s just so achingly vulnerable, hurting and trembling and spread half-naked in front of her, his very mind cracked open. Dual instincts are warring in her chest, to be here to protect him, to stroke his hair and promise he’s safe, or to leave him alone before he can admit something he’ll hate her for knowing when all of this is over.
“I… I don’t want you to leave,” Cassian says, fear still written across his face.
“Then I won’t,” she promises, “I’ll stay if you want me here,” but then he’s shaking his head frantically.
“No, I’ll say something to upset you, you should go. I - I’m sorry.”
“You want me to go?” She asks again, as lost as he looks.
“No, I want you to stay. I want you here so badly, Jyn, but you should… you shouldn’t stay. You shouldn’t have to deal with me. I’ll upset you.”
“You won’t.”
“I will, I know I will. Go.”
Force. She’d love to respect his wishes, if only she could understand what they were. It seems even he doesn’t know what he wants from her, so she picks the safer option. “Ok. I’ll go.”
But then Cassian whimpers, breath catching like a sob. Is there a right answer here? She swears she sees tears in his eyes, but what can she do?
“What do you need from me, Cassian? Tell me what you need. Please. You know I would do anything for you.” And there are tears in his eyes, spilling silently from the corners as he looks up at her with such distress she feels her heart shatter. 
“I need you.” 
“Stay,” he begs, and she’d love it if he would settle on one or the other, but he doesn’t seem to understand it himself. “You - you make me feel safe, and it’s so cold, and your hands are warm…” His voice is thick. “I don’t want you to go.”
And the things he’s doing to her heart now, gazing up at her so desperate and defenceless and handing her confessions that could so easily be turned to weapons.
Jyn returns everything to the medpack, feeling Cassian’s eyes on her back as she does. When there’s nothing else to occupy herself with she finds herself at a loss, casting her eyes around the room for anything that might give her some idea but finding only Cassian, Cassian and his helpless, fervent eyes.
She ends up with his head in her lap, fingers stroking gently through his hair in hopes of chasing away the pain wrinkling his brow. She wishes he would fall asleep for whatever escape it might grant him, but he seems far too unsettled for that. Still, she can feel him beginning to relax under her touch.
“That feels nice,” He says a few minutes into the silence.
“I’m glad. Do you need anything else right now? How are you feeling?”
It takes him a moment to answer. “Better, I think. Please don’t go.”
“I won’t,” she promises again.
“You always make me feel better,” he says before he goes quiet again for a time, eyes flitting around the room, until they settle suddenly again on her. “Can I hold your hand?”
She offers him her free hand wordlessly in answer. Cassian pulls it to his sternum and Jyn measures her breaths.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers.
“None of this is your fault.”
“I’m making you uncomfortable.”
“No, you aren’t. You aren’t doing anything wrong.”
“You - I keep saying things, and I can’t make it stop, and it’s going to scare you away.”
“Cass - “
“I don’t want you to leave, Jyn. I don’t want to make you leave but I can’t - I keep saying things - “
She has his attention, finally, though he still looks so afraid she wants to cry.
“I know you can’t lie to me right now, and I promise that I’m not going to lie to you either now. Tell me you understand.”
He nods, and she’d prefer a verbal confirmation but this will do.
“I’m worried about you. I don’t like seeing you so upset. But there’s nothing you’ve said to make me uncomfortable. I promise.”
“But I said - “
“You said you loved me.” It has to be what he’s getting at. It’s been driving her to distraction. There’s nothing to be gained from avoiding it any longer.
“I. Yes.” And he looks so defeated. Breaking her own rule, Jyn caves and asks him a question she doesn’t strictly need the answer to.
“Did you mean it the way I think you meant it?”
(No. She needs the answer.)
Cassian takes a shaky breath and squeezes her hand, bracing against whatever he thinks is about to happen.
“Yes. I’m sorry.”
Something in Jyn’s chest loosens at the same time her heart stutters. She can’t help the small smile that crosses into her expression, even at Cassian’s obvious confusion.
“Don’t be sorry. I…” She promised to tell him the truth. “Cassian. I love you, too.” 
She can see him wanting to protest. It’s not difficult to imagine what he wants to say. He’ll argue that she doesn’t know all the terrible things he’s done (maybe she doesn’t, but she also doesn’t care), that he’ll let her down (he will, sometimes, but he’s only human. She’ll let him down sometimes, too). That he somehow isn’t worthy of her, like he’s any more damaged, any more imperfect than she is. Like she’s the one of them who deserves better.
It’s absurd. She can’t bear to hear him say any of it.
“I love you,” she repeats. “And I’d rather you didn’t try to talk me out of it. You’re so important to me. Ok?”
For a long, weighted moment, Cassian says nothing. Jyn doesn’t try to fill the silence, waiting on his response. Finally, Cassian meets her eyes again, biting his lip and taking a deep breath.
“I want to kiss you,” he says. “Please.” 
“You can,” she says, and finds great pleasure in the way his eyes light up at that. “But only once you’ve taken the painkiller.”
His attempt at a glare is a little ruined by the stars in his eyes when he gazes up at her.
As he takes the pill without further complaint, Jyn can’t help but wonder if this particular brand of bribery will continue to work.
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haveaclock · 1 year
I found a blessing
On Twitter of all places
Credits to~ ✨Scepterno✨
People's reaction to when Le Chèvre loosens his hair (loosen as in when you're removing braids or something LOOK I DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN)
Tumblr media
Antonio/El Topo(we start from him because yes,and they're dating soo):
I have never had a nosebleed in my entire life, but now I'm flustered as fuck.(he's a cell phone going off)
Carmen SanDiego: When I saw him during one of my capers I was like "Is That Le Chèvre or someone named Roberto?" This bitch on his phone with that kind of hair, go off king I guess
Ivy: Alright I'm making a tough decision, Whose hair am I touching? El Topo or Goat Boy??
Graham/Gray/Crackle: Quite a shocker if you ask me, he honestly looks good. (literally not trying to say he's hot before El Topo does something to him)
Sheena/Tigress: This bitch is looking like he is in his 30's then afterward looks like a Teen, but anyways there's one good thing about this.... *Scissors😨*
*miming out "damn"*
Tammy/Paper Star: He's trying to use his hair to escape from me, how pathetic. (BITCH YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD GET RID OF ME)
Dash Haber: I'm going to need every single conditioner, shampoo, hair spray , comb , hair straightener,hair curler , and hair lotion he uses
Coach Brunt: I asked him "You going on a date?" , He said "I wish".
Countess Cleo: Surprising to see him like this, I even said that his hair style was better than Dash's, obviously Dash will be histeracle if he heard that I said that.
Prof Maelstrom: Unlike the others I have no opinion on his new look, cause most likely he just go back to his old one.
Dr.Bellum: This can give me the new opportunity to try new experiments! A hair growth serum!
Also I didn't add my ocs because I didn't feel like it , so yea
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