#my sc fic
language-of-love · 2 years
partner in play...
1314 words, Rated T (Read on AO3)
I got inspired to write (OMG, it's a miracle) another future fic, so here you go...
There’s a quick flurry of motion and the butterfly he’s been watching for the past few minutes flies up and over their fence, the brown and gold of its wings turning copper as its direction turns towards the sun. It’s only then that he registers that he’s been smiling, content in the simple simplicity of nature and the plush cushion he’s splayed upon. It’s hot, but not oppressive, his olive skin soaking up the last bit of late summer while it can. He told Patrick he needed to test the store’s newest sunblock and his husband, forever his partner in play, had just nodded, knowing full well that David just loves being tan. Patrick loves it too. The love bites across his collarbone and along the freckles on his back are proof of that.
Maybe David just loves making his husband a little crazy.
There’s no maybe about it.
He absolutely does.
God, he’s so fucking happy.  
He’d always thought he needed more in his life. More money. More friends. More status. More, more, more. It eventually became clear to him that those weren’t needs, but wants. And the wanting was really what it was all about, not really the getting. When he had it, he still wasn’t happy.
But now, with a husband he adores, a small home meticulously made perfect and a select circle of friends, he’s really, truly happy. Like the kind of happiness you only ever see in Hallmark movies, minus the heroine having to give up everything about themselves to fit into some random small town and the narrow life of the man she finds dreamy. Man, there’s a lot of patriarchal nonsense in those scripts.
The light strum of Patrick’s guitar filters through the open kitchen window and David lets his head fall to the side, luxuriating a bit in the gentle melody coming from his husband’s fingertips. You’d think after all these years his belly wouldn’t swoop like this anymore, but it does, catching David’s breath a bit and flushing his already overwarm skin. Reaching down, he curls his hand around his water glass, collecting the condensation in his palm so he can rake the cool water over his face. It feels good, but does nothing to deter the direction of his thoughts from the man a few rooms away. 
His feet are padding across the patio before he really registers he’d made a decision to move. 
Joanie, their six year old beagle mix, doesn’t stir from where she’s sprawled out in the sun inside the door as David steps over her. He’s not the only sunbather in the Brewer-Rose household. 
The folksy song Patrick’s working through on his guitar doesn’t exactly match the rhythm of David’s lusty thoughts, but none of that matters really when his husband comes into view. With his head bent down, David can see how the sun has turned the tips of Patrick’s hair a bit copper, the same ginger shade of his scruff whenever he lets it grow in. He doesn’t make an attempt at suppressing the pleasurable shudder as he remembers when Patrick had let himself go a bit during quarantine, giving David hair to tug on and deliciously rough stubble that left abrasions on every inch of David’s body. 
There were a few good things that came out of that time. Just a few.
Patrick looks up and smiles, that fond smile that tells David he heard him coming and he’s happy he’s been interrupted. You see, David’s cataloged these smiles, even has a list of them in his journal, so he’s confident that Patrick won’t object to a change in activity. 
“Hi,” David replies, stepping closer and reaching out to curl his fingers around the neck of the guitar. Patrick’s hand does something similar, but to the top of David’s thigh, letting his fingers drip up inside the leg of David’s shorts. 
“Does the sunblock pass the test?”
Leaning the guitar back into its stand by Patrick’s chair, David steps in closer, so close that he can feel the warmth of Patrick’s breath puffing against the bare skin along his ribs. The swoop is deeper this time and he’s thankful for the sturdiness of Patrick’s shoulders, steadying him a bit as he slowly lowers himself down onto his husband’s lap. There’s something about how unguarded Patrick’s expression is as David settles himself fully, the naked desire in his eyes setting David’s skin aflame and his tongue on a journey to wet his suddenly parched lips.
“You tell me,” he manages to mumble through the knot of anticipation clogging his throat.
Patrick smirks a little as his hands move from David’s thighs to his shoulders, fingertips sliding gracefully along the muscles of David’s arms, playing him just as beautifully as his guitar strings a moment ago.
“Not too greasy,” he whispers as his hands move to David’s collarbone, his thumb rubbing along his clavicle until it reaches the patch of hair at the center of David’s chest. “But I don’t think I’m a fan.”
Startled a bit out of the gathering cloud of want that’s been building, David’s eyes meet Patrick’s with a look of surprise.
“What? Why? Jackson’s been working on the formula for weeks.”
“Oh, it works and we should absolutely sell it.”
David takes his husband’s face in his hands and gives him a serious once over. 
“Did you get into our stash of Hockley’s Hash cause you are talking nonsense right now.”
Patrick chuckles and turns his head just enough so he can take a quick, playful nibble at the tip of David’s thumb. 
“No David, I’m not high. Just disappointed.”
“With what?” David huffs, beginning to feel just a tiny bit exasperated.
“That I don’t have a new freckle to kiss.”
Oh my god.
Patrick’s hands are moving again, palms making a purposeful pass across David’s fully aware and sensitive nipples as he curls his fingers around David’s back to drag him even closer.
“You can’t possibly tell me that I don’t have a single new freckle.”
David is fully aware of what he’s doing now and clamps his eyes on his husband’s lower lip as Patrick sucks it in between his teeth, slowly letting it free, all pink and shiny. 
“Wanna bet?”
He’s pretty sure he answers in the affirmative with a grunt or something, but the wet slide of mouths against mouths and the possessive press of Patrick’s fingertips sliding down his back are all he can be fully aware of at this precise moment. When his husband’s lips move to his neck and begin to count in hot, humid whispers against his skin, all he can do is grip the collar of Patrick’s shirt and hope he doesn’t fall apart before Patrick makes it to ten.
He makes it to 27.
Patrick swears he was in the middle of saying 28.
This is what they playfully bicker about as they stumble towards their guest bathroom and clean themselves up in the shower with the fruity body wash Alexis had left behind from her last visit. 
“Patrick,” David says, his voice purring as he lifts his hand to stop a slide of suds from falling into Patrick’s eyes.
David leans down, dropping a gentle kiss to the tip of Patrick’s nose before nuzzling a bit into his cheek. His smile curves a bit deeper as Patrick’s fingers reach out reflexively to find their home on David’s waist. Their bodies align and the feel of his husband’s water slick skin, it’s still a revelation, no matter how many hundreds of times he’s found himself here. 
But he won’t be deterred.
Letting his lips brush the shell of Patrick’s ear, he can feel the slight shudder of Patrick’s response to the feather-light touch.
He has him where he wants him and opens his mouth to speak.
“It was 27.”
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cosmic-seer · 5 months
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B E H O L D!
Companions to this and this, insPIRED BY THIS [written by @dipplinduo, go read it it’s got me down bad].
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theminecraftbee · 2 months
solving counting sheep prompt thing: three and joe trying to work on some project together
Three squints critically at a post in the ground.
“Your measurement is off,” it says.
“Why, thank you. Your eyesight is far greater than mine, so I very much appreciate you correcting the marks I’m using to decide how big and close the moon is getting!” Joe smiles at Three. Back when Three had first met her, Joe had smiled big quite often. These days, even that goofy, meant-to-be-a-gesture smile is drawn and exhausted. Joe is not designed to run on minimal sleep the way Three is; Joe is hardly the only Hermit staying up until the middle of the night these days.
Blocks rise around them.
Three has better vision than Joe. Blocks rise everywhere.
“I still think we should try Mumbo’s missile again. Or we should try a bigger missile.”
“I am afraid that didn’t work the first time!” Joe says, finishing their sign adjustments.
“That’s stupid,” Three says.
“That’s just how it is. Besides, big problems like that are for big problem havers! We’re out here, collecting data for the people who might actually be able to do something about it.” Joe pauses, shrugs. “I mean, if they exist. They probably don’t.”
“I could torture a Watcher into fixing it,” Three says glibly.
“No, you said that wouldn’t work,” Joe says. “Also, that’s morally questionable.”
Three does not fidget. It trains its eyes on the threat it can do nothing about. It lets out a trill that, for most mortals, is terrifying.
Nothing happens.
“I can make everyone leave,” Three says, quieter this time. “With better plans than—”
“The season’s hardly over. Iskall hasn’t given me my badge yet. I’m not leaving until I get that,” Joe says.
“That is a stupid plan. Don’t be stupid,” Three says.
“Are you leaving?”
“Not until Mumbo does. Especially not until—Pearl should know better. She did not leave last time. She was—was sad. She should know that—I won’t leave until she does,” Three says, halting as it trips over emotions it doesn’t understand.
“Then let’s not have this argument again.”
“Will comply,” Three grumbles.
“Besides, this new moon data is fascinating. Why, at this rate—oh no! I might not even finish my castle! I think I’m going to go work on the walls again, just in case,” Joe says.
“Affirmative,” Three says.
“See you around! If you happen to See any solutions with those big eyes of yours”—and here Joe winks, incredibly unsubtly—“please, by all means, let us all know!”
He leaves.
Three looks at a line of signs across the ground, scattered markers of how small the problem was a month ago. It’s grown so big so fast, and Three has still yet to figure out how to neutralize it.
No one has any orders to stay. No one has any reason to. Three doesn’t understand why they’re still staying.
Three won’t leave alone.
Three, Three doesn’t want—
It would be sad if Zedaph’s sheep experiment had to end early. It should not be buried under moon rocks and rubble. It should be remembered.
That’s all.
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Schrödinger's Cave - @sciencewife
Happy one year anniversary to a really fun fic! Many twists and turns, and the ghosts of one man, come to haunt Aperture's halls. A very good read to check out! A sequel to this piece! [LINK]
[Schrödinger's Cave Fic on AO3]
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pippytmi · 2 months
If you are possibly still doing song promts, not sure if you're into country music however, "Unforgettable" by Thomas Rhett is a very cute, romantic song that I believe will suit Supercorp very well, thank you.
It is a warm, sticky summer night, and the stars have never been clearer.
Kara watches them, wistful and maybe a little buzzed, stretched out in the back of her pickup while Alex flicks bottle caps below at the guys. James and Winn don’t even notice; they’re still arguing over whether they should take whiskey shots or shotgun beers, both staunchly on opposite sides of this dilemma.
“Hey,” a thought occurs to Kara suddenly, “where did Sam go?”
“To find Lena, I think,” Alex says, squinting at her next target with halfhearted commitment as she leans over the side of the truck. When she throws the next cap, it misses Winn entirely. “Damn. Open another beer, Kara, I need another shot.”
“Who’s Lena?” The name is somewhat familiar, but Kara can’t place it immediately.
“The Luthor girl. Sam’s friend, you know her.” Alex leans back to root through their cooler, and comes up with two more beers. “She’s the one who flaked when Sam tried to set up that double-date, remember?”
“Right, and I had to third-wheel you guys all night.” Kara sits up in order to scan the crowd curiously, one question at the forefront of her mind: “Is she related to Lex Luthor?”
“Yes, that’s why I said the Luthor girl,” Alex says like one might say keep up. “She’s his half-sister or something, I don’t know.” She uses the bottle opener on her keys to pop open one of the beers, handing it over to Kara and immediately moving on to her own.
Kara takes a distracted swig as she continues to look out into the crowd. The lights strung through the trees offer very little in terms of visibility, and it’s hard to make out faces. “I didn't know he had a sister,” she says.
“It's not something he exactly advertises.” Alex takes a re-do of her earlier shot now that she has a fresh bottle cap, and this time it nails Winn right on the side of the head. “Hey, losers! Quit fighting and come get a drink!”
“Not unless you have some beer cans we can shotgun!” Winn shouts back.
“No, no, he means we need some Jack Daniel’s,” James interjects, and they’re off again, shoving playfully at each other’s shoulders as if they are going to push each other into the bonfire.
Alex rolls her eyes. “Boys,” she says derisively. “Let’s get Nia instead, she deserves a drink far more than they do.” She reaches over to bang at the truck’s backseat window. “Wake up, sleeping beauty!”
“Whoa, watch it!” Kara almost spills her drink in her haste to bat Alex’s hand away. “Take it easy. I just got her all fixed up.”
“Oh sure, when Siobhan takes a baseball bat to the glass it’s all fine and dandy, but I can’t even give it a tap?”
Kara crinkles her nose. “She thought it was her ex’s car in the dark, come on. You can’t blame her for that.”
“You are also her ex,” Alex says impatiently.
“But not the ex she was trying to get revenge on,” Kara points out. “She even apologized to Brittney. I think you should, too.”
Alex gives her a dirty look. “For the last time, I will not call your car that.”
“Don’t be a hater, Alex.”
“Don’t be a fucking weirdo, then—”
Before Kara can even enact her own revenge for that comment, she is briefly blinded by one of two flashlights aimed at her face. Beside her, Alex yelps and covers her eyes.
“There you guys are,” Sam exclaims. “I got lost trying to remember where we were. Why did you park so far away?”
“To keep our drinks from the masses, mostly,” Alex says, and she hops up over the side of the truck to pull Sam into her arms. “And for privacy.”
“Ew,” Kara says, and Alex glares at her over her shoulder.
“For Nia, who is sleeping.”
“Still?” Sam grins, momentarily distracted, when Alex presses a kiss to her cheek. “I wanted to introduce her to Lena.”
Just like her name, Lena Luthor has something about her face that strikes Kara as vaguely familiar. Something in the shine of her eyes in the moonlight, in the way she bites on her bottom lip, in the slope of her nose and the cut of her jaw and the hint of a dimple in her cheek. Kara has never laid eyes on Lena Luthor before, but she finds herself unable to look away.
The only reason Kara even realizes she's been staring at Lena too long is when she hears her name:
“And this is Kara, she's Alex’s sister. She drove us here.”
Now it's Kara's turn to be stared at—or more accurately, scrutinized. “While drunk?” Lena says.
Kara snaps back to reality. “I'm not drunk,” she hastily denies, lest that somehow affect her chances with impressing Lena (coincidentally, something she had not been concerned with until this very second). “I've only had two beers, I'm practically sober.”
But when anyone else might be skeptical, Lena merely tilts her head curiously. “Okay, if you say so,” she says in a manner that’s almost…amused. Kara counts it as a win, either way.
“So are beers all we have around here?” Sam asks. “Clearly, Lena and I need to catch up to everyone.”
“We also have whiskey,” James chimes in, while Winn makes a show of gagging.
“Yeah, just beer and whiskey,” Alex affirms. “Kara did the shopping, so….”
Kara bends down to lift up their cooler as if it’s a treasure chest. “We also have Mang-O-Ritas,” she says magnanimously, passing it down to James to pop open.
“Just a regular beer for me, then,” Sam says. “Lena will have the Mang-O-Rita.”
“I’ve never had one before,” Lena says, crossing her arms and leaning against the side of the truck as Sam procures her drink. “Are they any good?”
Kara jumps off the truck in order to fully join their circle (and, okay, closer to Lena. Maybe). “They’re awesome. Don’t listen to whatever Alex tells you, she will 100% drink three of these in one sitting.” 
“Only when there’s no other option,” Alex protests.
Lena cracks open her can and takes a cautious sip. “Hm,” she says. “That’s…vile.”
“Poor little rich girl,” Sam coos. “Always such a snob about your liquor.”
“Excuse me for preferring a glass of red over this,” Lena says, but she takes a longer drink immediately afterwards, and Kara falls a little bit in love.
It's always been like that, really—Kara falls in love like breathing air. Eliza used to call her a hopeful romantic because she never liked the term hopeless romantic. (“There is nothing hopeless about finding beauty in everything,” Eliza would promise as she kissed Kara's head. Alex would always be nearby gagging, of course).
Eventually, as the fire begins to die down, they break out the whiskey bottle for shots. Lena, Kara can't help but notice, grimaces at the taste in a way that shouldn't be as cute as it is.
“I need a palate cleanser,” Winn gasps afterwards, ever the drama queen. “Stat.”
“I’ve got one right here for you, it's called Bud Light,” Alex quips.
And while Alex and Winn playfully tussle, Kara’s gaze drifts past them and back to Lena. Lena, surprisingly, is looking right back.
“You have grass stains on your jeans,” Lena tells her, and quickly looks away.
Kara glances down. “Oh,” she says, “yeah, it’s the hazard of working on a farm.” She actually got the stains from kneeling down to pet a puppy on the way here, but the farm thing sounds better. “So what do you—” 
She never manages to get the question out, because two cars down, someone screams bloody murder and Kara reflexively whips out the pocket knife in her boot. Everyone else is equally alert, until:
“It’s just fucking Mike Matthews again, falling off that eyesore he calls a truck,” Alex scoffs. 
“Again? They need to impound that thing,” James says.
Kara is about to chime in with her own horror story about Mike’s truck when she feels a tap at her shoulder; Lena waits until Kara whirls around, befuddled, before she asks,
“Can you pour me another shot?”
Kara blinks. Then blinks again. “Yeah,” she says, even though Winn is the one holding the whiskey bottle. “Yeah, of course.”
Winn gladly relinquishes the bottle when Kara asks, and he and James walk down to Mike’s group to “see if they can help” (i.e. gossip). Sam and Alex take advantage of the chaos to sneak away together (probably to make out somewhere). And Kara is left, terrifyingly enough, alone with Lena Luthor.
Lena coughs after downing the second shot, frowning down at her cup like it’s wronged her. “That is still…not good.”
Kara tries to hide her smile as she looks down, nudges an empty beer bottle away. “Why drink it, then?”
“I don’t know.” Lena pauses to chase the taste away with her Mang-O-Rita before musing, “To get out of my comfort zone, maybe. But then again, pretty much everything here is out of my comfort zone.”
“Oh, I get it,” Kara says. “Rich girl pretending to be normal. It’s very Maid in Manhattan. Or…whatever the opposite of that is.”
“You are…definitely drunk,” Lena says with the tone of someone two seconds from laughter.
Kara vehemently shakes her head. “Nope, no, absolutely not.”
“Mm, you kind of seem like you are,” Lena says.
“I am not, and I can prove it to you.” Kara cradles the whiskey bottle to her chest and prepares herself: “I can do the running man.”
“And that proves you’re not drunk how?”
“Because it's going to be the most flawless dance you've ever seen,” Kara says, immediately kicking her leg out in a shaky attempt, and Lena’s laughter explodes until she is actually hunched over with the force of it.
“Oh, God, please do that again.”
“I'm not sure I like your reaction,” Kara sniffs, taking a mock-defensive step back. “I don't want to do it now.”
“No, come on, I loved it. Really,” Lena says. Her Mang-O-Rita has spilled into the grass, and she has to stoop down to pick up the can, ruefully shaking it when she notices it's empty. “Maybe I need to slow down. Is there somewhere we can sit?”
“Yeah,” Kara says, waving the whiskey bottle to beckon Lena to follow, and she guides her to the back of the pickup. She shrugs off her jacket, laying it out for Lena to sit, and Lena gives her a small smile when she does; it feels like they’re in their own world, kept company only by the stars and the occasional crackle of the dying bonfire.
“So you work on a farm?” Lena has to lean slightly against Kara to get comfortable, and Kara holds her breath to keep from jumping.
“Yup, my parents’ farm,” Kara barely remembers to answer. “Nothing glamorous like you and your brother, I'm sure.”
“I didn't know you knew about…that,” Lena says.
Kara shrugs, feels her shoulder directly move against Lena’s. “Kind of hard not to,” she says apologetically. “I mean, the Luthor name is on just about every business in town.” She twists the whiskey bottle between her hands, listens to it slosh. “If it helps…none of us care about that.”
“Really,” Lena says, disbelievingly but still light enough to invite a follow-up, which Kara wastes zero time in grasping.
“One hundred percent,” Kara promises. “We never judge a book by its cover. Not even,” she pauses to whisper this next part, “people who stand up their dates on a dreaded double-date with their sister.”
Lena gasps. “That was not you.”
“It was,” Kara laughs, just self-conscious enough to slick her hair out of her eyes. “Didn’t Sam tell you?”
“No—all she said was you were fun,” Lena says. “And she promised to try and set me up again, another time.” She shifts, now fully shoulder-to-shoulder against Kara. “Oh my God. Is that what tonight is?”
“Alex didn’t tell me anything,” Kara wonders, “but it would make sense…”
Lena scoffs. “This would be a horrible date,” she says, almost to herself. Then, hurriedly, “Not because of you, but because of everything else. The drinks, the place, the…lack of indoor plumbing…” 
“So you’re too good for whiskey, tailgate parties, and porta potties,” Kara lists off. “Hm. I don’t know, Lena. This date is off to a rough start.”
“Oh, shut up.” Lena reaches across their bodies for the whiskey bottle, and her fingers tangle with Kara’s as she takes it. Lena uncaps it and takes a swig, coughing as soon as she lowers the bottle, and Kara smiles even if Lena can’t see it.
“What happened to slowing down?”
“That was before I realized this was a date,” Lena says without a lick of shame. “Sue me—I’m nervous.”
“You don’t have to be,” Kara says softly, and she shuts her eyes, inhales the smoke of the fire and the sweet, floral scent of Lena’s perfume. “We can just be friends, too. No pressure.”
“And you’d be okay with that?” Lena asks, her voice quiet but undoubtedly curious. “Am I not the kind of girl you want to date?”
Kara immediately straightens up. “Are you kidding? I would marry you, probably, if I could. In a good way,” she hastens to explain. “In a…general, you-seem-like-the-kind-of-nice-to-marry. Hypothetically.”
Lena exhales, and there’s a hint of a smile in her own voice when she says, “You’re coming on awful strong for a first date, Kara Danvers.”
“Sorry.” Kara slumps against the floor, sighing as the whiskey finally starts catching up to her, leaving her slightly dizzy and uncoordinated as she stares up at the night sky.
But then Lena is moving, twisting until she is half-hovering over Kara, beautifully framed by moonlight and the haze from the fire beside them. “I can’t promise marriage yet,” she says, “but I think I can do a second date.”
Kara blinks, slowly, and her grin forms before she can even try to hide it. “Really?”
“Only if I can choose the place,” Lena says. “And if you never make me drink that awful margarita again.”
“Deal,” Kara says, making room for Lena to squeeze in beside her, light-headed for a whole new reason as Lena rests her head on Kara’s arm. “But I really think you should give the Mang-O-Rita another try. Just, for the record.”
“Shhh, don’t ruin this,” Lena says, tapping Kara’s mouth with her finger, and Kara keeps on smiling.
(And later, when they’ve sobered up, Kara will kiss Lena goodnight; later still, Lena will deny that she tasted of that damned Mang-O-Rita, but only Kara will know the truth).
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analogwriting · 3 months
Chapter 7: Cœur
Donquixote Rosinante x gn!reader word count: 2k a/n: bet you weren't expecting a twofer, huh next
When you were back in your office, Marco was already there, perched on your desk as usual. You assumed he saw you leave with your father and made a beeline for the room to wait for you. He knew you’d want to talk to him. He looked at you with a raise of his eyebrows. You shook your head.
“I’m still unsure. He mostly just came to ask if I wanted to come back to the family?”
“But why?”
You shook your head. “Said he’s gonna start looking for a successor but…he already told me that he was some time ago. Maybe he forgot? It was a few years ago.” You tapped your chin. “Though, doing a task like that, it’s unlikely he just forgot.”
“Maybe he’s not having luck finding someone and thought he’d try you one more time?” Marco suggested, leaning back on his hands. He watched as you plopped into your desk chair. “I suppose.” You shook your head.
“The timing is just weird, I guess. Puts me on edge.” You let out a long sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. Nothing about this meeting was sitting right with you. It was all too specifically timed to you.
“I’m saying. We almost got C-” Your head snapped in Marco’s direction as his own eyes widened. He clamped a hand over his mouth.
“Almost got who to do what?” You narrowed your eyes at Marco. “I fucking knew you were up to something! You and Law!” 
Marco put his hands up. “Fine.” He rolled his eyes, shaking his head with a laugh. “Got me. We were trying to set the two of you up. Apparently, he’s got quite the crush on you. Always asks about you when Law gets home.” 
Your ears suddenly felt like they were ablaze. You folded your arms and sighed. “Well, I’m sure that’s no more.” You shook your head. “I suppose it’s better that he found out now instead of me explaining things later.” You still couldn’t believe this happened in the manner that it did. 
“However, knowing you, you probably would’ve spilled everything if he had successfully asked you out.” You nodded. He was right. If Corazon succeeded, you’d tell him everything. With him being who he was and you being who you were, you weren’t going to start a relationship off with secrets.
“It’s no matter now. I’m sure we won’t see him again. Fate had her fun. Now things can go back to normal.”
Marco just looked at you, narrowing his eyes at you. “So quick to dismiss.” He shook his head, folding his arms across his chest.
You stared at him with a confused expression. “There’s literally no coming back from this, Marco. It’s over. Done for. We’re from opposite families.”
“You both left.”
“But it’s going to be natural distrust.” 
“Do you not trust him?”
You paused for a moment. “Well, naturally.”
“You hesitated.”
“You threw me off.”
“Uh huh.”
You rolled your eyes, folding your arms and pouting slightly. “Whatever.” You weren’t even sure what you were talking about anymore. What you did know was that you were getting a headache. You closed your eyes, sighing.
“Got a bad feeling though.” Both of you spoke at the same time. You opened your eyes, locking eyes with him. “Awesome. Great. You know what that means.”
Marco chuckled, nodding. “Shit’s about to get wiiiild.” Whenever you both had the feeling and ended up syncing up, it was always a recipe for disaster. You fell into a fit of laughter with your best friend. Honestly, everything was such a fucking shit fest right now, all you could do was laugh. 
You could only imagine what was going to happen.
The rest of the day went by rather smoothly - a little too smoothly. You didn’t like it; Marco didn’t like it either. You were just waiting for the other shoe to drop, only it never did. No surprises, nothing too crazy, a smooth, uneventful afternoon. 
Which was weird for a hospital to begin with so you knew something was wrong. At least something was going to happen to really just throw a wrench into things. Marco was on edge too. Nothing was more stressful than easy days because there was always a catch. You two never had it easy.
But, the day was fine. Nothing happened and next thing you knew, it was time to go home. Everyone showed up for their shifts on time, so you didn’t even need to stay late. It was…unsettling.
You stuck around an extra hour or so just to make sure nothing bad happened, but time came and went. So, you decided to finally leave. Marco had left a couple hours ago, letting things just be. He tried to get you to leave too only to fail in that endeavor. Just in case, you kept telling yourself.
On your way to your car, you thought about the day’s events once more. It was all just…weird. You couldn’t get over your father’s entire visit. It just didn’t feel right. It was off. He was off. Could it be because he saw Corazon? You wouldn’t be surprised if that threw him into a loop.
You were about to open your car door when you suddenly felt something behind you. Something hard pressed against the back of your head and it didn’t take a genius to know what it was. You didn’t feel fear. It was something that you’ve unfortunately experienced before.
“Don’t move.” You didn’t. Not with a gun pressed to your head. And you already knew who was at the other end of it.
“Corazon.” Your voice was flat, but you sighed softly. 
“You know, most people would be terrified to have a gun pointed to their head. Guess you really are that bastard’s child then, huh?” You made a face as he called your father a name. You really didn’t want to deal with this but you also had no choice. What if someone saw him? You were still in the hospital parking lot!
You moved quickly, turning around. You grabbed his hand with the weapon, twisting it towards the ground in an angle that made him loosen his grip. In moments, the weapon was in your hand, the magazine taken out and the chamber unloaded. You looked at him. “Are you fucking serious right now? The fucking parking lot? Are you insane?” You shoved the pieces of gun into the pocket of his jacket.
Corazon cradled his arm, just staring at you. “What the hell are you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Who just does that without a second thought? I’ve never seen anyone so easily disarm and render a weapon useless like that. It looked as easy as breathing to you.” The man was absolutely dumbfounded. He looked impressed but he also looked like he was trying not to be for the sake of the argument.
“Cause it is.”
He just stared at you like you grew a third head before he finally stood back up. He easily towered over you and you could tell he was trying to use that to his advantage. You looked up at him, folding your arms. You didn’t give two shits how tall he was. “So, what’s the meaning of-”
“What’s your angle?” He narrowed his eyes at you, gaze intense. 
“I don’t-” You shook your head as you spoke, only to be interrupted.
The way he was looking at you and the dominant way he spoke made your heart race. And not with fear. Jesus fuck what was wrong with you? Now was not the time for that.
“You knew who I was the whole time, didn’t you? Played me like a fiddle.” He scoffed, shaking his head. “I can’t believe I-” He clenched his jaw, the look of hurt and betrayal in his eyes.
You just looked at him for a moment, trying to gather your own thoughts. Also giving him a moment to say what he needed to. After he was quiet, you spoke up. “Rosinante.” He seemed to tense as you called him that. He narrowed his eyes at you.
“It is true. I did know who you were. But, I assumed, like me, you weren’t in that scene anymore.”
“Oh don’t give me that bullshit either. I clearly saw your father earlier. You’re still in the scene.” You paused, pursing your lips together. He was right on that one. You licked your teeth in thought.
“Okay. Here’s everything…” You told him. You told him just about everything. Who you were in association to your father. How you took on the Newgate last name to stay incognito. The hospital. Both sides. You told him about how you helped people from all families but you also helped people escape that kind of lifestyle. You told him all of it. When in doubt, tell the truth.
Except the whole saving Law thing. You were still keeping that one a secret. You didn’t feel like it was time to reveal that quite yet.
Corazon was silent as you spoke, looking at you with an expression you couldn’t decipher. He let you talk at him but something told you it wasn’t going to matter anyway. You were currently talking to a brick wall, but you couldn’t stop rambling.
“So, you mean to tell me that you’re neutral in all this? That you just help out all the families with no drawbacks? I’m having a hard time believing that one, chief.” He rolled his eyes at you and, for some reason, that made your blood boil.
“You know what, Rosinante?” His eyebrows raised and he looked at you. “If I really wanted to kill you for whatever reason - or kill Law - don’t you think I would have already done that? I’m a fucking doctor. I’m trusted by just about everyone in this city. I can make just about anyone fucking disappear and I have. I know you’re out of the scene. You have been out. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to bring up any bad memories. I wanted you to feel comfortable at my hospital just like everyone else.”
He started to look slightly guilty which wasn’t even what you were going for - you were just frustrated by everything. You were starting to bubble over. This day just wouldn’t fucking end.
“The lifestyle is terrible and toxic. I didn’t want to be a part of it and it was obvious you didn’t want to either, so I didn’t say anything. And if it’s a fucking crime to want to make my hospital a safe space, then arrest me.” 
He just looked at you for a long time before he shook his head. “I don’t even know if I can trust all that. You could be covering your ass.”
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes. You were trying to keep your own temper in check but you were struggling with that. You opened your eyes, looking at him. “Believe what you fucking want, Rosinante. I know my truth.” You didn’t have to prove anything to him. Why waste your time when it was clear he already made up his mind?
You turned, opening your car door. “Now, if you don’t mind. I’m going home.” With that, you climbed in your car and took off without even glancing back at him.
Well, you supposed the other shoe finally dropped.
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hippolotamus · 6 months
✨ Fic Writing Review 2023 ✨
Words and Fics
106,205 words published to ao3
2 fandoms (9-1-1 and Schitt's Creek)
Most recent drop: it's tempawrary (SC | 3.2k | Teen)
Longest fic: Whatever may come (your heart I will choose) (Buddie | 77.4k | Mature)
Top Fics by Kudos
for the record (Buddie | 2.4k | T)
I know all your secrets (SC | 4.7k | E)
if this love is pain (let's hurt tonight) (Buddie | 3.2k | T)
Whatever may come (Buddie | 77.4k | M)
all in the Jee-tails (Married Buddie | 4.5k | T)
My fandom fic events in 2023
One entry for @911ficletsnotnovels (Madney)
Upcoming Events and Projects for 2024
well, what I hope to achieve in 2024 anyway... let's not get too crazy
finish and publish:
praying to god one day you'll be mine - Buddie oneshot(?) 9 y/o Eddie asks his best friend in the world, Evan, on a date with the encouragement of Tia Pepa. After, the Diaz parents shame the hell out of him for it. As an adult Eddie really wants to ask Buck out but has to overcome all of his childhood queer grief to do so. (okay maybe I'm being optimistic about this being a oneshot... god knows I can't shut up when it comes to queer feels and grief)
come close (let me be home) - a Buddie Bridgerton au with Eddie as Viscount Anthony Bridgerton and Buck as Kate Sharma overseeing Maddie finding a new husband.
you're where i wanna go - Buddie historical au that is set mostly in the 1900's with some travels back to 1899, and forward to 1969. Buck and (single, childless, never been married) Eddie meet in 1899 when Buck is traveling after Maddie leaves. They are later separated and Buck marries Lucy (for reasons that have nothing to do with love and everything to do with queerplatonic goodness). Years later Eddie returns with Christopher...
with my heart in my lap - Twylexis historical au. Alexis and Twyla get together in August 1939, just before Canada enters WWII. Alexis leaves for college but returns almost immediately because teachers, students, etc have left the school to join the war. When she comes home Twyla isn't there. Alexis goes traveling around and ultimately lands in New York. While browsing a junk shop she comes across a necklace she gave to Twyla when they got together and begins a search to find her lost love.
And if I’m super lucky/ambitious
the darkest fairytale - Buddie magic au with witch!Eddie and cat familiar!Buck
run to the water (and find me there) - Buddie au. Kid Eddie is saved by merperson!Buck after a wave knocks him under the water. They reconnect when Eddie moves to LA as an adult.
rules and tags below the cut
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
tagged by @exhuastedpigeon @monsterrae1 @underwater-ninja-13 thank you loves 😘
no pressure tagging @disasterbuckdiaz @daffi-990 @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @stereopticons @blackandwhiteandrose @rmd-writes @vanillahigh00 @apothecarose LOML @lizzie-bennetdarcy @jamespearce9-1-1 @jesuisici33 @buddierights @watchyourbuck @thewolvesof1998 @giddyupbuck @statueinthestone @spotsandsocks @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @wikiangela @loserdiaz @heartshapedvows @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @smblmn @ramonaflow @pirrusstuff @welcometololaland @your-catfish-friend @steadfastsaturnsrings @hoodie-buck and anyone else who wants to play 💞
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coffeeshib · 2 years
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something tender and uninhibited
“Oh, about that.” Kara flushes, shaking her head. “Lena. It’s not a big deal. I was just being dramatic.”
“Darling,” Lena murmurs, tilting her head. She tucks her hair behind her ear as she looks at Kara, then begins unbuttoning her shirt. “Don’t say that. I’m really sorry you had a bad day. Do you want to see my tits?”
Attached at the hip, Lena and Kara are in love and also share one common brain cell.
oneshot, 15k words
read on ao3
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luthordamnvers · 1 year
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Feeling the weight of the sun (Here we come, blue and green)
[Complete] Rating: M || Language: English || Chapters: 8/8 || Words: 80K || No Superpowers AU
Criminal Mastermind Lena Luthor has returned to the States, after almost a year since the last time she was spotted. DEO team Argo One has to discover why is she back, what is her next move and figure out a way to stop her before is too late.
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sssammich · 3 months
collateral pt5
author's note: this part finishes this arc of the story. i'll post again until the next arc is finished. no eta on that, unfortunately. but outline has been written out so there's an end to this lol
this part is rated M for sexual content.
ao3 link (opens to part 5)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
alright thx yall xo
Kara stood right next to Andrea as she eyed both hotel doors. 
“It seems we’re neighbors,” Andrea offered. 
She glanced at the woman beside her. “Why do I get the feeling you knew that already?” 
Andrea only shrugged, seemingly unaffected. “That’s why my hair’s so pretty. It’s full of secrets.” 
Kara’s jaw dropped, not sure how to process the unexpected joke. “Did you just…quote Mean Girls to me?” 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that that movie was only for peasants.” 
“Peasa—I have a Pulitzer!” 
The other woman smirked and stepped forward, their face suddenly closer than Kara anticipated. “Oh, so now you accept that you have a Pulitzer.” 
“I always accepted–! It was the nickname. It’s don’t like the nick—” 
Yet before she could finish speaking, Andrea’s lips found their way on hers. 
Kara’s first thought should have been to stop Andrea. To pull back, To immediately put a stop to whatever this was. Instead, her first thought was the softness and suppleness of Andrea’s lips as she kissed back. Her second thought was that Andrea tasted a little bit of alcohol and faintly of the cigarette she’d had earlier. Her third and most fleeting thought was how she hoped her own lips weren’t chapped—
“Whoa, wait…” she said, finally pulling back just as she placed some distance between them. Andrea carded her fingers through her hair and watched patiently as Kara tried to gather her wits about her, all of which were slipping through her fingers like water. “I don’t understand. You know I’m in love with someone else.” 
“I’m aware.” 
“So why would you…” 
“Haven’t you ever heard that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else?” 
“Yeah, but…” 
“Look, Kara,” Andrea started. It was weird to hear her name come out of Andrea’s mouth, but now that she had, Kara realized that it was the first time Andrea had said her name all night. “The way I see it is that if you want to get over Lena, you have to let her go. And what I’m offering can help with that, if you’re open to it. I just think that if you’re interested, an arrangement could be made that’s equally beneficial to the both of us.” 
She furrowed her brows. “What’s in it for you?” 
“Well, Pulitzer, if you’re not terrible, then an orgasm or two.” 
Kara stepped up and placed a hand on Andrea. “Please, be serious.” 
Andrea watched her, a moment passing between them. Kara tried not to squirm, her eyes focused on Andrea’s blue-green eyes roaming her face. Then, Andrea brought thumb up and tried to wipe something off around her mouth, Kara belatedly realizing it was probably the other woman’s lipstick. “It’s exactly as I said. This doesn’t have to mean more than what it is. You and I can have fun tonight and be back to normal in the morning. The walk of shame for you isn’t even that long.” 
Finally, Andrea stepped back, taking out her keycard from her purse and tapping it against her door until they both heard the small chime of the door unlocking. The other woman pushed the door open into a darkened room before she shifted to face Kara, leaning against the door and looking directly in Kara’s eyes. 
“You have until the door slams shut to make a decision.” 
Kara watched as Andrea slowly walked into her room, pushing the door as far back as possible and walked away leaving the decision in Kara’s hands. 
She didn’t know Andrea, didn’t know if the woman was genuine. But as she quickly rifled through their time together during the evening, she couldn’t deny that she had a fun time with the other woman. Whatever her reason was for helping Kara worked, because Kara came out of that wedding alive. 
And, if she was being very honest, Kara couldn’t deny that Andrea was a very attractive woman. 
Kara caught a glimpse of warm light filling the room, but the door was just about to slam in her face when—
The tip of her shoe wedged itself between the door and the jamb. She shut her eyes, wondering if she was really going to do this, before taking a deep breath. All she’d done tonight was think and overthink, her mind running rampant and her heart struggling to catch up. Whether there was more or less to Andrea’s offer, she’d run out of time to determine. And, at this point, she didn’t care anymore. 
With a push, the door swung open and she rushed to where Andrea was standing by the edge of the bed, taking her earrings off. 
Just as Andrea was about to make some comment—no doubt some testing quip of some sort, Kara surged forward and kissed her. She took Andrea’s face in her hands and held her there—a touch to ground her as she closed her eyes and kissed a woman who held no place in her heart. 
Their kisses turned frantic, her hands relinquishing their hold of Andrea’s face as they roamed down Andrea’s shoulders and to the zipper on the back of her dress. Andrea, for her part, was all too eager to run her own hands all over Kara’s body, her hands lingering and squeezing her biceps. Kara would have teased her about focusing on her arms if she hadn’t been so distracted with the fine figure beneath her after she tugged at Andrea’s dress. She then pushed Andrea down on her now exposed back, brown hair fanning in contrast with the white comforter. 
“This means nothing,” she insisted, even as she unzipped her own dress from the side and let it crumple on the ground. Andrea pushed herself up on her elbows and fully slid back to get to the center of the bed, her dress pooling by her ankles, kicking them out of the way until she was left in her matching red underwear. 
“You’re not even my type, Pulitzer.” 
“I thought you said you wouldn’t kick a girl while she’s down?” she asked with an arch of her brow, a teasing grin on her face. 
Andrea shrugged and unclasped her strapless bra and let it fall to the side. “Surprise, I lied.” 
Kara unclasped her bra and threw it somewhere behind her before she crawled between Andrea’s legs, excitement growing as she glanced down at Andrea’s red lace panties. It made sense, Kara mused, that this woman would match and accessorize accordingly. She almost wanted to make a joke of it, but when she saw the darkened patch at the center of the lace, her mind blanked a little.  
Instead, carefully, she slid her hands starting from Andrea’s hips and slowly up those smooth long legs until her thumbs teased the inside of her  “Anybody ever tell you that you have a bad habit of lying.” 
“And you have a bad habit of stalling. So, if you don’t mind,” Andrea said, waving her hand for Kara to continue. She shook her head, amusement and arousal prickling her skin as she shoved all thoughts of Lena and the wedding and the grief of all the love she could not give freely out of the way for something that could tether her to this moment. 
She dropped her head and kissed Andrea fully in the mouth, further encouraged by Andrea wrapping her legs around Kara’s middle. Kara then shifted to bring her body down, until their naked fronts touched, their nipples pressing into one another. She enjoyed the way Andrea’s nails scratched at the base of her neck and her shoulders in response to their bodies reacting to one another. 
Entangled with each other, she rocked them back and forth as they kissed and nipped for control. Their rhythm was fast, hungry, unable to stay in any one place. Kara was more than fine with that, because they weren’t anything to each other but a means to an end. She groaned when Andrea managed to push her head to the side so she could suck purple a sensitive spot on Kara’s neck. 
She caressed Andrea’s body as she slid down, her mouth traveling from the crook of Andrea’s neck and onto her chest until she was faced with Andrea’s tits in full display. She hoisted herself on her elbows as she palmed both of them, giving them a teasing squeeze before her mouth descended on a nipple. Andrea moaned underneath her and tightened her legs around Kara’s body. 
Encouraged, Kara continued to play and tease Andrea with her tongue while a free hand made its way down to Andrea’s center, her knuckle rubbing against the lace fabric, worsening the wet patch as she pushed in to tease. 
“You’re this turned on already?” she asked, pulling up slightly and looking up to see Andrea’s eyes remain closed. 
Andrea huffed, her hand making its way to Kara’s hair. “Not for long if you don’t keep going.” 
She rolled her eyes but nonetheless returned to her task at hand. Andrea seemed content with Kara’s decision to continue because her hand held Kara’s head in place. Kara pushed the lace fabric to the side and let her fingers finally touch Andrea’s wetness, the heat of her core affecting Kara as she slid her fingers back and forth between Andrea’s sensitive inner lips. 
“Fuuuck—yeah keep doing that.” 
Dutifully, she followed Andrea’s voice as she directed Kara to play her body to her specifications. Of course, Kara was more than happy to comply, her own underwear growing a wet patch at how gratifying it was to satisfy someone. 
She pushed back up to kiss Andrea, her brain hazy with the feel of this woman beneath her just as her fingers pushed into Andrea’s depths. Meanwhile, Andrea’s fingers dug into her back, small delicious bites of those beautiful red nails against her skin. 
Soon, Andrea was moving her hips in rhythm to Kara pumping her fingers in and out, her forearm straining slightly from the angle, but not wanting to disappoint the woman in front of her. 
“Yes, yes—” Andrea groaned. “Almost…” 
Kara brought their lips together once more, her tongue seeking entrance in Andrea’s mouth even as the other woman struggled to kiss back as she neared the precipice of her orgasm. Kara stayed quiet during the whole ordeal, though her eyes were laser-focused on Andrea’s features when shadows of their movements danced on her skin, sweat forcing her hair to stick on the edges of her face. 
Finally, Andrea pulled Kara into a searing kiss just as she tightened her arms around Kara’s shoulders, her ankles crossed behind Kara’s back. Kara let her body move with the climaxing current that was Andrea as the woman underneath her came all around her fingers. 
They held each other for a moment, their heavy pants slowing to loud exhales, until Andrea completely dropped her limbs to her side. The heat of their entangled bodies suddenly disappeared, Kara suddenly feeling all cold. 
Silently, she watched in wonder and curiosity until Andrea opened her eyes and gave her a pleasant smile. “Not bad, Pulitzer,” she offered, her voice coming out rough. Kara found it hot, if she was being honest. 
She laughed, despite herself, her body and mind feeling weightless at this particular moment. She carefully pulled her fingers out, wiggling them before touching the wetness from her fingers on Andrea’s breast. She was rewarded with a squeak escaping from Andrea’s mouth and an earned slap on the shoulder. “I can do better, if you’re so unhappy with my performance,” she reasoned as she bracketed her arms around Andrea’s frame.  
Andrea placed an arm under her head and stared at Kara above her. She nodded exaggeratedly even as she pulled Kara down with her free hand. “Very unhappy. Try again.” 
Kara still didn’t know what was going to happen after tonight. Maybe nothing, maybe something. But Andrea was here with her, and not the figment and fantasy of a life she wished she had. So she would take what she could get. And she would give the woman in front of her another orgasm. 
So, as she tilted her head down until their lips touched and she pushed her thumb on Andrea’s clit, Kara tried again.
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flowertrigger · 1 month
Favourite Line Game
Rules: share your favorite lines or paragraph you’ve written from your fics, posted or wip.
Thank you for tagging me @a-noble-dragon 💚🐉💚
one week is seven days too long 
Patrick is on knees and elbows, forehead resting on the bed as if supplicating to the gods or David himself. His generous ass is high in the air waiting, waiting.
[Sorry this is just 4k of porn.]
in finding myself, i found you
Patrick brings his hands up from David’s hips, the silky material of his blouse whispers under his palms, and settles on his warm back clutching him even tighter. Their hips are in sync, just shy of full on grinding as they move to the heavy beat. As they shift and sway, Patrick loses himself in David’s arms, surrounded by his smell, his heat, his body. It isn’t until he hears David whisper his name that he realises.
He’s aroused.
He’s so hard that he can feel himself pressing against David’s thigh. Heat of a different kind shoots through him, his face aflame with embarrassment as he ceases all movement. Fuck, they’ve only been dancing for mere moments. What must David think of him? A pitiful, small town boy with his first sexual experience.
“Oh my god, David. I’m so sorry,” he chokes out, throat tight with shame. His hands quickly leave David’s back as he tries to step away but David holds tight.
[I still can't believe I wrote something this long. I know it's peanuts compared to most people but it's a lot for me.]
silent in the summer air with you
“Wh-where did the lube come from?” He stutters. Firm fingers drum unrelentingly on his prostate, stealing his breath and heating his skin.
“Pocket. I’ve been carrying it around all day. Statistically, if I fuck you in the morning you usually want it again before the day is done.” He’s so matter of fact about it, like he’s talking about stock rotation at work. David cannot believe this is his life.
“Statistically?” He squawks objectionably. If he doesn’t nip this in the bud now who knows how far Patrick will take it. “Are you seriously talking about statistics while you’re three knuckles deep in me?”
[The idea of Patrick carrying around anticipatory lube is v amusing to me.]
“Use your words, honey.”
He can’t.
There’s a gag in his mouth, suffocating and subduing.
His lips stretch too thin, jaw locked too tight.
Saliva drips from his chin and pools between his sore knees.
I'll no pressure tag @ramonaflow @beaiola @chelle-68 @jamilas-pen @smallumbrella369
@mostlyinthemorning @obsessedwithdavrick @trickiwooao3 if they have any favourites they'd like to share. 🖤🤍
It took me a week to feel comfortable doing this. The conflicting emotions between pride and amazement that I actually finished writing something with the crippling fear of being so shit actually, is so strong that picking favourite parts of my stories is a lot. You know when you see someone proud about something that objectively is in fact really bad and you're just embarrassed for them? That's how I feel. Why am I like this?
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narraboths · 2 years
for the kisses prompt - number 4 if you'd like
Kara doesn't mean for it to happen.
(She's thought about it, sure. Daydreamed, maybe. Forgot her eyes on Lena's lips every once in a while, yes, who could blame her? But she has boundaries and friendship and don't ruin it firmly on her mind, too, and she's not gonna mess up for – whatever that is. A little crush.)
But it happens anyway.
It's all so innocent – sitting side by side on Lena's couch, Lena's hair tickling Kara's cheek, Kara's hand resting on Lena's knee, the pair of them poring over the plans for a new suit, Kara feeling every minuscule flex in Lena's forearm against her own as Lena draws and re-draws some parts, eyebrows furrowed until she finally figures it out and turns towards Kara with a victorious smile, just as Kara turns, a You're amazing!! ready on her lips–
And it happens.
It's nothing. The merest touch, barely lasting a heartbeat. There's no full contact, no smearing of lipstick. Kara pulls back immediately, frozen, mortified, her brain already kicking into hyperspeed. Should I just giggle and say ‘that was awkward, sorry!’, should i not say anything, should I apologize, should I just fling myself into another dimension until this all blows over?
It stops as suddenly as it started, with two simultaneous realizations:
One, that Lena’s not moved away, jumped back in horror, cringed, grimaced, or anything of the sort–
Two, that if anything, Lena’s leaning closer. That even though she seems startled, her pupils have grown a little wider, and her lips, twisting into that radiant smile a moment ago, are now slightly parted, head tilted towards Kara, waiting, offering.
Kara’s mind grows blank.
She leans in with intent this time, with a trembling bravado, pressing her lips against Lena’s just a touch more than she did before, the tiniest fraction of all that she wants, the greatest extent of all that she dares. It could still go wrong, it could still be nothing, it could be just Lena being polite, it could be anything, but Kara wants to savor it, just this one moment of a dream.
It might very well be a dream. Lena sighs, a breathy little oh against her mouth. One hand comes up to cup Kara’s cheek, caressing, the other fiddling with the collar of her shirt, and Kara already feels like she’s been struck by lightning. But then the hand in her shirt tugs and Lena draws back just enough for Kara to see how her lipstick has smudged just a touch, how the look in her eyes has turned from surprise to hungry desire:
“Kiss me in earnest.”
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missgeevious · 6 months
Holiday/Winter Fics
Thanks to @mostlyinthemorning for tagging me to share my holiday fics. I stretched this to include wintertime stories as well.
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Hurt for the Holidays David and Patrick meet by accident on Christmas Eve. (Featuring Patrick flirting while under the influence.)
Nothing About This Was Proper Bear Grylls once told David that body heat is the best cure for hypothermia. He never thought he’d have a reason to use that knowledge, but he’s here now. (Featuring wet boys trying to get warm.)
Snow Day If you are looking for a short, snuggly story that is so sweet it'll give you a cavity, this is your fic. (Featuring fireside wrestling and egregious use of Mariah.)
Thank God. It's You. David finds more than he expected at a bathhouse. (Featuring the author reeeeeaaalllly stretching to include this as a holiday fic.)
*naked jake included only to get your attention (i do not apologize)
Tagging @rmd-writes @codswalloping @doublel27 @orchidscript @myheartalivewrites and anyone else who wants to share their holiday/winter fics.
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theminecraftbee · 2 months
can i request three somehow forced into a fake dating situation
Three stares directly into Martyn’s eyes. They are blue and of an average size. It feels as though maybe this should be against the rules, but according to the book it had read, this was… normal. A normal thing to do on a date. Look deeply into someone’s eyes. It would not be suspicious at all, even though Three isn’t really sure how to look more or less deeply into anyone’s eyes at all. Eyes are not flat, but even when Three Looks, it isn’t as though there is anything interesting in there.
Martyn is sweating somewhat. He looks away first.
Three’s pretty sure this counts as a victory, especially given Martyn can’t see Three’s face behind the mask anyway. It is good Three has now won the game of ‘staring lovingly into its date’s eyes’, because that had been a strange, threatening mortal ritual. It would rather not do that again.
“Haha, thanks again for agreeing to this date,” Martyn says, very suspiciously looking around the small cafe in a bustling semi-private Origins server. “It’s been so long since we’ve gotten to hang out like this. Gods, do I sound stupid.”
“You do,” Three says.
“You don’t have to answer those,” Martyn says.
“Will comply,” Three says.
“Oh, for the love of—we’re on a date. A date!” Here, Martyn winks obnoxiously. “It’s not a mission.” He winks obnoxiously again. “Besides, you should lighten up!”
“Will comply,” Three says.
“You know, I had forgotten how obnoxious that was,” Martyn says cheerfully. “Anyway, I should order us some drinks! Have some conversation! Keep an eye out around us, yeah, for our waiter?”
“You are not very subtle,” Three says.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Martyn says. “Besides, honestly? I am really glad to just hang out with you. Because we’re dating! On this server for fancy couples. Yep.”
The problem is, of course, that a fancy origins server is a great place for the strangest of people to hide.
When Martyn had asked a favor, Three had been… uncertain. This was not because Three doesn’t care for Martyn—it does, greatly—or because Three didn’t want to see Martyn—they’d met up a few times before now, tentative and quiet and frustrated and all the things that were hard to explain, and then in all the ways they were okay again—but because Martyn, for all Three cares for him, is still an idiot.
Three is its own handler, now. It does not have to follow handlers that are morons. It had told Martyn this. When Martyn had stopped wheezing, he’d explained that it’d be fun. Not Listener business, he promised; he still hadn’t quite gotten out, but he wouldn’t drag Three in, Scout’s honor.
(Three believes him. It’s never been that Three doesn’t trust him.)
It was a friend of Martyn’s that had gone missing. Apparently, on some fancy modded server? And now, Martyn wanted Three to come help him do some recon because, quote, “Jimmy laughed at me until he cried and that hurt me a little bit, not going to lie, and I’ve used up the favors Ren owes me, and Oli was busy. Have you met Oli? You’d like Oli.”
(Three did not like Oli.)
Three agreed, despite its better judgement. The reason it thought this may be a poor plan was because—
“Ah, the lovely Valentines,” the waiter says. He gives them a plate of lovely heart-shaped calamari. Three wonders if they had belonged to heart-shaped squid. “It’s a lovely evening, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it’s wonderful here with my beloved!” Martyn says.
The waiter and Martyn both look at Three. Three doesn’t say anything and sits perfectly still.
“Um,” the waiter says.
“It’s for a health condition,” Martyn says, which technically isn’t a lie.
“Very well, sirs, although it may get in the way of the kissing competition!”
Martyn, who had just started sipping some wine, chokes on it.
“I will win the kissing competition,” Three says.
Martyn chokes harder.
“I will see you to it!” the waiter says. “And of course, our patented species comparability exam is the highlight of the evening.”
“Oh. I am not sure I can produce viable offspring,” Three says.
The waiter stares at Three. Three stares back, although not into the waiter’s eyes, as to not cause any confusion. The mask somewhat prevents that from working, though.
“Very well then,” the waiter says. “I suppose just—do you need help?”
“It knows what it’s doing,” Martyn hisses.
“I did do research before coming here,” Three says.
“I’ll just head on,” the waiter says, in a tone that suggests to Three that maybe it did not do enough research before agreeing to help Martyn.
Oh well.
At least the mask means it doesn’t have to keep a straight face as it picks Martyn off the ground and, completely flat in tone, says: “Do not die. I would be sad if you died of something as stupid as choking on wine.”
“I asked for this,” Martyn says.
“Yes,” Three says. “You did. That is why I am here.”
(Beneath the table, it grabs Martyn’s hand. Martyn squeezes Three’s hand back. It had missed him, though. For all they do not see each other often—)
(Well. It had missed him, though.)
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Portal Drawtober 2023: Day 13
Favorite Fic
Yeah this took me, far longer than I anticipated it to take. But I couldn't decide on just one fic when there are so many incredible pieces of work that have inspired and truly been a joy to read. So, multiple fics it was!
Please go give these fanfictions a read!! Each one of these is such a unique and really incredible take on Portal and they truly deserve to be checked out!
The fics shown:
The Future Starts With You - @fuchsiamae
The Long Game - @silverstreams
Reversal - Obvious Octopus
Schrödingers Cave - @sciencewife
The Resurrection Project - @sarcasticgaypotato
Testing Maintenance - @wheaterz
Liminal - @99thpercentile
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analogwriting · 3 months
Chapter 10: Süda
Donquixote Rosinante x gn!reader word count: 1.8k next
“What in the everliving fuck just happened?” You turned, looking at Marco who started bursting into laughter. You were ready to deck him in all honesty. Though, your brain was currently focusing on the last thing that Law said. That Corazon even had a crush on you then. How the hell?
“That kid never ceases to surprise me.” You can never guess how he would react to something.  He had that stoic expression most of the time, which is why sometimes his bedside manner sucked ass. He only really expressed irritation or annoyance. His friends and Corazon seemed to be the only ones who could bring out the softer sides of him, it was a humorous thing to behold.
Marco looked at you with a lazy grin. “I told you that you're overthinking things. It's okay to be thanked for the things that you do. Like he said, some people meet their heroes and end up being ass anyway.” 
You rolled your eyes and folded your arms across your chest. “I guess I'll talk to Corazon,” you mumbled, shaking your head. Marco was right. You were terrible at letting people show you the least bit of gratitude. You just felt like you were doing what you were supposed to. You were doing your job. Nothing all that special. 
“Good. Cause he's actually here.”
The sheer speed in which your head snapped to Marco, you were surprised you didn't break it. “He had just dropped everything off when you showed up, so I told him to wait a bit. That I'd convince you to talk to him.” He stood up with a shit eating grin that made you want to punch him again. 
“I'll be right back.” 
You let out a loud groan once he left, covering your face with your hands. You weren't even sure what you were feeling right now. A migraine, for sure. You might have mostly cured your hangover but your entire body still hurt. Your original plan was to just come in and check in on everyone. A short and easy visit. 
Now it was all complicated.
You looked at the bouquet again, taking one of the chocolate “flowers” shaped like a heart and examining it closely. It looked pretty good, smelled good too.
“They're coffee flavored.” 
You jumped, looking up at the tall man in your doorway. You honestly felt your own heart almost leap out of your chest when you saw him. You didn't realize just how much you missed him until this moment. You had come to love his little visits and not having them made your life a little boring. 
He stepped into the office, closing the door behind him. You watched his movements carefully, trying to gauge his mood right now. Him closing the door made you a little on edge, but you tried not to think about it. He turned to you, bowing his head slightly.
“My name is Donquixote Rosinante.” What…the hell was going on? Did he hit his head? “I’m from the Donquixote Family. My brother gave me the title of Corazon and even though I have long since left, I still use the name mostly because Law just never stopped using it and I didn’t hate it so here we are.” He walked towards you and you couldn’t back up as you were already pressed into your desk.
“I am no contact with my family. As far as I know, my brother still thinks I’m missing. I have one kid that I found a long time ago riddled with disease. He’s long since cured now.” 
You still had no idea what was going on. What was this monologue? 
“Hearts are kind of my thing because I am full of so much love for others - at least that’s what Bepo says. I just like hearts. My favorite foods are lettuce, cabbage, and umeboshi. I don’t like pizza or bread. I’m incredibly clumsy and break almost everything. I-”
The man stopped talking, looking at you with surprise. 
“What are you doing?”
He frowned. “Well, isn’t it obvious? I’m starting over. Being transparent. It’s…” He paused, losing whatever momentum he had.
You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head. “Cute but unnecessary.” You took a deep breath. “However.” You looked up at him.
“My name is y/n l/n. I am from the l/n family. My mother died when I was young and I was set to take over my father’s family. I was never really about that life and didn’t get the courage to leave it until a small child and his clumsy father came into my life, giving me the final push to leave.” You watched as Corazon’s eyes widened. He opened his mouth to say something, but you covered it with your hand to prevent him from saying anything.
“I took over this hospital and made it a safe haven for those who want to leave. And a neutral ground for those who need help. My best friend is Marco Newgate, son of Edward Newgate, or as you know him ‘Whitebeard’. We just call him ‘Pops’. I do enjoy coffee and coffee flavored things. The extra caffeine is something I always need.” You removed your hand from his mouth, looking up at him.
“We’re the reason you left?” It seemed he was hung up on that part. You nodded. “I had been thinking about it already and helping Law gave me that final resolve to do so. It seemed we both inspired each other.”
After a moment of processing your words, he finally spoke. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, y/n. I hope we can get along.” He smiled warmly at you, making your heart skip a beat.
“Nice to meet you too, Rosinante.” 
He paused for a moment before sighing. “I really am sorry, though.” He frowned deeply. “You did nothing but treat Law, the boys, and I with such kindness and patience. All I did in return was end up pointing a gun at you just because of who your father was.” 
“I did do the same thing to y-”
“But that’s not the same. You had just been attacked by my family and then you ran into me. You were scared and unknowing. In my situation, you didn’t do a single thing wrong. You did everything right and I still treated you like a criminal.” He sighed, resting his forehead on your shoulder. 
You could feel your face slowly setting on fire. Your heart was racing a million miles an hour and you had no idea what to do. You took a deep breath, finally speaking. “I knew you weren’t going to shoot me.” 
Corazon pulled away, looking at you.
“No offense, Ros, but you’re one of the least intimidating people I’ve ever met for one.” You watched his face turn red - whether it was from your comment or the spur of the moment nickname, you weren’t sure. “I don’t think you would’ve been able to pull the trigger. You thought I had lied to you and acted rashly, yes. But I knew that deep down you knew that I was right.”
“You disarming me in the least painful way possible and disassembling my gun before giving it back to me told me everything I needed to know. You don’t like hurting people and you trusted me. You gave me back the very thing that could kill you had I actually been determined to do so.”
You nodded, smiling. “Glad you saw it that way because that’s exactly the message I wanted to get across.” You sighed softly, shaking your head. “I was tired of all the violence. Of the killing. I hated doing it. That’s why I left. I wanted to help people.”
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled again. “I should’ve never-”
“Rosinante.” You used your firm tone that caused him to tense slightly and his face turned even more red.  You had to keep that in mind. “I swear if you apologize again, I’m not going to forgive you.” His eyes widened in surprise, nodding quickly. “I’m s-” He cut himself off. “Uh…yes, doctor,” he mumbled. 
You snorted softly. “Law told me something very interesting,” you mused, looking up at him. Corazon blinked, tensing slightly. He narrowed his eyes. “What did he have to say?”
“That apparently you had a crush on me back then?” A sly grin appeared across your face. 
His eyes widened and he started to sputter. You watched as his mind began reeling as he tried to find something to say to you. You grinned. “Real interesting considering I hid basically all the features that could give me away from you. Must’ve been my radiant personality.” 
He only grew more red by the minute before he finally spoke. “I mean, how could I not? You’re literally the kindest and sweetest person I’ve ever met. Not to mention you’re incredibly intelligent and willing to help anyone no matter what, even if it reopens your own traumatic wounds.”
That shut you right up. This time you were the one going red and struggling to find something to say. You just stared at him with eyes the size of saucers. “I didn’t need to know what you looked like to know how I felt about you.”
“You sure that wasn’t just gratitude since I had just saved your son back this?” you tried to brush it off as nothing, but the look in Corazon’s eyes said something else. He shook his head. “I’m positive.”
Before you could get so much as another word in, there was a knock at the door. For fuck’s sake, could you not have fucking anything?
“Can I never have a minute?” You were mumbling and grumbling, folding your arms across your chest as you pouted slightly.
Marco walked in with an expression that immediately made you uneasy. “You know that I do not want to interrupt right now because no one has been waiting for this moment more eagerly than me. But…” He looked at you with a deep frown.
“Your father called. He wants you to visit the estate immediately. Didn’t say why.”
You just stared at Marco. What the fuck did your father want? Why now? He was just here. And as much as you appreciated him for contacting you in a more appropriate manner, you were annoyed that he did it right now. Didn’t he say everything he needed to the other day? Is the weird cryptic thing that Pops said earlier going to unfold now? Were you finally going to get some answers?
You looked at Corazon apologetically. “I-”
He shook his head, holding up his hand. “Just go. I’ll be here when you get back.” He smiled at you. “Marco said he programmed my number into your phone last night anyway, so call me when you get back.” You felt your face warm up. “I…” Man, you didn’t deserve a man with so much patience. You nodded. “Okay. Will do.” With that, you grabbed your coat and headed out of the office, silently cursing your dad for interrupting your love life not once, but twice.
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