#mystictober 2022
asterjennifer · 2 years
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Mystictober 2022 | Day 3 - Family
His parents thought it's time to invite you over for the holidays and get to know you.
At first you're nervous; but Yoosung knows there's nothing to worry about.
He'd been on the edge of his seat ever since entering the car. He really infected you with his good mood; you both hummed to the song playing at the radio thanks to the good vibes in the air while driving through his hometown.
Yoosung basically beamed like a shooting star in the night sky, it's amazing to see someone with such complicated feelings fully enjoy the moment for once. Your eyes switched back to the road considering it wouldn't take much longer until you arrived at your destination for the week.
Loving the moment, Yoosung turned to you in the passenger seat. “I'm so happy you come with me this Halloween- My family is literally dying to meet you, haha.”
He chuckled embarrassed; scratching the slight colored cheek under his still bandaged eye. You hummed in agreement. “I'm excited to meet them myself.. I kept wondering what they're like.” You chimed back at him.
“My mom's really nice, although she likes to push me at times..” His voice slipped into a mumble when thinking back to certain memories. “But! She will love you, I can guarantee that!” It sounded so confident.
You almost couldn't doubt the assumption. “I do hope so, hehe.” He leaned his weight forward, catching your little grin with an offended gasp.
Yoosung reached behind the seat to bring the flowers to his lap; the gift you both had chosen carefully for the first ever visit at his childhood home. “With these?? And the things I told them about you?” He laughed, wiggling the flowers.
“You don't need to hope. I know they will! Have confidence in yourself.” Knowing there's no winning, you nodded in hidden defeat. Hopefully he's not mistaken, but then again, these were his parents.
He knew them better than anyone in the RFA, perhaps you're just overreaching. “(N), you can park there.” He pointed to the garage in front of the unknown house.
Obligating his words, you took your time parking the car correctly. Last thing you wanted was damaging the property of his parents' house. At the entrance, the door already opened the second you both got out of the car. Your nervousness rising accordingly.
“Yoosung!” A female voice cheered, it warmed your heart how your boyfriend fell into the arms of his mother.
She welcomed him by a big hug and suddenly there's a bitter taste of jealousy rinsing through your mouth. However, you decided to ignore it. A man soon joined as he smiled wide at the collage student. “There's my boy, huh! Took you long enough for a visit.”
Yoosung laughed as he got his blonde hair ruffled. “Haha okay, okay... not in front of my lover.” He took a step away, revealing your shape and the flowers inside your hands.
“Mom, dad, it's (N).” The way he phrased it made it seem like he's proud; depsite him being the real hero of the story. With the sweat running down your neck you waved somewhat clumsily.
They eyed you and for a second your heart slipped into your pants. “I-It's a pleasure.. to meet you. I'm (N). Yoosung's lover.”
They exchanged a look before the mother folded her hands; a pleased expression on her face. “Finally! (N), Yoosung told us so much about you,” She started, bringing you closer by pulling your wirsts carefully.
You and Yoosung blushed madly by her words. “You must be a sweetheart from what I've heard.” The father snickered as he placed his hand onto your shoulder. “Come in first. You sure get a cold it you stay outside all day like this.”
His parents spoke to each other about something that slipped into the background. You turned to Yoosung with a relieved, happy attitude. “You were right! They like me!” It made the blonde boy laugh in return.
“Of course they do!” He gave you a nudge into the house by pressing his hand to your back. “I told you; they liked you when I talked about you. So this is no surprise to me.”
That felt good, you couldn't deny. Therefore you quickly leaned in to give Yoosung a kiss to the cheek before sprinting into the living room. His blush increased drastically; a dreamy sigh falling over his lips after covering his cheek with the hand. Bringing you over really had been an great idea of his parents for once.
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kangjaehee · 2 years
alright bitches and bros lets fucking go. mystictober day 1 - favorite character.
title: may.
character(s): jaehee kang
rating: general
word count: 1848
tags: angst, grief, guilt, parental death tw, character study, inspired by she used to be mine from the waitress musical.
Jaehee set her espresso down on the table, opened her work planner, clicked her pen out. The time of the month had come once again where she looked at her life for the next month, the ever-changing, ever-approaching deadlines, the projects and trips and cancellations and meetings, and put them all in a neat, visually recognizable square calendar, and then in dedicated pages on a daily planner.
She also pulled out her tabs, which she used for a color-coordinated task system: purple for personal appointments, blue for company affairs, red for Mr. Han’s personal affairs, and yellow for events, of which there were few. There also used to be orange, for RFA matters, but that color went unused ever since Rika’s sudden leave. 
Her planning system was complex and meticulous, something she’d developed and perfected over the years, and that she was quite proud of. She attributed whatever sanity she had to it; it was the reason why she wasn’t overwhelmed to the point of dysfunction by the quick pace of her environment. 
She wanted to laugh. When she’d first started as Han Jumin’s assistant, knowing what that entailed, she was worried she would not be able to live up to it. Yes, she was a top student of a top five university, an early graduate of their business school, and some even named her a prodigy– but this was Han Jumin of C&R. 
In the end, of course, she managed to do it, managed to pull through, like she always did. Her time management was still not flawless– she still barely had time for healthy, substantial meals, exercise, journaling, and other self-care activities that were necessary for both her physical and mental well-being– but it worked for her priority, which was her job. At least that always got done perfectly on time. And she was immensely glad for it. 
Taking out a few highlighters, and opening her monthly planner (which was ZEN themed, of course, a collection of his greatest postcards from musicals and modeling shoots, each pic more majestic than the last; not very professional but it provided a necessary boost of serotonin), she got to work to get this next month sorted out. 
May. Hell Note month– she should rewatch that when she has the time. The tail-end of spring, where the mid-year review had to begin its preparation to be presented in the first two weeks of June. There were a couple of office birthdays for which she had to buy gifts, a trip Mr. Han had to take to Italy, and another one to Houston. 
May. It’s crazy how the year has flown by so fast. The winter was slow. Mr. Han’s ridiculous cat clothing line project had made her suffer for two weeks before being canceled abruptly once he changed his mind, some sort of grace of the heavens blessing her for once. Rika’s death anniversary came and went with a quiet chatroom. And then Zen’s new show came out, and then it was spring, and then they were here. That had been quick. She hoped the rest of the year would be the same, or at least not too heavy… not like last year, with the meerkat thing… Oh God, she was going to be 25 this year. She decided not to think about that. 
May was also a month she was never exactly looking forward to. It was the month of her mother’s birthday and her father’s death. However much she tried, she couldn’t help but feel a little sad every time May rolled around. 
She usually kept busy enough to distract herself, with school finals and internship paperwork, trying to not get distracted by her resurfacing grief, which was a weak spot. She could not afford the paralyzing, stifling sadness– not then, not now, not ever. She’d put it on a little chest when she was seventeen and top of her class, to keep it out of the way. But this time… it looked like it was going to be difficult.
Both dates fell on weekends. Which Saturdays weren’t exactly a day off for her– she still had to show up to the office for half the hours, but almost always wound up staying full time or more if there wasn’t another activity. Sundays, though, were completely blank. She didn’t come to the office unless it was an extreme situation, preferring to reset in whatever way she could, or get started on new projects. She wouldn’t have anything to distract her from the memory of her mother, or at least it wouldn’t be the same as being there, in the middle of activity. No amount of paperwork or emails or even musicals would be enough for her to hide. 
She sighs. She knows she shouldn’t do this. She raced against her feelings and lost bitterly every time, crying at her desk late at night not knowing what to do. She always pushed through though, got over it and stood up and kept going, just like her mother had taught her to do. And she would this time too. She’d find something to cope with, find some way to let this near paralyzing grief not sedate her. She couldn’t afford that. 
Briefly she sat back and wondered what her parents would think if they saw her now. Not allowing herself to feel or to even breathe lest she let her guard down. Would they even recognize her now, buried in paperwork, short hair and glasses and all? What would they think if they saw her like this, living day by day, living for the little things, focusing on what’s right in front of her to distract herself from the fact that there’s really nothing much beyond that? Would they look at her and recognize the girl they knew?
No, she realizes with a pang to her chest. They wouldn’t. The woman she was now was barely a shadow of the girl her mother knew, and only embers remained of the girl her father knew. 
(She’s not too sure she remembers her well either, beyond the calm happiness she felt. It’s been twenty years).
Hell, she’s not sure she would even recognize herself. It’s been a lifetime since she was thirteen. Back then she was ambitious, driven towards great goals that she now can’t remember, oh my God she can’t remember. And now, she still has that same energy, that same capacity to endure, but it’s being applied towards simply keeping herself alive, and it’s a tragedy. It feels a little bit like a tragedy. 
That girl, bright-eyed, whip-smart, and intrepid, is not here anymore. The girl that stares back in the mirror is burnt out, dissatisfied, and so very afraid. 
Perhaps her mother wasn’t the only one who died in that car crash that fateful day. Whoever she used to be died too. 
And it’s not an easy truth to recognize, nor something that fills her with pride. She’s angry, actually, it’s that kind of anger that claws at your stomach and makes it bleed, because this is not who her mother taught her to be. She didn’t raise Jaehee to give herself away like this. Jaehee never would’ve imagined herself giving herself away like this. But circumstances change for the worse.
And it’s true, she’s never been attention’s sweet center, never felt like the protagonist of her own life, always like a neglected side character trying with all her might to be noticed and make do. The world never had a place for people like her. She’s had to assimilate, fight for her own. And with that, came sacrifice. But, even then, she still remembers that girl, with her bright eyes, sharp wit, and kind smile.
Imperfect, but hardworking. When something didn’t work out the first time, she tried again, turning her poisonous frustration into deadly retaliation. A polar opposite to now, where she can’t afford to fall back. She was hard on herself– always has been, that’s perhaps the only constant of her entire existence, always feeling like she didn’t measure up, that she’d be knocked down and sent reeling if she didn’t sit safely at the top or near it, and never, ever allowing herself to be dragged down by her feelings. No, she had to be strong, for her mother. For herself. 
(She was filled with so much fear, and so much guilt. For being so goddamn needy, so sad, so not the strong girl her mom needed her to be. She always felt so stupid for wanting love she knew she wouldn’t be able to get. And then, when she was on her own, sucked it up, because she knew no one would be able to give it.)
She never asked for help; no. Even when she needed it most, she’d figure it out on her own. She still does, although sometimes she wishes so badly to tear down her walls, reach her hand out of this wild ocean for anyone who sees it to grab it. Say hey, I am lost and don’t know for how much longer I can do this, I feel like I’m falling into an abyss I won’t be able to come out of. I am mourning my old self more than I’ve mourned anyone. (I think I haven’t felt safe enough to be vulnerable in fifteen years.)
Because, all in all, she was a mess of contradictions: messy in the way teenagers are, yet kind; ambitious yet bad at planning-, guilty yet selfish, lonesome yet craving connection however much she denied it. All of that, mixed up and baked into a beautiful, unique cake. And now, she was just someone who had grown into a tall child, unable to recognize herself past what others needed her to be. 
There was a time when she belonged to herself. That time was gone. Mom, I am sorry, I would’ve let you down, you’d never let me go this far, but I had no choice. I had no choice. I hope you can forgive me. 
She’d do anything to get herself back… if she could, if it wouldn’t kill her to do so. If she had the chance, how she’d go back and change the ending, not let that girl die and her dreams be lost, not let her become this, whatever it was. Because now, there was nothing else to be done. 
Silently, she prayed, and she apologized. To her mother, to her father, to herself. She prayed for a light, perhaps, something to reignite that fire in her eyes that used to belong to her.
She looked at the mint highlighter on her left, didn’t take her eyes off it, and focused all her concentration on not crying. 
Oh my God, she was not about to cry over some silly, random, utterly uncalled for bout of sadness. She could not afford to waste this much time sulking in her feelings. There was a month to plan. Get it the fuck together, Jaehee.
So she chugged her coffee, swallowing her burdens deep inside her stomach, and picked up her pen. 
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jinjinranran · 2 years
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Mystictober Day 1 - Favourite Character
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luxielle · 2 years
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Mystictober 2022: Day 2 - Planet / Garden ⭐️
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erait-san-blog · 2 years
Mystictober 2022. Day one - Favourite character
Hello people! This is maybe my first and only participacion on the #mystober
I hope U like it!
Well actually i think i'm better wth anatomy and for this i'm happy bc i found abrush that looks like a pencil, and i love it. So, from now, i'm going to use it for hair and eyes 💕💕
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akimbo628 · 2 years
Despite his composed exterior, Jumin’s chest was aching like he was being attacked with each vow the couple took.
“I, Jihyun Kim, take you, MC, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward..”
“...For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health…”
“...To love and to cherish…”
“...Till death do us part.”
As Jihyun and MC said their “I do’s” and kissed for the first time as husband and wife, Jumin felt as if a part of him had withered and died. Everything felt so final.
~A fic for JuminWeek 2022 for Oct. 9th (Pragma) as well as for Mystictober 2022 for Oct. 10th (VxMC) & 13th (Wedding).~
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natasha-in-space · 2 years
Mystictober 2022:
Day 1 - Favourite character/First date (Unknown/cmc Natasha Stakh);
Day 11 - Candy (Zen/gn!reader);
Day 15 - Dreaming (Jumin/gn!reader);
Day 27 - Cat (Ray/gn! reader)
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asterjennifer · 2 years
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Mystictober 2022 | Day 1 - Favorite Character
“Talk through me.. Talk to me like I'm real and not someone beyond the screen.”
Somehow it scanned you from head to toe; the stare with which you hadn't counted in the slightest. Just about to close the app for the day as you suffered an heart attack by the sight coming on your screen shortly afterwards.
Was it a new CG Cheritz brought out without announcing it beforehand? Something felt odd, the way it was colored and positioned. It's Saeran for sure; you'd rechongize the white strands with pink tips everywhere. Yet it's no usual picture.
He sat there all by himself, somewhere you couldn't recognize. Looking calm, cross legged with both hands pressed into his lap. The ocean eyes staring directly back at you; which caught you off guard the most. It made your heart slip into your pants.
The background's simple just like his choice of clothing. He sat in a room, yet there's neither depth nor objects to make it seem more vivid. Instead he sat in his normal white shirt and black pants; the only colors around considered your favorites.
His facial expression pained you; nothing to read in particular as he looked into your eyes. Did they update the AI, you wondered as he followed your motions when navigating the phone to watch from different angles. Something's fishy, did you get hack or dealt with a bug by any chance?
“What are you doing in there, Sae?” You asked jokingly, despite the uncomfortable feeling being glued to your back. He titled his head after you spoke; eyes glowing. “I wanted to see you.”
You almost dropped the phone in pure shock, thinking you hallucinated due to the already unusual situation. Your eyes widened at him and he responded by licking his lips, stare falling into his lap like his hands. “Sorry for scaring you.” He mumbled through the speakers of your phone.
Unconsciously, you shook your head while your hands tightened around the device. “Are you... No way.” You shrugged it all off as much as possible.
No chance in hell, you're just very tired. The justification seemed weak, even to you. Especially once Saeran frowned slightly. “Do you not want to talk to me..?” He asked rough.
Your lips dried out when pressing them into a thin line, feeling the hair on your neck stand in confusion. “I–” The words got stuck in the back of your throat, trying to clear it didn't succeed well. “This must be a joke..!”
You mumbled. Figuring the best would be to close the app or restart your phone. However, both options ended in vain because your device stopped reacting to your touch; the sense of danger reaching deep inside your bones now.
“You wished for that so often since getting the game. So talk though to me,” He lifted his knee, about to stand up. “Talk to me like I'm real and not someone beyond the screen.”
He sounded hurt. You blinked at him, watching powerless how he indeed stood up from the nothingness underneath his body and walking a few steps to come closer. Tears suddenly rose to your eyes as he placed his hand to the screen.
A little smile creeping over his lips. “We talk another time, (N). Take care of yourself, my love.” Having no time to come up with a response; you woke up and a silent gasp leaving your lips.
Your eyes immediately darted over to your nightstand. But your phone's still shut off. Time too early for your alarm to ring. After rubbing the nerves in your face smooth again, you exhaled deeply. You sat up to gorund yourself some more. The light came through the sides of the curtains when checking your room.
Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing wrong and the silence familiar when getting up. You rubbed your temple next; eyes continuing to peek over at your phone. Perhaps you needed more sleep. Or maybe.. you should start waking up from your dreams.
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luxielle · 2 years
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Mystictober 2022: Day 11 - Candy 💖
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luxielle · 2 years
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Mystictober 2022: Day 9 - Honey Buddha Chips ❤️
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luxielle · 2 years
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Mystictober 2022: Day 22 - Ray x Lumen / Picnic 🍓🍋
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luxielle · 2 years
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Mystictober 2022: Day 4 (pt 2) - Favourite OST 💔
Needed them both; couldn't help myself.
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luxielle · 2 years
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Mystictober 2022: Day 4 - Favourite OST 💖
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luxielle · 2 years
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Mystictober 2022: Day 1 - Favorite Character / First Date 💕
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luxielle · 2 years
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Mystictober 2022: Day 3 - Phone 💛
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luxielle · 2 years
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Mystictober 2022: Day 8 - Comfort 💕
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