#nd blah blah fucking blah
bunnihearted · 2 months
im the one society marked as avoidant yet im always the only one who wanna fucking talk things thru. y'all are a fkn joke!!! im sry but u rlly are 💀 im the avoidant one. the one scared of conflict nd afraid of talking.... yet im always the one staying and begging to talk while the other one just leaves or is a wall nd refuses to talk abt it 😹😹😹😹😹
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autistic-katara · 6 months
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goyim try to criticise israel w/o calling jews nazis challenge! (impossible) part 273620
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dizzybevvie · 1 month
boy how do you reblog such great things
been cultivating my dash for years. i also found most of them in my drafts
#looked at my drafts to find a Rb about my day / the boy i like (☕) BUT. IT ATE JT LMAO POST IS GONE#however i will do it here and now#SO IT WAS “CULTURE DAY” TODAY BUT MOST PPL USE IT AS NON UNIFORM DAY#I go in & see ☕ in form and go to assembly blah blah blah dont see him again until 3rd period#i sit behind him in english bc we have a room change and i have an excuse hes sososo funny and talks to me like the whole time#same as biology but he got kicked out for talking too much lol#then at lunch he disappears nd im a little bummed BUT HE APPEARS FROM THE HALL AND INVITES ME#so i go and bring my friends too and we sit while he & some younger years dance#and hes dancing and slaying etc etc all flamboyant /pos /pos /pos sometimes on the stage sometimes near us#near us he looks. fucking DEAD into my eyes and sings along to the song when its like “i know you like me” or sum#NDJSBDJSBE AHHHHH#and im sat a little away from the group but he sits with me specifically#friendgroup takes a pic without me really noticing & my friend Annabelle jokingly goes “why is Bev looking at ☕ with so much love”#I laugh it off. but ohhh ny god u have no idea. i was heart eyes motherfucker the whole time#HES SO CUTE IM SCREAAAAMING WITH THE WAY HIS KIPPAH KINDA MOVES HIS HAIR & HIS NEW GLASSES & SHIRT THAT ISNT UNIFORM SO I CAN SEE HIS WAIST#UGHFJSBSKSB MY GOD MY GOD MY GOD#hes so cool its so scary to be around him#then in PE we were meant to habe just dance for the last 2 weeks but theres been no available room#our group were in the gym but we got permission to wonder around instead#☕ says “whatre you doing?” i say “walking aimlessly” and he says “OH MY GOD PERFECT SAME LETS DO IT TOGETHER”#so him & me & my friends r walking and then im like. can we play just dance in the tennis courts#So he gets it on his phone starts playing and dibs me as a partner for Girlfriend and Timber. oh my sweet lord.#GODDD HES SO PRETTY AND FUNNY AND COOL IM OBSESSED WITH HIM OH MY GOD.#so anyway. thats the answer to your question LMAOOO#loz tag#asks#beverly says stuff#the bev is gay chronicles#☕#like before i wasnt sure if i LIKE-LIKED him or if it was hyperfix or smthn. im now 100%sure i really really like him
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themyscirah · 5 months
Trying not to be emotional in the student center rn thinking abt this but whenever I get to the Wonder Woman issue that started doing that shit to Vanessa Kapetelis I'm going to go on the warpath. Like I'm sorry but you do NOT take the 13 year old girl character who is essentially the baby sister to your MC (even more than like Donna, in the issues I'm reading atm) and show her struggles with self-confidence, and growing up, and being her own person and dealing with MIDDLE SCHOOL of all things. And then somehow decide that it's okay to subject her to intense medical torture, and then have her become a crazy jealous monster. Like I'm so sorry but genuinely what the FUCK was the writers' problem here. Like I know I'm missing a few years of comics in between here and I've only read the before and after of Nessie's story and not the middle but like. Under what possible circumstances is that fucking okay. Like yeah Vanessa gets jealous sometimes, she's 13 and living with freaking Wonder Woman it's understandable! And even if it wasn't, she's just a kid! Like she still calls her mom "Mommy" and sleeps in her room sometimes when she's really scared! Like I don't know what happens in the next decade or so of comics or whatever to get to her transformation into Silver Swan but I do know that whatever it was it certainly wasn't okay. Like I'm sorry but there is NOTHING to me that excuses doing that to the teen girl character in a Wonder Woman comic. Genuinely nothing. Like I'm sorry but if Wonder Woman is supposed to be a hero for young girls to look up to what message are writers sending by doing THAT to their teen girl character. Fucking atrocious.
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justablah56 · 1 year
currently fighting the urge to write another dndads fic,.,..,.
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aroaceofthesea · 11 months
We were robbed of so many great scenes because of the taboo that talking about periods is in fiction
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
Shay, since you're such a big bkg fan, do you have any merch of bkg?? If yes then do you mind telling from where did you get it coz I wanna buy too, and if not then do you plan on buying anytime and what kind??
oh…. 😳😳 well this is embarrassing but i actually umm dont have any bkg merch LMAOOO im a fake fan 😭 idk i just never bothered to buy any pfft
the only merch i DO have for mha is a poster my brother got me for christmas and an uraraka funko pop that my friend got me for my birthday sjzjsjxs. so u can see that i dont rly go out of my way to buy anime merch LOL. i do honestly prefer like. lowkey merch ngl. likeeee i would get these bkg pjs thts similar to his hero costume ig? or ummm this hoodie maybe? idfk 🤷‍♀️ im looking on amazon rn LOL this mug is also cute. never thought abt it too much forgive me nonnie 😭😭
i think i have like, a tokyo ghoul bracelet somewhere tho?? its just kaneki’s mask. and i think a naruto bracelet… and an aot one? idk where they are tho i bought them in middle school and i definitely only wore them once or twice LOL
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1eos · 2 years
I’m loving seeing ppl say they’re confused, blaspheming idol romance and giving up their fantasied otp which isn’t happening like pass me more popcorn. not to be weird but them holding hands in the ost pic is cute yet sad. give me all that melancholy 🔮
they really made up an otp totally divorced from reality and are mad that the show isnt their fanfiction 😭😭😭😭😭 like you can't just ignore what story a piece of media is trying to tell and then get mad when your slash fiction is not being used fjakjfjfakjf its weird cuz we're all really watching his drama for leo and he's serving from the trailers so does it really matter what the other two are doing? 😵‍💫
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useragarfield · 1 month
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abrill · 5 months
The movie message was inscrutable but I got the main theme of the movie, the film maker was trying to take on... But it was so fucking disturbing movie I've ever watched in my life 😭😭but still I found it so unique and the thing that kills me is.. " There they drank period blood" I always wondered and even tried to ask in class of biopsych. Presentation of someone.. Is it healthy to drink that period blood.. But I didn't ask that day.. But yeah this thing is always in my mind somewhere " How can someone drink that blood" . And fuck here in the movie they were drinking it like as if it's a tea ( difference is ..it's cold and with tampon as teabag arghhhhhhh.)( we can be grateful womAn didn't offered him biscuits with it🙂) And fuck the way it's shown how she's cutting her neck with blade... And how.... Ah it's endless.. I need to talk about it but I can't recommend this to my friend they will kill me fs. 😭💀
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bunnihearted · 2 months
what does being chosen nd belonging to someone feel like ????????????
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etherealkissed88 · 6 months
learn indifference ⋆˙✧⋆
indifference = “lack of interest, lack of concern”
since we already know the 3d is always neutral and has no original meaning, we know that as the operant power we are the ones that assign ‘circumstances’ and ‘negative’ thoughts meaning.
we should continue being indifferent to the 3d meaning we dont care how it looks because it never means anything. being indifferent means no giving the 3d power, energy, no entertaining thoughts that dont serve us, no holding our desires above the pedestal, no accepting and creating stories based on our current 3d and dwelling in them.
remember that we are not our thoughts, we are not our circumstances, we are not our emotions, doubts, states, or anxieties. our past experiences have no power over us until we decide it does.
how to be indifferent:
be internally fulfilled (satisfy your inner self w the desire which is now reality) so that you feel the knowing of already having your desire which means it will be easier to not give a fuck about the 3d
accept the end and only the end: know that the 3d could be changing in your favor for example, a lady was manifesting a better high paying job and she got fired from her current job for whatever reason. because she got fired, someone recommended her to a new job which was higher paying and she got that job (which was what she wanted). imagine if she accepted the 3d when she lost her job instead of only accepting the end goal. this is why nothing in the 3d matters and why the 3d cant be trusted. whatever you see, dont identify with “this isnt working” blah blah blah because you should be practicing indifference like that lady. she didnt gaf about the 3d and continued accepting she was already her desired self
trust the law: the law is always working and failure does not exist. you identify as a desired version of you and fulfill? ok now its done. theres nothing else to do but continue being that person. dont let anything in the 3d crash you down. dont even entertain the option of “failure”
know the 3d is a reflection of imagination: it has no mind of its own. the only thing it knows how to do is reflect self/imagination so know that at every moment, you always call the shots. this is all you so why care or validate the 3d when its only a reflection of you?
hold yourself higher on the pedestal: when you put yourself (inner self/imagination) first, you become attached to anything else. finding validation in yourself only instead of the 3d. when you want something, immediately fulfill yourself with in imagination instead of searching for fulfillment in the 3d
stop giving the 3d attention: have you ever heard of “whatever you focus on grows”? when you find yourself being aware of the 3d, just shift you attention elsewhere
“As the end is accepted, you become totally indifferent as to possible failure, for acceptance of the end wills the means to that end. When you emerge from the moment of prayer, it is as though you were shown the happy and successful end of a play although you were not shown how that end was achieved.” - ng
“The best denial is total indifference. Things wither and die through indifference. They are kept alive through attention. You do not deny a thing by saying it does not exist. Rather you put feeling into it by recognizing it, and what you recognize as true, is true to you, be it good, bad or indifferent.” - nd
before indifference: *allowing negative thoughts to consume you, accepting the 3d ‘negative circumstances’ as true, when you imagine something and look at the 3d you feel easily discouraged and start to be a victim to it, feeling like you have to ignore the 3d because youre scared of it, you feel the need to search for answers in the 3d all day because you see it as more important than it actually is, you are attached to the 3d and your mood changes when a single little thing looks “bad”*
after indifference: *nothing in the 3d shakes who you are being in imagination because you know who you are internally being is the only truth, you dont care about experiencing things in the 3d that are the opposite of your desire because you know you always call the shots, if you get discouraged you get your ass back up and know yourself to be the operant power, you arent attached to the 3d and searching for its validation*
so when you are indifferent to the 3d, you dont care about it, you arent afraid of it, you know it holds no importance or original meaning therefore you dont let it influence who you are being in imagination. think about when people pass by a homeless person on the street: they might think about it in the moment but most of them would go thro the rest of their day forgetting about it because they just didnt care. think about that one person who always knows they look good and their jealous friend tells them they look bad: that person would not care about outside voices because they know that they look good and they only accept internal validation
your only job is accepting the desire that the inner self experiences, as true while being indifferent to the experiences of the human self
kisses, jani ☆
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ihopeiexplode · 5 days
Random angst part 2 (continuation of this)
includes: G. Satoru . G. Suguru . R. Sukuna
A/N: was this an excuse to yap yes
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[⛩️] @: Likes & Reblogs R appreciated! ^^
(this is what mitski songs the scenario is based off + why I choose it and my Interpretation on the song!!!)
Gojo[Eric]: I like to think Eric is based off a friends w benefits relationship where the guy is mistreating the girl but the girl is desperate for any kind of attention and gets attached so that's what I based on gojos part out off he might sound out of character so yeah!!!
Geto dies and gojo has been grieving his death ever since and hopped relationship to another till he experiences the feeling that geto made him felt but the closest one he got was you, but as hard as he tried to make the friends with Benefits thing work he just couldn't it felt different, so meaning he was badly neglecting your feelings but you on the other hand never had an ounce of attention so you took what you could get and grew attached to gojo despite him being neglecting (ik it doesn't make sense js bare w me 😞😞)
Geto[your best American girl]: I like to think the song is about being with someone who only sees you as another person and you trying to make the relationship work by trying to meet there standards
Gojo dies and the closest thing geto has to him is you, the whole reason geto was with you was just because you were so similar to geto, and of course you knew and well you tried being gojo but eventually became tired of pretending seeing how geto was only with you just to fill a hole gojo left, in getos eyes he'll only see you as someone who reminds him of gojo and never will see you as who you truly are (out of character once again, btw geto Nd gojos part R basically alternatives like instead of geto dying it's gojo get it get it)
Sukuna[townie]: I like to think townie is basically just rebellion like let's say y/n's parents badly neglected her and placed her into an arranged marriage but y/n doesn't want that so she runs away blah blah
Then she meets Sukuna and at first she thinks Sukuna genuinely wants to help her through whatever problem she has but in reality he's just manipulating her, Sukuna does not give a fuck about y/n the only think he likes is how y/n is easily manipulated and loves the power he has over her so he starts controlling her and manipulating her but in y/n's eyes she thinks it his way of showing his love seeing how she was neglected causing her to mistake toxic love for actual love
Mind you these are all just my interpretations and yes I'm aware how out of character they all sound
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tiredcreatur3 · 1 year
hello! i was “quite” delulu last night because of how hot toji is 🥵 (yes, i am blaming it on toji)
so, i imagine dilf toji (duh) picking reader up from a night out with the girls and reader is drunk as fuck, not black out drunk tho. anw, so they get home and reader is just rambling and babbling on and on, and then she suddenly had just felt horny, just out of nowhere. so she asked toji to fuck her but toji was like “hell, nah. you’re drunk” and she kept on insisting but toji, the gentleman that he is, still said no. And so after a whole lots of arguing and reader whining and pleading toji to fuck her, toji still didn’t cave in and just decided to do reader’s skincare routine for her and yk get her changed into her comfy clothes. toji does her skincare blah blah blah and then afterwards he tells reader to start taking off her clothes as he picks out her pajamas and shit. Toji went into the big ass closet and started looking through her clothes. Once he found some clothes, he went out to the bedroom and saw her riding the pillow on the bed. toji didn’t do anything and just stood there, watching her. After she came, he went to her and help her to change into her pajamas (literally ignoring the fact that he just saw her getting herself off) and then he lulled her to sleep. The next morning, reader asks toji about what happened last night and toji went into detail about everything that happened the night before except for the whole riding the pillow on the bed part. He thought that it’d just be a little secret/special memory that he can keep lol. The end
i don’t know if this made sense but i hope you can make the most out of it. I’m sorry for my extremely bad storytelling skills (?) and bad grammar but if you will write about this, feel free to change anything about the story. This is somewhat fluffy/suggestive but if u want to turn it into smut, feel free to do so! I also am not sure if this will be sent to you but i truly hope you see this. Thank you so much and i love your writing for toji!!!! ❤️
thank you sweetheart, sounds like so much fun! :)
he wasn’t surprised to see you being held up by your girlfriends as he drove up to the club you were meeting up at, sighing softly as he stopped the car and got out, carefully picking you up and carrying you to the car, wishing the others to get home safely, ignoring the little snickers as he walked away with you giggling in his arms.
the drive home was surprisingly quiet, you being too busy staring at your lover, glossy eyes watching him as you just wanted to nuzzle up into him and fall asleep on top of him.
“i-i missed you, t-to.. ‘m so-sorry i got drunk.” you whispered out quietly, feeling a little bad now, knowing the older didn’t mind you going out and all but he hated seeing you like this, not even being able to hold yourself up. of course he got a little mad, worried that if your girlfriends were there, what would even happen to you.
“i missed you more, little girl. just got me worried.” he let out, pressing a small kiss to your forehead as he let you hold his hand, carefully rubbing his thumb across.
getting you home was also easy but then your lil chattery mood was turned on, telling him all about how nice it was, how much fun you had and telling him all the details about your friend’s love and sex lives which he really didn’t wanna hear but he could never say no to you.
“-‘nd she said w-we should try this toy ‘cause it f-feels really good..” you let out, humming quietly as you suddenly got all silent, staring at the male as he took your heels off, the older looking up at you.
“t-to.. i really want you.” you whispered, carefully lifting your skirt up and revealing your panties and the male immediately stood up and shook his head.
“baby not now, okay? you’re not sober. c’mere.” he said shortly before taking you into his arms, ignoring the little horny babbles of yours, knowing he had a really good self control and shit like fucking his partner while they’re wasted disgusted him. it just felt dirty and wrong.
he set you down on the bed, brushed your hair and did all the things you always did before going to bed, knowing you’d be oh so sad the next day, waking up with makeup smeared all over and tangled hair.
“i’m going to go get your clothes off the rack, yeah? ‘ll be right back.” he whispered, giving you a short kiss which left you all needy, longing for your boyfriend, the booze getting you all hazy and so oh so horny.
it took him a bit longer, finding the jammies so he eventually settled on panties and his shirt, knowing that was at the end of the what you loved to wear the most.
he walked back into the bedroom, wanting to let you know that he was going to change you into sleepwear now but.
seeing you all out of it and desperate, letting out little tired sighs and whimpers as you rode your pillow, still in your clothes, the male just speechless.
he didn’t say anything, partially because he didn’t know what to say and partially because he didn’t want you to stop. knowing his good little girl needed some release but the way he was raised and the way he felt like about doing things to others while they’re unresponsive, this was all he could do. just watch, watch you rub your poor little clit against the soft material, having caught you riding that pillow a few times before, assuming it felt really good so who was he to stop you?
he just wanted to sit down next to you, help you, praise you how good of a girl you were, how well you were doing, seeming oh so tired and yet your dumb needy cunt wouldn’t let you rest.
he waited for you to finish, licking his lips and swallowing once he could tell you were close, body getting all shaky, those little sounds dying down as you soon came, curling up into a little ball, eyes half lidded as you looked up to the male once he came to the bed, still in the denial that toji wasn’t there until then.
“i-i took care of it, t-to..” you hummed out quietly, spreading your legs and showing the male that pretty little pussy of yours, all wet and bright pink, having pushed your panties to the side for better friction, the cotton material all drenched from your juices.
“my good little girl.. i’m sorry, princess.” he said softly, kissing your forehead as he gently ran his thumb across your puffy clit before carefully taking your panties off and changing you into the shirt and fresh panties.
the next day, you couldn’t remember a damn thing, waking up on top of toji, in his shirt with your makeup off and hair brushed and put into a low bun as usual.
the male explained all the things that happened but deciding not to tell you what happened after, keeping that as a little memory for him whenever he feels like jerking off and all he has to do is just remember you humping your pillow and whimpering for him oh so sweetly.
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onlyhere-onlynow · 1 month
I remembered when I arrived at ND and I desperately wanted to change like the anon who cried every day wanting to change and be saved, but I noticed that before I thought that deciding is manifesting/materializing, but in fact for that to happen something has to exist to be changed. In short: It's effortless, there is no reality to be changed, just " " experiencing itself.
😭 it’s quite funny, because in two days my whole idea of ​​ND with manifestation died as soon as I told everything to fuck off and even left ND. Now I’m just me and have fun like that meme “normalize being nothing and have fun”
SUBLIME. That’s exactly it.
Too much blah blah is exhausting. Noticing, that’s it. No buts, no if’s… NO NOTHING 👹. Listen to the anon, anons.
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svnny-days · 3 months
i need a rafe cameron hurt/comfort fic. and when i say that, i mean a RAFE CAMERON hurt/comfort fic. not, oh... well reader is this and that happened to reader so blah blah blah rafe comforts them. NO.
give me rafe cameron running to reader, and wrapping himself around them, tears pooling in his pretty blue eyes as he murmurs something about being a fuck up into their shoulder. probably distressed from another fight with his dad or another situation happened where he lost control and it terrified him.
his arms are probably so tight around reader that they can barely breathe, but if rafe let's go then how is he gonna ever calm down?? reader is like his lifeline and even a split second away from them, in any way, is just adding to the pooling fear and dread that swirls in that pretty little head of his :((
i need something like this so baddddd bc i can't find any (there's probably some out there nd i just havent seen it yet but where tf is it?)
(can you tell i'm rewatching obx for the 3rd time???)
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