#negan blurb
velvetcloxds · 1 year
for a dialogue I don't know if you're still writing for twd but I just read love made me crazy and what about something after that where negan is out of jail and end up saving you when you're in danger or being the only one you ask for when getting hurt?
word count: 1.3k
warnings: villian becoming the hero for the person he loves- I couldn't control myself and turned it into a blurb and yes I'm always ready to write for twd- a brief moment where zombies try to eat you but it’s very quick and totally undetailed- ohh also age gap
part one: love made me crazy
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It happened too fast, you were always aware when outside the gate, more so after convincing everyone to let Negan come out searching for resources with you, just four of you scurrying about the woods for cans of food you'd never find. You'd never been one to volunteer, much more comfortable organizing things at home but you were losing your mind wondering about Negan in that little cell while were you on the other side with not even a second with him. These little trips were routine, always the same, a few stray walkers that were easy to take down, always finding nothing in the process but things got out of hand too quickly.
Stuck in a room with three walkers, no weapon, nothing but an overthrown cupboard separating you, and without even a second of consideration you called for Negan, pleaded for him and it was like a bolt of lightning struck right through his spine at the shrill sound. He'd never cleared a house so fast, not a care in the world for who was behind him, yelling at him for not staying close, he'd found a knife along the way and the zombies grabbing at you were gone within seconds.
"Y/n," you didn't register the sound, kneeled against the wall, shaking despite your best attempt at staying calm, blood on your clothes and you weren't sure it was truly over. Negan was slow when he moved the wooden frame away, it wasn't an easy task with the dead weight slumped against it, but he wasn't thinking, not a thought going through his mind other than getting you into his arms. "Baby," the gentle tone made you snap back to reality, tremored hands reaching for him before you could register the gesture. "I've got you," he promised and he bit back a surprised puff of air when you launched at him, taking him with you to the ground in the process, holding him impossibly tight as you lingered in his lap.
"You came," you mumbled into his neck, he was cooing softly, hand bushing up and down your back, your arms circling around his neck as you fought against any possibility that he'd let go.- he kissed the side of your head as a promise that he wouldn’t. "You saved me."
"Course I did,” he couldn’t believe your surprise, not that he came, it was more than that, it was revealing a weakness which was something he’d never dreamed of doing, letting people know there was something to hold over him and he couldn’t care less. “Baby,” the word felt foreign a second time, it was deliberate, laced with so many consequences and hidden meanings but he wanted to say it again, a thousand times just to taste it on his tongue. “You okay?” you were, he’d checked before you were in his arms, he had a fleeting moment to do so but the blood wasn’t yours and the scratches weren’t made by the dead, just from the struggle of trying to get safe.
“You saved me,” you pulled away, looking him over, you’d never seen that look before, the concern, the relief at looking at you, you’d always been the one to fuss over getting him an extra blanket or saving him some of your food so he stayed healthy, made sure no one too bad gets put on guard at his cell. He had his moments too though, and would worry about you being on the night shift, or dealing with some idiots letting their egos get in the way but at least you weren’t alone, there was someone to step in if you needed it, someone to keep you safe since he couldn’t. So seeing you like this, scared and seconds away from disaster, made something in him shift. A realization maybe, he was being reckless with you, putting your safety in someone else’s hands when they were more bothered keeping a gun on him than saving you from danger.
“You scared me,” his tone was soft, dipped brows over darkened eyes, the weight of the world drawn black in his irises and you hated being responsible for that. He’d grown hard before you, numb to such senseless emotions like fear and you didn’t want to be the reason he felt it again. You’d wondered if he’d be able to feel, truly feel, what you felt for him yet somehow knowing he could felt worse than thinking he couldn’t. “When I heard you screaming...” he shook his head, cupped your cheeks in his own shaking hands and your fingers were desperate when surrounding his wrists. “Haven’t felt that terrified in so damn long,” his hands fell to your neck, thumbs brushing hair away from the back of your ear.
“I’m sorry,” you didn’t have to apologise, he’d tell you as much soon so you interrupted his thoughts, nodding, pleading for forgiveness. “I didn’t mean to do that, I didn’t mean for any of this,” you didn’t mean to fall for him is what you didn’t say, he heard it even though you didn’t. “Of all the people, it had to be you,” you rested your forehead against his, he sighed, you bit your lip, if only words could describe it, if only the moment could last forever.
“Negan! Y/n!”, Carol’s voice was like a shock to the system, robbing you of your peace, forcing you right back into reality and after the gentlest, purest little kiss placed to you cheek, Negan jumped back, hands in the air in surrender as he stood up.
“In here!” he didn’t look away, gaze stuck on you, taking you in just one more time, making sure, slightly pleased with himself to see your breathing has evened out. “I’m going to change for you,” he promised and you swore your heart stopped, his hands now at the back of his head as if he was preparing to be cuffed. “I’m going to be better, baby, you deserve better,” he shook his head, agreeing with his words, his heart. “Please give me a chance to earn your heart?” you never thought you’d hear him beg, plead for you, your heart something he’s had for longer than you’d ever admit.
“You already have it,” you nearly whispered, footsteps coming closer. “You don’t have to earn it, .”
“Then give me a chance to deserve it, let me be good for you.”
Carol had her gun pointed at him as soon as she came into the room, too busy with him to even take in the dead zombies at your feet or the blood on your clothes, biased, priorities in place. Your priorities were far too different, flinching as she pointed the gun at his head while forcing his hands behind his back.
“He saved my life,” you blurted and the softness in his face was enough to give you whiplash, so different from how he’d looked at her, you were trying to make him human again, to them at least and it was almost as if he was pitying you for having to try so hard. “Carol, he saved my life.”
“I don’t care,” she bit back and your soul ached. “He’s still a monster.”
He’s not, not to you, a monster wouldn’t be kind to you, save you, a monster couldn’t make you fall in love with him. Maybe he was a monster once, maybe he’d changed, maybe he just allowed himself a little too much humanity with you and it ruined everything. You did love him despite all logical reasons, but you did also wish he’d change, not just for you, but for him too, for everyone.
There wasn’t a line he wouldn’t cross for power, maybe this line he’d cross for you, for weakness.
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raz-writes-the-thing · 8 months
Against the Rules (18+ ONLY)
Negan x Fem!Reader short blurb I wrote for @dqllgarden
CW: choking, almost cnc but not really, Negan being Negan, daddy kink
Requests are: OPEN
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"And just what do we have here?" Negan asked, leaning in the doorway of your rooms. "Come 'ere, darling."
You did as you were told, coming over to stand before him, enraptured by his easy grin and dark cologne. No wonder it was so easy to fall under his spell.
"I heard that you did a bad thing today," he said, gripping your chin softly and pulling your gaze up to meet his. "Have you been a bad girl, baby?"
Your lips parted, a rush of air escaping. You shook your head no as he tutted. His eyes glinted in the shadows of the doorframe. The way his tongue swiped at his lower lips had you trained on the motion, swallowing thickly.
"No?" His eyes darkened, almost black as they betrayed his dirty thoughts. "You wouldn't happen to be lying to me, would you? Because you know that's against the rules."
"I-" you tried to respond only to have his finger shush you softly, pressing against your lips.
"I know you've been good baby, but Daddy?" He lets out a dark chuckle. "Daddy wants to play. You know how to be a bad girl for me, don't you?"
Your breath hitches, and you nod softly.
Just like that, he grips at your throat, sliding back into moment.
"You know if you're lying to me, I'll have to punish you, baby. So I'll ask you one- more- time."
He releases your airways and chuckles when you suck in the air greedily. "Are you lying to me?"
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Blurb: Negan Smith- Tell me
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Negan had many wives, but none that he loved more then you. You were the first that he truly loved after Lucille.
It hadn’t taken long for him to fall for you. You were strong enough that you didn’t care if you were dirty from kicking ass. Actually it’s funny to Negan how he found you. Since it wasn’t like to be taking strangers off the streets.
You were dirty and so tired it was seen behind your eyes that never stopped surveying around you. You hadn’t killed any of his people, so he came and introduced himself.
That’s when he fell for you. From then on out you were placed in the highest living the closest suite near him and put in warmer clothes that hadn’t been torn by the outdoor conditions.
Now there you stood in front of him holding your protruding stomach. You couldn’t have been more then a few months along. Tops five, but he hadn’t seen you. You hadn’t told him why you didn’t want to see him. He just assumed that you were upset with him but things were happening in world and he hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to you.
So when you showed up at his door a large sweater and looser pants something felt wrong. Knocking on the door had sent shivers down your spine. You had never been this nervous about anything not since long before the zombies had come along.
“Negan?” You said, voice small and quite. He had never rushed to open his door so quickly, there you were you looked fuller, wider around the hips. He hoped that you were there to talk to him and he got more then that from you.
“Y/n, come in doll.” He said ushering you into his room. It had been months and you had forgotten how clean and comfortable his room felt, warmer then the rest of the facility. You didn’t sit but instead stood in front of him.
You remember the last time you were in here five months ago. Five months ago is what started this, you had Negan had a great night or maybe a few nights in that bed. Negan had told you he loved you that night.
The sweater clung loosely around Y/n curves and Negan was dying to know why she hadn’t said anything and been actively avoiding him.
“Why have you been avoiding me doll?” Negan asked his voice seemed softer and less tense. “I.. I need to tell you something you promise to not get mad though.” Y/n said her eyes never looking into her past lovers.
“Okay, tell me.” Negan said relaxing into the small sofa. Y/n continued to stand, “Negan, do you remember that night.” She says looking past him and towards the bed. A smirk can’t help but grow on the old features. “Yes doll I do remember, the best night of my life.” He said.
“I… we did have a great time, but something came from it Negan.” Brows were furling downwards. Negan was never stumped only when it came to her did he get like this.
The silence was killing her more than she was okay with. “Negan I’m pregnant.” She said. Her words coming out faster then she would like. Her hand coming up to cover her lips. Shock was clearly written over both of their faces.
Anger bursted out of Negan. “What the fuck Y/n! You remind me of that night and then you tell me you’re pregnant. Probably with some other man’s baby.” He said. “No… no Negan. Stop listen to me.” Y/n said her hand touching Negan. Her touch was so soft and yet strong at the same time to Negan. He forced the anger to boil a little more.
“You can kick me out but it’s yours Negan. I don’t love anyone else. I haven’t been anyone else. I found out only a couple days after that night, I didn’t know how to react. How is a baby supposed to be raised in this world now.” Y/n said tears were starting to pour as she cupped the protruding belly that laid underneath the sweater.
Negan stood up, his eyes meeting wet ones. “Mine?” Was all he said. “Yes Negan. Your baby.” She said. There another bought of silence between the two of them. She wasn’t far enough along to feel a kick but there was a connection between Negan, Y/n and there unborn child.
“I’d never kick you out, I’ll never kick you out. But I do insist that you come in here with me from now on. Have you been taking care of yourself and our baby?” He asked her. “Yeah, the doc as all my prenatal care ready for me every week” Y/n said her hand coming to lay over Negan large one.
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Completed: 12/12/22
Posted: 12/12/22
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njordr · 11 months
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I CANNOT be fucked to finish this drawing sooo some negick !
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dilfhouse · 11 months
“Hell.” His green eyes scan Simon’s face before glancing at Dwight who was rather quiet since this morning. “Well, I mean obviously if they want my help.” He shrugs his shoulders and when no response he groaned dramatically. “Mom! Dad is being a douchebag!” He flashes smile towards Dwight before turning to Simon, “Can we stop for a slushie?”
Haha, Negan, why are you the way you are? I couldn't help but write this little gem as a warm-up! I'll try and post more here of little warm-up writings.
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catt-leya · 1 year
imagine rick taking you into the little basement jail cell late in the middle of the night, and making negan watch
I hope it's alright that I wrote a short blurb for you and yeah it made me a little horny hihi 👉🏼👈🏼
"Rick, what-", unsteadily you let him drag you into the basement where Negan has been living for months.
Just 10 minutes ago Rick came storming into your bedroom and without a word he grabbed you and is now pushing you anything but gently into the room.
Yes, you've already seen Rick angry. At you, too.
But as you turn to face him now, even you flinch.
It's the middle of the night and only the moon in the sky illuminates the anteroom and Negan's cell.
Negan himself is sitting in the shadows and you barely recognize him, but instead you have a perfect view of Rick's tense body and how he hisses, eyes locked on Negan, "Strip down and bend over the chair."
You freeze and frown, "Please what?"
A harsh laugh from the shadows makes you avert your eyes from Rick and stare into the cell instead.
"Rick, she ain't gonna do it, huh. Guess you're not man enough for her after all," Nagen's voice is mocking and so slowly you understand what this must be about.
But before you can get a word past your lips, Rick jerks his head around to you and growls, "I swear you don't want me to do this for you."
Your heart skips a beat.
Probably Negan was full of shit again and now Rick wants to prove him wrong.
Everyone knows Negan is talking bullshit, but it gets under Rick's skin every time, and Negan constantly flirting with you is anything but convenient.
In a sing-song, Negan warbles, "Ri-ick." And that's when your boyfriend makes a move toward you.
He'd do it. You see it in his blue eyes.
So you take a step back and reach for your shorts and panties.
Shivering, you pull them over your legs and step out of the pool of clothes.
With soft knees, you walk over to the chair and bend over it so Negan can see between your legs.
Your face gets all red with embarrassment and as Rick moves to stand next to you, it's finally not just shame that makes you blush.
"That's my pretty girl," his voice is rough and dripping with satisfaction, "Want to show him what a good girl you are for me, huh?"
Whimpering, your head falls forward, "Yes, sir."
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natti-ice · 3 months
Request Rules.
⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡
Requests are open only for bridgerton!
Any requests fulfilled will probably be drabbles/blurbs!
If a character you want isn't listed, please send in an ask! there are some characters I don't write for.
Regular fics:
My only rules are that I won't write anything triggering like SA or SH, angsty themes are fine just please do not request anything gory.
My default writing is fem!reader, I do gender neutral upon request. Relationships can be romantic, platonic, or parental. Also any trope is allowed, as long as it coincides with my rules.
Smut fics:
Must be 18+ to request smut!
All smut fics will be written for fem!reader
I will write most things except for:
Incest (stepcest is fine), dubcon/non-con, age play (age gaps are fine), scat, piss, underage characters
If I am uncomfortable with your request I will deny it, politely of course.
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Fandoms I write for:
Anthony Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton + others please ask first!
Criminal Minds:
Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid, Tara Lewis, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, Luke Alvez, Penelope Garcia, Derek Morgan.
The hunger games:
Peeta Mellark, Katniss Everdeen, Coriolanus Snow, Lucy Gray Baird, Finnick Odair
Marauders era:
Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Regulus Black.
Tom Riddle
The walking dead:
Rick Grimes, Michonne Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Negan Smith, Alden, Maggie Rhee, Glenn Rhee, + others please ask first!
Peter Parker (all 3), Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, MJ, Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Steve Rogers, Matt Murdock, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Carol Danvers, Scott Lang, + others please ask first!
Agents of shield characters!
Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel.
Stranger things:
Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Jim Hopper
Outer Banks:
Rafe Cameron, JJ Maybank, Sarah Cameron, Pope Hayward.
⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡
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boop-le-snoot · 2 years
welcome to
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⚡ Welcome to Bun's Cockstop! This is a place where I thirst over cute dirty old men! Most of my works can also be found on AO3 (here).
⚡ My name is Bun/Bunny. I go by any pronouns.
⚡ I do not write RPF (real person fiction). That said, any kind of drama mongering, moral policing and other purity culture bullshit is not welcome on my blog. At best, I will block you; if you annoy me enough, I just might be inclined to prove your opinion wrong (with citations).
⚡ I am pro-ship, pro-dark!fic, I think sex work is work, I don't support communism (and Russia! seriously, GTFO) and I support the death penalty for crimes against children. If you find yourself wanting to argue w/me about these topics, don't waste our time and block me.
⚡ I communicate in English and Russian and understand several more assorted languages. Don't be shy and say hello 😌 This is my Spotify <3 😌
⚡ My blog is meant for an adult audience. It will contain topics such as sex and various kinks, drugs, trauma, queer stuff and lots of rock-'n'-roll. All the things I post are tagged accordingly, therefore it is your responsibility to block the tags/blacklist the content you do not wish to see. You choose the content you consume & I am not here to babysit.
⚡ a post with fic author recs for stephen-tony-bruce
⚡ masterlist below spoiler ⚡
stories marked with an asterisk* contain adult content
⚡ multichapter fics ⚡
party favours [AO3 link] | tony stark x bruce banner x stephen strange x reader ot4) | explicit | ~120k words | completed
practical alchemy [AO3 link] | witch!reader x established!ironstrange | explicit | in progress (hiatus)
black dog [AO3 link] | badass!reader x negan (twd) | explicit | in progress, 1/3 done
tony stark | doll parts | skin starving | butt dial? no, booty call* | degradation* (dubcon) | teasing tony | nerd fishing* | love letter* (dd/lg) | bad day* | trust issues | stitches | sticky sweet* |
helmut zemo | marmalade taffy* |
bruce banner | emotional support nerd* | bondage* | lab delights* | spoiled | blindfolds & edging* | you've seen the butcher* |
stephen strange | dr. feelgood* (as seen on tiktok) | touch me i'm sick* | spellbound* | brat & restraints* | aftercare | mean!dom* (gender neutral reader) | inappropriate use of the eye of agamotto* | selfship drabbles - oral fixation, more horny brainrot | spitfire* | dazed & confused* | year after year | the leg thing* | hand/size kink* |
sam wilson | bad touch* | violent delights* (content warning) |
loki | if life gives you melons* | bondage* (nb reader, they/them) | snow day* (male reader)
natasha romanoff | hot wheels* |
wanda maximoff | caught |
bucky barnes | bother figure (daughter!reader) |
thor | idunn's apples | hired man* (dubcon) | beloved, bejeweled |
otto octavius / doc ock | horny headcanons* | i want to kill you like they do in the movies - part 1 - part 2* - part 3* (fin) |
steve rogers | it drives me wild* |
daryl dixon | cherry - part 1 - part 2* (coming soon) | untitled* | dirt* |
⚡ blurb series ⚡
daddy!ironstrange - daddy lessons* | part one | part two |
rickyl - part one*
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
pairing: negan smith x fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
warnings: forbidden love but that goes without saying, not very plot specific since it's been a while since I've watched it, negan isn't very canon specific either tbh
summary: falling for negan while he's still being kept in his cell in alexandria has you questioning your sanity
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You had to have lost your mind, somewhere in the process of constantly hovering between life and death, you lost your mind, your sanity, your ability to reason. It was the only logical, if not sensical, reason you could find for the feelings that very unwillingly swerved around your heart, the thoughts that floated about your mind filling you with a nauseating, overwhelming conclusion. You were falling for Negan, of all people, the monster you’d run from, the person you’d labeled quite fittingly as the bogey-man, the very man you’d spent nights wishing death upon had now taken over your very being which is why you were sure, there was not a single doubt in your mind that you had surely gone mad, absolutely insane, utterly ludicrous, completely crazy, and you had not the slightest idea what to do about it.
You were just barely aware of the people sitting down at your table, the soup in your bowl the last thing on your mind as you spooned it around thoughtlessly, once again allowing yourself a brief, all but fleeting, second to think about the small and meaningless gestures that led you to your current predicament. You’d asked Michonne to place you on Negan duty, dropping in a few times a day to give him food, make sure he was still robbing the group of their Alexandrian air, and you’d been doing exactly that- but how were you to know that you’d let yourself find more in the silly meetings than you were meant to.
“You doing okay over there, Y/n?” Gabriel’s voice stole your attention, your eyes meeting his over the table as he sat down with his own bowl of watery soup, something cooked up from the last of your food resources. “Still on Negan duty?” he asked quite casually, no idea how much you dreaded the new topic of conversation. You groaned softly to yourself, hoping he’d think the frustration was due to having to be with Negan and not because you couldn’t, you pushed your bowl to the side deciding that you might as well give in and go see him instead of sitting here in your own torture.
You felt sort of awful leaving Gabriel without an explanation, not missing his confused smile when you stood up and left, following the familiar path to where Negan was held, smiling at the person keeping guard as he let you in, giving him your silent permission to leave you to yourself as you walked in to find Negan on the floor, looking up at the ceiling while reading a book you’d smuggled in for him.
“That you, doll?” he mused, knowing by the hastened footsteps and sort of relieved sigh that it was , the creak of the cell gate met with the little kick you delivered to his foot being further confirmation. “Good morning,” he breathed, accepting your hand to help him up, guiding him to sit down onto the makeshift bed with another sigh.
“Morning,” you hummed, hoping he wouldn’t point out the frown that had yet to leave your lips, not much being said when you took an illegal apple from your jersey pocket as you leaned back against the wall.
“What’s wrong?” he frowned as well, brows raised as he took you in, unsure what was the reason for your behaviour, unsure what could make you this glum even when visiting him was clearly the best part of your day- which was something he didn’t think with arrogance, it was something you’d said one night when you were too tired to realize what exactly you were saying, what you were admitting, but it felt good in the moment- felt good letting him in, even just slightly.
“Nothing,” you lied, annoyed that he was able to read you that well or rather that you were so comfortable letting him read you that well to be more specific. You didn’t realize how comfortable you were, leaning into his side, head fallen against his arm, no doubt shocking the man with the gesture.
“Is that so?” he scoffed at you, forcing you from your hiding place, rough hands acting far too gentle as he cupped your cheek to keep you in place, thumb brushing over a fresh scratch that was truly long forgotten on your behalf, at least, but it brought a new frown to Negan’s lips, forehead creasing at the sight of it. “What’s this?” he paused, knowing what you’d say before the thought even formed in your head. “I won’t accept the word “nothing” for an answer, so don’t even try,” he reprimanded, and your cheeks warmed under his touch, how very well dare he know you that well.
“I was stupid, got in the middle of a bunch of guys boosting their egos, it’s not as bad as it looks,” you promised, not sure why it was so important that he believed you, but he didn’t, of course, he didn’t.
“Looks pretty damn bad,” he noted and he’d smile at the way you melted in his touch, he’d absolutely relish in it if he weren’t on a mission. “Is that why you’re acting this way?”
“What way?” you demanded, contradicting yourself when you folded your fingers around his wrist, thumb brushing up and down the rugged skin, almost as if using him to ground you, keep you here when all you wanted was to get lost in him.
“Don’t do that,” he sighed, surprising you when he pulled you closer, robbing you of your moment of bliss where you could dwell in his intoxicating grip. “Don’t try and pull one over on me. You’re acting all strange and shit and it’s downright frightening.”
“I just needed to come to see you,” you admitted, quickly opening your eyes at the realization that you’d closed them, too caught up in him to notice how freely your body reacted to him without considering the consequences. “Is that okay?”
“More than okay, darling,” he scoffed, seeing the hesitance in your movement when you took his hand away from your face, looking down to your hands as they stayed tangled together for a minute, seeming so perfectly fitted to each other that it was sort of laughable. You knew what he was, knew what being entwined with him meant and you knew that it had to be some cruel twist of fate that you had to fall for a man who embodied everything you were against, but he made it so damn easy. “You’d tell me if it was something else, wouldn't you? If I needed to defend your honour or something, you’d let a man know before just sending the bastard in here?” he teased, beaming at the sound of your laugh as it filled the otherwise empty cell, echoing the room and sifting through his body in an electrifying, deadly way.
“You defending my honour?” you scoffed, letting your head fall back to its place, his shoulder stiffening under you briefly but melting just like you melted against him. “Didn’t think you’d allow yourself such gestures of weakness, Negan,” he hummed, wiping the apple that you’d given him against his shirt, looking out through the miniature window that laid across from him, his only view of the beauty it promised outside, or so he thought before he got to see you every day.
“Neither did I,” he agreed, shaking his head to himself, sort of disbelieving, considering his own sanity at the warmth filling his body purely from having you at his side, having you against him, close to him.
It was an unfair turn of events, torturous in its nature because how could he ever remain a man of such horrendous evil when your very presence had his soul begging to return to purity, to goodness, to what he once was but could never be. He was half annoyed that he’d spend this long letting the new reality destroy him, rebuild him into something he could not recognize yet here you were making him want to do it all over again- one thing was quite certain though, the world had gone crazy, had shifted straight off its axes and so had the two of you.
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herarcadewasteland · 2 months
Masterlist ♥
Authors favourites will have a ♦ next to them! I'll try and keep this up to date, this is as of 20/03/23
Author Appreciation ♥ (aka my favourite fellow writers)
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Spin, Dare, Hide - ot8!ateez x reader ♦
-The Chase - pt. 2 of S.D.H ♦
Wooyoung Bullet Point Story - wooyoung x reader ft. san
Bounty - jongho x reader
-the inspo
Stolen Glances - san x reader ft. seonghwa
-the inspo and beginning
.mp3 - mingi x reader ft. hongjoong
-the thought that started it
Tears And Healing - jongho x reader (SENSITIVE CONTENT)
Trouble - wooyoung x reader ft. san
Mingi Bullet Point Story - mingi x reader ft. jongho
Bad Idea - yandere!jongho x reader x yandere!san
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River Under The Stars - chan x reader x hyunjin x seungmin
Happy Death Day - ot!8 skz x reader ♦♦♦
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Han Jisung Hard Thoughts
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First Dates With SKZ, a mini-series! (with the lovely @bunnliix ♥)
____ - chan x reader (lixies work!)
___ - leeknow x reader (lixies work!)
___ - changbin x reader
___ - hyunjin x reader (lixies work!)
Between 2 and 12 Hours - felix x reader ft. han (both of us!)
___ - seungmin x reader
___ - jeongin x reader
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Parties and Punishments - jk x reader
Spankings - jk x reader
Atta Girl - yoongi x reader
Office Hours - yoongi x reader
Tragic, Really. - hoseok x reader ♦
Protection Comes At A Cost - jk x reader
Let Go - just x reader angst
Caution when entering demons and smile!!!!
Demons - jk x reader
Smile - yoongi x reader
Instinct - ot7!bts x reader (blurb for now)
Battery - jimin
Curious, Darling? ♦
Taehyung (the start of it all)
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Danger Lurks - teddy lobo x reader
Bite Me - renfield x reader
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Harry Potter
Discoveries 2, 3 (probably discontinued)
The After Effect - draco x riddle!reader
Untitled Sirius Black x Reader
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His Property - 2 - pairing not found
Disguises - pt 2 - reader x daryl
Attention - pt 2 - reader x negan
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a-writer-on-elm-street · 10 months
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so since it was so much fun doing this last year i decided i'm going to participate again. and although i know it's only august right now, i figured it'd be best to start early considering i'll be writing a fic for every day this time.
so obviously, this will be 18+ ONLY
i will be posting a short blurb every day in october with a different kink and character and you'll be able to find a list detailing the days and kinks below.
they will be written for an afab reader and i will try to keep it mostly gender neutral. i will specify in the fic warning if any pronouns are used.
i will be accepting requests but i will also be choosing some of the characters myself.
you can find my rules for requesting here and a list of characters that i write for here.
all posts for this event will be tagged under #kinktober 2023.
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day one - knife play - baby firefly
day two - cockwarming - vincent sinclair for @sillylittlereader
day three - begging - gavin ellis (the mule)
day four - praise kink - brahms heelshire
day five - hate sex - damon salvatore
day six - dry-humping - steve harrington
day seven - wax play - vincent sinclair
day eight - predator/prey - otis driftwood
day nine - semi-public sex - klaus mikaelson
day ten - somnophilia - max (the resident)
day eleven - corruption - loki laufeyson
day twelve - mutual masturbation - lawrence gordon for anon
day thirteen - blood kink - vincent sinclair for @sillylittlereader
day fourteen - bondage - adam stanheight for anon
day fifteen - mirror sex - shane walsh
day sixteen - temperature play - negan
day seventeen - choking - david (saw 0.5) for anon
day eighteen - marking - kai parker
day nineteen - face fucking - mark hoffman for anon
day twenty - roleplay - dean winchester
day twenty-one - hair pulling - dean winchester for anon
day twenty-two - phone sex - adam stanheight for anon
day twenty-three - spanking - adam stanheight for anon
day twenty-four - gun play - stu macher & billy loomis for @nimbusghoul
day twenty-five - pegging - dean winchester for anon
day twenty-six - thigh riding - bo sinclair
day twenty-seven - dubcon - adam stanheight for anon
day twenty-eight - degradation kink - negan
day twenty-nine - oral sex - amanda young for anon
day thirty - overstimulation - peter strahm for anon
day thirty-one - threesome - billy loomis & stu macher for @sillylittlereader
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fitbuturlosingit · 7 months
My Fave Fanfic Authors.
I just wanted to do a shoutout post, for my fave fanfic authors. I am a sucker for a good fanfic, and these guys do it better than anyone else, in my humble opinion.
First up, we have my queen @negans-lucille-tblr (AKA Bee). Bee is undoubtedly my favourite writer. I’ve followed her work for a long time, through various different blogs, and for various different fandoms. Her Supernatural fics drew me in, then I fell in love with her Walking Dead and The Boys fics. I currently subscribe to her website, cos it has loads of cool members only stuff, and she writes a banging commission. (She will bounce ideas off you, and makes sure you’re always satisfied with the work). She’s also an absolute angel of a human being, and I’ve had some lovely conversations with her! ❤️
Next up, we have @kittenofdoomage who writes hands down, some of the best A/B/O dynamic fics I have ever read. I’m pretty sure her writing was my first proper discovery of A/B/O, and honestly, she blew my mind. If you like Supernatural, or the Walking Dead, then she should be top of your list. Pretty sure she also introduced me to some new kinks I never knew I had, haha!
Keeping with my Supernatural theme, I’m also going to recommend @pink-sparkly-witch ☺️ If like me you love Dean Winchester, and Jensen Ackles, then this is the blog for you. Her fics are incredible. She writes Jensen and Dean so well, it’s phenomenal. The way she writes paints such a vivid picture. I’m glad that I found her blog through other Supernatural themed blogs.
Moving on to my other obsessions now - The 1975. I’ve got a few authors that I follow, who write amazing 1975 fanfics.
First being @procrastinatinglikeapro who is very friendly, and answers any asks you send towards them. They’ve made me feel very welcome in this fandom, as it’s one of my newer fandoms. I love her writing style. I love how easy her master list is to navigate, she has a little key on there, so you know exactly what it is you’re looking for. Her posts are always a pleasure to see on my dash, and I just get all round good vibes from her. So, if you like The 1975, head on over and drop her a follow!
The next 1975 blog on my list is @tillthelandslide who actually follows me. I don’t have many followers so it meant a lot to me when she followed me. I’ve had some lovely interactions with her, which is always nice, especially when you’re new to a fandom like I am. (I’ve been in to The 1975 for just under a year, now). I originally followed her cos I loved her fics. Her fics are the reason I am now obsessed with Ross MacDonald, so thanks for that, girlie! Made For Me is such a good fic, and I bloody love it. Ross girlies, go read it! Again, her masterlist is easy to navigate, which I love. So yeah, go follow her!
We have the legend that is @lottiecrabie who is responsible for some of the classic 1975 fics. Fics like Don’t Fuck the Linecooks, and Choose Your Own Smut. I loved the innovation of Choose Your Own Smut. Very original idea, well executed. It was the first fic I’d read of hers, and I was HOOKED. Girl can write, hot damn. She’s definitely helped me become totally obsessed with the 1975, and now when I look at Matty pics I think “oooh this is PFMS coded”, or “this is so Linecook Matty”. It’s becoming a problem, haha!
@abiiors is another 1975 legend. Her masterlist is huge. So many incredible fics, so much talent. She’s responsible for me becoming obsessed with George. I never was a George girlie, but now I am. The “Threes a Party” fic changed my life. It was without doubt the hottest thing I have ever read. I still think about it now. Her posts make her seem like such a lovely person, and I feel like if we met, I’d really vibe with her.
@toomuchracket with the d word Matty posts. My god. I love her fics, and her blurbs. The blurbs are always fun little bits to read, and I find myself frequently looking through her masterlist to re-read my favourites. Again, seems like a genuinely nice person. I really enjoy her fluffy blurbs, as well as her smutty posts. Fluff doesn’t usually tend to appeal to me, but the way she writes it is so much more appealing, and interesting. It’s more realistic, and I do love that about her work.
Finally, @the1975attheirverybest is the blog I go to quite often. I find it very reliable in terms of news/updates so it’s a great way of keeping my finger on the pulse, in the fandom. I’ve had some really positive interactions with this blog. I’m trying to avoid using a gender as I don’t want to unintentionally misgender anyone, and I couldn’t see a clear indication of preferred pronouns, hence why I will refer to the blog as they. They have an extensive masterlist with Series, One Shots, and Concepts. It’s easy to navigate. I’ve read so many of their fanfics, and again, I really enjoy the writing style, and the blog itself, not just the fanfiction element.
Thank you for reading, if you managed to stick around until the end. I know it’s a lot of word vomit, and I’ve tried to keep it coherent, but I’m autistic, so my brain can’t always do that shit.
This post is just a massive love letter to my faves on tumblr, sending out good vibes, and love. You guys keep me sane, you give me a great way to unwind, and spend my time, and you keep me positive. So, thank you so much. Forever grateful for every single one of you.
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rickgrimesfever · 4 months
TWD Masterlist
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Rick Grimes:
SFW and NSFW Headcanons
My Love (fluff)
Sleepy Sheriff (fluff)
Soft Rick Grimes Headcanons
Daryl Dixon:
SFW and NSFW Headcanons (coming soon)
Negan Smith:
SFW and NSFW Headcanons
Smutty blurb
Smutty blurb again
Glenn Rhee:
Carl Grimes:
Abraham Ford:
Eugene Porter:
Shane Walsh:
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juuuulez · 1 month
🎧 | playlist roulette, 500+ follower celebration!
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🎰 -> lip gallagher, carmen berzatto, richie jerimovich, mikey berzatto, sydney adamu, carl grimes, negan smith.
📚 -> smut, angst, fluff etc…
just inbox a character + song and i’ll write a short fic/blurb about it! songs marked 🔥 are exclusively NSFW due to, well… the nature of the song. otherwise, feel free to suggest a genre you’d prefer, or none at all, and i’ll go with the whatever suits it best. i’ve gone with songs that give a good mix of different vibes and ideas for some variety.
artists are in alphabetical order and are from my personal playlists, you’ll find: childish gambino, doja cat, faye webster, kendrick lamar, lana del rey, nicki minaj, paramore, phoebe bridgers, tyler the creator, taylor swift…
☆ childish gambino, heartbeat: ✅
⟡ richie jerimovich.
so we're done? this the real shit? / we used to hold hands like field trips / i'm a jerk, but your dude is a real dick / i read his posts on your wall, and i feel sick.
☆ childish gambino, me and your mama:
⟡ negan smith.
i’m in love when we are smoking that la-la-la-la-la / i’m in love when we are smoking that la-la-la-la-la.
☆ 🔥 doja cat, agora hills: ✅
⟡ carmen berzatto.
somethin' different about you / love it when he hit and smack too / baby, lemme lick on your tattoos / that’s true that i like PDA / take it to a seedy place / suck a little dick in the bathroom.
☆ 🔥 doja cat, cyber sex: ✅
⟡ lip gallagher.
when he off work, he calling me on skype (yeah!) / trust me when i meet him, i’m fucking him on sight (yeah) / lemme see you can beat it, i’m feelin' just like mike (okay, okay).
☆ faye webster, kingston:
⟡ richie jerimovich.
he said, "baby, " that's what he called me, "i love you" / every single word you say makes me feel some type of way / it’s the thought of you that slightly scares me / but it takes my breath away, forget what i was gonna say.
☆ kendrick lamar, father time:
⟡ carmen berzatto.
oh, this the part where mental stability meets talent / oh, this the part, he breaks my humility just for practice / tactics we learned together, sore losers forever, daddy issues.
☆ lana del rey, margaret:
⟡ lip gallagher.
alright, let's waltz this out, 'cause / 'cause when you know, you know / and when you're old, you're old / like Hollywood and me, that diamond on your ring.
☆ nicki minaj, anaconda:
i-i-i’m high as hell, i only took a half a pill / i’m on some dumb shit / by-by-by-by-by-by the way, what he say? / he can tell I ain't missing no meals.
☆ nicki minaj, pink friday girls:
lookin' for my lipgloss and my liner (liner) / lookin' for me, told him meet me at the diner (diner) / got him smilin' 'cause he know i outshine her ('shine her) / had to pop her just to remind her.
☆ paramore, thick skull:
i am a magnet for broken pieces / i am attracted to broken people / i pick 'em up and now my fingers are bleeding / and it looks like my fault / and it looks like i’m caught red-handed.
☆ phoebe bridgers, saviour complex:
baby, you're a vampire / you want blood and i promised / i’m a bad liar / with a savior complex.
☆ phoebe bridgers, waiting room:
⟡ sydney adamu.
and i can wish all that i want, but it won't bring us together / plus, i know whatever happens to me, i know it's for the better.
☆ taylor swift, love story:
⟡ lip gallagher.
that you were romeo, you were throwin' pebbles / and my daddy said, "stay away from juliet" / and I was cryin' on the staircase / beggin' you, "please don't go.”
☆ taylor swift, paper rings:
⟡ lip gallagher.
i like shiny things, but i’d marry you with paper rings / uh huh, that's right / darling, you're the one i want, and / i hate accidents except when we went from friends to this.
☆ tyler the creator, are we still friends?: ✅
⟡ mikey berzatto.
don’t get green skin (green skin), keep contact (keep contact) / don’t say, "goodbye, smell you later" (bye, later) / nah, i can't / i don't want to end this season on a bad episode.
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and on a more serious note: thank you for all the support on my works!! this blog has been my little safespace for indulging in all my silly little thoughts, and it makes me so happy that others can appreciate what i make too.
i’m excited to explore more tv shows and movies and let my blog and writing grow along with my interests, so i hope you’ll all stick around for the ride!
nervous about finally posting this, i’ve been thinking about doing it for a long time….i wanna write every song on here, so i’m really excited about it!!! feel free to send in multiple if you want ;P
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catt-leya · 1 year
Rick takes you to the basement cell and makes Negan watch him fuck you Pt. 2
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❣18+ blurb❣
Yes, humiliating is the right word for it.
Humiliating how hard Rick takes you in front of Negan.
Humiliating how many times you've cum.
Humiliating how pathetic your "I can't take anymore" whimper sounds.
Humiliating how Rick hisses "You can" and your moans get even louder.
You know Negan must have stepped out of the shadows because you heard his "fuck" after your first orgasm, which seems to be significantly closer.
You feel so incredibly vulnerable, but Rick doesn't care because he's desperate to prove something to Negan and unfortunately it turns you on more than it should.
Even the soft slapping of Rick's balls against your swollen clit and the juices running down your spread thighs turns you on.
After your third orgasm, you've stopped trying to support yourself and instead let Rick's firm grip hold you in place, weakly moaning his name as he slides hard into your wet cunt again.
"That's it. Taking me like my good little girl. All wet for me to take." you black out and whimper, "Please sir, it's too much."
You already know there's no point in begging and instead of listening to you Rick growls, "Oh certainly not. Show him how well I fuck you. Go on look at him."
Sluggishly you open your eyes and Rick yanks your head up so you're looking straight into Negan's eyes who's shoved his hand down his pants and in the background you hear Rick's raspy voice, "Now."
And you burst into a thousand pieces one more time.
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sinsandsweetness · 9 months
t’s 1k celebration !
It’s a little insane to me that I have 1.1k of you following me and reading all my silly little stories. You’re all so kind and encouraging and so so patient and I love each and every one of u. Sooooo since I go back to school next week, I’m sure I’ll be a little slower in my writing and I wanted to spend this week just basking in the limited freedom of summer I have left. I was going to write a bunch anyway but I thought it might be fun for you guys if I did a little celebration. They can be a lot of fun and I always love interacting with you guys. So if you’d like, go ahead and choose from one of the options below, and send me an ask! Anons are welcome as always, though I ask that minors do not interact for the smutty stuff.
Here are your options:
💿 -> send me a character (or two) and a situation, and I’ll write a short blurb of how I think it would go (for example: reader brings a cat home but is scared what Rick/Daryl will think)
🫧-> send me an nsfw link and a character and I’ll write a short blurb about it.
⭐️ -> send me the title of something that I’ve written, and I’ll respond with a mini moodboard for it.
✉️ -> send me your own daydreams. I had this one anon send me the hottest little blurb, and I LOVED IT. So I’m hoping that anyone who wants to, will send a similar kind of smutty (or fluffy) blurb of their own in, for me and all my loves to read and swoon over.
💡-> send me a headcanon about any character and I’ll tell you my thoughts/add on to it.
🍌-> fmk! Send me three twd characters (or three eras of a specific character) and I’ll tell you who I’d fuck, who I’d marry and who I’d kill.
🪩 -> Q&A- send me any questions you like! As fun and flirty or as deep and personal as you want. Ask games linked here , here , and (nsfw) here if anyone wants <3
🍸-> send me an unpopular opinion (about twd, fanfics, or writing in general) and I will tell you my thoughts on it.
*Any of the submissions can be sfw or nsfw! I love either. Characters I will write for for this celebration are Rick, Daryl, Shane, and Rosita, and then Negan and Merle (selectively lol)
* i will still be writing and working on the prompts and requests I’ve already recieved. My inbox is nice and full but I am working on them, I promise. I might not write every submission, if it isn’t really my thing or simply can’t come up with a dialogue for it, but please know you are very appreciated nonetheless. Nothing personal:) Please look at my rules before sending anything in, but other then that… let’s get daydreaming!*
- this celebration will go on for one week, from august 30th, until september 6th.
tagging some mutuals: @ricksswhore @virtualreader @writella @catt-leya @murdadixon @olive3oil @colt-python @grimesthinker @ankhmutes @murder-jacket @sickyrat @megangovier20 @devnmon @darylsdix0nn @taylormarieee
(If you would prefer not to be tagged in the future, please let me know<3)
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