#ngl i came up with the title and cried a little lmao
peninkwrites · 7 months
Before: Tubbo's First Friend
Tubbo heard there was a child in his basement, how exciting!
[CW: hostage situations, child endangerment, implied neglect]
The Mafia AU
crossposted to ao3
This wasn’t the first time his father had brought home a hostage, but it was the first time it was someone around Tubbo’s age.  Tubbo had snuck down the hall, looking over the railing curiously as a small figure––bigger than him, but still small––was all but carried inside and back through the house to the cellar, head covered by a hood, and arms pinned back.  It wasn’t just any kid, as Tubbo had heard through his occasional eavesdropping, it was the Police Captain’s kid.  Tubbo, not out of any personal experience, rather word of mouth, had heard that the Police Captain was an “annoying bitch” who “didn’t know how to stay out of the way.”  Somehow, taking her kid was meant to fix that.  Tubbo was nine years old, and he thought he grasped the family business relatively well, but he thought taking away her kid would probably be an annoyance at best.  He knows if he disappeared, when his father eventually noticed, he’d probably be pissed off, but that wouldn’t stop him from acting as he did, but his father was good at his business, apparently, so maybe it did something.
Tubbo lurked for the first few days of their new guest in the basement.  This one was a hostage, so, thus far no gunshots or screaming, just a rather eerie quiet from downstairs.  Tubbo only asked about the kid once and had gotten very lucky, all things considered.  Not a question directly towards his father––god forbid––but he happened to be in the kitchen when one of the lackeys came in to go downstairs and feed their captive.  Tubbo had, when it came down to it, despite having lurked in the kitchen deliberately, panicked and instead of asking anything that might have made sense, he’d asked the man, “do they seem nice?”
The man seemed startled by Tubbo being there at all, let alone speaking, so instead of a more expected scolding, the guy just went, “what?”
“The Captain’s kid.  Are they nice?  How old are they?  Are they my age?  I’m nine, by the way.”
Silence, Tubbo shifting nervously, and the man staring at him like he was a particularly yippy dog.  “Uh.  Quiet.  The kid is fuckin’ quiet.  Obviously,” the man says dryly.  He glances back to the cellar door, which he had been about to unlock behind him, before he reconsiders.  “D’you wanna..?” He nods from the kitchen to the cellar.
“Can I?” Tubbo asks eagerly.
The man still looks quite uncomfortable.  He doesn’t seem to know that the Boss’s kid doesn’t get any respect, and if he wanted he could just tell him to fuck off, and isn’t sure if he’s supposed to treat Tubbo like a dangerous little mob prince or not.  “I dunno, I don’t see why not…”  He says sheepishly.  “Just, get some shit together, whatever kids eat, I dunno, guess you’d know, huh?  And I’ll be up here to lock up after.  Don’t– Don’t stay down there too long, though, okay?” He said warningly.
Tubbo was already flitting around the kitchen like an excitable, jittery moth.  He pauses only once, looking briefly worried.  “Are they allergic to peanut butter?”
“Do you think I fuckin’ asked?”
Tubbo considers this gravely.  He thinks he read somewhere that peanut allergies were alarmingly common and quite fatal.  “I’ll assume yes just to be safe,” he nods astutely, like this man is at all invested.
“Yeah… yeah, you do that…” the man sighs, leaning against the cabinets.
Tubbo has a wooden tray, because he might as well do his best on the presentation, he has a feeling he’ll only be able to do this once, and he places a glass of water beside a juice box––one for hydration, one for leisure––and he’s arranged a pile of goldfish and chicken nuggets on the plate with the utmost care.  He is careful with his last additions, debating between condiments, before deciding to bring along ketchup, as that’s what he tended to use, before, with an unusual joy in actually being able to share with someone, he added a coveted pudding cup to the tray.  The man had watched this display in wry amusement.
“What, you’re not gonna put a flower on it for your girlfriend?” He said dryly.
Rather than embarrassed, Tubbo took this critique thoughtfully.  “Should I?”
The man sighed, his wit apparently unappreciated, and unlocked the cellar.  “Again, it’s not a fucking playdate, so don’t take too long.”
“You got it, sir!” Tubbo said brightly, descending into the darkened cellar with only mild apprehension.
A single bare bulb lit the room, it was otherwise sparsely furnished.  A mattress on the floor with a blanket on top of it, but otherwise, Tubbo noted, there wasn’t much to do down here.  He wishes he’d thought to bring down a puzzle or something, but it’s too late for that now.
“Hey, you’re not the usual guy!” The Captain’s kid is quite chipper for a hostage, sitting on the edge of the mattress, chin resting on their palm.
“N-No!  No, I’m not,” Tubbo hoped his excitement wasn’t too obvious.  He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen another kid, let alone spoken with them.  “Hello!  It’s– it is nice to meet you, I am Tubbo Underscore, but you can just call me Tubbo, obviously, and I– I’ve brought you food!” He holds out the tray.  “And– And water.  Um.  Obviously…”
“Cool, concierge, could you, like, bring it here?  I think you’re just outta my range,” the kid waved, and Tubbo recognized the chain around their wrist, it at least padded with some cloth between the metal and their skin.
Tubbo nodded sharply, quick to come closer.  The kid was much tanner than he was, which made sense, considering their entombment had only been a matter of days now, and Tubbo did not go outside much, and they were also clearly older than Tubbo.  “What’s– What’s a concierge?” Tubbo asked with something like awe.
The Captain’s kid considered this thoughtfully.  “Um.  I don’t actually know!  Like, a waiter or something?  I dunno.”  A shrug.  “Dude!  You got me chicken nuggets?!  This is way better than the crap they’ve been feeding me so far!”
“Yeah!  I’m nine years old––ten in December!––how old are you?” Tubbo wanted to sit next to them, but he held back, sitting on the ground across from them instead, all warning of not taking too long having left his mind.
“Whoa!  What is this, 20 questions?  I can’t be giving info to the enemy,” they said, cracking open the juice box.  “I am… older than you, though,” they seemed to think that was important to clarify.  “By a few years, alright?”
“Right, right, and what’s your name?” Tubbo asked eagerly.
“Now that is an interesting question, Tubbo Underscore,” they say his name a tad mockingly, but Tubbo doesn’t notice.  “Because, see, I’ve been down here forever now, and it’s given me a lot of time to think.”
“It has?”
“Yeah!  It has!  About, y’know, life and stuff, and you know what, Tubbo Underscore?  I’ve figured some stuff out.  I think I might be a dude.”
“Ye–Yeah?” Tubbo asks, puzzled.
“Yep!  A total dude.  Big ol’ mano-a-mano, manly man, right here!” The kid flexes, arms not all that impressive.  “Well, okay, not yet, but I’ll get there, anyway, I think I’m all dude-ified now.”
“Cool.  I– I didn’t know you could do that, to be honest,” Tubbo says, intrigued.
“So, the ‘nouns I got all sorted out, the basic kit will do, the he’s and the him’s, and the his’s, all that good stuff,” he pauses for a mouthful of goldfish, “still a bit caught up on the– the nomenclature–”
“What’s gnome-men-clay-sure?”
The Captain’s kid considers this thoughtfully.  “I am not sure, actually.  Something to do with names, that’s the point, basically, dunno what name to go with––Actually!” He cuts himself off, distracted, it makes Tubbo jump.  “Other issue, side-issue to the name thing, my one issue, my one hangup on gettin’ dude-ified, is,” he shakes out his hair, long and dark.  “Long hair!  Long hair is rad!  So, there’s a debate goin’ on up here,” he knocks on the side of his skull.  “About how I’m gonna be dude-ified if I like my longer hair,” he rubs his hands together, leaning forward conspiratorially, Tubbo leaning in to listen.  “I’m pretty sure… I’m pretty sure guys can have long hair,” he nods, as if revealing some great wisdom.
“Yeah, yeah probably, I mean, if you don’t cut it, it gets long,” Tubbo tries to contribute, thinking only of literal biological matters and not the social matters the Captain’s kid seems caught up with.
“Exactly!” The kid laughs again.  “And like, that’s cool now, isn’t it?  That’s what all the hippies are doing, right?”
Finally, a topic Tubbo has something to say on, he adds excitedly: “My dad says hippies are useless bums with no self respect!  So, yeah!  They’re probably cool.”
“Sweet,” the kid nods.  “Very cool.”  He eats another mouthful of crackers.  “‘fish?” He offers the plate to Tubbo.
“No, thank you, all yours, man,” Tubbo declines, more intrigued by the conversation.  “I didn’t realize you could change it.  You know, I’ve never put much thought into being a girl.  I haven’t really been around many girls, though, or, any girls, so I guess I wouldn’t know.”
“Yeah, fair enough,” the kid shrugs, crushing the juice box and tossing it across the room as one would a beer can, before eyeing the pudding cup next.
“I dunno.  As of, I’m quite happy being a boy, so.”
“My thoughts exactly!  Being a guy rules.  Like, I’m sure being a chick rules too, but I just don’t feel it, y’know?” He ignores the spoon Tubbo had brought so nicely and takes a swig of the pudding as if drinking a thick beverage.
“Yeah, I guess me neither.”
“So, dunno what I’m gonna do with names––thanks for your help, though, Tubbo, that hair conundrum was bugging me a bit, glad we settled on something––but I dunno about names.  I kinda want it to be something silly, something fun, y’know?”
“Oh, that’s nice!”
“Yeah, so, when I’m a big strong dude, people will still underestimate me, so I can still take ‘em by surprise when I, I dunno, stab ‘em or whatever.”
“Oh.”  Not what Tubbo was expecting.
The hostage squints across the room, contemplating something, clearly enjoying having an audience after days of isolation, “what’s the opposite of bright?”
“Um, dim?”
“Hm, close, but no cigar.  What’s, like, sorta like dim, but not the opposite of bright?”
Tubbo has quite the repertoire of such language.  “Oh!  I know!  Stupid, slow, dumb, idiotic, r–”
“Nah, close!  We’re really close, but no cigar!” He nods thoughtfully, pausing for a goldfish.
“Yeah, what’s that mean, too?  No cigar?  I mean, my dad smokes cigars sometimes, but it doesn’t make sense in what you’re saying.”
The hostage exhales air from his cheeks.  “No idea!”
Tubbo laughs.  “I don’t think I’ve met anybody that talks like you do.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Tubbo shrugs.  “I dunno.  I think you’re… you’re pretty cool.”
“You’re goddamn right I’m cool!”  He takes it all in stride, pointing at Tubbo approvingly, the chain around his wrist rattling as he does so.  He takes another swig of the pudding, it creating a chocolate mustache on his lip.
“Why do you have a chain on your wrist?  Most hostages don’t need that,” Tubbo asked.  “Not the littler ones, anyway.”
“Uh, ‘cause I bit ‘im,” he says around a mouthful of pudding.
“You– You bit who?” Tubbo’s eyes widened, because there’s no way in hell he meant Schlatt.
“Dunno, some guy.”  Another halfhearted shrug.  “I’m a– I’m a fuckin’ shark, Tubbo!  Smell blood in the water, and I just gotta–” the kid bites down on nothing, as if to demonstrate, before delving back into the pudding cup.
“Cool,” Tubbo says breathlessly.
The kid nods, basking in the praise.  “My mom gives me shit for it.  Oh, you’re gonna get in trouble if you get in fights all the time, oh, your teachers called again, what do you mean you held that boy’s head underwater?” A high laugh that was honestly far funnier to Tubbo than what the kid had actually said.  “And, well, I mean, she was kinda right, I did end up in trouble for it.  Word of advice to you, kid, kicking a dude in the balls is not a catch all answer to your problems, especially if it’s a grown-ass man.  And, also, this shoulda been obvious, but forgive me, I’m young, definitely do not tell them your mom is the Police Captain and she’ll arrest them all if they mess with you.  That gets you thrown in a trunk, and that is no bueno,” he nods sagely.
“Right, no bueno,” Tubbo pretends to understand what that means.
“It’ll be kinda cool now, though, instead they’ll call her and be like Captain, your son has gotten into trouble again, and she’ll be all like of course, my son is a real rascal!  I should’ve been a better father!”
“Father?” Tubbo giggles.
“Yeah!  Yeah, ‘cause it’s all switched around!”
“I don’t think that’s how that works, bossman–”
“Kid, what the fuck?” An exasperated voice calls down the stairs.  “I said it wasn’t a playdate, what do you think you’re doing?”
“Sorry!  Sorry, I’m coming now!”  Tubbo still wavers, staring almost longingly at the boy across from him.  “It was– It was really nice to meet you Mr– Whatever your name is gonna end up being?  Yeah!  So, um, bye!”
Tubbo was halfway up the stairs, an ache in his chest, when he hears one last word from downstairs.
“Foolish!” Followed by a high cackle of delight.
“Foolish…” Tubbo murmurs the name.  He doesn’t know what to do with the fact that he feels happy and sad at the exact same time.  “I think I made a friend,” he tells the man brightly at the top of the stairs.
“That’s… that’s great kid,” the man says dryly.  “Hope your little buddy doesn’t get shot, I guess.”
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Maddi's Reaction to TBB S3 Finale
The episode title killed me a little bit, ngl
I mean, "The Cavalry Has Arrived". Talk about a callback lmao
Ofc Omega found a way to release the Zillo Beast. And Echo's reaction was amazing. "How do you know?" "Because it's exactly what I'd do!"
Same with Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair: "Echo or Omega?" "Omega." "Omega."
I was so fucking convinced that the og operative - the one with the sniper rifle - was gonna be Winter Soldier-ified Tech. Like, I was banking on it, and it turns out he was just a random clone. (I might make a rewrite changing that outcome lol)
Emerie finally became a good guy! After Episode 10, I was rooting for her to wake the fuck up haha. Glad she came to her senses, and very proud that Echo had the sense to trust her.
Oh, speaking of the not-actually-Tech operative, HE CUT CROSSHAIR'S HAND OFF?! CROSSHAIR BBY NOOOO
Ahem. I'm not mad. It's a TV show, it's not real, I'm not mad.
Sorry, where was I?
Hunter and Crosshair finally acting like brothers again makes my heart so happy. "You should stay here. I'll go after Omega." "Not a chance."
Ooh, when Echo found Omega and the other kids, the way he greeted her made me wanna cry a little bit. And the way the kids hugged her before Emerie flew them to safety - guys, my heart can't take this cuteness.
Echo's speech to the prisoners gave me Fives' battle for Kamino speech. "You've all been through enough, and you all deserve your freedom, but Omega and I can't do this alone. Will any of you help us?" compared to "We're one of the same. Same heart, same blood. And my blood's boiling for a fight." "But what about our training?" "Your training is in your blood."
Hunter, Crosshair, and Omega working together almost non-verbally to kill Hemlock was amazing. Our baby Omega has grown up so much since Season 1, and I'm so proud of her. Also, yay, Hemlock is dead!
Nala Se's "sacrifice" to destroy her work kinda made me tear up, ngl. (I say "sacrifice" because it wasn't a big thing like Tech's death, she just got shot by Rampart and dropped the detonator at his feet. It still made me tear up tho.)
Everyone recovering on Pabu made me so happy, but we didn't see Phee and Omega reunite, which was kind of a let-down. But, everyone's safe and happy, so I'll take it.
Now for the big thing: THE END SCENE
Oh my god baby Omega grew up so much. Her long hair in the really loose and messy ponytail made me so happy haha. Also, was that Hunter's bandana? TBB team, can we confirm?
Speaking of Hunter, his older look makes me so happy. No armor, just soft, comfortable clothes. (I do miss the old bandana though)
Hunter's concern about Omega becoming a Rebellion pilot is so fatherly omfg. Also, our baby is a Rebellion pilot!!
Omega's little salute to Hunter and Batcher made my heart melt a little. Seeing Tech's goggles on the dashboard also didn't help. And Hunter's final line - "She'll be fine."
Guys, I'm in awe. This episode was amazing. Laughed, cried, and melted the whole way through. Perfect ending for our favorite squad.
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sparklingpax · 3 years
Yeah!! It is alive!! It was great to see them too, I'd totally swoop up some for me if I wasn't trying to save. I wanted to watch Headmasters really badly back when I had just finished G1 and wanted more-- but then I found out Optimus dies again in there and I didn't want to see that because 🥺😭 THATS MY ROBOT DAD, PLS LET HIM LIVE TAKARA
Gonna put a read more since I started rambling and I’m so sorry aaa my thoughts are so disorganized I just got out of class lmao ^^’’ 
Awww well,,,yeah he does indeed die, and it made no sense to me because Galvatron should have died as well?? They were both thrown into that vector sigma thing,,,but only Optimus dies ajsdksksj perhaps I missed something because that was one chaotic battle anyway,,, it’s also really really early in the series T////T like third or fourth episode early,,,,
I was sad about it too, but as the series went on, I came to the realization that the way it was structured, Optimus would have been a side character anyway....since it tended to focus on either Daniel doing some dumb scrap and almost getting killed o.o or the Headmasters and their battles with the Decepticons.....
Hot Rod and most of the cast from the original G1 series leave after a while; they make appearances and are still in various episodes, but not as main characters. You also don’t see Ultra Magnus for a while either until he comes back for a few episodes and then,,,uh,,,,well if you look at the episode list theres one title that gives away what happens-- 
But anyway ^^’’ I totally get not wanting to see that tho,,,,I never watched the 3rd and 4th seasons of G1 for four whole years after finally finishing seasons 1 and 2 (and the movie) because I was so,,,lowkey bitter for a while about how Optimus wasn’t going to be there,,,,but eventually (this year) I realized it was immature of me to be bitter about this so I just decided to just give it a go, and ngl I kinda enjoyed it! It was weird but,,,,,,worth the watch 😹 
lol but I watched Headmasters soon after, not knowing he was gonna die,,,,so it really shocked me when he did,,,,and it was so sad,,,,but as I said before, I eventually came to the conclusion that it might be for the better this series focused on different characters to tell the particular story it was trying to tell :D 
Idk, it’s silly and may be kinda slow paced (?) sometimes, but I enjoyed every second of it, and there were a lot of little funny/cute bits in the show that made me melt u//w//u It’s basically G1 but with different main characters and a similar but also different art style if that makes sense?? Like there were subtle details in the way stuff was drawn and colored that made it much different from G1 but it still had a similar feel...^^’’ 
OH And one more thing, if you ever do decide to watch Headmasters, or the other series that followed (Super God Masterforce and Victory), watch them in the original Japanese (with english subs)
The dubs are golden and hilariously awful, and so it’s very hard to take any of it seriously or focus on the plot if the people speaking all sound bad and everything, even serious moments, are funny. Plus, there are quite a few things that got mistranslated or just,,,the idea wasn’t properly phrased in the dub as it was said in Japanese?? And that makes things about 100x more confusing,,,idk The dub is weird lmfao 😹😹
So anyway.......take your time with it! Maybe someday you’ll just feel like it and go and watch it, or you won’t! And either way is fine and of course up to you :) I’m just here to offer my humble opinion that it was a good series (as were the other two >//w//<) and I recommend them!! ^///^ 
sorry I got carried away there and talked about like,,,everything,,,aaa anyway :)))
-Kuni 😳😅😊💖✨
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sumeshi-t · 4 years
the idea of making hc’s of children is sosososo cute. i’ll follow ur steps chloe @akaashit-baeji lolol this is gonna be really self-indulgent buuut my excuse is that it’s my birthday so here it goes... i'm writing the last half of this with a hangover and a bad case of dysmenorrhea... sucks 2 be me
Oikawa Teru (及川 輝)
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his name “輝“ means “bright”, and this boi lives up to it because, let’s face it, he’s gonna be like his dad. he embodies this “brightness”, in a way that he’s smart, and he makes sure he and his team’s (or whichever team he’s going to be in) will shine on the court
wavy/curly hair and a victim of my and his dad’s astigmatism. always has this cheeky smile, and he gets my brimming energy so he’s really approachable and charming
very good with words; it’s like he always knows what to say
when he plays he also wears contact lenses
but don’t be fooled. in their generation, it’s him who has to put iwaizumi’s son in check. he knows everything about his teammates too, he knows more than what he lets on (which sometimes, they find creepy, but they all know he means well)
anyway, unlike his dad, he doesn’t really mind having geniuses around. instead, he watches them very closely; something like “mutualism”. he knows what he lacks and he knows he can learn from them too, vice versa.
is into horror games. in his free time, he and his sister take turns playing. and they decide it by seeing who can last the longest without flinching/screaming. he’s annoyed because his sister’s better at it 
has fans, ngl. i mean look at him. however, the female fans especially, are pretty on guard. he’s approachable, but anytime they see him with his sister... they back out. he doesn’t mind, he loves his sister and it actually amuses him. he’s the same when it comes to the boys who hang around her too!
basically protective siblings who are always there for eo
is very neat. can’t concentrate when something is out of place. he keeps his nails short, has a somewhat flowery scent. yes, he uses female perfumes because he despises strong smells.
bug-catching was his childhood hobby just like mine’s was. used to sneak beetles in iwaizumi’s son’s backpack back then
he will never admit it but he actually asks his sister for fashion tips because his taste sucks ass so bad
basically his major problem or issue in life is getting compared to his father (he’s also a setter). he hates that so much, being hidden in the shadow of his dad, and when people just recognize him for being oikawa tooru’s son.
something he and ushijima’s child relate to so strongly. they’re friendly rivals; might end up being teammates in their career hmm
so when he’s the one stressed, he skips practice for a day just so he could recollect his thoughts. usually stays in the library to read books he picked up based on the titles; might either open up to iwa or his sister later on, it depends. then when he’s okay, he doubles the amount of training
Oikawa Rie (及川 麗恵) it’s /ri-ye/ oki
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so the kanjis are: "麗" meaning, beautiful and "恵" is blessed. tooru thought of this name obviously
also has curly hair like mine. has that tiny mole below her eye just like i do. actually has lots of moles over her body; one time she fell asleep on the couch her brother drew connecting lines between the moles on her arm and called them constellations. it was nice she thought but still, the next day, teru had to wear a band-aid over his nose bridge.
she’s just a year younger. is less “vibrant” than her brother, a bit more serious. has a resting bitch face and she’s not even sorry about it and i love her for that
she’s actually relieved she looks like that, or else she knows the girls in her class would flock to her just to get in her brother’s pants. usually brushes them off with “ask him, not me” or “do you think that’s any of my concern?” 
her tongue her words damn never get to this baby girl’s bad side she’s gonna burn you alive. like fr when she’s angry, oh she’s gonna show you that she’s angry. but tbh she's very sweet, leaves little notes or little gifts to her friends every now and then
she just doesn’t want her brother’s heart to be broken (she’s heard stories from her mom about her dad’s many hs exes), and she knows teru’s struggles
doesn’t really like volleyball that much. it’s because she didn’t get to grow up with her dad around, she felt like it separated her from him. she’s not mad at him though. she’s very supportive of him and her brother.
used to play vb though when they were kids. but that’s all it was for her
she’s the team’s honorary manager lol the occasional “i brought you guys sumn” or “something-kun, a girl from my class says she likes you so do your best” etc
the team’s lil sister how bout that
despite being tolerant of horror games, this girl is vvvv squeamish. she cries at the sight of internal organs or blood. biology lab was the worst time of her life 
when she dug up my hs videos she was shook to discover i once did theater. and thus begins her interest in theater too
and??? baby girl is actually???? really really good???? 
the girls she used to shut down nicknamed her “prima”, short for “prima donna” she hates it. hates it more when her closest theater buddy was the one who spread that around
immediately went to the gym to spike some balls from her brother. baby girl was crying because she was just so pissed.
she was given ice cream and sweets afterwards. ugh it’s so cute idk she’s baby to the team skksksk they protecc
in that upcoming play, her first ever performance, the whole team got front row seats and howled when she came on during curtain call; it was vvv sweet and memorable even if the guys were kinda reprimanded afterwards lmao
which is why, in return, boiis also have a hard time approaching her because damn??? the vb team as your knights???? excuse me??? 
oh have i mentioned she has a sweet tooth? mygod. she has a stash of sweets in her room. teru has had to sneak some away because she might get tooth aches or diabetes
her pastel nail polish is arranged by shade, her body clock is fucked up lmao she hates the mornings; has succulents by her window which she names after various characters from books/plays etc she’s for sure gonna be a theater actress tho
asks help from iwa’s son for math. even her brother’s 0% help. teru is smart but a terrible teacher. she’s an above-average student and that’s all that matters for her. she can leave the spotlight to her brother because she only craves one type of spotlight
Miya Seiichi (宮 聖一) and Miya Seiji (宮 聖二)
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their names literally mean “聖” sacred then “一” is one, and “二” is two
atsumu thought it was funny. when they were kids, seiichi’s nickname was “juan” and seiji’s was “tutu” (i gave them the nicknames)
when the twins discovered the meaning behind the nicknames, they hated it. especially seiji, he despises it vvv much
so when they were hs, seiichi = chi, seiji = ji for the people they're close with
as we can see here, the twins unfortunately got my curls. seiichi likes his hair as is. he doesn’t like the thought of dyeing his hair just to be differentiated from his twin. in fact he enjoys twin jokes, enjoys tripping people up about it. seiji on the other hand, grew tired of his brother’s jokes and by the time hs started, he sacrifices his soft hair. 
between the two, seiji is the one who has my ugly eyesight. add to the fact that he reads a lot (once he starts he can’t put it down. so he reads in the dark, in a moving car etc)
the piercings was a thing that happened between them, and their cousins (which were also twins wtf)–it was a 2v2 vb thing and they lost
surprisingly, the cousins weren't pleased bc atsumu didn't scold them for getting piercings (but for playing half-heartedly). seiichi wanted the piercings tho tbh it was the perfect excuse. ngl, seiji also wanted them.
first let's talk abt seiichi, aside from the fact he also got my mole (he feels it makes him look cuter tho)
seiichi's into vb, but not a setter. he's the ace. may or may not push through with it as a career. he hasn't decided yet. is actually a bit sad that seiji didn't join the vb club in hs, he wanted them to be like his dad and uncle.
seiichi doesn't have any uh, quirks like shutting the whole cheer squad up like his dad does. but he usually dribbles the ball five times before any serve (this is something i did before) and he likes the 'ooooh hey' thing the crowd does when he goes for a serve
his side of the room doesn't have much stuff going on except workout equipment. he follows what exercise plan i give him as da PT mom that i am, and he is very strict with his diet and with what he eats–he's close to not needing a calorie counter anymore; but not a picky eater. he loves his uncle's cooking very much and he is jealous he can't cook even if he tries
he can do beatboxing, he learned it through youtube lmao his spotify playlists are da bombest; he learns a lot in youtube tho in his free time. his current interest is magic tricks and french (he thinks he can use it to woo that girl from class 4)
he hates insects, and hates mess. he has had to scold his twin about it that it escalated to them having this imaginary line in the middle of the room
anyway, he's straightforward. but not rude. he just doesn't like any pretenses so he says what he thinks or feels is right. may or may not have led to some misunderstandings, but he owns up to his mistakes if he crossed a line
next, seiji
even if he looks like a nerd with his glasses tbh he is not he actually hates studying. you can love reading without having to love studying right? he's that dude
the only time that he regrets dyeing his hair was when he realizes couldn't change identities so his brother could take his exam for him
his side of the room is littered with his sketches, notes from books, pencils everywhere – he drew a bunch of ants one time on a paper and made it look like they're real ass ants and placed it on seiichi's pillow
to solve this problem, atsumu has planned to give him a tablet for his next birthday
quits vb in hs because he kinda lost interest? he still finds it fun but he doesn't wanna be put under the pressure that his dad and uncle left for them lmao
he's in art clubs tho
he designs banners/posters for the team anyway. they use his strategic mind from the shit he's read for any plays and stuff so when he's not drawing, he's thinking
he might look like he has no emotions, but tbh he is more emotional and empathetic than his brother. he cries easily over the simplest things, like those grandparents vids, or rescuing animals and stuff
and thats why he doesn't let people in too much bc he knows he'll be hurt (dw seiichi knows this vvv well, and even if they do have arguments, he loves his lil bro and helps him about this)
has once begged to have a cat at home–seiichi didn't want bc he knows his twin is gonna leave him for clean up lmao
he can cook period.
he's gonna either be an architect or an animator, still hasn't decided.
his music taste sucks lmao. his youtube recents are filled with cooking stuff; in constant conversation with his uncle abt cooking lol it be cute sometimes atsumu is jealous bc he feels his son is closer to his brother than with him
he is forgetful that's why his stuff is messy lol he keeps misplacing stuff, sometimes it's literally in front of him and he's just 'where????'
but remembers dates well, remembers plays well. he's good at nitpicking tiny nearly insignificant details. just anything outside studying? he's good. dw he passes his classes but he hates giving effort for that shit lololol
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kinktae · 4 years
hi babe !!! i’m starting on my journey through the whole bitchin’ series today !!! and i just wanted to say that it really reminds me of that 70’s show (even if i know urs is set in the 80’s lmao) !!! and i want to congratulate u on the job well done !!!
All the bitchin’ asks I didn’t get to answer in time uwu. Spoilers ahead:
prince-jjk said: just read your beyond the story for bitchin’ and i literally cried twice 🥺 especially in the 10yrs later when, for the wedding gift, jk gives y/n the contract they wrote all the way back when they barely knew eachother, that part just made me be like skfkskckskfkd on the inside, that was adorable.
Anonymous said: bitchin is so soft 🥺 it was love at first chapter for me, i loved watching y/n and jk grow throughout the story both together and on their own and i love all the soft lil moments and reading every chapter warmed my heart so damn much 🥺 thank you 💕
Anonymous said: okay so i finally read bitchin’ all in one day and 🥺🥺🥺🥺 they are both idiots i love them sm,, thank u for writing such an incredible story!!💕💗💕💘💗
Anonymous said: I LOVED WHAT YOU POSTED FOR BITCHIN OMGGG i actually LOVE seeing behind the scenes of writing so i really enjoyed reading about the details of bitchin. nOT TO MENTION HOW CUTE THE EPILOGUE WAS PLEASE I DONT THINK ILL EVER GET OVER THEM but overall i really liked it and thank you so so so so so so so much for this
Anonymous said: i swear Yara and Taehyung do be the cutest couple :(
beifong-bitch said: So im new around here and just started reading bitchin and oh god- I KEEP IMAGINING TAES VOICE SOUNDING LIKE THAT ONE SURFER DUDE FROM TOTAL DRAMA.
Anonymous said: beyond the story: bitchin’ got me so emotional like??? i think i can’t live without them:( thank you for this beautiful story🤧 you’re so talented
sapphireprinces5 said: can I just say that the fact you called it Behind The Story as BTS is so genius and the best chef’s kiss of the century. reading this made me tear up like I miss the two so much and to see them happy forever was just 🤧 it was so cool to see how the stories developed and your thoughts as you wrote them. thank you for giving this to us - probably one of the best gifts i’ve ever received as a reader. amazing, you’re amazing
mochiieberry said: JUST READ THE UPDATE FOR BITCHIN AND FINALLY I CAN START MY DAY(ignore the fact it’s 3 am :) ). But honestly after reading BITCHIN I questioned what happened afterwards and thank you for writing the behind the scenes and giving us 10 year update!!
ggukcangetit said: oh my gosh i was missing bitchin' and you posted the most incredible companion piece. also love how its called beyond the story (BTS) so sneaky rose (¬‿¬) you really spoilt us with the connect i am sad and happy so thanks for that. lastly, just wanna appreciate how much effort, hard work, and care you devote to your stories, characters, and readers. since you are a LOT younger than me imma go ahead and say this- uWu rose is the best liddol bean in the world. okay bye.
Anonymous said: I just wanted to say thank you for the extra bitchin' content! It's one of my favorite fics ever (mainly bc I am a woman in stem who takes shit from no man and I hardcore identify with yn) and to see how much you love the fic and genuinely get excited about the little details you slip in to make it more enjoyable for you to write just makes my heart !!! bc i love nothing more than hearing writers talk about their works with pride. love you lots and thank you for always putting out great content!
Anonymous said: Yara refusing to put a label on her relationship after 10 years sends me. For one thing, as an independent woman who is terrified of commitment, I can 100% relate lol. The titles she gives him instead killed me as well. Her outrage at the crustaceans was also so something I’d do. Like “no ma’am my best friend ain’t sign up for this and as far as I’m concerned she’s gonna get exactly what she wants”. Yara is my spirit animal.
Anonymous said: I have a lot of questions. #1- How dare you? Bitch I am sobbing. I love those Bitchin fools and I ain’t ever gonna stop loving them!
lee-u-ne12 said: I may have giggled one too many times during my "beyond the story: bitchin'" reading. Dammit it's just so cute! I found it charming how instead of just giving us an update on the characters you included some commentery on each chapter! Ngl i was rlly sad earlier but this made me smile :)
Anonymous said: I definitely noticed the sock thing and thought it was stupidly cute (like this entire fic tbh) and djjdjdjdjjd I wish I had commented on it when I first read it! I loved the behind the stuff and loved all the reasoning as to why you didn't want y/n to be a 'popular guy gave me confidence' type of character 👏 honestly loved it all thank you!!!!
cheeky-kookie said: ROSE, I am so happy this is the best birthday present wowza ily thank you bitchin' update I cry
Anonymous said: oh my gosh yara and tae are gonna get married someday and she's still gonna be like what? husband? you meaN my matChing riGg wEareR.
Anonymous said: Just wanted to let you know, I just read BITCHIN' AND IT'S THE BEST STORY I'VE READ IN A WHILE AND NOW ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITES. I would totally read it again in the future . Thank you for writing it and sharing it with us and you're awesome!
Anonymous said: Bitchin' was amazing. I cried. Thank you for writing it 🖤
Anonymous said: I think I've read bitchin like 3 times now but in never fails to put a smile on my face. The 80s slang kills me every time. Just wanted to say it's one of my favourite fics I've ever read :)
Anonymous said: i just finished bitchin’ AND IT WAS SO GOOD i cried at the end when it came full circle about the paper 😭❤️
Anonymous said: Hi I just binge read bitchin I’ve always ran into it but I hesitate Bc I knew it wasn’t completed I’m the worst but,,, ow. Ow. My heart physically melted you developed two characters so well and there’s no way I’m not going to reread again and again because of how good and genuine their relationship was. Uhh that’s it sorry I just wanted to let you know I’ll need money Bc my heart is unfunctional because of how full it is
Anonymous said: i just wanted to tell you that you made me feel so 🥺🥺🥺🥺!!!! with bitchin', that it is one of my favorite stories ever and that it's just so amazing and well written i just- don't stop doing what you're doing please !!!!!
Anonymous said: hi sorry this is random but im a huge fan of your work! i havent checked in with tumblr too much lately but last night i binge read camellia, groovy, and bitchin and oh my goodness i was so enthralled !! you have such a wonderful ability to engage readers with such relatable and dynamic characters! like wowowow i cant wait to read more of your writing! thanks so much for putting in the time and effort you do to create your work, its great and im glad you get to share it with the world! 🌟
Anonymous said: hi so i may or may not have read all of bitchin in one night BUT I LOVED IT AND IM AMAZED BY YOU 🥺♥️
Anonymous said: hiii! bitchin’ has been the best thing i have ever read and im so sad that its over, but im so happy you wrote it! u are an incredible writer❤️❤️❤️
emdancing said: Hi! I’d just like to say I binged bitchin and i absolutely loved it! It just might be my favorite koo fic 💕 your writing is awesome and so are you!!
Anonymous said: i binge read bitchin this weekend and i don’t even like fanfics but kept seeing it get recommended so decided to check it out and i loved it 😭 jungkook in that fic is so perfect and cute (except for his mess up with kiri) and that note at the end got me emotional 🥺 your story and writing was too too good, i skipped all the smut but still loved it 💗 thank you for sharing one of the most heartwarming and lovely stories i have ever read! 🤧
lowlifeoeuvre said: Hi i just read bitchin and i only have one thing to say about it... A WHOLE MASTERPIECE MAN!! literally almost cried and actually made a very inhuman happy noise at the end. I will for sure be reading anything else you write or have written.
babeewiththepowerr said: I just finished reading Bitchin and now I’m crying 😢 it was soooo pretty and well written 💜
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xukunstellation · 6 years
Fate || Zhu Zhengting
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Title: Fate Pairing: Reader x Zhengting Genre: Soulmate!AU + fluff Word Count: 1217 words Summary: Despite knowing your soulmate’s name, you can’t help but hope it belonged to the cute trainee who was infatuated with your baby pig.
A/N: Have I ever told anyone that soulmate!au’s are my absolute favorite? I love them so much. The fact that zhengting is the first person i’ll be writing this au for on this blog makes it even better. I apologize for the wait, anon! You didn’t specify what form of request you wanted, so I went with bullet! Enjoy reading!
this is my first zhengting fic
how exciting
we all love a cute leader
in this au, everyone has the name of their soulmate tattooed on their wrist (which appears when they turn 16)
in your opinion, you had the prettiest name on your wrist
zhu zhengting
totally not biased bc they were your soulmate or anything
since the day your soulmate’s name appeared on your 16th birthday, you spent every waking moment wondering what they would be like
how tall were they? what did their voice sound like? what were their hobbies? 
did they think about you as much as you thought about them?
although you wanted to meet this zhengting person as soon as possible, you decided to let fate handle the rest
you worked part time for a local petting zoo where you traveled to different special events (weddings, birthdays, etc) with whatever animals were requested
these animals ranged anywhere from puppies, kittens, ponies, snakes, birds, etc
you loved your job bc it meant you get to be surrounded by cute animals all of the time
since you've worked this job for a while, you were very knowledgeable about the type of animals you handle
your personal favorite were the baby potbellied pigs
your co-workers tease you by calling you the pig whisperer bc you're so good at handling them
where can i sign up for this job tbh
one day your boss gets a call from the idol producer production crew asking if someone would be willing to travel to beijing with a baby piglet for a special idol xinfan segment for the trainees
you were the obvious choice for the job 
you had heard about the show but didn’t really care to check it out since you were usually too busy being occupied with your job and studies
next, you were on the way to the ip site with your favorite piglet (who was currently unnamed)
a part of you jokingly entertained yourself with the thought of finding your soulmate there
if only you knew
when you arrived, the production crew briefly explained to you the plan for the segment which was essentially a hidden box game with the piglet being the hidden ‘item’
you would be there throughout filming to assist the piglet in case of any accidents or emergencies
the first group to play the game consisted of five trainees who mainly complained about the inside of the box feeling really warm lmao
it was amusing seeing how scared they were so you did your best to calm their fears
“jiejie, i don’t dare to touch it!” the one named zhangjing cried out to you
“it’s a little bit shaken right now so just give it a moment to relax. i promise it won’t hurt you,” you reassured with a smile
that seemed to calm down the boys (sort of) and you were thankful they were still gentle despite their fear
when the game was over after the trainee named xukun gave the correct answer, they made you promise them that you’ll let them hold the piglet later
which you obviously agreed to bc they were nearly just as cute at the piglet and you couldn’t resist ngl
the first group went smoothly enough
it wasn’t until the second group that made you want to scReAm
these boys were giving you straight up heart attacks jfc
ruibin nearly poked the piglet’s eye out, chaoze beat the top of the hidden box like a bongo and chengcheng smacked the back of the box to scare the really cute tall trainee whose name you have yet to know
it was zhengting ofc
ziyi and linong had to hold you back from going off and passing out bc of chengcheng tho LMAO
you didn’t know it but zhengting was wondering what your name was too and kept sneaking glances your way
at first sight he was floored by how soft you looked when you were attending to whatever was inside the box (which was covered from his view)
he felt his heart skip when you greeted him with a shy smile
even though he knew he had a soulmate somewhere in the world, he lowkey hoped that it was you
when it came to his turn to put his hand in the box, you decided to tease him and joined the other trainees in trying to freak him out more
“be careful! it’ll bite you if you reach in like that!”
“it’ll be really bad if you end up scaring it!”
“oh no! watch out for the spikes!”
“ahhhhhhh, you’re so mean! don’t be like this!” zhengting whined, clutching his hand to his chest
you couldn’t help but laugh loudly bc how can one person be so freaking cute ?? your heart might combust tbh
zhengting swore he heard angels singing at the sound of your laugh
he was still scared shitless tho
“alright it’s time to make your final guesses!”
“let me guess again... pig”
you clapped along with the other staff at zhengting’s answer, watching with a grin as the trainees fawned excitedly over the tiny animal
“can i hug it?” you heard zhengting ask, looking over to you for your permission with eager eyes
you nodded happily as the boys swarmed around you and watched you carefully pick up the piglet from the box and place it into the waiting arms of zhengting
i’m not saying that zhengting kissing the piglet’s nose was the cutest thing you’ve ever seen (aside from him) but that’s exactly what i’m saying
seeing all of the boys’ happy expressions in this moment was enough to make the entire trip worth it for you
finally it was time to go and almost everyone cleared out of the room
except for a certain someone was still reluctant to let go of the tiny pig
“you must really like him a lot,” you said, walking over to where he was standing
“does he have a name?” he questioned, cradling the piglet to his chest
“nope. i haven’t given him one yet, but i was half-tempted to name him after my soulmate”
you saw zhengting’s expression drop a little before smiling again. “oh? what’s your soulmate’s name?”
“it’s zhu zhengting”
he nearly dropped the poor pig out of shock omg
someone save him pls
“that’s... that’s me..??”
it was your turn to be shook as you saw him carefully lift his sweater sleeve to reveal your full name written neatly on his wrist
“no freaking way”
zhengting carefully placed the pig in his carrier before throwing his arms around you and yanking you to his chest in a tight embrace
he was so happy that he started jumping like an excited bunny
“i can’t believe i got to meet two cuties today: a baby pig and my soulmate!”
“...you’re only calling me cute just so that you can see the piglet again”
“oops you caught me”
you playfully hit him but can’t help but return his grin bc wow you lucked out by having this bub as your soulmate
imagine having zhengting as the person you were destined to be with forever
now add raising a tiny little piglet together
bonus points if he refers to the little piggy as his and your child
bye i’m crying
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franeridart · 6 years
Your colors lately are even more beautiful!!! Your art is amazing!
AHHHH thank you!!! so much!!!!!! I have, admittedly, finally been putting more effort into them haha it’s good to know it’s noticeable! ;;
Anon said:My dude, I want to own Bakugou's shirt in that Kamino squad drawing
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy you liked it!!!!! :D
Anon said:What do you think of Kaminari x Ibara or Toga x Twice?
I don’t really have strong feelings about either, honestly :O but the only person I really ship Ibara with is Tetsu, and I can’t say I’m much into villain-shipping in general
Anon said:Have you read Sweater Weather by crispykrimi?
Nope, I don’t really read tddk fics, sorry ^^’’
Anon said:Do you think kirishima goes to izuku and they talk about their relationships?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm honestly, while I realize that Kiri and Deku are on friendly terms, given canon I’d say if Kirishima needs to talk to anyone about stuff he’s gonna go to either Baku, Kami, Sero, Tokoyami or Mina, since those are the people we’ve seen him open up to, in canon! Same goes for Deku, if he gotta open up to someone it’s gonna be Iida, Todoroki or Uraraka :0 well, it’s not like it’s impossible for them to talk about it, but I can see it happen more in a possible future where they’ve grown closer than they are atm in canon! At least imho haha
Anon said:I just wanna say that I’ve been following you for a pretty long time (since the tattoo au was just starting I think) and you’re art just continues to improve and look amazing as time goes on. I’ve always loved it but these past couple days I saw some of ur recent stuff and was just blown away bc it looks so good. Thanks for drawing and sharing ur art w us, I love seeing it!! I hope u have a good day!!!
THAT SURE IS A LONG TIME!!! I’m so happy to hear you stuck around that long aaahhhhhh ;; and thank you so so so much for the compliment, oh my god!!
Anon said:have you ever considered kiribaku getting hit by someone w/ a body-swapping quirk?
I have! It’s a trope I find real funny - but I’ve also seen a whole lot of art/fics for that topic already, would people even seriously be interested in seeing more? It looks like the type of thing that’s gonna come out more or less always the same, which is why I never really bothered to draw out my ideas haha
Anon said:Your kids!au makes me wanna write so bad.
THAT’S GOOD!!! Inspiring people is the best thing I could ever ask for!!!! (...remember to credit back to the post if you use any of my ideas tho ;; pls)
Anon said:Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! I love love love looovee the kiribaku kids!!!!!!!!! Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!
THANK YOU!!!! I’m super happy you like themmm!!!!!
Anon said:Hey:) just wanted to leave you a note to let you know how much i adore the way you draw Tamaki. Of course I love your kiribakus and bnha art in general, like your comics, but not a lot of people draw Tamaki and I really love yours:)
Holy smokes thank you!!!! Jiki is actually incredibly comfortable to draw, I’m glad you like my take on him! I’ve got so many unfinished sketches of him.... I should really try to finish those...................
Anon said:so this ask is like,, basically a huge appreciation ask for your comics bc they're cute and funny and they always light up my day!! on a side note: are you franeridan on ao3 bc if so I'm dying thank you for bookmarking my fics
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes I am!!!! whatever fics they were if I bookmarked them they were for sure incredibly amazing and made my day better so thank you so much for using your time to write them!!!!!
Anon said:may i ask the heights of teenage mako and tai!!
Mako is just a little bit under 2m and Tai’s ~170cm! As things are then, Mako’s a lil bit taller than both Baku and Kiri while Tai is obviously shorter!
Anon said:i used your art for reference. is it ok if i post it crediting you and saying you drew the picture that i took reference from?
Sure, if it’s just for reference and credited I don’t mind! (but if you were using my stuff for pose references may I suggest you avoid doing that in the future cause my anatomy is absolutely terrible you’re just gonna end up making my same mistakes aaahhhhhhhhhhh ;; there’s lotsa more accurate refs around, believe me)
Anon said:please draw more shinsou he looks amazing in your style!!
Thank you! And sure, in the future why not!!
Anon said:Just wanted to let you know that I was scrolling through your bokuroo tag and 1) Aaaah I'm still so in love with how you draw kuroo and 2) I love how I can see the way your art style has improved over time and it's just so nice to see?? Bless your art so much and you're such a great person too I'm cry
SOB thank you so much oh my god, this really means the world to me???? ;; so many compliments holy smokes bless you
Anon said:Hi! I'm the anon that sent you the message about the A Day to Remember song for KiriBaku, and found another awesome song for them - Let Me Be by Escape the Fate. It's super cute and sappy for an alt/hardcore band and it fits Kiri more than Baku, imo, but could honestly come from either of their perspectives. ~SongAnon :)
AH GODS that’s sweet ;O; how come hardcore bands always go so soft on their ballads I cry - I feel it works perfectly from Baku’s pov too, tho!! Let him be Kiriiiiiii ;;; sweet
Anon said:I just wanted to say that I love your art and style as a whole, but I really really appreciate the way you draw Kirishimas eyebrows... like they look so simple but,,, they truly make my day 💕
Kirishima’s tiny eyebrows!!!! I’m glad you like them, they’re weirdly expressive and easy to draw honestly hahaha
Anon said:your art is shit //no no no nonno oo fdjsakfl;d I MEANT THE SHIT your art is the shit fjkdsa i'm so sorry i love you and your art this is why i can never compliment anyone ahhhhhhh //i'm crying omg i saw someone else send a separate ask to someone elase that was like your art is shit but it is the shit and i was like whoaaa how cool but noooooo jfsdakldsfa kms i'm sorry
This was a bit of a trainwreck ngl haha but it’s okay anon!!! It was an honest mistake, don’t worry too much about it!!! Thank you so so so much for liking my stuff
Anon said:Hi erm I believe that YouTuber "AnimeUproar" used your kinoko komori fanart without crediting you and I'm not sure whether you gave him permission. The title of the video is "EVERY QUIRK EXPLAINED! | Class 1-B (My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia All Quirks)" // Same anon as before and he also used your Setsuna art in the same video. The kinoko art had your watermark cut off while the other one didn't but they still have no credit anywhere and I'm not sure whether you have permission. Sorry if you did and I'm just being stupid lmao but it's the same YouTuber and the same video in case you want to message him
If it’s not credited you can be sure I didn’t give them the green light to use it, honestly - but, you know. Whatever. I’m tired. Let them use it. It’s a video so it’s not even like people can save it and reupload it anywhere else. sigh
Anon said:I am like 2000 years late but,, your bakubaby sketches saved my life wow they’re so cute
*cries forever* thank you !!!!!!!!!!!! ;;O;;
Anon said:All of ur art especially recently is just??? Blowing me away?? Oh my god?? I just your coloring and then that fantasy one holy fuck the DETAILS I feel like I can touch it it's so good I can tell you put a lot of time into it it shows it shows so much god it's so high quality I'M STILL !?!?! your art seems to get better all the time thank youuuuuu for blessing us w it it's so incredibly lovely ahhhhhhhhh
I’M SO HECKING HAPPY YOU LIKED THAT ONE cause it really took forever honestly - it was fun from start to end so it’s fine, but, you know, it’s cool to see it was worth it haha thank you so so much for the complimentsss!!!!
Anon said:I love your art so much :') it makes me so happy whenever I get a notification from your blog
I still can’t believe people really have notifs on for this blog oh my g o d ;u; thank you
Anon said:I just wanted the share, that I came across your art in a trash, and scrolled down your blog looking for more, and I liked it so much that I decided to follow you... Only to find past self already did whoops haha. So I liked you enough to follow you twice!
THAT’S SO COOL!!! Holy smokes!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! °O°
Anon said:I just went thru your whole art tag chronologically and omg you've come so far! Every time your art crosses my dash I smile and I'm happy every time I see it!
Have I? I have!! Sometimes I look at my really old art and I hate it and want to delete it but then I’m like, comparing it to the new stuff makes me feel good about it so it’s still there - that does mean sometimes people are gonna see the old stuff too, tho #rip I’m sorry you had to see that stuff, but thank you a lot for thinking I got better!!!!
Anon said:I love how Jirou's eyes look in your style. (How everything about her looks, too.) Damn, she's a stunner, isn't she?
*whispers* she is oh my g o d !!! I love Jirou. She’s just. So goodlooking. Gods. I’m glad you think she looks good in my style!!!
Anon said:ur momo and jirou are so beautiful!!! 💙 if i wasnt already as gay as it gets id have a major enlightenment rn ahhh
GOSH!!!! thank you so much!!!! :D
Anon said:have you considered... minamomo and/or kyooru
Never before Jirou and Tooru, actually, but I have thought about Mina and Momo and I’m still unsure about where that ship even came from. Like, not in the sense that I think it’s a bad ship, but in the sense that I really don’t understand it :0 why do you like Mina and Momo, anon? There’s so many people shipping it, I’m curious about where it came from! But every time I asked I got no answer #rip I wanna be interested in it, help me understand why it should be interesting!
Anon said:Have you ever considered Aoyama x Sero?? 10/10 recommend.
I haven’t! Mostly cause I generally hc Aoyama as ace, really - but that’s an interesting ship I might think about more :O
Anon said:I finally started reading BNHA again after dropping it in May and HOLY SHIT DID I MISS A LOT!! JUST THAT ARC WAS INSANE??
I know right??? I KNOW RIGHT????? I loved that arc from start to end, no lies anywhere, such a genuinely good arc!!! 
Anon said:Hey fran, I just wanted to say that I like your art very much and that I love to see how much you are improving as time goes on. You are doing great. ♥
So many people telling me that I’m improving oh my g o d it makes me so happy ;u; thank you so so much
Anon said:ahhhh i loved your aokaga drawings, they're the cutest and I hope you make more of them being cute together!!!!
Eek, sorry anon but I’m really not into making content for that ship anymore ;^; I’m glad you still like the old things, tho!!
Anon said:I really wanted to tell you that I love your art so much I can't even explain. It cures my anxiety and I'm not kidding. When I feel down and shitty, I just go through your blog and your fanarts make my day (my favorite ever is your bokuro). The way you put the emotions into characters gives me life, honestly. Thank you for your art
THIS MEANS!!! THE WORLD!!!! TO ME!!!!! Knowing that I can help you like that is such a good feeling anon, holy heck!! Thank you so much for liking my things and sending this ask!!!
Anon said:heyo tell us abt some kami angst hcs :)))) tenk youu
Anon............. love............... whatever in this blog made you think I might have angst headcanon about anything..................... I’m the most fluff person around............
Anon said:That idea you had about making hagakure's costume out of her hair or something like mirio's!!! WHAT A GREAT IDEA IVE NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT BEFORE!! You're so smart! I LOVE IT
THANK YOU BUT IT WASN’T JUST MY IDEA!!! After Mirio explained his costume the idea was floating around on my dash a lot, it just made sense to a bunch of us!!
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qorillas · 7 years
a comprehensive humanz listening experience
henlo friends i wrote this as i listened to the entire humanz album for the first time. here are my thoughts and revelations written in real life as i went through this life-changing and at times harrowing experience. i hope you enjoy
intro: i switched my robot off
is that russel’s voice
7/10 im fuckin ready
gets me fuckin pumped as always
9/10 after like 50 plays over the past few weeks it’s still great 
oh this is a cute intro. very bouncy
sounds like a hip and trendy remix of the seinfeld intro. im digging it
this is the type of song you go swaggering down the street to wearing ur fancy new 70s disco duds
just had a mental image of murdoc dancing disco to this
i feel like this is gonna grow on me in the coming weeks
noodle’s falsetto is so cute she’s going so hard i love her
7/10 i like how happy it was
saturnz barz
honestly after how joyful strobelite was this tempered the album really nicely
i still can’t listen to this song without thinking about murdoc’s dick. minus one point
honestly i’m only four songs deep and the album already has got a really strong electronic pulsing haunting vibe going and i love how well it all goes together
death by 2d. those vocals? WHACK and by whack i mean i want to cry it’s so beautiful
6/10 always a classic and gave us THE BATH but honestly i’ve always liked the other singles a bit more and i don’t want to think about murdoc’s dick
what is happening
MOMENTZ that scared me
whose voices are those?? the high voices saying plastic on the ceiling
is that 2d and noodle omf
honestly the fact that this is in a major key makes it like. really psychedelic party hard i can see people headbanging and on hella drugs listening to this
i think i liked the intro part more than when it got all dreamy at the end
7/10 kind of petered off at the end but the intro was really amazing
interlude: the non-conformist oath
i promise not to repeat things other people say lmao
4/10 obligatory weird shit from damon
ohhhHHHHhh the vocals
ohhHHhhHHHHHHHH fuck fu cku fucK i love the backing choir it’s so gorgeous 
all the choir backings make me think of the whole band just singing quietly together in the back and. idk it’s such a good image of them all being so deep into their music and jamming together and on the same wavelength
what the hell kind of noise is 2d making in the background of this
i feel like this is gonna get stuck in my head in the next week 
HOLY SHIT THE RAP i like his rap style very erratic 
the choral vocals behind the jumpy rap is so good
this is honestly something i think of when i think of the word celestial
8.5/10 this is gorgeous but i’m saving 9s and 10s for things that really knock me off my feet 
is this the orange juice lady
super tough leather jacket vibe murdoc def wrote this
fuuuuuuuuuuck stu’s lil breathy speaking voice. honestly im weak for high pitched breathy stu voice he’s so cute fuck me up
a cha cha cha
i feel tough listening to this like walking into a gritty bar and smirking at everyone. the beat is really stalky
idk normally i don’t really like songs without very much melody but its p well done 
OHHHHH the electronic whistles that’s good
murdoc probably was fuckin his bass for this one
okay more melody at the end!!! choral backing vocals are back too i like it more now
6/10 2d’s vocals got me wet ngl
interlude: elevator going up 
wait that was so short
uh 5/10 because the guy says going up like gooOOOooing up which is nice
ohhHHHh okay honestly with the interlude before it it’s nice it feels like im taking a fast glass elevator up to space 
this like. cleansed my palate and calmed me down after charger. 
the drum? ??  poppin. smooth backing instrumentals. noodle’s little humming in the background? adorable. 2d’s falsetto? magnificent
the little melody right before take it in your heart now lover always gets me it’s so dancy i always bounce around to it. so great
andromedaaaaaaaa (andromedaaaaaaaa)
when does damon cry
8/10 another hit single and it reminds me of like neon signs and retro roller rinks
busted and blue
ohhhHHHHHhhhhh god oh god this is gonna fuck me up 
death by 2d 
ohh. oh my god. fuck. fuCK. fuck the vocals. fuck. the vocals. 
my heartstrings
is it about 2d? because if it is. oh god that’s so sad
amplify the sirens more like amplify my sobs because there are tears
so deep and ethereal i feel like i’m sitting on a roof staring up at the stars about to fall into space
this is another love song on par with to binge or on melancholy hill
murdoc niccals or stuart pot or SOMEONE IN THIS BAND is in LOVE WITH SOMEONE and it’s BREAKING THEM APART 
THE BACKING VOCALS oh noooo oh noo oh no
fuck i’m really actually tearing up i [note: i had to stop here because my breathing was getting funny and i was tearing up and my rommate is asleep so i had to calm down]
he sounds like a lost little child looking at the stars through his window 
the deep bass sounds and the minor chords and the gentle snapping. im floating
THE SLIDING NOISES this is what it feels like to be in space my heart is so cold and empty but so full 
the ending satellite. the gentle rain noises. the setting down of the music. goodbye i am dead tell damon albarn that he has killed a person on this day
10/10 this song is one of those rare ones that catches me by the heart and reminds me of dark blue and stars. thenks damon albarn for my life and someone please comfort 2d 
interlude: talk radio
why are there so many interludes in this damn album
is this guy okay
2/10 what the fuck
what the fuck
oh okay that opening beat was cool
is someone knocking on a door. let them in
the keyboard in the back is cool i guess
someone please let whoever’s knocking in 
very bobby womack-y vibe. pretty intense between the dark instrumentals and the KNOCKING WHICH DOES NOT END
3/10 i didn’t really like it. very spinny tho and it goes well with the rest of the album as like a filler song
let me out 
honestly the little electronic oh oh oh’s in the beginning are what i live for
plus they bleep out trump which is hilarious drag him damon
let me out let me out let me out it’s DEL LET HIM OUT
fuck this was my favorite out of all the singles i listened to it 15 times today
2d’s vocals are adorable yeah yeah yeah 
the whispering gets me SO MCFREAKING PUMPED im ready to OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT
the build up gives me legitimate shivers. the whispering and the choral vocals ugH i love it
you gotta die a little if you wanna live
the ending is so haunting
let me out 
9/10 i love this song so much please let del out. my only problem with it is that i sound dumb when i try and sing the first lines with the electronic oh’s 
interlude: penthouse
damn someone’s goin hard
5/10 sounds like one of those audio posts where people do some song but heard through the wall 
sex murder party 
just looking at the title i know murdoc wrote this
oohhhhh nice beat
this is like going to a cool underground house party with lots of smoke and colored strobe lights somewhere in germany
is someone playing the kazoo
idk i don’t think 2d’s sleepy sad vocals really go with this it sounds like he’s mourning while walking down a runway
on that note: model 2d walking down a runway. he would fall off the stage almost immediately
this sounds like something that would play in forever 21
the deep voice has some cool lyrics 
why are they whimpering the words sex murder party 
the kazoo is back
murder murder murder muuurder 
4/10 didn’t love it but it was better than carnival and it had a kazoo 
she’s my collar
ohHHH i like this very punk pop
oH SHIT damn stu those vocals tho
wait what is he talking about a collar
the panting .. . . mmmmmm
2d’s tryna get some 
this is a really sexual song but i really love it 
i really love when 2d speaks quickly and semi-raps 
kali’s vocals are gorgeous. also her snapchats were great
she’s my collar she’s the one i’m running with 
im jammin out this is gonna be my new jam 
FUCk the panting came back i. wasn’t expecting this
9/10 2d’s into some kinky shit but i’d still let him fuck me 
i am. kinkshaming. minus one point for making me suffer through this realization
interlude: the elephant
uhhhhh again. what the fuck
2/10 these are getting annoying
hallelujah money
so unsettling and weird but that’s what it’s going for i guess
ben clementine’s voice is so good and it sounds like a sermon esp with the choir in the back i love it
idk it makes me sad because it reminds me of the night of the election and how everyone cried and was so scared
i love the chord progressions
haaaaaaallelujah moneeeeeeey 
again 2d’s vocals kill me i have been slain thrice
we are still humans, how will we know, how will we dream, how will we love
what fantastic lyrics. the crux of the album tbh i feel like i’m being told a story
this song terrifies and creeps me out but makes me feel warm and strong like i can face the scary things it brings up??  i don’t like it as a song per se but as a piece of art with a message it’s absolutely amazing
where is my spongebob scream
8/10 i never loved this song but i appreciated the chord progressions a lot this time around and it adds a lot to the message of the album. also it fuckin destroys donald trump lmao damon what is ur damage i love it
we got the power 
honestly it’s upbeat and i like that but it’s a little bit too cheesy for me
the claps in the back remind me of that shitpost where it’s like the people in the 80s doing that weird dance yoga
this is a good song to do jazzercise to. imagine murdoc doing jazzercise
 never mind don’t do that
“on the m1″ is that a reference to m1a1?
oh oh oh stu ur so cute
the backing instrumentals are so powerful i feel like i am being propelled through the stratosphere on russel’s back
5/10 it’s cute and happy but i never really ever got into it even after having had time to
interlude: new world
P L E A S E N O M O R E I N T E R L U D E S 
this sounds like an electronic soap opera intro theme song
the elevator? ? i guess the elevator is the new thing this album
oh fuck this is creepy 
yikes yikes YIKES 
honestly it has an actual uhhhh music ish thing going on so?? ? i guess there’s that
i just wanted to be close to you BITCH NO GET THE FUCK AWAY 
2/10 because i don’t want to be close to whatever’s whisperin in my ear and also because apparently damon albarn does not understand what an interlude is 
the apprentice
so great. so jazzy. so cool and suave. 
clap clap clap cla-cla-clap i love the beat 
this is also going to get stuck in my head isn’t it
oooohhh the electronics are so bubbly
this song reminds me of a lava lamp 
god this rap is so great 
normally i don’t like slower songs but this one just. takes its time and jams out and knows exactly what it’s doing. what a bop
8/10 a solid addition to the album and holds its own really well 
halfway to the halfway house
this album is so long but i’m not complaining. actually i am a little because i have a writing sample due in an hour and a half and my computer is dying but this is more important 
nice spaceship sounds
2d’s really jamming out on those bloopy keyboard sounds isn’t he
it’s like floating in a pool of static kinda
i like the chorus esp since everyone in the band is singing together which i still think is so cute
everyone singing on it has really good voices but idk the fact that there’s no real melody kinda distracts from that 
it sounds like a congregation or a gospel choir which is super cool 
3.5/10 it was pretty cool but a little too aimless for me
out of body
pipe down pipe down
i don’t know who’s rapping right now but i love her and her voice
i love it. i love this song this is so bouncy and cool and it’s so cute too with the lyrics telling you how to dance
noodle wrote this. noodle 100% wrote this
i feel so cool listening to this 
this is definitely going to be in a commercial for like. fashion or makeup or something 
this is the new runway song
this is something you listen to right before going out to some fancy european club with like models and weird plastic architecture
FUCK IM YELLING his voice is so high im screeching
they made this fucking dork into a suave motherfucker 
9/10 i was briefly transformed into a european model and stuart “two-dents” pot makes his debut as a falsetto rapper and also establishes himself as the coolest baddest hippest raddest mofo out there despite not being able to tie his shoes 
ticker tape 
it’s almost over :(
very dreamlike and chill 
awwww the way he sings ticker tape is so cute 
the whistling!
okay this one’s cute it’s like. very dreamy and sweet
cauterized and beautiful wow i like those words 
i can see stu or russ singing this gently under their breath while just doing work. what a cute and sweet song 
it’s about healing? maybe they’re healing their relationships with each other. i hope so
a sudden draft and quick chill, a single snowflake falls and that is all damon your imagery is fantastic as always
ohh the acapella is so nice. this means murdoc had to go buh buh buh in the back which is cute 
the sudden stops are so quirky 
again i love the crackling of vinyl at the ends of some of these 
7/10 super cute and not what i expected at all from such a dark album
circle of friendz
the final song? ?? i hope it’s good i wanna give it a 10
ohhhh what’s gonna happen with this buildup
who’s breaking shit
aw these lyrics are cute even though they’re a little juvenile 
a circle of friends :))))))
the growing instrumentals in the back are so sweet 
stu and noodle singing my circle of friends as the last thing in the album rotted my teeth and gave me diabetes
a cute ending!!!! even though it didn’t wow me it made me smile
7/10 they are a happy family 
faves: ascension, saturnz barz, momentz, submission, andromeda, busted and blue, let me out, the apprentice, out of body 
overall: not going to give it a numerical rating because i would just give it a 10 because i was so excited for it. honestly i think it was a pretty solid album there weren't any breakout hits like feel good inc. or whatever but they did a really solid job on it in total. thenks damon albarn for my life please tell 2d and noodle and russel and murdoc i love them 
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