#no Tumblr I was not trying to tag this as frieren
minweber · 3 months
a quote from 'Darkness in the blood' relevant to your last cawlpost: ''Three Navigators of Navigator compliment = negative existence,' canted one of his transmechanics. This being had abandoned his human name in favour of a number string. Being somewhat impish in humour, like his creator Cawl, Qvo called the transmechanic Sixer after the first numeral. There was a lot of Cawl in Qvo.' (that is Qvo-87)
Yeah, there is definitely that too - in a lot of ways Cawl seems incapable of letting things be as they are - untouched and unshaped by him in one way or another.
But to put a bit of a more romantic spin on that - what is the difference and where is the border, really, between being infected by someone else's personality by having them remake you from ash and memory over and over again, or by simply staying by their side through ten thousand years and a hundred lives of shared struggles?
Who could say =)
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potato--mafia · 2 months
Frieren doodle since season 1 ended ^^
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commonmexicanname · 4 months
(Almost) Twenty Questions
Thank you for the tag @embracing-the-ineffable! I reduced the questions a bit because.... yes.
Were you named after anyone? Well, my name is Maria Guadalupe
where were you born? Los Angeles, CA
what's your eye color? Brown.
Currently consuming: Dungeon Meshi, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, Hazbin Hotel, and Good Omens on repeat
First ship: Yukito and Touya
Do you have kids? No, but maybe one day if I can afford them.
What sports do you play/have you played? I used to do long distance and track and field. Sometimes I miss running around in a circle.
Are you more likely to be sincere or sarcastic? With the general public, I tend to lean more sincere. I save my sarcasm for my close friends since it tends to be really dry and it's gotten me in trouble in the past.
How many tabs are open on your browser? On this browser, 7. 10 total. When I'm working on a GO post though...
What's your favourite colour? Red, with cyan/aqua/turquois in close second.
Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies have happy endings too! Sometimes. Big spooky fan me.
Talent you wish you had? Drawing. Debating about picking it up again.
What are your hobbies? Mostly video gaming, but I'm trying to read more!
Do you have any pets? I have one and my partner has one... and we live together... so technically 2 pets.
Dream Vacation? Visiting Japan
How would you change the world if you could? Find where the dementia and cancer is stored in the human files and delete it.
No-pressure tags for a few moots, and an open invitation to everyone else! If you want more question options: click here or click here or click here.
@and-his-hands-were-24-crows @meatballlady @magicaltrevah And the lovely Tumblr Good Omens mascot, @weirdly-specific-but-ok
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zeelovesyouyo · 4 months
the thing
tagged by: @f-lorui (im so sorry i only just saw this. is this still a thing? im so bad at tumblr)
• last song: o superman by laurie anderson
• favorite color: black.............or red, if you consider black cheating. black and red combo is even better
• last movie/show: i've been in a whirlwind mix of frieren, abbott elementary, and dungeon meshi. all great shows!
• next on my watchlist: samurai champloo
• last game: grim fandango. manny <3 <3 <3 i have also just started heart of the woods!
• last book: hell followed with us by andrew joseph white. absolutely beautiful queer story that captures queer rage so well! and so much representation
• sweet/savory/spicy: savoury. you give me something too sweet or spicy and i will cry
• relationship status: in a full-time polyamorous relationship with my mental illnesses <3
• last thing i searched online: bone emoji 😭
• current obsession: uhhhh idk im kinda in a hyperfixation rut at the moment. BOTW probably!! yes im STILL trying to finish that game. i guess anime in general??? don't usually watch anime and i've been trying to knock things off my list lately while i can't walk
• greatest flaw: weak-willed. not good with intense emotions
• fic im reading: north node by mothie!! (the gang knows whats up!) tagging: i think im too late for this one babes but ill tag anyway @uinuu @nyduo @robotomyy @godtrapp (feel free to block me and never speak to me again ill understand <3 /j)
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prmafrost · 2 months
Tumblr media
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have?
I like fictional pretty men. And I have a lot of headcanons for Grusha that I wanted to share that aren't necessarily always the norm for how people depict him. That's it.
is there anything you don’t like to write?
Animal death, especially anything related to cats or cat-adjacent animals dying. I have deepset trauma related to it. There's a lot of things that I flatout refuse to write. You're always free to ask.
is there anything you really enjoy writing?
I'm an absolute shipping FIEND. Not just romantic or sexual ships either, but platonig friend- and family ships as well, or even enemyships. Of course there's gotta be chemistry between our muses and I need to trust you oocly and have had ooc convos with you as a mun extensively before, wether in tags, dms, discord, what have you. Communication needs to exist.
how do you come up with headcanons? 
Some of them come to me based on wether or not I agree with headcanons other people have or not. My creativity works best when there's a baseline to work off of. Otherwise I come up with them as I go, and try to weave them into existing lore as best as I can.
do you write in silence or do you play music? 
I usually have always something playing in the background, wether it be music or other videos I'm listening to on the side. I don't feel comfortable in silence most of the time. But sometimes it gets too much even for me, and when that happens I usually turn all videos off for like five minutes to center myself, and then turn the back on on reduced volume.
do you plan your replies or wing them?
Mostly wing them after mullying over generally what I want the vibes in the post to be.
do you enjoy shipping? 
Absolutely yes. I'm a HUGE shipping whore.
what’s your alias/name? 
favorite color?
Green!!! Boy there is no depth to how much I love the color Green
favorite song? 
Love you like Religion by Blake Roman right now Also Ricochet and Satellite by Starset
last movie you watched?
I actually don't remember lol
last show you watched?
The Mentalist, and Sousou no Frieren (my beloved)
last song you listened to?
Taishi - The Tower which is telling time 3, by Elegant Sister on youtube
favorite food? 
Rotisserie Chicken
favorite season?
do you have a tumblr best friend?
I don't think so? I've got people that I interact with and trust more than others, like Floof over at @gravity-wall or @gcd-fcrsaken for example, and Tabby @destinybcnds as well as Fox @nickitsden
tagged by: no one, i stole it from @traveling-psychic
tagging: @destinybcnds @gcd-fcrsaken @tierra-paldeana @beiowzero @nickitsden @laprimera
ofc no pressure though!
otherwise feel free to steal it if u want
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such-sweet-entropy · 8 months
Tag 9 people to get to know better*
from @machine-saint
3 ships / First ever ship: imma do both so i can talk about more
first: white rose, or ruby/weiss for non rwby people. i just love the dynamic, the way they compliment each other, the aesthetic, everything really. also nostalgia because they‘re basically how i learned yuri fanfiction was a thing. no, that‘s in reverse actually, i googled yuri fanfiction and a fanfiction.net list that featured them prominently showed up and the rest is history. also the reason i joined tumblr. also have i told you about my cats weiss and—
sylvaina, or sylvanas/jaina. everyone knows warcraft and sylvanas right? the epitome of broken woman refusing to give up, which is paralleled in jaina on opposite sides of a brutal conflict. it‘s just two deeply hurt women coming together despite or maybe because of themselves, and finding healing where they thought it was beyond them. for some reason that appeals to me, don‘t read into it. also: go read sylvaina fanfiction. genuinely think there’s some of the best fanfiction period here. also also the reason i have a elven necromancer tattooed on my arm, and a cat named sylvanas, maybe—
doctor/kal’tsit. the one arknights ship i‘m genuinely obsessed with and there’s so little for it there, very cruel. there’s just so much here thematically, though. two ancient people trying their best to unfuck a world on a collision course with oblivion, and clashing over it. honestly both are too complex as character’s to break it down easily here, but arknights understanders should get it even if their obsession lies elsewhere. the next time i get a new cat (which hopefully will not be for a while) it‘s gonna be a kelshey
pricefield, max/chloe from life is strange. this one feels the most like a surprise considering my blogging habits, i think. something about telling the universe or fate or whatever to fuck all the way off just stuck with me though. also stole chloe‘s sleeve, and i‘m a bit pissed they blacked it out in the comics for some reason
Last song: alesana - the murderer, very nostalgic. sometimes you just wanna murder a room full of people and yell about it, you know? one of my favorite breakdowns, too. something about shouting are you ready to die? repeatedly is just very nice for letting loose. it‘s also part of a concept album, that in turn is part of a trilogy but let‘s not get into it
Last movie: pacific rim just a few days ago. don‘t really like movies too much but come on, giant robots versus kaijus
Currently reading: a few things. the murderbot diaries by martha wells, for one. taking a robot and letting it be inhuman and still a person and be treated as such is something we need more of. then a bunch of nonfiction, manufacturing consent first for obvious reasons and a bunch of marxist basics that i really should have read years ago
Currently watching: gundam origin. decided to work my way through chronologically, no clue if that‘s s good idea or not, but it sure makes a very big task more approachable. bunch of airing animes, too, as is tradition. cried myself through the first to episodes of frieren
Currently consuming: just had strawberry cheesecake ice cream, love that stuff
Currently craving: the death of the american empire would be nice. or pizza
*so, talking about stuff i like to a semi personified void is great and all, but actually tagging people is something my poor little brain can‘t handle without imploding, but if you‘ve read this far and/or consistently read my rambling, do consider yourself tagged. or don‘t. but it‘s tumblr, who doesn’t like talking about stuff they like. be free. meow
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shinygoldstar · 3 years
Status: back to Semi-Hiatus / very busy ;-;
Not very active, expect slow replies.
Slowly trying to finish current WIPs
If your tumblr is blank without reblogs/likes/etc. chances are you'll get blocked my me
Strictly No-Politics blog. Doesn't mean I don't have personal opinions on them but this blog is designated as safe space away from politics. Rants are usually rare and more local related rather than global politics stuff.
Contact me: Tag me on Tumblr or Ping me on Discord
Personal Blog. You have been warned UwU
follow #goldpost or @shinysparklez if you just want to see the stuff I post (not many people use #goldpost so it's mostly just my stuff there)
mostly posts/reblogs in DP phandom / Belle 2021 / 86 eighty six / Batman - Batfam / Sousou no Frieren and lots of cats but you'll see reblogs from other fandoms too :3 there's just too many fandoms to list out ;u;
AO3 | other links to be added later
Tags (because I'm starting to lose track of my own tags)
#Danno = all Danno / Dannypocalypse original posts (April 3rd posts)
#goldpost = my post (because #my post is too common to actually track when mixed with reblogs) *follow this if you don't want to see other reblogs* or follow @shinysparklez (#goldpost archive blog)
#shinygold drafts = drafts.
#gold prompt fill = stuff I wrote to fill prompts
#headcanons = exactly what it says, might've missed some
#random thoughts = wild thoughts that appear at random times with random results
#ghost lore = headcanons related to ghost zone in general
#phandom relic = related to history of the phandom
#pinned = will get back to it later, interesting things
#useful = exactly what it says. tips, info on stuff, etc.
#resources / #references = for reference use
#favs = favorites.
#heart meme = the write 3 sentences meme. block this tag if you don't want to see them (sorry if I missed tagging any)
#dp tarot cards = tarot card project
#wild = wild/bizarre stories (not about wild animals)
my fics/au tags:
#red memories = groundhog day Danny, TUE version (incomplete, on hold while I plot out the time loops)
#snowflake au = in which Danny denies all notion that he is anything but fully alive human. Phantom never appeared in public. Everything changed. (Completed / Part 12 / AO3)
#midnight snack au = ghost hunger Danny. standalone one shot for now. might get back to this later if I have more ideas. (Link)
#fae au = *yeets Danny into the Fae world* oneshot for now. (AO3)
#ghost king wes au = Congratulations! Wes is the new ghost king. Even he himself can't believe it. (AO3 / standalone crack fic / requested explanation chapter DONE)
#invisible au = angst. one shot split into two parts. (Completed / Part 1 | AO3)
#au where Maddie is the ghost king's daughter = exactly what it says / prompt from dannyphantompromptgenerator (AO3 because tumblr tags are broken for reblogs)
#magia pariah au = DP with PMMM elements, Pariah makes a wish for peace. (Completed / AO3)
#green glassy au = AU where Danny has Sophie Hatter's ability but ectoplasmic in origin
#cookie dough ficlets = short incomplete plot ficlets, crossposted on AO3 for archival
Pleasantly = Vlad clones Maddie because that's much easier than trying to steal a half-dead kid's DNS. Clone!Maddie's POV. (gen fic-ish) i should've thought longer than 2 seconds about the naming choice but cant really change it now lol
type :readmore: on a new paragraph line creates the keep-reading line
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