#no judgement on this user. people mess up sometimes.
guardsbian · 5 months
in regards to the Roundsey situation, the multiaccounting wasn't exclusively in the past it was because of comparatively recent activity. it was actually slightly unrelated to the mentioned funneling it seems like
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the active winning account was made in 2022. here is the part of the user's tumblr post that explains everything, I have underlined the relevant parts
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1) there was funneling between the user's old accounts in 2017
2) the user made a new account (the winning account) in 2022 after losing access to the old ones— but, about a month later, the user regained access and sent a dragon to the new account from an old one, in 2022
3) this cr linked the new account to the old ones (and regardless of old funneling or not, this user still would have had the accounts locked because there were multiple accounts and a dragon was sent from the old ones to the new one)
this isn't meant to be accusatory (because this is all explained in that post), I think it just. gives a more complete image of the situation that I think some people have missed despite all the information being available. the user's accounts weren't closed over old funneling (maybe partially), but because of multiaccounting in general— with activity linking the accounts as recently as 2022. I believe regardless of whether funneling occurred, if the user was still caught the accounts would have been closed regardless
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silverbladexyz · 5 months
This was based off a request in my inbox that I somehow couldn't find anymore ;w; but it was a cute one :)
The images do not belong to me. They belong to their original owners.
TW: Mentions of smoking. Gender neutral reader
Dazai, Iceman, and Ayatsuji with an S/O who has a pet kitty
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-Despite Dazai being quite an energetic drama queen, I have a feeling that he'd be rather chill with your cat
-We all know that he has a special connection to a rather special cat (Natsume), so in the first few times he was alone with your cat, he definitely tried to find out if it was actually an ability user in disguise. And by that, I mean poking it a few times to see if his nullification ability could make it revert back to it's human form (spoiler: it did not)
-But suspicions aside, Dazai loves your pet kitty! When he comes home after a tiring day of work at the Armed Detective Agency, simply stroking your cat's soft fur is enough to temporarily distract his mind from everything. He might even hug the cat to his chest as he lies down on the couch, and prompt you to take a photo since he 'looks more handsome at that angle' Dark Era anime reference owuashaah
-If your cat doesn't warm up to other people easily, then you're in for a treat. Dazai would be chasing after the cat with sardines and toys and everything cats supposedly like to try and win it's affection and trust, while fake crying to you that your pet 'hates him'. He will even try meowing at your cat, and his meows are so surprisingly accurate that you sometimes think he's a cat in disguise
-Over time, your cat decides to finally trust Dazai, and he is overjoyed when it happens. Your beloved will become 10x more affectionate with the feline, and it is now a common occurrence where he hugs it and proclaims how adorable or beautiful it is; often sneaking in a compliment that it was almost as beautiful as it's owner, which is you :)
-Dazai definitely would try to teach your pet kitty some tricks to impress you. Some of the tricks he tries to teach it concerns you since 'no cat would need that knowledge', but he still insists on going forward with the training, since it 'might be useful someday'. You gave up trying to convince him, and you were glad that you did, because now you have one of the smartest and trick-y cats in all of Yokohama. Yay! Though you weren't too impressed when Dazai taught the kitty to fetch things for him... but you trusted his judgement
-He certainly loves having the cat perch on his shoulders while he does his paperwork at home (for once lmao), since I headcanon he likes the silky texture of your cat's fur against his cheek as he writes. Sometimes, when he takes a mini break, or when he's just admiring the lovely Yokohama scenery outside the window, Dazai would pet the cat's head, who in turn nuzzles into his palm
-On days where you're busy, he'll be more than happy to look after your cat for you! Even though he might purposefully mess things up just for laughs, Dazai will actually be more serious when it comes pet-sitting. He wouldn't want to let you down, and ensures that all care your cat receives will be top tier- including baths. You had never seen as many expensive cat shampoos than ever before in your life, and by the end of the entire ordeal your cat will be ✨immaculate✨. Dazai might even joke about starting to use cat shampoo too please don't let him use it
-Uses your cat as an excuse to slack off from work sometimes. Kunikida almost had a meltdown when he can't find Dazai in the usual places, only for Dazai to tell him through the phone 'But I just had to look after my lovely Y/N's cat!~ Or else they'll be quite sad that I'm not bonding enough with our precious child! u.u' #saveKunikidafromDazai'santics
-He would definitely take some videos of your cat doing tricks, and show them to Atsushi, asking him if he could do those tricks but in his tiger form. The poor boy is startled and is going all 'but I can't control my full tiger form!'; it does not help how Dazai says that his nullification ability could turn Atsushi back to normal if things were to go out of control. Fortunately Kunikida stepped in and reminded Dazai to get back to work
-Fun fact: crab meat can be a good treat for cats as it is rich in protein. And we know that our bandaged detective loves to eat crab meat too. So imagine if Dazai opens a tin of canned crab, about to eat it- only to see your cat sitting down at his feet, giving him the cute pleading Puss in Boots eyes as it stares at the crab meat held between his chopsticks. Sometimes, your lover would (begrudgingly) give the kitty his precious crab that was initially meant for himself to savour, but other times he'll just finish the entire can of crab meat while holding a staring contest with your cat as if daring it to do something
-If you wanted to get another cat, Dazai isn't opposed. The more the merrier, and he knows better than anyone else the feeling of loneliness. Be prepared for him to splurge a lot more money on cat products though; and don't even ask where the money came from /j
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-Chill assassin dude doesn't show too many outward reactions with your cat, but don't worry since he thinks it's cute and would definitely take good care of it if you asked him to
-Oftentimes, you'd see them next to each other on the couch, with the cat on his shoulders or on his lap. Iceman will sometimes pet it, and despite his frighteningly cold demeanour most of the time, he's actually quite gentle when it comes to your pet
-Because your man himself is so calm and laid-back, he can make even the most energetic of cats be as tranquil as a lake. This definitely helps when you're trying to chase your cat down to give it a bath, because they run fast
-Iceman also stops smoking as often when he learns that cats dislike the smell of cigarette smoke. Keep in mind that he won't fully quit since it's difficult to do so, but he'll definitely be mindful about it and only smoke when he's certain that the lingering smell on his body wouldn't affect your cat
-He also plays music for your cat sometimes! It's scientifically proven that cats tend to like soft classical music, and luckily your partner has quite the collection of records that he'd put on for you, him, and your cat to listen to. It also calms you down after a stressful day, and it sets the perfect mood for your lover to embrace you in his arms
-When feeding your cat, Iceman sometimes leaves some tuna or sardines on top of it's food so that it would add some flavour to the kibble. He somehow always finds the freshest and best quality fish for his favourite feline, and don't worry about the cost since the Mafia pays quite a bit
-Is also the type of guy to buy plush and wicker cat trees for your cat to climb and jump on and off it. If it breaks, don't concern yourself with buying a new one because Iceman is actually quite good with his hands. In just a few minutes, he'd have fixed the cat tree up and made it look as good as new
-Sometimes, when he's had a tiring day, Iceman would cuddle you on the couch while your cat jumps onto your laps- and it's the cutest thing ever with all three of you sharing a nice big hug to wind down and relax
-If your cat is a rather mischievous one with dozens of antics, you can catch Iceman smiling a soft smile as he watches the cat being up to no good again. He'll always intervene and stop it if things were about to go south, but he does enjoy having a good chuckle at it's funny shenanigans
-Like Dazai, Iceman wouldn't mind if you wanted to get more cats, since he's quite easy-going with whatever you choose to do. And the fact that you have a soft spot for cats makes him soft for you too ❤
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-Now unlike Dazai and Iceman, Ayatsuji actually has cats too! And he's glad that you have experience in taking care of cats since it would make life much easier for him
-He definitely would introduce his cats to yours. They're actually quite well-behaved, and soon enough you'd have three gorgeous felines clambering all over Ayatsuji's office and being adorable menaces to anyone who visits the room. It brightens Tsujimura's day, but she'd never admit it
-Ayatsuji is a genius, which means that he most likely will also teach your cat some tricks. Such as sitting down, coming back when called, and many more! Even though he rarely would have time to play with your cats (yes his cats are your cats too now), he'd still try to feed them and pet them whenever he could
-Don't worry about your pet making a mess in his office, because your paramour will train it to be civil and docile, which can prevent many incidents from happening. Your cat does find some of the western furniture in there to be fun places to climb and leap onto, but it never damages anything with it's claws, which is what you're thankful for since you don't want a disappointed Ango on your heels
-Despite not being an affectionate person, Ayatsuji actually likes to pet your cat! It gives him a sense of relief and calmness, since he prefers to be alone with cats than with humans (you're the exception). If you ask him to, he'll definitely brush your cat's coat everyday; and he is so focused and detailed while doing it that it makes you think the cat was his own child (in some way it is hehe)
-He also likes the cat's company when he's looking over cases in his office. Ayatsuji doesn't bring your cat to crime scenes since he doesn't want to jeopardise it's safety, but when he is pondering over the perpetrators of the case, the feline would nuzzle itself up against his legs, which would make him become slightly soft inside
-Shopping for cat collars!! If you haven't noticed in the picture yet, Ayatsuji's cats both have cute collars that suit them very nicely, and there's no doubt he'd want the same for your cat (if you allow it of course). He has amazing taste, and knows where to get the cheapest but best looking cat collars in Yokohama. I headcanon he likes the collars with darker colours and a small bell on it; simplistic yet stylish
-As you all know, Ayatsuji likes dolls, and is talented at making them. So over the course of a few days, he might stitch together a few small dolls for your cat to play with. It keeps your cat entertained, and even Ayatsuji himself cracks a few rare smiles here and there at the adorable sight
-10/10 cat parent, and a 100/10 partner. Ayatsuji will treat you and your cat right :)
Now I want a pet cat too 🤧🐈
@circinuus @ruanais @yuugen-benni @oldworldpoolhall @kolyakisses @sariel626 @chocsra
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hunter-sylvester · 1 year
Intro post [OLD]
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I have an about me but I know some people are mobile-only so here we are 🤘
This is sort of a personal blog combined with multifandom? I guess? This is also my main blog. Side-blogs are listed below.
The basics: My name is Hunter, I’m a gen z adult. I’m a gay trans guy & I use he/him pronouns. I play guitar, just not well. I’m a metalhead, some of my favorite sub-genres include: DSBM, Black Metal, Thrash, Death, Doom, Death-Doom, Black/Thrash. I live with my boyfriend and English is not my native language but it is the one I use the most. I’m European with a weird sleep schedule so my active hours are kind of all over the place. I’m autistic and have ADHD as well as (social) anxiety. Depression sort of comes and goes. Head’s a mess a lot of the time but I manage. My social battery can be pretty limited but I do enjoy interacting with people when my head will let me ^-^
Tumblr’s direct messaging system sucks so if anyone wants to add me on discord, just ask (mutuals especially) (obviously I won’t add minors on discord)
My main interests currently are:
Metal Lords 2022 [Special Interest]
Steddie/Stranger Things
Metal music
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Queer stuff
Heartstopper (pretty much all of that goes on @softsylvester​)
My creative outlets are whatever the fuck my head will allow at the time. But I mostly post writing, video-edits, and gifs. And I use the following tags for them: #hunterwriteswords #huntermakesedits #huntermakesgifs
I don’t go out of my way to make all of my creative output sad and ‘dark’ but it just sort of turns out that way sometimes. I try to tag as accurately as I can. Please use your own judgement accordingly. Especially with my writing on Ao3 (Due to AI scraping of Ao3, all my stuff is locked to registered users only for the time being. Everything is still up, nothing is deleted, but you need an account to view it.)
Sideblogs: @metal-lords​ (Just Metal Lords posts, mostly reblogs.) @key-to-everything​ (music blog) @metalsylvester​ (random stuff I didn’t wanna reblog here for whatever reason, occasional og posts, some venting) @softsylvester​ (cute and wholesome stuff, cute animal spam sometimes, occasional og posts)
If I haven’t responded: I take a little longer to know what to say sometimes. Blame social anxiety. I may also just not know have known what to say all together or missed that I was supposed to respond and just left it, if you want me to respond, give me a nudge. An ask or a dm usually works (there is also always a chance that tumblr ate the notification/ask/dm, it does that sometimes.)
DNI? I’m not fussed on having a whole DNI list but if ED blogs could kindly fuck all the way off that would be great. I know you’re hurting but I can’t have that shit around me.
On chain asks: They’re very sweet and I understand the sentiment behind them. I don’t mind getting them but I am weird about chain mail so I don’t really feel comfortable sending them forward.
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firespirited · 4 months
Silo is great TV. Well written, well acted, well designed, decent pacing and stakes, a few clichés and odd accent choices here and there but a solid thrilling story.
I'm just a little burnt out on sci-fi noir, especially with a cliffhanger. Noir and the dystopia are the main sci fi types that get adapted or even get big and I've been reading or watching it for thirty years now. I just don't enjoy the catharsis of finding the truth at great cost unless there's a significant arc of character growth involved at this point and that's not something the descriptions or reviews mention.
That's the nugget of gold I'm looking for: it was present in the final episodes of Station Eleven, it was in Altered Carbon s2 Takeshi encountering his clone at a different stage in life, to cite recent examples. Sometimes the premise is the compelling factor which is why I'll probably watch Foundation and hope it isn't another noir but in the future =p.
I just don't care about the world building or sets anymore. Last year I watched a show set in some garage with styrofoam and hardware store props made to look like a futuristic prison cell and and it was compelling anyway. The noir is built on grief then some satisfaction at finding out why, how and maybe fixing it for the future. Ok, well I've done that a hundred times at least so it needs to end properly and have serious character growth. Hopefully the next season or more will complete the arc and story. I reserve my judgement for now, it's a solid story but it's just a noir like too many others.
I feel like we need a descriptor for sci fi stories stories so people like me, with dystopia 'survival' or dystopia 'noir' fatigue, can tell from a word that this one is different.
I actively avoid the survival genre but made an exception for Station Eleven because of the deliberate subversion (almost gave up on it too), I would like to know when to make exceptions or just strap in for a noir story because I don't hate them, I just need to be in the right head space.
I'm thinking the larger problem is might be a problem of reviewers: long term viewers of genre TV that are less focused on the mechanics/aesthetics of the worlds and quality of the acting/writing and a big picture view: is this character study satisfying? Is this a novel way of exploring social dynamics or are we rehashing class struggle but with different terms.
The Expanse did all that great but lost me once we moved away from character growth and other forms of sentience and the mess of season 3 which was ye olde lord of the flies with adults, army surplus props and probably in Vancouver. Do you have any idea how many times that's been done since the late 90s? You have any idea what kind of intense character study it would take to get me to watch Yellowjackets? It would have to be all bottle episodes, no mystery, no strategic withholding to keep you hooked, just full truth then psychological deep dives.
Anyway good TV, probably fantastic books.
I enjoyed Childhoods End so much more despite stupid pacing, surface level farm dude,a 'bad' end, and Charles Dance in a ridiculous modern-Satan-lore rubber costume because it made me wonder and ponder ethics at mass scale. (here's hoping Foundation tackles that) That felt fresh.
8/10 - gripping, really enjoyed the engine repair, the glimpses into smaller character's lives. There's a brief shot of a wheelchair user being carried up stairs so I'm guessing folks like me just live on their level and don't travel. Obviously I knew it was noir from the first episode and it was good enough for me to stick with it and probably get the books from the library (I really hope season 2 gives us more growth for Juliette and her people and I'd like more sci fi that expands the mind with wild concepts and brave hopes. ) .
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yarnprism · 8 months
loved the hcs for gabe and the machiens!!!
prime soul hcs
ULTKILL TK HEADCANONS (but it’s the Prime Souls this time!!)
I actually really wanted to do this one the first time but I wanted to have restraint
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Also they’re both alive shut up /silly
Minos Prime
I’ve been saying JUDGEMENT for 4 weeks now
He’s more lee-leaning than he realizes he is
You would think that him gaining prime soul status would make him just slightly less ticklish, no. If anything it got worse
Old man so he coughs a little bit when he’s tickled too hard
His palms are so fucking bad holy shit, just tracing on them with a finger sends him into a fit of giggles and pleas
Speaking of pleas, he will start pleading within seconds of realizing someone’s about to tickle him. Minos won’t threaten or anything but he will start begging to a degree. Not to the point where it’s pathetic but
He’s also feather sensitive because I said so. Sisyphus was messing with him whilst visiting and fluttered a feather jokingly over his neck to get his attention and Minos squealed
Sisyphus never let him live it down
Other notable tickle spots include his back, shoulders, and knees
He prefers gentler tickles as they calm him down some. After particularly difficult days he loved having his shoulders massaged and slightly tickled, it really does calm him down and make him feel better
Minos gets so flustered so easily but he pretends that he’s fine. Someone came up with this (tumblr user : bedrock-to-buildheight) before but in his Prime Soul form you can see how his face just lights up in city lights in place of blush
You can just see the lights getting brighter and brighter as you taunt him and shit even though he sounds okay(ish)
His voice gets a lil wobbly.. :((((((( (/pos)
He’s not much of a squirmer, kinda more of the type to sit there and take it
His laugh is very shrieky and high pitched which is a fucking jumpscare considering how deep and eloquent his casual voice is
Minos kind of just flops over after being tickled, he just lays there for a while
“Did I kill you?” “..not..quite…”
Hes a gentle but playful ler (almost fatherly in a way if that makes sense) when given the opportunity to be (which is surprisingly not very often)
Typically the type to love giving cheer up tickles after the lee has a bad day or just needs to decompress
Would gently pull you into his lap and skitter his fingers over your tummy
Minos isn’t the type to tease much but he will coo about how cute the lee looks and sounds
“Such a lovely laugh thou has..”
He isn’t really the type to restrain you via pinning, and the closest he’ll really get to that is cradling the user but sometimes he will pin you if he’s feeling especially playful
He prefers giving soft, torturous tickles but sometimes can be a merciless bastard if he feels like the lee deserves it
You could try to run but he’s fast (as seen in his fight bc like he is a terror to fight due to his speed) so he’d catch up immediately. He may be old but he is not slow at all
He loves playfully scolding the lee after catching them before immediately going into wrecking the shit outta them
I have no idea why but he seems like the type to hum lil nursery rhyme teases to the lee as he tickles them (I.E: Itsy Bitsy Spider)
I normally don’t do romance hcs but I did get a thought that he’d definitely softly tickle his S/O whilst cuddling with them
He will always hug the lee after wrecking them and ask if they’re alright/need water
Sisyphus Prime
This fucking guy /pos
Very open about enjoying tickles and such. He won’t scream it from the rooftops but if you ask if he likes it he will say yes calmly
It’s not a big deal for him and doesn’t understand why people get so flustered and embarrassed about it
Speaking of such, teases don’t work on him much, if anything he’ll turn the tease back on the person with a bastard grin
His laugh is very gruff and gravelly and unlike Minos he doesn’t cough or anything, his chest kinda rumbles too when he laughs
Sisyphus’ worst spots have to be his neck, sides, and knees, though his neck is especially bad.
I like to think that he’s so tall that no one can ever really reach his neck anyway, except for Minos (whom he has a soft spot for on that note)
Unlike Minos, Sisyphus will gladly provoke the shit out of the ler
“Go on then, try it! You will not get far.”
He’s naturally a fucking brick wall of a man so getting him onto the ground sometimes needs to be a group effort
He likes to let the ler try though and will be throughly impressed if they manage to do it
Sisyphus is a bit of a thrasher so be prepared to catch a limb or two if you try anything funny
Though his laugh typically is gruff and deep but! If you catch him off guard with a squeeze to his side he will straight shriek uncharacteristically
Even whilst he’s being wrecked he’ll taunt the ler
“Hah! You could do better than that!”
After a bit of tickling his laughter does get kind of wheezy and you might get a cough out of him but not as much as Minos coughs
No matter how much you wreck him he can and will regain his strength fast and go after the ler
“Alright you have had your fun, now it is my turn.”
He lives for the thrill of the chase and will give the lee a 5 second head start before rushing after them
Sisyphus cackles like a maniac when he does it, teasing the lee as he chases them down
The thing he loves about chases are the futility of it, no matter how fast or far you run and no matter how well you hide it’ll always end the same, all roads lead here.
Just like his counterpart, he’s ungodly fast, but he will intentionally slow himself down just to extend the chase just a little bit longer.
He’s always has this like innate sense of where a lee is hiding in a room, but being the bastard he is will intentionally check everywhere else but where the lee is hiding and then strike
Once he gets you it’s pretty much joever
His raspberries are KILLER. (Minos knows this all too well) Especially when he shakes his head around and his beard adds to the sensation
He tends to jump around spots, trying to find ones that elicit certain reactions
“What an interesting noise you made, I’d like to hear more of it.”
The type to laugh along with his lee but not in a taunting way, he just loves hearing the laughter of others
He’s a rough tickler, always keeping things fast paced just to keep the lee screaming
Sisyphus’ main teases are about the lee not being able to escape or not trying to
“Oh come on! Surely you could do better than that!”
“Don’t tell me you enjoy this.”
He’ll let you lean on him after he’s done wrecking your shit and pat you on the back and he’ll talk like you both just sparred or something
“You fought well and hard, congratulations.”
He’ll act like it’s not a big deal despite the lee still being a giggling, flustered mess
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directory-98 · 7 months
Ophelia Voltaire | N/A | Modern, Slice of Life, Academia, Action
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Ophelia appears quiet and reserved, due to her upbringing. Though is more open when she feels comfortable. Her family used their abilities to keep themselves wealthy and hang on to their “old money” social status. Unfortunately, the pressures got to her even at a young age as she preferred to stay away from her family as far as possible.
Even though she is a witch ( magic user) she’s very out of practice due to her years at boarding school and only practiced at home during vacations and breaks. She’s also afraid to mess up or worse get caught. She insists she’s not good but she’s actually quite capable.
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Ophelia’s mother and father died tragically while she was young. She was then adopted by her Aunt Meridith and Uncle Louis Nesbitt. She is considered the middle child of the Nesbitt’s even though she has her father’s last name. She has two cousin’s Wyatt who is 9 years older and Clarise who is two years younger. Meridith is her mother’s sister, who married Louis whose family is also from magical decent even though Louis was born with no magical gifts.Regardless Louis still grew up to be a wealthy man. Despite this setback both Wyatt and Clarise are both gifted. Wyatt is more conservative with his abilities while Clarise is more forward.
Her aunt Meridith insists that her children are lucky and could have both easily been born without gifts. She uses this as an excuse to push her children and Ophelia to only marry those who are gifted, wealthy, or in power. 
*Wyatt has already been in arrange marriage and is currently in a middle of nasty divorce. Clarise is dating someone who’s most likely a third cousin to keep her mother & father happy.
Ophelia is currently going to Princeton but not enjoying it too much due to the pressures to excel and annoying peers.
"When you’re born in a burning house, you think the whole world is on fire. But it’s not" - richard kadrey from "Aloha From Hell"
Pros: educated, kind, wealthy, non-judgemental, friendly Cons: shy, quiet, reserved, secretive, can often come off as aloof, slightly spoiled, naive, forgetful
Skills & Abilities
Educated: Has a Bachelors in Library Science. A decent amount of knowledge of the Occult and other Academia.
Good Speaker: Is great in debate and persuasion.
Great Cook: Actually enjoys cooking and various skills, including potions & alchemy.
Pianist: Enjoys playing the piano from time to time. 
Ophelia is a Fourth Generation Magi User. Though quite capable, her neglect to practice shows from time to time. ( Capable of casting a variety of spells ) Needs to use a spell book often because she spends most of her time studying other things. Although she has a natural specialization.
Illusion: causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell or taste things differently from what they truly are. At its base, users can distort the shape and size of an object or area.
Specialization: Glamour - The user can change the appearance of themselves and/or others.
Dream Magic: Users can create, shape, enter, and manipulate the dreams of oneself and others, including modifying, suppressing, fabricating, influencing, manifesting, sensing, and observing dreams as well as nightmares, daydreams, etc., possibly including past ones. They can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, entrap people in REM, and promote spiritual/emotional healing within dreams.
Flight: The power to fly without any outside influence
Aerokinesis: Users can create, shape and manipulate air, the common name given to the layer of atmospheric gases and various compounds surrounding the planet Earth.
Telekenisis: The power to move, manipulate or otherwise interact with objects/matter without physical means.
Fae-Connection: ability passed down from her mother's side. Has a keen sense of spotting the fae. Including, sometimes befriending or convincing them to do her dirty work.
Additional Info
Please treat each RP as it's own verse. Unless stated otherwise. As an OC I will try my best to adapt to your character's universe if it's canon. The more accustomed to a universe the more likely verses will be added.
Hogwarts Years: (Age Varies) Ophelia attended Hogwarts and is sorted into Hufflepuff. She shines in potions, charms, and herbology. Even though she is a witch she's still fascinated with muggles and their accomplishments. She's also a believer that modern-day witches and wizards are too dependent on their wands. She likes to practice wandless magic whenever she has the time. Post Hogwarts: Ophelia decides to pursue a higher education in Healing. She specializes in mental ailments dealing with the mind, and soul, and is fascinated with the realm of dreams.
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0phelia-c0mplex · 1 year
Ophelia Voltaire | N/A | Modern, Slice of Life, Academia, Action
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Ophelia appears quiet and reserved, due to her upbringing. Though is more open when she feels comfortable. Her family used their abilities to keep themselves wealthy and hang on to their “old money” social status. Unfortunately, the pressures got to her even at a young age as she preferred to stay away from her family as far as possible.
Even though she is a witch ( magic user) she’s very out of practice due to her years at boarding school and only practiced at home during vacations and breaks. She’s also afraid to mess up or worse get caught. She insists she’s not good but she’s actually quite capable.
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Ophelia’s mother and father died tragically while she was young. She was then adopted by her Aunt Meridith and Uncle Louis Nesbitt. She is considered the middle child of the Nesbitt’s even though she has her father’s last name. She has two cousin’s Wyatt who is 9 years older and Clarise who is two years younger. Meridith is her mother’s sister, who married Louis whose family is also from magical decent even though Louis was born with no magical gifts.Regardless Louis still grew up to be a wealthy man. Despite this setback both Wyatt and Clarise are both gifted. Wyatt is more conservative with his abilities while Clarise is more forward.
Her aunt Meridith insists that her children are lucky and could have both easily been born without gifts. She uses this as an excuse to push her children and Ophelia to only marry those who are gifted, wealthy, or in power. 
*Wyatt has already been in arrange marriage and is currently in a middle of nasty divorce. Clarise is dating someone who’s most likely a third cousin to keep her mother & father happy.
Ophelia is currently going to Princeton but not enjoying it too much due to the pressures to excel and annoying peers.
"When you’re born in a burning house, you think the whole world is on fire. But it’s not" - richard kadrey from "Aloha From Hell"
Pros: educated, kind, wealthy, non-judgemental, friendly Cons: shy, quiet, reserved, secretive, can often come off as aloof, slightly spoiled, naive, forgetful
Skills & Abilities
Educated: Has a Bachelors in Library Science. A decent amount of knowledge of the Occult and other Academia.
Good Speaker: Is great in debate and persuasion.
Great Cook: Actually enjoys cooking and various skills, including potions & alchemy.
Pianist: Enjoys playing the piano from time to time. 
Ophelia is a Fourth Generation Magi User. Though quite capable, her neglect to practice shows from time to time. ( Capable of casting a variety of spells ) Needs to use a spell book often because she spends most of her time studying other things. Although she has a natural specialization.
Illusion: causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell or taste things differently from what they truly are. At its base, users can distort the shape and size of an object or area.
Specialization: Glamour - The user can change the appearance of themselves and/or others.
Dream Magic: Users can create, shape, enter, and manipulate the dreams of oneself and others, including modifying, suppressing, fabricating, influencing, manifesting, sensing, and observing dreams as well as nightmares, daydreams, etc., possibly including past ones. They can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, entrap people in REM, and promote spiritual/emotional healing within dreams.
Flight: The power to fly without any outside influence
Aerokinesis: Users can create, shape and manipulate air, the common name given to the layer of atmospheric gases and various compounds surrounding the planet Earth.
Telekenisis: The power to move, manipulate or otherwise interact with objects/matter without physical means.
Fae-Connection: ability passed down from her mother's side. Has a keen sense of spotting the fae. Including, sometimes befriending or convincing them to do her dirty work.
Additional Info
Please treat each RP as it's own verse. Unless stated otherwise. As an OC I will try my best to adapt to your character's universe if it's canon. The more accustomed to a universe the more likely verses will be added.
Hogwarts Years: (Age Varies) Ophelia attended Hogwarts and is sorted into Hufflepuff. She shines in potions, charms, and herbology. Even though she is a witch she's still fascinated with muggles and their accomplishments. She's also a believer that modern-day witches and wizards are too dependent on their wands. She likes to practice wandless magic whenever she has the time. Post Hogwarts: Ophelia decides to pursue a higher education in Healing. She specializes in mental ailments dealing with the mind, and soul, and is fascinated with the realm of dreams.
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arandompostarchive · 3 years
Inure Ch. 5
Summary: To some, The Specter is a serial killer. To some, a hero. But to everyone, you were entirely a mystery. You had no history, just a list of victims a mile long. No matter how many people searched your name, they could find anything. If only they had the spelling right. Now, you’ve come across some unfortunate information that drives you out of your usual shadows and into the path of the Avengers. Including two of the more reclusive members of the team. And it’s hard to pick only one of them.
Since Loki was not allowed to return to Asgard, he had to send Thor to get any books on telepathy. Thor wasn’t the best at that though and hadn’t returned with much of anything. So, with his limited resources he relied on you for help. Which wasn’t going well.
Tony was busy trying to tell Hastings’ blood apart from a normal person, though you doubt he was having any luck. Most likely, he and Bruce were doing more research on the skin and blood samples you gave them. You hadn’t had a proper lab to research yourself in, so you weren’t complaining.
You and Loki decided to meet in your room instead of downstairs. Neither of you wanted to have the entire team staring at you.
He made good company. He was on the more quiet side, even when you were alone. Not that you minded. Sometimes reading in each other’s company was exactly what you needed. But now you were attempting to teach him telepathy. Key word ‘attempting’.
“It’s fairly simple. You just focus on someone and sort of… let yourself into their head.” You were doing your best to explain, but you’d never really had to teach someone before. “The more willing they are, the easier it gets. Or if they don’t know, that’ makes it easy too.” Loki was doing his best to listen, but you could tell you weren’t helping much.
“Sorry, I’m not used to teaching someone else. I’m not used to ‘magic’ either.”
He laughed a bit. “I understand. But you’ve clearly been using magic for a long time, just look at your eyes.”
You were confused for a moment. Was he joking? Maybe you were supposed to laugh… “I’ve never used magic in my life.”
He seemed confused at your statement. “What do you mean? You read minds and there is clearly an illusion over your eyes.”
You understood a bit more now. Since you died, your eyes seemed to be the one thing that didn’t come back properly. To be honest, you hadn’t looked at them in years, so you didn’t remember much. You just knew it wasn’t a pretty picture, but they still worked just fine so you didn’t care. You hadn’t even realized you were using an illusion.
“There is? Are you sure it’s magic?”
Loki seemed to consider your words. “Well, I suppose not, but I’ve never seen a non-magic user cast illusions.”
“Well, my eyes are less than pretty. And I have used illusions to camouflage myself before. I just didn’t realize I was doing it subconsciously.”
Loki and you had come to an unspoken agreement to be friends. You had seen him around the tower. When he attacked New York, he earned a status as the villain, and he hadn’t yet broken out of it. You and him were in similar situations. It started with reading the same books and talking about it, then watching TV together in silence. Neither of you understood the references or some of the jokes, but it was more about being in the presence of another person. A judgement free zone. Both of you had pasts you’d rather not talking about, and being together was a silent agreement to not speak about it. You were thankful to have someone accepting.
Your mind drifted to Bucky. Another accepting person in the tower. He was a bit of a different story. He was once a ‘villain’, yes, but that wasn’t really him. You on the other hand have made all of your own decisions since the beginning. He did seem to understand your reasoning and neither of you talked about the fact that you’re probably on several FBI lists, which was exactly the way you liked it. You didn’t have to talk about all the blood and death.
“I’m sure your eyes look beautiful.” The small compliment made you smile. Loki didn’t seem to notice how kind he was being to you, or he probably would’ve dialed it down a bit. But you weren’t complaining about seeing Loki’s softer side. From what you knew about him, it was a side he hadn’t shown in years.
He was probably just happy that you weren’t eager to show up on any hero’s radar, so he was likely never to see you again after all this had calmed down. He could say whatever he liked and could be certain no one would ever hear anything about it. Who were you going to tell? The rats living in your old apartment?
He was still focused on your eyes and whatever subconscious illusion you had projected over them. When you died, they looked like gray, rotten messes. It was the one part of you that hadn’t completely regenerated. Maybe you needed a few more years in the ground.
“They make me look weird. Not exactly disgusting, but just… off-putting. I haven’t thought about it in a while, really. I never met someone who could see through my illusions.”
Loki pressed his hand to your cheek in a comforting manner. It had been a good 70 years since you’d had any normal human contact besides a handshake or the occasional victim grabbing at you in an attempt to ask for mercy. Normally, you’d shy away from any human contact, but the feeling of his cool skin against your cheek was calming.
If you really focused, you could see a blue tint to his skin. It looked odd, like some sort of false projection. It made you wonder if he was using an illusion too. So, you took a shot in the dark.
“You’re using one too, right?” You were hoping you were right, otherwise you were in for an awkward explanation.
“What?” He said, pulling his arm down. You inwardly frowned at the loss of contact. His cold skin was cooling down your face. It was an odd sensation that you somewhat enjoyed.
“Illusions. You’re using one too, right?” You asked again. You could see him stiffen a bit. To most people, it looked like a simple flinch. But you had been dealing with liars and criminals for decades, you knew how to spot mannerisms. “I’m right then.” You said.
“Yes, you are.”
He seemed to have pulled back. You hit some kind of nerve. His stance stiffened and he seemed more guarded. Not that you blamed him. You decided to shift the topic a bit, maybe distract him from whatever thoughts he was having.
“Well, I say I’d actually teach you. Might as well give it another go.” He quietly agreed and went to sit down on your couch. You joined him and faced him, ready to give teaching another go. You walked toward the couch, crossing your legs and waiting for Loki to join you. He walked over and did the same, facing you.
“Alright, let’s try again. It’s sort of like creating a doorway into someone’s mind and then letting yourself in. I’m not really sure how else to explain.” You tried to think of ways to make this easier, but nothing was coming up. You had learned when you were young. It was a skill that had come naturally, no one had ever taught you.
“Perhaps a demonstration?” He asked, looking toward you.
“On who?” You responded. He didn’t seem like the type to want you rooting around in his head.
“Me. Trial by fire, I suppose.”
You nodded, closing your eyes to focus. It wasn’t difficult to read Loki’s mind, especially since he was willing to let you. “Like this” You said, hoping it would help. You opened your eyes to see Loki nodding before you backed out of his head. You hadn’t seen anything and you expected that he’d want to keep it that way.
“It’s a lot easier with a willing subject, so go ahead.” He took a breath before closing his eyes.
A minute or two passed before you felt anything. A small tingling sensation at the back of your head. Was this what it was like for everyone when you read their minds? Weird. Suddenly, you felt your surroundings change. You inhaled deeply, confused by your new surroundings.
It was dark. You swore you could feel mud beneath your shoes and the rain on your skin. Looking around, you recognized the place. A graveyard. More specifically, your graveyard.
You could see yourself a little ways away. Lifting three men up over a grave. You could barely hear one of them say, “Your eyes. What the hell happened to your eyes?” You took a few steps closer, hoping to see yourself. Once you got a better view, you could see them for yourself.
You got closer to the group. You could see the pile of bodies next to them and you could spot your grave just behind them.
Your eyes looked gray, almost like they were rotting out of your head. The sight repulsed you. It looked disgusting and you couldn’t focus on the conversation Old You was having with the murderers.
“Where are we?” You heard a voice from beside you and you flinched, forgetting about Loki and training. Right. Training.
“My mind, I assume.” You sounded distracted. “Looks like you went in too far. I think it’s time to get out of my head.” You said quickly, hoping to leave before Loki would witness you murder people 20 years ago. The list of weird things happening to you just seems to get longer by the day.
“Right, I’m just not certain how to,” Loki said. You turned to look at him. The rain had plastered his hair to his forehead, the shoulder-length locks blocking his vision. Every so often he’d have to move the hair aside to see. There was something sweet about the image. If you weren’t stuck in your memories about to witness your first triple murder, you might’ve cared more.
Your own hair was getting in your eyes as the rain poured down hard. You didn’t remember it raining this much. “Okay, take a deep breath and do the same thing you did before, but now you’re leaving. It’s just exiting through that door you made.” You were anxious to leave as you could see your conversation wrapping up. You inwardly cursed when you saw Loki looking too.
Then, you heard gurgled screaming and choking, the sound of you killing the men. Shit. You thought, hoping Loki might not understand what just happened. Old You straightened out the women’s bodies before walking away. The blood almost reached the two of you as it was slowly washed away by the rain. You tried to step away with Loki. The rain turned the nice black dress Old You was wearing into a darker shade.
“What was that?” Loki asked, seeming surprised. Admittedly, you expected a stronger reaction than the one you were getting, but if it meant he’d forget this ever happened, you’d go with it.
“We need to leave. Close your eyes and take a breath, then walk out through the door.” Loki looked back over to Old You who was now walking toward the two of you, staring straight ahead. He allowed the subject to change and closed his eyes. The room once again changed and you both were back on the couch, legs crossed and eyes closed.
“Well, not bad.” You started, feeling a bit dizzy from the sudden invasion. “You might not want to dig that far, though. People don’t tend to appreciate when others go through their thoughts.” You were slightly frustrated. He had gone looking through things he had no business seeing. But on the other hand, he was new at this and you said you were alright with being his subject. He didn’t mean to go through your head. Hopefully.
“I apologize. I need to work on this. But…” He paused for a second. “What was that?”
“A memory. You know what I do to criminals. Those were criminals.” You weren’t ashamed of what you did, though the heroes would find it disgusting. You didn’t want your temporary friend to see you murder people. He would find it a lot less admirable than you would.
Loki nodded. “All criminals?” He asked. You heard the unspoken question. You considered yourself a good judge of character. After all, it became your job to know people. You understood how they worked and you knew bad people. In the time you spent with Loki, he didn’t act the same as them.
“I wouldn’t kill you, if that’s what you’re asking.” You said, your expression calm. He nodded again, accepting your answer. “Let’s try again. This time, try a little more restraint.” You said jokingly, closing your eyes once again.
By the end of your training session, Loki had improved. He was hardly an expert and even Wanda’s abilities were far more advanced than his. He’d get better with time, but that was something you didn’t have. And you certainly weren’t the best teacher out there.
Unfortunately for Fury and the Avengers, they forgot to make you promise not to find targets during your stay and the tower and you had managed to find a new one in New York. You were fully expecting the Captain to send someone over once they realized you were missing, but you could finish off a target before then. It was a fairly straightforward one. A low-level criminal who had been responsible for a string of murders.
You had heard about him from the news. The police weren’t recognizing it as a serial killer to keep the public from panicking, but you decided to do your own research. It was easy to connect him to all of them and find some evidence that he was guilty. Sadly, you had gotten all of this information illegally, so you decided to take care of him yourself. Just because you were sleeping somewhere else didn’t mean you’d let someone get away with murder.
It also helped that he had connections to your last target. In your (illegal) research, you had found one of the SPECTR files in his house. Though you were sure he wasn’t your shapeshifting mastermind, he might’ve known something, making him a perfect target.
“Yeah, she’s here.” Bucky said through the com. He heard Steve sigh on the other side.
“Well, try to stop her, but don’t anger her too badly. Without her helping, I don’t know if we’re going to find our guy.” Bucky nodded, though Steve wasn’t able to see him. Loki responded for him.
“The Sergeant is nodding. May I ask, why exactly are you sending us?” Loki was well aware that the team viewed him as untrustworthy, and he understood why. That, and he was still technically on ‘house arrest’ in Midgard, so the team rarely let him out of the tower.
In all fairness, they had sent both Bucky and Natasha with him, so he was still heavily guarded. Over time, he had come to respect the power each team member held, though he was certain he could beat most of them in hand to hand combat.
“She’s actually become friends with you three. If we were to send Tony in there, it’d be a whole different story.” Steve said. A faint “hey!” was heard in the background, but the small team paid no mind to it.
“We’ll be back out soon.” Natasha said.
“The car is ready when you are.” Steve said. He stopped talking and the group walked into the rundown apartment. It certainly wasn’t the cleanest of places and it looked like the perfect hideout for a serial killer. Eventually, they came to a long hall that branched out in different ways.
“Split up. If anyone finds her, don’t piss her off, it won’t go well. I’m pretty sure that woman can take a shot to the head, so she won’t care what weapons you have. She’s essential to saving who knows how many people so don’t get her mad.” The two men nodded before taking a different way and separating.
Loki traveled further down the hallway, doing his best to find you. Then, a thought crossed his mind. He had spent a good few hours in your mind, it couldn’t be that hard to find you, right?
He tried reopening the same door from earlier. He wasn’t a fan of learning analogies, but it seemed to be working so he didn’t question it.
He tried to find you in the building. He heard a sigh echo in his head, “This way.” You said, and he started walking forward. He wasn’t entirely certain where he was going, but he assumed you were leading him.
Soon enough, he ended up in one of the rooms. It was dusty and he could see how cobwebs coated the corners of the room. There was one dim light on the other side of the room. It was barely enough to see and the long shadows it cast across the room weren’t helping.
“We can go now anyway. I’m done.” You said, wiping a small knife on something below you. As he got closer, he could see it was the body of a… man? At least he thought it was. There wasn’t much to go off of since almost everything looked mangled. He was completely silent.
He had killed in his life. Plenty of times, actually. He’d fought beside his brother and his friends for hundreds of years and had destroyed a good part of New York not too long ago. But this felt different. And despite the mangled dead body right in front of him, he couldn’t help but wonder if you were okay.
“If you think this is bad, you should see his victims. Poor girls can’t even be identified with teeth.” You mistook his silence for disgust. Not to say he wasn’t unsettled.
“Are you alright?” He asked slowly, trying to spot any wounds on you. It was hard in the light, but you caught the glimpse of a gun in the dead man’s hands, so he was worried.
You stared at him. “You’re worried about me?” Loki nodded. In all honesty, he didn’t know why either. He hadn’t met you all that long ago and most of your time was spent silently reading books. But that’s what was fun. There were so few people who would sit and enjoy their time with him. Most people only put up with him, or spent the entire time trying to drag him out of his room. With you, it was quiet. But the good kind of quiet.
The kind of quiet that two friends can enjoy together. And it was that moment where he felt the tiniest spark. A small voice in the back of his mind that said “can we be more than that?”
And he wasn’t really sure what to think. Love had never gone well for him. On Asgard, he was an outcast. Anyone he fell for found him off-putting. And the people who did spend time with him only did so because they were friends with Thor or because he was royalty. He wasn’t sure he’d ever had a real friend. And now, he’d known you for barely two weeks and he only wanted to spend more time with you.
He wouldn’t call it love. Not yet. Even if it was, he was far from ready for something like that. This was more of a deep admiration. And a need to find out how soft your lips were.
So, he stared at you. There was blood on your chin. Only a small amount. You were standing over a corpse holding a knife and looking a bit malicious. But he didn’t care much.
“Well, the bastard got a few shots in, that’s for sure. You guys have a medical wing, right? I’m gonna need some tools. My wounds are already healing and I’m pretty sure there’s a few bullets still stuck.” You laughed. He reached up to his com, alerting the others that he had found you before escorting you outside.
You were more than uncomfortable. You were certain you had a few bullets in your arm, or maybe your stomach. You knew he hit you, but you weren’t really certain where.
“Spectr, you can’t do that.” Steve said from inside the car. Bucky was driving the group back with Loki in the front seat. Tony and Natasha had taken a different car.
“Actually, you never made me promise not to. And to be honest, even if I had promised, I still would’ve done it. He killed people Steve. Eight people actually. Only two have been identified. That’s how bad he left them.” You said, trying to get him to understand. “I’m letting someone like that walk free.” He didn’t say anything the rest of the ride.
He wasn’t happy with you. And he definitely wasn’t happy that a man was dead. But he knew the kind of people you targeted. However low-level, these weren’t good people.
Before you went to the medical wing, escorted by Bucky, you shoved a folder in his hand. He didn’t immediately recognize the language on the front, but upon opening it he saw pictures of you and Peggy. He smiled, tracing the image. They were old pictures. She looked the same as when he met her, and judging by the dates scribbled under some of the images, it was only a month or two before then. There were a few pictures of Howard there as well. One of the pictures was in a lab-like area and he could spot a few different shields in the background. It almost made him laugh. He was so close to meeting you and he never even knew you existed. Life was funny that way.
He read over the few pages that were in English. Whatever language it was, he certainly didn’t speak it. He’d have to ask Friday to translate. He didn’t notice something pop up repeatedly, even on the foreign pages. It looked like a signature, “Alter”.
With you in the medical wing, he figured it’d be best if he asked Tony about it first. He didn’t recognize the name at all, and Bucky was with you in the medical wing. He doubted Bucky would knew either.
“Friday?” He called.
“Yes, Captain Rogers?”
“Call a team meeting. Don’t Bucky and Spectr though, the sooner she finishes up with her wounds the better.”
“They’re on their way now.”
He nodded and began walking toward the meeting room. He passed by the medical ward quickly, just to make sure you weren’t severely hurt. He could see you stitching up your own wounds and he cringed a bit, not liking the thought of doing that for himself. He concluded that you were fine with Bucky.
The two of you were laughing actually. He headed back up to the briefing room, leaving Bucky to look after you instead.
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gyucore · 3 years
run to the shadows
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pairing: soobin x reader
genre: angst (?), supernatural au
word count: 5.1k
warnings: swearing, blood and wounds, character death
synopsis: the city is on a lockdown. people with uncontrollable elemental powers are springing up left and right. the government is trying to capture every single elemental in the guise of protecting the citizens. much to your dismay, your fiancé, soobin, just had to be one of them.
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The rays of the sunset left a warm sensation on your skin. The gentle breeze passing by gives you a moment of coolness that vanished as fast as it came. Children's laughter could be heard close by, their parents watching over them from afar. Sometimes, someone would pass by and greet you with a smile before continuing their way beside the calm waters of the lake. You look on to the horizon and gaze upon the direction where the sun had set, holding on to this scenic view one last time.
The blanket of the night sky soon came, a reminder that you had to quickly return home. You leave the lakeside with a heavy feeling on your chest— one that you can't seem to shake off. But there were more important matters to be dealt with.
"Hurry inside, sweetie, before the raiders come." You hear a mother say, ushering her child inside their car, her tone laced with worry as she made sure the doors were closed shut. "We don't want to be around when they capture the bad people."
Capturing bad people, huh. Even hearing the phrase was distasteful. One wouldn't expect for a government that's supposed to protect its citizens to go around doing something as inhumane as capturing someone and imprisoning them despite having done nothing wrong, and branding these victims as bad people just because they were forced into their situation.
Your thoughts fill with worry and the heavy feeling in your chest worsens. You're not sure whether this was the usual looming threat of having your life endangered, or the effect of having left your fiance's side after a huge argument. Part of you knows it's the latter.
"Soobin.." You sigh, your chest not feeling any lighter as you did. Scenes from earlier replay in your mind and you silently wish things had gone differently.
The walk home was quiet. Not a lot of people were wandering around at night anymore, even the questionable individuals that once littered the darker streets and alleys. Whether this was a good thing or not was up to how much the whole situation affected an individual.
In the more populated neighborhoods, the lights would be dimmed, the curtains drawn, the gates closed, and the windows locked shut. The clean asphalt beneath your feet soon met with bits and pieces of rubbish as you reach the farthest back of the neighborhood. The place was dark with most of the streetlight broken. You'd think that after a year, at least most of them would've been fixed but the government had a more important investment to focus on than providing their citizens the bare minimum security they at least deserve.
A creaking sound from the dark alerts your senses. Your hands come up in front as balled fists as you take a defensive stance, reminding yourself that if ever worse comes to worst, you had a dagger hidden in your pocket.
You make a quick scan of your surroundings, taking notice of every minute movement and sound your senses could pick up. No one. You'd like to think you were just being paranoid but you never know what might happen. Your heart beats faster in your chest as you go through ever possible scenario that might happen to you, or worse— to Soobin.
"Come out and face me!" You scream. Even if no one was there, no other person was living in this neighborhood that would bother to report a screaming maniac marching around their streets.
A few minutes pass and after checking each and every nearby nook and cranny, you slowly let your guard down. Perhaps you truly were just being paranoid. But who could blame you? The past few months hadn't exactly been the best. You've been in a lot of awful situations from having to hide for a week inside an abandoned theme park cave to nearly beating someone to death over food rations if Soobin hadn't stopped you.
It all started when one day, a phenomenon struck the city. Hundreds of people were turning up, reporting that they've been experiencing strange things with their body and surroundings. Eventually, it was discovered that they had somehow acquired the ability to manipulate the elements. The whole situation looked like it came straight out of a fantasy novel. But this wasn't your average story where the gifted ones get to go on crazy adventures to fulfill or prevent some messed up destiny. Quite the opposite actually.
The citizens with newfound abilities were tracked down to the ends of the city and captured. The government released a statement on how these citizens are no longer human. They were branded as monsters with uncontrollable powers that were planted in the city to harm the citizens, and eventually, the world.
They proposed a solution to lockdown the city in order to prevent the escape of these monstrous individuals and that they'd clear the streets at night from any and every individual who is suspected of possessing such abilities. Soon after, people were disappearing left and right. No one had been spared. They'd captured adults, teenagers, the elderly, and even children as young as a year old, and brought them into the holding facilities. Reports state that they were simply being held captive to enforce the necessary safety measures, but you knew all too well that they didn't stop there.
Experiments. They'd never admit to it but those that were heavily affected by these regulations knew that behind closed doors were vicious experiments being held in order to find a way to utilize these abilities for the government's advantage. One way to avoid this fate was to keep out of the prying eyes of the raiders, the ones in charge of finding and capturing the ability users.
Your eyes widen and you snap back to your senses, whirling around to see a familiar pair of eyes staring back at you.
"Y/N.." In an instant, you were engulfed in a tight hug. You feel his warmth slowly being passed down to you and for a brief moment, you allow yourself to melt in his arms. "You're safe.. I was so worried.."
You look up at none other than your fiancé, Soobin. Now that he was closer, you could see the tears threatening to fall from his eyes. It was clear that he'd been worried sick, and you were the same. A feeling of regret washes over you for ever leaving his side and causing him this much worry.
"Soobin, I—" You pause, forcing yourself out of his arms to look at the surroundings. "Let's talk inside. It's not safe out here."
Soobin nods, adjusting his hoodie as the two of you walk back inside your temporary base. The two of you had escaped into the lesser populated areas of the city to avoid public eye. You couldn't risk being seen by anyone at this state. Despite the government's unprecedented tactics, you hated to admit that they were right about one thing— most of the ability users couldn't control their powers, and unfortunately, Soobin was one of them.
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Soobin paces back and forth in the living room, his mind racing with thoughts of worry. What if you had gotten mixed up into something dangerous while you were out? What if they had falsely accused you as an ability user? He wanted to scream the frustration out of his system, but he knew it wouldn't do him any good.
He regretted it. He regretted ever arguing with you in the first place. It wasn't even worth the risk of endangering both of you.
Soobin hated his newfound powers, hated how he had to hide in the slums of the city to stay alive, hated how he could never go out to see the world without putting his life at risk, and hated how you could only do so much to console him. How would you, an ordinary person, be able to relate to his worries? Eventually, he grew envious of how you could leave the house even if it was only to purchase groceries at a nearby store, and how you could bask in the warmth of the sun without having to worry about your abilities going berserk. All that pent-up emotion ended up with a huge fight. And eventually, you stormed out of the house.
Soobin had only come to terms with himself after watching you yell out in frustration before slamming the door behind and leaving.
It was you who had been by his side throughout everything. You didn't have a reason to hide, but you moved into the back of the city with him and catered to his every need. You held his hand at night when he feared he might go crazy in his sleep, and had been patient and understanding with him whenever his powers went haywire. You had protected him even when he insisted on being able to protect himself, and went to vast lengths to help him make it through until the end. Not once did you waver in front of him, and he felt so ashamed. How could he have let all those negative thoughts cloud his judgement?
Even now that he had risked his life and went outside to find you, he felt the regret deep inside his chest. Even now that he held you safely in his arms in the middle of the street, he couldn't let it go.
"Let's talk inside. It's not safe here."
Inside. It was for the best. "Okay."
It felt safer inside the house. The dim light coming from the living room lamp, thick walls, and drawn curtains brought on a familiar sense of comfort. Soobin had taken off his hoodie and tossed it aside, leaving him in his favorite loose white shirt. One thing you've come to notice even before your engagement was that he wore that specific shirt whenever he wanted some room to breathe. You hoped that he's had a good amount of that when you'd left him alone earlier.
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Soobin makes himself comfortable on the couch next to the window, patting the spot next to him. You refrain from taking his offer. "Soobin, about earlier.."
“I'm sorry.” / “I'm sorry.”
Soobin looks up at you, blinking, and the two of you burst into laughter. After a while, he clears his throat and speaks up. You lean against the counter to hear him out. "You know, it's funny. Earlier I had this whole apology planned out in my head explaining everything— why I said all that stuff, and how I regret every single word. I wanted you to maybe understand where I'm coming from and how sorry I am but.." His eyes once again meet yours and as if a silent message had been conveyed, Soobin smiles. "Somehow, I feel like you already know."
You smile back, finally taking up his offer and plopping down right next to him on the couch. You rest your head on Soobin's shoulder, and he does the same. The warmth of his hand spreads throughout yours as he interlocks your fingers, bringing them close to your faces. The edge of your engagement rings glisten against the dim light, a promise of eternity with each other that would soon be sealed. An eternity in each other's embrace.
Before all of this had started, you had spent countless nights like this with Soobin, balled up together on the sofa or bed, and enjoying the warmth in each other's arms. Now, you'd barely spent the nights together. Rules had been established to keep you two safe from the prying eyes of the government, and naturally, there were also rules you'd agreed on to keep each other safe. One of those rules was that you couldn't sleep on the same bed. Soobin had no control of his powers and feared that he might hurt you in his sleep. You had tried it out once during the first week, ignoring the possibility. It didn't end well.
A knock on the front door breaks the silence in the room.
Soobin pulls you closer in his arms, an uneasy feeling settling in his stomach. A frown creeps up his lips as he leaned in closer to your face. “I know what you're thinking but please listen to me—”
“Soobin..” You look him in the eyes, holding his hand tighter. “I heard a noise on the way back. I think I might have been followed.”
Another knock sounds from the door, sounding more impatient than before
“In that case, I want you to stay behind.” Soobin says, letting go of your hand as he gets up from the couch.
“What? Why?” You follow right after, blocking Soobin's path to the door.
“You said you were being followed. If it's a raider then it couldn't have followed you to get to me when I haven't been outside in a long time.” Soobin sighs, walking around you. It wasn't news that raiders would falsely accuse random citizens as ability users for some short-term glory of having allegedly protected the city from these monsters. “I have a bad feeling about this, Y/N. I don't want you getting hurt.”
“And I don't want them to capture you.”
“They won't.”
“Soobin, please listen to me. You can't control your abilities yet. What if—” You were about to run after him when you notice you couldn't move. You look down and see that your feet had been bound to the ground by chains of ice. Since when had Soobin gained this much control over his powers? was the first thought that came to mind. He'd been training for a while but the results have been rather unhelpful. But not this time.
Soobin wasn't sure when he'd started feeling confident about his abilities, but he's sure of one thing. He'd use his abilities to protect what matters to him the most: you.
“Is someone there?” He asks before opening the door, heart thumping in his chest as he waited for an answer.
“Raid officer. I'm here to have a word, if I may.”
“In the middle of the night?”
“Justice sleeps for no one, sir.”
Justice. Soobin holds his breath as he opens the door, preparing himself for the worst. He comes face to face with a young man around his age— blond hair, clean and kempt raider uniform— he didn't look like the type to be fooled easily.
“What brings you here this late at night, officer?”
The officer smiles, straightening himself up. “Sorry for the disturbance. I'm Officer Kang Taehyun, and that's my partner, Choi Yeonjun.” He points at a pink haired officer with unkempt uniform, leaning against their motorbikes. “We'd like to ask you a few questions.”
Soobin agrees to their request, fully stepping out of the house.
“Full name?”
"That's.." Soobin hesitates, pondering whether he should tell him his real name or not. He notices the folder Taehyun was holding, and figured that the Officer might have already known his identity. He was testing him. “Choi Soobin.”
“A pleasure meeting you, Mr. Choi Soobin. You live alone?”
The officer raises a brow. “I see. Any visitors over? A relative, or perhaps a lover?”
Soobin's heart races. He could spot the officer's partner at the back, preparing hid gear. He didn't like where this was going. “No.”
"Is that so?" The officer, Taehyun, breaks into a smile— cold, unsettling. He wonders if this smile was the last others have seen before getting sent straight to the facilities.
"This side of the neighborhood is pretty quiet, don't you think? No one else is living here except you."
"This place certainly has its charms." Soobin shrugs, trying his best to drive away suspicion. "I don't mind living alone and the groceries aren't that far from here anyway."
Officer Yeonjun steps in, gear in place and face unreadable. He nudges Taehyun to the side and takes over the conversation. "Listen, we'll make this quick for you. My partner and I spotted a suspicious woman walking around this area. No one else is living here except you. Do you know anything about her?"
There it was. Soobin supposes he couldn't have avoided the question any longer. "No, I don't. I haven't seen anyone nearby either. I was here at home the entire night, making dinner."
"I see." Yeonjun nods, his hand slowly reaching for something in his pocket. "You seem like a pretty agreeable guy. I'm sure you wouldn't mind if we checked inside to see if you're telling the truth."
"Not at all." Soobin grins, opening the door wider. It's not like he could refuse them in the first place. Raiders had been given the authority to search any premises without a warrant. He just hopes you had half a mind to hide yourself by now.
And you did. Both of you had prepared the house for circumstances like this. There was a trap door in the living room where you could hide in the case of an emergency. Soobin had melted the ice once Officer Yeonjun stepped in, and that was enough of a signal for you to hide. You couldn't afford to put Soobin in any more risk than he was already in.
Heavy footsteps liter the living room. Two, no, three pairs? That meant the two officers had gone inside with Soobin.
"Mr. Choi, would you mind showing my partner upstairs?"
"Of course."
You feel your pulse start to race. Soobin being alone with a raider was putting them in a stickier situation. If he loses control at any moment, this could mean the end of their lives. You couldn't help but peek through the hole on the floorboard. Only the pink haired officer was left behind to search the living room. You try to breathe quieter, hoping he wouldn't notice your presence.
The officer brings his hand to his ear, head shifting around as if making sure there weren't any witnesses.
"What is he doing?" You think to yourself, bracing for the worst.
"Taehyun's got him cornered upstairs. The girl isn't here. We'll proceed as planned."
You hold back a gasp and stumble back. A loud thump sounds upstairs followed by a glass shattering. Soobin!
The officer hears the noise and sighs, smashing his communicator onto the ground. He crouches down onto the floorboard and knocks twice. "Hey, I know you're there. Listen to me."
You don't respond, shock and fear stopping you from even breathing.
"This may be too much to ask, but please trust me. I'm part of the anti-faction unit that's here to support the ability users. My partner will capture your boyfriend and bring him to the facilities and I don't have a choice but to help him. I'll report you as a missing case so run away after my partner and I leave. There's no saving your boyfriend now so you could at least save yourself."
"Why are you doing this? Why can't you just save him?" You choke on your words, anger slowly rising. If he was here as an undercover agent then he could've at least saved Soobin.
"It's loo late. The facility's had an eye on him for months. If I do anything now, my cover would be blown. I can't have that." The officer frowns. You could see his fallen expression through the hole but that wasn't enough to calm you down.
"And I can't have Soobin getting killed." You snarl, hands balling into fists.
"He won't." The officer says before standing up. "They'll be down soon. Just do as I say and save yourself."
You feel your blood boiling. They knew Soobin was an ability user from the start and had used you as an excuse to lure him in a tight spot. Abandon Soobin? Not a chance. You didn't abandon him back then and you were sure as hell you wouldn't be abandoning him now when he needed you most.
The trap door had enough space to hide in, but that also meant you had enough space to make a running start. "I said move." You ram against the floorboard, knocking Yeonjun off and bursting the door open.
You were free.
"Soobin! Get out of there!" You scream the moment you got out, running as fast as your legs could carry you towards the stairs.
"Are you crazy?!" Yeonjun runs after you, breath hitching as he manages to grab your leg. "You could get killed!"
You kick Yeonjun's hand, causing him to stumble behind. "Soobin!" You scream, dashing upstairs. You make a sharp turn towards his bedroom and find him down on the floor, blood dripping from his hands.
Soobin looks at you, tears threatening to prick his eyes. "Y/N, get away from here!"
"Soobin.." Your gaze shifts from his worried eyes to Officer Taehyun's cold ones, looking at you like you were as significant as a tiny insect. It was only then that you realized what a mess the place was. The book case had been knocked over, sending the books scattering around the room. A huge spear of ice had bursted from the ground and crashed onto the glass window, coming in between Soobin and the officer.
"So, you were here all along?" Officer Taehyun scoffs, his tone as cold as his expression.
"Y/N, stand back. I'll handle this." Soobin tells you, wincing as he holds a hand towards the officer.
"You can't do anything to me." Taehyun smirks, crossing his arms. "You used up all your energy making this freak ice appear and for what? To buy time? You're the type who loses energy while using your abilities, so why not stop now?" You see him glance your way before snickering. "Is it the girl? Do monsters even have time for love?"
"Might want to check in the mirror." You slowly inch towards Soobin's side. "Who's the monster here? A guy who's just trying to live his life quietly, or the one who's had innocent blood spilled in his hands for countless nights?"
Taehyun's amused expression falls. "Last time I checked, none of them were innocent. And I'm not the one who conjured ice from the ground to harm an officer. Normal humans don't do that shit. Monsters do. Isn't that right, Yeonjun?"
Before you knew it, you were pinned to the ground. Yeonjun had crept up on you from behind while you were distracted.
"Y/N!" Soobin rushes after you but stops as Yeonjun takes out a knife and puts it to your neck.
"Move and I'll cut her." Yeonjun spits out his empty threats. You knew he wouldn't harm you. He just wanted to get out of this mess as fast as possible.
Soobin clicks his tongue, lowering his hands in defeat. Taehyun finds himself smiling at the entire situation. "There you go. And just when I thought you'd lost your common sense."
He walks over to Soobin, carefully maneuvering through the ice and shards of glass. "Come with us quietly, and we'll set her free. No scratches, no anything. Do we have a deal?" He takes out specialized handcuffs used to detain ability users and twirls it around his fingers.
"Don't! Soobin, please! There must be another way!" You scream, trying to break free from Yeonjun's hold but that only made him pin you down harder.
Soobin looks back at you and then at Taehyun, shedding a tear as he holds his hands out in front. "Keep your end of the deal. I surrender."
"Quiet." Yeonjun puts the blade back into his pockets and puts his hand over your mouth. "Mmf!"
You felt powerless as you watch Soobin get handcuffed, his eyes never leaving yours— taking in your face one last time. "I'm sorry." He whispers.
"Oh, and for safety measure." Taehyun hums as he takes out a tranquilizer needle, stabbing Soobin on the neck. Soobin's falls on the ground, unconscious. "You can't be too careful with these monsters." Taehyun chuckles, bending down and hoisting Soobin up in his shoulders. He walks over to you and Yeonjun, leaving behind a few instructions for his partner. "Release her when I give the signal."
"My communicator's broken."
Taehyun raises a brow.
"It fell and got stepped on when this chick came out of nowhere and ambushed me."
Taehyun sighs. "I suppose we don't have a choice. Use my communicator." He uses his free hand to hand Yeonjun his communicator.
Yeonjun holds it in his hand and nods. You try to look over the door towards Soobin, but they were long gone. Yeonjun notices this and bends down, whispering.
"Listen. The plans have changed." He holds out Taehyun's communicator in front of you and smashes it to the ground. "Taehyun has no means of contacting the others for backup, and they can't hear us from where they're parked. We might be able to save Soobin." He loosens his grip and lets you go.
"What made you change your mind?"
Yeonjun sighs, helping you up. "We actually have a fighting chance now if we work together."
"What do you mean?"
"It's gonna take Taehyun a while to sort through the mess blocking the door."
"Mess? What mess?" And then it hit you. "You missed it up on purpose." That's why it took him so long to catch up.
Yeonjun takes out a gun from his holster and cocks it. "Listen carefully. We don't have a lot of time. Taehyun's has his guard down right now. I'm gonna sneak up to him and shoot hid arm that's holding Soobin. As soon as he drops him, I want you to grab Soobin and take him to the back. I'll meet you there."
You didn't exactly trust the guy but you weren't in a situation to be picky. "Fine."
Tumblr media
"On my signal." Yeonjun whispers, taking a step forward from your hiding spot.
The plan sets in motion. The two of you sneak downstairs, peeking at Taehyun who's trying to sift through the broken furniture with one hand.
"Wow, looks like the girl got away. My bad."
"What are you—"
Yeonjun pulls the trigger before Taehyun could turn around, hitting the heel on his right leg.
"Shit!" Taehyun winces in pain. He reaches for his gun but Yeonjun was faster, shooting two other bullets through his other leg and his shoulder that's holding Soobin. He drops Soobin to the ground with a thud.
Yeonjun turns to you. "Now!"
You sprint towards Soobin's body, adrenaline coursing through your veins.
"Hold it right there." Taehyun pulls out a knife and holds it towards Soobin's throat. "One step closer and I'll kill him. Even if that traitor shoots me, I'll just use the last of my energy to slash his throat. You don't want that now, do you?" The look in Taehyun's eyes infuriated you. He looked so confident that you wouldn't dare take another step further, none of you would. And he was right.
Your eyes fall upon Soobin, your heart squeezing in your chest at the thought of losing him. All you could hope for was a miracle. To hell, it didn't even need to be a miracle. It could be a tragedy, a curse, whatever. Just let Soobin return safely in your arms.
You feel your hands heating up despite the cool air rushing inside from the open windows. A warm sensation fills your chest and you gasp for air. Taehyun and Yeonjun observe as you grip your stomach. You feel like throwing up. It felt like you've lost all control in your body. You were sweating from the heat, and the world looked like it was spinning out of control. Your vision clouds until a bright light flashes, stunning you for a brief moment.
"What's wrong with you?"
Your attention shifts towards Taehyun who'd spoken and all you could see was red. "Let him go."
Taehyun tightens his grip on the handle. "I didn't know this monster's life meant so little to you."
"Sorry to break it to you, but his worth is immeasurable in my eyes. I'd do anything for him." You narrow your eyes at his face. "Even if it meant I'd have to spill blood in my hands."
"Y/N, what are you doing?" Yeonjun asks, his tone laced with worry.
"Committing a murder." You answer, not bothering to look at him. "But not a crime."
In a split-second, the door behind Taehyun explodes, the flaming debris piercing Taehyun straight in the chest, miraculously missing Soobin. Taehyun's lifeless body falls onto the ground and Yeonjun takes cover from the explosion. You stay plotted at the same spot, scratches littering your sides as you nearly miss the flying debris. The fire slowly spreads throughout the living room and your legs give in as you drop to the floor.
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, your arms instinctively reaching towards Soobin. Drained seemed like an understatement. You could barely move. It was as if all the energy you had earlier had been sucked out of your body.
"Y/N, get a hold of yourself!" Yeonjun rushes towards your side as soon as the coast was clear. "We have to get out of here!"
The world around you darkens and your mind turns blank. You couldn't even think at this point. Soobin was right in front of you yet nothing of what has happened has processed in your head. In the end, all you could do was stare at his face as hot tears spilled from your eyes.
"Snap out of it!"
You feel a stinging sensation coming from your cheek and you look up at Yeonjun. The air rushes back up your lungs and you gasp.
"Listen to me. We need to get out of here right now. If the fire spreads throughout the house, we're done for. We either die in flames or be killed once the backup finds us. Can you walk?"
"Yeah.. I think I can." You try your best to answer. He helps you on your feet before rushing towards Soobin.
Yeonjun stumbles as he hoists Soobin onto his back. He looks at you, eyes determined. "We managed to escape now, but who knows what'll happen next. What do we do now?"
In the end, it all came down to this. Wherever you went, it was all the same. You and Soobin have suffered too much, and it was time to put an end to it. Strangely enough, the flames that had swallowed your living room didn't make you afraid. It made you feel powerful— powerful enough to make a change.
"I don't want to cower in fear anymore." You lock eyes with Yeonjun who earnestly gangs on to your every word. "We've hidden ourselves in the darkness in fear of being captured but I think it's time we use the what we're familiar with to fight them off— use the darkness to turn against our oppressors."
"So what do you suggest we do?" Yeonjun settles right next to you.
You face your resolve, reaching your hand to caress Soobin's sleeping face. "For now.."
"We run to the shadows."
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glass-trash-bab · 3 years
I’m also gonna make a post about my ego ocs because I have many
Nix (They/them, queer)- Marvins older sibling and basically parent for the first part of his life. They’re a very skilled magic user and they own a library with a bunch of hidden secret rooms behind bookshelfs and a spooky attic because they like that aesthetic. They love studying history and the origins of things, like certain spells and words and civilisations.
Cyrus (He/him, heterosexual)- Nix and Marvins abusive and garbage father. He’s always been a dick to people and is generally one of those quiet, judgemental rich people that no one ever sees. He doesn’t spend a lot of time with his family, he never saw the value of quality time. Even after his wife died, he didn’t take on any of the responsibilities of a father, just leaving them to take care of themselves. He mostly wanted to see Nix succeed in academics and in magic, so he just sent them off to a rich people magic boarding school and never really talked to them after that. He never wanted to see Marvin when he was a kid, and whenever he did, Marvin would be punished. He gave them both a lot of issues.
Thorben (He/him, heterosexual)- Jackie’s dad! Thorben is this tiny, scruffy, puppy dog of a man with lightning powers. He’s always been really close to Jackie, especially when he was little, and does everything he can to be a good dad for him. He got Jackie his first grappling hook and taught him how to use it and taught him everything he knows about combat. Jackie has always seen him as someone he can go to if he needs help or support. He was always happy to be there for Jackie and to work along side him as heros.
Winona (She/her, heterosexual)- Jackie’s mom! She’s a cool, pretty down to earth part-time hero. She also has water powers and cool cloud hair. She’s usually the person Jackie goes to when he needs advice about stuff and when he’s generally not feeling good mentally. She’s a lot less fast paced than her husband and can usually keep both Thorben and Jackie grounded. She spends a lot of time with Marvin for the few years he lives with them, since Thorben and Jackie would be out doing hero stuff most of the day, and really helped him process his trauma and helped him learn to cope and grow from it. She retires as a hero after Thorbens death and opens a flower shop. Taking care of things is her way of coping.
Noelle (She/her, bi)- Jackie’s aunt and Winona’s sister! Jackie doesn’t get to see her a lot, she travels a lot and lives in a different country, but Jackie is always happy to see her. She had a real bad bitch vibe and Jackie has always looked up to her. She’s also trans, so when Jackie came out, she immediately dropped everything to help him anyway she could. I don’t have a lot for her yet.
Steven (He/him, questioning)- Jackie’s “Arch Nemesis.” Steven is a dude with ice powers Jackie met when he was a kid. Jackie found him trying to steal some kids bracelet and Steven went on this whole big villain monologue and Jackie just threw a rock at him and Steven swore vengeance. Stevens family is part of a well known villain organization thing and he really tries to do dastardly things to impress his family, but he’s never really been into it. As both Steven and Jackie get older and they see each other more and more, they become really good friends. They get a bit of a routine going. Steven traps Jackie, they banter, Steven does something bad, more banter, Jackie escapes, stops the bad thing, they get into a fight, fight banter, Jackie wins and then he leaves. It’s all pretty light hearted. Sometimes Stevens family will get involved and they put Jackie in a situation where he could actually get hurt, so he messes something up on purpose so Jackie can escape. He always visits Jackie whenever he lands himself in the hospital and I like to imagine he makes cute little ice sculptures in his free time.
Badger- Jackie’s cat! Jackie found him in a dumpster when he landed in it and was like “:0 new kitty.” Badger is a really loud cat and it bothers Marvin the most because he actually knows what Badger is saying. And Badger knows Marvin can understand him and is constantly like “HUMAN. TELL FATHER THERE IS NO MORE FOOD IN THE FOOD BOWL.” And Marvin will have to be like “You just ate, you have to wait till dinner for him to refill it.” And then Badger will scream for 30 minutes.
Frances, or Fran (She/her, lesbian)- Fran was Jameson’s manager and long time friend. She’s from New York in the early 20th century and she’s got a real thick Boston accent. She found Jamie when she went on a trip to Britain one year and saw him doing some fun street performances. She took Jamie in and moved him to America and also taught him sign language so he could actually communicate with her. Jamie lives with Fran and her girlfriend June for a while and Fran gets Jamie a few different rolls for movies, mostly for small side characters and the comic relief. Some director really likes Jamesons comedy and he hires him for a series of movies and it’s pretty cool. So Jamie gets all famous from these movies and is able to live in his own apartment but still spends most of his time with Fran and June. They’re like the first two real friends Jameson has ever had. Fran likes to see Jamie as a younger brother to her and really likes seeing him as an actor and as a person as time goes on. She’s really proud of him. Eventually, some dudes find out that her nearly life long roommate is actually her girlfriend and they’re forced to move to keep themselves safe. Jamie pays for they’re new place across the country and they stay in touch via letters.
June (She/her, lesbian)- June is Frans girlfriend and Jamie’s best friend. She’s from the south and moved to New York in her early 20s, where she met Fran and they fell head over heels for each other. She’s really excitable and bubbly and loves to show Jamie new things that she loves. Like she really likes sewing and making her own clothes, so she teaches Jamie all about different kinds of fabrics and threads and which stitch to use for what, all of that fun stuff. She’s a very open person and isn’t afraid to tell people what she feels, especially Fran. If there’s a problem between her and Fran, June is going to make them tackle it head on and fix it. Fran thinks that’s beautiful. After they move, June likes to draw little doodles on her letters to Jamie and sends him sweets.
Min (She/her, lesbian)- Stacys best friend and girlfriend! Min is a pretty reserved and anxious person. She met Stacy when they were in middle school before Min transitioned. They became friends really fast and Min moved away at the end of the school year. She moved back post- transition when she was a junior in high school and Stacy was the only one who recognized her. She didn’t say anything about her being trans and just asked her if she wanted to be in a band she was starting. It was really cute and they had matching emo bangs. Min moved again to California after a few years and that sucks but it’s doesn’t because Stacy also moves there! Not with her, but still. It’s cool for a few years, but Stacy calls Min one night and asks if she and her kids can stay at her house for a while. She says yes and Stacy and her kids move in while Stacy and Chase get divorced. It’s really hard on Stacy and Min is there the whole time. Min and Stacy live together for like three years before they started dating and it’s really nice. Min is super cuddly and loves her strong gf and gets all blushy whenever Stacy does something romantic for her. She also gets along with the kids super well and they like to call her Minmom.
Kyle (He/him, gay)- Chase’s older brother! Their parents were never really around when he and his siblings were kids so Kyle took it upon himself to take care of them and move out as soon as he can. He spends most of his teenage years working and savings up money so he can get them an apartment. So they move into an apartment when Chase is like 7. I don’t have a lot for Kyle right now other than he also has depression, since it runs in Chase’s family. I don’t know, I haven’t thought about him enough.
Delilah,or De (She/her, ace)- Chase’s older sister! She’s around 2 years younger than Kyle. She’s a little bit closer to Chase than Kyle is, since she can spend more time with him and Chase usually goes to her if he has a problem. De is pretty blunt when she talks to people and doesn’t like sugarcoating things. Chase finds comfort in that sometimes. She also started working when she was a teenager. She’s probably a therapist idk.
Stacys parents- I’m gonna lump these two together because I don’t have a lot for them right now. Stacys parents got divorced before she was born and had shared custody over her. Her mom was an alcoholic and didn’t really take care of Stacy. Her mom was always really angry at everything and sometimes wouldn’t even bother to pick Stacy up from school. When Stacy was around 8, her mom got really mad at her for something and nearly killed her that night. Her mom got arrested for child abuse and attempted murder and her dad got full custody. Stacy still has really bad ptsd from living with her mom and her dad tries to help her anyway he can. Her dad was always really sweet and caring. He got her into therapy and taught her how to play bass and cool stuff like that. He helps Stacy move and he thinks Chase and Min are cool.
Rowan (She/her, heterosexual)- Robbie’s Fiance! Rowan’s pretty cool, I don’t have a lot for her yet. She met Robbie when they were teenagers while she was working at her grandmother’s bakery. Robbie applied for a job there and they became coworkers. They got along and they became friends! After a few years, she asked Robbie out and he said yes. They’re all cool for a few years and Rowan owns the bakery now any her and Robbie still work together and then Robbie proposes to her. They do a lot of cute things together. Robbie hyperfixates on frogs, and they like to make little frosting frogs together to put on froggy cakes. They have a little vacation cabin on the outskirts of town by a lake that they go to when they’re stressed and need to get away. They like staying out late to look at the stars and they like staying up all night trying to make the perfect buttercream frosting. About a month before their wedding, they get pretty overwhelmed with orders and Robbie suggests they go to their cabin. It’s winter by then and Rowan doesn’t think it’s a good idea, but Robbie convinces her to go for a week. They’re there for a few days and Robbie gets really sick. Rowan goes out for a bit to get him some medicine and some ingredients to make him something, but when she gets he’s gone. There’s footprints in the snow and cracks in the ice on the lake and no sign of Robbie. Rowan is in denial for weeks. It takes her a long time to accept that Robbie is gone. They were almost a month away from their wedding.
Jesus, all of that took me 4 hours to write in one sitting. I doubt any of this is all that coherent, but here’s all my ego ocs! For now, at least!
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siberlius · 4 years
three times diluc said something nice about kaeya (+ one time it was said to kaeya)
also on ao3
i didn’t even have to come up with anything new about their relationship content wise they are mostly in the official story. note for spoilers ahead!
  “Master Diluc!”
Pyro user. Talented with a bow. Three-time winner of Mondstadt Gliding Championships. The Outrider. The Crimson Knight. Diluc had met her grandfather, back when he was still part of the Knights of Favonius, had smiled at stories of mayhem caused by his grandchild shared during campfires, mayhem that stopped with his mysterious disappearance and the tragic erosion of the Outrider Division. Diluc had also heard about the girl’s determined attempt to revive her grandfather’s legacy. She’s young, she’s passionate, hopeful. And she’s brave, brave enough to protect a child plagued by the Archon Residue from a Delusion user. Despite his distaste towards the Knights of Favonius, Diluc could see the similarities between his younger self and her. The bitter, jaded heart of his was cynical, but still he carried an irrational hope that she didn’t become worn out like he did.
“Evening, Outrider. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”
“You know me?” Amber perked up.
Apart from information through keeping tabs on prominent Vision users with Diluc’s own intelligence network, to her credit, the Outrider had made a name for herself. Diluc tilted his head, “Of course. I have heard great things about you.”
She blushed. “Eh? From who?”
“The Acting Grand Master of the Knight of Favonius, of course. To celebrate your heroic deeds, why not have a drink, on the house? Here’s the menu of-“
“Ooh is it the super famous dandelion wine!”
“- the non-alcoholic drinks. I know you are underaged, miss.”
At that, Amber looked sheepish. “I will have a Berry and Mint Burst.”
“Good choice.”
As Diluc prepared the drink, he asked, “Why are you here at the tavern? Not that we mind, just that at this hour the Angel’s Share is more popular with the adults.”
He watched her hastily form a lie. “I wanted to see what’s so good about the tavern!”
Diluc raised a brow. Amber crumbled. “You caught me. I wanted to find Sir Kaeya.”
It’s practice that prevented Diluc from dropping the mixer onto the table. He poured the mix of ice, berry juice and mint concentrate into a glass, topped the drink off with a swig of mint and served it to Amber.
“The calvary captain? Why are you looking for him here instead of at the headquarters?”
“Shit this is good. Um. Well, I don’t know if I can say this, but uh...”
“So it’s a secret mission.”
“No! It’s just, he has been avoiding me since the thing with Collei, and I am trying to catch him to apologise!”
The child with the Archon Residue. Huh. “And why is that?”
“I. Uh. Look I know he thinks I am a rookie and doesn’t take me seriously and I may or may not have gone against his orders but you know what? It’s his fault for not telling me anything!”
Diluc almost offered her free drinks for the year there and then. Instead, he chose to nod. “Just between you and me, you don’t seem to be the only one with such complains.”
“Sir Kaeya is an amazing knight, a great captain. I respect him a lot. But, sometimes I can’t help but wish he could let us help him. I know he runs off for a reason, though giving us orders we don’t understand why while he leaves makes the other knights question him. And when he’s back he always looks at us like he knows what we have been doing and as if everything has gone according to plan. But what if he doesn’t come back? We won’t be able to help him since we won’t know what’s happening. It irks me so much.”
“Maybe you should provide feedback to him.”
“Do you think he would mind? Argh, I wanted to apologise to him.”
“You can apologise and give him feedback. I’m sure calvary captains would want to hear out the knights under their command.”
“Wouldn’t it be nice if you were the calvary captain,” Amber muttered, and immediately froze in horror. “Wait. You were a calvary captain!”
Diluc’s eye twitched.
“Please don’t tell Sir Kaeya, Master Diluc! I know you must be friends and-“
“We aren’t friends.”
It must have come off a little rough, with how Amber’s face was turning pale, so Diluc quickly schooled his features back into character, and added, “He’s a good paying customer, that’s all.”
“You promise you won't tell?”
“Of course. A bartender offers a listening ear. It would be bad for business if I don’t keep the things people vent to me about.”
Amber heaved a sigh of relief. “I know I complained a lot, but honestly! I want him to like me. I know I am not as experienced as some of the Vision users in the knights, but I am good at my job. I just wish he could see it.”
“Oh, I am sure he knows that.”
“Well, he did come over with the Acting Grand Master and the Librarian. You were the topic of their conversation. He knows what you have done and is proud of you. I don’t think whatever you were concerned about was in his mind at all.”
“Oh! That’s kind of him. I mean, I - keep this between us okay - kind of helped the person who was killing him to escape.”
Diluc blinked. Kaeya always left out a lot of details.
“Maybe it was the right thing to do, and he knows.”
“It was the right thing to do,” the Outrider’s back straightened as her eyes flared in determination, “though if he had told me earlier that he knew who the culprit was this wouldn’t be an issue! Well, I think I still owe him an apology.”
“He usually goes to the table in the dark corner near the stairs around this hour. Why don’t you go upstairs in the mean time. I will give you a signal if he shows up. If he doesn’t, you can still stay and order more drinks if you like. It’s on the house for heroic Outriders.” 
“Really? Thank you Master Diluc, for listening to me, and for the drinks!”
Diluc waved her off as she skipped upstairs with her Berry and Mint Burst in hand.
  They watched the Traveler leave, Paimon flying by their shoulder in a dash of sparkles, and the Ameno God slipped out of the tavern with a flurry of green.
“You aren’t going to ask Kaeya to come along?” Jean asked.
“We don’t need him.” The Dandelion Knight was an army of her own. They had Barbatos on their side, even if he wasn’t the all powerful god he imagined. The Traveler was uncannily talented as well.
“I thought things between the two of you are a little better now.”
Better? Diluc furrowed his brows. As much as he was a thorn on his side, Kaeya had been quieter these days, busy with his missions. In other words, he was the same as always.
But Jean knew them back when they were still brothers in name and heart.
“We are okay,” Diluc replied shortly, “he just isn’t the sort that enjoys heroic quests involving errant divine creatures.”
Kaeya’s cup of tea involved sifting through backend politics and pre-empting backstabbing using a lot of manipulation that Diluc frowned upon. He would do better managing the city in their absence.
“Ah, but you do,” Jean smiled, a little teasing, “that’s more your style, after all.”
Diluc huffed. At least she stopped referring to him as sir. While it was touching to know that old colleagues still respected him enough (and useful too, for insider’s information), he had left the Knights and all its false glamour for a reason.
“I was worried - well. I know the two of you don’t see eye to eye, and I don’t want to be involved in your personal issues, but I am the Acting Grand Master, and I have to know if you don’t trust him for whatever reason, for the sake of Mondstadt.”
Diluc stilled. There’s no other reason for anyone else to be suspicious of Kaeya, despite the obvious.  “Just because he isn’t from Mondstadt?”
Jean shifted uncomfortably. “Grand Master Varka had his reservations. You know how he’s like especially with the Fatui situation, and Khaenri’ah, not to be judgemental-“
“So don’t be,” Diluc cut in tersely. Jean paused, surprisingly calm for being interrupted.
“Good,” Jean said, and her face was one full of relief, “he does things unorthodox, but without him it would have been hard to deal with all the politics involved in diplomacy. He’s remarkably talented at cleaning unsightly messes. I trust him, just so you know.”
“Okay,” Diluc said, strangely relieved as well, “we should hurry to Stormterror’s lair before our dear traveler bites off more than they can chew.”
“Yes sir,” Jean said.
Diluc sighed. So much for one step forward.
  “Master Diluc! Master Diluc!”
The strange pair of travelers were always loud in their steps. Fitting for the role of a hero. Diluc set his papers down on the table. “How can I help you?”
“Tell Paimon about your rivalry with Kaeya!”
Diluc felt an oncoming headache building between his eyes. “Rivalry?"
“We have been talking to the townsfolk back in Mondstadt!”
“You have been gossiping?”
The Traveler quickly shifted to the side to create some distance from Paimon, and Paimon, as if on instinct, flitted closer to the Traveler much to their chagrin.
“Why didn’t you tell us you are famous? The two dashing opposites of Mondstadt! How poetic the two of you are! Blue and Red! Night and Day! Cryo and Pyro! Ice and Fire! Calvary captain and vigi -“
“I get it please calm down and lower your volume,” Diluc pinched the bridge of his nose, willing himself to ignore the stares and whispers of visitors at the Dawn Winery.
“Answer Paimon’s question! How did the rivalry begin!”
“There is no rivalry. We are not competing or anything.”
Growing up, Kaeya preferred to stay in the shadows supporting Diluc, being his comrade-in-arms, right hand man, spokesperson, and confidante, smoothing out the road ahead and helping Diluc through with every challenge. They trained together, because Kaeya was a clever fighter who when push came to a shove, gave up on knightly decorum and fought dirty. Kaeya had been formidable on his own even without a Vision. But they, well, Diluc never felt that they really wanted to best each other. Who knew what Kaeya thought, though something in Diluc told him that Kaeya never cared for that either.
“Oh,” Paimon said glumly, “I thought there was some spicy story, from what the girls at the Cat’s Tail said.”
“Paimon, do me a favour and stop indulging in gossip.”
Paimon flew to hide behind the Traveler. “Oh no he’s angry!”
“Sorry about that,” the Traveler grimaced.
Feeling a little guilty, and before he stopped himself, Diluc threw them a bone, “We used to be brothers.”
“BROTHERS?” Paimon yelled. The Traveler slapped a hand over her mouth. But their stare on Diluc was serious and disconcerting.
“Used to be?” The Traveler asked, troubled, “how can one use to be brothers?”
“Sometimes, when people become too different, they drift apart,” Diluc answered smoothly, already regretting starting this line of conversation.
“But,” the Traveller looked distraught, “that doesn’t change anything. You will always be siblings, right?”
Paimon’s face was full of sympathy, “Hey, chin up! Don’t listen to Captain Pyro - once you find them, Paimon’s sure the two of you will still be fine!”
Diluc blinked. Right.
“Paimon’s right. Your circumstances and mine are very different. And, Kaeya and I can speak to each other, even if we aren’t close anymore. He has his duties, and so have I. We still serve Mondstadt, even if we don’t see eye to eye.”
The Traveler shook their head, “If I find them and they still welcome me into their arms, it will be a miracle. It has been so long. I - I have to find them soon, lest they forget me. Hey Paimon, let’s move onwards!”
“Okay! Bye bye, Captain Pyro!”
Diluc nodded. “I wish you all the very best.”
Twins - it was often said that there were no bond stronger than the one between a pair of twins.
People used to refer to them as twins, despite how physically different they looked. As with matters of his heart, his past, Diluc pushed them to the furthest edge of his mind, and returned to the reports at hand.
  The party was surprisingly well-organised, despite how rushed it had been to deal with the Acting Grand Master’s duties while preparing the surprise. Near the end of it, everyone helped to clean up, sweeping the floors and wiping the tables of the Angel’s Share. One by one, they had left in cheers and high spirits. In the silence Diluc did a quick count of the stock left in the tavern.
Footsteps, carefully volumed and timed just to not startle him. The drag of a chair. The creak from a person’s weight on the seat.
“You are still here.” Diluc said.
“Wanted to say thank you for letting us host the party here. I didn’t even have to pull a favour or two from you," Kaeya replied, lilt in his voice.
“That’s because you secretly got Noelle to make the request. And, this was for Jean.”
Kaeya laughed. Sighing, Diluc took a clean glass, filled it up, and dropped it in front of Kaeya. Kaeya raised his brow, but accepted the drink. He winced as he braced himself for the taste of grape juice, but upon realising that it was dandelion wine, he began sipping it with childish glee that stirred something fond and old within Diluc.
“You are in a good mood today.”
“We can’t always be hunting down abyss mages and beating no-gooders in the night.”
“Or tricking innocent travelers to be part of some grand scheme.”
Kaeya hid a smile behind his glass of wine. “Ah, we never could maintain polite conversation for longer a minute, can we?”
“We-“ Diluc stopped himself. When they were younger, conversations between them were childish chatter that had to be hushed by Father, familiar digs at each other that only they could get away with, and once in a blue moon, banter that sometimes got mean enough to turn into brawls.
Unpleasant memories twisted nostalgia into something ugly that sank uncomfortably in his gut.
“Do you regret telling me?”
Kaeya’s blue eye twinkled against the flush of his cheeks, “About?”
“You know what.”
The edges of Kaeya’s lips curled. He considered Diluc for a moment. “Sometimes, yes. If only so that you won't hate me so much.”
Diluc stared at him in silence. Whether or not he said anything in return, Kaeya would read him. Kaeya could always read him. A part of Diluc’s resentment would always be about that. He used to think he could read him like the back of his hand as well. After the worst day in his life, he couldn’t shake off the grinding suspicion in his gut that Kaeya could be lying every word he spoke, couldn’t help but wonder if all the times they spent together were a series of carefully concocted lies.
Now, he looked at Kaeya. Really looked. Saw a grinning, younger, vulnerable Kaeya who was a warm presence by his side throughout their childhood, superimposed upon the image of an older, resigned, distant one who Diluc had swung at with the claymore.
“Other times, well most times,” Kaeya hummed, swirling the wine glass in his hand, “without it I wouldn’t have gotten my Vision, yeah? A blessing from the Gods for telling the truth. “
Huh. Diluc always saw it as the Gods stopping him from making a mistake of a lifetime.
“And I’m glad that there’s someone in this world who sees me for who I am.”
When Kaeya first joined the Ragnvindrs, he had obsessively helped with the chores, answering Father’s and his beck and call, playing more the role of a subservient errand boy than a ward under the protection of the Ragnvindrs. Diluc couldn’t understand why he was uncomfortable with the unwavering smile plastered on Kaeya’s face, and spoke to Father about it.
“Give him time,” Father said, though he looked worried as well, “try to help him adjust. He will open up in time.”
So Diluc, without the sense of tact, went straight to Kaeya and said, “Father wants to adopt you as his son. I don’t want my only brother to be some sort of unpaid house servant.”
It did the trick, even if Diluc didn’t plan for it. It was like meeting Kaeya, the person, for the first time again, watching sheer trepidation and relief shine through the elusive cracks of the mask on Kaeya’s face.
In hindsight, he was way too young to be wearing one that perfectly already, wasn’t he?
Diluc thought about the knights who patronised the Angel’s Share, gossiping about their calvary captain in jealousy, admiration, suspicion. He thought about the girls who fawned behind his back and the local elderly who gushed about what a sweetheart he was. He thought about Kaeya scheming a convoluted plan just so that Collei would not get arrested, even though it would cost him his own reputation. He thought about him planning a party for Jean and giving the Traveler reasons to stay in Mondstadt.
Things had changed. But some stayed the same - these things, they couldn’t possibly be an act, right? Diluc shoved the strange mix of feelings threatening to burst from his chest away.
“You would be happy to hear that a lot more people than you think sees you for who you are, then.”
“Oh?” Kaeya said, looking genuinely surprised.
Diluc chose not to elaborate, but added, “You aren’t important enough to be hated by me either.”
Kaeya’s eyes widened as his face lit up. “That’s the nicest thing I have ever heard you say to me. Gee, Diluc. I never knew you had that in you.”
Diluc rolled his eyes.
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risottoneroo · 4 years
Between His Fingers, Chapter Three
chapter three is here! hope yall like it!
warnings: drug mentions, teen boys being awkward, mentions of trauma and grooming, injury mention, implied nsfw
tags: @killuas-manicure​ @i-mean-i--guess​ @spaceeballs​ @casketjuice​ 
chapter two
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Kakyoin stared after you. He’d been joking about Jojo, but he was starting to realize that he himself really liked you.
You ran after Jotaro. “Hey, dickhead, wait for me.”
He shot you a dangerous look. You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, yeah, you’re so big and scary and tall.”
He sighed. “Shut up, woman. Don’t overstay your welcome.”
You rolled your eyes. “Tall, menacing, and misogynistic. What a fucking catch you are, Kujo.”
You walked next to him in silence for a bit. He glanced at you. “How are your wounds?”
You shot him a glare. “Fine. My jaw is still bruised.”
He nodded. Kakyoin caught up with you two and walked on your other side. “Is he being rude, Y/N?”
You smiled at him. “No, Nori. It’s okay.”
Kakyoin’s heart jumped at the little nickname. He gave you a dumb grin. “Uh. Good.”
He cleared his throat and looked away. You smiled. You could clearly see Noriaki’s little crush, and you thought it was adorable. He wasn’t bad looking either. You could see your hands tangled in his hair, pulling him into a kiss, making him blush…  
Jotaro cleared his throat. “If you two are done making eyes at one another…”
You snapped back and glared at him. He gestured to a door. “We’re here.”
He opened it. You stepped through, Kakyoin following. Jotaro’s stomach clenched. Watching you smile and call Kakyoin “Nori” was getting to him for some reason. He pushed it away. 
Joseph was waiting for you in the room. He looked stern, and was easily as tall as Jotaro. “I’m Joseph Joestar. I heard you attacked my grandson.”
You looked down. “I was- well…”
He laughed. “Nothing against you. Kakyoin did the same when he met us.” 
You looked up. “Really?”
Joseph and Kakyoin nodded. You smiled. “That’s a relief.”
Kakyoin said, “And I was brainwashed too. It’s not your fault.”
Joseph put a hand on your shoulder. “But we do need to know any information you have about Dio.”
You bit your lip. “He really never told me much. I was kind of a pet to him, really. If I did know anything, I’d tell you, I swear.”
Joseph sighed. “I believe you.”
You smiled, relieved. “Can I ask you a favor?”
Joseph nodded. You glanced at Jotaro, then Kakyoin, then back. “Can I travel with you all? I’d like to take back my life.”
Joseph looked at you warmly. “Of course. You can stay in the room with Kakyoin and Jotaro for tonight, if that suits you.”
You looked at the boys, smiling. “Yeah, that works, if they’re okay with it.”
Jotaro looked away, shrugging. Kakyoin nodded, a little too eagerly, and caught himself when Jotaro shot him a look. He coughed. “Yeah. That would be- that would be cool.”
A large, dark-skinned man walked into the room. “Mr. Joestar, I don’t believe there are any more Stand users in the area. I have surveyed the hotel and the grounds, and nobody gave off any unusual energy. Whoever this girl is, Dio clearly thought she’d be more of a challenge.”
You bristled. “I would have beat Mr. Tall Dark and Grumpy if he hadn’t played dirty.”
Jotaro exhaled. “Tch.”
The dark skinned man held out his hand. “My name is Muhammad Avdol. I have heard of your prowess, of course. I do not want to demean you or your Stand.”
You took his hand. “Y/N L/N. Are you from Egypt? I recognize your accent.”
He nodded. “Do you know the country?”
You smiled. “I grew up on the streets of Cairo.”
His eyes widened. “Did Dio kidnap you?”
You looked down. “Yes. He couldn’t manage to kill me, so he made me his… He called me a holy woman, when he was drunk.”
Avdol looked confused. “Why could he not kill you?”
You felt the burns on your back tingle. “My stand has certain powers, including emitting strong UV light, that make it hard to battle. Especially for a vampire.”
Avdol’s eyes widened. Kakyoin gasped. “That’s a very powerful ability.”
He reached for your shoulder, and you flinched. Kakyoin tilted his head. “The burns on your back…they look like angel wings. Your Stand…”
You nodded. “When it materialized last year, it burned its way out of my body. I’m marked forever. Even now, she can only materialize out of these burns without causing more damage. If she touches me anywhere else, I will be burned. She is as vengeful as her name suggests.”
Jotaro looked at you. “I played dirty because I wouldn’t have been able to win otherwise. I’m not Polnareff.”
Kakyoin snickered. “Yeah. you have no honor.”
Jotaro shot him a glare.
Joseph also seemed interested, leaning in and asking, “UV light? Like sunlight?”
You nodded. “Bright UV light and radiation. Exactly like a star. It damages Dio significantly on contact with the light itself. With living people, my Stand has to touch them.”
Joseph nodded. “You did quite a number on Jotaro’s neck and arms.” 
Jotaro’s hand went to his neck, where his own burns were still prominent. Joseph said, “That’s quite the powerful Stand you have. May I see it?”
You closed your eyes. “Angel of Judgement!”
Your Stand materialized next to you and spread its wings. Light radiated off it and illuminated the room. You tried as hard as you could to suppress its light so it wouldn’t burn down the hotel. The others covered their eyes. Kakyoin was first to look up. “It’s gorgeous, Y/N.”
You smiled at him. Avdol looked up at it. “It’s very humanoid for a Stand, wings and eyes notwithstanding. It reminds me of Star Platinum.”
Kakyoin walked around behind you, looking at your Stand from every angle. You backed up so you still faced him. He cocked his head at you again. Jotaro spoke up, “It’s bright. Can you turn that thing down?”
You growled. “You asking for more burns, Kujo?”
He snorted. “Tch. Women.”
Joseph appeared to be just as dazzled. You dematerialized your Stand, leaving everyone feeling a little colder. 
You fell with a gasp, the energy taken out of you. Jotaro caught you by the shoulders, setting you upright. “What happened, Y/N?”
You looked at him curiously. “You used my real name.”
He looked away. “Tch. Answer the question.”
You rolled your eyes and said, “It takes a great deal of effort when my Stand is out to keep from burning down the building it’s in.”
Kakyoin nodded. “I noticed that. It was setting the club on fire as you two fought.”
Jotaro grunted in agreement. Avdol said solemnly, “A great blessing, as well as a great curse. Your Stand, as powerful as it may be, is still a threat to all you love.”
You noticed Jotaro was still holding your arms, and you pulled away from his grasp. “Lucky I don’t love anything, then.”
You met the stares of the men in the room evenly. The first to break was Joseph. “Y/N, I’m sure you’re exhausted. Go to the room and rest.”
Kakyoin decided to walk you to the room while Jotaro stayed to talk to his grandfather. He kept looking at you curiously. You met his gaze. “Out with it. What do you wanna ask?”
He looked down. “You moved away from me suddenly back there. Is there a reason? Does it have to do with your time in Dio’s keep?”
You stopped at the door to the hotel room. He opened it and looked at you. “You can tell me.”
You stepped past him, inside the room. He was being so kind. You bit your lip. You turned to face him. Kakyoin looked at you with genuine concern in his eyes. You avoided his gaze and said evenly, “I used to be a female street urchin. It’s an instinct. Dio never mistreated me. He never even really laid a hand on me.”
Kakyoin closed the door behind you two. “I’m sorry.”
You looked away, mumbling, “‘S not your fault.”
Kakyoin cupped your cheek. His hand was warm and dry and immensely comforting. “I don’t mean to apologize. I’m trying to tell you I sympathize.”
You blinked slowly, trying to hold back tears. “It’s okay, I swear.”
Kakyoin stroked your cheek gently. “If you insist. May I hug you?”
You nodded and hugged him tightly around the waist. He laughed and hugged you back. He was big and warm. You took a deep breath against his chest, noticing his scent. Like sandalwood and cherry blossoms. He stroked your hair gently. “I know we just met, but…”
You pulled back to look at him. He was blushing. You tilted your head innocently. “But what, Nori?”
He pushed his bangs back from his face. “Would you like…to maybe…go for a dance sometime? Or maybe coffee?”
You flushed too. “Yeah…Yeah I would like that.”
Kakyoin was already looking at the floor. “It’s okay if you don’t- OH you said yes.”
You smiled at him. “Of course I did.”
He blushed even more, smiling nervously. “And- And would you want to sleep with me tonight?”
You pulled back, raising an eyebrow. Kakyoin stuttered and waved his hands, trying to save himself. “N-Not l-like that! I-I meant l-like in my bed. W-with me. I d-didn’t want to force you into anything.”
You laughed. “You’re cute. Yes.”
He calmed down considerably, sighing. “Good.”
You got up on your tiptoes and whispered in his ear, “‘That’ comes after the date.”
Kakyoin’s eyes widened. “Oh…okay. I mean- that would be- um.”
You chuckled softly in his ear, and he felt himself just about melt. Kakyoin put his hand on the wall. “I- Y/N…”
You pulled back a few steps, leaving the boy a panting mess. “Too much?”
Kakyoin looked at you. You looked genuinely concerned for his well being. He shook his head. “I’d rather just…wait.”
You smiled. “I’m a virgin too, Nori. Teasing is just my specialty.”
He nodded, trying to catch his breath. He wondered briefly if you used to tease Dio like that, but dismissed it. If you had, it wasn’t his business. You cocked your head at him, watching him straighten up and adjust his uniform. He was so much fun to tease, you knew you’d be teasing him like crazy all night. 
Jotaro walked in then, not acknowledging either of you. He dropped on the bed, pulled his hat over his eyes, and went to sleep. You walked back up to Kakyoin and whispered, “Does he shower?”
Kakyoin shook his head, then thought, then nodded. “He showered last night.”
You shot him a look. He didn’t look up. 
Jotaro wasn’t asleep. He was grumbling to himself in his head, thinking about the conversation he’d had with his grandfather. 
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tuesdayisfordancing · 3 years
A few loosely connected thoughts about ship wars, fandom purity culture, antis, etc. Apologies for the awkward attempt at nested bullets.
Almost everyone has natural selectivity where they remember bad things said about the stuff they like more than bad stuff said about stuff they don’t like, interpret it as harsher, etc.
Once you’ve received even one actual hate message, gotten harassed even one time, this bias to interpret someone mentioning that they dislike your fave as an ATTACK intensifies.
Ships and characters that get a lot of hate, that become Acceptable Targets(TM) are almost always also REALLY POPULAR - sometimes (often?) the most popular ship by numbers. I think, in combination with the fact that we all make judgements without full context (most people don’t actually publish the anon hate they get, and if you don’t follow someone you don’t necessarily know how they got harassed for X opinion a while back and Y seemingly innocuous comment is or seems like a renewal of that harrassment) this can lead to non shippers-of-the-thing-or-likers-of-the-character thinking that the shippers or stans just have a persecution complex. “Not everybody has to cater to you, I’m allowed to not like things, yeesh don’t take everything so personally” goes the thought. This overlooks how vastly unpleasant it is to be the Acceptable Target for nasty comments even if you have a lot of friends in the boat with you.
Something feeling like an ATTACK is not necessarily about the intensity with which dislike is expressed, but the WAY dislike is expressed. It can be hard to express why a particular statement felt like it stepped over a line, further giving the impression of overreaction.
   >  An example: the first time I saw the “Gay Ship for Gay People vs Gay Ship for Straight People” meme it fucked me up, and I’m still probably not going to do a great job of articulating all the reasons, but here goes:
   >     >  First, the particular meme I saw was one where some people clearly meant it as friendly teasing, some people clearly didn’t, and others were somewhere in between. The cumulative effect was the sensation of my middle school bullies going “haha you’re a loser, just kidding, but not really, why aren’t you laughing about my funny joke about what a fucking loser you are?”
   >     >  Fandom is overwhelmingly queer and the bits that ship same sex pairings more so. As far as I can tell there aren’t any “gay ships for straight people”. The ship I first saw this about you can tell is mostly queer with the briefest of glances around tumblr. It’s hard for me to express why this matters, when the inaccuracy isn’t the point - I think it would be a shitty meme even if a same sex ship did have a higher proportion of straight shippers than queer, but I do still feel like it matters that mostly they don’t.
   >     >  A lot of queer people are insecure about their place in the queer community, either because of youth, past experience, not fitting the Awesome Queer image, general personality, whatever. Telling anybody they’re not really queer because of what they ship is a bad move, even if you meant it as friendly ribbing or contrariwise even if you can’t imagine how a queer person could enjoy that ship.
   >     >  Man, imagine if I fucking switched it. Hell woulda rained down. So maybe it’s not such a joke?
   >     >  Having been exposed to this meme in a few other fandoms and contexts now, it doesn’t explicitly say it, but it has strong connotations of the whole “queer things are more moral and more moral things are queer” attitude that... I don’t know if it’s actually more common than it used to be or more sincere than it used to be or what, but *gestures inarticulately* Bad! Increases shame in people whose well-being you care about!
   >     >  It’s a meme making a direct claim about “the type of people who ship x” which is, in fact, in type if not intensity, an attack on the shippers rather than an expression of dislike of the ship. Even if it’s a technically neutral claim - first of all come on, it isn’t neutral around these parts, and actually I’m not sure there’s a second of all because I don’t think anyone makes these generalizations about actually neutral-in-fandom-spaces-attributes. And it’s perfectly set up to make you look dumb and oversensitive for getting defensive.
Okay, done with the example, sorry that took so long. Where the fuck was I. Oh right, onto: Tumblr Infrastructure Makes Things Worse, Verse 700. One of the ways people try to get along despite differences of opinion is delineation of spaces. Tumblr deliberately fucks with this (in order to provide other things, but still):
   >  Did you know you can no longer prevent your organizational tags from causing things to show up in the searchable tag by using 5 filler tags? So much for that. Plus even now there are people new to tumblr who don’t know about searchable tags.
   >  But even beyond that just posting something on your tumblr is more like shouting it into the crowd than it was on livejournal, because the main way people interact with your post is to reblog it. The nature of the tumblr post as something that travels makes the difference between shouting at fandom as a whole vs. shouting to your friends vs. shouting to yourself indistinct. “May a bitch not be catty and judgmental on her own blog?!” asks the tumblr user. Well, it used to be good manners to keep the cattiest and most judgmental posts friends-locked but that isn’t an option anymore - and even the unlocked livejournal post offered a little more room for a difference between a post mostly for yourself and your friends vs a post directed AT fandom as a whole. If you were aiming your post outward you deliberately indicated that. Now people kinda... take their best guess based on Vibes? And of course everyone’s more likely to take it personally when it’s their fave and more likely to roll their eyes and say “people are allowed to dislike things on their own blog” when it’s something they dislike too and also more likely to take “X character is scum” as a neutral opinion statement if that’s the General Assessment vs. an inflammatory remark if it’s not and everything is a mess.
Pretty sure I had one more thing but meh this is long already and also if I don’t post it now I’ll start to overthink shit and never post it.
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edengarden · 3 years
Hello and if asks are still open may I have a regular match up for BNHA?
Name: Nox
Gender: FTM
Occupation: Student (16 almost 17 yrs old. Jan 4th is b-day)
Sexual orientation: Omniromantic Asexual (male/masculine leaning)
Quirk: Transformative/Mutant, "Zoologic shift" (This quirk allows the individual(s) to transform into multiple animals, but the individual has to have a emotional/special connection or feeling towards the animal and to know it's physical structure to properly shift into the said animal (mythical/made up creatures can be acquired but it is extremely difficult due to the fact of anatomy and bone structure). The user only has a limited time to be in their animal form before they start going feral, if the person is angry or has a different strong negative emotion in animal form, the fast they can become feral (once the user becomes feral they will not remember anything until they have calmed down or are somehow distracted), if the user becomes feral for too long they will not be able to transform back unless they are hurt tremendously or their hatred may take a physical form and eventually kill them from the inside (I guess look at the demons from Princess Mononoke to get an idea of what that is).)
Animals acquired: White Dire wolf, Raven, Orca, Clydesdale, Black Mamba, Barn Owl, Russian Blue House cat, Ram, Fire Dragon, Phoenix, Snake Basalisc
At least 3 positive attributes:
Empathetic (emotional and animal, riots and civil conflict bring me to tears as well as I can feel my friends' pain I and want to cuddle ever dog, cat, etc. I see)
Intelligent (at least in certain subjects like language, art, biology, and physical/hero training), serious (it may come off as intemidation but I just usually mess around)
Diplomacy (I try to avoid any physical fights that can but I will fight as a last resort)
Calm (in most situations I try to keep a level head and it works since when most people need serious help they come to you for advice or to vent)
Justful (kinda speaks for itself)
Soft Blunt and Soft Honest (I am honest with people as well as blunt, but I am not mean or hurtful when I say it)
At least 3 negative attributes:
Anger issues (even though usually calm and serious, when pushed over the edge I can become furious and using my quirk will not help at all)
Self sacrificing (since due to personal circumstances I have started to put other people above me (my friends mostly) and I would do anything, even get myself physically or emotionally hurt for them. It is sorta in a way for having approval for those I care about but mostly is just showing that I care for the people I care about)
Self deprecating with imposter syndrome (it's mostly a form of humor, but I take it far enough where people start to worry)
Dark humor (idk I just like it)
Confrontational (if someone confronts and tries to provoke me I will tell them off but never physically fight back)
Self Righteous (The righteousness is good but usually my self righteousness comes up when it comes to someone's safety or when revenge and anger cloud my judgement)
Children (I don't care for children, but I'm afraid my anger will get the best of me and I'll lash. So that's why I stay away from kids as much as possible for tr he fear of accidentally hurting innocence)
Hahahaha...daddy issues...
Hiking in the woods
Drawing (it's usually vented or dark in some way, but sometimes I like drawing people and animals or characters)
cApTuRinG sOuLs-
Learning about Witchcraft/Supernatural/Celestial
Music Taste:
Viking Chants
Sea Shanties
Celtic instrumentals
Death metal
Old Rock
Bands/song writers: Skillet, SKÁLD, Faun, Black Briar, MARETU, Steampianist, Temporex, Penelope Scott, Mirical Music, Alice Cooper, Pink Floyd, Angel Maker, Forest Music, Panic! At the Disco, MESA works design, , Harrison (not too much into bands but here are the general ones I listen too)
Eyes: Brown/Black has bags under eyes
Hair: Red (henna dyed), it's frizzy at the tips and it's long (cab length) and thick (I hate it's length, but parents...)
Skin: Pale (warm tone)
Body type: In between Skinny and overweight, wide shoulders, actually muscular
Anything else?: Teeth have tiny canines, sometimes can have wolf ears and tail showing, kinda thick thighs-, 5'6ish, usually wearing school uniform. Hero uniform includes a black Cape with under it being a black mechanical suit that is bullet and elemental proof, boots are sharp and steel toed resembling a wolf's paw, wears a head mask that looks wolfish as well in the front but in the back of the mask has fur in the back (look towards some reference of the princess mononoke headgear) (not completely like a wolf but sorta resembles one), the mask also helps with muffled hearing and sight because I am sensitive to those things.
Traits I look for S/O: Empathetic, kind, cooperative, someone who also finds comfort in darkness or the shade, someone that knows how to take things seriously but also having a humors side, trusting and loyal, someone that can work with others (I'm usually a loner but I try to work with others), someone that would at least like to have a relationship that includes physical affection (I am a touched starved peep-), I guess someone that works, likes, or even somehow resembles an animal, some that doesn't get angry easily and is patient, introvert an extrovert doesn't matter to be (I guess if I had to choose maybe someone in between the 2?), and I guess someone that just tolerates my presence and doesn't or call me a piece of shit.
Traits I cannot be around with a S/O: Anger...I can't be around angry people because they scare me to the point I become panicked, people that work towards apathy (I may be empathetic but with someone that can't or won't return the same comfort when needed, they exhaust me), untrusting, someone who is a dick to everyone except me (it just seems suspicious and hurtful), someone who is closed minded, someone that has joy in hurting other maliciously, someone who loves bright lights/areas/lives by the sun, guess someone who wants a 24/7 therapist (again it can become exhausted and I know how it is...it isn'tthat nice.)
Star sign: Capricorn (sun), Gemini (moon), Cancer (rising)
Personality type: INTJ, Lawful Neutral
HP House: Hufflepuff that isn't afraid to kickass
Fun facts!:
I'm somewhat of an animal whisperer
Obsessed with herbs and Crystals
I know it seemed edgy with my hatred towards light, but in all honesty the late does infact bother and irritate me, especially when it's hot
Intrested in the celestial and supernatural
I look at horror and nature documentaries
I've trained my dog to come when I howl
I guess if loving spicy food counts as a fun fact then count that in
Ehhhhh...switch sub-
cAndLe bOi-
I must apologize if this is a lot, I just wanted the matchup as accurate as possible, but again thank you for having the ask box open and I hope you have a good day!
Honestly while I read your description, all I could think of was Tokoyami!
I think it’s pretty obvious why?? You two share a lot of things in common. The two of you are very calm individuals, and I can see you both being voices of reason not only to the people surrounding you, but to each other as well. In a way, I think you can even tend to challenge each other and even push (to a healthy extent) the other to become the best version of themselves.
The VIBE you two have. It’s almost too good. And while Tokoyami isn’t affectionate in public, he’d be more than happy to indulge in your starvation for touch behind closed doors! Don’t tell anyone, but he’s a straight up cuddlebug. And I can totally see him digging the spiritual/celestial stuff?? Maybe he won’t actually know anything, but he’d be so hyped if you were willing to teach him omg I can totally see this as your go-to type of date, that’s so sweet 🥺
- Breathe (In the Air), Pink Floyd (I honestly see you and Tokoyami straight up vibing to Dark Side of the Moon like no other to be honest)
- In the Lap of the Gods, Queen
- Sense of Doubt, David Bowie (THIS VIBE IS SO DARK AND URGH I CAN SEE THIS AS A V I B E FOR YOU TWO - However, Neuköln could be a close second to portray this vibe!)
- Killing a Little Time, David Bowie
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blastberrydragon · 4 years
MagiTech Institute of Art -Chapter 1
Tyler walked up the concrete steps and pushed open the double doors to the plain-looking admission's building for MagiTech Institute of Art. A rush of cold air and the smell of commercial cleaners filled his lungs as he braced himself to approach the stern-looking Asian lady seated at the front desk.
"Oh! You must be Tyler Risky! You look just like your father! Is your mom here with you?" She said warmly as she walked around her desk to greet him.
Tyler stopped mid-step, 'You knew my father?"
"Oh yes, he went to school here at the same time I did. He was a sophomore when I was a junior"
She leads Tyler to a small sitting area in the corner, keeping up the small talk, "Would you like something to drink? Where's your mother?"
"Some water would be nice; she's dropping off my little sister at a friend's house," Tyler responded while accepting the glass of water, "I'm sorry, but I never got your name?"
"Oh, sorry, I'm Ai; I run admissions for the university," she responded as she ambled over to the reception desk.
"Let's get you started on some paperwork while we wait for your mother," She called as she rifled through one desk drawer before moving on to the next one.
"This might take a while, our receptionist just stepped out for lunch. Jame's is the one who knows where everything is"
"New student files are in the top drawer in order of expected arrival for the day. An electronic copy is made, and papers get filed alphabetically with the rest of student records after the paperwork is filled out." A large dark man called as he strolled back out.
"Hello, I'm James! I would love to stay and chat, but I just cam back for my wallet", the man introduced himself.
"I can handle filing the paperwork after lunch if you leave it on top of my desk!" he called over his shoulder as he walked back out.
"Here we go!" Ai handed Tyler the paperwork, "Fill this out, and I can take you and your mother through orientation after you finish. Sometimes I wish that we could admit students all at the same time. Still, the rolling start dates allow us to welcome more unconventional students."
Tyler filled out paperwork for about 15 minutes before his mom walked into the office.
"Ai! It's been so long since I've seen you! I'm here to go through orientation with my son Tyler Riksy."
"Suzzy! I haven't seen you in forever, your son is right behind you. Such a nice young man, you did a good job raising him."
"If your paperwork is done, Tyler, you and your mother can follow me into my office."
"The paperwork is done, ma'am. Hi, mama," Tyler said, walking over to hug his mother.
"Let's get this started, shall we? The orientation room is right this way." Ai lead way through a door in the back of the reception area.
Tyler walked into a grey conference room, except for the floor-to-ceiling windows on the far side overlooking the rows of servers that seemed to stretch so impossibly far.
"Welcome to the MagiTech Institute of Art, but more importantly, welcome to your birthright," Ai proclaimed as she guided Tyler to a seat facing the windows.  A sense of vertigo overwhelmed Tyler as he tried to focus on the servers.
"What?" Forces itself out of Tyler's mouth. He's sure he's misheard, birthright? Who uses the word birthright anymore? Did Ai mean he's a legacy because of Dad?
Tyler looks over to his mother, trying to figure out what going on. His mother beams at him with barely contained excitement.
"Oh, I had hoped you would take after your father. Keeping it a secret after you got admitted was so difficult," Suzzy rambled. "I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I?"
"Just a little, but most parents do. Tyler, your mother, is excited because by finding and completing the application to the school, you proved to have the innate ability to perform magic." Ai explained. Tyler stared incredulously at Ai and his mama, wondering what type of cult he'd gotten himself into and how to get out without causing a scene.
"And this is the part where you think we are delusional, and we have to prove it to you so you'll listen to the explanation," Ai says teasingly with a smirk on her face.
"So what do you think this is? Cult, drugs, hallucination, dream, multilevel marketing scam?" Tyler's mama asked him.
"Um, a cult?" Tyler responded. Questions raced through his head. Did cults acknowledge their cult status during orientation? What was happening to his mama? What do the servers have to do with magic?
"I can assure you that the school endorses no particular religion, but how about we start with a video explanation and a demonstration? I can answer any questions you'll have afterward," Ai said. She walked over to the screen at the end of the conference room and pressing play on the laptop connected to it.
"Welcome to the MagiTech Institute of Art and the world of magic" came blaring out of the speakers as scenes of students in classrooms played on the screen.
"Before we begin with the history of the school, let us go further back and discuss the history of magic. Magic was discovered by many cultures across the world at different times. We'll generalize the method in which magic was found by most peoples, although exceptions do exist.
Usually, the first people discover the use of magic within a culture could only do minor things with the ability. Light a fire a little faster, prevent food spoilage for an extra day or move a little quieter during a hunt.
Eventually, most cultures discovered that physical objects can enhance a person's magical ability. These objects were usually a form of artwork, sculpture, painting, and pottery were frequently used. Now they can walk through a crowd unnoticed, increase harvest yields by 10%, or better the odds of someone surviving an illness.
So it remained for hundreds of years until science came along and with it better, more reliable methods of ensuring a more abundant harvest or preventing disease. Magic use started to die out kept alive only by individuals looking to preserve their cultural heritage.
In 1972 a research study into the cross-cultural similarities in magic use was conducted. The paper never made it past peer-review, but the individuals who participated in the study, 200 of them, organized a convention of sorts. During the conference, it was discovered that many magic systems use physical objects to enhance their practice. After a bit of tinkering by a few programmers present, it was found that computers could strengthen the connection between objects and magic. An informal group was formed, and work began to design a supercomputer to enhance magic use.
This eventually gave rise to the MagiTechs, a group of people who have created, updated, and maintained the mainframe for the last 48 years. The mainframe is a supercomputer that came from those early efforts. Any magic-user can access  the mainframe to enhance their magical practice."
Ai hits pause on the video "Do you have any questions before we get to the school's history?"
"Am I just supposed to believe in magic just because you said so?" Tyler says as he fidgets with keys. He glanced at the doors, wondering if he could convince his mother to leave with him.
"Not yet, we haven't really provided any proof. We do expect that our students be intelligent enough to ask for proof and examine it themselves," AI responded.
"We can do the demonstration now or after we cover the school's history, which would you prefer?"
"The demonstration now, please," Tyler responds, hoping to get this over quickly.
Anxious thought swirled around his head. I wish I had been more suspicious of the application. Rolling admission & start dates so I could finish working with Mrs. May on adding an art section to the bookstore? Need-based scholarships? Only 45 minutes away from mama and my little sister Jane? It was too good to be true.
"Ok, I'm going to give you a piece of clay and a laptop. The laptop is connected to the mainframe and will enhance your magic as you work it through the clay. Think of the one thing that would convince you that magic is real as you work the clay. Keep in mind that magic isn't limitless and try to keep it to something that can happen inside this room," Ai instructed.
Tyler turned on the laptop and started messing with the clay. His mind wandered to the many instances of magic users flying in popular culture. Superheroes flying through the sky loomed in his mind's eye as he worked the pattern of an updraft into the clay. Witches on a broomstick as he stretched the earth upwards. Levitating genies as a broad platform formed at the top of the sculpture.
"Tyler, honey, look down," his mother asked him.
Tyler opened his eyes and looked around the room. Everything, including Ai and his mother where floating 2-3 inches above the surface under them. Tyler looked down and found that he was hovering over the seat of his chair, and the chair itself was floating a few inches above the floor.
"I thought magic was supposed to be grander," Tyler mumbled.
"That's a common misconception, a tall tale if you will. Magic has always been limited to small things, and you are untrained. With training, you might be able to levitate everything in this room up to a foot or a single object 7-8 feet." Ai explained.
"Ok, so why all the secrecy? Why not just tell people? Why did Dad hide it?" Tyler asked.
"Well, most parents hide it from their children since there's no guarantee that children will inherit the ability. There were several cases of non-wielding children growing resentful and jealous of parents or siblings that did have the ability. Coupled with children's' habit of telling everyone everything, it's become customary to let children find their ability by themselves. There's no official rule that requires discretion, you can tell anyone you want. Most of us don't tell anyone except our partners because outside society is a bit judgemental about magic," Ai explained.
"I almost stopped speaking to your father when he told me, I thought he had either joined a cult or was planning on becoming a stage magician.  I didn't know which would've been worse. I came around eventually," Tyler's mom said, grinning.
"Ok, I'm not fully convinced, but I'm willing to listen" Tyler replied
"Good, that's all we ask for, I'm going to keep going with the video, and we can cover any other questions after" So said as she pressed play.
"While the use of objects to channel magic is mostly something that could be passed down from generation to generation or from master to apprentice, the involvement of technology marked a need for a specialized school. The MagiTech Institute of Art was founded in 1974 with 3 areas of focus, technology, art, or magic history. More areas of focus have been added as the school has grown. However, students still spend the first 2 years at the school, focusing on these 3 areas.
The main campus began to be built shortly after the formation of the school. It was designed to be accessible to as many magic wielders as possible.
The school has been designed to be accessed through 73 different properties scattered around the world to better serve students. All of these properties will lead students, guests, or staff onto the main campus. All others see only the admissions building disguised as an unremarkable office building. 3 more entrances to the school are planned to come online by 2023.
The main campus of the school exists partially between all these locations and the mainframe.
We hope you will join us as a student and start your journey to becoming a MagiTech." The screen went black as the video ended.
"Ok, what does staying here, entail? Do I get to go home to see my family? What are the rules about visitors?" Tyler asked.
"We ask that all first-year students live in the dormitories, but there's no curfew. You are free to leave campus just like you would be at another University. Visitors need to be approved to come on campus. Staying here entails that you attend classes, obtain passing grades, and follow the rules set out in the student handbook," Ai said.
"Ok, if I agree to this, can I drop out if it's not a good fit?"
"While we hope students don't drop out, it does occasionally happen. We have a more generic description of classes for those who wish to transfer to a more traditional university."
"Ok. I'll stay. What happens next?" Tyler asks.
" We'll get you an access card, and assign you to another student who will show you around for the first few days. Your mom can drop off your stuff at the lobby of your dorm room on her way out," Ai said.
Ai led Tyler into a new glass-clad building. Once inside, they traveled through a few well-lit hallways cluttered with art before coming to a stop in front of an art studio with several students inside.
"Hello, everyone! Where's Alby? He's going to be Tyler's orientation person," Ai calls out.
"Alby's in the bathroom, he should be right back. Hi Tyler! Long time no see!" A guy in the back corner called Diego answers. Diego was small-framed with bright pink hair blending into purple roots. Warm brown skin crinkled around his eyes as he smiled at Tyler.
"Do you two know each other?" Ai asks.
*We went to high school together," they both respond.
"Tyler, would you mind if Diego introduces you to Alby? I'm running a bit late."
"Not at all, it would be nice to talk to him for a bit."
"Wonderful! Drop by my office if you need anything or want to chat" AI called over her shoulder.
"So, what's this place like Diego?"
"It's amazing! The classes are fantastic, the people super friendly, and you won't need to worry about people being assholes because they think you're gay," Diego answered.
"I'm not gay," Tyler responded, a well-worn joke between them. "I'm.."
"One of those no homo dude bros, I'm assuming." Interrupted a handsome person with beautifully painted eyes and a delicate mouth. Bleached white hair fell into their eyes, and a tank top reveling buff arms completed the look.
"I'm Alby, I go by they/them and I don't tolerate bullies."
"Umm, hi? I'm Tyler, I think you are the person assigned to show me around?"
"Yep. Get your stuff. I'll take you to your dorm room and pick you up for dinner after you unpack." Alby called over their shoulder as they stalked out of the room.
Tyler chased after them, catching up as they stepped out of the building into a tree-shaded courtyard dotted with chairs and tables. The wide-open grassy space was surrounded but other buildings. Tyler spotted students studying at the tables and hanging out with friends.
"Here's a map of the school and do try to keep up," Alby snarled, pushing a crumpled piece of paper into Tyler's hands.
Tyler trailed after them, bewildered as to what he had done to get off on such a wrong note. Maybe it was the polo shirt? Did it make him look like frat bro? He was just trying to look put together for orientation. Tyler resolved to ask Alby what his issue was when he managed to catch up to him and raced after him into a large brick building.
Alby stopped abruptly in front of a door in a corridor plain wood doors that left Tyler with an impression of the vague uneasiness of gazing upon the mainframe. " This is your dorm. I'll be back in an hour." Alby spat out as they turned on their heel and started to march away.
"Wait, Alb,y! What did I do to make you this angry this fast?" Tyler shouted at Alby's back.
"Clearly, you're one of those straight people that feel so fucking threatened by any queer person they have to let everyone know that their straight and not one of those people" Alby ground out.
"I'm pansexual?" Tyler responded, disconcerted.
"I don't care... Wait, what? But you told Diego you weren't gay?" Alby faltered.
"Oh, that's a joke we had in our high school LGBT club about people erasing the identity of anyone who isn't strictly gay. I mean, the name itself was pretty exclusionary, you know? Gay Coalition? But the school would barely let us have that," Tyler rambled.
"Oh, I fucked up," Alby muttered as they leaned heavily against the wall, "I fucked up bad. I thought you were homophobic, one of those guys that need to protest even the hint that they're not masculine enough. So you know Diego?"
"Yeah, we went to high school together, he graduated a year before I did."
"Well, if Diego thinks your cool, I guess I should give you a chance. Sorry for being an asshole." Alby mumbled to the ground.
"Don't worry about it. So this is my dorm?" Tyler asked hesitantly.
"Sure is, walk-in, and you should meet your new roommate. I'm going to turn in a paper, and  I'll be back in a bit to take you to dinner." Alby replied, grinning.
"Um, Alby? How do I get in?" Tyler asked.
"It recognizes your student ID; press it on the door, it should let you in."
"Ok awesome! I'll see you in a bit for dinner!" Tyler called scrambled to get his ID out of his backpack.
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rowankingsleyy · 4 years
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Like this if you want to plot with Rowan (we know we’re not new but we could always use new connections) =)
NICKNAMES: Ro, Winnie (close friends only)
AGE: 28
OCCUPATION: Published Author/Freelance Baker
BIRTHDAY: May 11th, 1992
PARENTS: Cassandra and Tony Kingsley
SIBLINGS: Rett Kahale (half sibling)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
TW: domestic violence, sexual assault, anxiety, eating disorders, mention of death, illness, drugs
Rowan was born to Cassandra and Tony Kingsley in the early summer of 1992, at which point things were already strained between the two-some because of Tony’s alcohol problem and Cassie’s generally meek personality.
Rowan’s half-brother took a leading role in her care from a very young age, not just because her dad was useless, but also because their mother was so distracted by her need to please Tony that she dropped the ball often.
Both her brother and her saw things they certainly shouldn’t have, were told things that no children should be told, and occasionally went without for no reason other than Tony liking control, but he never hurt them physically.  However, he did hurt their mother.  
Less than a year after her brother turned 18 and moved out of the house, their mother died of an aneurysm suddenly and unexpectedly.
Despite how Rowan’s father treated her mother, the loss of her broke him and send him on a 3 month bender that only ended because he was booked with vehicular manslaughter and his 3rd DWI.
Luckily, Rowan only spent a few weeks in foster care before the court allowed her brother to assume custody over her.
From the moment her brother joined, the club became her family.  The wives and daughters of the club were the people who taught her everything she knows about being a girl, doing make up, doing her hair, navigating boys.  (This is probably why she went through a blue eyeshadow phase at 17)
Rowan is a textbook overachiever and perfectionist, she always had all As, was always in 6 clubs, and held officer positions in every single one including the dance team.  While she did hold officer positions, she never really was one to take front and center--she prefers the positions of the people behind the scenes keeping things together.  (secretary, treasurer, anything that has to do with organizational skills.
While over her high school years she wrote a lot, and even published one of her short stories in a local newspaper, she didn’t write her first full novel until she went away to college at 18.  No one ever read that novel, it hit the trash during its 5th round of editing. 
At 18 she received a full scholarship to UC Berkley and left Charming for the first time to go to school first time.  She lived in the dorms all 4.5 years and graduated with a degree in English, minoring in Psychology.
If you ever ask Rowan what she’s afraid of, she’ll tell you losing control again.  She notes two prominent times of completely losing control over her life, one fairly recent, and the other while she was away at college.  While she was away, she went out fairly often with her friends and one night someone slipped something into her drink.  Nothing happened, she made it home without incident, but the way it made her feel, the way she felt victimized or the potential of being so set her off.  She had two drop three of her classes and extend her time in college an extra semester because of how hard she spun out, trying to control things that she wouldn’t typically even think about.  She started her senior year 20 pounds lighter with 0% of the friends she had started her Junior year with.
While she was away at college her brother became a father, which meant frequent trips home to visit and help out with her niece who quickly meant enough to her to be her own.    
She returned home from school at 23 and worked in a bakery until she could live off of her cookie business (at 25 her cookie business was self sufficient).  
While she was growing her cookie business, she began writing her first professional novel and completed it at 26.  She sold it that very same year, and published it at 27.
While it changed her life or the better and got her foot in the door with the publishing world, publishing her book also led to the the single most traumatizing thing she has ever experienced.  
While she was marketing her book, the marketing manager became very demanding of Rowan and her time, which often led to them being together very late at night.  One night, while out of town for a book reading, he pushed himself on Rowan.  This assault led to the second occurance of Rowan losing complete control and her life suffering because of it.
After the assault, Rowan threatened to blow the whistle, and in return he threatened her career so she is still with that publishing company with him as her marketing manager.  
As of now, Rowan is in the process of getting her second book published, filling in as mom as best she can for her niece, running her cookie business and holding cookie classes, and trying to make amends for the bonds she broke when she spun out last.
Because of how contentious Rowan’s early childhood was, she has a pretty anxious mind that is always running on 100.  Her thoughts come a mile a minute and they can be pretty difficult to stop.  Melatonin is her best friend.  
When she loses control over things in her life (hELLO we meet again control-less childhood) she controls everything she can, and that manifests differently every time.  Controlling what she eats to the point of malnourishment, controlling every single word of what she’s writing, putting herself on lockdown until whatever she’s working on is      p e r f e c t.  
She fixates on her mistakes, in high school if she answered to the wrong name during roll she would be thinking about it for the rest of the day.
She bakes in excess when she’s trying to think through something, the measurements and muscle memory movements help calm her brain into being able to process whatever is on her mind.
She’s always been a writer, from the very first time she had to write in her 4th grade ELA class.  That only grew through Middle and High School creative writing classes.  She’s always loved exploring the stories and that it was something that she could perfect through six or seven round of editing.
Sticky notes cover her bedroom walls because of how quickly her thoughts come and go, her ideas for books do NOT come in order and she can often be found starring at her walls with her little scribbles trying to figure out what order they should go in.
For someone who would be considered the ‘bright & shiny’ type, she has a thing for researching and watching shows about serial killers.  She can rattle off facts like its her day job.  
Because of how quiet she can be, sometimes folks assume she’s innocent or that she doesn’t know anything, but in reality the opposite is true.  She’s spent so much time watching and analyzing everyone and everything that she knows much more that she lets on or that any civilian should.
She learned how to play guitar in college (not very well) and is a pretty damn good singer, but she’d never be the type to want to be front and center in front of a crowd.  She mostly uses these talents as a means to an end in writing mini stories with lyrics.  It appeases her in the in between period of having finished a book and being able to start a new one.
All floral, all the time.  Enough said.
GENUINELY afraid of birds and giant frogs
I’ll probably add to this it’s 1am and I’m tired.
high school friends/enemies
someone who delivers cookies for her
women who influenced her growing up within the club
club members who are like family
someone who mentored her in her baking
friends she lost when she spun out during college
literally anything
wherever i go, you bring me home Rett Kahale// her brother.  her parent.  rowan is extremely close to her brother, as kids they were all each other had.  he’s done everything he could to give her a normal childhood, to make up for her parents’ lapses.  she would do just about anything for him or his daughter.  
can't stop staring, at those oceans eyes, burning cities, and napalm skies. fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes Lev Finnerty// no title.  but he’s the only man who has ever quieted her brain long enough for her to both lose her breath and catch it.  they’ve kissed a few times and have something comparable to a magnetic field between them, but lev broke it off out of respect for her brother.
i'll stand up with you forever, i'll be there for you through it all Natalie Cassadaga// her sister.  they may not have grown up together, but because of how her brother took Nat in the very same way he did her they bonded to an extent that would have been unfathomable had she not experienced it.  barring childhood, they’re sisters, no buts.
i’m a mess, i’m a loser, i’m a hater, i’m a user Freddie Dawson// her confidant.  this is the only person outside of nat who gets to see rowan admit to being a mess.  freddie gets the 100% honest version of rowan, usually with a little bit of liquid courage.
you can leave me in the dark if that's all I get from you Maximo Sanchez // her ex.  they dated in secret for 8 months before her assault.  when she spun out after the assault, she didn’t tell him and she pushed him away.  she fucked up the relationship, but she’s a little bitter about how easily he gave up on her.  
you're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece Angela Hunter // the best friend.  an unlikely pair given their age difference.  regardless of the time that’s passed since angie left, they picked right back up like no time had lapsed. they did so without judgement or awkward pauses.  they eat, they drink, they gossip.  they support each other when needed.  rowan is considered an aunt to Lily.  lots of cookies and weed cupcakes to be had.
'cause they’re gonna tell you all the rules to break, to take away that light Leyla Aslan // her roommate.  the boldness to rowan’s softness.  how different they are makes them work, they bring balance to each other (and rationalize the one another when they go too far).  
If you’ve made it this far, you deserve a baby Rowan picture, here.
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