#not everyone who's gone thru something fucked up wants you to force them in a position where they have to relive it over n over to stranger
butchviking · 10 months
could u describe your feelings about Cheerard
ogh man. i am like always going off about this 2 people but u put me on the spot like that i get scared. um.
well. first of all she represents freedom 2 me. gerard has clearly always been kind of a feminine dude, "i was a girl to a lot of people growing up" "i have always identified a fair amount with the female gender" "masculinity has always made me feel like it wasnt right for me".. he expressed this 2 some degree w stage looks, w all the makeup & everything, and sure mcr have always had adoring fans but he also very much has always always been called a fag mcr have always all been called fags on the regular people have not always been kind. and hesitant alien era he was clearly going thru a lot and thinking about a lot. and from that angle it just meant the world to see him like. openly crossdress in the public eye for the first time (we know he's crossdressed before but never in the public eye u know?) and look so HAPPY. with his friends who support him. and u could feel the love u could see it u could almost hold it in ur hands. that was true of the whole tour ofc but it made me wail and cry seeing his buddies giving him a hug and everyone cheering and loving and supporting him. as a gnc person who has also gone thru Gender Issues. and the fact that he was doing it all at 45 with grey hairs and wrinkles and sinewy middle-aged-man legs. there is a future u know. there is a future. and theres happiness there. and he just looked like he was having so much fun and not giving a fuck.. again, vibe of the whole tour, but it was so special 2 see him dancing and jumping and twirling..
also. hm. hard to know how to phrase this one without just copying out a previously written essay. as a woman, who also was once a girl, feminity is something that has often been forced on me. the world has tried to make it a prison for me and i have chewed through the bars kicking and screaming. and over the years ive stubbornly gone very much the other way and eschewed anything that could b considered feminine and viewed all things feminine as evil and as a cage. bc thats what that was to me. but the thing is that not everything deemed feminine is necessarily bad. ive avoided gentleness and vulnerability as much as ive avoided superficial aesthetic markers of femininity like skirts and pink and whatever. (and i have lost some kindness but i was a girl too and you were just like me and i was just like you..) and. hm. you know that thing transmascs sometimes say about looking at transwomen and being like "i forgot that womanhood could be enjoyed i forgot that it isnt the burden to everyone that it was to me"? well obviously i dont agree with that. but as far as feminity rather than womanhood i think thats a fair parallel for how i feel about gerard way. there are things i have run from that i see him enjoy and it makes me see them a different way. and it makes me see that it doesn't have to be a prison and by god i do not have to move myself from one cage to another. i'll never be an aesthetically feminine person it's just not who i am or what i enjoy.. and dresses and skirts are superficial things.. but him doing his silly little twirls in his silly little cheerleader dress is a very visual representation of something more. its very symbolic 2 me. and i'll also never be exceptionally feminine in my behaviours or personality either and that's not a bad thing its who i am and im proud of who i am. sometimes anyway. but. there are traits i could do with letting in. that have been hard for me to let in. he/she (that is gerard/cheerard fjdksk gerard is a he hes a real human man but cheerard is a symbol a concept a character and she's a she to me. sorry i dont make the rules my brain does) is a representation of all of this 2 me.
all of this 2 say gender is fake and u can do what u want and u just have to be yourself and be what u want 2 be and be what makes u happy and what brings love and joy. and u dont have to sit in a hole about it u dont have 2 write emily or drugstore perfume u dont have to wish u could bring her back from the dead or whatever. sometimes u just gotta wear a silly little cheerleader dress and go have fun. metaphor but also very real 2 me i WILL be buying a custom made cheerard dress and it will probably b the only dress i'll ever wear in my adult life fjfkkdj
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hardestgrove · 2 years
You asked for prompts for the quad SO time to ask my favorite question, what are their after high school plans? Has Emily ever thought about college? I don't think you've ever talked about that, but sorry if you have!
BONUS question!! -> Emily's favorite foods? What do they like to eat? Can they cook, or is their diet more of a "fast food and whatever they find in the fridge" kind of deal?
fjghlsds I haven't talked about it yet yeah! i have thought about it tho!!
billy's og plan was to save up money and move back to cali but there's been alterations to that for a lotta pretty obvious reasons... so far that's his main goal in life. some variation of "gtfo outta here, ideally to cali" i think he's also gonna be going thru a process of sorting out his shit and what he really wants to do now that he's allowed to engage with his passions and can do whatever he wants. will not be shocked if he ends up doing something music related.
eddie still graduates in s4 (u know... assuming he does dfgds) his main life goal is to make his band actually fucking happen. I think realistically after graduation tho corroded coffin semi-falls apart as all things do in the gap between high school, college/adult life but he's likely gonna end up latching on to the twins who are both also EXTREMELY serious about a music career and both very competent already as musicians and likely that'll go places or at least help launch them all into their own various solid music in the long run careers.
emily was actually going to go to college until plot events make her realize she can't leave her siblings alone with their parents. like yes her brothers would still be there to look out for stacy and alison but the reality is it's a team effort and they've survived so long doing as well as they have because they stuck together. so they got into a really good school and had to defer/inform them they weren't going which also leads to a huge fallout with their father when he finds out bc like ofc. it's all very dark at the time bc emily saw college as an escape from the abuse but over time is actually glad they didn't go because like... they didn't know what they'd do there??? like obvs their dad wanted them to go into business but that's not what they wanted to do. they've got no clue what they actually wanna do with their life. ironically might get wrangled into the band since they already get very literally forced to play bass for the twins sometimes and eddie would 1000% jump on that and help w/ the peer pressure lol. honestly kinda unsurprisingly from someone who was so intensely single-minded about like, 1 escape plan and just survival in general emily's just kinda out at sea a bit once the plan is gone.
steve's in the same boat pretty much, they both know long run they don't wanna keep living in hawkins. that's honestly the one thing everyone agrees on tbh but like he doesn't know what he wants to do with himself or like, what he's even good at. he's still gonna be at scoops ahoy and family video for a while just trying to do something. him and emily (and sometimes billy) likely have talks about wtf they wanna do with their lives since they're the most ????? about it. he gets increasingly more sure tho that he wants kids and like, domesticness which becomes an interesting convo with the other 3 but no one in the quad is actually against the idea in the long run. honestly wouldn't be shocked if he ended up a house husband or some kinda 80s ned fulmer kldfjsgds
i think emily's fave foods are probably like, variations on pasta with tomato sauce, so like half italian food lol and milkshakes. so steve's job at scoops ahoy was a real bonus for them pfft. emily can in fact cook but it's much more on the utilitarian end of cooking because they're making things for 5 people and trying to do it kinda quickly since there's a lot going on. so a lot of things that are pretty easy like pasta and fired rice or involve defrosting things like frozen pizzas. it's also not a shock to see them eating their portion right out of the pan or eating the leftovers off plates a la stories you hear from the exhausted parents of young children lol i think branching out more in cooking is one of the things they'd be into exploring once they have less shit on their plate to deal with honestly
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izukult · 3 years
what type of jewelry haikyuu boys get a girl
request: Hello, i must ask what type of jewelry they’d get their girl? 🥺 i saw this on tik tok and thought it was cute and wanted to know your thoughts, you can either show pics or describe them, whatever you prefer! -anon
i don’t even have my ears pierced but if *** bought me those i’d force them thru my ears don’t even test me. sorry y’all but necklace supremacy
characters: hinata, kageyama, oikawa, sugawara, yamaguchi, tsukishima, bokuto, akaashi, iwaizumi, matsukawa, atsumu, nishinoya
hinata shoyo
a wire ring! it’s a cute little homemade ring (just because it’s homemade doesn’t mean it came from his home), he picked a gemstone for you ‘based on which one was prettiest’.
kageyama tobio
a friendship bracelet. one of the ones made of yarn, yknow? it doesn’t sound like much, but he made it himself. the ends are frayed and the pattern is a little bit messy, but he spent a Long ass time trying to figure out how to do it. he does not have money, it’s personal, it’s not flashy, and you can wear it any time. he made that for you and he’ll act like it doesn’t but it means a lot to him.
oikawa toru
promise ring. this is so on brand toru. idfc. IDFC. he gets you a buncha little gifts and throws that one in there and tries to act like super suave and cool about it! probably also gets you something with his initials (tastefully).
sugawara koushi
hair clips and a necklace. sugawara is built different, he gets two. he would absolutely buy you a cute, simple necklace on a special occasion, but he adores buying you little hair clips to wear just all the time. and some of them are super fucking nice too. sugawara kiss me challenge.
yamaguchi tadashi
charm necklaces. like the cheapish kind yknow? wide variety of cute little ones! some examples could be like a mushroom necklace, those cute layered necklaces, ones with safety pins, just a lot of  tchotchke cute necklaces. they’re afforadable, pretty, throw outfits together, and he loves seeing you wear them knowing he bought them. 
tsukishima kei
personalized leather bracelet. he got an inside joke engraved, but it’s on the inside of the bracelet. it’s so intimate? on the outside, it’s just a simple, thin leather bracelet. but the inside is him literally verbally showing how much he cares about you. you got this shit in writing, he’s gone gone.
bokuto kotaro
an anklet. i forget that people actually wear these, but i think he’d get super excited about it! it would follow dress codes for work or sports, and he could make it your favorite colors or put charms on it and it was just that ‘kinda always there’ thing and that’s his goal 😏
akaashi keiji
earrings. akaashi is absolutely a hopeless romantic, and he thinks there are just the most practical. he picks them based off your preference, of course (i.e. if you love hoops, he’ll buy you hoops. if you hate hoops clearly he won’t buy you hoops yknow?). loves em, kisses your ear when you have em on.
iwaizumi hajime
stackable rings. simplistic, cute, screams hajime. much like akaashi, he’ll always hold your hand and kiss the finger your ring is on. they’re super minimalistic and he knows you can’t go wrong with that, so it doesn’t make him anxious. plus, you can mix and match!
matsukawa issei
scannable spotify necklace. absolutely. ABSOLUTELY. spends longer picking out the song than he does the necklace, but he makes it really really matter. (however, he absolutely considers putting a gag song on there, instead chooses something that describes how he actually feels (nah, he buys both)).
miya atsumu
one of those bar necklaces with his name. yea, it’s kinda tacky, but so is he. he actually gets a pretty tasteful one, and he wouldn’t get mad at you if you didn’t wear it all the time. he wants to give you the option to, and it’s not like he hasn’t already told everyone who would listen that you two were dating.
nishinoya yu
bond touch bracelets. even though you’re literally not long distance he is so clingy. he bought them without telling you and was super duper excited about the idea (“now i get your touch even when you’re gone!!!!”). comes up with little codes for taps and soon enough you two have literally learned morse code and are communicating via bracelet. if he knows you’re anxious, he’ll send ‘i love you’ even if he’s in the same room.
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missjaystone · 3 years
“Don’t Wake Up”
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Reader | Bucky Barnes x Reader Summary: Work keeps you busy. That's why as long as Steve's gentle and doesn't wake you up, he's free to do what he wants while you sleep, but what he wants is his best friend to feel what he feels. Word Count: 1,800
Trigger Warning(s): Somnophilia, NonCon/DubCon, Drugging Please DO NOT ignore trigger warnings and read at your own discretion.
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Life was unpredictable, anybody who knew exactly how their life would go was either omnipotent or the most boring being alive. Early on you learned to roll with life's punches and that's how you were where you were right now. A top SHIELD agent trusted with a great deal of knowledge and an almost insane amount of clearance, working closing with the Avengers. You rose thru SHIELD's ranks fairly quickly, especially for someone of your age. You were mid-level when they unfroze Captain America. You were one of the people entrusted with the task of helping Steve warm up to this new 21st-century society, pun not intended.
Once the initial shock of being thrust into this world had worn off, you and Steve developed a comfortable and vital friendship. You two spoke multiple times a day and saw each other frequently. The two of you were together so often, people used to joke that if one of you was around, the other wasn't far behind and they usually weren't wrong. It was no secret nobody was surprised when Tony loudly made a scene when he saw you two sharing a New Year's kiss. Tony shouting "I knew they'd end up together! I fucking knew it!" to everyone on the Avengers team and a handful of SHIELD agents wasn't how you two intended on exposing your relationship, but life is unpredictable.
Things around you gradually became more complex but that wasn't a surprise, you just kept rolling with the punches. The battle of New York happened, Ultron happened, Hydra's infiltration of SHIELD happened, the team grew, the entire situation with the Sokovia Accords happened, the complexities already on your plates multiplied. Of course, you stuck with Steve thru everything, you never stopped having faith in him. There were a handful of times where you could've turned and stopped fighting but how could you abandon your Captain? You loved him. Over the years all the fights, all the curveballs, everything wore on you both and the two of you had to change with the times and adapt to your surroundings. You were both changing before each other. There were times where you didn't see each other for weeks at a time; Steve would get busy with his missions around the globe and you had a mountain of SHIELD files to deal with; drives that had to be decrypted and stored properly, reports that had to go to a dozen different people, agents to recruit and review, clips to scour with minute details.
Things got a little bumpy when Bucky came to stay at the tower; Steve trying to help his oldest friend get accustomed to everything and you helping any way you could. You couldn't bear the thought of telling Steve when you started to feel uncomfortable around the brunette. The lingering stares, the prolonged hugs, the borderline-peculiar conversations; you brushed it all off. This was a man who spent 70 years as a mind-controlled assassin, he had everything ripped from him and now he had to readjust to modern society. He had to learn how to form relationships again, he had to relearn everything so there were bound to be moments of discomfort as he navigated his way. In all of that, however, you missed the small frowns and brooding moments he had whenever you and Steve were being overly affectionate together. He'd never do anything about it though, you were Steve's. He'd had his fair share of ladies back in their time but you were Steve's girl, you made Steve happy and Bucky couldn't-wouldn't take that from him.
When your workload multiplied again, you weren't as available as you used to be and it wore on Steve a bit. He and his super-soldier stamina had gotten used to a certain level of intimacy that wasn't happening anymore. It came to a head one night when Steve was in the mood but you were too tired to even pretend. Your words were mumbled as you snuggled against your pillow but Steve heard them loud and clear "do whatever you need to get off, baby, just don't wake me up." He asked if you were sure and got a hum in response but that didn't entirely suffice. He gave your shoulders a small shake until you turned to look at him. You looked tired and were so close to kicking him out of bed "Stevie, do whatever you want just please let me sleep."
You two still had sex other times, they were more intimate and personal though. In a mildly humorous way, that seemed to boost your relationship some. You'd wake up the morning feeling surprisingly peaceful for a few minutes before your work to-do list came to mind and Steve found out he enjoyed the idea of doing something he wasn't supposed to. He'd made it into his own little game; how much could he do without waking you up?
Tonight, you had your nose buried in your computer screen and papers were strewn across the bed; you were already exhausted but you still had a number of things to finish. You were pulled out of your hype focused state when the bed dipped beside you. The blue-eyed man offered you a cup of water with a sweet smile "come on, I haven't seen you drink anything in over an hour." You thanked him with a quick peck before taking a long and much-needed drink, thanking him when you set the nearly-empty cup back down.
Time felt like it began to drag on slowly, heavy tiredness slowly enveloping you throughout the next hour. You didn't even realize you'd dozed off until Steve was gently laying you down, pulling the blankets over you. "Steve, I still have work to do," you forced yourself to mumble, everything just felt heavy. "You can't even keep your eyes open, finish it in the morning," he said softly. He hushed you when you tried to object "Captain's orders, doll." You couldn't argue with that. Literally, there wasn't an ounce of strength or a grain of energy to fuel a disagreement. You were out like a light in a manner of seconds.
The blond stayed snuggled up beside you, stroking your hair soothingly to lull you into a deep sleep. No more than ten minutes had passed before the door opened and closed without a sound. An unsure Bucky stood by the dresser with his hands in his pockets and spoke quietly "are you sure about this Steve?" He nodded "I'm positive, Buck. I wouldn't have suggested it if I wasn't sure about it. I see the way you look at her, you deserve happiness too y'know." Bucky started to question him but Steve stopped him "she'll love you as much as she does me, Buck, it'll take some time and subliminal messages but she will."
Bucky looked at your sleeping form in thought, you were a nice person; you were smart, helpful, genuine, charming, you made him feel normal. He'd never be normal but if having you made him feel that way, who was he to pass up the opportunity? He quickly shed his pajamas while Steve moved your bottoms down. They'd been planning this for what felt like ages and they knew there'd be no going back, but it gave them a chance at a future they got to actually choose.
A thick silence filled the room as Bucky moved slowly to hover above you, lining himself up at your entrance with a slightly-shaking hand. With one last confirmation look from Steve, he slowly eased himself into you. He bit his lip roughly to keep from groaning and wake you up. The crushed-up Valium in your water should've kept you from waking up at anything but he wasn't taking a chance and getting too caught up in the moment. He finally broke the silence with a mumbled groan after finally bottoming out. Bucky's eyes fell closed and he stilled to savor the feeling, almost cumming right then.
Very slowly, he started to pull his hips back before pushing back in just as slowly. He continued like this for what he thought was ages and when the only response from you was a mumble here or a moan there, he slowly picked up his pace. Steve was in heaven watching the scene unfold in front of him. There was a slight pang in his chest for betraying your trust and not only letting but encouraging his friend to use you but he had a plan, a plan he was confident in. He started off palming his throbbing erection over his sweatpants before eventually pulling them down and fisting his member. There were a few moments where both stilled in fear when you stirred before settling. Bucky finished first, his hips jerking briefly before they stilled, a satisfied groan leaving his lips as he moved some hair out of your face. Steve finished when he watched him slowly pull out and came with a muttered 'fuck'. Steve quickly grabbed a few tissues, handing some to Bucky to clean you up while he took care of himself. Once the evidence was removed, the men shared a tight hug. Bucky actually looked a little more like himself now, he looked the slightest bit happier and more at peace.
In your unconscious and drugged state, all that you really felt was a sort of tugging pressure but you couldn't open your eyes. You heard voices conversing quietly after the pressure was completely gone and you felt the bed move as somebody got up. Despite your best efforts to listen, you couldn't make out the words. It took all of your strength to open your eyes even slightly but you could've sworn you saw a brunette figure leaving the room. There was no time to process it before your eyes fell shut again and you were entirely asleep.
You still felt a bit groggy when you woke up in the morning but nothing seemed out of place. Steve was quick to appear with a couple of mugs of coffee, handing you yours before he took a seat. He planted a sweet kiss on your temple. When you didn't say anything after taking your mug, Steve looked you over "are you feeling okay, doll? Are you coming down with something?" He asked, some concern in his eyes as he placed the back of his hand to your forehead for a temperature check. You finally took his hand and kissed his palm, sending him a smile "I'm fine, baby, just a little groggy is all. Crazy dream is all." Steve smiled sweetly at you “wanna talk about it?" An image of Bucky on top of you flashed across your mind and you shook your head “I don’t even remember what it was about.” You kissed his cheek softly and smiled. After all, it was only a dream.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
Chris lying on top of someone getting cuddles plz Ash I beg of you
Follows on Time Apart, It Doesn’t Work As Well As You’d Hoped, and Learn to Fly
Their heartbeat is slow and steady underneath his ear, and his eyes close, letting himself dwell in the sound. His fingers twist in their shirt, relax, twist and relax, rubbing his thumbs over the seams of their binder underneath.
They hum, softly, a tuneless sound very nearly like his own, and that’s like drifting in a warm sea, floating on saltwater and feeling the sun on his skin. Their fingers gently move through his hair, blunt bitten nails not quite scratching his scalp, just rubbing with their fingertips.
The coffeeshop is quiet around them, emptied-out except for the two baristas who speak in low voices under the whirring of the espresso machine, handing drinks out the drive-thru window, bags of cookies and cannoli, a scone or three. They don’t ask if Chris and Laken need anything more.
They know that the need, as it stands now, isn’t for the coffee that’s gone cold in both their cups. It's for the space to have their quiet together, after time apart.
The rain pours, outside, a soft and subtle rush, like blood pulsing through the veins of the world. Blood goes into and out of the human heart, water goes up to the atmosphere and then back to earth. It’s the same.
The earth breathes.
So does Laken.
Chris, like a bird with wings open to the wind to rise, listens to it.
“I’m not afraid of you,” Laken murmurs, without pausing in the soft rhythm of their fingers. “Or of what happened to you, or of what it means for us. My future is with you, that hasn’t changed. I’ve never been afraid of you, Chris. Afraid for you a couple of times, sure, but never of you.”
“I’ll freeze up,” Chris says back, voice low. The music that plays over the speakers switches in a wild, odd swing between the sort of instrumental jazz Chris is used to and the occasional bouncy 80’s pop song. He wonders, in a detached way, which of the baristas has their iPod plugged in to the speakers. “Every, um. Every time. I can’t-... I can’t, can’t stop it right away. Ever.”
“I know,” Laken says. They’re on their back on the back, shoulders propped against the arm of the couch, head tipped back a little towards the ceiling. Chris lays on top of them, his own feet up on the couch’s arm at the other side, the soles of his worn-out slip-on shoes pointing up. His fingers run over the thick, smooth binder fabric under their t-shirt, back and forth, back and forth. His fingers skim along the edge where the black of the binder meets the skin over their lower ribs.
He mirrors the movement of their hand through his hair without realizing it.
“You, you, you shouldn’t-... someone who, um, who can’t... I'm, I'm fucked up, Laken."
“No one gets out of this life without some dings, baby,” Laken says, and their hand slips down, cups his jaw and gently encourages him to look up as they look down to meet his eyes. Theirs, always, are pools so deep and dark he can’t tell iris from pupil. Some of the long part of their hair falls forward, framing their face. “Nobody. Yours are a little rougher than some others, but I’ve got mine, too, you know? I love you, dings and all. We're fucked up but we're fucked up together."
“You don’t freeze.”
“No. I throw punches. And trust me, it’s not always the right response. Even if it feels good in the moment.”
“I, I, I wish I could fight.”
“You did.” Laken sighs, a low soft exhale, and he listens to the sound it within them as well as without. “You pushed her away. You said so yourself. You pushed her away and said no.”
“Not, not right away.”
“God, Chris. You’re even braver for fighting when your body is screaming at you not to. It’s not thoughtless, for you, like it is for me sometimes. You have to push past years of hurt in a couple of seconds. That’s big.”
“It, it, it feels… small.”
“Well, it’s not.” The firm matter-of-factness of their tone makes him smile, secretly, turning his head briefly so the expression is made against their sternum, the warmth of their skin that settles under his own.
“I’m going to to to to, um, to make, it, it harder on you,” He says, looking back up at them. He doesn’t like to look right into people’s eyes, never has, but it’s not so bad with them. Sometimes. And he knows they’ll let him look away when it’s too much. “You know? You, you should… you should maybe find someone else.”
“I should be there for the man I love,” Laken says, voice getting a little softer. There’s a clatter of metal steam-cups over by the counter, the baristas rinsing everything out during this slow time, when the nearly-overwhelming rain means no one is getting out of their car right now.
The two old men - Mr. Malley and Mr. Cilly - have gone back to their homes. It’s nearly lunchtime, and Chris’s stomach feels a little hollowed. He’ll get a scone in a little while, maybe. If he remembers.
“But... everyone who loves me dies, gets hurt, gets gets gets lost,” Chris whispers, feeling a sharp twist inside him. A grief and pain that was wiped away, pushed down by drugs but never fully destroyed. It rises in a wave to break against him, as if they have only just died, the two of them. His mother’s eyes fading as she told him it would be okay, in the end. His father had already been gone.
“That’s a goddamn lie,” Laken says, and there’s an insistence even in their half-whisper. “Jake’s still here. Nat’s still here. Antoni’s still here, Kauri’s still here. I’m still here. Hell, those weird old dudes seem to care about you and they’re still here, aren’t they?”
“But, but, but when I, when I tell everyone-”
“I’ll be right fucking there. Wherever you want me.”
“Everyone will know what I am.” They’re silent, but he can feel their correction behind their lips, barely held back, and he smiles, just a little. “Okay, okay. What I, um, what, what I had to do.”
“If that’s what you want to do, I support you. And I’m not turning away just because you’re doing something amazing, even if it’s dangerous.” They run a finger along his jaw, and their smile is bright, their teeth just slightly crooked in a way Chris loves. “I told you. My future is with you, and that’s a choice I made like a month after you said that you loved me the first time. I knew it was me and you, Chris. Whatever stands in our way, we’ll get through it.”
Chris blinks at them, thinking, and then his own smile widens. It’s still a little trembling, a little hesitant… but stronger. “Blow, um. Blow it apart and go through the wreckage.”
“What?” Laken blinks back at him.
He shakes his head, smiling and laying his ear back down over their heart, looking out the window at the driving rain. It’s made puddles in the parking lot, and he sees a bright white and red polka-dot umbrella as someone makes a mad dash for their car from the bookstore a few doors down.
“My mom,” He says, softly. “My, um. Mr. Malley said… my mom would, um, would would do that. If she couldn’t get over something, or around it, she’d… she’d she’d she’d go through it. Knock it it it it it down or, or, or, um, blow it up."
“Then let’s make like your mom,” Laken says, softly. “And blow WRU to bits and walk right through whatever’s left of their bullshit and build our life there. Take their wreckage and make a statue out of it. Or a hammer. Which we will then bash them with."
He laughs, against them, and they laugh, too.
He's missed the sound of their laughter so much.
When their hand moves down, he grabs onto it. Their fingers are warm, as always. Warm and dry, the perfect counterpoint to the weather. They press a kiss to his hair and he lets his eyes close, enjoying the feeling.
“Do, um. Do do do do you want to meet her?”
“My mom. And, um, I guess, I guess my dad, too. I I I I know where they are, now. Where they’re… they’re buried.”
Laken inhales sharply. “Since when?”
“Akio, um, told me. Do, do you want to… meet them?”
“Sure.” Laken hesitates, then adds in a kind of nervous feigned humor, “What if your mom doesn’t like me?”
Chris thinks of the woman in his mind, still fuzzy around the edges and with a voice he can only remember when he isn’t thinking too much about it. Dark hair and a bright laugh, holding him tightly when he needed it and letting him run when he needed that instead. The woman who went to every single practice and meet, who had been so excited for him to qualify for the national elite team alongside Akio. He can almost see her clearly, if he keeps his eyes closed and forces his way around the headache that still tries to push her back into the light.
“I think,” He murmurs, “She, she, she, she would have liked you. A lot. And and and and probably been mad it took me so, um, so so so long to bring you by."
@burtlederp @finder-of-rings @endless-whump @astrobly @newandfiguringitout @doveotions @pretty-face-breaker @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow @boxboysandotherwhump @oops-its-whump @cubeswhump @whump-tr0pes @downriver914 @whumptywhumpdump @whumpiary @orchidscript @nonsensical-whump @outofangband @eatyourdamnpears
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mod-kyoko · 3 years
Okay um, here goes nothing, could i request a Nsfw fic of makoto with a Dom! male!S/o (if not then just a Fem!S/o) who takes His anger Out thru Spanking Bic Mac, and one day he has a terrible day at Work, and Goes all out on Makoto when he gets home.
hiya flsjdfjfhsl thank you for the request fldkdgkgjsb
fun fact: this is my first time writing smut on this blog, but i do have experience writing it so no worries
this is gonna be fun to write >:]
side note: the request said nothing about actual se* but i wanted to write it anyway, so i will just warn you when the actual se* starts just in case that's not what you wanted!! other than that, there are a lot of suggestive themes beforehand, and if that's not what you wanted then i wouldn't mind rewriting it!!
***remember*** makoto naegi is an adult
CW: straightup smut, spanking, male reader, male anatomy, oral, fingering, anal, degradation, lil bit of fluff at the end
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makoto x dom!male!reader
everyone has those days that are just the absolute worst. frustrating people, frustrating jobs. though, not everyone has such a cute little toy at their disposal for when they have days like this. for you, work was much more difficult than usual this particular day. you had gotten in trouble for something another employee had done, and it was just this big mess. thankfully, you had only been reprimanded for it, but of course, the anger and frustration was still there. luckily, you knew just how your anger would find its release tonight.
before you began your drive home, you picked up your phone to text your boyfriend.
'had a bad day. you know what that means. be ready.'
after setting your phone down, you shifted in gear, and began the drive home. a deep sigh rumbled from your throat as your head was already filled with lewd images of what tonight would look like. halfway home, you felt your pants tightening around you, a bulge forming in your crotch. every image of your pretty little boyfriend gagging with your cock down his throat made you even harder, eager to get home. the ride was almost too long to bear, and by the time you had unlocked the door to your house, you were painfully hard and sweltering hot.
makoto was nowhere to be found, which probably meant he was already waiting for you in your room as you demanded. you slammed the door shut in eagerness and sexual frustration, letting him know you were home. you quickly strode towards your shared bedroom, welcomed by a blushing, naked makoto kneeling on the bed.
a smirk spread onto your face as you stepped towards him, shutting the door behind you. reaching out to ruffle his hair, you leaned into his ear. "good boy. you'll get a treat for that later. but for now, i need to take out my anger." the blush on makoto's cheeks spread rapidly as he furiously nodded. you settled onto the bed behind him, reaching your hands around his throat.
"are you ready?" you asked your small boyfriend, groping his perky round ass. with a nod, he bent over your lap. with a slight chuckle, you brought your hand up, then brought it down with full force, smacking his cheek. a loud, strangled cry rang from his lips, his legs already shaking.
"count," you growled into his ear, massaging his sore skin.
"one," he whispered, gritting his teeth.
you hit him again with the same amount of force, a high-pitched moan escaping his lips this time. "two!" he called out, panting as you brought your hand up yet again. by the third spanking, you noticed your boyfriend's dick had gotten hard, bouncing with every hit. your own bulge started throbbing under your clothing. you couldn't wait.
"you need more?" you asked him, pinching his bruised ass.
"p- please," his voice shook, a breathy moan falling out through his mouth as you spanked him again and again, each time earning a wince and a cry. by the time you reached fifteen, you decided he had enough, so you picked him up by the waist and sat him up next to you. a few tears had escaped his puffy eyes, but the moaning you heard earlier seemed to mean he was enjoying it.
**schmex starts hereee**
with a devilish grin, you grabbed his face harshly in your hand, bringing it towards your lips. your mouths crashed against each other in a sloppy, wet kiss. makoto whined into your mouth, his hands reaching for your clothed bulge. you grabbed his hand before he could touch you, squeezing it hard.
"did i tell you you could do that? do you want to be spanked again?" you whispered, causing a shiver to go down his spine. he shook his head, whimpering a little bit.
"please," he could barely meet your eyes, instead staring down at his knees. your eyes trailed down to his hardened dick that was practically begging for attention, precum leaking out the top of it's pink head.
"is that all you know how to say, slut? god, you're such a whore for me, yeah? you want me?" you teased, guiding him to kneel on all fours. he eagerly stared up at you, mouth wide open. taking your zipper into your hands, you slowly unzipped your pants, feeling a big freer. after sliding your pants off, along with your underwear, your hard cock springing free from it's cloth prison, almost hitting makoto in the face.
"suck," you commanded, glaring down at makoto.
you didn't have to tell him twice.
first, he licked up the length of your shaft, grabbing onto it. the sensation of his fingers grasping you like that sent an electrifying feeling up through your abdomen, earning a slight sigh from you. leaning your head back, you felt makoto take in your entire length between his lips, his thick saliva coating it as the inside of his throat bobbed around it. you finally let out a moan, as he gagged around you. but it wasn't enough.
you grasped onto makoto's hair, yanking it forward and thrusting your dick into his mouth, drowning out his cries with your moans as your length went in and out of him at rapid speed.
"you're doing such a good job for me baby, oh god yes," you praised him, thrusts slowing down as you felt a knot form in your stomach. suddenly, you took yourself out if his mouth, a long string of saliva pouring out through his lips, his tongue lolling out of the side. he was a bit gone after being throat-fucked like that. you gave him a light smack on his ass and he bounded back to life, whimpering.
"ass in the air, now," you demanded, hands on his hips. he complied immediately, silently getting on all fours, his ass poking up in the air. to prepare him, you reached for his mouth. "lick my fingers." he took them into his mouth graciously, covering them in his spit. you then brought your fingers up to his hole, rubbing it around the rim to tease him. he immediately clenched up, anticipating the pleasure.
"please, s/o!" he yelled out.
"you keep saying that. please, what?"
the blush returned to makoto's cheeks as he muttered. "please finger me," he shyly answered, clutching the bedsheets below him.
your middle finger penetrated him first, only halfway, before you pulled it out. for the millionth time that night, a smirk made its way onto your face as you continued doing just that, causing your boyfriend to squirm in front of you.
"you want my fingers so bad, huh? you want me to finger fuck you until you collapse? can my little slut handle that?" you teased, sliding in two fingers instead of one. makoto gasped, his hole clenching around them, a wet squelching noise coming from his ass as you pumped your fingers in and out, getting faster, and faster...
you added a third finger. his moans got louder, begging for release as your fingers came to a stop, deep inside him. you slowly pulled them out, making sure to leave him in agonizing desire, slapping his hole. he let out a yelp as you picked him up again, flipping him over on his back.
you took your cock eagerly, and rubbed the head around his hole, pushing it inside slowly. the two of you moaned in unison, his insides clenching around you, your dick throbbing with heat.
"oh yeah, you feel so good," you sighed, giving him a moment to adjust. makoto grabbed your hand, letting you know he was ready. with a low whine, you started thrusting yourself into him, hiking his legs up for more access. you watched his body bounce up and down as you forcefully pushed inside him, in and out, ruthlessly picking up the pace.
"fa- faster!" he screamed, moans echoing throughout the room as you grunted, in and out. once again, you felt that familiar knot in your abdomen, that feeling of something building up inside you. makoto screamed under you as he felt his climax build up as well, clenching around you as he cried.
finally, you felt you were about to come undone.
"i'm gonna cum, baby you're doing so good."
"i'm gonna cum too!"
with one last deep grunt, the knot came undone, your cum forcefully spilling out of your cock and into your boyfriend's little hole, all of your muscles relaxing after your release. shortly after, makoto's moans reached their loudest as his own liquids spilled out onto his stomach, his breathing raggedy and uneven. you grinned down at him, cupping his face in your hand. dragging your thumb across his cheek, you leaned down to place a sweet kiss on his lips.
"i love you makoto," you come back up from the kiss, pulling out of him. you marvel at the sight of him on his back, covered in your release, such a lewd face. since he looks tired, you get off the bed to go fetch a wet towel. you come back to find that his eyes are half closed, looking like he might fall asleep.
"go to sleep, baby," you reassured him, patting him on the head as you wiped up the mess all over his body. once he was clean, you tossed the wet rag into a basket, and laid down beside him. after draping the blankets over the both of you, you placed another kiss to his temple, before closing your eyes.
that's all i have to say, just :0
kidding, i have more. uh,,, WOW. that was so fun to write, and i am by no means a makoto simp but even i was tingling a bit during that- okay tmi mod kyoko.
(i'm very sorry BAHAHA)
hope you liked it :]
-mod kyoko
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bard-llama · 3 years
The Taint of the Common Man (Meve/Reynard/Gascon)
Okay, so I finally tried to play Thronebreaker again and it turned out that my comptuer/steam/whatever had actually kept my save!!! So I didn’t have to start over, which was good, because the beginning was kinda boring, which is why it took me so long to continue. But it’s also kinda bad, because now I do not remember anything about Gascon’s introduction beyond “they fought, Meve won and threatened to hang him next time”. Which like... I could probably make it work, but knowing the details seems important for writing Meve’s feelings and reactions to Gascon. 
Anyway, this is a continuation of the thoughts that this lovely post inspired, and because I’m me, those thoughts grew a plot. Both the link and the rest of the story involve a VERY dubcon/noncon premise, so please engage only if you can. Also, spoilers for Chapter 1 of Thronebreaker (aka major plot things that happen once you reach Lyria’s capital).
Okay, once again: HUGE WARNING for Dubcon/Noncon stuff. Like, it’s how the story starts and it’s gonna be something dealt with through the whole story. My idea is basically a story that starts with Meve losing EVERYTHING, and then, through her quest to reclaim her throne, she learns how to be a better queen to ALL of her people, not just the noblemen. End game is intended to be Meve/Reynard/Gascon, but tbh, idk how they get there. Like, at first, Meve and Reynard hate Gascon A LOT, so they have to learn to love him and that takes time.
I’m kinda still learning about these characters as I think this through, so apologies if you find them ooc or if I contradict canon (without meaning to. Sometimes i do it gladly lol)
So we start with Meve returning to the Lyrian castle, only to find that her son and the Council of Peers (read: ruling council that advises the monarch and consists entirely of peerage aka nobility) have betrayed her and surrendered to Nilfgaard. She’s thrown in a dungeon and though her son orders that she is not to be harmed, she knows enough about reality to know they’d never let her live. 
She’s on guard, waiting for the guards to come and kill her - only when footsteps approach, it’s not the guards at all, but the fucking Duke of Dogs, the leader of the Strays of Spalla, a gang of bandits that plague merchant caravans and noblemen alike. Gascon, the proclaimed Duke of Dogs, opens the cell door and steps in and tells Meve that he’s freeing her, because the Council of Peers used him and his men and he can’t abide betrayal. But there’s one condition - Meve has to ask him, all nice and polite-like.
Meve, of course, refuses, because she’s nothing if not prideful. So Gascon closes the cell door and leans back against it and says something like, “guess we won’t be leaving, then. Unless, of course, you’d prefer to do something else on your knees,” or some sort of implication like that that makes it clear he’s suggesting that she blow him in exchange for release. And Meve is furious and her pride cuts at her, but dammit, she has no hope of freeing Lyria from Nilfgaard’s grasp while stuck in here. So she goes to her knees. And Gascon is surprised - from his view, she could’ve just begged him??? - but like... the QUEEN is on her KNEES for HIM, a (decidedly un)common bandit who she’d threatened to hang not a week prior. 
Also, I think there’s also a part of Gascon that blames Meve for the massacre of his family. According to the wiki, the year before King Reginald (Meve’s husband) died, Gascon’s family revolted against the king and were soundly squashed, with Gascon at a mere 8 years old the only one to survive. From there, he fell in with the Strays of Spalla and eventually became their leader. Remember this bit, ‘cause I’m definitely gonna come back to it. But anyway, Gascon doesn’t like Meve. He’s doing this because it’s the right thing to do and a little because having the queen indebted to him feels awfully good. Also, Meve is good with her mouth.
So good, in fact, that she drives him crazy, taking him to the edge and teasing him and teasing him and teasing him until his legs are shaking and the cell door is all that’s holding him up. I don’t think he actually begs, because his men are around the cell watching this, but he has to bite his lip hard to keep from doing so.
For Meve, there are many complicated feelings happening. On the one hand, this is humiliating and degrading and it’s shameful that she’s fallen so far as to be forced to service a fucking bandit and even worse that his men are SEEING this happen.
On the other hand... look, Meve was widowed 8 years ago. Somewhere in there (or before?), she comes to love and trust Reynard - who her husband, upon his deathbed, told her that he alone could be trusted. But she hasn’t made a move, because it wouldn’t be appropriate and she doesn’t want to ruin things between them. 
Point is, it’s been 8 years since she’s had sex and she has had cause to desire some sex. Queens can probably get amazing sex toys, but like, an actual cock? it’s been AGES since she’s been able to play with one and she kind of missed it. 
Additionally, in an effort to combat her shame and humiliation, she decides to flip the script on them. Gascon wants her to blow him? Fine, she’ll blow him so well that he utterly falls apart. And maybe she’s a little of practice, but Gascon is young anyway, he probably doesn’t even know better lmao. (But later, she’s oddly grateful that she had this chance for ‘practice’ before it actually mattered)
Eventually, she lets Gascon come - or maybe he uses his grip on her hair to pull her onto him? (She may decide to make it a good blowjob, but that doesn’t mean he’s earned deepthroating) - and the Strays, who have gone from hooting and hollering over the queen’s humiliation to flushed and aroused at the skillful way she destroyed their boss, let them out of the cell. 
Next, they go to the city jail to release Reynard, who was arrested as soon as the coup happened because everyone knows that Reynard’s loyalty to the crown is absolute. Reynard is sitting against the wall and he smiles brightly at the sight of her, so Meve strides into the cell to unshackle him. So of course Gascon, who now stands in front of the door once more, suggests something like, “such faithful loyalty deserves ample reward, does it not?”
And Meve is conflicted. Because AGAIN, the Strays of Spalla are watching them and Gascon is trying elicit sexual favours from her. But also, it’s Reynard. She’s wondered for so long what Reynard’s cock would be like and how he would treat her. And, she justifies to herself, she was already forced to give a piece of filth like Gascon a blowjob. Reynard most certainly deserved better.
So she orders him to stand and goes to her knees and is almost eager to get him in her mouth. And Reynard is caught entirely off guard here, because he was ready to skewer Gascon for the mere suggestion, and then she’s ACTUALLY DOING IT!!! And it’s not like she’s alone in having thought about it, but he always assumed that he would be the one on his knees. So for her to do so... he’s awed and a little horrified that he is party to degrading his queen in this way. And also aroused. REALLY fucking aroused, because Meve is on her knees for him! And unlike Gascon, he has earned deepthroating. Fortunately, he’s already leaning against the wall, so he doesn’t collapse. 
If Gascon hadn’t had the most intense orgasm of his life like 10 minutes previously, he’d definitely try to see if he could join in, even though they really don’t have the time for that sort of thing. But suffice it to say, Gascon remembers each and every moment Meve spent on her knees vividly.
Reynard comes (and Gascon is reluctantly pleased to have a companion in the wait-you-want-me-to-fight-after-how-hard-I-came!? club) and they all leave the dungeons - and get found by a patrol of guards. They have to fight their way out and Meve thinks Gascon managed to slip away - right up until he comes to their aid with his whole crew. With Gascon’s help, their motley crew flees the capital of Lyria (largely by traveling thru the sewers).
That night, they set up camp somewhere and instead of the royal supplies she’s used to, all they have is whatever the Strays of Spalla had, which means stolen and/or threadbare, ‘cause they’re not exactly living the high life. And Meve knows she should get some rest, but she can’t stop thinking about what happened in the prison(s) and she decides that, as long as Reynard was willing, why shouldn’t she pursue the man she loved? 
So she goes to the mess tent and it’s predictably full of drunken soldiers - well, drunken warriors. This rabble didn’t deserve to be called soldiers - and clusters of people playing dice and cards. She spots Reynard at one of the card tables - but sitting across from him is none other than the motherfucking Duke of Dogs. Half-formed plans to kiss Reynard drown under the flood of fury she feels and she summons Reynard to her, ignoring Gascon, who definitely tries to flirt with her. At this moment, she has VERY conflicted feelings about Gascon and most of them are negative. But also, they need him. She is very much aware that his men are the only reason she has any chance at all of taking back her home.
Anyway, Meve confronts Reynard, who explains that he doesn’t trust Gascon as far as he can throw him and whatever mischief Gascon is up to, whatever he thinks he can gain from helping them, Reynard is ready for the doublecross. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer is very much his philosophy, compounded by the way he has learned not to reveal - well, much at all. People probably find him very... is softspoken the word? Not like he speaks soft, but like, he doesn’t say a lot. He learned to keep his mouth shut after he managed to survive insulting the king, so he plays things pretty close to his chest and people find it hard to guess what he’s thinking. 
Gascon, for his part, is helping Meve because it’s the right thing to do (and a little because again, queen indebted to you? Very handy). He’s probably aware that Reynard doesn’t like him, even if Reynard acts friendly enough? Like, literally Reynard is so loyal to Meve that he was imprisoned and she was sure of his fealty. And Gascon has found ways to rationalize what he did i.e. raping Meve - she could’ve just begged! She had a choice! - but even though Reynard got a blowjob out of it, I’m sure Gascon would assume that Reynard would want him dead for the blowjob that he got.
I don’t precisely know what Reynard and Gascon’s relationship is like during this, tbh. I think it’ll be Meve’s POV, so she may have a limited view, but I think it’s definitely complicated. Made worse, of course, by both Meve and Reynard beginning to see the redeeming qualities in Gascon. But that comes later.
For now, Meve accepts Reynard’s explanation and knowing that he would do anything to protect her soothes some of the ruffled feathers from a very trying day. So she decides to subtly ask him something like, “come to my tent?” that like, isn’t blatant ‘cause they’re surrounded by drunk men, but also is pretty clear. And Reynard’s eyes widen and it hurts so much to do, but he tells her no. She’s had an intense fucking day - betrayed by her son and court, imprisoned, forced to give multiple blowjobs and work with lowly bandits and shit. Like, she’s been through a lot and he knows that she’s not able to be in her right mind. So he says no, part of him hoping that if she actually means it, she’ll try again in the morning.
But what Meve hears is no, not interested. Which makes this the third time today that she gets to be humiliated in front of the fucking Strays of Spalla, because not only is the man she loves rejecting her, but like... is he rejecting her because she’s tainted now? How is she supposed to interpret him enjoying a blowjob from her one hour and rejecting her advances the next? 
And the taint... I think that’ll be a theme in this fic (thus the title). Like, at the height of her power before the fall, Meve was “pure” - which in this case means firmly assured that she was right in everything, as she was always destined to be. There’s no questioning of the world order or if she’s qualified to lead. She simply knows that she is.
But now she’s been betrayed, her nobility and her title ripped from her grasp. And not only that, but she’s demeaned herself with a common thug! She even says it in the game - “look how far we’ve fallen, to be surrounded by peasants and deserters and bandits”. For her, this entire situation is almost like “being common” is reaching for her, trying to pull her in, and she wants to resist, because she’s always been taught that the nobles are BETTER than the common people. But as she works with her army of thugs and commoners, she starts to learn that poor people are people too (gee, who’da thunk it?)
That journey takes time, though, and we’re barely at the start of it! 
So, Meve gets rejected. She’s hurt and humiliated and at the moment doesn’t have a kind word for ANYBODY. She maybe cries herself to sleep and hates herself for being weak.
Then morning comes and she has her regular strategy meeting with Reynard, as she did every morning. And it’s awkward and Reynard is as silent as usual, always so deliberate about every word that leaves his mouth. And she wants to ask, but yesterday’s humiliation was enough. She can’t repeat it.
So even though they SHOULD’VE gotten together, they fail to, because Meve is stubborn and prideful and Reynard is closelipped and proper. And Meve kind of hates even the sight of Gascon, but since he IS the leader of the army that is currently only at her disposal because of him, she invites him to join the strategy meetings every morning. If Gascon helps provide a buffer between her and Reynard, so much the better.
Okay, I don’t actually know how everyone ACTUALLY gets together, BUT as they travel through the countryside of Lyria towards the Aedirnian border, a couple of important things happen.
1) Meve sees the real conditions of the people living in her realm. Even in areas that the lords had reported prosperous, people were starving and dying. She starts to learn that these are her people too.
2) Meve and Reynard get to know Gascon. Not just over their strategy meetings, but as they observe him and the Strays of Spalla they (Meve especially) begin to realize that their judgements were all wrong. Because yes, the Strays of Spalla are bandits. They steal from wealthy merchants and even wealthier nobles. That had always been enough to know before.
But now they come to know that that stolen food and blankets and supplies and coin went to the starving peasants in these lands. Hell, most of the Strays are from these areas. These are their people, even if Meve hasn’t figured out that they’re hers too.
Anyway, idk how they get together or how the story ends - is it with them getting together? Getting to Vengerberg to ask for help to reclaim their home? Ousting Villem and taking Lyria back? idk, I haven’t even gotten that far in the game yet lol.
So yeah, here’s a very long synopsis of a story that manages to have almost no porn and lots of angst, despite being inspired by a purely porny post lmao.
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Super sexy aa7 ideas that will never happen
*puts on my clown shoes
Themes: “the worst times are when lawyers have to smile their brightest, but you can’t be a lawyer 24/7” “sometimes (esp now) the system is WRONG”
Klavier Gavin prosecutes, because society has progressed beyond needing Paynes
And if the widespread complaint is that he’s too nice, this position is perfect
Make a witty remark abt feeling demoted >:(
Athena and Trucy dream team girls
Murder took place at a theater/has something to do with acoustics, to ~fit the characters~
Maybe Lamiroir was there 👀
Phoenix is once again a witness, but hes less infuriating. But still fucking funny infuriating
He mentions his college degree, vaguely. Pressing him reveals nothing.
Defend a rando
The twist: the murder only could’ve been committed by someone with superhuman hearing, so Athena’s senses are vital here!!
End: the culprit tries to psychologically fuck with everyone, but Athena stays strong, maybe uses some noise cancelling headphones, and corners the SHIT out of them
Also, there’s a new judge. A higher judge than your normal judge, who is a boomer. BOOMER JUDGE
Post-trial: a comment about all them missing Apollo…
Athena vs Franziska von Karma
Athena calls her out on the whipping if that’s still a thing
[Maybe Trucy is there again for extra spice,,,] but Solo Thena would be EPIC
Maybe we can bring Maya back here, but NOT ACCUSE HER FOR MURDER
Or accuse her at the scene but quickly disprove it
Idk also address her trauma
Wow this is turning into ATHENA CYKES- ACE THERAPIST
Put Simon there too because he’s hilarious
Maybe him and Maya are casually attending Comic-Con for the Steel Samurai panel
Defendant: some toxic celebrity with DRAMA
the twist: the murderer was targeting several high-profile ppl, but only killed like. A janitor instead. They aren’t found OR arrested, but you get a not guilty by… indicting their accomplice. And it HURTS but you have to or its your not-guilty kinda-a-dick client that gets guilty
New judge plays by the written rules, so u can’t ague ur case
Franziska is skeptical of the Accomplice’s guilt, but she lets the verdict go because your client is innocent.
Athena cries to Phoenix about how she feels like she fricked up b/c she empathizes with the accomplice but also everyone, Phoenix does his best dad comfort—this is the truth that’s allowed in the confines of their court system.
Open with a call from Maya. She loudly thanks the god/the holy mother for this
Kay and Sebastian are there
GUMSHOEEEEE (OLDER SPRITE??? Higher salary?? Maggey too?)
Classic Wright vs Edgeworth
All the options are flirty
Everything is an innuendo
Trucy co-council is embarrassed by ur Old Man Flirting (NEW SPRITES)
Lampshade conflict of interest what with dating opposing council. Gloss over it completely
Phoenix’s college degree is vaguely mentioned to be helping him. This is Not elaborated on
The murder is some crazy shit that basically parodies the whole series
3 cross poisonings and with INTERESTING results of chemicals mixing (Ema: 👀)
All the dying messages were faked
Handedness contradiction.
Some gross old guy appears, but you can punch him
The murder weapon goes from bloody knife with defendants fingerprints on it to glass shards of a broken bottle to an icicle to an overly spikey piece of hair
For extra funnies: BOOMER JUDGE IS NOT USED TO THIS. They are the straight person of this comedy clown case.
For extra feels (the twist): Phoenix actually has an emotional breakdown on one of the investigation days. Maybe Trucy gets put at risk again, or something with poisoning, or even something with Kay or Seb (to show how much Phoenix cares, in general) and we address all the shit that he’s gone thru
Awkward comforting by miles
(shoves Klavier into Khura’in) GO FAKEGERMANBOY GO
Play as Apollo (khura’inese clothes sprites)
KLAVIER CO-COUNCIL (CASUAL SPRITES?? Put his hair up in a bun capcom im begging)
Maybe at the end of one investigation, theres just. A heartfelt talk.
Ok ill make it heavy (b/c if its lighthearted these fuckos will never talk about their feelings)
TRUCY ALSO- im sorry truce im shoving you everywhere because I want you to develop
maybe she and Klavier are like, performer bros
Apollo is happy that Trucy is but also feels alienated, like AA6 totally pulled him from his AA4 roots [COUGH]
CASUAL TRUCY SPRITE??? I would cry capcom
Nahyuta, Rayfa, and Apollo being awkward but trying (and mostly succeeding) siblings, Amara being a scary but p good queen momther
She roasts Klavier so bad
Though he is very smart so she just roasts his terrible German
Resolve the Gramarye siblings here?
Include something with gender dysphoria to contrast how they butchered Robin Newman???
This is huge headcanon territory here tho
The Twist: realizing that this case cannot POSSIBLY be resolved in 3 fucking days. Also that Apollo is so backlogged that hes stressed and he probably needs help
Also someone tries to frame Klavier with his Gavinners-brand shoeprints
End: answer yes/no to Klavier working at Justice Law Offices. The choice affects his dialogue with Apollo in 7-5
Some fuckin. International level scandal
Elaborate on whatever the fuck “the phantom” was spying for? btw is the same that the culprits froms 7-2 and 7-4. maaybe 7-1?
And it involves MORE AUDITORIUMS
Open w/ calling Trucy, whos in the states. She mentions that Klavier casually got a Japanifornian defense attorney badge. Cue exasperation/fondness/incredulity (I promise this is relevant)
In Khura’in
Starts small- like a robbery, which leads to an attempt on Thalassa’s life. Again
Athena gets to therapy her
Then someone high-profile actually fucking dies
Athena (co-council Apollo) vs FINAL BOSS FRANZISKA
Lots of investigating with them
Talk about space center and grief
The twist: a person with low emotional output is framed, but they are innocent because LOWER EMOTIONAL REACTIONS DOESN’T MAKE YOU FUCKING EVIL
The other twist: Bring in 7-2 framed person for a character witness, show that they’re innocent. Athena is panicking because of Fear(?) so Apollo is determined to Do Something, and points out how this only happened because the system is Stupid and calls Klavier and Trucy
At the same time, there’s a stateside investigation. some botched, continued interreference at the Space Station
Klavier can pull an Edgeworth and investigate with Trucy
With parently narumitsu
Klavier talks about Apollo a lot, Trucy calls him out on it
Nahyuta is prosecuting this case
Depending on the relations between Klavier and Nahyuta established in 7-4, this will be hilarious or disastrous
Protective Yuty route: makes scathing comments about petty parts of Klavier- a petty-off
Teasing Yuty route: brings it up whenever Klavier talks about Apollo. Rlly funny banter. Klavier showing more human emotions sprites!!
Revisit the Space Center and get emo. Simon is here, arguing with Nahyuta
Because the cases go to trial simultaneously, the comment about the wrong conviction in 7-2 can be brought to the Japanifornian courts by Klavier and Trucy
They argue that Athena was forced to do that to spare an innocent and press HARD for legal reform
They call in Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth for reforms??
They also start a twitter war (that can be investigation minigame) and get public opinion up abt it
Yuty vouches for change, w/ khura’in as evidence
Phoenix vs Franziska
Larry time
Scruffy time
Idk man. No more international stuff, just good old fashioned cleaning up ur shitty dad’s messes amiright
Resolve things with the Shelly card?
oldbag cameo but you file a restraining order
help trucy and pearls with college
TLDR: Athena actually tracks an international conspiracy that has weight, the AJ gang once again changes the system, Phoenix gets emotional resolution, Franziska helps international stuff AND gets emotional resolution, and i finally stop trying to throw hands with capcom. 
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gunmetal-ring · 3 years
Tbh I think we underestimate how emotionally intelligent Daryl was earlier in the show. Obviously yes s1 and s2 he was emotionally constipated/oblivious but those months on the road + those months in the prison with everyone in constant close quarters forced him to grow up. And I think by the time s4 rolled around he was a lot more insightful than we give him credit for, which is why he was able to actually break down w beth at the moonshine shack.
I think that he knew he was in love with Carol- or even if he didn't know it was Love, he knew it was nothing like how he felt for anyone else - probably in s4 and definitely in s5. It's why he was so adamant about starting over with her - he wanted to get back on the path they were going if not for the governor destroying the prison. He knew they were heading Somewhere and he wanted to get there with her! I think he'd been putting it off at the prison bc he just wasn't ready for it and wanted to make sure he could do it right before jumping into something.
But then the prison fell and he was like "OK well clearly the world isn't going to just wait around for me to Be Ready so let's just do the damn thing." But then she had withdrawn bc of the Grove and he wasn't able to reach her emotionally, and then Beth's murder was too traumatizing for him to handle anything else, and by the time they got to Alexandria they were both emotionally blocked off - not necessarily from each other, but from Everyone, bc It's Just Too Hard Right Now, and there was no space for them to reconnect the way he had wanted them to, and then they were just in different places emotionally at different times.
And given that his last thoughts before he was assuming he'd die were about her, and immediately went looking for her after he escaped, I fully believe he was like "oh we gotta do this bc it's now or never and we might not live to see another day". Except then he realized she was in no place to handle it so he decided to keep it to himself until everything w the saviors was decided one way or another.
And then she was with zeke bc it was an emotional escape and I think daryl knew that, and wasn't thrilled but was like "OK well its not gonna last it's FINE," except then all of a sudden she's a mom to Henry and she's marrying zeke and daryls like "what the fuck this is not supposed to be happening oh no I fucked it all up back in s4" and then his BFF blew up.
And Daryl was like "well I can't handle that AND having the love of my life married w a kid (even tho I know the marriage isn't Real, the Motherhood Is Real, so she's in it for the long haul) so fuck it there's a pretty lady in the woods that needs someone and I'll grieve w her and maybe I can make her feel better and who knows maybe if I pull her out of her funk I'll hate myself less for letting Carol/Rick slip thru my stupid fingers, and maybe I'll be able to do what I couldn't/can't do w carol, idk, but at least I get to see Carol every once in a while, even if it means I have to listen to her talk about the dude that reminds me of my failure to Get With Her and the kid that I Can't Give To Her, I'll just drown my sorrows w Leah, it's FINE."
Except THEN Carol's like "oops now I can't see you anymore, hubby and the kid need me to be All In At The Kingdom," and he's like "great! Now there's nothing left to live for, guess I'll go All In w Leah, except now she's gone and life sucks bc I am totally and completely alone and have to grieve all by myself and nobody cares about me anymore."
And then Carol drags him back to the real world and then her kid is murdered and she breaks up w zeke bc she's Just Not That Into Him and Daryls like "omfg wait a second now I can do what I should have done back in s4 and she Felt Things for me once so she's gotta be able to Feel Things for me again and/or still," except she's a little bonkers crazy from having all her kids die and also never really dealing with Ed abusing her, and then she betrays him a bunch and he's like "okay well. This is fucked. Maybe this isn't such a great idea bc clearly too much has happened since s4. Idek if we can be friends bc she's hurt me 100x over and besides she's just gonna hurt me even more bc she'll run away like she always does and she's made it clear that I'm not important enough to her to stick around anymore so WHATEVER. BYE. You do you, I'm sick of playing 2nd fiddle."
Except THEN diverged happens and he's like "hm well I guess maybe we DO Need To Be Together in some capacity" and then s11 will happen and he'll see that she IS sticking around, and bc they're Meant To Be Together they'll overcome whatever shit happens Together and they'll both be like "I'm sick of fighting, let's ride off into the sunset Together, but let's finally end 10 years worth of sexual tension in the last 30 seconds of the series finale w a kiss bc the show likes to torture its audience, and we'll figure out all the relationship shit on the road"
In classic tradition I rambled but this is my headcanon and unless something wild happens in s11 to unravel this I will always and forever fully believe this sorry not sorry
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Wait what the hell is Magnus going
What deal did he make with max???
I am mad
Please don’t do this
“They are all going to hate me,” Max whispered “They won’t,” Magnus whispered. “I promise.”
Umm no max, they will hate you, Magnus is lying.
If Magnus dies and then Alec dies as well I’m just why
‘Magnus didn’t want to die’
😭😭😭 my poor baby of course he doesn’t! He has so much to live for!
Who’s gonna take care of max when everyone’s gone?
‘He thinks with his heart now’
Of course he does and so he should 😭
‘He wanted to tell max not to feel guilty - about any of it’
Nah Magnus your boy max did a shitty thing he deserves to feel guilty. Like yeah Magnus did a crappy thing to his kid, but he did it out of love. He’s a good parent, he loves his kid, and now max is gonna ruin his own life over it. He will never forgive himself. Ever.
‘Protect himself against his son’
This is really sad. Just sad. My heart 😭😭
No I think as the next consul and inquisitor Rafael and anjali should stay behind to take over if things go very very south
Also rafe’s innocence in all this😭😭 he doesn’t know what’s going on or what’s gonna happen 😭😭 my poor baby
“I won’t stop.”
I don’t believe him. Well kinda. I don’t think he’ll stop loving max, but he loves him so much that he couldn’t bear to be with him because what he’s done is just so painful for him. Because that’s the thing right? You don’t stop loving the people you love when they do stupid things. That’s just what makes it more painful, because you love them. Which in fact will make it harder for David, because he will want to not love max, it’s easier not to, but he won’t stop, because he loves him
At least, David isn’t like anyone else, but that’s what it’s like for me, and I got David in the quiz
Ngl max in this fic kinda annoys me. I am defo a Rafael Stan.
‘Dad, Rafael, David, Bapak.’
All the people max loves, and he knows that what he’s doing will make them all hate him/very very angry.
Like dude if you know you’re gonna hurt everyone who cares about you maybe you should just, like, yk, not do it?
Is that an option???
Oop David got it wrong
“Don’t lose yourself. Please.”
Oh no David, what max is doing is so much worse than that, sooo much worse
Ooh clever Chopin
But David’s right though.
Max would never.
Except max would.
I mean it’s a debate isn’t it. He wouldn’t have considered it before, he refused to let Magnus find out, because he didn’t want it to happen
So I guess you could say Magnus drove him to it, by threatening to take his magic
Oh shit max you took his magic already???
Ok I must have terribly misjudged something here what is going on???
Is this real???
Wait the hell mina
The hell is going on here
My guessing skills have been compromised dani you have finally defeated me
What was all that about ooh I’m so sorry please forgive me David you’re gonna hate me what was all that about why Wld he say that if it wasn’t real
Oh wait yep max pulled thru he achieved his I lie to everyone and mess this shit up
Ohhh max you wonderful wonderful boy
Ohhh I don’t hate you anymore
You did a good good thing
Ohh this is much better
Sorta confused abt the perspectives bit tho
Whoaaa what the hell
How did max arrange all this this is crazy shit even for him!!
I understand
Max killed himself destroying asmodeus
I think?
That’s what Magnus saw
Max is gone and everyone is fighting the battle
Wow dani
This shit hits hard
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This reaction was such a fucking rollercoaster I can only imagine what it's like for yall to read this shit omg take care of yalls mental health please!!!
Also - Max thought everyone was going to hate him because he basically sacrificed himself and he knew that's the last thing his family would want. Instead of thinking they will miss him and worry for him, he thought they will think he was a reckless idiot (same as as the readers.) so yeah. We'll come back to this later :(
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bomberqueen17 · 3 years
Am freezing today, dunno why.
Woke 4am. Cat, who had been snuggling me, crawled out of my arms and went over and settled herself smugly in Dude’s arms, waking him up so that he would pet her. Both of us were awake. I called her a traitor. She purred at me. I didn’t really mind, it meant I could roll over and put my arm back into the socket. The way she really likes to sleep on my arm tends to sublux the shoulder joint....
I couldn’t get back to sleep. I’d gone to bed with my phone within reach, which I rarely do, but I picked it up and looked at it, which I don’t usually, and then that was the end of being asleep.
I got up and somehow managed to only be half an hour early for work...
Yesterday was kind of a hard day. I’ve been in a weird state of distress about trying to write the next bit of my Ongoing Saga, because there’s got to be actual consistency with earlier pieces. Given that I am a compulsive pantser, and never ever ever write to an outline, this is extremely stressful, because I only had a vague plan going into this, and now am faced with trying to line up some earlier parts which let’s just say were not exactly precision-machined. Obviously, obviously what I had to do was reread my own shit, and I was weirdly resistant to the idea, but yesterday I forced myself to crack into it and--
Well I reread most of the Trust series, and I was getting into it when the author’s note on the last chapter of Very Dark Magic kind of smacked me into the face. I’d been kind of cringing waiting for it but yeah I posted that chapter the day Dad died so.
There’s a reason I’ve mostly forgotten most of the details of those stories.
(I am meaning to go through my notifs and thank everyone and collect all the wonderful things y’all pointed out I should get illustrated, but that’s-- some of you seem to think it’s misguided modesty on my part that I don’t think I wrote anything interesting, and that’s not it! It’s that much of last year, and especially the end of it and beginning of this one, is enshrouded in a gray mist and I can’t actually remember it very well, and that goes like, quadruple for shit I wrote, so when i say I can’t think of anything to illustrate it’s because I genuinely can’t remember those stories and this is why. It’s not like I can’t remember them, it’s that they’re like-- thru a mirror dimly kinda.)
(sigh, some part of me is resisting going through those notes. Probably the same part that didn’t want to go back through the stories. B you need to do that, if you’re going to continue. You just have to. That’s how this works. Chin up.)
A word to the wise: Don’t write long series, without a plan. Don’t write things so long it will take you an entire day skimming at your best speed to review it. It’s a pain in the ass. And I’m so fucking sad now.
I had a bad moment around chapter 6 of Dusty Corridors, where I have a minor character have an opportunity to comment on something that in the sequel I’m writing she really ought to have very strong opinions on and information about by what I’m pretty sure is this point in the timeline, and she instead gives a blank diplomatic answer. Which won’t do, that won’t do at all-- unless-- ah, unless she’s playing her cards close to her chest? That could work? She needs to know about the thing by now, but-- she’s not the POV character, it’s perfectly likely the POV character won’t pick up on whether she’s telling the truth or not!
so that might work. Maybe.
but I’m just so fucking sad now. No, I’d better keep working, or I’ll forget and need to put myself through rereading all of that again. It’s a bummer because it would be a good comfort read with a bit more distance. Maybe in a few more years I can come back and appreciate it the way I obviously meant it.
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hopeshoodie · 3 years
ik you have shane as your perfect islander for lottie so you seemed like the right person to ask about what you think a perfect islander for hannah would be like
Ok hear me out- someone like Genevieve or (to a lesser extent) Priya.
I LOVE the arc I’ve decided is canon of Hannah realizing she is a lesbian throughout the show. It just makes too much sense and I feel like every sapphic girl had a best friend where the relationship was super intense and toxic (but not because we’re gay, no not because we’re gay) and that’s the vibes with Hannah and Lottie. So as much as I ship Lottie and Hannah, they both need to do a lot of growth before they can be healthy and stable together. Ultimately, while it’s one of the best ships in the game, Lottie’s love isn’t the perfect match for Hannah.
 In the canon season I do love the idea of Priya and Hannah- Priya’s much more grounded but still has the high femme glamour that Hannah is into. If Priya was openly bisexual and comfortable with that (which she SHOULD be because she SHOULD have been an LI for MC), I would love the arc of Hannah realizing she’s gay through Lottie and then realizing that her ‘romantic, sensible, and fairytale’ partner can be Priya. Then we could play around with her un-learning compulsory heterosexuality and realizing that everything she was romanticizing about love with a man is possible with women. I hesitate on this because in the game, Priya’s one of the more immature characters (obv. less so than Lottie but definitely more so than Hope or Chelsea) and she can’t really play the grounded voice of reason alongside all of her Lottie/Noah/Felix stuff.
 So I would bring in a character more like Genevieve. Someone who’s really confident, stable, self-sufficient, comfortable in who they are. She’s my favorite character in Season 3 because while she’s really smart and chill, she doesn’t make it her mission to police everyone else or fix other people’s drama (even though there is none in S3). She sits back with her partner (which is a whole other tangent- I love how they’re obviously into each other but don’t make a big show of it in the way that Nope or any other couple in the game did), does her own face paint, is kind to everyone but really only involved with her friends. If s3 had been written better, she would’ve been the competent and kind dark skinned black woman who’s NOT made into the mom friend for once in media.
 But of course the character of Genevieve doesn’t work 100% for Hannah because I get super straight vibes from her (not super-straight, fuck them, but like extra straight, like she is very straight but in a way that includes trans men because they are men). And also? A big part of Viv’s story is that she gets Seb in the end, and they’re a really functional healthy couple who support each other. She wouldn’t get that same support from someone going Thru It like Hannah is.
 So Hannah’s ideal partner is a mix between Priya and Genevieve, and seeing how underutilized Priya is I think we can just repurpose her (but take out a lot of the immaturity and add in Viv’s ambivalence). I’ll leave her name Priya because I’m very much picturing her as Priya.
 Priya comes in on day 1 like normal, late, but (instead of Hannah) Marisol goes home. Maybe there’s some kind of debacle where Gary tries to kiss Marisol and she calls him out, idk we need a reason for Gary to want to pick Hannah over Marisol. Lottie still attacks Priya and Hannah quietly takes Lottie’s side while feeling bad about it the whole time. Lottie and Hannah fall out, Hannah goes to Priya for support, I think I laid out this narrative in another post? Not sure, I’ve been maladaptive daydreaming about it a lot and maybe this is the first time I’m typing it out. At some point (ik Priya misses the truth or dare and with Marisol gone there’s not a character who compulsively needs to talk about their sexuality) it comes out that Priya’s bi, and she doesn’t shy away from or qualify that at all. She’s bi, she’s dated women, and she’s not uncomfortable with doing it again unlike SOME people.
 But Hannah goes to Priya for support on like day 6. Priya recognizes the sexual tension between Lottie and Hannah, but doesn’t point it out because Hannah’s not ready to accept that. Instead she just gives Hannah generic good advice. Roccogate happens to Hannah instead of Lottie, Operation Nope still happens and everyone hates Priya for it (but she handles it far more maturely than she did and comes out of it apologetic but not regretful).  Also because Marisol has to leave to keep Hannah, and we still need a prickly slow-burn lady LI, I’m thinking Lottie fills in that route (or Elisa comes in earlier with Lurik and does Marisol’s whole ‘omg dating a girl, such a big step!’ schtick).
 In CA, instead of Hope and Priya being dejected that they aren’t super into any of the new boys, it’s Hannah. Priya comes to comfort her, and she has a meltdown that ‘there’s so many awesome guys here why can’t I just like one of them’ and is also really salty that Kassam and Lottie are getting on so well. Priya gently tells her ‘maybe the reason you can’t force yourself to like the guys here is because you just don’t like men’. Hannah sputters a bit and Priya points out that she clearly has a crush on Lottie, which Hannah denies. Priya throws up her hands and says “well if you need to talk, I’m here,” to which Hannah initiates a kiss. They make out a bit, then Priya pulls away and says “that was lovely, but I’m not keen on being an experiment. I like you, but you need to know what you want.” And leaves. And Hannah shooketh because ‘oh, THAT’s what kissing is supposed to feel like’, because girlie same. It took me years of kissing men to realize you’re supposed to ~enjoy~ kissing.
 So then my ideal Priya route happens with Priya and MC, but at the recoupling after CA if MC doesn’t save Priya, Hannah does. Priya kind of says “thank you for saving me, you can keep going after to Gary,” and Hannah’s like “No. I want you.” They have a couple of conversations in private, where Priya is like ‘you can’t keep pining over Lottie if we’re going to be together together’ and ‘you gotta stop being sad that I’m not taller than you and that our hands are the same size- that’s compulsory heterosexuality and being upset about it is unfair to me’. And just generally Hannah grows a ton in the span of like 2 weeks, and they’re a really supportive healthy couple?
 Maybe if you’re feeling spicy, Hannah still kisses MC or Lottie before she leaves, and then that comes out at the finale party and Priya breaks up with her. I still think Hannah would have to leave LI and grow a lot before being ready to be in a functional relationship, so even if Priya was her perfect person she’d have to wait for her. I just need Hannah’s girlfriend to look over her glasses at her and be like “babes, this novel is trash. You’re writing about what you wanted LI to be, not what it actually was. No one’s going to read this. You need to find something that matters to you and write about it.” And the thing that matters to her is Priya. A real ‘I’m changing my major to Joan’ kind of moment.
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mimsiical · 3 years
dcmk secret santa: black org!saguru
hi @sagurus, i was your dcmk secret santa this year! here is the playlist i made for your black org!saguru. (playlist icon included at link.)
annotated playlist under the cut. i used the names saguru and armagnac for him interchangeably.
1. scared of the dark (feat. XXXTENTACION) -- lil wayne, ty dolla $ign
okay so, this song is obviously from spiderman: into the spiderverse and it is probably my favorite track from that movie. there is something so intensely sorrowful about this song. there’s no choice offered by this song; there’s no room fear. also -- i don’t think armagnac fears death. i think he considers it more or less inevitable, as he doesn’t find there to be much chance of him succeeding.
so: he can’t be afraid. he embraces his choice, and he lives with what it leaves him with. darkness is his only comfort... at least until kaito comes along.
2. five years -- david bowie
i always considered this song something of a grief-stricken love letter to humanity. there’s a couple layers here. first -- the sense of being an onlooker, an outsider looking through the windows at the complex beauty of people. the narrator of the song is literally a space alien; he sees all of this knowing he isn’t truly a part of it.
secondly -- i never thought i’d need so many people -- that’s 100% for armagnac thinking he could suffer alone and then die alone, and instead ending up with his plans ruined because people love him now. the song’s narrator is also tugged at by pained longing for one specific person, and so is armagnac.
3. joke’s on you -- charlotte lawrence
this song is posed as a bad breakup song, and i have a whole thing for conflicts being portrayed through breakup songs because it’s just delightful fun (see: hamilton and the war being shown thru the king singing his heinous perspective as if it was a breakup). so, this is a song for armagnac and the black org.
my heart's gone bad, now it won't beat for you / you had your laugh, now i won't play the fool [...] baby, if i had to choose? the joke’s on you.
4. hurt -- johnny cash
oof, when i think about guilt and the marrow-deep feeling of being a bad person who ruins even the kindest and gentlest of things, this is the song i think about. guilt and regret and grief and a dose of hopelessness for good measure. while kaito knows who armagnac is and what he’s done in your au, it’s always been my impression that armagnac has the sense of being a bad, broken person entrenched in him.
basically -- he’s an essentially good person who has been forced to do awful things, and that takes a long, long time to untangle and recover from. poor broken-hearted boy. he has a lot of damage, and he doesn’t feel great about dragging kaito deeper into his mess, regardless of kaito’s willingness.
5. bury a friend -- billie eilish
what do you want from me? / why don't you run from me? / what are you wondering? / what do you know? / why aren't you scared of me? / why do you care for me?
for saguru and kaito...
my limbs all froze and my eyes won't close [...] when we all fall asleep, where do we go?
...and for armagnac and sherry.
6. mercy -- tv on the radio
this one is all for saguru. basically every line of it, lol. i tried relistening for a specific line and just -- all of them. but especially have mercy, love. kaito has a damaged fragile heart cupped in his hands.
7. tessellate -- ellie goulding
just a good sexy tune for having a dangerous lover.
8. little black submarines -- the black keys
mournful and melancholy but also goes so hard. i have seen this song performed in concert and the energy when the electric guitar comes in was incredible and intense as hell. this one is less for specific lyrics and more for the vibes of the yearning and intensity and grief and ENERGY. an unstoppable force, slowed but not halted. love it.
9. shark -- oh wonder
a song that’s all for sagukai, because they deserve to love and they deserve to be loved.
10. howlin’ for you -- the black keys
i think what i like best about this song is the implicit story about what kind of person the narrator is. not at all domesticated, not at all safe -- for everyone else, because the subject of the song could have them begging for scraps of attention. of course, kaito is affectionate to saguru (eventually), but there’s fun to be had in thinking about how kaito has a hold on saguru that neither of them ever could have anticipated.
11. put your money on me -- arcade fire
this song’s also here more for the vibes than the lyrics. fuck the odds -- i will win or die trying, you know?
12. what the water gave me -- florence + the machine
ah, this one. the big inspiration for it is virginia woolf’s suicide. i like the line about atlas -- oh poor atlas was a beast and a burden / you’ve been holding on a long time -- because oof, he sure has, and -- all this longing, and the ships are left to rust -- oh, he’s so alone that my heart could just crack in two.
and... i’m sure saguru’s had some very, very bad days. he’s starved for love, sure, but he hasn’t known security or safety, either. he’s baby.
13. secrets and lies -- ruelle
this one’s for kaito’s experience of saguru. all the grief and sorrow alongside the love and compassion.
14. queen of peace -- florence + the machine
never going to be able to break the association between this song and a good man who has been forced by love and circumstance to become a cold and ruthless strategist.
oh, what is it worth / when all that’s left is hurt?
15. stay alive --- josé gonzáles
one final song: a dream of comfort, safety, and healing. they’ll get there someday, no matter how impossible it feels. also, i like that it has vaguely mechanical and timepiece descriptions for presumably obvious reasons.
do whatever just to stay alive, of course, for armagnac, but dawn is coming, open your eyes, for the both of them.
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hellreads · 4 years
What Nightmares Are Made Of by obiwrites
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AO3 LINK: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26702656
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Park Jimin (BTS)/Reader Additional Tags: Psychological Thriller, Horror, Gore, domestic abuse, Gaslighting, Mentions of Suicide, Murder, Stalking, Obsession Summary: 
you don’t know why no one will believe you.
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“Where is Jimin?” “Somewhere I can’t run away from him,”
I didn’t know what to expect when I clicked the notification that obi posted a new story on ao3, I saw the tags and I knew this would be an interesting story and it was... fuck ~ this scared me so much because jimin was the horror villain I was exactly avoiding for years and years...
so the story starts with Seokjin, Taehyung, and Namjoon (the holy trinity), Jin and Taehyung are officers handling the string of murders happening in their area and Namjoon was MC’s attending psychiatrist she was diagnosed with insomnia, manic depression, and anxiety and she also claims to know who’s behind the killings that the officers can’t seem to find.
let’s do this quickly (a lie ig hjskafhkjas) since this is a quick read, MC claims that the man behind Min Yoongi’s death was Park Jimin her former lover, she doesn’t have any solid evidence because there wasn’t anything left behind on Yoongi’s apartment but she’s certain it was Jimin because he took her to his apartment to show her his dead body. all I could think of reading those lines was man this is fucked up, but before the murders happened Jimin was the perfect boyfriend he was all about MC, he was everything a girl could ever ask for, he paid attention and knows everything about her but little did she know that it wasn’t cute that he knows everything, it was creepy, he became obsessed the longer they were together or maybe he was just good at flattering her and hiding his true nature making her see him as a doting boyfriend instead of an obsessed creep who wants her all for himself.
why did Yoongi had to die? because Jimin was right he was romantically (maybe sexually) interested in MC and he won’t allow him near her, Jimin was crazy for lashing out and and forcing her to show everyone she belonged to him thru public sex - Jimin lost it, he was far too gone, far too obsessed and that’s when the string of murders started, first off he got rid of Yoongi followed by a few people who meddled with their “relationship” all of them had to go, no one can ever take her away from Jimin, she belonged to her.
after reading this I have a few questions and theories in my head, we all know that MC was diagnosed with a few mental health problems that could lead to delusions, did Jimin really exist or was he the beast inside her head that kills people who meddles with their relationship? I’m no expert when it comes to these things but I think this is possible since it’s established that she has a few issues, also, the fact that she said she can’t run away from Jimin because he lives in her nightmares maybe that’s her trigger? she even told Jin “That’s how it starts.” when he mentioned that Yoongi exhibited signs of depression and an- (anxiety) and she was suffering from both issues right? also if he was in her nightmares and he could kill everyone like the infamous Freddy Krueger then she must be an innocent bait who can’t escape him even in her dreams ~ but i’m still thinking that MC is the real killer here and if Jimin was actually a real person she must be the obsessed one or maybe he actually died obsessed with her so he got into her head or possessed her, manipulated her even after he left this world (which is a fucking torture man) this will haunt me and I hate it because I can’t help associating Freddy to this story and I’m scared of him ever since. if you want something to think of overnight for days then read this one, I’m pretty sure I’ll still think about this before I sleep and come up with five more theories before I doze off. | 🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒
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that-one-jasper · 4 years
TFP Miko X Pansexual! Reader
(To make things easy, I'm making the read pansexual for this story.)
Regular. P.o.V. (Friday Lunch at School) ----------------------------------------------------
           You never tried hiding the fact that you have been attracted to women, or really, anyone. You were very open with your sexuality, and your friends loved that you were able to feel comfortable with yourself. You were very shy and sensitive with your crushes, so you made sure to only mention them to your closest friends, which happen to be Miko, Jack and Raf. The four of you would always hang out on the weekends you got free from work, or during lunch, as well as sharing some classes as them too.       Though somewhere along the line, the feelings of friendship you held for Miko soon grew into something more, and that certainly scared the hell out of you. You didn't want to ruin what you had with her, so you always buried your feelings when you were around her. Jack and Raf had both noticed a slight change in your behaviour, small glances you'd take or your almost constant blushing when around your friend. When they asked you about it, you hesitated to tell them, but after they promised not to let anyone else know, you admitted about your crush on Miko, not aware of a certain someone standing near the table you were sitting at.
       "That's great Y/n!" Jack smiled at you, so did Raf. "Thanks for telling us, we promise she won't know," Raf answered. You sighed in relief, "Thanks guys, I was kinda stressing about it for a while." "Stressing about what?" Miko's voice cut into the conversation, causing you to clamp up a little more. "N-Nothing, I was stressing about nothing," you answered hastily, suddenly finding the ground interesting. "Aw c'mon, you can tell me!" Miko encouraged, poking your sides. You looked towards Jack, who looked towards Raf who then looked back at you. "I have a crush," you chirped out quickly, hiding your face in your hands. Miko squealed and jumped excitedly beside you. "Oooo! Y/n you have to tell us who!" Miko exclaimed, amusement showing in her eyes. You shook your head though, "Sorry Miko, it's super private," Even though she whined, she accepted your request and left it alone for the moment.
      Soon enough the bell rang, signalling the end of lunch and the start of period 3. You waved goodbye to Jack, Raf and Miko and was about to head over to your locker when Vince cut you off. You stood stiff and looked away from Vince's harsh gaze. "So I heard you like that weird girl you hang out with," Vince practically snarled at you. You shakily nodded your head, "H-her name is Miko, a-and what about it?" "If you don't want me to spread it around the school you'll be happy with doing my homework this weekend." Your once timid look turned into a glare as you narrowed your eyes at him. "Why? You too dumb to do it?" You shot at him. He looked angry for a flash but kept his temper in check. "Fine, then your secret is being spread around the school." He turned and was about to walk away before you gave in again and asked him to wait. "I'll do your stupid homework. Just, don't tell anyone." You grumbled. Vince turned around and smiled a fake smile at you. "Then I'll be at your locker with my homework at the end of the day."
       Your next two classes went by much faster than you hoped, you didn't bother bringing up what happened with Vince to Jack or Miko, and just mainly tried acting on as if nothing happened and that you don't have more than 10 sheets of homework to do now.        You knew Jack would've been busy this Friday due to his work, and the same with Miko since she had detention. You didn't know what Raf did after school but you assumed he just went straight home. Keeping with his word you saw Vince stand cockily at your locker, a stack of homework in his arms. "How the hell do you have this much homework?" You frowned. He shrugged, "I guess I told some other kids that you'd do their work and they all happily chipped in." You glared at Vince and debated kicking him in the balls. "What if I can't get everything done? I do work." Vince shrugged, "not my problem Girlie," and with that, he sauntered off.
        You had finally managed to get home after a fairly long walk from the school, and threw all the homework and textbooks out of your bag and onto your bag, immediately getting to work on the giant pile of questions.     A few hours had passed and you have gone through about half the stack of work Vince decided to hand you. Looking at the time on your phone you noticed it was 5:00 and decided to go grab something for dinner, seeing as your mother would be working late again tonight.       You drove down to Jack's work and ordered, waiting in the drive-thru. You never drove to school since 1. You'd have to pay for parking and 2. It would draw way too much attention to you. You drove your dad's old motorcycle, which was a sleek black sports motorcycle. Pulling up to the window, you lifted the visor on your mask and smiled and waved at Jack. "Hey, Darby!" You greeted excitedly. "Hey Y/n, going out for a spin?" You nodded, "Of course I am, though I should probably head home, I have a ton of homework." He nodded in understanding as he gave you your food. "See you later then, Y/n," "Bye Jack!" You switched your visor down and drove off.
       On your way back, you noticed a bright red car trailing you, though you paid no mind to it, you'd see fancy cars like that once and a while so it didn't concern you. You watched as you pulled into the driveway of your home, and the red car seemingly slowed down before turning a corner and disappearing from your sight. Parking your bike into the garage, you went and spent the rest of the night doing homework and eating fast-food.
               The weekend was spent doing more homework than anyone needed, and about halfway through you said "fuck it," and wrote down random answers on the pages, knowing that the answers would be wrong. Vince had met you at the front of the school and you handed him the stack of homework back, though he didn't even bother to check the answers at all, so you seemed to be in the clear.     Grabbing your stuff from your locker you begrudgingly make your way to your first-period class with Jack. "So I half-assed everything else," you were explaining what happened with Vince to Jack since the teacher gave you some extra time to pair off and work in groups. "That sounds horrible," he answered, "oh, trust me, it was. But they'll get what they deserve. I was just worried he'd spill the tea, y' know?"       Soon enough the bell rang and you went off to your second class, which you shared with Raf and unfortunately Vince. When you walked in, you saw the teacher already giving Vince hell for his homework, which was half-assed with no effort into it. You quickly take your seat next to Raf, and briefly explained the situation to him. "Y/n you better be careful around him," Raf warned, making you nod. Just as you went to turn your attention to the front, Vince locked eyes with you and sent a harsh glare your way, making you shrink back into your seat. "Raf I'm so dead at lunch" You whispered over to your friend, who gave you a concerned look.
         Lunch drifted around slowly, though you didn't care about that, all you knew was that the sooner lunch came, the sooner your ass would get kicked. "Do you want me to go to your locker with you, Raf asked, seeing Vince storm about of the classroom. You shook your head, "no, you shouldn't risk it. I decided to mess with him after all,"  Raf nodded and walked out of class with you before going separate ways.     You looked around your locker and gave a breath of relief when you didn't see Vince anywhere near your locker. You put your binders away and grabbed your lunch, making your way to your usual eating place. Your heart got caught in your throat though when you saw Vince standing a little far off the side from the table where you'd sit with Miko, Raf and Jack, and tried to seem inconspicuous when going to sit down. Though that didn't seem to be the plan, fate decided.
        Vince stood up on the table in the cafeteria and cleared his throat. "Can I have everyone's attention!?" He shouted, causing the cafeteria to go quiet. "I seem to have heard, that Y/n L/n was in love with Miko Nakadai!"  Your heart stopped, and your blood ran cold. Everyone in the cafeteria looked over to you, and Miko didn't say anything.      "Oh? Doesn't she like you back? Too bad," Vince taunted, tears welled in your eyes from the anxiety, and finally, you stood up and bolted for the door, racing down the hallways until you were out of the school, though that didn't stop you at all. You could faintly hear the shouts and calls from your friends, though you blocked them out after getting outside.     Running down the street and into a more sketchy part of the town, you came to a stop, lungs burning as the adrenalin pumped through you. You sat down in the front of an alley so you'd at least have some shade and cool off from your sudden sprint when that red car you noticed from Friday pulled up and came to a stop in front of you.
        The door opened, and a guy with red hair slicked back wearing a red racing outfit moved towards you. "Get in the car." He demanded, practically looming over you. "And what if I don't?" You demanded, standing up. As soon as you said that though another car, pulled up on the other side, and another male stepped out. He had grey coloured hair and an eyepatch over one of his eyes. "Or you'll have to deal with both of us beating you senseless," the second male snarled, and that seemed to be all it took before the first male forced you easily into the red car, before getting into the front. "What do you want with me?" You questioned, looking back outside. You didn't want to show you're scared if you did they could use that against you. You didn't get an answer, however, the male that forced you in seemed to disappear, and the car started driving on its own.      "O-Okay, what the fuck is going on," you stated, getting out of your seatbelt. "Be quiet, fleshy. You'll learn all you need to when Megatron sees that you've been obtained." The dashboard lit up when the voice spoke, and you connected that the male was the car. "I don't think so, pal," you growled, before moving and yanking the wheel, causing the car to drift off the dirt road and almost tip over. "Get your hands off me!" The vehicle screeches, and he balances himself out. "K.O you okay? What's with the swerving?" A voice crackled over the static radio. You could hear K.O's voice waver a little. "Y-yeah Breakdown, we're fine. The fleshy tried to crash but I've handled it."       There was something about this interaction that made you calm down, however only very slightly. "Y/n." You stated. "Pardon me?" K.O answered, sass evident. "It's my name. You keep calling me fleshy but my name's Y/n." You mumbled, hearing a small chuckle from him. "Well Y/n, you seem calm for someone who's in danger." You stayed quiet, not wanting to say anything else. Ten or so minutes went by and a green swirly type portal showed up and the two cars zoomed through it.
               You stepped out of the car the kidnapped you and was roughly picked up by a large red robot. "We have the fleshy, my Liege." He held you out to a much larger grey and purple robot, you felt your anxiety rise when he also yanked you roughly out of the palm of the other. "Good. Prime needs to know we're not joking around." he snarled out. He walked over to some computer, and another giant robot had appeared on screen, and you were shown up to the screen. Faintly, on the other side of the screen you heard, "Is that Y/n?" and you immediately recognized it as Miko's.     Forgetting where you were for a moment, you called out, "Miko?! Are you there?!" A chorus of gasps could be heard and the red and blue bot looked surprised. "Ah, so you do know them," The one holding you growled. "What're you doing with a human, Megatron?" Though, he merely grinned down at you. "Knockout wanted to test some newfound chemicals on it. It'd be a shame if it died on your watch, Optimus." Your eyes widened, and you started shaking. "No! Let me go!" You rebelled, though his grip tightened around you. "Shut up! You're lucky I don't kill you here and now," you wheezed against his grip, not getting enough oxygen. "He's hurting her!" You could faintly hear Miko's voice. "Come get your human, Prime. That is if you can find them." Megatron turned the computer off and only faintly loosened his grip, though you continued to struggle against him. "It's certainly a rebellious one, my liege," K.O noted, grinning the same menacing grin down to you. He nodded. "You should fix that, Knockout. Tell Shockwave as well we have a fleshy and see what he can do." He thrusts you towards Knockout and carelessly drops you into the open palm.
               You're taken to a what seems to be a lab and strapped down to a table, the purple one named Shockwave stares at you and your movements intensely. "You'll make a fine specimen," his robotic voice held no emotion, and you felt hopelessness rise in your chest. He took a scalpel and dug it into your arm, making you cry out in pain and start to sob. "Weak armour," he muttered. He did this in a few more areas, the pain becoming too overwhelming to you, you were starting to blackout. He moved away, though only came back with a long needle, and through all your movement, injected it into your side. Slowly, your movements slowed to a stop and your eyes drifted close, no matter how hard you fought to keep them open, and soon you're in nothing but dreamless sleep, left defenceless to whatever testing he was planning.
-----With the Autobots-----
               "They have Y/n!" Miko shouted, the computer turning off as Megatron cut off the communications. "You know her?" Bulkhead questioned, looking down at his charge. "Yeah! She's one of my best friends! She hangs with Jack, Raf and Me at lunch and during classes!" Miko was freaking out, the anxiety of not knowing if you were okay was stressing her out massively. Jack and Raf looked at each other as well, frown's on their faces and they got up to give Miko a small group hug. "You know Y/n, she's strong," Raf answered. Jack nodded. "She's a fighter, if I know her she'll make it out of this." Miko narrowed her eyes. "How can you be so sure?" "To send us that communication, Megatron had to let the force-field around the Nemesis down, so we have their last known location," Raf said matter of factly.
      Optimus looked over at Ratchet. "We do have their last known location, it'll be risky to bride you all onto that ship, however," The medic explained. Optimus nodded. "We'll have to take that risk if we want to bring Y/n back." "We'll send Arcee, and Bumblebee to go with you Optimus, Bulkhead will stay here if there is need for reinforcement." Ratchet explained and started typing in the coordinates, the swirly vortex opening up. "I'm coming with you!" Miko shouted, though as she went running ahead Raf and Jack held her back. "You can't Miko! It's the Decepticon's warship, no place for a human!" Jack tried to reason with her. "All the more reason I should go to help find Y/n!" She struggled against them, to no avail.      Optimus looked down at the distressed human, "I promise we will do whatever it takes to bring Y/n back, Miko." She stopped struggling, and with tears in her eyes she looked up to the Leader of the Autobots. "I-I'm holding you to that, Optimus!" Said bot merely nodded, and turned around to Arcee and Bumblebee, both ready to depart. "I'll keep the comm-link open, be sure to keep a low-profile for as long as possible." Optimus briefed, to which both nodded, and all three departed into the vortex.
------Back to You------
       Even in your sleep, you seemed to be able to feel the pain, and after another adrenalin shot, you were awake and fighting against your restraints, though your struggles only got you another deep slash on your leg, blood pouring out of it as it did on your arm and multiple other places. It seemed like a miracle that you weren't dead from blood loss yet.     The mad scientist came back and injected a bright pink liquid into your system, forcing another scream to erupt from your throat, though after a few minutes, you felt a new emotion.
       Shockwave had injected you with....something. It made you feel powerful and destructive. Whatever he gave you, you noticed gave you more muscles, so it obviously enhanced your strength, but what else? Something else still felt off. You were still restrained, however more heavily now. All down your arms and legs were metal clasps restraining your movement, as well as a larger one going over your torso. "Shockwave!" Megatron's voice sounded throughout the room. "Yes, Lord Megatron?" Said dictator sauntered into the room, and a menacing grin crept upon his face when he saw you restrained. "What're you experimenting for?" Shockwave looked over to you. "So far, my liege, all I've done is enhanced strength. However soon I predict that we'll be able to create an unbeatable superweapon." He answered. All you felt was exhaustion, your body wanted to shut down now. Shockwave moved over to you, a new chemical in the needle he injected you with, this time near your neck.       "Let me demonstrate, my liege."  
------Your. P.o.V-----
  I felt another power surge injected into my brain, and my heart picked up its pace. I let out a blood-curdling scream and wrestled with my restraints, to no avail. My once soft flesh was becoming hard and cold, like metal, however, it hardly looked any different though. I calmed down for a moment and Shockwave walked over to me once again, this time a small scalpel in hand. he dragged it across my skin, though the blad should've cut through me, it didn't. I panted and felt like passing out once more. Shockwave filled something again in the syringe and tapped it a few times. "No need to worry, this will be the last test for now," he informed, once again making the path to me.       Instead of my neck, or my torso, he injected it into my temple, and a sharp pain went through me. I screamed out, though it was mixed with pain and something else. My eyes shot opened and my pupils dilated, and a chilling shriek left my throat, and I fell into attack mode, my newly found powers being put to the test. With a rush of adrenalin, I broke free of my restraints, and just as I did a red alert blasted throughout the ship and a vehicle rushed towards Megatron. "My liege! Autobots have been spotted on the ship!" He reported though I paid no mind. Megatron lashed out in anger and demanded them to be caught.      As those two left, Shockwave looked back at me to try and restrain me again, but I was too fast. I had more strength now, let's see what else I could do. Shockwave went to grab me again. though this time I made the scalpel he held earlier pierce through it, causing him to grunt in surprise. "Telekinesis too? A nice touch!" I growled out, before bolting and escaping the lab.      "Autobots!" I howled, looking for them to find me. "Y/n here!" My voice echoed along the empty hallways, and as I turned the corner,  I was faced to face with a blue bot with blasters out. "Autobot?" I asked, scaring her. "Yeah, You're the human." "I am. When do we leave," I asked, though it sounded more like I was demanding it. "Optimus, I have the human, tell Ratchet to open a bridge," She declared, probably through a link. She tried staying the relative area, with me in her hands while we waited for the other two, Optimus and Bee.    Luckily we weren't there for long, and a portal opened up and they went through, eagerly I jumped from Arcee's hand, causing shouts of surprise and concern. Though I stood up perfectly fine, my new strength and tough skin make me a tough opponent. "How are you not hurt?" Arcee questioned, though I didn't care, I was too busy looking around for Miko. "Miko?" I called out, looking around, though I was met with silence. As I was looking around, Bumblebee picked me up. "Bulkhead took them out for a ride to calm their nerves," A white and Orange bot told me. "What did Shockwave do to you?" Finally, I calm enough and looked around at the bots, and sat comfortably on Bee's hand. I shrugged, "he shot me up with a bunch of different things, but I've learned that I have super tough skin, heightened senses, and I used telekineses at one point. He was going to use more, to make me the ultimate bio-weapon, but you guys raided the ship just in time." I explained. Ratchet started mumbling to himself and picked me up carefully, before hooking me up to a bunch of wires. "I'm going to run a diagnostic to see exactly what it was that he gave you," I nodded in understanding. "Do any of you know when Miko will be back? I don't want her to worry." Arcee and Bee seemed to let out chuckles and whirls of amusement to your comment.  "Don't worry, I've already contacted Bulkhead," Bumblebee whirled. I nodded and smiled, "Thanks, Bee!" I beamed, and the room fell quiet again. "You understood him?" Arcee questioned, to which I nodded. "It probably has to do with whatever I was given," I reason. "I never got to thank you guys for rescuing me, though. So, thank you." I shifted my gaze between all of them. "You're welcome, Y/n," Optimus replied. "Do any of you know why Megatron wanted me? I mean, he had K.O and another pick me up in an alleyway, but they never really told me why." Optimus nodded, "He thought you knew of us since you knew Miko." I made a sound of acknowledgement. "Just wait until Jack and Raf hear about this, kidnapped by a bunch of evil robots because I was friends with Miko."  I giggled, but Arcee and Bee looked towards one another. "Oh Don't tell me they were with Miko too!" I gasped. The two nodded, and Arcee chuckled. "Y/n, I do have to tell you that you can't let anyone know that we exist. I'm assigning myself as your guardian." Optimus declared. "Guardian? So you'll watch over me? And I'm going to assume you two," I motioned to Arcee and Bee, "are Jack's and Raf's guardians?" They nodded and Optimus went to reply. "In a way you're correct. I'll be picking you up from school and escorting you home or to the Base." "Makes sense."
      A few minutes of chatting and Ratchet running a few more other diagnostics that Bulkhead had came driving into the base, Miko, Raf, and Jack inside his alt mode. Within minutes of spotting me Miko's eyes light up. "Y/n!" She shouts excitedly. I get a little too excited and quickly disconnected from the wires and jumped down to give her a hug, though not before she let out a scream of fear when she saw me jump. "Don't worry! I'm okay! That stuff Shockwave gave me made me a superhuman!" I giggled as she engulfed me in a hug. "Y/n! I'm not done you're tests!" Ratchet scolds. I look over sheepishly. "Sorry, Doc-bot." I looked back to Miko and my two other friends who stood behind her. "You guys knew about them all along, huh?" I question, to which they nodded.    "We wanted to tell you! But, You know..." Jack trailed off and I nodded. "Yeah, though it seems like that didn't even keep me out of trouble." The next few hours were spent with me explaining what Shockwave did to me again as Ratchet re-hooked up all the wires I previously disconnected, and how I could understand Bee and had telekinesis. After a while though,  the conversation switched to what happened today at lunch, and Jack and Raf were polite enough to give Miko and me some space.    
       I looked towards the ground. "I know being called out in front of the school today probably made you really uncomfortable, and I'm sorry for that." I apologized. Though, her reaction was one I didn't expect. Miko started giggling and shook her head. "It's alright, I was shocked at first, but, I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the same.." She trailed off, a light blush over her cheeks. "You mean..?" "Yeah," She nodded her head. A large smile graced my features and  I engulfed her into a hug, which he happily returned. "So..What does this make us?" She asks. I thought for a moment, "Miko, would be so kind as to go on a date with me this Saturday?" I chuckled at my own formalness. "I would love to, pick me up at 5?" She replied also giggling. "Sounds good."
-----Bonus (Regular P.o.V)----
           Thanks to the test Ratchet was running, he learned what Soundwave did to your system, and though he can't reverse the effects, he's been documenting your powers and the human body and nature. Vince doesn't mess with you as much anymore, especially now since you've been using your telekinesis to scare him off. You spend most of your time at the base, though you do usually drive yourself with Optimus driving behind you.       You and Miko have been dating for a few months, and you've decided that if you had to go through everything again, you would, just for her.
This was a longer chapter compared to the ones I've recently been doing. I really hope I did the request well, and I added my own small spin to it.
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blacknovelist · 4 years
sup ok here’s the promised details on uhhhhhh All for One in @guardianlioness​‘s and I’s Ageswap Mess, formed by collaborative headcanon jamming on discord and then roughly paraphrased via a run thru the unfortunate Quadruple Lengthening Filter that’s built into my brain bc I’m incapable of being brief.
(something of an expansion on this post and this ask. Nooooot spoiler free, actually pretty spoilers, idk, will pop it under a readmore bc who knows how long I’m gonna go on also)
ALSO!! I can’t at u but @randommly-passing-mia u asked forever ago about Toshinori and AfO’s relationship in this AU and i answered what I could then but I’m pleased to announce this goes more into that bc I knew Very Little back then. :)
So, All for One! Now, I feel it appropriate to note that the previous post I made regarding the history of OfA in Ageswap, as well as just about everything I’ve posted abt AfO and OfA for Ageswap (except for the linked ask above, obv) was made before the arc with the League of Villains and Shigaraki’s backstory all came out. Now that we’ve got some of those contexts, we can go a little further in fleshing everything else out, which we did, a little, today.
Pls keep in mind that Ageswap’s goal is not and never has been to make a direct 1:1 translation of adults to kids and vice versa -- good lord we’d have a lot of empty spaces if we were doing that. So, uh. Anyway. it’s time for “we make a mess of the characters and also the timeline and the plot because it’s Our City Now”
Student AfO is a different creature to small Toshinori of our au. For the purposes of this post we’ll call him AfO, because while I’d love to just jump into referring to him as Shigaraki there’s a lot of confusions that lie down that road. Also, again, we’re calling mr heckhands mcmike Tomura, because Shigaraki is a name with Weight.
Because canon parallels, Ageswap AfO has a little brother who we’re making Kyudai Garaki/the Good Doctor and also quirkless for our purposes (whether he’s AfO’s biological brother is up in the air, we haven’t settled yet). Garaki has something of an intense obsession with quirks, constantly studying and doing research, not unlike Izuku, and the age gap between him and AfO is... about six years. Now, because AfO had already manifested a quirk of his own and that quirk had fearsome potential, One for All was originally going to be passed on to his brother, because before Ageswap Izuku, OfA had strictly been handed down to trained members of the family.
Tomura was a member of the group that had, through the generations, been working to fight against the users of One for All. To hit them where it hurt, he attacked Izuku’s mentor’s (we’ll call them the Mentor) home with a group of League fighters. When he found out there was a quirkless boy, and a second one who was all but quirkless for all that he’d been told to avoid using his own powers, he quickly took them in under the League’s wing -- both in an act of cruelty against OfA and out of some misguided sympathy for the boys.
The fearsome thing is the toxicity of the relationships Tomura formed with the League, and eventually with the boys. He meant well, when he took them in, but whatever this version of him went through... well, just about all his relationships are some level of manipulative and unhealthy by default. See: his tendency for physical closeness and being tactile, as mentioned in the ask.
He’s firmly of an opinion along the lines of “if you’ve got the power, and you know you have the power, and you’re not using it to do whatever you can or want, then why do you even have it?” and, for all of AfO’s childhood, Tomura tried his hardest to share this with AfO and sway the kid to his side. With the Mentor having dropped off the grid and abandoned the Shigaraki name in grief, AfO and his brother had nowhere else to go, but AfO was a smart and cautious kid: he couldn’t just listen without a fight, or a reason.
(AfO didn’t know Tomura meant to kill them, that he attacked their home on purpose. When he eventually finds out, he firmly believes Tomura meant to save them)
But Tomura’s persistent, and he doesn’t stop, and eventually he points out: if All for One is a quirk that allows him to take and give quirks, does that not mean he can seek out the perfect quirk for his little brother? All the reasons he’s suffered, AfO has the power to fix that.
That’s the thing that sways AfO to their side, that convinces him to stay with the League and learn under Tomura. Because if it’s for family, isn’t it worth it?
(AfO sees Tomura as a teacher, as a friend, as someone beloved and important. Shigaraki was AfO’s name, but it can be Tomura’s too, if Tomura wants. Then everyone knows they’re family. And Tomura accepts it -- another spit in the face of an enemy, a welcomed token from a beloved student. Shigaraki is a good name for the rest of the world to use, but Tomura, Tomura is a name for the League and the League alone.)
AfO tries, at first, to find other quirks for his brother while he trains, while his brother studies (while Tomura tries to sway Garaki to their side also, because look at what you know, what you could do with that knowledge, combined with your brother’s quirk, you’re so young and so so smart-). OfA is gone beyond the League’s sight, in the hands of the Symbol of Peace, so there’s no point on dwelling on it, really, surely another quirk would work better?
But then One for All comes back around, in the hands of this blond... nobody. His brother’s quirk, running around in a stranger. AfO continues to hunt potential quirks down for his brother and his brother’s studies, but he has a new goal: to try and claim OfA back and give it to who it really belongs to.
the problem of course being that he can’t take it by force like every other quirk, and killing Toshinori would merely render it lost forever.
Essentially, AfO’s primary grudge against Toshinori is the fact that he’s the current bearer of a quirk that, in AfO’s eyes, should belong to Garaki. And Toshinori’s quirklessness, or past quirklessness... is easy to know when you know the secret of One for All.
Some good stuff gets said abt AfO vs Toshinori in this answer here I think, and I’m drawing on it: Toshinori’s more instinct and heart to AfO’s logic and strategy. That’s not to say, obv, that neither of them draw on the other quality, but it’s what stands out most to me about the two of them and just, kind of their general dynamic (or at least, that’s how it seems).
USJ was a subtle message laid beneath a louder declaration. Two-for-one, if you will. “Wouldn't it be so nice to have a quirk that fit better in your hands? that didn't fritz or go funky whenever you so much as turned your head? A quirk you might not even have to coax and strain and train and change your body for?”
But AfO does not confront Toshinori until much later, until after the sports festival. See, the mall incident in this AU is a scene on bargaining.
He confronts Toshinori at the mall -- his face is not known, and it’s a simple matter to pull him off to the side. But there won’t be fighting here today. No, he only came to talk.
Questions, first. About Toshinori, his experience with One for All, what he thinks of other people’s quirks. About what it was like for him, growing up quirkless, left abandoned by so many people for it. Eventually, his conversation circles back around. I have a little brother. He’s quirkless, just like you. You know what he went through, what he suffered.
All for One even did his research, is even willing to play by rules closer to Toshinori’s own: tucked under his arm is a folder, with lists upon lists of people. Villains with sentences for life, villains under the death sentence, people who would have no life of returning to the world ever again. People who don’t have a reason to use their quirks any longer. People for whom it wouldn’t matter if he took their quirks anyway. “Take your pick,” he offers Toshinori. “I’ll give you whatever quirk you’ve ever wanted. I’ll even take it from a villain so none of your precious civilians have to suffer the loss — but that one belongs to my little brother.”
And, well. We all know he says no.
Why would Toshinori hang onto a quirk that isn’t even his? All the people out there, bearing the quirks that his brother and even his greatest enemy were robbed of at birth, and AfO has the power to grant both Toshinori and Garaki the power that they’d dreamed of, that belongs to them. He knows what it means to suffer without a quirk. Why won’t Toshinori let him fix that?
and idk specifically what Toshi would say, but I think it’s something along the lines of “no one asks for what they're born with or given, but we make the most of it anyway. That's how we're supposed to live.“
Anyway Toshinori and All for One hate each other SO fucking much but. Unfortunately, also just kind of Get Each Other on some level. Like, they despise one another but also, if there’s one thing they can believe in, it’s that the other will always Be The Way They Are. Friendly Enemyship, if you will.
There’s some level of pity that AfO also holds on the percieved coldness of Toshinori’s relationship to his mentor, Izuku. Izuku is... really awkward, in his relationship with Toshi, and while Izuku loves his student very much he has a hard time showing it -- and Toshinori thinks so poorly of himself, it’s hard to grasp how close they are from the outside sometimes. AfO totally tries to recruit Toshinori to their side, even after he figures they’re Tight and also even though he knows Toshinori won’t ever say yes. Like, he hates the guy, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be a kickass ally.
Tomura would like Toshinori and AfO says as much to his face. “You’re more like him than I am, anyway. You can act without overthinking. And he wouldn’t care if you were quirkless. He doesn’t with my brother.”
(Toshinori hates that. He isn’t, he isn’t he isn’t like him at all.)
Tomura has also more or less promised AfO that, at the end of his lifespan, his student should take on Decay. AfO, of course, doesn’t want that and is on the hunt for a good longevity quirk to give to his mentor
In the end, the way All for One is kind of being played in this AU is something not so far off from Anakin Skywalker.
In Lioness’ words:
Noble in his desire to keep his family alive
But horribly misdirected
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