#not going to write and edit a fic again in like 2 days in combination with theater preperation stuff and university stuff
popcornkwantum · 3 months
Swiftli week, day 4
Free theme! (Laser tag)
“I’d easily get more hits on you than you on me!” Taylor claims.
Lincoln’s smile turns into a playful smirk. “Oh is that right?”
Taylor leans in, standing on his tiptoes to get a little bit closer to Lincoln’s level. It makes him think of those professional boxing stare-showdowns. “Yea, that’s right, Mr. Li-Wilson.”
“You’re on, Swift.”
“Guys, we literally just finished the first game,” Normal tries to pipe up in between the two, “Maybe it's time for a little break first?”
“No! Someone has to taste true defeat,” Taylor shouts and points to the air, like an anime character ready for the fight, and picks up his laser tag armor again.
Lincoln and Taylor get a little too competitive in a game of laser tag and are willing to do everything to win
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whumptober · 9 months
Whumptober 2023 Event Info & Rules
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Event Info & Rules
~ Please read our extensive event info posts before sending us an ask ~
WHUMPTOBER is a month-long, prompt-based creation challenge (think: Inktober, but whumpier). There are 31 official themes this year - one for each day of the month - which can be used, skipped, or combined in any way you’d like. The 'theme' of each day is the line of lyrics.
The prompts are merely to serve as inspiration without being taken literally (e.g. you don’t have to include the exact wording of prompts into your work). Feel free to run rampant on interpretation. For example, if the prompt is "flame", you could create something with reference to a candle/campfire, your character could have suffered a burn, or the flame could be related to an 'old flame' - an old relationship. It's truly down to you!
In total, there are 4 prompts for each day: there's lyrics, an object, a trope and a line of dialogue to choose from. We want to give everyone as much creative freedom as possible, as well as increase event accessibility for folks with triggers and squicks. There is also a list of 15 alternative prompts that can be subbed in for any day, again to give participations as much creative freedom as possible.
Creators can PRODUCE work in any media they choose, including but not limited to: writing, visual artwork, photo/video/audio edits, paper crafts and elaborate recommendation lists (not just a list of links). Creators can PARTICIPATE as much or as little as they want (i.e. you don’t have to do ALL the prompts if you don’t want to) and prompts can be used in any order. They are also free to use even after the event ends.
If you are uploading Whumptober content to your blog, be sure to tag them with:
#whumptober2023 …..(the event tag)
#no.1, #no.2, #no.3 …..(theme/theme number)
#lyric, #bruises, #stabbing,  …..(the theme or specific prompt you chose)
#fandom or #OC, ... (ironman, originalcontent, oc ...)
#medium …..(gifs, fic, podcast, art, etc.)
#teeth, #etc …..(trigger warnings & any additional tags. Keep in mind not to add “tw” in front but only use the word/trigger itself, because tumblr sucks)
#nsfwhump …..(only for nsfw content)
#your own tags go here
PLEASE BE DILIGENT WITH YOUR TAGGING. Only properly tagged posts are considered for archiving on the official @whumptober-archive blog. They must be tagged in the order above. An elaborate post about our tagging system can be found [here]
Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of participants in recent years, we cannot guarantee your work will be archived. A random selection of properly tagged posts from all genres will be reblogged each day.
Whumpers who produce content for 31 total theme days are considered event completionists and will be tagged in a masterpost at the end of the month. A form will be published at the beginning of November asking you to tell us if you completed the event. You do not need to post anything you have created, we rely on trust and we will not check this.
Questions not addressed in one of our many event info posts can be directed to this blog. We will not answer any questions that have been answered in the FAQs or rules already.
Thanks for reading, and happy whumping!
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slythindor100 · 9 months
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Hello friends! I, along with my co-mod, timothysboxers, are thrilled to announce that 25 Days of Draco and Harry will run again in 2023. We want to thank @navi1088 for creating this art for our banner.
For those who may not be familiar with this challenge, I have included the rules at the end of this post, and I encourage you to read these.
And for the loyal fans of 25 Days of Harry and Draco: In 2023, we will be doing both Early-bird and Traditional prompts as usual. Again, we're running on LJ, DW and tumblr – the rules will be the same as last year.
Because it seemed to work out quite well last year, the Early-bird Prompts will once again be available in late October, and we will be including the Image Descriptions along with the prompts.
Early bird prompts will be available no later than Sunday, 22 October, allowing creators over 5 weeks and some change to work on their posts.
Also, we will have the Discord server specifically for 25 Days of Draco and Harry participants. Like last year, this will be a place where early bird participants can discuss (in a channel just for them) the prompts and how they might use them. Traditional participants will join the general section of the server in December.
The 2023 rules at a glance, for those familiar with the concept:
25 Days of Draco and Harry 2023 - Traditional
No changes from prior years. A photo prompt is posted starting at midnight EST 1 December, and you create a work based on that prompt and post before the next day's prompt goes up.
Each of your posts can be part of a larger work or they can stand alone.
25 Days of Draco and Harry 2023 - Early Bird
You receive access to all 25 photo prompts no later than midnight (EST) Sunday, 22 October. This is the same time frame as last year. Hopefully this will give you time to prepare and create for 25 Days before the insanity of December starts.
You will post one work per day for each prompt. This can be a stand-alone story or each day can be a part of a bigger story. We may even get a pod-fic this year of a past 25 Days fic and that would be posted a chapter a day. ♥
The advantages are this:
1) you can use the picture prompts in any order you chose
2) you can start creating early and have many of your posts ready to go before December 1st.
3) you get the prompts all at once so you can pre-plan your story or your use of each day's prompt.
The basic rules of 25 Days of Draco and Harry – Traditional Edition:
The challenge is to write a drabble, ficlet, story (whatever) for the pictures posted each day from 1 Dec to 25 Dec. Your fic for each prompt must be a minimum of 100 words – but there is no maximum. They can be twenty-five one-shots or each one can be a part of a bigger story. Pictures will be posted at midnight EST and you have until the next midnight to complete your work.
Yes, you may combine this with other communities or tumblr prompts.
Your fic does not have to be a story of the picture – you can use a part of the picture or whatever that picture says to you. We're pretty flexible around here.
Traditional Prompts must be used in their posted order. If you fall behind, you can post more than once a day to get caught up. You're also welcome to post as life allows, meaning you don't have to worry about being on time. You can also combine a few days or prompts into one fic/ficlet/drabble/etc. But the true challenge is to post every day for 25 days within the 24-hour time frame.
You do not need to sign-up for the Traditional edition, the prompts will be made available beginning 1 December at midnight EST.
While you're not required to, you are encouraged to add your story to the AO3 collection by adding "25 Days of Draco and Harry 2022" to your submissions, under collections, when you post them to your own AO3 account. A link to the collection will be provided in the official rules post after it has been created.
The basic rules of 25 Days of Draco and Harry – Early-bird Edition:
The sign-up period for Early Bird participants will be from 15 October to 20 October 2023 via AirTable.
After signups close you will be given access to the 25 picture prompts no later than Sunday, 23 October. You may use these prompts in any order you choose – but each prompt may only be used once. The challenge remains to post a daily work from 1 Dec to 25 Dec using one of the provided prompts. Each should be posted between 12 midnight (EST) and 11:59 PM (EST) the next night. For written works, the minimum word count is 100.
While you're not required to, you are encouraged to add your story to the AO3 collection by adding "25 Days of Draco and Harry 2022" to your submissions, under collections, when you post them to your own AO3 account. A link to the collection will be provided in the official rules post after it has been created.
The early bird prompts and the traditional prompts do vary. Some may be used on both but mostly they are two distinct sets of prompts.
If you have any questions, please email the 25 days mod account at [email protected] or DM one of the mods if you're on the Drarry Discord server.
@sassy-cissa and @timothysboxers
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undercoverpena · 5 months
my 2023 tumblr top 10
WARNING: I’m going to be mushy about my writing, and celebrate me, if this isn’t for you, scroll past. kindness only. 
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1. 2,541 notes - Nov 18 2023
joel miller x f!reader (tlou) 
i’m so blown away by the love this fic got!! this silly idea of a storm, of joel, and here we are. it was the fingers in your mouth wasn’t it... i knew it.
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2. 2,495 notes - Mar 27 2023
simon ‘ghost’ riley x f!reader (cod) 
this was such a blast to write, and i still can’t believe a little whump fic from me did so well!! i will say one of my fave lines ever is this: He finds you in the centre of dust and debris. 
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3. 2,339 notes - Apr 23 2023
javier peña x f!reader (narcos)
my baby. the fic i’ve re-read the most. my beloved. i remember posting this after a mammoth 6 hour editing sessions of it because dyslexia, and then the relief. i went to sleep, woke up, and was like omfg. 
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4. 2,155 notes - Jul 31 2023
simon ‘ghost’ riley x f!reader (cod) 
this was purely me being up far too late, and just being a mush, that then turned spicy. it should be expected now, but then, in july, it was all new for me. 
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5. 1,662 notes - Jun 9 2023
javier peña x f!reader (narcos)
arepas walked, so LNT could RUN. gosh. this fic. the last couple of days it has so much love too, and i’m so overwhelmed, and happy. but my fave thing about this, it all stemmed from a scene in my head of him picking her up from the airport, combined with the fact i was alone for a week, and here we are. one of my fave things i’ve ever written.
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6. 1,634 notes - Feb 26 2023
javier peña x f!reader (narcos)
stemmed from a prompt, this was meant to be a short thing that quickly got away from me. it was one of the first things i wrote for this man, and i still have so much love for it. the scene of him seeing her in the room, god.... 
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7. 1,612 notes - Sep 17 2023
joel miller x f!reader (tlou) 
so this fic is a firm fave for me, because not only was it for my cheese ( @thetriumphantpanda ), but also i had the chance to have @perotovar ‘s work on my fic too. like still, i can’t believe how fortunate i am. i still love this one so freaking much. the stress of me worrying if it was good enough though, didn’t love that so much. 
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8. 1,564 notes - Jan 3 2023
john price x f!reader (cod) 
this was the most ridiculously brilliant thing, because i wrote it in a chat to my friend @guyfieriii and she was like POST THIS. and i did, and here we are. to this day, price is still someone i dont feel confident writing, but i will admit this was alright ;)
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9. 1,484 notes - Jul 15 2023
simon ‘ghost’ riley x f!reader (cod) 
sometimes, some of my best works are when i write them for people, and writing this for mothie was a joy. i also can’t believe how much ghost is in my top ten. 
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10. 1,357 notes - Aug 29 2023
simon ‘ghost’ riley x f!reader (cod) 
this might have been the last thing i wrote for cod before leaving the fandom entirely, and again, i was up far too late, moving a mug of my husband’s, and here is the product of it. 
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Created by TumblrTop10
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alexrosekey · 6 months
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Hermione-centric and HP World Building Expansion edition
A late entry from me. Beware that this list is based on my personal preference. If you don't like the ships, remember the rule - don't like don't read. Ship and let ship!
That being said, it has been a while since the last time I've come up with a rec list. But reccing great fanfics has remained one of my greatest passion. Having decided to fully integrated myself into the Harry Potter fandom again, I'm amazed at how creative and talented the authors of this fandom are. There are a plethora of interesting ideas and premises, with various themes and genres along with inquisitive, thoughtful observation regarding the characters and the world building of Harry Potter.
Without further ado, let's dive in to my submission for today's @hprecfest prompt: fics with over 100k+ words. All the fics below are Hermione-centric (one less than the other two but still), with amazing social commentaries on the HP world and impeccable observation on the magical world, which to me are the best aspect of HP fic.
unsphere the stars by @cocoartistwrites (M, 222,827, Hermione Granger/Tom Riddle)
When you can't change time, but you can't go forward, what is left? Hermione learns how to be the protagonist of her own story.
To quote one of the bookmarks: Hermione is more than she ever was. This story is a journey of Hermione to grow, to love and to explore magic and its beauty more than she could ever be. Don't let the pairing deter you, this is no doubt one of the most memorable fanfic reading experience I have in my years of being in fandoms. Hermione and Tom are both portrayed spectacularly and thoughtfully, and the prose are some of the most poetic I've ever seen.
To sum up the whole of my reading experience, I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling for 30 mins after reading the last chapter, completely shell-shocked.
All I could say is, if you want an astounding character arc for Hermione, with in-depth magical system and immersive world building, plus interesting OCs and breathtaking writing, then this fic is definitely for you!
*This fic could also be placed under the prompt of Day 7: A Canon-Compliant Fic.
2. What's Past is Prologue by ABitofWit (E, 244,611, Hermione Granger/Lucius Malfoy)
It's eight years after the war and Hermione Granger has taken a break from her career at the Ministry of Magic to compile an oral history of the conflict. She's interviewed just about everyone she can get her hands on but she wants to be thorough. And that means getting in contact with a very unwilling Lucius Malfoy.
Listen, I know the pairing is weird as fuck. I know, I had my doubt too before reading it. But the raving bookmarks convinced me to give this a chance. And boy, it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
This fic is more than just a ship fic, it's about love and what we would do for it, the greyness of life and choices, of redemption and finding one's self worth outside of pre-existing, archaic ideas and values. It's about change and how we're never too old to learn. WPIP is everything I've ever wanted in a fic, emotional, sincere, humorous, gorgeous, sexy, steamy and sweet. Full of heart and soul.
Most of all, the development of and between Hermione and Lucius is so natural and makes a lot of sense, without them being OOC. This fic reminds me that Hermione is not at all flawless (the opposite of the usual Mary-Sue, little-miss-perfect trope that Hermione tends to be portrayed in fics), while successfully humanizes and makes Lucius Malfoy one of the most interesting HP characters in my eyes. (Who would have thought that I've spent years not giving a jot about this guy, only to fall in love with such a mess of a man like him??)
Combine with sharp commentaries and observations on the British Wizarding World, Wizarding politics and a not-canon folder supporting cast, this is no doubt one of the best HP fic, and one of the best fanfic I've ever had the pleasure to read.
*This fic could also be placed under the prompt of Day 2: A Comfort Fic and Day 9: A Rare Pair Fic.
3. Six Pomegranate Seeds by Seselt (E, 185,965, no pairing but implied Theodore Nott/Hermione Granger)
At the end, something happened. Hermione clutches at one fraying thread, uncertain whether she is Arachne or Persephone. What she does know is that she will keep fighting to protect her friends even if she must walk a dark path.
Sooo, this is one very weird fic. One of the oddest fics I've ever encoutered, in fact. I've read it twice, one before I read the book series in full, one after I've finished the books. And let me tell you, SPS is a stunning work.
The odd, floating third-person POV, the dry and sharp, straightforward tone of Hermione. Her competency, her compassion despite all the pain and the emotional repression. This is definitely not your usual time travel fix-it fic.
Most of Hermione's work happened in tandem with the 7 books' main storyline. Hermione's soul is put into the body of a young orphan Pureblood heiress. This gives the fic one of the most interesting spin on the Hermione-is-a-pureblood trope.
Through Hermione, we have a closer look into the background and the context of the main events of the books, plus a deeper understanding of the Pureblood society and a much more sympathetic view into the students Slytherin house. All without whitewashing and offsetting the corruption and the effects of the Purebloods and the Slytherins' stuffy, archaic views on not only the young generation of students but also the British Wizarding world.
I lost count of the amount of time I slapped my knees while reading this work the second time whenever I encountered a particularly sharp line of thought/commentary from Hermione in this fic. I'm also amazed at how much work and research the author has put into SPS, particularly in terms of making up tons of new magical theories and the use of exotic and lesser known vocabulary (seriously, if you decide to read this one, prepare a dictionary next to you, or get ready to regularly stop mid reading in order to look up certain words 😆)
*This fic could also be placed under the prompt of Day 7: A Canon-Compliant Fic.
That being said, thank you for checking out my list! Thank the admins of @hprecfest for holding such a fun activity. Feel free to join in yourself. Happy reading 💋
Day 16: A fic that made you laughed
Day 19: Fic with the hottest smut
Day 22: An unfinished fic (hasn't updated in 10 years or the author stated it has been abandoned)
Day 26: A fic with an ending you can't stop thinking about
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Hello and welcome to Day 5 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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Do you know that moment when you hear an opening from a childhood TV show that you were obsessed with before and your brain is like, "But what if you combine this with this and make it into a fanfic idea?". Cause this is how my brain came up with a Mo Dao Zu Shi Pokemon AU. (The Diamond and Pearl Openings are still my jam to this day)
The AU is not fully detailed in my head (yet), but I came up with two versions for it, so I will just write down some details I already have for both versions:
Edit: As of February 6th, this has a title : "Some roads are not meant to be traveled alone"
Wei Wuxian is a new Pokemon Trainer that just started his journey with his partner Vulpix (Kantonian)
Lan Wangji is a more seasoned Pokemon Trainer (he has been on a journey for at least 2 years) and has an Alolan Vulpix as a partner.
The two meet in Kalos, more specifically in Lumiouse City. WWX wanted to see if he could start challenging the Gyms right away, and his Vulpix got a bit too excited and ran off and got lost.
Lan Wangji is in Lumiouse City for a vacation rather than to start a new journey. His Vulpix is the one that finds WWX's Vulpix. Seeing that the Kantonian Vulpix is very young, LWJ feels anger towards the trainer who let the young fox unattended.
When WWX finds them, LWJ is ready to berate him for being irresponsible, but WWX's "Please never run off again like that Vulpix. I was so scared." stops him in his tracks.
WWX turns to thank LWJ for finding his Vulpix and apologizes for the troubles. LWJ, instead of just accepting the apology, tells WWX he shouldn't be so careless, especially when his Vulpix is so young. (LWJ is kicking himself for saying that) WWX takes offense because he wasn't being careless, nor was he abusive towards his partner.
And so their first meeting is kind of a disaster. That, however, doesn't stop them from constantly meeting around Lumiouse for the next week and then the universe (aka me) decides they should journey around Kalos together. (We all know how the relationship will progress)
Edit: As of February 6th, this fic has a title:
"Life is a journey you must walk to behold"
In this version, WWX is from Hoenn (Hoenn has a lot of water = Lotus Pier). He and Jiang Cheng have been journeying through other regions (started in Hoenn, went to Kanto and Unova) but this year they want to have an individual journey for themselves.
Jiang Cheng wants to go to Johto, while WWX is going to Sinnoh.
I am on my "Give Jiang Cheng a Shinx" Agenda because just imagine him having a Shinx that is as much of a trouble maker as WWX. (Jiang Cheng's sanity is in danger)
WWX has an Absol as his partner. (The similarities between Absol's lore and WWX's personality make me believe that this is a good pair.) Also, Absol is definitely the one that is more serious and responsible between the two.
Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen are from Johto and their family is well known for being Coordinators.
Lan Wangji has an Eevee that evolved into Glaceon as a partner and has participated in a lot of Pokemon Contests in Johto and Kanto.
Lan Xichen has a Lapras as a partner and is not as interested in Pokemon Contests. He does, however, like to nurse Pokemon back to health and thinks about becoming a Pokemon Doctor.
LWJ wants to go and journey around Sinnoh and learn more about Pokemon Battles (the Lan family doesn't like how trainers that challenge Gyms push their Pokemon so hard, and they are more against Pokemon Battles. In their words, "Contests are a more refined art. Pokemon Battles are barbaric and violent.") LWJ doesn't want to jump to conclusions on that topic, while LXC believes both can be just as good, but it depends if the Trainer is a good person or not.
LWJ, once in Sinnoh, wants to experience a Gym Challenge for himself, so he decides to go to Oreburgh City and challenge Roark, the Gym Leader.
He ends up watching a battle between Roark and WWX instead and falls at first sight for WWX and for his passion for Pokemon Battles. WWX is also very kind to his pokemon, so inner LWJ aproves even more of his choice in love interests.
WWX and LWJ end up traveling through Sinnoh together. (Team Galactic is the main villain that they seem to find/fight against all throughout the journey too)
On the other hand, LXC meets Jiang Cheng and decide to travel together through Jotho, with LXC using this journey to further his knowledge as a Pokemon Doctor and to learn more about Jiang Cheng, who, although says harsh things all the time, is a kind person.
LXC and Jiang Chen end up dealing with Team Rocket during their journey.
There you have it.
This is about everything that I have about this AU. Honestly, I think this one will probably continue to grow in the back of my mind for a while longer before I come up with a title for it and, possibly, even scenes (be it Battles or Contest Performances).
So, what do you think? Good? Bad? Let me know!
I might post some more things later today, but for the moment, I am gonna wish you guys a good morning/day/night.
Till next time,
- TooManyPlotBunnies-Send Help
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dokidoki-muffin · 1 year
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I posted 182 times in 2022
That's 182 more posts than 2021! (edit: lololo not shit sherlock.. this blog didn't exist then 🤣🤣🤣👌)
176 posts created (97%)
6 posts reblogged (3%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 182 of my posts in 2022
#dokidoki asks - 135 posts
#tickling - 25 posts
#dokidoki thoughts - 24 posts
#art - 21 posts
#dokidoki spice - 20 posts
#not art - 9 posts
#just text xD - 8 posts
#dokidoki requests - 7 posts
#yoi - 7 posts
#yuri on ice - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#can't decide if this is a ramble or a rant xD but honestly just let people enjoy what they enjoy and get on with it xD ^^;;;;``
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Anyone here who read Neon Sign Amber by Ogeretsu Tanaka at some point? 🙃 It's still one of my favourite BL mangas to this day! I really love how some of her characters are actually canonically ticklish 💖 This here is inspired by *the moment* from the extra chapter 😳🙈 (For some reason I was motivated for more detailed colours this time)
566 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
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I just couldn't leave the other Yuri without tickles >w< How did it come to this? You're free to speculate :P
And yes. I am slowly trying to bring this blog back to life, but I have no plans whatsoever xD So I will just go with the flow ^o^;
618 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
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I had quite a few different asks for Sk8 in my inbox, so I tried to combine more characters into this one 🤭✨ Don't ask me, but whenever I see a bratty squirt like Miya, my brain keeps yelling one single thing: Wreck that little shit!!! 😆🔥😈
703 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
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I had a bit of extra time today and a decent idea 🤭✨ So there we go!! I hope this is what you wanted anon ^^ (Colo is a bit simpler again because otherwise it takes forever! 😅😬)
762 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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"Oh, you're sorry? Maybe I should do this every time you mock my cooking 🤔🙃" . Argh fuck it 😂🙈 I originally wanted to write a fic for this as well but I somewhat lost control over my life in October 😬😆 srsly.. there was just so much going on that I barely had time for anything, soooooo for now here's the art post at least 🙄🤣🙈 Yeah. I hope you enjoy it anyway 🙃🙃🙃
817 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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talesofthedm · 9 months
The bastard Astarion confessed his feelings on this playthrough sooner than I thought he would so I had to do research and take notes (i was already taking notes, lets be honest).
Anyway, this is my sleep deprived attempt at writing out the Act 2 romance confession. It combines dialogue from both the standard romance confession, the variant if you defend him from Araj, and also a really bad pun (I like puns. Astarion does not.)
Im definitely going to rewrite/edit this at some point when I start like actually writing out the full fic of my playthrough, but that's pretty much to remove some added context/change it out/not be sleep deprived when i edit.
There is a reference to a previous fic i wrote (here), but you don't need to read it for context (but I am here for the shameless plug).
Tav is Freya (she/her), Gloomstalker Ranger/Assassin Rogue. Brief description of a scar she has.
Astarion buried his nose into her hair and breathed in, trying to memorize it all. The sound of her heart, the tickle of her breath, the smell of sweat and dirt and too-cold river water and whatever perfumed soap she used that was rapidly fading with the passing days. He laced his fingers at the small of her back, feeling the warmth of her skin from where it peaked under her shirt. He just wanted to hold her there, for a while… for an eternity if he could.
TW: brief mentions of just Astarion's past with... all that, and mentions of blood. No actual descriptions, just dialogue.
Gods, when did life become so complicated? They were no closer to finding a way to kill an immortal than before (which was to say, not at all). Instead, they found the entrance to some disgusting, fleshy pit that they all collectively looked and went ‘no.’ The only thing of note the entire day was that damned drow woman with her sultry voice that kept pushing and pushing and insisting… She had half a mind to help her spill some, seeing as how much she seemed to love blood.
She must have been pacing—stomping—back and forth and lost in thought when he called to her.
“Freya?” Astarion asked, tinged with worry. Perhaps he thought she’d have another breakdown, spend the next half day sleeping while they huddled in a corner trying to protect her unconscious body. “Do you have a moment? I think we need to talk.”
She was suspicious, to say the least. He was never one to “talk,” as much as it seemed that’s all he did. When she turned to face him it suddenly became a possibility. Dread. Horrible, gnawing dread at the base of her stomach. It was quiet and deafening at the same time.
He bounced on his feet, as if preparing to run and never look back. True true fear in his eyes.
She all but ran over. “Are you all right?”
“I, uh, wanted to thank you…”
And then she was confused. “For what?”
“For what you said while I was in front of that vile drow,” as if it was so obvious to say, so plain to see. She at least understood his disgust. “I spent two hundred years using my body to lure pretty things back for my Master—" She supposed, on a certain level, she knew. She’d seen the missing persons cases. She’d see the patterns.
But the tension in her body relaxed. There was no threat, no worry that she could soothe beyond watching him squirm at the very idea of a thank you. The corner of her mouth turned upward, enjoying his mild discomfort at having to deal with people.
“What I wanted, how I felt about what I was doing, it never mattered.”
And then it all came tumbling down again, further and deeper than before. Freya felt sick, felt guilty, felt wrong. Her mind shot towards the memory of her first night with him. The tieflings, the party, the shitty wine, and her stringing him along as he so blatantly tried to flirt with her. Let’s take a rain check, she said, once she had her fill of the vampire’s failure to get in her pants.
And then she did her rounds.
And then she talked to Halsin.
And then he told her there was no cure and the only hope was a perilous mission into the shadowcursed lands for a maybe and a hope.
And then the previous weeks’ worth of shit landed on her at once. She was angry and stressed and she needed to direct that somewhere. She wanted to get blackout drunk and hunt; to stalk and maim and rip out some unsuspecting animal’s throat with her bare teeth if it came to that.
And then she remembered Astarion standing there, bottle of wine in hand. What are you doing? He half demanded, half asked. It’s raining, she replied. She all but dragged him by the collar to the outskirts of camp and had him fuck her against the tree until she forgot anything but his name.
Her breathes came fast and shallow with each thought. Freya wrapped her arms around her torso, hoping to keep her meal down and hoping he would think she was simply crossing her arms as she was pulled back to the present situation. “I know,” she whispered.
“You… you knew?”
“I’m not dumb, Astarion.” Her eyes narrowed, believing him to be insulting her. She’d deserve it.
But he was simply dumbstruck. “And you still tolerated me? Still let me seduce you?”
“It was fun,” she shrugged—as if the simple motion could throw away the silence of camp and the churning feeling in her gut… She normally loved the silence. Why was now any different? “I slept with you because it was fun… the risk of death—the constant threat that if I blinked the wrong way or smacked my head in just the right spot that it would somehow—somehow dislodge the magic. That I’d be gone in an instant…
“It was fun. And it was mindless.” Freya blinked away tears before they fell.
Astarion stilled, a beautiful statue. The words he himself knew but had refused to think or say aloud…
He swallowed the lump in his throat. “I know…”
”Were…” She hesitated, scared of his response. She couldn’t look at him or even stand near him… but she also couldn’t run from him. “Were you even attracted to me?” Her fingers reached up of their own accord, tracing the edges of the burn across her cheek and nose. “Or was it all a lie?”
He laughed. He laughed. At her… at her disgusting face… Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes. Of course she was a game. A pawn to be sacrificed and used the moment the opportunity arose. Her mind wandered to the game of Lanceboard Raphael and Mol had been playing. What was he guarding in exchange, she wondered. The worst of it was the timing. He had waited for now—when she was too tired to fight and scream and simply be angry—to do this.
Astarion watched, the slightest of smiles on his lips at the mere thought of that question. Was Freya, someone so deadly and terrifyingly aware of everything and everyone around her, truly this stupid? “Of course I was attracted to you. Look at you, for goodness’ sake!”
He reached out, gingerly taking her callused and scarred hand in his own. Freya was frozen in place, unable to meet his eyes until he lifted her chin to look at him. “You’re a vision,” he whispered. “And youre so much more than that…”
The whispered words. The softness in his eyes. The implication that she would forever and always be her own person where he was nothing more than a body to be picked over and used like carrion for harpies. She blinked away tears as rapidly as she could, refusing to let him see her like this. Losing.
Freya was suddenly very aware of the silence in camp. The passive noise—the rustling of sheets, of Gale’s quiet snores harmonizing with Karlach’s significantly less quiet buzzsaw, of Wyll’s tossing and turning as he failed to find a comfortable position that account for his new horns—it had all turned to bated breath.
The bastards.
Astarion averted his gaze from hers, it suddenly burning. He dropped the hand from her chin and instead used the energy to hold on to her even tighter. “I don’t know what to think. I don’t know what I want.
 “I care about you. Deeply. And—and I—I don’t know if I want a friend or—or a lover or—” he stopped himself, knowing full well that he started to ramble but was stuck vomiting the words that had been eating away at his brain more than the tadpole. “I just know I want you in it. In my life… Whatever that means.”
He was searching, pleading, begging for a response of any kind from Freya. Even if its rejection. Because anything is better than silence. Than waiting. That was the worst part; waiting for the mark, waiting for the starving pit in his stomach to dull enough to function, waiting for Cazador to drive the blade in and carve out his flesh.
Waiting for Freya to break the silence he knew she loved so much.
Freya took a tentative step toward him. He felt her arms snake around his waist and press herself into his chest. She was careful, a movement he would maybe mistake for hesitation and nervousness if he didn’t know her so long. It was like she thought him fragile, made of glass. That he would shatter the moment they moved—and perhaps he would.
That’s what he was really scared of, he realized. Her pitying him.
Even still, even for just a fleeting moment, he was willing to indulge. He was willing to accept the lie and just hold her there and pretend; like everything else in their relationship is. Was.
Astarion buried his nose into her hair and breathed in, trying to memorize it all. The sound of her heart, the tickle of her breath, the smell of sweat and dirt and too-cold river water and whatever perfumed soap she used that was rapidly fading with the passing days. He laced his fingers at the small of her back, feeling the warmth of her skin from where it peaked under her shirt. He just wanted to hold her there, for a while… for an eternity if he could.
He continued. “You could have asked me to do the same—to throw myself at her, what I wanted be damned. But… you didn’t. And I’m grateful.”
“I don’t want you to think you have to do anything you don’t want to…” she whispered into his shoulder, barely audible. “You make your own choices now—for better or worse”
He held her closer, speaking into the top of her hair. “It would have been so easy to bite her… To just go along with what I was being told to do. A moment of disgust to force myself through and then I could have just carried on, just like before!” He waved his hand in that flippant wave, a dead laugh bubbling up from his throat as if it was a humorous anecdote.
And then more silence. More waiting. More torture.
Freya tightened her hold around his waist, as if signaling her willingness to stay for a moment longer. “How often were you disgusted by your targets?”
“I tried to pick beautiful people where I could, but there were so many over the years. After a while you stop caring…
“My entire reason for existing was to seduce anything with a pulse. And every instinct I have tells me that nothing’s changed. That I’m still just a means to an end—!” His grip tightened more, bordering on painful but not quite. It wasn’t possessive. It wasn’t protective. He was desperate. Astarion shifted his weight, burying his head into the crook of her neck.
A few tears finally left Freya’s eyes. Guilt and sadness that she had made him feel this way—that she was no better than all the people in his life before her. A means to an end. A confirmation that he was nothing but a tool to be used and tossed aside at a moments notice.
“You made me see I never stopped thinking like I was still his slave, even in freedom. But I’m more than that… More than a thing to be used.”
Freya spoke as if compelled, not in control of her own voice or thoughts. She hated the silence now, and she would not let it exist. “I care about you.”
Astarion pulled away suddenly, his entire body tensed like a pressed coil. It left her afraid that she had said the wrong thing, that he would run into the shadows and never come back. “Really?”
What she didn’t expect were his eyes. Searching, pleading, begging once more. What made matters worse was the spark of hope in them. She didn’t want to lose it, squash it. She wanted to save it, keep it, make it shine as brightly as the sun he lost so long ago and only recently rediscovered… she wanted him.
He was already smoothing away the tears, just as he had done in the House of Healing. It was refreshing, the coolness of his skin against hers.
“You’re worth a great deal to me, no matter what you’re going through…” she spoke between sobs. “For as long as you need, no sex, no midnight romps. Nothing.”
Astarion couldn’t help but break into a smile, the tips of his fangs peeking out. “Ha! Well that almost sounds like a challenge…” It was absent minded, another flippant response to distract away from something.
But he was giddy. He felt… happy. The excitement overtook him, like he was suddenly privy to the greatest secret in Faerun. His chest felt lighter, fluttering. He could take her, spin her, sweep her away to the farthest corners imaginable and just be. No expectations. No script. No plans or threats or empty promises…
“Honestly, I have no idea what we’re doing.” He took one of her hands in both of his. “But I know this: this is nice…”
Freya wiped away the last few stray tears. “We could be an absolute disaster together…”
“I supposed it cannot be much worse than when you dropped a building on my head,” he chuckled, pulling her to him once more and resting his chin atop her head. “But you’re serious about this? About… us?”
“Dead serious.”
“Five seconds into this relationship and I already want to break up with you.”
Freya hummed into his shirt, pleased with herself.
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morimakesfanart · 2 months
Heyya!. I just want u to know that i've just read your latest fic on ao3 NONSTOP for about 4-5 hours last night and i definitely confident to say that your fic is asuperb work of art...
It's rare to see that kind of fic like you've been working for the last few years... A story with additional comic is really such a breath of fresh air to me these days...
Please, don't stop continuing this super duper amazing fic of yours even. I'm trying not to ask nor demand you to update the fic rightaway, but at least i don't want my hopes got away after just found out about this fic of yours in less than 24 hours...
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I'm glad you like it so much!! :D
I have no intentions of stopping. I'm making it for me most of all, and it's been super entwined with my growth as a person and writer/artist.
I always write 2-3 chapters at one time, so if one is posted it's because I have the start of the next set drafted. I just posted ch38, and my drafts go up ch41. There's only one more left in the current arc being posted. I need to do some final edits and the art which hopefully won't take more than 2 weeks. However, I won't start the art until I get ch41 more finalized and get ch42 started. Working multiple chapters at once helps balance the flow in and between arcs.
If I ever hit a point where I think I can't work on Sindria's Prophet ever again, I'll post all of the remaining drafts for whatever arc that ends up being without art. I don't see that happening though since this is not only the only story I'm posting right now, it is extremely meaningful for me, and I can't deny that it's where most of my paying members on Patreon are coming from. The help with the groceries has been extremely important. That pressure does more to make sure I don't lose track of time so I actually finish and post, and not a feeling of obligation tho. I am extremely grateful for the support I've gotten thank to this fic :3
On why writing & art:
I can't tell any story without also drawing it. I'm a visual thinker so I always feel like something vital is lost if I have to describe it in words alone. When I was little I wanted to make animations, but I realized when I was 12 that it would take too long, so I started making comics. I posted my first comics online on dA. They are still up if you find the account.
As it turns out, making comics takes much longer than just writing, and I am but one person. And I also eventually figured out that since I often use writing to process my own experiences there are topics that I want to write about that upset or even trigger me if I draw them to the point I will basically drop a story if I have to draw a long scene of them. That what's happening with my og series PBSN on tapas&webtoons if any one's been wondering why it only updates like 1ce a year now. So with this fic I have figured out how to do a combination of writing and comics. Now I can tell a story in a more timely fashion without losing as much of what's going on in my head as possible AND it has the added bonus of not having to draw the topics/emotions that stop me so I can actually keep working on it :D
But yeah, I am going to keep going with Sindria's Prophet until I reach the end :3
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altraviolet · 9 months
☉ ✄ ✦
☉ what do you do when you get stuck writing?
I don't write 😬 You've probably noticed my fic doesn't have an upload schedule. If I get stuck, I just don't write. After a long while, though, I start getting this feeling that I really need to. I'll stop listening to music for a few days and think about the fic a lot. That, plus time off of work, seems to be the only thing that makes me write again.
✄ what’s your editing process?
Oh man it is. I don't even know xD I edit heavily as I'm writing. Sometimes I'll write a sort of 'skeleton' chapter and then go back and flesh it out. During both those phases, I edit. Sometimes I'll write the chapter completely as I go through it. Either way, when I'm done, I reread it and correct it for like another 2 hours afterwards. I consider putting the chapter into AO3's preview part of editing and try really hard to catch and correct things there (especially rogue html).
Note: I do not recommend this type of editing xD But I will be honest and say that's what I do. I would instead recommend you (general 'you') write your draft, just go go go! Put it aside for a bit. Then edit with fresh eyes.
✦ what was your easiest fic to write & your hardest?
Easiest fic is probably something like "Touch" or "Oil Reservoir." I was writing those entirely for myself and indulging in some rareass pairs xD Plus they were short and I didn't feel pressured to justify them with massive amounts of characterization and world building. I just. Wrote :)
Hardest fic... hmm... "The Angel Breaker" (Big Bang fic of 2022) was a real challenge because I hella procrastinated and ended up writing literally on the day(s) it was due. I wrote 30,000 words in 3 days. That was hard from a logistical and a "my mortal coil is TIRED but I can't stop" point of view.
But the hardest fic in terms of things like characterization and trying to stay one step ahead and combining new thoughts with scenes written 3+ years ago... would be Echo Garden. I really struggled with characterization for a few years on it. That's going better now. But yeah. I really sink into the scenes when I write. I try really hard to make sure everything makes sense, is interesting and beautiful and enjoyable to imagine, and furthers the story in some way. I keep a zillion thoughts and details together in my head at once when writing for Echo Garden. When I finish a chapter, my brain literally feels tired xD
Thanks so much for the ask :)
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alwaysxlarrie · 1 year
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you know it’s an alwaysxlarrie fic when ... + 2022 writing self evaluation 
ok so i’m a tiiiiiny bit late to the game, so i’m just combining the two tags lol. thank you to @hellolovers13, @larrysballetslippers, @zannithinks, @lunarheslwt, @brightgolden & @momrryrights for tagging me in the moodboard challenge (that’s what i’m calling it lol). hope everyone enjoys my chaotic moodboard hehe & thank you to @neondiamond, @onlythebravest, @lunarheslwt, @greenblueish, @thedevilinmybrain & @loveislarryislove for tagging me in the self evaluation tag !! here we goooo
for the moodboard we’ve got 2013 larry bc that’s my fav era & how i always imagine them in my fics, football player louis, santa’s sleigh, office space, cute notes on a white board, a clothing rack, new york city & gentle touches. i don’t think i need to say there’s not any specific mood theme going on here for anyone to figure that out LMAO but i did try my best regardless :)
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 9!
2. Word count posted for the year: if i’m counting correctly ..... 93,735 ????
3. Fandoms I wrote for: one direction. i have a fic for the 5sos fandom that i’ve written a few chapters for & was editing it in an ao3 draft but then the page refreshed for some reason & i lost everything & kinda lost steam, so .... maybe it’ll see the light of day next year
4. Pairings: louis/harry, zayn/liam (side pairing), shawn/niall (side pairing)
5. Story with the most…
Kudos: i swear i could give you everything
Bookmarks: also i swear i could give you everything lol
Comments: it’s i swear i could give you everything again LMAO 
Hits: gimme everything you got 
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): i think i’d say either gimme everything you got or i need something, so tell me something new. gimme everything you got bc i put a lot of my personal experience (give or take) into it & it got such a positive response & that made me super happy. i need something, so tell me something new bc it’s my first ever published fic in general & fic in this fandom.
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why): oooof. prob my sub harry fic. i enjoyed being apart of the fest & i enjoyed the experience, but writing it was so much harder than i’d anticipated & it felt like my writing got very redundant after a few scenes. i’m glad i stuck it out & that i published it, but yeah i def don’t think i did it the justice i’d wanted to.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received: i’m really enjoying all the reviews/comments i’ve been getting on my cinderella au! it’s my first chaptered fic that i’m posting chapter by chapter, so that’s been really encouraging. but in general, i appreciate all the comments i get. as a small/new writer, i don’t expect to get any comments at all really, so whenever i do, i get excited. there was a comment on my christmas fic santa, won’t you bring me the one i really need? where someone said it was the best christmas fic they’ve ever read :)
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: the sub harry fic lmao. i love service kink harry fics so i was like alright sweet this will be a no brainer & basically, i fucked around & found out. i literally went through like 5 drafts until i finally found a premise that went w the prompt i was using that i felt i could build off of without turning the fic super predictable & dead end. i think if i’d waited to do that type of fic next year & done more research than i’d done for this one, it would’ve gone much better.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: the beginning of my cinderella au -- i’ve been very vocal about the fact that i write only fluff fics to balance out all the angst in our fandom & then i go & write a cinderella fic & make the first two chapters packed w angst LMAO. it’ll turn around soon, but that’s def the biggest one as of yet for me, i think.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: i’m not sure if i have a favorite tbh, but i like this one from i swear i could give you everything: --------------
“So what have you got for us today, Haz?” Louis asked, knocking on the table with his fists, excitement and anticipation both thrumming through his body.
“Well, I was just messing around in the kitchen last night, really,” Harry began, messing with the hem of his shirt and seemingly determined to continue looking at the floor as he made his way towards the fridge a few feet away from the table Louis was now sitting at. “And then I realized I had the ingredients. So. I just figured. Why not, you know?”
Louis furrowed his eyebrows, trying to piece together what Harry was talking about. All he’d done was ask Harry what he’d made. He guessed the ingredients were relevant to the conversation and he did enjoy listening to Harry talk - even if he really was talking some shit - so he decided to humor him. 
“Oh yeah, sweetheart?” Louis prompted as he placed his elbows on the table and rested his chin on one of his hands.
Harry was apparently too busy rummaging around the fridge to even glance back at him when he responded. Which wasn’t rude, really. Louis just. Wanted to see his eyes, was all.
“Yeah, so like. I thought you might enjoy it. You talk about it a lot, anyway. So I figured, I might as well, if I have the ingredients, you know?” 
“Sure, sure. Absolutely. No point in having all the ingredients if you’re not gonna make a good meal out of it.” Louis had completely lost the plot at this point but was still determined to try for Harry.
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: well let’s start w the fact that i began the year convinced i’d remain a reader & beta forever. so the fact that i’ve published one fic, let alone nine, is pretty big in itself lol. aside from that, i’ve gotten more comfortable writing smut & dialogue. before i wrote fics, i only wrote original stories & never included dialogue, so those were my biggest weaknesses when i first started writing fic & they’re still not my strengths yet, but i’ve definitely gotten better, i’d like to think.
13. How do you hope to grow next year: i def want to get more comfortable writing smut & building sexual tension. i want to write longer fics. i want to finish at least 5-10 of the 20 wips i have lol. i’d love to finish all of them, but 5-10 is a good goal. i want to write some different genres like historical, slow burns, etc.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): i have a few! @loveislarryislove is a big one -- if i need help w a metaphor, making sure a sentence sounds right, incorporating tension building touches, brainstorming, honest feedback, etc, annika is my pea in a pod. also @panye, steph is so lovely & helpful when it comes to brainstorming, talking out what phrasing sounds better, she tells me what needs fixing & how to fix it; basically, she’s the better half of our shared brain cell. @zanniscaramouche is pretty much the reason i feel as comfortable as i do writing smut. she’s patient, she gives examples, she’s kind, she knows just how to change wording around to make a description or dialogue top tier. @justanothershadeofblue, is my sprinting buddy (along with zanni when our schedules align!). having a daily sprinting buddy who cheers you on is delightful, especially when they’re as supportive & willing to get sidetracked in off topic convos w me as zjo!
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: gimme everything you got is based on personal experience in terms of the stigmas that come w female masturbation / women being shamed for exploring their bodies. i work in retail, so while that didn’t inspire it’s like i’m powerful with a little bit of tender, it def helped me know bts info lol. lastly, i’ve recently switched my major from psychology to interior design & my minor from interior design to psychology, so i guess my (new) major showed up in you are my destiny (you are the reason that i still believe). hostile work environment was also inspired by my retail job as well LMAO. there’s more in my wips tbh, but as for my currently published fics, that’s it, i think!
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: just remember that how ‘popular’ or ‘unpopular’ your fic may be / may get isn’t an indicator of your talent. write something bc you want to write it, not bc you think it’ll appeal to people. take breaks -- if you’re stuck on a scene or sentence, get up & do something else for a bit. if you keep rereading the same sentence over & over, it’s only going to keep sounding more & more scrambled. you’ll work much better with a clear head & will be able to see where the mistakes -- if any -- actually are.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: my cinderella au for sure! i started a fic inspired by one of my fav fics staring across the room by the lovely @allwaswell16 & it’s been put to the side for much longer than i’ve wanted. i initially put it to the side to get more practice writing tension building, but def want to finish it next year. i also finally started the sequel to my girl direction fic, so that as well. & the sequel to my christmas fic lmao. i have lots of things i need to finish 😭😭
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: i honestly don’t know anyone who hasn’t done or been tagged in either of these yet, but i’ll tag a few anyway lol @lululawrence @thebreadvansstuff @panye @kingsofeverything @voulezloux @infinitelymint @londonfoginacup @twopoppies @littleroverlouis @tommokat @crinkle-eyed-boo @disgruntledkittenface @kingonafiftymetreroad @daggerandrose @homosociallyyours @ireallysawanangel & anyone else who wants to do these!
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distant-screaming · 3 months
📚 ⌛ 👀
waah hello anon! o/
📚 - Would you ever want to turn your writing into a career?
hmmm, interesting question! I think, if we're talking about actual career ie writing books I don't think so! my interest isn't really in creating ocs or my own world or storyline. I'd much rather stick to fics and more emotional prose-y stuff, you know? that said if I could get paid for my fics and or poetry or anything like that you bet I'm signing before you can blink 🫡
⏳ - How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
Oh man this is hard because it varies so much!! it can go anywhere from half an hour to like. 15 hours (spread over multiple days). my forte is one shot style fics, so depending on the content, characters, my current writing mindest etc etc it can change. on average though, a fic usually will take me at least 2-3 hours of writing + editing combined :)
👀 - Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
SJFJDK okay anon just for you!! this fic hasn't even reached my beloved beta reader yet so it's SUPER SUPER wip, but it's palmnueng (when is it not) angst with palm ending up in a hospital again 🫡 another wip is a soundwin one!! this one I'm writing for fawn but I have no clue when it'll be done akfkdjf so it's mostly a surprise - I can tell you it's a fun au though!
thank you for the questions anon attention is like sustenance to me <3
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thekuraning · 4 months
Waaah, could I please have 8, 24, 25, 33 and 38 for the writing ask? 😍
XHAJHSDGHA thats SO MANY 😭 (ty friend!!)
I dont know when to shut up so im puttinf them under a readmore
8. How slow is a slow burn?
I am so bad as accurately pacing a fic so this is something that. Is hard to say. But I think there's no hard limit to how short or long a slow burn actually is. What makes something a slow burn is a combination of 2 criteria: a) the length of time the story takes place over, and b) how long it takes for the reader to get from plot point to plot point. If you consider something like Romeo & Juliet, it takes place in-universe over the course of like a couple days, and you are constantly moving from story beat to story beat since the work is meant to be enjoyed in one presentation. It's complex and moving, but I think we all can agree it's not a slow-burn, more of a sudden explosion lol. Some people may think that sitting around 20k words it's not a short work, and for a play it's average (about 2 hours) but it's only 1/5 the length of a standard novel! (100k)
But if we imagine Romeo & Juliet taking place over say 4 months, and each 5000 words is a moment where he's come to Juliet's window one night each month, and nothing else about the story is different, the entire tone changes to something longer and drawn-out. In fact, I think it's probably possible for a skilled author to write a convincing long burn in 10k words or less if the internal and external pacing of the story is right. I also think it's probably possible to write a slow-burn that takes place within one universe day, but I think the pacing for that would require more words.
In reality, slow burn just needs to feel long, even if it isn't actually long.
24. Thoughts on flashbacks/flash forwards.
GO. FUCKING. WILD. Make time your bitch. Laugh at the linear progression of cause and effect. Storytelling is this weird abstraction where all of time exists at once and won't ever exist again. A well-placed flashback or flash forward will enhance the story by revealing hidden motive, establishing dramatic irony, or building anticipation. Be fucky with time. It's already fake and gay—with your help, we can make it faker and gayer! 🫵
Naturally, like any trope or tool, there's always a time and place when a flashback or flashforward is most effective, and sometimes it won't be. But as long as it doesn't feel pointless, as long as it feels like it's a scene we need, they're great to use! I started really playing with time and flashes in Maelstrom fic because of the villain, and it's the funnest thing even in relatively minor jumps of minutes or hours. DON'T BE AFRAID TO USE FLASH JUMPS THEY ARE GOOD AND FUN!!! 👍👍👍
25. Is writing the whole thing beforehand better or worse than writing it as you go?
I wish I was the kind of person who could write the whoke thing beforehand, because I think that + careful editing really is the best way to create a cohesive, well-balanced narrative but right now i just... dont work like that lol. I feel like i have to be extra diligent in keeping track ofnplot threads and potential holes and such. But on the other hand I think I prefer it this way because I get a lot of good feedback on what's working via comments! Especially in long running fics like Maelstrom or Zubat Fangs I refer to comments a lot when trying to decide how hard to hit certain plot points. I'm always open to (polite) constructive criticism on my fics bc of that!
33. Give your writing a compliment.
I think my writing brings people joy :) in all sorts of ways! My silly writing, my angsty writing, my gorey writing.... it all makes someone's day a little better at some point, and I take a lot of pride in that. I can also look back over the years and see how much my skills have improved since I uploaded my first fanfiction decades ago, which I think I still have on a floppy somewhere lol.
I've gotten so confident that I'm starting to more and more seriously consider working on my original fiction and well 😬 I'd like to publish something professionally. Even if I only self-pubklish an e-book or smth. I think I'm about there!!!
38. "This never happened" fix-it fics or "this happened but" fix-it-fics.
Definitely "this happened but" fix-its. I got my start in pokemon fics naturally and one thing you never see the end of are "Ash is a better trainer and never got pikachu" fix-its which. I mean. Eh. Sure. There's nothing wrong with that per say but like. To me it's the same as writing a coffee shop AU. You're telling a different story conpletely. And of course there's degrees, because sometimes the change is smaller and what that means is the story is basically the same. Idk. There's nothing wrong with that but it doesn't make me excited. "Yes BUT" feels like its adding onto something, not just altering it. 🤔
Thanks again friend!! This was fun!! 🥺
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slythindor100 · 2 years
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It’s that time again and it just wouldn't feel like December without all the wonderful fics and art from 25 Days of Draco and Harry. So, I, along with my co-mod, timothysboxers, are thrilled to announce that 25 Days of Draco and Harry will run again in 2022. And we're super thrilled to have all new banners, courtesy of @babooshkart on tumblr and babooshk_art on AO3. For those who may not be familiar with this challenge, I have included the rules at the end of this post, and we encourage you to read these.
And for the loyal fans of 25 Days of Harry and Draco: In 2022, we will be doing both Early-bird and Traditional prompts as usual. Again, we're running on LJ, DW and tumblr – the rules will be the same as last year. Because it seemed to work out quite well last year, the Early-bird Prompts will once again be available in late October, and we will be including the Image Descriptions along with the prompts. Early bird prompts will be available no later than Sunday, 23 October, allowing creators a full 5 weeks and some change to work on their posts. Also, we will have the Discord server specifically for 25 Days of Draco and Harry participants. Like last year, this will be a place where early bird participants can discuss (in a channel just for them) the prompts and how they might use them. Traditional participants will join the general section of the server in December. The 2022 rules at a glance, for those familiar with the concept: 25 Days of Draco and Harry 2022 - Traditional No changes from prior years. A photo prompt is posted starting at midnight EST Dec 1, and you create a work based on that prompt and post before the next day's prompt goes up. Each of your posts can be part of a larger work or they can stand alone. 25 Days of Draco and Harry 2022 - Early Bird You receive access to all 25 photo prompts no later than midnight (EST) Sunday, 23 October. This is the same time frame as last year. Hopefully this will give you time to prepare and create for 25 Days before the insanity of December starts. You will post one work per day for each prompt. This can be a stand-alone story or each day can be a part of a bigger story. We may even get a pod-fic this year of a past 25 Days fic and that would be posted a chapter a day. ♥ The advantages are this: 1) you can use the picture prompts in any order you chose 2) you can start creating early and have many of your posts ready to go before December 1st. 3) you get the prompts all at once so you can pre-plan your story or your use of each day's prompt. The basic rules of 25 Days of Draco and Harry – Traditional Edition: The challenge is to write a drabble, ficlet, story (whatever) for the pictures posted each day from 1 Dec to 25 Dec. Your fic for each prompt must be a minimum of 100 words – but there is no maximum. They can be twenty-five one-shots or each one can be a part of a bigger story. Pictures will be posted at midnight EST and you have until the next midnight to complete your work. Yes, you may combine this with other communities or tumblr prompts. Your fic does not have to be a story of the picture – you can use a part of the picture or whatever that picture says to you. We're pretty flexible around here. Traditional Prompts must be used in their posted order. If you fall behind, feel free to post a few day's worth to get caught up. You can also combine a few days or prompts into one fic/ficlet/drabble/etc. But the true challenge is to post every day for 25 days within the 24-hour time frame. You do not need to sign-up for the Traditional edition, the prompts will be made available from 1 December. While you're not required to, you are encouraged to add your story to the AO3 collection by adding "25 Days of Draco and Harry 2022" to your submissions, under collections, when you post them to your own AO3 account. A link to the collection will be provided in the official rules post after it has been created. The basic rules of 25 Days of Draco and Harry – Early-bird Edition: The sign-up period for Early Bird participants will be from 13 October to 20 October 2022 via AirTable. After signups close you will be given access to the 25 picture prompts no later than Sunday, 23 October. You may use these prompts in any order you choose – but each prompt may only be used once. The challenge remains to post a daily work from 1 Dec to 25 Dec using one of the provided prompts. Each should be posted between 12 midnight (EST) and 11:59 PM (EST) the next night. For written works, the minimum word count is 100. While you're not required to, you are encouraged to add your story to the AO3 collection by adding "25 Days of Draco and Harry 2022" to your submissions, under collections, when you post them to your own AO3 account. A link to the collection will be provided in the official rules post after it has been created. The early bird prompts and the traditional prompts do vary. Some may be used on both but mostly they are two distinct sets of prompts. If you have any questions, please email the 25 days mod account at [email protected] or DM one of the mods if you're on the Drarry Discord server. sassy_cissa and timothysboxers
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autumnslance · 2 years
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LynMars’s FFXIV Write 2022 Master Post
Writings completed for this year’s daily challenge. As usual any of my ship-related content is marked with an asterisk (*) to seek or avoid as needed.
The goal this year was to write less than I have in previous years; to allow myself shorter scenes and not push myself on free days. To actually relax, have fun, and not stress about writing “enough”. To make my prose just as long as it needed to be.
Overall, I succeeded in said goals.
Breakdowns and commentary under the cut for those interested!
1. Cross - Two travelers’ journey over time & adventuring together. 2. Bolt - Iyna doing her duty as a rebel versus the Empire. 3. Temper - Midgardsormr keeps a promise to forge a hero. 4. Free Day! 5. Cutting Corners - Dark Autumn after a company officer meeting. 6. Onerous - Thancred & the Immortal Flames, post-Ifrit. 7. Pawn - Emelia obtains passage for her family to Thavnair. 8. Tepid - Zaine realizing he doesn’t belong with the Radiant Host. 9. Yawn - Aeryn escaping the Bloody Banquet through the tunnel. 10. Channel - C’oretta’s thought processes. 11. Free Day! 12. Miss the Boat - Urianger, Moenbryda, and regrets. 13. Confluence - Venat tracing the flow of fate. 14. Attrition - Ser Ompagne has a brief theological discussion. 15. Row - Dark versus a certain baby behemoth. 16. Deiform - Dark, Aeryn, Iyna, & C’oretta in Delubrum Reginae. 17. Novel* - Aeryn, Thancred, & a borrowed book over time. 18. Free Day - Memory* - Aeryn & Thancred discuss his possession. 19. Turn a Blind Eye - Lahabrea contemplates his mistakes. 20. Anon - Ryne learning two opposing definitions of the word. 21. Solution - 2 Azems discuss the plans for the Final Days. 22. Veracity - In a possible future, Iyna ensures history’s truth. 23. Pitch* - Thancred knows how to distract Aeryn when necessary. 24. Vicissitudes - Ascian viewpoints on their stolen mortal bodies. 25. Free Day! 26. Break a Leg - Iyna & C’oretta help the dancers at a recital. 27. Hail - An Estinien PoV of the final fight in the Aitiascope. 28. Vainglory - The Warrior of Light isn’t what Jullus expected. 29. Fuse - Tanzel thinks of ways to handle his stepchild’s temper. 30. Sojourn - A family of travelers, in 1 lifetime & perspective.
Totals: 18,813 words.
A bit more than my 2018 (around 16k), less than my 2019 (21.4K), and way less than 2020 and 2021. I was realistic about my time and energy, asked myself what is the core idea or scene I really want to get across, and any spot-editing was for tightening wording and phrases. I feel like it got harder to keep writing shorter as the month went on and my focus slipped--and I really got into a writing groove!
I could have definitely gone on longer for some of these, and do have other scene ideas and notes in the drafts. But for the 24 hour challenge I tried to keep them short, though they’re each as long as they need to be.
I did mean to put out old WIPs again on free days, but that time/energy factor combined with busy weekends, so I took them off. "Memory" actually came out of "Yawn" and was plinked at over the week before it went up for the 18th.
Only a couple wolcred fics this year; got in a good mix of NPCs and OCs, with Iyna taking a bit more of a POV spotlight in the non-Aeryn-focused stories, though all the girls got at least one. More Ancients and Ascians than I generally go with, though still made sure some favorite Scions got in there. And a bit more of Aeryn's family and backstory, as getting Thavnair finally has put that forefront in my brain.
I was hoping something would spark an idea for an Avengret chapter I feel is "missing" but I may have to resign myself to the fact that chapter doesn't want to be written as I continue revising last year's unexpected longfic. Thankfully this year's prompts were all standalones.
More Breakdowns:
Longest: 17 Novel, 2073. Shortest: 15 Row, 220.
Between 1500 - 2000: 24 Vicissitudes (1522), 29 Fuse (1678) Between 1000 - 1499: 18 Memory (1034) Between 500 - 999: 3 Temper (537), 8 Tepid (500), 10 Channel (586), 12 Miss the Boat (824), 13 Confluence (702), 14 Attrition (683), 20 Anon (839), 21 Solution (532), 22 Veracity (857), 28 Vainglory (864), 30 Sojourn (989) Between 200 - 499: 1 Cross (386), 2 Bolt (299), 5 Cutting Corners (445), 6 Onerous (488), 7 Pawn (300), 9 Yawn (375), 15 Row (220), 16 Deiform (375), 19 Turn a Blind Eye (277), 23 Pitch (481), 26 Break a Leg (462), 27 Hail (485)
General WoL: 1 Cross, 3 Temper, 13 Confluence, 22 Veracity I tend to default to feminine pronouns when writing Generic Default WoL.
WoL Aeryn (as an adult): 6 Onerous, 9 Yawn, 16 Deiform, 17 Novel, 18 Memory, 23 Pitch, 27 Hail, 28 Vainglory, 30 Sojourn
Wolcred: 17 Novel, 18 Memory, 23 Pitch.
Child Aeryn: 7 Pawn, 29 Fuse
Aeryn’s Family: 7 Pawn, 8 Tepid, 29 Fuse, 30 Sojourn
Other OCs: 2 Bolt (Iyna), 5 Cutting Corners (Dark), 10 Channel (C'oretta), 15 Row (Dark & Violet), 16 Deiform (Iyna, Dark, C'oretta, Aeryn), 21 Solution (Pandora), 22 Veracity (Iyna), 26 Break a Leg (Iyna & C'oretta)
Ancients & Ascians: 13 Confluence (Venat), 19 Turn a Blind Eye (Lahabrea), 21 Solution (Venat), 24 Vicissitudes (Lahabrea & Emet-Selch)
Other NPCs: 3 Temper (Midgardsormr), 12 Miss the Boat (Urianger, Moenbryda, Louisoix), 14 Attrition (Ser Ompagne), 20 Anon (Ryne, Ran’jit, Thancred), 27 Hail (Estinien, other Scions)
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
(Pretty sure tumblr deleted one of my asks ahdjsjdj wth tumblr.)
1) BABY ITS COLD OUTSIDE. IM. LEONA BELOVED. HES SO. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AAAAAAAAA its so good. going through some family troubles rn so having mr lion, his nephew, a cat-raccoon-demon??? thing?? (seriously what even is grim), and their magic-less human’s shenanigans is nice. thank you for all of your writings.
2) OH MY GOD JADE. IM. I DONT THINK I RECOVERED FROM THE ANGST SO THANKS FOR THAT. /nm /lh im so soft for this eelman seeing him sad, it broke me 💔 (in like the best way though again your writings are spectacular. i love your characterization sm.)
Speaking of Jade actually i mentioned this in my last ask (that again i think got deleted hajfjajdh) i have this kinda ooc?? headcanon of the tweels, where i think Floyd likes Jade’s terrariums, just not the ones with mushrooms. and Jade getting floyd limited edition shoes for his collection i just ajfjakdbsk them man. (also they fight over THE dumbest stuff you’ve ever heard. you cannot convince me otherwise. /lh)
4) Also im really late but Kalim!!! Sunshine boy’s birthday!! Love him, hes very silly
Anyway uh im gonna head out now, have a good day trau!
(baby it's cold outside + jade fic)
1) i'm very pleased to hear you liked the newest chapter of baby it's cold outside !! and i hope your family troubles will get resolved soon, but just know that they're all giving you a big hug rn <33 (leona's begrudingly doing it after cheka dragged him and yuu pestered him but he's there too lmao)
2) JADE FIC !! I DID GIVE A WARNING ABT THE ANGST....BUT I'M ALSO NOT SORRY BC JADE CRYING GOES BRRR /J i am also a big jade enjoyer even tho i might not voice it as much, but seriously, imagining him in that scenario was just. heart crushing but also helped me kinda...get to know him a bit better ? bc now i feel like i could tell how he would react to grief n stuff, idk it's weird but yeah sjdfksjf
AND YES !! tweels being supportive abt each others' interests is also near and dear to my heart <33 i feel like floyd would like the terrariums up until jade scolds him for poking at them too much sjdkfsj (and yea it's a no for the shrooms for floyd). and ofc, jade would oNLY buy those pair of shoes if floyd happened to explicitly mention them sjfdksjfk (i hc jade has. bad fashion sense. like if he dressed himself he's gonna look like a schoolboy OR a whole ass grandpa)
3) I'M ALSO SOBBING OVER THE TSUMS,,,,THEY'RE SO CUTE AND THEY LOOK SO SQUISHY... look if i could buy twst tsums irl rn i would 100% GRAB THEM AS FAST AS I COULD !! floyd card is definitely hella cute sobs i wonder what the groovy's gonna look like :')))))
4) and yes <33 we love our sunshine otter hehe
i also hope that you're having a good day / night !! till we talk again wooo
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