#not really a peom
paws-gone-wild · 1 year
Still-ness, a frozen silence broken only by the thrumming of the heart. A pounding that thrums deep in the skin. Layers below surface level, no punctures to speak of. Only comparisons belonging to the wings of the tiniest insects. Humming in unison, community, thriving and surviving off each other. Ode, ode, ode over and over again. The sound fills the ears of who hears it. Who is a bread-with between each other, family. Family of blood and tears. Built of flesh and bone, and covered in the fur of their forefathers. 
Bones shackled by their skin, they share the blood. It runs their rivers, keeps them alive. Pumping breath. Community built on bones of the past and the present. Community whos bones are worn and wicked, not from a darkened heart but a viscous outside. To be hardened is to change. To change is to be loved. Loved by the hate, or loved by the kind. 
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more thoughts on jackie,shauna .
oooh now you're asking for trouble anon. this is kinda wide so i'll swing wide (this starts and end with codependency though) and go with no plan. if you want something specific pls send another ask.
so. jackie. shauna. or rather jackieshauna. no space between them right? (that's probably the only thing that makes me accept this as the ship name instead of shaunackie).
(i have to put a read more because this is long as fuck believe me)
we know shauna and jackie have been friends for years, probably since they got into school.
we didn't get to see much about jackie's parents when she was still a kid but jackie doesn't seem to hold her mom or her dad in her heart. and yet when she's gone it seems all they can talk about is her.
they're a mirror of shauna's reaction in that they can't seem to let go. even if they probably didn't tell her they loved her, or said it but didn't show it in a way that jackie could receive it (or maybe jackie's mom was too worried about her valium problems), they have to fill the void. they have to believe she'll come back and everything will be the same. that's why her room is left untouched, that's why they make her gifts that she wouldn't even have liked when they celebrate her birthday every year with a picture from when she was 17.
and shauna can't bear to go see them, she suffers every year at jackie's birthday, first because of the guilt she still has regarding jackie's death, and then because she has to go to the taylor's house. they show her just what she's been doing this whole time.
in 101, shauna masturbates while looking at her daughter's boyfriend's picture because she's stuck in the past. in her world jackie's still alive, and in a way callie is jackie to her. because she's a part of jeff and jeff was a part of jackie (which is why shauna went after him). and in this scene, callie's boyfriend is jeff in shauna's head, even unconsciously (interesting to note that callie ends up dumping him and makes you think about what could have been).
and at the end of the episode, where her control kind of slipped because of the "journalist" looking into her past, she immediately went to read her journals. and not the end of it, when jackie's gone, but the very beginning, right after the crash. and not any part either, but the part where she shares and doubts jackie's hopeful sentiment. they have to find us right? they're gonna go get us? why haven't they found us?
so she's right back in it, really she never left. when nat dies, young nat tells her she never even left the plane, lottie says they brought "it" back with them, but there was no "it", "it" was just us. they brought themselves back, teenage them that was still happy and fine (none of them were fine).
so shauna's back in new jersey, she brought her teenage self back, and with her, teenage jackie. jackie's still here with her all the time, in her journals and her hallucinations and in jackie's parents house. because they're a single being, a unit. they're inseparable, a bit of jackie is part of shauna, she ate her, jackie kept shauna alive and now shauna's keeping jackie alive.
and if she's teenage shauna then she's fine, right? she doesn’t have a single problem. but she also feels guilty all the time. if jackie's alive and shauna's married to jeff then she's just betraying her again and again. and callie is the walking talking manifestation of that. she's both the proof that jackie's alive and dead. that she's still there all the time but gone forever. exhibit: callie in jackie's uniform. (and she falls back in her pattern of lying and hiding things in her affair with adam, that starts because of jeff in shauna's mind, the same way she slept with jeff because of jackie).
and honestly? she can make people believe she's fine as long as jackie stays in her. as long as jackie's hers really. but as soon as she's torn away from her insides, jackie becomes dangerous, she hurts and she tears something away from shauna, she takes her away from herself. when she's dating jeff she alienates shauna from herself. when she's put in front of jackie at her birthday she drops her filter, she says she doesn't even like callie (but she can't help loving her), when callie wears jackie's uniform at the party shauna's forced to open up and in spite of her efforts the façade falls.
if jackie isn't hers and hers only then shauna's falling apart. codependency at its finest and at its worst.
and it's not like jackie exempt of that either, we just get less time to see it. but shauna throws it all in her face when they fight in 110, she made her play soccer so they'd stay together, she tells her what to wear so that shauna will stay hers in a way, she assumes shauna's going to rutgers with her and that they'll be best friends forever and that nothing will ever go wrong because her life is perfect (not touching on heteronormativity here but it sure is present imo). she feels left out as soon as shauna starts hanging out with tai in the wilderness, she doesn't want anything to do with the thing that's taking shauna away from her and into the group's good graces (her butchering skills).
that's, I think, the fundamental difference in the way they deal with their codependency. shauna runs toward what's breaking it because she thinks that looking at it up close will either make it disappear or will spontaneously provide a solution to her problem (exhibit: fucking jeff, going to jackie's room at the taylor's, opening up to callie at the party). she grasps blindly at the last of what she thought was a constant in her life, she tries to keep the control and often ends up making things worse (though if holding on fails, shauna's solution is to kill and destroy so she can keep this control).
whereas jackie runs away from it. she keeps an order about things and the relationship but if it looks like it's about to blow then she's gone (exhibit: leaving the cabin after the fight, going buddy buddy with mari at the lake when she feels shauna pulling away from her, not investing herself in any "useful" activity at the camp). where shauna tries hard as she can to hold on to what is slipping away, jackie just lets it go.
they're like deers that get too close to each other and get their antlers tangled (i think there's a poem about this that i'll try to find) and caught in each other and trying to pull away just ends up killing them. it's not that they got too close for comfort, it's that they got so close, getting away from each other even for an inch or a second would kill them. they couldn't live without each other.
but they also got so close they couldn't see each other as a whole. they have to take each other at face value because it's all they can see at this point. jackie died because she couldn't live without the image she made of shauna in her head, the image of an even younger shauna that followed jackie around without a care in the world because this jackie was hers, and hers only.
and shauna is still alive, only because she carries with her an image of a teenage jackie that both forgave her (which allows her to keep carrying jackie with her) and holds her accountable (being cruel though honest justifies shauna's outburst during the fight, if jackie was mean to her then she kind of deserved it right?) which in turn absolves shauna.
they couldn't keep living together the way they were so they had to tear themselves away from each other.
yet even physically apart, there is no way to think one without feeling the other.
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despazito · 1 year
While you're on a thylacine kick do you have that poem? The see my stripes one? I've been looking all iber for it.
Noo I don't sorry
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asphodelpoetry · 1 year
light headed
we fly
too many stars touch us
we burn out in the atmosphere
soft petals of snow
littered around,
we are stars, burning,
falling to earth with a sigh
home, we are coming home
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this thought is unfinished
so while i'm writing this the rhyme reminds me to reminisce about time left behind something amiss
remembering the present feels like assonance that suddenly stops.
like the comfort of the familiar mixed with the uneasiness of an unanswered
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crescentmp3 · 2 years
now to transfer the poem to a sheet of paper <-trembling
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Hi so I wrote a poem ages ago and it's not great but my friend said she really liked it and then she ended up moving away so here it is.
Death by Star★
The bravest left,
The bravest fought,
The bravest died with
The bravest thoughts
Do you believe there is love after death?
A place you go?
To live in the heart,
Of someone you know?
Do you believe in life after death?
I'm not talking about being revived,
Some people try,
It doesn't always work,
But someday it might,
If the people reviving have enough love for the one who is dead,
Then maybe the dead one may lift their head,
From their bed on the astro where they had fallen,
Maybe they only woke up because somebody called for them,
But imagine how heartbreaking that must feel,
To have to kneel
Over the corpse so cold and limp,
Only to find that you're not the prince,
But maybe it turned out that the prince was you,
After all,
you found the shoe,
Or maybe the prince was no-one at all,
Maybe their 'death' was simply a fall,
And maybe the person lying dead is me,
If it is,
Set me free
So uh yeah I hope you like it and I'll probably post more poems on here soon
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sunburstsystem · 8 months
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Some (shit) poetry 👍🏻 I post my writing to insta but why not here too
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eddie-redcliff · 2 years
The northern lights have seen queer sights But the queerest they ever did see Was that night on the marge of Lake Labarge Where I fucked Sam Mcgee
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heartofcatsandbooks · 2 years
He was like my child
Kid I called him constantly
Just a friends little brother
I like him more honestly
I told him he’s my favorite
He wrote it in a book
But then he argued about what rights I should have
A year was all it took
The nice one
The normal one
The one I thought would empathize
It broke my heart in two
One year
One conversation
With my brand new eyes
I know we did not have power
I know where he is at
I know it’s what is pushed on him
But would he still love me
Could I be his sister again
What if he knew
What if they knew
I never spread any lies or hate
I didn’t want this fate
It’s ok, he doesn’t know
Doesn’t know that this is me
But nothing will ever feel quite like it used to be
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lubileaf · 2 months
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Honestly, I really wish that the whole world could see this peom here:
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To not see is to be blind
to be blind is to be trapped
in an endless cycle
of the sweetest joy
and dull pain
and little flowers that dapple you
may you shine for all
surround yourself with those who honor you
and make those little flowers grow into lovely roses
then maybe
just maybe
you will see again.
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besotted-eros · 3 months
I am seriously in love with Peoms for driftwood. Can you please make a one shot of Kruger’s childhood, headcanons, IDK - IDC. I crave for any kind of pfd content. PLEASE!!!🙇🏿‍♀️
I never thought anyone would ask for this I'm so touched. You're going to see him in that eventual Armin fic I have coming up but until then here are so head canons:
- He starts speaking early. Says Mama before he's 1, two word sentences by the time he's 18 months. He's a chatterbox when he's around the people he's comfortable with.
- Historia is his favourite person, next to you. Mikasa is a strong third but sometimes he'll pick Historia over you. He's best friends with her daughter, Ymir, as well. They grow up together.
- He's obsessed with what happened before him. Listens so raptly to stories about Titans. He begs to see the soldiers use their ODM gear, and pretends to be one during his play. Mikasa watches silently every time he does, and you can tell she's trying not to break.
- As he grows up he sounds more and more like Eren. He keeps to your features, your curly hair and his skin darkens as he grows older. But that voice. And those eyes. They're Eren's through and through.
- Levi meets him when he's 17, and the meeting almost puts him in the hospital. He had been about to enter the room, hand poised on his wheel, when he heard it. A laugh he always thought annoying in its boyish joy. A laugh he never thought he would hear again. Levi doesn't move for a long time. He listens to the way the boy's voice runs through the words like he's being timed. How he gets louder at the end of every sentence, and self corrects at the beginning of each. The timbre of it, the tone and the cadence. It's like hearing a grave. No one told him that Eren had a child. But no one needed to. He finally pushes into the room.
He's so young. Was Eren really that young?
Levi's gaze flicks between the familiar and the novel. Jean comes forward to squeeze his shoulder, and Mikasa spares him a small smile from her seat. She's sat next to him, to the boy.
God, he's so young. Was Levi ever that young?
The boy stands up, sending a plate clattering which he quickly calms. He smiles sheepishly.
"Uh, hello sir. It's nice to finally meet you."
Who are they trying to fool? Anyone who had known the brat could see his bastard through and through. Levi finds himself feeling old, older than he has in ages.
"Your name?" Levi croaks, and he winces at how cold it sounds.
Levi laughs. He laughs for a long time. He laughs until there's a cup of tea in his good hand. He laughs until the boy in front of him stops looking like the man who isn't.
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mintacle · 2 years
So you want to make one of those neat little posts with the images and the texts that read like a poem and have an overarching theme, but you don't even know what they're called, let alone how to do them. This post is your sign from God (me) to make one because I love them so much and also some tips on what I do.
1. What are these things even called? these are called web weaves or web weavings and as far as I'm aware their pretty much only on tumblr rn.
2. What kind of things can I use? Literally anything. The more various your scources, the cooler. You can use peoms, books, lyrics. Paintings, Graphics, photos, stills. Messages, posts, asks, comments. I especially love to use posts or messages etc. that someone posted in a very mundane manner and elevating it with the web weave and acknowledging the poetry in our everyday life.
3. How do I put it together? I first gather all the material I want to use into one draft, then I rearrange over and over again and see what effect it has on me. The main method I use to judge whether I am satisfied with my web weave is if it has an effect on me. If not, then I rework it again and again.
4. But how do I even start my first one? So, I have a folder with close to 300pics of potential material for web weaves. My advice is to start gathering your own stuff, take screenshots of literally anything that makes you feel stuff. Keep your eyes open in the real world for graffiti or bathroom stall scribbles that make you feel something. Poetry is just words that mean more than just their content and that is present everywhere.
5. Should I title my webweave? I prefer to give my web weaves a title or short caption, because it makes it easier to understand the theme. Themes can be anything, from vague concepts like "love" or "guilt" to very specific things like "I wear headphones all the time because I was screamed at so much, I never want to be screamed at again, I need a voice screaming at me all the time." Art speaks for itself, but titles often still help your audience understand the register of your art to even know how to listen.
6. Sources. I'm really bad at this one. Try to take screenshots in which you include the source you got it from. It's good practice to list all the sources in order at the end of the webweave. But often I end up with webweaves of which there are at least half of the screenshots I don't even remember where I got from. The oy thing I think is absolutely inacceptable is using someone else's post or art without asking for permission and crediting them.
Ok, I can't think of anything else rn, but ask box is open (as always) and if anyone wants some pointers do not hesitate to message me either, I am crazy about web weaves and will absolutely support anyone who wants to try their own hand at one.
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ex0rin · 27 days
hey king this is the silent hill puzzle peom AND bloodletting mirror maze anon again: dont worry i wont put u in a saw trap, not really my thing. my thing is themes and motifs and how horror is sexual and sexuality is horror.
anyway how do you feel about icyhot? like sexually. (imagine im kicking my feet in bed and writing in pink glitter gel pen to you)
oh HELLO 👁️
i would like you to know that myself and at least two secret discords like the whole vibe you've got going on also, i'm like 95% sure you broke @pwderedsugar with the silent hill thing 😅
thank you for not planning on trapping me in a saw trap (though also that's what someone who was going to put me in a saw trap might say) anyway, i appreciate that
i feel pretty good about it generally? it's another i've never written it so i don't think about it - but, by all means, please expand on your thoughts if you'd like!
(i like your choice in pen, i am responding with a fountain pen that leaks through every piece of paper i own)
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emeritus-fuckers · 11 months
Frick yeah match up event! I'd like to be matched with one of the Papas.
I'm 20, 5'2, and mid size (I have curves because I'm Hispanic but I wouldn't consider myself chubby). I have brown and purple ombre hair and tanned skin.
Personality wise, I'm very careful with how I present myself. With my friends I like to let loose but it takes a long time for me to get comfortable with people. I'd say I'm pretty fun and I love to do dumb stuff and go on little adventures just for the memories. At the same time, I'm very careful and can be the "mom friend" to make sure my loved ones are safe. I'm a huge metal head and concert goer, so my ideal date would be going to a local show, getting decimated in a mosh pit, and then going home and chilling with ice cream and a record :) I'd consider myself a hopeless romantic but I've been single for about 4 years after a toxic relationship so idk anymore 🙃 I'm also a poet/writer so I'm really passionate about stories! I hope this wasn't confusing lol idk how to write about myself. Tysm 🖤
This post is a part of Match-up Event. The Event ends on July 15th.
Your match is... Secondo!
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He helps you open up around people.
Because you are so comfortable aorund him it allows you to let loose, whenever he is there.
He'll take you to gigs all around the world, and he'll insist on paying for the whole thing.
He is also a metal head! He will definitly join you in the mosh pit until you are both exhausted.
He'll give you a massage the next day for all your aches and pains.
He can also be more serious, the daddy of the group sometimes. So you two look after your friends together. Just watch out for Papa leading them astray every now and then.
He loves your body. If you'll let him he'll paint you, in the nude. He'll have a focused look until he's finished and then he'll look at you with an adoring smile.
He loves your stories and adores your passion for it. He's very happy to sit with you, and listen to you read them.
He makes little pencil drawings to go with your peoms. Mainly he'll decorate the page around it, it's a beautiful work of art by the both of you.
He has a vast record collection. He'll DJ for you as you eat your ice cream.
You can talk to him as much as you need about your last relationship. He is very careful to make sure things are healthy for you in this one, he wants to help you heal.
He'll buy you flowers at least once a week.
Writen by: Nyx
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anyway while everyones taste is different I'd say GENERALY the thing about vore is that it's about the feeling of being eaten whole or eating someone whole rather than. Actually I don't really know what the general appeal of cannibalism is sorry. I do think we're brother in arms though I think everyone reblogging peom posts or whatever about sexual cannibalism needs to know we overlap sorry. be normal about fetishes.
BE NORMAL ABT FETISHES LITERALLY!!!! The appeal of cannibalism TO ME as a SYMBOL DO NOT EAT PEOPLE is like. The utter passion. The intensity of the romance. The need to be together Always to literally make them Part of you. The blood everywhere. I like it best when someone is dying anyway it can be So romantic... so desperate... I love you vore people hopefully you love me, trans guy who posts abt cannibalism what a fucking surprise
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