#not really though but the dislike of him i have and of his family except for anne; the girl is almost Cincinnatus for me vibe-wise
misshoneyimhome · 2 days
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Who'd you choose? I Jack Drury🖋️ 🌺⚡️
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Requested: yes/no
Summary; for jack : when they guys were asked who they would let date their sister most of them said jack. so can you do a fluff + soft smut with him. i just feel like he would be such a romantic. he gives such softie vibes. _
Other notes; Well hello my sweet Canes fan 🤍 I am so happy you've found your way to my blog and inbox, introducing me to this sweet cheek 🤗 So, this is a first for me on Jack Drury, but I must admit, he's a fucking cutie 😉 I hope you enjoy this 🌺
Tropes & Warnings; Jack Drury x reader, reader's Sebastian Aho's sister, sort of friends/sort of strangers to lovers; Soft smut 18+; fingering, protected sex (p in v); otherwise just fluff;
Word count; 3.9K
Taglist; @couldawouldashoulda50, @findapenny, @justwanderingbutneverlost, @cixrosie
That first night we were standin' at your door Fumblin' for your keys, then I kissed you Asked me if I wanna come inside 'Cause we didn't wanna end the night Then you took my hand and I followed you
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Jack Drury was always known for his gentlemanly ways. He was nothing but a friendly guy, a supportive teammate, and someone who always tried to see the best in people. Both on and off the ice, he put others before himself - perhaps except in terms of his career - and he was always ready to lend a helping hand and offer a shoulder to lean on to anyone who needed it. Truly, anyone.
You had known Jack ever since he joined the Carolina Hurricanes the first time around, and while you never had much time alone with him to get to know him better, you had still noticed his role on the team.
He seemed like a lovely lad, someone everyone liked, and no one could ever really dislike. But you also saw his struggles, fighting for more ice time and to showcase his talent to the hockey world. He was one of those players you couldn’t help but cheer for, hoping his hard work would be one day pay off and be recognised for what it was.
And saying you knew talent when you saw it wasn’t entirely off. You were the sister of one of the team’s star players, Sebastian Aho, born into the world of hockey in your home country Finland. And while you watched your brother skate gracefully, scoring goal after goal and making incredible assists, you couldn’t help but notice Jack striving to play at his level. And every time you saw how great a player Jack was becoming; you simply couldn’t help but smile.
But being the sister of an NHL player wasn’t always straightforward. While you frequently attended games and team events, supporting your brother as you sported his jersey number, you slowly became intertwined in the hectic life of the NHL; which you most certainly found enjoyable. The Hurricanes were a fantastic team to be part of, even as a family member. And having relocated to the US to pursue your own career dreams - unrelated to hockey, you seized every opportunity to network, even if it meant spending time at the training rink and PNC Arena.
The crucial aspect though was maintaining a balance between socialising with the team and their families. Spending considerable time together, navigating the challenges of the sport, experiencing both the lows and highs, naturally fostered relationships. And as a sister, you had to tread carefully—you wanted to display interest in the team and get to know the players, but not appear overly keen. While being a young, single woman, you were naturally attracted to successful, handsome men, and conversely, they were drawn to you.
Although Sebastian never explicitly instructed you to steer clear of romantic entanglements or getting involved sexually with anyone, you understood the implicit guideline. And as the younger sister of two older male hockey players, you were well aware of the warnings they had mentioned throughout your life about the reputation many hockey players carried.
However, on one particular evening, the dynamics had a chance to shift.
It was one of those typical post-season celebrations at the captain’s house, with just the players gathered without any family members or partners present. It was a time for unwinding and discussing anything but hockey before they all went their separate ways for the off-season, and during these nights, more personal conversations and questions often arose.
As most of the team congregated around the bonfire, holding beers, and sharing laughs over cheesy jokes and banter, the team’s joker, Seth Jarvis, posed a daring question.
“A’right! I’ve got a good one,” the Canadian forward grinned. “If you had to allow your sister to date someone on this team, who would you choose?”
“What if you don’t have a sister?” Brady asked.
“If you don’t have one, just imagine, a’right,” Jarvis quickly replied.
“Do they have to be single?” Jesperi chipped in.
“Doesn’t matter,” Jarvis grinned again. “Just picture it, having a sister, who would you let her date—single or not?”
The guys took a moment to ponder. It was a challenging question, given their familiarity with each other, not making it easy to envision any of them becoming involved with someone they cared about in that way. Sure, none of the guys were bad in any sense. In fact, most of them had such strong bonds, feeling akin to brothers with a close-knit relationship. Yet perhaps that closeness was precisely the issue. They all knew each other on such a profound level that the thought of someone becoming romantically involved with a sister was difficult to entertain.
‘Hmm’s and ‘Oh’s murmured in the warm Raleigh summer night air as they pondered, scratching their beards and deep in thought. However, the goaltender Frederik Andersen, being the eldest of four siblings with his younger sister, Amalie, was the first to break the silence.
“Honestly… I’m not sure if I’d ever let my sister date any of you guys,” he chuckled deeply, glancing down at the bottle in his hands. “I mean—don’t get me wrong, I love all of you, but you guys don’t deserve her.” The boys nodded and chuckled in agreement, yet it seemed the goalie had more to say. “But… if I had to choose… I’d probably go with Jack here,” he said with a smile, turning his head to his right to glance at the much younger team player.
“What?” Jack chuckled in surprise. “Really?”
“Yeah, I mean, come on—out of all these idiots, you’re probably the most… decent idiot,” Freddie chuckled lightly, taking a sip of his beer.
“Thanks, I guess,” Jack smiled, surprisingly proud of the goaltender’s words.
“You know, I think I’d actually say Jack too,” Andrei then added, smiling at his fellow teammate as well. “You’re a good guy, Jack, and I’m sure you could make a girl very happy, so… I’d go with you.”
More of the guys nodded in agreement, clinking their beer bottles together as they cheered and chuckled. They all concurred that Jack Drury was the most suitable option for a sister to date. Well, they emphasised that they HAD to choose—otherwise, none of the players would have selected anyone.
“To Jack,” Jarvis then spoke again, raising his beer up in front of him. “The player who’s the least of an idiot among us, and the one that could have a chance with a sister.”
What began as a playful jest from Jarvis actually sowed a deeper seed within Jack than he had initially realised. After the conversation shifted away from the notion of dating a sister, he couldn’t shake the thought that there might be some truth to it all.
He was familiar with his teammates and understood that making any romantic advances towards someone of your status would be crossing a significant boundary. However, amidst the slightly tipsy confessions, a small glimmer of hope stirred within him.
Jack had to admit that he had taken notice of you. Every time he caught sight of your radiant smile, captivating eyes, and heard your melodic laughter, his heart skipped a beat. The subtle hint of a Finnish accent in your English, despite your fluent speaking, only added to your charm. And whenever you drew near for any reason, even just to pass him and embrace your brother, he couldn’t help but notice the delicate fragrance of your perfume.
Yet, Jack knew he would never act on his infatuation. He barely knew you, and he feared that the other players would perceive him as foolish for entertaining any romantic notions towards the Aho sister, particularly given that you had been a topic of discussion among the guys before.
It wasn’t anything inappropriate, just typical guy-talk on the tour bus about sisters, cousins, mothers on the team, where your name had cropped up several times, and Sebastian had swiftly shut down any compliments directed your way. Because that’s just how it went.
They discussed your sense of style, your remarkable appearances, and the way you always infused such energy into the crowd, even during training sessions. You were fantastic with the children, engaging in playful antics and unafraid to come off as silly as you rolled around on the floor to partake in mini stick games or Nerf gun battles. You were always ready to lend a hand if the team required assistance, collaborating with the wives and girlfriends, and offering support in the best way possible while still managing your own life and career.
In short, your name had been brought up on numerous occasions, and always in a positive light. And it was because of this that Jack had taken special notice of you. Noticed you, and never quite managed to forget about you.
So, spurred on by the indirect encouragement from the team, Jack resolved to act on his feelings. However, he still felt it necessary to run it by his teammate first, just to ensure that it wasn’t merely the result of the beer talking or the sentiments of the evening.
Fishy: “It’s alright Jackie 😉 Just keep in mind if you hurt her, I can’t promise how I’ll handle it”
Jack: “I won’t! 🤞🏼 But now I just need for her to say yes first…”
Fishy: “Good place to start 😉”
Jack felt a certain level of relief after Sebastian had given his approval. Yet now, the next difficult task was to actually ask you out – and he knew he had to act fast before you travelled home to Finland for the summer.
Realising he wouldn’t be seeing you around the rink anytime soon, he then thought of the most Gen Z way to ask someone out: through a message on Instagram.
“Hey y/n – how are you?” – no… too formal, Jack thought, and erased the message again.
“Hey, sup?” – come on, what are you, like 12?
“Hey, how are you doing?” – Jack took his palm to his forehead. Why was this so hard? He then took in a deep breath and tried one more time.
“Hey y/n 😊 I know it’s the off-season and you’re probably busy, but I was just thinking maybe you’d want to grab a coffee together sometime?”
Jack pondered. It wasn’t great, but it was his best idea right now. So, letting out a deep breath, he hit send and threw the phone on the bed next to him.
Fortunately, it didn’t take long for you to reply.
“Hey Jack, 😊 Sure, I’ll be off from work around 4.30 today – want to meet somewhere Downtown?”
Jack felt a wave of relief wash over him as he read your reply. He almost couldn't believe his luck – the two of you had only exchanged short conversations throughout the past couple of years, and now you had agreed to meet up with him. It was finally happening.
Quickly composing himself, Jack typed out a response, trying to sound nonchalant despite the excitement bubbling inside him.
"Hey, that sounds great! How about we meet at Brew & Brew at 5? Looking forward to catching up with you 😊"
So, with a sense of anticipation, Jack hit send and waited anxiously for your reply. This was it – the beginning of something new and exciting, and he couldn't wait to see where it would lead.
As you and Jack settled into your seats at Brew & Brew, the initial nervousness melted away, replaced by an easy sense of camaraderie. The conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter and genuine connection.
You found yourself drawn to his warmth and sincerity, his genuine interest in getting to know you shining through. And as you shared stories and anecdotes, you realised just how much you had in common, from your love of travel to your shared passion for trying new foods.
Surprisingly, hockey didn't dominate the conversation. Instead, you delved into topics ranging from your favourite books to your most memorable travel experiences. And when the topic of your brother came up, it was met with understanding and curiosity rather than any awkwardness.
As the evening wore on, you found yourself losing track of time, engrossed in each other's company. Neither of you really wanted it to end, but you also wanted to play this out right. When you were about to part ways to say your goodnights, you offered him a tender kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you, Jack,” you said with a sweet smile. “I’ve had an amazing time.”
It was no secret Jack felt the same, and just as you were about to walk away, he quickly stopped you.
“How about dinner? Before you go home,” he blurted out, his heartbeat quickening in his chest.
You nodded, letting out a deep breath as you smiled widely. “I’d love to. Tomorrow? Or would that be too soon?” You felt just as nervous, not wanting to come off too eager, but still wanting to show interest in this sweet guy.
“Tomorrow’s perfect,” Jack smiled in return.
It was the easiest experience you'd ever had scheduling a date with a guy. For the first time ever, you didn’t feel anxious or feared he was only using you for sex or other things. No, Jack was different. He showed genuine care and interest in you, seeming honest and true to his intentions.
Besides, knowing your brothers well, you knew Jack wouldn’t have asked you out unless he truly meant it and had most likely assured Sebastian he had no ulterior motives.
Alright, he might not have had any ulterior motives, at least not more than any guy going on a date with a beautiful girl. However, you probably had to admit that a small part of you had a wish for how the night should end. And it would not be with you alone in your bed.
Soon enough, the night turned to day, and you found yourself on your way to meet Jack outside the restaurant he had chosen for your rather spontaneous date.
“Wow, you look… stunning,” Jack let out a deep breath as he walked towards you on the pavement, the city lights flickering in the background.
You flashed him a timid smile, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you briefly looked down before meeting his blue eyes once more. A warmth flushed your cheeks, the thought of your simple summer dress making an impression causing your stomach to flutter.
“Thanks, so do you,” you smiled, eyeing Jack up and down in his casual summer attire.
“I think we can both agree that you’re the most beautiful one here—but I don’t mind,” he chuckled lightly. “How about we get some dinner.”
You nodded and let him guide you into the restaurant. And as you entered the small and cosy place, you couldn’t help but feel your shoulders suddenly relax, settling into the amazing and romantic atmosphere as Jack pulled out a chair for you, as gentlemanly as ever.
And just like your coffee date the day before, everything went smoothly. Any hints of nervousness quickly faded, and the conversation flowed effortlessly. No awkward silence of any sort. Everything with Jack seemed just perfect. So, as dinner ended and Jack naturally walked you home, you didn’t even hesitate by the door when you asked him to come up.
A part of Jack wanted to say no; wanting to show you that his intentions went beyond just physical attraction. However, he was also aware that you were going away for weeks, and he longed to have you close. He simply couldn't let this moment slip by—the chance to finally experience what he had desired for so long and to surrender to his deep-seated yearnings.
So, as Jack followed you up to your flat, the anticipation and excitement were palpable. The walk up the stairs seemed endless, with each step echoing your shared unspoken longing, and when you finally reached your door, your heart raced, and you could sense Jack's nervousness mirroring your own.
You fumbled with the keys for a moment before opening the door, stepping inside, and inviting Jack in with a warm smile. The cosy atmosphere of your flat enveloped you both, and as you turned to face him, you couldn't help but notice the yearning in his eyes.
"I've really enjoyed tonight," you said softly, stepping a little closer to him.
Jack nodded, his voice low and sincere. "Me too. More than I can say."
Then, spurred by a sudden confidence and without another word, you closed the distance between you, your lips meeting in a tender, electrifying kiss. It began gently, a soft exploration, but quickly deepened as your shared passion ignited. Jack's hands found their way to your waist, pulling you closer, and you responded by wrapping your arms around his neck, losing yourself in the moment.
The kiss grew more intense, and you both knew there was no turning back. Breaking apart just enough to catch your breath, you looked into Jack's eyes, seeing the same desire reflected in them.
"Are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice a mix of hope and vulnerability.
But you could only smile, your heart pounding with excitement. "Absolutely."
So, with that, you led him to your bedroom, the air thick with anticipation. The city lights outside your window cast a soft glow over the room, adding to the romantic ambiance. And as you stood together, you let your hands roam over each other's bodies, savouring the sensation of closeness.
Slowly and delicately, Jack let his hands slip underneath your summer dress, pulling it upwards, bit by bit exposing your lacy knickers, your stomach, and then your matching bra before he pulled it over your head completely.
You had to control your breath as you stood exposed to him in your underwear. And as he then began to slowly undress himself, your eyes followed his every move. He pulled his polo shirt over his head, exposing his toned and muscular torso, which elicited a light gasp from you.
He was absolutely gorgeous, and you couldn’t control your own actions as you instinctively reached out to touch his chest, feeling his skin beneath your palms, his warmth radiating. “Shit…” you muttered softly under your breath.
Jack couldn’t help but chuckle lightly as he moved to undo his loose shorts, letting them pool around his ankles before stepping out of them and moving even closer to you to kiss you deeply. His hands found the back of your hair as you both allowed each other to explore your mouths before gently leaning back onto your bed.
It was nothing but soft and gentle as Jack then removed your last pieces of clothing, exposing your true and naked form to him, before you helped him discard his boxers, allowing your bodies to touch completely.
Jack’s actions were filled with care as his hand wandered over your curves, his fingertips gracefully brushing against your skin as he slowly moved closer to your core. You let out small moans, light breaths escaping as you parted your lips slightly. And when he gently pushed a finger past your entrance and inside your moist core, massaging your walls with care before stretching you with two digits, you sank deeper into the mattress, allowing the pleasure to consume you.
“Mmm, yes Jack,” you whispered softly, feeling his fingers move in and out, stimulating your inside while you tilted your head back, your hands instinctively finding the back of his shoulders for support.
Jack couldn’t help but cherish the sight beneath him. You were incredibly beautiful, and in this very moment, he was the one causing you pleasure, making you moan and feel a rush washing over you. And as he felt your muscles tighten around his fingers, signalling a climax approaching, he felt his own member pulsating with a need for release.
“Oh Jack… Please… want you… inside me…” you managed to moan as you felt your orgasm building, needing more than his fingers to reach the high you were craving. And your wish was his command.
Gently pulling his fingers out, Jack looked at you with his ocean blue eyes, a look that had shifted from his usual soft gaze to a darker, more lustful expression.
“Do you have…?” he whispered softly.
You nodded, pointing to the drawer next to your bed where Jack then retrieved a small foil package, wrapped his erect member, and moved back into missionary position before gently allowing himself to enter you.
It felt almost magical as his thick member stretched your walls, stimulating them with every motion as he slowly began to rock his hips. Instinctively, you raised your hips slightly, lifting your legs to wrap around his lower body, providing better access for him to go deeper. And before long, Jack found a steady rhythm, allowing his length to glide effortlessly in and out of your wet heat.
“Oh yes… you feel so good,” he muttered under his breath, feeling his own climax build with every motion.
It was the perfect synchronisation of bodies moving together, a harmony of moans as you both neared the peak of pleasure, your minds completely consumed. And while Jack felt the peak approaching, he couldn’t hold back his desires and thrusted harder and faster, pushing you both closer to the edge.
The night unfolded with a mixture of tenderness and passion, both of you exploring and discovering each other in ways you had only dreamed of. Every touch, every kiss, every whispered word felt like a promise of something more, something deeper.
You could feel your orgasm approaching, muttering it to Jack as your walls clenched around his cock. And with every pound, you let out soft cries, the arousal taking over as you finally felt the wave release. Your mind went hazy, and Jack’s name escaped your lips in a louder moan. Followed by uncontrollable motions; your body arched, your eyes rolling back as you reached the blissful peak.
“Oh yes…”
And as Jack continued thrusting through your orgasm, he pushed himself over the edge as well, letting out a deep grunt as he released into the latex.
Breaths were heavy, the air thick as you both calmed from the rush of sweaty and passionate sex. Smiles adorned both your faces, and neither of you could contain the surge of happiness you felt in that very moment.
As the hours passed, you found yourselves lying entwined in each other's arms, the soft glow of dawn beginning to filter through the curtains. You felt a sense of contentment and connection you had never experienced before. Jack's arms around you were warm and reassuring, and you couldn't help but smile at the thought of what the future might hold.
"Thank you for tonight," Jack murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
You snuggled closer, feeling safe and cherished. "Thank you, Jack. This has been perfect."
Jack smiled; it had indeed been perfect. Despite not wanting to ruin this moment, he couldn’t help but chuckle as he let out a teasing thought.
“Please don’t tell your brother I slept with you on our first date… pretty sure he’d kill me for that.”
You had to let out a soft giggle. In this romantic and tender moment, the first thing Jack thought about was what Sebastian would think of him. So, you naturally decided to play along. “Hmm, I won’t say anything, but… in case he finds out anyway, I’d probably have a plan B ready.”
It was another moment filled with heartfelt laughter, following an amazing evening and a wonderful date. And as you drifted off to sleep, you knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey together, one filled with promise, excitement, and the kind of love you had always hoped to find.
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superconductivebean · 11 months
sometimes The Fic attacks me with its estimated size however knowing myself I'll say it's going to be a tightly-packed but still a little lengthy piece, however.
here's the catch: i might start to post it after i'm done with half of the chapters because i will incorporate a structure of sorts, to further empathize on magic in general and Wrights perception of it; and because it's all about Wright…
why does she have such a colourful view on things, writing her is like painting a page in a medieval book and colour the letters altogether.
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deepspaceclawstation · 10 months
I have to visit the great uncle (grand uncle technically but english kinship terms are weird that way) who doesn't like me (and once tried to convince me (a 25 year old) that a high-pitched sound has a low frequency) today so wish me luck I guess
#Like. it's fine to be annoyed by me I'm very annoying I admit#I even understand dislike when it's based on characters or behaviours I actually have or exhibit#But like. I don't really get why he doesn't like me when he likes my parents so much#I try to match his energy and sense of humour#and not to toot my own horn but I am good to him and his family I think or at least I try#Like. he has worse...nieflings? great nieflings?#My family is the only one from our branch who visits and doesn't make a nuisance of ourselves#And like. It's still cool to like hate me or whatever based on vibes alone but keep that shit to yourself#At least pretend to be civil#Not that he's hostile or anything but he keeps asking me like. 10th grade physics questions (and being wrong about the answers)#Or ignoring my contributions to the conversation#Like. dude we have so many common interests. we are both engineers. we both learned to play keyboard (very badly). we both sew.#we are both interested in diy#At least pretend to get along like my grandma who hates me does (other side of the family)#Personal#Sorry I keep using this site like a diary but I also think it is kind of funny that people hate me#Like if you met me irl you'd not even notice me I'm really a blend into the background kind of guy#I don't understand how I could even inspire such a strong reaction as hate like a mild dislike is fine but hate??#Except my grandma though. she hates me because she hates my mom and thinks she is an evil mastermind. I hope I was kidding#Also she thinks I am not as good as her other grandson who is much more successful. okay that's true but not grounds for hate lol#I kind of know why they hate me. but I kind of want to still give them the benefit of the doubt because I'm an idiot at heart
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eggmeralda · 1 year
dreamt that my housemate finally broke up with his girlfriend and it was too good to be true that it literally woke me up
0 notes
river-of-wine · 8 months
I know I’ve mentioned this plenty of times before but I’m still kind of annoyed by how the fanbase just kind of completely declawed the four lords and placed the entirety of the responsibility for their wrongdoings on Mother Miranda.
The Baker family are great, I love them, they’re an incredible unit of antagonists who are intended to be very sympathetic, at least for the most part. Jack and Marguerite in particular have lost all control over their minds and their bodies, turning into extremely violent murderers and cannibals who threaten and attack their own family, kill anyone unfortunate enough to come across them and, especially in Marguerite’s case, lose complete autonomy over their own bodies. Marguerite turns into a walking bug hive who’s only purpose is to feed her family and birth her new children. Jack is an unstoppable murderous force of patriarchal violence who has so much fun chasing down and harming his victims, which in the Daughters DLC includes even his own daughter. The exception to this is obviously Lucas, who has been cured of his infection and his acting of his own free will. All of this is caused by Eveline, everything Jack and Marguerite do controlled by her, and yet Eveline is just as sympathetic as the rest of them. She’s a ten year old girl. Even Jack, who has watched his family and their victims suffer because of her infection, doesn’t seem to hold any of it against her. She just wants a family of her own, after all. It’s a complex and tragic situation.
The four lords, while I suppose being similar in structure, are not the Baker family. Not in dynamic, not in character, not in the kind of tragedy that they embody. I could talk for a while about just how completely different they are, but I don’t know if I really need to.
The Baker family are so tragic because they were just innocent bystanders trying to help a woman and a little girl they found in a shipwreck out in a storm. That’s the only reason they ended up in the situation that they were in. While the lords have similar origins, being victims of Mother Miranda’s experiments to bring her daughter Eva back, an important distinction between them is that in the case of the lords, all four of them are still acting of their own free will. Yes, Mother Miranda has undeniable power over them. She leads the cult they are part of, she has control over the village, she is their superior. However, I really dislike when every negative action by the lords is pushed onto her, as if the lords are not all grown adults who are for the most part acting independently of her.
With Alcina, she is the head of her own extremely brutal crimes. I think a lot of people have forgotten quite how horrifying the situations of the maidens are, possibly due to the prevalence shipping between Alcina and the maidens, and though we have minimal information what we do know is very frightening. Alcina uses her work force like livestock, draining them for their blood in a cellar full of horrific torture devices, and leaves their corpses to shamble around, armed and ready to attack any unwanted guests that have slipped out of the daughter’s clutches so that Alcina still doesn’t have to do her own dirty work, given how highly above everyone but Mother Miranda she appears to view herself as. While yes, Alcina does need human blood to survive, her methods are brutal, and none of this has been enforced upon her by Mother Miranda. Similarly to Jack on occasion, she takes a great deal of pleasure in hurting and attacking Ethan as he runs from her. Additionally, everything she does to Ethan is against Mother Miranda’s request. While yes, it is retaliation after he killed Bela, the part I often see people leave out is that Alcina is equally as upset that he entered her property and was attempting to steal from her, and she isn’t just after him to kill him.
Alcina has also been an active participant in aiding Mother Miranda with at least one experiment, considering that I’d how she got her daughters. While I’m sure her strong admiration for Mother Miranda and Mother Miranda’s power over her has absolutely had an affect in this, that’s not something I’ll deny, Alcina is still a grown woman and in her written entries about this shows no qualms about her participation in this. Her general attitude towards others, using young women as a good source and turning men into scarecrows, also leads me to believe that she does not exactly care who gets hurt or taken advantage of when it comes to her and Mother Miranda’s personal endeavours.
Donna and Moreau are the two more sympathetic people within the four lords, but they are not innocent. To start with Moreau, he’s desperate for Mother Miranda’s approval, as well as the other lords. He’s insecure and lonely, and he’s doing what he has been instructed by Mother Miranda when it comes to protecting the flask. However, he does also take quite a bit of joy in trapping Ethan in the reservoir and swimming after him with the intention to eat and kill him. Moreau though, given his conditions and circumstances, is the one I think is the least to blame for what he does.
Donna is hard to discuss because we know so little about her. Her parents are dead, as well as whoever Claudia was to her, she communicates through Angie and she can cause those who enter her house to hallucinate. According to Mother Miranda, Donna is severely mentally ill and that is what has made her an unfit vessel. I think a lot of people took this to mean that Donna is unaware of what she is doing, that the hallucinations she is showing Ethan are frightening, but after having been a fan of this game for years I just can’t agree with that anymore. Donna intentionally lures Ethan into her house with visions of his supposedly dead wife. Donna is going after fears she likely knows Ethan has, making him relive Mia’s death, take apart a mannequin of her, listen to her voice panic over something being horribly wrong with Rose, all building towards the horrifying baby that chases him through the house. There is no way Donna doesn’t understand how what she is showing Ethan is distressing, especially when you consider that, given how she can make herself appear and disappear at will within Ethan’s vision and that Angie is sitting in the hallways stationary and unspeaking, Donna was likely close by Ethan at all times and could see and hear his frightened reactions to what she was intentionally showing him.
Donna’s death is upsetting, but Ethan was not just chasing her down and killing her. Donna was attacking him, or at least she was controlling her dolls to do so. It’s still a hallucination, but Ethan doesn’t know that. When faced with a threat that is keeping you trapped and trying to end your life, you will likely try to get away or try to fight back, as Donna is doing to Ethan after he starts to attack her and Ethan is doing to Donna when he thinks his life is still in danger. I would also like to remind everybody that Donna communicates through Angie. What Angie is saying, that’s Donna. Angie doesn’t talk or move once she’s dead, it is Donna who controls her.
Lastly, Heisenberg. I think Heisenberg is the one of the four most entrenched in headcanons. Headcanons are fine, I am never in this post trying to suggest they aren’t, but my issue comes in when people use them to try and change the canon of the game. For example, it’s fine to believe that Heisenberg was experimented on by Mother Miranda as a child, but that isn’t canon. It’s fine to believe that Heisenberg mourned the deaths of his siblings, but that isn’t canon. The opposite is, with Heisenberg not viewing the cult as an actual family and being very openly mean to all three other lords, even Donna and Moreau who seemingly haven’t done anything to slight him. While his goal of killing another Miranda is a very understandable and sympathetic one given what she has done to him, using a six month old baby as a weapon and trying to bring her father into the mix only to try to get him killed when he denies him is not. I cannot overstate quite how little Heisenberg actually cared for Ethan and Rose’s safety when it came to his goal, and given that we are playing as Ethan, Rose is the priority.
Heisenberg has built an army of corpses he has presumably stolen and desecrated. This is kind of fucked up actually, and done completely independently of Mother Miranda. He also puts Ethan through a very dangerous lycan gauntlet before he even reaches the factory, which makes it even stranger to me that people seem to interpret Heisenberg’s deal as something that would have benefitted both him and Ethan and as if he ever had Ethan’s safety in mind.
All four of the lords have tragic aspects to them and there are definitely reasons to sympathise with all four. They’re victims of Mother Miranda, who knows they will all be killed. She wants them to be, giving her less to deal with by the time she has Eva back. They never meant anything to her. Not Alcina or Moreau, who were desperate for her attention. Not Donna, suffering from her unspecified but apparently severe mental illness. Not Heisenberg, who was seemingly her favourite creation. However, all of them are grown adults who do their own bad things independently of her.
And it’s fine to still like them. It’s fine for them to be your favourite character. It’s fine to have happy or nice headcanons about them or want to kiss them or be their friend or to want them to have survived. It’s fine to like characters who do shitty things. It’s to be expected in a game series like Resident Evil. It’s a horror game series. People are going to do bad things.
I just find it so boring when people take away all their bite. What makes a character like Lady Dimitrescu so fun it’s that she’s completely over the top. She’s campy and ridiculous, her castle layout makes no sense, she’s got three kids made of swarms of flies dressed like a set of goth triplets, she’s a lesbian who’s castle is full of naked statues of women, she turns into a big dragon and laughs maniacally while flying around and trying to eat you. She’s evil and it’s fun. It’s the same with Heisenberg. He’s a campy show off with a fun voice and a massive hammer he never actually uses. He can control metal. He looks like a cowboy. He pronounced Miranda in a funny way. He talks to you over an intercom while trying to get you killed. They’re fun and evil and they fight over who gets to kill Ethan like they’re two little kids. It’s absurd.
What makes a character like Donna so scary is that she’s silently working in the shadows, unassuming at a first glance and unseen for most of the time in her house. She is the least threatening of the four upon first glance, and yet she has undeniably the most frightening part of the game. Pretending as if Donna is completely unaware of what she is doing and babying her like she is an incapable child waters her down completely and takes away from the effectiveness of her character.
Villain characters are great! They’re very often the highlight of the story they are in, and they aren’t real! The four lords especially are often so completely exaggerated in what they do as well. It’s fine to like villains! It doesn’t make you bad! Characters can be bad people and you can still like them!
It’s just frustrating seeing a group of very fun and exciting villains, all designed with different aspects of horror, all over the top and campy and stupid and fun, all doing their own set of fucked up things, watered down to a set of poor innocent victims who have never done any wrong ever. If you want Jack and Marguerite, take Jack and Marguerite. Lady Dimitrescu loves killing and eating women and Karl Heisenberg turns corpses into soldiers. They’re bad people and they do comically exaggerated bad things. If you can’t stomach liking a character like that, horror is probably not the genre for you. Unless it’s Resident Evil 7, I suppose, but apparently tall women aren’t hot when it’s Marguerite Baker crawling on the walls.
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help-itrappedmyself · 3 months
Dead on Main Part 9
My apology for the earlier mishap. Hope you like it!
A few hours later, a fourth of the way home, they start arguing about who should drive the next shift. There seem to be two main arguments. The first is between Dick and Bruce on whether Bruce even needs a break.The second is between Dick and Tim about who should take over for Bruce.
Bruce has been driving for four hours, and it’s now about midnight, so he should take a break to sleep. Dick had napped for about an hour after the panicked stop when Jason’s ectoplasm had gone haywire, and he was the only one who had slept so far. He’s winning the argument between him and Bruce. Because he was the only one who had napped so far, and apparently Tim had been awake for a terrible amount of time, Dick is also winning the argument between him and Tim.
Danny is pretty sure even sleep deprived most people would drive better than his father, and he doesn’t have a driver’s license so he keeps quiet. It’s funny how intense they get in their arguments without ever becoming serious. Danny appreciates that no matter how intense they get there’s never any anger in their voices.
“Tim, you haven’t slept more than five hours in the last two days, you are not driving this car. There is no way you are driving this car. Neither of us are going to let you.”
“Bruce has been awake for 23 hours straight!” Tim argues.
“Which is why Bruce should also not be driving anymore!”
“Tim you are definitely not driving, go to sleep. Dick, If we switch drivers we have to stop and we can’t afford to stop and waste time. We’ll switch drivers when we need gas next.” Bruce states rationally. Danny thinks this is a good argument really.
“If we crash and die we’ll also waste time.” Tim points out, sulking.
“Switching drivers will take all of two seconds and so help me If I am not driving in the next two minutes I am commandeering the radio for the rest of the trip and you know neither of you will be able to stop me.”
Danny isn’t sure why that is so serious of a threat, but that shut both Bruce and Tim up immediately. Bruce pulls over and they do a quick seating change. Since Bruce and Tim need to sleep so one of them can drive later, Danny switches into the passenger seat while Dick slips into the driver's seat. That way Bruce and Tim can stretch out in the back.
“What do you listen to that they dislike so much?” Danny asks a little later. Danny can’t tell if either of them are sleeping, but neither of them have moved at all in the last ten minutes. He’s quiet just in case.
“I mean, I like a lot of music. They just know that I can put on circus music for hours. I grew up in a circus, so I'll even enjoy doing it. It annoys them after like three songs at most though.”
Danny has a moment where all he can think of is Freakshow’s circus, but he shakes it off.
“Did all of you grow up in the circus?” Danny could have sworn Bruce was more like Vlad. Grew up wealthy, ran a business (less illegally, he thinks, but that's not hard considering), and went to parties and stuff. Dick laughs at his question.
“No, only me, I’m afraid.” Dick glances at the back seat, before refocusing on the road. “Bruce adopted all of us, except for Damian. But even Damian grew up with his mother before coming to live with Bruce. So all of us have very different upbringings actually. Circus for me. Jason was next, he had a hard life before Bruce found him, and after too. He’s been through a lot. Tim had rich parents, they loved him but weren't around much. Duke was adopted after his parents died but he was raised by both of them, he had the most normal life growing up.”
“Tim and Damian both found Bruce more than the other way around. Damian’s mom… loves him a lot, but she was in a dangerous situation and wanted Damian to be safe. So she dropped him off with us.” You could hear the love in Dick’s voice as he spoke about his family.
“Your family seems happy. Nice. I mean, you all dropped everything to drive me home. I appreciate it.” Danny thought carefully for a moment, he didn't want to learn too much second hand. He'd rather get to know Jason personally. But some things only family can tell you. “Do you think Jason and I will get along? From what I've heard I know we have similar senses of humor, at least relating to our own deaths. And, well, we have that experience to bond over. But our lives seem like they've been very different.”
Dick’s face softens. “I think that Jason has spent his whole life fighting. For anything and everything. He's not going to stop now. You guys’ll figure it out.”
Danny looks at him. “Have you met your soulmate?”
Dick’s whole face lights up. “I have. We knew each other before the switch, but.. it was still a lot of drama and awkwardness at first. I think Bruce almost had a heart attack when it happened, and then an aneurysm when he found out who it was. That was hilarious.”
Dick glances at Danny, saw him biting his lip and twisting his hands together, eyes in his lap. “We had met, but we still had a lot to learn about each other. Getting to know him has been one of the best parts of my life. He’s my best friend.”
Dick reaches over and ruffles Danny’s hair. “Why don't you try to sleep Danny. You'll be meeting him soon.”
Danny nodded, giving Dick a light smile and settling himself into his chair.
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yayakoishii · 23 days
Can I request sanji and reader being childhood friends and meeting again years later (and sparks fly obviously)… Maybe reader was told Sanji was dead after he ran away from Germa so seeing him is absolutely crazy for them. Ideally reader ends up joining the straw hats? No worries if you don’t pick this one but I thought it’d be cute!!
Gone | Sanji x Reader
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x GN! Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Tags: Light angst, fluff? Spoilers for Wholecake Island
A/n: First off, thank you for the request!! I tried my best to write it the way you wanted but I ended up having to slightly tweak the reader's role since it would have been impossible for Sanji to have a friend in his Germa days. I hope you don't mind! If this wasn't quite what you wanted, feel free to send in another request. I hope you enjoy ♡
also available on ao3!
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Everybody in Germa 66 sang praises of the three princes. If asked to pick a favourite, they would all probably say either of Ichiji, Niji or Yonji's names. Not you though.
At 6 years old, you had firmly decided to yourself that your favourite prince was Sanji. Yeah, he wasn't as strong as the other three, but he was kind and sweet and most importantly, he was your friend. Well, your secret friend. After all, he was royalty and royalty wasn't supposed to lower themselves to your level.
Being the child of a nurse in Germa, you had been programmed to be born as fearless and unquestioningly loyal to the Vinsmoke family. Except, for some reason, it hadn't worked on you and you had turned out to be normal. At that young age, you didn't really know it, of course. But you could sense that you were different from the rest.
When you saw soldiers easily stepping in to let themselves be killed just on one word from a Vinsmoke, it made you flinch and it made you scared. You hid your fear from everyone except for Her Majesty, Vinsmoke Sora. Your job at that young age was just to look after, entertain and distract her. (The adults didn't tell you that you were supposed to be distracting her from her actual children.)
That's where you had met Sanji. He was the only prince who visited her. You didn't really understand much at that age but you couldn't get how any child could stay away from their own mom for so long. It made you dislike the other three.
"(Y/n), can you treat His Highness' wound like I had taught you?" Your mother asked you as she helped Queen Sora to lie down. Beside her bed, Sanji was standing with a scratched knee. He had slipped on a puddle on the way to Sora. You nodded excitedly and bowed to Sanji clumsily, like your father had shown you.
"Come with me, Your Highness!"
Sanji and you had sat on one of the couches in the room and you slowly worked on disinfecting the wound and putting on the medicine. The said boy was sniffling, which made you look up curiously. Everyone said the princes were supposed to be strong and that they never showed any fear or even cried.
"Am I hurting you?" You asked worriedly, trying to be even gentler. You were just waving the cotton in the air now, instead of actually touching him with it. "Why are you crying?"
"I'm not crying!" Sanji immediately stopped sniffling, looking slightly alarmed. You could tell that he was scared– just like you! It excited you and you nodded enthusiastically.
"No, you would never cry, Your Highness, of course not!" You tried to wink at him but ended up blinking. Sanji stared at you, a little confused and fascinated, then nodded quietly. "What did you make for Her Majesty today?"
He startled at your question then said shyly, "I tried curry rice today, with an omelette."
"Ooh, did you get it to spill over the rice?!" You asked excitedly as you finished placing your personal favourite band-aid on his knee.
"It failed," he pouted. Before you could try to cheer him up, Sanji noticed the band-aid. "What is this?"
"It's my favourite Kakuma band-aids," you whispered, leaning in so that only he heard it. Sanji blinked at you unsurely before looking back down at the band-aids with a cute bear pattern on it.
"Who's Kakuma?" He asked, feeling foolish. You launched into a big explanation of your favourite show, Kakuma the Bear of Justice. The adults in the room let you two stay like that and that afternoon, you and Sanji became friends. When it was time for him to leave, he had asked you to not call him ‘Your Highness’ because now you were his (secret) friend.
"But I can't do that," you pouted, clasping your hands behind your back. "I am not allowed to call you by your name. But, I am allowed to call you my prince. Would that be okay?"
6-year old Sanji had flushed at the sweet way you called him your prince. He liked the sound of it. He didn't really understand why, but you were now his first friend and you smiled at him and told him about your favourite show and you even told him secret cooking tips that you had sneaked out of your mother to help him cook a perfect omelette with soft gooey insides.
From that day on, whenever Sanji visited his mom, he would also give you some of his food to try. It sometimes tasted horrible and was even inedible at others, but you would always take at least one bite and praise his efforts. You found him very cool for even trying to make all those difficult recipes– your mom wouldn't even let you enter the kitchen.
The two of you were each other's closest and only friend, so the day King Judge announced the death of Sanji at sea, your 7 year old heart broke for the first time in your whole life. Not long after, Queen Sora passed away too.
When you were 8, your father was called as a Wall by Judge and died. Within the span of a year, you had lost all the closest people to you and then came the attack on Cozia. Your mother and a few other nurses got attacked in the scuffle and she had pushed you, telling you to run far away from the battleships of Germa.
That was the last you ever heard of the only remaining loved one you had.
It had been 11 years since then. You were no longer the kid you once were. You had ended up lost in the East Blue, worked your way into a pirate ship as a apprentice. The crew managed to make it into the Grand Line when you were 13, but ended up stranding you on an island after an attack killed off most of them, including the captain.
You had hopped around islands over the years, exploring and picking up jobs or working in crews or delivery ships to travel as many islands as you could. Now, you were currently living on a small island that was a few islands away from Marie Geosie. You had contemplated it but, it would be foolish to try to enter the New World without a really strong pirate crew who could possibly survive it. Having made peace with that, you had settled into a small rural town where you worked in a bar at night and taught children how to fight in the day.
Being a small island where the log pose reset within 3 hours, not many pirates or marines ever came by or stayed long enough if they did come. It was the perfect place for a peaceful life– a rare occurence on the Grand Line, in your opinion. So you had taken the chance and established yourself within the community smoothly.
There were rumours going around, though. Of a new generation of pirates that were slowly making their way through the first half of the Grand Line. You had heard some names in passing but didn't really keep up with the news much until that one fateful day. The Straw Hat pirates had docked on the island at sunset and the news spread like wildfire. It was the most interesting thing to happen in a long while and there was a strange tension in the air.
There was also another small crew that had arrived just before them so there was a possibility that the two might clash. You hoped that there would be no fighting for the sake of your simple town. You were at your workplace, serving drinks and food to the customers, most of whom were people from your town or the surrounding ones. There were some unfamiliar faces as well, which you guessed were the new pirates.
You worked while keeping an eye on the ones who gave you a bad feeling. Just towards the end of your shift, you suddenly saw one of the pirates try to grope your co-worker. Within a flash, you were next to her side, standing in between the lecherous pirate and her cowering figure.
In a small town like yours, people were more fiercely protective. While in any other place the girl would have been told to tolerate it, that was not the case in your town. And you were free to defend them and drive the customer out in such a case.
"I'm going to have to ask you to leave," your voice was cold as you shot him a murderous look. The pirate could sense that you weren't joking with your skills and got out of his seat. You turned around to hold the girl by her shoulders and looked over her to ensure he hadn't hurt her without you knowing. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"
"No, I'm alri–"
You were distracted by her answer and felt the pirate swinging at you a little late. Despite ducking, his sword still nicked the side of your neck. You hissed and whirled around, ready to beat the shit out of him when instead, a leg on fire smashed the pirate down so hard that the wooden flooring broke under the pressure. You winced a little at how the splinters pierced him but you were distracted by the owner of the leg which was no longer on fire.
"Getting handsy with a lady and then attacking from behind?" You jolted in shock at the sight of the man. That blonde hair… those curly eyebrows… No way. He was sneering at the man with disgust, a put-out cigarette in his left hand. The man on the floor groaned lightly; he was probably experiencing a concussion. The blonde man looked up at you with concern. "Your neck is bleeding."
"Oh," you automatically covered the wound, feeling the wet, sticky liquid dirty your fingers. You had nearly forgotten about it in the shock of seeing your childhood friend after so many years. He was alive? After all this time?
"Hey, you should go treat it," the co-worker you had saved spoke hurriedly. "I'll take care of things here."
"You sure?" You asked, eyebrows furrowed. Your brain was still frozen from the shock but your body was already moving on auto-pilot.
"Yeah, go quickly before you lose any more blood," she insisted, guiding you to the backdoor. You heard footsteps follow you.
"Wait," the blonde man– Sanji? –said from behind. "I, would you like some help with that?"
You could do it by yourself. You always dress your wounds by yourself. But instead of declining it like usual, you flashed him a smile and said, "I would like that."
Your co-worker seemed surprised by your words too and decided to leave you alone for now. You took the Sanji-look-alike with you to the backroom where your first aid kit was in the bag. For once, you were grateful that you always lugged the thing around; you actually had it on you for the kids you taught. The two of you settled down on the bench and the blonde carefully picked up the necessary medicines.
You just stared at his face, drinking in his features. It felt a lot like a dream. Sanji was supposed to have died. And yet this man in front of you bore such a striking resemblance to him. You had never seen curly eyebrows like this outside of the Vinsmoke family. But there was no way that Germa would let Sanji go, surely?
"Thank you for taking care of that scum," you said, eyes flitting all over the blonde's face. The more you looked, the more you saw your friend in him. Even in the dim light of the backroom, you could still recognise the bright blue eyes. "I could have taken him on if I wasn't distracted."
"I can sense that," Sanji smiled at your wound as he cleaned it up. He wouldn't meet your eyes for some reason but you watched him with half-lidded eyes. His touch was gentle and his fingers felt weirdly cool on your skin. It sent shivers down your back. You were reminded of that day when you had dressed Sanji's tiny injury. Funny how your roles were swapped now. "This might sound a little weird but, you really remind me of someone important to me."
Your breath hitched and you automatically teased, "Bet you say that to all the girls."
He laughed and finally looked you in the eye, "I could never. That person is too far away. I will never meet them again in this life."
He stared down forlornly at your first-aid kit. You followed his look to the plain band-aids in the corner of your box. A smile played on your lips.
"I couldn't find any Kakuma ones here," you said quietly. Sanji froze, wide eyes running all over your face. "Turns out Kakuma isn't very popular outside of North Blue."
"You…" Sanji suddenly grabbed you by your shoulders and you flushed at the close proximity. This Sanji was different from the cute boy you once knew. He was now handsome, but still just as cool. "(Y/n)..?"
"I feel like I'm dreaming, my prince," you admitted, smiling weakly. You placed your hand lightly on his right cheek, brushing the cheek faintly as if you were worried he would disappear with a touch. "They said you died in a shipwreck. Am I just missing you so much that I'm starting to see you on the Grand Line?"
"It feels like a dream to me too," he sounded a little broken. Your fingers pressed into the smooth skin and, it felt too real to be a dream. He was really sitting across from you. "How did you end up here?"
You sat there quietly for a few seconds, remembering the worst days of your life when you lost all your loved ones one after the other. You had kept that bottled up all these years.
"Let me change and I'll tell you everything when we're out of here."
Sanji nodded and slinked out the backdoor while you hurriedly changed, packed up and joined him. You decided to take him down the shore as you spoke about all that had happened ever since his death was announced. He told you about what happened to him the whole time, about the imprisonment, the actual shipwreck, the Baratie and the Straw Hat pirates. Both of you talked and listened for so long, the moon was up high when you finally stopped walking.
The sea was gently crashing onto the shore. Your bare feet dug into the dry sand from a distance as you stared at the horizon.
"So," you hesitated. "What now?"
"Now…" Sanji trailed off as he turned his head to face you. "Do you want to come join us?"
You hadn't expected that. Snapping your neck towards him, you stared with wide disbelieving eyes.
"Shouldn't you ask your captain first?" You asked nervously. The idea of being by Sanji's side for the rest of your life made your heart beat faster. He was different from the boy you once knew but the past few hours had only made you realise that this new Sanji was still the kind and sweet boy beneath all his differences.
"I'll convince Luffy," he said. You realised he was just as nervous as you felt. "I'm sure he won't mind."
"Oh," you looked away and back at the horizon. The part of you that still craved adventure was all in support of the idea. The other practical side of you wondered if you could just up and leave your life here. (Everyone would understand, wouldn't they?) "I spent so much of my life thinking you were gone, Sanji. Thinking that I had lost you forever. Thinking that I would never meet you again."
Sanji didn't reply, just slipped his left hand into yours. He squeezed it gently, as a reminder that he was here now. That he wanted to have you by his side from now on.
"I don't want to let you go ever again."
Your admission earned you a soft smile from the cook. He fully turned his body to face yours and you did the same. Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss on your forehead that sent your heart jackrabbiting.
"I don't plan to either," he whispered.
With those simple words, all your inhibitions were gone.
"Then take me with you, my prince."
You pulled him into a hug for the first time in your life. You were no longer a prince and a servant. No longer quite the friends you once were. But it seemed like you two were on the path to becoming something else entirely.
A something else that you both looked forward to.
A/n: I feel like Sanji would treat you very differently if you were his childhood friend. He would be so much more serious than his usual perverted facade because you already know him at his lowest point. Also, Kakuma is a made up cartoon character. I took the name from the Japanese verb Kakumau, which means to shelter/hide/protect—something I really wanted to do for kid Sanji :(
All likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! ♡
★ Taglist:
@phantasmagoricalzenith | @secretlife028 | @100520s | @toertchen | @suga-tofu | @theluckyplaces | @luvfzw | @katiemrty | @writingmysanity | @akaashi-todorki | @yuninha2004
if anyone wants to added or removed, let me know!
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jeongheart · 1 year
summary: 'physical touch refers to expressing and receiving affection through touch, physical closeness, and other forms of physical connection'.
w.c: 1.4k.
tags: strangers to friends to lovers (kinda?), mutual pining, fluff.
a.n: i'm soft, this was inspired by that video of jeongin bumping into jisung lol. my first innie work aaa i'm so happy that i finished it, i'm so proud of this one too.
as always, english is not my first language so sorry in advance for any mistakes, leave your thoughts if you like! it means a lot.
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Jeongin doesn't like to be touched.
He strongly believes that his personal space is sacred, and he can't understand the people who require physical contact 24/7.
It's no secret to anyone that he dislikes (physical) displays of affection, not that he doesn't have them with the people he loves, he prefers to let them know that he loves them with a special gift on their birthday or by buying them something that reminds him of that person.
He especially hates hugs. He feels trapped by the other person, and despite the fact that in the 22 years of his life he repeated it a thousand times, his family and friends don't seem to get the hint.
He doesn't want to be surly, really. It's something that has been like that since he can remember.
Jeongin doesn't like to be touched.
Except if that someone is you.
It's funny actually, you'd met casually, the way people met before: in real life. The first day of college was tough, everything and everyone was new and having to get used to a "grown-up" routine all of a sudden was something that took time.
He remembers the time exactly: 07:20 am. It was the first of the day, he was sitting in front of the class, he had a bad habit of being easily distracted, so he had to force himself to overcome his shame and desire to sleep to be in front of the blackboard.
The class started at 07:30, and the room was almost full. The professor arrived less than a minute ago and Jeongin was glad to be alone and in peace. His notebook lay open in front of him, the pages white and spotless.
Until you arrived, late.
You came running, it was obvious that you'd fallen asleep. Your hair was somewhat messy, probably due to the wind and the run you made through the building, your face was red (from embarrassment and exertion), but a smile was present on your face.
The professor looked at you funny and with a gesture of her hand she asked you to come in and take a seat somewhere free.
The only one was next to Jeongin.
Your eyes lit up at the sight of the empty chair, and even though you couldn't see it, Jeongin rolled his eyes as he saw you approaching the table.
With the woman summarizing her presentation, you arranged your things on the table (everything was in pastel colors, the blonde noticed) and you looked at him expectantly with that smile still on your face.
He could tell you were alone, actually, you were the only two who were. All your other classmates knew each other. So your attempt to start a conversation with him was logical, you also realized that he was alone.
"It looks like we'll be buddies" You smiled again and then told him your name while you extended your hand in an attempt to shake his, a very old gesture and not funny at all according to Jeongin.
He played dumb, but he told you his name. And then he said nothing more, watching out of the corner of his eye as you slowly lower your hand to rest it on your lap.
The weeks passed like this, you had a clear love language and unfortunately it was the one that Jeongin hated the most. You were always trying to touch him, not in a wicked or weird way, just friendly since that's how you showed affection. You were friends, but he couldn't tell you 'stop doing that' every time you reached out to touch his shoulder to get his attention.
You annoyed him every time you did that, but he couldn't deny that when you weren't getting clingy he appreciated your company. You were a comfortable presence in his life most of the time, and he liked not being alone in an unfamiliar environment where everyone greeted each other and ate together every day.
The first part of the academic year ended in the blink of an eye and the relationship between the two of you was only growing.
Jeongin didn't know when he let you touch his arm for the first time, he thinks it was in the library when you were studying for an exam.
He was nervous as he couldn't memorize anything and you, ever so nice, reached out your hand in an attempt to comfort him to rest it on Jeongin's left arm which was sprawled on top of the book he was trying to read.
Jeongin hadn't noticed that he hadn't tensed like the other times and he just kept reading and rereading the same sentences while the heat rose to your cheeks.
You didn't know what changed, but the fact that the boy who moved away every time you got at least 5 cm closer than normal had finally relaxed around you had butterflies flying in your stomach.
The months unfolded normal after that, and Jeongin would let you into his bubble of personal space more and more often.
He definitely hadn't realized how much he liked to feel your warm hands on his when he needed to calm down before a presentation or how his heart would jump in his chest when he saw you smile after you hugged him goodbye when he dropped you at your house after college.
"I like you a lot, Innie" You told him after the second exam.
Another final exam ended, and with it, the end of the year was drawing near. Jeongin was going to a vacation with his family in Busan and you definitely couldn't go weeks and weeks without seeing him, or his dimples or hearing his laugh and you would never forgive yourself if you didn't tell him everything that was on your mind every time you were together.
Jeongin looked like a statue, his mouth was opening and closing in an attempt to find the right words. His mind had short-circuited and it seemed that he had lost all ability to form a coherent sentence.
The snow was falling around the two of you, the heartless winter wrapped you from head to toe and as the minutes passed without an answer, your heart raced more and more and if Jeongin paid enough attention he could see how your eyes began to water as you overthought your sudden confession.
Maybe he didn't feel the same way, and you were making a fool of yourself. You began to prepare the speech of 'sorry, I shouldn't have said anything' to save your heart from the impending rejection and to be able to escape from that situation as quickly as possible.
Until Jeongin moved, he took two short steps until he was face to face to you. He was a head taller than you and your eyes searched his urgently, trying to decipher the answer he hadn't put into words.
The blond placed his big hands on your cheeks, reddened by the cold and now by shame, and caressed your skin with his thumbs.
You swore that if it wasn't for his soft grip on your face, you might have passed out from how fast your heart was beating, your legs felt like jelly, and the suspense felt eternal. You wanted to yell at him to answer or for him to do something, anything to finally stop your heart racing with feelings.
You opened your mouth to talk, but Jeongin closed the distance between you by placing his lips on yours.
You froze at first, arms still on either side of your body but then, as if awakened from a trance, you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to lose yourself in the heat of the kiss, everything around you felt cold except for this moment, the soft feeling of his plush lips on yours and the warmth spreading from the tip of your fingertoes to every strand of hair on your head.
He moved only a few inches from you, enough to be able to whisper over your lips "I like you too".
You laughed slowly, so softly that it almost felt like a whisper, so only he could hear it "Yes, I think I realized that" And tangling your hands behind his neck you brought him closer to you to kiss him again.
Jeongin doesn't like to be touched, but you were the only exception.
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beachylupin · 10 months
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Harvest Moon || Remus Lupin x Muggle!Fem!Reader
it's finally here! here’s the moodboard to go with it! i worked far too hard on this so please let me know if you like it or if you want to see more of her! <3 to preface: this part takes place in roughly september :-) pt. 2 here word count: 4.6k warnings: mention of alcohol and cigarettes, maybe like two swear words, fluffy, some pining, quickly edited
You and Lily went to primary school together. Your mum and dad loved her like she was their own, and even though she had loving parents, she would often spend a lot of her evenings after school and summers at your house, evading Petunia’s constant need to bully her. The two of you were like sisters: sharing secrets, having constant sleepovers, playing pretend.
However, there was something different about her that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Petunia incessantly told you that Lily was a witch, but you didn’t believe her. Why would you believe someone who hated the girl that you loved so dearly? Lily wasn’t green or wicked, and she didn’t have a wart growing on the end of her nose. That’s all witches were to you back then, and Lily was the opposite. She was radiant and kind, like sunlight on a dark day. She was your best friend, not some evil hag.
It wasn’t until a giggling Lily appeared on your doorstep the July before you turned eleven.
“Look!” She said, shoving an odd letter into your hand. “It’s for a place called Hogwarts! Go on! Read it!”
She eagerly watched you read it out loud. “Dear Miss Evans. You have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” You couldn’t believe it. Lily, the radiant girl, was actually a witch. Petunia was right all along, and that September, Lily left to go to this magical school.
When Lily came home, she had befriended the greasy haired boy from down the street that you had only known as “snipe” from the kids at school, saying he looked close to the little bird that shared the name. You were willing to share her, seeing as he had no other options for friends, but he tried to take Lily away from you completely, saying she was his kind. Of course, Lily didn’t stand for this and split her time with the two of you equally.
As the years went on, the more you grew to dislike Severus. It was almost like he had a vendetta against you because you were Lily’s friend before she was his, or something like that. Whatever it was, you kept your head high whenever you saw him, ignoring his constant “filthy muggle” comments, and greeting him with a nice, “Hi, Severus! It’s so wonderful to see you again!”
His possessiveness didn’t seem to matter in the long run because Lily came back from her fifth year at this magical school gushing to you about some bloke named James. He was all she ever talked about. James, James, James.
“He’s annoying, and kind of a prick, but God, I just love looking at him…”
You felt like her real sister as you cursed Lily under your breath the entire way to the reception tent next to Potter Manor. She didn’t invite anyone else in your family to her wedding except you.
Sure, you were the only one to really know Lily, but a quick explanation, and your mum wouldn’t have asked any questions.
It wouldn’t have been that simple, you decided, when you saw the actual wedding. James and Lily took part in what the pixie-haired girl sitting next to you called the “Unbreakable Vow” in which they used wands to seal their promise to marriage. If one of them were to break this vow, they would die, the girl explained. It sounded intense, but as a hopeless romantic, it was one of the most beautiful sentiments of love you had ever seen.
Their vow keepers were the best man and maid of honor. The best man wore flamboyant plum dress robes with jewels adoring the lapels. He had shoulder-length, raven-colored hair and the biggest smile you had ever seen. He didn’t let the smile drop once. The maid of honor wore a pretty sapphire blue dress that complemented her skin tone very well. She wore her curls in a high bun, curly bangs framing her face.
James and Lily looked magnificent. James had on maroon dress robes that nearly matched his best man’s, but they were more humble with gold accents rather than the gaudy jewels the other man chose. Lily wore an ivory dress that flowed off her body like it was made of water. It had lace cap sleeves, and a bodice that contoured to her small shape. Every step she took, the ground blossomed with small lilies. 
The more you looked around, the more you realized that everyone dressed insanely nice. You felt self conscious seeing that other people around went “all out” for this wedding: beautiful gowns and tea-length dresses of all colors of the rainbow, and the fanciest dress-robes you had ever seen adorned with silver, gold, and jewels. Obviously, you thought, they had gotten their clothes enchanted, seeing a special tailor to look as amazing as they did. 
You got to work with Primark and Harrods, and since you didn’t have the luxury of getting something custom made by a literal wizard, you looked simple. You wore your hair down your back in loose waves, a plunging rose colored dress, and nude heels. In any wizard’s eyes, you’d look plain, unwilling to flaunt your nonexistent wealth through fancy clothes.
While the other people were nice and smiled widely at you as you walked past, you could tell that they knew you were different. It was in the hushing of their voices as you passed, and the way they looked at you like you had something growing out of the top of your head.
As far as you could tell, you were the only outsider in a sea of people that seemed to know each other. They all mingled, hugging and kissing each other like none of them expected this type of occasion, which baffled you.
Lily and James were made for one another. Even though James was quite literally Lily’s opposite, they worked. They fit together like two fiery puzzle pieces. You couldn’t see why anyone wouldn’t be expecting their wedding.
You self-consciously raked a hand through your hair, taking extra care to not snag any of it on your fingers, and looked at the table spots on the board next to the giant tent, desperately searching for your name. When you found it at table nine, you walked, head down, into the tent to sit down.
You took your seat in the nearly empty tent, pouring yourself a generous amount of the table wine, and drank it down. You sighed, taking a breath for what felt like the first time in an hour.
You wouldn’t necessarily consider yourself shy, but in this specific scenario, you felt yourself clamming up. These people, the party; it was all overwhelming. It was so different from the normal, non-magical life you were used to. You were normally willing to talk to just about anyone, but feeling underdressed at a huge wedding where you thought you were the only outsider left you feeling less than worthy.
You poured yourself another glass of wine and took a butter mint, popping it into your mouth. You sucked on it, looking around the slow-to-fill tent to catch a man glancing at you.
He was tall, lanky, and just so happened to be one of the most normally dressed people you had seen all evening. He wore a creamy brown sweater, with darker brown slacks, and a jacket that matched. From where you sat, you could see the faintest stubble on his cheeks and around his mouth. He was leaning on a cane, but didn’t seem to look any older than you since he had sandy brown hair that was long and swept off to the side with not a grey in sight.
A chill ran through you, and you looked away, feeling your face flush. He was handsome, and you decided then and there that at one point during this strange reception, you would talk to him. Needing the eventual confidence, you took another sip, glancing to see if he was still standing there, but he wasn’t.
“So you were the name I didn’t recognize,” said a voice from behind you, followed by a mention of your name.
“Oh!” You nearly jumped out of your skin, setting your wine down before you dropped it on your lap.
“I’m sorry, love! I didn’t mean to startle you!” He gushed, patting your shoulder as he pulled out the chair next to you to sit.
Embarrassed at the way his hand made your shoulder burn, you huffed, “You didn’t startle-”
You turned to look at him, your mouth turning bone dry despite the mint you had been sucking on.
It was the same man that had been staring at you before. Closer up, you could see that he had jagged white lines covering his face. A fresh scratch worked its way down his cheek, sure to leave a scar to match the rest of them. If you looked closer, you could see the tip of a wand sticking out of his jacket pocket. You were wrong.
You blinked, realizing you had been trying to figure out how to melt inside the chocolate that his eyes resembled. You swallowed the mint thickly. “Sorry, um-” you said sheepishly, tucking hair behind your pink-tipped ears. “What did you say your name was?”
You suddenly felt drunk, butterflies filling your belly with tenacity, but your mouth was so dry that you had to take another sip of wine before saying anything else.
“I didn’t,” he said, sitting. “I’m Remus.” He stuck his hand out to capture yours in his with a quick shake. Your eyes flicked to his hand, seeing if it was on fire. He was looking too, your gaze captured in the middle when you both looked up at each other. You pulled your hands away at the same time, Remus making himself busy by hanging his coat and cane on the back of his chair, a smile lingering on his lips.
You stared at the plate in front of you, trying to mentally blame your flush on the amount of wine you had already consumed. “Do uh- Do you know everyone here?” You asked, glancing at him.
Remus blew a puff of air out of his nose, amused as he looked around. “Just about everyone. You?”
“Nobody except for Lily,” you said, grabbing another buttermint to try and sate your dry mouth. “I mean, I know of James, but I spent every summer with Lily when she was home from school.”
“Oh?” Remus said, sitting straighter. He cleared his throat like had gotten something stuck. “Where did you go to school?”
“Saint Grogory’s,” you answered him. You tried to ignore that he was staring at his lap instead of you, his posture still stiff. “Now I work at a cafe while I’m going to the University of London to get my Master’s in English Literature.” 
“You can just study that?” He asked quietly, looking at you. Your eyebrows raised with amusement, gathering that he didn’t know you knew about any of them. “Sorry, that’s a daft question,” he said, exasperated. “I mean, that’s really… Um- That’s really neat.” You didn’t say anything, deciding to let the poor wizard flounder. “I’d go to school for… For um… For maths, but I hate maths, so it wouldn’t really-”
“I know that I’m the only muggle here,” you said, eyebrows still raised as your mouth tugged into a smile. “It’d be very hard to think this was a normal muggle wedding. There are candles floating mid air. That doesn’t happen in the muggle world. You know that right?”
“Yeah,” he sighed, shaking his head. “Yeah.” He visibly relaxed, sending his gaze skyward as his ears started to burn red. “Here I was thinking that I was about to spoil everything.”
“Lily told me the day she got the letter,” you said, smirking as you nudged him. “I sure got you though.”
The heat from Remus’ ears made its way to his face, his cheeks turning crimson as he nodded, looking back at you.
“Wine?” You asked, filling his cup without a response. “How do you know Lily then?”
Remus took his glass before you overfilled it, taking a sip. “We went to school together.”
“Is that where everyone is from?” You asked, and he nodded.
“Mainly,” he said, looking around. “A few from-”
“There you are!” The best man shouted, slapping Remus on the back. He rested his bottom on the table next to his friend. He peered over to you, his grey eyes sparkling. “Magnificent wedding, isn’t it? I heard the house elves did a real bang-up job on the feast too.” He grabbed the near empty bottle of wine, pouring what was maybe a sip into the glass next of him. “Merlin, Moons, you finished it all yourself? Nervous about sitting next to a pretty bird?”
“Sorry, that was me,” you admitted, flushing when the raven-haired man looked back at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“No worries,” he said, waving his hand nonchalantly over the bottle. It filled instantly, and he took it, pouring more into his glass.
You blinked hard, staring at the wine bottle. Grabbing it, you peered inside to make sure it was real. “How’d you do that?”
“Do what?” He asked incredulously. “Do you not know that spell or something?”
Remus took the bottle from you, setting it in front of his friend. He introduced you to his friend, finishing with, “Sirius, this is Lily’s friend from home.”
Sirius paled. “Oh… Fuck.” His hands met his face as he muttered something about James being upset. He looked at you, his face still alarmingly pale as he started taking out his wand. “I’m so sorry, love. Just sit still, and I can help you forget-”
“I just didn’t know that you could do magic with your hands,” you said, still staring at the wine bottle. “I thought you always needed a wand.”
Sirius shook his head, the color slightly returning to his face as he deadpanned, “What?”
“She knows we’re all wizards, you plank,” Remus sighed, drinking his wine. “Put your wand away.”
Sirius breathed a sigh of relief, a smile breaking his face. “Oh, good! Brilliant! Ignore that comment then.” He pocketed his wand then turned to his friend. “Have you got a light and a ciggy?”
Remus huffed, patting the table in front of you. “Excuse us for just a moment, will you?” He grabbed his cane, slipped on his coat, and he and Sirius went off to smoke.
Sirius was right. Dinner was magnificent, as well at the people who sat with you. Remus was back in time to introduce you to them all. Frank and Alice, who said they were going to have the next wedding, were the same people you sat next to during the ceremony. Next to them sat Marlene and Dorcas. Marlene had a bright smile and a head full of white blonde hair that hardly ever left Dorcas’ tanned shoulder. On the other side of Frank sat Peter, who looked to be the youngest of the group with his baby-faced cheeks.
The wine was passed and refilled a few more times as the night went on, as well as special cocktails, feuling riveting conversations amongst the wizards and witches. You decided to listen, taking in everything the boys were talking about. From the legalization of recreational boomslang to the crackdown on broom riding. Eventually, their conversation hushed down to mumbles and whispers.
Dorcas, Marlene, and Alice, however, were busily chatting about her wedding and how excited she was to finally marry Frank. They eventually roped you in on their conversation, asking your opinion about what would be better: live unicorns or a toad choir. Of course, you chose unicorns which had the girls roaring in laughter.
By the time that James and Lily danced their first dance, you felt good, and that wasn’t including the way you brushed up against Remus’s side as you stood alongside your newfound friends.
“We’re gettin’ drinks then goin’ to dance,” you slurred, the butterflies reemerging as he looked at you. “You want me t’ grab you somethin’? ‘M gettin’ water.”
He shook his head, pushing himself up from the chair. “I’ll come with you.”
“You sure?” You asked, watching him grab his cane and coat and nod a goodbye to Frank and Peter. “‘S not a big deal f’ me-”
“I insist,” Remus said, walking past you, slightly turning over his shoulder. “Come on then.”
You caught up, trying not to stumble alongside him. Focused on him, the two of you walked straight past the drink table.
As if Remus could sense your reminder, he said, “I want to show you something quick,” and led you out of the tent into the dusky lawn.
You didn’t protest, rather you felt bad for him, his nose scrunching every time he took a step. You lightly hooked your arm in his, your hand resting on his bicep.
“You ‘right?” You asked, feeling dumb as the words left your mouth. “‘M sorry. That was rude.”
“It’s a valid question,” he reassured you with a soft nudge of his elbow. “Hip just acts up sometimes. I’ll live,” he said, glancing at you as you pressed your cheek against his arm. “Are you okay?”
You sighed. “Yeah.” You moved off his arm, rubbing the side of your face that touched him, praying there wasn’t a burn mark. “I think I overshot.”
“You were drinking a lot of wine,” he snorted, opening a large manor door for you. “Do you need some water?” You entered, and he followed you, offering you his arm again. “A sober up potion?”
“The latter,” you said, desperate to feel the burning in your hand again as you hooked onto him. “‘M gonna hurl if I drink anymore.”
“We don’t want that.” Remus led you down a long hallway in the expansive manor. Marble floors and large columns made up the hallway, breaking off into the entryway and the living room. The two of you passed the huge, bustling kitchen and came to a double door.
“Here,” Remus said, nudging the door open slightly. “You go wait in there while I go find that potion, alright love?”
You nodded and the corner of his mouth tugged into a half smile. You watched him, entering the door he had nudged open.
You could’ve dropped dead on the spot, and you would’ve died the happiest lady on the planet. Books covered the walls up to the ceilings, lit by the large moon as it rose over the manor. 
You stepped closer to the shelves, tickling the spines when you noticed that they weren’t just books. There were books on runes, books with fur, and books that were quietly whispering.
You picked up a shiny book, cracking it open. While nothing popped out, the book began shouting. You screamed and quickly slammed it shut, putting it back. Your heart beat out of your chest as you picked up another one, finding ice cold air blowing out of it as soon as you opened it. The third book you picked up had a plaid spine, and looked safe. The cover read, “Frankenstein's Monster: Did It Actually Happen?” You held it to your chest and sighed, breathing in the dusty, papery scent.
You could live here, and nobody would know. You could nestle in amongst the shelves, hiding in the hole until all the books were read. Feeling drunk and overwhelmingly happy, you sighed again, closing your eyes as you plopped down on the sofa.
“Do you like it?” Remus asked from the door.
“I think I’m in love,” you replied dreamily, turning to look at him. “Has anyone read all of ‘em?”
“James said his dad was working through them,” he said, sitting down on the sofa. He handed you the potion. “I think he got about halfway through before he gave up.”
“God,” you said, looking around. “I’d try to read ‘em all.” You smelled the potion, instantly recoiling with a gag. “‘M not drinkin’ this.”
“It just smells bad,” he said, an amused smile gracing his face. “Drink it and you’ll feel better.”
You sighed, grumbled, “Fine,” and downed the potion like a shot. 
Remus lied to you. It tasted just as bad as it smelled, but it worked. You felt all the drunkenness leave you like it was being siphoned out of your body. You sat up straighter, pushing your hair out of your face.
“Better?” Remus asked, his eyebrows raised.
“Much,” you said, smiling as you looked at him. “Thank you.”
Despite not being drunk, you still felt the butterflies in your stomach as he matched your toothy grin, glancing at the book in your hands. “Are you going to steal that?” He teased.
“I’d like to,” you admitted, reading the first page to yourself. “It’s the first book that hasn’t done something.”
“I’m sure Fleamont wouldn’t care,” he said, his fingers dancing against yours as he took the book from you, pocketing it in his coat. “I can hold onto it for now. Until you leave, of course.”
“I suppose I should probably get back and say goodbye to everyone,” you said, standing and smoothing out your dress over your thighs. “The last bus leaves in an hour, and I still have to see Lily.”
Quietly, Remus nodded, standing alongside you. He offered you his arm again, and even though you weren't stumbling, you took his desperately, letting him lead you back out of the manor.
“Moon’s really big,” you said, looking up at the moon that shone orange in the sky. “Must be full.”
Remus winced, glancing at you to see if you noticed, finding you still staring. “There was a full harvest moon a few nights ago. If you look, you can see it waning.”
You narrowed your eyes trying to see what he was talking about. “Do you like the moon or something?”
“I-” He paused, catching you already looking up at him. “Sure.”
“I like the sun more,” you admitted, looking back at the moon. “The moon is fine, but without the sun, it’s just another dark rock.” You glanced at him to catch him staring at the moon, a grimace on his face.
Before you could say anything, a sharp squeal followed a flurry of red hair that was barreling toward you.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere! I thought you left already!” Lily shouted, picking you up and spinning you around. She held you at arms length. “Look at you!”
“I wouldn’t have left without saying anything to my favorite girl!�� You beamed, taking in your Lily. “You... you look radiant.”
“Oh, pish,” Lily said, waving her hand in the air. She looked at Remus, who was still staring at the sky as if to give you and Lily your space. “Hi, space man,” she cooed at him, causing Remus to look at her, a tight smile on his face. She reached up, squishing his cheek between her fingers. “I’m stealing her from you.”
“Be my guest,” he said, pulling cigarettes out of his pocket. “I’ll be in there in a minute,” he said more to you than to Lily.
“That’s a nasty habit, Lupin,” Lily sighed like she had said it about a million times.
“Really? That’s funny,” he said, lighting a cigarette and holding out the pack to the three other men coming toward him. “Seems as though the other Potter likes it.”
You smiled as Lily pulled you away toward the tent, grumbling about James being irresponsible and how she was going to have to have a little chat with him later.
“Oh, you love him,” you cooed, and Lily sighed heavily.
“Very much so.” She turned the two of you around, gazing at the group of four boys all smoking and chatting away. “I mean look at him,” she mumbled to you. “I just want to hit that cigarette out of his hand and scream at him until my throat bleeds, but God, I just want to kiss him until he chokes, and I love him, and I just wish I could-”
While Lily continued to tell you about all the things she loved about her new husband, you couldn’t help but to look at Remus whose face was pulled in a genuine smile as James and Sirius began loudly talking about God knows what. The way he threw his head back as he laughed had your cheeks flushing, and this time, you couldn’t blame the wine.
“He’s cute,” you blurted, sensing Lily following your gaze.
“Remus?” She asked, and you confirmed with a short nod.
“He took me into the library,” you said, looking at Lily. “He’s got a book in his pocket for me.”
“Really…” She said, sounding far off as she continued looking at the group of boys. “It makes a lot of sense…”
“What does?” You could hear your heartbeat in your ears watching the way she smiled, knowing she made eye contact with one of them.
“You and Remus,” she said, looking at you with the same smile. “You should give him your number.”
“Lily,” you groaned and she grabbed your arm, leaning in.
“He wouldn’t have looked over here at least four times if he didn’t want it,” she whispered, a fiery look in her eye when you began to protest with pink cheeks. “He lives in muggle London. He owns a phone.”
You huffed. “Fine.”
Lily’s smize turned giddy as she gave you a napkin, your number already written on it. “I’ve had this in my pocket since I saw you sitting next to him.”
“You’re a minx,” you hissed, taking the napkin. You checked your watch and sighed. “You planned this out so I couldn’t say no, didn’t you?”
The glint in Lily’s eye said it all as she threw her arms around you. “I’ll see you soon. I can come round your flat, and we can watch movies, and we can have a proper girl’s night, alright?”
You squeezed her tightly. “That sounds amazing, Lils. I love you.”
“Not as much as I love you!” She said, pulling away. A mischievous grin grew on her face as she pushed you forward. “Now go get ‘em, tiger!”
You stumbled forward, throwing Lily a scrunched nose over your shoulder. She met it with a thumbs up and a cheeky smile before James snuck up behind her, batting him away as he tried to kiss her.
You laughed to yourself, shaking your head. You could only hope to have a love like Lily and James one day.
The napkin in your hand grew increasingly damp the closer you got to Remus. He was still standing outside nursing a cider that one of his friends must’ve given him. You stepped outside of the tent, siding up to him.
“Hey, you!” Remus said, nudging you with his elbow. “Are you heading out?”
“I am!” You said, the napkin becoming damp in your hands. “Bus leaves soon, and I need to catch it before I’m stranded here.”
“Alright,” he said, grabbing the book from his pocket. “Here you are.”
You took it, smiling while you looked at it. “Thank you,” you mumbled.
The two of you became quiet, not knowing what to do next. A handshake would’ve been proper, you thought, considering you had just met him and he took you under his wing for the night.
You panicked and stuck out your napkin-filled hand without saying anything. He looked at you with furrowed brows then took your hand, the burning sensation filling you from the tips of your fingers straight to your chest.
“It was really nice to meet you, Remus,” you said, pulling away and leaving the napkin in his hand.
You turned around before he could say anything, head down as you walked quickly down the Manor drive, hoping the scorched feeling in your hands would never go away.
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impactedfates · 7 months
hola mijo 💓puedes hacer the tall males as dads? like for example welt, blade, jing yuan, luocha, dan heng i wish i could argenti to this list 🥰 but he not out yet so hottie okay gracias 🐾☝
★ A/N: Hola!! Yes I can :)) We all love a father figure right?
☆ Genre/Trope: Platonic + Familial
★ Format: HeadCannons (Separate)
☆ Warnings: None
★ Extra: Just HCs of the HSR men as dads, you can view yourself as their child or as their lover // I only did the characters that you've stated in the request excluding Argenti // Not proofread
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Welt as a dad is a 10/10. He would be so supportive no matter what you'd want to be. He has his own child back in his actual universe after all and takes care of him so well.
He's the type to proudly show those messy drawings his kid makes to his friends and act like his kid is the next Pablo Pacasso even if all they drew was a stick figure.
He also wants you to try new things but he won't force you if you truly don't want too, all in all. Welts such a sweet and supportive dad <33
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Blade as a father? Now I wouldn't say he's the worst but he's not the best either. Biological or not, if he was tasked to take care of a kid, he will. He may not understand much about how to be a good father he manages to keep them fed, clothes ect. And with the help of the other Stellaron Hunters they're taken care of well
Except when it comes to affection. He'll try his best but his job makes it hard for him to really be home and hang out with his kid, not to mention he still has that want to die. He's emotionally unavailable most of the time. He's trying his best but he won't be much good if someone were to want to vent to him (Sorry!)
He can also sound harsh in some of his words and the kid may not get the message he's trying to convey! He may say something he sees as positive but his tone and what not makes it seem harsh.
Overall? 7.5/10 as a father
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Jing Yuan I think is also a great father! Though like Blade, his job does make him unavailable most of the time. Especially since he's a General.
BUT, we both know this man would drop anything if his kid were to message/call or anything of the source of they were in trouble. Even if it was to just make a complaint about the babysitter he hired to take care of his kid.
He does everything he should to ensure his kid is loved and taken care of, and sure he may not have as much time as he'd like to spend time with his kid, he tries his best.
As a father, I'd give him a 9.5/10.
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I'm unsure what Luochas thoughts on about taking care of kids in all honesty. As a doctor himself, he is aware of the cycle of life but whether or not he wishes to be apart of helping the kid grow up is unknown.
I don't think he'd have any adopted kids or something like that, however if he were to get someone pregnant he wouldn't leave them. He was a factor in how the baby was made and if the other person wishes to give birth to said kid then he'll help.
He's not a distant father per say, maybe strict but he doesn't mean to come out as harsh. He does everything a father should do and encourages his kid to study and all. He's not the most amazing father to have, honestly his kids probably prefer their other parent over him (Unless they left him and he became a single father)
All in all, while he may not be the best father he's not the worst and probably is just your average dad. 8/10
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I love Dan Heng so much if you didn't know (I say as if my tumblr theme isn't Dan Heng) and this isn't even a bias but I do think he'd be a good father.
He's so worried he won't be but he really is. He remembers everything his kid likes and dislikes and applies it when he's cooking or buying something in general. He won't force his kid to do anything they don't want and will help them study.
He'd be proud of his kids, even if their grades are bad. To him, as long as they tried that's all he cares about. He may struggle with showing his care towards them, however it's easy to see he's trying.
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If I had to choose out of all the male cast who I think would be the best dad? Probably Welt. I mean from what I know he already has the experience with kids and now he's taking care of 3 more (4 if you wanna count Pom Pom)...but also it's funny to call him Grandpa instead-
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demonslayedher · 1 year
Low-Key Married AU fluff
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Kochou said that I was disliked, so I asked her if she disliked me too. For someone so quick to have a smiling response to everything, she struggled to reply. She was the one who proposed marriage and swayed me, so I had thought that meant she had feelings for me. There would be no other way to read it. However, with as unbothered as she is by my absence, I have to wonder.
It’s been ten days since I had last contact with her. I went home to the Butterfly Mansion, but she had just departed for a mission, so I didn’t stay long so as not to trouble the girls. It may still be a few days before I can return again, but it’s always likely she’ll be busy. She’s incredible in that way, taking on all the care of our injured Corp members in addition to her Pillar missions. It must be in her personality to keep adding to what keeps her busy, like taking me in as though I looked like I needed the care. Although the times we’ve spent together have been nice, I don’t require it. My duties call for me to always be ready for battle, and I’ve always kept my heart steady.
So has she. We are Pillars first, and no amount of affection can sway us—whether an abundance or a lack.
I’m not bothered by lacking something I didn’t deserve in the first place.
Last night again, I was too late to prevent a family from being slaughtered. There were no survivors this time, aside from the eldest child who was still ravenous with a recent transformation. Having to chase him down and keep him from harming anyone else kept me off the trail of the progenitor of demons, who had to have been close by. For centuries, he’s evaded us this way over and over, sacrificing entire families to throw us off his trail. If I were to chide myself over every failure, I would have lost the ability to do anything ages ago. Each time, the anger is something I carry with me, to push myself harder the next time, and the next. Any extent more that I can push myself may be the difference to someone’s survival, no one can afford to lose their life over any of my own lost confidence.
Each time it's a crow I think I recognize, my stomach drops. My mind is already playing the words I dread to hear, as though trying to protect my mind once I someday hear them.
"Kochou Shinobu has died."
Even if I hear them, I'm a Pillar first. That was what we promised each other. I'll always do as I must.
The crow says nothing as it delivers a letter.
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YES, YES, I KNOW, THIS FANDOM HAS TURNED ME INTO SHIPPER TRASH. For this pairing, it was more specifically my own joke AU which later bit me in the back and made me start really, really enjoying GiyuShino (which, for the record, I do not consider canon). Was throwing ideas back and forth with @reicchel again the other day and so here we are with ship content!
Part of the reason I love the Low-Key Married AU (in which it's mostly canon as usual, except that Shinobu and Giyuu have been married for over a year or so, and it's not a secret but they make such little deal about it that many people don't even know they're married) is that it's a frame through which to see every interaction and either make it really, really funny, or very, very, sad. Everything was supposed to be funny, but it keeps hurting, hahaha... aaahhhh.
For instance, in a regular romcom situation, it should be funny that Kanzaburo doesn't deliver all of Giyuu's letters. Knowing these two, who might had started this whole "well, we'll be a couple when we have time" thing by actively writing regular letters, this could had simply given the impression that the other person wasn't writing as much, so they both naturally decreased frequency to match. It's a little lonely, but neither one is going to push the other for more attention.
No!! I refuse to let this post end with angst! Time for omake!!!
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williamlandon · 18 days
Hi! Do you think you could make a villain au where Ambrosius is a yandere for Ballister and will murder for him? Ps: Your art is amazing!
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Hiii! So sorry this took awhile to answer, I’ve been burnout lately and finals just ended, but I instantly fell in love with this idea.
Story wise, I came up with a couple ideas of what the story could be, but it’s totally up for interpretation. ——————————————————————————————————
I imagine that Ambrosius’s life constantly consisted of things he loved being taken away from him due to a strict family, strict rules, tight royal expectations, and just seemed like he had no freedom and zero say in anything he did. He just felt alone for years.
But one day he found young Ballister practicing out in the woods, monologging to himself. After spotting him, Ballister convinced Ambrosius to come and practice with him. Since that day, they had been practicing together in the woods to prepare for the day that Ballister would attempt to tryout to become a royal knight. Though he got away with it for years, Ambrosius was one day caught by the royal gardener who saw him speeding towards the woods. After being told, his parents were furious. He was scolded and punished greatly, except this time, he had enough.
Days before the knight tryouts, Ballister had noticed that Ambrosius wasn’t as bubbly as he usually was.
“They’re dead. Gone.”
In shock, all he could do was comfort Ambrosius and help him get through this massive loss.
Fast forward years later, Ambrosius has gotten some help with ruling the kingdom. Queen Valerin, who was the previous royal ambassador, took the thrown. Despite not being on top, Ambrosius was still thankful for the extra help. But not only was there a new queen, but a new ambassador. The Director.
Now with all of this stress gone from his shoulders, Ambrosius figured he could finally spend some time practicing with his recently asked out but secret bf, Ballister. With more time together, Ambrosius became very attached, especially since his childhood Bal was the only person who really gave their time and attention to him.
The Director noticed this strangely close connection with the two, and with already disliking them both, she disliked them more. But soon, she found out what was really going on between the two. With this increasing hatred for them, especially Ballister due to him being the only non royal blood knight, she came up with an idea to potentially turn them against each other, but little did she know that she was going to awaken a slumbering anger.
Her plan was to convince Ambrosius that Ballister was simply using him to gain status and learn about his weaknesses, until eventually taking his life along with the queen’s to become the new era of royalty. But unlike her wishes, even after framing Bal for the murder of the queen, Ambrosius wasn’t as gullible as she had hoped. With the help of the Squire, he had gained information about the rest of her plans. She had planned to kill Ballister to gain royalty herself.
Furious, Ambrosius heard an angry, yet familiar voice inside of his head.
From then on, anyone who had paid any form of a threat to Ballister, would never see the light of day again. The only one who was able to get away (for now) was the Director, due to the fear of her death being pinned upon Bal. ——————————————————————————————————
soooo yea I skipped sleep for this and I am very tired. But like I said tysm to whoever requested this bc I love this idea. This is definitely my headcannon for this AU, I’m excited to see other stories of this AU. Have a good day! ^^
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Part 1, Part 2
This is more of Ghost!Robin haunting Jason. This might not've won the poll (if you haven't voted, it's the post right after this one on my blog. But you'll have to come out in numbers to win against the Dead on Main shippers!), but it will feature in both this week's WIP Wednesday and next, so y'all better be happy.
1,100 words
“If he’s still in the area, you should invite him,” said Dick. “Alfred’s food is to die for.” Robin was hanging upside down next to Dick nodding solemnly.
Danny tried to stop himself, he really did. He even managed to keep from saying he’d been there done that, but he couldn’t keep from laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe.
From where he was bent over trying to catch his breath, he saw Dick do some sort of spin that ended with him sitting upright on the chair. “Um… Is he all right?”
“He’s fine,” Jazz insisted. “He just thinks he’s hilarious. He had an accident when he was younger with electricity and his heart stopped. But after a few months his condition stabilized and now he’s stronger than ever.”
Through his laughs, Danny gasped, “If— If I hadn’t died… Mom and Dad… And you never, Gotham.”
Jazz turned away from him and hid her face in Jason’s neck. Danny just got himself under control when he noticed her shoulders shaking slightly.
He lost it again, Jazz following just behind.
Someone was saying “I’m confused” but someone else joined in their laughter. Danny looked up and saw it was Jason. And Robin. He liked them both already.
“Sorry, sorry,” gasped Danny once he had enough breath to do so. “Amity Parkers have a morbid sense of humor.”
“Tt, I hardly believe your heart stopping then medical intervention saving your life can count as you actually dying.” Damian had a sneer on his face and Danny already didn’t like him.
But rather than engage, he just shrugged. “It was close enough that the ghosts back home like me more’n most.” He wiped his eyes to get rid of the tears.
“I like you, kid. Great sense of humor.” Jason reached around Jazz to ruffle his hair; Danny swatted the hand away.
“Ghosts?” asked Cass.
“Yes, of course,” said Jazz. “Amity Park, the most haunted town in America.”
“Ghosts aren’t real,” argued Damian.
“Do you really need to play up the tourist gimmick even around friends?” added Tim.
“Tourist gimmick? We hate outsiders.” Danny didn’t even bother responding to the comment about ghosts not existing.
“Why do you dislike outsiders so much?” asked Bruce.
With a shrug, Jazz answered, “It’s hard to explain, but outsiders just don’t fit in in Amity.”
Danny let himself look at Robin who was sitting on the back of the couch behind Jason. “Jason might be an exception, though. Have you taken him home yet?”
“No, but I’ve been wanting to. Just… Jack and Maddie.” Jazz did take their betrayal so much harder than Danny had.
“Fair. Tell you what, give me a list of weeks you two can arrange to get off and I’ll make sure Mom and Dad are out of Amity for at least one of them.”
Jason leaned around Jazz to ask, “Why are you so sure I’d fit in in Amity?”
Obviously he couldn’t say it was because Jason was haunted and liminal, so all he said was, “Oh, you’ve got the vibes. You’ll understand it when you get there. Just… Listen to Jazz? It isn’t really safe if you try and do your own thing.”
Around them, various conversations developed and Danny let Jazz take over describing the places in Amity she wanted to show Jason. Instead, he watched Robin interact with the wider group.
The ghost kept trying to get the attention of someone, anyone, in the Wayne family. But his efforts focused on Bruce and Dick. He was clearly haunting Jason, though, and it feels like they might be sharing ectoplasm somehow.
Danny really wanted to pull out his Ecto-tracker, based off the Fenton Finder but far more sensitive and accurate. Instead, he just moved his bag closer to him.
“We can store that somewhere so you don’t have to carry it around with you,” offered Tim who must’ve seen the motion.
“Oh, that’s okay. Mr. Alfred already offered. I feel more comfortable having my bag with me.”
“What are you carrying around?” he asked.
“Bit of everything, to be honest. Laptop, PDA, chargers, first aid kit, granola bars, medicines, change of clothes, things I need for my job.”
Jason asked over Jazz’s head, “What is your job? Jazz never shares specifics, just that it keeps you too busy to visit or call very often.”
Robin was now staring at him with a grin and making amused trills. It took all of Danny’s self control to not snark at him.
“I do contract work.” It was his default answer on Earth. It was even sort-of true. If he squinted and tilted his head. Robin did not look impressed by his answer.
“I… Don’t know what that means,” admitted Jason. “What field do you work in?”
Danny waved a hand in the air. “Ancients, easier to ask what I don’t do! I build or repair things. I’m good at finding people. I help others get where they need to go. I’ve done babysitting before. I’m called in to deescalate or otherwise resolve conflicts. Basically, if someone needs assistance with something, I do it. Or I know someone who can.”
“Why do you swear by these ‘Ancients?’” asked Damian.
“It’s another ghost thing. But you don’t believe in ghosts, so I don’t know what to tell you.”
“Jazz swears by them, too,” added Jason.
Tim elbowed Damian who stood and actually pulled a knife on his brother. Not only was this kid liminal, he definitely had some ghostly instincts. “Woah, that’s enough, Damian!” ordered Dick as he positioned himself between the two.
Damian allowed Dick to take the blade, though he continued to glare at Tim. “Then tell Drake to not touch me again.”
Tim rolled his eyes and said, “Whatever,” as he moved closer to Danny and Jazz. To Danny, he asked, “So, what sort of things do you build?”
Danny decided Damian’s ghost instincts weren’t worth commenting on at the moment and just answered the question. “Oh, I can build anything.” Pulling out his PDA, he unlocked it and handed it to Tim. “My partner Tucker and I designed these. All the capabilities of a smartphone without the need for a cellular plan. Plus durable enough to survive being run over by a tank. And it gets service anywhere.”
Tim wasted no time in navigating the device’s capabilities. “What is this UI? I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“Tucker designed it. He’s a genius with software. I’m the hardware guy.”
Tim asked more details on the specs of the PDA which Danny happily answered. The things he built with Tucker were always his favorite inventions.
Tag list!
Part 4
@addie-lover-of-stories, @justwannabecat, @gin2212, @amercurio, @regonold, @overtherose, @readerzj, @sjrose1216, @echoednonny, @deeterzz, @blu-lilac, @number-one-jew, @rowanaway-fromthisbs, @vythika96, @tired-yet-awaken, @themirrorghost
I think that's everyone! Let me know and I'll add you.
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juicyc0utur3 · 1 month
random hcs w/ near x fem reader!
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one of my absolute fav characters
warnings: smut, subbing, cockwarming, angst with comfort
nsfw under the cut
• i would say that you guys met before the kira case, maybe at wammy’s or just through family/friends
• only because i doubt he would’ve been out of the spk building much during the case, and he doesn’t seem like the type to get randomly attached to one of his workers
• keep in mind you work with him and not for him like halle, so you don’t fall under that umbrella
• you and halle are friends, she loves you
• since you stay and work with him, you guys have nights where you sleep over in her room and you guys just talk and have fun
• you and near are such an unexplainable friendship
• like halle and the other workers are so confused bc if he met anyone else that acted similar to you, he didn’t take nearly as much of a liking to him as he did to you
• but he enjoys having you around, even though he’s hard to read
• since you two had always been close, there was never really a time where you were shy around him, unless it was just a part of your personality
• you could easily just go sit by him while he was working and start a conversation with him and hours would speed by like seconds
• i headcannon him to be autistic to some degree, so eye contact is kinda hard for him
• social cues as well, which i think is why he pisses mello off like anytime he talks
• but you don’t see him as any less because of little things like that, which he’s silently grateful for
• asking him out was very fast
• the whole exchange was maybe like ten seconds tops
“hey near?”
“can i be your girlfriend?”
• he was happier than he let on though
• your relationship is more on the private(not a secret) side, and all in all it’s very healthy
• you guys don’t go out for dates much even before kira, but you hang out often so it makes up for it
• you play games together, like cards and dolls and hot wheels, he eats that shit up fr
• you bought him a dollhouse or a mini racetrack or something and that was the first time he kissed you
• as for kisses, they’re fleeting and he keeps you on your toes
• he’s never big on pda or js affection in general, less because he dislikes it and more because he’s just never experienced it before
• but you help him soften up a bit, and he slowly grows fonder of little things, like kissing your hands and cheeks
•he loves kissing your hands: wrists, knuckles, you name it and he’s right there
• like you’re cupping his face and he reaches a hand up to move one of yours closer and he kisses your palm :3
• sometimes he’s lonely when you’re outside the building, but he’s never insecure(cough mello cough)
• he trusts you completely and knows that you love him just the way he is
• sex
• oh good heavens where do i start
• sub almost every single time
• ik i said he’s not big on affection but for some reason sex has always been one of his handful of exceptions
• eats pussy like a god
• mans will have you absolutely hooked, obviously giving him space between rounds but never passing up an offer to have any type of sex w him
• first time you two did it he was antsy beyond belief
• anytime you made a sound whether it was good or bad even though they were always good, he’d have to resist the urge to pull away and make sure you were okay
• you never rushed him, but gradually he grew more comfortable with sex and was barely ever nervous anymore
• he has a low libido, but if yours is higher he’ll gladly accommodate for you via overstimulation or vibrators and other toys
• likes head, but is super sweet and will always put you first if you’re both needy that time
• really likes head
• i think he just likes seeing your face, and maybe just the fact that you’re the one giving him head
• he’s quiet, but really easy to hear during sex
• he whimpers fs, and maybe moans a bit further on
• probably into orgasm denial, for both of you but mostly on him
• he can talk really dirty when he feels like it, every word he says during sex seems to have a purpose whether it’s to get you closer or just to tease you
“talk all you want, you can’t deny the mess you’re making of yourself.”
“aren’t you cute, thinking i’m gonna let you get off that easy.”
• he’s smart with his words and studies your reactions so he knows more of what to say in the future
• also he has an rbf but it’s less bitchy but more nonchalant, he only ever really smiles or anything like that after you guys are done because he’s too focused on you to even think about it
• his face during sex is so hot
• he would be into cockwarming and size training, but honestly i think he’d prefer it as less of a sexual thing and just something intimate instead
• sitting on his lap with his cock between your legs, gently stretching you out as you play with his hair and chat with him about his day while he works
• during the kira case, he’d be restless, and sometimes you’d wake up early to find him hunched over and snoring in his chair
• besides basic hygiene(i.e. baths, brushing his teeth) i feel like he’d have some trouble taking care of himself so you’d help him
• when he isn’t busy you guys have mini slumber parties where you wear face masks which he hated at first but got used to and play with barbies and it’s just a nice time
• he likes just being in a room with you, you make rooms good*
• the night after mello came back to the spk to get his photo, he cried in your arms for the first time(might make a fic abt this)
• it was just everything on top of everything, and he wished they hadn’t grown up the way they did because he really did care about him
• you held him close and cradled him in your arms, reassuring him that it was okay to cry and okay to feel, you have no idea how much that meant to him
• he can’t imagine his life without you in it
• listens to mitski, mom jeans, and cocteau twins
• doesn’t listen to music much, but it helps him destress
• likes generic cookies like oreos
*you’re immediately my friend if you recognize the saying
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brown-sugar-89 · 2 months
Man, I honestly love this alternate Sugary Spire universe you created, Especially Creampuff's design, HE'S SO ADORABLE, I WANT TO HUG HIM AND HELP HIM CALM DOWN FROM HIS ANXIETY, Could we have more about him please? (I would even like to know if I could draw him sometime 😳)
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Thank youuuu! His design was a real struggle when I first tried coming up with it, yet Suzette turned out good enough almost immediately.. I just couldn't really decide what vibe he has to give off. You can maybe see his attire having more blue tint to it and more pale skin in my oldest art (ew)
I'd say if Peppino is 40% of anger, 40% of anxiety and maybe 20% of sillyness, then it's 20/40/40 for Creampuff with anxiety leading, he has hard time putting himself together but tries his best to.. He can lash out like Pizzelle sometimes does, but it rarely occurs as he dislikes any sort of violence really. Except when he's in fight, his mittens resemble boxing gloves.. It's rather cosmetic and toon-y, but I seen Pizzelle having this quirk and it actually fits Puff a lot too! (He's like a big elephant that'd be afraid of a tiny mouse..) Baking is one of the only things that can calm him down too ❤️
And his birthname isn't Creampuff nor Cannoli, he just changed it when he had to retire from all the war crap and stick to his new life.. neither do Pizzelle or Pizzano have their canonical explanation for their names, but I, again, thought it would be neat. I'm not telling you his real name though... Just insert here some generic Italian name.. I guess..
Turning back to comparison with Peppino, I see a lot that people really love to give him some sort of adopted child or maybe a delivery boy and I wholeheartedly think it would really suit Creampuff the best.. If I had to dive in, he's just a guy that was supposed to have his loved family at this age, but doesn't have one. He's really nice, caring, has got a big heart to share, and would make up a great father figure or a teacher :^) But he still has Gustavo helping him out so he's not as miserable as you might think now..
I hope it clears something up for you, tysm for asking me!!!! And drawing him is totally alright, I adore any fanart and would gladly devour yours ❤️❤️🥹please accept your portion of creampuff
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Referring to how Leona is an actually good leader, it's still very funny to think about how annoyed Vil must be when Epel idolized Leona while fighting for his life struggling under Vil's tutelage. Like "how could you prefer that good-for-nothing-except-his-face over ME?" kinda thing. (Yes I love all of them but I love to see them suffer more <3)
[Referencing this post!]
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Leona definitely projects very different images depending on the circumstances! His club and dorm members all look up to him because, to them, he come off as a role model. He's strong, cunning, and exudes confidence. To everyone else (people he doesn't actively lead, or people he stands on par with in terms of power and influence), he's seen as lazy and rude because Leona does not care for putting on airs and finds social grace tiring to deal with.
Nowhere is this dichotomy better exemplified than in Epel's Birthday Jacket vignettes. In them, Epel, a first year and a Magift Club member, describes Leona as someone who is good at looking out for others like him. This confuses his interviewer, Floyd, who responds that it "doesn't sound like" the Sea Lion-senpai he's familiar with. Epel then confesses to not really seeing Leona much outside of club, so he doesn't actually know about what Leona is like most of the time. This just goes to show that Leona naturally shines and is at his best when he's in a scenario where he has to lead others.
Now, regarding Vil and his feelings on Leona... 🤔 It's true that Vil dislikes Leona (and, more specifically, his attitude) and may be disapproving of Epel idolizing the guy, but I get the sense that those feelings stem in part from disappointment, not just blind hatred or not liking how Leona dresses/speaks. Vil's someone who has exceedingly high standards for himself and for the people he surrounds himself with. He despises it when people don't give a task their all, or don't live up to their full potential. That is exactly the case with Leona. Vil has a VERY keen and discerning eye; I suspect that he noticed a long time ago that Leona's not putting forth all of his effort and just doing the bare minimum to scrape by, and that's what further stokes Vil's frustrations with him. An example of this is the very superficial aspect of Leona's looks. Vil admits that Leona has a handsome face, but doesn't dress the part at all. The same goes for his other traits and abilities, and even his grades (which are low due to poor attendance even though Leona himself is insanely smart). That's the thing: Leona could be great, but instead he's wasting it all and choosing to not be "his best" at all times--an ideology which exists in blatant opposition to Vil. Here we have two powerful, intelligent, talented individuals who worked hard to get to where they are now (even though they were already born into affluent families). They didn't choose to just coast by life on their family's names alone. One of them literally makes a living off of showing the world how perfect he is, and all the effort he puts in to achieving that perfection. But the other has gone the other route, not willing to put forth that effort to anything that he doesn't find useful or interesting. They've both become disillusioned with the world, which has provided them nothing in spite of all the times they tried to prove themselves. They weren't rewarded with a heroic role, nor the coveted crown., but they've got the charisma that inspires others to follow them and to show them respect. They can recognize others' strengths and are in positions where they can guide others towards those strengths. They're so alike, and I think that only feeds their dislike of one another. To Leona, Vil's a try-hard that always changes his personality to look good for the public. To Vil, Leona's callous and carelessly tossing away his own potential. It makes them a worthy rival of the other.
DBKHILdsbiDIvqfosd1436g17b Okay, I kind of strayed a bit from the initial ask, but yeah!! Vil would probably be annoyed with Epel looking up to Leona because Leona isn't at 100% all of the time (whereas Vil tries to be). The two have very different ideas of how their energy is best spent, and with Vil being Epel's dorm leader and all, he feels like it's his responsibility to lead Epel the "Pomefiore" way, not Leona's way.
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