#not the noami thing
lemon-wedges · 9 months
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gingerjolover · 5 months
You're not Bob the Builder - naomi mcpherson (MUNA) x reader (soft!gf coded)
this comes as a lil side story from mornings :)
synopsis: nomi and joey build soft!gf a vanity and chaos ensues before an early muna!christmas dinner
g's notes: i want so celebrate muna christmas w nomi baby and my bff kelli siiiiiiigh
Warnings: RPF, christmas!, noami and jo being chaotic, no fundamental physical descriptors, reader is soft!gf coded so she/her pronouns/afab?
Your brow is sweating, weight rested on one foot as you stand at the stove, whisking gravy in a medium-sized pot.
"Where do you want this babe?" Kelli asks, standing in the doorway of the kitchen, holding a charcuterie board, an assortment of cheeses and meats, both vegan and not, decorated with fruits and dips paired with edible flowers, an impressive spread made by Kelli herself.
"The fridge I gues-" you start to say cut off by a yell coming from your bedroom.
"Put the hammer down!" "Naomi I swear to god..."
Kelli rolls her eyes, albeit lovingly as she opens the fridge.
"Do I even want to know?" you snort, returning to the stove. Kelli giggles, coming and sitting on the island a few feet away from you, feet swinging to kick your legs softly.
"They're putting together your vanity, I think," Kelli shrugs, popping a grape from a bowl on the counter into her mouth.
"I thought it was pre-built... the box was huge," you shrug gently.
"Nope, I think Jo was going to help set it up in the room and attach the mirror, but it came disassembled," Kelli winces.
"Should've asked Julien," you mumble, getting a belly chuckle out of Kelli, you both know Julien is far better with furniture and building things then either of your partners.
"Who knows, maybe they'll get it done faster because there's two of them?" she shrugs, popping another grape into her mouth and hopping down, getting ready to cut a baguette.
"Yeah, or I'll end up with no vanity and holes in my ceiling or walls," you grumble.
"Oh, don't be like that-" her words were cut off by two deep squeals and the sound of the electric drill, something flinging against the wall with a thump; Kelli's eyes widened.
Kelli moves quick but you move quicker, you shut off the stove and move the pot to an unused burner.
You both climb the stairs, moving to stand in the doorway, Naomi standing shirtless with their back facing you, and hands intertwined on the top of their head. Jo lays on the floor, staring at the ceiling, both letting out small huffs.
"What the hell was that?" you ask, looking down at the floor; you and Kelli's eyes are comically wide as you stare at the scattered vanity pieces all over your bedroom floor.
"Hi, babydoll," Naomi says casually, walking over to you, brushing your hair back, and placing small kisses on the crown of your hairline. Naomi's hair is tucked into a baseball cap, small curls peeking out the sides, sweat running down the middle of their torso, and the windows cracked open, letting a welcomed breeze into the room.
Jo groans from her place on the floor, tank top riding up slightly, visible sweat on their forehead.
"Why are you sweaty?" Kelli asks, eyebrows scrunched.
"Because Naomi ordered a fucking whack ass piece of furniture and-"
"I didn't, Jo! It's not my fault it didn't come with instructions--" Noami refutes, both of them starting to bicker again, Noami rubbing their hands over their face.
"Wait, it didn't come with instructions?" you ask, jaw dropped slightly as you stare at the half built base of the vanity.
"Maybe we should call JB," Kelli mumbles; Jo and Naomi whip their heads towards her.
"Bite your tongue!" "Take that back!"
Kelli puts her hands up, eyes widening as she fights a smile, "Okay, okay, sorry... didn't mean to touch a nerve..." she says, her tone filling with humor.
"We can do this, we- we can do this, Naomi, we don't need Julien... we can build this thing ourselves," Jo says, standing up and gesturing between themselves and Naomi. Jo's tone is almost as if she's trying to convince herself and Noami simultaneously.
"Yeah, fuck yeah... we can..." Naomi starts, turning to look back at you with a lopsided smile. "I can build... a vanity, baby, I can," Naomi says, trying to convince you.
"Right, yeah, I totally believe in you..." you say, tight smile as you look at the dent in your wall, eyes widening again.
Jo looks at you sheepishly, hands coming out in front of them, "I'll fix it," they say quickly as Naomi speaks over top of her, "It was an accident!"
All you can do is shake your head, rubbing the skin between your eyebrows and the bridge of your nose as you look at the bedside table across the room where the alarm clock sits. "People will be here in 6 hours..." you say, biting your lip nervously.
"Jo, we still need to go home and get ready..." Kelli warns softly.
"It's fine...we got this," Jo says cockily, eyes filled with terror as they look towards Naomi, both sharing a look.
"Okay, well... we'll leave you two to it," Kelli says suspiciously, pulling her phone out as you both back out of the room, returning downstairs.
"Please text JB," you murmur once you're out of earshot.
"Already did," Kelli huffs.
"Yo!" Julien says as she walks into the house, Lucy and Phoebe behind her, their partners carrying dishes or flowers into the house. Julien's girlfriend kisses your cheek softly, kissing Kelli and Katie's cheeks before heading into your kitchen; everyone starts chatting as more of your friends arrive.
"So where's the vanity?" Julien asks, adjusting the collar of her dress shirt.
"Upstairs... I don't really know what you're about to walk into... It wasn't finished or stable when Jo and Kelli left to get ready, and I haven't been upstairs since I got ready so..." you smile sheepishly.
Julien winks and pinches your cheek gently before bounding up the stairs.
"Babe? You told Julien?" Naomi yells down, offended. "Kelli, really?" Jo yells immediately after.
"Just let her check your work!" Kelli yells up, making the room laugh at the antics of your partners.
"I'm sure they did a great job," Julien's girlfriend says sweetly, arm around your waist as she leans her head onto your shoulder.
"Tell that to the hammer sized dent in my bedroom wall..." you huff, her hands adjusting the bow in your hair.
"The what?!"
fyi: they did build it correctly, julien just tightened some screws and helped them secure it to the wall, AND jo DID fix the dent in the wall hehe <3
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godzilla-reads · 5 months
2024 Year of the Wood Dragon Reading Challenge
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Since 2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon, I thought I'd put together a reading challenge based around one of my greatest loves-DRAGONS! Here are some prompts for each month, along with a couple suggestions for reading. Feel free to read whatever fits the category, though!
January- A Dragon Book With a POC MC
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin
Dragons in a Bag by Zetta Elliott
The Tea Dragon Society by Kay O'Neill
February- A Dragon Romantasy OR A Talking Dragon
The Dragon's Bride by Katee Robert
Consort of Fire by Kit Rocha
Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede
His Majesty's Dragon by Noami Novik
March- A Dragon Training Book
To Shape a Dragon's Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose
How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell
Silver Batal and the Water Dragon Races by K.D. Halbrook
April- A Middle-Grade Dragon Book
Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke
No Such Thing as Dragons by Philip Reeve
Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville
May- An LGBTQA+ Dragon Book
The Dragon Festival by Kay O'Neill
The Dragon of Ynys by Minerva Cerridwen
Shatter the Sky by Rebecca Kim Wells
June- A "Classic" Dragon Book
Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey
Dragon Keeper by Robin Hobb
Dragon's Blood by Jane Yolen
July- A Children's Dragon Book
My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett
The Reluctant Dragon by Kenneth Grahame
The Book of Dragons by Edith Nesbit
August- D&D Dragons or RPG Dragons
Red Dragon Codex by R.D. Henham
Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weiss
A Practical Guide to Dragons by Lisa Trumbauer
September- Searching for Dragons
A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan
Hatching Magic by Ann Downer
The Dragon Ark by Emma Roberts and Tomislav Tomic
October- Dragons as Villains
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
A Town Called Dragon by Judd Winick
Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett
November- Graphic Novels Featuring Dragons
Tidesong by Wendy Xu
Wings of Fire: The Dragonet Prophecy- The Graphic Novel by Tui T. Sutherland and Mike Holmes
The Last Dragon by Jane Yolen and Rebecca Guay
December- Ice Dragons
The Ice Dragon by George R.R. Martin
Ember and the Ice Dragons by Heather Fawcett
Ice Dragon by Edith Nesbit
Happy Reading!
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starlightshadowsworld · 6 months
A lot of shows and stuff try to convince me that insert group are a family.
When really they aren't.
And it's something Bungo stray dogs has managed to accomplish.
The Detective Agency feels like a family.
Everyone but Noami and Junichiro were against saving Atsushi until Fukuzawa ordered them too.
Saying Atsushi is one of them, he is family and that's all the reasoning they need to save him.
And I thought that's were this ends, they'll remain as coworkers.
But they don't.
Kunikida and Atsushi choose against going with everyone on the murder Mori express and it doesn't cause an argument.
Doesn't cause any divide between them.
Ranpo, the one arguably taking this whole thing the worst, is reaffirming Kunikida's ideals and that he's the best of them.
He extends an olive branch to Atsushi so he can contribute in a meaningful way and not feel like a burden.
Even against the entire Port Mafia, with the stakes this high, the Agency sticks together.
Kunikida and Dazai are constantly at each other's throats, and yet they care about each other so much.
To the point Kunikida doesn't know what he'll do without him. That without Dazai I can't even face the Port Mafia, nevermind this threat.
And the first thing Dazai says to Sigma upon his release is that he missed having Kunikida around.
Kyouka wasn't even an official member, the city was going to be destroyed and Dazai spent the time telling her that people can change.
So that she'd pass her entrance exam and could survive.
In the Manga after Fukuzawa agrees to take Kyouka in, the police Detective comes in for a job and wonders if Kyouka is the killer they're after.
Atsushi makes up a story and when that doesn't do it, Fukuzawa straight up says she's his grand-daughter.
All this seconds after she becomes one of them.
Junichiro in his first mission with Atsushi, gets injured and tries to get him to leave them behind.
To save himself.
Kenji enters his rage state after Tecchou tells him that Atsushi is going to be tortured.
Fukuzawa literally breaks his own vow to work alone, every single time he recruits someone.
They are a family.
And it's not just them.
Kouyou was genuinely worried about Kyouka leaving the Port Mafia because she knows how it ended when she tried to leave.
She doesn't want the same fate for her.
Higuichi and the black lizards essentially defy orders to go rescue Akutugawa.
Because they care that much for him.
The scene of Kouyou, Chuuya and Mori drinking one of Chuuya's expensive treasured wines after saving the city really hits that home for me.
And that's without touching on Chuuya and Dazai's relationship, both in and out of the Port Mafia.
There's a lot of jibes, a lot of insults and a lot of care and trust.
And with family being such a theme, it makes me wonder if the two organisations that fell apart, were in part because they weren't a family.
The Guild and the Hunting Dogs.
Both organisations where everyone was essentially coworkers.
Lucy was dropped the minute she wasn't seen as useful anymore, becoming a traitor when she bonded with Atsushi.
Poe didn't care for the Guild, he just wanted to meet Ranpo.
Fitzgerald had a family he wanted to save (funny how he's the strongest member) and saw anyone else as pawns.
Nathaniel... Is fucking crazy but went off the deep end because he truly cared for Margaret and couldn't exist in an organisation he believes used her.
Leaving behind Fitzgerald and Louisa, who's bond becomes a lot more than simply a boss and his subordinate.
They genuinely care for each other and it's their teamwork that allows Fitzgerald to possess the eyes of God surveillance company.
As for the Hunting Dogs, Fukuchi wanted a team of soilders and realised too late they were more than that.
Tecchou throws aside justice to find Jouno.
Jouno found what it felt to care and help others and that fundamentally changed him.
Tachihara cares for them but he found his family and his place in Port Mafia.
He was able to go of his revenge for his brother, because he had already gained what he lost. He didn't need to keep hurting and hunting anymore.
One by one they all turn on Fukuchi, a man who believes in sacrificing 500 people to potentially save thousands.
He sees them as simply pawns, a means to an end and they turn their backs on him.
Breaking the hunting dogs and his rouse apart.
The irony being Fitzgerald was doing all of this for his wife and Fukuchi was doing it all for Fukuzawa.
... Idk if any of this makes sense but yeah 😅
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If Yamato had a baby sister
featuring: Hyuga & Rocky
Yamato has never really had to truly look after his friends. Granted, some of them wouldn't be alive if they hadn't been able to rely on each other but to completely be in charge of someone? Only his sister.
The Sannoh guys aren't surprised whenever he walks in Itokan, 6'ft Yamato with a 4 year old trailing behind him peddling a black plastic tricycle.
She would look at them and shoot them a peace sign. Then, wheel away to go find one of the coloring books Naomi keeps for her.
Yamato treats her like a baby and an adult at the same time.
He's rambling about an issue and she nods and writes something down.
Yamato sighs, rubbing his jaw, "So what should I do now?"
She rubs her chin as she looks at the paper she has in front of her. She grabs it and raises it up for him to see. It's a drawing of a cow.
Yamato would learn how to braid hair and the first time he tried... His mother came home to find her precious daughter with a bird nest on her head.
His sister would have the same big appetite as him. If he's not keeping an eye on his sandwhich, he'll turn around and find half of it gone.
Whenever his mother would get home late she'd make him read to her at night.
His mother would sing to her too, but last time Yamato tried that she stuffed her head underneath her pillow until he stopped.
His baby sister sick, or had a nightmare?
"Yamato...?" He didn't wake up to the sound of her voice but the bright light of the living room coming from the door.
He'd called out her name, groggy but soon aware she was standing at his bed. "Pipsqueak, what's wrong?"
"Bad dream," She frowned and wiped her face. When Yamato was fully awake he reached over to feel her forehead. Sweaty and really warm.
"Hey, hey," He hushed her when she started to cry, "No, you're okay. How 'bout we have a sleepover, 'kay?"
He would instantly get up and lift her up the bed. He would get her medicine and something cold for her head. She would try kick out of the blanket, but Yamato tucked her in too tight for her to escape.
"Yamato?" His little sister drowsily called.
"Beat up bad dreams, please?"
He raised up a fist, making sure she saw before she goes to sleep, "I'll be ready, don't worry."
Since she was newborn she's been in the garage half her life and Yamato's really careful and stern about what she can't touch. She's good at not touching anything sharp and heavy, but sometimes she gets restless being in the garage all day.
So Yamato sometimes lets her sit by him, passing him tools light enough for her to give. She feels especially proud when he puts out his hands and says, "Okay, clean up time."
She cleans the oil and grime off of his hands with the rag on her lap. She would wave around the rag when she's done, "Tada!"
He's so proud of his little sister that he makes sure to tell her good job, even if she did the same thing twice that day.
Ichigo Milk are surprisingly some of Yamato's go-to babysitters. Usually when he has to go fight or go somewhere with Cobra. At first she's a little shy with them but she warms up to them quickly.
They spoil her a lot with cookies and stuff animals. One time she came home with yamato, asleep with an ichigo milk jacket wrapped around her. (It was Junko's)
"Stop calling Mommy grandma!"
Naomi serves her first before Yamato, which he sulks at every time, and every time Noami says it's because his sister is her favorite Asahina.
Whenever his sister wants pancakes, Noami makes them shaped like animals, and her 4 year old little mind is blown away.
She would like to play with Cobra's earrings.
Other than Yamato, Cobra's the only other person she likes to ask to tie her shoes.
His sister would be too young to remember who Noboru was, so when Noboru joins Sannoh Rengokai again she sees him as stranger.
But when he crouches down to reintroduce himself, she'd say, "My big brother has you in his wallet."
"Wow, that's cool," Noboru choked out while trying not to get teary-eyed.
Yamato would get her a little Sannoh Rengokai bandanna! But because of their enemies, he wouldn't let her wear it if he wasn't around to avoid any trouble.
The one and only time Dan had babysat Yamato's little sister she got LOST. Yamato should have known to leave her with Ichigo Milk, she gets lost easily and the girls are good at keeping her close.
While Dan was searching for her, making Chiharu and Tettsu help, she got distracted by a really tiny kitty. She wanted to catch it so bad that she never noticed how far away home she had gotten.
She noticed there were a lot of shiny things and red banners and paint everywhere. When she finally caught the kitten, she was in a strange building with people in red jackets everywhere. Her stomach hurt when she realized she didn't know where she was.
She didn't cry though, she had to look tough. But everytime she tugged on an adult's jacket, they'd just walk away or ignored her.
When someone finally looked down at her, he squinted, "and who the hell are you?"
She'd be too scared to talk so she just looked at her shoes. With a tug, someone beside the person grabbed her and said "Who the fuck let a kid in? I'll handle this, Hyuga."
"No," She yelled, kicking him away, "Fuck you!"
If Yamato ever found out about that, she'd be done for.
That made Hyuga laugh and crouch down to her, "Where's your parents, kid?"
It would take a little time but she would let him lift her to see if she spot her family. She shaked her head to his dismay.
While Yamato found out she was missing and losing his shit Hyuga tried to get answers from her. To be honest, he had kinda hoped she was from some rich family so that he could get compensation, but from her answers it didn't seem likely. His guys couldn't find anyone who had lost a child either.
An employee from the casino gave her a couple of napkins and a pen to keep her busy. She drew Hyuga a cat with a mustache and chain. She said it was him. Huh.
But the next thing she drew caught his eye. Even for a drawing from a 4 year old it was familiar.
"What's that, kid?"
"Sannoh!" She pointed, "This is my big brother, Yamato."
When Yamato got the call, he thought this day couldn't worse. Everyone from Sannoh Rengokai were riding over to Daruma. Just when things were calming down but Yamato was more than willing to start another war.
At the entrance, both Cobra and Yamato strolled in front. Hyuga emerged with his little sister in Hyuga's arms. Yamato was about to lunge but Cobra held his shoulder.
Hyuga pointed and said something to her which she happily nodded. He let her down and she waved goodbye. When she ran into Yamato's frozen body he suddenly could breathe again.
"Yamato! Yamato! Look!" She held up a daruma doll.
He lost a couple years of life that day. He also gets headaches everytime she asks to see Hyuga.
The next time she wander off, it was completely his fault. Sword agreed to meet for an emergency and he had no one to take care of her. He got Dan to watch over her from the very back of the warehouse. No one would notice and he would be in the same place.
But after the meeting was over, his little sister saw the red jackets from afar and got excited so she ran off and she saw something furry and soft on someone on her way.
She thought she could sneakily touch the fur coat of the person in all white but Rocky had turned around as soon as she grabbed the soft fur.
"Whoa," She gasped at the sight of his grill, "You're shiny!"
"Are you supposed to be here?" He asked laced with concern. She nodded and told him her big brother was here. Rocky told Koo to get the word around before the Sword groups could start leaving.
Rocky wasn't suprised when it was someone from Sannoh who had lost her. She held his hand as they walked over and babbled about Yamato. He found it really endearing.
"Yamatooo!" She ran over to him with a big hug.
"You really need to stop doing that," He knelt down and grabbed his own heart. "You're killing me."
She pointed at Rocky, "I want a fuzzy sweater like that, please."
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garbbitch · 17 days
casual pt2
Katie ran over to you to get a better look at you. “Are you sure?” She asked gently. You nodded and kept your eye on Julien who was talking to Lucy about how you were feeling. 
“Yeah, she just sorta fainted and I caught her…” you heard as Katie made sure to check you were fine, holding numbers up in front of your face and everything (idk i feel like she’s that kind of person). 
You sat and wondered what Julien was going to say before everyone barged in. “you’re really pr–” you thought to yourself. It was maddening trying to figure out what she was going to say. Maybe if you hadn’t fainted you would’ve been able to figure it out.
One of the doctors came over to speak to you but said that there can’t be that many people with you in the room. One of them could stay. You hadn’t really thought about it but there were seven people plus you. 
“I’ll stay” Katie and Julien said in unison, the doctor rolled their eyes. They both looked at you. 
“I– uh– can’t they both just stay?” You asked the doctor. You didn’t wanna be mean to Katie and pick Julien, she had been your friend for years… but… you really wanted to know what Julien was going to say to you. 
The doctor simply shook their head and you looked at Katie, “I’ll wait outside for you, babes” she said as if she could read your mind. 
The doctor explained that you had a concussion and shouldn’t be alone for the night. You nodded and he left. Everyone else came back in. 
“Katie– you think I could stay with you tonight? Doc said I can’t be alone tonight.” You said to her as she walked over to you. You noticed Julien's face fell when you said it. 
“Sure, babes,” Katie said gently. 
A couple weeks later it was Lucy’s birthday (May 2nd) and she invited you to her birthday party. You were surprised, especially because the only thing she knew about you was that you passed out when dehydrated. But you were excited, excited to see julien. 
“Do you think she’s gonna be there?” You asked Jo as you got ready with Kelli in their huge bathroom.
“Hm? Who?”  Jo asked, half listening as she and Naomi talked about music producing stuff that honestly made your brain shut off. 
Kelli laughed, “she has a little crush on Julien” she said in a teasing tone. You rolled your eyes.
“I don’t– I’m just wondering who’s gonna be there.” you sputtered. This caught Jo’s attention. 
“Dude– you just spent the last hour talking to Kelli about her. Naomi laughed 
“Jo’s right, it’s very obvious that you like her, you’ve been talking about her since coachella. That’s when Kelli told them to get out. 
“This is a girls only zone!” She declared, “Go!” she said with feigned annoyance. 
“Katie!” she called for, she was in another room playing with bleu. Katie came running and you giggled. Kelli closed the door so Jo and Naomi couldn’t get in. 
“That’s just mean” Noami called out before giving up and walking away. 
In the bathroom Katie and Kelli were quick to get you to spill everything. 
“I dunno– there’s a vibe…” you said.
“A vibe?” Katie questioned. You nodded. 
“You wanna tell us more about this vibe?” Kelli asked you. 
“I feel like she was watching me dance during the ethel cain set and then she caught me when i fainted and then uh like when it was just me and her in the medic net she started to say something and it sorta threw me off cause when y’all came in it cut her off, but she said: you’re really pr– and then stopped when y'all came in.” You rambled quickly, blushing as you spoke. Katie and Kelli giggled. 
“It’s not funny” you defended. 
“She likes you, dude” Jo called out from the other side of the door. 
“GIRLS ONLY!” you, Katie and Kelli yelled from the bathroom in unison. 
“But they are right,” Katie said to you. You huffed. 
“Just talk to her tonight, she’s definitely going to be there.” Kelli said gently. You finished doing your makeup and all three of you walked out of the bathroom ready to go. 
At the party Naomi pretty much steered you towards her and left you alone to talk to her. 
“Oh! Hey!” Julien said to you when she saw you. “Your head feeling better?” She asked with a smirk. 
“Oh uh– yeah!” You said nervously, someone was speeding past the two of you. They bumped into you, effectively almost knocking you over in your high heels (YN feels really femme to me, or im projecting. Live with it). 
“Maybe we should get to seeing each other in places where less…” she says this next part louder for the person who bumped into you could hear, “ASSHOLES walk around drunk and bump into pretty girls.” you noticed her hand on your waist as she gently helped you find your balance. You giggled softly. 
“Thank you for saving me,” you said dramatically. She laughed too. 
“So uh– what’ve you bee–” you started before she cut you off.
“Can I be blunt?” she asked. You tilted your head slightly in confusion. 
“Um… yeah.” you said gently. She took your hand and led you to a quieter area of the house. 
“When we were in the medic tent that day, there was something I wanted to say to you and I only want to say it even more tonight…” she started. “You’re, like, super pretty and I dunno if you’re seeing anyone or something, you seem pretty close with Katie and I don't wanna make assumptions–”  she rambled until you cut her off. 
“Can I be blunt?” You asked quietly, you surprised yourself. She nodded. 
“Can I kiss you?” You asked even quieter, you were suddenly aware of how close you were standing to her. 
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theangrycomet-art · 10 months
Ok so Gregory is Stunner, and Cassie can walk though walls What can the other two kids do?
That’s, uh… that’s actually a really good question. 🤔
I kinda imagined all of the kids would end up with camera’s at least, with Gregory being the only one with a Fazer Blaster given his in-verse skill with the thing.
Okay- let’s figure out the main four’s skill set that makes sense AND would be fun to play…
Gregory*: Items: Fazzer Blaster- Longer stun time on bots, but harder to aim FazWatch: Communications/ Cameras Skill: Technician: can repair/upgrade animatronics if he has the parts
Cassie**: Items: FazWrench- Allows for Bot reset, but requires access to ports (requiring some degree of damage) Roxy Walkie Talky- Communications Mask(?)- Allows for “Glitching” through reality, but leaves her vulnerable to GlitchTrap Skill: Lock Picking: is not restricted by security levels BUT has to pick the door by hand each time
Noami***: Items: Monty’s Reinforced Putter- Allows for dismantling Security/Staff bots and Security Guard’s kneecaps as well as extends reach, but isn’t very effective against the main Animatronics. Monty’s Phone: Communications/Camera access Skill: Sneak Strike: can dismantle Staff Bots without setting off an alarm if she strikes them from behind. This permanently turns off said staff bot for the rest of the game.
Brandon****: Security Guard’s Taser- Allows him to give anyone a “Controlled Shock” and temporarily resetting animatronics, but is difficult to aim and drains quickly. Security Tablet: Cameras/ Doors- Allows him to lock or unlock doors so long as said entry points have power, but is limited to his security level ChicBit: Communication/ Health monitor Skill: Traps: can set up “traps” (basically set things up to collapse and temporarily trap animatronics) or blockades Speed: Fastest of the kids
*Basically just canon so nothing especially interesting there **Again, pulling from ingame elements, so not too hard to figure out Still going back and forth on whether Cassie should have the Mask if she is playing within the original Security Breach timeline, but I think the threat of Glitchtrap would balance out her over using it. ***I feel like the player has the right to be able to obliterate the Staff Bot’s for the amount of trouble they cause, especially if they increase in threat level as I plan them too. ****Bradon’s level would have the most “traditional” FNAF feel. He can’t hide inside Chica, he doesn’t have the Vanni Mask so he can’t go through walls. So instead his best methods of escape are distraction and evasion.
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usikuagani · 9 days
@mermmarie replied to your post “@mermmarie its called bad ass foxy grandpa!”:
Now I'm just imagining Bonnie and Naomi said those things while in the middle of the apocalypse while their boys are frantically trying to keep them safe.
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In an alternate version where Noami was part of the resistance
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
what about noami and mom meeting and noami just being a total bitch and just boasting about the fact that her and nico are thinking about having kids. and basically just saying she’d be a better mom than iris’s mom
She makes jabs at mom so Nico doesn’t notice
Things like how she wouldn’t suffer from PPD or something to which mom is like “You don’t chose lol?”
and how her kids won’t grow up in a broken home. Iris’ mom grabs Iris and holds her — somewhat protecting her and just wanting to hold her baby.
Bradley is there too and is just scowling the whole time like who is this bitch and why is she speaking to my girlfriend like that?
He eventually just says “Well iris is the best kid so y/n is doing something right eh?”
You’re thankful for him and Iris is smiling at him “You think I’m best?”
“Yeah but don’t tell anyone else they might think I like you” he jokes, poking her sides to pull a giggle from her.
Nico gets hella jealous of that interaction
Mom ends up making an excuse to leave eventually and is just sad all the way home, Naomi’s comments definitely weigh on her mind for weeks.
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raya-hunter01 · 6 months
about me ✨
thank you for the tag @whatdoeseverybodywant💗
last song you played: "In Love with Another Man" Jasmine Sullivan brainstorming new One shot ideas
favorite color:Purple and blue!
last movie/tv show you watched: Cheaters...Total guilty pleasure. Don't judge,lol 😭
sweet/spicy/savory: Savory but occasionally like spicy foods.
relationship status: single and happy (but totally trying the 12 grapes under the table on New Years)
last thing i googled: "When did Noami sighn to TNA" For story purposes.
current obsession: Wrestling and writing. I hate work is taking over right now but I truly just love writing 💕
Taglist: @reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl @mya2real
#about me
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ariadnassecretdiary · 10 months
Under this damn contract
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Summary: Ariadna was just your average college student that suddenly found herself in a tight situation: she woke up inside her favorite novel! Well, isn’t that nice~? WRONG! She reincarnated as a support character whose fate is to end up dead, victim of the novel’s villain Kino, who’s thirst for blood and power makes him extremely dangerous! Right now, she’s one year ahead from the tragedy so Ariadna’s only choice is to find a way to survive. Ari must do anything in her power in order to avoid the destiny that was given to her. The question now is: will she make it?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, […]
Chapter 8: Playing with fire.
Mun Ari: One piece of advice: Do.not.write.anything.without.prior.planification!! I made these mistakes so YOU don’t make them! I wonder if it is only me though… meh! Anyway! I want to thank you for your patience while waiting for my brain to come up with a good idea on how to proceed with the story. I hope it won’t disappoint ^^.
Anyway, enjoy!
Ari finished making her order to the kind waitress and soon she left to prepare it. Ari sat by her favorite spot at the cafe in Sutzig city, waiting patiently for her guest to arrive. 
“Ari!” She heard someone calling her. Ari raised her eyes and soon Naomi made her way through the restaurant until she sat across from Ari’s chair. 
“I’m so happy you made it Naomi!” Ari said cheerfully “It’s been a while since we could hang out together!”
“I agree, it’s such a shame…” Naomi sighed.
Ari felt guilty, after all she couldn’t keep in touch as much as she could due to her new “social life”. Yet, she hoped Naomi wouldn’t know about that. 
“I would like to offer you an apology regarding this” Naomi interrupted Ari’s thoughts.
“You? Why?” Ari questioned her.  
Naomi left a tired sigh. 
“The truth is I’ve been very busy within my responsibilities to be able to send you letters” Naomi replied. 
“Is that so… then it couldn’t be helped. Please don’t worry about it” Ari tried to comfort her. 
“Still, I would like to apologize. Please accept them” Naomi insisted.
“Very well~”.
There was a tiny pause between them. 
“You won’t ask about the things that have kept me busy?” Naomi inquired.
“I mean… I suppose that they are confidential topics that I shouldn’t know” Ari replied, confused.
“You’re right but, aren’t you curious?” 
“I-I would be lying if I said I wasn’t” Ari admitted “But I think it is not correct for me to ask”.
Naomi smiled.
“You’re so honest and correct~” Noami praised Ari “Yet, it could help me to sort out my thoughts by talking it out with you”.
“Why me?”
“You’re my friend and I trust you”.
Ari felt touched by Naomi’s words and simply smiled. 
Naomi left a tired sigh and soon started talking.
“Remember what I told you about the Eagle clan job regarding the barrier? Also regarding the towers that surround our kingdom so that the barrier reaches every place in our empire?”
"Yes, I remember," Ari said. 
“However, the situation hasn’t been ideal. Just recently, the fluctuations have been more recurrent and are becoming a serious matter for us”.
(Wait! If the barrier comes from KarlHeinz, then…!) Ari’s eyes opened in realization. (Doesn’t this mean that these fluctuations means that his health is deteriorating!?). 
“We have no way to know what exactly is causing this, but I hope it gets fixed soon. In the meantime, we have already asked for reinforcements” Naomi concluded.
(Then no one must be aware of this fact!!) Ari got worried.
Naomi noticed that Ari’s expression on her face. Naomi smiled, as she spoke.
“Don’t worry Ari. I assure you that with some more magicians the barrier will be restored in no time. We are fully prepared to whatever emergency that may arise in the future, so worry not~”
Ari smiled, but deep down she knew better that that wouldn’t be true. 
(Now that I think about it, in the novel no one spoke about these incidents) Ari thought (These were subtable signs from KarlHeinz’s health slowly declining and no one seemed to notice or link these fluctuations with him. The barriers will cease to exist when KarlHeinz dies in Autumn… as well as Iberitia and everyone living there… even myself). 
But she knew better than she had no way to tell Naomi that as she had no proof and probably thought of her as some lunatic.
“I hope so too Naomi” Ari finally stated.
“Let’s change to a more pleasant subject, shall we~?” Naomi said cheerfully “How have you been? Is there anything you’d like to tell me?”
“Not really. I’m doing well” Ari said as she took a sip of her tea.
“Really~? Is there really anything you’d like to tell me~?” Naomi said while taking her tea as well “Then I must have heard wrong since I heard you were having quite a social life~”
Ari shrugged.
“Oh, that? They’re exaggerating~” she lied “Just a couple of parties or reunions here and there~” Ari then took another sip.
“Really~? Then, how is it that I heard you have been accompanying certain young man to these ‘occasional’ gatherings~?”
Ari almost choked on her tea. She coughed and cleaned her mouth as she tried to recover. 
“Y-You knew!?” Ari asked. “I thought you d-didn’t care about listening to rumors”.
“I usually don’t care about them as I believe they are a waste of time” Naomi agreed. “However… when my friend’s name was mentioned I couldn’t ignore them”.
Ari tensed.
“I had really hoped you hadn’t listened to them… at least this time” Ari admitted.
“Rumors fly and it was a matter of time before I knew” Naomi shrugged.
Ari gulped discreetly, she had to come up with an excuse for Naomi to lose interest and let it be.
“The duke Kino from Rottisen, huh?” Naomi said and after a brief pause she spoke again “I don’t like him”.
Ari opened her eyes in awe. Naomi had never openly expressed a dislike towards someone. She could guess so by the way she interacted with them, but everything kept being respectful. 
“H-How so? Do you know him by any chance?” Ari asked.
(If Naomi knew something, maybe I can use that to my advantage!).
“That’s my point: I have never heard of him before” Naomi replied “And that makes me doubt him. Ari, due to my position, I know every single member of the nobility. They are part of my responsibilities as I have to interact with them at some point, therefore I have to know about them to maintain diplomatic relationships. Not just nobles here in the Makai, but I also know the most important members of the foreign nobility. Yet, I’ve never heard of the existence of the duke of Rottissen”. 
Ari didn’t know what to say. If she dared to say something wrong, Naomi could know about Kino’s secret identity and complicate things more. She had to cover up for Kino.
“Is he your lover by any chance?” Naomi interrupted Ari’s thoughts.
“I-I! W-Well! I-I mean! We are still getting to know each other!” Ari said blushing.
(I wish I could explain to her the type of situation I’m stuck in…) Ari thought ashamed.
(For what I learnt, here in the world of the novel something as ‘boyfriend’ doesn’t exist. Apparently, the closest to it would be ‘lover’, but having that title means a step closer to becoming a fiance!).
Naomi looked at Ari and left her tea cup on the table. 
“I don’t like it…” she repeated.
“Y-You don’t have to worry about it Naomi!”
Naomi sighed.
“I would have preferred you to go out with someone I knew. That way I could have given you useful advice in order for you to make a good decision. For example, if you had chosen Sir Tersul… Sure, he looks like a gentleman, but he’s addicted to gambling. Or maybe if you had chosen his highness the fifth prince, I would have warned you about his famous whereabouts with various ladies. Something as fidelity isn’t in his vocabulary…”
Ari giggled, yet Naomi went serious.
“Yet his grace… I know nothing. It makes me feel uneasy”.
Ari felt moved, having such a great friend like Naomi moved her heart deeply. Naomi was never mentioned in the novel, so Ari suspected she wasn’t someone of importance and most likely ended up as Kino’s victim at some point in the novel. Although she greatly appreciated her, she had to keep her as far as she could from all this issue… to keep her safe.
“Don’t worry Naomi… I mean it when I tell you I’m fine” Ari smiled at her.
Naomi sighed once again.
“I trust your intuition, so I’ll respect your decision and won’t push it further. Still, I would like to advise you to be careful with his grace. Since no one seems to know about him, I can only offer you this much advice”.
Ari nodded and so they changed the topic. 
Some time later, they finally said their goodbyes and parted in different directions. 
As Naomi had just entered her carriage, it started moving. Naomi was deep in thought regarding the conversation she had today with Ariadna. 
(Duke Kino from Rottisen, huh? Sounds fishy…) Naomi thought seriously (Besides… Why does that land’s name sound familiar? I’ll have to look into this further…)
Soon she heard a light knock by her window. She opened it and one of her soldiers looked at her with urgency.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but your presence is urgently required back to the Eagle territory” the soldier said “The barrier is going through a new fluctuation right now”.
Naomi opened her eyes, surprised. 
“What? But it stabilized just hours ago!” Naomi exclaimed.
“The messenger just came to inform us ma’am” the soldier replied.
“Very well. Then let us hurry back, we’ll use a magic portal to arrive as soon as possible. Hurry everyone!” Naomi ordered and all her soldiers went back to work.
Naomi sighed.
(This can’t be normal. If this continues there’s no way we can keep it a secret much longer. And we haven’t received any reply yet from the imperial palace. Just what is going on?) Naomi thought as her carriage hurried. (I need to take care of this before anything else. I’ll need to put Ari's situation on hold. I hope I’m wrong about it and not to worry Ari unnecessary).
Naomi’s carriage took the magic portal and soon vanished, taking their preoccupations with them. 
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As Ari was getting ready for the party she was heading out to, she kept thinking about her conversation with Naomi the previous day. 
(There’s no doubt that these fluctuations are signs that KarlHeinz’s weakening by the day. At this point, the story will follow its original curse) Ari thought as Mia was styling her hair by her mirror (We are just 2 months away from the Star’s festival and therefore the prediction of the oracle…).
“All done my lady! You look stunning!” Mia exclaimed.
“Thank you Mia,” Ari said as she rose. 
She headed to the carriage waiting for her by the entrance of her home. Once inside, it made its way to her already designated encounter point with Kino. When she arrived and both made their way to the party, silence always prevailed. It was clear that they took the ‘business only’ by heart. Ari sighed at the uncomfortable atmosphere between them. She had tried to start a conversation with him several times before, but they had died soon after they had started. It was clear that Kino refused to speak beyond the necessary… not to mention he wouldn’t speak about his plans at all with her. 
(He’s unapproachable. He’s also very cautions around me and he doesn’t trust me at all) Ari thought gazing at him from across her seat, while he was looking out the window (If I could only know what he’s looking for at the moment and I managed to get it for him…. then I could have some chance to get him to trust me).
The carriage stopped and both descended.
(I need to find out what: it can be information or maybe an object or maybe getting closer to a specific noble… if I manage to get it for him first! He might think of me as useful!).
They entered as they were announced. Soon Ari felt the guest’s stares and somehow she had gotten used to them at some point. They walked together and slowly they were greeted by various guests.
(I guess I have to start by sticking with him at all times to find it out) Ari thought.
Yet, at some point, as she was greeting some ladies that greeted her, she lost sight of Kino. Ari made her best effort to be by his side, yet he sneaked somehow every time. At some point, Ari ended up by herself by the dance floor.
(I can’t believe it! Is he doing it on purpose!? Why can't I remain by his side!?) Ari thought frustrated, looking everywhere for Kino. (He’s a sneaky jerk! Like a hummingbird flying at high speed from flower to flower! I can’t keep up with him!).
Ari’s eyes couldn’t find him anywhere. In late parties, he would leave her by herself and disappear not to be found by her until the end of the party or after some hours if she was lucky. 
(If this keeps happening! I won’t make any progress at this rate!) Ari groaned, still looking around. Suddenly, she felt someone touch her shoulder making her go back to her senses. 
“Lady Ariadna! It’s been a while!” a group of young ladies she had met at Lady Mindel’s party, Lady Shabel being one of them.
“Oh my~! You’re right! How have you all been?” Ari asked them.
(Oh dear, what a bad timing…) Ari thought as she smiled at them.
“It’s a pleasure to have encountered my lady!” lady Shabel exclaimed.
“The pleasure is all mine,” Ari said, and started talking about meaningless things. 
Although Ari was secretly looking around for Kino and as soon as she would spot him she’ll excuse herself to go directly to him. 
At a certain point, the music changed and all the ladies started leaving in search of a partner to dance or being asked to dance by a brave gentleman. In the end, lady Shabel, a lady called Linda and Ari remained with no one asking them to join them for a dance.  
“Where is his grace, my lady?” Lady Linda asked curiously “I thought he would come to take you for a dance by now”.
“A-Ah! His Grace had some business to attend with other guests at the party and had to retire for a while” Ari invented an excuse.
“Oh! If it was for work, it can’t be helped~” Lady Shabel replied understandingly. 
“I agree. Sometimes my father would take the opportunity to make business at gatherings such as this one” Lady Linda agreed.
Ari thanked they believed her lie, while she kept looking around for him. Yet when she laid her eyes on the dance floor, she forgot her search for Kino as she focused on the dancing couples. They swung around in sync with the music, somehow they were so coordinated that Ari thought of those movies back on her world replicating a ball like the one she was seeing herself. They all danced like they were professional dancers with a lot of practice for the big event. Ari always felt her heart beating fast with emotion at those scenes, but seeing it with her own eyes felt surreal. Since she was little, things like balls, dresses, princesses and anything related made her wish she was there. Even in the tight situation she found herself in, she wished she could join them… everytime. 
(Even if I was asked to dance I don’t know how to do it. Maybe the original Ariadna knew as she was a noble since birth, but not me. I can’t risk making a fool of myself) Ari thought, yet her eyes never left the dance floor. (Besides, if I happen to dance with someone else, I can make Kino angry with me).
The dance piece came to an end and a round of applause followed. Ari resumed looking for Kino, but got distracted by a sudden commotion on her surroundings.
“Oh my! Could it be…?” someone said.
“I don’t believe it!” someone else said.
“What is she doing here?” Lady Linda asked incredulously.
“I never thought someone like her would attend an event like this,” Lady Shabel added.
Ari followed their direction and by the entrance she saw that a new guest arrived at the party.
A beautiful lady was slowly descending the long stair by the entrance. Her long straight hair looked like strands of gold fluttering behind her. She was wearing a deep wine dress, richly decorated with details in black. When she arrived at the bottom of the stairs, she made a little bow with her head to viscount and viscountess Weiter, the hosts of the party, that were there. They reciprocated as they thanked her for joining them. She nodded and focused once again to the rest of the party and slowly made her way through them. They moved aside as she walked, somehow intimidated by her mere presence. 
“I’m shocked she’s here” Lady Linda commented, her voice almost a whisper.
“I agree. This isn’t the type of party she would attend” Lady Shabel agreed with lady Linda as well in a whisper.
“Who is she?” Ari said, realizing late that she thought it out loud.
“You don’t know who she is, Lady Ariadna!?” both ladies exclaimed looking at Ari surprised.
Before allowing her to answer, Lady Linda spoke.
“She’s her Grace Sabine Tachihara! The heiress from the Vibora clan!”
“Not to mention she’s currently the one that leads all trends in the empire. Whatever she wears or says is for sure turning into the next trend in the coming days”. Lady Shabel added.
“Everyone wishes to be part of her group or at least be on her good side. If someone dares to offend her or making her angry, it will be a social suicide! She can turn everyone against that person and it would be almost impossible to recover from it”.
Ari looked at Sabine as she kept walking. She passed exactly in front of Ari and the ladies and for a fraction of a second, Sabine seemed to look towards her direction and Ari could have sworn her eyes seemed cold and almost hateful. Was she looking at her? Did she imagine it?
Sabine kept walking across the center of the ballroom. 
“Oh dear…” Ari heard Lady Shabel mutter and Ari looked towards the direction she was looking. 
As people were moving away from her, someone didn’t move. Ari opened her eyes, surprised that that somebody was Kino. He was distracted by a conversation he was having with a man Ari didn’t recognize. Ari also saw that man looked behind Kino and closed his mouth in astonishment. Kino must have wondered the reason for that behavior and finally turned around to find himself face to face with Sabine that was forced to stop by this. They both look at each other, like analyzing each other. They looked like two beasts measuring their strengths. Everyone at the ball seemed to stop breathing, Ari could hear some worried whisperings around her wondering what would happen next. Some whispers claimed that Kino was being reckless by not moving aside on time, while others wondered what yould be Sabine’s next move. 
After what seemed like an eternity, they simply smiled at each other and bowed at each other. 
“Your grace” she greeted him.
“Your grace” he reciprocated.
Everyone was astonished and Ari could guess Kino achieved something big. 
“I finally have the pleasure to make your acquaintance your grace” Sabine continued.
“The pleasure is all mine” Kino gave her a charming smile.
“I look forward to having a conversation with your grace in the near future” with another bow Sabine walked past Kino and continued her way.
As soon as Sabine disappeared, everyone seemed like they were holding their breath and finally were allowed to breathe. Soon whispers could be heard everywhere, but Kino was unbothered and resumed his conversation with the gentlemen around him that joined him once again, but Ari could tell they were somehow more lively after what had happened, most likely proud from Kino’s achievement. 
“Her mere presence is intimidating” Lady Linda commented.
“I can see that…” Ari said, but was more impressed as to how Kino handled it. (It felt like a scene from Mean girls if you ask me) Ari laughed internally.
“I still can’t think of a good reason as to why her grace would attend a party like this one” Lady Shabel said.
“Whatever the reason she might have had… I’m so glad I came as well! Is it better to experience it than to hear about it, don’t you think?” Lady Linda replied excitedly. 
“I agree! The rest of the ladies will be so jealous when they hear about~! I can't wait for our next gathering!” Lady Shabel agreed.
Yet Ari remembered that stare Sabine had given her. She also wasn’t quite sure if she had to admire Kino’s nerves of steel or question Kino’s sanity. In any case, she had to find him, she couldn’t go home like she always had with no progress on her plan… or any plan she had made anyway.
She excused herself and went to find Kino, only to spot him just in time taking some stairs open to the guests to the second floor. She hurried after him and when she arrived to the second floor, she lost sight of him. The second floor merely consisted of a huge corridor with an incredible set of large window-like doors that led to small balconies for guests to use for a brief pause to have some fresh air. Something that just made sense since Ari well knew that viscount and viscountess Weiter enjoyed hosting various parties every couple of weeks. As an introvert herself, she thanked having somewhere to escape to when she felt like charging her “social battery”. As Ari walked looking for Kino, she heard some noises coming from the last of the balconies on the right side of the hall. She peaked and found Kino, but she discovered Kino wasn’t alone: Sabine was with him.
“I’ve heard a lot about you, your grace, I’m glad to have encountered you this evening” Ari heard Sabine said.
“Heh? And what is that I perhaps owe the pleasure for her grace to look forward to have a word with me?” Kino replied.
“Rumors spread fast and wide in this empire, it was a matter of time for me to hear about you. I must say that what I heard has picked my interest”.
(Then what the ladies said is true!) Ari thought surprised (If she’s aware of Kino’s existence our rumors have made it to the higher circles). 
“I have to say that it is quite an honor to have caught the interest of a lady such as her grace,” Kino replied, clearly satisfied. 
“Is not something easy to achieve, considering that I’m hard to impress”.
“I wonder what I can do for her grace to keep her interest longer”.
(Could it be that Sabine is interested in Kino in a flirty way?) Ari wondered (I mean, she isn’t really the first, but a duchess as Sabine!? Was this a thing in the novel? I can’t remember–).
“Lady Koizumi?” a nearby voice interrupted her thoughts.
“Y-Yes!?” Ari jumped and turned to look around to find Viscount Weiter in front of her.
“I’m terribly sorry to startle you my lady” he apologized with a sympathetic chuckle for Ari’s reaction.
“N-Not at all my lord!” Ari quickly composed herself and bowed to greet him “I was simply distracted”.
“I see” the Viscount replied “Are you enjoying the party my lady?”
“Oh! Definitely! The selection of music and the decorations are wonderful! It’s clear that everything was planned with the utmost care!” Ari praised.
“I’ll let my wife know your thoughts, my lady. I’m glad it was of your liking”
“Please do, my lord. Plus your hospitality has played a great part as well!”
“You’re so very kind, my lady” Viscount Weiter said with a pleased smile “I was actually looking for his Grace, have you perhaps seen it?”
Ari paid extra attention to his words.
“Did something happen?”
“Nothing to worry, at least not as far as I'm concerned” he said “Is simply that he asked for a moment to have a word with me and is just until now that I’m finished greeting all guests that I can spare him some time”.
“I see!”
(This is my chance!) Ari thought.
“I thought you might know as his partner where could he be”
“As a matter of fact, I do know where to find him, my lord!” she answered “I’ll go and tell him myself, so if you'd like you can wait for him in one of the balconies and I tell him to go and find you”. Ari replied.
“Wonderful! Then, tell his grace I’ll be waiting on the last balcony on the other end of the hall for more privacy”.
“Sure! Meanwhile, my lord should use this time to have some fresh air himself while waiting!”
“What a great idea! You’re so kind, my lady” Viscount Weiter said and turned around and left.
Ari turned around as well and, after a deep breath, lightly knocked on the balcony’s door where they kept talking. After a brief pause, she entered.
“Excuse me…Oh! Your graces! I hope I’m not interrupting!” Ari faked surprise as she entered. 
“Not at all~” Kino replied, but Ari had a glimpse of Sabine’s face to notice she wasn’t happy with her interruption “Were you looking for me?”
“I was, thankfully a servant saw you coming here and I was able to find you” Ari replied.
“Did you need something?” Kino asked.
“Actually, I came to tell you that Viscount Weiter is free now and is waiting for you in the balcony by the end of the hall”
“Ah~, then I can’t keep him waiting. If you’ll excuse me~”.
Kino left, leaving Ari and Sabine. Ari looked at her and felt the sudden change of the atmosphere. Sabine opened a fan to cover her face, not allowing Ari to read her expressions any longer.
(Kino you jerk, you didn’t introduce me to her!) Ari thought annoyed.
“Allow me to introduce myself with your grace: my name is Lady Ariadna Koizumi, youngest member of the Koizumi family” Ari introduced herself as she was of lower rank between them.
Sabine nodded. Ari felt uncomfortable in the awkward situation before her. After what felt like a long time, she spoke:
“I’ve heard about you”.
(You could have said so sooner!) Ari thought. (Ugh… This is so awkward! I want to leave!).
“It’s an honor, I hope only good things!” Ari tried to joke.
“Maybe…” Sabine answered coldly “but that doesn’t change the fact that is… annoying”.
Ari opened her eyes in surprise, taken aback by her words.
(Did I hear right?)
Ari could only look at her confused, but Sabine simply started walking towards the entrance behind her.
“If you’ll excuse me” and with that Sabine left.
Ari stayed there even after a couple of minutes trying to process what had happened.
(What was that!? Did I do something wrong? What did she mean by that?) Ari then felt angry (So the look she gave me before wasn’t my imagination!)
Ari took a deep breath and let it go. 
(You won’t always be liked by other people… maybe she was just not in a good mood?) Ari said as she shrugged (Besides, I have other things to worry about).
Ari then entered the mansion and went directly to the other end of the hall where some gentlemen were having a private conversation.
(I have to find out what Kino is after. I need to try to be a step ahead of him!) Ari thought as she hurried. 
As she approached the balcony silently, she listened as both gentlemen chatted. 
“I’m afraid that as much as I would like to help his grace, I’m unable to do so” she heard viscount Weiter said.
“It’s hard for me to believe it, as you are well informed in all the affairs regarding the internal market,” Kino said. 
Ari really didn’t have the background of their conversation, but kept listening.  
“Is true, but what his grace is asking is beyond my capabilities. Rather than involving the market, I think that’s a topic more fitable for politics'’.
“Not even if I double the current offer?” 
There was a brief pause, clearly Viscount Weiter was contemplating the offer.
“Something as offering such a large supply of magical weapons… enough to fully equip the Imperial Army: Are you saying that your land has a higher production capacity than the North Kingdom?”
Ari gulped. 
(If Viscount Weiter knew that, in fact, Kino does have that capacity…) Ari thought, remembering the events of the novel.
Viscount Weiter sighed and the sound of footsteps was heard closer to the entrance.
“I seriously can’t help you, your Grace” Viscount said “You have great talent, I’ve heard of it and I’ve seen proof of it just now. If you continue like that you’ll have a bright future ahead. However, I don’t possess the resources or contacts to provide you with the information you need. My sincere apologies, I hope you find what you’re looking for”.
“It can’t be helped then” Kino concluded “Thank you for your time then”.
“We can sign the contract another day,” Viscount said. “However, with the original offer only”.
“You can keep the second offer, it doesn’t make a difference anyway”.
“There’s no need, the double offer was in case I could be of any help. I won’t rest if I take advantage of his grace. Now if you’ll excuse me”.
Ari heard those footsteps again, so she hid behind some curtains and waited until she was sure the Viscount was gone. 
As she left her hideout, she heard Kino grunted, clearly angry that things didn’t go as we wanted.
“What a waste of time” Kino dropped the kind act “How is it possible for a business man like him not to know anything regarding the north border?”
(The north border? Could it be…?) 
Kino took a deep breath and spoke in a serious tone:
“I know you’re there”.
(Dammit!) she thought, entering the balcony.
“Well, if it isn’t you~” Kino spoke mockingly “Bad habits die hard, I see~”.
“It wasn’t my intention” Ari replied apologetically.
“May I remind you that this habit of yours got you in this situation to begin with~?”
“I know”.
Standing next to each other, they saw far in the distance.
“So, how much did you listen?” Kino inquired.
“J-Just the last part” Ari replied.
“Great, just great” Kino sighed exasperated. “Just forget you heard anything”.
“I-Is there any way I can help?” Ari dared to ask.
“Another bad habit of yours: minding in other’s business. No, you can’t help” Kino turned around with the intention to leave.
Ari grasped on the balcony concrete trying to calm herself.
(I have to try something! I need to try to cross that line he’s putting between us, otherwise I won’t be able to make it!) Ari thought desperately (Those that don’t risk, don’t win!)
“I-Is pretty hard to introduce products into the Makai right?” Ari finally said nervously “Let alone cross the border… Well, or so I-I heard”.
She heard Kino’s footsteps stop. Ari dared to turn her head and saw he had turned his head around.
“Y-Yes, after all the Makai is p-protected from external t-threats” she proceeded carefully “Is specially though in the northern barrier”.
“And that is…?” he inquired.
Ari was a nervous wreck, she had to keep going.
“T-The magic barrier of course” she declared. “It was made purely with the purpose to protect our empire”.
“You are telling me nothing new” Kino finally said and was about to leave when Ari once again said.
“Security these days has increased considerably, don’t you think?”
“Security has always been strong”.
“But you know the reason behind it?”
Kino squinted his eyes, not really answering which Ari could dare to think she had guessed it.  
“Are you suggesting you know it?” Kino said in a mocking way.
“I do, in fact, know” Ari answered to his remark, sarcasm in her tone.
“I doubt it~” Kino shrugged, “so far, I have eyes and ears set on the north barrier, the reason behind it is confidential, someone as you knowing is…”
“Then, I suppose you already know about the fluctuations of the barrier” Ari finally said, somehow annoyed that Kino kept underestimating her.
Kino’s eyes opened so slightly.
“Fluctuations? In the barrier? That’s impossible” Kino said “That would mean the Makai is vulnerable to an attack any time a fluctuation lasts long enough for an army to invade”.
“Why do you think it has been kept as a secret or at least to just a few?” Ari questioned.
Kino went silent for a minute.
(Bingo! So there was something Kino didn’t know!) Ari thought satisfied.
“Fluctuations can be fixed sooner or later, even if what you said sure is interesting… doesn't make any much of a difference to me" Kino concluded to which Ari felt disappointed. 
But backing off… wasn't an option anymore.
"That’s a shame really, you seem to go after big things"
"Which I deduce you can’t provide. Such a shame, better luck next time~"
"But, what if the fluctuations meant something bigger?"
Ari had his full attention and Ari had to place everything on the bet if she wanted to make a change.
"Bigger as?"
"Do you know where exactly the barrier comes from?"
"The towers" Kino answered with no hesitation "they are spread wide in the Makai"
"True, but not quite" Ari said "they amplify the magic so it covers the Makai as a whole”. 
“I can hardly believe that” Kino replied “The towers must have a source of its own to produce enough magic to cover just a fraction of the land and where that ends the other tower close by would cover the next part and so on”.
“I understand your logic, but here in the Empire it is possible” Ari answered calmly. “The source is what really matters".
“Are you suggesting that something so powerful exists that is only required one of its kind to sustain the whole Empire and even better to be kept in only one place?” 
"Actually, rather than imagining something… you should be thinking of someone".
"The source comes from someone and not something?" 
Ari could tell Kino was confused, she had nailed what kind of information he was really after. It was understandable that it was something hard to believe, it was hard for her as well at first. However, everything made sense… at least for her with what she knew from the novel. She was given an advantage and she had to use it wisely.
"Magic reflects the state in which the porter is at. Can you imagine the severity of the situation?"
Kino was silent, Ari was expectantly waiting.
After what felt like forever, Kino spoke in a serious tone.
"Who is it? Who is producing all the magic enough to protect an empire and for it to only be distributed by the towers?" 
Ari looked calmly at him, although she was a nervous wreck on the inside. It was time to use what she knew in her favor and assume the consequences that would come with them.
"No other than his Majesty the Emperor KarlHeinz".
Mun Ari: Wahhh it has been so long! I'm sorry for the delay! Honestly? The past months were so hectic for me with all the things I had to take care of: college, finals, prom and not to mention the process of getting my title… and of course a special call out to my terrible✨️writer's block✨️. I literally had to stop, sit down and plan. I'm very satisfied and proud of this chapter! I can assure you that the next chapter will not disappoint! I hope you look forward to it! Also! Did you notice we have a cute official cover!? I love it! It has been a surprise I've been saving for a while now! I was dying to show it to you! I loved it! It makes this feel more real and serious!! I hope you look forward to the next update! Until then: thank you for reading! 
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
I'm Sorry
Junichiro Tanizaki X Fem!Reader Naomi Tanizaki (Platonic) X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1779
Requested: Anon
Request: Original Requests.
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You watched as Dazai played with a little dog, you attention drawn away from him for a second when you smelt something strange, you looked around trying to find the source of the smell, you caught sight of what looked like someone disappearing into the shadows behind you but before you could go off to see what it was Atsushi took notice of your behavour and asked “Are you okay?” “Someone’s following us.” You answered as you looked back at the shadowy turn off that you had seen the person disappear down. “It’s probably just someone realising that they were on the wrong platform or something, maybe one of the rail workers.” He suggested and you looked at him. “You worry too much, you have since you and Atsushi got here.” Dazai said as he pushed himself up from his crouched position on the floor. “I’ll take a look around, you guys just stay here and stop worrying.” “The Guild worries me, you know they’re stronger than anything we’ve faced before, more elusive, at least with the Port Mafia they were direct.” You said as Dazai disappeared. “They would hurt everyone around us, just to get to us.” “Junichiro is going to be okay, you know. Everyone is, they’ve been doing this so much longer than we have.” He explained “they have plans for things like this, everyone is going to be okay.” He promised. The train pulled into the station and you both stood waiting for Haruno and Naomi to get off the train, you both met them at the door but a little boy got out with them knocking into both of you as he did, you and Atsushi apologised to him but before you knew what was happening Noami dove at you grabbing you around the neck and squeezing that was when you hit back.
Naomi watched as you hunched over, your ability causing your nails to grow into sharp claws and canines extended. Naomi took a step back putting a hand up “(Y/N) calm down.” She pleaded as she stepped back glancing over to see Atsushi was in the same state “What did you do to them?” “You should run.” The little boy suggested as you got ready to lunge at her, your clawed hand reaching out and scratching across her forearm finally snapping her out of her confusion. Noami grabbed Haruno and ran towards the bathroom, she threw any removable item of clothing to help throw off your senses before pushing Haruno in the bathroom and closing the door behind her. She locked the door and ordered Haruno to text Dazai while she called Junichiro. “Naomi, are you okay?” He asked. “Something is wrong with (Y/N) and Atsushi, they’re trying to hurt us! I think the boy on the train did it.” Naomi said. “Where’s Dazai?” Junichiro asked, he sounded panicked and that made it worse for Noami. “I don’t know.” Naomi answered as the door slammed open, the sound of you growling could be heard, your eyes locked on Naomi’s form as you moved forward, your mouth biting down on her arm, Naomi screamed but it ended in a choke as you latched your hands around her throat. “(Y/N) stop!” Your head twisted as you hunched over the phone, letting go on Naomi who realised that Haruno and Atsushi had disappeared again, Naomi ran out of the room, she crashed right into someone as she rounded the corner leading out of the station. “Naomi.” Dazai said. “There was a kid with a doll who did something to Atsushi and (Y/N). Haruno is still in there somewhere” Naomi said, pointing back towards the platform, he nodded and directed Naomi to the safe zone to wait for Junichiro.
Dazai ran into the station, he could see you and Atsushi fighting and Haruno passed out on the floor, he located the doll by the sound of its laughing and nullifying the ability. Dazai then worked on calming down Atsushi the bigger and stronger of the two of you but when he turned to you, you had already withdrawn, your hands hidden in your pockets, you had bitten your lip so hard that you split the skin “(Y/N)” Atsushi said softly but you put your hand up. “I’ll um, I’ll make my own way back.” You said quickly, you disappeared before anyone could stop you and their top priority had to be the two injured staff members. When they got back to the safe zone Kunikida took Haruno who was still struggling to walk and Naomi had been patched up as best they could until they got back to Yasuno. “Where’s (Y/N)?” Junichiro asked, Noami looked up at the same time, trying to catch a glimpse of you. “We don’t know, she… She said that she’d make her own way back.” Atsushi said. “She feels guilty.” Dazai said “best to leave her be, she’ll come back, wolves seek out their packs.”
You wiped at your mouth after emptying the contents of your stomach, your head leant against the tree as you cried, knees collapsing under your weight, you could see the shadow of the wolf that represented your ability next to you, it nudged at your nose as if to say sorry but you knew that it wasn’t her fault, you placed your hand on her head before taking a deep breath “it’s probably just you and me now.” You managed to get back before them despite everything and after being checked, stationed yourself in the shadows of the underground tunnel that Chuya had destroyed, you hoped it would keep you busy and away from the Tanizaki siblings after everything that had happened. They all came in that way you couldn’t look at them afraid of what you would see, you had become very good at hiding yourself and employed that ability as they walked past you and into the base.
“Has (Y/N) been back yet?” Junichiro asked, Yasuno frowned as she cleaned Naomi’s arm. “She was supposed to be watching the tunnel, you didn’t see her on the way in?” Yasuno asked. “No.” He answered frowning as he looked back at the door, he turned ready to go looking for you but the boss called out to him. “Give her some time.” He ordered and Junichiro looked at the door before walking over to Naomi and holding her hand instead.
It was late in the night when Junichiro jumped awake, he looked over to see Noami was still leant against him fast asleep and he was thankful for that but when he looked to the otherside, it was clear that you still hadn’t come back, he knew that it hadn’t been that much time since he got back but he couldn’t bare not knowing if you were okay so he gently manoeuvred Naomi before getting up and grabbing a torch, he walked out of the hideout to look for you. It took a little while to find you “please don’t come over here.” You said softly and he frowned trying to get a better look at you but you were turned away from him, he could see your chest rising and falling, like you were having a panic attack. “(Y/N) please let me help you.” He pleaded. “You don’t have to pretend that you want to help me, you can go back to your sister.” You said between breaths, his eyes drifted down to your fists where blood fell between your knuckles and stepped forward, you flinched back and he knew that he wasn’t going to get close to you like this, so he activated his ability giving the illusion that he wasn’t moving as he continued to get closer to you. “I want you to come back with me.” His illusion pleaded. “You don’t need me to come back with you, the only thing I’m good for is being a guard dog alone on the front lines to cause destruction.” You answered. “You know that’s not true.” He listened to his own voice and tears welled up in his eyes. “I hurt everyone around me! The only way to stop myself from doing that is to never have anyone here, it’s just me now! That’s all it is.” You said, the shouting had somehow seemed to even out your breathing and you looked like you were about to collapse, he dove forward catching your body as the illusion disappeared, you tried to push him away from you. “I’m not going anywhere, you never meant to hurt Naomi, she’s okay… All the wounds were just surface wounds like you held back.” He explained and you cried as he pulled you closer. “We aren’t leaving you alone, I’ll tell you as many times as you need me to.” The force of your cries seemed to lessen as you stopped fighting him, he pulled you closer wrapping his arms around you as he gently pried your fists open and looked at the wounds you had made there, even though they were deeper than the wounds you had left on Naomi.
Naomi and Yasuno came looking for the both of you in the morning and they found Junichiro sitting with you, your eyes were closed but they assumed that you were sleeping until your head moved in their direction, Naomi could see the fear as you worked to find the source of the sound. “It’s just me.” She immediately lifted her arms to show you that she meant no harm. “Are you okay?” “I should be the one asking you that.” You said. “I’m sure that big brother already told you that I was okay.” She said. “She doesn’t believe me.” Junichiro spoke up from behind you. “I’m okay… Just a couple of flesh wounds, no lasting effects.” Naomi said holding her arms out and showing you a full range of movement and no pain when doing so. “I’m sorry.” You finally said, Junichiro stiffened at you crying again, he had only managed to stop it a few hours ago. “You don’t need to be sorry, you didn’t do it, that kid did.” Naomi said as she stepped forward, her eyes moved to her brother who nodded for her to continue and before you knew it she had wrapped her arms around you. You cried harder as you wrapped your arms around her babbling out promises to never hurt her again. Junichiro and Noami realised in that moment just how much they meant to you and how fragile you were. That despite the power you held you needed protecting and no one would break you this way again…Not on their watch.
Request Here!!
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starlightshadowsworld · 5 months
What if Naomi couldn't get ahold of Fukuzawa? Meaning he wasn't able to order the Agency to go after Atsushi.
And so she and Junichiro take things into their own hands.
Because Atsushi was their friend, and like hell were they not going to go after him.
Junichiro shoves his paperwork aside and Naomi starts combing through what they know so far.
After a moment, Haruno and Kenji join them with determined smiles.
Mii-chan shows up, standing before the group on guard. Hissing at anyone who tries to get close.
The security footage is found, Junichiro feels nothing but rage and he's not the only one.
Kenji had to grab a snack just so he won't go on his own war path.
Noami and Haruno are able to figure out which boat Atsushi's shipping container was thrown into.
Noami steals the Presidents keys to the boat and they all leave without a another word.
Haruno drives, Noami leads the way and Junichiro and Kenji jump on board to help Atsushi.
Atsushi is so confused and suprised because what do you mean you came for me? Why?
"Because your our friend."
"I've never had a friend before."
Junichiro catches Atsushi as he blacks out and gets him onto the boat. Kyouka's helped down by Kenji and they get back to the Agency.
Fukuzawa is waiting for them, eyes wide in concern seeing Junichiro walk in carrying Atsushi.
"My office. Now."
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incorrect-pipravi · 4 months
Sue me for this but i always headcannoned that there would be this toxic chemistry between Max and Naomi before their final failling out. They never got officially together, but they kind of kept going to the other for their reasons and end up confused about whether they are just friends or should try date the other. They would be fine and then one of them would mess up somehow and they would fight or ghost each other.Both of them felt something for the other, but they were both too different and too similiar to the other for healthy relationship to ever happen so they had that on and off friends with benefits thing going on. IMO
Sorry for keeping this in my inbox for so long, anon! You’re so valid! Naomi definitely deserves better than Max, but I can see where you are coming from. Like if Nat and Jaime, who were on the periphery of everything that happened, bonded over it, imagine Max and Naomi, who were front and center of it all!
Their dynamic would certainly be intriguing and interesting, but also definitely toxic. Especially considering how vulnerable Noami is and how shitty Max is!
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toxicglitch · 11 months
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Something I made for artfight but can't currently upload cause of the site going slow
Anyways meet Kigs and noami two lobotomy corporation boyos
I tried my hand at making an ego suit and gift for yang to make these 2 go together :D
The little white thing on their heads are supposed to be the antlers or a smaller version from the dragon yin and yang turn into.
Still debating if they both have tails or what not but they do have scales on some parts of their bodies
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ariadnasdiary · 6 months
Espero que no sea demasiado tarde para preguntar esto ¿pero cómo te la pasaste en tu cumpleaños, Ari? ¿Qué te regalaron? ¿Tuviste una fiesta sorpresa? ¿Qué te dio Kino 😏🤭?
Translation: I hope I'm not too late for asking this but: Ari, how was your birthday? What did they give to you? Did you have a surprise party? What did Kino gave to you 😏🤭?
Ariadna: Aww, it's ok! It's never too late to ask about my b-day, I assure you!
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Ariadna: For instance, I was woken up by Noami with a cute cupcake with a candle. It really meant a lot to me, since it reminded me of the times I was woken up by my family back in Mexico! I almost cried, but Naomi cheered me up! Naomi gave me a huge present box and inside was the prettiest dress and shoes ever! That's what I used for the day!
Ariadna: We all went to Naomi's home in the human world and had breakfast! Later, Naomi said she had to work and Yuri said he'll make her company. So Kino and I went on a date all day long until it was diner time and we'll all reunite once again.
Ariadna: We had a nice date in the park and we even had a picnic there! It's been a while since I had a date in broad daylight~ There was a nice weather and there weren't many people. Kino was really well behaved and allowed me to choose what activities I wanted to do, so I took the chance and I did many things I couldn't do due to them being closed by nighttime~! It was incredible! I had lots of fun!
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Ariadna: When dinner time arrived, we headed back to the Makai and we went all together to have dinner in a beautiful restaurant with a gorgeous sight! Naomi invited dinner and she said that would be her present as well a cute necklace! I thought the dress and shoes given to me were her present, but turns out they were Kino's present! He was annoyed I didn't know it, but Naomi laughed and told me it was her doing to mess with Kino. Of course I apologized to him and we all laughed.
Ariadna: Later, Kino and I took a small walk over the restaurant's balcony and I couldn't help but thank Kino for the marvelous day he had made possible. I loved the dress and shoes he gifted me and over that the day he planned for me! He seemed pleased and forgave me since he said it was all Naomi's fault *giggles*.
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Ariadna: Without notice, he took me into his arms, wished me a happy birthday, but most importantly: he told me how much he was glad and thankful I was born and being able to be together all this time! He can be a sweetheart sometimes… Naomi took us a photo from the distance and it holds an even more special meaning after his words. I now have it by my night table, so it's the last thing I see when I go to sleep since then. I'm so happy for being this fortunate: for having marvelous friends and a loving boyfriend… I couldn't ask for anything else really!
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Mun Ari: thank you for asking Sugar! And so sorry it took me some time to answer :'D.
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