#notes game results
popcorn-plots · 2 months
resume is finished, I just need to start applying for jobs..
but before then. I did promise I'd finish a WIP ;)
so... all y'alls....
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claraoswalds · 25 days
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This is a brand new science for me, and I love it. The language of luck. 'Cause what is a coincidence but a form of accident? Two things bumping together unexpectedly. Like you and me.
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aftg-rot · 2 months
Andrew Minyard and Obsession ~
I have been having some thoughts about Andrew and his unhealthily intense protective nature over Kevin, and then Neil. His compulsive desire to be the keepers of Aaron and Nicky can be characterised - not entirely, but mostly - by the hyperfixation on finding family after being in the foster system for so long, but the possessiveness to the point of obsession with Kevin, and ultimately with Neil, is different. As Neil says when he was assigned to look after Kevin while Andrew was away, it is possible to do so without becoming his shadow. Neil was realistically achieving the same goals as Andrew, without being with Kevin 24/7.
Because Andrew himself does not seem to have any hobbies, creative outlets or interests that are notable, I like the idea that the intensity in which he follows Kevin and Neil around is his way out of his version of the mundane. Their intense dedication towards many things is enough to break his apathy towards everything. It could be a coincidence that for both Kevin and Neil, and in turn Andrew, it is Exy. In another time and space, it could have been two different things for the two boys. Possibly, in reality Kevin and Neil are right and there is no way that Andrew can be that good at something without having some form of fascination with the sport he "does not care about." But the main factor is that both of them WANT something. They have a deep and contagious passion, they have an underlying drive for their feelings and actions, something Andrew does not have. 
Andrew, whether it is a lingering result of the medication, a trauma response, or simply who he is as a person, feels he cannot connect on any level with anyone else. The only connection he has with Aaron and Nicky is their family relationship, and shared history, but aside from that there is no emotional bond or healthy attachment. Andrew has latched onto Kevin and Neil's want and drive because it was a nice reprieve from the indifference, or a subtle lesson in what wanting and needing feels like. 
Falling for Neil and "wanting" him was probably the first developed emotional connection that Andrew had felt in a long time, with only Kevin's obsessive drive for Exy being a suitable substitute. Andrew's insulting of Neil every time he shows his true single mindedness towards Exy is very rarely said with malice, because deep down, Andrew either appreciates Neil's skill to remain driven during times of trauma, or is envious of both Neil and Kevin's ability to have such a force in their lives that makes it worth something.
It is mentioned that Neil offers Andrew his obsession to hold Andrew over until he finds one of his own, but I really think that is what happens. But not just his obsession with Exy, but both Kevin and Neil's ability to persevere and connect with other people, in both positive and negative ways despite what has happened to them. Andrew's codependent way of interacting with specific people is his way of attempting to fit in with the world around him emotionally, and co-opting his closest relationships' interests and obsessions is a method of connecting in an interpersonal way.
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flowerful-doodles · 2 months
Ok guys so I'm totally stuck on deciding who to pull for and I need peer pressure to get me to decide lol
I've been playing hsr for a few months now and have a number of main dps characters (Blade, Imbibitor Lunae, Acheron, Dr. Ratio, and Himeko) but I don't have a ton of good sustainers (I really only have Lynx, Natasha, and Baliu so no good shielder). I kinda need a sustainer like Aventurine to have a more comfortable gaming experience, HOWEVER, Boothill is very sexy and cool and I'm totally here for his silly design. So far it seems like Boothill will be another dps character which I don't need very much but I don't have any great physical characters. I have a lot of imaginary characters (including two dps characters) but I don't have good sustainers. I like both of them a lot and despite being incredibly fond of Boothill, Aventurine is a favorite too.
I'm also really into the end game content and combat if that makes a difference lol. However, my favorites usually take a bias and I will pull for a character just bc I like them even if they won't be the most useful in the meta side of the game.
I really doubt this will help at all but I'm a devout Kaveh main in Genshin if that gives y'all a feel for the characters I like lol.
Who should I pull for? I'm guaranteed to win my 50/50 and have some pulls saved (not enough to guarantee a 5 star but quite a few).
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thatonecrookedsmile · 9 months
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"It seems that Arch Gate Studios,in all it's misplaced admiration,was so eager to absorb the life's work of that crooked charlaton,Joey Drew,they didn't fully realize what they had acquired.
Call it fate that I just happened to be there on the loading dock that morning. When the delivery boys dropped one of the crates,it smashed open,and inside there was something truly special. A mass of yellow steel and beautiful rivets. Some kind of machine. No one knew what it was. So the fools put it on display for all to see. But I could tell that this crude device held secrets. Secrets that could be mine."
The Machine lives. And so do I. Day 6 complete,heck yeah,not too long now. I've had this idea since I saw the prompt on the calendar when it was posted. I had to.
You know,with the exception of��� certain lines (*cough** cough* elevator scene *cough*) there's something interesting about hearing Wilson's dialogue. It's probably what he says (and what he lies about) that's intriguing,combined with Tim Simmons' voice acting,and the fact that he's such an important character in the plot that I have to pay attention to what he says,but there's something in his lines that ends up catching my attention, it's interesting! Also, yes, the guy highlighted in the background is him! Pre-Cycle experiments. You know, the days when he was healthy (and had hair). Eventually I will show here his complete design.
And while we're here, and I've never seen anyone mention this in here before: did you ever notice that the model of the little Ink Machine in ArchGate is different from the model used in Joey's apartment at the end of BATIM? The general design idea is still the same, but the model used in BATDR has certain differences when you compare it to what was used in the first game. Like, in BATIM, the machine has small wheels underneath it, but in Dark Revival, the wheels have been removed. Or how the model from the first game seems to be bigger than the one from the second game. (Or the fact that in DR the machine doesn't have extra gears on both of its bottom sides, but only one on the left side, which I only realized now after finishing this drawing, oops)
I thought it was something interesting to talk about.
(just to be clear, I'm not implying that the machine at the end of IM and the one at the beginning of DR are completely different machines in-universe. I'm sure the one on ArchGate is the same one that was in Joey's apartment, I just thought it was cool to note the design differences between the models, that's all haha)
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fragmentofmemories · 2 months
Learned of this album which contained orchestral renditions of many Famicom games - among which was the Wizardry series.
And, it's wild knowing that Wizardry 1-3's NES soundtrack was made by late anime composer Kentaro Haneda (SDF Macross, Space Cobra, Final Yamato, etc...).
Haneda unfortunately passed away back in 2007, but what he left us with was some of the most iconic soundtracks ever.
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flutteringfable · 28 days
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not only is venti not here, but yae miko IS. what the hell hyv its like u wanted to make an event that pisses off me specifically
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nightingaletrash · 29 days
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a surprisingly wholesome ending for a WoD game <3
#wta#wtabohn#wtabohn spoilers#kyle marquis is such a damn good writer#considering i knew Nothing about wta before playing this game i definitely felt overwhelmed at first#but it's a genuinely good intro to this part of the setting once you come to grips with it#like it absolutely has its issues with racism and the like because all wod modules do#but i enjoyed what kyle has done with it#will i be able to bring myself to do a terrible person route like i did with amicia in night road? i dunno#in night road i could justify it because the courier is a freelance agent and has no obligations beyond doing the job you're paid to do#i think it'd feel different in this game. you have more of a spiritual obligation as opposed to a political/financial one#i'd have to mess around with characters some more to really get a feel for it#plus i enjoyed playing amicia and pissing off everyone and getting them killed#i don't think i'd enjoy pissing off the pack because i love them they are my friends#but then i suppose that's the difference between vampires and werewolves#vampires are very rarely able to trust each other entirely and tend to be very solitary as a result#whereas werewolves are pack creatures by nature. they need a sense of community or it'd break them#so you feel more inclined to really connect with people as a werewolf in a way that a vampire might not#...someone pls give mr marquis the og!vtmb2 notes so he can make another cog game based on it#i'd trust him to hit all the right notes and maintain the campy humour and gruesome horror
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green-cargaytions · 2 months
a man walks down the street
took a walk somewhere
don’t take yourself so seriously
picture a man
springtime in the country
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popcorn-plots · 2 months
yoooo laundry is put away and room is clean!!!
more laundry is in the wash rn because the laundry is never truly finished, but eehhhe
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gothamcityneedsme · 5 months
also. The start of the game forcing u into the genesis comic feels. Very silly. its a tonal jump from the death to like have sudden narration. It shouldve been framed differently idk. Or just. Not inserted into the story. Anyways.
Love the beginning of this game. Setup is so good. I love Jacob and Mirandas intros. Jacob as the one who tells you the truth, who has a moral compass vs Mirandas sole purpose and drive for two years being to bring you back to life regardless of her impression or opinion of you personally.
#Shitpost#love how miranda responds once you have results too#i love how cold and calculating she is#and like she wouldnt work as well if she wasnt the lead on the project. Her leading it and basically being a huge part of why youre alive#just like. Immediately places her in a fascinating space#also shes basically your XO but also shes reporting back to TIM about you#side note but tbh still mad at how they handled TIM in 3. he just became a villain where hes WAY more interesting here#hes so middle ground nuanced and that sort of dies. A shame tbh#theres a lot i dislike about me3 lol. Not entirely but still#TIM and the ending. And the mechanics with the separate app#is that still up? I hope so. Im playing og mass effect lol#anyways also. Jacob is so interesting too#Hate that he got memed on and ignored by most of the fandom#tbh his loyalty quest is kinda iffy too iirc but his base here is so good#and his comments throughout the game too#Also. I think me could have been fixed if we learned who built the reapers and got into the shit#The theme of organic vs synthetic life couldve been expanded upon#ESPECIALLY since synthetic life literally cant exist without an organic creator#the cycle couldve been MORE is all im saying#the creators couldve built the reapers with that pov. Like a terrible cleansing pov#Organics so convinced organic life is corrupt that they wished to destroy it#and the reapers if shown that truth would realize the hypocrasy. The lie they were built on#Or something#mass effect is so good but the endings are all bad#Thematically they are a little interesting. Esp the ending where you leave it to the next cycle#BUT. like i hate synthesis and control. Those are hard to reconcile with the Themes imo#destroy works but tbh to me. Destroy shouldve ended with a scene of some scientist who believes life is corrupt. Building another AI#an AI to destroy life.#thats all.#Ok ill shut up now
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mechahero · 7 months
What brand of stupid are you?
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Himbo stupid
You're just an all around kind person who's a little too gullible. You are knowledgeable on weirdly specific trivia but a lot of common knowledge seems to have slipped you. You probably aren't the best at math but by god can you fix a flat tire. Everyone remembers you as a friendly person, you just might need to brush up on your reading comprehension again
tagged by: @regensia (ty!!) tagging: you lol
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spockvarietyhour · 7 months
The Pin: A Plastic Nightmare to Tender Loving Care the interactive movie to The Devil's Advocate pipeline is a lot shorter than one might think.
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healingheartdogs · 1 year
Meant to post this the day I took it last month and forgot, but y'all can have it now anyway. Made Selene work with Eevee doing the tug/flirt pole impulse control game because they've only done it a couple times before -- whereas I do it every time we take the dogs out and I play flirt pole with her so it's old hat by now for us. Selene is still a novice trainer and trains with Eevee and Hermes less often (she trains Banana more than me though) so sometimes they struggle more to switch into training mode with her and listen. You can tell it's got Eevee confused a bit which makes her much more distracted by Hermes than she normally would be with me and she wants to leave to go play with him instead. She's not used to Selene asking for obedience during flirt pole -- they pretty much just play simple chase and tug without training instead -- and that made it much harder for her. She's trying her best anyway though. All she really cares about in the end is getting to chase that flirt pole lol
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soundleer · 2 years
Transmigration AU
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Oops, dropped an AU I've been obsessing over-
...Oh, Would anyone like to hear more details about this AU? Click under the cut for infodump of the concept and more character art related to this AU!
What's Transmigration AU?
The Transmigration AU is a Canon-Divergence spin of the base game of Miitopia where all went as normal but before the story starts, a person outside the virtual world is put into coma and have their mind transmigrated into a body of the Main Hero---in my case, Tusho. The MH needs to meet the requirements of staying in character, get to important scenes, etc. to progress the story to end in order to keep their original body alive. One cool thing that gives this AU more possibilities is that the MH can ALTER the story and thus affect relationships, events, etc.
I made art of 3 characters—2 being alt designs and 1 being an AU specific oc. I'll introduce you my recent OC first.
System Spirit, Dallas!
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An RPG manager spirit who's made to assist Tusho by giving him menus and commands and moderates everything the game offers---Teammate AIs, Statuses (relationships or battle), etc. Del also keep track of the MH's behavior and strikes them a warning everytime they go out of character. This handy assistant can only be seen by people who transmigrated into the game (AIs and NPCs can't see them) and therefore can use menu functions given out by Del.
And here's two alt designs of 2 of my OCs!
Dark Knight, Tusho and Second Hero, Greg!
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Yep you saw that right, this happened due to the story being altered by the MH on the first half of the story and now the EDL takes the role of being the protagonist for the second half! Role Reversal go brrrr!!!
And that's all I can share about the AU! You've read this far, didn't you? I hope you enjoy another new thing I contributed to the fandom! Thank you for taking your time reading this!!! 💜
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005mins · 1 year
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