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tradersquestco · 1 year
Today's video. I ordered a mac & cheese, wings, bbq pizza. I'll be showing you guys
These are roosters wings
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solradguy · 7 days
Sorry for making Jack-O's boobs a little bigger than they actually are. I make up for it by giving her tummy and underboob folds
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covenofthearticulate · 2 months
Been thinking a lot lately about how Akasha calls Louis "the most predatory of all the immortals" because he kills "without regard for age or sex or will to live." but then later in TVA, Armand describes him as this:
"Louis, an indiscriminate killer, because he cannot satisfy his thirst without killing, though he is too weak to risk the death of the victim in his arms, and because he has no pride or vanity which would lead him to a hierarchy of intended victims, and therefore takes those who cross his path, regardless of age, physical endowments, or blessings bestowed by nature or fate."
Like on the surface Akasha seems totally right, Louis doesn't hunt the evildoer, he preys on innocent victims despite his devotion to humanity and that is what makes him dangerous because he's a hypocrite.
But I'm so intrigued by Armand's re-framing because yeah it makes sense that Louis hunts the way that he does since he doesn't have the same tools to weed out the evildoers, like the Mind Gift. Only there's another factor on top of that— Louis also doesn't have the pride that it takes to pick and choose victims!!!!! Like, it absolutely takes some level of pride and righteousness (and dare I say narcissism) to kill based on your personal perception of evil. It takes work to hunt down a drug lord or a gang leader. Like Armand says, their victims exist in a hierarchical system and to get to the top of the food chain, it takes intention and pre-meditation and a level of conviction Louis just doesn't have.
And honestly I think looking at it from that perspective highlights such an important part of who Louis is as a character because vampirism, for Louis, has never been about power. He just has no interest in living above humans. That's not to say he's completely free of vanity or narcissism (don't get me started there lol) but like I do think Louis' lack of discrimination towards victims ultimately stems from a rejection of playing God, rather than whatever unhinged predatory instincts Akasha implied.
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chickin-nuggest · 7 months
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Stand by me. / But I bet that I'll never be back.
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oodlesodoodles · 9 months
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 5 months
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Fine dining at the tf2 base when Scout and Pyro are cooking.
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gaystation4 · 17 days
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yugiohz · 7 months
i love when ppl bake bday cakes for their fav characters i should do that with dabi actually we're bday twins basically
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black-and-yellow · 11 months
you understand every single character in bnha so so well, i love all of your analysis on mic a lot! do you think his confidence/how he boasts a ton (esp in the light novels) is an act or just how he genuinely is? with how he is in vigilantes in his childhood, its really interesting to me. id love to hear your thoughts on him :)
Bold of you to assume I understand Every character when I only ever talk about like 4 of them. But yeah you’re probably right, I am pretty smart and based.
I have thought about this question before actually. Like how Aizawa has always been Like That even as a kid, not just because Shirakumo died, I think that Yamada has always been a bit out there. He knows he has one of the coolest quirks imaginable and I genuinely think he is quite proud of it. If you had a quirk that you Had to be loud and confident to use, but you’re really insecure and hate it actually, I don’t think you’d go to hero school. I think sometimes people can forget that a character can be sad sometimes and happy sometimes, they’re not like preprogrammed with one emotion. Except maybe Aizawa; genuinely don’t know about him.
but yeah Mic is a weird character cause some people are like “he acts happy so he must be happy” and others are like “something traumatic happened to him so he must be sad all the time secretly”, and I think it’s more like he exaggerates how confident he is but it’s not like an act. Like how I make jokes that I’m super smart big brain woah, when in reality I’m pretty normal amounts of smart, doesn’t mean I’m secretly thick as a brick and tryna mask it. Also you gotta remember Mic is a side character and Horikoshi didn’t even come up with most of his backstory, that was all from Vigilantes. I don’t think Horikoshi thinks that much about making Mic a deep character.
TLDR idk lol
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martinsorbit · 10 months
Ngl but moondrop being a candy that helps you sleep would be so useful to have irl. Like man I could use some moondrops before I go to sleep
Same goes for the sunnydrop candy, but tbh I feel like that has so much caffeine to the point where if you mixed it with coffee or monster It would become a potential murder weapon
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themosthatedbeingg · 2 months
I can’t believe I’m doing this-hey hun do you want somthing to eat?
She shakes a bag of Dino shaped nuggets
I have chicken nuggets~
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{ !!!!!!!! NUGGETS}}
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wakandama2 · 22 days
Takes a nap so I'd have energy to cook because I need food to fuel my body
Finishes cooking and has to take a nap to get energy to eat
Only finished half my food because I ran out of appetite and energy
Takes another nap because digesting takes the last of my energy.
Repeats cycle.
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dragongirlbunny · 1 year
i really want fast food but im also high and cant drive and im pretty sure my wife wont drive me cuz we got a bunch of leftovers
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bmpmp3 · 1 year
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I was. about to draw her eating for a joke but then i realized i have. no idea how she’s gonna hold cutlery. this is something i will have to ponder for a while
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chickin-nuggest · 1 year
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Oh Ito Kent were really in it now...
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