#obviously i dont think this is canon but like
wickjump · 2 days
hehe,,,, tell us ur hcs about errors dolls/puppets if u havent yet :3 (if u have please link the post !!)
HAHA SORRY THIS IS SO LATE…..WHOOPS…. anyway!!! i like error i think he’s super fun n silly and i like talking about him,,,
ALRIGHT OKY DOLLS. error has favorite dolls, and he has least favorite dolls. his favorites are aus that don't deviate too much from classic undertale, like basic theme overhauls, while his least favorites include anomalies he deems somehow more pointless or insulting than the rest, such as fresh or any other au unrecognizable as a deviation of undertale.
his favorites get more ‘privileges’, which is to say they get to sit on the bean bag with him when he watches undernovela, while his least favorites are held up somewhere by the neck like a little noose and sometimes made fun of by him. he makes plushies of everyone he meets, regardless of how much he liked them or not. he’s a collector at heart,,!!!! and while most of his plushies are sanses, because he generally interacts with sanses more frequently, he has plushies of charas and frisks and papyri and gasters, and a few others as well.
he has made a plushie of every single cast member of undernovela, and he's protective of them in a 'nonono you cant touch it you might get dirt on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' way. so they remain carefully suspended in the anti-void, or sometimes uses to re-enact scenes from undernovela using the strings.
error talks to himself a lot with them. like, all the time. very very often. and a lot of the time this takes the form in him making the dolls ‘speak’, kind of like how it’s briefly shown in his ask blog.
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this is how he keeps himself busy when in the anti void doing pretty much nothing. he makes up stories and ideas, sometimes even forgetting what was his imagination and what was a re-enactment of previous events, jumbling up his fleeting memories of life before the anti-void even more. obviously this takes place during a more isolated period of his story, and he’s better at remembering when others are around. however when left alone for long enough he’ll revert to using his dolls to mimic conversation.
he’s become somewhat dependent on them to fight his loneliness in a way i think. he’d use the clothes off his back and the strings from his eyes and a snapped off bone as a needle to make one, if he was isolated again with no way to get supplies. the time spent making them gives him something to do as well, it keeps him calm.
i like to think he, over time, has made some of his favorite dolls different outfits and such. i also like to feel his love language would be giving people dolls of him or themselves. very rarely other people they’re close to because he's a little self-centered but we love him anyway...
when someone he likes changes 'design', he makes an entirely new doll rather than updating their old one, such as when ink and dream got new designs. there is also a chance that the clothes on some of his dolls are made using the actual clothes of their dusted counterparts (ie outer, fell, etc).
he's fully self-taught when it comes to making his dolls, and his first attempts are,,, well they were something. probably a good thing they're hidden somewhere (his earliest dolls have a striking resemblance to an aftertale sans and a classic papyrus, but he chooses not to think about that for too long).
i have a not uncommon hc that error can trap souls in the dolls, essentially putting them in a coma-like state, but that’s not really close to canon and not unique or cool in any way so i won’t rlly expand there. i dont even use this hc much i just think its cool n silly.
his favorite dolls are classic, fell, and swap (he technically doesn't like fell, but he and his classic doll are bonded, according to him, so he can't separate the two. note how he's canonically called the classic doll 'sans' before but only referred to his fell/other dolls using numbers, which i feel shows his preference if only a little bit). his classic doll is his all-time favorite, though, it's even weighted. they're all comfort items 2 him....sighs
he's made a plushie of himself before that he has exclusively to act out 'what-if' scenarios, mostly pertaining to undernovela, where he's his own self insert. he'd probably love fanfiction
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stardustbuck · 3 days
if bucktommy truly is going to be buck’s endgame, i genuinely think bvdd!e needs to stop being talked about by media and the cast. it was brought up so much this season because of how big the ship was and the because buck got a queer storyline. it gets clicks and views. i don’t think the cast talking about bvdd!e was meant to allude to it going canon but rather understanding why ppl shipped it and how they “see” how people definitely interpret it that way. we already saw some of the actors sort of
“backtracking” in a way like JLH saying “i dont think bvdd!e is happening guys” and ppl proceeded to get mad at her for it (ill never forgive yall for being so rude that beautiful women over a fucking ship)
if it does happen, it’s not because of shippers, it’s because that’s what tim minear and the writers want to do. ppl may think bucktommy isn’t big enough to survive cause bvdd!e reigns superior in terms of “numbers” but they’re forgetting this show is also written for GA in mind and it is VERY easy to tell when ppl are giving bad ratings/shitting on the show because they simply hate tommy.
the hate comments aren’t going to get them anywhere, in fact it’s probably ruining any chance they have at going canon in the future. first it was “7x04 was great cause we got bi buck but tommy is just a stepping stone and bvdd!e will be explicitly implied by the end of the season” then it was “eddie is going to be jealous seeing buck and tommy on a date” then it was “buck and eddie are gonna drunkenly kiss/hookup at the bachelor party” then it was “buck is gonna leave his date with tommy for eddie” and when none of those things happened it’s turned into “well obviously they can’t rush the story”
i truly think there’s no winning with them. it’s probably the worst case of ship-war i’ve seen in quite a while. just glad im a multishipper tbh, im still going to enjoy bvdd!e in my own time but ppl online have made it insufferably hard to interact with the content without some sort of toxic behavior. i’ve blocked so many accs i previously loved because they went from being neutral/uncaring of bucktommy to becoming downright vile about it.
in conclusion, it’s just sad seeing a ship you love so much turn sour for you. i still love it, but bt community is hands down much nicer and less toxic overall (idk bout twt but twt is crazy in every fandom) and ive never felt bad about liking bvdd!e as a bucktommy shipper. meanwhile ive literally seen ppl reblog bt posts saying “will never reblog on main cause my followers dickride bvdd!e” so…yeah.
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charlie-artlie · 5 months
okay wait this wasn’t the meta post i was gonna make but i’ve been scouring the tfwiki in an unblinking state for hours now and i need to make this one
so chromedomes three named dead conjunx enduras were scattergun, pivot and mach. mach is the only one that actually seemed to be a real character with speaking lines (i mean obviously they probably didn’t intend it to be the same guy but shhhhh), from transformers victory, and was part of a combiner duo named machtackle (linking a video of them here cuz they’re actually super adorable)
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[ID: a photo of tackle and mach from transformers victory. tackle is an orange and blue autobot and mach is a white and blue auto with thrusters on his chest.]
my point in all this tho is that chromedome has twice now married someone whos already in a committed relationship with some other guy. if i had a nickel for every time chromedome married someone else’s husband id have two nickel’s. which isnt a lot but its weird that it happened twice. is the dick amazing? how does he keep getting away with this?
or maybe it was just a random name they decided to use and it doesnt mean anything. listen. just play with me in the space okay
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retellingthehobbit · 7 months
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(Link here) Picture me with a conspiracy stringboard, a copy of the Unfinished Tales, and several essays about how LOTR/The Hobbit are meant to be flawed translations of ancient texts written by biased authors, and gesturing wildly as I explain how we can reinterpret The Hobbit as a funky little gay metaphor actually. we can do it. I believe
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gale-dekarios · 18 days
im not saying all of my posts are bangers, but its hard not to notice that posts i make about other companions easily break 100 notes no sweat, with the upper limit breaching 1k, to outliers of well over 4k, but whenever it's about wyll, it's crickets. i dunno, youre allowed to interact with anything you want to, and this isnt a call to reblog from me, specifically, this is the same for a lot of wyll orientated posts ive seen, but its just odd. and by odd i mean racist.
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athina-blaine · 24 days
genuinely don't understand people who gripe about someone getting into dunmesh for m/m pairings as opposed to f/f when none of them are even close to being the main point of the series
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puhpandas · 16 days
hi mutuals im just curious.
#im a ggy lover myself and would obviously love to see it realized in a game#but i also like gregory as a character more than his semi-canon backstory#and have complicated feelings on if i want them to confirm ggy at all.#i love ggy but dont want it to take screentime away from gregory#who alongside vanessa havent been focused on in years#(ruin was mimic basically the whole time#doesnt count) and need the screentime desperately.#personally#after THIS long (2 and a half years since gregory screentime and over a year since GGYs release)#i cant help but always wonder if theyve just. waited too long and they shouldnt confirm it.#at least just that they shouldnt release something just for the sake of confirming it and just leave it as book knowledge.#if they did focus on ggy in a game i'd want it to serve the plot involving multiple characters and progress slowly#i dont want it to be confirmed then its just background knowledge i would want there to be a plotline of#gregory remembering it throughout the plot of a game and dealing with it.#it'd confirm it then but it'd also still be wholly focused on Gregory alone and also be a natural reveal for people who dont read the books#for me its option 3 i guess. by all means its for sure canon at the moment im just talking about how it would be revealed in a game#or if at all and left as knowledge someone who read the books would know#my idea is wishful thinking we'd never get something that intricate#i can hope though#i could be so cool#but damn theyre just handling the story so strangely rn#pandas.txt#pandas talks#poll#thoughts#pre hw2 dlc#jic
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iindigoeyed · 11 months
it would be very amusing if season 6 does end up having amelie & felix stay in paris for many reasons, but one of my particular favorites is that since felix and adrien are literally identical, I imagine it might be hard for felix to go outside without getting ambushed by dozens of fangirls mistaking him for adrien only to be met with a feral yorkshire terrier of a british boy
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sonknuxadow · 1 month
just remembered that back in 2018 a few months before idw sonic had actually started they revealed tangles design a bit early and people were already saying she was gay just from looking at her and were getting the typical backlash of "omg not everything has to be gay stop saying every character is gay shes probably straight" . anyway i think thats really funny to look back at considering . everything
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mistlestripe · 1 month
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Leafhawk cause people on twitter think corny heterosexual toxic romances are unheard of in warrior cats
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crimeronan · 3 months
RE last post about bb Luz and Hunter
Just imagining Belos coming into Hunter's room every night after Luz arrives once he's finally decided he's going to do a murder and that he doesn't need the grimwalkers anymore, only to be dissuaded by the fact Luz is right there curled up asleep on top of him contentedly as he purrs.
This is despite the fact that they do not sleep in the same room and Belos is not entirely sure how she got there from her room and no matter how many locks he puts on both of their doors or guards he assigns she somehow gets in there or Hunter ends up in her room through similar means (it's the vents or guards blatantly collaborating) and just being constantly perplexed at how they constantly end up with each other and how he keeps being outwitted by a four year old and a six year old.
Eventually he gives up on just disappearing Hunter in his sleep and tries doing it in the day which is when the aforementioned meltdown happens but the image of Belos being bested by a four year old has seized my brain.
this is hilarious and delightful. i LOVE the idea of luz and hunter charming their guards. luz keeps going "but WHY can't i see him" with her giant baby doe eyes & her assigned coven guard of the week is like "....you know what. i have no idea." and keeps sneaking her over.
if luz DOESN'T manage to charm her guard of the week, hunter paces fretfully about it and bangs on his door until HIS guard of the week is like oh for fuck's sake. Fine. Let's Go
belos is certain the guards are conspiring despite them swearing they aren't & so he keeps switching them out & luz + hunter KEEP charming them & belos is like. WHAT MAGIC ARE THESE POWERLESS CHILDREN USING. WHAT IS GOING ON
actually. god. i haven't fleshed out much of luz's inner guard (besides hunter, obviously), but what if it's made up mostly of older guards/scouts who broke belos's rules when she was a baby. hunter would still do his due diligence wrt making sure they're steadfastly loyal and have no ulterior motives, but like. hunter like hey. i've known you since i was six and i know you'll do anything for luz.
& these people WELL into their late thirties and forties being like. i've known YOU since YOU were six. and yet somehow you have become my boss.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 5 months
it should be illegal to be this fucking stupid so loudly and confidently omg..
mfs on the internet preach about "media literacy" yet they completely gloss over the fact that the only damn things that kusuo "canonically" is are a tsundere, an unreliable narrator, and a fucking liar LMFAOOO.. babe thats like basic reading comprehension, im sorry..
EDIT: it should go without saying not to send a person hate just because of a silly post like this one(+i dont have any reach anyway so im sure it wouldnt happen, but i wanna say this nonetheless lol) but i would just like to say that i just checked and realized that this person is 15 years old, so like... yeah, too young to be arguing with grown people on the internet. dont take this too serious or send this person hate pls lol..
#nobody who isnt aroace is allowed to tell ME what character has to be aroace#yall forget that we aroaces (+ESPECIALLY autistic aroaces) dont want or need your ugly white knight savior bs#'oh but im aroace n i also think hes aroace🤓' ok?? should i care about your hcs?#have your projection hcs or your regular random hcs- i literalky DONT care#but it becomes an issue when u try so desperately to defend it like this#like babe u sound so dumb☠️#its so confusing to me how u chronically online weirdos insist on making ur hcs canon#i promise u guys ur hcs dont have to be canon for u to enjoy them#its a VERY popular hc too like tf more do u want#im autistic and aroace and i say kusuo is demi and autistic#i am him and he is me so i know factually/j#so still on the aroace spectrum but either way i dont force my hcs on other people like u selfish weirdos do LOL#also this person and the replies being like 'just cuz not all autistic ppl r aroace doesnt mean none can be' YEA OBVIOUSLY?#UR ARGUING WITH THE WALL AND ITS CRAZY CUZ NOBODY EVER SAID THAT#literally not one fucking person said he cant be aroace- just that it isnt canon#do u even fucking hear urselves.. YOURE the ones saying he cant be anything other than aroace.. so YOURE the one doing the forcing..#u guys love pushing ur stereotypes on others and then defending it to high fucking hell#anyway sorry i dont have a public twitter so im saying my piece here#the link looks suspicious as hell twitter pwease give me a better link#saiki k#tdlosk#the disastrous life of saiki k.#saiki kusuo#meows post
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nerosdayinanime · 9 months
wait. random idea. Pathetic(blame candy) muzan & kokushibo are exes from Centuries ago and he has Complaints hed like to talk about w him but all hes getting to now is Nakime. hes so sick of his bullshit and just enduring it and goes to kagaya like 'i have to kill kibutsuji. ill help you kill him & the other upper moons just PLEASE im so sick of this shit. i need to kill him' 'well you arent killing me so ill give you the benefit of doubt-'
since they broke up he's hacked at the curse to the point he can snap it Whenever without muzan noticing, he finally did so & went to kagaya bc he can Feel shit's gonna pick up soon. he has his memories but he Ignores Them bc hes ashamed and kinda projecting it onto muzan. he has to kill muzan to kill his shame kinda fucked up coping mechanism yk?
the hashira try to kill him On Sight together but he calmly deflects everything while explaining hes working with them to kill kibutsuji. reluctant acceptance with the note from kagaya giving him a pass. most of them fully believe its a trap tho.
koku seeing tanjiro & his earrings and starting to approach, giyuu already has his blade lodged in his neck as a warning/threat & tanjiro staring at him in shock like 'HUH?? THE MAN FROM MY DREAMS?? HES A DEMON NOW? WAIT WHATS HE DOING HERE-'
#allied kokushibo au#he gets to have a conversation w tanjiro (giyuu watching like a fucking hawk) about his brother & sun breathing and all that- nezuko and her#conquering the sun- koku agreeing that of any demon she deserves to have the sun's blessing. not fuckin *muzan*. he'll want his grubby#little hands on her as soon as he finds out. You. practice sun breathing Right Now you have to be Ready for this.#kokushibo#tsugikuni michikatsu#kny spoilers#<probably need to add that since this is like Entirely surrounding the final few arcs#he talks to tomayo&yushiro and shinobu and gets in on their plans. maybe stop shinobu from her suicide attempt & deals with douma himself#leaves more than just tanjiro and giyuu to fight akaza#i dont remember how kaigaku's goes isnt zenitsu the only one? if so he can keep that thats his atonement whatever for jigoro#nakime however is going to have much more of a Time defending against like 4 hashira at once#yadda yadda less casualties happier ending. koku not knowing what the fuck to do now. stop the need to Eat People to live obviously but what#the fuck. he still hates himself. all the tereible shit hes done and for What. does he kill himself? walking into the sun seems like a good#way to go. fitting yk? but if he becomes fully human like nezuko did what the fuck does he Do. just. Live? after all the shit he did? no..#cool at the beginning but the ending has many questions#i do think he'd want to kill himself but i also think he'd be scared to see his brother in the afterlife. in canon it feels like a spur of#the moment Explode Yourself bc the emotions were overwhelming in the moment#or maybe its been way too long since ive read the manga and this shits ALL out of character#whatever it was funnie at first but then i put too much thought into it#def wanna see somethn with him & tanjiro talking about how theyre connected#kny manga spoilers
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irljmart · 7 months
Hey, starkid fans, I have a hot take for you.
Your headcanons are brilliant, but I gotta remind yall
Just because two characters are played by the same actor does not mean they're related.
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brazilian-whalien52 · 11 months
Kawi is not just shy he has social anxiety disorder (SAD).
A Quick summary of social anxiety: "A person with social anxiety disorder feels symptoms of anxiety or fear in situations where they may be scrutinized, evaluated, or judged by others" 
You can see through the drama how he cares about the opinion of others. He builds his whole life over what other people think about him and, in the same way, pushes other people way and keeps a distance. 
He also, in many moments, freezes in front of others. For example, when he has to sing as a first-year student in front of his classmates. Besides avoiding places or situations where he feels other people may judge him, which causes him to not have any meaningful connections in the future and regretting all the opportunity he lost. Even the work he ends up at is basically another form of isolation (he does subtitles in his home office and the contact with his boss seems to be mostly through his cellphone).  
After a social situation, he tries to over analyse his "performance", looking for flaws in his interactions, blaming himself and regretting the things he said/did. Also, he tends to expect the worst possible consequences from a social interaction or negative experience, believing that any mistakes he makes will turn people against him. Basically, he doesn't allow himself to make mistakes, especially during social interactions. You can see him expressing this a lot in the firsts episodes. 
Another thing that shows is that he doesn't feel comfortable eating in front of others, a usual trait in people with social anxiety disorder (observational social fears). It is also pretty common for people with SAD to develop drinking problems. Normally, they have alcohol because it's a way they can be "fun and spontaneous" around other people. However, how he was before, also shows his social anxiety. He was too afraid of drinking and getting loose around other people. That's probably why he never drank. Basically, he went to two different extremes in that matter.  
Plus, people that are part of a minority group (in this case queer) are more likely to have social anxiety disorder. 
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roseworth · 11 months
reblogs off bc i dont know how strongly i feel about this but i think some people realized that they werent allowed to say "this straight ship sucks bc i dont want my fav guy dating a girl" so they switched to saying "this straight ship sucks bc it forces the girl into x role" even if they dont know anything about the character or whether or not what theyre saying is true. someone will talk about a straight ship and go "no bc the poor girl :(" then never talk about her again
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