#i need to actually watch victory i feel like people say its bad but the clip i saw was rly cute
charlie-artlie · 5 months
okay wait this wasn’t the meta post i was gonna make but i’ve been scouring the tfwiki in an unblinking state for hours now and i need to make this one
so chromedomes three named dead conjunx enduras were scattergun, pivot and mach. mach is the only one that actually seemed to be a real character with speaking lines (i mean obviously they probably didn’t intend it to be the same guy but shhhhh), from transformers victory, and was part of a combiner duo named machtackle (linking a video of them here cuz they’re actually super adorable)
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[ID: a photo of tackle and mach from transformers victory. tackle is an orange and blue autobot and mach is a white and blue auto with thrusters on his chest.]
my point in all this tho is that chromedome has twice now married someone whos already in a committed relationship with some other guy. if i had a nickel for every time chromedome married someone else’s husband id have two nickel’s. which isnt a lot but its weird that it happened twice. is the dick amazing? how does he keep getting away with this?
or maybe it was just a random name they decided to use and it doesnt mean anything. listen. just play with me in the space okay
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old-school-butch · 6 months
I’m confused as to why so many people on Tumblr (and elsewhere) see this as situation where you have to pick a side. It’s possible to think that two groups are both doing bad things to innocent people, to varying degrees at various times. The people losing in this conflict are the civilians of *both* countries who are at the whims of their governments and bear the brunt of the poor (and sometimes horrific) decisions made by those governments. This “Good Guys” versus “Bad Guys” mentality is not sufficient for a conflict as long and complicated as this one and, again, the people who will suffer from that mentality are the civilians they claim to be standing up for.
Maybe the reason I like history is that if you follow a story for long enough it gets very hard to define anything that happens as 100% good or bad. The reasons for a war, how a war is fought and how a peace is made can all be - independently - better or worse.
This war is being fought because Hamas took hostages. A lot of hostages. Too many to ignore. And that was a strategically good for them because it gave Israel no options, just dilemmas. But for everyone chanting for a ceasefire, they need to remember that this war didn't need to start, and could be stopped, at any moment by returning those hostages. All this terrible, pointless death is on Hamas' hands. Israel's best hope at this point is to truly root out Hamas, but even then finding peace will be a difficult task.
But that's the proximate cause for the war. There are also bigger wars being fought.
Islamists form the majority of the world's extremists right now. I can name a dozen major Islamist movements happening, and this war unlocked a huge victory in their PR strategy that works better on the Western audience than live beheadings. As long as you make white people feel bad about colonialism, and say the rights words like 'liberate' and 'decolonize', you will be able to manipulate millions of useful idiots to make apologizes on your behalf and support your naked grab for power. Hamas invaded Israel 3 times in the last 8 years, but only now got the attention it craves to stay relevant in the 21st century. I hope everyone really enjoys watching mass murder, suicide bombings and terrorist tactics, because there's plenty more where that comes from and now they know the right words to say to appease you while they do it. Prepare to be amazed just how many ground invasions, property seizures and destruction, kidnappings, mass murders and violent suppressionare actshually acts of liberation resistance that empower freedom-loving indigenous people to resist neocolonial oppression - even if not a shred of that is believable. I'm serious. This is one of those times when peace ceasefire movements are actually creating the perfect conditions for everlasting war.
This is also a non-nuclear nuclear war. The U.S. doesn't normally announce where they have sent its nuclear submarines but it notified the world that it sent 4 of them to the Red Sea in November. It's part of deterrence to have these beasts in undisclosed locations and able to quickly response to any attacks. Move them close and the response in even quicker - a clear message. Eliminating the advantage of a surprise attack really is important in holding off nuclear war because of mutually assured destruction (MAD). One problem with MAD is that it assumes that the attacking party don't want to die which... if you watch even a little jihadist propaganda you might get worried about how the death cult vibes undercut that deterrence. Now... as unmanned rockets get better and smarter and faster without those pesky human pilots, it's raising concerns about whether countries like Iran can develop its nuclear capability. Even if they can build a warhead, delivering it to its destination has always been a limiting factor, this is why the US dropped them from planes in WW2. In this war, Iran is (getting the Houthis as their proxy) testing out their latest weapon developments. The Houthis/Iran tried to attack Israel with a ballistic missile (it didn't have a nuclear warhead but is the kind of missile that could be equipped with one), which prompted Israel to test drive their brand new and unproven missile defence system called Arrow. It shot the Iranian missile out of the sky. This is huge. I can't stress this enough - technically speaking, humanity's first space battle has just been fought and Israel won. This is what Reagan's 'Star Wars' program was all about - essentially stopping a bullet by shooting it with another bullet. Because this favors defence (if your surprise attack might not penetrate the defenses but you still find yourself on the receiving end of a nuclear counter attack - you are less likely to want to strike) much more thoroughly than mere mutually assured destruction. It means an attacker will face the risk of being turned into carbon while their enemy yet survives - not easy for even the most dedicated fanatic to swallow.
On top of that, Israel has also developed a laser beam - as yet untested in this conflict - that could potentially address the ammunition supply and reloading problems that plague air defense systems. To overwhelm Israel's Iron Dome on Oct 7, Hamas fired 3,000 rockets in about 20 minutes. There are simply limitations to how quickly a defence system can target, fire and reload a physical rocket, plus they are disproportionately expensive compared to the homemade rockets that Hamas fires (that didn't cost anything except redirecting international aid that was supposed to be for water pipes and fertilizer, because civilians dying of thirst and hunger doesn't appear to be an issue for Hamas). A laser beam will speed everything up immensely. You see, when the Soviet Union fractured and collapsed, about a million Jews fled to Israel and since Jews are very experienced with the fleeing-the-country routine, they brought with them the greatest of riches - knowledge. Those Jewish scientists and engineers brought the electronic warfare and rocket development capabilities of the Soviets into the development pipeline of western military doctrine. This is a good, good thing not just for the West but for everyone. The war in Ukraine was demonstrating that lifting the fog of war was absolutely deadly - good communication platforms like drones means that targets well behind the front line are in view and within reach of missile and drone attacks. The only way, it seemed, to win a war was a surprise attack because once the defence was mobilized, any ground assault would be pinned down to a stalemate on the battlefield. Effective air defence turns the tables on the effectiveness of that first strike advantage. The odds of human survival have possibly extended beyond my lifetime again, and I'm grateful for that.
This is also a global local war. We've seen interest in the Russia-Ukraine war ebb away as a younger, hotter war emerges. But what about a war between Venezuela and Guayana? If the US gets involved in one, two, is that three different conflicts... can it cope with that? How are Taiwan's defenses going to hold with 1/3 or 1/4 of American military support? Israel doesn't need help of the U.S. to win this conventional war, although the U.S. could potentially help create a winnable peace to follow this, but Iran and its allies would love to drag the U.S. more directly into the conflict. So far, it's resisted.
But I don't know how this conflict evolves, that part of the story is not yet written. I pray for more good, and less bad, to come and hope peace can be found in time.
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lemon-bat · 4 months
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Affection: How do they show their love?
Fakeman usually prefers gift giving, however sometimes he'll kiss you.
Brutality: How are they with rivals?
It depends on how close the said rival is to you. Fakeman would hire somebody to take out the rival, if they weren't all that close to you. If they were very close LORD FORBID have romantic feelings for you, Fakeman is taking out the rival himself.
Cruelty: Do they mock you after abduction?
Only after an escape attempt.
Difficulty: How hard is it to escape them?
It is pretty difficult, Fakeman has alot of power being the face of Eden. And he will find you eventually.
End: Would they eventually stop loving you?
It's possible, but be warned if Fakeman falls out of love with you you'll likely die. But the only reason he would is because you were acting like a whiney brat.
Fight: How would they feel if you fight back?
He'd find it pretty funny, how you actually think you can escape his charms! He doesn't like you denying him hugs though.
Guilty: Would they ever feel bad about abducting you?
No, he thinks you both are meant to be. He loves you too much to feel guilty.
Hurt: Would they hurt you?
Although he'd rather not hurt you in any way, he's not above it.
Ick: What's the grossest thing they do?
His suave sickly sweet demeanor can be kinda gross I guess, besides the drug use.
Jewelry: Do they get you gifts?
Its one of his favorite things to do with his money. Fakeman mostly likes to buy you jewelry, but he'll occasionally get you something of your interest.
Kill: How many people have they killed?
Very many people. He doesn't like anyone around you. It's why he never let's you leave his lounge.
Love: On a scale from 1-10 how much do they love you?
Nine he loves you but he can kill you if you push him far enough.
Monday: What's your worst experience with them?
Once he caught you trying to escape as he was coming home from work. And when he found out he was very upset. He handcuffed you to the bed for a week and always saying "You're lucky I didn't break your legs."
Names: What pet names do they use?
Darling, my love, sweetheart, dolly, and mine are his favorite names to call you.
Oblige: What is their favorite thing to do for you?
He likes to bake things for you. Fakeman usually bakes you cupcakes but sometimes he'll mix it up.
Patience: How patient are they with you?
He's patient for the most part. But he really doesn't like it when you're disobedient.
Question: How many questions do they answer?
Pretty much all of them.
Red: What's one way to make them angry?
Tell him his cupcakes suck. (They actually aren't bad.)
Stoop: How low would they stoop for you?
He wouldn't stoop at all. He was basically this bad before meeting you.
Talk: Do they lash out or talk it out?
He'll try to talk about it but if he's mad enough he'll lash out.
unique: Are they any different from the classic yandere?
No not really besides his power, fame, and money.
Victory: How would they feel if you escaped?
Really angry. You better have found a good place away from Eden.
Why: What made them fall in love?
You were a part of the camera crew and friends with a dog hybrid girl. Fakeman watched as you and the hybrid talked about going to a karaoke bar and he just had to follow you. And then at the karaoke bar he heard you sing and he NEEDED to heat and see you more.
Xoanon: How much do they worship you?
More than he leads on, he has a shrine of you in his closet, and a small plushie of you on his bed. (He moved it when he kidnapped you.)
Yearn: How long do they pine after you before they snap?
A week, he needs to know some things about you before he takes you.
Zenith: Would they break you?
If he's desperate enough.
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pocketgalaxies · 1 year
i feel like we're gonna need a whole long individual post from you where you sum up your thoughts and feelings of c3ep51...it's a doozy and i'm interested to hear what you have to say!!😵‍💫
okay. okayyy. i just finished the ep so i haven't had a lot of time to think about it yet but. initial reaction is that i'm feeling a little hm. bad! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
obviously i haven't been on tungle so idk if a lot of other ppl feel this way or if i'm in the minority but. a lot of the latter parts felt bad. like in my soul, i mean. i was simply not having as good of a time as i wanted to be having.
cue complaining! apologies in advance:
it was like. liliana being obstinate, even with appreciably high rolls from imogen. ludinus giving this stupid-ass speech that went on for ages about how his life is sooo so so so hard. sky ship was a complete and utter bust. beau and caleb were a complete and utter bust. keyleth was obviously a complete and utter bust and then some. fcg was just stuck in a goddamn automaton for half the thing. destroying power cores maybe caused the key to malfunction, we'll find out, but they certainly didn't feel particularly influential in the final climax. nobody in the party even had an opportunity to do anything during initiative with the backpack having an AC of fucking 25 (when bh is only level 8!!!). laudna and ashton weren't even there, which obviously couldn't have been predicted or controlled, but it didn't feel good
i can appreciate and understand the idea of having it be very clear that this effort was actually futile from the beginning, because ludinus is unbelievably powerful and otohan beat their asses already and this was a plan centuries in the making and the manpower was there and the group is low-level etc etc. maybe this was always meant to happen, maybe the rest of the campaign as matt planned hinges on the majority of ludinus' plan succeeding, which is FINE. but i don't think i was alone in thinking that there was a non-negligible amount of hope going into this ep that something amazing might happen, esp with beau caleb and keyleth all explicitly involved. and it was all, very very unceremoniously, crushed piece by piece and all ludinus had to do was raise a fuckin pinky. you know what i mean? it just felt too easy for him. after watching bells hells painstakingly plan and desperately recruit help for two straight eps, i just sat here and watched ludinus shit and spit on all of that within seconds? felt bad. i think if there was more of an encounter, more of a fighting chance, then it wouldn't have made me as a viewer feel stupid for thinking something might actually fuckin work
i think it could be argued that the otohan fight in bassuras was similar in its feeling of futility, but like. it wasn't??? bc they were fighting her, they were doing damage, they were using up her spells and her legendary actions/resistances, and there was decision-making involved esp on laura's part. there was good rp and there was tension and risky choices, and the players were driving the ship. here it was like every single thing they threw at it didn't even make it in the door. the whole thing was over in one round
speaking of one round, i really actually quite unironically hated the 5 full minutes during which matt rolled 200 damage or whatever against keyleth. obviously because i love her, but also because it was the quintessential moment in the ep of making me sit here and go "what is the fucking point." one of the most powerful people on the entire planet, down before she can even think to do anything about it. and then vax shows up in this triumphant moment of divine victory just to get totally fucked. BY IMOGEN'S MOM, NO LESS. and NEITHER of them got a turn in initiative. bc ludinus is sooo smart and sooo powerful and sooo wise and sooo evil. vom
so anyway. i don't think i'm nearly as mad as this post makes me sound, but i am definitely having trouble finding parts about the latter half of this ep that i particularly enjoyed, at least in hindsight. like in the moment vax's appearance was Amazing. Legendary. but the fact that all it did was play into ludinus' hand made it feel lowkey like shit. so idk!
sorry this post turned into me saying mean things. i was trying to keep an open mind during my liveblog but i was quite frustrated at certain points lmao idk i'll keep thinking on it and you'll prob see posts from me if i change my mind about things
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antiracist-tolkien · 1 year
Apologies anon, I accidentally hit post on your ask too early and had to delete the post.
Anon asked:
It’s exhausting to be a POC AND hate the token diversity Amazon uses AND feel like RoP is actually genuinely failing to either not be racist the way Tolkien was racist or not be racist in ways contemporary projects are racist AND be super invested in diverse fanworks and diverse perspectives AND not care what white people think, like, *I* am never going to think the show is good because it doesn’t address the racism in the text in a way I find fulfilling but I also hate every white person using this as an excuse to be racist to other fans of color who have a different opinion than I do. It means I can’t actually talk about my criticisms of the show because white fans see it as me agreeing with them and fans of color see it as me betraying them.
Yeah I feel you. As POC there's a pressure to watch our words at all times because someone will purposefully misinterpret them. And God forbid we have different perspectives, because someone will try to weaponise our words and opinions against other POC.
TRoP is particularly difficult to navigate because of how complex the situation is and how many seemingly contradicting points there are.
It's made by Amazon, a genocidal hypercapitalistic company built off the exploitation of POC
It's the first mainstream Tolkien adaption to feature a diverse cast
All of the canonical characters are white, except Tar Miriel, who as I've talked about before is yet another example of Black women & girls being marked for death by the narrative
It features dark-skinned Black characters, including a dark-skinned Black women, who traditionally get even less representation than their light-skinned counterparts
The script was written by white men and it shows
Some of the diverse characters get significant screentime
Aspects of their storyline are handled poorly and with what can at best be described as racial insensitivity
It's more than any other major adaptation has done
It deserves criticism
The series has been relentlessly attacked by white supremacists, which creates a pressure to defend the show and its diverse casting
I personally wish that Amazon had never got their blood-stained hands on lotr, but if it's cancelled now then the white supremacists will take that as a victory and the diverse casting will likely take the blame.
All of these things are true and all of them are important. Which ones are most important to you are going to vary from person to person.
That's the crux of it, I think. When we talk about racism in Tolkien there are many issues that are clear cut. Tolkien was racist. The way that the Haradrim are written is Orientalist. But not every topic has a clear answer. There's grey areas and room for debate.
TROP is one of those areas. I think we as POC need to be kind to each other and understand that this is an emotionally fraught topic. We get attacked on all sides regardless of what opinion we express. The least we can do is defend each other's rights to talk about our experiences, even when we don't agree. Disagreement doesn't have to be betrayal if we still support and listen to each other.
It's too much, it's too complicated for there to be a right answer.
I also hate every white person using this as an excuse to be racist to other fans of color who have a different opinion than I do. It means I can’t actually talk about my criticisms of the show
I've been there and it hurts. It's infuriating and painful. It feels like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Ultimately, you're not responsible for bad faith interpretations of your words and racists are going to be racist no matter what you do or say. If they weren't taking advantage of your words, they'd be taking advantage of others or spilling their own vile hate. You're not enabling them or giving an excuse to be racist, because they never needed enabling or an excuse. They'd do it anyway.
If you feel comfortable to, I think you should talk about your criticisms. They're valuable. The white supremacists are going to be white supremacists, but that shouldn't stop us from having important conversations that enrich our own corners of the fandom.
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sharpth1ng · 1 year
“He swats my behind” … I’m sorry but that is the most unattractive way she could’ve worded that. I have never read 50 shades but my god lol
Ok, im behind on my asks, sorry folks, gonna take me a minute to get through them! may be a day or so. But anyways:
NO THIS IS THE WHOLE SERIES. ITS ALL THIS BAD. I haven't actually read the books, I don't hate myself that much but I'm semi-obsessed with how aweful it is and have about a hundred quotes memorized from listicles and peoples video essays lmao. Like the author really found the worst and least sexy ways to word everything.
More lines that make me want to eject out of my body:
 I don’t make love. I fuck… hard.
I feel the colour in my cheeks rising again. I must be the colour of The Communist Manifesto. (WHAT?)
Sometimes you're so closed off... like an island state
My very small inner goddess sways in a gentle victorious samba.
I had no idea giving pleasure could be such a turn-on, watching him writhe subtly with carnal longing. My inner goddess is doing the merengue with some salsa moves.
 It is his Dom gaze - cold, hard and sexy as hell, seven shades of sin in one enticing look (NO.)
I need to add to this that I think Stu has read the entire series, thinks its incredible, and quotes it casually to Billy constantly. Billy doesn't know wtf he's saying.
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halogenwarrior · 6 months
Just as somewhat of an add on to my post about the criticized trope of "villain who threatens the status quo" and its many manifestations, and when the framing is actually giving a harmful message and when the nuances of the story make it not so and the objections to it is a "false alarm" - one thing I also notice when people talk about stories' relationship to the status quo within their world is this equation of "natural = immutable" and "manmade = mutable". Like along the lines of "this story is bad because it depicts someone wanting to change a manmade social phenomenon as bad, and they need to accept and find peace instead, when that trope is actually supposed to be used for things like people who want to stop things like natural death or an earthquake". And look, I get why the "treating unnatural things as natural in the narrative" is highlighted as it is by some people, given the long history of social Darwinists and the like justifying their preferred (oppressive) politics and social organization by saying it's about evolution or human nature - they created this association between natural/immutable and manmade/mutable, not people talking about fiction on social media, and people understandably want to defeat these people's arguments on the ground they set because they very much can be defeated on the ground the social Darwinists etc. set.
But... this dichotomy is absolutely not true of real life, and just falls into the naturalistic fallacy. There are lots of natural, bad things that can and have been changed - diseases that have been cured, even the fact that scientists already have plans (and have practiced) the idea of diverting an asteroid before it hits earth and causes massive damage. Every manmade social structure can be changed, but the inverse is not true.
So I feel like instead of having this paradigm for when a story "should" feature the problem in its world being fixed as coming down to whether it is natural or not, it should be based on what would be right for that specific story. There can be good stories about people confronting a disease or natural disaster without being able to "do anything" about it, and good stories about people curing a disease or, like with the asteroid example, preventing a natural disaster. Likewise, there can be good stories about rebelling against an unjust social system, and there can be good stories where that unjust system is effectively a constant that the characters have to deal with, suffer in, and perhaps find happiness or little victories in spite of it. Just because the system can be changed doesn't mean that a given set of characters in the specific situation they are in reasonably could (unless you want to get into a lot of victim-blaming), any more than you would be mad at a story where the characters deal with an epidemic disease for not ending with them all being vaccinated, because you know that is a possibility in the long run, even though those characters in that situation wouldn't feasibly be inventors of vaccines.
Now this comes with a few caveats. First of all, what about the extent to which seeing stories where people don't do anything about the systematic problems they face will encourage people to underestimate their own power to change things? Well, I really don't think the main obstacle to people taking social action in their community is that they sometimes watch fiction where characters don't do that. I feel like people spend more time wondering why a fictional character who is mostly powerless in front of a greater force before them spends time trying to help themselves, their family and friends as best they can rather than figure out some way to destroy the system entirely (again, see the "why didn't they invent a vaccine" example), then actually questioning their assumptions about THEMSLEVES, in the real world, being powerless and how much more they themselves would be really capable of.
And some people might also object along the lines that making things about human interests and small victories can deflect things away from the social issues, like an American news segment that praises a 9 year old for raising money for a parent with cancer through some cutesy sale rather than talking about the problems with the USA's health care system. But here, the criticism isn't that it's wrong to praise the kid for going out of their way to do something so selfless, or treat those individuals who do brave and kind things in a harsh system can only be seen as victims and not also as heroes (yes, a kid like that would absolutely deserve to be praised and admired!). The criticism is that focusing on these stories allows people to subliminally want the bad systems to stay in place, so humans will keep being morally tested and show heartwarming nobility, that they will think the world is a just one because, even though it is unjust, it creates those "nice moments", and that they might believe that people are so kind that there will always be some individual person to carry the load for someone else, so there's no need to change the system, in the process ironically not treating the acts of kindness as extraordinary and heroic enough, in that people are expected to do them and in such quantities that the problem somehow stops existing altogether. And I don't think any of these criticisms really apply when you are talking about fiction, at least fiction depicting completely made up (if based on reality) social injustices and not journalism. You could make an argument for fiction depicting an injustice in the real world featuring someone doing something "heroic in the small scale", but I really don't think in the end there is harm in a fictional story where a person has little power to change the system they are in but still does as much good within it as they can.
So I've talked about stories where the system is depicted as bad, but even though changing it can be done theoretically by people in general, for the character's being followed it's unfeasible and for all intents and purposes it's just something they have to live with and work within, and how that's likely not sending some noxious message on how we should worship the status quo. But what about stories like the ones I alluded to at the beginning, where wanting to change things is villainized, treated as hubris and sign of a mind that doesn't have the inner peace to accept things?
Well, I would say that these stories generally send a "bad" message, but, because natural really isn't the same as immutable, they send a bad message whether the thing the character tries to change is natural or unnatural! So yeah, I don't like stories villainizing the horrible audacity of someone to want to end slavery or something, and I also don't like stories villainizing the horrible audacity of someone, say, wanting to revive the dead, because things are better as nature made it. That's not to say that all stories about hubris and the value of acceptance and equanimity are bad, just that whether they are "problematic" comes down to the framing rather than whether the thing the character wants to change is natural or unnatural. And by framing, I mean this: if the character is framed as hubristic because they believe they, as an individual, are so intelligent and talented that they can change some complex aspect of life for the better without any nuance or carefulness or input from others, that has potential to be a great story, and it's a flaw many people have in real life that has caused no end of suffering in the real world! But if the character is framed as hubristic for believing that anyone could or should change that aspect of life, that it's too complex or more often too inherently good or just "sure it's not moral, but it's natural, so it must be worshipped", then no. Kill that idea with fire.
Likewise a lack of acceptance can work when it's clear it's not saving anyone, it's just hurting by not letting go. Like a "don't revive the dead" story can absolutely work if the equivalent real-world metaphor is someone's family keeping them on life support and using CPR over and over again, even when it's painful and humiliating and it's clear they aren't going to ever get better. That's something horrifying that does happen in the real world! But not so much when the character actually wants to save another person, in a way that will definitively help them if it's done right rather than just harm the other person but make the "reviver" feel better about themselves and escape their own personal grief. And for someone who isn't accepting their own death and is villainized: is the villainization coming from them lashing out and making themselves and others miserable even though there's nothing they can do about it (fine) or for them wanting to save themselves when they legitimately have a change (not fine)! Now it might be that in your fictional world, the way to save or revive yourself or someone else involves hurting or killing other people, in which case they very well might be bad people for it, but again, the key is in the framing; are they portrayed as bad people for causing a greater harm for a smaller good (fine), or portrayed as bad people because wanting to defy nature is not good in the first place, and even if there wasn't all the harm they should just "accept death (or whatever other bad thing there is in question)"?
Now I usually try in my posts on Tumblr to stick out of discussion of politics that is not directly related to media, not because I obsess over media as being the basis of everything but because that's what I come on this site to do, and would go elsewhere to just talk unabated about politics. Though still, I can't help but notice that when you have a debate where side 1 is like "we have to change this horrible thing, and have the imagination to see the possibility and strive for it", side 2 is like "it's more complicated than that, don't act as if you know everything and can fix everything that easily", and side 1 again is like "It's not complicated, that's just the excuse people make for themselves", what groups of people are on either side tends to flip depending on whether the thing to change in question is natural or manmade. If it's natural, it's typically the rationalist techno-optimist groups cheering on change (see all of the support for anti-aging research you see there) and left wing (and some parts of the right wing) people who are skeptical for how it may lead to social inequalities (to which, again, the proponents would argue that the potential for downsides is no reason for the harm by neglect that comes from not trying), while if it is manmade it's left wing people are are arguing strongly for change and the supposedly "open minded" dreamers of the aforementioned rationalist techno-optimist crowd are suddenly saying you shouldn't change anything because it's complicated/perfect as it is. In reality, I think the right attitude for both is trying to open your mind to the possibility of change and be dedicated to trying for it, while maintaining carefulness and skepticism about the effects of it being done "wrong".
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stheresya · 2 years
Okay lemme ask you something. Been digging your pro alexander posts and stuff. I basically learned about sab via tumblr and was so sad when I realized they made the darling the big bad despite being groomed by his mom more or less aND that Alina gives basically the equivalent of her like… supernatural “blessed” help-others powers to “be regular” when half the narrative seems to be about settling conflict between these two really different groups of people which she has unique insight into, as someone raised non-grisha but finds out that she IS ACTUALLY grisha. Im bummed the ending isn’t like.. darkling redemption, Alina helps heal the fractured society, 100 years of peace or something. Sad and disappointed lol. Should I even get into sab. And read it, really. Or have I learned everything I need to know from tumblr at this point to have a happy au fanon experience, lol.
The themes of the story are very inconsistent. Alina spends the entire trilogy trying to escape the Darkling and owning her power, only to lose it all in the end, and have the narrative framing that loss as just a small price to pay for... I don't know what exactly. Because Alina did everything she was supposed to do in order to defeat the "big bad" but in the end she was still punished. The author wanted a Mal & Alina together-ever-after so bad that she didn't care if it was at the expense of stripping Alina off herself, since being grisha was a crucial aspect of her being, almost as important for her survival as breathing.
As for the conflict... well, it's there mostly as a motivation for the villain, but our main character doesn't give much thought into it. The main concern is stopping the Darkling at all costs without proposing new alternatives to put an end to grisha genocide, or the wars that have been tearing their country apart. And as the story goes on, the Darkling becomes reasonably more unhinged, because he's been oppressed since he was born (even if he found a way to work around that), he's been watching his kind be murdered and tortured for five centuries, and then comes along the girl who was supposed to be his balance and she sides with the people who've been enabling grisha genocide all along, ruining every single one of his plans to better the lives of grisha. Of course he loses it. And the narrative uses his rightful despair as all the more reason as to why he needs be stopped.
The narrative entertains a story about conciliation with its "like calls to like" and "you were meant to be my balance" quotes. But it wasn’t about balance after all. The prevailing of good is symbolized by the sun summoners having multiplied while the shadow summoners being all extinct. It's a very childish idea that light is good and darkness is bad. Even though we know the world can only function with a healthy balance between the two. I'm not sure about Aleksander being redeemed, but what I can say is that, as it was, the "good" guys' victory at the end didn't feel like victory at all, because the Darkling wasn’t the real villain, the hostile world was, and the Darkling was simply taking action based on that hostility. Extreme circumstances require extreme measures and so on...
As to whether you should get into sab... I don't know. It's up to you. If you know all that happens and you wish to draw your own conclusions then, by all means, go ahead and read it. It's possible that you may not even see things the way we do. But if you don't think the destination is worth the journey, then, move on to other stories. I'm sure there's no shortage of good fantasy series out there with interesting main characters and consistent themes that are worth your time.
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jcz-ihi · 1 year
Love Fool
First posted on AO3.
Inspired by Gyakuten Kenji|Ace Attorney Investigations, after 1-5, One-shot.
The thirteenth time when Miles Edgeworth cast a glance towards Franziska von Karma, she finally could not stand it anymore. That conflicted expression of wanting to speak but holding back didn't suit him at all. It wasn't like him to be indecisive. Did he throw away all of her father's teachings?
"What's wrong?" She looked straight at him, subconsciously tightening the whip in her hand.
He opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. She continued to look at him and the raised whip was about to fall--
The sound of the whip falling was crisp. Somehow, from his indifferent expression without much change she actually read a hint of relief.
"Have you been deceived by someone?"
"What nonsense are you talking about, Miles Egdeworth?" She wasn't polite as she whipped him again. "Are you underestimating me?"
"I misspoke," he still didn't dodge. "Okay, I meant to ask if--"
"Have you been deceived by a bad guy?"
She was taken aback for a moment before realizing what he meant. Her face instantly turned red. Her hand had already started moving before her brain had completed its thoughts, but this gave her a gap to think of a counterattack.
"Excuse me, Miles Egdeworth," she switched back to her calm smile and gestured her index finger. "you haven't even had a girlfriend yourself, have you?"
"A love fool like you might as well worry about yourself first."
"Franziska, you're not even of legal age!"
"Fools can only make foolish statements. The legal age in Germany is eighteen. Case closed."
He couldn't say anything in response, but she didn't feel any sense of victory. In the end, this was just a stupid and insignificant matter that had nothing to do with the creed of the prosecutors, her goal, or his life. How could he have the leisure to waste her time and energy with such trivial matters?
However, he smiled, which made her even more annoyed. "That's...great." Although she lowered her voice more than usual, she could still hear herself clearly.
"Great for what? If you don't have anything else I'll go first, there's still a case to attend to."
"Hold it!"
I'm not a suspect who needs to continue giving testimony, she thought, but still didn't swing her whip. "You'll be punished if you continue making foolish statements, you know?" She whipped towards the ground. "What do you want, Miles Edgeworth?"
"You're single now, aren't you?"
"What, what does that have to do with anything? You're single too, aren't you?"
"I just wanted to confirm."
"Are you mocking me, Miles Edgeworth?" Franziska von Karma increased the strength of her whip swing, "Even if I'm not single, what does it have to do with you? Fool!"
"No, why would I..." he said, "At least I watched you grow up."
So he's trying to reminiscing with her, she thought. But their relationship should have ended a long time ago...from the moment the DL6 incident was brought to a close. More precisely it shouldn't have existed in the first place: she wasn't supposed to be his older sister - although the guy would surely retort that he was the older brother, but she was the one who bossed people around between the two of them - in any case things weren't supposed to be that way. "That's your reason?" An unfamiliar emotion came over her, "What a poor argument ......"
She sometimes wondered what he really thought of her. She could probably be considered a companion or a junior until the ugly, bloody truth was revealed, but after that she no longer wanted to think about it. The daughter of his father's murderer, an international prosecutor who had met in some of his cases ...... can these count as relationships?
She didn't know what he really thought of her. She didn't really want to know, nor did he really want to - would make such a statement was not expected by himself, he would not have been some vulgar person who liked gossip. Although he had been flirted with a few times, he had never taken those words to heart. There's nothing wrong with being single since it's just a way of life that suits him.
But things might be different for Franziska, he thought. While the improper relationship between the international prosecutor and the international police officer was certainly rumour, her authentic emotional state was what really needed to be figured out. She was only 19, she couldn't afford to have her promising career cut short by an unworthy relationship. Someone worthy of her would have to be at least a better prosecutor than him, although he hadn't seen one yet that fit that bill.
So he hesitated, searching his heart for the right words to use in his inquiry, and ended up saying something terrible. Franziska noticed his lapse, which made him even more nervous, and it was only when the familiar whip fell on his body that he relaxed a bit. Her expression gave the answer he expected, but he was careful to add additional wording.
Being blocked by her strong argument was a complete departure from his initial assumption, however. Her tongue was getting sharper, he thought with a sense of relief and some amusement. A love fool ...... what a sharp sarcasm. A nice counterattack, but he wasn't going to budge. She was only nineteen and hadn't been to a bar mitzvah yet.
But he forgot that she became a prosecutor in German. Funny enough, he also took his judicial exams abroad. She was no longer the little girl in the sleeveless blouse who hadn't gotten her badge yet. He had to admit that she was now a reliable adult ...... which is great.
Returning to the present, they both fell silent. He wanted to end this inexplicable conversation, but couldn't find the words. She hated it when he acted superior in front of her, and he couldn't have known better. "It's good that your career as a prosecutor will not be affected," is definitely enough to earn him a dozen lashes, and "Can you wait for me?" such dark and dirty thought can not be detected by her, even the slightest bit. She is only his junior. His former junior.
"Miles," she said suddenly, "how many hours of sleep did you get this week?"
"Why are you suddenly asking this?"
"It's true that the lack of sleep has caused your brain in lack of blood supply," she laughed, "It's so unlike you to speak so foolishly today."
"Carnegie's trial is tomorrow, yet you have the leisure to come to me to ask such insignificant trifles ...... Let me guess, you have heard the rumours made by the fools in the prosecutor's office, haven't you?"
"Well, um ......" he moved his index finger, still with his hands on his chest.
"Only fools would take that sort of foolish rumours to heart. I'm the heir to Karma-"
"Until the smuggling case is completely solved you will focus only on this, right?"
"Isn't that what things supposed to be?"
"Then I'll be looking forward to your results," he said, "and I won't concede defeat in the competition of pursuing the truth, Franziska."
All that answered him was the sound of the whip falling. He didn't know how she felt about him, nor did he really want to - and she did the same. He didn't know the whispered words to herself that she unintentionally divulged after she turned and walked out a few steps: please wait for me. Don't leave me again. You will not be allowed to leave me alone again, you will not be allowed to run away from me again. I will find out everything, and the moment the results are published -
You will never be able to refuse me again, Miles Edgeworth.
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redwineconversation · 2 years
OL - Chelsea Postgame Thoughts
I maintain that preseason doesn't tell you a whole lot about a team, except how good they are at problem solving. We saw that in the OL-Chelsea ICC game.
So what did we learn last night?
Carpenter's absence is going to hurt. Cayman (1) isn't a natural RB, and (2) lacks Carpenter's pace and power. OL's staff said this morning that not having Carpenter is a handicap, and we saw as much. That being said, though, Chelsea was basically playing with their full starting 11, and I think Cayman will be able to handle lesser teams as a RB without a problem.
It was so hot and humid the entire game that I am actually giving a pass for Lyon looking like they were auditioning for The Walking Dead the first 45 minutes. I was dying in that heat and humidity and I was just watching the game. It doesn't excuse them playing arguably the worse 45 minutes I've seen since probably the draw against ASSE last season, but it is what it is.
Players who impressed: Bruun (man does it feel good to be vindicated about this kid), van de Donk, Marques, Cascarino. I'm going to talk about each one separately.
Bruun: I'm going to do a victory lap and say I was right about this kid, that she is bright and she just needed a little bit of time. Prior to the goal I was saying how she was putting in a considerable defense shift - she was one of the last defenders whenever Lyon was defending a corner, and the head clearances were pretty good. She also showed a bit more bite / killer instinct, which I always knew she had in her but needed it to come out. Poacher approach to the goal. Nice penalty.
Van de Donk: one of the difference makers for Lyon, if not the main difference maker. In her OLPlay interview last year she said that Lyon needs to get pissed off, needs a bit of passion to play well, and I think that showed a deeper understanding of how Lyon clicks that people will necessarily give credit to a player in their first year at Lyon. Fun anecdote: when she was warming up for the second half, I said "fucking win!" to her and she responded "I've got you."
Marques: that kid is good. The possibility of having a Carpenter - Sombath - Marques - Bacha back line in a few years is something I am positively salivating over. Lyon desperately needs to sign her to a pro contract and then quietly develop her the way they are doing with Sombath. She is a really, really good player in the making and it would be criminal for Lyon to let another team poach her from under them.
Cascarino: she put in the most work in the first half. Definitely was missing the linkup with Carpenter - Cayman doesn’t have the same pace so the one-two exchange didn’t have the same pace to it. Final pass was, shall we say, not good, but on the whole pretty decent.
If Harder had scored on that open goal opportunity Lyon would have been dead and buried. How she missed that is beyond me. Speaking of Harder: (1) the matchup between Harder and Cayman was, as a Lyon fan, not the best thing I've ever had to experience; (2) I remain perplexed as to how Emma Hayes manages to mismanage a player of that calibre. It's honestly bewildering to me.
It took 80 minutes for Lyon to click into God Mode, but as I've said before, once they do, it's a real pleasure to watch. And I'm going to have to give credit to van de Donk and Bruun because they were basically the ones who dragged Lyon into God Mode. Damaris was starting to show some fight as well, and that was a really nasty foul she suffered. She was walking around fine after the game so fingers crossed it wasn't as bad as it looked. Otherwise Lyon's Midfield Curse continues into its second straight season.
Perisset remains The One That Got Away.
Other stuff: as I said, those first 45 minutes were ugly in every sense of the term, but Lyon also was basically playing with their B team against a full strength Chelsea. Lyon was without: Carpenter, Renard, Macario, Henry, Hegerberg. Those are considerable players to be missing, so to come back from two goals down in that heat and humidity is something you do have to give them credit for.
Lyon plays Monterrey in the final, to everyone's surprise. Even Lyon's coaching staff expressed surprise this morning at having to play Monterrey. The fun side, though, is we will get to see Lyon problem solve in real time, which is pretty neat to watch. So what do we need to look for in that problem solving? Basically, a lot of kicking the ball around while they see what the opposing team does. Monterrey was pretty fast but not as physical as Portland, so we'll see if Lyon flexes or not on them. Monterrey will be full of confidence though after their win against Portland.
Special shoutout to the Chelsea fan who mouthed off before the Lyon game about how she wanted Chelsea to win so they would play against Portland. She got her wish, her fault for not specifying she wanted to play Portland in the final.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Can you write overprotective long hair harry imagine?? Like he always hovers the reader when she is doing something or even nothing. Or when she needs to run errands he always go with even though its not required. And when reader fell sick he is full on mommy daddy mode dom!h vibes
Harry’s awfully sweet. He’s a literal sweetheart with those marble sepia eyes, hazelnut curls and that big golden kind heart of his's.
But, to people he’s intimidating. From the black loiter of tattoos, a silver of piercing to the corner of his plush bottom lip and those long curls of his's that frays his broad strong shoulders turns everyone too giddy to talk to him and he's okay with that – bunch of loosers anyways whom he doesn’t want to waste his time on chit-chatting.
Then Y/N came into his life and his world flipped upside down, in a beautiful way (where he felt like floating into the crashing waves of crystal sea). It felt like she made him see the world through pink heart-shaped glasses and everyone’s just bursting into rainbows, puffaw! Boom! Their heads blasting with colourful confetti and ribbons.
Even though his slight grouchiness towards people lessened he still doesn’t gives two fucks before punching the shit out of someone if they in any way hurts, be rude and try to take physical and emotional advantage of, Y/N.
His bunny.
He’s too protective of her. And why wouldn’t he? She’s his everything. His little miracle and his hype-person, his lovie.
He’s the softest peach for her. The guy who walks and everyone scrambles away to give him a way, is whipped for his girlfriend.
He’s always having his strong arm looped around her waist when they’re out and walking, going to hold her hands instead if she’s too wiggly, keeping her close to his chest while he holds their coffees and sweets.
Whenever they’re doing grocery he’s always wheeling the cart around how much Y/N insists and pouts, he likes it that way. Hearing her blabber and skim her eyes down the ingredients labelled on the products then tossing it anyway with a shrug – makes him want to smooch her wet in kisses.
If they’re partying out with friends. Which they rarely do, (Y/N sometimes makes fun of them saying they’re getting too domestic day by day) he’s always having her put in his lap, his screwed up expression lazing when the alcohol starts to kick in and he’s just a blubbering mess of nonsense, and a very horn dog with his cock bloating up in his tight skinny jeans.
Not that he doesn’t let her have a breather and enjoy herself. He indeed does, they’ve a healthy relationship where they keep trust and faith in eachother.
But, sometimes he gets super jealous when people steal his little girlfriend away from him and once home he’s cuddling and oodling her, kissing her face all over with loud smacks and not letting her be away from him another second even it’s too bring him water or to get rid of his smelly socks.
Other times. When he’s particularly very jealous. The serious ones where Y/N unintentionally spends a tad more time at some of her classmates to wind up their upcoming project, he’s driving himself to pick her up and knocking at the door harshly and then dragging her out of there not letting her carry her stuff and huffing and puffing while throwing her things in the backseat.
Because Jeremy’s a sore rascal who’s shit at hiding his crush for Y/N and he should know better to whom she belongs. His innocent baby is too naive towards the possible hints and evil intentions of people.
“Oi. What got into you today?” She brushes the loose curl that escaped from his bun and let her fingers slide down his tight set angry jaw staring him a bit concerned upon seeing him this furious and ruffled up from nowhere.
“You’re mine,” Is all he'd respond. Smashing his lips against hers in a an ardent kiss and glide his palm down her ass to squeeze it and bring her closer grinning when she squeals into his mouth giving him a chance to slip his tongue in and kiss her deeper and sloppier.
“You’re a silly geese.” She giggles whisper into the mess of pecks and lock her elbows around his neck to give him an eskimo kiss.
“Watch y’mouth.” He glares her intensely loving the way Y/N gulps timidly bobbing her head.
“You’ll get a spanking today,” He always likes to warn her before hand. He wants her comfortable with him in every case and it’s downgrade monstrous to treat the person you love like a mean bitch out of blue -- so whenever she deserves a punishment he already announces her of it, warming her to the idea and giving her time to back away if she doesn’t want it.
“What did I’do now!” She whines and he nibbles onto his knuckle glancing her way in disbelief other hand on steering wheel, “What did y'do?” He asks her sternly. Spreading his palm over her thigh and squeezing it grimly.
“Did y'even care to look at the time, Y/N?” Oh boy. She’s in real trouble. Her name on his tongue never fails to turn her insides gooey and pause her heartbeat horribly. A red light for her to being bratty before she falls into the deep black dig of trouble.
Reaching home. He’s throwing her on the bed and demanding her to lay still on her tummy while he puts a pillow under her and spanks her bum sore with his rings imprinting her skin pink, though he never forgets to take care of her afterwards – putting a cool cream to soothe the burn and letting her sleep on his chest so she wouldn’t come in contact with the sheets as he kneads her asscheeks with gentle hands.
He could never have his hands to himself when she’s cooking and baking for them. Always, poking and prodding around having her head tucked under his chin, her embraced in his arms from back swaying them along to Hozier while she reads the recipe she wrote on one of the tiles.
“Stop!” She giggles, squirming in his arms when he blows raspberries against the dip of her neck and then creates growly noises biting and lapping into her skin, “You’re gonna burn our lunch!” She pressed her hips against his crotch to push him away and that warmed him more, delving his fingers more into her hips with a throaty groan.
“We could have a takeout.” His breath shuddery against her ear as he tries to pry the spatula away from her and kiss her grumpy whines down when the pots actually got burned, “I’ll wash and scratch them.” He’d assure picking her up and wrapping her legs around his hips and slipping his fingers in her hair to tug them and bring her mouth down against his’s to taste her.
“Wants to fuck you so bad, baby. My cock’s been weepy fo’ hours without your touch.” He groans, taking her hand and sneaking it inside his joggers to make her feel how stiff and erect he’s for her.
“I just gave you a blowie in the morning!”
“Blowie isn’t equivalent to fucking!”
“What y'readin,?” He scoots closer to her end of sofa with a smirk and towers over her trying to take a peek of whatever she’s reading with such intensity and then rake his warm palms up her calves to lay them over his thighs while he snuggles her wrapping a chonky blanket around them.
“Shhh baby girl, just want you to be more comfy.” He mumbles into her hair scratching his short nails against her scalp in soothing motions and watch her melt against his touch, eyes fluttering as she lurks dangerously to the verge of sleep.
“You always do that. Whenever the hot part’s about to come, you make me all sleepy.” She mutters laying her head against his clavicles gazing him up with hazy eyes, sighing in feign disappointment when he grins down at her in quite victory and gives her a sloppy kiss.
“What do y'need erotica fo’ baby? When your man’s the living walking momentum of sex.” He pouts, grazing his teeth down her neck and leaving a fresh hickey at her throat.
“That’s infact not, true. You’re such a cutie!” She beams up at him never failing to give him dancing butterflies in his stomach and he doesn’t admits it but he likes getting treated soft and gentle by his girlfriend.
“Such a shame. My own little love doesn’t find me sexy.” He grumps dramatically making her scramble hesitantly and turn to him in their tight embrace, cradling his face in her cold palms, “No. No. I find you sexy. I just don’t like sexualising you.” If Harry didn’t turn into a puddle before he indeed did now as he melted into her touch and kissed the inside of her hands lovingly.
“You’re sucha sap!” He whispers at her in fake offence and plant his lips against hers, patting her bum to make her hug him more tightly.
On cleaning and laundry day’s. He’s always helping her. As they scrub and mop the floors together, might fuck on them bubbly floors too if Harry’s lusty gaze remains on her spilling tits for too long.
“Thinks your floral bra needs a wash too, moppet.” His gradual attempts to lure her with his fingers stroking her thighs seductively always turns into a win when she nods shyly into his neck and let him have an easy access to her panties.
They’re always having a warm, full of essence bath together cleaning and washing the dirt off eachother after that.
Then sharing a cuppa tea while folding their clothes together on the bed and he’s always trying to tackle her into mattress when she laughs at his terribly folded clothes compared to her neatly binded ones.
“Your sucha menace,” He jests with his nose skewered up while he smacks her ass.
“Talk for yourself, Styles.” She retorts, tangling her knee around his waist and pulling him down into him. Puffing out relaxed breaths upon feeling safe and protected under his weight and Harry always smiles into the crook of her neck when she tries to cuddle him as if she wants to be his skin.
He’s the most daddiest when she’s drunk, sick or stressed.
Never letting her go out of his sight when she’s dancing on the floor with her friends. If some man even tries to approach her and breaths in her direction he’s sprinting towards her and pawing at her hips to situate her closer to him whilst blowing those potential guys off with a monotone expression.
“Harry! Do a lil dancey dance with me!” She giggles, making him sway with her and looking up at him with glassy floaty eyes.
“Bunny. ‘s late, time to go home.” He tells her, pinching her chin to plant his lips against hers and she squirms giving him a timid smile, “Okie. But I’ve to pee.”
“Me too!” Her friends chimes from behind her and Harry rolls his eyes playfully, gesturing all of them to follow him.
“C’mon you spies, not lettin’ ya’ll go alone.”
He waits for them outside the washroom while they do their business and he has his arms always splayed open for when his lovie comes back and he’s welcoming her in his embrace warmly with a sweet smile.
Dying with fond injecting in his every vein when she slurs and blabbers, “Home.”
Walking her up the stairs of their flat’s building is the most hefty struggle while she’s a sleepy, clumsy and giggly muck of doe gleaming eyes and swollen pretty lips drooling over Harry testing his patience while he makes her take one step at a time.
“Darling, bunny, just some mo' steps lovin’.” He coos at her, putting a firm hand under her bum and heaving her up into him so she doesn’t falls.
“Mhmmm you’re so pretty, daddy.” Harry’s head snaps in surprise as he stares down at her in adoring amusement and push her head under his chin while she slings her arms around his waist lazily.
Sometimes, she gets him so flustered he doesn’t know how to respond.
She whines and cries in dishevelment when Harry makes her sit on the cold marble counter and wipes her makeup off.
“I just wan’ to sleep!” She toes at his torso trying to push him away but he grabs it and tuts, glowering at her strictly, “You’re g'na complain in the mornin’. Sleepin’ with makeup makes ye' breakout remember?” When she still huffs and slumps giving him a hard time to clean her he’s pinching her chin and giving her a gentle jerk.
“Bunny. Stop with ye' battiness.” He grunts not letting his facade slip when she mewls stroking her cheek up and down his lightly stubble covered cheek softly.
“Else what? Y'never punish a sleepy bunny.” She smirks at him foppishly and lazily knowing damn well that one of thing Harry doesn’t do’s tease or punish her when she’s tuckered out and on the edge of sleeping on him.
“You don’t test me bratty woman.” She squeals when he takes hold of her panties to pull them down her legs, slapping her mound once discarding it in the hamper and he sighs when she’s already snoring lightly, slobbering his throat with her mouth parted comically.
After pattering her face with loving kisses he’s tucking her under the layers of blankets and letting her use him as her stuffie.
“Aw poor baby.” He mumbles, kissing her forehead when he finds her burning up against him and he’s quickly rummaging for thermometer from the night stand and the tissues he had stashed for emergencies.
“I don’t feel good,” His heart breaks when Y/N croaks out weakly and tries to crawl up his chest to stuff her face in his musky neck but her frail limbs gives out making her cry out.
“It’s okay bunny, ‘s okay. How but I make you some soup. Then y'take your medicines like a good girl of mine, then if your condition gets worse we’ll go to doctor, yeah baby?” He talks to her gently and sweetly, stroking her hair and peppering kisses to her temples.
“Just last bite, moppet.” Harry hovers the spoon infront of her and sighs when she shakes her head pushing his wrist away, “I’ll puke.” She sniffs blowing her nose harshly in the tissue .
“The bin’s right here, bunny.” He smoothens his hand down her spine putting the tray aside carefully to snuggle and comfort her as she cries softly against his chest.
“’M so sorry baby, you’ll be alright in the morning.” He couldn’t see her in such condition. It pulls and tugs at his heart so painfully he feels himself hurting.
“Oi. Why you crying, hmm?” He cups her cheek and makes her look at him as she skims her eyes away from him jn embarrassment.
“I —- You’re so caring and loving, treats me so good and it makes me c.. cr–-,” She hiccups finding it hard to breath and Harry rubs her back, whispering affinities in her ear making her finally sob, “Cry....” He chuckles softly pelting kisses upon kisses on her puffy eyelids, soaky dried up cheeks, her frowned up forehead, her wobbly chin and her nipping love bites down her chest then blowing raspberries at his own slick covering her skin making her giggle through her hiccups.
“I love you.” She whispers droopily, head lulling to his chest when the effect of medicine finally starts to kick in.
“I love you too, I want my healthy and happy bunny back.” He mumbles, inhaling a huge puff of her scent and squishes her lovingly.
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Dream SMP Recap (March 1/2021) - Breaking Point
Sam has been unable to find a cause for the security breach, leaving Tommy trapped. A heated argument in the cell escalates to a horrifying end.
As the rest of server mourns, the Eggpire celebrates. With their biggest obstacle in the way of their objective gone, it’s time for the next step.
It’s the start of the Final Stage.
Jack Manifold
Captain Puffy
- HBomb hosts Foolish and Jack Manifold’s episode of L’Cast!
The Prison Stream
(This portion of the recap will be more detailed than normal since it’s one long conversation and there are many important lines here, including a couple that were hard to hear during the stream)
- Tommy’s stream starts with him making sounds and singing “Roadtrip.” Dream tells him to stop, he’s trying to write a book.
Tommy: “What are you writing, Dream? What are you writing?”
Dream: “None of your business.”
- There’s a little gray and white cat sat on the chest. Tommy says it’s annoying.
Dream: “No he’s not...he’s actually the best thing that’s happened to us.”
Tommy: (Trying to lead the cat away) “Come with me, come with me...you know what I named him, don’t you? Pussboy, Pussboy!”
- The cat returns to its spot on the chest
Tommy: “Oh, Pussboy, you are so ugly.”
Dream: “C’mon, you’re being mean!”
(Tommy punches the cat)
Dream: “Tommy! Stop!”
- Tommy starts singing “Roadtrip” in autotune. Dream tells Tommy that if he can be quiet, he’ll give Tommy more potatoes.
Dream: “I think that...the cat is the best thing that’s happened to us.”
- Sam joins the call to say hello and ask how it’s been going. He’s come to drop more food into the cell. Tommy also picks up a new clock.
- Tommy asks to be let out, but Sam says he still hasn’t found out what the security issue is. Dream asks how long Tommy will be in here for. Potentially for a while, but not forever.
- Tommy protests about how bad the prison has been. He threatens to get lawyers on Sam, he knows Big Law.
Tommy: "Sam...you know I don’t deal very well in...close quarters situations for a long time, Sam. Sam, you remember when you visited me in exile, Sam? Alright, this is worse than that, Sam...let me out. I don’t like this. Let. Me. Out. Sam.”
- Sam insists he’s doing the best he can and leaves.
- Dream tries to say that it’s not that bad. He’s been in there for a long time, but now it’s better! Tommy writes a book to Dream, signs it and throws it to him.
Dream: “I have company. I have a cat -- I mean, technically it’s not my cat, technically it’s your cat, but still! It’s just as good, keeps me company when I write and everything, we talk sometimes -- ‘cause you’re annoying a lot of the time--”
- Dream throws away the clock in the lava, saying they don’t need it. Tommy punches the cat again.
Dream: “Tommy, hear me out, hear me out...what if...we get out together, okay?”
- Tommy is not a fan of the idea, Dream shouldn’t be let out too. He goes over to the cat and shouts at it for being in his spot. He punches Pussboy twice.
Dream: “Tommy...TOMMY, STOP!”
Tommy: “Excuse me! Come this way, come this way, excuse me Dream I’m trying to right-click Pussboy--”
(Dream moves to get in front of the cat)
Dream: “Tommy.”
Tommy: “Come here, come here! Do you like this cat, Dream?”
Dream: “Yes, I do.”
Tommy: “Why?”
Dream: “Because he -- Tommy, he keeps me company --”
(Tommy punches Pussboy again and leads him towards the lava)
Tommy: “Pussboy, this way. Pussboy, this way. Let me show you the light--”
Dream: “He’s probably low, he’s probably low!”
Tommy: “Oh what, you love him? Do you love him? Do you love him?”
Dream: “Yes, I do...Tommy, he’s made things better in here -- okay listen! When you leave, can you sit him down and leave him here?”
(Tommy goes over and punches Pussboy again. He tries to lead Pussboy away again, but when the cat doesn’t come he punches Pussboy twice more, killing him)
Tommy: “Yeah. And that’s what happens when you love something, bitch.”
Tommy: “See, now when I leave, when I leave, you’ll have nothing! ‘Cause you are lonely, and you’re m-m-manipulative, you’re a fuckin’ twat, and I mean that.”
Dream: “Tommy...I’m gonna get out! And you just motivated me -- you motivated me all the time, you just -- that was hope, right? The cat was hope -- the cat was hope that I could live a nice life in here--”
Tommy: “And now it’s dead, now it’s dead.”
- Dream insists that he’ll get out, and when he does, he’ll get his revenge on everyone who wronged him. Tommy asks if he’d kill Tubbo. 
- The subject goes back to Dream’s plan of escape.
Dream: “I have a plan. And the thing is, Awesamdude’s never gonna believe you that I have a plan because he thinks it’s unbreakable, unescapable--”
“I have a plan. And you know, there’s a certain someone who owes me a favor, but -- that might be a part of it, but...I do have a plan.”
- They argue about the conditions of the prison again. 
Dream: “I’ve been in here a for hundred times longer than you, and you sit there trying to tell me that it’s so horrible, that it’s so bad -- yeah, it was! But guess what, we have each other to talk to, and we had a cat until you fucking killed it!”
Tommy: “Dream...Dream, and listen to this -- fucking engrave this on you, write this into your arms, Dream...You don’t have me. You’ll never have me. We don’t have each other, alright? I am me, and you are this fuckin’ loser who goes around manipulating people, lying to get what he wants. You are a fuckin’ no one, man, alright? And when I’m going to leave here, you’re not! You might have a favor -- you think, who is it, Technoblade’s gonna be able to come in here to let you out -- Technoblade, he doesn’t like governments, but he likes self gain! You think he wants to piss off the owner of the most POWERFUL building on the entire server, just so that he can get a video that BARELY scrapes the five million view mark -- NO, Dream, alright? You’re a fuckin’ asshole, you’re deluded, you’re delusional, and I fuckin’ hate you.”
Dream: “Okay...yeah, but I have something Techno would want, so...it means knowledge, alright?”
- Dream says that even when he’s in here, he’s more powerful than Tommy outside. Tommy replies that if he wanted to, he could kill Dream right now. The only reason he doesn’t is because they need the revive book.
- Dream says that he will never use the revive book to help Tommy or his friends. Ever.
Dream: “So kill me. Go ahead, come on.”
- When if Tubbo dies, Dream says, they’ll come begging for Tubbo to be revived, and Dream will ask to be let out.
- Tommy then says that this isn’t worse than exile, because in exile, Tommy thought Dream had all the power, and Tommy knows something...he thinks the revive book isn’t real. Jschlatt was just a drunk, why would he have this book?
Dream: “Jschlatt gave me the book -- why else would I switch to Jschlatt’s side?!”
“I’m not lying! Jschlatt gave me a revive book after...before he died....because...he said--” (he cuts off here)
- Dream asks why he would be lying about that.
Tommy: “You’re a liar! You’re a liar, and really, through your Netherite armor and skin, I look at you and you know what I see? I see a sad little man who’s insecure about the fact that this server has gotten so far ahead of him that his only little glimpse of power in this world is gone. And I see an insecure, sad little man. So fuck off. You stupid green lad.”
Dream: “Your life...is literally in my hands. Does that piss you off? Does that make you mad? Does that make you so mad that I -- if you kill me -- I MIGHT AS WELL BE A GOD, TOMMY! YOU CAN’T KILL ME, AND I CAN KILL YOU! So what does it mean, that you can’t kill me because of the revive book -- what does that mean? If you can’t kill me, does that make me some kind of god?”
Tommy: “No Dream. I could kill you right now. If I wanted to.”
Dream: “Okay. But you won’t. But you won’t! I could kill you if I wanted to! I could kill you right now, actually.”
Tommy: “I don’t think this revive book is real. Schlatt? He’s fuckin’ dead. I’ve seen his grave! His grave is real, his corpse is there!”
Dream: “Okay...Why don’t you go see him then?”
Tommy: “NO -- stop it stop it stop it st--”
--- ---
Cause: Punched to death
--- ---
End of stream.
- Tubbo, Ranboo and Jack see Tommy’s death message in game chat.
- They go to the prison and Sam is there to tell them what happened. Sam couldn’t get there in time. He didn’t think Dream would actually kill him. They’re all in shock. 
- Tubbo and Ranboo think Tommy will be back. There’s no way he’s actually dead, right? 
- Jack Manifold is in celebration. He got what he wanted! He thought Dream would want Tommy alive, and killing Tommy himself would be an extra jab in the chest for Dream, but apparently not? And now he has a hotel!
- He decides to check on Tubbo and makes sure he’s okay. 
- Jack walks down to the shore and looks up at the prison, and...it hits him. He’s spent months plotting to kill Tommy. Jack realizes his victory feels hollow. Even now, Tommy and Dream have managed to take away this from him. 
- Of Ze Haus, he says that this place no longer means anything to him. He gets a flint and steel and sets it alight, watching it burn.
- He passes by Tommy’s house and finds Ranboo planting red and white flowers outside.
- Jack switches into his L’manburg uniform and walks along the Prime Path.
Jack: “I remember the day I joined the server. The day after the first war. L’manburg was still a big hole, and we built it up. And Tommy invited me to join. And I betrayed him (laughs), so really this has all come full circle.”
“Maybe I was always really just upset because I always felt like he cared more about the discs than...anyone. And I guess I just enjoyed it when we were friends...and...I’ve not really had any friends...since...then, really. Never really wanted any.”
- Jack later speaks with Foolish and tells him that Tommy’s never coming back from prison. Foolish didn’t know him too well, but he’s still a bit sad. When anyone passes, it’s sad.
- Jack heads back out into the wilderness, wandering to the beach area at the edge of the forest where Quackity had his argument with Badboyhalo a while back. There’s something just beyond the hill.
- Quackity meets him there and escorts him back home, telling him he was heading too close to something, could have gotten “a nice view of it.”
- He’s been thinking of writing up a draft of their contract. He also sees the new McPuffy’s.
- Jack tells Quackity that Tommy’s not in the prison anymore. Quackity says they need to talk to him and make sure Jack keeps his hotel. As the rain pours, Jack tells him. Tommy didn’t make it.
- Quackity and Jack have a moment in front of Tommy’s house. Though upset, Quackity says it’s time to get back to work.
Quackity: “Jack...don’t let this affect business. The train doesn’t stop.”
Jack: “No, it only goes faster.”
- Jack also speaks with Antfrost. Antfrost gives his condolences, and says he’ll put together a celebration “of life.”
Ant: “Bad and Sam will be happy...to attend, of course!”
- Afterwards, Jack heads down into Karls nightclub and ends stream there.
- Connor speaks with Sam Nook at the hotel.
- Bad meets Ant at the Holy Land. Ant asks if the church would be a good place for a celebration. Ant sits Bad down to tell him. Bad is overjoyed. 
- Bad says that now, they don’t even have to do any preparations: 
They can move into the Final Stage.
- They get milk for the cake and decide to throw the party at Tommy’s house!
- They meet with Sam at the prison entrance. He sounds dejected.
Sam: “I didn’t think Dream would ever actually...try and kill him”
Bad: (laughs) “Is this the same Dream we’re talking about? It’s Dream, Sam.”
Sam: “I mean...Dream had...I thought I had...broken the will out of him, to do something like that. But he...he did.”
- He says they need to find out what it was -- he wandered around the prison several times and couldn’t find any sign that someone had done something.
- Ant and Bad try to reassure Sam that Tommy signed the waivers, he went to see Dream, and Sam shouldn’t blame himself. Sam doesn’t see it that way.
- They say they’ll talk to Sam later and leave the prison. They see Sam Nook at the hotel. Sam is excited about the new upgrades for the hotel! Tommy will be so excited to see them!
- They return to Tommy’s house and speak with Punz as they make a party floor and sing the Crab Rave song in dudududus.
- Meanwhile, Captain Puffy is grieving, feeling like she failed Tommy. As she logs on, Bad and Ant decide that Puffy might want to join them for the party! 
- Punz meets them there, and they tell him that Tommy’s dead. Punz isn’t sure how he feels, it’s bittersweet.
- Puffy arrives and angrily tells them to leave. What’s wrong with them?!
- The Eggpire sees Sam Nook at the hotel and goes up the floors to find a place to party. Puffy comes up and tells them to find another place to party. They argue again.
- Foolish arrives to visit his room in the hotel. Puffy leaves them. They quarrel about who has the room for the night.
- Puffy mines down the Eggpire’s meeting room. She’s noticed that being a hero hasn’t worked. Sparing people, being merciful, it hasn’t worked. She might need a change of perspective. 
- The Eggpire decides to visit the Egg and break the news to it. They see the wreckage, but Puffy is in the Nether by the time they get there.
- Puffy visits Logsted.
- The Eggpire goes down to the Egg Room and finds the pathway blocked up with obsidian...is this why the Vines have been slower to grow lately?
- They break the barrier and find the Egg drenched in water. They wake up the Egg and it speaks.
“This world is mine. It belongs to me.”
“No no no, I know, but we’ve got something to tell you!”
“I see all...I...am...all...”
“Oh so you--”
“I know all.”
“You know then! Guess -- well, we’ll tell you anyway in case you don’t know -- but guess what? Tommy’s dead! Dream -- the green guy, you met him -- killed him in the prison! I guess Tommy got stuck there, and Dream killed him! Are you happy?"
“Feed me...I require nourishment.”
“No no no, don’t worry -- that’s coming soon! We’ll take care of that! We’re already gonna begin the preparations, right guys? Yeah, we’re gonna begin the preparations, and we’ll send out the invitations, we’ll let everyone know...and the final stage can commence! This is wonderful!”
- Once on the surface, Bad announces that with a little more preparation, they’ll all get exactly what they want. The final stage is about to commence. 
The day of celebrations, the day they’ve been preparing for, the day the Egg has been preparing for, is about to happen...
- Bad goes down to the Egg Room one last time and stands at the Egg to give a final speech.
“Everything leading up to this point, EVERYTHING, all the way going back to the discovery of this...beautiful, luxurious Egg, okay...we had it all planned. As soon as we found it, we knew what was gonna happen. We knew the objective...”
“We may have forgotten what it was, forgotten the ultimate goal as soon as we boxed the Egg up in obsidian. But guess what -- that didn’t stop the Egg! Boxing it up only made it STRONGER, and LARGER, and more powerful! And the Egg’s been storing up that energy, okay? You may have been thinking the Vines have not been spreading...but that’s because we haven’t WANTED them to spread. We have been working, storing energy, storing power...in preparation for the final plan. The final objective. And there were only a couple people getting in the way. But guess what? One of the biggest obstacles -- Tommy -- is no longer in the way...now that he’s not in the way, we can commence with the final stage...the final party...before it all comes to a conclusion...”
“Brace yourselves...everybody on this server, prepare. Anyone who is anti-Egg...you guys better get ready, because we know who you are. And at the end of the day, the Egg is gonna be victorious. And there’s nothing ANYBODY can do to stop it.”
“Good luck.”
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Karl Heisenberg x Autistic, Sound-sensitive Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing, Spoilers for RE8:Village, Noise sensitivity
Genre: Romance, Comfort
Summary: Not everyone could love a man like Heisenberg. But Y/N isn’t everyone, nor is she just anyone. She loves him as the whole package he is: murderous intentions, human experiments and all.
Requested by @phoenixofthevalley Hi dear! Here you go - the first fic I’ve ever written for Karl Heisenberg (first of many) and thank you so much for being my first ever Resident Evil 8 requester! Hope you enjoy the read! Feel free to correct me if I’ve described anything incorrectly or in an accidentally offensive manner. I have no intention of spreading hate or any type of misconception so I’d really appreciate the correction. Love, Vy ❤
Watching Karl get so excited over this grand plan of his - the destroying of Mother Miranda, his revenge - it all makes me feel uneasy. I can’t explain the feeling, mostly cause I’ve never felt it before, and I can’t quite describe it either. I don’t connect to people easily and I’ve always been told I’m the problem but I guess it took the right person to make me feel things I haven’t felt for no one else all my life.
“The weren’t worthy of your emotions, darling.“ Karl told me on one of the rare occasions when I opened up my mind to him. I felt his words wrap around me like a comforting embrace. For the first time in my life, I felt understood.
I think that’s what took me the longest to get used to - being understood, seen and validated. My opinions had never before been taken into account seriously, my personal boundaries were rarely respected by others and people always had a hard time dealing with how distant I can be. But what bothers me above all is how people refer to me as dramatic because of my sound sensitivity - something no one took seriously when I’d tell them about it.
Karl did though, surprising me to no end.
He respects that I like my personal space and prefer not being shown much affection, especially not physical. He understands that I have a hard time showing people affection myself. He goes out of his way to make sure I’m ok with whatever it is he’s doing, saying or suggesting. And I’m sure that if I were to ever tell someone about this, they wouldn’t believe me. That’s most definitely due to his rough exterior and intimidating appearance. Also probably because he comes off as downright selfish and rude when you first meet him, but getting to know him was a journey worth taking because I now know the real him. A trust me, his rough exterior and the softness of his true self have nothing in common. Although, he does claim that softness is only reserved for me.
With all that laid out, it’s completely understandable that I don’t want him going up against Mother Miranda. Thanks to Karl I’ve never had the displeasure of running into her, but I’ve heard countless stories of how powerful and downright terrifying that witch is. Bottom line: I don’t want Karl walking into something that’s the equivalent of suicide.
And I’ve finally decided to let him know exactly how I feel about it.
I’ve been sitting here, searching for my voice as I observe Karl in his deepest thinking space. He’s constantly in it, if you ask me - constantly thinking, looking for ways to make his innovations better, stronger, more powerful to add to his chances of victory against the sadistic ruler of this village. He was already at his desk when I walked in, hunched over dozens of drawings drawn with cut-edge precision yet in his mind they are probably not near good enough. In his mind, all he does is never good enough. He prides himself on this factory and what he’s produced thus far but he cannot stay proud of himself for very long, he constantly feels the need to better himself in order to remain worthy in his eyes. I wish I could change his mindset on those grounds but I know that my tries would be futile and pointless.
“Karl?“ I suddenly speak up, surprising both him and myself. I don’t know what I was thinking opening my mouth when I still have no idea how to go about this without making it seem like I don’t believe in him. That is in no way the case. I believe he can defeat her, if he cannot do it himself, his robo-army most certainly can. But I don’t want defeating her to cost him his life cause without him in mine I’m not sure what will be left of me.
He straightens up from where he’s been hunched over for the past God knows how many hours, rolling his shoulders and stretching his arms as her turns to look at me, his sunglasses capturing the white neon light in the office as he does so.
“What is it, darling? Something wrong?“ he takes a step towards me as I stand up and go to approach him.
“Actually...“ Suddenly, that thing he keeps in a safety cell just below this room starts going off with that annoying loud sound it makes. It’s always disturbed me, ever since it came to exist which was not so long ago considering it’s been his latest project. It not only terrifies me but triggers my sound sensitivity as do most of the machines in this forsaken factory.
I close my eyes tightly shut as I cover my ears with my hands, praying for the sound to go away as soon as possible because I can’t take it. It almost makes me physically nauseous and gives me vertigo, bringing me to the brink of tears because of its loudness and intensity, like it’s drilling right into my brain.
I can’t quite pinpoint the exact moment the sound went away because when faced with such a pain-inducing experience, my senses tend to tune out while I still remain conscious, but when my hearing returns I the only thing I’m able to hear is a steady heartbeat and a steady breathing. 
“It’s ok, darling. You’re ok.“ I hear Karl’s quiet whisper, giving me peace and coaxing me into opening my eyes.
When I do so, I come to realize why the rest of the world has gone quiet. Why I’m suddenly so flooded with comfort like no one is able to bring me. No one but him.  One of my ears is pressed up to his chest while the other is covered by his warm hand which travels up to move a strand of hair from my face and put it behind my ear as he repeats his soothing words like a chant, slowly starting to let go of me out of fear that he’s crossing a line. He’s always so wary about that and I’ll forever be grateful to him for it.
“Are you ok, sweetheart?“ His hands gently cup my cheeks, tilting my head so I can look him in the eyes - directly in the eyes, for he has ridden himself of his glasses. I’ve found he does that often when around me - removes his glasses. I once asked him why that is but the answer he gave me was vague, all the while a small smile played on his face. Guess he’s a bigger secret-keeper than I primarily thought. It doesn’t bother me really, I know the only secrets he keeps are the ones that would be a hazard for my safety if he exposed me to them, so I allow him his secrets and I keep some of my own to myself. It’s only fair, after all.
I nod, blinking up at him, “Yes, I’m ok. But...“ Now or never, girl. Now or never. “But if you want me to be honest, I will be.”
He looks baffled by my answer but he doesn’t falter, quickly regaining his composure before he replies, “Of course, dear. I always want you to be honest with me. What’s on your mind, what’s bothering you?“
Now “I haven’t been really ok for a while now.” I take his hands in mine, removing them from my cheeks but holding them firmly between us - a gesture that surprises me just as much as it shocks him. Never have I felt the need to be so close to someone. It may be momentary and temporary, but I refuse to dwell on that as I push forward with my argument, “I haven’t been ok since you told me about your plane. The whole thing with Mother Miranda and all that...” Not the time to be leaving me, words. I started this, I’ll finish it. “Look, Karl, I know you and your army can bring that witch to her demise but...”
“But what, Y/N? Tell me.“ He encourages me softly, his hands subtly tightening their hold on mine as if to keep me grounded, remind me he’s listening closely to every word I’m saying. Like he always does.
“But what if it doesn’t go as planned?“ I blurt out, biting my bottom lip nervously. It makes me anxious, being so honest and emotionally exposed. That’s so rare for me I doubt I’ll ever get used to it, but that’s the only way I have at least a fragment of a chance of convincing Karl to drop this. “What if things go south and you end up killed or turned into a monster or something else?“
The concern on his face washes away when he hears my words, getting replaced by a soft, consoling smile. I quickly look away, feeling that confession on my part was quite odd. I feel out of place but not uncomfortable, I don’t know how to explain it. It almost feels like relief, like I’ve finally gotten a huge boulder off my chest and I can finally breathe properly. But I can’t, not until I hear his reply. That smile should probably tell me something but it doesn’t - I won’t believe anything until I hear it come out of his mouth with my own two ears.
“Oh Y/N, darling, you won’t lose me. Ever.“ His thumb swipes across my knuckles soothingly, drawing abstract patterns on the skin of the back of my hand, “You never need to worry about me, hun, I ain’t going anywhere. No one can take me away from you or you away from me. Anyone who dares to try, well, bad things will happen to ‘em.“ He chuckles, easing the tension enough for me to able to look up at him again. When our eyes meet again, I see something I can’t name nor describe. All I know is that what he’s telling me is genuine and comes, “I’ll always be here, by your side, Y/N. I will always be here to shield you from anything and anyone. Any rogue lycan or any loud sound, I’ll be there to prevent it from reaching you. Never forget that. Ok?“
That urge to be have him close takes over me again. I think that somewhere in the back of my mind I see a clock ticking down, counting down the numbered hours we have together before he inevitably carries out his plan. As scary as that is, I think I can do nothing but accept it.
And so, that’s exactly what I do.
Wrapping my arms around him tenderly, enveloping him in the first hug I’ve ever given him - probably the first hug anyone has given him - I accept our fate, silently hoping it changes somewhere along the lines.
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lxngbottom · 3 years
Can we get a part 2 to pretty flower? my soul depends on it
Pretty Flower | N.L. (Part 2)
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in which neville finds himself being absolutely attached to the reader after their time together.
warnings: nsfw, light clit play, mentions of sex, but nev being adorable
my soul depends on this too don’t worry
ever since that night with neville, everything seemed to be blurring together and changing for you. it had only been a couple of weeks, and you made no attempt to even speak to him. you were so embarrassed at what happened, and even more ashamed at the fact that you enjoyed it. after neville pleaded with you to stay, you just walked out on him, giving him no rhyme or reason.
after everything, neville felt so guilty. did he over step? oh god... what if you didn’t really want that to happen? what if he was too invasive? he wasn’t too sure, but it made him burn with sadness every time he saw you, hiding your face from him in the halls.
you definitely weren’t angry with him, you just were too shy. you felt like you had committed some sort of unforgivable act.
when you told ginny, she almost flipped the whole table over in the great hall. she wasn’t shocked at the fact that it had happened, as she assumed that neville had always fancied you, but all at the same time... you had actually agreed to it. you were no longer “innocent”. and that on its own was what got to ginny. maybe the ginger was just... baffled?
“down there?” hermione asked, skimming the row of seats in the quidditch pitch. you nodded you head as people filled in the rows.
you were at a quidditch game, more than ready to support ginny in her first real match of the year. hermione and luna had escorted you, as you were terrified to get in trouble for not sitting in your house placement. when you admitted that fact, hermione just giggled and said, “and they say i’m afraid to break the rules...”
as you three settled into the stands, you saw a familiar figure walking in your direction. your body tensed, and you quickly turned your head hoping that he wouldn’t notice you.
but of course, he did notice you. he always noticed you.
“you guys saving these seats for anyone else?” neville asked politely. hermione shook her head, and he adjusted his scarf as he glanced over at you, just simply waiting for you to look back. but unfortunately, you couldn’t.
you were too ashamed.
the quidditch match had gone great. gryffindor had taken a victory, and for some god awful reason, you had agreed to let hermione to sneak you into the gryffindor common room to celebrate.
unusual things had happened as people cheered ron on, including lavendar brown practically forcing her tongue down the ginger’s throat. this elicited a terrible reaction from hermione, and you watched as she exited the common room with teary eyes, harry following behind her. you wanted to go check on her, but honestly, you knew that harry could probably make her feel better than you could. after all, you weren’t great with handling people’s emotions.
for merlin’s sake, you couldn’t even figure out your own emotions.
here you were now, awkwardly standing in the front as students cheered lavendar and ron on for snogging. luckily, they exited soon, probably trying to find some privacy you assumed.
you knew how that went.
you gulped as the whole time you could feel neville’s lingering presence beside you, and you could hear the sound of his voice every time seamus spoke a word to him beside you.
“want me to make you feel good with my fingers?”
“wanna taste yourself, doll? you taste so good...”
“i can’t wait to ruin you, bunny...”
the statements came back in flashbacks every single time you heard his voice. it made your hands shake, and your thighs press together.
the voice snapped you back to reality, and you looked over to see seamus with furrowed eyebrows looking over at you,
“are you alright?”
you nodded your head awkwardly, feeling neville’s chest slightly pressing up against your back from how packed it was in the common room at the moment.
“yes... um—sorry... what did you say?”
oh god. this was so embarrassing.
“i asked if you placed your bet on weasley, today... if you didn’t, you’re probably regretting that now, huh?” he teased, shooting a playful grin your way. you laughed awkwardly, as you could still feel neville right behind you.
then, you heard dean and ginny called seamus’s name, and he shot them a questioning look.
“oi! leave y/n alone, finnigan!” ginny demanded, walking over towards you, “dean needs a word with you, seamus...”
he rolled his eyes and walked over to his best friend, and patted your shoulder as she returned to the boys.
you were now alone again, and people started to spread out in the common room, chatter of triumph still occurring. but, that feeling behind you still hadn’t faded.
“meet me in my dorm...” you heard in your ear, and you jumped slightly from the voice. he sounded so... angelic. “bunny...”
your thighs clenched from the nickname, and the fact that you could feel neville’s breath against your neck. but you didn’t dare to look back, even when his finger grazed the back of your thigh slightly. and suddenly, he was gone.
for a moment, you panicked thinking about what you should do. you still felt utterly embarrassed due to what happened just a couple weeks prior, but, you couldn’t ignore that familiar fluttery sensation in your stomach as you thought about it.
fuck it.
you waited for a few minutes before walking away, and ginny shot you a wink as you went towards the boy’s dormitory.
“just stay calm... it’s fine—it’s just neville...” you kept telling yourself as you walked up the stairs, also hoping that no one was following you.
the trip to the dorm was unfortunately much shorter than you hoped it would be, and you trembled as you knocked on the door. neville opened it automatically, grabbing your arm and pulling you inside. you yelped at this, and he slammed the door behind you. he let go of you, and you awkwardly stood in the middle of the room.
he loomed over your figure as he approached slowly, looking you up and down.
“hi, petal...” he whispered, sending a shock through your spine,
“hi...” you replied shyly, gulping a bit. he couldn’t help but smile hearing your fragile voice again, as he had missed the simple sound of it these past two weeks.
he noticed your nervousness, and let his fingertip graze across your cheek in an attempt to soothe you, “i’ve missed you...” he cooed, “you left with no reason, darling. i’ve been worried. you haven’t spoken to me, either...”
you felt guilty at his words, but even more guilty for the reasoning.
“s-s-sorry...” you stuttered out, already knowing that he was about to ask you why, “e-embarrassed...”
embarrassed? why?
“why are you embarrassed, love?”
you didn’t know if you should exactly tell him, but you knew he deserved some sort of explanation. you could tell that he was pleading for one just by the look in his eyes.
“what—what we did...”
he frowned a bit at your reply,
“why is that embarrassing?”
you shrugged your shoulders, honestly not understanding the shame.
“it—it was bad...” you muttered, but noticed the shift in neville’s facial features, “not—not bad like that... just—i—well... i don’t know...”
he couldn’t help but to let out a small chuckle from you innocence, as it was somehow still in tact.
“well... is there anything i could do to make you feel less embarrassed? cause—there’s no reason to be, petal. you did—amazing.” he paused before he continued, letting his hand trail down your hip, rubbing small circles into it. “there’s nothing to be ashamed of, petal.”
you looked up at him finally, your sparkling, shy eyes burning into his. your cheeks were on fire from his touch, and you knew that he knew that he had an affect on him.
“i-i-i’m sorry... i’ve just been scared to—bring it up, i suppose. d-d-don’t want to—embarrass you in front of your friends...”
neville didn’t even respond, he simply placed a small kiss on your forehead, and he sent you a small smile.
“you could never do that, petal... you’re too sweet.”
his words made you somehow blush even more, and it was getting to the point where you broke out in a sweat from how heated you were.
“but... i couldn’t help but notice that you were clenching those pretty little thighs of yours together in the common room, earlier...” now, his eyes were dark once more, that sweet boy gone within an instant, “what were you thinking about, bunny?” that’s when those same fingers that rested on your hips came trailing down, and were going up your skirt, making your breath hitch.
“y-y-you...” you responded sheepishly, only wanting to be honest with him. he chuckled, and finally, he pressed his finger up against your clothed bundle of nerves.
you gasped as he did so, “bunny... you’re soaked... how long have you been like this?” he asked teasingly, but the tone in his voice came off as if he was just pitying you.
“i-i’ve been thinking about—you... a lot... ever since—you know...” he hummed in response, letting you know that he wanted you to keep speaking, “i—i tried to—t-t-touch myself the other day... but—i don’t know. it felt... weird...”
even after everything, you were still so innocent. it drove neville absolutely mad.
“petal... you should’ve just came to me. you know i’ll take care of you.” he stated with a smirk etched across his face. his fingers kept rubbing small circles into your panties, making your breath turn shaky and uneven. “do you know how much i’ve missed you?”
you whimpered as moved your panties aside, and ran his finger through your slit,
“please what, bunny?”
you were tired of the teasing. you had missed him so fucking much, and you just wanted him to make you feel good again. plus, you simply missed just being around him.
“touch me again. please.”
he kissed your lips softly, but still only continued to tease your pussy with his fingers.
“be patient, petal. i want you to be mine before i make you feel good again...” he admitted, stroking your cheek with his free hand. “would you want that?”
you looked up at him, and could see the pure honestly and adoration in his green eyes. you had never had a boyfriend before, but you didn’t even have to give it a second thought before you nodded your head.
he sent you a genuine smile,
“good. now you’re mine and i can make you feel good whenever you want...”
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spideymarvelws · 3 years
can you do some technoblade x teen platonic reader headcanons about techno sorta being the reader’s mentor and being one of the only people on the smp who could actually defeat technoblade in a sword fight?
behold... another main character
Main Masterlist / Add Yourself To Your Taglist
Warnings : Violence, Death, Some cursing
Word Count : 4.0k
The Blade and The Survivor (1/?)
Technoblade x GN!Platonic!Teen!Reader
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You’ve only ever heard the story’s of the famous blood god growing up
Your brother was the first to introduce you to the legend, the legend of a man who never died
Who’s fought battles that no person could ever dream of and walked out victorious every time
The well known anarchist who’s taken down government after government
You were hooked from the very beginning and after every tail he would tell, you would beg your brother to teach you how to fight like him
While your brother wasn’t the best, he knew his way around basic weapons from your grandfather and agreed 
He would bring you out to a nearby plains biome anytime you were free and teach you all he knew
And while it wasn't much, you were grateful for every piece of information and put your all into everything he taught you
He even reenacting some fights from the stories to make it interesting for you
You would always play along, acting as the infamous blade and running around with your brother
Sometimes you would shout “blood for the blood god” while killing cows or chickens
But you refused to kill pigs.
In fact you got a pet one and named it Bladey
For your birthday your brother got you a saddle and you made a carrot on a stick using the crops he stole from the farm so you could ride it across the village
He also gifted you a wooden sword and axe while he wielded stone
for safety of course, he wasn't about to give a child stone tools
Along with a shield that had the banner of your village
But out of every weapon, you were the best with a bow
You had a natural talent for it, every arrow you ever shot always hit its target
Your brother would always ruffle your hair and compare your aim to that of the blade’s, making you beam even brighter
“Who knew we have an archer on our hands, the blade could never compare,”
But all of this was done in secret
The village you lived in was safe, small and homey
Everyone knew one another, so the possibly of someone committing crimes or turning against someone was unlikely
The villagers were peaceful with one another
And with the iron golems patrolling every corner 
you loved to give them poppies from your mother’s garden as a thank you
There was no need to learn to fight when you lived in a place that never needed it
The village ran on balance, equality amongst each person so that everyone could be amongst one another in peace
Plus, at the time you were the youngest in the village, considered a baby by everyone
And while you had the kindness and curiosity to match it, there was always something missing
Training was the only thing that fulfilled it
Your brother thought that your practises would disrupt that balance so he never told anyone about your activities
And that stayed true until your last night in the village 
You, your brother and bladey were making your way back to the village after a long day of training when you noticed thick, black smoke rising from where it stood
You both started walking carefully to the area, you walking behind your brother with the pig in your arms for comfort
In the distance, you noted the shadow of pillagers and iron ore scattered across the grounds
You went to scream as you got close and run to your house, but your brother slapped his hand over your mouth and pulled you with him behind a nearby tree
But one of the pillagers heard the noise of leaves rustling and began to approach the both of you.
Your brother was quick to take out his sword, pushing you behind him 
“Listen to me Y/n, I want you to run okay? Run and never stop until you know you’re safe okay?”
You shook your head, “What about you? What about our parents?”
He smiled sadly, shakily ruffling your hair, “I’ll be right behind you... Now go!”
The sound of swords clashing and the screams of your brother were the last things you heard  as you ran, tears falling from your face 
Bladey squealed in your arms, wiggling and turning to get out of them, sensing the danger but you kept your grip tight, following your brother’s orders and running as far as pos sible
Needless to say he didn’t follow, neither did the rest of the village that was left in ashes and ruins after the attack
You couldn't find the heart to turn back, to fight along side your brother
You fled like a coward. Guilt, pain and hatred riding on your back 
But you didn't give up hope, plotting revenge against the mobs who destroyed your home
Who killed your family
You walked for days, stopping at villages, trading with them and improving your supplies
And getting a lot of carrots
Your wooden swords turned into iron, along with the rest of your tools
Your leather helmet turned into a full set of iron armor 
But you kept your old shield, repairing it every time it lost durability
You even crafted a crossbow that you learned was the main weapon pillagers used
You dreamed of pointing it at there neck, watching the sharp arrowhead puncture their skin and bleed out on the floor
You tended to sleep through the day and fight threw the night, taking out your anger on the mobs that spawned around the wood houses you made to keep yourself warm and isolated
Times when you weren't fighting and training, you spent in the library of any village you found, learning about anything you could
It was there you learnt about the rare ore diamonds, hidden deep in caves 
You also learned about enchantments, that made your armor and weapons even stronger
Soon enough you were geared up with full diamond armor and a set of diamond tools 
But it was never enough, you always needed more 
So you went to nether after repairing a ruined portal you came across
And began exploring
Gathered potions
All the materials you could find
Along with netherite
And fighting every mob you happened to pass by except piglins
For such a young age, you were stacked, maxed out to the point of boredom that you couldn't go further
Even Bladey had his own turtle shell, adjusted slightly to fit his head and allow him sight
You often wondered if this was what it was like to feel like technoblade
And throughout your journeys, you kept the stories your brother told you by heart, learning as much as you could about The Blade
You followed in his footsteps, using his successes as even more motivation to continue on your quest
And ready to finally get your revenge
It was easy to take down the pillage post, taking the banner and making your own shield that you kept as a trophy in your inventory as a reminder of what you lost
But it wasn’t enough, the loss of your family laid heavy and your heart
So you started protecting the villages you visited in exchange for lower prices in trades
You believed that was your purpose now, you had nothing else to do but fight for the people who couldn't fight for themselves
You wanted to help in ways that you couldn't all those years ago
You would wear a black cloak over your armor, the hood covering your head and a mask concealing your face
You couldn't imagine wearing a skull mask, even if it was for the aesthetic
You looked like death itself
Death with a cute pig side kick
Soon enough, word got around of a teenage warrior roaming the lands labelled ‘The Survivor’, catching the attention of Wilbur and Tommy who had just been exiled from L’manburg
“Why would we need them if we already have techno on our side?”
“Because we need all the allies we could get Tommy, plus we don’t want Shlatt to get to them first.”
You would be passing by Pogtopia on your horse with Bladey tucked into you lap sleeping, following a map to another village that needed help when a tall man stepped in front of your path, making you halt
“Why hello there, Survivor, care for a little chat?” he said ominously, leaning against your horse
You payed no mind to him, hitting his hand of your horse, rolling your eyes and moving around him
You’ve meet people like him on your travels before, people who only needed you for your skills and selfish reasons
At least, that how he came off and you didn’t care to stay and find out if your assumptions were true
“Hey, hey, hey, look, I’m sorry if I came off so forward but- I need your help,”
That made you stop.
“Need help with what exactly?”
He went on to explain his situation about a place called L’Manburg, an evil dictator named Jshlatt and his exile along with someone named TommyInnit
At first you said no.
You were only interest in keeping your own kind safe, protected people who needed it
And from the looks of it, it seemed that the two men put themselves in there position so they should be the one to take themselves out
That and you had more pressing matters to attend to than government
“What do you need? What would you want in return?” he started to beg, walking along side your horse as you started to ride away
“I already have all I need,” you croaked
“Well that seems boring. Don’t you want a bit of adventure in your life Survivor? A little bit of flavour to spice up it up? It must be so boring just fighting the same thing over and over again, why not work for a group? A collective?”
You grew tired of his voice, letting out a deep breath you began to consider his words
As much as you didn’t want to admit, he was right
You had been travelling around the lands, going insane, doing the same thing over and over
And while it helped people, it was growing tiring
Maybe one war wouldn’t be so bad, and perhaps you would learn some new stuff along the way
And the alliance with this so called L’manburg would be good for the long run
“If I agree... would you shut up?” you finally cut off his rambling and stopping your horse
He blinked in surprise, “Wow! If i had known talking would make you cave in, I would've brought up Tommy instead.”
You sighed, “I’ll help you okay? As long as I get free access to L’manburg afterwards along with all the supplies i need,”
“Done, done and done.”
The first day wasn’t as bad as you expected it to be
Wilbur was actually pretty chill, letting you make a new home out of the ravine they stayed in
Niki was also really kind, bringing sweet treats from Manburg every time she visited
It was nice to settle for a while, you couldn't remember the last time you slept under the same roof for more that a day
Your horse, Jewel along with Bladey seemed to settle well along with you
You also met Tubbo and Tommy, a lively duo that overwhelmed you at first but there energy was nice to see in such a grey environment
What you didn’t expect was to meet him
You would be mining a small space in the ravine for yourself and your pets when you heard a monotone voice sound from behind you
“Heh?! Who’s the kid?” 
You spun around, raising your sword to the intruder but froze when you noticed the familiar skull mask, along with pointy piglin ears hidden behind bright pink hair 
He didn’t seem fazed by your weapon, leaning against the stone door frame with his arms crossed
“You’re- you’re him.” you muttered in awe
Before he could respond, Wilbur popped out from behind him, “Oh, yeah. That’s Y/n, Y/n, Techno. Techno, Y/n,” he nudged his side, “They’ll be helping us take back L’manburg,”
Techno only nodded, “Nice.” he tilted his head, “Aren’t you that Survivor dude? That’s pretty pog.”
Cut to you standing frozen in place, jaw dropped to the floor, eyes wide in amazement
“You- you know who I am?” you squeaked, quickly sticking your sword in the ground and leaning against the handle, stumbling slightly
An attempt to seem cool in front of your idol
An attempt that didn't really work out
He let out a hum, “Heard the name from around yeah,” he pointed to your sword, “Might not want to stab your sword in stone, It’s not that affective.”
And with that he left
Leaving you in shock
If only your brother could see you now
After that interaction, you started to follow him around like a lost puppy, watching in awe at every little thing he did
You felt like a kid again, the warmth in your chest that you lost so long ago restored because the person who tied you and your brother together was here
Because you were training and fighting along side your childhood hero
He would act annoyed at first, always shrugging you off or moving to other rooms to avoid you
You were like a parasite 
He could never shake you off
He didn’t want to grow close to anyone, he was here to take down yet another corrupt government not to look after some orphan
That was Phil’s thing.
But after time he grew a liking to you, enjoying your presence while he was farming potatoes or visiting his cow farm
You acted different around him, the hard and emotionless exterior you showed to Tommy and Wilbur completely vanished and left an innocent, happy child
He always wondered why 
People never did that with him
He was a feared name across the lands of the smp, everyone usually kept there distance and became extremely cautious in his presence
But you didn’t seem to get scared, in fact, you were a talker, constantly asking question after question even if he gave no response
It was nice not to be alone after so long even though he would never admit it 
Even the voices started to take a liking to your bubbly and curious personality
Why is she asking the same question
Maybe you should answer her blood god
She seems nice
You really do take after your father
He saw a part of himself in you
Unlike Tommy and Wilbur, you weren’t fighting for government, you were fighting because you had nothing else to do
Because you were bored with your everyday life being, essentially, an assassin 
The thought always made him chuckle
He left like he could trust you over them because your weren't driven under a government
At least that’s what he told himself
He also wanted to see why they valued your alliance so much to give up half there riches to you from L’manburg
“Duel with me.” he said to you one day, out of the blue as you both made your way across a plain biome looking to animals to kill for food
“Heh?” you said under your breath, clearing your throat while heat rose your your face at his suggestion and the noise of surprise that escaped your mouth
Techno couldn't deny that his heart warmed just a little at the small things you began to pick up from him
“Fight with me,” he drew out his sword, turning around and facing you with the weapon raised in the air, “I wanna see what you’re made of ‘Survivor’. So come on, lets fight,”
This was the first time techno actually talked to you directly, uttered words other that demands, silly excuses or grunts of acknowledgement
“I-” you let out a deep breath, shakily taking out your own sword, “Okay, okay,”
After establishing some rules, the duel began.
He let you take the first hit, barely dealing him damage but you got the second hit as well, knocking him down two hearts
He was quick to regain himself, taking three hearts with his sword and a free hit with his bow
That gave you the idea to take out your own, running a good distance away and getting three shots in
It was a close fight, you didn’t mind if you lost. Fighting Technoblade was already an honour as it was
Then you jumped of a piece of stone, landing a crit and watched his items fall to the floor
Technoblade was slain by Y/n 
You let out a short breath, eyes widening in shock that you had just won
You just killed Technoblade
“I was only going easy on you- I- What enchantment do you have on your sword? You have creative mode don’t you? Yeah, you have creative mode... there’s just no way-”
You bit your lip, trying to suppress your laughs as the blood god ran over to pick up his items with a red face
“Hey! Hey don’t laugh! This isn’t a laughing matter!”
“It- it kind of is.” you said shyly, putting away your sword and eating some steak to regain the health you lost, “If it makes you feel better, I had one heart...”
“oNe hEaRt! She had one heart chat! What is this-”
His words had you rolling on the floor, wiping your eyes of the tears falling from your at how hard you were laughing
“What- What do I have to do for you to keep this between us-” he whispered after you calmed, looking around the the space, making sure it was just you and him
You shrugged, “Nothing really- I- uh, i didn’t mean to kill you... I’m sorry-”
Sorry? Who the fuck says sorry for killing someone
Who says sorry for killing him?
If anything you should be gloating, getting a billbourd and displaying the chat message for everyone to see
He’s never been gladder that nobody else was connected to the chat at the time
“I was going easy on you.”
“I- sure, sure okay...” you thought about it for a second, “If so... then why don’t you teach me the things you didn’t try? Like techniques and stuff...”
He froze at your suggestion, “You want- you want to learn from me?”
“Yeah!” you beamed, “You were... a big inspiration for me growing up and, I would love to learn from the source and not just through tails and stories.”
He thought about it for a bit, usually he would rely on his voices but they were all just insulting him
He didn’t see the harm in it, out of all the children on the SMP, he tolerated you the most
That and you had potential, it was rare to find someone with such skills and who acted humble with them
He sighed, patting the top of your head with a huff, “Sure... Sure why not.”
“Wait, seriously?”
“Yeah sure, I mean what’s the harm in it right?” he ruffled your hair
The action made your eyebrows rise and when you looked back up at the piglin hybrid, all you saw was the smile of your brother looking down at you
“Hey, everything alright?” he questioned, noticing your sudden glossy eyes
You quickly rubbed them with your knuckles, “Yeah, yeah I- I just forgot something at Pogtopia,” you said, backing away with an embarrassed smile, “I’ll meet you back there,”
“Sure, sure... I’ll just continue hunting,”
As you ran away he let out a deep breath, taking out swords and looking down at it with a scoff
“Chat... we never speak of this... again.”
After that, the both of you were inseparable 
Going on adventures with each other, looting and exploring together
Where ever he went, you followed in his footsteps as he taught you about whatever he could
He even took you to his secret base and allowed you to help him in gathering supplies to help the fight
“What’s with the pig by the way?”
“It’s my emotional support pig.”
“And his name is bladey?”
“It’s a short for bladder...now what were you saying about poisoned arrows?”
And while you appreciated the action, your favourite times where the calm ones
When he would take you up to a hight tower or hill so the both of your could relax, maybe eat some mushroom stew as he told you stories of his own adventures 
You opened up to him as well, telling him about your family and your village, how you were travelling around with so sense of direction
It was strange how easily he trusted you, maybe it was because you had similar experiences as him
You understood him and he understood you
You also began to make good friends with the rest of Pogtopia along with everyone else who started to betray shlatt and join there side, becoming more open with the reassurance from Techno that they weren’t bad people
You fit in well, a lot more that he did
You had potential for a bloodless life, he saw that
He didn’t want you to make the same mistakes as him, he didn’t want you to live the same isolated life
And while you agreed with his thoughts on anarchy, he didn’t want to you to have any part in what he was doing.
So when L’Manburg was taken back and Tubbo was but in power, he felt a sense of dread opening his enderchest and taking out his six wither skulls
Don’t let the wither’s hurt them
You’re going to hurt them more that they are
You won’t be able to protect
Protect them at all costs
It wasn’t just the voices that felt the urge to keep you safe
Over the months he’s grown a liking to you, treating you like his own student and teaching you the things he wish he knew at your age
But he could also be the one to corrupt you.
And he didn’t have the heart to find out which way it would go
You caught sight of the skulls in his hands before he switched to his sword, a hard look on his face as everyone began fighting each other
“Techno?” you walked up to him, “Are you-”
“Yeah... yeah I am.” he puffed out his chest, pulling you the side, “Look, things are about to get messy and when they do I want you to run-”
You knew where this was going, flashbacks of your brother fighting one of the pillagers to save you as you ran away to safe yourself, sacrificing himself for you
“No.” you cut him off before he could continue.
While you knew Techno was going to come out of this alive, you had the power to help him now, to help everyone, you didn’t need to run anymore
You considered Techno family now, well the closest thing you had to it and you weren't about to loose that
Not again.
“I’m staying with you Tech,”
He shook his head, “If you do, L’manburg would never look at you the same, you’ll be an outcast once again-”
“Then do what you have to do, but I’m not running away. What happens here is because of everyone’s belief and I believe in safety and protection so that is what I’ll provide.” you took out your sword smirking, “Plus, we all know what happened last time when you tried to fight me,”
“I thought you promised to never speak of this again!”
“I’m sorry I had to-”
“Okay kid, okay...” he took a deep breath, “Just stay clear of dream and his crew... and the withers... Actually? here take some golden apples-”
“Just go be an anarchist Techno,” you pushed him forwards, rolling your eyes, “I’ll be fine.”
“Actually, take this God apple and a few more potions-”
“I already have some-”
“Well take more. And some extra armor... just in case-” he threw the items at you before running away and setting up the soul sand, not wanting anyone to catch on to what he was doing
And with one final look around following the conclusion of his speech, he placed the skulls, unleashing ultimate chaos on the land once called L’manburg
Sorry this took so long! I always get ahead of myself with requests and end up writing a lot more that planned but i hope you enjoyed! I was making this so long that I had to spit this into part two, maybe part three to cover the rest of the lore and to be able to develop more on their relationship besides backstory
That and i really want to write the execution scene but this was already 4k words... 
Feedback always appreciated🥰
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ot3 · 3 years
hey kinda heavy ace attorney question ig but I agree with you on many things about aa and feel like you have a good understanding of Phoenix and Trucy so I really wanna ask. How do you think the creation of the bloody ace was handled? I’ve seen the idea that Trucy took matters into her own hands and made it as a failsafe without his knowledge, and that he then covered for her, but if that were the case I wonder how he knew about it and planned around it at his trial. I’ve also seen the idea that he made it himself, but gave it to her for delivery to Apollo; which maybe seems the most apparent but I really dislike it because…. It means he uses her to deliver forged evidence. In much the same way he was given the diary page, really. it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I’ve also seen some people suggest that he made it but only gave it to her for use at her discretion, which does give some agency back to her but I also question whether Phoenix would be right in placing that on her shoulders and making it her responsibility. Sorry this expanded into a ridiculously long ask but I really am curious about your take on it?
eoooh yes yes yes i love talking about phoenix and trucy lets goooooo. i actually have a scene from my (still pretty rough and probably never to be finished) wip longfic covering this scene, which ill sick below the cut, but i'll just give my generic thoughts here first.
i think phoenix asked her to do it. trucy having enough detailed knowledge of the crime scene and the events leading up to it and the actual mechanical operation of trials that would be required in order to come up with this plan just doesn't make any sense to me. phoenix is really the only one who could have theoretically concocted this particular move. but since he was presumably held in the detention center until trial, trucy is from there really the only person who could have actually done the thing.
phoenix and trucy are pretty notoriously codependent; i'm headachey and melting from the heat today so rather than doing what i normally do and trawling the wiki to find the quotes that back me up on broadstrokes statements like these so i'm just gonna pull a 'dude just trust me' moment here. the fact that she helps take care of her daddy is a point of pride for her. i don't think it strips trucy of any agency for this to be phoenix's decision because it's not like trucy spends her whole life (or even the entire game) blindly following other peoples orders. her (and phoenix's ) priority at the beginning of aa4 is each other and their own wellbeing, and the decisions they have to make in turnabout trump are indicative of that.
yes, it echoes her bringing the forged evidence to phoenix 7 years ago, but it's more of an inversion/reversal (one might even say a turnabout) than a repetition of past mistakes. in the past she was an unwilling pawn in someone else's plan where her life was collateral, now she's an active and conscious participant in the plan of someone she cares about that she's doing to protect the life she and phoenix have built for themselves. She's not being forced to do it, but i don't think there's any world where she would have said no either. she and phoenix are the most important thing in the world to each other. in their own words, if one of them falls, they both fall.
was it right of phoenix to ask this of her? was it okay for him to do this to apollo, too? obviously it's not a good thing. but it was his only option at that moment. phoenix found himself in a very difficult situation. as an attorney he promised himself to the truth, and that was the principle he lived by, but as a father what he lives by is the promise he made to trucy to never disappear on her. at that moment phoenix did what he had to do to make sure the trial ended the way he needed it to. truth had to take a backseat. his priorities have shifted.
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i've also spoken before at length about how i don't think phoenix was plotting against kristoph in the longterm, at least not to the degree which popular fanon seems to agree upon. so really everything he did in turnabout trump was phoenix being backed into a corner using every tool at his disposal to try and snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat. was it right of him to get trucy involved? it's no worse than bringing 8 year old pearl along to crime scenes because he needed her channeling skills. phoenix cares about people deeply but he isn't capable of shielding them from all the harm the world has to offer, and he knows he isn't. half of his capability comes from his shrewdness and willingness and ability to take help when he can get it because he knows, even if its a strain in a short term, he's fighting battles that need to be won at any cost. if that makes any sense
anyway heres the little scene i wrote below the cut.
---------- APRIL 17TH, 2026 DETENTION CENTER VISITOR’S ROOM ----------
Trucy shows up on the dot as visiting hours begin. It’s funny, she thinks. The last time she did this she had a different daddy altogether. Only it really isn’t particularly funny at all, is the thing about it, and she’s going to have quite a few stern words for the man when he gets home.
She picks up the phone on one side of the pane of bulletproof glass and he grabs the other.
“Daddy,” she huffs. “You promised me you’d stay out of trouble.”
“I know, I know, I’m so sorry, Truce.” He puts on an easy smile as he says it, and he uses the same affected tone of voice she had used to start the conversation off. Affected. Cautious, in the sense that it’s levity is entirely manufactured. A performance.
It had been like that between them for real at the beginning, both of them still unsure of each other, pantomiming something resembling a sitcom and playing the real feeling filled in as it went. Thankfully, it did, but the theatrics still lend themselves better to specific conversation.
“Well, if you’re sorry, I suppose I can forgive you! But this isn’t going to look good on your employee review, y’know. I’ll have to bring it up with HR.”
“I’m sure Charley can find it in his heart to forgive me, too.”
“He’s a gentle soul.” She nods.
“You should come watch the trial on Monday, I think it’d be good for you to see.”
“Oh? And why’s that?” Trucy doesn’t like the courthouse. Daddy knows that. She never comes when he goes to use the library there. She also hates, hates the idea of watching her daddy sit in the defendant’s chair not knowing if he’s ever going to come home again. He knows that too.
“Well, there are always interesting things to learn during a court trial. Plus, having you there would help me out a lot!” I need you to do something for me. She reads through the tone into his words’ real meaning. Her stomach clenches. A favor he can’t just outright ask for, not over the phone in the detention center, where every word would be recorded.
“Oh, daddy, no! I’m a magician, not a lawyer, although I understand the confusion.” She drapes a hand over her eyes in faux anguish. “I simply couldn’t, it isn’t my stage.”
“I disagree. I think it’s a perfect stage. Lawyers need cheering up too, you know! Back when I was a lawyer, I used to get really stressed out during cases like these. I bet one of your tricks would do the job.”
“Well what sort of trick do you want me to do?”
“Do you remember the first trick you ever did for me? It was the day we met, at the courthouse. You pulled a piece of paper out of your hat and gave it to me.”
“Yes,” she chirps, forcing a vibrant bubble into her voice. It feels like a pile of rocks in her gut and her pulse starts to quicken. “Of course I remember!”
“I bet if you did that trick again, it’d cheer up the whole courtroom! I bet I’d win my case in a heartbeat.”
Her legs feel like jelly by the time the bus drops her off at the stop near the office. Daddy had kept on like that, loaded phrasing and a lopsided smile as he laced vapid banter with instructions. With warnings. She walks into the storage closet and grabs a deck of cards - one of his, the same style they use at the club, not hers for her tricks. Abruptly, she has a moment of panic as she realizes she’s not even sure what color she’s supposed to use, but then, just as fast, she forces her head clear and just grabs one of each.
They’re unopened. This makes it a cinch to find the card she’s looking for. Her stomach flips.
The worst part isn’t even what she’s doing. The worst part is that she’s doing it at all. Daddy knows well what this situation is making her feel and he’s asking her to do it anyway.
The only explanation left: he’s completely out of options.
She pulls her gloves off and grabs a needle from her sewing supplies. She pricks her finger, and lets a drop fall onto each ace.
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