#oc loves chuckie t
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Orange Cassidy has said before in an old interview: "You can do whatever you want to me but the moment you hurt my friends, then I get a little upset." It really speaks so much truth when you realize... Orange has allowed Trent to hurt him and would never fight back. Until the moment he sees Trent has hurt Chuck, he's upset and wanting to get after him. He really loves Chuck and always has. <3
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delilahcalicocat · 3 months
My Fics-
Darling~ parts 2/2 done!
Part 1-
Part 2-
Oneshots / Drabbles:
"Stay Back Dear, it's bad" - Darby Allin
"Don't leave" - Hangman Page
"Are you ok?" - Kenny omega
~Halloween Party~ -Hangman Page
{I've got you} -Darby Allin
《Got Your Back》 - Hangman Page
[What makes you think you can do that?] - MJF -
☆| We're night owls.. |☆ -Hook-
[Should've never said the word love] - MJF
[Do I have to remind him?] -Hook ♡
◇- What's Wrong?-◇ OC 🍊
(ONESHOTS WRITTEN WITH Original Characters <3)
I currently take requests! (Ask ur <3 away)
I do Wrestling (Aew or WWE) Fics
[RoH is included!! <3]
I have certain limits, please read in the list area for that!
I am a massive Orange Cassidy and Chuckie T and Hook fan 😭
I write smut, fluff or angst!
Will write anything. (I will sometimes limit it, sorry!)
Multi-Fandom, mainly wrestling
Will write for any wrestler (including girls!)
I write for any kink (Except for what's noted below-)
Will not write Ab*se or Drinking fics!
With that all said: I will not write for Scat/Urine Kinks, Murder Kinks, R#pe Kinks, Ab*se Kinks.
Please understand, I will not write for Cody's actual child. I have made one exception. If you want a child introduced. Include a name.
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autisticarachnid · 10 months
Introduction to me and my MCs
Hello there ! I decided it was about time to have a proper introductory post to my blog. My name’s Salem or Spider- feel free to call me either. I’m an autistic 21 year old from Florida, USA and I use they/them pronouns. Here on my blog you’ll find a lot of things; I’m mainly into Hogwarts Mystery and Taleblr, but you can also find posts about The Owl House, Puss In Boots: The Last Wish, Chucky, The Batman, ATLA/TLOK and horror movies. I draw a lot, so feel free to use the #my-art tag to explore that ! I also post a lot about my non-HPHM OCs, most of whom either fall into my Missing Children 2nd gen AU, or my California Rhode story. 
I like HPHM, Taleblr, TOH, horror movies, reptiles, rock/metal/goth/punk music and drawing. Some of my favorite movies are The Spiderverse films, The Batman, Venom, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, Kong: Skull Island and Jurassic Park. Some of my favorite artists are Nickelback, Delilah Bon, Babymetal, MARINA, Lady Gaga and BAND-MAID. Some of my favorite shows are Avatar The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, The Owl House, Chucky, Hannibal, Daredevil and Hawaii Five 0 (2010).
As for my fellow HPHM fans, the following is an introduction to my MCs and the characters in my friends and I’s HPHM AU. Some of the MCs below are not my own but belong to my friends, and I will distinguish them as such. If you would like to make your MC a friend to any of my MCs, feel free to send me an ask !
Salem Jordan: My first and main MC, Salem Jordan is a lesbian, agender metamorphmagus from Galway, Ireland. They moved to Dublin, Ireland at age 9. They were sorted into Hufflepuff, and they’re the half brother of our AU’s Jacob, Jacob Dyer. Salem ends up with Merula Snyde, and becomes a magizoologist at first, before eventually switching to become the new COMC professor after Hagrid’s retirement in 2011. They and Merula settle in Dublin and have three children together. 
- Personality: Salem is an INFP-T, with a 2w1/4w5 enneagram. They’re a virgo sorted into Hufflepuff. Salem is kind, thoughtful, intelligent, creative, open-minded, stubborn, loyal, friendly, supportive, talkative and analytical. Salem is an autistic introvert, which may come as a surprise considering Salem is very talkative and excitable once they feel close to someone. Salem has autism and ADHD and uses they/them/xe pronouns, and they are always happy to make a new friend. Salem is a planner through and through, loving to plan fun activities and days out for their friends. When not in class,  Salem spends most of their time hanging out with friends, listening to music or tending to the animals in the creature reserve. They identify with the punk/alternative/goth scene, usually dressing in very alternative/punk/gothic clothing. Salem especially loves befriending those who are into creatures, alternative/punk fashion or rock/metal/punk/goth music, and also have ADHD and/or autism. They get along best with those who also like talking about their interests and are unashamedly weird. 
- Likes: Salem likes creatures, winter, cold weather, snow, punk music, alternative music, metal music, rock music, goth music, emo music, the color black, cats, reptiles, art, sculptures, sweet things, soda, history, rollercoasters and horror movies. Best classes are COMC, Charms and History of Magic, Closest friends are Rowan, Tonks, Badeea, Chiara and Barnaby.
- Dislikes: Salem dislikes hot weather, bullies, Snape, judgemental people, being judged, most food, steak, seafood, being touched suddenly or without permission, most sitcoms, being late and strobing lights. Worst class is Potions (but they don’t necessarily hate the subject itself, their dislike stems from Snape). They don’t usually get along well with overly loud/obnoxious people, or those who don’t respect personal/physical boundaries. 
- Misc: Salem has Autism, ADHD, Clinical Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder, ARFID, anxiety and later on, PTSD. They are an insanely picky eater (it’s way easier for them to list off what they won’t eat than what they will eat), mainly due to sensory issues from their autism. They’re an atheist, but they don’t really care what religion someone is, as long as it’s not being used to harm others. Salem has a Horse animagus & patronus. Being a metamorphmagus, they always have their hair some bright color- but it’s also always incredibly short. Their hair never goes more than two inches below their chin. They’re a legilimens, but not a super powerful one. They have a number of physical tics, such as rolling their eyes a lot, twirling while walking and pausing randomly while talking. Salem is usually pretty anti-authority and leans towards being very individualistic. 
Thalia Dyer: Thalia Dyer is the main MC of the AU, and the full sister of Jacob Dyer. Thalia is a bisexual half-blood witch and an eighth veela, with her mother being from the famous pureblood Carraro family and the granddaughter of the famed and esteemed Lucia Carraro. Thalia is from Porthcawl, Wales, has three (full) siblings total (older brother Jacob, older sister Cassandra, little sister Rhian), and eventually becomes a famous quidditch player for the Wigtown Wanderers. Thalia ends up with Talbott Winger, settling with him in Edinburgh, Scotland along with their three children. She uses she/they pronouns.
- Personality: Thalia is an ENFP-T, with a 3w2 Enneagram with strong influences from types 7 and 8. She’s a Scorpio sorted into Gryffindor. Thalia is an extrovert with a very strong ‘hero’ personality. She is brave, daring, passionate, courageous and energetic, always feverently standing up for what she believes is right. This can lead to somewhat reckless and impulsive behavior, but Thalia puts others safety and justice above all, pursuing the just, moral path to the ends of the earth. They’re outgoing and very friendly, and love to make new friends. She’s energetic and active, preferring physical activities such as playing quidditch or exploring. She’s a go go go type of person, rarely sitting still or staying in one place. If she’s not doing something, she’ll find something. They’re steadfast and eternally loyal to their friends and their beliefs, and isn’t afraid to fight anyone. She has a cheerful air to her, and is often happy or good at making others laugh. They tend to get along best with other outgoing, energetic people. She loves befriending those also into quidditch, duelling and other exciting things, but they must have a strong moral compass as well. 
- Likes: Thalia likes quidditch, fast paced things, action/horror movies, duelling, flying, birds, rock music, alternative music, the color red, leather or jean jackets, warm weather, cold weather, the season Fall, exciting things, cats, dogs, italian food, greek food, savory foods and rollercoasters. Best classes are DADA, Charms and Flying. Closest friends are Bill, Skye, Murphy, Charlie, Talbott and Tonks. 
- Dislikes: Thalia dislikes bullies, potions class, Snape, immoral people, people who take advantage of others, freezing cold weather, boring things, super spicy foods, foods with a leathery or gooey texture, bland food and injustice. Worst classes are Potions and History of Magic. She does not get along well with selfish or obnoxious people, or those who insert themselves into others business. She can befriend people who are much slower paced and prefer staying indoors and reading/knitting/studying, but doesn’t usually. 
- Misc: Thalia is an eighth veela, meaning she’s insanely attractive. She has Autism, ADHD, Anxiety and Clinical Depression, and develops PTSD after the fifth year vault. They identify as a demigirl in terms of gender, but most often just uses the term nonbinary. They also thoroughly enjoy putting their hair up and experimenting with hairstyles. They’re a considerably powerful legilimens. They become quidditch captain of the Gryffindor team from fifth year to seventh year, and has remained one of the better captains in the 20th century.
Loki Colosa: My friend Rudy’s MC, Loki is a trans, bisexual polyamorous Welsh-Mexican werewolf with no relation to Jacob Dyer. Loki was born in Cardiff, Wales to a Mexican family, and came out as a trans woman shortly before her Hogwarts years. Loki is short with green hair and numerous scars, including on her face. She initially pursues a career as a dragonologist, before forming a punk-rock/metal band with Ismelda Murk and Merula Snyde in 1999. Loki ends up with both Jae Kim and Chiara Lobosca in a polyamorous relationship, and the three settle down in Cardiff, Wales with four children. 
- Personality: Loki is an ENFP-A, with a 7w8 Enneagram. She’s a Pisces sorted into Slytherin. She’s quite a wild card in her personality, and is known to get into full on fist-fights without a second thought. She’s fiercely loyal and very protective, and is actually so fearsome that very few people, if any, will willingly fight her. However, Loki is also incredibly intelligent, extroverted, energetic, confident and street smart. She’s good with animals and is a great friend, eager to protect those she cares about. She likes to play insult or bicker with people, but simultaneously knows to not push someone’s boundaries (ex. she will play insult a friend unless they’re genuinely upset, at which point she will become much gentler). She’s chaotic and friendly and wild, but overall a very good friend and an incredibly strong, determined ally. She gets along great with other outgoing people, and those also into quidditch, dragons, punk music and punk fashion. She most often befriends those with a good sense of humor, a chaotic nature and ability to hold long conversations. 
- Likes: Loki likes punk music, rock music, the color green, alternative music, punk fashion, stars, animals, raining, cooking, listening to birds, bird watching, hair dye, makeup, making fun of Ben Copper, DADA, quidditch, COMC, dragons, dangerous creatures and metal music. Best classes are DADA and COMC. Closest friends are Jae, Chiara, Tonks, Tulip and Bill. 
- Dislikes: Loki dislikes hiking, long car rides, sand, crowds, chickens, ice, history, fishing, air planes, bowling, Ben Copper, history of magic class, boring things, stuck-up people and bigots. Worst classes are History of Magic and Astronomy. She does not get along with people who are in any way bigoted, stuck up, purposefully ignorant or blatantly hypocritical (and she will absolutely deck them in the face, too). 
- Misc: Loki is a werewolf, and was bitten as a child. However, she doesn’t outright fear the moon; she somewhat embraces her werewolf identity, though she is afraid of hurting people unintentionally. She has the mindset of ‘I’m already a werewolf, I ought not to hate myself for something out of my control’. She has four younger half siblings- three muggles, and one a wizard. She plays the drums in her band. 
Samara Graham: Samara is my main slytherin MC and the paternal cousin of Jacob Dyer and Thalia Dyer. Samara was born in Aberdeen, Scotland to a neglectful, workaholic Scottish muggle father and doting, history-obsessed Welsh half-blood mother. When Samara was 7, her little brother Arran was born. Samara is genderfluid and uses they/she/he pronouns. Samara tends to keep to themself, usually helping out the curse squad in terms of research rather than going into the vaults. Samara is incredibly intelligent, being the top Slytherin student in his year, and frequently being one of the top performing students in the school overall. Samara ends up with Rowan (fem) and briefly works as an archivist before becoming the Transfigurations professor after McGonagall becomes headmistress. Samara has three children with Rowan and the two live in Hogsmeade. 
- Personality: Samara is an INTJ-T, with a 5w6 Enneagram. They’re a Taurus sorted into Slytherin. Samara has a very naturally reserved, calm and collected personality. While Samara is shy, he doesn’t really dislike people; she just prefers to be on their own. Samara will happily hold a conversation with someone on any topic that interests them. Samara is also incredibly bookish, with a never-ending thirst for knowledge. Samara is almost always either studying or reading a book. They have a deep-seated interest in figuring out spells, and even ends up inventing a few of their own. While Samara is notably friendly and fair, she can be a tad overcritical- though, this criticism is almost always directed at himself and not others. Samara is always looking for new things to learn and new problems to solve, and rarely ever loses her cool or gets angry. Samara gets along best with those who are also intelligently-minded and like reading, music, nature and/or studying. He also often befriends those who understand his need for isolation sometimes and immediately respect it.
- Likes: Samara likes instrumental music, books, reading, libraries, rainy days, quiet, piano music, playing the piano, playing the violin, violin music, history, historical places, dark/muted colors, winter, gardens, cold weather, nature, storms, keeping busy, studying, academia fashion, solving things, sweaters, loose clothing, brown clothes and wandering. Best classes are History of Magic, Transfigurations and Charms. Closest friends are Rowan, Badeea, Chiara and Ismelda.  
- Dislikes: Samara dislikes loud noises, hot weather, falling, overly sunny days, being bored, not being able to learn, obnoxious people, overly bright colors, blatant rudeness and flying. Worst class is Flying. They don’t usually get along well with loud and super lively people, but they can. He doesn’t get along at all with purposefully ignorant people, workaholics or those who cast others out without reason. 
- Misc: Samara is generally emotionally distant, and can have a hard time expressing or admitting her emotions. They grew up with a neglectful, workaholic father who was never there and left their life permanently when Samara wasn’t even 15, and a mother who was genuinely caring, but often also away at work. Samara spent the first seven years of his life very alone, and so they learned to adapt to solitude. While Samara can definitely be emotional at times, they almost always have a careful, stoic façade up. 
Isla Lyall: Isla (Eye-luh) Lyall is one of Jacob and Thalia Dyer’s maternal cousins. Born to a pureblood, 1/4 veela mother and muggleborn father in Glasgow, Scotland, Isla is the younger of twin girls. Isla uses she/they pronouns and has curly, bright red hair and a personality to match. She’s one of the more involved figured in the vaults, and dreams of becoming a cursebreaker. She ends up with my friend’s MC Oliver Adams, and works as a cursebreaker for years before retiring early to work at Oliver’s bakery instead. She and Oliver end up with four children- triplet girls and a son- and continue to live happily in Dublin. 
- Personality: Isla is an ESFP-A with a 7w6 enneagram. She’s a Gemini sorted into Ravenclaw. Isla has a very creative, driven and playful personality. She’s naturally quite intelligent, sharp, quick witted and resourceful, but she’s also outgoing, talkative and enthusiastic. They’re light on their feet and talented at quidditch, but she also is very talented at painting and sewing. They’re quite inventive too, often painting their own clothing and even making their own outfits at times. She’s adventurous, curious and energetic, and is always doing something. They’re a genuinely fun loving person with a good sense of humor and a slight mischievous streak- though not as much as their twin, Vera. Isla best gets along with those who are also talkative, adventurous, creative and/or good-humored. They tend to befriend those who are just as fun-loving as them, or just as into creating things. 
- Likes: Isla likes stars, space, dogs, quidditch, astronomy, astrology, adventuring, exploring, duelling, gelato, playing quidditch, sweets, sewing, painting, art, diy-ing clothing, sweaters, being outdoors, sunny days, rainy days and baking. Best classes are Astronomy and Charms. Closest friends are Andre, Tulip, Tonks, Badeea and Murphy. 
- Dislikes: Isla dislikes boring things, being bored, overly spicy food, bitter food, loud thunderstorms, obnoxious people, people who brag, judgmental people, people who don’t appreciate art, overly hot days and freezing weather. Worst class is Potions. They do not get along well with people who are slower-paced, don’t appreciate art or judge others. 
- Misc: Isla is an eighth veela like her cousins, and is incredibly attractive as a result. She has ADHD and doesn’t use sexuality labels, but she is definitely not straight. She doesn’t appreciate being told what to do. She’s a seer along with her twin sister, but neither are very powerful. 
Vera Lyall: Vera Lyall is the older twin sister of Isla Lyall, and a maternal cousin of Thalia and Jacob Dyer. She was born to a pureblood, 1/4 veela mother and a muggleborn father in Glasgow, Scotland. She later gains a younger brother, Athan, and a younger sister, Evanthia. Vera mainly uses she/her pronouns, but likes to be occasionally referred to with they/them pronouns. She’s just as involved in the vaults as her twin, and while she initially wanted to become an auror, they ended up becoming a cursebreaker instead. She marries Badeea Ali and the two settle in Glasgow with their three children. 
- Personality: Vera is an ESFP-A like her twin, but with a 3w2 enneagram. She’s a Gemini sorted into Gryffindor. Similar to her twin sister, Vera is considerably intelligent, sharp, quick-witted, outgoing, resourceful, energetic, adventurous and good-humored. She’s also skilled with her hands like Isla, often painting her clothes and making an outfit or two from scratch. She’s just as active, inventive and resourceful as well. However, the main difference is Vera is surprisingly sarcastic- she loves teasing her friends and pulling pranks. She’s the most sarcastic around Oliver, whom she’s best friends with and loves teasing and poking fun at. Vera gives off an air of classiness with her well styled fashion sense, white-blond hair and makeup, but she can also be quite brash and does not at all mind getting her hands (and clothes) dirty. She gets along best with others who are outgoing, active, adventurous and fun-loving. She also, of course, gets along great with those who share a love of mischief and pranks and can handle a bantering friendship with lots of joking and teasing.
- Likes: Vera likes the moon, dogs, quidditch, playing quidditch, being outdoors, exploring, moon clothing and decorations, keeping busy, duelling, sunny days, swimming, painting, sewing, diy-ing clothing, stylish clothes, small dogs, divination, greek food, gelato, pulling pranks and teasing Oliver. Best classes are Flying, Divination, DADA and Astronomy. Closest friends are Tulip, Tonks, Jae and Penny. 
- Dislikes: Vera dislikes boring things, bullies, people who don’t appreciate art, having nothing to do, showy/braggy people, judgmental people, bitter food, freezing weather and overly hot days. Worst classes are Potions and History of Magic. She doesn’t get along well with slower-paced people, people who judge based on appearance and those who take things too seriously. 
- Misc: Vera is an eighth veela, and is insanely attractive as a result. She identifies as a lesbian and has ADHD. She, like her twin, is a seer, but not a very powerful one. She is a big fan of teasing/bantering with friends, but only with certain ones who don’t mind or actually like such things. She has a very strong-headed, demanding side who won’t allow anyone to tell her what to do. She’s overall a person with a big presence. 
Fallon Byrne: Fallon Byrne is a muggleborn witch and the second youngest of seven children born to a French mother and Northern Irish father. She was born in Downpatrick, Northern Ireland on a property with a large yard that even connected to a small stream, and Fallon spent much of her childhood outside, always running around and playing with her siblings, even though most of her older siblings were several years older than her. She’s actually cishet and uses she/her pronouns. Her older siblings are Shane (13 years older and also a wizard), Lorraine (12 years older, but disowned her family),  Élodie (9 years older), Aisling (7 years older), Juliet (4 years older) and Matthieu (2 years younger). She wanted to become an auror, but she actually quit just two years into the job once she realized how corrupt the justice system could be. She went on to work as a cursebreaker, and she married Diego Caplan, having three children with him. 
- Personality: Fallon is an ENTP-A with a 7w8 Enneagram. She’s a Sagittarius sorted into Ravenclaw. Fallon is intelligent, sharp, quick witted, outgoing, talkative, friendly, stubborn, clever, confident, courageous, daring, adventurous, curious and bold. One of the more surprising aspects of her personality is that she’s insanely individualistic. She constantly challenges people and things around her: the rules, authority, traditions. She challenges the rules and norms a lot because she wants to get a better understanding of them and form her own opinion. She always seeks to be knowledgeable on several topics and such, and she absolutely will not let anyone tell her what to do or believe. She hates the idea of blindly following anything or blindly listening to anyone; she’s firmly of the belief that people should form their own opinions rather than listening to the authority telling them what to think. Her strong sense of individuality also ties in with her adventurous side- she likes to explore things, experience them for herself. She was actually friends with Tulip and Merula during their alliance, and that’s how she got into the cursed vaults in the first place. She, along with Tulip, ended up cutting ties with Merula when things went south, because Fallon does have a strong sense of morality- she defies the norms and expectations because she doesn’t believe they’re always right. She gets along best with those who are also highly individualistic, outspoken, outgoing, friendly, rebellious or adventurous. She most often befriends those with a similar love of either adventure or rulebreaking, and is drawn to those who also have ADHD. 
- Likes: Fallon likes flying, being outdoors, skateboarding, roller skating, ice skating, striped shirts, adventuring, learning, DADA, quidditch, Enya, ABBA, upbeat music, dogs, duelling, irish music and french music. Best classes are DADA and Flying. Closest friends are Tulip, Diego, Tonks and Andre. 
- Dislikes: Fallon dislikes overly hot or cold weather, the English (/hj), most classical music, overly spicy foods, bullies, judgmental people, authority figures, blind conformity, super bright clothing, stormy days and ignorant people. Worst classes are Potions and Astronomy. She doesn’t get along well with those who are narrow-minded, purposefully ignorant or judgemental. She also doesn’t usually get along well with those who are overly conforming or blindly follow the rules. 
- Misc: Fallon is half Irish and half French. She’s also religiously and ethnically Jewish, and is very proud in her identity. She is somewhat of a nerd; while she reads a lot to become as knowledgeable as she can, she also hyperfixates on certain topics like music and skating. Whenever she’s not studying, reading or in class, she’s out with friends, skateboarding/rollerskating, or just looking for an adventure. she is not one to sit still, ever. 
Codi Nozawa: Codi Nozawa is a pureblood Japanese-Irish trans witch born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. Her father is William Nozawa, a Japanese man born and raised in Ireland, while her mother is Masaki Keneko, a Japanese witch born and raised in Japan. Codi has twin younger siblings: Keiji and Kenna, born in August 1977. Codi is a big fan of herbology and plants, and ends up becoming a herbologist and marries fellow MC, Amaryllis Ferrara. The two end up with a daughter and a son. 
- Personality: Codi is an INFJ-T with a 5w6 enneagram. She’s a cancer sorted into Gryffindor. Codi is courageous, quiet, bookish, intelligent, observant, dutiful, polite, patient, practical, chivalrous and clever. She’s a bookish sort of person with a strong work ethic, and a strong moral code that pushes her to help others out whenever possible. She tends to keep to herself, but she’s by no means unfriendly; she loves talking about herbology and will go on about it for hours. She’s happy to be alone in a corner and to be surrounded by people all talking about herbs. She gets along best with those who are also introverted, autistic and/or share a love of herbology. 
- Likes: Codi likes books, herbs, herbology, plants, reading, studying, gardening, cool weather, warm weather, rainy days, flowers, savory food, sweets, gyoza, curry rice, her parents cooking, libraries, quiet days, muted colors and sweaters. Best classes are Herbology and Charms. Closest friends are Liz and Badeea.  
- Dislikes: Codi dislikes loud noises, crowded spaces, cramped/small spaces, hot weather, overly sunny days, divination class, super bright colors, neon colors, burnt food and rude people. She doesn’t get along well with overly boisterous people or those who boss people around. 
- Misc: Codi is a trans asexual gray-romantic lesbian. She’s a really good cook and often cooks in her downtime; her favorite dishes are gyoza, curry rice, okonomoyaki, sukiyaki, katsudon, tonkatsu and taiyaki. She’s not related to any of the other MCs in any way. She becomes one of the Gryffindor prefects, and ends up becoming head girl as well. 
Amaryllis Ferrara: Amaryllis is a half-blood south asian witch and an only child to a single father. She was originally made by a friend, who has since transferred ownership to me. She was born in the small town of Lizard in the Cornwall region of England, at its southernmost point. Her father, Chadwick Ferrara, is a half blood wizard who has dedicated himself to Amaryllis and giving her the best life possible. She’s fond of potionmaking and ends up becoming a potioneer and marries fellow MC Codi Nozawa. 
- Personality: Amaryllis is an ISFJ-T with a 9w1 enneagram. She’s a Pisces sorted into Gryffindor. Amaryllis is chivalrous, observant, friendly, helpful, pleasant, enthusiastic, idealistic, brave, cheerful, optimistic, hardworking, calm and open minded. Amaryllis is a generally cheerful and friendly person who likes talking to others and helping people out. They enjoy being around people despite their introverted nature, but she also just as much enjoys being in an empty room with a book in her hands. She often busies herself with a small project and is good with their hands. They get along best with those who are friendly but not boisterous, have a good sense of morality and are happy to both go out and do something and stay in for a movie. 
- Likes: Amaryllis likes potions, reading, divinations, savory foods, nihari, meat dishes, rainy days, swimming, the ocean, quiet days, relaxing, sweaters, the color red, winter, spring and spending time with her father. Best classes are Potions and Divinations. Closest friends are Penny and Ben. 
- Dislikes: Amaryllis dislikes hot weather, Snape, intolerant people, spice-less food, muggy/humid days, humidity, horror movies, her mother, judgmental people, being judged, being bored and having nothing to do. They don’t get along with people who are crass, snippy or judgemental. 
- Misc: Amaryllis is South Asian- specifically Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi. She was largely raised by her Pakistani father and therefore is mostly in tune with that side of her heritage. She’s physically disabled and walks with a cane. She’s a gifted seer. They have the unique patronus of a Demiguise. They identify as a demigirl and a lesbian, and use she/they pronouns. 
Blair Clark: Blair is a trans witch born and raised in Edinburgh, Scotland. She has a younger sister, Maisie, and they’re both the half sisters to Jacob Dyer and therefore Thalia and Salem as well. Blair is fond of writing, and ends up becoming a journalist. She marries Tulip Karasu and the two settle in Edinburgh and have two sons. She was originally created by a friend but now belongs to me.
- Personality: Blair is an ESTJ-T with a 6w7 enneagram. She’s an aquarius sorted into Hufflepuff. Blair is kind, stubborn, loyal, clever, sarcastic, intelligent, enthusiastic, friendly, optimistic, caring, curious, sharp, cheerful and level headed. She has a bit of a sarcastic, teasing side with close friends. She’s generally a pretty honest and reliable person who’s happy to help others out. She’s extroverted but not overly outgoing; she’s happy to both spend one-on-one time with someone or be surrounded by people. She gets along best with those who are also generally friendly and chill-going, and especially gets along well with those who like writing and/or will banter along with her. 
-Likes: Blair likes watching quidditch, writing, charms, muggle music, magical creatures, jokes, teasing friends, flying class, the color yellow, sweaters, cold days, winter, fall, coffee with milk, milkshakes, strawberry deserts, roasting marshmallows, baked goods, rainy days and sitting by the fireplace. Best classes are Charms and COMC. Closest friends are Tulip, Andre and Penny. 
- Dislikes: Blair dislikes Snape, tea, making mistakes, most of her family, Filch, stuck up people, extreme weather, hot weather, muggy/humid days, humidity, super loud music, bright neon colors, strobing lights, gore, loud noises and people touching her without permission. Worst classes are Potions and History of Magic. She doesn’t get along well with people who are super boisterous, constantly draw attention to themselves or belittle others. 
- Misc: Blair is a trans demi-lesbian. She can be quite naive and bottles up her emotions a lot. She has ODC, ADHD, anxiety and clinical depression. Blair cut contact with all of her grandparents (excluding her donor’s side) due to them all being very transphobic. She has a good relationship with her mom, but has a slightly more tense relationship with her father; he struggles a lot but does try, and their relationship improves quite a bit as Blair becomes older. She has a few tics caused by her ADHD. 
Danae Adhikari: Danae Adhikari is a half blood, Indian witch born and raised in England. At the age of 8, she was orphaned after her parents were attacked and killed while sleeping in their house. Danae had been staying with her aunt at the time, and was subsequently raised by her cousin. She is bisexual but generally uninterested in romance, and remains single her whole life. She ends up as an archivist in the Ministry. 
- Personality: Danae is an ISTJ-T, with a 5w6 enneagram. She’s a virgo sorted into Slytherin. Danae is quiet, clever, stoic, intelligent, calm, level-headed, apathetic, reserved, independent, analytical, hard-working and responsible. Danae is autistic and struggles heavily with emotions- mainly, she hardly ever feels anything very strongly, or in-depth. This can make her come off as emotionless and uncaring, but she does genuinely like to help people and make an occasional friend. She is understandably, however, very socially inept and tends to stay by herself, as socializing doesn’t often end well for her. She gets along best with other autistic people most, but also tends to get along with other reserved and very introverted people. 
- Likes: Danae likes long sleeves, cool weather, winter, snow, rainy days, stormy days, forests, quiet, libraries, dim/low-light places, loose clothes, tea, warm drinks, hot chocolate, sitting quietly with other people, reading, wandering, spicy food, dal tadka, samosas, spicy foods, savory food, cooking, neutral tones and coffee. Best classes are Charms and Transfigurations. Closest friend is Badeea. 
- Dislikes: Danae dislikes hot weather, summer, sunny days, bright lights, loud noises, loud people, boisterous/obnoxious people, stale food, overly loud music, being disturbed, socializing, parties, slimy things, bright neon colors, strobe lights, being forced to do anything, being forced to socialize, divination and fighting. Worst classes are Divinations and DADA. She doesn’t get along well wiith super extroverted, loud, energetic or boisterous people. 
- Misc: Danae has autism, depression and PTSD. As stated before, they struggle heavily with emotions and rarely feel much of anything. Because of this, Danae is not very emotionally intelligent, and bad at reading the room and recognizing emotions in others. This can make her come off as rude, uncaring or harsh, but she’s truly not; Danae does care for others and likes to help, she’s just naturally very reserved and tends to avoid socializing, due to her poor social skills. Danae is also naturally independent and used to doing things either by herself, or in a very small group, so she does not do well in crowds or with a lot of people. 
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princedevitt · 2 months
This is just like Seth with the chair. I’m speechless. (But also lowkey excited. Like I want pissed off, betrayed, hurt OC seeking revenge on Trent. BUT Trent best not touch Chuckie T. Like I can see him snapping if Chuck doesn’t side with him and attacking him.)
Can we all fly to Philly and give the boys a group hug?
His face!! the look on his face!!!! He ran his hand through his hair he was so stressed out. I wanted to dive through my screen and protect them!!! They deserve a big hug.
If it were me I’d be looking at Trent like “why are you so mad?! You ate the pin, love!”
I cant believe this is actually happening. 😭😩
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ren-re-mx · 3 months
Wrestlers I'm most excited for based on the probability they will be at tonight's show:
Announced: listen, the whole card is stacked and I'm excited for SO many but my most excitement has to go to the Bucks, OC, and Kris. Also Renee and the commentary team.
Could maybe show up: Chuckie T, even if he's just accompanying Trent and Orange I would love to see him. Adam Cole for the same reason.
Probably won't but I can dream: Mox and Claudio. Listen, I tried catching up as best as I could but since their feud with FTR I don't know their status but I want to see my boyssss.
Definitely won't but I would sacrifice someone else's firstborn to see: MJF. Where is he? When is he coming back? IS he coming back? Just let him return and hit Adam Cole with a steel chair.
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hiiii basil heres an oc for you for the ask game 💜💜
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Ok, I'm about to ramble a bit
Even before I got into AEW for good, he was the first wrestler that caught my eye because he was so different from all I've seen years and years ago. I love wrestlers that will push the boundaries and you can tell they're having fun with it, and Orange is definitely one of those wrestlers!
I admit I was fan once I saw him live, but it took me watching more of his matches, especially the ones vs PAC and Kip Sabian, to get on the Orange Train for good. I also knew he was one wrestler I really really liked once I created his own special tag "freshly squeezed champ/guy."
On a more in depth note, I read how Orange just came from...just being frustrated with the wrestling scene, and just getting to the point where you don't care about the criticism, the certain 'WWE-like' model you have to be, you just..stop caring and just do you. And that made me really keep an eye on him.
Everytime he gets into a new feud, he surprises me with something new. The whole debate with Jericho was the first time he shocked me. And then he busted his ear open brawling the next week. His feud with Yuta hurt my heart. And the promo he gave before All Out was the highlight of 2023 for me.
Also, he introduced me to the Best Friends, which introduced me to Chuckie T and reintroduced me to one Trent Baretta. That's a bonus right there.
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wannaplayray · 2 years
Currently need to make a card for this blog soon. So this is currently under a wip
So right now wip rules are obviously
Pretty chill about dark themes (I don’t have any triggers but there’s a lot on heavy triggers here so follow with caution.)
Will only ship Chucky with anyone in his human form or while in Nicas body.
I’d love to discuss plots and I won’t automatically k*ll your muse unless you give the okay but Chucky is a serial k*ller so I won’t tone him down for people. (That doesn’t mean I condone any sh*t he does)
I don’t write in*est, p3dophillia, r*pe or anything like that. (Only things I won’t write.)
Chu.cky spoil/ers will be here so if you haven’t caught up with season 2 yet or one for that matter you may wanna stray from this blog
Will only write with 18+ muns.
I’m really chill (Just because my muse hates you doesn’t mean I do, I promise.)
If we ship it’s gonna be toxic, Chucky is a serial k*ller so be aware with what your muse is going to go through. If you can’t handle toxic ships don’t ship with me. He does fucked up shit, he’s not good. (Unless I’m writing good Chucky but even then I don’t ship Chucky in his doll form lol. Unless it’s with Tiffany.)
I’m very crossover friendly! OC friendly as well!
Also I’m 29 years old and go by Kay, she/her pronouns.
I’ll probably add more to these later. Hope to write with you soon!
My multimuse is @heartsintertwine
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finnflynn · 3 years
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i dont think this needs an explanation (sorry yall, can you tell im in a berretay mood?)
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chucktdust · 4 years
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littlemagicalstardust · 2 months
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thekentuckyhimbo · 2 years
Masterlist/Requests Open!!
Details below the cut
Who I like to write about:
(Note: I will give anyone a go but these are my faves)
(Note 2: I am familiar with most current major wrestling promotion storylines besides WWE but still know a lot about WWE characters)
Best Friends (Chuckie T, Trent, OC, Kris, Yuta)
Buddy Matthews
Eddie Kingston
Ruby Soho
Blackpool Combat Club
Max Caster
Jay White
Bullet Club
Rocky Romero
MCMG (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin)
Before you make a request:
1. Be cool.
No abuse or hate speech please. Topics or requests that make me uncomfortable might be ignored.
2. Don't yuck anyone's yum.
No shipping discourse or kinkshaming on my blog. Get as absolutely feral as you want. If you have a serious concern about something I've written, send me a DM.
3. Please be an adult.
Like literally... If my content says it's explicit, NSFW or 18+, please read it only if you're old enough. If you request NSFW material and your bio says you're under 18, I won't be doing that.
Fic Masterlist
Very Nice, Very Evil - William Regal/Danhausen, Hookhausen, Mox/Kingston
Danhausen gives Jon Moxley some advice. Danhausen realises he should take his own advice.
Sharing is Caring - William Regal/Danhausen, Hookhausen, William Regal/Wheeler Yuta
Danhausen is William Regal's pet. But Danhausen wants Hook too.
The Tweet - Max Caster/MJF
Max calls MJF his boyfriend in a tweet. MJF is a princess about it. Smut, 18+
Sunrises and Kiwi Crushes - Jay White/Reader
Ongoing series. Jay White moves in next door to you in your small country town.
Hey Jealousy - Orange Cassidy/Reader
Orange is jealous that someone else is giving you attention. He gets... Possessive. Smut, 18+
Gentle - Jay White/Reader
Jay keeps you tied up in his hotel room while he wrestles. But when he comes back tonight he's so... Gentle. Smut, 18+
Tender - Jay White/Reader
Jay finally lets you into his life. Smut, 18+
Beretta and the Blade - Jay White/Trent Beretta
Jay stares at Trent's tits. Jay is all of us. Smut, 18+
Insatiable - Jay White/OFC
Jay White is in love. Jay is stupid about it.
Sacrifices - Jay White/Alex Shelley
Jay jerks off to his old mentor. Smut, 18+
Shellshocked - Jay White/Alex Shelley
Baby Jay lets daddy take care of him. Smut, 18+
Something Sinister - Jay White/El Phantasmo
El Phantasmo is a brat. Jay fucks him for it.
Young Once - Chuck Taylor/Orange Cassidy
Orange yearns for Chuck's happiness inside and outside of the ring
Tacks for Snacks - Chuck Taylor/Orange Cassidy
Chuck does a thumb tack spot. Orange has to pull them out. Smut, 18+
Chuckie T Kisses a New Japan Hunk - Chuck Taylor/Kazuchika Okada
Chuck gets to kiss Okada at Forbidden Door
Braids and Bathtubs - Hangman/Matt Jackson
Hangman runs Matt a bath
Softer than I Deserve - Wheeler Yuta/fem!reader (request)
Yuta loses the ROH Pure Championship because he's too busy thinking about you
Polaroid Shots - Hook/Danhausen
Hook likes pictures
Ace Austin Drabble #1
Reader is sick, Ace looks after them
Ace Austin Drabble #2
Ace makes Reader a cute playlist bc he misses them
Prick - Hangman Adam Page/Jon Moxley
The HangMox brainrot got me so I wrote angst/smut to help but it didn't help and I'm still thinking about them ok bye
Ace Austin Drabble #3 - Ace/Reader
Ace gets the Reader a pet kitten
Stray - HangMox
AU. Adam is a single dad waitress in a diner. Mox is the grizzled, mysterious stranger who comes in at 2AM
A Promise of More - HangMox
Pure, absolute smut. Mox bleeds everywhere, cums everywhere, gets fucked until he cries
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
State of Grace (2)
David Hale x OFC (Grace Teller)
Request by Anon: I got a thirst for Hale after seeing a drabble earlier - what about a Hale x reader, where Hale is having an inner battle with his feelings for the younger sister of Jax Teller? Maybe, a situation where both have liked each other for a while, which equally infuriates Clay and Jake respectively, but ultimately, a near miss with Zobelle’s crew pushes them together more, and then it’s used against Hale, and then ultimately there’s fluff?
Warnings: language, alcohol, mentions of violence
Word Count: 5.3k
A/N: I think about Hale and Grace on the daily I swear lmao. Another long update because we’re still building out characters and dynamics and everything. It’s not super Hale-focused, but I do want to emphasize and build her friendships and relationships with everyone else, and in my mind Opie has been her day one. Shout-out to @garbinge for listening to me talk about these guys, and all my OC’s and plots all the time. Big loves.
Chapter Index
SOA Taglist: @masterlistforimagines @adela-topaz-caelon @mijop @chibsytelford @thanossexual @xladymacbethx @i-just-read-stuff @kkim120 @toni9 @unicornucopia-fuckers @shadow-of-wonder @punkgoddess-98 @paintballkid711 @black-repunzel99 @lexondeck @jitterbugs927 @mrsstevenbuchananstark @mijagif @frattsparty @winchestershiresauce @bellisperennis0 @crowfootwrites @redpoodlern @beardburnsupersoldiers @mveggieburger @xeniarocks @choochoo284 @littlekittymeow @beardsanddetectives @thewineandthewomen @i-love-scott-mccall​ (If you want to be added to the list just let me know!)
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Grace got to the compound after her meeting with Hale. She felt a little better after having talked to someone about it, but not much. There was still a heavy weight in her bones as she made her way into the office at T-M. Gemma wasn’t there, and she had never been so relieved to not see her own mother. The last thing she needed was for Gemma to pry into why she seemed so exhausted.
She was idly flipping through the orders for the day when she heard a faint whistling coming from the doorway. She turned around quickly, pleased to see Chucky walking in with a binder clutched to his chest. He saw her, a bright smile taking over his features.
“Amazing Grace,” he set the binder down, “how can I help you?”
The smile that crept across her face was genuine, “Hey, Chucky. Just looking to see if there’s a spot for me to work on my bike? Just need to keep myself busy today.”
Without hesitation he nodded, “Fourth stall. All yours for as long as you need it.”
“Perfect,” she smiled at him, “Thank you, Chucky.”
He didn’t offer up much more than another nod and smile before she turned and walked back out of the office. Without really talking to any of the men who were working at day, she rolled her bike in and got it up onto the lift. She put her headphones on, hoping to drown out the last of the noise outside her head and give her another thing to focus on besides the tools in her hands as she attempted to distract herself from everything that had happened in the previous twenty-four hours.
The painstaking process of modifying her bike was something that she could only describe as a labor of love. The parts didn’t come cheap, and neither did all of the extra paint jobs and other detailing that she wanted done. It was a long, slow process, especially when she was constantly scraping together the money for it, but it was all starting to come together and it was something that truly never failed to put her in a good headspace. Just like her brother and her father, she was always finding something to tinker with.
Time became irrelevant as she worked, song after song reverberating through her headphones. She half noticed the other mechanics milling about, the guys from the club clocking their minimal number of hours for legitimate income. She didn’t look at any of them, though, and neither of them tried to get her attention either. Even though she didn’t say anything, they knew that now wasn’t the time to try and talk to her.
She was rifling through the tool chest for a different size wrench when she felt someone’s hand land on her shoulder. Without thinking, she flung her elbow back, hard, sending whoever it was tumbling back a few steps. She whipped around, pulling her headphones out as she did. Eyes wide she realized that she’d just slammed her elbow into Opie’s throat.
He coughed, cupping his neck where she’d just connected with it as he tried to figure out what had just happened. Grace shook her head, twisting her hands nervously in front of her.
“Fuck, Ope, I’m sorry,” she stepped in closer to him, “You alright?”
Clearing his throat, he nodded, “Yea, all good,” he took a moment to really look at her, “You alright? You look like shit.”
“Must be going around,” she muttered.
“Didn’t hear from you last night—wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“Yea,” she lied, “Sorry about that. Totally blanked when I got home. My bad.”
“You sure you’re good?” it’d been a long time since he’d seen her looking so haggard.
“I’m fine. Just didn’t get to sleep much last night,” she shook her head as she tried to piece together a lie that would be enough to get Opie off her back, “Dude above me was arguing with his girlfriend all fucking night. Was about this close to banging my room against the ceiling and telling him to just dump her ass already.”
“You gotta get your own house, Gracie,” Opie said with a soft laugh.
“It’s on the very long list of things that I’m working on,” there was a long pause between them before she spoke up again, “Sorry about your neck.”
“It was a good shot, can’t lie,” he looked over at her bike, “How’s she comin’ along?”
It got a smile out of Grace, “Slow but steady. Ordered custom rims a couple days ago that should come in in the next week or so.”
“Spinners?” Opie asked with a laugh.
She rolled her eyes, “Not quite. You’ll see when they get here.”
“Can’t wait,” he pulled her into a hug, feeling her body tense for a couple seconds before she finally relaxed, “Go home and get some rest. Gemma sees you lookin’ like this you’re never gonna hear the end of it.”
Shaking her head, Grace leaned farther into him, “Can’t afford to be knocking out just yet.”
Opie looked around, making sure that no one else nearby was listening to their conversation before asking, “You hear anything yet?”
She didn’t realize what he was talking about at first. Her brain was so scrambled from everything that had been happening that she completely forgot about the rest of her life. She stared up at Opie with a blank expression on her face for a few seconds before he realized that she didn’t follow his train of thought whatsoever.
“School?” he offered up one word to jog her memory.
Recognition lit up behind her eyes, “Oh! Shit. Right,” she shook her head, “Not yet. That’s normal, though. Probably in the next week I’ll be getting letters back,” she sighed, “Fingers crossed.”
“You tell Jax?”
“No,” there was zero hesitation in the response, “Love him, but he wouldn’t be able to keep something like that to himself.”
“You think he’d tell Gemma?”
“Not on purpose,” she gave him a slight defense, “But he’s got no filter and you know how easily she gets inside everyone’s heads.”
“Right,” he gave a slow nod.
Opie was surprised at how well Grace had been able to keep it from everyone. The fact that he was the only one who had any idea what was going on, and that he had found out by accident, was quite the feat. Grace had never been the type of person to be overly secretive. Sure, their lifestyle demanded a certain level of discretion, but she was always open whenever she could be—it was easier that way. She had no time for remembering lies was what she always told everyone. And even growing up, when she felt that she had to hide something from Gemma and Clay, she still always confided in Jax and Opie, or vice versa. The more Opie thought about it, the more he realized that he’d never seen her keep a secret on complete lock before.
“You won’t be sworn to secrecy much longer,” she stepped back from him and ran her fingers through her hair, “By the end of next week, either everyone is gonna know, or there won’t be anything for anyone to know.”
“It’s gonna work out,” he was never overly emotional when he spoke, but there was still certainty to his tone.
She appreciated his positivity, because it wasn’t often that he went out of his way to be optimistic like that, but she still didn’t want to get her hopes up too high only to have them crushed, “We’ll see.”
A couple days ticked by and Grace hadn’t heard anything from Hale. Everything seemed a little too silent. She wanted to stop by the station and ask him what was going on, but she knew that if Unser saw her there again, she wouldn’t be able to get out as easily as she had the first time. She knew that he would ask questions, and if she didn’t give just the right answer, he would head right to Clay, or worse, right to Gemma. The one time that Grace actually hoped that he would stop by T-M looking for Jax or one of the guys, and he was nowhere to be found.
She’d been taking the longest route possible to get home. She knew that it didn’t quite matter, because whoever it was could easily just tail her and try to corner her again, but it was the only thing that gave her any semblance of peace. She’d been sleeping on the couch in her apartment’s living room in an attempt to be closer to the door, hoping that it would clue her in if anything was about to happen. It wasn’t perfect, and it wasn’t a permanent solution, but it allowed her to get some shuteye that she was desperately needing.
After getting home early one evening, Grace popped open her mailbox in the bottom floor of her apartment building. She was idly flipping through the envelopes as she walked up the stairs to her floor. Most of it was junk mail, a couple credit card companies trying to get her to apply for a card she didn’t need, insurance companies trying to tell her that they can get her a better rate on her motorcycle insurance. She was getting ready to rip the whole stack in half when she got to an envelope that had the name of one of the nursing programs she applied for printed in the top corner.
Part of her wanted to tear into it in the middle of the hallway, but she knew that if it was bad news, she didn’t want to be crying where her neighbors might see her. She hastily walked down to her door and slipped the key into the lock. She tossed all the other envelopes off to the side as she dropped her bag and her keys. There wasn’t a single coherent thought in her mind as she ripped the envelope open at the top.
Her hands were surprisingly steady as she unfolded the slip of paper and scanned the first few lines. Her eyes grew wide, a laugh of disbelief bursting through as a smile spread across her face. As much as she had been hoping that things would work out, she didn’t let herself really believe that they would. She read the entire letter a few times over as she tried to register that it was really happening, that this could be a part of her future.
“Holy shit,” she gasped, running her hand back through her hair. She looked around her apartment for a minute before pulling her phone out of her pocket, dialing the first person who came to mind. After a few rings, she was rewarded with a gruff hello and she couldn’t stop herself from laughing, “Opie, I’m in.”
“I’m in! I got my first acceptance letter,” she couldn’t believe that she was actually saying the words out loud.
“Holy shit,” Opie chuckled, “Congratulations.”
“You free? Wanna come over and help me celebrate?”
There was a pause and for a moment Grace thought that he was going to come back with some kind of excuse. But after a few moments of murmuring on the other end of the line, Opie came back on and she could hear the amusement in his voice, “I’ll be there in thirty.”
It was hard to believe that such a rush of good luck came after all the stress and anxiety that had been filling her days, but she wasn’t going to turn away from it. She laid the letter out o her coffee table, letting out one last giggle to herself before getting up and going to change into more comfortable clothes. In the span of just a few minutes, she felt like an entirely new person.
Almost thirty minutes later on the dot, the lock on her apartment door flipped and Opie came striding in, slipping his keys into his pocket as he closed the door behind him. Grace knew logically that it was Opie, but she still clutched the spatula in her hand a little tighter as she leaned back to get a clear view of the door.
Opie chuckled as he kicked his boots off, “I come to celebrate and you’re gonna beat me with a spatula over it?”
She let out a small chuckle, “Can’t hurt to be too careful.”
He saw how quickly the nerves disappeared from her face, so he didn’t push the topic. Shrugging the backpack off his shoulders, he walked over and started pulling things out, “Figured you were set for food,” he glanced over at the stove where she was making breakfast for dinner, “and I was right. So I got some other shit,” he pulled out a bottle of vodka, “Something for you,” he reached in and pulled out a bottle of tequila, “and something for me.”
Grace laughed, setting her utensil down so she could give him a proper hug. Opie tucked her tight against his chest, eliciting a quiet oof from her before it turned into laughter. She leaned into him, taking comfort not only in the safety that he surrounded her with, but the fact that she could feel the pride radiating off of him.
“You did it,” he gave her one more squeeze before releasing her.
Running her fingers back through her hair, she nodded with a laugh, “I did it,” her face lit up, “Oh, shit, look at it!” she practically sprinted over to her coffee table, sweeping the acceptance letter off of it as she went by. When she came back, she slapped it against Opie’s chest, “In black and white.”
His eyes quickly scanned over the paper, a small but proud smile appearing on his face. He nodded his head as he looked back at Grace, who was standing there practically vibrating in place, “I’m proud of you.”
The sincerity of his words settled over her and she felt her entire body calming down. It hit her that she never really heard a lot of that growing up. It was implied, sure, because she worked hard to do what everyone around her considered to be the right thing, but no one really ever took the time to say that they were proud of her, or happy for her, except for Jax and Opie. And, even then, it was sparse because they just weren’t built like that.
But, with something like this, hearing someone tell her that meant everything. Getting the green light from someone that building her life outside the club was a good thing, the right thing, to do, cut loose weights that she didn’t know that she was carrying.
Opie could see all the thoughts racing around her head and playfully bumped her shoulder before walking back to the kitchen and sticking the acceptance letter to the fridge, “Don’t let the pancakes burn.”
“Shit,” Grace laughed, snapping herself out of her sentimental thoughts, “Right,” she went back to the stove and got everything under control. She started laughing again when she heard Opie going through her cabinets looking for glasses, “Nothing like pancakes and shots.”
“Like you’ve never done pancakes and shots first thing in the morning,” he shook his head slightly as he opened the bottles that he’d brought.
Celebrating for the two of them looked different now than when they were kids. It was fun, but it was so much tamer than it used to be, especially if it was just the two of them. When they all partied together at the clubhouse, things still got rowdier than they probably should’ve, but when it was just the two of them there was a nice lack of chaos. They’d eat and drink, doing a little too much of both, as they talked and put movies on in the background that they had no hope of focusing on. It was nothing like the wild nights that they had when they were teenagers, nights that were mostly just blurs of laughter and alcohol and hangovers at that point. It all suited them just fine, though.
“Can I still call you Doctor?” Opie asked as he stood up to get himself another drink.
Grace laughed, shaking her head, “No, because I’m not gonna be a doctor.”
“We call Chibs Doctor.”
Rolling her eyes, she smiled, “Yea, and that’s not accurate either.”
She looked over the back of her couch for a moment before getting up and making her way over to the kitchen as well. She hoisted herself up onto the counter next to where Opie was pulling drinks together for each of them. Neither of them said anything for a minute, each wondering what the other was thinking even though part of them already knew.
“When do you think you’re gonna tell everyone else?” Opie asked, handing her a glass.
With a sigh, Grace shrugged, “I’m not really sure. Maybe when I lock into a program for sure. This is only one of the places I applied to. Hell, might be the only place that accepts me,” she let out a dry chuckle, “but I don’t know that yet.”
“Can’t put it off forever, you know,” he took a sip of his drink.
“I know,” she looked down at the glass in her hands, “I just…I wanna really enjoy it for a bit, you know? Before everyone shits all over it,” she laughed but Opie could see the doubt starting to shade her features.
“They can try,” he nudged her knee, “but you already did it. You’re in, Gracie. They can’t…they can’t take that from you.”
It felt good to hear him say it. She smiled slightly, nodding, “You’re right.”
He laughed, eyebrows raising, “Shit. No more drinks for you,” he motioned like he was going to take her glass away, “Don’t think you’ve ever said that before.”
“Fuck off,” she laughed as she hopped down off the counter, “Let’s go see if any of these kids make it out of the house alive.”
“One of ‘em has to,” he followed her back to the living room, “since there’s three other ones after this.”
“Three?” her eyes grew wide as she laughed.
“Yea,” he chuckled, sitting back down on the couch, “Would’ve been more if they had a doctor like you there to patch them up.”
She couldn’t quell her laughter, all the alcohol from the night hitting her full-force, “Not a doctor, Ope.”
He waved her off, fighting back a laugh, “Close enough.”
Despite how late the two of them stayed up, and regardless of the low-budget horror movie screams that were blaring from her TV, it was the best night’s sleep that Grace had gotten in a long time. And even though she woke with a mild throbbing in her head, she felt rested. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she looked down to the other end of the couch and saw Opie passed out still, his head resting back on the arm of the couch. She let out a very quiet, very tired laugh as she forced herself to sit upright.
Swinging her legs so that her feet landed on the floor, she leaned forward and propped her elbows against her knees, letting her head come to rest in her hands. She rubbed circles into her temples for a few moments before she got up and started to put away the leftover glasses and plates from the night before. It’d been a while since the two of them had real fun quality time together, existing outside the constraints of the club or even just Jax. It was refreshing, the kind of reset she’d been needing after everything that had been going on lately.
After her shower, she came back into the kitchen to find Opie awake and making coffee for the two of them. They gave each other silent nods of acknowledgment, both of them not quite awake enough, and just a tad too hungover for real conversation with each other.
She was about to grab a box of cereal for breakfast when her phone started to buzz on the counter. With a sigh, she picked it up, her stomach twisting slightly when she saw that it was Charming PD that was calling.
“Hello?” she tried not to sound bothered, not wanting to alter Opie to the fact that something was wrong.
“Hey, Grace,” Hale’s voice came from the other end of the line, “Sorry for the early call.”
“That’s…it’s fine,” she struggled to pull sentences together, “What’s up?”
“Think you could come down to the station today? I had some questions to ask.”
Grace could feel Opie’s eyes on her and she tried desperately to ignore it, “Um, yea. I can do that—no problem. What time?”
“ASAP, preferably.”
She glanced over at the clock and inwardly groaned, “Alright. Be there soon.”
“See you then.”
She ended the call and fought the urge to groan. Slipping her phone into the pocket of her jeans, she went back to getting herself something to eat for breakfast before she went back to reality. The evening before already felt like it was slipping farther and farther away from her.
“All good?” Opie hated prying but she didn’t offer anything up to him like she usually did.
“All good,” she poured milk into her bowl, avoiding eye contact with him at all costs.
“Need company?” he offered, realizing that he wasn’t going to get real answers out of her, but that didn’t mean he wanted to leave her hanging.
“No,” she finally looked over at him, trying her best to give him a convincing smile, “I got it under control, Ope. Thank you.”
He wasn’t fully convinced, but he also knew better than to try and argue with a Teller. He nodded, “Alright. Well,” he downed what was left in his coffee mug before setting it in the sink, “I’m gonna go home and shower. Get ready to deal with your brother.”
She laughed, shaking her head, “He’s your best friend. You chose this life.”
He shook his head, chuckling, “You’re my best friend. Don’t tell him that, though.”
She laughed, “Never.”
Opie put his boots back on and grabbed his backpack before walking over and wrapping Grace in a tight hug, “Love you.”
“Love you too,” she pushed him towards the door, “Go steam the tequila out of your pores.”
“It’s just part of me now,” he shook his head as he walked towards the door to her apartment. He opened the door, not looking back over his shoulder as he called out before leaving, “Proud of you.”
She went to respond but he shut the door before she could. Grace had to laugh, not expecting anything less from him. However, once the laugh left her lips and she was in her apartment alone again, the smile dropped from her face. There was no avoiding the realities that waited for her outside the walls of her apartment.
Tossing the carton of milk back into the fridge, she shut the door. As she was taking a deep breath, her acceptance letter stared her in the face from where Opie had stuck it the night before. She focused on the words printed in front of her, trying to convince herself that there was some kind of cosmic balance in the universe. There had to be, right?
Walking into the station, Grace tried her best to go unnoticed. Unser was always around, but she hoped that he would be caught up in something else so that she could just slink to Hale’s office without him seeing her. She quietly made her way between the desks, mumbling excuse me to whoever she had to slip by.
She was almost there when she heard the voice of a man who’d known her since birth coming from behind her, “Gracie?”
Taking a breath, she stared up at the ceiling for a moment before turning around with a small, nearly convincing smile, “Chief, hey.”
His brows furrowed, clearly trying to suss out the situation, “What brings you here?”
She jerked her thumb towards Hale’s office, trying to sound nonchalant, “Hale called me in. Guess some shit went down and I might’ve been a witness?” she shrugged, “Not much of a detail guy over the phone.”
“Or in person,” Unser offered up with a chuckle.
The knot in her stomach loosened when she realized she might skate through another interaction with the police chief without having to give up any of the truth, “Yea, right. That too.”
Once he started to walk away towards his office, Grace let out a silent sigh of relief and continued to her original destination. The door to Hale’s office was cracked open, and she could hear more than just his voice coming from the inside. The other voice, a woman’s, sounded familiar but Grace couldn’t quite place it.
“C’mon, Davey, lighten up,” the woman’s tone was dripping with sarcasm as she laughed.
Grace was just about to reach forward and knock on the door to alert her arrival when the door was pulled completely open from the other side, revealing a woman that Grace had already heard far too much about from the club.
Before either of the women could say anything, Hale spoke up, already knowing that Stahl was going to try and pounce on this situation for all that it was worth, “Grace, sorry. Agent Stahl was just leaving,” he tried to speed up the woman’s departure.
“Gracie, Gracie,” Stahl looked her up and down, leaning slightly against the door, “Teller’s little sister, right?”
“Don’t ask it like a question when it’s not,” her tone wasn’t mean, but it was firm.
Stahl raised her eyebrows slightly, “Right. Well, I’ll let you get to your, I’m assuming, very important business with the Deputy Chief,” she turned back to Hale, “Keep me posted on what we talked about, alright?”
Hale physically fought the urge to roll his eyes, “Yes.”
Stahl flashed a smile at Grace, “I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around.”
“Can’t wait,” she muttered.
Grace pushed the door closed behind Stahl a little more forcefully than necessary. Hale could see the annoyance on her face, “Sorry about that. She’s—”
“I’ve heard,” Grace didn’t want him to apologize over something that wasn’t his fault. Shoving her hands into the back pockets of her jeans, she lingered close to the door, “What’d you need from me, anyway?”
“Just got some possibilities for vehicles and plates that I wanted you to look over,” he motioned for her to sit down as he took a seat behind his desk.
She sat across the desk from him, watching as he flipped through paperwork to find whatever document he needed her to look over. Watching the focus on his face, she was suddenly transported back to high school all over again. And, while those years were usually something that she would pay money to forget, she found herself smiling at the thought of freshman year David Hale. Same haircut, no muscles to be seen, and coke-bottle glasses to top it all off. He was always quiet, and a little dorky, but even in spite of that the two of them were something resembling friends in school. Grace couldn’t really pinpoint when exactly they’d grown so far apart.
“Here,” his voice pulled her back to the present, “The incident report, and vehicle info.”
She sighed quietly as she took the papers from him, “This feels like it was forever ago now, David. Nothing new is gonna come to mind.”
“Just…read it and see if anything comes to mind. Please. For me.”
He never really tried to pull that card, the do this for me statement was never something that he really kept in his arsenal. That being the case, Grace figured it wouldn’t hurt to reread it and see if it jogged anything in her memory. She leaned back in the chair and started to read it over. Without much of anything else to do, Hale found himself gazing over at her. He could see how tired she was, and he knew that a large portion of that most likely had to do with the entire situation that had landed her in his office only a little more than a week before. He hated not reaching out, but he didn’t know how to go about handling the entire situation and he didn’t want to reach out if he had nothing to offer.
“I can’t remember the plate,” she shook her head as she looked over the information in front of her, “But this looks like the same make of car—same kinda build,” she put the paper down on the desk, pointing to the one that she was talking about.
He nodded, trying to keep his face neutral, “Alright. That’s good.”
“Whose is it?” she asked as she watched him stack the papers back up again.
He shook his head, “Grace—"
“This guy fucking jumped me, David,” exasperation started to bleed into her tone, “I deserve to know.”
“I gotta vet this first. You know that.”
“I’m not gonna tell Jax, if that’s what you’re worried about,” she shook her head, “The whole reason I came to you in the first place is because I can’t go to the club.”
“I’m not worried about your brother—I’m worried about you,” he paused, taking a breath before meeting her gaze, “Let me do what I need to do, okay? When I’ve got some more solid leads I’ll let you know and we can get this all underway.”
She didn’t like it, but she knew that she wasn’t going to win an argument against him about it, either, “Alright.”
“Anything else happen since?” he had a feeling he knew the answer already.
She shook her head, “No.”
“Let me know if anything does?”
She stood up from her chair, “You got it, Deputy,” there was no sincerity in her voice as she said the title.
“We’ll get this sorted out, Grace. I promise.”
She nodded, “Okay. You need anything else?”
He shook his head, “No.”
“Alright,” running her fingers through her hair, she sighed, “Thank you. I know it all just…sucks. I just, I want this to be over with.”
His heart felt heavier just looking at the way she deflated in front of him, “I know you do.”
Before he could try to offer up any other words of reassurance or comfort, she turned and opened the door to his office. Hale thought about walking after her, but there was nothing more to be said for the time being. Leaning back in his chair, he sighed and shook his head.
Grace made her way out of the station, quickly going down the stairs to get to her bike. She walked by David’s brother, a man she made a habit of ignoring as they all got older. He was talking with a pair of men who also looked like people she didn’t want to associate with. She’d hung out with plenty of people that would be considered shady by most, but there was something off-putting about the men in Hale’s company, despite the fact that they were in dress clothes.
“All good on the compound, Gracie?” Jacob said with a chuckle, “Not used to seeing you here.”
She turned to look at him, ignoring the fact that the two men with him were staring at her like she was their next meal, “It’s Grace, Jacob. And don’t act like you’re worried about what happens over at T-M.”
She didn’t give him or the men with him a chance to say anything as she continued walking towards her bike. Swinging her leg over, she pulled her phone out and called Opie, who picked up on the second ring, “Hey, Juice in today?”
“Uh, yea, why?” it wasn’t how he thought the conversation was going to start.
“I need him to run a plate for me when I get there.”
“Sure. Everything good?”
“Yea,” she lied, “Just looking into some stuff.”
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nxmblittlebxg · 2 years
Calling All Slasher Enthusiasts
I’m a semi-seasoned, almost life-long horror enthusiast and writer. 
I would love to rejoin and write for this community.
I am the official and only owner of @jointheclxwn
I write for the following: 
Dead by Daylight:
-Kenneth Chase (Clown)
-Philip Ojomo (The Wraith)
-Bubba Sawyer (The Cannibal)
-The Legion (Frank, Julie, Susie, Joe)
-Anna (The Huntress)
-Freddy Krueger (The Nightmare)
-Max Thomson Jr. (The Hillbilly)
-Amanda Young (The Pig)
-Jed Olsen (The Ghostface)
-Evan Macmillan (The Trapper)
-Michael Myers (The Shape)
-Herman Carter (The Doctor)
-”Pinhead” Elliot Spencer (The Cenobite)
Movie Slashers:
-Pinhead + Cenobites
-Jason Voorhees
-BIlly Lenz
-BIlly Loomis
-Stu Macher
-Pennywise (’17 and ‘90)
-Thomas Hewitt
-The Creeper
-The Djinn
-Pyramid Head
-Maybe more shall be added soon!
no r*pe, in***t, or dubcon, no ab*se. NONE.
i will write slasher x Oc/ S/O and Survivor if wanted.
I am still practicing survivors for written materials, but if curious, just ask! 
I will write Imagines, Scenarios, and Matchups!
i will not write intense fetishes, such as watersports or anything else gross. (such as vore, or scat)
i’m okay with writing cannibalism.
some gore is okay. i can write that. nothing involving in-story abuse. mentions are tolerated, but NO ABUSE IN THE IMAGINE.
Imagines, Match-Ups, and Requests are OPEN.
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h0lygh0stlings · 2 years
Super duper random ass post b u t!! Would anyone be open to writing, and rping as one of Brad Dourif's Characters for Me? Ive been doing a big ole rewatch lately of everything he's been in and i've just become a fan of so many of his movies outside of the Chucky series over time! There's so many movies I feel like that he plays such interesting characters in, that I feel like they would be so much fun to write, and plot with but I'm not sure if anyone really writes as them-- or if those movies even have any sort of fandom to them ha. 
I've written with others in the past who have been able to write as Billy bibbit, Charles lee ray etc s o i would really like to plot, and write something out again with someone who can write as a CC of his or so, and overall a character of Brad's from one of his films. I would be writing as an OC if that's okay, and I would love to maybe do a plot based around The Eyes of Laura Mars, or maybe a Chucky plot! Im open to almost anything, and everything and any ideas also if you have any! 
Overall, I just want someone to write with or someone who will at least ramble with me about Brad Dourif for hours, and hours lmao. I write and RP mainly on my discord and my rp sideblog, and i also included a list below of the Brad Characters I'd like to sort of interact with! If you're interested pleasee feel free to PM me and such, so we can further discuss, and plot!♡ 
Tommy ludlow
Billy Bibbit
Jack Dante
Sheriff Brackett
Leo Nova
Charles Lee Ray [both Human and Doll version!]
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nightshade-phantom · 2 years
Hello my Darklings, welcome to my home away from home on this little platform of mine. Names Kat or Kent if I'm feeling more masculine, I'm Ghostface obsessed and other masked killers.
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This place is a 18+ Blog so if your a minor don't interact, if you do I'll block you (sorry but that's just the rules of the game) I am a artist and writer and love horror movies so let's be friends!
I'm open for headcanons, imagines, shorts fics and match ups.
Here is a list of characters I'll work with.
Dead by Daylight:
-Kenneth Chase (Clown)
-Philip Ojomo (The Wraith)
-Bubba Sawyer (The Cannibal)
-The Legion (Frank, Julie, Susie, Joe)
-Anna (The Huntress)
-Freddy Krueger (The Nightmare)
-Max Thomson Jr. (The Hillbilly)
-Amanda Young (The Pig)
-Jed Olsen (The Ghostface)
-Evan Macmillan (The Trapper)
-Michael Myers (The Shape)
-Herman Carter (The Doctor)
-”Pinhead” Elliot Spencer (The Cenobite)
Movie Slashers:
-Pinhead + Cenobites
-Jason Voorhees
-BIlly Lenz
-BIlly Loomis
-Stu Macher
-Pennywise (’17 and ‘90)
-Thomas Hewitt
-The Creeper
-The Djinn
-Pyramid Head
-Maybe more shall be added soon!
no r*pe, in***t, or dubcon, no ab*se. NONE.
i will write slasher x Oc/ S/O and Survivor if wanted.
I am still practicing survivors for written materials, but if curious, just ask!
I will write Imagines, Scenarios, and Matchups!
i will not write intense fetishes, such as watersports or anything else gross. (such as vore, or scat)
i’m okay with writing cannibalism.
some gore is okay. i can write that. nothing involving in-story abuse. mentions are tolerated, but NO ABUSE IN THE IMAGINE.
Imagines, Match-Ups, and Requests are OPEN.
5 notes · View notes
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I posted 139 times in 2021
136 posts created (98%)
3 posts reblogged (2%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.0 posts.
I added 900 tags in 2021
#rainbowdelicartz - 131 posts
#🌈my art - 129 posts
#art - 121 posts
#artist - 86 posts
#drawing - 79 posts
#artistic - 79 posts
#artwork - 72 posts
#fanart - 69 posts
#artsy - 67 posts
#fan art - 67 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#usually i dont reblog on this blog but these'll be the exception since theyre p important to know my ocs n other such things
My Top Posts in 2021
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The first recruits of Chucky's cults are two autistic kids, I'm thinking that there's a pattern here 🤔
Enjoy my friends!!
106 notes • Posted 2021-10-24 17:37:05 GMT
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God,,,,,, I love seeing and drawing Chucky in t shirts so I just had to redraw this chill ass screenshot of him wearing a baseball jersey
Enjoy friends!!
37 notes • Posted 2021-05-20 09:35:44 GMT
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Trick r' Treat! Now Gimme!
Just giving a go at drawing Chucky with his Hello Kitty mask from the trailer hee hee
Please enjoy!!
33 notes • Posted 2021-08-13 09:23:58 GMT
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Glen and Glenda; except they're teenagers, are able to have separate bodies and are still dolls!
Theyre also both scene kids at heart and forever; Glen is still the shy, sweet and kind guy who's also become the slightly sarcastic "straight man" of his family while Glenda is still the high-energy, bubbly, unpredictable bad bitch she's always been, only she seems to of become more manipulative and cunning over time
(FYI these designs are for my AU(s) where Glen and Glenda are still dolls in some way or another)
I really hope you guys enjoy!!
27 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 03:43:17 GMT
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Did you guys know that this is actually the very first time I've drawn a normal version of Chucky (without his scars), shows which version is my fav XD
But I couldn't resist drawing the Chucky from the TV series so here we are
Enjoy friends!!
22 notes • Posted 2021-10-21 14:41:28 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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