#oc: midoriya kimiko
crqelsummer · 1 year
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as my art style continues to fluctuate wildly, here are the girls again!
i really drew mako once and gaslit myself into believing i drew her way more often than i actually have. i have not visualized her in over a month, so here she is again lol.
i am also learning more about kimiko's hair texture and her face. i have a very specific way of drawing curly hair that i'd unintentionally done it to kimiko without taking izuku's actual texture into account. oops! lol. she has a longer face, closer to how i see shouto's, and her eyes are a little closer to a mix between inko + rei's. kind of.
i swear they both look more like their own people/better combos of their parents than this drawing suggests lmao
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symphonic-scream · 4 years
Next Gen Revamp News
Here's just what to expect with the revamp!
These are characters who are going to remain virtually unchanged, some you may not recognize as they were only vague mentions here and there.
Hadou Ayumu
Toogata Tarou
Hadou Etsuko
Iida Daichi
Bakushima Ryoko
Jirou Toshiro
Kendou Moriko
Toogata Yuudai
Awase Masuyo
Hadou Hideaki
Iida Kimiko
Midoriya Hatsuko
Midoriya Sachiko
Tetsutetsu Isamu
Uraraka Machiko
Awase Kazuharu
Bakushima Tadashi
Hagakure Hiroki
Jirou Hibiki
Tokoyami Hoshiko
Kendou Reina
Uraraka Taura
Hadou Makoto
Monoma Shinju
Toogata Sakurako
Tsunotori Aimi
Bakushima Takeo
Kendou Yuuto
Monoma Takara
Iida Hayate
Monoma Yoshirou
Iida Masaru
Iida Misaki
Class 1-A and any other non-fankids OCs you may have noticed
New Stuff
Todoroki cousins!
Yaoyorozu cousins!
ShinKami kids
Sero kids
If you've been here a while, you know I just write, I cannot art, so sadly I can't provide actual photos of the kiddos. A new master list will come out, and new updated versions of the info sheets will be released during this weird time. As always, the ask box remains open, and if you want to know something or just want someone to be released earlier, just ask! Worst that could happen is my box gets wiped by this site! You can even message me directly if you're curious!
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So as requested from @jacelys​ here are Pineapple, Techno, grey, and 10!
Pineapple [What do I like the most about BNHA?]
Okay, so there are many things that I find very interesting in BNHA. Within my own writings (because I write believe it or not) there are of course things that I’m lacking, and something that I see is adversely very strong in BNHA. That would be the character connections, and how their personal relations grow and change and influence the story as a whole. The scene where, while they are all at the dorms, Katsuki wants to fight Deku, simultaneously spilling his heart out to Izuku is amazingly well done in my opinion. Katsuku seems to be hurting, and the things he says is not just nonsense, but actually makes sense given his situation and personality.And, contrary to popular belief, I don’t believe Izuku immediately forgives him. Instead, Izuku rationalizes the situation, and tries to understand his best friend. Once he’s accomplished that, then his forgives him. Of course Izuku does this very quickly, but that’s because he’s sharp minded and watchful of his surroundings and not because of some unconditionally forgiving personality. The connections that this story is able to form between the characters while simultaneously progressing the story is amazing, and to be honest, it makes me a little jealous, but that’s just shows how highly I think of it.
Techno [Favorite Villain?]
Ooooooh. I’m not sure how to respond to this one. The villains (save for Overhaul) are still being developed and it is, in my opinion, a bit too early to begin picking favorites, but of course my heart said otherwise and picked one. When given the choice, I would have to say Kurogiri would be my favorite. I know, a little unconventional, but I have my reasons. These reasons are mostly due to the fan renditions of Kurogiri where he is sort of the baby sitter for the rest of the league, but also due to how my own mind developed his personality further. As I mentioned before, I myself am a writer, and I’m currently writing a Villain!Deku fan fiction. Now, I want no spoilers, but I’m planning on depicting him as sort of a Villain with a conscious, if that makes any sense, similarly to Stain but without the malicious intent. In my mind, he’s become the character that everyone will cry for if he dies.
Grey [Realistically, will my favorite ship ever become canon?]
Before I say this, I must say my favorite ship, which is BakuDeku/KatsuDeku or as plebs would call it, Izuku Midoriya X Katsuki Bakugo. With that said, let me explain why a romantic relationship between the two is unrealistic. With the consistent bullying from Katsuki to Izuku in younger years, is wouldn’t make sense to have that build up to romance. Although it seems as though Izuku has forgiven Katsuki for the things he has done, I can at least tell that Izuku, however much he looks up to him, is still afraid of him. With Katsuki’s explosive personality (pun intended) and irradic tendencies, anyone with half a mind would at least hesitate at the thought of being his enemy. Why do you thing the League of Villains tried to recruit him? Not only because he had a powerful quirk and they thought that they could sway his loyalty, but because they knew that having such an powerful unpredictable variable on the enemy team would be dangerous.
Now with this current volatile personality of his, I believe that there is almost no chance of a romantic relationship. Now that isn’t to say that won’t change in the future with wherever the author decides to take this, but at this moment it’s not really viable. On the other hand, something like inseparable best friends in the future like the Wonder Duo I can see happening. Before the scene with Katsuki confessions of his feelings, I wouldn’t have thought this possible, but now that Izuku understands Katsuki on another level and having him know about One for All, that changes things. If this type on bonding between the two continues, then I can totally see them understanding each other inside (metaphorically) and out and having something like the Wonder Duo happen.
10 [Have any OCs? If so, describe them.]
Now there’s a mouthful of a question. My friend and I have actually together begun creating a BNHA fan fiction that add another class, like class 2-A or something. Therefore, we both have created over 20 originally characters. I won’t bore you with all the details, so I’ll just show off my favorite oc that I created.
Her name is Kimiko Nagai. He has short curly blonde hair that doesn’t touch her shoulders. Her skin is neural almost, and she often wears a condescending expression. She is the type of person to demand respect but never return it. Even with this cold and harsh exterior, actually cares too much about what the people around her think about her. She is always wary of their whispers and stares. Due to her quirk (which I will explain later) she has live a very impersonal and unloved life. Everyone around her is terrified of her which led her to become and outcast, and she wanted to show that that she could be a hero, and not just the destructive force they believe her to be.
Kimiko’s Quirk is names Reflection. Anything that can create a physical impact  is absorbed around her in a 1 foot radius and after a short interval of few seconds (that can be manipulated), is reflected back with ten times the previous strength. Yes, this does seem OP, but there are drawbacks. One being that light and sound waves are not affected by the “shield”, and can therefore hit her. The second, it that she can never willingly turn it off. Someone goes to hug her, and her quirk activates and sends the person flying back. This is, of course, what led to her lonely life. No one can get near her or they’ll get hurt. While she’s asleep, the “shield” disappears, but as soon as her conscious awakens, it turns back on.
Well that’s it for this right now. If there are anymore questions, but dm me, because I haven’t figured out how to do an ask box or anything else with my account really. XD I you are able to help me with this, it would be much appreciated! C ya!!! ;P
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parchmentedscrolls · 6 years
Master Post, huh...
Not really sure what to put on here, or whether I should have a separate post for my fandom stuff, but since there isn’t really anything on here, I think I’ll just keep it to one post. 
Original Works
None yet, but I’d like to try my hand at these someday.
Uta no Prince-sama:
Fallacy (T) Relationships: Kisaragi Aine/Kotobuki Reiji Summary:  Reiji Kotobuki wasn't ever too interested in being an idol, despite it being his only dream since the age of ten. Or so he feels, until he meets a boy with a smile so beautiful he can't seem to look away. AO3 | Tumblr
don’t stop screaming; the nightmares will come out (T) Relationships: ROT Unit & You Summary: Don't stay out too late at night. Things are never what they seem. AO3 
Banana Fish:
Always You (don’t need anything else) (T) Relationships: Ash Lynx/Okumura Eiji Summary:  After his and Max's visit to Club Cod, Ash isn't as unaffected as he likes to pretend he is. Eiji picks up on it, and Ash can't ever refuse comfort from him. AO3 | Tumblr
Spit It Out (your feelings are choking you) (M) Relationships: Kaji Akihiko/Murata Ugetsu Summary:  Akihiko is concerned with the rate at which Ugetsu's painkillers are disappearing. He's even more concerned when he finds out why.  AO3 | Tumblr
Persona 5:
For My Sake, Not Yours (T) Relationships: Akechi Goro/Kurusu Akira Summary:  Goro's tired of doing things for other people, tired of obeying his fate, tired of being told what to do. So when he sees an opportunity to reach out and seize his freedom, he takes it. AO3 | Tumblr * Posted for the Shuake Big Bang 2020, with art here!
Perhaps the Biggest Illusion (is reality itself) (T) Relationships: Akechi Goro/Kurusu Akira Summary:  On the night of February 2nd, Akira knows what choice he’s going to make, knows what the right decision is. All he asks for is a moment of respite to indulge in these few moments with the boy he could never give up on. AO3 | Tumblr
Death Note:
Ruling Child Chapters: 18/? Relationships: Yagami Light/OC Summary: Sienna Mason dies in a motorcycle accident, after the driver dies of an inexplicable heart attack. Wryly, she thinks of her favourite manga, Death Note, as her eyes close for the last time. While Sienna Mason's story ends there, Kimiko Yamada's is beginning—but how does she retain Sienna's memories? Kimiko realises that she's reborn into an alternate universe—and it's Death Note's. Intro Post AO3 | FFN
Boku no Hero Academia:
Forty Kisses; Eternal Love Chapters: 3/40 Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Summary: Katsuki and Izuku aren't quite sure how to react when they find their lips are attracted to each other like magnets. (A collection of one shots using this prompt list by @miraculous-hearts​.) Masterlist AO3 | FFN
Bakugo Pachisi Chapters: 1/27 Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Summary: His Royal Highness, Izuku Midoriya, has been a strong and just ruler of the kingdom of Musutafu for years, when a sorcerer known only by the name Tomura Shigaraki informs him of an evil spirit that lurks in a distant graveyard. Never one to let evil prosper, King Izuku takes on the challenge and does his best to retrieve the spirit for Tomura to exorcise. Little does he know, Katsuki Bakugo won't be that easily vanquished. Intro Post AO3 | FFN
Persona 5:
Chains of Captivity (T) Chapters: 6/? Relationships: Akechi Goro/Kurusu Akira Summary: A little over a year after defeating Yaldabaoth, Akira moves back into Tokyo for university, having been accepted into Japan's best. All he wants to ask for is a normal life with his friends. In fact, it seems like all the Phantom Thieves drama two years ago was forgotten completely, along with his criminal record. Until the MetaNav appears on his phone again. Intro Post AO3 | FFN
Dear Player [series] (T) Works: 2 Intro Post AO3 Dear Player [letter fic] (G) Chapters: 3/3 Relationships: Protagonist & You Summary: Dear Player, it wasn’t just a game to ME. AO3 Fate Reversed (T) Chapters: 1/? Relationships: Akechi Goro/Kurusu Akira Summary: When reversed, The World represents delayed success, a lack of completion, and failed plans. The reset worked. Except it isn't the same this time. When the cards are reversed, will you stay a prisoner of freedom? AO3
The Butterfly Effect [series] (T) Works: 1/2 Intro Post AO3 The Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings (T) Chapters: 5/? Relationships: Akechi Goro & Sakura Futaba, Akechi Goro & Okumura Haru Summary: Just as the flap of a butterfly’s wings can influence the direction of a tornado, a small white lie can overturn a false god’s predetermined fate. Following Wakaba Isshiki’s mental collapse, Goro Akechi neglects to mention her child’s identity to Shido, knowing all too well what Shido does to ‘loose ends’.      He just doesn’t expect that loose end to be a new beginning for him; one that opens a path to family, friendship, and—dare he say it—happiness.      . . . He just has to get past Masayoshi Shido, with Futaba Sakura and Haru Okumura as his unlikely allies. Intro Post AO3
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crqelsummer · 1 year
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the baby bunny herself finally got a splash page! and i accidentally retconned like three other drawings in the process i love it here lol.
i think kimiko is really starting to grow from this angry + disillusioned kid she was years ago into more of a (dangerously) altruistic teenager with a very black and white view on the world who idolizes heroes without even giving it a second thought and treats herself like a tool before a person. like im talking painfully and toxically positive here.
still! shes a fun kiddo. the only kid to shouto and izuku and therefore their pride and joy. is hyperflexible (her quirk allows her to move really fast but her body is still adapting...very slowly), very emotional and very prone to spacing out, a-la-shouto style. easy to scare, easier to get involved in a plan and is very strategic.
also begged aiko to let her include the bunny ears on her costume. aiko was manipulated into it, even if shes mostly concerned kimiko will just light herself on fire.
(i also drew this in a dark classroom with only a movie light to illuminate my sketchbook, im aware most of her proportions are off)
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crqelsummer · 1 year
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the babies are finally colored! (though this is the first time ive colorized kimiko's redesign...it looks different than what i had in my head). likely the first in a series to properly introduce more of 1-a, but since im working on OHA writing again -- we're working on it lol
as for the writing, in the case you cant read it under the cut --
as always if you like the content pls reblog it! <3
Midoriya Kimiko (15) - she/her | - 5'4" | - 8/13 (leo) - tododeku kid (only) - quirk: flashfire > can light her entire body on fire! but it presented differently because of an early accident as a newborn - relatively quiet! very shy, but once you get her talking you cannot shut her up. very friendly to everyone. - very people smart. she may not have the best grades but knows how people work. makoto is more booksmart <3
Kirishima Makoto (15) - she/her | 5'5" | - 8/10 (leo) - kiribaku kid (youngest) - quirk: shrapnel > can build up kinetic energy and explode hardened parts of her body like a shrapnel bomb - oldest between her and kimiko (by 3 days) - loud! very blunt at times too. has a lot of friends and decent grades too. crazy smart (the bakugo genes) and super naturally strong too (the kirishima genes).
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crqelsummer · 1 year
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doodles from today!
left: the todocousins finally interacting in a picture lol. i still don't know how misato's face works, but we're getting there. kimiko (tddk), hitomi (dabihawks) and misato (tenyumi) :)
right: the tododeku family in OHA! i havent really drawn them interacting much yet, but id like to soon. i just think theyre cute :)) kimiko is their baby and you have never seen two parents love their kid more.
other notes + closeups below the cut but as usual, pls reblog if you like the content!
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i just thought this was a very important doodle to include in case you guys couldn't read it. unlike the original todoroki siblings, the fire gene came through a LITTLE too strong in the third generation. tbf, this is only because 1/2 of the actual ice siblings had children, but misato is shit outta luck lmao
other notes about them: -misato has always known kimiko and was actually there when she was born. she was eight. likewise, kimiko attended her sports festival before she transferred into the general course in high school. fuyumi and shouto are still very close for this to happen. -the red hair gene is equally strong, as kimiko has red hair and hitomi grows strands of it in her own hair naturally. misato has white streaks instead because her hair is naturally blue. -arguably, both misato and hitomi are not fireproof in any way shape or form. kimiko is. -hitomi is the Cool Older Cousin^tm. misato is constantly wrangling the two of them in. hitomi and kimiko race a lot while kimiko is still training her flashfire quirk. -all of the girls have rei's eye trait (note the eyelashes along the bottom half of their eyes), and are angular similar to enji's. after that, their respective other parents' genes take over, which is why they look similar enough but not quite. -both misato and kimiko attended UA, with the former transferring from the support course to the general course in her second year and the latter in the hero course. hitomi however attended shiketsu. hitomi ribs at her cousins for this quite often. -while they're called todocousins, none of them actually are legally named todoroki lmao. even the fosters that natsuo parents are under the name himura.
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crqelsummer · 1 year
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a day out with kimiko when she's around 5-6, shouto takes her with him after school to visit izuku on a slow day.
i have not settled on how to draw shouto at all, nor have i mastered hands. i drew this in a dark classroom. just don't think abt it too hard lol.
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crqelsummer · 1 year
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who are you, when you have to stand on your own, little hero?
ALMOST all the next gen kids (im SORRY daisuke i didnt have room for you -sobs-) but all of these kiddos are finally pictured in their tentative hero suits!
i dont know if i'll ever get around to rendering it properly (bc holy shit i sat down at 3, decided i needed a poster and only came out of my hyperfixation mode at 6pm), but a love letter to 14 year old me.
from left to right and then top down:
yaoyorozu seiji (kamimomojirou), tokoyami rin (tsuyukami), shinsou yuto (monoshin), togata junko (miritama), aoyama elle (moniyuga), sero haruko (seromina), midoriya kimiko (tododeku) and kirishima makoto (kiribaku).
also the original from almost four years ago >
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(junko didnt even exist in this au! izoto [who used to be kimiko's younger sister also no longer exists!)
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crqelsummer · 9 months
makoto: damn its dark in here
kimiko: dont worry i got this
kimiko: (stomps feet)
kimiko: (twinkle toes light up)
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crqelsummer · 1 year
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"one of the legacies, aren't you?"
izuku and kimiko, the companion to this work of katsuki and makoto.
im very normal about the idea of how hero society would eventually treat the children of heroes that end up in the limelight. something to think about another day while i worry about what the heck hitomi is up to.
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crqelsummer · 1 year
old!kimiko: nothing matters (derogatory)
new!kimiko: nothing matters! (affectionate)
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crqelsummer · 1 year
kimiko, having just met her other older cousin:
hitomi, never having willingly interacted with anyone under 18 in the last five years: ...
hitomi: want a beer?
misato, the only rational one in the room: shes four sixteen!
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crqelsummer · 1 year
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two more fun doodles from today!
one your left, a fun little introduction to SaeMomo when saeka finally brings her home to her family as her girlfriend. saeka is canonically two inches shorter than her twin brother, and an inch shorter than her girlfriend.
on your right, some doodles of tododeku and iidaocha in some voidy-time (im placing them around how they'd appear in cover story), and then the baby bunny and space baby (kimiko and ryosei respectively). i still dont understand any of their faces but we're working! lol
(as always, if you like the content: reblog it :)))
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crqelsummer · 1 year
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another doodle page of the baby bunny!! i love drawing her with her real messy hair too lol. the only todocousin spared from this treatment was misato btw, because fuyumi's hair gene had gotten cancelled out by tensei's lmao.
the little star scar on her jaw was from mako btw. i dont actually know what explosion scars look like on people but i took my best (and most aesthetic) guess lmao
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crqelsummer · 1 year
the next class 1-a! (and others)
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A pretty quick list of kimiko's classmates! i've actually had this list for some months now, but it was more a point of reference than a proper list because I haven't really wrote anything for OHA yet. Getting there though!
Kirishima Makoto - Class Rank: 1 Quirk: Shrapnel Age: 15 Height: 5’5” Chosen Track: Hero Course (Bombing King)
Notes: Makoto is a talented young woman with a bright future ahead of her — if she can just keep the yelling down a minimum. Young Kirishima is a rule-breaker through and through, and isn’t afraid to make that other people’s problem. She has a strong sense of justice that when challenged, can get explosive. Snarky and a smartass, the pride she carries just might be her downfall when push comes to shove. (Kiribaku)
Sero Haruko - Class Rank: 2 Quirk: Acid Tape Age: 15 Height: 5’8” Chosen Track: Hero Course (Here - Yuly)
Notes: Haruko is a jokester at heart, but a capable young man that’s determined to make a name for himself in the hero world apart from his parents. Talented and flashy, he still has a lot to learn before he’s ready to be out on his own, but his creative abilities are what makes him shine in class. With so many uses of his almost double quirk, it’s just a matter of time before his power skyrockets. (Seromina)
Tokoyami Rin - Class Rank: 3 Quirk: Light Frog Age: 15 Height: 5’7” Chosen Track: Hero Course
Notes: Rin, while she chooses not to speak often, is an expressive girl with her sights set high. Coming from a mostly quiet family in the media, she’s noted as being a boisterous personality who’s friendly to everyone who comes across her. The eldest of three, Rin is responsible and caring to a fault. Light Frog, the apparition she was born with, has a personality of her own, but she translates many of Rin’s thoughts for her. (Class Rep) (TokoTsuyu)
TetsuTetsu Daisuke - Class Rank: 4 Quirk: Iron Fists Age: 15 Height: 6’0” Chosen Track: Hero Course
Notes: Daisuke is a prideful young hero with a talent for smashing things. An excitable boy, he’s reckless at times but can always get the job done, even if his mind wanders sometimes. He’s a huge fanboy of the big heroes and often drools over the idea of getting his own hero merch someday. The middle son of Real Steel and Battle Fist, he has a lot to live up to, but damn does he do it well. (Vice Rep) (Tetsukendo)
Togata Junko - Class Rank: 5 Quirk: Transformation Age: 15 Height: 5’7” Chosen Track: Hero Course
Notes: The baby of the Togata family, Junko’s personality is loud and proud, if not bordering on oppressive. While she’s not exactly the strongest with her quirk (and thinks more in the here and now rather than planning properly), she does want to make a name for herself. She’s quickly becoming a fan favorite by most, even if she tends to think later and act now. Reckless and full of wrecks, no one can say Junko doesn’t put her best foot forward. (Miritama)
Maekawa Moriko - Class Rank: 8 Quirk: Fairy Age: 15 Height: 5’4” Chosen Track: Hero Course
Notes: Moriko is a prideful, talented and oftentimes spiteful young girl who makes it her mission to remind everyone who she is and just how high her potential really is. A long time bully of Kimiko’s and a massive know it all, not many see many redeeming qualities about Moriko, but beneath all the bravado there’s a hero there waiting to be unlocked because all she really wants is to be enough for someone. Y’know, just as soon as she can stop pressing everyone’s buttons.
Yaoyorozu Seiji - Class Rank: 12 Quirk: Phase Rush Age: 15 Height: 5’3” Chosen Track: Hero Course
Notes: Seiji is a quiet boy and is often quite shy. Explained by his ADHD, he’s often underestimated by classmates and instructors alike, but his Quirk makes him a talented student nonetheless. Able to phase through almost any material, he can accelerate fast enough to simply move through them with a scary precision that makes him one of 1-As strategists. Still, he’s terribly abrasive at times with a large ego to match, and usually fades into the background because its easier than dealing with the class drama. (Kamimomojirou)
Matsuo Iwao - Class Rank: 14 Quirk: Teleportation Age: 15 Height: 5’8” Chosen Track: Hero Course
Notes: Iwao, if he were anyone else, would be expected to be a far more powerful hero. Teleportation is a crazy powerful ability that he dreams of using to its furthest extents. However the limitations of his Quirk hold him back a lot of time, his personality even moreso. The youngest of four, Iwao is constantly trying to prove himself, leading to pushing himself way too far, way too fast — or holding back when he shouldn’t. However, he’s still a massive jokester that gets people laughing and eases tension a lot of the time.
Aoyama Elle - Class Rank: 15 Quirk: Light Hands Age: 15 Height: 5’5” Chosen Track: Hero Course
Notes: Elle is a stunning person, inside and out. Half French, she’s a well cultured girl who travels quite a bit, experiencing the world as she pleases. This does lead to some amusing interactions with her Japanese classmates, but she’s ready to work towards a better future with an almost dangerous work ethic. Sporty and bright, Elle puts on a show every time she uses her Quirk and her mind, making her one of the prides of 1-A. Still, her overconfidence often gets her into trouble, something she’s still working on these days.
Shinsou Yuto - Class Rank: 16 Quirk: Thief Age: 15 Height: 5’7” Chosen Track: Hero Course
Notes: Yuto is a distinctly off putting person, considering all it takes is for someone to answer him, and their Quirk is his. Questionably fighting for the right reasons, he can be painfully honest and at times, straight up insulting. But he’s self-aware enough to work on himself, even if the road there is paved with a lifetime of social expectations he just can’t quite grasp. He can be quite nice at times, once people earn his trust, and is even downright caring to his classmates once he gets to know them. (Monoshin)
Midoriya Kimiko Class Rank: ? Quirk: Flashfire Age: 15 Height: 5’6” Chosen Track: Hero Course (Jet Set Run)
Notes: Kimiko is someone who’s…not quite sure who she is yet. Defined by the years of bullying she’s experienced due to her weaker Quirk, she can often be found by Makoto’s side and is quieter than most. Though it does get her down sometimes, she’s always willing and ready to put herself on the line when push comes to shove. Smart, calculating and just a little awkward, Kimiko is a triple threat — especially when it’s revealed at the Roaring Sports Festival that she does in fact have a Quirk, one that’s almost world ending. (Tododeku)
Iida Ryosei Class Rank: 3-A Quirk: Moonwalk Age: 18 Height: 5’8” Chosen Track: Hero Course (Odd Future)
Notes: A powerful rescue hero in the making, Ryosei is the eldest of the 1-A descendants, and takes this very seriously. Responsible and occasionally overbearing, he’s has a knack for keeping his younger friends out of trouble — but isn’t exactly afraid to get into it if it means saving them. He’s poised to become next Ingenium, and while it troubles him, he’s ready to make his family proud. (Iidachako)
Ojiro Reiko Class Rank: 3-A Quirk: Elastic Age: 18 Height: 5’4” Chosen Track: Hero Course (???)
Notes: Shaping up to be one of the more popular heroes, Reiko is capable of stretching her limbs out to wild extents. Kind and sweet, she’s shaping up to one of the more popular UA students of the year, and the media loves her winning personality. Bright and bubbly, she makes for a great friend and better role model. The winner of her third sports festival, she and Ryosei keep up a good repertoire with each other that often turns competitive. (Ojitooru)
Togata Keisuke Class Rank: 3-A Quirk: Animal Form Age: 18 Height: 5’4” Chosen Track: Hero Course (???)
Notes: The youngest of the Togata twins, Keisuke is a jokester with a heart of gold. He’s a little bit of a clown and uses his Quirk to make people laugh, but is quick to catch up if he ever falls behind. He tries to stay out of trouble, but it tends to follow him around regardless of how hard he works to stay out of it. Nonetheless, he’s poised to become a great hero with a bright future as he’s part of UA’s Big Three this year. (Miritama)
Togata Chikao Class Rank: 3-B Quirk: Permeation Age: 18 Height: 5’5” Chosen Track: Hero Course
Notes: The eldest of the Togata twins, Chikao is a little more responsible than his counterpart. Perhaps this is because Keisuke’s troubles usually cover his up, but he’s a helpful young man that is often just as boisterous as his siblings. Talented and strategic, he tends to be a little shy and can shut down sometimes when things become too stressful. However, he’ll always show up if someone needs him, he refuses to leave someone in peril regardless of the trouble. (Miritama)
Kirishima Takato Class Rank: N/A Quirk: Quirkless Age: 17 Height: 5’11” Chosen Track: Business
Notes: The eldest son of the Kirishima family, Takako is relatively high spirited for his outlook on life. Diagnosed Quirkless, he set his sights high to eventually be the first Quirkless owner of a hero agency, and his analytical mind has him set up well to make it a reality. Usually keeping Mako out of trouble, he does get down about his lack of Quirk sometimes, but never lets it keep him down for too long. After all, he’s the kid of Ground Zero and Red Riot damn it! (Kiribaku)
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