#of peach and bowser’ takes I always see
golvio · 2 years
So, if Ganondorf was chosen to be some kind of energy-sacrifice based on the Battery Theory, could there have actually been some sort of Hollow Knight situation going on, which would explain why he seems to have it in for Zelda, specifically?
Maybe Ganondorf got…”adopted” into the royal family the way the Hollow Knight was “adopted” by the Pale King? Not necessarily as an actual successor, but because having him under the same roof made it easier for the powers that be to shape him into the tool they needed to complete the ritual? Not to mention that basically every Ganondorf we’ve met has lost his birth parents somehow. That doesn’t bode well for the circumstances in which he ended up in the royal family’s service to begin with, especially if he was required to keep their civilization afloat and the kingdom wasn’t afraid of using its laser death robots to get its way.
And, very much like HK, it didn’t work because, oops, turned out your “empty vessel” actually had thoughts and feelings after all, and sacrificing them merely slightly delayed the inevitable, at best!
Like…the Pale King was incredibly lucky that Hollow was already primed to consider themselves a metaphorical “doll with no heart” and people-please. Could you imagine trying to impose that sort of rigid, best-not-get-attached upbringing onto Ganondorf Frickin’ Dragmire? Especially a Ganondorf who was born a human child instead of a bizarre science experiment with an unknown primordial force and probably has memories of being treated like a regular human kid instead of some weird sacred automaton who’s eventually going to be ritually disposed of?
And to have to endure that upbringing alongside Princess Zelda, Hylia’s Special Baby, who his sacrifice was being done in the name of to keep her flying paradise and carefree eternal childhood afloat for a few more eons. Maybe she understood what was going on, but maybe she didn’t. It took our Zelda a little while to figure out our Link was a real person who was also struggling under the weight of his destiny instead of a punching bag to take her frustrations out on. (Once again, she was very lucky the Loyal Bodyguard she vented at was Link, who understood and ultimately forgave her, instead of Ganondorf, who probably would’ve tried to “repay her in kind” the first chance he got).
Even if he wasn’t actually a legitimate heir to the throne or Zelda’s “real brother,” just having him there would open up some really, really weird questions of succession (which could absolutely be encouraged by, say, a string of extremely specific assassinations up the chain of succession). And it’d at least partly explain why Ganon’s half-asleep, one-track-minded revenge construct very specifically parked itself inside of the throne room.
I dunno, I just think it’d be pretty neat if Ganondorf’s existence and burial wasn’t just an ugly family secret, but an ugly family secret for Zelda herself. I mean, if he was raised like a second-class sibling to the “original” Zelda, and she’s the reincarnation of that girl, then what is he to her? Is his making a beeline towards destroying her upon waking up merely because she’s one of the two people-shaped keys required to sealing him again? Or was he deliberately taking away everything she loved and twisting the knife so that this special chosen child, who was supposed to live a life of carefree luxury, would finally understand how he felt, he, who if she’d considered him a real person and not just another toy, would have called “brother?”
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heloflor · 9 months
Something random I find interesting about Bowser is how his “modern” personality was actually there very early on, but it took forever for it to become a thing in the games.
(Tl;Dr is basically the last paragraph)
Like, when the first Super Mario Bros came out, Bowser was shown as a conqueror, destroying the Mushroom Kingdom and turning its inhabitant into blocks just because he could, only kidnapping Peach because she had magic that could counter his. All in all, he was nothing more than a monster.
But then one year later came the 1986 anime movie “The Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach”, and for this movie, Bowser was completely revamped. Suddenly he became a hopeless romantic who kidnaps Peach to marry her, tries to comfort her at two instances which shows some level of being genuine in his feelings, and is a bit of a dumbass at times. It’s actually pretty funny to see the contrast between Bowser in this movie having done terrible actions (which we see through Mario and Luigi’s quest) but then when the focus is on him, he’s kind of adorable actually. Also there’s that post credit scene with him working where the brothers used to early on that shows him as nice.
And the funny thing is, that new side of Bowser that this anime brought actually stuck around…in everything except the games. In the following games (Mario Bros 2 Lost Levels, 3 and Mario World), Bowser is still the same monster who’s destroying things and kidnapping Peach for the heck of it. But outside of the games, we see that softer/goofier side of him shine. Or at the very least, in instances where he’s still pretty horrible/doesn't show that softer side, his motivation remains to marry Peach instead of going back to him wanting power first and foremost. And even then his defeats have some comedy to it.
It’s especially visible with Mario World and how, while the game doesn’t expand on him, there’s an interactive anime where he mentions wanting to marry Peach, and the Manga Super Mario Kun version of this game shows him to be a lot like in the 1986 movie, at least in his first appearance (I only found the first few chapters of this comic translated in english so I don’t know how he acts past that scene where he gives Peach an oversized ring; wouldn’t recommend those mangas btw, unless you like absurd humor with a plot that goes nowhere and wastes your time on stupid stuff). Same for the “Super Mario Adventures” comic where’s he’s yet again both a softie and a moron.
And outside of Mario World, there’s also a commercial for the very first Super Mario Bros with Bowser giving Mario flowers with no evil intention to it, or those three very badly made retelling of stories with Mario characters, two of which have Bowser wanting to marry Peach (for those wondering how the hell did I know about this compilation, I found a reaction to the 86 anime and the channel also had a reaction to those, so it was through sheer luck ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).
So overall, Bowser being more comedic and endearing through being an idiot + having romantic feelings had been a thing since pretty much the beginning, Nintendo just took a while to put it into the games. And even then, from my understanding, the first show of Bowser’s softer side was in the RPGs, with Super Mario RPG having him as part of the team and Paper Mario 64 apparently being the first time his crush on Peach was put into a game (for context I know very little of both of these games so I don’t know exactly how they portray Bowser, I just know RPG has a crying sprite + he’s a team member and Paper has him crushing on Peach). So it basically took a good decade for it to become his game personality.
(Note that him becoming a playable character as early as the first Mario Kart and remaining playable in most sport games could also be a sign of Nintendo wanting him to be seen as less threatening, but those games don’t exactly have a story to truly showcase it so I wouldn’t exactly take them into account)
As for the mainline games, we had to wait even longer to see that side of him, up until Super Mario Sunshine in the early 2000s. And funnily enough, Nintendo has ever since been much more open about taking Bowser a lot less seriously in mainline games (Mario Galaxy ends with the group waking up at Peach’s castle and Bowser seems rather chill in that moment, New Bros Wii and U have funny cutscenes at the end, same for 3D Land, New Bros 2, his losing animation on his car + him in the credits in 3D World, and Mario Odyssey also ends on a comedic note for him).
And since I’m talking Sunshine which showcases his softer side through his kid, that’s also a good show of how long it took for him to be like that in the games. Bowser had been a father since Super Mario Bros 3 with the introduction of the Koopalings, yet neither this game nor Mario World show the kids interacting with their dad. We had to wait until New Bros Wii for that to happen in a mainline game (the ending cutscene). And while I wasn’t born back in the 90s so I can’t fully back up this claim, from what I’ve seen Bowser in general mainly interacted with the Koopalings outside of the games, like with the Adventures comic (tho even then it’s minimal) and the US cartoons which focus on him as a dad.
So yeah, all-in-all, I find it interesting how Nintendo had clearly always seen Bowser as more of a comedic character, mostly through being a hopeless romantic and a dumbass with a soft edge despite his horrible actions, but for the longest time they put this wish to the side. It wasn’t until the RPGs that this side of Bowser came out, and it took even longer for it to become a thing in the mainline games. And while of course this makes sense given Nintendo is known for not having stories in Mario games, meaning there’s no point in making Bowser anything more than the bad guy, it’s still funny how, the second they gave Bowser that comedic edge in one mainline game, it was the push they needed to run with it and never look back. As a result, nowadays, even in the instances where Bowser is at his most dangerous/intimidating like Galaxy, Bowser’s Fury or the 2023 Movie, there’s always still at least one moment where he’s not taken that seriously.
(Last second addition : I guess it is worth pointing out how Bowser being less threatening started with his romantic feelings, with his role as a father not being that important; but nowadays it's sort of the opposite with him being a parent first and foremost while his feelings for Peach, though still very much core to his character, take a bit of a backseat at times, or at least him having Junior and parenting him is brought up more often than his desire to be with Peach)
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maiaczy · 3 months
Terence mayhaps
What if Terence D'Arby was in the Jojolands
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Who do you guys think each of them would main in mario kart (my headcanons under the cut)
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Jodio - Shy Guy (specifically the dark blue version)
Lowkey a pro at this game. Likes to challenge himself in time trials and knows all the best cart combinations. If there is a shortcut on the track, he WILL take it (and will almost always be successful). Actually enjoys Rainbow Road (the real reason for his psychopath diagnosis).
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Dragona - Pink Gold Peach (I could see them picking Daisy too)
Just there to have a good time tbh. At least most of the time, because every now and then when they're doing particularly well their competitive streak kicks in, and trust me – once they get into it, they get REALLY into it (cross them at your own risk). Favorite track is Cheep Cheep Beach.
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Paco - Bowser
He thinks gaming is dumb and a waste of time (definitely not because he sucks at it). On the rare occasion he does get convinced to play, he keeps bumping into walls and other players (it doesn't help that he picks one of the heaviest characters in the game). Known for notoriously running into banana peels. Gaming sessions usually end in him "inviting" the other players to the gym.
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Usagi - Luigi
Relates to Luigi on a personal level for being the underappreciated helper of the group. He's actually quite good at the game. His aim is freakishly accurate and he loves to hoard items to target other players (for unknown reasons they seem to hit everyone but Dragona). Similarly to Jodio, he takes shortcuts almost every chance he gets, but unlike Jodio, it doesn't always go so well. Also probably likes Baby Park like the freak he is.
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Charmingman - Dry Bones
Used to play with Mauka a lot, so he's surprisingly good, and can get quite competitive too. Drives solely on bikes, which give him some good ol' maneuverabilty to avoid all those damn banana peels Usagi keeps throwing around. Secretly loves the music tracks and sometimes listens to them while riding his bike irl, imagining himself to be in a race. Favorite item is Boo.
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tryanmybest · 1 year
as a screenwriter i can't watch movies normally
anyway here are two scenes i would add to the mario movie for more comedic effect bc yeah it was funny, but it could be funnier:
i wish they used luigi more so most of these are luigi centric lmao
- the scene where bowser is practicing asking peach to marry him, it would be funnier if luigi was the one used as the stand-in peach
- this would introduce the opportunity to have luigi say something along the lines of "really? that's what you're going with?"
- this could add a funny, short sideplot where luigi teaches bowser how to approach peach, since he's a human and knows humans
- there could be a lot of silly shenanigans there and it would be a fun little break from the action of mario's scenes
- after peach is threatened into marrying bowser, i would have loved if she got to meet luigi
- she's heard so much about him from mario and i think it would be a really sweet scene for them to meet each other
- she would tell him what happened to mario and luigi could reassure her that he'll be alright. he's always been the strong one.
- peach would then be called to walk down the aisle and, when luigi sees how distressed she is, comes up with a plan.
- we cut to the bride walking down the aisle, the veil hiding her face. a fun little callback to those mario comics where luigi takes peach's place :)
- meanwhile peach is hard at work freeing the prisoners and being a general badass bc i love her
that's all :)
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venoti · 1 year
You fell first, but they fell harder.
Super Mario edition
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Summary: You couldn’t help but like them, even as they laughed or scoffed by those feelings. But soon enough they fell head over heels for you, deeper than expected
Characters: Donkey Kong, Princess peach, and bowser.
GN reader
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
Donkey Kong, The stubborn ape.
When he noticed that you liked him, He just laughed in the thought.
I mean, who wouldn’t like someone as awesome as him?
He took it to the test teasing you like a asshole, you just shoved his face away as he snickered like a monkey.
I mean you were only a visitor to the kingdom, soon fighting along side him.
With first impression he thought of you as a softy, I mean a fighter? No way! You just seemed so small compared to him.
It was till the first time going against him in the Kong arena. He felt cocky, already knowing how it will turn out,Him winning as the crowd called his name.
..till waking up with you on top of him as people cheered your name in the arena.
You soon tilt your head at him as he came to realization. “This is awkward..” He muttered as you grinned on top of him.
“I’ll tell them you let me win, just this once” You laughed tapping his chest before standing up.
But he grew so fond of you by that small gesture. How can someone be so cool? Aside from him He almost forgot about the fact that he lost just by how flushed he was.
After that he became more.. interested?
But if anything he didn’t know how to react around you. Everything you did was so memorizing? He didn’t know why.
But it was one night, he stayed up with you in his mind again. .. y/n.. just your name was a game changer, but he soon realized something as he jumped up. “I like them!?” He yelled as his neighbors just whined irritated as he woke them up.
But It was a total shock for some reason? Since then he would always try and impress you, “Look” here “Did u see —“ that.
It was constant, even as most of the time you weren’t impressed. But you compliment him no matter, and he lived for it! Just your words brought a smile to his face as he had a boost in confidence.
Every single thing as simple as a hello was something he adored. Even how small you were to him, he definitely tried to carry you more than once.
It was only a matter of time before he confessed, even as you probably knew already. He first asked his dad for advice.
“I think I might confess to y/n finally..” He randomly said, while visited his dad as always. The king only choked on his banana before looking at him.
“You guys are not dating already?!”
Peach, the princess of the mushroom kingdom.
You were one of first humans she met, and by that matter she was slightly oblivious to knowing when someone liked her. She only found out when toad said something..
She was held back, but in the moment she finally caught the hints you left.
“Ohhh.. that makes sense now..!” she slightly laughed. But she wanted to be sure, I mean, isn’t this a big thing?
So she started being more helpful with you, help you shop, train, and anything else. You didn’t mind as you just allowed her.
And then she noticed the change you have with her compared to others. It kind of stuck to her mind as she tried to shake it off.
But she hadn’t yet acknowledged you, you were always just a person in her kingdom for now. But it was till you had to be tested on your training.
Yes, it’s only been a few days and you guys barely practiced, but better now then never she thought!Even as she knew this would take a long time, she watched every movement, Or so she thought this would take time.
Her plain face was soon shocked. You beat it in ease!? No trouble at all! Even as she did the same, it was surprising coming from you.
What made her laugh most was when you said, “Is this a pre-test, princess?” Your confidence never failed to make her smile.
But it was when she started to see you as something more, a side kick, a friend or a.. never-mind!
When going on your guys first adventure it was just a small trip for resource as the kingdom was running out. It was supposed to be as simple as pie, but no! An ambush.
It was a good ending of course, but peach was distracted by how.. majestic you looked fighting? Or just overall..!
She didn’t believe she could like someone over skill.. but she didn’t know why she liked you actually. You just have the most beautiful face for another human, she knew you must’ve been popular like that.
Every morning she waited for your usual hello, it was like the sun to her morning. Your simple smile was something she could stare at. Your random face movement were so funny. She just couldn’t help but poke at it making you slightly flush.
Oh and a lot of gifts. She likes to show her affection by bringing you constant stuff.
She can remember when you were almost a nobody, to in her mind all the time.
When did she get so attached to something other than her kingdom?
All she knew was she wasn’t ready to call love, but neither would she hold back the chance to hold your hand.
“Are you flirting princess?” You randomly said, it distracted her for a second before she responded.
“Hm? What! Oh!? ..no? Am I?” She lightly flushed as if she embarrassed herself.
Bowser, king of the dark lands.
You were unlucky enough to stumble to his land, being caught by his army. He had no business with you just leaving you chained in the dungeon. God you hated it. How unlucky were you..?
It became endless boredom till you were suddenly brought up from the cage. You were tied headed towards the throne of the king. Oddly enough you were quite interested by his looks, how awkward..
But neither did he care.
“We needed a new leader for the army, why bring this weak link?” He groaned irritated as the soldiers started arguing with each other.
“I’m not weak..” You muttered, not expecting him to hear you. He just raised his head as he was fidgeting with his claws.
“If your not weak then your starting tomorrow. Let’s see how fast you’ll die” He laughed before sending you off.
You had no impressive skills, almost average. But it wasn’t noticed on how quick you learned from the moment of practice field.
He just expected you to be the same, weak. He didn’t mind the sacrifice of entertainment.
But before the fight he brought up all the soldiers for a speech. But he found out your different attitude towards him, you were fond of him? He scoffed not letting those feelings bother him.
But it was time for battle, he mainly went along to see how you did. But believe it or not, his smirk of death disappeared seeing you easily fight off. Maybe you were useful?
He brought you up as you were now officially apart of the team, the first human. Yay..?
You didn’t really know history as you got there within the same fate as the Mario brothers. You just went along with it, happy to be alive.
But as time went on, bowser never knew such fun till you, maybe you were also as enjoyable.
Before he knew it he started to get jealous about you, how are you laughing with those buffoons? He came to thought, but he soon realized it himself. There’s no way I feel this for them..
He was shocked, very needy for a king. You were almost always near him, even with training. Seeing you happy brought the same smile to himself surprisingly.
As much as you were also cocky made him even more attracted. “Wow..” he could only mutter when your around.
How can the lowlife of his past peasant became someone so dear?
But he didn’t care anymore, except he wanted you to be his. And he knew nothing about the confessing part. Should he be straight forward? Slow? Too many options..
So he first went to his magikoopa, bringing him for a piano practice.
“So.. you know y/n right?” He says side eying the koopa.
“Why yes sir, is something wrong?”he started to slightly worry.
“Oh nothing like that..” he said in a intimidating voice but it slowly changed softer as he finished the piano song. “How would I..erm.. confess to them?”
The koopa was slightly stunned before clearing his voice. “Oh Ho Ho, you can trust me with that”
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
AN: this was so fun to make! I love each of them with my whole heart as they are so fun to write.
Thank you for reading! I take any feed back thank you <3
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fangirlingpuggle · 1 year
Bowuigi soulmate AU where humans and Koopa’s have different ways to tell Soulmates, humans have first words their soulmate speaks to them and Koopas tell at first touch.
So Luigi knows they are soulmates first time they meet Bowser and he threatens them and is freaking out at the time because 1) Bowser is trying to kill them and 2) He’s his soulmate!
After Luigi stops freaking out he starts thinking if he should say something, what he should do? He’s not sure how this works especially when 1 knows and the other doesn’t. He’s thinking about telling him but then Bowser kidnaps Peach again and talks about marrying her and Luigi thinks that maybe it’s a non-requited bond that Bowser clearly loves Peach.
So Luigi doesn't tell anyone not even his brother and is just quiet about it.
Bowser has no idea as he has never touched Luigi he always fights Mario and the green one is nearly always hiding or dealing with his minions.
That is until one fight where he decides to use the green one as a hostage... or throw him at Mario and then leave in the chaos... only as soon as he grabs the green one a mark appears on his palm and he just kinda blue screens... Mario knocks him down but also sees the mark and suddenly is freaking out. Luigi has already disappeared just realizing the bond is requited? But that can’t work Bowser loves Peach.
Mario of course talks to Luigi and is shocked he could think his bond was unrequited he’s awesome! and when Luigi starts talking down on himself Mario is instantly like Nope not happening your awesome and you deserve to happy. 
Basically wing man Mario who just wants his brother to be happy with his soulmate. No matter who his soulmate is. He is ready to storm the castle to tell Bowser to take his brother on a date.
Bowser freaking out and going into denial while Kamek is torn between so happy Bowser has a soulmate and shocked over who it is (And then after looking into him very approving) Bowser Jr finding out and goign to give shovel talk to Luigi but Luigi ends up going dad mode.
Mario comes in to check on his brother and sees Jr at kitchen table eating snacks and drawing happily. While Luigi is making them hot chocolate.
Bowser Jr: Hello stupid Mario I came here to threaten the green one.
Mario:Ah yes I see that.
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felis-rach · 9 days
This world needs more bowsareach! So here's a little something I wrote for them! (It was part of a bigger fic I didn't finish, but it doesn't need context)
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Mario was starting to think that all the “hero” thing made him forgot how to deal with mundane challenges.
He realized that when he saw himself using the cat-bell to climb up the wall and get a book from the top of the shelf. And when he tried to explain the claw marks to Peach, saying, “but what ELSE could I have done?” Her answer was silently pointing to a chair.
Bowser thought this was all hilarious, of course. And Mario had to remind him of who breathed fire into the oven when it wouldn’t turn on. And the reason they had to eat microwaved food for a week.
It was just a simple memory of some random day, but it made Mario feel so nostalgic. Their little home, hidden in a hill on the edge of the kingdom and accessible through a warp pipe they built, was no less than a dream come true.
After all, dating two monarchs meant that the three of them couldn’t simply rent an apartment together. Peach had to stay at her castle, and Bowser, at his, and when they eventually arranged the marriage that would unite the two kingdoms, it would be time to live together and Mario would come along.
But for now, the three of them settled in getting a little house to be the place they could run away to when Peach and Bowser got a moment of peace. It was great, especially when they managed to spend a whole weekend there.
Mario had the time of his life watching The Royals get used to the cottage. Peach, as a regent who always placed herself at the same level of her people and hated to be perceived as superior, gave her best to act naturally, so Mario tried to hide his laughter when they sat down to eat and her face just read “Oh, indeed, this table has but four chairs and doesn’t occupy the whole room.” He could see her dying inside a bit when all the plates and cups got too cramped up.
Bowser, on the other hand, being made of ego as he was, absolutely made sure he was seen as superior by his subjects (which never prevented him from being a caring ruler, going personally to a civilian’s house if they had any trouble, and screw his schedule). So he didn’t even pretend to be comfortable there. It was such an ordeal to prevent him from turning the house into a second palace. The most that Mario and Peach gave in was to make a living room big enough to fit a grand piano. Even so, he complained at every possible time about the house’s size.
“Pff. The fifty-second heir to the mighty koopa empire, living on an ant’s house like this… Of course, we left it to Mario to lead the project. He measured the house based on his own size.”
And Mario simply answered by sitting on the table in front of him. “Truly, I am so very small.” He placed Bowser’s hand on his back. “Look, I even fit on this huge and scary koopa’s hand. Oh, my stars! I sure do hope he doesn’t take advantage of all this size to grab me and kidnap me to some dark castle. Poor me!”
His voice was casually innocent, and Bowser’s face was on fire since he was still a mess whenever Mario and Peach gave him attention like that (and the two of them abused the heck out of it).
“Don’t you tempt me, plumber.” Bowser warned, holding his breath.
“Your hand is still around me.”
“Oh, no! That terrible monster is kidnapping my Mario!” Peach entered the room, and Mario fondly smiled with the “my”, dumb as their playing was. “Will I have to rescue him? But what if he kidnaps me, too?” She threw herself at Bowser with a hand dramatically at her forehead.
“STOP THAT!” Bowser jumped out of the chair, like Mario and Peach were contagious. “You two, you’re… you’re unfair, that’s what you are!”
“Weeeeeee?” They got closer, blinking innocently at the koopa, who got all the more red.
“…Dddddon’t you blame me when I actually kidnap you.” He turned to leave, visibly wanting to die in some corner and regain his dignity before he could even think about flirting back. And hit the doorframe with his shoulder. “STUPID small house! That’s YOUR fault, Mario!” They heard, as he ran to the room. And just laughed together.
“I definitely won’t mind if he goes through with this threat.” Mario smirked. “What about you, Peaches?”
“Not at all.” She agreed, before placing herself in front of her boyfriend, pinning him to the table with both arms. “Just beware, or I might take you first, sweetie.”
And she kissed his nose. Yeah, he’d definitely not mind that too.
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pianokantzart · 1 year
Broken Warp Pipe AU
Based off of a concept by @multicolour-ink and @wiz-witch​ where the warp pipe in Brooklyn breaks down, leaving Mario and Luigi stranded separate dimensions: X.
From there I just went off the rails.
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Mario (Brooklyn Side)
Mario has not stopped working toward finding a way to The Mushroom Kingdom since he and Luigi were separated, and has run himself ragged in the process.
He started off trying to discover if there is a working warp pipe somewhere else in the world. After all, if there was one just under their noses in Brooklyn, surely there’s another somewhere! He just needs to search, and search hard.
He’s always on the move, working some side-gigs to stay afloat while spending every second of free time pursuing and studying warp pipes. He eats bad, sleeps bad, and even smokes sometimes when he’s sleep deprived and can’t focus (though he always feels guilty about it afterward. Luigi would NOT approve.)
Mario hates being alone, but spends most of his time alone, because he feels that’s what he deserves at this point. He’s reached so many dead ends he feels like he’s already failed his brother, but refuses to slow down all the same.
When he’s feeling particularly hopeless or lonely, sometimes he talks to nobody as though he’s talking to Luigi. This helps a little. 
He calls his family every couple of months to let them know he’s okay, and to see if there’s any sign that the Brooklyn warp pipe is working again. These phone calls are brief, and he never properly explains where he is or what he’s doing.
 Mario has stolen (and usually returned) many ancient artifacts and documents, and broken into many a location trying to uncover a warp pipe. He hasn’t hurt anyone, but his impatience and determination has earned him a bit of a criminal record in the human world. 
In his travels, Mario found one or two working warp pipes, but they led to weird alternative dimensions not even close to The Mushroom Kingdom. He has done some heroism in these places whenever the situation presents itself (he’s still a good guy), and has been rewarded with helpful information about warp pipes and how they work.
Through knowledge he gleaned from his travels, combined his own advanced skills with traditional plumbing, Mario eventually pieces together how to repair warp pipes, which he uses to fix his own pipe back in Brooklyn.
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Luigi (Mushroom Kingdom Side)
When Mario first got trapped in Brooklyn, Luigi desperately tried to fill his brother’s shoes until he returned. When Bowser inevitably reattempted to destroy The Mushroom Kingdom, Luigi tried to channel his brother by taking the tyrant on alone. He was very nearly killed as a result. DK, Toad, and Peach successfully fended off Bowser in the end, but Luigi was left physically and emotionally scarred in a way he has not quite recovered from.
Luigi still does his best to be a hero despite everything, but is only barely functional unless he has someone backing him up. Princess Peach sticks close to him whenever possible, and Toad is ecstatic to have him as a friend and adventuring buddy.
 Luigi has an official place on the Toad Brigade, and is happiest when he’s doing missions with them.
He eventually develops into one of the most formidable heroes in the dimension, especially after he gains the powers of the thunder hand. He rarely gets recognition for this though, because he very much does not behave like the traditional hero, and far prefers the sidekick position. He wouldn’t have it any other way.  
Luigi does not spend a lot of time in his and Mario’s house, save to keep it clean and tidy. He has not moved any of his brothers things, except to keep them dusted. A part of him still holds out hope that he’ll be back one day.
Princess Peach hooked Luigi up with an apprenticeship with Professor E. Gadd during one of his slumps, and he spends most of his nights sleeping over at the lab. The professor is happy to have him around; Luigi keeps the place so neat and organized, and makes the best cup of coffee!
Though they have some wardrobe changes, both Mario and Luigi have their original hats, and are extremely protective of them. 
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telleroftime · 7 months
Today's dose of Bowser brainrot - imagine if one of the Kingdom's hosts a seasonal beach event where all the royals get to meet up and hang out in a less politically stressed environment. Picture the Kongs, the Koopas, Princess Peach, the Boos. All because one tropical kingdom wants to flaunt their friendliness.
So of course Bowser attends and in his natural fashion tries to gain Peach's attention. What he gains instead is Reader.
Reader is a merfolk. They're used to the royals partying near their favourite sunbathing spot and every since they first saw Bowser they had a sort of crush on him. The Koopa King's flamboyant nature made Reader laugh. They were in awe with his claims of love and were always surpised that the princess in pink never took him up on the offer.
Reader would have, and it takes a lot of prompting from the other merfolk to even get Reader to try and talk with him.
The sudden interaction startles Bowser at first. Fish aren't supposed to talk eventhough the only thing inherently fish-like about Reader is their tail. But they do. They talk and for once there's someone that's happy to talk to the king.
Reader shows him all their favourite spots. Their sunning rocks, the corals, how to 'surf' the giant eels. They show him things that the other royals never had to luxury of seeing. Bowser was the first. And his kids too, of course.
And yes.
Alternatively, following that merfolk beach event idea, Reader is more akin to a selkie. They and others of their species are content with the foreign royals visiting once per year though they never truly interact. They see eachother from a distance and that's it.
Well, that is until Reader leaves their shifting skin (I haven't decided if it'd be a seal or not or if it's just loosly based on selkies) and Bowser is the one that hands it back.
No idea if this is actual mythology or whether some fandom made it up, but that's akin to a proposal for Reader's culture. Well, more than that. Bowser, unknowingly, has wed Reader and now the two have to figure out what to do about it and how to fix the mess they're in.
Actually, that could be an idea all on it's own.
Plus I'm certain the proposal thing was fandom related but I like it so I'm calling creative liberty.
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crookednachogalaxy · 1 year
thinking about bowuigi like i always do, and im kinda noticing how a majority of media has bowser pursuing luigi for a relationship and... it makes sense???
now dont get me wrong - bowser is brash, he is bold, he is confident, and maybe even arrogant at times. he's the fearsome king of the koopas, he is not afraid to take what is his. his affections are loud because he is loud, and that's why it makes sense.
but what about luigi pursuing a relationship first?
first things first, i am not talking about luigi developing feelings first or something. i specifically mean luigi actively pursuing bowser romantically regardless of whether bowser has feelings for him.
that means taking him out on dates, giving him gifts, bonding with his loved ones, all the stops one pulls to get and keep another's romantic interest.
i want luigi to give him flowers. bowser has just won a really tough tennis match in the tournament they're taking part in, and luigi decides this is perfect moment to give him the flower bouquet he's prepared. so one moment bowser is desperately chugging water as if it's the last drop he'll ever drink, and the next there is this little plumber boy standing in front of him who he's pretty sure he beat up once and has definitely forgotten the name of.
and he's holding the flowers up, saying he did so great in his match and they're for him - and bowser almost wants to laugh. he wants to laugh because flowers are weak, and pathetic, and for soft-shelled koopas which HE'S NOT. but this tiny human's entire body is shaking, the smile on his face is steadfast, and he's looking at bowser as if he hung the stars and the moon in the sky, and something about it just makes his brain short-circuit for reasons he cant understand yet.
i want luigi to plan dates for him and bowser. picnics and fancy dinners and homemade dinners, amusement parks, private kart racing, watching the stars and/or the sunset. i want luigi fretting and overthinking on what bowser likes to do and how to invite him. i want luigi to forget any and all thoughts when bowser steps into the room. mario has war flashbacks about where he went wrong when raising luigi, while said plumber is looking across peach's ballroom with hearts in his eyes.
i want bowser to not realize he's going on dates with luigi. that he's seeing him every week at this point, that even kamek raises an eyebrow when he calls luigi his friend. he always comes home feeling great about himself after seeing luigi, because the human showers him in compliments, attends to his every wish. it takes him a while to realize that luigi isnt just stroking his ego, but that he genuinely likes bowser, and once he starts listening to what luigi actually compliments him on? he's stunned at how deeply his affection runs.
luigi complimemts him on the way he rules with fairness and respect. on the way he prides himself in his history and culture, how he seeks to uplift and celebrate it. he compliments him on his bond with his children, what a good father he is to them. luigi says things that bowser never even noticed in himself, things he didnt think anyone would ever see.
he compliments him on the things that make him him, he makes an effort to spend time and foster bonds with his children, giving each the time and sincerity they deserve. he is there to calm bowser when he's stressed or angry, comforts him when he's sad, never judging him for his faults or feelings. he makes an effort to know and love bowser for who he is. at some point it becomes hard to imagine what a life without luigi looks like.
and most importantly, he still has that first flower bouquet luigi gave him, next to the others of its kind, the plants kept alive by magic, the notes written on display, and the gifts he's given show they're well used.
i just really like the thought of luigi being the one to take these steps, to pursue a romantic love despite the fear that his body evidently likes to show, despite the racing thoughts that make him wanna believe its a worthless endeavour. let him be the one to actively take these steps, be the one to take bowser's hand with a smile and a kiss, be the one to walk him home when they were out later than they intended to be. its a mental image i very much enjoy
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bowsersfavprincess · 1 year
Bower x Gn! Reader
Includes: Fluff, pet names, cuddling, Bowser is reader's fiancee
Word count: 931
A loud rumbling can be heard through the palace walls as the sirens go off and the guards are alerted. You roll over tiredly looking at the alarm clock on the dresser nearby and let out a deep sigh.
♡ Earlier that Afternoon ♡
"I'm so grateful that you were able to come over and discuss our kingdom's alliance!"
Peach looks over at you with a huge smile gracing her practically perfect face. Her hands gently pick up the teapot as she goes to pour your tea, as is the etiquette for a Princess with a highly esteemed guest. This, you realized, was your first time properly meeting her. You had heard a lot from Bowser, he used to always talk about how sweet and kind she was. Well, that was until he fell in love with you.
"So, I hear you're engaged to Bowser! How... wonderful!"
She smiles at you but it's not exactly genuine. You can tell she's happy for you, but the thought of having to marry Bowser seems to make her uncomfortable. Then she clears her throat and continues.
"I'm sure he'll make a great husband. Maybe we could finally have peace between the Mushroom Kingdom and the Dark Lands! Although for now, let us let our advisors talk this over. I'll show you where you'll stay for the night."
She leads you through the beautiful hallways of her castle until you reach a smaller room full of mushroom decor. In the center of the room, several toad butlers take turns pumping air into a large mattress. You look over at Peach just in time to see her giving them a frustrated look. Her cheeks turn red momentarily before she takes a deep breath.
"Why is there an air mattress in the middle of the room?"
One of the toads rush to her side quickly with an apologetic face
"I apologize, my Princess, it's all we could find in the castle on such short notice!"
She lets out another sigh and then turns to you.
"I'm so sorry about this! Your visit was a bit last minute but, that is no excuse. I'll have you a better bed by the morning and hopefully, by then our advisors will have everything sorted out."
She turns with a smile and leaves the room quickly, her toads following once the mattress is finished. Now you were alone in the big room to rest until the morning. The bed is surprisingly comfy and you being tired from the trip, fall asleep easily.
♡ Back to the Present ♡
Suddenly, a loud noise was heard as a certain large Koopa punched a fist through the wall multiple times until he had a hole big enough to step into. It was easy to see his large shadow on the linoleum floor even at night. He seemed very worried as he peered into the room.
He looked over at this sound letting his eyes adjust gradually before trotting over to you
"There y'er baby... scared me half to death."
"Bowser! I told you that I was staying at the Mushroom Kingdom for a while, you didn't have to go breaking the walls!"
"Awhh I know, but I missed ya"
He quietly got to your level by laying on the cold floor, he sorta looked like one of those bear skin rugs
"Come home with me? I can kidnap you, just like in old times. Remember?"
You can see his tail wag softly in the darkness as he reminisces about how you two were when you first met.
"Bowser I can't leave... I'm Peach's guest it would be very rude. Besides, it's late. Mm so tired..."
He looks at you with pleading eyes and well, how could you say no to your favorite evil King?
"Although, I don't think she would mind that much if you stayed... Just-"
Before you could finish the excited Bowser goes to hold you and a loud "pop" echoes through the room as one of the silver spikes on his bracelet makes contact with the mattress. It deflates and you quickly feel the hardness of the floor and shoot him a disapproving face.
"Oh, baby I'm sorry..."
He looks at you like a puppy who was just smacked on the snout for trying to steal food. Then he thinks for a second and gives you one of his signature smirks, taking your place on the now-deflated air mattress. He takes some of the pillows and places them underneath his shell for comfort and before you can say anything scoops you up onto his stomach.
"How's this sweetheart?"
He drapes a blanket over both of you and rests his big hand on your back. You both fall asleep listening to the quiet sound of the wind outside.
You wake by a loud knock on the door as Princess Peach lets herself in. Needless to say, she stops dead in her tracks.
"Oh... it was you that set the alarm off last night."
She looks at Bowser and then at the big hole in the wall, her toads would have to repair it later. You get up and Bowser follows.
"Oh Princess I'm so sorry! We'll pay for any of the damage caused won't we Bowser?"
You elbow him in his side and he snaps to attention from his groggy state
"Huh? Oh yeah... Sure... Ok"
He looks at you lovingly as if he wasn't in trouble for breaking a large hole in the wall. Peach stares at him, then gently removes a punctured pillow from one of his spikes.
"Yes... sounds... nice"
Hey guys, I finally finished my first fic on this account! Let me know what you think, also feel free to send asks :D
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plump-lips-imagine · 1 year
Super Mario Bros. Isekai!Reader (Bowser x Reader) (2/3)
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There were exactly three more weird encounters with Bowser that stuck with you.
He seemed to be even keener on taking you down after the first encounter. It kind of scared you. Actually no, it really scared you.
You actually have a target on your back now.
But that didn't stop you from having a fun time around the kingdom.
You traveling around the kingdom started this whole series of encounters in the first place.
The first encounter…
it was at the mushroom fields where you were having a small picnic by yourself after Peach told you to have a break.
you picked a nice spot to set your basket and blanket and took in the scenery.
The weather was so nice out today, it was a perfect time out. It kind of made you want to sleep outside on your blanket after you ate.
You guess.... shutting your eyes for a few seconds wasn't going to hurt. It was your day off. It was so peaceful that it was a crime to not relax. Just a little-
You opened your eyes to see a large Fireball heading in your direction.
You were able to move out of the way fast enough to save your basket. Your Blanket and nap area was burnt to a crisp.
"My Blanket!!" You said shocked to your core. You look at the person responsible for this and turned out to be none other than Bowser. Steam was still coming out of his nose as he glared at you
"What was that for?"
"You Know EXACTLY What That Was For, Pipsqueak. You're Going To Pay For What You Did!"
Uh Oh. You don't have the energy to fight him again. Not that you really wanted to fight but still. There must be something around here!
"Think Fast!" You throw the first thing you had with you. A sandwich.
It splattered across Bowser's face, blinding him. This is your chance to book it. You can as face as you can.
"YOU BRAT!!" He quickly wiped off the mess on his face so that he could burn you to a crisp.
He couldn't find you, however. you could run fast if you wanted to. He stomped around for a minute until he came across a goomba. It looks like it's one of his.
"You! I'm looking for a Brat! Have you seen her?"
The goomba said nothing but nodded his head in a different direction. Bowser followed the direction the goomba pointed to.
"Hehe..I can't believe that worked." You take off the goomba hat and chuckle to yourself. The goomba mask always worked in video games, but you didn't think it was going to work in real life.
Let's run back to the mushroom Kingdom before he notices.
Second Encounter…
You were napping in the forest. Why? You don't know. It just felt comfortable underneath the tree.
you could get used to this. In your old world, you had so much stressful work to do, and naps were little to none, as it felt shameful to take a nap sometimes. This, however, felt nice. this world had little to really stress over.
"Grrr!!" You opened your eyes and saw A FIST COMING INTO YOUR DIRECTION!
You quickly moved away before he came in contact with you, creating a large hole in the tree.
okay, almost little to stress over.
"You won't get away this time!"
"HEEEEELP!!" You ran as fast as you could.
the good news is that you were not far from the Mario Bros. House.
Luigi was peacefully doing the laundry outside when he heard yelling. He turned around and saw you.
"What? WOAH!"
You had the Mario Bros. take care of that one for you. That's how you were able to escape the second time. Cowering in their house.
Third Encounter……
This time you were picking fruits from trees in a forest. You planned to take some back to the mushroom Kingdom and bake with Peach. You currently have bananas, apples, and peaches.
hopefully they will be enough for some delicious desserts.
While you were lost in your train of thought, a fireball comes your way. You were able to jump out of the way before you were hit. Deja vu.
You turned around and saw the one and only Bowser. He was beyond angry. Veins were popping out of his head. and steam seemed to come from everywhere. oh boy.
"This.ends.here! Stop running away!"
You ran anyway. He wasn't far behind.
You still had one trick up your sleeve. You reached into your basket and pulled out the only weapon you had. A banana.
Throwing it to the ground, you ran faster as he slipped on it. This made him roll over on his back, making him unable to get back up.
"You annoying pipsqueak! Get back here!!" He yells, struggling to get back up.
This is the perfect time to get back to the kingdom......but.
you can't just leave him like this. well, you can, but you didn't want to. It didn't feel right, no matter how scary he was.
you went behind him to push him back on his feet.
"H-Hey, What are you doing?!"
"Getting you back on your feet!" He was really heavy. you were kinda struggling a bit. But you knew you were close, just a little more push.
"I don't need your help!"
'Almost...Got It!" With a huge push, you successfully got him back on his feet, your arms feeling like jelly while you did so. He's as heavy as he looks.
He turned around to look at you. Slightly glaring at you as you look like a quick puppy. You were a little too tired to run and couldn't put up much of a fight. You'll have to accept your fate.
But he just turns back around and stomps away, with a scowl on his face.
"Count your luck. I decided to spare you. Get lost!" He stomps away, leaving you confused.
That was weird.
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darknadaworld · 2 months
a long Antasma analysis and why I think he's misunderstood as a villain
about time i made this one ngl. took me long enough but looking into DT more really gives me a different prespective on Antasma .
i'll be first of all going with what we know based on what the Pi'illos and pi'illoper say (cuz basic informations)
based on what the Pi'illos said:
simply the basics. he was a normal bat, ate a Pi'illo's nightmare once, turned into a monster motivated (possibly) by hunger for that . eventually laid his eyes on the dark stone. started a WAR after stealing it. lost the war and got sealing away by the Zeekeeper into the dream world. but before he did, he shattered the Dark stone. its bits petrified everyone on the island . making this a fight where nobody won.
now what Pi'illoper wrote in his books:
basically Pi'illoper sliiiightly gave more details but , still more into the pi'illos pov .
so not much is added aside from calling Antasma a mage king of bats and adding this slight assumption that it's possible that Antasma ,possibly, isn't actually ORIGINALLY from pi'illo insland
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(but again the pi'illoper isn't a reliable source much in that matter but yk had to add it .)
So regardless , in both takes , Antasma is hungry for both power and dreams .
now aside from these facts, i'll go right into the interactions with the rest of the characters (and why i think people maaaaaaybe looking into his motives and all a bit from a wrong direction)
first of all his interactions with the Mario Bros:
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now not ONCE did Antasma bat an eye on the bros specifically. he was always interacting only with bowser and DREAMBERT. he's ALWAYS adressing dreambert.
the only time he adressed the bros was as "these creatures" . he doesn't care about them at all, he doesn't see them much as a threat seemingly, or even as equals. he's merely focused on Dreambert and Dreambert ALONE .
so, he's so arrogant and full of himself . he thinks they are NOT on his level .
now, with Dreambert:
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it's obvious how much rivalry and bitterness he holds against Dreambert yk? he only adresses HIM he only has a grudge against HIM (for now . before Bowser's betrayal). but even so he still has that bit of arogance and pride regardless
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especially when he gets apparently stronger by the end of the game . he's deadpan like "if you even DARE i will hand you pillow butt back at you " . (and he did lol)
nooooooow then next part is
Antasma's dynamic with bowser and why i think he did not give two dangs about him from the starts aside from his power and dream energy.
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from the START of their interactions , Antasma made it so clear that he only wants Bowser on his side because:
1- he's stronger than Peach (both brawn wise and dream energy wise) also gotta stop here for a sec cuz i do wonder how it would've been like if he kept on with kidnaping Peach instead but oh well.
2- he is evil. he will cooperate better if treated right into the situation.
as the game goes on we get MORE hints that Antasma isn't much of a loyal dude himself but he DOES demands loyalty from others .
how he's OBVIOUSLY not very loyal and totally plotting something :
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ok THIS part specifically, to almost everyone in the fandom, interepts it differently which is ok and very understandable!
but the way i see it is that Antasma is clearly LYING about sharing his powers. because he really went "i wish to conquer THE WORLD" but IMMIDEATLY changed that wording to "i wish i can do whatever i want actualluy! just fly around you know!"
but like, sure , do anything he wants , which still can imply yeeting Bowser aside ANYWAYS when he doesn't need him anymore , because by that time antasma is free to do whatever, correct?
ANOTHER hint to why i believe doesnt bat an eye about Bowser aside from the benefits (get it? bat an eye? cuz he's a bat king-)
is this scene specifically:
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it might not sound much but it sorta is . basically right before that Bowser suggests taking that dream energy from his minions instead but Antasma is like "mmmmm no you're more evil and stronger idc"
so another trait Antasma has is that he's glutton . as HELL. both for power and Dreams .
you know what that reminds me of? Parasites. in which, parasites pick a specific host and just takes whatever benefits and gives nothing in return . because based on everything before that he's clearly using that "ah yea sure WE- of course we. you're there of course." excuse just as a big lie. he aint sharing any of that power he gets.
When the betrayal happens later on, Antasma is obviously as surprised as everyone else . Not because he's like loyal to Bowser or anything but either becausehe betrayed him FIRST or because he expects his pawn to be loyal to him anyways .(Cuz as I said before, Antasma is Arrogant and very prideful .)
The one take I see from most of the fandom is that in that moment he reconsidered NOT betraying Bowser and actually keeping the alliance which . .. would be possible but we get no hints to that really other than, what I said before, subtle hints that Antasma is simply manipulative towards the koopa king.
Sooooo lemme conclude all this long essay :
1-antasma IS evil . Very evil.
2-he's very prideful and arrogant .
3-he has this hunger for power and dream energy.
4-he sounds veeeery manipulative through all of his screentime.
5-geniunely has this parasitic behavior
6-he would take everyone down with him if he's not winning. Not because he's desperate but because he believes nobody is on the same level as himself .
7-he doesn't give a darn about the bros but still used Luigi's dreams to escape to the real world (idk might be cuz Weegee is a perfect dream host if that made sense)
8-he doesn't get much screentime but when he does there's a lot going on but I wish it was explored better .
But again this is just my pov of it!anyone can have a different take I suppose
That's all I suppose lmao until next time when I hyperfixate!
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marioxdk · 1 year
Mario x Dk and Luigi x Bowser double date headcanons! :D
(that's how you say it right?)
Hell Yeah
It's Peach's suggestion
It's always Peach's suggestion
Both couples have been dating for a couple months
Luigi is supportive of Mario and DK's relationship, and Mario is reluctantly supportive of Luigi and Bowser
Mario has come to a truce with Bowser since he started dating Luigi, but its' still a little weird hanging out with him.
Bowser and DK have an oddly neutral relationship
They're not enemies, but they have no reason to like each other either
They've maybe had three conversations and they've never even been alone together
It's hard for it to not be the most awkward date ever
For the first date they decide to be classy and do dinner (nice little picnic so toads don't freak out by seeing Bowser)
None of them know what to talk about
Like, at all
Luigi and Mario start talking about their childhood and mutual people they know in order to break the silence
Bowser and DK just stare at each other
Bowser/DK: should I be contributing to the conversation??? is this awkward for them???
After a couple of minutes Luigi stops to ask DK a question about the Kong kingdom
He doesn't respond for 15 seconds
(He sits there blinking and is just kinda shocked that he's been addressed)
And then... oh boy
He doesn't shut up
DK just starts talking about anything and everything. Kart rides, childhood stories, being an heir to a kingdom, etc.
And when it comes to running a kingdom, that's Bowser's territory
So now two people that have never even been left in the same room together are absolutely dominating the conversation
DK: It's impossible to get anyone in the entire Kong army to listen to instructions for even 5 seconds
Bowser: Please, you have no idea what it's like working with Goombas
And now, it's Mario and Luigi that are staring at each other
Only for a minute, and then they just smile and turn away
And now instead of looking at each other, they're now looking at their significant others
They're just so glad that the people they've come to love feel comfortable being themselves that they couldn't care less whether or not they're taking part in the conversation.
For the rest of the night it's just Bowser and DK talking to each other and becoming unlikely bros
Later, Bowser and DK apologize for not including Luigi and Mario in the majority of conversations had that night
They couldn't care less
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batneko · 1 year
Got a Spicy One for ya today lads. How about some sex pollen bowuigi?
(not explicit but I'm still putting it under a cut so nobody has to see it if they don't want)
It's one of the gang's occasional reluctant team-ups, and Bowser and Luigi are split off the rest of the group and have to fight a big flower monster neither of them has heard of before. Afterward they both suddenly find themselves really hot and bothered, and since there's nothing else that would have gotten them going they both assume they're attracted to each other. Having sex in a floral glade just seems like a really good idea at the moment!
Afterward, when they go to find somewhere to wash up, Bowser notices how absolutely covered in pollen they are, and Luigi trips over a broken signpost. He finds the sign covered in leaves a little way away, and it warns travelers to stay away from the flower glade and avoid other people if you've been exposed. Uh-oh.
They both agree it was just a horrible accident and they should never speak of it again. No hard feelings, but also, take this to your grave.
Time passes.
Neither of them can stop thinking about it. Despite the awkwardness of doing it in a forest, the sex was really really good, and Luigi can't stop wondering if it was the pollen making it more intense? Or if he's more kinky than he thought? Or if Bowser's actually a good lover? The only way to find out would be to try it again, and Bowser would never go for that... right?
Meanwhile Bowser hasn't gotten laid in so long that it's gone from dry spell to drought to climate crisis, and he can't stop thinking about it because oh god he'd almost forgotten how it felt to hold somebody like that. To have somebody look at you like they WANT you. He feels like he's losing his mind but he almost (almost) doesn't care about how pathetic he'd look if he can just have that again.
The next time they run into each other one of them (I can't decide which. Maybe both?) brings up the idea of... maybe... in a casual way... sort of... doing that again? Onlyifyoureintoitofcourse.
And of course the other one IS, so they slip off to find somewhere to give it a go. Turns out the answer to Luigi's question was D. All Of The Above, but even without the pollen intensifying things it's still pretty dang good. He doesn't have to be convinced too hard when Bowser suggests Luigi could come over whenever he's in the mood. Purely as a casual thing. Obviously neither of them wants a relationship.
It goes on like that for a little while, although pretty soon Bowser starts making more accommodations for Luigi. It's an inconvenient trip, so he arranges for one of those painting portals. And if Luigi can come over whenever he wants, it just makes sense for him to have his own room in the castle. And since now it's a breeze to go back and forth, Luigi doesn't worry too much about getting home and just hangs around more often.
They get used to each other's company in more than just sexual situations. They start to actually like each other.
Though they both want to keep it a secret (Bowser doesn't want Peach to think he's been "unfaithful," and Luigi doesn't want his brother and friends to think he's a traitor) it's not like Luigi can just hide in his room all the time. Eventually it's kind of unspoken knowledge that Luigi is Bowser's Official Mistress. Not a consort or a concubine because that would be too official. Just the person that everyone knows he's sleeping with and should be treated relatively politely because of it.
And that's all I've got. Two idiots who apparently haven't seen enough movies to realize somebody always catches feelings, and a whole castle full of loose lipped time bombs who are bound to let something slip eventually. Which will go off first!?
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Memorable: Bowser x reader
Yeah yeah, im a monster fucker, sue me
He's big, frightening at times - the Koopa were intimidating creatures on their own for those unfamiliar with them, but he in particular was massive even by their standards. And yet, here you were, your entire torso being cradled by impossibly large hands, with impossibly sharp claws grazing your clothes and yet never once cutting into your oh so fragile skin - all the while covering your ears, as he let out a massive, earth-shaking roar.
Eventually, the sound slows to a cease and his fiery eyes finally blink away the rage and turn your way; you'd never cease to be surprised by the softness that such sharp eyes could display - a softness, you came to find, that was reserved for only you and his children. You feel a faint churring radiate through him, his body making physical his concern. You finally exhale, and offer him a tired, but genuine, half smile. Reaching out to gently touch his large snout, you speak softly, "It's okay, B. I'm okay."
He huffs through his nose, eyes closing in his relief, as though the weight of the world had been on his shoulders, which also sag before he carefully lowers you to the floor. After ensuring you're able to stand alone, he lowers himself to one knee and takes one of your hands in both of his; he leans forward just enough that you can meet his forehead with your own before speaking quietly, "If you're safe and in my arms, then all will be right in the world."
You hum and don't bother to fight the warm smile on your face. The big softie, he always did have a silver tongue. "But if you wish it, I'll reduce them all to nothing but ash," he states, jewel-like eyes opening and looking at you with no hint of jest. "Any who dare so much as think of touching you without your consent, let alone taking you away... they don't deserve your mercy."
You sigh lightly, raising both hands to rest on his cheeks before pulling your head back just enough to give him a stern look. "Bowser, they just didn't know. Its not fair of them to assume, but given the past, I think they genuinely thought they were helping," you say firmly, rubbing your thumbs soothingly on his cheeks.
Reflecting on your encounter with the short Italians, you couldn't help being somewhat annoyed - after all, they'd taken one look at Bowser walking towards you and then decided to "rescue" you and fight him. It was only when you had evaded the two of them yourself that you had managed to return to your partner and try to soothe his rage.
Bowser's emotions were big, just as the rest of him was. However, those big emotions came from a big heart, and you knew that he only made such a fuss and such offers of violence because he loved you just that much- that, if you asked, he'd end nations; that, were you hurt, he'd destroy any and all involved; that if you were sad, he'd do all in his power to bring you some form of joy.
Allowing your expression to soften, you step in closer. "Besides, with you by my side, I know I never have to be afraid. So, there's no need to display that power and strength - I already know that it's there," you say softly, leaning in and gently kissing him. He churs in his chest, pressing into your kiss and easing his hands behind you, standing up and lifting you with him, never breaking your kiss.
You pull away and smile at him, and he pulls his arm across his chest, allowing you to slide into a more comfortable sitting position in the crook of his elbow, leaning your head against his much larger one. The two of you look out at the mushroom kingdom, framed by the burning hole that your lover had created moments ago in the palace wall, and the two very confused plumbers laid up in a heap across the room.
Finally, Peach and her toad guards burst into the room, weapons ready - only to stop when they see you. "Oh, you two are early!" She says, cheerfully smiling before her gaze slips over to her partner and his brother. With a surprised gasp, regret washes her features. "Mario, Luigi! I'm so sorry- I was going to surprise you; this is Bowser's new fiance, Y/N!" She explains, hurrying over to try and help them up.
"Maybe no more surprises, then," Bowser grumbles exhaustedly, exhaling hot air through his snout. You giggle and pat his chest, "Well, I think first impressions are important; at least it was memorable."
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