#oh my god. not . ending the chapter. like That. NOOOOO
cloudbends · 1 year
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cressthebest · 2 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 10
chapter 18:
1. remus is just free to exist around sirius. every mention of that makes me HURT
2. and i know that remus sets/asks sirius to break boundaries but i LOVE sirius setting his about remus not fucking around with memories because he has issues with that
3. AWWW another wolfstar kiss! i’ll never get used to these
4. omg the wolfstar neck kisses are making ME realize how much i miss neck kisses. honestly, straight up, those are better than sex
5. nooo baby! i’m so sorry that sirius was made into a sex symbol of sorts for the hallow. that sucks. no one deserves that, especially not a child (when it began occurring for him)
6. it hurts that james knows he wouldn’t kill for his own sake, and he’s only killing to protect regulus and get him out of here
7. “Really, James takes great pride in the fact that no one annoys Regulus like him.” LMAO
8. “Blinking violently, James clears his throat and says, "Oh, yes, keep talking about math. There's absolutely nothing more attractive. You're a swot. If you tell me what the mitochondria is, I'm not sure I'll be able to restrain myself."” ASLDJFKDHDKSJNSMSN LOSING MY SHIT
9. wait. hold up. regulus used to write poetry about james. holy shit. i love this development so much
10. PETER!!!!!!!
11. 😧 reg is mad at james and all he wants to do is put a knife to james’ throat and hope he moans. holy fuck “So exposed to violence that it's even starting to blend with sex.” that’s both a wild thought and a sad thought
12. GOD regulus doesn’t trust james, but he trusted evan. that hurts like a motherfucking truck
13. god it hurts that vanity, peter, and the others can’t all survive. they don’t deserve this
chapter 19:
1. VANITY!! babbyyyy she’s gonna die nooooo
2. the ant juice to keep her warm 😟😟
3. 😬 they’re gonna make a bridge. i’m not sure about that. that worries me. and peter lighting the fires. this entire thing is gonna end with one of james’ allies dead
4. “”Oh, and the 'best friend's brother, secret history, forbidden love' way also.”” 😭😭😭 not vanity’s description of jegulus
5. vanity asking about what sex is like and james IMMEDIATELY shutting her down 😭😭
6. being scared about the bug- i’m with james on this one.
7. 😧😳 omg not dylan, peter, AND irene. (NO SHAME OR JUDGMENT ON MY BEHALF) holy shit.
8. 😭😭😭 i love when any one of the tributes talks to the sky to talk to their mentors, friends, or family
9. irene and james betting on a jealous regulus 😭😭😭
10. the bridge worked. i’m honestly so shocked
11. this bug (vespa) is stressing me tf out
12. about the bug, vanity is like 🩷😊✨🪲 and james is like 😟😬🙅🏽‍♂️
13. i’d like to make the guess now: autistic vanity
14. not james being turned on by reg talking mean to him. this is ridiculous 😭😭
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deludedfantasy · 10 months
Trimax Vol 7 Ch 4-6
My suffering continues in the second half of this volume. Things have been getting steadily worse and worse for a while, but something about this one really just got me. I know it's gonna get worse though lol. Until then, my thoughts on the last three chapters.
Ch 4
Wolfwood, my guy, what are you even doing? “He looks like he’s been to a funeral, and another one and another one after that.” I mean, yeah, Vash has been having a real shit time of it lately. That’s actually a great way to describe it.
In all seriousness, this is actually weirdly sweet to me. I think Wolfwood’s trying really hard to cheer him up, except he has no idea how to do it, so he’s just being so awkward instead. He gets like the tiniest little smile out of him. But it’s so sad because you can’t see Vash’s eyes anymore, he’s hiding all that pain beyond his brand-new goggles that function almost like blinders.
Despite how terrible Vash feels, he still helps those people out. His reputation precedes him though and it’s gotten worse. Now the story about his powers is out and the people avoid him, treat him like a devil. 
But the guys he saved are being really nice to him! Actually treating him like a person! We love to see it. 
Vash looks like he’s having fun drinking but after the last volume, I’m a little worried. He’s having a nice time, but I also feel like he’s using it to bury all the hurt he’s feeling. 
“Oh well. This may be his last chance to enjoy himself.” I can’t begin to explain the dread this line puts in me, especially since I know where this is all going. So does Wolfwood, of course. But he seems so calm about it, like he’s accepted the inevitability of it all. 
“I’m the angel of mercy handing out booze to these poor souls.” This is a banger of a line to come from some random barkeeping granny.  
That is a bleak, bleak view of Vash’s possible future that this guy gives him. That he’ll always be alone, time the only thing that will wipe away his regrets, nothing but that for as long as he’s alive. He’s probably speaking from experience though and that’s what makes it even sadder.
Oh no. OH NO. Vash’s power reacted to something and I don’t like it. It’s Knives, it’s him merging with the Plants and things are about to go down. 
The way Vash says, “Wolfwood, you really are my guide, right?” HE KNOWS. I’m convinced now that he knows that Wolfwood is Knives’s agent and has been from the beginning. I hesitate to say he doesn’t care, but he certainly doesn’t blame Wolfwood for it. But it also makes this all so tragic. In a way, they’ve both accepted their fates at this point and just, ugh, nooooo. 
Knives’s big plan is starting…with an attack of galactic proportions. He’s bringing down all the satellites, destroying the planetary communications network. A great way to sow fear and chaos across the land.
When we do see Vash’s eyes, they’re so empty. He has given up. The way he’s talking, it’s like he’s walking to his death. He knows whatever he’s walking into, he’s not coming back from it. His language, thanking everyone for one last drink, one last good night, it very much reads like a suicide note. I’m gonna go curl up in a ball and cry now.
Ch 5
The chapter titles in this volume…they fuck me up. “Late Arrival to the End of the World.” On the one hand, oof, yes, how evocative. On the other hand though…I’m scared.
So Wolfwood and Vash arrive at Knives’s murder castle/ship. Vash runs right on in because there’s no hiding now. Knives’s power is at full blast. Not only can his brother sense him, but Vash’s own power is reacting to it and he’s shifting. For the first time, he looks calm about it. But it’s not because he’s okay with his power. It’s because he’s accepted his fate. He’s locked in and nothing will stop him now, because he has nothing left to lose.
Oh my god???? What was that horrifying vision Wolfwood had? He doesn’t seem to think it was Knives and Vash didn’t even notice. FREAKY. There’s someone in the murder castle that’s after him too. 
But also, “I don’t want to be a burden on him.” God, Wolfwood. Just…you care about him so much, but it wouldn’t be a burden to him. But he knows that, which is why he won’t do it. He won’t put something else on Vash’s shoulders, he won’t make him even more worried, or harder than it already is. 
Elendira is just like, “Hi there! Let me lead you to your murderous brother for your final showdown. Right this way!”
Ah, so Vash did pick up on something from Wolfwood’s vision. As always, Vash remains more perceptive than Wolfwood is willing to give him credit for. 
IT’S REVEALED. Wolfwood isn’t Chapel! Also, can we talk about the badass wheelchair of death the actual Chapel is using? 
I love that Elendira basically scolds them into not pointing their guns at each other.
You know, it occurs to me that Wolfwood manages to betray a lot of people all at once. There’s something really sad about that because I just know it makes him feel so much worse about himself as a person.
Always funny to me when Wolfwood calls other people faithless. Like, dude, so are you! That’s just the pot calling the kettle black. 
Knives’s aura is so powerful, it cracks Vash’s glasses and blows them off his face. He can’t hide his feelings anymore and he also can’t hide from his brother anymore. He has to look the world full in the face now. There’s no turning back or running away anymore. 
Also, this last panel of Knives emerging from the pavilion is terrifying. Especially the way the giant hands don’t match up with where the rest of his body is positioned. 
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Ch 6
It kills me that Knives’s plan to make Vash suffer and break him down succeeded. He wanted to see his brother brought low, to have all of his ideals smashed and proven wrong, before they faced each other again. It’s so cruel, especially after seeing how kind and loving he was as a child. 
But Knives still frames what he’s doing as saving Vash! Now it’s because of the black hair, because he’s closer to death than Knives is. Does Knives feel guilty though? Because as far as I can tell, every time Vash has used his powers and his hair has turned black up to this point has been directly due to Knives forcing or manipulating him into it. 
This has been haunting me since the first half of this volume, but Knives bringing up Tesla again reminded me. Would she want this? Would she want the kind of destruction Knives wants to rain down on the world? Would she want that kind of large scale revenge against all of humanity? She might have been a child, but Independent Plants, as we’ve seen, are incredibly intelligent, even as children. If we assume she was a vengeful ghost who wanted to show them the truth about humanity, then maybe. There’s this tiny part of me though that wonders if she’d be horrified instead to see so much suffering done in her name. Would she really want to see anyone, Plant or human, harmed just because she did too? Would she want others to experience the same pain she did? And that’s the thing. We don’t know. We’ll never know what this little girl wanted. She never had any agency, not when she lived or died, not even in her legacy. She became a martyr for a cause she didn’t even know existed. 
Oh hey, it’s the argument Vash and Knives have in the Tristamp finale! I didn’t catch this on my first read. The context here is very different though. Vash is a lot more broken down here and we know he has so many doubts. So to hear him say something like this, that he’ll run away and try again, is so weirdly hopeful and optimistic. Knives is just as enraged though. 
I’ve been wondering what those tubes on Vash’s jacket were for ages! It looks like ammo to reload his arm gun (and maybe his revolver too). Clever design for a gunslinger’s jacket, honestly. 
Is—is Legato hopping up the stairs in his weird little metal coffin thing? Like he’s in a sack race? That is such a ridiculous image in the middle of this battle. 
Ough, Vash. This page…Why must you hurt me like this? He might still have some hope left for humanity, but he doesn’t have any left for himself. In that sense, Knives failed. He wanted him to suffer and see humanity’s failings, but Vash only ever saw his own. 
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Knives really went, “If I can’t save you from yourself, I’ll make you part of me and take away your entire autonomy.” He’s always been like this, but this time he’s just said it out loud. All those posts about Knives seeing Vash an extension of himself become very, very literal here.
Oh? Vash was actually able to overpower him when he tried to meld with him? 
I can’t believe Knives actually listened to Legato. He hasn’t been listening to anyone recently. And Legato’s deranged, excited expression when he does and then asks him to restrain Knives…he’s really enjoying himself, for once.
Oh no, oh this is bad. Vash is captured, Knives is planning the destruction of the planet, there’s apparently a massive airship. Everything looks very, very bad. This is so much worse because I know where this is going. 
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lookismaddict · 1 year
Lookism Chapter 439 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
God, I was looking forward to doing this chapter review today but then my day really started off not as good as I hope for. But it’s ok. I just hope that this review will be uplifting for me while it’s being made. Anyways, CH. 439 EVERYBODY!! WOOOOOOOO!!! I LOVED READING THIS CHAPTER. SO, LET’S GET INTO IT.
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Um... Jichang? Try him. 😀
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Wow. So it really has come to this, huh? I didn't wanna do a Master vs. Student comparison because Daniel was trained by Gun, not James. Although James didn't personally train him, Daniel did get some of his moves from him so he's clearly a beast... Damn.
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Daniel Park, a model? 👀 I can't believe I made a clothing brand flyer out of these panels. 💀💀💀
Tbh the Allied shirt that Daniel is wearing looks so fucking dope. 🔥 If PTJ ever drops the actual merch for Allied, I really wanna purchase one so badly. The design is so sick, and you already know Imma stunt on them hoes if I ever get my hands on a shirt. 🤪
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He's really just playing around with them, huh? Especially Daniel. 😭
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I swear, Hudson and Jay are only in this chapter to provide reactions to the fight. They really do be representing the crowd. 🔥 THE CROWD SAYS :O
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This shot of Jichang is so cool ngl... and hot. 💀💀
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Bruh he really do be thinking this.
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Jichang looking all sinister, like he about to end Daniel with the most deadliest Karate chop of the century. BUT OH GOD, DANIEL NOOOOOOOOO!!! 😭😭😭😭
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*inhales* Bro... you guys had no idea how much I was jumping at that first panel right here. Jumping and running around and shit. My reaction was literally, "No... Noooo wayyyy... Nooooo FUCKING WAAAAYYYYYYYYY... PTJ, YOU'RE LYING!!!!!! IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING????? OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! UI DANIEL IS BAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!" 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤
And not me anticipating a Gun Park memory because it always happens whenever Daniel is in UI... (or at least, Gun is mentioned whenever he's in the zone... Auto Zone. 😩 If you get the reference, ily.)
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT'S GUNNNNNNN!!!! I KNEW IT, WE'RE GONNA GET ANOTHER SCENE WITH THIS HOT ASS MESS OF A MAN. 😩😩🔥🔥🔥🔥 UGGGHHHH IMMA CREAM ON HIM I SWEEEAAAARRRRRRRRR. HE CAN EAT ME UPPPPP AND BEAT THIS COOCH UP ANYDAY. GOT ME QUIVERING SHIIIIIII 😩😩😩💢💢💢💢💢 Also, is he NAKED??? 😳 Bruh. He's naked around Daniel, but he isn't naked around his previous successors. Hmmm... do I sense... favoritism? And why is Daniel kneeling down in front of him. Don't tell me they "fought". 👁👁 Or he gave Gun a good suck. Pero come on Daniel, tell us that his dick is huge. GINORMOUS. MASSIVE. LENGTHY. THICK. HEAVY??? LMFAAAOOOOOOOO OK, I'LL STOP.
Hehehe, if you aren't familiar with this by now-
*N S F W M E M E W A R N I N G*
(If you're not comfortable with inappropriate memes, then just scroll past them.)
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This really is my mind 24/7. You should know me by now and how I want this man soooooooo badlyyyyyy. God, I want this man to ram me so goddamn good. Legs shaking, loud moaning, ass smacking, hair pulling, back blowing... AEUUUUGGGGHHHHH. 😩😩😩💗💗💗💗 I just wanna keep it real. I'm not ashamed or sorry. 🤷🏽‍♀️ If you don't want me to simp so badly, then you shouldn't have followed a Gun simp in the first place. 😤
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Ok I'm done. *sighs*
*E N D O F N S F W M E M E S*
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Man... I love psychotic men. Men who go crazy insane with power. Men who are overpowered. Men who can silence anyone. Men who can dominate others. Men who can beat the shit out of anything and anyone. MEN WHO CAN RUIN OTHER PEOPLE'S SELF-ESTEEM. MEN WHO CAN TAKE AWAY THEIR WILL TO FIGHT. MEN WHO CAN SLAUGHTER ALL OF THEIR ENEMIES ONE BY ONE WITHOUT CARING. MEN WHO- ok I'll shut up about my taste in men.
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Oh my lord, look at UI Daniel fight so diligently and so swiftly too. AND DAAAANNNGGG DUDE, LOOK AT THE IMPACT HE HAD ON JICHANG'S BACK!!! He for sure is a menace, no doubt about it.
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I KNEW ITTTTT BRO. IT'S THE SEOUL GRANDPA. Also, I'd like to point out how interesting it is that UI Daniel suddenly faded away as if he doesn't exist anymore, when Daniel suddenly retreated from subconsciousness. I almost forgot that it took UI Daniel a while to cease due to the drugs that Daniel's other body was on in that room full of shrooms, back in that arc with Vivi's Club.
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YEAH BRO, YOU BETTER RESPECT DANIEL NOW. And how did Jichang not notice that he looked like Jinyoung Park? Like... everybody did except for him. Come on sir, get with the program. 🧍🏽‍♀️
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OMG...??? GAPRYONG KIM'S DRIVER??? 🤭🤭🤭 DAMN, EVERYONE WHO WAS A PART OF GAPRYONG'S FIST CAN BEAT ANYONE UP. EVEN HIS DRIVER CAN KICK ASS. 😧 Also... bro. Wtf. Does that mean that they fought for no reason? They got THEIR ASSES BEAT FOR NO REASON??? MAAAAAANNNN WHAT DID I FUCKIN TELL YOU, JICHANG AND DANIEL??? IN THE PREV REVIEW, I SAID THAT YOU COULD'VE SETTLED THIS THE CIVILIZED WAY, BUT WHAT DID Y'ALL DO? Y'ALL THREW HANDS. And poor Jay and Hudson. They fought their asses off against some people of Chungcheong and FOR WHAT??? 😭😭😭 WELL, I GET IT. IT'S FOR DANIEL. BUT COME ON MAN, THEY BEEN THROUGH SOME TRASH-TALKING AND SOME INJURIES FOR NOTHINGGGGG. Idk, that just pissed me off. But, the purpose of those fights was to show how much they improved. I admit though, they did improve A LOT and I'm proud of the both of them. Even Daniel too, who just fought with a First Generation King to the point that Jichang had to get into serious FIGHTING MODE. Here kings, your crowns. 👑👑👑 I keep saying this repeatedly, but we better get the full explanation of Jinyoung's backstory or else. Imma go over to PTJ, grab him by the collar, and- 😤😤👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽 /j
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Not kidding. Oops-
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selfox · 26 days
Friend gave me the best idea to live blog my reactions on reading fics.
This one is rtod by @gothicthundra ^^
Ngl I've never did life reactions on a broadcast level. But at least it's gonna save people's dms bdjdjd sorry for intruding if you, guys, found it annoying OTL
Currently I'm on gauntlets ark and already finished it ^^' . In case to avoid spoilers and not make anyone sit through it (unless, they want to see my ramble tdvdfd), I'll put my reactions and overall thoughts under the cut
This break up was one of the most gut wrenching out of all of them. Yes it is break up you two *points at Shego and Drakken*
Those 2 shouldn't be separated otherwise some Armageddon occurs. But they do need some elaborate couples therapy, and individual therapies OTL
Ok, so I'll back up a bit to chapter Sorry and go up till Changing Tides (I've managed to gulp those chapters in one go)
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I have never felt such desire to comfort a character. Such a clear subtext as he, deep inside, wanted to be a dad and Erik was, in a way, his child. Wish it come up more ^^'
Bad times and rumors
One of the interesting chapters where Shego's insecurities shine the most. Calling out future chapter: Pandora is so right about Shego. just wow. And the "accessory" line that will be eventually used by Ed.
So hurt to see her spiral like this. "I am no one's friend, I am no one's side-kick" ;;;;^;;;; Nooooo Shego nooooo ;;;;^;;;;
Breaking Point (s)
I love the format of seeing the same event showed by thier perspectives.
Props to Drakken not killing Lucre. Seriously......... Eddie, I will forever curse your ability to make people use this word AND hearing it in your voice.
Nah, Dr. D, that rap was amazing XD heh, kinda love that mirror with them, when Shego's mind repeaded it. Yes, ma'am, it is very catchy. Just shows how close those two really are even when they aren't together.
"What was the harm in having two helpers?" oh, baby boy OTL Next moment was OYL so sorry Drakken.
Why does it feel like Avengers Civil War? OTL Sorry Shego I'm on Drakken's side OTL I know when you smirked you were thinking how sweet he was because he returned after you OTL (literally have those 2 chapters open to see with one eye Dr. D's pov and with the other Shego's)
Interesting how he didn't hear her yelling at him. OTL
;-; singing in the hover car and wine floats.
Ma'am... your green is showing. But also her worrying about him is precious
OTL ough that all hurts
The Gauntlets
Opening scene is actually pretty badass and .... made me very concerned with how many times Drakken must have done putting back the bone into its socket as ... you don't actually supposed to do that on your own or at least without professional help.
;-; the heist ark mention
I assume Kim saw him glowing red from gauntlets? Tho I'd be surprised too if I just got fried with laser gun. ..... Yep, dude's glowing.
"I was just trying to help" "Nothing ever changes with you, does it?" oh boy OYL
Double Crossed
The concept of The Company i got to know from this fic, along with other villains that hadn't been used in the actual show. And I say what a shame that it wasn't incorporated. Want to know more about them.
Overall the idea behind it with elder hardcore villains ... It has so many mysteries especially concerning Shego and Drakken... and who knows who else. I've read Lipsky's family shorts and other tales and I adored the past snippets with Estelle and Theo. Both of them are such beans.... ngl really wish to see/read more about them and overall how those lived, assuming that Theo and Bart had double life. What was it like?
And the relationship between Shego and Estelle gives me so many fluffy emotions. Girl you do love her ;-;
Honestly, I don't know who creeps me out and intrigues me more in the olden villains cast. Every single one of them deserve their own tier label.
With Botox... thinking about this person I doubt that they were showing the fear...?
Stormy Tides
Loved the shift between Dr. Taxley he/him and Dr. Botox they/them ^^ nice touch 👌 agender approved fjdvnkd
Shego you really gotta think what exactly you teach others OTL especially with the whole idea of what villain is OTL I understand that you are trying to make yourself believe that but girl c'mon OTL
Side notes: Hermes and Pandora, both are so right about their exes, it's incredible how well those 2 can read Drakken and Shego. Despite how much everyone claimed it was brief and unserious relationships were, of course it wasn't the case at all. Can't wait to read the "flashback" chapter (yes, I spoiled myself plenty with this fic, I'm not sorry)
And again in Villains Inn.
Shego he is indeed your friend and close confidant OTL
Aaaaand she is on a drinking spree......... How in the all hells she didn't fried her liver?
side note.... to see my rl name being used twice in the fic still makes me jump XD first it was Drakken and Eddy's cousin and now bartender ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Shego and henchmen are something precious. Those guys in general are precious beans. YES, SHEGO YOU MISS HIM. Your thoughts almost exclusively filled with him, or things around him (like his mom).
;;-;; The questionable Chinese food.
Poor dr D OTL those gauntlets are something else, DR D WHY DID YOU HAVE TO STICK YOUR FINGERS THERE??? that's what she said I'm not sorry.
"The rain obscuring her aim" yeah, right, rain. Salty rain I'm sure of it.
OTL now dr d's side. I guess one of the scariest things about the gauntlets for me that .... It wasn't always certain for me where were his own thoughts and where those gauntlets were speaking... well apart from obvious "we".
It's so scarry to get how many days he had spent awake. Awake, hungry, alone and with those things... and to what length he was trying to go to remove them before Shego got here. Heck he was afraid for others - his henchmen ;-; Shego
OTL scalpel OTL
OTL just OTL for the rest of the chapter
Changing tides
Him barricading himself from her to make sure she was safe from him OTL
Shego, just wish it was a minor inconvenience OTL
hwsbfajh Shego, girl OTL he loves you OTL man ... is it he or the gauntlets or both? I understand it's a more chaotic ... heh... khaotic... form of moodulator? More like the amplifier to Drakken's anger, loathing and many more things.
OTL she fried those things off of his arms omg...
Babies with sameish sense of humor ;;;-;;; I missed your banter, guys.
Fighting bad thoughts with work jdvfbdfv I get that OTL
That uncertainty is so palpable with both of them. ;-; brushing his face absentmindedly.
Pancakes ;-; hehe like I've said I've missed your banter. And I love those little teasing pet names Shego uses.
Last note: F Cleo
Well, If you got there, thank you and sorry that you have to put yourself into ^^' Hope that some things were a bit entertaining. I do hope to do this again as I continue reading it.... Especially with Bed Time Stories approaching ^^
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sixosix · 6 months
IM HERE. IVE ARRIVED. I HAVE THOUGHTS. when i said i might not come back here cuz i was busy? yeah, FUCK THAT. only divine intervention can keep me away from ur account. THE NEW THAWED PART?? WHAT THE FUCK. i wake up this morning expecting a chapter like, late afternoon but i forgot TIMEZONES EXIST . so u can imagine my absolute shock when i check my notifications bar and hit tumblr writer user sixosix posted new thawed part?? dude. the scream i scrumpt when lyney recognized the reader OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD. i knew it was over when the flower landed by her feet but him saying her name had me DSINFIDSJFJDS?!?!!??! DURING THE SHOW TOO. HE DIDNT WAIT UNTIL IT WAS OVERIJ DSJUFUDJSFIJDSAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! even rereading that part now as i write has me going crazy like i cant even put my excitement into words its SO?!?!?w??VFDXJDVNDSFNC god. okay. the scene where he grabs THE READER BY THE WAIST. 'CAUGHT YOU' ????? YEAH AND I CAUGHT FEELINGS YOURE NOT SPECIAL LYNEY?? THE GRIP ON THE WAIST. AUUUUUUUGH. ARUEGJHHH. ARHGHHRJGFDKD... IM ON MY DEATH BED!! TAKE ME TO THE BEACH SO I MAY GAZE UPON THE SEA ONCE MORE!!!! the mr lyney. miss lynette. falls to my knees. dies. dies. dies. BUT GOD THE FACT THEY THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD TOO? no wonder lyney chased after her !!!! if my girlfriend (one-sided (?)) turned up alive out of no where i would do the same fr. a real man would drop to one knee and propose right there (grow some balls lyney) LYNETTE!!!!! SO CUTE!!!!!!!!! IM GONNA BITE HER SOKFDOSAKDASIJD THE SLOW APPROACH LIKE A TIMID CAT AND THEN THE SMIEL AUHGHDJFSKJFD?!w?FDDJNFODSJKFND!!!!! i cant imagine how she felt finding her bff again im so AUUURHGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! i know she knocked some sense into lyney afterwards LMAOO also reader pretending to be working under tart... ohh i know thats gonna backfire on her later in the story. ALSO CHILDE MENTION YIPPEE YIPPEE YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! do i have my doubts about lyney and lynette believing readers lie? absolutely. you dont grow up with someone and not know when theyre lying.. especially lyney. have u ever watched barbie in the dreamhouse?? theres this episode where ken tries to get a job but he doesnt bc each time barbie has an emergency, so he just becomes a (barbie)house-husband.. thats the vibe im getting from lyney and reader the 'i'm happy to see you' from lyney, and reader (kinda?) dismissing it with the 'goodbye miss lynette and mr lyney' ????? AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH ??????? sending u the number and email to my therapist rn ure paying for my next session. also i love aether, paimons and readers friendship, especially their little banter at the end. ALSO. SIGH. reader calling rosalie maman. when i tell u i screamed i MEAN IT. THEY MEAN SO MUCH TO ME. I LOVE THEM SO BAD IM GONNA SOB!!!! ............im gonna say, im a bit paranoid though.. youre not gonna hurt rosalie right. righ.t Right. blinking at u. blinking at u. blink blink blink . BLINK. BLIIINK !!!!!!!!!! ok sorry for clogging up ur asks with this . i have no idea how to end this its so long LMAOO. there are so many other parts i loved (brief melusine scene, audience reactions, etc) but i just didnt know how to convey my feelings into words ifgjdifjdji. i love thawed and ur writing SOSOSOSO much and im so excited for future updates!!!!!!!!!!! THATS ALL I GOT TO SAY!!!!!!! ramble mode OFF!!!!!!!! BYEBYE AND TAKE CARE MUAAAAAAAAAH
HIII LIS!!!!! ohh seeing your asks rlly brighten my day. LMFAOOO your comment actually had me laughing out loud “I JUZT WOKR UP WHAT RHE DICK” HAHSA
YES. DURING THE SHOW!!! i want to emphasize that lyney did not care about the audience or the weeks of practice for this very moment if he sees the reader !!!! HELPPP nooooo dont lie on your death bed yet we still have a few more chapters to go through 💔💔
ONE SIDED GF 😭😭😭 IJBOL he definitely wouldve proposed if it wasnt for aether im telling u. YESSS LYNETTE APPRECIATION i love her so much i try to add her as much as i can bc her interactions w lyney are so fun. Theyre literally siblings 😭❤️❤️
CHILDE MENTION !! this is definitely gonna bite her in the ass later but hey thats for another chapter
YES I E WATCHED BARBIE DREAMHOUSE IMQHAHSHEH thats so funny that you said that im saving that as a screwnshot LMFAOOO
Yes i want to up the angst and pain. reader my self destructive thawed!reader … ❤️ but i also need the therapy please do send my number
Rosalie. rosalie, rosalie, rosalie. our maman. reader’s maman especially. Anyway.
AWW its okay!!! dont ever worry about your asks being too long !! i meant it when i said i love reading through them. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT ❤️❤️❤️❤️ TAKE CARE TOO LIS MWA MWA
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aversiteespabilas · 6 days
Yuki's DRENCHED, that poor bnnuy boy. I never knew how much I needed to see a wet pathetic rabbit until now. He looks like he'd make a wet splat sound if he was slapped on a wall (like throwing a soaked towel on tile.)
TETSU AND YUSUKE NOOOOO- There's so many emotionsss!!!! They're so disappointed in themselves, how could they let eachother down so terribly. But, God, they're so relieved to see eachother again. At the end of the day, they're still brothers and they love each other sososososo much. But they've made so many mistakes that hurt one another and themselves. It's so sad don't do this to meeee (jk, I LOVE ITTTTT)
and...the cuddles...the cuddles...THE CUDDLES!!
soff bunny's cuddling??? BIG BNUUY TUCK LIL BNUUY TO BEDD????? They're adorable pleaseeeee spareee meeeee aaaahhhhhh. I know for a FACT it HAD to have hurt Yusuke that he doesn't remember him...like, not even ONE bit??? after all the cuddles and games of peek-a-boo? not a single memory? that definitely stung. unsurprising considering Yuki's age at the time, but still hard to think about for sure.
and martial arts bunny's??? guys...they're so strong ya'll, DON'T mess with them!!! Don't let the fluff deceive you, they're not cute pet store bunny's!!
Not sure if it's the sharp lining style or Yuki's muscles, but i'm choosing to believe Yuki has fat biceps, yeah he's super strong ya'll.
also, Ken getting his ass handed to him buy an 18 year old?? get humbled old-young man
anyway's back into the abyss I go, lots of love and kisses to You and Rhin!!! (Also Rhin if you're reading this, the new UTSLH update was so delicious i'm foaming from the mouth!!!! expect a comment sometime soon, love youuu 🫶)
- 😎
I really REALLY needed to try my hand at doing wet fur, the images wouldn't leave my brain jhdfjg "He looks like he'd make a wet splat sound if he was slapped on a wall" YESSS OH THAT WAS THE EXACT GOAL, GOOD. I will say these are mostly inspired by yet-to-be-released Sword Lifted chapters sooo... spoilers without context? But here, enjoy our delightful Wet Yuki commentary:
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AWH MAN I've been drawing Tetsu A LOT lately (and I will dO IT AGAIN) but I realized I hadn't really drawn that many sibling moments between him and Yusuke, so there's THE COMFOOORT! My thought with that one was them comforting each other about having lost Keiko. Tetsuya is not one to cry often at all, but Keiko was his whole world for twenty-five years of his life. That kind of pain doesn't go away so easily... It's so good that they both can have someone to grieve with now, though. They don't have to go through this alone!!
Oh it definitely stung Yusuke that his nephew doesn't remember him, and it's really weird on Yuki's part too! Rhin and I keep going back to discussing Yuki's characterization in Sword Lifted just because the situation on his part is so strange it's impossible to "react accordingly". This guy you don't remember and whom nobody told you about was almost like an older brother to you and played with you and cradled you to sleep as a baby, how wild is that??? But listen, I do know if anyone was going to look at this situation in the most practical, polite and straightforward way, it would be Yuki.
THEY'RE BATTLE BNNUYYYS you know, for being a samurai-inspired AU on an action shonen show's setting, I sure don't draw as much actual samurai-ing as I should djfgjdf I NEED TO REMEDY THAT, I'm really itching to do some big dramatic illustrations, but my to-draw list just keeps getting larger and larger with bunny stuff..... awh lord save me.
Oh Yuki is definitely all steel under that fur for sure for sure. I feel like I tend to draw characters scrawnier than they'd realistically be, but it's kind of my brain unconsciously going LITTLE BOY djfdgf to be honest Yusuke, Ken and Mari are the ones I'm generally more conscious about, when it comes to body types? Just because Rhin made a really good point of them being Big Guy, Tall Slim Guy and Hourglass Woman and I'm so weak about SHAPES. But also as I keep improving with my anatomy I try to be more aware of what the body types of my OCs are, and how to show that with time too.
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It's always a delight to have you buddy 💕 Stay tuned for more rabbits!!!
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boydepartment · 1 year
Pizza Parlor- Lee Felix: Chapter 3.5
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Description: Y/n is a stressed-out college student who has no idea what she is doing with her life. She is always wrapped up in nostalgia and her friends seem to know exactly what they're doing. Feeling insecure one night she decides to go on an old website. Club Penguin. Little does she know; she would encounter a certain penguin who was also having a rough night.
Stray Kids are idols, TXT is not.
Partial smau, mainly written.
Warnings for chapter 3.5: Felix’s POV, cursing.
WC- 400??? back next
Song for Chapter 3.5: Troublemaker (feat. Flo Rida) – Olly Murs
After the call Felix walked back to the practice room, he felt giddy. He almost had a little bounce in his step. He was always happy to help a friend in need. Felix couldn’t help replaying when she called him, “baby.” Maybe it was just because he hadn’t had that kind of affection from anyone but his members for the past 4-5 years.
                “Someone is happy.” Seungmin commented. This led to everyone looking at him.
                “What no… I mean yes, I am just so excited to dye my hair tomorrow.” He laughed nervously. Han looked at him with a funny look.
                “At least YOU are excited for the grey hair dye, I wanted blue again but noOooo. I have to go from grey to blond again.” Han laid out on the floor; Chan then got everyone back on topic.
Around the end of practice, Felix’s phone started blowing up. He practically sprinted to it and unlocked his phone.
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                “You have to be FUCKING KIDDING ME!” Felix practically whisper-yelled at his phone. He genuinely thought he was in the clear here. What the hell was he supposed to do?? He can’t just TELL y/n he’s THE LEE FELIX. What if she sold him out? I mean yeah, she is so sweet and kind, but he only JUST called her. Maybe he should just delete his existence. That is such a good idea.
Felix went to go to the delete account button, but he stopped himself. He didn’t want this. Felix found himself trying to press it but physically couldn’t make himself. Okay wait, she doesn’t HAVE to know it’s him, people have weird doppelgangers all the time. Okay wait what if he like, made her stop liking them. Okay good plan, good plan.
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Felix gave himself a little pat on the back, he really secured this! Packing up his stuff he started heading to the vending machine to get a drink. He was so excited to get home now. He was about pick a drink when someone walked up behind him. "Hey have you been feeling okay mate?" Felix looked up and saw Chan. "Oh yeah! I am doing great! I am just excited to get home and relax yaknow?" Felix said and finally picked a drink. "Is there like a new game out or something?" Chan put his card in to get a drink too. "Nah." Felix smiled to himself, "I have been playing an old game recently though and the community got revived so I guess I have been excited about that. The one Han and I played together a little while ago." Chan let out a hum and picked up his drink, "alright man, have fun!" Felix ended up leaving the JYP building with an actual spring in his step.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taglist: @bloofairyfox @yellowroses-world @g4m3girl Taglist is always open :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors note: OKAY SO I DID POST TWICE TODAY!!!! I AM SORRY IF ITS ANNOYING EHEHHEHE before I post the next chapter I might write the rest of the "Falling in love with him" mini series I have. I will still keep on track though for chapter 4, I'll post that in like two days hehe. I still CANNOT believe I finished all my math for next week like thats insane. That really does mean more writing and watching movies for me :) I am trying to currently watch all the Harry Potter movies since I have already seen like every Marvel movie like 3 times. ANYWAYS this is getting really long! It is evening for me so rest up my dears or have a good day <3 hugs and kisses -jayjay
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halt-kun · 1 year
Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 216 - Bath
I’m really scared about what this infamous bath is all about
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¨PRETTY..... but EVIL !
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well how can you end it ? kill all the players ??? 
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so you could only do it because you promised to end it yourself eventually and not let it go forever ? Weird
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What are YOU going to do to Megumiiiiii, ewwwwww, let him marinate for ten month too urghh
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it is definitely not hygienic, Sukuna is stinky
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I’m not really fond of this EVIL solution, like basically someone becomes more evil like this ? that’s pretty weird
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don’t make Fushiguro ugly you freak
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Oh nooooo, now he’ll go and kill Tsumiki, he’s the worst
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EWWWWW, please don’t make incest Gege, I’ve got my eyes on you, also this is so weird they talk like it’s a highschool ten years reunion. I understand the mindset but also, it’s weird. And thank god Sukuna doesn’t want to fuck Tsumiki, that would be worth even more years of therapy for Megumi than killing her
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OOOOO I forgot about them, wait, they are the ones in Sendai ????
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Yeah, the fuckboy
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Thank god he isn’t that weak
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Of course he was holding back, the jerk
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This time ? but she didn’t know he was in Yuji before ? What is happening
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rainbow-pop-arts · 11 months
Wooooooh, Trigun Maximum vol 1 thoughts part 3 for @trigunbookclub! This is also the last part for vol 1!
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Some thoughts about TriMax chap 5-6 under the cut!
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Child Vash with his mother-figure Rem 🥺
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Reminiscing about Rem fills Vash with determination (Undertale reference)
Woah guys, it’s the reason why Vash’s coat is red
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Oh nooooo, a hostage situation
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Undertale genocide route
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POV: You’re one of my friends in school and I’m about to rant to you about Trigun (mostly about Vash) for the 45510th time
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Hmmm, I think when I first saw this I was like “Oh, what’s Vash gonna do? That guy killed the daughter of the guy on top of him. Will Vash let him be shot?”
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( ˘̩ ⌒ ˘̩ )
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Definitely Aqua from Oshi no Ko. Once he finds his dad who caused his mom’s death, he’s gonna kill him (not with a gun I think, but with a knife since…you know 😁)
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Oh my GOD, Brad. Have some faith in Vash, would ya? 🙄
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Conflict conflict conflict
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I know this is a serious scene but I’M SORRY I CAN’T HELP IT
POV: You’re looking at my Pinterest boards
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Vash stops the guy from shooting the other guy!
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Although…it costs his face being beaten up
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What taking the pacifist route in Undertale does to a mf
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WELP, all's well that ends well! :D No one died!
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“Oh yeah, you too, old man”
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I have a feeling this is foreshadowing the later chapters and I’m scared (I stopped at chapter 31 when I started joining the book club)
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Woah, that guy was a puppet the whole time and was controled by that guy in black, BIG SHOCK! (When I first saw this I thought he killed the guy, yeesh)
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Okay now what’s up with Legato here?
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This is literally my brain when I’m not able to listen to music and the place is really quiet. My brain just imagines random crazy stuff to keep occupied. 
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Was Mr. Nightow a fan of Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro? 🥺 I don’t watch it but the OP slaps
🎶Ge, Ge, GeGeGe no Ge... Asa wa nedoko de, Guu guu guu🎶
That's all for my thoughts on TriMax vol 1! ♡(◕ᗜ◕✿)
Bonus: So at school we were told to make a poster with the message "Say no to drugs" and I made this as a joke but my teacher accepted it anyways
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Before drugs After drugs
Doing drugs is dangerous! Don't go to a hospital or die, okay!
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mrsaguapapi · 1 year
Ch 1  Ch 2  Ch 3  Ch 4  Ch 5  Ch 6  Ch 7
Chapter 8
The Vibe:
Dusty Springfield - Son of a Preacher Man (Official Audio)
Oh god, why am I so hot right now? and why can't I move?
I rub and slowly open my eyes, trying to adjust to the sunlight piercing through my windows. I look around to see why I can't move. Namor was lying face down on top of me, still very much asleep. He was hugged up on me and using me as a pillow; if you listen closely you can hear him softly breathing. My heart actually flutters
He's secretly a soft boy, who would've thought...
I rub his hair and back trying to coax him awake, "Namor" I whisper, "Namor wake up."
"hmm" he grunts
I quietly chuckle, "I have to get up"
He tightly holds on to me and rolls us over onto his back. "I don't want to get up," he says
Raising myself up to look at him, "You don't have to; I need to get up and stretch. Someone broke my back last night and then slept on top of me afterward."
Namor laughs, "Fine," He lets go of me, "Don't be long." I kiss his forehead and get up grabbing an oversized t-shirt of mine to throw on. Grabbing my phone o realize it's almost 11; while checking my notifications I head to the sitting room. Eventually putting some music on I begin to stretch out.
I am so sore, my legs and hips are extremely tight.
He really delivered on making me sore...
After 45 min or so of stretching and some light yoga, I end on my favorite full-body stretch. Sitting on my knees I bend backward and lay on my forearms grabbing my feet; I close my eyes and breathe letting my body relax into this pose.
"This is quite the sight." Namor steps in
"You like what you see?" I ask
"Very much." He steps forward standing right in front of me "You were supposed to come back to bed, I grew impatient"
Seeing him in the light of day fully naked, gave me butterflies. I sit up and look at him.
"I'm sorry, I lost track of time. How can I get you to forgive me?" I say batting my eyelashes and letting my shirt slightly fall off my shoulder exposing the top of my breasts.
Namor holds his hand out helping me up and turns me around to rub my shoulders. "You can start by showering with me," he whispers in my ear
"Gladly" I reply
Before we can head to the bathroom I hear a knock on the door. "how about you start without me, I'll be right there."
"He roughly grabs my ass and pulls me dangerously close to him, "Be quick Ki'ichpan," He says before heading to the bathroom and closing the door behind him.
Headed to the door I speak up, "Who is it?"
"It's Peter!"
I crack open the door trying to give myself a little humility. "Good morning lightweight"
"Hey not fair, that was my first time ever drinking."
I point at him "And last time until you're 21."
"Yea, yea, yea. Anyways wanna chill before brunch?" He begins to walk in.
I quickly put my hand in front of him, "Can I just meet you there; What time is Brunch?" I suspiciously ask
"12:30 pm. What's going on?"
"No-nothings wrong" I stutter and laugh
"Oh no. Is Bucky in there?" He whispers, "Millie nooooo"
"Ew oh my god. Bucky is not the one in here." I say offended, "Remind me to fill you in on that whole situation."
"Okay so then who is in there?" he questions
"That information is on a need-to-know basis and right now you don't need to know." I quip
His face lights with realization, "you didn't!"
I forcefully cover his mouth, "Hey don't judge me. A girl has needs and he's actually quite nice."
He tries to speak under my hand, I roll my eyes and remove it from his face, "What about your London friend? I was starting to think you liked him/them."
"It's complicated; plus we had no intentions of starting anything, no strings attached you know."
"Hmmm okay. Well have fun with your new beau, imma go check out Shuri's lab. See you at brunch and practice safe sex." He says as he walks away
The Vibe:
SZA - Love Galore (Alt Version) (Audio)
"Never!" I say closing the door. I head to the bathroom and find Namor in the shower.
"You're lucky," he says
"And why's that?" I say taking off my shirt
"You had one more minute before I came and got you"
Stepping behind him in the shower I begin to lather some soap in my hand and begin to wash his back, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I hope you didn't miss me too much" I begin to kiss his neck and shoulders
Namor rests his head on my chest as I begin to wash his front, "I did miss your touch"
I whisper in his ear, "Well forgive me for denying you of your needs your Royal Highness."
"I prefer God but I'll settle for King."
"Forgive me, King Namor," I say extra soft in his ear. Namor then turns around and pins me to the wall, kissing me with vigorous passion.
I guess he liked the sound of that
Namor dips down and begins to suck on my nipples causing sensations to go straight to my pussy, "Fuck" I moan
"You drive me insane. Every time I'm this close to you I forget about everything else." He lightly strokes my scar causing me to look away in shame. He continues, "I think everything about you is beautiful" he grabs my chin and makes me look at him, "Everything. Your body, your power, your brain; everything."
I didn't know we were freestyling love letters
"I don't know what to say" I honestly reply
"Say nothing. I say these things without the intention of wanting anything in return. Just know this, I have lived for almost half a century, and never have I been so pulled in by someone's aura. You disarm me. If and when you decide you are ready I'd make you my queen in a heartbeat."
"You don't mean that. That's the sex brain talking"
"I'm as sure as I am standing here. My mother was the voice that brought you to me. She'd always told me to settle for an equal and nothing less. You are my equal, hell more than my equal. I don't expect you to make any decisions any time soon."
"Namor we met 3 days ago, how could you so quickly be sure about me?"
"I just do. I understand you'll need time, I can wait. Besides I'd like to properly court you and get to know your world and you get to know mine. Give us a chance Ki'ichpan."
I look at him for a while, "You know I'm broken right? I don't mean that to sound dramatic but I am. I don't even know who I am. I've got some serious baggage"
"I don't care," he says sincerely
This is wild, what do I do? This man is pouring his heart out right and I'm frozen Aunt May's voice pops into my head, "True love finds you when you are least looking for it."
"Okay," I say
"Really?" He asks
"Mhmm low stakes, most that can happen is you break my heart which is not fun, really so not fun, but temporary."
He laughs, "And what if you break mine?"
"Impossible. I don't break hearts, I just collect them." I tease
The mood in the air was light; he was hopeful and I was hesitant but curious to see where this goes. He kisses me, once again with passion. I pull him to me wanting to be as close as possible; Namor sneaks his hand down my pussy and begins to stimulate my clit, driving me wild. Our passionate kiss turned into a hot and heavy makeout. Namor takes my legs and wraps them around him, so he could firmly pin me to the shower wall; He then takes his dick and slowly pushes himself inside me. He took his sweet time causing me to moan into his mouth.
"Hold on tight" The only warning he gave me before he starts to roughly fuck me against the wall; I grab his hair and scratch his back trying to hold on. Namor rests his head on my shoulder as he fucks me going in deeper and deeper with each thrust of his hips. I sing a melody of moans in his ear, begging him not to stop.
Namor sits his head up and rests his forehead on mine, "Say you're mine."
I try to answer but can't get any real words out.
Namor firmly grabs my hips and begins to pound into me even harder than before, "Say your mine." he growls out between gritted teeth. "Say it!" he demands.
"I'm yours!" I yell "Oh fuck I'm yours. Namor please.." I can't even finish my sentence I'm so close. He's hitting me so deep and I can't do anything but take it.
"I know baby, me too," he responds.
While kissing him I roughly pull the back of his hair, not on purpose, but just to hold on; he must have liked it because it made him moan into my mouth this time. I can feel him losing control, he's so close, and so am I. Namor begins to speak something in my ear in his native tongue, "Yaan u mierda in reina, kutaj Jach ma'alob. In yaakunech ka ma' je'el in pa'atik u meentikba utia'al Mantats' mía.In ki'ichpam, ki'ichpam reina. 'Fuck my queen, you feel so good. I love you, and cannot wait for you to be forever mine. My beautiful, beautiful queen'"
I wasn't sure what he said, as I could barely hear him outside of my own moans but it was just enough to bring me to climax. I hit my head on the back of the wall so hard I swear I saw stars, I couldn't control my movements anymore; it was like my orgasm took control.
After a few more thrusts, he pumps into me one last time holding himself there as he releases in me, making sure I take every last drop of him. Something about him holding me like this feels so intimate I swear I could have came all over again.
He smiles at me, "I could stay like this for eternity"
"If only" I laugh
He slowly pulls out of me and I wince, "I'm sorry Ki'ichpan, I should not have been as rough"
"Don't apologize, I like that you make me sore. Now every time I feel that pain, I'll think of you."
"Keep talking like that and I may have to take you again"
"Love that energy" I laugh and kiss him, "but If I don't get any food in me I might die."
"As you wish" he laughs
We finish up in the shower and get dressed. I'm wearing a teal off-the-shoulder bodysuit and a high-waisted mustard-yellow skirt. I wrap my hair back in a white head scarf to keep my braids out of my face. Namor opted to put on some of the white linen pants and top that were in my room's closet; we can't find the shorts that he tossed. He looks good though, like really good. Like good enough for me to forget about food good.
He sees me staring with lust in my eyes, "Behave yourself"
"How am supposed to when you look like that?" I laugh "ready?"
Yes, but I will meet you there. I need to check in with Namor and Attuma first.
"Okay," I say smiling "See you soon" He kisses me and we part ways
I enter the dining area and see a large spread of breakfast food and an assortment of fruits and vegetables on the giant table. Shuri, Romanda, Okoye, Ayo, M'baku, Riri, Peter, and Bucky were all sitting around the table eating and talking.
"I hope I'm not too late," I say as I enter
"Of course not," Shuri says "Help yourself and have a seat"
I grab a plate and fill it with fruits and veggies and have a seat next to Peter.
He does nothing but looks at me funny
"Peter you wipe that smirk off your face before I kick your ass" I whisper to him
"Alright, Alright." He pauses, "Did you have fun?" he jokes
Ignoring him, I look away and pay my attention to Okoye, "We missed you last night. How was sparring with Attuma?"
She begins to shuffle in her seat a bit, "It was fine." she says, "How was everyone's night?" she asks successfully changing the subject
We all talk and laugh about last night's antics. It's been a while since Peter and I hung out with friends like this; actually, I suppose they're family now.
M'Baku speaks up, "Where's Nakia, Ross, and the Talokans?"
"Nakia and Ross left this morning," Shuri says, "I'm not sure about the others"
"Namor, Attuma, & Namora should be here soon; Namor just wanted to check in with them first."
"You saw Namor ?" Shuri asks
"Yea we ran into each other in the hallway on the way here." I try to convincingly say
"Hmm okay." Shuri
Oh god is she on to me?
I continue to eat my food and see bucky fuming in his seat.
Fuck he knows
Just when I thought the situation couldn't get worse, Namor walks in, "Hello everyone, may I join?"
"Of course. Come sit fish man." M'baku says
Namor nods and makes his way to the chair next to me and smiles making me blush a little.
"Where's my New bestie Namora?" Shuri asks
"And Attuma?" Okoye says, all of us looking at her with curiosity, "what? I'm just curious"
Oh my god they boned. NO WAY
"I sent them home to check on my people, I shall be joining soon."
My heart drops, just now realizing he has to go back home, this man has a whole kingdom to take care of. Seeing the sadness on my face Namor lays his hand on my leg and continues to speak, "Surely I shall be back soon"
"Good" Romanda speaks up, "I know our people started off on the wrong foot, and you did try to kill me.."
"And me" Riri interrupts
Romanda continues, "but we are now united, you are always welcome."
Namor bows his head, "thank you."
"Millaenyia I did the liberty of bringing you those books from our Library that we were talking about. They're there at the end of the table. The elders and I agree that you should keep them."
"Thank you, Queen Mother," I get up and make my way to the books. Some of them look like old spells books, the others diaries. When I pick one up I feel an intense energy hit me; I feel pain everywhere. My eyes roll back and I drop the book. My vision begins to disappear as I hear my friends scream for me rushing to my aid. Before I'm fully out I hear Peter calling my name on the verge of tears.
What's happening to me?
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andorerso · 2 years
Andor episode 11 thoughts:
omg the state of Cassian’s hands and feet.... this man can’t catch a break
so Maarva’s on her deathbed or is she already dead?
Maarva dying off-screen is actually exactly what I expected but damn, it’s so harrowing
omg I really hope Brasso takes care of Bee pleaseeeee 😭
Cinta my love!!
agfdhfdgfg those aliens watching them run towards the ship like 😮😮
okay but what did you guys expect.... Melshi has an impulsive streak I see
the Ferrix tradition of becoming a brick is really interesting! thinking about how Cassian didn’t get to honor that tradition after his death...
omg yes helpful aliens!! I’m so happy to see that
so they ARE going back to Niamos, good!! we need those credits and the manifesto
“what have you done lately?” agfdhfdgh damn the animosity between Vel and Kleya is really interesting 👀 I know it’s only in my head but I think they’re ex-girlfriends, sorry I don’t make the rules
also Vel going back to Ferrix, let’s go!!
BRASSO WILL KEEP BEE, THANK GOD! I knew he was a real one
Leida being so traditional, I wonder if they’re trying to setup the fact that oh look, she’ll be cool with the engagement! I hope that’s not the case
I wonder if Cassian’s been reading the manifesto this whole time 😭 when he opens it, it looks like he’s already in the middle of a chapter
nooooo Saw don’t do it, don’t take the job!!
lmao Luthen pointing to Tubes as his spy, stop fucking around 💀
no thoughts except what a badass scene both with Saw and Luthen, and then Luthen in the Fondor.... I NEED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT LUTHEN’S BACKGROUND
oh god oh no Cass.... “she’d be proud of me” I CAN’T DO THIS I CAN’T DO THIS
his face.... oh no no no no no no
I thought I was ready to see Cassian cry BUT I WASN’T
Cassian saying everything’s fine... he doesn’t let anyone in but the pain on his face when he hugs Melshi 😭 I wish he’d just let someone give him comfort but I know he won’t UGH
the end of this episode already made me cry, idk what the next will do
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cressthebest · 3 months
Art Heist, Baby! thoughts pt. 9
chapter 25:
1. my marlene and remus freindship needs are being satisfied. they have theif nicknames for themselves 😭😭
2. wolfstar and dorlene trying to sit in their partners’ laps is so funny to me. (and regulus is 100% being possessive over having james in the car with him)
3. james REALLY likes reg’s hands 😳
4. james thinking barty is a sociopath was funny until he provided evidence as to why. then it was not funny. then i think barty may be a sociopath
5. james forgetting how periods work, while trying to be helpful to lily is so funny
6. holy shit wait barty is a sociopath. holy shit. wait. sirius has a gun filled with blanks, and when asking if it was really filled with blanks, he aims it at barty to test out and barty just MANIACALLY GRINS.
7. not marlene asking if reg’s dick is huge 😭😭 ma’am, now is not the time.
8. dorcas is smart, dorcas is hot, dorcas is so damn fucking cool, dorcas is queen. send tweet
9. remus and marlene being so incredibly efficient at their job, and james being mesmerized <3
10. oh shit, wait, sirius has real bullets in his gun. this feels like it’s gonna be significant later
12. they completed the fake heist is 48 minutes, twelve seconds, earning 88.5 million A PERSON. holy fucking shit
chapter 26:
1. starting the chapter off with smut again, i see 😳😳😳
2. goddamn, reg is going at it
3. oh nooooo i see. reg is worried about james going in during the heist. my babies
4. wolfstar and jegulus were both going at it, but reg just HAS to interrupt i guess
5. GODDAMN black brothers fighting. this is going to cause more irreparable damage to their relationship
6. remus and james not knowing how siblings are supposed to interact 😭😭😭
7. reg knowing that sirius would be in rem’s room 😭😭😭
8. sirius naps on remus’ lap after big conversations- wait that’s so cute
9. reg and james are dancing in the kitchen with each other i’m gonna cry anhdksjdkajsksk that’s so cute
10. they’re all dancing together and are so happy. this is gonna change so fast, i know. something is gonna fuck up their happiness and i’m not prepared for it.
chapter 27:
1. james is coming to wake sirius up and is scared to open the door and see naked remus or sirius. i’m sobbing, thsi is so funny
2. “Regulus was very sensitive when it came to James. If sensitive was the right word. Maybe volatile; volatile seemed more fitting.” what a goddamn mood
4. okay, it’s fine. i have a bad feeling about it tho. really bad feeling
5. reg calling this the last supper is extremely haunting. i know y’all are all readjng this and laughing at me. i know i’m in for horrors. but i’m still so scared and haunted by the thought that this is the last supper
6. reg and james are gonna do a wine tasting tour in italy. i’m crying
7. jegulus is holding hands at their last supper, and i can tell this isn’t gonna end well
8. OH they’re dancing together. they’re so soft for each other. and pointing at the stars and they’re in love
9. regulus’ hands are shaking from telling james he loves him. they’re in love, they love each other, and this isn’t gonna end well
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elegyofthemoon · 9 months
6, 9, 13 for the ask game!
HI GLORIJA!!! I hope you're doing well :D thanks for the ask!!
female character asks
6. A female character who got done dirty by the narrative?
okay so listen. I have a slight love/hate with her character, but truly, I feel that Edelgard gets kinda done dirty by her own route
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I will never get over the fact that the Black Eagles route is 17 chapters compared to the 26 (?) chapters that the other routes get, with Golden Deer and Church route having near identical stories?!?!??! like they totally could have used that effort to give Edelgard the chance to take down Those Who Slither In The Dark BUT NOOOOOO NOOOO WE DONT GET THAAAT WE DONT GET THE JUSTICE FOR THE WRONG DEALT TO HER AS A KID AND WHY SHE STARTED THE WHOLE WAR NOOOOO
The payoff was horrendous and it just left me sitting bitter and ill towards her route and just her character. It's such a disservice really :oI
9. A female character you started out disliking but came around to?
oh my god a character i disliked but had a slow warm up to... hmmm... ngl and I'm soooo so so so sorry to do this to her, but that's Camilla for me
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AND TBH THIS ISN'T EVEN HER FAULT TBF !! Have you seen that post around that's like "this isnt you girl this is your writers fault?" Yeah that's how I feel towards Camilla lmao
I just am very very extra tired of fanservice characters, and especially female characters used for fanservice, so I have a tendency to just disregard the "sexy female" trope in an instant, but it's thanks to my friend that I actually came around and gave Camilla a try and started working through her supports, and honestly, it just makes me hate the. The cutscenes with Camilla more. It just feels (again) like a disservice.
I won't say that I outright hated her? I just felt disappointed by the way the writers frequently portray her. I don't know --
13. An interesting femslash ship? (Canon or otherwise)
OH YAY this is the most recent femslash ship that I fell in love with but Kallen/Sakura from Honkai Impact 3rd !!
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I found out that they were actually canon in one of the manga, saying explicitly that they were soulmates (or Kallen the white hair girl saying that "When I first met Sakura, it was like I knew the reason why I was born" lIKE OKAY??!?!?!?!??!? OKAY------)
BUT BUT BUT my heart felt so touched reading through Kallen and Sakura's story, and while I'm still only slowly learning what happened between them (I'm still super new), what I do know and love is that Kallen saved Sakura from falling into absolute despair after being forced to kill her sister to appease the gods of her village, reminding Sakura of the kindness in humanity.
But for whatever reason (I haven't reached this yet BUT I think I'm pretty close actually? idk. if anyone else is reading this and plays hi3, please don't spoil me. ik the game's been out forever but i am absolutely blind to this so i don't want to know :)), Kallen had to seal Sakura away because she houses an evil being within her, but she leaves an artifact that would defend Sakura within the place she seals Sakura and just,, making sure Sakura is never alone and it was soooo ; - ;
I think a bit of it actually reminded me a bit of the ending for Sayaka and Kyoko in PMMM if you know that ! But I sure am particularly weak to knights in shining armor ish stories lmao
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kitty-of-mischief · 2 years
House of the Rising Sun
(Chibs x OC. My first Chibs fic and...I tried me best with the Scottish slang so advance apologies for the efforts. Let me know what y’all think and I’ll get more of it posted here. Still WIP but I have two chapters completed.)
~There is a house in Charming town, They call the Rising Sun And it's been the ruin of many a poor girl Cuz God I know I'm one.~
"Shit. Fuck. No no no." The girl behind the wheel cried as if it would help to stop the inevitable. The vehicle sputtered and jumped trying to make the most of the last drop of gasoline in her vehicle until it rolled to the open patch of desert road nearby just off Interstate 5.
"You've got to be kidding me." The voice from the passenger seat. "Didn't we just put like 30 bucks in this "eco-friendly" machine?!"
"Uggggh I knew I should have gotten the SUV instead." And finally the last sputter confirmed the two's fears. Stranded on the stretch of highway and it wasn't busy for this early in the morning.
"Well, Gabe lets at least hope for cell service." The driver picked up her phone and sighed in relief as she saw four bars of service. "One tiny miracle of hope."
"Well the closest tow service for us is the Teller-Morrow garage. A few miles up in the little town of Charming. Huh, I wonder if it still lives up to its name." She chuckled. "Do the honors of calling the boys to our rescue, Kat?"
"On it." Kat dialed the number on her phone and stepped outside the car just so she could look for a landmark nearby.
The phone rang through the garage but inside the office, it was finally answered by boss lady herself, Gemma Teller.
"Teller-Morrow, how can I help ya?" She replied almost empathetic yet flatly.
"Hi, I'm trying to get in touch with a tow truck. My car ran out of gas off Interstate 5 near a few miles up from the Charming town exit." Kat sounded exasperated at the other end of the line.
"Oh sweetheart, how long you been out there? You sound distressed." She replied.
"Not long luckily but it's already scorching out here on me and my sister."
"Alright, I'll send the boys with a truck. One second." Gemma reassured "Boys, we got a pair of girls stranded on the highway!" Gemma stuck her head out the door, "They need some gas to get to town or just take the truck and pull them here."
"On it, boss lady. Danny boy! Let's go, gottae pair of lovelies stranded and it's not gentlemen of us ta leave em there!" The older man said while climbing into the drivers seat of the tow truck near the entrance of the garage.
"Here. In case they need something cold." Gemma handed off two bottles of water from her mini fridge of the office. Dan grabbed them as he was jogging through the garage and rushed into the seat as the other man started it up and headed out in a hurry.
Mirages played tricks on their minds but honestly the black leather interior of her Kia made it hotter than it was outside. Thankful for them having their belongings with them, Kat felt no shame as she grabbed a pair of denim shorts and red spaghetti strap tank top from her clothes stuffed in the trunk.
"What you doing?! We're on the highway!" Gabe exclaimed as her sister climbed in the backseat.
"And I'm dying in these damn jeans and nice blouse I had planned for the job interview in Charming ironically." Kat shut the door and went about her spur of the moment change of clothes.
"I told you to wait until we got to the room rented for the night to change for the interview but nooooo." Gabe happily leaned against the car in a white off-the-shoulder sundress that swayed in the very light breeze.
"Shut it. Ahhh." Kat felt a refreshment from the breeze when she hopped out in her change of clothes and pulled her flats back on her feet. "Now I can survive."
"And give everyone who passes a glance of the assets no doubt." Gabe snorted as she dodged a smack from her sister.
A rumbling engine caught their attention as they saw a tow truck approaching in the distance. Relief flooded the girls as they wouldn't hopefully miss the schedule they had by much. The tow truck rumbled past slowly and the men inside the cab were not disappointed by what they seen near the car. The older man pulled the truck up and backed it near the car before shutting the truck off and sharing a glance with the younger man.
"Boyo, didja see them bonnies?" He mumbled almost like an excited teenager. "How's a lass like that all way out here?"
"The redhead is gorgeous man. We must absolutely be gentlemen to such exotic women of their caliber." Dan spoke while catching a glimpse in the side mirror angled just right at Gabrielle. "Wow."
"Good ta know ye won't be catching the attention of the dark haired one. Alright, straighten yaself up and let’s go." The older man got out first and shut the door with Dan following suit on the other side.
"Holy." Gabrielle mumbled softly while leaning up from the car, straightening up to get a good look of Dan. Kat, on the other hand found herself very curious about the other walking up to the car and was surprised at just how attractive he was to her eyes.
"Morning, ladies." Dan piped up as he and the other man walked around the truck. "Bit of car trouble I see?"
"Yeah, thought we put enough gas in at our last stop, it was full and now it's empty. I do not understand it at all." Kat crossed her arms in irritation as she leaned against the car.
"That's a sin, ya sure it's just the gas run out, lass?" The older man spoke and Kat was so glad she leaned against the car because the accent nearly made her knees buckle. ‘A Scottish dream come true' She thought as she looked over.
"I hope it's just out of gas because I just drove this car off the lot three days ago in Lodi.." She bit her cheek in annoyance that it could possibly be worse than no fuel in the car.
"Naw worries, lass. We get ye right and give it a look at the shop." The older man said, "This is Dan and I'm Filip but ye can call me Chibs."
"Katherine and this is my sister, Gabrielle. We appreciate you coming to our rescue today." Kat thought she sounded a little too appreciative but smiled anyways when he gave her a wink and it made her stomach flood with butterflies.
"We'll load the car up and then you ladies can hop in the front with us okay?" Dan smiled, knowing it was either gonna have Katherine in Chibs lap and he drive or Gabrielle in his lap in the passenger seat. The girls replied with a nod and stepped up near the front of the truck to let them do their job and exchanged giggles and glances.
"Sister, he's grey." Gabrielle teased at her sister quietly.
"No he's experienced and I'm older, it's not bad to look." She giggled while looking around the truck to see him controlling the wench and bending over to make sure the car was secured on the truck. "Salt n pepper they call it."
"It's the accent driving you bonkers right now." She snorted.
"Aye, that it is." She heard a snort and louder laughter from her sister because she saw him standing by the door with a grin.
"Ye dannae wannae stay out here in the hot sun do ye?" Chibs said while opening the door for them with a cheeky grin. Kat sheepishly glared at her sister as she climbed into the cab and occupied the seat in the middle while Dan hopped up in the passenger seat.
"Afraid you're gonna have to sit on my lap, love." Gabrielle studied his face for a moment before rolling her eyes as if she were annoyed by the thought but secretly smiled as she climbed in and comfortably occupied the vacant spot on his lap. Once the door was closed she leaned back with a little relief of the tension she felt right then and there. Chibs climbed in and they all squished a bit which Kat did not mind at all as he pulled around on the highway and headed for the town they hadn't seen in years.
Thirty minutes later, the tow truck was pulling up into the parking lot of the Teller-Morrow Auto shop and Samcro clubhouse next-door. The girls looked up and their eyes were glued to the row of motorcycles outside the shop as well as the group nearby at the picnic tables. As Chibs backed in the car near the garage, him and Dan shared a grin to see how eager they were about the motorcycles. With a halt and a hiss, the car was dropped to the ground slowly and Chibs shut off the truck. He got out on his side and held a hand out to Kat which she smiled as he slowly helped her down from the cab while Dan helped Gabrielle out before he got out himself. The boys went over to talk to the guys in the shop and they hurriedly come out to check on the car while the girls hung back near the tow truck. A few wolf whistles came from the group at the picnic table and made the girls giggle a bit but they ignored their calls.
"That is not little Katherine and Gabrielle Knowles?!" They turned to see the Gemma that Kat had spoken to on the phone.
"Oh whoa. Gemma as in Jax's mom?!" Kat exclaimed as they rushed over to hug her.
"I'm so glad to see you girls, what are you doing back around here?" She greeted the girls gladly.
"Well I had a job interview lined up to come back home. Sister begged us to come back after college finished." Kat smiled, "I dragged Gabrielle back with me."
"I made her go to this because she wanted to be back in Charming. She was miserable out there in the city working herself to the bone for a little pay." Gabrielle corrected her sister.
"So what's the job offer?" Gemma said, pulling the girls with her towards the picnic tables, "Boys, you better be respectful to these girls. I raised them as if they were my own and they turned out better than Tara did thank goodness."
"Sweet baby jesus, look at them all grown up." Bobby greeted them with bear hugs.
"Awww uncle Bobby!" The girls chimed while hugging him happily.
"Those are Tara's sisters?!" Dan mumbled as he stood across the lot at the garage entrance with Chibs. "Jax is gonna be surprised."
"Aye true nuff. Gorgeous lass, though." Chibs said while watching Bobby parade the girls around under his arms.
"Chibs, you've never called a croweater gorgeous. What's in your mind?" Dan said with a grin.
"Come off it, ya cannae say yer naw smitten over Gabrielle?" He smacked him with the clipboard of paperwork in his hand, glancing every so often over at the tables to see Kat laughing with the guys.
"That is not the point." Dan said while crossing his arms and smirking.
"Hey guys, there's a bit of a problem with her car." Their head mechanic got their attention and he led them over to the car. "It was a lemon. Someone sold the poor girl a lemon of a car. Nice exterior and appears good but the head gasket is out. Looks like the engine seized up as she was driving and it's done. No fluids in it either, someone was looking to make a quick penny or out to hurt them."
"Is that so?" Chibs turned Dan around and they walked over where the girls were sitting under the shade with the rest of the group talking up a bit. "Oi, miss Katherine." She looked up and her cheeks turned red at the way her named sounded in his accent.
"Is everything alright?" She went to get up but he sat down beside her and laid the paperwork on the table. "Naw, sweetheart. Whit bizzo diddy get that hunk o' metal from?" He asked curiously. "The engine was blown and ye had naw idea." "What?!" The girls exclaimed in unison. "Lowell gave it the once over and they sold you a lemon. You got a full tank of gas still sweetheart but it wasn't any good." Dan broke the news as he sat down beside Chibs. "Son of a bitch!" She cursed and caught them off guard. "I bought it from Darby's Auto in Lodi, he cut me a deal because he thought I was cute." Her eye twitched in anger and even her sister knew it was rare to see her that mad.
"Darby ye say?" Chibs' expression went from surprised to angry and he glanced at the rest of the boys. "He's still doing that bullshit lot in Lodi?" Another of the guys known as Opie chimed in, "Jax is gonna flip shit." "Speak o the devil." Chibs said as the clubhouse door opened with Gemma and Jax following with a smile for the girls. "Look at you girls, all grown up!" Jax said while happily greeting them both with hugs, "Tara's at work but she'll be happy to know you two made it."
"Jax," Kat started with her pouty face up at him and a soft whine "My car's a lemon and some jackass named Darby sold it to me." Chibs watched her with a raised brow and smirking to himself at how easily she can turn on the innocence even if her outfit said otherwise. "Excuse me?" He asked while looking at her, "Darby sold you a lemon?" She nodded, her lower lip still jutted out. "Aye, kiddo. The car's absolute shite and was doomed to be worse than the breakdown on the highway. Could've killed them if it had't." Chibs piped up. "Don't worry, big brother's gonna make it all better." He kissed her forehead, "Chibs, Opie and me are gonna personally see to it that you have personal pick of a new car. That sound good?" She clapped excitedly and hugged him again. "Boys?" "Be my pleasure to kick that fucker's arse." Chibs said with a smirk which made her smile and turn her head shyly. "Could we go inside and cool off for a bit?" Gabrielle fanned herself a bit, "Think I need a drink or two from the amount of dramatic my sister is." Dan laughed. "Come on, Gabrielle. This way." Dan gladly held his arm out and she took it while they went inside and immediately the group started catcalling and teasing which he casually put his hand behind his back and a simple hand gesture for the group while he took her inside the bar area. 
"Appreciate it, Dan. It was a little crowded out there." She hadn't honestly stepped in the clubhouse in a long time. There were times when they had family gatherings, the girls would indeed be up here with their sister Tara because of Jax, his one and only Old Lady. Gabrielle scrunched her nose up at some of the scantily clad girls who were starting to head over to talk to Dan but they immediately stopped when he turned at them and shook his head. Gabrielle found this odd but smiled while they sat on two barstools at the end of the counter. "Stupid, fake crow eaters. They come in flocks around here so I apologize about that." Dan patted on the bar for his fellow prospect and best friend Half Sack to pour them a drink. "S'alright. Crow eaters?" She asked. As familiar as she was with the place, she didn't know everything that went on behind these doors. "Oh, right. They are the ever so dumb bottle blond bimbos that are desperate to be a Sons' Old Lady. They'll take what they can get until asked. Usually, 9 times out of 10, they end up being lonely Crow eaters for life." Dan chuckled a bit which made Gabrielle snort. "Wow, good to know." She wrinkled her nose again at the thought that some croweater might have had his way with him and it bothered her more than she let on. "So which one likes you?"  "Ah, hah. A few of em like me but at the end of the day, I let them down and go home alone." He smiles as he sips on his beer. "Really?" She said, not meaning to look as surprised as she did and looked away for a moment. "So you just like the atmosphere here?" "Yeah. Definitely for sure if you're gonna hang around a bit." He grinned as he saw her cheeks redden a bit. "Count me in." She held her glass up to clink hers with his. "Wanna play some billiards?" "Gladly." He took her glass to set it behind the bar and led her over to the table. 
  The rest of the group flooded into the clubhouse save for Chibs, Jax, Opie and Kat sitting on the picnic tables still. Kat stands up and whines a little while stretching a bit. 
"I'm supposed to be at a job interview in an hour but I wanna go pick out my car." Kat says, pouting like she could get away with being a bit of a brat around them. "Whir's it at, lass?" Chibs asked. "Sweet Mayhem, the new bakery that came into town recently. I'm gonna be a real sweetbutt." She giggled which got the boys laughing a bit. "You better watch it cuz you might sweet talk Chibs here into a ride on his bike, sis." Jax wiggled his brows cuz he could already see the blush creeping on her cheeks. "Awww, Opie you owe me ten bucks. Told you she still had a crush on him." Opie grumbled a bit while digging his wallet out.  "Whit ye like, love. I can drive ya to the interview." He offers with a dimply smile. "Well I will have to go change first, all our stuff is in that hunk of rolling storage over there." She frowns at the car in the lot. "Allow me tae show the lass a place tae change yer clothes." Chibs stood up and held an arm out for her to freshen up a bit. "I'm gonna have to put a leash on you boys with the girls back in town." Jax said with a laugh as him and Opie went to find Clay to let him know what happened with the car.
  "I'm going to my interview, sis. You gonna be okay here at the clubhouse?" Kat, freshly changed in a nice white off the shoulder blouse, denim capris and white flats, comes around the bar talking to her sister. Chibs smiled at the change of her outfit, a little impressed. Sure, she looked gorgeous to him in her outfit of choice before but she cleaned up nicely and he wouldn't mind looking at that more often than not. "Dan's offered to drive me to the hotel to check in for us and all that. Then there's a little carnival for charity down at the fairgrounds so we're gonna go spend the afternoon there." "The rest of the Sons and ladies will be down after we settle the problem with Darby." The booming voice startled the girls and they turned to see Clay with Jax and Opie. "Can't believe you girls grew up so fast." Clay shared a grin as they hugged him as well despite him being the most intimidating of all. "Dan, you keep Gabrielle watched over down at the festival." "Yes sir." He pulled her under his arm as they decided to leave since her sister would be. "We'll use my truck to take the stuff to the hotel and then come back for the bike." "Ooooh." Gabrielle grinned while shuffling out the door with him. "And Chibs, I don’t know if Darby's guys won't be lurking around Charming but look out for her." Clay and Chibs shared a handshake as a silent promise that he'd protect Kat. "Onit, boss." He turns to her, a slight sparkle in his eyes. "Ye ready to ride with ol' Chibs?" He holds out a spare helmet for her. "Thank you." She smiles while taking it and walking ahead towards the door while putting the helmet on. "C'mon old man and show me a good time." "Sweet Jesus, this lass is a dream." He said which got all the boys laughing as he followed after her.
  ~ Clay, Opie, Jax and a couple of others from the club were slowly rolling up to the auto lot in Lodi a couple hours later to take care of the wrong done to you. With a stop in formation, they all shut their engines off as the ball, sad excuse for a man came out the door of the building where he ran his so called business.
  "Clay Morrow, to what do I owe this visit?" He spat with a malicious smile. "You sold a lemon to one of our girls that could have killed her. She broke down and it's at our shop right now." Clay spoke in his gruff tone. "Now I hope we don't have to result in violence to make it right." "I don't sell anything to a croweater." He snorted. "She's not a croweater, she's family." Jax spoke up, "Katherine, Tara's little sister. Bought a car a few days ago." "...." Darby went silent for a moment before hanging his head with a sigh of defeat. "Didn't realize that was here. Wow, she grew up." He rubbed the back of his head with a sigh. "No fights, no violence, just take your pick from the side of the lot that is good." He notions over to the right side of the lot. "Pleasure doing business, Darby. We'll bring her by and let her take her pick." Clay smirked triumphantly and at once, the engines roared again and one by one they left the parking lot with Darby looking pissed off as he went back inside.
 He threw a tool across the shop making the whole team look up. He slammed the door to his office and sat down, rubbing his face before picking up the phone and dialing a number. "It's Darby. They made it to Charming despite the car." He spoke into the phone. "Good, now all that's left to do is to ruin them." The voice cackled at the end as the line went dead.
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spirirsstuff · 2 years
Chasing Rainbows
It’s here, my new work, Chasing Rainbows! It follows Kristal and Jamie, coworkers and best friends. Kristal comes up with an idea, and Jamie follows her to watch it fail. But it doesn’t quite go as either expected.
Here’s the AO3 link, if it doesn’t work, the first chapter is under the cut :D
“Do you ever wonder?”
“Wonder what?”
“About when we were kids.”
“Like being little sticky-finger gremlins?”
The both of them laughed, laying on the grass, staring at the clouds as they laid on the cool grass of the hill outside of their shared workplace.
“Yeah, basically being little sticky-finger gremlins. But what’s one of the things you always wanted to do?”
“Go to space?”
“Try again.”
“Make the Mona Lisa out of finger paint?”
“Okay, that’s a good one, but try again.”
“Have a pet dragon?”
“Oh my god, we always wanted to ride on a rainbow!”
“Ohhhhh! Like chase one down and slide down it!”
“Yeah, idiot! Chasing and sliding down rainbows!”
“But that’s impossible, they’re made of light and forever move awa-”
“Ahdabababa, stop.”
A phone buzzed.
“Well, I guess our break is over. Let’s go in, we have work to do.”
“But I hate our shitty job, I don’t wanna sit at a desk all day. Come on, Jamie!”
“Hey, we can’t ignore our lives. It might not be the best, but we make a decent pay.”
“Jamie! I wanna do something fun. Like be an adventurer.”
“You’ll probably make little to no money and die along the way, if I know you that well, Kristal.”
“Oh come on! I might make it a little bit.”
“No. You can’t even put your two braincells together to make a good plan for the simplest things.”
“Just go back to your desk.”
Kristal walked to her desk, slumping into her chair, sighing. Why her?
Jamie walked back to their desk. They sat back down and booted up their computer. God, Kristal’s ideas were getting crazier than ever lately.
After work that day, Kristal texted Jamie.
kristal what do you want now
you know that your plan is impossible
i can try
fine, i’ll only go with you to see you fail
next weekend
come on it’s not possible anyways
im still trying
oh my god
Jamie shut off their phone, silencing Kristal’s texts before hitting the off button.
They needed to make dinner, anyway. They had planned tacos, but ended up slapping some ham and cheese onto a piece of bread and eating it on the couch while they watched terrible romcoms.
Heh, this is shit. Kristal would love it, Jamie thought. She loves cheesy shows like this.
Jamie bit into their makeshift sandwich. It wasn’t much, but it was their dinner. Maybe they should… no, that would just take a bunch of time. They didn’t need any ice cream anyways.
And a few minutes later they were driving to Dairy Queen. God fucking damn it. They just needed some of that soft serve.
And who else had to be working there but Kristal.
“Hi Jamie!”
“What are you doing here? I thought your shift ended a while ago.”
“Why exactly?”
“Bored. And my house is a mess.”
“Fine. Give me a quart of twist- make that two quarts.”
Jamie slid their card in while Krista went to the back to grab a few quarts and filled them with ice cream.
“Thanks for coming to see me, Jamie!”
“I didn’t come for you, I came for the ice cream.”
“But you still saw me.”
“I didn’t plan on it.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow!”
They sighed. “See you tomorrow.”
Two more weeks of working went by. It was boring to Kristal, but Jamie couldn’t care less.
“So when’s the rain coming?” Kristal asked every day.
“Not yet,” Jamie always replied.
And when the weekend came, Kristal’s texts went wild.
oh sorry i hate it when that happens
Kristal listen
You need to calm down
Put down the sugar
howd you know i was eating sugar
I didn’t
You just said so yourself
damn it
Now put it down and go back to sleep
but i cant
Jamie hit the off button on their phone, making sure that they silenced Kristal’s texts until their alarm went off.
And back to sleep for another hour they went.
As their alarm went off, their phone buzzed, falling off of the dresser. Luckily, it didn’t land on the screen.
A slew of texts from Kristal came in. Jamie could only imagine that she spammed them for the past hour instead of sleeping.
Jamie put the phone under their pillow as they walked into the kitchen, not caring what they missed of Kristal’s texts.
While cooking a few eggs - scrambling them in a pan with cheese, bacon bits, salt, and pepper - Jamie looked at one of the books they found. Something about toilets.
Skimming through the book, it was actually a bit interesting. Something like a girl and a ghost helping each other out while an exorcist boy tries to send the ghost to hell. Maybe they would actually read it later.
Pouring the eggs onto a plate and grabbing a fork, Jamie sat down at the table and began to ate their eggs.
That is, until their doorbell rang.
They got up, annoyed that someone was at their door.
Opening the door, Kristal was soaking wet, her long, red hair darker and straighter than normal.
“Kristal, it is 7:30 AM, why are you here?”
“I did?”
“I’m pretty sure you said you were going to come to watch me fail, but what if it works? You can ride the rainbow with me!”
“Oh. I did say that.”
“So are you gonna get ready? The rain could end any minute?”
The rain got heavier, wind blowing faster.
“Okay, maybe not any minute. But rainbows don’t last that long. So we should be prepared!”
“Can I please eat my breakfast first?”
“Wait, breakfast! I never had breakfast!”
“I am not sharing mine, but you can have some PopTarts. I have cookies and cream flavored ones.”
Kristal immediately walked over to the cabinet, dragging mud in from her boots.
Jamie didn’t know why they liked that flavor so much, possibly just because they were good. Or maybe because they felt something towards that flavor, some weird phenomenon that they didn’t understand.
Kristal opened the box of PopTarts, taking out a pack, ripping off the wrapper, and biting the pastries.
“Not even toasting them?!”
“Tasty,” Kristal said through a mouthful of pastry.
“You’re insane.”
Jamie and Kristal finished their breakfasts, and Jamie walked into their bedroom and got ready for the day, changing into actual clothes instead of just pajamas.
Kristal’s plan would most certainly fail and they hadn’t planned to do anything else that day, so they put on an old tea shirt. Quite literally, as it was a t-shirt with a cup of tea on it.
Jamie walked out of the bedroom, and Kristal was staring out the window.
“Are you sure that we need to chase it?”
Kristal practically dragged Jamie outside and into the wet grass, rain still sprinkling.
There was, in fact, a rainbow. Glistening in the light, it looked brighter, somehow more solid than usual.
Kristal ran towards it, and Jamie had to sprint to pull her back before she got hit by a car.
“Kristal. Have you ever been told to look both ways?”
“Did you just look both ways?”
“You almost died.”
“Please be more careful.”
Kristal checked the road before running across it again. Jamie did the same after her.
They ran through a field, towards the rainbow. At one point, both of them were running beside each other.
“Just like when we were kids, right Jamie?”
“Yeah, sort of.” Jamie didn’t remember being this repulsed by Kristal’s ideas when they were kids. But they couldn’t deny that this was a little bit fun. Being reckless. Having fun with life. Trying things that are impossible just because you can try.
Maybe Jamie should have given Kristal a chance.
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