#oh to be a man that never gave up fulfilling his dream
effen-bi · 6 months
Reading Kaiju No. 8
• Big monsters
• People *fighting* big monsters
• People *are* big monsters
• Genuinely comedic and heartfelt
• Fights go so fucking hard
• Art is cool and pog
• You can tell how this is gonna end
• Uh
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genderqueerpond · 1 month
You know, I think Clara knew about Amy.
Not at first, of course, but Clara grew up with her --- that is, grew up reading Amelia Williams books. And they were precious to her, books she's read many times over the course of her childhood -- how else does she know exactly which chapter holds what in the book she gave Artie? Perhaps she has always felt connected to her, this moderately obscure children's fantasy author, following in the footsteps of E Nesbit; this contemporary (and sometime friend (oh yes!) ) of Edward Eager's; although not nearly as widely known as either of these. Perhaps because of her choice to publish openly under a "woman's name", thus, in the time in which she lived, relegating her books to the inferior realm of "girls' books", despite the more than equal balance of male viewpoint characters.
But Amelia Williams is different from these authors too -- often fantasy, but sometimes more like early science fiction, a barely- recognized pioneer in both genres. Her views were feminist and daring. In so many ways she was ahead of her time, and the innovations she imagined! almost as if she knew what the future would hold.
And if Clara knows and loves her books so well, she can hardly fail to recognize the most frequently repeated character archetype in them. especially after she rereads a few on a subconscious hunch, during that summer after the Maitlands found a permanent nanny and she insisted that before anything else, she go off and fulfill her original travel plans from 101 Places To See. (The Doctor purported to leave her alone to forge her own way with this, but was in actuality very bad at that, and kept popping up nearly every place she went.) She's Clara, she's clever, how can she fail to look up from her book and notice that the person who's just appeared out of nowhere to stand in front of her with a plate of jammie dodgers and a goofy smile has stepped directly out of the pages?
And then of course, there are the dedications. Sure, there's normal stuff like "to my daughter", "to my loving and patient husband", and "to my parents, who are children now" which is rather weird and whimsical, but fits in with the fantasy author's signature style of dream-like imagination.
But the majority of Amelia Williams' dedication pages say things like "to You", "to My Doctor", "to My Raggedy Doctor" "to my raggedy man" (weird but clearly connected to the other variants), and, cryptically, over and over again: "to you", "to you", "to you", "to you (wherever in time and space you are)".
There's "to my imaginary friend" and "to my imaginary friend, and to all children who have an imaginary friend" and "to my imaginary friend, and every child in the universe who's ever met him, or ever will". Nerds and English teachers have occasionally debated what, if anything, she meant by all this, and now Clara thinks she knows, but she can never say....
And then there are the nights that the Doctor wakes up crying out for "Amy!" and then refuses to talk about it when Clara asks, refuses to acknowledge ever even knowing an Amy, "well everyone shouts random things when they're asleep, it doesn't mean anything" and "I don't remember." if pressed for details about his dreaming. And later he might go off somewhere and cry quietly, reading a book he never lets Clara see.
And then he regenerates, and calls out for "Amelia!", "the first face this face saw."
There's newborn twelve, with his Scottish accent, letting her name slip. It's the first - and only - time he's spoken of her while awake and not actively dying. And Clara is too busy with the immediate threat to their lives to think about it in the moment, but at this point she at the very least has a hunch about the connection between him and the Scottish-American author with the rather opaque background --- that as far as anyone can trace it (although to be fair, no one really cares enough to try very hard) she and her husband just kind of appeared out of nowhere in pre-WWII New York. It seems kind of obvious, now, that the doctor would have had a hand in that.
And now with all the books everywhere, the library gradually migrating into the console room, what else is obvious is that he owns every single one of her books. multiple copies, first editions, last editions, signed copies, mass paperbacks, everything. There's a TARDIS key hidden in a well-worn, well-loved, tear streaked copy of The Cuckoo And The Doll's House, which Clara finds when she's cataloging all the locations of TARDIS keys, just in case she should ever need that information one day.
This all is enough for Clara to know. There doesn't really need to be any more proof, but there is. What totally and fully clinches it are the pictures. Tucked in the pages of another tearstained book (The Beast Below this time), are photographs of Amelia, looking just as she does in her black and white author photos, but younger, and in 21st century clothes. Elsewhere, later, she finds photo booth polaroids of a still younger Amelia, goofing off and smiling. Some of them feature another young man Clara doesn't recognize, and some of them feature the Doctor. He's wearing a tweed jacket instead of his purple wool, and no vest, but otherwise he is exactly the same as the Doctor she first met. The three of them hang off each other like old friends, like family.
idk how to end this.
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onyourhyuck · 10 months
Midnight Rain. | H.RJ
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— Prologue: You were the embodiment of a sunshine and he was the Midnight Rain. You wanted a comfortable life with a husband, but he wanted the pain chasing his name in the fame. “Y/n I was wrong, I want you.” Renjun breath quickens watching you in front of him. .
— Summary: Wherein two exes reconcile after four years at the reunion party in the bar.
— Genre: One night stand exes trope. Based on Taylor Swift song Midnight Rain. Renjun musician trope. Miscommunication trope. Angst. Smut. Dry humping. Unprotected sex ( no mention of pregnancy and please use protection.) heavy makeouts. Biting (only lips) hair pulling (light and mild) consensual. FRUSTRATED ‘I MISS YOU’ SEX trope. Very angsty. Heated Arguments. Non-Commitment Renjun trope.
The town you grew up in was a ghost town. Wasteland, filled with only people who tell you to dream less and become realistic with a nine to five job every weekend until you’re in the care home.
Renjun always dreamt of a bigger picture, he always knew deep down in his bones that he was made for greater things. That he was destined for greatness. You knew it all to well too. Back then when you were with him you saw the potential before anyone else did. You were his number one believer.
You. It was all you who stood by his side. The only girl who believed in him when no one else did.
But you wanted something else from him too. You wanted something fulfilling to fill that loneliness in your heart when you saw your boyfriend rising up and up on that ladder slowly, leaving you behind, as if he didn’t bother to take a look back behind his shoulders to glance at you.
By the time you knew it. You were only holding him back and your paths no longer connected.
So you disappeared out of his image, but the next four years you’re there again in front of him and now he was looking back at you.
With an expression that you couldn’t read. Mixture between shock and curiosity along those four years. Beating hearts or perhaps was it your stomachs dropping?
“Y/n hey,,”
The first time in forever something triggered your brain. Not aware that you nearly single handedly forgot how his voice sounded like.
It took you by surprise, was it deeper? More nasal?
“Hey Renjun,,”
The night carries on with you surrounded by familiar faces that you weren’t sure you’d ever meet again. Classmates all the way from high school came by to create this meet up. You weren’t expecting to see Renjun. You nearly forgot that you used to have the same mutuals back in the day. But you would be lying if you said that your eyes struggled to keep sight away from him.
Mindless chatter and gossip to catch up, many of your mutual friends from high schools never kept in touch.
“Y/n so what are you doing nowadays?” Asking the guy on the right you turn to look at them, you were pretty absent minded.
You thinly slice your voice across. “Oh. Photography. I do photography.”
The others make a common crowd chatter after hearing you say your current career choice and not many were surprised. Renjun certainly wasn’t surprised; he knew that you took photography as a side subject back in school.
Their curiosity rose when Renjun’s eyes caught you staring and you quickly looked away. Then another question broke out.
“And Renjun what are you doing? I keep seeing your face on the billboards in the city.” Laughing as the man spoke.
Seeing his expression falter he gave a small smile that appears to be polite way of expressing that he was uncomfortable bragging forward the information. Renjun feels quite weird seeing all these old friends of his. Especially when they are all living differently. Their lives are all so different.
“Music. I have a tour coming soon.” He states not looking to the guy as his eyes couldn’t leave you.
Ouch. You hate thinking about the past when he mentioned his career as a musician, a very successful one.
You never once doubted his ability to make fame out of his name, but did he have to prove himself while leaving you in the dust? The conversation sparks some tension when you raise your eyes at Renjun. You can’t help but feel frustrated.
Perhaps was it old wounds opening up and making it bleed again?
“Are you done showing off on us normal workers?” Your classmates pause giving you a glance between your visible angry glare and Renjun’s blank emotionless expression.
The silence grew, Renjun soon broke it in half. “I wasn’t bragging.” He slants on the chair. The bar was filled with only few customers and a table full of ten people together which was your group.
You grumble. “Sure you weren’t. Now that you’re so high up in the industry I bet you’re looking down on us.”
He didn’t quite understand what made him angrier. You speaking badly his success or you making a comment about judging you and the others.
“Whoa Y/n where are you going?” One guy calls out when the sudden chair slams backwards and you turn your back on the table walking out of the bar. You couldn’t believe you exploded like that.
You didn’t even mean it. But you felt like you needed to get that off your chest.
The old feelings of being used and thrown out as if you were a piece of garbage made you remember the pain you felt during the breakup.
Coming outside for the fresh air you’re standing with your pair of black ripped jeans and a stylish graphic shirt over a flannel. Your outfit was casual something you wear everyday. Since you prefer being comfortable above flashiness.
You never understand why you bring these situations on yourself. You should’ve stayed quiet, you thought.
What was your motive behind your words? Jealousy? Pettiness? Revenge for him treating you like a second option when it comes to his career? You don’t even know yourself. It might be all the above.
Lingering outside soon your ears turn around towards the sudden voice, the coldness of the air breaks out, like a blizzard.
You were the embodiment of a sunshine and he was the Midnight Rain. You wanted a comfortable life with a husband, but he wanted the pain chasing his name in the fame. “Y/n I was wrong, I want you.” Renjun breath quickens watching you in front of him.
You’re not sure what he meant, but the look in his eyes was all beyond regret and frustration too.
“It’s too late.” He heard you say. You’re not even looking at him anymore as you tuck your hands in front pockets of your flannel as your soft low ponytail hangs low, against the latching breeze so cold it sends shivers down your spine covered by your clothing. Coldness touching his face but all he could feel was the sounds of his heart breaking.
Like glass shreds. Falling off the moulding of his heart.
He felt like a fool for not realising it sooner and for not reaching out earlier than until now. The circumstances of your meeting wasn’t something Renjun wanted to meet you at. He can understand if you hate him, if you don’t want to see him again. But he doesn’t want you to forget him, and he doesn’t want to waste your connection what you guys have. Back then he knew nothing of love. The commitment issues got the better of him. Renjun didn’t know how to balance his musician alter ego and the normal person he once was, when he was with you. It was all about work for him in the past.
You wanted a family. You wanted to be loved and to wake up seeing your favourite person.
Renjun took that dream away from you, broke it down and left you. Discarded everything. All for music.
He figures you must be pretty damaged on the inside, pretty angry at him, frustrated. Maybe you even want to erase him for good.
Coming forward very slowly he held your hand but the minute he did you snatched it away and backed up against the wall as Renjun came forward not wanting to pull away from you. He wanted to talk, he wanted to feel your touch again. It’s been far too long without you and it feels almost like — a mantra in his head telling him to keep going to you. Like you were the gravity levitating the muscles in his feet to thread towards you.
“Y/n please let’s talk.” He desperately whispers while keeping his hands around the wall as you’re pressed up against it.
Renjun gazing down at your face from an above ninty degree angle where your forehead is fitting right around his lips nearly.
The breaths quicken, your heartbeat is racing and the unfamiliar feelings of your frustration grows. He wants to talk, which conflicts you.
You hate that you care about him even now, even till now you’re here thinking if he deserves your kindness.
He saw your gaze that said you’re not interested, until he leans closer whispering in the most sincere breaths of anguish. The downcast silence of his voice was heartbreaking. “Please…?”
You don’t bother looking up at him. “Okay…”
“I am sorry for what happened between us.”
Three simple words you grieved to hear all these four years of missing him. You stayed the same but Renjun changed like Midnight Rain.
You’re unable to read between the hidden lines your connection has. It looks like a giant wasteland with fences, just like your town. With pouring rain his words came crashing down like a matter from space.
“You’re sorry for what?”
He flinches at the sound of your striking blunt voice, you’re holding back from biting at each corner of your inner cheeks in feud.
Trailing when you are staring him down. “For leaving you.”
“You didn’t leave me.” You spat. “You thrown me out.”
“I tried supporting you. I tried my everything for you. I wanted my dream so badly with you, I thought you wanted it too.” Your eyes quiver watching Renjun’s shining eyes as he was staring at you with sadness written on the expression.
A hint of regret washing the canvas behind those pearls he stares at you with.
As if a portal was deeply embedded in front of you making you both time travel back, unravelling your love like it was back then. Worry-free. Stress free. Where life was truly good.
And all the life he gave away.
Because you were so kind he broke your heart. You were the sunshine and he was the Midnight rain, who knew nothing about love but to destroy everything he touches.
“Y-You’re right. I thrown you out without a second thought but I regret it. I lived with the regret all this time and now that I see you I can’t live with it.” He whispers back with stutters. It feels like he was in a cage trying to escape. Escape his own guilt. “But God Y/n don’t push me away when I’m trying to make things right here.”
He hissed towards you while holding your wrists as he was looking down at you with eyes that fuel his frustrations equally to your anger.
“Why are you trying to fix us now? You already destroyed us.”
You’re glaring at him trying to figure out if, if this was real or was it all a sick joke to him?
“Because I’m trying to make things right between us!”
“I hate you,” you slant against the wall and he feels you try tugging off. “I don’t want anything to do with you, Renjun.”
“Liar.” He grumbles not pulling away from you as if all his remaining life depends on you staying there. Renjun saw the look in your eyes that said something completely different.
It didn’t tell him hate, it told him a sad I love you.
For you life was bleak and boring. But for him life was everyday full of empty sadness.
All of you stayed the same but all of him changed. He wants to go back to you. He leans down crashing a heavy kiss on your mouth when your eyes widen crashing back down with your brain shutting off, intimidating sensations running to your veins. The emotions all rush to your head when the moment comes to you, realising you’re kissing your ex back with the equal frustration and feud he was showing in the heavy makeout. Your tongues brush in without a single stopping pause. He held your face with his hands so tight the eyelids clench tight while his breath was caught in the back of his throat.
Teeth graze over your bottom lips, he bit down pulling at it enough to create goosebumps to run over your body pressed up on the brick wall behind the bar, tilting your head slightly your eyes shutting right. Your hand moved to his small back behind tugging down on the fabric, neediness rushing to your face as much as the redness was growing. Nothing could stop the man kissing you so deeply like he was repeating this moment lost in it.
Looking even better when it wasn’t his imagination. Renjun never knew how much he missed you until he had lost you and now obtained you back nearly. Hands swiftly brush on your hips rubbing them in circular motions while your mouths pull apart from the heavy shared kiss, the weight of the frustration became less and less weighing but the remaining stayed.
Your hands didn’t hide their eagerness from him. Neither did your round circling eyes watching every move. Pulling a little at your hair Renjun brought you into another steamy kiss, this time he felt you sucking on his bottom lip.
Without a shame, he slips out a sigh. “Fuck Y/n…”
Neither of you seem to care, about anything else but each other. For you it feels like paradise. You were like a montage that he missed so badly, and he managed to mend a bit of your broken heart. Clothes fell down when the other found the nearest dark area full of rural hidden away from other eyes. Your voice was hushed with growing tenor strength as your moans grow more and more, Renjun runs the hands down your stomach caressing it while his mouth fell on the side of your neck.
Impatience chides in you as your hips rock forwards out to dryly hump on the over lining silhouette causing Renjun to hurriedly hold up waist with his arms looking down at your expression, you’re looking at him with need. The need he left you in for so long for every midnight you lived.
The look on your face was enough for him to get to it. Holding up your hips with your legs gently moved apart only a little, Renjun slips himself in feeling every inch of the length going in. Gnawing at your red tongue you close your eyes as you’re muting your own voice from letting out a louder sigh than you can.
“I missed you so badly,” he croaks when the warmth starts getting him all riled up. He missed your body. He missed your presence, and he missed your scent that haunts Renjun to this day.
The inflation of his growing love for you was overflowing by each incoming thrust when your bodies brush up against each other. The sight of your breasts pressing up against his chest makes him perpetual and weak.
You make him so much more nimble. Each thrusts was welcomed by a goodness clenching wall squeezing Renjun through the agile arms around your body holding you with support.
Controlling your moans, it soon became apparent that you couldn’t keep much any longer. You’re whispering your own seething voice to his ears. “Did you really miss me?”
Renjun shivers as your hot breath drifts in his ears as you spoke. “So much. You have no idea.”
It sounded broken and desperate. Each time his length covers all your inside the head of his tip was coming forward to your growing abdomen, where a warm singular knot building up and up.
Somehow your thoughts grow more intense than ever hearing that he missed you all along and you feel nearly smug and proud.
You wanted him to miss you. You wondered for so long whenever you see Renjun on television performing if he missed you.
And now you know the forever answer you were searching for to be true.
Renjun was grieving his own pain, while he changed into a person he didn’t want to be. The only way to get himself back was to found you. To be honest with you. And no longer become so obsessed with the chasing dream of fame.
You are picture perfect when Renjun took an adoring glance at your face with your increasing lewd groans he leaned down capturing a soft kiss, while the remaining thrusts doing two stutters with the waist going up.
The release of him coming out leaking out between your thighs when he was done, the kiss was confirmed between you both as you’re leaning into the sudden softness.
Rakishly he slips out of the kiss, string of saliva connecting you and him. The fluids drip down on the wet ground as the outside starts to pouring down tiny wet drops of rain, and for once you’re not gloomy on a rainy midnight day.
“Y/n…” Renjun quietly whispers while pulling up the trousers while he saw you pulling back your jeans pressing the button over. “can we restart?” He asks you with quiet dismay as his eyes were looking at you with despair. He was praying.
You watch him with a quiet expression and your heart going to a steady state.
“I don’t know.” A part of you still was wondering if you are going to get hurt again, but a part of you wants to believe he was going to try this time.
“Will you leave me again?” You ask out quietly under your breath.
“No. Never again.” He quickly digs in approaching forward as he held your hand in his hand. “I want you more than ever now.”
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank you! Reblog this fic and follow me for more updates it helps a girl out.
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seneon · 2 months
all mine ──── reo mikage x gn! reader.
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about. two souls who are oblivious to each other's feelings. | ib all mine, plaza. fluffy but not rly fluff..? wc of 690+
notes. whenever i listen to that song, it reminds me of reo idk why. AND Y'ALL THOUGHT I FORGOT ABOUT BLUE LOCK HUH SHAME ON U
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popular mikage reo is loved amongst students, perhaps even hated. who knows. but there were only two sides, love and hate. all the girls in school wanted mikage reo and all the boys wanted to be like mikage reo. to put simply, he is the dream of everyone.
he gets everything he wants. money, success, fame, women, nagi seishirou. whatever that he desires, he gets.
so what happens when he doesn't get what he wants?
more like, what would happen if a student that wants him, ends up not wanting him anymore…?
reo mikage is oblivious to the times where you tried so hard to talk to him or be in his presence. to even get his attention through a crowd of dedicated fangirls and haterboys is just so hard. so not even one week of attempting to express your feelings, you have completely cut them off like cutting a mere thread.
sometime after you left, reo mikage started to notice you. how ironic is that? the popular mikage reo finally notices you, quite a popular student too. you were popular for your performing arts talent, often seen performing for school events or even outside of school.
the mikage attempted a chase and attract challenge for quite some time. but there was not even once where you would look his way and smile or blush or anything. now he felt like his desires weren't going to be fulfilled. he should've paid you more mind when you used to like him.
“yo mikage! you ever get the news on why l/n doesn't fawn over you like everyone else?”
he does. in fact, he wonders about it all the damn time. it was shocking that there are actually people who don't pay any mind to the mikage.
“they said l/n used to like you but gave up because you're wayyy too popular, man. they don't want you anymore.”
oh. talented y/n used to like reo mikage. that's a little disappointing. maybe a bit more disappointing. okay reo is lying to himself. he is extremely disappointed. he is disappointed at himself for how he never paid you any attention when you used to like him. if only he wasn't so oblivious then only would he make things work.
he could have you all for himself this entire time. he could have told people that talented y/n is all his. he would say “y/n is all mine” proudly.
is there a second chance for him in your heart? he is eager to know. so reo mikage is going to try to get your attention now. will he succeed or not? oh reo mikage prays. if not, he will do even the most ridiculous of stunts to get you to look at him just once. at least once.
truth is, he didn't even have to try. he was always in your heart. you'll only look his way whenever he isn't looking so you'd admire him from afar. how pathetic talented y/n is, to think that you have no chance with ace student reo mikage.
will this complex love story ever be solved?
“will you ever look my way, y/n?! i've been trying so hard to talk to you. why won't you notice my feelings for you?!” reo mikage loses his patience and snaps at you.
in class, right where you sat completing your music sheet. and the mikage who snapped all of a sudden in the middle of a free period where the entire class paused at the outburst.
“i like you y/n, please just acknowledge my existence!”
oh dear. someone's angry.
“not like i don't acknowledge your existence. you're very much known to me. but the feelings part is not what i expected,” you said, looking at your music sheet and at reo. “i like you too.”
and that was all it took for two oblivious souls to acknowledge their feelings for each other. it isn't that hard to just... go up and talk. another day, and reo mikage gets to finally call the school's most talented performer “all mine.”
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© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
Prompt 'You're mine' whit aemond? pls sister×aemond
How it is.
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Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!Fem!Reader
Plot: Your eighteenth name day was a beautiful day, but a few hours in it didn’t fulfill your dreams. 
Words: 1087
Taglist: @dangerousbluebirdpoetry @second-try-stevie @a-dorkier-book-keeper
Warnings: Targ!cest, jealously, possessiveness, sexual themes.
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Ever since you were younger you remember your older brother being your best friend. He was nice and kind to you but also very smart, the two of you would sneak off and read together at any point in the day. He would hold your hand and make sure to keep you safe, he may have been one to get picked on but he wouldn’t let it happen to you.
But you always stuck up for him, he even recalls a time you kicked your other brother and nephews for making fun of him. He didn’t have a dragon but you did and even that you shared, you always told him that one day when you get older he could ride.  Suvy is what you named her, and she was very gentle then all the other dragons but she didn’t like to listen. Much like you, you were the sweetest thing but if anyone upset you then you turned into a true Targaryen.
But those years were gone and your brother changed drastically after he had lost a eye and gained a dragon all in one night. The boy you remembered wasn’t there anymore but you still loved him deeply. Aemond treated you the same as he aways had, kind and sweet but only in the shadows. But everyone knew never to mess with you unless they wanted the wrath of the one-eyed prince.
But today was unlike any other- Today was your eighteenth name day and a feast was thrown. Your mother worked very hard to give you the most beautiful day, flowers all around the castle, dresses and jewelry thrown all around your room when you awaken. You knew suitors from all over were coming to try and win your hand and it was exciting but at the same time you didn’t want to marry a man you just met. But rather someone else…
At the feast it was amazing: your favorite foods were served, the music was lovely and the people seemed to be having fun. But after a few hours you grew bored and drained from the conversation of men. They all treated you like a price and not a person, just about having children and their titles. So you snuck out when everyone was dancing and not focused on you for some air.
You walked through the halls and could still hear the voices from everyone in kingsland but it did quieter when you walked near the gardens. You missed having time alone or the time you spend here in your youth. After time went on you realized your feelings for aemond grew, the love you felt for him change. Sometime you wished it was him you’d marry so you can stay by his side and in the castle. You loved him and knew he would treat you well but it wasn’t up to you. You’re job as a woman was to be sold for your hand for titles and heirs.
You looked out to the gardens from the window, “Not enjoying yourself, princess.” The voice made you jump in surprise and you turned to see who said it. It was Aemond, looking at you with a small smirk on his lips. “I just needed some air brother. No need to worry.” You gave him a kind smile to show that you were okay but he stepped closer.
“Is the fight for you hand not what you thought?” He joked but you didn’t really find it funny. “You know if you come to make fun of me- On my birthday- that’s rather cruel.” Crossing your arms and a small pout on your lips made him prideful. “Oh? And what ever will you do?” He closes to gap between you.
You stared up at his mischievous eyes and smirk, he was much taller then you and his body was more muscular. He made you feel weak when he was so close and for some reason it excited you to no end. Most nights you thought of what would happen if he wanted you the same why you wanted him..
“And what about you brother? Does the thought of me leaving not hurt you in some way?” Looking back at him with a taunting look. “I might be married in less then a year to a lord who is here right now. In fact you reminded me of just how much I should go back, I need to find someone to give me heirs.” His face held a sour expression and his eyes narrowed, he was jealous.
You smirked and went to walk away but his grip on your arm caught you and spun you around, he place a hand on the wall and pushed you forward. He now has you pinned against his chest and looked into your eyes as they twitched just like his tightened jaw. One hand now over you and the other squeezing your hips to keep you in place.
“I dare you to say that again. I have been patient these last few years, eagerly awaiting your feelings to reciprocate. But you have overflowed that cup and now I must tell you exactly how it is.” His voice was tight and it matched his feelings of being annoyed.
You felt your cheeks burn and you for sure knew they were red. “I have been aching for you every night and day, and knowing you belong to me but having to hold myself back was more painful then I can say. Those men having their hands all over you tonight made my blood boil and mother had to stop me from placing their heads on a spike.” He spoke the truth and you watched his anger spike.
His eyes never leaving yours and you found his jealousy and anger attractive, here he was now confessing his feelings for you.
“You’re mine.” His hand came off the wall and gripped your chin, “If you want heirs then you’ll get them, anyone who dares think other wise will be killed. You’re my betrothed and you better start acting like it.” His lips crashed onto yours in heat and passion. All those years of pinning and wanting finally coming to a end.
His lips worked with yours as the both of you huffed, his arms now going around you and holding you close and tight. He was a feral dog in truth and now you had let the beast out.
You had always belonged to him.
You’re his and he is yours.
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
What I was promised
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Pairing: Soldier boy x Sup!Fem!Reader
Summary: The deal was simple, he kills Homelander, and Butcher gives him greenlight to fulfill his dream of having a family, you were just… collateral damage, another sup taken care off if you ask Butcher.
Cursing, Dub-con, involuntary imprisonment, unprotected sex (do I have to remind you to not have a party without a party hat?), breeding kink, housewife kink, cursing, dirty talking, the works and everything fun related to this guy 
Wordcount: 3.7k
Notes: Oh I really wanted to write about this hot sup and honestly? his talk about wanting kids just triggered me 
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This is it, the final fight. Butcher and Soldier Boy were getting ready to storm the tower, the final battle against Homelander where they knew they were going to win. Sharing stories about their childhoods and their crappy dads.
“I always wanted them, kids I mean, I've always thought I could do a better job than my father ever did” Butcher saw the plan he carefully and dangerously crafted crumble into pieces in front of his eyes
“Homelander is not your son” he said carefully
“He is the only thing I have”
“You can have more kids” he said then, “I know you like old bags, but you can still choose a young one, I don’t care, but he… has to go” Ben looked at him with with furrowed brow
“The young girls these days don’t want to form families, that’s what that cum-eating little shit told me”
“Well, yeah but you are a handsome devil, I know you can figure it out” he uttered hopefully
“Well, yeah, homelander is a piece of shit anyways, so fuck him” Butcher signed relieved
“That my boy”
“I could convince that girl to give me a couple of babies, I mean, she is sweet like that”
“The sweet one… the one on your team, the one with the telekinesis thing”
“(Y/N)?” he asked, it was Butcher´s turn to frown, “I don’t think she is your speed”
“I’ll make her my speed” he said firmly, and that’s when they both look at eachother, definitely
“That’s not how we do things with the ladies” he said carefully, “We ain’t in the 40’s no more” he growled. Ben only smirked
“So now you are telling me I can’t have her either?” 
“Only if she wants to” he reminded him 
“Turn a blind eye, convince everyone we are dead, and I'll waste my own son for you” 
“They are going to hate me if they found out I gave her to you like some sort of stuffed animal in a carnival”
“That’s the part where you convince them we are dead” he said simply, “You want me to fry Homelander? My own son? You’ll let me take her” Butcher looked at him
“But she can never tell anyone what happened” he warned 
“I’ll take care of that” he said simply, “You just think there is going to be one less Sup you need to worry about” 
“Good riddance then”
“You two are sick” Maeve muttered, and they both froze when they saw the redhead standing in the doorway of the room
“Oh, we getting sentimental love?” mocked Butcher, “She is just going to be collateral damage, we kill the bastard, whatever it takes” 
“And what are you going to do to her you sick fuck?” she asked then 
“You don’t worry your little head about that” muttered Butcher
“She doesn’t deserve this, she is actually a decent person”
“You heard the man, he won’t waste Homelander if we don’t let him take her, so that’s it” Maeve went quiet, sharing dirty looks with Soldier Boy, the man just smiled
“I’m not gonna hurt her” he said simply, “I’m just gonna turn her into what any decent girl should be, make an honest woman out of her” 
“This is so wrong” she whispered, but said nothing more as the three prepared to storm the tower
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“They already have a huge startpoint” muttered Hughie
“We still have to try”, said Annie decisively 
“Agree” you muttered, looking up at Frenchie, Kimiko and MM, “we all know what we are up against, right?”
“Soldier Boy and Homelander won’t walk out of that tower” muttered MM, “whatever it takes”
“Whatever it takes” you all agreed
The plan was simple, Frenchie and Kimiko would go for the nerve gas to stop Soldier Boy while you all gained time and try to stop them. Hughie was to the control room to warn everyone as you and Annie ran in front of MM to protect him of whatever lies in front of you through the halls of Vought tower 
But when you got to them… it was already late. You couldn’t even walk through the doors of the news study when a huge blast threw you backwards. You flew through the air feeling as the air was punched out of your lungs and you collapse against a marble pillar, losing all consciousness 
. . .
When you came to your senses again, your head weighed a ton, and you had to make a huge effort to open your eyes. You took in the room, you were laid on a King size bed, and the room looked cozy, with a fireplace and all, a little outdated, like from the 80’s, but it was a very comfortable looking room. You took your hands towards your face and they both looked fine, you drew out your push wave and it still worked, your powers were ok, not fried out
“Oh good, I was scared I fried your powers” you grunted a little more when you recognized the men behind the words, “I wouldn't want you to lose them”
“Ben?” you called, finding him entering the room you were in, he smiled when he heard you calling him that, this is exactly what he wanted from you, his real name being moaned from those lips he liked so much, “What happened?” you murmured, “You used the radiation against us?” you seemed hurt, you sounded scared, and he didn't like that
“You tried to stop us from smoking Homelander” he explained simply, not denying it 
“Is everyone else ok?” you asked, “Annie and MM? Frenchie and Kimiko?” he sigh loudly, impatient, not wanting to have to explain to you, he didn’t care about them, he cared about you
“I don’t know, they were breathing when I left”
“You fried us up” you frowned your pretty little face and he didn’t understand why this was so hard for you to understand. Your eyes stopped at the TV, which was broadcasting the lastest news… Homelander was DEAD
“WHAT?” you said urgently, seeing the entire Vought tower completely destroyed, “What the fuck hapened?”
“Sweet things like you don’t talk like that” he whispered with that husky voice of his
“Ben… what happened?” you asked, softly, to appease him
“I complied with my part of the deal, I wasted Homelander” even if he clearly won, he looked defeated, “Homelander, what kind of shitty name that is anyways?” Even though this is what you all wanted, it felt wrong to celebrate the death of a human being, even though it was a Supe-supremacist psychotic piece of shit like him, still… celebrating a man’s death wasn’t right
“Is everyone ok?”
“I think so, I really didn’t care, I only cared about you” you felt your cheeks flush at his words and then he flashed you a poster boy smile. To distract yourself, you looked around. If the outside was any indication, you seemed to be in some sort of cabin
“Ben?” you asked, suddenly scared, your super hearing wouldn’t let you hear anything else but his breathing and the birds outside chirping, no cars, no other people, nothing. He raised from his seat on a small sofa and sat right next to you on the bed. His closeness made you uncomfortable
“Yes, sweet thing?” he purred, and you understand why he got laid everywhere he went, he had to only speak with that thick voice and all the panties in the room would drop
“Where are we?” Softly and gently was the way to go with him, you looked into his beautiful green eyes looking for the truth and the truth only, he smiled softly and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ea, the contact of his gloved hands made you trembled in your spot
“We are in a cabin Legend gifted me after our first gig together, the old thing is still standing” 
“But why? Where are the others?”
“Around, why do you care so much?” he asked, annoyed, “I’m here” 
“But you had a huge fight, and Homelander is finally dead, and I… he was the most powerful man alive, I mean, I just want to know…”
“Everyone is ok” he said with a sigh, probably the others were covering your tracks, I mean, you just wasted Homelander and Vought probably had tapes about all of you doing so… so now you were fugitives again, and you had to lay low, if the other were ok it was all going to be fine. 
“Except for Noir, Homelander got to him before I could”
“Noir is also dead?” you asked, feeling bad for the ninja, you actually like him and your time in the tower and the times you spent with him had been very pleasant. But to Soldier Boy not too much since he was your worry his face turned in anger
“He was a traitor who gave me away to the Russians” he growled, “He is lucky Homelander got to him and not me”
“I’m sorry for what he did to you, but to me he was always… polite” you whispered 
“Let’s just not talk about that traitor fucker, a walking tumor” his tone made you frightful, so you just looked down scaping his gaze
“I’m sorry you had to be the one to kill Homelander” you muttered, “Hughie told us, that he was…”
“My own son” you looked back at him and it scared you he didn’t seem remorseful, or that he didn't show any emotion at all, “I didn’t get to raise him, he was a weak little pussy”
“I'm sorry about that” you whispered, “He wasn’t a good person”
“It doesn’t matter, I have a second chance” he muttered, he leaned in and before you could stop him he trapped your lips with his. He kisses you slowly. At first you are so impressed you couldn’t react until he tried to pry your lips open with his tongue. You pushed him but accidentally used your powers. Even when it barely move him, not being able to throw him off the bed 
“You are a little firecracker, did you know that?” he asked, amused by your outburst
“No” you whispered, he leaned in again to kiss you roughly, and you felt limb against his arms and chest as you return the kiss
He might be traumatized, he might have been an asshole, but he was hot as hell. He was one of the most handsome guy you had ever met and in a fraction of a second you thought about even if you fuck him, it wouldn’t mean anything but a good time, he was going to pretend nothing happened by tomorrow, so what’s the harm?
His hand went to encase your face against him, and you in turn grabbed his chestnut hair, playing with it with your fingers. His hands soon left your face to go down your neck to squeeze your breasts, as he groaned, pleased against your mouth
“Fuck” he whispered when he left your mouth to drop open mouth kissed down your chin and then devouring your neck, “You are a little slut, aren’t you?”
“No” you whispered, “I just want to fuck you” you said simply, your hands travelling down his body and then up against agains’t his skin until you reached his chest. He chuckled, his husky voice made your panties more wet if that was even possible. He slowly eased you down against the mattress, while he got rid of the blankets that were still covering you, so he could lay next to you. He was wearing some cotton pants and a simple shirt, and even though it would be to even hotter to fuck him while he was wearing his suit, this worked just fine. 
You moaned, losing all shame when he sucked on a special spot in your neck, and you spread your legs instinctively. You barely realized you weren’t wearing your super suit, you were wearing a plain t-shirt and cotton leggings just like him, which he ripped from your quivering body when he realized you had spread your legs for him 
He wastes no time in trapping you under him once he gets rid of your underwear. He opened up your thighs, your sex exposed to him, admiring your wet pussy. You wanted to be even so you, in turn, ripped to shreds his clothes as well, and to your surprise, his ock jumped free, missing the underwear
“God I love the new age” he purred, you squeezed his thick cock, moaning when you couldn’t completely wrap your hand around his thick range, he was going to rip you apart if he wasn’t careful, which you were sure he wasn’t going to be. His thick finger danced teasingly trough your folds, testing you, tasting how wet you were, because you were dripping for him
“I’ve never been the one much for foreplay” he murmured, you just nodded, wanting him inside you, “Hell, we have time later for some pussy tasting” the tip of his cock replaced his fingers, and you opened more your legs for him to be able to place himself comfortably between your legs, as he started to open you up with his thick cock. 
“Oh shit” you cursed, closing your eyes, your hands laced under your knee to keep your legs open for him. The stretch burned, but if felt so good you could kill him if he ever stopped. 
In a rough push he was completely seated inside of you, making you groan, uncomfortable because of his huge size, needing time to get accustomed to him, but fuck, you had never felt so full, and he touched all the right places inside of you, places you didn’t thik even existed
“Fuck you are tight” he cursed under his breath
“You are too big” you complained, but he only smiled, retrieving himself and then pushing into you roughly, the tip of his cock touching your cervix, making you scream in surprise
“Are you ok?” he smirked, and you just nodded, playfully grabbing his ass, encouraging to start thrusting into you, which he did. Soon he started at a rough pace, the mattress making you bounce off the force. 
You grabbed him by the back of his neck and drew him towards you to kiss him deeply. He chuckled darkly against your mouth when he read your intentions
“You are a sweet girl who likes to make sweet lovin’ aren’t you?” you nodded shamefully, like it was a bad thing, but he looked down at you with a glimmer in his eyes that made you rethink everything you knew about him. 
His thrusts where deep and calculating, almost methodical as he kept pounding into you, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix every time
“Shit!” you cursed as your eyes turned to the back of your head from the pleasure, the knot in your belly kept getting tighter and tighter 
“Fuck I feel your little pussy fisting my cock” he purred against you temple. With a wide smile, and using all the force you had, you managed to switch positions, getting him under you, much to his surprised when you placed your hands in his chest and started moving your hips teasingly, finding the perfect angle his cock would touch that sweet spot inside of you, oh and when you did, plus him grabbing your tits and squeezing them, made you cum so hard your thighs trembled at his sides. He grabbed your hips, taking control again and he started moving you roughly on top of him. You navigated your orgasm that lasted longer that you could handle, making you wanted to faint on top of the superhero
“Did you make yourself cum on my fat cock?” he mocked thrusting his hips up to meet you, making such a sloppy sound it was straight up filthy. “Answer me” he demanded, spanking your ass
“Yes I made myself cum on your cock” you confessed full of shame. Oh and you prayed the others weren’t at earshot, this was going to be very hard to explain
“Fuck, you are so tight you are going to make me cum” he admitted, fucking you even roughly, grabbing the globes of your ass, making you bounce up and down his cock for his pelasure, chasing his clímax 
What he didn’t expect was to draw another orgasm from you while he pumped you full of his come. Secretly, he hopes it sticks the very first time, as he made sure to press you against him for his cum to reach your womb if it had to 
He cum inside you, you felt it deep in your womb and you whined, feeling so good and warm. You weren’t on any birth control, but you guessed you could buy some plan b tomorrow, and slapped yourself mentally for being so careless
“That was one of the bst fucks of my life” you looked at him like he had three heads at his admission.
“Good to know, I thought you were some sort of manwhore” you giggled, and he laughed heartily 
“I am” he admitted, caressing your hips, while you were still on top of him
“It’s ok if I cuddle?” you asked dumbly, you liked to cuddle but you weren’t sure he wanted that, and if the others were going to come back soon 
“Of course sweetheart” he said with a chuckle, as he trapped you down his arm and against his chest sliding his softening cock off of you, making you whimper in the process. 
You relaxed cuddling into him, you laid against Ben’s chest, caressing his soft skin. He chuckled when he heard you purr, content against him.
“Aren’t you a sweet one?” he chuckled, caressing your naked shoulder and down your back, “you are a powerful superhero, and a mynx in the sack” he laughed, and you giggled against his skin, “Fuck I like those powers of yours too, I really hope our kids will inherit them”
“Our kids?” you asked, curious, raising your head to look at him, “what do you mean?” If he was him flirting he sucked at it
“The kids we are going to have together silly girl” you would have laughed at his poor attempt at flirting if you didn’t believe it was real. You wanted to cry
“Ben… where are we?” you asked again, a single tear falling down your eye
“I told you, my cabin”
“The others are not around, are they?” you wanted to climb out of bed, but he grabbed you and made you stick to him with a grunt
“We were having such a good time sweetheart, don’t ruin it” his voice was calm but he hid a threat in them, so you stood still against him again. “In exchange of me killing my own son, Butcher promised me he wasn’t going to get in the way of me taking you for myself”
“No” you cried, “He is an asshole of massive proportions but he wouldn’t do that” you muttered, “Besides the rest of them, the boys wouldn't…”
“They think we are dead” he said simply, “I had to destroy the entire tower to make sure our story sticked” you whimpered in fear, knowing perfectly well you would never be able to fight him off
“Why me?” you asked then 
“Who better than you to give the kids I always wanted?” he asked in return, and you whimpered some more as bitter tear ran down your cheeks and to his chest 
“We’d be terrible parents” you cried
“That’s not true” he said, angry, “You are sweet, and good and hot as hell, I mean, look at that ass” you whimpered some more, maybe referring to him.
“I will raise them right, like strong men',' and with his iron grip around you you just managed to curl more into yourself. 
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2 years later…
Your husband, Ben, sat at the head of the table with your one year old bouncing on his leg. The baby, your son, giggled and showed him his one tooth he had to his father proudly as he smiled. That made your heart swell. It’s been a rough couple of years and you understood that what lies ahead, meaning the fact of raising your kids with Soldier Boy, was going to be challenging to say the least, but one thing you understood after so many times you tried to call someone or get help, there was no getting rid of him, so you had to stick around, you couldn’t leave your children, specially with HIM
“He is a handsome little devil, isn’t he?” he admired. Your son, Henry, he was big for his age, and chubby, healthy and strong like his father, who looked at you when you put the dinner right in front of him. He smiled at you and placed his hand on your 8 month baby bump. He wasted no time in putting another baby inside of you as soon as you recuperated from having the first one… And he was going to do it again…
“We make cute babies” you offered with a smile
“And strong ones as well” he said proudly, “These little shits are going to rule the world some day” he muttered. He rose his son in his arms and cuddle him against his chest, sometimes you wondered if he was going to be a good role model when he grows, you then look down at your belly, praying that it was a boy as well, you knew how old school he was, but you also thought a girl would melt his cold heart.
Your son hid his chubby face on his father´s neck, and that made you believe everything was going to be fine. 
A small continuation... here
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x0x0josephinex0x0 · 7 months
svt reaction: the one who got away | part 1 hyung line version
this v angsty request is from @f4iryjjosh and IT HURT MY SOUL TO WRITE hahahaha thank you so much for the request angel <3 i hope it fulfills all ur desires! (part 2 coming soon :))
the idea is that SVT breaks up with y/n after meeting someone else and falling for them, and then realizing they made a huge mistake, but you've moved on and there's nothing they can really do about it. it is all angst and pain. there is no relief.
seungcheol. he hated hearing his full name from anyone's lips, and he should've hated it even more coming from the lips that he'd be dreaming about for ages. but for some reason, in your voice, it made him smile. even after all this time.
and that smile, the one where he looked at you with his big shining eyes like you'd saved his life or restored his family honor, was almost enough to make you forget everything that had happened between you.
as it was, you gave him a soft smile back. "hey," you said. "you okay?"
a thousand thoughts pass through his mind at once -- you in his arms, you sighing his name, you breaking down in tears in your best dress in the restaurant where he broke your heart, you you you. god knows all the ways he’s thought about you, in spite of himself, with an alcohol burn to the back of his throat or stone-cold sober. some mistakes stick around, and what he said to you that night is undoubtedly the clingiest one he’s ever made. he knew it then, and he knows it now — seeing your face, however hesitant or worried you might look, is enough for him to know he’s still dead gone over you.
he shakes himself back to reality. "yeah," he says. "i'm okay. you look...great. happy."
"i am," you reply, and he notices, like a knife to his chest, you playing with a glittering ring on your finger, a nervous habit.
"is that --" he says, pointing, "what i think it is?"
you look down at your hand. "oh, yeah!" you exclaim, and despite yourself you smile broadly. "yeah, it is. um, it's pretty new, though. just happened last week."
"does he treat you right?" seungcheol asks, his eyes serious, his tone sharper than he intended. he'll know if you're lying, he always does.
so when you nod, thinking about the man you'll marry, about how he's sweet and gentle and knows how to pull a smile out of you on your very worst days, seungcheol's heart breaks a little more. because he knows it’s true, which means it’s all really over. the fire that kept your relationship with him alive has burned out, and he's the only one with any ashes left to spare.
he musters a smile as well. "good. i'm happy for you. well, it was good seeing you again," he says, turning away. and he curses his eyes for stinging, because he knew if you saw him cry you'd feel guilty, but after everything he put you through, you deserve to just be happy -- happy and nothing else -- for once.
jeonghan it was gradual for him, but it could be traced back to a very specific moment: when he found that letter from you, the one you’d written in class before you’d ever decided to mean anything to each other:
“date me?” it read, with two checkboxes, yes or no. jeonghan remembers how he checked the box labeled “yes” with a crisp black pen to hand back to you, and the look in your eyes when you unfolded it, and the smiles on both of your faces after you’d made out in the boys’ bathroom on the second floor like a couple of love-drunk highschoolers.
that note had heralded feelings jeonghan was desperate to ignore. he had ended it with you. his life was a carefully orchestrated set of advantageous events. he was always the one in control, and he never, ever lost.
so why did he feel like the world’s most pathetic loser whenever he saw that stupid note?
in the end, he’d had to do some serious soul-searching to determine why he even cared so much. he’d been bored, he determined — bored because you were so easy to be around, bored because you never made him feel unsafe or unloved, bored because loving you wasn’t a game he could play to win.
even now, as he stared at the note in his hands, crumpled with the years, jeonghan fought off the urge to call you. he lurked on social media and saw you traveling, eating, living like you’d always wanted to live. just a week prior he’d nearly cried at a picture of you in front of a castle somewhere in Germany, your arms outstretched like you were ready to hug the whole world. it was so you — the castle, the pose, the huge smile in the photo, even the windswept hair. and it hurt so much to see how beautiful you still were.
and a part of him knew that if he called, you would come back for him. because that was who you were.
so he never called, even as he burned with a thousand regrets for all the things he’d done wrong. selfish as he might be, he wasn’t monstrous enough to rob you of a life that was fuller without him in it.
joshua. you really never could be mad at joshua. not even when your relationship was staggering to its painful end, not even when you both knew that it wasn't working, not even when he broke up with you and started dating someone he'd told you not to worry about.
and not now, when you've run into him at a restaurant, right around the two-year mark of the breakup. you weren't in a great place when you'd started dating joshua, and the relationship had brought out the very worst in you, prompting a long period of self-improvement following the breakup.
now, you're in an amazing place, so much so that you're actually happy to see joshua here -- still with the girl he left you for, but looking preoccupied until you called his name and he met your eyes.
his eyes light up. "hi!" he says. "wow, it's you!"
"it is," you say, smiling. "how are things?"
he hesitates, and your heart sinks. you can tell that he hasn't done as well post-breakup as you have, and where the past you would've been a little smug about that, now you just feel compassionate. "things are crazy," he says with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.
because in truth, joshua's looking at you, and though his hand is on the knee of the woman he thought would be better for him than you were, he's wishing he could stand up and hug you. here you are, just like in his memories but better, because your eyes are bright with life and your brows aren't knit together in worry like they always seemed to be when you were together.
joshua knew the relationship you'd had with him had been really hard on you. and he understood the reasons why it didn't work. you had been so insecure you couldn't see your own appeal, and joshua had been burnt out trying to prove it to you. and he could see that he'd made the right choice -- for you, at least.
because for him, every time he looked into the eyes of the woman he was with now, he wished they were yours.
this was an admission he couldn't make to himself until you were there in front of him, in a way he'd only let himself imagine after his lover was asleep next to him and he was drifting off himself.
and oh, it burns.
he doesn't say anything about it now -- that's going to have to wait for later, at home, where things are going to need to be said. but for now, he greets you politely, watching you leave after a bout of small talk that taught him nothing at all about where you ended up after he broke your heart. and he wonders vaguely if he'll ever, ever, ever forgive himself.
the odds aren't good.
junhui. "hey stranger," he says, and even after all the time and everything that has passed between the two of you, it still makes you ache a little.
but you muster a smile, a little wave. "hey jun."
"you're here for work?" it's not really a question he's asking, because you know he already knows that that's why you're on this particular street.
"yeah," you say anyway. "and you? what brings you here?"
he smiles to himself. "just needed some fresh air."
he'll never tell you that it's because he's been religiously coming here since you blocked his number two years ago, hoping this very thing would happen.
"how have you been?" you ask him, and he fights back memories of the times he spent without you, with someone else, knowing that if he remembers them it'll show on his face.
"good," he lies. never mind that at the back of his closet is a hoodie he let you borrow, and it's hidden back there because it still smells like you. never mind that he's been spending day after day in this same stupid alley where you film those same videos for your job, hoping that you'll show up so he can see you. "and you?"
"i'm happier than ever," you tell him.
and you look it. you look happy. happier than you were with him.
with a funny feeling in his stomach, jun turns away from you with a little wave. "well, it was good to see you again. i'm glad you're happy."
he'll never come back to this street again.
soongyoung. "what are you doing here?" asks soonyoung with wide eyes.
you gesture to the man at your side. "i'm here on a date, actually," you say. and oh, thank goodness you look good, and your date (who is your longtime boyfriend, actually) looks good, because, well, soonyoung also looks good. and you're glad you've run into him at an opportune moment for you.
"oh," he says, looking at the man beside you. "uh, you must be..."
"my boyfriend," you finish for him. "this is soonyoung," you say to your boyfriend.
your boyfriend gives him a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. he's heard all about the man who broke your heart into a thousand pieces, leaving him to pick up all the pieces and put them back together again. he doesn't mind doing it, but because of how badly you were hurt, he has spent more time than he'd like to admit wishing you'd never met the man in front of him right now. "hi," he says, shaking soonyoung's hand.
"hi," soonyoung says breathlessly. "wow, uh...nice to meet you. i'm, well..."
"my ex," you say with a smile. "it's okay. he knows."
of course he knows, soonyoung thinks to himself. of course you had to have had the discussion about how your previous boyfriend fell out of love with you.
or thought he had.
"how's ... um... i don't remember their name," you admit, trying to recall the person soonyoung had left you for.
"it didn't work out between us," he says quickly. "we broke up six months ago."
"oh," you say. "i'm sorry."
it's awkward now, the three of you standing there staring at each other, so you grab your boyfriend's hand. "well, it was good seeing you," you say as you pull him away.
you have a nice dinner with your boyfriend and even laugh over the encounter later. but soonyoung is haunted for months. because he noticed how safe and easy it was between you and your boyfriend, and it reminded him of how you used to act with him before he messed everything up.
wonwoo. as cautious and careful as wonwoo always was about everything, regret was not a common experience for him. so it was quite the shock when he found himself filled with it night after night following his split from the person he left you for.
when he'd broken up with you, you'd sincerely wished him well, and promised he'd never see you again if he didn't want to. and two years later, you'd kept that promise, never reaching out to him, never begging him for an explanation he didn't want to give, never worrying him with memories of the two of you when you'd been happy.
and this had been part of the reason why he'd broken up with his new girlfriend -- he kept remembering how unobtrusive you were. the way you fit into his life like a puzzle piece made for him. and even now, as he rereads all the passionately hateful texts his now-ex spams his phone with, he remembers you.
it's been forever since he unfollowed you on social media, but he looks you up all the same. he almost follows you again, almost likes your most recent post of you out with some friends, but thinks better of it.
you were so fair to him, so up-front and honest about everything. how unkind it would be, he thinks, to dredge up the past when you look so happy. how unpleasant for you, to be reminded of someone who hurt you so deeply.
so he shuts off his phone and sinks into bed, allowing the regret to wash over him like a wave.
jihoon. explaining that he'd fallen out of love with you was the second most exhausting task of jihoon's entire life. the most exhausting one, it turns out, was staying in a relationship with the person he'd left you for while pesky reminders of you kept flooding his brain.
after yet-another fight with his current partner, jihoon lies awake in bed, his jaw clenched, as he remembers how you'd make up with him after a fight, crawling into bed beside him and kissing his cheeks and whispering "i'm sorry", sometimes through tears, until he'd turn and embrace you back.
his current partner never apologizes or even admits any responsibility at all. as he lays there remembering how it felt to have your face buried in his neck, he comes to the shocking realization that he wishes it was you beside him still.
because with you, he knew he could always tap you on the shoulder and beat you to an apology, and it would be immediately forgiven. the guilt of having broken a heart like that is too overwhelming for him, and he suddenly needs to talk to you like he needs air in his lungs to live.
so he silently slides from bed, picks up his cell phone, and leaves the room. he dials your number from memory, having deleted it from his phone.
"your call cannot be completed as dialed," the voice says. he blinks and tries again. same response. it occurs to him that you may have blocked him for your own sanity, and the guilt intensifies, turning into tears he hates almost as much as he hates himself.
he spends the rest of the night with his phone in his hand, looking for any traces of you that may be left in the photos and memories there.
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sillypiratelife · 5 months
The more I think about it, the more insane the first Mihawk and Zoro encounter is.
Mihawk adopted Zoro right in front of Zeff and went directly to tell Shanks about it???
No, but seriously. There's no way Zeff didn't feel a bit invested in the chaos. He saw Zoro giving his all for his dream and he knew that's how Sanji was too, it's just that Sanji gave up for some reason guilt. It was not only Luffy who convinced Zeff that he needed to kick Sanji out of the Baratie and sent him sailing with those idiots, but also freaking Zoro.
Zoro addressing Luffy as the pirate king in front of everyone??
Fever whenever I think of how you could say Mihawk proclaimed Zoro as Luffy's first mate on the spot. He really said "you two came in the same pack. good". It's like? Oh look, the kid I just adopted is besties with the kid of one of my friends. How convenient.
Mihawk's tiny baby knife. It reminds me of the knife Luffy cut his cheek with when he wanted to prove to Shanks that he was ready to sail with him. Except both Zoro and Luffy gained their mentors' respect, meaning that Shank left Luffy with a hat that identified him from there on, while Mihawk left Zoro with a giant scar all across his chest as the promise Zoro must fulfill to Mihawk.
The fact Mihawk identified Luffy from Shank's stories and he judged Luffy also based on his compatibility with Zoro??????? Sure, only the pirate king would be worthy of having the greatest swordsman in his crew.
Sanji. Sanji's reaction to the whole thing. The desperation in his voice. I still can't believe it was the way Sanji was truly introduced to Zoro. Of course they are not normal about each other. Sanji was screaming for Zoro to give up so he wouldn't die and Zoro was asking for death so he wouldn't be defeated.
There were already two swordsmen following Zoro?? Calling him big brother?? There were five young men around Zoro's age there and he absolutely didn't disappoint in guiding by example? It was a Zoro masterclass on how to be a strawhat. What a time to be alive.
I just love that everyone was losing their mind over Mihawk and his powers and Zoro just. Jumped to face him. Mihawk told him YOU ARE A KID and Zoro proceeded to impress Mihawk so hard, the man became a fan. It's? Simply?? Idk, idk!
Sanji's family remembers Zoro and Luffy like that. Do you understand what that means? Ussop was kinda there and Nami didn't make the best of first impressions, but Luffy and Zoro made a total show. At that point, Zeff was the kind of dad who almost forced his kid to befriend the other kids he thinks that will be a good influence.
Which again. Insane.
Luffy ready to throw hands over Zoro did not surprise me. The intensity of his panic? The hurt on the way he screamed Zoro's name? He was sweating, using all his willpower to control himself and not interrupt Zoro's fight, he was cursing Mihawk and going wild and— I cannot breathe whenever I remember how Luffy met Zoro, how their friendship started. No one else knows that Zoro was on a Marine base CRUCIFIED. Some freaking pulling this Jesus out of the cross and taking him with me to see the world shit going on here.
The whole Zoro basically crucified image and the whole cross imagery with Mihawk and— I'm not going that route today, sorry.
The way Sanji calls back to the vow when he criticizes Zoro in Alabasta for being worried about Luffy losing. The Zoro Sanji knows is the one who raised his arm and called Luffy the pirate king, the one who vowed to never lose again to not worry Luffy. Sanji was not happy to see Zoro so out of himself and in a weird (their) way, he was reassuring Zoro. Ugh. My brain hurts.
But then again, Zoro was acting exactly how Luffy acted before. The first fight of Luffy vs Crocodile is clearly paralleling the Zoro vs Mihawk first encounter. I'll need a therapist after this.
I'm just now reading the version of the manga and not the anime and wjdnkdbfjej I just—
The end(?)
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dark-frosted-heart · 11 months
3rd Anniversary Event - A Beast's Dream Fulfilled by Beauty - Clavis
Sweet + Premium End combo
Emma's POV in purple
There's some differences between the two endings, but can still be combined together in a way.
Though Clavis has many dreams, there's one that he can't make come true, and it's something that he still worries over. When Emma asks about it, he looks up and tells her that it's a dream involving his mother, which he can't do anything about now.
What Clavis had said to the boy back in the bookstore about needing to act now instead of procrastinating on his dream was just a part of the conversation they were having. But in that moment, he was remembering something.
Clavis: Hey, what's your dream, mother?
Leticia: Oh, what's this all of a sudden?
Clavis: You always support my dreams, whether it's wanting to be a butler, a doctor, or even a chef. That's why I want to support your dream too.
Leticia: *chuckles* Thank you. My dream is seeing you grown up, Clavis.
Clavis: Me grown-up?
Leticia: Because there's so many things you want to do, right?
Clavis: Yeah. I want to be a better man than Chevalier!
Leticia: Ah, I see... Clavis, your dreams are all because of Prince Chevalier?
Clavis: That's right. I'm going to do all the things that guy can't. Since he's so unsociable, he'll never be a gentleman or a butler... Even if he knows a lot, he can't be a doctor or a chef either because he's not good with people. Not to mention being a trap master!
Leticia: I didn't think they'd all have something in common. Hehe, I see.
Clavis: Why are you laughing?
Leticia: I'm not. Just looking forward to what kind of adult you'll become. You may be a prince, but you don't have to be bound by your status. You may not be a butler, doctor, or a chef, but-
Clavis: You'll never know
Leticia: That's right, you'll never know. That's why you should do whatever you want, Clavis. That's my dream.
Clavis: It's a weird dream. But I'll absolutely make it come true! I also dream about paying you back one day, mother!
Leticia: Oh, how delightful. I look forward to it.
Clavis thought that he could easily make his mother's dream come true. After all, he just needed to grow up. But reality's not so simple. Even a simple dream like "watching your son grow up" never came true. Thinking that it'd come true one day and that he'd be able to pay her back was such a naive thought. He can't give anything back to his mother, who had done so much for him.
~~End Flashback~~
Clavis tells Emma about how his mother always looked after him despite being so busy. Since he was still a prince, she could've left the raising to servants but instead, insisted on doing it herself. But as he got older, he started to realize something.
He tells Emma about a time when his mother found him sleeping in the library. She warned him not to study too hard and took him back to his room. At that time, he noticed that her eyes were a little swollen. Leticia brushes it off as having rubbed her eyes too hard. She assures him that she's fine and then suggests that they go somewhere tomorrow since the queen gave her a day off. No shovel shopping though. She'll buy him something else.
Clavis had thought it was just his imagination, but started noticing it time and time again. It definitely was difficult raising a child while working as the queen's head maid. Having managed so many servants now, he finally understands how difficult it was for her. Even so, his mother was always smiling.
His greatest dream was to repay his mother so that she'd never have to cry again. He had taken up so much of her time and he wanted her to one day have time for herself. He wanted to grow up fast. But telling his mother that he'd repay her when he grew up was a bad idea. At the time, he didn't think about doing it right away. No matter how many dreams he has, there's one that will never come true.
Clavis' mother often came home with a tear-stained face. At the time, he didn't understand. It must've been painful. How she had betrayed her Queen and had to raise a prince while under so much pressure. There were so many reasons for his mother's tears. If he had grown up sooner, then he could've helped his mother, Clavis thinks. He could've made her dream come true. He was so unaware as a child. This is one of his regrets.
After bearing this all to Emma, her cute face distorts. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything.
Clavis laughs at the face she's making and tells her that's why he didn't say anything. He says that the past is in the past; he's living in the present. As much as he doesn't want to, he needs to let go. A terrible lie, he thinks. He wonders if Emma noticed. Hope not. Oh she noticed. And now she's thinking about what she can do for him. Clavis laughs it off but then notices Emma staring at him.
Emma sets her tea down, reaches out, and tickles his waist. For some reason, Emma's face is sparkling. When he moves to escape, the attack continues and soon, tears start to form. Just as he's about to die from laughter, the fingers leave. His weak point's the area between his chest and waist.
Emma asks him what he meant by being unable to pay his mother back anymore. She thinks that he's given back more than enough now. Though she never met his mother, she's confident that if Letitia were watching over him, she'd definitely be wishing for his happiness. She had loved him so much after all so she'd want nothing more than for him to be happy. So the best way to repay her is to become the happiest man on the continent. If he laughs and smiles a lot, the feelings will get to Letitia.
The dead don't speak, so Emma's idea is neither right nor wrong. But he also thinks that his mother would say the same if she were still alive. Clavis has held on to this regret for so many years without telling anyone about it. Maybe he was taking advantage of Emma's kindness.
Emma proudly declares that she'll make his dream come true if he can't. She raises her hands and approaches Clavis, who casually backs away. Clavis tells Emma to hold her horses and calm down. There's a difference between being happy and laughing uncontrollably! She's got this evil (but cute) look on his face, but he can be eviler. To stop her from tickling him, Clavis pulls Emma into a hug. He says that she's right.
Flashback to that time when Letitia told Clavis to live on with a smile.
Maybe it's time to say goodbye to regrets since he can't change the past. He tells Emma that she's made him the happiest man on the continent. Maybe he'll return the favor. The sad look on his face is gone, replaced with a charming smile that definitely suited him better. He might've finally found clarity. If it weren't for Emma, he would've died with regrets and never be as happy as he is now. Clavis tells Emma that he owes her for making his last childhood dream come true. She has a bad feeling about this.
Emma apologizes for getting carried away. He asks what she's apologizing for. Now, he's going to make her smile. Clavis gives her a kiss and reminds her that he still has a dream that hasn't been fulfilled yet.
The main purpose of their trip was to visit the hot springs that use the herbs that Jade's famous for. Clavis was thinking of having some kind of hot spring like this in his own country for his hardworking fiancée. But really, that's just an excuse. There's no reason for him to reserve the whole place if he was just inspecting it. He still has that first dream on the list to fulfill. Meanwhile, Emma was initially hanging out in a corner before Clavis got her to sit on a chair, ready for her body to be washed by him.
Emma's trying to hold back any noises as he lathers her up. He pokes her side once and she gives him a look. He promises not to tickle her again. But it doesn't seem like Emma turned around just to complain. She's just wondering why one of his dreams was bathing her. The dreams he had told her about were just stuff he had said on the spot to avoid spilling what was bothering him. But perhaps they were hidden desires. He tells Emma that it's obvious. He's sure that she wouldn't let anyone else do this for her. And then proceeds to tickle her. Clavis then continues that if she allows him, then that's clearly love. He realizes what his current dreams all have in common.
Hearing that, Emma says she'll want to help him achieve his dreams no matter what. As long as it's nothing lewd. She turns her head and mutters about how she can't hide anything.
Emma: My body will show you how much I love you, Clavis
Clavis, probably: Control yourself, control yourself, control yourself
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With the willpower of a gentleman, Clavis somehow manages to hold himself together and calms himself by kissing the top of her head. He needs a distraction though and asks Emma what her dream is. It's his turn to fulfill them, he thinks.
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The bathing scene in the sweet end's a little different, but Emma thinks about how, even though she's not his mother, both Letitia and her both want the same thing: for Clavis to be happy. Clavis asks if she'll make his dream come true and Emma answers that she will. She loves him so this is special. When Clavis is happy, she's happy too. She hopes to make him smile a lot more in the future. Emma may have found a new dream.
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bubblegumflavor · 2 months
Johnny Lawrence is a character that is always pushed down. Him being physically stronger than Daniel doesn't help his mind being constantly challenged. He enters the Karate Kid with his mind strong, with the will to make it better, to make it work. Yeah he beats up Daniel a lot and worse than excusable, but he just wanted to talk to Ali and Ali is pretty mean to him, promising she will talk but then just plays the music again... Daniel sucker punches him first. Daniel humiliates him at the Halloween party and yeah, they beat Daniel up but Mr. Miyagi.. an adult.. breaking a teenager's arm? (Tommy) instead of acting like an adult and de-escalate the situation? Well..
While Daniel is provoking Johnny constantly, Johnny leaves Daniel alone until the tournament, where he again, gets manipulated, humiliated, loses his father figure, gets robbed of his chance to win fairly, still has the courage to get up and give Daniel the trophy, saying he's alright which is an apology, I don't care what other people say. Then outside him getting beaten and humiliated continues with Kreese almost killing him for ending up second place.
And in Cobra Kai it continues... I mean it's also funny and entertaining but it also hurts me to think about how often Johnny is forced to take charity from Daniel, how he can't stop drinking, how everything is always his fault, how he just feels worth of Carmen's affection after performing miracles for her, how he wanted Ali but Amanda says hahah not on my watch, remember Carmen and he's like oh yeah... right then I must love Carmen, I figured it out! (But it was Amanda actually... lol)
I was just watching season 1 again and especially that scene where Johnny is literally on the ground to get his beer and Daniel shows off his dominance because he has the money, it hurts. I wish we had seen Johnny not taking the beer because Daniel paid it or something. Just walking out. Let the man have some dignity!! (I could go on forever I really feel like it got worse in the show to the point where his whole purpose is to fulfill Carmen's dreams but I am rewatching atm and see if I just made it worse in my head, I at least was able to enjoy season 1 again and thats a personal win since I wasn't able to rewatch after s5)
Johnny paying back Sid and finally cut him out of his life is so satisfying to watch, I'm so glad they did that.
I know he has some wins too like I feel equally sad for Daniel when Cobra Kai overpowers his Miyagi-Do presentation and Daniel was so excited for it.. I love watching them get back at each other and all just some nuances leave a bad taste in my mouth when I'm overthinking it.
I love Johnny so much.. He is my comfort character and thinking about all of this hurts me physically. So I try not to. A lot of this in Cobra Kai was done for comic relief and gave us hilarious moments and if I don't think too much about it I can enjoy them all but I, personally, will never enjoy content where Johnny is portrayed as weaker as Daniel or submissive to Daniel or anyone else. (Which doesn't mean he can't have weak moments and Daniel be the one comforting him, that is sth different and I love that!) (I don't enjoy Daniel being 'babygirled' either but that's a different story, lol)
Just some thoughts I needed to get out of my system with my sunday morning coffee =)
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ksfoxwald · 8 months
Wheel of Time - Thoughts and Spoilers
Not quite caught up on Wheel of Time, but my thoughts through episode 3:
The Seanchan design is so extra and it's absolutely perfect
Uno was... not enough of a fan favorite I guess? tbh I don't have strong opinions on him, and he's kind of one of those characters that didn't really have any relevance past book 2 but RJ kept writing obligatory scenes with him bc that man did not know how to just let characters go, so it's probably best to have him go out with a bang and be unambiguously dead in a very dramatic way.
I'm glad they did let him say "fuck" before he died, though, having a character whose only personality trait is that he swears all the time in a world where the worst swear is "bloody" is weaksauce.
Elayne is such a delightfully earnest but not in touch at all princess, I love it, it's like the perfect balance of clearly privileged but still honorable without being all "not like Other Nobles."
actually all the characters' personalities pop more in the show, like RJ never really gave his characters more personality than Stoic Man and Scheming Woman; and when he tried it was just a sort of weak, washed out personality. In hindsight I honestly don't know why I liked those books so much. I think some of it was because the world was so vast and the characters were so bland it was easy to insert your own thoughts into it.
the fake out with the Arches was so good! like it honestly caught me by surprise, thinking this was just another alteration the show made. I kind of thought Egwene was going to activate her dream magic and rescue Nynaeve, but I guess it did follow the book fairly closely after all, just with more drama.
speaking of dream magic, I like the way they seem to be playing Perrin's wolf-dream powers more as visions overlaying the real world instead of extended dream sequences, which also seems like it's easier from a production standpoint but also makes the wolf magic feel more grounded.
and speaking of Aes Sedai ceremonies, I appreciate the lack of gratuitous female nudity. In fact they seem to have upped the gratuitous male nudity quite a bit. The women and queers took over that world and made it their own and I love it
Just, the casual way that the showrunners decided that queer people exist, and also that people fuck without being weird and repressed about it is so refreshing.
speaking of weird repressed sexuality, the design for the Seanchan channeler whatsits is so much more creepy and so much less fetish-y than the books and I love it. (I do also wonder if from a cinematography pov it was decided it was too difficult to have people on leashes and get good camera angles)
Rand in the psych ward was a good touch, it was so nice to see him actually doing things instead of sitting around angsting, and being kind and caring and having a personality, even if there was an ulterior motive. Also having him meet Logain this early instead of waiting twelve books was an excellent choice because I spent those twelve books frothing at the mouth wondering when the two were going to meet; the setup with the scene in the cage and the actual payoff of them meeting for the first time in the books was such a letdown, this was so much more dramatic and fulfilling.
not having Logain at the White Tower is going to make the attack on the white Tower interesting, though. And Min also left. Maybe they'll wind up back there somehow? Because I did like that awkward little travel party. And it throws off my trans channeler fic that I may or may not actually have written down somewhere, but oh well.
I like show!Min a lot, she's a lot sharper and more bitter than book!Min, but she also has even more lesbian energy than RJ's Only Woman In The World Who Wears Pants (Gasp!) and I don't see her pairing well with Rand. But also Rand hasn't actually met any of his love interests, so I'm curious to see how the show decides to play it. Maybe they'll lean into the polycule aspect and have the girls get together with each other too? They do seem to be foreshadowing that (hello Alanna)
Wheel of Time Books: you know that Alanna...has two Warders... two men at her beck and call... if you know what I mean ;)... haha no of course they don't... unless ;) Wheel of Time Show: they fuck. they're fucking. they have bisexual fucking threesomes all the fucking time and they're so fucking horny in front of everyone and we fucking love it. And they bring her snacks.
I kind of wanted to see Mat beat up Galad, but maybe they'll work that in later.
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good-beanswrites · 1 month
Fe Aspec Week Day 7: Free Day -- Legacy
This one took me forever to settle on something I liked -- I was toying around with some ideas about Lukas's epilogue text and the idea of legacy, as well as a bit of meta impact. A few scrapped drawings and 1k words later, I've got this 😂
As always, thank you so much for running this week!! 💜💚 I always have so much fun with the pieces, (it's been the only event week that I can regularly commit to because I always have a blast haha!) and seeing others' amazing work! It's been such a great time :D
Forsyth stepped back from his canvas. He wiped hair from his forehead, hoping he wasn’t smearing any paint there. He studied his work, then his model, then his work once more. He gave a decisive nod. 
“Well. I tried.”
Python choked back a laugh. “That’s not quite the confidence you want to hear from your portrait painter, you know.” He walked up to the canvas, but Forsyth was quick to angle it away from him. 
“Oh, hush, I wasn’t even painting you! I’ll have you know, it was rather difficult trying to paint something without having it in front of me.”
“What are you talkin’ about, Luke was sitting right there for hours!”
At his mention, Lukas perked up. He’d been lounging in front of Forsyth, his eyes lowered to sift through a pile of student writings. He’d been scribbling notes in the margins, absentmindedly angling his face this way and that when Forsyth requested.
“And I am incredibly grateful for his presence. However, I did not want to capture him looking like a sleep-deprived schoolteacher –”
“– but that’s exactly what he is –”
“– so I attempted to recreate my personal favorite expression of his.”
Lukas smiled. “Oh? And what would that be?” He placed the papers aside, giving Forsyth his full attention. Lukas nodded to the canvas, encouraging him to reveal it. 
“Well… you see… the point of this whole project…”
Forsyth searched for the right words. The point of the whole project actually struck him months ago, back at Rigel Castle. 
He and Python had sat for their own portraits, which would later be hung in the great hall to commemorate members of the Brotherhood. Forsyth could have cried seeing he and Python’s likenesses full of dignity and chivalry. The whole time, though, he couldn’t shake the feeling of injustice that boiled in his stomach: Lukas would get nothing. 
Sure, his name would appear in the records as the royal family’s right-hand advisor during and after war, but his image would disappear entirely. He left the Brotherhood to fulfill his dreams long before the kingdom was stable enough to commission a professional painter. With his brother furthering the bloodline and becoming the major focus of the household, Lukas was relieved of all marriage obligations – and opportunities for a couple’s portrait. Paintings alongside any future children were out of the question, as well. 
“It’s terribly unfair!” Forsyth had cried. “Are war and romance the only means to remember a man? Is he any less worthy because he will never marry?”
“You’re overthinking things, Fors.” Python had hardly spared him a glance. “Plenty of good people don’t get their paintings done.”
“And that is just as much an outrage!” 
He brought his concerns to Lukas, who seemed at peace with the situation, as Python was. The pair’s disinterest only caused Forsyth more urgency. After a bit of deliberation, he knew there was only one path forward. 
“I shall take this into my own hands.”
They would find out he meant this very literally. He showed up at Lukas’ schoolhouse with various brushes clutched in his hands, an apron thrown over his chest. He pulled up a nearby seat, propped up an easel, and got right to it. It became their routine: once classes dismissed for the day, Lukas would busy himself with reading through his school materials, and Forsyth would busy himself with work of his own.
He’d done his research beforehand, but had never actually painted anyone’s portrait. He looked again at the finished product.
“I was hoping to capture… er… the point of this work is to commemorate your independent situation… and thus… I remembered the days after you first told me, you were the happiest I’d ever seen you. The face is still a rare one, but after that night, I’ve seen that side of you more and more. I just thought…”
He gave an audible huff. Screw it. 
He turned the canvas around. 
“I am sorry. Perhaps I should have gone with a more dignified look, like the other knights’ portraits. I am aware that I have yet to accomplish a professional’s level of –”
“It’s perfect.” 
Forsyth blinked. 
Lukas stared at the canvas. He appeared to be working out his next words. Meanwhile, Python let out a long whistle. “Lookin’ good! Not too shabby, for your first masterpiece.”
“‘Not too shabby’ is an understatement.” Lukas stepped closer to the piece, his voice full of warmth. “Thank you, friend.”
In the painting, Lukas wasn’t sitting straight-backed and stiff; it was focused on his bust, leaning a bit in relaxed movement. He wore casual clothes, none of his usual professional garments. He smiled. His mouth was a little lopsided, a little odd, pinching his eyes a bit, showing some teeth, but not all – and it was a perfect replication. This was Lukas’s true smile, not the one he put up for others to view. 
Python gave him a poke. “So, now what? Where are we gonna do with it? We can’t just smuggle it into the royal gallery. And I don’t think Lukas is the kind of guy who wants to stare at it here in the school all the time.”
“Well, I… er….”
“I mean, we can certainly just go and hang it up somewhere around town, but I don’t think he’s looking for that, either.”
“I just thought he’d want it! For his legacy!” Forsyth huffed. His eyes shone with The kind of determination that the others knew not to overstep on. There was no stopping him now. “It’s important that he’s remembered through the ages! I think of all the heroes that inspired me – the way I gazed at their images in my fathers’ textbooks, gaining hope from their stories…”
“You’re hoping that Lukas ends up in some dusty textbook someday?”
“Indeed!” He beamed, not realizing that Python didn’t see it as a grand victory. “Just imagine: centuries from now, some harrowed scholar, crushed under familiar struggles. They get a hold of a secondhand book, and suddenly, bam!” He gestured to the painting. “They look upon his face and see that everything will be alright. They’ll think, ‘if Sir Lukas of Valentia can do it, and smile so purely at the end of it all, surely I can too!’”
He clenched his fists, caught up in his own excitement. His gaze was somewhere faraway, imagining this incredible future.  
Python scoffed. 
“It sounds like they’re just as much of a hopelessly sentimental dreamer as you are. They’ll probably think, ‘gods, now I need to study up on this guy too?”
“Or, if they’re like me, maybe they’ll think, ‘mmm, that is one fiiine –”
“Alright, alright. I think it’s a real nice gesture, Fors.”
Lukas had been quietly taking everything in for a while. Now he spoke. “I truly believe this is perfect. As you said – this is an expression only saved for rare occasions. It’s difficult for me to smile so genuinely. I… I never really see it myself.”
He placed a hand on Forsyth’s shoulder. “We can hope it reaches others someday, but regardless, I am grateful to have seen it right now. It inspires me about the future. I… I cannot thank you enough.”
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akisangell · 1 year
Out Of Time
Contents- Mentioned smut, angst, character death, canon compliant (kinda) 
Fandom/Character- Chainsaw Man, Aki Hayakawa
WC- 1,327
Timing was never going to work out well in Aki’s favor. He knew that much once he started working for Public Safety. He was never going to live the long and fulfilling life that he had once dreamed of in his youth. He was going to die soon.
Aki would never allow himself to open up to anybody due to this, he didn’t want to form a connection just to be pulled away from it at the drop of a pin. There was still yearning in his chest anytime he saw happy couples walking down busy roads, giggling amongst themselves as they held hands, navigating their way through the city with one another.
He simply just chose to believe that he would live out the rest of his days in the same pattern that he had grown accustomed to. Wake up, sit on his balcony with a nice warm cup of coffee and a cigarette placed neatly between his fingers before going inside to wrangle Denji and Power to the best of his abilities.
He still remembers when you had just recently joined Public Safety, being left in his hands in order to show you how things were done. He had brought a complaint forward to Makima, questioning on why he always got stuck with the new members, but she quickly shut him down by simply saying that he was the only one who could do the job right.
He knew better than to argue with Makima, so there he was, walking down a busy street with you trailing behind him after finishing up for the day. He’d be lying if he tried to say that he wasn’t drawn to you as soon as his eyes fell upon you. Everything from the way your eyes met his, full of confidence, all the way down to your stance, not slouched or showing any sort of apprehension as he addressed you for the first time.
You were pestering him with questions the entire journey, ranging from basic questions to try and get to know the quiet man, all the way to how he started working for Public Safety. Aki gave nothing more than quick, small answers to your questions, much to your dismay.
He did feel bad at his lack of answers, turning around and noticing that your energy had died down, your incessant questions coming to an end as you fell into silence, not wanting to bother him anymore. Aki paused, turning to face you as you nearly smashed into him, too lost in your head to notice that he had stopped. “You alright” he asked you, his tone flat as always as he looked you up and down.
“I’m fine,” you mumbled, stepping back from him and looking down at your feet, embarrassed with the fact that you were letting something as trivial as this get you down.
Aki let out a sigh, causing you to raise your head and look at him. “C’mon. I know you wanna talk, we can go back to my apartment in order to do so. Denji and Power will be out for the night so they won’t bother us.”
You simply nodded your head, following behind him as he led you to his apartment.
That was nearly three months ago, now. As hard as he tried to keep himself as closed off as possible towards you, he would always falter. The way you would look at him wide eyed and attentive anytime he spoke, giving you few details of his life made him feel as if he could spill his whole life story to you.
He didn’t know how simple conversations taking place late into the night over coffee growing cold and cigarettes burning led to you  straddling his lap, your lips locked with his as small whimpers left your mouth.
Aki always swore that he wouldn’t open up to anybody, oh but how you molded perfectly against him while you were under him, body writhing as he slowly fucked into you, soft whispers of praise being muttered into your ear as he coaxed you towards another orgasm.
The usually stoic man was absolutely smitten with you, waking up to the smell of breakfast wafting into his room from the kitchen in the mornings after you’d spent the night. The way you were always able to get Denji and Power to calm down enough to act like regular people for once.
You were the light that was shining in the shadow of his short life. Going through the motions of domestic bliss with you before heading off to work, you helping him out with chores around his apartment. You rarely left his side, causing everybody that you both knew to shoot small glances, most surprised that he had actually let someone through his cold demeanor.
The day he told you that he wasn’t going to live much longer was a solemn day for you both. Aki fully expected you to take in the news and decide that you didn’t want to be with him anymore, not wanting to be with someone who couldn’t give you the life you deserved.
Oh was he surprised when you pulled him into his arms after you told him, whispering sweet words to him as he allowed himself to cry for the first time in years. He remembers you running your hands through his hair as you promised him that you would be with him till the end, the knowledge of his early death not changing how you felt about him.
He helped you as much as you helped him. Whenever you had a rough day at work, he was always there to massage away the pain and run you a hot bath, joining you and scrubbing off all of the dirt and blood, gentle traces of his fingers against your spine when he was done, trying to get you to relax further.
When he would carry you to bed after those baths, wrapping you up in his blankets before laying next to you, wordlessly pulling you into his arms, hugging you as close to his body as he possibly could. He never wanted to let you go.
Aki remembers the first time you told him that you loved him. The two of you were laying in bed after having another long talk on his balcony, your head on his chest as he ran his fingers through your hair, something he did often after you let it slip that you loved the feeling.
You had raised your head, the movement causing him to look down at you. He could see it in your eyes before you even told him, he felt his heart burst as soon as you murmured the words I love you. He pulled you in closer, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before telling you that he loved you too.
The time you had spent with Aki was short, but it was so sweet. You found yourself at his gravestone every year on the anniversary of his death, a pack of his favorite cigarettes and a bouquet of his favorite flowers in your hand.
You’d sit there for hours, talking to his grave, a lit cigarette in hand as you told him everything new that was going on in your life.
You never did take on another lover, despite Aki telling you to go find yourself a new happiness once he was gone. He wanted nothing more than you to move on, to find someone who could shower you with the love you deserved until your last day on Earth.
The time you spent with Aki was short, but you knew in your heart that nobody could compare to him. The two of you were simply out of time, but you would never regret your time with him, nor would you ever try and seek out someone new.
You were the love of Aki’s life, and he was the love of yours.
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marshmallowprotection · 4 months
Oh, I didn't expect people to be interested with the discussion about Saeran's decision in his AE! It makes me feel grateful to be able to share those feelings with everyone here. Lately I've been thinking a lot about AE and try to process what we've gone through slowly but surely there. Isn't it funny? I played the AE right after it came out and yet I'm still unable to sort out what I truly felt about the whole thing. I don't know if this is worth mentioning but for me, another reason why I feel upset about his decision is because my MC had someone in her life that literally died in the name of protecting her. But she carry the guilt of being the one to survive everyday as the consequence. So, seeing Saeran almost go down the same path is almost traumatizing in the worst way possible.
I see. It could be traumatic to go through a similar experience after you haven't had the opportunity to heal from the first one.
Not only to lose someone important to you but to hold on to the grief only a Survivor can have can be a lifelong passage of shame and guilt. You put yourself into a place where you feel like the world might have been better off if they lived instead of you, and there's no way to fight those feelings constructively, other than to tell yourself that you're alive today and it's okay that you're alive.
You deserve to be able to live your life, not with the added weight that comes with feeling like you owe the person who gave their life for yours the chance to do everything they could never do but only dreamed of. It's nice to do things for others, but not at the cost of your health and safety.
Like, if the person who died for you dreamed of completing a marathon but you know you could never do that, it would be nice if you did something like that in their place, but you don't have to do that to fulfill their dream. When somebody is willing to die for you, it means they want you to be able to live your life the way you deserve to live it, and they wouldn't want you to feel guilty or shameful for doing what makes you happy. 
Don't live for them, live for yourself. Always remember their sacrifice but don't let it fill you with so much shame that you never live. Sadly, they aren't there anymore, but they wanted you to live life, and you deserve to live. You deserve to mourn, too, but again, you're alive and they wanted you to live. 
Saeran would feel the weight of that guilt reach him once you reveal the truth, too. He would understand why it hurt you so much for him to do that, and he would apologize, knowing that however you feel about it will shape how he needs to move forward.
He would understand very well that he hurt you, just as he hurt you in the past but he's the kind of man who wants to make things right no matter what. He would apologize and own up to his actions because he would never want you to live a day feeling like you can't express your grief or pain. He didn't want to live in a world without you, but it hurt more to imagine a world without you in it. He understands that you will be upset with him for a while for that decision, but he won't blame you for being upset with him. 
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Walking back in in Desire suit because they gave me ideas!
This has to be at a point where Desire and Dream already share Hob.
Desire knows Hob. Intimately. They know all the small things he doesn’t wants to admit. So this is how Hob ends up in a room on the border between the threshold and the Dreaming tied up in a way where he doesn’t know if he’s sitting, lying down, standing or hanging. With Desire plastered to his back and Dream looming right in front of him.
Dream who commands Desire to speak to reveal every little secret desire Hob doesn’t want to admit.
Desire who does just that while being so gentle and so cruel at the same time.
And Dream who is ding what Hob desires and what Desire says
Have Fun
Oh!!! This is absolutely wonderful.
I love the idea of Desire purring against Hob’s ear, gently extracting every single deep and dirty thought and want from him. Hob squirming against them, blushing and panting as they tell Dream his desires in intimate detail. Dream praising his little sibling for the power they hold while he acts out Hob’s most deep and secret fantasies.
Hob who acts as a sort of peacekeeper between Dream and Desire, a no man’s land between the two realms where they both have power over him in equal measure. Hob waking up each morning in his own bed feeling completely wrung out but absolutely and thoroughly known by his lovers in a way that gives him absolute peace.
Desire delights in extracting each of Hob’s little fantasies because he has so many, they’re never going to get bored of this particular human. And Dream is thrilled to be able to give Hob exactly what he wants, even the things Hob would never admit to. There are no boundaries with Dream and Desire, only the fulfilment of the things that Hob has wanted for so long. And he becomes a point where their realms can safely converge without causing too much strife. Because the most important thing is always Hob’s pleasure.
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writteninthesewalls28 · 4 months
Love forever and always
A/n: This work is published as a part of the "be my valentine challenge" for the day one prompt. It is based on an old story I wrote but never published because it simply wasn´t good enough. now that I rewrote it for this challenge, it turned out pretty good!
Summary: Charlie (Reader) has published a Romance novel and is Niall Horans wife. Charlie wins an award and holds a speech.
Warnings: none
"And the winner of book of the year is…." He wouldn´t say my name anyways. "Charlotte Kings!"
Everyone around me suddenly jumped up. My mom, my dad, my best friend Taylor, her parents, my husband Niall. What was happening?
"Charlie you won!!!" Niall screamed into my ear. The moderator called out my name? I won? No way. I made the most shocked and confused face the world had ever seen. But I just absolutely couldn´t believe it. There was no way I just won this award.
I had been writing this novel for over 10 years now, but not a single publisher would take it. Niall was the only one cheering me on to fulfill my childhood dream and just- well. Publish it myself.
And so I finally did, after another 3 years of waiting for the right moment. First, there had been the wedding. Then Taylor had this massive break up with Joe. It just didn´t felt right.
But this year? This year was my time.
And now, I won book of the year. Wasn´t it crazy how quickly things can change?
"You have to go to the stage!" Taylor shouted and grabbed my arm to push me forward.
I forgot my whole speech.
Don´t panic, Charlie, you were a good improvisor, I told myself, trying to keep my nerves together.
My emerald green dress, fitting to my black hair and dark teint, was a little too long, so I nearly fell on the stairs to the stage.
"Congratulations" the man, who held the award in his hands, said to me and placed the golden award in form of an open book in my hands. "You deserve it."
He walked me to the microphone. Oh no, what should I say?
I had written this long and beautiful speech together with Niall, two days before we arrived here in London. And now, I forgot all of it, what a shame.
I nervously looked around and spotted Niall in the crowd, looking at me with a proud smile in his face, he knew how much this means to me.
What he didn´t knew, was that my favorite character Theodore in my book was actually him. Or, at least what he is like. Funny, soft, caring, kind, loyal, supportive, the best man you could ever imagine.
"Thank you so much for this." I said, pointing at the award in my hands. I heard lots of applause and screaming from the audience. Where that fans of mine, in the back of the room? "The world is so full with crime, murder, and war that I sometimes even wonder how we all can still even exist on this planet. Sometimes it looks like, there are more bad and evil people living than good ones. And then you just feel like dying and leaving this place behind. But poetry, love, romance. That´s what we stay alive for." Why were these stupid tears coming to my eyes right now? "And I am so lucky to have that in my life. My parents give me unconditional love."  I said, looking down at them, seeing that my dad has to hug mom because she is crying so bad. They were so proud of me. "Taylor, my best friend gives me poetry to listen to through her incredible music." I gave her a little smile and she made a heart with her two hands. "And, last but definitely not least, my husband gives me all of this combined, poetry, romance and love. Thank you." I laughed a little and shyly waved at him. He had tears in his eyes, he had actual tears in his eyes. "And thanks to my amazing readers, I got the chance to share my love, poetry and romance through my characters with the world. Thanks to you lot, at the very end of the room, yes, I can see you! I got to write this book and share my story full with love with the world and hopefully make life a little more enjoyable that way." I sniffled, my own tears ran down my cheeks. It was time to get off this stage. "And I really want to thank you for that. You are the best." Were my final words before I walked off the stage, back to my family and friends, who all wrapped me in a big hug together.
"No need to make us cry like that, though." Taylor said, smiling at me.
"Yeah, exactly. I really hate you. The whole world now knows how I look when I cry." Niall added and hugged me again.
Oh, how proud I was to be here and hold this award in my hand.
I really have the best people in my life.
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