#okay aaaaaaand post
ravenintraining · 10 months
havent talked about this lately but i LOVE solitaire SO MUCH
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Okay, no, y'know what? I've made a post about this before, but it's making me mad again and I think this bears repeating: the scene leading up to Stayed Gone is NOT proof that Vox is just as bad to Val as Val is to him, and claiming that it is plays into very real misconceptions about abuse. We don't know everything about their relationship, but THAT SCENE SPECIFICALLY features EXCLUSIVELY Val as the aggressor. Yes, Vox yells at Val, but he doesn't throw anything. Yes, he manipulates Val, but hE'S DOING IT TO STOP HIM FROM SHOOTING UP A GODDAMN BUILDING I THINK THAT'S A PRETTY GOOD FUCKIN REASON!!!!!!!! The only thing Vox does in that scene that I would consider a genuine red flag is grabbing and throwing Val after Val brings up Alastor. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING ELSE he does is in response to something Val did. In fact, how about I give a play by play of the scene???
Vox enters Val's room to get him to stop breaking Velvette's shit
Val starts yelling at Vox
Val throws a glass directly at Vox's head, which Vox casually dodges
Val continues yelling
Val breaks Vox's phone
Val starts threatening to shoot up the hotel
Vox tells him to stop, but Val doesn't listen
Vox yells in Val's face to get his attention and then manipulates him into not shooting up a building
Vox tells Val he can shoot the lowest earners
Val brings up Alastor to intentionally piss off Vox
Vox grabs Val and throws him because Val didn't tell him where Alastor is sooner
The two watch the hotel
Val gets mad at Vox for not paying attention to him
Val starts taunting Vox about Alastor
Vox gets mad at Val for taunting him
Valentino is ABSOLUTELY in the wrong here!!!! I'm sorry he just fuckin is!!!! This is not mutual abuse like so many people love to say, this is Vox reacting apropriately to some really fucking awful behavior from his partner. The one, singular instance of Vox being abusive is immediately followed up by Val CONTINUING TO MAKE HIM ANGRIER BECAUSE HE THINKS IT'S FUNNY. Just because Vox isn't taking the abuse lying down doesn't mean it isn't still abuse oh my GOD- yes, Vox grabbing Val because Val didn't tell him about Alastor is bad. No matter how angry you are, you shouldn't throw your partner. I am not trying to excuse that one singular thing. That was a shitty thing to do. But everything else Vox does in this scene is justifiable. Fighting back against someone who is endangering both you and themself isn't abuse, and people claiming that it is can be seriously damaging to victims. Using this scene as proof of StaticMoth being equally toxic is borderline victim blaming. I'm sorry it just is.
Aaaaaaand just to reiterate because I don't feel like arguing in the comments; I am talking EXCLUSIVELY about this one scene. I am not saying you can't ship StaticMoth, and I am not saying that Vox is 100% exclusively a victim in their relationship. We don't know enough about their dynamic to tell. What I AM saying is that this scene isn't the slam dunk for mutually toxic StaticMoth that everybody seems to think it is, and continuing to claim that perpetuates some legitimately harmful mindsets. I try not to get this serious with my Hazbin analysis, I really, truly do, because these characters aren't real people and getting upset over how they're being treated is pointless because they have no feelings. I'm only making this post because the mindset a lot of people seem to have regarding this scene is one that can ALSO lead to problems for real people. It's the mindset that leads to people not taking victims seriously if they fight back, the mindset that makes it harder for real people suffering real abuse to come forward. If you want a more in-depth look into why exactly this is harmful, I highly, HIGHLY recommend Princess Weekes' video on mutual abuse. It's very well researched and made by somebody with a lot more experience writing these types of breakdowns then I have.
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harmonytre · 2 months
Would you like to see fanart of your Benrey design?
SIGN-UP IS OFFICIALLY CLOSED. This post will remain up to hold the rules aaaaaaand to keep track of statistics!
Canon: 0/39 (5 unresponded)
Casual: 2/19 (1 unresponded)
AU: 0/30 (1 unresponded)
Xenrey: 0/11 (1 unresponded)
Pony: 1/17 (3 unresponded)
Look no further! Please read the rules below first. Of course, you can always contact me here or on discord (harmonytre) for questions! (I plan on doing the other HLVRAI characters too, I’m just starting with Benrey.) Form will be open for ONE WEEK before I start drawing.
You can sign up through:
The Google Form above
Discord DM
Tumblr Reblog
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Here is the form to copy.
* means a required question while the rest are optional.
*Character Reference:
*What category is the character? (Canon, Post-Canon/Casual, AU, Xenrey, or Pony)
Any design notes?
*Where can I contact you for questions?
*How would you like to be credited on the artwork?
Name of the AU/Character (if applicable)?
What do you mean fanart?
This fandom has such a large variety of creativity and designs. I find it beautiful. So I’m going to draw 4 categories of pieces, as well as posting the individual drawings afterwards. It’ll be SFW and flat-color fullbodies. Categories include:
Canon: how you’d draw Benrey during the series
Post-Canon/Casual: how you’d draw Benrey in casual clothes or after the series
AU: alternate universes of Benrey (kinsonas included)
Xenrey: any design that will need spoilered regardless of canon or au (body horror, eyestrain, multiple eyes/limbs, bug features, etc.)
Pony: any MLP or Ponytown AUs
-Please don’t rush or force me to finish yours quicker. I am doing this for fun in between other projects. If I end up dropping this project, I will let everyone know.
-The character ref must be clear and flat color minimum. (colored sketches are perfectly okay, fullbody is preferred but if it's a halfbody+description that works too)
-You may enter as many designs as you’d like. Have one canon design and 5 AUs? Go wild! Have a couple Xenrey concepts you can’t decide between? Go wild! Have like 10 pony designs? I get that and go wild!
-I won’t draw any oc*ult/demonic designs, sorry. No swearing either, but censored is okay. And obviously nothing racist/homophobic/transphobic/ableist/etc.
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sissylittlefeather · 10 months
A Very Quiet Life: Chapter 3
A/N: Part 3 of the AU where Elvis is your next door neighbor in the suburbs in the late '60s. This one is a long chapter, but it HEATS UP, my friends, so stay with me. Parts 4 & 5 are also written, so they'll be posted soon as well!
Warnings: 18+ SMUT, Minors DNI! There's mention of an injury (non-violent), reader is a widow, cussing, then the dirty stuff like oral sex (m & f receiving), fingering, p in v sex, unprotected sex, etc.
Link to Chapter 1
Link to Chapter 2
I hope it is worth the wait! ❤️
Song inspo (in case you forgot)
Gif inspo (because why not?)
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You should be careful what you wish for.
Two weeks after the popsicle incident, as you've been calling it in your head, you're out front with your kids while they play in the sprinkler. You can't believe how hot it still is in mid-September. You're seriously considering getting in the sprinkler yourself when you see Elvis walk into his yard to water his grass. He's mowed your lawn twice since the incident, but you haven't let him come inside. You don't trust yourself to be alone with him and he always seems to choose a time when you are alone. He waves and smiles and you return the gesture. You wish you didn't notice how good he looks today, but you've got on sunglasses, so you let your eyes wander. He has his short sleeves rolled up and he's wearing blue jeans that fit his ass perfectly. You're no longer sweating because of the heat. The sun is starting to go down, though, so it's a perfect excuse to gather your kids and go inside. As you look back at them, Michael jumps over the sprinkler. His feet hit the wet grass and slide out from under him. He hits the ground hard, landing on his wrist. He lets out a blood-curdling scream and your heart stops. You're out of your chair in seconds, running over to him. Somehow, Elvis beats you to him and scoops him up off the ground.
"Go get your keys! We need to go to the ER!" He calls to you while Michael screams in his arms. His wrist is bent in a way that makes your stomach turn. You sprint back into the house and grab your purse and your shoes. In seconds, you're back out the front door. Elvis is holding Michael close, leaning against the hood of your car, and rocking him gently. He's stopped screaming. Jane is crying quietly next to Elvis, holding onto his shirt. As you get closer to them you hear his voice. He's singing to Michael. If the circumstances were any different, the tender scene would warm your heart. His voice is smooth and silky and it hits you in all your soft places. But you're too worried about Michael to think about anything else. You unlock the car door and Elvis slides into the back seat with both kids. You jump in the driver's seat and try to start the car. Your hands are shaking, though, and you struggle.
"Take a deep breath, honey, we're okay."
His voice is steady and calm. You do as he says, breathe deeply, and start the car.
In the emergency room, you hold Michael and Elvis holds Jane while you check out. You've been there for over three hours and both kids are wiped out. Michael has a new blue cast on his wrist that's wrapped loosely around your neck. He's still awake, but just barely. Jane is asleep on Elvis's shoulder, snoring quietly. You finally get back out to your car and softly lay both kids in the backseat.
"I can drive." You nod at Elvis and toss him your keys. You're exhausted too. You slide into the passenger seat and start the drive home. It takes you a good five minutes to realize you're holding his hand. Or maybe he's holding your hand. Either way, your fingers are interwoven on the seat between you. It's comfortable and intimate in a way you haven't experienced since your husband died. You know you shouldn't be doing it, but you're too tired to care. He's been so kind and helpful today. It was nice to not be alone through this. You look up at him. His profile is beautiful with the streetlights shining in the windows.
"Thank you. You didn't have to do all this today." He looks at you and smiles.
"I really don't mind. I'm just glad he's okay."
"How are you so good with children?" He shrugs.
"I don't know. I've always been like this. I teach piano and guitar lessons and most of my clients are kids. I just think they have the best view of the world." That's why he's always home during the day. He works there.
"You didn't want kids of your own?" That question probably crosses a line, but with his hand in yours it feels like you can ask anything. Still, his face darkens and he looks out the window.
"I did. My wife did not."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. It's none of my business." You start to pull your hand away, but he tightens his grip on your fingers.
"No, it's okay. I don't mind." He looks at you again with a sad smile. "She works a lot. She's one of the only women in her office, so she didn't want to be held back by having kids." It's weird to talk about her while you're holding her husband's hand. "I just wish she'd told me before we got married." There's a hint of bitterness in his voice when he says the last part.
You ride quietly for the last bit of the drive. He pulls the car up to the front curb and gets out to help you carry the kids inside. Once they're both safely settled in bed, you drop onto your couch and burst into tears. Now that the adrenaline has worn off, the fear and pain and tiredness of the day win out and you fall apart. Elvis sits next to you and puts his arm around you, letting you cry on his shoulder.
"There ya go, honey, let it out. I know today was a lot." He kisses the top of your head and strokes your hair. After a few more minutes of crying you're able to pull yourself together a bit and you look at the clock on the mantle. You sit up straight.
"It's almost midnight! Isn't your wife going to wonder where you are?!" He looks at his shoes for a moment, like he's trying to decide whether he should be honest, and then looks back at you.
"She's on a business trip. I can stay as long as you need me." Your stomach does a flip flop. As long as you need him.
His eyes are so blue as they flick down to your mouth and back up to your eyes. He puts his hand on the side of your face and caresses your cheek with his thumb, wiping away any remnants of tears. Your heart beats so hard and fast that you're pretty sure he can hear it.
Slowly, carefully, he leans in and touches his lips to yours. Lightening shoots through you straight out to your fingertips and he kisses you softly again. The third time he kisses you, his mouth is open and he parts your lips too. You let his tongue slide into your mouth and send yours to match his movements. His hand moves back to your hair and he holds you closer for a more passionate kiss. After a few minutes, he pulls you onto his lap, straddling him, with his hands on your hips. You press your body against his and kiss him so intensely that you start to get lost in him. He loses control too and slides both hands up under your shirt and bra, cupping your breasts and squeezing them gently. You pull your shirt off over your head and he reaches behind your back to undo your bra. He kisses your shoulder and then moves back to the center kissing you along your collarbone. You throw your head back as he grazes his lips down to your nipple. His two hands cover almost all of your back as he sucks and nibbles your chest. You feel his erection between your legs, pushing into you where you want him the most. You lift his shirt and pull it over his head, exposing the soft patch of hair on his chest. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a deep kiss, your naked skin pressed up against his.
You back away from him and slink down to the floor between his knees. You reach up to unbutton his pants and free his erection from his jeans. His dick is perfect. You slide his foreskin down, exposing the tip, and run your tongue around it softly. He groans and leans his head back on the couch. Then he looks back at you, watching while you work your mouth on him, taking him in as much as you can until he hits the back of your throat.
"Fuckkk, y/n..." he moans as you continue to lick and suck him. Hearing him say your name like that makes you even wetter than you already are. You pull him fully into your mouth again and then slide your tongue in a small circle around the head. You lick slowly up and down him a couple of times and then back off of him. He opens his eyes when you stop and watches you stand up and slide your pants down. You hope he won't notice how wet your panties are, but he immediately does.
"This all for me, baby?" He asks as he reaches his hand out and touches your panties. You nod as he begins to rub circles on you. Then, he slides your panties to the side and pushes his finger into you. He pulls your hips closer to him and switches from one finger to two, moving them in and out and tickling inside you. You groan and shudder around his hand. Just when you can't stand it anymore, he pulls his fingers out.
"Lay down, honey." He guides your hips down to the couch and lays you back, slipping your panties off and positioning himself between your legs. He lowers his head down and pushes his tongue into your slit. You gasp and arch your back as he continues to lick your sensitive bud around in circles, then left and right over the top, stopping periodically to push his tongue back into you. Your orgasm is building inside you as electricity gathers in your center. He continues to lick and tongue-fuck you until you feel like you might explode.
"Come for me, baby." He whispers it into you and the vibration of his voice throws you over the edge as he flattens his tongue against you one more time. You do exactly as he tells you to and shiver and pulse as the waves of pleasure crash into you over and over again until he finally stops licking you.
He climbs back up your body and kisses your neck while you lay under him breathing heavily. You haven't been able to say much this whole time, but now you find your voice and speak softly into his ear.
"Fuck me, Mr. Presley." He groans and stands up to remove his pants completely. For a moment, he stops, and just looks at you laying there naked. You worry that he's having second thoughts or thinking about his wife. Before you can say anything, though, he smiles.
"You're fucking beautiful." You sit up and pull him down on top of you.
"I noticed it the first time I saw you through that window." So he did see you. He lines himself up with your entrance and teases you a bit with his tip.
"I've been dreaming of this ever since." He thrusts deeply and plunges his dick into you as far as it'll go, filling you entirely.
"Oh my godddddd" you moan as he pumps in and out of you.
"You feel so good, baby. So tight and wet for me. I fucking love it." He kisses your neck and shoulder. You continue to fuck in this position for a good while, both of you reveling in the satisfaction of finally getting what you want.
Eventually, you push him backwards off of you into a siting position. You straddle him again and lower yourself onto him until he fills you up. You whimper and moan again at the feeling of his length hitting the sensitive spot inside of you. As you slide up and down on him, you feel another climax building. You bounce wildly with his hands on your back guiding your movements. You stop and roll your hips, pushing him as deep as he can go. You want to feel every inch of him. He holds you still for a second and looks into your eyes.
"Can I...? Should I pull out?" He asks tentatively.
"No." Fuck it. "Come inside me. I need to feel you." He groans again as you continue to fuck him with everything you've got. Your own orgasm is so close; you don't want to stop. Every pump brings you to the edge until he lifts his hips under you and you slam down onto him one last time.
"Oh fuck yes y/n!" He yells as you tumble into oblivion with him, the unimaginable pleasure filling every part of you. Your legs begin to shake as you lay your forehead on his shoulder. You sit there for a bit, trying to catch your breath. He wraps his arms around you and kisses you playfully.
"Can I stay?"
"The kids wake up really early..."
"I promise I'll be gone before they even think about it." You secretly wish he could be there when they wake up, like a normal family. But he's not their father. He has a wife. You climb off of him and try to walk to the bathroom. He grabs your hand and pulls you back to his lap, wrapping himself around you again.
"I just want to be close to you as long as possible." He kisses your shoulder and any resolve you had about sending him home melts.
"Come get in the bed." He smiles a wide and relaxed smile and puts his boxers back on. He picks up his T-shirt and pulls it down over your head, so that you're wearing it. Then, he follows you into the bedroom and crawls into your bed. You go to the bathroom and get some new panties to sleep in. You leave his shirt on, though, because you love that it smells like him. When you get in the bed, he pulls you close to him and wraps his arms around you. You haven't slept with a man in your bed in a long time. It feels nice. He feels nice.
How are you going to keep yourself from getting used to this?
Chapter 4 coming soon!
@itlover8000 @deniseinmn @elvisalltheway101 @ccab @suxny @hernameisnoellex3 @ashtag6887 @arabellapresley @littlehoneyposts @dkayfixates
Want to be added to the Taglist? Let me know!
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the-ninjago-historian · 2 months
Vanillacakeshipping Headcannons! (Part Two)🍰❤️
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I saw I had a few of these stashed away in my notes. So thought I'd post them! Enjoy!
Cole and Vania's kids refer to Master Wu as their Grandfather. Wu doesn't mind this in the least. And he's very close with his surrogate grandchildren.
We all know Cole's favorite cake is chocolate ganache. Well, Vania's is Angel Food Cake! After Cole found this out, he asked Zane to help him make her one for Ninjago's equivalent of Valentine's Day. It wasn't perfect. (As in lopsided, melting off the plate, and possibly on fire at some point. Lol.) But it was very appreciated by Vania.❤️
They once went on a double date with Jay and Nya. The two couples went dancing of course. Cole hadn't danced in a long time. But after a few minutes he was having a blast and really cutting a rug. Vania was very impressed. Also, Cole and Jay ended up getting into a dance battle. Jay won by default, after Cole fell on the floor laughing at Jay countering him by doing the floss. It didn't help that Jay had the most INTENSE stare on his face.
The Upply are their biggest shippers. They really want these two to get married and be happy.🥹❤️
Vania's hair smells really good. She uses Jasmine scented hair products, so she smells like flowers. Cole loves it when she's giving him a hug and he can smell that sweet floral scent. Her hair is also super soft, so he'll just bury his face in it.
The second Cole is with Vania and his family, all the tension in his body just leaves. He becomes so much calmer and happier. Like, when I say relaxed, I mean relaxed to the point of dosing off. Being close to his loved ones makes him feel so content.
Cole gets a little garden of his own in Shintaro. He's got lots of flowers growing there. Including a special section dedicated to different species of Lilies for his mom.🪷💖 He and Vania go there a lot to spend time with each other and relax.
Cole teaches his little girl Valkyrie how to be a warrior. She grows up to be one of Shintaro's best fighters. And also the sweetest girl ever. She may be able to beat you combat. But she'll ask you if you're okay afterwards.😂
The Upply definitely are their kids babysitters/adopted uncles! Sometimes ruling a kingdom and watching three kids can be exhausting. So Cole and Vania need to call in back up. Luckily, The Upply are happy to help! And they've definitely taught the kids some awesome adventure skills!
Aaaaaaand that's it! For now...😉 Here's the first part if you haven't seen it! Bye! - ✒️🐉
(Tagging the peeps, @only-lonely-stars @tiana4evahh @trashnotfound. Hope you guys like these!)
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hopefuloverfury · 6 months
Hi, is it ok if I request nsfw headcanons of Leah with top femreader? Also Happy Halloween!
Jesus christ, you literally sent this before halloween. I am so sorry. I desperately hope this was worth the wait. Anyway, hell yeah it’s okay! This gave me so many thoughts. None of them were appropriate or PG. Also I could’ve sworn I couldn’t imagine her as a bottom. Clearly this post is proof of otherwise. I have got to write a full blurb about this at some point, so let me know if you'd like to see that too, anon.
Nsfw, smutty as hell. Minors y'all know the drill. TopFem!Reader, Bottom!Leah is a bit of a brat, mentions of overstim, one(1) mention of drinking, aaaaaaand I think that's it. Lmk if I missed anything. Enjoy!
Leah already knows that you’re a top before y’all get into a relationship (in case you’re curious, she found out during a drunken game of truth or dare between you and the older marriage candidates)
So when she gets into a relationship with you, she’s thinking about it pretty frequently
Leah has never bottomed before—it’s not that she isn’t into it, it’s just that her hookups and relationships have never gone that way
Never mind that all of her past partners were incredibly self serving (FUCK YOU, KEL)
They never really cared about her pleasure all that much, and the ones that did weren’t too great at it
And sure, she knows you’re different from all of them
But that insecurity, that fear—it’s hard to get rid of without definitive proof
And god do you give her some
Bottoming gives her a new avenue to explore herself in a way, as well
Like, she could’ve sworn she wasn’t this bratty, but something about you telling her what to do makes her want to act out
Probably because she likes when you treat her firmly
But let’s make this clear now: she does not like painful punishments
Overstim is your best friend when she’s being a little shit
Also I know I’ve said “she’ll be at her loudest when all of the focus is on you” but let’s toss that in the fucking gutter right now okay?
Because while she enjoys topping for you, bottoming is. Oof. A new kind of drug
Absolutely loves it when you boss her around
Make her get herself off without touching her
Trust me.
Tell her to ride your thigh while you watch
And refuse to touch her until she makes herself come at least once
It’s embarrassing and she’s loving every fucking second of it
Praiiiiiisssseeeee kiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIINK
‘Nough said.
Compliment her. Tell her she’s doing a good job and that she’s pretty I'm serious she's insecure
And while she loves when you force her to get herself off, nothing compares to coming with your hands on her
Has a thing for your hands specifically
And being underneath you
Pin her to literally any surface—feeling your chests press together will always have her eyes rolling back
Lol sorry for yelling but! Yes!!
loves it when you play with her chest, bro
Pinch her nipples a little bit and she'll be whimpering in absolutely no time at all
also loves seeing you between her thighs, especially because she knows that’s when she’s really in for it
Has bruises littered across her inner thighs basically all the time now, and cannot—I repeat—cannot get enough of them
You catch her staring at them a lot
She wears shorts when it’s just the two of you on purpose
You know exactly what she’s playing at and yes, you do punish her a little bit because you know she’s trying to rile you up
She’ll play innocent but we all know the truth
She’ll do whatever it takes to get you on her again once she finds out how you like it
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justmeinabigolworld · 5 months
You wanna know why I love middle grade books so much compared to YA?
One, they feel much more optimistic than YA, and more likely to try new, off-the-wall things
And two…
They don’t have all that gratuitous romance. Like, I already don’t read a huge chunk of YA books because they’re pure romance, and even in the books that aren’t explicitly about romance, there’s romance. Just when you think you’re safe, it pops up.
Oh, look! A fantasy book with a creative setting and a female protagonist! I’m gonna read it! Okay…good so far…wait, there’s this guy…oh, I don’t like where this is going…aaaaaaand they kissed. And the guy tends to be awful, too. Really mean to the protagonist, but she loves him anyway, because…she has to. It’s YA. I mean, sometimes the guy is fine, but sometimes he’s a piece of shit.
It’s like there’s some kind of law stating that all YA with a female protagonist must give her a love interest, complete with an angsty romance subplot, no matter what the story is about or how much (or little) it fits with the actual plot.
And you know what? I’m seeing more books that give the heroine a female love interest, which is great, even though that means the book has to be marketed as a “queer book” (so as not to upset the homophobes who would otherwise pick up the book or whatever). Still, a love interest is a love interest, and even though I enjoy seeing more queer representation these days, what I’d enjoy even more is a YA section that’s not dominated by romance.
Come on, people. We teens aren’t that horny. Not every book needs romance. Like, with how prevalent love interests are in teen fiction, why are you guys surprised that teens feel bad for having never kissed anyone? Hell, I’ve never kissed anyone, and I’m 19 at the time of writing this. Do I feel like a loser? Yes. Is it because of teen media? Yes…and it’s also due to seeing my classmates in relationships and feeling bad in comparison, but shush.
Also, this is gonna sound weird coming from a girl, but I’d like to read more YA with male protagonists. Everything seems to be about girls these days, and it’s good to have female protagonists, but let’s not leave guys out. As a plus, they have less of a chance of having a love interest. Hooray.
Seriously, though, not every girl constantly thinks about romance, and not every girl wants to read about it. Okay?
Hell, who am I even talking to? It’s not like the publishers are gonna listen to me.
But, uh, yeah. Read middle grade, it’s awesome. I’ve got some recommendations if you’d like.
I’ll probably make a post that’s just a list of good middle grade books and series, but here are a few:
The Thickety by J.A. White: really good dark fantasy, stuff that would even disturb adults, great worldbuilding and characters, and yes, there’s a love interest, but there isn’t much of a romance element. Feels really unique.
How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell: yes, it was a series before it was a movie, and yes, the books are better. Very different from the movies, but that’s not a bad thing. The series gets darker as it moves along and Hiccup grows up, and things the characters took for granted are looked at with a more critical eye. Really interesting.
My Life With the Liars by Caela Carter: a book about a girl who grew up in a cult. Every time I read it, it gets more disturbing because I realize things that a younger me didn’t. Still, the book is more about Zylynn’s trauma and how she begins to heal and reach out, even as her worldview crumbles.
The Secret Series by Pseudonymous Bosch: witty, charming, and secret! Apparently, some people find the author’s frequent asides and footnotes to be annoying, but I love them. The sequel trilogy isn’t nearly as good, though.
Okay, that’s it for now. I hope at least some of you can understand my frustration, and I hope you’ll check out these books!
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scrollll · 5 months
Lemme leave this here.
Nuth, nope.
I echo @ppeonppeonhan post, and don't trust Nuth AT ALL anymore. I was willing to trust him. I really was. And a small part of me still is.... But. There's something wrong.
Not only in his stories, but above all, in how he portrays Nant.
Let's look at the facts i gathered in between breaks and working hours:
Who all had flashbacks with Nant or contact with him?
Soong (when he raped and attacked Nant),
Teena (when he saved Nant from Soong),
Jump (got a bj from Nant, more on that later),
Prom (of course),
The baddie bunch (Zouey, Captain, Porsche, First)
and Nuth
Did I forget anyone? I don't think so.
So, because I am insufferable, let's go through these flashbacks and pay attention to how Nant is described.
Nant was on drugs/alcohol,
they slept together (without consent)
aaaaaaand Nant stole Soong's drugs. Bad idea in general. (Side note, what's up with that? Was this an attempt by Nant to retrieve the discarded drugs?)
Welp, anyway, Soong got angry.
Nant was crying, he was panicked, he was scared. And here lies a nice underpoint:
! He didn't even try to fight Soong. He was freaking out, but not aggressive. He was fucking desperate !
Held Nant in his arms to protect him from Soong.
Nant clung to him, still full of panic and fear.
! He tried to find protection with Teena instead of attacking or freaking out himself !
He clung to the first thing that promised safety, no matter how foolish it may have seemed at this moment (bc fr, if one guy is beating you up, there is no guarantee that his flatmate/friends are not the same brand of asshole)
Encountered Nant in the same situation as Teena and Soong (he hold Soong back)
BUT then one more time where they had sex or at least oral sex since he commented on Nonts bj skills at the party as "Twins are just so fucking identical"
(side note: could this be the point he brought up with Porsche? About not wanting to get in anyone's sugar daddy's way?)
Okay, but to get things straight ('cause these guys ain't):
! Jump encountered Nont without flinching or faltering, suggesting that at least Nant didn't bite him in the dick ! (still, very little is known about the encounter of these two)
Confirmed to Nont that Nant loved aftercare, so mostly the cuddling and hugging and talking afterwards.
He also told Nont that Nant never became violent or manipulative towards him.
! Further evidence for the statement is that Prom was very shocked when Nont took out the knife in their first scene. So SM contractually, injuries are also taboo. !
The baddie bunch:
They liked Nont.
They were worried about him, missed him. (Btw does Zouey just strike me as having a damn guilty conscience?)
Captain took advantage of Nant, yes, but none of them seem to have had an active fight.
! They were more shocked at Nant's hurtful behavior when Nont had acted him out. !
So. After this long text, a little brain training, what impression do we have of Nant?
=> He's solid as a soft-boiled spaghetti and seems to have the aggressiveness of a teddy bear.
Except with Nuth.
Only with Nuth does he seem to have been violent.
And that makes me wonder, is that true?
Is the scar really from Nant loosing himself and stabbing Nuth?
Or would it make more sense, if Nuth himself held the knife and confronted Nant about sleeping with other people, like in the dream frequence with Phop we saw already?
That Nant tried to avoid Nuth with the knife and ending up stabbing him on accident? And this ending in Nant apologizing in his "suicide"-video, because he felt guilty for it?
So yeah, lots of more questions than answers but still... Nuth you are yet to come clean my bro.
Don't read this as excuse for abusive behavior, if Nant turns out to be an asshole... welp, gotta admit then that I was wrong XD
I just have very much space to think about Nuth and although he seemed like a red herring... whyyyyy the dog mask??? Where is the corpse??? Who stopped the video??? And why are you not talking Nuth???
(Can't get over him being the bad guy, the writer framed him too well for this XD)
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
OKAY LISTEN! I LOVE CHUBBY AEGON! But when you say chubby!aegon how chubby is this man? Like are we talking chubby as in like Thor from avengers infinity war or are we talking like Peter Griffin fat?
PETER GIFFIN is sending me-💀
listen I am in no place to judge, so I’ll leave it your imagination… but for me personally, he’s just got a big ole’ soft belly & thiccc thighs. kinda like a Dad bod even (cause Jaehaera loves to treat her Daddy) !!! If I find someone that resembles Chubby!Aeg in my head I’ll be sure to post it as a little FYI 🤭
aaaaaaand now I’m feral 🥲
@bucknastysbabe has some pics on her blog that she’s edited to help spice up the image… WHORE
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nompunhere · 2 years
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Hooooo that took a while- I mean, uh, woah, more art! Started this sort of reference sheet thing like a month ago or so, been working on it very sporadically, and brain kept wanting to add more details and shading so it kinda just kept going and going. but hey, twas fun! and I got some more experimenting in, this time with not actually having proper shading and highlight layers and instead just messing around with the brush opacity
So anyway, it's plant boi. Or Moss!T/iso, as I've been calling him. Sort of just to show how I visualize him, and also what he's been up to since his, uh, revival. tho of course the internal there is from while U/nn was still healing him
And also a bit of a teaser for what should be my next fic! Admittedly, I haven't been working on it as much as I'd like to, with college stuff and also working on the art here. for now, enjoy the snack until I can finish the meal ;) (also click for higher quality, I worked hard on this ;w;) (like seriously the Hunter's hood took hecking ages and for what)
and look below the cut for an extra treat~ (warning for fearplay)
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oh gee, wonder what happened to our boi here. merhaps a follow-up to that last image? either way, rip Tiso (he'll be fiiiiiiine)
seriously this was supposed to be a quick bonus sketch but as soon as I started coloring in the face and leaving light around the eyes I was doomed. ....WAIT SHOOT THE LIGHT- okay fixed. the colors really do look way better on my drawing tablet than my laptop screen huh
here is the undarkened version
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aaaaaaand lineless. because I went out of my way to make sure it looked good without the lines :>
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okay that's actually it now eheh bye
DNI NSFW blogs, blogs that post exclusively hard and/or fatal vore, weight gain blogs, mpreg blogs, proshippers, TERFs, ace exclusionists, etc.
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quotidian-oblivion · 9 months
Wasn't tagged but decided to do this.
Repost and tell me how you draft as you write. Do you write in order? Do you start with something particular? How fully formed does your writing come out the first try? How many drafts do you go through? Tell me about your process because I’m curious!
*takes deep breath* o k a y.
First off, I rant. Don't know when, don't know where, once it was on a family trip on a ferry. But I rant. I rant about the plot. Sometimes, it's an excited rant, sometimes, it's an angry rant. My fics are always born out of some type of emotion. I rant pages and pages. If there isn't enough ranting on a doc, the fic doesn't work out (unless it's a oneshot), simple as that. Most times, I rant in one go. I cannot go back to ranting if I get interrupted for an extended period of time. So if I'm ranting about a possible fic, and someone interrupts me, they'll probably dead (/j). But occasionally, for some fics (it's random), i manage to go back and rant out more of a plot for them. The ranting nearly always happens at night.
Secondly, I let the rants stew for a long long time. Like wine in the basement. I don't know how alcohol works, I'm Muslim. But you get the idea. Oh! Another comparison, I let my rant-fics stew for a while like bread dough before you put it in the oven. Yk? To let the yeast to its thing. Yeah, okay, I'm gonna stop now. Sometimes, I go back and read the rants. Just for fun. Cuz those rants are fics made just for me and I enjoy them to the fullest extent.
Third, I come back if I'm in that fic's mood and decide to flesh it out and add chapters. And so I create the first chapter, copy+paste the part of the rant which will fit that chapter, and then I add more details to flesh the rants out a little more and make it into a more substantial and understandable plot. I add some missed details, close some holes, this is the most crucial part of my editing because this is the only time where major editing happens. If I need to make a major edit when I'm later on in the fic-writing process, I abandon it (most of the time). So yeah, this is the most crucial part. Sometimes, the chapter notes (I call it chapter notes), get so lengthy and detailed that they're good enough to be first drafts. So I consider them first drafts most of the time rather than chapter notes.
Fourth step, I do the extra bits. Which is generally the spontaneous stuff and whatever comes in mind. Like tags, ao3 notes, research etc.
The fifth step is actually writing it out. Or well, turning the first draft into a second draft, more comprehensible for other people reading. This is best done when I'm sleep-deprived and at night while I'm in bed with my sisters beside me, dozing off as my phone repeatedly falls and hits my face.
Sixth and last step is just editing. Grammar, little plot holes, adding or deleting a line here and there. Usually, this happens over a course of weeks cuz the bigger the gap I visit the document, the better I edit and think more objectively and clearly about this. But if the gap is too big, I get insecure and think the fic is cringe and delete the whole document. Just kidding, I stopped deleting my writing a while ago, but I abandon the story and shove it to the deepest depths of my head and docs. While writing, because I don't want the flow to break, I leave notes for future me [like this] (bolded and underlined in square brackets) and most of the time, they tell future-me about why the character has done a certain action, or what they will need to do next, and more commonly, telling future-me to find synonyms for words or the meaning of words I know, but am unsure about.
Aaaaaaand, then I post!
Obviously, this is different for one shots. One shots, are spontaneous and are generally written in one-sitting, but not all the time.
Oh! Also, I write chapters in order, but I don't plan it in order (which includes ranting and chapter notes). Sometimes, I get visions of cute moments or just stuff I want in fics and they're almost always actually comprehensibly written out scenes rather than babble only I can fully understand, and they go at the bottom of the document under 'Extracts'. The extracts can happen at any time as long as it is before the last step. If it comes when the sixth step is in place, I don't write it down or transfer it to another fic.
Anyway, yeah, I like rambling about things. This was really long. Ig I go through a total of... 6 or 7 drafts? Including the ranting as a draft. But this is only for multi-chaps. Oneshots vary.
No pressure tags: @wakkoroni @sardonic-sprite @tristicorde @cygnusdoesthings @pevensiechase @foursixtwonineoh-pieces-of-lego @uncertainwallflower
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
I humbly request some post S2 finale fluff from the perspective of the bestest snake girl Vee.
These five had been through hell.
As someone who’d only gotten out of her own hell a few months ago, Vee could tell immediately.
She saw it in the way Gus pressed against Hunter’s side, and the way the older boy put his arm around the younger without really seeming to register that he was there. The way he didn’t even seem to notice Camila cleaning a cut on his face and plastering on bandages.
She saw it in the way Amity seemed to fall into muscle memory, her spine stiff and her hands clasped in front of her, vestiges of a guest etiquette drilled into her so thoroughly that her body kicked into autopilot, even if her mind seemed a million miles away.
She saw it in how Willow’s hands clenched and unclenched, like the fight could come back at any moment.
And Luz.
Titan, Luz.
When Vee had first met her, she’d been immediately struck with how much fire Luz had. She’d been bright, burning like a star. The way she’d yelled when she saw how Vee had taken over her life, the way she hadn’t given up even when Vee broke the mirror, bringing her mother all the way to rescue her from Hopkins.
Now, it was like the rain outside had extinguished that flame, leaving Luz staring at the wall, tears always in the corners of her eyes, but not falling.
Vee nestled a blanked around Luz’s shoulders. They’d managed to convince her to change out of her wet clothes and into pajamas, but she clung to the old jacket she’d arrived in like a lifeline. Vee continued with the blanket line. Willow was the only one who acknowledged, and even she only with a grateful nod.
Vee didn’t blame them.
She slithered to the kitchen, pulling out mugs and ladling soup into them. Camila breezed through with a bloody washcloth, gave her shoulders a grateful squeeze, and went wordlessly to the laundry room. Vee managed to gather up all five mugs at a time and slithered back into the dining room, handing them out.
It seemed to snap them out of their reverie a bit, as they fumbled to wrap the blankets around their hands to protect themselves from the heated ceramic. A chorus of murmured ‘thank yous’ rose up.
Luz still just stared at the wall.
Vee settled next to her, wrapping her tail around her.
“It feels bad now,” she said softly, “But you’ll be okay again. You won’t even notice it’s happening, until one day, you’ll realize that you used to be so, so sad, and now you’re happy.”
The tears in Luz’s eyes fell, streaming down her face in steady rivers. Vee squeezed her tighter, and Luz’s head fell against her shoulder. Vee leaned her head against Luz’s, and a song hummed its way out of her throat, something soft and gentle. “Ay mi palomita,” she murmured softly, “la que yo adoré, le nacieron alitas, y voló y se fue.” She didn’t know what the words meant, but the sound was soothing and lyrical.
Luz sniffed. “Mom?” she asked.
A smile played at Vee’s lips. “Yeah. I… had a couple of rough nights. But she was there for me through them. And she’ll be there for you.”
Luz swiped at her eyes with her free hand. “I know, I just feel…”
“Lost?” Vee suggested.
Luz shrugged, lifting her mug to her lips. “I don’t know,” she mumbled around it, “I guess. Empty might be a better word. I left them behind, Vee.”
“You’ll get them back.”
“How can you possibly know that?” Luz’s voice cracked, and she stared down in her soup.
“I don’t. But I know you, or at least I think I do a bit. Aaaaaaand I know you won’t give up. And I know you’ll do anything to get them back. And if it’s been done before, it can be done again. So I think you’ll get them back. I believe you’ll get them back. And your friends will be by your side. So will I. And so will Camila.”
“I don’t know about that, she didn’t want me going ba—”
“Trust me, she will be with you, she’ll be able to see how much it means to you. I know it.”
“Okay,” Luz said quietly, “Okay. I trust you.”
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lilacs-stash · 6 months
Okay so time for that current ships vs Initial ones post. Let's start.
Payjay was the first thing I shipped. I still like em but I've added Soap to it. Hotel trio real.
Tacopick didn't go over my head I've been HCing them as QP exs from the start babyyyyy
I got Polyam bright lights during the first watch, only thing is I didn't like Fanbrush. I now like Fanbrush 👍...but-
I didn't get polyam grand slams. Yes. I, Lilac, the polyam grand slams shipper ever, did not ship them first watch through. I didn't ship ANY of them with each other at first with the exception of Nickloon. Yeah that's what clicked with me first watch through. Not Basecase not Suitloon or Bickel. Nickloon. Which tbh? Checks out based on what ships are my favorite in the polycule are. Tho I used to view Nickloon as romantic and wasn't like, obsessed with it yet. That didn't happen til after the divorce arc. Also didn't ship Lucky basecase til Max showed it to me
I also got Padlet first watch 👍
Microknife is the reason I started watching ii in the first place so ofc I shipped them (+Pickle) from the start. Only difference is a now ship metallic salad instead of kniropick. Which weirdly enough I didn't like Mephone ships before that?
Marshplebow/purgatory girls was another obvious one.
At first I shipped Salt and Pepper in the normal way. I now ship them in an exs way and also ship Salt with Trophy and Pepper with Soap (and also maybe Bomb idk yet).
Candleyang enjoyer since day one was genuinely shocked that they aren't a popular ship. I also shipped Sliver and Trophy which was honestly just because they both suck and the aesthetic is nice. I didn't ship Slivercandle for awhile actually, I do now but it took me a bit. Was also in the weird in between of shipping Sliverbrush and not, I still am tbh.
Only started shipping limegoldjokes at first cuz Max and Burgy were doing it but I do genuinely like them now. Also ofc ship Trophy with Soap and Salt (I should do a polycule chart for them)
Didn't ship Cabby with anyone but like, I also didn't like her at first. I now see the truth and am a Cabby enjoyer but like, I mostly like her in the newer episodes. Which at the time of my first watch through there was only 12 eps, and thus only 2 eps with the characterization of her I like. Cabbyang didn't really exist until iii13 so ofc I didn't ship it, love it now tho. Also ship her with Candle cuz I can.
Aaaaaaand I think that's it!
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arumbleinthedark · 1 year
Oh lord, I went through with it...
Aight, my name is Shawn (not my real name), and I'm dusting this blog off to make a separate blog for...urgh, reasons...
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DNI/DNF (Do Not Interact/Do Not Follow):
If you're the type of person to see a list of someone's boundaries and say "I ain't reading all that."
MINORS I don't care if you are "mentally" older, legally you are under the age of 18 and therefore a minor. If you are not a minor, please put your age somewhere on your blog in order to prove so. I block ageless blogs or safety reasons. If I have any suspicion that you are a minor lying about your age, you will be blocked.
Proship (Self-shipping and Multi-shipping are not inherently Proship, die mad about it.)
Zoos/Maps/"Paraphiles"/"Pro Paraphilla"/"Radqueer" or "Radinclus"
The obvious (homophobes, transphobes, abelists, etc., not that you're even gonna look my way anyway)
Ana or Thinspo Blogs (Ana recovery is okay)
Immobile/Death feederism blogs
Blank blogs get blocked, no exceptions.
If you look like a bot I will block you.
My AO3, where I post fanfic and occasionally original works.
So super fast intro, I'm gay, I'm a multishipper, I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment, I don't like to chat with strangers. It's cool if you wanna say hi or be like "Hey I like this thing too!" but don't go in expecting me to have a full on chat session with you, and please don't try to flirt with me or engage me in roleplay, especially if you're much younger than me.
However, feel free to send me asks, suggestions, prompts, whatever. As long as you're nice and polite. Unfortunately I do have Anon and reblogs turned off, another safety precaution. If you're shy, then I'm sorry. Make an alt account or something, I guess.
This is mainly a place to ramble on about my kwinks, post my writings, just general tum stuff.
Okay, now that that is out of the way, here is a quick rundown of stuff you will find here:
Stomach Noises
Hunger, and Digestion but Mainly Hunger
Realistic-ish Stuffing/Bloating (nothing extreme)
Soft Feedism
Stomach Aches
Emeto/Nausea (Not my kink. Mainly for hurt/comfort reasons, but I don't usually get too descriptive.)
Burps and Hiccups
Weight Gain (On occasion. Not my kink.)
General Whump and Hurt/Comfort (Not my kink.)
General Sickfic (Not my Kink.)
Men <3 (And Sometimes Women but Mainly Men)
Gay Shit
Dom/Sub Dynamics
Me being a hopeless, sappy romantic
The Funny Squid Game (will be tagged under "heeheehoohoo funny squid" and/or "self indulgent fandom bullshit")
What you WILL NOT find here:
Vore (I just can't write good vore.)
Anything that may involve gore or grievous injury (At least not on this Tumblr, my AO3 might be a different story.)
Aaaaaaand, that's it! Enjoy the fucked up side of me!
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thessalian · 13 days
Thess vs the Valley of the Fallen
I've still been running through Stuff in Horizon Forbidden West in the mornings, but the last day or so it was mostly "Attempt to hunt up THINGS for armour, be disappointed when the Slaughterspine I was hunting didn't turn out to be the really dangerous one, sigh and decide to try again later". But I did trip over a quest, and ... yeah.
So yesterday I tripped over a quest from Nakka in Fall's Edge, when I was trying to tick the "Visit Fall's Edge" box on the main questline. But I can't find the person I need to talk to here and the quest isn't ticking. Lemme check Reddit.
Sooooooooo it just ... stays there until I do the main part of the quest? Really? Couldn't we have at least had it turn off when I actually visit the place? What the--? Oh. Hi, Nakko.
Okay, so, dude's worried about his brother. Who has disregarded orders to avoid the Really Weird Valley with the Really Weird Lights. Kids are stupid. Buuuuut they probably don't deserve to die for it. I mean, there are limits to how Darwinian we want to get here, right?
But first I wanna get that data point I keep missing, or I will forget it again.
I mean, it seems useless, but it honestly doesn't seem to be. There have been at least two data points that I can remember that talked about people struggling to find jobs. That's ... a mood.
Right. Valley of the Fallen.
Hi, Ivvira. Yeah, I feel for you, getting sent out to rescue kids from their own overconfidence. Park rangers used to get that all the time, and there were fewer killer machines back then.
Oh dear. Poor Daxx. Wonder if I can get Ivvira to tell this dude's brother about this.
Huh. That's not too bad a gathering. I expected more in the way of Clamberjaws, since map tells me this is a Clamberjaw site. Maybe it's only a Clamberjaw site after I take out the lures--
Oh. Zenith lures. Well, yeah, protecting their private island, right.
Override you and--
Did ... did you just say "Local vermin"?!?
Did you just add "Yay!" after your fucking kill count, you asshole AI?
Zenith genocidal fuckwits GO DIE IN A FIRE.
Right. Site the second aaaaaaaand ... ah. Spikesnouts. At least I know how to deal with those.
Yep, lemme just loot first-- There was a Skydrifter there? I ... guess I killed it without noticing?
Sorry, Yivekka-- Oh. Hi again, Ivvira--
There ... are Spectres now?!?
Why do I suddenly feel like I did this backwards?!? Oh fuck it; poonk-time is now!
Okay. Yes, Ivvira, you stay here with Yivekka; I will go deal with that last lure.
Thunderjaw and Tremortusk? Oof. Okay. Lemme see how much damage I can do without getting close.
...Quite a lot, apparently. Right. Lure the third.
And now the AI has a voice. And ... it really is Claptrap for genocidal maniacs.
Oh. Hi, Erik. Genocidal fuckwit.
Yeah, I definitely did this backwards because now it's telling me to go to the third lure. Gods, I hope I didn't bug this out completely...
I did not. Good. And I have ... another weapon I will never ever use. But thank you anyway.
Right. It's night. If I hurry, I might be able to get myself an Apex Slaughterspine. I'll blow a fast travel pack, just to be on the safe side.
And up the mountain I gooooooooooooo...
Scanning ... it's taking a second--YES! Just want to get the Leaplashers first.
Bye, Leaplashers! Now-- oop I alerted the Slaughterspine AND I HAVE NO COVER SHIT.
Smoke bomb; dodge roll-- AGH!
YES! With my last arrow, too.
Now, lemme just find a workbench-- Oh. I missed a Leaplasher. Now, how far away can I be and still hit?
...Never mind next post code; that was across state lines. Best way to deal with a Leaplasher, in my opinion.
I could fast travel, but I want to get that Redeye Watcher site.
Quietly tracking aaaaaaand--waitwut.
Okay, I don't really need to hunt the Bellowbacks so I'mma just sneak through in the river, thanks.
Redeye Watchers. I don't really need to hunt them either, but what the hell. It'll get me close enough to register the site properly on my map.
And over I go to Lowland's Path. And workbench aaaaaaaaaand...
Right. I was going to be better about food. So I should do that.
Well, I mean, as well as food, I have a D&D thing to do today. At least I'm a little better on the pain scale. Yesterday wasn't great. Had to take a dose of mallet meds to leave the house. Did I mention I hate fibromyalgia? Because I hate fibromyalgia.
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rulesforthedance · 4 months
Ok N is out of town for a week and I've gotten out of practice at being alone and, in an unfortunate coincidence, all the friends I'd normally hang out with to stave off the loneliness and sadness (because my lizard is dead also) are also out of town (in different towns), so I'm gonna superficially liveblog Baz Luhrmann's (sp.? I'm not checking it) Romeo + Juliet (which I last watched when I was ~14) into this one draft and then post it when I pause for the night (because I can't watch movies in one sitting). Aaaaaaand GO
WOW okay WHAT a choice to do the prologue twice first in newscaster voice and then in docudrama voice. Incredible from jump tbh
JOHN LEGUIZAMO. The boots. The vest. The twirls. I'm at the combination gunslinger and bullfighter.
Gun labeled "longsword"
There she is. The smarmy baby butch fuckboi herself. Leo DiCaprio (age 11) (why does he sound like Wesley Crusher)
Did they use the same house for the Capulets' house in this and the house in Clueless? (could google, won't)
Miriam Margolyes?! doing a cringe fake accent unfortunately
Mercutio's bedazzled chest harness playing with the semantic ambiguity of The Strap (gun) vs The Strap (dildo)
I... have more of this play memorized than I realized. Good that I am watching this alone, probably, and not driving anyone crazy by finishing all the lines
Leo's is the least interesting performance in this movie but Romeo is the least interesting character, so. But honestly the chemistry between the kids is believable. Baby Juliet's lesbian awakening. Instantly fascinated with someone she just saw through a fish tank who wears boy clothes but doesn't grow facial hair. Truly who among us has not been there. Especially when we were like 15 or whatever rough of average of Play Juliet (younger than modern audiences are ok with) and Clare Danes (an adult, I think) she's supposed to be
Okay other tumbloggers have already said everything I could say (and better) about Harold Perrineau in the duel scene. But. The ability to make Shakespearean English into a sex joke that lands for people who don't read Shakespeare (at least... I bet it does) with just intonation?? The way he loses his SHIT over "consort'st"??? The LOOK between him and Romeo right before he gets his injury???? I get why his kid was him for Halloween lol. I mean I'd feel weird about it if it was my dad, but it IS king shit
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