#okay first off
nominalnebula · 1 year
Hi I've come to be a nuisance again because this idea has been tormenting me all day
Having Christopher Pike meet a woman while stuck in another universe, someone that he was falling for, someone who sacrificed their life for him to make it home
Him feeling this loss, but doing his best not to wallow as the ship and crew move on, pulling himself together to meet the new cadet joining the Enterprise
Only for this new cadet to be this universe's version of the woman that he lost
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okay first off, the VIOLENCE of this
how fuckin dare
secondly, I'm losing my mind over the idea of this, over the possibilities??? and the angst, oh boy, the angst potential -
because he sees this cadet appear on the transporter pad, sees the woman he knew from another universe and for a moment everything just sort of stutters - his heart stops, he can feel the blood from his face draining and the ground has just shifted beneath him - and then he blinks, and this cadet, this stranger wearing the face of someone who could have been so dear to him, is looking nervously between him and Una, the smile on her face flickering, dropping because Christopher's just standing there, frozen in shock. And he shakes himself, smiles, extends a hand and welcomes the cadet on board, before passing her off to Una as quickly as possible without being truly, overtly rude.
And then he tries to avoid her, at the very least, without making it overly obvious. Because of all things, of all things the universe to throw at him - facing his own mortality for the time crystal, facing the consequences of his warning the cadets about the accident - Christopher never would have expected to see another version of the woman who caught him so off guard. But then again, after all the things he's seen, everything he's been through - why wouldn't their paths cross again? A one in a billion chance of being sent to an alternate universe, so what are the odds he'd run into another version of someone who was dear to him, could have been everything to him.
A fixed point in space, anchoring together.
But she doesn't know him. All she knows are the stories she's heard, of the Enterprise, of her crew, of her captain - stories that left her with stars in her eyes and a burning determination to earn her place aboard. When she finally does, it's everything and nothing like she imagined. The crew is amazing, the work is interesting and the ship, my god, the ship is everything she could have dreamed of. But the captain...well. He's friendly enough, but he's standoffish in a way that surprised her, more than a little. After everything she'd heard, all the stories she'd been told, the reports she had read, she thought she would have been welcomed a little more warmly, maybe even been invited to one if those famed dinners she'd heard about.
But Captain Pike's distant with her. Cool, even, which was startling to say the least, especially when she considered how he interacted with the rest of the crew, especially his bridge crew. So for her to be on the receiving end of that polite but distant attention - it hurts. More than she thinks it should, but there's an echo to the hurt she doesn't understand. She pushes through, because he's not displeased with her, and she earned her place aboard the Enterprise, goddammit. She won't let some jumped up flyboy's displeasure over her presence get in the way of the one posting that will make or break her career.
A fixed point. Two stars, anchoring each other, repelling apart - would it be total destruction or the creation of something new?
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gessshoku · 2 years
Can I get cuddles from Moon? I'm having a hard time sleepingalsoI'mfinewithjustadoodleIjustwantcuddles
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“It’s going to be okay Starlight, that I can promise”
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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The math just adds up!
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ollies-moving-castle · 2 months
If this gets a two thousand notes I’ll ask my mom for a binder
GOAL REACHED no need to spam anymore
you have till may 1st (had to change it it was way to long of a time period I apologize)
go on tumblr
You can do it
I don’t believe in you
Just try not to spam reblog (keep it under 20 okay?) but tag comment to your hearts desire (but y’know….dont spam me over 50 times with comments by one person maybe? I have no doubt someone would do that)
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spectral-honey · 2 years
AU where Jason gets his revenge by becoming a lawyer and getting joker sentenced to the death penalty
Bruce is conflicted about it but any time he tries to say anything on the subject Alfred just talks over him like "oh we're so proud of you master Jason you finished college and you didn't even use your father's extensive resources that could've easily gotten someone in this family a degree aren't we so proud master Bruce that Jason got himself a respectable profession--"
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thereallucifer666 · 1 year
Link: X
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suiheisen · 2 months
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you think YOU had a bad day at work?
bonus: sid shrieking "no!!!! NO!!!!!" loud enough to be heard in the stands and on camera
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hark! it's the cringefail loser squad from on high
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losersclublol · 2 years
“ugh why am i not seeing a change from this medication yet” i say, on the second day of using it
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sophiethewitch1 · 3 months
Sparring sessions with Damian would be the worst. He's constantly mocking you, trying to make you lose your edge. And he's quick too, dancing around any punches or kicks you throw. Even when it's obvious you won't win the spar, he still doesn't take you down. He'll let you keep going. Keep struggling till you're a sweaty and exhausted mess.
That's when he'll pounce. Pins you down to the sparring mats, his body straddling yours. You try to buck him off. He just thrusts his hips back down into yours. The bulge in his sweats pressing against you has the fight in you disappearing like smoke. You look up at him, confused, and he merely smirks back down at you.
"Not going to tap out?"
You do, hand tapping the training mat, even as you stare into his emerald green eyes. You don't think you could look away even if you tried.
"Hm, but I think I've earned my reward, don't you?"
It doesn't really matter what your answer is, does it? He likes it when you struggle, after all.
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zarnzarn · 9 months
i see all these comments talking about this after the new episode, but. i would like to state for the record that stolitz isn't. toxic.
first off, the concept of a toxic and a healthy relationship are such... vague terms. when you're online, drenched in language and tight moral boundaries, trying to put a nuanced story like helluva boss's into boxes is easy to attempt and impossible to do.
a toxic relationship is one where one or both parties is maliciously affecting the other. I'm talking fetid, nasty, rude interactions where there is more hurt than love. they're unhappy more often than not when they're with their partner, there's no respect or give from the other side.
stolitz is nothing like that.
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Stolas actively cares about Blitz and actually has no fear or hesitation in ADMITTING IT OUT LOUD TO OZZIE. he has been calling, texting, commenting, laughing and finding ways to spend time with Blitz. he's throwing everything he has to the wind, finding the courage to move forward with the divorce, putting everything he has into trying to keep him. he's been alone in a palace since he was born, on medication, with such less people dear to him that he remembered the circus boy who spent a day with him DECADES ago- so when blitz comes into his life and brings back in laughter and color and sex, he's holding on with everything he's got.
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and blitz does care!!! he cares a LOT, the whole series we see him falling in love with stolas through SHOW NOT TELL (his expressions, his choices, his fear, his lashing out) and utterly unable to process that stolas cares about him too when talking to fizz; almost a desperate kind of denial-
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cause yknow. the first time he tried to confess something to someone he really liked, he accidentally killed half the people he knew and ruined the lives of the rest?
thats gonna leave just a teensy impact on the will to express your emotions in the future, methinks.
even before that, he clearly felt like on some level that he was unworthy and he's said twice that he despises himself for the accident even though it wasn't actually his fault. being self aware doesn't stop the emotions from emotioning.
he keeps insisting its only sex so urgently to anyone who doesn't ask because he can't even imagine it being anything else. he's both disappointed and relieved when he repeats that stolas sees him as a novelty, because what else can it be?
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(there's a whole other spiel of how brave both Stolas and Blitz have to be to say it out loud even when asmodeus can't afford to, considering how publically and completely beaten down both were at the club.)
(there's also another whole spiel about how frustrating it has been for ME to see all these comments over time with such bad takes based on like,, 20 min worth of info of a show that takes months to release an ep. like godDAMN have some patience?? let the story UNFOLD MAYBE? IT WAS ALWAYS GOING TO HAVE AN EXPLANATION WHY WOULD YOU CRITICIZE THINGS THAT ARENT EVEN FINISHED ESPECIALLY AN INDIE ANIMATION- i digress)
mind you, this has NOTHING to do with abuse. an abusive relationship is one where one is actively harming the other with full awareness. Stella is an abuser and their marriage is abusive.
and stolitz isn't that; it isn't even unhealthy or toxic. it's a consensual, transactional fuckbuddy relationship that slid into something more for both of them.
but!!!!! one of the main reasons for the problems that everyone looks over is-
they're in a BDSM relationship.
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I can't possibly delve into dynamics without making this a 10k research paper BUT even though we've gotten only hints and costumes and dialogue- they're very clearly and undeniably in a BDSM contract. Behind the scenes of this crazy show is a whole different story, of these two delving into the most hardcore kinks out there- knifeplay, painplay, bondage.
if you've gotten into the community, if you've read a couple dozen particularly good fics by authors who know what they're talking about, hell; even if your only experience is fifty shades or 365 or whatever- you gotta know that BDSM scenes are crazy fucking emotionally heavy. there's so much that has gone down between them during their full moons that helluva can't get into!!
but you know how in so many of these popular medias and fics, the dom in the relationship is also like,, the billionaire/mafia heir/prince, etc, the one with financial and physical power? this isnt that. it has been very clearly stated that stolas is subbing, blitz is domming.
now take a moment and think about how much that fucks up the dynamics.
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in stolas' eyes, blitz is a confident, dangerous individual who's an old friend and cherished memory of his, who he's trusted wholly with his safety during sex and he's lucky to have; and he has been in an abusive arranged marriage for the past eighteen Years, he's probably not going to be pushing his luck with his dom that much in the first place. plus, blitz is never cowed by him during their conversations- think back to the first phone call right after he stole the book, completely unafraid.
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and for blitz, it's someone trusting him again- but it's also a royal- a blue blood who's nearly untouchable and so much more powerful- who couldn't possibly like a piece of shit like him, apart from the sex he gets out of it. he only flirts once he gets some sort of cue from Stolas; he's desperately trying to view this as only a Goetia trying to get his rocks off, despite all the evidence to the contrary, because anything else is unfathomable to him, no matter how clearly Stolas shows it, because of the ptsd.
both of them thinks the other has the power. both of them aren't expecting the other to keep shut if something's bothering them.
and there's so much conflicting messages from the other too!
stolas calls him a plaything when trying to intimidate the humans; stolas cups his face gently and asks if he's alright
blitz asks him on a date and tells him to get better soon; blitz yells that it's only sex and doesn't reply to his messages
ya see?
bring it to fizzozzie for a second now; even though they do look all good on surface, you can still see fizz's trauma and doubt in all their interactions, they're still forced to keep the relationship secret. do you see his face when Ozzie says in hyperbole that he's never leaving the house again, or when someone accuses him of being a pampered house pet or when he got sexualized in the 7th ep? whatever happened in the interim between the accident with mammon, it fucked him UP. even though oz seems to be well aware of this when he tells him not to apologise and in their general interactions, fizz still visibly has trouble separating plaything/commodity from healthy relationship.
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shout the fuck out to Ozzie btw, man knows whats UP. rooting for these two so much omg.
i forgot where I was going with this point, I'll edit it when i remember. but yeah! lovely fucking relationship, but damn what angst filled issues.
anyway, to sum up- stolitz is not a toxic relationship. the relationship is stuck sludging through misunderstandings and careless microaggressions and trauma responses, but it's not unhealthy or toxic because of the simple reason that most of the current hurt comes from... a misunderstanding. stolas didn't realise blitz would need reassurance about what they were and blitz didn't see stolas as someone who could get hurt.
unecessarily calling it toxic, even online, is more impactful than people think too. almost all spindlehorse ARE on all social medias; so MANY YouTube animators i know have found jobs there; they see your words, especially since a lot don't tag posts with "anti hb" correctly to keep them out of the main tag. there are Very few queer medias made BY queer people that haven't gone through heavy corporate revisions- helluva boss is practically a historical landmark in its success. it's very very very fucking easy to forget that not ten years ago some of the only queer videos on YouTube were butter lover (one kiss at the end post credits), dirty paws and welcome to hell (subtext).
the amount of "critical talk" helluva boss gets for what it is is very unprecedented. it's a beautiful show. can't wait for the next episode.
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kindaorangey · 22 days
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my vision for post-train grace monroe. love u 4ever bbg
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suntails · 1 month
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hijo de la luna
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puppy-steve · 4 months
steve laying on top of eddie because sometimes it feels like there's a gaping hole in his chest, like his ribs have been cracked open and filled with empty space where his heart is supposed to be. he doesn't get this feeling often, usually only comes over him in the night, when his thoughts get too heavy and too mean. but laying on top of eddie helps. he tucks his head under eddie's chin and snuggles in close. tangles their legs together and gets his arms around eddie's torso so he can hold him as tight as he needs, the pressure against his chest making the emptiness feel not as overwhelming. eddie never protests and makes sure to hold him back just as tight.
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alexpdcl · 4 months
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y'all ever think about them and feel a little warm and runny inside
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introspectivememories · 10 months
goddd i just know that tim never takes off that fucking necklace. and you know bear doesn't have that much money so tge necklace was kinda cheap and it wasn't anything the bear meant for tim to wear regularly it was just like a keepsake y'know? wear it on a date or a nice outing. maybe when they're both home together. but tim is practically feral over it. like straight up refuses to take it off. it's turning his neck green at this point and everybody is soo done.
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