#on top of a hoodie and a tee nonetheless
larrylimericks · 1 month
When the idea of your being straight’s Cinematic pop cultural bait, Take a ride, clear your mind (If it’s sponsored by Lime) In that jumper you stole from your husband mate.
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huhniebowl · 8 months
Miss Me?
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dominic fike x reader
warnings: nonee
a/n:...hey yall. IM BACK! i missed u pookey🥹.
i'm so sorry for my absence, i missed writing so much, but most of all i missed talking & interacting with u all. second to last year at uni is just really kicking my ass as of late. i've also had insane writer's block, and still do. my confidence as a writer has been at an all-time low, so i hope this short blurb does justice for u! ♥️
i finally have a bit of a breather, so i'm going to work my ass off on requests & hopefully gain my confidence back in the midst of it all.
i love u guys so so much, please enjoy! feels good to be back. :)
Thunder crackles outside, rain pelting against the windows in your room. You have a candle lit on your nightstand, next to your lamp that helps emit a warm glow to the room. It’s nights like these that feel content.
They feel safe. A steaming cup of hot cocoa, an oversized jumper, and a good book. Legs tucked to the side under your comforter. 
You’re only missing one thing. 
You just about hit the part you’ve been waiting for in your book when you hear shuffling outside the room, and then the door creaking open. Just on time. 
He had locked himself in his in-home studio, two doors down from the bedroom. Despite his album drop in the summer, it’s October now and he’s already working towards his third. You admire his dedication and love for his craft, really you do, but he looks tired.
Between the take-off of his acting career, touring, and his new album, he’s consistently on the go. You push your reading glasses up and softly smile at him. 
“Hey, how’s it coming along?” Dom shrugs, closing the door behind him and pulling his hoodie overhead, throwing it on the floor. He smoothes down his band tee and wordlessly climbs into bed with you. He moves in close, swipes your book from your hands, and lightly tosses it on his nightstand. 
You grin, and open your arms wide when he maneuvers himself on top of you. You untuck your legs and spread them out to accommodate him. He lays between them, his cheek pressed snuggly against the space where your neck and shoulder meet. He lets out a breath and you feel his body melt against yours. 
“Missed you.” He mumbles, peppering kisses on your shoulder, then he moves up to your face. You laugh, his curls falling forward around his face and tickling your cheeks. You bring your arms around his neck, fingertips dipping under his shirt to run along the top of his back, before skimming them over the nape of his neck.  
“I’d miss me too if I locked myself in a room for.” You glance over at the wall clock, it's 1 a.m. 
“8 hours!? Jesus, Dom.” Dominic drops face-first onto your chest and curls up into you. One arm wrapped around your stomach, the other lying next to you.
“That’s like a regular workday.” He counters, and you roll your eyes, reaching for the remote to turn on the TV for some background noise.
It causes you to unwrap your arms from around him. You’re just barely able to click on a random episode of some adult cartoon before Dominic lets out a noise of protest. 
“No.” He mumbles. 
“It hasn’t even been 15 seconds.” You roll your eyes, but nonetheless, you put the remote on your nightstand, click off the lamp, and scoop your boyfriend back into your arms.  He says something sarcastic and witty into your shirt, but you don’t have in yourself tonight to rile him up. So you bring a hand up to his hair and rake your nails along his scalp.  
Having Dom this close feels surreal, despite it being years since you began dating. The steady beat of his heart against you. The sigh of contentment he lets go of when you hold him closer and squeeze. Even the grounding grip of his hand laced around yours has you slipping away.
He holds on to you as if you’d slip away from him. Like you’d leave him given the opportunity. That theory’s proved right when you lightly shift down to get yourself more comfortable and on instinct, his hold on you tightens. 
“I’m not going anywhere, baby.” You whisper, kissing his forehead. He hums, moving in closer. He’s so close you can feel his eyelashes wisp against your skin. It reminds you of a fairy. Delicate and soft. 
“Did you miss me today?” You remove your reading glasses and place them next to your cup. 
“I always miss you.” You start, rubbing a hand down his back. 
“How much?” 
“I missed you as much as I miss Abbott Elementry.” You feel him laugh, and shift so he can look up at you. 
“You know you’re probably never getting a season 3 right?” You roll your eyes, push his head back down, and purposely tug a little hard at a curl on the nape of his neck. 
“Fuck you.” He whines, flinching at the pull. You giggle, quickly smoothing your hand over where you pulled. It goes silent after that. 
Rick and Morty fills up the silence.
You start to believe that Dom has fallen asleep, but when you glance down, you see him staring at the rain hitting the window. There’s a faraway look in his eyes, you can almost see the cogs working in his head. 
“Are you happy with me?” He suddenly whispers, and it’s then you understand his silence. You do everything in your power to always make sure Dom knows how much you love him. How much he makes you happy.  How much he makes you smile and makes your life feel like it’s worth living.
Though, no matter how clear you make that, there are still those days when Dom gets in his head. Where his usual rationality, seems to diminish. But you’re always there. Ready to take it all away. 
“Hey.” You start, and the pad of your thumb rubs over his cheekbone. “I honestly don’t think there’s a word I can use that could describe how happy you make me. How safe and content I feel just knowing that I get to come home to you.” 
Dominic shuffles, and you feel his eyelashes flutter closed against your thumb. “I’m more than happy with you. And believe me, when I say, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” Dom deeply inhales, then breathes out. His hand squeezes yours, and you feel a kiss being placed on your chest, then your collarbone. One under your chin, then behind your ear. The top of your cheek, the corner of your eye, and finally, he presses a lingering kiss on your lips. 
You press the palm of your hand on the side of his face and push him deeper into you. Kissing him with an intensity you hope says a thousand words. 
He pulls away first and rests his forehead against yours. He’s silent for a moment, the both of you trying to catch your breaths. You see the side of his top lip quirk up, and he pulls back from your face.
“Maybe you’ll get your season three after all. I’ll make a few calls tomorrow.” You laugh out. It’s loud and comes straight from your belly. You mush his face to the side when he starts laughing with you. 
“Oh, fuck you.” 
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seratopia · 2 months
donatello x reader (fluff?) - random headcannons
this list has been piling up, these are more general
No matter how much y'all say it, I don't think his love language would be physical touch. Donnie seems too awkward to return hugs or kisses, but nonetheless still notices/appreciates them when you do it. Instead, I feel like he'd opt for acts of service instead. Like, fixing your glasses, showing you cool features on your laptop, creating a custom chat interface for you two.
He lets you borrow that purple hoodie
You hear "Erm akshually-" alot lmaooooo ; he often infodumps the most random shit to you, you've become accustomed to listening to him.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he's slightly into LOA stuff (Law of Attraction). It's canon that he listens to positive self-affirmations while he sleeps, so maybe that's a thing for him idk
Steals your eyebrow pencil to fill in his brows for the day. It'd be cool to see him into makeup.
Plays SO MANY games holy shit, has tried everything on Steam.
Obviously he has Discord, no questions asked. Organizes his servers into neat, purple folders. He only uses dark mode, he hisses if he ever sees light mode. Also knows how to make and works servers very well; likes making embeds and such for fun.
^^ On top of this, he probably has a lot of online friends; he doesn't need to show his face or reveal his identity. I see him staying up really late, playing random games at 2 AM on a Discord call.
Very very techy; uses Linux, built his own PC, set up the lair's wifi router too. The brothers come to him all the time for help on their tech fixes, mainly on Nintendo Switch.
My boy is CHRONICALLY ONLINE, he definitely knows all those niche internet songs. He gives me weird kid vibes, like The Living Tombstone, Rat by Penelope Scott, dare I say a little bit of Miku?
He knows the FNAF lore
Secretly shops at Hot Topic from time to time. I'm seeing graphic tees, maybe a studded bracelet? He walks in and the employees are like, "Dude, nice cosplay."
CAFFEINE! Mostly relies on coffee, doesn't like Starbucks that much, and he has tried Monster before. Monster is like a last resort for him, like he's working on a project he MUST finish for his sanity.
Also, I feel like he has fucked up teeth idk. Like, how the hell would Splinter be able to afford dental care for not one, but four teens? Braces too, not only are they expensive, but inaccessible to mutants.
He needs glasses, just often refuses to wear them
Never, ever truly gets angry or mad. But when he does, its rare and it's kinda scary ngl
© 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒂.
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ifidiedinadream · 4 months
if i may request… Joel/reader. Joel catches you staring at his hands and he ends up using his fingers to get what you want ….. Except you’re in public so trying not to get caught 👀 and of course he has to punish you back home ❤️🫡
your wish is my command, especially when it involves joel + hands!!
also on ao3
There’s this new thrift shop in the city center and Samy has wholeheartedly recommended you go; Joel usually prefers other kinds of shopping experiences, but Samy had looked so delighted about this place that he decided he’d give it a try – but only if you went with him.
(Too many different items at once could be overwhelming. How was he supposed to find anything?!)
So here you are now, entering the thrift store hand in hand; it’s huge, but it takes you no time to find something that piques your interest. You pull Joel towards the chosen rack.
It’s vintage band tees. You browse through them with quick flicks of your index finger. Joel is standing beside you, not really knowing what to do.
“Wanna take a look? These are mostly your size anyway.”
You take a step back, allowing Joel to come closer to the rack. He’s unsure at first and you wonder if he’s even looking at the tees; then he gets to a vintage Depeche Mode t-shirt that catches his attention and takes it into his hands.
“This one’s cool,” he says, “I still don’t have any Depeche Mode merch.”
“It’s cheap and in great condition too!”
Joel hangs the t-shirt on his forearm, while the other hand still browses through the rack. Maybe you stay there, just watching his large hand move, the fingers flick through the crutches, for a moment too many. Joel feels your gaze on him and turns to look at you. You snap out of it and clear your throat.
“I’ll go check out the shoes.”
But the smirk on his lips tells you he noticed.
“So, are we gonna try these things on? I kinda wanna see how they fit before we buy them.” Joel’s cart, one he retrieved from fuck knows where, is overflowing with clothes. There are t-shirts, hoodies, pants, and that’s only the items you can make out in the pile.
“Of course.” Your loot only includes a sweater and a pair of pants, but you’re satisfied nonetheless. “Fitting rooms are over there.”
The line to the fitting rooms, however, seems endless. You dump your stuff in Joel’s cart and rest your head on his shoulder as you wait for your turn.  
“Let’s just use one dressing room,” you suggest, “I can’t wait to get this over with. Also, they seem spacious enough.”  
Your comment was innocent, it truly was, but it makes Joel wriggle his eyebrows all the same. You roll your eyes playfully and hit him in the arm. “Perv.”
“Me?! It’s you who’s been staring at my hands ever since we got here,” Joel says, “I’m not the perv. You are.”
You want to retort, but you’re really in no position to object. First it was the band tees, then the way he felt the fabric of a hoodie he found (seriously, it seemed like he was caressing it the way he caresses your body in bed on purpose), then it was him trying on those vintage rings in the one euro basket, and finally those damn leather gloves.
Like. Are you expected not to stare when he tries on leather gloves?
“It was your fault. You were drawing attention to them on purpose.”
“I wasn’t. You’re just a horny little thing.”
You bury your face in his arm, trying to hide your blush. Maybe he’s right, but it’s not your fault his hands are fucking perfect.
Joel snorts and kisses the top of your head. When it’s your turn to use a fitting room, Joel closes the curtain behind you immediately.
“You weren’t really thinking…?” you ask when you see how dark his eyes are. He touches your chin and caresses your bottom lip with his thumb.
His fucking hands.
“Be quiet and I’ll give you what you want,” he whispers.
“But baby, they’re gonna throw us out.”
“Shh,” Joel says, pressing a little harder on your bottom lip. You take the tip into your mouth. “Not if you behave.”
You can’t resist Joel when his voice is low like that, or when his hands are anywhere near your face, let alone if he’s making you suck his thumb like it’s his cock; you simply melt under his touch, and when he sticks his free hand into your clothes, your pants and underwear, you send your head back against the dressing room mirror.
“You’re so warm, baby.” Joel’s face is leaning close to yours, and he’s all but whispering in your ear. He shoves his finger inside you and you suck around his thumb harder. “And so wet for me.”
Fully aware you can’t take too long, Joel slides another finger inside you and curls them. The thumb of the hand that’s fingering you finds your clit and starts massaging it, and you sink your teeth into the thumb in your mouth to keep from moaning. Joel doesn’t mind, he’s grinning devilishly.
Joel’s wrist is fast, and he knows exactly how to touch you to make pleasure bloom in your abdomen. He doesn’t take any breaks, keeps up the tempo, and in no time you’re coming all over his hand. He’s pulled his thumb out of your mouth, and now he’s covering it with his whole hand, his huge hand spread across your face, keeping you from making any noise. Your legs tremble and your vision blurs until your core is no longer sending waves of pleasure to your brain.
Joel, his lips parted, eyes heavy lidded, brings his dirty thumb to your mouth so you can lick it clean. You oblige, because there’s no way you wouldn’t suck on those fingers on any given chance.
He does his part by licking the two fingers that were inside you.
You end up buying the clothing items without trying them on. You throw them all in the dirty laundry once you’re home, everything but the gloves. Those leather gloves Joel is wearing in bed, as he’s edging you with your favorite toy after your little shopping spree.
Good girls don’t stare at my hands in public.
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regard-luxury · 2 years
What To Not Wear If You Are A Man Over 50 Men's Fashion
Some of those stores lean more heavily into the denim and workwear worlds whereas others occupy the extra wabi-sabi. Either way, you go, you’ll probably get your repair street style mens fashion at any one of these stores. Maybe you’re into Fashion with a capital "F." These shops have a penchant for the cutting-edge and the next-up.
For the fall/winter season, it manifests as floral prints a la grandma’s curtains, which is definitely much more wearable than it sounds. Everyone from Paul Smith to Kenzo has been at it, splashing bold florals onto shorts, shirts and tailoring. A skip away from Milan, Paris Men’s Fashion Week fall/winter 2022 is kicking off and the style set have officially decamped to the City of Light. It’s business as ordinary for the fashion capital of the world—fashion shows street style mens fashion are nonetheless being staged with nary a cancellation in sight. Be sure to examine back daily to see what the coolest showgoers at Paris Men’s Fashion Week are carrying, as captured by photographer Goldie Williams. Wool scarves can look further fab, and this plum shade is going nicely with a black statement jacket.
With a number of pockets and a zipper closure, this is a garment usually reserved for fishermen, hikers or smugglers in a galaxy far, distant. But if you want to add a component of practical style to your summer season rig, it’ll serve you nicely. For a streetwear-influenced look, try a black technical parka over sweatpants, a hoodie and your sneakers of selection.
The Sartorialist on the Unbreakable Spirit of New York CityScott Schuman has been photographing stylish New Yorkers for 15 years now, by way of good occasions and bad. The Best Street Style From Paris Fashion WeekThe fashion marathon is in full swing—and the massive suits are plentiful. Reebok Just Leveled Up Its Beloved Beatnik ShoeThe new Beatnik Moc brings comfort to the road.
Just like every bit of artwork doesn’t captivate your heart, similarly, not every style can cater to your fashion assertion. Polo Ralph Lauren is the quintessential premium American informal style brand. The designer brand delivers very good high quality with long-lasting gadgets. From their iconic Polo shirts to their relaxed chinos, every bit will elevate your style. A light-weight jacket is a modern finishing touch that can add plenty of individuality to a relaxed look.
Like a grey leather sneaker as a substitute of a white sneaker? Maybe it’s really rainy where you reside, so you’d favor a trench coat instead of a pea coat. For example, if you stay in a heat local weather, maybe you swap a the long sleeve collared shirt for a polo shirt.
You’ll discover an array of basic Americana kinds next to efficiency athletic gear and top-notch grooming merchandise and far more. Log in or create an account to add items to your wish listing. Once per week, we like to highlight what some of our readers are wearing. The cooler months enable us to discover layering with out risking heats... Contrast that with an outfit such as jeans, a T-shirt, despite the fact that it’s too chilly for just a tee.
Offers a wide range of manufacturers in an equally wide array of styles, from streetwear to workwear to avant-garde and minimalist. If you may have a ardour for collecting retro, informal and trend-right fashion footwear for men, then you'll need to maintain this web page bookmarked. Our fast-selling life-style street style mens fashion sneakers are something to maintain your eye on. As a staple in the world of men's style, we can assure you that even when it's a basic colorway - it won't be here for long. Between seasonal drops and upcoming releases, look out for men's life-style apparel.
From the runways to the Instagram feeds, fashions and fashion lovers are rocking this trend. When it’s chilly exterior, and also you want to stay warm, cozy, and look trendy, there’s no higher possibility than sporting a tracksuit with a structured coat. When styling this funky combo, opt for shades that complement one another or are matching in tone.
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aabidhussainn1000 · 2 years
styling oversized shirts
mens graphic t shirts
Find a great collection of mens graphic tees, tops, and hoodies at Carlos Kremmer. Shop a selection of mens graphic t shirts and graphic tees for men.
Shop Vintage Graphic Tees for Women at CarlosKremmer, we provide the latest oversized graphic tee, black graphic tees, and white graphic tees at an affordable price.
Design in workmanship and craftsmanship in our style,
all we make, we do as such with energy.
Growing up and watching these individuals depict various characters and characters on TV generally interested me. I mean who would have zero desire to be renowned on TV and known all over the planet. That was my outlook and my objective when I was a youngster. I even made a settlement with myself on becoming one of these popular entertainers and travel the world gathering fans.
It's an easy decision; the typical method for wearing realistic tee shirts is coordinating them with some pants and Chuck Taylors (or any sets of tennis shoes, besides) - for all kinds of people. This look won't be unpopular at any point in the near future either, in spite of the way that our fathers donned a similar style in their childhood. Nonetheless, with these developing more well known and a larger number of productive than any time in recent memory, design symbols, big names, and beauticians have shown us different alternate ways of wearing them.
 Easygoing Wear
 Realistic tee shirts look great when worn with some running pants or delicate drawstring pants for a dress-down look. You can look smart while going to the exercise center or regardless of whether you are simply relaxing around the house. Assuming you feel adequately good, you might try and wear it to class or to the grocery store and have the option to look loose and feel comfortable.
For something somewhat more sleek for the women, wear it with thin pants and a basic belt. Low-ascent pants are additionally alright to all the more likely hotshot the belt. Complete the look with combatant shoes or siphons. At the point when it is chilly, put a short-sleeved realistic tee shirt on over a striped or plain-hued long-sleeved shirt. Hurdle down hoodies and long sweatshirts likewise look perfect with realistic tee shirts. Wear a couple of comfortable boots and you are good to go against the virus!
 Spruce Up
 The spruced up realistic tee look has proactively been advocated by famous people and catwalk models. Realistic tees can be worn to gatherings, dates, and clubs. Aside structure sleek pants, you might coordinate them with a small scale skirt made of calfskin or corduroy, contingent upon the look you are going for. Dark dress jeans and tees can miss for a semi-formal troupe, ideal for the workplace or easygoing conferences. The key is to wearing the right adornments.
Is it safe to say that you are worn out on all the efficiently manufactured shirts that you frequently find in stores nowadays? To drift away from seeming to be every other person that you see in the city, why not have a go at doing your own special custom shirt at home? On the off chance that you have a capable of style and originator senses, this little undertaking would be a snap to you and makes for a decent get going point before you begin planning and making different kinds of pieces of clothing.
 You can definitely relax assuming you have totally zero experience with regards to making garments, you can undoubtedly get one of those shirts at the shopping center that you think needs a little tidying up. Whether it's a plain shirt or a curiously large shirt that you need to fix up so that it'll fit you better, the potential outcomes are huge the same length as you don't restrict your inventiveness.
 So how might you get everything rolling on this? First and foremost, attempt to consider a plan that you need to accomplish both for the print and cut of your shirt, when you as of now have something explicit as a primary concern, then, at that point, begin looking for the materials that you will utilize. From the real shirt, texture paint, sequins or what-have-you, once more, don't restrict yourself to what's well known in the road as this is your opportunity to at long last wear something exceptionally your own style.
 Pick a legitimate sort of coat or vest to match your realistic tee shirt. The variety and the surface ought not be excessively garish to redirect the consideration from the plan on the shirt. Scarves look perfect with tees. They are not difficult to track down and simple to wear, as well. Different embellishments you can wear with a printed shirt incorporate caps and gems. There are incalculable kinds of caps and you can pick any of them to one or the other spruce up or dress down your realistic tee.
 With respect to gems, the well known decisions are thick wristbands, bangles, and rings. In any case, it depends on you to choose if a specific piece of gems works or destroys the look. The significant thing is to wear extras with some restraint; you would rather not get carried away. You likewise need to take care to pick the best tones to match the plans on your tee shirts.
 Since you have extraordinary thoughts on the most proficient method to make realistic tees work for you, purchase a greater amount of them to wear on any event. You might peruse our select assortment of realistic tee shirts and interesting shirts by Jersey Shore, Snorg, and our own creators
Visit for more information....... https://www.carloskremmer.com/
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holy-hyuck · 3 years
NCT 127 Reaction: They See You Wearing Their Clothes
You fell asleep in the boys’ dorm, Taeil carrying you to his room in the middle of the night. You must have been exhausted because you woke up only in the morning, the room quite cold. You only had a thin shirt on you, so you grabbed Taeil’s hoodie, once you recognised it as his, and slipped in on top of you, your jeans from the day before still intact and looking decent enough.
You walked downstairs, seeing Taeil and Taeyong in the kitchen, the latter turning on the stove to make breakfast. Looking at the clock, you realised it was a time they’d normally wake up, so you were glad you didn’t oversleep.
Taeil looked at you, his smile only widening once he saw the oversized clothing on you, a dazed expression on his face. Even Taeyong turned around and chuckled lightly, half at the way you looked, and half at Taeil’s reaction.
“What-what is that? Ah, you look so cute.”
But you could see it was making him flustered, so when you warmed up a bit, you took the hoodie off, leaving you in yesterday’s clothes.
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"So..." Wendy started, popping a grape in her mouth, "Are you and Johnny, like, a thing?"
"What?" You scoffed. "Why would you think that?"
"Think about it; you're always together, he calls you 'babes', you have hearts next to his contact name, need I go on?"
"Yeah, and isn't that his shirt you're wearing?" Seulgi butted in, leaning her head on Wendy's shoulder.
You looked down at the black tee, indeed belonging to Johnny. "I forgot to bring spare clothes when I slept over at his." At this, the girls raised their eyebrows and looked at you with a knowing look. "No, it's not like that! Ugh, we're just friends."
Just then, you felt strong arms wrap around your frame, pulling you in a hug.
"Hi babes, hi girls. How's it going? You look nice in my shirt, by the way. Maybe I should let you borrow them more often," Johnny told you, grabbing a few grapes from the bowl for himself.
You looked over at Wendy and Seulgi, who both giggled and shook their heads.
Just friends, you mouthed to them. Unfortunately.
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"Isn't it Taeyong-hyung's?" You heard Mark's voice when you jumped down from the last step and skipped into the living room.
"Shh." You covered his mouth with your sweater paws, effectively shutting him up.
"Ah, I knew someone stole it." Taeyong came into the room, leaning against the doorway. You gave him a sheepish smile, rubbing your arms through the thick material of his sweatshirt.
"Sorry, I was cold. I can take it off if you want, borrow someone else's-"
"No, no, no need." He came up to you, holding you at an arms-length and checking you out in the muted blue of his top, heart fluttering. "I like how it looks on you."
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Getting up from your seat, you cheered for Yuta, your voice drowning amongst all the others’ - and yet, the boy could hear it as clear as day, looking up to see you in the bleachers. He scored the winning goal, like you knew he would without a doubt, and perhaps that knowledge made you even more proud to be wearing his jersey, with his number on the back.
Once the two opposing teams congratulated each other, Yuta ran up the stairs to envelop you in a hug, spinning you around and grinning from ear to ear.
“You did it, you did it! I knew you would!” you exclaimed, gripping his shirt in your hands.
Yuta took this moment to plant a chaste kiss on your lips, although it turned more and more passionate by the second - to a point where you had to stop him before his coach witnessed your make-out session.
“Is that my jersey?” You nod your head enthusiastically. “Marry me.”
Your laugh pierced the voices of others leaving the stadium, and you threw your head back.
“Let me buy you dinner first.”
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Doyoung took off the glasses from his face, rubbing his eyes and groaning. This report wasn't going to finish itself, but his body begged him to let him sleep.
He felt the weight shift next to him and looked up to see you take his glasses into your hands. You proceeded to put them on, and looking at him, wiggled your eyebrows. He burst out laughing, at half-past-two at night, feeling you hit his shoulder to tell him not to laugh at you.
"You look ridiculous."
Not really. You looked perfect; your hair messy, old and stained shirt covering the upper half of your body, his sweatpants covering the lower, his glasses perched up on your nose. And at half-past-two at night, his sight blurry and mind hazy, he fell in love.
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It was Jaehyun’s idea you wear his clothes. He always wanted to be “that couple” but was too shy to ask. So, after you got back from your date, completely soaked after the thunderstorm that started halfway through, you knew you wouldn’t be going back to your house anytime soon.
Seeing this perfect opportunity, Jaehyun took one of his jumpers and a pair of shorts and told you to change. Underwear thankfully dry, you put on his clothes, exiting the bathroom to see him making hot chocolate.
He turned around to greet you, his smile only growing bigger, his dimples showing. Screaming in excitement on the inside, he just walked up to you, embracing you in a hug, which you found strange but accepted nonetheless.
“Even better than I imagined.”
He muttered to himself, and when you gave him a questioning look, he just smiled, leaving you wondering what he meant for the rest of the day.
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WinWin never thought it would get to him as much as it did. Most of the times the two of you spent were with the other boys, the perfect opportunity to offer you his clothes being a movie night but he didn’t want to get teased by them.
The two of you were walking back from shopping, the weather not quite as nice as it was before. The wind picked up and you still had over twenty minutes to walk back to your house, and even more to the dorms.
Shivering involuntarily, you wrapped your arms around yourself to keep the cold away, but needless to say, haven’t succeeded.
With the wind blocking out some sounds, you didn’t hear the commotion next to you. Plus, Taeyong was trying to be subtle about it - that, however, wasn’t a problem with Donghyuck.
“Yah, Sicheng, aren’t you going to give (y/n) your jacket or something? You know, like a sweet boyfriend would,” he said, a hint of teasing present, as per usual.
Blushing, your boyfriend took off his hoodie, revealing a jumper underneath (so you knew he wouldn’t be that cold himself), and passed it over to you, without looking at you. You thanked him, putting it on, instantly feeling warmer. Sicheng wouldn’t look at you (besides the subtle glances) or speak to you until you arrived at your house, you promptly giving him his clothing back, and seeing how he reacted, you made a mental note to yourself to always try bringing a spare jacket with you when you two went out.
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Sitting on the hood of Jungwoo's car, you scrolled through the weather forecast as your date tried to repair the vehicle.
"It says there's an eighty-three percent chance of rain," you told him, looking back to see him sigh and lean back on the driver's seat. Cursing under his breath, he got out of the car and towards you.
"Just because it says there's a chance doesn't mean-" he cut himself off when he felt the first droplets of rain fall onto his skin, and suddenly it was pouring; and there you were, laughing, hair and clothes soaked. "Here."
He took off his leather jacket, leaving him in nothing more than than a thin white tee, and wrapped it around you. The material was heavy, and it was useless at this point but you didn't want to tell him that. He held the sides and smiled down at you.
Clearing your throat, you looked away from him. "I'll call a taxi," you told him, walking away to hide inside the car.
"Wait!" You turned around, and Jungwoo grabbed the sides of the jacket, pulling you towards him and capturing your lips in a kiss. Although surprised at first, you quickly regained your senses and placed a hand on his cheek, pulling him even closer. You've never kissed in the rain but it was perfect. Everything about Jungwoo was.
"And by the way," Jungwoo started when you finally pulled away, "you look great in my clothes."
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It was so cold, so unbelievably cold in Mark's apartment. You told him to fix the heating but he's been too busy binging Netflix to bother. Shivering in your thin tee, you rummaged through Mark's closet for something warm to wear. If he wasn't going to get the heating sorted, you were going to steal every last one of his hoodies until he had no other choice.
Throwing the black, oversized hoodie over your head, you made your way downstairs and plopped on the couch beside him, making him turn his attention away from the TV screen and towards you.
"Is that my- Is that my hoodie?"
"Yes, it is. Actually, it's now mine, at least until you get the heating fixed." You crossed your arms over your chest and raised an eyebrow at your boyfriend.
Laughing, he threw his arms around you and started mumbling into your neck.
"Gosh, you're so cute, you have no idea."
You let out a whine, surrendering. This was not how this was supposed to go.
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You clipped your hair back with the lonely bobby pin in your pocket, pulling the jacket around you tighter to brace yourself for the ruthless winds outside. Exiting the shop with Donghyuck by your side, you picked up your pace to make it home before it became any colder or windier - which it did, a minute into your journey.
The wind made your eyes water and you shrunk yourself, head down, ignoring your boyfriend, who began failing to catch up to you.
Suddenly, you felt something warm wrap around your neck and turned around to find your boyfriend securing his scarf around it, unzipping your jacket to tuck it underneath, then zipping it back up. It left his neck exposed due to the low-cut t-shirt he wore under his leather jacket, and you frowned at the sight of it, opening your mouth to protest before he interrupted you.
"Don't worry about it. I'll be fine. You look like you need it more than me."
Wrapping his arm around you, thus offering you even more of his body's warmth, he led you towards his apartment, where he made you hot cocoa and cuddled you until felt warm again.
You still didn't take off his scarf, and he never asked for it back.
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soleilsuhh · 3 years
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— soon the cold night falls.
plot. when you went to doyoung’s place to study, you didn’t expect to end up staying the night and sleeping on the same bed.
pairing. doyoung x gender neutral! reader.
genre. college!au. fluff. suggestive. pining. good ol’ sharing-a-bed trope.
word count. 1.8k words.
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you had been falling behind in maths, which was why you asked doyoung to help you study. although you didn’t have the same major, you knew he was more than proficient in the subject. he had eventually agreed to help but not without calling you an idiot first. this was how you found yourself in his rented studio apartment where he lived off-campus, about fifteen minutes from the university.
suddenly, you felt a hard but painless tap on your hand.
"are you listening?" he demanded, the look on his face is evident that he already knew the answer. he sighed, "pay attention, y/n, this topic is important."
"it seems like even you can't make maths interesting,"
he shot you a look at which you responded immediately by raising your palms up slightly in surrender, topped by a cheeky grin. you tried your best to focus as he continued with the explanation but by the time he reached to the next page, your thoughts began to drift away from the formulas and to the fact that the two of you were alone.
it wasn't as if this was the first time you had been alone with him in a room; you weren't sure why you were feeling jittery and why your foot was bouncing of its own accord under the table.
"—will you stop zoning out!"
his raised voice and the sound of frustrated slam of pen on the table startled you, effectively pulling you away from your thoughts.
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surprisingly, the rest of the tutoring session went by smoothly. but it seemed like at some point while studying for what felt like forever, you fell asleep. when you woke up, you were pleasantly surprised to feel a jacket wrapped securely around you, and that its owner was also asleep in front of you, using his own arm as a pillow. his face was serene, the soft breathing making the world outside seem to stand still.
you grabbed your phone, trying to ignore the odd feeling in your heart. looking at the screen, you jumped, nearly causing the jacket to fall off your shoulders. it was already midnight, and you were still at his apartment. you reached over to shake doyoung awake, and as he rubbed his eyes, you showed him the lit-up screen.
he momentarily froze in his movements. "huh." he looked at you, "sorry, i didn't mean to fall asleep; i was planning to wake you up before your dorm curfew," he paused and after a moment, he said: “do you want to stay here tonight?”
your heart involuntarily beat faster at that and you brushed it off. it was probably a good idea; you were already an hour past the curfew. you said ‘okay,’ before calling your roommate to inform them. they sounded sleepy but nonetheless, relieved to hear from you. as you talked on the phone, doyoung walked over to his dresser and your gaze lingered after him.
“catch,” he said, throwing a simple tee and sweatpants at your direction just as you hung up.
you caught them clumsily.
“thought they might be more comfortable than your jeans, but you don’t have to change if you don’t want to,”
you smiled at him, “thank you,” you brought the clothes closer to get the whiff of fresh scent, “they smell really nice,”
he scoffed but not unkindly.
as you shuffled towards the bathroom to change, he began to put away the books on the table. when you came out, the table was cleared, everything neatly stacked and an extra bedding was spread out on the floor along with a pillow.
"you take the bed," he said, gesturing towards it.
you blinked at him for a moment then delcared, "hell no, this is your place anyway; i can sleep on the floor,"
"exactly, this is my place, so i make the rules," he said, "take the bed,"
you refused to move, not giving in but also uncertain about what to say. this was such a conflicting situation you were in; why did you care that much if he slept on the floor? why were your eyes so fixated on the fact that there was no extra blanket for him? what was this clenching feeling in your stomach?
"the bed is big enough for two people..." you awkwardly suggested. "i mean it's not like we've never shared a bed before,"
it's true; you had taken so many naps together - that was back in primary and middle school, yes, and things might not be the same anymore.
you could have sworn that you saw doyoung's movements stop after hearing your suggestion but he continued whatever he was doing on his phone. his lack of response was a clear enough answer for you.
"um, fine then," you said with a hint of despondency.
"i guess we can keep a pillow between us," his voice came. "i don't have an extra blanket too, anyway and it gets cold at night," he paused a brief second and lifted his head to look at you, "are you sure you're okay with sharing a bed?"
you nodded, a little too eagerly, a little too fast, "yeah, i'm okay with it! sounds good!"
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the two of you remained motionless on the bed. it was awkward. you couldn't tell if he felt the same or if he was already asleep. he was lying still on his back, eyes closed and face relaxed.
you tried not to move too much, but you couldn't help yourself from restlessly tossing and turning, pulling the cover that you were sharing slightly closer to your body. he was right; the night was really cold.
suddenly, you felt a hand on yours, not grabbing it, just resting there and applying enough pressure to get your attention. you noticed how warm his hand was and you cherished it.
"y/n," his voice was soothing in the quietness of the night, "stop moving so much,"
you stopped and his touch, warm and gentle, lingered before he completely retreated his hand.
after a moment, you lifted your head slightly, "doyoung?"
"i'm cold,"
he eventually opened his eyes and got out of bed with a sigh; he headed towards his dresser, the path dimly lit by the moon and then he came back with a hoodie which he tossed at you. "here,"
you mumbled a 'thank-you' as you put it on, feeling both thankful yet also...disappointed. you weren't sure why though. what exactly were you expecting anyway?
once again, both of you lied down on your backs, neither moving; his eyes closed, and yours wide open. minutes passed before you began to feel restless again. somehow, your mind wouldn't stop thinking about how warm his hand was and how yours was itching to be held again.
you turned your body to completely face him as you edged closer to the pillow barrier between you two. "doyoung?" you tried.
you waited a few seconds.
"i'm still cold,"
you waited a few seconds. a few more. and a few more.
you were certain you wouldn’t get a response anymore. he was probably tired and dying to get some sleep. and he already gave you a hoodie; what more could he do for you?
sleepless, you found yourself distracted by how pretty he looked in the pale moonlight that came through the window. you noticed an eyelash on his cheek and tentatively, you reached over to gently brush it away. you were tempted to wake him so that he can make a wish but that probably wasn't a good idea. despite how warm his hand was, his face was cool under your touch, his skin so soft that you found yourself lightly trailing a finger along his features; first his cheekbone, then his nose, and when your finger reached his lip, his breath deepened and his eyelids moved albeit still closed. you stopped dead.
you weren't sure whether knowing that he was awake made you feel more nervous or more delighted. perhaps both.
your fingertips lingered on his skin, waiting for him to stop you but he didn't. you felt compelled to continue and that’s what you did; your fingers began moving again, trailing over the shape of his lips. with each passing second, your movements gained more sense of ease and certainty as your feathery touch brushed along his jawline, creeping down his neck, and then his collarbone.
you watched, marvelled as his breath hitched softly.
your fingers edged up his neck again.
and his hand grabbed your wrist. there it was. that warm touch of his.
he opened his eyes and your gazes locked.
the look on his face was unreadable and it made you all the more nervous and excited. the eye-contact broke only when you gulped, trying to shove the nerves down, and his eyes followed the movement on your neck.
“you said you’re cold?”
you nodded.
letting go of your wrist, his eyes met yours again. “turn around.”
you looked at him uncertainly, suddenly feeling a tingling sensation in your fingertips and toes. “why?”
he gave you a small, reassuring smile, and his hand reached out to trace along your jaw and down your neck, the maneuver emulating yours earlier.
“you’ll see,”
you shifted your position and turned until you were facing the other way. behind you, you felt the pillow between you two being lifted and placed on the other side of the bed. soon after, doyoung wrapped his arms around yours, pulling the covers over your bodies and holding you close. back pressed against his chest, you entwined your arm with his and laced your fingers together.
the two of you stayed like that for a while, still and quiet.
it was him who broke the silence, “how about now?” he said, “are you still cold?”
you smiled, “no, this is really nice,”
it was a little awkward and stiff at first. but after a while, it became peaceful as you both slowly relaxed and allowed yourselves to melt into the warm embrace. your breathing slowed down and your heart stopped racing. the steady rise and fall of his chest was so comforting and you found yourself snuggling closer against his chest and into his arms.
“honestly,” you began, voice quiet but light-hearted, “i was kind of thinking about something else when you told me to turn around,”
he hummed amusedly and let out a chuckle. then he leaned forward to hover his lips over your ear, “i know what you were thinking,” his voice was barely above a whisper and held a tone of refrained laughter.
you shivered but eventually bursted out laughing, and he promptly joined, unable to contain it in him any longer. the laughter in the stillness of the night was heavenly. doyoung muffled himself by burying his face in your neck to stop himself from laughing too loud for the sake of the neighbors, but that only caused you to laugh louder and harder because of the tickling sensation. in spite of himself, he managed to whisper soft ‘shh’s and gently covered your mouth with his hand from behind.
even as you both tried to calm yourselves down, you broke into fits of soft giggles every now and then. doyoung tried to sound annoyed as he told you to go to sleep but he couldn’t stop smiling.
you sighed, happy and content but also sad because you knew this moment would eventually pass, “i don’t want this to end,”
“don’t be silly,”
silence filled the room for a while.
“you can come sleep over whenever you want,” he said, hugging you closer, his voice soft and unwavering.
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mskimkaty · 4 years
Quit | J.JH
Angst, Smut, fluff (little bit on the end)
Synopsis: You might think that some people who did you bad have little impact in your life, tip toeing from situations that you knew could repeat the same mistakes but there will always be that one person who will destroy all your resolve and you’ll find yourself fucking your rules for them.
Word Count: 7.1k
A/N: love u all. pls enjoy! (not really proof read)
Edit: uhmmm pls don’t judge me but this is actually my bf and my story of how we met to how we become couples. Alright. Enjoy!!!!
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You hated how you didn’t take “searching for college schools” seriously, and now, you’re all but stuck for the rest of your college years in the same school you graduated from High school. You know it’s a good school, having to be in the top 7 elite schools all over the country that has an institution that offers all levels of education— but you honestly don’t care about that right now. You wished you didn’t choose the easy road in finding a good college because now you’re stuck with a university that has zero-base for their grading system, 75 marks as their passing grade, and put their students with fully loaded units— having up to 30 units per semester. How Asian can it get?
 Fourth-year high school wasn’t your year, when a particular boy, Jeon Jungkook broke your heart. He was a close friend first before he became someone more than that, you told yourself not to be involved with the likes of him in any way, you first meet during your junior year by a mutual friend—Joy, your best friend, was in the same class as him, thus, the reason the both of you became close.
 Joy warned you about him and you knew because that’s what you told her base on your first impression on Jungkook, but you still tested the waters. And that’s how you broke your heart for the first time, you let yourself trust him despite all the bad things that you heard about him, you ignore everything because you were happy around him, but you were tired of having a relationship without a label and the fact that he doesn’t want you to be seen together speaks so much. You went on a retreat for 3 days in your senior year as it was a requirement for every graduating students by your catholic school, you weren’t going steady per se, but you still talked nonetheless, as he was getting busy with basketball, and you, having the cheerleading competition around the corner, training, exams, and graduation. You both have so much on your own plates.
 You kept on seeing red flags— the way he’s not responding to your calls and messages for a week, you haven’t really seen him around the school as varsity players have their own retreat, and when you saw a photo posted in his Instagram account with a girl in your year. She was a transferee, that’s all you remember after receiving a text message of him saying sorry. You hated how forgiving you can be, you hoped you can be tough and talk back to him— but no, you never had the chance to say what you wanted to say to him. You just let everything go. You can’t even ask someone to comfort you because of the fact you were a secret. You didn’t even know why you agreed with that kind of set up in the first place. Why did you choose something temporarily for a piece of mind? You hated how easy you can get sometimes, but you closed that chapter in your life after cursing him for months in your head and some Friday night parties until you graduated High school.
 And now, you’re in your second year of college and very much single. You received a message from Seulgi, saying that she needs to cancel your plans from eating out because of a midterm exam that got rescheduled she was your best friend together with Joy, Irene, and Wendy since high school but college happened and the five of you went with different schools except for Wendy and Seulgi who enrolled at the same University. You have a heavy sigh, it’s not that you don’t have friends in your own department, you do. It’s just that all your girlfriends have classes and won’t be done until 3 in the afternoon— and you’re very much hungry.
 You saw a very familiar face exiting the lesson hall next to yours and you’re quick on your feet to hide behind the walls of your classroom.
 “Y/n, I’ve already seen you, you know.” Suh Johnny stands beside you with Ten beside him smiling at you, you three both did your handshakes after getting drag out of the room. “Have you eaten already?” Ten asks and you shook your head. Johnny put his arms around your shoulders and the three of you walked out of the campus to eat out.
 “Oppa, what’s that?” you asked Ten preferring to his phone when you all settled down while Johnny browses the menu on what to order. “Jaehyun asked if he can join.” He says to the both of you, you look at Johnny as you both shrugs. Jung Jaehyun was once an IT student, he shifted after a year into your department and incredibly smart in mathematics. He was instantly everyone’s friend in your year.
 “I’m cool with him,” Johnny says and they both look at you. You’re not really fond of everybody and not entirely friendly with everyone. You’ve been close with Johnny and Ten who were much older than you only because you knew them since High school. “It’s cool.” You muttered.
 “But you wouldn’t be comfortable around other people, though.” Ten commented. They were completely aware of your introverted ass. They know what happened to you during your fourth-year high school, not only with Jeon Jungkook but the fact that all of your female classmates during your senior year made you an outcast. You honestly find it funny now, since you know that you have four amazing friends who stuck with you through thick and thin. You wished you had taken up the opportunity when Seulgi asked you to join her for hunting college schools before graduating High school so that you can be with her throughout your college years, but what’s done is done, what happened to you in the past brought you here right now and made you who you are. It wasn’t a problem for you— you like having the quality over quantity. You like how your circle of friends isn’t that big, too many people in your life can cost you too much trouble in the end, you know that because you’ve already experienced it first hand, having many people in your life will only lead you to disappointments.
 You weren’t familiar with Jung Jaehyun, per se, you just had a class with him during the second semester of your first year of college, that one professor you disliked so much teaching algebra instead of business mathematics and had the audacity to fail you. You hated how you got a failed mark while Jaehyun passed the subject despite his absences, you acknowledge him for having a big brain when it comes to numbers but you still find it unfair how he passed and you failed, you wished you could be as smart as him. You first met him when Mark introduced you to him after your Psychology class, you were talking with Mark about your Final output for the subject when he came up to Mark— fist-bumping, while wearing a white hoodie and black jeans, had those big Nike bags that you knew Basketball players uses, his white sneakers clean and you look at yours— completely worn out and definitely needed a new pair.
 He was smiling at you, eyeing Mark while waiting to be introduced to you. That got you rolling your eyes at him unknowingly, making him slightly intimidated with you. You shot Jaehyun a fake smile— he was cute, charming, tall, and obviously another varsity player. God, your skin starts to crawl, another varsity player is being too friendly with you. You bid Mark goodbye, and that was the start of your acquaintances with Jung Jaehyun, he was everywhere, becoming the Mr. Congeniality of your Department in no time when he shifted after a year in Information Technology.
 The three of you waited for Jaehyun to arrive before ordering your lunch, you waited for another minute before the door opened and Jaehyun walked in wearing a black long tee and denim jeans paired with his clean white sneakers. He settled down beside Ten who was in front of you and you started to become uncomfortable. Johnny and Jaehyun decided to get your orders and you were left with Ten in your booth.
 “Y/N, Jaehyun’s a good guy, you already know him for half a year, why are you still uncomfortable around him?” Ten asks you as you heave a heavy sigh. It’s not that you're uncomfortable around him because of your trust issues, you’re uncomfortable because clearly, he’s your type, and you’re not comfortable with the idea of it, you know he already had a girlfriend, you saw his wallpaper for a second when he put it down on the table before locking it. “I’m not. It’s just that—Oppa, can’t I be shy around people?” you countered, Ten looked at you funnily. “Don’t kid with me, y/n- ah. You guys both have International Cuisine, right?” he asks and you nod. “Then, you’ll be around him more often from now on, loosen up, He’s a great guy, if he did something to you, just tell me and Johnny and we’ll take care of it for you.” he flashed you a smile and you brush it off while giggling at him. “Thanks, Oppa, but no thanks.” You say and the two came back with two trays full of food. “It’s on me.” Johnny settled down next to you and you shoot him a grateful smile as the four of you started digging.
 “Are you throwing a party for your birthday?” Johnny suddenly asked, you nod at him and he muttered a small okay while your eyes darted at Jaehyun— it would be totally rude not to invite him for your birthday party when the topic is already laid on the table. Plus, he was looking at the three of you intently, seemingly out of place with the subject of the conversation. “Jaehyun, you should come on my birthday, It’s on the 19th, just some drinks and food on me, nothing too grand.” You find yourself saying and Ten and Johnny were shocked that you invited him. you clear your throat and continued “Can you guys ask everyone? I haven’t seen Yuta, Jungwoo, and Taeil Oppa but I already asked a bunch of people.” You added. They all agreed. “Thanks for inviting me, I think I don’t have anything going on that day,” Jaehyun commented. “Sounds like a plan.” You say and the four of you continued digging in.
 That night on your birthday, everything made a 360-degree turn in your life. Having 23 boys in your flat and some of your girlfriends turn out to be so much fun. When you run out of drinks you find yourself on Jaehyun’s passenger seat as the two of you drive to the nearest store to purchase some alcohol— You and Jaehyun seem like the only person sober enough to walk and drive your way outside the comforts of your home. You felt really comfortable around him, he hasn’t made a move on you or anything, and you think that maybe it’s because he already had a girlfriend and is faithful to their relationship.
 “Why didn’t you bring your girlfriend with you?” you asked just to start a conversation. “You knew?” he asked you while throwing you side glances, you nod your head yes. “It’s kind of complicated, plus, we're not official.” He continued which made you shocked, he was being open with you shockingly. “What? Why?” for some reason, it made you really curious. He gives you a heartily chuckle “It’s complicated.” You only nod.
 When you came back to your flat, you and Jaehyun were left to sit together, Mark and Haechan were completely out of it, while Joy and Irene are having a conversation with Jisung and Chenle. It’s nice to see them conversing with each other. Johnny was busy preparing the drinks with Yuta, Taeyong, and Seulgi, while the others are setting up the karaoke on your flat screen Tv hanged on your living room’s wall.
 You thought that was the last time you’ll see Jung Jaehyun, or you thought that was the last time you’ll be together in the same room as well as be at the same table together. You forgot that you both have classes together, that you’re practically in the same department, you honestly forgot that you’re both in the same circle of friends.
 You’ve been closer with the guys as time goes by, they were nothing like the people from your High school, they were honestly cool to be with, it just that, they like to unwind sometimes, and that “sometimes” means every Friday of the week, unwinding with drinks and such. This time, Jaehyun was the host, and Jungwoo together with Taeil managed to dragged and convinced you out of girlfriend nights. You have been hanging out with them more than usual and you were getting closer with Jaehyun, particularly, you keep on looking for him at gatherings and he kept on looking out for you. There was an unspoken mutual understanding between the two of you, you know it was wrong, even if you find yourself giddy and happy when he messages you or when he calls you before you go to bed when the two of you meet in between subjects just to eat together. You knew you were repeating the same mistakes as you did with Jungkook, and you can’t help but fuck yourself because everything is wrong at the same time feels right. How screwed can you get? Why do you always choose temporary happiness over a peace of mind?
 That night, when most of the guys left to go home and some of them left to smoke outside, you find yourself alone with Jaehyun in his living room. You poured him and yourself a shot, the guys were surely taking their time outside. “One-shot.” You tell him and you both down the tequila in seconds, hissing at the taste burning your throats. You stared at him, thinking that you have to start distancing yourself from him, you don’t want to ruin what he had with his girl. Your stomach turns just by thinking about the possibilities of ruining someone else’s relationship. You were better than that.
 You move your gaze away from him, you were about to pour another shot when you felt Jaehyun’s warm hand on your neck pulling you closer. You felt his warm lips on yours, it was sweet and warm, burning you within, but the taste was anything but sweet— you tasted the tequila out of his lips as he licks your bottom lip that got you responding to him, you closed your eyes and find yourself fucking your boundaries for him. You wrap your arms around his neck as he pulls you closer by the waist, rubbing small circles on your skin. You break the kiss as you put your forehead on his, trying to catch your breath. He was about to kiss you again when you move your face away from him, trying to put some distance away from him. “Did I do something wrong?” you heard him saying. You wipe the smudged lipstick on your skin below your lips as you face him. “Jaehyun, you’re not completely single.” You said. “But I’m not in a relationship either, I told you months ago, it was complicated.” He sits beside you properly, a hand clamped together as you look at him.
 “Jaehyun, this is non-negotiable. I don’t want to ruin someone’s relationship.” You say, and Johnny walks in. you poured yours and Jaehyun’s shot glass clicking with his before downing it in one go. If Johnny felt the thick air between the two of you, he doesn’t comment on it.
 You choose to forget what happened when all of the guys started walking back inside. Started conversing with Johnny about this student in your department that got kicked out of the university because of some issues. You got your self a couple of drinks before standing up to head to the bathroom, but since it was your first time at Jaehyun’s house you ask him where it was, plus Lucas was incredibly taking his time in the bathroom so Jaehyun leads you to his room instead. “Just use mine, Lucas is taking forever.” He said. You nod and head for the bathroom in his room. His room was surprisingly clean and very much boyish in your opinion, the walls are painted blue, his bed covers are white and was neatly done, the cabinets are on the side while a bunch of basketball trophies is beside his computer.
 When you were done with his bathroom, you find him sitting at the end of his bed, browsing his phone while waiting for you. “I thought you already went down,” you said. Jaehyun looks up at you. “Can I look at your trophies?” you asked him and as he walks to you and standing beside you to look at his achievements during his High school days.
 “Wait, you went to Santa Clara?” you asked him. “So, you know, Jeon Jungkook?” you asked shocked at the information when he said as small “Yes. Why?”
 You shook your head and muttered nothing. “We went with some tune-up games in the past, but I know him, he and his group keep on hitting on our cheerleaders it was kind of funny.” He says to you and you laughed. “What’s new, but— wow, what a small world.” “Oh, that’s right he graduated from St. Vincent, right?” you turn your head at him and you see Jaehyun looking at you while waiting for your answer, you only nodded your head, not having the gusto to talk about Jeon Jungkook at the moment. You felt Jaehyun’s hands circling around your wrist, turning your body against him making you look up to him.
 You were completely drawn to him, from the way he pulls you closer by the waist, the way he lifts your head as he put his other hand to your face, he has you completely wrapped around his fingers. You felt his lips doing wonders to you and this time you let him kiss you. You find yourself wrapped around him for the second time. “Jaehyun—”
 “Hmm.” You felt him deepened the kiss as he pulls you impossibly closer, hips to hips pressed together and you hated how right it felt. “We need to go down.” you tried to push him away but he won't budge. Jaehyun, slips his thumb just above the exposed skin on your hips, rubbing small circles that got you moaning “If you haven’t noticed, I’m actually crazy for you right now.” He says under his breath and you felt warm all over. Jaehyun has his brows furrowed, his expression as if he was hurting all over the place, and you laugh at him. “Fine, I’ll spend the night here.” You hear yourself saying and Jaehyun only pulled you closer for a hug.
 When the night ended, Jaehyun tells the guys that he’ll be the one to give you a ride and no one suspects it— agreeing to him and biding the two of you goodbye while the two of you cleaned up the living room. Moments after, you find yourself having second thoughts about staying the night with him. You know this will only lead to you on Jung Jaehyun’s bed. “Do you want to go home?” he asks you as if reading your mind, and you shook your head. “But can we go grab some late snacks? I’m kind of hungry.”
 The both of you drove to McDonald's and ordered some take-outs, Jaehyun drove to a good spot and parked his car, handing you your orders after putting on some good music— fit for the atmosphere. “Ohhh, this is actually good, huh.” You say while smiling at him. Jaehyun put your drinks in the cupholder between the both of you and handed you some tissues after. The warm feelings are back and you hate to admit that he gives you butterflies in your stomach.
 “I mean, this could be our thing, y/m.”
 You didn’t comment on that. Digging into your burger as a distraction to the strange sensation that you kept on feeling. You were quietly eating your food while having mixed feelings about him. you know this familiar feeling— you’re not stupid enough not to know your catching feelings and that you’re starting to fall in love again.
 When you finished up, you turn your body towards Jaehyun, deciding to confess, it’s better to be turned down than to keep on catching feelings for someone who isn’t going to return it at all. It’s not like you to be so brave, in the past, you always wait and that was the problem. You wait until the opportunity slides away from your fingers— from you. Deciding to risk everything this time, you braced yourself for the rejection.
 “Jaehyun.” You started and he turns his head towards you. “You know, I like you, right?” you continued. “You’re not stupid and you know there is something going on with the both of us.” Silence feels inside his car to the point it got so thick you can even cut it with a knife. “I may sound like a bitch but you have to choose between me and her.”
 “Remember when I told you on your birthday that my relationship with her is complicated?” you nodded your head. “I wasn’t lying about it. We’ve known each other for a while and it’s been eight months that time when I wanted to take our relationship to another level.” Hearing him talk about some other girl and the fact he wanted to make their relationship official hurts you in so many ways possible. You find yourself nodding at him as you ignore the lump in your throat. “But she won’t even admit that she likes me, not even one “Thank you” for all the effort I’ve given her, I understand that saying she loves me is a different level, it’s an understatement, but you know, I’m just someone who also needed affections. I don’t understand her for being so high maintenance.”
 “I actually talked with her personally this morning.” He continued. “Was that the reason why you’re absent?” you asked mad over the fact that he was absent for some uncalled reason. “Okay, let me finish before you get mad at me, baby.” You hate how endearing that sounded but you let him talk anyways. “I told her, I was done waiting and that I was sorry that I didn’t keep my promise.”
 “You actually courted her?” you asked and he nods. “Yeah, she is high maintenance and stupid.”
 “And you know what she replied? She says that she’ll say yes to me if that will make me stay or shut my trap, even, you know how the thought of actually agreeing to that one person to be together was gone just for the benefit of the doubt? She should have said yes from the beginning, I don’t have issues with waiting, I waited for almost a year, I know I can do it again, but not like this.” He moves his hands in the air just to set his point. “Was it my fault that I fell out of love?” He asks you and you turn your head away from him, guilty with the fact you are the reason he fell out of love with her. “Y/n, just give me time, I don’t even need that much.” He says and you nod your head.
 When both of you got back to Jaehyun’s flat, it was already midnight, Jaehyun handed you his white clean shirt and boxer shorts to change in to. Giving you some privacy that you needed while he brushes his teeth downstairs. So many things have been running through your mind for the past hour, Jaehyun didn’t turn you down but he didn’t say that he likes you back, either. So where do you stand in his life? You should have gone home; you didn’t want the same mistakes you did in the past to be repeated, but you were tired of waiting and beating around the bush.
 Confessing to Jung Jaehyun that you liked him first made you feel naked around him, having your feelings out in the open. When Jaehyun walked in you were still dazed, thousand of thoughts running through your mind. This wasn’t the first time that you’ve to spend the night with him having sleepovers at Johnny’s or the others but this was definitely your first time spending the night with him.
 It wasn’t an issue for you to sleep beside him since you already confessed, anyway. And in no time, you slip off to dreamland instantly, shocked at how comfortable you are with having his arms around you as you drifted off to dreamland.
 You stir in your sleep when you felt Jaehyun’s hands all over your upper body as he peppers your neck with wet kisses. you fight the sleepiness and look at his nightstand to see that it’s only been two hours when you drifted off to sleep. “Jae, It’s only three in the morning. Can’t you do this later?” you asked as you fight the sleep in your eyes. You felt Jaehyun’s hands hover around your left mound, squeezing it slightly and you look at him fully. “You agree on doing this later?” he asks out of breath.
 “You expect me to fall asleep when you’re on my bed in my clothes?” he whispered in your ear and you moan when his fingers slip in your undies— rubbing circles in your clit. “Already this wet?” Jaehyun continued his ministration on you, adding another finger inside you while he kisses you on the lips. You felt him retract his fingers away and you were about to protest when you felt him lift your shirt just below your chin, your mounds completely in view and ready to be played with. His hands went back on your thighs as he separated your left leg from the other, urging you to open your legs more. His fingers are back on your clit, drawing small circles that made you clenching on nothing. Jaehyun frowned when he felt your walls incredibly tight when he inserted two fingers at a time. “Baby, so fucking tight.”
 Jaehyun throws his shirt over his head and helped you undress, completely impatient, and you tried palming him just to get a reaction. You heard him grunt lowly, shocked at how big he is when Jaehyun got rid of all the clothing. “That won’t fit on me.”
 “Where’s your casual bravado at?” he asks as he pulls you to his lap. You look anywhere but him as your cheeks started to flush. “Don’t tell me— are you a virgin?” you nod your head at him as you felt his cock stood out more to the revelation. “Fuck, well take it slow, baby.” Jaehyun guided you to his lap as you ride him, moving your hips as you coat his dick with your juices. You have your bottom lip trap between your teeth as you let his dick slide in your pussy’s lips. Feeling embarrassed but desperate you tried to push yourself back to meet his hips as you whine with the newfound sensations. You look so lewd above him riding his cock as your tits bounce from your movements, your eyes start to water from the thrill Jaehyun gives you. “I need to hear you.” Jaehyun pushes the messy strands of hair that frames your face.
 You moan at the feeling of his veiny cock sliding in between your pussy’s lips. He hums, pleased with your sounds around him, and rewards you by inserting his fingers all the way inside you, the numbers doing wonders and stinging you a bit, but it still felt better than having to clench at nothing. Jaehyun marks you up all over your neck and just above your mounds, flesh to flesh as you moan for him. He pumps his fingers in and out of you as you ride his cock continuously. He gathers you in his arms and lays you on your back, pulling your thighs against your chest, keeping your legs spread as he pushes inside you slowly, grunting. “I wasn’t planning on putting it inside, but you just feel so fucking good.”
 You cried at the stretch, slowly tearing you apart as he moves inch by inch just to be inside you fully. When he’s all the way inside of you, his breath leaves him in a shaky sigh, and he takes a couple of moments for the both of you before he started moving. You know Jaehyun was holding back, as he focusses on your breast as they bounce up and down in a humiliating manner as he pushes into you slowly for his liking, while his hands keep your legs spread wide for him, you felt embarrassed and humiliated with the way you’re positioned under him, but you can’t help every moan that escapes you as it started to feel amazing more than a while ago. The sting you felt was gone and all you can think is the pleasure that he gives you.
 “Fuck, you’re tightening up.” You turn your head to the side, trying to bury your face in the pillows around you as you hide your face from him, but Jaehyun doesn’t allow it, he bends down— his upper body draped over you, his face mere inched from yours, the new positions has his right hand pulling your right leg further upwards, thigh pressing harder against your chest. “Say it, baby. I need to hear you.” His gaze pierces through you, ordering more than asking you to obey him, and you find him looking sexier as he looks even as his skin glistens and how some strands of his hair started to stick over his forehead.
 Docilely and submissive, you answered him. “I- I want to cum, please.” You sounded so lewd; you didn’t even recognize yourself anymore. His gaze doesn’t free yours as his hips started to pick up the pace. “Do you know how hot you look right now? Spread out on my bed with nothing but my cock in you? fuck, fuck.” You started clenching around him as he put his thumb on your clit, drawing circles as you cry out his name in ecstasy.
 He fucks you through your orgasm, grunting as your walls get even tighter, making it harder for him to keep on moving inside of you but that made him ravish you more with fervor. Your orgasm feels like it will never end as he drags it out in order to reach his own high, finally, his hips stutter as he pulls out of you and pumps his dick more as he comes in your stomach and breasts.
 When he was done, he moves away from you and walks to the bathroom, you heard the faucet running and Jaehyun came out with a wet, warm towel in his hands and uses it to clean up the mess the two of you made. When he’s done, he tosses it to the side and scoops you in his arms, covering both of your naked bodies with his blanket that smells like him. He had you trap in his arms and sure it felt good to be treated like this, the feeling new to you.
 “Sleep, let’s not think about what happened for now.” He murmured and you agree. “I’m sorry.” You heard him say. You look up at him and see different emotions flickers in his eyes. “Honestly, I’ve seen this coming, I’m not usually like this but I always find myself fucking my rules just to be with you.” Jaehyun pulls you closer to him. “That’s because you liked me.” He told you before you drifted off to sleep for the second time.
 The next morning, Jaehyun give you a ride home, you— being awfully quiet after realizing everything that happened when you saw the bloodstains in his bedsheets that morning. You didn’t utter a word throughout the ride, reality downing to you one by one. Did you just sleep with a guy who wasn’t your boyfriend in the first place? When you got in the comforts of your home you smack your head for the stupidity. You knew how boys can be, and you just give Jaehyun the chance to have his way with you easily without a fight.
 When a day passed by without seeing even a shadow of Jaehyun, you sent him a message asking what was he doing. You waited for hours but you didn’t get a reply from him that day. You’ve been overthinking things and didn’t have the energy to be productive at all, you tried calling him but he wasn’t answering at all. The next day came and you checked your phone for any notification from him but there was none, you were about to get up when you heard a car honking in front of your house— you walk towards your window and there, you saw Jung Jaehyun, standing beside his car in your front yard, smiling up at you with his hands tucked inside his jean’s pockets. You ignore the raging butterflies in your stomach and hide the blush creeping in your cheeks with your hair as you give him a bashful smile in return.
 When you came down after washing up and getting ready for school, you kissed your mom goodbye saying you’re skipping breakfast and will just eat out in the café next to the University. You run to Jaehyun, his arms open and ready to catch you in his arms— and you embrace him. “Haven’t heard from you yesterday.” You push your self a little away from him to see a smile playing at his lips. “I miss you too.” He answered and for some reason, cat got your tongue.
 “It’s still early, do you want to eat out?” Jaehyun asked you when you both settle down inside his car and you nod your head after checking your wristwatch, you still have two hours to kill before your classes start, it’s Tuesday, so the both of you are packed up with your chef’s uniforms in your bags.
 “I hate cooking.” You tell no one in particular as Jaehyun started to drive away, “But you’re the top in our department.” you only give him a glance as you relax your body.
 When you arrived at the café next to your University, it was still spacious as it was still early, most of the time students would fill the room up, studying or just talking with their peers. You both settle down on the booth next to the window— Jaehyun, ever the gentlemen ordering and buying you your food. “Jaehyun, I really appreciate you spending your money on me, but next time let me pay for my own food.” You say when he came back with a tray of pastries and coffees in his hands. “Why?” he asked.
 “Because it’s your money, and we’re still students you know, we shouldn’t spend recklessly.” Jaehyun was bewildered by what you said and it was clearly written on his face. “Why?” you asked scared that you might say something wrong. “It’s just that, I was used to spending money for her even if I get to eat nothing as long as she gets hers.” He says. You felt horrified after hearing that. “No way, if you ran out of money, you say it and I’m going to pay for us, all right?”
“You sure you haven’t been in relationships?” there was a bashful smile playing at Jaehyun’s face, “No, it’s called basic manners, Jung Jaehyun.” You laughed at him. “So, I haven’t heard from you at all yesterday.” You watched as Jaehyun sipped at his iced americano— nodding at you as if you’ve stated the obvious.
“I ended everything with her, what she said doesn’t really sit on me right. I didn’t take her to be that hypocrite in the first place.” Jaehyun started. So, he was with her last night, you think, but not in the way that you think, he meets with her to cut and finish everything between them. “I just hate that every time we fought, she would always turn the tables around, guilt tripping me so I can admit that I’m wrong when she also has her mistakes in the first place. Don’t think that this happened because of you, it started happening before you even came, I don’t want you to beat yourself thinking that you ruined my relationship with her, because in the first place there’s no relationship between us.” You nod your head and all you can do is listen.
“Do you regret everything that has been happening?” you asked as you hear your heart beating rapidly inside your chest, you look at him and he did the same. “No. You happened unexpectedly, but no, I don’t regret you.” you fought the tears away, feeling the warmth and comfort inside, this has never happened to you, someone choosing you over anything, and you can’t help but tear up.
“Why are you crying? It’s not me who’s choosing you but you’re the one who is choosing me. If you haven’t noticed a lot of guys wants to be with you, so I’m really grateful that you liked me instead.” Jaehyun wiped the tears that threatening to fall down your check and pulling you close in his arms after. You put your head in his arms, everything feels surreal and if ever you are dreaming you don’t want to wake up anymore. “I really like you,Y/n.” you look up to him laughing as you cry harder, all this baggage and walls gone because of one person.  
That was the start of your relationship with Jung Jaehyun, all those crazy days and nights with him, long drives and Friday nights, eating and pigging out with him, he knows you more than the back of his hands, he knows that you get moody every month, he knew about your introverted ass, he knows that you can be basic and simple at times— you don’t expect too much of him and he does the same with you, on your first year of being together, you introduced Jaehyun to your whole family on your reunion day and they instantly love him— specially your brother and cousins. They enjoyed talking to him, and you’re honestly surprised at how welcoming you parents are to him, asking him to sleep over, Jaehyun and your brother having the same interest, playing computer games until the sun rises, His mother sending a box full of apples to your mother because he mentions that it’s your mom’s favorite.
Sometimes you get scared of breaking up with him, fighting isn’t something that the both of you can avoid, there are times the you just want to strangle him to death, but that makes everything real, being jealous and having make up sex, all those time the both of you fight for something trivial, those moments make your relationship stronger. And now you’ve been with him for the past 4 years, going steady and strong.  
“Babe, you ready?” you both settle down on his car, you just finish your final exams for this week, you and Jaehyun are up for a 2 hour long drive to get to your vacation house, most of your family are already there since this morning and the both of you have to finish your exams and classes first before joining them, you nod your head at him as he pull his jacket over his head and handing it you. Jaehyun knows that you get easily cold but you don’t want to turn the heater up and make him suffer as he tends to sweat a lot, that leads you to having his hoodies stack up in your closet.
“You have to cut your smoking off you know it’s not good for your health.” You say as you saw him scratch the back of his neck, a freshly lit stick in his mouth, when the both of you started going out you have seen him smoke a couple of times to the point that it got you curious and tried it, you have been smoking in the past but you cut it off as it was unhealthy. Jaehyun on the other hand finds it hard. “old habits die hard.” He told you once.
“You got to compromise, baby.” Jaehyun blew the smoke outside— his window rolled down and one hand on the stirring wheel, you got to admit though, your boyfriend looked hot. “Fine, what do you suggest?”
“Marry me after we graduate.” Your head snap back to look at him, as you waited for him to laugh and say that he was joking. Jaehyun throw the cigar outside reaching for the rubbing alcohol to clean his hands, you tend to hate the smell that clings to his hands whenever he smokes. You were awfully quiet, shocked at what he said, and you found yourself caught in your thoughts.
“If you promise to be with me forever, until the day that our hair turns white, then I promise to cut my smoking off.” He smiled at you, reaching for your hands that was placed in your lap as he pulls it closer to his mouth to give it some kisses. You can’t really say anything as tears started to fall one by one, you we’re just so happy that he thinks of being together with you for that long. “I know I’ve done so many things that disappoints you, but you still choose to be with me, and for that, I’m really grateful. So, I’m asking you this right now, I know we still have to graduate and we still have a long way ahead of us. And I would still have to buy you the most beautiful ring in the world. What I can give you right know is my hopeful words— promising you that I would be faithful and love you until the end, so are you going to say yes?” he asks while holding your hand.
“Yes.” the both of you laughed at the situation as you reach out to kiss him in the cheeks. “Babe! Stay seated or will get into an accident” he shouts but laughs with you.
You definitely don’t regret falling in love with Jung Jaehyun.
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mackjlee9 · 3 years
Crossdresser!Tomioka Giyuu x Seme!Male!Reader [Smut]
Kinks: semi-public, grinding, overstimulation, age-play and mind-break, mention of cervix (could be interpreted as a mpreg au)
!Modern AU!
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Requested by Sukoruru on Wattpad.
  (M/n) was brushing his teeth after he placed the towel on top of his wet hair, holding onto the towel wrapped around his hips to prevent it from falling. He had just taken a shower and was ready to spend the rest of the day... being the lazy shit he's always been.
He spits out the toothpaste after he washed his mouth, and walked out of the bathroom, going to his bedroom so he could get dressed. He had just put on his underwear when his phone dinged on his bedside table.
(M/n) frowned slightly but went to grab it, a text showing up on his screen. It was from his cute boyfriend, Giyuu.
Do you want to meet up? Like... a date?
He was surprised but definitely happy about that text, the male was usually too shy or stoic to even try to ask him out, so it caught him off guard. But it wasn't like he would deny the offer.
;Sure, baby. Where?
How about the mall?
(M/n) though it was an odd choice, but he agreed to it nonetheless, there's a lot of stuff you could do in the mall, so...
;Okay :)
;When do you want me to pick you up?
No, we can meet up there at noon, it's fine.
And so, he got dressed up fairly quickly, picking black jeans, a white tee, a black hoodie, and his combat boots, grabbing his phone, wallet, and keys before walking out of the house.
He thought about getting into his car, but decided against it, the mall was close to his house and he didn't feel like driving, especially at this time of the day. So he walked there, looking around the buildings and hearing his stomach rumble wherever he would walk by a food place, but he resisted the temptation.
Already at the entrance after almost ten minutes, (M/n) stayed outside, looking around while he waited for his boyfriend. After five minutes, he checked his phone. 12:05 pm.
Well, Giyuu seems to want to be 'fashionably late'. He chuckled at his own thought, imagining the black-haired male just wiping his hair back with that usual stoic expression of his, saying 'Move, bitch, the queen has arrived.'
That thought shouldn't have made him laugh that hard, but because people saw him on his phone, they didn't look at him like he was a weirdo. (M/n) sighed as his laughter died down, and he pocketed his phone back in his jeans, and he stood there for a bit longer.
Right when he shifted his weight from one leg to the other, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He smiled instantly knowing who it was, and he turned around.
"Giyuu, baby, I've been wai-..." his breath hitched as soon as his (e/c) eyes landed on the shorter male, "B-baby...? What are you wearing...?" He mumbled softly, feeling his mouth dry at the sight of the very... feminine clothing the male was wearing.
A pout appeared on Giyuu's face, and he looked down at himself for a moment, before he made eye contact with the taller male once more. "You don't like it?"
His soft yet sad voice made him panic slightly, making him shake his head frenetically.
"N-no! Th-that's not it! It's just...!" He stopped in the middle of his sentence as his eyes scanned all around them. He could see how most of the males surrounding them were staring at his baby.
His Giyuu.
A frown showed up on his face, making the smaller male look at him with curiosity, but before he could ask, a pair of arms were wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to the muscular chest of the taller.
"I don't like how everyone is looking at you, baby," (M/n) whispered in his ear, a shiver running down his spine, "You're mine, Giyuu, no one else's."
As soon as he finished his sentence, they started walking into the mall, (M/n) keeping an arm around Giyuu the entire time, growling and glaring at whoever dared to look at his baby.
You wanna know what Giyuu was wearing?
He had a white sweater, which was a bit oversized which made him look cute, he had a black purse crossing over his chest. A black skirt that seemed a bit too short for (M/n)'s taste -at least, outside, because if they were alone he would think it was too long-, black stockings that had cat ears and whiskers, ending the outfit with white vans. And his hair was braided to one side.
He looked so adorable yet hot, which was making (M/n) lose his mind, and also attracting unwanted attention from other males.
If only they knew... (M/n) thought as he glanced at Giyuu, who wasn't even acknowledging the stares on his body.
Throughout their date, the staring seemed to be increasing, even going further as to flirting with Giyuu right in front of him or asking his number as if he wasn't there. And it made (M/n) really, really angry, he got possessive over the smaller male and he had a grumpy look on his face as he dragged him away by the waist.
His attitude was, surprisingly, turning Giyuu on so much. And he was having a hard time controlling his arousal inside his panties.
At some point, (M/n) thought of buying Giyuu some clothes to cover him up, so they entered a clothing store. He started roaming around, looking for something that could match Giyuu's outfit but also... cover him up a bit more. His eyes were scanning every piece of clothing he had in front of him when he felt a pair of thin arms wrapping around his waist from behind.
He found it cute when Giyuu nuzzled his back, a smile showing on his face for the first time in the course of the day. He stroked the pale forearms softly but immediately froze when Giyuu spoke.
"Daddy~," his breath hitched and he looked over his shoulder, instantly making eye contact with Giyuu. His baby-blue eyes were clouded with lust and a dark blush was coloring his cheeks.
(M/n) gulped harshly and took a deep, shaky breath, smiling  nervously at the smaller, "L-later, Giyuu," the ravenette whined cutely, his small hands began to travel down further towards his crotch,
"I want you to fuck me now, I can't wait." The taller male looked around, panicking about the situation his boyfriend was making him go through, his eyes were roaming around frenetically when he caught sight of the dressing rooms not too far away.
And there were no people near there.
He took a deep breath, before grabbing random pieces of clothing and dragging Giyuu by the arm. (M/n) made the black-haired male go inside one of the dressing rooms with the clothes, and he waited a couple of seconds before walking in too.
Giyuu had already taken off his sweater and undershirt, lifting his skirt to show off his black panties. His erected dick was poking out slightly, the tip already red and glistening with pre-cum. He walked up to (M/n) and wrapped his arms around his neck.
"Daddy... would you fuck me, please?" Giyuu made (M/n) sit down on the single chair that was in the room, setting himself in his lap, "I wanna ride you today~," he moaned softly, starting to grind down on the male's dick.
(M/n) bit his bottom lip hard, his hands moving to hold Giyuu by the waist and forcing him to move faster. The smaller male started to whimper at the friction of his sensitive tip against the fabric of his skirt, making him grind harder.
"Da-daddy... I-I'm gonna cu-cum..." Giyuu arched his back, his fingers tangling on (M/n)'s (h/c) hair, the taller released his grip from the tiny waist, one reaching up to cover his mouth and the other going down under the skirt, playing with his shaft, torturing Giyuu as he pressed on the slit, preventing him from cumming.
"You're so sexy, baby boy... grinding on Daddy's cock like that..." (M/n) growled in his neck, leaving wet kisses along his pale skin.
Giyuu's moans and whimpers were muffled by (M/n)'s hand. His cock was being teased mercilessly, and the thought of being caught only made him lose his mind completely. His body aggressively convulsed on (M/n)'s lap, his eyes going into the back of his head as a dry orgasm hit his body.
The drool that was dripping out of his mouth had soaked the male's palm and fingers, something that kind of made the job of stretching him easier for (M/n).
He pushed the black panties aside, the tip of his fingers pressing against Giyuu's needy hole. The smaller male flinched and bit his lips, trying to keep his moans in. (M/n) pushed two of his fingers in at once, and he immediately started to make scissor motions, stretching him.
Giyuu gasped as he felt the fingers inside of him opening and reaching as deep as they could, (M/n)'s fingers felt good every time, but his thick cock felt even better. He rested his forehead on (M/n)'s shoulder, his breath shaky and ragged as a third finger entered him, whimpering softly as he was being opened by his daddy.
When the (brunette, raven, blond, etc) thought Giyuu was stretched enough, he pulled them out and stood up from the chair, Giyuu's legs sliding off his sides until he was standing. Before the smaller male could talk, (M/n) made him face the full-length body mirror, his palms pressing against it as he stared at his blushing face.
His blue eyes trailed around the reflections until he made eye contact with (M/n) who was standing behind him, and he felt the hard and wet cock pressing against his panties.
"You want it, don't you? You want daddy's cock inside of you..." (M/n) growled next to his ear, grinding on his ass, making him whimper as the panties' fabric rubbed his hole. "I have to punish you, baby boy... making me hard in a public place... what if someone sees us? What would you do if someone saw how desperate you are for your daddy's cock, hm?"
(M/n)'s hands lifted his skirt, and Giyuu saw his erection poking out from inside the black panties, the tip was oozing pre-cum, wetting himself.
"Would you let them watch me fucking you senseless, baby boy? Is that what you want?" Giyuu let out a whimper when (M/n) held his panties to the side, his hard cock pressing on his entrance. "You're not gonna say anything, huh? Well... you better stay quiet as I fucking ravish you, Giyuu."
Without warning, (M/n)'s cock entered him at once, making him throw his head back and open his mouth, about to let out the loudest moan he could. But a big, calloused hand prevented him from doing so.
"I told you... you have to stay quiet, baby boy." (M/n) reached his free hand down to Giyuu's dick, holding it tight in his grip, "Otherwise, I won't let cum."
Giyuu winced at the pain and pleasure of (M/n)'s hand on his dick, but he was holding him tight by the base, and his thumb pressed on his slit, making a possible climax impossible.
"O-okay, d-daddy, I'll be... quiet, I'll be a g-good boy-eugh~," the taller male moved both of his hands to hold onto his waist, pulling out halfway before slowly, going all the way inside. Giyuu choked on a whimper, biting his bottom lip harshly as his sounds wanted to come out.
(M/n) groaned lowly as he felt Giyuu squeezing around him before he started to thrust inside of him at a faster pace, trying to avoid the slapping of their skins, to not attract unwanted attention. The smaller male felt his insides stretching to their limit, but the deepest part of it wasn't open yet, which was making him whine annoyed.
"I-I want it de-deeper... daddy, pl-please~," (M/n) took a shallow breath, his grip tightening on Giyuu's waist and he leaned down, pressing his chest against his back, his dick pushing further deep inside of the small male.
Giyuu's mouth opened and his eyes rolled into the back of his head as a loud yet short moan escaped his throat. (M/n) hurried to cover his mouth with his hand, praying internally that nobody heard him, or if they did, just ignore them completely.
When he didn't hear anything outside the dressing room, he started to move again, slow and deep inside of Giyuu, his fingers sticking into his mouth to play with his tongue. Drool was dripping down the male's chin, feeling his mind go blank as he felt the hard cock inside of him reach his cervix, pressing on his lower abdomen, making a small bump show on his stomach.
Giyuu looked into the mirror in front of him, his eyes trailing down to stare at his own erection, still oozing pre-cum, and staining the skirt. He wanted to cum so fucking bad, but he had to make his daddy feel good before he could climax.
He lapped his tongue around the two fingers in his mouth, playing with them as he tightened around (M/n), making the taller male growl and press his sweaty forehead on his shoulder.
"I'll cum if you t-tighten up li-like that, baby boy... fuck~," Giyuu whimpered at the sound of the moan the male let out, making him move his hips back, fucking himself as he tightened again. "F-fuck... b-baby-egh."
(M/n) had to take a deep breath, before he started to thrust in and out at a great speed, without even caring about the skin-slapping sounds that came out. He just wanted to cum...
The tip of his cock reached the deepest part of Giyuu's body, and when the male angled his hips differently, the shaft hit his prostate repeatedly. Rubbing it on the way out and hitting it when it went in. It was driving Giyuu crazy.
"N-no... not th-there, daddy... d-don't h-hit t-th-there... fuuuhuuckk~." He managed to say when (M/n) pulled his fingers out of his mouth, his clouded eyes caught a glance of (M/n) through the mirror. The male wasn't even listening, his forehead was still pressing on his shoulder, and he felt the occasional kiss or bite.
(M/n) kept hitting his prostate with every thrust, making Giyuu lose his mind, he tried to tell him to stop, that he was going to cum, but the taller only muffled his voice by turning his head to the side, and sticking his tongue in his mouth, preventing him from saying anything.
Giyuu's moans and whimpers died against (M/n)'s mouth, his mind completely blank, only being able to think of his daddy's fat cock inside of him. His blue eyes rolled into the back of his head, his body trembling as cum shot out of his slit, wetting and staining the black skirt and panties he was wearing.
(M/n) kept moving nonstop, his dick being deliciously swallowed and sucked by Giyuu's ass, he pulled back from their kiss, releasing the male's waist to press his palm on the mirror while the other covered his baby boy's mouth, covering his cries of pleasure as he rammed him mercilessly.
Giyuu felt his body overly sensitive, his mind a jumbled mess with thoughts of how good (M/n)'s cock was making him feel, and how another orgasm was approaching him from the overstimulation on his prostate.
He let out random noises that died instantly because of the hot palm covering his lips, tears fell down his face because of the pleasure. He almost felt as if hearts formed in his eyes because of it.
(M/n) looked up in the mirror, and the sight of Giyuu entirely broken by his cock made him growl as his orgasm hit him aggressively too. He shot his cum inside of Giyuu's ass, biting on the pale skin of his shoulder to muffle his groans of satisfaction.
Giyuu weakly cums a last time, feeling his mind fuzzy and breathing ragged. (M/n)'s hands were off his face already, and all the drool started to just come out of his mouth, his tongue hanging out as he tried to regain his breathing.
His legs were wobbly, and he knew he was about to fall anytime soon, so he called out to the taller male.
"(M-m/n)..." his voice was raspy, cracking when he tried to speak, the male only hummed and hugged his waist.
"I'll help you, baby, don't worry."
Giyuu isn't sure what happened after that, but he was now wearing the oversized black hoodie of the (brunette, raven, blond, etc), wearing a pair of sweatpants that the male bought and he's on his back, falling in, and out consciousness as (M/n) walked him to his house.
But Giyuu was sure of one thing, and one thing only.
He definitely is going to keep wearing female clothing and asking for sex in public, because that... was an amazing sex session. 
++++ 2022, January 2nd. I decided to just add an extra warning since I didn't feel like rewriting this again.
2023, January 12th. How was I into daddy kink back then??? Is so cringe to me now 🤢
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
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TW for this chapter: more mild smut. more memes. more hijinks and shenanigans. coffee make the brain go skrrrt. bruce fluff & thor being a good bro™. some1 is catching ✨feelings✨. Previous chapters in the link above the cover pic.
Beta reader is @miscmarvelwritings so don't be shy, give her a read. She's the PB to my jelly.
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"I don't know about you..." Taylor Swift softly sang from the speakers.
"Bitch, I hope the fuck you do!" I shouted, tumbling into the kitchen with the grace of a giraffe on acid. The smell of coffee and fresh omelettes was mouthwatering. 
"You look… Good," Peter stared at me, his coffee mug frozen halfway to his mouth. The tone of his voice bore very little understanding of the situation he found himself in.
I didn't sleep that night, instead pursuing a scientific quest right after being finger-fucked by Tony Stark. I blame the suits - he had one partially disassembled not ten feet from the puddle my juices had made on the floor - and well, I never said I had a great attention span. One terrible, inappropriate joke had led us to smirking to each other from both sides of the suit as we brainstormed how to best modify it for impromptu bondage sessions. If Peter could have heard us go at it, he'd never set foot in Tony's lab ever again.
On my mighty quest to quench the thirst for knowledge, I completely neglected basic hygiene, so the me that rolled into the kitchen that morning still had yesterday's outfit consisting of fishnets and Tony's hoodie, possibly stained with cum and pussy juice. As a bonus feature, infamous raccoon eyes had made an appearance, courtesy of me rubbing my face multiple times throughout the night.
"I'm feeling my oats," I declared proudly, sitting down next to Peter, making grabby hands at the coffee machine.
"I'm tempted to ask..." Clint handed me the steaming hot dish full of holy bean juice. "But I think I'd rather not." Pointedly, he moved away from me, just enough to make it known he was wary.
"What just happened?" Stephen Strange blinked owlishly.
Boy was he a sight for sore eyes. The wizard wasn't Tony, of course, but his plain white tee left very little to imagination, pulled tight across his toned chest and lean arms. The grey sweats? Illegal. That's a bonk and a ticket to the horny jail for me.
"You didn't get to sleep? Again?" Peter asked, exasperated.
"Sleep who?" I chirped, feeling way too energetic for someone running on some illegal drugs and a single orgasm. It was easy to shrug off the concerned stares I kept getting from the adults and Pete since my already wacky attention span decided to quit it's job without notice.
"Guys, have you seen… oh, there she is!" Tony scrambled into the kitchen, holding his head. That manic look did nothing for his complexion, but then again, I'd take him even filthy and crippled. "Don't just disappear like that!" He snatched the half-empty coffee cup, downing it's remnants in one go and immediately going for a refill. "We didn't finish programming in the shibari function..." He mumbled, absentmindedly running a hand through his messy, greasy hair.
"I..." Peter was still frozen. "I'm not sure I, uh, follow."
"So, me and Tones had this absolutely BRILLIANT idea ..." I started, leaning back in my chair. "But the execution, as usual, needs more work."
"Yes, I can see you've been having ideas," Pete's sass was ignored by both me and Tony. The man was kind enough to clumsily plop a coffee cup in front of me as he was beelining for the fridge. "What are you trying to install? Shib-what?"
"You don't want to know, Pete, trust me," Clint made big eyes at me from across the room. "I'm scared of you," He added, pointing an accusative finger in my direction.
I gave him my best manic stare, probably overdid it by a wide margin. Barton shrunk back, slinking subtly behind Stephen who cleared his throat.
"So I've heard you had an incident yesterday," The doctor was looking at me with concern and pity. "Do you need to visit the medbay?"
About a dozen unsaid and very inappropriate responses later, I simply shook my head negative. My mouth was not to be trusted whilst I was so distracted. Plus, he was hot. I kind of tended to think with my vagina instead of my brain around hot people.
"Good morning," Wanda entered the room, stopping briefly at my side to give me a hug. "Ugh, finally," She muttered the words, looking first at me, then at Tony. 
I raised my eyebrow in a silent question and she just smiled, reaching for her own coffee cup.
Tony mercilessly towed me back to his lab once I polished off two omelettes and another cup of coffee - what would've been my fourth was snatched out by an amused Stephen, all stern and firm and magical, meaning he simply whooshed it out of existence as I was raising it to my mouth. He didn't appreciate my choice of expletives, either, none too fondly rolling his eyes and beginning a lecture on heart attacks. Whatever, Tony was my knight in shining armour and we left the kitchen quietly plotting our mechanical plots right over the annoying doctor's mumbling. 
There was quite a lot of delicate soldering involved in the gauntlets of the new suit. Having to construct and fix everything on the go proved to be harder than building a robot; even for Tony, the genius engineer himself. We had burned ourselves and nearly dislocated our wrists too many times to count. Thankfully Friday ran the calculations in the background, so we just did the manual labor part.
And coding. The pounding in my skull, the acid in my loins. My God, I hated coding during a hangover. Tony didn't fare any better and that was the best consolation, really. Despite the consumed caffeine, he passed out somewhere during the initial stage. I held out not much longer, barely catching myself as I was reclining against him on the very floor we were building on, scattered cups and tools and glowing holo-screens keeping us company. 
My sleep was deep but not deep enough to miss a pair of deep male voices contemplating how to best move mine and Tony's sleeping bodies somewhere more comfortable. The engineer was a cuddler, it turns out, and refused to unwind himself from my prone body, going as far as to kick one of the men - I later learned it was Thor who got a swift punt in the shins from Tony when the Asgardian and Banner attempted to untangle our combined limbs. In the end, they settled awkwardly piling me on top of Tony and Thor single-handedly carried us all the way to Tony's penthouse, depositing us in the absolutely magnificent fluffy, enormous bed.
The bed? I wanted one as soon as I landed on it.
The fishnets? They were beginning to cut into the soft parts of my body, causing an uncomfortable stinging and itching sensation whenever I moved.
"Bwucie," I slurred with my eyes shut, feeling the man rustling around with a blanket, tucking us in. He was just the sweetest scientist.
"Sorry, we tried not to wake you up. Go back to sleep, Princess," He whispered, leaning closer to my face. His breath tickled my hair.
"M'kay, jus' wanna get these off," I weakly pulled at the offending piece of clothing.
The man chuckled. "That looks uncomfortable," Before softly sliding his hands up my legs, hooking his fingers under the stretchy waistband and pulling them down. His hands were hot and soft; my moan was softer but he heard it nonetheless, hand briefly stilling on my thigh.
I snuggled deeper into Tony, rolling onto my side and unashamedly throwing a leg over his hips, happy to find his jeans were off, too.
It appeared that Tony's teammates had already developed some sort of care protocol for their resident mad scientists. Bruce's and Thor's actions had been executed with a practiced care and gentleness. The warm fuzzy feeling in my chest blossomed fully as Bruce once more tucked the blanket around me, tenderly patting me on the back and Tony on the shoulder.
"You'nThor, y'the best," I managed to wiggle out the words out of my muddled, uncooperative brain before returning back to the dreamland.
It felt like another ten minute nap when I woke up again. The lights in the room were off, the NYC skyline providing the illumination instead. Tony was still in bed with me, his breathing even and the quiet hum of the arc reactor steady under my ear. It was the first time I'd been close enough to him to hear the sound of it. 
Sleep slowly seeped out of my body, lead disappearing from my limbs. It seemed like I hadn't moved at all. Once my head cleared up, the confusion seeped in. I'd gone to second base with Tony and we did science and never spoke of it again. He didn't kiss me, didn't touch me more than usual - but didn't resist a good ole sleepy cuddle.
What now? I never thought I'd actually get this far. Some part of me - probably the same part that sent me on a romantic novel reading spree a couple of years ago - thought he'd wake up, confess his secret love and attraction for me and we'd seal it with a kiss. Yeah, no, that sounded disgustingly unrealistic even to my own ears. There was no way I would be kissing someone with this swamp I had going on in my mouth.
I wasn't actually that naïve. Why would a man like him pursue something serious with a girl like me? I was a child in his eyes. In fact, all of the Avengers minus Wanda and Bucky treated me like a child. I knew why and I still hated it. I've been taking care of myself in all the ways but financial for years, surely, they had to have noticed that. Teachers in school certainly did. Bruce did, to some extent, I had to admit begrudgingly. Even if his behaviour was really peculiar sometimes.
"Do I make a comfortable pillow, Princess?" A chuckle startled me out of my musings. Tony sounded relaxed and warm and cosy.
"Yeah," I answered honestly, tilting to see his face. He was giving me that lopsided smirk, the one he previously saved for science and Peter and Clint's baking ventures. Something within me stirred, painfully tightening my chest, and I fought against it to preserve this memory like this - happy, carefree.
His thumb found it's way around me, tracing the line of my jaw with surprising tenderness. He was looking at me like I was made of glass. Like I was the most beautiful sculpture he'd ever seen.
I scrunched my nose when his finger found my lips. "I need a shower and a toothbrush," I declared, not knowing what else to do. All of this - the atmosphere, the shared comfort, the looks - it felt too intimate somehow. Having to be on full display of his intelligent, deep brown eyes was terrifying: I felt like crying one moment and laughing the next.
"I was having a moment here," Tony snorted indignantly but relented nonetheless, slowly pushing himself up in a sitting position. 
I admired his broad shoulders and the dips and valleys of his arms as he stretched; he caught me staring and winked, of course. I retaliated with skimming my fingertips under the hem of his tee, lightly scratching my nails over his defined abs, delighted with his shiver. 
"Behave," He sternly mouthed, following with a smile.
"Never," I smiled back, slipping into banter with comfortable familiarity.
He then led me to the huge walk-in shower, unashamedly stripping off his shirt and socks on the way. Boxers were the last, flying somewhere over my head. My hormones were a raging inferno, or, at least that's what I would have said if someone asked me why the 'loading' icon was hanging over my head as I stared at Tony's round, firm ass. I had to touch it. I absolutely had to touch it, at least once in my life. 
My dignity was saved by my own yawn. Tony's hands used the opportunity to slide his hoodie (RIP) over my head, exposing me to the cold air. I shivered in my lacy bra and panties until they were gone, too. My flaws stared back at me from the wall-length mirror and with the way Tony's hands gently settled over my stomach, another hand copping a feel of my breast, I couldn't bring myself to care.
"Beautiful, Princess," He simply said, having noticed the frown on my face.
"No, you," I automatically replied, smirking.
"Me? Nah," He shrugged nonchalantly, gesturing to his arc reactor. "Sexy, however... I'm definitely fucking hot," He leered, pressing his hips into mine with a knowing smirk.
I wiggled my butt, taking my time to turn around and face him. I saw right through the defenses he'd put up. The team didn't start calling me "girl version of Tony" without a reason - I knew we were quite similar in the less desirable character trait category. Impulsive, selfish. Defensive.
Angry red lines spanned across his chest, some faded, some raised. In the middle of it all, the arc reactor shone like a blue little sun in its metal framing. I traced around it, feeling the uneven skin, bumps and dips of it. "It keeps you alive. That's more than enough. For me," I placed a chaste kiss right in the middle of it. 
I wished he didn't have to have the thing. I wished he'd never had to go through what he went though in Afghanistan - for me, the press release I'd read was enough to get a grasp on the fact he was tortured and hurt and fucked up in there.
Stepping into the shower, I retreated from him, retreated from my feelings getting in the way and ruining the fun. The least I wanted to do was humiliate myself by crying out of... Out of what, pity? Lovesickness?
"I'm starting to see why everybody else thinks we might be related," Tony's chuckle sounded tired and slightly forced.
"I hope not," A moment to figure out what knob to turn and hot water rained down my body. Almost instantly, the tension in me melted away. "I'm not really into incest and shit."
"Ew," He walked under the stream, sighing agreeably. "But you're into bondage, so you've got that going on for you."
"Yep. Bondage and hot old dudes," I shrugged, reaching for the shampoo.
"I definitely qualify for all three," Tony promptly snatched the bottle out of my hands, standing behind me to do the tedious task of washing me. I allowed, guiltlessly enjoying the treatment. His dexterous fingers massaged my scalp, caressed my body. 
A moan slipped out of me at the glide of his hand across my nether regions.
"Tut-tut, Birdbrain is going to pitch a fit if we're late for dinner!"
"Fuck the Chicken," I announced petulantly, attempting to follow the motion of his hand with my hips. He held me firmly by my stomach, only succeeding in adding fuel to the fire within me. "Tony-y-y..."
"Nu-uh," He replied, but the smile hidden in my shoulder and the boner poking me in the hip gave him away.
"Sir?" I tried, getting a low groan in response. "Master? Owner? Daddy?" 
His breath stuttered at the last syllable, teeth closing none-too-gently around a patch of my skin. I felt a bruise bloom under his mouth, the delicious pull of it making me realize I'd be marked by Tony for days. A full-body shudder erupted from me at the thought. 
"You're trouble," He growled, grinding his own arousal into my ass. "Filthy, spoiled brat," Tony punctuated his words with another claiming bite on my shoulder blade. 
"I'm your trouble now," I smirked, relishing in all the attention my body was getting. The fingers that granted me sweet ecstasy at night a fresh memory in my mind, I relented my own urgent need in favour of repaying the man of my dreams for his troubles. 
One smirk and my knees rested comfortably on the strangely soft floor of the shower. I came face to face with Tony's hard cock. It stood proudly, the flushed tip of it dripping - with water or pre-come, I didn't know, but was eager to find out. 
"Fuck," Tony gasped, gazing down at me in astonishment as I tongued the slit of his cockhead. "You dirty little thing," He seemed to gather his wits quickly enough, bracing himself against the wall with one hand. 
He was just about to find out how dirty, I decided. There was something satisfying on a purely primal level, seeing a powerful man absolutely losing it with his dick in my mouth. Rapidly, I swallowed as much of him as I could. His girth throbbed. 
"Ruin me?" I popped off, resting my cheek against the hardness of it, tugging on his free hand to place it in my hair. My own arousal flared in response to his bewildered hunger.
Tony wasted no time in fisting a hand in my hair, carefully but firmly putting my mouth onto his cock. Inch after inch disappeared within my mouth; I was breathing through my nose as he slowly began fucking my mouth.
"Fuck, Jesus Christ, Princess, fuck," The mantra fell from his lips, echoing in the large room, mixing in with the water still pouring onto our bodies from above. The heat of it had nothing on the smouldering fire in my belly where it coiled tight and low. Tony's musk on my tongue, the firm hold on my hair. He truly held me, in body and in mind. There was nowhere else I'd rather be than on my knees for him.
I moaned around him causing a stutter in the moderate tempo. Our eyes met: his, wide and gleaming captured my own and I couldn't look away. With a wanton moan, Tony increased the pace, it quickly became brutal and punishing. I held onto his thighs for dear life, wordlessly pleading him to use my mouth for his own pleasure. 
And he took it, shamelessly, emptying himself into my mouth with a groan that nearly made me come untouched. It was beautiful and I swallowed every drop of him, refusing to let the evidence of his bliss go to waste. 
"Fuck," His voice was ragged. 
I rested my cheek against his thick thigh, catching my breath. "Good?" Just to quickly be pulled to my feet, trapped between his hot, wet body and the chilly tiles of the nearest wall. The shiver that ran through me was only partially caused by the sudden change in temperature.
"You did so good, you're my good girl," He mumbled against my lips, sliding his tongue into my mouth without any restraint. His other hand slid between my legs, immediately toying with my clit. That and the hastily spoken praise coupled with the feverish way he was licking himself out of my mouth sent me over the edge, until I was falling, stumbling head-first into an ecstatic abyss.
"Mmm... Tony," Dreamily, I savoured the moment.
"Oh, we're back to first name basis?" He snarked, finally turning off the water.
Pliant as ever, I followed him out of the shower and into his walk-in closet where he pointed at a row of t-shirts and hoodies. I grinned mischievously as I took my pick. "Daddy?"
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handmaid - 06
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap, sexual content (18+)
A/N: i’m so happy you guys are enjoying this reader specifically. i have a soft spot for ingenues mostly because i was always type casted as the ingenue when i used to be in musicals and love to defend ingenues (mostly cosette bc everyone hates cosette FOR ZERO REASONS STOP HATING COSETTE).
 i was a bit afraid she would come out as very annoying (once again she is heavily inspired by cosette and christine and everyone hates cosette for, and i shall repeat again, no reason) but i’m rly glad everyone seems to enjoy this version if y/n. hope you enjoy this chapter xxx
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White. That was the very first thing she saw, the pure white, unspotted celling of her bedroom as she woke up. The sunlight warmly caressed her skin, reminded her that she did not remember when or how she had fallen asleep. If she had purposely done so, she would’ve closed the curtains but the warmness of her face told her otherwise. 
Lazily, she raised her chest from the bed, sheets bunched up in one of her fists pressed against her chest. Y/N glanced over to the alarm clock on her nightstand, 5 AM, and then to her figure, she was still to get out of her undergarments and petit coat from last night. She guessed, she must’ve fallen asleep waiting for Gwen. As that came into her head, she rushed out of her bedroom, her feet padded over the dark floors until she reached her friend’s room, gently and slowly opening the door. Her worries subsided once she saw her friend sleeping on top of her duvet, dress and shoes still on. Well, at least she was home.
      - I’ve already checked on her. - Y/N slowly closed the door, her breathe getting stuck in her throat as she recognised Sebastian’s voice. In all honesty, she still did not know how to react around him, specially after last night. 
Nevertheless, she turned around, her body facing his despite the distance between the both of them. He was in much more casual wear, a far cry from the constantly pristine pressed suits he wore, wearing a loose white tee shirt with some grey sweatpants. Still, despite being dressed in approachable clothing, he still looked more intimidating than every man she had ever met. Who was she kidding? Even the loose tee and sweatpants were probably more expensive than everything she owned all together. 
Sebastian, on the other hand, felt his throat and mouth water up at the sight in front of him. The once very polished hairstyle had collapsed, probably during her sleep, and she was bare faced, rid of any makeup. However, it wasn’t that which sparked wild thoughts in his mind, it was what she was wearing. A white lacy bustier met by a voluminous white petticoat and a garter holding her stockings in place. She looked straight out of his wildest fantasies and he had to clear his throat before he could say anything else to her.
     - I can get the maid to prepare you some breakfast, if you wish. - he tried to look at anything but her body but god, did she looked like the most delightful thing he’d ever set his eyes on. - Anything you want. 
     - I think I’ll just sleep for a little longer. - she gave him her signature sweet and soft smile. He just nodded, afraid his voice would fail him as she passed by, her floral scent invading all his senses. She always smelled nice and he felt like a teenage boy admitting just how her scent alone drove him wild. Flowery, fresh, exactly what he expected someone of that level of naiveté to smell like. Innocent. 
As she disappeared from the hallway onto her bedroom to sleep until a regular hour, Sebastian bolted into his and from there straight into his own personal bathroom. Taking his clothes off, he stepped into the shower and turned the cold water on. He knew better not to think that way about her, specially her of all people who’d probably be by his future wife’s side for the rest of her life. Yet, he couldn’t. He couldn’t stop thinking of her plump lips, her polite sweet little smile and how the lace stood against her skin. Fuck. She was the most gorgeous little thing ever created.
The water rushed down his back, pooling at the porcelain floors of his shower while his hands were held up against the dark marbled walls. His lips were slightly parted as his mind took him back to her, her breasts caged by her bustier, her slightly parted plumped lips she would bite on whenever she felt any sort of embarrassment ... god did he want to bite that lip himself. At this point, half his mind was telling him to go for it while the other half was telling him he was going to hell for this, for thinking about such a precious thing is such a dirty manner. Hell didn’t scare him, he already had a first class ticket there so he might as well relish into the sins of the flesh. 
His hand lowered down from the wall down to his bulge, mind fixated on Y/N, on the memory of when he had first meet her. God, she looked even more stunning on her knees and he couldn’t help but imagine her plump lips around him, taking all of him with those innocent eyes starring up. 
He gripped his cock, taking a long initial stroke up and down and then a few more times. A loud groan escaped his lips as he pictured her on his bed, how pretty she would look moaning and squirming under him as she brought her to the best type of pleasure possible.
     - Fuck, Y/N ... - he moaned, thumb swiping over the red tip and threw his head back. He stroked himself a couple of times more in corkscrew like motions, groaning as he reached his release. - Fuck. 
He leaned his head against the wet marble walls, feeling the cold water rush down his back. Fucking hell, how was he gonna cope with her constantly padding around his house with an innocence of a Disney princess come to life. As he stepped out of the shower, he heard a knock on his door. It better not be fucking Gwen, he thought to himself. The last thing he needed was for Gwen to come over and annoy him with trivial questions. 
Sebastian pulled his underwear and sweatpants from the floor, putting them on before walking to the door of his bedroom, opening it to see a very concerned Y/N standing there. 
    - Are you alright? I heard you calling out for me? - god fucking damn it, he thought to himself. There she was standing worried about him and all he could think about was picking her up and throw her into his bed. - You have very thin walls. 
    - I think it might just be your lack of sleep playing tricks on you, angel. - Sebastian glanced at her face wondering if she had bought it, yet considering she was very tired and it was 5.30, she did. However, there was a hint of worry in her eyes. 
   - Are you sure? You look really red. - she raised her hand, moving it to touch his forehead which she would’ve done successfully had Sebastian not grabbed her wrist mid air. He knew that what he needed the least right now was for her to touch him. If she did, he would’ve probably need to jump back into the shower and stay there for a good hour. 
    - I’m alright, Y/N. Go back to bed and sleep. - Y/N wasn’t very convinced he was alright but decided to return to her bedroom nonetheless. She sat on the edge of her mattress, wondering if sleep was ever gonna come back. 
After a few minutes rolling around in her sheets, she came to the conclusion she couldn’t go back to sleep. Y/N got dressed in some leggings and a big hoodie, finally getting rid of the petticoat and the bustier that was starting to make her rather uncomfortable. Opening the door to her bedroom slightly, she peaked her head out, watching Sebastian walk into his office followed by a couple of men, already fully dressed up. She preferred him in his casual wear but by the sheer amount of men following him into his office, she guessed he was about to have a meeting. She sighed, grabbed her phone from the dresser by the door and went down the stairs to the kitchen where one of the maids, Amelia, was. 
   - Good morning, Miss Y/N. - the middle aged woman smiled at the handmaid, the first person she saw today. - What would you like for breakfast?
   - It’s okay, Amelia. I can do it myself, you don’t need to tire yourself. 
   - Miss Y/N, it is my job to take care of you and Miss Gwen. - she turned the kettle on before standing on the opposite side of the balcony. - I can cook you whatever you want.
   - I don’t wanna be a bother.
   - Miss Y/N, if you don’t ask me for food, then what am I supposed to do for the rest of the day? Mr. Stan doesn’t take kindly to people slacking off.
   - Could I get a poached egg on toast, then? - Y/N still didn’t feel comfortable asking for stuff. Technically and contractually speaking she was an employee like Amelia and the other bodyguards yet she still got treated like Gwen. Her mind kept screaming at her it wasn’t exactly fair. - But I do the dishes later, deal?
   - If you insist, Miss Y/N. - Amelia turned the toaster on, slicing two slices of sourdough bread and sticking them in the device before setting the water to boil in order to poach the egg. Y/N just stared, enjoying the low sounds of the kitchen appliances until screams started coming from Sebastian’s office which made her skip a breathe, not expecting the loud noise.
She could hear him scream at his men from his office in a language she had never heard. She wasn’t afraid of him screaming, the time to be scared of him was long gone and she would fear him more whenever she disobeyed him rather than when he screamed at his goons. Y/N was more than used to hear powerful men scream at their employees. She sipped on her tea, eyes moving from his office’s door at the top at the stairs to Amelia who was equally drinking the hot beverage, ignoring the noise. 
In the middle of all the noise, a very annoyed Gwen, still wearing her red gown, came down the stairs. Her eyes were still filled with sleep and laziness while the rest of her features showed a completely lack of ignorance towards the noise that probably woke her up.
   - Amelia, get me the greasiest plate of bacon you can manage and a cappuccino. - Gwen muttered, her head pounding at any amount of noise as she took a place next to Y/N. - This house fucking sucks. 
   - Maybe if you didn’t get drunk that wouldn’t have happened. - Y/N raised from her seat to help Amelia with Gwen’s breakfast order, turning the coffee machine on. The heiress just scoffed, leaning against the plush leather seats of the high chairs standing by the balcony. Who needed a mother’s reprimanding nature when Y/N was around? 
The handmaid placed a cup of coffee in front of Gwen who immediately downed half of it, along with some pain killers to take care of the impending headache caused by too much fine wine and champagne. Nevertheless, much to Gwen’s annoyance, the screams got louder as the door to the office opened and a bunch of very grown yet very scared men walked out still being screamed out by Sebastian who then closed the door with a bang. 
Gwen waved at the men as they entered the lift, her flirtatious nature still shining over the impending doom of her hangover. She was flirty and no matter how engaged she was, she was still gonna be herself and Y/N had to applaud her for that. 
  - I’m gonna take Sebastian some tea. Gwen, please make sure you take those and drink plenty of water, please. - she warned, silver tray in hand. 
Mr. Forrest always enjoyed a nice cold glass of whiskey after a blown out fight with his associates, however, Y/N thought that alcohol wasn’t something Sebastian should be having after last night. Despite him not showing any signs of a hangover, he still had downed a significant amount of champagne flutes while she was by his side and what he needed right now was some nice chamomile tea. 
Filled with courage that was slightly wavering, Y/N climbed the stairs up to his office, fist lightly knocking on the wood of the door. When no answer came, she knocked again but this time she got a very arrogant “What?” back.
  - Sebastian? - she opened the door up to a fringe, eyes roaming inside the office.
  - Y/N, what is it? - his tone seemed to soften as she walked into the room, closing the door behind with her foot. He had to say, he was rather disappointed she was no longer wearing the lacy undergarments. - Is that for me?
  - Yes. - she placed the silver tray on top of his desk. - I thought you would need something to calm you down.
  - The sentiment is sweet, angel, but I severely doubt tea is gonna calm me down. - he sighed and she furrowed her brows. No problem or worry was big enough that it couldn’t at least be temporarily forgotten with a nice warm cup of tea. 
  - Is everything alright? - she asked, concern on her voice. He bite the inside of his cheek lightly before replying to her questions, wondering if he really wanted to explain mob business to her. - Sebastian?
  - Just need to get some affairs in order. Take this as a lesson Y/N, if you want something done correctly do it yourself.
  - I’ve known that since kindergarten. Did they not teach you that? - he chuckled, not being used to hearing her joke around.
  - Please warn Genevieve that I’m going to Paris late this evening to get it sorted. Not that she cares very much about my whereabouts but just in case she wants to smuggle someone else into my home. 
  - You’re going to Paris? - her eyes lit up at the mention of the French capital. She had gone there once with Gwen but she mostly hanged around the resort flirting around with as many men as she could and, as per usual, Y/N had to follow her around to ensure she didn’t get kidnapped or taken advantage of. Not that it was easy to take advantage of Gwen, she just ... needed constant supervision to make sure she made the safest and soundest decision possible. 
   - Don’t get so excited, angel. It’s an highly overrated city filled with people that can’t do their job correctly. - even with the backhand comment, there was still a sparkle in her eye. - If you’d like, you can accompany me but I assure you it won’t be as fun as movies make it sound.
   - Oh no, I can’t ... - she played with her fingers, looking down at her shoes in disappointment. - Gwen is a bit ... sick from last night and I have to take care of her.
   - So? - he lifted an eyebrow at her statement. - Ask her to come too. I’m sure she won’t deny a free trip to Paris.
tag list: @sideeffectsofyou​ @lilya-petrichor​ @xoxohannahlee @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater @nikkipea​
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sneakyseventeen · 4 years
Drunk ♥ Jun
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 Member: College! Jun x reader (gender neutral) ft. Bff! Joshua
Genre: Fluff (little bit suggestive but no smut)
Word Count: 2.2K 
↬  Request:  Smth with Jun?? Maybe like him or the reader getting drunk at a party and them confessing?💕
✿ summary: - going to one of Jun’s parties seemed to be a right of passage at your school. After being persuaded by your friend, Joshua, you run into your hopeless crush, the party man himself.
WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol & drinking
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It wasn’t even eight in the evening, and you could already tell tonight was going to be a long one.
After constant pleas and begging from your classmate Joshua, you finally decided to go to one of his friend’s stupid parties. They normally, from what you had heard, were a bit crazy, to say the least. But Joshua insisted they were fun and if anything bad happened he would take you home right away. But the main reason he wanted to drag you along was so you could talk to Jun. He conveniently forgot to mention the last part to you. You had had a major crush on the man for over a year now, and Joshua, yourself included, was getting sick of the two of you not being together. Jun could be odd and a little out there. It was just what you needed to balance your calm and rather shy personality. 
You snapped out of your daydream as you saw Joshua staring at you with a questioning look on his face. His sunglasses dangled from his shirt like his solo cup in his right hand, similar to the clock hands you were staring at above his head. 
Joshua’s shoulder hit yours harshly, nearly knocking you over as you saw a wider than normal smile on his face, as he giggled at his movements. 
“Woah there josh, slow down,��� you said carefully, taking the red cup from his hand. You knew he was getting tipsy now, as normally he would protest at your action. 
“We should get going soon,” you said knowingly, “you need to be home, because I know for a fact that you have an exam tomorrow.”
“Hmm.. fineee...” He stopped, pulling your hand in his in another direction, before slurring, “Les’ go find Jun furst.”
Before you could protest, Joshua pulled you downstairs into the main living area. The two of you moved grudgingly through tens of party goers, some dancing, a small group looking like they were experiencing the best moment of their lives, and you had just slipped past a girl yelling at a male around her age.
Before you could think, your eyes caught the man Joshua seemed so desperate to find, as you whipped your vision in the other direction before either of them could notice. Joshua was still moving sluggishly alongside you through hot bodies with you when he stopped, spotting Jun himself. He giggled again, and made another wide smile as he wiggled his eyebrows knowingly.
“God, you’re so tipsy,” you breathed out to him as you rolled your eyes, a delicate pink color coming on your cheeks. Joshua smiled again, but it wasn’t his tipsy smile, it was more like a smirk. But just as you opened your mouth to question his new expression, a finger tapped your shoulder from behind.
You turned around steadily, a slight blush creeping up on your face. Thankfully, the lights were emitting a soft, greenish-blue color, changing every few seconds, now turning an orangery-red. They gave the person who had tapped your shoulder an infatuating glow, as his eyes peered straight into yours, and allowed your flush face to be hidden in the dancing light. Jun looked a little less tidy than normal, but incredible nonetheless. His wine colored hair was a bit ruffled, and his jacket hung off one of his shoulders, hanging onto the other. 
“Hey,” you breathed out, trying to break the tension you could feel rising as you lost track of time staring at him. 
“You look gorgeous tonight,” he admitted. There was a soft glaze over his eyes, that seemed to force you to keep looking at them. You weren’t sure if it was the lights, the alcohol, or if it was simply because you liked him that much. This was the closest you two had gotten since you had met, besides the time you, Joshua, and him had watched a movie together. His scent was light, and smelled of citrus and must, mixed with liquor. 
“Thanks,” you stated, a bit louder than you thought as the music came down a bit. Jun laughed at you as he took your hand. He gave Joshua a look that you couldn't decipher, before the younger man walked off to meet a few friends, leaving the two of you alone, in the large sea of people. 
“It’s too loud in ‘ere,” he whispered in your ear. He glanced behind him at a corner of the frat house near a couch that was empty, raising his eyebrow. 
“Mind if we sit?”
You followed Jun to the couch, sitting next to him as you sighed. You just now realized how much your feet were hurting from your shoes, relieved to let them rest for a moment. Jun was quite calm for being, from what you could tell, super drunk. He was mainly like himself, but seemed relaxed and a bit more flirty than usual. He was laughing a bit more than normal as well, but not as much as Joshua did when he was drunk. 
“You know... I’m glad you finally showed up to one of these,” he started, looking around. 
You faced him, waiting for him to continue as you weren’t sure how to respond.
“I started thinking last year... that I would have muchh more fun if Joshua brought his pretty friend to these parties,” he drawled. He was close to your face now, almost as if he was telling you a secret in your ear. He pulled back, and stared at you with stars in his eyes, as if you were the most interesting thing in the room. 
“I... really?” You questioned, hoping that tomorrow Jun would feel the same, and that it was him rather than the alcohol talking to you. 
“Yeah, isn’t it obvious?? I like you, Y/n.” 
Your face was definitely red now, there was no doubt, but you were too shocked to notice. Jun looked at you with wide eyes, looking like a puppy as he pouted at you.
“You know.. righttt??” He smiled a bit now, raising his eyebrows before laughing softly while turning away.
“But... I... I thought you flirted with everyone?”
“Uhm, not as much as I do with you,” he laughed.
Jun stared at you affectionately as he learned closer to you slowly, his eyes fluttering softly. Before he was able to do what you had been waiting for, he seemed to forget about his right hand, as alcohol spilled onto his shirt, as well as you, soaking the both of you. He shot up quickly, a look of alarm spread on his face before he laughed. 
“Sorry... at least I didn’t get y—” 
He stared at you before apologizing, then smacking himself in the face.
You breathed out a laugh, shaking your head and taking in the humorous scene in front of you. Jun grimaced before glancing at the space in the couch previous between you as he opened his mouth.
Jun looked around with wide eyes, as if he was scared someone were to come out of nowhere at any moment and attack him. You got up gingerly and wrapped a hand around his shirt, tugging it slightly towards you. Jun flashed a smirk before you rolled your eyes, asking, “Which room is yours? You should change.” You glanced behind him at the clock on the wall illuminated by an orange glow. It was nearly midnight. 
“And,” you started strictly, “you should get some sleep.”
His smirk immediately dropped as he looked at you momentarily, like he was trying to find something in your eyes, before sighing.
“Okay, but you have to come with me.” 
“Of course I’m coming with you, yo—” 
“Oh, eager, are we?”
“No dumbass, you’re too drunk for your own good.” 
You smiled slightly before frowning. Maybe this was the alcohol taking. 
“Let’s hope Jihoon doesn’t notice the stain on his couch. He’ll kill me.”
You rolled you eyes as Jun pulled you up the stairs, and into the first room on the left. Inside were two medium sized beds with dark sheets, a small nightstand sitting in the middle of it with a light adoring it. To your left was a beige desk covered in papers, trinkets, and plants. The room was quite tidy, minus the closet space to your right. Pairs of shoes were crammed together on the bottom of the small space, hoodies and shirts hanging messily from the top. 
Jun looked around hazily before turning back to you. 
“Sooo... are you gonna change?”
“...What? Oh, yeah.” He turned from you then skimmed through his closet. He pulled a large black t-shirt from a hanger and started taking off his shirt. You turned away, blushing and trying not to look, but not before you saw his toned form. After a moment you looked back, seeing him in his new, un-stained shirt.
“Here, you can wear this one.” He handed you a white graphic tee, around the same size as the shirt he was wearing. 
You pulled the shirt over yours and shifted as to take off your smaller one under the large one, that smelled just like the man sat behind you.
You turned over your shoulder to see Jun sitting on his bed, a serious look on his face. You noticed the glass on his nightstand was empty, happy that he now had something rather than solely alcohol in his system. He patted the spot next to him softly as you walked over. You sat down and stared up at him, his scent overwhelming your scenes.
You hummed, then he responded airily, “You know I really like you, right? Like seriously?”
“I’m not drunk okay!” He said, raising his voice before slouching again. 
“I do like you. You know, you can say it back if Josh isn’t lying.” 
“If he wh—”
“He told me. I know you like me as well.”
Oh my god. You were never trusting Joshua with a secret ever again. Your brain was spinning rapidly trying to focus on one thought. How could you respond to that? Why did Josh tell him? How in the hell did Jun...
“...You really like me?”
Jun rolled his eyes and nodded, a small smile on his face. 
“Have I not made it obvious?”
“I just... why? And why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because, Y/n. Every time I see you my chest tightens up. You’re so caring and kind to your friends, and even people you don’t know, or didn’t know. Like me. I didn’t think someone like you would like someone like me. I’m too...”
“Out there?” You said in a small voice, looking at him through hooded eyes.
“Yeah. You’re so... good and sweet and you do well in school and I’m not like you, I didn’t want to ruin that.”
Before you could respond, Jun continued passionately, “And I thought you liked Joshua, anyways.”
“He, he told you I liked you though?” 
Yeah, he did. But it was hard to believe, because he did it right after I confessed my feelings for you...”
Jun placed his hands over yours as he looked at you again, with that charming look of longing that you had fallen for. Your chest was tight, but it was slowly falling soft as you were putting the pieces together. He liked you.
“I like you too.”
The words came from your mouth before you could stop them, tired and dazed from the party scene as if someone else had said them. But you meant it.
Jun smiled softly as he leaned close to you, you could smell his cologne and it engulfed you, pulling you into his parted lips. He kissed you. It was soft and delicate, like you would break if he was too harsh, and it felt like your surroundings were colored and bright. He pulled back slowly, his left hand on your face, holding you like he didn’t want to end the kiss in the first place.
“Would it make you feel better if we talked about this tomorrow? I’m tired.” 
“Yeah...” you replied softly, taken aback still by his lips on yours. “Uhm, I should go get Josh, so he can walk me home...”
Jun grabbed your wrist lightly, staring into your eyes knowingly.
“He’s probably already sleeping downstairs, the party sounds about over.”
You hadn’t noticed before, but now listening for sounds below, it was nearly silent. The clock on Jun’s tidy desk displayed that it was nearly one in the morning, explaining the absence of noise. 
“I can drive you home, or you can stay here.” 
His tone was casual, something you didn’t normally hear from Jun, especially paired with a could-have-been flirtatious sentence. 
“Mingyu is at his girlfriends, you can use his bed...” 
You glanced at the bed next to Jun’s, before a thud caused you to look up at him. He had crashed on the bed and was now out, sleeping peacefully with a small smile on his face. You sighed, turning off the light and getting on Mingyu’s bed. 
“Goodnight, Jun.”
❀      ❀      ❀
This is soo long omg i don’t usually write stuff like this !! And I wasn’t super sure how to end it oops😅 Hope you all enjoyed, I’m going to try a tag list for some of my active followers, tell me if you’d like to continue being in them or if you’d like me to take you off!<3
- madi ❀
tag list: @dwcljh @jkjeonysus @wavyyross17 @beamingwonwoo @nightynightnyx @hwaseongxmars @bubblyybabyy @hanniescafe @ycarat @ilysunyong @saintluxi @jjustjoy @hoshi-loveclub @galactic-hao @mysticalraven @doodlingpizza
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Shoot your shot -  Alex Morgan imagine
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(A/N: So, here’s an imagine nobody asked for in honor of my blog hitting 500 followers! Basically this is set during the 2016 Rio Olympics, it’s loosely based on Megan Rapinoe’s story of how she met Sue during that time after losing to Sweden. Anyway, r is a member of the Team USA women’s basketball. Enjoy)
"Come on, Alex. It'll be fun. Besides, we need the drinks to forget about this hell of an Olympics" Pinoe insisted, tugging on the forward's sleeve in their shared room.
"You're just going to go and flirt and leave me alone in the club. I will not be a part of that" Alex said indignantly, pouting on her bed.
Megan had been pestering Alex to go to a party near the athletes village in Rio de Janiero because her crush from the Team USA women's basketball team had invited her over.
But considering they had just lost to Sweden in the quarterfinals the other day, Alex was definitely not in the mood to go around and celebrate.
"No, I won't leave you. Plus, Sue said she'll be bringing a friend along. Please, Al? For me? Be my wing woman" Megan said, pleading with her eyes.
Alex looked over at Pinoe and rolled her eyes.
"Fine. But if you leave me alone I'm going to kick your ass back into the United States" Alex said.
Pinoe cheered and jumped up from the bed. She hurriedly went to her suitcase to rummage for something to wear to impress Sue.
Alex sighed and reluctantly got up to get ready too. What was she letting herself into?
"I hate you" Alex said, picking out a simple black crop top and her favorite skinny jeans.
"No you don't. Besides, you might even meet someone there" Pinoe said, winking as she put on a vintage band tee.
"I doubt it" Alex said. Meeting a prospective girlfriend wasn't exactly what she had planned on getting from her trip to the Olympics.
They arrived at the simple pub half an hour later. It was a bit busy, with more than a number of Olympic athletes enjoying their free time.
Most of the sports didn't have events for the next two days, thus the packed house of sports men and women from across the globe.
Pinoe was scanning the pub before finally seeing Sue, who was already on her feet and waving the two of them over to a small booth in the corner of the pub.
"Hey! Nice to see you guys" Sue said, giving Pinoe and Alex a hug. Her companion, a teammate on the national team also stood up.
"Megan, Alex, this is (Y/N). She's my teammate" Sue said, motioning to the other woman.
(Y/N) was dressed in a black sleeveless Nike hoodie that showed off her toned arms and Alex couldn't help but stare at the tattoo sleeve that covered the woman's right forearm.
"Hey. Honored to meet USA's best female athletes" (Y/N) said with a charming smile, extending her hand.
Pinoe shook her hand in stride but Alex had to be brought out of her trance before finally stuttering a "nice to meet you" before they all took their seats.
"You know, I don't know about being USA's best female athletes... after what happened the other day" Pinoe said bitterly. Sue reached out and squeezed her hand.
"Hey don't be so hard on yourselves. You guys we're amazing. It's a game, you win some, you lose some. You're still pretty badass" (Y/N) said with a toothy grin at the both of them.
"Damn right we are" Pinoe said, sharing an easy laugh with (Y/N), Alex was still a bit mesmerized at the female basketball player.
"I'll get you guys some drinks. Just tell me what you want" (Y/N) said, standing up and smiling at the group.
"Rhum coke for me" Sue said, (Y/N) nodded and looked at Pinoe.
"I'll have a dry martini please" Pinoe said. (Y/N) then looked expectantly at Alex, who was still spacing out in (Y/N)'s direction.
(Y/N) flashed an amused smile and before Alex could reply, Pinoe grabbed her by the shoulders and spoke for her instead.
"She'll be having a whiskey neat" Pinoe said, winking at (Y/N). The latter nodded and smiled.
"Nice. My kind of gal" (Y/N) said and walked away.
Once (Y/N) was out of earshot, Pinoe shook Alex while Sue looked at the pair amusingly.
"What's with you, Al?" Pinoe said, wondering what has gotten her friend so loopy before her first drink.
"N-nothing... I didn't expect Sue's friend to be so..." Alex trailed off.
"Cute?" Sue quipped.
"Hot?" Pinoe offered.
"Both" Alex said, flushing a deep red.
"Don't worry about it. (Y/N)'s a sweetheart and coincidentally, a big Alex Morgan fan" Sue said with a smirk.
Alex flushed even more, why would such an attractive person be a fan of her?
"She goes to a lot of NWSL games during our offseason. I think her mom used to play soccer before, so she grew up around the sport" Sue explained. Pinoe and Alex nodded along.
The three soon fell into easy conversation before (Y/N) finally got back with four drinks perfectly balanced in her hands.
"Here you go beautiful ladies" (Y/N) said with a grin, handing each woman her ordered cocktail.
(Y/N) took her seat across Alex, who was finally able to calm down enough to try and make a conversation with the attractive basketball star.
"So, (Y/N), how's the Olympics been treating you?" Alex said, playing with the rim of her glass as she tried to keep herself calm under the other woman's gaze.
"It's been fun, international basketball play is really physical. But I enjoy the challenge" (Y/N) said, her eyes sparkling as she remembered being on the court.
"We're playing Spain in the final next week. So I'm pretty pumped about that... Sorry about what happened with Sweden" the woman continued cautiously.
Pinoe and Alex sighed but nevertheless gave Sue and (Y/N) a sad smile.
"Well, we just have to bounce back stronger" Pinoe said. Alex nodded fervently.
"I'm sure you guys will" Sue said, looking over at Pinoe and they share a moment. Alex and (Y/N) glanced at each other and smiled at the their friends' interaction.
"So, I heard you're a NWSL fan?" Alex said, taking a swig of her drink. She relished the heat of the drink making its way down her throat.
"Definitely. You're actually one of my favorite players" (Y/N) said, scratching the back of her neck. Alex appreciated the flex of her muscles at her action.
"That's sweet" Alex said, blushing and looking down at her lap before sharing a smile with (Y/N).
"Something about your fire just really inspires me" (Y/N) said, trying to play off her honesty with a shrug.
"You're one smooth talker, aren't you?" Alex said, some of the alcohol already kicking in for an added notch of confidence.
(Y/N) blushed at being caught flirting but winked at her nonetheless.
"Is it working?" (Y/N) said sheepishly. Alex threw her head back with a laugh and the former's breathe is taken away.
"Walk me back to our dorm later and I'll tell you then" Alex said, flirting back.
"I might just take you up on that offer" (Y/N) said, winking at the soccer star.
The night continued on with both pairs falling into endless conversations with each other.
(Y/N) let Alex rant on about Jill and their Sweden game, she looked like she needed to let it all out.
The basketball star listened intently to Alex's words, only getting a little bit lost in her blue eyes every once in a while.
"Sorry, I keep on talking about myself and the team" Alex said, finally, catching herself going on and on about what had happened.
"No biggie. I like listening to you talk" (Y/N) said, grinning at her. Alex blushed and pushed a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.
"What about you? Tell me about yourself" Alex said, motioning to the other woman.
"Well, what can I say? I'm Team USA's starting power forward, I play for the Connecticut Sun after three years of college in UConn. Oh and my mom used to play soccer for North Carolina" (Y/N) said, listing facts about her.
"Why'd you choose basketball instead of soccer then?" Alex said curiously. (Y/N) shrugged.
"Guess I'm just more comfortable on the hardcourt. Plus, my dad always dragged me to the basketball court to play with him and my brothers too" (Y/N) said. Alex nodded along to her story.
"But I do love soccer, still. As much as I love its players" (Y/N) said grinning at Alex once again. The latter blushed.
The pair are brought back into reality when Sue and Pinoe stood up, they both looked a bit tipsy already and had a knowing glint in their eyes.
"Guys... we're just going to go... somewhere" Pinoe said, slurring a bit already.
"Yeah. What she said" Sue quipped. The pair didn't even wait for (Y/N) and Alex to respond before they were scrambling off to god knows where.
"They're definitely hooking up" (Y/N) said, chuckling at the situation. Alex sighed and shook her head.
"I told Pinoe not to leave me alone" Alex said.
"Come on, is it that bad to be stuck with me?" (Y/N) said, grinning at Alex. The latter shot a playful look.
"A bit, yeah" Alex said. (Y/N) faked offense and scoffed.
"Rude. Come on, let's dance" (Y/N) said suddenly, taking Alex's hand before she could protest.
Alex planted her foot to the ground.
"Nope, nope. Not gonna happen" Alex said, feeling laughter bubbling up as (Y/N) tried to drag her to the dance floor of the pub.
"Come on, I bet you're really good" (Y/N) said, laughing as she tugged on the other woman.
"I'll step on you" Alex said, finally giving up and letting (Y/N) lead her into the crowded dance floor.
"I don't mind" (Y/N) said, grinning at her.
Alex rolled her eyes but started swaying to the beat of Major Lazer, Justin Bieber and Mo's Cold Water.
The two moved in sync to the beat, sharing smiles and laughter as they tried to weave through the crowd.
"You've got moves, Morgan" (Y/N) said, winking at Alex.
"I could say the same for you, (Y/N)" Alex replied. Seemingly like magnets, the two athletes continued on to close the distance between them until they were practically grinding on each other.
It took Selena Gomez's Hands to Myself to snap them back to reality and move back from each other a bit.
They were both flushed and had a sheen of sweat from dancing too close.
"Wanna get out of here?" (Y/N) offered breathlessly. Alex nodded and the basketball player took her hand and led her out of the club.
"I wonder where Sue and Pinoe are" Alex wondered out loud once they were out of the club. (Y/N) shrugged.
"They're big girls, they can handle it" (Y/N) said, grinning. Alex laughed.
They walked together in comfortable silence before sitting down in a patch of cool grass a few blocks away from the athletes' village.
"You know what I've really enjoyed about being in Rio?" (Y/N) said, looking up at the sky full of stars.
"Getting to meet me?" Alex said, laughing at her own reply.
"Well... other than that" (Y/N) said, smiling sweetly at the forward.
"What?" Alex said.
"The stars" (Y/N) replied, looking up at the sky again. Alex followed her lead and looked up too, indeed, the sky was full of stars.
"It doesn't look like this back in Connecticut and star gazing is definitely one of my top date ideas" (Y/N) said, subtly inching her hand closer to Alex's.
Alex blushed but kept her eyes up to the sky. For some reason, she could sense (Y/N)'s hand moving closer to hers and was anticipating the contact.
"So, is this a date?" Alex teased, but the blush on her cheeks betrayed the confident facade.
"If you want it to be" (Y/N) said, finally reaching Alex's hand. They intertwine their fingers and keep their eyes glued to the stars.
Alex only hummed in response and inched closer to the other woman, soon enough, she was already leaning her head on (Y/N)'s muscular arm.
They sat in comfortable silence for about 10 minutes before a yawn made its way to Alex's mouth before she could stop herself.
"Sorry. Must be a bit tired" Alex said, facing the other woman -- their hands still intertwined.
(Y/N) smiled and pulled Alex to her feet.
"Come on. Let's get back. We need our rest" (Y/N) said, glancing at the watch on her wrist.
It was getting pretty late and Alex nodded her head.
"I'm taking you up on that offer to walk you back to your dorm, by the way" (Y/N) said, grinning. She had let go of Alex's hand, the latter could only stop herself from frowning at the loss of contact.
"My knight in shining armor" Alex mused. (Y/N) guffawed and they started walking towards the USWNT's dorms.
Easy conversation fell between (Y/N) and Alex, sharing stories about their journeys to their careers.
They were both very passionate about inspiring younger generations to pursue their sports, despite being conceived as a male sport.
It didn't take long before they were in front of Alex's dorm and (Y/N) began shuffling in her place.
"So uhm, I wanted to ask you Alex if you wanted to go to the finals game next week. Us players have a few seats courtside reserved for us. My family couldn't make it because of schedule problems... but I'd really like you to be there" (Y/N) said hesitantly, she began to scratch the back of her neck again.
Alex smiled and pretended to think about it for a while.
"I mean-, only if you want to. I think Sue's inviting Pinoe to watch too. It's alright if you don't want to-" (Y/N)'s rambling is cut off by Alex's finger shushing her.
"I'd love to, (Y/N)" Alex said, smiling up at the taller woman.
"That's great. I'll see you then?" (Y/N) said, a faint blush on her cheek. Still having a bit of liquid courage left from earlier that night, Alex caught (Y/N) by surprise by pecking her on the cheek.
"See you then" Alex said. (Y/N) was slack jawed at the sudden display of affection and the forward couldn't help but find it cute.
"Good night, (Y/N)" Alex said, already making her way to the door. (Y/N) seemed to get snapped back into reality and grinned at the forward.
"Good night, Alex" She said, instinctively holding her hand up to touch her cheek.
Alex Morgan just kissed her freaking cheek.
Soon enough, Alex and Pinoe found themselves inside the arena and took their seats courtside while Team USA was warming up.
The latter had narrowed her eyes at Alex after she told her she wanted to go watch the Finals game with her.
"Did something happen between you and (Y/N) the other night?" Pinoe probed but Alex kept her mouth shut.
"Not exactly. But she invited me to come so..." Alex said, avoiding Pinoe's eyes.
Sue and (Y/N) spotted the pair in their seats and waved while doing warmups on the sideline.
Alex couldn't help but chuckle at the faint blush on (Y/N)'s cheek, one that probably painted her own cheeks as well.
Alex and Pinoe got comfortable while the official warmups rolled on.
It didn't take long before it was tip off time. The starting lineups were called and Pinoe nudged Alex when she cheered loudly as (Y/N) was introduced.
"What? Just supporting my friend" Alex said, shrugging.
"Yeah. A friend you called hot and cute just the other night" Pinoe said, laughing.
"Well, she is" Alex defended. Pinoe could only roll her eyes playfully.
Team USA was killing it against Spain, they were dominant and being a power forward, (Y/N) was always crashing the glass for rebounds and easy layups in the paint.
(Y/N) made a long bomb from beyond the arc to beat the buzzer in the second quarter and decided to give a little show to Alex.
Both she and Pinoe had a good front seat view to the shot and once it swished through the net, (Y/N) pointed at Alex and winked.
Alex blushed and hid her face behind her hands.
"Okay, what was that?" Pinoe said, guffawing at Alex's red face.
"Shut up" Alex said, but she couldn't stop the smile creeping up her face.
(Y/N) would once again interact with Alex when she swatted a shot away from a Spanish player -- she flexed her arms after the block, right in front of Alex and Pinoe's seats and the Orlando forward couldn't help the rush of blood to her face.
"Appreciating the gun show, Al?" Pinoe teased.
"I am actually, yeah" Alex said through gritted teeth. She wondered what else those hands can do other than do magic on the hardcourt.
The game ultimately ended with a lopsided 101-72 victory for the Americans.
Sue and (Y/N) came over to Pinoe and Alex to celebrate, already with their medals hanging around their necks.
Pinoe crushed Sue with a hug as Alex and (Y/N) were a little more hesitant.
"Sorry if those things I did during the game were a bit too much. I think I become a whole different person when I'm on the court" (Y/N) said chuckling, but Alex shook her head.
"It's fine. It's cute, really" Alex said, biting her lip. (Y/N) glanced down at her lips.
"T-thanks" (Y/N) said, wanting desperately to hug and kiss the other woman but didn't want to invade her personal space.
"Congrats on winning the gold" Alex said, wrapping her arms around the other woman's neck.
(Y/N) instinctively put her hands on her waist and blushed.
"Thanks... I'd say this is the highlight of my trip but I'd be lying" (Y/N) said, wriggling her eyebrows.
Alex laughed and kissed her cheek once again, but this time she leaned in to whisper something to the basketball star's ear.
"Take me out on a date back in the States and you'll have even more highlights to experience" Alex said in a sultry voice.
(Y/N) gulped and pulled away from the hug with a blush on her face.
"I-i'll definitely do that" (Y/N) said. Alex winked at her.
"Now go celebrate with your teammates, (Y/L/N)" Alex said.
(Y/N) grinned and ran back to her squad in the middle of the court, with Sue reluctantly in tow.
"Maybe this wasn't that bad of an Olympics" Pinoe said, staring lovingly at Sue.
"Mhm, not that bad at all" Alex replied, her eyes set on (Y/N).
The End
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aabidhussainn1000 · 2 years
mens graphic t shirts
mens graphic t shirts
Find a great collection of mens graphic tees, tops, and hoodies at Carlos Kremmer. Shop a selection of mens graphic t shirts and graphic tees for men.
Shop Vintage Graphic Tees for Women at CarlosKremmer, we provide the latest oversized graphic tee, black graphic tees, and white graphic tees at an affordable price.
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Growing up and watching these individuals depict various characters and characters on TV generally interested me. I mean who would have zero desire to be renowned on TV and known all over the planet. That was my outlook and my objective when I was a youngster. I even made a settlement with myself on becoming one of these popular entertainers and travel the world gathering fans.
It's an easy decision; the typical method for wearing realistic tee shirts is coordinating them with some pants and Chuck Taylors (or any sets of tennis shoes, besides) - for all kinds of people. This look won't be unpopular at any point in the near future either, in spite of the way that our fathers donned a similar style in their childhood. Nonetheless, with these developing more well known and a larger number of productive than any time in recent memory, design symbols, big names, and beauticians have shown us different alternate ways of wearing them.
 Easygoing Wear
 Realistic tee shirts look great when worn with some running pants or delicate drawstring pants for a dress-down look. You can look smart while going to the exercise center or regardless of whether you are simply relaxing around the house. Assuming you feel adequately good, you might try and wear it to class or to the grocery store and have the option to look loose and feel comfortable.
For something somewhat more sleek for the women, wear it with thin pants and a basic belt. Low-ascent pants are additionally alright to all the more likely hotshot the belt. Complete the look with combatant shoes or siphons. At the point when it is chilly, put a short-sleeved realistic tee shirt on over a striped or plain-hued long-sleeved shirt. Hurdle down hoodies and long sweatshirts likewise look perfect with realistic tee shirts. Wear a couple of comfortable boots and you are good to go against the virus!
 Spruce Up
 The spruced up realistic tee look has proactively been advocated by famous people and catwalk models. Realistic tees can be worn to gatherings, dates, and clubs. Aside structure sleek pants, you might coordinate them with a small scale skirt made of calfskin or corduroy, contingent upon the look you are going for. Dark dress jeans and tees can miss for a semi-formal troupe, ideal for the workplace or easygoing conferences. The key is to wearing the right adornments.
Is it safe to say that you are worn out on all the efficiently manufactured shirts that you frequently find in stores nowadays? To drift away from seeming to be every other person that you see in the city, why not have a go at doing your own special custom shirt at home? On the off chance that you have a capable of style and originator senses, this little undertaking would be a snap to you and makes for a decent get going point before you begin planning and making different kinds of pieces of clothing.
 You can definitely relax assuming you have totally zero experience with regards to making garments, you can undoubtedly get one of those shirts at the shopping center that you think needs a little tidying up. Whether it's a plain shirt or a curiously large shirt that you need to fix up so that it'll fit you better, the potential outcomes are huge the same length as you don't restrict your inventiveness.
 So how might you get everything rolling on this? First and foremost, attempt to consider a plan that you need to accomplish both for the print and cut of your shirt, when you as of now have something explicit as a primary concern, then, at that point, begin looking for the materials that you will utilize. From the real shirt, texture paint, sequins or what-have-you, once more, don't restrict yourself to what's well known in the road as this is your opportunity to at long last wear something exceptionally your own style.
 Pick a legitimate sort of coat or vest to match your realistic tee shirt. The variety and the surface ought not be excessively garish to redirect the consideration from the plan on the shirt. Scarves look perfect with tees. They are not difficult to track down and simple to wear, as well. Different embellishments you can wear with a printed shirt incorporate caps and gems. There are incalculable kinds of caps and you can pick any of them to one or the other spruce up or dress down your realistic tee.
 With respect to gems, the well known decisions are thick wristbands, bangles, and rings. In any case, it depends on you to choose if a specific piece of gems works or destroys the look. The significant thing is to wear extras with some restraint; you would rather not get carried away. You likewise need to take care to pick the best tones to match the plans on your tee shirts.
 Since you have extraordinary thoughts on the most proficient method to make realistic tees work for you, purchase a greater amount of them to wear on any event. You might peruse our select assortment of realistic tee shirts and interesting shirts by Jersey Shore, Snorg, and our own creators
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culturegoatwearable · 3 years
Streetwear Outfits: 11 Best Ideas for Men
One of the most daunting classes of men's trend has to be streetwear fashion. Streetwear is such a broad, diverse class of garb that it can every so often be difficult to recognize what qualifies as road style. The trend enterprise strikes so fast, it can be difficult to hold up. But don’t worry, we acquired you. Some manufacturers and apparel objects have emerge as a streetwear staple that you can not go incorrect with. We're giving you the great streetwear seem thoughts to stand out. 11 Streetwear Outfit Ideas for Men 1. Loose Fit Hoodie with Fitted Pants Loose-fitting garments are timeless classics of any streetwear wardrobe. However, it is vital to notice that there’s a massive difference between “loose” and “baggy.” Loose-fitting garb sags, however is nevertheless properly geared up to your silhouette usual (like the instance below). A awesome outfit thinking is a loose-fitting pinnacle (think hoodies) with some well-fitted pants (think skinny jeans). Matching unfastened with geared up indicates that you have put idea into the standard seem to be of your fit. It appears deliberate but laid-back. It does not have to be a hoodie either. “Loose with fitted” works for simply about any shirt/trousers combo. Try a loose-fitting white or photograph tee, or a loose-fitting jacket. And, remember, satisfied and casual—not baggy. You do not favor to be swimming in your outfit. 2. Bright Colors (Neon or Pascal) Streetwear garb permits you to have a lot of enjoyable with colors. You'll revel in a lot of coloration creativity as soon as you get into streetwear, from vivid and brilliant to retro and neon. More muted pastels are additionally seeing a full-size resurgence lately. Have enjoyable with it, and roll with the colours that work for you. The major thought is to healthy your hues correctly. Even inside the daring class of streetwear, you have to suit your attire. A common rule is to pair a daring colour with some thing a little greater laid-back. So, if you are rocking a flashy top, you may want to in shape it with informal blue ripped denims or chinos, and vice versa. 3. Cargo Pants Cargo pants are seeing a fantastic resurgence in present day streetwear. These British Armed Forces loose-fitting pants with distinguished pockets have been viewed noticeably off-brand till recently, however they’re coming back. Today's avenue trend cargo pants are now not as unfastened as the originals. Remember: you desire loose, now not baggy. Many cargo pants now come with tapered legs for that delivered fit. And it is simply a bonus that these pants have so many handy pockets. 4. Throwback Athletic Wear Classic sports clothing is some other contemporary avenue trend vogue you need to be paying interest to. Brands like Nike, Adidas, and Champion proceed getting greater famous in the road menswear scene (and we don't seem to be simply speakme about their shoes). These manufacturers make cool and cheap shirts, pants, and jackets that you can rock on nearly any occasion. 5. Joggers Joggers are returned in a huge way. A basic pair of equipped joggers works for an every day appear and is no longer simply for working out. Pick up a tapered pair of joggers from any traditional athletic brand, and you've got received a versatile pair that you can put on for working out or for going out. Athleisure is a thing, and it is right here to stay. It's vital to be aware that joggers and sweatpants are no longer continually the equal thing. Joggers are normally greater tailor-made and they’re made from a light-weight material. Sweatpants are regularly shapeless and made of thicker and hotter fabrics. 6. Timeless Shoes Sneakers have constantly determined a domestic in avenue trend styles, and this isn't always going to alternate each time soon. The juggernauts like Nike and Adidas are as famous as ever, and each have tailored to present day streetwear trends. Popular sneakers are wearing a bit of a antique seem these days, drawing closely from the ‘90s and early 2000s. And you can not go incorrect with the classics. There will continually be a spot in streetwear for some Chuck Taylors or Old Skool Vans. Streetwear way of life has usually drawn closely from skateboarding and hip hop, which explains the lasting attraction of these sneaks. 7. Military Watch There is usually room to add some flash to your wrist. A cool watch attracts the eye and is a terrific way to accessorize. Streetwear fashion is about making a daring statement, which has led to the upward jostle of aggressive accessories, together with the watch. Having a army watch is a outstanding way to make this statement. These watches are bold, rugged, and very stylish. And, like the cargo pants, military-style watches are insanely useful. Many of them activity a vary of features, consisting of directional aids and GPS. Style is king in streetwear, however it is constantly properly when that fashion is additionally functional. 8. Camo Pants Camo fell out of choose for a little whilst in the trend community. But the trend world is cyclical, and camo is back. Pick up some geared up camo pants for your subsequent outfit. But consider that the rule with patterns is that you desire to healthy the camo with stable colors, like in the match below. Camo is a daring pattern, and you prefer to make this boldness pop through pairing it with some thing laid-back. A easy white or black pinnacle works superb with camo pants. Aim for a pair of tapered pants that in shape loosely thru the rear and thighs. Camo works quality when it is relaxed. Consider pulling from different choices on this listing and choose up a pair of camo joggers or cargo pants. 9. Denim on Denim Denim is a classic, and we are now not simply speakme about denims here. Denim can complement most outfits. A cropped denim jacket over a loose-fitting shirt is a streetwear favourite these days and a basic complement for daring colors. It's additionally an convenient way to layer up your fit, and layers are an effortless way to make a worn-out outfit seem to be new again. But we cannot quit a part about denim except speaking about jeans. Jeans will constantly be in style. The factor that adjustments is how denims fit. Loose-fitting denims are pretty famous proper now, however a basic straight match or skinny jean nevertheless does the trick. Tapered denims are additionally hot. Or why no longer do both? “Denim on denim” is a famous fit. Denim jacket, white tee, and denim denims for that informal minimalist look. Grab some washed-out mild blue jeans to provide your self that ‘90s to early 2000s appear that continues to dominate streetwear. Denim is extraordinarily versatile, and it is no longer going to go out of trend whenever soon. 10. Hats Your match does not end at your shoulders. Hats are a versatile way to add that last contact of individuality. You can by no means go incorrect with a basic baseball cap. Nowadays, muted, basic baseball caps are popular, and the dad hat continues its run of popularity. Hats are additionally drawing from hip-hop lifestyle from the ‘90s and 2000s. The bucket hat has made a sturdy resurgence. Even visors are making their way lower back if you desire to be even bolder. It's commonly best to choose a easy hat with solid, muted shades that you can fit with any fit. A fundamental dad hat enhances highly a lot any informal outfit. 11. White Tee + Bold Patterns A basic white tee is constantly in style. With streetwear, it is about accentuating the easy with the bold. A outstanding outfit thought is to mix a white tee with daring hues or patterns. The white tee offers the delicate heritage for your daring color/pattern choices, and honestly makes the whole lot pop. Combine your white tee with daring patterned pants or layers to increase your easy look. This is an convenient way to rock daring patterns besides stressful about “clash”. Bold patterns are supposed to stand out on their own, and this capability they need to be matched with some thing extra laid-back. Streetwear is flexible, however it is nonetheless about having garments that match you nicely and colors/patterns that match. It lets in you extra freedom and creativity than most areas of fashion, and these golden guidelines will usually be true. In Conclusion – Be an Individual Streetwear is exceptionally about making a statement, which capacity that it leaves a ton of room for you to specific your individuality. In many ways, expressing this individuality is the solely aspect that matters. In this article, we took you thru the warm tendencies of modern streetwear. But consider that this would not constantly do streetwear the appropriate justice. Streetwear has so a good deal room for creativity and individuality. Keep an eye out on some famous streetwear manufacturers and designers like Vetements, Raf Simons, Supreme, or Stussy, simply to title a few. Menswear blogs may want to additionally be an inspirational resource. While we should hold giving you traits and policies to follow, we favor to go away it up to you as well. Find what works for you, and locate how to categorical your individuality. Then, pay interest to the modern trends, however do not enable them to figure out how you will dress. Build your style—that's what streetwear is all about.
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