#one of us is lying season two episode two gifs
noneorother · 7 months
All the music you didn’t hear: The Good Omens soundtrack is lying to you. *Part 1*
The Bonkers Meta Series part 2: Electric Boogaloo.
I so rarely get a chance to misuse my experience in classical music, but here we are. When I realized on my most recent watch-through of the series that the David Arnold score was brilliant, but also really wonky in some parts and I couldn’t put my finger on why, @embracing-the-ineffable suggested I listen to the album soundtrack to compare.
And when I tell you what I found hidden in there, you’re going to need Eccles cakes...
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1) The Song is the Clue
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So right up top we have this banger. The 12th track on the album is the orchestral backdrop to the scene in the Job minisode where Aziraphale reveals Crowley’s crow/goats. The duration is 2:22 (the only track with multiples on the album), and if you look at the track by itself it doesn’t mean much. But the song just before it is actually from this fucking scene:
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You know, the one where there’s a song that’s a clue to a mystery. Except Clue is capitalised, and Aziraphale pronounces it. I’ve seen guesses that this is a reference to the movie Clue, but I would put a lot of money on the fact that we are supposed to read the title of the song currently playing at that moment in the show *as a Clue*, which is super convenient, because the word Clue is capitalized in the track listing. 
Seems like the overlords of Good Omens have a message for us : The song is the Clue. It’s what God wants. Cool cool cool. WHAT SONG?
2) Symmetry in all things 
Before I straight up tell you, we have to go back and look at season 1.
Now I’m far from the first to notice tons of parallels between the story, details and even lines in both seasons. It got me thinking that maybe there are some fun synch-up parallels between the two season’s soundtracks, seeing as they are both 6 episodes long. Here’s the end of S1 and then S2
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Oh that’s a bummer, I thought to myself. 
They don’t even add up to the same number, or playtime, and neither of them is exactly 60 tracks. But do you want to hear a secret? S2 is actually missing 3 tracks on the album. And because there are 2 discs in S2 (cute), the numbers of the tracks start over again from 1. Remember how much God likes sevens? Check out where all the weirdness is happening in disc 2 (I’ve added the missing track listings in red to add context):
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After checking each track with the show and listening side by side (for reasons that will become clear in another post) I can definitively say that there is something *very weird* going on at the end of episode 4. 
First is track 7, Zombie dressing room, which seems to actually reach over two distinct scenes of the photo evidence in the dressing room and then Shax in hell even though it only has one title.
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But *between* these two scenes we get an eerily silent wine date with Aziraphale & Crowley.
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There’s really no music or even sound here besides the dialogue and room tone (until after the cheers), and it seems like a very intentionally silent version of a ritz date from season 1.
My best guess is that we are supposed to divide that track into two tracks of 7, before and after the date to get a second track 7. Or maybe the silent one is missing music? The third track number 7 is the weirdest one. It’s this scene here, when Nina parks her bike, and Aziraphale parks the car at the end of S2E4.
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If you take a close listen to the music, it’s a jaunty little piece, with an oom-pah base in 3 ⁄ 4 time. The thing is, this music does not exist in any Good Omens album. Please feel free to correct me, but I’ve tried to find any part of any song that this could even be a reprise of, and I Shazammed it to be sure it wasn’t anything else. This song does not exist anywhere except in this scene. (It quickly morphs into a reprise of the original theme once Nina leaves Aziraphale). It’s an invisible song.
So we have 3 tracks at the end of S2E4: a long one, a silent one and an invisible one. Only one of which is numbered 7, but that all fit into that place in the track listing.
Which, when we add the two extras to the original total of fifty-nine we get... sixty-one! Hey wait a minute.
How are we going to get to 62?
3) The real missing track. 
So the real reason we had to go back to the S1 album was because it contains the missing track that God is talking about. Let’s compare the last tracks on each album.
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I’ve highlighted the mismatch between the in-show music and the album in S2, which means I had to add A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square back into the S2 album because guess what, it’s not in the S2 album. Even though it plays in the show. 
You want to know how not in the album it is? Amazon had to track it in the show as a season 1 song. They had to give Tori Amos credit for her song on Good Omens in the X-ray bonus features because that’s how not in the album this song is.
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So my fellow beings, if the song is the Clue, then It’s what God Wants.
And if God wants a happily ever after with Aziraphale and Crowley on their own side, then by Job, I think Neil is going to give it to her.
And there's more where that came from! Part 2 coming shortly.
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follows-the-bees · 6 months
I did an analysis of the meaning of Ed touching Stede's chest, hand over heart, here.
But now I wanna talk about the meaning of face touches - and Ed's outfits - across both seasons.
Bathtub Comfort
The first time Stede touches Ed's face is when Ed is seeking comfort. After he opens up about him being the Kraken, killing his dad and his plan to kill him, Stede offers a comforting shoulder squeeze and Ed deepens it by lying his head against Stede's hand. It is an intimate moment of vulnerability for both, especially Ed and he doesn't hesitate to accept it.
While Ed is wearing his Blackbeard outfit here, he is also covered in Stede's robe, like just the thought of Stede's presence can be a shield to the outside world and Ed's internal emotional struggle. And to have Stede come in and physically touch him, his face, Ed is completely comfortable in this combination of both of them, their vulnerability.
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This Is Happening
In the next episode, Stede points out food in Ed's beard and when Ed can't find it, Stede asks permission to take it out. He doesn't fully reach for it until Ed gives permission (the amount of consent between these two, especially in the second season is so special to me) and leans forward (the classic Ed leans toward Stede movement that continues throughout the show.)
Ed is also not wearing his full Blackbeard outfit here, he has stripped down to just a simple purple T-shirt and pants. And we know that purple comes out as Ed's feelings for Stede deepen. So in this moment, Ed is more Ed than Blackbeard.
This is a soft, tender moment that shows the growing feelings between them. Stede's voice is as soft as his reach and touch while Ed looks at Stede so fondly, openly vulnerable.
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Beach Kiss Eins
The first time Ed touches Stede's face, is during their first kiss. As soon as Stede responds, Ed moves his hand to his neck and down to his chest. And the pattern of vulnerability, closeness, and gentleness continues.
Neither of them are wearing their normal clothes here. They are wearing uniform, tan ill-fitting sacks (foreshadowing). Their first kiss is not only bare with emotional intimacy but of their identities. They aren't Blackbeard and the Gentleman Pirate during this moment, they are Ed and Stede, two men in love for probably the first time, sitting on a beach, the combination of land and sea.
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Let's move to Season Two.
Cake Toppers
Oh, the cake toppers. Those damn cake toppers. They are the embodiment of the two of them to Ed, who caresses the wedding cake topper resembling Stede so much that he rubs some of the paint off. And just like every touch between the two of them so far, Ed lightly grazes the figure in a tentative but gentle way that shows he still has deep feelings for this man no matter how many raids, rhino horn, or self abusive behavior he tries to use to drown out his pain and the Kraken persona that he has put on like a sea monster lost in the deep dark depths of the sea.
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Gif credit
Stede's Dream
In Stede's dream about their reunion, the two comically Monty Python (can we call them Monty Pyrates from now on?) run down the beach and full body collide against each other rolling to get on their sides, where Ed is the one to reach forward and touch Stede's face. This is Stede remembering how Ed did the same thing during their first kiss and he is recreating this moment in a fairytale fashion.
Their clothing is once again notable. Stede is wearing a more traditional pirate costume, earring, and has grown a beard. While we saw sword training last season between the two of them, Stede does not truly start wearing one until later in the second season. This is him trying to become who he thinks Ed would want, not the bumbling semi-pirate, but the confident, killing pirate with facial hair and more down-to-earth look. Ed is not only portrayed in his traditional garb but he has his old beard is back, he is the version that Stede first fell in love with. (Stede loves Ed as Ed though, no matter what he wears.)
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Moonlight Serenade
Their first kiss under the moonlight is tentative and is a mirror of the moon scene in season one.
This is the first time that Stede touches Ed's face during kissing of his own volition. Even when he was trying to bring Ed back to life in episode three, he held his hand and pounded on his chest, over his heart, trying to shock it into fully beating to life.
He's been dreaming of Ed as touching his face again like the first kiss, but instead Stede is the one who moves his hand to Ed's face, and deepens the kiss. Because Stede is ready for this, and he wants to show Ed that he is here, he is committed to them. It is Ed who pulls away and asks to take it slow, because he is the one who has to heal in this scenario. This is his season, his season to heal, grow, and learn to reconcile all three sides of his being.
When Ed pulls back, Stede immediately responds, taking his hands off Ed to respect his wishes. And he only touches him again after gaining consent to hold his hand. Once again, we are treated to their gentleness, hesitancy, but the underlying love they have for each other is present in every cradle, fingers through hair, consent.
Instead of like the first season where they walk away in different directions, looking back at each other while trying to puzzle out what happened, they walk away together, toward the captain's cabin, still talking about their day and playfully playing off each other.
Once again they are not wearing their normal clothes, particularly, Ed is not wearing his Blackbeard outfit. He is wearing a light-colored onesie made from a potato sack as well as a cat bell. A bell he purposefully makes ring in an adorable shoulder shake to let Stede know that he is coming in for a kiss - unlike their first one, where he almost surprises Stede with it. We don't see it, but I bet Ed thought that maybe if he didn't surprise him, if he hadn't kissed him but kept talking, Stede wouldn't have left him. He probably blamed himself for that, so he made sure this time that Stede knew what was happening beforehand.
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Calypso's Birthday
They are both physically injured from Ned Low's torture as well as in mental distress here. Stede is having flashbacks of his childhood and blood on his face because this is the first time he has purposely gotten blood on his hands. Ed is upset at seeing Stede take this step, thinking that he has corrupted him. But once again, they both consent to this, Stede does not even move forward or kiss Ed until Ed nods his head and then physically pulls Stede against him. This kiss is a combination of the first two. Ed's hand wraps around and on Stede's neck like the beach one, while Stede's hand snakes its way into Ed's hair when he deepens the kiss. This is the first and only time we see their bodies align and touch at more than just the contact of hands and lips.
Later on we see both of them in a different state of undress. Ed's hair is completely down, and he's once again in a t-shirt, stripped down emotionally and looking at Stede like he's the center of the world as the colors of their love - red and purple - surround them, until Ed looks directly at Stede and the burst of yellow - his lighthouse - shines bright. Stede is already shirtless at this part, his vulnerability bared skin-surface level.
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Beach Kiss Zwei
And of course, we reach the finale, where In general the number of touches has escalated; they have chosen each other, chosen to give this a try. Ed emerges out of the ocean and all three themes (the Kraken, Blackbeard, and Ed) play all in a row, because he took what Pop-Pop said to heart and embraced all three of his identities to save and protect his loved ones.
One hand is on Stede's face almost the entire time they are reunited on the beach, and after the first kiss and apology, Ed moves both hands to Stede's face, using that leverage to pull him in for a kiss, holding onto him for dear life. He doesn't let go until Stede responds to his "I love you" reassuring Ed that he knows that, and Ed can drop his worry about Stede not knowing/hearing those words before that moment. Ed smiles and moves his hands down, and if they weren't in the middle of a battle, he would have wrapped his arms around him, pulled him in to align with his body, and kissed him again.
I particularly love this one because we can see the desperation, especially for Ed during this moment. He clearly doesn't want to stop touching Stede, only doing so out of necessity at the end. Stede is quiet, that calmness that Ed needs, just enjoying being in Ed's presence "breathing the same air."
This is the first time that they are wearing their full identities while kissing. Covered in blood, having just dropped weapons used to kill soldiers to get to each other, only to touch and kiss each other with softness and love but also desperation.
This is also the first time they openly embrace each other. All season, things have been slightly off while they take it slow, try to figure out their status together and separate. They stand apart, but still facing/bodies turned toward each other, only a few inches away. And they never touch in the presence of others, instead only kissing in the candlelight of the captain's cabin and under the moonlight. But now they are under the bright sun in front of The Pirate Queen and countless red shirts, two who were making fun of the letter Stede wrote Ed before Ed dispatched them. And Ed even reaches over later to put his hand on Stede's shoulder in front of Zheng, offering him comfort and saying yes babe, I see you, don't worry.
They kiss on the beach!! combining the sea and the land - the lighthouse, kraken, merman, flightless birds now grounded- they are the MERMEN.
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Gif credits
Overall, the touches exchanged between Ed and Stede are all laced in emotion, vulnerable. And as their relationship progresses, these touches also evolve enough that by the end, kissing or touching each other's face no longer needs a pause and explicit consent because they are comfortable enough to know each other and their boundaries.
But there is something particular about the face touching between them. It shows a higher level of intimacy and romance that is at the heart of our mythical beings who have finally found each other and met in the middle, combining land and sea.
I didn't include the touches previous to the bathtub, like Ed hugging Stede after the lighthouse fuckery, or during the party, first moon scene, because I wanted to focus on the face touching primarily since it offers more depth to their relationship. I did this from memory, so I apologize if I missed any.
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brigdh · 7 months
Ed and the mortifying ordeal of being known
Ed does not like revealing his feelings. He is incredibly consistent about lying,
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distracting, or just outright denying what he's feeling instead of actually talking about it. This is a consistent pattern of behavior with him. There are a few exceptions – most significantly, I think, the bathtub scene where he confesses to Stede about killing his father – but they are a) rare, and b) occur under unusual circumstances, such as a PTSD flashback. In general Ed goes to great lengths to prevent people from recognizing the truth about him.
I don't really blame Ed for this habit, to be clear. He went through an abusive childhood, and though we don't see a lot of the exact dynamics in baby Ed's house, it's very common for abused children to become hyper vigilant of both their own and others' emotions. It's an attempt to exert some, any control they can over the situation, as though they can prevent setting off the abuser if they just always say and do the right thing.
Ed escaped into piracy, but in terms of talking about his feelings, I don't think it was much of an escape. Piracy in OFMD seems to be a place where the idea of having friends (though not the reality – I'd argue Ed might not use the word 'friend', but has had close relationships) is to be scoffed at. "We're all just in various stages of fucking each other over!" says Calico Jack, and being open about your emotions, plans, hopes, etc would just make it all the easier to be betrayed. On the other hand, lying, obfuscating, or just telling everyone about Plan A and then instead pulling off Plan B makes you look like a double-crossing genius who outthought everyone around you. So I'm not surprised that's Ed's learned to be manipulative and uncommunicative. I don't think he's ever been in a situation where emotional openness wouldn't be a disadvantage.
Regardless of why he does this, it's very clear that it's a pattern of behavior for him. This is one reason why I don't think Sad Robe Ed back in Episode 10 was healing – healing requires addressing and dealing with your feelings, and Ed was very much not doing that. I've already written a whole post going through that episode and laying out how Ed never once mentions Stede, or love, or heartbreak, or anything related to what he's going through, so I'm not going to do it again here. In brief, Ed's putting on a performance of sadness for the crew, but it's a generic, vague sort of sadness, without any connection to his personal, specific pain.
Who finally brings up Stede in Ep 10? It's sure not Ed. Izzy:
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Which brings us to Season Two. How is Ed doing now?
He's once again making a performance of his pain, and once again keeping it vague, not letting any of his true, personal hurts be revealed.
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Are performances of his pain and sadness, but just like before, they're generic, unspecific. This is "Mad Devil Pyrate Blackbeard", not heartbroken, human Ed. Who is it that brings up the private reality of what's causing this toxic atmosphere? Once again, not Ed. It's Izzy, just like before. And this time he gets shot immediately for saying Stede's name, and Ed doesn't even look at him.
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In all three episodes, Ed mentions Stede directly only once, and very pointedly, it's when he's alone:
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I'm glad Ed has decided that he wants to live, but that's the beginning of a journey, not the end. What I really want to see in the next couple of episodes is Ed finally, for once, opening up. He doesn't want to be vulnerable, but the lack of emotional intimacy that constantly lying and performing has gotten him is, quite literally, killing him.
Ed can't get over his own, very real pain until he's willing to admit that it exists. I want to see him acknowledge where he hurts. He needs friends. He needs love. He can't get those without being honest.
I hope he does. I hope the show will have him do this work instead of skipping him ahead immediately to the happy ending, no behavioral change required. I think they will. It's kind of their motto, after all: talk it through as a crew.
Now if the co-captains would just follow their own advice...
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lurkingshan · 3 months
Japanese QL Corner
ICYMI: There are so many Japanese qls airing weekly, so I’m going to start posting this little round up at the end of each week. All but one of these are on Gaga and I highly recommend watching! Yes, even the ones I'm not loving! We need to encourage these Japanese studios to keep giving us access to their content. Changing up the order this week so as not to lead on a bum note (we can end on one, instead:)).
Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yara ka
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When we left off with Kazuyo’s confession last week, I said this: “Kazuyo is such a sweetheart that I really hope she'll stick around rooting for this pair once she inevitably gets let down gently.” And we got all that and more this week, because this show is my perfect angel that has never done anything wrong in its life. I love that Kazuyo is not only at peace with Sakae’s feelings for Soga, but very enthusiastically supportive of his pursuit. I love this friendship, and I love that we’re spending real time on Kazuyo’s feelings in the aftermath of this rejection. And we continue to see bits of the past relationships that have been weighing on Sakae and Soga. This show really cares about its characters and it shows. Sakae’s confession at the end of this episode was another great moment of grace and kindness and I’m looking forward to Soga’s response once he has a chance to process alongside some healthy jealousy as Sakae’s ex returns.
Perfect Propose
The first two episodes of this new jbl dropped today, and I loved it. Overworked young salaryman, Hiro, is falling apart. His childhood friend, Kai, finds him lying exhausted on the street and invites himself to move in to take care of him. Kai explicitly declared 1) that he is gay and 2) that he considers himself Hiro’s fiancé within the first five minutes, and helped Hiro get off so he could sleep properly in the first episode. This drama really said eat real food, have a nice orgasm, and get a good night’s sleep and you will be happy, and it seems to be building to some themes about the harm caused by the culture of overworking. I support this message!
Ossan's Love Returns
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...where to even begin. This "honeymoon" episode was bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S. I went from crying to laughing hysterically to gasping to staring in mute horror at my screen to laughing to crying again. This show is so good at keeping these characters grounded in authentic emotion even as their behavior spins far out of the realm of how real people behave. It's a minor miracle that I can be gaping at Maki in disbelief and then bursting into tears two seconds later because of one perfectly executed line. I don't even want to talk about what specifically happened in this episode, I just want you to go watch it.
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna 2
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WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK, BABY!!! I got my hot little hands on the first four episodes of this excellent second season and let me tell you, the joy I felt to see Yuki and Kasuga again! I love that we came back to find out the gals have been eating like queens and blowing the budget. Plus, there's a new baby lesbian in the building! This season is really delving into Yuki's exploration of her sexuality, and the show is handling it with the expected gentle grace. I am enjoying the journey and putting on my patient pants to settle in for a long wait before these two actually officially get together.
Chaser Game W
This was a rougher week for this show, in that the pacing felt very jerky as the story suddenly executed a rapid turn in the romance that did not really work. The backstory reveal was weak (very poorly motivated noble idiocy), Itsuki's casual decision to start caring for Fuyu's child at the expense of her own life and Fuyu's decision to let her was under-explored, the messages about the importance of these women's work was decidedly mixed, and the sudden love confessions straight to sex didn't get proper build up. Add Fuyu continuing to be a violent drunk who treats Itsuki like shit, and it's hard to root for this pair--I am not really invested in the romance. This show is clearly going somewhere with its commentary on gender roles as it relates to Fuyu's behavior, and I hope wherever it is will feel worth it.
Sahara Sensei to Toki-kun
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This show ended this week, and I pretty much hated it, but I will always love Toki despite the mess this show made of his story. We have one more show coming from Drama Shower for the season, and I sincerely hope we can end on a good note with this project.
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beauspot · 11 months
The Bear Season 2: And Why I’m Fucking Annoyed (Full Spoilers below)
*Long Post*
The Bear is something truly special. When it dropped in June of last year it wasn’t a major hit right away. It was a sleeper and it grew its fanbase over time. If you were here this time last year you remember how small the fandom was posts on every platform could barely reach 200 interactions, but with the Golden Globe wins and the word of mouth this fandom began to grow and expand, because season one of the show was just so good.
Season 2 however is an interesting piece of media. I am well aware that I have some bias in this department and I can’t view this season objectively, but neither can the rest of you so I’ll say what I want.
To start off I really enjoyed some of the episodes this season, the first two? Excellent. The Marcus Episode(with my husband Will Poulter at his side)? Fantastic. The Richie Episode? Perfection. And let’s not even talk about Fishes, which was beyond words. I genuinely went into this season wanting to like it and praise it the way I did the previous season because I thought it was good. The writing—which is spectacular in nearly every other place—takes a nosedive with this romance plot. I still do think it’s good, but I can’t act like this whole season hasn’t left a sour taste in my mouth, because it has. Because the show runners are lying racist misogynistic nasty assholes who bullshitted us for nothing.
Toward the end of last year/beginning of this year Chef’s Kiss fans words made their way to some journalist who then asked about the potential for it with the actors and the writer( in an article stupidly named “don’t worry the bear doesn’t want carmy and sydney to kiss, either” the writer of which goes on to ship carmy and marcus so clearly they have excellent taste 😒) who all shut it down. Fine. That’s fine. That’s their opinion and it doesn’t affect us. What bothers me is the words of the co-creator Chris Storer who said this 👇🏾
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He went on to say the show was also just meant to be focused on these people doing their jobs. So fine. We said even if it won’t be canon there’s no way they would bring in a new love interest cause that’s not “the vision” they have for the show, right?(He also goes on in the pic above to act like we couldn’t separate our love of the plot of the show from the ship which is…infantilizing and annoying) continuing on though, he also said this
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He thought it would be cool to see a show with no romantic plot. Mind you this statement was made in January and the show starting filming in February. So unless they want me to believe they added this romance plot as some last minute thing (which very well could be the case as Claire has quite literally no personality outside of being pushy and being Carmy’s girlfriend) they knew they were having a romance plot in the second season and chose to lie about it. So the actors, the creator, basically everyone who was apart of this project said that Syd and Carmy were a weird ship (a strange thing to say to your, at the time, small audience even if that’s how you felt) just for them to turn around and have Carmy with a new love interest from school and have Sydney and marcus develop feelings for one another in the second to last episode? can y’all be fucking forreal for one minute?
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Suddenly all you “yesss let men and women be friends, not every show needs romance” ass bitches want to ship something. I can tell you know Syd and Carmy have chemistry otherwise you wouldn’t have been shaking in your boots hoping the writers wouldn’t get them together. There was some dumb post i saw rooting for Claire and Carm but then adding ‘no one was better than platonic Sydcarmy’…
I see you.
I spoke about this before, but this constant sidelining of black women in these types of shows irks me. Sydney is basically hunting Carmy down for 85% of the season because he can’t do his fucking job he’s so consumed with Claire. And I know people are gonna say i’m being overdramatic, but it’s so clear they just did not want their main white boy to be with a black girl. Something that happens over and over and over again so many fucking times you can just lose count. Carmy, who in season one was so in tune with Sydney’s emotions he quelled his own anger and anxiety to ask if she was ok now ditches her at their restaurant to go help some girl he hasn’t seen since high school. He ditches her to go to a party then has the nerve to bring up Claire’s helping to inspire him.
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Like yeah no shit Sydney is sorry that she’s there, y’all are opening a restaurant together which could fuck both your lives if it fails and Carmy is off doing god knows what instead of his job!
WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!? And yeah, Carmy fucks it up at the end with Claire but that doesn’t negate the rest of the season. Chef’s Kiss shippers are strange and delusional and the show doesn’t need romance and then Claire is half naked in Carmy’s apartment? Look Carmy deserves happiness, his life has been basically nonstop stress and trauma since he was a kid and him ending the season thinking he doesn’t deserve fun or love is heartbreaking because it isn’t true, he deserves all the love in the world especially since he is actively trying to break the cycle (along with his sister). That doesn’t negate the fact that he agreed to being partners with Syd and then left her to make decisions on her own about a business they agreed to start together. Which is why he apologized and rightfully so.
And I know for a fact annoying Sydney and Marcus shippers are going to be like “well ackshully they are clearly setting up Sydcus this season so how can they hate black women.” I love Marcus as much as the next person and honestly after I saw where the writing was going I was like fuck it why not at this point, but if Sydney and Carmy’s shippers were living off crumbs Sydney and Marcus shippers were living off the memory of food. But sure that ship had development.
also no i don’t fuck with that syd and marcus ship because why the fuck are you snapping at sydney cause she rejected you and it wasn’t even really a rejection that was very incel core and it’s not about being upset half the kitchen is always screaming about something, it’s why he snapped at her.
I’m just angry so yeah fuck this show.
I’m genuinely contemplating if I want to watch the next season at all. I said if they wanted to go no romance, fine go no romance, but to not only lie about that but bring in some whole new girl we don’t know and throw the black girl to the closest guy despite the fact Sydney and Carmy are more alike than anyone else? You clearly need to do some introspection and think about why you can view Sydney and Carmen as friends but get sick at the thought of them being more.
There is a possibility (a slight possibility) that they are playing the long game we wanted, but i am wary because they lied and put a manic pixie indie girl in as a love interest this time and it sucked. But then I remember the scene with Syd and Carmy under the table and how open and honest they were with each other and even though their relationship wasn’t the best this season I can see it’s potential, because that one scene had more chemistry than all of that other ships other scenes combined. I don’t know.
This got me thinking though Will Poulter romcom when? I will be seated. Also the consensus on twitter is that people really didn’t like Claire and thought the show should have ditched their plot all together so that’s nice. A lot of people seem to think this is a setup for sydcarmy and idk, maybe i’ll rewatch when i’m more calm.
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cocogum · 3 months
My honest reactions of episodes 5 and 6 (part 2)
Okay I just HAD to devote the full Alibert inn scene from episode 5 here CUZ WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT YUGO GOING BACK TO EMELKA!! I know I already mentioned Chibi and Grougal (as well as the tree Tofu tower) in part 1 but part 2 will basically be about all the rest of the inn scene cuz tumblr couldn’t let me have more than ten images per post (I know the site apparently lets u have more but I always use the phone for it so shush.)
But first, we finally get to see Alibert again after all those years 💕
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Alibert. Sweetie. Baby. You can take care of two (technically four) kids with the addition of a freaking INN, you COOK for the customers, AND, ON TOP OF ALL THAT, you’re the MAYOR of EMELKA, that same place where you run the inn and take care of your adopted sons.
You do much more than just “taking care of an inn”, you got three jobs AND you’re still sane. You’re three in one, a whole package, props to you king. He’s such a boss ass man I love him 💕💕
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Not these ppl trying to avoid the inflation 😭😭 I don’t blame them tho. I would’ve said the same thing lol.
(Also is the wine a call back to Gustavio? Plz it would be so funny if the reason why Alibert is angry is cuz these ppl are saying how “bad” it is just so the prices can stay the same but also because he’s mad that they’re calling Gustavio’s wine “disgusting” even if they were all just trying to make him not raise the prices!)
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Love how Yugo doesn’t say that same shit to Ruel after all those years of cooking for his ass and never getting anything from him.
Like even the whole Brotherhood calls Ruel a “cheapskate” but the only time where we see Yugo say that same shit is when he says that to his own CUSTOMERS?!?
Gurl bye Yugo’s such a silly little hypocrite!! 😭😭
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Adamaï get your stupid lizard ass over here.
It’s been so long since I’ve seen these two just laughing and hugging like this 💕💕💕
Also, Ankama tried being very slick with Az and his wife.
Nah cuz how can you not see these two and not think about Yugo and Amalia?? Does the thought never come to mind or what??
They literally give off the same energy, how did no one say anything before???!!?
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Okay now the next part of the Alibert inn scene is very important to me so listen.
Recently, I came scrolling on @moths-are-better’s recent posts about Yugo and I came up on the one where he drinks the “milk” that was in the cup in the scene below.
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But like-
Look at all the other people drinking in the inn before they left: they all had that same kind of cup, insinuating that they were drinking wine (and also cuz they confirmed it was wine while trying to avoid any possible future inflations with Alibert).
I just love how Ankama deliberately shows us small scenes like this to remind us that Yugo can do adult things even though he looks like a kid. Because THIS is one of those scenes! Just look at how Alibert quietly pulls the cup of wine away from Yugo as soon as the guy starts ranting about his problems.
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That’s clearly not milk lol I just love your delusions @moths-are-better 💕💕
But not only did this scene made me realize that nothing can stop Yugo from doing adult things despite how he looks, it also helped me realize that Yugo is the type to only drink when he’s having problems. We clearly see him about to drink more while ranting to Alibert before he carefully pulls the wine away from Yugo cuz he KNOWS Yugo would drink more just for that.
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That level of attention to detail is amazing and I’m so glad I managed to catch up to the hints early on.
Alibert be looking like Yugo’s bartender AND therapist in just that moment alone lol
Ngl I would’ve loved to see a drunk Yugo if he had been able to drink more before Alibert intervened.
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👏 BE👏 LIKE 👏 ALIBERT 👏 ❤️❤️
This is making me wanna have kids too man….
His caring and calming attitude towards Yugo and the way he just treats him, cares for him, and acts like a responsible parent during all these years really makes me wanna do the same thing someday. Alibert is so good at his job(s) that he’s even beating a freaking goddess. Let that sink in. (actually any good parent like Alibert would beat the Eliatrope goddess’ parenting easily lol)
Alibert is genuinely so sweet, patient, thoughtful, and understanding of Yugo. Like even though he just heard Yugo say he finally found his true family, Alibert doesn’t take his words as insults and would rather just let him spill out all of his words to him.
When I said I missed these two like this, I really meant it. This inn is not only where Yugo was raised in but it’s also Yugo’s comfort place.
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My ass knows this is foreshadowing.
It just knows.
Older Yugo where u at? We need to talk.
Ankama’s gonna ruin this family and laugh about it while eating some croissants.
81 notes · View notes
sweethartlullaby · 3 months
your hidden words
word count: 952 genre/theme: fluff as always, imagine whoever you would like... sweethartlullaby ꕤ masterlist
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The snow falls gently outside of the window and you wonder what each snowflake feels when it touches the ground. 
“You ready?” His voice pulls you back to the studio, where all the blinding lights are pointed at both of you. You smile at him nervously and he returns it. 
“Welcome back to the final season of our podcast…” You smile at the camera as your counterpart introduces the both of you. After your introduction, he brings up the phrase of the day. 
“We’re learning how to use ‘I’m not���’ today.”
There’s something strange about how you feel today. Maybe it’s because it’s because the podcast you’ve held dear to your heart is ending soon. But you know it’s probably because this is the last week you will spend with him. 
Your heart aches at the thought that’s been keeping you up at night.
“So, how do we say ‘I’m not lying.’ in this language?” He turns to you for an answer that your mind is scrambling to get. Your eyes drift to his flashcards and immediately answer, smile and all.
He grins at you and turns back to the camera. When the camera pans onto you, he grabs the hand on your lap and gives it a light squeeze, shooting a blush up your cheeks. He pulls away as soon as the camera zooms out to the both of you. 
“And a lot of boys like to use, ‘You’re beautiful, I’m not lying.’ as their pickup line.” You say and he laughs. 
“Do you disagree?” You turn to him and he shakes his head.
“Just so our viewers know, I’ve never used such a tacky line before.” 
“Oh, really?” You ask sarcastically and he raises an eyebrow at you, the grin still plastered on his face. “Tell us, what is your secret technique.” He resists at first but when he eventually gives in, he turns to you and says…
“I’m not lying, I think your hand fits perfectly with mine.” His eyes burrow into yours and it takes you a few seconds to tap out and chuckle, trying to wave off his strong gaze with your hand. 
“I hate to break it to you, but that’s just as tacky.” You say and he laughs. You’re fidgeting with your own fingers underneath the table as you struggle with not bursting at the seams for the last five minutes of this episode.
When the lights come back on and everyone starts packing, you finally let out a short breath and your co-star turns to you, still grinning. 
“You can stop smiling now. The cameras are off.” You joke and he shakes his head.
“You haven’t answered me.” 
“I wasn’t aware you asked a question.” You raised an eyebrow and he chewed down on his lip as his arms crossed upon his broad chest.
“You’re right, it wasn’t really a question, much more an invitation.” You’re still lost, so you lean in and look up at him, raising both eyebrows this time. He chuckles and lowers his lips to your ears, whispering sweet words.
“Do you want to check if your hand fits perfectly with mine?” Your cheeks warm and you have to clench your hands again, but before you can, his fingers have slid into the gaps between yours, eliciting a short gasp from you. 
You turn to him sharply, eyes widened with alert, but he looks calm and if anything, his smile is wider.
“Someone will-”
“Bye you two! Thank you for your hard work!” The last crew member leaves and it is just the two of you. He pulls you just an inch closer and he can’t seem to take his eyes off of you. 
You, likewise.
“A-Aren’t you going home?” You raise yourself high, even after stuttering.
“You’re so cute when you’re nervous.” He whispers and he brushes a few strands of hair away from your neck, tucking them behind your ear.
“The episode is over. You don’t have to tell me more of your tacky one-liners.” You mumble and you feel yourself closing in on him. 
“Then tell me,” He pulls away just as you feel his breath on your skin and he sits on his chair. “Do you think I’m saying this for the episode?” His hand is still holding onto yours as he gazes into you endearingly. He pulls you closer and you let him, close to sitting on the chair next to him…
Or his lap.
You try to hide your smile and he pulls you onto his seat, letting you rest on top of his thighs.
“You’re not fighting me.” He mumbles.
“Maybe I’m just too nice.” You say and cock your head to the side.
“Or maybe you want to accept my invitation?” You can’t tell if it’s him being a tease or if it’s hope that you let him in. Regardless, you find yourself nearing your lips to his. Your eyes flick to his and you have to hand it to him, he’s hiding all nervousness really well, even though his pupils are shaking.
“Don’t look at me like that.” He begs and you can’t help but smile.
“It does things to me.” His words come out hot and breathy, and you feel a swirl in your stomach, a tingling in your fingers.
“Oh,” Your eyes soften. “What’s going to happen if I actually take your hand?” His lip darts out to lick his lower lip, to which the swirling intensifies.
“Please do it.” He pleads and you almost laugh at how quick he switches. “Please take my hand.”
“Okay sweet boy.” You mutter and slowly take his free hand, lining your fingers up with his. “Ask me out.”
a/n: yay! she finally wrote!
60 notes · View notes
mommymlkrs · 1 year
~ You Can’t Escape Destiny ~
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~ Summary: Sam, Dean, and Y/n come across a profit writing books word for word off of their lives. They seek out the writer and he tells them something they may not have wanted to hear. Do they really want to try and escape destiny though?
~ Pairings: Sam Winchester x Fem Reader
~ Warnings: Smut, this is also very long.
*Based off of Season 4 Episode 18* *Spoilers*
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The bell dings as Sam and Dean enter the comic book store after being sent on a possible hunt by Castiel. They both make their way to the guy at the front counter in their black and white suits posing as FBI agents.
“Uh can I help you?” The worker says confused.
“Sure hope so, agents DeYoung and Shaw, just need to ask you a few questions.” Dean holds up his badge.
“See anything strange in the building the last couple of days?” Sam pipes in.
“Like what?”
“Strange noises? Any skittering in the walls? kind of like rats?”
“And the FBI is investigating a rodent problem?” The guy asks suspiciously.
“What about cold spots? Feel any sudden drops in temperature?” Sam keeps nagging.
The worker looks like the lightbulb in his head suddenly flickered on as a smile creeps on his face.
“I knew it! You guys are LARP-ing, aren’t you?”
“Excuse me.” Dean says offended.
“You’re fans!”
“Fans of what?”
“What is LARP-ing?” They both question.
“Like you don’t know.” Still finding a bright smile on his face, Sam and Dean both look at him with confusing looks.
“Live-Action role playing, and pretty hardcore too!” He exclaims pointing towards their suits making them both look down.
“Sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You guys are asking questions like the building is haunted. Like those guys from the books. Oh what are their names..” He explains as he tries to remember.
“Supernatural.” The guy recalls as Sam and Dean are both utterly confused.
“Two guys use fake Id's with rock aliases, hunt down ghosts, demons, vampires." He tells them. Sam and Dean both give each other confusing looks.
"What are their names? Uhh, Steve and Dirk? Sal and Dane?"
"Sam and Dean?" Sam questions.
"That's it!"
"You're saying this is a book?"
"Books, it was a series." He corrects.
"Didn't sell a lot of copies though, kind of an underground cult following."
"Let's see uhh" The worker jumps up and searches for the series within his store. Both Sam and Dean follow as he searches through the bargain bin.
"Oh yeah, that's the first one I think." He hands the book to Dean."
"Supernatural by Carver Edlund." Dean reads the title continuing when he flips the book over.
"Along a lonely California highway, a mysterious woman in white lures men to their deaths."
"Give me that." Sam grabs the book from Dean frantically scanning the book.
"We're gonna need all the copies of Supernatural you got."
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Back at the motel, Sam is seated at a desk researching on his computer, Dean is sitting on one bed reading one of their new found books, and Y/n is lying on her stomach on the other bed already starting the second in the series.
"This is freaking insane. How's this guy know all this stuff?" Dean perks up.
"You got me." Sam replies.
"everything is in here. I mean everything. To the racist truck to me having sex. I'm full frontal in here." Dean explains.
"Those were some of the best parts." Y/n chimes in joking. Both Sam and Dean look at Y/n with weird looks. Although Y/n never takes her eyes away from the words on the page she can just imagine their faces so she smirks.
"How come we haven't heard of them before?" Dean says Ignoring Y/n's comment.
"They're pretty obscure. I mean, almost zero circulation. Uhh started in 05. Publisher put out a couple dozen before going bankrupt. And the last one, 'No Rest for the Wicked ends with you going to hell." Sam faces the laptop to Dean once he sits down next to him.
"Well, I reiterate. Freaking insane. Oh and check it out, there's actually fans. Not many of them, but still. Did you read this Sam?"
"Really? Oh my god, you guys are like famous!" Y/n gets up to look over Dean's shoulder at the laptop.
"For fans, they do complain a lot. Listen to this. Simpatico says 'The demon story line is trite, clichéd and overall craptastic.' Yeah well screw you Simpatico, we lived it."
Y/n starts to laugh and points to the screen to read it out.
"There are Sam girls, Dean girls and Sam / Dean fans.”
"What does that mean?" Dean asks.
"As in.. Together." Answers Sam.
"Like together together?"
"They do know we're brothers right?" Dean says wide eyed.
"It doesn't seem to matter."
"Oh come on. That’s just sick."
"This just keeps getting better and better." Y/n giggles.
"Oh don't worry Y/n, there's some of you too." Sam smirks.
Y/n goes wide eyed and her face heats up in embarrassment.
"I take it back, this is definitely too weird."
"Oooh look at that, 'Y/n and Sam ge-" Y/n shuts the laptop closed immediately and releases a breath she didn't know she was holding while Dean chuckles at her action.
"We gotta find this Carver Edlund."
"But how?" Y/n questions Sam.
"I don't know. No tax records, no known address. Looks like Carver Edlund is a pen name."
"Someone's gotta know who he is." Dean replies.
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"So you published the Supernatural books?" Sam questions the woman.
"Yup, gosh these books. You know they never really got the attention they deserved. All anybody wants to read anymore is that romance crap."
Both Sam and Dean give Y/n side glances knowing that's all Y/n ever reads.
"What?" Y/n whispers looking back and forth between them.
"Well, we're hoping that our article can shine a light on an underappreciated series." Sam looks back to the woman.
"Yeah, if we got a little bit of good press, then maybe we could start publishing again."
"No, no, no, no. God no. I mean why would you wanna do that? You know, it's such a complete series... What with Dean going to hell and all." Dean tries to explain.
"Oh my god, that was one of my favourite ones! Because Dean was so strong and sad and brave, and Sam, I mean, in ‘Heart’, when Sam had to kill Madison, the first girl since Jessica he really loved.." She says so excitedly.
"Totally agree, and Y/n, right guys? Personally I think she was one of the best characters." Y/n says trying not to be left out.
"Yeah.. I mean she could definitely use some character growth but she added to the story." Y/n was definitely offended by that, but the woman continued.
"I really wish I could've seen what happened with her and Sam though."
"Her and Sam?" Sam questioned her statement not understanding.
"Yeah, you know, there was definitely something between them. You guys finished the books right?"
Both Y/n and Sam's faces started to heat up trying to look anywhere but at the people in the room.
"Yeah, yeah, totally! Great books." Dean chimes in.
"How do I know you 3 are legit? Hm?" She points a finger at them.
"Oh trust me, we're legit."
"Well I don't want any smart ass article making fun of my boys." She sits down behind her desk.
"No, no, no." The 3 quickly say in sync.
"We would never." Y/n adds.
"We are actually uhm big fans, read the books cover to cover."
"What's the year and model of the car?" Clearly trying to test them.
"1967 Chevy Impala." Dean says like a proud dad.
"What's May 2nd?"
"That's my-" Y/n quickly shoves Sam's foot.
"Uhh that's Sam's birthday." Sam says correcting his mistake.
"January 24th is Dean's." Dean quickly slides that in there.
"And (your birthday) is Y/n's, i-if you wanted to know."
"Sam's score on the LSAT?" Both Y/n and Dean look at Sam.
"One... Seventy four.?"
"Dean's favourite song?"
"It's a tie. Between Zep's 'Rambling On' and 'Travelling Riverside Blues.’”
"Okay, okay. What do you wanna know?" She smiles.
"What's Carver Edlunds real name?" Sam questions.
"Oh no, no, sorry I can't do that."
"We just wanna talk to him. You know get the Supernatural story in his own words."
"He's very private."
"Please." Sam pleads.
"Like we said.. We are very big fans." Y/n explains rolling up her sleeve to show her anti-posessing tattoo eyeing Sam and Dean to do the same. They both unbutton their shirts showing their tattoo's placed on their chest.
"Awesome." The woman says nervously obviously eyeing their chests. Y/n can't help but roll her eyes.
"You know what? One sec." She pulls down her pants to show her ass. And it just so happens to be the same tattoo. Y/n makes an uncomfortable noise from her throat and coughs to interrupt the weirdness.
"Wow, you are a fan." Dean says without removing his eyes from her tattoo.
"Hah, okay, well here, his name is Chuck Shurley. And he's a genius. So don't piss him off." She explains while writing down the information.
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All 3 of them get out of the car and head to the house.
"You know what? Maybe this guy can see our futures.” Y/n says as a joke.
"Yeah, he probably has a crystal ball too." Dean making a sarcastic comment as always.
"Ha ha Dean. Lighten up once in awhile, it's just a joke." Sam chuckles at her nagging.
"See, Sam laughed, it's probably because I'm funny." She speaks while skipping on a few steps to get beside them. When she reaches them, Sam’s hand and hers accidentally touch, startling them.
"Or because you can't keep up with us, short legs." Dean remarks once making it to the porch. Dean presses the doorbell and after a few seconds a guy with brown scruffy hair opens the door squinting at them like a vampire who hasn't seen light in days.
“You Chuck Shurley?” Dean asks.
“The Chuck Shurley who wrote the Supernatural books?” Sam seconds.
“Maybe, why?” The scruffy vampire man replies suspiciously. Y/n steps up between the boys.
“I’m Y/n, this is Sam and Dean. The ones you’ve been writing about.” She explains pointing at them. The man shuts the door so Y/n raises her arm and pounds on the door. Once again the man appears in the doorway.
“Look uh, I appreciate your enthusiasm. Really, I do. It’s always nice to hear from the fans. But for your own good, I strongly suggest you get a life.” Y/n scoffs at that and stops the door when the man tries to shut it.
“So here’s the thing, Chuck. We have a life, you’ve been using it to write your books, and I’m not in the mood for crap today.” Y/n perks up and walks into his house. The brothers both look at each other not expecting that from her.
“Wait a minute, this isn’t funny.” The man stutters.
“Damn straight, it’s not funny.” Dean starts to get mad.
“Look, we just want to know how you’re doing it?” Sam asks obviously being the nice cop here.
“I’m not doing anything!”
“Are you a hunter?”
“What? No, I’m a writer.”
“Then how do you know so much about demons and tulpas and changelings?” Dean pressures.
“Is this some kind of Misery thing? It is isn’t it? It’s a Misery thing.”
“This is not a Misery thing.” Y/n chimes in.
“Believe me, we are not fans.” Explains Dean.
“Well then what do you want?”
“I’m Sam, this is Dean, and that’s Y/n.”
“Sam, Dean and Y/n are all fictional characters. I made them up. They’re not real!”
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Dean opens up the Impala’s trunk.
“Are those real guns?” Chuck asks.
“Yup, this is real rock salt, these are real fake Id’s.”
“Believe us now?” Says Y/n.
“Uh, I gotta hand it to you guys. You really are my number one fans. That’s awesome, so.. I think I got some posters in the house.” Chuck dabbles and walks back to his house.
“Chuck stop!” Deans yells.
“Wait, please, please don’t hurt me.”
“How much do you know? About the angels or Lilith breaking the seals?” Asks Sam.
“Wait a minute, how do you know about that?”
“How do you?” Y/n questions.
“Cause I wrote it.”
“You kept writing?” Questions Y/n again, curious.
“Even after the publisher went bankrupt. But those books never came out.” The 3 look at each other then Chuck.
“Okay wait wait wait, this is some kind of joke right? Did that- Did Phil put you up to this?” He laughs pointing to his left.
“Well nice to meet you. I’m Dean Winchester, this is my brother, Sam, and that’s Y/n Y/L/n.”
“Last names were never in the books. I never told anybody about that. I never even wrote that down.”
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After talking more with Chuck, they all head to the Laundromat.
“‘I’m sitting in a Laundromat, reading about myself in a Laundromat, reading about myself-‘ my head hurts.” Dean recites the paper.
“There’s gotta be something this guys not telling us.” Sam says putting his laundry in the machine.
“‘Sam tossed his gigantic darks into the machine. He was starting to have doubts about Chuck. Whether he was telling the whole truth.’”
“Stop it.” Sam now annoyed.
“‘Stop it’ Sam said.’ Guess what you do next. ‘Sam turned his back on Dean. His face brooding and pensive.’ I mean I don’t know how but this guy is doing it.”
“Yeah I mean those are definitely his brooding and pensive shoulders.” Y/n responds to Dean.
“See, I knew you were gonna say that, and Sam just thought I was a dick. As well as Y/n daydreaming about Sam’s ass.” This caught Y/n’s attention.
“It does not say that!”
“I’m pretty sure it does, look-ey here” Dean waves the paper in Y/n’s face.
“Gimme that.” Y/n scootches over to Dean on the bench to grab the paper but he waves it around out of her reach.
“Oh my god, you are so childish Dean.”
“Says the one embarrassed she got caught starin’.” Reading off the paper again, Y/n snatches the paper, crumples it and throws it in the trash.
“You gotta admit, the guys good.” Sam chuckles and tries to ignore the previous conversation.
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Back at the house trying to get more information, Chuck holds more paper.
“So you wrote another chapter?” Asks Sam.
“This was all so different before you were real.”
“We need whatever you can tell us to figure this out so just spit it out.” Y/n perks up.
“Okay, uhm this might be a little uncomfortable, but you asked so.” The 3 share glances across the room from where Dean is sitting on a chair and Sam and Y/n are sitting on the couch. Chuck sits on a stool, puts his glasses on and begins to read, obviously seeming like he doesn’t like to read his work out loud.
“‘Y/n grabs him by the edges of his unzipped jacket pulling him closer to her when he hungrily smashes his lips on hers like a wave of relief, a desire fulfilled.’ Chuck stops reading to look at the 3, who’s faces are utterly confused to see if he should read on. Y/n just knows her face is red as a tomato when she starts to feel very uncomfortable at the mention of her name. Chuck starts to read on.
“‘Sam’s hands grab her hips trying to get impossibly clos-‘“
“Okay, I don’t think we need that much information..” Sam cuts Chuck off feeling embarrassed and very sweaty at the moment. Dean chuckles at the very obvious uncomfortableness in the room.
“It’s just a draft..” Chuck states. Y/n stands from the couch.
“I’m uh super thirsty actually, do you have any water Chuck?”
“Y-Yeah, I’ll uhm go get some.”
“Great, I’ll come with you.” Y/n follows trying to leave the awkwardness as fast as possible.
Sam starts to laugh.
“What’re you laughing at?” Dean questions.
“Nothing, nothing, its just, Y/n and me? In bed?”
“Who are you trying to convince here?” Dean smirks.
“Don’t worry, I definitely don’t see you’re guys’ little glances and hand touches, and staring at the other when the other isn’t looking type of deal.”
“What?” Dean says innocently causing Sam to roll his eyes.
Y/n and Chuck walk back into the room with her glass of water.
“Thank you.” Y/n says kindly avoiding eye contact with Sam as she sits on the couch but a little farther away this time trying not to make it more awkward.
“How does this whole psychic thing work?” Dean asks Chuck.
“You mean my process?”
“Yes. Your process.”
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“Come on.” Sam starts while they’re all in the Impala.
“‘The minivan accident wasn’t that bad. But Dean was still seeing stars, he scratched absently at the pink flower Band-Aid on his face..’” Y/n giggles at that from the backseat.
“So?” Questions Dean.
“So I’ve seen you gushing blood. You use duct tape and bar rags before you’d put on a pink flower Band-Aid.”
“What’s your point?”
“My point is this, all this is totally implausible. It’s nuts.”
“He’s been right about everything, you think he’ll ground out at first now?”
“‘Dean slid behind the wheel of his beloved Impala and drove off, the plastic tarp on the rear window flapping like the wings of a crow.’”
“Can we stop with these papers? Our lives aren’t a script we have to follow, reading off of these isn’t gonna help with anything right now except make you guys argue.” Y/n put her hands on the seat and leaned forward glancing between them.
“Yeah whatever, you just don’t wanna come across another part with you and Sam.” Dean smirks.
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Back at the motel Dean still seemed to have questions.
“I’m gonna go outside and try to see if I can contact Cas.”
“Don’t leave me in here Dean!” Y/n whisper yells.
“Sam’s in the shower, I’ll be like 10 minutes tops Y/n. Just don’t go hopping in there with him.” Dean smirks and shuts the door to the room.
Y/n decides to get comfy so she sits on the bed, back against the headboard and watches whatever she can find on the tv. After watching the clock, it had been 10 minutes exactly when she heard the bathroom door open. Sam walked out, damp hair and water dripping down his body with only a towel hanging on his waist. Y/n found herself staring.
“Oh, uhm I thought I heard the door close, I assumed you left with Dean.” Sam explained gathering up his clean clothes.
“He said he would be like 10 minutes, just wanted to contact Cas.”
“Oh okay.” Sam said nervously heading back to the bathroom to change. After a few minutes the bathroom door opened again and this time he had pants on but still no shirt.
“Could you uh pass me that shirt beside you?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, here.” She tossed him his shirt. He raised his arms and put his shirt on. Y/n swore she almost drooled. Sam came and sat down across from Y/n on the other bed facing her. She sat up and put her feet on the floor.
“Listen, about earlier..” Sam started as he scratched his neck. Remembering back to earlier Y/n laughed, noticing how funny it actually was.
“Which part? There was so many.” She giggled referring to all the awkward times people said something about them being together. Sam laughed too at that.
“Yeah, I just don’t want that to make things awkward between us, it’s kinda felt that way since earlier.”
“Yeah, I felt that too. But maybe Chuck was wrong? I’ve always believed we write our own futures, so fuck destiny. If we don’t feel what everyone is saying we should feel, then so what?” Sam laughed and nodded his head.
“I agree.” At that, Y/n smiled and stood up to hug Sam.
“See? All better, we can feel how we wanna feel.”
“So I can feel that I wanna tickle you?” Sam smiled and Y/n immediately gasped and tried to run away but Sam grabbed her waist and started tickling.
“SAM! I swear if you don’t stop!” Sam pushed her back onto the other bed stopping her from squirming away.
“You swear what?” Sam stopped tickling her but held her hips to the bed still. After a few moments, Y/n caught her breath but didn’t know what to say. She looked back and forth between his eyes and lips and so did Sam. Suddenly they heard voices and sat up quickly. Dean walked through the door.
“I don’t even wanna know. C’mon we are getting out of here.” Dean stated.
“What where?” Asked Sam.
“Anywhere, okay? Out of this Motel, out of this town. I don’t care if we gotta swim. We are getting out.” Dean started packing his bag.
“Why aren’t you guys moving?” Dean raised his voice.
“Listen, Chuck is not a psychic. He’s a prophet.”
“What?” Y/n stood up.
“Cas showed up. And apparently, Chuck is writing the gospel of us. Now let’s get the hell out of here.”
“It’s the middle of the night Dean, the road out of here is cut off, we can’t leave.” Y/n walked towards him.
“Fine. We are leaving as soon as the road out of here opens up.”
“Okay.” Dean repeated.
*:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*
That night, Dean some how ended up getting his own bed and Y/n got the other bed while Sam was stuck with the couch after very much debate between him and Y/n.
Y/n slowly opened her eyes to find it was still dark outside, she found herself thirsty so she got up to grab a water bottle out of the fridge but only found beer. ‘Liquid is liquid I guess’ she thought. Once her eyes adjusted to the room, her eyes found themselves on Sam, quietly laughing at how gigantic he was with his legs hanging off the end of the couch. She looked over to Dean but he wasn’t there.
“Dean?” She asked like he was suddenly gonna appear. She quickly made her way over to Sam shaking his shoulders to wake him up.
“Sam? Sam!” He groaned as he awoke.
“Deans not in his bed.”
“What?” Sam questioned Y/n.
‘Oh my god, his morning voice.’ Y/n thought.
“I don’t know where he is. The Impala is still outside and all of his stuff is here.”
Sam stood up to see Dean was in-fact not in his bed. ‘He doesn’t have a shirt on too? Oh my, what this man does to me.’ Y/n thought.
“Maybe he went for a walk?” Said Sam obviously too tired at the moment to focus.
“I don’t know Sam.” Sam took a step closer to Y/n to get her attention.
“Y/n, I’m sure he just went to the bar across the street or something. Let’s just go back to sleep and when we wake up I’m telling you he will be here. If he’s not, we can take as many precautions as you’d like.”
“Fine.” At that Sam took another step closer to put his fingers on her chin turning her head up to him.
“Y/n.” Sam said sternly knowing she was worried.
“It’s okay Sam, if you think he’s fine, I believe you.” Y/n explained placing her fingers on his hand. Sam smiled at that.
“Goodnight Y/n.” Sam said softly leaving her touch.
“Are you sure about that couch Sam? You didn’t look too comfortable… You can sleep in my bed if you want, I really don’t mind.” Y/n said calmly trying to act as chill as possible as she climbed in under the covers.
“You sure?”
“Just get in Sam.” She smiled at him. Sam made his way over to the side of the bed and hesitantly got under the covers as well. Y/n turned over to face Sam still smiling.
“What?” He smiled at her.
“You’re so warm, the bed was so cold before.” Y/n said, thoughts racing.
“I’ll gladly be your heater anytime Y/n.” She loved when he said her name. She shuffled a bit closer not wanting to roll off the bed during the night. At that, Sam slowly reached his hand up to brush her hair out of her face behind her ear. At the action, Y/n’s cheeks turned pink, thankful it was dark so he didn’t notice.
After a moment of staring into each others eyes, both of their gazes flickered back and forth from their eyes to each others lips. Sam leaned in slowly not wanting to accidentally get the wrong idea. His lips grazed hers and after realization Y/n pressed her lips to his. A slow kiss made faster in the moment turning his hand on her hip and hers on his cheek.
They both separated taking heavy breaths, echoing through the motel room. Y/n smirked and pulled him closer once again intertwining their mouths and pressing their bodies as close as possible to each other. Sam put both hands on her hips now turning them over so he was on top, he started kissing her jawline and down her neck giving them a break to breathe. Y/n put her hands through his hair as Sam looked up at her.
“I remember you saying ‘fuck destiny.’” Sam smirked.
“And I remember you agreeing. So shut up and kiss me Winchester.” She smiled at him and brought him up to her face connecting their lips. Sam tugged at the edge of her oversized shirt making her lean up off the bed so he could pull it off finding her without a bra. He instantly went to sucking her chest and twisting her other nipple. Y/n let out a moan and Sam smiled against her chest switching to give each the same attention.
He went back to her mouth and Y/n found the draw string to his sweatpants undoing the bow tugging at them. Sam got the hint and detached their mouths to kneel and take off his pants. He slowly reached for Y/n’s shorts and looked up at her. She smiled and nodded so he continued to pull them off her. He rubbed his fingers against her covered heat.
“Your so wet.” Sam noticed and smiled at her.
“All for you.” Y/n spoke up. Sam then hooked his fingers on either side of her hips pulling her underwear down and off. She whined at the cool air hitting her suddenly. Sam leaned down toward her heat spreading her legs with his hands and licking a stripe up her slit. Y/n moaned at his action so Sam did it again liking the sweet sounds she made. He then started sucking on her clit harshly making her squeal and try to shut her legs around his head so Sam reached both his arms under and around her thighs keeping them open for him.
He started moving his mouth around more chasing her to moan and stick her hands back in his hair pulling and tugging.
“Sam pleasee.” Y/n moaned.
“Please what? Tell me what you need sweetheart.” Sam replied against her pussy.
“I- I need more!” At that, Sam unhooked one of his arms from her thigh and stuck his finger in her hole. Y/n screamed at the sudden movements. Sam roughly moved his finger in and out adding a second one still sucking her clit.
“I- I’m gonna-“ Y/n tried to tell him.
“That’s it, cum on my fingers sweetie.” At the nickname, Y/n came on his fingers a moaning mess. Still thrusting, he let her come down from her high.
Sam sucked her juices off his fingers coming off with a pop.
“You taste so good.” Sam stated crawling back up to her to intertwine their lips. They broke apart as Y/n tugged his boxers down finding his hard cock.
“You’re so big.” Said Y/n, almost drooling. Sam chuckled and turned her on her stomach with her ass in the air. Sam stuck his arm around to her face.
“Spit.” Y/n did as told and Sam brought his hand back to stroke his cock a few times. He put one hand on her ass spreading her open for him and the other hand guiding his dick in her wet hole. He slowly went in as Y/n started to whine.
“C’mon, you can fit me honey.” She moaned at his deep soothing voice and Sam bottomed out giving her a second to adjust before he pulled out, back in, and started slamming into her from behind with both hands on her hips now bringing her hips to meet his. Their moans and groans filled the room along with the slapping of their hips.
“Sam-“ Y/n moaned into the bed gripping the sheets. Sam grabbed both her arms and pinned her wrists behind her back grunting as he pounded harder. Y/n started to whine loudly and he felt her clench causing him to roll his head back.
“You gonna cum baby?” He said to her reaching his fingers down to massage her clit.
“Mhmm.” She moaned out not being able to form words. He let go off her wrists, grabbing a fist of hair instead making her uncontrollably moan as well as her eyes rolling back in her head. Sam stopped his movement on her clit and let go of her hair before pulling out quickly to flip her body around. Her back now on the bed he lifted one of her legs over his shoulder immediately putting his cock back into her wet cunt causing her to whimper and scream. Sam leaned down grabbing the sides of her face in his palms and kissed her. While pulling away from her lips he started pounding into her like never before shaking the bed. They stared into each others eyes mouths wide open moaning. Y/n’s eyes started to get heavy and started to stutter.
“Sam, I’m-“ Sam knew what she was trying to say and continued fucking into her.
“I know baby. Cum for me.” He said between breaths feeling her starting to clench around him. Y/n moaned his name all the way through her orgasm.
“Good girl.” Y/n then began to shake at the over stimulation.
“Sammy- I ca-“
“Just a little longer sweetie, you can do it.” He reassured her and let go of her head to pound into her a little more when his thrusts started getting sloppy and his dick began to twitch. His cum shot into her causing them to both moan. He carefully pulled out and leaned down on top of her to kiss her swollen lips. She ran her fingers through his hair while both of them panted to calm down and catch their breathe. Sam lied down next to her on his side, pulled her into him by her waist and kissed the top of her head.
“I guess we can’t really escape destiny huh?” Sam joked and Y/n looked up at him kissing him again.
*:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*
Y/n’s eyes began to open immediately putting her hand up to block the bright sunlight. She looked around to find Sam’s arm draped over her waist and Dean’s bed still empty. Sam awoke from her movement.
“Hi.” Sam said fluttering his eyes open.
“Hi.” She replied smiling at him. Suddenly the motel room door opened and in walked Dean landing his eyes on them.
“So, destiny huh guys?” Dean smirked. Sam’s cheeks went pink and Y/n grabbed her pillow and tossed it at Dean.
“Hey! Watch the coffee grumpy.” Dean remarked.
“Where were you last night?” Y/n asked ignoring his comment.
“Just at the bar. Why? Seems like your guys’ minds were somewhere else.” Dean placed the coffees down and widened his eyes at the pair.
“Couch comfy Sam?” Dean asked, obviously amused. Sam just rolled his eyes at his joking behaviour.
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starbylers · 1 year
Here’s 7 of my favourite Byler proofs just from season 4. Pretty sure we all know these but just a refresher if anyone is feeling doubtful <3
Camera focusing on men wrestling when in Mike’s POV
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There is no other explanation for this shot: Mike was watching the boys. Hinting at his sexuality is the only reasoning here that has actual narrative purpose.
Symbolism in the final scene
The dying Mlvn flowers vs the blooming flowers edited between Mike and Will.
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El walking away from the love triangle framing, alone. Mike and Will centred as a pair between the other endgame couples. This is not an accident, the way everyone is positioned in twos is incredibly staged and deliberate.
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Mike’s bedroom walls
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The shirtless male dragon on a literal rainbow poster (this one is so obvious I have to laugh). Other characters have pictures of the gender they’re shown to be attracted to on their walls, why is it any different for Mike? And of course the one way sign. Set design is a professional career, these things were not thrown in at random. A character’s room is supposed to give us insight into who they are and their story.
The narrative. The most basic but strong evidence that exists.
El lying to Mike for months. Mike avoiding touching Will and pretending not to look at him in the airport, after finding out he likes a girl. Mike and El fighting and Mike using gaslighting language and shifting blame. El leaving Mike behind with ‘from El’. Their relationship is on the rocks. Will and Mike having multiple interrupted heart to hearts. Borderline flirting and definite gazing into each other’s eyes in the Dear Billy talk. Mike feeling insecure and inferior in his relationship. Will’s secret love confession making Mike feel happy and better about himself. That same confession encouraging Mike to give the monologue. The monologue being completely impersonal and containing at least one 100% confirmed lie (love at first sight). El fails to achieve her goal (save Max) despite Mike’s words. El having no response to Mike’s long-awaited ‘I love you’ when it’s been days.
Suzie’s house foreshadowing episode 9
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Mike & Suzie’s dad both hit by the arrow (to show he represents Mike)
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‘It looked genuine’ do I need to say more?
Also this foreshadowing is backed up by one of Suzie’s sibling’s lines ‘too much salt’ (aka reference to the salt bath).
The Suzie’s house sequence has absolutely no purpose to the plot. It exists for parallel purposes.
Fruit on pizza metaphor interrupting Mike’s alleged ‘I love you’ attempt
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Mike: ‘That’s blasphemous! Putting fruit on pizza?’
Argyle: ‘Try before you deny.’ El: ‘It’s good!’
I think this metaphor is pretty self-explanatory. (Trying the ‘fruit’ = exploring his sexuality, Mike thinks it’s wrong, specifically using the word ‘blasphemous’ (which in simple terms is defined as ‘to disrespect God or religion’, and we know Mike grew up in a homophobic small town in the 80s). There are more detailed explanations of this elsewhere on Tumblr, this is just a mini summary).
Also, Argyle calling Mike Romeo (reference to a doomed relationship).
Again, this scene had absolutely no purpose plotwise or character-wise (at least explicitly). It was pure symbolism.
‘Straight doesn’t make sense’ map joke
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Mike: ‘Straight, straight, straight…right on the money, as I said.’
Jonathan: ‘It just doesn’t make sense.’
Yet again, no plot or character purpose for this dialogue, or at least not for wording it this way. This was clearly a joke alluding to Mike’s sexuality (and him possibly being in denial), similar to the telemarketing joke in s3 (‘El? Sorry, not interested’).
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bubblesxo · 1 month
i dont know if you will see this but i am a big fan of your g!bruce meets the batfam!!!! I literally have tumblr just for this series (and now that I’ve tried it im beginning to love it ngl) . Annyywaayy ive just read the new chapter and it’s so good!?? Like i am really excited for the next chapter!!!
Oh and I haven’t watched gotham ( im planning too ) but i sometimes mix the twins????? Like your explanations are good dont get me wrong but yk when your reading and you need to check which ones which? Yeah … and like i want to fix that idk how .do i just like memorize the twins personalitys??
also in this au is theres 2 jokers??????? I saw you once mention Jerome(?) being revived or something
ps .im that great at English sorry .
oh wow wow wow thank you so so much!! i'm really glad that you're enjoying my story so much! it really means a lot to me. <33 i think your english is good! but if you need/want me to clarify anything i say here, just let me know and i'll try to rephrase it for you!
okay, so in the Gotham tv show (this has spoilers for all 5 seasons, so read on if you're okay with that) the way that they approached writing the joker was actually really up in the air in the beginning. this is because they didn't have the rights to use the name "joker," and so fox (the company that made the show) planned on making a bunch of smaller characters in the show as a kind of easter egg as people who could be the joker or who resemble him in some way.
this changed when cameron monaghan (the actor for both jerome and jeremiah) guest starred in s1e16 "the blind fortune teller." in it, the character of jerome is introduced as a 17/18 year old boy who travels with the circus with his mother, who is a snake dancer. he is meant to be one of the aforementioned joker-like characters in the show and wasn't actually supposed to be included again after that episode, if i am not mistaken.
however, the viewers LOVED his performance and jerome came back in season two as a member of the maniax, a group of arkham inmates who were broken out of the asylum. i won't go too into detail about the actual plot, but in seasons two, three, and four, jerome shows up in at least a few different episodes with very memorable storylines each time.
it isn't until season four of the show that jeremiah is even revealed at all! jeremiah and jerome are identical twin brothers, however, jeremiah has been in hiding for years under the fake name "xander wilde" in an attempt to escape jerome, who wants to get revenge on him for lying to their mother about what he (jerome) did when they were children. basically, jeremiah lied to their mother (lila, who jerome is revealed to have killed in 1x16) that jerome tried to kill him, causing jeremiah to be sent away and be adopted by rich people and get to go to a well-funded private school where he could live out his best life as a child prodigy (which was jeremiah's end goal to this), whereas jerome was left behind in the circus that they lived at (haly's circus, the same one that dick grayson later was raised in before being adopted by bruce). during this time, jerome was horrifically abused by his mother, his uncle, and his mother's many romantic partners. this eventually caused him to crack, which creates the character we see in the show.
here's an easy way to remember the difference in their personalities:
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in the standard american deck of cards, there are two jokers: one that is black and white and one that is in color. in this analogy, jeremiah is the black and white joker and jerome is the one in color.
this is jerome:
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he's got a *very* boisterous personality. he's outgoing and charismatic and, of course, severely messed up in the head. he *enjoys* the pain he causes people and does it with little to no reservations. he thinks things through less thoroughly than jeremiah but jerome always has a plan and is actually quite smart. i couldn't do him the disservice of calling him the dumb twin, despite some points about jeremiah that i'll get back to later.
anyway, jerome has a grand plan for all of gotham: he believes that, fundamentally, everyone in the world is like him and is also at least a bit crazy inside. he wants everyone to tap into their inner selves and let themselves run free / go crazy. he successfully ensnares huge hoards of gothamites with his persuasive way of speaking and interesting flare to his words. he amasses a large cult following, all of whom are very similar to him in the sense that they all demonstrate similar signs of instability.
here's some more gifs of him.
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jerome kind of invented the iconic "HAHAHA" signature joker laugh in the gotham universe, even though he isn't the one who goes on to become "mr. j" (gotham's version of the joker) in the end (that's jeremiah, though i have a lot to say about that).
jerome's always smiling, a genuinely creepy smile that throws people off at first but can be really scary once you know what you're looking at. he single handedly turns gotham into a madhouse on multiple occasions and is the one who basically spread the "crazy" to the general population (for short: genpop).
he's a classic cult leader in the sense that he can mesmerize a whole room with his magnetic presence but also will ruthlessly cut down any of his followers if they so much as upset him (or even if they're just being annoying or could have a greater purpose, like when he stabbed a follower in the gut to take their blood to draw a frowney-face on bruce).
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that reminds me, another important thing to know about jerome is that he has an iconic stapled-on face! this is because he died once (in season two, though he came back to life for season three onwards) and one of his followers tried to revive him using some insider medical knowledge from doctor hugo strange (who is just... a whole thing. ew.). he thinks that he failed at doing this and steals jerome's face so that he can wear it on television in an attempt to control jerome's followers (spoiler: this doesn't work).
however, it turns out that jerome *was* revived from this, and he's pretty upset that some dude stole his face! so he uses a staple gun to re-attach it after he gets it back (and kills the guy who did it). his face is later punched off by jim gordon but reattached more properly during his time at arkham afterward (the carnival scene happened in season 3 and jerome came back with a kind-of healed face in season 4).
here's some gifs with jerome's messed up face!
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jerome is the colorful joker because he's very much expressive. he lets out every single emotion he feels---unless he's trying to deceive someone, at which point he is a phenomenal liar. (in season 1 when we are first introduced to him, he almost successfully gets away with the murder of his own mother.)
jerome is funny and laughs a lot and is *loud.* he's also absolutely insane and incredibly cruel, as well as impulsive, but he's able to curb his instincts if he feels like he can pull off a big plan.
jerome is a showman by nature. he's a product of the circus and it *shows.* everything he does is like an act, something that is acknowledged by many people in the show.
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he's a funky lil dude. totally crazy, but kind of adorable at times.
he's also SEVERELY traumatized from his horrible past and has huge trust issues.
so, yeah. jerome is colors! remember that.
unfortunately, pookie died in season 4 and doesn't seem to have been revived this time </3
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now, onto his twin brother jeremiah!
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jeremiah is, at least at first, presented to be the complete opposite of jerome. he's calm, collected, and seemingly sane---at least at first. bruce trusts him at first and he even befriends him for a period of time before jeremiah betrays him.
jeremiah is a genius engineer, and, when looking into his past, we can assume that he was a child prodigy. he worked with thomas wayne before he died and designed the wayne plaza building under the aforementioned alias "xander wilde." he also locked himself in an underground maze for ~6 years (i believe?) and never went outside, instead sending his proxy (ecco) out to act in his place during business transactions.
as seen here, jeremiah seems to be the complete opposite of showboat jerome:
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when we first meet jeremiah, we are told that he is totally sane, but we can later see that this is not the complete truth.
i'll use jeremiah's project as a metaphor for this. jeremiah was building a set of generators which could make energy harvesting and usage much less expensive and much more bio-friendly (if i remember correctly). bruce promised to fund his project and jeremiah accepts his offer quickly.
after jerome dies in season 4 after kidnapping bruce and jeremiah, he left behind a concoction of chemicals that seemingly make jeremiah go insane. this is a play on joker toxin / joker venom from the greater dc universe.
however, after jeremiah reveals his new self
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he says that the spray did not actually change who he actually is, but just gave him an altered appearance. there are a lot of fan theories about this, but the general consensus is that the spray likely lowered his inhibitions, which gave him the kick needed to reveal his true self.
even his complexion resembles the joker he corresponds with: black and white. he is the black and white joker because he isn't as expressive, is way more calculated, and is more cruel and less happy. even his skin is paper white.
here's some gifs of what he looks like after those "slight cosmetic changes" :
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that looks a lot more like the joker we know and love today, right? bleach-pale skin, red painted lips, green hair. he's instantly recognizable as the stereotypical joker now.
remember when i mentioned the generators? let's go back to them. the entire time that the generators have been around, they've also been perfectly functional as powerful bombs. their ability to be used as bombs does not undermine the fact that they can also be used as generators, and both of these things were true at the same time *for the entire time they have existed.*
it is in this way that jeremiah's paradoxical nature has always existed. jeremiah is crafty, cunning, and absolutely vicious. he has no care or concern for human life in general and will sacrifice most people in his life if it means that he will get what he wants in the end.
this is shown both before and after the joker toxin in how he lied about jerome when they were children (which caused jerome to be heavily abused) and in how jeremiah willingly killed one of his most devoted and beloved followers, who was being ransomed, just because someone put him on hold and it was personally easier for him to just kill him than sit on hold on the phone for a while. (he also has a vicious streak, though, because he immediately moved the demolition of the bombs up to immediately once he was out of the blast zone because those people inconvenienced him.)
something that's important to realize about jeremiah is that he has an issue with being called crazy. jerome does, too, but he eventually comes to accept the term, almost like he's reclaiming it, but jeremiah is *violently* against it. that's one of the things that set him off in the previously mentioned interaction.
both jeremiah and jerome are obsessed with bruce, though in different ways. jeremiah sees bruce first as his best friend and later as the "brother [he] could never have, that jerome could never be." jerome just sees bruce as a particularly entertaining and interesting kid who he enjoyed tormenting who he would eventually kill.
anyway, despite jeremiah being crazy (or, depending on who you ask, just less inhibited) he is still crazy smart and calculating. he thinks through everything before he does it and his master plans seem like they go on forever with 10000 parts to them and backups and contingencies galore.
the only time that jeremiah ever really seems to break out of this is when he's fighting with bruce. while he still does have a greater point to make or something he's trying to accomplish, he thinks through things less with him and shows his impulsive and rash side a bit more, which is interesting because jerome showed his thoughtful and contemplative side when faced with the obstacle that is bruce thomas wayne. i love parallels and contrasts, especially in these two characters! i just love writing about twins, they're always so interesting.
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some important things about their relationship to one another:
even though jerome kidnapped jeremiah and seemingly strapped a bomb to his neck (after breaking into his house and telling him that he would kill him), jerome doesn't seem to actually want jeremiah to die. instead, as we later find out, he wants jeremiah to unleash his true self and carry on his legacy of chaos and cruelty in gotham for him after his death. this is why he left behind the laughing gas for him.
(the fact that jerome thought to do all of that shows that he really was a smart character and that he truly did understand the world around him well. he knew exactly what would happen in the event of his death, i.e. bruce offering to fund jeremiah's work and jeremiah accepting, as is shown when jerome has the joker venom in a present box which claims to be sent from wayne enterprises.)
jeremiah *hates* to be compared to jerome in any way, as he thinks of himself as "the face of true sanity." he actually has an entire notebook full of jerome's ideas, which he says he will outdo and perfect, thus defeating his brother in the end, which i don't know if i agree with, but whatever.
i think that it's because of the reputation that jerome got at the circus. jeremiah wanted people to think of him as better than jerome and as the perfect child, which he succeeded at. to him, jerome is synonymous with crazy, which i've already mentioned that he hates to be called.
okay, just one more part to talk about. the infamous, much anticipated Mr. J!!!
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in the series finale, it is revealed that jeremiah, after falling into a vat of acid, is horribly disfigured and pretends to be in a vegetative state for the whole ten years that bruce is on his quest to improve himself before becoming batman. he does this as a way of waiting for bruce to come back to gotham so he can continue to be obsessed with him.
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however, though this is jeremiah, it seems that he has actually gone through immense mental trauma sometime during this time (perhaps during his fall into a vat of chemicals), which has caused him to sort of lose his sense of self. he once says that there was "another me" [another him] once, which is, of course, referring to jerome. this implies that jeremiah sees jerome as an extension of himself, almost, and almost makes it seem as if mr. j is a whole different entity of his own.
hopefully this clears everything up a bit for you!! let me know if you have any questions or want to know anything specific about the characters and i will be glad to oblige!
thank you once again for being so kind as to leave this ask!! it really made my day. thank you for enjoying my fic, i hope it continues to live up to expectations. i have a lot of fun things planned (and i am very happy that you decided to look into these characters more, because they are actually extremely important to the plot as we get more into the actual story!). <33
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
BARRY OBX — spring prompts 🕊️
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A/N: although this fandom isn’t for me…there’s no way you thought I wouldn’t be writing something for Barry. Also only just finished episode six but thanks to tik-tok I was able to see a Barry edit for this season that was 👏🏽🙏🏾 👀 and further motivation to write this small thing. We still stanning over here! Also where are the new gifs at for this man?
Prompts are from this list & I’m using 4.) taking deep inhales of the fresh spring air + 24.) lying under the sunny sky and watching the clouds.
The sun gave just the right amount of warmth against Barry’s skin, which fought off the brisk air the now blossoming season provided. Barry found himself completely relaxed, laying on his back, arms folded behind his head and staring up at the puff of clouds that drifted along the sky.
He hardly had the time to just enjoy the weather, if he wasn’t working—scheming—depends who you ask. It felt pretty damn good to just be in the park, surrounded by the trees that whistles a sweet tune every so often. He was so comfortable and free that he finally felt his eyes slowly begin to close.
A harsh cough was released, making Barry snap his dark eyes open to realize that the sound was coming from the silhouette that was actually sitting on top of him.
You so happened to be sitting right on his lap, almost hacking up a lung with a hand on your chest.
Barry pushed himself up onto his elbows, furrow in his brows as he asked, “what’s happening, bloom?”
Once you caught your breath, you glanced back at Barry and wheezed, “I think something with wings went down my throat.”
“And how that happen?”
“I was just taking in the fresh air and the earth betrayed me like I’m not one of her own.”
Barry snorted to himself, sitting upwards to slip his hands from the sides of your ass to lock them around your waist. He then placed a kiss to the back of your neck, enjoying the weight of you on him.
He was really bonding with nature, your words not his and forgot that you also made yourself comfortable on his lap. If the both of you didn’t have a warning for “indecent exposure,” from mr. Park control (thanks to last time) then Barry would definitely initiate some freaky deaky actions to really promote this peaceful outing.
“Here, drink some.” Barry reached out and into the extra bag you brought with you.
His hand pulled out a glass bottle and squinted at the label then read it out loud, “elderflower rose lemonade. Don’t know where the hell you got this from but i hope it helps.”
Next he popped the bottle cap off with his teeth before holding it out for you to grasp.
Holding the bottle up in cheers, you went to sipping as Barry settled to the side back on his elbow. He then dragged your bag over by the books of the month the both of you were reading asking, “I think it’s about time we eat somethin’ don’t you? I sure hope you ain’t bring none of those croissants with that green shit that’s not weed sprinkled on top of it.”
It was your turn to laugh, remembering the look of disgust on Barry’s face when you brought him some matcha croissants. He was all for pastries but felt like once you started adding unnecessary items to the original? He had something to say about it.
“Lucky for you, there’s just sandwiches and chips in there. No funny business.” You replied, sliding off his lap to lay on your stomach beside him now.
How ironic of that statement to be made as the both of you got a view of a few familiar faces making their way through the park. Sarah peddled by on her bike with Cleo standing on the back of it, the two being oblivious to the couple as they carried on through the looped pathway; followed by Pope roller blading backwards after them, and lastly JJ who was on his skateboard, sending a middle finger mostly Barry’s way.
“I’ll chuck this bottle right at his wheels, send that boy skidding real quick.” Barry warned, fingers just itching for your drink.
Instantly, you slipped a hand up Barry’s collarbone, pass the gold chain on his neck, and continued traveling it up to his jawline to turn his attention back to yours.
“Nope, none of that. We are only focusing on the good weather today, all the new growth that’s comes with my favorite season, and how good i look in these jeans.” You encouraged.
Barry couldn’t help but to let his eyes trail downwards, making a dimple appear in his cheek as he placed a hand on the small of your back, before leaning forward to place his lips right on yours.
Which also erupted a smile from your own before you pulled apart, “and oh you’re not so bad to look at either…even if you chopped that luscious hair off.”
You ran a finger over the scar in Barry’s hair who scoffed, knowing you still felt some sort of way about his new-do…although that didn’t stop you from touching it—
Barry then let out a sigh and threw himself onto his back, getting another view of the vibrant sky and once more thinking about all the good possibilities that spring can bring. And as he turned his gaze from the clouds and focused back on your easy smile, he understood why you were named bloom.
Continue along with my spring anthology prompts here.
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pandemoniumonwheels · 7 months
I promised more meta of why I think what happened between Moiraine and Siuan this season was Siuan's game, not an actual breaking. So buckle up, we're talking about Rand and why his moms were arguing in front of him.
I believe the meeting between Moiraine and Siuan, the one in front of Rand was staged to a certain degree. I'm not sure they were able to discuss details in the previous meeting, but the general idea of Rand not trusting Moiraine, not trusting Aes Sedai is not that hard to communicate, even if there are people that might be listening. Anyway, they made the scene quite believable, but at the same time Siuan said everything Rand was afraid Moiraine was.
To Daes Dae'Mar ot not to Daes Dae'Mar?
The moment Moiraine enters she commands Siuan (the Amyrlin Seat nonetheless) to release Rand. Siuan says "no". And then Moiraine accuses Siuan of not being able to protect Rand from the Reds. Which Siuan dodges rather unconvincingly. She starts talking about some rules they should obey. But she never specifies the rules she means. We only assume it's about caging the Dragon. And so does Rand, because that's what they were talking about, but Siuan never confirms that in any other way. I bet there're multiple rules that are equally old, like facing the Dark One's powers in the Last Battle for that matter. Which is interesting since the episode is called Daes Dae'Mar...
After that Moiraine explains to Siuan what were their tasks in a way that even someone who hears about it for the fist time would understand. Coincidentally they have someone like that kneeling on the floor, listening to the conversation. Moiraine goes to the very personal question, we can see Siuan is taken aback by suggestion she might have forgotten that day. Their argument looks quite real at that point.
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Then it's Siuan's turn. She makes Moiraine vulnerable in the eyes of Rand, revealing Moiraine was stilled, and incapable of using her power on Rand. Rand that is at the very moment shielded form the One Power by an Aes Sedai who moments earlier informed him any Aes Sedai would be able to do this to him. Any, but not Moiraine.
She goes even deeper. You can't control him. You can't guide him. Everything that Rand is afraid Moiraine is trying to do to him, she's incapable of doing right now, She's no threat to him. It's no accident the camera focuses on him during this part of Siuan's speech. At that moment he realized he can actually trust Moiraine, because there is nothing she can do to him. She can't use her power to control him. And by supporting him she is going against the White Tower rules (about which he just has learned thanks to Siuan). So there is no reason for her to cage him in Tar Valon. Siuan made herself a villain, she took all Rand's fears upon herself, and left Moiraine free of them. And it works so well. Rand not only helps Moiraine to get her powers back, he stands up to Lanfear protecting Moiraine, deciding to take her with him. In exactly the same situation, before his meeting with Siuan, he dumped Moiraine and decided to do what Lanfear told him. All it took to change that was two conversations, one with him and another between Moiraine and Siuan that he witnessed.
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It's in the title
Just look at it. How conveniently it all worked out at the end. Moiraine is chasing Rand all over the continent, trying to make him see reason, but he is stubborn, he does not trust her, he feels betrayed by everything she does, even if it is to help him. Then he meets Siuan in the episode called Daes Dae'Mar. Siuan that is the Amyrlin Seat. Which should make her one of the best in the game of houses. She balances on the knife for so long, she mastered the way of lying without telling a single lie. So, after a conversation with that very person, in this very episode, Rand changes his attitude towards Moiraine.
Rand needed to see that Moiraine is no threat to him, he knew her, he could believe that. He would never believe that the Tower and other Aes Sedai are on his side. But that wasn't necessary. All that was needed at that point was for Rand to trust Moiraine, to have her with him, because otherwise she would not be able to complete her part of the mission. And I do think it would be too much of a strech to assume it was all an accident, and not an actual, cunning plan of two masters of a Daes Dae'Mar.
The main post
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Fem!Reader x TWDG Luke - Part 2.
All That Remains | Locked away
23yo , Fem!Reader , slow burn , long plot , reader is in place of young Clementine .
Fandom: The Walking Dead Game, Season 2 Reader pronouns: She/Her
Wc. 6.7K
Warning: Brief indications of SA.
A/N: Things involving Luke will now start to pick up.
IN THIS EPISODE | Comfort, no romance, cute Luke x reader interactions.
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Y/N: We need to find a group. People we can trust. We've been on our own for too long.
Christa: Trust? You think you can trust someone out here? Not now. Not anymore.
Stranger: Out here alone? In the middle of nowhere? But we haven't met anyone yet. How many people are you with?
Christa: I'm by myself!
Christa, run!
Christa, are you there?
"Sam". Well, nice to meet you, Sam.
Oh my God. Thank you! Look, Sam, a can!
It's okay. He's dead. Look, you can see the bite. Looks like he tried to cut it out.
But that never works...
I guess you're pretty hungry too.
Here ya go.
Hey! Don't eat it all.
I'm... I'm sorry, Sam.
Stranger: I'm out! Grab her, let's go!
Now, on The Walking Dead:
ManWithBow: I'm out! Grab her, let's go!
ManWithMachete: Come on, girl. We gotta get.
The man with the machete picks me up and carries me in his arms. They run through the forest past the approaching walkers. Once they outrun the threat, they slow down.
ManWithBow: I think... I think we're safe.
ManWithMachete: Yeah... yeah, we're good. Hey, you alright...?
Y/N: I... I think so.
ManWithBow: What are you doing out here?
ManWithMachete: Where are the, uh... the people you're with?
ManWithBow: I don't want them thinkin' we're doin' anything but tryin' to help you. Hmm... not sure how the group is gonna feel about another mouth to feed.
Y/N: My friend and I got attacked.
They will remember that.
ManWithBow: Hmm... these folks mention what they were after?
Y/N: They might've just wanted food. We were cooking some sort of weasel.
ManWithMachete: They attacked you for a weasel? Damn. That is low. 
ManWithBow: They might've attacked you for a different reason. Were these a group of men?
I nod my head yes.
ManWithBow: Yeah... Usually men like that- ... They might not have wanted the weasel.
My stomach turns remembering that moment. I was almost caught by that man. God knows what he would have done... What... could have happened to Christa. I start to tear up and become visibly upset.
ManWithMachete: Lets not think about that, okay? And trust that we're not trying to do anything similar... Anyways- They didn't mention any names, right? They weren't searching for anybody?
I shake my head no and try to calm myself.
ManWithBow: Hmm.
Luke: Well, I'm Luke, and this is Pete.
Pete: Hey there.
Y/N: Hi. I'm Y/n.
Luke: It's nice to meet you, Y/n. For now, we're gonna take you back to our group, okay? We got a doctor with us, and you look like you could use some-- ... Oh, shit...
Luke notices the blood on my sleeve and nearly drops me. He readjusts his grip on me, and gently places me on my feet as he stares at my arm wide-eyed.
Pete: What? What is it?
Luke: She's... she's been bit, man. Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, what are we gonna do here?
Pete: Hmm...
Y/N: No! It was a dog!
Pete: I didn't see any dog, Y/n.
Luke: Come on, look, we just saw you with those lurkers back there!
Pete: I can't remember the last time I saw a dog.
Luke: So what do we do now?
They talk to each other as if I'm not standing right in front of them.
Y/N: No! Guys it really was a dog! I'm not lying!
Luke: Look, I want to believe you... but I gotta believe my own two eyes first... and I didn't see no dog around.
Y/N: No! It was from before!
Pete: Hmm... alright. Let's see it.
Luke: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, watch yourself.
I glare at Luke.
Luke: Hey, don't look at me like that! You're the one that's bit here, okay?
Pete helps me roll up my sleeve.
Y/N: See?
Luke: Is it, uh... is it like she says?
Pete: Hmm... well, could be a dog. Hard to say. So where'd this "dog" go? The one that did this.
Luke: Now, what... what does this matter, Pete? Seriously.
Pete: I wanna know how believable her story is.
Y/N: I... I killed it.
Luke: What? Really? A dog shows up and bites you and you just kill it?
Pete: What would you have done?
Luke: I don't know!
Y/N: It attacked me! I had to fight it off, and then... It got impaled on some spikes. We were at a campsite, so I believe it fell on top of some tent stakes... Seriously guys. I ended his suffering!
Luke: That's... That's a lot to take in. Are you really not making this up?
Pete: Y/n? You tellin' us the truth? You look me in the eyes when you answer.
Y/N: Yes.
Pete: Hmm. Alright, Y/n. That's good enough for me.
Luke: Sigh. Yeah but, what else was she gonna say?
Pete: I've got a good bullshit detector, Luke. That's why you can never beat me at poker.
Luke: scoffs You don't always beat me at... Alright, how can you be sure? I want to believe her but... y'know after everything- Nick ain't gonna like this... Not with what happened to--
Pete: You don't have to remind me of that, boy.
Luke:��Right. Sorry, sir.
Pete pats Luke's shoulder.
Pete: Come on. Y/n, are you feelin' alright?
Y/N: I'm fine. Just... tired.
Luke: I'd carry you the rest of the way but... I'm sure you understand.
Y/N: Don't worry about...
That's when my head feels tingly, and my vision slowly fades black.
Luke: Ah, shit.
I eventually wake up on the ground... There's a whole group of people gathered around me. They're all arguing with each other.
ManWithRifle: Don't you tell me that! Not with what fuckin' happened.
PregnantWoman: Would someone mind telling me what the fuck is going on here?
Pete: Now hold on, Rebecca.
ManWithRifle: We got this, don't worry.
Rebecca: Like hell you do. Did anyone even think to ask where she came from? For all we know, she could be working with Carver!
Pete: She already told us that she and her friend were attacked. Then she was bitten by a dog.
Rebecca: What? And you just believed her? You should've put her out of her misery right there. Dog bite, my ass.
Y/N: I'm not wor--
The man with the rifle fires at the ground near me. I gasp and freeze in place. The shot was inches away from me. But by the look of it, I don't think he intended to shoot at me...
HeavyMan: What the...?
Pete rips the gun out of his hands.
Pete: Keep your finger off the trigger, boy!
Luke opens the door and runs outside to join the rest of the group.
Luke: Whoa, whoa, what the fuck Nick?!
Rebecca: You idiot! Every lurker for five miles probably heard that!
Nick: You're the one tellin' me to fuckin' shoot her!
HeavyMan: Everybody, just calm down for a second!
Luke: Y/n, you okay?
Y/N: I'm not... I'm not working for anyone. I don't know what you're talking about. I just need help.
Luke: We got a doctor right here, okay? He'll have a look. Now what the hell is wrong with you people?! Okay, she's just scared!
Rebecca: We're all scared, Luke. Don't act like we're the ones being irrational 'cause we don't buy this bullshit story.
Nick: No way she survived out here on her own! Why are we even arguing about this?!
Another man joins the group.
ManWithAccent: Let me take a look.
I draw back and away from the man in fear as he promptly heads towards me.
Luke: It's okay. Go ahead. He's a doctor.
I roll up my sleeve.
HeavyMan: Damn, that must've hurt.
The doctor inspects the wound.
Doctor: Hmm. Whatever it was, it got you good.
Nick: This isn't how we do things, man. When you're bit, you get put down. End of story. I'm not going through this again.
Luke: No one's suggestin' that.
Pete: We could take her arm off. 
I gasp. Immediately, I think of Lee, and how it didn't work for him...
Rebecca: It won't do any good. You'll just be makin' it worse for the girl.
HeavyMan: It's crazy. No one's gonna volunteer to do that.
Luke: I would. If it means saving her life.
Nick: Then what? How would we know it worked?
Luke: I- L-Let's just let Carlos have a look first!
I stare sadly at Luke, in hopes to appeal to him. He seems to have a good say in things.
Luke: Hey, look I'm on your side. I'm trying my best here.
A girl from inside the cabin opens the front door and peeks through it.
Girl: Who's she?
Carlos: Sarah, what'd I say? Stay inside.
Sarah closes the door.
Y/N: I don't mean to be any trouble. I just want to stop the bleeding and then I'll go. You'll never see me again, I promise.
Carlos: And where exactly would you go?
Y/N: To find my friend Christa.
Nick: Forget it. You won't get five feet.
Luke: Look, I may be in the minority here, but my gut tells me she's telling the truth. It probably is just a dog bite. Probably...
Nick: Of course you want to believe it. I'm sure you've got plenty of ideas in your head about her.
Luke: What? Shut the fuck up man? She's a kid! The fuck is wrong with you?
I look up at Luke with confusion.
Y/N: I'm not a kid?...
Nick: There ya go.
Luke: You're?- Man doesn't matter she's a small girl who is HURT. That's not how I'm thinkin' right now.
I'm still lost at what they're talking about, but I just forget about it.
Carlos gets up and returns to the group.
HeavyMan: So? What do you think?
Nick: Was it a lurker?
Carlos: A bite like that... could be anything. Only one way to find out.
Pete: How?
Carlos: We wait.
Rebecca: What?!
Carlos: By tomorrow morning, if the fever's set in, we'll know if she's gonna turn. In the meantime, we can lock her in the shed.
Y/N: What about my arm? It needs to get cleaned, and stitched, and bandaged!
Luke: The girl's in bad shape, Carlos.
HeavyMan: We have all that stuff inside the cabin, we could probably get by with...
Rebecca: Alvin, please...
Alvin: But, yeah, we can't do nothing.
Carlos: I'm not wasting supplies on a lurker bite. If it turns out you're telling the truth, I'll clean it and stitch it up for you in the morning.
Y/N: But...
Carlos walks away. I shudder... Just thinking about the night I'm going to have... No way I'll survive it!
Luke: I'm sorry. It's the best we're gonna get.
Pete offers the rifle to Nick, and he grabs it out of his hands.
Pete: Finger off the trigger, son.
Nick: I ain't your son.
Luke: Don't be like that, man.
Pete: It's alright. Boy's got his mom's temper.
Nick: Come on.
Nick, Luke, and I walk away.
Rebecca: This is just a waste of time. You'll see. And when she turns, I ain't gonna be the one cleanin' up the shed.
As we're walking, I'm holding my arm in pain.
Luke: Look, hold out the best you can, Y/n. And we'll see what's what in the morning.
We reach the shed; Luke opens the door and we exchange a sad glance. I walk into the shed and Luke closes the doors behind me. I can hear Luke and Nick talking from outside the door.
Luke: Why are we doing this? It's so dumb. It looked like a dog bite.
Nick: It's safer this way. And better she turns in there than in the cabin where we SLEEP.
Luke: Whatever man, go. I'll lock up the shed.
Y/N: I can't believe this... You're gonna be fine, you're gonna be fine.
Luke: Y/n. I'm sorry, I tried. Just hang in there.
Before I can respond, I hear him walk away.
I look around at my surroundings. I might as well get comfortable in here... I see an anchor on the wall. Looks sharp... To my right is a tool board. But nothing of use. It's pretty much empty. On the table in front of it is a vice.
Definitely glad they decided not to take my arm off...
I search a barrel but it's empty. Then I find a tackle box.
Y/N: Not much left in here...
I find fishing line inside the box.
Y/N: I guess if I have to, I can use this for stitches.
There's a shelf but it's too high up for me to reach. There's a hammer on it... I try jumping to reach it but end up pushing it further out of my reach...
I see a wooden board on the wall next to the shelf. I unfold the table and climb onto it. I reach for the hammer, but the shelf collapses. I fall straight onto my bite... It knocks the wind out of me, the amount of pain... My adrenaline takes over and my mind sets on getting this hammer. I lift the board up and off of the hammer beneath it. 
There's a visible hole in the wall, but it's boarded up with wood. Good use for the hammer. I pry open the board, and kick the panel open. I quickly crawl through the hole in the wall and notice a nearby walker.
Y/N: They have a doctor...he's gotta have stuff for stitches.
I observe the cabin, making sure its safe to approach
Y/N: It's pretty safe in there...could be a good place to stitch up my arm.
I sneak up to the house and see a window with silhouettes moving from inside. I decide to listen in at the window.
Rebecca: It makes me feel like a fucking idiot when we're not on the same page.
Alvin: We are on the same page!
Rebecca: Not out there, we weren't! Not about the girl! I saw you get soft!
Alvin: What do you want me to do, Bec? Put a bullet in her?
Rebecca: I want you to think about our family first.
Alvin: It's all I think about. So don't give me any shit.
Rebecca: I need some air.
Rebecca leaves the room.
I knock on the glass, and Alvin opens the window.
Alvin: What the hell are you doing?
Y/N: I... I need your help.
Alvin: Me? No. I'm sorry, but I can't do nothin'. Y/N: Please. I need to fix my arm.
Alvin: Are you out of your mind? Even if you ain't bitten by some lurker, which you probably are, you can't be here! You gotta get out of here, you understand? Get back into that shed and Carlos'll take care of you in the morning. Damn it, girl. Go.
Y/N: You'd just let me die?
Alvin: I wouldn't let you do nothing. It's not my call. We're a group.
Y/N: But you could help. And if you don't, isn't that the same?
Alvin will remember that.
Alvin: I don't know, alright?
Alvin looks behind him, checking the door.
Alvin: I'm serious girl, you need to get out of here.
Y/N: I saw when everyone was arguing, you wanted to help.
Alvin: You didn't see anything. Look, you gotta get outta here before my wife finds you. I'm serious, you gotta go. I got enough problems already. We got a baby on the way, Rebecca's all emotional, got a mess of hormones causing all sorts of trouble. I don't need anymore, get it? Now go.
Y/N: Please help. Please...
Alvin: Don't cry.
Y/N: I'm not gonna cry. I'm just... tired.
Alvin: You're not with Carver?
Y/N: No.
Alvin: And you didn't get bit by a dead person?
Y/N: No!
Alvin contemplates.
Y/N: I'll do anything I can to help your situation. Anything.
Alvin: Except leave me alone.
Y/N: Yeah, I guess. Alvin: I'm screwed if anyone finds out I did this. You understand?
Y/N: The b... the cut on my arm needs to be cleaned and stitched.
Alvin: Stitched? I ain't doin' that.
Y/N: I'll figure it out on my own.
Alvin: Alright, look... I don't know what I can find. We're short on bandages, but I might be able to find something clean that would work.
Y/N: I need something to clean it with, and a needle and thread could help, too.
Alvin: I don't even know where to look. Carlos has medical supplies on lockdown, and we don't got much these days.
Y/N: Well, whatever you can get. I'll find the rest on my own.
Alvin: Okay. Wait here.
Alvin leaves and returns shortly afterward.
Alvin: I found you some bandages. And I, uh... I got you a juice box. In case you're thirsty.
Alvin hands me the bandages and juice box. How old do these people think I am? I am grateful for the juice anyways...
Y/N: Thank you.
From the other side of the bedroom door, I can hear Carlos,
Carlos: Alvin, house meeting in five minutes.
Alvin: Oh, okay. Thanks. Now you need to go.
Alvin closes the window and leaves.
Though I have the bandages, that won't do. I need a needle and peroxide... I crouch and sneak around the side of the cabin. I end up in the backyard, and see another board of wood covering up a hole. It's covering an entrance to underneath the house... Maybe there's a way in from under?
I try to pull the plywood, but fail. I use the hammer to remove the nails, successfully. I then move the plywood. I crouch further and walk underneath the foundation of the house.
I finally reach a trapdoor. But when I try to open the door, it doesn't budge. It's locked.
I take my knife out of my pocket and use it to open the trapdoor, but the blade breaks. At least, it opens the lock... I then enter the house quietly.
Carlos: I've already made my decision.
Pete: Well, Luke has more to say, I guess. Where's Sarah?
Carlos: She's got her book. She doesn't need to be a part of this.
I enter the living room. Everyone is in the kitchen by the sound of it... I listen in for a bit...
Rebecca: For all we know, she could be connected with Carver.
Luke: Come on. There's no way.
Alvin: She could be. We don't know.
Nick: She's connected to somebody. There's no way she's out here by herself.
Pete: She said she was with a friend and they got attacked.
Nick: Yeah, right.
Carlos: Whoever she's with, they'll probably come looking for her.
Alvin: Great. They show up and we've got her locked in the shed.
Rebecca: You think we should bring her in here...?
Alvin: No. I'm just saying it wouldn't look too good.
Carlos: It's just a precautionary measure. Anyone else would do the same.
Luke: You really think Carver would come after us...?
Nick: You think he wouldn't...?!
Pete: He's not exactly the type to let things lie.
Luke: What happened, happened. There's nothing we can do about it now.
Alvin: Let him come. I really don't give a damn.
Rebecca: Alvin!
Alvin: What? I don't.
Nick: You brought her back here, not me. You knew she was bit.
Luke: What was I supposed to do, huh? Leave her out there to die?
Nick: Better her than us.
Pete: You'd've done the same, Nick.
Nick: It wasn't the brightest idea.
Luke: Oh, and firing your rifle was, huh...? Next time we'll just put up a neon sign that says "Lurkers Welcome".
Alvin: Where you goin', hon...?
Rebecca: I want to get my sweater.
Carlos: We'll be done in a minute.
Nick: You're in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by lurkers, about to get eaten alive, and you're telling us it was a dog?
Luke: Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but...look, for whatever reason, I think she's telling the truth.
Pete: Look, there's no point in arguing about it now. She's in the shed, she's not gonna hurt anyone. We'll just see what's what in the morning.
Luke: But Carlos said she could die if she doesn't get her arm treated.
Rebecca: Assuming she doesn't turn.
Alvin: That true? The girl could really die...?
Carlos: If the infection spreads...anything's possible. It could definitely get a whole lot worse for her.
Luke: Don't we have penicillin? Or something that could, y'know...stop the infection from spreading?
Carlos: We have some. But not enough to spare.
Nick: We're not wasting anything on her. What if one of us needs it?
Luke: Look, I'm just saying, we could help, that's all.
Rebecca: We need to think of ourselves first. That's just the way it is.
Pete: We can't just let her die. Not if there's something we can do about it. Let's just say she's telling the truth and she doesn't turn. Then what?
Luke: We apologize for being assholes. And then we help fix her arm.
Rebecca: She can't stay with us. We barely have enough supplies for ourselves.
Pete: We've got more fish in the traps than we could ever eat.
Nick: Yeah, but she's seen us. She knows we're here.
Luke: What, you scared of a small girl like that...?
Carlos: A small woman is not the problem. It's who she might tell.
Alvin: We gotta keep an eye on her.
Rebecca: IF she doesn't turn. Which she probably will.
Nick: I gotta take a leak.
Carlos: Hold on. We're almost done.
Nick: Fine.
Carlos: My point is, if that woman can find her way here, then almost anyone can.
Luke: Pete, you saw those lurkers, alright? That's more than we've seen in a while.
Pete: Yeah. Seems like it's not as safe as it was. 'Least not like when we found this place.
Nick: Maybe it's time to move on.
Rebecca: We can't just keep running. At some point we've got to settle down.
Carlos: We should. And we will. But can we find somewhere safe? I don't know.
Pete: You seen what it's like out there.
Alvin: I was just starting to like this place.
Pete: Look, we've had a good run here. But if it's time to move on, then I got no problem with that.
Luke: Yeah, but...I mean, where do we go from here...?
Alvin: No more cities. We all agreed on that, right...? Too many damn lurkers.
Nick: We're not going back the way we came. That's for damn sure.
Rebecca: We can probably find somewhere better. We just need to look.
Carlos: Wherever we go, we can't get too attached. We'll be fine as long as we keep things fluid.
Pete: We can't forget we need to check the traps tomorrow.
Nick: What do we do with the girl?
Rebecca: You're not leaving her here with me!
Luke: We can't just keep her locked in the shed. We're not animals.
Carlos: Then take her with you.
Nick: What...?
Carlos: You want to keep an eye on her, then take her with you. Are we almost done here...? I want to make sure Sarah's ready for bed. Pete: Wait a second. There's something else I want to talk about.
I had been listening in for a couple of minutes. It was about time I stopped caring about whatever the hell they were saying, and focused on my arm. Because as soon as I'm done fixing myself up. I'm out of here. Luke and Pete seem to be on my side... but everyone else is unsure of me. Except Rebecca. She is definitely sure I'm some bitten, dead girl who works with "Carver". Whoever he is, won't matter to me once I'm gone. 
I then go upstairs. The steps are so creaky, I'm almost trying to float over them with each careful step.
I enter a door and it ends up being the bathroom.
Y/N: They have to have medical supplies around here somewhere.
I open the medicine cabinet and take a needle from a tomato-shaped pincushion.
Y/N: It's clean.
I put the needle away carefully in my pocket.
Y/N: I'll still need something to keep it from getting infected.
Just when I'm about to open the door and leave, I hear something.
Rebecca: That man sometimes, I swear!
It's that angry pregnant lady, Rebecca... I look around, quickly! I need to find a place to hide! The shower? I jump in.
Rebecca enters the bathroom and drinks some water from the sink. They have running water?? What if... She tries to take a shower?! I should've just gone in the closet. Oh God...
Rebecca: Damn it... Just need to have this baby and...oh, god. Let it be okay and...let it be his.
Rebecca takes a deep breath and leaves. As soon as it sounds clear, I leave to find some peroxide, or anything to clean my wound with... I open another door opposite the bathroom. As soon as I peek through I hear a gasp. For a second I almost shut it and run, but it's the girl. I put my finger on my lips and shush Sarah.
Sarah: You're not supposed to be in here.
I look around the room, look behind me, then close the door as I enter slowly.
Y/N: Hi, can you please help me?
Sarah: I'm not supposed to talk to you. My dad can't know.
Y/N: Why, what will he do?
Sarah: Get mad at me.
Y/N: What does he do when he gets mad?
Sarah: He gets angry and says he's disappointed in me and that he just loves me and wants me to be safe.
Y/N: That's it? Nothing else?
Sarah: Yeah. It's the worst.
From what I can tell, Sarah is no threat to me. I know I can talk my way out of this.
Sarah: What happened to you?
Y/N: A dog bit me.
Sarah: Sounds scary... I bet it hurts.
Y/N: I could die if I don't take care of it. Do you understand?
Sarah will remember that.
Y/N: I just need something to clean it with. I bet it would be with the rest of your dad's medical supplies.
Sarah: Yeah, it is.
Sarah contemplates for a bit. I wait in hopes to get the answer I want.
Sarah: I'll help you.
Y/N: Good. Thank you.
Sarah: I'm Sarah.
Y/N: I'm Y/n.
Sarah: We're friends. Right? We can be best friends. I haven't met another girl my age since way before. It's hard to be the only girl, you know? Rebecca is okay, but she's old. And that's it. And if her baby is a girl, it'll be forever before she's old enough to, like, be my friend. And then I'll be super old.
Y/N: We're not the same age.
Sarah: What?
Y/N: We're not the same age. Everyone here thinks I'm a lot younger.
Sarah: Oh, I see. How old are you then? I'm fifteen.
Y/N: I'm 23.
Sarah: You don't seem like it.
Y/N: That's just how it is.
Sarah: So, can we still be friends, then?
Y/N: Yes.
Sarah: Promise?
Y/N: Yes.
Sarah will remember that.
Sarah holds out her pinkie for a pinkie swear. I lock my pinkie with hers.
Sarah: A pinky swear is forever. I'll see if I can find the stuff my dad uses when I get a cut. Lemme look around...
Sarah searches the room and then gives me a bottle of peroxide.
Sarah: I think this is it.
Y/N: Perfect. That'll work.
Sarah: You can't do it here, though. Someone will find you.
Y/N: Don't worry, I won't.
I open the door and peek left and right to see if it's clear.
Y/N: Thanks, Sarah.
Sarah: Shhh!
Y/N: Okay. I better get somewhere safer to do this.
I return to the shed and take out the supplies. I roll up my sleeve and place my arm on the table.
Y/N: This is gonna suck.
I take a sip of juice first. I then unscrew the lid of the peroxide and pour it on my wound, then drop it. I scream in pain, as I feel the peroxide bubble up all over. It hurts so bad I'm almost in tears, and I'm not even at the...
Y/N: The fun part.
It takes me a few greuling tries, but I eventually thread the needle.
I begin the first suture, then slam my fist on the table. I'm so dizzy, but I have to push through. My adrenaline, my best friend at this point, takes over and I'm ready to continue.
I continue suturing and screaming in pain. I'm finally done, and wrap my arm up with the bandages, but then I drop them.
As I'm picking them up, a walker reaches through the shed and grabs my leg. I hold onto the table and reach for the hammer as I try to kick it away, but it knocks me over. I try to grab a nearby rake but can't reach it.
The wall breaks and the walker crawls all the way into the shed and climbs on top of me. I kick it away and stand up. I quickly grab the rake and push the walker backward with it. It falls and gets impaled by the anchor on the wall.
I grab the hammer and hit it repeatedly in the head until it stops moving. Luke opens the shed, with the rest of the group close behind him.
Luke: Holy shit.
Alvin: What the...?
Nick: How the hell did it get in here?
Pete: Girl's tough as nails.
Carlos: Are you alright?
Luke: The shed should've been safe!
Y/N: I am still not bitten. I never was. And you left me out here to die.
Luke: You patched yourself up?
Luke watches me carefully in disbelief.
Nick: Where'd you get that stuff?
Rebecca: Did she steal from us?
Pete: This doesn't change a thing. She hasn't done anything to us.
Rebecca: Says the man not carrying a baby.
Pete: Enough already!
Luke: Guys, please.
Y/N: I did. I took stuff and I'm sorry. I really am.
They will remember that.
Rebecca: And you think you can trust her?
Pete: Goddamn it, don't even start! Any of you would've done the same if you were half as tough as this girl. So just save it.
Carlos: Bring her in and I'll take a look at her arm.
Alvin: Damn lurkers sneakin' around out here... We better get inside.
Luke: You hungry?
Y/N: I haven't eaten in days. Not even that weasel.
Luke cracks a guilty smile, but I smile back to reassure him. He's on my side from what I can tell. No need to guilt trip him of everyone.
We all go inside.
Carlos inspects my wound. Luke paces and Nick bites his fingernails.
Carlos: This might hurt a little.
Y/N: Ow!
Luke: How's she look?
Carlos: Her suturing skills need some work, but otherwise I'd say she should be fine.
Luke: So it wasn't a lurker bite?
Carlos: If it was, the fever would've already set in and her temperature would be through the roof.
Carlos bandages my arm. Nick leaves the room and Luke follows him. Carlos washes his hands in the sink.
Carlos: I wish you wouldn't've done what you did.
Y/N: What do you mean?
Carlos: You manipulated my daughter.
Y/N: I asked for her help?
Carlos: She's not someone you can just ask for help.
I'm not sure what to say, so I stay silent.
Carlos: I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but there are a few things you need to know about my daughter.
Y/N: Okay...
Carlos: She isn't like us. You may not get that initially, but once you're around her for a while, you'll understand. If she knew how bad the world is... what it's really like out there... she would... cease to function. She's my little girl. She's all I have left, and I would ask that you stay away from her.
Y/N: I'm sorry, I realize now what you mean. I didn't know. I was nice to her if that counts for anything...
Carlos will remember that.
Carlos: It's okay. You're forgiven. Just don't make any more mistakes.
Carlos leaves and Luke enters, holding a bowl of food.
Luke: Hey, uh... brought you some food.
Luke and I sit at the table and start eating.
Luke: That's gonna leave of hell of a scar.
Y/N: Better than losing it.
Luke: You can say that again. Scars...they're way cooler than stumps.
Luke tries to be playful with me. But I can tell he's still guilty and wary about what to say to me.
Y/N: Don't look so guilty. It's okay, you didn't want to do that to me. I survived anyway, and for that I'm grateful.
Luke: Grateful to who? You could've died in there...
Y/N: I could've died out in those woods, but you helped me. Gave me a chance.
Luke: Well, it wasn't just me. Pete helped you too.
Y/N: Then I am grateful to both you and Pete. Thank you.
Luke: You don't have to thank me...
I finish my bite of food then continue talking.
Y/N: Yeah, who was it that saved me from the walker on top of me by chopping its head off? And the one that carried me away?
I smile. I want him to be happy. We have enough burdens. Though I'm incredibly anxious talking to new people, and in a lot of pain, I just want everyone to feel okay.
He smiles back and looks down at his food. 
Y/N: And I didn't end up with my arm chopped off! This is best case scenario.
Luke chuckles, but then noticed a growing sadness on my face as I start to think...
Luke: What's wrong? Y/N: Nothing. I just had a friend who lost his arm once, that's all. I'm okay.
Nick enters the room.
Nick: Hey, look. Um, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for... well, for being a dick out there. I got kinda aggro and that was definitely not cool.
Luke: Nick's been known to go off every once in a while. Don't hold it against him.
Nick: Yeah, I guess we all have our moments.
Luke: You definitely had one out there.
Nick drops his head down as he sits next to me.
Y/N: You were just protecting your friends. I get it.
Nick will remember that.
Nick: I didn't mean to be so harsh. I just... we had a bad experience once.
Y/N: What happened...?
Luke: Nick lost his mom. We took care of someone who'd got bit.
I can see the hurt in Nick's eyes...
Nick: It was my fault. I--
Luke: It was no one's fault. We thought we could control it, but... we couldn't. And then she turned and his mom was standing right there and she got attacked... There was nothing we could do about it.
Nick: Anyway. Hopefully, you understand.
Y/N: I do. Yeah.
Nick smiles at me then gets up and leaves.
Luke: So, since you're pretty much on your own, what's your plan?
Y/N: I don't know. Like you said, I'm just on my own now. It's never really been this way.
I wonder if I should ask to stay here? No, I couldn't... They all want me out of here. But, should I ask? I don't kn-
Luke: Well, you're welcome to stay here if you want. You can let yourself heal up and take some time to sort things out.
Y/N: Do you think everyone else will be okay with it?
Luke: They'll just have to deal with it.
He smiles at me. I let out a secret sigh of relief and smile back sheepishly.
Luke: So what happened to your parents? If you don't mind me asking. 
Y/N: Do you really still think I'm a kid?
Luke: Oh, I- right. Well, how old are you?
Y/N: Wait, I want to see what you think. How old do I look to you?
Luke: 16.. 17..?
Y/N: 23!
Luke: Oh, wow, I- mean you just seem a lot younger. 'Cause, y'know, you're... small?
Y/N: Sigh. Yeah, I know. Everyone likes to mention it to me.
Luke: But you're strong. That's for sure. None of us could've done what you did out there. I didn't mean to offend you or-
Y/N: No, no! You haven't. I'm just very used to hearing it is all... And trust me, you would've been able to do it too. Once your body knows it's in trouble... Adrenaline will get you through anything...
Luke looks down with remorse.
Y/N: But really? Does my face look that young?...
Luke: I think your face looks to be about 23 years old.
I smile.
Y/N: Really? Or are you just saying that?
I tease him.
Luke: Really! I mean it.
We both continue eating.
Y/N: Well, how old are you? Have you been keeping track?
Luke: I'm 26. My birthday is in the winter, so I know it must be coming up soon.
Y/N: Mine too, January 26th. (~ Wink wink)
Luke: Pete's birthday is in the winter too. And like I said, seems like it's coming soon... so maybe we'll just have one big winter birthday party then.
We smile at each other and keep eating.
Luke: The winter will be rough, but it's not our first time surviving it. How do you usually get through it?...
Y/N: I'm usually with other people that can help me, if that's what you're asking.
Luke: I was just curious on how you made it this far.
Y/N: I just try to stay with good people and not do anything dumb.
I start feeling sad again...
Luke: Hey, I'm sorry, I... I shouldn't have asked.
Y/N: In the beginning, my parents went on vacation and left me with a babysitter and they never came back. We went to Savannah to find them... but they were already dead.
Luke: Wow. Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
Y/N: This man found me and took care of me.
Y/N: We met up with other survivors and we all tried to make it, but... it didn't work. His name was Lee. He taught me how to survive... He's the reason I keep my hair short.
Luke: What happened to him?
Y/N: I ran away... I was stupid. There was a man who said he knew my parents. I thought I knew what I was doing, but I ran away and Lee died because of it.
Luke: Maybe he would've died anyways.
Y/N: It was my fault. I just... sometimes people die because of me. Because they always try to protect me. I can't stand it.
Luke: I'm sure none of them regret trying to keep you safe.
Y/N: I'd hope so... for the past, I don't know seven years? I'd been with my friend Christa. The friend who was with me when we got attacked.
Luke lightens the mood,
Luke: For that damn weasel.
I laugh. Pete enters the room.
Pete: I hate to interrupt, but I'm out there standing watch and I can't help but notice this place is lit up like a goddamn beacon in the middle of the woods.
Luke: Yeah, it's time to turn in anyways.
Y/N: Alright, and thank you Pete.
Pete turns his head in question.
Y/N: For saving me?
Pete: Oh, right, you're welcome, Y/n.
We exchange smiles as he leaves the room. Pete winks at Luke, and it clearly frustrates him.
Luke: When you're finished eating, come find me upstairs. I'll show you where you can sleep.
I smile and nod with a mouthful of food. He puts his bowl in the sink and leaves.
To be continued...
A/N; Things are starting to speed up, see?? Ah trust me, the next episode... Allllll Luke baby. So far this has really just been the transcript to the game LOL, but believe me when I say, the next episode will be a whole new case.
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Buck & Eddie: The 13th episode of each season
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The 13th episode of each season has included very important moments regarding Buck and Eddie’s relationship.  Moments were included of them comforting each other, Eddie inviting Buck to go on a lunch date, Eddie encouraging someone else to tell the person they wanted to be with they love them, them almost losing each other forever and them being vulnerable in front of each other when they had never allowed anyone else to see that side of them before. The moments they’ve shared were always front and center and some of those moments happened between them while they were dating other people. Therefore, these pivotal moments within their relationship shouldn’t be ignored because it’s all part of their journey to becoming a CANON couple.
2x13 “Fight or Flight”
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Buck’s sister Maddie had been taken by her estranged husband Doug and he was visibly upset.  He was trying to fix it when he swiped Chimney’s iPhone from the crime scene so the police could quickly find her but he ended up being reprimanded by Athena.  This was one of the worst moments in his life and even though his found dad, Bobby was there to offer him support, there was only one person who could give him the support he needed and that was Eddie!
Reminder, Buck was in a relationship but his girlfriend was nowhere to be found.  Eddie was there to comfort and offer him the support he needed during one of the most stressful times in his life.  Also, Maddie raised Buck which means to him it probably felt like his mother had been taken instead of it just feeling like his sister was missing.
Here’s the thing, the show could have easily set it up where Buck’s girlfriend was there for him but they didn’t.  When Buck found Chimney lying on the ground, it appears he had just returned home from what may have been a date.  He was dressed in a nice army green button-down shirt and a pair of slacks so it’s possible he had just returned from being on a date with her but she wasn’t at the hospital.  Eddie was there for him and not long after he arrived, he found Buck so he could be there to support and comfort him.
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When Eddie introduced himself to Michael, the things they didn’t say to each other were LOUDER than the things they did.  Eddie said, “We haven’t met but I love you... Eddie” and he extended his hand. Michael shook his hand and replied, “Michael... pleasure.”  Their handshake was VERY LOUD and so were their non-verbal interactions 👀👀.
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Eddie’s estranged wife had recently returned after having been gone for almost two years and she brought Christopher to the hospital so Eddie could spend time with him.  Then Eddie told her she could leave if she had something else to do because she had already brought his son there to be with him and he even highlighted the fact that Christopher was the most important.  After she said she was good with being there with him, he skeptically looked at her and then he looked down like he really didn’t want her there. Reminder, this happened a few months after he told her he didn’t know if he could trust her.  Also his conversation with her at the hospital happened after he had already talked to Buck👀👀.
3x13 “Pinned”
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Eddie teased Buck when he used the wrong word to describe a specific skeletal body part and Buck responded, “You can’t just let me enjoy the win”.  Bobby spoke up and said, “Good job Buck.” to encourage him but Eddie looked over his shoulder at Buck.  Their banter was in full effect and this happened right after 3x12 “Fools” when they spent a Buckley-Diaz Family Day at the park so Christopher could ride the adaptable skateboard Buck and Eddie built for him.
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Eddie told Chimney, “I get taking things slow but tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone.  So, if you love her... tell her”.  His words to Chimney appear to have been foreshadowing for something he would have to remind himself of in the future since it seems like he will probably be the one to confess his love to Buck especially now that he almost lost him again in 6x10 “In a Flash”.  He was encouraging his friend to tell one of the Buckley siblings he loves her. Well Eddie’s in love with a Buckley sibling too and this happened after he and Buck had that sexually tense exchange during The Kitchen Scene while they made heart eyes at each other in 3x9 “Fallout” and right before he changed his will and named Buck to be Christopher’s legal guardian in 3x15 “Eddie Begins”.
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Eddie casually asked Buck out on a lunch date.  When they arrived at the hospital to help Hen and Chimney unload the dad who had shot a nail into his heart, Eddie said, “Wanna grab a bite after we drop ‘em?” and Buck agreed. Eddie was slick with the ask and Buck readily agreed which means it probably wasn’t the first time and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
4x13 “Suspicion”
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Eddie was shot by a sniper while he stood only a few feet in front of Buck.  Up to that point, it was the most PIVOTAL moment within their relationship because they almost lost each other forever.  Their hearts were on full display especially after Eddie’s blood splattered all over Buck’s face and clothes and they spent several seconds staring at each other until Eddie hit the ground.
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Buck went into a catatonic state of shock after he watched the love of his life fall down and his mental state had been affected so much that he couldn’t move.  If it hadn’t been for Captain Jeshan Mehta tackling him to the ground, it’s possible he could have been shot too because the bullet hit the side of the firetruck where Buck was standing.  Reminder, Eddie was in a relationship but Buck is THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE, therefore the love they have for each other could no longer be ignored. Please note this happened exactly one year after Eddie changed his will.
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Eddie reached for Buck while he was on the ground lying in a pool of his own blood.  In that moment, the only person Eddie could see was Buck.
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Eddie met Buck’s eyes and Buck met his, then they had one of their silent conversations.
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Buck kept his eyes locked with Eddie’s until Eddie went unconscious and prior to Eddie closing his eyes, neither of them looked at anyone or anything else.  Buck didn’t take his eyes off of Eddie until after Eddie closed his eyes and then he came out of his catatonic state. After that Buck Army rolled underneath the firetruck so he could save him.
5x13 “Fear-O-Phobia”
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Buck’s breath hitched in his throat after he broke down Eddie’s bedroom door and his fear was palpable.  He didn’t know if he was going to find Eddie’s dead body, therefore when he called Eddie’s name, his voice was filled with a quiet panic and he could hardly breathe.  Eddie didn’t make any noise because he didn’t want their son to hear him and he didn’t make a sound until after he heard Buck calling for him.
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Buck rushed over to Eddie’s side after he heard him crying and Eddie allowed himself to be the most vulnerable he’d ever been in his life. Prior to that night, he had never allowed anyone to see him cry like that including his deceased wife or his ex-girlfriend but he allowed Buck to see every single piece of him including the broken ones.
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Reminder, Buck was in a relationship and she had just moved in with him a few days earlier but his number one priority was to be there for Eddie and their son.  He stayed with them for several days even after Eddie returned to therapy (related post linked here).
6x13 “Mixed Feelings”
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Based on the sneak peek video of Buck and Eddie participating in a low stakes’ poker game, it appears 6x13 could be another pivotal moment within their relationship especially since Eddie recited the exact amount of time down to the second of how long Buck was dead after he was struck by lightning.  It was three minutes and seventeen seconds which just so happens to be the same amount of time that elapsed after Eddie was shot by a sniper (timed post of The Shooting linked here).
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How did Eddie get Buck to agree to go to the poker game?  Did he ask him out on a date like he did in 3x13?  What else will happen between Buck and Eddie in 6x13 that will strengthen their relationship and take it to the next level?  Will there be more pivotal moments of Buck and Eddie’s relationship included in 6x13 that will finally lead to them becoming a CANON couple?  There are only a few hours left until the episode airs but based on previous season’s 13th episodes, it’s very likely these questions will be answered.
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bi-bard · 1 year
Clever Boy - Eleventh Doctor Imagine [Doctor Who]
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Title: Clever Boy
Pairing: Eleventh Doctor X Reader
Word Count: 6,449 words
Warning(s): major character death, canon-typical violence, mention of past trauma
Summary: [Season 7, Episode 1] The Doctor and (Y/n) are reunited with Amy and Rory when all of them find themselves in the custody of the Daleks with an impossible task before them.
Author's Note: Wouldn't be one of my OCs if I didn't randomly jump around the timeline a lot. If there's a season that you want to see next, let me know and I'll see what I can do!
I warned the Doctor about going to meet the women who wanted to save her daughter.
After all that we went through, it just seemed a little too perfect. Someone being able to send him a message and begging for help just after we avoid true death? I had trouble trusting it.
But he wanted to talk to her. He thought that he needed to.
I went with him for the sake of safety.
We met her on Skaro. The original planet of the Daleks.
She told us the story of Hannah. Her daughter who had been taken away to a Dalek prison camp. People had told her that we could help.
The Doctor noticed the same things that I did. The meeting place, how much she seemed to know about us, and the fact that she had left her daughter behind in the first place.
Mothers don't do that if they want to save or protect their child. They would rather burn the planet around them to the ground than be separated from them. At least, that's what I had learned from Amy.
Once the Doctor started asking too many questions, the woman was forced to reveal herself.
She hadn't escaped anything. She had merely been transformed.
Once the Doctor had been incapacitated, I went to take off running. Another person was already there and before I could truly make any progress, I was lying on the ground next to the Doctor.
When I came to, we were both in a cell.
"Good, you're awake!"
The Doctor pulled me off the floor. I blinked a few times, trying to get rid of whatever tiredness was still clouding my thoughts.
"How are you feeling," he asked.
"Angry and tired," I muttered.
"That's the spirit," he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead.
The doors slid open as he pulled away. Two Daleks rolled in.
"You will come with us," one of them instructed.
"Where are we going," I asked, not moving from my spot.
"The Doctor and (Y/n) will be reunited with their companions."
I felt a strong hit of fear strike my chest. They had gotten Rory and Amy too. This was the worst-case scenario.
"Move," the Dalek instructed again.
We were led down the hall. One Dalek was leaning in front of us, the other was behind us.
We made it to another cell. Amy and Rory were waiting for us just inside.
As soon as we were all inside, a hatch in the ceiling came undone and the platform we were standing on began to raise itself up.
A room. A circular room full of enough Daleks to fill up a few dozen lecture halls. Far more than they would need to take over a multitude of planets.
"Please, tell me this isn't what I think it is," I spoke to the Doctor quietly.
"What is it," Amy asked. "Spaceship, right?"
"Not just a spaceship," he explained. "The Parliament of the Daleks."
I closed my eyes for a moment. Some part of me wanted to believe that this was all some twisted dream. Another part of me knew very well that it wasn't, but facing the reality around us was too terrifying to contemplate.
We had just escaped death to be handed a death sentence.
I only opened my eyes because I heard the Doctor start telling them to take their shot. I was ready to slap him.
"Save us," the emperor spoke up.
"Excuse me?" I admittedly didn't think much before I snapped back at the creature.
"You will save the Daleks."
I scoffed. Another decision that I didn't think through properly.
The room began chanting at all of us. Just repeating the same three words over and over. Save the Daleks.
As the voices died down, The Doctor started pacing.
After a little while, I heard Amy and Rory mumbling to each other. I tried to pay it no mind, but it was difficult when the tension between them was more suffocating than the fear of being surrounded by Daleks.
I didn't mind the muttering until it turned to me.
"And (Y/n) is constantly glancing at us because they want to help us from whatever is wrong with us," Amy whispered. "'Oh no, Amy and Rory are clearly not alright, how are we going to fix that?'"
"Get better at hiding the tension if you don't want me worrying about you," I said bluntly.
She looked down for a moment.
"We have arrived," one of the Daleks announced.
"Arrived where," the Doctor asked.
"Doctor," the emperor said.
"The Prime Minister will speak with you now," the woman from our original meeting spoke up, motioning over to him.
The Doctor didn't move for a minute. When he did, he didn't turn to face their emperor- sorry- their Prime Minister. He moved over to me.
The Doctor stepped closer to me, taking my hand in his as he mumbled into my ear, "We don't have to do this, We could run-"
"Yes, we do," I cut the Doctor off as I looked at him. "They won't let us walk out of here if we don't."
I saw the sad look cross his eyes.
"I don't care if I die," I whispered. "But I will not be the reason that you or Amy or Rory die. I just won't."
He took a deep breath before kissing the side of my head and stepping back. He turned back to the Prime Minister.
He stopped by the woman. "Do you remember who you were before they emptied you out and turned you into their puppet?"
"My memories are only activated if they are required to facilitate deep cover or disguise."
"Look at that," I replied sarcastically. "We were important enough to switch the memories back on."
The Doctor continued approaching the Prime Minister. I took a few steps closer behind him. Quiet support more than anything else.
"What do you know of the Dalek asylum," the creature asked.
"According to legend, you have a dumping ground," he replied. "A planet where you lock up all the Daleks that go wrong. The battle-scarred, the insane, the ones even you can't control. Which never made any sense to me."
"Why not?"
"Because you'd just kill them."
"It is offensive to us to extinguish such divine hatred."
That statement made me sick to my stomach. I interrupted the Doctor, "Offensive?"
"Does it surprise you to know that Daleks have a concept of beauty?"
"No," I shook my head. "I am just surprised that after so long you can still find ways to be so disgusting. Hatred so beautiful that you have to keep hurt, scared creatures in a cage like a personal zoo? Such a fixation on the emotion that it makes you go against your entire purpose. Kill what's different."
The Doctor started walking down the ramp towards me.
"Perhaps that is why we could never kill either of you," the Prime Minister stated.
I was ready to stand and argue, but I didn't get the chance before a hole in the middle of the floor opened. We both walked over to it, looking down at the planet just underneath it.
"The asylum occupies the entire planet," the woman- Darla- explained. "Right to the core."
"How many Daleks are in there," the Doctor asked.
"A count has not been made," she answered. "Millions, certainly."
I was next to speak up, "All still alive?"
"It has to be assumed. The asylum is fully automated. Supervision is not required."
"Armed?" Amy looked over.
"A Dalek is always armed."
"What color?"
We all looked at Rory as the question came out of his mouth.
"Sorry, there weren't any good questions left."
"There's a signal being received from the very heart of the asylum," Darla explained. Just as she did, music began playing over the speaker.
"What is the noise," a Dalek yelled. "Explain! Explain!"
"It's me," the Doctor replied.
"Oh God," I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose.
"Sorry, what?" Rory turned to us.
"I'm playing the triangle," the Doctor grinned, mimicking his motion.
"And hasn't one let me forget that fun fact," I added.
"Carmen," the Doctor pulled the sonic screwdriver out of his jacket and scanned the console that the Dalek had been using. "Lovely show."
I follow him back up the ramp. "Please tell me you're-"
"Tracking back the signal so we can talk to them," he finished my sentence for me.
"Dibs!" I shoved him out of the way. "Hello? Hello... Carmen?"
"Shut up," I muttered. "Hello! Come in, come in. Someone there?"
"Do you read me?" a voice rang out.
"Loud and clear," I replied, smiling properly for the first time since the trip had started. "Identify yourself and report your status."
"Hello," the voice said.
"Hello," I repeated.
"Are you real? Properly real?"
"Actually, properly real. Living, breathing, and bleeding if I am not careful."
"Oswin Oswald," she introduced. "Junior Entertainment Manager, Starship Alaska. Current status: crashed and shipwrecked somewhere... not nice. Been here a year, rest of the crew missing, provision's good but keen to move on."
"A year," I asked. "Are you okay? Under attack?"
"Some local life forms. Been keeping them out."
I looked at the Doctor, scared and confused by the story. "Know what they are?"
"I know a Dalek when I hear one, yeah," she replied.
"What have you been doing all alone, for a year? Against the Daleks?"
"Making soufflés."
I let out an amused huff. "soufflés."
"Where do you get the milk?" the Doctor butted in. I furrowed my eyebrows. It was a good question.
"This conversation is irrelevant." The Dalek did not agree with me. It shut off the signal.
"No, it isn't," the Doctor snapped back.
"Someone crashed into your asylum, meaning there's a big hole in whatever security you had," I joined in. "One thing gets in, millions can get out."
"Even you don't want that," the Doctor added.
"The asylum must be cleansed," the Dalek spoke.
"Then, why is it still here," the Doctor asked. "You have enough firepower to blast it out of the sky."
"They can't," I concluded. "The security that they put on the planet won't allow it. That's why we're here."
"The asylum's forcefield is impenetrable," Darla stepped forward. "And can only be turned off from the inside."
The Doctor went walking down the ramp again. "A small task force could sneak in. Send a couple of Daleks."
He paused halfway down the ramp, noting the silence in the room.
"Oh," he mumbled. "That's good. They're too scared to go down there. What do the Daleks do when they're too scared."
To put it very simply, they were going to launch all of us into a planet. They gave us these bracelets that fended off the nanocloud, which would turn everything that wasn't Dalek into... Dalek. Once we made it down, it was our job to figure out how to shut off the forcefield so they could destroy it.
We were led back to the opening in the floor, where a gravity beam was waiting for us. I reached over and grabbed the Doctor's hand. He rubbed a circle into the skin of my hand with his thumb.
"Ready," I asked.
"Are we ever," he grumbled back to me.
I was hoping to get a chance to jump into the gravity beam on my own. We didn't. Instead, we were all pushed into it.
My next memory was lying in the snow. I groaned as I pushed myself up. I looked around at my surroundings. There was nothing there that I could make any sense of.
I jumped when music started playing next to me. I looked down at an eyestalk looking at me. I moved to lay on my stomach in front of it.
"Oswin?" I called.
"Sorry!" she replied. "I pressed the wrong switch. You okay?"
"I just got launched at a planet, but I could be worse," I shrugged. "How are you doing that? This is Dalek technology."
"It's very easy to hack."
"Respectfully, no, it really isn't. Where are you?"
"Somewhere underground... I think. Ship broke up when it hit. You coming to get me?"
I jumped at the sound of the Doctor's voice. The camera disappeared as soon as he spoke.
"Dammit," I mumbled, pushing myself to stand up.
"Who are you talking to?"
"Oswin," I replied.
"Soufflé girl?"
"She has a name."
"Doctor!" Amy came running at us from the other side of a hill.
The Doctor helped steady her.
"Where's Rory," he asked.
"There was another beam," the man pointed vaguely behind us all. He continued following us.
We found a hole in the ground. It was deep enough that we couldn't see the bottom.
The man from earlier led us to a hatch that he had been trying to get into. He explained that his team had come down two days ago and that there were twelve other escape pods.
"Alaska," Amy read out, looking down at the name printed on the ship. "That's the same as Soufflé Girl."
"Two days," I asked, looking at the man. He nodded before opening the hatch. "It can't be the same as her. She's been here a year."
We all followed him down.
"There should be some climbing rope long enough for that hole," he explained.
I stepped around one of the seats when I spotted a hood. I leaned down only to be met with a skeleton sitting in the seat. Can't be merely two days old. It couldn't have been.
"Won't you introduce us to your crew," the Doctor asked. I grabbed his arm and stepped as close as possible. "What?"
"They're dead," I mumbled. "That... That one is a skeleton. They can't be two days old."
"Guys, this is the Doctor, Amy, and (Y/n)," the man introduced us. Nothing. I stepped a little further back from the seats. "Guys?"
The Doctor stepped forward, tapping the one I had seen on the shoulder. Its head rolled back, revealing the skeleton. The Doctor checked all of them. With the sonic screwdriver for some reason... they were skeletons, he didn't need to use the screwdriver. They were all dead.
"That's not possible," the man argued. "I just spoke to them. Two hours ago. We were doing engine repairs."
"I'm sorry, but there was no way that's possible. They've been dead a long time."
"Of course," he muttered. "Stupid me. I died outside. The cold preserved my body."
I stepped closer to the ladder, hoping to be ready to run from the man.
Then, an eyestalk started to protrude out of his forehead. "I forgot about dying."
The Doctor grabbed the fire extinguisher off the wall and sprayed it at the man. Amy hit the button next to the door, only shutting it once the man was secured on the other side.
"How'd he get all... Daleked," Amy asked.
"He didn't have a bracelet," I explained. "Nanocloud."
"Microorganisms that automatically process any organic matter, dead or alive, into a Dalek puppet."
"Anything that attacks the asylum immediately becomes on-site security. We've seen the interesting abilities of nano-tech."
"Living or dead?" Amy said. I paused, eyes going wide as I looked around the room.
"The wristbands protect us," the Doctor continued rambling. "The only thing keeping us from going completely-"
"Doctor, shut up," she cut him off. "Living or dead?"
"Yes, exactly, living or..."
The bones of the skeletons started cracking as the creatures stood up. The Doctor took off over the tops of the chairs once he noticed. I mostly followed his lead.
We only had true trouble once one of the creatures had caught Amy's wrist. The door slamming shut was enough to get the thing to let go.
The two of them leaned against the door while I stood across from them.
"Unauthorized personnel may not enter the cockpit," a familiar voice rang out over the intercom in the room.
"Oswin!" I jumped a bit. "I lost you back there, you alright?"
"I'm fine, just lost the signal."
The Doctor moved around me, taking a seat at the console, where a camera was pointed at us.
"Oi, Mr. Grumpy, don't get too close," she said. "Ooo, bad combo. No sense of humor and that chin."
I bit the inside to keep from laughing, even though I heard Amy chuckle behind me.
"What is wrong with my chin," the Doctor asked. He looked over at me.
"Nothing," I promised.
"Careful, don't poke their eye out."
I couldn't stop the laugh that came out of my mouth.
"(Y/n)," he whined.
"Sorry, sorry," I held my hands up. "I think your chin is... very handsome."
"I'm scanning you," Oswin informed us. "You're in another of the escape pods from the Alaska. It seems your power's on."
"How are you hacking into everything," I asked. "That should be impossible."
"Long story," she said simply. "There a word for total screaming genius that sounds modest and a tiny bit sexy?"
I chuckled. "Not that I know off the top of my head, sorry."
"What's your name again?"
"That'll work."
I let out a stunned scoff. "Oswin!"
"I am in a very committed relationship," I explained.
"With the chiny one?"
I had to hold back the laugh that wanted to escape.
"Is it him?"
"Yeah, it's him," I replied.
"Aw, cute," she gushed. "I was hoping it was the redhead."
I shook my head and rolled my eyes. I saw the Doctor's frown and leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek. He let a small grin cross his lips.
There was a beep on her hand. "Check the floor. I'm picking up a breach at floor level. There could be a way out. See you later!"
There had been a hatch on the floor. There was a rope going down into wherever it led. Someone else's escape route.
"This must go straight down to the asylum," the Doctor muttered as he unlocked the hatch.
"Where Rory is," Amy replied.
"Speaking of Rory," I started. "Anything you wanna talk about?"
"Are we going to do this now," she asked.
"What happened?" I countered.
"Just stuff, you know. We split up. What can you do?"
"What can I do," the Doctor mumbled, looking at her.
"Nothing," she explained. "it's not one of those things that you can fix like your bow tie."
The Doctor looked down again.
"Oh, don't give me those big, wet eyes, raggedy man. It's life. Just life. That thing that goes on when you two aren't around. We don't all get to end up traveling all of time and space with our true loves."
I felt a sting of guilt in my chest. I had always known that the Doctor and I were the exception. But Rory and Amy were each other's person. They were stuck together by the universe. They couldn't get away from each other if they tried.
I had grown to see them as an example of sorts.
I looked back at Amy. Maybe she saw us the same way.
There was a rope ladder going all the way to the bottom.
"Someone else got out this way," Amy noted.
"Let's go and find them," the Doctor muttered. He ran to the camera by the door.
They were holding up one of the bracelets. Amy's bracelet.
"Amy," the Doctor whispered.
"What's going to happen to me," she asked. "Seriously? Tell me. What?"
The Doctor didn't reply. Instead, he ran off to the ladder, leading the way down. I let Amy go before me. I followed right behind them, pulling it shut behind me.
"So, what's going to happen to me," she pushed again. "And don't lie. Because I know when you're lying to me and I will definitely fall on you."
"The air all around is full of micro-machines," the Doctor explained. I was stunned that he answered at all. "Robots the size of molecules. Nanogenes. Now that you're unprotected, you're being rebuilt."
By that point, we had made it to the bottom. Granted, by that point, we had already had this conversation at least four times.
"So what happens? I get one of those things sticking out of my head?" she continued.
"Physical changes come later," the Doctor grabbed her hand, pulling her along with us.
"What comes first? How does it start?"
"Your mind. Your feelings, your memories. And I'm sorry but it's already started."
"How do you know?"
"This is the fourth time we've had this conversation."
"I'm scared now."
"Hang onto that," I told her. "Scared isn't Dalek. Hold onto anything that isn't Dalek."
The door opened in front of us.
There was a smell coming from the room.
"What's that," Amy asked.
The Doctor closed the door again. "Stay right there. Don't open this door."
"Oswin," I yelled. "Can you hear me?"
"Hello (Y/n) and the Chin, I have visual on you," she replied. "(Y/n) and the Chin. You two could start a band."
"Why exactly don't we have a visual on you," the Doctor spoke up. "Why can't I ever see you?"
"Limited power, bad hair, take your pick," she explained. "There's a door to your left. Open it."
I looked to my left and went to the door. "Alright."
The door slid open to reveal a small screen.
"I'm going to send you a map to that screen," she explained.
I nodded and stepped inside. "Ready when you are, Oswin."
"Oh, your friend is safe. I can get you to him."
"You found Rory," I asked.
"Yup," she confirmed. "Well, I call him Nina. Personal thing."
I furrowed my eyebrows for a moment before focusing on the screen again.
I watched as she typed away. I followed the map that she was using to guide us. I heard the door open.
"How many Daleks are right ahead of us," I asked.
"Ten, twenty," she estimated. "Some are catatonic, but they do have firepower."
"Doctor," I tried to whisper-shout at him. "Where's Amy?"
He turned around and ran into the room that we had been avoiding earlier. She was standing in the middle.
"How do we get past them," I turned back to Oswin.
The Doctor and Amy shoved their way into the closet with me.
"Okay then," I gasped as I was shoved into the wall.
The sounds just outside the door powered down. The two of them stepped out first and I awkwardly followed.
"It's damaged," the Doctor said.
"Okay, but what do we do," Amy asked.
"Identify me," he turned to the Dalek. "Access your files. Come on."
"You are the Predator," the Dalek spoke.
"Access your standing orders concerning the Predator."
"The Predator must be destroyed!"
"And how are you going to do that? the Doctor stepped forward. "A Dalek without a gun? You're a tricycle with a roof. How are you going to destroy me?"
"Self-destruct initiated," the Dalek shouted.
"What's it doing," Amy asked.
"Destroying the Predator," I explained.
The Doctor lifted the Dalek's hood.
"Self-destruct cannot be countermanded," the Dalek said.
"I wasn't looking for countermand," the Doctor replied. "I'm looking for reverse."
The Dalek proceeded to roll backwards into the large room. It exploded, taking out the other Daleks with it.
We had all been thrown backward.
I shoved myself off the floor. The Doctor picked up a now unconscious Amy and followed me. Rory was standing on the other side of the room.
"Where have you been," I asked.
"Oswin put me in a- a room," Rory pointed behind him. "Is Amy alright?"
"Just unconscious," I explained. "Where's the room?"
He led us into some other room off to the side. The Doctor placed Amy down and we all waited for her to wake up. While we did, the Doctor explained the situation of the stolen bracelet.
"Will the sleeping help her," Rory asked. "Slow down the process?"
"You'd better hope so," Oswin's voice filled the room. "Because pretty soon, she's going to try and kill you."
Amy woke up a moment later, groaning as she did, "Ow."
"Hey," the Doctor said. "Still with us?"
"Amy, it's me," Rory grinned at her. "Do you remember me?"
She reached up and slapped him as soon as the words left his mouth.
"I'd take that as a yes," I advised.
"Same old Amy," the Docter mumbled.
"Do you know how you make someone into a Dalek," Oswin asked. She was quieter now. Like she was scared. "Subtract love, add anger. Doesn't she seem a bit too angry to you?"
"Well, somebody's never been to Scotland," Amy replied, pushing herself up.
"Oswin," I said. "How are you... okay? Why hasn't the nanocloud converted you?"
"I mentioned the genius thing, yeah?" she explained. "Shielded in here."
"Clever of you," I muttered, trying to ignore the nervousness in my stomach. Hope. If I needed one thing right now, it was hope. "Now, the Daleks said that this place was fully automated. But it's a wreck."
"I've had nearly a year to mess with them and not a lot else to do."
"A junior entertainment manager hiding out in a wrecked ship, hacking the security systems of one of the most advanced warrior race the universe has ever seen," the Doctor spoke up as he was scurrying around the room. "But you know what gets me about you, Oswin? The soufflés."
"The soufflés," Amy asked.
"Where do you get milk for the soufflés?"
He turned to the rest of us.
"Seriously, is no one else wondering about that?"
I didn't want to admit that I had found it easier to ignore it. I merely looked down. Rory shut it down more bluntly than I had.
"So, Doctor," Oswin piped up. "I've been looking you up. And you, (Y/n). You're all over the database. Why do the Daleks call you the Predator? Why are you lot such a threat?"
"Not a predator, just a man with a plan," the Doctor replied.
"You've got a plan?"
"In no particular order," the Doctor explained, "we need to neutralize all the Daleks in the asylum, rescue Oswin from the wreckage, escape from the planet, and save Amy and Rory's marriage."
"Alright, I'm counting three lost causes, anyone else," Amy asked.
"Oswin, there's a Dalek ship in orbit," the Doctor said.
"Yeah, got it on the sensors," she replied.
"The asylum has a forcefield. The Daleks are waiting for me to shut it off. As soon as I do, they'll burn this whole world and us with it. So, my question for you is this, how fast can you drop the forcefield?"
"Pretty fast."
"Good. This is a teleport, am I correct?"
"Yeah. Internal use only."
"I can boost the power once the force field is down. And we can use it to beam us right off this planet," the Doctor explained, messing with the teleport.
"But you said that when the forcefield is down, the Daleks will blow us up," Rory pointed out.
"That's why we have to be quick," I spoke up.
"Fine, we'll be quick, but where do we beam to," Amy asked.
"The only place within range. The Dalek ship," the Doctor answered.
"They'd exterminate us on the spot," Amy said.
"We'd survive four seconds longer," Rory agreed.
"What's wrong with four seconds," the Doctor smirked. "You can do loads in four seconds."
"Oswin, how fast can you drop the forcefield?" I called.
"I can do it from here," she explained. "As soon as you come and get me."
"Why don't you drop the forcefield and come to us," I asked.
"There's enough power in that teleport for one go," she replied. "Why would you wait for me?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
"No idea, never met you," she said. "I'm sending you a map so you can come and get me."
"(Y/n)," the Doctor grabbed my arm as I went to run over. I yanked my arm away.
"I'm going to do this," I told him bluntly. "Stay here. Keep them safe. If we don't make it in time, then I want you to go. Got it?"
He stared at me for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Make it back."
"I plan to," I smirked a bit before looking at the map. As I took off, I turned back to him. "I love you!"
"Love you too!" I heard him say behind me.
I stepped out into the hall.
I could hear banging and the sounds of Daleks screaming various threats and promises. They only got louder as I rounded the corner. I took a deep breath as I continued moving.
It was terrifying.
The closed walls, the sound of Daleks yelling. It was all so familiar. I could vividly see myself back in that little box that I had known for far too long. The practice scenarios where I would be faced with almost exactly this situation.
I tried to block out those memories. I had other things to focus on at the moment.
In a more relative sense, it had been going well. I hadn't been met with any loss Daleks and I was close to where I needed to be.
"Oswin," I said quietly. "I think I'm close."
"You are," she replied. "Less than twenty feet away. Which is the good news."
"And the bad?"
"You're about to pass through intensive care."
"Oh, great," I muttered, taking another deep breath.
The door slid open.
It was quiet. Daleks were lined up in cages, all dormant. The lights were off.
"Why are they here," I asked.
"Don't know. Survivors of particular wars. Spiridon, Kembel, Aridius, Vulcan, Exxilon. Ringing any bells."
I felt like the air was being forced out of my lungs. I was being strangled without anyone else around. My legs felt shaky as if my knees were prepared to give out at any given moment. And my head. My head hurt and was swirling with a thousand thoughts and memories.
And all I could was keep walking.
"Yeah," I answered, pausing to look at one of them. "These are the Daleks of the Time War."
I wanted to vomit.
"I was supposed to stop it. I couldn't."
I heard one of the Daleks coming to life behind me. "Savior."
"I'm sorry, what did it call you?"
"Nothing," I replied. "A name that I gave up a long, long time ago."
More Daleks started to wake up. I walked away, hoping to get out of the room as fast as possible.
"Oswin, there's a door but it won't open," I said. "They can't be far away now."
"Hold on. There's a release code, but I just need to find it. Is there anything happening out there?"
"No. But I don't like the silence any more than the yelling."
I heard chains rattling behind me. My breathing spiked again.
"Just a second!"
I heard the snapping of chains and my name being yelled again. I pressed my back to the door, putting as much distance between me and the approaching Daleks as I could. None of them seemed to have guns, so I should have been safe.
I closed my eyes, curling in on myself.
And then, it stopped.
All of it just froze.
"Oh, that is cool," I heard Oswin say as the Daleks turned around and moved away from me. "Tell me, I'm cool."
"What did you do," I asked.
"Hang on, I think I found the door thingy-"
"No, I need to know what you just did," I cut her off.
"The Daleks have a hive mind. Well, not really, it's more of a telepathic web."
"I hacked into it," she explained. "Did a master delete on all the information connected with the Savior or (Y/n). Including information about the Doctor and your friends."
I let out a breathy laugh at the idea, tears filling my eyes. "You made them forget me."
"Good, huh," she asked. "And here comes the door."
"The Doctor has tried hacking into the path web before. He could never find a way to do it. I never even tried because of how much security they've got on it."
"Come and meet the woman who can."
The door slid open behind me. I scrambled inside but froze just in the doorway.
"Hey, you're right outside," the voices were mixing together. One Oswin's and the other was... Dalek. "Come on in."
"Oswin," I said. I took a step forward. "We have a problem."
"No, we don't," she replied. "Don't even say that. I joined the Alaska to see the universe and crashed on my first trip. You're here. You can take me to see it all. Properly."
"I can't."
"Why not?"
I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Does it look real to you? That little place you're in right now?"
"It is real."
"It's a dream," I said. "Your mind constructed a safe place for you. Reality got too terrible. Too scary."
Her voice disappeared. All that was left was the Dalek's. "Where am I?"
"They did a complete transformation on you," I explained. "You are... a Dalek."
"No, no, I'm not a Dalek. I'm human."
I stepped forward, gently touching the shell of the creature. "You were when you crashed. But they found you... you climbed out of that pod we found."
"I'm human."
"Not anymore. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."
There was no answer.
"You're a genius. They need genius."
There was still no response.
"I am so sorry," I started walking backward, closer to the door. "The Doctor asked earlier, but you never had to answer. Where did you get the milk? And the eggs? For the soufflés?"
"Eggs..." the Dalek voice shot fear into my stomach.
"I'm sorry."
"Ex... term... i... nate."
"Oswin," I muttered, stepping further back.
"Oswin, wait!"
I scrambled back toward the door as the chains snapped off.
"You don't have to do this! They turned you but look at what you've done so far! You are still good! You are still you! Oswin, please!"
The Dalek stopped just in front of me.
"Why do they hate you," she asked. "You and that man. Why do they hate you so much?"
"I fought them. With him. More times than I can count."
"We have grown stronger out of fear."
"I know. That's... That's part of why we tried to step away. Stop giving them a reason to be stronger."
"What," I asked. "What did you say?"
"Run," she repeated. "I've taken down the forcefield. The Daleks have begun their attack. Run.
I blinked at her a few times. I couldn't think of what to say.
"I am Oswin Oswald. I fought the Daleks and I am human. Remember me."
I grinned at her. "Yeah. I will. Thank you."
"Run," she urged me. I nodded and turned around as I heard something start crumbling around me. "Go save that clever boy of yours... and remember."
I have never thought about how difficult it is to run while you're crying. It hinders every system you had. Eyesight and breathing and your sense of direction gets shot by the emotion.
It was a miracle that I made it to the teleport in time. I jumped into the Doctor, hugging his as tight as I could.
"You alright?"
"We don't have time," I shrugged it off as I stepped back. There was another rumble. "We have to go."
He nodded. He hit a button on his control panel.
The Daleks were panicking when we got there. We ended up inside the TARDIS, but we could still hear them worrying about being under attack.
"You guys should have seen this coming," the Doctor yelled. "The thing about me and teleports is that I have really good aim. Pinpoint accurate, in fact. Or, to put it another way..."
"Please don't," I begged, going to grab his arm.
He stepped out of the TARDIS before I could stop him. I followed him out. If I couldn't stop him, then I could be next to him when he got himself killed.
The Dalek yelled at us, "Identify yourself! Identify!"
"What," the Doctor asked. "You know me."
"She did it," I whispered.
"Who did what," the Doctor turned to me.
"We should go," I said.
The Dalek yelled again, "Identify yourself!"
"The Doctor... The Oncoming Storm-"
"Titles are not meaningful in this context. Doctor who?"
I let out a sharp, relieved breath at the question. And then at how the question spread like wildfire.
"Come on," I grabbed the Doctor's hand.
He didn't question me any further, just following me back inside as the Daleks continued yelling.
Our next stop after that was Rory and Amy's home. They stepped out, waving to us as we went.
As the TARDIS took off again, it felt like the adrenaline finally wore off, I felt the tears coming back to my eyes.
I covered my mouth, leaning forward a bit and laying my other hand on the railing. The sobs started long before I ever had a chance to stop them.
"(Y/n)?- Hey," the Doctor walked over. He reached out and touched my arm.
It was as if that made me snap back to my senses. I quickly wrapped my arms around him, hiding my face in his shoulder.
"Hey, hey," he whispered, hugging me back. He ran his hand up and down my back a bit. "What happened?"
"I was too late," I muttered. I leaned back, wiping my eyes as I did. The Doctor's hands touched my sides. "I... I found her, but they... they had done a complete transformation."
"The milk and eggs," he mumbled.
"She... She wasn't even aware of it," I continued. "That's why she thought she had all of this stuff. She really thought that she was still human. That she was just waiting so I could save her."
The Doctor leaned over to kiss my forehead before pressing his against mine. "There was nothing you could have done."
I didn't respond for a moment.
"She did something," I said. "She got into their telepathic web and... she deleted all of the information about you and me."
"She saved our lives. And all I gave her was false hope."
The Doctor pulled me into another hug. "I'd like to think you saved hers as well. In some way."
I closed my eyes.
"A new way of thinking can save someone more than we'll ever know."
I would love to think that he was right.
And maybe he was, but it would be a very long time before I accepted that possibility.
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ssahopelessly · 2 years
Crystal Clear
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Synopsis: The team is taking down an unsub near a dock and boathouse. But what happens when reader goes missing?
A/N: This piece was specifically inspired by Grey’s Anatomy (season 3, episodes 15-17). You know, the drowning plot? All of the drama, minimum medical talk.
Warnings: reader goes missing, drowning, talks of death, potential loss of a loved one, Spencer feeling nearly helpless,
Word Count: 2.3k
“We thought she was with you.” JJ called out over them, their heads either still looking around or looking at him.
“We thought she was with you.” JJ called out over them, their heads either still looking around or looking at him.
“We thought she was with you.” JJ called out over them, their heads either still looking around or looking at him.
“She was, but then we got seperated. Farland took off near the docks and she followed him while I went the other way.” Farland, or Elliot Farland, was the unsub of the case. A former doctor, he was responsible for lying about his credits to local hospitals and luring individuals of the staff to his boat. The boat dock would be the last known location for some of the victims. Spencer noticed Hotch looking at him skeptically, no doubt remembering the last time Spencer decided to split from his partner. “I’m sure she’s around here somewhere. I’ll just go do another sweep of the area.”
“She was, but then we got seperated. Farland took off near the docks and she followed him while I went the other way.” Farland, or Elliot Farland, was the unsub of the case. A former doctor, he was responsible for lying about his credits to local hospitals and luring individuals of the staff to his boat. The boat dock would be the last known location for some of the victims. Spencer noticed Hotch looking at him skeptically, no doubt remembering the last time Spencer decided to split from his partner. “I’m sure she’s around here somewhere. I’ll just go do another sweep of the area.”
“No, that’s a good idea. Morgan and Prentiss, you guys stay behind and help Reid. The rest of us will go back to the station and get ready to debrief with the local office.” All nodding to each other, they closed their files and handed them back to Hotch so they could get ready to do what was asked of him.
“Have you tried calling her?” Derek had piped up as he walked towards Reid.
“I tried but you know how she is. Her phone was dying on the way here, who knows if it still has a battery.” They started to make the climb back towards the boathouse, stepping over roots in the ground, careful not to slip on the wet grass.
“Well, we’ll follow behind you. I’ll try to call her.” Emily spoke up, catching up to the two of them.
“Why don’t we take the path you two took before you split up and see if she’s hanging around there.” The three agents then walked to the front of the facility where Reid walked them through the passage he had taken earlier with (Y/N). Towards the back of the factory, Reid found the pile and mess of crates Farland had thrown to try and stop them.
“From here, (Y/N) saw him go straight for the back door and she followed in pursuit.” They walked toward the back door Spencer had referred to, noticing how the bitter cold rolled into them as they exited the building. The back of the facility was right along the dock, only 10 feet of walking space if that space wasn’t filled with more storage crates. As they walked along the side, Spencer took notice of the few bullet holes that filled the concrete walls of the building. “That’s weird.” He had remarked, mainly to himself.
“Spencer.” Derek had called to him, his eyes caught on something on the ground. Looking to where he had been focused, Spencer saw the familiar gun laying on the wooden dock.
“That’s (Y/N)’s gun.” Spencer crouched down to get a closer look at it, trying to think of why she would have left her weapon behind.
“So where’s (Y/N)?”
“Guys!” Emily had called over them, looking out over the water. When both boys had looked over, she raised a hand to point out at something. With his poor eyesight, it took him a few seconds to really focus on what she was seeing.
“What is it?” Spencer was trying to squint the best he could to see what she could have possibly seen. But the water was glass. And there was a fog that was still lingering on the surface of the water.
“Shit.” Just as his brain was connecting the dots, Derek had tore his vest off and dove into the water, splashing some back up onto the dock. Spencer felt paralysed as he watched him swim out to her, his brain already running the possibilities of what could have happened and what could happen.
“Is she okay?” Emily called out to him as they both watched the agent reach their friend. Pulling her head out from the water, he was clearly trying to talk to her, brushing her wet hair from her face.
“Call Hotch!” Derek yelled back to them, holding onto her vest as he tried to swim back to the dock with her. Spencer was at the side of the dock, leaning over to where he almost fell in, trying to help pull her onto the dry ground. She was colder than he thought possible, her skin feeling like she had been in an ice bath, the rosyness of her cheeks traded for a pale tone. “She doesn’t have a pulse.” Derek finally breathed out after he pulled himself back onto the dock, his entire form completely soaked. Spencer’s fingers worked fast at unfastening her vest so he could get to her chest. He didn’t know how he was doing half of it, feeling his entire body tremor at his worst thoughts. “Spence. She’s-“
“She’s not dead.” He bit back, starting CPR on (Y/N) as the other two watched. “There have been cases where-” while his brain was thinking for logical answers, he tried to catch his breath while he started compressions on her chest. He remembered every study, every lesson, everything. In this moment, he needed to keep a steady rhythm but also be cautious of the pressure he was throwing behind each beat. “There have been cases where an individual can be hypothermic and still live, pulse or no pulse. It happens.”
“Spencer, we don’t know how long she was-”
“It doesn't matter.” He was trying not to let his voice slip, not to show his emotions. He couldn’t save her if he was too busy crying over her. “Whether it was 5 minutes or 5 seconds. We’re going to save her.” He kept up with the compressions, counting under his breath, sparing a glance to the other two as they watched him. “Why are you giving up on her? She’s not a past tense. She’s present tense and she’s right here and- why aren’t you saving her?” His voice finally broke and it was a cry of a plea as he looked frantically between the two before back to focusing on his rhythm.
“Spencer, we’re not giving up.” Derek knelt beside him, nudging his shoulder. “Let me take over.”
“Spencer, we need you to think of ways to save her. Let me.” Spencer’s eyes flashed between Derek, their hands, and her face. Her lips were parted like she was sleeping but even then, a muscle would twitch. And right now, without him beating her chest, she would lay completely still, no twitch of a muscle anywhere. “Okay. So we get her heart beating. What else needs to happen?”
“She- uh, her body temperature. Her body has to reach the upper 90s.” Spencer hadn’t noticed at the time, but his hands were holding onto hers, squeezing it as if she would squeeze back. He hoped, almost prayed that she would.
The whole team was at the hospital now, sitting amongst each other while they waited for anything from the doctor. Spencer, however, was in a chair in a corner of the room, notebook against his leg as he wrote out the possibilities. He was not a medical doctor but that wouldn’t stop him from thinking of every way to save her. “How are you holding up?” Looking up, he noticed Derek had changed clothes and was now standing in front of him instead of sitting with the team.
“I’m here.” Nodding, he took the spot next to him. “Derek, if you don’t mind- I actually want to be alone right now.”
“And I don’t want you to be alone.” Closing his notebook, Spencer started stuffing his things back into his bag, as if he were about to change seats. “Listen, we don’t have to talk, we can just sit here. But I need to know we’ll have both of you at the end of this.”
“Both of us?” Spencer whispered out, keeping his head low so no one could see the anguish and defeat in his eyes.
“Yeah kid. You and her, you’re a package deal. We can’t go back to Quantico without the other half.”
“Is there a Dr. Reid out here?” Their heads looked over to the nurse standing at the other end of the hospital. Derek bumped his elbow into Spencer, trying to jolt him into action. Pushing himself out of his chair, Spencer walked towards the awaiting nurse.
“Yes! Hi- hello, it’s me. I’m uh- I’m Dr. Reid.”
“We were able to get her body temperature up but not where it needs to be. There’s also no cardiac rhythm. Dr. Reid, we need to know, how far do-“
“I want every measure. Any and everything you can think of to save her. And if you can’t think of anything. Tell me. Because I already have a list of treatments.”
“Are you a medical doctor?”
“No. But I’m expecting you to do everything to save her. Because if you come out here to tell me that-“ he could barely get the words out. “You can’t lose her.”
“Yes doctor.” The nurse offered him a nod before dipping back into the medical staff only doors. With the nurse gone, Spencer could feel everyone’s eyes on him suddenly, feeling the air draining from his lungs.
“I’m uh- I’m going to go step outside.” The team watched him as he dipped out of the lobby, walking towards the parking garage. He had swiped the keys from Emily when she wasn’t looking. He wasn’t going to leave the hospital, not without knowing she was okay. But he knew no one would bother him, or at least they wouldn’t think to look into the cars. Climbing into the backseat, he spotted the familiar black sweater, bawled up in the middle of the leather seats. Holding the fabric in his hands, he held it close to himself and took in a deep breath, trying to find a way to relax. With the inhale, he caught a whiff of her, a mix of her perfume and shampoo lingering in the fabric that created the piece. He finally started to cry at the thought of her, after every emotion he had tried to ignore from today. It had started like every other morning.
They woke up in the dingy hotel room, made their cups of coffee and tea and left to meet the team at the station. Garcia had found a lead on the unsubs location and Hotch sent Spencer and (Y/N) to be the first ones to check it out. Splitting up felt like his fault, of all people he knew better, but even though he remembered it as her idea, he would blame himself for eternity for that one moment that changed everything. It was one thing for him to remember nearly everything, but he couldn’t live with just the memory of her. He needed to hear her voice just one last time. One last jab at his fashion or one last remark about how tired she was. He wanted one last laugh, one last hug. Spencer wasn’t sure what but he knew he would give anything if it meant he could get one last look into her eyes, one last chance to tell her how he felt though she knew. On a list of lasts, he needed her to hear one last apology, one last I love you.
“Spencer?” It was JJ, having knocked on the vehicle windows. “Emily noticed the keys were gone and they sent me to check on you.”
“I’m fine.” He began wiping away at the tears that had found a home on the surface of his cheeks.
“Spence.” It was her sympathetic Mom voice. He only heard her use it so many times whether with Henry or with the victims, but he very rarely found himself on the receiving end of it.
“I can’t lose her JJ. I can’t- I can’t be in this world without her. And it sounds silly and cheesy but if I think of a life without her, I won't be able to breathe.”
“If anyone could beat the odds, it’s (Y/N). I know you’re scared but we have to believe she will be okay.” JJ’s phone ringing beside her tore them from the pit of despair they were diving into. Taking it from her pocket, she checked the caller id before answering. “This is JJ. Yeah? Okay, we’re on our way.” Holding the phone in her hand, she looked back to Spencer, hoping to make eye contact with him again. “Spence? That was Hotch. They’re asking for you.”
“So we have to go?”
“Yeah.” She watched as he folded the sweater in his hands, slipping it into his bag before he reached for the door handle to unlock his side. Pausing, he looked back over to her.
“Well are you coming?” A small laugh slipped past her lips as they both opened their doors to the backseat, leaving to reenter the hospital.
When they found their way back into the waiting room they had left everyone in, no one seemed to notice, heads still hung low from both worry and exhaustion. Walking up to Derek, he put his bag down next to his friend. “Derek? What’s going on?” His head lifted up to look at him, leaning back into the seat.
“The nurse was asking for you.” Spencer looked around the waiting room, noticing there was no nurse in sight. It was just his team and a few other parties waiting for their family and friends.
“Do you know where-“
“Is Dr. Reid in the room?” He turned around to see a nurse had entered the space. Walking over to her, Spencer recognized it was the first nurse he had talked to.
“Hello. I’m Dr. Reid.” A smile spread over her lips as she tucked a clipboard under her arm.
“Hi. (Y/N)’s asking for you.”
Tell me what you think here!
Part II can be found here.
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