#one times he's awake for it and he does not think it's a cute petname
softquietsteadylove · 5 months
Some aftercare for Gil after his poisoning experience? Thenas Pokémon being surprisingly caring and protective of him!
Something sweet maybe
Gil blinked, feeling something cool on his forehead. "Oh, uh, hey."
Gil sat himself up in the bed, touching where Frosslass' hand(?) had just been. "Did I have a fever."
The ghost pokemon put on a contrite face and nodded, "Frosslass-Fross."
He had been at home for almost a week now, but they did tell him there could be latent effects of the poisoning he had suffered. So far the pain he had felt had at least lessened, but he still had some aches and chills, and the occasional fever.
Thena's pokemon had been...surprisingly helpful. He had expected Dragonite to be a bit of a worrywart, but both he and Teddiursa had been good about going back to work while he was still recovering. Thena may have told them that they had to help cover for Gil while he was still out sick.
She herself took as much time off from work as she could, but the league didn't exactly give her paid leave. Instead, she had gone back to her usual route with only Gallade and Ninetales, asking her most recent team addition - Froslass - to stay home with Gil.
"Frosslass?" she asked, floating down to the bed on top of his multiple blankets.
"I do feel better, thanks," he smiled at the kind hearted ghost pokemon. She tended not to let herself be visible for too long, but he felt that he had a good rapport with her. "What time is it?"
"Fross," she reached for him, using her long arm(??) to retrieve his pokegear. "Fross-Frosslass?"
"Yeah, she should be home in a little bit," Gil commented, looking through his messages, although they were mostly from Thena telling him that she hoped he was resting, and also a picture of a Luxray who apparently seemed to know her.
"Fross!" the ghost pokemon startled as he started sliding out of bed.
"I'm okay, really, I can at least put some soup on," he attempted to assure it, patting between the horns on her head.
But the ghost rushed in front of Gil, its eyes narrowed. "Frosslass!"
He had to admit he was surprised. He knew that Thena had instructed the ice/ghost type to take care of him in her absence, but he hadn't expected her to be so invested in his recovery.
"Fross," she continued, explaining how even in her short time in the house, she had noticed how much happier Thena's 'aura' seemed when Gil was around. He brought a calm to her trainer's mind which Froslass appreciated. "Froslass?"
"Of course I would," Gil sighed, not even wanting to think too hard on the idea of Thena being sick the way he had been. If anything, he was unconscious for so much of it, his memory was questionable at best. But as he had asked Thena about it, the severity of it was enough that she had admitted she was prepared to have a very serious talk with their little bear cub about the worst case scenario.
Froslass was right; he had a family to take care of, and to do that, he had to take care of himself.
She joined him, floating alongside him to the kitchen. "Frosslass...Fross?"
Gil nodded, reaching for the stew pot as well as some kitchen basics. They were actually from his apartment, since Thena's kitchen was terribly lacking for anything that wasn't related to pokemon nutrition. "It'll be easy, I'll just put it on so by the time Thena gets back it'll probably be almost ready."
Froslass floated around him, watching as he prepared the meal for himself and her trainer. "Frosslass."
Gil laughed, chopping a little more slowly than normal given his cold fingers. "Yeah, I guess I do kind of worry about what she feeds herself when I'm not around."
"Fross," the pokemon shrugged, pointing out that Gallade's snacking habit actually came from their trainer.
"Well, actually," Gil smiled at Froslass as he cooked. "When I first met Thena, I learned early on that she only cared for her pokemon and pretty much neglected herself."
"We ran into each other here in the valley. She had just moved and was still camping with Ralts and Swablu. When I brought her to the pokemon centre, not only did she sleep for almost an entire day, but I also found out that she spent all her money on luxury balls and vitamins and pokemon food. All she'd eaten was oran berries and packaged curry she'd brought with her."
Frosslass laughed as well, fading in and out of view as she expressed her glee. It certainly sounded like her very driven, very caring, but also very dense trainer. "Fross-Frosslass?"
"Well, I mostly told her that I would share my lunches with her, but only if she stopped spending all her money on her pokemon and at least bought herself some sandwiches or something. Or, y'know, worked on finding a place to stay while she was here."
"She stayed in the league facilities for a while," Gil narrated as he began chopping the potatoes. He hadn't blanched them at all, wanting them to cook in the broth. But they were still pretty hard. "A lot of trainers do, but I don't think she liked not being able to have her pokemon out of their pokeballs and in her room with her."
"Fross," the ice type nodded, pressing the knife down with Gil. She was delighted to discover that, at home, Thena maintained an open pokeball policy. Sure, some people had a Pikachu or Skitty in the house with them, but mostly it was smaller breeds like that.
"I kind of like to think that was my influence, a little," Gil chuckled as Froslass helped him slide the diced potatoes into the stew as well. "I mean, she already carried Ralts in her arms all the time, but still."
"Fross?" she asked, intrigued by the idea of proud and stubborn Gallade being carried around the way Teddiursa had been at first.
"Yep," Gil confirmed as he started stirring. "She totally babied him. Carried him in her arms, let him sleep in her sleeping bag with her, even kept him in her coat when she went up the mountain. He acts all cool now, but right up until he evolved into a Kirlia, he was just as much of a lap pokemon as Teddi."
Froslass snickered to itself; she would savour this information the next time Gallade got bossy about the house rules.
"Come on, don't tell him I told you that," Gil attempted to dissuade her. "He already hates me, I can't have him thinking I turned you against him."
"Frosslass!" she waved, dismissing the notion that the Blade pokemon disliked the gentle ranger in any way. "Frosslass-Fross, Frosslass!"
"Really?" Gil felt the need to ask. Gallade always acted like Gil was somewhat of a nuisance, if a familiar one. He really hit those teenage years hard, and Gil sometimes wondered if he would ever outgrow that phase of only wanting to lie around and watch tv at home.
But Froslass argued that Gallade cared very much for his trainer's mate (as they put it). Gallade was Thena's battle partner, certainly, but he had at least some respect for the fact that Gil was her partner in a different way.
"Fross!" It was the thing about auras again. Gallade and Ninetales - and Frosslass to a certain degree - could all sense the auras people and pokemon gave off. And Gil and Thena's auras were never so healthy and happy as when they were together, so the ghost type said.
"I guess that's a relief," Gil looked into the soup pot, stirring the dinner for himself and his aforementioned partner. He certainly felt like he was part of their family. "He could give me a little less lip, though."
"Fross," she shrugged. That was Gallade--he didn't like listening to anyone, and even listening to Thena didn't always work. But he cared for their family and took protecting them very seriously.
"Yeah, I'll say," Gil huffed, mostly in reference to the many occasions Gallade had interrupted their dates like a disgruntled father or agitated little brother. "I used to make poffins for him, and he treats me like I'm some homewrecker."
"Frosslass," she lamented, and she was right, Thena's poffins were better (marginally). "Frosslass!"
But Gallade did have fondness for Gil, and being his usual petulant self around him was a sign of that.
"Well, thanks for telling me that," he smiled at the ghost companion who handed him the pot lid. "This can just simmer away until she gets home."
"A little," he also lamented, yawning into his palm. "Man, this is killing me."
"Sorry, sorry," he chuckled, patting its head again before shuffling to the couch. "Thanks for keeping me company, too. I know you'd rather be out battling with Thena."
"Frosslass," she excused easily. Everyone was worried about him upon the news that he had fallen ill. And if she could do small things to help, like look after him at home or babysit Teddi on occasion, then she was happy to.
"What do you want to watch?" he asked as he picked up Gallade's precious tv remote.
"Fross," she pondered, watching him skip through programs until her eyes lit up and she floated up off the couch again, "Fross!"
"Okay, Great Galar Bakeoff it is," Gil declared, setting the remote down and sinking further into the cushions. "Do you and Thena watch this?"
"Fross-Frosslass," she nodded, recounting how Thena actually paid very close attention to the relaxed show, hoping to absorb some practical knowledge.
Gil yawned again, already being lulled to sleep by the calming music and gentle regional accents, "that's pretty cute."
"Fross," she whispered, watching as he curled himself up. She reached to the back of the couch, also using Gallade's precious throw blanket to drape over Gil.
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se-agapo-skywalker · 5 months
The Old Man and the Sea
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Flashbacks are italicized
CW: age gap (dilf!Luke Skywalker), oral sex (f!receiving), penetrative sex (p in v), unprotected sex, usage of petname "master," mild degradation
WC: 4.4k
"You are no Jedi... nor am I." Luke's back faces you, his solemn eyes cast upon the sea. "I cannot train you."
You reach out to touch his shoulder. "Master, please-"
He flinches away from you, almost recoiling in disgust and shock, all the while keeping his face away from yours. "I already told you. That title no longer means anything to me."
"Then what should I call you? Sir?"
He sighs and shakes his head. "No, I'm not that old..."
"Mr. Skywalker?"
"Too formal."
You pause to think, considering your words carefully. "...How about just Luke?"
Finally, he turns his head to look at you. His eyes reflect a strange vulnerability, sadness and fondness all mixed into one, emotions he tries to keep as hidden as possible. He isn't doing a very good job.
Luke nods, silently, once again casting his eyes down to avoid your gaze. "Just Luke."
Snuggled up into Luke's side, you twirl a lock of his hair around your finger and sigh. His head is leaned back against the pillow, eyes closed, breathing slowly and quietly. You smirk to yourself at the sight of him laying there so peacefully--he's spent to the point of appearing fast asleep.
For a man of his age, his stamina is quite impressive--pinning you beneath him, driving into you at a pace that has you moaning his name over and over--but once he's out, he's out. It's rather cute, to be honest... yet you can't help but wonder if he drifts into sleep so easily because he can't stand to be awake.
You've found that when he isn't doing menial chores, Luke spends most of the day either staring at the sea, walking along the cliffs, or doing who knows what inside of his hut. Perhaps he's meditating, or sleeping, whatever an old Jedi does to pass the time when he so clearly hates his life--you almost feel sorry for him. Almost, as every attempt you make to connect with him is met with disdain or rejection. Usually both.
Still, the Temple Island isn't big enough for you two to ignore each other entirely, no matter how hard he might try. Your paths intercept too frequently, much to his chagrin and your delight. There's something strangely magnetic about him--beneath his gloomy exterior lies the remnants of his grace and discipline, the dignified power of the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.
It's something you're determined to bring out again.
Luke stirs a bit, shifting in the bed slightly. With confirmation that he's indeed still awake, your hand wanders to his face, delicately stroking his beard.
"One more round?" you ask, voice sweeter than honey. You already know the answer--most likely a no--but it doesn't hurt to try.
He groans softly. "I don't know if I have it in me, starlight." Blue eyes squint open to meet yours, a smile growing on your lips, and he scowls. "What are you smiling about?"
"Nothing, I just think you're cute," you laugh, and he furrows his brow.
"Sweetheart, calling me cute is like calling the sky red."
"But it is red, during the sunset!"
"You know what I mean."
Knowing there's no reasoning with you, Luke relents to your will as you lean over to kiss him. He must think you're impossible--you're certain he does--but that's what keeps on drawing him back to you. At least, that's what stops him from turning you away.
Knocking on the door of Luke's hut, you wince. What were you thinking, coming to him like this, drenched in rain during the middle of the night? He's sure to think you're crazy, if he doesn't already. You shiver as the water continues to pour down, making your hair and clothes stick to your body like a wet tooka as it positively soaks you to the bone--you don't even know why you're here, if you're being honest with yourself.
Finally, the door opens. There stands Luke, your reluctant teacher, the man who's been avoiding your friendship for all this time, looking upon you with annoyance and confusion.
"Why are you here?" is all he says, eyes flicking across your wet form. You scratch the back of your neck self-consciously.
"I... I needed you," is all you manage to say in response.
"For what reason?"
"I don't know." You look down at your feet guiltily. "Something in the Force is telling me to be here."
He scoffs, clearly not believing you, but shakes his head and beckons you over. "Well, come in before you get sick," he grumbles, and you follow him inside as the door shuts behind you.
His hut is simple, not far from what you'd expect the living space of an old Jedi hermit to look like. Old sacred texts are scattered about, and so are his robes; he's currently dressed in simple nightclothes, ones that you briefly find yourself staring at.
No, no, you shouldn't look at him like that--especially not when he's standing right in front of you. But you could've sworn earlier that he looked at you the same way when you stood outside his door, wet clothes clinging to your body... You didn't mean to, well, approach him like that. But here you are, standing in his room and shivering before him as water dripped from you onto the floor.
Seemingly reading your mind, Luke finally breaks the silence--"You know, you should probably change out of those clothes and warm up."
"And change into what?" you ask, cheeks starting to burn.
A quick flash of embarrassment crosses his face, but he quickly conceals it. "I, um... something. This," he says, tossing his cloak to you. "I'll turn around."
You keep your eyes on him as he turns around and awkwardly goes to sit on his bed... and you swear you see him take a pillow into his lap. Slowly, you start peeling off your wet clothes; it's quite the thrill, being this exposed near him, something you'd never anticipate you'd do. If you were in your right mind, you wouldn't--but you aren't, and here you are.
After stripping out of the last of your clothes, you wring your hair out a bit and drape Luke's cloak around your shivering, nude form. It's quite warm, made of thick bantha wool, and it smells like him, although you manage to fight the temptation to bury your face in it. He's right in front of you, anyway.
"I-I'm done," you manage to say.
"Please, tell me... why are you really here?" Luke responds, not even turning around to look at you. "You're welcome to stay until the storm dies down, but if you're here to torment me, don't."
You grab onto the ends of the cloak, keeping them secure to preserve your modesty as you move to sit next to him. Startled a bit by your boldness, he finally looks over at you, and there's something in his eyes you can't quite recognize.
You take a deep breath and exhale. "Look, I don't know why I'm here. I don't know why it's storming, and frankly, I don't know why I'm naked, but here we are. But I think we've both noticed how we can't exactly stay away from each other, no matter how hard we try--how hard you try. I'm not here to hurt you, Luke, I only came to Ahch-To to find you, to see that you're still alive. And now that I know you, I..."
In a move that nearly knocks you off his bed, Luke slowly reaches out with his flesh hand to brush a wet strand of hair out of your face. "I know."
By some strange string of fate, or perhaps by the will of the Force itself, you find your lips meeting his. His beard is rough, scratchy. You wouldn't have it any other way. His lips, apprehensive at first, move against yours rather sloppily, either out of desperation or out of inexperience--although you wouldn't fault him for either. It's not like you're particularly experienced, you never quite had the time, and you aren't opposed to the two of you learning together. The student becomes the master, the master becomes the student...
"Master," you breathe out, "please."
Luke's lips trail from your lips to your jaw, and then to your neck, pressing plenty of ticklish kisses in his wake. His hands move to gently grip the side of your face and back of your neck, careful not to mess with the cloak. Part of you wonders if he ever will, if he's willing to go that far, perhaps even in this sitting. A Jedi would show restraint; yet he is one no longer.
In what can only be interpreted as him sensing your thoughts, Luke stops his advances to look at you, lustful eyes now showing with worry. "Are... are you sure you want this?"
You grab his mechanical hand--you quite like the feeling of the flesh hand on your neck--and bring it to the fastener of the cloak, not undoing it, but letting him know it's an option. "More than anything."
Luke's change in demeanor from grumpy to surprisingly gentle is intoxicating, shocking you in the best way possible--you knew this side of him was still there, you just knew it, and you're so glad you finally have confirmation of it. Peering over, however, you try to get a glimpse of the other confirmation of his affection that you seek...
Just as Luke begins to fiddle with unfastening the cloak concealing your body from him, you slip your hand between the two of you, first to carefully grip his thigh as you lean in to kiss him again, moving your hand further and further until-
"Stop," he interjects, grabbing your hand.
"I-I'm sorry, Master, I-"
His gaze softens, guiltily. "No, it's not you. I'm not ready for that--not yet." Flesh hand reaches up to cradle your face. "I want this to be about you. I want to make up for how cruel I was."
You bring the hand to your lips, kissing the palm, silently accepting his proposal to apologize. The Luke you first met on that cliff all those months ago is near unrecognizable--never before would you have expected him to ever apologize to you, let alone be this communicative with you. Well, communicative by Luke standards. From what you’ve heard of his past reputation as a Jedi, all those stories and legends about his vast accomplishments, he had always been quiet, guarded, only now amplified by his guilt in exile. But he’s trying, that much is clear to you.
“Do you want me to continue?” Luke finally says, breaking the silence with a rare show of humor. Smiling and nodding into his palm, you give it one last kiss, relinquishing your control over it.
Hands return to the fastener, and you feel your heartbeat increase as you're finally hit with the realization that this is going to happen. You have no reservations about it, you've fantasized about sleeping with him for quite some time now, but you must admit the actuality is a bit frightening--and absolutely thrilling.
You want this. Luke does, too, if the totally unsubtle tent in his pants has anything to say about it. But something tells you he's just as nervous as you are--perhaps he's worried about being out of practice, or, if he had previously pursued the path of celibacy, he's worried about having no practice at all. Either way, you don't mind, truly. All you want is him.
Finally, in one swift motion, the fastener is undone. Letting out a shaky breath, Luke begins to pull the fabric of the cloak from your shoulders, ever so slowly, exposing inch by inch of your bare skin to him. As the fabric pools at your waist, you shiver at the feeling of the cool air hitting your slightly damp skin. He notices, instinctively reaching out his hand to touch you--the sudden contact and warmth makes you jump.
"Sorry," Luke whispers, unable to look anywhere besides your face.
"Don't be... please."
Now is his chance to ravish you with his eyes, finally gazing upon--and practically devouring--the beauty that has been hidden from him for far too long.
"Stars, you're... you're incredible."
You blush, both out of pride and bashfulness, as Luke's eyes continue to trace your figure. He stares at you for quite some time, not daring to touch you aside from the hand he has gently caressing the flesh of your waist. It isn't until you grab said hand and move it to the swell of your breast that he finally gets the nerve to actually feel you.
Fingers trace around the soft skin of your nipple, coaxing the little bud into a hardened peak as Luke pinches it ever so slightly. He squeezes your breast, firmly but not painfully, and before you can even register what is happening, his mouth is on you. Beard hair tickles your skin as he plants an open-mouthed kiss at the center of your chest. Kissing, licking, and sucking, he marks his journey through the valley of your breasts by leaving your skin raw and marked--claiming you as his own.
You let out a high-pitched gasp as Luke's lips attach to your nipple, alternating between sucking and flicking with his tongue before switching to do the same to the other. He does this multiple times, only stopping when he leaves them visibly puffy and swollen, with you shuddering and moaning softly at the loss of his touch. As he had worked on you, your hands had found their way into his hair, carding your fingers through and tugging at it softly--he nearly bit you in response, and given the effect on him, you swore he almost liked what you were doing more than you liked what he was doing. Almost.
Your hands move from Luke's hair to cradle his face. He looks up at you nervously, waiting for your reassurance or your approval, hoping he hasn't done anything to upset you.
In a moment of boldness, you say, "Oh, I like that... there's just another place I think I'd like it even more."
Icy blue eyes widening, he nods slowly, taking in a deep breath as he prepares to obey your command. Gently pushing you back, he lowers you onto his bed, laying your head on his pillow--and he pauses.
"Are you sure you want this?"
Your first instinct is to pout, but you don't. He's very likely entirely new to this, and nervous about the fact, so the least you can do is have some grace. Reaching out for his hand, gently ghosting your fingertips over his, you tell him, "I want this. I want you."
With nothing more than a silent nod, Luke finally lifts the remainder of the cloak off you and pulls your thighs apart. His breath hitches at the sight of you--so tight, so wet, glistening in anticipation for him. Him.
Reading his emotions--you're becoming a lot better at that under his tutelage--you smile at him coyly through your eyelashes. "It's for you, Master. All for you."
You flutter and clench at the way Luke breathes out, groaning slightly. After a moment of just staring at you, piercing blue eyes locked onto your beautiful, beautiful core, he ducks his head to get closer. Whatever nervousness he had before has almost completely melted away, starting with light kisses to the inside of your thighs as he pries you open even more. You squirm ever so slightly beneath his touch, one that starts out hesitant but grows more and more eager, the rough hair of his beard nearly rubbing the skin of your thighs raw.
Luke pulls away, just for a moment, his voice deep and gravely. "Let me take care of you."
You shudder at the feeling of his breath on you. But you aren't prepared for what follows--the feather-light poke of his wet tongue, slowly licking a preliminary stripe from hole to clit as he slicks you with a combination of your own wetness and his spit. You had wondered, dreamed when this day would come, and now that it's here, you find yourself melting so readily at his every move.
Noticing the effect he has on you, Luke tentatively wraps his arms around your thighs, pulling you closer to his face so he can taste you more deeply. The new angle has you situated to where you could very well begin grinding on his face, and you have no doubts that he'd let you. This is what he wants--to be needed, to please, to do something, anything right. To have you spread out so beautifully before him is a miracle of the Force itself. He'll do his best to prove he deserves it, as much as he thinks he doesn't.
Alternating between gently probing you with his tongue and languidly exploring the contours of your folds, Luke's lips finally make their way to your clit, where he gently begins sucking. For a man who most likely has no idea what he's doing--although he would never admit it--he sure seems like he does.
Your hand instinctively makes its way to his hair again, albeit this time with far more urgency. Arching your back into him, you pull unapologetically on his greying locks, eliciting a deep groan from him.
An idea enters your mind.
"You like this, Master?" you moan, maneuvering to look at him working between your legs. His eyes flick up to meet yours. "You like finally being useful to someone?"
Your words seem to ignite a fire within him. Without even giving you a moment to process what's happening, Luke's mouth leaves your clit--drawing out an absolutely pathetic mewl from you--and he pulls your legs around his waist, lifting your hips off the bed. Using the Force, he swiftly pins your hands above your head, leaving you fully exposed and at his mercy.
"You think I'm finally useful, huh?" Luke practically growls, "Who are you to judge?"
You can feel his hardened cock brush against your sensitive core from beneath his nightclothes, and, desperate for friction to satiate your hunger, you try to rock your hips against his. But he won't have it--holding your legs still, he keeps you in place with an iron grip.
"Before I show you how useful I can be, you must learn patience. Now be still."
Luke's stronger mechanical hand--still gloved, which only adds to the allure--keeps a hold on you as his flesh hand moves to free himself from the confines of his pants. After a brief moment of fumbling where you pretend not to notice, he manages to pull down his waistband, and out it springs.
And it's... a lot. A lot more than you expected. Where you were eager to take him before, desperately aching for him to be inside you, you can't help but feel a bit nervous. Still, you can't take your eyes off him--large, thick, nice and veiny with a pink tip...
"Is this alright?" Luke asks, his voice low and husky, already starting to slowly drag it across your folds. Your body jerks slightly when the tip bumps into your still-swollen clit, but he's too busy lubricating himself with your wetness to notice. "Well?"
"Y-yes... I need you, Master, please," you practically beg.
Smirking to himself, he finally grants your request. Aligning himself with your entrance, he ever so slowly presses in, eyes screwing shut in the process as a low grunt escapes his throat.
"Maker, you're tight..."
You throw your head back and whine at the stretch. Luke is so much--almost too much--filling you in a way you never thought was possible. It stings slightly at first, but it's such a delicious feeling, one you never want to go another day without.
After giving you a moment to adjust, Luke's eyes meet yours--gently questioning, but still clouded by his need for you--and you signal for him to start moving. Slowly drawing himself back out, he starts a steady pace of deep thrusts, although they're a bit shaky at first. Amidst your ecstasy, you forgot that this may very well be his first sexual encounter--something he's doing a very good job of hiding.
In truth, it doesn't bother you at all. Luke sure keeps you on your toes--the more the night progresses, the more you learn so many seemingly conflicting things about him... and the more you realize you never really knew him at all. Perhaps no one did. He can be stubborn, and gentle, and firm, and vulnerable, a million different things all wrapped into one. And, slowly and surely, you'll peel back those layers to reveal who he truly is.
In the meantime, what Luke does show you is just how pent up he is--he isn't even fully out of his clothes, and he's already fully erect and fucking you into his mattress. The noises are borderline obscene, both the creaking of his bed and the squelching of where your bodies meet, with him loudly sliding in and out of you. While he was rather slow at first, he's since picked up the pace, snapping his hips against yours with a bit more fervor. If you hadn't known any better, you'd say he's just about as virile and libidinous as a juvenile fathier.
You moan and write beneath Luke, your hands still pinned above your head by the Force. After all his talk about its sacred rules and how one must respect and fear it, you truly never expected him to utilize it in such a way--but, knowing your Master, you doubt he cares. He looks down at you with those heavy eyes, his gaze filled with emotions you can't quite describe or even begin to understand. He's quiet, oh so quiet--you can't exactly say the same about yourself--that if it weren't for his borderline frantic rutting, you might not have been sure of his enjoyment.
Catching on to your concern, Luke reaches down with his flesh hand to reassuringly stroke your skin, gently tracing from your thigh to your hip, across your stomach, and all the way to the swell of your breast. Your nipples are still puffy and sore from his relentless sucking and pinching, skin covered in the evidence of where his beard had scratched you. He feels a bit guilty, having marked you up so thoroughly like this, yet he also has a strange sense of pride at how you let him. If things go your way, you'll let him again and again and again--until your hunger is satisfied, which you're sure it never will be.
For as much as Luke is thoroughly attracted to you, however, he can feel his hunger start to reach its peak. Whether it be through the Force or your own pleasure, you can sense this, too, and it only serves to bring you into the early stages of orgasm as well.
"M-Master, I-," you whine, not even able to finish your thought as Luke brings his hand back up to rub your clit. He may be stubborn, and grumpy, but he is by no means selfish, especially not as a lover. Like with all things, he's determined to do this right. And he does--each thrust of his hips and tight circle rubbed by his thumb pushes you closer and closer, until finally you're pushed off that cliff and engulfed by the force of your orgasm. Twitching and spasming, legs shaking, you cry out as it overtakes your senses so spectacularly.
Luke watches you, completely in shock that he actually managed to do this--although you knew he would. Feeling you clench around him so deliciously is enough to motivate him to follow suit. Speeding up his pace one last time, positively hammering into you, he chases his own orgasm sloppily, desperately. Perhaps he hasn't had one in a long time, hasn't even had the desire to touch himself, so having you here to offer him some much needed relief truly is a godsend.
You're too blissed out and trembling in the aftershocks of your own orgasm to notice the way his hips stutter, finally stilling as he spills thick ropes of his seed inside you. In that moment, neither of you really care about the consequences--you don't think anything could happen, anyway--nor do you even really pause to contemplate them.
Luke stands before you, panting and slightly dazed, sweat making his hair stick to his forehead. Lowering your legs and pulling out--hot, white liquid spilling out of you as he does so--he adjusts his clothing and finally collapses beside you.
"That was, I..." you start, covering your face with your now-freed hands. "What are we now?"
Luke sighs. "We're something, I guess... something the Jedi of old wouldn't approve of." A glimpse at his old humor appears as he winks at you. "But they aren't here now, are they?"
You open your eyes to the sight of Luke asleep in your now shared bed. His hair is sprawled out on your pillow, long-lashed eyes still shut as he snores ever so lightly. The morning light bathes his sleeping face in a surprisingly lovely way, illuminating the soft, vulnerable side of an otherwise stoic and dignified Jedi master. His arm is still around you, mechanical hand resting at the small of your back--he still prefers to touch you intimately with his flesh hand, but by instinct, he'll use his cybernetic. You don't mind one bit, and he knows this. It brings him peace. Hence where he is now: entangled with you, beneath your covers, mind somewhere off in the realm of dreams.
"Oh, Skywalker..." you whisper, careful not to wake him. You can't tell whether you're talking to him, or really just talking to yourself. It isn't important. Taking a moment to pause, to think, you take a deep breath and say it--"...I love you."
Luke stirs, and you wince. Was it too soon? Is that not how he sees your relationship? He could wake up any minute and reject you and-
"Love you, too," he murmurs, not even opening his eyes, face still buried in his pillow.
Relief washes over you, but so does a strange new feeling... surprise? Excitement? Fear, even? No, no, it can't be anything bad... So you decide to accept it for what it is: something you can't explain, yet something that brings so much hope, so much meaning to your life. And, for the first time in a long time, you're happy--and he is, too.
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jeiji · 3 years
HI OH MY GOSH I LOVE UR BLOG 😠 idk if u do these kinds of scenarios but have u seen that TikTok trend where someone asks the other one to smell their shirt and when they lean over to smell, they kiss their forehead instead? here’s a link just in case :
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topic : fluff
featuring : sakusa , atsumu , osamu + suna
warnings : adorable babies :((
a/n : HAHA, HI LOVELY, I HOPE I DID THIS JUSTICE LMAOAO, and im so sorry i posted this so late :') ,, sorry i couldnt do tendou omg T^T , anyways enjoy<3
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❥ SAKUSA you were scrolling on tiktok when you saw this trend. it looked so cute, yet so hilarious, you couldn't help the need to try this on your own boyfriend. it was quite early, so you thought out a whole plan and hoped it worked accordingly.
the moment he walked through the door, you got into character and greeted your precious baby.
" y/n? i'm home..! " he calls out, a little too impatient.
" omi calm down i'm coming. " you giggle.
" can you run, please, i miss you. " he says. he drops his duffle bag, setting off to look for you.
he finds you walking out of the kitchen, and rushes towards you immediately. he traps you between his arms, before nuzzling affectionately into your neck.
" omi- you little baby. " you sigh with a smile. your hand moves to play with his hair as he sways both your bodies slowly.
" missed you. " he mumbles, placing soft kisses everywhere on your neck.
" missed you more, love. i made some dinner for you, go sit. " you tell him. he only whines as a response before snuggling you closer. caressing his face, you give him a soft peck before releasing yourself from his hold. he whines again, trying to pull you flush against him a second time, but fails miserably. he sits at the dinner table, not before heaving a little huff.
you walked over to the stove, finally setting the plan in place. you walked towards him, setting his plate of food down, then setting yours right after. you chuckle, before pretending to sniff your shirt.
" omi, do you think my shirt smells weird? " you asked. he looks up at you, a confused expression painted on his face.
" no? i mean, i don't think so. you always to the laundry perfectly, so, i'm not entirely sure.. " he furrows his eyebrows.
" here, could you check for me? " you ask. he only shrugs before nodding a 'yes' . as he leaned forward, he took a small whiff of your shirt before the feeling of your delicate lips lingering on his forehead.
he immediately shot up from his position, a bright red tinting his cheeks.
" ... such a brat. " he huffs, before pulling you in for a kiss.
❥ ATSUMU walks right through the door, calling you your favorite petname.
" BABYYY! WHERE ARE YA? " he screams at the top of his lungs.
" 'TSUM CALM DOWN- I'M RIGHT HERE. " you shout back, running towards him. he opens his arms widely before catching you with a stumble.
arms wrapped around his neck, he snuggles into you. inhaling your scent, you felt him smile. patting his back you jumped off of him, leaving him pouting.
" don't be such a baby, 'tsum " you laugh. he only pouts at your remark as you disappear into your bedroom.
immediately putting your phone on the drawer to record, you call atsumu.
" 'tsum! "
" no! i'm mad at 'ya. " he grumbles loudly.
" baby! " you call again. the sounds of running are evidently heard as you find your boyfriend gasping shallowly.
" am here, angel! " he giggles, approaching you. as he stood in front of you, he engulfed you into a deathly tightening hug. snuggling you yet again, he brings you towards the bed, plopping you down as he finally lays on your chest.
thinking your plan might've failed you sigh before playing with his blonde hair. atsumu's eyes begin to droop until you shook him awake.
" 'tsumie " you whisper. he grunts as a response. " does my shirt smell weird? "
" huh??? " he asks, still laced with sleep. you repeat your question, and without warning, he dips into your chest to take a whiff of your shirt. before he brought his head back up, you pecked his forehead. he shot his head towards you and he looked like he's just seen an actual ghost.
" baby, what was that? " he asks, raising an eyebrow.
" what was what? " you replied.
" did ya kiss ma forehead? " he smiles.
" mmm.. maybe? " you giggle. before you knew it you were stuck between his arms, being suffocated by his kisses. he thought you could definitely kiss his forehead more often.
❥ OSAMU walks in with plastic bags in his hands, yelling out a soft 'i'm home!'. this was definitely the perfect time to pull this tiktok prank on him. whenever he came home from work, he'd be much more clingy than he usually was. so, of course, you couldn't miss this chance.
" hey 'samu. " you smile, walking towards him. you give him a little peck on the cheek, before grabbing a few grocery bags from his hands.
he frowns at the lack of attention, and begins following you like a lost puppy.
" baby? are ya mad at me? " he asks softly. you turn to face him, before flashing him your famous smile.
" why would i be, love? " you respond, moving closer to caress his face. he melts into your touch immediately before you pull away yet again, to place the groceries in their rightful places.
he whines, quietly, but doesn't say anything.
as soon as you've finished with the groceries, you walked into your bedroom, quickly setting up your phone to record his reaction.
soon after, osamu walks in, sulking. you frown at his droopy shoulders, but you've got to follow through with your plan.
you fake sniff your shirt, making a sour face just to let your prank all more believable. osamu doesn't miss the way your face changes, and turns to look at you.
" what's wrong sweetheart? " he asks, coming over to you.
" do you think my shirt smells weird? " he gives you a confused face.
" hm.. no, ya never mess up when doin' the laundry. " he remarks. you stop yourself from smiling before asking him to smell your shirt.
" could you check for me? " with no hesitation, he shrugs and dips his face into your shirt, taking a big sniff.
you bit back a smile, before placing your lips delicately on his forehead. he freezes for a second, before hesitantly lifting his head up.
" what was that, baby? " he asks, a tint of red flushing up to his cheeks.
" hmm, nothing! so? does my shirt smell funny? " you immediately change the subject. osamu only frowns, as you snicker.
" baby, that's not funny, yer' kinda mean for doin' that. " he complains, but its okay, you make up for it with cuddles and kisses!
❥ SUNA groans loudly, as you try to push him off your chest. he heaves a little huff before lifting himself up to glance at you.
" rin.. you're heavy! " you exclaim.
" and you're comfortable, so i'm not moving. " he replies, nuzzling into your chest. you bite back a grin as he lays soft kisses on your collarbone.
" rinnie.. can you please get off? " you whine. he ignores your pleas and remains in his current spot. you sigh, only to push him straight off, catching him by surprise. he lets out a small huff, pushing his bangs out of his face before giving you a dirty look.
" what? don't give me that look, i asked you to get off and you didn't listen. " you giggle.
" you didn't have to push me off, though. " he frowns.
" mmm, you didn't give me a choice. " you respond. he continues to frown as you get off the bed.
following the tiktok trend you saw, you look through the closet, and change your shirt. you turn around, only to see suna smirking at you. " okay buddy, eyes off the snack. " you laugh. he giggles, continuing to eye you down. you now think this is the best time to pull the prank, so you turn around, shirt lifted up to your nose. " rin? " you call. he hums as a response, staring directly at you.
" do you think my shirt smells odd? " you ask. he looks up at you, confused, and gets up. walking towards you, he lets out a huff.
" baby, if i got up for no reason at all, i am going to- " cutting him off, you bring your shirt up to his nose. he sighs, before leaning in. taking a small whiff of your own shirt, he felt a pair of lips on his forehead. shooting straight up from his former position, he stares right at you.
ears tinted pink, with a little red dusting his cheeks. " if you wanted a kiss you could've just asked. " he pouts, pulling you in by the waist. giving you a big fat kiss, he drags you back into bed, plopping right on top of you.
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
Korekiyo with an s/o that gets flustered by his voice?
Shinguuji Korekiyo with a S/O that gets flustered by his voice
i will be on airplane by the time this comes out i THINK/? i still haven't packed yet so idk yolo
anyway tiktoks making fun of hearing people for trying to sign that two birds on a wire song are so fucking funny
-Mod Souda
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❤ He has this thing that he does where he will creep up on you, placing his hands just where your hips start, and whisper into the back of your head. This originally was merely his form of affection, until he saw how much you seemed to shrink away from him (flushed cheeks and all), which only motivated him to do it more.
❤ "Hello, beautiful." He whispers with his cheek pressed against your hair.
❤ You pull away from his bandaged hands. "Stop surprisingly me like that." And when you turn to him, your eyes are wide in embarrassment, and you can hardly look him in the eyes. It's cute. He thinks you're cute.
❤ He watches you a lot. He can't help it. Something about you, the way you interact with other people, the different ways in which you interact with him, it's all so interesting.
❤ He likes having that affect on you.
❤ When you wake up, he will turn his body to face you, kissing your neck before wishing you good morning. It's an amazing way to wake up. The butterflies - he always gives you butterflies.
❤ His voice lingers in your dreams. It might be because he talks to you while you are sleeping, gushing to you about how beautiful you are, words he says while you're awake as well.
❤ Before the two of you even got together, you never really hid your fascination with his voice.
❤ "My name is Shinguuji Korekiyo," he said.
❤ You widened your eyes and tried to hide your smile. "I love your voice."
❤ "My voice?"
❤ You nod, covering your smile with your hand, trying to play yourself off as casual. "It's really good."
❤ He thinks about that moment a lot. Humans are... interesting. Their bluntness is something that he admires - the way you went out of your way to express your genuine interest in him impressed him.
❤ But he never tried to fake his voice or make it more alluring to you. He wanted you to feel attracted to his authentic sound.
❤ Which seemed to work.
❤ He always wanted to be around you. The way you fell in love with him - it was beautiful. When he looked into your eyes, he saw the way you viewed him, and that made him feel appreciated amongst the call of people referring to him as a freak.
❤ When he butters you up, he cups your face and forces you to look at him as he compliments you. He loves to see the swirl of appreciation in your eyes. It makes him soft inside.
❤ When you hear other people compliment his voice, it makes you feel a bit... jealous? Like no - that's my thing to compliment him on. At the same time you are extremely prideful. He is your man and you're the one that gets to hear his voice everyday.
❤ You're also just all he's ever wanted.
❤ He makes sure to never take advantage of you or to make you feel unloved. He gives you gifts constantly, and for an anniversary (yes, he has a sense of humor) he gives you a build-a-bear with a recording of his voice inside of it.
❤ And hearing those petnames come from his lips - AMAZING. "My dear," and "beloved." Traditional things like that. Probably things in other languages, as well. He is such a giver when it comes to romance.
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lxvebun · 3 years
Hii bunny! Can i request some cuddles with yuji itadori or just hcs about what he would be lile as our boyfriend? Also with the nickname doll? Your writing has made me love that nickname haha
Boyfriend yuji hcs
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A/n hi angel thank you for requesting! This is my first yuji request so i hope you like it<3 i also wanted to try a new aesthetic hence the pictures il probably do this for jjk fics only but who knows
English is not my first language so im sorry for any mistakes
Cw yuji calls you baby,doll,angel. Some sukuna x reader as well. GN!reader. probably ooc lol
Dark blogs including if you reblog dark stuff , k!nk and ed blogs do not interact
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-♡ Ah yuji sweet boy he's so in love with you<3
-♡ he loves cuddling with you its his favorite part of the day. Yes you have to cuddle him everyday otherwise he gets grumpy
-♡ usually yuji just flops down ontop of you and cuddles his head into your neck. And when you start scratching his head or back oml he's melting.
-♡he also leaves a shit ton of kisses on your neck so if you're ticklish...haha good luck
-♡ speaking of kisses. Mans can't get enough of it. He will probably pass out if he doesn't get a lil smooch every 10 min.
-♡ yuji always wakes you up by giving you kisses all over your beautiful face and when you're awake he plants one on your lips. He also wakes you up a few minutes early so you have some cuddle time before both of you have to get ready
-♡ he always needs to be touching you in some way. Mans is big on physical affection. Arm thrown around your shoulder, holding hands,Linking pinkies!!
-♡ sometimes when you hold hands sukuna thinks its FuNnY to bite you so be careful with that
-♡ the compliments omg does he ever stop? No cause you deserve all the praise and support that exists<3
-♡ the moment you do it back tho he gets so blushy and giggly
-♡ and then he tackles you with a bunch of kisses to shut you up cause he can't handle being so flustered
-♡ yuji is always ready for romantic dates! Doesn't matter if it's planned or not if you want to go stargazing he is grabbing all the blankets and snacks and speeds out the door
-♡ sometimes sukuna pops in on your romantic moments so please just shut him up by shoving some food into his mouth.
-♡ he adores it when you wear his clothes!! You just look so cute in them! Honestly he wanted to see you in his clothes way sooner but he was to shy to ask
-♡ actually incapable of just calling you by your name its always a petname now
"Angel! I missed you!
"doll, can you help me with something?
"Baby, come here I wanna cuddle"
-♡ yuji gives bone crushing hugs because 1 he sometimes forgets his own strength and 2 because he's just so happy to see you!
-♡ if you have long hair he always makes sure that he has a hairtie with him
-♡ yuji is so proud of being your boyfriend and he lets others know as well wether they want to hear it or not
-♡ the moment someone says someting that reminds him of you he starts babbling on about how amazing you are
"yuji you have been dating them for a while now we get it you're their boyfriend"
"yeah but have I ever told you how amazing they are?? Like this one time-"
-♡ he has a ton of pictures on his phone of you. Some of them you know about and some of them are just sneaky pictures he took while you were busy doing your own thing
-♡ you're also his background too ofcourse
-♡ Yuji just loves you so much and you make him feel incredibly happy and loved
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-♡ Sukuna despises all humans... except for you
-♡ IKR
-♡ yuji gets very jealous everytime sukuna gives you a compliment.
-♡ usually he just gives you compliments only for yuji to hear to annoy him but when he's feeling soft he says them out loud to you as well
-♡ yuji is still wary with letting sukuna be alone with you even tho sukuna has promised him not to hurt you
-♡ what yuji doesn't know is that sukuna switches with him while he's asleep.
-♡ Sometimes you're cuddled into him
-♡ sometimes you're still awake pretending its the most normal thing in the word for the king of curses to be in your bed and just have a nice talk with him
-♡ yes, you're sukunas soft spot but he will not say it out loud
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Thank you for reading angels<3
Please take care of yourself and drink some water<3
request are always open!
♡navigation♡ ♡requesting info♡
♡yuji masterlist♡
Dark blogs including if you reblog dark stuff , k!nk and ed blogs do not interact
Here are my all my blog rules (its not much) break them you're blocked
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binniesthighs · 3 years
he lives in my lap | reader x changbin
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➛ Pairing: self insert, gender neutral reader x seo changbin 
➛ Recommended listening: she lives in my lap, outkast
➛ Genre: pwp (smut), fluffy tones, 18+ 
➛ Word count: 3.9k 
✨ Summary/Request Here ✨
Anon: sub!changbin nipple play drabble👁👁
i’m such a sucker for sub bin smh
a/n: thank you for requesting sweet anon! any day, any time i will write sub!changbin! this was such a pleasure to write n’ i hope that ya like it! <3
{see below for nsfw tags!} 
NSFW: dom!reader, sub!changbin, tsundere!bin, slightlybratty!bin, established relationship, use of petnames, body worship (calm tf down ro, we know you love binnies’ bod), *plz pretend to be surprised here too* thigh kink, power dynamics, LOADS of nipple play (m receiving), praising & mild degradation, handjob, lil pet of petplay (bunny), v soft aftercare 
you caught him sulking, bundled up in his chair with his legs crossed and his eyes dried. its the times like this when you don’t need him to tell you what’s going through his mind. he huffs and spins around just to get a moment to break his stare at the screen. he rubs at his temples where his headache surges, but he’ll never stop to ask for help or to express how tired he really is. 
“what are you working on?” you simply ask as you cross the way behind him and squeeze his shoulders. 
he sighs, and answers, “work.” 
it’s barely an answer, but knowing him, prodding wouldn’t do much else. 
“its getting late,” you pause, contemplating to next part of your phrase, “could you come to bed? i’d....love to have you with me...if you can.” 
his fingers stop their typing, and he pulls off a single padded headphone to listen to you. 
“you know that i’ve got a deadline. can’t.” 
“wouldn’t you like to--” 
“--can’t you just live one night without it?” he barks, swiveling in his seat to face you. 
his eyes, the whites of them pink and his under-eyes bagged, tell you that you can’t take exactly what he means to heart, but still, it doesn’t hurt much less. 
“bin--i just want you to take care of yourself and not overwork. you know that you need your rest to make everything work out right. right?” 
your boyfriend sighs and composes himself, then puts his headphones back on. 
“deadlines are deadlines.” changbin simply replies. “in a couple days it’ll be over.” 
the sound of his clicking at his mouse fills the room back up, and this close you can hear the faint buzz of his music on the other side of his headphones. its as if he wants to create some kind of shell between you and him; he pulls his hood up and balls himself up in his big black hoodie. 
with him, your patience overcomes anything. 
“bin--” you reach for his arm to rub in calming little circles with your thumb, “you’re worrying me.” 
the exhaustion in his voice causes it to crack, “i’m fine.” 
it doesn’t take him much to go up in arms when you pull off his headphones to hold his puffy face in your hands. earnestly you hold his eyes with yours. 
“you’ve worked so much already today. please, come to bed, i know you won’t admit it to yourself, but it’ll be okay if you sleep for just a little while....or, relax at least...” 
changbin huffs out again in his same little annoyed nature. you knew the ins and outs of him well: your words might have gone in one ear and left out the other, but they still would jumble him up on their way out.
“i said that i’m fine,” your boyfriend repeats, “you’re worrying over nothing.” 
it isn’t easy to admit defeat in the moment, but that’s all it is: a moment. he allows you the pause to plant a tiny kiss on his forehead before focusing back on his work. the truth is, you really did want him to join. the bed was always warmer with two anyway. these days, it was even a little hard to fall asleep with him. 
“well,” you throw your hands on your hips, “i’ll just be back here...if you need anything. i can warm up your side for you, kay?” 
for a moment, his fingers stop their clicking, wavering. “okay.” 
he likes it when you wear his shirts and other little things like that. he even thinks that its cute when you steal his socks and they bunch up a little. after living together your clothes have started to all smell the same, but knowing that it’s his has always been enough for you. 
at first, you promise yourself that you’ll stay up as long as he does, but not even you can stay up that late. he turns the lights off for you, leaving only his desk lamp and the blue screen of his desktop. silently you promise him that you’ll stay up as long as you can manage...
“--oh. sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up...” 
your blurry eyesight makes out the time that’s ticked past two hours since you last remember checking. 
“its okay,” your sleepy self returns. you’ve fallen asleep on his side of the bed which you promised to warm up, but he won’t ask you to give it up when you’re half awake. 
“i’ve decided to sleep in late tomorrow.” he hums while reaching for his phone light to turn it off. “you’re right.” 
“i know that i’m right.” 
even in the dark you can feel his little joking smirk. the mattress makes springy sounds under the weight of your two bodies, and somehow your hands find their way into the kangaroo pocket of his hoodie. there’s nothing like feeling his presence beside you--its a kind of irreplaceable reassurance that you’ve only ever felt in him. 
he’s close enough to feel his tiny breaths in the space between you, and how it tickles your upper lip. sleepy kisses float from your lips to his which he happy returns by pressing into you closer and melding your body with his. you make a point to kiss him slowly and with every ounce of intent that you are able to pour from yourself to him. 
your love unties himself for you just as he does whenever he feels your thumb trace under his jaw slowly or as you hold his face in your hands, tilting him to deepen your exploration of his mouth. you can feel him get looser and looser after being so tightly bound. your hands work at his knots with swift fingers that interweave with his hair, then find their way to traipse up the hem of his clothes. 
he mutters a little sound that could be translated into many pleasurable things, but you don’t need to think too hard to interpret it. 
“binnie...” you coo, gently rolling him to his back to lean over him with your upper body, “you’re doing so well. i can tell how hard that you’re working...there’s no need to hide.” 
he nods, allowing you to paint his cheeks with more little kisses that fall down to his neck, then travel back up to his ear where you nibble softly. in your own mind, its your favorite place to show him your love: he shivers feeling your breath quiver in his ear, then exhales out after feeling the small pull at his skin. 
higher under his shirt your hands tip-toe, then trance the curves of his sides and finally reach the spot where he is most sensitive...your boyfriend gifts you the gorgeous sound of his uncontrollable little whimpers once he feels the pads of your fingers graze over one of his hardened nipples. 
“oh?” you taunt, “already so sensitive?” 
changbin attempts a scoff that comes out airy on his lips, “i mean, yeah...when you do that.” 
your index circles his bud, causing and even more delightful symphony of shaking breaths to exit. 
“...but its so late...” you remind him. its halfway between a genuine reminder and somewhat of a challenge. there’s nothing more that you would want, but the clock tells you otherwise. 
your room is nearly devoid of light save for the way that the crescent moon peeks through the slits of the shades. the silver light illuminates his face in stripes, one of them directly over his eyes which makes them sparkle with the same iridescent shine of stars. 
“do you think that i care?” changbin shies a bit into the puffy pillow that cradles his head. 
from your position above him you can see the way that he pleads wordlessly, and how he just knows that he’s irresistible to you. his gaze softens to shift in that cute little pout. he too knows how to untie you, how to make you fall into him so deeply that you can’t see anything but him. he knows exactly what to say, how to wet his his cushy lip so it glistens just a little when he parts his mouth for you to crave even more than you already do. 
“do you want me to say please?” he adds. 
fuck, he really does know you well. 
your knuckles rub along the fuzzy underside of his sweater, scribbling more circles around his nipples that hardens them painfully even though you’re barely touching him. 
“that is my favorite word,” 
his tone is airy, barely audible when he asks as politely as he can, “please, can you use me how you want?” 
you tut, bowing low over his lips to only let them hover over his own. your lie of a kiss just barely makes contact with him. he whines from the promise of your taste, even wiggling his hips in his agony knowing that he won’t get what he wants quickly. 
“hm, i didn’t really hear you that time...” slowly your hands begin to pull the fabric of is shirt over his head. “say it again for me?” 
“please...?” your boyfriend desperately repeats. 
“and you’ll be a good boy for me? you’ll do what i say?” 
“yes...yes. everything that you say.” 
his hoodie ruffles up his cute dark locks that sprawl all over his face and even cover his eyes. for a moment you think of how his hair had gotten longer than you had noticed. you sweep it aside, holding his eyes while your hand swipes up and down his chest just between his pectorals. 
“and you’ll tell me when you want me to stop?” 
finally you grant him the kiss he’s been waiting for which he drinks up greedily, moaning carefully over your lips. 
you nearly startle him after forgetting to move slowly, finding your own eagerness taking hold of you. changbin’s eyes gleam seeing you on top of him and both of your legs straddling his sides. you slither farther down his body to align yourself correctly, then pause finding your place. 
after, he then startles you by letting out a sudden cry in response to his beloved sensation. both of your hands are busied pinching and tweaking directly at his pink nipples that turn redder from your touch. you toy with the hardened buds while his eyelids flutter--he can’t figure out if he wants to close his eyes to feel it all, or watch you. he decides upon the latter and tries his best focus on your hands spread on his chest. 
its a wondrous indulgence of yours as you watch the way that his muscles fill up your hands and even how his skin pops between your fingers when you squeeze. “my bun,” you sigh in admiration, “i just can’t handle you...” 
your head spins when he echoes, “neither can i...”
it seems fair for you to take off your top too, so you do. your hands survey farther up his chest, then course down his arms which you tuck to rest on each side of his head. 
“you know how it goes.”
he doesn’t even need the reminder. 
“fuck, you’re gonna take all the time you want now, aren’t you?” 
your boyfriend regains a bit of his composure to snark with that little unfair smirk of his. 
“would you rather me not do this for you at all...bun?” 
he rolls his eyes, impatient and annoyed for barely a second. he’s quieted the moment that he feels your lips float over his skin. you can feel the way that his breaths are thrown out from his lungs once you press even harder. his hips squirm and he turns into a puddle of half-choked winces that turn high pitched and needy the closer that you get to the sensitive areas of his chest. your tongue twists around it, only teasing at first and never allowing him to feel the full heat of your mouth. your left hand swipes up his side and settles right over his other bud which you toy with between your index and middle finger. you pull, then delight in the way that you can even feel his moans start deep from his core then come ripping out carelessly. 
at last you grant him the wet of your mouth when you tense your lips to pull too. you know that he likes it when you use your teeth too, but you never start with the most exciting part. 
his arms twitch like they usually do where they lay on both sides of his head. your boyfriend interlocks his fingers behind his head to pull and hold them there until his knuckles turn white. he would touch you, but you don’t like getting that distracted. you don’t need it anyway to heighten the way that unraveling him already pools heat between your legs and sends you grinding over his midsection. 
you use a combination of gentle kisses contrasted with the pull of your fingers and eventually the bite of your teeth to get him properly gasping out as if he cannot breathe. your name finds its way twisted into some of his moans too; it sounds so perfect, so right said that way: airy, wavering, shaking after he bites it into his lip too. 
you stop to admire him, now using your thumbs to tease at the way his reddened nipples now look painfully aroused and even glimmer with the sheen of your saliva upon them. changbin is flushed out all across his cheeks and even over his nose bridge. the rouge spreads down to his neck where the veins there quiver with each of his senseless gasps for air. he jerks from the careful feeling of the pad of your thumb compared to how viciously you had tugged at him before. you grind down your hips into his hard-on between your legs and into your own heat which craves him just as much. 
he nods, and chuckles out after reveling under your view. 
you free his hands from their place behind his head, then you immediately find yourself wrapped up so tightly in his arms that you let out a tiny squeak. his thick arms that stretch with the strings of muscles always remind you that the power you have over him, he holds over you just the same. he brings your lips back to his to kiss thanks into your mouth that’s become raw from your musings. 
“i’m not done yet.” you sneer directly into him. 
“i had a feeling.” 
your love knows how to sit and look pretty for you. how to keep his hands to himself and wait just enough for you to make a proper mess of him. even though you don’t see it, he’s infatuated watching you twist over him to the bed table and pick up the cup of water that holds partially melted ice. the sound of the cubes chime against the glass and burns your hand with the cold once you choose the largest of the lot. 
changbin looks at you fearful at first still consumed by your heat which lingers all over his body. you test out the sensation by spreading out your opposite hand first which is wet from the condensation from the glass. 
“ah!” he winces out. 
“too cold?” 
“n-no...” somethings shift in the way that he holds your gaze and the ice quickly melting in your hand. “i-i want it...” 
“you sure?” 
“please don’t make me wait again...” 
the cold from the cube starts to make your fingertips turn numb, but its of no conscious to you when he holds every bit of your attention while you wait for his visceral response. 
he yelps, nearly almost screaming from the mixture of cold and hot that swirls around his body. he grinds his teeth into a groan next to steady himself feeling the tenderness of his nipples next to the freezing cold. you can’t help but stifle a greedy laugh at how downright confused he seems at the two sensations of arousal and biting pain that made him feel even more lightheaded. 
you love the sight of the whites of his eyes when he reaches a kind of euphoria that only you can give him. 
“oooooh god.” he laughs along with you at how preposterously unreal it feels. the little smile that anchors on his mouth is unbelievably cute, and you can’t help but want to feel it on your own. 
you trace circles around and around his buds until they harden just as they had done under your tongue. he shivers too; either from the cold, or from the overload of his senses--it travels from the tip of his head, through his hips and down to his toes. 
“aw, my bun likes this...doesn’t he?” 
the ice only lasts a few moments on his chest and between your fingers. after, his chest is left shimmering from the new substance that looks like liquid crystal all over him and where it drips down to the comforter in droplets. 
you shift your attention lower down his stomach where you stop right above his bellybutton to let both of your hands hook under his sweats. you look up for approval, which he eagerly gives with the hastily phrase repeated, “do it, do it.” 
his clothes it the floor in a puddle, and your boyfriend is left bare for you to take in. you indulge in every single part of him that you’ve explored time and time again, but each time it feels renewed. your hands eat up his thighs with covetous squeezes until the crescent-moon shape of your nails decorates him nearly everywhere. they slide up higher, finding the place where his curved and rosy cock bobs waiting for your touch. 
“poor bunny....does it ache when i don’t touch your cute little cock?” you trace a finger up his shaft which causes his body to violently jerk in response. the truth of the matter is, he’s anything but little. 
even when your words turn venomous back on him, he still drinks it up as if it is nectar. 
a wicked chuckle passes by your lips remembering what he had said to you a couple hours before. “can’t you just live one night without it?” 
“n-no--” he stammers, “i-i’m sorry that i said--” 
you silence him with a finger to his lips. “sit up.” 
he does so, trying to gauge what you’re planning to do next. the mystery of it all enthralls him to the point of working his cock up with pearly pre-cum that drips down his length. changbin waits as you reposition yourself behind him, just so he sits flush against your torso and between your legs. 
at first, you trial you hands up and down his thighs to create a show for him. your fingertips tickle him gently where his leg hair grows thin and soft. you then move to massage into his inner thighs and the more intimate erogenous areas there that you claw at. 
“hm. maybe i’ll let you get what you want if you say--” 
your boyfriend’s hands bury themselves into the sheets to grab at anything to provide balance. “--please! please...i’ll say it however many times it takes...” 
you tsk, then nibble into the peachy cartilage of his earlobe. “mm, that’s enough. i’m feeling generous...” 
you wet a stripe of your saliva up your palm and guide it to his length where you give him one good squeeze that is more than enough to send his toes curling. he whimpers out feeling the lack of contact afterward, realizing that one squeeze was all that you were planning. instead, shift your motions toward his tip and his seeping slit. the tip of your index draws rings around it which elicits agonizingly gruff growls from his throat that you’ve only ever heard a couple times before. 
“please, please, please....” he chants. 
you do love the way it sounds. 
his moans become even louder once he feels the tension from your grasp where it returns to his shaft and pumps. in a way, the whole image is just perfect for the both of you: as you peer over his shoulder you can’t even but help feel turned on by the sight of your own hand and how it twists around the throbbing veins that imprint his cock. with your non-dominant hand you continue traversing the squishy and fleshy bits of his thigh. 
your boyfriend laughs out his growing self-indulgence while you work your hand up and down, then experiment with testing him with the ways that you can squeeze harder then softer. changbin throws his head back into your shoulder lazily once he starts to feel his senses slow and intensify the closer that he gets to his release. he shudders against you too, and tightens his body too as he edges himself even closer.
after the distraction that you’ve crafted tugging him up and down and how the twist of your wrist feels like heaven, he jumps still feeling your free hand find its way back up his chest one last time roll his nipple between your fingers. the combination of the two sends him spilling right over the edge and overflowing with a rambling of curses and half-attempted moans coupled with the release of his seed cascading down the back of your hand. 
nearly all of your boyfriend’s weight falls upon you and you giggle trying to deal with your previously cold and stubborn lover reduced to nearly nothing but a limp and euphoric mess in your arms. 
“you okay?” you ask him, peppering tiny kisses into his neck. 
“give me...a minute.” he laughs out too. “i’m just...really...exhausted. but--in a really, really good way.” 
“time to get some rest then?” 
changbin nods, and gives you back as many kisses he can with his neck titled at this somewhat awkward angle. 
“stay right here, hm?” 
you cradle him back to slide out from behind him and work at cleaning yourself off, and them him--he loves obliging if it means that he gets to be pampered with clean clothes and your little massage to his shoulders to get his tensed body relax even more. the blankets get exchanged for new ones and you find him telling you not to put your shirt back on. 
changbin flushes, explaining, “i just like being close like this with you. everyday. any day. i can’t live without it either.” 
you can’t exactly tell who is “holding” who, but it all just feels so peaceful and intimate you almost forgot that you were supposed to be sleeping until the day breaks behind your boyfriend’s shoulder. 
“thank you,” changbin sighs, “thank you for taking care of me.” 
“now start taking care of yourself.” you tease, “don’t overwork yourself, got it?” 
your boyfriend sleepily hums, and tows you right back into his chest. “don’t worry, i have a feeling that i’ll be sleeping in pretty late.” 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @lunarskzzz  @yourdaddychan @bubblelixie @spnobsessedmemes @cherrychngkyn @iwanttobangchan @bowlofblueberries @lmhmins @eunaeiekim 
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
The hands of a sinner 🔥[M]
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Pairing: Dom! Jungkook x Sub! Reader
Gender of the Reader: female
(The Version of this Idea with a male reader could be found here!)
Word Count: 2k
Genre: Smut!
Warnings: Filthy Language; also filthy Dirty Talk; Hand Kink + Tattoo Kink = Jungkook Hand Tattoos!; Petnames; Daddy-Kink; soft Dom-/Sub-Themes; a freaking lot of teasing; Jungkook is the biggest tease in the international history (he's literally Satan!); fingering; a little bit of Pussy Exhibitionism(?); Squirting (+ a wet bed); mentions of unprotected vaginal sex (stay safe, condoms are there for a damn reason!)
A/N: Just realize how damn sexy his hand tattoos are... even when I don't have usually a thing for Tattoos, especially not on Hands! But... it's Jungkook. That should be explaination enough!
And I think it could be maybe interesting for @h0esvck and @lustfuldevils! Love you😏🔥💕 
Info: Well... I’m pretty embarrassed and I’m so sorry (really hunny!!) to forgot where I got the inspiration from and WHICH LITTLE DEVIL AWAKE THIS DEEP DESIRE AND THIS KINK IN ME! IT WAS @sugarly-laysa​!!! (I think I didn’t want to remember it because your Scenario turned me way too much on... Take this poor excuse as a compliment Sweetheart xD 💕)
Well, you can find the inspiration material aka the work of a very talented devil here!
Summary: Since Jungkook got his hand tattoos, you've found out that they have a stronger effect on you than you would like it. You also have good reasons not to tell him that you are developing a kink for his tattoos. And these reasons getting also confirmed...
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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"Hm, Baby? Why didn't you tell me that you like my tattoos that much?" Jungkook whispers in a teasing tone and laughs softly as you gasp for a breath and observe his calm right hand on your thigh like hypnotized, only his thumb draws small circles on your bare skin. A gesture that's supposed to "calm you down", but it does the exact opposite, causes that your breathing only gets quicker and you have to bite your lower lip in order not to let the whimpering, that is in your throat, comes over your lips.
You really can't remember how you got into this situation right now... but it has something to do with your intense stare at Jungkook's tattooed right hand. Perhaps also with the dirty thoughts that you had in your head at the moment and maybe caused that your cheeks had turned bright red without you noticing.
In any case, you are now with your back to the head of your bed, a Jungkook who's kneeling over you with a knowing smirk and this damn hand, which has put so many indecent thoughts in your head, is on your thigh and is just waiting for it to ruin you.
"T-This here was the reason! I k-knew you would tease the shit out of me and wouldn't let me live with it anymore!", you reply with a trembling voice and press your lips together to let these sinful moans and whimpers where they belongs to. In your mouth and not to let them come over your lips and thus give Jungkook the pure satisfaction and complacency!
But Jungkook knows you, knows how to interpret your facial expressions all too well, especially in situations like this, and he also knows all your other soft spots, which is why it really doesn't help to resist his charm. To your displeasure, you already know that you can't stand it for a longer time anymore.
His hand, exactly this very dangerous hand with all the seductive tattoos, is no longer lying still on your leg, but now is slowly sliding up your thigh. Slips cheekily under the hem of your skirt and head to the center between your legs. You involuntarily hold your breath, longingly expect that his hand will lie on your clothed vulva soon and maybe even slip under the already damp fabric of your panties. But his hand stops at the top of your thigh, so that a frustrated whimper leaves your mouth.
"After such a long period of abstinence so damn needy, Babygirl? If you had said earlier what I should do with this hand, you would have cum countless times with the help of this hand, Princess~", Jungkook whispers in a husky voice into your ear and chuckles again at the end of the sentence. A hot shiver chases down your spine as your boyfriend grabs your earlobe between his teeth and gently tuck on it, before he lets his lips wander down and spread hot kisses on your neck, sucks on your soft skin here and there and leave dark marks.
Meanwhile, your own desire rises immeasurably, little moans leaves your lips, you close your eyes and buck your hips helplessly and desperately up, in the hope that Jungkook will finally let his hand wander into the area where you need him the most. You can't get that damn last sentence out of your head. Then you would've cum countless times with the help of this hand.
Fuck, how many times have you imagined how Jungkook could finger you with this hand, with those damn sexy tattoos on his knuckles. With these deliciously long fingers into your greedy little pussy.
A high pitched moan leaves your throat when suddenly the tips of the fingers of this specific hand caress and tease your clothed pussy lips. A deep growl can be heard from Jungkook.
"Fuck! Baby, already so wet? Already so damn ready to get fingerfucked by Daddy? Getting fingerfucked by Daddy's Hand full of tattoos? Babygirl, I wanna see that facial expression of the emoji on my middle finger on your face when I'm torturing your G-Spot with the exact same finger and gonna make you squirt for me~"
His dirty talk shoots directly into your abdomen, makes this ball of pure pleasure bigger and bigger and therefore makes you more and more restless and needy. "Please...", runs from your lips. You can no longer withstand his touches, his words and certainly not his fantasies about what he wants to do with you. Damn Jungkook!
"Please what? You have to say what you want in proper sentences, my little girl~"
Your cheeks turns into a deeper shade of red than they already are. "P-Please finally fuck me with your fingers! I want you to stuff them into my tight pussy hole and let me cum on your hand... please!"
You whimper and buck your pelvis into his palm, to find some friction and with it, some relief. Jungkook suck a breath in sharply.
"Fuck, you want that? You want me to finger you until you squirt all over my tattoos?" A loud whine fills the room, you furrow your eyebrows together and nod violently, rubbing yourself against Jungkook's hand. "Yes, yes, yes Daddy! I-I wanna squirt all over your tattoos and make them all wet! Please let me cum on your hand!"
Some curses comes out of Jungkook's mouth, suddenly his hand is gone between your thighs, making you whimper out of frustration.
But this tone of your voice changes very quickly into a surprised one, turns the whimpering into a squeak, since Jungkook pulls with two rough yanks at first the pair of panties down and then your skirt.
Now your lower half is completely bare in front of him and instinctively you want to close your legs. But Jungkook is faster.
"Nuh, nuh, nuh! Not so shy my darling when you begged me to finger that pussy of yours just a few minutes ago~", he growls with an unreadable devilish smile on his lips and puts both hands on your knees and presses them gently, but determinant apart. Licks his lips at the sight of your shiny pussylips, glistening full of your arousal. He smirks at you arrogantly, but this kind of arrogance that only makes you even wetter.
To prevent you from closing your legs again, he places himself between your legs and sits on your calves. Spreads his own legs, on which your own legs are laid, a little bit more, so that you're finally completely exposed and lying open in front of him. Pussylips are slightly spreaded and allows a seductive view at your tight hole, what is still clenching around nothing.
With his left hand he supports himself on the headboard and now let his right hand slides down of the inside of your left thigh, until his palm lies on your vulva and his thumb gently strokes your clit.
Whimpering, you're moving forward with your hips, looking for more friction, for touching, just for more! "Please, Kook! Don't tease me!"
"But it's so hot to tease you... to make my stubborn babygirl all whiny just for me~" You're about to start begging for real to get finally fingered, but in that moment he moves his hand down and spread your pussy lips completely open for him, to enjoy the sight of your glistening cunt, just perfectly ready to take two fingers into your sweet hole right at the beginning.
But before he finally going to fulfill this wish of yours, it's still too interesting to see how you react to other plays with his fingers. Like how you flinch and what cute moans he's able to elict from your lips when he rubs the pads of his index and middle finger sideways to your clit.
"D-Daddy, please! I-I need your fingers, your tongue, your cock! I need something of you in my pussy, p-please!", you beg.
Your hands grabs Jungkook's wrist, you think about to lead his fingers into your cunt by yourself.
"So greedy, such a greedy and naughty girl I have here! To be honest, you should get a punishment for your impatient behavior, but this pussy of yours looks so beautiful, so wet and messy... I think I could get over it. But don't think I'll go down easy in you!", he wispers into your ear, when he's fingers finds finally his way into your tiny hole. 
A moan full of relief left your lips and out of primal sexual instinct and need you're bucking your hips up, so his fingers are literally sucked in by your desperate pussy and your tight walls keeps him all way in.
"My Babygirl's pussy is so needy and eager to have tattoed fingers in herself that she wouldn't let me out anymore? So desperate, such a desperate and naughty Princess I have here...", he groans in a deep voice.
"What about I bend my fingers just in the right position for you?~"
As he is saying this, his fingertips reach exactly the right spot and before you realize it, he slamms his fingers into you, make you scream. Hitting your G-spot with every stroke, lets you see stars and your desire to grow infinitely.
"Baby, look! Look down on yourself! Look, how my hand full of tattoos fucks you, how your tiny hole sucks my fingers in, how wet you're already and what kind of mess you already have here between your legs. I'm gonna ruin you so bad baby~ "
As your eyes wander down between your legs, it feels like getting a punch of pleasure straight into your abdomen. He wasn't lying, not at all. Your pussy really sucks his fingers it, you are so wet, your sweet juice is overflowing, this loud lewd squelching sound that are coming out of your cunt, thanks to Jungkooks fingerfucking. The knot in your belly, full of lust is getting bigger and bigger and is not far from bursting. Sounds come from your throat that you don't even know from yourself. And Jungkook also knows that you are not far from cumming.
"Hm? My little naughty Baby is already about to cum? So fast, just from a bit fingerfucking? Just because you see Daddy's tattoed hand is coated all over in his Princess juice? Wanna cum, Babygirl? Wanna squirt all over Daddy's Hand, gushing all that clear pussy cum over Daddy's Tattoos? Being a dirty girl and make Daddy's Hand all wet from your pussy juice and cum? Being a naughty and filthy girl just for me and squirt on my Hand?~ "
"Oh my God Jungkook! Oh my god, I-I'm gonna... I'm gonna..."
"Come for me, baby! Be a naughty girl for daddy and squirt your juices all over Daddy's hand~"
You only need two more thrusts of his hand to gush all your cum over his hand and whining and sobbing out of pleasure and oversensitivity.
Jungkooks movements slows down and massaging your trembling and shaking legs gently with his other hand to give you some time to find yourself again. But your eyes snaps open, when you hear Jungkook unbuckles the belt of his jeans.
"Jungkook wha-"
"Well princess, seeing you squirting on my hand was pretty hot and my cock agrees to that. The sheets are already soaked with your cum and it's not much time left then it'll be the mattress too. So we will need a new mattress anyway, that's why I thought I could fuck you now properly too and make you squirt again, with this magical hand on your clit~", says Jungkook with a smile of satan and licking complete satiesfied your cum off the fingertips of his right, tattoed hand.
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My Imagines where you can request something!
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katsuukiwii · 4 years
Levi SFW Alphabet
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WARNING: Too much cuteness, read at your own risk.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?): Levi is very awkward when it comes to romance, that’s just how he’s always been. His usual way is making you some tea, or doing paperwork with you while you hold hands. The most romantic he’ll get is him letting you sit in his lap while he does paperwork, or cuddling. Also he doesn’t know that you hate the way he drinks tea but you still take it bc you know it makes him happy.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?): He would be an awesome best friend, because he knows you understand him. It’s not often people get to realize that he’s not that bad! The friendship would probably start through either meeting in the underground, or through training. He’d give you one-on-one lessons, where he would eventually get to know you better.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?): He loves cuddling, but it’s usually more favorable to him when you two cuddle. That’s because he likes being the little spoon! He loves spooning, but usually he likes when he has both arms wrapped around your waist, yours draped on his shoulders while his head lays on your chest. But he also loves when he’s laying on his back with you laying on top of him on your stomach.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?): We all know he’s better at cleaning than Mr. Clean himself. He’s also a relatively good cook! He’d love to settle down with you, but it would DEFINETLY be after the titans are gone, and it would be in a safe area. He worries about you!
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?): He’d be crushed, but he’d also be very glad. Of course, it would suck to break up with you. But he’d rather have broken up with you than have one of you dead. If he HAD to do this, he’d be very understanding of your feelings, and try not to hurt you too much.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?): He knows nothing good lasts forever, except for love. So he’d love to get married to you. He’s just fine with commitment, there’s nothing wrong there. He’d like to wait maybe two years before getting married so he knows you’re the one AND so he knows you love him back enough to get married!
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?): Emotionally, he’s a closeted cinnamon roll. So he’s SUPER gentle emotionally. Physically though, he’s rather rough. He always killing these GIANT beasts and training so he gets scared when he’s trying to be careful with you. With him, tickle fights can feel like brutal scratching because of his calloused hands. You’ve walked in on him soaking his hands multiple times, so he can keep from hurting you. It’s cute.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?): He loves hugs! His favorite hugs are when his S/O hugs him from behind, wrapping their arms around his shoulders carefully, and pulling him close. He doesn’t hug you regularly, but he does every now and then! His hugs are always the ‘as if I’ll never see you again’ hugs. He pulls you close, nuzzling his face into your shoulder, maybe giving you a peck on the cheek.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?): It takes him a while to say this. He wants to, he really does, but every time he lets himself get close to somebody something tragic happens to them. Isabel, Farlan, Kuchel, Petra, Oluo, etc. He doesn’t WANT to love you but he knows he can’t help it. He’ll tell you after 6 months at LEAST!
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?): Levi doesn’t get jealous, he knows you love him! but if he does get jealous, his face will be flushed a light pink out of frustration and embarrassment as he hugs you close, hiding his blush from anybody else around.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?): His kisses are short and sweet! But he ALWAYS lets you know how much he loves you in those kisses! Levi likes to kiss your cheeks, and nose! With him, he likes being kissed on his forehead and on his shoulder. It makes him feel safe!
L = Little ones (How are they around children?): He would be TERRIFIED to have babies. He definitely wants kids, but like I said earlier, he’s naturally very rough physically, he can’t help it! He’d also like to wait until after the titans are gone for this! He wants to ensure that nothing TOO horrible will happen, and that if something bad DOES happen, he can protect you all. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?): He’s usually awake before you, WAY before you. But mornings with Levi are probably the best part of the day for him, and for you! He loves when you’re the first thing he sees. He’s a sleep snuggler, so he usually wakes up with his arms wrapped around you tightly. If you really try, you can actually make him stay in with you! Every morning, he takes you into the bathroom where you both get a shower! He likes to hug you from behind while you wash the suds off your body, and you often see a content smile on his face! 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?): Just like the morning, you both get a shower before going to bed! Yes, 2 showers every day. Being in the corps makes you all sweaty and smelly, so it’s DEFINITELY worth the time! At night, you’re both obviously sleepy. Yes, Levi has insomnia but he usually goes to bed at a normal time because of how exhausting work is. You’ll both have a hot cup of tea before bed, then cuddle until you both fall asleep! 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?): Levi’s got a pretty fucked up past. He wouldn’t date anybody unless they knew his past! He wants to know that the person he’s dating will care about him, despite what happened in the past. He’ll reveal things slowly, giving you some details, but eventually he tells you the story! 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?): Levi, despite his usual attitude, can keep his cool easily. He’s very level-headed. Of course, he has his moments where he’s especially pissy, but he’s mostly able to handle it. He’s rarely mad at you, he calls you his medicine. Literally, that’s your petname! He calls you “medicine”  because only you can heal him.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?): He’ll obviously forget SOME things, but he remembers most things about you. He’ll instantly try to figure out a plan for any celebration like your birthday, christmas, etc. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?): His favorite moment in your relationship was when he was crying over a nightmare. Yup. In the nightmare, he had talked to his mother, and despite the dream being extremely wholesome, he still cried because he missed her so much. As he was sobbing in your arms you started singing a song, one his mother sang to him when he was younger. He started to calm down while you stroked his nose carefully. Yes, he was a strong, courageous man, but he still needed special treatment every now and then. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?): He’s very protective! No shock there. How? Any way he can. He can protect you emotionally, mentally, and physically. With you, he likes to be protected mentally. A lot of shit happens in the Survey Corps, so just knowing you’re there to be his medicine calms him. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?): He puts a lot of effort into special events. It won’t be the BIGGEST thing, but he definitely tried his hardest, and just knowing that is enough! Like I said, once he learns something about you, he mentally plans out events.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?): Not really a terrible habit, but he’ll talk to himself a lot! Another bad habit I heard is drinking tea, so that’s obviously one. He’ll click his pen if he’s stressed and crack his knuckles as well. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?): He cares about his appearance! That’s obvious. He won’t go all-out for you, but hygiene is a big thing for him!The most formal he WANTS to get is slicking his hair back, but since he’s ‘Humanity's Strongest Soldier’ he’s often requested at formal events. Also one of the reasons he shaves his face. Yup, he’d like to grow a little stubble, but it’s annoying to maintain!
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?): Levi has to spend a good amount of time away from you, since being in the corps keeps you busy! But like I said earlier, you’re his medicine, so without you he gets ‘sick’. By that I mean, he starts to feel lonely and gets lost in his thoughts. He’s obviously got PTSD, probably depression as well, so he needs you around! Short answer is yes, he feels incomplete without you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.): He’s like your own personal puppy dog! If you ask something from him, he’ll do it if he’s got time! He stays awake until you get home where he’s instantly at the door, and he’s often trailing behind you to make sure you’re safe. If he WERE a dog, his tail would be wagging happily. It’s wholesome tbh!
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?): In general, he’s very picky with the food he eats. Sometimes he refuses to eat what’s in the mess hall because he thinks it’s gross. In a partner, he would prefer his polar opposite. So I don’t think he’d be into someone who's blunt, snarky, and monotone. He would prefer to have his own little ray of sunshine! He also wouldn’t like if his partner liked to keep everything in about themselves. More gross things in his mind would be if his S/O picked their nose or chewed their nails. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?): Levi doesn’t sleep much, but every morning, you’ll find a small spot on your shirt or the pillow. He drools in his sleep! You didn’t expect that from such a clean man! And earlier I also mentioned he’s a sleep snuggler!
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mikasocks · 4 years
Dating Shoto Todoroki would include...
A/n : HI! hope you all enjoy my first post, much lovee Paring(s) : Shoto Todoroki x Reader  Tyoe/Warning(s) : Mm swearing? 
Synopsis: How would Shoto Todoroki act as you boyfriend?
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Tbh todo was intrigued by you from day one, I mean you gave 110% to everything you did. don’t think the boy didn’t notice you.
He found you admirable, albeit a dummy when you worked so hard you looked like you’d puke.
Todo worried about you somtimes but from a distance of course.
It started with little glances, it almost became a tradition to just peak your way before and after class. I guess you could say he just wanted to check up on you.
Glances became longer until one day you noticed, the stoic boy who sat across the class was looking right at you.
Neither one of you tore away just staring at each other until the bell rang. A hot blush crawled up your neck.
After that you ran into the boy at the dorms, you and shoto both rounding the corner at the same time in the still of the night.
You walked straight into his chest, gripping at his shirt so you wouldn’t fall backwards. His hand placed on your shoulder to keep you steady.
looking up slowly you hoped it wasn’t bakugo who’d surely wake up everyone.
You looked up to see todoroki’s eyes on you
You both quickly let go of each other, as he straighten his shirt.
“I’m so so sorry todoroki-kun, I didn’t think anyone would be awake at this hour.”
“Why are you awake?”
“I couldn’t sleep, mm what about you?”
“Me too.”
You two spent the rest of the night talking/sitting in a comfortable silence under the moon until you began feeling sleepy.
You both returned to your rooms. Not without a small “sleep well.” From todoroki.
Todo wasn’t gonna lie, he definitely started to take a liking to you after that day. Not that he didn’t like you prior, you were just easy to be around now that you’ve shared a conversation.
He started walking you to class
The first day everyone was surprised to say the least, seeing you both walk into togther.
Walking each other to class slowly turned into training together, eating togther, studying togther, and anything else you would think of.
He was your person and you were his through it all
Todo never fully realized he had feelings for you until one day when you were both sparring without your quirks.
You punched him square in the jaw and he fell back looking up at your figure.
You looked gorgeous your hair was down to emulate a real fight and your forehead glistened from your sweat. You held your hand out to the boy.
You were strong with or without your quirk. He knew you could take care of yourself and that fact made you so very attractive in his eyes.
He fell literally and figuratively
“You getting up? Or should I put my hand down todo?”
Todoroki confessed on accident tbh ha..... ha
Of course you and todoroki would study togther for finals
You worked so hard trying to get a good mark, you left little time to eat or sleep. Once you set a goal there was no way you wouldn’t reach it.
You two usually studied in your dorm, you sprawled your stuff on your bed while todo sat on the floor his papers on the small table in the middle of the room.
Ngl you both always faced each other while you studied, It was an unspoken tradition.
little glances made your heart go kajskjakaia
Wow he’s so pretty
You honestly didn’t need his help to study and he didn’t need yours, you both just enjoyed the company.
One day you were feeling sick, you pulled an all nighter the day prior to study and do homework, only to do it the next day with todo.
Of course todoroki noticed he was observant with the ones he loved
Oo love
You looked pale and kept rubbing your temples
Todo sighed, standing up and gathering your papers before sitting on your bed next to you.
“Okay, time to take a break.”
“Mm Why?”
This boys sooo blunt
“Because I love you and hate that you aren’t taking care of yourself.”
0.0 <- u
-_- <- todoroki on the outside
0.0 <- todoroki on the inside
You guys stare at each other for awhile
Todo thinks he fucked up big time.. damn poor boy, he really didn’t mean to just confess like that but ig there’s no going back now.
“Do you just love you me or are you in love with me?”
“I’m in love you with Y/n, I’ve always been.”
“I love you too shoto.”
Baby doesn’t know how what to say ha.... ha.. yikes
For your first date todo so nervous, he wants it to be perfect. To him you deserve it.
He even searched up cute date ideas, pick up lines, and how to ask a girl out.
What a cute loser
Todo ends ups setting up a beautiful picnic by a quite River, it’s just you and him. A blanket sprawled under a tree and soba for two.
It really was prefect. You shared your first kiss under that tree and even collected a cute rock that you still have lying on display in your room.
“Can we kiss again?”
Thus began your relationship with icy hot
Touching is unlike todo at first tbh, he doenst really initiate skinship very often so you usually have to.
But once he gets comfy, he really is all over you.
When shoto gets clingy and you’re not paying attention to him, all he does is tap your leg repeatedly and look up at you until you start loving on him.
Shotos hands are a bigger than yours so somtimes when you two are lying in bed, he’s just playing with your fingers and wrapping them around his own absentmindedly.
He likes hugging you from behind and putting his head on top of yours or on your shoulder.
Best know shoto loves when you wrap your arms around his neck when you hug. He loves just being fully engulfed by you. Somtimes he picks you up so you can wrap your legs around his waist and he’ll just carry you to bed for cuddles.
Shoto switches between big and little spoon
He really like being little spoon though, hearing your heart and knowing that it belongs him.
The boys a little possessive. Growing up, nothing was ever just his.
But here you are, all his.
Sometimes he mumbles in his sleep and it’s super duper cute but never coherent enough to make fun of him for anything he says.
Other times when he has nightmares he’ll wake up to your sleeping body pushed up against his side. He’ll sigh grateful that you’re next to him, awake or not just looking at you comforts his heart. Todo will then pepper kisses along your collarbone and hold you close.
If he wakes you up ?
Oops. But not really. He’d feel bad obviously, but honestly in that moment of fear all he wants is for you to hold him and tell him everything will be okay.
And that’s exactly what you’d do?
“It’s okay, it was just a nightmare sho.. I’m here. I got you.”
At first he thought cuddling was weird, like holding somone while they sleep? the slight chance of rolling onto them and suffocating them ? Yeah no.
He needs you alive.
But slowly you forced him to cuddle and now he loves it.
Forehead kisses are a must
His favorite place to kiss you is your cheek
And his favorite places to be kissed are his is jaw/shoulder
His mom loves you to bits, you’re so good for shoto and she sees that.
Endeavor.. well.. he doesn’t mind you, scratch that he doenst mind your impressive quirk. In all honestly though he’d rather you stay away, you’re a distraction. Fucking asshat
No.. but actually he’s a fucking asshat
You’re parent(s)? (Guardian(s)/silbing(s)) love shoto, he’s so quite and nervous at first so they didn’t really have an opinion tbh. Until they see how well he treats you and how happy you are. Overall their love for shoto is endless, it’s gonna take a lot to mess that up.
Sometimes when shoto is feeling down about anything or his father, you two just lay togther. His head on you chest while you massage his scalp, his arm wrapped around your waist slightly under your shirt.
When you’re upset, shoto sits with his back against leaning against whatever is convenient. You curl up in his lap, and he’ll pat your head and kiss away your tears.
You two don’t really like talking when you’re hurting. A comfortable silence always lifts your spirts and if you wanna talk about it later? of course he’s ready to listen. Always.
You two almost never fight
There’s no reason to fight in todoroki’s eyes. He’s had enough fighting. He doesn’t like yelling at you ever.
If you two end up in a disagreement, you both talk through it calmly.
If you do fight though, hes quick to apologize. He hates anything that reminds him of his father. The yelling. the screaming.
Just know if you cry, he cries. He can’t stand stand seeing his baby hurting. Especially if he’s the cause.
“Hey hey baby I’m so sorry, it’s okay, we’re okay. We’ll figure this out, I love you y/n please forgive me.”
Jealous todo? so hot (but actually)
One time mineta tried to lift your skirt, in front of todo. (Before anyone knew you were togther) bro.... I mean shoto was fuming, like actually smoking.
“Mineta.” He would grab mineta shirt and slowly pull him close, honestly the most aggressive you’ve ever seen him.
Good thing there was only midoriya and Iida in the classroom
“You got some nerve touching my girlfriend like that mineta. Don’t ever pill that shit again understand?”
A quick nod sends the small boy flying out of your boyfriends hand
There’s a ashy hole in mineta shirt now. oops.
Midoriya and lida are this 0.0 until they hear girlfriend, then their like this “??”
You grab shotos shoulder gently
“I’m okay sho.”
Shoto lets go and minetas gone. no where to be seen the rest of the day.
“I’m sorry.”
“Hey don’t apologize, I know you always got me and I always got you.”
You tiptoe to kiss his nose and hug him completely forgetting the two boys standing in the corner
lida and midoriya are just •o•
Shoto calls you..
Baby :) RARLEYYY. he honestly doesn’t get it, but after you call him that a couple times he starts to think it’s kinda sexy.
Sweetie :) he thinks it’s cute and simple. Only in private when he’s super cuddly.
Y/n, l/n, n/n :) he’s a simple guy, he loves your name as it is.
What you call shoto..
Baby/bub :)
Cutie :) look at him I’ll wait
Sho, todo, Todoroki, shoto
Honestly your relationship with shoto is super pure and wholesome. You guys go through loads togther. You’re each other’s person and he loves you so much. Love straight out of a book :)
Fluffy extra :
Shit todoroki asks to you
“Did you eat today?”
“Can you play with my hair?”
“Why’d you stop?”
“Do you want some soba baby?”
“How’d I get so lucky?”
“Are you cold?”
“Is it too hot?”
“Do you need a hug?”
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Bucky Barnes - Fluff Alphabet
Bucky Barnes x gender neutral reader 
Requests are open!
A - Attractive (what they find attractive)
Bucky loves your eyes. It doesn’t matter, which colour they are, he just likes looking you straight into the eyes. When you asked him, why he’s doing that all the time, he answered: The eyes are the window to the soul. And yours are just as nice as your soul.
B - Baby (do they want a family?)
Yes, Bucky wants a family. He was able to find peace in Wakanda and with you, and after he made his full recovery, he told you that he wants a family. It doesn’t matter to him, if it’s his own child, or if you adopt, if you and the child(ren) are happy.
C - Cuddle (how they cuddle)
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Bucky loves spooning. He likes being the big spoon, but he can also be the small spoon, if you want to. It helps him relax and he likes feeling your warmth. When he is the big spoon, he whispers cute things into your ear.
When he is the small spoon, he likes cuddling into you and falling asleep, knowing that you are keeping him safe.
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D - Dates (what dates with them are like)
He prefers going to quiet places, like cafés. The two of you avoid places with too many people. Bucky likes walking through parks afterwards, holding your hand.
For more romantic dates, he takes you out to restaurants, where he pulls the chair back for you and acts like a gentleman. He knows, that you enjoy both kinds of dates and he loves walking home with you after.
E - Everything (you are my…)
Hope. He always tells you that you brought hope into his life and that you showed him that things can get better
F - Feelings (when they realise that they love you)
Bucky couldn’t stop thinking about you. He was laying awake in his bed all night, thinking about how badly he wanted to protect you, that he wanted to hug and kiss you, and when he finally saw you again, he could barely hold himself back. He asked you on a date and when you said yes, he was the happiest person in the world
G - Gentle (are they gentle?)
YES. After all Bucky has done as the Winter Soldier, he just loves kissing you gently. He holds your hand all the time and is very careful that he doesn’t hurt you
H - Hand/hold (how do they hold you? Do they hold hands?)
Bucky likes holding hands with you. He waits until you intertwine your fingers with his, when you are in public.
I - Impression (first impression)
He was surprised when you were nice and kind to him at your first meeting, even though you knew about him being the Winter Soldier. He was so impressed by you, that he couldn’t take his eyes off you and he even started stuttering when he talked to you.
J - Joker (do they pull pranks?)
Bucky doesn’t pull pranks. He tried it, but he noticed that it wasn’t funny to anyone, so he stopped. He does make jokes sometimes and lets his former self slip through quite often.
K - Kisses (how they kiss)
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Bucky loves kissing just as much as he loves cuddling and holding hands. He kisses your lips, your neck and your cheeks whenever he can. But he also likes receiving kisses from you.
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L - Little things (what little things they love)
Breakfast. He loves it when he wakes up and you are in the kitchen making breakfast. He really enjoys your pancakes.
M - Memory (favourite memory together)
One day, he took you to a funfair and he bought you some cotton candy. Afterwards, you went on the ferris wheel together, that’s when he kissed you for the first time
N - Nickel (do they spoil?)
Sometimes. When you go shopping with Bucky, he does buy you some things, but only if you promise him to go and eat at a restaurant afterwards
O - Orange (what color reminds them of you)
Blue. For him, it’s the colour of hope and peace, and you gave him both.
P - Petnames (what petnames they use)
Love, Sweetheart, Doll, several things in other languages… the list is long, and he doesn’t care, what your gender is, he’ll find one that fits you
Q - Questions (what are the questions they’re always asking?)
Are you okay?
Do you need anything?
Can you hold me?
R - Remember (their favourite memory of each other)
His favourite memory of you is your first movie night with each other. You fell asleep in his arms and he felt more comfortable than he ever did before.
Your favourite memory of Bucky is when you watched him trying to use modern technology for the first time and he got really confused and upset because of it. He pretended to be mad at you after you made fun of him, but you just ended up laying on the floor laughing together
S - Sad (how they cheer themselves/others up)
When Bucky is sad, he comes to you and asks you if you could sit on the sofa next to him and just cuddle with him, until he gets better.
When you are sad, he makes you a tea, coffee or hot chocolate, whatever you want and tells you about funny things that have happened to him
T - Talking (what they love to talk about)
Bucky loves telling you about the 1940’s, even though it makes him sad sometimes. He talks about Steve a lot, or about the next date he is planning
U - Universe (a metaphor) (e.g. he was the universe, ever-changing and mysterious)
Bucky is like the night, dark and scary to some, but comforting to others
V - Very (thoughts about each other)
Bucky thinks that you are an amazing person, who he can rely on and always talk to. He always tells you that you are brave, loyal, and over all a wonderful person.
Even though Bucky seems like a really tough guy on the outside, he has a really soft spot, and you know that. He is strong and protective, but also caring and quite romantic (at least in your opinion)
W – Wedding (Do they want to get married?)
Yes. Bucky is still a little traditional and for him, children come with marriage. If you don’t want to get married, that’s okay for him, too
X - Xylophone (what’s their song?)
"Hospital for souls" by Bring me the Horizon
Hold me close, don't let go, watch me burn
Hold me close, tell me go, watch me burn
Hold me close, don't let go, watch me burn
In this hospital for souls
"Into the Fire" by Asking Alexandria
I'm not too sure what I'm supposed to do with this
These hands, this mind, this instability
From a cage I created, to a hell that heaven made
Can't let go of the hatred, 'cause I love the way it tastes
Just two songs that remind me of Bucky
Y - You (the ___ to my ___)
You are the sun to his moon. He can’t shine without you
Z - Zebra (what pet they want to have)
Either a dog or a cat. Bucky is a soft person and he likes cuddling, so either animal is good for him.
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Tag lists (open):
General tag list: @potatobuck
Gender Neutral tag list: @spnfanboy777
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
The hands of a sinner 🔥 [M]
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Pairing: Dom! Jungkook x Sub! Reader
Gender of the Reader: male
(The Version of this Idea with a female reader could be found here!)
Word Count: 2.1k
Genre: Smut!
Warnings: Filthy Language; even filthier is the Dirty Talk; Dom-/Sub-Themes; Hand Kink + Tattoo Kink = Jungkook Hand Tattoos(!!!); Petnames (like Babyboy, little Prince etc.); Daddy-Kink; a freaking lot of teasing; Jungkook is the biggest tease in the international history (he's literally Satan!); Handjob; Cockmilking; kind of a Cum-Kink by Kookie (?); different mentions of Blowjobs
A/N: Just realize how damn sexy his hand tattoos are... even when I don't have usually a really big (kinky) thing for Tattoos, especially not on Hands! But... it's Jungkook. That should be explaination enough!
[Info]: Well... I’m pretty embarrassed and I’m so sorry (really hunny!!) to forgot where I got the inspiration from and WHICH LITTLE DEVIL AWAKE THIS DEEP DESIRE AND THIS KINK IN ME! IT WAS @sugarly-laysa​!!! (I think “I didn’t want to remember it” because your Scenario turned me way too much on... Take this poor excuse as a compliment Sweetheart xD 💕)
Well, you can find the inspiration material aka the work of a very talented devil here! (be aware, it’s a scenario for female! Readers, I just customised my own fic for male! Readers too ;D)
Summary: Since Jungkook got his hand tattoos, you've found out that they have a stronger effect on you than you would like it. You also have good reasons not to tell him that you are developing a kink for his tattoos. And exactly these reasons getting confirmed...
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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"Hm, Baby? Why didn't you tell me that you like my tattoos that much?" Jungkook whispers in an teasing tone and laughs softly as you gasp for a breath and observe his calm right hand on your thigh like you're hypnotized, only his thumb draws small circles on your clothed skin. A gesture that's supposed to "calm you down", but it does the exact opposite, causes that your breathing only gets quicker and you have to bite your lower lip in order not to let the whimpering, that is in your throat, comes over your lips.
You really can't remember how you got into this situation right now... but it has something to do with your intense stare at Jungkook's tattooed right hand. Perhaps also with the dirty thoughts that you had in your mind right at that moment and maybe caused that your cheeks had turned bright red without you noticing.
In any case, you are now with your back to the head of your bed, a Jungkook who's kneeling above you with a knowing smirk and this damn hand, which has put so many indecent thoughts in your head, is laying on your thigh and is just waiting for it to ruin you.
"T-This here was the reason! I k-knew you would tease the shit out of me and wouldn't let me live with it anymore!", you reply with a trembling voice and press your lips together to let these sinful moans and whimpers where they belongs to. In your mouth, and not to let them come over your lips and thus give Jungkook the pure satisfaction and complacency!
But Jungkook knows you, knows how to interpret your facial expressions all too well, especially in situations like this, and he also knows all your other soft spots, which is why it really doesn't help to resist his charm. To your displeasure, you already know that you can't stand it for a longer time anymore.
His hand, exactly this very dangerous hand with all the seductive tattoos, is no longer just lying still on your leg, now it's sliding up your thigh. Slips cheekily under the waistband of your sweats and wander extremely slowly into the direction of the center between your legs. You involuntarily hold your breath, longingly expect that his hand will lie on your clothed bulge that already arised under your boxer briefs or maybe even let his hand slip into them. But his hand stops at the top of your bare thigh, so that a frustrated whimper leaves your mouth.
"After such a long period of abstinence so damn needy, Babyboy? If you had said earlier what I should do with this hand, you would have cum countless times with the help of this hand, my little Prince~", Jungkook whispers with a husky voice into your ear and chuckles at the end of the sentence again. A hot shiver chases down your spine as your boyfriend grabs your earlobe between his teeth and gently tuck on it, before he lets his lips wander down and spread hot kisses on your neck, sucks on your soft skin here and there and leave dark marks.
Meanwhile, your own desire rises immeasurably, little moans leaves your lips, you close your eyes and buck your hips helplessly and desperately up, in the hope that Jungkook will finally let his hand wander into the area where you need him the most. You can't get that damn last sentence out of your head. Then you would've come countless times with the help of this hand.
Fuck, how many times have you imagined how Jungkook could give you a handjob with this hand, with those damn sexy tattoos on the back of his hand and on his knuckles. These deliciously long fingers wrapped around your rock hard, precum leaking cock.
A high moan leaves your throat when suddenly the tips of the fingers of this specific hand caress and tease your clothed bulge, let the tip of his index finger travel around your erection. A deep growl can be heard from Jungkook.
"Fuck! Baby, already so hard? Already so damn ready to get your cock in Daddy's Hand? Getting jacked off by Daddy's Hand full of tattoos? Babyboy, I wanna see that expression of the emoji on my middle finger when I'm torturing the crown of your dick with these fingers and gonna make you cum for me~"
His dirty talk shoots directly into your abdomen, makes this ball of pure pleasure bigger and bigger and therefore makes you more and more restless and needy. "Please...", runs from your lips. You can no longer withstand his touches, his words and certainly not his fantasies about what he wants to do with you. Damn Jungkook!
"Please what? You have to say what you want in proper sentences, my sweetest honeyboy~"
Your cheeks turns into a deeper shade of red than they already are. "P-Please take me finally into your hand! I want you to wrap your hand around my h-hard cock, jack me off and let me cum on your hand... please!"
You whimper and buck your pelvis into his palm, to find some friction and with it, some relief. Jungkook suck sharply a breath in.
"Fuck, you want that? You want me to jerk you off until you shoot your load of cum over my tattoos?" A loud whine fills the room, you furrow your eyebrows together and nod violently, rubbing yourself against Jungkook's hand. "Yes, yes, yes Daddy! I-I wanna cum all over your tattoos and make them all dirty! Please let me cum on your hand!"
Some curses comes out of Jungkook's mouth, suddenly his hand is gone from the hot center between your legs, making you groan out of frustration.
But this tone of your voice changes very quickly into a surprised one, turns the frustrated groan into a squeak, since Jungkook pulls with two rough yanks at first the pair of grey sweats and then your boxer briefs down, that already has a dark stain of precum in the fabric.
Now your lower half is completely exposed in front of him and instinctively you want to put your hands over your almost painfully hard erection. But Jungkook is faster.
"Nuh, nuh, nuh! Not so shy, my darling! You just begged me to milk that cock of yours dry only a few minutes ago~", he growls with an unreadable devilish smile on his lips and grabs with both hands your wrists and pull your own hands gently, but still determinant from your crotch away.
Licks his lips at the sight of your rock hard dick, tip is angry red and glistening full of precum. He smirks at you arrogantly, but this kind of arrogance that only let your cock twitch even more.
To prevent you from covering your delicious hard cock again and closing your legs, he gives you in a steel hard tone the instruction to behave and then places himself between your legs, sits on his calves. Spreads his own legs, on which your own legs are laid, a little bit more, so that you're now completely exposed and lying open in front of him. Your dick jerk at bit at Jungkook's intense stare and your balls are tightly snacked up to your body, seems to be full of all this delicious cum your Daddy loves to swallow when he sucks you off.
With his left hand he supports himself on the headboard and now let his right hand slides down of the inside of your left thigh, until his palm lies on your pubic bone and his thumb gently massages with small circles over the base of your erection.
Whimpering, you're moving forward with your hips, looking for more friction, for touching, just for more! "Please, Kook! Don't tease me!"
"But it's so hot to tease you... to make my stubborn babyboy all whiny just for me~" You're about to start begging for real to get finally jerked off by him, but in that moment he moves his hand down and wrap his hand around the thick length of your dick and squeeze it gently, knows too well how you just like it. Loves it.
But before he finally going to fulfill this wish of yours, it's still too interesting to see how you react to other plays of his fingers. Like how you flinch and what cute moans he's able to elict from your lips when he rubs the pads of his fingertips over the soft skin of your balls and your perineum.
"D-Daddy, please! I-I need your fingers, your tongue, just something! I need something of you around my cock, p-please!", you beg.
Your hands grabs at Jungkook's wrist, you think about to lead his hand back to your aching dick by yourself.
"So greedy, such a greedy and naughty boy I have here! To be honest, you should get a punishment for your impatient behavior, but this cock of yours looks so beautiful, so wet and messy just for me... I think I could get over it. But don't think I'll go down easy on you!", he wispers into your ear, when his fingers finds finally his way back to your hurting erection.
A moan full of relief left your lips and out of primal sexual instinct and need you're bucking your hips up, so his fist is rubbing over your length without Jungkook's intention.
"My Babyboy's cock is so needy and eager to have tattoed fingers wrapped around itself? So desperate, such a desperate and naughty little Prince I have here...", he groans in a deep voice.
"What about I'll let my thumb slide over your leaking tip? That angry red tip that just screams to get finally touched by me~"
As he is saying this, the pad of his thumb graze over the exact right spot of the crown of your dick and before you realize it, his fist moves up and down your length in a raging pace, almost violently. But in such a good way that it makes you scream. Massages all the perfect spots of your cock just in the right way, teasing your tip with every stroke, that let you see stars and your desire to grow infinitely.
"Baby, look! Look down on yourself! Look, how my hand full of tattoos jacking you off , how good your cock looks with my hand wrapped around ypu and what kind of a mess you already have here between your legs. I'm gonna ruin you so bad baby~"
As your eyes wander down between your legs, it feels like getting a punch of pleasure straight into your abdomen. He wasn't lying, not at all. It's so damn hot to see his tattooed hand between your thighs, fisting your cock, almost milking the cum out of your dick, thanks to his prutal pace of his handjob. The precum and the saliva he used to make your cock wonderful slidable for his torturing, are making lewd fapping sounds. The knot in your belly, full of lust, is getting bigger and bigger and is not far from bursting. Sounds come from your throat that you don't even know from yourself. And Jungkook also knows that you are not far from cumming.
"Hm? My little naughty Baby is already about to cum? So fast, just from a bit cockmilking? Just because you see Daddy's tattoed hand in a fist around that needy cock of yours? Wanna cum, Babyboy? Wanna cum all over Daddy's Hand, making Daddy's Tattoos all dirty by his Babyboy's white creamy cum? Being a dirty little Prince and make Daddy's Hand all messy from your seeds? Being a naughty and filthy Baby just for me and blow your load on my Hand?~ "
"Oh my God Jungkook! Oh my god, I-I'm gonna... I'm gonna..."
"Come for me, Sweetie! Be a naughty Boy for Daddy and shoot your cum all over my hand~"
You only need two more strokes of his hand to spread all your cum over his hand and whining and sobbing out of pleasure and oversensitivity.
The movements of Jungkook's hand slows down and massaging your trembling and shaking legs gently with his other hand to give you some time to find yourself again. But your eyes snaps open, when you hear Jungkook unbuckles the belt of his jeans.
"Jungkook wha-"
"Well Baby, seeing you cumming on my hand was pretty hot and my own cock agrees to that. I think my Honeyboy could give me something back in return... how about a Blowjob while I lead your pretty head with exactly this hand here?", says Jungkook with a smile of satan on his lips and licking completely satiesfied your cum off the fingers of his right, tattoed hand.
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