#only to find out they don't ship to australia so
not-poignant · 2 months
Tbh one of the reasons I haven't gotten around to Palmarosa yet is because I knew I had to do a fuckton more worldbuilding research and couldn't be bothered because I was like 'this is going to be a lot more work than it needs to be.'
And after 4 straight hours and over 50 tabs which distilled down into 2000 words of worldbuilding that isn't even me getting to the chapter yet, I was right lmao. But in good news, it means I can officially get started! We're going to Luskan, folks :D
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vivwritesfics · 3 months
Interviewers Are Assholes
The world didn't know about their relationship. But, once they find out, they refuse to leave her alone
(AKA I saw a martin brundle grid walk compilation and he asked someone 'who are you?' and i ran with it)
Loscar x reader
F1 Masterlist
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"Are we doing Thanksgiving this year?"
This was not the conversation Logan and Oscar expected to hear from their girlfriend as the three of them stood on the grid. It was normally F1 staff, drivers, engineers, mechanics and such, along with celebrities on the grid before a race. But, dating two drivers on different teams meant not being about to sit in both of their garage at once (she was only human, after all).
So, they stood on the grid together before the race, chatting before the national anthem was played.
"It's kinda early to be talking about Thanksgiving, babe," Logan muttered, shaking his head.
She held her hands up, somewhat defensively. "Just trying to be prepared."
They'd been together for four years at this point. For the first two years of their relationship they hadn't had to worried about traditional celebrations from their countries of origin. But when they all moved in together, she insisted on it.
The first year they'd lived together, they'd gone to Florida for Christmas, spent it with Logan's family.
The next year they'd done Thanksgiving before heading to Australia for a traditional Australian Christmas, filled with seafood and everything.
This year, though, they had no idea what they were doing. Of course she was already stressing about it. It didn't surprise Logan and Oscar in the slightest.
Suddenly Logan and Oscar were looking past her. "What?" She asked, readying herself to turn around. But then Logan and Oscar were retreating. "Guys!" She called, readying to follow them.
There was a hand on her shoulder. She turned around, coming face to face with Martin Brundle on his grid walk. "Hello, who are you?" Martin Brundle asked.
It made sense. She clearly wasn't working for any F1 team, and she was surrounded by celebrities. The fact that she was talking to two of the drivers probably made him all the more curious.
"I am..." But she didn't have an answer for him. Who was she? It had been four years already, why were they hiding it. "I am a... wag," she answered, and immediately regretting it.
What she didn't know was that Logan and Oscar didn't get very far. They stood behind her, just out of view of Martin Brundle's camera, giggling as they listened to her struggle.
"Who's wag are you?" Martin Brundle asked, but he already knew. He'd seen them retreating as he walked over.
She swallowed the lump in her throat. "Good question, Martin," she said. "Who's wag am I?" Did she choose one of the boys? If so, which one? Or did she just come out to the world, tell everyone that she loved Logan Sargeant and Oscar Piastri?
She went with the latter, unaware of how much it would come to affect her. "Sargeant and Piastri," she said, scratching the back of her neck.
This might have been the strangest grid walk Martin Brundle had ever done. She didn't sound entirely happy to be dating the McLaren Driver and the Williams Driver. Don't get me wrong, she was happy to be dating them, but she was ready to kill them. Assholes.
"What kind of result are you expecting from them today?" She asked.
"Well, Martin, I'm always hoping they do well. Every Grand Prix they try their absolute hardest and every week I'm proud of them," she said, the perfect answer.
Lets just say, after the grid walk, the internet kind of blew up. Loscar was a somewhat forgotten ship, replaced by Landoscar. But it had returned and it was real. It was actually real!
As with everything in F1, some fans loved it, some fans didn't. But, most of all, everybody was so curious. Nobody knew this four year long relationship was a thing until a couple of weeks ago. Everybody, especially F1 reporters wanted to know everything.
Media days were completely filled with questions about their relationship. Logan and Oscar rarely got asked about anything else. They didn't mind. They were more than happy to talk about it.
But interviewers took it too far when they pulled her into things. She wasn't media trained in the way they were. She didn't have a PR team that prepared her with every answer for every question. That was how the grid walk had gone so wrong (or so right, if you asked the Loscar boys).
Oscar had gotten through to Q3, Logan hadn't. As always, she was there to comfort him, to hold him close after media duties. Media duties, which were taking ages.
But then the interviewer spotted her standing behind him. "It was recently reviewed to the world that you and Oscar share a girlfriend. How did that come about?"
The camera focused in on her behind him, as she furrowed her brow. It picked up no sound, but watched as her lips moved, forming 'what the fuck?' It was lost on her, and everyone, what this had to do with racing.
"Uhm, well, we've all known each other for our entire lives, it just made sense that we all dated," he said, clearly uncomfortable.
As soon as the interview was over, Logan wrapped his arm around her shoulders and walked her away. "Sorry baby," he said, kissing the top of her head.
"Why is it such a big deal to everyone?" She mumbled, shaking her head.
Most Wags weren't pulled in for interviews. The invasive questions had been a step to far already to the Loscar throuple.
This time, after checking on Oscar in the McLaren garage, kissing him before he went off to to his drivers room. She headed out, meeting the both of them at the car. She never expected to be accosted by an interviewer.
She didn't know his name, she didn't care. He grabbed her arm, pulled her on camera, and shoved a microphone in her face. "So, Y/N, what is it like to be dating to F1 drivers?"
There was a moment before she answered. Her brows were furrowed as she looked between the interviewer and the camera. "Why... why are you interviewing me?"
"The three of you have stunned the world with the announcement of your relationship. When did the three of you meet?"
"Uhm, I-Well... uhm... We've known each other for... sorry, why the hell am I being interviewed? This isn't... I don't want to be interviewed. Please leave me alone."
The interviewer bashfully turned to the camera, trying to recover. As soon as he looked away, she retreated, heading back towards one of her boys drivers room.
Oscar wasn't in his drivers room. He walked towards her, grabbing a hold of her before she had a chance to notice him. "Hey, baby," he said, pulling her close. "Is Logan not ready yet?"
Before answering, she turned back towards the exit, where the interviewer was still waiting. "Let's go get him," she said, pulling Oscar towards the Williams garage.
But Logan, too, was walking towards them. "Logan!" She called, throwing her arms around him. Oscar hung back. When she let go of him, they headed to the exit together. "There's a fucking annoying interviewer up there, and I want to kick his ass," she said, linking her arms through theirs.
"Kick his ass, baby."
They walked to the exit together. Once again, as they walked past the interviewer, he tried to grab their attention. Logan and Oscar were prepared to pull her past, to ignore him, but she stopped. She turned to the interviewer and grabbed his microphone.
"Just a PSA literally everybody," she began. The interviewer and the boys watched on with curiosity. "Our relationship is none of our business. Fuck off."
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drvscarlett · 2 months
Let Him Cook Pt 3
Charles Leclerc x MasterChef contestant!reader
Series Part: 1, 2, 3
Taglist: @bookstore-of-dreams @barcelonaloverf1life @ririyulife @minkyungseokie @mehrmonga @sltwins @charlesgirl16 @six-call @spideybv28 @casperlikej
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"I honestly can't believe that this is actually happening"you told Charles as you sit down on your couch with your laptop.
The past few days have been a lot of preparation for the three most important dish of your life. You have been replicating and timing yourself to make sure that you are a perfectly well-oiled machine during the competition proper.
Charles is currently in Abu Dhabi for the final race which is a complete bummer. He wanted to be there but work is work. So that's why he spends most of his available time doing a facetime with you. It was pretty helpful since his conversations with you helps soothe your nerve and helps avoid overthinking the whole process.
"You got this mon amour. You know I always believed in you since day 1" Charles grinned.
"I really hope that everything goes well tomorrow"
"It will and I will be watching all the way from Yas Marina to hear that my girlfriend is a MasterChef winner"Charles proudly states "I'm really getting so excited, is this how you feel when you watch me race?"
You laughed "Oh mon ami, you are much more stressful to watch with your high speed corners and those wet race misshaps"
"But doesn't this technically make me your WAG if you win? Don't they have WAG gossip accounts that I could be part in?"
It was moments like this that Charles made everything lighter by focusing on trivial things. It helps a lot with the building pressure that everyone has been placing on your shoulder.
Y/NCooks posted a photo.
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Y/NCooks the boyfriend is so supportive. I'm pretty excited for today!
Gordongram goodluck Y/N! Boyfriend reveal when you win?
User1 Gordon is so real for that Y/NCooks thanks Chef! Lets see???
User2 win or lose, you already made it Y/N!
User3 its just so wholesome to see how Y/N keeps the relationship private but never secret. I ship them so much
User4 i don't know if i want to be Y/N or I want to be her boyfriend
User5 goodluck Y/N! Get that trophy!
Final episode.
Former contestants lined up at the balcony with some of your friends and close relatives. It was a very surreal moment because you used to watch this sitting in the comforts of your own home and now you are actually the one being watched.
The moment that the clock starts ticking, you started to work. There was no room for any delays today as you were creating dishes after dishes. You have to use your time wisely so that you can finish the dishes you have in mind.
"Charles, were going out to drink, are you coming?"
"You guys go ahead, I'm going to watch something" The minute that the cars were back in the garage and the ceremony was over, Charles couldn't wait to go back to his hotel room. He was to turn on his TV to watch the live broadcast of the MasterChef Australia.
He was just on time with the last five minutes of the appetizer round, technically he haven't miss much. You were focused in tasting everything and ensuring that all the flavors are there. You plated really well and it shows how much you have grown. Charles is extremely proud of you.
"Aren't you a little worried to be working on the octopus so early on?" the judges wondered. The judges were currently tasting the soup that you have given them.
"I know that its a lot of risk but I have to push for it to show my talent"
The judges find the soup beautifully seasoned but their only slight flaw with the dish is that the octopus is a little bit tough due to the water not boiling hot enough. Its that flaw that sets a 2 point difference with your fellow contestant.
Charles could feel his eyes getting heavier from all the events earlier that day but he really wants to stay awake. He believes that Y/N could do it. The main course was a stronger dish for Y/N which is how she tied the score with her fellow contestant.
The dessert is the make and break for Y/N. Charles knew that its also her greatest opponent as you prefer savory over sweet. However, seeing the way that you are cooking right now that you have massively improved your skills in the sweets department.
It was tense as you run back and forth to the freezer to make sure that the pana cotta is chilled enough while you went back to your work station to mix the pot. Charles almost had a headache after seeing you trip over in the last 20 minutes of the session.
But all in all you pulled it off. The dessert was stunning and exquisite as the judges noticed. It was an elevated traditional pana cotta
"I believe we have made a decision and the scores are very very close with each other" one of the judges concluded.
The guests from the balcony went down to join the homecooks and Charles wishes that he could have been there for you. Instead, he records the moment through his phone. The announcement will be here in any seconds now.
"And the MasterChef Australia winner is....."
MasterChefAU just posted a photo.
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Liked by Gordongram, Charles_Leclerc, and 670,000 others
MasterChefAU congratulations to Y/NCooks you are the MasterChef Australia winner!
User1 That was worth the wait, Y/NCooks is now a masterchef winner!
User2 she was so brilliant! what a performance!!!
User3 tell me why is Charles Leclerc is in the likes, isn't it like 4am there in Abu Dhabi?? Didn't you just race sir???
User4 Seems like Charles is a fan of MC Australia User5 Answer the crowd Charles_Leclerc User6 Didn't Arthur and Lorenzo guest in MC Australia, they say they are good friends of Y/N User7 That is some interesting information User6
Y/NCooks posted a photo.
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liked by MasterChefAU, Charles_Leclerc, and 308,000 others
Y/NCooks I have a new plate!!!!
It was such a wonderful experience to be a part of this kitchen and to win this prestigious award. Thank you so much for all your support and love. This is such a dream come true!!
User1 im so proud of her
User2 Can't wait what's next for you!
Gordongram Well-deserve! You did amazing!
Y/NCooks this means a lot Chef! Thank you for watching
MasterChefAU Our winner!!!!
Charles_Leclerc 🏆❤️
User3 what even is that? you are putting sebastian vettel to shame with your rizz User4 Charles, she has a boyfriend!!!!!!! User5 Bro really thinks he can bag Y/N when he can't even cook Y/NCooks Thank you :')) Charles_Leclerc liked this comment. User6 SHUT UP, CHARLES IS COOKING SOMETHING User7 Silence for Y/N's bf, Charles is coming after your seat!
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withahappyrefrain · 2 months
For the ship ask game!
48. …out of habit + a bob of your choice!
This prompt screams secret relationship, and what better Bob to do that with than Cobalt Eyes & Sweet Smiles Bob?
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Bob knew he shouldn't be jealous. You weren't paying Jake any attention as he bragged about the latest air maneuver he mastered. Your eyes were focused on putting together a burger.
Soon enough, one of your fathers' old Top Gun classmates would whisk you away, no doubt to marvel at how much you had grown up, reminiscing on how you used to toddle around at this yearly cookout.
The worst part was Bob couldn't even be mad at Jake. Because he told Jake that all that happened after you two met was that he walked you to your car.
Which was partly true. Bob did walk you to your car. And then exchanged numbers after making out in said car. Which led to going on a date, which led to Bob secretly dating you.
Turns out, dating the daughter of your bosses is complicated.
Once the current mission was over, it would be easier to come forward. And decidedly less weird to think about.
Though Bob was still worried that once the secret was out in the open, he'd wake up the next day to find he's been deployed to Australia.
So all Bob could do was sip on his diet Coke as he tried not watch Jake fail at hitting on his girlfriend.
"I'm going to go...." Your eyes lingered on Bob. God, he looked so good in that blue shirt, it was unfair. But wouldn't that be too obvious?
"Somewhere that isn't here," you finished, walking away before Jake could even speak. The temptation to tell the blonde pilot you were dating Bob grew stronger everyday.
But Jake also had a big mouth and seemed like the kind of dick to mention something to one of your dads, if not both.
Technically, you weren't breaking their rule. They said no pilots and Bob wasn't a pilot. He was a WSO.
But it certainly made things awkward as Bob was working with Dad. And Pa was his boss.
Well, wanting to get away from Jake Seresin wouldn't raise anyone's suspicions.
Bob tried to hide his excitement when you stood next to him. He tried to act casual, but nothing could hide that smile of his.
Not that you mind. In fact, his sweet expression sent warmth throughout your body.
"Got tired of hearing how much better he is than everyone else?" Bob joked, causing you to nearly choke on your burger.
"The best don't brag, they let their work speak for themselves," you explained, a sly smile on your face. It was so hard not to make eye contact with him. Truly unfair how he had eyes bluer than the ocean, deeper than the sky-
"Is it too much if I asked you to accompany me to the Hot Dog station? Figured it would be nice to have someone who understands all the toppings." With that lopsided smile, how could you say no?
"It is an intimidating amount of choices," you chuckled as you led him over to the station.
"Alright, so I know it sounds weird, but the Olivier-Russian potato salad- that Pa makes is actually pretty good. The chili Slider makes is good, but unless you have a stomach of steel only take a little. Oh, and Hollywood says the candied jalapeños are mostly sweet but that's a lie. It's mostly spicy."
Bob couldn't help but be memorized as you rattled off facts about the various condiments. Whether it was about work, a personal belief, or yes, even hot dog toppings, you always spoke with such passion.
He loved it. He loved you, but that conversation is still a few steps away.
For now, Bob was happy to settle for counting down the days until he could hold your hand in a gathering like today's. Even if it terrified him.
Yes, technically, he wasn't a pilot. But considering who your dads were, a technicality didn't bring Bob much hope.
According to Bradley, the idea of you dating someone in the military, much less a naval pilot, had been vocally met with disdain.
But today Bob wouldn't focus on that. Instead, he focused on your bright smile and how cute you looked in that sundress.
"What's your go-to?" He asked, ready to take the valuable information to heart.
"Chili with some of the candied jalapenos and a dash of ketchup."
"No mustard?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
You had to stifle a laugh, "No mustard."
"Alright, I trust ya." His words, laced with a slight twang sent warmth throughout your body.
Without saying a word, you took the ladle from the chili bowl, serving it onto his hot dog. You gave him a sweet smile as an explanation, one that Bob took happily.
"Thanks darlin'," He leaned in to peck your lips, neither of you thinking about it.
It wasn't until he broke away to grab the ketchup that you both froze, realization washing over you.
"I'm gonna, um, go." You said quickly, grabbing your plate.
"Uh yeah, good idea," Bob quickly put down the ketchup, turning around to walk away from you. His face was bright red as he practically ran back to Mickey and Natasha who were currently chatting up with some of Pete and Tom's old classmates.
You looked around, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. No one standing in shock.
Alright, good. That was a good sign.
"Hey, did you see that?" You asked Bradley, who had been roped into grill duty.
"See what?" Your pseudo-brother shrugged, his eyes remaining on the grill, unaware that you were on the verge of having a panic attack.
"Bob and I kissed. It was an accident, like neither of us thought about it! It just felt natural and we forgot where we were!" You hissed.
Bradley was the only one who knew. The first time Bob spent the night at your place, the universe decided that Bradley should be the one to pick you up for family brunch. In hindsight, better he than one of your dads. Thankfully, you had enough dirt on Bradley to buy his silence.
"Oh," Bradley shrugged, as if it was nothing. Truthfully, he didn't know why you two insisted on keeping it a secret. It wasn't like you were dating Hangman (thank fucking God for that).
"I didn't notice anything," He said, which accurately reassured you.
"Although...." His words made the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
"Although?" You gritted through your teeth.
"I mean, that would explain why Slider was running into the house. I thought he just had to piss."
God. Dammit.
"You good Bob?" Mickey asked upon seeing his fellow WSO, beet-faced and nervous.
"Huh? Oh! Me? Yeah, I'm great. Swell actually!" Bob said, unconvincingly.
Natasha knew Bob was dating you. It was obvious when you showed up to one of the beach football games. How anyone else failed to notice was beyond Nat.
But she knew not to say anything. Instead, she gave Bob a raised eyebrow. Whatever it was (concerning you), she knew it was better to ask in private.
"Lieutenant Floyd? May I speak with you in private?"
Bob's blood ran cold as he turned to face Captain Mitchell, who had his arms crossed.
"Um, I..." He could pretend to pass out. There was no current or former medic here. So he would just need to play dead as if his life depended on it, because it did. Claim it was from the heat. Yeah. Blame the sun, he was pale enough to do so.
But his knees were locked. Bob couldn't run, couldn't pretend to pass out. Fuck, it was too early to fake food poisoning.
So instead, all he could muster up was a weak nod as his legs carried him inside the Mitchell-Kazansky house.
He was fucked. Utterly fucked. He should just leave now so he can go pack up for Australia. Would he even get that far? He had been sneaking around with their daughter, death was probably the only option.
Even if your dads didn't kill him, your honorary uncles will. Fuck, was his will updated? Would you even get anything? Well, Bob did tell Bradley to give you the ring in his drawer should anything happen to him. It was his grandma's, given to him so he had a ring to propose and-
Why was the Admiral whose callsign was literally "Iceman" hugging him?
"Thank God it's you. We thought she was seeing Seresin."
That explains a lot.
"Um, no offense sir, but you raised your daughter to have better standards than Seresin," Bob barely got out, now receiving a hug from the much shorter Captain.
"We knew she was seeing someone. We're all glad it's you."
When you ran into your childhood home, you were expecting many things. Mainly Bob's head on the floor.
Receiving hugs from your dads was not on the list, but man was it a welcoming sight.
Bradley shrugged, "I don't know why you were so worried about them knowing."
You rolled your eyes, "The same reason why you haven't told them you have a fiancé."
Wait shit, that was not supposed to be said out loud.
"You have a what?"
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vitaminseetarot · 6 months
PAC Pick a Ride: Your Next Big Adventure 🌌🌠🌃
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Thank you for voting in my latest poll! I'm surprised and glad to see that Next Big Adventure won by a landslide! Seeing as we have the New Moon in Sagittarius on the 12th, it makes sense that we are collectively interested in seeing what the next chapter has in store. Please note that some of these other topics mentioned in my polls may appear in future pick a card readings, so stay tuned.
So without further ado, let's get into our piles! Pretend as though you are a Knight from your favorite tarot deck about to embark on your next journey. Please choose your mode of transportation:
1 - Plane 2 - Ship 3 - Motorbike 4 - Train
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Pile 1 - Plane
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Cards: Re-Evaluate, Pencil Sketch, The Pilgrim, Ceres - Nurture, Patience, 26. Protection - Finding What's Important; I Magician, 10 of Pentacles, 4 of Pentacles, XIX The Sun Channeled Locations: Canada, Singapore, Morocco, Ukraine, Australia, Philippines, UK, New Zealand, NYC, South Korea
Hi pile 1, you've chosen to travel by air, bypassing all the long troublesome routes. After all, the sky's the limit! Isn't it nice to measure your distance by how the crow flies sometimes? You're ready to catapult yourself into the next big adventure; I can tell there's a lot of excitement to see what's ahead here. You'd rather get to the next phase of your life instantly yet with ease. This is likely the pile with big career goals, especially if moving or actual traveling will be in the big picture. Maybe you're dreaming of traveling by plane as part of your future dream job? You don't just want to get there, as great as that is--it has to be done with intention.
You're in the process of drawing out what your next life would look like. The future seems full of creative possibilities, but with Pencil Sketch next to Re-evaluate, you're being asked to pay attention to the details. How do you want things to go one month from now, and one year from now? As great as it would be to have an entire decade mapped out, it's unrealistic, but it doesn't mean you can't draft some concepts. You should have something in mind, though, instead of setting out with a knapsack and praying for the best. If your next career or long term project could be anything you wanted, are you going to hop into something for 10 years that doesn't end up panning out in your favor, or would you rather delicately test something for a year before diving in? Moving forward can be exciting, but if you're going by plane, you will need some coordinates.
I think your reading is super straightforward, pile 1. You've got a lucky edge going for you with the tarot cards here. Whatever kind of career goal you have in mind, you may have a chance to "make it big" at some point. That won't come without a lot of foresight and careful investment, however. Don't try to rush into any big decisions right off the bat. I occasionally see the Magician card as the one signifying "read between the lines". If any contracts get involved, be very careful and read thoroughly. Don't be afraid to ask questions or seek clarification. The ones giving you the contact would rather see you jump in it blind, but you've got the crafty Magician energy to help you out during this retrograde period.
As eager as you are to begin your next journey, you're being asked to consider what you want to grow over the long term. This reading wants to shift the focus away from the end goal, even if there's a message here about acting with intention. Setting intention doesn't mean straying away from the present moment to only consider what happens in the end. Part of paying attention to detail means being aware and present in what's happening around you. The present moment is a crucial aspect of your growth period, and it wants you to gently guard after and care for your goal as though it were a plant. You know the fruit of the plant will be ready to eat when it's there and fully ripened, but in the meantime you can enjoy its flowers and fresh budding leaves.
Enjoy the gentle growth process, because once you do start to take off, you may be shocked by how high you'll find yourself in mere seconds. The initial lift of the plane as it begins to run with the sky can give you a wonky feeling like your whole world is shifting and moving with you. Your sense of time can change, requiring adjustment. If you're unprepared, the change could feel overwhelming. Make sure that by the time you're ready for that big takeoff in your work or projects, you will have built up a solid foundation to ground you once you're ready to come back down to earth. That's how you'll build lasting success in your life's next adventure. Stay optimistic, because that positive shift could come sooner than you think!
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Pile 2 - Ship
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Cards: Limitless, Calla, The Alchemist, 10. Capricorn - Achieve, Express Love, 11. Invention - Burning with Passion; X Wheel of Fortune, 4 of Wands, VII Chariot, 10 of Swords Channeled Locations: India, Greece, Ethiopia, Thailand, Spain, Iceland, Turkey, Croatia, South Africa
The seas are calling you, pile 2, calmly asking you to take only what's truly needed with you. The water's may be choppy, but out in the expansive blue seas, you can feel connected to the coasts of the entire world. With a firm grasp of the ship's wheel, you designate yourself captain as you adjust your sails and set your sights for the hidden treasure that lies ahead--or perhaps beneath your anchor. You're entering your next big adventure lit up with grand ideas for what to do all laid out on your map. Over the vast horizon, anything could happen, and you could find yourself shaking hands with anybody new. This pile may be seeking proposals or offers of some kind, ones that will let you dream bigger than you have before. This pile likely has a good idea of where to go next, or at least some interesting things written down.
These cards ask you to make peace with some aspect of your past. It could be that whatever you had planned before didn't entirely work out in your favor. As much as the online community talks about how rejection is divine protection, sometimes having plans fall apart is not going to feel good, even when you're just glad it's over with. The worst thing can be the feeling of not knowing what to expect after a fall. But your next chapter is showing a lot of promise in things to come, so don't let your past be the omen of your future. The tides are turning right now, and if you can focus on what you'd like to accomplish next, you'll be able to shift those tides in your favor. The first step is to see that you've survived the bad times, and that in itself makes you a victor. With that, you can move ahead with more confidence than before.
That's the thing about Capricorn energy: it thrives in conditions that others would consider too harsh or demanding. It's the drive to take the roughest materials and make diamonds from them. Once you can decide to make peace with what you've gone through, you can take the nuggets of wisdom you've garnered to make a beautiful new path for yourself. You dissolve the worst of your experiences and bring them together to make it better, as the Alchemist card suggests. The difficult times and failed attempts were not for waste; you've gained a lot of valuable growth that will provide a smoother current toward success in your next endeavor. This could be the pile that wants to start a business. Please know that simply starting a business, or even taking the first steps to plan one, takes a lot of guts already. If you've managed to go that far, congratulations! It takes a lot of hard work for a new business to be survive the long haul. So celebrate your milestones, no matter how small they seem.
Part of what makes this next chapter so fortuitous for you is how the energy is transiting through. You could be hit with a wave of inspiration from out of nowhere. If you've been stuck in one place without any wind to carry you through the fog, be prepared for that big splash! All hiccups set aside, you're still brimming with a lot of zeal for your next idea. You may even receive a cascade of insight, so be sure to write these things down as they come. You never know if something silly and small could end up helping you out later on. Your next big adventure is going to put the spark back in you, with a feeling of having a second chance at life, as Calla lilies represent rebirth. Don't be afraid to get excited over what's to come, pile 2. Your faith that things will work out for the better is contagious, as is your gratitude for the accomplishments you've made so far.
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Pile 3 - Motorbike
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Cards: Breathe, Snowboard, The Heir (Rx), 5. Leo - Shine, Balance, 21. Resilience - Finding Your Limits; 6 of Cups, Queen of Cups, Page of Wands, XIII Death Channeled Locations: Mexico, Italy, Midwest US, France, Norway, Egypt, Chile, Brazil
Your pile is like the fiery passion of the wands suit. Independent and bold, you chose to take open road for your next adventure, blazing a new path in front of your very eyes. You have an eagerness to take the world by storm, going wherever your first impulse wishes to carry you. This pile has a lot of drive to move forward to the next chapter with as much speed as possible, optimistic to find that next golden opportunity. And you're not afraid of a little showboating along the way. You even have the Snowboard palette card, which is a sport involving nothing but speeding down slopes and catching incredible air. This pile is the most excited for their next adventure.
Except actually, pile 3, you're being asked to slow down a little bit. And I get it! I get that this message can be so frustrating when you see what looks to be an endless highway yet the speed limit says 55. That might be a good pace for many folks, but for this pile it's not nearly enough! The thing to keep in mind is that this process of moderating your pace is for your overall benefit. See, you have the only reversed archetype card in all the piles. The card speaks of untapped potential, which is still there. It's simply saying that whatever you're seeking to do next, you're not totally ready because there is too much you're still carrying with you. To go with the motorbike analogy again, any leftover baggage from your past is going to weigh you down so it's in your benefit to review what you have before you can move forward. The more you let it go, the faster you'll be able to pick up the pace.
You have a lot to be proud of with how far you've come already. This pile likely thrives on challenges and sees overcoming them as a big part of spiritual development. Which can be true in many cases, and you demonstrate clearly that you're not afraid of what's to come next. It may come as a shock to you that your next chapter might be a little more quiet than expected. This is likely because, if you've gone through a lot of growth in your last chapter, it makes sense to have some downtime to balance things out. The Queen of Cups can be introverted energy, but she knows how to use her alone time to replenish her soul with art and meditation. You may have more time to spend by yourself steeped in creative drive rather than trying to accomplish too many things in the outer world.
This is one of the more spiritually oriented piles; over this next big phase in your life, your creative skills may flourish and evolve to another level. Maybe for a while you've been inclined towards artistic pursuits, but feel a desire to expand upon what you're already doing. With this energy, you're in alignment to have more time and energy to devote towards passions like painting, sports, or music. In this way, you can take that immense enthusiastic drive from the Page of Wands and channel it into something constructive or purposeful, even if you don't intend to monetize it.
Your next big adventure is tackling the speed limits that exist within you: the self imposed beliefs that tell you how fast you can go or where you're allowed to proceed. Thing is, in your inner world, you have a lot more freedom than you would on any highway. You can choose for yourself how you wish to manifest your passions into the world, and you can decide how much or how little passion you put into your work. Things like imposter syndrome can be their own mountains to climb, and this time around you're more geared up than ever to take it on. Once the spiritual mountains have been overcome, you'll be able to top anything the next chapter in life brings you.
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Pile 4 - Train
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Cards: Nucleus, Billiard Green, The Gambler, 44. Sixth House - Sustainability, Trust, 1. Vision - Contemplating the Future; XVIII The Moon, 10 of Wands, 3 Cups, XV The Devil Channeled Locations: West US, Sweden, Japan, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Slovenia, China, Germany, Switzerland
You've picked the solid, earthy pile of moving forward to your next adventure by train. Locomotion is slow but it's steady and reliable with time. Fully embodying the principles of inertia, once it moves it keeps moving, but it takes a lot of initial effort to get things going. Something you've worked on is slow going, but you're close or nearing the finish line. Once this is accomplished, things will move much more smoothly for you without so much push. Your next chapter will be steady, but it will be easier than before because it's already in motion.
I find this pile intriguing, y'all. You have Gambler above the Billiard card, and the Devil card shows a casino as well. It's almost bringing to mind old train heist movies. There's action, adventure, mystery, and a lot of fun here in this pile. Your next big adventure could involve having more chances to go out and have fun with friends. You could meet new friends around this time who will have a lot of extra pep in their step. They'll get you out of your shell if you've been in one for a while. Alternatively, if you see yourself as a party loving daredevil already, this new friendship may slow you down and protect you a little, in a good sense. They'll either be the head to your heart, or the heart to your head.
This pile is definitely more inclined to go with the flow in the next chapter. I almost typed 'glow' on accident, so perhaps you'll also experience basking in a 'glow' of some kind. You could be overcoming a huge obstacle at this time and look forward to more unstructured down time. You're encouraged to take time to enjoy yourself before moving to the next phase, but to also balance it out by taking moments to see where you'd rather go next. It's easy, after a huge achievement, to lose pace once the "now what?" sign is reached on your path. Go-with-the-flow doesn't necessarily mean 'fuck around and see what happens', lol. Try to find a middle ground here between playing and planning.
Your work-life balance will likely have some kind of pressure valve released like steam. You've had to really push for what you wanted this year. When opportunities looked scant, you had to tap in to your own power and immense resources to pull through. You've done so in flying colors. So your desire for freedom and thrills after a hard chapter is totally understandable. If you're not finished with something, there's almost a temptation here to run from it now and deal with it later. This isn't recommended; push through to the end because soon you will find yourself on the other side basking in the glow, and relaxing will be so much easier once you're fully done.
There's also advice to not get too carried away with material desires here. Your next chapter may have your finances fluctuating up and down, so try to stay steady with investments. If a windfall comes in, don't spend it all in a day. The Trust card here is talking about how you trust yourself with your resources and energy. When you're able to carry a greater amount with more responsibility, more will be added to you in due time. You're being asked to make small and consistent investments with wherever you're putting your value and resources into. Nothing wrong with wanting to splurge on something nice of course, especially if you've been working hard and you want to reward yourself. This is more to do with long term investments over the next few years.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
Decks Used: Tarotwave, Starcodes Astro Oracle, Citadel Oracle, StarDragons, Opal Oracle, Starlight Messages, Color Palette cards
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ohtobeleah · 11 months
Sticks & Stones // A ToE Blurb
Summary: The one where Rooster finds out about the time you absolutely let loose on your daughter during her teenage hellion years while he was on an eight week deployment. And the one you find out you weren’t the only one who kept parenting secrets.
Warnings: Angst. Teenage hellion Odette Bradshaw. Bradley Bradshaw x F!reader. Platonic Rhett Abbott x F!reader.
Word Count: 4k
-> Fade away from reality with the Terms of Endearment series here
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I think throughout your parenting life together you and Rooster keep certain things from each other. Not out of spite or with malice intentions. It would be to simply keep the other from spiralling or needing to worry about a situation that had already been dealt with. That had already been handled appropriately and most likely to a parenting degree that would be deemed acceptable by the other party. 
“I remember this one time mum tore shreds off me after I got an after school detention.” This one can be titled: “The one where Rooster finds out about the time you absolutely let loose on your daughter during her teenage hellion years while he was on an eight week deployment.” 
Odette Fitch knew it wasn’t just because of the after school detention. She was big enough and grown enough to understand her wrongs as a teenager—but that didn’t make the pill any easier to swallow. 
“I've never seen her like that before nor do I ever want to see her like that again.” Odette explained all the while she sat by the fire— burning bright orange and red embers in the fire pit Chase had built, explaining how Harrison, her threenager, got in trouble for kicking dirt in some poor kid’s eyes during free play at daycare. “I didnt understand why she was so mad, why she was so emotional but fuck dad–I get it now.” 
“I don't think I know about this one?” Bradley shook his head softly as he took a sip from his beer bottle. “When did you get an after school detention?” Odette can't help but to chuckle, of course you hadn’t told him. You went off like no tomorrow which wasn't like you at all. Your tolerance for bullshit was usually pretty high–but that particular day Odette and her teenage antics had pushed you to a limit that even scared you. It was no wonder you never mentioned it to Bradley. 
So, Dot spills the beans, she finishes her beer and settles a little further into the back of her camp chair and lulled her head to the side to tell her dear old dad about the time she saw you burn in. 
Fourteen Years Earlier: 
“When your father hears about this Odette you better count your lucky stars that he doesn't ship you out to Wabang or better yet, Australia!” 
“It's not that big of a deal mum–” Dot trailed in behind you with her school bag slumped over her shoulder. She was too cool for school nowadays. “Everyone does it!” She’d been busted by a teacher, skipping P:E in favour of an excursion to the lake that bordered the school grounds. There was an old cabin out there one of the groundskeepers used to live in way back in the 70’s. Apparently it was haunted. Dot didn't think so. But she wanted to check it out nevertheless.
“You are not everyone, Odette, you are your own person with bodily autonomy and critical thinking skills and you should know better!” The consequences to Odette's actions had been a call from the principal's office in the middle of the day. You were beyond furious about being pulled away from work, work you were inundated with. What followed was a lengthy discussion with the schools guidance counsellor about your daughter's declining behaviour during class and her grade averages. Odette was smart; she just didn't apply herself–or just didn't see the point in doing so.  
“Uncle Jake said you hated school! Said you hardly ever showed up and that when you did it was to work on stuff in the metal room.” Odette thought she had you backed into a corner as you stopped and turned on your heels. “Yeah, I know things.” It was then you pressed your lips together in a fine line and wished Jake was currently in the US to feel your wrath. But he wasn't. No, He was in Townsville Queensland. In fucking Australia. It said so on the google calendar that sat on your kitchen countertop. The one everyone used. 
“Your uncle is a liar.” He wasn't. You hated school, it was hard being the smartest person in the room and feeling like you knew nothing all at the same time. You were a delinquent at best during your teenage years so the fact you had a teenage dirtbag yourself shouldn't have shocked you all that much. It didn't shock Jake that was for sure. The apple didn't fall too far from the tree he’d tell you when you'd call him just to rant about Odettes’ latest attempt at sending you to an early grave. “And we aren't talking about me, we’re talking about you and your grades and the fact you have an after school detention on Wednesday that I now have to leave work early to come and get your from when you know I work late Wednesdays!” 
There was a small pause in the argument that had begun to bubble over and before you knew what was happening—Odette was challenging you without hesitation.
“Oh i’m so sorry you have to leave work, not like you spend enough time there anyway!” Dot hissed. 
“Enough young lady, your father and I work hard to give you a good life.” That much was true—you never wanted your kids to grow up like you did. You’d do anything to keep a roof over their head and food in their mouths and keep clothes on their backs. 
“Maybe if Mr Carson wasn't such a tight ass–” Dot mumbled under her breath as she sighed and rolled her eyes. This sucked. Everything sucked. 
“Don't you blame anyone but yourself for this situation, Odette.” You pointed a stern finger at your daughter. “And be thankful it's me you're dealing with now and not your father, he’d be livid if he knew.” And then, Odette Bradshaw said it. For the first time ever she said something that tore your heart from your chest, rung it out like a wet sponge before discarding it in the trash.
“How can dad know about it!” She shouted. “He's in prison, remember?” Silence, Odette heard nothing but silence. No “Go to your room young lady.” or “You’re grounded.” Silence was all she heard as you stood there speechless trying to process what your daughter had just said to you. Odette took your silence as a leverage point, she thought she’d won the battle but decided to twist the knife a little deeper just to see how far she could push this new rhetoric. “Rooster isn't my real dad, so he doesn’t get to have a say in what I do and don't do.” Again you were speechless as you stood there with wide eyes trying to regulate the way your heart thumped against your chest. “And he's not even here mum! He's in the middle of the damn ocean somewhere so empty threats aside, I think I'll take my chances when he does come back.” 
Odette really did think she had you beat when you didn't say a word. She smirked, reached for her school bag that she'd dumped by the leg of the table and slung it over her shoulder before turning on her heels. It was then through a haze of rage and repressed emotions that you let your daughter, your first born, the first love you had ever known, have it. 
“Oh–fuck you kid!” You snapped through gritted teeth. Odette had never heard you swear before, let alone heard you swear at one of your three kids. “Fuck you!” When you said it again Odette just scoffed in shock. She was in utter disbelief. 
“Did you really just say that?” She asked softly, confused. 
“Yeah–yeah I really just said fuck you, and I mean how fucking dare you.” There was a rage behind your eyes Dot had never seen before. A sadness. “ After all I have done, after all that I have given to you, my life, my love, my body!” You paused as you stepped a little close to your daughter. “I broke my fucking vagina for that big fucking head of yours!” You spat, it was too much for Odette to compute as you spoke with venom lacing your tone. “And I had to be surgically sewn back together, I bet you didn't know that, did you? Well guess who does know? Your uncle because he was there! Not your fucking father!” 
Odette didn't know that, She always just assumed that her dad had been there when you gave birth to her. Why wasn't he there she wondered? Why wasn’t he there to watch her be born? 
“Oh and you calling him your dad, that's rich considering you have never known the man! So rich when the man who is your father, who is your dad in all the ways that matter most loves you so unconditionally that he adopted you as his own!” You were on a warpath and Odette was your target. “After all those years of your ‘father’ driving me insane with his abuse and his condescending ‘my loves’” You paused to hold back tears as flashes from your past played out like a rolodex behind your eyes. “He talked to me like I was worthless, treated me like trash until I got sick of it!” 
“Mum?” Odette tried to interrupt as tears began to stream down your cheeks. 
“I wanted happiness Odette–” Was all you sobbed. “I deserve happiness! I’m a fucking human being Dot!” You tried to pull yourself together because this wasn't about you or what you wanted. You were a selfless mother who gave everything you had to your children and this was the most vulnerable any of them had ever seen you. 
“Don't you dare bitch to me about my career, little miss ‘I’m so progressive!’ Yes! I worked my ass off to get where I am and I wanted it.” Flashbacks from the time Jake and your own guidance counsellor helped you graduate flashed before your eyes. They believed in you when most people didn't. When you didn't even believe in yourself. 
“I wanted to mean something in this world! I didn’t know that was a fucking crime!?” 
“Mum–” Odette was at a loss for words but nevertheless she still tried. You didn't let her speak. You weren’t done yet. 
“Life isn't perfect, oaky baby? We don't get everything we want. But you’re young, you know, so go on, go make the perfect little life that you want and you see how fucking easy it is and stop bitching and complaining and blaiming me! after all I have ever done and all I will ever do has been in your best goddamn interest.” 
It was Odette's turn to stand in silence, unsure of what to say back to you after your rant. It was clear she broke your heart—that much was evident, but Odette was too hot headed and knew what she thought was everything she ever needed to know. After all, she was fifteen. 
“I’m—“ As Dot when to speak, you held your hand up in order to silence your daughter. She hated the tears that streamed down your face as you refused to look at her. “Mum?”
“Go to your room, I’ve got to go get your brother and sister from school.” Without another world, it was just Odette left in the big house that usually houses five souls at any given time. She felt sick to her stomach for upsetting you so much. 
But as she heard the car start in the driveway she knew she wouldn’t apologise for it. You’d be fine. You were her mother—you had no choice but to love her even when you wanted to kill her. 
Present Day: 
“Now before you whoop my twenty nine year old ass, I did end up apologising and I did go to that detention and I’ve since learnt my lesson.” Dot scrambled to get all that out before Rooster had a chance to lean over and wrap his hands around his daughter’s throat. 
You’d never told him about that, Rooster never would have known if his daughter didn’t spill the test fourteen years later. And even if fourteen years had past Bradley knew that you probably thought about that fight a lot. 
“Your mother was right kid, I would have throttled you.” Bradley shook his head in disbelief, it was fourteen years ago but he was only finding out about it now. He felt like he was the last to know. He should have known, right?
Later that same evening when Bradley made his way home, he opened the front door to the smell of something homely simmering away on the stovetop. Homemade chicken and feta pesto pasta. One of his favourites. 
The portion size had dwindled from five to four to three to two back to three over the years, with kids grown and flying in and out of the house without a second's notice. But the one thing that always remained the same was the love cooked into the food you prepared for your family. No matter how little or how much. 
“Hey Roo.” You beamed as you took a sip from the glass of wine in your hand. You’d just finished cleaning up the kitchen after having used every possible surface available. “How’s Dot doing?” 
“She’s good, Harrison’s giving her a little trouble but she’s good.” Bradley explained as he made his way over to you. “But—she actually told me a little story about a fight the two of you had?” It was the taunting tone your husband used that made you immediately feeling hot in the cheeks. Bradley wasted no time in trapping you between the countertop and his torso, with strong arms encompassing you. “The one where you—“
“No she didn’t!” You cupped a single hand over your mouth with wide eyes when the realisation hit you like a ton of bricks. “That little shit head I swore her to secrecy!” Bradley reached for your glass of wine, he took a sip before he pressed his lips together and leaned in to kiss your cheek softly from behind.” 
“You never told me—“ 
“I didn’t want you knowing I swore at her.” You admitted. “You were deployed and I didn’t want you worrying about us at home and—“ Before you could finish your sentence, Rooster spun you around in his hood and had his lips on yours as he pressed you up against the kitchen counter top. His hands were firmly on your hips, holding you close to him lovingly. 
“Before anything, I am a husband and a father first baby.” He reminded you as he let his forehead rest against yours. “I know why you didn’t tell me, and I’m not mad you didn’t because you handled it better than I probably would have—“ Bradley explained as he pushed your hair behind your ear. “But I wish you didn’t have to deal with those very real and very valid emotions by yourself.” 
You paused for a brief moment, smiling up at your loving husband and the aroma of his favourite meal consumed the two of you. 
“Well if it makes you feel any better baby I wasn’t entirely alone.” You explained as you got to work plating up a bowl of pesto pasta for your husband. 
Fourteen Years Earlier: 
What Dot didn’t see was the panic attack that overcame you to the point you had to pull over on the side of the road to let it take its course. Memories of that fateful night and that bloodied devil-like smirk flashed before your eyes. Even after all these years the mere mention of your ex brought you to your damn knees in a crumpled heap. He was a monster. 
With Bradley deployed and Jake overseas a world away in the land down under, you reached for your phone and called the only person you knew would answer your call the first time round. 
“Boys!” Rhett’s loud and boisterous voice travelled down the hall. He was standing in the kitchen making his seven year old boys lunch. Turkey and cheese on wholemeal bread. “Quit fuck assing around, come get your lunch!” As Rhett flung the tea towel over his shoulder and started to pack up the mess he’d made making lunch for his boys—he felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket. A loud thud came from the living room just around the corner—then? Complete and utter silence. If Rhett knew anything about his kids it’s that when a thud is followed by silence it’s usually not a good thing. “BOYS! you better both be alive when I round that corner!” 
Rhett threw the butter and the block of cheese he’d mangled with a less than sharp butter knife into the fridge haphazardly before he kicked the fridge door shut with his boot. He wasted not a second of time, he needed to investigate the silence now shrouding the farmhouse. As he walked he fished his phone from his back pocket to see your name lighting up his caller ID. ‘Ace.’ 
“Hol’ on—m’ parentin’.” Rhett mumbled as he swiped the pad of his thumb across his screen and held his phone to his ear. Keep it there with his shoulder as he rounded the corner to see one of his twins, Liam, laying on the ground with his eyes closed. “LUKE!” Rhett bellowed into the phone, for a second it made you laugh because Rhett and parenting in the same sentence still made you smile. “What did you do to your brother huh?” 
“He fell!” Luke ran out from behind the lounge and down the hall. “I didn’t touch him!” Rhett groaned in defeat as he scooped his son off the ground to make sure he was still alive. Yep. There was a heartbeat and breathe inside his lungs. 
“I’m fine, I just need a minute—“ Liam mumbled. “And to not fix fences this afternoon.” 
“You ain’t dead, dying or debilitated.” Rhett chuckled as he watched Liam side on the couch with deflated shoulders. “Go eat your lunch and find your brother before I do.” How the fuck was Rhett Abbott a dad? “We’re heading out at two.” 
Liam groaned as he flung himself off the lounge and headed on into the kitchen. It was then Rhett exhaled a sigh and turned all his attention back to you—still waiting patiently on the other end of the line. “How much do you think I could get for two feral seven year olds?” 
“Probably a little more than a fifteen year old delinquent.” You replied softly as you sat pulled over on the side of the road with your hazards on and your forehead pressed against the steering wheel. “I’m sending her to live with you.” Rhett chuckled as he sat on the lounge and held his phone up to his ear. 
“What she do this time?” It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for you and Rhett to call each other to discuss your children’s antics. Being separated and a co-parenting dad with two twin boys that hardly knew what he was doing, more often than not it was Rhett calling you. But on the odd occasion you called him? It made him feel validated in a sense that it was okay to not have everything under control all the time. “Y/n? What she do this time?” 
“We were arguing about how she got an after school detention—“ You explained only a few details. “And then she hit me with the Bradley’s not her real dad argument when I said she was lucky he wasn’t here to reprimand her.” It knocked the wind right out of Rhett’s lungs. “She’s fifteen! I’m not ready to talk about this yet! She can’t know Rhett—she can’t—she—“ Rhett could tell by the rapid breathing and the panicked tone coming through the phone that you weren’t okay. He looked over to the little digital calendar in the corner of the living room that you all had and saw that Bradley was still on deployment for another two weeks. 
“Ace, listen to me?” Rhett tried his best to console you as he rubbed a hand across his tired face. “You don’t have to tell her, no one will ever force you to tell her anything you don’t want her to know, but she’s a smart kid man—she’s gonna figure it out eventually.” 
“Fuck you Rhett—“ That wasn’t the reaction Rhett was expecting but nevertheless it forced a chuckled from his chest. “You didn’t see the way she dug that knife in, she knew what she said and she meant it too.” 
“Kids are brutal, teenagers are the worst.” Rhett replied. “It’s sticks and stones Ace, be the bigger person and just let her have this one.” You knew Rhett wasn’t invalidating your feelings, he was just giving you level headed advice. 
“Are you kidding me?” 
“Nah—“ Rhett smiled with half his mouth as he watched his boys come back into the living room with their sandwiches. Both sitting in front of the TV to watch something Rhett could only assume was mind numbing. He wasn’t allowed to watch TV as a kid, but he wasn’t about to be like his father. “I’m serious, I think she won this round, but just because she KO’d you doesn’t mean you won’t get back up.” 
“I hate you, you know that right?” You groaned into the phone. “Jake would have told me to take the door handle off her door and leave her in there for a week.” You knew that Jake would have been serious too. “I should have called him for moral support, not you and your rational responses.” 
You needed level headedness though, you needed someone to pull you back from the edge of a full blown parenting breakdown and of all people it was Rhett Abbott who did so. He smiled to himself because he knew you’d be okay, he knew the tears had slowly begun to fade and he knew that when you got home? You’d still love your shit head of a daughter. 
“That’s exactly why Hangman doesn’t have kids.” 
Present Day: 
There’s a barely twenty one year old emerging from his room right about the time Bradley has you sitting on the countertop while he stands between your legs. If anything the Bradshaw kids were exposed to public displays of affection more often than most kids were but that was because they had parents who were oh so in love. 
For Nicky Bradshaws who’s home on a rare visit between trips overseas and dedicating his entire life to the sport he loved so much, the fact he watched his parents suck faces often throughout his childhood never made the sight any less gross. 
Nick stood dead in his tracks as he watched his father stand between his mothers legs with his tongue in her mouth like he was starved of oxygen. He let his presence be known by clearing his throat. 
“I still technically live here, you know.” Nick side eyed the two of you as Rooster stepped away to let you down from where he had you perched. It wasn’t a kiss laced with lust—but it had been a kiss filled with love for the woman who had built her own version of a perfect life. “I think I deserve to be able to use the common areas of the house without needing lasik after losing my vision after having walked in on you two getting in on.” Your youngest pointed between you and Bradley. “Y’all have a bedroom—use it.” 
“It wasn’t like that honey.” You tapped your son on the chest. “Here, have some dinner before your father eats it all.” 
“I heard Harry kicked dirt in some poor kid's eyes today.” Nick chuckled at the way his oldest sister had rung him up in the car. “Can’t say he isn’t hers now—“ Bradley laughed along with his son as you deadpanned the both of them. The look you sent them shut their laughter up real quick. “Oh come on ma! Admit it, she was a handful teen and you know it.” 
“You weren’t perfect either Bud.” Rooster had your back before you even needed to defend Odette. “I still remember the time I caught that girl sneaking out of your room when you were fifteen—“ Immediately, before the sentence was even finished, Bradley knew he’d fucked up. 
“What girl?” Your eyes went wide. “Nick? When did you have a girl in your room when you were fifteen?” Throughout your parenting life together you and Rooster keep certain things from each other. Not out of spite or with malice intentions. It would be to simply keep the other from spiralling or needing to worry about a situation that had already been dealt with. “Bradley? What girl!?” You hissed as you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“It’s a long story Ma.” Nick replied with a mouthful of pasta. 
“Well it’s a good thing I’m not busy.” You turned to your husband who looked like a kicked puppy. He kept things from you too. And he kept this one from you for a good fucking reason—Nick had begged him to for his own safety.
Nick knew you’d throw sticks and stones at him if you found out he lost his virginity when he was just fifteen. 
“Spill the beans boys.” You willed the pair of them to sit at the table. Nick shook his head in defiance with a mouthful of pasta. 
“No thanks, I chose life.” 
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014 @blindedbythelightt @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde @americaarse e @avaleineandafryingpan @phoenix1388 @xoxabs88xox @je-suis-prest-rachel @pono-pura-vida @rosiahills22 @starset21 @anarchyrising @caidi-paris @starkleila @criticalroleobssedperson @enchantingdreamergothprune @flrboyd @emma8895eb @endofdays56 @seresinsaint @topguncortez @mandylove1000 @clancycucumber230
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geebeewrites · 5 months
Pinned Post - 2024 Update
★ Hello, I’m Gee and I’m currently looking for new roleplay partners. I’m 28 years old, I reside in Australia, and I’ve been roleplaying in various forms for over a decade now. I’m searching for new partners and plots at the moment so if you are interested in plotting, please feel free to either like this post or send me a direct message.
If you are interested in writing together and you don't already have a guidelines/rules post on your page (which is totally fine as I know that not everyone has a dedicated roleplay page), please send me some information about yourself as a roleplayer as well, so that we can see if we're compatible (e.g. your activity levels, any kinks/limits/triggers, average reply lengths, whether you use celeb fcs or a different type of fc etc.)
Before reaching out, please read the below to make sure that we’re compatible: 
♥ 21 + please! Even if we aren’t writing smut, most plots will involve mature themes so please, no minors.
♥ I write exclusively on Discord these days, however use Tumblr for initially finding a partner and making sure we’re compatible before moving things across to Discord.
♥ I’m currently only doing original character roleplaying as opposed to writing within any specific fandoms. I’m flexible in terms of pairings (mxm, mxf, nonbinary pairings), although mxm ships will always have a special place in my heart! I am happy to play any gender but that said, I don’t enjoy being used just to play male characters in mxf ships so please keep that in mind before reaching out.  
♥ I’m currently only looking for partners for the wanted plots on my page, however I’m super flexible in terms of plotting out the specific details and making sure that it’s something we’re both passionate about as this definitely isn’t a dictatorship. I particularly love slice of life, angst, and celebrity plots. I enjoy writing smut and mature themes but I love to make sure that each roleplay is also quite plot heavy and that we’re all getting the opportunity to develop our characters! I also love talking ooc, ploting, sharing headcanons and muse posts so that we can build an ooc friendship as well.
♥ I have a face claim directory on my blog so if there’s a particular face claim that really jumps out at you, please let me know! Each of the face claims on that directory have original characters that I've developed and pre-existing bios so some face claims are better suited to particular plots but that said, I am flexible in terms of changing the characteristics of my original characters to better suit plots if needed.
♥ Communication is key! I know that real life can get hectic sometimes. I personally work full-time and study part-time, however do consider myself a relatively active partner and I'm looking for active partners. Whilst I'm not expecting daily replies, I am definitely looking for partners that can manage a few replies per week (and although there is no pressure to match the length of my replies, I do please request a minimum of one paragraph with each reply; otherwise I can struggle to keep my muse). That said, it you aren't feeling a particular plot anymore or if things are happening in your real life that will delay replies, please just flick me a message - I promise that I'm not going to be upset! If I haven't received any in character or ooc for extended periods of time, that does impact my muse and it can come across as a lack of commitment/interest on the other person's part. I reserve the right to leave and/or delete servers if that is the case.
♥ Here are some links on my page that you might find helpful! Top 10 Most Wanted Plots | Other Wanted Plots | FC Directory 
If you’ve read through all of this and you think that we’re compatible, please like this post or send me a message so that we can get the ball rolling! 
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Round 2!
If you recognize the movies hiding behind the decoy titles, please do not give identifying details about them in the notes.
Movie n°1: Only in Australia
After the brutal death of his wife and his other infant children, a single Australian father seeks to shelter his disabled son. The son rebels against his dad's overprotectiveness, which gets him kidnapped and held captive at the mercy of a jailor whose idea of "play" is lethal. While the son is initiated into the prisoners' ranks and risks his life trying to break out, his father travels with an eccentric American sidekick in search of his boy, contending with violent addicts, dangerous wildlife, and his own well-intentioned ableism. Father and son eventually reunite, but the father must allow his child to go into danger once again to save the dad's friend from a mass trafficking operation.
Movie n°2: don't call him at all
A guy is sent on a mission by his boss, but he REALLY doesn't want to go. So he does what any logical person would do: he finds himself a ship with a lazy crew and decides to sail in the opposite direction. But soon the sea turns on him, so he jumps in. His hope is to die so he doesn't have to complete his mission. For a moment, it seems he will get his wish; however, other plans are already in place to transport him back to exactly where he's supposed to go. On top of it all, he and his friends get arrested and nearly banished. Now, seeing no other option, he completes his mission, and they are all immediately let go. Then he leaves the place, STILL hoping he failed. Later, the sailors come across a family on their way to a concert. (Based on a true story)
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moiteneia · 8 months
Federation Report: Experiment 0010.
The two guinea pigs, 0001 and 0010, have shown themselves to be very promising. Being twins, we were able to closely observe the changes in their bodies upon contact with Perfection. However, they still demonstrate serious personality flaws.
01 is an intelligent and calm girl, observing her surroundings before making any decision and can distinguish puzzles from false riddles. However, it shows weakness with animals and is aggressive towards physical experiments.
As for her brother, 10, he is an unsociable and protective boy, showing high levels of anger when we approach his sister. He demonstrates the same level of intelligence as his sister, spending hours on our puzzles to deliver them perfectly solved.
Given their levels of aggression, we decided to separate them, promising each other that if they obeyed, the other would not be being attacked.
From there, we were able to move on to the ARENA experiment.
There, we put the best cobals we collected to face each other in pairs. By uniting 10 and q!Bbh, one of our oldest guinea pigs, we achieved spectacular results.
This was the first time the experiment was given a "name". q!Bbh seems to have become fond of the child and named him "Dapper".
0010 doesn't seem to show the exact feeling of affection or protection for q!Bbh, just being understanding and calm. The two seem to get along well and q!Bbh managed to use 10's aggression to capture and kill his opponents more easily. This seems to have made the child crueler than Perfection would have liked.
The Federation then determined that 0010 would be sent to the prison where we send the rest of our failed experiments, while we will erase part of q!Bbh's memories so that he does not remember the experiments accurately and hinder our efforts to achieve the perfection.
0010 in prison demonstrated irrationality. Having had contact with cruelty, he became manipulative and used fear to obtain protection and what interests him. So much so that he used a fake cell phone to attract and win over gangs who, interested in contact with outsiders, approached him.
This cell phone gave him a new nickname, "Cell". The Federation has not yet decided whether names are bad aspects for our experiment, but momentarily it seems that this will not affect our experiments.
However, two failed test subjects managed to manipulate 0010. Although he managed to escape from our prison, he demonstrated confusion numerous times and his irrationality, along with the intensity and impulsiveness of his actions, blinded him.
Last time we saw him, the duo, along with a third individual, they had arrested him in a type of cave on a small island. He only had in his possession a gun with a single bullet.
Fearing that we would lose one of our most promising results, the agents rushed to rescue him. However, upon arriving on the island, he had somehow escaped.
The Federation determined that we must get it back immediately before we lost everything we had gained in years of experimentation. The agents have been thinking about using 0010's sister to lure him, as we did to keep him obedient, however, we don't know exactly through which channels we could do this.
For now, our main mission is to continue the experiments with the other test subjects and track where "Cell" or 0010 could be.
Report Update: Arrival of Brazilians and "q!Cellbit/0010".
We managed to track down the location of experiment 0010. He was on his way to Australia on a boat with the prison duo and two other test subjects.
We immediately tried to attract the ship with our mechanisms, however, we were surprised. Subject 0001 managed to reach communication and sent a message to the ship's captain, trying to warn them to stay away from the island, as they were heading towards danger.
It appears that 0001 has been following the investigation for the past few years, looking for her brother and a way to join him by escaping. Luckily, we managed to find out before she arrived to meet her brother. We immediately erase all her memories involving him and will keep her locked up until further notice.
Now, we need to revisit the experiments of 0010, or q!Cellbit, as he appears to have given himself, and find out how far he is from his latest progress while still in our domain.
We also need to know if it is still of use to the Federation so that we can achieve Perfection.
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othervee · 15 days
I am thoroughly pissed off now. I live in Australia and I ordered Intro when it came out. So I assumed Duo could likewise be ordered.
I've waited up past my bedtime. Refreshed. Tried to order. Only to find buried in the FAQ that they don't ship to Australia now.
Anyone got a UK/European address I can borrow to get my bottle shipped to? I'll pay commission.
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cedar-sunshine · 20 days
soft intro for a new project!
As it says SOFT intro. all of this stuff is subject to change, I'd LOVE ur opinion on it!
No name for it currently, but it's about a group of criminals arrested for crimes against the government being sent on an Australia type mission in a sci-fi space setting- around 100 of them, with consent, are sent into a 'sleep' (possibly through the freezing thing but yk whatever. It's futuristic who cares, I'll figure it out later) and set to go on a 150-year-long journey to a superhabitable planet that's being considered for a human colony (it has a breathable atmosphere and a relatively young star). Unfortunately, humanity (along with a couple other species from near us in the galaxy) figures out a faster method of space travel about 20 years after the journey starts, and the Australia type mission is forgotten about. 32 years before their mission should have landed on the colony, something goes wrong with the ship and the AI is forced to make an emergency crash landing on a nearby habitable planet. Only nine (<- in the works) people survive the crash, and those are our main characters!
Its found family/sci fi/survival stuff, I'm very fond of most of the characters and the general aesthetic.
The main characters so far are:
Carbon (he/they)
The leader of an anti-government group that led attacks on infrastructure and weapons storage units, etc. He's the oldest at 32 (younger is safer for the 'sleep' process), mostly human, and kind of ends up as a begrudging father/older brother to all the college-aged kids they decided to put on this mission. He's easily the most responsible in the group due to his old job, but he can be cold and impersonal, or too controlling. He has a prosthetic leg (from just above the knee) and hand, both amputated from diabetes. He doesn't sleep with them on, but he uses them for more intricate things and to maim people with if necessary.
Altar (he/she)
Half human, half squid guy, brightly colored pilot. She murdered a handful of corrupt government officials with help. He has tendrils in place of hair, which are a little thicker than your average air strand, have nerves, and have a bit of motion (not prehensile, but they get tense and sort of hover a little when he's stressed). Adhd as hell, high energy and fun. She doesn't really take much seriously, which can be annoying to work with. Second youngest at 17. They use forearm crutches.
Palace/Lace (any)
Synthetic (robot basically) with their intelligence in a small 'skull' that controls a large mass of tiny metal orbs to act as their body. He can manipulate both shape and color at will, and prefers to have a smooth form with rose, white and gold coloring. Pretty self centered and arrogant, but honest and uplifting. She's definitely sure that she's better at everything than everyone, but that doesn't mean they're not good! Or at least okay, compared to him. Smuggler. I think they're 20.
Olive (they/them)
Human engineer/mechanic who, on earth, would go on tours of government buildings and inspect them for a few days before figuring out how they worked and sending the blueprints to groups which would destroy them. They don't talk much, preferring to think thoroughly, but they often forget that they're supposed to talk after thinking and just start doing things without saying what they're doing. They're autistic and 19, and chronically covered in oil stains.
Lazuli/Laz (she/her)
Half plant person, half human. Mostly made up of different microplants. Photosynthesizes. Diplomat (officially) and hacker (why she got arrested). She can't speak (no vocal cords or mouth, she just needs sun and water) but she can process vibrations into speech. She uses sign language and teaches it to those in the group who don't know so they can communicate with Hermes. Calm, rational, and likes being in control of all situations. She's the youngest in the group at 16 and finds it very hard to admit that she's not ready to take on both surviving on an unknown planet and acting like an adult.
Hermes (he/him)
Transmasc deaf space pirate. Due to some bullshit ableism in the system and a lot of miscommunication and purposeful lack of accurate translation for him, he was put on the mission without consent and is dealing with a lot of grief for the beginning of the story, which affects a lot of people's veiw of him. He's quiet and warm, and prefers to sit in silence without talking and just experience others being around him than engage in conversation. 18.
Halcyon/Halcey (he/him)
Biologist and bioengineer, very excited about plants. He specializes in xenobiology (understanding how newly discovered plants that aren't from earth or other well known and populated plants work) and genetic engineering of plants. He made bioweapons (which is decently clear by now I hope). He's sort of silly, like if a Pokémon professor was 24 and mostly an alien. He's very sweet and just. So hyper about plants and biology.
Civet (she/they)
Half human, half 'ferox' (basically a fossa or civet type humanoid) with more ferox traits. Long term government plant and spy. Hot headed, fun and protective of the younger kids (she's 21). She's fully prepared to become a problem at any provocation and is probably one of the people who starts the most fights in the group. She's very sweet to the kids, though. She's basically their older sister.
Bardiche/Bard (they/any)
Mostly synthetic/mecha person (human base), they've got RAD legs (like if T Rex legs were muscley and agile and also have big cool talon feet) and a prehensile tail with a polearm tip (due to weird nerve stuff with synthetic parts, they can't feel it and need to grab it in their hand to stab people). She also has big forearms with armor plates and some spikes (same with their legs) and claws, plus cool horns. They're very sweet and gentle and really insecure (not abt the synthetic parts he KNOWS he's rad) and they're a former mercenary/assassin (that's why they got the murder mods). They're great and I love them. They're like 7 feet tall or something, their jump height is insane.
lmk if you want to hear more about this!
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not-poignant · 6 months
Merch Tier Revived!
As of this month, I've officially revived the Vexteria tier on Patreon and Ream as a Merch tier :D
This is the one you're looking for:
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Memberships at Ream
Memberships at Patreon
I've been thinking about it for like a year and I've finally figured out a way to do it without breaking my brain (or the bank) and handling overseas postage.
While there are other bonuses in this tier, I've finally figured out how to get around overwhelming postage costs with twice-yearly drops of merch to those who subscribe for 4 consecutive months in the Evan & Vexteria tier within that period.
This is what shipped out to followers in the second half of 2023!
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x 2 notebooks (lined) + postcards (with recycled paper envelopes) + vinyl stickers + a signed personalised individual letter. In this first instance, I am also the artist of this merch.
Here's me preparing everything :D
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Each merch shipment will be different items and different themes - sometimes fanart, sometimes quotes, or focuses on different stories. The items can individually change too. It might be journals, more varied stickers, other forms of stationary, enamel pins, and more.
What do you get in this tier?
In this tier you get access to everything. All the early access, the merch, you get credits in all future books (which, with publishing hopefully kicking off in 2024 means seeing your name in print a fair bit!), and see any other extras I choose to share.
Why 4 consecutive months to be eligible for that 6 month drop?
To cover overseas shipping costs, which start at $20, and to also cover the raw cost of the merchandise, and also still be able to make an income off Patreon or Ream in this tier.
I like the look of an older merch bundle, can I get that instead?
Only if there's stock left over for that! And you can't get both at the same time, so if I can make a bundle based off past merchandise for you, it will be in lieu of the current bundle.
How is it shipped? How long does it take?
It's all shipped super safely. Before I worked as a writer, I worked as an artist selling fragile traditional art pieces. I've shipped over 500 worldwide. Your merch comes in a water resistant plastic sleeve that is sealed and very durable, and that goes into a thick envelope that has bubble wrap incorporated into it to make sure everything arrives safe and sound, even in inclement weather.
Because I'm shipping from Australia, items can take 2-6 weeks to arrive.
Could you ever send merch more often?
Not at the current price/s of this tier! Many overseas / non-US writers don't actually offer merch drops like this at all, and offer digital items, or only do Print-on-Demand which means nothing can be as personalised as writing you a letter of gratitude and celebration of your awesomeness.
Doing it this way means I can put a personal touch in there, and bundle everything, and know that everything's shipping safely with materials I really trust. :) It also means I can inspect every single item personally to make sure it's up to my standards before it goes to you!
Where do I check this out?
Go have a look at the memberships over on Patreon and Ream! You want the Vexteria & Evan tier. :D
Memberships at Ream (You can join for free here and follow me here without subscribing and just get a feel for it first!
Memberships at Patreon
A huge THANK YOU to the people who have been on this tier for ages even without these kinds of rewards. Your support is so incredibly invaluable, and I can't wait for you all to receive the first Augus & Gwyn themed merch drop. :D Y'all made this possible, and I appreciate you so much.
If anyone has any questions, hit me up! I'm super hyped for this. I fully understand if it's not something folks can afford, and I'm hoping to find a way to make merch more widely available in time, so that folks don't have to miss out, but until then, we have the Merch tier back up and running for the first time since about 2014!
Things like this keep the lights on, and keep the stories coming out to you over time, and more than anything, y'all have no idea how much fun I had writing individual letters to the folks in this tier, celebrating what I really loved / thought was awesome about them.
All right, thanks for your time, I'll get back to posting chapters now :D
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admiral-mason · 9 months
SAGAU x Battlecruisers
Feat. Beidou
Disclaimer: Beidou may be a bit out of character.
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Before we get into this post, lemme tell you a bit about Battlecruisers.
...Here just watch this video:
And here's the game's website:
Here's some lore from my perspective:
Humanity was effectively killed off, and robots took over the world. Said robots tend to refer to humans as meat people.
The robots also built massive warships simply referred to as battlecruisers. The battlecruiser you control is known as the Trident.
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All that's left of humans is floating cities. I can also imply that sea levels have risen dramatically since the game's protagonist is capable of using his battlecruiser to Paris which is in the middle of France.
I don't think this is canon but I like to think that plastic bottles survived humanity's eradication
I know three nations that exist: The United Automata Coalition (Also known as the UAC, it's the strongest nation in the game), the Rust Nation (which builds battlecruisers of their own), and New Australia (I only know one character from said nation, that's it)
Also the protagonist is this guy (I screenshot the image myself):
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His name is Charlie, but at the end of the game, his full name is revealed to be Charles Wilfred Haka V1.
So, how will I tie this to SAGAU?
The answer is simple: While you played Genshin Impact a lot, you eventually found out about Battlecruisers. After giving it a whirl, you honestly liked the game as it was nice to play something else for once.
Well, then you get yeeted into Teyvat.
Except this time, you're not in a nation or frankly anywhere for that matter.
You notice you're on the deck of a jet-black cruiser... before looking around and seeing an ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE GUN TURRET.
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(This is assuming that Charlie is around the height of an average human... refer back to the Trident picture shown earlier for an idea of the scale) (I screenshot this myself and added text in Canva)
Suddenly, someone emerges from a hatch next to you.
You immediately realize that the jet-black robot is Charlie due to his slim legs and stubby arms.
Suddenly, he says something.
"Hey! You're the guy who helped me steal the Trident and survive thirty-one life-or-death scenarios!"
"...I'm sorry wha-"
(Headcanons start here)
Beidou and her crew likely would find you and Charlie on one of her voyages. It isn't hard at all to spot the Trident since it's a very large jet-black modular battleship.
Once she spots you, everyone on the Alcor would likely feel your divine presence since this is SAGAU. Beidou would order the crew to get closer, but with caution since the Trident is highly intimidating.
Meanwhile, Charlie is watching the Alcor get closer via a mounted telescope.
"Is that... a wooden cruiser controlled by meat-people and propelled by paddles and two giant wheels in the rear?"
"Hold up lemme see *notices the Alcor via the telescope* ...Oh crap we're in Teyvat."
Once the Alcor finally reaches the Trident, Beidou is just staring up at the massive profile of the ship. It's massive.
Conversely, you're looking down at the Alcor's tiny profile, wondering how you were gonna talk to them. Hopefully, Beidou and her crew don't see you as hostiles.
Charlie suggests the idea of using a Steamcopter to get down to the Alcor.
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(That's a Steamcopter)
"Dude, this is insane! These things only have a 60% chance of taking off properly!" You yelped to Charlie, panicking over the fact that you remembered the problematic lore bits of the Steamcopter.
"Nah, you'll be fine! Trust me!" Charlie replied as the VTOL aircraft took off. Thankfully, the Steamcopter did not malfunction and you and Charlie were able to descend onto the deck of the Alcor.
"Uhhh... hi Beidou-" was all you could make out before Beidou tackled you with a hug.
"Your grace! I cannot be any happier in any other moment that's not right now!"
"...Great! Now I'm in a SAGAU situation!" You yelped, not knowing how to respond.
"What is that?" Charlie asked as he was confused.
After the hasty introduction Beidou recomposed herself, introducing her, Kazuha, and the Alcor's crew... before asking on who Charlie is.
As soon as they found out that Charlie is a naval captain from another world they were fascinated by him and his ship.
"It has weapons, shields, and a charging station for the drones that work on this cruiser!"
Charlie excitedly said as Beidou and Kazuha continued to look at the Trident's massive profile.
"How... how did you obtain such a vessel?" Kazuha asked.
"I stole it with the help of this guy right here!" Charlie said as he pointed to you with his left arm. You just looked at him with a 'bruh' face.
"YOU WHAT?!" Beidou and Kazuha yelled at the same time.
Genshin Impact by miHoYo. Battlecruisers by Mecha Weka.
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dragcnlxrd · 5 months
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So in like 6 hours here it will be the blessed end of 2023. And while I doubt my new year will be anything thrilling I have learned a lot during this year. I've learned that it's super easy to detach myself from giving a shit about the person that incubated me, I've learned that when push comes to shove I'm the only person in my house that will step up and take care of my elderly father, provide food on the table at the cost of my own needs, and tolerate the abuse hurled at me both physical and verbally daily by the woman that incubated me.
I've learned that you can be negative in your bank account for a bit before your bills get rejected. I've learned that while you're recovering from a broken ankle and a stroke your job and coworkers don't give a shit that you've been gone for more than 6 months because you truly don't matter to the world. I've also learned that state temporary disability will NOT pay you enough to live off of at all thus constantly in the negative funds, nor is it reliant.
But aside from all of that I also learned I can find solace in a video game, that interacting with these fictional cgi characters would fill me with some semblance of joy and what it's like to feel loved. So my first appreciation will be to Baldur's Gate 3 and to my Tav Ashtara because I've learned to be happy through her.
THAT'S not only what I want to say, I want to also say how much I've learned about myself here writing with my tiny handful of partners! You guys that continue to give me the time of day and spare a few moments to reply to my stuff have made me happy but there are a few of you that earn special places.
@ravusnightblossom is first and foremost forever going to be my number one. Fox has quickly become my bestest friend and I'm so very thankful that she flew me across the country to hang out with her for a week. It was the best week of my life and I miss being a potato on her couch. But not only that Fox has been a lifesaver for me for everything and I don't think I could ever imagine my life with out her. Ravus has become a major part of Lysander's life and I honestly think this blog basically revolves around their ship half the time! Love you!
@xx--ofmanythoughts--xx Raevon!!! Okay so I can not express how much I love you! How much I love your blog and your writing! You truly have a gift. I love that we can both scream about an unpopular opinion and agree with it! I love our HC and when we get to world build! I'm so happy we write together and I hope we bust out more in the next year.
@thescaledqueen YOU ARE SO PRECIOUS TO ME! I hope you know that! You were the only person in the GoT RPC that gave me a true chance and I am forever grateful for that! I love your Shireen to bits! And I am sorry I've not been as active with these two lately but I am hoping that this new year gives me more motivation to continue dumping love upon you and your blog!
@mystiic listen I already sent you love and answered love but I LOVE YOU OKAY! I love your muse and I'm so looking forward to the new year and building more world with you and Amari and UGH!!! yeah...
@brideofcdragons YOU! I love you! Okay?! I love your blog and I love your writing and I love your Dany and I'm always so excited when you pop on my dash and we get to write something together and I'm always just so happy to see you back to writing! You have a true gift and I cherish you so much!
@call-2-arms LISTEN! I love you okay! And no one is going to tell me you're not Jamie Fookin Lannista! Haha I also cherish the fact that you're always there to answer my silly questions or translate something from Australia! I mean BIN CHICKENS! Who would even know what that was!! You're also super fuckin talented with your writing and I am always in awe of your replies!
@untilthcyrot CHRISTINA!!! Thought I forgot about you?! I think NOT! You've been with me since my Norse Loki blog... You've continued to follow me and talk to me and write with me for so long! You're a talented and beautiful person and I love whenever we get to chat with each other! I love your blogs and I love you muchos!
This is getting to be super long and word vomity but I honestly do love and appreciate all of my mutuals! You guys just writing with me make my day. I hope the new year brings everyone happiness and joy and that we continue to write together! Please remember even if I didn't mention you here you still mean a lot to me! I cherish you!
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hummingbird-of-light · 6 months
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Tenth story for @badthingshappenbingo ~
Title: To Catch A Selkie
Fandom: Star Trek (AOS)
Character(s): Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Harry Mudd, James T. Kirk, Mentions of Other Characters
Relationship(s): Montgomery "Scotty" Scott/Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Rating: T
Words: 2,554
Prompt: Used as Bait
Warnings: Alternate Universe - Selkies, Major Character Injury, Blood and Injury, Minor Character Death, Swearing
This story was inspired by my story "Call of the Sea", it's the same AU, but a sequel
(You can also find this story on AO3)
~ To Catch A Selkie ~
1789; aboard the sailing ship Enterprise
Montgomery Scott - it was still strange to get used to a last name - smiled melancholically as he watched the sea, that was illuminated by the setting sun. His home. The place he had grown up in. The place he could never return to.
He still remembered how almost one year ago a man - a doctor - had kidnapped his little brother and had taken Montgomery's coat. The coat made from his fur. The only way for a Selkie to turn back into their seal form.
Aye, a Selkie. That was what he was. What he had always been. But it had been taken from him. His life. His family. His coat.
The horrible man had burned it. And by doing that he had destroyed the Selkie's life.
Montgomery had to stay in his human form. Forever.
"Hey there, Monty. Is everything alright?"
The Selkie blinked in surprise when arms wrapped around him from behind and he let out a heavy sigh, snuggling closer to the person standing behind him.
"Aye, mo ghràdh."
His love. The man who had saved him. The man who had taught him how humans talked and how they behaved. The man who was always there for him.
Dr. Leonard Horatio McCoy.
At first, the Southern man had only been a friend and a teacher for the Selkie, but over time their relationship had turned into something else. A... romance.
Montgomery loved McCoy with all his heart and he knew that the man would do anything to protect him from this still strange world.
"You don't sound too sincere. Something is on your mind, isn't it?"
Slowly, Montgomery turned around in the doctor's arms and placed his hands on the man's chest. McCoy knew him just too well.
"It's just... I miss me home. This... whole big world that ye show me; it's... gorgeous, but whenever I watch the sunset I long to be back at home. Back... with me family."
His mother. His grandfather. His brother. He just wanted to swim with them again, wanted to play and cuddle with them.
But he knew that it was impossible.
"Oh, Montgomery, if only I could help you. You know that I'd do anything-"
A weak smile crossed the Selkie's lips as he placed a hand on his love's cheek.
"Aye, I know, Leonard. And I'm very grateful for it."
Before the doctor could say another word, Montgomery caught his mouth with his own and kissed him gently. A way of humans showing their endearment for each other.
Once their lips parted, their was a soft smile on McCoy's face. He gently grabbed Montgomery's hands.
"Come on. Let's get some sleep, shall we? Tomorrow we'll arrive at our next point of destination."
Montgomery nodded slowly, however, he couldn't help but glance over his shoulder one more time.
A new country was awaiting them. A new adventure. And he really wondered what Australia might look like.
Australia was a truly magical place. There were so many new things to see and discover. Although Montgomery, who was used to the cold of the north, got a little too warm, he enjoyed exploring the area. Especially because the usually grumpy McCoy was running around beaming with joy.
Of course he was. The sunshine probably reminded him of his home in America. The doctor had often told Montgomery about his home. Of the fields, the plants, the fruit.
He had always promised that he would show the Selkie everything one day after their journey with the Enterprise. And despite his own homesickness, Montgomery was already looking forward to getting to know the place where the man he loved had grown up.
They had only been in the village for two days when Montgomery woke up in his cabin one morning to find the space in the bed next to him empty. Confused, he tilted his head and smelled the pillow.
No... McCoy hadn't been there all night. The familiar smell of him was too old.
Slowly, the Selkie got to his feet and dressed. Even after a year, it was still strange for him to wear the warm, scratchy clothes of humans, but he did it because it was appropriate.
His path led him through the entire ship and his heart beat faster.
"Has anyone seen Dr. McCoy? Anyone?"
No one could give him a positive answer. The uneasy feeling spread more and more through Montgomery's body and it wasn't until he met Sulu and Chekov, who had been keeping watch that night, that he finally got the answer he was looking for.
"The captain and the doctor are not back from their shore leave yet," Sulu explained and Chekov grinned across both cheeks.
"They probably had too much to drink at some place and then fell asleep on the spot."
Montgomery just shook his head, his eyes wide with worry. No... McCoy would never just leave him alone. Not even for one night. Of course he had told Montgomery that he had an appointment with the captain in the evening, but he had promised to be back in the morning. He had promised!
Without even waiting for another word from the sailors, Montgomery ran off the ship.
He had to find him! He had to find McCoy!
The Selkie looked around in panic. Where should he start looking? Where could the captain and the doctor have gone?
His feet carried him as if of their own accord and he hurried towards the village, shuddering. He hated it. He hated being among so many unknown people by himself.
But he had to find McCoy!
His eyes wandered down every alley, into every building, and yet he almost ran past a crucial side street. He quickly came to a halt, almost stumbled, and rushed to the motionless person lying on the ground.
A soft moan was all he got for an answer at first, however the blond man's eyes quickly fluttered open.
"Scotty?" It wasn't much more than a slurred murmur. Aye, the captain had chosen a nickname for the Selkie a while ago. Montgomery was still getting used to it though.
"What happened? Are ye alright, sir?"
At first, Kirk looked confused, then he chuckled.
"Oh, I'm... I'm perfectly fine. I had a great night, met a nice lady-" The captain hiccuped. Only then did Montgomery notice the smell of alcohol all over his counterpart. The man wasn't hurt. He was just drunk.
The Selkie looked around.
"Where's Leonard?"
Kirk blinked a few times, obviously trying to remember the last night, but eventually he shrugged, his eyes closing again.
"Don't know," he muttered and before Montgomery could even try to wake him up again, a voice sounded from behind him.
"Are you looking for the man who accompanied this young fellow last night?"
Scotty's head whirled around and at the end of the street, he saw a young lass, wearing a pretty dress.
He hesitated for a moment, then nodded.
"I think I saw him going into that house over there."
With a nod of her head, the woman indicated at a building close by and Montgomery quickly got to his feet. He'd take care of the drunken captain later. For now, McCoy was all that mattered.
The lady once again pointed at the house she had talked about and without thinking, Montgomery made his way over to it.
Even though McCoy had taught him that one was supposed to knock, the Selkie's worry about his love was too big. He grabbed the doorknob and quietly entered the house.
He was greeted by several smells. Most of them obviously belonged to women. Montgomery wrinkled his nose. What was this place?
There seemed to be no one at home. At least not downstairs.
The Selkie looked into every room, then made his way up the stairs. He winced when he stepped onto a creaking step and for a moment he feared that the owner of the house had heard him.
However, his worry about his own sake soon changed when he heard muffled noises coming from a room.
He knew that voice. He knew it quite well.
No longer caring about being quiet, the Selkie ran upstairs and burst into the room where the noise had come from.
What he saw made his blood freeze.
There he was! McCoy! Tied to a chair, gagged with a piece of cloth, a huge flat wound on his forehead.
"Mo ghràdh!"
As fast as he could, Montgomery ran over to the doctor who was shaking his head violently. He tried to say something, but the gag in his mouth made it impossible.
Montgomery was just about to remove the cloth when he heard the door behind them close with a loud thud. He whirled around and saw a man with a riffle gun standing next to the closed door. There was a smug grin on his face.
Once again, McCoy tried to talk and despite Montgomery staring at the other man in shock, he removed the cloth with one hand.
The doctor coughed for a bit, then glared at the man at the door.
"You bastard! You won't get through with this, Mudd!"
The man - Mudd - only laughed.
"Oh, but I already did. I got what I wanted. And you really were the perfect bait, doctor. Your Selkie really loves you, huh?"
Montgomery's eyes widened in horror.
No... no, no, no. No one was allowed to talk about it! No member of the crew talked about Montgomery's origins!
"How... how would ye know?"
Mudd's grin only widened as he stepped closer to his two prisoners, gun ready to shoot.
"It's easy to get information out of strangers. All you need is a pretty lady, lots of alcohol, a young stupid captain..."
Montgomery shook his head in disbelief. No. Not Kirk!
But if it really had been the captain who had told Mudd about his special crewmember, then... the lady who had told him about the house... it had all been a trick!
"A real Selkie. Back in Britain we talked a lot about these Scottish creatures. I bet the royal family would like to have a pet. Only in exchange for a lot of money, of course."
With a wide grin, Mudd lunged at Montgomery who quickly backed away.
"You don't need him! He's useless for you! His coat was destroyed and he can't turn back into a seal!"
McCoy tried to convince the man who had kidnapped him, at the same time pulling at his restraints, but Mudd didn't care.
"Oh, I'm pretty sure once we're back in Britain, I can find a nice seal and skin it. Then we can test it out with a new coat."
Montgomery gritted his teeth in anger. Not only had this monster hurt and kidnapped his love, he also planned on hurting and killing his kind.
That was enough!
He didn't think too much about his actions and jumped at his counterpart, tackling him down to the floor.
Mudd, who was obviously surprised by the sudden outburst, lost his gun in the process and yelped in shock as the Selkie started to choke him, yelling out angry swears in a language the man didn't understand.
Montgomery heard McCoy's voice but it didn't reach him. He was blinded by his rage. He just wanted to kill this man!
He didn't know how it happened, but somehow Mudd managed to break free from his grip. In panic, the man crawled across the floor and grabbed his riffle gun.
A shot rang out and Montgomery yelped in pain when he felt the bullet enter his shoulder. He fell to the ground.
McCoy. His love. He was worried about him. He... he was scared.
"Monty, no!"
Montgomery's eyes moved from his love's panicked face to Mudd who was getting up on his knees again, ready to fire once more. His eyes were filled with anger.
"I'll kill you, you stupid-"
He didn't get to finish his sentence for suddenly three bullets hit him and he stumbled backwards, staring at the door in shock, before he crashed right through the window.
For a long moment, Montgomery looked at the shattered glass, then his eyes moved over to the door.
Sulu, Chekov, Spock. They... had saved him. And they had saved McCoy.
"Monty! Monty, are you okay?"
The Selkie turned his head around so that he could look into McCoy's eyes. He nodded slowly. Aye... he... he was just fine.
"He's losing blood! Hurry up and untie me! Quick!"
Montgomery watched as Sulu and Chekov both ran over to the doctor and started to loosen the restraints. He blinked a few times.
Blood? He... was losing blood?
His eyes fell onto his right shoulder and he stared in disbelief at the red liquid soaking through his shirt.
And seconds later, darkness fell upon him.
When he woke up, he was lying in his bed aboard the ship. He looked around in confusion, but soon enough calmed down when he saw a familar person sitting next to him.
The doctor's head turned to face him and a gentle smile formed on his lips.
"Hey there, Montgomery. I see you are awake already."
The Selkie noticed a bandage wrapped around McCoy's head and his eyes widened in shock.
The dark-haired man quickly seemed to notice what Montgomery was staring at, so he smiled soothingly.
"Oh, don't worry about that. It's gonna leave a nasty scar, but it will heal. Just like your shoulder."
Montgomery's eyes moved to his own body and he saw a similar bandage as the one his love was wearing.
"Ye... ye saved me."
Quickly a hand found its way onto his cheek and a thumb gently stroked across his skin.
"Of course I did. Just like you saved me, Monty."
Montgomery blinked a few times, trying to remember what had happened. He sighed.
"No... Mr. Spock and the others saved you."
McCoy chuckled softly.
"Technically, yes. But they only searched for me after you ran away. If you hadn't had a strange feeling, then they would never have thought that something was actually wrong."
Montgomery nodded slowly. Aye, maybe that was true. Another man came to his mind.
"Is... the captain alright?"
At hearing that name, the doctor groaned in annoyance.
"Yes, he is. He got lots of sleep and water. And a good telling-off from both me and Miss Uhura."
Montgomery couldn't help but smile at hearing that. He was quite sure that Kirk already regretted everything very much.
"I'm sure he will come around later on to apologize."
The Selkie's face darkened and he swallowed hardly. "And... this man? Mudd?"
McCoy sighed.
"Dead. We told the locals about what had happened and they said that it had often been speculated that he was a criminal. Now they had their prove."
The Selkie nodded once more. Mudd had been a horrible man. He was really glad that he couldn't hurt anyone else anymore. No human or Selkie or whatever kind.
"But let's forget about this whole thing, shall we? Let's... just be happy that we're alive."
Montgomery's eyes met McCoy's and in them he could only see relief and love. The same love that the Selkie felt for him.
"Aye. Let's be happy."
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redcrane112 · 1 year
Now that I've actually been on tumblr and seen how the platform works I feel like finding a community is a bit easier here than on reddit, not like a community but more so a tiny little ecosystem of followers that enjoys your content, like those cool miniature terrariums you see online with the little snails and isopods but when you try to make one it dies immediately because you didn't add some obscure species of moss called something like "sphgabumus mushroomioush" that was essential to maintaining the moisture in the bottle but for some reason it's only found in one forest on earth and costs like $200 to buy in Australia because getting stuff shipped here is like shipping products to Mars and when I try to buy it when it arrives the package is broken and the moss is dried out and I have to try and rejuvenate this pathetic tumbleweed looking excuse for moss so that the tiny insects that I dug up from my garden don't die because they're living off of nothing but tiny chunks of apple and a bottle cap with some water in it because I don't want the little insects to die and I want them to have a happy little life living in a cool terrarium and I'm sad that I have to put them back in my yard because I want to make tearing them away from their home worth it but I have to put them back or they'll die if I don't rejuvenate the moss in time so I'm stuck in a moral dilemma of "should I keep these little bugs and hope that I can revive the moss in time or should I give up and let them go back into my yard where they can live normal bug lives without luxuries like apple slices, are the lives of these bugs worth risking in the chance that if they do survive they will be able to live prosperous lives in an idealistic perfect mossy terrarium or should I not play God and not take the gamble and release these little creatures back into their home, and if I do choose to keep them is my decision driven by my personal desire for self fulfilment in making the lives of these bugs better or should I let them live on their own and control their own destiny but with the chance they could die without someone to take care of them?" So yeah I think that it's easier to create a little following on tumblr than on reddit :)
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