#oop i need to redo your tag
c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 16 days
Child of the Sea, Child of the Land (Oops all Mythicals!)
Edit 2: Tis Finished! ENJOY!!!
Edit: Tumblr did it again dammit don't read yet its not finished!
Oops! All Mythical edition, and as a regular story instead of a poem!
Featuring a saytr reader with a posterior of a horse. Reader is a literal horses ass. And a human torso. But they're very pleasant otherwise. Why not a centaur? Cause Satyrs need more love!
Also a cameo from Lenora and Erriox who are ocs from @egrets-not-regrets ! They're great check our their stuff!
Warning: Flirting, Abrupt proposal that Kinda equates to marriage, violence, threats of getting eaten, descriptions of blinding, the word Whore, description of burning.
Notes: The mythical creatures are the humans of this world they can own other animals who are still just animals. No weird inter species stuff going on. The mythical creatures with human features just exist, as do the regular animals.
Tag: @kit-williams @sleepyfan-blog @egrets-not-regrets @barn-anon @bleedingichorhearts @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
Long ago in a world not unlike our own, their lived vast communities of strange and wonderful creatures.
There were the harpies that patrolled the skys, hunting and chorusing with their fellows. Each taking after the bird that shared their features in form and function.
There were the land dwellers, who tilled the soil, and raised the creatures of their farms to suit their needs. They came in many shapes and variances of limbs.
A centaur with the body of an Elephant who watched over the inland waterways, a drider who wove fine their silks in clothing, and most commonly, those land folk who we would call saytrs.
But more than deer or goats, they walked and ran with a plethora of mammalian hindquarters.
It is in this group we find, a very dutiful satyr. Their hind quarters were strong, resembling a horse, but enchanting with their feathered ends that contrasted their complexion.
Each day they tended to their farm, alongside their parents. With love and care and only Occasional outbursts of frustration.
"Oh Dammit!"
"Um...sorry?" They snorted before grabbing a drying towel to mop the wet from their legs.
Anyway! However devoted...and dampened, this particular land dweller was, they did their work with a smile. For it truly brought them joy.
"Fucking Dammit! Get back here!"
Languag- Oh Nevermind!
You got ahold of the wayward gelding before he could cause even More damage than he already had.
"Honestly Gemstone," You sighed, leading him back to his pen. You'd need a new chain...and a new fence panel.
The idiot had knocked the whole setup over trying to reach for a bit of graze on the other side.
You sighed heavily, another log to the pile. "What am I supposed to do with you huh?" You asked the rhetorical, as you tied Gemstone off to the side.
Huffing, you hefted a less destroyed panel over, followed by dismantling the first, fetching a new chain, and finally setting everything back together to your satisfaction.
You glanced back at the offending party.
"Well? Got anything to say for yourself?"
The gelding's dark eyes simply staired back. Before he slipped his tongue out and followed that up with a huge Yaaaaaaaawn.
Your serious facade broke. "Pfft! Ha..." You sighed, gently taking his head again and scratching his face the way he liked. "Guess I can't stay mad at you. Even if you are a silly bugger bear! Silly Silly bugoo be-wawr!" You cooed before returning him to his place.
"And stay there! Goofball." You shook your head and smiled, as your mother approached.
"That old fence panel finally gave up the ghost huh?" She asked, walking over.
You snorted, not unlike the horses you shared features with. "Yep, had to redo it." You huffed. "Cause somebody was a greedy Fart!" You scolded the horse again.
Gemstone simply went on munching his hay, unbothered.
Your mother chuckled, "Well it seems you've got this well in hand," She surmised, before handing you a bundle and a pitcher.
"Hm?" You took it, smelling something delightful.
"Your favorite," Your mother explained. "And some lemonade to help you stay hydrated. Go ahead and eat your lunch."
"Awww, thanks mom."
"You've more than earned it sweetie. mwah." She replied, with a kiss on your cheek, before walking back to your cottage.
As you watched her go, you felt an odd twisting in your heart.
"Her next birthday is pretty soon." You spoke, to no one in particular, maybe Gemstone could listen to your thoughts.
"I want to get her something special. I still remember when she showed me her collections of shells." You mused. "Some of those are even older than me..."
Your mother Loved the beach, and the ocean, after all she was born and raised with it practically next door. She'd spend hours at your age combing the beach for shells and sea glass.
But now...now it was so much more difficult for her. Between age and farm work, you couldn't even remember the last time You went swimming, let alone to the oceanside.
But...if your idea worked out, you'd be able to present her with a beautiful gift! A genuine piece of coral, and one in her favorite color no less!
There's was just one...small issue. Even at your best, you would not be able to dive long enough to retrieve it.
And even with your strength, you doubted you could break a piece from a creature that was more or less living rock.
And even if you Could, you'd run the risk of offending....one of them.
You felt a shiver pass through you.
Ah yes, the third and final group of this strange world's denizens. And by far the Most dangerous.
The sea folk.
Among their numbers were your typical mermaids, selkies, even the occasional crustacean-kin. Those honestly weren't frightening at all, no more so than any other stranger would be you mean.
But the most dangerous, most deadly, and most mysterious beings of the ocean, were those known as The Mer Astartes.
Armored, huge, stoic and nearly unknowable...but not completely.
Word was they Could be propositioned, for the right price.
That problem being that price, or rather the nature of the payment, varied Wildly depending on what mer you managed to contact.
You could end up trading something as banal as some land food items, to being demanded your own severed foreleg.
Again you shuddered.
But you would not be deterred! After all you knew where to gathe all the necessary ingredients. Those would be easy.
Well...all but...one.
As you sat beneath the shade of a tree, you gathered your long, luxurious tail into your lap.
The hair was wirey, strong, but well kept. It was a matter of pride for horse folk like yourself.
With the seasons changing, and biting flies soon to be a factor, you didn't want any of your precious equines to go without.
Besides...well kept satyr tail hair would be seen as more valuable...you hoped.
You turned your gaze toward the sea, though you could not see it. With your anticipation you could almost catch the faintest hint of salt brine.
You hoped the objects you would gather would be enough.
You hoped the old stories about the merfolk's preferences were true.
You sighed. "Another log to the pile..." You mumbled.
You left your tail unchanged for now. You didn't want your mother noticing.
You finished your lunch and the days work, and turned in early. You had a long day ahead of you.
The port city was Bustling with activity, even as early as you had set out.
You'd let your parents know you'd be away running errands, and the farm had another of your village's neighbors looking after it today.
Meaning you could focus solely on your task.
The crowds of different animal folk buzzed about with purpose.
Ox and cattle folk carrying Huge burdens, and drawing carts through the city streets.
Harpies of many kinds, flitting and squawking their trade and barter above in the open air and in the air market.
Like the Vulture and Eagle harpies displaying a variety of bone trinkets, and dried salted meats.
Hummingbird harpies tending to and selling flowers.
A hippo centaur carrying water with its little calf following close behind.
But you had two particular items in mind. And you wanted Prime quality for the task at hand.
You surveyed with not just your eyes, but your sharp nose as well, until-
"Oysters!" A voice cried out. "Fresh fish and oysters! Caught only this morning!"
You approached the calls, and what greeted you was an Osprey harpy. The bird woman stood behind a stall filled with fish and other marine delicacies.
"Greetings and welcome! Please have a look at our wares." She entreated as you approached.
"Hello," You replied, scanning over the offerings.
Mussels of various sizes were displayed in boxes filled with clear salt water. And many dried salted fish hung in bundles around the stall.
Plenty to chose from!
Maybe...too many.
Well, this might be harder than you first thought.
What type of Oyster and Fish Skin would most appeal to a mer Astarte?
"Something on your mind dear?"
You were woke from your thoughts by the Osprey women, the experienced seller clearly seeing your hesitation.
"Ah well..." You felt awkward, not sure how to explain your reasoning for Needing these things.
"You see...I need an Oyster and some fish skin, but I'm not sure what particular..."
"You're trying to contact an Astarte?"
You froze before stammering over your words. "How did- I mean no- I."
The Osprey harpy smiled and held up one of her taloned hands. "It's alright dear, you're not the first to go snooping for things based on the old stories."
You relaxed a bit.
Only for her demeanor to become strict. "You're not trying to lure one in to poach it are you?"
Poach an Astarte?
On your own!?
"Pffffffft! Ha!" You couldn't help the outburst, only to see the Osprey's face was still serious.
You quickly tamped down your laughter. "Oh ah, sorry no. No no no, I need to ask one for help you see."
The harpy's posture immediately relaxed. "Oh?"
"Mmhm," You nodded before retrieving a piece of parchment from your satchel.
"I want to give my mother a piece of this coral." You explained, showing the image and information you'd copied from a book.
The Osprey looked over the image, examining it closely. "This Coral..."
"Is only found in the waters controlled by the mer astartes, I know." You completed her thought, returning the page to your bag.
"I know it's risky...but my mother hasn't gotten to see the ocean in so long, and it's hard for her to make the journey." You explained. "I was hoping I could bring a small part of the ocean to her."
The osprey harpy's gaze softened, clearly moved by your wish. She seemed to be mulling over her next words.
"Well...I think I can help you. At least a little bit."
You perked up.
The Osprey pulled up something from behind the counter, and laid it down so you could view it.
It was a map of the port city and nearby shorelines.
"Your best bet is to go here." She explained, pointing to a particular spot.
The name scrawled across the parchment stared back at you.
Fire Drake Shore
You paused for a moment. "Why there exactly?"
The Osprey smiled wryly. "You'll have the best chance finding someone willing to help with your quest."
"Really!?" You asked excitedly, the Osprey nodded.
"But," Your joy was interrupted buy the harpy's shift in tone back to serious. "You Must go during the day, and stay no later than sunset." She explained further. "Different mers are more active at different times of the day. You might end up contacting something far more dangerous if you don't heed these warnings."
You nodded, letting the words sink in. "Fire Drake Shore, during the day, no later than sunset. Got it!"
"Alright," The Osprey once again relaxed, placing her clawed hands on her hips. "Now, how's about I get you set up with a proper oyster and the finest shimmering pickled fish skin." She crowed, reaching into the oyster box and for her knife. "I'll even give you a discount!"
"Really? You don't have to-"
"Think about it as being for your mother." The Osprey said, gathering your purchased items together.
Well...you supposed you wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. "Thank you, thank you so much! Um...what is your name?"
The Osprey woman smiled. "It's Lenora, sweetie."
"Well...thank you so much Lenora!" You said gratefully as you payed.
Once your items were secure, you bid Lenora the Osprey woman farewell, as you excitedly made your way to Fire Drake Shore.
As she watched you leave, the Osprey harpy felt happy, but still a little concerned.
"I wish I could've helped you more." Unbeknowst to most, Lenora had...a certain relationship with a mer astarte she'd helped by chance.
Had he not been on an extended hunting trip Erriox could have been convinced to help. He'd have grumbled and groused, but he'd have done it. Maybe even would have smiled at the adorable Horse folk getting to give their mother a beautiful gift, before acting like it didn't affect him at all.
The Osprey harpy smiled at the thought of her companions rough, but sweet demeanor. But as her thoughts went on she found herself troubled.
Fire Drake Shore was the best place that Horse saytr could go...but even there wasn't completely safe.
She hoped things would work out.
By the stars, and the ancient mothers, she hoped it would work out.
The crashing of waves, and salty brine met your ears and nose as you approached the shoreline.
Fire Drake Shore...
You're not sure why it was named such, nothing about it spoke to you as very...fire drakey.
But as your approached the gently rolling waves, and breathed in the salty air, you couldn't deny this place was beautiful!
Serene, and yet lively. With the call of gulls in the air, you made your way down to the water.
You stood before the waves, watching as their reach came just far enough to touch your hooves.
And for a moment, you gave yourself permission to just...enjoy the present.
The way the water would run up the sand, before seeming to vanish and melt into the beach as it receded. The salty brine that filled your nose and lungs. The way the water stretched so far out it was nearly impossible to tell where the water ended and the sky began.
But you couldn't dwell on that for much longer. There was...something else that had to be done.
One more piece to prepare...or rather two.
You gathered a chunk, about one third of you precious tail, into one hand. With your other, you took out a knife.
It wasn't even all of it...but the piece would be noticeable in its absence.
But it Would grow back. And the struggle would be worth it, it would all be worth it.
With careful precision, you began to cut through the strands of your own tail.
Snip, by snip, broken severed hair, by severed hair. You winced, but did not falter until at last you held the separated hair in you hand.
"No turning back now." You muttered, pulling out the oyster and fish skin.
You used your knife again, plunging it into the gap of the oyster and carving it open. Then, you sprinkled a bit of vinegar into the gap from a small flask you'd bought.
But rather than use your knife for the final ingredient, you chose a less painful method.
You'd intentionally let your lips become chapped and plucked and picked at the dry skin until you tasted Iron.
You carefully wrapped the now opened oyster, the fish skin and the horse hair into a bundle, much like a gift.
You pressed your bleeding lip to the parcel.
"Please, Please let this work." You whispered your prayer, feeling your heart race despite your quiet.
And with that, you reared back and Threw your bundle as Hard as you could into the sea, where it splashed and sank below the waves.
Nothing. But maybe you just needed to wait longer. You paced back and forth a bit, looking out into waves, hoping to see something come from them.
You felt your heart sink.
All that preparation, all that hope...and for what?!
Part of you wanted to scream, the other half wanted to cry.
"RrrraAGHH!" You let the frustration out, kicking the sand and stomping about. Snorting and head tossing, and flicking what remained of your tail!
Only to slip and fall ass over tea kettle onto the sand. "WOah-oOOF!"
You laid there in disbelief for a moment. "UuURghaaaaAh!" You let out an odd mix of growl and shout in frustration, covering your eyes with your hands and thrashing for a minute before...
Before you just, slumped down, defeated.
You let out a sigh, and laid there.
The sounds of the waves and the gulls, the scent of the brine and the sluggish sparse clouds above....all was Just as peaceful and as beautiful as when you first arrived.
Maybe you could wait longer?
But maybe that wouldn't help.
Lenora had said this beach was the best option. Wouldn't that mean the old stories of summoning Astartes were true?
True doesn't mean a certain method would always work...the ocean was avert place after all.
Maybe no mer astartes had seen your offering.
You brought yourself up and sat, facing the waves still rolling.
The waves your mother used to love, the same ones that went on even without her being here...
If waves could love...would they love even when no one was watching? When the people who once adored them left and some never came back?
You felt a twinge and sniffed as some tears began to form at the corners of your eyes, you wiped them away quickly. And sighed.
Well...at least the view was pretty.
You sat there for a bit, before bringing yourself back up to stand.
There was no use dwelling on something that couldn't be changed. You'd find something else to give your mother, even if the disappointment of your failure still stung.
You turned to walk back into town, perhaps you could find something nice at one of the stalls-
A damp wave of water suddenly doused you, soaking you from head to hoof in brine.
"P-pthoo! What the-" Your shout was cut off as you realized you were enveloped in a shadow much larger than you.
Your eyes trailed up at the imposing figure before you.
Long marine tail? Check, it was the color of cooled molten rock and had bright red orange veins.
Armored torso? Check, it was plated a deep green color, with dragon like insignias on the chest and shoulder pauldron.
Inscrutable, helmeted gaze? Check, the large marine had red lenses that peered down at you intensely, regarding you with curiosity, as you regarded Him with trepidation.
Neither of you spoke for a moment. The only sound passing between you his breathing. Until you decided to break the ice.
The Astarte tilted his head slightly before bringing up his hand between the two of you.
You found yourself bewildered as you were presented with the parcel you'd just thrown into the sea.
Was he...trying to return it to you? "...oh...Oh, no!" You replied, gently pushing it back towards him, his arm didn't even budge. "It's for you!"
The slight twitch backwards he did is response was more readable. He was confused.
"Ah sorry Sorry, what I mean is...I need your help. And...I was told that the best way to contact you was buy...throwing this into the ocean." You hurriedly explained.
This seemed to give the marine pause, before he lifted his other hand to his helm.
Click, hiss
With a practiced ease he removed his helm, and you were taken aback by what greeted you.
A skin as dark as charcoal, but eyes that were surprisingly soft despite them being totally red. And his hair! Long and pale and curly, it seemed to bounce as it came free.
You felt a slight blush creep over your skin. He was...very attractive.
And when he spoke his voice was warm, and smooth.
"I see," He replied to you. "Though this method is a bit...outdated, To serve and to aid is the most honorable of acts. How may I assist you this day, child of the land?"
You had to force yourself to respond. "I well...I was hoping to contact an Astarte so I could get my hands on some of this. Ah one sec let me find it."
As you fumbled in your bag you had no idea Pyrus, the large Salamander, was secretly enjoying how adorable you looked.
Land dwellers were always so funny. Though he Did wish you didn't appear so frightened, but he supposed it was natural, all things considered.
You finally pulled the coral parchment from you satchel, gladdened that it wasn't too soaked, and displayed it for the marine.
As he looked over the image you continued to explain. "I want to give it to my mother as a gift. She's...always loved the ocean."
The marine looked to your face, some of your apprehension was replaced with melancholy. It tugged on his two hearts.
"It's...hard for her...she can't travel as easily these days so...I wanted to bring a bit of the ocean to her." You explained. "This coral is her Favorite color, and I wanted to give it to her for her birthday. So...in exchange for these items...do you think you could help me?"
Pyrus felt his chest swell. The Salamanders prided themselves on the virtues of love and camaraderie. To see your concern and desire to please your loved one was not only sweet, it was very attractive indeed.
He was a Slight oddity in his pod. Most of his kind didn't really...feel attraction in the sense that most baseline creatures did.
Those that did preferred the features of sea folk, which was fine, but...it did leave him a bit isolated in the fact he much preferred the features of land walkers.
He just found them so...fascinating! He'd spend hours watching at a distance as the port city buzzed with life. The music, the food, the inurmerable sights and sounds and experiences to be had.
And him...stuck out there in the ocean. Oh sure he had the ability to swim through air but if he took one step in that town the people would scatter in fear.
Not...like he blamed them.
Between his preferences and his hobbies, he often felt...alone.
Even amongst his brothers, but maybe...he didn't have to be as alone anymore?
"Indeed, this is a task I can take well in hand." He proclaimed. And he saw your ears perk up.
"You can! Oh thank you!"
Pyrus held up his gauntleted hand, he may be about to ask something...much in return, but he would not get your hopes up or lie to you.
"But...I must ask for one more thing in return."
You waited, unsure of what he'd ask for, but you'd gotten this far.
"The truth is...it is quite Lonely, below the waves." He began, now himself feeling awkward. "I hold each of my brother close to my heart but...we do not share the same interests."
"As your mother yearns for the sea, I yearn for a connection I cannot obtain within it." Pyrus continued. "So I wanted to ask, if I grant you this request of your heart, would you grant me mine?"
You tilted your head. What could you offer the heart of an Astarte?
Pyrus squared his shoulders, he would do this right! Even if it was sudden. "Dear child of the land...would you join me beneath the waves, soothe my lonely heart, as I will soothe yours. You kindness and devotion have smitten me. If I grant you this favor, this is what I ask in return."
He...he what now?
You shook your head in confusion. "I'm...sorry, did you just ask me...to...Join you under the waves?"
Pyrus nodded, a bit worried about your tone. You didn't seem to like the idea.
"Yes, we Astarte possess the ability to change others into our kind. Granting the ability to live in the water as we do."
You didn't know how to respond. But, you didn't want to lie to him.
"I...um...I'm sorry." You replied. "I mean...your offer is Very flattering." Very flattering, an ungodly attractive and kind man just essentially...proposed to you out of nowhere???
"But...I have to say no." You stated. "As much as I love this place...it isn't my home. My home is back on the farm, with my mom and dad and our creatures...I can't just up and leave them. They Need me." You explained.
Oh...oh...Pyrus felt his dark skin flush with embarassment. Of course you couldn't just up and leave the family you cared so much for, what was he thinking!? Stupid Pyrus, absolutley stupid! "Oh..."
You saw his dejection, and you felt your heart twist. He really did seem so sweet.
"Hey," You entreated, getting his attention. "Even though I can't Live with you...I'd love to get to Know you."
Pyrus perked up a bit at that.
"We just met, so the living beneath the waves together isn't the best idea. I mean...what if we found out two weeks in we were terrible room mates." You jested, trying to lighten the mood.
Pyrus did feel a slight smile turn the corners of his mouth and he chuckled. "I...suppose that is true."
"But I do want to learn more about the ocean, and I'd be happy to come and visit! Heck, if possible we could even find a way for you to visit my home!" You offered.
Pyrus could sense your earnestness, and it made him so happy. A place where he'd already have a friend, and be able to explore without worrying about scaring others.
He felt a buzzing excitement light in him. But he kept his composure.
"I...would like that very much."
"Perfect! Then let's start with proper introductions." You held out your hand and shared your name to the marine.
Pyrus took your small hand in his, rejoicing in this new connection. "I am Pyrus, son of Vulcan," He stated. "And I will grant you this favor, in return that you will visit and teach me of your home, as I teach you of mine." He stated.
"You will return...won't you?" He asked softly, knowing he technically couldn't Force you to uphold this vow.
You smiled, and gestured for him to lean down a bit. He acquiesced.
"Mwah," You placed a sweet kiss on his forehead, causing the son of Vulcan to freeze in surprise for a moment.
"I do solemnly swear!" You stated proudly.
Pyrus felt that blush return, all about his face and neck. But again he reined in his response.
"Thank you, landling." He hummed returning his helm to his head, and taking the originally offered bundle of items.
Pickled fish skin was a rare treat, as was the vinegar oyster, and the horse hair was useful as string was difficult to come by underwater. He stowed these items away and turned toward the open sea.
"It will take some time to retrieve this coral. Please wait here until I return." He asked, and you nodded.
"I'll be here." You assured.
After a number of hours had passed, you were Really wishing Pyrus had given you a better idea of when he'd be back beside, some time.
Good lord you were bored. You'd forgotten to bring a book or journal or even a sketch pad. And you could only take so many naps in the shade before your body refused to fall back asleep.
At least the beach was peaceful, and you marveled at the shift from bright day, to hazy evening and finally the sunset-
That...that made you more worried.
But...it was probably fine. Pyrus and his brothers were out there, and if his brother's were anything like him, you'd have nothing to worry about.
As you sat back pondering these troubling thoughts, you saw a large shape begin to emerge from the water.
Your heart leapt, and you quickly stood up. Finally!
"Pyrus!" You called. "I'm so glad to see yo-"
The shape broke through the surface and your gut felt like a brick of ice dropped into it.
That...that wasn't Pyrus...
The sun's dipping rays illuminated the purple pink armor, rimmed with gold, as the unknown Astarte continued to advance, languidly drawing closer.
You didn't move. You almost couldn't bear to breathe.
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Running might only make things worse...especially now that you were in his sights.
The Astarte emerged completely from the water, just off to one side of you. Unlike Pyrus who had come to you, talked to you, like an actual living being.
This one instead eyed you, and began circling you where you stood with a curiosity that felt...predatory. Swimming through the air in a way that felt so...targeted.
As if daring you to move...to flinch.
"Well...well....welllllll." The Astarte cooed with a sick glee in his voice, slightly modulated as it came through his helmet. "What have we heeeeere?"
Suddenly his hand shot out and grabbed your face roughly forcing you to look him in the eyes.
"A cute little saytr, all alone. How sad...how pitiful...how..." He hummed and the image of him licking his lips came to mind. "appetizing."
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.
"Me? Ah pfft nope!" He responded nervously, as best you could with your chin in his grasp.
He seemed a bit stunned you could respond, but quickly recovered. "Oh? And why is that my little...morsel?"
Think fast think fast. "Ah I mean...have you actually ever Had horse meat? It's really not that good." You explained. "Mostly grisle and wirey muscle, very stringy, not at all appetizing." You stated, as if critiquing a five star dish. And one you'd never actually eaten, only hearing about it from others.
"PFFtt ha Ha HA!" Well you weren't sure if that was positive but you'll roll with it. His laughter had caused him to let go of your chin.
"And the torso bit isn't much better!" You continued. "Far too much adipose, and so low on nutrients. Dare I say you'd be better off eating sand and tree bark. At least then you'd been getting fiber."
The Astarte continued to laugh. Full on shaking cackles as you Slowly stepped back. "Oh My...you're quite funny." He said as he calmed, and removed his helmet.
Beneath you saw a beautiful but terrifying appearance. His face was pale, his eyes a luxurious but cold looking purple with unnaturally shaped pupils.
His Teeth. Sharp, fanged, with marks on his chin you weren't sure if they were makeup or...blood trails from previous meals.
And his hair...it wasn't hair. It was long tendrils with sharp mouthed ends. Like a Medusa but with carnivorous eels instead of snakes.
"Oh go ahead, enjoy the visage~" He cooed, brushing back his...locks. "I'll allow it since you entertained me. Most land folk just scream and cry and beg for their lives. Not nearly so entertaining after a while."
You swallowed dryly. "I mean...why lose your sense of humor am I right?" You shrugged nervously, still carefully working your way back.
You couldn't outrun him, but maybe you could keep him distracted till-OOf!
You suddenly found yourself pinned to the sand, the large Astarte floating above you.
Those eyes, those eyes, they looked down at you with a sadistic glee, as his hair fanned out in different directions.
"Ah, ah A-ah~." He sing-songed. "Tsk, tsk, I didn't say you could leave. How Rude to try and break from a conversation without proper decorum."
He held you down effortlessly with one hand, Just hard enough to be uncomfortable. The other tapped your nose as if you were a naughty child.
"Hmm~ Well, this has been fun." He conceded. "But I really Am hungry, and I think a sweet little treat like you, would just perfectly Hit the Spot~" His jaw unhinged, revealing a second set of jaws behind the first, as his eely locks began swarming revealing their own nashing teeth.
"And the Sweetest part will be your screams! Please be as loud as you can! It makes the meal even more thrilling!" He chortled planting his other hand in the sand next to your head.
You couldn't move, the pressure was too much, but you did still have your satchel.
You reached in feeling the small bottle of vinegar you'd brought. You grasped it tightly and in one quick motion, broke the bottle into his face!
"RWAGGGG!" He cried and hissed as the glass and acidic liquid went into his eyes, causing him to rear back.
You scrambled away as his hands came up to his face, he fumbled over to the sea water, desperately splashing it into his eyes and dipping his face.
"You little Whore!" He snarled, still doubled over, his eyes and face had blood running down them.
That...that move had been pure adrenaline. You capitalized on his weakness and disbelief, cracking him square in the face with a downward kick.
Now blood ran over his mouth from his broken nose, as he sputtered and choked.
You did it again, rapid repetitive strikes with your hooves.
You might've even broken some of his teeth.
Still flush with rage and adrenaline, you shouted. "How's that taste you deep sea, punk ass fish breath Bitch!"
Only to Immediately remember what you were up against when the marine caught your next strike.
"WOAH!" You suddenly found yourself upside down, looking up at your attacker as he held you by the leg.
The blood made his expression even more deranged as he smiled, oh no.
"AAAAH-O-OOF!!! Next thing you knew you were being flung away and down like a rag doll, right into the middle of the beach. Even on sand the impact knocked the wind from your lungs, and you worried briefly about broken ribs.
Briefly because you saw the violent violet marine approaching, stalking toward you like a cat hunting a mouse. You scrambled to your feet though it hurt.
Everything hurt.
You stepped back slowly as the marine advanced, enjoying your rapidly deteriorating courage.
He towered above you. "I'm going to enjoy, ripping you apart piece by piece." He said lashing out with his claws. It left a shallow but long and stinging cut on your face. You stumbled back.
"I'm going to enjoy Flaying your skin inch by inch." He laughed lapping the fresh blood from his claws.
He raised them again as you had nowhere left to go. No hope of escape. You braced for the worst.
"And I'm going to Relish keeping you alive as I Devour you -OUGh!"
His speech was cut off as a blur of green and orange suddenly burst from the ocean, tackling your assailant.
Even in the more dim light you saw the red helmet lenses, the burning firey veins on that molten rock like tail. And you saw the steam rising from the grappling marines.
"Ah-ah-ah AHhhhhAh!" The purple marine actually shrieked as the the coils smothered and burned him. You could smell the burning fish flesh...
The gauntleted arm of the second marine held his head in a vice grip headlock. The purple marine struggled and slashed and bit, with both his limbs and his living hair.
But soon his struggles weakened and ebbed into nothing, the last tremoring shakes of life as he finally stilled.
There was a moment of pause before the green marine made a sudden swift jerk.
You heard a sickening crack! And the purple marine'a body dropped to the sand.
You could see the green marine's heaving breaths.
You hoped you weren't wrong this time. "P-pyrus?" You asked hesitantly.
The marine did not answer verbally, but instead reached into his pack, and pulled out a fist size lump of coral.
Your mother's coral.
You couldn't believe your eyes.
"Pyrus!" You cried jumping past the object and wrapping your arms around your Astarte.
You pushed and nuzzled into his chest plate. Rubbing your head up and down it in glee. "I knew you'd come back!"
Pyrus removed his helmet with his free hand and dropped it, before leaning down and bringing his arm around you.
He nuzzled close to you, feeling your skin and heartbeat. The same precious heartbeat he'd been seconds away from never hearing again. "I'm so sorry! Had I known, I would've protected you better. I thought you were safe here."
He'd need to contact his captain and chapter master. A Chaos marine making it this far in their territory, could not and would not be tolerated.
But for now he brought his large hand to your face examining the damage.
It was then you realized you'd rubbed your bloody cheek on his chest plate.
"Oh! Sorry."
"Thanks." You sighed, utterly exhausted. You did take the coral from Pyrus, examining it closely.
"No...you have nothing to apologize for." Pyrus assured. He even noted the Slannesh marine's broken nose and teeth. His hearts swelled with pride. "You fought well, Here."
You hesitated for a moment, as Pyrus leaned down, only to relax when he simply laved his tongue over your cheek.
His saliva soothed the sting of your cut, helping the wound close.
"Its even more beautiful in the water." He stated, noting your fondness. "I would love to show you when you next visit...if you wish to."
He wouldn't blame you for not wanting to.
Instead, you smiled, tired but genuine. "I'd like that very much...and hey, maybe with the right prep, my mom and dad could see it too."
Pyrus smiled. "I will help in whatever way I can, to make it a reality." He assured nuzzling you again.
You both stood there, watching the waves crest and roll in the newly fallen night.
You could go back into town, find a inn to stay at, but you didn't fancy being alone.
"Pyrus, is there somewhere...we can stay the night together?"
The marine seemed surprised by your request, but nodded. "Of course, follow me."
He led you a little ways down the beach, to a sheltered cave where sand met surf.
It would've been cold in the night, if not for the living heater that coiled around you as you settled in for sleep.
As you laid down, you felt a great peace overcome you.
"Sleep now my dear child of land." He cooed, petting your head. "I will guard you."
You smiled and cuddled into him. "And I will keep you -yaaaawn- from feeling too alone."
Outside the waves and winds rolled in. The brine of the sea carried inland, as the seabirds hunkered down in their nests.
The horses rested safe in their pens, and the winds gently waved the leaves of the trees.
And two lonely souls rested well, as they didn't feel so alone anymore.
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pinned post! latest edit: April the 10th
Howdy!!! I'm Doc, or Wolfy, or whatever name you want to use. Any pronouns are fine!
I have an unreliable sleep schedule/forgetful/message notifications don’t show up- so if you need me uhh keep yelling until I notice? Aaahhh...
Not a system! I have a dozen sonas/fursonas (not sarcasm) (I hope you plural peeps have a good day-)
I put reblogs in a queue or schedule!! If I like an art post of your but don't reblog, don't worry, it'll be out in a week or so.
Tag list, ordered by most common to least common in each category. Starting with my personal tags, then general navigation tags.
Art tag: wolfys art (my art), 2022 artchive (specifically my art from 2022)
Cool art by pals: grand showcase of arts
Doc says something: wolf chats
All art month challenges: Just Here To Have Fun
Kiley and co stuff (commonwealth setting): little wastrels
NOTE the au is getting rebooted so old stuff is not canon.
second fallout au (island setting, custom location for an rp): badlands crew
My main story stuff, not fallout: Split Fates au
posts that vaguely relate to my ocs: jeanposting, jerposting
Other aus- SCP Jailbreak!, museums monsters n marvels, voidspace crew, When Multiverses Collide, eternal spring
I kind of hit my story with a hammer and it shattered into a million pieces. oops
Misc fandom tags: fallout, whump stuff, bg3, doctor who, ace attorney, hermitcraft, qsmp, warrior cats, good omens
Misc common tags: described (posts with image or video ID), michaelnordeman (his animal photography), birds, food
important tags: reblogging for future reference (general tips), promo (friends news), boost (donation posts), flashing, eyestrain, psa
"You have to reblog!" And similar phrases: rebait
Subcategories of tips tags: drawing tips, writing tips, fave (personal favourites), cooking tips, health tips, tech tips. (more to be added soon)
Note- these are not tagged reliably: ghouls, zombies, blood, skeletons, suggestive, insects, spiders, guns, drug use, smoking, all caps, partial nudity, death
Characters that frequently appear are... ( updated 10 April, more descriptions to be added soon, please hold!)
Rabbit: A human-sized anthro rabbit! Light grey and white fur, green eyes. Usually in a grey suit with a green tie and gold scarf- or in white robes with gold jewelry. Sometimes drawn with long curved gold colored horns.
Wolfy: A cartoony anthro wolf, exactly five feet tall! Medium grey fur, has oval mirrors (with two shine marks) in place of eyes, and has grey and purple wings and a bird tail over his wolf tail. Always in a medium grey suit with a purple tie. Sometimes drawn with deerlike antlers.
Parsure: Looks like a blonde and light skinned human dude with dull blue eyes! He has shoulder-length hair with jagged bangs, and has a goatee and mustache. Always wears jeans, a white t shirt, red converse shoes, and a leather jacket. There's a large red bullseye on the back of the jacket. There's patches on the left sleeve: A red X symbol, and a night sky with a black stripe down the right side. On the right sleeve: A yellow axe symbol, and grey hexagon with a blue and orange background.
Jerome Drew (should be updated to Jerome Heulwen, I'll get to it soon), <- my main guy :D
Rev -(belongs to hollyrosecheeks),
Vince: A were-snow leopard! Um. Imagine a snow leopard, but with gold eyes.
Jodie: A were-pine-marten! Like a ferret but bigger, brown furred with white patches on the face and chest.
Kiley: (new oc, aaaah- I will redo my reference soon)
Jean: (probably) human dude with short brown hair! Wears a full mask that looks like a crow’s face. Usually wears a white shirt, grey vest and tie, grey slacks, and brown dress shoes. Sometimes wears a simple black jacket. Or a scarecrow's hat and black gloves.
Psst if you have a spare dollar can you pass it along to my pal Fern!
Cashapp: cash.app/$AustinToach
PayPal: paypal.me/AustinStidham
Venmo: venmo.com/u/Austin-Toach
uh if you show me you've donate something I'll draw you a doodle-
End of the post! Have a good day, wahoo
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lonelypond · 1 year
NicoMaki, Love Live, 674 Words, 1/1
Yazawa Nico was laid out on the chaise, under the beach umbrella, on her stomach, facing the ocean, watching the marvelous in motion Nishikino Maki race in and out of the waves. Maki, bikini top and board shorts her outfit of choice, waded in, water past her ankles, then raced to the beach as the surf surged, lines of tiny sandpipers on either side of her with the surf sliding underneath their progress down the beach. Maki laughed, throwing her head back, red hair catching the breeze, then half crouched, ready to race to the edge of the water and then away again. Totally oblivious to any audience, even Nico. Which Nico had come to realize was a core Maki trait. So Nico took it upon herself to glare at anyone who stared too lustily at Maki. And Nozomi would not be invited anywhere near Maki in a bikini top or any kind of bathing suit.
Maki had stopped, the water up to mid thigh now, and was waving at Nico in an inviting fashion.
“C’mon. It’s fun.”
“Nico is fine.”
Maki ran up the beach, waiting until she got near Nico to shake out her hair, water droplets flying everywhere.
“Hey, knock it off, Nishikino.”
“Why even bother with a swimsuit if you’re not going to go in the water?”
“Fashion." Nico smiled. "And Nico is protecting her complexion.”
“Nico is very boring.”
“Nico spends a lot of time on keeping her skin youthful. You have no idea of the secrets of the Japanese and Korean beauty industries that Nico is privy too.”
“It’s summer. Play in the waves. Act your age. Not like somebody's grandma.”
Nico flipped over, aware of the attractions her frilly pink swimsuit added to her curves, “Make me.”
Maki’s grin was practically evil and before Nico could react, Maki had scooped her up and was trotting into the surf. "Okay."
That was unexpected. Nico should have expected impulsiveness, considering how they met. And Maki carrying her somewhere. But Nico wasn't just going to let the mischiefmaker get away with that.
“Hey, put Nico down.” Nico pushed against Maki’s shoulders.
“Nope. You said “make me.”
“And now I’m saying “put Nico down.”
They were in the water. Up to Maki’s waist. Nico should have considered where Maki was taking her before being so insistent. With a truly wicked grin, Maki held out her arms and let Nico drop.
There was a Nico sized splash. And spluttering. And cursing. And Maki’s frisky laugh. And then steady hands making sure Nico was solidly on her feet.
“I am going to throttle you.”
A wink. “Have to catch me first.” Maki dove into a wave, swimming parallel to the shore.
Nico grabbed at her, but didn't stopping or slowing her. Nico stood, arms crossed, considering, waiting for Maki’s next move, which was to turn and swim halfway to Nico.
“You can swim, can’t you?” Maki pushed wet hair out of her eyes, sounding concerned.
“Nico can do anything.”
Maki grinned. “So you’ll…”
With a shout, Nico threw herself in Maki’s direction, managing to get both arms around her waist before Maki reacted. Squatting, Nico dragged Maki back under the water, both of them twisting through a roll and then breaking the surface, giggling.
Nico released Maki. “It’s your fault Nico needs to redo her sunscreen now.”
Nico shook her head, “Race you to the chairs.”
“I’m not helping you put on sunscreen.”
“Oh, yes you are.”
“Because Nico can whine all afternoon about salt water and her skin.”
“Nico prefers nymph.”
Maki splashed Nico.
“If I’m going to have to reapply your sunscreen, I might as well get some fun out of it.”
“Touching Nico is a privilege.”
Maki suddenly loomed, her arm pulled back, then pushing forward to tap Nico’s shoulder gently, before diving through a wave that crashed over Nico. “Tag. You’re it.”
Maki treaded water long enough to stick out her tongue, then began swimming.
Another game Nico didn’t intend to lose.
A/N: Femslash February prompt: swimsuit. I miss My Fly By Night Flirting AU so here's a little bit of silly to add to that.
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triplicatedrhymes · 10 months
redoing my pinned post
in light of recent fuckery, i wanna let y'all know that i have a cohost account, it's here
im not leaving this place just yet, but i have a backup
hello hello, i'm ambrose, 22 yrs old, it/he pronouns + li/lin/lia pronouns in esperanto
if it looks like im speaking terrible spanish in your tags, im speaking esperanto!!!
i'll block you if i don't like you, simple as that. don't really have a DNI otherwise
i post about mcyt, but it's primarily hermitcraft
i got an art blog, it's @ambrosetv, i also have @thresholdchurch to build onto a minecraft rp religion i still need to write the bible for oops
url is a reference to mucka blucka (intro to cacophony) by chonny jash because the fixation .
i like bands, speculative biology, minecraft, constructed languages, and horror
if you google translate anything i say in tags i am warning you now that it will be homosexual or potentially sexual
i'd prefer if minors didn't follow, but at the very least don't interact with my explicit posts or im blocking
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timegears-moved · 1 year
totk rant anon here again! i sent an ask yesterday but it might not have gone through? or you just might not have gotten around to it yet. in case you didn't get it at all, the most important info i wanted to convey is that if you do the windblight fight in air and lightning with any character other than link you get a very interesting line from revali at the end which i feel provides important context for the following cutscene! and if you want i can let you know exactly what he says so you don't have to play through that mission again.
now, on a slightly different note, i'm a bit late in saying this, but i believe you can actually progress relentless as a waterfall even if you have mipha on your team? you just have to take her over to the relevant captain and use her healing powers yourself (either by using her special move or, if you don't have that charged, using her water spout move.) alternately you miiight be able to order her to go there while switched to a different character and that might work too?
to be entirely honest it's been a while since i played through that particular mission so i might be wrong, but i think that generally when missions have requirements for specific characters to do certain things (i.e. move to a specific location) if you have that character on your team you have to do all the work yourself to progress the mission, whereas if they're an npc they'll move on their own. that being said, mipha being a healer makes it a bit more complicated than most instances of this, since she's also required to use her healing powers here, while with most characters all you need to do is move them to the right location.
OOPS sorry anon i did get your other ask but i didn't see it until just now!! i'll answer them both here!
OKAY SO LMAO i just finished redoing air and lightning with your advice (i had to go back and get the korok seeds anyway) and ummm? what the fuck GSJSBSKWJKSH???
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jesus christ revali. i have to admit i have seen this quote in another post in his tag before but a lot of the replies were saying that this was in regards to teba??? so i didn't think much of it at the time. but like. learning now that he ONLY says this when you don't play as link makes it obvious that this isn't about teba at all??? insane.
and you're right about it giving additional context to the scene right after. like revali's very abrasive backhanded thanks to link seems to me like it's stemming from embarrassment at being saved by someone he wants to impress (not that he'll ever admit that). but link not being there allows revali an opportunity to say that he doesn't want to seem weak or vulnerable to him.
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i'm gonna be honest totk is looking to be my least favourite of the trilogy rn so i'm not too bummed out by that sjbsjejdj. excited to get the aoc dlc though my autism desperately needs it
also in regards to relentless as a waterfall my issue was that my objective never changed from capturing the three outposts even after all of them were captured? i wouldn't have even known that mipha had to heal that captain if i hadn't seen a video of it. i may test what you said out though! not rn since i've had enough of that mission after doing it three times jshsjsosksk but of that is the case i wish the game was more clear on that because it was very confusing.
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lilxmcrtes · 1 year
send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want | @heartxshaped-bruises | Mun
1. OKAY. First off. Every time I take a moment to just go through your blog specifically, I just get this rush. 'Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling- It just makes me so happy, and I’m in awe of your writing and your accomplishments. Like I just think you’re so cool and your mind is so fantastic. I love to read about your muses. I love to read about our muses together. I wish that I interacted with you more. But also I think that ends up being the reason I don't 😖 As in, I just love reading it so much, the idea of needing to write in order to read is such a drag lol I want it to be like a fanfic I can binge instead of needing to contribute oops 😅 But really the point is, I love reading from you. I love reading your writing and hearing about you. My mind just goes ❤️❤️❤️!!!!!! Though I wonder if that's just Aeron about Zelda lol I would recommend you to everyone I write with
2. You send me such perfect asks honestly. Like the ones you sent for the Loaded Questions to Oliver and Aeron are soooo !!!! You nailed exactly the ones related to their core. And also the ones that make them uncomfortable so it will take a while to get to them lol But I want you to know that I appreciate them so much and I appreciate you so much for sending them. Also the other ones you sent recently! Those were good ❤️ I already wrote them up, just gotta make it nice
3. I'm seriously seriously debating if I wanna move blogs again. Particularly if I wanna go with one new url for all muses or stick with what I've got, just put them on fresh blogs. I kind of like the groupings I have but it'd be a lot easier to just have everyone in the same place. I've messed up tags and some I wanna change and also I wanna redo bios, so eventually it's gonna happen. But deciding all that will be a while anyway. I'd like to drabble major timeline events and figure out better bios / plots before anything
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seraphofthesimps · 2 years
enemies to lovers ryder x thoma except it’s one sided e2l bc you hated him in the beginning and he’s had a crush on since he first laid eyes on you 🥰
and yes I do like thoma and albedo and sometimes zhongli but childe is my fav and im pretty sure he’s yours too!! (once again you’ve got 11/10 wonderful taste) it’s funny bc I don’t really play genshin. I started playing a while ago and now I don’t have the time but I’ve learned a lot about it from gameplays and fics
i actually first saw childe in a tiktok where someone was viewing some of the character from certain angles to prove that childe had the biggest dick 😂. I was so confused but I ended up going through the genshin tag to find out what I just saw and now I get all heart eyes when I see childe
I’m glad your night is going well!!! You deserve it, pretty 🤍 If we’re making you nervous then we are doing our jobs right hehe. But I understand, I’m sorry we make you malfunction but I won’t stop bc it is fun 😈😈
and yes 🫖 is a very cute emoji, almost as cute as you 🤍🤍
- baji mod
I have never been big into Enemies to Lovers but that was enough to make me like it. Thoma that never loses hope on the matter. HELP IM THOMA'S ENEMY 😭 I'm so dumb for that prejudgment of him honestly.
We have similar tastes here for sure. I did a sorter thing the other day and this was mine (the rest is under the cut bc this is getting long):
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And i was actually shocked because I expected Albedo to be where Thoma is. I still haven't met Albedo yet though in the game so I'm going to redo this once I have and see if anything has changed. But anyways, IM SCREAMING, i need to find that video now because I have someone in particular I would be dying to show it to. Funny story is I REFUSED to play this game for like 2 years maybe longer now. It came out when I was addicted to another game on my Playstation and i started to download it, but then something it said made me think I had to be super social in the game and I was too nervous to do it. Then after it got hyped up I just didn’t want to because it was so hyped up it annoyed me 🤣 Then I ended up playing because I had been harassing Shay with Childe, even watched an hour long youtube video compilation of some of his parts to better understand him for that exact purpose, and then Shay had THE NERVE to start acting like they didn’t like Childe anymore because Ayato existed. It drove me absolutely insane so I was being petty in an argument one day about it and said I was starting the game just to prove them wrong and decide for myself that Childe was great. And what do you know? I was right, he’s too great. So we’re kinda similar in the falling for Childe even without the game - oops 🤣
I still have more Thoma to meet too because I’m probably only halfway through Inazuma so far. And I’m too excited that for that 😅
It’s a new day for me now and idk where you are but I’m assuming the same is true for you so HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER OK 🖤
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bananasofthorns · 2 years
Ask game: 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 18, 22, 26, 30, 38 and 39! (sorry if this is too many >_<)
I've already answered 7, 8, 13, 38, and 39
4: Do you have any OCs? Do you have a story for them? I do! And kind of? They were very dnd-inspired so I was kind of working on writing out their entire "campaign" but then I stopped and now I want to redo, like, all of it. which is a lot. so I probably won't lol but I'm still very attached to them
5: What’s a tag you never want to use for your works even when it applies? Probably the "graphic depictions of violence" tag just because I'm sometimes bad at deciding where the line is for needing that
11: Three tropes that are fine but overrated. yet again. I cannot think of many tropes. accidental baby acquisition. when character A takes care of character B but, like, B is always made out to be helpless even when they aren't. this isn't really a trope but also when there is romance and there did not need to be romance /I am aroace
18: First, second, or third person? Usually third, but if the vibes are right then second. I don't really like writing or reading in first person unless it's, like, poetry. for fics I generally also don't like reading in second but I will make exceptions
22: What is it about watching the same two idiots falling in love over and over again? not necessarily falling in love but just "two idiots"...I like their dynamic, usually
26: What would you describe as OOC? If they act very very obviously in a way that. isn't them. sometimes also if I have a lot of trouble reading it in the character's voice but that's a lesser thing
30: Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn’t. Oh boy! I have. a lot of these. This one is still in my google drive so technically could happen but likely won't: inspired by the nuclear warning "poem," an inspection(?) of all the 3rd Life locations after the game ended and the world was empty. the only one I ended up writing was Dogwarts; the other places were Impulse's base, the flower valley, Joel's base, and the desert. apparently I didn't have one for the crastle oops
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tarithenurse · 4 years
Stolen - 23
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson &/x fem!gifted!reader Content: A roller coaster of emotions and feels. A/N: So my psychiatrist recommended/ordered for me to take 2 weeks of sick leave because I’m a stressed out mess...that’s not going to stop me from writing, of course. Au contraire, without work I’ll have more time for that! Ask or reblog for tag ;)
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23. Misery Machine
...   Reader   ...
What the ever-living FUCK? The bubble of happiness bursts, the pop loud in your mind but blown away by the cold storm raging before you in the shape of a raven-haired god with the colour of blood in his eyes. Memories of faces smiling during the feast come and go in a blur and leave you none the wiser as to what Loki’s problem is.
“Uh...yeah? It was okay,” you try carefully, “think I’m getting closer to Sif and the trio to accept me.”
“You don’t say?” Sarcasm is probably the default state for the god, you decide there and then. “Practically crawling onto their laps.”
Staring dumbfounded at him, each snarled accusation is a whiplash driving you closer to desperation as up and down cease to make any sense. Unsure whether to laugh, cry, or scream back at him, you just stand stock still. Loki, on the other hand, has taken to stalking around the room as he denounces the Asgardian ways – feasts, pretend friendships, nothing goes free – before ultimately turning to you again on an unseen wave of icy coldness radiating from the bluing skin.
“I’m surprised you didn’t have my dear brother rescue you,” he hisses, “or went with Fandral for comfort...he’d be more than willing to oblige.”
Oh yeah, the fallen prince’s eyes are swallowed by red, leaving only a pinprick of black from the pupil. “You heard me.”
Sure did, smurf. “This’s ‘bout them? Are you...? D’you think I’m desperate enough to dick it down with Fandral or have Thor sweep me away like I’m some maiden in distress?”
Now you’re the one getting into his personal space. Though you’re far from as imposing compared to a god with ruby eyes and frosty skin, his raven hair cascading to his shoulders in ways fit for an anime character, you still manage to push him back a few steps before he digs his heels in.
“Tell me honestly, the idea doesn’t tempt you, mortal?”
“Hell yeah, it tempts me! But, y’know what? I can’t! If I go back home to hide and some day Thanos shows up...how’d you think that’d make me feel? Or if you take your dumb-ass on some quest to find the fucker only to get killed? No, that ain’t happening ‘cause I’ma stick through with this. That’s what this mortal’ll do: do things right.”
You can barely see him because tears (which you refuse to let fall) are blurring your vision. By some miracle, you manage to find the door and march down the dim hallway without bashing face first into something but by the time you turn the first corner, your cheeks are wet.
GAAARGH! He’s such an...an...UGH! Haven’t you already proven yourself? Sure, he might just see you as a mortal, as he keeps pointing out, but how many mortals does he know that would’ve been able to handle the mess he’s thrown at you? Admittedly, it might be your self-diagnosed Stockholm Syndrome speaking when you feel you deserve more respect from Loki. Not that he has to “like me” like me...just...
Wiping salt water and probably snot from your face, you look around for somewhere to be alone with your thoughts and spot a double door which could lead to a balcony or terrace only to find it blocked by a blond figure.
“Lady [Y/N]?” You’ve only spoken with Thor once, but no one else has a voice like that, a voice you don’t want to hear right now. “Please, tell me what troubles you.”
Why bother? It’s so easy to follow along as he cups your elbow with one of the huge hands and escorts you onto what does indeed turn out to be a balcony.
Any other person would gasp at the view of the golden-roofed city below, stretching towards the ocean and the infinity of space just beyond. You, a sarcastic thought jeers in your mind, you’re busy sniffling and holding back tears because of some silly spat – and there’s no way you can tell that truth to the man beside you.
“I know...I’m a stranger to you and you have no reason to trust me with your worries,” Thor begins softly, “yet I do feel responsible for your fate. Your chance of happiness. What my brother di-”
“Enough!” The exclamation startles him, blue eyes reconsidering the woman before him. Oops. “I’m...I’m sorry, your highness,” you try to recover while your heart beats in your ears. “Forgive me. You have no obligations on my behalf, your brother’s actions are not yours to atone for.”
The dazzling smile is pretty even if it’s barely hiding a pain beneath. “Kind words, but clearly it torments you.”
“No.” Oh, that’s actually true. “No, what pains me is what I’ve learned since. Thor...you’ve been to Earth. You’ve seen us humans...and you know we’re hopelessly unprepared for what’s to come!”
“Even if Loki would be foolish enough to attack once more, Midgard is not defenceless. You know this.”
The Avengers. Thor had stopped Loki and his Chitauri (as you later found out the aliens were called) invasion. It hadn’t exactly been pretty which is something a lot of politicians are still pointing out – or were before you suddenly found yourself at the mercy of the guy who’d plotted the attack. It feels like years ago.
“Not...” How can I say this right? “Not Loki. Thor, please believe me, he’s not the real problem.”
“Any threat at all...your realm is under my protection.” At least his brows have the decency to furrow, almost hiding the pristine blue.
“He came for the Tesseract...but he already had a Scepter with magical abilities. Where did he get that? Who helped him – or who did he help?”
Obviously, the older brother isn’t as dimwitted as Loki claims because you can see tiny lights go on and off as he connects some of the dots – eyes gazing through your skull and into a different infinity than the one beyond the borders of Asgard and finding the murky areas where there isn’t enough information to illuminate the unknown.
When the crown prince does focus on you, a new worry tightens the muscles of his jaw. “If the Tesseract was all he wanted, why not leave?”
“Who wanted the Tesseract, really? And was that all?”
“Then why the invasion? A smoke screen?”
You shrug (even if it’s hard with Thor’s heavy hands resting on your shoulders) because what else can you do? And silence falls again as each option and its implications are weighed carefully.
“What makes you certain of this?”
Loki might be the God of Lies, Mischief, and whatnot...but looking up into his brother’s face there’s no way he wouldn’t sniff out the smallest inkling of deceit.
“I don’t know anything for sure,” you sigh, “I was...shown some bits and pieces. Been trying to make sense of it.”
“A vision.”
Weeeeell... “If that’s what you’d call it. I’m just scared of what might happen.”
Later, you’d think back of it as a pretty decent hug, but in the moment you are more concerned with continuously breathing as Thor pulls you into a crushing embrace.
“Get some rest, little one,” he smiles tiredly after pulling back, “you have my word I’ll look into this matter.”
... Loki   ...
He hears her return to the suite, mainly due to the subdued curses as she struggles to undress. Then the few candles he had left alight are snuffed before [Y/N] settles into bed with a sigh. The single candle in the servant’s tiny room creates sharp borders between shadows and illuminated areas unless Loki exhales particularly hard. I’m not sighing.
Since the woman had stormed out of the quarters, the Jotun has tried to calm himself down and ignore the screaming in his marrow as guilt eats through the bones. Eventually, he succumbed and went to bed only to lie and stare up into the ceiling. A thin blade slips between his fingers in repeated somersaults until he grabs the knife by the handle only to redo the whole thing.
Counting his breaths, he reaches well into the hundreds before daring to step into the suite. The slanted moonbeams illuminate patches on the floor and bed, glistening on the silken covers shaped like a woman. He does his best to ignore it, he really does. Moving silently, Loki picks up the scattered layers of the dress to straighten them out and hang them on the other side of the screen. In the cold light, it is difficult to ascertain the colour of the fabric but he remembers it clearly from when he saw her across the room during the feast where he had been expected to assist – a task perfectly suited to get him closer to the servant and listen to their gossip, of course. He has to shake himself from the tainted memories before continuing the silent duties.
Once, not too long ago, these were details he didn’t bother with. The work of lowly servants, there was no need for a prince to worry about picking up after himself unless he chose to, and while Loki was (and is) meticulous he had certainly never expected to be the one doing this for others. Beneath me! Grumbling within, he still lingers to let the delicate ribbon from [Y/N]’s hair slither between his fingers.
It’s a welcome diversion to imagine how it would be to untie the bow and set her locks free. Or to be the one slipping the straps of the dress off her shoulders and watch it hang on for dear life by her bosom. To gently tug at it, bearing the nipples for me to admire. He can see it in his mind. What Loki doesn’t notice are the eyes watching him.
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13 Days of Christmas [Day 02]
Day 02: Scrooge - Diego Hargreeves
Tagged: @justgrits  @charmed-asylum
“You know he’s going to find out,” Five said. 
You shot him a look. “No, he isn’t,”
“Y/n, Diego has hated Christmas since we were kids. He’s going to find out about your Christmas party,” Five explained. 
“The only reason he’ll find out about it is if you keep running your damn mouth,” You growled. 
Five grinned. “I just can’t control myself,”
“Well, you better because if you ruin this for Y/n. I’ll kill you for her,” Ben said as he tossed down a box of decorations. 
“All I’m saying is that Diego hates Christmas but is good at finding things out. He’s going to know something is up when we all start ignoring him around 5 pm tonight,” Five pointed out as he plugged in a set of lights. 
“Patch is having him work on a case. That’s all he’s been talking about. Patch and her partner are going to keep him busy all day and through the night. That will give us plenty of time to decorate, set up, and actually have the party,” You explained. 
“Y/n, I’m done with the tree do you want to see it?” Vanya asked poking her head into your bedroom. 
“Yes,” You beamed with sparkling eyes. 
Leaving Five and Ben in the kitchen to finish setting up you followed Vanya out to the living room. She and Klaus had been busy decorating the living room and setting up the tree. It was perfect. 
“It’s perfect!” You exclaimed. 
“Thank god, Vanya kept making us redoing it a thousand times,” Klaus sighed flopping down on the couch. 
Vanya shot her brother a look. “I just wanted it to be perfect,”
“And it is! You did a great job, Vanya,” You said pulling her in for a hug. 
“A little help here!” Luther yelled as he struggled to push open the door with his arms full of boxes. 
“Oops sorry,” Allison giggled before dashing out of your bedroom to grab the door for Luther. 
“Y/n, did you order the whole menu?” Luther grumbled as he carried the boxes into the kitchen. 
“I love you boys, but you eat me out of house and home. I wanted to make sure I had enough snacks,” You told him as you followed him back into the kitchen. 
Vanya and Allison started to grab the cold foods and stacked them into your fridge. Klaus grabbed the drinks and started shoving them into coolers filled with ice. The seven of you were busy rearranging the kitchen trying to get all of the food into a home until the party when a voice cleared behind you. 
All seven of you froze. You let out a curse under your breath before forcing a smile and turning around. Diego stood there with his hands on his hips. 
“Hi baby,” You greeted.
“What is going on here?” Diego asked. 
“Um, nothing really, I thought you were working a case with Patch?” You asked. 
Diego ignored you as he started to look at his siblings and then around your apartment. You noticed the way his eyes narrowed when he started to notice all of the Christmas decorations. 
“Are you throwing a Christmas party?” Diego asked. 
“What? Pfft, no,” You tried lying. 
Diego turned his dark eyes onto you. You sighed. 
“Fine, damn it, yeah, we were going to have a party while you were at work with Patch,” You told him. 
Diego looked at his siblings. 
“All of you were in on this?” Diego asked. 
His siblings all nodded in unison. 
“Diego, I, uh, know how you around this time of the year and instead of torturing with parties, Christmas music, presents, and conversation I thought we could do it while you were working so you wouldn’t have to feel out of place,” You explained. 
“What are you trying to say?” Diego asked. 
“Dude, you’re a scrooge,” Five said. 
“I’m not that bad,” Diego started. 
“Diego, you ripped the speakers out of the wall at the Academy when Vanya turned on Christmas music,” Allison said. 
“And when we were at the mall the one time and a kid started crying you started ranting raving about presents and how all kids should get coal because they can’t be good,” Klaus added. 
“A few years ago, when the neighbor kids build a snowman you purposely kicked it over and then when you came back home you parked your car on top of it so they couldn’t try and fix it,” Ben said. 
“D, we weren’t trying to be hurtful and leave you out,” Luther quickly said. 
“Whatever. I’ll just grab something to eat at the diner before returning to work,” Diego snarled turning on his heels and storming out. 
“I told you,” Five said from behind you. “Ow,”
Ben had hit him on the back of his head. You squeezed past Klaus and started running after Diego. 
“Diego, wait!” You shouted after him. 
Diego was just pushing the door open when you slid in front of him. 
“You’re not going to leave here without talking to me,” You told him. 
“There’s nothing to talk about,” Diego said. 
“That’s bull. Now start talking before I get Luther to carry you upstairs and tie you down so we can have an adult conversation,” You threatened. 
Diego sighed. 
“If I hurt your feelings I’m sorry and it wasn’t intentional,” You apologized. 
“Am I really that insufferable?” Diego asked. 
“Only around this time of the year. Which is fine, Diego. You don’t have to like Christmas. I’m okay with that, but the rest of us do want to enjoy it so instead of making you suffer through it we just wanted to do it on our own,” You told him. 
“I don’t mean to be this miserable,” Diego said. 
“You don’t have to explain anything to me, Diego, okay?” You said. 
“Am I ruining the holidays for you?” Diego asked. 
“Ruining the holidays? No, you just make it more challenging,” You teased with a soft smile. 
Diego laughed. 
“I should be able to suck it up and put a smile on my face for you,” Diego said. 
“You wouldn’t ask me to do something that I wasn’t comfortable with and I wouldn’t ask that of you,” You said. 
Diego pulled you in against his chest. 
“And if you’re upset about us going behind your back, we don’t have to have the party,” You said. 
Diego pulled back so he could look down at you. He leaned down and kissed you softly. 
“Have your party. Enjoy your time with your friends and my siblings. I’ll be over after work,” Diego said.
“Really? Are you sure?” You asked him. 
“Yes. And actually, I have a present for you,” Diego smiled. 
Your eyes lit up. “What?”
“But you’ll have to wait until after work. I need to get going,” Diego said. 
“Now that’s not fair,” You pouted. 
Diego laughed. “I think that’s a deserving punishment for hiding the party from me,”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, yeah, that’s fair,”
Diego kissed you once more before heading back to work. You hurried back upstairs to let his siblings know that you smoothed it over. As a team, the seven of you finished setting up for the party. The siblings had eventually left and then returned once they had changed into their party outfits and brought back presents. 
The rest of the night went smoothly. Klaus kept you on your feet by dancing with you all night long. Ben started playing the piano and others began singing. Vanya stayed close to your side when you weren’t dancing. Allison and Luther were working the room and Five poured drinks for everyone and only talking to the people he tolerated. 
As the night began to wind down and your guests left leaving you and siblings behind. You had to force them all to leave. They had wanted to stay behind and help clean up but you had reassured them that the mess would still be there in the morning. All of you needed to be heading to bed and sleeping off the alcohol. 
You had just kicked off your heels and were struggling to unzip your dress when a familiar set of hands brushed against your skin. You jumped and looked over your shoulder. Diego was staring at you. 
“I didn’t hear you come in,” You told him. 
“I was trying to make sure everybody was gone before I came back to see you,” Diego admitted. 
He unzipped your dress and released it so it pooled around your feet. He pressed several kisses to your back. He turned you around so he could kiss you. 
“Would you like your Christmas gift?” Diego asked. 
“From the Scrooge himself? I’d be honored,” You teased. 
Diego rolled his eyes before walking away. Alone, you quickly threw on your sweatpants and one of Diego’s shirts before going after him. You found him in the living room. His hands were behind his back and your narrowed your eyes at him. 
“That better not be a knife,” You joked. 
Diego laughed and shook his head. 
“You’re something else, you know,” Diego pointed out. 
“Oh, I know,” You smiled. 
“I wanted to do this earlier in the year. This is a special gift, but I know how much you like this holiday and I know that everyone knows I hate Christmas. That I’m the new version of the Scrooge. So I’ve been holding onto this to make this Christmas a special one,” Diego said. 
“Diego,” You said in confusion. 
Diego dropped down onto one knee. “I hear you. All of you about me being a Scrooge around this time of the year. I knew that it was going to take something magical to make me want to celebrate Christmas and to look forward to it. So I knew the magical moment I needed was to be a happy one I create with you. I love you. I’ve loved you since we were kids. I want to build a life with you. I want to start a family with you and grow old with you. Y/n, will you marry me?” Diego asked. 
Tears were welling up in your eyes. “Yes! One hundred thousand percent yes!”
Diego laughed, slid the ring onto your finger, and then hoisted you up. You giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. This was hands down the best Christmas ever.     
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byunbaekby · 4 years
ten questions!
tagged by queen jia @longassride ♡
what’s your favourite shoe model?  my favorite shoe brand is vans, though i had an obsession with converses a while back. 
if you had to drop everything in your life to pursue something/a career/a person, who/what would it be? i’ve been a dancer for years, it’s my passion and the one thing that brings me true happiness. of course, i can’t pursue it as a career but if i could be successful as a dancer, i would do it in a heartbeat!
who was your very first crush, and how old were you? i had my first crush when i was five years old in kindergarten LOL. his name was branden and i never saw him again after i moved away oop.
when did you last cry? a couple days ago, reading a fic at 2am lol
if you could be any cartoon character, who would it be? spongebob. i need some of his positivity. and his zest for his job! since summer started, i have been working full time and i’m dying ;;;
what’s your skincare routine? first i cleanse with clear&clear’s night relaxing cleanser, then tone with lancome tonique clarifying toner, then moisturize with neutrogena’s pink grapefruit moisturizer! my skin tends to get used to the cleanser after a couple months so every so often i switch between the clean&clear, noxzema’s eucalyptus cleanser, and neutrogena’s pink grapefruit cleanser. twice a week i replace the cleanser with a scrub, and do a face mask once/twice a week!
favourite youtuber and why? they’re not technically youtubers but i really enjoy watching wong fu productions, especially on their second vlog channel!
first ever heartbreak? (not necessarily romantic) when my first boyfriend left me for a seventh grader (we were freshmen in high school at the time),,, heart been broke so many times ᶦ'ᵐ ᵇᵉᶦⁿᵍ ˢᵃʳᶜᵃˢᵗᶦᶜ ᶦᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃⁿ'ᵗ ᵗᵉˡˡ
most embarrassing memory in elementary school? once, my elementary school made us do a flash mob and for what?? no idea. this was before i started dancing rip
physics, biology or chemistry, if you had to choose one? bio, hands down! i’m actually majoring in biology right now lol. physics is second because i actually enjoy physics, i just suck at it. chemistry can suck my dick.
⁠—my questions—
what is your favorite season and why?
who is your role model?
what is your favorite book? give a short summary!
if you would redo your life from the beginning, would you?
have you ever been to a concert? if so, who?
would you rather fight a horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horses? sjdsdk
what color do you think represents your soul?
do you sleep with the door closed or open?
what are your thoughts on mayonnaise?
what is one of your goals for the second half of 2020?
tagging: ᵐʸ ᵠᵘᵉˢᵗᶦᵒⁿˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᶜʳᵃᶜᵏ ᶦ ᵏⁿᵒʷ @lucas-wongs @yongiefilms @jensungf @neocitybynight
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thegirlyouknow · 6 years
tag meme again cause it got deleted the first time cause my phone is an asshole
I was tagged by the eternally sassy @forevermarvelsbitch who persuaded me to redo my answers so here I am and by the way I am terrible at parking never let me drive
drink: water. A bitch gotta stay hydrated
phone call: mumzie
text message: "Maybe one day our descendants will rise up against the system and eat the rich" to a mate and that's all you need to know
song you listened to: I sang Vogue by Madonna to myself in the car, does that count?
time you cried: 2am on Sunday cause I was scared about some stuff and I'm a little bitch
dated someone twice: nah
kissed someone and regretted it: ooooohhhh yeah because the kiss was disgusting and I still have flashbacks
been cheated on: ain't never had a lover, my mate, so no
lost someone special: yes
been depressed: bitch I'm depressed right now. Serotonin? I don't know her
gotten drunk and thrown up: let me tell ya, I got real close and it was not fun
favourite colours: blue, purple, red, pink
made new friends: I'd like to think so, but I have a terrible fear that everyone hates me oops
fallen out of love: never fallen in it
laughed until you cried: at Greg Davis telling embarrassing stories cause same
found out someone was talking about you: I'm not that important lol
met someone who changed you: I did meet someone I want to smack in the head, if that counts
found out who your friends are: this sounds so salty
kissed someone on your facebook friends list: not this year, but the past is the past...👀
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: most and the ones I don't know are distant relatives I know of but not personally
do you have any pets: no, but my friend's doggo, Nala loves me and 😍
do you want to change your name: ugh yES! This is such an ungrateful 1st world problem, but I'm so mad at my parents for naming me Caitlin. It's so bleurgh and nothing. I hate saying it and I hate hearing it. I wish my name was pretty ffs
what did you do for your last birthday: dinner with the fam. I'll be 21 next month tho 👀
what were you doing at midnight last night: reading a fic and asking my insomnia if she'd let me sleep. She said no and I didn't rip
what is is something you can't wait for: I ordered some books I'm excited for! Also my next pay check cause I use material things to fill the void
what are you listening to right now: my dad is watching The Flash, who's being warned by an old guy not to "ever do something like that again"
have you ever talked to a person named tom: my mum's friend's son is called tom and we were forced to play Teletubbies together as toddlers but we actually were good buddies and I wonder what the bastard is up to these days
something that gets on your nerves: my first answer was something deep about bullies, but I've come back to say faulty technology really grinds my gears
most visited website: this hellsite
hair colour: dark blonde but I'm in denial, so I need to get my highlights touched up
long or short hair: mid-length. I've been tryna grow it long since I was 10, pls gods of hair, grant me some hair care tips
do you have a crush on someone: not to sound emo, but I'm not sure I'm capable
what do you like about yourself: I'm hardworking, resilient, understanding, open-minded mostly, my cheekbones are as high as Mount Everest and I got a phat ass
want any piercings: I'm not metal enough :/
blood type: who's askin'?
nicknames: Cait, Catie, Catie-Kates, Catie-Anne, Caters, Smol C, and sometimes my mother mixes up my name with my aunt's and calls me Kerry 😅
relationship status: alene
zodiac: liSTEN I am a Libra sun, Aquarius moon and Gemini rising
pronouns: she/her but I will also answer to Madame
favourite tv shows: SKAM, Outlander, Scrubs, Misfits, Sense8, QAF US, H2O Just Add Water, Bob's Burgers, Archer, The Good Place, Cuckoo, Reign, Game Of Thrones, I could go on and on
tattoos: soon
right or left handed: right
ever had surgery: the closest thing was getting all 4 wisdom teeth surgically removed the day after my final (HSC) exams
piercings: just me ears
sports: danced from ages 6-16, played netball in primary school, soccer in high school, tried tennis once only to find out I'm rubbish, swim all summer every summer, yoga every Monday for the past 5 years
vacation: last trip was a road trip with me Ma to see my nan in the country and my dream trip is the northern lights in Norway 🇳🇴😍
eating: I just ate a raspberry icypoll and it was good
drinking: the tears of fallen men
about to watch: Gotham that my dad got for Father's Day your welcome
waiting for: my real life to begin it's a Colin Hay reference
want: real talk; to find a purpose
get married: to an old rich man who mysteriously disappears off our yacht in Monaco while I'm enjoying his money with my lovers Julio and Julianna in Tuscany
career: currently a bar wench & cash handler, as well as a media advisor, which is nowhere near as interesting as it sounds
hugs or kisses: hugs cause you can give anyone a cuddle
lips or eyes: eyes
shorter or taller: literally everyone is taller than me so
older or younger: both at the same time. Age is a fictional prison. Time is an illusion. Boundaries are made to be transcended. I'm tired
nice arms or stomach: arms
hookup or relationship: ugh
troublemaker or hesitant: seeing as I'm a massive coward, I have to pick a troublemaker for shits and giggles
kissed a stranger: yeah but don't tell my mum
drunk hard liquor: oh yeah
lost glasses: no but now I'm gonna be worried about exactly that
turned someone down: yes
sex on the first date: nope
broken someone's heart: kinda but I am convinced they were both enamoured with the idea of me rather than the actual me which is such YA bullshite
had your heart broken: over and over in non-romantic ways
been arrested: no
cried when someone died: yes
fallen for a friend: platonically
yourself: sometimes
miracles: sure
love at first sight: hell no
Santa Claus: of course 🎅🎄☃️🎁
kiss on the first date: yes bitch, get it
angels: dunno
best friend's name: hard to say cause we've known each other since we were literal babies, but it's been distant the last year and maybe all good things to come to an end even if you honestly believed they'd last forever
eye colour: brown
favourite movie: Moulin Rogue and the Mamma Mia films are all I really need to stave the loneliness
favourite actors: Toni Colette, Debra Mailman, Richard Roxburgh, Guy Pierce, Hugo Weaving, Maya Rudolph, Kristen Bell, Zoe Saldana, Sebastian Stan, Lupita Nyong'o, Amy Adams, Meryl Streep, Caitriona Balfe, Megan Follows and Tarjei Sandvik Moe ❤️❤️
tagging: @solo-silenzio @certifiedfilmhoe @ifyoucouldsayanything @lesbiankelsey @loveshaydixon but only if you want to cause this was a damn trek and a half xoxo
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ethans-a-nerd · 6 years
Farm Boy
Tumblr media
Yo part two is gonna be up in like two days. Look forward to that. Yeah.
Word Count: 1113
Enjoy - not Alice
Part One, Part Two
"Alright that'll be $37.16" the cab driver said snapping you out of your thoughts. You smiled handing him two twenties.
"Keep the change dude" you said unbuckling your seatbelt. He got out of the car and held the door for you then popped the trunk open. He handed you your black beat up suitcase.
"Thanks" you saw quickly remembered the name tag on his dashboard "Thanks Roger"
He tipped his hat and hopped back into his cab. Roger drove down the dirt road he had came from.
"Y/N!" You sighed but smiled anyway as your mother ran towards you. You dropped the suitcase and opened your arms as she flung herself on you.
"I'm so happy to see you! Your father is out on the field with Ethan" you pulled away from her in confusion.
"Ethan?" You asked furrowing your eyebrows. She laughed and grabbed your suitcase.
"Yes sweetie, your father hired him to work around the farm after you left. He's about your age, lives in town. Real nice fellow you two will get along" she said patting your shoulder lovingly. You smiled uneasily at her.
"Oh! You must be hungry after your flight let's go inside" she bustled towards the large house and you shuffled after her.
The farm haven't changed much since you've been away. The house still slanted to one side and that old broken green tractor rested in the center of the field. You smiled as memories of you climbing on it when you were little flooded back.
You stepped onto the porch and the floorboards creaked loudly. You laughed and jumped on it like you always did. Except this time the board snapped under you and your left leg fell through.
"Ah fuck!" You yelled. Your mother turned around and let out a laugh.
"You jumped on it again didn't you. Always tempting fate" she shook her head and crossed her arms.
You jokingly glared at her. Your entire left leg out of site. You struggled to pull it up but to no avail. Your right leg folded in on itself and you were kneeling awkwardly.
"Mom why? Can you help me? I'm stuck" you mumbled looking down. She laughed again and grabbed your arms. She tugged at you until she was red faced and after one harsh yank she set you free.
You fell on your back and let out a sigh.
"As punishment for breaking my beautiful porch you're replacing these boards. Go into town to buy the wood if you need to but before you leave this porch needs to be pristine" she said tasing her arms. Your eyes widened as you sat up.
"You're punishing me for almost dieing!?!" You yelled scrambling to your feet.
"Don't be dramatic. And yes. Now come inside" she said and grabbed your suitcase again. She pushed open the screen door and disappeared from sight. You groaned and ran after her.
Walking into the kitchen she handed you a plate of grilled chicken. You grabbed in and smiled at her. Everyone in your family knew there was no use in arguing with your mother. And if you gave her any attitude for her decisions well you're sleeping with the chickens.
You stood and opened the fridge. Grabbing the pitcher of lemonade your poured yourself a glass.
The back door banged open and you glanced up quickly.
"Y/N!" Your father said giving you no time to react. He pulled you into a bone crushing hug. His affection caused you to spill the lemonade right on your white shirt.
"Dad" you said laughing. He let go of you then looked down onto your shirt.
"Ha oops sorry kid. It's not everyday a mans only child comes home after being away for ages and ages" you laughed and punched him in the shoulder.
"It's been 5 months not 'ages and ages'" you giggled. The door opened again and you glanced behind your dad.
"Oh Y/N, meet Ethan. Since you're off at school I've hired him to help around. He lives about 10 minutes away in town" your dad clasped you on the shoulder and joined your mother in the kitchen.
Ethan in question stepped onto view. He was taller than you. Wearing nothing but a tank top and shorts you checked out his muscles and smirked to yourself.
He gave you a once over before noticing you doing the same. He blushed and looked down.
"Hi" you said standing straight and not leaning on the wall behind you. You extended a hand to shake. He let out a nervous giggle, looked down at your hand, and shook it. An electric shock rang up your arm and you pulled your hand back quickly.
You couldn't see her but your mother was standing in the kitchen watching the two of you. She smiled to herself and a plan began to form in her head.
"So Ethan" Ethan looked you in the eyes. You blinked noticing the intense beautiful color "how long have you been working here?"
He opened his mouth about to answer before your mom barged in. "Y/N sweetie. You can get to know Ethan better later. Oh! I know" she turned to the young man and smiled "Could you help Y/N on redoing the porch? There was an accident and it needs to be replaced ASAP"
Ethan looked from your mom to your dad who strolled from the kitchen, sandwich in hand. "Of course Mrs. Y/L/N. Sorry Mr. Y/L/N I'll help you feed the chickens tommorw"
You leaned on the wall behind you and crossed your arms. You caught your mothers eyes and she grinned at you wickedly.
What is she planning? You thought looking fromber to Ethan.
"Well better get started come on Ethan" you said grabbing his arm. He stared at you in surprise as you dragged him from the house. You let go once you talked down the two steps to the little backyard. He stopped and looked back at the house.
"Alright, so my moms planning something" you said stopping too and turning to face him. You put a hand to your hip and sighed.
“Yeah probably” Ethan mumbled “So...” he trailed off. You giggled and stepped closer to him.
“Yeah?” You said as he gulped looking down at you. You two were less then a foot apart.
“We should probably get started” he said still staring at you intently. You stood on your top toes, your faces inches from one another.
“Yeah” you said taking two steps away from him. Spinning on your heel you walked towards the shed where your family felt a wood pile. “Come one Ethan!” You said laughing.
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crinkled-emotions · 6 years
Autumnal Asks
I was tagged by @its-me-theicequeen
lantern - how did you meet your best friend? What were your first impressions of each other?
So, I met my oldest best friend when I was 7 (I'm 17 now damn) and basically we started talking because we both liked horses I think. We fought like crazy and we're in completely different states of Australia now but I still love her heaps and love talking to her when I get the chance.
The second best friend I made when I was 12. We actually didn't talk until I was 13 or 14 when I properly became friends with her. To this day I still consider her one of my closest friends. Fun fact; we hated each other for a period of time.
Oof, now the girl I could seriously consider my second sister at this point- we met at the start of the year due to being one of the only four new kids in our dorm at school. We met during orientation, and haven't separated since. She's hilarious and always up for a fight, but luckily the mum friend in me always stop her before she does something stupid haha.
frost - if you could give some advice to your younger self, what would you say?
Mate, you've got a lot to learn. I know it seems like your life is great and you know everything there is to know, but tone down the know it all and actually give people the time of day to talk to you. You never know, maybe you'll stop being lonely.
maple - is there a hobby / skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did?
You know, I actually really love netball; the sport, if you haven't heard of it before. My friend plays it and I got to be good at it when I was younger, but I hated the girls at my school therefore I didn't pursue it, so my netball career never exactly started off. Would definitely give it a good go now, in fact I'm starting next year. It's never too late!
harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
I can't answer this. Personally, I relate to Georgie from Heartland; gosh, I love her. She is mature and level headed, but underneath that calm personality shows a girl who doesn't know what she's doing the next day, let alone with her life.
fireside - if you had your dream wardrobe, what would it look like?
Hm. My style is really simple, so it'd probably be full of comfy t-shirts, 5sos merch, SuggLife hoodies, black skinny jeans and Converse. Maybe a pair of vans or my slippers. Life would be great my dudes. Ooh, actually I would love to have a shit ton of makeup just to experiment and play around. It's a lot of fun tbh.
cider - a food that you disliked as a child but now enjoy?
I was going to say nothing, but then I thought about this tomato pasta thing my mum makes and I used to HATE it- like my mum would threaten me with bed or eating it and I'd just go to bed- but now I actually adore it and it's probably one of my favourite meals; especially with heaps of parmesan cheese. Yum.
amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have.
I'm one of those people that doesn't really have unpopular opinions- either I think of them right before they become popular, or I see someone say something and I just agree with it. That being said, I ship Joe and Byron hardcore and no one really seems to so I guess that counts?
fog - how well do you think you’d do in a zombie apocalypse scenario?
I would die on the first day. I'm no good when I'm camping, I can't imagine how I'd be in that kind of situation. I'd probably hide somewhere and never come out.
jack-o-lantern - if you could look like any celebrity, who would you choose?
Anna Maynard! She is so humble and shy and relatable and GORGEOUS. Her eyes look gorgeous against her blonde hair, and she always wins with her makeup. Total babe, 10/10 would recommend. Also super happy for her with her new gig hosting a talent show, that sounds awesome!
spice - have you ever encountered a house that you believed to be haunted?
Yes, actually! I used to dream that the house on the end of my street was haunted- I moved before I could explore it sadly. I might try when I go back there for the Summer
orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn.
Well actually, it's spring for me oops but hey. I can join the Americans/ the Brits for a while. Honestly, this spring for me would be the prime time for me to work on my horse riding, especially my jumping since that's my favourite thing. I'd also like to start my first full- length Joe x Byron story after my exams.
crow - which school subject do you wish you had an aptitude for?
Math. I HATE math and I'm the dyslexic where I only struggle with math (I mess numbers up constantly, can't keep track of formulas, think a 7 is a 1 sometimes etc etc...) so if I could improve anything it would be my math. My ATAR score would soar up. That or my plant production course- I'm not the best at that course and I don't enjoy it but I'd like to try harder in it and improve my grades.
bonfire - describe your dream house.
I'm one of those sad people who are either in the middle of the city with everything accessible, or a farm with a tiny town fifteen minutes away. I'm kind of leaning toward the farm (I'm at agricultural school so I'm biased lmao) so that my kids have plenty of room to run around, get dirty, and learn how to take care of themselves. I'm big on independence but also being able to scrape your knee etc. I'm not a bubble wrap-type of person, I don't think.
cinnamon - if you had to live in a time period different than the present, which would you choose and where?
You know what? This is going to sound so random, but I would love to visit the 1850's during the gold rush in Victoria, Australia- a lot happened and I would have loved to experience it. I've done a lot of research about those times and they were rough, but I think it'd make you a better person in the long run.
cobweb - (if you’ve graduated) do you miss high school?
I graduate next year lol, not sure I'll miss it for a couple of months after that.
cranberry - what’s one physical feature that you get complimented on?
My eyelashes and my eyes! Since I'm Irish, my hair is really thick and it's dark so my eyelashes are naturally long and thick. I always get lots of compliments on them which is really nice for an insecure little shit like me. My eyes also get lots of compliments since they change with my mood hahahaha.
maize - share the weirdest encounter you’ve had with a stranger on the street.
I was standing in line for Maccas and one person tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and she complimented me on my SuggLife hoodie! It was really nice of her but super sudden. I can't really call that weird but I still remember it. It's either that or the time a guy pushed me out of the way as he ran from the cops. That was terrifying.
quilt - how do you take your tea (or coffee)?
I hate tea (with a passion), and I don't drink normal coffee since it reacts badly with my anxiety medication. I drink decaf though, and I put in two teaspoons of both coffee and sugar, sometimes a little more sugar than coffee. I'm more of a hot chocolate person to be honest.
pumpkin - do you think that humans are inherently good or bad?
I've seen a lot of shit, been through a lot of shit, but I don't believe humans are inherently bad. I think there's always a breaking point for everyone, and once it's reached it's hard for someone to go back to the way they were.
moonlit - are you a neat or messy person? Is your room / house orderly?
I'm freakishly neat a majority of the time, but when I'm sad I don't clean my room or change my sheets and it gets really gross. That reminds me, I need to clean my room again.
flannel - have you ever gone on a bad date?
To go on a bad date, you have to have been on a date right?
cocoa - if you could have any type of hair, what colour and cut would you have?
I wish I still had my long hair! I recently chopped all the ombre off and now my hair barely goes past my shoulders which sucks. I'd love to redo my ombre when my hair is a lot longer and healthier. I want it healthy before I damage it again.
ghost - is there someone that you miss having in your life?
Yes, actually. It sounds random but I grew up with this guy since we were born (he's two months older than me) and we sort of hated each other but I was honest with him and he was honest with me, we had a good system. Our parents were close friends and I haven't talked to him at all since I moved from Victoria, but I wish him all the best. He was one of the rudest, asshole-ish guys when I was a kid, but it kept me on my toes so I guess that's a good thing.
I'm also tagging people on Wattpad! For Tumblr, I tag: @seductivebuttercreams. Good luck
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galakzee · 6 years
paige redoes a tag oops
so i’ve done this once before already but it was a few months ago so i thought i’d redo it. why not. most of the answers will be the same but some have probably changed which is why i’m redoing it. i got tagged by the lovely @rainb0wguy and @renee-gracie thanks guys!! <3 <3 oh i might also add in some xtra info since i’ve answered all these q’s already lmao
Rules: tag 10 followers that you would like to know better
Name: Paige (my middle name is Elizabeth and my last initial is P. so i heard many a PP joke in elementary school.)
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Gemini (my bday is 6/6!)
Height: 5 ft. 5 in.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? this is still a hard NO lmao. i always saw my teachers like parents, not peers.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? this is the same! i am a concurrent major in marine biology and environmental science. so i’d like to have a post grad degree in marine bio and i’d like to be doing research! i also want to have many pets. i want a doge and a birb and a really heckin cool fish tank like Taylor Nicole Dean.
Your coolest Halloween costume: none of mine were really that good tbh. like none really stick out in my mind. oh one of the last years i went trick or treating i was a shadowhunter with a friend
Favorite 90′s show: still Charmed lmao. 
Have you ever been stood up? no but i had a friend/ex-girlfriend tell me that she was “booked for the month of september” when i said something like “i miss you we should hang out more”
Favorite pair of shoes: still birkenstocks. i also have a really rad pair of Doc Martens with renaissance art on them
Favorite fruit: still have a phobia of all fruits LMAO. like i swear it used to be really bad. in elementary school if i was sitting next to someone eating fruit at lunch i would literally start to gag and dry heave.
Favorite book: princess bride, pride and prejudice, the mysterious benedict society, percy jackson and the olympians, the uglies series. the book that fucked up my mind the most was without a doubt brave new world by aldous huxley.
Stupid thing: since it’s mental health awareness month, i’ll share this about myself! under a read more bc it unintentionally got long as hell oops
i made one post touching on this a long time ago but there might be followers that dont know this about me. in 10th grade i fell into a very severe depression where many days i didn’t have the energy to get out of bed. i also had (still have) generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks. from january to the beginning of may, i was in partial hospitalization, where you basically do group and solo therapy along with other stuff like art during like normal school hours. in that time i also found out i have a genetic condition in my MTHFR gene! long story short, i have to take a drug called l-methylfolate for the rest of my life to a) help my antidepressants work and b) avoid certain complications that can happen during pregnancy (just as an example bc my memory is shit). why am i saying this? because during this time, the lowest point in my short life, i didn’t picture myself having any sort of future. i literally could not see myself going to college. i couldnt see beyond the depression and my low self-worth. but it’s been 3 years since i was discharged. i consider my depression to be in remission, and i have the tools to deal with my anxiety and rare panic attacks. don’t be afraid to get help if you need it! talk to someone. please talk to someone. therapy literally changed my life. if you know people dealing with mental illness, please be supportive. feeling like nobody believes you and you’re all alone is already a part of depression but if people actually don’t want to support you it makes it all 200% worse. i also want you to remember to be kind. think before you speak. is there a better word you could use to express that statement? i challenge you to stop using harmful slurs like r******* and even words like insane, psychotic, crazy. and don’t casually say you’ve got adhd or ocd if you don’t. stereotypes only hurt those of us with mental illness even more! just remember, even if you don’t believe it, depression will not be forever. you are more than your mental illness. and i support you, wherever you are in your journey, as someone who’s been there and back :)
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rvinsounds · 7 years
– shall we dance? in which seungyeon has to give advice. alternatively titled ‘four idiots who somehow all got the girl’
a/n: this is almost 5k words i don’t fucking know okay kill me now. also i’m sorry bc this was supposed to be Serious Shit and Cute but somehow halfway through it started to become crack and idk hdbfdsbhfjfd i hope y’all like it anyway lmfoaoa
The announcement for the annual Yule Ball had just gone up on all the bulletin boards in all the houses on the first of December. Which, of course, started a loud commotion among the entirety of the student body, everyone buzzing over who would ask who (mostly between the male populace) and who would be asked by who (among the female students). The professors could barely get the students to focus without interrupting big proposal ideas and endless gossiping. On top of all the homework they were receiving before Christmas, all the students in the fourth year and up were busy coming up with ways to ask out their desired partners.
Though, there was one student that was not concerned in the slightest. Chanuk was entirely unconcerned about the whole process of asking the person he was going with to the ball. Of course, he hadn’t actually asked yet, but it was only a matter of time.
“Hey, who are you going with to the ball?” Seungyeon asks him during study hall, nudging him gently with a smile. The Ravenclaw was usually more studious during study hall, but had seemed to succumb to the way the rest of the student body was reacting, unable to really focus on the History of Magic paper he had open in front of him.
“Arazely,” the Slytherin replies with ease, not even looking up from his Transfigurations paper, eyebrows furrowed together as he writes down the theory behind the Switching Spell they had learnt in class earlier that week. He flips through The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 4 to his required information, squinting at it. “Seungyeonie, what does – why are you looking at me like that?”
“You already asked her? The announcement went up yesterday!” The younger boy’s expression is one of complete awe, having been talking to their other friends and had experienced all of them freaking out about the respective girls they wanted to go with.
“Oh. That’s right …” Chanuk’s eyebrows furrow even more before he shakes silver bangs out of his face, straightening up and glancing around to look for his alleged date to the Yule Ball. He stands, clambering over the bench he was sitting on and he pats Seungyeon on the shoulder before heading down the row to where the Hufflepuff girl was seated. She jumps a bit at the rough tap to her shoulder, glancing up and around only to see a glowering Slytherin boy standing behind her.
“Chanuk? What do you want?” Her voice is soft, and even surprised to see him there. The people around her are whispering too, her friends curious and very obviously trying to eavesdrop on the coming up conversation. No one seems to be expecting what comes next though.
“We’re going to the ball together,” he says, patting her gently on the shoulder before he stalks back to where he had been sitting with Seungyeon, plopping back down next to him again and turning his attention back to his paper.
The Ravenclaw’s expression is one of awe again.
There’s a tap on his shoulder a moment later, Chanuk glowering at the person for a moment for daring to interrupt his paper again only for his expression to soften a moment later when he realizes who it is.
“Okay, we’re going to the ball together,” Arazely confirms with a smile, cheeks slightly pink before she also hurries back to her spot.
“I can’t wait to tell the other hyungs that you beat them all to asking out their dates!” Seungyeon exclaims, grinning widely after he’s had a moment to process what had just happened. “They’re gonna be pissed.”
Word goes around in their friendship circle that Chanuk had inadvertently asked his date to the Yule Ball already, and as Seungyeon predicted, the older students are pissed. Euncheol, for one, has been working on asking Nadine out for years and she had never said yes to him. Even after all the things he had tried, he had never once succeeded. Since the announcement for the ball, he’s been concocting many a plan in the safety of one of the more isolated corners of the library.
He’s surrounded by scrunched up balls of parchment, ink scribbles on each of them when Seungyeon finds him in the library.
“Is this another one of your master plans to ask Nadine nuna to the Yule Ball?” he asks the Gryffindor, picking up one of the paper balls on the floor and unraveling it, squinting at the handwriting. He makes out ‘giant squid’, ‘house-elves’ and 'confetti’ before the sheet is snatched out of his hands and crumpled up once again.
“I’m going to figure this out if it’s the last thing I do,” Euncheol promises, before shooing him away. “I need peace and quiet for my master plan – come back later.”
And Seungyeon is promptly kicked out of that corner of the library.
Not having anything else better to do – he had conveniently finished his homework during study hall and considering he wasn’t an OWL student yet, he was free to do whatever he wanted with his spare time – he tagged along to the Slytherin Quidditch practice, wanting to watch. Despite being a member of the Ravenclaw team, his relationship with the Slytherin Quidditch Captain meant that he was trusted not to say anything.
And honestly, he wouldn’t be able to reveal much anyway – though he treasured his relationship with Saebom enough that the Slytherin knew he didn’t have to worry about Seungyeon giving away team secrets to a rival house.
He’s seated in the bleachers as he half-watches the team practice, reading up on the next lesson in his copy of The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection for his Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson tomorrow morning when he’s joined by someone sitting down next to him. Glancing up to see whose presence he had just been graced by, he smiles brightly when he recognizes who it is.
“Nuna, hello,” he greets the older Ravenclaw, waving a little bit as he bookmarks the page he was on. He can always catch up on his readings a little bit later. “Are you waiting for Jess nuna? She’s not done yet … Saebom hyung keeps making them redo their formations. She’s taunting him, I think …” He glances up at the players on their brooms, an amused smile on his lips.
He knows for a fact – actually, probably everyone in the entire school knows for a fact – that the Slytherin captain most definitely had the hots for the Slytherin seeker. And vice versa. Everyone seemed to know about it … besides the two themselves. It was amazingly obvious, even from this far away that the two were flirting once again in the air.
“Are you going to the ball, Seungyeonie?” Megan asks fondly, brushing his hair out of his eyes before frowning a little bit. “You need a haircut soon,” she murmurs, thumbing at the blond strands before she confirms that she is, indeed, waiting for the lavender-haired seeker to finish with the Quidditch practice.
The younger Ravenclaw shrugs in response to both things she had said. “I was going to tag along with Eddy hyung since he’s too lazy to ask someone to go. I don’t have anyone I want to ask so I’m just … going to chill.”
Megan laughs before she ruffles his hair, fixing it the moment right after.They both jump at the shrill shriek of a whistle, Saebom finally signalling for the practice to end. The two Ravenclaws watch with matching expressions of amusement as they watch him get bowled over once he’s close enough to the ground by Jessica, a grin on her face as she straightens up. Even from where they’re sitting, across the entire field almost, they can hear her exclaiming; “Sorry! Forgot to brake,” as she waves at the two of them, mischief written clearly across her face as Saebom lays there on the pitch, dramatically playing dead. “Suck it up you big baby.”
“I’m going to go make sure she doesn’t accidentally kill him,” Megan sighs, patting Seungyeon on the shoulder before getting up to leave and he grins to himself, too amused by the antics of the Slytherins. He watches the older girl head across the Quidditch Pitch before he packs up his stuff. Might as well head to dinner now, and hopefully find the rest of his friends – before he would have to check to make sure Saebom hadn’t ended up in the hospital wing.
He waves back at his friends, who had all stopped what they were doing to wave at him excitedly in hopes he would notice, before heading off and ticking one point off of his mental to-do list.
There was no way Saebom was dying if he was waving at him like that.
Usually he prefers to study with Chanuk, since they’re in the same year and share a lot of classes, but he was somehow roped into studying with the head boy and he’s unsure, really, of how this had happened. They were three years apart and the Hufflepuff was doing his NEWTs now – or he should be.
“Hyung?” Seungyeon inquires, glancing at the older male who’s writing furiously in a notebook instead of on parchment paper, copying something down from a textbook.
Sinhwa glances up from his notes, a genuine look of surprise on his face and immediately closes his notebook, and Seungyeon recognizes The Look and quickly backtracks. “It’s nothing important! Really, don’t – you’re doing your Ultimate Dad Thing right now, you know.”
That stops the older male in his tracks of trying to literally drill a hole into the younger’s brain, looking rightfully sheepish as he leans back with a soft laugh. “Oops, sorry.”
The Head Boy settles back in his chair, reopening his notebook and dipping his quill into the inkwell before he glances at the Ravenclaw expectantly, his quill poised to write. “I’m doing my work now, kiddo, please tell me what you were going to say before I accidentally went into Dad Mode.” Seungyeon can’t help but laugh at that, throwing his head back slightly and he has to stifle his laughter by covering his mouth with both hands in case Madame Pince heard him and kicked him out of the library for being too loud. It takes him a few moments to really contain himself before he calms down enough to think about what he had been about to say.
“I was wondering if you had asked Megan nuna to the ball yet,” he murmurs after a moment, knowing that it had been a few weeks already and out of their entire friend group, only Chanuk had really secured a date. He had assumed that Sinhwa and Megan would be going together – they had been dating for almost a year now, if he remembered correctly, so it wasn’t like they would be going with anyone else besides their significant other.
He just didn’t have faith in his most oblivious hyung – for good reason – to have asked his girlfriend to the ball. He was five hundred percent sure that Sinhwa would’ve just assumed that they would be going together. Which was fine and dandy, of course, but he also knew Megan pretty well that he was also five hundred percent sure that she, while not expecting it, would very much enjoy an invitation all the same. Even if she had also assumed that they would be going together.
“Was … Am I supposed to?” Sinhwa looks very surprised, as Seungyeon had fully expected him to if he were honest, and even a bit caught off guard. “She’s already – should I ask her then?”
“Hyung … would I be asking you this if that wasn’t what I was implying the whole time?” The younger points out, shaking his head and pretending to facepalm, sighing audibly before he glances around.
“This sounds bad, and I don’t been to stereotype or anything, but it’s a girl thing. Also, I know Mei nuna and she would definitely like for you to ask her. So you should do it. Now. Or, soon,” he says, an air of finality in his voice. Despite being the youngest of their group of friends, his words are often taken the most seriously out of everyone’s because … well, because he was the youngest. Also, probably because he was the shyest one and tended to not go out of his way to get noticed, and therefore was the one who noticed more things than everyone else.
He didn’t like to admit it, but being the baby of their friendship group did most definitely have its perks.
“Anyways hyung, I think you should ask her to the ball,” he says, turning his own attention back to his notes as he reads them over quietly, glancing up once just to make sure he could see the gears turning in the older’s head.
Merlin, he really hoped he wouldn’t have to intervene with everyone to get them to finally ask their specific persons to the Yule Ball. Matchmaker Seungyeon Kim did not have a nice ring to it. Really. It didn’t.
“Do you think Euncheol hyung will finally stop trying to come up with extravagant plans and ask Nadine nuna to the ball before Sinhwa hyung realizes that he still hasn’t asked Megan nuna to the ball?”
“I think Saebom hyung will forget to ask Jess nuna to the ball until the last minute.”
“But he’s been meaning to ask her since you asked Ara to the ball! I don’t think he’ll be the last one. I think Euncheol hyung will psyche himself out.”
“5 Sickles that Euncheol hyung will be next, Sinhwa hyung after and Saebom hyung will be last.”
“Okay, deal.”
There’s only a week and a half left before Christmas Day, and more importantly, the day of the Yule Ball and Euncheol is starting to panic. Seungyeon had found him in the library again, once more surrounded by crumpled up plans of asking Nadine to the Yule Ball, and not one good one in sight.
He was starting to become desperate.
The Ravenclaw had convinced him to literally just YOLO it – whatever that meant. He liked to think he kept up with Muggle slang enough that he could understand what Jessica and Seungyeon liked to yell at each other, and what Sinhwa would reference after a summer of being at home, but he couldn’t for the life of him figure out what 'Just you only live once it’ could possibly mean.
He had taken it to mean just go for it, and the Gryffindor honestly hoped that that was what Seungyeon had meant.
If not, he was probably going to embarrass himself. Not that that was something of a surprise to him anymore, since he tended to do that on his own just fine.
But, with Seungeon’s encouragement, he was finally planning to march straight up to his housemate and just ask her outright. To hell with all of his fancy plans, honestly. Hopefully, she would take it straight and not reject him with one of her stupid excuses of not 'dating Gryffindors because they were dumb’ since, that was technically a diss upon herself.
He was getting sidetracked.
Pacing quietly outside of the classroom he knew the sixth year Gryffindors and Ravenclaws were in for Transfiguration, he waits with a single rose in his hand. Of course, he had had to have something even if it wasn’t part of any of his great schemes. Operation Ask Nadine to the Yule Ball On The First Try had to be a success – so a rose it was.
(Also part of Seungyeon’s suggestions.)
When she finally steps out of the classroom, he rushes up to her before she realizes what’s happening. He’s prepared for rejection, honestly speaking, and his mind is whirring with things he can say to either play it off as a joke or to retort with to her usual excuse for saying no.
“Nadine,” he calls out, grabbing her hand and whirling her around before she can get her bearings together, smiling at her. Man, he’s been pining after her for years – fingers crossed, fingers crossed! “Go to the ball with me,” Euncheol murmurs, presenting her with the rose and he ducks his head slightly, different words on the tip of his tongue.
She’s quiet for a moment, and his heart leaps to his throat. The tension is too real, and the older Gryffindor feels like an eternity has passed before she finally opens her mouth to speak. His heart is pounding in his ears and he’s most definitely sure he had heard wrong when his brain processes her answer.
“… okay.”
“Fine! I didn’t want to go with you anyway! It was a –” he pauses, having blurted out his automated response without having really listened to what she had said. “Wait – sorry, I expected you to say no.”
There’s a smile on her face, one that will probably stay etched in his brain forever as the one that can always take his breath away, before she punches him hard in the arm and takes the rose from him.
“This doesn’t mean I’m taking back what I said about Gryffindors though,” she mutters at him, holding the rose carefully in her arms before she smiles again. “See you later?”
And all he can do is nod dumbly as the sixth year hurries off to her next class.
“What’s Euncheol screaming about now?” Saebom asks, sidling up next to the younger and slinging an arm around his shoulders, both of them watching in amusement as their Gryffindor fistpumps his way around the hallway, randomly high-fiving people that they’re sure he doesn’t actually know. “I mean, he’s usually screaming. But this is a bit excessive, even for him.”
“Hey hyung,” Seungyeon glances up at the Slytherin, smiling in greeting before he turns his attention back to their overly happy friend. “Nadine nuna said yes to going to the ball with him, that’s what.”
There’s dead silence in answer to that statement and the Ravenclaw knows exactly what that entails, nudging the older male with his shoulder before turning to face him yet.
“Still haven’t figured out how to ask Jess nuna to the ball yet, hey?”
Saebom blanches slightly, shaking his head a moment after. “She’s not going with anyone yet, right?” He asks, his expression concerned and Seungyeon really wants to say yes just to see him sweat but he decides to take mercy on his friend, shaking his head in answer instead.
“I really think she’s waiting for you to ask her,” he points out, sighing and as much as he likes the older boy, he can’t help but think he might be incredibly dense sometimes. “She’s asked me a few times if you’re going with someone, too.”
The Slytherin seems to be lost in thought, fingers combing through his bangs in what Seungyeon is sure is a nervous habit, though Saebom does it all the damn time so he’s honestly not too sure if he’s just obsessed with how his hair looks. “Please ask her soon – I think Nadine nuna is planning to castrate you if you don’t.”
Honestly, Sinhwa had been fully planning on acting on Seungyeon’s words after he had heard them but between studying for his NEWTs, doing homework, spending time with his girlfriend and his Head Boy duties, it’s completely slipped his mind that he should’ve asked her to the ball properly. Especially during the time that he spends with her – he would much rather allow himself to enjoy her presence rather than have to worry about something like asking her to the ball.
But, a voice that sounds suspiciously like Seungyeon’s in the back of his head likes to remind him, she would be happy that you asked her even if she’s not expecting it.
He decides, in the end, when it startles him that there’s only a week left before Christmas, that he has to just hunker down and do it. It really shouldn’t be that hard – but why is he suddenly so nervous? They’re literally just meeting to have lunch together before they have to go off to their respective classes afterwards but his palms are feeling clammy and he has to rub them against his robes. It’s not like he thinks she’ll be mad at him, or God forbid, say no to his invite but his heart is thudding in his chest anyway.
It reminds him of when he had asked her out.
Now is not the time to think about that! The Head Boy scolds himself, smoothing down his shirt and he sighs softly to himself before he straightens his spine and heads into the Great Hall, glancing immediately at the Ravenclaw table to search the length of it for his girlfriend. She’s not hard for him to find, and he makes his way over immediately, plopping himself down next to her with a soft greeting.
They eat lunch quietly, just enjoying each other’s company in the few calm moments they could steal everyday before their hectic lives caught up with them again. This is the usual for them, and whereas some of their friends might call this boring, both of them just enjoyed it too much to really care about what other people said.
But, today, today is going to be a bit different.
Before they split, Sinhwa takes his girlfriend’s hand gently and presses his lips to the back of her hand, smiling up at her and his eyes crinkle into her favorite expression.
“Will you do me the honour of accompanying me to the Yule Ball this coming Christmas?” he asks, his voice soft so that no one would really hear what the content of this conversation was, though it probably wasn’t too hard to guess. Being the Head Boy, and a rather popular one due to his genuine kindness that he showed to everyone and anyone, meant that there was a fair share of rumours floating about. Whether true or untrue, it didn’t matter, but he knew for a fact that there were a handful drifting about of his not having asked Megan to the ball yet.
The Ravenclaw’s expression is one of surprise for a moment before it dissolves into one of immeasurable fondness as she grasps his hand more tightly in her own, their promise rings to each other clinking together ever so gently.
“Of course,” she replies, in a voice that’s even softer, gentler than he thinks he deserves with how overdue this question is. “It would be an honour to be your date to the Yule Ball.”
He smiles, and he thinks he understands what Seungyeon means now. It might’ve been easy to assume that they were to be going to the ball together, but it’s much nicer now that’s he’s confirmed it.
“Have you asked her yet?”
“And why in the name of Merlin’s underpants have you not?”
“Did you just use Merlin’s underpants in a question –”
“Yes? That’s not important though?”
“I mean, it kind of is –”
“It’s less than a week until the fucking Yule Ball, Oh Saebom you dweeb, if you don’t ask her soon, Merlin help me I will castrate you if it’s the last thing I do!”
“I still can’t believe you were the first person out of everyone to ask,” Seungyeon sighs, having been watching all of his friends slowly gain their dates as Chanuk just stared blankly at his textbook.
“And I also can’t believe Saebom hyung is the last! This doesn’t make sense,” he shakes his head, glancing down at his paper that he’s writing for his Charms class. The professors have been increasing their workload in order to prepare their year for their OWLs – which is totally unfair, considering Christmas is just around the corner.
Chanuk glances up from where he’s chewing on the end of his quill, expression blank as always and he just shrugs.
“Saebom hyung is useless, have you not figured that out already?”
After much hounding from a certain tiny Gryffindor girl, he’s finally got his bearings in check to finally, finally gather up the courage to ask a certain prickly housemate of his to the Yule Ball.
Of course, the Yule Ball being the next day had absolutely nothing to do with it. He would deny that much until the grave – no, Saebom would take that secret with him to beyond the damn grave. Nadine would never let him live this down.
It wasn’t like he was nervous or anything.
Except he was. More than he had ever been before.
He had no idea why this was so nerve-wracking for him. He had fought with the Giant Squid, for Merlin’s sake, and he was fully planning on leading his Quidditch team to victory. He had dealt with so many things scarier than this, yet he couldn’t stop fiddling with his hair as he waited for a lavender-haired girl to enter the Slytherin common room.
Though, when Jessica finally steps through the entrance of the common room, he’s lost his train of thought. Especially since she plops down next to him immediately upon seeing him, and things like that always get him to forget what he was planning beforehand. They had become closer as of late, probably because he was no longer the target of her and Nadine’s pranks that he was being included in them more. And all the long Quidditch practices had required them to spend more time alone than with their friends, so it was inevitable that their friendship would flourish under these circumstances.
“What color dress are you wearing to the Yule Ball?” Saebom ends up asking her absentmindedly as a lull comes into their conversation, nudging her gently where she’s sat on the couch, legs slung over his.
Her expression is a curious one, albeit a bit of a confused one as she glances up from her copy of Magical Drafts and Potions where she’s rereading the uses and properties of the moonstone. They had been in a deep discussion on Potions just before this, and he realizes a bit belatedly that it’s a bit of a random jump in conversation topics.
“It’s like a burgundy – my dad sent it to me last week,” she answers him, flipping the page of her textbook and smoothing it down before she raises an eyebrow at him. “Why?”
He just shrugs, playing with a loose thread he had found on her ripped jeans. “I mean, we have to match – do you think I could charm my tie to be the same color?”
There’s a pause as he continues to play with the thread, twisting it in his fingers, and he doesn’t realize that she hasn’t actually answered him before she speaks again, her tone entirely confused as she nudges him with her foot. He notices now that she’s closed her book, setting it aside and he realizes that this means Real Serious Conversation immediately.
“Since when were we going to go to the ball together?”
This question catches him off guard entirely and his jaw drops slightly before he quickly runs their past conversation through his mind. It’s completely silent where they’re sitting, the expression on the younger Slytherin’s face adorably confused, before he realizes where he had went wrong and his eyes widen.
“… Oh hell, I forgot to ask you first,” Saebom whispers, reaching up to facepalm extremely hard before he changes expressions so fast, no one could have caught when he had gone from exasperated to serious.
“Will you be my date to the Yule Ball, Miss Nguyen?” he asks, extending his hand to her with a somber expression on his face – only to promptly yelp as she kicks him hard, flailing and his expression is now bewildered, laughter on the verge of appearing.
“Fuck you so hard in the ass for asking me so goddamn late, you fucking asshole,” Jessica huffs, arms crossed over her chest, her Potions book having fallen to the floor with a thud when she had kicked him earlier.
“What if I had said yes to someone else, you jerk –”
“But you didn’t –”
The older Slytherin watches her with wide eyes as he listens to all the muffled profanities she’s mumbling under her breath, catching bits and pieces like “– should say no, this asshole –” and “– I can’t fucking believe –” and “literally on the goddamn night before –” before he has to intervene, purposely pouting at her, going the cute route because he knew that was her weakness when it came to him.
“Is that a no?”
“I’ll charm your tie for you, asshole.”
“Pay up.”
Seungyeon decides – as he watches everyone dance with their dates at the Yule Ball, well, Sinhwa and Megan are swaying on the dance floor, completely absorbed in each other’s presences, Arazely is sitting next to Chanuk as they drink punch together to cool off after they had jammed out too hard to the last song, Nadine and Euncheol are doing some weird intimate sort of dancing that he doesn’t want to pay too much attention to, and Jessica is chasing Saebom around the Great Hall for some comment on her height – that he’s never going to have a bet with Chanuk ever again.
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