#or tsukuyomi ig?
penguinkyun · 2 months
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onk shitposts part 2
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hraishin · 1 year
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sitarres · 8 months
Iki Family Origin (ig??)
Hi guys. It's an old topic but i guess it's interesting even until now.
Honestly, i was looking for Tsukuyomi crumbs (lol) and then i read how Iki was the first clan to build Tsukuyomi a shrine. At first i thought it was a coincidence- while Tsukuyomi's first shrine was on Iki Island (they are said to be an island with full of shrines). I never really look up much further about Iki.
And then i found that according to Kenzoki- during Kenzo Period, the era where humans start to lead a nation with emperor title. Legend has it Tsukuyomi has posessed someone and told the people to worship him, then good life with pleasure will be theirs. The people then built a shrine for him- had Oshiminosukune, known as Lord of Iki Prefecture (壱岐県主, Iki no Agatanushi, you can also say them as Iki's first Ancestor) to serve Tsukuyomi.
So, where's the connection?
Interesting enough- 壱岐県主 (Iki no Agatanushi, the Lord of Iki Prefecture) the kanji of Iki they written in the history, 壱岐 (Iki) has the same kanji with Hiyori's surname. 壱岐ひより (see attachment)
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Coincidence? I think not. Lol.
While at it, Iki Family (on the manga) canonically being told to have this ability to "sense" things other people can't (said Iki Masaomi, Hiyori's brother) Iki Grandma confirmed this, added Sayuri (Hiyori's Mom) also sensitive to the farshore.
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We also know that Hiyori gave Yato a mini-shrine. Could that be foreshadowing for her family line is actually Tsukuyomi's servant?
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Hiyori is now dead and Yato turned her into his shinki- known as Shiro (a beautiful sakura dagger) that is now, serving Yato as her master.
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What do you guys think?
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iamhereinthebg · 2 years
I really love your after life au!!! I especially am super interested in your version of hanako and tsukasa with tsukasa being his shadow! It feels very peter pan-esque? And i was wondering what made you go in that direction!
Heyaaa thank you so much for this! I'm so happy you like it :DDD
I will create some parts to have every info of the au yay
Part 1/Part2/Part 3
Indeed it looks like Peter Pan I've always liked the fact he had a living shadow :D And also thought the idea could be really really fun especially having Tsukasa only able to speak but with doing silhouettes :DD
TW for murder Ig ? We’re talking about Hanako yay
It is really simple actually why I chose this for Hanako and Tsukasa, it's mostly because Tsukasa is a lot of time portrayed as a 'bad version' of Hanako in canon. Even if We didn't know at that time (I created the au around chapter 67/68 I think?), I didn't think it was all there was to Tsukasa's character and it was also to make a little bit of fun of 'oh look the protagonist had an evil twin all along' trope that I find terrible (I am sorry AidaIro, but this is what we litteraly had when chapter 68 was out)
ANYWAYS! It actually also is really important to the plot of the After Life City :D
You must have seen but the City is lacking of any lights or sun :0
Idk if you know anything about Cosmogony? It is the myths of the creation of the world, in different mythologies! I always liked to read about different cosmogonies around the world :D
So in this au, I don't really know how anything started but I just know that they used to be gods on Earth. And at one point, one of the god of lighting (I let you guess which one *coughs*) decided to banned other gods into the underwold because they were violent with humans their new creations. (and because they are god, powers and all is important) 
What's important is, there were gods who were ripped of their previous powers (so no godlike anymore) and trapped into the underworlds unable to see/feel anything and lacking of any lights. 
The youngest there were the first god of the sun and the god of the moon, who were now lacking of their previous natural lights when they were the ones who gave it to humans in the first place. Unable to see anything, the sun lost every bit of his sanity and desesperate to see something again killed his brother to rip him open to see his inner light :)))
The ancient god of the sun created the first artificial light of the underworld coming from his brother's soul. His brother, sad but happy to see the other finally getting back to his sense, became the first shadow to ever exist in the Underworld.
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You probably got it. We have here Amane and Tsukasa :DD
The inspiration for this too is coming from the fact that Amane sounds close to Amaterasu the godess of the sun and Tsukasa's name is pretty close to Tsukuyomi the god of the moon in japanese mythology :DDDD (I think this is a pretty common theory? I know I am not the first one to make this link ^^ Especially since Tsukuyomi is Amaterasu’s  brother ahah ) So you have the explanation on why Tsukasa is Amane's shadow and why Amane decided to created a new name and forgot everything about what he did out of guilt.
All of this happened looooong ago and now gods don’t exist anymore, they left the Earth to mortals and supernaturals :D 
(and I gave you some important plots as to why ligths are a pretty big problem into the After Life city :)))
Thanks a lot for the ask! I am really happy to see you like the au, I will try my best to make it interesting :D
(I hope you are ready to see me going absolutely crazy about different mythologies because this is what this au is about tbh *coughs*)
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yappacadaver · 2 years
What if even Obito isn't sure of it so he just tries it out... Kakashi survives, but there was a very teeny tiny small chance he wouldn't have 🤣
Ya know I can totally see him just being like 'fuck it i guess today we find out if you nut in the genjutsu do you nut irl?' and whatever the result is tobi is just like 'huh neat!'
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char-lotteral · 3 years
I would've liked if the last was structured different. The story stays the same but it's different. Here me out :
the movie could've opened up with Naruto randomly thinking about his life because he's not the kid people used to hate. Then he remembers the comrades he made along the way. You can still have him acknowledge his crush on Sakura and have him question the crush. Then have him remembering people who supported him first like jiraya etc. Then BOOM have him remember his conversations with Hinata. Not the Haha funny moments but the one that have meaning. Like when he told neji he was going to make him pay. Have him question his moments with Hinata. Have him wondering if there are maybe possibly other reasons why she was always there 4 him. The story plays the same way of course. Toneri kidnaps hanabi bla bla bla. They go on a mission bla bla bla. They save the world bla bla bla.
I think if it begun that way, it would've been more natural with Naruto's perspective. Like we could still Hinata's perspective too but it would be better. I seriously thought that's how they would tell The Last. I mean it's so obvious and easy 👀.
me too!! What I would have preferred is if they began the show with moments after the war or scenes when they were 17-18 yrs old. Scenes from the blank period, how most fans would name it. I mean, it was canonically mentioned that they did in fact grow closer after the war so why not show those scenes where Naruto ever so slowly grows more fond of Hinata? Imo, the game protrayed those blank period scenes really well. They were cute as heck so i recommend watching them
I understand what the movie was going for, I really do. I get that Naruto didnt fall in love with Hinata, he realized he was in love. But the way they executed it made it seem like he only fell for her because "oh wow! she likes me?! dang i think i kinda like her too"
Instead of the flashbacks about their childhood, the movie starts off with a scene immediately after the war where Nart lost his arm after the fight and Hinata comes running to him and Naruto is so relieved to see she's alright because he was worried as heck for her when he heard her call in the midst of the Tsukuyomi attack
Fast forward, maybe a short clip of Hinata taking care of Nart when he was armless. Then montages of them gradually hanging out together, Sakura teasing him, Kakashi forcing them to go on missions together, them having ramen dates but theyre not really dates. They couldve fit all of that in 20 minutes or so, like??? gAAhhHH
I also had this scene in mind where they went out on a mission together but there was a snow storm and they got trapped in an abandoned cave. They bond more, Naruto eats her bentos and he's all like. "Your bentos taste so good! Who taught you how to cook?" and she replies sadly "My mother" she then traces back to her memories of her mom, how she taught her to cook, how she'd prepare snacks and bentos for her and Hanabi, because for some fucking reason she wasnt mentioned in the series and Nart is like "Yknow, Ive actually met my mom once, but I wouldnt know what a mom would do with her kids." And they confide in each other about the loss of their mothers, he gushes about how he wished he had his mom's hair color, and THATS where Hinata gets the idea of knitting him a red scarf, the same color as his mother's hair. Genius? I know.
Its just, they have sooo much in common, theyre actually a lot similar if you think about it, which makes their dynamic all the more heartwarming! Hinata would know the giref of not having a mother growing up, the feeling of being ostricized by the people around you, the lonely childhood they had to go through. Theyre both the kindest and most empathetic people on the show!! I mean, theyre complete opposites but they are so much alike. You get me??
Maybe Hinata wouldnt understand the full extent of his pain BUT she would definitely understand the feeling of being shunned and ignored by the people around her. She would know what being inivisible would feel like and I'd like to think they talk about that with each other in their down time :,))
The storm is gone and then Nart is like "Hey, after this, wanna visit Neji together?" then she smiles and nods and next scene~
If they started off with that, it wouldve established to the audience that they indeed grew closer after the war and it would also explain Hinata's more comfortable atmosphere around Nart. Maybe then it wouldnt seem all too out of the blue
I also wished they talked about Naruto's crush with Sakura and how he moved on. I think I kinda get what she meant by "You only liked me because of your rivalry with Sasuke right?" The way I see it, Naruto always vied for attention as a kid, he has this sort of hero complex, always on top, always the one to get the prettiest girl. To which the prettiest girl in class was Sak. Which explains the whole rivalry thing.
I actually have some thoughts about his feelings for Sak and how it was completely different with his love for Hinata but its kinda long so hehe, if youre interested, my asks are open ;D
Then the whole Hyuga/Otsutsuki drama starts. Hanabi gets kidnapped blabla Shikamaru team blabla AND NOW THE GENJUTSU WAHH
Theyd replay the scene where Kushina jumps in front of Naruto just when he was about to be killed by Kurama and match it with Hinata jumping in front of Pain. Then Kushina's words "Find someone just like me" would be repeated over and over again
Hinata's I love you and put it side by side with Kushina's I love you
The red scarf with Kushina's scarf.
Their infinite love for Nart. AaAAAAAAAA THE POSSIBILITIES!!!!!!!
And by the end of the genjutsu scene, Kushina would hug him for the last time and ask him with loving eyes,
"Have you found her yet? Becuase I think you might already have."
Aand then everything after that stays the same ig. Except for that cage scene. I freaking hated that.
dont get me wrong i LOVE the movie but I have all the right to critique it and give it my two cents while also being a very big slut for Narhina :DDDD
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bnhalegendszine · 3 years
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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Artist Spotlight: Salzki ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
​📣 Salzki (twitter) 🎨 hello_salzki (IG)
⤹⋆⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽˚⁀➷。˚⸙͎۪۫⋆ ༄
📍Myth origin: Japan 🧚🏽‍♀️Characters: Ochako
Salzki will be working on a piece inspired by the Japanese legend of Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto!
⤹⋆⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽˚⁀➷。˚⸙͎۪۫⋆ ༄
Pre-orders open Nov 17! Join our mailing list: https://bit.ly/LegendsMailingList
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amaterasluts · 4 years
heyyyyy have some naruto asks! 14 15 27 29 36 40 ;D
14. Which character would you be best friends with?
God I would be friends with so many of them. Like Tenten is super chill and fun but Shika is so much like me and Choji is so sweet and Ino is so cool and do I have to choose?
15. Which character would you be dating/want to date?
So many of them but imma have to say Shikamaru
27. Would you join the akatsuki if you had the chance?
Nope I am very peaceful, couldn't hurt a fly, and also anxious dgakfgdj
29. If you could change anything about the series (big or small) what would it be?
Sasuke wouldnt have married Sakura and have a child with her and be an absent father
36. what would your infinite tsukuyomi dream be?
i haven't thought about it much. ig I just wanna be with the people i love, have them BE HAPPY and have no responsibilities lmao
40. which character(s) would be your drinking buddy?
Tenten, Sai, Suigetsu, Ino and honestly, Kiba
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asotin · 4 years
Captain dumbass here accidentally deleted the ask, so for the person who brought up everyone who isn't Team 7 getting nerfed, I'm so sorry 😭 hopefully I'll remember everything to touch on, but lmk if I don't!
To start with the point that Sai and Yamato, despite being on Team 7/Team Kakashi: the message is that they aren't really part of Team 7, right? 
Yamato's dream in the infinite tsukuyomi (in the anime- i refuse to read) was being welcomed into Team 7, which is so sad. He’s never had a home or a family, but he wants one with Team 7. He doesn't feel like he belongs, and tbqh he’s right. Nobody tried to rescue him. They sent teams for Sasuke even when the village was unstable, but fuck Yamato ig
And Sai... this kid finally makes friends, and he loves them SO MUCH. And what does the narrative do with him? He immediately gets shot down from the sky when he wants to help during the big battle, then spends the rest of it sidelined
The really annoying thing is that the rest of Konoha 11 didn’t even need to get nerfed to make Naruto and Sasuke look strong. Naruto and Sasuke are gods who barely had to work for most of their absurd power ups. Not that they didn’t have to try at all, but they had advantages at every stage and learned wayyy faster than the others
But what’s funny is that Naruto and Sasuke both needed all their power ups because neither of them is actually a very good ninja on his own lmao. Take away the Sharingan, Kurama, god powers, the one on one time with a member of the Sannin, and the Curse Seal, and what makes them special? Being from powerful families
If any of the people on the other teams had had access to years of one-on-one training with a member of the Sannin, they’d be on par with Sakura (who at least earned her power up and doesn’t even come from a ninja clan) and far beyond either of the guys
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penguinkyun · 2 months
rereading crow girl's chapters and the difference between how she treats ruby and how she treats aqua is so funny its like:
with ruby she's like: i will hand over important information on how the doctor died, a hint to who the murderer is and the identity of the doctor have fun with this information! *leaves without explanation*
with aqua:
crow girl: *clicks pen* now how can i make you MORE depressed-
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ambroseffxiv · 5 years
LFRP - Ambrose
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special thanks to @crimsonfluidessence for the edited lfrp!  NOTES: most of initially mentioned notes on how Ambrose’s ability ties to Arcanima/works (in a simple sense) can be found on his Carrd profile found under the cut.
- Report from The Supreme Sacred Tribunal of Halonic Inquisitory Doctrine -
The Metaxas creature is a violation of not only the laws of Her Holy See of Ishgard, Her word within the Enchiridion, as well as the laws of the recently reclaimed Stone Vigil, Darkhold, and outposts of Camp Dragonhead, Whitebrim Front, Rosehouse and others, but a violation of nature herself. We are to do whatever within our power under Halone’s guidance to bring this creature to justice for the Greater Good.
NAME: Ambrose Metaxas PRONUNCIATION: Am-Bro-S Meh-Tax-Us RACE: J Tribe Miqo'te/Plainsfolk Lalafell Mix GENDER: Male (Trans, fully transitioned) AGE: 19 BIRTHPLACE: Ala Ghiri, Gyr Abania, Tailfeather, Dravania CURRENT RESIDENCE: Ren Huang’s Goblet apartment or personal apartment in the Lavender Beds PLACES THEY FREQUENT: Ul’dah, Gridania, Dravania DISCIPLINE: WAR/SMN(/DNC?) OCCUPATION: Retainer: gathering specialty in botany, combat specialty in WAR, botanist (specialized in seedkin)
SERVER:  RP MAIN: Balmung (Crystal) and MOSTLY CONTENT: Jenova (Aether) Different Data Centers=Different Universes, so treated as different instances
AT A GLANCE: Prickly, like a cactuar. Ambrose isn’t that hard to open up, but you have to be a certain type of person. He’s known to be stoic, cold and barely reacts to small attempts to garner his attention. BELOW THE SURFACE: A child at heart, he collects toys and dolls, and enjoys being able to play when he can in-between work. He’s also bubbly and energetic once past his initial walls, happy to lend a hand if needed. MOST DEFINING TRAITS: Extremely loyal to a fault, and when you do gain his trust, Ambrose will trust that person equally to a fault, unless proven otherwise with strong evidence, and even then, unless they are against his personal morals, he may follow without question anyway.
Motivations and Beliefs–––-
Worshipper of Shiva 
Dislikes the Twelve, but knows there’s a distinction between what the Twelve teach to how people may interpret it.
Seeks some revenge everything that happened to him. Passionately hates the Ward and Ishgard for everything that was done to him and the people he loves for years, and Garleans for robbing him of what he had and putting him in a prison when he tried to escape.
Despite everything that’s happened to him, Ambrose maintains a relatively kind and cheerful demeanor towards people, and despite his want for vengeance, wants to help make the world a better place through kindness as well.
- Further documentation from The Supreme Sacred Tribunal of the Halonic Inquisitory Doctrine -
The Metaxas creature is said to originate from the Dravanian Forelands, though it’s appearance begs a different origin for it. [Further investigation under way.] No hunter of Tailfeather has been suspected of heresy, however, the Metaxas creature has been reported in both the Dravanian Forelands and the Coerthan Western Highlands.  Following the initial sightings of the Order of Black Lotus, the Metaxas creature was first witnessed from a scouting group from Falcon’s Nest, seen making a large explosion of fire in what is believed to be a summoning of Ifrit. Other sightings were by other creatures similar to the Metaxas one, such as the Macelle creature, Clefier creature, and Gealionne creature.  After the elimination of the Order of the Black Lotus, the Metaxas creature was sighted in the Brume of our fair city, likely feeding on the innocent children of the poor. He went missing shortly after, sighted only years later.. Halone knows where or what he was doing before sightings resumed.
more under the cut!
Significant Relationships–––-
Vacho Vesucho - Father
J’nhakso ??? - Mother
Liloki Loki - Older Sister
Moh Ehs - Teacher and old friend
Oohr Seih - Old friend
Esredes Rosemond - Adoptive father Leader and boss
Ren Huang - Boyfriend (? still complicated but not as much)
Akai Ikigomi - Friend
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Additional Trivia
PATRON DEITY: Nymeia, the Spinner HOBBIES: Gardening, organizing, collecting dolls and toys to play with. Also collects miniature porcelain chocobo statues. ABILITIES: The ability to summon primals and aspects of primals into himself at a heavy physical cost, a higher level of aether within himself to manipulate and use. LANGUAGES: Dragonspeak, Old Elezen/Ishgardian/Landlord, Eorzean/Common (spoken only) FEARS: Excessive amounts of fresh blood, red on snow, large fires, the smell of burnt flesh, people who have an affinity with flames, excessive amounts of blood and gore on the color white, various other things that he won’t name. SEXUALITY: Homosexual HEIGHT: 4′11″ BUILD: Ambrose is a muscular yet soft looking man, trained to be a warrior, and be able to protect his fellow test subjects if necessary. The latter was fruitless, but gave Ambrose a routine to follow, and with how intensive retainer work can be, he kept himself in shape for a long time to be able to keep up with all of his clients. Nowadays, he’s much more soft, but still easily able to do heavy lifting and fighting, but for much less time. Otherwise, he has soft curves and larger than average thighs, and an overall curvaceous figure for a young man of his age. He is not uncomfortable with himself at this point in his life. (Reference NSFW) (See: Deviations from ig model ref for SFW references) DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Stripes, massive fangs that don’t seem to fit his mouth, but cleanly fit behind his lips, tiger ears, paws on his legs, unnatural eyes. COMMON ACCESSORIES: Cactuar earring on right ear, two rainbow colored earrings on his right hand. DEVIATIONS FROM IN-GAME MODEL: The paw legs, ears, teeth and much of his stripes, his tail is also much longer. Pupils are also white, and are less like slits, and moreso akin to plainsfolk eyes. (Reference art by elizastarkart, Reference)
Things you should know about my character: I play him how I play him. He might be an absolute ass to you, and walk out on a scene. I am not responsible for the trouble he gets into icly. Additionally, if you want to interact with him but want nothing to do with his primal side, I have no intentions to push anyone to have to be involved with anything with his primal side. That being said, if i make you uncomfortable, that’s different. Please say something so that I can fix it! I like to think I’m very adaptive to what I’m given, so don’t feel like you’re bothering me. But if him walking out because your character pisses him off and you get pissed off with me oocly for it, I’m gonna bring this up. Gets along with: Anyone kind to him initially. He’s immediately fond of people who will be willing to be nice right off the bat, and tends to favor them most. Otherwise, if you respect him and his ways, he’s inclined to like you more. Could go either way with: Anyone who doesn’t follow either extreme. He’s had to deal with other people most of his life, and most initial reactions are him being relatively shy or at least closed off, refusing to answer anything personal, even vague.  Unlikely to get along with: People who have no sense of morality whatsoever, people who treat him like a child simply due to size and age, and, of course, those who are aware of who and what he is, and intend to act because of it. 
possible hooks –––-
In Need of a Retainer/Interest in his ASSets
The last part is a joke- But he does have a nice ass. Ambrose is a retainer, and has many clients all over Hydaelyn, so long as it isn’t Ishgard/Coerthas. Ambrose serves adventurers, nobles, anyone who’s up to having a retainer, though non-adventurers will need to pay his salary themselves. He does not take ventures for his services at least, and accepts meals in return for work. Currently trying to save up for a place of his own.
Primal Summoning
Ambrose is a summoner, his brand is.. Complicated, but something definitely interesting to anyone who is invested in primals, Allagan summoning with egis, or arcanima in general. To summarize Ambrose’s summoning briefly, he has various etchings in arcane ink on his arms and legs, stemming the flow of primal energy when he summons them into himself. His summoning is akin to how both Shiva and Tsukuyomi were summoned, and so long as Ambrose can form an idea of what they look like, has the will for it, and is at his full aetherical capacity, can summon any primals that do not need a catalyst (Zantetsuken, the three kojin artifacts, and Tsukuyomi’s mirror, are all catalysts.) This would mean that you would need to know that Ambrose is.. Who he is, however. This hook means a lot more talking about meeting.
Botany help
If neither of those are your cup of tea, Ambrose is a botanist trained under Fufucha, guildmaster of the Botanist’s guild in Gridania. He originally picked up gardening as a hobby through his love of flowers, something he didn’t see for a long time after the Calamity hit Coerthas. His love for flowers eventually manifested in him caring for many once he was attempting to sign onto being a retainer, and was accepted into the Botanist’s guild in the meantime. He still is connected to them, and does some jobs for them if they request it.
Veteran of the Dragonsong War?
This one is a little complicated, but a hook I’ve been meaning to add. Ambrose was deeply steeped in the Dragonsong War for as long as he was able to- At least 4-6 years, depending on how long you see ARR and HW taking. He was not anywhere near Ishgard during Stormblood, instead being held in a cell in Ala Mhigo. Ambrose, being a heretic of Shiva and frequently taking on his own missions, could be a familiar face to anyone who slayed dragons for years, or simply served their time in the Ishgardian military. A strange Miqo’te with unnatural eyes said to cannibalize those who drew too close, and rode on dragonback. Subsequently, if you have any heretic background, you may know him simply as Ambrose by word of mouth or through some of his more distinct features.
Mystery Man
If this wasn’t already a little clear, Ambrose is appealing in more way than one. If you feel your character would have an interest in Ambrose simply because of his looks, I am not going to stop you from using that as a hook! If you do, however, you would hear some rumors about a mysterious pony-tailed retainer coming out of nowhere to rescue people from thugs in alleyways, before disappearing into the night without a word. Considering Ambrose is muscular, he somewhat fits the description.. But he’s a bit short, isn’t he?
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what I’m looking for ––––
I’m looking for long term stuff! And no, that doesn’t just mean ships. I really want Ambrose to have more friends and connections, ships are just a nice bonus if they come too.  When it comes to friendships, the only real requirement there is is an ability to break past Ambrose’s prickly exterior, or have a desire to. It is relatively easy if you have the right personality, but does take determination for others. Ambrose has a habit of stalking as well, and being okay with that ooc is important to me, and if you need me to stop, I will.  For ships, I’m not picky, but we have to at least RP once before I’ll consider it. I also am picky with ERP, so if you’re going to come into things with the intention of just becoming Ambrose’s fuckbuddy, I have bad news. On Balmung/Crystal he is now in a monogamous relationship in canon, and they’re in the courting phase of things. I am open for AU romance and side timelines, but main timeline Ambrose is not up for romance. I am not looking for any ooc romance, and will stop talking to you if you make clear intents for it.
oocly, I am ––––
I am a perpetually sleepy 20 yr old trans dude with a boyfriend and likes coffee and drawing thighs. I have terrible handwriting and equally terrible taste in music, and I draw a lot. Throwing ideas with me is an invitation for my art. I prefer being explained a character than reading (ironic i know) or learning about them through rp. I get very distracted very easily, and on discord will either spam you forever or be too shy to talk initially! Please be patient with me.
you can contact me via ––
Twitter: @miqosabotender Tumblr (Main): @senorsabotender Discord: satan#9018 carrd: eikon.carrd.co <-also contains full background, more hooks and other information worth knowing In-Game: Ambrose Metaxas
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debwalsh · 3 years
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Snagged a sealed box of blind box My Hero Academia acrylic stands. Pulled the ones I want to keep, and the extras are available for sale. These are from Japan, fresh out of the blind box, still sealed in cellophane. About 3.5 inches tall acrylic with the character's name in English on the base. $15 each, plus $5 flat postage, US only, Paypal G&S, payment due within 24 hours. I'll be posting these to Mercari Saturday night if they don't sell here on Instagram. Comment to claim here on IG. I'll send you a DM with your total. Tsuyu Asui (Froppy) Fumikage Tokoyami (Tsukuyomi) Tamaki Nejire Hado (Nejire-chan) #mhamerch4sale #mhamerchforsale #myheroacademia #animemerch4sale #animemerchforsale https://www.instagram.com/p/CTqsKnLr0oJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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eleccafe · 4 years
Smite: Tsukuyomi - Official Cinematic Trailer
Smite: Tsukuyomi - Official Cinematic Trailer
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Check out the reveal trailer for Tsukuyomi, the God of the Moon, who will restore divine order at any cost, regardless of who stands in his way. Tsukuyomi joins the roster in August 2020. #ig
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siliconebees · 7 years
witchy about me
Name: Kage
Sun/Moon/Rising Sign: Aries/Scorpio/Leo, Scorpio is the dominant
Aura Color: Lavender and forest green
Deities: Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto
Witch Type: Spirit/cosmic/hedge
Element: Spirit, but out of the basic four, Water
Favorite tools: athames, anything that can be used for divination
Familiar: I don’t have a true familiar, but for aesthetic, we’ll say my black cat Vaati is my familiar. 
Favorite flower: Where do I even begin??? Blue orchids probably
Favorite herb: Eucalyptus
Favorite crystal/stone: Labradorite
Describe your perfect candle: Any that smell sort of like cologne ig? I love the way cologne smells.
Top 3 Favorited Witchy Emoji: 🔮✨🌙
Daily witchy ritual: Daily draws from my Fire Emblem tarot deck
Divination method: Tarot, pendulum, runes, dice
Favorite lunar phase: Full
Favorite weather: storms with a lot of wind
Favorite Sabbat (if you celebrate): I don’t celebrate, but probably Samhain bc Halloween
Favorite magical beast: Dragonsss 
Favorite tea: Earl Grey tbh,,, 
i tag whoever wants to do this!
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found a few crossover blogs tsukuyomi-warriors & xdeerxhealerx and letsstaytuned is a wonderful alastor blog
||Eh?? Well I already follow letsstaytuned and interacted with them before, they're a nice person. They gave me a chance when not many other people did..
||But ig I'll check the other two out-??? o7o
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forgottengodsrpg · 5 years
The Monthly Paradise
¡Buenos días, tardes o noches! ¡Bienvenidos dioses y diosas, inmortales, criaturas y humanos a Paradise Bay! Aquí os traemos la tercera edición de “The Monthly Paradise”. ¡Otro mes que está llegando a su fin! Aunque la administración tiene unas ideas principales para la primera trama del foro, nos gustaría saber qué querríais que pasara. Porque nosotras sin vosotros no seríamos nada, así que queremos contar con vuestra participación. Si tenéis ideas que creáis que pueda pegar en el foro y que os gustaría que pasase en el foro, no dudéis en pasaros por Aquí y dejar vuestra opinión. Agradecer a Alan Baker su aportación al foro con los botones nuevos que nos hizo. ¡You are the Best! Recordad que en el Banco de Rins es donde se deben solicitarse los dineritos. Hay muchas opciones para poder ganarlos, y no os olvidéis de pedir vuestro regalo de cumpleaños cuando sea vuestro día. Además de que en la zona de Cerrar Temas, podéis mandar los temas que queráis cerrar y se os darán 30 Rins a cada persona que se presente. Recordamos también que las tablas de Relaciones y Cronologías están publicadas. Y que si tenéis que estar un tiempo de ausencia, podéis avisarnos en la zona de Ausencias y Despedidas. Si lo que queréis es daros a conocer, siempre podéis pasaros por la zona de Bienvenidas, y si tenéis alguna pregunta o alguna idea de mejora, no dudéis en hacerla en la zona de Dudas y Sugerencias. Además, hemos añadido una cuenta especial para el uso de todos los usuarios y usuarias, la Cuenta PNJ, para lo que necesitéis. ¿Alguna vez no habéis encontrado algún link un foro? ¡No os preocupéis! Podréis ver tanto el índice como la guía para nuevos usuarios Aquí. Y llega la sección de las Búsquedas: -Para buscar rol, simplemente pinchar Aquí. -Liv Holt (Thrúd): busca a compañeras y compañeros de piso. Si alguien quiere compartir piso, ya sabéis qué hacer. Pasaros por Aquí. -Samirah Boswell (Sejmet): busca a su pareja, el conocido como “el Señor de la Magia”. Patrón de los albañiles, arquitectos y artesanos. Vamos, que no sólo es un señor que controla la magia sino que además es un manitas. ¿Quién no lo querría? Si queréis echar un vistazo a la búsqueda, podéis mirarla Aquí. -Duncan Blake y Anne Cypruss (Ares y Afrodita): buscan a sus hijos gemelos, Deimos y Fobos. Acompañaban a su padre en la guerra y creaban el caos (qué raro, ¿eh?). Su hermana Harmonia era la única que sabía distinguirlos. Si queréis uniros a la familia Blake, pasaros por Aquí. -Rashidi Salih (Ra): busca a los dioses de Egipto. Recientemente han llegado varios, pero todavía quedan muchos por elegir. Podéis verlo por Aquí. -Audrey Deschamps (Melpómene): esta musa busca al resto de sus compañeras. Estas hijas de Zeus (porque no podían ser hijas de otro…) son las que inspiraban a los grandes hombres de la historia a dejar huella. Ya ha llegado otra y son dos musas ya en el foro. ¿Aparecerán las demás? Interesados mirad Aquí. -Benjamin Williams (Aquiles): busca a sus compañeros de la Ilíada y la Guerra de Troya (que no empezó porque Paris me eligiese a mí ni nada por el estilo…). Poco a poco están llegando, pero todavía quedan unos cuantos puestos por ocupar. Lo podéis mirar Aquí. -Catherine Bright (Etra): busca a su esposo Egeo, ese que por culpa de Poseidón tuvo cuernos como el minotauro. Podéis mirar Aquí. -Gabriel Aller (Morfeo): busca a sus hermanos Fántaso y Fóbetor. Junto a él, daban sueños de distintos tipos a los reyes del pasado.  ¿Queréis saber más? Podéis mirar Aquí. -Anne Cypruss (Afrodita): busca empleados para su local “Love&Coffe”. Aquí. -Anais Spring (Perséfone): busca a su hija, a su madre y al amigo de la familia. Juntos podrían unirse al equipo del Inframundo. ¿Algún interesado? Aquí. -Tao Chen (Suzaku): busca a sus amigos que junto con él son el equipo Avatar (?). Podéis echarle un vistazo Aquí. -Peter Hartright (Helios): este guaperas ha encontrado ya a su hermana Selene, pero sigue en búsqueda de su esposa Perseis. Aquí. -Akane Dai (Amaterasu): busca a Tsukuyomi, su hermano y su amante. Ya sabéis como van las mitologías, aquí el vínculo familiar no importa para el amor. Sería una trama interesante (y no lo digo por ser la diosa del Amor). Si queréis saber más, podéis mirar Aquí. -Quinn Thorn (Hela): ella busca un espectro que le haga la vida un poco imposible. Pero cuidado que su hermano mayor está en el foro ¿eh? Si queréis ver más sobre este espectro… Aquí. -James Stone (Fenrir): este mafiosillo busca un grupo al que unirse o el cual crear. Si alguien quiere crear la primera mafia del foro… Aquí. -Rafael Mendieta (Dioniso): busca a sus colegas de fiestas. Son variados y de todas las edades. Interesados Aquí. Y esas son todas las búsquedas. Antes de decir las malas noticias, os traemos una encuesta que nos gustaría que rellenarais. Es anónima completamente, así que sed sinceros: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeKYT_IaXi7Hk6h4EFJ-P4hk_WTN66FYDulxIDbNbzCSjmhIg/viewform?usp=sf_link En los temas que no les gusta leer a nadie, nos toca avisar que la limpieza del mes se llevará a cabo en seguida. Ya sabéis, si queréis que vuestro pj no vaya a negro, tenéis que rolear. Si por casualidad vuestro pj va a negro, recordad que podéis recuperar el color volviendo a hacer los Registros. Si estáis interesados en detalles sobre los distintos personajes que pueblan la isla, podéis verlo en Myths are Public Dreams. También os recordamos las redes sociales donde podéis seguir al foro: • Twitter de Afrodita • Tumblr del foro • IG del foro Esperamos veros en la siguiente publicación. Que os lo paséis muy bien de Paradise Bay.
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