#original triolgy
!!!!!!!iam so happy Klavier and Apollo Justice are in this, and the characters both are going up against are pretty fair.!!! I don't expect either to win exactly but, at least they have some chance to get somewhere.
I think Apollo is often put up against more popular characters cus he's from Ace Attorney, which is well known. But. I don't think as many ppl know characters outside the original trilogy so he just loses instantly !!! hopefully he will not fail immediately again !!!
(Also Klavier!!! I don't think I've seen him in any of theese.!!!!! )
i know apollo isnt that popular outside of like. ace attorney fans and even then i feel like hes not as popular than like. phoenix or edgeworth. same w klavier (which is shocking to me that i havent really seen him anywhere either bc i feel like he excudes extreme trans energy).
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lastminutestarwarsfan · 3 months
I know George Lucas insisted the films be watched in chronocological order and I get why, I get that the story becomes more clearly about Anakin's arc, his fall and his redemption.
But imo the true Star Wars experience is watching the original triolgy and thinking, "that was pretty cool! I see why people like this". It's a nice, slightly goofy in places, tried and true heroes arc story about how anybody can make a difference, how a farmboy from some godforsaken planet became the savior of the galacy. It's a little cliche but that just adds to its charm.
And then you watch the prequels, and you see all the little parallels. You see how Anakin in Phantom Menace mirrors Luke destroying the Death Star. You see Anakin lose a hand. You see both Luke and Leia in Anakin and Padme so much. You see the end hurtling towards them like a Greek tragedy, and the more steps they take to avoid it the more you recognise how things will turn out.
There's this creeping dread that pervades the prequels and it climaxes the moment Vader's mask comes down over the audiences heads. Every time I watch that scene, literal chills down my spine.
And it leaves you wanting to rewatch the original trilogy with fresh eyes. Leaves you sobbing watching R2 flying with Luke the way he used to fly with Anakin, happy to have a piece of his best friend back. Leaves you seeing ROTS Anakin in ROTJ Luke. Leaves you seeing that Luke and Leia really are the best of Anakin. Luke who defied Yoda and Obi-Wan, threw caution to the wind and declared "there's good in him". Leia, so full of fire and anger and passion and a thirst for justice. They are who he could have been. Should have been. Who he really was under the pain.
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Here is a throwback to 2015 when I rapidly read through the entire Splintered Triolgy! I have come a long way in my art since then, but there are elements of this fanart I still enjoy...except if anyone remembers the original, I really did not draw his face well. It was one of those cases where it looked good in pencil and then I discovered something was off during the coloring process...and shading completely ruined it because I had no idea how to fix it. Ideally I would have just redrew his face completely since proportions are still off, but Chessie looks fabulous and is probably my favorite part of this. That will just have to be a future project.
I wanted to get some holo prints made, so I spent the last few hours trying to paint over and liquify what I could to improve it, balanced the levels, etc. He looks loads better now than he used to! Hopefully I will have enough time and energy to do a complete redraw/repaint to show just how far I have come, and because Morpheus deserves it. For now, enjoy this revised painting!
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laventory · 2 months
So a while back I remade the Game Over screens from the Danganronpa game triolgy (which I have up as Commission options on my ko-fi by the by)
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Now while I was doing these, you may have noticed that I uh. I didn't use the official font. There's a reason, I assure. And the reason is that I uh. I really don't like the official font. So here's a fun fact about the GAME OVER screens in the official English releases of the first two Danganronpa games:
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Click/Tap the "Keep reading" to learn more.
The font that NIS America used for the dialogue at the bottom is actually not scaled correctly compared to the rest of the animation. The original sprite based animations for Danganronpa and Super Danganronpa 2 were both animated at HALF the PSP resolution (240x136), this ensured them following a pixel grid in when scaled up by 2 for the PSP FMV's.
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However, since the English versions of the Danganronpa games were made using the PSVita's resources, they didn't bother with that and just slapped in a font that's actually upscaled by 6 compared to the rest of the animation's 4x scale.
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Ignore the screenshot being blurry, couldn't get a natively clean one like with the PSP version. So lets say they did portray the font with a 1:1 scale, how would that look?
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MMMM Yeah so as you can see the thing is way too small at 1x scale
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and at 2x it's way too big. this font fuckin' sucks. regardless here it is on the gif I created because I hate myself.
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Hello! This is probably kinda random, but I had a realization last night that I've never seen an Italian horror movie, and I was wondering if you had any recommendations? I dont have any specific genre in mind, but I wanna know if there some Essential Italian Horror Movies an American probably wouldnt know about :3
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hehe prepare for some oldies
anything by Dario Argento is a classic. , but especially "Profondo Rosso" ("Deep Red") is a slasher that's maybe better know for the theme song
i think always from Dario Argento the "Le tre madri" (the three mothers) trilogy is pretty good, but while it has three movies the better known one and the most "classic" of them is "Suspiria", that also heavily inspired the first "Clock Tower" game. there's the original 1977 version, but it was also remade in 2018. FUN FACT! They actually recorded parts of the remake in my town!!!
"La trilogia della morte" (the trilogy of death) by Lucio Fulci, partially inspired by the Triolgy of Terror, is all about surrealistic splatter with heavy lovecraftian themes. Out of all of them, "...e tu vivrai nel terrore! L'aldilà" (...and you will live in terror! The other world) is the most famous of the three
it's not a horror but i clearly remember being terrified of "Io non ho paura" ("i'm not scared") by Gabriele Salvatores. It's not really a horror, but it is about kidnapped children and left me pretty shocked
"Reazione a catena" or "Ecologia del delitto" ( whichhh i think it's been titled "Bay of Blood" in english?) by Mario Bava is another funny little slasher!!!
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killingthecringe · 1 year
For Sonic Questions!
3, 8, 9, 24
3. How long have you been a Sonic fan? Since 2009 and saw Sonic X on TV
8. How much merchandise do you have, if any? I have very little merch - i dont particularly care for it. I do have a stuffed build-a-bear sonic i got as a gift but he is unsettling to look at and so stays hidden until it will be appropriate to donate him
9. How many Sonic games do you own? Uhhh frontiers, colors, satbk, 2 of the olympic games and the original triolgy
24. Any artists you admire? all of them! i cant draw for shit and i am JEALOUS but if you want specifics: (Sorry for the tags guys) @shadowsfascination , @aimy-neko , @umii33 , @creechurrblogs , @meowcoiris , @mysuperlaserpiss , to name a few, although i KNOW i'm forgetting a bunch of people.
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sesskagarchive · 3 years
Hey!! Hope you're doing great admin! Any Star Wars AU for sesskag?
Hi Anon,
Thank you for the ask. We were able to find two Star Wars fics.The third is a space western fic that is a similar genre. Credit for that one goes to Chie who thought you might want to take a look.
Happy reading! - Admin Sage
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A Leap of Faith by Chie (Chierafied)
Posted on: A03 Rating: G Summary:  The Jedi temple was under attack, their own clones  turned against them and killing everyone, making no difference between  trained Jedi warriors or younglings. Death was everywhere, and each life extinguished tugged at Kagome’s heartstrings. Status: One Shot
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Just Living My Complicated Life by Dolly Dolphin
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Things for the heroine have always been tough and no one could tell her what was right or wrong. Her supposed adopted siblings left her after their training ended other than Ben Skywalker. Her biological mother died when she was only a baby so she went to live with her mom’s friend instead of Uncle who is still alive while she trains. Her adoptive mother only lived until she was 10 and was killed by bad guys. Since then she has trained under Luke Skywalker but has been captured a few times. Her love life isn’t much better as well. She has had only one serious boyfriend until he cheated on her, which was a horrible break up for them. She is dedicating herself to herself in order not to get hurt more especially since the main guy has been raping her under his watch. So what else is she to do? But a guy is determined to break that out of her since they have been friends before. How will this affect her? Can she just live her life even if she is half demon & half Jedi? Will she ever find her place? Or will she always be tortured about her life? Find out. Star Wars Original Triolgy © George Lucas • Lucasfilm owns Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2D2, and C3P0 Young Jedi Knights Series © Kevin J. Anderson • Rebbecca Moesta • Boulevard • Berkley Jam • Lucasfilm LTD owns Tenel Ka, Raynar Thul, Jaina & Jacen Solo, Lewbacca New Jedi Order Series © R.A. Salvatore et al • Del Ray • Lucasfilm LTD owns Ben and Mara Jade Skywalker Status: Abandoned
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Reach for the Stars! by ForgettableFox
Posted on: A03, Dokuga, FF.net Rating: MA Summary: Nominated for Q2 2021 Feudal Connection Awards under Best Oneshot. When Captain Kagome and her crew of lovable rogues are hired to steal – ahem – appropriate the Shikon no Tama jewel from a race of aliens called Inudaiyoukai... Well, let’s just say things get interesting. Status: One Shot
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shadow and bones is a tv show based on the grishaverse books by leigh bardugo. it combines the characters from the original triolgy (shadow and bone, seige and storm, and ruin and rising) and the spin off duology, six of crows and crooked kingdom. im a HUGE fan of the latter duology, and ive watched half the 8 episodes and so far i am LOVING IT
Oh sweet!! I'll probably be looking for a show once I get over my game phase, so it's good to have something fun in mind!!
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I can't believe quarantine turned me from original triolgy Luke Skywalker into sequels Luke Skywalker
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rptv-tolkien · 4 years
Hobbiton USA (Phillipsville, CA)
Hobbiton is a town/village in J.R.R. Tolkien’s books
Hobbiton USA was a Theme Park built in the 1970s in California.  There were no rides, but visitors would walk through the park past different life-size dioramas of scenes from Tolkien’s stories about Middle Earth.  Not professional by any means (and probably not authorized by the Tolkien estate), but it was definitely a labor of love.
There isn’t much information about it on the internet, but it appears that when the property was sold and changed hands (around 2009 or so), the new owners closed Hobbiton USA to the public and had no interest in keeping it going (and it has now fallen into disrepair).
There are two articles, both on the website “www.onlyinyourstate.com” which discuss Hobbiton USA.  Because both articles used some of the same pictures, I have combined the information from both articles below.
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Authors: Jill S. (left) and Sophia (right)
These Remnants Of Middle Earth Are All That Remain Of Northern California’s Hobbiton
by Jill S.
The Avenue of Giants near Phillipsville is a mystical, magical place, and at one time it transported visitors into the world of Tolkien and The Hobbit. Sometime in the 1970s, a replica of Hobbiton was constructed here. Sadly, the place closed down during the 2000s, but you can still explore some of the remnants and be transported into the most epic fantasy story ever told.
An Abandoned Enchanted Hobbit Village Is Crumbling In This California Forest
by Sophia
Just off the Avenue of the Giants in northern California, the remains of a beloved fantasy world are slowly crumbling.This bizarre attraction was once a popular roadside destination on trips around the region, but it’s become a much wilder place since its abandonment. Read on to learn more about this charming and enchanting spot.
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Some of the sculptures are still visible, including Gandalf at the door of Bilbo Baggins’ hobbit hole.
Visitors are heralded by Gandalf himself, who as we all know was a big fan of the Shire. He stands at the entrance of a charming little hobbit hole.
Photo by Brenna at flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brenbot/3245762749/
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The misty redwoods are a perfect setting for exploring these once impressive remnants of Hobbiton, USA.
Photo by Jason Bechtel at flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jasephotos/4356479088/
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The walking trail that was once a popular stop along the Avenue of Giants is overgrown and overlooked these days, but you can see the dedication and effort that originally went into this destination.
Photo by Damon Green at flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/damongreen/4793695343/
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It's located near the Living Chimney Tree, which another really interesting stop along this scenic route. It also is a pretty tasty burger joint.
Photo by Shon S at Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/the-chimney-tree-grill-phillipsville?select=kuUGS1Ezzd34aPs-0Hn4jQ
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Here's the old sign that showed admission prices and the route to take. Unfortunately it's now closed for good, as the sign says.
Photo by Orin Zebest at flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/orinrobertjohn/1555904306/
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The old map of Hobbiton allowed you to trace the path that the heroes of the Hobbit took long before Peter Jackson made it into a CGI triolgy.
The park closed in 2009. It’s unclear whether legal trouble caused the gates of Middle Earth to close, but the park is now being reclaimed by nature.
Photo by Brenna at flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brenbot/3245763211/in/photolist-5WTBQA-5WPnK6-5WPojF-5WPobH-3npV7T-JKLtKd-Pr6j4a-MBGSfV-5WTCj1-7CY6sq-hyKMSR-e2uLQ8-5Szomx-3nuq9j-P9Mvj-f5JM6r-8iAWBH-dreAAp-47abLf-pgoGJt-3nupww-7CUgLr-BGGBde-7CY6AL-e5wcEZ-tBG9PW-sXgCRS
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Luckily, each tableau came equipped with a button-activated speaker that would explain the scene being presented.
How badly do you wish this feature still worked?!
Photo by Brenna at flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brenbot/3245761263/
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Even though it is past its glory days and closed down, Hobbiton USA is still a treat to behold, whether you are a fan of the stories or not.
Photo by Thu Le at flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jstfd/28062271846/
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Who wouldn't want to meet Gandalf face to face? There are not many opportunities to do so, even when it's just a statue of the grey wizard himself.
Photo by Orin Zebest at flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/orinrobertjohn/1555902230/
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If nothing else, this is a great excuse to live like the Hobbits do, full of adventure and community spirit, and connected to the land. Now that I think about it, that sure sounds a lot like Northern California!
Built in the 1970s, Hobbiton USA was a tribute to the classic fantasy novel.
Photo by sandwich at flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sandwichgirl/18125544268/
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The park didn’t feature any rides or games, but was more of a nature walk through scenes from the book.
Photo by Brenna at flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brenbot/3246590716/
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The characters were crafted from cement, which left some key players looking a bit odd. Gollum and Aragorn were said to look especially lumpy.
Photo by Erin Johnson at flickr (no longer available on flickr)
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It’s easy to imagine the kind of copyright nightmare this place would have faced had it opened today.
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imstillyourzelda · 5 years
In Case You Missed It- Nintendo at E3 2019 Day 1: Full Direct Announcements Video
Announcement Timestamps
0:16 Super Smash Bros Ultimate character DLC: The Hero from Dragon Quest (trailer includes theatrical scenes with BOTW Link, Marth & Meta Knight); Coming Summer 2019
38:18 Super Smash Bros Ultimate character DLC: Banjo-Kazooie (trailer includes theatrical scenes with Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, King K. Rool & Duck Hunt); Coming Fall 2019
3:23 Dragon Quest 11: Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition S; Sep. 27, 2019 on Switch
6:05 Luigi’s Mansion 3; Coming 2019 on Switch
10:24 Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics; Coming 2019 on Switch
11:38 The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening; Sep. 20, 2019 on Switch
13:50 Trials of Mana; Coming early 2020. 3 Original games in Mana series also now available globally on Switch eShop.
15:13 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition; Coming 2019 on Switch
15:55 Fire Emblem: Three Houses; July 26, 2019 on Switch
17:49 Resident Evil 5 & Resident Evil 6; Coming Fall 2019 on Switch. 3 Resident Evil titles also now available on Switch.
20:05 No More Heroes 3; Coming 2020 on Switch.
21:42 Contra: Rogue Corps; Sep. 24, 2019 on Switch. Contra Anniversary Collection (10 games & 74-page Ebook) also now available on Nintendo eShop.
23:00 Daemon X Machina; Sep. 13, 2019 on Switch
24:17 Panzer Dragoon Remake; Coming Winter 2019 on Switch
25:16 Pokemon Sword & Shield; Nov. 15, 2019 on Switch
27:04 Astral Chain; Aug. 30, 2019 on Switch
29:16 Empire of Sin; Coming Spring 2020 on Switch, PC, PS4 & Xbox One
30:06 Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order; July 19, 2019 on Switch. Get the Expansion Pass today featuring DLC content from Marvel Knights, X-Men, and Fantasic Four- DLC Coming Fall 2019 on Switch.
31:35 Cadence of Hyrule (Crypt of the NecroDancer feat. The Legend of Zelda); June 13, 2019 on Switch Nintendo EShop
32:18 Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games; Coming November 2019 on Switch
33:19 Animal Crossing: New Horizons; Delayed, Now Coming March 20, 2020
40:51 Breath of the Wild Sequel; ‘Now in Development’
36:03 Highlight Reel Announcements
Spyro: Reignited Triolgy; Sep. 3, 2019 on Switch & PC (Will be available on Steam)
Hollow Knight: Silksong; ‘Coming Soon’ on Switch & PC. Xbox One & PS4 versions possibly coming.
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch; Sep. 20, 2019- Original version on Switch. Remastered version coming same date for PS4 & PC
Minecraft Dungeons; Coming Spring 2020 on Switch, PC, PS4, Xbox One & Xbox Game Pass
The Elder Scrolls: Blades; Coming Fall 2019 on Switch, PS4, Xbox One & PC
My Friend Pedro; June 20, 2019 on Switch & PC
Doom Eternal; Nov. 22, 2019 on Switch, PC, PS4 & Xbox One
The Sinking City; Coming Fall 2019 on Switch
Wolfenstein: YoungBlood; July 26, 2019 on Switch, Xbox One, PC & PS4
Dead By Daylight; Sep. 24, 2019 on Switch
Alien: Isolation; Coming 2019 on Switch
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition; Coming Winter 2019 on Switch, PS4, Android & IOS
Dragon Quest Builders 2; July 12, 2019 on Switch
Stranger Things 3: The Game; July 4, 2019 on Switch, Xbox One, PS4, Mac, PC, Android & IOS
Just Dance 2020; Nov. 5, 2019 on Switch, Wii, PS4, Xbox One & Google Stadia
Catan; June 20, 2019 on Switch
New Super Lucky’s Tale; Coming Fall 2019 on Switch
Dauntless; ‘Late 2019′
Super Mario Maker 2; June 28, 2019 on Switch
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vinkumakkara · 4 years
19731753701 replied to your post “19731753701 replied to your post “thjey might be remastering Wrath...”
IKR legit i remember when the remastered triolgy came out the main dev for twinsanity sent an open letter to the new company to remaster twinsanity but they never responded openly at least :'( i have played some of og spyro and its very cute!! sad how the new designs did the og so dirty i feel
oh man... i want to have Hope... i mean just a few years ago ppl were saying that a remake of the original Spyro trilogy was an impossibility because hte series didn’t sell as well as Crash did so i will remain cautiously hopeful. from what i’ve seen Enter the Dragonfly was a much more catastrophic production than anything Crash got on ps2 so the chances of remakes there are at least plausible
and yea idk what they were doing with the spyro remake character design because honestly it feels like they got the people who worked on the Crash remake to do them without actually considering the fact that the two series are visually very different. it’s a nice remake but it’s got like air of hmm... they just didn’t care all that much all PS1 game series Is The Same
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lol-jackles · 4 years
You said in one of your responses a while back, that you thought "The Last Jedi" was a good movie but that it wasn't a Star Wars movie. Can you expand on that? Or have you already and I missed it? Thanks!
Star Wars movies have overarching consistent theme: the chosen boy who destined for great things, a lone-wolf hero (or a small band of heroes) singlehandedly saving the world by carrying out an impossible daring suicide mission, and cookie cutter good vs evil factions.  But The Last Jedi subvert all the classic Star Wars trope and fans’ expectations: Snoke’s death made him irrelevant, Rey being a nobody is exactly what we didn’t expect, which again, changed the narrative for us.  Both of these things were brilliant storytelling, because like “I am your Father”, they had the power to shock and leave us wondering what happens next.  Friendly reminder that fans hated The Empire Strike Back when it was released.
The Last Jedi is a Luke redemption story, just as The Force Awakens was Han Solos redemption story and The Rise of the Skywalker was supposed to be Leia’s redemption story (and it was, just not in depth as it could have been for obvious reason).  Since Luke Skywalker is the lead protagonist of the original trilogy, it makes sense that TLJ is the strongest of the triolgy sequel while paradoxial also not a Star Wars movie.
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fulloxxy · 5 years
I need help....
Ok so, from what i grasp from hss prime (the game before either book series) and hss the book is that mc prime graduated at least a year before the events of hss, the first triolgy.
Ok i can accept that.
Hss the original trilogy had nishan, Sakura, Koh, Wes, julian, autumn, and Payton graduate. That means that they're a year younger.
What is this timeline
Ive been at this for fifteen minutes, i can't figure it out.
Hss prime implies that all the characters are the same age in the same grade, we know from the trilogy thats not the case because prime mc(and the characters you had to get with rings, i assume) have graduated. They have to be at least a year older than the main group.
Except Mia still goes to berry in hss class act, implying she's original MC's (this is becoming tedious if i say kevin, assume hss prime,if i say gabe,it's the original books, and if i say Cal, assume class act) age or a year older.
She can't be Gabe's age because we'd see her in at least one of the classroom segments. Maybe she's Aiden and Maria's age, but it's never implied that's the case and it would mean that Aiden and Maria where possibly at the school when kevin was there and neither of them ever act like they met or heard of said person other than as a legend of some sort and there's no way that's possible just based on what happens in that game alone and do to the fact that Kevin would have been the one predominantly in charge of everything that point.
This timeline and these characters make my head hurt from the revelations, because there's no way Kevin could have been an freshman in has prime nor can he have been a sophomore because of Mia's existence alone.
He could have been a junior and everything would fit with the characters. But then he would only be at berry for two years, no way can anyone realistically do what he did in two years (establish a school/plan events/join and popularize a band that was ignored in hss original) and it would mean that Kevin would have to graduate exactly a year before everyone became a senior. Which means beffy high became less berry high in three months before school started, which isn't realistic, and Gabe came on to the scene which doesn't add up with the fact that people talk about/reference said character as if it where ages ago
The only other possibility is that that Kevin was a senior while the others where sophmores and in Mia's case a freshman. Meaning Kevin would have been gone a year going on two when the original trilogy takes places but that means he has even less time to do what happens in the game which makes less sense.
The books act like hss prime didn't happen but have a fucking statue in this goddamn school that recognizes the previous events and I'm so damned confused and this point I'm hearing the twilight zone music as type this
What is going on? How old is prime mc? How come people talked about prime mc like their a legend when he can't have graduated that long ago?
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Help me someone please maybe I'm an idiot please
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bestdjkit · 3 years
Watch ILLENIUM Bid Farewell to a Career Chapter in New Concert Documentary
ILLENIUM has since announced an upcoming tour in support of his latest album "Fallen Embers."
"It's definitely been a fucking journey," said ILLENIUM just before stepping on stage for his momentous "Trilogy" show last month.
After three album installments and five years of a distinct creative vision, the world-class electronic artist was preparing to move on. But first, he decided to plan a party—and a big one at that—touching down in Sin City for a massive concert at Allegiant Stadium. 
Documenting the journey from ILLENIUM's Colorado studio to the stadium stage is a new short film by longtime members of the producer's photography and videography team. Directed, shot and edited by Nainoa Langer, with additional footage by David Nguyen, the documentary blends bittersweet nostalgia with overwhelming euphoria in engaging cinema verité.
The project is still your typical concert documentary, with footage of the "Triolgy" show making up five of its 13 minutes. In this case, though, the format is a virtue. It truly captures the unique community ILLENIUM's music has fostered over the years. 
There are few artists in the genre that would convince an audience to sign up for a three act, four hour-long show. Yet the diversity of ILLENIUM's discography and his impact on his fans is undeniable and unmatched. The short film explores this phenomenon—and electronic music more generally—at its finest, complete with world-class stage production and headbangers. 
"I think 'Trilogy' right now is needed for people," ILLENIUM reflected in the doc. "I think whether people have connected with me over Ashes, over Awake, over Ascend, or any of my new songs, I think everyone is needing a community. Everyone is needing friendship and love—just this place to feel safe."
ILLENIUM performs at Las Vegas' Allegiant Stadium for his "Trilogy" concert.
In addition to the film's release, ILLENIUM has announced a fall tour in support of his fourth studio album, Fallen Embers. Released July 16th, the record represents a new chapter for him, acting as a pursuit of new creative inspiration and expression.
"The music I’m creating right now is a total blend of my earlier melody-focused EDM with rock, coming from the drums and guitar I started to add," ILLENIUM told EDM.com last year. "It’s exciting because I feel like I kind of exhausted the super soft, straight future bass sound, and I was looking for something new."
ILLENIUM's "Fallen Embers" tour kicks off October 1st in Boca Raton. It will then hit some of the most well-known venues in the country, including Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Denver, Masonic Temple Theatre in Detroit, and Navy Pier in Chicago. The tour wraps December 11th after a two-night run in Minneapolis. You can buy pre-sale tickets now with the password EMBERS.
View the original article to see embedded media.
Facebook: facebook.com/ILLENIUM Twitter: twitter.com/ILLENIUM Instagram: instagram.com/illenium Spotify: spoti.fi/2XO5NxG
from Best DJ Kit https://edm.com/events/illenium-tour-announcement-trilogy-show-documentary
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bunnybunbunny · 6 years
the last Jedi spoilers
Okay so apparently this is the absolute worst time time to be obsessed with star wars again, but I am, and I am seriously angry right now.
I don't usually get so upset over a movie, but the original triolgy means a lot to me, and my family. HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO LUKE!!!!??? 
they completely tore apart his character for the sake of flippin Rey, and Kylo!!!
Luke irefusetokillmyevilsithlordfatherbecauseibelivethereisstillgoodinhim Skywalker would not pull a lightsaber on his sleeping nephew because he could 'sense darkness inside him' or whatever NO.
And you don't turn Luke into am angry pessimistic old man, because you want maREY sue to be the one who sees the good in people, (specifically this one person who she has no relation to whatsoever and who tortured her, tried to kill her, almost killed her best friend, and DID kill the only father figure she ever had in front of her, who not to mention is said characters actual father) if reylo does end up happening I will be sick to my stomach.
What did they do to star wars!!!?? 
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