#ough i love so many parts of that song
nordicbananas · 4 months
oughogh i have death, thrice drawn stuck in my head rn..
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timeskip · 5 months
I got hit by the urge to watch HxH again but I literally JUST started watching the stage adaptation so I need to channel this energy into paying attention to the stage adaptation
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crystallizsch · 27 days
hi ian i come bearing angst fuel for the yuusha as twsted elsa (maybe an idea for her possible overblot idk she kinda reads to me as someone whod preemptively isolate in the case she feels...blotty)
(also seeing that art of her playing violin totally didnt fuck me up im still nursing my bruised heart 🥴🥴💕💕)
^^this is from the frozen musical where they gave a song to elsa to explore her emotional turmoil and it just fleshed out her character so much more than the orig movie (ok i havent seen frozen 2 oops) but just this section here:
Is everyone in danger as long as I'm alive?
Was I a monster from the start?
How did I end up with this frozen heart?
Bringing destruction to the stage
Caught in a war that I was never meant to wage
anyways lmao i jus think the song is neat i think yuushas neat (i wanna see more of her ahehehe i love seeing infodumps abt ur yuus)
(throwback to this “what if yuu had magic” ask where i had a ✨realization✨ and this more recent yuusha lore drop that i gave zero elaboration on 🙃)
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very rough ob yuu design??? idk i came up with it on the spot ;;; and it’s kinda based on disney’s concept art of elsa when she was supposed to be the villain.
evil ice queen vibes :3
also i know the ob monster is supposed to be based on the villain— which is elsa in this case— but lowkey. an ice monster is way cooler.
also also i just realized after i drew this i couldve done a grim/yuu tandem overblot ough 🤧🤧 (next time I'll do that instead if i ever go back to this concept)
(read more below because it got SO long)
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AAH anyways hi hi dio!!! when i saw your ask i went —
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— with this entire post
i guess watching the movie everyday when it came out when you’re like 9 does something to your brain chemistry (and still haunts you at least a decade later) 💀
but anyways the angst ;;; overblot yuu ;;;;; my brain is rotting and the worms have taken over
also i didn’t even know that there was a frozen broadway musical so im gonna have to check it out later 🏃💨💨💨
(also dont worry frozen 2 is a nice watch for the most part but the way they concluded the characters did not feel 100% satisfying to me 😭 BUT i love some of the songs tho ;;; kristoff’s goofy 80s ballad song is one of them specifically, i need everyone to listen to it)
hfgnnfhfgv anyways thank you so much i’m chugging that angst fuel as i expand more on a possible ob yuusha with another infodump 💪💪💪
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⚠️⚠️⚠️ ALSO IM SORRY BUT mentions of taking one’s own life so please proceed with caution ⚠️⚠️⚠️
i had to reread what my initial thoughts about it bc it was months ago??? and after rereading im just like, huh what was i on— (just that feeling when you just cringe at your old posts ;; but idk i think the insanity/cringe sometimes can loop back into being a genius and the cycle just continues)
anyways i’ve been on and off writing yuusha’s bio and overblot yuu was just at the back of my mind chilling but i didn’t really do anything with it.
but now that i have the opportunity,,,, im gonna go on the magicless route this time bc i feel like I've said all what i thought if it was an overblot due to her own magic.
so uh from what i gather overblots are a mix of overuse of magic + intense negative emotion.
since it’s magicless yuu, i guess the one of the general headcanons around the fandom is that they’ve been too exposed to overblots and then intense negative emotions suddenly just triggered their overblot.
uh anyways onto the elsa parts
Is everyone in danger as long as I'm alive? Was I a monster from the start? How did I end up with this frozen heart? Bringing destruction to the stage Caught in a war that I was never meant to wage
THE LYRICS ARE SO GOOD ;;; i really love how some broadway interpretations expand on the source material
and yeah you're right 🤧🤧🤧— yuusha would try to hide and escape, especially as she overblots bc she would try to avoid hurting people (and like elsa, it'd only hurt others more trying to escape bc of probably how she leaves destruction in her wake trying to make others stay away from her 😔)
(this is a small tangent but i remember thinking about an overblot kalim and i imagine him to be similar, like he would not hurt anyone intentionally in his overblot.)
anyways so the way it would go is that i imagine her friends got fatally injured either because a) she feels that she’s too “useless” without magic to help and wasn’t able to do anything OR b) her attempts at helping to try and prove that she can help without magic made everything worse.
and then she just goes into a guilty spiral then boom — overblot.
ALSO in the song, the way elsa briefly contemplated taking her own life but then realizing there’s no guarantee that would solve anything hnghgh (<- another unintentional parallel to my yuusha lore because that’s actually how she ended up in twst except she did NOT have the latter realization)
there’s this “yuu is dead” theory i’m just using and that the black carriage actually just caught yuusha’s soul after she took her own life from all the burden.
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also some bonus angst context for that violin post :3
yuusha back in her homeworld is raised and known to be a gifted musician. people can feel the life and soul in her music but when people interact with her, they are usually met with an ice-cold (heh) personality.
the dead family member was the one who taught her music and the only one who was kind to her.
there’s always an expectation from her family to perform well and to keep up appearances as to not be a humiliation since anything she does can reflect on her entire family. (also hi, slight yuusha/jamil parallels maybe???)
the way she presents herself also stemmed from an incident as a child when she went apeshit on another kid bc she was defending a friend.
so from then on she was taught taught to conceal don’t feel those emotions — which just unfortunately extended to any positive ones, not just negative ones like rage.
so when she is brought to twst, there’s no memory of her being forced to hold back her emotions so she’s just unapologetically affectionate and open with everyone bc that’s how she really is.
but every now and then, memories of her breaking down haunt her in her dreams or as subtle reminders in the waking world.
then yuusha just goes on her day like she just wasn't reminded of her past.
(unnecessarily tragic lore my beloved, but anyway—)
another extremely brief tangent and bonus -> the two songs i had on loop while drawing pre-twst yuusha
lindsey stirling my beloved i love her music
the songs are such a vibe
her instrumentals in “lose you now” especially makes me feel some sort of way 😖
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moonshynecybin · 3 months
top taylor swift songs that were actually written about rosquez?
they are many they are myriad they are legion.... no order and non exhaustive ofc
wouldve couldve shouldve. ouegh ough aough aoueg. ouregh. and i damn sure never would've danced with the devil. at nineteen. and the god's honest truth is that the pain was heaven. i mean JESUS CHRIST dude. songs that make me want 20 mins alone in a room with valentino rossi and a baseball bat.
all to well ten min. i think the longer version is inferior generally but adding the lens of a slightly fucked up age gap pushes this up the list. so many insane rosquez details in this one. i was thinkin on the drive down hes gonna say its love you never called it what it was. (hello.) the idea you had of me, who was she? a never-needy, ever-lovely jewel whose shine reflects on you. (HELLO?) charmed my dad with self effacing jokes like youre on a late night show. (HELLO!!!) my friend valentino did that to my buddy marc. i was there i SAW IT. my friend @repsol-ariel made gifs.
i bet you think about me. jussssst the right amount of insufferable for them in the bitter post divorce chaos of it all... truly like. vale you fucked UP dude. i think this plays in marc's head for every championship he wins 2016-2019. when you realized im harder to forget than i was to leave. crazy. bananas. fun to think about if youre nasty... i also love indulging the side of marc that is kind of fucking mad at vale lol. my cuntress... this is why we cant have nice things also fits in this category. its the fun parts of divorce: like spite!
forever and always. you ever think about 2015 and how crazy marc probably felt when he realized his whatsapp thread with valentino post ranch visit was all messages from HIM. like truly before that season he said vale is my friend all is good between us :) then in midseason he says its a different relationship not quite a friend one just absolutely white knuckling it. and all this happened with little public indication of off-track conflict. WHAT HAPPENED. anyways did i say something way too honest that made you run and hide? like a scared little boy??
story of us. a fixture of my imaginings. but you held your pride like you shouldve held me. how did tswift know. what did she see. was there a psychic on her staff. did she perhaps have a prophetic dream of some sort.
haunted. YOU AND EYE WALK A FRAGILE LINE I HAVE KNOWN IT ALL THIS TIME.... CMON CMON DONT LEAVE ME LIKE THISSSSSS i thought I had you figured out... something's gone terribly wrong.... you're all I wanted.... hello. is this thing on. like truly maybe the most rosquez of my rosquez songs. this one is THEMMMM to me. its dramatic its tense its yearning its a little PISSED OFF.
back to december. RECONCILIATION ANTHEM. your tanned skin your sweet smile so good to me so right.... GOD. truly like before they reconcile but after vale has turned the corner. wistful regretfulness!! pride swallowing by someone not used to it!!!
cowboy like me: twin flames!!!! FUKC!!!! IM NEVER GONNA LOVE AGAIN!
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hopefulgardenshark · 10 months
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I was destroyed for 24 hours after the finale of Good Omens 2. Then I channelled my internal Crowley and started asking QUESTIONS. And that thought process alone got me in a much, much better state 😊
Rejection… ough, it’s complicated
You can read about my take on the stage of the relationship the angels are here. To be clear, I read them as a long-term, post-pheromones companionship, something waiting to move towards whatever it is after at least ten years of relationship in human terms.
Aziraphale gets his "job offer." I must make a caveat that, as most of us have already deduced, this was the choice between Coffee and Death. What does it mean for the couple? From Aziraphale's point of view, he is in a long-term loving relationship. He has been threatened with the utter obliteration, what means not only that he would have never existed but also that this act would leave a black hole in the life of his precious companion. This fragile demon hates loneliness and craves companionship as much as the angel craves crepes. And he also KNOWS how much the demon loves him, to the point that they can kill anyone who threatens him. And that can turn out very nasty for them.
So we get the whole messy scene that, on the surface, makes no sense. And this is the first time they suck at communicating with each other in all 11.5 episodes.
Aziraphale SAYS  he wants one thing totally out of character, and Crowley KNOWS it is (the series established that he recognized his angel tone of voice). Aziraphale's goal is to save Crowley from himself (see here why the plot analysis tells us so), which I dare to say Crowley suspects. Crowley, on the other hand, wants something totally IN THE CHARACTER (both times he was rejected, he wanted the same thing), and Aziraphale KNOWS it. Crowley's goal is to get into a "we" of a relationship SOMEWHERE, leaving to the stars together. We know that he loves the stars, which was established in S1 and again in S2. He does not say, "I love you"; he says, "I would like to spend my existence with you." He also says "we've spent our entire existence pretending that we aren't". He does not mean it as in "we pretend to each other." Pretending to Heaven and Hell.
This is not a moment of a big confession about love or feelings. This moment is an infliction point, all about what we want from this relationship from now on. And the moment of loss and realization of loss. Crowley got what Aziraphale wanted for five episodes, only to see his angel inexplicably change his desires. The whole mumbling about Heaven and Crowley as an angel doesn't make sense to Crowley because HE KNOWS his angel wanted a nest., It reminds me of all the tropes most recently explored in "Marriage Story." It is not an outcome two loving partners wish for, but sometimes people want different things WHILE STILL LOVING EACH OTHER. The" nothing lasts forever" has many meanings and can be read in different ways. On one level, it is a marker of changing desires and aspirations. On another level, the facial expression of Aziraphale, when looking at Crowley, full of absolute caring love, tells us that Crowley may not last forever, and he is just making sure he does. There is no rage in that scene, only mutual love and hurt. People part ways even if they still have a lot of love for each other. Sometimes, they find each other again.
And then the kiss. The kiss is mutual (you can see it when you play the scene very slowly), not romantic but desperate. They both hurt, but Crowley initiates this absolutely in character: the one who has always initiated a deep dive into the earthly sensations (it is first established in the Petronius oysters' scene). Then, he is forgiven because Aziraphale must say something that hurts (maybe someone is eavesdropping? At the end, the Bentley plays the Song. The way Aziraphale looks at Crowley and Bentley makes me think he asked the car to play it as a coded message.)
Crowley behaves differently from TWO other rejections he experienced in Season 1. The other two were very early on in their courtship. He felt them as personal back then: "I don't even like you, you are the demon" and "It is over." Sort of stuff we yell at our SOs when pheromones are high. Crowley does not take it well; he loves himself enough to know his dignity and has no problem leaving. In Season 2, this is more complicated. The long-term bonds of "precious existence" are stronger because KNOWING THE OTHER is on a deeper level. And he knows something is very, very wrong. Why is he staying there, waiting? He does not feel rejected as himself; he does not feel his love was rejected; he only understood his Alpha Centauri will not happen for reasons he does not truly understand. Right now, he probably thinks precisely what he said: Aziraphale is an idiot talking nonsense. Crowley hopes he will return to his senses. Because deep down, Crowley is an optimist. And he has what other demons do not: imagination. So don't cry for him, he will be OK. And remember the last Jane Austen novel on Aziraphale's shelf: Persuasion. Not to mention the only book Crowley probably has read: "The Crow Road"…
I realized I wrote this from the point of view of Crowley. But Aziraphale had also his heart rejected. He cried I NEED YOU and he got silence, because his stubborn husband refused to follow. That rejection also hurts.
Another thought: The ending is our human equivalent of one partner deciding to accept that well-paying job half-way across the globe, while the other wants to stay put. The one who leaves, temporarily, thinks about the opportunity: the money earned to finally pay that mortgage, pay student loan... to be finally free and get on with their life. The one who stays does not see it this way. Who is right... we'll see.
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eshithepetty · 1 year
hiii hiii ^_^ hiii what is your favourite mp100 amv? :D
HI HIII!!! Sorry for the late answer!! But ough... you've activated my trap card.
Honestly... and I mean truly honestly, I can't pick one. So I know that's not what this ask specifically asked, but, have just a whole list anyways sjhdgfsjdf
As per my last post, these are specifically less well known amvs, as I think pretty much everyone in this fandom knows of like, ???, 99%, Stressed Out and Kindness, for example. For these ones, I'm pretty sure none of them reach 1000 likes/notes (some don't reach even 100) (at the time of writing this, at least), but I assure you, that's not an indication of quality!! SO yeh. A pile of AMVs be upon ye (15 specifically for now).
Firstly, from Youtube:
DARK ARTS by pyrotechnicstars
Centers on: mp100 in general
This one's not as character centric as the rest of the amvs you'll see on this list, but i just Really love this one for how fluid and fun the editing is, and how the song just fits mp100's vibe very well imo ^^
maybe if i by kiwa
Centers on: Reigen
Such good cuts and scene selection :) really love when people choose a more introspective vibe with Reigen amvs. also it hit me with a surprise serirei reference that made me laugh, so hdhdhcf
All the Rowboats by hyrude
Centers on: Mob & Ritsu
The atmosphere in this one…. ough. I really appreciate when people choose to delve into the darker tones of this show, and this one really nails that !!
If I Was by ObsessiveBookworm
(@grocerystorephobic on tumblr)
Centers on: Reigen & Mob
Another introspective Reigen one! Specifically one focusing on his relationship with Shigeo. This one's really sweet,,, feels almost nostalgic in a way, really neat <3
Children's Work by ObsessiveBookworm
Centers on: Mob & Ritsu
SUCH A NEAT EXPLORATION OF THE KAGEYAMA BROTHERS…. the song fits them sooo well, its just. Augh.. Goes insane,,,,
Try To Change by Thamires
Centers on: Mob
Such a good choice of song.. I think this was one of the first mob amvs that I found and liked? Somber with a tinge of sweet at the end,,, :')
Former Lives by ObsessiveBookworm
Centers on: Mogami arc
Ooughggh;;,,, as i said, I really appreciate exploration of the darker sides to mp100, and this one is just. Augh. So well done, so gritty, so captivating despite being over a whole 6 minutes long. And I also admire it for the sheer challenge of making it, due to the length and how cut down this arc in the anime was, and how op made the best of it.. Love this one a lot…. <3
D o g T e e t h by flyweeabooty
Centers on: Mob
This one just,,, hurts…. so viscerally,,, I don't have many words for this one, just. Damn :(
With All Your Power by ObsessiveBookworm
Centers on: Season 1
The reason i'm labeling it as just season 1 is that…!! Its just!!! Such a great amv for that part of the story, with all the wackiness, the large cast of characters, the different parts going on and occasional tension and explosion of emotions…. its just sooo fun, i adore it !!!
The Whole World And Mob by ObsessiveBookworm
Centers on: Dimple & Mob
A RARE DIMPLE AMV!! And one focusing on their s1 dynamic as well! Honestly just such a silly and good time, this one genuinely makes me smile :)
...welp. Lemme take a moment then to put the other 5 in a reblog then, sorry for that jshgfjs. A brief intermission!! Watch these shrimp 'till then
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lazy-toad · 8 months
Malev 37 reaction but all in one post coz I'm lazy
John is pissy, my favourite John
Uh oh Oscar's asking too many questions
"it's an old book Arthur 🙄" I love him
"how little you realise" literally me listening to this
Oh Arthur you're saying too much
Oh god he's saying 'we' he just wants a friend this is going to end so badly
"I suppose I'll just watch again then" John :((
I'm sorry John I love you but all I can imagine right now is a pouty three year old crossing their arms and stamping their feet
Godddd I forgot how much I love them
"like a fracture of it" ...... Augh
Oh fuck how did I forget about the stone I was confused as to why Arthur was so weird about it being late. I was so caught up in the joy of friendship I forgor about the fucking stone
I love when I can tell what a patreon choice is hehe
Oh Oscar :(
"I know you don't believe in him but he believes in you" .... Hmm don't know how I feel about that but it's the thought that counts ig
"still it's nice to have Oscar as an option" he's trying so hard to be nice and I love him so much
"As if various fluids were spilled here" now there's the podcast I know and love!
"I hope"
"until I can rely fully on you again" pain and suffering :(
Trapped entities......
Fractured parts of great ones.....
Head in hands Johnnnnnnn
Children :(
The fucking music box song goddddd
Tried to relisten to that bit a few times but I still can't make out what John said about the painting
Oscar :( uh oh
cut it off
Oh god
Arm amputation asmr 😍
"you didn't make it all the way through" oh god
Fuck me how many more swings is he going to have to take
Oscar :(
Please don't tell me it's his arm that's squelching
It is
Dreamland forest (evil edition)
John I know your priorities are keeping Arthur alive but leaving a man passed out on the floor when you just cut his arm off does seem a bit rude
Ough what an episode
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quantumshade · 10 months
🔥favorite and least favorite doctor who episodes (if you can choose at all lol)
OUGH this is hard... can i do top five and bottom five maybe
bottom five:
let's kill h*tler. do i need to explain this one? i don't think i need to explain this one
spyfall part 2. i don't think i need to explain this one either.
girl in the fireplace. i know that's the one my pfp is from. rose is just so pretty in it. anyway. it's a poorly written episode that gets way too much praise, not to mention just how painfully ooc everyone is. you can really feel how much moffat hates rose in that one. and also it feels so gross when you think about how the real madame de pompadour was groomed from age 6 to be a king's consort and basically allowed no agency in her life whatsoever, coupled with moffat's weird obsession with "someone meets the doctor as a little kid and grows up to be obsessed with him" is so painfully... icky.
kill the moon. outside of being an awful episode with a weirdly anti abortion message, it's the episode that made SO MANY PEOPLE give up on my baby girl twelve. if you stopped watching twelve because of that episode i'm begging you on my knees to give him another shot his era is so so good other than a couple stinkers.
legend of the sea devils. i cannot even begin to express my sheer hatred for this episode. everything about it sucks so so bad and i'm beating it with hammers in my mind 24/7. it's just everything i hate about the chibnall era coalesced into one steaming pile of dogshit.
top five:
heaven sent. sorry to be basic but. heaven sent. i love it so much it's so perfect. and reading it through a classics lens makes it even better. i'm planning on doing the capstone for my degree (partly) on this episode as a modern representation of katabasis. the acting, the music, rachel talalay's directing, g-d. it's so good.
dalek. honestly every single one of nine's episodes fuck so hard and i don't dislike a single one of them. but eccleston really acted his ass off in this one and it's such a wonderful exploration of the doctor's time war trauma. it's the only episode that manages to make daleks scary. rose is amazing in it. "it's not the one pointing a gun at me" and "and what about you, doctor? what the hell are you changing into?" "oh rose. they're all dead" OUGHHHH. the ending hits so fucking hard.
mummy on the orient express. i think i'm legally obligated to put this one on my top five because i have watched it nearly a dozen times this year alone. it's such a good episode. great monster. clara and the doctor both get to be incredibly bisexual. it's the one episode of doctor who in which the phrase "sex machine" exists. what more could you possibly ask for.
the christmas invasion. it's sooooo good it's so good. it's tied with the husbands of river song as my favorite christmas special, but it's higher on my list of Overall Episodes. if that makes sense. again rose is incredible in it. david tennant makes the entrance of all time. they're so in love and so fucking stupid about it. song for ten... well i woke up today... and the world was a restless plaaaace.... it could have been that way for me........
the pilot. bill is gorgeous and perfect and wonderful. twelve being a wacky professor was the best choice anyone has ever made. it's like a crash course in doctor who but also a fun and well made episode with absolutely gorgeous music. i love it i love it i love it. murray gold put the s10 soundtrack on spotify right now.
it's so hard limiting myself to just five... i'm sure i'll think of an episode tomorrow and be like DAMN that should have been on the list... but that's okay <3
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vacantgodling · 4 months
i’m still tryna figure out the vibes for this wip but oh… there are MUCH vibes
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i cannot stress innocence ENOUGH for several reasons
losing their innocence is a huge part of this wip
“child don’t follow me home” and “i just want to take your innocence” etc etc — the wolf queen’s energy
the NOTE at the end of the song (you’ll know when you hear it) it just makes me think of darling red
unsteady is a red and hel song i’m going to THROW UP i love them so much. the way he HOLDS HER when her world comes crashing down *screaming*
cherry wine has been a red song for Years and describes the relationship with her father 😬 she still has most of the scars he gave her on her back… but in many respects, red doesn’t know how to hate her father. she feels like she should. but she also feels like he’s Right, that she is a Curse (and she is, literally), a scourge, that every bad thing that’s ever happened is her fault. thinking about red makes me cry lowkey i love her sm ougHhhH
and i will follow you into the dark is kind of all three of them at each other & the vibes of “even if we die trying to do this, i’m going to die by your side” yknow?
this wip is so HEAVY…. OUGH….
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hoodies-n-cola · 2 months
Tell us about that concert :)
All those details :)
OUGH okay so me, CL, and SL (CL's husband) went to Autoheart's first US tour :D
We had to wait in a p long line before the show, but we talk loud so some of the people behind us were laughing at the stuff we were saying n that's always fun :> the merch line was long as well, but I got 2 CDs and a shirt <3 (they didn't have the third CD there, but for some reason they had them at later concerts? I don't get that but I'm angy, I don't wanna pay like $22 shipping for a $13 CD ;0; )
Anyway the show started with the first opener, RAEGAN. She was p cool, her music was very punchy n we got to participate at one point n shout "FUCK RAEGAN" but like, there were a couple minors and a lot of nice people not entirely willing to yell that so it wasn't as loud as it could've been u,u
The second lady came up, Pidgeon Pit, and oh man her energy was amazing! She was all over the stage with her guitar, her songs were toothy and some political (in a good way) and she gave off hardcore big sister vibes, she was great :D she even had a moment of like, well for context Autoheart is popular with the gays bc it's a gay band (I know for sure the lead singer is gay but idk about the other two) so of course the queers were out in full force n the lead singer is a trans woman herself, so she gave a big shoutout to all the trans people in the audience (like me and some of the people to my right, who I made a bet with on Autoheart's opening song hehe) and it was nice to be in a room with so many people shouting for trans people instead of against them
Okay so I'll be using names; Jody is the lead singer, Simon is on keys, Barney is on guitar, and he's not a member of the band but Adam handled drums, he was fantastic <3
Anyway so they call come out on stage, Jody first, and he's got these genuine Gucci shades on that are so round and thick, it was so cute X3 he also had a suit jacket on that was a pinkish-reddish color over a black shirt, it was such a good look ;; Simon had jeans, a red Dickey's shirt, and a white short sleeve button up over that And Barney I believe had a graphic tee and jeans, but he also had a jean jacket on when we saw them after the show
Their first song is Lent bc of course it would be and everyone was singing along and like, god first of all, this is genuinely my favorite band ever of all time, I don't dislike a single one of their songs, I have them all saved to my Spotify, so you know I'm crazy about it, second I kinda face a lot of "oh that's what you're listening to?" (/neg) at home when I try to play Autoheart, and third I was with two of my favorite people in the world So believe me when I say I was FEELING it, being in a crowd of people who knew every word I knew, every vocal flourish in every word to the point the audience could all be heard doing the same vocal flourish from the base song that he did differently live, it fuckin got me man, I'd never felt so connected and part of something great like that ;0;
And of course the band is just going, they're playing banger after banger, Jody making these cute little smiles n doing these cute little dances and moves with his hands as he's singing, he was a joy to watch Barney was killing it on the guitar over there too, he was also doing backing vocals and he sounds so nice!! I'm not fully sure if he does backing vocals on all the songs or if it was just for live, but if it was just for live, then I hope they let him back up on more songs cause he was wonderful <3 Simon, oh man, don't even get me started, his work on the keyboard is part of why I fell in love with Autoheart in the first place, their first albums and EPs being FULL of those deep, punchy piano work, it's so good ;;;; oh and his tambourine work was great too, he was on that on the more lowkey songs And of course Adam was fantastic, filling the room with percussion when it calls for it omg dude was killer!
Oh oh and the LIGHTS oh man during "Time Machine", there's the line "voices/7 of them inside of me/each requiring autonomy" (referencing the 7 deadly sins) n when Jody got to that point, he'd do a Y pose, reaching his arms up as he's bathed in green light and subtle smoke, it was religious ;;;;
Unfortunately we had to do it out on the back patio where the radio was turned up; I'm hard of hearing n they couldn't turn the radio down, so I could barely hear them ;-; But we got to meet them and get things signed and I got to tell them how much they all mean to me and I got to hug Jody ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Last thing though, for those of you who know about me n CL's EW OCs known as the blormas, I imagine you're familiar with Joey. Joey himself is based on Jody, and a lot of his personality is based on the songs, so of course I had to draw a Joey for them all to sign, and they did <3 They were pretty impressed with the fact that I did it with pencils on paper and it made me blush ngl ;;
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volivolition · 1 month
i do hope you don't mind getting songs not related to the furies!! ahsndjsjdjd I'm listening to one of our many other playlists and Truce by the Dresden Dolls came on and it's very... Powerful. Very very emotional. A very slow build up [it's... 8 minutes long!] but WORTH IT for that ending, it's beautiful and our past host adored this song,, I think the word Cathartic would describe it well!
If you like slow and emotional/angry songs you'll probably like this one :))!! -The Saint
!! hi hello the saint!! i dont mind at all, the skills may be my current fixation but know that im very chill with any song suggestions as long as you'd like to share them!! :] <3
ONTO THE SONG!! i love how soft and sullen it starts, it's a very bittersweet to just bitter song OUGH,,, hurts my heart hkjgh the rising orchestration of this song is SO GOOD, how it gets very discordant sometimes before settling back into the piano :0 very beautiful very powerful <3 splitting all the places apart so they dont run into each other again... aughgh... cathartic is a good word for it, it's very poignant :'] <3 the part past 6 minutes in, where the beat suddenly switches?? like OOOH SHIT, i love how "i'll strike like the states on fire" is sung in particular hhdjkh <33
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rouge-the-bat · 1 year
i was tagged by @princesstokyomoon owo! ty for the tag i love talking about myself LOL
nickname: [not including nicknames based on my irl name for obvious reasons] rouge is what i go by online, sometimes called rougey too :3 kurama is another nickname, so is weirdo (started based on my old url, weirdobsessivenerd). i used to go by yoshi a while back in school too with some people
sign: taurus ♉️ !
height: uhh im 5'2" or 5'3" iirc
last thing i googled: koltins locations in totk, bc im hunting down bubbul frogs rn ! i have 32 left to get atm owo
amount of sleep: eh varies tbh? usually i get around 8-10 hours but sometimes it can be a little less or a little more depending on the night
dream job: character designer for video games!!! + general graphic design n world design n stuff like that. i love LOVE designing things, especially characters, its been one of my biggest and longest passions in my life !!! characters are my absolute fave thing to enjoy and work on, and i hope to one day create characters others can fall in love with like i have for many characters!!!
wearing: a hot pink nightgown with black lace, and black lacey shorts! its so cozy n me core :3
media that summarizes me: like... summarizes my personality? my interests?? hmm... im not really. sure what would really summarize me for my personality? maybe some of my fave things since they tend to have quite an effect on me?
the sonic series i think is a good representation of how im unashamed to be genuine to myself, positive and loving what i love and not caring about being cringy. and it absolutely influenced my love for rockin music, colorful series with darker stories, and edgy antiheroes lol.
maybe system of a down would be a good thing to mention here too, i love all of their music and they definitely have rockin high energy music that can get really wacky sometimes, and ive always had a love for weird shit and identified with being weird!
favourite songs: ough hmm.. ill limit myself to like. 6 songs i really love rather than trying to figure out my Favoritest Faves bc im indecisive lol. n gonna do some different styles for a variety of my tastes!
bring me the horizon ft babymetal - kingslayer
in this moment - sick like me
omega tribe - summer suspicion
megumi ogata - fukanzen nenshou
riff kitten ft kumiho - fallen world
i dont know how but they found me - mx. sinister
instruments: this is so vague lol like. is this meaning ones ik how to play? my fave instruments?
well for ones i know how to play- well i used to know how to play anyways- i played the clarinet in band! n at some point i got an ocarina n tried learning that but never worked on it much. i used to be able to play a couple little tunes on it tho (like the jigglypuff song from the pokemon anime. or part of it at least). someday ill get back to it...
for my fave instruments... id probably say the violin and piano. i really love the sound of them, and i like how much emotion they can evoke!
aesthetic: oh god where do i even begin gkdkfbdkf i have a MILLION aesthetics i love lol. lovecore is probably my biggest one though, but i also love tech/glitchy stuff, gems, mermaid/ocean, general nature/flowers, clown/carnival, christmas, halloween, witchy, punk/goth/scene/emo (together since there can be some overlap between the aesthetics, ik theyre not the same), night/dreamy, space, yandere for a darker twist on lovecore stuff, and much much more. i love anything from pastel n cute, to neon and dynamic, to dark n creepy. i just!! absolutely adore aesthetics!!! its what im all about!
favourite author: ...i dont have one fkxbjf i havent read a book in years and even when i used to read more i didnt have one. could i just say yoshihiro togashi since he created the manga of my fave anime (yu yu hakusho) lmao?
random fun fact: i love pickles and will drink pickle juice straight out of the jar. have yall ever had pickle pops??? its like popsicles but with frozen pickle juice. i LOVE it. actually i should find our popsicle molds so i can make some soon
some mutuals to tag: if yall wanna, ill tag @megalo-station @mageofcolors @transgaykurama @foxdenji @skrunksthatwunk @l-lawliets-pussy @yoko-kurama-the-sex-god @shining-bewear @pipwife and weve only been mutuals for a short time but ill tag @shrineguardianhyena too owo
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ssruis · 1 month
14,17, 19? - sakitenmaenjoyer
14. Favorite vocals in the game
If this question is about which characters I think have the best vocals: I think rui is my favorite but I also really like akito/haruka/nene/mizuki/saki/ichika/an/ena.
If it’s about the best covers (not counting commissioned songs the list would get too long): ikanaide (<- PEAK. First pjsk song added to my music library. The versions on YouTube without miku are even better*), shoujo rei, At God’s mercy, mizuki’s Charles alt, rui’s as you like it alt (all of his alts are good that one’s just a favorite), nene’s racing into the night alt, ifuudoudou, akito’s airhead and fragile alts (his airhead alt is. So good.) are a few off the top of my head.
*I said no commissioned songs but I feel obligated to take this opportunity to say colopale was so evil for giving like half of salamander to miku when it would have been so much better w just akito/ena. I love miku but sometimes less is more. Look @ Cosmospice.
17. Songs you want added to the game/what unit would cover them
I have so many….
Unfriendly hater - meddmia? (Wxs specifically ruikasa. Surely they’ll put this in the game it works so well. It’s perfect.) (coping) (I genuinely think they’ll do it)
Popipo - lamazep (wxs)
Death should not have taken thee - Jesus- P (wxs) (not happening they probably would have done it with adventure log)
For dear life - NILFRUITS (vbs)
RPG - soramafuurasaka* (wxs) (far fetched but I can dream…it would be so good…)
Young girl A - siinamota (niigo)
So long - Tokyo Elvis (no idea) (not happening, small eng producer)
TAMAYA - chinozo (VBS?)
Tawagato Speaker - NEKOBOLO (idk)
Record Red - shr (niigo or wxs)
World of Wonder - daniwell (wxs or mmj)
Even though I loved you/rebirth/suck it up/mind brand/darling - MARETU (most would probably go to niigo but l/n and vbs could kill some of these)
That’s why I gave up on music/hitchcock/prostitution - yorushika* (L/N, L/N, VBS?)
Night is faint - eve* (l/n or vbs)
Luvoratorrrrry! - reol (vbs or maybe mmj)
Volt switch - deco*27 (no cover) (would be shocked if this happened)
Hito mania - sasuke haraguchi (idk)
Butcher Vanity/Lose your head - vane (eng so no cover)
Konton Boogie - jon-YAKITORY (idk)
Therefore you and me - si-o (idk. Niigo?)
You’re a useless child - kikuo (niigo probably)
Insanity - circus-P (niigo? Or vbs)
Better off worse - circus-P (eng no cover)
* not a vocaloid song but has connections to producers that are already in the game
19. Favorite cards
Constraining myself to just wxs bc of the image limit. And also I’m biased so most of them would have been wxs anyways.
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Absolute favorite card. Emunene real. If I have to spark for this and destroy my savings for wxs world link I will be so mad but I will do it.
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Emu cards are always so good… I don’t think I can pull for Sanrio emu though despite it being one of my favorites (devastating) (saving for wxs world link). A shout out to her untrained Phoenix card & Torpe card too… they’re so cute.
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Rui also has rlly good cards I think his cyber punk card is probably in my top 10 (also can’t pull for it) and his white day card… ough the lighting/pose/composition (still mad I couldn’t pull for that)
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These untraineds are favorites just because they make me giggle. Tsukasa in a crisis is Always Hysterical (also why I like his untrained Phoenix/3rd year/doll festival* cards) but I think I’ve said [insert untrained pandemonium card] while talking abt tsukasa 100 times (which I got from you) because it’s never not funny. The gokart card is just really cute I love rui’s dumb expression and the fact that he’s too goddamn tall for this ride/the pure joy on emu’s face as she turns her car directly into rui presumably in an attempt to run him off the road (I support it). But the best part of it is 100% nene being a girl failure in the back like how did you fuck up so badly. Do not let her behind the wheel of a car ever. The expression of gamer rage on her face… her mario kart skills did not transfer over… she’s pissed. 10/10.
*Doll festival card gets an extra shout out. Why is rui there. He’s not in the side stories at all. The implication that he either 1) saw tsukasa acting like the world was ending and just went “not my problem” and walked away or 2) went to go eat lunch with him and walked in on him with his head in his hands having a capital c Crisis & had to deal with that is so funny.
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luminouslotuses · 5 months
my (hopefully) coherent thoughts about mean girls! spoilers ahead ofc👍
the songs weren’t that bad! sexy, world burn, apex predator, and meet the plastics were my faves
my least favorite was stupid with love though,, the production makes it so boring i’m sorry😭
<-but what i will say is that the stupid with love reprise performed at the spring fling SLAPPED. why can’t that be on the soundtrackk
i feel like a lot of emotion that the original songs had is lost here. whether it be the production or the vocals accompanying it or both; i feel like they go hand in hand. reneé auli’i & jaquel definitely brought the energy that was needed here
the choreography & visuals that went with the songs definitely made them better than simply listening to the soundtrack on its own. like i was much more invested in what ifs & revenge party for example– and i already liked someone gets hurt, but the VISUALS??? holy shit that scene was incredible
i really wish a few songs were kept from the show like any of damian’s or that the someone gets hurt reprise in the movie was included in the soundtrack. hell i kind of wish do this thing was kept because i think that would’ve gone so hard at the end for some inexplicable reason pfft
and of course these can’t top the original broadway versions, nor did i expect them to. also sometimes the production or mixing was either bland or off (like in world burn reneé’s vocals are a second or two behind the backing track at one point, which is super weird since it’s fine in the soundtrack but i digress lmao)
the cast have great chemistry they’re all so talented they’re so fucking funny aghh the casting was perfect
reneé as regina made me gayer somehow. Not surprised there
AVANTIKA. she was soso perfect as karen!! so funny so insanely pretty and she did sexy so much justice
okay admittedly i was a little unsure about angourie as cady. only at first though because once she became part of the plastics she played that role so well
speaking of cady that scene when regina’s singing in the cafeteria and cady’s staring at her is actually the gayest thing i’ve ever seen hands down
ms. norbury & mr. duvall are in a relationship. they have dogs at home. janis said (jokingly) that they got wasted at the spring fling. they are My straight couple i love them so fucking much
ough the bond between cady and her mom is so sweet and even emotional at one point i really like it
the band always seeming to be around and playing is so good especially when they’re in the tree in that one scene lol
i knew lindsay lohan would be there somehow and her being the proctor for the math competition was golden. (also her lines like “this has only happened once more”<-referencing the original movie & then the “i don’t know your life” to cady were SOOO)
so happy some of the jokes and moments from the musical were in the movie. like “homeschooled? oh that’s a fun way to take jobs from my union!” & mr. duvall’s retainer case & the bathroom scene with cady & regina lol
i was thinking they’d go overboard with the social media aspect (like a lot of media typically tends to do when making a movie like this) but i was pleasantly surprised! yes it was definitely a large part of many scenes but i think it mostly worked & made sense. but then again this is tina fey so she knows what she’s doing lmao
it’s best to not have any expectations when walking into this movie; nothing too high, nothing too low. i probably like it more than the average person as i’ve always loved the broadway musical but still. if you want to see it i say go for it! it has a great cast, songs that range from bland & perfectly serviceable to great with exceptional vocals (coughs. Reneé), and some nice references and moments for fans of the original movie, the musical, or both. it was fun time and i could tell there was heart put into it🫶
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good-beanswrites · 6 months
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Hi!! Ah, thank you, I got some good rest and I’m feeling much better now 😌✨ Thank you for sending your thoughts, I've been so pumped over Deep cover!! Spoilers under the cut --
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As sad as I am that it doesn’t look like we’re going to get many details on her crime, you’re right, this is all about her motivations and mindset!! I really love this perspective on her -- it’s so interesting that she feels above everyone (not just the guilties). I thought I understood her character before, but this added a new layer to how strict her sense of justice is. Her parallels with Fuuta have always made me so so crazy, the listing off everyone reminded me of the part in Braze You where Fuuta is just going through the cast and saying why the other prisoners suck and he can’t rely on them 😅 I know this is gonna suck vote-wise for Kotoko but I’m really glad we got to see this side of her. After the knee-jerk shock wears off, it definitely makes me more sympathetic to her seeing how black-and-white she thinks, the painful responsibility she’s burdened herself with, and how lonely she must be…
You don’t even know how much I’m hoping they’re all there (both for au fun but also for my own personal wishes!) It’ll probably be something low-key like Backdraft, but I can only hope they’ll make prominent appearances ;-; It does make for a perfect “finale” number! Even if it’s an aggressive song I think they’d have a lot fun filming together knowing it’s mostly all act. A courtroom would be so cool >:0 She went to law school, and the door art fits it well. Judge Kotoko would be so awesome ough. I’m hoping to see her in the warden uniform at some point…
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Writerly Thumbprint Challenge!
I was tagged by the lovely @blossom-adventures (thank you, thank you, thank you!) to do this challenge: the rules are to look back to a work, both past or present, finished or unfinished, and point out five (or more) narrative elements, themes, topics, or tropes, that continually pop up in this work!
I haven't written before, so I'll do this for The Priest and the Dragoness, the fic I'm currently writing!
Descriptive prose. I love writing meticulous descriptions of everything—surroundings and emotions—as well as using similes, metaphors, or even a bit of poetic language. I usually have vivid images of a particular scene in mind, so I do my best to imprint those with words and to give away a similar evocative vibe to the readers. Honestly, I know that intense descriptions aren't everyone's cup of tea, and may go skip skip skip to dialogues instead, but each one has their own inspirations and style, right?
Angst (with a happy ending). I like exploring trauma and generally sensitive themes in my story. Angst resonates better with me as a writer and person, and besides that, I think that giving each one of my characters flaws, a tragic background, and harsh challenges along their journey, but knowing that in the end, they will get what they deserve, is so so fulfilling for me—I mean, this combination of intense emotional exploration and an eventual satisfying resolution? My catnip!
Foreshadowing. OUGH. My absolute favorite writing technique from when I was in middle school and studied the Odyssey. This whole back-and-forth of a phrase or event that's being said or described in some earlier chapter (sometimes a seemingly insignificant one) and suddenly, unexpectedly gets confirmed many many chapters later in a MAJOR significance and importance, having you gawking at the wall like "Wait...WAIT. 😮👀", is very present in TPATD. You just have to read behind some lines...
References. TPATD has tons of references in almost every chapter. My favorite ones are from GoT, but I have sprinkled my story with lots of The Witcher and LotR inspiring quotes too, and generally, I like bringing themes from real life into the fic, such as songs or poems rephrased. And I adore it when a reader recognizes them and comments on them. My day gets always better!
An emotionally vulnerable male protagonist. Another catnip of mine—male characters who fluster before their counterparts, who stutter and tremble from all their longing and passion, who don't know precisely and like pros how to touch and caress, kiss and make love. I ADORE them. That's why I try to interpret Miraak as such—despite his pathetic attempts to hide it, his vulnerability towards Jia speaks volumes.
Soulmate & hurt comfort themes. I put these together because I think TPATD is full of both. I personally love the deep and profound emotional bond between two lovers more than the carnal one; that's why I chose the soulmate theme between two characters that are the First and the Last mortal carriers of dragonsouls, so what's more fitting than that? And here comes the hurt/comfort theme too—feeling each other's emotions as if they're own, as if they come from them, and comforting their counterpart's respective pain, because who can be your better comfort than a person who feels like a part of your own self, who feels your distress in their own soul?
Okay, I think that's all, but if something more comes to my mind I may return to this...😇
I'm going to leave this open, tagging each pair of eyes seeing this and wanting to do it! 🥰
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