#paranormal tickle
v--143 · 8 months
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< Ghost Visit >
[Lee! Felix]
[Ler! Ghost]
👻 (I hope you enjoy! Lmk if it’s okay because I absolutely adore this trope/scenario!! ^^)
Felix was getting ready for bed after chatting with the members as usual. They were still laughing loudly in the main room by the time Lix had left for bed. His room, in the far corner of the home, was medium sized and had some sweet aspects to it. His calming gray-blue walls, his gaming setup, his king sized bed all to himself.. it was nice.
Felix stepped inside and closed the door, locking it to change into some comfier sleepwear. He stood in the middle of his room and stretched his arms above his head, attempting to pop his back in the process. He had always struggled with that, if only Minho or Changbin were there to help him.. but he wasn’t about to go bother them in their rooms. He knew especially not to wake Minho hyung.
“Ow..” Felix whispered as he rubbed at the bottom of his back. He walked over to his bed that was up against the wall and tucked himself under his soft blue covers, resting his head atop the pile of pillows behind him.
He couldn’t sleep to sleep too well this night. He got in bed around 11pm and it was almost 1 in the morning already. Against what everyone says about using technology late at night, he pulled his phone out and began to unlock it. That is… until he saw two faint white eyes at the wall furthest from his bed.
“Wa-!!” Felix yelled as he dropped his phone in shock. With the phone’s light gone, nothing was visible anymore. He was sure he had to have just been seeing things. He looked at the spot again and saw nothing in the dark, so he got his flashlight out just in case.
Felix threw his phone at the wall.
There stood a tall shadow like form, staring down at Felix’s small figure. It had small white pupils as eyes and a weird curled mouth. It took the form of a slender and tall being, not exactly a physical thing, making Felix wonder if it has the ability to physically hurt him or not. It had long arms with claw-like nails at the end, and seemed to have some sort of smoke pouring out of its body.
It would be an understatement to say Lix wasn’t petrified, his bones frozen in place. His mouth was agape yet no noise came from it. With crazed eyes, Felix stared at the creature that somehow inhabited his space.
Then it widened its eyes and tilted its head.
Felix screamed and immediately hid himself under his covers. He knew deep down that a thick layer of blanket wouldn’t save him from anything, but he had nowhere else to go. He was trembling all over as he firmly held the covers above his head.
He felt a slight pressure on the edge of his bed, as if something had sat on it.
“Please” Lix begged to nobody in particular.
The being seemed to be trying to rip the covers off of him. It wasn’t doing very well, or maybe it just wasn’t very strong, Felix hoped. After about a minute of it’s tugging and Felix’s frantic breathing, the thing stopped. That’s when shadows and clouds of black smoke began to run under the covers.
Felix yelled and immediately covered his mouth. He had no idea what this vapor had in store for him, and he didn’t plan on finding out. With a trembling hand he covered his mouth and nose as best as he could.. which wasn’t good enough.
He inhaled the smoke-like substance not long after it went under the covers. But, he didn’t feel pain as he had expected. He felt relaxed. At ease. He could even feel the pain in his back begin to subdue. He remained aware of his actions and what was happening, but was more okay with it.
Until the thing tore the covers completely off of Felix’s bed.
Lix had completely forgotten he had to grip onto the covers. He accidentally let loose because of the smoke and now he was exposed. Damn it!
The thing was towering above his curled up body.
“PLEASE” Felix screamed as he covered his face with his hands. With the calming smoke now gone, he felt as if he could pass out from fear any second.. or the pain in his back.
The thing tilted it’s head, both at Felix’s reaction and at his hand clutching his lower back. Out of curiosity, it grabbed Felix’s hands and pinned them stretched out in front of his body. Not with its hands, but it’s shadow-like cuffs.
They were cold. Cold, but not painful. Although Felix was now petrified at the fact that he only had his legs to protect himself from harm.
“Plehease” He choked on a sob. The thing let out an odd sort of gurgle that Felix would’ve found funny had he not been in the situation he was in.
“Ohoww” Lix whined as he tried to escape the shadow cuffs only for his back to keep working against him.
Which was when the creature placed its long hand and fingers atop it.
“Ah!” Felix yelled as he felt pressure against his back spot. It surprisingly didn’t hurt, but he didn’t want this thing anywhere near him.
“Stop please plehease” he continued to beg the thing as it felt around his lower back. The things hands were long, so long that one of its hands could wrap around Felix’s entire back.
So.. it began to poke and scratch at the tender spot.
“Ah!!” Felix yelled again as he shuffled around on his bed. The scratches were light, sending tingles throughout his body. What the hell was this thing doing?
“Stop! Stohop!!” He pleaded to the figure. It seemed curious about what Felix had felt before that caused him discomfort. It began to rub into the spot and circle it with the tip of its long nail.
“Quihihit!!!” At this point, Felix was still absolutely terrified, but couldn’t help giggle at the weird sensations on his lower back. He tried to bury his mouth into his pillows as a way to not laugh. Lix was squirming around so much while trying to dodge the hand that the thing placed another belt-like shadow across his ribs to keep him still. It was cold again… but now it seemed to move.
*What?!* Felix thought as the belt across his rib cage began to spur into more shadows, billowing across his chest and fluttering onto his neck. Some dug into the spaces between his ribs, and some circled his ears. Needless to say he was done for.
“P- pss- stohop- please!” Felix tried to choke out his pleas between giggles that would gradually turn to laughter if this thing didn’t cut it out soon.
“Ahe heha!” He squealed multiple times as the feather-like shadows shifted across his ears and neck. He scrunched up as much as humanly possible.
“Whahat- ahaha!” Felix yelled in the face of the creature. It seemingly kept taunting him, putting its face mere inches away from Lix’s only for him to scream and then continue laughing. Every time that happened, the creature’s eyes seemed to turn to crescents, looking amused.
*Is it laughing at me?!* Felix thought as the thing continued this pattern. He was getting embarrassed at the fact that this literal shadow creature was accidentally tickling him to death in his own bed. But.. he wasn’t complaining either. It could be worse.
Until the figure disappeared completely.
“Whahat?” Felix heaved out as he immediately sat up in his bed. The scribbles weren’t awful, they were bearable. But he was confused now, and frankly scared of its next appearance. He wondered how long it would take.
3 seconds was his answer.
“AH!” He yelled as electric shocks passed all over his toned stomach, vibrating into every muscle along with fingers taunting at his lower stomach area.
Felix laughed out loud and threw his head back onto the bed as he clutched his stomach as tight as he could. The feelings didn’t subdue one bit. He began slapping at his stomach and trying to wipe at it. Nothing.
“Stohop! Stop stop stop!!!” He pleaded into the air. He was still clutching his stomach and kicking at the bed as his head buried into the pillows. He actually enjoyed couldn’t stand the tickling, it was getting intense now and extremely enjoyable unbearable.
“Hahaha! PleHEASE! Aha!!” Lix said out loud. The intense flutters and scribbles moved up his back and all around his neck and torso. He felt long nails drag across his arms, and two feathers circle his ears. He felt two hands squeezing under each of his ribs and one hand rubbing at his back soothingly. It was a lot.
He was a writhing mess as he slammed his body down onto his bed multiple times to get the feelings off. His smile was bright and fun as he tightened his grip around his torso and buried his head into himself to laugh.
The creature reappeared at the side of his bed with all of his body parts attached. *So it can grow and unattach parts? Shadow parts??* Lix didn’t know how the whole paranormal world worked, and he wasn’t sure if he was too interested in finding out.
The thing looked even more amused than before. It stood there watching Felix be tickled nearly to death, shuffling around in his bed and literally punching at the air as he made fists and laughed loudly. It looked almost endearing.
“It’s soho bad plehehease!!!” Felix said to the figure. It seemed to make a teasing noise as it approached him. Felix’s smile slightly dropped in fear, until he felt a slim hand pat his head a mere two times. It then backed up again, smiled, and shifted the shadows on Felix to his lower body.
“NOHO!” Felix yelled. They were circling his thighs now, squeezing at the skin above his knee. He had fingers scribbling on his knees and across his thighs, as well as tingly sensations down at his feet.
He screamed and tried to wipe at his legs as much as he could, ultimately failing again. The thing let out a laugh, an actual laugh at Felix’s situation.
“Hehelp MEHE!!” Felix begged the being. The thing is.. Lix didn’t look upset. He didn’t look hurt or uncomfortable or sad. So, the being saw no reason to quit.
“AhahaHAHAA!” Felix kept laughing as he was tickled mercilessly. He was violently shaking his head from side to side and trying to kick the feelings off. Tears dropped from his eyes as he continued screaming into the night.
Until he remembered the covers.
The being couldn’t seem to rip them off of Felix, not getting under them unless it used that smoky substance. But if Felix wrapped himself up like a burrito.. there would be no way to get him out.
With the strength he had left, Felix jumped (more like tumbled) off his bed and, laying on the floor, reached out his hand to grab the covers. But before he could wrap himself up, he felt a pressure on his back and sharp nails dig into his ribcage.
He never thought it could tickle so bad. He never thought he was this ticklish. Turns out that some digging and rummaging into his ribcage was enough to get him screaming louder than anyone probably ever had. He shot his hands down his sides and attempted to grab at the figure’s long fingers, failing. Felix shut his eyes tight and scream-laughed into the carpet floor as his sides were scribbled all over. The sensations felt insanely exhilarating. His senses were all heightened and he kept shuffling from side to side as the creature teased him by tickling his right side and then his left.
“Stohop doing thahat!!!” He yelled loudly as the creature chuckled once again and continued his work. Felix was giggling with anticipation every time it didn’t immediately tickle him after stopping. It would completely destroy Lix on one side, then wait and do nothing for a few seconds, only to soon after clash down on his other side. This was followed with many “No! Noho, NO don’t- DON’T!”‘s from Felix as the anticipation made his heart race. It felt so good odd.
The creature disappeared once again, Lix taking this as an invitation to grab his covers. Of course.. he was wrong. The covers began to be lifted off the ground until they were too high for Felix to reach.. unless he jumped.
So he did.
And he was poked every single time until he ultimately fell to the ground in defeat.
“Yohou’re so meean!” Felix whined at the ghostly figure. It simply turned its eyes to crescents once again, amused by its human’s responses. Felix learned to realize the creature wasn’t ill intentioned.. he grew to have fun. He didn’t sense any danger.
And then it left.
“..what?” Felix questioned as he slowly stood up from off the floor. He didn’t feel the being’s presence anymore as he did before.
And it made him a little sad.
Nonetheless, he couldn’t take any more of it. He was tired, his face was tear-stained, and his hair was a mess. He was hesitant to raise his arms and fix it, choosing to just do it tomorrow. Lix paced his room in hopes of seeing the being again, with no luck. But he was happy.
He was definitely tired enough to sleep now. Although he was still confused.. how had his back not hurt at all during that entire ordeal? How isn’t it hurting now?
He rubbed at it and felt a slight tinge of pain, much less than he had previously. He silently smiled to himself as he got on his bed and under his blankets once again.
He slept really good that night.. especially after a soft hand rubbed and tickled at his back until he fell asleep.
🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 I love the sweet paranormal this is basically just me projecting I need to be Felix I want to have a sweet teasy ghostly friend oh my goodnesssss I LOVE IT
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switchygigglee · 2 years
Dead End: Paranormal Park Tigglecanons Pt 1 (HELL YEAH)
Barney Guttman:
Adorable lee-leaning switch
He’s ticklish everywhere but his tummy, ribs and underarms are killer spots
He has canonically ticklish cheeks (*cough cough* Pugsley kisses *cough* *cough*)
Usually fawns a lot on how cute the lee’s laugh is (Patrick, Courtney, Pugsley etc.)
When with Logs however, he turns into a blushy giggly mess (Logs LOVES this!)
Loves to play the tickle monster towards Patrick and Pugsley
I can write a freakin essay on how ticklish this poor boy is but I’m afraid to because Hamish Steele is active on tumblr and he’ll probably be weirded out if he sees my blog
Norma Khan:
Doesn’t like it at all because of sensory problems (I feel you girl)
Worst spots are her ribs and sides
She only lets those who are close with her tickle her as she does with them (Badyah, Barney, etc.)
Has these high pitched giggle-snorts that’re just so friggin cute
Sweet neurodivergent baby
He’s canonically ticklish on his tum so
Cute giggles
Has tickled Barney countless times (puppy kisses uwu)
First off: can fallen angels be ticklish? Yes. They can
This poor chaotic gal
She HATES it to the point that she’ll bite someone’s head off
She’s honestly more of a ler leaning switch that gets into lee moods
Worst spots are her outer rims of her broken halo and her feet (that’s why she wears sandals because they’re so flippin sensitive)
Logan “Logs” Nguyen:
Averagely ticklish but not as ticklish as his boyfriend
Ler-leaning switch
Loves to tease Barney nonstop
Sweet spots are his backs of the knees and toes
Does these cute little leg kicks that Barney freakin loves
Badyah “Deathslide” Hassan:
Ler hands down
Also loves to tease her lees (especially Norma)
Since she usually tickles Norma, she always asks about her boundaries and fully respects them
Isn’t really that ticklish but her only sweet spot is her hips
Part 2 coming soon…? Maybe???
Hamish Steele I’m so sorry I regret nothing ok?
Correction: I made these when season 2 didn’t exist yet. Sorry if I made Courtney a demon when she’s supposed to be a fallen angel.
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cutesmokes · 1 year
CW for bugs under the cut
Don't worry, it's tickly kind
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I've been thinking about this for the longest time. I love him very much
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gravehags · 7 months
watching a horror movie with the ghoulettes and ghouls
Cumulus - Loves it when you cuddle into her side and hide the bottom half of your face with the blanket. You usually hold a pillow during particularly scary scenes but she is a much soft, warmer, and sweeter substitute. Loves paranormal horror and ghosts.
Cirrus - Queen of the move where you slowly wrap your arm around someone else's shoulders. Very smooth. She strokes your arm throughout the movie and tickles you when you start at a jump scare. Will trace her claws up the inside of your thigh during a tense moment on the screen, making you blush.
Sunshine - Is the jump scare. You'll be at a quiet part in the movie and she'll screech and leap at you, making you scream and swat at her while she attempts to distract you with kisses. You barely get a chance to hit the pause button when she drags you to the floor with her.
Aurora - Is huddled underneath the blanket with you, but has a distinct taste for gorier horror movies. When you're grossed out she loves it and gets a good laugh out of your queasy face but ultimate comforts you in the end. Hogs the popcorn.
Swiss - Attempts to distract you from your fear with his lips on your neck, fangs scraping against your pulse point. Especially enjoyable when the two of you are watching a vampire movie - you love the irony. When you're not canoodling you've got your legs in his lap.
Aether - King of making a comfortable space for you. Pillows, blankets, snacks, everything. You definitely swoon a little when he wraps one of his big, strong arms around you and pulls you into his chest.
Mountain - Unshakable. No matter the scare, no matter how gory he can weather it all. Teases you when you jump at the simplest things but still knows to leave the night light on when the two of you go to bed.
Rain - Gets distracted easily while watching a horror movie because he's got his fingers running through your hair. Cannot stomach heavy gore - which means you get to tease him for being a very poor example of a ghoul.
Dewdrop - Tries to sneak his hand into your pants at random intervals throughout the movie. Will murmur delicious little sinister promises into your ear at the same time someone is being mauled or mangled on the screen. He knows exactly what he is and what it does to you.
Phantom - Ultimate scaredy cat. You jump, he jumps and he has an iron grip on your hand the whole time. Hides his face behind a pillow at scenes even you can handle, which makes you laugh despite the fear.
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doukeshi-kun · 5 months
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧!𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩
featuring ⨳ stalker!nikolai gogol x fem!reader
content ⨳ just his usual stalkerish behavior, noncon touching
notes ⨳ i am practicing uhghuh
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The rain is heavy. Thunderstorms in the night sky. Even with the windows tightly closed, you are shivering under your duvet. If you trace your arm, perhaps your fingertips will run across tiny bumps on your skin. It is a bit regretful on your part because you wear a sleeveless top to go to sleep. But it was not that cold when you climbed on the bed a few hours ago.
Heater. Perhaps you could turn on the heater. If it's too hot, you can just discard your duvet away.
You slowly pull away the duvet of your chest but your eyes catch a sight of a tall figure standing quietly just beside your closet. The figure is all black and the only thing that is fully visible in this room lack of light is his mask and his white hair.
You gasp and pull the duvet over your head, hiding.
Hiding from the monster.
You have never thought you would encounter a paranormal phenomenon, especially during this cold, cruel weather. What is it? Slenderman? A spirit? A mimic? A demon? You do not want to find out—this confined space, this blanket, it is already your safest space.
If this is a nightmare, you want to wake up.
“Are you cold?”
“Ah—” you gasp when you feel a cold touch on your ankle. You let out a small whine, trying to pull your foot away but then your ankle is grabbed tightly, with a thumb rubbing your skin gently.
“You're cold,” the figure whispers and goosebumps creep up your spine when his voice sounds nearer. It is like he is behind you, looming over your lying body. His hand from your ankle goes loose but it makes its way up your leg, touching your calf, thigh, and waist until it rests on your tummy. His skin touches yours and you can hear his heavy breathing as you feel his hand pressing slightly on you. You gaze down to your stomach, seeing a large palm touching your body before it retracts.
This is not a demon, a ghost or a monster—this is just a person.
“Haa... F-Fuck...”
You hear him groaning under his breath as if he's muffling a moan. You don't know what he is doing but you do not want to look. You let yourself hide beneath the duvet, praying to some deities to shoo him away.
“I'm sorry, my dove. I must have scared you,” his voice looms over you again, this time much gentler. Then you feel his hand hold your shoulder before a whisper tickles your ear. “I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, little love,”
Tomorrow? What happens tomorrow? Breakfast, work, lunch, work, a short tour at the haunted fair to grab new merch, maybe a cheap dinner at the convenience store. What happens tomorrow? What's so special about tomorrow?
You get up abruptly, pushing the duvet off your head as you sit up on the bed. The rain is still pouring heavily, though the thunder has calmed down. The room is starting to feel warm and you hastily get up to the heater, only to see it has been turned on and set to the right temperature you always prefer.
You turn to the closet, the place where you first see the black figure. None. Empty. He is gone. He has disappeared. Sleep couldn't slow down the pace your heart is beating right now. All you could think of were his gentle touch and his consoling voice.
And you already miss him.
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©doukeshi-kun 2024 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @/cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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spookyserenades · 1 year
Trouvaille - Chapter Six
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Pairing(s); BTS OT7 x Reader
Genre/Themes; Hybrid!AU, themes of the supernatural and the occult, religious themes, violence, hurt/comfort, horror, romance
Rated; 18+ for swearing, violence/gore, future sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.
Word Count; 20.9k
Trouvaille Masterlist
Trouvaille playlist
Updates on the 7th of each month
Happy June my darlings! This is an update I've been eager to share with you all for quite some time, and there's a lot that goes on in it. This chapter is tamer in respects to the paranormal, and delves more into interpersonal relationships between the hybrids and Y/N herself. There is indeed another scenting scene in this chapter, which is certainly heated, reader discretion advised! This chapter ends on a critical plot twist and cliffhanger, and I hope you all find it both shocking and entertaining. The taglist is open still (shoot me a message or comment to be added), and as always, I adore hearing back from readers; whether it be questions, reviews, theories, submissions, or gushing over the hybrids together <3 Enjoy, lovelies!
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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Y/N’s vision only faded to black for mere seconds, feeling like she was floating and the only anchor tethering her to reality were the arms wrapped around her waist. Quivering as she came down from what she could only describe as blissful euphoria, she blinked, eyes focusing on a painting of pink peonies nailed to the wall above Seokjin’s dresser. At once, remembering where she was, she jolted on Seokjin’s warm thighs as he nuzzled his nose against the tender mark he had made, murmuring too quietly for her to make out the words– or was he purring? Y/N’s entire body flushing at her position, straddling the jaguar hybrid’s lap, her arms limply hanging off of his broad shoulders, she squirmed in his arms, his hands fisting in the material of her sweatshirt. 
“J-jin?” Y/N breathed, another shiver rolling through her body as Seokjin pressed his face further into the crook of her neck at the sound of his nickname. “Are you alright now?”
Humming in assent against her skin, Seokjin nodded, the damp strands of his blue-black waves tickling her cheek with the movement. Weakly, Y/N chuckled with relief; the image of him curled up on the floor moaning in pain when she returned home frankly scared the wits out of her. Unable to help herself, Y/N reached up to toy with Seokjin’s hair while he exhaled slowly into her neck, her fingers running through the silky waves and carefully avoiding his sensitive ears. 
Pulling away from the crook of her neck, Seokjin’s hands dropped from her waist down to her hips lightly, rearing his head back so he could dopily smile at Y/N with his teeth. Overwhelmed by both the action and viewing his gorgeous face from inches away, Y/N swallowed nervously, squeaking when Seokjin squeezed her hips playfully. 
“You probably want to shower after your long day out, hmm?” Seokjin mused, cocking his head to the side lazily as he scanned her flustered expression. Biting her lip, she returned his gaze suspiciously. 
“Is that you subtly trying to tell me I stink?” Y/N teased, shock settling over Seokjin’s beautiful face. 
A growl rumbled from the back of his throat, getting a better hold on her hips as he bent his knees and got to his feet, scooping her up in one graceful moment. Scrambling to get a hold around his muscular neck, Y/N cursed, instinctively hooking her legs around Seokjin’s waist as he began to walk out of his bedroom. Out of the corner of her eye and amongst the overwhelm, she caught her copy of Lord of the Rings laying open on his bed. 
“No, you could never stink,” Seokjin insisted, Y/N thankful that he couldn’t see her iron-hot face while he carried her down the stairs. “The water will soothe your marks,” Seokjin continued softly, Y/N not missing the way he had included Namjoon’s bite with his comment. 
Thinking of the wolf hybrid sent a strange shock of pain down her spine, Y/N was saddened by the fact that he hadn’t come out of his bedroom to say goodbye to her that morning. She considered the possibility that Namjoon was feeling embarrassed with how he came into her bedroom the previous night, though he had nothing to be bashful about in her book. Even as Seokjin passed by Namjoon’s bedroom door shut-tight, Y/N’s heart sank, somehow knowing he was locked away in there rather than enjoying the last of the sunny afternoon outside. 
Once reaching her bedroom, Seokjin gingerly lowered Y/N to her unsteady feet, seemingly reading her conflicted expression. Moving his hand to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear, Seokjin offered her a half-smile. 
“You’re worried about Namjoon,” Seokjin murmured, his orange eyes flickering to the bruised spot on her neck the wolf hybrid had made, his thumb brushing across her cheekbone comfortingly. Leaning into the touch naturally, Y/N sighed, eyes downcast. 
“He’ll come around, don’t worry,” Seokjin encouraged, his voice dulcet as he dropped his hand from her cheek. 
Nodding, Y/N perked up a degree, not wanting to make Seokjin uncomfortable with her excess of worry. Perhaps he was right, maybe she was reading too much into Namjoon’s absence– he could have been absorbed in the books and his paranormal theories. 
“You’re right, it’s probably best to just leave him be for now,” Y/N agreed, subconsciously brushing her fingers over the wolf hybrid’s bite. To her surprise, the wound was painless, and she was desperate to change the subject under Seokjin’s scrutiny. 
“Jesus, it’s already Wednesday evening… I’ve done almost nothing to prepare for the cookout,” she lamented quickly, all at once recalling how her mother had badgered her about place settings earlier in the day. 
“We’ll all help out! Yoongi mentioned earlier that he wanted to talk to you about cooking the food, and even Taehyung has expressed some excitement about it out of the blue,” Seokjin grinned, Y/N completely taken aback by how quickly he had recovered from writhing on the floor in pain by simply biting her. 
“You guys are Godsends…” Y/N muttered under her breath, thankful that she’d have several pairs of hands to assist her in all of the tasks she had saved to the last minute. “Alright, I’ll wash up and come find you all in a bit. I know you wanted to watch more Masterchef today, so we can do that too.”
Smiling at her fondly at her remembrance, Seokjin nodded once, shyly heading towards her door with his rounded ears fluttering the whole way. Y/N didn’t know where his shyness was coming from all of a sudden, when he had just carried her down the stairs as if she were a sack of flour. Shutting the door behind him, Y/N hurried to the bathroom, steam filling the room as she prodded at both painless marks on her neck. 
Snorting at herself in the mirror as she mentally compared them to vampire bites, she thought to do a little more research on the act of scenting itself. At the very least, she could arm herself with information; about potential cues for when hybrids should scent before discomfort, primarily. Thinking back to the stupefying sensation that she felt after each bite, Y/N felt that she should read a forum about that, as well, considering she had no rational explanation as to why that sensation would occur. Stepping into the shower with haste, Y/N scrubbed at her skin harshly, eager to catch up with her hybrids after her day without them. 
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By Thursday morning, Y/N was hoping that the panic she was experiencing wasn’t registering on her face and filling the room with negative energy. She had a mile-long grocery list after consulting with Yoongi the previous evening about the menu, unable to resist indulging his every whim as he came up with dish ideas. The staircase was still unfinished– Y/N worried it would get scuffed if guests wanted to explore the house and see her newest renovations of the second-floor bedrooms– she had to hit the liquor store for booze and pick out her outfit. Then there was the preparation of the backyard by stacking wood for the fire pit, dragging out chairs to put around it, and cleaning off the picnic table. Additionally, she had to take the hybrids to the mall, forgetting she had scheduled haircuts for them a while back, and she figured they could pick up outfits of their own while they were there. 
Stirring her coffee by the slider door in the kitchen, her eyes glazed over as she gazed out at the backyard, wondering why the hell she didn’t move the cookout to the following week after all that had happened recently. Y/N supposed that it was too late to cancel it, Ben already texting her about how eager he was to meet the hybrids in her group chat with him, Laura, and Alice– the other two reacting to his message with emphasized thumbs-ups. The hybrids themselves were practically bouncing off the walls as well, or at least the ones present in the kitchen. 
“Yoongi, you’ve been sharpening that knife for five minutes. I think it’s sharp enough now to cut through bone,” Hoseok complained from his seat on the barstool, rubbing his temples as he slumped over his coffee mug, drooped ears and all. Y/N noticed Hoseok wasn’t exactly a morning person over the past few days. 
Turning, Y/N watched Yoongi put the knife-sharpening steel down on the granite island, his upper lip curled up in a snarl at the fox hybrid’s comment. She knew Yoongi was secretly anticipating cooking for such a large amount of people; he had even got up early to make several soup stocks in large pots, the herbal concoctions simmering away on the stove. Jeongguk, lounging on the breakfast nook booth, was totally wrapped up in reading something on his phone, his feet kicked up on the seat so no one else could sit with him. 
“Yeah? Using a dull knife is a surefire way to A) do more work, and B) slice off a finger,” Yoongi calmly shot back, returning the knife back to the block by the stove. 
Hoseok grumbled something Y/N could not hear from her spot by the door, eyeing Jeongguk sideways to see if he was listening to the antics. One of his tapered ears flickered in her direction, though he did not tear his eyes from whatever was holding his attention on his phone. Swirling the remnants of her now-empty mug of coffee, Y/N slouched her way to the carafe, knowing that she’d need to be sufficiently caffeinated to get through her long day. 
In the middle of pouring another healthy mug of dark roast, Y/N caught movement from the entrance to the kitchen from the foyer, Taehyung shuffling into the room sleepily in his black hoodie, hands in his pocket and hood pulled over his head, mouth dropped open mid-yawn. Delighted to see him so early, Y/N pulled out an additional mug for the Kodiak hybrid, the one with Sailor Moon on it, filling it generously as Taehyung dragged his feet to her side. 
“Morning, Tae,” Y/N greeted gently, the knowledge that he liked the nickname she gave him so much tucked in her back pocket. Nudging her hip with his own, he accepted the mug quickly, adding cream to his coffee with a small smile on his lips. “How’d you sleep?”
“Slept well. You?” Taehyung’s sleep-thickened voice struck her like static shock, even while the sleeves of his sweatshirt were slipping over his hands as he sipped his coffee. 
“As well as I could, today is pretty packed so I was tossing and turning throughout the night,” Y/N answered truthfully, leaning against the coffee bar as her to-do list haunted her mental space. Humming throatily at her response, Taehyung bent down to face her, trying to get a good look at her face. 
“Don’t stress. You have help,” Taehyung replied simply, sending her a wink. Blushing, Y/N nodded, noting how often Taehyung seemed to get in her face these days.
After a drawn-out breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast, Jimin and Seokjin joining her and the others in the kitchen eventually, Y/N waited by the front door for everyone to get ready to head to the mall. Her spirits were somewhat dampened, considering she had only caught glimpses of Namjoon the previous night sneaking into the kitchen for a package of chips and a water refill, wondering if he’d even bother coming along with her to the mall. Part of her wanted to march into his locked-up bedroom and demand to know what was going on with him, but the larger part of her was still very much intimidated by the wolf hybrid. The longer the stretch of time went on since he had scented her, the more awkward she felt about confronting him again. Still, she ached to see his face, to hear his deep, rich voice responding to her inquiries. 
It was another sunny day, the skylight bathing the foyer with dusty sunshine. The house was pretty warm, and Y/N remembered she could turn on the new A/C units since they had been installed the day she picked Namjoon up from the shelter, so she did so promptly to keep her hands busy as they all idled by the door. Adjusting her thin tee shirt uncomfortably, she scanned the grocery list in her other hand as she listened to Hoseok and Seokjin bicker by the stairs. 
“Jinnie, you’ve barely put a dent in that book even though you’ve been carrying it around everywhere. Are you trying to pick up girls at the mall?” Hoseok teased, staring pointedly at the copy of Lord of the Rings tucked under Seokjin’s arm. 
“What’s wrong with you?” Seokjin spit through his teeth, using his free hand to punch the fox hybrid on the bicep with enough force to send Hoseok stumbling back a step. “I told you to stop calling me ‘Jinnie’, are you becoming hard of hearing?” 
Jimin, from beside her, rolled his eyes so hard Y/N was worried they would fall out of his skull, waiting patiently for everyone to arrive by the door so they could leave. Taehyung, too, was leaning against the door with a bored look painted across his features, unimpressed by the noise coming from the two across the room. Jeongguk stomped down the stairs with a heavy tread, eyes still glued to his phone and almost missing the last step before catching himself on the wobbly banister. 
She was just waiting on Yoongi and Namjoon, the former bravely knocking on the wolf hybrid’s bedroom door and slipping inside, mentioning that he’d ask Namjoon if he was going to the mall for Y/N, which warmed her heart dangerously. After a few painstaking moments of burning a hole through Namjoon’s door, Yoongi emerged, the wolf hybrid reluctantly in tow. Finally getting a good look at him since he had scented her, Y/N choked on her intake of breath, Namjoon looking better than ever in light wash jeans and a navy tee shirt Y/N had ordered for him. 
Thankfully, Jimin had encouraged everyone to the car, Y/N stiffly sliding into the driver’s seat next to Namjoon, who was fastidiously ignoring her by sticking his face into the library copy of Wuthering Heights and his ears flat against his skull. Not exactly expecting such a chilly demeanor from the wolf hybrid, Y/N switched on the radio, doing her best to ignore him right back. It was difficult, an almost gravitational-like pull begging her to reach out and grab a hold of his hand resting on his thigh. Gritting her teeth, Y/N set her navigation for the mall a town over, feeling Taehyung from behind her fiddle with a lock of her hair through the gap of the headrest. She temporarily forgot about the wolf hybrid brooding beside her, Taehyung’s curious touch distracting her as she began to drive down the street. 
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Forking over a fistful of cash at the Auntie Anne’s counter, Y/N shook her head with amusement as Hoseok noisily slurped a Salted Caramel Chocolate Frost beside her, his tail brushing her leg as it swished back and forth happily. The others were similarly enjoying pretzel dogs, nuggets, and large slushy drinks, clumped around a bench nearby the counter. Taking a bite of her own cinnamon-sugar dusted nuggets, Y/N sat beside Jeongguk on the bench. The elk hybrid had a bit of hot salsa cheese dip on the corner of his mouth, chewing his roasted garlic and parmesan pretzel quite ravenously. Giggling, Y/N wanted to wipe his face for him, but didn’t want to risk the possibility of him running away to the opposite end of the mall. 
The mall was fairly empty, considering it was a Thursday afternoon, much to Y/N’s relief. There was still some time before the haircut appointments, Y/N surveying the salon beside a Victoria’s Secret several yards away. Munching thoughtfully, Y/N considered buying some new undergarments while everyone was getting their hair done, but shivered at the thought of any of them catching her pick out panties. A hand snuck in between her and Jeongguk, a pinched-off piece of a classic pretzel being waved in her face. Craning her neck upwards, Seokjin offered her a goofy, affectionate grin as Y/N accepted the piece from his fingertips, trading it with one of her cinnamon-sugar nuggets. 
“So, your appointments are in about ten minutes, I suppose I should check you all in,” Y/N tossed her empty pretzel cup into a garbage can by the mall fountain, accidentally interrupting a conversation between Yoongi and Jimin while they sat on the ledge of the fountain. Both hybrid’s ears perked up at the sound of her voice cutely. “Where the hell did Namjoon go,” Y/N muttered, scanning the immediate area for the wolf hybrid. 
Tapping her shoulder lightly, Taehyung pointed a little ways away from the pretzel counter, Y/N spotting Namjoon reading the mall directory map while sipping on his lemonade. Without Y/N saying anything to him, Taehyung took off in Namjoon’s direction, and after several moments the wolf hybrid followed the former towards the salon with great distaste painting his features. Namjoon really seemed to dislike Taehyung, Y/N thought. The others trailing behind her into the humid salon like students to a teacher on a field trip, Y/N caught Hoseok sniffing the hairspray-scented air with a slightly nervous expression. 
The young woman working at the reception desk assessed the large number of people crowding her waiting area with poorly disguised shock, scrambling for the appointment book. 
“Good afternoon, I’m sorry… Did you make an online appointment? And for whom?” The woman pulled her eyebrows together, squinting at the appointment book with a flush settling over her cheeks. 
“Stacy, you have to start recording the online appointment requests in the book. It’s a good thing all of the stylists can check the online bookings too. These are the seven hybrid cuts, the appointment was made over the weekend,” A tough-looking woman came around the corner leading into the main part of a salon, her rockstar-style pixie cut dyed a vibrant purple. Spluttering, too busy staring at Taehyung beside Y/N unabashedly, Stacy didn’t seem to hear the other woman. 
“Mm-hmm. I’ll start doing that,” Stacy responded dreamily, moving on to ogle at Seokjin with equal admiration. 
Grinding her teeth, Y/N watched the woman with the purple hair, presumably a stylist judging by the apron tied around her waist, roll her eyes at Stacy. Y/N knew all of her hybrids were extremely handsome, but something about Stacy’s excessive coyness all of a sudden bothered her, even when she offered them all coffee sweetly. 
“Alright gentlemen. All of the stylists are ready, we scheduled a good block of time to do your cuts since we didn’t have too many details about styles on the form. Fault of the form, of course, not you, hun,” the purple-haired woman assured Y/N quickly. “We really need a new online system. I’m Karlie, by the way.”
“Karlie, nice to meet you. Is it alright if I mill around the mall while they’re here?” Y/N asked, not keen on cramming her ass into one of the stiff-looking plastic chairs in the waiting room for an extended period of time. She also had a side mission: looking around for gifts for both Jeongguk and Namjoon’s upcoming birthdays. 
“Go right ahead, we’ll send them on their way once they’re done and I’ll shoot you a text, since you’ve already paid for the cuts online beforehand. I’m sure they’ll be able to find you,” Karlie waved her hand, motioning for Jimin, who was closest to her, to shuffle into the main room of the salon. Jimin stalled, staring at Y/N with wide eyes. 
Each hybrid looked a tad bewildered that Y/N was leaving them there, Karlie and Stacy giving them a moment in the waiting room before their appointments. Even steely Namjoon had his jaw set in trepidation, looking entirely out of place in the flowery salon. 
“I’ll stay on the first floor, so you won’t have to worry about me straying too far from the salon here. It’ll be nice, I promise– they’re all trained to work with hybrid’s hair, you’ll feel fresh and relaxed after. I think they do hot towel treatments here, I read it online,” Y/N patted Jimin’s back gently, trying her best to comfort them all earnestly. “And afterwards you guys should pick out some clothes, too. I’m sure you’ve been wanting to get things in your own styles.”
“Ready, gentlemen?” Karlie popped her head around the corner, Y/N getting the feeling she was listening in the whole time. “You’re in good hands, several of the stylists themselves have hybrids at home.”
Still looking somewhat unconvinced, Y/N watched her seven hybrids disappear around the corner into the salon’s main room, Karlie attempting to make small talk with Jeongguk cheerily. Rocking on her heels, Y/N felt remorseful as an intrusive thought popped into her head– perhaps they thought she was going to ditch them at the salon and return home without them. Of course, that would never happen in a million years; Y/N already couldn’t picture her life and future without any of them in it. 
Circling the first floor a couple of times in search of a store to look for gifts, Y/N mumbled to herself, nothing quite striking her as uniquely Jeongguk or Namjoon. She put down the pack of sparkly silver earrings that caught her eye for Jeongguk in an accessory store, deciding they were a bit too flashy for him. Usually, she was quite good at picking out birthday gifts for her loved ones, but the two she was shopping for at the moment were tough nuts to crack. 
She found herself in a shoe store across from the salon, searching for a new pair of slippers for herself since her current pair had a hole by the big toe. Waiting for the sales clerk to ring up the pair she selected, Y/N checked her watch, not believing such a little amount of time had passed. It was startling how much she missed the hybrids even after less than a half hour, Y/N trying to peer into the large door of the salon as if she’d be able to catch a glimpse of them. All she saw was Stacy at the desk, talking on the phone and twirling a lock of glossy brunette hair around her finger. 
Swinging the bag with her slippers around in her hand, Y/N strolled into the bookstore one door down from the shoe store, hoping she could pick up something in there for Namjoon at the very least. Unsurprisingly, as she had zero impulse control in a bookstore, Y/N filled up her basket at lightning speed. Towards the back of the store, Y/N located the slim shelf with the occult books, sliding her finger along the spines as she read the titles. She had many of the books, but some of the titles were from new occult authors she had never heard of before. Scooping up a thin paperback of protection spells, Y/N promptly dropped it into her basket without much of a thought. She picked out a couple other occult books she thought Jeongguk and Namjoon might like– The Paranormal Investigative Field Guide and Spirits, Entities, and Cryptids: a Comprehensive Collection of the Supernatural. 
Inching towards the journals, Y/N spotted a beautiful black leather one sitting on the shelf, with carved filigree on the front and an elegant clasp to keep it shut. The paper was almost linen-like in texture, the whole journal practically screaming Jeongguk, whose current journal was looking a little worse for wear. Grinning to herself, Y/N selected a set of inky pens to go with it, happy with her choices so far. She was thinking about heading to the electronics store the following week for a video camera, thinking a whole “paranormal investigation” theme for the elk hybrid would be perfect for him. 
As for Namjoon, with just one book for him in her basket, Y/N knew she’d have to think about what else to get him for a few more days. She simply didn’t know enough about him yet, she concluded, with a pang of sadness. Part of her wanted to call her mother for any ideas, but didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of hearing Y/N admit she knew less about her hybrid than she did. The thought of her mother bragging about how wonderful the wolf hybrid was, or scolding Y/N for not being more observant of Namjoon’s interests, sent a shiver down her spine. 
After having the cashier carefully wrap up the books, Y/N lugged the heavy bag to her car, moving as quickly as she could from the parking lot back into the first floor of the mall, praying that none of them had been looking for her within the five minutes she had popped out. Settling a palm over her racing heart, Y/N checked her phone for any messages from Karlie, discovering nothing from the stylist, but instead a single text from Hoseok. 
Curiously, Y/N tapped on the notification, snorting loudly at the attached image the fox hybrid sent. It was a somewhat-blurry candid of Jeongguk, sitting grumpily in a styling chair with a cape velcroed around his neck, under a hair dryer with a shower cap stretched over his conditioner-caked hair. The shower cap had several holes cut into it to accommodate his antlers and ears, his eyes downcast as he stared at his phone with clear annoyance. Saving the image, Y/N sent Hoseok back several laughing emojis, amused that the hybrids were getting so pampered at the salon. It made her want to return to Stacy at the front desk to schedule a haircut for herself. 
Trying to find a comfortable place to sit for a bit, Y/N wandered by the food court, spotting a new boutique that must have opened recently, boasting an end-of-summer sale on a window sign. Intrigued, Y/N breezed into the store, the bright interior still holding a lingering paint smell in the air. Leafing through the sales rack, Y/N stopped at a beautiful lavender sundress marked half off. Pulling it off the rack, Y/N admired the simplicity of the patternless fabric. Likely falling mid-thigh, the waist fitted and skirt flared out, the dress was held up by spaghetti straps and had a sweetheart neckline with ruching and a bow holding the fabric across the bust together. Delighted, the tag reading that it was, in fact, her size, the material wispy and soft, Y/N knew she had found her outfit for the cookout, having the perfect sandals at home to go with the dress. 
With her outfit in hand, Y/N’s spirits were soaring, finally looking forward to having an opportunity to dress up and have fun with all of her friends. Perhaps she was being a little bit cynical earlier in the day dwelling on all of the things she had to accomplish before she could enjoy herself at the cookout, but as Taehyung had said, she now had help. 
Sitting at a large table in the food court by herself, Y/N gently set down the two trays of boba milk tea she was able to score from the counter that usually had a line wrapped around the food court. Again, part of her felt like she wasn’t really encouraging healthy choices as far as food and beverage, but she wanted to get the hybrids an extra treat for enduring such a lengthy appointment while she twirled around the mall by herself. 
Scrolling through her Twitter feed, Y/N hummed to herself, simultaneously stabbing the wide straw through her boba lid. Her phone buzzed in her hand while she watched some sort of mindless Tik Tok on kitchen organization, grumbling as she opened up the message. It was Karlie, letting her know that a couple of her hybrids were all set and on their way. Straightening up in her seat, Y/N scanned her surroundings, trying to remember what everyone was wearing as she squinted at a passing group of elderly women power walking in sneakers. As she drummed her fingers against the table, Y/N checked her watch– over an hour had passed since she had left them at the salon. She wondered if they’d return with highlights, with all that time. 
“Y/N, my darling! There you are, did you get me another sugary drink? Is this your way of apologizing for subjecting me to an hour of hairspray inhalation?” Hoseok’s loud voice came from her right, Y/N whipping her head around as he slid into the booth next to her with a wry grin on his face. 
His mahogany hair was neatly trimmed now, cropped in the back and around the sides in a sort of bowl-cut manner, his waves parted down the middle and gleaming brilliantly even under the unflattering fluorescent lighting of the mall. Her mouth had dropped open to accuse him of teasing her again, but her tongue turned to stone now that she could see his face so clearly. Winking at her speechlessness, Hoseok pried one of the boba cups out of the paper tray, diving in promptly. The metal screech of the chair across from her had her squeaking, tearing her eyes from Hoseok to land on Yoongi standing over them, eyes narrowed at Hoseok with peevishness. 
“Stop bitching. I was sure you were going to start moaning when they put that hot towel over your head, Foxy,” Yoongi countered, his silky black hair still long and beautiful, but the sides above his human set of ears were shaved neatly, offering a more edgy look than when it was entirely overgrown. 
“Are you picking a fight with me Yoongi?” Hoseok’s eyebrows shot up into his hairline, though didn’t seem particularly bothered by Yoongi’s comment. Hoseok, Y/N had noticed, tended to let things glide right off his shoulders. 
“I wouldn’t dare,” Yoongi scoffed, tilting his head contemplatively as he accepted a cup from Y/N. 
Y/N caught his eyes zeroing in on the sides of her neck as she leaned away from him, where the lilac bruises were watercoloring the skin where Namjoon and Seokjin had scented her. Flushing violently, Y/N tried to maintain eye contact with the leopard hybrid, his irises like a kaleidoscope of greens and golds, and it was hard to dissect the thoughts behind them. 
“So it went well? Any hiccups?” Y/N cleared her throat, breaking her eyes away from Yoongi’s feline stare with difficulty by swirling around the boba in her cup. 
“You mean, did anyone cause a scene? No,” Hoseok replied through a mouthful of tapioca pearls. 
“Come on, Hoseok, you’re putting words in my mouth,” Y/N nudged him with her shoulder softly, though he did see right through her pretty accurately. “I was wondering more along the lines of if anyone ended up with a shitty haircut.”
“I don’t know about that. Jeongguk got some weird shaved style, but I guess it’s all about preferences. My tastes are more classic,” Hoseok puffed out his chest, always taking an opportunity to make fun of the elk hybrid when he could. 
“Yeah, Foxy. The salad bowl cut is very classy,” Yoongi teased, crossing his arms over his hoodie-clad chest. Hoseok called Yoongi ‘Fabio’ under his breath, Y/N’s head spinning as she tried to keep up with the antics. 
“Oh, Seokjin is close by,” Hoseok perked up, chin tilted towards to the right as he gazed off into the distance. Brow cocked, Y/N tried to see whatever it was that he could, but only caught a glimpse of the elderly women lapping around the first floor again. 
“Jimin and Taehyung, too,” Yoongi added, his tone disinterested as he picked at his nails. 
“How do you kn–” Y/N began, Yoongi chuckling at her, making the words die on her tongue before she could finish. 
“Their scents, silly girl. How do you think we found you, in the first place?” Yoongi drawled, a smirk pulling the corner of his mouth. Appalled, Y/N gawked at Yoongi with disbelief, wondering when he had gotten so bold. She preferred when she made him flustered. 
“Stop teasing her, Yoongi, she got you a drink, after all,” Hoseok chided distractedly before waving his hands in the air enthusiastically, spotting Seokjin several feet away with Jimin and Taehyung in tow. Pot calling kettle, Y/N thought with minor amusement.
From where she was sitting, it appeared that Seokjin had gotten a very similar haircut to Hoseok, though his curls were tighter than the fox hybrid’s and his bangs were longer, skimming right under his eyebrows. He hurried over to the table once he saw Hoseok’s exaggerated arm flailing, Y/N placing the bag with her new sundress on the floor to clear the spot on her other side. Seokjin predictably slid into the booth as soon as it was vacated, bringing a light floral scent coming from his hair when he shook it out with a content sigh. 
Jimin was next to arrive at the table, Y/N hoping her eyes weren’t bugging out of her head when he smiled at her brightly, his honey-blonde hair cropped short neatly and styled in a slicked back way, a single strand falling on his forehead like Clark Kent. Nearly choking on a tapioca pearl, Y/N couldn’t believe how much Jimin looked like a model, the entirety of his sculpted face perfectly visible now. She felt Hoseok’s shoulders shaking with laughter next to her, which she actively ignored when Taehyung took his seat beside Yoongi. 
“What is this?” Taehyung asked curiously, inspecting the drink Yoongi passed to him warily. “What’s the stuff at the bottom?”
Taehyung cocked his head at Y/N, apparently speaking to her, his curly dark hair bouncy and trimmed now to frame his face, the bulk of it that clung around his neck shaved to expose the elegant column of it. Even his ears were more visible now, they were rounded and small, and it made her want to squeal upon seeing them. Y/N was completely overwhelmed; perhaps she should have just allowed the hybrids to walk around like mountain men now that she saw them with runway styles. 
“It’s milk tea. The stuff at the bottom is tapioca pearls, they’re soaked in a sweet syrup, I think you’ll like it,” Y/N answered as succinctly as she could, cringing as she watched him try to peel the plastic off the top of the cup. 
Rolling his eyes, Yoongi snatched the cup away again, stabbing a straw into the plastic lid for Taehyung before returning it like an impatient parent. The whole table watched the Kodiak hybrid take a tentative sip, his garnet eyes narrowing at the taste contemplatively. Y/N gave him a thumbs-up, which he returned after a moment, draining the cup about a quarter of the way– she thought it was safe to say he was enjoying it. 
“The other two are almost done, Miss Y/N. I think it was a little difficult for the stylist doing Jeongguk’s hair to navigate around his antlers and piercings,” Jimin volunteered helpfully after a few beats, leaning back in his chair comfortably. Hoseok nodded in agreement, a smirk ghosting his lips as he processed Jimin’s subtle condescending tone towards the elk hybrid. 
“Okay, as soon as they get here we’ll head up to the second floor. There’s a huge hybrid clothes store up there– so you all can pick out clothes for yourselves, you know, express your personalities and whatnot,” Y/N fiddled with her straw while she spoke, trying to conjure up images in her mind of what styles they might all gravitate to. 
“I already have more clothes than I’ve ever had,” Seokjin started to giggle from beside her, apparently making a joke. Trying not to react to another clue into Seokjin’s past, reminded of his time at the shitty circus company he had been sold to, Y/N shook her head sadly. 
“Jin, I’ll help you pick out some things. You definitely don’t strike me as someone with a developed fashion taste,” Hoseok reached behind Y/N’s back to pat Seokjin’s shoulder with excessive force, the jaguar hybrid grumbling with agitation. 
“Do they have shoes? I’m probably going to need some boots when I work outside…” Jimin traced a fingertip over his chin in thought, one of his sandy ears twitching. 
“They do, but if you don’t find anything you like, there are other shoe stores around,” Y/N replied, noticing that Yoongi’s ears had perked up in the same direction as Jimin’s. She had a feeling Namjoon and Jeongguk were due at the table at any moment. 
“Here come the gray clouds,” Yoongi muttered under his breath, Y/N resisting the urge to kick his shin from under the table. 
Y/N placed her hands on Hoseok’s arm to push him out of the booth so they could get a move on, keeping in mind that they still had to hit the grocery and liquor stores before they went home. Hoseok leaned into her touch, grinning cheekily as he hauled himself off the vinyl seat, Seokjin graciously handing Y/N her almost forgotten shopping bag containing her new sundress. 
As she turned around after thanking Seokjin, Y/N almost slammed face-first into a broad chest directly behind her, stumbling backwards to prevent the collision somewhat inelegantly. Reeling, Y/N registered Namjoon in front of her, his hands shoved into his jeans pockets. His ears were turned downwards against his skull, his silvery strands swept up to reveal his forehead for the first time with the shorter cut he had opted for. Dazzled, Y/N forgot all about how he had been ignoring her, a stupid smile stretching across her face as she took in how lovely the wolf hybrid was. 
“Hi Namjoon,” Y/N offered him one of the final milk teas with a cheerful expression, encouraged when he took it without hesitation, craning her neck to peer around his shoulder to greet Jeongguk. 
The elk hybrid, looking the most dramatically different compared to when he had arrived at the mall with a head of shoulder-length shaggy hair, appeared both a touch exasperated but mostly smug. The sides of his head were shaved into an undercut, the tops and back of the style maintaining some of the length of his chestnut locks. The style almost emphasized the way his antlers encircled his head like a crown, Y/N barely even recognizing him with the shiny gel holding the strands in place– he was holding a jar of gel in his hand that he had purchased from the salon. 
Holding out her bag with her sundress in it, Y/N urged Jeongguk to drop the jar inside of it, trying her best not to shrivel up under his cocky, confident expression directed right at her. Luckily, Jimin extended an olive branch by giving the elk hybrid the last milk tea, and they were all on their way to the second floor without much fuss. 
“My stylist was so nice. She told me she had a calico cat hybrid at home, named Ruby,” Seokjin, from his spot in front of her on the escalator, announced. “She said I had ‘pretty eyes’.”
Chuckling, stepping off of the escalator with care, Y/N took the chance to admire Seokjin’s vibrant orange eyes rimmed with thick black lashes in appreciation. His stylist wasn’t wrong. 
“Yeah, it was actually relaxing. I didn’t know what to expect, at first. I thought she was just going to shave my head,” Yoongi commented, his fingertips brushing Y/N’s wrist as she led the way to Hybrid Outfitters. “My old barber on the North End never listened to me. I always walked out of there with something crazy… he was like eighty, not like I could say anything to him.”
Reaching the front of the store, Y/N scratched her head, making sure everyone was present. Growing hot all over, she felt like she needed to check the original appointment booking to see if she had over generously tipped considering how beautiful all of their haircuts had turned out. Swallowing hard, Y/N shifted from one foot to another as they walked into the shop in one big huddle. Everyone was looking at her expectantly when she didn’t tell them to split up, her nerves getting the best of her as she revealed part of her inner monologue impulsively. 
“All I can say is… you all look very handsome,” Y/N blurted, half wanting to pay a compliment and half unable to hold herself back. “Go ahead and pick out anything you like, I’ll just hang out near the fitting rooms!” 
Cringing from her lack of a filter, she sped further into the store without waiting for the hybrid’s reactions to her comment. Thankful that none of them had chased after her, Y/N let out a ragged sigh as she sunk into the worn cushions of the sofa next to the fitting rooms. Gritting her teeth, she glued her eyes to her phone to temper her embarassment, trying to read the long thread of messages in the groupchat that she had missed. 
Ben Alpin: Just picked up the cupcakes. The boxes barely fit in the back of the Lexus
Alice Santos: Is it necessary to mention the fact that your car is a Lexus each time you’re in it
Ben Alpin: Yes, it’s in the manual
Laura Santos: I picked up some outdoor toys for Kai and Daisy today, bubbles and chalk mostly. Y/N, do you still have that kiddie pool in the garage? 
Ben Alpin: Laura, you’re an angel!
Alice Santos: That kiddie pool must be from WWI, didn’t we throw it out when we helped clear out your grandma’s hoard of old shit?
Ben Alpin: It has Barney on it, for Christ’s sake Al. It can’t be older than me
Y/N: I think it’s still in the garage, I’ll check when I’m back at home. Took the hybrids out for some new clothes, and to help with the grocery shopping
Alice Santos: Oh, so you haven’t been killed by the seven men living in your house?
Laura Santos: Al, tone it down!!!
Y/N: NO!! I told you, they’re sweethearts. See for yourself tomorrow. BTW – they heard the whole phone call from the other day :(
Ben Alpin: Did you guys have another Facetime without me
Alice Santos: Yes
Laura Santos: I’m sure they knew we were just concerned, Y/N! 
Y/N: That’s what I explained to one of them. He has a bit of a penchant for interrogation
Ben Alpin: We don’t even know their names yet, care to enlighten
Laura Santos: Or what TYPES of hybrids they are! Ben told me they were ‘exotics’ ?? 
Taking a deep breath and crossing her legs, Y/N tried her best to keep up with the constant stream of text messages rolling in, deciding it was only fair to give her friends a little bit of background instead of having them come to the cookout flying blind. 
Y/N: Ok, ok 
Alice Santos: ???
Y/N: There’s Seokjin, a jaguar hybrid, Taehyung who’s a Kodiak bear. Hoseok, a red fox, and Jimin is a coyote hybrid
Ben Alpin: Holy shit. Like those giant bears from Alaska???
Alice Santos: Which one has the ‘penchant for interrogation’
Y/N: That’s Namjoon, he’s a Northwestern wolf hybrid. 
Laura Santos: And the other two?
Y/N: The youngest, who’s about the same age as me and you girls, is Jeongguk. He’s an elk hybrid. The last is Yoongi and he’s a leopard hybrid… though I swear, I feel like I’ve met Yoongi before, it’s the strangest thing. He used to work at some bar under the table in Boston before I adopted him
Ben Alpin: Maybe you tried slipping him your number during a blackout bar-tour one Friday night in grad school. You DO love your cute bartenders
Laura Santos: LOL very possible for her
“Y/N? Does this look alright?” A quiet voice in front of her distracted Y/N from sending an expletive response to Ben’s dig at her. 
Looking up, Taehyung was standing next to a fitting room, trying on silky ruby colored short-sleeved button down and a pair of baggy black cargo pants, his fingertips tugging on the hemline of his shirt contemplatively. Clearing her throat awkwardly, Y/N got to her feet, approaching Taehyung, motioning with a finger to have him turn in a circle. He did so obediently, holding his arms out wide, a playful smile on his lips as Y/N assessed the look. 
“Looks very nice. Maybe tuck in the front of the shirt into your pants? Do the pants fit right, or are they too big?” Y/N tilted her head, wondering if they sold belts. 
  “No, they’re supposed to be loose. Should I wear this tomorrow?” Taehyung tucked in his shirt as she suggested, casting a look into one of the full-length mirrors behind him. 
“Yeah, why not? That shirt brings out the pretty red in your eyes,” Y/N replied, ignoring her phone buzzing a hole into the back pocket of her jean shorts. 
“Pretty!” Taehyung exclaimed, surprise coloring his features as he turned back to stare at Y/N with shock. “You’re bold today, aren’t you?”
Placing her hands on her hips, Y/N shook her head, unable to deny the accusation. 
“Just speaking my mind. It’s not like I can lie to you all, now that I know you can sniff it out,” Y/N teased, poking him on his shoulder with a smile. Taehyung was fun to tease; his cheeks flushed brilliantly and it was an opportunity to see his cute toothy smile. 
“That’s right. No more secret-keeping for you,” Taehyung leaned down to level his face with her’s, Y/N almost rearing back before Taehyung poked the fleshy apple of her cheek in retaliation. “I have a few more things to try on. You should help the wolf, he looks lost.”
Spluttering, she watched Taehyung’s shoulders shake as he turned and disappeared into his fitting room, shutting the door behind him and leaving Y/N to place a hand over where his fingertip had been. Remembering she was in public,Y/N frantically made sure no one was staring at her, spotting Hoseok holding up a thin sweater against Seokjin’s chest with a contemplative cocked brow towards the front of the store. Nearby, Jeongguk was sifting through a pile of black tee-shirts on a table. 
Trying to locate Namjoon, Y/N weaved her way further into the store, waving to Jimin and Yoongi by the jeans, finally finding the wolf hybrid by the sales racks at the back of the store. Humming, Y/N watched Namjoon’s ear twitch while his back was turned to her, Y/N running her fingertips over a caramel-colored crew neck sweater, the thread impossibly soft. Plucking it off the rack, Y/N held it up, noting that it was in Namjoon’s size. 
“This would look nice on you,” Y/N commented nonchalantly, watching the wolf hybrid’s shoulders stiffen out of the corner of her eye. 
At a glacial pace, he shuffled over to her, assessing the sweater with narrowed eyes. Reaching out to grasp one of the sleeves, he ran a thumb over the material, his eyebrows lifting in what Y/N perceived to be consideration. 
“It’s my size,” Namjoon mumbled, taking the sweater from her gingerly. “How did you know?”
“I pretty much have all of your sizes memorized. They were on your information sheets back at the shelter, and I wrote them down on my phone so I could place that online order of clothes over the weekend,” Y/N explained, brushing off the fact that Namjoon’s tone was on the side of accusatory. Namjoon grunted in response, returning to pawing through the section with his sizes, seemingly gravitating towards earth tones as he piled up a couple of items in his arm. 
Y/N suggested a few more items, and Namjoon surprisingly accepted each one, though he didn’t reply to her verbally any further. It was like she was back to having a one-sided conversation with him in the shelter while he was still shifted into wolf form, Y/N feeling remorse flood through her body. She thought she had been making progress with cracking through his tough exterior, but it seemed they had taken one step forward and two steps back. She missed his insightful responses to her questions, and most painfully of all, she noted that he took extra care to avoid physical contact with her– always standing a good two feet away from her proximity. 
After a while, Yoongi and Jimin sought her out after paying for their clothes, each with large bags swinging from the crooks of their elbows. Thankful to have two hybrids that actually wanted to speak to her, Y/N watched Namjoon make his escape to the checkout line, where all of the others were waiting to pay for their armfuls of clothing. 
“Did you find some boots Jimin?” Y/N asked the coyote hybrid, walking between him and Yoongi, to wait outside of the store for the others. Yoongi was so close to her, she could feel his body heat as the three of them leaned against the railing overlooking the first floor of the mall. 
“I did, they had some real nice ones, too. They’re not roper boots, but they’ll do,” Jimin shook one of his shopping bags lightly, his closed-lip smile making his eyes scrunch up into slits. 
“That’s good! And you both found some clothes, that makes me happy,” Y/N sighed, muscles melting into the metal railing they were leaning against. Her back was killing her, and her day wasn’t even halfway over. “Two more stops to make, the grocery and liquor stores. Then we can go home.”
Yoongi inched even closer to her, if that was even possible, as she spoke. Eyeing him, she watched him pick his nails again, noting he was particularly fidgety that afternoon, as well as sharper of tongue. Thinking that it would be wise to do her extensive research on scenting later, Y/N wondered if Yoongi was beginning to feel the discomfort of not doing so. Leaning her shoulder into his upper arm, Yoongi looked down at her curiously, a strand of his inky hair falling forward into his face. 
“Our piano lesson is tomorrow,” Y/N reminded him excitedly, enjoying the soft smile that bloomed across his face. “You think we’ll be able to squeeze it in between cooking and the actual cookout?” 
“For sure. I’ll just teach you some basics to get a foundation, after we get some of the prep done for the food. We’ll do the lesson earlier in the morning, after breakfast,” Yoongi replied after a few moments, drumming his fingertips along the metal banister of the railing. “I’m sure if you delegate certain tasks to the other guys, they’d be more than happy to help out. Hey Jimin, can you chop wood?”
Jimin made a choked noise, his reverie of watching a clump of young children race each other on the first floor interrupted, apparently not listening. 
“I can,” a voice from behind had the three leaning against the banner turn, Taehyung emerging from the store with his lengthy receipt and three shopping bags. “That was pretty much my whole job before I got here.”
“There you go. Taehyung, won’t you help Y/N with the firewood for that old firepit in the backyard?” Yoongi urged, Y/N shrinking in embarrassment against Yoongi’s arm as Taehyung’s eyes shifted from her to the leopard hybrid with confusion. 
“Of course,” Taehyung returned without hesitation, stiffening as Hoseok and Seokjin appeared, flanking his either side. 
Embarrassed to even ask for help in the first place, Y/N wanted to step on Yoongi’s foot when he asked Taehyung to perform a task for her, even though she knew the leopard hybrid was trying to get everything to run smoothly for the next day’s event. She refrained from stamping down on his toes as she stared at the floor, not wanting to risk him backing out of teaching her piano in the morning. Most of all, Y/N didn’t miss the way Taehyung had accidentally given her a clue into his past workplace, making her wonder when exactly she’d learn more intimate details.
When Jeongguk and Namjoon finally joined the rest of them, Y/N chatted with Jimin and Hoseok on the way back to the car about some of the guests they’d be meeting. She summed up the list of people as best she could, glaring at a middle-aged woman rudely gawking at the group of them in a judgemental manner in the parking lot. Catching the interaction, Hoseok gave her a gentle pat on the back, his lips pressed into a ‘what are you going to do?’ smile, opening her car door for her. 
Clambering in, she thanked Hoseok as he gently shut the door, starting up the car as everyone piled in. Once again, Namjoon returned to his book beside her, though Y/N could feel his eyes on her every so often as she drove to the grocery store. One step forward, two steps back. 
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The rest of Thursday passed by in a whirlwind. Grocery shopping was a breeze with eight people to scatter around the store for specific items, and hauling crates of liquor into the house was even easier– no one allowed her to carry in a single bag, apart from a carton of eggs. Taehyung and Jimin immediately went to the backyard with the keys for the garage, milling back and forth with lawn furniture, wood from the woodshed, and axes.
After a while, Namjoon went outside to help with the furniture and hosing off the picnic table with Jimin to avoid too much contact with Taehyung, only after reading a large chunk of Wuthering Heights in the breakfast nook. To her great astonishment, Namjoon must have been listening to her talking about dragging the kiddie pool out from the garage on the way home, settling it on the grass and filling it with the hose. After Y/N watched them for a bit, Hoseok and Seokjin volunteered to help her with applying a quick-drying varnish to the staircase. She was hoping that it would dry before those who slept on the second floor went up to bed.
 Y/N spent the evening with most of the hybrids in the kitchen, eating leftovers, prepping vegetables with Yoongi and and to her great surprise, Jeongguk. Somewhat begrudgingly, the elk hybrid offered to scrub potatoes. Y/N was merry, enjoying her company while they listened to a playlist Hoseok created on the portable speaker she couldn’t locate earlier in the week; she found out he had it in the basement the whole time. Everything she was worried about that morning had pretty much been taken care of, Yoongi’s methodical approach to prepping and cooking leading her to believe they’d be enjoying themselves outside with the guests the next day sooner than she thought. 
On Friday morning, Y/N woke up with the sun. Nerves awoke her more than anything, but the promise of Yoongi’s piano lesson after breakfast brightened her mood significantly. After her shower, Y/N shimmied into her new sundress, shocked to see how good it looked on her in the full-length mirror as she did a little twirl. Taking some extra time to style her hair to cover the fading injury on her forehead and apply some makeup, Y/N grinned at herself in the mirror, barely recognizing the reflection staring back. It had been a while since she dolled herself up, between long hours at the veterinarian hospital and lazy weekends spent renovating. Slipping on her sandals clumsily while she fastened earrings into her lobes, Y/N gave herself a spritz with a light perfume before skipping out of her bedroom. 
Noises in the kitchen gave away the fact that she was not the first one up and about, even Namjoon’s bedroom door wide open and empty as she passed by. The cookout wasn’t until 12:30, but apparently the hybrids were keen on getting an early start, as Y/N heard Hoseok’s cheerful whistling from the kitchen. The third beautiful day– weather wise– in a row, Y/N enjoyed the light flooding into the house, following the scent of toasted everything bagels to the kitchen. 
To her great surprise, everyone was already in the kitchen still dressed in pajamas, the chaos of seven different male voices clashing at once. None of them seemed to notice her as she hesitated at the threshold of the kitchen, Seokjin and Hoseok arguing loudly by the toaster oven, Yoongi by the stove with Jimin lurking behind, and everyone else glued to their phones at the breakfast nook. 
“Morning!” Y/N waltzed into the kitchen, heading straight for the coffee bar.
Immediately, all noise ceased in the room, Y/N cringing as a loud clatter of a knife was dropped onto the granite countertop cut the sudden silence. Hand stilling against the coffee carafe, she turned abruptly, trying to make sure no one lobbed off a finger. Heart plummeting to her stomach, the blood drained from her face as Y/N was met with seven pairs of eyes boring holes into her in various expressions of astonishment, each hybrid frozen in space like they were carved from marble. As if she was transported back into high school, Y/N wondered if the skirt of her dress was tucked into her panties, her fingertips brushing the circumference of the hemline automatically. Clearly not the issue, as she felt the skirt flow freely against the tops of her thighs, Y/N chuckled nervously. 
“What?” She blurted, feeling extremely self-conscious that all seven of them were staring at her so intensely, tugging on the material of the sundress. “Oh fuck, is the dress hideous? I thought I had decent taste without Ben being there to help me, Jesus. I should have sent him a picture before I bought it.”
Scrambling for the dropped knife, Yoongi attempted to resume chopping the mound of peeled potatoes beside him, Hoseok hissing by the toaster oven as his hand landed on the hot grates of the rack. Several voices piped up at once in the meantime, frantically. 
“N-no, it’s pretty–” Jimin started hoarsely, fumbling with the potato peeler he was gripping with white knuckles. 
“Who’s Ben?” Came Taehyung’s voice urgently from the breakfast nook simultaneously. 
“You look beautiful,” Seokjin blurted from the toaster, all three responses taking her off-guard. 
Forgetting about the coffee, Y/N felt her confidence bump up exponentially, standing up a bit straighter. Namjoon’s library book was dropped clumsily by his feet, finally making widened eye-contact with her for the first time since the night he scented her, his mouth dropped open a fraction. Even Jeongguk’s dark eyes trailed her form from head to toe, not unlike when he had assessed her the day she had picked him up from the shelter. 
“Stop r-really– I mean, thank you,” Y/N corrected herself, reminded of her mother scolding her for not accepting compliments. “I guess I forgot to tell you about Ben, universe forgive me. He’s been my best friend since we were kids, and he’s actually the reason I came to adopt you all in the first place. I went with him and his fiance to adopt their daughter Daisy the night I found you guys at Gerry’s,” Y/N explained, attempting to pour herself coffee normally in order to distract herself from being watched so closely. 
Wanting to break up whatever energy that had manifested with her arrival in the kitchen, Y/N brought her coffee mug over to Yoongi’s free side, balking at all the work he had already done. It was still so early in the morning, but she felt like she had overslept, seeing that Yoongi had already made two vegetable sides and had a chili simmering away on the stove. 
“Yoongi, did you get up at three or something? I’m not going to have anything to do at this point!” Y/N complained, her lower lip jutting out as she realized the leopard hybrid had already made the salad dressing recipe she showed him on her phone the day before, the jar sitting on the island all sealed up. 
“I got up once I heard your shower running,” Clearing his throat roughly, Yoongi trained his eyes on the potato he was cutting, the knife shaking with his unsteady grip.
Nodding, Y/N bent low, trying to catch the leopard hybrid’s eyes to convey a sense of gratitude playfully, but he remained stonily focused on his task. Growing uncomfortable with the eerie silence in the kitchen, Y/N began to nervously hum to herself while starting on a fruit salad, picking up a strawberry draining in the colander in the sink and cutting it on a smaller board next to Yoongi. 
“Hoseok, is your hand alright, honey? Do you need some burn cream?” Y/N paused her strawberry-slicing, the fox hybrid looking like a deer in headlights as she addressed him. 
“Oh, uh no thanks, I’m fine,” Hoseok answered, his voice a pitch higher than normal as he inspected his left hand. 
“Okay, good. Why don’t you put that playlist back on, I really liked it,” Y/N scraped a pile of sliced strawberries into a large bowl with the flat of her knife, hoping that a bit of music would cut the tension. 
Maybe they didn’t like her perfume, or she had interrupted an important conversation by her arrival in the kitchen? Whatever it was, each and every one of them were behaving strangely; even Jeongguk, who had migrated from the breakfast nook to the barstool directly across from where she was slicing fruit, watching her with rapt interest. She perked up a degree as Hoseok switched on the speaker to a punchy 80’s song, grateful for the noise. 
To her great relief, Seokjin struck up a normal conversation with her from his spot next to Jeongguk as he munched on his bagel, asking all sorts of questions about her friendship with Ben. She didn’t mind filling Seokjin in on her childhood spent running around the backyard with Ben, seeing it as an opportunity to describe her best friend to the hybrids before they met the fiery lawyer that afternoon. Y/N knew Ben would have a bulleted list of queries for each hybrid when he got there, the thought making her bite down on her lip. She hoped Ben wouldn’t be too hard on them, worried that he’d meet his match when it was Namjoon’s turn to be grilled. 
Taehyung excused himself from the kitchen to shower and change shortly after she had finished mixing the fruit salad, only after the conversation about Ben turned into a discussion of Laura and Alice. Y/N wondered if she was losing it or if she had detected a jealous spark in his eyes when she was talking about her friends– or perhaps it was something else entirely, Taehyung could definitely be difficult to read at times. Shortly after Taehyung left, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jimin cleared out similarly to get showered and dressed, each of them scrambling from the room like they saw the Babadook. 
“I think we’ve done everything we can until people arrive,” Yoongi announced, skimming a palm over the sparkling granite Y/N had finished wiping down, all of their hard work either chilling in the fridge or gently simmering away on the stove. “What’s everyone else bringing?” 
“My dad makes a ‘famous’ mac and cheese– it’s very good, but don’t say anything, it gets to his head. My parents will bring the meats and the black bean burgers for the grill, too. Laura and Alice have this family sangria recipe that they always make for the cookout, but I’m warning you now. Don’t have more than two glasses,” Y/N shook her finger at Seokjin, who definitely had a weakness for wine-based cocktails. “Sal’s family will bring some pizza or ziti, the neighbors usually bring wine. Oh, and Ben ordered a ton of cupcakes.”
“Okay, so nothing we already made… that’s good,” Yoongi leaned against the refrigerator, his face flushed. It must have been from standing over the stove for so long, laboring over a giant batch of the most delicious mashed potatoes Y/N ever tasted. 
“How long does this… thing usually last?” Jeongguk asked somewhat indelicately, pushing up the sleeves of his sleep shirt to his elbows, Y/N once again trying to make out the forms inked onto his skin. She wondered if she’d ever get the chance to look at them more closely. 
“Well, it goes on until nightfall, and for a while after that,” Y/N met Jeongguk’s dark eyes, the sweet rounded shape of them contradicting his entire demeanor. “You don’t have to be around for the entire thing, at all, you can hang out and watch movies in the parlor if you want. Just grab some food, and maybe say hi to a few people… I’m not going to force you to be out there all night or anything.”
Seokjin grimaced as she spoke, shooting the elk hybrid a reproachful look. At that point, Y/N was more than used to Jeongguk’s cynical way of speaking, truly unfazed by it, especially with the toothpaste stain he was sporting on his sleep shirt. Besides, Jeongguk’s question didn’t really bother her. The last thing Y/N wanted was any of the hybrids to feel pressured into doing something they didn’t want to, no matter what. Whether she could find the words to express that in a future conversation was another story entirely. 
“Okay… I guess I’ll just see how it goes,” Jeongguk muttered, pushing himself off of his barstool with a grunt, his forearms flexing as he used the granite countertop as a brace. “See you in a bit, then,” he added, a touch more gently as he locked eyes with Y/N a final time before he left the room. 
“Insufferable kid,” Seokjin ran a hand through his hair, one of his ears twitching in annoyance as he watched the elk hybrid slink away. “Every time he opens his mouth, I’m worried you’re going to start throwing punches, Yoongi.”
Darkly chuckling by the fridge, Yoongi used his shirtsleeve to dab at his dewy hairline, Y/N beginning to grow concerned that he was coming down with a fever with how pink his cheeks were. 
“The thought has crossed my mind,” Yoongi sighed, earning a snort of laughter from Seokjin as the latter began to get up from his seat. “It’s a shame, too. We’d match up pretty well in a fight.”
“I’d prefer if we kept the fighting to a minimum,” Y/N placed her hands on her hips as she walked the two hybrids to the staircase, Seokjin’s thick lower lip jutting out into a pout. “I’d hate to have to patch up those pretty faces of yours.”
“Y-you!” Seokjin choked, tripping over his own foot trying to ascend the first step, his tail going ramrod straight in surprise. “You–”
“I’d say the chances of an actual fight breaking out are slim to none, so you don’t have to worry about our ‘pretty faces’,” Yoongi cut Seokjin off abruptly, lightly shoving the jaguar hybrid up a few steps so he could ascend them as well. “Give me a half hour, and I’ll meet you at the piano, silly girl.”
Tutting at Yoongi’s preferred nickname for her, Y/N watched the two hybrids hurry up the stairs, Yoongi nudging the still-reeling Seokjin along with gritted teeth. The leopard hybrid was certainly feisty that morning, Y/N wondering if the late nights and early mornings were getting to him, or if anticipation for the cookout was setting him on edge– or as she had speculated at the mall the previous day, he was beginning to feel the discomfort of not yet scenting her. Worrying her lip with her teeth, Y/N tried not to read into it too much, remembering that Yoongi had promised her he’d tell her when he’d need to scent. Shaking her head, Y/N began to head upstairs herself so she could take a few moments to herself in the music room. 
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Y/N spent some time organizing the chaos in the music room, sliding vinyls into a shelf neatly when she found them strewn around the table with the dusty record player. She discovered that Taehyung had made a trip to the garage to check out her uncle’s old records, after all– tucking a frayed Pink Floyd album into place with a small smile. From down the hall, she could hear Seokjin singing in the shower, his voice deep and sweet. 
Perching on the worn leather sofa by the record player, Y/N scrolled on her phone for a bit, deciding to take a few minutes to do some more investigating on scenting. This time, she went on a forum, those who posted on it being hybrid owners, experts, and researchers. Finding the drop-down menu, she scanned through multiple topics: predator hybrids, understanding behavior by species, scenting– bingo. A rather long post was pinned to the top of the page once she tapped on it, written by a person who studied hybrid behavior. 
Many new hybrid owners often ask the question: what exactly is scenting, and why do hybrids do it? The answer to the second query is not clear as of yet, though there have been several theories. Scenting itself is the act of a hybrid displaying a sense of ownership over their adoptive human. Depending on species, the hybrid will likely initiate the act of scenting within days, sometimes hours, within their adoption. In some cases, hybrids ignore their urges to scent their adoptive human for a multitude of reasons; the most common is the fear of being abandoned after the scenting process, as many hybrids are returned to shelters for not living up to expectations for people unfit to adopt hybrids in the first place. 
If a hybrid ignores the instinct to scent for too long, it will affect them physically. First, behavior becomes agitated, quick-tempered, and the hybrid will display jealousy towards others around their adoptive human. Other hybrids may become increasingly clingy, seeking out physical contact whenever possible. Second, the hybrid will begin to feel ill, the symptoms ranging from a feverish temperature, intense headache, and decreased control over their strength. It is important to monitor these kinds of reactions in your hybrid, as the discomfort can become dangerously overwhelming for them. 
The act of scenting allows the hybrid to “claim” their adoptive human. Hybrids have incredible olfactory senses, and will become extremely sensitive to their adoptive human’s scent. When the hybrid scents, they often search for a spot on their human where the scent is most concentrated– the neck and wrists, for example. The actual ritual includes a bite, usually painful for a moment, before it is soothed by an enzyme in the composition of the hybrid’s saliva and the mark will become painless almost immediately. 
Hybrid canine teeth coat themselves with yet another enzyme once the skin of the human is punctured, which enters the bloodstream, which is the true purpose of scenting. This particular enzyme will live in the bloodstream of the human for a certain amount of time, infusing the human’s scent with the hybrid’s. While the mark is soothed and healed by the enzyme in the saliva, the enzyme coating the hybrid’s teeth is the one that does the actual scenting. After soothed, the mark will become painless. After a stretch of time (length of time depends on species), the ritual will have to be repeated. 
Often, I receive questions about the sensation humans experience during the ritual of scenting. The sensation is most commonly described as euphoric, leaving the human giddy and their muscles becoming lax. The soothing enzymes in both the hybrid’s saliva and the coating of their teeth are both to blame for this. I am led to believe, based on my research of hybrids the past forty years, that the enzymes attempt to calm the human’s natural fight or flight instinct. It would only be natural for a human being to withdraw from such a ritual, so I believe that this is an evolutionary result in hybrids to set their humans at ease. The sensation is harmless, and wears off after several minutes. 
“What are you reading?” Yoongi’s gravelly voice frightened her enough to flinch upwards to her feet, dropping her phone on the leather couch with a flop. “Whatever it is, I’ve never seen you so concentrated.”
The leopard hybrid was leaning against the threshold into the room, eyeing her with mild interest, the damp strands of his long black hair neatly combed back. He was wearing a brand-new outfit; a satiny black button down patterned with red roses, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a pair of black slacks, and shiny, new black loafers. It was unbelievable how good he looked, Y/N getting the feeling he knew it, too, with the cocky arch to one of his brows. 
“Just some article!” Y/N blurted, smoothing the skirt of her dress down nervously, watching Yoongi stifle a chuckle as he made his way towards the grand piano, spotted tail curling languidly behind him.
As he got closer, Y/N noted that his cheeks still had a pinkish tint to them. She watched, rooted to her spot, as Yoongi placidly lifted the fallboard to reveal the sepia toned-keys on the ancient piano. His elegant fingertips skimmed the ivory with reverence,  Y/N almost feeling like she was intruding on a private moment. 
“Let’s get started,” Yoongi began, tucking a stray lock of his hair behind his ear that had fallen onto his cheek. “Come here, take a seat,” Yoongi motioned towards the piano bench with two fingers in a ‘come hither’ motion, settling himself on the edge of it. 
Shyly, Y/N joined him, trying to give him enough space on the bench as she sat beside him, the warmth of his leg through his pants as it pressed against hers sending goosebumps over the bare skin of her thigh. Apparently unaffected, Yoongi began to flip through pages of the beginner’s book he purchased at the music store, eyebrows pulled together in contemplation. Nervously, Y/N twiddled her thumbs in her lap, praying that she wouldn’t totally suck and let Yoongi down. 
“Here, we’ll do this one first,” Yoongi nestled the booklet on the shelf above the keys, Y/N curiously scanning the page before scoffing in disbelief. 
“Twinkle Twinkle Little Star? Seriously?” Y/N whined, Yoongi snickering at her bewilderment. 
“What, did you think we were going to start with Chopin? I’ve gotta establish a baseline with you somehow,” Yoongi replied, his right hand moving to play the simple, short melody. 
“Fine, so how do I play it?” Y/N studied the way his fingers danced on the keys, trying to memorize the sequence at which he pressed down on them. Humming, Yoongi pointed to a particular key. 
“This is what we call ‘Middle C’. Think of it as the halfway point between the higher and lower notes on the piano. The song starts with two C notes. Go ahead and hit them,” Yoongi requested, an encouraging expression on his flushed face. 
Doing as she was told, Y/N cringed as her fingers plunked the key a little too harshly, making Yoongi flinch into her shoulder with a hiss. Shaking his head, Yoongi placed his hand over hers, using his index finger to apply the correct pressure to use. 
“The keys are weighted. The more pressure you apply, the louder the sound. You don’t have to hammer down onto the keys, unless the score calls for it,” Yoongi explained patiently, a tone of amusement coloring his raspy voice. 
“How will I be able to tell? Sheet music looks like hieroglyphics,” Y/N felt Yoongi draw his hand away, staring at him with exasperation. She didn’t expect to be such an impatient student, but Yoongi was a more than obliging teacher– he didn’t seem to mind her brattiness. 
“You’ll learn, not today though. If we can get through this melody, I’ll teach you some music theory next week,” Yoongi murmured, scanning the pout on her face thoughtfully. “Okay, let’s keep going. The next note is G.”
For about half an hour, forbearing Yoongi answered Y/N’s every question, demonstrated how to play the melody over and over, and even indulged her request to play a favorite tune of hers. Eventually, Y/N could play the melody all the way through, albeit a tad clumsily. The first time she finished the song without mistake, she was nearly vibrating with excitement, Yoongi passed his hand over her back with pride, squeezing her shoulder with a grin on his face. 
“Against all odds, I did it!” Y/N leaned into Yoongi, practically ready to throw her arms around him for being patient enough to teach her. 
“You did, I’m very proud of you. You’re an exemplary student,” Yoongi declared, Y/N clocking the sweat that began to dew around his hairline, and the way his arm had moved down to encircle her waist firmly. Feverish. Clingy. 
“Don’t butter me up too much, Yoongi. What if I get lazy and don’t practice enough because you’re too easy on me?” Y/N leveled her face close to the leopard hybrid’s, his pupils dilating from her proximity, throat bobbing as he swallowed thickly. Assessing him, she continued gently. “Yoongi… are you okay? You’ve been flushed all morning.”
He didn’t answer, holding intense eye contact as Y/N moved her hand to brush hair out of his face, using the back of her hand to press against his forehead to check his temperature. Exhaling through her teeth sharply, his flesh practically sizzled under her touch, Yoongi’s eyes fluttering shut at the sensation. In the back of her mind, she knew what was wrong with him, an animalistic noise beginning to rumble from the back of the leopard hybrid’s throat. Y/N was spellbound by how her touch affected him, the grip he had around her lower waist tightening as his fingertips wound themselves into the fabric of her sundress, appearing to make an attempt at controlling his breathing pattern. 
“I–” Yoongi’s hoarse voice shot a lightning bolt through her, his free hand reaching up to snatch her wrist before she could pull it away, his eyes snapping open. Freezing, Y/N felt her own eyes widen, his grip delicate but unyielding. “I know you know. You’ve been eyeing me like that all morning… yesterday, too.”
A light gasp escaped her lips as Yoongi adjusted his grip, closing his eyes once more to run the tip of his nose against the sensitive flesh of her inner wrist. He shuddered, pulling her flush into his arms as he inhaled deeply, Y/N’s wrist limp in his hand as she processed his words dripping with meaning. She practically melted in his embrace, something sounding close to a purr coming from Yoongi’s chest as she found herself bracing her uncaptured hand on his thigh. 
“You n-need to–” Y/N began, stiffening as she felt the soft petals of Yoongi’s lips brush over her pulse point, the skin tingling in response, unable to break away from his lidded gaze. 
“You smell so good,” Yoongi groaned softly, nuzzling her wrist against his face distractedly. Stomach flipping over, Y/N felt her knees turn to jelly, thankful that she was seated and supported upright in Yoongi’s arms. “Hell. ‘s driving me crazy.”
Her breath began to quicken, barely recognizing the dangerous look in Yoongi’s hazel eyes as his lips brushed her skin with every word. Gripping his thigh with urgency, Y/N pressed her wrist closer to his mouth eagerly, feeling utterly possessed as her heart hammered around in her chest. A dark chuckle coming from the leopard hybrid had a shiver rolling down her spine. 
“Yoongi,” Y/N heard herself whine as if she was a third party looking on, anticipation filling every cell of her body. At the sound of his name, Yoongi moved his hand from her waist to cradle her cheek, cooing at her.
“I know, sweetheart. It’ll only hurt for a second,” he whispered, Y/N leaning into his rough palm as she felt the hot brush of his tongue lave over her pulse, sending her heart rate galloping. 
Discovering it impossible to tear her eyes away from the leopard hybrid’s attention on her wrist, Y/N held her breath as Yoongi pressed an open-mouth kiss to the tender area, once again moving his hand away from her cheek and back to around her middle. It was almost all too much, his tail mindlessly curling around her lower back as he gently traced his incisors over her skin. Still, she was reeling from the pet name he used on her, even as he started to quiver with the heady concentration of her scent overwhelming his senses. 
As his sharp teeth pierced her skin, more gently than Namjoon or Seokjin had done so, Y/N still couldn’t stop the small yelp from escaping her lips at the sting. Protectively, both Yoongi’s arm and tail curled tighter around her waist. Y/N became completely boneless, her body sagging into Yoongi’s chest as the cloudy haze descended onto her. Dazedly, she watched a drop of her blood dribble down the length of her wrist, Yoongi pulling his teeth from her skin urgently to collect the trail of blood with a drag of his tongue. It was almost erotic, watching him shiver with relief as he soothed the aching bite with a series of soft kisses and small swipes of his tongue, Y/N trying her best to squash down the thought as best as she could while her head began to swim. 
Sighing dreamily, Y/N closed her eyes as Yoongi’s grip on her wrist softened, the feeling of either his eyelashes or the tips of his hair tickling the fresh, painless bite. With his slackened grip, Y/N felt herself free to move, curling herself further into Yoongi, loopily threading her arms around his waist once he freed her wrist, nuzzling her face into his collarbone. His chest vibrating with a soft purr, Yoongi allowed Y/N to hug him in her delirious state, using one hand to card through her hair fondly. 
“Take it easy for a minute to come down, sweetheart,” Yoongi murmured against her hair, Y/N giggling as she pressed her cheek into the satiny fabric of his button down. He smelled sweet, like vanilla and cloves. “I tried to be gentle… I don’t think you’ll bruise.”
“Hmm… that’s okay even if I do. You were gentle,” Y/N limply attempted to lift her head from her chest, not wanting to make the leopard hybrid uncomfortable with her prolonged clinging. 
Still feeling dizzy, Y/N used the piano as a brace, three clashing notes ringing out as her palm pressed into the keys, snapping Yoongi out of his reverie of twisting a lock of her hair around his index finger. He wasn’t flushed anymore, the crease between his eyebrows that had appeared 24 hours ago gone completely. Suddenly feeling embarrassed, Y/N broke eye contact, pulling the cover over the piano keys to prevent herself from smashing any more keys in her slight stupor. 
“Come on, I’ll help you downstairs. There’s a few more things you wanted to do before people arrive, no?” Yoongi urged, getting to his feet with one of his hands stretched out towards her. Taking his hand shakily, Y/N allowed him to pull her up and support some of her weight with his arm slung around her upper back. 
“Mmm, yeah. Gotta set the table, start up the fire, turn on the backyard lights,” Y/N slurred, descending the stairs at a snail’s pace with Yoongi’s assistance. “But the cooking is done. Thank you for helping so much. You really are quite the chef.”
Yoongi belly laughed, his eyes scrunched up in half-moons as he led her down the last step, arm sliding from her body as she became more stable on her feet. Thankfully, she had regained feeling in her knees, though now that she had a clearer head, looking Yoongi in the eye was difficult. A wave of bashfulness washed over her, Yoongi seeming to sense it as he smiled at her softly, linking his pinky finger with hers to pull her to the kitchen. 
“Oh, what did you two get up to?” Hoseok was coming in from outside at the kitchen slider, the plastic wrapper of the tablecloth Y/N got at the grocery store crumpled up in one of his fists, his eyes narrowing at Yoongi. 
“Don’t ruin my good mood, Foxy. Did you put out that tablecloth?” Yoongi broke the link of their fingers, making his way to the glass slider to peer outside. Hoseok frowned at Yoongi, one of his ears twitching with agitation. 
Hoseok looked fantastic, somehow pulling off a colorful aquamarine Hawaiian short-sleeved button down and white shorts, his shirt hanging loose to reveal a white tank top under it. Almost immediately, his chocolatey eyes focused on Y/N’s wrist as she approached him to peek outside, Y/N pretending not to notice as the fox hybrid stared at Yoongi’s mark. 
Outside, Jimin and Namjoon were busy carefully placing cutlery on the long wooden picnic table, the string lights already illuminated. The grill was on, waves of heat coming off of it and tools placed on the side burner. And by the firepit, Taehyung in his outfit he picked out yesterday was prodding at the beginnings of a bonfire with an iron stake, adding a split log with practiced ease. 
“Wow, you guys did everything! What did I do to deserve you all, seriously,” Y/N exclaimed, genuinely taken aback with the sheer amount of work all of them did to help her host a party with many guests they hadn’t even met yet. “Ah, we’re going to have so much fun. I’m going to fill up that old tin basin out there with ice for the beer and seltzers.”
Both hybrids beside her had gone stoically silent with the first half of her statement, appearing a touch taken aback. Tearing her eyes from Jimin, clad in a pair of very well-fitting blue jeans, Y/N attempted to make haste to the freezer for the ice bags, Hoseok promptly catching the crook of her elbow. 
“Way ahead of you. I already took care of it,” Hoseok cocked his head, his dimples appearing cutely when he grinned at her. “You know, while you were tackling the complicated melody of Twinkle Twinkle.”
“Hey! I tried my best, Hoseok,” Y/N lightly shoved Hoseok with her hand on his forearm, finding it impossible to be insulted. She was beginning to think that Hoseok could read her mind, or at the very least he shared a brain cell with her. His humor was something she genuinely enjoyed, reminding her of Ben in many ways. “Thanks, by the way. I guess I should ask what else should be done, even though it seems you all have it under control.”
“What time is it, anyways?” Y/N wondered, checking her watch distractedly. Shit. “Christ almighty. We have like forty minutes!” “Relax, darling. Almost everything has been taken care of, we’re just waiting on the two still primping upstairs. Want a drink, or something?” Hoseok strolled over to the island, where someone had set up a sort of DIY cocktail bar. “How about a French 75? First cocktail I ever learned to make. Although, it might not match up to Yoongi’s bartending skills.”
Yoongi scoffed from beside Y/N, rolling his eyes peevishly. Giving Y/N a squeeze on her shoulder, Yoongi slid the glass door open to head outside, scooping a Budweiser out of the ice bucket on the patio before checking on the grill. Jumping as she heard the loud pop of Hoseok uncorking a champagne bottle, Y/N brushed it off as she skipped over to the fox hybrid.
“Okay, I’ll have one, but only if you have one too,” Y/N helpfully placed two fluted glasses in front of the fox hybrid, his shoulders shaking with amusement. “It’ll take the edge off. Don’t let my mother corner you tonight, I’m worried she’ll scare you away.”
Hoseok’s hands stilled while he was peeling a twist of lemon with a knife, staring at her incredulously. One of the traditions of the annual cookout was her mother pulling out tarot and oracle cards by the fire, guests able to get small readings from her if they wished. Y/N’s fear was that one of the hybrids would get trapped into a reading, especially if both their and her mother’s inhibitions would be lowered by the flowing alcohol. The last thing she wanted was her mother creeping them out with her startlingly accurate predictions. 
“Your mom is sweet,” Hoseok replied simply, vigorously shaking the metal cocktail shaker. “It’ll take a lot more than her telling me about your awkward teenage years to scare me away.”
“Hoseok! You enjoy teasing me, don’t you?” Y/N exclaimed, refraining from smacking him on the arm with a scowl as he strained the liquor into the flutes. 
“Just a little. You make it too easy,” Hoseok topped off each cocktail with champagne and his lemon twists, gently handing her one of the glasses with a sly smirk. “Cheers!”
Muttering, Y/N clinked her glass with his, watching him take a small sip with narrowed eyes. The drink was sweet and refreshing as it hit her taste buds; perfectly balanced. She found it easy to forgive his teasing. 
“Okay, let’s bring these outside. I’m going to set up the lawn games, unless that’s been taken care of too,” Y/N dragged Hoseok by the elbow to the slider, the fox hybrid playfully putting up a bit of resistance as she towed him to the door. 
The lawn games had not been set up yet by the hybrids, much to her relief. With a task she could finally accomplish on her own, Y/N let Hoseok and Jimin follow her into the rickety garage for the bin containing everything she’d need. Sneezing upon entry to the dusty building, Y/N fumbled her way through the darkness to yank on the metal chain attached to an ancient lightbulb, illuminating the space with amber glow. Distantly, she contemplated whether or not hybrids had some kind of night vision as many animals did, considering none of them bothered to turn on any lights while they dragged furniture out of the garage all day. 
The French 75 coursed through her bloodstream potently as she stacked hand-stitched bean bags beside a weathered cornhole board on the lawn, listening to a playlist she had sent Hoseok to stream onto the outdoor speakers. She was beginning to feel jittery knowing that people were going to be arriving any moment, even though everything was in place exactly how she pictured. Earlier in the week, she couldn’t have imagined that she’d be in such a good position; plagued by worries about the hybrids getting along, tasks being forgotten. Y/N didn’t know if her seven hybrids were putting on a front to help her out with the event or avoiding conflict between each other, but regardless she had never felt more excited to introduce them to the circle of her closest loved ones and friends. Truly, she believed the event would further loosen them up, and maybe break down some of the walls most of them had put up– not that she could blame them. 
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“Are we the first ones here? Oh, Y/N, help Grandmother,” Y/N’s mother made her grand entrance from the backyard gate propped open by Taehyung, with her father and grandparents in tow. Her mother was in a whimsical, drapey maxi dress, her willowy elbow interlocked with Y/N’s grandmother’s. 
“Grandmother, I’m so happy you’re here,” Y/N rushed to the tiny elderly woman’s side, genuinely tearing up at the sight of her– in the backyard of the home she once commanded. 
Y/N hadn’t seen much of her grandparents for the past month, an uptick of emergencies at the animal hospital preventing her from making visitations with them at her parent’s house. Her grandmother, a woman of incredible wit and strength, was amongst Y/N’s favorite people. While she was quite old, age never dimmed her brilliance, her round eyes brimming with that probing all-knowing. Y/N could only assume that her mother had filled her grandparents in on her adoptions after their excursion at the shops on Wednesday, as neither of them seemed jarred at the sight of seven hybrids milling around the backyard awkwardly. 
Hooking her elbow with her grandmother’s, she happily received a kiss on her cheek from her easy-going grandfather, watching her mother and father hurry towards the kitchen slider with their bags full of provisions. Promptly, Jimin sprung into action, relieving her father of two bags as they stepped into the house. Her mother trailed behind more slowly, Seokjin approaching her hurriedly to grab her woven purse hanging from her wrist precariously. The jaguar hybrid looked positively heavenly, like a Jane Austen hero in his loose-fitting white button down and straight leg black slacks, grinning at her mother politely. 
“So, these are the hybrids you’ve adopted, my dear. All men?” Her grandmother murmured slowly, Y/N grimacing as she caught Namjoon’s eyes by the picnic table, his long fingers poised between leaflets of the pages of Wuthering Heights. 
“I’m sorry, Grandmother… I should have told you sooner,” Y/N felt her cheek burn in both shame and embarrassment, aware that her hybrids could hear every utterance. “It all happened so quickly, but I think you’ll like them all once you get to know them.”
Snickering throatily, her grandmother sat comfortably in a cushioned lawn chair with Y/N’s help, her spry grandfather wandered off nearby to check on his clump of rose bushes he had planted beneath Namjoon’s bedroom window decades ago. Pulling her light blue cardigan tightly around her body, her grandmother grasped Y/N’s hand with purpose.
“The house looks very nice. You’re caring for it well, my love,” her grandmother remarked, stroking the back of Y/N’s hand with a weathered thumb. “It’s about time all those bedrooms got some use again.”
“I agree. It’s been a long time since the house has been this lively,” Y/N smiled softly, smelling her grandfather’s minty aftershave as he settled into a chair beside her grandmother, his white handlebar mustache curling up when he grinned at her benignly. “Can I get you two a drink? The usual?” 
“WhistlePig?” Her grandfather brightened up, grasping a hold of her grandmother’s hand. 
“I picked some up yesterday,” Y/N winked, straightening up. “You haven’t met him yet, but one of the hybrids, Jimin, loved that bottle of Farmstock Rye you brought on the 4th. I got a few more bottles of it just for you two.”
“Very good, my dear. You send that Jimin my way, he sounds like an alright fellow,” her grandfather rasped in response, Y/N spiriting away to make her grandparents drinks quickly, knowing that more people would be arriving at any moment. 
“Now, Seokjin, dear… do you like to read? I host a book club with hybrids at the Boston Public Library bi-weekly! Sweet Namjoon has been a part of the club for a couple of months, so you’d already have someone you know there. The next meeting is on Monday, you’re more than welcome to join, We’ll be starting a new book the meeting after next,” her mother rambled while pouring a healthy glass of white wine for herself and the jaguar hybrid, while her father and Jimin nursed bottles of Budweiser as they slid packages of hamburgers into the fridge. 
“Yes, ma’am, I love reading. Is it really okay to join the book club? Will I be behind?” Seokjin replied somewhat timidly, gingerly accepting his glass of wine as he caught sight of Y/N standing nearby mixing up a gin martini. 
“Of course it’s alright, sweetheart. You won’t be behind at all! Our meeting Monday will be to discuss the book we finished, and you can get a feel for how the club is set up. If you enjoy yourself, you can check out a copy of the next book we’ll read for the following meeting and you can truly participate next time,” her mother explained, Y/N marveling at how much of a liking her mother had taken to Seokjin. Truthfully, Y/N thought the book club would be a good thing for Seokjin; an opportunity to make friends and perhaps get closer to Namjoon. 
“If you’re up to it, Jin, I’ll drive you into the city with Namjoon on Monday. The three of us could pick up dinner takeout afterwards,” Y/N added, her mother perking up with Y/N’s encouragement. Seokjin’s cheeks rounded out with his small grin, his tail curling around behind him in response to all of the attention. 
“Okay, that sounds nice,” Seokjin agreed shyly, sipping his wine with a pleased expression. He was really too sweet for his own good, Y/N thought. 
“Oh, you’re going to restore that old stable? I wish I had better carpentry skills, I could give you a hand, Jimin.” Y/N heard her father lament, the coyote hybrid shaking his head with his signature heart-stopping smile. 
“That’s quite alright, sir. I’ve done a fair share of work on stables before. Not much needs to be done in order to have it suitable for boarding,” Jimin leaned back on the countertop by the fridge, Y/N’s eye catching a bright glint from the gold belt buckle threaded through the loops of his blue jeans. 
He was wearing a simple sky blue fitted tee shirt, tucked into his jeans and showing off his lean figure. Trying not to stare, Y/N tore her eyes from the coyote hybrid’s form, balancing the two drinks in her hands. From outside, she heard her grandfather exclaim in delight, cutting off both of her parents' separate conversations with Jimin and Seokjin so they could peer out the window. Where her grandparents were seated by the firepit, Taehyung had added more wood to the dying bonfire, grinning ear to ear as her grandfather clapped with glee. 
Startled that Taehyung had taken it upon himself to introduce himself to her grandparents, as he was usually so avoidant when it came to speaking to people other than Y/N herself, Y/N made a beeline outside with the drinks so she could witness the spectacle. On her heels, Seokjin trailed after her, ditching Jimin in the kitchen with her parents. Y/N had the feeling the coyote hybrid could hold his own against them. 
Taehyung, kneeling beside her grandmother and poking the bonfire with an iron rod, was nodding along with something she was saying, Y/N unable to process the words as she approached the clump of chairs. Gingerly, she handed her grandfather his tumbler of whiskey, the large ice cube clinking around in the cup as he took it with a shaky hand. Placing her grandmother’s gin martini on the table beside her, Y/N cocked her head at Taehyung, who blinked at her as if he was seeing her for the first time. 
“So you’ve met Taehyung,” Y/N raised her voice a decibel to accommodate her grandfather’s dim hearing, giving Seokjin an appreciative rub on his arm as he appeared at her side with an open can of vodka seltzer for her. “This is Seokjin!”
“What did you say? Tae-hyung? The young man introduced himself as Tae,” her grandfather croaked loudly, confusion coloring his face. Snorting, Y/N felt her insides warm, Taehyung looking at the ground bashfully as her grandfather repeated his nickname. “Nice to meet you, Seokjin, why don’t you take a seat, son.”
Cheeks red, Seokjin obediently plopped down in a chair beside her grandfather, tracing his fingertips over the condensation coating his wine glass. Taking a sip of her seltzer, Y/N scanned the immediate area, spotting Jeongguk at the edges of the untrimmed hedges smoking, his hair slicked back with the new gel and predictably dressed in all-black. Squinting, Y/N made out the material of the complicated pants he had on, straps circling his legs; was that leather? Thinking it was far too hot to be wearing leather, Y/N smirked, perching herself on the armrest of Seokjin’s chair. 
Hoseok was filling up a second basin with ice he had located in the garage by the picnic table, apparently having an urgent conversation with Yoongi as the leopard hybrid placidly handed him bottles of Corona from a box set on the table. Again, Y/N wondered where Namjoon had wound up, not able to locate him in the vicinity. 
Feeling Seokjin flinch behind her before actually hearing a familiar car honk, Y/N got to her feet, knowing it was Sal and his family, getting ready to haul trays of ziti into the house. 
“Dear, is that Sal? Was little Tony coming this year?” Her grandmother perked up, directing her attention to the gate into the backyard. 
“Yeah, he said he could make it. Though, he’s not little anymore, Grandmother, Tony’s in high school now. He’s on the football team,” Y/N explained, grasping Seokjin’s hand to drag him to the gate for assistance, motioning Taehyung to follow as well. 
Making a noise of surprise, Seokjin swiftly set his wine glass down before she could pull him away, adjusting his grip so he could intertwine his fingers with Y/N’s, the action triggering butterflies to flutter around in her stomach. His thumb skimmed Yoongi’s mark accidentally, a strange tingle shooting up from her wrist to her elbow. Taehyung unlatched the gate, Y/N inspecting the slightly excited expression that had appeared on his face. Y/N was hoping Taehyung could become friends with Anthony, considering he hadn’t quite warmed up to any of the other hybrids enough yet. 
“Oy, give us a hand here, Y/N?” Angie called, standing by the back of the van with a big stack of foil trays. Hurrying to her aid, Y/N let go of Seokjin with a touch of remorse. “Pretty dress, hun. So happy to be here.”
Angie made air-kissing sounds as Y/N took a couple of the trays from her, Y/N quickly introduced the two hybrids to Angie, Sal Jr., and Sal himself as they handed them tray after tray. The passenger door of the van swung open, Anthony hauling himself out while precariously balancing a large box of what Y/N presumed to be cannolis. 
“Hey Tae, man! How you doin’?” Anthony greeted the Kodiak hybrid, after he smoothly said hello to Y/N with a cute kiss on her cheek. “Sick outfit, bro.”
“Thanks, you too,” Taehyung replied, his tone on the side of unsure. Anthony always dressed well off the clock, though Y/N thought the kid took a little too much inspiration from The Sopranos with the colorful striped button downs. 
With equal excitement, Anthony began to introduce himself to Seokjin while the clump of people filed into the backyard, Y/N grateful that Anthony now had so many guys to chat with during the cookout. In years past, there were often a larger number of women at the cookout in comparison to young men, mostly her mother’s friends. 
After carting all of the food from Sal into the house, things had already become pretty noisy with the Italian family’s arrival. It set her at ease now that the attention wasn’t entirely focused on her own family, thankful that they had shown up and breathed life into the afternoon. Finally, she had located Namjoon: he was sitting in the grass under a large tree beside the picnic table, though hidden from view from others in the backyard. Breaking away from Taehyung and Seokjin for a few moments as they were preoccupied with whatever Anthony was explaining to them with wild hand gestures, Y/N made her way to the wolf hybrid once she had spotted the silvery fur of his tail beside the tree. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” Y/N blurted, as Namjoon immediately put his book down upon hearing her approach, his eyebrows raised in expectation. “Just checking on you. Here.”
Wordlessly, Namjoon accepted a Corona from her, Y/N purposefully picking out a lighter beer for the wolf hybrid. He looked impossibly handsome, with hunter green drawstring pants and a tan short-sleeved shirt with tortoiseshell buttons clasping them shut, his moonlight hair swept off his forehead and the sun reflecting the iridescence of the strands. Carefully, Y/N lowered herself down beside him, noting the way he stiffened a degree at her proximity, watching her peer down at the open book on his lap. He was almost finished with Wuthering Heights, Y/N registered as she took a sip of her seltzer. 
“What do you think about the book?” Y/N attempted to initiate conversation once more, quite frankly sick of not being able to speak with him like she could before. She could only pray that he responded, as he popped the cap off of the beer and sniffed it with mild interest. Several emotions played across his features, Y/N almost able to see him sorting through his thoughts.
“Hmm… I remember your mother saying it's one of your favorites, correct?” Namjoon murmured, bringing the bottle to his lips to take a sip contemplatively. 
“That’s right. You won’t offend me if you hate it, if that’s why you seem so torn,” Y/N giggled, biting her lip as she brushed off an inchworm that was mapping a path up Namjoon’s forearm. “I’ve been missing your insight on things.”
Y/N admitted the last part of her sentence nonchalantly, though she was surprised she was able to confess that so easily. Namjoon was startled, either by her words or the fact that she’d touched him, fiddling with the pages of the book as he processed.
“It’s not that I hate it. The characters, Cathy, Heathcliff, they’re all insufferable, sure. The whole time I’ve been reading it, I was struggling to understand why you like it so much,” Namjoon answered after a few moments, Y/N nearly fainting with relief that he was actually speaking to her with more than just a short, forced sentence. 
“Well, it’s just that. None of the characters are particularly likable, Nelly as the narrator is incredibly biased, following the timelines can be confusing especially because there are two Cathys. I think that for a young woman to write a book so vulgar and brutal all those years ago is an impressive feat. The inherent darkness of the story is what hooked me in the first place, and it keeps me coming back. I’ve probably read it five times over the years,” Y/N attempted to sum up her reasoning for loving Emily Bronte’s masterpiece, but found it difficult with Namjoon’s rapt attention on her face while she spoke. 
“So you like stories with darker subject matter,” Namjoon mused, seeming to recover from her earlier comment. “It’s beautifully written, I just didn’t expect so much moral corruption from the characters. I’ve read Jane Eyre by Emily’s sister, which has its fair shares of thematic shock and darkness, so I half-expected this novel to be similar. I was pleasantly surprised, I’ve never read anything like this.”
Delighted, Y/N gave Namjoon the brightest smile she could muster, thrilled to have someone she now lived with to discuss some of her favorite novels. Eyes widening a fracture at her enthused reaction to his words, Namjoon took a swig of his drink, diverting his eyes back to the pages. 
“They made a decent Jane Eyre movie adaptation back in 2011. We could watch it sometime, if you’re interested,” Y/N offered, beyond pleased that he was speaking to her again. 
It was like she had entered a little bubble with just her and Namjoon in it, the chaos of the cookout behind her temporarily forgotten. She was taken aback further when Namjoon nodded and chuckled airly, a dimple appearing in his cheek with her idea. Resisting the urge to poke the crater in his cheek, Y/N giggled with him, taking his response as agreement. A cool breeze rolled by, ruffling Namjoon’s silky hair and carrying the scent of honey with it. He stopped laughing when his bitten ear fluttered, leaning forward to look over Y/N’s shoulder curiously. 
“I think more of your guests have arrived,” He whispered due to his close proximity, Y/N able to feel the heat coming off of his body. 
Straightening up, Y/N could hear the babbling of a child’s voice from the driveway, suspecting Ben and his family were about to join them. Wobbly, she got to her feet, Namjoon peering up with her with an expression softer than he had afforded her in days. With a happy sigh, Y/N extended her hand to help Namjoon up, the wolf hybrid tentatively sliding his palm against her’s, standing up to his full height with ease. 
“Could you come with me and help out with getting all of the cupcake boxes out of Ben’s car please? You can go right back to reading after, promise,” Y/N asked, releasing his hand as soon as he had his footing.
“Sure. I think I’ll save the ending for tomorrow,” Namjoon acquiesced, his dimples still indenting his cheeks cutely. While Y/N was learning that Namjoon could be moody, she didn’t mind, especially if she got to see those dimples every now and again. 
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“Jesus, Y/N. You really don’t realize what seven hybrids look like until you see them all clumped together back here,” Ben muttered in Y/N’s ear, setting a bag filled with children’s toys down on the grass by the kiddie pool. 
After a slightly awkward exchange between Ben, Namjoon and herself hauling boxes of cupcakes into the garage refrigerator, Ben assuming his stony lawyer disposition and Namjoon being his usual chilly self, Namjoon had escaped to get himself another beer while Y/N and Ben caught up for a moment. Roy, who had broken up the awkward tension a degree by parading Daisy around on his hip, was introducing the little rabbit hybrid to enthusiastic Hoseok and Jimin, the former who was talking to her in a silly voice. 
“Yeah, there’s quite a few of them, each of them special in their own ways,” Y/N leaned into Ben’s side, grateful that he seemed to be so tame that day. Tutting, Ben pointed across the yard at Jeongguk reading something in his journal, drinking from a Red Solo cup with a cigarette burning between the fingertips grasping the glass.
“I’ve never even seen an elk hybrid, who was that again? He looks like a manager at Hot Topic,” Ben remarked, a hand on his hip. 
“Hush, Ben, I don’t want you ticking any of them off,” Y/N managed, though it was incredibly difficult to stifle a laugh crawling up her throat. “That’s Jeongguk, the youngest.”
“Okay, well so far I like the two being nice to my daughter. That wolf hybrid was a little, uh. Unfriendly,” Ben scratched his close-cut red beard, squinting at Namjoon shuffling towards Yoongi for a word. 
“He’s not. They’ve all been through a lot, I think it’s only natural for them to have cautionary walls up,” Y/N reminded Ben, watching him swirl his cocktail around in his glass. 
“Look at you, Y/N! I feel like you’ve finally matured in a matter of a week, maybe this was a good thing for you, after all,” Ben snorted, used to Y/N’s petulant behavior when with him. 
“Wish I could say the same about you. Daisy looks so cute, by the way. I remember when you bought that sundress,” Y/N slowly circled towards the gate with Ben, watching her neighbors flood in, ushered by her mother and father. 
“She was so excited to come today. I actually stopped by Laura’s earlier this week to introduce her to Kai. They get along well, even though Daisy is a bit older. She couldn’t stop talking about the ‘hybrids from the gray place’ too, which I’m assuming are your guys,” Ben confessed, waving at Daisy chasing after Hoseok, who was running away from her slowly so she could catch him by his tail, laughing wildly. “Alright. I’m going to make my rounds. Don’t worry, I’ll keep the questioning to a minimum, I want to have a good time and that includes not pissing you or Roy off.”
Left by herself, Y/N watched Hoseok and Jimin joyfully play with Daisy, giving Roy a break to chat with her grandmother. Downing the rest of her second drink, Y/N fished out another seltzer from a nearby ice bucket, jumping in surprise once she stood up and registered Jeongguk in front of her, the scent of smoke coming off of him powerfully. 
“Hey, Jeongguk, how’s it going? Did you meet some new people?” Y/N pressed her free hand to her irregular heartbeat, Jeongguk adjusting the neckline of his new band tee shirt with The Cure on it. He really did look like a manager at Hot Topic, though it worked on him, Y/N thought. 
“I said hi to your parents, and the dude with the little bunny. Your mom started pulling out her tarot cards, she’s roping Yoongi into a reading,” Jeongguk replied, eyes on the open gate. “More people here than I thought, the jaguar seems a little overwhelmed.”
Making a noise of exclamation, Y/N scanned the backyard for Seokjin, finding him hanging back by the tree Namjoon had been earlier pulling at his shirtsleeves. Calling his name gently knowing that he could hear easily, she motioned for him to come to her, his ears flattened to his skull anxiously. Jeongguk, shockingly, stayed with her as Seokjin approached, a neutral expression on the elk hybrid’s face. She’d never tell him, but she thought it was pretty sweet of him to tell her about Seokjin’s unease. 
“You alright, honey?” Y/N asked, running her hand down his back soothingly. Seokjin’s broad shoulders sinking down a bit at her touch. 
“Yeah, I’m okay. I just have to get used to the crowd, sometimes I get a little overwhelmed,” Seokjin flashed her a little smile, ears perking up at some sound she could not hear. Jeongguk, too, was focused on a spot behind her. 
“If it gets to be too much, you can always go in the house and relax. I’ll sit with you for a bit, too, if that makes you feel b-better,” Y/N encouraged, stuttering when Seokjin pulled her in for a side-hug. 
“Thanks, sweets,” Seokjin’s voice was muffled by her hair, his lips pressed into it comfortingly. 
Blushing furiously once he released her, Seokjin smiled at someone behind her, a series of surprised gasps coming from the guests. Spinning on her heel, Y/N couldn’t stop the squeal coming from her lips, Alice strolling through the gate in bell-bottom jeans and a white ruched crop top, and a large bucket full of icy sangria in her arms. Close behind was Laura, her thick braids skimming her collarbones as she shifted Kai in her arms, his tiny fists full of the material of her green polka-dotted sundress, followed by her husband Tyler carrying a comically large box of Truly seltzers. 
Immediately dumping the sangria on the table with the ice bucket, Alice flung herself into Y/N’s arms, her caramel perfume wrapping her in a warm hug. Laura joined in on the embrace as soon as Tyler’s arms were free to hold Kai so he could bring him over to Daisy and Roy, all three girls squeezing the life out of each other. It had been far too long since she had seen them, Y/N thought tearfully, Laura stroking her hair gently as they pulled away. Jeongguk cleared his throat uncomfortably, Alice’s eyebrow shooting up into her hairline once she realized the two hybrids were standing there. 
“Oh shit. Sorry to keep you waiting, sir,” Alice quipped, Jeongguk turning pale at the title and taking a sip of his drink to hide it. Snorting into her hand, Y/N realized she probably should have warned the hybrids a bit more about the twins. “Let me guess. Jeongguk?”
“H-how? Did you know my–” Jeongguk choked on the sip of his drink, Seokjin’s shoulders shaking with laughter as Alice held up a finger. 
“Y/N debriefed us of all your names already, it was only fair,” Alice cut him off, eyeing the elk hybrid from head to toe. “Hmm… and you. You’re either Yoongi or Seokjin, kitty,” Alice redirected her attention to Seokjin, amusement vanishing from his face to be replaced with astonishment. 
“That’s Seokjin! Cool it, Al,” Y/N spoke around a gasp of laughter, trying not to enjoy the mortification washing over Jeongguk and Seokjin’s glazed-over eyes. 
“Nice to meet you boys, hope you’ve been nice to our Y/N,” Laura extended a hand, assuming her motherly tone of voice as Seokjin robotically took her hand to shake it. 
“Laura,” Y/N whined, cringing as Jeongguk shook her hand with white knuckles.
“Are the Santos twins here? Come here, my girls!” Y/N heard her father shout from the picnic table, bouncing Kai on his knee with glee. 
Giggling, Y/N felt herself get dragged to the table by Alice, Seokjin close behind as they left Jeongguk reeling by the gate. As she caught up with the twins and her father, Yoongi approached them, politely introducing himself to the twins, both of whom immediately took a liking to. Similarly, Jimin seated himself across from Y/N’s father, sipping on some whiskey as he joined the conversation. Between the group of them, it was pretty amicable, Y/N blushing when Yoongi pulled her close to brush an eyelash off of her face. 
Y/N kept a close eye on her mother doing readings by the fire, performing a couple on her neighbors before moving onto Anthony followed by Taehyung, who hadn’t left each other’s sides since the former’s arrival. After a while, Alice pulled Y/N away, asking if she could show her the cupcakes Ben had brought. 
Once they were in the dark garage, Alice began to laugh uncontrollably. Confused, Y/N shut the door to the fridge, staring at Alice with confusion. Alice pressed a hand to her stomach, trying to stop the onslaught of laughter rippling through her. 
“Okay, now I get it. They’re all hot,” Alice gasped, wiping a tear from her eye. Heart plummeting to her stomach, Y/N lobbed a cocktail napkin at Alice that was wrapped around her newest French 75 Hoseok delivered to her with pink cheeks from chasing Daisy around. 
“Alice! That is so not the reason why I adopted them! As a matter of fact, they were in their animal forms when I happened to find them at the shelter,” Y/N whisper-yelled, praying to the sky none of the hybrids could hear her between the walls of the garage, the music from the speakers outside, and the commotion from all of the guests. 
“Whatever! Regardless, you failed to mention they were so handsome. I like that one in the Hawaiian shirt, the fox hybrid… good with kids. Hoseok, I think?” Alice calmed down, watching Y/N’s face carefully. Y/N knew when Alice liked to read her expressions, though she had become a master at concealing them from her. 
“Yeah, Hoseok’s great. You two would really get along, both of you get off on making me squirm,” Y/N followed Alice back outside, her friend’s bouncy curls shaking with laughter as they stumbled back out into the bright sunshine. Several drinks in, and Y/N was already feeling a tad loopy. 
“You know Laura and I were just worried about you with all these guys in your house. Especially when we found out they were all men… but they seem like really sweet hybrids. Rough around the edges, but I think they found the right home,” Alice declared in a sobering tone of voice. 
Pulling Alice in for another hug with the relieving sensation of one of her closest friends approving of her hybrids, Y/N could hardly believe how different her life was compared to exactly a week ago. Then, she was preparing to eat a hummus wrap on her lunch break, thinking about her home renovation schedule, and was very much alone. Now, she was enjoying herself with friends and family on a beautiful August afternoon, with seven hybrids that would still be with her even when the party was over. 
Only a tad tipsy, Y/N hooked her elbow with Alice’s, ready to follow the path into the backyard from the garage with glee. She had been meaning to check on Seokjin, even though he seemed much more at ease since he had sat in a lawn chair beside her grandmother, striking up a conversation while they sipped their beverages together.
“Y/N, honey. Can I have a word?” Her mother interrupted Y/N’s inner monologue, Alice blowing both of them a kiss before skipping into Hoseok’s direction in the backyard. 
No idea how her mother had slipped away from the clumps of people waiting to get their cards read by her, Y/N presumed whatever she had to say was important. Hoping that it wasn’t an announcement that she had forgotten to prepare something for the cookout, Y/N allowed her mother to pull her closer to the driveway and completely out of earshot– Y/N could hardly even hear the playlist Hoseok had made for the cookout. 
“Honey, I received messages for you. I know you hate when I do this, but it's important,” her mother rushed out, taking a hold of Y/N’s forearms firmly, a serious glint in her eyes. “I was just reading cards for our guests, your hybrids, and I had a strong vision.”
Swallowing, Y/N began to sweat, more than well aware her mother’s visions came true ninety percent of the time. Possibilities raced through her mind’s eye as she registered her mother’s words; did she see an upcoming conflict, a new ‘love match’, or something darker– was the entity that Jeongguk and Namjoon banished still lurking? The way her mother’s face was pinched indicated that whatever it was, the message wasn’t pleasant. 
“Mom, what is it? You’re scaring me,” Y/N whispered, her mother’s hand curling around her forearm urgently. She appeared disturbingly conflicted, eyebrows pulled together and mouth twisted into a grimace. 
“Honey, I was just reading cards for Taehyung,” her mother began, her eyes unfocusing, Y/N recognized that she was receiving another vision. “Oh my G-!”
“Hey, hey! Oh, are you alright? What happened? Is Tae okay!?” Y/N steadied her mother, feeling ice-cold panic flood through her. Shuddering, her mother regained her strength after a few beats, Y/N biting her lip raw. Finally, she was able to articulate, her voice misty and eyes faraway. 
“Taehyung, you need to be careful around that man. Full of vengeance, bitterness, betrayal,” her mother dug her fingernails into the flesh of Y/N’s forearm desperately, Y/N getting the feeling it wasn’t entirely her mother alone speaking to her at the moment. Y/N could sense the presence of something else. “Though, I don’t think he’ll hurt you. But he has secrets.”
“What are you talking about?” Y/N pressed desperately, trying to pry off her mother’s ironlike grip on her forearms, her next response causing Y/N to still, frozen in utter horror. 
“That young man… Taehyung. He hides many things, shares with no one. The seven of swords, a knife. Always on the run, he’s found his place to hide. He’s killed before– he’s killed a man.”
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Taglist; @blancflms @grazysf @sbromp @jaxavance @sunderlight @ot7nem @mageprincess7 @wittyreader @drenix004 @mayla548 @skyys-universe @ddaeng-angmoh @trtlthts @exfolitae @kalala22 @xiusmarshmallow @bangtans-momma @zae007live @paigetj @singukieee @serendididy @lilacdreams-00 @dreamerwasfound @ninjacups @osakis-gf @itwillbealways-d @xthefuckerysquaredx @momowantscats @molshole @gooooomz @uarmyhore @lopprhe @molshole
Please do not repost or translate my work. Thank you!
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paranormalworm · 3 months
Hi idk if you’re taking request. But if you are, can you do a Sturniolo x sis!reader where they go with Sam and Colby to the hotel. And Sam or Colby follows her YouTube channel and has a massive crush on her and she does to. Basically just them sharing shy and cute moments before a confession when one of them get really scared/ maybe one of the ghost keep messing with reader. The triplets ship with whichever boy you choose. If it’s not asking too much, this would be awesome.
AUTHOR NOTES: Hey anon!! Yes i do take requests and i'm so glad you asked. I hope it’ll be good, just know that English is not my first language. (I also changed some details from the video so it’s more interesting) <3
I actually don’t really like what i wrote but the request was so funny i wanted to try.it is actually really different from what i usually write so i hope it's not bad. (I also gave a name to the O/C because i usually do)
𝐶𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑛𝑜𝑡 • 𝐶.𝐵.
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SUMMARY: You're the triplets sister (a year younger)you have your own ytb channel but you are also on the boys videos so when Sam and Colby invinted them for a Collab they also asked if you wanted to be there as well.
PAIRING: Colby Brock X Fem reader
WARNING: ghosts,haunted location,paranormal stuff happening to you, named O/C and bad words?
It is finally the day. 2 months ago Sam and Colby dmed The triplets to do the collab the fans been waiting for. And since Nick and I are obsesed with their videos he asked them if I could be there and Colby almost immediatly answerd saying that when they asked them for the collab i was obviously in the deal. I actually think the boys got more excited about the message than me since they know I got a crush on Colby.
Nick: "Ana! wear emo clothes, Colby is emo he would love it. " I laugh at is comment but ignore him, I really hope none of them will make comments like that tonight or it will be so embarrassing.
We just arrived at the hotel and we were welcomed by Sam and Colby who were both waiting for us, We walk to them and as i was talking with Matt he cuts me mid-sentence to say that Colby was starring at me, a comment that I couldn't answer to because of them standing in front of us. the boys shakes each others hand while I kinda stand there awardly.
Matt: "Ana say hello they don't bite. "
Colby. "Unless you ask, I actually don't. " We all laugh at his comment as i quickly apologize and walk to Sam and hug him quickly, i then do the same with Colby awkwardly. We all talk for a bit and they explain how they are organizing the night.
"What's up guys its Sam and Colby"
"today is finally the day, the Collab with the Sturniolo is here".
They turn the cam to us and try to figure out and explain who is who. And that’s when i step in to try to explain myself.
"its simple, Nick is the one with the nose piercing and the while shirts, Chris is the one with the hat on, and Matt is the other one. "
Matt looks at me acting chocked that I have nothing more to say about him and Colby turned the camera to me when I started talking and followed my explanation with the boys. Showing each boy once there name were pronounced.
Sam: "it's simple for you they're you're brother! " Chris then walked to me and huged me like a baby like he always does. "don't talk to my baby like that young man.” he said trying to acts serious when was actually laughing. And Matt started to argue playfully with him "Chris stop that how do you want her to get a boyfriend if you act like a crazy possessive older brother
we all laugh at their little argument and the tour guide starts the explanation, she explains that the most active spirit is at years old little girl named Samantha and she actually tickle people or just touch them. Funny, a little girl again, sam just have a thing with little girls, not in the weird way the
"Sam is leaving this place with a Brand new little girl in his ass.” I said laughing along with them as Matt and Chris were looking at me weirdly with a eyebrow raised sam points then the camera to me. Sam: "huge fan of the channel aren't you?” He was smirking like a creep but i just buster out laughing at his face.
"She's obsesed with your vids man. "And here it goes Nick started to say crazy things like that and now it's embarassing. I naturally turn my head to Colby to see what his face was letting out and he was already looking at me with a slight smile. Tour guide: "Ana you may stop laughing after knowing that Samantha is mostly active with woman so you may experience more things than them." my eyes opens widely and i actually starts to get scared. Colby seems to notice it because he puts his arm around my shoulder and ask, "but no evil spirit here right? "
"none of them are evil no. Samantha is playful but in the Maximillian room there is Empress Carlota and she may get jealous because she'll think you went in the room to seduce and steal her husband". Everyone look to me while I don't know what to say. We are now in front of a painting of a little girl, the painting actually looks greenish but I don't even have the time to ask why because the tour guide talks about it first explaining that they keep getting it cleaned it just go back to green every time.
While the tour guide talks about the story of Samantha i keep feeling like people are watching us so I turn around every few minutes and its when I turn back to the guide that footsteps are heard behind us, like someone is running around. We are all freaked out and suddenly I feel like someone is tugging my sleeve.
"Matt stop that right now this is not funny at all” he looks at me like I'm crazy and i explain what just happened. Colby who was standing next to me puts an arm around my shoulder and pull me closer to him “i'm here don’t worry”.
We finally finished the tour and even the tour by itself was scary. We are starting the investigation by the maximillion room with all of the mirrors. And also the room where i apparently might get targeted.
"Okay guys so we are back in the maximillian room,” Colby starts his intro while Sam is holding the camera and my brothers and i are standing next to him. "This room is apparently haunted by Empress Carlota who lost her husband but also get very jealous of woman that enters this room because she's scared they want to steal her husband.” I smile at the camera to not seem mean and laugh a little when Matt starts saying that it is a good thing that they have a sister.
We then starts the investigation by standing in front of a mirror and we are just supposed to stare at ourselves for a few minutes nothings happens but later i see my face getting sad? like i was about to cry. I don't know if i can talk while doing this so i don't say anything and keep looking. after a few more seconds it's like some tears are rolling down my cheeks. And that's when a woman appears looking angry she watch me from a far before walking slowly to me appearing angrier with each step.
When she only some inches "behind me" i close my eyes and face away from the mirror. Nick who was standing next to me with Sam immediatly turn his head to me "Ana is everything alright? What did you see? "Nick ask as he hug me "I'm fine it surprised me” i say leaving his arms and walking to a bench. They all sit with me either on the bench or on the floor. Sam ask if he can record while i explain what i saw, i accept so i starts explaining everything.
Once i explained everything they all seem surprised but also worried I'll be okay after our little pause Sam and Colby install a rope who has multiple led on it while i continue to talk with my brothers.
Colby POV:
I knew something would happen and I couldn't even be near to reassure her. The tug in front of the painting and now that? I'm starting to get scared for the rest of thenight. We're installing the light rope and we are gonna use the ovulus which is super scary with what just happened
(Ana's POV)
they just finished explaining what we are about to do and it scares me a little knowing the person i saw in the mirror might be here and talk to us. As soon as Sam turned the ovulus on we heard a word. Which apparently is pretty rare to work this fast.
"What about girls? "asked Colby. "the fact that Carlota is just jealous of you when i could try to seduce her husband to.” We all look at Nick before laughing at his comment.
must..... leave.
"Who must leave? " Matt asked. “Me. It said girls and then must leave. "
"No, you're not going anywhere. They are not the one in charge here” we all turned our heads to Colby when he started to talk. We were all surprised by how annoyed he looked.
it's when a new word appeared that we stopped staring at him. "What are they talking about? "Sam looked at Chris who just said the comment. "Christopher are you stupid? Theythinks Ana and Colby are dating.” I look at Nick amused While he is arguing with Chris. I was about to deny their statement when Colby talked "Yes we are.” Colby said pulling me closer to him. I turn my head to him confused. We're not dating? Why did he said yes? My brothers looks at me even more surprised that I was after that the ovulus didn't spelled any more words and the light rope didn't lighted up at all.
We decided to leave the room after 30 min of asking question and not receiving any answers. During those 30 min Colby acted like he was my boyfriend
while I was kind of lost. Once the door was closed behind us i let go of his hand
that was holding mine. "Why did you said that you guys were dating? "asked his best friends with a smirk we could all see. I obviously to the concerned one to listen to his answer. "I thought that Carlota or whatever her name is, she won't do anything to Ana since she was in a "relationship"». He replied naturally by mimicking inverted commas with his fingers. I smiled to thank him.
We then walked back too the room where we went earlier when it smelled terrible. On the way there I was walking with Nick and Matt who mere joking about how kind Colby was to me. Once all the camera were installed they pressed the rec button and started filming. We are going to do the famous Estes method.
it is actually something that look easy beet in reality is pretty hard because you have to concentrate a lot on what you ear in the headphone and trust the peoples in the room with you. Nick and Chris wanted to starts and since Matt and I wanted to do it to we are going to do Ir right after but in the bathroom since it is actually pretty active.
Nick and Chris are now sat on a couch blind folded with headphones on and a spirit box each in there hand «hi» said Chris and Nick almost talk at the same time saying «hello» we greeted whoever was there and before we could ask for a name Chris said «gorgeous».
So Matt who was sat next to me asked «who is gorgeous?» and Nick answered «the girl» Sam, Colby and Matt turned there head to me waiting to see what would say «well thank you very much, who are we talking to right now?» the two bestfriends turned back there camera to the two siblings at the right time because they answer almost at the same time «its not important» and «you don't need to know»
This answer confused all of us how many person are in the room beside the 6 of us right now?» asked the tall emo looking guy. Nick answered «3» before Chris talked saying «mine» we were even more confused sosam asked « what do you mean mine? What is yours?» Nick then said « I heard like it growled? Like when you are annoyed? » all the boys looked at each others while I couldn't take me eyes of my brothers waiting for an answer.
«It said "she's mine” in a fucking deep voice it scared the shit out of me » I wanted to laugh but was still confused by who it was talking about. «Maybe it's Carlotta since you guys kept complimenting her earlier? Maybe it's her husband? » I said trying to explain what was happening.« can you confirm that? Are you talking about empires carlota?» asked the blond ghost hunter.
Nick quickly take the headphones off and slowly get rid of the blindfold. «What's wrong Nick?» Matt ask worried. «I heard like a malefic laugh freaking psychotic laugh » we all frown confused and Chris not knowing what just happened continue «no, not carlota...» Chris then freeze and don't continue the sentence he just started,he also take off the blind fold and the headphones and just stares at me almost like he is scared, he then look at everyone «it said "Ana, silly." like not Carlotta , Ana »
We were all getting scared so we decided to take a little pause outside. I was talking with Sam and wick a little afar from the rest of the group talking about life and our respective Chanel « Colby actually love what you post on social media,he always ask if saw your last post» he said laughing, Nick looked at me with big eyes before speaking «Ana and I are obsessed with your channel that we even made up a rule that we cannot watch the newest video without each other.obviously Ana is the one that came up with that rule ».
I slapped his chest my hand laughing « don't act so annoyed with this rule because the only timed broke that rule I had to do your chores for an entire week.»
I walk to the other little group and as i was walking away i heard nick asking « is he in love with her by any chance? » this is so embarrassing.
After 20 min of talking to take a little break we went back in the hotel room and Sam and Colby started to record again and explained to the viewers that Matt and I are going to do the Estes method in the bathroom. Matt sits on the toilets while i sits on a chair we took from the bedroom. Nick and Chris are sitting on the floor Sam is standing in front of us and Colby is standing behind me in the shower.
Matt and I put the blindfold and the headphones on. The static sound in my ears is slowly getting louder as I concentrate on what could hear.
Colby POV:
Matt and Ana are listening to the spirit box and it's time to ask some questions «Matt , Ana can you hear us?» I ask and none of them answer. « behind her» Matt says. They are all confused while I am scared it the same spirit from the bedroom who was being weird. « behind who?» asked my best friend behind the camera. « it said my name guys» Ana, who looks terrified that it said her name again.
« I thinks it's the same person from the bedroom » said one of her older brother, Ana's leg was shaking from the stress but she quickly stoped and putted her own hand on her knee smiling. «are you talking about Colby? The person behind Ana » Nick asked and almost immediately the two sibling answered « yeah.» everyone looked at me. « what about me?» I asked. I'm sure it is the same spirit from earlier. «You're not welcomed here » and «leave» came out of their mouth
« hell no. I'm not going any where. Why should I leave?» I was getting annoyed as time went by. I knew why they wanted me away it's simply because they could get to Ana way easier. And as we thought no one answered that question. After a few seconds of silence Chris came out with a great question. « why are you still here?» we looked at the two sibling waiting for an answer. « are you stuck here or can you go to multiple places?» we wait again for an answer and Ana is the one breaking the silence « great here».
«So you stay here because you like it here?» I asked « maybe they stay here because they like it but could go anywhere if they wanted to?» Sam said and after a few seconds Matt started giggling « it said "you got it blond boy" in a very happy way, almost celebrating ». We all laughed a bit but we stopped when Ana started to rub her arm like crazy like she was freezing we were all getting concerned «I'm in love.» Ana said. « who are you in love with?» I asked. « it keep saying Ana's name like "ana.ana.ana.ana" it's getting weird » Matt is right it is really getting weird « Colby could you not press yourself on my shoulder like that please».
We all looked at her and started to really get scared, since I was really close behind her took a step back my back was know against the wall.« tell her it's not Colby.». Matt took the headphones and blindfold off just like his brothers did earlier and as he was about to speak Ana did. « it whispered "it's just us now" what the fuck»
Matt looked at us surprised while we were all used to the crazy thing it keep saying « I took mine off because it screamed in my ears. It scared the fuck out of me» I listened to him but I then remembered what Ana said as soon as Matt took of the headphones « it's not only the two of you we are still here. »
I said and Ana quickly answered « wow! I heard like an annoyed growl and then it said shut it!» they all smiled surprised « did dit really told you to shut it? That's crazy » Matt said. « it been super rude to Colby the whole time,do you think the spirit is in love with Ana?»Nick asked. «I mean they could but they have to remember that Ana is 19 and as sadly as it sounds they are dead so... » we all laugh and Ana said « you'll be dead too soon » this is getting really dark, I exchange a glance with Sam that confirm my thought.
« someday she'll be mine » the three brothers looked really worried « isn't this going too dark guys?» Nick asked I obviously agree and tap on Ana's shoulder so she know we've done and when she takes off the head phones we all hear in a deep voice « I'll stay with her » which freaks us all out. « oh, hell no. Packs your shit we're leaving » I said as I rushed out of the bathroom holding Ana's hand.
Ana's POV
Colby and I left the hotel room he was holding my hand, we were in the hallway when I stopped walking forcing him to stop with me. « stop! Stop! What the hell happened? Why did we leave like that? » I asked loudly really scared « what about my brothers? And Sam?» «i was getting out of hand! It was dangerous for you Ana!»
« so it is for them, let's get-» Colby cut me off « Ana, Ana stop calm down. Sam know what to do. it was getting dangerous for you. Not for Matt not for Chris for you. The spirit wanted you.»
I was shocked, I had no idea why he was saying that but I started to remember some things that I repeated earlier during the Estes method « I'm in love » or even when it said « it's just us now »
« I have to protect you,I am the one that know that stuff. So let's get you out of here and clean you » we starts to walk toward the exit of the hotel again « look I know this seem crazy but it's very serious. » we are now in front of the hotel I just texted Matt saying we're walking a little bit.«…so that's basically it. we think their was a spirit that fell in love with you and was maybe a little too obsessive »
« do you have a name for that spirit?» I asked curiously « why? Are you interested?» he asked with a little smile, I laugh looking at him « no, not really » I said still laughing a little. « why not? Are you already seeing somebody else?» but now it was not a smile anymore more like a smirk. « no I'm not, but... Let's say I like someone» there is no way I just said that I like someone to the someone I'm talking about. I kept looking at him, I wanted to see his reaction he looked surprised? « on yeah? Some guy you know?».
No don't ask I don't wanna say that. Not to you.« well…It's something like that i guess?» thank god we're outside in the night because I know i am blushing.« what do you mean something like that? Who is it? » and here it is. He asked. « well...» I don't know how I'm supposed to say that I've been having the biggest crush on him for some month now.« if I tell you my crush would you tell me yours?» I nod to him thinking that if he say someone else I'll invent a random guy.
His hand find my cheeks to caress it gently, smiling. He gets closer to me « you. You're my crush » I look at him smiling widely more than happy, he was still staring at me, well it looked like he was more staring at my lips. I was also looking at his and after a few seconds he leaned in and our lips finally connected.« you're my crush too » was all I said before kissing him again.
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thefanficmonster · 3 months
hiii can i rq a dylan stevens x soft! fem reader??? like he’s with steve, sam and colby and his gf wanted to tag along but she gets scared super easily
Hi dear! Thank you so much for this request! I have such a soft spot (and crush) for Steve and Dylan and I was so upset to see no fanfics for them. So I decided to take things into my own hands 😂 Hope you enjoy the fic, darling 💌
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Not for the faint of heart
Pairing: Dylan Stevens x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Paranormal Investigations, Swearing
Genre: FLUFF, Comfort, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: see request above
Shaky hands cling onto the sleeve of Dylan's hoodie as the group makes their way through the halls of the abandoned and supposedly haunted hospital. The vibe has been eerie the whole night with bangs, cracks and even footsteps echoing off the walls all too frequently for your comfort.
You're not the biggest fan of the paranormal but, on the other hand, you are the biggest fan of your boyfriend who's made one of your biggest fears his job. Therefore, you've been finding yourself in these creepy places all too often as of recent. It doesn't help that Steve, who's decidedly become an older brother to you since you and Dylan started dating, loves messing with you and scaring you.
Tonight is no different.
A tickle to your side causes you to squeal and jump, seeking comfort by nuzzling further into Dylan's side. Looking over your shoulder, you're both relieved and annoyed to see a grinning Steve.
"You jerk!" You lightly smack his shoulder, making him and the guys laugh, "You almost gave a heart attack!"
An arm wraps around your shoulders, halting your rather ineffective offense attempt. "Alright, alright that's enough, you two. Well, mostly you." Dylan gives Steve an annoyed scolding look, "Quit messing with my girlfriend."
Raising his hands in surrender, Steve lightheartedly apologizes but you meet his words with the most distrustful, narrow-eyed glare which, again, elicits a laugh from him.
Dylan can't help but smile widely at the ridiculous scene in front of him. He remembers how nervous you were to meet his best friend, a thousand thoughts and insecurities running through your head, causing you massive anxiety. All such uncertainties were snuffed out the second you actually met Steve. You had only seen pictures of him up until that point and in each he looked so gloomy and serious. Very no-nonsense, very unlike Dylan or yourself. That's where your hesitation had sprouted from.
The second he'd climbed out of his car, a wide smile contradicted the image of him you had conjured in your head. Him and Dylan were the goofiest duo you'd ever seen and you were so easily sucked into their dynamic that now you've become a trio. Though not so much when it comes to the ghost hunting stuff.
The two sometimes manage to convince you to tag along but most of their attempts are ineffective. This time was the case of the former. Though, to be frank, Sam and Colby played a huge role in getting you to agree.
The five of you have now sat down in what the tour guide had informed you was a sort of makeshift ritual room. Not much gave away that fact if one could casually ignore the huge burn mark in the middle of the floor.
You, however, can't.
"It's said that you can still feel heat emanating from that spot right there." Sam explains to the camera, turning it to film the dark stain in question. "We'll have to check on our own though."
The first to step up to the occasion is Colby, crouching down next to the mark, being extra cautious not to step on it. "Sam, doesn't this remind you of something." He asks, looking up at his best friend whose face contorts from confusion into utter horror within a second.
"Oh my God, you're right! The Sallie house!" The blonde exclaims, his jaw hitting the floor, "Not again, dude!"
The name takes a moment to register in your brain but when you connect it to its respective Sam and Colby video - yes, the only reason you agreed to coming is because you're a huge fan - you too go wide-eyed.
"You wanna sit down in the middle of it again?" Dylan's question only worsens your terror. The fact that Sam doesn't say 'no' right away isn't helping either.
"Don't give him ideas!" You whisper-yell at your boyfriend who just sheepishly smiles at you.
"Don't worry, Y/N, I'm not doing that shit again. Well, unless money is involved, that is." He adds the last part as a joke but that still doesn't stop Steve and Dylan from reaching for their wallets. You quickly smack their hands, their laughter provoking your own.
"Yo! Come check this out! It's fucking crazy!" Colby's voice interrupts, causing you all to look over to him hovering his hand over the blackened concrete, "It feels like holding your hand up to an oven door."
Your friends, unlike you, show no sign of hesitation as they approach Colby, each sticking their hand out in search of proof that they're not being messed with. Seeing their faces morph into a look of absolute disbelief and astonishment, you realize that your fear isn't stronger than your need to confirm it for yourself.
Your friends have stepped a few feet away from the spot by now, allowing you to crouch down and see for yourself. And see, you do.
You snatch your hand back as soon as you'd extended it, quickly getting up to your feet. Your face mimics the other four reactions this bizarre phenomenon provoked from the other people in the room.
Suddenly, a gust of warm air tickling the back of your neck reminds you that you are indeed quite terrified. For just a second though, since you're quick to remind yourself of Steve's antics. You turn around to reprimand him for messing with you again just to realize him, along with Dylan, are a good ten feet away from you, helping Sam and Colby unpack their equipment.
Your rationality goes back to fear in an instant. Your blood runs cold and your eyes fill with tears. The only words that escape your lips are choked yet still somehow high-pitched, "Oh my God!"
Four heads snap in your direction. They drop what they're doing, seeing your distressed state. Dylan jogs over to you, his hands resting on your arms, "What's wrong? What happened?"
Instinctively, you reach up to the back of your neck, touching the goosebumps that have formed on your skin, "It felt like someone was breathing down my neck." You explain, moving your hair out of the way to show your boyfriend, "I-I thought it was Steve..."
"Hey!" The accused argues, now having approached you as well, eyes flooded with worry. "I swear it wasn't me."
You quickly shake your head, "I know! I'm fucking shaking." You mutter, biting your lip as you try controlling your racing heartbeat.
"Did you scratch yourself?" Colby asks, shining the camera light on your skin to make sure he's seeing correctly.
"No, why?" Your eyes blow wide open at the question but you try your best to keep your composure.
Colby's just about to reply, telling you about the red spot that's appeared on the back of your neck when Dylan catches his eye. With a sharp shake of the head he delivers his message loud and clear. "It's nothing, my bad. I was casting a shadow and it looked like a bruise." He says instead, the sigh he receives in response from you confirming that telling you would've been a bad idea.
You stay wrapped in Dylan's embrace while the guys set up their equipment for a session. One of his hands is rested on your back while the other has cupped the back of your head, keeping you to his chest as he whispers reassurances in your hair, periodically interrupting himself to kiss the top of your head.
"It's ok, babe. Nothing's gonna hurt you. Not on my watch." He says, making you giggle.
"What, you're gonna fistfight a ghost?" You ask, pulling away to be able to look him in the eyes.
His kind, adorable eyes you love so much. Especially the creases that appear at their corners when he smiles the way he is now, looking down at you.
"For you? Anytime. I'm military personnel, after all." He proclaims, resting his forehead against yours.
You can't help the blush that creeps onto your cheeks which threaten to start hurting from how widely you're smiling - a side effect of having the cutest goofball as a boyfriend.
"Dork." You chuckle, shaking your head before connecting your lips in a quick kiss.
The moment doesn't last long, curtesy of none other than...
"Get a room you two!"
...of course it's Steve.
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malebodyexhibit · 1 year
Haunting Desire
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I snapped a photo of myself just like the website described. There appeared to be nothing paranormal about myself, yet I felt a chill tickle the nape of my neck.
It’s been over a month since my girlfriend and I moved into this apartment. We were attempting to be adults, and sure, we’re just at the drinking age, so technically we were, but we wanted to be self sufficient. So much for that: we both didn’t have jobs nor did we bother with college; we lived off our family’s wealth. This just caused us problems. We were bored. She went out with friends. I tried hanging out with my friends, but I never clicked with them, so when something seemed off with our apartment, I felt more interested in solving that mystery than being with my friends.
It started with smalls things. It started before we even moved into the apartment. While touring the place, I stepped into the living area and was startled by the wide window staring out into the city. I’ve lived in places with better vistas, but something pulled me in. It felt warm and familiar. I sank into the couch left by the previous occupants and closed my eyes. It wasn’t until the apartment manager tapped me wake that I realized I had been alone on the couch. I shook off the feeling that I had been beside a person. As we continued to tour the place, I kept glancing at the living area, often I mistook a passing bird’s shadow for a person. When we came to the master bedroom, the same familiar warmth crept over me, but it deepened and I pulled myself away. I thought it was just nerves. Nonetheless I decided to place an offer.
Gradually odd things happened more and more. Cabinets opened; clothes were pulled out from laundry hampers; cologne that was not my own filled the air; knocks at the door; and a warm, breathy nuzzling of my neck in the morning. It was odd enough, but I started dreaming.
In a common dream, I enter the living area and walk over to the couch. On the couch was someone I loved. It felt beyond love because looking at them filled me with warmth. Cuddling with them on the couch seemed easy. Easier than it was to be with my girlfriend. Don’t get me wrong. I loved her. But, doesn’t it feel like that was just how it’s supposed to be? Like you didn’t have any other choice? That it just felt like it was the best fit for you? Well, the dream lasted until the person I held seemed to melt from my arms, and I grew colder, colder as if feeling a draft, and watching them fade beyond the door.
I’d wake up and find tears in my eyes. I often tried to hold my girlfriend, but the warmth was just bodily. It didn’t seem to warm the whole of me.
Eventually, I found myself sleep walking and waked on the couch, holding a pillow. Then the dreams seemed to happen while I was awake.
I often workout at home. I had my own workout equipment. So as I was working up a sweat and pumping my arms, I felt myself pull back. Like I dissociated from myself. I watched myself continue the workout. I felt myself breathing and the strain of my body pushing itself. Then it was like someone in my body was aware it was there. They stopped the workout and held my arms to their eyes, turning it around, checking out the biceps, triceps, and the veins on my body. They tentatively touch my abs and traced the creases of my pecs. Then I felt myself come back. And I was in control again.
Each time I feel myself pull back, someone seems to take control and I watch them ride my body. I also get a “taste” of their memory or feelings.
One time, while I was cooking dinner for my girlfriend, I felt myself pull back. The person in me started to expertly chop onions, garlic, then sautéed the ingredients. Soon the kitchen smelled wonderful. I heard my girlfriend walking up behind me and the person in me turned, and I, for some reason, expected to see a burly man with a beer in hand, but only saw my girlfriend.
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I couldn’t explain why I was disappointed. The image of the man was fresh in my mind. They were someone this person in me loved. I could imagine myself in the man’s arms. I could imagine the feeling of my cheek against their hairy chest. I could imagine him nuzzling my neck as I slept. But I could also see them leaving.
When I saw my girlfriend and not the man of my literal dreams, I felt myself being thrusted back in control. And that’s when I noticed a pattern. I was only controlled when I did things the other... person did. They worked out, they cooked, and they wanted comfort. But when something I did that they didn’t do, then I got control back.
The dreams intensified, and I honestly enjoyed it. I think that was when I figured I might have something more in common with... this person. Growing up in a conservative state, I was told that I only had one option: Get married then have children. So I didn’t realize that I might like guys. As I continued to dream of this guy who held me and kissed me, I found I enjoyed it more and more. That’s when I saw my own reflection in a dream. I looked pretty similar: white, black-haired, young male who worked out but was still skinny. I looked good. Or he looked good.
I assumed the person in my skin had died and lived in this apartment before I moved in. It’s a strange sensation to realize you’re being possessed by a ghost, but I enjoyed the company in a strange way. For so long, I felt alone. Even when I thought I was in love, I had really just been living in a lie. Now that I saw a truer version of myself, I wanted to express it and share it.
I found out his name was Ethan. I found out when his boyfriend of five years wrapped his arms around me in a dream and whispered his name in my ear. Ethan was around my age and had died suddenly in an accident. His boyfriend must have left shortly after. I couldn’t imagine his heart break.
Now Ethan took me over, usually while I slept, and explored my body. I “woke” while I was stroking one out to pictures of guys. I also woke while working out. My sleep schedule became so erratic that my girlfriend was concerned. So I decided to finally come out to her.
I was terrified and I wanted Ethan to work it through with me, but when I finally said the words, “I’m gay,” I felt on my own. Yet I felt him nearby.
The breakup was messy. In the process I had awkward conversations with family and friends. I would still get money from family, but it was strained love at best. My friends seemed to drop out of my life except for a few. One of my friends even expressed an interest, but I was terrified to do anything.
So I made Ethan help me.
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I invited him over and to calm my nerves I had a shot or two of hard liquor. I closed my eyes and imagined Ethan’s boyfriend. And just like that I felt myself lose control. Ethan seemed to see my friend as his former lover.
The ghost in my body took my friend by the waist and pulled him in for a kiss. He trailed along his neck and down his chest. The whole time I watched and celebrated this new found sexual excitement. As Ethan kissed each ab, he brought his hands around his cock. I watched as Ethan started to suck and stroke it. My friend moaned and grabbed my hair. He was gasping as Ethan sucked deeper and brought his fingers to my friend’s hole. I could feel each sensation from the taste, the hard cock, and the tightening warmth around my fingers.
When we finished, my friend held my body and the ghost and I within savored the company. But it didn’t last. After a couple more hook ups, Ethan had said the L-word. “I love you,” he said after a night of rough fucking. My friend had his arms around us, but upon hearing “love” he pulled back and stammered an excuse. I felt myself thrusted into control and I tried to fix it.
“I didn’t mean it! It just slipped out!” I said, almost in tears at having this new comfort taken away from me.
“Sorry, I can’t. I thought we both knew this was a hook up. I’m not looking to date guys,” my friend said before leaving.
I was devastated, but when I no longer felt Ethan in me or around me, that’s when I broke down in sobs.
It had been days since I felt Ethan and I was getting desperate for his company, his possession of me. It was the only time I felt cared for and brave enough to be me.
So I looked up shady websites about ghosts and found one about how to detect ghosts. You take a picture of yourself and look for orbs. And that’s what I did, but as you can see from the first picture I took, there was nothing.
But as you now understand, there is a world of ghosts out there. Ghosts that probably want a hot body to go into, to use, and I’m a guy who wants to be used. If I can’t have Ethan in me, then maybe I should find another ghost who could fill me up and make me whole.
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
I'm patient but I'm not but I'm patient but I'm not are we going to pee in this elevator and is Joe going to hear us go pssssss I'M PATIENT BUT I'M NOT please pretty please part three soon? 🥺 🥺 🥺 
so, ive learned that apparently peeing in front of a stranger is literal nightmare fuel for some of you and i wasnt aware and im very sorry for exposing you to this fear without having put a proper trigger warning in place... but, um, here's part three :) Wordcount: 3.5K
Between Floors and Feelings
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
“They say this station’s haunted, you know?”
It had been forty minutes. Forty-five, maybe, of being stuck in a lift with a stranger, and all you wanted to do was sleep.
Just… have a cheeky little nap. Some good quality shut-eye.
If you would’ve been by yourself, you’d have laid down already, no doubt about it. Would’ve dozed off until firefighters or whoever else knew how to save people from lifts would come to rescue you.
If you’d have been alone you also would’ve definitely pissed yourself, but you thought that maybe the dress would hide it well enough. You could easily pretend the lift already smelled like urine when you stepped inside just before it had gotten stuck. Before you’d gotten trapped inside with a handsome man in an expensive suit who had introduced himself as Joe.
Joe, who was now trying to distract you with some spooky shit you didn’t believe in.
“Actor William Terriss, murdered in 1890-something. There used to be a bakery here,”
You were far too tired to really interact with him, but Joe didn’t mind. He just talked, and you just listened. You also didn’t really care for what he was telling you, but the fact that Joe was trying to make casual conversation in an attempt to distract from the stupid and increasingly annoying static from the intercom was sweet.
“And now they say he stalks the corridors, looking for bread. Tall guy, apparently. I’ve been told some tube workers were so scared of him, they requested to be transferred to a less haunted tube station,”
“Less haunted,” you repeated, “Not not haunted. Just, less.” that tickled you.
“A little haunting is fine, a touch of spook keeps you on your toes. But a tall actor looking for bread?” Joe looked at you, eyes squinted and eyebrows raised, and then jokingly answered his own question, “That’s too much.”
You just smiled, eyes heavy-lidded. A silence fell and your mind wandered a second. If you thought about it, almost every tube station could easily have scary spooky ghost stories. They were all underground with groaning tunnels and echoing passages, if you believed in the paranormal, any noise could be coming from the other side. Especially when a little more deserted, every single tube station could give you the creeps.
But you'd never seen a ghost, and were planning on keeping it that way.
If you could just… slump sideways and rest your head a little. Close your eyes a second. Let the ghost of the bread-actor roam freely and do his thing without bothering him... if you could just sleep. Doze off, just for a little while.
Joe pressed the emergency button for what felt like the three hundred and eighty-third time.
Pressing the emergency button no longer made anyone ask you any questions. It was just static now. Static that would last about 20 seconds before it died again, and every time it did, Joe would just press the button once more.
He’d been assigned the button-pressing task, which was good work, because you felt busy enough focusing on staying awake and working your pelvic floor muscles.
You were uncomfortable, and grew a little more uneasy when you felt eyes on you. You turned your head to see Joe give you a wary once over.
“You all right?”
How deep was this pit of concern this man held within him? You tutted and slumped your head forwards by ways of answering.
“I’m so close to my bed, I can practically hear it call my name,” you whined.
“If you’re an easy sleeper, I don’t mind if you close your eyes a second,”
Too kind.
“I can’t, I’ll piss myself,” you deadpanned and hissed straight after, because mentioning it made you feel it more. You tried to relief the pressure by pressing both hands firmly into the floor and leaning heavily into your stretched arms. It did nothing.
“That’s OK, I’ll pretend I don’t see,”
You gave Joe a stare, one that said, ha ha, very funny, even though you had to work to hide your smile.
The static died.
Joe pressed the button again.
“So, you live close then?”
You nodded. “Bow street, just down the road,”
Joe blinked, then let out an impressed whistle that sliced through the air with a sharp, clear tone.
“My God, I didn’t know I was in the proximity of an actual billionaire.”
You were hardly a billionaire, but you’d be lying if you said you had never used your postal code to impress people.
“It’s a tiny studio above a Pizza Express, it’s not that glamorous,” you argued.
“Oh, so… millionaire, then,”
Had you not been so tired, had you not needed the loo so badly, you’d have reacted more to it. Joe was funny. Sweet. All you could give was a slight smile before a grimace overtook your face once more.
“Should’ve gotten off at Leicester Square,” you muttered.
Because you did all the time. Especially in rush hours. But you hadn’t wanted to walk the extra few minutes. Minutes that, in hindsight, would’ve passed anyway. Minutes that would’ve meant you could’ve been home right now.
“Nah,” Joe reasoned, having a sip of his own water before continuing, “You probably would’ve gotten your dress stuck in the escalator, making the whole system tear it off, and that group of drunk guys likely wouldn’t have gone easy on you,”
Joe had seen and heard those guys too.
“To be honest,” you started, eyes closed and entirely focused on the strength needed to keep every single drop of urine inside your body. “I’d take the humiliation if that meant I would’ve been home right now.”
And you meant it.
Fuck, if you just kept thinking about it, you would only feel it more. You needed something to make you forget about the building pressure in your lower stomach all together, but it wasn’t as if there were ample options of entertainment.
There was just Joe.
“Do you live close? Or do you still have a whole trek home once we get out?” it was the easiest way of asking if you were potentially stuck in a small metal box with a neighbour.
“Quite the footslog for me still, yea,” so not a neighbour then.
You assumed he must have had plans. Maybe Joe was meeting friends in a bar somewhere, or maybe he’d been on his way to meet his girlfriend - you knew nothing about him, and didn’t know what to assume.
“Maybe we can convince the ambulance to drop you off at your place later,” you tried your hand at a joke.
“For my ruptured bladder,” it came out all constrained, and instead of a goofy laugh, you received a concerned glance from Joe that then turned into something more determined.
“Yea, all right, hang on, I’m gonna…” Joe trailed off, and twisted to cap off of his water bottle again before he drank whatever was left inside. Just, chugged it all down.
“No, don’t– there’ll be two full bladders inside this lift, and–”
“One.” Joe said, wiping his mouth with the back of one hand before he got up onto his feet. Then, he held a hand out to you, and without much thinking you took it. Joe helped you stand, and then gave you the empty plastic bottle.
“I promise I won’t look… or listen, I won’t, you just– you’re risking a bladder infection, and you’re clearly in pain, so–”
“Oh my God, you think I’m going to pee into this water bottle?”
“I don’t think, I know, I’ll just… here, look, I’ll squeeze myself into the corner with my back turned,” Joe demonstrated, turning with his face pressed into the corner before he covered both ears with his palms.
“You’re joking. We could be in here for hours, I don’t–”
“Exactly.” Joe looked over his shoulder. “So, please, go ahead. If you gotta go, you gotta go. I’ll give you as much privacy as I can.”
He turned back, and you just blinked at his backside.
What the fuck was this guy on?
You looked at the water bottle in your hands and for a split second actually contemplated doing it. But then, how the fuck was this ever going to work?!
“I’ve not got the aim for this,” you said. “I barely got it all into an open handbag earlier, this is never– hey!”
“You what?” Joe turned around, hands lowering from his ears, giving you a sort of panicked, definitely confused look.
“You have remarkably good hearing for someone who was very actively not listening to me peeing,”
Joe's throat stuttered as he quickly turned back, hands back over his ears. To really sell that he wasn’t listening, he started singing, “That’s me in the corner… that’s me in the, spot, light, losing my religion,”
He wiggled his hips a little to the words as he sang way off pace, far too quick, and you thought to yourself that if you were going to have to be stuck in a lift with a stranger, it was good that you’d gotten stuck with this one. This light-hearted, big goof of a man, who seemed to not have a single judgmental bone in his body. Or, a musical one for that matter.
Feeling no judgment was very refreshing after heavily judging every single aspect of yourself from the moment you’d walked out of your office.
“Joe,” you said, clearly not going ahead and even attempting to use the empty water bottle as a toilet. But Joe was definitely going to think twice about turning around after that comment you'd made.
“Joe,” you tried again, louder.
But that just prompted Joe to raise his voice as well, “Oh no I’ve said too much,” Joe dragged out his words to keep the silences in between to a minimum. “I haven’t said enough– I thought that I heard you– ow,”
Joe turned and saw that the bounce he'd felt on the back of his head came from the soft plastic of the water bottle you were now holding by the cap in your fist, like a weapon.
“Thank you, but, I think I'd rather die,” than pee in front of you into a water bottle that would then just be full of your yellow piss. You shudderd at the thought of it.
“Okay, well then,” Joe swiftly took the bottle from your hands and stepped around you. You turned and saw how Joe placed the bottle right side up in the corner furthest away from the intercom.
“It'll be here for when you need it,”
“I won't need it,” you said, sliding down the lift doors opposite to sit back down.
“Hmh, debatable,” Joe scrunched up the side of his face, making him wink as he did so as he moved to go sit down next to you.
“I won't use it,” you rectified.
“Then it'll just be there,” Joe bickered, gesturing towards the plastic bottle with one arm.
“For no reason,” you honestly weren't going to fucking use it. You'd probably end up pissing all over your own hands, and Joe just drank the last bit of water that you could've used to wash them after. Although, working with just the one container, that wouldn't have worked anyway.
“It'll be there because I like to keep my empty water bottles in corners of lifts. Feng Shoe and that.”
Joe had one of those faces where he joked a bunch without showing it much, expression all serious, or all annoyed, but then he'd crack straight after. Would press his lips together to hide the smile that he couldn't escape as his eyes found yours.
“Um, it's Feng Shui,” you corrected, and the giggles Joe was trying to repress came out in a snort.
Sat next to each other now, you felt a lot more comfortable because there weren't constant eyes on you. Both you and Joe had the same view: your own legs, feet, the empty lift, the water bottle in the corner across from you near the opposite doors...
You let your head fall back against the door and closed your eyes a second.
That whole ordeal had woken you up a little, but you were still tired. Resting your eyes was still very welcome.
“So... I have um, I've got some questions,” Joe started after a short silence.
You kept your eyes shut, but stopped breathing for a second.
“If they're about pissing into a bag, no you don't,” you said, and you heard a small disappointed hum escape Joe's throat.
“So, um, I have no questions,”
That made you laugh.
Still didn't feel great. You still had to pee, but you were determined now. Your body was going to have figure out a way to just... reabsorb it all back into your system.
You laugh turned into a frown and an extended groan.
“All right,” you sat up a little, ready to get into it. You were going to tell the full story, whether Joe actually wanted to hear it or not.
“No, please, you don't have to,” Joe laughed as he backtracked.
“I've already said too much,” you sighed.
“I could wonder for the rest of my life,” Joe was sweet. Didn't want to pressure you into sharing anything you didn't originally want to share.
“It'll be like therapy,” but you were already talking yourself into sharing everything that had happened to you that evening, all the things that lead up to you getting onto the tube looking like you did.
It didn't feel right to just let this guy think you were crazy.
Which, maybe you were crazy, but, at least you could make him understand.
So you told Joe about the annual costume party at the office. This year the theme was the letter B. You went with bride. Your boyfriend - fuck, ex-boyfriend - dressed up as a business man which meant that he could just wear his own office attire. You had joked that you were going to tell people he dressed up as 'boring'. You had given him so many alternative ideas; batman, bra salesman, Bob Ross, a banana, Baby Spice, a blue man group member, Buzz Lightyear... you had more up your sleeve, but he'd insisted on business man. Would just be easier.
Easier, and also more boring. But it was whatever. Showing up in a wedding dress with him wearing a suit was kind of cute, you thought.
And the party had been fun! Everyone had looked amazing, really amazing. Most people had gone all out with their outfits and it made you feel less silly for walking around in a big puffy white cupcakey wedding dress. Someone had dressed up as big foot, the full costume, and you'd had to figure out who hiding inside that costume by process of elimination.
But then, when you were hunched over the table that held all the drinks with two of your colleagues, mixing stupid shit together to make awful brown-looking drinks, it all went wrong.
You looked up, searched for him with your eyes, because you had a gross drink to give to him, and saw him across the room, talking to Derek whose desk was three seats over from yours.
You saw how he excused himself. Saw him say he was going to go for a quick toilet break.
But then he walked the opposite way. Derek hadn't even noticed.
And you were dumb.
Thought he just didn't know where the toilets were.
So with two drinks in hand, you rushed after him. Had a sip that spilled down the sides of your mouth because you weren't being careful, and you'd grimaced and laughed at how nasty it was.
Then you saw him step into your boss's office, and you slowed down. Why was he going in there? Surely he knew, could see, that wasn't where the men's room was.
You were about to call out for him, were about to go, “Babe, are you lost?” with a laugh stuck at the back of your throat that was ready to slip out when you'd see him all confused and all alone in your boss's office.
But then, when you stepped into the doorway, he wasn't all confused. And he wasn't all alone.
His face was stuck to your boss's face, and you could see actual tongue. You saw her fingers work to loosen his tie. You saw his fingers pressed into her waist. She was dressed as a bunny, the Playboy kind, because of course she was.
You didn't think they'd even seen you. Not that you spent a very long time looking at them. You'd instantly turned on your heel and marched back to where the party was still in full swing.
Two colleagues saw your ashen complexion, saw the shock and the panic and the hurried shaky steps you were taking and cornered you. Said things like, “I'm sorry you had to find out this way,” and “We would've said something sooner, but, you know, she's our boss,” and “I'm sure you understand, don't you?” because they'd all known. And apparently for fucking ages, too.
Your face had been streaming down with tears once they were done talking to you. Once they'd advised you to go home, you had mascara all the way down your neck and two empty glasses in your hands. The godawful cocktails that held nothing but strong liquors mixed together had been a godsend.
You'd hitched, “Tell her I quit with immediate effect.” without wanting to look anyone in the eye.
Everyone could go and fuck themselves.
And then, just before you walked out, you saw her handbag. You knew it held her planner, her cigarettes, maybe even her phone, and you thought, I've got to pour something in.
The table that held all drinks was too far back into the office. People would notice. Maybe you could go hold it open under a tap. Place it in the sink in the toilets and just.... fill it up.
That's when you had felt your lower stomach pinch.
“Listen,” you said to Joe, regrettably in tears once again.
God, what a pathetic evening.
“I'm not proud of what I've done. But I did exactly what you think I did and I only stopped because I heard footsteps.”
Joe had just listened to you without interrupting besides the hand he'd placed around your wrist when he saw your eyes well up as you spoke.
He very slowly rubbed his thumb back and forth, but didn't say anything. It felt like the most appropriate way to comfort you. He was used to hugging strangers, but that didn't mean that you were, and he had to actively work against the instinct to curl an arm around you.
The hand on your arm felt nice.
The thumb rubbing felt nicer.
“So, I left her bag there, on the floor, and just hauled myself out of there... and, against my better judgement, decided to get the tube home instead of a taxi.”
You rubbed at the underside of your nose, and then at a cheek. Maybe these tears actually cleared your face of all the make-up remnants. There was going to have to be a point where it'd all just... wash off, right?
You were expecting Joe to say something like, I'm sorry, or, that's awful. But then he softly said,
“Should've shat in it,”
And the laugh it erupted from you was embarrassingly loud. Came right from your core. Made Joe laugh too as he bent forward a little to find your eyes with his. Made your tears suddenly become tears of joy once more. Made you grab onto Joe's arm with the one that he wasn't holding onto. Made you suddenly sit up in an attempt to not wet yourself.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Shit. No, fuck.
“Bottle!” you cried, moving your feet underneath you as you tried to stand up. "Quick, bottle, bottle, bottle!" you reached with hands you knew wouldn't reach far enough.
Luckily, Joe shot into action, almost seemed excited to do so. Jumped up, took the bottle, turned back to you as you were still trying to get up.
“I can't– help,” you squirmed, feet and bum on the floor still, both arms outstretched, waiting for Joe to pull you up.
You felt like you would sometimes feel when you really needed the toilet and you were right outside your flat, fumbling with the keys as you tried to hurry which only made things take so much longer.
Joe helped you stand, and the gave you the bottle before he slapped the emergency button. The static would help drown out the noise, you know, besides the loud singing Joe was about to do.
He stepped around you to go hide in his little corner again, hands already moving up to cover his ears, but you said, “Wait,” and used both hands to work you dress up, to get the bottle under the skirt.
Joe did wait, looking at you with big, rounded, expecting eyes. And you couldn't believe what you were about to say, but right now, everything was about survival and survival only.
“You're going to have to hold me.”
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @jasminearondottir @freckledjoes @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @thefemininemystiquee @alana4610 @emmamooney @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellyxo1 @chaoticgood-munson @sherrylyn628 @ohmeg @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @roosterisdaddy36 @alwayslindie @breddiemunson @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-eddie @alizztor @jnnyrd @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff @quinnsmunson @frogers @kennedy-brooke @daleyeahson @eddielives1986 @harringtonfan4 @sadbitchfangirl @emma77645 @tlclick73
(taglist currently full, sorry)
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rachi-roo · 1 year
Raichiii your writing is so gooodd!!! You're talented hehehe. Anyway I have a sudden funny idea that i'll be very grateful if you can turn into fic. I'm thinking the league of villain kidnap bakugou (just like in the anime), to persuade bakugou to join the LOV. Luckily the pro hero hawks is there (in disguise just like in the anime also)! Because hawks scared that LOV will use persuasion method that will harm bakugou, hawks adviced & suggested tickling instead because it's harmless lol Lee bakugou, lers hawks & LOV (platonic & no foot tickling if possible), have a nice dayy!!
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My Hero Academia: An alternative solution.
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You lot just loooove seeing him suffer, don't ya? XD Same 0-0 Sorry for the lack of some lov characters, I'm not sure about writing for those guys just yet 🫣
Summary: Tiggle fic. Bakugo has once again been captured by the LOV, now under the name Paranormal Liberation Front. Things look dire for the teen until a certain familiar bird-looking hero shows up to subtly aid the kidnapped victim.
Lee Bakugo, Lers Hawks, Dabi, Toga, Twice.
Tw: Mild swearing, possible spoilers, mentions of knifes, restraints, over-stimulation
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"I say we drain him dry~ After losing a couple of pints I'm sure he'd be more willing to cooperate." Himiko grinned, pressing the flat of her knife against Bakugos chin, lifting his head towards the light. He was still a little groggy from whatever they'd managed to shoot him with. It could have been another quirk, but that didn't matter right now.
"Naaah, after the trouble he caused last time, we should burn the message into him. Make sure it leaves a lasting reminder of who he's up against if he doesn't want to join." Dabi chuckled, raising a small ember to the side of the ash blonde's face. The heat just licking his skin.
Bakugo just glared back, unable to move. They had the poor boy strapped into a different kind of chair this time. The seat part was normal, but the upper half of the chair was 'T' shaped, with his arms stretched out to the sides along the frame. Buckles along his upper arms, elbows and wrists held him firmly in place, with his hands trapped inside some kind of quirk nullifying blocks. They must've gotten this tech from ReDestro. He felt exposed. Only wearing his black tee, pyjama shorts and sneakers.
There were more straps, one across his chest, one on each thigh and another one holding each ankle. He was stuck good. They definitely had more painful plans for the boy this time.
"No!" Twice joined. "Let's just break every bone! Start with his toes- No this is far too cruel- He has it coming!"
"Woooah, woooah, everyone just take a breather, hey?" A cool voice interrupted, Dabi giving an irritated huff as he turned towards the voice. "The fuck are you doing here, Hawks?"
Hawks? Bakugos eyes snapped wide open, staring in disbelief. It's Hawks. He's really here. With the PLF. Why? What's he up to?
Hawks stepped in, smiling casually at the boy. "Long time no see, Bakugo." He waved.
"Hawks... The hell are you doing with-"
"All will be explained later, kid. Now, this is quite the tricky situation you've found yourself in, ain't it?" He chuckled, circling the chair in which Bakugo was bound. "Naww, look, they really did a number on you didn't they? All sleepy. Bless." He placed a hand on Bakugos back, pressing gently in a pattern, using code to let him know he was safe.
Toga frowned, pointing her knife again. "We just wanna convert him. He should be on our side! He's not as cute as Deku, but he is strong."
"Convert and befriend him by.... hurting him?" Hawks questioned with a raised brow. Bakugo gave him a side glance, wondering what he was up to.
"Uh, yeah? How else are we supposed to make him join us?" Twice hummed.
Hawks chuckled, ruffling Bakugos hair. "Well, what's one thing 99% of teen boys have in common that we could use?"
"No fire resistance."
"They need most of their blood?"
"Lack of oxygen will turn them blue!"
"All correct, but I was thinking something a little more, harmless." Hawks smiled, circling the blonde again, stopping behind him this time.
"Something, to reeeally make him regret not joining~" Two gloved hands flexed by Bakugos exposed sides, making him tense up.
"Hawks? What the fuck are you- Ghk!" He flinched, immediately trying to hold his breath as he felt the awful sensation of fingers skittering up and down his sides. He pulled on the restraints, desperately trying to stifle his giggling.
Dabi tilted his head. "Tickling? Are you serious?"
"Ah-hah~" Hawks nodded, resting his chin on Bakugos shoulder, casually continuing to lightly tickle the boy. "Think about it, you want him to join you, right? So, instead of using pain that will just make him sour towards us and our goals, why not use something that will, instead, make him smile?"
Toga crouched between Bakugos legs, leaning in to see his flustered expression as he tried to hide. "Hmmm... Good point." She nodded, a small grin growing on her cheeks. "I do like watching him wriggle like this. It must be humiliating." She rested her head on his knee, starting to drag her nails up and down the inside of his bare thigh, making his leg shudder.
Bakugo couldn't believe what was happening. This wasn't real. It had to be a dream. He shook his head, scrunching his eyes shut, still desperate not to laugh. "Rh- S-Stop it-!"
"What was that? You're gonna have to speak up a little buddy." Hawks cooed, blowing into the blonde's ear, making him yelp as he bundled his shoulders up. "You're so dead!" He threatened, biting his lip again.
Toga smirked, bringing her other set of nails to his exposed knees, reverse pinching on the caps. "You look silly~" She grinned.
"The sooner you give up, the sooner this will stop." Hawks nodded.
"Lemme try!- I'll kill the brat, with laughter!" Twice hopped over, standing by the side and started to poke at Bakugos tummy, enjoying the muffled giggling that followed.
He won't break. He won't! Not now. Not ever-!
"Coochie, coochie, coooo~ C'mon buddy, we're all friends here." Hawks jeered, holding two of his longer feathers, slipping them into the short sleeves of Bakugos shirt, ever so lightly brushing and swirling against his vulnerable underarms.
"Gh-! Shihit! Ah- Mmh! No! Rh! Noho! HahAH!" He was on the edge. Right on the brink of bursting.
"You guys are so bad at this." Dabi smirked, standing over Toga, leaning in and starting to claw at Bakugos ribs. He wasn't starting soft like the others. He wanted to crush this UA student.
"AAAAH! Nahaha! Aha-! No! Nohohoho! AHAHA!"
"There she blows~!" Hawks teased, continuing his underarm torment.
"Ahahaha! S-Stahap! Hawks! God danm ihihit! HAHA!"
Toga switched up her tickling, matching Dabis ruthless energy as she pressed her thumbs on his inner thighs, feeling the muscles tense and wobble in panic. "Hmmm, not as cute as Dekus thighs. But this is still fun~"
"Gehet off! Get off my thihighs! StAHAHA!" This wasn't like any tickling he had experienced before. All these spots being attacked at once, it was crazy. Maybe a little enjoyable for the time being. But crazy. Twice rolled up Bakugos shirt, tucking it under the chest strap, leaving his belly and ribs exposed.
"Wow, he's buff!- And all ours." The two-bit man smiled, starting to shake his fingers into the exposed tummy, earning a bout of boyish giggling before the hysterics descended again. "Stahap! I-I'll never-! AHAHAHA! NEHEHEVER!"
"Oh yes you wiiiill~ Or we're just going to tickle you pink!" Hawks smiled, glad that he'd managed to make sure they at least didn't hurt the boy. He looked at Bakugos face, red as a tomato, tears pooling in the corners of his tightly shut eyes and a big smile on his face.
"Move your hands, Twice!" Toga suddenly yelled, licking her lips as she took a deep breath, plunging against Bakugos belly, blowing a round of short, fuzzy raspberries.
Bakugo all but melted, unable to do anything but flinch and squirm, his entire body filled with a flurry of tingles. "Stop, stop, stop! Stahap! STAHAHAHAP!"
Hawks sent out a few smaller feathers, all starting to tickle around Bakugos ears, neck and collarbone, freeing his hands for other places. "Let's seeeee. A little birdy, not me another bird, told me that there's a little secret spot. Bakugos off button. Where oh where was it?" He teased, knowing exactly where it was.
"Don't! Hawks, Hawks plehease! I can't tahAHAHA! AAAAAH-!"
"Bingo~" Hawks chuckled, drilling his fingers into the so-called off button. Just above his ribs, below his underarms. It did indeed turn the poor boy off. His laughter fell silent, only growing loud again when he needed to inhale.
The tickling went on like this for a while. Tears dripped onto Bakugos rolled-up shirt as he cried with laughter, his body drenched in sweat. With Hawks taking care of his vulnerable spot, Twice on his tummy, Dabi wrecking his ribs and Toga squeezing at his thighs and knees, along with Hawks damned feathers. He wasn't sure he could take much more.
"Okay-.... Ahaha! O-Okahay! Stahap! Hawks! Please! Plehehease! Please stahap! AHA! MEHERCY!" He cried out, feeling himself start to panic. His hair sticking to his forehead, getting in his eyes. They weren't stopping. They really weren't stopping.
"Fuhuhuck! AHAHA! PLEHEASE! STAHAhahap!" His throat became hoarse, his mind filling with fog.
Finally, after almost an hour, the tickling finally stopped. Bakugo's head slumped forward as he gasped for air. Exhausted. Hawks stayed with him after the other members left. He gently brushed the hair from Bakugos eyes. "You did great kid, you just rest, we'll talk later."
Bakugo was too tired to argue, he just gave hawks a glare before closing his eyes, still trying to catch his breath.
What happened after that was a mystery, next thing Bakugo knew, he was waking up back in his bed at the dorms. He didn't care what Hawks was up to, he knew there was a reason he was with the villains that night. And he was still too tired to think about it right now. He sighed, curling up underneath his warm blankets, drifting off to sleep again.
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nametakensff · 1 year
🥀 for Eddie~
Ok. So. This ended up being 6k 💀
Please enjoy a fic of E/ddie being absolutely overwhelmed by multiple allergens before he completely loses all control in a most magnificent way ❤️
M/M, pre-relationship, pollen allergies, perfume allergies, sensitivity to cleaning products, cat allergies(ish), both S/teve and E/ddie have the fetish but don't know that yet, E/ddie turned on by his own sneezes, m/asturbation, humiliation, slow build of increasing allergic irritation
CW: a tad of self-hatred and internalised shame regarding the fetish
Slapped under a read more as this is very much NSFW!!
When Eddie had woken that day to a torso-crunching sneeze tossing him upwards in bed before he’d even been able to open his eyes, he knew he was screwed. It was peak allergy season, and they were hitting him hard. He scrambled for the bottle of meds on his bedside table, dry swallowing a couple of pills and steeling himself for the rest of his first fit of the morning.
“Hih! Hddt-! Ehg’tchiew! IDDHT’shiewww! Enngxt’tchiew!! ‘TShh’ieww! HIG’tchieww! Fuu’huckk-! IGK’tchiewww!!”
He let the sneezes do as they wanted, lying back against his pillow and allowing them to shudder through him. He felt the copious spray rain down on him in a gentle mist. It was gross, really, but he had just barely woken up – and it’s not like anyone was around to see him being so nasty. He briefly fantasised about what it would feel like for Steve to hold him as he convulsed, blessing him after each fittish release. Maybe he wouldn’t be disgusted. Maybe he would find Eddie…attractive like this, the way Eddie felt all the blood rush to his dick the few times he’d witnessed Steve let loose with a loud, messy sneeze of his own. His morning wood twitched half-heartedly in his boxers at the recollection.
He groaned, shaking his head and scrunching his eyes tightly shut, embarrassed by his own outrageous fantasy. It wasn’t normal to feel the way he did about sneezing – ridiculous to imagine anyone ever lusting over his relentless allergies, let alone Steve Harrington. These thoughts were becoming increasingly frequent, however; he didn’t know why his brain was so intent on torturing him like this. Steve would never be interested in him; hell, he didn’t even think Steve would be interested in any guy. It’d only clicked that he liked guys as well as girls – well, when he’d witnessed a shirtless King Steve tear a paranormal bat monster in two with his bare hands. He had no clue how to deal with these feelings. And so, he would continue to bury them.
He swiped at his nose and let out a bitter chuckle. He’d sworn he would no longer run away only a few months prior, and to be fair, he had the scars to prove he didn’t. So tell him why the thought of having feelings for Steve was scarier than facing an entire army of evil bat demons? Just his fucking luck.
He suffered through another 15 minutes of tickling, teasing fits before he felt his medication kick in – he’d long lost count of how many times he’d sneezed, and his erection hadn’t flagged in the least. He hesitated for just a moment before licking his palm and wrapping it around the length of his cock, squeezing himself generously. It wouldn’t take him long to cum – sometimes his own sneezes got him as worked up as other people’s, especially if he kept going. He buried the shame as he always did and focused on the pleasure, finally feeling it crest, mouth open in a silent scream as his orgasm pulsed through him. He tried not to think about the fact that the image of Steve’s twitching nostrils had been the last thing to pass through his mind before reaching release.
He lay in bed just a few minutes longer, luxuriating in the afterglow and blessed break from sneezing, before getting up and starting to dress for the day. It was Saturday, and he had lunch plans with Robin and Steve before meeting up with the others later that afternoon for dinner and a movie marathon at the Harrington household. He still hadn’t quite gotten his head around the sudden increase of new friends in his life, and definitely not the intensity of their bonds in such a short amount of time. Trauma would do that, he mused.
Stifling a few errant sneezes as he went, and just about avoiding spraying the bathroom mirror with a mouthful of toothpaste when a particularly evil tickle had ground at his sinuses, he successfully managed to get ready. A quick one over in said mirror had confirmed no major damage – his nostrils were maybe a little pink around the edges, his eyes a tiny bit watery, but nothing he couldn’t brush off.
He made his way out of the new government issued ‘we’re sorry a supernatural portal opened up in your living room ceiling’ trailer and into his van. That short walk had been enough to chip away at some of his optimism that he could keep his allergies at bay. But dammit, he had to try. For the first time in a long time, he felt shy. He’d always been embarrassed about the intensity of his allergies, sure, and only Gareth had really had the privilege of seeing him at his absolute worst, poor guy – but there was something about these new friendships, these new opportunities to connect with people outside of the tiny world he had felt resigned to, that felt serious. There was no way he was pushing them away by being a drippy, sneezy mess.
Easier said than done, he thought to himself as he settled in the driver’s seat, blindly fumbling to close the door behind him as an absolutely nuclear tickle had his eyes scrunching shut and nostrils flaring wide. He shuddered as another fit tore its way out of him, forcing his chin to his chest and jerking him forward almost rhythmically.
After he’d finished the fit with a particularly harsh “GXXXTT’shieww!!”, he blinked his eyes open to assess the damage. Steering wheel: drenched. Dashboard: thoroughly baptised. Window: visibly sprayed. God, today was not his day. He found a half empty and partially crushed box of tissues near the bench in the back of his van and almost used the rest of them just to wipe his interior clean and blow what felt like his entire brain into a wad of them. Satisfied he was done for now – and hopefully the rest of the fucking day – he made his way over to the dinky but excellent little diner he had been frequenting with his newfound friends for weeks now.
As soon as he walked in, he spotted Steve and Robin in their regular booth. His heart skipped a beat when Steve looked up and saw him, waving and breaking out into a much goofier grin than Eddie imagined the previous King of Hawkins High capable of. Eddie felt his own probably just as goofy grin emerge as he gave a little wave himself and joined them in the booth.
He was good for about 30 minutes – enough time for them to get their food ordered and shoot the shit about whatever it was that was running through their minds. It was never forced or dull, hanging out with Steve and Robin, and it made Eddie even more boisterous than usual. As he jousted fries with Robin, a pretty, new waitress walked over with Steve’s food. Eddie had never seen her before, and he was sure he would have remembered if he had. She was probably in her mid-twenties, super cute with a disarming smile and sweet composure. The other two must have found her equally as charming, if Robin immediately dropping her fry-slash-sword to her plate and the straightening of Steve’s spine were any indication.
“Here you are, honey.” She smiled at Steve as she leant across the booth to place his plate in front of him. It was as she moved back that the cloying scent of her perfume hit Eddie in full force. It was lavender, and she was wearing so much of it he had to wonder if she’d taken a bath in the stuff. His nostrils twitched traitorously, the previously unforgotten tickle bubbling to the surface. Eddie had no time to hold them back; he snatched his napkin off the table and brought it to his face to smother the sudden fit that rocked through him.
“Ingkt’tiew! Hig’tchu! Igxxt! Engxt’tchu!”
He felt himself starting to blush – he’d intended to stifle them into silence, but they’d come out sounding high-pitched, desperate, and embarrassingly girly. At least they weren’t that loud. Maybe the others hadn’t even heard him.
“Oh my god, Eddie, did you just sneeze? Because they were possibly the cutest sneezes I’ve ever heard in my entire life, holy shit!”
He peered out over the protective barrier of the napkin to find Robin and Steve both staring at him – Robin with an expression of gleeful amusement, Steve with something indiscernible to Eddie – concern, maybe? It didn’t matter. He had to play this momentary lapse in weakness off convincingly.
“Yeah, sorry, Birdie. Made ‘em nice and sweet, just for you.”
He flashed a dazzling grin her way, looking over at Steve with the same cheeky expression. Their eyes met, but only for a moment before Steve ducked away, looking almost bashful.
“Bless you.” He muttered softly before shoving a forkful of food into his mouth, effectively silencing himself.
Eddie felt his stomach flip over in giddy excitement at the blessing, the thought of eating suddenly the last thing on his mind. He managed to keep his face from colouring with a gleeful sort of embarrassment and quickly started up another teasing argument with Robin, desperate to move on and tuck away this recent turn of events to be returned to the next time he played with his cock in the privacy of his bedroom. They returned to their regular banter, Eddie sneaking off to the bathroom only once to let out a vicious round of harshly stifled sneezes that left him just a little bit dizzy, and before they knew it they’d been there for several hours.
They paid for the food and made their way to the parking lot, intending to split up and regroup at Steve’s with the younger kids in tow. Steve would be picking up Max and El, while Eddie was responsible for Dustin, Mike and Lucas (no Erica, this time – Tina’s house called). Nancy and Jonathan would arrive with Will and they’d all be assembled and prepared for a horror movie marathon, something Eddie, Max and Jonathan were eagerly looking forward to. Eddie had never spoken to Jonathan before all this mess, not really, and had been delighted to find out he was a secret horror fanatic – they had bonded over their mutual love for ‘The Evil Dead’ one evening while Nancy rolled her eyes beside them.
Before Eddie could make his way over to his van, before he could even finish saying goodbye to Steve and Robin, a pressing tickle wrenched a sudden, fiercely contained fit out him.
“Engxt’chiew! Heh! EDDT’tchiew!! Eshhhiew! IDDT’shhh! Jesus, sorry.”
“Bless you!” Robin cheerily offered.
“You okay, man?” Steve inquired, resting a warm hand on Eddie’s shoulder as the metalhead worked his itchy nostrils back and forth against an open palm, attempting to quell any further explosions before he could get to the safe haven of his vehicle. He was slightly crestfallen that Steve hadn’t blessed him. Ridiculous.
“Yeah, man, m’fine. Just something in the air.”
“Do you have – allergies?”
Eddie tilted his head to the side slightly, buzzing nose forgotten.  The way Steve had hesitated was…odd. And the way he looked just now was….wait. No. Eddie wouldn’t entertain the thought further. He was projecting his own weird obsession onto Steve and that wasn’t fair on either of them, even if Steve had no idea what went on in the privacy of his mind.
“Yeah, but they’re not that bad. I’m fine, really.” He lied through his teeth. It didn’t feel good, but it felt better than admitting how much of an allergic mess he really was.
“Okay. I’ll, uh, see you in a bit, man.” Steve didn’t seem too convinced. Dammit.
“Later, dude.”
Waiting for Steve to pull out of the parking lot, Eddie allowed himself one fully open sneezing fit.
“Hah’hh!! HIH!! HIDDT’tchieww!! IGXT’chieww!! ISSSH’ieww!! ‘TCHIEW! Hah! Hh-hh-HH!! HAHDT’chiewww!! Mother FUCKER.”
Okay, enough of that. Time to collect the kids.
“Dustin. What the fuck is that.”
The teen in question gave him an incredulous look.
“This, Eddie, is a domestic cat. A feline. You may have heard of them before.”
Cheeky little shit. Eddie swatted at him as he piled into the back seat, Lucas and Mike close behind him.
“No, Henderson, I mean what the fuck are you doing bringing it with you?”
The cat in question was extremely cute, Eddie had to admit. He’d briefly seen it before, clutched to the breast of Dustin’s nervous mother as they had an awkward conversation in her open door, waiting for the teen to make an appearance. He wrinkled his nose instinctively just taking in the sight of its soft black and white fur. He wasn’t allergic to cats, per se – maybe a little sensitive. He’d sneezed at cat hair a few times before – perhaps out of the ordinary for a normal person with an immune system not hellbent on murdering them, but for him it was nothing. Today, however, he was already feeling the pressure from the absolutely obscene amount of pollen in the air, and the cloying scent of that lavender perfume seemed to linger in his sinuses.
Dustin stroked the cat’s little head, earning a tiny mew in response. Eddie watched several hairs drift to the floor of his van.
“I had to bring Tews with us. Mom’s out of town tonight and she would lose her shit if she knew I left him alone.”
Oh, yeah. Eddie remembered now. Dustin’s mother was already an anxious person by nature but given that her previous cat had been eaten by some kind of demogorgon dog thing, she’d become extra possessive of her current one. Eddie couldn’t recall whether she knew the circumstances of her pet’s demise. Not that it mattered right now.
“Does Steve know you’re bringing a plus one?” He started the van’s engine.
“Think he’ll be okay with it leaving its dirty little paw prints all over the fine upholstery of his extremely expensive furniture?”
“Tews is NOT dirty!” Dustin bristled. Tews mewed in what Eddie could have sworn was agreement.
“He’s gonna have to be okay with it.” Mike shrugged. If there was one kid cheekier than Dustin, it was Mike Wheeler, Eddie thought.
So far, so good, Eddie thought as he settled down onto the sofa next to Steve. He’d only sneezed once on the drive over, stifled into silence as he stopped at a red light. The boys in the back had been too busy arguing over something inane to hear him. Said boys were now scrambling around on Steve’s living room floor sorting Horror movie tapes into categorical order of best to worse, and it was getting heated. Will, who Eddie had met later, was as animated as he’d ever seen him. It was nice – he seemed like such a sombre kid, exactly the kind Eddie took under his wing at Hellfire club. Back with his best friends again, it had only been a matter of days before he’d perked up like a blossoming flower opening its petals to the sun. Perhaps not the best metaphor to think of right now, Eddie lamented, subtly rubbing his nose against his wrist.
He'd been greeted at the door of Steve’s house by Nancy, who’d taken him into a hug almost immediately. Eddie would have never guessed such a refined, curt human being could give such warm and comforting embraces, but here he was. El and Max had come out of the kitchen to greet them, along with Jonathan, who smiled openly at Eddie. It was bizarre, all of it, this mishmash of people – and yet it felt so right.
Before Eddie could make his way into the living room to find Steve and Robin, he felt his sinuses come to life with an urgency more intense than any other time that day. Of course – the sharp lemony scent of cleaning products that seemed to hang around the Harrington residence permanently, nothing he couldn’t handle normally, had reignited the tickle he had been fighting so hard to keep dormant. He ground his teeth in frustration and quickly excused himself to the bathroom.
Locking the door behind him, he’d sneezed over and over into a hastily grabbed handful of toilet paper. Luckily for him, it was as luxurious and expensive as everything else in the Harrington domicile. He was especially grateful for that after 3 minutes of non-stop sneezing, when he pushed the tissue inside his itchy nostrils with his fingers and rubbed furiously, pleading with his nose to please, just give him a break, just this one time.
He'd wound down from the fit and checked himself in the mirror – he looked much more worse for wear than he would have liked. His nose was starting to look embarrassingly pink, his eyes the same. He splashed water on his face a couple of times, hoping this would help. It didn’t. He sighed in exasperation, then plastered his best devil-may-care smile on his face. He would just have to be realllly good at faking it. Pageantry was, after all, his forte.
So he’d made his way back into the fray, sat down next to Steve in the seat he had seemingly saved just for him (there went his stupid heart again), and let himself fall back into a steady rhythm of banter and laughter.
He was feeling great, feeling fantastic. This was so much fun – Steve was laughing at a joke he’d cracked at Lucas’s expense, and the rich tone of it made his heart soar. He wanted to hear that laugh every day if he could help it. He’d been so absorbed in the scene surrounding him, he hadn’t noticed Tews, bored of Dustin ignoring him and depriving him of pets, making his way along the sofa arm towards the latest target of affection. Unfortunately for Eddie, that was him.
Tews suddenly dove onto his lap, startling him enough to make him yelp. The kids laughed and watched in amusement as Tews started to settle into a loaf on Eddie’s lap. Dammit, it really was a cute little kitty. Eddie hadn’t had any animals growing up – he felt a little awkward around them to this day, but this cat was a particularly friendly one that Dustin had assured him didn’t scratch or bite.
Steve’s tan hand suddenly came into sight as he reached towards Eddie’s lap to stroke the little cat, shocking Eddie and making his heart race by pure proximity of angular, sexy hand to his crotch. Each stroke down the feline’s spine sent hairs gently lifting into the air and over Eddie’s jean-clad thighs. It was doing nothing to help the ever-present tickle, but he’d be damned if he was telling Steve to stop.
He was fine. He could handle it. Pollen, perfume, cleaning products, cat fur? No big deal. He was an allergic expert. He could hold back sneezes for hours at a time – did do every allergy season. He pumped himself up in his head, not unlike the sports coaches he had ignored and driven insane in gym class. Nothing was going to make him sneeze.
It was at the peak of this mental pep talk that Eddie felt the sudden soft, not entirely unpleasant sensation of something brushing under his sensitive nostrils. It felt velvety and foreign – but most of all, it tickled. Perhaps more than anything had ever tickled him before. To his utter dismay, he realised Tews was dragging the tip of his tail back and forth under his nose.
That was it. There was no holding back. Every single tickle he’d felt that day thus far seemed to combine and build into a commotion so strong, so maddeningly itchy that he reeled with it. His breath snagged, a desperate, noisy gasp inflated his chest to capacity. Time stood still for him as he held that breath for a pregnant pause, feeling as if the oncoming sneeze was simply too big for him to handle, that his body simply wouldn’t be able to get it out. And then, at last, the tickle reached its apex.
It was a monstrous sneeze, colossal as it wrenched its way out of him, sending him sprawling forward over his knees and almost out of his seat. If it hadn’t scared him, it had certainly terrified the shit out of everyone around him. Chaos ensued.
The cat in his lap startled, bolting across the room with a shrill and angry mewl.
“TEWS!” Dustin cried, hot on the cat’s heels as it attempted to scale the Harringtons’ fancy new curtains.
In the kitchen, El and Max screamed, and Eddie heard the sound of shattering glass as the bowls containing various snacks crashed down on the kitchen tile.
Steve jumped so hard beside him he was nearly stood upright, a hand clutching his chest like an old lady clutching her pearls.
The younger boys had yelled and dropped the tapes where they knelt around the VCR, Will actually clapping his hands over his ears.
Robin had jolted mid-sip, pouring the majority of her coke down her front and snorting some up her nose.
Jonathan, making his way into the living room from the kitchen carrying a bowl of pretzels, had tripped over Nancy’s suddenly outstretched legs as she jumped forward in her chair. The snacks rained across the room in a glorious arc of salt and crumbs, showering the kids on the floor and scattering over the carpet. Eddie was vaguely aware of a small piece landing in the messy tendrils of his hair.
You could have heard a pin drop, the air almost vibrating with the same deafening silence that followed an echoing gun shot. The only sound to be heard was Robin gently choking on her soda, and the rhythmic thump of Steve’s palm slapping her on the back. Eddie could feel every eye in the rooming burning into him.
It was objectively hilarious. Had it been anyone other than him, Eddie would have been in hysterics right now, struggling to breathe for laughing so hard. But it had been him, and he was mortified. As if things couldn’t get any worse, he could feel the tickle flare up again almost immediately, and he knew he was fucked. He’d been holding back all day – he’d been on borrowed time, knowing his allergies were hell bent on making him miserable, and it was finally his time. He muttered a breathy apology, face burning, before clamping a hand to his face and stumbling blindly down the hall to the bathroom, ignoring Steve’s concerned call after him as he went.
Seconds after he managed to lock the door with his free hand, he was pitching forward into his other hand with an intense fit – not as loud and forceful as that insane first sneeze, but just as draining.
His voice had cracked weakly on that last one. They were merciless, finally taking advantage of his lapsing defences to pour out of him, leaving him shaking, eyes and nose dripping. His palm was drenched, the mess threatening to flow down his wrist in rivulets. He needed a tissue – he needed to sit down and steel himself for the next round. Closing the toilet lid and tearing sheets of toilet paper to scrub at his palm, he hitched helplessly. He prayed the others couldn’t hear him, though a small part of him knew they probably could.
“Heh! Hih! Hh-HH-HDDT!! HIIID’SCHIeww!! EH’NGXT’tchiewww! AHT’chieww!! GISSSH’iewww!”
He buried his nose in the tissue paper, worrying at his nostrils frantically. Despite the embarrassment, despite the shame, despite the fear that he was already alienating himself from his newfound friends, he had to admit it felt good to really let go and sneeze out the tickles that had been torturing him all afternoon. When the sneezes gave him a small chance to breathe, he blew his nose, filling the tissues instantly. He pinched at his sore, buzzing nostrils and brought a new bundle to his face, letting further releases do as they would.
The sneezes were starting to wind down now, after what Eddie guessed was about 10 minutes or so. He was exhausted, his entire face felt itchy, and he was so deeply ashamed he could die. It wasn’t like him, this total lack of confidence – he surprised even himself with how down in the dumps he was feeling. He supposed it was a testament to how much he cherished these new friendships. Not that it mattered now, he thought, grinding a knuckle against the side of his itchy nose.
A sudden knock on the door had him almost jumping out of his skin.
“Eddie? You…you okay, man?”
Shit. Steve. No, no, no, not now. He was the absolute last person he wanted to see him in this sorry state. He jumped to his feet and took in his reflection in the mirror, heart plummeting as his eyes scanned his flushed face, puffy eyes and swollen nose.
“Um…yeah, Steve, I’m – I’m fine.”
At least he didn’t sound nearly as congested as he felt. Sometimes blowing his nose nonstop caused his sinuses to almost swell shut under the abuse, but blessedly, mercifully, he sounded just about normal. If he could keep Steve behind that door and successfully convince him to leave, he could make a break for the front door – any door, any exit – and make his escape. Keep driving until he left the town, the state, the country.
“Could you open up, dude? I have some stuff that might help.”
Eddie blinked, stifled a silent sneeze against a raised finger. Stuff? What kind of stuff? Either way, he wasn’t letting Steve in.
“Honestly, Harrington, I’m just peachy keen. I’ll be out in a few, just-“
“Eddie. Come on. You’ve been in there for 15 minutes. I could hear you out in the hall. It sounds like you were having trouble breathing.”
If Eddie had been blushing before, it was nothing compared to rush of blood to his face right now. Steve could hear him? Steve had been listening to him sneeze and sniffle and blow his nose, Steve had been waiting in the hall? And if Steve could hear him, what about the others in the living room? Had he been loud enough to reach even them? Jesus fucking christ. His eyes prickled with tears anew, this time in emotional rather than physical distress.
“I’m fine, Steve. Please. Just leave me alone.”
His voice was thick with emotion. Great. Now Steve could hear him crying as well. God, he was a mess. It was just too much.
There was silence for a beat outside the door before he heard Steve reply in a soft but firm voice.
“I’m not leaving you alone. I’m worried about you – we all are. I have some water for you, some Claritin – Dustin said he’d seen you take that before – and I just want to help.”
Eddie shook his head, knowing Steve couldn’t see him but struggling to find his voice. Steve waited, and when no response came, Eddie heard him sigh.
“Fine. But I’m camping out right here, whenever you’re ready to come out. I can’t have you asphyxiating in my bathroom all alone.”
He wasn’t expecting this – wasn’t expecting genuine concern from Steve, or anyone, for that matter. But if Steve had heard him and the cacophony he’d been making and still didn’t walk away in disgust, maybe it would be ok. Before he could chicken out, Eddie reached for the door, unlocking it and opening it gingerly to peer out at Steve.
He watched Steve’s eyes do a quick scan of his face, an almost imperceptible expression of shock crossing his features – ow – before a look of warm concern took over.
“Hey, man. Can I…?” Steve gestured towards the bathroom. Eddie moved aside and closed the door behind them. Steve sat on the edge of the bathtub, waiting patiently for Eddie to take his seat on the closed lid of he toilet. The older man only then noticed the tall glass of ice water Steve was holding out to him. He took it and gulped it down greedily, not realising how much he’d needed it. Steve also held out the blister pack of antihistamines, but Eddie shook his head.
“Already taken too many. Won’t be able to drive home.”
“I’ll drive you home. Or better yet, you can stay here! Some of the kids are camping out in the living room tonight.”
Eddie vaguely remembered hearing something like that. But more importantly, his heart soared at Steve’s unwavering kindness towards him. He already knew he was a great guy, had witnessed it first-hand when everything had gone to shit a few months ago – maybe he just didn’t think he deserved the full force of Steve’s good will directed solely at him. The realisation of this shocked him. This shyness was so out of character, so not like him. Eddie rubbed the back of neck, not able to meet Steve’s gaze head on. Those baleful brown eyes would’ve melted him where he sat.
“Umm….I mean, if it’s not – if it’s not too much trouble? I’m not sure I’d be able to drive like – well, like this,” He gestured in the general direction of his face, “-even without taking the extra meds.” He flashed what he hoped was a convincing smile at Steve and relaxed slightly when the younger man seemed to perk up at the acceptance of his offer.
“It’s no trouble at all! I asked you first.” He chuckled softly and carded a hand through his perfect hair.
Eddie felt the all-too familiar Steve-induced butterflies returning. Steve smiled softly at him and he found himself smiling back. After a beat, Steve, as if suddenly remembering he was here on duty as a mother hen, shook his head and faced Eddie with a firm expression.
“But listen, man….why didn’t you tell us your allergies were this….extreme?”
Eddie didn’t miss the way Steve seemed to fluster slightly once he started discussing his allergies. He’d been the same at the diner, and then the parking lot. Again, Eddie ignored the growing suspicion blossoming in the back of his mind, convincing himself he was projecting his own twisted desires onto Steve. It was hard enough to talk about his allergies with his unfortunate crush – the possibility that this would potentially be like dirty talk to the other man was so wild he couldn’t – wouldn’t – entertain it. For now.
He sighed and looked down at his lap.
“I don’t know, Harrington, only because it’s probably the most humiliating thing ever? On top of being absolutely repulsive and a total downer. I guess I just…”
He paused for a moment, eyes not leaving their fixed gaze on his nervous fingers as they twisted the rings on his knuckles, round and round.
“…I guess I just didn’t want to push you all away with my – my afflictions.”
They sat in an uncomfortable silence for a few seconds longer before Steve exploded with a sudden, uncontrollable peal of laughter. Eddie’s head spun round at the sound, fixing Steve with a confused stare. That was definitely not the reaction he’d been expecting. He was vaguely aware that the dormant tickle in his sinuses was starting to creep back up on him but was so otherwise transfixed on Steve’s baffling amusement he couldn’t find the energy to care.
As if realising how out of the blue his reaction had been, Steve paused almost mid-laugh, coughing nervously into a raised fist, a slight blush dusting his tanned cheeks. Eddie continued to watch him, trying to decide if he should be offended or not.
“Sorry, sorry!” Steve started, pushing his hand through his hair again. “It’s just – that’s so ridiculous, Eds! You’re not repulsive. You’re not gonna push us away. You’re not gonna push me away. You can’t help it.”
Before Eddie had a chance for the words to fully sink in, the tickle crested and he gasped with it.
“Sorry, I gotta-! Engxt’tchieww! IGKT’tiew!! Eh’TCHIEW!! Ugh, Jesus…”
He ripped another wad of tissues from the painfully depleted roll and dabbed at his damp nostrils, not wanting to blow his nose in front of Steve, even knowing he’d been listening to him before. He flashed a sheepish smile at the younger man.
“’Scuse me. Couldn’t hold that back.”
Steve visibly shuddered. Shuddered. Now that, Eddie could not ignore. Was that a shudder of revulsion? Surely it wasn’t-? It couldn’t be-?
“…’S’okay. Bless you.”
Steve’s voice was thick with some kind of emotion, so guttural it was almost a purr. His eyes were fixed on Eddie with a gaze so intense, so burning, that the older man almost shriveled under it. He wasn’t even sure Steve was aware of the way he was looking at him – heavy lidded, intoxicated, almost. Like a cat that got the cream. Eddie’s eyes drifted down to Steve’s crotch and saw, to his absolute surprise and utter arousal, that Steve’s cock was trying its absolute best to make itself known within the confines of his tight Levi jeans. Holy fuck.
He looked back up at Steve’s face with an incredulous grin, and it was Steve’s turn to shrink under his gaze. The ex-jock opened and closed his mouth several times, clumsily crossing his legs in a poor attempt to disguise his arousal, but the damage had been done. Eddie couldn’t brush this off as projection any longer. If there was a clearer sign that Steve was into his sneezes than popping an enormous boner and whispering a blessing to Eddie in a voice he imagined Steve had used to tell his girls to suck him harder, take him deeper, he’d sure like to see it. Holy shit. Steve was turned on by this. Holy shit. Holy shit.
“Uhmmm, sorry dude, haha, you know how it is sometimes – has a life all of its own, damn thing.”
Steve stutters lamely, eyes darting all over, anywhere but on Eddie, and Eddie relishes in the relief of his own humiliation seeping out of him while Steve picked up the slack. It was pretty sadistic of him, he had to admit, but he just couldn’t care – all of his insecurity, all the fear of losing Steve (though he couldn’t be certain of the others) had melted away entirely. Right now, he was riding the high, the suggestion of what this wonderful discovery meant for the both of them. He continued to grin, beaming so brilliantly the Cheshire Cat would be put to shame.
“I get you, Harrington. Guy problems, am I right, big boy?”
Though he blushed at the nickname (perhaps slightly more poignant than Eddie had originally intended), Steve seemed to buy it. Eddie wanted to laugh but held back. Poor Steve. He was truly, utterly adorable, especially in this frazzled state. Eddie couldn’t wait to tease him for the rest of allergy season, genuinely starting to look forward to it for the first time in his life.
“R-right. Um, I’m gonna, go tell the others you’re okay – they were worried – and, we’ll wait for you.”
Steve stood (erection flagging noticeably, Eddie observed), and put a shaking hand on Eddie’s shoulder before squeezing it gently. He cast a quick glance at Eddie over his shoulder on the way out, and then he was gone.
Eddie sat for a moment, collecting his thoughts and calming himself as much as he could in an attempt to settle his own reciprocal erection that Steve had (thankfully) missed. He splashed his face with water, sneezed a few more times, and after a long moment of deliberation, decided to take the extra medication. As much as he would like to monitor Steve’s reaction to his lingering sneezes, they would be surrounded by their friends – most of whom were literal children – and he didn’t trust himself to contain his own reaction, giddy as this most arousing confirmation had made him. It would be better for all involved if he passed out, in the end.
Eventually, he made his way back to the living room, where he was showered with copious concerned comments and playful jabs at his expense. He was still relatively embarrassed, but the genuine affection he felt radiating from every person in the room mollified him almost entirely. Things were really going to be ok. Feeling soft and mushy, he took his seat next to Steve and welcomed the sleep that not even the screams of the kids on the floor, enthralled by the demonic antics of ‘The Return of the Living Dead’, could shake him from. He dozed, peacefully, anchored by the warmth of Steve’s thigh as it pressed up against his own.
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starlitmark · 3 months
𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑
Summary: just more content of the Dreamies as ghost hunters Pairing: non Genre: humor Rating: PG Warnings: mentions of paranormal beings, mentions of death, language, dreamie appropriate petplay (as always) Word Count: N/A Note: here's your bi-annual @raibebe and starlitmark ghost hunter dreamie content
Part 1 || Part 2
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“The REM pod is all about penetration”
Constantly making dick jokes with Jaemin
Weird noises into the cells trying to lure specific spirits
“Damn I thought that might work” (after doing the most stupid thing Renjun has ever seen)
Tries to box the ghosts even though they’re noncorporeal
Verbally assaults the ghosts (he was scared)
Matches the ghosts’ energy 
Will jump Haechan for trying to provoke demons
Brings flowers for ghosts with tragic deaths
Particularly scared of the children ghosts for some reason
Has conversations with the Boo Buddy
“I didn’t even see this cute picture of some kitties! Look at those Kitties!”
More invested in the puzzles of the escape room than in investigating
Still eating the food for the seance
Gets bullied into barking to communicate with dog ghosts
lullaby playing on a music box “This is a fucking banger.”
Tried to make out with a ghost a few times
“Are you trying to rizz me right now?” (both at Renjun and a ghost)
Purposely hides the walkie-talkie in the darkest, furthest corner of the location for the next investigator to suffer
Mocks Renjun and Jisung’s reactions to things when he doesn’t hear what they’re hearing
Always playing with the children ghosts still
Ovilus says ‘window’ and ‘show’ so he dances in the window for the team to see
Renjun: “OMG DID YOU HEAR THAT?” // Jaemin: “Oh, that was me talking to the pigeons.” 
Speaks in a baby voice to the demonic entities
Loves trying to find animal ghosts
Chenle: *lounging on the furniture and speaking dramatically with hand motions* // Renjun: “Someone killed themselves in that chair.” // Chenle: JUMPS off of the chair
Tries to bribe the ghosts with anything he can think of
Willingly showing his grippers on camera to test if the ghosts will really tickle his feet
Actively encourages the ghosts to be more active with Renjun and Jisung in particular
Constantly trying to pull pranks on the believing investigators with Haechan
“I hate this fucking bear” (in reference to the Boo Buddy)
Accidentally setting off attractions and traps in more modern locations
Really hates doing solo investigations still and having to hunt for the walkie
Always bonks his head on narrow doorways with the headcam on and scares himself
Subject to all the stupid things Chenle and Haechan want him to do on solos
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK & RAIBEBE 2024© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
Networks: @kwritersworld @k-vanity
Tag List: @jaehunnyy @ericssmile @anyamaris
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transmascswagpolls · 15 days
Transmasc Swag Polls- ROUND 1
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Propaganda and other info under the cut.
MICAEL: Because I Said So CAPTAIN SPACEBOY: Gender Tomfuckery, Word of God (kind of)
Ordem Paranormal Quarentena, OMORI
I have no proof but I also have no doubt Spoilers! He's a cringefail nepobaby who likes science, history and animals, specially endangered species and mythological paranormal creatures There's this archaic beast that if it gets you, it will kill you no doubt (and there's no way of stopping it). It drains you of your life essence, so it keeps you alive as long as possible as it mauls you He's like "what a beautiful creature :]" His research isn't taken seriously by his mom because it's more focused on the creature's history, folklore and habits rather than "how to kill 101" His mom (who got him his job) had an organization where they were making a weird infection in order to make zombies to kill this beast (it includes human experimentation) His concerns about this are mostly just "but the wolfie :[" So he decides to put an end to it! (He fucks up severely, hundreds dead, 15 injured) CAPTAIN SPACEBOY PROPAGANDA- He has some Lore™ outside of Omori (but it's pretty much a different (and very old) character) where he is canonically transmasc Um he has like. 5+ fucking names and thats just in-game [Pollrunner's Note: This propaganda particularly tickled me since I myself have 7 names. Transmasc as fuck]
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captainmalewriter · 2 years
Isaac walked into his rented room at the Faraday Hotel. He had been called in by the hotel's owner to investigate paranormal activity at the property. Several guests had reported seeing random inanimate objects begin floating, their belongings covered in ectoplasm, and hearing ghastly moans that kept them up at night. All of which made for an unpleasant guest experience.
Word had gotten around about the supposed haunted Faraday Hotel. The hotel saw less and less foot traffic as time went on as a result. In a desperate attempt to avoid bankruptcy and foreclosure, the owner called in a "self licensed paranormal expert and investigator," Isaac. Although that was his job title on his home printed business cards, he was actually just some guy with a podcast. But regardless of his qualifications, Isaac now found himself at Faraday Hotel on a job to solve the mystery behind the paranormal activity. Should he succeed, he'd see a handsome payment well into the thousands.
And so, Isaac had gathered his ghost hunting equipment and settled in.
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Isaac was pleasantly surprised when he saw the condition of his room. He had expected the hotel to be in shambles, especially since it was supposed to be haunted by ghosts. 
“Mr. Faraday’s pretty serious about his business huh,” Isaac thought out loud while he unpacked some of his belongings. He had prepared for a weekend long stay so that he could stakeout what happened at nighttime. 
Isaac unpacked his cameras and set them up in various points throughout his hotel room. He then powered up his laptop and turned off the lights so that it was pitch dark in the room. Isaac confirmed that his laptop was getting all the camera footage and that the night vision mode on the cameras was working properly. He then went ahead and turned the lights back on. 
Isaac then laid out the rest of his ghost hunting supplies out on the bed. He had packed everything he needed; salt, holy water, spectrometers, a Ouija board, and among other things too. 
While Isaac was busy setting up, there were three long, slim human-like figures appearing in the far corner of the room. The figures were red, blue, and green in coloring; and they all had a ghastly, translucent look to them. The group of ghosts were watching Isaac as he configured the rest of his ghost hunting equipment. Isaac had turned a spectrometer and begun to inspect the room. The ghosts gradually got closer to Isaac as he did so, and despite how close they got to him, the spectrometer failed to even register any of the ghosts’ presence. Isaac remained completely oblivious to the three ghosts watching and laughing at him.
“So...” the red ghost started. “What do we think of this one, boys?”
“I think he’s a complete idiot,” the blue ghost laughed. Blue was inches away from Isaac’s face; it kept tickling Isaac’s nose, causing him to sniffle and sneeze. 
“I’m not a fan of this one... But, let’s be real for a sec, less and less fleshies are showing up to the hotel. When are we gonna get another chance like this again?” the green ghost said. 
“Green’s got a point, I say we strike while the iron’s hot! I’m tired of being dead!”
“Really guys? We only get one shot at another life and you wanna use it on him?” Blue pointed at Isaac, who was sitting on the floor with the Ouija board in front of him. He had both hands on the stone and was moving it back and forth on the board.
“Beings from the underworld... are you here in the room with me?” Isaac called out. The three ghosts watched as Isaac waited for a response. They didn’t bother giving him one. 
“See what I mean? I think we can do much better,” Blue said.
“I’m not saying this is the most ideal body in the world, but beggars can’t be choosers either. And besides, we don’t have to use him per se, we just gotta use him...”
Green huddled up the other two ghosts next to him. It began to whisper a plan on how they would use Isaac to start their next human life. Soon enough Red and Blue were cackling alongside Green, all while Isaac began getting cold sweats at the sounds of their ominous laughter. Isaac decided he had enough ghost hunting for one evening, and decided to call it a night. 
Later that same night, while Isaac was sound asleep, Green had physically manifested itself in the room. It floated over to Isaac and waved its arm in front of him. Isaac only snored in response. Green then hovered just slightly above Isaac’s face, and after adjusting its aim, slammed straight down into Isaac’s mouth. 
Isaac woke up from the impact and immediately went into a coughing fit as Green forced itself down his throat. No matter how hard Isaac gagged, he simply could not force the green ghost out of his mouth. Then with one final push, Green slithered down Isaac’s throat with a slurp. Isaac thrashed around on the bed as Green spread itself all throughout Isaac’s body, taking full control as it did so. Once his body was fully possessed, an evil smile crept across Isaac’s face as Green opened its new fleshie eyes. 
Green hopped out of the bed and took the shirt off its new body. It let out a fox whistle as it ran its hands down Isaac’s torso. Green pinched one of its new nipples, causing a moan to escape as it felt the sensations of physical touch again after being dead for so long. 
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Green turned around at the sudden yell and saw Blue and Red materialize behind him. Despite being in the middle of a possession, Green was still able to see its ghostly brethren. 
“Why do YOU get first dibs!? If we’re really gonna do this then I demand I get my compensation! I’ve been dead the longest, I should be the first one!!” Blue shouted. 
“Quit yelling! I’m the one who came up with the plan, and therefore I get first dibs!” Green said while sticking out its tongue. 
“Who cares about that stuff, let’s just move on to the next step! I can already feel my new skin tingling with goosebumps!” Red said. 
Green agreed, and proceeded to strip until fully nude while stroking off Isaac’s cock until hard. Green then bent over across the bed face down and hard cock pointing out of the bed from his underside. Green then spread Isaac’s ass cheeks apart with its hands, and revealing Isaac’s hairy, pink hole.
“Just be gentle, yeah? I can already feel pain and I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy hasn’t been broken in back there...” 
“Yeah yeah yeah, I got it,” Blue shrugged while preparing itself. “Now YIPPEEE-KI-YAY MOTHERFUCKER!!!” 
Blue performed a perfect swan dive as it dove into Isaac’s asshole. Green’s intuition was right about Isaac being tight, but although such a tight ass normally wouldn’t allow for an easy entry, Blue had dove in with so much reckless momentum that it forced itself in regardless. 
“AHH FUCKK!!” Green cried out from the pain of the impact. Blue had flipped the whole body over onto the bed when it dove in. Isaac’s body was squirming while Green and Blue fought for control from inside.
“Uh... Am I supposed to go in now or...?” Red watched from outside. Neither Green nor Blue gave him an answer as the body kept wiggling around the bed. 
Red noticed Isaac’s dick was still hard and swinging around. It then decided to jump in without waiting for a signal. Red hovered over Isaac’s rock hard cock and began slithering down the lengthy member like liquid through a straw. Soon enough Red’s entire being had been swallowed up and it had joined Green and Blue in the possession of Isaac, although it had walked into a fight for control.
“GET OUT! THIS IS MINE!” Blue shouted. 
“NO! STICK TO THE PLAN GODDAMNIT!” Green shouted back.
“Guys guys GUYS! What happened to the plan!?” Red chimed in.
All three ghosts were fighting for control over Isaac’s body. Isaac thrashed and squirmed on the bed as the three fought. There was no reconciliation for the three ghosts. Soon enough one ghost began kicking another ghost out of the body, and only for that ghost to come back in seconds later. 
Green got kicked out through the mouth and re-entered through the asshole. Blue got kicked out through the asshole and re-entered through the dick. Red got kicked out through the dick and re-entered through the mouth. The three ghosts kept up this cycle of de-possessing and re-possessing Isaac’s body for several minutes. Isaac’s spasmed uncontrollably as the ghosts came in and out of him. Isaac kept coming in and out of consciousness for a brief period of a few seconds whenever there wasn’t a ghost inside of him.
“What...... Is.... Happening.... To..... Me...... !?” Isaac could only get out a word at a time as the three ghosts continued fighting for full control. All while Isaac’s body bore the full impact of the ghost fight. Isaac’s mouth, dick, and ass were being stimulated as ghosts came in and out of his holes; causing waves of physical pleasure to roll all throughout his body with his holes receiving the most sensations. Every possession added onto the fire of sexual pleasure Isaac was getting. After several minutes of nonstop stimulation, Isaac’s body couldn’t take it anymore and shot massive loads of cum all over the bed sheets. Isaac was gasping for breath as his balls were drained dry from cum, all while still getting endlessly possessed by the three ghosts. 
Blue shouted in Isaac’s voice as both Red and Green shot out of Isaac’s body. The two ghosts were thrown into the puddles of cum Isaac had shot out just moments ago. The two ghosts had combined together in the sticky white puddle and fused together, both with each other and with all of the sperm cells. The two ghosts had been broken down into what a human body needed to properly function. All of Isaac’s sperm were coming together to form a new human body with the ghosts, each cell added a minute of age and a strand of DNA to the new body. Within minutes, what was once a puddle of warm cum had rapidly mutated and grown into a fully grown adult male made entirely of one man’s cum and two ghosts fused together into one. 
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While Green and Red were fusing into a new body, Blue had fully settled itself into Isaac. It smirked as it felt its blood pumping throughout its new human body. It then walked up to the new body and flipped it off. 
“Hahahaha, bitch! I get an actual body while you’re stuck being an overgrown cum stain!” Blue teased.
“Whatever, at least I get a body that I can’t be exorcised from unlike you,” the new man said. He lifted his arm, sniffed his pit, and quickly groaned at the smell of body odor. The body had gone through puberty within minutes and already reeked of a man’s body odor. 
“Oh? Already using singular pronouns, little bro? You two really think you’re hot shit, huh...”
“Knock it off already! If we’re gonna live out our new human lives then we need to look convincing!”
“Suit yourself, Isaiah, but I think a big brother fucking around with their little bro is perfectly normal human behavior...”
Isaac then proceeded to noogie Isaiah, much to his dismay.
“Hey, you don’t get to name us! We get to choose our own name!” Isaiah shouted while getting shoved into Isaac’s armpit.
“Shut up Isaiah! Don’t disrespect your big bro like that!”
“God, you’re insufferable...”
And so, the two lived out their new human lives under the façade of being brothers. Blue got Isaac all to himself, while Green and Red got Isaiah. Although there were plenty of wrinkles they would have to smooth over in the future, the three ghosts’ little plan of getting another shot of human life went without a hitch in the end. 
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c0rps3partybrainr0t · 3 months
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I was So close to killing Satoshi off in this au- so fuckin close because of his hair. As before! Rambling under the cut!
Satoshi Mochida
Design notes
-Gonna be honest, Not alot changed like Yuka's Design. Most notable one being the addition of the uniform Coat. It felt weird that he didn't have it anywhere on him, it's part of the uniform. I would get taking it off and having it around your waist, or having it partially undone like Kishinuma but completely not having it on you? Weird.
-The tie is apart of the new uniform design that I'll make a guide for soon. The one they have on in the game, along with the sailor suit that the girls wear are actually generally a middle school uniform and frankly is really outdated and isn't being normalized as much in turn for the Blazer, or vest combo.
-Hair pins n wrist band, Those where a gift from Naomi and Seiko since he was tired of having his bangs in his face and was being lazy about trimming them. The wrist band is to commemorate their long lasting friendship. Being the original trio in 2-9
Personality notes
-He's cowardly and is really easy to scare when it comes to jumpscares and well planned scary stories. But when it comes to high pressure situations he had a an ungodly level head and is often a pointed leader by himself and or someone else.
- His kind, caring, and sweet demeanor makes him more popular than he wants to be. I guess people like the sensitive type? He is considered the heart of the 2-9ers and it shows since he knows a good amount about each n every one of them!
- Satoshi is actually really Analytical, he has to be since he's the heart of a social group. He can pick up on the tiniest shift in someone's voice and adapt accordingly which is probably why he's so popular in and out of 2-9.
Relationship notes
Yuka: as mentioned in Yuka's profile, General Older n younger sib relationship, Really like to ruffle Yuka's hair just for shits n giggles but for the most part he loves his baby sis.
Naomi: Childhood Freinds and the person he's closest with. It isn't uncommon to see them laying on each other in one way or another just to feel the comfort of each other's presence. Are they Dating? Are they just Freinds? No one's outside of the group knows-
Seiko: Second oldest friend and another pillow for him, she's the one to get Satoshi to act Goofy one way or another. Wether it's chasing her for something she stole or just a tickle fight
Ayumi: Fears her. And it's not irrational. since he screams like a girl, Ayumi often targets him during scary stories or pranks. But outside of that he finds her presence comforting, like the older sister he never had.
Mayu: Often bullies him into modeling some clothes she's sewn up or crotched. Frankly he doesn't mind because he's pretty ambiguous with what he wears and wouldn't mind wearing a dress or skirt.
Morishige: Conspiracy theorists- Mori is the reason Satoshi gets into deep dives in wikipedia and analog horror. If you can't find Satoshi than Mori is to blame 9 times outta 10 you'll find the two in the library with various books on, the paranormal, aliens, the undead, and various supposed "Matrix glitches"
Kishinuma: Bro's- likes the kinda bros that just show up at each other's house randomly and gets invited in because they know each other so well. Like "Dude I brought some Udon get down here n eat, I don't care if you've already ate, Eat more"
Ms,Yui: Older sister/Mother figure, Though he knows that he can't really share much to her considering she was still his teacher. He's happy to help in any way possible and share small moments with her while at school.
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