#personal whiny shit
solarianvoidthearoace · 11 months
I know as proshippers we get a lot of “brain rot” comments and shit
But… Uhm… who the ever-loving fuck shat into people’s minds that 80% of the self-ship blogs I saw in the #f/o are anti-shippers?
Excuse me but how the hell does “pro-shippers DNI” go together with self-shipping
It’s right in the name!
If you self-ship, you obviously support shipping characters! And from what I saw many self-shippers are minors or otherwise age their fictional others up/ down
I feel like I’m stuck in the Patrick wallet meme
Pro-Ship is just the shipping equivalent of KINKTOMATO – “your ship is not my ship and that’s okay!”
Pro-Ship means nothing more than “ship and let ship” aka. “if I don’t like your content I’ll stay the fuck away and we don’t bother each other.”
How does “pro-shippers deserve horrible things” go on your cutesy “I ship myself with this character and they are my fictional other” side-blog??
Hello-oh?! Cognitive dissonance anyone?!
I’m just fed up with seeing anti-shippers everywhere and never knowing whether they are the uneducated kind (like most of these self-ship bloggers seem to be) or the dangerous kind who harass and doxx people over something as inane as fictional characters. I have read enough thread containing death threats and doxxing, even swatting! Anti-shippers are dangerously deranged in their fight for so-perceived “justice”. Over fictional characters where age is LITERALLY just a number.
Because they are made up.
Because they aren’t real.
Because they are words/ lines on a page and accordingly their age is just a made-up number as well!
Like, even if – even if – I’m into dirty bad gross disgusting ships, it shouldn’t matter because no matter what fucked-up shit I ship or don’t, it’s literally just lines on paper or a digital artwork on a screen. Pro-ship means “ship and let ship” nothing more and nothing less.
So it’s your business whether you are into stuff I find disgusting. And it’s my business if I’m into stuff you find reprehensible.
Pro-ship is just the stance of “idgaf what you ship, whatever it is you get your rocks off to”. And – I can’t repeat this often enough – we are talking about FICTION. No people were harmed in the making of this media. Characters can be aged up or aged down or aged sideways for all I care, they are characters! They aren’t real! You can not hurt them in a way that impacts the real world!
I know there is stuff in fanfic I find revulsive, that grosses me out and makes me run for the exit-button. But the stuff I read probably does the very same thing for other people. (I’m not going to admit to what precisely I read, that’s my business)
Just, even if we are talking about all that gross, reprehensible, sick, revulsive E-rated shit… let people enjoy the porn fanfic they like, even if it makes you squeamish to even think about it.
It’s not my business what other proshippers are into, whether they wank to it or just like to read it for literary analysis. I don’t give a fuck because all I need to know is Their Ship Is Not My Ship And That’s Okay! Their Kink Is Not My Kink And That’s Okay!
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I’m going to be offline today due to attending a protest
First time, as I’m not usually participating in in-person activism (keep in mind I’m in my late 20’s, so not like I have experience “getting out there” besides engaging in political debate, I’m just a bumbling puppy punk for now)
From the posts I recently shared, you might have gathered that I’m German and that Germany’s alt-right party is not only on the rise but also got uncovered as having literal deportation in mind
Someone else put English-language resource links together about it.
Anyhow. I’m new to activism as such and I hope I can not only participate today but maybe also make some connections with the local (punk/ activist/ antifa) scene
I saw that there’s an antifa-workgroup from my college that’s going to be at the protest today
And I assume the club of the local punk bar (a club founded to help keep the bar stay open because the pandemic almost did it in) will also be there, even if unofficially/ not as that club specifically
Anyway, this is much more than I usually say about myself on here but I’m excited and I don’t feel like that’s going to get read of I mention it on my sick-punk blog… idk
If you DM me, I might reveal my side blog’s URL but definitely at my discretion and I block liberally (and I never “soft-block”, if you’re done you’re done)
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artifactseeker-myr99 · 10 months
I told both my parents about my walking cane
I bought it while away at college and it was a decision I made on my own by myself because my support splints and support bandages weren’t cutting it anymore.
I told my parents it was a recommendation by my new general practitioner after she asked about my knee problems – a blatant fucking lie but my cane helps me lots and I brought it with me this semester break
Also I’m queer and have been writing fanfic for over a decade now, if I wasn’t used to lying to my parents I would have major problems
Not that they ever gave a fuck when I tried coming out but hey
Which is also to say: if you claim AuDHDers “can’t lie” or are all “sweet innocent beawns uwu”, your local autistic is entitled to knock some sense into you
For the entire laundry list of my queer and disabled labels, please refer to my side blogs
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TW: Mental Health; Burnout, Chronic Pains, self-depreciation
I’m apparently severely burned out and have been for months. I just didn’t notice it between my chronic depression, anxiety disorders, and other stuff.
But my ADHD-PI has been through the roof worse the past few weeks, so I figure I have also reached a burnout on that part and/or autism-burnout.
Guilt is also an immense factor currently… I said I’m not looking for a job because I’ll concentrate on getting into college. But due to burnout and general… I would love to say this is because of burnout but I genuinely can’t help blaming myself and accusing myself. I should put together college applications, I should finally study that pre-college math course-material, I should finally get serious about researching financing methods. Actually, I feel like I must, like I have to, because otherwise I’m useless and recovering from burnout or having a depressive episode or struggling to take care of everyday tasks – that’s no excuse! That’s no reason why I’m allowed to not push myself! I should push myself!
But no, I’m being useless and it feels like I’m doing that on purpose.
The only way I‘m sort of compensating is still without doing what I ought to… I picked up a 4th and 5th language, seeing as I’m fluent enough to carry light conversation in my 3rd
Another factor in all this and the original main point of this post: People always accuse me that I have given up on myself because I recognise I have to live – if not with then – alongside my restrictions.
It’s a realisation I have every few years about the same old things… dysthymia, chronic depression, anxiety disorders, complex trauma, chronic headaches, frequent joint pains, misophonia, AuDHD…
And because I say “hey, so I’m arranging myself to live with what I’ve got” people frequently accuse me to have given up on myself. To be fair to them, yes, before I went on antidepressants I said I’d just deal. And I still don’t look to “cure” anything, I accept it’s there and I try working around it. Coping is more important than chasing after a cure of some sort (my opinion)
I could use assurance that that is not the same as “I gave up on myself”, even if I just accept the diagnoses and accept that I’m somewhat restricted in my “quality of life” – in comparison to abled neurotypical mentally healthy people – partially because I couldn’t and still can not get the accommodations I would need to properly cope with… what is my life
Tweets with which I resonate about this:
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blackbatcass · 7 months
sometimes the ghost of kelley puckett (he is still alive) haunts me. does he know. does he even know. he’s so detached from the comics community and he’s such a private guy (I RESPECT THAT WHOLEHEARTEDLY) that i really and truly do not know if this man knows how much cassandra cain means to us. does he know batgirl 2000 is heralded as the bible of dc solo books, as a lot of people’s favorite comic ever written. does he know how much we love cass. how we write essays over her character and how amazing she is and how she changed our lives. does he know how adored his writing is. does he know he wrote the best comics character introduction of all time. does he even. know.
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realdirtfacts · 2 years
teespring sucks and you should get out asap
I vented about this on twitter cause that's the screaming cup, but I can bitch here too cause it's stupid -- teespring hasn't paid their creators in a month or more. They removed the support and zendesk buttons from their website completely and the CEO sent everyone a very non-apology apology email telling everyone to not be frustrated and be patient, lol.
This has been a big problem for myself since March or so, when their payments began to slow down from every week or so to every 10-12 days, then 2 weeks, then 3, etc. Shifty's store makes up over half of my income because I am on disability. I can't even afford my RENT without teespring. They owe me money going back into June. I've been living off the admin team and the kind people in the Shifty discord for months while I attempt to budget and predict money that just isn't coming. I can't afford to restock our Junk Boxes. I can't afford a fucking happy meal.
CEO of sprong has promised everyone will be paid by August 29th. They are officially blaming this on a bug related to a very recent website update but I suspect they're just fucking broke because they jumped in on some late stage NFT bullshit. They tried to make us shill Poot Coins at you guys. Like I said, this ain't no recent problem, they have been slowing down for months. The pathetic nature of their official communication shows all the red flags of a company dying. We were already in the process of leaving teespring for fourthwall because of how bad they've fucked up other shit this year. I am trying to speed up the move but we have so much SHIT in our store that it's a constant fight with my ADHD to stay on track and keep it moving.
If you have a teespring store and want to move to fourthwall, let me know in dms or send an ask. I have a limited amount of invites. They got print on demand, digital, donations, AND sell from home so I can now sell junk boxes and shirts in one store. They pay on the first of the month every month instead of wildly random like sprong.
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nerdymariamania · 4 months
Before "The Book of Bill" is released, I wanted to finally put out my thoughts that have been plaguing me for years now.
Bill's repentance from the axolotl, is being sent to "another place, another time."
And his statue is in our world, just as he is in their world. But in the Graphic novel, there are two instances of ciphers that say "Cipher lives." Along with Stan acting very off during the duration of the Cipher Hunt.
Tons of people believe in Same Coin Theory...
But, I have an even crazier theory!
[Preface: We know our universe is "canon" (as Canon as it can get) to the Gravity Falls universe, because at the end of Journal 3, it's basically spelled out to you that once Ford dropped the books into the bottomless pit, they ended up here. Alex and Rob Renzetti both said that the journal is as Canon compliant to the show as it can be (the show being the end all be all of canon.)]
In our world, Stan and Soos don't exist. But we hear them constantly throughout the clues of Cipher Hunt. Stan is even singing "We'll meet again." Which Bill sang in the finale. And the axolotl specifically stated "another place, another time." For Cipher only. Not Stan and Soos as well. So, why do we keep hearing them? Bill is shown multiple times to be perfect at imitating voices. He imitates Soos in Dreamscaperers. It's implied that he imitates Dipper in Sock Opera. Etcetera, etcetera!
What is a bigger penance than introducing yourself to a gigantic platform, as the villain, and even showing that you lost. That you were destroyed. Not by magic, just by a man who cares about his family. And in this new world, that man shares a few things in common with you. Well, the main thing he shares, is the same voice. Stan Pines and Bill Cipher share the same voice. Or more importantly, the same voice actor. Who is also the creator of the hit TV show Gravity Falls.
So, my theory is that Bill Cipher got sent to our dimension. And to not shirk the blame, but to show our world what a monster he is, showed us his downfall as a villain. So yes, in the Cipher Hunt, we hear Stan acting not himself. But here's the thing, that wasn't Stan. It was Alex. Bill was using Alex to create the Cipher Hunt, the literal headstone of Gravity Falls, Bill's final resting place. Bill was imitating Stan and Soos' voices, but not because he was imitating them, he was using Alex's vocal abilities. Who set up the Cipher Hunt? Alex. Who created Gravity Falls? Alex. And what is my damning pieces of evidence? In the Cipher Hunt treasure box, a drawing of Stan, Soos, and McGucket on there, all with their signatures. And when you shined a blacklist on it, Bill was drawn there too, with his signature, saying 'Stay Paranoid.' And on a card, all of the characters, in blacklight, had Bill's eyes. You know the last signature on both drawings? Alex Hirsch. To announce his own Reddit ask me anything, Bill sent out several tweets on Alex's Twitter. And even said he made a deal with Alex at one point.
Throughout the Weirdmageddon trilogy, not only at the end of the credits, the backwards whispering is Bill saying "I'm watching you." It also says instead of created by Alex Hirsch, created by Bill Cipher.
And what is at the end of the TV show, Gravity Falls? A flickering video of Bill's statue, the first clue of the Cipher Hunt. And if you find him and shake his hand, like "Stan" told you to, he might not need penance. He might not need one man's body. He already has a legion of worshippers in this universe that "Alex" helped him obtain. Why not put them to good use?
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badolmen · 13 days
“Waaa I don’t want all this protesting to ruin my graduation” You are an infant. You are living in unprecedented times with a chance to make a difference in the world and all you’re worried about is the status quo and your personal comfort.
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laceratedlamiaceae · 8 months
I wish I could remember who I first saw calling Ed a "whiny little bitch" because that exact phrase pops into my head every single time I see an image of him and I need them to know how right they were
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solarianvoidthearoace · 2 months
Got a new (second) cane
An ergonomic-ish handle, I would call it
My initial cane is an offset one
I mainly got this new one because my offset-cane can only be folded once. I couldn’t find any offset canes in Germany which are foldable twice
I’m an ambulatory cane user and never know when my knees will be bad enough I need it, so I specifically got this new cane to easily keep it on/ in my everyday backpack
I struggled a good 40-50 minutes taking the original tip off the new cane and replacing it with the type of cane-tip I am used to from my beloved offset.
I worry my wrists might complain tomorrow because of the pulling/ gripping/ force needed to get the original tip off the new cane. I even had to heat it up using my hairdryer before it budged.
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I might put reflective stickers into this cane as well, stars probably (the leopard stickers are the same type reflectors you can put in your bike’s spokes)
And I decided I will get some grip-tape (you know, tennis rackets) in a funky color :3
I also got star-shaped carabiners I’ll put on both, so I can clip them to my backpack more easily
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Aside from possibly attending a(n unrelated) protest in the evening
Do you folks have any suggestions what one could do to celebrate “anti-valentines”?
I might just treat myself to cake if I find nothing better
I don’t have friends who I could spend a “palentine’s day” with and while I’m sort of a romo aro (and certainly partnering aro), I’m in a mood to stick it to the system recently
(That last but feels so silly but no clue how to word it differently)
I will be wearing one of my aro pride hoodies, definitely, and I do have green hair 😁
And I might post some alterous/ queerplatonic pining on my writing sideblog but that’s not relevant
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artifactseeker-myr99 · 10 months
I’m from the age group that keeps their legal/ real name off the internet but the struggle is real
Being transneutral, I don’t really get to use my chosen names without explaining about them
Like, as both a transneutral/ trans-agender/ agender-genderqueer person and an aroace person I literally *have* to out myself if I want to get gendered/ addressed/ recognised correctly
But that urge to hear/ read my chosen names conflicts with my urge to stay anonymous/ not share too many identifiers on the internet
Which is why my blog description on several blogs is kinda vague, although it is relatively easy to cross-reference my tumblr URLs and figure out the blogs are run by the same person
But so far neither of my chosen names is in any way connected to my legal documents/ my official identity
So I suppose it’s fine if I occasionally mention that my chosen name’s Léonid Yanis
But I probably will go back to some internet-only pseud once I get the legal paperwork into motion
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fish-bowl-2 · 3 months
I'm ashamed of this, but I also hate Kankers x Eds. Moreover, in the cartoon I like the moments with them, but not when in the fanart they have a romantic relationship.
No need to be ashamed! I admit to being biased towards Edd and Eddy pairings, which undeniably skews my perception. Additionally, I like to interpret Marie as lesbian, herself, so...a straight relationship obviously would be out of the equation. Eddy in the show feels so consistently intimidated and scared of Lee, pairing them up long-term, even as they get older, just doesn't feel right to me. May and Ed are kind of the only Kanker x Eds ship I've really warmed up to. Hell, I even find May and Edd kind of sweet as well. I think that has a lot to do with the impression that May's romantic feelings are the most legitimate (based on the direction the AKA team seemed to have taken with the limited stuff that is written about her).
Ultimately, these are all just my personal opinions : ) so even though Kanker/Ed parings are not for me, I do respect the art and work behind some of the stuff made out there. Everyone is entitled to their interpretations of the silly cartoon show, as long as they are respectful themselves. I do enjoy how people try to interpret the Eds interactions/relationship with the Kankers and vice versa as they get older. Even at an amicable level, I think that stuff is really interesting and wish there was more of it sometimes.
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cheriafreya · 2 months
being a broke ass gamer is driving me 😀 C-R-A-Z-Y 😀
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aiteanngaelach · 20 days
is it weird for a guy that used to have a crush on you but then found out you only like girls to follow you around join all your friend groups start working where you work join all your hobbies and groups decide to do the same course as you (even though he has literally no reason to do that course) call you ????fanny-licker (he's bisexual so its not outright homophobia except it is kind of) tell you 'you talk too much' when you talk for five minutes about your interests (when you have been listening to him talk for HOURS about his interests for the past two years) act really weird about you being transmasculine and make uncomfortable comments about binding and your ??tits?? and then disregard your boundaries again when you tell him you don't want him to keep apologizing (which he is only doing so you'll tell him it's ok) after you've told him to move on be really rude about your sister having a seizure and getting hospitalized and you thinking she had died and not asking once how she was ... Etc. Asking for a friend 😬
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cashmonei · 6 months
Hey Normal Guys who follow me and arent into warriors. dont look at the warrior cats fandom on here's latest opinions about alderheart and tigerheartstar and also the new arc in general. Like half of them are still misogynists and the other half are currently drinking terf koolaid. Do not look @ their opinions just look atthe cool art and stay oblivious 👍
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