#pfffttt I’m sorry
3zkana · 7 months
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recovering & sweet dreams
Did a quick thing for lil Marimos birthday, referenced from one of the recent episodes <33
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infamous-if · 4 months
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i’m sorry but i saw this tweet today and it was so giving 7 vibes imo! or maybe i’m projecting bc this is also so my mc-coded but i digress
PFFFTTT so true
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baizhoobies · 1 year
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Kunikida x gn!Reader Headcanons
A/N: so me and my girlfriend broke up recently and I’ve been super down and in desperate need of some fluff to feel better. So whilst I catch back up on finishing requests, have some wholesome Kunikida headcanons - he’d make the best boyfriend. I’m very sorry for being slow, just life hiccups, thank you for your patience! N E ways, enjoy this short little thing!
Warnings: none!
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- Kunikida is the type of man who values quality time together; as someone who is super busy with work, any time off the clock and with you is treasured and cherished greatly.
- If you work at the ADA, its obvious to say that he won’t act super coupley with you; he will however, glance over at you a lot (to check if you’re working pfffttt) - though he finds himself staring at you for longer than intended (this man is in love love okay?)
- He will occasionally drop a forehead kiss when he is passing by, or instead of holding hands, he will link your pinky fingers together when no one is looking.
- If you work at the same desk as him, either side of him or opposite, please please play footsies with him; he may scold you but he secretly loves it when you affectionately kick him or rub your leg against him.
- Kunikida will bring you coffee, or tea, or something caffeinated, especially if you had a bad night sleep - but rest assured, he will also scold you if you have too much caffeine because “its not good for you” smh
- oh yeah, get used to getting scolded - but I guess you could call it a love language of his
- If you don’t work at the ADA, Kunikida makes a special note that he is to come straight home to see you immediately after work. With the exception of emergencies, (like idk the ADA being threatened by an enemy organisation every other week) he will make sure that absolutely everything is done at work so that he can put it behind him and focus on you.
- After work, if you ask him to pick up some milk from the store, he’s on it, it’s written in his notebook and he will absolutely not forget; also, I just know that he would pick up some flowers for you whilst there’s are the store
- He gives me househusband vibes honestly, he shares the load of housework (if not takes on majority of the responsibility, not that you wouldn’t do it, but he has a system). If he comes home from work before you, expect the place to be spotless, not only for his wellbeing, but he likes seeing your face light up in surprise.
- I mentioned that he isn’t into PDA at work, but its totally opposite outside of hours. In fact, I believe he is quite clingy. Constantly touching you kind of clingy. If you are cooking, his arms are around your waist, head in the nook of your neck and he just holds you for a long while
“Darling, I’m trying to cook”
“Hmm” *hugs tighter*
- Speaking of cooking, he would also be a fantastic chef. He would scope out the best recipes and follow each instruction to a tee. Though, as much as he enjoys cooking, his favourite meals are the ones you make, because they come from you.
- Kunikida’s love language is definitely more physical than it is in words. Don’t get me wrong, he would tell you he loves you, but he’s not exactly versed in romance. That being said, if you want cuddles and/or kisses? You got it on TAP. Any moment, at any time, BOOM its yours - if you catch him in a good mood, he may also be generous with his hugs and kisses at work - but don’t push your luck.
- If you ever so much as compliment him, he will explode. Bright red, a little speechless (or at least incoherent) and will mumble something about how lovely you are - trying his best to return the compliment.
- As per his notebook, he will have his nightly routine to the exact second, its very important for him, and you, to have a schedule that ensures you both get the best rest possible to work efficiently the next day.
- What he always fails to take in account when writing his schedule is the extra 10 minutes the two of you share just holding each other in the morning. He knows he should get out of bed 8am sharp, but there’s something about you holding him, your head against his chest, your legs entwined with each other, and the way you softly breath in your sleep is what convinces him to stay in just a little longer. - he may even stay 20 minutes longer in bed if you are big spoon, its harder for him to pull away.
- Needless to say, he has a lot of quirks which I will go into in future posts but…his love for you is genuine and he’d never want you to doubt it for even a minute.
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artsybug0 · 8 months
(AAAAAA thank you for answering my question again!)
But I will say those two have a VERY INTERESTING dynamic, they are kinda of similar in a way? Correct me if I’m wrong! But I feel like they both work really hard for the people they care about, since that’s the only way to show their gratitude and they both are REALLY  traumatized!(im gonna make it easier for both of us and say this mysterious person is named sunny , because..I will get confused if I keep on using “person” hope you don’t mind! Also I realize I apologize so much and I WANNA SAY SORRY FOR IT BUT THATS AAAA, also I’m gonna add a little “✨” every time so you knew it’s me that’s asking a question, why? BECAUSE y e s)
But I honestly a feeling maybe, just maybe?? RF Millie would eventually warm up to sunny? Because let’s say sunny is stubborn af, they won’t really give up so easily until they KNOW RF Millie doesn’t hate her
It’s basically just
“..wha-“ -RF Millie
Yeah eventually Millie will warm up but don’t expect that to happen until like two years- 😭
She’s far too hesitant and nervous to immediately let herself warm up
when she’s really warmed up to Sunny and have accepted their friendship she will eventually just let them take care of her
Maybe sometimes she’ll randomly rest her head on their should to take a nap 🤭💕
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so I just read Clementine Book One and now I taste nothing but salt
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here are my first impression notes-
the spoiler free version: It’s bad. Like things weren’t great but I was vibin’ until about chapter 8, then it took a nose dive into shit. 
Can’t wait to read it several more times and write up the full review because ha ha I have a lot to say and very little of it is nice. 
1/5 stars, and yes, Amos makes up that one star, otherwise this would get nothing from me. 
the spoiler version: 
before I even begin, I should give a brief summary of how I’m feeling, that way I can compare the pre-read/post-read feelings: Ugh. I feel ugh. 
now that we’ve documented that, let’s begin.
alright, not even a a full page in and I’m already so blehh about this not being in color. For those who don’t know, color is important in Tillie Walden’s other works. In my opinion, the way she uses color is the best thing about her work because it compliments her messier style of linework, working with it rather than against it. But when everything is greyscale, it’s so boring and lifeless... sure, it’s the walking dead and the world sucks and I’m sure skybound wanted this comic to match the others so Tillie doesn’t even get to work with the thing she excels at.... great. 
sooooo Clementine is on crutches, she’s using them and a knife to kill a bunch of walkers........ why isn’t she covering herself in walker guts in order to make it past herds without having to fight and run? y’know, like a smart person? 
she broke her peg leg and fell down... and the very first thing we get outta her as far as dialogue is “euch”..... amazing
gasp, is that an Amos I see? must be, Clementine’s glaring at him. 
“what’s it like on the road? are there lots of devils ‘n stuff?” oh please tell me that these people call the walkers “devils,” please, that’s hilarious
Okay, so remember Denny? The guy who was in the teaser pages we got forever ago but I wasn’t sure of his name so I just named him Denny because he was a dentist. Turns out his name is Rabby, but I’m tempted to keep calling him Denny just outta spite.
Still rolling my eyes at the fact that this Clementine doesn’t know how to take care of her leg as if she doesn’t know basic first aid. 
Yes, Clementine, obviously you have to wash your leg regularly to prevent infection, obviously you have to redress it often, you should know that. 
Anyway, Denny is a chill dude, too bad Clementine is so insistent on getting outta there so she can climb a tree. 
“Hey! Hat boy! You’ve got company!” .......hat boy. Ugh. 
not impressed with the overall dialogue so far, you can really feel that this isn’t a telltale voice, y’know? 
y’know, this Clementine feels like if ANF Clementine never found AJ and TFS never happened, she just went on with her angst train, lost her leg some other way, and now ended up here. 
I’m glad Amos finds Clem funny, because I find her dull.... god that’s not a sentence I want to be typing. 
...Alright, I don’t know what’s supposed to be happening, Clementine and Amos [mostly Amos, Clementine wanted to leave] saved three? I think I could three? people and it looked like one of them was gonna turn into a walker but no? he’s not? I’m sorry, was he trying to crawl forward and Clem took that as a threat? did he grab her and she attacked? I think that’s the implication since she them stomped on his hand and someone else in the carriage said “what did you do to that girl?” ..... sure wish I could tell what the hell was actually happening.
but also, not at all surprised that Tillie would throw in a “and then Clementine got groped by an old man,” based on some of her other novels. 
Oh..... Helen is the horse. Pfffttttt..... it took me how many pages to realize Amos is talking about the horse and not someone back at the town?? uuughhhhhh
Amos is literally the only likable thing so far. He actually has a voice and personality whereas Clementine is just an angsty piece of bread. 
Ugh. Evil twins who won’t give their names. 
PFFFTTT.... oh no, the evil twins killed Helen! Who could’ve seen that coming?? Literally everyone??? SKSKSKSKS
Sorry, I shouldn’t laugh about a dead horse but c’mon, the cheapest way to get a reader/viewer to feel something is to kill an animal and like, now Amos is all sad and I’m shaking my head and sipping my wine. 
oh good, the new love interest is here. 
......what. why are you blushing and looking at Clementine already? y’all met two seconds ago and had one conversation.
They’re calling the twins Right and Left.... alright then. 
Amos is my favorite so far. He’s the only one who has gotten a laugh outta me. 
Nawww look at the three of them being friends, this is tooooootally gonna last, mmhmmm....
oop Ricca made a remark about Clem’s leg and she got upset, now Amos is sick. Lame. 
oh my god, this whole Clementine and Ricca “romance” is so.... not even a romance, I’m cackling 
oh now we’re just gonna info dump Ricca’s backstory? turns out she had a brother who used to push her ahead when checking for danger and then broke her glasses so that she had to rely on him until she found another working pair, so then she abandoned him and never looked back. 
Kenny was probably one of the worst people to have Clementine name her leg after. Naming her prosthetic leg after the guy who beat the shit out of Arvo... the kid who wore a brace on his leg? who struggled more and more to move around the more Kenny beat him up? great choice. 
Oh for fucks sake, we’re gonna flashback to AJ cutting off her leg, huh? why bother?
who the fuck is this???
Tim???? Who the fuck is Tim??? AND HE GOT BIT SAVING CLEMENTINE 
I’m laughing
what is even happening
Amos and one of the twins wanna run off.... what
okay seriously, the art is making it so hard to understand what the hell is happening
do you hear that? in the distance? that’s me... I’m laughing. Why? Because the evil twin fucking pushed Amos off a cliff and then stomped on her sister.... she literally murdered Amos and it came out of FUCKING NO WHERE
Amos was the one good character in this book and you killed him. You killed the only good thing. What is this pacing? there was no set up for that, you just pushed him, and I’m..... what the fuck is this writing?
Oh, and apparently one of the twins isn’t evil. Olivia is supposedly good but the other one is evil. I know this because sHE PUSHED AMOS OFF A CLIFF 
I’m fucking choking on my wine because for the first time, I’m legit pissed. 
The reason Clementine left the school? the REAL reason? Clementine left Ericson because “But after I lost my leg, everything felt different. No one *said* it, but I could feel it. They thought I was a liability. But I think the real issue... was that I couldn’t talk to and of them about it. They were all around my age, and I... I just wanted to talk to Lee about it. Someone older, and I don’t know....”
Are you
Are you fucking serious
Are you shitting me
are you fucKING
oh my god
oh my fucking hell 
Tillie, Skybound, we need to talk because you 
I am so 
Ricca just called Clementine baby.
oh and she’s shot
and the evil twin is dead
but who gives a shit, really?
my entire mouth tastes of salt what the fuck
they found a stupid plane but I no longer care about anything, I’m mad that Amos is dead for no reason other and that THAT was the reason Clementine left
“Continued in Book 2″ oh fuck off
So, how do I feel now? compared to when I started? I feel UUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH
Take that as you will. 
Stay turned for the full review. Don’t know when it’ll be out but I gotta read this stupid thing a couple more times before I start. Ugh. 
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
Wooyoung, Wooyoung ALL THE WAY!! I’m sorry. But the way he handles this situation so maturely… this is the sign! To quote a wise man: ditch the tall freak
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toonjazzy · 3 months
Bruh, read an article that says “Maya and The Three” sends a terrible message to children that there is more than one God
Anyway, you should watch it! It’s from the same creator of The Book of Life, even takes place in the same universe so Xibalba, La Muerte, and the Candle Maker have a brief cameo, same voice actors from the Book of Life, many parallels between the two medias, AMAZING fight scenes, lovable silly characters, death, ELABORATE CHARACTER DESIGN, lots of foreshadowing, and so many tragic backstories
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berryunho · 1 year
HI BESTIE its me san anon hehe i’m back
i got down with the flu so i.. caught up on some sleep recently hence why i went mia 💀 who knew someone could sleep like 18 hours a day? not me that’s for sure
ANYWAY i read that RANDOM ASS THE ANSWER CHAPTER AND I??? am shook. my brain is so big bc this was exactly what i was thinking of in that weird theory of mine (but it’s not all and . i somehow think u might have another similar thing in mind) also i’m SORRY I KEEP FORGETTING ABT THE PPT HEKSHFJD but since apparently i have a bit more time for san… it’ll happen once i have my shit together fr this time
also i’m glad korea is treating u well !! and i’m SO sad u couldn’t get tickets to that festival 😭 maybe there’s resale tickets??? AND aren’t music shows like… free or something if u have enough merch.. or isn’t that the case anymore… anyway ppl are saying atz cb around may/summer sooooo???? take the chance bestie
love u mwah mwah
OH EM GEE welcome back !!
ACK ! sorry you had the flu that shit sucks hghglsjdfkdjf i also sleep like 24/7 when i have the flu so mega relate lol but i hope you're doing better !! ??
but omg yeah ....... its okay i think ill be able to get some somehow JSKDJFKJKSFLJ lol but ....... yeah i think so ........ im waiting patiently for atiny 4기 to drop bc ...... im not an official atiny ... [glass shattering noises] but i WILL be purchasing as soon as it drops since im in kr and the shipping wont be $50 .... god damn but YEAH ... if there is a cb ... i will be doing everything in my power to partake in every event that happens ....... but i have this sneaking suspicion that they're gonna announce their cb for like. the week after i leave. bc thats just how things work for me . KLJSALFKSDJFL BUT HOPEFULLY NOT lol if i leave korea not having partaken in a fansign .... idk what ill even do w myself . like how else is yunho supposed to fall in love w me ... LKJASDLKFJSDFLK JK BUT FOR REAL IM ABOUT TO FALL TO MY KNEES IN FRONT OF THE KQ BUILDING TO BEG FOR A CB BEFORE JULY BC I CANT . I HAVE TO HAVE THE FULL EXPERIENCE . OR ELSE WHAT AM I HERE FOR . besides the whole growing as a person learning things making friends experiencing another culture pfffttt BUT ANYWAYS YEAH
MWAY ILY I HOPE YOURE FEELING BETTER !! drink your water and eat fulfilling foods ... <33
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hyuneytoast · 2 years
⋆*・゚ Bbokari・゚ .⋆➵ 
[5:22 pm] “Felix, welcome home!” You chime, standing up from the couch to greet the man at the door. “Fel—Woah! What happened?” Eyes are wide, taking in the questioning scene.
Felix stands as if his soul is in the process of leaving, a pout on his lips and eyes as if he saw a ghost. What lies in his hand is the cause. You recognize it as a doll, or once was. In fact, it is the plush of Bbokari, or what, too, once was.
“His head? Where’s his head…” Your voice drifts off, and the atmosphere then breaks when Felix lets out a distressed wail.
“Lee Know wanted Bbokari as his dinner and Changbin wanted it as a punching bag! Next thing I know, they’re pulling it and—and my Bbokari!!” He swings the body of the chick in midair, the stuffing flying out the neck.
You were in a dilemma, being between shocked stillness or bursting in the most ridiculed fit of laughter.
Suppressing that urging cackle, you further ask with a helpless grin, “Well, where’s the other half of him?”
“Hyunjin stole the head, he said it’d make a good toy for Kkami.” Felix sighs in defeat, hugging his Bbokari plush close. Or, what is left of it at least.
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r.i.p Bbokari…
─── ・ 。゚☆: SKZ Materialist*.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦 : suggestive content. Not proof red
𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗦 : Childe. Aether. Diluc. Thoma. Zhongli. Xiao. Kazuha.
𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢 : couple headcannons
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Childe is known for the inability to use chopsticks ( and you happen to know how to use chopsticks ) and you offer to help me. The idiot man actually pays attention also while teasing you and smiling like an idiot while you guide him
He would then flex his new fond skills to his friends ( Zhongli )
“ oh my god Zhongli, aren’t they great? Look! I know how to use chopsticks” Childe smiled and waved his sticks to the man
Zhongli chuckled “ yes it appears”
“ god what would I do without them? Oh look! It’s them, say hello to my beautiful and amazing partner ” Childe waved at you, showing everyone his prize
He would always talk about his family to you and tell you to visit his homeland which to you always excitingly agree and perhaps in the future you two also start a family of your own.
When his not working he rather go shopping and gets anything that has the smallest of relation to you and mostly would buy himself shirts and later would pester you to wear it
And so so so clingy
“ come onnn babe~ I literally went miles to get you this to wear!” Childe clinged on to you
“ Childe it’s oversized and it’s for you, you said it yourself !” You complained
“ that’s the thing babeee! I went to buy this for you to wear! Come onn for me? Please?” Childe pleaded with what seemed to be puppy eyes
You sighed and took the shirt and wore it
“ oh my god thank you! You look so pretty and beautiful my dear” Childe said as he rubbed his face against yours
Also the slightest hint of sickness would make him cancel work to be with you <3 he would be extra clingy and whiny
“ [y/n] I’m sick and since your my caretaker and girlfriend I want you to take care of your helpless boyfriend” Childe whined to you once again
You sighed and looked at him “ Childe you don’t look sick” you pouted and felt his temperature
Before you can feel it Childe softly grabbed your wrist and placed it on his cheek
“ trust me I can really feel it” he lied.
Very competitive for everything. Literally.
“ I wanna cook today” you argued with the harbinger once again
“ ah ah ah! Not if I get it first!” Childe put his fingers to your lips as he cheekily smiled
“ but you did it yesterday” you said feeling extremely guilty
“ heh fine! first one there gets to cook” Childe said quickly and started to sprint to the kitchen out of nowhere, leaving you to chase him down in a never ending chase
Pick up lines? Always flirty ✔️ pet names ✔️
“ okay let me tie your shoelaces honey” Childe bent down to tie them after you tried to convince him out of it
After he tied it he looked up at you and smirked
“ oh hey beautiful” he smiled
Your cheeks instantly flushed at his remark
“ sorry babe I got lost in your eyes again-”
“ oh shut up”
“ aww why :( “
At most times he likes to prove to you how strong he is but it always turns quite the opposite way
“ an horror attraction? Pfffttt, trust me love I would fend off the scary stuff” Childe said all confident like to which you could on giggle
[ it turned out you were the one that was protecting him, at every jumpscare he was scatter behind you all scared while you stood there unfazed, you had to later comfort him and tell him it’s okay to be scared sometimes. His actions to you were rather cute ]
Always coming home with an Injury, it doesn’t matter what his doing he loves to come home to have you nag him and fix his wounds, he finds it adorable
“ injured again?” You sighed while being worried
“ yeah, I still won tho!” Childe flexed as you examined him
“ okay where’s the injury?” You asked
“ injury? here” Childe pointed at a tiny bruise on his leg
You death stared him
“ seriously? I’m leaving”
“ aww come on I’m kidding babe- wait where are going?”
Having to lose his sister to the abyss was not a good thing, it took a mental troll on him so whenever he returns from a adventure he would always go to the spot where you would meet him and if you weren’t there he would be so worried and ask the whole of teyat for you and when he finds you, his relieved and ready for you to embrace him in your arms
“ [y/n]..?” Aether searched desperately around
“ I’m right here” you came back
Aether looked at you, his eyes glossy. He smiled as he ran to you to embrace you in his loving and needy hug <3
Would always bring something back from each region to you that always reminds him of you
“ Aether your back wheres paimon?” you questioned confused to why Aether was alone
“ oh she went to get food, we’ll met later but here I got this from my adventure” Aether smiled as he handed you a flower banquet
Your eyes sparkled in happiness
“ wow…Aether thank you” you smiled as you invited him in a hug
Even if it’s a little task, Aether is always willing to help you like packing the fallen books, his love language is always acts of services
“ really its no big deal Aether” you said as Aether carried the boxes
“ oh it’s no problem dear” Aether smiled as he set the last box down
You pouted, “ what would I do without you” you said as you hugged him from behind
Aether smiled to himself and turned around when your arms released and kissed you
After that you two both realised something
“ oh my god Paimon!” You said as you two giggled and ran back to her
Quality time. Aether knows what it’s like to lose someone so with the time he has he would always use his precious time with you
“ the stars look so nice” you smiled as Aethers head sat on your lap
“ it does…” Aether sighed having to finally rest even if it was short lasted
“ I wish we could stay like this forever” you pouted to which Aether giggled
“ do you want to head back?” He asked after a moment of silence
“ never.” You simply replied
“ the moon just looks so beautiful isn’t it?” You looked down at Aether to which he smiled
“ it’s always been”
Also as a bonus I feel as if Aether would gossip to you about what happens and paimon would occasionally expose Aether
“ she really did that?” You said as Aether nodded
“ wow I can’t believe she could predict her dreams” you said stunned
Paimon nods “ yeah and you know that reminds me of someone” she gestured
Aether turns to her and tries to gesture her to stop talking but she doesn’t
“ oh that’s it! You know [y/n], Aether has dreams of you and always talks about it everydayy “ Paimon said smirking at Aether
Aether hides his face as you blush and tease him
It was very embarrassing for him and he would never hear the end of it
He knows you are a capable fighter and would let you help him with commissions he usually does alone and when he gets hurt you would always camp somewhere nearby and patch him up which is always a peaceful moment
“ hurry it’s raining!” You two went in a cave
You were giggling as you two made it safely in the cave and lit a fire
Aether sits on a rock as you patch him up
No words were exchanged but it meant so much
Also a great cook so every time you meet he would have some sort of food ready for just the two of you and Paimon of course
“ thank you for cooking me this” you smiled at Aether
“ oh no problem love!” Aether smiled
“ hey! Say why do I get less food!” Paimon comes out of nowhere
You both giggle
“ you know Paimon your a lot smaller soo…”
“ so what?!?”
you two first met at the tavern and since then he was enchanted by you, he would always wait for you to go to the tavern and when you do he would get so happy as you would always keep him company and his brother Kaeya caught on and let’s just say he wouldn’t stop teasing him about it
“ say [y/n] did you know when you first came here Diluc wouldn’t stop ranting about you?” Kaeya teased to you
You blushed and looked at Diluc
“ knock it off Kaeya” Diluc said as he wiped the glass cup, having blush evident on his face
When Diluc is not in the tavern I could imagine he would be in his office doing paperwork, now you would always arrive there with food or a book to accompany him and it would mostly end with you on his lap as he writes, both you and him enjoying one’s company
“ thank you for coming [y/n]” Diluc rested his head on your shoulder
“ no problem at all Diluc” you smiled
“ thank you for keeping me company” he whispered once more before dropping his pen and wrapping his hands around your waist
The two of you sat there and enjoyed the moment
Diluc being the dark night hero would always come late at night and when he does he adjusts to you as you patch him up, the feeling of your skin with his is enough to make him have butterflies
“ there really is no need-“ Diluc tried to protest
“ Diluc I have too” you said firmly
Diluc looked at you and smiled inside as you focus on his slight wounds
“ thank you love”
On rare occasions you would celebrate you would drink while Diluc watched over you, he is very protective and if he sees one finger on you, you won’t be seeing anyone any time soon
you were almost black out drunk
you were on the verge of passing out when someone approached you while Diluc was serving someone else
The person was checking you out and blathering disgusting comments and when he reached out for you he felt his head bash on the table
You were stunned by the sudden loud sound and by the time you realised Diluc had pushed the person out and went to you
“ are you okay [y/n]?!?” Diluc said as he observed you, ignoring everyone
You looked at him and too tired you rested your head on his shoulder
“ come on, let’s go home I’ll get someone to cover my shift”
Diluc is not a man of words but action, he always does the little things for you whether it be to make you breakfast or tuck you in when you fall asleep on him, it’s the little things that make him so precious
You had sat on Dilucs lap and appear to have fallen asleep and upon noticing this Diluc chuckled and carried you to the bed
he put you in your shared bed and smiled as he tucked you in and kissed your forehead and before he could leave, you unknowingly grabbed his wrist and pulled him in the bed
Diluc was flustered at first but seeing your innocent face he mumbled
“ very well, 5 more minutes”
Before accidentally falling asleep with you
One of the little things he always do is take care of your hair, for whatever reason Diluc feels attracted to it so in the morning he was always take your hair, tying and washing it and you would always do the same for him
“ [y/n] can you stay still?” Diluc complained
You smiled and swayed
“ aww why not? I’m just playing” you chuckled as Dilucs fingers drove through your hair 
You melted in his touch, he was gentle and ever so soft
“ done” Diluc said as he brushed your hair
“ what? already?”
In the morning or any time of day, Diluc would bring [tea/coffee/water] for you
Looking through the books you sighed as you drowned in work
That was until your boyfriend come knocking in the room with a cup of your choice of beverage
“ busy darling? Here” Diluc placed a cup on your desk
You smiled as you stood up and hazily walked to Diluc with your arms open and sinking into his arms as he hugged back tightly
After dinner I can always imagine Diluc playing old songs and offering to dance with you.
As the tavern closes Diluc sighs from work as you observe and smile
Diluc looks at you as you play the gramophone and you give out your hand
He could only chuckle and admire your ideas and hold your hand as you two sway in the tavern with the old tunes accompanying you
Thoma is always busy with chores around the estate and when you come visit him you would always scare him with a hug from the back, although it would always scare him he was always grateful as that action was found adorable
“ surprise Thoma!” You shouted as you hugged him from behind
Thoma flinched and turned around
“ oh [y/n]!” He smiled as he hugged you tightly after dropping the broom stick
“ hahaha still got you” you went on as Thoma smiled, getting lost in your features
No matter how many times he sees you he would always fall in love again
Due to his work he would always want to do all the house work but you have to stop him from doing it, it was only right of course
“ come on honey, its on me” Thoma smiled
“ but you always do it” you whined as you tried to clean and take the cloth off Thomas hands
Being a carer Thoma puts the cloth above his head so you couldn’t reach it but to his dismay you jump and it both knocked you two over
You both fell and giggled as you landed on top of Thoma
“ okay how about we both do it?” Thoma laughed
Thoma usually is very good at hiding his emotions considering everything that is aimed at him and when you come to his aid he will tell you everything
“ Thoma are you okay? You seem down” you pouted as you looked at your boyfriend
“ yeah…just a tough day at work” Thoma awkwardly made out while rubbing his sore neck
“ are you sure?” You said knowing him all too well
“ okay maybe it was just some bad comments” Thoma gave in
“ you wanna talk about it” you said as you instantly gave the man a warm hug
“ maybe I would”
Although his busy most of the time he always has time for cuddles
“ welcome back!” You greeted your boyfriend as he happily gave you a big hug
“ how are you” he overjoyed
“ I’m good, I prepared dinner” you showed the table of reserved food
“ ooo looks delicious but I rather cuddle with you for a bit…if that’s fine with you” Thoma hugged your waist
You giggled and nod before he took you off your feet
Also takes you to visit some puppies near the town that he feeds, also introduces you to them as well
“ say hello to my friends” Thoma showed you the puppies
You stared in awe
“ they are so cute” you said as you played with some
Thoma smiled and poured the treats in the bowl as you stared
“ is this where you always go?” You asked
“ yeah back then this place was my only comfort zone” Thoma smiled as he sat next to you
“ and now I get to share it with you”
Knitting? ✔️ Thoma if he had time would always like to teach you new things, things such as knitting for example
“ [y/n] you have to poke it though there” Thoma looked at your struggling figure
you nodded but somehow did not know what he was talking about
Thoma chuckled and stopped his knitting and helped you, his fingers grasping around yours
the tension and closeness made your cheeks flush with redness
“ haha it’s okay if you can’t knit, your way better in other things!”
His so sweet, no matter what happens Thoma always convinces himself to never be angry at you as you were a blessing to have in the first place
“ I’m so sorry Thoma! Please let me clean it” you plead as Thoma cleanned the broken vase
“ oh it’s no problem dear! It’s my fault for putting it here” Thoma cleaned it and put it in the bin
“ I’m truly sorry” you said as you stood there staring at the ground
“ hey hey, look at me, it wasn’t your fault okay?” Thoma said as he cupped your face in his hands
“ I love you sweetheart” Thoma said as he hugged you
The smallest gestures you do to him drive him crazy and make him so happy for your presence, he thank the archons for you in this world
“ this is for me [y/n]?” Thoma said like an excited puppy
You nodded as gave him the present, Thoma was in awe
“ thank you so much! Aww I don’t deserve you at all [y/n]!” Thoma said as he invited you in a tight hug,
He was really grateful
From a friend to a friend is where you met Zhongli, he was amazed by you, your knowledge and your will to listen to every story he could share
“ the adeptus? I’m familiar with them yes” Zhongli agreed
“ really? Can you tell me more about them?” You said when excitement in your eyes
Zhongli looked at you and smiled
“ of course”
Being with the man, he would take you out on stroll, night, day, dusk, anywhere and needless to say each one was a unforgettable moment to share
“ here is where I am mostly at” Zhongli lead you to the top of the mountain where a stone table sat
You stared in awe and stared at Zhongli quietly enjoying the moment
You stared at the table and view and then him again and decided it was best not to disturb him
Zhongli is not as busy as he is thought to be so most of the time he would accompany you, he rather adores your company
“ [y/n] there you are, I was wondering if you like to accompany me” Zhongli asked as you put down the last note
You turned to him “ now? I’m rather busy-“
“ please? I’d like you to come with me” Zhongli gave you his hand
You smiled as you gave in to his charms
“ very well then, let’s head out”
Everyday Zhongli would make tea for the two of you, whether it be at night or morning, he would always deliver, this, a little gesture that is enough for you to smile
“ here dear” Zhongli gave you the brewing tea
“ thank you darling” you smiled as you hugged him after putting down the tea
it was always your favourite part of the day because it was a time where you could relax
The little stories
As you continue with your life Zhongli would tell you stories of the smallest things, whether it be a sunset or a plant, stories he told lived forever in the town of Liyue
Secretly clingy? ✔️ I could imagine if you were gone one day, Zhongli would greatly miss your touch so when you come home, he would give you a lot of affection
You sighed as you rubbed your neck and enter your home
There you were met with Zhongli
“ dear your home” Zhongli got up and walked to you
“ hello” you said
Zhongli smiled as he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear
“ may I?” He asked as he opened his arms
You nodded as you fell onto him
Zhongli supported you and hugged you a little too tightly then you expected
Very observant, his been around for a little too long, he would know if you were feeling sad or happy and he would always remember the methods to make you better
“ god it’s so frustrating” you ranted to Zhongli
Zhongli wasted no time and got up and got a blanket with tea and gave it to you leaving you confused, then he sat next to you and patted your shoulder
As weird as it sounds it would always calm you down and you melted in his touch and fell asleep on his shoulder
The man has a lot of knowledge and I would imagine him gifting you rare flowers from time to time and when you ask he would mention it was obtained from bargaining but you didn’t know what he meant by that
“ these flowers bloomed from the day of your birth, I thought I should give it to you” Zhongli smiled as he gave you a flower
You stared in awe and hugged him
“ thank you. It’s beautiful” you whispered
Afterwards you would hang it in your ear, showing it off which made Zhongli more happier
Taking care of you, no matter what state you were in he would always take care of you
You hummed a tune as Zhongli braided your hair
His fingers softly combing through your hair as the soft tones of the outside rang around the home
After he was done he would show you the piece and it would always shock you
But after all, having many years of living he was bound to know a thing or two when it came to braiding or styling hair
When your in a relationship, everything starts off rocky, miscommunication was mostly the problem but everything warmed up with some time and with time Xiao was comfortable enough to hold your hand
You stood there waiting for Xiao, patiently
The months had been hard but you forgave him, you couldn’t blame him after all
After a few seconds of silence you felt a hand grab yours
You turn and see Xiao blushing, you were shocked, more than shocked, it was the first time he did that without you doing it first
“ did I kept you waiting” Xiao muttered to which you smiled brightly
“ no you didn’t.”
When you would go out for your job whether it be commissions, Xiao would always excitedly wait for your return, he would replay beautiful moments and when he sees you, he pretends he hasn’t thought of anything
“ Xiao! Sorry I’m back” you panted as you rested by a tree where Xiao was sitting
“ it’s…okay” Xiao muttered as he hopped down
“ really? I was just finishing some commissions-“
Before you could finish Xiao invited you in a hug
“ you were late by a minute…I missed you” Xiao answered
you were caught of guard and this was enough to bring butterflies in your stomach
Imagine Xiao wanted to make your favourite food but he fails and you come home and still appreciate the effort <3
“ what is that smell!” You coughed as you try to clear off the smoke
You walk further and see Xiao with burnt food in his hands
“ what’s this?” You asked softly
Xiao frustrated and embarrassed looks away
“ I was trying to make food for you…” Xiao said avoiding eye contact
Your heart melted at the thought
“ really?” You said happily to which Xiao nodded
you smile and fall down and hug Xiao which catches him off guard
“ it’s the thought that counts”
Flower crown ✔️ Xiao would always make flower crowns when he missed you dearly as it reminded him of the time you gave him a flower crown
“ here I made this” Xiao gently gave you a crown
“ a flower crown? Aww thank you Xiao!!” You said as you kissed his cheek making him grateful at his hard work
you put it on and looked at him cheekily
“ how about we make matching ones?”
Quality time, Xiao knows what it’s like to not have enough time so whenever you are present he would take you everywhere and always admire your face when you have sparkles in your eyes
“ the view is amazing” you wowed
“ I thought you would say that” Xiao said as you sat next to him
He took you to see the view of Liyue harbour, it was at a sunset and it was amazing
The wind blew your hair softly as you quietly admired and Xiao stared at you
“ you look like a dream”
Xiao is not use to affection so when you cook his favourite food he wouldn’t know to react and end up very flustered at such actions
“ this for…me?” He stuttered
You smiled and nodded
“ for you, I thought of you and wanted to make it” you giggled
Xiao looked at it and took it
“ thank you [y/n].”
Everytime Xiao gets annoyed, thinking of you would calm his nerves, you were the missing puzzle to him, you were his other half
And kisses, hugs make him blush like crazy and after you do those things he would replay that same moment when you are gone, burying his flushed face in his hands
“ Xiao can we cuddle?” You giggled as you went up to him
“ cuddle?” Xiao asked confused
You nodded
“ why do that? What does it do?” He asked like the clueless boy he was
You giggled and hugged him and in his shock state you dragged him to the bed and hugged him tightly on it
Xiao was confused but after seeing you peacefully asleep he hugged back slowly
When you got together, you knew Kazuha was always everywhere so when you joined him on his journey he was more than happy at your statement
“ Kazuha are you going again?” You plead
Kazuha smiles, “ I’ll be back before you know it” Kazuha kisses you to which you pout
“ say what are those?” Kazuha points at your bags
“ well Kazuha I got consent from Beidou and wanted to join you!” You said, staring at the ground, refusing to see his reaction
Kazuha freezes but it wasn’t long before he smiled and hugs you
“ thank you”
Kazuha would always play songs for you and as he plays it, it’s like the whole background is accompanying his music as well
More over Kazuha would adore cats so when he saw one he would always play with them with you there
“ what is this place” you asked Kazuha
Kazuha stopped at a sword and payed his respects while you did the same
“ this is where a old friend wanders” Kazuha explained
You nodded and was careful not to damage anything
That until a cat rubbed against Kazuha
“ hello there old friend” he murmured
You looked as he brought the cat to you
“ let’s go “ Kazuha smiled after a moment of silence
You nodded and the two of you left and back in the ship needless to say you two enjoyed the quiet tension playing with the cat
Since you and him travel the world he would always find the most relaxing spot and lead you there where you would sit in his lap and enjoy the sunset and moon and the time you have left together
“ the moon shines brightly but it can never shine as brightly as you” Kazuha murmurs as he kisses your head
“ thank you Kazuha” you lightly blush at his words
“ although it’s getting late, would you like to go back?” You ask Kazuha to which he shakes his head
“ let’s stay like this for a little while longer”
Adding to his soft personality, Kazuha is also a soft person, the way he holds your hands in his and the way he strokes your cheeks are such gentle gesture
“ Kazuha how does it look?” You showed him the flower crown
Kazuha chuckles, “ beautiful…although you have something on your face” he points out
You raise a brow confused at what it was
Kazuha then smiles and brings out his fingers and softly strokes your cheeks
This made you two have eye contact and you were lost in his eyes and also very flustered at such actions
You fell in love again
During these adventures Kazuha would also bring books for the both of you to read, under a tree in a quiet area with calming skies
When it rains Kazuha is noticed to be more close to you, always wanting to hold you closer even when in a safe area
“ gosh it’s raining” you said as the light sounds of storms awaited near
Kazuha looks at it and grabs you close
“ come on let’s head back” he states
“ already?” You asked to which he nods
He was firm but you wouldn’t question it at all
After he leads you somewhere safe he would hug you close, close enough so you wouldn’t slip away
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goodnightmemes · 2 years
some of these are quotes from tiktok creators, and some are from various other forms of media that were popular audios/trends on tiktok
❛ Welcome to Barnes and Nooo-OOOOOO! ❜
❛ Worry not my brother, I am simply vibing with these flowers. ❜
❛ The thing is - she made fun of me for getting capri-suns, and then she drank EIGHT of MY capri-suns! ❜
❛ You’re in your 20s and you're arguing over capri-suns. ❜
❛ Mom, either you ground her or I fight her. So there’s two options, and my fists are already up. ❜
❛ I saw that! Justice doesn’t sleep. ❜
❛ You’ve been bamboozled. ❜
❛ They stamped my tortilla. They stamped my tortilla with an expiration date. ❜
❛ I’m just a baby. I’M JUST A BABY! ❜
❛ I presently have the work ethic and motivation of a lobotomized sloth and there is not enough caffeine, cocaine, girl boss vibes, or positive energy in the perceived universe to change that, AND YET bills must be paid. Go forth and seize the day. ❜
❛ See, if you title your file “ultra-secret” we got a problem. ❜
❛ It’s vegan cause it’s strawberry milk and not like cow milk. You know what I mean? ❜
❛ Show me the tit on a strawberry. ❜
❛ This is like my millionth time saying this, but I’m in love you…until Han Solo shows up. ❜
❛ I thought I recorded the whole thing but it turns out I just took a panorama. ❜
❛ Oh man, that’s cra- I don’t give a shit about that. At all. ❜
❛ And uhh, yeah dude, that dude just beat the shit out of me. Just fucking fucked me up. It was wild. ❜
❛ Hahaha - No. No, but it’s not funny at the end of the day, is it? It’s serious. ❜
❛ This is Let It Gopher. The lady who found him thought he was a gopher snowman but he’s actually a cat. ❜
❛ This is Death by Chocolate Lab. He has three legs and seven eyes. So he’s either cursed or really weird. But no one's died yet, so we’re leaning towards weird. ❜
❛ You’re talking about MY OUTFIT and you’re wearing RIPPED SKINNY JEANS?! You’re wearing RIPPED SKINNY JEANS!! ❜
❛ I’m out here spray painting my golden tongs, right?, and I accidentally fucking spray painted a rollie pollie! *crying* I’m sorry!! ❜
❛ Well, shit. What are y’all doing? Screwing? ❜
❛ Instead of having some sort of crisis about it; which would be pfffttt silly; I just quit my job and flew to Scotland, with no money, or plans, or friends in the city. ❜
❛ I’m going to fuck your dad and give him a child he actually loves. ❜
❛ She’s out there in it shitting! What are you doing?! It’s a hurricane out there!!! ❜
❛ I have been doing much more than fraternizing with him, sir. ❜
❛ And there I lie, in my failure, and the freezing snow. ❜
❛ I took a deep breath and I went to where anyone would go to find the real answer for anything. I went to reddit. ❜
❛ You have to be 21 to drink but only 8 to summon the devil? ❜
❛ Piggy dippin! Piggy dippin at the piggy pond! You went sausage swimming in the water bowl, you dip them fat little toes in there. Chubba bun! ❜
❛ I most definitely have a list of rules that people must follow if they want to be my murderer. ❜
❛ I am NOT a middle kill. I am either the one that got you started, the one that ignited your bloodlust; or I’m the one that finally quenches that thirst. ❜
❛ You know, that’s my shower curtain from Japan, you stupid ass bitch. ❜
❛ Stop drinking normal milk! Are you - are you a criminal?! ❜
❛ I’ve narrowed it down to three things that could be going on inside that little head. Number one: Infinite knowledge. Smarter than the universe. Option two: Nothing. All floof, no brain. Option three: Plotting my demise. ❜
❛ You’re looking at Grade A Dad Material. USDA prime dad. ❜
❛ “Oh I’m so sad. I’m so depressed.” When’s the last time you had a fudgecicle? You say you’re depressed but you haven’t had a fudgcicle in like eight years. ❜
❛ It’s pretty hard to become good at things, but I’m really good at two things. One is snacks, number two is just being nervous. ❜
❛ So you make this every night of the week for your first– for your husband that you want to kill, because this will clog his arteries. ❜
❛ Alright. Welcome, hoes I’m gonna get with, and hoes I already got with. Welcome to this conference on climate change. ❜
❛ When I get upset, or mildly depressed, I go out and buy a spiderman shirt. ❜
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xmalfoyweasleyx · 3 years
I hate that girl - F.W
Summary: Fred doesn’t really know how to cope. He hates y/n and everyone loves her. But is the feeling truly hate, or something else?
Warnings: Mean Fred, eating, semi-smut it's just oral: male receiving, a little hair pulling and stuff like that :)
A/N: Maybe I'm going to write a PART 2, with the rest of the smut? Idk? What do you guys think? x
Words: 2,1k
Tumblr media
It was summer, finally, my favourite season. I sat at the table with my family at the Burrow, enjoying my moms dinner.
“So, y/n is coming tomorrow mom, you remember?” Ron asked while trying to put a big piece of meat in his mouth.
“Of course I remember dear!” Molly smiled.
“Pfffttt ohno” I sighed, making the whole dinner table glare at me.
“Don’t be mean Fred, I really don’t know what’s wrong with you” Ginny said angrily.
What was wrong with me? That girl was wrong.
I hated how my whole family fell for her trap. Like she’s so innocent. They all believed her act. But I knew the truth, I hated the girl. She wasn’t sweet and shy and helpful. I just knew it. She couldn’t be. I didn’t believe it.
I never liked the girl. She visits us every year, being very good friends with... yea, almost every person here.
She was a liar, I saw it in her eyes. The girl was always like: “Molly can I help with the dishes” or “Hey George, I looooveee the new joke product” with her silly sweet voice.
No I didn’t fall for that. She didn’t even say those things to me any more, I've already scared her away. Well, great. That’s great.
“I really don’t understand why you hate her that much Freddie” George sighed when we were back in our bedroom.
"Well and I don't understand why you like her that much Georgie, are you in love with her or something?" I accused him.
"It seems like you are the one in love with her, silly brother" he answered laughing.
What the hell??
"WHAT? For God's sake! Why would you even think that?!" I screamed defensively. George only laughed.
"I give up" he smiled. Leaving me extremely irritated.
Me in love with y/n, like I said, I hate that girl.
I almost threw up seeing the girl acting like that.
We were all welcoming her in the living room. She hugged Ginny, then my mum and Ron and... you know how it goes.
Then she hugged George giving him a kiss on the cheek. Urgh disgusting. It was my turn. It was clear she didn't really know what to do. It was pretty awkward.
"Fred" she nodded staring at me full of doubt. She gave me a sad look and I almost fell for it.
I knew my sister was looking at me with eyes full of anger without even looking her way. I couldn't take it any more and just left without saying a word.
"I'm sorry about him" I heard George saying to her. "It's okay" she answered softly.
It was quiet at the burrow, everyone was already asleep. I've always been the only person in this house that stays up this late.
I was getting tired so I decided to get ready for bed. Even George had ignored me all evening, I don't get it, why are they this mad? I mean, okay, I wasn't very nice to y/n. But I can do what I want and I can dislike who I want, what do they have to do with it?
So I opened the bathroom door and before I could process what happened, my face was already bright red. Y/n was changing, her, apparently pretty, chest was bare in front of me.
The first thing I did was slap my hand to my face, trying to close my eyes and hide the redness. What the actual fuck, did I just see the girl naked?
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I should've locked the door, I'm sorry" she answered embarrassed.
Okay how could I ever get this image out of my fucking head?! Yes, she did have an impressive body, and...but... BUT NO FRED, NO.
"Stop apologizing all the time, for god's sake, it makes me crazy" I hissed angrily.
She didn't really answer and she ran past me, I didn't even see the look on her face. Maybe that was a good thing, because I knew I may have been a bit too mean this time...
"Fuck Fred, keep going" y/n moaned, she looked like a mess and her perfect boobs bounced up and down when she rode me. It was the hottest and the best thing I've ever felt. Moans and grunts left my mouth. "Fuck I'm cumming baby" I grunted.
Suddenly a loud knock on my bedroom door woke me up. Y/n wasn't there any more.
Shit, was this a dream, an actual sex dream? About her?
"FRED WAKE UP IT'S ALREADY 1 PM, WE'RE GOING TO SWIM!" I heard my little sister scream at the door.
I freaked out immediately. I could never face y/n again after this, why did it happen? Why is my brain like this? And then I had a little problem down there too, I had an obvious boner.
"I'm coming Gin wait a minute" I answered nervously.
An hour later, I finally reached the lake that was a mile away from the burrow. The others were already there.
Great, swimming.
The dream was still spinning around in my head. I was so confused and like it couldn't get any worse, they decided to swim. Why today?
This was the worst moment ever to see y/n in her bikini. I saw her from a distance. God she looked hot. Her perfect boobs in the red bikini top, and damn it, that ass...
Bloody hell, STOP IT FRED, I just got rid of my boner, I don't need it to come back again.
"There you are Freddie, finally!" George smiled when he saw me. Damn it.
Y/n looked up too, still smiling at me even though all the mean things I said or did to her. Her hair was in a perfect bun and I could see her red bikini better now. I never really realized how sexy and good she looks until now, until the moment I walked in on her changing this night. Or maybe that was the problem, maybe I always knew, but shut it out?
But what if this was her trap again? The trap everyone fell for except me. I couldn't allow myself to fall for it, I promised myself!
I walked up to them and tried to get out of my confusing thoughts. "I'm sorry I didn't realize I slept for so long" I answered trying to sound okay.
"Guess it's because you were still up pretty late" y/n joked. Her pretty smile appeared and out of nowhere my legs were weak, like jelly.
"Fuck y/n SHUT UP, SHUT THE HELL UP" I snapped out of nowhere. My face went red and the others looked at me in shock.
It was quiet, y/n gaped at me, speechless.
"I.. I-" I tried to apologize when I saw y/n her hurt eyes, but nothing came out. My heart broke when a tear fell down her cheek. Maybe I was wrong about her.
I was the bad person in this story, not her.
She ran away and I heard her sobbing behind me.
It wasn't a trap, she never acted like she was an innocent sweet girl, she really was an innocent sweet girl. It wasn't her trap, it was my own trap, a trap I made up in my own head.
I heard sobs coming from her room. I stood behind the door. I promised my siblings I would apologize, because it was true, maybe I was wrong about her.
I opened the door slowly.
"Fred, please go away, you don't have to act like you're sorry because I'm crying. I know you hate me." she sobbed when she saw me.
“N-no, I, I don’t know what’s wrong with me” I stuttered.
She looked confused. Her red eyes really broke my heart. It was my fault.
I sat next to her on the floor and put my hand on her leg. She seemed shocked.
“Why do you hate me?” she whispered.
I sighed. Not really knowing what to answer.
“I don’t hate you, I just had the wrong idea about you y/n, I’m stupid.” I answered.
It was weird, she was still in her bikini and this was so not the right moment, but I felt that bulge in my swimming trunks appear again. I guess it’s because of the dream that was still so damn clear in my head. And of course, the fact that my hand was stroking down her bare leg.
Before I could cover it up, her eyes were already on it. Fuck.
We both didn’t utter a word. It was silent.
“You have a problem down there” she whispered, breaking the silence.
I gulped, trying to not get red.
“Is that why you hate me? You just want to fuck me?” she grinned extremely bold.
I wasn’t really used to being this speechless. But she was right. So, so right. So I just nodded.
Suddenly she was on my lap. My breath hitched in my throat. Her, so perfect, boobs now pressed to my bare chest.
“You make me crazy, I can’t even explain how crazy y/n” I finally said.
Her hands were now stroking my hair. Shit. My tummy tingled. Was George right, am I in love with her?
“So you just decide to be mean Freddie? Ignore me? Hurt me? Why?” she squeaked, searching for a rightful explanation.
“I... I’m sorry, I don’t know what I feel. I’m so confused but I know I was wrong about you now. I’m sorry for hurting you.” I apologized.
“It’s okay Freddie, I understand, we have enough time to find out how we feel” she promised me while lightly stroking my cheek with her small fingers.
A wave of electricity went from my feet to my head. So is this what being in love feels like? I wasn’t sure, maybe it was something else. I’ve never experienced this before. But one thing was sure: my pants got too tight now.
And that’s when I felt her move slowly. She moved the (oh so thin) fabric of her red bikini against my clothed cock. I could feel everything that was underneath and a shock of pleasure went through my whole body.
She kept grinding down on me, a soft whimper left her mouth and a grunt left mine.
I slammed my lips on hers. They moved perfectly in synchrony. They were soft and sweet. It was perfect.
I’ve kissed before, a lot. But this. This was different. The passion was overwhelming.
Her tongue explored my mouth while I helped her hips grind up and down.
She stopped the kiss and her beautiful y/e/c eyes locked with mine. In an instant, she was already on her knees in front of me, pulling down my swimming trunks.
"Can I?" she asked politely. I nodded eagerly.
She kissed my tip gently making me gasp a little. Her beautiful, soft hands stroked down my thigh.
"I'm pretty sure you're finally gonna stop hating me after this" she promised.
"You already succeeded princess" I praised, making her eyes go wider because of the nickname.
She started to kitten lick my tip slowly and my hands were already in her hair, making a ponytail with my hand.
She took my whole cock in her mouth, all at once. A grunt escaped my lips when I felt my tip hit the back of her throat.
"God y/n where did you learn this" I moaned huskily.
A smirk appeared when she started to bob up and down. I tried to control myself but I couldn't resist from pulling on her hair a little, guiding her head up and down. It was clearly something she liked because a moan left her mouth. The oh so sexy sound and vibrations made me grunt loudly. "Fuck baby" I moaned
I tried to hold it in but my hips started to pound a little into her mouth, making her gag on my cock.
"I'm gonna cum" I stuttered. One second later her mouth was already gone. I whined with a frown.
"Now already Freddie?" she smirked.
"Please don't stop, your mouth is amazing y/n" I asked trying to not sound too desperate.
She didn't answer but put her lips back, taking my cock in her mouth again. Now she started to suck fast and harder, making me go completely crazy.
She was so beautiful and so so so sexy. I couldn't hold in any longer. My head fell back and my eyes scrunched shut, a loud moan slipped from my lips when I came. I've never felt this amazing before. It was perfect. Y/n stuck her tongue out, showing me she swallowed all of my cum.
"Good girl" I praised huskily.
"Did it feel good?" she asked. She looked a little insecure now.
I grabbed her hips and placed her on my lap again.
"So good, I think I might be in love with you, and not just because of this moment, but for so many reasons y/n" I admitted.
"You.. you do?" she whispered getting red and shy. But the little smile on her lips said enough
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btsslowburnfic · 3 years
The Arrangement Ch. 37
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Story summary: Desperately in need of money, you answered the questionable ad. AKA-Arranged marriage AU featuring Y/N and Yoongi
Chapter Summary: Just hanging out with friends. Being all cute
AN: Welcome new readers and a big thank you to the ones who have been around for a while ^_^ Thank you to jiminieshii and  ggukkieland for mentioning this fic on their blogs.
Previous chapter here
As usual, Yoongi had plopped himself down in the middle of the sofa, waiting for you and Jin to join him. “Why does this cost money again?” He asked dryly.
“I don’t know Yoongi, it just does,” Jin said; a tinge of annoyance in his voice.
“Just enjoy it dude,” You added from the other side.
Yoongi looked over at you, a look of pretend disgust on his face. “Really? Now you two are ganging up on me?” He shifted to a pout. 
 “Pfffttt you deserve it. You’re being a brat.” You scolded him.
Jin remained silent, messing with the tv settings, but inside he was happy you were calling Yoongi out for his rude behavior.
Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess I’m still pissy about the whole thing earlier today. Sorry Jin.” He said in pout.
Jin turned, wide eyed, and looked at Yoongi. Rare words, he knew. He nodded. “It’s fine. Alright. We are down to one minute left. Anyone want to place a bet?”
You waved a hand, “I don’t know enough to be able to place a bet.”
“I don’t want to,” Yoongi replied.
Jin sighed loudly, “Ok fine. Let me text my brother real quick,” he pulled out his phone, quickly typing. “When is your brother’s wedding?” You asked, remembering the topic being mentioned the other day.
“Next month. It’s at the restaurant.” He looked up from his phone. “You two are invited. Did Yoongi tell you?”
Yoongi smirked, “I did. Seems like someone didn’t check their calendar.” 
You rolled your eyes, but you were glad his mood was improving so you decided you’d allow him to gloat a little. “Hey. It’s a busy month. Photoshoots, auction, wedding. My brother and sister have stuff going on. Give a girl a break.” You sighed dramatically. 
You heard Yoongi chuckle, his deep voice producing a rumble next to you. To your surprise, he then put his arm around your shoulder as the countdown timer started to count down from ten seconds. 
Jin half looked over, preparing to make another comment about the wedding, but decided it was wise to not interrupt at that exact moment. 
“YN you can stop acting like you’re enjoying this.” Yoongi said quietly to you in the kitchen.
“What? It’s fiiiine. It’s fine. I love sportsball. So fun. Go team.” You weakly enthused. You had never actually watched a basketball game before. Your brother went to practice a few times before he had to drop out. That hadn’t been terribly exciting, but you assumed the games would be more interesting at least.
“Can you even tell me what teams are playing?” Yoongi asked, crossing his hands over his chest. 
“Umm definitely a white team and a red team.” You retorted.
He laughed. “Seriously. Go do something you enjoy doing.”
You pouted. You liked sitting with him on the couch. Butttttt….you also knew that Jimin had asked you about hanging out earlier. For some reason you were nervous about asking Yoongi if you could do that. Ask him? Did you need to ask him? You were an adult. Why was this weird all of a sudden?? Yoongi didn’t like Jimin. You didn’t care about that before. Fuck. You had been spacing out for way too long, you realized.
“Umm...would you mind if I went and hung out with Jimin? He mentioned it earlier, but we already had plans with Jin.”
Yoongi bit his lip, thinking about how much had changed in such a short time period. “No, of course not. Go have fun. Just get a ride home if you guys go out, me and Jin are going to keep drinking and watching the game.”
“Ok, I’ll text him and see if the offer to hang out is still open. Do you think Jin will mind?”
Yoongi laughed, looking over at Jin yelling at the TV. “Uh no, the only thing Jin cares about right now is how much money he’s going to lose to his brother.” 
You smiled. Passionate Jin. You picked up your phone to text Jimin
YN: Hey! The game is so very boring. It turns out I hate basketball.  Do you want to hang out? Or do you need Auction help?
Jimin: Fuck the auction i’m so over it for today. Do you want to go out or come over and hang out?
YN: My face is still a little puffy from crying and I’ve already been drinking some. I’d rather stay in than go out. Your place?
Jimin: Sounds good. Give me half an hour to tidy up a bit. Do you mind if I invite V or JK?
YN: No. But please don’t bring up what happened earlier today in front of anybody else. 
Jimin: Of course not <3
YN: See you later! Can I bring anything??
Jimin: I have wine. If you want something else feel free to bring. You looked up to see Yoongi standing in between the living room and kitchen still, half watching the game, and half waiting to hear from you. He looked back over and saw you weren’t typing anymore.
“So….you leaving us?” He teased.
“Heyyy don't’ put it like that. But yes. I am. I’m going to go grab a sweatshirt and head over there in a few.” You smiled and headed down the hallway to your bedroom. 
Yoongi wandered back over to the sofa. He eyed the score in the corner of the screen. “They could still come back. It’s not even half time yet.” 
“I know. But still.” Jin let out a sound of frustration,” They’re just playing so bad. If I did my job this badly I’d be fired.”
Yoongi chuckled. He had no idea Jin could be such a hothead sometimes. “Well, be sure to write a strongly worded letter.”
“I might Yoongi. I just might.” Jin’s phone dinged. “Aish. Look at the stuff he’s sending me!” Jin held up his phone and showed Yoongi several memes his brother had sent related to his team and several poop emojis. Yoongi burst out laughing. Jin quickly pulled his phone back. “It is NOT funny.”
“It is though,” Yoongi said seriously.
“It is NOT THAT funny.” Jin responded, his serious façade beginning to crack. “Ugh. My team sucks. You know? I just picked them because I like the mascot. I  should have read some stats or something.” Jin lamented.
“Yes. That is usually advisable to do some research before spending money.” Yoongi sighed and sat down on the couch.
“Where’s YN?” Jin asked, suddenly aware that you had been gone.
“Changing. She’s going over to hang out with Jimin. Apparently she doesn’t like basketball.”
“Park Jimin? Namjoon’s PA?” Joon looked over, the surprise evident on his face.
“Yeah. They’re friends.” Yoongi casually scrolled through his phone.
Jin blinked. “Aren’t you. Jealous or anything?” He asked, his voice becoming quieter.
Yoongi looked up, asking himself the question. He hadn’t thought about it. Had he felt jealous? Did he? No. “No. I mean. I don’t know why I would. They’re friends. She told me where she’s going. She’s not jealous of me and you hanging out.” Yoongi responded as though it was so obvious.
“Huh. I admire your self-confidence.” Jin replied. “I wasn’t allowed to even look at other girls. Let alone talk to them. And definitely not hang out with them.”
Yoongi swiped his tongue across his lip. He was not the right person to give dating advice at all, considering his limited experience, but he still knew that was shitty. “Yeah but, you should have been allowed to do those things Jin. You should be in a relationship where you can trust the other person to be the same person when they’re with you, and when they’re away from you.”
Silence filled the room for several seconds before Jin responded. “Well. Maybe someday I will be.” Jin sighed. 
“Anything new with Lin?” Yoongi cautiously asked.
Jin looked over, annoyance filling his features. “She called again and wanted to go to lunch. I told her no and to stop calling me. I’ve blocked her number but she has some way of getting new accounts.” He shook his head as he looked back towards the screen. “ And I told the building security that she’s not allowed on premise.”
Yoongi was surprised by that last one, especially. He was glad Jin wasn’t putting himself into any vulnerable positions with his abusive ex. “Good.” He remarked.
“Yeah. It sucks. But when I stay busy and don’t think about her, I am happier.” 
“Hey. Did Yoongi tell you I’m leaving?” You yelled from the kitchen area. You had pulled a hoodie over your dress for the evening so you could put your phone in the pocket. You hoped you weren’t interrupting anything.
“Yes, it seems that basketball isn’t your thing.” Jin replied.
You shrugged, “Sorry. I didn’t know. Forgive me.”
“I suppose I can.” Jin paused for dramatic effect. “You did order dinner.”
“True True.” You responded. “Ok, well, thanks for the wine. I’ll see you again soon!” You turned and headed for the door, but you heard Yoongi’s footfalls behind you. “What’s wrong?” You stopped.
“Nothing, keep going.” He replied.
You arched an eyebrow. “Ok weirdo.” You continued into the foyer, stopping to put your shoes on. Yoongi leaned up against the wall, waiting. You stood back up. “Ok, what?” “I just wanted to say goodbye,” he said. At first you started to roll your eyes, didn’t he literally just see you? And didn’t you literally just tell him and Jin goodbye? But then, he pulled you closer and pressed his lips up against yours. The tiniest bit of his tongue pushed against your lips briefly. You let out a small sound in surprise. He pulled back. “I’ll see you later.” Before you could respond, he was out of the foyer and enroute to the couch. Yoongi smirked. He wasn’t jealous; but he tried to make sure he’d be on your mind.
You could already feel your heartbeat in your ears after that kiss Yoongi had surprised you with. Jesus. You found the door to the stairwell. Since Jimin lived on the 18th floor, you decided to take the stairs. As you passed the landing for the 19th floor, the door opened quickly. The sound reverberated through the hallway as the door slammed against the wall. “Aeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy!” You yelped involuntarily. It had been so quiet and then BAM!!!
“Hey! Sorry.” You saw JK enter the stairwell.  “Did I scare you?” He looked concerned at first, but that melted into recognition as he saw you. His little bunny-like teeth showed as he smiled. “I am so sorry Noona.” He shook his head.
“A little.” you breathed a sigh of relief,” I was a little scared. I wasn’t expecting anybody else to be on the stairs. I’m fine now though.” You wanted to reassure him. “Really.”
“Good. Are you heading to Jimin’s?” He asked, beginning to climb up the stairs.
“Yeah. You?” You started to follow him. You were still surprised every time you saw him just how good looking he was, but also how normal he acted. 
“Yep.” He held up a bag he was carrying. You raised your eyebrows. “Banana milk,” he laughed. “I don’t really drink the night before promos. It’s bad for my skin. So I’m bringing my own beverage.”
“You’re so responsible.” You sighed. “I had to hydrate the shit out of Yoongi before his last photo session.” 
JK laughed, “Ah Yoongi hyung does what he wants. What’s he up to tonight?”
“He’s hanging out with Jin.” 
JK’s eyes widened, suddenly looking very much like an adorable deer. “Really? I didn’t know they were friends.”
The two of you arrived on the landing to the 20th floor, slightly winded.  “It’s a new development. Plus they’re neighbors. And they’re both more quiet than a lot of you guys.”
JK scanned his keyfob; redundant, but necessary security on the stairwell. He opened the door and gestured for you to exit first. “I guess you’re right. And they’re pretty close in age. Cool.” He ran into your back, almost knocking you over. 
“Ack. Sorry!” Your limbs flailed to keep you upright. “I just realized I’m not sure which one is Jimin’s.” You stood in the hallway, looking left, and then right.
JK laughed and moved around you. “I’m just glad I didn’t totally knock you down. Follow me.” He turned left and headed down the hallway. Finally, he stopped in front of apartment 2018. “Here we are.” He knocked on the door.
The two of you heard footsteps heading towards the door. Jimin threw it wide open. “Y/N! I didn’t know you were bringing a date,” He teased.
JK blushed a little bit and started to protest.
“Yep. Picked him up on the stairs,” you interrupted, smiling. “Good thing too. I didn’t know which apartment was yours.”
“I didn’t give you the number?” Jimin asked. Seeming to doubt you. You shrugged in response.  “Huh. Oh well, come on in you two.” 
The apartment was cute. It was very tidy. Much smaller than Yoongi or Jin’s, or your Aunt’s, but way bigger than your brother’s dorm. 
“V’s not here yet?” JK asked.
“Nah, he told me to text him when you guys got here since he’s literally ten feet away,” Jimin vaguely gestured in the direction of the hallway. You then remembered they had met originally because they lived across the hall from each other.
“I love your apartment.” You commented as you wandered into the living room.
“Thanks. Have a seat, make yourself comfortable. You can see the kitchen is right there, and the other open door is the bathroom.”
“Thanks,” You headed towards the couch. You found that you were suddenly a little nervous. What would you talk about? You had only hung out with these guys at lunch one time and at the retirement party. 
“And what did you bring?” Jimin asked, turning his attention to JK
“DO NOT make fun of me.” JK smiled and hid the bag behind his back with one arm, while putting the other arm out in front of him.
“Ok. Did you bring this embarrassing item to share or…..?” Jimin inquired
“I mean. I could share it, but I think I’m the only one who wants it.” JK slowly took the banana milk bottles out of his bag.
“Banana milk?” Jimin asked, confused. “BANANA MILK!?” He repeated as he realized what this meant.
“Ok. It’s me and you tonight YN. I’m opening a bottle.” Jimin looked JK up and down. “And NOT a bottle of BaNaNa MiLk.” He dramatically walked over to the kitchen and pulled down two wine glasses.
You laughed as you watched JK sneak over and pour his banana milk into one of the wine glasses while Jimin was hunting for the wine bottle opener.  He tried to keep a straight face as he slowly took a sip and waited for Jimin to turn around.
Jimin didn’t notice at first, too focused on his mission of opening a bottle of red wine. He turned the corkscrew firmly. He leveraged the opener, popping the cork out successfully. He went to pour two glasses. He poured the first one. He abruptly looked up. “I swear I got out two...” He looked around the counter. And then. He saw it.
JK tried his hardest to maintain his composure as he took another sip of the banana milk while staring at Jimin.
JK burst out laughing finally. “Oh my God I thought you would never notice. My lips were starting to hurt.”
Jimin rolled his eyes and pulled down another wine glass. “You know what. Fuck it. V can have his water in a wine glass too.” Another glass came down from the cabinet. Jimin sighed and poured two glasses of wine, heading over to the couch. “Here darling. Glad you could make it tonight.”
“Cheers.” You said, holding your glass up. Jmin and you tinged, followed by a hasty “cheers” from JK rushing in from behind the couch. He slid down into a chair, looking very relaxed with his milk.
“So. You don’t like Basketball?” Jimin asked.  --
The rest of the evening went pretty smoothly. V stopped by, very appreciative of the wine glass for his water. He and JK had a photoshoot the next day so they only stayed for about an hour. 
Jimin opened a second bottle of wine right after they left. “You having more?”
You stretched out, “Yep. It’s a short walk home.”
“What dorm are you in?” Jimin asked.
SHIT SHIT SHIT. You had forgotten all about this. That little white lie you had told a few weeks ago. Shit. And you were tipsy now. Shit. 
“So um about that. Actually.” You began, ready to tell him the truth and how you were too embarrassed at first and how awkward it was since he and Yoongi didn’t get along.
“Oh nevermind, I forgot, you don’t live in a dorm since you’re on call all the time.” He said as he handed you your wine glass.
You took a large sip and just sat there. Waiting to see what happened next. You heard a ding! And took out your phone.
MYG: Game is over. We’re heading to Jin’s to play video games. YN: Ok have fun <3
You hit send
Shit. Did you send a heart? You had been texting hearts to Jimin occasionally. Friendship hearts. SHIT. Was there a way to unsend.
MYG: you too (:
You felt your heart skip a beat.
“What are you smiling all cute about?” Jimin asked. “Is it Yoongi? It’s Yoongi isn't ’ it?” He raised his eyebrows.
“I accidentally texted him a heart because I texted you a heart and it’s in my recent emojis!” The wine left you less inhibited than normal. “Shit.”
Jimin fell over sideways on the couch. “Ahahaha. The thought of Yoongi reading a heart emoji is just. I can’t. I imagine.” HE sat back up and made a very serious face, impersonating Yoongi. HE pretended to act surprised and yeeted his phone onto the chair across the room.
“I KNOW OK. It’s fine.” You said calmly. “It’s fine. HE responded and sent a smiley face.”
“HE did not.” Jimin replied in disbelief.
“He did!” You held up the screen, displaying the heart and smiley face evidence.
“Oh my God, what have you done to him?  He makes appointments. He doesn’t try and start shit with me. HE TEXTS EMOJIS.” Jimin sipped his wine and grinned; his eyes becoming adorable crescents. “Are you a witch?”
You laughed, and shook your head. “I don’t know Jimin.” you sighed.  “I do think he likes me though.”
“You think?” He responded sarcastically.
“Maybe just a bit.” You blushed. @lidda​  @anpanman-sonyeondan​   @firefairy1​  @cuteipat​  @sugaslittlekookies​  @janeelizabeth1216​ @deeepvibes​ @gxldenhunny​ @livelyjay​ @bobbyboops​ @honeysunandsoil​ @deathkat657​ @niniita-ah​ @min-yus​ @or-worse-expelled7​ @black-rose-29​ @storms-and-stars-blog​  @fanficcollectivebby @jinsearthh​ @someonekeepstakingmyusernames​ @neverthefirstchoice​ @itz-ally​  @disregard-thefootsteps​ @yeontan4prez​  @namjooningelsewhere​​ @itsallabouthedetails​​ @theatren3rd​​ 
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sirloozelite · 2 years
SLE’s Star Wars Hunger Games: Season 5 - Swtor Edition: Episode 4 - $&%£ YOU THERON SHAN!!!!
So yes, I missed a weekend of this. Covid got me and I was unwell. Back now... somewhat. Let’s get on with episode 4!
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The third night falls. Hopefully everyone is playing nice.
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0_0 Nevermind. Wow Kaliyo. Just wow. R.I.P Blizz. Sorry @swgoji2001​ ... looks like one of @rangerslayer-97​ ‘s champions just murdered one of yours! I feel for you... I do.
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Ok so this night isn’t going so well at the moment is it?
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Oh! Ok then. Maybe it’s a 50/50 split. This lot seem fine. Torian is hanging out with the Jedi, whilst Lana chills with Garza?
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Who gave Baras food?!
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An infection? Someone infect him with a computer virus or something?!
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Oof... poor Harkun! But seriously Tharan! You had a prime opportunity there!
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Yuun!!! That was cruel!
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Nice one Khem! I’m sure Tulak Hord would be proud.
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Pfffttt... poor spy man can’t even start a fire, but an ancient beast that eats force users can?! Pathetic!
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More happiness this night! That’s good. Well... minus Quinn! That won’t be good for his health.
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Day four dawns. Hope it’s a friendly one.
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Ok... don’t lie... how many of you laughed when you read this?
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0_0 That’s a lot of hunting!
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0_0 Ummm... this doesn’t bode well!
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Baras and Kaliyo... I... ok then. Fair enough?
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! R.I.P Ashara. Screw you Theron Shan! And you @swgoji2001​! One of your champions just killed one of mine! You’ll live to regret this!
I’m ending this here now! I’m too mad! Stats time!
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14 dead so far. More to follow. On a side note... does anyone know if I can go back and re-do the Nathama flashpoint on story mode on my Inquisitor? I might need to change the decision I made at the end now...
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nctinthehouse · 3 years
[10:00] - what do you want to do for your birthday?
⛔️‼️ mature content warning - smut ‼️⛔️
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an: in honor of doyoung’s birthday!!! 🥳 it’s my first time writing smut so i hope this is decent and you guys enjoy it huuuhuhu ~~~
It’s Friday morning and Doyoung has a day off today so he decides to spend some time with you before both of you going over to his parents house later on for dinner as an early birthday celebration.
Doyoung decided to celebrate his birthday a few days early with you as he’ll be busy over the weekend preparing and finalising his live birthday party/concert on Monday.
You guys just had breakfast in your apartment and you’re washing up some dishes while Doyoung is at the dining table playing on his phone.
After washing up, you go up to him and sit on his lap and take a peek at what he’s doing. You turn to face him and put your arms around his neck while his hands finds his way to your waist, fiddling with the ends of your jumper.
“so is there anything you want to do for your birthday?”
“hmmmmmm.............” he says as he looks around the apartment
You smile at him as you say
“anything you want to do for the rest of the day before we go over to your parents? my treat”
“hm?” you raise an eyebrow at him
He gives you a look which you can’t really decipher but he looks kinda... mischievous?
“what? why are you looking at me like that?”
“you asked me what i wanted to do, i’m looking at what i wanna do” he winks
You raise an eyebrow at him and laugh
“ok but doyoung we can do that anytime though no? isn’t there like anything else you want to do? go out shopping? watch a movie? bowling?”
“but that’s sooo boring though and we can do those anytime too can’t we?”
“yeah but-”
He puts a finger on your lips
“ah ah ah shhhhh askshdis”
You laugh “i’m surprised you’re not bored of me yet”
“bored? of you? pfffttt NEVER!”
You giggle and give him small pecks on the lips. Those small pecks suddenly turn things heated and soon you and Doyoung are making out.
You get up and turn to sit properly facing him to be more comfortable than the position you were sitting in before.
You then start to kiss his right cheek, left cheek, then down to his jaw, to his neck
“y/n” Doyoung moans
You smile and kiss him more but then you suddenly screech when you feel his hands underneath your jumper
“doyoung your hands are so cold!!!?”
Doyoung laughs “sorry”
After making out some more, Doyoung takes his hand and starts palming your core. He can just feel your arousal on his fingers.
“mmh you’re so wet baby”
He takes his hand away and you start grinding on him and you can feel yourself getting wetter and him getting harder.
You whimper as Doyoung lets out a small groan “fuck”
He then gets up from his chair and lifts you up and goes to the couch with you still on him
He then takes off your jumper
“shit no bra?”
You smirk and take his shirt off
You look at him as you run your hands down his chest. He starts kissing you down your neck, your chest then your breasts. He squeezes them and starts nibbling and playing with your nipples.
You moan “f-fuck doyoung”
You push him off a bit and get off from his lap. You get on your knees and take his joggers off leaving him with only boxers.
You then start to kiss him on his hardened cock through his boxers
“that feels so good”
“fuck what are you doing to me”
You then take his boxers off and you see that his cock is so hard and leaking with cum already, wasting no time you start sucking him
“oh my god y/n” he moans
You can also feel yourself getting wetter and wetter
“fuck y/n im gonna cum”
“w-w-wait i wanna cum with you” as he holds your face to stop you
“ride me baby”
You get up from the floor and get rid of your shorts and panties. He grabs your hips as he just can’t wait to be inside you
“doyoung wait”
Grabbing your shorts on the floor, you pull a condom out from one of the pockets
“wait what, you were prepped for this or something??”
“shut up not now, we can have this convo later, there’s more important matters to attend to”
You slide the condom on his cock
He laughs “I can’t believe you had a c-”
You shut Doyoung up mid sentence as you straddle him, slowly taking his cock in you
“shit” he moans
“o-oh my god” as you squirm around him
You place your arms around his neck, his arms are around your waist as you start riding him
“fuck you’re so tight”
“you feel so good around me”
You can feel your pussy clench around his cock as you ride him faster and harder till you both are close
“shit baby i’m gonna cum o-oh my god”
“m- me too”
“cum for me baby, cum inside me” Doyoung moans as he buries his head against your chest, arms around your waist
“f-fuck oh my god doyoung i’m cumming”
“shit, me too”
Moans are filled across the apartment as you both reach your climax and orgasm
You collapse on him, so out of breath and panting, you snuggle up against him while you both catch your breath.
After a few minutes, you look at him with flushed cheeks, Doyoung rubs his thumbs on your cheeks and holds your face in his hands
“wow y/n”
You laugh and kiss him on the lips
“happy birthday baby”
an: thanks to everyone who has made it this far!! i hope everyone is having a lovely day and don’t forget to wish doyoung a happy birthday! 🎉
song recommendation for the day is the english version of make a wish heh
another one because why not and i feel like this is underated
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uniqorrn · 3 years
KiriBaku X Reader
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A/N: I’m a huge simp for KiriBaku x reader fanfic. I hope ya’ll like this since I just spent a week editing and writing this pfffttt. 
Pairing: KiriBaku x reader 
Warnings: kidnapping, some inappropriate behavior/words, some blood, angst but some love and fluff to balance it out at the end.
Prompt: You, kirishima, and Bakugo, along with your other classmates end up having to fight villains on the street in a sudden attack. However, you get caught in one of the villains arms and taken away in front of everyone. Kirishima and Bakugo watched as you dippeared and they would do anything to get you back.
e/c = eye color
Y/n = your name
Y/h/c = your hair color
“Tch, dammit!”
“What happened?!”
“Where did this sudden attack come from?”
The confused screams and shouts of your friends filled your ears as your gaze settled upon one of the villains that attacked the street. The attack came out of no where and startled everyone, leaving shocked looks on their faces. It left the class of 1-A without their costumes too, a bad position to be in as your costumes aided you guys in battle.
Your e/c narrowed onto the man in front of you, studying him to see what his next move could possibly be. You were fighting on the out skirts of the city with a few pro hero’s however, you got word that most of your classmates and boyfriends(Kirishima and Bakugo) were all somewhere in the center fighting in the middle, per usual. That’s where you were now, in the center of the large city, eyes narrowed onto the man dressed in black with the smirk of the devil written across his face under his mask.
You hadn’t seen Bakugo or Kirishima yet, only having seen Deku and Todoroki fighting another villain on the other end of the clearing. That rumor about everyone being here didn’t seem to be true.
“Well. Well. Well. lol Kenya we have here. A pretty little thing ain’t she?” The villains masked voice spoke through the clearing, breaking your thoughts and bringing you back to reality. You couldn’t think about Kirishima and Bakugo right now, they would be perfectly fine in battle being so strong.
“What do you say we okay a little game.... hmm..?” The villains tone was dark and rather scary, causing an uncomfortable shiver to flow down your spine. Something about him seemed off. I mean everything about a villain was off but, this guy? He was kreepeir. He took out a deck of cards, shuffling them in his hands like a pro, he grabbed a card between to long fingers and pointed it at you as if asking you to take it.
“I don’t have time for games” you spat, eyes narrowing more onto the target in front of you. You could almost see the creepy smirk he had on under his black mask.
“Awe.. that’s a pity.” He whispered, but in an instant he was gone until cold hands grabbed your shoulders, pushing you down slightly to prevent movement.
“However, I guess I’ll have to take you somewhere else to play the game then.” He whispered in your ear, his breath hitting against it making you even more uncomfortable. The villain had caught you off guard, your body freezing as one of his hand made there way to your neck.
“I think you’ll be the perfect-“
“Oi! Get your hands off her you dick!” The all to familar angry shout had you slightly relieved as the light from Bakugos explosions clouded your vision. However, the hands on your shoulders didn’t lift up. Bakugos attack seemed to have done nothing to the villan. Kirishima ran up behind him, scolding him for not being careful with his attacks.
“Sorry boys but, me and little princess here have some place to be.” And with that a blue glow formed around your body, blackness slowly starting to fill your vision as you were sucked into a portal. The last thing you had seen was the terrified looks on Bakugo and Kirishimas faces as you screamed for help.
“Dammit dammit dammit!!” Bakugo screamed, his fists colliding with the ground you had been standing on just moments ago, hot ears leaking from his eyes and onto the stone floor. Kirishima stood behind him, his eyes watering over in anger. Angry that he couldn’t save you. Unlike Kirishima this wasn’t normal behavior from Bakugo. He usually kept his emotions bottled up inside, preferring not to share them unless he absolutely had to but, seeing you get taken away in front of him broke his heart.
“That bastard! He’ll pay for this” He continued to shout as members of class 1-A gathered around them, making a small circle around Bakugo and Kirishima. It was quiet for a while, no one dared to speak, shocked that yet another classmate was kidnapped. Everyone seemed to have known what happened judging by how Bakugo was reacting. Their classmate, their friend, someone they’ve known for a good while, was taken from them. 
Kirishima sucked in a harsh breath, flashbacks from when Bakugo was kidnapped filled his head which made his breathing even more uneven. Usually, it would be Kirishima to make the first move in comforting one of the two in their three way relationship. However, it was Bakugo who stood up and placed a warm comforting hand on his boyfriends shoulder. In that moment, as tears streamed down both their faces they silently promised each other they would get you back, even if it meant dying to save you.
Class 1-A spent that night in the hospital, doctors checking over their wounds and injuries to make sure they were alright. Many citizens thanked the group for helping them by giving them comforting words and phrases of encouragement. It didn’t phase them though, everyone-including the teachers- were still shocked and upset about what had happened. Bakugo and Kirishima were forced home that night as well, told that they would find you tomorrow but the two hot headed boys couldn’t wait that long but they had too, all they could was hope that you could hold on till morning-till they came to save you. 
~~~~~~~~~~ “Put me down you freak!” Your voice was dry and hoarse but you continued to shout anyway hoping that someone would hear you. He jerked you around roughly, shutting you up as he roughly shoved you to the ground in an empty, cold, dark room. A pained gasp left your lips as the wind was knocked out of you. You tried to stand up but fell right back down as your body was too weak to move. 
“Pathetic. What a lame excuse for a hero.....” The villain continued on with his rambling. You tuned him out though, not listening to what he was saying as tears finally fell from your e/c eyes. You swallowed thickly, trying to steady your breathing and keep quiet. A sudden kick to your side pressed you against the wall before the guy left the room, the large metal door slamming against the stone walls, the sound echoing around the empty room. 
That's when it hit you. You were stuck in here and couldn’t get out. The sobs escaped your body harshly, straining your throat with each sob that left your mouth. You brought your knees to your chest, hugging them tightly against your body as you cried. It was cold and dark, you had no idea where you were and you know for a fact that you were making Kirishima and Bakugo worry. 
Eventually the crying slowed down, and you drifted off to sleep. You hadn’t known how long you had been sleeping in that spot for but the loud sounds of explosions and things breaking woke you up. People were shouting and loud noises were going off everywhere.
“I said where is she!” You recognized that all to familar deep, raspy voice. It was Bakugo. You didn’t have to wait long for the door to burst open, the sudden light blinding you for a moment. You couldn’t fully see yet but the minute Bakugos arms wrapped around your frame you knew it was him.
You embraced each other for a few minutes, crying into each other’s shoulders as another pair of arms wrapped around the two of you as kirishima joined the group hug. After a few more minutes the boys pulled away, kirishima picked you up bridal style while Bakugo secured a safe path for your exit.
“Her wounds aren’t severe, just a few cuts and bruises. She did hit her head though, so expect a headache for a few days. With some rest and this-“ recovery girl stopped talking, pausing to reach in her bag to grab a small bottle of pain killers. “This will help the pain. Now now, I’ve got to run” she handed Kirishima the bottle of pills before packing up her bag and off to the next person.
Your two boys stood in front of you with tired, angry, yet relieved looks on their faces. More tired than anything. Kirishima was the first to speak, setting the pill bottle on the make shift hospital bed you were sitting on.
“Are you feeling any better?” He asked, placing one of his arms next to you while the other supported him inbetween your legs. He gently rested his head on your shoulder, leaning over slightly as he gave your neck soft kisses. You sighed in content, mumbling a soft “mhm” in response.
“You had us worried there dumbass” Bakugo chimed in, taking the other place next to you and resting his head on top of yours. His big warm hand embraced your small one, rubbing his thumb over your bruised knuckles as he leaned his head against yours. You sighed in content, happy to be back with your boys. You melted into them, loving the warmth that came with being sandwiched between the two muscular hero’s.
You gave Bakugo a slow peck on the cheek as Kirishima nuzzled into you more, his hot breath hitting against your collar bone.
“Come on you two. Let’s get home” you smiled sleepily, holding your arms up for one of them to carry you. They both let out a chuckle at your whiny, sleepy, baby state. They were beyond tired but greateful that you were okay.
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