#platonic!annabeth chase x reader
captainsophiestark · 5 months
The Best-Laid Plans
Platonic!Annabeth Chase x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Summary: Annabeth's best friend and older sibling figure since she ran away at seven helps her execute the perfect birthday surprise for Percy in their first year at college.
Word Count: 1,306
Category: Fluff, Humor
A/N: To those new to the fandom from the tv show, weclome! This fic has hella spoilers for future books, so be warned
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"I just want to do something special for him. It's his first birthday away from home, and I can tell it's bothering him."
I hummed, twirling my dagger and staring at the ceiling while kicked back on my couch. Such was the life of a demigod, that we fiddled with weapons like fidget toys.
"And there's no way you guys can go back?" I finally asked. Annabeth, my little sister in every way but blood, shook her head.
"We've got orientation for the next week and a half, including his birthday. It's the only reason we're here so early in the first place. We can't miss it."
I frowned. Annabeth and her boyfriend, Percy Jackson, had just started college at New Rome University. They'd gotten to the Bay Area yesterday, which I'd been incredibly excited about. Annabeth and I had been attached at the hip since I was eleven and she was seven, when we'd met as runaway demigods. Out of our little group, Annabeth and I had stayed the closest. After the Titan War, I'd decided to go USF, the muggle university in San Francisco. Leaving her had been the hardest part.
Now, luckily for me, she and Percy had moved out here too. Annabeth had finished unpacking and setting up her dorm room within a few hours of arrival, and so had some free time this morning to spend hanging out with me. Percy had not, so he was otherwise occupied on their last day before school activities started.
"Well, I'm happy to help with whatever you want to do, Annabeth," I said. She sighed, chewing at her lip and staring out the window of my apartment as she thought. "Maybe you could show him around the Bay Area? He probably hasn't spent much time out here, has he?"
"I really haven't either," she said. "I've barely been back since I was a kid."
"Maybe we could go on a tour of New Rome? Percy told me he wanted to show me around, but I don't want to make him be the tour guide for his birthday."
The two of us fell silent for a moment, thinking things through. Then, like a blast of lightning from Thalia, an idea hit me.
"What if you baked him some cookies or something? He's probably already missing his mom's baking."
Annabeth shot up straight in her seat, staring at me with wide eyes.
"That is the perfect idea. Can I make them here?"
"Of course! I'm not going to make you use the shared freshman kitchens."
Annabeth grinned, then stood and headed to the kitchen table. I watched her go with interest as she pulled out a notebook and pen and started scribbling away.
"Uh... Annabeth?"
"Making a plan. Don't worry about it."
I grinned to myself. My little sister was nothing if not predictable.
A few days later, Annabeth managed to sneak away from Percy and orientation to come back to my place for a baking party. Percy's birthday was tomorrow, so we only had tonight to get everything ready.
"I came up with the perfect plan," she said in lieu of greeting as she pushed past me and into the apartment. I smiled after her, joining her in the kitchen as she plopped down a massive bag of baking supplies. "I got the recipe, I timed everything out, I got a ton of blue food coloring. By the end of the day, the perfect birthday surprise will be completed."
"I'd never doubt a plan from Athena," I said, giving her a smile. "Just tell me what to do, and I'm on it."
"Right. Well, first we need to preheat the oven."
That was about the only part of the plan that ended up going off without a hitch. Annabeth didn't bake often, and she'd happened to choose a pretty difficult cookie recipe. I did my best to help, but I didn't have a lot of experience in the area either, so things went quickly off the rails. Just under two hours later, the two of us stood in the kitchen covered in flower, eggs, and bits of way too watery dough, staring at the absolute disaster of a mess we'd created on the counter.
"This was not part of the plan," she said. I couldn't help it—I burst out laughing.
"I don't know, I think sugar cookies are supposed to be so wet we can't pick them up," I joked. I turned to see Annabeth with a very serious frown on her face.
"I haven't had a plan fail this miserably in... a long time."
"Well, I think it's probably time for plan B. That can be your redemption."
Annabeth's frown just deepened, so I did what any good sibling would do and took it upon myself to cheer her up. By throwing a wad of dough in her face, of course.
Her mouth dropped open in shock as sugary, goopy dough dripped off her chin. Then she whirled on me with a fierce look and fire in her eyes that I recognized from the few times she'd really been on the warpath for capture the flag.
"That was a mistake."
She picked up the nearest glob of dough and chucked it at me as I tried to dodge. It hit me in the back with a thunk, and I cackled before turning around to reengage with a clump of flour.
The baking battle raged for a few fierce minutes, before Annabeth and I slipped in some dough on the floor while wrestling to smear more of the stuff on each others' heads. We collapsed in a heap, both of us laughing like crazy people.
"That was so worth everything that came before it," I declared, slumping against the nearest kitchen cabinet. Annabeth immediately followed suit, leaving us shoulder to shoulder in the middle of the mess.
"What about the cleanup that comes after?"
"Also worth it, especially since I have you here to help me."
Annabeth snorted, but didn't say anything. After a minute of comfortable silence, she sighed.
"What am I gonna do for Percy's birthday tomorrow?"
"Well, were the cookies the only plan?"
"No... He took me to one of his favorite spots in the city a few days ago, so I planned a picnic for the two of us there. The cookies were going to be the final surprise."
"Well, there you go then. The rest of the plan remains intact. If you wanted to, you could even make him a little coupon or something that promises 'one day of baking cookies' or something like that, and the two of you can pick an easier but still delicious recipe to try."
Annabeth looked at me with a skeptical eyebrow raised.
"Would you let us use your kitchen again?"
I shrugged. "Sure. Maybe Percy's better at baking than us. And even if he's not, having someone who can control water to help us with cleanup will at least make a round two of this easier."
Annabeth smiled and huffed a laugh, leaning against me.
"Thanks. For this, and for everything. I'm really glad you're here in San Francisco with us."
I smiled too, reaching out to put one arm around Annabeth. We'd known each other more than a decade, and we'd both changed so much. But our relationship had stayed the same.
"Any time, Annabeth. You know I'm always here for you." The two of us sat there for a minute, taking a breather and appreciating each other's company, and then I sighed. "Alright, time to get the cleaning stuff out. This is going to take hours."
"You know, I actually have a lot of coursework I need to get started on-"
"Nice try, but it's orientation. And even if you were in the middle of finals, you wouldn't be getting out of this."
"Fine. But next time, let's plan to avoid the massive kitchen food fight."
I grinned. "Sure. We can plan on that."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
Riordanverse: @valkyriepirate
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lady-ashfade · 6 months
Our comfort
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Platonic!Yan!Camp Half-Blood x Comfort!Goddess!Reader. (Percy, Annabeth, Grover)
—£ Yes I know I haven’t finish the book but I actually couldn’t wait anymore. So, this is me with little knowledge so bare that in mind.
—£ Warnings: Book/show spoilers, Yandere! Behavior, Being bound to a place, Possessive behavior, Obsessive behavior, Manipulation, Characters fighting for the reader’s attention. Short.
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You weren’t a known for too long goddess, much younger then rest of the gods. A teenager like age compared to them. It was strange to have more powerful gods look to you for comfort but you love it. As you are the goddess of comfort.
But, as the other gods started to have many demigods you saw how miserable they could get. You hated the fact they didn’t care for their children so you decided to stay at the camp for half-bloods when the time came.
The campers cling to you. You bring a comfort they never quite felt before. It was like a warm hug, like the ones they wanted from their parents.
You couldn’t leave, and at the beginning you were glad to accept that fate.
Almost always you are found surrounded by demigods and they just relax in your comfort. You are the one they go to with every worry in their mind.
Being close to Aphrodite, her seeing you as a sister and a younger child. Stories of your love for one another are still told today, as she gave ideas to the mortals of how great your relationship was. But in reality there wasn’t much to tell.
So her children have a mentality that they are your favorite and because of their mother, they have some sort of claim to you above the others. But that never works because you love the children equally.
The demigods have less nightmares with you around and watching over them.
Ares children fight often for your affection. They will constantly get into fights with others to show they deserve more time with you. Which you always scold them but it never sticks. They kiss their weapons each time to you, like a sign of good luck. Aries children are one of the worsts ones because they get aggressive at times, even with you. But the golds make them stop by punishing them, mostly their father.
Hermes children are hard to explain really. They aren’t aggressive, but they are mischievous. They take their revenge of stealing things from the other campers, pulling pranks. Or trapping some of them up and go straight to you before they can get there. Luke for instance, is always looking around for you and talking about his day. He’s either laying down next to you, or making you watch him train.
Many games of all houses take place just for you.
AnnaBeth, is constantly by your side when she has free time. She scares off people with a glare behind your back, knowing that she could put plan them. She also trains and makes you watcher her and needs your praise. Maybe, somehow you are her older sister. But, sometimes she just chills by your side not saying anything, she’s like a lost duck at times.
Grover however is actually a lost duck. You comfort him when his past missions fail and he loses kids. You are so nice to him and makes him feel special and brave. When he has to leave he keeps a coin in his pocket with your face on it and prays a lot. He’s not possessive much. He’s willing to take what he can get and is just happy to be there. But maybe if someone comes in when he’s “crying” and having you fuss over him then he’ll be a bit mad but never does anything about it.
When a new camper arrives you devote your time to them because they need it a little more. They come into a world they know nothing of, waiting for the parent they hardly know to claim them. You claim them like your own until the time comes.
So when Percy comes you feel something off with him, like he is special and in need of a lot. He lost his mom, taken from the world he knew.
Percy becomes the most possessive out of all of them.
He feels out of place but you are always there to listen to him. It doesn’t help that you follow him to make sure he’s okay. At the beginning you’re both following each other around.
“It’s okay, Percy.” You brush his hair lightly like his mother used to do. “You’ll get claim, and you’ll have glory.” And he doesn’t care if you say that to everyone because you make him feel special. 
Also, you protect the new bloods. So you’ll show up when he gets bullied and just raise one brow and they all back off. Can’t risk making you mad at them.
When Percy gets claimed he’s all alone again, no friends and the campers looking at him funny. Being one of the top threes son isn’t fun or easy. He shares a cabin all to himself.
So he starts to be the worst of them all. Raising his voice when you try and leave him and he manipulates you to stay with him. Can’t you see how alone he is?
He can’t sleep unless he knows your watching over him.
You pick no sides of the war. Your family will figure it out themselves, while you take care of their children.
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*Percabeth parenting Y/N*
Y/N: You’re yelling nice things at me and I’m very confused
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floatyflowers · 4 months
Dark! Percy Jackson Reverse Harem x Reader|| Chapter One
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You look up at the sign that says camp half blood, exhaling and inhaling, trying to calm your nerves down.
Thoughts of doubt encircle your mind, but you finally decide to step into the camp.
However, the moment you step into the camp, you feel something engulf your body.
But, you don't pay any attention to it, thinking that it must be the camp's atmosphere.
You walk around the camp, trying to search for any adult around to introduce yourself.
After three minutes of searching around, you get tired and before you know it...
...you burst into tears.
After all, it's too much for your mentality to feel such pressure.
You are thirteen, got chased by a monster, your mother barely explained anything to you before she dropped you off at the camp.
She didn't even say goodbye as if she was ashamed that your demigod side started to show.
While crying, you don't notice the figure approaching you until you feel someone pat your head.
"You are new here, I guess?"
Looking up, you are met with the sight of a handsome boy with dark brown hair and eyes who looks to be a few years older then you.
"And also your godly parent laimed you it seems"
You look above your head to see a hologram of small pink cherubs flying above your head.
"My godly father is...Eros?" you inquire slowly, amazed by the hologram
Suddenly the hologram switches to a golden sun with 21 rays made of arrows.
"I think it's Apollo"
Luke is confused at what is happening as the hologram changes again and gets replaced with glowing caduceus.
"You are my sister?"
The hologram keeps changing which confused you and Luke more until it stopped at the cherubs.
Once Hermes' son is sure that the hologram is not going to change again before he confirms your parentage.
"You are certainly Eros' daughter"
Luke seems disappointed that you aren't his sister.
"Who are you?" you ask, wiping away your tears.
"I will tell you who I'm once you tell me why you were crying"
You smile at him when you see his warm expression.
He reminds you of your kind stepfather.
"I was crying because I was stressed"
Luke chuckles and guides you further into the camp until you reach the dining pavilion area.
"Don't worry, we are now your family, I'm Luke Castellan, Hermes' son"
Some demigods turn towards you as he pushes you gently to join them.
But someone caught your eyes.
And it seems like the blond demigod also notices you.
His gloomy expression turns into one of shock before smiling brightly.
He walks up to you and hugs you tightly before pulls away with the same lovesick look on his face.
"You are also like me, a demigod?"
"Yeah...hey, Percy"
Percy Jackson, your school stalker, who has a huge crush 'obsession' with you.
You always remember him staring at you.
And bumping into him by accident in many occasions.
"I'm glad you are here with me"
You chuckle nervously and nod your head slowly.
"Yes, me too"
"You two know each other?"
Luke asks, seeming jealous of Percy.
After all, he already considers you his younger sister.
Percy answers with a confident smile, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
"She is my girlfriend"
Chapter Two >>>
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Platonic May castellan x Gender neutral friend reader
Platonic yandere show version Luke castellan x parental figure reader
Platonic yandere camp half blood x Gender neutral reader
Y/n/n= you're nickname
Idk if I like this one...but spent way to much time writing it
TRIGGER WARNINGS swearing, implied kidnapping, accidental injuries, dark themes
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The Castellan's had always been close with your family. You and May had been close from a young age. Although May claimed she sometimes saw things..... " I don't know of you should trust someone who claims to be a God sounds delusional and uptight. " You told your friend to which May just rolled her eyes. One day you found May muttering nonsense to herself in the corner of her house. " Hey hey May what's wrong? I'm here. I'm here. " You said gently helping your friend up. " Y/n??! Oh thank the God's it's you! It's really you!" May said squeezing you tightly honestly it was surprising how tightly she was hugging you. " I've got you May. I've got you." You said hugging her back but not as tight. " Y/n?" May asked. " Yeah?" You replied. " I'm pregnant." May stated.... You're mouth dropped.
You moved in with May to help her with the pregnancy and ended up using the couch as a bed since you both agreed to use the spare bedroom as a nursery for the baby although May did argue about it because you shouldn't have to sleep on the couch. You also made sure May was always comfortable and also worked a few extra hours to make sure there was enough to buy stuff for the baby. " Y/n I can't thank you enough for all you've done for me." May said. " Of course you're my best friend. " You replied. " So if it's a girl I was thinking Lily if it's a boy Lucas." May said. " How about just Luke if it's a boy?" You asked. " Luke...." May smiled softly. " I like that. " May said.
" Luke it is then." You replied. " If it's a boy. " May replied. " If it's a boy. " You repeated back.
" Y/n? Are you awake?" May asked shaking your shoulder. " I am now." You replied sleepily. " Good because I think........ my water just broke. " May said and you sat up alarmed. Somehow the two of you managed to make it to the hospital in one piece. " Excuse me but you'll have to step out of the room." One of the nurses told you. " No wait I want them to stay.....please. " May said. After hours May finally gave birth to Luke. You gently cradled the little baby in your arms as May slept. " Y/n?" May asked a few hours later when she woke up you handed her the sleeping Luke. " My Luke....my perfect boy." May muttered and you smiled softly. " You did amazing May." You said.
Well so you're plan was just to stay a month or so until May got back on her feet however what was not part of the plan was May going insane. Surprisingly Hermes tried to be a happy family with Luke and May so you moved out for like a year but would often come visit and help in anyway possible well that was until Luke turned 1, Hermes was nowhere to be found and May had now gone insane so you moved back in with May and Luke because you didn't want them to see May as an unfit mother and take Luke away from her knowing Luke was one of the only things keeping May from complete insanity. " My baby....." May muttered as you cradled Luke her arms shaking. " Would you like to hold him?" You asked and she nodded as she stopped shaking enough to hold Luke you gently put him in her outstretched arms.
You sighed softly. " I have to go to work tomorrow are you going to be alright with Luke alone for a few hours?" You asked quiet and gently. May nodded softly.
A five year old with curly black hair and brown eyes came up to you with tears in his eyes. " Y/n/n my mom is doing it again. " Luke said. You sighed softly knowing what he was talking about May was muttering something about a prophecy again while some of it made sense most of it was nonsense. " Come here sweet boy. " You said opening your arms for him. " I've got you sweet boy I've got you." You said hugging him. " We'll let May rest for a bit she's had a ....... stressful day. I'll take you to the park and get ice cream. " You said that put a smile on Luke's face. Someone a little kid made the mistake of calling you pretty/cute/handsome not in a creepy kinda way but little kids tend to be overly friendly yeah Luke didn't like that so he bashed his ice cream cone into the kids face. " LUKE!" You scolded the five year old and turned to apologize for Luke's actions however Luke didn't like that either as he ended up kicking said kids parents although he was only five so it probably didn't hurt.......that much.
" I'm so sorry . He's a little boy little kids need attention......anyway again I am really sorry about his behavior. " You rambled and the kids parents are just like it's fine we understand.
One day when you came home you found May sobbing in a corner of the house clutching a picture of her and Luke. " May what's wrong?" You asked gently kneeling in front of her. " Lu....Luke ran aw....aw....away. " May manged to stutter out. " Oh May....." You said hugging her.
There was a knock on your door to the house as you were getting ready for bed. You no longer lived with May but lived a few houses down it had been a couple years since Luke ran away and you'd constantly go to check on May to make sure she didn't spiral any worse. The knocking noise again but this time it sounded more impatient. " Yeah Yeah I'm coming hold you're fucking horses. " You replied walking towards the door. " Who the fu...." You stared but got cut off when you saw three teens and a 7 year old at your door however one teen caught your eye. " Luke....." You muttered.
" Hi Y/n."... Honestly as mad as you were at Luke you started to bond with his friends and him again.
" Hey Annabeth want me to read a story to you?" You to Annabeth. " Bed time stories are for babies. " Annabeth replied. " It can be anything. " You replied. " Anything?" Annabeth questions. You ended up reading her a few chapters of Frankenstein honestly you don't remember buying it but you found it on your bookshelf so.....( Athena cough cough).
" Hey Y/n can I borrow your keys?" Thalia asked. " Urmmmm how old are you?" You asked. " SHE'S TWELVE!" Grover shouted from the other side of the room. " Ehhh that's old enough in my opinion. " You replied and let her drive on the back roads where almost none drives.
" So you like my little forestry area?" You asked Grover. " Yeah nature's beautiful." Grover said. " Yes it is.....sometimes I think we don't deserve nature." You replied
You placed a plate of sandwiches and cookies infront of Luke as the other three munched away at their own sandwiches and cookies. " You know you really should go visit her she's your mother after all." You said but Luke didn't reply. " Luke?" You asked. " Fine if it'll make you happy. " Luke replied.
1 week later. " Y/n come with us." Luke said. " I can't Luke." You replied. Luke's expression turned into one of rage. " Why the fuck not?" Luke asked angry. " Luke calm down please..." You stared as he slammed his hands down. " You're the only parental figure I have you can't turn your back on me. I'm your son! I WON'T LET YOU!" Luke exclaimed, angry he still definitely had anger issues. Luke stormed out of the room leaving you, Thalia, Grover and Annabeth stunned slightly.
You woke up in a bed however it wasn't your bed. " They look so......fragile and weak. " You heard a voice say. " Why would they bring a mere moral to camp with them?" You heard a voice question . " Huh? It has a name." You replied waking up groggy. " Oh great it's awake like we need a mortal to take care of when we already have these half blood brats. Chiron take care of it." The voice said and walked of an older looking gentleman with gray hair and brown skin who ended up being very kind to you. Chiron was honestly started to become platonic obsessed with you when he saw the way you tended to Luke, Grover , Annabeth and some of the younger children.
Chiron smiled to himself. " Maybe just maybe having a mortal here wouldn't be so bad..." Chiron thought to himself. " Why don't you stay a day or two? It's dark and wouldn't be safe for you to travel. " Chiron said. " I really should be getting back home....." You replied. " Please I insist. " Chiron said putting a gentle hand on your shoulder. Well those days turned into weeks and weeks into months until you found out the truth about the children being demigods , Chiron being a centaur and Mr.D being a God. Mr.D pretends to hate you but like Chiron he adores you. Honestly you had become a parental figure to all the halfbloods but while you tended to all the children the two cabins that took up most of your time were the Ares and Hermes cabins. Luke came back with the scar and you fussed over him like a worried parent he definitely liked the parental affection.
One time you decided to decorate Thalia's tree for Christmas Chiron nor surprisingly Mr.D had the heart to tell you no. You got some of the younger campers to help you decorate Thalia's tree as well.
" Clairsse put Chris down!" You shouted looking at the boy being held by his ankle. " But he hurt you......" Clairsse muttered that was true Chris and Luke had gotten into an argument about God's knows what you had stepped betten them and accidentally got stabbed in the arm in the process. That set all the camp off especially Luke as Luke stabbed Chris back in the arm and probably would have continued if you didn't pull Luke off Chris. The other campers watched with jealousy and rage in their eyes as you tended to Chris's injuries like a worried parent because they wanted your attention all for themselves most of the time when your reading to the younger campers the older ones will come in and listen as well. Especially Annabeth.
when Percy eventually arrives a few years later Percy shows up it gets worse because how dare this unclaimed himbo steal you and your attention away.....
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mydearlybeloathed · 11 months
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: following their fellow hero’s death, the remaining seven have to face their decade long feud at the grave.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: heroes of olympus x fem!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2k
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The last thing any of them wanted was to go to the funeral. It wasn’t that they didn’t care; to say that would be the biggest lie any of them would say. No, they didn’t want to show up because the grief they felt was too great. Y/N shouldn’t have died, not when each of them had unsaid words to say to her.
Yet each demigod sucked up their sadness, dressed as nice as they could, and made their way back to Camp Halfblood, where Y/N was to be honored that evening.
It’d been seven years since the Second Giant War, and five years since any of them had met face to face (the exception was Percy and Annabeth, who'd gotten married just before the seven’s falling out). The great heroes of Olympus were nothing but a campfire tale at this point.
Jason was the first to arrive. Silently he stood at her grave, his throat burning with the floodgate of tears he held back. Years ago, when he’d first arrived at Camp Halfblood with no memory of his old life, he found Y/N sitting here with a book.
He’d learned very quickly that it wasn’t smart to disturb her when she was reading…
Under the shade of the big oak tree sat a girl, all alone save for an open book. While the other campers hung out with their siblings and friends, playing varying games and sports, she seemed perfectly content under her tree.
He wasn’t trying to be a creep, but Jason couldn’t help but watch her from afar. He’d seen her in action during last week's capture the flag game. Y/N had scared the shit out of him when she’d come running at him with a sword; Looking back on it, Jason swore he saw death in her eyes.
So when Jason found the angry warrior girl who’d almost skinned him alive trying to get his team's flag looking so peaceful with her nose in a book, he became curious of her.
Annabeth was quick to warn him against going up to her. After he insisted on getting to know her, she grinned and said, “Fine, it’s your death wish.”
It turned out that she was right. 
“Umm, hi. You’re Y/N, right?” Jason asked when he was standing in front of her. She wasn’t quick to look up from her book, an eyebrow raised as she sized him up.
“Yeah,” she said, unenthused. “And you are?”
“Jason Grace.”
“Ah. Son of Zeus. I’ve heard about you,” she said, her eyes drifting back to her book for a moment. “Is there something you need?”
The boy scratched at his neck, trying to look casual and not terribly awkward. “Not really. I just remembered you from the game last Friday. You almost maimed me.”
A small grin pulled at the girl’s face, but still, she seemed eager for him to leave her alone. “That was you? Heh, sorry. I’m a tad bit competitive.”
He was about to compliment her sword skills when the grin fell from her face and she looked back to her book. “Listen, you seem nice, but I’m kinda busy in case you can’t tell. Please leave me alone. Thanks.”
And that was the end of that conversation. The next time he held a conversation with her was after his quest to free Juno. She was certainly more kind when she wasn’t in the middle of reading, that was for sure.
The more he got to know her, the more he appreciated her love of books. On more than one occasion some random fact from a seemingly irrelevant fantasy novel saved their asses. 
Sighing deeply, Jason rested a blue flower that he’d picked earlier on top of her headstone. He sat down in front of it, finally allowing himself to cry over the loss of his dear friend. 
Next was Percy and Annabeth. 
Hand in hand, they approached the site. It was on the edge of camp, on a hillside that looked over the cabins. It was surrounded by trees, and Y/N’s favorite flowers were planted all around. 
Annabeth stopped at the treeline, her eyes landing on the headstone, and the blond boy kneeling next to it with his head in his hands. She’d told herself she wasn’t going to cry, that she’d cried enough, that crying wouldn’t change the fact that she was gone.
But then, the burning in her throat grew all so worse. Her Hand flew to her mouth, and she choked on a sob. Percy turned, her stationary figure tugging him back. Jason’s head snapped up, his eyes widening upon seeing the two standing there.
He wiped at his face, but his bloodshot eyes gave away that he’d been crying too. The silence was thick, mixing with the surrounding humidity, making the air difficult to breathe. 
It’d been some time since they’d crossed paths. “Hey.”
Percy nodded. “Hey.”
Another sob choked Annabeth as she ducked her chin. “Oh, shut up! We’re awful people.”
Jason and Percy turned to her, shocked by her outburst as tears trailed down her cheeks. “What?”
“Every last one of us,” she cried. “She was the only one who tried to keep everyone friends, who could stand to be the voice of reason! And we all... we all abandoned her just because of a stupid argument!”
Before anyone could respond, the wind picked up, blowing their hair all around. Jason looked up, and his throat went dry at the sight of a giant bronze dragon lowering form the sky.
Leo and Piper appeared on its back, both solemn and silent as the dragon landed and they slid to the ground. Piper locked eyes with him, and she nodded without a word. 
Annabeth just turned around, wiping furiously at her face. Meanwhile, Leo stared gaping at the grave, as though he hadn’t really expected it to be there. “She’s...”
“Yeah,” Jason snapped. “Yeah. She’s gone.”
Piper shot him a nasty glare as Leo recoiled into himself. “Back off.”
“Listen, I’m just--”
“You’re just not. Okay? Shut the hell up.”
The daughter of Athena whirled around and pointed form Piper to Jason, silencing them in an instant. “We are not bringing this here, to her grave.”
No one dared to bite back. Percy rubbed circles into her shoulders, hoping it helped.
Next thing any of them knew, another figure appeared, closely followed by another. Frank and Hazel, walking at least seven feet apart from each other in awkward silence. 
Hazel’s eyes made it to the headstone, and she lost all her breath. Her knees started to give out, and Leo was the only one who thought to run to steady her against him. She buried her head in his shoulder, though not a tear fell. Something about the redness in her eyes said she’d run out of tears.
Annabeth felt a burn of anger rise up wihtin her, and with her hands fisted at her sides, she began again in a broken voice, “We can barely look at each other! We... We left her alone, after all she did for us. She died alone.”
Frank let out a shaky breath, his eyes on the ground. “Annabeth... what were we--”
“What were we supposed to do?” she spat back. Her hands were shaking. “Anything. She was a fucking daughter of Eris. The goddess of strife. She was the only one who tried to get everyone to fucking get along!”
Ten years ago, the eight Heroes of Olympus had gathered at Percy and Annabeth’s wedding. Frank and Hazel were newly separated, Piper and Jason too, and no one was really over how Leo didn’t hurry to come back after Calypso revived him.
It was,
“I bet you loved her attention! Was her head enough to make you forget us?”
“I had died!”
“We were tricked into liking each other by Hera!”
“I loved you, Piper!”
“Why couldn’t we make it work? Why?”
“You know why!”
And finally,
“Stop fighting at our damn wedding!”
And in the middle of it all, there was Y/N. She stood between everyone, hands raised warily, as she tried to make everyone apologize. It didn’t work. She always blamed herself too; Eris kids only ever make things worse.
Nobody had had a kind word for another of the eight since then. After a while, Y/N stopped reaching out. She stopped trying to get everyone to meet up. She stopped attempting an intervention. She gave up.
And now she’s dead. Killed by a minotaur.
Percy felt it was payback.
In the thick silence, only broken by Annabeth’s heavy breathing and the occasional sniffle, nobody dared to say a word. 
Until...��“I...” Piper sighed. “I spoke to her. A week ago. She... she tried to get me to call Jason. I refused.”
She closed her eyes, embarassed and ashamed, but then Jason looked up, eyes wide. “She called me too. Asked me to talk to you.”
Leo began to tap his chest with one hand and wipe his face with the other. “Me too. She called me to call Jason and Frank.”
“She wanted me to call Hazel.”
“And me to call Frank.”
Every one of them had refused. 
Annabeth just stared at Y/N’s grave, Percy mirroring her, their hands finding each others. “She wanted us to get everyone together, at camp... today. Oh, gods.”
Piper’s eyes widened like saucers. “You don’t think she...” She couldn’t finish.
“I don’t know,” said Percy, eyes unfocused. “I don’t know.”
Hazel shook her head frantically. “She wouldn’t. She was killed by a minotaur!”
Another silence took a hold of them and wouldn’t let go. One by one, each of them haunted by what ifs and worries, one by one they came to sit around the headstone.
Not another tear was shed. Hazel took the blue flowers all around and made anxious little flower crowns, passing them around the circle like some sort of machine, until Leo grabbed her hands and made her stop when everyone had a flower crown, a necklace, and a bracelet to don. 
From across their little circle, Jason looked at Piper, finding her eyes already on him. He shivered, and she pursed her lips. He broke the silence first. “It was Hera... I shouldn’t have felt I had a right to tell you how to feel.”
Piper shook her head. “I shouldn’t have assumed we meant nothing to you.”
“Guys,” Leo blurted, plucking petals off his crown. “I... I should have rushed back to ya’ll the moment I could... but I was scared. I didn’t know if ya’ll would want me back.”
Hazel gaped at him. “Why wouldn’t we want you back, Leo?”
“I don’t know.” He rubbed at the back of his neck. “I was the eighth wheel, you know? I didn’t think I mattered to anyone.”
Percy cracked the stick in his hand. “You mattered the world to us... to Y/N.”
Frank nodded. “She was beside herself when you died. I’d never seen anyone so... so...”
“Hopeless,” Hazel finished, locking eyes with him before she quickly looked away. Something in Frank’s chest squeezed.
Leo’s eyes went somewhere behind them all, as if he’d never even played with the idea that he could mean so much to someone. None of them doubted, in that instant, that that was true, and suddenly they wondered for the first time if Leo was as all right as he appeared.
The sun continued its journey across the sky, now hiding behind the trees to offer the group some shade. 
Out of the shadows, literally, came Nico and consequently, Will. Annabeth was the first to notice their new matching wedding bands, putting a light smile on her face. 
For a moment, all the pair did was stand there, staring at the grave, not saying a word, before Nico tugged on Will’s hand and they were gone nearly as soon as they’d appeared. Everyone pretended not to hear how Nico broke the moment he turned his back.
Some time later, Chiron trotted up the hill, greeted each of them, and lade a laurel wreath on Y/N’s headstone.
Grover and Juniper came up soon after, but they too could only stand to look at the grave for so long before they turned back.
The seven remained, as though intending upon a vigil, in silence. Perhaps to honor her. Perhaps because no one knew what to say. One thing was clear, though, if nothing else: they were done fighting.
“I...” Percy spoke up, sniffling. “We...”
Annabeth took his hand. “Do you guys wanna come for dinner one day?”
She was afraid no one would answer, but almost immediatley Piper leaped at a reply. “Where’s your place?”
“Not far,” said Percy. “Still in Long Island.”
he squeezed Annabeth’s hand, shooting her a teasing look. She only grinned back. “And... well, uhm. We never got to tell any of you... thought it was always too soon--”
“What? What is it?” Leo demanded, on the edge of his grassy seat.
Annabeth and Percy locked eyes in a silent gleeful exchange, before Percy said, “We’re parents.”
Not a jaw was still shut.
“Dude,” Piper gasped. “What--Oh my gods.”
Hazel clapped her hands, a smile to bright that Frank buffered a moment. Leo pointed a thumb at the married couple and said, “Oh, you better bet we’re coming for dinner. Gotta meet tiny Jackson-Chase.”
Laughter bubbled up from the circle, and suddenly, the conversation wasn’t so muddled with bitter memories. Plans were made, silent apologizes given, and hope spread around.
It’d been just five hours since they’d first arrived, yet it felt as if a whole decade was occured. The decade they wasted. 
So as each of them stood (Hazel offered Frank her hand, and he gladly took it, towering over her like he always had. Leo and Jason shook hands, before the latter pulled the former into a rib cracking hug. Annabeth wiped at her face, locking eyes with Piper, and threw herself into her arms.) they tried not to dwell in the simmering past. 
It was the least they could do for Y/N, who believed they could forgive, even in her last days.
Which is why, hidden in the trees, shrouded by a cloud of mist, tears streaked down a young woman’s cheeks. Her lip trembling and her heart sang at the sight. Perhaps a child fo Eris didn’t have to ruin everything.
She wanted to run, to jump out of the trees before it was too late, to hug them at long last, but the grip on her shoulder made every attempt send shooting pains up her spine.
“It seems,” said Y/N’s mother. “You were right about them, my sweet.”
Y/N glared up at Eris, taking in a deep breath to calm herself. “Please. You’ve had your fun. Your hypothesis was wrong.”
The disapointment all over Eris’ face only made Y/N’s impatience grow. “I’m... surprised. I thought nothing could bring them together again.”
“You don’t give them enough credit,” said Y/N, a small smile gracing her face as she turned back to the seven. 
“Or,” said Eris, brows raised. “I didn’t give you enough credit. Certainly, as my favorite daughter I thought for sure your death would only drive them further apart...”
Y/N didn’t like the calculated look on her mother’s face, like Eris was wondering what had gone wrong, and she tugged at her hold on her shoulder despite the pain it brought. “Let me go?
“Aren’t you afraid they’ll be hostile when they see you deceived them?”
The daughter shrugged. “A little bit. But after I explain that you forced me into faking my death for the sake of testing them, I’m sure all their anger will find a much better outlet.”
With a scant smile, Eris ruffled her daughter’s hair. “Good. Now run along. They shouldn't grieve any longer than they have to.”
So she did, sprinting into the clearing without much thinking, not even blinking at the unsheathed weapons that followed her swift appearance.
Breathing heavily, Y/N’s eyes scanned over her friends, still blinking away tears, as one by one their guards fell crashing down. She waved a little. “Hi.”
Hazel broke first, her weapon falling to the grass as she bolted at Y/N, nearly taking them both down with the power behind her hug. The rest didn’t take long to follow, wrapping their arms around you in a stuffy yet welcome group embrace.
“But... how?”
She could only look toward the forest, glaringly so. “Turns out I’m my mother’s disappointment.”
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voltronisanobsession · 8 months
hi! i was wondering if i could request a percy jackson! platonic headcanon fic where like luke, y/n is also being manipulated and possessed by one of the evil gods and the group finds out? (also i’m sorry to go all teen wolf but she starts to act kinda like void stiles) ty!
Reader being Controlled by a God
NEVER apologize for going all teen wolf, I love this idea😍😍😍😍😍 when you say headcanons fic, imma think you meant headcanons but with a story plot🔥
I think this is a little more generalized than what I usually write
I’m telling you, when I finish heroes of Olympus, WE WILL HAVE A BIGGER AND BETTER GROUP OF CHARACTERS💀🙏🙏🙏
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The change is a slow process
Not many caught onto your change appearances, those who did marking it down as an off day you had
Plagued with nightmares and visions, paranoia grows as you distance yourself from the group slowly
This god, you didn’t know their name or their face
The fear they instilled in you was enough for your confidence to break down though
It was like having a devil on your shoulder, it’s soft whisperings influencing your everyday life
You tried blocking it all out, but it was getting too much! You could never escape the whispers, even in sleep, which was way worse than being awake
Yet you didn’t dare tell a soul, what would people say! Would Chiron kick you out of the camp? Gods, you can’t be kicked out another home again, you just can’t!
You lose sleep as this god takes its hold on you, grip tightening more as the weeks pass
It isn’t long until you began listening to the voice, listening to it as it planted seeds of deceit and darkness
I think the one who would pick up on your weird changes is Annabeth lowkey
She notices EVERYTHING
When you don’t show up to breakfast in the mornings, she takes note of it. During training, she notices how you have this far off, dull look in your eyes. Like you’re there physically, but mentally somewhere else.
She definitely sees how you look at everyone now, a distrusting expression as you distance yourself from those around you
So when the girl tries approaching you about it, making it known that she’s worried for her friend, Annabeth is taken aback by your defensive aggression
“Don’t worry about it, its none of your buisness” you would say, eyes narrowed and arms crossed, shutting down any other attempts she tries to make
And while the others try to reassure her you could be upset about something else, one look at you and she already knows that there’s something more
You begin doing small tasks for your new friend
They’re small at first, pack a bag with a few necessities, steal some drachmas, your cabin mate won’t notice a few missing
You don’t even notice as they get a bit extreme, wordlessly following its orders to sneak into Chiron’s office and take some files, and to go into the woods after they call lights out in the dead of night
You’re friends grow even more suspicious and worried as you seem to creep around the camp grounds
They might even hear you whispering to yourself one day. What’s next, you would ask. Whose here? Hiding behind a tree, your friends would finally see that there’s something seriously wrong with you
Percy prays to any god or goddess listening that you just haven’t moved on from your invisible friend phase, but as always, nothing ever goes his way
This voice that first haunted even your sweetest of dreams was a familiar one that you grew to trust
They’re all waiting to watch you stumble, my dear. They’ll use you until there’s nothing left of you.
Join us, you’ll have me to guide you through the new life I’m offering you.
Your final task sets everything in motion, setting off every alarm in every demigods head as you walk past them.
With one mission in your head, you head towards the training grounds where Percy and a few others swung their swords at dummies
Taking the nearest sword, you walked up to Percy from behind, pushing everyone who got in your way
Speeding up to close the gap between you two, Percy’s instincts takes over as he quickly glances behind him and narrowly dodges your swing at him
He wouldn’t have any time to think as you continuously swing the sword you held at him, not once stopping even as he tried talking to you
“What’s going on with you?! Talk to me y/n!
“Do you seriously ugh- think talking is gonna get you out of this?”
Because of your sloppy form due to the wrong sized sword you took, you were taken down by the green eyed boy, causing you to scamper away from him
Heaving and looking at him with irritation, he could make out a dark shadowy figure lingering behind you, almost encasing you with its darkness
That’s it
It isn’t until Annabeth comes running in with Chiron that you make your escape into the woods, where they search hours for you, only to come empty handed
But you didn’t leave without leaving behind a small gifts
At sundown, three hellhounds were released into the camp grounds by portals no one knew existed
Just like Luke, you had betrayed them all, yet they felt that they couldn’t blame anyone but themselves!
The signs were there since the beginning!
It seemed that this god, a new enemy, had taken over your head, and your friends weren’t going to stop until they finally had the real you back🔥🔥
Cue epic music playing in the background
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thornnii · 4 months
⎯ ☆ she's my girlfriend
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genre: platonic, fluff wordcount: 0.6k pairing: percy jackson x older sister!reader tags: older sister/daughter of poseidon!reader (she/her), all poseidon children contain Ryan Reynolds level sass, inspired by this, swearing (obviously), percabeth summary: percy introduces his older sister to his girlfriend notes: short & sweet
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ancient greek sucked ass [reader] decided as she stared down at her notebook. her handwriting was messy and rushed from frustration as she compared her work to that of the textbook balanced precariously on her knee that she was learning from. in no way did she expect the learning process to be quick and/or easy, but it would have helped if greek characters weren’t such a hassle to draw in the first place. shutting both books with a sigh, [reader] instead pulled her reading book from her bag. it was a book annabeth had recommended a few months ago and it wasn’t until [reader] had been on a quest in maine that she’d had the chance to purchase the book and see if it really was as good as the young athena girl’s recommendation. not that she had any doubts, annabeth always gave the best reading recommendations.
[reader] spent the next few hours getting lost within the world that the pages of her book created. it was a fantasy story, a rare recommendation from annabeth who seemed to prefer nonfiction books. it had been roughly 2 hours since [reader] started the book and the sun had begun it’s descent towards the ocean as the breeze began to cool. [reader] took this as a sign to take her belongings back to her cabin before dinner was called. placing the receipt for the book as a bookmark, [reader] packed the book away and headed off towards cabin 3.
there were very few other campers by the cabins, most were trying to squeeze in a few more minutes before dinner to get their training or some other chore done. cabin 3 was seeming empty as [reader] walked up to the heavy wooden door, though her opinion was quickly changed when she pushed the door open. inside the cabin sat both her half-brother percy and annabeth. the pair were cuddled up on percy’s bed, seemingly having been reading together, but their eyes had snapped away from the book and towards the door upon [reader]’s entrance.
“what in the fuck knuckles is this?” [reader] raised an eyebrow, shutting the door behind her.
percy rolled his eyes at his sister’s blunt question before responding, “she’s my girlfriend, you intolerant shit.” he wrapped a protective arm around annabeth.
once again all [reader] could do was raise her eyebrow and stifle a giggle at her brother’s antics. “pump the hate-breaks, fox and friends.” [reader] put up a hand in surrender, “I’m just surprised anyone would date you, especially miss wise girl over here.”
percy frowned at his sister using his nickname for annabeth. not that the girl in question minded, she was trying and failing to suppress a wide grin from adorning her features at the poseidon siblings’ banter. “well, she is dating me so…” percy ended his sentence by flipping the bird at his sister, who just laughed. annabeth joined in with the older girl’s laughter and percy pouted in response.
percy opened his mouth to defend himself but before he could get a word in, he was interrupted by the call for dinner. [reader] dropped her bag on her bed before calling to the pair, “c’mon, might as well get there before we’re left with crumbs to pick from.” as she made her way to the dining pavilion.
a smile graced [reader]’s features as she walked. she was happy that her brother had found someone good and strong as a partner, and she already knew that if the couple ever argued she’d take annabeth’s side, no questions asked. [reader] was grateful for the few minutes it took to walk to the dining pavilion where she could have a moment of peace from her brother. she knew that as soon as the two were sat by themselves at the poseidon table that she would be getting an earful from percy. oh well.
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love-superache · 5 months
The Three Candles
Pairings: Luke Castellan & Thalia Grace & Annabeth Chase x Platonic! GN! Not Clearsighted Mortal! Reader
Summary: They always come back (But not ALL of them).
Warnings: Spoilers to all the 1st Collection: Percy Jackson and the Olympyans. Too much fluff! (Lol) and talks about death!
Notes: This is the Part 2 of my other work, "A Delightful Enconter", and thank you all for your love!
The first time they came back it's still the three of them, some months later...it's late at night and you hear a knock on the door, still in your pajama you go see who it is. You yawn as you open the door.
Your eyes wide as you see who is there.
"Hello again Y/N." Luke says, he looks tired like he is trying not to cry.
"Do you three need a one night lace again, hmm?" You ask smiling as you let them enter.
"Bingo." Thalia says as she starts taking her things out of her bag.
"Y/N!" Annabeth runs to you and hugs you. "I have read 'Ulisses'!"
You smile. "Really? Did you like it?"
"Yes! I'm going to be a hero like him!" She tells you, her eyes shining.
"That's great dear." You smile to her again and go to Luke.
"Do you need help with the sofa?" You ask.
"Yes please. This just don't switch to the bed." He says still trying.
You help him and with that the bed is ready.
"Do you want to talk about it? I see that you are sad." As he looks at you you say. "I'm sorry if I'm being rude, I just want you to be okay."
He smiles. "Thank you, really..." He sighs. "It's just family problems." You nod wanting for him to continue.
"I visited my... mom today and my...dad was there." He tells you looking at the ground.
"I guess it didn't end well?" He nods.
"You know, family isn't just about blood, and what you have with Thalia and Annabeth is just as special as everything in the world." You smile at him and he hugs you.
"Thank you." He whispers in the hug.
"No problem honey." You say.
After the hug you go to Thalia to help her with a injury she had in the leg.
"Thank you." She smiles at you and you smile back.
They go to sleep and the very next morning they're not there..like last time.
You smile to yourself.
The second time they came it's in the day, which you though 'weird'.
It starts with a knock in the door and as you open you see two people with orange shirts that say 'Camp Half-Blood' or some thing like that.
But you don't see the third head, they look at you with a sad look.
"Hey kids." You smile at them and they have the energy to smile back. "Where is Thalia?" You ask, and they froze up in place.
Luke is the first to talk. "She..." He looks at Annabeth trying to think of an excuse. "She is at the new summer camp we are at...she is sick so she didn't feel like coming." He sighs as he finishes.
"Oh, wait a second." You go to the kitchen and bring back a box and give it to Luke.
"For Thalia. I hope she feels better with these, and Annabeth.." You take a book from your shelf. "This one is for you." Annabeth reads the title 'The Renaissance era: Art and Architecture'.
"I saw that you love this greek kind of stuff, so.." You smile to her. "Thank you Y/N."
They leave after a group hug.
At the camp Luke opens the box, it's filled with sweets and cake. He cries as he thinks of Thalia, he and Annabeth eat the sweets together.
The third time they came it was not 'they' just her, Annabeth.
As you open the door you smile as you see her, but you shiver as you don't see any sight of the others.
"Where are Luke and Thalia, dear?" You ask and she starts crying in your arms.
You take her inside and caress her hair.
"Oh, honey...what happened?" You whisper to her.
She sobs but between the sobs she tells you everything. That demigods and gods exist, that Thalia is a three now and that Luke is a traitor piece of crap, her words not yours.
You cry as you hear what happened to the two. You take two candles and light it. "For Thalia." You light one. "For Luke..I know he has a good heart, I'm sure he will come back to reason." You light the second candle.
For some hours you just hug Annabeth, she sleeps in your house and in the morning she is not there.
'Some things never change.' You think sadly. You see a note:
'I really liked the book, maybe I will be a architeth."
You smile and look at the candles.
The forth time they come back is 'they' again, as you open the door you see Thalia and Annabeth, you run to Thalia's arms and hug her and cry.
She hugs you back smiling.
You take Annabeth to the hug too.
They come inside and they explain everything. How Thalia isn't a tree again, the situation with Luke, again.
As you hear all of it you look at the candles and Annabeth smiles at you.
Thalia tells you that she is now a Hunter of Artemis.
You congratulate her and give her the box with the same sweets you 'gave' her years ago.
She smiles and you three eat it at your house, talking and laughing, trying not to think about Luke.
"And Annatbeth has a crush." Thalia tells you.
"I have not a crush for Percy!" She yells blushing at Thalia.
You smile teasingly. "But no one said Percy dear." And she blushes even more.
Thalia laughs at her face and you smile to yourself.
They go away at the day this time, and when tehy are not there anymore you put one more candle.
"For Annabeth." You light the first. "For Thalia." You light the second. "And for Luke. Who I still believe has a beautiful heart." You light the third.
The fifth time they come back it's the same as the last one. But with two new heads.
You hug Annabeth and Thalia, and has you hug the last you whisper to her: "So who are the other two?" She smiles and explains that they are Grover and Percy.
They both shake your hand and the four enter in your house. You take a lemonade out of the fridg eand give each a cup.
"So...what about Luke?" You ask and they all look both happy and sad.
"He was a hero." Percy says.
"...was?" You feel you eyes water with tears.
"..yeah, Y/N. He..died as a hero. You were right he really did the right thing." Annabeth says and Thalia hugs you. And the second she hugs you Annabeth comes for the hug too.
After some minutes you calm down.
All of you start talking about other things, how thay won the war. And...well Grover spoils a thing for you.
"Well, Y/N, me and huh...Percy...are.." She takes Percy hand and you already know what it is.
"They are dating." Grover says happy." Finnaly!!"
"Grover!" The other three yell at him.
"Congratulations dear." You say to Annabeth. "Well...Congratulations to all of you." You smile to them.
You pass the afternoon talking, they lunch at your house and when the night aproaches they get up and start leaving.
You hug Thalia and Annabeth again.
"It was nice meeting you, Grover, Percy." You wink at them and they shake your hands.
They go away and you light the candles again, you think it is a sign of Good Luck.
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yk the thalia fics you made ages ago?? could you do platonic headcanons for the relationship with thalia and the reader in that fic? like someone who ran away and found thalia, luke and annabeth. the reader being a child of hades or poseidon idm!!
⋆⭒˚.⋆ platonic! thalia grace x daughter of poseidon! reader hcs
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𝜗𝜚 content…platonic! thalia grace x daughter of poseidon! reader hcs 𝜗𝜚 warning…language, slightly angsty near the end 𝜗𝜚 letters from the author…this was so silly goofy until the end bc i got SAD okay i APOLGOIZE YALL- it's minor angst trust (im a liar it is GUT WRENCHING) yall will be fine (i am not fine) don't worry (worry, i fear) it's actually not bad, im legit just hyping it up bc the silly vibes came back lmao- ALSO you can find the series anon is talked about HERE
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༄.° billie eilish wrote birds of a feather about them (not clickbate)
༄.° just two big sisters fighting to be the big sister to the other girl lmao
༄.° so so close, there is not a single secret between these girls
༄.° the lore between them runs deep, i fear
༄.° "do you remember that one time-"
༄.° "of course i do!"
༄.° black cat and orange cat coded like no other
༄.° also one of the few things that gave thalia pause about becoming a huntress was that she'd never get to grow old with you like you guys talked about after running away
༄.° you, of course, comforted her over this and told it would be okay
༄.° scary when they fight together
༄.° even worse when they fight each other
༄.° it rarely happens and is over petty shit but like natural catastrophes are happening all over the planet bc of them
༄.° "can you just give thalia her shirt back? i think england hasn't seen the sun in a week."
༄.° "fuck the british and fuck her shirt, which she gave to me!"
༄.° "I DID NOT!"
༄.° "YOU DID TOO!"
༄.° "girls! you could wipe out a nation with your emotions, calm down."
༄.° they fight like siblings, which means they also love like siblings
༄.° like, yeah, yall could be screaming at each other one second but by the next your crying in each others arms bc you guys thought about the fact that one day your family won't be thalia and annabeth but rather your husband and kids
༄.° on that note, i'd like to introduce the president and vice president of the 'annabeth chase protection' club
༄.° both sat percy down for a very intense (and totally not threatening) talk about how if he so much as mistreats annabeth for a second they will make him disappear with a trace
༄.° bro left that convo shaking lmao-
༄.° you two have sweet (and sour) nicknames for each other
༄.° you like to call thalia 'birdie' when she's nice and 'thunder pants' when she's not so nice lmao
༄.° she likes to call you 'beach bum' when you don't piss her off and when you do she calls you 'conch cunt'
༄.° both are feral children, your honor
༄.° that's what living in the woods at a young age does to people idk what to tell ya
༄.° if these two see a tree, TRUST, they will be climbing it
༄.° tho, only a few branches bc they are both scared of height lmao
༄.° there is no love like a girlhood love and lemme tell ya, these girls got it alright
༄.° and one day, thalia will be without her favorite beach bum, her bird of a feather, forever sixteen whilst the other grew old and withered
༄.° one destined to stay the same forever while the other is destined to change until the end
༄.° this is a very old story, written in stones and stars
༄.° there is no changing it, i fear
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wheelsvoid · 1 month
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⇢ you suddenly arrive in the percy jackson world, at the start of the titan’s curse
genre: platonic, angst
word count: 1,537
warnings: panic attacks, weapons, violence
fanart by frostbite studios
When I could see again, I was back on my feet. Sound buzzed in my ears—the sounds of voices, music, laughter and anything that I should not have been hearing after passing out on the sidewalk.
I examined my surroundings; kids my age or younger were bustling around in what looked to be a school gym. Some were dancing, others were just talking in small groups, and some were keeping to themselves.
How did I get here?
I heard voices close to me, and nearly jumped out of my skin when they addressed me.
"Y/N?" A high pitched voice came from my right, and I turned to see a small boy, around my height, with olive skin and dark silky hair. The boy was shuffling trading cards in his hands, looking at me expectantly. Next to him, a girl stood with a scowl on her face that seemed to be slowly fading as she looked at me with concern. She wore a green cap on her head, which seemed to be covering part of her face. I assumed it was done on purpose.
I wasn't stupid; I knew this scene looked scarily familiar to one I had read—no! That was ridiculous. There's no way.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" The girl asked. I felt a chill run down my spine. They knew my name. I didn't even have a second to panic further before the boy spoke.
"I was asking you which one was your favourite." He said, holding out the cards. I eyed them cautiously, as if they might melt in his hands, and I would wake from a strange dream in Westover Hall. Because Westover Hall didn't exist. This wasn't real.
"Um..." I stuttered, glancing around with nervous breaths slowly leaving my lungs.
"Y/N," the girl persisted, placing a hand on my shoulder, "are you all right?"
"I just—" I looked through hazy vision, my eyes scanning the room as I held back my emotions and tried to wake up.
A new group entered the room through a set of double doors.
Wake up, Y/N!
I saw two girls and two boys. One girl had bright blonde hair, which was wildly curly but beautiful all the same. I avoided looking her in the eyes. Another girl had short, spiky dark hair. She looked tougher than the first, and more in charge than the others. One of the boys had a red cap over his curly hair, and his eyes scanned the room as he seemed to be searching for something. The last boy had tan skin and a mop of dark hair on his head, he seemed to be listening to the other boy who was speaking about something that I couldn't hear.
But I knew how this story went. I didn't want to believe it, but if I was right, I knew exactly what they were talking about.
The boy with the red cap—if I was right—would soon spot the two siblings to my right. I ignored the siblings, despite how desperately I wanted to ask them for their names for confirmation. I ignored them despite how hard they were trying to get my attention.
The boy in the red cap laid his eyes on the trio across the gym. He nodded, and began speaking. The others followed his line of sight.
I was sure I was going to pass out, but I couldn't do that just yet. This wasn't enough confirmation to panic. Not nearly enough.
Wake up!
A few more words were spoken before the boy without the red cap—I decided to call him Boy 1 because I would absolutely not be calling him the name of who I thought it was—began to walk forwards, but the girl with spiky hair stopped him.
Her eyes found something across the room, nearby the siblings and me. I felt a sense of panic return, recalling the lines of a certain book that I hadn't gotten a chance to reread before passing out. Slowly, I turned my head and made eye contact with the meanest looking man I had ever seen.
Wake up!
No matter how many times I tried to assure myself I was dreaming, I couldn't get past how real this all felt.
I looked back to the kids on the other side of the gym. If they were who I thought they were, I felt safer keeping an eye on them and their progress rather than the man who looked ready to kill.
They seemed to be arguing over something stupid, but through my panic, I couldn't remember what it was. I was sure it wasn't too important, given that I remembered all the major plot points with ease.
Plot points? You're dreaming!
I heard a yelp, my eyes followed the spiky hair girl who dragged Red Cap to the dance floor. "You can if I'm leading," I remembered the line clear as day now. "Come on, goat boy."
The blonde smiled, and Boy 1 frowned in confusion. I watched in a daze as the scene played on. I felt glued to the floor. Should I warn them? Was this even real?
If I could brush off the panic like it was nothing, I would have. Then the presumably di Angelo siblings wouldn't have to attempt to calm me down as I tried to stop my slight hyperventilating, and the man I assumed to be Dr. Thorn wouldn't have forcefully snatched mine and Nico's arms and yanked us out of the room, leaving Bianca fo trail after us as she tried her best to get him to stop.
I focused on Dr. Thorn's grip on my arm, feeling the tightness and the pain. The sound of the music drifted away, replaced by Nico and Bianca's poor attempts at calling for help and gaining freedom.
This was real, I realized. This was all real.
I regained some sense of awareness by the time we made it to what I assumed was the main entry hall, and Dr. Thorn scuttled away in a dark corner, hidden. I knew this part. I just had to wait for him to show up.
Footsteps echoed in the halls. In a flash, Percy Jackson shoved a door open, spinning around to examine the room. His eyes landed on me and the di Angelos.
Percy slowly made his way towards the small group. He lowered his sword. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." None of us said anything in response. I just stared at Percy's sword, watching the celestial bronze glow dimly, my jaw dropped. "My name's Percy," I nearly passed out at that, "I'm going to take you out of here, get you somewhere safe."
I glanced up, looking behind Percy and my eyes widening as I remembered something a second too late. "Percy, look out!" I pointed. I heard a growl, which made it clear that Dr. Thorn was upset with me revealing his hiding place before he decided to make his presence known. But he was fast, and he attacked all the same.
Percy stumbled as a black spike grazed his shoulder, going straight through his jacket before pinning him to the wall. I felt guilt wash over me, but could he really defeat a manticore on his own anyway? Were my efforts to warn him futile?
Percy slashed with his sword, but it only sliced through air. "Yes, Perseus Jackson" Dr. Thorn chuckled, his French accent thick, "I know who you are."
I felt the panic return as Percy tried to free his shoulder. I knew it was poisoned, and I knew Percy was realizing it too, even through his hazy vision that he was sure to have.
A dark silhouette now moved toward them. Dr. Thorn stepped into the dim light. I stared with wide eyes—because for the longest time I had dreamed of meeting Percy and Annabeth and Nico, and here I was, but Dr. Thorn was here too. I knew other monsters lurked around the world, searching for demigods on the daily.
I blinked back tears; I wanted to go home.
"Thank you for coming out of the gym," Dr. Thorn said. "I hate middle school dances."
Percy tried to swing his sword again, but the monster was just out of reach.
WHIIIISH! A second projectile shot from somewhere behind Dr. Thorn. I knew where it would land, and despite the knowledge that it wouldn't actually hit Bianca, I pulled the girl closer to me in a moment of fright. 
Bianca yelped in surprise, her wide eyes staring at the black spike in the wall.
"All four of you will come with me," Dr. Thorn said. "Quietly. Obediently. If you make a single noise, if you call out for help or try to fight, I will show you just how accurately I can throw."
I knew this story. I knew he wasn't bluffing. It took everything in me not to cry out, I just wanted to go home to my mother.
(if you liked this, it’s also a wattpad story. it’s called Madness, and my username is the same. just thought i’d share some of it here)
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captainsophiestark · 5 months
Parents Weekend
Platonic!Percy Jackson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Summary: Percy's clear-sighted mortal cousin on his mom's side flies out to California to visit Percy for his first parents weekend away from home, at New Rome University.
Word Count: 2,166
Category: Fluff
A/N: This is full of spoilers for every book that features Percy Jackson, so if you're a new fan brought in by the show, welcome! But this fic might not be for you, unless you really don't mind spoilers. Also, it is loosely related to this other platonic Percy fic I wrote, but you don't need to read one to understand the other
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"HALT! Not another step without approval!"
I jumped backwards as a talking statue appeared in front of me out of nowhere, stopping me right on the threshold of the city of New Rome. Of all the things I'd seen as a clear-sighted mortal, this ranked among the weirdest for sure.
"Who are you, and on what authority are you here?"
"Uh... I'm Percy Jackson's cousin, and I'm here to visit him at college?"
The statue narrowed his eyes at me.
"Percy Jackson's cousin, hm? I know him well. He spent quite a lot of time when he first got here disobeying and disrespecting my rules. But we killed a giant together, and he defended Rome honorably. So as long as you are not armed...?"
The statue raised an eyebrow at me, and I quickly held out my hands and shook my head to show him I didn't have anything on me. He narrowed his eyes, then nodded curtly.
"Then you may enter. Tell him hello, and to get a haircut."
"Yes sir."
The statue nodded, clearly pleased, as I walked past him and into the city of New Rome. Percy had told me all about his adventures whenever we caught up with each other, and I felt fairly confident that I'd just met Terminus, the Roman boundary god. He was even more uptight than Percy had said.
It was a beautiful fall day in California, the sun lighting up the Oakland hills and creating just the right amount of warmth. I stared around in awe at the city before me, which practically sparkled in the sun.
Percy had told me all about it, and I'd even seen a few pictures. But nothing quite compared to seeing it in person.
I joined the crowds moving through the city, laughing and talking with one another. Luckily for me, a very easy to find street sign pointed me in the direction of New Rome U, and I started heading in that direction.
Percy had just started college this fall, moving all the way across the country just when I'd finally settled for the long haul in New York. I gave him a bit of teasing for that, but I knew how happy he was to be going here (especially with Annabeth) and how hard he'd worked to get in, so I really was happy for him. I'd just made him promise to visit New York often, which I knew he would do for more family members than just me.
What I hadn't told him was that I also intended to visit him. This weekend was officially "parents' weekend" at NRU. Sally and Paul couldn't come, since Estelle was still a baby, but I had no such limitations. I'd booked a flight the second Sally had told me the date, and now, I was finally here.
Percy had no idea. As far as he knew, he had nothing special happening this weekend. I couldn't wait to see his face when I surprised him.
My head was on a swivel the minute I set foot on campus, looking for my favorite cousin. He wasn't short, so I hoped he'd be easily visible over the heads of people in the crowd, but I wandered between buildings and students with no luck. I needed a better plan.
It didn't take me long to come up with one, thankfully. A big, beautiful fountain sat in the middle of a cluster of university buildings, so I headed right for it and hopped up on the ledge, standing tall and scouting the crowds from my new vantage point. After a minute, I heard a surprised voice from behind me.
I whipped around to find Percy standing at the top of some stairs, apparently just coming from class in the building. He was hand in hand with his girlfriend Annabeth, which always made me happy to see. I beamed at him and waved like a maniac before hopping down and heading his direction.
"What are you doing here?" he called, momentarily dropping Annabeth's hand to race towards me, meeting me halfway across the square. I laughed as he picked me up in a tight hug and spun me around.
"It's parents' weekend for New Rome University, isn't it?" I asked, once my feet were back on the ground. "I might not be your parent, but I'm pretty sure the event has changed to mean 'family weekend' by this point."
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming!" he cried, laughing a little as he apparently didn't quite believe I was really here. Annabeth joined us, a smile on her face to match mine and Percy's.
"Because I wanted to surprise you, duh!" I laughed and pulled Annabeth into a tight hug, which she returned. "It's so good to see you both! Oh, and Percy, Terminus said you need to get a haircut."
Percy groaned and shook his head while Annabeth laughed.
"You met Terminus? How did you even get in here?"
"I name-dropped you for street cred with Terminus, obviously," I teased. Percy rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. "And I might have found a way to reach out to a friend you mentioned had some power here. Frank Zhang was very nice when a total stranger appeared through a very shaky Iris message asking him to let me into his camp."
Percy and Annabeth both laughed at that, sharing a smile.
"I'll have to remember to thank Frank for the assist," said Percy.
"I actually have some of your mom's cookies with me for that exact purpose."
Percy's mouth dropped open in outrage. "And you didn't bring any for me?"
"Did I say that?"
I turned and reached into my bag, then pulled out a tupperware container of Sally's famous blue chocolate chip cookies.
"These are for you. I ate mine on the plane, and I have a batch of purple ones for Frank, since that's Camp Jupiter's colors."
"My mom is amazing," Percy breathed, the box of cookies already opened with one in his hand.
"Yeah. Yeah, she is. Now come on, I flew all the way out here from New York to hang out with you. I want to see your new school and hear about all your classes and everything else. Just tell me where we're going first."
Percy grinned. "I know the perfect spot."
My cousin didn't disappoint. Annabeth had to do a bit of work to prepare for the coming week, so after getting a promise from her to meet us later, Percy and I hiked to the top of a beautiful hill overlooking the entirety of Camp Jupiter, apparently called the Garden of Bacchus. With the sun shining and a slight breeze blowing, I quite literally couldn't have imagined anything more perfect.
"You know, I love New York. But I could stand living somewhere with more weather like this," I mused. Percy laughed.
"Yeah, it's a perk. I do miss the city sometimes though."
"Of course. But you'll be home for the break, right?"
"Yup. Annabeth's coming with me. I can't wait to see my mom, and Paul and Estelle. And we'll probably visit camp, which will be nice."
"I'm sure everyone will be excited to see you. Just don't forget to come visit your favorite cousin in fun places I can actually get to," I said, nudging him in the shoulder a little as I teased him. He grinned right back at me.
"Good. Because otherwise I'll have to come track you down, and based on what you've told me about Camp Half-Blood, I'd have a hell of a time getting into that place."
"If any mortal could pull it off, I bet it'd be you."
I grinned, and Percy smiled. We paused for a minute, taking in the gentle breeze and bustling city below us, then I spoke up again.
"Alright, so catch me up. How's everything? Classes? Annabeth? Being on the West Coast? Any more of the Olympians trying to give you trouble?"
Percy frowned at the mention of the Olympians, which seemed incredibly fair to me.
"Thankfully no, at least for now. Otherwise, things have been good. It's still a little weird to be here, and I miss a lot of people back home, but I have a lot of friends here too. Mostly I'm just happy to finally have some normal life time with Annabeth."
"I can't think of two people who deserve it more." Percy huffed in agreement as I continued. "And one of the hardest parts of college is leaving behind people you love to go do what you need to do out in the world. But like you said, there's a lot of people you love and who love you here, too. And you know me and Sally and everyone else in New York will always leave our doors open for whenever you want to come back."
Percy gave me a small smile.
"I know. And I'll always be happy to see you visiting me here, or wherever else I might go. Especially if you keep bringing my mom's cookies with you."
I laughed. "Yeah, that makes sense. I think her cookies could open most doors for me, honestly."
"For sure."
We took a moment, smiling and laughing and breathing in the fresh air. Then finally, I sighed and stood, facing Percy with my hands on my hips.
"Alright, I've gotten the bird's eye view and I'm finally warm again after New York got that early cold snap. Now let's see what else this Roman camp has to offer."
The more we walked around, the more my jaw dropped. It looked just like the pictures I'd seen of Rome and Italy as a whole, places I'd always dreamed about visiting. Only bright, shiny, new, and right here in front of me, where I could reach out and touch it.
As we walked around and Percy gave me the full campus tour, we found more and more people who knew him, smiling and calling out hellos as we passed each other. I beamed every time, happy to see my little cousin doing so well. He'd been through hell, but he seemed at peace here. Settled, in a way I hadn't really seen him before.
"The camp itself has pegasi stables and stuff, but we'd need to get special permission to visit them," Percy explained as we walked into the plaza where I'd first found him, headed for 'the best coffee shop this side of the Mississippi'. The basic tour was completed, so we were on our way to meet Annabeth. "I can ask Frank about that, maybe. How long are you here?"
"I'm staying for the whole parents' weekend, so hopefully that means I get to see the pegasi! The day I met Blackjack might still be my best day ever."
Percy laughed as we walked through the door, a bell jingling happily over our heads. Annabeth waved to us from a table near the window, and we headed her direction.
"I think Blackjack enjoyed that day, too. He always likes to be appreciated."
"He's a flying horse. Who the hell isn't appreciating him?"
Percy just shrugged as we joined Annabeth at her table. She grinned and slid two drinks our way, one for each of us.
"Percy told me your order. Hopefully they got it right."
"I'm sure they did," I said, taking a careful sip. My jaw would've dropped, if I weren't incredibly determined not to let a single drop go to waste. "That is... actually maybe the best thing I've ever had."
"Right?" Percy grinned as he sipped his own drink.
"So, what did the two of you get up to?" asked Annabeth.
"Percy gave me the whole campus tour," I said, smiling as I leaned back in my seat, leisurely sipping my drink. The sun coming through the windows gently warmed my face, and I could've stayed right there for the rest of the day and been perfectly happy. "We hiked up to the Garden of Bacchus too, and I got a bird's eye of this whole place. I know I'll probably never get to see Camp Half-Blood to compare, but... this place is stunning."
"It really is."
Annabeth and Percy shared a smile, and he took her hand across the table. I beamed. I loved Annabeth, and I loved the two of them together. I'd never met somebody other than Annabeth who got such an immediate, unanimous family seal of approval.
"So, I got the tour of campus. I heard there are pegasi stables, which I will not be leaving without seeing. But what else is a can't-miss?"
"Don't worry," said Annabeth with a grin. "I had enough time after homework to make the perfect plan."
"Athena always has a plan," said Percy. He and Annabeth shared another smile, and I couldn't help smiling with them.
"Well good. Because I'm here all weekend, and this seems like a city I don't want to miss."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
Percy Jackson Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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lady-ashfade · 4 months
She’s A Devil- Media Au
*warnings: Percabeth sightings, clarisse coming in to steal, luke being shy, also uncanny character personality*
Part two to this post.
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Liked by seaprincess04 and 3865 others
Spearclarisse she might have almost broken my nose last night. But she is my baby girl and ain’t no one gonna touch her🔪
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seaprincess04 it’s the way you only posted pictures of me. Can’t believe you’re showing me off 🤭
╰spearclarisse someone has to do it. Save a kiss for me later
╰ thebestjackson aye yo! @ thebetterscar come get your girl
╰ spearclarisse he’s to shy to do anything- and she doesn’t belong to anyone
╰seaprincess04 the way you guys have just outed him for having feelings for me in instagram comments is cruel.
Annethewise we just going to forget the five hour call we had last night?
╰ seaprincess04 Yes. Unless I could share what conversation we had about my brother last night? 🤔
╰annethewise woah! I didn’t even mean offensive, just shut your mouth!
╰thebestjackson what was said? NO BECAUSE I HAVE TO KNOW!
╰seaprincess04 I actually don’t have to tell you anything.
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Liked by thebetterscar and 3482 others
seaprincess04 what @ spearclarisse forgot to post.
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thebetterscar you still look pretty
╰thebestjackson dude finally grew a pair!
╰grasshopper this is groundbreaking!! I’m marking it on my calendar
╰annethewise I called it. Everyone owes me five bucks
╰thebetterscar @ thebestjackson I’m going to drown you. I always had a pair- I mean, I beat you to it? Maybe you should stop making fun of me before I let it slip?
╰thebestjackson I told you my secret in confidence!
╰thebetterscar who’s crying now?
╰annethewise even I don’t know what you guys are talking about.
╰seaprincess04 you guys have killed my notifications. And Luke, dm me now.
╰thebestjackson OHHHHH!
╰spearclarisse I can hear Luke screaming
Spearclarisse lookin good
╰seaprincess04 only for you
╰thebestjackson so you just pulling everyone?!
╰seaprincess04 stay jealous
thebestjackson so the cone must be why you came home with a sprained foot?
╰seaprincess04 sure…
╰thebestjackson I feel like I should tell mom
╰seaprincess04 I’ll tell who broke the swing
╰thebestjackson I’m taking you off my private stories
462 notes · View notes
Percy: *honking at the car that almost hit them*
Annabeth and Grover:
Y/N: *a native New Yorker* HELL YEAH- STICK IT TO HIM *flips the car off*
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fr-ogii · 2 months
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annabeth chase & percy jackson
x gn!reader; poc friendly
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-> visiting the museum with percy and annabeth would be an adventure arguably equally as difficult as the typical quest. percy tries to be as interested as annabeth is, but it usually ends with him making jokes about the statues or paintings.
sometimes he doesn't even have to say anything. he just looks at the butt of a naked statue, looks back at you, wiggles his eyebrows, and you both are rolling on the ground laughing. there's something about being with the two of them that makes everything so much funnier. annabeth rolls her eyes at the two of you and continues her walk through the gallery, avoiding the judgmental gazes of the visitors truly interested in art.
-> ending up at the gift shop at the end of the trip. annabeth picks out a few books that showcase the art, muttering a few passive aggressive remarks to you and percy, "if only certain someones weren't goofing off the entire time, maybe i could have actually seen it all in person instead of settling for a copy."
-> you debate over getting a tee-shirt, but rule against it. the shirt wouldn't get much use -- everyone had to wear the orange CHB shirt on camp grounds anyways. you opt for a sticker pack with different art works, already pondering where you would stick them.
-> percy gravitates towards the postcard rack. most demigods struggle to read books, but percy was at the point in his life where he didn't even bother. he wouldn't read unless it was absolutely required, even a short bit of text explaining a painting.
after a few minutes of struggling to make a decision, he calls annabeth over and makes her choose one for him. "you know more about the art than me anyways. what would my mom like?" "sally?" she hums and scans her eyes over the options. "maybe... this one?" she selects one from the rack and presents it to the boy. you meander your way across the shop to join them. you look over percy's shoulder. a statue of a man holding the head of a gorgon--medusa-- above himself. "a statue of perseus? a bit on the nose, don't you think?" annabeth shoots you a look. "i'm kidding." you look at percy, "she named you that for a reason. i think sally'd appreciate it."
-> on the train ride that would get you part of the way to camp, you discuss with percy what he'd write on the postcard. annabeth is flipping through one of her new "picture books" (as percy called them), occasionally contributing to the dialogue.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
You guys know what's wild as hell about Pjo fans ragging on Walker!Percy though?The fact that they keep saying he's not a good adaption of Percy because he's 'super lame'.Like first of all that's a child shut up and get a life bitch but also my actual point is that he's only lame from normies who think they're freaks perspective and i mean this in the sense of me being a lower class autistic adult and ex-troubled kid like book!Percy is and that's why i think both his version of Percy and Walker himself are cool as fuck.Like sorry to have to burst your bubble but Percy was never a stereotypical guy or a skater boy or a devil may care or popular in the mortal world and i'm bolding that last part as the important distinction-Percy is widely beloved BY OTHER DEMIGODS because they're also weirdos like him but regular humans still view him as a worthless and unappealing loser and this is very much intentional every step of the way.Demigods are a metaphor for neurodivergent otherhood,mortals are a metaphor for ableist neurotypicals and you guys fell for Percy's untrue self-image issues and his tormenters verbal abuse hook line and sinker.Me thinking Walker is really based is not only my opinion(and a fact)but also just me literally understanding the assigment from the get go and for ten years now lmfao!Y'all hate for his Percy Jackson kinnie and zero Peter Johnson energy swag💙
Also,i was gonna end it there but i need to add in this bonus as a black woman who's a lot like Leah personality wise and in presentation:Annabeth canonically dosen't want to be blonde because she wants to be seen as more than her looks and Leah's blackness freed her from it and erased the white feministic aspects of her to be replaced with good nerdy black girl rep so by extension her dynamic with Percy is actually equal and i love watching it which is a far cry from book!Percabeth and i hope they cast a black girl for Rachel(my beloved)too and let Jason's actor when the time for Hoo comes keep his hair black as they did Leah so all you 'Percy has a type and it's blondes' freaks will be exposed for the racists and pedo apologists you are💕💕💕
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