#play your book as a game
sentfromwolves · 1 month
hey writeblr: if your current wip was a video game, what kind of game would it be?
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amazinglyegg · 10 months
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Thank you for this vital information Fallout 4 Does The Dog Die Page
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fairydrowning · 1 year
Physically at home but mentally I'm in forest and making soup for myself.
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ashipiko · 5 months
<3 post sleepover mornings
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thestarfishface · 4 months
Because I am infected with "loving my D&D characters too much" disease I have decided that my next really big video project is going to be a dramatic retelling of the events of our D&D game (the one Verity comes from).
I'm going to narrate it and I have the other players and DM on board to do voice lines for their characters. I want to storyboard the whole thing. The first video will be the entire first story arc that covers about 6-7 months of the campaign. I've spent most of the weekend turning my rambling campaign recaps into a script and I'm probably about halfway done? The whole thing may end up being close to an hour.
I am so excited.
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bumblingbabooshka · 7 months
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Rate My Professor . Com
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bleaksqueak · 3 months
While i work I've been listening to an LP of the Telltale Walking Dead Games (the ones with clementine, I do not care about the others lmao). Ages ago when I played these I was well aware/amused that part of season 2 takes place in Parker's Crossroads/Parker's Run because I grew up right next to it and the detail stood out to me. But I never caught the line of "We'll head to parker's run. It's just up the road from here" until just right now. So I had a sort of "wait, where the fuck are they supposed to be right now?" (search)
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ARE YOU SHITTING ME LMAO So by process of elimination, since it's the only city with anything even remotely resembling a large home supply store, that would mean they're in my literal hometown. My tiny hometown in the middle of nowhere that's never in anything that barely anyone knows of. How in the fuck lmao
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moominofthevalley · 4 months
‘That’s why I keep you around. To give me more hope.’
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YOU GUYS. I am bawling at this!! Thank you so much to @oh-so-youre-a-nerd for creating this beautiful work of Trystan and Emily :’’’’) It's so beautiful!
This gorgeous and amazing piece was won from the @choicesficwriterscreations Holiday 2023 event!
I am, again, SO IN LOVE WITH IT. thank you so much for this commission. I just love this to bits!!!!!
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
hi!! not a x reader ask but more in general. What do you think Valeria, Laswell and Farrah’s weird/ dumbest habit? Adore ur stuff btw!
Hello! Thank you! These are pretty short as well, but it isn't particularly easy to come up with a dumb habit either!
Valeria’s, Farah’s and Laswell’s Weirdest Habit
Valeria: She has trouble stepping on the edge of shadows. Valeria either has to avoid the shadows on the ground or not step on their edges and step on them entirely. While she can step on a shadow’s edge if she needs to, and as long as she doesn’t look like an idiot in front of her people, she will avoid doing so if she can. She knows it’s stupid, she knows it doesn’t make any sense, but she can’t help it either way.
Farah: She counts her steps whenever she takes a short walk somewhere. Again, she doesn’t know the reason why she does it, she just does. Naturally, she won’t do it when she takes a long walk, but whenever she has a place to get to that’s 200 steps away at most, she’ll count. Even when she’s not doing it consciously, she’ll subconsciously count her steps. It serves no purpose whatsoever but it’s something she’s been doing ever since she was a kid.
Laswell: She has a habit of eating food in a specific order. The part which she likes the least will have been eaten up before anything else, that way the taste of the best part of her food can linger longer than anything else. While she will eat things in a “random” order once she’s aware she looks stupid having eaten one thing for a long time, she will always finish her least favorite part first, no exceptions. Unless there’s a salad, in which case she’ll always finish the salad first.
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bhaalble · 9 months
I like Shadowheart but I legitimately do not know where the narrative emerges from that Lae'zel is the aggressor because in every single playthrough I've done Shadowheart talks about her like three times more and usually unprompted. Lae'zel's RUDE sure but the worst thing she does to Shadowheart is tell us not to save her in the middle of a burning crashing mind flayer ship (while doing nothing to stop us if we decide to do it). Shadowheart comes out the gate suspicious of Lae'zel and is incredibly hostile and mistrustful of her not because of anything she's actually done. Shadowheart has actually done something to Lae'zel's people and she knows it but when confronted about that immediately jumps to "well it was probably stolen plunder anyways 😒😒😒" ITS NOT. ITS CARVED WITH GITH RUNES AND HAS BEEN WITH THEM FOR GENERATIONS. AND ALSO THAT WOULDNT MAKE IT YOURS.
The weirdest the game gets about this is that fight where Lae'zel challenges her to a duel and Shadowheart instead sneaks up on her in the middle of the night and holds a knife to her throat! And then starts!!! lecturing LAE'ZEL about how they need not be enemies and they could instead direct that hostility at others! This is seconds after "If the others ask, I'll say you were turning. Don't expect to be mourned" btw
To be clear this too is yuri but girl you have problems! Conditions even!
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vynnyal · 3 months
Btw I'm basically speedrunning now
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michajawkan · 3 months
Double Cross is a very fun system to fiddle with bc it has the style of modular character-building I really enjoy where a lot of the complexity is frontloaded and then actually executing the things you've built is relatively straightforward Also I like how due to the premise the "classes" are the types of anime X-men powers your characters have and that a big part of it is mixing and matching the different bits and pieces into big stupid anime finishing moves and I'd love to talk about this more but wow I am so sleepy so maybe later just know that's it's good and fun okay byyyeee
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frenchfry99 · 9 months
art advice from a friend @:)
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(old art uhh)
Random silly Lilly facts below:
• even though tigers typically feed off meat, Lilly is more keen on fruits. Her favorites are tangerines and watermelons, they even look almost the same as her. And as any child she loves sweet treats, occasionally makes them herself with Poppy.
• brings and keeps lots of her little bug friends home (not as pets, but for real roomies!), despite her siblings telling her to better not to . she's just returning a favour!
• her besties are Barnaby, Poppet (oc by @/cupophrogs) and Julie, after her siblings of course. Gets along with first two due to being a silly jester & prankster like them, and with Julie? They're just both pure chaos!
• knows a lot about bugs and animals in general, learned it from from all the encyclopedia-type books Lilly loves to read. It's actually one of the ways to get her to be still and calm, despite Lilly being super energetic & hyper. You have a fun book about animals or will tell her something new about them?? She's all ears!
• coming from the previous fact, it's the way she gets along with Frank. Sometimes they read books about bugs together and it's probably the calmest neighbors have ever seen her, but peace doesn't last long and later she pulls some prank on Frank, which they're probably used to already-
• so yeah, Lilly would definitely listen to you ramble or infodump about something, but expect that she'll tell you a lot if not more in return! Lilly is a total little chatterbox! To the point that she talks even in her sleep-
• will most definitely ask if you got any grapes when you're clearly selling lemonade-
• her musical instrument of choice is kazoo..
•Lilly does not know what a "dad" is
• loves to show off new tricks she made up or learned with Poppet, same with jokes & puns from Barnaby.
• honk
• definitely would just randomly come up to you to tell the most gut wrenching, bizarre and unhinged bug/animal fact known to a man.
Also now it's canon that she makes squeaky toy noises when she falls, prolly honks when sneezes/snores too lol(if her clown nose is on). Despite belonging to the cat kind, she can't meow or purr (tigers are built different smhhh)
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retconomics · 1 year
im gonna go to war with anyone and everyone who said att*llo needs more branching or choices like stfu fr .
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harvestmoth · 6 months
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okay now for a bunch of scribbles im not finishing
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rodentbrains · 10 months
the way sidestep ortega and chen are forever tied to each other by heartbreak mostly/especially because they cannot talk about it to each other or those who weren't there. the way that dannys feelings reflect a general truth which is that as long as they dont talk about it there will always be a wall between them and everyone else. the way they don't even get the full comfort of the quiet knowledge that at least these two other people know exactly what you went trough due to the telepathic nature of the event. the way we know the least about heartbreak from ortega's perspective who came closest to experiencing it "objectively"
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