#please don't.
greyeyedmonster-18 · 9 months
(also, stop buying art from target and ikea and Home Decor stores.
please just stop.
if you want a basic something or other for your home, and you have one person in your life who knows how to draw/make/paint things. Ask them if they wouldn't mind painting a picture of a sunset or creating some abstract squares etc for you. and pay them. not target.
i can almost guarantee they will say yes.)
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little-peril-stories · 4 months
Febuwhump Day 19 - Please don't Please stop
From The Prince of Thieves:
I don’t have time to savour the fleeting thrill of hearing someone who isn’t Baden Hatchett say my name. In an instant, he strides toward her, and a crack fills the room. Bree’s head whips to the side; the back of Hatchett’s hand comes away painted with blood.
Hatchett is still, not even seeming to notice the blood on his hands. “At least we can both admit when we’ve made a mistake,” he says softly. “I wish I’d never laid eyes on you, or on your pathetic drunk of a father. Agreeing to his offer was, perhaps, the most foolish thing I have ever done.”
…instead of just running away.
I was to be married. I chose differently.
“What the fuck.” The only words I can possibly say.
Bree’s eyes turn toward me.
And then they’re back on Baden Hatchett. “Stop hurting him.” Her head dips, hangs, goes still. “Please. Stop. Just leave him alone.”
“Oh, you miserable little witch,” Hatchett says. He lifts her chin. “So faithless, so treacherous—a whole lifetime of it. You’re begging for him again, and yet you have been keeping such wicked secrets. You didn’t tell him about the betrothal.” For the tiniest instant, he looks at me. “Did you tell him about your sweet little betrayal?”
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I need someone to tell me to go to sleep early.
It's not even 21:00 yet but I am exhausted and I know it's the best option and I should just wake up early tomorrow instead of staying up for no fucking reason
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alazyparallelworld · 2 years
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i made specific 310 critters for @fluff-bunnycat and i... these are more of the, “Ah, yeah, that’s what i look like,” vs the actual sphinx 310 i’ve done (which are still leopard/treeshew, FYI) ...
do Not ask me where ou’s ears are bc idfk. he accidentally became really froglike w the lack of external ears + webbed feet. 
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hellohoihey · 11 months
The urge to ask if someone is okay with/would like something when They are the one who Suggested it Sounds like it shouldn't be that hard to suppress and Yet
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takeachanceontoday · 2 years
Damien , do you think that talking animals like the blue hedgehog are superior to humans too? I mean they are pretty much humans in all but appearance, especially that hedgehog.
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faeriekit · 7 months
"This fic was ai generated—" Cool, so lemme block you real quick
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sadclowncentral · 4 days
i had a dream that time travel was invented and too many people choose to travel back in time to save the titanic from sinking (the question of whether unsinking of the titanic deserved so much attention in the face of human history was the subject of both heavy academic and online discourse), which caused a rift in the space-time-continuum that led to the titanic showing up indiscriminately all over the world’s oceans and sea in various states of sinking.
this caused a lot of issues both in terms of fixing said space-time-continuum and in terms of nautical navigation, and after a long and heavy battle in the international maritime organization it was decided that the bureaucratic burden of dealing with this was to be upon Ireland, much to their dismay. the Irish Government then released an app for all sailors and seafarers so they could report titanic sightings during their journeys, even though they heavily dissuaded you from reporting them given the paperwork it caused.
anyway i woke up with a clear image of the app in my head and needed to recreate it for all of you:
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synthesizerfaggot · 7 months
reblog to bonk prev with yr forehead like a cat
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notyourtoday · 6 months
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Do you know this queer character?
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Castiel is Queer and Agender or Genderfluid, and uses varying pronouns based on presentation!
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buttercuparry · 1 month
Reblog the fundraisers you mfs!!!!! I don't know why you all skip those to reblog some pic of a banner saying "FREE PALESTINE" or of news from Columbia University! Literally these people from Gaza have made an account on Tumblr and is writing in english to communicate what they need and you all are coming onto my blog or on the tag and not reblogging their posts. We have people both Palestinian and non Palestinian vetting the fundraisers! I mean more the reblogs, more the chance of the fundraisers gaining momemtum, the more there would be a chance of a donation. Please donate if you can and reblog!!! and follow them if it is possible.
@/mohammedayesh has posted about getting leaflets, telling them to evacuate Rafah. They are very low on funds. Go follow them and reblog their posts and donate if possible.
We have @/haneenatya too whose mother is suffering from eye stroke and need to evacuate. Please I have been following them for some days and it doesn't seem their own posts are getting much attention.
Follow them! They are on tumblr. Reblog their posts and donate. The protests in universities are being done on account of them. They should be our focus.
(EDIT: on re-reading my post it seems as if I am dismissing all that the students of universities are doing. I am not. I just meant, since all of it is to help Palestinians, we must not ignore them when they ask for help).
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jdropglitchartz · 3 months
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reikacchan · 1 year
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don't give up
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 4 months
Remember the 6 year old girl who was surrounded by Israeli tanks and the red crescent couldn't reach her? Her name is Hind Hamadeh. Here you can hear the phone call her 15 year old sister, Layan Hamadeh, made with the medics. She was killed exactly a moment later including all people in the car, except for 6 year old Hind who was stuck in the car with the dead bodies of her family, Israeli tanks and IDF surrounding her, shooting, preventing anybody to reach her.
That was last night (29.1.24). Today, still nothing. The fate of Hind remains unknown.
palestine red crescent ambulance team went to rescue her yesterday evening, but they have not returned as of now. We lost contact with them about 18 hours ago, and we still remain unaware of their fate and whether they succeeded in evacuating her or not.
Please, share Hind's story as much as you can on any platform. We need to know what happened to her. Put yourself in her place, how terrified she must be. Don't scroll past this.
This is Hind.
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What we need to do is convince all the disney adults in america that high speed rail would be a preferable way of getting to disneyworld compared to driving or flying. We could maybe harness their fondness for the monorail or something, but this is a group of people that has time, income, and passion that we could leverage. If we could direct 5% of the enthusiasm they have for limited edition popcorn buckets into calling their representatives and demanding high-speed interstate rail, we could get it by 2030
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