#please let leon and arthur be FRIENDS PLEASE
vi-visected · 1 year
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fic sneak peek because i can’t keep this one to myself
arthur & leon friendship is going to be my end
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larluce · 4 months
Merlin is capture by some bandits for information. Normally he would escape quickly, but these ones figure out soon that he has magic and restrain him with cold Iron. They do torture him in other ways to try to make him speak, but being cut off of his magic is what really traumatizes Merlin. He manages to escape in the end, but one of the bandits shouts at him while he’s running that he will tell the king what he is. So, even when Merlin is later save and sound in Camelot, he’s in constant fear his secret will be exposed at any moment.
The thing is, when Arthur, after sending a lot of search parties, finally finds Merlin in the woods all scarred and terrified and later Merlin refuses to talk about what they did to him, yet Merlin flinches of every touch and is constantly a mervous wreck around everyone, he thinks the worst: Merlin was not only tortured, he was raped. His best friend, the person he treasures the most and has feelings for has been hurt in the worst way possible and it was his fault.
Arthur shares his suspicions with the knights, who share his grief, and they make a vow to protect Merlin. They basically take turns watching over him. Even Lancelot believes this, since Merlin hasn’t told him anything either, but he does think there's more to it, because he finds weird Merlin hasn’t been able to defend himself with his magic. They also make their own investigations to find the bastards who did this to Merlin.
Then the day comes where a man appears in the castle, saying he has relevant information for the king regarding his personal manservant. Arthur, believing is someone who has information about the bandits who took Merlin months ago, lets him in. However when the man is about to speak Merlin storms in.
Arthur: Merlin?
Bandit: (smirks at Merlin) Hello, little pet.
Merlin: (to Arthur, begging in full panic mode) Arthur, please don't listen to him!
Arthur: You know him?
Bandit: (points at Merlin) This man is a sorcerer. He killed all my men with magic!
Silence. All the knights and Arthur somber their gazes. Is not the first time Merlin is accused of magic, but it's definitely the first time he looks so terrified.
Arthur: That's a grave accusation you're making.
Bandit: I can prove it, sire. If you allow me.
Arthur: (turns to Merlin) Merlin? (Thinking) Why aren't you denying it?
Merlin: (breaks into a crying mess) I'm sorry I didn't want you to find out this way.
Bandit: You see? he confessed!
Lancelot: Wait, why did you call him like that?
Bandit: What?
Gawain: (incipient fury) You called him "little pet". Why?
Leon: That's a strange way to call the evil sorcerer who killed all your men, don't you think?
Arthur: (conects the dots, hardening his features) It was you. You are the bastard who raped him!
Merlin and Bandit: (utterly confused) ... what? 😧
Arthur: (roars in rage an launches at the bandit)
Gawain: (does the very same thing)
Elyan, Percival and Leon: (trying their best to stop Arthur and Gawain despite being as furious cause the man can't pay for his crimes if he's turn into a pulp)
Merlin: (too stunned, not knowing what's happening or how to feel)...
Lancelot: (to Merlin) He didn't do that to you, did he?
Merlin: No.
Lancelot: (sighs in relief) Should we tell them?
Merlin: Maybe later... when they are, you know, more willing to listen.
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merrilinie · 5 months
CW: scarring and torture mention, implied murder
A storm had blown through while the Knights were on a hunt. It wasn’t bad compared to earlier in the season, but it was enough to drench them to the point that Arthur was willing to put them in an unknown cave just to keep dry.
Merlin started a fire as quickly as he could, but it was weak with the wood so damp and unlike the Knights he didn’t have as much waterproof clothing like armour. He was shaking badly and eventually Leon ordered him to stop and get himself changed and dry, though he had to borrow clothes from the others as his own were ruined by the rain.
The cold combining with the wetness of his clothes made Merlin careless, so he followed his given orders without question.
In the weak firelight and the organ he hues of the setting sun, the Knights and Arthur all stared in horror as Merlin removed his shirt while facing away from them. They watched as pale skin went taunt and pulled against his bones, the heavy scarring of his back jarring his movements in a way that was so clearly pain and not that of a fumbling fool like they had all admittedly assumed. The scars were that of whip lashings, deep and straight and much to their horror, overlapping, meaning this was not a single event that caused such horrific art to be formed on their friends skin.
Merlin felt the stares and rushed to put his shirt on, looking up for only a second before hiding his face with the shadows as he saw their sorrow and confusion.
They were all silent as he continued to dress, ignoring how they all seemed to be trying to get even a slim glance to confirm what they just saw.
Before anyone can speak, which. He knows they will, Merlin cuts them off, “It is in the past. What’s happened to me has happened and those who did it are gone. So, please, let this stay in the past. It’s where it belongs.”
More silence, though now with a few nods.
Time passes slowly before Arthur speaks, “You swear? That they are gone?”
Merlin looks at him with grief in his eyes, the story behind them reminding them of how Merlin has survived with them, how he too has held a sword in order to live through their travels and they all realise at the same time that this sieving, this torment, is not new to him.
“They all are. Every last one.”
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Who I write for/Rules;
This is a list of fandoms and characters I write for (some may be missing) and some rules, if you’re curious about a fandom or character please message and I’ll let you know if it’s someone I’ll write for or not! If you’re looking for prompts please search the tag Lokittys prompt list
Please if you’re requesting use some manners, say please and thank don’t demand I write something from you
This blog is for all ages, do not be hostile towards any member of this blog as you will be told to remove yourself immediately and if you don’t I will remove you, hate will not be tolerated this is a safe space regardless of age, sexual orientation, gender/pronouns, disability and such
If you’re wondering about a request you have but you’re worried or confused if I’ll write it or not or you’re just curious please reach out through inbox or asks and I’ll let you know! I write both romantic and plutonic requests for a wide range of characters!
Some things I will NOT write include; teenage pregnancy, smut(or related themes), underage!reader x older characters (these will ALWAYS be plutonic either a parental or sibling relationship). If you’re wondering about anything else just message! 💜
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BBC Merlin
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- Gwaine
- Leon
- Percival
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BBC Sherlock
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Buffy the vampire slayer
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The walking dead
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daisymintt · 9 months
I have too many ideas for Merlin fics so I’m just gonna dump them here, if you write one please tag me I’d love to read it!
• Arthur is seen as a traitor to the crown and is about to be killed when Merlin saves him and they go on the run and become some of the most well known bandits in Camelot, the Fallen Prince and his Warlock (inspired by Americano by Lady Gaga)
• A beast that feeds off magic goes to Camelot and takes Merlin, Arthur and the Knights embark on a rescue mission
• A visiting Noble introduces a new “sport” to Uther, sorcerer hunting. In which a captured sorcerer is released into the woods with only the clothes on their back and are hunted down by knights and specially trained hounds. Intrigued, he partakes of this “sport”. Merlin is disgusted and goes into the forest to help them escape only to become the prey. Will he be able to keep his magic secret? Or will he be doomed?
• Merlin on the run inspired by the song Run Boy Run
• Rumor Has It/Rumor Mill, a bunch of different rumors start cropping up in Camelot varying from absurd to believable
• A visiting Lady takes a shine to Merlin, Arthur gets jealous.
• Arthur and Merlin are on a hunting trip and stop at a tavern. While there they overhear a local ghost story about an ghost that of a Lady who lived in the manor up the street. Her husbands kept dying “mysteriously” and she went mad with grief. They say the manor is haunted. Merlin takes it seriously and Arthur teases him about, later they go to the abandoned manor and have an encounter with the ghost. Get trapped in the manor. The ghost carries a bloody hatchet. Nearly takes Arthur’s head off. Similar to Constance Hatchaway.
• Stardust AU
• Arthur follows in his dad’s footsteps and sets out to kill the last Druid, a boy called Emrys. Little did he know that his friend Merlin was that druid. Inspo: Still/Neva Flows Reprise
• 1920’s America Merlin runs a speakeasy
• Gaius is away dealing with an outbreak of sweating sickness at a border town leaving Merlin as acting Court Physician while he’s away.
- A visiting Nobel lady goes into labor, Merlin has to help her.
• Merlin catches a cold yet refuses to stop working, his magic is also affected. Every time he sneezes something magical happens leaving chaos in his wake. His magic stops reacting when he Gaius sneaks him a sleeping draught mixed with some cold medicine (or at least the medieval equivalent that addresses the symptoms), Arthur not so subtly frets about Merlin’s wellness.
• Merlin overextends his magic and when he gets back to Camelot he tries to do a small spell and it doesn’t work, discovers he has a “Sorcerers Cold” it doesn’t affect the physical body but the magical one. In other words, how magic is on the fritz until he can get some proper rest.
• Last Night Gus episode where they super drunk and wake up in weird places. They spend the day trying to piece together what happened last night
• A sorcerer disguised themselves as Merlin to get close to Arthur
• A shapeshifter that appears as your hearts greatest desire appears as Merlin to Arthur and lures him into a trap, Merlin has to save him. Classic who’s the real Merlin scenario where Arthur has to ask a question that only the real Merlin would know the answer too.
• A vampire arrives in Camelot.
• Merlin’s shadow has the wings of a dragon, Arthur notices
• Merlin and Arthur have been arguing over something for a while now, Leon is tired of being stuck in the middle of it and traps them in a room. He refuses to let them come out until they figure out whatever they’re fighting about. (Ten minutes in the closet trope)
• A drunk Merlin finds himself in Arthur’s room, Arthur takes care of him. Merlin is very affectionate when drunk. (Inspo: bad idea right? By Olivia Rodrigo)
• Merlin and Morgana are friends and Arthur is jealous of there close bond, Arthur thinks that they’re courting and confronts Merlin about it.
• Morgana or someone casts a spell while the knights, Arthur, and Merlin are asleep on a quest that joins their dreams together. Merlin is very skittish afraid that he may accidentally reveal his magic. Inspo: A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill! Season 2 episode 19 of Ducktales.
• 5 weird places Merlin has fallen asleep and one not so weird one (it’s Arthur’s bed)
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 3 months
Okay just.. hearmeowt.
I have this insane idea for a Merlin fanfiction and I need y'all to tell me if you'd read it!
So basically it's a Modern merthur au + modern royalty. Imagine this.
Gwaine and Merlin are detectives of the FBI. One day they get a tip from their friends in the royal palace, Sir Elyan and Sir Leon, that the huge drug lord, that has been on the streets for weeks which Merlin and Gwaine have been busting their asses to find the identity of, is Uther Pendragon. Camalot's own king.
Now that they have a suspect they only need to find a way to prove it. They decided to go undercover. It won't be too hard for them to make up a backstory since Gwaine is technically nobility, but they do need some kind of entrance.
That's why they have Guinevere Blacksmith. Gwen worked with them in the force a couple of years beforehand, but she had to quit because someone was threatening her father so she had to go off the grid for a while, Gwen settled in Camalot with her younger brother Elyan, her dad and her best and oldest friend Leon. She became a servant and has been trying to keep a low profile ever since until she could make sure her family was safe.
Gwen introduced them to Sir Lancelot, Gwen's fiance who spent some time with the druids growing up and knows about;
1. Gwen's time in the FBI, 2. Merlin's magic. she said Merlin could go undercover as Lancelot's partner and get into the banquet Uther is throwing as his plus one.
The only problem? He has to be a woman for that.
They can't take anyone else, they decided, since Merlin and Gwaine know this case better than anyone else, and they don't want to risk Gwen in any way.
So Merlin turns himself into Mary - Sir Lancelot's 'girlfriend', the daughter of Sir Lot and Lady Morgan of Caerleon and Gwaine's 'sister'.
But what happens when Lancalot gets injured three nights before the banquet? They can't send Merlin alone without an explanation! It's too dangerous. And Gwaine is refusing to be around some 'stuck up noblemen'.
So Gwen offers her other best friend instead, since she can't offer Leon who has to stay behind and take care of Lancelot, another knight of camalot. Prince Arthur Pendragon of Camelot. Of course.
So.. let me know what you think! Btw it's my original idea and I hadn't seen anything like this before so PLEASE do not steal! If this sort of thing has been made before I am so sorry and please inform me!
Love y'all~ L
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
The Shrine of Emrys: An Additional factor for Merlin's Migraines
The day began like any other which is what Merlin blames for why he felt so relaxed and not as vigilant. Maybe if he was, the warlock could have been able to convince his friends that he spied deer in the opposite direction of what will now be the reason for Merlin’s anxiety. Unfortunately, hindsight always works better after an incident occurs never before, the little fucker.
“At least it’s not a well this time,” Gwaine chimes in, interrupting the tense silence that enveloped their party the moment the shrine came into their sights.
“How does that make this one better?” Leon sighed.
“Well, none of us will feel compelled to drink it!”
In Merlin’s periphery, he saw Elyan wince, the memory of when he was possessed still haunting him. No one blames the knight though. After that whole mess, Percival and Leon made sure to keep their group’s supplies always stocked with the right amount for missions or hunting parties. They even made sure to teach their own squires how to properly ration food and water, the best places to find drinkable water, and what berries were considered safe to eat. 
Arthur moved closer to the little shrine that sat near an old oak tree. He squatted and examined how the thin rocks were piled on top of one another, how the inside of it seemed to glow (was it from magic? A trick of the light? Or maybe there were diamonds inside, Merlin couldn’t tell and Arthur didn’t say.) and how the curved roof of the shrine sprouted thick branches, harvesting some kind of fruit. Merlin watched carefully as his king looked the shrine up and down, as his lips curved into a pensive frown, as he brought his fingers to his lips, contemplating.
“What do you suppose this one’s for?” he finally asked. “This one seems…less somber.”
And it is, unless, a shrine that held sweetmeats and honeycomb inside it was one of malevolent intent. But what a strange shrine that would be. Merlin couldn’t help but ponder what kind of evil sweetmeats and honeycomb could cause. The evil of too much sugar? The evil of glorious temptation? Frankly, Merlin wouldn’t mind if he were to fall for such a temptation. In fact, these offerings almost seem to…call to him. Like they were there for him.
“Because it is less somber, sire.”
Everyone turns to Percival. The knight lets out a cough like he surprised himself with that answer, or maybe he didn’t expect everyone’s immediate attention on him. Eyes curious and surprised that he held such knowledge.
“How so, Percival?” their king asks him.
And Percival answers his king, but it’s an answer Merlin was not expecting. Honestly, he never expected such an answer to even be one Percival had previous knowledge of. 
“Because this shrine is to Emrys,” the knight says with no hesitation, “and the Druids wish to keep him pleased.”
“Who is he?”
“Will he be a threat to us?”
And so, there went Merlin’s peaceful day with nothing magic related. He wished the earth could just consume him, take him away from what’s about to transpire, but the earth stays quiet.
“No, no, Emrys is not a threat,” Percival answers, quick to reassure his friends. “Well…” the knight makes a face. “He isn’t…meant to be a threat.”
Merlin tries his best to not feel offended by such a description. It’s not like Percival knows he’s talking about the knights’ beloved manservant. Merlin shouldn’t feel the slight of betrayal as his dear friend describes him as some cryptid Fae folk. Merlin is not a part of the Fae! As far as he’s aware, anyway.
“Explain,” Arthur ordered.
So, Percival did. Percival explained to his friends all he knew about the infamous Emrys. He explained why the Druids revered him. 
(“Are we even sure this Emrys is a him?” Merlin couldn’t help but ask. Maybe if he did, then it would derail the topic and Merlin would be safe.
“I mean, that’s how the Druids refer to Emrys, but,” Percival hesitates as he considers how to answer it, “they could be wrong. Sometimes their prophecies are very vague to the point that any person could fit them, and sometimes they’re not. But Emrys has not struck them down yet, so maybe?”
And so Percival continued his tales about Emrys, with Merlin’s plan foiled.)
Merlin did note how the knight made sure to steer clear of ever explicitly mentioning the cause of the Druids’ reverence for Emrys (Uther’s Purge), but that didn’t stop Arthur from picking up on it. Percival also explained certain details Merlin wasn’t even aware of. Details like Emrys being immortal for one.
“So you mean…” Merlin bit his lip. “This Emrys can’t die?”
“Not by a mortal’s hand.”
“Ah.” He could feel his throat closing in on itself, flashes of past moments flooded his head. Past moments where Merlin felt himself cose to death or moments where others gazed at him with unbridled terror because some poison didn’t work. Merlin’s head pounds, this is too much for him to process.
Something flickered across Percival’s face. Confusion, curiosity, then something else, but his face switched to neutral before Merlin could decipher it. The knight looked back to the rest of their party as he wrapped an arm around Merlin. It almost felt like comfort. Like a reassurance. Merlin had a brief moment of panic. Did he know? Will he tell? Is this just because Percival is a very tactile person? Did he notice that Merlin was no longer feeling well?
“You said he’s born to heal the wounds of the Old Religion,” Arthur says, snapping Merlin from the downward spiral. “That he was born as the Druids’ protector and healer.”
“Not just the Druids, sire. There are more than just the Druids who practice the Old Religion.”
Arthur nodded, his eyes looking back at the shrine, but, strangely, it was like he was looking at something further away. Something only he could see. A past memory? Or maybe old words he once ignored that have new meaning to them with this context.
“If he’s here to be their avenger, why do they have to keep him pleased?” 
It was Gwaine who asked, mouth full of food. Somehow, the handsome man had found an apple whilst their friend told them all about this revered sorcerer. Probably one of the items Leon had packed for them.
(“So he’s a god?” Gwaine had asked.
“Wait, why’d you answer that like a question?”
“It’s really complicated–”
“So they worship him.”
“Yes but—”
“They hold a festival for when his power was first felt by everyone.” This one was Elyan. Both he and Gwaine exchange a look of understanding.
“And they say he is the chosen champion of the Triple Goddess.”
Percival sighed at his friends as they continued on with their, admittedly well-thought out, theory. It was times like these where he missed Lancelot, who he knew would have also brought up some interesting points that would have most likely fueled the flames to his friends’ assumptions. Although, Lancelot always seemed to know more than Percival despite him being the one raised by the Druids.
“Ok, fine, he’s a new god for them”
“But what is he the god of then? Say, Elyan do you still have those scrolls on that pantheon in the Mediterra—”)
Percival winces as he prepares himself to answer Gwaine’s question. Merlin couldn’t help but frown at that reaction. The Druids don’t see him as unpredictable do they? They view him as benevolent, right? Maybe they believe him to be wrathful like Morgana? He’ll need to meet with Taliesin soon just to make sure.
“About eight years ago, someone decided to challenge Emrys. She even went as far as to harm the Once and Future King–”
“The who?”
“There’s a prophesied king?!”
“Yes, he’s called the Once and Future King, their destinies are intertwined, he is said to bring in an age of peace and unity between those with magic and without—will you let me finish!”
The knights kept their mouths shut as Percival unveiled more about this sorceress. How she was the previous Priestess of Avalon (Merlin felt himself freeze, and he silently prayed that maybe Percival meant someone else), and that after attempting to force Emrys into joining her revenge plot against Camelot, he struck her with a lightning bolt.
“–So you see, the Druids felt that they needed to make sure Emrys knew they weren’t seeking to go against him. And while he is said to be their savior, there are Seers who have cautioned that Emrys can very well be their end if pushed too far. Nimueh’s demise was proof of that.”
Their circle of knights was quiet after that. Neither spoke nor asked Percival for more clarification, everyone too deep in their thoughts. Merlin, however, was an internal screeching mess. He had no idea that his battle with Nimueh caused such a reaction from the Druids. Honestly, with how much people continued to harm Arthur and the kingdom, he didn’t think anyone would have buckled down and built him shrines because of what he did. It was both strange and comforting, like his actions were truly being seen and appreciated, but also he felt something ugly curl into his gut. They didn’t build the shrine until he hurt one of their own.
They feared him.
Merlin wanted to sigh. He’s so tired of them solely viewing him like he was the Triple Goddess incarnate. He looked back at the shrine and how its offerings laid there to appease him. To keep him on their good side. Well, Merlin always was partial to some honeycomb. It wouldn’t hurt if he just…took the offerings, show them that he does want to see a future of peace between magic users and regular humans.
It’s not like Merlin wants to go against the Druids, but if these offerings will make them believe he is pleased with them, Merlin might as well. He wonders if someone overheard him admit to liking honey. Did they ask his mother about the sweetmeats? 
“Merlin!” It’s Elyan who grabs his wrist as it was closing in on one of the berry tarts (he hoped it was raspberry). “Do you want to get smited by Emrys?!”
It took every fiber in Merlin's body to keep a straight face. It took even more to not reply with a quip outing himself.
By the Goddess, how should he answer that question?
“No,” he said, eyes wide like a stunned deer.
“Then why did you reach for the offerings!”
What a silly question! These offerings are for Merlin, thereby he should have them, yes?
“I was hungry.”
“Merlin, we have plenty of food packed in our supplies,” Leon placated. It seemed he was trying to calm down Elyan, who became quite panicked when Merlin reached for the desired tart. Understandable though, Merlin knows Elyan meant well, but how can he explain why him taking the sweets won’t place Emrys’s wrath upon him without revealing that he is said wrathful Emrys (although he wouldn’t be very wrathful if they just let him take the tart).
“My bag is too far away though,” he said, like he was that six year old boy who followed his mother around the castle while she worked. He never wished to leave his mother’s side, so he would always complain if she asked him to fetch something a few feet away. Leon even gave Merlin the same look the boy’s mother gave him. This felt unfair. Merlin wasn’t some six year old with attachment issues. He was Emrys and this was his shrine, but he can’t tell Leon that.
“I’ll go fetch it for you, Merls!”
Bless Gwaine. Always after his own heart, that man. Not to mention, he also brought the knights’ attention to himself, granting Merlin the opportunity to swipe the tart from the shrine and shove it into his mouth. It tasted heavenly. 
Yes, this shrine thing was a great idea on the Druids part.
“What’s in your mouth, Merlin?”
Shit, he forgot to count Arthur. Arthur who only glanced over at Gwaine for a couple of seconds, and most likely saw Merlin shove the tart in his mouth. Merlin swallowed the rest of the  tart.
“Nothing, sire.”
Yes, good start, Merlin. He can play this game.
“So I didn't see you eat one of the offerings to Emrys.”
“That’s correct, sire.”
“And was it good?”
“Very, like a taste from–” shit!
“Do you have a death wish!” Elyan hissed at him. Merlin refrained from answering that question. It seemed rhetorical, and his friend probably wasn’t seeking for Merlin’s honesty right then. “Emrys killed a priestess, what do you think he’ll do to you?”
“Well, she was being rude. I just ate a tart.”
“A tart not meant for you!”
Typically, in moments like these, the party is interrupted by either bandits or rogue sorcerers. This is mostly because moments like these escalate and people get loud, alerting enemies to their location. Then, when the dust settles, they are able to end disputes more amicably (this is because all the frustration is let out during the fighting, leaving the gang tired with no need nor desire to fight their friends right after). Unfortunately for Merlin, there is no spontaneous appearance from rogue sorcerers or bandits that aid Merlin in avoiding this conversation. What there is, however, is a well placed beehive hanging just above their camp. Maybe if Merlin faked a cough he could—
A distant roar is heard, coming from the west. It pauses everyone’s movement for a quick moment until Arthur makes the order to seek out the roar, claiming that such a beast is too close to Camelot for his own comfort. Elyan gives Merlin a stern look to mean that this conversation wasn't over as he made his way to the horses. Merlin breathes out a sigh in relief before joining the knights with their preparations. Whatever creature they find, Merlin will find a way to spare it as thanks (not that it’d know what the thanks is for, but that’s not important).
my contribution to this post here and a special thank you to @bellamyblakru for beta-ing this ilysm <3 and read this fic by @0hheytherebigbadwolf that's inspired by the same post (it's very good btw)
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earlgreyinpajamas · 1 year
merthur fic recs: stop the marriage!
you gotta love some drama sometimes
1. all eyes on me by TheCourtSorcerer (@thecourtsorcerer)   
The room was clearly divided, the right Vivian’s family and the left Arthur’s. Merlin was seated on the left, and surprisingly no one was in his row. Arthur’s closet friends were all in the second row of the left side—Leon, Gwen, Percival, Elyan, even Gwaine and Lancelot… A sharp stab of hurt hit him in the chest as he saw two of his own best friends had been invited, yet he—Arthur’s best friend—hadn’t been. He could only think it was Uther’s doing.
Uther sat in the front row, with Morgana to his right looking less than pleased, and Agravaine sitting down to his left.
Merlin let his eyes drift to the right side, and sighed softly. Vivian’s family was dressed in all bright or pastel colours—it looked quite like Easter threw up on them. A great contrast to Arthur’s side, who looked instead like they were attending a funeral.
It's Arthur's wedding day, except, there's only one problem.
He's marrying the wrong person.
y’all ever just,,, love reading fics where uther is told to go fuck himself
2. have you heard the news [it's in the post] by TheCourtSorcerer (@thecourtsorcerer​)      
No matter how many times he read it, though, the image and headline stayed the same.
Arthur Pendragon, Son of Uther Pendragon of Pendragon Industries, set to marry Millionaire Cenred King within the month!  
Arthur & Merlin have been in a committed relationship for just over a year, when one day, Merlin checks the paper to see his worst fear come true.
Arthur is marrying another man.
the angst!!!!
3. My Peace, Forever Held by sirencalls (@dykemunson)
Merlin never thought getting Arthur drunk on his stag night would be anything but hilariously embarrassing for Arthur. What he never expects is a drunken confession that makes him rethink the last ten years of his and Arthur's friendship, the amount of alcohol a person should be allowed to drink, and the wedding that's taking place in less than twenty-four hours.
reading this lowkey gave me sherlock s3 flashbacks (but with unrepressed gay) but thankfully this ends a lot better and a lot cuter <3
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writing-hurts · 1 year
Merlin season six where it’s modern day and merlin (bearded colin morgan) lives in London, and when arthur (still Bradley james) comes back to life they have to save the world and whatever BUT ALSO the knights haven’t come back to life but they’re like reincarnated into new people (varying genders/races/etc) who suddenly find themselves wrapped up in this medieval destiny
(Gwaine) just moved to London and is floating around looking for a place to crash—boom. Runs into Merlin, touch of destiny and all that, Merlin lets them stay in his spare room (they don’t have a job so they “pay rent” by not complaining when arthur and merlin do it in the next room, also by doing the dishes).
(Leon) is just trying to get through a master’s program in medieval studies and classic literature—boom. Runs into Merlin at a library, both of them looking for the same ancient document for research and they get overly invested in whatever it is Merlin and Arthur are working on because goddamn these strange men know a lot about saxon-era britain and that’s the topic of my thesis.
(Lancelot) is climbing the corporate ladder in some random business just trying to make ends meet—boom. Stops Merlin and/or Arthur from walking onto the street as a car hurtles past and there’s a sort of “aha” moment Merlin and Arthur take them out for coffee talking a bit about a problem they’re having with their mission and (Lancelot) asks a really obvious question they hadn’t considered so they adopt them.
(Elyan) is friends with (Leon)’s roommate and practically lives with them and one day when they’re there and the roommate is gone—boom. Everyone’s over so (Leon) can fetch a relevant document they’re borrowing for their research and (Elyan) answers some obscure question the others didn’t know so they get absorbed into the group.
(Percival) lives outside the city working a low level job after their rugby career was a bust and—boom. The team needs some help and (Lancelot) “knows a guy” because the two worked together on a project during their undergrad and weirdly stayed in touch ((Lancelot) helped them get their current job) so when they need some extra muscle…
So we get arthur and merlin in love having to save the world while parenting a team of half-feral 20-somethings who supposedly carry the spirits of their long-dead friends
Does this make sense? Please add on more ideas
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artzzyb00-27 · 2 months
Forged in Honor{Leon x OC}
What if Mulan met Merlin? What if she fell in love after losing someone special in battle? What if Camelot made peace with an old enemy who took pride in aligning themselves with dragons and magic? Lance lives because, fuck canon.
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After the defeat of Morgana and the disappearance of Mordred, Arthur and Gwen branched out to other kingdoms. Once Merlin was appointed Court Sorceror, he began arranging peace meetings with magical kingdoms previously at odds with Camelot. A kingdom called Bugai, East of Camelot and Essitir's borders.
Sending out a message via crow, Merlin was able to contact the ruler and bring him to Camelot. Bringing only a small elite task force. Merlin kept having to remind them that in their culture their names were said in Surname, first name order, so they had to be respectful.
When the task force and regent arrived, they arrived in style. The warriors were mounted atop giant lizards that were taller than horses, and the Oxen in front pulled the carriage carrying the royals. They wore armor made from black metal with red touches on the rims. The metal wasn't smooth either, it was ridges that formed patterns into them. The carriage looked small but it had an enchantment that made it bigger on the inside.
"Your majesty, I hope your travel went well. I know it's a long journey from here to Bugai." Arthur greeted bowing his head in respect. The man in front of Arthur was older and walked with grace. However, he didn't wear formal robes, he wore similar armor to his warriors, and underneath appeared to be what seemed peasant clothes to them. Though they looked nicer than the commoners in Camelot wore.
"It was indeed. I rarely leave the palace walls, so I ensured to be accompanied by the best. My warriors have seen combat in many forms. They train rigorously, sometimes I think I'm too hard on them." A warrior came up to the Emporer and spoke.
"Your majesty if you ever lighten our training, I will skin myself." The Emperor chuckled and gestured for the person next to him to introduce themselves. As the person did, they faced Gwen first and bowed. Then to Arthur, Merlin, and the Knights standing on the left of their royal couple.
"No need for bowing here, after all, we plan to be friends. You can take off your helmet if you like." The warriors behind the pair obeyed and walked off to where the servants of the Citadel asked them to but the one here in front looked hesitant. The Emperor nodded his head encouraging them, which finally pushed them to do so.
When they removed their helmet, or, her helmet, the eyes of the knights, Merlin, Gwen, and Arthur widened. Her hair was in a braid with golden pinches onto it and her ears were adorned with small earrings.
The warrior noticed and she and her noble laughed. Her smile showed the perfect teeth she had.
"I understand the confusion, my voice isn't exactly feminine. It goes against most things in our culture."
"One of the things my royal council refuses to change. Thus I offered her this position. My second in command. Though young and beautiful, Fa Mingzhu is one of the most talented fighters of our people."
"He likes to flatter people. Like right now, he only sees the good."
"Some might say that's a strength," Merlin spoke bringing the attention to him. "Emperor Zhao, it's a pleasure to meet you."
"A pleasure to meet the legendary Emrys. Though Mingzhu tells me your name is something else." Merlin nodded and blushed slightly. The way the Emporer spoke felt like a warm hug from an old friend.
"Merlin. I apologize on behalf of our own Court Sorceress. We needed someone to stay behind and look after the kingdom, being the Emperor's niece makes her knowledgeable to run it like how his majesty wants to." Nodding his head Merlin held out his hand in the attempt of handshake.
Something she returned with a soft smile. It was now that Merlin realized how short she was.
"Please let me introduce you to our most notable Knights of the Round Table. Sir Leon, Sir Percival, Sir Elyan, Sir Lancelot, and Sir Gwaine." The men greeted and bowed their heads slightly but a certain knight caught her attention.
"Sir Leon, was it?" The man froze, not knowing what to do. He had been staring at her since the moment she dismounted her lizard. More so when she took off her helmet and when the Emperor explained a portion of her tale. Blinking nervously, Leon answered her question.
"Y-yes, my lady." The Knights next to him either looked away, bit their cheeks, or smiled smugly looking at the scene in front of them.
"After Merlin reached out I learned everything I could about Camelot, including its protectors. It impressed me how you've stood by King Arthur. You're very honorable, a trait well respected where I come from." Though she complimented him, he couldn't help but get lost in her eyes. Unlike him, hers were a dark shade of black that with the rays of the sun made them look like small galaxies waiting to be defined.
Her hair looked matted in some parts but it didn't matter. He wondered how she ever was able to make something that looked complicated, appear so simple on herself.
"Well, thank you. I'm ashamed to say I don't know anything about Bugai but I would love to learn." This very clearly made her happy, shown by the small dimples at the side of her lips when she smiled brighter.
"Mingzhu! I need you here, Merlin wants to discuss something. You can challenge them to a fight later." Flustered at her majesties chastizing she gave one last look at Leon through her lashes and ran off to catch up with her Emperor. A snort of amusement broke Leon's gaze from her.
Snapping his head to the far end of the lineup, Gwaine was looking down attempting to hold in a laugh. Poorly might I add. Leon gave him a strange look and continued to follow the others with the knights behind him.
"She seems intriguing," Elyan said making Leon hum in response. She seemed like her own writer of the story. Decisive, intelligent, delicate, firm, efficient. Remembering the sheath at her side, Leon wondered how well her dueling skills were. He was also interested in how they varied in regions, seeing as the Bugainians had a different style of life.
"Very beautiful for a woman in her position," Gwaine inquired to no one in particular. The vivid image of her face and the small scar on her face came to Leon's mind. The baby hairs dangled on her front from being shaken out of place from removing her helmet. Her stature was quite amusing to him, she was a small woman but had the presence of someone like Percival.
"What are you doing?"
"What do you mean?" Liars, all of them. Especially Gwaine.
"Never mind, meet in the courtyard for training around noon."
After meeting with councilmen with the three present rulers, which was just a waste of time if you asked Mingzhu, she took to sitting at a window still looking out onto the citadel, The village was drastically different. She missed the lanterns that would hang in every archway outside and the dragon statues that paid respect to their protectors. They couldn't bring them close into the city as a safety precaution so Mingzhu had to part with her companion.
"Are you alright?" A familiar voice behind her asked. Turning her head she saw Leon with a concerned smile. Ming gave a small side smile in return and shifted her body to face him. He then fully leaned on his left against the wall to attempt a casual conversation.
"Missing home I guess. It's not often we leave our land. Let alone this far." Leon blinked for a minute then smiled fondly.
"I've only read a bit about the architecture, is it true you have multiple statues of dragons?"
"Yes! They are wonderful," Ming sighed at the memory leaning against the wall now standing in front of Leon. Who was listening to her passionate description of the art but found himself staring at her eye expression. They found a sort of spark when speaking of the carvings imprinted on some of the statues to represent the creature's spirit.
"I admire your passion for the subject." Ming turned her head to glance for a moment, smiled, and then looked down the hall in front of her.
"Enough about my life, I want to learn about Camelot! What's your favorite food to have here?" Leon looked up with contemplation.
"I'll admit, nothing comes to my mind other than chocolate cake." Ming laughed a bit and Leon chuckled. It felt easy to speak with honesty to her. A wave of comfort that not even Arthur could provide.
Perhaps them both being in similar positions offered that likeness and available bridge to bond.
"I've had chocolate cake before, but I'm curious to see if it's any different from the one here. I should get some for my fellow soldiers to try."
"Perhaps the cook can make some for tonight? The King wanted to greet you all with a feast to celebrate your arrival. With both common and noblemen."
"That's very generous of him. Tell him I said thank you." Leon nodded, but then an idea occurred to him when her shadow moved into a specific location. Shite, it was noon. He'll possibly never hear the end of this.
"Uhm, perhaps you can thank him yourself. I have training with the other knights soon and the King as well. I'm sure after the meetings he'll want to relieve stress." Ming sighed and rolled her eyes with sass.
"Believe me, I need it too. Well then, lead the way." Leon wanted to offer his arm to her but thought she wouldn't take it. He also wanted to respect her status and simply led her along to the training grounds. Where the Knights of the Round Table were, along with Arthur, Merlin, and Zhao. He'll never hear the end of this.
"Leon! You're late for training! How odd," Never. Leon sucked in a breath of apology as Ming walked over to her ruler and spoke with him about joining in on training. Walking over to them, he glanced behind him and caught Ming staring at him. She smiled and looked down quickly, averting her gaze back to Emperor Zhao.
"Ahem," Turning back to his companions, he recognized the looks they were giving him. The same ones he gave Lancelot a fortnight ago at the tavern when a maiden approached him.
Oh dear.
He shook his head and walked into his place, awaiting orders from Arthur. Stepping in front of them, Arthur spoke as Ming walked over and stood next to Leon. He smiled at her and paid attention again.
"I realized that Bugai has an art of fighting that has not been seen or used here in Albion. So Emperor Zhao and Mingzhu will demonstrate. They will challenge us, two verse two. All for fun, nothing serious. After all, this is a learning experience," As Arthur explained, the men ordered themselves in two lines in front of the two warriors.
Mingzhu had undone her braid and turned it into a ponytail. For whatever reason, Leon didn't know, but somehow it made a chill go down his spine.
"Ready!" Zhao said as they both got into position. Lancelot and Gwaine went first. They had put their swords down to make it even but it didn't matter. With swift blocks and kicks at their legs to lose balance the two knights fell to the ground. Gwaine taking the hardest beating.
Pair by pair, the knights were beaten. Percival had been defeated by Ming fairly long due to struggle against his strength. That quickly turned into his weakness as she used it against him. Being more agile allowed her to roll to the side and throw his balance off with a swish at his calves.
Then it was Leon and Arthur against Zhao and Ming. The two leaders began right away while Leon attacked Ming at the side. While he wanted to hold back, he wanted to see how she fought when under certain attack.
Attempting a hit at her side, she blocked it and gripped his forearm. Quickly placing her opposite leg next to his, she used the momentum to flip him onto the grass. Landing with a thud, Leon felt a foot on his chest causing him to look up.
"Not much of a fight Leon." We'll see.
Grabbing her leg he pushed it off and kicked the other one causing her to fall. However, she regained footing on her hands and was able to throw herself up and do a flip landing on her feet. The knights and Merlin wowed and shouted in excitement.
They couldn't dream of doing techniques like that with their heavy armor. Looking to his right, Arthur had just been defeated so it meant Leon was the last one standing. This time Ming ran forward first and when Leon went to block, she faked out and flipped him over by grabbing his forearm again.
For a small woman, she had a lot of muscle on her. His fellowship laughed a loud and congratulated Ming. Leon began to sit up when he saw a hand in front of him.
"Almost, next time I'll be victorious." He laughed after accepting her offer and stood up.
"Maybe tomorrow, after I look forward to trying that chocolate cake with you." Smiling looking her up and down Leon heard someone call her name and watched her run off. Walking up to Arthur he found the King smiling.
"It's a good thing I allied with Bugai."
"Indeed, their combative strength will aid us in battle."
"And allow people for courtship opportunities." Leon choked on his water, spitting it out in the process.
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any fluffy fic recs? i'm really anxious and need it :(
(My Masterlist)
FIRST OFF!!! UPDATE!!! Just as I started to get inspiration and motivation to write again, my laptop broke. It was old and I should've seen it coming, but I didn't, and lost a bunch of work, and had to spend a ton of money on a new one. HOWEVER I now HAVE that new laptop and it's touchscreen with a 360 degree hinge and I love it and I'm BACK babeeeey!!!
Second off!! Sorry it took me so long to reply anon, for the reasons above, but let's get going on those fluffy recs!!
Here's a couple that I've written:
A Slight Embarrassing Exposure🧡(Around 2k. Arthur walks in on a previously kept secret, and is rather pleased about it. Lots of teasing occurs, but it’s all very soft and loving. Implied but no explicit sexual content. Merleon :D) 
Old Friends🧡��(Morgana and Elyan already know)(Around 4.2k. When Arthur, (good) Morgana, Merlin, and Gwen head back to rescue Gwen’s brother, they all discover a little more about Merlin’s past. Arthur is a little horrified, Gwen is annoyed and then uncomfortable and then fond, and Morgana thinks the whole thing is rather funny. Fluffy Merlyan Reunion :D)
The Never Ending Peace💙(Around 2.4k. The Gang gathers to celebrate one year since magic was legalised. This is nothing but softness and fluff, Merlin sings really well. Merleon and Arwen😄)
Visiting the Druids💙(around 5k. Arthur sees Merlin in Emrys-Mode for the first time, and immediately falls in love. Happy Merthur Ending :))
And here's a few of my Rec List:
5 times Merlin helped Leon through a nightmare (+1 time Leon helped Merlin through his own) OK so I absolutely ADORE this, it's one of my all time favourite BBC Merlin fics, and it's about the growing friendship between Leon and Merlin. There are no romantic ships at the forefront of this, but it's just written really beautifully and I really really Love it (around 9k)
Into the Stars MERTHUR!! Arthur is pining and very stupid, so when he finds out that Merlin loves the stars, he spends HOURS teaching himself about them, so he has something to talk to Merlin about, instead of just.... telling him how he feels. I love this, it's so cute (almost 5k)
A Dragon’s Treasure MERTHUR!!! Super cute. Becoming Dragon Lord has some physical AND mental side-effects, Merlin sorta loves it, sorta hates it. I LOVE this one and it’s just really funny and sweet and cool (around 5k)
Knit up your cloak about you MERLIN/LEON!! It's a favourite rare-pair of mine. All from Arthur's perspective. He is struggling as a new King, and wants to bring his two closest friends and advisors together, because he thinks the three of them could do astounding things if they just start to understand each other properly. He finds he doesn't actually have to put that much work in as he watches their relationship develop. It's just really well written and I love it (around 6.7k)
The Court Sorcerer's New Clothes MERTHUR!! Merlin likes to embroider to de-stress and Arthur discovers this. It's just really sweet🥺 (around 2.1k)
Over, Under, Around Through the Heart MERWAINE!! Braiding hair is a courting ritual in Ealdor. Gwaine has no idea about that when Merlin starts braiding his hair constantly, and frankly, Merlin wants it to stay that way so he can indulge in his little harmless fantasy. Except of course Gwaine figures it out. It's so cute and well written I'm in love with this (almost 5k)
You Love Me background Merwaine, but mostly focused on Elyan and Gwaine's friendship. ADHD Gwaine struggles with low self esteem and Elyan has a few things to say about that. I love it, it's so soft and sweet and wonderful (around 1.2k)
Blackberries, Griffins and a Kiss For You MERCALOT!! Mostly from Gwaine’s point of view. A few of the knights are away and Lance is missing Merlin. Gwaine tries to figure out what the inside joke involving Griffins is, but ultimately leaves them to it and is happy for his besties. It’s so cute. It’s so sweet. Lots of fluff, no dramatics, just cuteness (around 2.5k)
A Father's Wisdom MERTHUR!!! VERY ooc Uther, in which The King can tell immediately that Merlin is Balinor’s son, but assigns him to Arthur anyway. He finds out about their secret relationship and is awkwardly, endearingly supportive, despite being a little befuddled. Look, I hate Uther just as much as the next BBCM fan... but this is amazing. (around 2.1k)
For Now and Always MERWAINE!! Gwaine panics when Merlin is momentarily lost. Merlin makes a joke about marriage, and Gwaine suddenly finds himself completely unafraid of committing himself to someone for the long-term, so proposes on the spot. Straight up fluff. So sweet. So wholesome (around 1k)
Friendship Merlin and Leon friendship. Merlin is struggling to recover after the Lamia, but Arthur forces him and Leon to take a four day trip into the woods so Merlin can teach Leon about herbs and healing. Leon forces a conversation because Merlin is acting odd and it’s just very🥺(around 3.2k)
And for the ULTIMATE FLUFF (Also part of my normal Rec List but I thought it deserved special recognition in the Fluff department):
tell me what it’s like to conquer, tell me what it’s like to burn MERTHUR!! Slow-burn, what if Merlin and Arthur actually had run away together? They get on horses and ride as fast as they can for as long as they can. There’s only so long you can live with the other half of your soul before you fall in love. DOMESTICE BLISS!! THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE THINGS EVER!!! (around 2.8k)
I hope this is enough for you anon!! These aren't all the fluffy ones on my Rec List by a LONG shot, but last time I checked I think there were over a hundred fics on there so😅. If you need more, take a browse, or ask me for specific recs :D
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thesparedata · 1 year
The Pendragon In The Tower
//Media: Merlin, Rapunzel, Disney's Tangled
Premise: Rapunzel/Disney's Tangled AU. Very basic with room to build on. We can discuss the particulars together and make it our own! Let me know, if you're interested, or just reply!
Seeking: Those willing to interact with the prince in the tower, and maybe show him the wonders of the five kingdoms, if they so choose.
Discretion Advised: Uther is not a great father. Let me know your boundaries and preferences and things.
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"Father, this tower is all I've ever known for as long as I can remember.", began Arthur, rehearsing, "I know you care for me, that you want me to be safe, but I am not a child anymore and I've grown so much stronger! I think, no, I know I would be alright, if I were to come with you, next time you go. So, please, may I come with you?"
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He paused and sighed to himself crossing his arms and leaning by the window he saw the world from. "No, that's going to work. What will? How can I convince him?" The blond's only constant companion, Leon the Chameleon, had no answers. Leon merely sat on the table where he'd been placed to act as a substitute for the older man, unable to speak. "It's been so long since I last asked to leave..."
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Arthur went to the table and picked up his little friend, holding him in his hands. He'd raised him from finger-sized to hand-sized, since he'd climbed all the way up. "I just want to see all the amazing things I've heard of in father's stories! I'm not afraid..." He gently stroked the creature getting comfort from the action. It would be some time before his father returned with more tales to tell and give him the chance to talk to him.
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Shield of Camelot
Chapter 3 Elyan
Percival sighed as he sat next to Gwaine’s bed. There’d been little change while they’d been gone. When Arthur and Merlin came in to visit after they got back, it seemed like Gwaine had stirred slightly, but had gone rigid and started to thrash around. Gaius had ordered them to hold him to make sure he didn’t hurt himself and found he had formed a fever since the last time he’d checked a few hours before. Since then Gwaine had been still, only the painfully slow movements of his chest giving away that he was still alive. That had been four days ago, and Percival could tell that he wasn’t the only one anxious about Gwaine. Merlin, Leon, Arthur, and occasionally Elyan would rotate their vigil and care of their friend so each could rest and let Gaius work on other patients when needed. 
Gareth had been careful to keep his distance since they’d come back. He’d seemed more distant lately, and Percival still remembered the way he flinched when he’d went to put his hand to his forehead at the lake. It was like the younger knight thought he was going to hit him. Percival shook his head and looked at Gwaine, and put a hand to his head, pleased that the cold cloths seemed to have brought the temperature down a bit. “You’ve got to wake up soon. Please,” he said quietly. He heard the door open and shut and looked up.
Merlin nodded at him. “Anything?” he asked and Percival frowned. 
“His temperature’s a good bit lower, but still warm,” he said, meeting Merlin’s eyes. 
“Any more thrashing?” Merlin asked. 
“None.” Percival answered. 
Merlin nodded, looking relieved. “Elyan asked if you’d be up for helping him in the smithy a little bit before resting. Said he needed help with something.” 
Percival nodded, it wasn’t often that Elyan asked for help with anything, let alone anything in the smithy. He nodded farewell to Merlin before walking out, knowing Gwaine was in good hands with Merlin. 
He soon entered the smithy and found Gareth and Elyan arguing about something with Gwen watching them. She eyed him and nodded to the two, giving a silent order for him to do something. He nodded and approached them. “What’s going on?” he asked, and noticed Gareth seemed to flinch at his tone but turned his full attention towards him. 
“Mind your own business,” Gareth growled, whirling on him. 
Elyan looked relieved. “Thanks for coming, Percival. Sir Alvor wants me to fit him for some new armor, but he won’t let me touch him to measure him.” 
“I see, and you need me to hold him still?” Percival asked curiously.
“See if you can convince him first. Get him to calm down and see we’re not wanting to hurt him,” Elyan said, seeing Gareth had reached for his dagger, ready to fight. 
Percival nodded, taking notice as well. He recognized it as a fear response, and possibly a survival response as well. He had to be careful, and he had to handle this as delicately as possible, to avoid further panic from the younger knight. “We only want to measure you,” he said softly.
Gareth promptly pointed his dagger at him, trying to hide his trembling. “You’ll not touch me,” he snarled, backing away, keeping his eyes on both of them.
Percival held up his hands, showing that he wasn’t armed as he and Elyan took a step back, to show that they weren’t a threat, and only wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. Elyan spoke next. “Lord Alvor only wants us to make you new armor, and we can’t do that, if we don’t know your exact measurements.” 
Percival saw Gareth’s eyes narrow, as he tried to maneuver around them, likely intending to bolt as soon as he could. “Gareth, we’re not going to hurt you,” he said softly. 
The three kept their eyes locked, as they circled, Elyan and Percival, trying to calm Gareth down, and Gareth firmly avoiding them and keeping his dagger on them. He looked past them after a few minutes of them circling each other. He sheathed his dagger and bolted for Guinevere as Percival and Elyan heard a loud snap and whirled around. They saw one of the smaller vats of molten metal start to fall towards Guinevere and ran towards her as well. 
Gareth got to her first and tackled her, shielding her as the vat hit the ground and splattered, missing her but landing on his shirt sleeve, setting it on fire. 
Gareth yelled out in pain and Percival flinched, knowing that it had to have hurt as Elyan rolled Gareth to put it out and yelled at Percival to grab the rope that was attached to a giant bucket of water above the smithy. Percival did and pulled with all his strength, sighing in relief as it tipped over and doused them all as well as the fire that was spreading from the molten metal, cooling it to where it started to solidify.
 Elyan carefully tore the sleeve off Gareth's arm and cursed as Percival helped Guinevere up. “Are you all right, my lady?” he asked, worried for his queen. 
She nodded. “Just shaken. If Gareth hadn’t noticed it starting to fall...” she shivered. 
“I’m glad he did.” Elyan dabbed at the burned flesh on Gareth’s arm. The younger knight whimpered before blacking out from the pain. “Percival, can you get him to Gaius’s?” he asked, worried.
Percival nodded and picked up Gareth. “Will you need help cleaning up the mess from what happened?” 
Elyan shook his head. “I’m planning on investigating what happened before I do any cleaning. Thankfully today was a slow day, but if that had happened during a busier day or a tournament week...” Percival nodded, understanding exactly what Elyan meant before heading back towards Gaius’s. He couldn’t help but look down at Gareth. He looked even younger than normal, passed out like this. He looked even younger than Mordred had as well, almost like he was still in his early teens. 
Percival shook his head, as he doubted he would have been allowed to be knighted if he was that young. Also, with how scared he’d been of being touched, both at the lake and in the smithy, something else was going on. If Gareth wasn’t going to be open about it, Percival would take it up with Arthur. As much as Gareth acted like a jerk most days, Percival couldn’t help but feel a bit protective of him when he looked like this. He shivered, remembering the cry of pain Gareth had let out, knowing Guinevere could have easily been killed. 
He shook his head to clear the thoughts that plagued him as he reached the door to Gaius’s place. He opened it and heard Merlin talking to Gwaine, even though Gwaine was still unconscious. “Where’s Gaius?” he asked, scanning the room. 
Merlin startled slightly and was about to say something when his eyes fell on Gareth’s arm. “What happened?” he asked, instantly alarmed. He nodded to one of the other beds there while getting some water. 
“A vat of molten metal fell. Elyan is investigating it,” Percival said calmly, laying Gareth down.
Merlin nodded, gently cleaning the spot, flinching at how bad the burn was. “He went to visit Arthur. Said he had to check on something. Tell him and Arthur what happened. I’ll hold things down here.” 
Percival nodded. “Just know, when he wakes up, he’s extremely against touch.” 
Merlin nodded and continued to tend to Gareth as Percival walked out and towards the castle, knowing he had to deliver the message to Arthur as well as tell Gaius of his new patient and what to expect. 
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allthehumanflaws · 2 months
Chapter 7 (part 2)
"Merlin you old fool!" Arthur said as Percival laid him down in one of the houses.  "What is my life compared to all of yours?" he said. Merlin knew he was gonna die. He was a powerful sorcerer, but the bolt was also forged of magic. It could easily kill him, but he had a few thing to say. Merlin used all the magic he had to keep awake. Gwaine and Arthur sat on either side of his bed while Gaius sat near the end of the bed. 
"Gaius...when I'm gone...." "You are going nowhere!" Said Gaius even though he knew it wasn't possible.  "Tell them....about Emrys. And all he has done." 
"Merlin, please. Merlin you are not dying. You can't die! You have to stay with me, with us! Please, Merlin..." said Gwaine. No one had imagined the day Gwaine would but here he was, silently crying beside his dying friend.
"Why Sir Gwaine? Isn't George enough?" asked Merlin, a small smile forming at his lips. "He isn't our friend, you are." said Elyan.  'Oh yes? Is that the reason you all behaved so harshly? Is that the reason you all were treating him so rudely?" questioned Gaius. "It was supposed to make him mad just for a few days. Until today.." started Percival. "It's his birthday tomorrow. We just wanted to surprise him." said Leon.
Merlin let out a small laugh. He, himself had forgotten his birthday. 
"Be the best knight in Camelot for me, Gwaine." he said and Gwaine nodded in response.  "I will take care of Hunith, rest assured." said Gaius.
"I'll make sure these idiots don't get themselves killed." said Elyan tear streaming down his face as he smiled. 
"Percival...take care of Gaius for me." said Merlin, trying not to wince. Percival clapped a hand on Merlin's shoulder and smiled at him.  
Arthur wanted to say a lot and he would have if he was not crying so much. Merlin was his first friend. The only person who had never seen him as 'Prince Arthur' but as just 'Arthur Pendragon'. He wanted to tell Merlin that he was his most trusted and loyal friend but...he couldn't. He just couldn't. But Arthur just sat there watching his one true friend taking ragged breaths that would soon lead to his last. But when he turned to look at him, Merlin smiled. It seemed as if he knew.  "Arthur....Guinevere" said Merlin and Arthur understood. 
Merlin took one last look at all of them and smiled again. His magic was slipping and he breathed his last words... "When the hour of the greatest need is upon, Walk along the Lake of Avalon Call out for me  and I shall be To try and be that friend indeed."
And as he did the room was filled with tiny balls of lights. Merlin's hand fell limp from Gwaine's.  "Merlin? Merlin!?" exclaimed Gwaine, breaking down beside him. The clang of Elyan and Arthur's sword said it all. Gaius collapsed to the ground and Leon silently mourned. 
"Happy Birthday..." whispered Percival. Even though Merlin wouldn't hear it now. He would never make a joke or give comical remarks. He would never come bustling in the room with that bright smile. He would never see the banquet they had prepared. He would never see the celebrations and the feast they had prepared. 
He would never see them and they wouldn't see Merlin again...
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justalittleobsessed · 7 months
🧡 A Little Fanfic for You... Or My Fic Masterlist ✍️
Fandoms: Merlin, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (all iterations)
Total Fic Count: 29
Main Fic RN: I Get Knocked Down (But I Get Up Again)
All fics can be found on AO3!
*Last updated May of 2024!
How to Reveal Your Magic Because You Have No Sense Of Self Preservation Whatsoever: A Guide By Merlin Emrys
A series of unrelated one-shots and short stories about Merlin revealing his magic because both he and all his friends are idiots. Also, Merlin, for the life of him, has no sense of self-preservation at all and I try to embody that in these fics.
Series info as of November 2023:
Not completed
10 works (listed below)
Best + Bitter = Better (one-shot, 2,637 words, part 1 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
This was actually happening. They were being serious. They were actually being completely, utterly serious.
“You can’t actually believe this.” He gestured wildly to the group of people in front of them. Well, as best as he could tied up. This was one of the most ridiculous things he had ever heard. This was… this was… he didn’t even know. “This is complete bullshit.”
“Emrys was clear in his instructions. You must be sacrificed in order to bring peace to Albion”
The one where Merlin has had enough of everyone's shit.
Ironically Alive (one-shot, 3,139 words, part 2 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
Gwaine smiled that way he does when he wants to tick Arthur off. So really, it was his normal smile. “Seemed like a perfectly reasonable detail to point out.” He flipped his hair to the side, turning to face Arthur.
“Perfectly reasonable?!”
Behind Merlin, he heard some of the bandits shifting, whispering to one another. He was pretty sure it went along the lines of ‘what in the hell is going on’ and ‘there can’t actually be that many mysterious magical druids with blue cloaks that talk about destiny and give out magical red amulets to help stop enchantments that one sorcerer meets’, which, unfortunately, was sad and accurately true.
Merlin is never relaxing ever again. He was going to make sure of that after this shit.
Pick Your Poison (Literally) (one-shot, 2,469 words, part 3 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
So. That… just happened. Leon, in his lifetime, had witnessed many strange, unbelievable, and frankly quite concerning things. When one lived in Camelot, and was friends with both Arthur and Merlin, one usually got into a lot of crazy and unbelievable situations. And Leon was no exception.
But this. This had to take the cake. “Merlin.”
He hummed in response. It was entirely too calm. “Why did you just drink poison?” Fire, no literal fire and chaos reigned around them.
“It seemed like the reasonable thing to do at the time.”
And yet, he found himself not surprised in the slightest.
Leon pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling the oncoming headache behind his eyes. Goddamn fucking stubborn idiot.
Merlin decides poisoning himself is the best way to prove a point. Leon is just tired. So tired.
Caves and Valleys and Magic, Oh My! (one-shot, 2,603 words, part 4 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
Merlin stepped back. He was… appalled. Shocked. Angry. Slightly hungry. MAD. Who did they think they were?!
“Excuse me?!” Arthur screeched. “Merlin has magic?!”
“Yes.” Leon deadpanned. “Now please, Merlin.”
How did he get here? How did this happen to him? Why was his life like this? He just wanted to be in his nice warm bed and instead he was soaked, stuck in a magical cave, and made to listen to his friends reveal all his secrets.
Right. Sounded about accurate.
Merlin just wants to be home. Unfortunately, it seems like everyone else his different ideas. Typical.
Let's Do the Time Warp (Hopefully Not Again) (two-shot, 9,946 words, part 5 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
“Merlin, mate. He’s not lying. I wish you two were married. I, for one, would be your best man, obviously.”
"Poetry," Leon mumbled behind him, "Goddamned poetry."
Merlin gave him another startled look-voice rising in distress. “You were my best man!”
Oh, how thoughtful. Too bad he doesn't remember.
Gwaine gave him a thumbs up. "Okay."
Gwaine is generally confused about everything that is going on. Merlin, on the other hand, just wants to go back to his NORMAL, totally STRESS-FREE life. Hahaha.
Just Another Tuesday (one-shot, 3,104 words, part 6 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
Arthur… really didn’t understand what was happening here. Look, he was generally confused by Merlin most of the time - the man was a riddle wrapped in an enigma with a side of sass to boot. But this was too much, even by his manservant’s standards.
“No. I refuse to believe this. You,” He pointed at the woman, who had just been walking on water, and then to Merlin, who had just kissed the lady who was walking on water, “and you are not married.”
Merlin and Freya held out their hands. Rings that formed out of water moved onto their previously empty ring fingers.
“Oh,” Merlin said, like an ass, “I think we are.”
Arthur just wants to be in bed. It seems the entire world is against that idea.
Today Has Been Like... Torture (one-shot, 2,299 words, part 7 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
“Wait a minute… Do you have a pit of fire?”
The shack they were in was very small. Very cramped, and very much smelling of blood. They both looked around the room as if a pit of fire would suddenly appear. Merlin hoped a pit of fire would suddenly appear. That would make getting kidnapped on a Sunday worth it.
Murder Man looked at the ground sadly. “No.” His voice was quiet, sad. So disappointing. A pit of fire would’ve really spiced things up.
Merlin is positively bored. Sounds like a great time to get tortured, of course.
Call It Like It Is (one-shot, 2,900 words, part 8 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
“How do you…” Arthur wiggles his fingers, like he’s teaching magic to a five-year-old, “conjure the fire?”
“Oh, that’s easy,” Merlin starts, because what the fuck else does he have to do, and Lancelot just looks at him with that stupid look he always does when Merlin’s about to say something particularly stupid- “I call it forth from the deepest pits of hell.”
Everyone may know about Merlin's magic, but nobody knows what he's actually capable of. Merlin decides that this is a great advantage when your boyfriend is an idiot.
To Be a God (one-shot, 2,419 words, part 9 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
“Bow before me,” The sorcerer announces from his perch atop a pile of rubble, “for I am the Mighty Emrys, and I am a god.” It’s not a very mighty perch for someone who claims to be a god. In fact, it’s a very sad, unremarkable perch. Or maybe he’s just a sad, unremarkable man.
“No, I’m Emrys.” Merlin bites back.
“Maybe… we’re all Emrys.” Gwaine breathes out. Gwaine, Merlin thinks, really needs to shut his mouth.
The one where someone claims to be Emrys, and Merlin decides to put him in his place.
Just a Minor Accident (one-shot, 2,431 words, part 10 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
“I’m sorry... I must’ve misheard you. What the hell did you just say?” This can’t be real. This cannot possibly be real. He must be hallucinating. Hearing things. Maybe he’s finally lost it. That would make more sense than this.
Gwaine grins back at him with a somewhat manic smile. Merlin tries to sink deeper into his bed. “I said that we accidentally raised the dead.” No. He heard right.
The Knights raise the dead. Merlin just wants one full night of sleep, please.
The Once and Future Reign (one-shot, 7,034 words, part 1 of In Another Time series)
It started with Merlin. It always starts with Merlin.
Just One Yesterday (chapter story w/ 4 chapters, 24,076 words, on hiatus)
Merlin had waited a long, long, long time for the return of Arthur. Maybe even the knights or Gwen. What he wasn't prepared for was an ancient evil rising up to destroy the world. He certainly wasn't prepared for six new occupants in his house, who had no idea how to navigate the new world around them. But, he could handle it. After all, he was the most powerful being on the planet. How hard could it be?
Auribus Teneo Lupum (chapter story w/ 1 chapter, 5,691 words, on hiatus)
Morgana had unleashed something onto this world that had shaken Merlin to his core. Something cold and dark and not at all right. It swirled and settled inside of him, mocking his magic.
No matter what happened in the next few days, Merlin knew that nothing would ever be the same.
The Remnants of a Warlock (one-shot, 6,588 words)
Merlin sees everybody he has ever held close to his heart die off one by one. But he always moves on. He has to. So he locks it up and keep moving, because that's what he does. It's what he'll always do.
The one where Merlin watches as all his friends die. He might see them live, too.
Move Along
Mikey's got this bad habit of dying, and his brothers got this bad habit of not liking that. Mikey would appreciate it if his brothers would stop caring so much, and his brothers would appreciate it if he could start caring about it a whole lot more.
It's gonna be a wild ride.
Series info as of November 2023:
Not completed
2 works (listed below)
Mikey lives, and Mikey dies. He’s been doing it for years, and yeah, sure it’s not his favorite thing to do, but it’s whatever. It’s nothing to worry about. He’s not worried about it. He just hopes his brothers never find out, ‘cause he has a feeling that they’d way overreact.
I Get Knocked Down (But I Get Up Again) (chapter story w/ 48 chapters, 125,799 words, updates every Monday)
Mikey’s died a bunch of times and is totally Okay™ with this. His brothers? Not so much.
When the Thunder and Lightning Comes (I Know That You'll Be by My Side) (chapter story w/ 18 chapters, 50,102 words, updates frequently, side story to main fic)
Mikey lives, and Mikey dies. His brothers live too, although they don't die, and find it very concerning that Mikey continuously and worryingly continues to do so without caring. They'll get Mikey to understand that maybe that's not all that great... as soon as they figure out what's going on, that is.
Mikey keeps dying. His brothers would greatly appreciate it if he would stop doing that, please.
On Some Days (one-shot, 2,431 words, TMNT - All Media Types)
Sometimes, if he listened closely enough, he could hear their voices. Not often, not often enough, but sometimes.
It's too Quiet. He misses the Loud.
Life Could Be a Dream (chapter story w/ 9 chapters, 35,678 words, TMNT 2003, TMNT 2012, TMNT IDW, completed)
"Hey Raphie..."
"And that's another thing," he adds, narrowing his eyes, "since when do you call me Raphie?"
Since forever. He wants to say. But that was before, and this is now. He thinks he might kinda hate now.
Mikey, being Mikey, finds trouble. It's just that this trouble seems to involve him being human. It also seems to involve him not talking to his brothers, or having a dad, or being a ninja. So there's that. But all those things can be fixed, right? Something's telling him it's not gonna be as easy as it sounds.
Whumptober 2023
Michelangelo-centric whumptober fics!
Series info:
11 works (listed below)
If Only the World Could Stop Spinning (one-shot, 2,019 words, part 1 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
The world is spinning, and his head is hurting, and he's not really sure what's happening, but he thinks it'd be better if his brothers were here.
Day 1: Swooning, “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Denial Only Gets You So Far (one-shot, 1,569 words, part 2 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
Mikey is not feeling the best... no matter how much he tries to deny it.
Day 2: Thermometer
All That Burning (one-shot, 1,058 words, part 3 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT 2012)
Mikey is burning, and he is fire, and he is everything, and he is nothing. He just wants it to stop.
Day 3: "Make it stop"
Just a Flesh Wound (one-shot, 3,301 words, part 4 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
Mikey has an unfortunate night. You see, getting stabbed wasn't really a part of the plan, but here he is, bleeding out and all, and that might be a bit of a problem.
Day 4: Shock, "You in there?"
Under Pressure (one-shot, 2,965 words, part 5 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
It's just a normal patrol until it isn't. It's just a normal patrol until Mikey decides it would be fun to get himself caught up in a collapsing building. The it was not a normal patrol. Donnie should've guessed.
Day 5: Debris, pinned down, "it's broken"
A Survivor's Guilt (one-shot, 833 words, part 6 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - The Last Ronin)
Michelangelo watches everyone around him die over and over again. Never able to save them. Never there in time. And the only thing he can think of the entire time as that it would be better if he was dead instead.
Day 6: Made to watch, "It should have been me"
Don't Go Silent on Me (one-shot, 2,846 words, part 7 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
Mikey is sick. His brothers aren't answering their phones. Well. Big brothers will always take precedent over fevers, so he'll just have to deal with that later.
Day 7: Alleyway, radio silence, "can you hear me?"
Actions Have Consequences (one-shot, 3,524 words, part 8 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT 2003)
Donatello is not having a very good day. And to top it all off, his baby brother is on the verge of death. And if he does... if he goes down... all they've done will be for nothing.
On the other side, Michelangelo is thinking the very opposite. Because if his enemy, the person that tried to hurt his family comes away with only a few scratches, then it'll all be for nothing.
Seems both brothers have some issues to work through.
Day 8: "It's all for nothing"
Something Old, Something Treasured (one-shot, 3,517 words, part 9 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT 2003)
In his pocket, Michelangelo carries around a picture. It has four brothers in it – orange, purple, red, blue – and smiling, laughing faces. It’s still glossy, even after a few years. Full of love. A reminder of heartbreak and pain. He keeps it around anyhow. It’s his most treasured item.
Day 9: Polaroid
Broken Promises (one-shot, 2,228 words, part 10 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - The Last Ronin)
They keep leaving. They keep leaving him, abandoning him. They're not supposed to do that. His big brothers promised him, after all.
Day 10: "You said you'd never leave"
Not the Best of Days (one-shot, 3,926 words, part 11 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
Waking up in a cell is not the best place to wake up, nor is it the best way to start the day. He just needs to figure out how to escape, how to reach his brothers, and most importantly... how to not die at the hands of this psychopath.
Day 11: Captivity, "No one will find you."
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none-ofthisnonsense · 3 months
Merlin S3E2, “The Tears of Uther Pendragon: Part Two”
Merlin is in a cave somewhere. With Kilgharrah.
Is the mandrake root some sort of voodoo doll?
I’m actually extremely surprised Kilgharrah let Merlin ride on his back.
Soft variation of the theme music. I like this melody.
So Morgana’s threatening Merlin now. Great. (And they’re locked in a staring contest.)
Cenred and Morgause are SO toxic. I am, once again, in love with her voice.
Yeah no, still not a big Gwenthur fan. Please just let them be best friends? Loyal to each other until the end? Not lovers?
Morgause feels more nuanced than Morgana in her performance. Which is weird. But Morgana is so wholly one-sided… I like that about her. But it makes her lose nuance.
The “Sire. It’s time.” And Merlin’s whole demeanour in that scene and on the ramparts… And the whole destiny thing… I love serious Merlin. I wish he’d appear more often when talking to Arthur. I LIVE for these conversations. I’ve definitely got a new favourite scene and it’s that one. Well, all those in that 5-minute span.
Uther’s fighting…
Morgana is scary.
She’s in the dungeons. Nothing bad will come of this, I’m sure,
Leon you better not die. I like you too much.
So he’s still not telling her he has magic huh?
Merlin you better not have killed her
So Cenred has some morals.
Camelot burning…
Oh I’m going to be sick
Well, at least one thing hasn’t changed.
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