#pls bring tissues
temnurus · 10 months
Wangxian Top Ten Fic Recs
So. I got into MDZS/The Untamed back in February, & I've sort of fallen into a Wangxian black hole from which I am not sure I will ever emerge. Thusly, I've been reading a ton of Wangxian fanfiction lately & have acquired quite a few favorites. Naturally I had to eventually compile a rec list lest I combust with all the barely suppressed love I have for this ship.
Now you lucky people get to reap the benefits of all my hard work because not only have I ranked my top ten, I am also including a bunch of honorable mentions because I'm ridiculous & have no self restraint because I'm such a kind & generous person. Note that the honorable mentions are not ranked & are listed in no particular order.
Fair warning, all of these recs are rated Explicit because I enjoy either a sprinkling or a flood of adult content with my fics. It's far from the focus of many of them, but it's there to varying degrees in each. Also, some of these fics cover some heavy content that may be triggering for some folks, so please do mind the tags & any authors' notes for your own peace of mind.
And with no further adieu, onto the recs!
1. Scars Where They Used to Be by CwythanWind (E, 58,467)
Thoughts: I lost count of how many times I cried in this fic. It was gorgeous in every sense of the word. The characterizations were phenomenal. Wei Ying’s pain was palpable, & the pining was agonizing. Lan Zhan conveying his love through poetry made me sob like a baby twice. The prose was just that beautiful. I can’t recommend this enough. As soon as I finished it I knew it was going to become my favorite Wangxian fic, & nothing has managed to top it yet.
2. Beneath Your Skin by Wrenwolf (E, 147,201)
Thoughts: I was sold on tattoo artist Wei Ying from the word go, haha, but Lan Zhan as an antiques dealer was also surprisingly on point. I go on about characterization a lot in these recs, but I have to tell you that Lan Zhan's here is one of my absolute favorites. I felt like I'd crawled into his skin & was just living there right along with him. And don't get me started on Wei Ying in this fic. I just.. fuck, I cried so much, y'all, & it was incredibly cathartic. Nie Huaisang was my favorite side character in this, & they were an absolute BAMF! You can't go wrong with this one. It's just stunning.
3. Pentimento. by orange_crushed (E, 72,966)
Thoughts: This fic was full of sentiment: regrets, longing, & so, so nostalgic. The love of art was apparent & beautifully on display here, & it added a richness to the whole thing. I cried several times during this from the empathy I had for both Lan Zhan's & Wei Ying's experiences (can you sense a theme with my favorites making me overly emotional? lol). The tone got heavy in places, but it didn't feel graphic or overwhelming at any point for me. The writing was just fantastic, & I've enjoyed a few more of the author's fics since I read this one.
4. i'm gonna drown when you wake up by teenjiism (E, 51,752)
Thoughts: I related to this fic on several levels because both characters are portrayed as neurodivergent in ways that felt very authentic, & I rarely see it done as well as it was here. I have ADHD, & Wei Ying's headspace felt extremely familiar, ha. Lan Zhan & Wei Ying's friendship was so lovely here, too. I adored their easy intimacy & how they were each other's favorite person before Wei Ying even realized he was in love with Lan Zhan. Oh yes, this is another fantastic oblivious Wei Ying/One Brain Cell WWX Strikes Again fic. The pining was perfect, & the overall sweetness of their relationship made this a very floaty/happy reading experience for me, personally.
5. Nothing But Trouble by brooklinegirl (E, 60,318)
Thoughts: Continuing with the theme of One Brain Cell WWX Strikes Again, this was a hilarious & heady fake dating scenario fic. His cluelessness reached new heights in this one, & I about died when he came up with the idea that naturally he & Lan Zhan should practice things like kissing for authenticity's sake. (Oh Wei Ying, you sweet summer child... he kills me; can you tell?) I loved how matter-of-fact Lan Zhan was about the whole thing, too. I laughed a lot during this fic. I even blushed a couple of times, too! Highly enjoyable & a must-read for me.
6. you've ruined my life (by not being mine) by cicer (E, 132,713)
Thoughts: None of the parents in this fic are doing a good job, but hey, they didn't in canon either, in my not-so-humble opinion. It's not what I focused on in the fic, but the tags certainly amused me. I haven't come across many texting fics in MDZS, so this was a pleasant & welcome surprise. The whole fic wasn't done through texting, but their text exchanges were SO CUTE. Lan Zhan texted exactly how I thought he would in this, & it made me laugh every time. The pining was lovely, & when they finally got to see each other in person again in New York I was glued to my computer until I finished the fic. I adored the tone of this one. It was great & just a really fun read.
7. and so my heart beats wildly by lily_winterwood (E, 106,435)
Thoughts: This was one of the most original modern AUs I've seen & featured competitive cultivation that had a Hunger Games meets professional figure-skating competition vibe. It was wild, but it made sense when I read it, I promise. The author was very good at fleshing out their world, & I was fascinated by the concept. Wei Ying once again failed to notice Lan Zhan was in love with him, & his confusion over their interactions never failed to entertain me. I never get tired of their dynamic, y'all, & it was just perfect here. I highly recommend this one.
8. Falling to the Rhythm by Selenay (E, 128,916)
Thoughts: Ever seen So You Think You Can Dance or Strictly Come Dancing? This was basically that but Wangxian! Wei Ying was stunning as a professional dancer being handed a socially awkward, concert violinist Lan Zhan & having to teach him to dance in front of the nation for 12 weeks, & I absolutely loved Lhan Zhan in this. He was precious. The sexual tension during some of the dances was electrifying, & watching them fall in love over the course of the filming of the show was a delight to read.
9. Two Dollar Coffee by marizousbooty (E, 145,286)
Thoughts: I almost fell out of my chair laughing because how do you acquire an accidental sugar daddy?! Well, if you read this fic, you'll find out. One Brain Cell WWX Strikes Again! Yeah, it's one of my favorite AO3 tags, so sue me, lol. The sex was obviously one of the highlights, which I am known to enjoy in a fic (don't judge me, Puritans), but it certainly wasn't the only thing that was well written here. I loved everything about this from beginning to end.
10. things that make it warm by yabakuboi (E, 33,327)
Thoughts: This fic hurt my feelings, not gonna lie. I cried ugly tears at the break up, but I've always had a hard time with reconciliation fics. It was very worth it, however. The way the fic covered their relationship growing & changing over time was very compelling, & a highlight of this for me was Wei Ying's relationship with the Wens, particularly A'Yuan. It was very sweet amongst an ocean of angst, haha. I read this in the span of a couple hours. Just couldn't be torn away. If you're a sucker for angst with a happy ending, then you might want to check this one out.
Honorable Mentions
The Simplest Way Forward by harriet_vane (E, 70,972)
Thoughts: This was so heartwarming I couldn't stop smiling over how adorable it was. Kid fics aren't typically a favorite of mine, but I do enjoy a really good one every now & then. This was one of the best I've read, to be honest. A'Yuan was the sweetest little angel, & he was so cute with Wei Ying spazzing out about every aspect of his care. Lan Zhan being the quiet, responsible source of reason & support was expected but of course always a welcome addition to the mix. Accidental Baby Acquisition isn't a tag I'd seen before, but it's a new favorite when it comes to Wangxian getting to be surprise parents together, haha.
undone (the spreadsheet song) series by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 282,452)
Thoughts: This is a two part series that tells the same story from each love interest’s point of view, a la Rivals by Reiya in the YoI fandom, which is one of my favorites of all time. Similarly, this story is also phenomenally written. I was sucked in immediately & read both fics over the span of like 3 days. I actually read Lan Zhan’s POV fic (the second in the series) in a single day. I was spellbound by the whole thing, couldn’t get enough. I highly recommend this. The characterizations are incredible, & the emotions are so intense I couldn’t help but feel everything right along with each of them as the story progressed.
My only word of caution is that if you have a hard time reading about Wangxian being intimate with people other than each other you might want to skim/skip those sections of the second fic like I had to. The author makes it fairly easy by giving a heads up in the author’s notes at the beginning of each chapter in which that occurs, which I very much appreciated.
Many happy returns. by orange_crushed (E, 25,470)
Thoughts: This fic started with a very serendipitous first meeting between businessman Lan Zhan & Wei Ying, who he mistook for the (non-sexual) escort he'd hired for the evening. I nearly died of mortification right along with poor Lan Zhan when he figured out his mistake. Him confessing this to Wei Ying was painfully awkward & hurt my heart, but fear not! We all know I can't handle a fic without an eventual happy ending, haha. Watching their instant connection develop into something more was such a treat. I loved this fic quite a lot for it being a quicker read for me.
Multiphonics by androkastia (E, 63,705)
Thoughts: Wei Ying was such a lovable disaster in this (as he often is, bless him). Him & Lan Zhan both being in the orchestra was a fun idea, & I loved the author's choice of the harp for Lan Zhan's instrument. I thought it was very different from the usual violin or cello choice I've seen previously but still suited him perfectly. I also loved his overall characterization, down to his fashion sense being tastefully eclectic when his style is usually portrayed as very stuffy & conservative. I really enjoyed this college/university AU, & I've read quite a few of them at this point. So obviously this one stood out.
No Compasses, No Signs by brooklinegirl (E, 36,041)
Thoughts: Ah, finally! A soulmate fic. A Temnurus rec list really wouldn't be complete without at least one. This was a modern AU, which made it especially fun when their soul bond inexplicably manifested as they literally collided with each other on the sidewalk. It was painful watching them fumble for answers to why they suddenly knew things about each other they had no way of knowing only moments before, but the sweet conclusion made it more than worth the temporary angst.
A Haunting Love by Selenay (E, 64,621)
Thoughts: This was another very unique modern with magic AU, & I was nervous because Wei Ying was a ghost haunting Lan Zhan's new house in the quiet little town he moved to in order to write his next novel. Naturally Lan Zhan became ensnared by the mystery surrounding Wei Ying's departure. This had a very romantic feel to it, intensely poetic in a way that I found very alluring. There were even thriller-esque moments towards the end of the story, so it had a bit of everything, all of it equally satisfying to read.
love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360,042)
Thoughts: This was an example of a cool MDZS-specific trope I hadn't seen before, & in it Wei Ying, the infamous Yiling Patriarch, was a cultivator who had achieved immortality (aka, he's OP as fuck but in a fun way). The great sects enlisted his help to win the Sunshot Campaign, & what did he demand in return? Lan Zhan's hand in marriage, of course! It was a fantastic slow burn in which poor Lan Zhan suffered the mortifying ordeal of falling in love with his own husband. An amazing & complex plot, chock-full of angsty goodness.
a place to hide (can't find one near) by yiqie (E, 76,091)
Thoughts: I'm giving y'all a heads up first thing that this fic pulled no punches when it came to the heavier subject matter covered in the tags & author's note. Some of the descriptions were fairly graphic, so please take care of yourselves when considering this one. That said, it was a powerful portrayal of someone suffering from mental health issues & the long & often complicated journey of healing. This one also happened to contain a love story so beautiful that I was brought to tears several times by Lan Zhan's patient & loving care for his most important person, nevermind all the times I cried at the sad parts! I found the emotional cost of those very much worth the payoff of their happy ending, which is why I just had to include this one.
Just You, Just Me (Just Us, Just We) by wincechesters (E, 19,777)
Thoughts: Lan Zhan thought his brother made him an appointment at an acupuncturist & was aghast when he discovered it was for a session with a professional cuddler instead! Enter Wei Ying, gratuitous cuddle therapy, & his usual chaotic charm. Poor Lan Zhan being so overwhelmed while also becoming hopelessly besotted made me laugh, bless his fragile little heart. This was an adorable & light-hearted fic that made me want to go back & reread it almost immediately, haha.
my age has never made me wise by idrilka (E, 63,439)
Thoughts: I absolutely loved this. It was pretty CQL (The Untamed) compliant & told the post-canon story of Wei Ying wandering alone as a rogue cultivator after the events of the show. Of course he was pining after his zhiji the entire time, so when he heard gossip that the Chief Cultivator might be married by summer's end it nearly undid him. The angst was excruciating, but at the same time, One Brain Cell WWX Strikes Again fics somehow always manage to be fun at the same time. I've read several post-canon, wandering Wei Ying stories, & this one was particularly good.
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dipplinduo · 3 months
Lmao. Okay real talk though I wanted to get Chapter 17 of Sweet & Sour out as well, but I ran out of time today. Gonna be a little busy for a bit so I'm hoping to get it out by the end of the week! Hope you can enjoy this Drayton/Carmine fic update in the meantime. :) <3
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wonryllis · 3 months
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. . ──𝖺𝗅𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗇𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗅𝗒, 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝖽𝖺𝗋𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾𝗌𝗌.
﹙ 𝒘𝐞𝐛 ⭑ 𝒅𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝓁𝓈. ﹚ enhypen being the rhys larsen to your bridget. fem!r. fluff, fluffffff and fluffff. requested. wordcount` 1907. アーカイブ ARCHIVE?
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gives you his coat, heeseung always makes sure to be properly dressed to accommodate you. taking out his warm fuzzy coat for you to wear when you're cold and don't have enough layers to when you need his jacket to cover your lap while seated, your dress riding up. although he absolutely loves having his hands on your tender skin, kneading your thighs when you sit beside him to his arm hooked at the curve of your waist able to feel the heat off your body; he'd rather have you feel comfortable and free.
holds all your stuff for you, like your jacket when you're too hot and don't want to keep it on anymore, your heels when your feet hurt; his big shoes switched with your dainty heels that are a bit too small for his feet, your purse with all your makeup and tissues and glasses and sunscreen and everything you think you need; in his hands the moment you step out the door. and it's not like you have to say anything, he just does it himself first.
let's you raid his place, the spare key, the passcode, his schedule, you know everything and you are always free to show up and use his house however you want to. you can empty the fridge and dirty the kitchen trying to cook, mess up the living room and heeseung would come back and ask you if you had fun, in fact his fridge is filled with things you love and the cabinets are filled with appliances you like to use to experiment the recipes you come up with.
opens doors and helps you sit first, the car door, the restaurant door, the cafe entrance, your apartment unit door literally every door he possibly can he opens and stands back to let you walk through it first. and then when you reach the table, he's pulling your chair to help you sit first before bringing the drinks you want or the desserts you like or ordering the food. in the car he'll open the passenger door for you, and offer his hand to hold onto while you get inside and then put on your seatbelt for you.
buys you anything you want, that little dress that caught your eye at the mall but they were out of your sizes, the necklace you saw in a tv commercial that you seemed to like a lot, the heels you said looked good on one of the fashion magazine models, it's all in your bedroom in a week. literally any thing that you show interest in, jay makes sure you have it one way or another. asking you to doll up and do a pretty show for him.
takes you out to wherever you want to go to, you have to just mention it even if it's in the passing and jay will take you there as soon as he can. from little dates in a new bakery to destination vacays nothing is impossible when it comes to you. the new restaurant with months long reservation and holiday stops that have all year round bookings everything is at you feet in an instant flick of a finger.
gives you piggyback rides whenever you ask for it, when your feet hurt, when your heels break, when you twist your ankle, when you're tipsy, and when you just feel like it, jake is always ready to hold you against his back, arms hooked under your knees, one hand holding your shoes, heels, slippers. and all he asks for you to keep giving him kisses every two seconds to charge his fuel as he races you down the road while you both giggle and laugh.
let's you do anything with him, a wide range of things. experimenting with makeup on him, tying his hair into little ponies, dress him in funky outfits, drag him to little places any time of the day, from cute manga cafes to fancy dinner reservations he has no idea of (but he's paying for it, he swears) he just loves being your boyfriend it doesn't matter what you do.
buys you anything that reminds him of you, he sees a little penguin plushie that looks a little too much like you, he's getting it. he sees a dress he thinks would look way too pretty on you, he's getting it. he finds a cute plant he thinks you'd love to have in your room, he's getting it. he comes across a bunch of fresh flowers he knows you'll be so happy to receive, he's getting it. he finds a lotion that smells like you, he's getting it (for himself lol) and also he'd absolutely buy anything you said you wanted, he'd rather descend to hell than let you buy anything yourself.
drives you everywhere, college classes and weekend internship to girls' night out and midnight cravings. he'll put alarms to be right on time to drop you off wherever you'd be going and then later waiting for you outside your university gates, at your workplace, by the night bar to pick you up and get you back home. always waking up at once when you tell me you want to eat something and immediately taking you there in the middle of the night, telling you to sit wherever you want or wait in the car while he gets you your food.
let's you borrow his clothes and accessories, he absolutely hates the idea of his clothes touching someone else skin unless it's you. allows you to just grab anything from his closet you'd like without any need to ask him ever. sometimes he'd even pick something himself and ask you to wear it for him, to cover it with your soft scent. showing off to his friends when he wears that saying my girlfriend wore and it smells like her, pretty right?
takes pictures of you anywhere you go, most of times he'd be tagging along with you with his professional camera he got in a limited edition just to store photos of you. he'd carry it everywhere you go together and click random candids and spontaneous videos. always asking you to pose pretty for him and taking pictures until you're satisfied. later editing it in a long video he plans to surprise you with. a heartfelt video, a look into you through his love filled eyes.
gets you your favorite food and desserts any time of the day, he knows everything you like and he knows when you want it too. always surprising you with it whenever he gets the chance. looking up new places to take you to, exploring all kinds of food and sweets. making special reservations in places famous for dishes that are to your taste. bringing you new baked goodies in the middle of the day or at the break of dawn. plus point if you asked for it he's getting you that within an hour.
makes you special handmade gifts for special occasions, he thinks it carries more meaning if he puts in efforts to prepare something from scratch for you, so that everytime you look at it you think of him. like a little couple bracelet, or custom perfume, or crocheting you a pretty top. and if he bakes something for you he'd always film your reaction eating it, his laughs and giggles recorded along in the background. the special little moments of simple love where you both make each other happy over the tiniest things.
ready to learn anything just to please you, from short time hobbies you pick up like drawing doodles and gardening plants to taking professional classes like pottery and ballet. he'd do just about anything to make you happy, tagging along as company so that you can share even more interests together. he'd also take secret candle making classes when you start getting obsessed with them to make you his own ones. using scents that'll help you feel relaxed.
brings you flowers and small gifts every week, he needs to see you smile uncontrollably at his actions and what's better than to give his pretty girlfriend receive pretty flowers, always making sure to get a new bouquet before that last one withers. and anything he sees, tiny little small things that remind him of you and that he thinks you'd love he'll buy immediately and show up at your doorstep to give it to you with a short sweet cute handwritten note along with it. sometimes he'd hide it and put directions all around the house for you.
fixes your clothes and helps you put on your shoes, he loves loves and loves being able to be of help to you, fixing the hem of your dress or skirt when it hikes up, tugging the straps of your crop tops and sundresses when they slip off, tying the strings of your backless tops if they come undone. removing your hair out of the way when it gets stuck under your clothes, tucking in your bra straps when they accidentally show, you just gotta doll up and jungwon will make sure you look best. sits you down before going out, getting on his knees to slip on your heels or sneakers himself.
always has a hand on you when you're outside to make sure you're safe, makes sure you're always on the side away from the road, his hands on your waist to hold you in case you'd trip and fall or someone pushes you. hands on your thighs, when you are in some restaurant, or holding your hands even if he's busy talking to someone else around the table. he just loves to hold you. it's become a habit at this point.
buys an extra of things you use a lot, anything that you seem to have a habit of using, he'll look thoroughly and get or order it to keep it with him in a small bag he takes everywhere with you. and when you seem to forget to bring yours, he's pulling it out his pouch and handing it to you. your regular cherry lipgloss or your shea butter lotion or your peach scented handcream, your compact powder, sunscreen stick, aloe wipes, your soft fragrance deo, apple mints you much on and just about everything.
patiently waits for you to get ready, he will wait for a million gazillion years for you, and only you. sitting on your bed or outside your room, either watching you or taking candid pics or just looking through his phone. even if you take an entire hour deciding an outfit he'll sit with a grin and help you choose, telling you his thought on each option. even if you end up wearing something you totally said you wouldn't in the end he's just happy to be of any help.
let's you use his account to play games, his life lies in his game accounts, but if you say you wanna try playing something he'd sit you with him and teach you how to play, encouraging that you're doing so well even if you're making an absolute blunder. if you insist on multiplayer mode he'd definitely let you win, happy to see you happy. and if you mess up something on his account he won't say a word. he can just do it again.
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taglist ( open. ) @kangseulgithegreat @s00buwu @luvyev @pockyyasii @nctislifue @ashtxrie @miniature-tragedy @jayujus @brachives @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly @eeunoia @nxzz-skz @shawnyle @enhaswirlds @enhasnuggles @potato0579 @enhastolemyheart @belowbun
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kudamono94 · 2 years
Ah yes, Hamegg and his slightly less attractive ‘brother’ Tonanshipei...
This is going to be like Fry and Yancy all over again for me, isn’t it?  :(
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doki-doki-imagines · 5 months
Happy new Year! I wanted to request an Reader with healing powers by touching,healing the boys of Mortal Kombat pls?
author note: Thanks! Happy new Year to you too!! As someone studying to become a doctor this request is a little to perfect LOL. feat. Earthrealm guys for my own sanity this time, but if you want you can also ask for Outworld ones.
Johnny Cage: -He doesn't believe in your powers AT ALL. -I'm not saying Johnny can't wait to hurt himself, because pain sucks, but he may get a bit careless… -He's gonna cut his finger with paper, the most stupid wound that sting like a bitch. -He visits you, you don't laugh at him, just touch his index with yours and…voilà! No wounds anymore. -He is stunned, mouth open. You absolutely need to come to Hollywood and let people pay, you know how rich you can get?? -Johnny will be attached to your hips, wounds or not. If he can't get you out your clinic he wants at least a date with the cute doctor.
Kenshi Takahashi: -He visited you after the Mileena accident. -Sadly you can't regrow new eyes, being able to heal just from tissue that is alive. -That doesn't mean you can't help him soothing his pain! Or decrease the itch he feels from the skin that grew there. -Kenshi visits you frequently, not just for medical reasons but also to share a cup of tea together, your chats a relaxing moment during frenzy times.
Raiden: -He doesn't visit you often, but when Raiden does he has a kind voice, even with broken bones and teared skin. -Luckily most of the time Raiden wounds aren't that serious, but he tends to prolong his stay in your clinic. -At times he felt asleep on the bed, heavy breath and some times snores. -He is so cute you never wake him up, but pulling a cover on his body to keep him warm and comfortable.
Kung Lao: -He has never been proud of the wounds and scar that he has, but at least now Lao can see the positive side of the bruises; visiting you. -You don't say he is dumb, and treats him with utmost care, your soft fingers on his skin make his heartrate speed up terribly. -Lao hopes you don't notice, hiding his real emotions under puns and flirty jokes. -You can totally feel Lao's heart, but find him cute, trying to sputter out puns to make you laugh, so you let him act.
Liu Kang: -He asked you to help at Wu Shi Academy because he knew about your powers. -Liu Kang made sure you had a tiny house of your own, separated from training grounds, but near enough to run to you in case of emergency. -He doesn't suffer of any injury, but he often visits you to ask if you are fine, just chit chatting about your days. -Every time Liu Kang visits you he brings a present, each time it gets more expensive. Maybe one day you'll pick up the signals, or maybe you could heal his broken courage; it has been awhile since Liu Kang asked someone out.
Geras: -He also doesn't need any kind of healing, but when someone is wounded he runs to you. -Most of the time you talk about work, you tried to pry informations about the you of other timelines but Geras never budges. -So you started to gossip with him, useless stuff, but you know he'll never tell the secrets out. -He listens to you, already knowing everything, but Geras enjoys your company so he sits still, your voice almost lulling him.
Bi-Han: -Doesn't trust you, he has never heard of healing magic. -But there you are, on your knees, him laying on the ground, your fingers repairing every cut, every wounds on his body with a mere touch. -Bi-Han starts to visit you more often, he wants to know your secret, the Lin Kuei's doctors could only improve with your guide. -You laugh at his proposal, telling him this is a gift you have since you were born and that you prefer your magic to be of everyone usage, not only his ninjas. -He scowls and exits your house. But Bi-Han won't give up, he'll convince you one day, he is sure of it.
Kuai Liang: -He doesn't have the time to have doubts about your powers because the first time Liang heard of you is the time you are healing him. -Now it is too late to heal his face scar, but for sure you can help him with his other wounds. -Liang begs you to join Shirai Ryu, but you refuse "You are good people, but my power is for everybody, not just your clan." -He accepts it…and trasfer Shirai Ryu base near your house, enough that if his men needs help you'll be right there. -And maybe Liang would be able to visit you not only for work matters…
Tomas Vrbada: -He visits you mostly because everybody is talking about your powers. -Tomas brings food, while you prepare a hot beverage for you two. You chat about your days, 'till Tomas finally asks you the question that has been wandering in his head for too long. -"So, are your powers real?" -You smirk into the cup, but don't reply. You take a knife and do a small cut on the back of your hand, you are so fast that Tomas cannot stop you. -He cannot also because the moment a drop of blood spill the wound has already healed itself. -Tomas is astonished, wide eyes. -"You are so damn cool." -You hope he'll visit you more often, you enjoys his company. Let's hope Tomas will never come for working matters, tho.
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chrisevansonly · 11 months
𝐦𝐨𝐦 & 𝐝𝐚𝐝 𝐩𝐭3 | 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨
✯social media au
✯daniel ricciardo x female reader
✯mom and dad are back at it again…oh yeah and we can’t forget lando too
✯just a little pt3 for mom & dad!! i’ve really loved this little series i think it’s kinda cute🥹🫶🏻
part 1 part 2
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liked by danielricciardo, lilyhme, landonorris and 765,000 others
Mila is with her favourite person in the world today which means mom and dad get to go on a date to celebrate 7 years together, i love you danny thank you for filling Mila and I’s life with so much love, laughter and sunshine, here’s to forever❤️
tagged danielricciardo
see 89,000 comments
username happy anniversary to my parents!!!
username our favourites!!!
username danny + y/n forever!
redbullracing congrats to our favorite couple!❤️
landonorris enjoy your anniversary!!
>ynricciardo pls send more Mila photos shes so cute🥹
>landonorris on it!! we’re having lots of fun♥️
username lando and mila hanging out pls
danielricciardo happy anniversary my love, i love you and mila so much
landonorris added to their story
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liked by scottyjames31, redbullracing, ynricciardo and 1M others
happy anniversary to my world, thank you for bringing Mila into our lives and for loving me, even when i miss the laundry hamper 50% of the time, here’s to many more♥️
tagged ynricciardo
see 105,000 comments
username HAHAHAHA 50% of the time😭
username my parents 4 LIFE
ynricciardo more like 100% of the time babe nice try🙃
ynricciardo i love you so much though❤️❤️
liked by danielricciardo
username y/n came to correct her man as she should
maxverstappen1 happy anniversary!! 💙
liked by danielricciardo and ynricciardo
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liked by quadrant, ynricciardo, mclaren and 2M others
just doing my duties with my favourite ricciardo❤️
tagged ynricciardo and danielricciardo
see 145,000 comments
username godfather lando in action
username omg these are so sweet🥹
ynricciardo lando these are so cute, she really loves you, thank you for taking such amazing care of her and making her so happy🩷
>landonorris always mom🫶🏻
>carlossainz55 hand me some tissues pls
username lando still calling y/n mom😭
danielricciardo mila makes these photos cute fyi
>landonorris well obviously 🙄
mclaren our favourite little future mclaren racer!!
>ynricciardo no racing.
>mclaren yes ma’am 😅
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liked by landonorris, wagsoff1, danielricciardo and 1M others
baby ricciardo #2 is on the way!! i couldn’t wait any longer to share the news, i blame danny’s smile for this. of course we caught lando’s reaction once again to the news, safe to say he was shocked, we’re just one big happy family 🩷
yes lando is in this family daniel 😁
tagged danielricciardo
see 300,000 comments
username another baby😭😭😭
charles_leclerc congratulations! can i join this family too?
>danielricciardo no
>ynricciardo yes!! ignore daniel!
landonorris i’m kinda scared for this
landonorris jk very excited for you two 🫶🏻
landonorris also take that ricciardo😁
>danielricciardo i’ll change the locks.
>ynricciardo oh you will?
username yay congrats you two!!!
landonorris added to their story
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liked by francisca.cgomes, danielricciardo, redbullracing and 1M others
same tree one year apart, feeling so lucky to be here growing another little tiny human, mila, your dad and I cannot wait to meet you🤍
see 99,000 others
username y/n you look stunning
redbullracing congratulations to mom & dad of the track!❤️
username mama of two!!!
>username you mean 3 including lando…
>username HAHAHHA
landonorris i can’t wait either!! two terrors let’s go!
>danielricciardo just wait till we send both of them to your house
>landonorris mate, im ready 🫡
username im sorry but lando’s relationship with them is too precious ☹️
francisca.cgomes yay!! can’t wait to meet baby ricc #2!!
liked by ynricciardo
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luveline · 7 months
hi jade! can I make a request for kbd au, maybe one of the girls gets sick or is in the hospital and Steve and r trying to take care of her and the other girls but are worried themselves. pls ignore if you don’t like this love your writing:)))
ty for requesting! ily i hope this is ok ♡ kisses before dinner —you and beth spend some time in the hospital. mom!reader, 1.5k
Bethie looks up in your lap with red-rimmed eyes, her eyelids puffy. They look so sore. You bring your hand up to touch her cheek. 
“When's everyone coming back?” 
You lean back in her hospital bed and pull her against your chest. “Soon, baby. So soon. Are you missing everyone?” 
“Yeah. Avery said, um, that she would let me,” —she rubs her little nose into your collar— “sleep in her bed with her when I go home.” 
Bethie will be sleeping in your bed for a while so you can keep an eye on her, but you let her believe it because she sounds very eager. 
For now, you aren't sure when she'll be going home, but certainly not tonight. She's having trouble breathing at night, and her skin warms yours with the intensity of a space heater. “You're not enjoying our big sleepover?” you ask. Four days and counting, you've slept here every night in chairs slumped over her lap or briefly in the foldout cot beside her. 
She was too sick to remember the first two days, but now she's getting better she's realised you're doing something strange together, and she may be poorly, but she seems particularly pleased to have your undivided attention. “I love it!” she says in a rush, prompting a wracking cough into your shirt. You rub her back. “Sorry.” 
“If you need to cough, you do it, baby.” You bring a tissue up to her mouth and clean away the spittle. “Don't be sorry. Cough all over me.” 
You hold her close. You didn't need Steve to tell you to take care of her to do it, but you can't get the memory of the run up to Beth's hospital stay out of your head.
I think– I think we need to take her to Urgent Care. His sickly terror, but his surety, too. Steve was gonna make whatever decision he needed to and you couldn't have stopped him (and wouldn't want to). By the time you called Robin to watch the others, your girl getting sicker and sicker, Beth couldn't keep her eyes open. 
Not you nor Steve nor Beth made it home that night. Steve, squinting with a migraine, had relented in the early morning. You'll stay and I'll go home, he'd said. You wouldn't call it selfish to want to be the one to stay, but it was selfless of him to volunteer to go home. He hasn't once asked you to leave her side. So you look after her for me, too. You have to do double. 
“Here, my love,” you murmur, bringing a sippy cup to her lips. Doesn't matter that she's too old for it. “It's just juice, don't worry. No more medicine.” 
“I miss daddy,” she says, pushing the cup away. 
“I know. He should be here any minute now, yeah? And when he comes he's going to be all worried and bossy about how you're feeling, so let's drink this juice. It'll make your voice less crackly.” 
“Is it crackly?” she asks, surprised. 
“Yeah, babe,” you say with a laugh, “it's like crunchy sugar, you can't hear it?”
“What?” she asks, giggling between little coughs. 
You hold her cup to her lips. She values her father's esteem for you, drinking her juice and settling back into your arms just in time for him to arrive. He has yet to be mad at you during this time, but you're sure he'd threaten violence if Bethie wasn't getting all the attention and care that could possibly be given. The first thing he says is, “Hello, my girl, how are you feeling today?” 
You try not to rush her out of your arms and into his, but he has company. Steve picks Bethie up from your arms with the same slow hesitance he'd hold a newborn, his lips quick to the top of her head. “Sweetheart,” he says softly, “hello,” before he goes completely silent. 
Robin stands behind him with your teeny tiny baby held in her car carrier with both hands, and Avery and Dove toddle in front of them with matching grins. You slink off of the bed and crouch down, nearly knocked on your butt as they rush you. 
“I missed you! I missed you so much!” you shower their cheeks with kisses before pulling them in for hugs. Over their heads, you give Robin your best smile. “How's she doing?” 
“She misses you. Or she hates me. Either or.” 
“You're the best friend in the entire world.” You close your eyes into the cuddling. “She loves you.” 
Steve sits down on the side of the bed and rubs Bethie's back, all but covering the short breadth of it with spread fingers stroking up and down. “You look better today,” he says. He speaks softly. You have to strain to understand him. “Did mommy give you a shower? You look sparkly clean.” 
Bethie curls into him. 
“I missed you,” he says. “I miss you every second you're not home, I can't wait for you to come home.” He looks up at you. You shake your head gently. “But how about this hospital bed, huh? This looks comfy. Can I lie down?” 
Steve lays down in the bed with Beth against his chest. He looks super tired, his eyes wrinkled in the corners and his jaw set in pain. Bethie rises up to squish her cheek against his. Steve makes a kiss sound. “Aw, Beth. Love you.” 
Dove wants to be on the bed —this is a vaguely new place to her and she's a toddler. She whines until you lift her up, while Robin puts Wren's car seat in a vinyl chair and sets about unclicking her straps.
“Is she feeling better?” Avery asks, holding up her hands. 
You walk into her outstretched arms. “She is. Not one hundred percent better, but better. She just needs to stay a little bit longer.” 
“How long?” 
“What did the doctor say this morning, Beth?” you ask with a smile. “Just one more night for checks. Then hopefully tomorrow we can all go home.” 
It takes a while to get everyone settled. Robin sits in one of the chairs and you the other, Wren placed in her car carrier to your left. Avery climbs into your lap, and you find no reason to dissuade her from sprawling backwards, her head under your chin. Steve hugs Beth with a palpable relief about him, though he holds Dove's hand when the smaller girl insists. It's surprisingly peaceful. There's nothing to do but wait for your girl to get better. 
“I missed you,” Steve says again, Beth hanging on his every word, “I can't remember the last time you spent so long away from home. Are you and mommy having a good time?” 
“My–” Beth struggles for words, her chest giving a weak wheeze, “my voice is funny.” 
“You think so?” He brings his legs up, eyes closing as Beth does the same. “Sounds the same to me.” 
You can't miss the way he's hugging her. You've never seen him so relieved. It lingers in his every touch, every word he says, even as he makes his silly jokes. 
Steve spends at least ten minutes like that laying with them before he looks up. “Ave, you still need the bathroom?” 
Avery jolts. “Thanks for reminding me!” She springs up on her feet. “Mom, will you come with me?” 
“Sure I will.” You stand with her, giving Wren a quick glance over before sidling up to the side of the bed. Steve looks up at you funny. “Steve?” 
You lean down to his ear. “Honey, will you stay with Beth tonight? Just so I can see the baby? I can't stand being away from Beth when she's sick, but I'm really worrying about her,” you whisper. 
Steve's eyes widen. “Are you sure?” 
He's not stupid. He knows what you're doing. 
You nod quickly. You could say a lot of things to him —of course I'm sure, you should've stayed two days ago, you've been so good letting me be here with her— but Avery tugs on your hand, winging, and you only have time to touch Beth's back. She'll be in good hands. 
Beth is upset to see you go that night, but she missed her dad. Steve hugs each of the girls in turn while Beth lays tucked in bed, even Robin, who laughs and complains about his touchiness and how it gets worse every year. You wait with them in your coat for your turn, sick to your stomach.
“I'll call you before nine,” he promises, squeezing you tightly. “You did such a good job, Y/N.” 
“...What, no joke about leaving it to the pro?” 
“I'm being thoughtful.” Steve kisses you, hugs you again, kisses you a second time. He can't decide what he's doing. “I love you. I'll see you in the morning.” 
You kiss his cheek. It takes you another fifteen minutes to leave, busy making Bethie promises. I'll see you tomorrow, I love you so much, brave girl, your dad's gonna take the best best best care of you ever. And then we're gonna spend the next week in bed so we can stop missing each other so much. 
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itostea · 11 months
never mad (isagi x reader)
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warnings: a tad bit suggestive, isagi just being the best bf, he comforts you
a/n: image from Our Secret Alliance! childhood friends to lovers omg so cute pls read it.
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You’re not sure when the argument started or why you’re even angry. 
Angry might be an exaggeration but you were feeling a smudge of irritation directed at your boyfriend who was far too calm at the sight of your scowl. He has that sweet smile of his, the kind he wears whenever he’s holding your hand or parting a strand of hair away from your face. It’s the kind of smile that you can’t ever stay mad at. 
“Yoichi I’m telling you, she was a hundred percent hitting on you!”
“Right, right,” he lets himself be dragged by your hand and he can’t help but sigh at how good you looked with the necklace he bought for you. The streets were crowded and there were couples left and right, holding hands or chatting on the side. The two of you blend in perfectly–though there were times where a fan of his recognized him and you stood on the sidelines, letting them take their photos.
The drink you hold in your other hand swirls around in the cup and you bring the cup to your lips, taking a long sip. “I mean, she even winked at you! Who even does that? And I was right beside you, holding your hand!” 
“Uh huh,” he mutters absentmindedly, tilting his head when you swing your head to face him with a frown. He blinks and just smiles, a bit confused as to why your frown grew deeper. 
Your footsteps slow down in pacing. “Are you even listening to me?” 
“Of course I am babe.”
You let out a huff and turn around too swiftly, colliding into him with a yelp. In a normal situation, you would’ve swooned over the fact that he caught you–his arm wrapped securely around your waist while the other one holds the back of your neck. Yet, you can’t help but feel your stomach plunge deeper when you see the brown stain on his favorite shirt. 
“Are you okay?” He mumbles, widening his eyes when he sees how your features morph into a frown and how you bite your lip hard enough to draw blood. This time, he takes your hand in his, guiding you to an occupied bench. “Let’s go sit down.”
“What’s wrong?” He asks, letting you clean the splatters on his arm with a tissue. 
“It’s just…” you start, leaning back when you’re done cleaning. “I…”
Isagi sees how your eyes gloss over; how you part your lips to release a shaky sigh. He’s quick to cup your face, smiling so gingerly that you felt like you could cry even harder. “Don’t cry. You’ll ruin your make-up.”
The sniffle you let out makes him chuckle. You nod. “Okay…” 
“Start from the beginning,” his hands leave your face and he watches you patiently–letting you catch your breath. 
“I’m so stupid Yoichi,” you sighed. “I don’t even know why I couldn’t forget about that girl like I usually do. You weren’t even paying attention to her and now I ruined your favorite shirt. I also ruined our date together and you’re probably mad at me so–”
“Why would I be mad at you?” He interrupts, maintaining eye-contact with a serious gaze. 
You blink, sniffling again. “You’re not?”
He smiles, nodding his head until his hand tilts your head upward so the tears wouldn’t spill from your eyes. “I can’t get mad at you even if I tried to.”
“Even if I steal your food?”
“I don’t mind.”
“Even if I tell you Michael Kaiser is a better player than you?”
His lips curl into a sarcastic smile and he squeezes your cheeks. “Don’t push it now…”
You laugh and the sound brings joy to his ears. He ushers you up with a hum, letting you take his hand. He presses a kiss to your forehead, bringing you close to him. “How about we spend the rest of our date at home? We can watch a few movies and eat some snacks. You know, Netflix and chill,” his lips fall into a smirk and you forget your boyfriend sometimes derives joy from seeing you flustered.
You slap him lightly, averting your eyes. “Okay fine we can watch movies and eat snacks. And maybe Netflix and chill…” you mumble the last part loud enough for him to hear, earning a laugh from him. 
He squeezes your hand midway in between your walk back to the car. “Did I ever tell you that you’re cute when you get jealous?”
“Shut up.”
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todouswife · 6 months
OMD I just read ur fanum hc PLS IM BEGGING make more fanum hc’s
OMG YES !! I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO TELL ME TO MAKE FANUM CONTENT!!! I LOVE THIS MAN!!! I'm not sure what kind of hcs u want soooo imma do a whole bunch of random ones. I'm also sorry if this is bad and because it took so long but finals and work have been ROUGH
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Okay, so you can't tell me that he wouldn't go all out on a date. Like he would take you to a really nice restaurant
he would just text and say something like "Imma take you out dress up."
when he picks you up he gives so many compliments. like "You look so beautiful mami", or "Baby you're gorgeous that color looks great on you"
or if u prefer like amusement park dates he would go all out on that.
Also, he is so gentle when you are vulnerable like if you're crying over something he would talk u through it and make sure you're okay. like bringing u tissue and asking how he can help
"Baby it's okay, what can I do to help? you need a blanket? imma, listen to you. tell me about it" he says giving you the blanket in his hands. you sniffle and give him a small smile before venting to him.
he definitely knows how to calm you down too like different breathing techniques and stuff
Also, I think he is clingy like always wanting to be around and wanting physical touch
while cuddling getting up is not an option unless it is for food
"bae, what you doing?" Fanum says with a pout as you get up off the bed. "I'm going to get something to eat," you reply Fanum hops up and grabs his keys. "Come on," he says heading toward the door. "and where are we going?" you say back with an eyebrow raised. "we gonna go get some food ma," he replies back
on the topic of food, his love language is sharing food and making sure you're well-fed
oh and I think he would fully support you with any pet you would want
"babe I think I want a bunny," you say suddenly. Fanum looks at you with a smile. "nah bae I think you should get one, I got a goat and you got a bunny. them some cool ass pets."
he loves playing video games with u too like GTA or whatever other games you like. he would play to make you happy plus I think he would think it's cute.
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softwebss · 2 years
alr i'm request something from you how harry potter boys would react if your sick <3333
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pov: you're sick . how the hp boys would react to you being sick
♡ synopsis: how the harry potter boys would react to you being sick.
♡ warnings: fluff, mentions of sickness, medicine, a bit of swearing, draco being suggestive and nsfw because hes like that-
♡ a/n: love im so sorry for posting this late!!! my midterms and exams have been KILLING me omlll- i hope you like it tho!!!
harry potter
he would be so worried???
poor boy would buy everything to help you get through your sickness
no matter how low key it was
you could have a slight cold and thirty seconds later he'd be rushing in the common room with thirty tissue boxes and cough syrup
he would also let you borrow his sweaters and mufflers to keep you warm
actually, he would insist on you to borrow them
and the amount of care he would show for you? omg
"i just coughed-"
he would snuggle with you, no matter how many times you'd tell him that he'd catch your cold
harry loves you more than anything tbh
ron weasely
hes a little shit about you getting sick
but he actually does care for you- but he wouldn't dare to show it
"shut uppp!"
if he sees you shivering in your bed, hed crawl up from his and snuggle with you, with affirmations.
but by the morning he's himself again.
gobbling chicken fries and laughing whenever you sneezed.
smh ron, smh.
cedric diggory
hes very calm about your sickness
he'd be solemn about what medicines to give you, and when to bring you to the infirmary.
"i can handle it :)))"
"why do you have fifteen pills in your hand- CEDRIC WHA-"
actually nvm hes having a mental panic attack rn
all he wants is you to be calm and quiet and let him handle stuff
draco malfoy
he would be so caring
perfect bf tm
draco would magic up whatever you wanted
soup? he had it
tissues? he had it
the blood of unicorns to keep you young and beautiful? you didn't ask but he's already made the plans to go fetch it
actually tho hes gonna take care of EVERYTHING!!!
and he'll look so goddamn cute while doing it omggg
but he'll flirt with you while doing so because its draco oml
"sugar, I can't wait to flip you over the common room counter when you're healthy and let you ride m-"
"SHE IS?????"
neville longbottom
i feel like not enough people acknowledge that neville exists-
he would be so overprotective
neville would magic the temperature to make it comfy for you <33
bro loves you too much smh
forehead kisses? yes pls.
he would never let you do anything that would worsen your condition
eg. taking long showers
going in the cold w/o a muffler
hes so sweet about it oml
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pinknightsinmymind · 11 months
【 found family hc's 】
abby anderson x fem!reader & ellie williams x fem!reader
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wc: 4.4k
song rec: house song by searows. i listened to this on loop the entire time i was writing.
content: established relationship, modern!au, fluff galore, hc's for both abs and els, christmas with abs!!!!, bbq with ellie and family, minor angst, but this is all fluff so sweet it rots your teeth, hc's AND long blurbs for abby and ellie, mentions of parent loss(in this modern!au abby's mother passed away), mentions of adoption(for ellie's hc's), and sarah is here!! she is ellie's older sister <33 also pls read a/n for more info
a/n: in which you are dating one of the girlies, meet their fathers, and detailing your journey into becoming part of the family. i kinda wrote this with the idea of what it’s like to not come from a healthy family in mind, but it’s also vague and written in a way where you’re able to interpret it and shape it to fit whatever you have in mind and relate it to what you know. the main theme here, though, is finding/making your own family and building a beautiful life despite your past. this is kinda just me hoping i’ll be able to do the same one day. i began writing this while really sad, but i’m posting this in much better spirits. this started with my sadness, but now it makes me feel hopeful. anyways, pls enjoy, and if you think you’ll need them, get your tissues ready. i love you all and you are all so beautiful and worthy of love and good things. and if any of you ever need anything, my inbox and dm's are open <333
GENERAL HEADCANONS — applies to both abby and ellie
It’s an uncomfortable conversation, but when your relationship with her started getting serious, you explained what your family/home life was like and that although you’d love to, your family probably wouldn’t want to foster a close relationship with either of you. You told her you understood if this was a dealbreaker and if it was something she couldn’t tolerate, but that wasn’t her reaction at all. Instead, you were met with complete understanding that almost left you sobbing. You were happy to have someone finally understand that family—and navigating it—hasn’t been easy for you and it was good to not have things out of your control held against you for once.
As your relationship progressed, she made it clear to you that she’d love to introduce you to her family and that they were excited to meet you. She promised that they’d accept you into open arms and that everything would go well, so there was nothing to worry about.
You were nervous, of course, unsure how any of it would unfold because you had never met her family before. You had heard so much about them and knew they must have been amazing people to have raised someone as great as your girlfriend, but you were still scared. What if they could see everything wrong with you with just one look? What if they thought you were too damaged and no good for their daughter? Or what if they just didn’t like you? It was all so worrisome, but your girlfriend assured you it would all be okay.
Meeting the rest of the family was one thing, but meeting their fathers was the scariest part.
You met Abby's dad during Thanksgiving—typical and sappy, but just so Abby. Of course she’d bring someone home during the holidays. You had been dating her for almost a year now, so it was about time you met him. You knew that Abby's mother passed when she was very young, and you also knew it would just be the three of you together for the holiday. Jerry did everything to make any occasion happy for his daughter since he knew her life would be hard enough without a mother, and that included holidays. As a busy surgeon—the top one of your city’s hospital, no less—he’s lucky to get this day off, and although he can’t make a whole turkey on his own, he cooks many other dishes to make up for it. He goes all out making desserts as he likes baking more than cooking, and he’s the main reason Abby has such a sweet tooth.
Jerry is nothing but welcoming to you, telling you how he’s heard so much about you (which in turn makes Abby blush, thinking to herself, He wasn’t supposed to say that! but she still keeps her cool). He asks you all about yourself, if you’re in school and what for, what your plans for the future are, then jumps straight into his dad-threats. He tells you in a serious voice that you better take care of his daughter, then lets out a laugh and offers you a slice of pie.
It went well, and you even stayed the night at Abby's childhood home, sleeping in her big and well-furnished room.
“What do you think?” she asked.
“I think it went well,” you said. The two of you were huddled up underneath the covers in her old bed, and it’s comfier than you expected. Maybe it’s because Abby has you pulled close to her chest as her hand rubs comforting circles on your back, but it’s still heavenly. “I just can’t tell if he likes me or not.”
“Please, he likes you,” she assured you. You could feel her trailing her hand down your sides gently now. “Otherwise he wouldn’t have been in such a good mood today. Promise.” You let out a small sigh at her words. You didn’t want to argue with her about this, and you felt the only thing you could possibly do was hope she was right.
You did see Jerry a few times after that, but it was only when Abby invited you to go see him with her. He was always kind and welcoming, but you couldn’t shake the gnawing feeling in your chest that maybe he didn’t actually like you. What if he was faking all of it? You couldn’t think of any good reasons why he’d like you and accept you with open arms. It didn’t make sense to you because all you knew to expect from a parental figure was rejection. Maybe he just didn’t think you were good enough for his daughter. You didn’t tell Abby any of this, though, because you knew she’d be crushed to hear you don’t think her dad likes you. It’s also because she’ll just tell you for the millionth time he does, and you’d hate asking her for the same reassurance over and over again. In the case of her father’s acceptance, it would do nothing to quell your fears.
You hadn’t expected the holiday season to help erase these fears, but they did. After a late night of watching movies, Abby brought up visiting her father for Christmas with you by her side. She was excited as she told you all about her and her dad’s traditions: drinking hot coco, watching cheesy Christmas movies, stockings full of gifts, and the works. You couldn’t tell her no. Not when her face was beaming with excitement and she had a big smile across her face. You appreciated how much she wanted to include you—no, scratch that, cherished it—but deep down inside you felt out of place. You felt like an environment as soft and as warm as that was not a place where you belonged. It’s not what you knew, not what you were used to, but you put on a brave face for Abby.
You didn’t believe her when she told you how extensively Jerry decorated the house, but it was exactly as she said. As soon as you walked through the front door, you could smell the vanilla candles and the scent of pine mixed together. You were greeted not only by Jerry, but by the presence of mini-Santa statues and multi-colored nutcrackers. There was a big wreath on the outside of the front door, and an even bigger one hung around the family portrait of Abby and her father. The Christmas tree was huge, probably close to six feet tall, and by the smell of the fresh pine emanating from it, you knew it was real. The tree was decorated with gold and silver ornaments, bright lights, tinsel, and a giant star at the top. The fireplace had stockings lined up against the chimney with other statues, trinkets, and family photos lining the shelf. The tree casted a warm glow over the living room, and it just felt so cozy inside. It’s crazy to think that this is what Abby grew up with, that this is the kind of childhood she had, but at the same time you’re happy it was. It’s what she deserves.
It may be Christmas day, but it’s already 9 P.M., so Jerry suggests hot coco, sweets, and a cheesy movie. Abby, of course, agrees and picks out her favorite movie for you all to watch. You helped her pick it out, specifically choosing it because you’ve never seen it before and because you know she loves it. You all get a slice of Jerry’s homemade apple pie, and it’s so warm and gooey you’re sure you’ve never tasted anything like it before. You wonder where in the mix of being a surgeon he found the time to be so good at baking, but it’s still so endearing. You wonder how many times he practiced these recipes for Abby, and it’s so heartwarming. You hope you can one day offer her a home the same way Jerry has.
Jerry settles into his worn-out, leather recliner with his cup of hot chocolate while you and Abby occupy the couch. There’s a glass coffee table in front of it where your two mugs rest as the two of you are snug in a blanket you’re sharing together. You’re nestled into Abby’s side with her arm over your shoulder as you watch the movie together. It’s comfortable, and the warm, yellow lights make the moment that much more beautiful. They cast a glow on Abby, making her look sweeter than she already does. Her hair is down for once, and you’re lost in the tenderness of the moment. Occasionally the two of you move forward and grab your mugs for a sip, but besides that this wholeness has no interruptions. It’s like you can feel your doubts melting away, and you feel comforted, welcomed, by the warmth of this moment. It doesn’t seem to push you away anymore, but rather it’s something you feel compelled to be a part of now. Well, no, that’s not exactly right either. It’s like you are a part of it now, and it’s accepting your embrace rather than your rejection. You don’t feel the need to push it away anymore, to create excuse after excuse as to why you don’t deserve it, and it’s like you’re finally letting it make its home in your heart.
After the movie finished and you all had your fill of hot chocolate, you hear Jerry get up from his seat and mention that he wants to give out stockings. You don’t think much of it, watching the man as he walks up to the fireplace and grabs two of the stockings that were hanging. You hadn’t paid much attention to them earlier, but when he comes up to you and Abby, you realize you should’ve. One has Abby’s name stitched into it with blue and orange thread, and the other has your name threaded into it with your favorite colors. He gives Abby her stocking first, then holds the one with your name on it out towards you. 
“Is that for me?” you asked.
“Sure is,” Abby answered. You glance over at her and she’s practically beaming. She seems so proud of herself.
“Abby helped me make it. She made sure it had your favorite colors and everything,” Jerry explained. You finally take the stocking from his hands, feeling the heft of the weight of whatever was inside.
“I bet she got mad if you suggested a color that wasn’t.” You crack a joke in the face of this moment, because if you think too hard, look at the stocking too long, you might start crying.
“Nearly tore my head off,” Jerry laughed. “But it’s so you know you’re part of the family now.” You nod your head, clenching your jaw as your gaze keeps shifting between the stocking and the floor.
“Thank you,” was all you could manage to say in reply. You’re sure you could burst into tears at any moment, but at the very least they’re happy ones.
You were never as scared of anything as you were to meet Joel Miller. You had seen him in photos with him and Ellie, and he did not look like he played around. In fact, he looked like he’s never fucked around a day in his life. The man intimidated you, and you had never even met him before.
Ellie’s Uncle Tommy’s birthday was coming up, and you were invited to the family celebration that would include Uncle Tommy, Aunt Maria, Joel, Ellie’s older sister, Sarah, and now you.
You had met Joel in passing with a quick “hello” whenever you visited his and Ellie's house, but you had never formally met him, especially not the rest of the family, either. You had also never met Sarah as she lived in a different city and was older than you and Ellie, but you were excited to. She was a young teen when Ellie had been adopted, and you had heard so many stories from Ellie about what an amazing older sister she was, so that was at least one family member you weren’t scared of. Uncle Tommy and Aunt Maria, though? Maria was intimidating, and Tommy and Joel had both been in the military. Who wouldn’t be afraid?
“Everything’s gonna be okay,” Ellie reassured you. You were both standing in front of Tommy and Maria’s front door, nervous as could be. Ellie held your hand in hers as she rubbed her thumb across your skin. “They’ll love you, promise.” Ellie reached up with her free hand and knocked on the door. A second passed in silence between the two of you before the door opened, and you were met face-to-face with Maria. She had short graying hair and a freckled face that reminded you of Ellie’s, and as soon as her eyes landed on the two of you, her lips turned upwards into a wide smile.
“Ellie, is this [Y/N]?” she asked. Ellie smiled shyly as she nodded her head.
“Yes, this is her,” she answered.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you,” Maria said politely. She was just all smiles, and she was much warmer compared to the scary image of her you created in your head. To be fair, she did seem really intimidating from her pictures, but she was nothing of the sort.
“Nice to meet you, too,” you managed to reply. You were still nervous, feeling like you were choking on the anxious butterflies dancing around your stomach.
“And she’s polite,” Maria prodded. She smiled even bigger as she pulled the door open for the two of you. “Anyways, come in. Joel and Tommy are in the back with the grill set up already, so just follow me.” Ellie walked through the doorway, pulling you with her towards the back of the house. Maria led you through the house’s front hallway into the living den furnished with couches and countless photos and decor hanging on the blue walls, then turned left into the kitchen. Sitting at the table was an older woman at least in her 30’s scrolling through her phone, but her eyes perked up as soon as she saw you all enter the kitchen. Almost immediately an excited smile spread across her face.
“Sarah!” Ellie greeted. The woman jumped up from her seat and gave Ellie a tight hug.
“Ellie, is this her?” she asked. Her eyes kept moving back and forth between the two of you.
“Yes, this is her,” Ellie answered.
“Wow, I’m so happy to meet you!” Sarah cheered. She came over to you and gave you a hug, something you hadn’t expected, but you returned it the best you could. As soon as Sarah pulled away from the hug, she was talking again. The way she carried herself was so confident and firm, and she held great amounts of eye contact while speaking—something you were struggling with at the moment. “Ellie has told me so much! She never stops talking about you!” She had a sweet, Texan accent when she spoke like Joel, while Ellie only had a slight one in comparison.
“Sarah!” Ellie groaned.
“What?” she asked coyly. “Was I not supposed to say that?” The answer was yes, and she knew that, but how could she resist teasing her little sister? Ellie just rolled her eyes.
“Come on, y’all, they’re waiting for us outside,” Maria announced. She nodded her head in the direction of the door behind the kitchen table, and you found yourself taking a deep breath. The door was glass, so you could see the wooden porch outside and the green grass, but no sign of Joel or Tommy—you know, just the two men who terrified you the most.
“Oh, yeah, I was gonna help Dad with the grill,” Sarah sighed.
“You? Helping with the grill?” Ellie teased.
“Hmm, more like standing there and talking to him,” she said.
“That sounds more like what you meant,” Ellie responded.
“Yeah, see y’all out there.” Sarah got up from her seat and was the first to open the back door, the hot air and smell of grilled meat wafting in as soon as she did. Maria followed her soon after, and you knew you and Ellie should follow suit, but you found yourself stuck, unsure what to do.
“Hey, you okay?” Ellie asked. The sound of the door closing shut hung in the air, and you knew you’d have to open it again soon.
“Yeah, just… nervous,” you explained.
“Everything will be alright, promise. I’m gonna be here the whole time, and we’re gonna be eating, too. That won’t be too bad, now, will it?” she asked.
“No, I guess not,” you replied.
“And you’ve got me right next to you. Don’t forget that.” Ellie gave you a sheepish smile, and you did your best to return it despite the queasiness in your stomach.
The barbeque went well, and it wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. In fact, you felt well-received by Tommy as Maria and Sarah helped encourage him to hold conversation with you. The two women did a lot to help conversation flow and welcome you as much as possible, but the one person you felt like you weren’t getting through to was Joel. He was just so… quiet. It’s as if he was always on guard, always analyzing the situation, but what did you expect from a guy who used to be in the military? That seems to be the exact kind of disposition he’d have. He only really gave small replies in single words here and there, maybe an autobiographical question for you, then he’d retreat back to his silence. It was honestly unnerving, and as much as you did your best to immerse yourself in the conversation, in Ellie’s little jokes, Tommy’s laughter, Joel intimidated you more than anyone else ever had before. Why was he so quiet? Did he see something wrong with you? Did he not think you were fit to be his daughter’s girlfriend? Was he waiting for you to make a mistake? Was he planning how to tell Ellie that he didn’t think the two of you were a good match? All the possibilities were endless, and every single one terrified you to no end.
Despite the anxiety eating you up from the inside, you did your best to maintain your composure. You answered whatever questions Ellie’s family had for you, laughed at the jokes like you should have, all while trying to keep the crushing fear at bay. Ellie seemed to sense it somewhat, because at multiple points throughout the dinner she’d grab your hand under the table or rub your thigh comfortingly. When the night started slowing down, the sun sinking lower and lower, Tommy and Maria declared the end of the dinner and started clearing the table. Joel and Sarah disappeared into the house, carrying trash and whatever else they could back inside. Ellie leaned in close to your ear in order to speak.
“How are you feeling?” she whispered.
“I’m doing okay,” you answered. “Not as nervous as before, but still a little.”
“Did you enjoy yourself, though?”
“I did,” you replied.
“Joel and Tommy are good at barbecuing, huh?”
You laughed a little at her prodding. “Yeah, they are.”
“Look, we’re gonna get you some extra family points, yeah? Let’s offer to help Maria clean up. How does that sound?”
“Sounds good to me,” you said. This time you were the one to offer Ellie a little smile, one she was happy to see on your face after such a long day.
“Perfect.” She stood up from her chair and brushed off her jeans. “Hey, Maria, let me and [Y/N] help you clean up a bit,” she announced.
“Well, aren’t you sweet?” Maria asked.
“The sweetest,” Ellie joked. You were next to stand up from the table, picking up both your plate and Ellie’s while she gathered the left behind cups. Tommy had already retreated inside with the large dishes of food, leaving you with just Maria and Ellie. It was quiet besides the clanking of the dishes as all three of you walked inside. Ellie walked behind you as you reentered the house, slotting dishes in the sink and discarding whatever trash she had. Ellie came up behind you, her back pressing into yours for a second when Maria disappeared into the living room where everyone else presumably was.
“How far do we wanna take these points?” she whispered.
“Well, what are you thinking?” you asked her.
“I say we wash the dishes,” she suggested, and you could just imagine the stupid, little grin on her face. “It’ll make them like me more, too.”
“You’re such a dork,” you said as the laugh spilled out your lips. You turned around to look at her, and there was a goofy grin on her face just like you expected. Her hands ventured to rest on your waist, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“Whatever. Come on, let’s just do it.”
“Okay, you hate doing the dishes, so I’m starting to wonder what this is really about.”
“I… may or may not have promised Maria I’d do the dishes, and she’ll kill me if I don’t.”
“This is why you watch the promises you make,” you said.
“Moving along,” she said in a rushed manner, “are you gonna help me or not?”
“Yeah, because I need you alive.”
You and Ellie slotted yourselves side by side as you were forced to wash the dishes on account of your girlfriend’s promises. She was stuck washing while you dried the dishes. At one point Joel had wandered through the kitchen, muttering a small greeting to you both before disappearing outside. He left the back door open somewhat, but you said nothing, figuring he would be coming back inside soon. Despite the small interruption, Ellie, of course, couldn’t help being a little shit and splashing you with water every once in a while.
“You got my shirt wet!” you’d scold her.
“I’m sorry, baby,” she’d say all fakely. She pulled you into a hug, but once you separated, she splashed you with water again. After washing the dishes and Ellie cleaned the kitchen up a bit, you could tell she was tired and ready to go home.
“You look tired,” you commented to her.
“Yeah, I’m… all tuckered out. You ready to go home?”
“If you are, yeah.”
“Okay, let me find my… Where are my keys?” she asked. She patted at her pockets, looking for any sign of them, only to come back empty. “I think I left them outside.”
“I can go get them for you,” you offered.
“Oh, good idea. You get my keys and I say bye to everyone for us. Perfect.”
“Alright, I’ll go find them for you. Be right back.” You gave Ellie a quick kiss on the cheek before wandering outside through the back door. As soon as you stepped outside, your eyes landed on Joel sitting on one of the chairs with a mug in his hand. You had forgotten he was even out here in the first place, and you hadn’t expected or planned for this interaction with him. You took a deep, calming breath. You needed to act normal.
“Hello, Joel,” you spoke up. He turned to look at you, then returned his gaze to his mug. It was dark outside, and the porch light may have been on, but it was a dim, yellow light. Not at all helpful as your eyes scoured the ground for Ellie’s keys.
“Hello.” It was quiet as you wandered to the table, looking across the top of it for Ellie’s keys. Still no sign of them. You pulled the chairs out, and you didn’t find them on the seats either. You sighed as you pulled out your phone and turned on your flashlight. “What are you lookin’ for?” Joel asked.
“Um, Ellie’s keys. She can’t find them.” You squatted down to the floor, shining the light around the wooden porch as you continued your search.
“Oh, you two gettin’ ready to leave?” he asked. You turned your phone to the right, and something silver glinted back at you. The keys. Thank God. You grabbed onto them and got back up from the ground.
“Yeah, she said she was tired and ready to go home.”
Joel let out a small chuckle. “That sounds like her,” he remarked.
“It very much is her,” you replied.
“I heard her splashin’ you with water in there.”
“She can’t help herself,” you said. “She apologized, then she did it again.”
“Does that… make you mad?” he asked.
“No, not at all.” You were wondering what he was getting at with the question.
“You and her seem to get along well,” he pointed out.
“I think so, too,” you said, hoping you were choosing your words well.
“I can tell she really loves you, you know,” Joel said. He took a sip out of his drink, then glanced at you. “And you seem really good for her, too.” The words hit you right in the heart. You knew from what Ellie told you that Joel wasn’t a man of many words, but these were just enough. They seemed to give you the kind of confirmation you were looking for, that maybe you could put down the anxiety plaguing your mind.
“I’m glad you think so,” you said. You glanced at the mug in his hands again. Was that steam? “Can I ask what you’re drinking?”
“It’s coffee.”
“This late?” you asked.
“The girls always tell me that,” he said, and you saw the smallest glimpse of a smile ghosting his lips. You figured by “the girls,” he must have been referring to Sarah and Ellie, and that small detail stuck out to you. Despite how scary he was, deep down inside he was just a dad. A girl-dad, at that.
“Ellie always tells me how much she hates coffee.”
“She never lets that go. I tell her she has underdeveloped tastebuds to make her mad.”
“That’s perfect for getting under her skin,” you replied.
“That’s why I say it. Anyways, she’s probably lookin’ for you by now, or me, maybe.”
“Probably,” you responded. “After I find her, she’ll probably come tell you bye before we leave. I’m gonna do that now.”
“You go do that,” he said. “And you better take good care of her, by the way.” You smiled a little bit. Had you heard him say that earlier, you probably would have shit your pants, but now you were comforted by the dad-threat.
“I will,” you said confidently.
“Or I will… do something. I don’t know, I’ll figure it out.”
“I take your word for it,” you replied. You turned around to walk back inside, keys in hand, a new kind of pep in your step as you looked for Ellie.
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a-sleepy-raven · 1 year
Hi! And welcome. :3 I have a request for you - can I ask for a fic where reader takes care of Leon when he's sick? Fluffy pls. :3 Thank you!
Hey there! Thank you so much for your request, I love writing stuff like this, though I have to say I'm a bit nervous about sharing my first RE fic. Hope you enjoy! <3
(established relationship, post RE4)
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Baby, it'll be alright - Leon Kennedy x gn!reader (fluff)
When you come home, you’re surprised to find Leon curled up on the couch, fast asleep and buried beneath one, no, two blankets. There’s a half empty cup on the coffee table in front of him – chamomile, if you’re not mistaken. And as far as you know, Leon hates chamomile with a burning passion. He can’t even stand the smell of it. That, paired with the fact that he fell asleep in broad daylight, can only mean one thing: His health hasn’t gotten any better since you left the house this morning.
Well. At least, you’re prepared, you think to yourself as you set down the bags in your arms, careful not to make any noise because you don’t want to disturb Leon’s slumber. He has barely gotten any sleep last night, and you’re sure he must be absolutely exhausted.
As quietly as humanly possible, you start to unpack the groceries. Aside from a few essentials like coffee and toast, you have also stocked up on lemons, tissues, cough drops and lemons. (You also bought a tub of ice cream, but that one’s for you – your reward for taking care of your sick boyfriend who can be as stubborn as a mule, especially when it comes to his health. Wouldn’t be the first time that he insisted he was fine when, in fact, he was still feeling like garbage.)
A quiet groan that sounds like it’s coming from beneath that pile of blankets on the couch snaps you out of your thoughts, and you turn around, your gaze meeting Leon’s. He looks terrible. The dark circles under his tired, red rimmed eyes are a sharp contrast to the pale, sallow tone of his skin, and when he speaks, his voice is hoarse and raspy. “You’re back.”
“Yeah.” You make your way over to him, crouching down in front of the couch before you place your hand on his forehead. Beneath your palm, his skin feels burning hot and freezing cold at the same time. He’s definitely running a fever. “Damn, Leon.”
“What kind of greeting is that, honey?”
“Shut up. You sound like you’ve been chain-smoking for at least ten years.” 
He suppresses a cough. “You really know how to make someone feel better.”
“Sorry.” You brush your hand through his hair. “How are you feeling?”
“My poor baby,” you say and lean in to press a kiss to his cheek. “Do you want some tea? Or a glass of water? I also bought lemons – people say hot lemonade works wonders when you have a cold. I could make you some.”
“As long as it’s not chamomile, I really don’t care.”
“Hot lemonade it is, then.” You get up. “And in the meantime, you should gather your stuff,” you motion to the blankets and the pillows that definitely come from your bedroom, “and go back to bed. I don’t understand why you haven’t stayed there in the first place.”
“Yeah, well-“ Leon interrupts himself when he falls into yet another fit of coughing, forcing him to sit up. “God damnit,” he mumbles, then. His head hurts like hell, like it’s going to explode any second, and with every cough and every sneeze, it just seems to get worse. 
You rub his back. “Go to bed,” you order him, softly. “I’ll bring you some meds. And painkillers. You look like you need them.”
He sniffles. “Yeah. Thanks.”
* * * *
“Ta-da,” you say as you carefully set down the tray that’s loaded with two cups (one filled with hot lemonade you hope you haven’t messed up, the other with water), a bowl of ice cream (you don’t have the heart to not share it with Leon when he’s feeling so bad) and the meds you bought on your way back home from work. 
Leon sits up, relief written all over his face when you hand him the painkillers. A moment later, before you can even reach out for the glass of water, he has already swallowed one of the tiny pills. Then, he lets himself fall back into the pillows. “Thanks.”
“You survived Raccoon City and getting infected with some ancient parasite. Who would’ve guessed that a simple cold is all it takes to knock the famous Leon Kennedy flat out?” you tease as you sit down on the edge of the bed and reach out to caress his face. He catches your hand and brings it to his lips, pressing a kiss to each knuckle before he sinks back into the pillows because the world around him has started spinning. And he’s pretty sure it is not supposed to do that. Not like this, at least.
This goddamn cold. He can’t even say what annoys him more – the constant coughing, the terrible headache or the fact that all he wants to do is sleep. And although he knows that you don’t mind taking care of him, he can’t help but feel like a burden right now. You probably have a million other things to do, and yet, here you are, keeping him company and trying your best to nurse him back to health. If only he could find the right words to tell you how much he appreciates your efforts.
“Try to get some rest,” you say, snapping him out of his thoughts. “Sleep is the best medicine, after all.”
Leon hums in response. Sleep truly sounds like a wonderful idea.
“Do you want me to leave?”
He shakes his head. “Come here,” he mumbles, “please. Unless,” a coughing fit interrupts him before he can finish his sentence, and he takes a deep breath before continuing, “unless you’re afraid to pick up a cold, too.”
You let out an indignant huff. “You’ll need more than a few germs to scare me away, Leon. You should know that by now,” you say as you lie down next to him and make yourself comfortable. With a content sigh, Leon snuggles up to you and drapes his arm over your stomach. You kiss the top of his head. “Want me to cuddle you to sleep?”
“Hm… yeah.” 
A smile flashes over your face. That’s exactly the answer you have expected, and so you wrap your arms around him, carefully burying one of your hands in his hair while the other one traces invisible patterns on his back. “Sweet dreams, Leon.”
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Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed it please consider liking, reblogging and/or leaving some feedback. I'd really appreciate the support. 🥰
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daaydreamy · 10 months
Subrry starting to sneeze multiple times during Sex pls and then being embarrassed. fluff pls
love can be so simple
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summary: harry’s nose gets really itchy. why? no one knows. 
warnings: coarse language
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader
“Are you done?”
“Sorry, sorry.” Harry sniffled and laughed softly, rubbing his nose that had a slightly red tint to it now. At first, it was one single sneeze. Then that one single sneezed into a whole row of multiple other sneezes, which ultimately made them pause the sex they were having so he could sit up and grab a few tissues from the nightstand. 
“Maybe you’ve got a cold.” Y/N asked and leaned in to kiss his cheek. She had been sitting between his legs, holding the duvet around her body since she had grown a little chilly, watching Harry pull multiple tissues from the box and get more and more embarrassed with each one he took. 
“No I don’t.” Harry said dramatically and put the box back down on the nightstand. He hated getting sick. He hated it because it meant Y/N had to fuss over him all the time and constantly have to take care of him despite her having to do different things that day, because she did that every single time he got sick. She would claim that “it’s not that important” and continue to check Harry’s temperature and bring him food in bed, giving him kisses even when she wasn’t supposed to. 
“Do you wanna continue, or…?” Y/N asked after a few beats of awkward silence of them just looking at each other, stupid smiles on their faces. 
“Kinda awkward now, innit?” He murmured, the smile on his face growing. 
“Still kinda hard.” She joked and Harry glanced down at her lap, where the strap-on was still harnessed around her hips. 
“Oh my god, you fucking suck.” He covered his face as he burst out in laughter, shaking his head. “And for that, we’re not continuing anymore.”
a/n: still kinda hard 🤷‍♀️
🏷: @crow-i-guess, @planetflos, @harrycanyonmoonn, @bxtchboy69, @sweet-as-lilacs, @lyricalniall, @venusincleo (couldn’t tag you!), @bxbun111, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @emispleased, @goldenhrry, @cinnamongirlrry, @manifestrry, @sadqn1, @judesgfirl, @taylorsreputationsversion, @violetsandfluff, @phoebebridgersforqueen, @a-strange-familiar, @moonlightbea-33 (couldn’t tag you!), @famedrs-blog, @coochiesteak, @blahblahblah-888 (couldn’t tag you!), @milesisntdonewritingyet, @harrysgoth, @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite, @cinnamonlola, @youcan-nolonger-run, @velvetrylie, @vamprry, @ellie-luvsfics, @gorlsinmultifandoms, @littlenatilda, @straightontilmornin
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i984 · 1 year
Blazing Promises | Part 5
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|Pairing|: Wednesday Addams x gender neutral reader
|Warnings|: Hurt so much hurt God pls help our poor souls, Wednesday has severe relationship trauma because of a certain normie, comfort at the end tho, kiss the pain away, you both cry in this one, tell me if I should add more warnings
|Summary|: Wednesday Addams breaks down in front of you.
|A/n|: Here is the last chapter to the mini series, check end of fic and replies for more. Song is I Don't Want to Miss a Thing by Aerosmith
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
That's the word for how you look right now.
And that's also the word to describe what Wednesday had done to you. She knows this, so as she stands outside your door looking at your puffed-up eyes and your quivering lips, her feet dread to take a step.
Get inside. Just do it. Now.
So she did. Her gaze tears away from yours to the floor, and she shuffled across your room. The space feels vast. Suffocating. What had she done?
She noticed the sweaters first. Her sweaters sprawled across your bed. Then the tissues—you quickly pick them away and throw them into the bin near your desk. Atop your desk, the trigonometry workbook is still there where she left it; the pages closed before much is filled in.
The room was dark, save for the dim light from your stained window. Somehow that made Wednesday feels tense. She doesn't like this. She doesn't like you. Not in this state. 
"What did you come here for?"
Your voice was hoarse. You must've been crying.
"I wanted to talk."
Her voice was frail. She felt weak. 
You kept your distance from Wednesday. Like you were scared of her, revolted of her. And you should be. After all, she'd hurt you.
Say it. It's now or never. 
"I'm sorry."
You can hear the strain in her voice—like she had to shoot her ego down with a silver bullet. Like it was hard for her to even say she was sorry. To show that she's apologetic.
"You should be."
And Wednesday can see the agony, the rage in your features. Your chest was heaving while you pressed your lips into a thin line. You were trying to keep your cool, to not scream at her; her words, her actions, the foolishness that comes with it.
You looked like you'd been robbed of your vitality, your strength. And the sight ripped a giant hole in Wednesday's heart. How could she hurt you that badly? You give her honey, and she feeds you poison. Wednesday feels a terrible weight pressing her shoulders; thick fog enfolds her mind.
You were her light. Her flame. But now it's flickering, and Wednesday fears herself getting plunged into darkness. The kind she has grown abhorring.
And though Wednesday's little black heart wrenched and twisted at the coldness in your voice, she couldn't bring herself to show it. Show how much it hurts her. Because she knows she deserves every sting and burns that blazes her entire being now; you must've suffered through worse. 
"I know," Wednesday feels like her skull was about to bust open, "and I..." She couldn't find her words, and it was killing her. It was unfair that she'd put herself into this position, a conversation she couldn't finish. A sentence she can't end.
"You what, Wednesday? I don't have all night."
Run. Or stab your heart and pull the blade out. Do something.
But she did neither. She did nothing. Wednesday only stands there, her body slumped in defeat. 
Defeat, she couldn't admit it. Succumbing to it would mean losing herself. Losing you. Did she already lose you?
Wednesday lets out a shaky breath, her fingers messing with the hem of her black shirt. Her mouth opens and closes a couple of times before she speaks, "I feel things," and she stole a quick glance your way, "for you."
Was that enough for you to understand?
"What things, Wednesday? Because I thought we felt things before, and you said those things weren't true."
You were pricking needles to her skin; the truth carried in your words slitting open wounds in her mind. Was this what you felt the last time you were with her in this room? Oh, death. Even death wouldn't bring her the sweet relief from this torment.
"I don't know." 
You scoff into the room at that. "Of course, you don't."
Wednesday feels herself shrinking in place. She feels small, and she wants to give up. But even that feels wrong. She doesn't know what to do.
Just say anything. Choke yourself if you have to. Jump off the balcony after all this is over. But right now, talk.
"I feel things," Wednesday tries again, "things that aren't clear, aren't simple." She looks up to see you staring at the wall, unable to face her or her words. Maybe that would make this easier.
"Things I've found in countless pieces of literature, books, and poems. In music, in rhythm, in harmony. In people, in their homes, and in their voices."
Wednesday doesn't know where she's headed with all this. But she knows she has to speak, however confusing and debilitating it might be. Her feet staggered front a few inches.
"I'm scared. Because I thought I've been here before." And you look at her now, really look. Vulnerable. She looks like she's about to crumble if you speak a word.
So you don't. You listen.
"I'm scared. Because the last time I was here, I was wrong." Wednesday felt her vision blurring, and she almost didn't care. Almost.
"Because I don't know what I'm feeling, and though I have a sneaking suspicion of what it is-" she paused, her eyes scanning your face, searching for any trace of judgment on it, "-I'm afraid I would be wrong."
You take a step in Wednesday's direction. It felt like the right thing to do.
"I'm afraid I'll hurt you," a tear rolled down the raven's freckle-painted cheek.
"I'll hurt me."
Her voice was barely above a whisper, and Wednesday knew she was one word away from combusting in tears. It feels hot. The blaze consumed her body, her mind. It threatens her to crumble, to sink, to wither. 
And so she did. She had said it all; her fears, her deepest secrets to the only person she cared about. You. 
Her weakness, now you hold the key to her doom. If you wanted to, you could kill her. And she'd let you. Wednesday feels her knees buckle and fail her, body landing with a thud on your floor.
You rush to Wednesday's side, hands coming to clutch her body. Now you're both set on fire. The tears did nothing. It was just there, staining both of your clothes now.
"Shh, it's okay, it's okay," you hug Wednesday like there's no tomorrow, like this was the last time you'll feel her close to you, "I understand now."
She's in pain. She's in agony. She hurt you because she thought you would hurt her.
But you would never.
What sounded like hiccups turns into painful wails; Wednesday's cries tear through the thick, stifling air, slowly dispersing it as you join her. Your hand patted her back tentatively in fear that the act would break her even more.
But she pushes herself to you, burying her head in the crooks of your neck. You can feel her tears drop and wet your side as she screams openly to your shirt, the sound of it muffled.
It feels messy, like you both are melting into each other. Your bodies are drenched in sweat, but neither of you wants to let go. 
You want her. She wants you. 
The doubt was gone.
You press your foreheads together, and Wednesday still has her eyes closed. It's red and puffy, and you're sure yours are too. She looks terrible. And pretty.
You forgive the pain because she has let you in. 
Her breathing starts to even out, and you can feel her muscles relaxing. You're both in the eye of the storm; there was only peace, quiet, and silence.
Then, familiar melodies played. The song you heard coming from outside your window earlier that evening. The same song you cried to alone—just moments ago.
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
You take Wednesday's hand in yours. It feels warm.
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
She shifts in her seat, intertwining her fingers with yours.
While you're far away and dreaming
You lift her hand and kiss her knuckles.
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
She opens her eyes.
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Wednesday is now looking at you. 
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure
Her gaze was kind, though bittersweet.
Don't want to close my eyes
You hum to the tune.
I don't want to fall asleep
She listens.
'Cause I'd miss you baby
You smiled.
And I don't want to miss a thing
She whispers the words to you.
At that moment, it felt perfect. Two broken fools, sitting on hard cold wooden floors. It was messy, but it was right. You belong together.
"I held that damned boom box above my head not because I wanted to," Wednesday rasps, "Enid forced me, just so you know."
Giggles burst from your lungs. A red coat now paints Wednesday's cheeks. 
"I didn't know you did that." You smiled at her; it was soft and teasing.
"Shut up. I hate you."
Wednesday grasps your hand tightly as if she's afraid you'll pull back; her gaze doesn't dare to falter from yours. 
"I love you too," and you see the corner of Wednesday's lips twitch, "I really do."
A mutual understanding. An exhale of relief.
You press your lips to hers; it's soft and gentle, dizzying and passionate. It was light as a feather, sweet as cotton candy. It was strong like waves, burning like an inferno. You've become one and the same; servants of Aphrodite. It was a pledge, an oath—though unspoken—that you'll never leave her side, never betray her. 
The shade, the scarlet, the tricks, the echoes. 
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
|A/n2|: Thank you so much for going through this mini journey with me, I poured my heart out for this one, I hope you enjoy reading as much as I did writing it.
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chaestats · 10 months
Insecurity drabble w Hyunjin from SKZ!
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Request by: anon
Warnings: mentions of ed!!!!!
Ask: "can you make like a drabble for hyunjin with a fem!s/o that has an ed pls? i got diagnosed a month ago, and lord there's literally no one in my life to help me 😨 so it'd be nice if you could do that"
A/n: before we get into it I'd like to say that I don't typically do this kind of content, but I am trying to expand my writings! thank you so much for requesting, love! I don't usually put a/n's but I really hope things get better. hope this helps!!!
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Hyunjin, your boyfriend of six months, has been absent for a couple of weeks now. He's been incredibly busy with his new comeback and he appreciated so much how understanding you are. That's one of the reasons he loved you. For you.
You checked the clock, 23:48pm. You let a sigh of frustration as you sat at your shared apartment. Normally, at this time you'd be at bed, asleep. However this past month has been taking a toll on you, really. You never really had really good eating habits, per say but last month you were diagnosed with Ed. Of course, you never told your boyfriend. I mean, why would you want to stress him even more... he's already got so much to think about.
All you could bring yourself to eat today was an apple. And you felt so disgusted...just the thought of eating by itself scared you in a way? You didn't know exactly either, but if you could go for the rest of eternity without eating...you would.
You couldn't stop thinking about it. Just why, why, why did you have to eat this apple...? Why can't you stop thinking about it? Why can't you bring yourself to eat even if you're hungry? Why?
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a key at your front door. You quickly grabbed a tissue from the table and sat down on the couch attempting to brush away the tears that spilled just seconds ago.
"Love? You're still awake?" On any other day, the sound of your boyfriend's honey-like voice would have made butterflies run around in your stomach. But not today, not now. He couldn't see you like this.
"Y-yeah, I was just going to bed actually." You rushed out of the room, and in confusion Hyunjin put his jacket away and went into your shared bedroom just to find you laying down on the bed, with your back turned at him.
"Y/n? Can we...um talk for a minute?"
"Not now Hyun... I'm really tired"
"No Y/n. Now." At that he sat next to you on the bed just to see your puffy eyes, still visible in the dark.
"Baby don't tell me you've been crying??" He quickly touched your face looking at you filled with concern.
"No, I'm just tired, baby. And I'm sure you're too. Let's just talk tomorrow, please?"
"Y/n no. Look, you've been incredibly distant and uhm...I really don't know how to bring this up...but it has been on my mind since this morning... can you explain what this is?" He opened your drawer and took out doctor's note, that had written down a few drugs for...appetite stimulation? Is that what he thinks it is?
You looked at him in shock and snatched the paper away.
"Did you go through my stuff?"
"Baby it's not the time for this now. This is serious. I've seen how thin you've been getting. Just...tell me the truth Y/n."
You looked at him, tears spilling once again. Oh, how were you supposed to explain?
"What, no don't cry!Baby calm down... I'm here, yeah? Everything is alright. It's all alright, nothing that you say is impossible to overcome. Nothing."
"I-I got diagnosed with Ed. I know I should have told you and everything bu-"
You got cut off by Hyunjin taking your hands in his, making you stand up.
"Listen here. You're the most amazing thing to ever happen to me. And I-....I really don't want to lose you...not like this...." Tears threatened to spill as he continued "I can't ever let you treat yourself like this...you deserve better."
"Hyun... everything is just fine... I'm dealing with everything perfectly"
It was almost as if you didn't even believe yourself.
"No the fuck you're not! Please, baby. Promise me we'll do this together. That you won't do this all alone..."
"B-but your comeback and your fans and-"
"Y/n nothing will ever be as important as you are. Let me help you. Let me be there. I can't stand seeing you like this...baby please..."
You really didn't know what to say. How could you get so lucky? If he couldn't have gotten more perfect then sure he did just now.
He kissed you passionately as you felt his hands cradle up your waist. It was a small gesture, really. But you loved it so much. It showed how caring, how pure his love is.
"I'm here now. You won't ever have to go through this alone."
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seangelfish · 3 months
hello hello !! can i req anemone, fennel, and forget-me-nots with rei pls? tysm and have a good day <3
A/N: I'm surprised I haven't written for Rei yet, but I'm happy that you requested him! Have a good day to you too, anon! <333
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Rei Sakuma
🌼 anemone: how would they react if their s/o is sick?
– Rei doesn't get too worked up about you being sick, but there are times when he does baby you. Well, at least you're not Ritsu, so the babying isn't too extreme.
– He takes good care of you. He's always by your side, always on schedule when you need to take your medicine. He'll insist that he spoon-feeds your meals and gets happy when you comply. He loves to take care of you!
– Most of the time, he's pretty calm about it. Sometimes, quiet. He'll leave you alone to rest as he doesn't want to disturb your slumber.
– Though, he'll do anything you want him to do in the meantime. Want a glass of water? It's already on the table. Want another blanket? He's on his way! Need more tissues? He already bought five packs of it. He wants you to get well as soon as possible!
🌼 fennel: what are their kisses like? where do they like to be kissed the most? 
– Usually, his kisses are very tender. He holds your chin between his fingers to lift your head for a kiss. He'll also lean down to your height for a kiss too, but he loves it when he could just redirect you towards him instead.
– He's careful whether he kisses you because when he gets rough, oh he gets rough. When he gets into the mood, he'll tease you by biting your lips with his fangs, and it just goes down from there.
– Rei likes it when you kiss him anywhere! He just wants your lips to be in contact with his skin. Though, if he had to specify, then it would have to be his forehead. The way you kiss him there makes his heart flutter. It's simple but intimate, something that he desires deep down in his heart.
🌼 forget-me-nots: what do they do to get their s/o’s attention?
– Just like he is with Ritsu, Rei isn't shy to ask for your attention. He'll call out your name in a high-pitched, singsongy voice. He'll jump into your arms if he has to, and because you love him so much, you can't turn away from how adorable he is!
"Ah, (Y/N), there you are!" Rei exclaimed. "I missed you so much!"
He launched himself towards you, nearly tripping the two of you. Before you could fall, he quickly stabilised his footing.
"R-Rei, don't just do that!”
– There are times though where he'll make you pay attention to him. He's not aggressive about it, more so sly, and it always brings a blush to your cheeks.
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