#pls don’t give me death threats-
sillymoonboi · 7 months
Two girls in love <3❤️
I wanted to draw them in my redesign (im probably Gonna get LOTS of hate and death threats because of ragatha design-)
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I just now found out about these tadc gifts-
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nereidprinc3ss · 12 days
slumber party
in which there's only one bed. fem bau!reader x spencer reid
fluff! warnings/tags: dark humor, (the word molest is used jokingly once but in my defense your honor its completely on brand for early seasons cm humor, if u cancel me u have to cancel the whole cast those are the rules, its just a joke cause reader always flirts w him aggressively, pls don't come for me i have a wife and children and three boyfriends to take care of,) mutual pining, bullying and death threats as flirting, they love each other so much and bicker like children, glasses spencer, (moans), emily and rossi are mentioned bc canon means fuck all to me, i think thats it but this is my most out of pocket duo so if i'm wrong lmk a/n: just a silly little thing that i cooked up, not a masterpiece but i think its cute!! I hope u enjoy!! lmk what you think!! looooveee youuuu
“Oh, there is no way.”
Your duffel bag hits the dingy carpet as Spencer is still closing the door behind you. 
“What? Is it—”
You give him a look over your shoulder, eyebrows raised as if to say, what are you going to do about this?
But he only manages to meet your eyes for a split second before they’re back to the singular queen bed, darting over the white sheets and pillows like he might find another mattress if he looks hard enough. 
Sharing a room with Spencer, you can handle. You've done it before. Whenever the team has to pair up at a hotel, you two are an obvious choice. And while you occasionally butt heads, mostly you adore each other and it's great.
But sharing a bed is a whole other situation.
One you were not prepared for. And evidently, neither is he.
Watching his big anxious eyes flit around the room nervously, you feel sort of bad for your reaction. You know you can be a bit… abrasive, sometimes. 
“It’s fine, I’ll just—I’ll see if I can share a bed with Emily or JJ in their room—”
Just then there’s a knock at the door. Spencer looks relieved to have something else to focus on, turning back around and quickly undoing the latch again before opening the door to reveal your favorite raven-haired SSA. Emily leans past the doorjamb, eyes immediately honing in on the awkward sleeping arrangement. 
“Oh my god! You guys too?”
“What?” You and Spencer ask at the same time. Emily raises her eyebrows at this and glances between you, but otherwise doesn’t comment. 
“Me and JJ only have the one bed. I thought it might just have been us.”
You frown. There goes your plan of sharing a room with them. 
“What about Morgan and Garcia?”
Spencer snorts.
“Something tells me Penelope wouldn’t be too torn up about it if that's the case.”
“Hotch and Rossi?”
The room goes quiet and a little chilly as the thought disturbs everyone equally. Emily frowns deeply.
“I don’t even… I can’t picture that.”
“Can we please not try to picture it?”
“Great. Okay, well. I just wanted to make sure everyone is suffering equally. Good luck, champs.”
“Thanks,” Spencer mutters dryly. Emily smiles, eyes darting between the two of you for just a moment too long, before pushing off the door frame and disappearing from sight. Once the door is closed again, a heavy silence ensues. “I’ll… I can take the floor—”
“It’s fine, Spencer. I’m not going to make you sleep on the floor. We’re both grown-ups. Besides, we like each other, right? It’ll be like a slumber party.”
“I’ve never had one,” he admits. His glasses slip further down his nose as he frowns. Your fingers itch to push them back up. 
“Then I’m happy to be your first,” you tease, facing him fully with your hand on your hip and barely resisting the urge to add, I’ll be gentle. “Do you want the shower first or can I?”
Spencer has a habit of looking you up and down like he doesn’t realize he’s doing it. Some might find it odd, but his utter lack of social graces is, lucky for him, incredibly endearing to you. 
“You can have it first,” he says, meeting your eyes again. “Just don’t do that thing where you get the entire bathroom soaking wet.”
“Aw. But I love doing that. It’s my favorite part,” you tease, scooping up your bag once more.
Twenty minutes later you’re emerging from the bathroom with damp hair, clad in loose shorts and a college hoodie. 
“Nice outfit,” Spencer says from the spinny-chair at the desk, examining your outfit choice with a scrutiny you wish you’d been prepared for. Really, you wish you’d known ahead of time you’d have a roommate and brought some alternate sleeping clothes. “I had no idea you felt so passionately about… Scooby Doo?”
“Shut up right now,” you grit, tossing your bag into the corner of the room and tugging your hoodie down over your cartoon-patterned shorts as far as you can. 
“What?” He’s laughing as he brushes past you on his way into the bathroom, bearing his own bag. “It’s a good look for you.”
Your face is burning as you choose the side of the bed furthest from the door. Springs creak underneath your weight as you sink down, sitting with your legs hanging off the side for a moment before swinging them up onto the mattress, leaning against the headboard and side-eyeing the empty space next to you. There’s really not very much of it. The bed feels even smaller than it looks. 
From the bathroom you hear the sound of the shower squeaking and starting up again—a cacophony of droplets against tile on the other side of the wall. You try not to be nervous as you imagine Spencer filling the space beside you in just a few minutes, hair wet and in pajamas. And yet you spend each second wondering if he’s almost done, wondering if the shower will finally sputter to a halt, and once it does, wondering how long it’ll be before he’s out again. It’s ridiculous how impatient you're getting—and by the time you finally watch the door knob twist you feel crazy. 
“I think that was your longest shower yet, Dr. Reid.”
The teasing affords you a moment to ogle him head to toe, taking in his choice of pajamas—tonight, familiar plaid pants and an MIT crewneck—as well as his hair which has already begun to dry. Briefly you wonder if he does that thing guys do, where they lean down and haphazardly dry their hair with a towel because they have no concern for its texture whatsoever. But you kind of doubt it, because his hair always looks so soft. 
“You were sitting here waiting for me?” He chuckles, and honestly you’d been expecting a shyer response. But you adapt quickly. 
“Maybe I was. Big spoon or little spoon?”
“Ha-ha.” He opens a drawer in the dresser and begins unpacking his clothes into it. It's a funny habit of his. You never unpack your duffel. “You took the better side of the bed.”
“Uh, yeah. I’m the woman. I get to do that.”
“Well you should know that if an intruder breaks in, I’m not fighting him off. You’d probably have a better chance than me.”
“And my chances will be even better if he’s distracted with you first.”
“So I’m just bait?” He scoffs, looking back at you. Strands of wet hair hang so prettily around his face, like the perfect frame around a work of art. You smile sweetly from your spot on the bed before playfully biting at the air in his direction. The message goes unspoken but reads loud and clear. Of course you are. You make such good bait. 
That gets a blush out of him and he has nothing else to say as he turns back to his drawer. Happily you lean back against the headboard, stretching your legs out and bouncing slightly in place. Beneath you the mattress springs groan and squeak in protest. 
“I hope you're not going to be this irritating all night.”
It's clearly lighthearted, but you promptly stop and frown at his back. 
“Call me irritating again and see where you end up sleeping tonight.”
“I just don’t see how you’re even more hyperactive than usual right now. Has anybody ever told you that you’re crepuscular?” Spencer asks, finally sliding the drawer shut and going to shut the overhead light off. Your eyes narrow. 
“Obviously nobody has told me that.”
“It means y—”
“I’m most energetic within the few hours around dusk and dawn. Contrary to your belief, Dr. Reid, other people are also capable of looking up words in a dictionary and remembering what they mean. Are you going to stand in the corner all night or are you gonna come to bed?”
“I am,” he scoffs, clearly embarrassed and shy and embarrassed of being shy. “I’m just… you look like you kick in your sleep. And hog the blankets.”
You shrug, folding your knees to your chest and hugging them quaintly. 
“I’ve never had any complaints. In fact, you should be so lucky to share a bed with me. All five star reviews, baby.” 
You toss a suggestive wink in at the end, which seems garish enough to break the tension so that Spencer can stop lingering in the corner like a sleep-paralysis demon and move to carefully take his place next to you. He almost mirrors your position, but his legs are too long to quite manage your level of compactness and so they simply fold underneath him. A few silent moments go by, in which you have the dumbest smile on your face and you keep glancing over to the side, waiting for him to be looking back at you. 
“This is already the least relaxed I have ever been in a bed.”
“Good thing we’re not going to sleep yet.”
Finally he looks at you, a casual mix of hesitance, concern, and moderate curiosity coloring his features. 
“We’re not?”
“Oh, my god, Spencer,” you snort. “I’m not gonna molest you. We have to do slumber party stuff, remember?”
He flushes again, glancing at the digital clock in his bedside table. 
“But it’s late. We should go to sleep.”
“At slumber parties you have to stay up until you literally can’t keep your eyes open anymore. Those are the rules. I don’t make them.”
Still, your insistence that you follow the international code of sleepover law goes unabided by Spencer. He simply leans over to flick off his lamp, bathing the room in darkness. 
“I appreciate the effort,” he says, and your eyes haven’t adjusted but you can hear the rustle of sheets and blankets as he gets under them, “but unfortunately we have to be awake and alert in five hours.”
“You’re no fun,” you huff, but climb under your own side of the cover and scoot down until you’re flat on your back, covered in blanket and hands folded on your sternum. 
Spencer doesn’t respond. 
It’s silent for maybe five minutes, during which your brain doesn’t slow down at all. Maybe you are crepuscular. Or slightly nocturnal. You have nothing but energy. 
In an attempt to get comfortable, you try adjusting your position.
The mattress squeaks. 
You do it again. 
Another squeak. 
A second goes by, and now you’re intentionally jostling about, squeaking the mattress as much as you can. 
“Would you stop that?” Spencer says, voice already gravelly with sleep. You manage, but you’re already devolving into a fit of giggles. “I’m going to smother you with this pillow,” he threatens, but you hear the disgruntled smile curling his words. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m just not in the mood to rest.”
Another moment passes. He sighs deeply. You smile into the dark. 
“What are you in the mood for?” He asks flatly, and you’ve won. 
“Tell me a secret,” you immediately demand in a hushed tone, flipping on your side to face his back. “Something you’ve never told anyone else.”
“I don’t—”
“Shh! You have to whisper it. Those are the slumber party rules.”
“I don’t have any secrets,” he whispers, clearly flustered, and to your delight, rolling to face the ceiling. “None that you’d want to hear.”
“Oh, now that’s just not true. You’re an enigma, Spencer Reid. You fascinate me.”
You’re only sort of kidding. 
“I… fascinate you?”
“Completely. You know, ever since you moved your desk across from mine I get distracted just staring at you and wondering what you’re thinking about. But you’re very… hard to read, sometimes. I think it’s because you’re a Scorpio.”
“The position of the stars at the time I was born has no bearing on my personality.”
“Fine,” you concede, still in a glorified stage whisper. “But that doesn’t mean you don’t display the archetypal Scorpio traits. You’re all brooding, mysterious. Kinda, I don't know... intense and sexy and unknowable…”
“Sexy?” He laughs, breaking the whisper rule. You grin and let it slide. You’d hoped he would catch that one. 
“Hey,” you snap, losing the smile immediately and lightly shoving against what you hope is his shoulder. “You’re supposed to be telling me a secret, damnit. I won’t let your wiles and charm distract me from getting what I want.”
“When have you ever let anything stop you from getting what you want?”
Truly, your cheeks are going to start aching with this constant back and forth between poker-faced and huge Cheshire smile. 
“Stop flirting and answer my question, Reid.”
With the amount of times you’ve made him sigh tonight he must be dizzy. You chew your lip apprehensively in the silence, picking a loose thread on your pillow. It’s so pitch black in the room, you can’t see him where he lies only a few meager inches from you. But you can feel his presence. You can feel the unexpected bass to his voice when he’s tired and speaking this lowly, which you’ve never heard before.
“All the secrets I’ve never told anyone are just… depressing.”
Your heart sinks a little at the way he swallows between words, like that in and of itself was hard to admit. Unthinkingly your hand slides into the small gap of white cotton between the two of you. 
“Not very good slumber party material, I think,” he laughs self-consciously. 
“You’d be surprised.” 
The sentiment comes quieter and more serious than you’ve been all night. If only you had the words to tell him that he can tell you anything. That you want to hold his secrets for him under lock and key. That you would never, ever do anything less than offer him kindness and support—even if it doesn’t always seem that way when you’re teasing him. 
“Do you have any secrets you’ve never told anyone else?” He murmurs eventually, so soft it could kill you. 
And you do. There are plenty of dark ones, probably not all dissimilar from those he’d elected not to share only a moment ago. 
But you don’t bring those up. 
Instead, you decide to admit to something silly. Still, it makes you nervous as you feel it coming loose in your chest. You’ve really never told anyone this, and it’s perhaps more vulnerable than you’d realized before the words were already leaving your mouth. 
“I, have…” You pause to laugh at yourself, and continue on. “I have a stuffed dragon that I take with me on every single case.”
“You do?” Spencer laughs, so loud and unexpected it almost hurts your ears, angling his head toward you. Blood rushes to your face. 
“Yes. He usually sleeps in bed with me. He’s an excellent listener and has been the origin of several of my most genius breakthroughs. You remember Gibson Cooper?”
“Family annihilator from Houston?” 
“Correct. He’s in prison because Oscar helped me make the Cook Creek Campground connection between the O’Hara and Diangelo families.”
“You have a stuffed profiler dragon named Oscar? Is he here?”
“He’s—I mean, I wasn’t expecting to share a room with someone.”
“So he’s in your bag.”
“Yes,” you seethe, “and I will not be introducing you to him. He doesn’t do well with men.”
“You are genuinely psychotic.”
You huff.
“Fine. I’m sorry I told you anything.”
You’re about to roll over onto your other side—but Spencer surprises you by catching the hand that had been outstretched in his direction. He carefully intertwines your fingers and squeezes gently. 
“You’re right. That was mean. Thank you for telling me about Oscar.” His tone is surprisingly teasing, and you’re so uncharacteristically flustered by this rare show of physicality and affection that you can’t muster an adequate comeback. Spencer doesn’t seem to mind filling your silence, though, sounding a little more solemn now. “I’m sorry I don’t have any secrets for you.”
The way his voice gets all thin and scratchy sometimes—it’s like the earnest sincerity just pours out of him. He can’t control it. He can’t be anyone other than who he is. Maybe that’s a part of why you love him so much. You wonder if he knows how much you love him. It’s not exactly a secret—anyone on the team would be able to tell as much. You’ve been relentlessly teased for the way you are with him. For your batting lashes and your lingering touches and your unabashed flirting. But beneath it all is true affection, and nobody doubts that. 
“It’s okay,” you decide with a squeeze of your own, after a moment of deliberation. “You’ll think of something. ’Cause, y’know—you’re stuck with me for at least a few more days.”
“Oh, god,” he laughs, and releases your hand, rolling over to face away from you. But you don’t mind. You’ll get lots more time to invade his personal space over the coming week or so. “Goodnight.”
“Sweet dreams,” you sing-song, turning away to face the wall with what is perhaps your biggest, stupidest smile yet.
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daegustae · 1 year
lion’s den | jeon jungkook
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pairing ; mafia boss ! jungkook x assassin ! reader.  
genre ; mafia!au, smut, angst | one shot
summary ; your mission was to kill jeon jungkook until it became something more.
word count ; 5.8k
warnings ;  smut (18+), fingering, clit slapping, slight rough fucking, hickeys bigdick!jungkook, some dirty talks, choking, voyeurism, explicit language, unprotected sex (yall do it without the un), mentions of blood (not too extreme), blackmailing, use of guns, daddy issues. 
a/n ;  im backkk pls let me know ur thoughts on this one :D 
¯¨’*·~-.¸¸,.-~*’ •·.·´¯`·.·• `·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.· •´`·..íì..·´`•
You walk down the familiar hallway, the sounds of your shoes echoing, getting the attention of the guards waiting at the end of it, you take a deep breath as the door you curse your whole existence opens revealing a fancy and clean office clearly opposite from the one who owns it. 
You despise the man sitting behind his desk, looking at you with a smirk that you wish you could wipe off his face. The room reeks of cigarette and alcohol, you crunch your nose in disgust.
“Have a seat” he motions with his hand signaling you to do as he says
“Just tell me what I have to do” you cross your arms tightly, impatiently tapping your feet on the expensive hard-wood floor, refusing to sit, making him narrow his eyes at you. 
“Are you really going to disobey me now?” his tone threatening, you send him a death glare doing as you’re told. He hums in satisfaction, lighting up a cigarette before inhaling the smoke and exhaling it right in front of your face after. This fucking old bitch, You close your eyes tightly, holding back from killing this man right here and then. 
“Where is he?” his eyebrow raises at your question, tilting his head as if contemplating whether to answer you. 
“Do this job and I’ll tell you” you growl slamming your hand on the table in which he didn’t flinch, his grin only getting wider taunting you. 
“Give him back and I’ll do it” your heart aches at the thought of his little figure, scared and confused about what's happening without you by his side. 
“Not happening. He should be the least of your concern right now, kill this man for me” He says putting a photograph of a man on the table for you to look at. He looks young, clean and pretty even but you can never judge a book by its cover. You can’t help but notice the piercings on his eyebrow and lips. Few of his tattoos are exposed, who is he? 
“Jeon Jungkook. Son of my greatest enemy. As you know, his father died last year with my own hands, and now he is taking over. I would just let him live, but he is taking my customers, recruiting the best people even those idiots who I fired. You know, very bad for my business. He’s building an empire and you have to stop it.” 
“Why me?” eyes narrowing as you look at him with hatred 
“He doesn’t know you, in fact no one from our enemies knows you. You’re my greatest possession, dear I made you for this very mission. Also you’re pretty, he likes pretty women.” You clench your fists by your sides. Loathing at how he sees you as an object that can be disposed whenever he pleases, like you were born to be one. 
You stand up without a word, stopping to your tracks as you near the door. “And if I fail?” 
“Oh you won’t, you don’t wanna see his tiny corpse inside his favorite backpack, do you?” You stomp your way back to his table, grabbing him by his collar with your hands. 
“He’s your son”  your words echoing around the room 
“Not biologically.” 
“I’m going to kill you after this.” you tell him sternly pulling him close as you look him straight in the eyes. The eyes that you hate the most knowing it’s the same as yours. He laughs loudly completely unfazed by your threat
“Do your mission first eh?” You drop your hold gritting your teeth before walking away. 
“Oh and take care, my lovely daughter.” He yells from behind you, your nostrils flare with one thing in your mind. Burn this place down. 
“Don’t fuck this up.” Your father tells you through the small earpiece, you roll your eyes. Fixing your hair making sure it covers your ear and the earpiece which is almost pea-sized. 
“If you shut up, then I won’t be as distracted” you snap, you nod at the person who opens your door. Dusting off your black long dress that hugs your boobs and body perfectly. The thigh high slit on the right side and simple jewelry you’re wearing completes the look. 
You scan the area, putting on the half black lace mask on your face. Who the hell still even throws a masquerade party?  
You nod at the security guard, showing the invitation you were able to forge easily. A crowd of people soon fill your vision. It’s dark and big but the only light that is provided is from the disco ball and bar. 
You make your way to the corner of the room, observing the people around you. If you were a normal person, you would have just simply thought this was an elegant and good party. But you weren’t, so do the people here. Few of them could be murderers, hell you already assumed everyone in this room has at least killed one or two people in this lifetime. Everyone here is dangerous. 
“Find him” the annoying voice orders. You crouch down, pretending to fix your heels, making sure the gun you strapped on your calf is still there and will stay hidden. 
“I am trying, why did you have to send me to a masquerade ball? I could just kill him in his sleep” You bite your lip looking for your target. The lighting is a good cover-up but it makes your work harder knowing everyone is wearing masks, you can’t just spot him in one go, or so you thought. 
“I’m telling you this is now or never, we won’t get a chance as close as this.” He warns  
“Shut up, turn this off if you have to.” Your breath hitch as you spot a figure on the second floor, his sleeves are rolled up revealing some of his tattoos, his arms are leaning on the railings, looking at the crowd below him. Looking at you. It’s not hard to find him considering that he carries this aura you can’t put your finger on. You gotta blend in. You curse under your breath, looking away as you make your way to the bar to get yourself a drink. That’s definitely him. 
“Straight up” you tell the bartender thanking him as you get your glass. You glance at your target, only to find out that he’s disappeared. Fuck where did he go?  
“Looking for someone?” You jump slightly from the voice behind you, you can feel his breath on your neck reminding you of how you are with each other. You take a sip of your drink, the taste of whiskey immediately burning your throat, composing yourself before responding. 
“Are you?” You turn around, raising your eyebrow at him. He chuckles lightly, putting his hand on your lower back to pull you closer to him. You gasp, grabbing his shoulder with one hand the other on your drinking glass. 
“Straight up? You're supposed to drink whiskey on the rocks” He tells you, taking the glass out of your hand for him to finish your drink as you frown at him, watching his every move. This is your chance. Don’t fall for his antics.  
“No you’re supposed to drink it with your own preference, now if you’ll excuse me” You remove his hand on you, widening the space between you both before you find yourself walking away from him. You look over your shoulder subtly, making sure he’s following you. Just like what you planned. 
“I prefer you entertaining me” He pulls you into him, your back hitting his firm chest as you feel his hands touching your hips delicately but with pressure. The feather of his mask tickling the side of your face as he brushes your hair to the side, his breath on the back of your neck feels like electricity making you tilt your head to the side giving him more access. 
“I’m not a whiskey” you lean your body on his, almost losing your balance as he turns your body around making you wrap your arms around his shoulders. 
“Don’t you know me?” you can see his quirk eyebrows, his flirting tone not faltering though. Your face only inches away, lips hovering but not completely meeting each other. The masks clearly are a bother for you both. 
“Should I know you?” You are so close you could feel the heat of his body. Your hand making its way to the nape of his neck. 
“No, but you’re about to.” you gasp softly as your lips connect, slow and then desperately. You pull away catching your breath, he takes off his mask knocking the breath out of you, god he’s pretty that picture didn’t do him any justice. He put his finger under your mask tapping it as if asking for permission to take it off. You nod. This wasn’t part of the plan but I guess I can improvise.  
“Never seen a pretty girl like you before.” He presses his lips against your neck, making you moan and pull his hair before he’s chasing your lips again. His hand wanders through the slit of your dress, palming your pussy making you jolt in surprise. The other on your back, keeping you steady. 
“Fuck you’re so wet already.” he growls nipping at the juncture between your neck and shoulder that for sure will leave marks. And you can only suppress your moans, grinding on the hand that’s between your legs. His warm fingers tracing your clit through your lace underwear, putting pressure then pulling away teasing you. 
“W-wait here?” You shriek quietly, holding his wrist. Afraid that you might get attention from other people especially now that you both don’t have your masks. He chuckles looking at you with lust. 
“Look around angel, no one’s paying attention” You do as he says watching everyone minding their own business. Either too busy dancing or doing god knows what with this poor lighting room. “Tell me to stop and I will” You can kill him later. 
“Don’t” He towers over your body, hiding you from the crowd with his broad figure. You feel him set your panties aside, as you both stand in the corner of the room. You watch him retrieve his hand, gripping your chin to bring your face closer to his. Tapping your lips with his tattooed fingers. 
“Open” you open your mouth, Jungkook inserting his two fingers inside. You look at him directly in the eyes, licking his fingers delicately, before he has them shoving down your throat choking you. 
“Fuck I’ll let you have my dick in your mouth, next time” he swears taking them out and thrusting his fingers inside you with a warning. You keep your thighs shut earning a tsk from him. Slapping your pussy sending you in shock. 
“Keep them open”  You let out a loud moan in surprise, feeling his fingers stretch your walls. You tighten your grip on his shoulders, kissing his lips sloppily, leaving kisses on his neck to his jaw. Leaving your prints all over his skin to suppress your moans. 
“Oh g-god” you meet his fingers, grinding and tightening your walls as you chase your orgasm. “S-so good” 
“Yeah?” pride is evident in his voice, pushing his fingers knuckle deep inside your pussy. His thumb rubbing your clit in the process. 
“J-just like that please I’m gonna cum” you beg
“C’mon princess wet my fingers” you arch your back, Jungkook leaving sloppy kisses on your chest as you release. Feeling your slicks runs  down your legs. He helps you gain your balance as your legs shake in pleasure. You watch him bring his fingers in his mouth, not breaking eye contact with you. Licking the remnants of your pleasure. 
“Delicious” he gives you a satisfied smirk “Let's get to know each other more, yeah?” squeezing your butt one last time before dragging you across the room. 
“Jungkook” He tells you his hand enveloping yours as he leads you out of the crowd to the hallway upstairs. He looks over his shoulder, raising his eyebrow at you expecting you to say your name. 
“Doesn’t matter, this is only a one time thing” He nods at your response before continuing to walk, 
“What the fuck are you doing?”  a hiss from another line calls out, you scratch your ear, jungkook won’t hear him with this distance, you try to catch up to him as the noise from the party fades away, reaching another hallway with guards waiting at the end of a door. 
You gulp already calculating your moves and keeping in mind your exit points in case you get busted. You make it to the door, moving closer to Jungkook as the guard attempts to check you. 
“No need to search her, she’s with me and your job is done for the night” You quietly let out a sigh of relief, watching the guards eye you up and down before Jungkook’s pulling you inside. You don’t have time to scan the room as he immediately pins you against the floor-to-ceiling window. Your back makes contact with the cold glass, sending shivers down your spine. 
He pulls down the top part of your dress fully exposing your chest as the strap of your dress fights for its life to stay on your body. He quickly devours your nipples, giving each a lick before sucking them. He continues his assault on your breasts, nipping at the skin under to leave marks. You moan as you pull his hair in pleasure earning a growl from Jungkook. He leaves sloppy wet kisses about to go down further making your eyes widen. 
You cup his jaw with both hands stopping his ministrations. He raises his eyebrow, standing up straight to look at you with concern. You almost got hypnotized goddamn  “What’s wrong?” 
“Just .. just fuck me” you beg masking your surprise with lust, if he finds your gun down there then it’s all over. You hastily unbutton the black sleeve shirt he has on, throwing it somewhere and gulping at the sight of his abs. He quirks his eyebrows at you, chuckling lightly before nodding, completely oblivious of your plans. 
“As you wish” he quickly pulls down his trousers and underwear just enough for his length to be set free, you almost drool with how it slaps his stomach. “Condoms” he mutters to himself. You shake your head the sooner you’ll start, the sooner this will finish. 
“I'm on the pill” as if something pushes his button, Jungkook turns your body around your hand laying flat on the window glass for balance. 
“Be a good girl, yeah?” His voice sends shivers down your core, you lift your dress, just enough for him to see your behind, but not enough to notice what you are hiding. You’re both horny, he won’t notice. 
“Mhmm” setting your panties aside, you both moan in unison as he presses inside your tight cunt slowly, his long and huge girth stretching you in every way possible. 
“So tight.” He growls, the lack of condom only adding to both of your pleasure as you feel his veins. You look at him through the glass window, watching his face contorted in pleasure. You look ahead of you, if someone decides to get some air, they would clearly see you and Jungkook from there. Jungkook notices you being distracted smirking like he knows what you’re thinking. 
“You like the idea of being watched?” you can only moan, breathing heavily. Only realizing that you have someone listening to what’s happening on the other line. “Fuck you just got tighter” You clench on his dick even more, getting turn on by the moment. Jungkook’s tattooed hand makes its way to your neck, tightening the grip just enough to cut off some of the air from you. The other on your breast to keep you still and pull you closer. You yelp, hand on the back of his head pulling him possibly even closer. 
“I-m gonna cum” His thrust becomes rougher, every thrust feels like he is arranging your guts. His balls slapping your ass. He grabs your chin from the side, nibbling your earlobe and giving your lips hard, and deep kisses as you chase your high. 
“Fucking hell, princess wet my dick just like that.” your body shakes as you release your 2nd orgasm for the night, meeting Jungkook’s hips to help him chase his own high. He drills inside you, fucking you through your orgasm. He groans, the sound of skin slapping and heaving breathing fills the room. It’s not long before his thrust becomes restless filling you with his warm seeds within seconds. His dick pulsating inside you. He pulls out of you before you hear rustles from behind. 
You lean your head on the glass, fixing your straps and taking time to process your thoughts smirking as you hear something breaking. And a gun clicking behind your head. 
“Did you break it? Is he gone?” You title your head looking at the broken earpiece before he’s shoving you on the glass window. Pinning both of your hands on your back with one hand. The other holding you at gunpoint. 
“Rescue won’t come for you” he growls, you can feel the hatred in his voice, damn he’s so fast you didn’t even notice him pulling his pants up. 
“Good” you bite the inside of your cheek maintaining eye contact with him through the glass before crouching down to get your gun fast. Using all your strength to get out of his grip. “Because I won’t need it”
“You do know this is my territory right? Even if you kill me you won’t even last a second before you’re on the ground too.” you point your gun at him, Jungkook standing to his full height, you’d be lying if you say he’s not scary. “Who do you work for?” 
“No one” 
“Bullshit” you gritted your teeth, taking a deep breath before dropping your gun and putting your hands in the air to surrender. Jungkook looks at you confused before pointing the gun at your head yet again. Making you swallow the lump in your throat. 
“Kang, Kang Dae” you say slowly “he sent me to kill you” Jungkook laughs, a genuine laugh as if you told him a very funny joke. 
“Isn’t that obvious? That bastard huh my father’s life wasn’t enough?” he says sarcastically “Any last words, princess?” His eyes show no remorse, the concern look before now changed to bitterness. 
“I can help you kill him” you propose, this is your plan all along, you assume Jungkook is smart enough to put everything together. 
“What makes you think I want to kill him?” 
“He killed your father” 
“Which I am in favor of, by the way. He’s a bad man, he deserved it.” He shrugs “Tell me more” 
“He’s going to kill you one way or another, I can help you kill him first” he tilts his head, lowering his gun thinking about what you said for a moment before pointing it against your temple this time making you suck in a harsh breath. 
“You’re gonna have to convince me more than that.” 
“He has something of me” You growl but decided to beg you can’t die today “please” you tell him softly he can detect the desperation in your voice. 
“How do I know you’re not gonna betray me?” 
“You’ll have to trust me” he isn’t pleased with that answer “I won’t be out of your sight, if you find me suspicious you can kill me.” you tell him truthfully, he licks his lips, lowering his gun and tucking it to his waist. 
“Help me get what’s mine and I’ll help you kill him.” you add he nods. Watching you straighten your back and gain your composure. 
“Who are you?” 
“Doesn’t matter.” 
“It does actually, you seem to know alot about him and vice versa, you must be so special to him that he blackmails you to make you stay.” you didn’t respond to him, peering out windows and checking the parameter before closing the curtains. 
“Ahh I know you” you stop in your tracks looking at Jungkook who’s already looking at you with a smirk on his face. Hands on his hips, he still hasn’t put back his shirt on exposing his v lines. “The Knight, that’s you, yes? Unknown name, unknown face, but very known for the works you’ve down for Mr. Kang, didn’t know you’d be a woman though” 
“Something wrong with being a woman?” 
“None I think it’s great, you’re great I’m a fan of your works” you shake your head of course he would know. You are Kang’s greatest weapon, he has made that clear with every enemy of his. You have taken down all the blockages he has faced, and facing. It was fun at first, the adrenaline of killing bad guys and watching them beg for their lives. But eventually you get tired of being boss around, risking your life, fighting for a fight that’s not even yours to begin with and that makes him angry. You are always in stealth mode, no one has come close to identifying you. Kang planned that from the moment you were born. He was ahead of his enemies, until you make sure he isn’t. He thought taking your brother hostage, the only precious thing your mother has left with you, was a good idea to keep you working for him, well he thought wrong and now he’s gonna pay for it. 
“I need to contact him, he needs to know I’m alive and you’re not so he won’t be suspicious.” he nods hesitating at first but eventually agreeing, 
“I’ll tell my team to fake my death and announce it through the people of the streets. Make it easier for him to believe you.” you watch him rummage through the cabinet that sits in the corner of the room. He puts on a black shit, his chest prominent, he catches you staring at him, looking away as you clear your throat. 
“Thank you” 
“Don’t thank me yet” 
“Shifting hours would be from 6 in the evening to 6 in the morning, we should be there at 4 they’d be tired and won’t see it coming” you tell the people around the table, a sketch of the mansion spread out on the wooden desk. You left the party with Jungkook, going to a more hidden place where you assume that this might be his home. 
“The package will be here, whoever gets there first will protect the package at all costs” Jungkook tells his team sternly, no wonder why he’s the leader, he’s got the potential and that look. Even with his stance alone he looks intimidating. “Get ready, make sure all your equipment is loaded” he nods at the crowd as they disperse outside the meeting room, leaving you and Jungkook alone. 
You look up at the ceiling sighing in frustration as anxiety starts to creep in. This needs to work. “You okay?” 
“No” you sit on the edge of the table looking at Jungkook who’s standing beside you. You flinch as he grabs both of your wrists, observing it before rubbing an ointment from god knows where. His warm hands calming you.
“I’m sorry about this” you didn’t even notice the marks on your skin until he says so, you pull your hands away, shaking your head as you chuckle lightly, 
“It’s fine” he’s so close, you can feel his warm breath on your cheek. You pull the oversized coat closer to you body, it was given to you by Jungkook the moment you left the room, telling you he can’t have his team getting distracted by your body when your face is more than enough already which made you blush of course you didn’t let him see it.  
“I’ll let you rest, you can use the room upstairs on the left. No one will bother you there” He walks away from you, not giving you a second glance before you stop him. 
“Jungkook” he turns around waiting for you to continuum looking at you with the most gentle expression he has. “The package, it’s my brother, he’s only 4” you look down, biting your bottom lip, preventing yourself from breaking down right there and then. 
Jungkook opens his mouth only to close them, not knowing what to say as he watches you fiddle with the coat you have on. You walk towards where his figure is, standing in front of him as you stare at each other. 
“If all else fails, you have to save him. It’s him over me” the words feel bitter on your tongue, but it’s the reality you have to live with. It’s either Kang’s body or yours on the ground. You know him too well to even let you live for a second the moment he finds out about your plan. 
“You’ll both be okay” he assures, patting your shoulder, you shake your head you need to hear it from him 
“Promise me, you’ll protect him” 
“I promise, but can you at least tell me your real name?” he asks curiously you chuckle about how to respond but he’s already putting his hands up in defense “I know, i know only a one time thing yeah?” 
“Just tell me why he’s doing this to his own children, so I can make him suffer a little more” he gives you a small smile in which you return 
“y/n and it’s a long story” it takes him a second to process what you just said, before his grinning from ear to ear, his bunny teeth showing. He looks normal. He stares at the clock on the wall. 
“We still have 5 hours” and those 5 hours are filled with you and Jungkook talking about everything you can think of. He also shared his story. Listening to him made you realize you weren’t the only one with the same fate, you both shared some common interests. You tried your best not to spill everything, but for the first time, for some reason, with Jungkook it feels nice to talk and share about your life with. 
“You ready?” you nod at Jungkook, watching everyone around you surround the house you grew up in. Making their way inside as quietly as possible with their guns. You can only trust Jungkook and his team that was set to rescue your brother. 
“Don’t worry, they’ll make it in time” He assures you, as if he’s able to read your mind. “We have to get to Kang first before, he gets suspicious” you make you way to the hallway, a couple of dead bodies on the ground hidden in the corner of the room, you look at Jungkook once you spot the guards, communicating with your eyes as the two guard walk to your direction, ready to leave their post
You jump on the guard, letting Jungkook take care of another one. You had the man on chokehold, using his body to cling on him to tighten your grip on his neck and squeeze the life out of the man. You hear him grunts, taking out his knife to stab your side. You hiss trying to ignore the pain as adrenaline pulses through your body. You made sure he had no time to scream for help. He fell to the ground with a loud thud, the other man following suit. 
You both creep out of the hallway, nodding at each other with pistol in hand before barging into your father’s office. The feeling of hatred and disgust every time you come inside is still the feeling you have now though you can’t ignore the small part of you that’s afraid of what this man can do. 
You pause looking at his silhouette, his back turned against you. “Ahh you’re here” he chuckles 
You walk closer to him pointing the gun at his head as he turns his chair around slowly, a light cigarette on his hand. His face shows now surprise as if he has been waiting for this moment.
“Great plan by the way. You look just like your father, a shame he’s not here to witness this” He grins tilting his head as he looks at Jungkook behind you. You tighten your grip to your gun, wanting to pull the trigger so badly. 
“Had a good night last night? You can thank me for that, she has you wrapped around her fingers no?” he teases, god you wish you could wipe off that smirk on his face right now. 
“I told you I was gonna kill didn’t I?” you give him a piercing look, maintaining a good distance from him in case he tries to fight back. There was a flicker of fear in his eyes before it turned back to pride. 
“I know I’ll get killed eventually, it was either you or one of my enemies.” he chuckles, puffing out smoke unbothered. “Daughter, I know you you can’t kill me” he challenges 
“No, but he can” you rush to his back, pinning his head on the table as you put cuffs behind his back and tie his legs on the chair in which he didn’t flinch. Jungkook is now standing in front of him with a gun pointed at his head. 
“Did you really think I didn’t plan this through? The moment he pulls the trigger you know you’ll be the one to take over and my enemies they’re going to come for you” he growls, you can’t help but feel a little weak over his threat because you know it’s the truth. Jungkook looks at your faltering figure tilting his head, motioning you to come over to him and you do so, purposely hiding behind his figure to compose yourself, you can’t show emotions now. 
“Goodbye Kang” 
“Oh I almost forgot, you might wanna have to check on that brother of yours, he should be drowning by now” He laughs you look at Jungkook with horror he mouths a “go’ before you’re sprinting towards the door 
“You like her boy? I bet she’s as delicious as her mothe-” 
“You disgusting old piece of shit.” the sound of a gunshot stops you in your tracks looking back at your father’s grin fading as his body goes limp on the floor. A loud thud is heard when his body hits the ground. One last look and your footsteps echo through the empty corridor, making your way to where your brother is supposed to be, passing through dead bodies on the way. 
Loud footsteps follow behind you. Your heart beats faster as you come to the scene. 
“Ji woo?” you yell brushing off the crowd that has formed. You hear Jungkook shouting make way , his team doing as he says. Your heart drops at the sight of a water tank, it’s not huge but huge enough for a 4 year-old to drown. Eyes frantically looking for a small figure. 
“Y/n” you gasp at the voice, eyes stopping at your brother who’s currently in the arms of one of Jungkook’s men. A towel wrapped around his small body. 
“We got him out before the water reached his waist” you nod, thanking the man before scooping your brother out of his arms. You enfold him into a hug, his small arms circling around your neck as he sobs. 
“It was scary, yes?” he only sobs harder, if your mother was here this wouldn't happen in the first place, she won’t even get to see him grow and fall in love. You feel pity for both of your brother and mother. If only you could have saved them both sooner. “I’m here now it’s okay” you rub his back, hoping it will give him more warmth. 
You grunt as his knee bumps your side, Jungkook notices your pain observing your side before reaching his hands out to get Ji woo. “You’re bleeding” 
“I’m fine” Jungkook only shakes his head because of your stubbornness. 
“If you want to live and stay with him, then let them check that wound.” You sigh in defeat, handing over Ji woo to Jungkook, he was scared at first but Jungkook gives him a genuine smile and a nod of encouragement. 
“Can you be my brother forever?” Ji woo asks innocently, his eyes widening in curiosity as he looks at Jungkook who’s carrying him in his hips. 
“Of course” they both giggle, Jungkook brushing his nose to his. You walk side by side, going straight to the medics with your wound. It didn’t hurt earlier but now it definitely hurts like a bitch. 
“We need to check him too, he might develop hypothermia” you nod reassuring Ji woo that you’ll see him again soon before Jungkook hands him over to the professionals. He stays beside you, biting the inside of his cheek as he stares at the space in front him. 
“You okay?” 
“H-huh of course” you nod, watching the paramedic tend to your wound, gritting your teeth in pain. 
“Just a few stitches, it’s not deep.” you lay down on their bed, Jungkook sitting beside you. You grab on the bed as you receive the local anesthesia to numb your side. It isn’t long before you’re done with your stitches. Now you’re looking at the place that has been your home and nightmare at the same time. 
“The bodies have been taken care of, and they’re in the process of cleaning up the blood and such. Your father will be buried too, do you wanna know where?” 
“That’s fine, if you want to continue to live here I can have my team clean out everything, save the things you want to save.” save the things you want to save. There’s none. All the things that belonged to your mother had been burned by Kang, she now only exists in your memory and your brother is the only reminder that she’s been here. 
“Just burn the house” You see him looking at you in your peripheral vision, completely taken aback by your statement. You’re going to start over .
“About what he said earlier, if anyone comes for you or if you need help-” you’re thankful for Jungkook, but you can’t afford any more losses. Meeting him in the future will only mean danger for the both of you. 
“Thank you Jungkook, but we won’t need it. I will not continue my father’s doing” you tell him honestly, giving him a small smile. For now, you will leave as far away as possible from this place with your brother, it will be hard hiding from the others who want your head but you can worry about that later. 
“Will we see each other again?” you feel your heart skips a beat
“A one time thing, remember?” you both laugh wholeheartedly, pausing as you stare at each other. 
“Goodbye y/n”
“Goodbye Jungkook” 
¯¨’*·~-.¸¸,.-~*’ •·.·´¯`·.·• `·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.· •´`·..íì..·´`• 
taglist : @beebahbarbie  
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yeonboy · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐥 ♡ choi yeonjun // mlist.
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After facing disappointment with love for years upon years, you have chosen to replace romance with dance in your life, dedicating your entire time to this dance academy you’re employed at. It’s not that you hate men now, you just don’t expect to fall for them anymore because all they do is break your heart. And then Choi Yeonjun enters your life as a new recruit at the academy – sweet, adorable, soft spoken, kind and younger than you. He is everything you have never found attractive in a guy before. But somehow, you're helplessly spiraling for him.
❧ choi yeonjun x f. reader | 16+ | smau ♡ comedy ♡ angst ♡ strangers to friends to lovers!au ♡ dance academy!au ♡ 98-liner!reader ♡ dancer!reader ♡ dancer!yeonjun ♡ slow burn.
❧ warnings! profanity, an ABUNDANCE of suggestive jokes, mentions of people's sex lives (or lack thereof), death & murder threats as jokes, some of the characters being assholes for no reason, reader being a commitment phobe, a lot of pining, a ton of miscommunication (hehe ofc <3), misunderstandings, unnecessary heartbreaks + more will be added as the series progresses!
❧ featuring! all of txt | jimin & jungkook (bts) | sakura & kazuha (le sserafim) | yeji & ryujin (itzy) | keeho (p1harmony) | somi (soloist, ex i.o.i).
❧ playlist! trampoline - zayn & shaed ║ easy - camila cabello ║ lavender haze - taylor swift ♪
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❧ status! 23.04.23 ⇢ tba. | on-going | bi-weekly updates
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notes! heyyy, guys! yes, rya smau era 2k23 hehe! i had this idea for a very angsty fic where an older reader has feelings for a younger yeonjun but can't accept it bec he's not her "type"... but when i tried to write it, it got soooo sad and heavy soooo fast that i had to give up 😭 SO! i reckoned why not attempt to do an smau w a lighter version of this concept??? let's hope this turns out okay (:
pls be kind! the last time i wrote an smau was in 2018 so my creativity's got rust in every crevice (': but constructive criticism + suggestions are more than welcome! 🫶
❧ main masterlist | inbox ⁘
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profiles: [1] [2] [3]
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00. intro ║ 01. more nepotism hires ║ 02. grandpa and grandma ║ 03. break a leg (but not yours) [written: 1k] ║ 04. do you like flowers ║ 05. ✨aRtTtT✨ ║ 06. let the boy feel a woman's touch ║ 07. support system ║ 08. liking people we can't have ║ 09. it IS weird ║ 10. ‼ trouble ‼ ║ 11. connecting some big ass dots ║ 12. it's a work in progress ║ 13. dance crush ║ 14. enemies to lovers ║ 15. ohhh my god i'm so stupid ║ 16. at least that’s how it began ║ 17. we're no sidehoe material ❌ ║ 18. jealousy wasn't on my bingo card ║ 19. pesky little feelings ║ 20. why do i know so much ║ 21. it should've been me ║ 22. an overthinker AND a dumbass ║ 23. everything is a mess [written: 500] ║ 24. sum chamgo love dive it is [written: 1k] || 25. feels like a funeral in here ║ 26. let's all act surprised || 27. must start breathing into a bag ║ 28. IDK DUDE IM NERVOUS ║ 29. i wasn't jumping I SLIPPED ║ 30. wdym denial ║ [tba]
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taglist: @bailies-me @samisubi @forever-in-the-sky2 @captivq @jiawji @hyuneyeon @wanlore @softcabur @emohazuzworld @yjusei @marifujioka @taekwondoes @suzirumas @ohmahgods @ye0nvibezzn @mrsyawnzzn @rionah
let me know if you'd like to be added!
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© yeonboy 2023 // do not steal, copy or repost. respect your local content creators, kaythanks.
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froggywritesstuff · 5 months
like i love you | yandere!amber freeman
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ship/pairing: yandere!amber freeman x male!reader
fandom: scream
request: anon: pls more yandere amber freeman i am not normal ab her 🙏🙏 male reader:)
warnings: yandere themes, death threats (not to the reader), swearing, pet names (reader gets called baby, good boy, and gets compared to a puppy), mentions of blood, manipulation, knives, gas lighting, crying, reader gets knocked unconscious, light sadism, not proofread
word count: 875
A/N: i do not in any way support yandere behaviour, please know that this writing is purely fictional, and should not ever be reenacted in real life
You're finally gonna do it. There's no way she can stop you. You're done with her. You're done with her lies, you're done with her controlling your life. You're ending this today, you're confident in that. You just wish your hand would stop shaking so much.
"Now what are you gonna do with that, baby?" Amber asks, tilting her head to the side, a wicked grin on her face.
You readjust your grip on the knife, momentarily pausing the shakiness, "I'm gonna kill you Amber. I'm gonna fucking kill you." your voice is anything but confident, and fear courses through your body as Amber's smile widens.
"Oh really?" she asks. You nod. "Alright then. Do it.” she sneers, an amused look in her eyes, “Slit my throat, slit my fucking throat, watch me bleed out in front of you, look into my eyes while you take my life. I want you to know what you’re doing, I want you to know that when you kill me, no one- fucking no one will love you like I love you.”
Your face falters, but only for a second before regaining the cold facade, “I don’t want your love, I never wanted your love.”
Her lips turn up into a smile, “No, no, you need my love. No matter how much you try to suppress it, you know you can’t survive without me. I’ve made sure of it. You can lie to yourself, but you can’t lie to me. And the fact is Y/N, that without me you’d be completely lost.”
You shake your head weakly, “No.”
Her smile only widens, “Yes, Y/N. God, when I’m not around you you’re like a lost little puppy. You wouldn't know what to do with yourself without me. So I’d suggest you put the knife down, before you do something really stupid.” she says, all with a sweet smile on her face.
You shake your head, readjusting your grip on the knife, “No, Amber, I’m not gonna let you do this to me, I-I’m done letting you control me.”
She laughs slightly, “Oh that’s adorable. You really think you have any say in this?" she takes a step towards you.
"Ge-get the fuck away from me!" you yell, backing away from her, beads of sweat dripping from your forehead.
A low chuckle leaves her lips, "You're really scared aren't you?"
"Shut the fuck up." you shout, attempting to convince her you had an ounce of confidence in you.
"That's ok, baby, I know you are. You're shaking, sweating, and I can practically hear your heartbeat." she notes with a smirk.
"Stop." you mutter weakly.
She shakes her head, a kind smile on her face that makes your heart race, "I don't think so. Now if you be a good boy and give me the knife right now, I won't be as mad at you." She steps your way, making you back up until your back hits the wall.
You shake, feeling utterly and completely trapped, "Ju-just stop, please."
She laughs. You're on the brink of a mental breakdown and she laughs. "Tell me how you're the one with the knife, yet I’m the one backing you up against the wall." she hums, "You're doing all the work for me, it's adorable."
You open your mouth to speak, but the words die on your tongue. You're losing hope. You don't think you can kill her. You know you can't kill her. As long as she's alive, your life is in her control. And there's nothing you can do about that.
Tears prick your eyes and you feel a tight pain in your jaw as you try not to cry.
"Give it to me." she says, leaving no room for argument. You loosen your grip on the knife, hands shaking as you hold it closer to her, and Amber takes it from your hand. "There you go," she smiles condescendingly, placing the tip of the knife underneath your chin. "Was that so hard?" she lifts your head up slightly, forcing you to meet her cold eyes.
Unable to fight anymore, tears stream from your eyes and down your cheeks as you break into a fit of sobs. Through the tears you can see Amber's smirk widening.
"I-I'm sorry Amber, I'm so sorry." you say in between sobs. You're aware of how pathetic you sound. You're counting on it to keep you from getting stabbed.
"Aw baby, you're sorry?" she coos, tossing the knife to the side and pulling you into a tight hug. You almost find yourself relaxing in her arms, her hands gently caressing your back and calming your sobs. "It's a bit late for apologies, Y/N." she whispers, sending chills down your spine. Before you can beg for mercy, she readjusts her grip on you, grabbing you by the hair and slamming your head into the wall. You collapse to the floor, your vision getting blurrier by the second. You're able to hear your breathing, coming out heavy and slowly, but everything else sounds like you're listening underwater. Amber's voice sounds in your ear. You can't make out a word she says, but you know it can't be good. You know you're in for a world of pain.
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newnlovesjennie · 5 months
one piece au where literally nothing went wrong everyone is alive and happy hc's
belle mere is still alive obvi
the attack on her island was less of an attack and more of like a alliance? like the fishman pirates pulled up and were like hey we need a hideout can we pls use ur island. and they were like yeah offer us protection and in turn u can use our island! no violence no blood nothing!!
in this au fisher tiger is still alive and the fishman pirates are still what he envisioned before his death, so he’s the captain, not arlong
speaking of arlong he’s like hella toned down. he got the jinbei affect in the sense that koala changed him and showed him humans aren’t all bad. yeah sure he’s more radical and unhinged than the other pirates but he’s just like the weird conservative uncle you tolerate at thanksgiving not a real threat
hachi and nami bonding!!!
nami never develops an obsession with money, she gets to put her full effort into map making and exploring that talent
she makes maps for the fishman pirates completely out of her own free will
she joins the movement for fishman human equality woohoo!!!
yeah in this au that movement actually gets taken seriously instead of played off and the fishmen actually make progress in equality 
koala visits sometimes! koala and nami bonding time!!!
doflamingo is toned down like 1000% in this au he’s not a family killer in this one he’s just odd
like seriously idk how the logistics would work but maybe somehow after the whole “doffys family becomes human” thing the humans don’t persecute him? so in turn he just kinda is pretentious and misses being rich instead of holding a particular grudge against humanity?
either way he’s also just the weird conservative uncle you see at thanksgiving 
corazon is number one dad ever did he offer law henny for his 8th birthday yes does he know how to do laundry or cook not at all but he is trying his best!
LAW BABY FIVE AND BUFFALO AS COUSINS. PLEASE!!!! dellinger too maybe idk if he’s a kid or not tho
the executives like trebol diamante whatever the fuck also aren’t as evil either they just tryna do their own thing yk just black market deal in peace but no unnecessary killing 
donquixote family stays pirates instead of going and trying to take a whole kingdom (took a shit ton of convincing for doffy to accept that)
the whole pirate warlord thing gives doffy enough prestige he don’t need to be a king necessarily 
law eats the op op fruit, doffy tries to get him to make him immortal, corazon slaps him, doffy changes his mind
(i am taking so many liberties in this au omg)
kuina didn’t fucking fall down a flight of stairs!! yippee!!!
their whole competition abt who will be the greatest swordsman is still on
they venture outside the dojo and become pirates
both bounty hunters maybe
kuina is so so gay
hear me out…. kuina x tashigi? LET ME COOK
yeah zoros just there
they find their way to mihawks island without the whole kuma blasting zoro to a random island thing
they beg mihawk to train them but he’s like wtf get out of my house but they show potential and he’s like ok fine ill train y’all 
persona is also there bc i said so FUCK MORIA ALL MY HOMIES HATE MORIA she left him and somehow ended up with mihawk he also let her stay for some reason (he needs to stop adopting kids)
hear me out…. perona x kuina? or at the very least they become besties
once again zoro is just there
olvia and saul are still alive
all of her island is still alive, don’t ask why the world government is ok with that they just are shhhh shhhhh 
robin grows up an archeologist but decides she needs to find the poneglyphs and discover the truth of the world
so she becomes a pirate and joins baroque works, led by crocodile
he respects her (WHAT) doesn’t try to kill her (WHAT) and they actually have a fun friendship a friendly lil boss secretary relationship its adorable
she helps crocodile get with doffy because god knows he couldn’t do it himself
ok if this is how this au is going robins gotta be besties with bon clay come on. mr three hello?? 
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ryndicate · 1 year
As you wish ⨳ Thorkell 
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Pride is not worth dying for.
notes: this will probably be updated with smut at another time, it's been sitting in my drafts for a bit and i just don’t have the brain for adding the spice rn </3 but i really enjoy the idea, and the next part will have a fun little plot twist sooo yk. hehe. enjoy my little story dump for now. drabble length, less than 1k.
warnings: wrote this from the time period of the series itself, so pls note that reader was sold to her husband! time period misogyny! also blood/death mentions
By expanding, you are consenting to viewing adult/dark content, and all warnings listed above. 18+ Minors DNI
Blog Rules/DNI
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The giant of a man leers around the destroyed hall, one eye clothed the other crazed. His face and clothing are splattered with blood, the same which drips from the flat blade of his remaining axe. The other still lays embedded in your husband's—former husband's—chest plate.
The other women lay cowering beneath the tables, some silent and shaking and other's shaking and crying. You, however, remain seated at the head table, as you have been since this giant and his men stormed the lord's hall.
His shoulders seem to sag as his bellowed call goes unanswered, and he shakes another stream of red onto the floor. His stare rounds the room and this is the moment you choose to stand, and he notices. His expression doesn't seem to change as you round the table, brows set, but his head tilts as you gather your skirts and crouch by the dead lord's side.
"He was almost worth the effort."
You glance up at him, finding the giant standing above you. He gives you a broad smile and his expression, misplaced in the chaos around you, recalls to you something you already knew, but had forgotten. His appearance meets the description; towering height, tall blond hair tied back in a headband, muscular beyond reason.
"I imagine there aren't many men worth your effort, Thorkell the Tall," you return impassively.
"Those are pretty nice words to give your lover's killer," Thorkell banters with you far too easily.
Resolutely, your hand closes around the shaft of the axe in the corpse, and it takes you great effort to pull it free. Besides the incredible heft, there is nothing special about it. But still, you trace its blade almost lovingly, fingers smoothing down from iron steel to the pine finish. You pay the blood no mind.
The enemy warrior doesn't tense, doesn't stiffen, nor show any sign of threat. You don't imagine you pose any to the likes of him, even with a weapon in hand. You tilt your head back to gaze upon his face as you lift the weapon towards him in offering. "That man was my husband, but I have yet to take a lover in this lifetime."
Thorkell pauses only a moment before accepting his axe. "Yet?"
You smile at him coyly. "If you so wish, I yet have a life ahead of me. I choose to be optimistic."
"Yer placin' your life in my hands?" He rumbles now, scratching his head with a slow forming grin. He’s peering at you closely now, and you can only hope you’ve got his attention.
"I was one of the many slave wives of this hall, but it was me you saw seated at my master's side. I can be valuable to you, if you wish to buy me."
"And who's to sell you then if your master rots at my feet?"
"My cost is them." You step closer to the giant, catching his gaze and purposefully drawing it towards the women still trembling on their bellies. They certainly haven't escaped his notice, nor his followers'. "You nor your men are to lay a finger on them. Allow them the choice of their own freedom, and in return I am whatever you wish of me. My fate lies with you now, Thorkell the Tall."
“Any of them English?”
You tilt your head curiously but answer him all the same. “No. Each of us are a spoil of conquest. Our homelands are elsewhere.”
Thorkell hums to himself and rests his axes on his shoulders. He seems to be mulling over your words, and you’ll take that for what it is, holding your head high and not allowing yourself to tremble after coming this far. Coming this far means nothing if it ends in naught. You are not scared of this warrior. You are not scared for even your own life. Your last few years have been hell under your former lord and way he treated you. Your only peace has been the kindness shared between the other wives and servants, so failing to save them is the only thing you fear. If you can do this for them, even if it leads to more suffering or your own death so be it. You will stand tall.
“As you wish then.” A weight leaves your shoulders for a bare moment, but he continues, and it begins to thump and patter as you try to keep a calm expression. His cheer remains untouched; there’s something deeper in his eyes now that calms you somewhat, though you don’t quite understand. “I like ya. Not like most dames, I’ll give ya that. So, I’ll give ya the chance to prove yerself.”
“To prove myself?” 
The warrior turns his back to you and slams both axes into the wood of table, shafts held aloft from how deep the blades sink in. It’s loud, frightening the other women into short shrieks as they curl in on themselves. “Men! We’ll be resting here tonight and taking advantage of their fine hospitality. Anyone who touches the women here will be responsible for the stain on my honor and will answer to me. If ye be so bold, I look forward to it. We'll rejoin Askeladd in the morn.”
Some of his men laugh, cheer. Others look chastened, intimidated. You resonate with both. You imagine there are few who would find themselves at perfect ease with such a formidable fighter.
Thorkell turns to face you, grin still in place, and you find yourself cast in his shadow.
“Show me to yer dead lord’s chambers. They’re ours for the evening.”
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apricotmayonaise · 4 months
Dahlia Hawthorne + April May headcanons? (Ship or separate I don’t mind :3 )
(Sorry if this has been done before lol. Anon because I’m a coward)
anon i do not know who you are but i love you dearly and i am kissing your forehead so much right now. i will do all three
DAHLIA HEADCANONS: -born 14 february 1993 -pretty strong! like she literally swam through raging rivers without. dying. so -she loves books and reading and poetry (the poetry one is canon i think oops) -she has aspd (not in a "murderer character must me sociopath!11!" way but in a I Actually Read The DSM For Fun When I Was 9 And Also Know That Demonising Cluster B Disorders Is Bad) -her red hair isn't natural, she dyed it when she went into hiding as "melissa foster" -speaking of hair, her and iris did that braid crown hairstyle as children, until the bridge incident when iris "betrayed" dahlia and dahlia got so pissed she cut her hair to about the length you see in that one 3-4 cg -refuses to take help from anyone when shes sick but WILL use it to get out of things -did not actually help get iris seperated from her. that was a lie to make herself seem more in control -lesbian
APRIL HEADCANONS: -born april 30 1993 (duh) -passenger princess. do not trust this woman behind the wheel. -has three siblings. february march (33) june july (13) and august september (3) -i have an insane amount of backstory headcanon for her so please ask me about that my dms are always open -related to above, she was a child beauty queen/reality tv person (2-7) and teen model (13-20) -she LOVES romcoms. so much -natural hair color is a mousey brown. it got dyed pink when she was 2 due to . child beauty queen -has HORRIBLE nightmares. rip queen! -owns one of those fucking lipstick tazers. like despicable me 2. -also a lesbian! was in denial for most of her life ("well, men like ME so obviously i like them") before being like "wow im gay. but im still going to flirt with men because theyre more likely to give me their credit card info" -she has a cat :) -she has all the mental illnesses that i have because i am her and she is me. hpd, bpd, anorexia, ptsd shes me fr -related to the above, she doesnt take it seriously. "yeah i have ptsd, proficient talent for sucking dick" type shit DOLLYHEARTS HEADCANONS: -they meet when they're both about 13-14 years old -dahlia, or, "melissa" as april first knows her is in boarding school because shes in hiding as melissa foster -april, on the other hand, got sent to boarding school because her mom was not good at dealing with a daughter who belonged in either thirteen (2003) or euphoria. she generally acted WAY too grown for her age and was pretty self destructive. she was also a model for bluecorp and would pose for their billboards as well as other companies and magazines -the pair quickly become High School Girl Best Friends. hooray. -things get yurious up in that bitch -this continues for many many years until they r in college. theyre sort of in this weird in between situationship phase and are also Highly toxic and somewhat codependent. -neither of them are being normal about it -things get even more toxic yurious when doug gets thrown into the mix. this poor man . pls let him live -dahlia commits murder goes to jail yada yada they write letters to each other half of which are death threats that they cover in kisses and lipstick marks and hearts -and then april goes to jail -AND THEY WERE CELLMATES! -more toxic yuri happens -dahlia gets executed -april gets executed -ghost yuri
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sillymoonboi · 6 months
Pretty lady :)❤️
She is finally done!-
I was struggling with the design of her hat-
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She loves strawberries
Pls read this⬇️
⚠️some info about her so people won’t confuse her with the Sun and moon show or earth and lunar show ⚠️
1- she is not the same earth from the sun and moon show
2-she is not siblings with sun (not sams) but she is siblings with Moon (not Sams)
3-She’s in the security breach au, not the show
4-I don’t want any hate comments or anything, if you don’t like it you can scroll or block
5-She’s in the au where sun and moon are dating and are not brothers (pls its not been confirmed that their brothers , pls let people have fun-)
I apologize if my typing is wrong-
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noforkingclue · 2 years
Hi when u can write again n if ur in a mood, can u pls do dark!11 x timelady!reader? Where 11 meet with u but u hate him cuz he destroy gallifrey. 11 grovel 4 forgiveness but u ignored him. 11 wanted to make u his to continue the timelord species. U would rather die than breed with him. It become hide n seek to try to escape him. He caught u a few times but u always escape.
Note: requests are currently close
I do love writing dark!doctor fics (especially dark!11). Hope you like the fic!
Title: He'll Always Find You
Warnings: dark fic
Doctor Who tag list: @v4n1r, @queerconfusionthings, @yourneighbourhoodclown, @love-of-fandoms, @emilythezeldafan, @fabulous-jj-style, @theseeker945, @pleadingeyes, @kjaneway1, @truthbehindthemysteries, @im-a-muggleborn, @startrekkingaroundasgard, @mythandmagik, @geocookie21, @zerocanonlywriteshit, @thewinterpoet2, @anteroom-of-death, @night467, @clarasoswaldd, @sess23
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @imjustassaneasyou, @spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivan, @simonsbluee
You always remembered the Doctor’s TARDIS fondly. While most other timelords threated a TARDIS like a machine, the Doctor didn’t. His was a place of warmth and it made you see why he, and many of his companions, thought of it as a home.
Before the war you agreed with them.
But that was before the war.
War changes people, that’s it nature. It burns civilisations, destroys families and rips away what is left of the humanity of those who fight. The Time War did all of that but in the process created a madness in those who fought in it. You could see that madness in the Doctor’s eyes when you first saw him again. An old solider, the burnt out shell of the man you once knew and loved but couldn’t love any more. Not after what he did to Gallifrey. You couldn’t forgive him for that.
“Y/n,” the Doctor’s voice echoed around the TARDIS, “Come on. I only want to talk.”
The bright walls of the TARDIS were now dark and cold. Your footsteps seemed to fill the still air despite your best efforts in keeping quiet. You hesitated very time you had to turn around a corner, terrified that the Doctor would be waiting for you.
“I promise I won’t hurt you.”
You spun around, expecting to see the Doctor right behind you. You glared at the empty corridor as the Doctor’s manic laugh filled the air. You tried your best to block it out as you continued on your journey towards the console room. The TARDIS didn’t seem to be actively trying to prevent you from succeeding but at the same time she wasn’t doing anything to help you.
“We would be so beautiful together,” the Doctor said, “You always wished to go travelling, to escape Gallifrey and the Capitol. But you were never brave enough to go renegade. To leave your comfortable life. Well, I guess that’s one good thing to come from the Time War. It gave you to me.”
“I’m not yours,” you spat, “You destroyed our home.”
“Gallifrey stopped being my home long ago,” said the Doctor coldly, “You’re holding onto a memory of a distant place that neither of us wanted to be in. We didn’t belong to it. We belonged to each other. We can be happy, y/n. We can have the family we always talked about. Just stop running from me. We can be so happy together.”
“Can we?”
You finally reached the console room. Sorrow filled you as you looked around the dark and lifeless room as you walked towards the doors.
“You know we can be.”
You put your hand of the door and looked over your shoulder. The Doctor was leaning against the console, jacket held in one arm and bow tie undone.
“You found me quickly.” You said
“Never had you out of my sight.”
“So this is it,” you shrugged, “Finally got me cornered. Going to keep me trapped in here?”
“No,” the Doctor raised his hand and clicked his fingers allowing the TARDIS doors to swing open, “You can leave.”
“To give you a chance to come back to me out of your own free will?”
“And when I don’t.”
“Then I’ll continue to chase you until you’re so tired of running that you have no choice but to come back to me.”
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dreamsclock · 2 years
I was halfway through a post abt how c!Bad isn’t victim-blaming c!Tommy by having empathy for c!Dream, and I was gonna reblog it right up to the last sentence where they said c!Dream was gaslighting c!Sam in prison to make him feel bad 😭 Bitch wtf
Its still surreal to me that ppl think c!Dream was gaslighting c!Sam during the prison arc. Even if you believe c!Dream is the most evil unredeemable cartoon villain in the world he literally had no power in that situation. Like dont u think he’d gaslight his way into not eating raw potatoes all the time or something
Maybe I would b willing to give Dream antis the benefit of the doubt if it weren’t for the fact most of them have no critical thinking skills and they send random ppl death threats for liking a fictional dude smh
it’s a shame people don’t realise “c!bad has empathy for c!tommy but is frustrated by him” and “c!bad has empathy for and maybe even cares for c!dream” can coexist as takes :’) like ! they’re not mutually exclusive !! especially considering nobody really seems to know about exile !!
re: c!dream gaslighting in prison…. are people forgetting c!sam is THE gaslighter girlboss ?? /lh but seriously, c!sam gaslights the hell out of c!bad (and probably other characters but i only specifically remember c!bad). what makes anyone think anything he says about prison activities can be trusted??
i don’t doubt that c!dream was doing his best to manipulate c!sam and c!quackity and his visitors, you know, Because He Was In A Horrific Situation And Was Trying To Escape Slash Survive (and also that’s just. how he rolls.) but GASLIGHT is a funny one.
literally what could he even gaslight c!sam about. “sam Ur crazy. quackity already came to torture me today. don’t u remember. pls don’t let him back in oh my god haaahahahaaa” LIKE ??
c!dream was probably using every tactic in the book to make life even slightly easier for him in prison (faking being worse injured to try and get c!quackity to stop torturing him, lying about escape plans to c!sam, calling c!quackity sir to get on his ‘good side’) but i think the important thing about c!dream’s ‘manipulation’ here is that ultimately he was doing anything he possibly could to survive. nobody blames an abuse victim for doing things underhand to survive. it’s no wonder c!dream was doing those things and i don’t think they should be held against him as like. acts of evil and villainy. when we have c!awesam “gaslight gatekeeper guilt trip” dude to deal with 😭
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arachnoheaux · 6 months
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xxx alright my loves❣️ i've finally gotten this place up & running! this is a private dead dove;do not eat discord server for hazhelluva roleplayers ran by yours truly. a love for dark themes exclusively isn't in any way required;this is a safe space for hazhelluva roleplayers to feel safe pursuing their creative endeavors free of harassment & death threats!
xxx i'm just one person & wanna keep the space managable! so it's going to be invite only for those of y'all i KNOW & can PERSONALLY TRUST to follow the ancient fandom texts:
If you wish to take part in any fandom, you need to accept and respect these three laws.
The First Law of Fandom:Don’t Like; Don’t Read (DL;DR)
The Second Law of Fandom:Your Kink Is Not My Kink (YKINMK)
The Third Law of Fandom:Ship And Let Ship (SALS)
xxx ♥️ this post to express interest & i'll go around & offer invites❣️ pls also keep in mind that i'm one person here & need to keep the space managable. so pls be patient with me & pls don't take it personal if i don't give you an invite right away. remember, this space is for people i know & can trust on a personal level, so please get to know me here before requesting an invite! i'm electing my time & energy to give ppl a safe place to be without being subject to the nastiness that happens out in the open 🕊
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harapeveco · 11 months
I think I don’t have to state the obvious here but if you don’t like something, and as much as you are allowed and valid to not like it, sending death threats to the person who posted said thing is not the way to go.
So bc I don’t want people asking me or bothering me about it this is about the Eve AI cover that has been making rounds on Twitter. You probably saw a post of mine where I complained about it but that the extent of what I did, I never engaged with said tweet nor spoke with the OP bc as much as I didn’t like anything surrounding that cover I wasn’t going to fight over it either. It’s true, I don’t like the idea of an Eve AI cover, I don’t like the fact that they used Sou’s version of the song as a base and I don’t like the wording they used in the post but even though all that made me mad it was not my place to say anything, after all, it was explained to me that Eve himself requested it and even if I didn’t like it I had to respect that decision he made.
I’m talking about this more of like a vent bc I’ve seen the whole drama unfold during the day and is still going on so much so it brought HarapecoEN back from retirement to explain the situation and if this whole thing was overwhelming for me I can’t imagine how it could hacen been for the OP.
I’m very disappointed on the community, which by my experience has been nothing but kind and welcoming but after seeing so many people sending death threats to OP…it’s really sickening that’s not the way to go.
I do sincerely apologize if the post I made about the whole thing seemed harsh and as angry as I was at that moment, when it was explained to me I calmed down a little and just let it be bc in the end if Eve was ok with it, his input is more important than mine.
Does this mean I’m in favor of AI covers? Ofc not! Not after what happened to Erica Lindbeck but I also feel the hate OP is receiving is disproportionate considering everything surrounding this situation.
It’s true I can’t do much other than complain bc in Twitter I have no say on anything, I don’t have a following and I don’t interact with anyone so it would be like talking to wall but I feel like it had to be said.
Idk if it would help at all but if possible pls give OP encouraging words in these hard times. It’s sad to see the treatment they got for doing something they thought would make Eve happy (and it did make him happy).
Very disappointed in evetwt, I understand you wanted to side on your fave and defend him but Eve (surprisingly enough to some people) is a grown ass man who can think for himself, if this bothered him he would have said something about it. Don’t let fanaticism and the sense of anonymity blind you and make you act like a piece of shit.
That’s all.
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anngie27 · 1 year
Here is a Renegades fic I wrote inspired by that scene in the Hunger Games where Katniss shoots Coin instead of Snow and Peeta stops her from taking the night lock pill, except Ace is Coin, Snow is Captain Chromium, and Peeta is Adrian. (obviously) pls pls pls give me feedback ily 🫶 oh yeah and title from forever winter by taylor swift
I’d take that bomb in your hand and disarm it
Nova felt her hands trembling as she clutched the gun. She steeled herself, squaring her shoulders even as her heart raced through her chest, hands clammy on the handle. she stood atop the ruins of an imploded stone building, surrounded by the ruins of Gatlon. the eyes of the crowd were all on her, but one specific pair felt like it was burning on the back of her neck.
all of Gatlon city will witness more than a mere spectacle. We are gathered to witness the end of the Renegade’s tyranny, as their leader, Captain Chromium, is executed by one of the greatest friends to the anarchist uprising. On this day, Nova Artino will fire the shot to end all wars.
May her bullet signify the beginning of a new age of anarchy.” Ace’s speech boomed through the resounding stone structures, speaking not just to the crowd, but to the few surviving renegades being held back by anarchist guards. Nova was trying her hardest not to let her traitorous eyes sneak a glance at a certain Renegade - former Renegade, - she corrected herself. He certainly couldn’t feel anything for her but hate, as she pointed a gun at his father. He was probably regretting every kindness he’d ever shown her, every gentle touch, romantic gesture.
may your aim be as true as your heart is vengeful.”
She could vagugly distinguish the shouts from the renegades through the roar of the crowd, her pulse thrumming in her head. slowly, she lifted the gun. She forced herself to look at Captain Chromium, head held high, as composed as one could be staring down death. he was tied to a stone cylinder, held back by chromium chains, telekinetically crafted by Ace himself. He looked her in the eye, and she had to force herself not to look away.
In, out. Nova tried to quell her breathing, as her finger shook on the trigger.
May your aim be as true as your heart is vengeful.
Attempting to focus on the weight of the weapon in her hand, she was suddenly flooded with memories of training, of Ruby and Oscar, easy conversation between her and Adrian’s Dads, memories of Adrian.
His stupid glasses, his nervous smile and artist’s hands. Surely he hated her now. How could he not? She heard his voice in the back of her head,
You don’t have to do this.
She steeled herself, ignoring the roar of the crowd, lining up her aim as she cocked the gun. she sucked in a breath, legs trembled, trying not to think of the uncle, the father figure, Ace had once been to her, but the he threat to justice he had become. She’s thought what they were doing was right, that the Renegades were the enemy, but Nova was only a pawn to him.
In, out.
her heartbeat slammed against her rib cage as the crowd disappeared, the world honing into her and the target.
In, out.
at the very last moment she jerked the gun upwards, putting a bullet directly in Ace Anarchy’s heart.
May your aim be as true as your heart is vengeful.
She quickly fumbled around with the gun, knowing she had only seconds to do this before chaos erupted. hands fumbling with the trigger, she turned the gun around to face her own forehead. She heard someone scream her name from somewhere, and squinted her eyes, not wanting to see his face as he realized what she was about to do.
pull the trigger Nova
pull the trigger
pull the trigger
she realized she was hyperventilating, hot tears running down her cheeks as her finger tightened on the trigger, moments away from freedom.
Suddenly the gun was knocked out of her grip, and she look up, startled, to see Adrian.
She looked up at him like a startled, wounded animal.
“Nova?” he mouthed, unable to be heard over the crowd.
the world closed in on her as she realized she was hyperventilating, unable to get in enough oxygen.
“Nova, breathe.” He repeated, louder this time. tentatively he reached out to cup her face.
She tried to calm her thundering heart as she sucked in quick breaths, tears hot in her eyes as she looked up at him, confused.
Why would he stop her?
How.. how could he not hate her?
“I-i’m sorry.” Nova managed to choke out over her tears. Suddenly, it was like a dam broke in him, and he pulled her into his arms , both of them kneeling on the rubble.
She buried her face in his chest, whole body shaking as he held her.
and through the screaming of the crowd, the aftermath of her betrayal, she knew she had made the right choice.
Ty for reading please give me feedback 🫶
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notthesacrifice · 9 months
A YouTube Comment I left on the Old Wound music video. I doubt anyone's gonna see it there so I thought I'd share it here. If anyone has anything to correct me on pls lmk.
To the fans: It’s understandable that this upsets most of you, a fan-base of artists, or contrarians, or supporters -- not only are you not the demographic for this video, but you see the harm it causes. My concerns, then, are not to you. Nor are they to the A.I. advocates (this is a debate I considered dead and buried). My concerns are with the minority of loud opportunists: the same people who might continue to harass Bob Bryar on Twitter. I considered this behaviour dead and buried also. But it’s back, disgusting as it is, and doing nothing of use. The small minority must know that to rip and tear as they do only harms the points they wish to defend, but especially the band. (In particular, so I’ve seen, Frank. If there’s one demand I’d make: give Frank some fucking room. Your beloved anti-fascist lyricist of Leathermouth and anti-corporate singer of Death Spells is NOT transforming into an antisemitic, conservative libertarian. Goddam!) The arguments that are common sense to you (in defence of or attacking A.I.) are absolutely not so to others. You must talk to the others as though they are children. Not patronisingly, but as though they are naive. Disregard and do not respond to anything bad faith. All the “comment section grammar correction bile” hurts the band. So if not for each other, be civil for the band.
To the band: The video is out now. It doesn’t matter. From the moment the teaser was posted it didn’t matter if the full video was released or not — it existed, it was paid for, the fuse was lit. The upset and anger are not at the form or the content, it’s at the thought (or thoughtlessness) that preceded it. Its status as art is contentious, yes, but ultimately irrelevant to the core issue. We do not live in a world where safety nets exist for artists in any form, let alone when their existence (i.e. their careers and livelihoods) are threatened by automation. This is good technology. Undoubtedly the beginning of another technological revolution. But our objective conditions do not make it safe to use when it’s application necessitates a team of artists goes unpaid in favour of one individual.
Most importantly I would say: We don’t need to consider this moralistically. If A.I. art is truly art or not, if it’s stolen or not, if it’s tied to the NFT and crypto demographic or not, is all secondary. It doesn’t matter. Materially, this application is poor now. In a decade? Maybe not. But now, there is no protection or assurance for human artists. The tale of this field’s automation is the same as any other — it will be rejected en masse and held as immoral for as long as the material conditions leave the Replaced unprotected. Art is especially tricky in this sense, as for other occupations workers may only need to be financially compensated and assigned a new line of work, but artists do what they do out of love. It is not just work, it is a pastime. So not only do the artists need the financial compensation, but they CANNOT be relocated, and they need assurance they will never be made redundant in a world that demands money be made.
I don’t like this video. If it were a decade later, or another time when artists are protected, when A.I. is assuredly a tool and not a threat or talking point, I might enjoy it more. But for now, A.I. is unfortunately objectively bad for art. And that’s something we can only change by listening to the artists
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clamsjams · 1 year
If you’re chill with people in your ask box sharing theories /if not you can ignore this ^^/. My personal theory about Maximus is that he’s not secretly working for the federation or anything, the federation just needed him to either 1: cause unrest and distrust among the order group since he was one of the forming members of it 2: they needed to test a small experiment with him, 3 he could’ve also became a sleeper agent but I doubt it.
I don’t think the code attacks people who are with the federation, I think it attacks people because the federation needs them for something or to take them in private, making the code seem worse and more threatening to the residents just helps the cause since it takes the heat off the federation a little bit.
dude i’m chill with people in my ask box just to say hi or something pls pls pls talk to me i am normal i swear i am not foaming at the mouth i can talk to ppl
anyways yeah i absolutely agree with ur first thing, bc of how trumps death affected max and the way he’s been so so focused on finding answers, founding the ordo theoritas, and basically constantly trying to figure out the federation, there’s basically no way he would ever be a part of the federation willingly imo. unlike fit, who seemed to stay more neutral, which makes sense if he was planning on being a traitor for a different organization, and he had to have been planning that for a while, if not since the start, which makes his neutrality seem like a planned move.
however, max is extremely paranoid and gets tunnel vision when it comes to the federation, which makes it extremely easy to manipulate him if u know what ur doing. and look, i hate to have to take the ass camera seriously, especially bc the ass camera thing was like improv that they came up with on the spot, so if you’ll excuse me for being meta for a sec, there’s no way the people who put together the story could’ve planned for that or factored it into the lore. BUT hehe butt implanting some kind of monitoring device into someone does seem like a classic federation move, even though i think it’s main goal was to gather info, and the sowing of dissent was kind of a secondary bonus
and as for the code thing, that’s def an interesting point. i like the idea that the code is a red herring, something planted by the federation to serve its goals. and i think that would be interesting if the codes real goal is to give the players an enemy to unite against, to make them feel like theyre doing something and to take the heat off of the federation for a sec. bc most players seem to agree that between the feds and the code, the feds are the lower priority threat, the lesser of two evils. bc the feds don’t resort to violence as much as the code, and their agents can be reasoned with, in a way, even tho that reasoning and logic seems pretty warped to anyone with a functioning understanding of how emotions work. the code, on the other hand, just shows up, attacks, and leaves, there’s no way to talk to them or try to negotiate, bc you’ll just get killed if you try. so yeah def a possibility
but that’s the thing about the codes. when u theorize u go off of the info that u can gain from the source material, things that are explicitly stated, things that are implied, and things that u can extrapolate based on the data u have and logical thinking. the problem with codes is that they’ve given me basically nothing to work with. all i know is that they attack without mercy, they have some form of admin powers, allowing them to fly and summon mobs, they target the eggs for some reason, and the federation won’t admit they exist. that’s basically it. which means that all of my thoughts on them is just baseless speculation. when i theorize about them, it’s mostly just me speculating on a direction i think the code storyline could possibly go in and how it might affect the storyline, but i have nothing to back that up.
anyways that was basically a long winded way to say, i don’t fuckin know what’s going on with the codes at all but it’s a fun thing to think about and i think ur idea is def plausible and would have interesting implications
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