#pls dont worry im fine ....mostly
never thought id do this but screw it
if this post gets 500 notes i will stop hurting myself and try a healthy coping mechanism
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
You are correct it is a goose 🫶 (because I am a hilarious goose) also I have this headcannon that könig & or ghost get panic attacks sometimes. (Use that as a hurt/comfort thing as you will) I also SUCK at lore for CoD so anything I know is blurred together with actual things and then just mostly fanfics and such so don’t smite me pls 💔
But yea I’m a sucker for hurt/comfort ESPECIALLY with sweetheart cuz she’s badass but kinda like group mom yk?
- 🪿
But ugh hurt/comfort is like- I feel like everyone is a sucker for hurt/comfort 💀 ME INCLUDED (it depends on the h/c but yeah I can snort it all day)
And it's okaayyyyy if you don't know the lore!! I only know about 3/4 of it, but on the top of my head? Jeez it's like BLANK LOL so you're completely fine for not knowing the lore, and I've been a fan of CoD since a child 😭
I can definitely see Ghost and König having panic and anxiety attacks (I have another ask like this and I still need to answer it dammit. I HAVE ALOT OF ASKS STILL- LIKE 38 LOL)
The first time Sweets saw Ghost have a panic attack, she panicked a bit herself because she's trying to figure out how to calm Ghost down. She's just cursing to herself, brain just overthinking everything
(Sweetheart: Should I hug him? Will that make it worse? Okay wait, don't touch him-- but does he even know I'm in here with him? Just touch him- NO DONT-- FUCK WHAT DO I DO?? DO I TOUCH HIM OR NOT?? MAYBE GET WATER? BUT-- JUST DO IT OH MY GOD NO FUCK-- )
So she gets on the floor with him and is so hesitant. But she gently soothes his arm that's huddled on his bent knees. "You're okay..." She lowly says to him. She sees its kinda working, so she sticks her hand in the fire more. "You're gonna be okay, Simon. It'll pass."
She used his real name. She's talking to the man who's having a panic attack, not Ghost. Not the calm, collected Ghost. Simon.
It took a bit more for him to calm down with her soothing touch and low but soft tone, telling him to focus on his breathing. Ghost sighs, looking at his hands. Sweetheart's places her hand in one of his, the warmth immediately going to his already dizzy head. He looks up, eyes locking with hers. She's concerned about him. Worried.
But she wears a soft smile for him. "Do you need anything? Maybe some water?" She asks, her thumb rubbing his thick skin. Comfort.
Simon gulps and clears his throat, eyes leaving hers. "Yeah. If you can." She nods, "Of course. I'll be right back." She gets up but was stopped by Simon's hand. Please.
"P-please. Please don't leave." He whispers. I need you right now. I need you so much.
She smiles as she shimmies in-between his legs and wraps her arms around his neck. "Wait--" She rings back, like Simon was made out of acid. "Oh gosh, do you want to be touched right now? I'm so sorry, I didn't even think--" She was cut off from Simon yanking her into him. His ear right where her heart is, hearing the rhythmic thump. It's calming. You're calming.
She relaxes into him, wrapping her arms around him once more, her hands combing his hair. Simon closes his eyes as he sighs in content. He's learned something about himself. About Sweetheart. She always has a warm presence. A presence that makes you feel at home. Safe.
You are my peace.
(I have never had a panic attack, so I apologize deeply if this is incorrect.)
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audie430 · 1 year
Genshin Guys Taking Care of You When You're Sick~
ft. Aether, Albedo, Bennett, Childe, Diluc, Gorou, Venti, Kazuha, Xiao, Xingqiu, Zhongli, Thoma
Heard everyone is sick for the holidays, including yours truly so here's some sick comfort! Its been a while since I played, and I'm npt caught up in the archon quests so Im sorry if theres any inaccurate headcanons in here, otherwise I hope yall enjoy ^^
This sweet man would be good at taking care of you, just possibly not the best
He and Lumine got sick when they were little and had to help each other out, so he obviously knows what to do, but its been a while
For this headcanon, lets say you have the common cold, but Aether is so caught up in trying to figure out symptoms and medicines and he always wonders when the next time he or his friends will be attacked, so our boy is overthinking a whole LOT
He probably thinks you have the flu, he heard it was spreading in Mondstadt and you then conviently passed out when yall went fishing w Paimon
first thing he does is pick you up and lay you near a statue of the 7, before grabbing a cool rag
Everything probably would roll smoothly if it werent for paimon distracting him
He takes a deep breath and continues w paimon pestering him lmao
just imagine waking up on the comfy grass and hearing a hushed argument until Paimon just starts yelling and makes your head split in 2
Aether would put his hands on your ears when he tells paimon to leave
He sighs and gathers you into his arms to hold you, he truly was worried
He would try to make you chuckle a bit with some dad jokes to downplay his worry
I can see him trying to take all the burden on himself so you dont have to suffer any longer than you have to🥲 pls let him know that youre okay
he ends up cooking some fish for you, even if youre not hungry, he will try to make eating seem fun? in a way ig
he'll make the train noises or the airplane, maybe even tickle you a bit to get you to open your mouth
he'll also give you a bit of his clothing if youre cold, if youre the opposite, he will grab some more water from the pond you were fishing at
Aether was taking a long time at the pond so you gathered some flowers you found about the area, you were fine for the most part but you felt imbalanced
you saw aether in the distance and you walk to him before accidentally collapsing in his arms
if you get a low grade fever when you get the cold, he will freak out a bit, especially if you start coughing and he will take you to barbara
when he learns its just a cold from the church he will sigh in relief, glad youll be okay
he feels a tug on his sleeve and in his view he'll see some dandelions ticking his face as you push the flowers towards him
he pats your head and takes your gift, he'll continue to make you rest in the church and continue visiting til you get better! he n paimon will bring a few gifts too :D
this mans is basically your own doctor and I feel like if he gets bored, he will abandon his work in a heartbeat (unless one of the mondstadt officials request his research djdjdj)
You're in dragonspine, a freezing place that you probably shouldnt be in due to your lack of clothes
when you start to sneeze a few times, albedo doesnt think too much at first, he's seen many people sneeze and be fine a few mins later
but when you keep sneezing, he keeps side eyeing you, silently observing you until you sneeze for the 5th time
he'll head over to you (you were looking at the view near his study in the mountains) before feeling your forehead and taking you away with the tug of his hand
lets say you get emotional when youre sick, so when you see albedo soft for you, you start to cry
he's obviously alarmed bc he doesnt know what emotions are-
just kidding, but he's mostly knowledged by the chemicals that go into how emotions are formed, having empathy is still a bit of a task for him
you'll start crying when he gave you some leftover soup from lunch and when he sits next to you, leaving a hand on your knee to quietly let you know that he's there
needing some emotional support, you place down the soup and give our cute piece of chalk a hug while feverishly murmuring nonsense about how much he means to you
he slightly chuckles, he's never seen you in this vulnerable state before
he'll place you in his lap, gently rocking you like he does w klee when she's sleepy
he'll even play w your hair to keep himself content
ik this man will get bored but he will do anything to make you feep better
sure he has his studies but he will continue to hold you until you sleep
when youre too sleepy to acknowledge anything he'll give you some meds before dreamland takes over
has no idea what to do
also i only just realized how long these prompts are so i will try to shorten them a smidge
anyways he thinks he got you sick
he'll try to get you meds and then totally buys you the wrong ones
when he comes back to your bedside, he will be whimpering w sad eyes, but w one headpat from you and some encouragement he will try to get some soup
you will not be getting soup ;.;
you pretend to be asleep when he comes by w his homecooked meal lmao
I think he'll then ask his dads to help bc boi needs support
when you actually sleep, you'll wake up w him on the complete other side of the room so he doesnt wake you lol
he'll have a card for you that all your friends signed and his dads actually bought you some soup from Sara and got medicine from the church
you thank bennet when you see how hard he worked for this
boi cries just a lil bit👌🏻
he has a dozen billion siblings
he knows what to do but will pretend he doesnt
He'll try to give you meds w out a glass of water to wash it down until you bonk him in the head w your sword
but if you actually start getting delirious or smth will he stop the happy go lucky act
he'll try to keep you asleep all day; only waking you when he needs you to eat
some crackers n gingerale👍🏻 his go to
he'll also have some weird family remedy like those potatoes in your sock or a clove of garlic by your bedside
but in the end he will cuddle you if you need some emotional support of help sleeping
he'll tell you funny stories of his family or stupid convos he has had w the fatui to make you smile
once youre all better he will tease you for the next 2 wks that you needed prince charming to save you from your illness
dont be afraid to punch him -w your lips-
king knows what you need
he's just always busy w his wine business and his stupid clients :/
mostly the maids will help you to health, yk with congestion and getting you to eat or at least relying on your cravings
I can see this man walking into your room late at night, he thinks youre asleep
he'll sit by your side and run his fingers through your hair and apologizing for not being there for you
he actually learned to make some soup himself just for you
and he bought some flowers on the way home
I can see him be more of a materialistic guy and you having to remind him that you have more than enough
if you 'wake up' when he's playing w your hair, he'll read you a story (like oml he has so many books) and hold you in a side hug
one of my favs but sorry he will be a wreck
he will probs be coming back from work w kokomi, going over new strategies blah blah
when he sees you on his doorstep, burning up and in tears
first of all, you scared this man to death✋🏻 its late at night and he thought you were a hobo w one too many drinks
he'll sigh w relief and bring you inside once he realizes that you arent capablw of too much in your ill state
he'll ask some guards walking by to get some medicine for your fever
I'm sure he has some blended juice or a convient meal to heat up, he is in the army
itll have nutrition and be disgusting😍 but he's trying his best djnddjm
itll take a few mins to gather his composure but he'll play w your hair to ease his nerves and gather you in a nest of blankets
doggo boi must protect his tribe (you)
he'll definitely give you kisses to keep his scent on you so nobody messes w you when you're sleeping
in the morning, he will definitely be sick too🥲
ah yes, the drunk old guy who sits in the corner of all the family events
he would absolutely show up to a strangers wedding for the booze and pretend he's the groom's 4th cousin lmao
he would tease you at first if you have a minor cold
he'd wrap you in blankets and tuck you in super tight so you cant move
or he will aso spoonfeed you but he would say smth like 'here comes the anemo archon aka the super hottest guy yk giving you soup so open tf upppp swooshhh'
it works everytime istg
but when you do feel super icky, its forehead kisses for daysss
obviously plays you a lullaby he wrote for you🥺
lets you lean on his shoulder and comforts you w his words and gentle hands
if he was a parent he would be silly but he would do that gentle parenting thing and also use it on you when you're confused w your emotions like rn
he just says what he wished he could hear😭
"yn, you've been so strong, it's okay to relax for now. It mustve been so hard for you. Close your eyes and listen to my words. You are loved and I appreciate everything you do. Just listen to my heart and breathe with me. My warrior, you worked so hard shhh"
i need venti to hold me and shush me pls🙏🏻
once you dont feel as icky, he'll go back to being an ass
like fr, he will pull your hair and twist it into some ugly crappy style😔
but the soft moments make you stay
a literal legend
he'll sing you some inazuman melodies and ask for your opinion on poems he has composed
he's probably one of the softest to help comfort you
he will try to comfort your vulnerable state and defintely is one to baby you so you dont have to worry about a thing
the cheek nuzzles, headpats, and back rubs ahh
this man knows what you need and when you need it
he'll stay up super late asking the crew to stop at the next town to get you medicine and asks beidou to keep you company
he regrets asking beidou bc she almost got you drunk when you said your head hurt
she wanted to help you numb the pain
overall 12/10, definitely recommend hitting him up
bark bark grr
jkjk.. unless
man hasnt got a clue what to do, he just got back from murdering some ghouls and your sick on the roof (yes i totally forgot what the hotel place where you first meet xiao is called, i havent played in like 3 months, dont be mad)
gets the counter lady's advice and gets some food from that resturaunt below
xiao uses some uh interesting techiniques to help you...
tries to hang you upside down
ties you to the best so you dont move when you sleep
..get your mind out of the gutter you sinner this boy doesnt even know where babies come from
in the end, xiao will be hard on himself so praise him and pls tell him what you need him to do
he can grab you some of your fav soup and will travel to liyue if you request it, he will also hold you if you ask
sure he will be flustered but he will literally never not do as you say
i absolutely love this man, i wish there was more hurt/comfort fanfics w him so if you know good ones, pls @ me
ngl, his fam cant know about you, theyre strict
so he takes care of you in like a random shed in the middle of nowhere🥳💃🏻
i can see him and chongyun going there a lot together so nobody disturbs them and xingqiu wont get in trouble w his father or brother
the shed is decent, it has books and a good supply of food and water, it even has a good sized bed
1 bed trope w xingqiu and chongyun😳
xingqiu hates keeping you there but will ofc take care of you like youre in a five star hotel
i dont think he isnt good at cooking but can defintely make like canned soup or buy bread or smth
he ofc reads to you, i can see him pestering you with his stories
he is charming but xingqiu is still a lil shit
this man wont let you sleep, you cant fall asleep with him reading this long ass passage about.. a raven?
def big bro material, teasing you and ruffling your hair but you get the occasional head kiss if you can deal w him
he's a fricking god, he cant get sick
medicine has definitely changed over the centuries so he aint got a clue
like kazuha, he is better with emotional support like holding you and speaking soft words
but zhongli has many connections and will buy you anything to make you happy
flowers✔️ food✔️ stuffies✔️ jewlery✔️
anything.. i mean anything to the point where its scary
he's like a fricking cat where he will even give you a hilichurl mask if you request it
and he will tell you the whole stpry on how he encountered the hilichurl and the techniques he used to kill it
anyways, grandpa will try to use outdated and natural ways to heal you, which do work but if you prefer the more modern ways then he isnt opposed, he just wants you better
the best man in this whole list to take care of you
he's a MAID
he's had to deal w the blueberry twins on their best ans definitely their worst days
this man is so capable that he can make you the best medicine AND make it taste good
he will reassure you that you arent dying every five minutes when you think that you are
his headpats along w a chuckle live in my head rent free
he will give you all the blankets and give you cool cloths to place on your pretty forehead
he will buy a joke book for you two to laugh
but once its been a week, our angel gets worried
is he doing enough? what can he do to take away your pain?
he will cry out of frustration while trying to make your soup
why is your soup salty?
you already know and give the golden retriever a pep talk
he cant give up now!!
he is determined to do all that he can to make you better, he will hold you and let you squeeze his hands if you need and injection
if your biggest fear is needles like me then dw he will definitely be the best to calm you down and distract you
"hey, hey look in my eyes. Youre doing so well, after this im gonna get you the biggest cake youve ever seen. Hm? yes, we can get your favorite. Uh? Sigh, yes you can buy a new teddy bear too. Youre gonna waste all my money my love, haha. Deep breaths.. oh! look at that! Its already done, Im so proud of you💕"
if i had this man, i would never need therapy
and there we go! my first headcanons :) I hope you enjoyed it. If you'd like to see more, you can request anything you'd like! Just look at my first post for some ideas. Once again no nsfw pls. Anyways happy holidays~!
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dreambones · 1 year
agahjd I can’t believe I drew FNAF for almost all of 2022 and I’m still not seen as a FNAF artist (Im joking of course).
Guess I’ll have to draw more FNAF when I got the time to see if maybe now I become one of the cool FNAF kids lol
I am so hyped, I’ve been in this fandom since the first game came out, the original FNAF is still one of my favorite ones by far in ambiance and story telling and just horror, seeing it become what it is today is crazy and amazing.
Tumblr media
I loved the teaser, it has the vibes of a fan made fake movie trailer (affectionate), seeing the little nods to the games and finally seeing a first peek of Matthew Lillard as Afton, just, seeing it is really gonna happen!!!
I don’t have many theories since I am assuming they’ll try to go mostly around the first game with possibly lore from the sequels, with a mix of telling the story in a different way since apparently all media of fnaf tends to do their own canon (games, comics, books, etc).
I can only hope they don’t water it down too much to appeal to a younger audience and keep the big horror, I am slightly worried they’ll just make the animatronics corrupted and hunt kids but not actually murder any, even if one of the big points of FNAF is having animatronics possessed by kids ghosts… In my opinion the franchise has strayed from the original horror and become more “oh no corrupted robots, be careful! But dont worry you’ll be fine in the end”, I’ve even had some conversations with newer fans that want FNAF to stop being a horror game and don’t like the side of the fandom that still makes horror agshdj (but that’s a topic for another day).
I hope they at least get rid of the red eyes, because they look silly and the black eyes with white dots are more creepy. But whatever happens and even if it turns out to be a complete disaster, I plan on enjoying it, because it’s one of those special series for me and it’s crazy to see it turn into a movie.
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pinkpicket · 2 years
How is namjoon doing?
Be ready for typos and shitty grammer bc im to impulsive to review shit ( adhd mind😭😭)
Okay hi before we start this reading i wanna clarify a few things:
This reading is about namjoon from bts
Im not a bts stan ( not anymore, the reason? Nothing specific im just older now and i dont see a point in stanning any celebrity)
Im doing this reading bc i stumbled upon a tiktok randomly a couple hours of namjoon and it genuinely made me so worried bc somethiing was sooo off, so im curious and i wanna see what's going on
Idk anything else beside this about this whole situation sooo... im gonna be %100 honest here bc I literally have no reason to not be plus i have no bias at all soo... imma be honest af.
Okayy so onto the reading ->
I asked a general question on whats going on with him right now and tbh things don't seem so bad? Like it's just mostly him working and being busy with so many things like basically overwhelmed by the amount of things he has to do (now this is interesting bc isn't bts on a hiatus rn??? Why does he seem so busy? This can be his own album maybe? Or personal things too tbh not just work), tbh it's more like " i have the potential to do all of this yet im not really doing shit so i feel so overweight" or at least that's how he feels bc what im seeing is kinda different from what he sees quite the contrary actually like he seems to be slowly and surely working on his projects and things, the only problem i see here is his how he views this when in actuality everything is actually pretty balanced but to him it's all mushed up together, almost like everything is blurred out from his pov.
His biggest problem has to be not being able to focus and he REALLY hates this ( no surprise considering just from this reading he seems like a VERY hardworking person) it's like he heels all the things he has mastered all over the years are just leaving. The cup that he has been filling up for years and years now is getting empty all over again. This makes him feel like his young self all over again and he doesn't like it one bit, tbh it sort of seems like ( unresolved) trauma from the past are taking a toll on him, like they're hunting him down. Im telling u this all is happening inside his mind, on outside everything seems fine.
Now how long has he been like this? For a couple of months now. But whatever this is it genuinely is affecting him a lot, doesn't matter how much i try to make it seem insignificant, to him at this moment is everything.
His problem specifically is he's not used to this now this can be about him sort of not being with the other members like before( he definitely is still in contact but not as frequently as before) and he seems to not like this or it could even be just the fact that nothing that's been happening lately is really worth celebrating orrrr it could mean whoever he's dating rn, they're not on good terms with each other oorrrr it could just be all of them packed together. Another problem thT i see is him not beinh able to balance whatever that's been going on( which like shouldn't he be used to this by now? Like he's a veryyy famous artist ofc he neglects some personal stuff but u see now that he has more time it's actually affecting him way more negativly " like shit i really neglected all of this? " and now it's all crumbling down on him).
The best thing he can do to fix this? lmaoooo okay okay hear me out i got the empress, now this can mean a few things:
He needs to fucking relax
Needs to focus more on relationships with women ( his mom, sister and his gf )
OR JUST HAVE A BABY LMAOOOO pls this man is desperate to become a dad and tbh becoming a dad will genuinely really benefit him as a person.
So i guess this is it, i dont really wanna get into more details just bc u know it's his personal life after all but since he talked about this publicly i wanted to do a tarot reading just bc i was very worried.
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lamafuntrolls · 9 months
(IM FUCKING BACK MAN,ALSO BIG NEWS,I MIGHT BE FINALLY ABLE TO POST ON WATTPAD,ok anyways,here finally a mini story cuz i Jeep getting followers over and over and over.....wich Makes me really happy,also trollex started to get pregnant here/dunno how to Say that/and i never wrote about that so here)
Trollex pov
i rolled in m'y bed,i was in lots of disconfor,it Been si Lamy Nights that i couldn't sleep,it didn't help that ervy jour i needed to trow Up,i was tired of this.Some trolls Says just Tell Them,but it not easy to Tell someone that their a trolling in ur stomach.
And evryone seemed to get suspicions,i controlled the puke part,but i kept having cravings,each time their food i est like i gavent eaten since month.
I know i couldn't keep the Amy longer,m'y stomach was getting a little round (i cant spell it)wich i managé to Hide whit a vest,well for now...
I didn't realise that it was morning,i was damn tired,i didn't sleep at all,but if i didn't get Up peaple Will start to worry,so i forced myself up. I heard a knock on the door and quickly grabbed m'y cape that was nearby and rolled over me.
Maid 1: your majesti,breakfast ready
Trollex :all right,i Will be There soon
Maid 1:also some guest Will be joint you
The maid Walker out,what guest,i dont think it gonna cause trouble,i can just mayby control m'y cravings,in a way....or kick Them out,but it rude.
I when to the dinning Room,and i saw that their was lot more food then before,how many guest are they!
I felt the baby roll around,greet it as feets now,im literlly gonna be dictated by it. The guards came over whit the guest,oh no,it was the other leaders,i think they got suspicious.
The baby kick again,i get IT!. I sat down at the table,i now i couldn't start Eating yet since we all need to be sitting down.
After that they salle took small portions if food,i couldn't help but take more,in hope no one noticed...
Poppy : trollex,we needa Talk to you,in urgent
Trollex : couldn't we have done it during a meething
Poppy :no, because the other one is in 3 Days and we needa to meet you as soon as possible
Trollex :why...
I sweated,but since were under water,they didn't show,i now i couldn't be nervous,ok mostly because the baby wouldn't stop kicking me if i Do,but also because i bring Up suspicions.
Poppy :we all notice your acting strange
Trollex :Strange me..pfff... im not
Barb:dude,your wearring that cape,and a crown, didn't you Say you Hated Them
Trollex :maybyyy...i changed m'y mine
Branch :your eathing Much more Then before
Trollex :im not
Branch:your plate so big it can probrably touche the Roof,also remember the pancakes festival
Trollex :i was Hungry i didn't eat breakfast
branch:you didn't stop eating since we arrived
Ohhh,seaweed,i cant control it. I gulped what i just ate and looked more nervous then Ever,what gonna happend next
Poppy :so we know your not gonna tell us,so we needa Do it the ard way...
Trollex :w..what
They took all the good away from me,sweet ,now not only im gonna starve but this DUMP BABY WONT SROP KICKING ME.
Poppy :either you Tell us,or not get food,if nothing wrong you wouldn't be worried about it
Trollex :pff.i dont care,im fine
Branch :also remove the cape pls
Trollex:eee nty,it kinda cold here haha yaaaaa
Poppy : trollex,what are you hidding
Man this was gars,evryone was staring at me,i was starving,and the baby kicked arder,topping all that,i needed to puke.i hugged m'y stomach in hope to make it stop,but it only brought worried looks, poppy told me to Tell Them,since i really didn't look good.
I was breathing ard(ok no His not giving birth ok,im never writing a birth sene,well unless u ask,but still ,no)i Closed m'y eyes and it like i forgot evryone around me,i didn't realise that i started crying,it wasn't because if the food,or the kicks,i didn't know why.
I could Hear Poppy talking to me,but this Time to open m'y eyes,she was shaking m'y shoulder,i didn't now what to do. Then all the leaders were talking whit worried voices.
I tried moving or open m'y eyes,but i just couldn't,they even called beat,but nothing could help me....
I dont now how long i was out,but i woke up whit Branch and poppy holding me like i fell,evryone looked worried or/was crying,i didn't now what happend,and i didn't realise m'y cape was still on m'y chair
Poppy : trollex,His evrything ok !
Branch: poppy,let him recover ok
Barb:him???how about her hein.man that fucking disturbing
Poppy :Barb!
Branch :stop yelling you two!
I didn't care what they say,i just curled Up again and cryed in dispear,Branch Hugged me and tried rassuring me,i felt a lot,i was scared,sad,angry,lost. I just wanted it to end!
Branch :shhhhh it ok
Poppy :you think it hormones
Branch:i dont now
Poppy :i should'nt have took the good away..
Branch : poppy it ok,it was gonna happend anyway
Poppy :true...
I slowly regain m'y senses,m'y emotions seemed to have found their places,and i felt a bit better,i opend m'y eyes and looked around again. I saylt Up,still not realizing m'y stomach was at fiew.
Trollex :what happend...
Branch:you fainted and almos hurt yourself
Trollex :why evryone crying...
Poppy :ummm trollex...
Poppy pointed something behind me,i looked,and then i realise...ohhhh s*** m'y cape fell off!!! I panicked and put it on quickly not looking at them,what did i Do...
Poppy : trollex,it alright,we now,and we wont be Mad
Trollex :you guys werent suppose to now...
Trollex :nothing
Trollex :nothing!
Barb :WHY!
I slapped m'y hands on m'y mouth,double s***,what did i Do
Poppy :your WHAT
Trollex :sorry sorry,i didn't Méan to Say that...
Poppy came closer to me like she wanted to hurt me bad,she did the hair ball thing(i forgot how IT called)and was ready to hit me. But Branch jumped on her wich made a Hole in the wall.
I looked at her really scared,she almos killed me!!!!???
Essence : poppy,like you Said,violence isnt a solution
Poppy :b..but he he ..
branch: Poppy calm down,none if this His trollex fault,it mine...
Poppy :what Do you mean....
Branch :i wanted to practice,i didn't now boys could get pregnant,i swear
Poppy :why you wanted to Do this
Branch :for you...
Poppy :aw Branch
Trollex :hey!!!
Barb:no offence
Poppy :your right,i should'nt have try killing trollex,sorry bud
Trollex :it ok
Branch :but what are you gonna Do now
Trollex :i dont now,mayby give it to a familly
Poppy :your gonna abandon your kid
Trollex :hey i didn't want it un the beguining (i fucking cant spell😑)
Branch :but if you Do,imagine how it gonna fell When hé knows you didn't want it
Trollex :ok first im sure it a she,second,i really dont now....i mean she cant bethe heir,since it was an accident...
Poppy :well mayby you can keep it without it being the heir
Trollex :i..i dont now..
Branch:hey dont worry Will be their
Delta:true,at same Time now we know right
Trollex :true...ty guys..
We all group Up for a hug.
Trollex :also if you make Poppy pregnant Branch,im killing you
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suneeater · 1 year
oouuu okok matchups sound fun! id like an obey me matchup if that’s fine 💞
my name is aia, i go by she/her, and i’m straight!
For my body, i’m 5”2/158cm, and i weigh about 50-51 kg on average. i go to the gym a lot, so my build is pretty muscular, but i still look feminine overall. my shoulders are broad, but so are my hips so my body is like, balanced :) my legs are fairly muscular, and my arms are mostly just “toned” :) i have some abs, not that much tho 😭 my waist is also pretty tiny so thank god for the amazing genetics
my face is kind of hard to describe so bare with me! i’m kurdish, so i have very strong individual features, but theyre all in harmony, and as a result im surprisingly pretty conventionally attractive despite my unconventional features.
My eyes are big and round, and theyre kind of downturned. My nose is hooked. my lips are kind of thin, but not overly thin, and theyre kind of bow-shaped :). my eyebrows are thick and dark. my face shape is oval! my skintone is olive, but still fair! my hair is thick and dark brown, but it gets kind of golden in the sun :) my hair is to my collarbones, and i like to keep it straight, but it is naturally wavy. i have curtain bangs too :) (if youd just like to see how i look, u can go to my tiktok and just see for urself 💀 @connoisseuraia on there 😛)
my personality is also kind of difficult to describe 😩 im an introvert, im funny, im empathetic, im sensitive, im straightforward, and im stubborn. im an istp, 8w7 i think! im confident, but im also very humble. im a pretty good listener and advice-giver, and i dont really sugarcoat things, but im not mean with my advice-giving either. i get drained SUPER easily around pretty much everyone, but the exceptions are the people who are closest to me - they never drain me, ever! im also very clumsy and airheaded, which is probably my least favorite thing about myself. im not talented or gifted whatsoever but im ambitious and hard-working, and whatever i want, i will achieve in some way or another.
my hobbies! i love going to the gym, cooking, playing volleyball, painting, writing, and eating :p
i dont like bugs, being unproductive, being surrounded by people a lot, being wrong, and dry people. i dont like parties or most outings either, id rather just stay home and do something i like doing.
pls that was a lot im so sorry 💀💀
no worries, ty anon!
I pair you with Beelzebub!
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Gym dates?? 100%. Like I've talked about gym dates with Mammon before but with Beel? It's just completely unmatched. Imagine Beel coming up from behind you to help you with your form?? Omg
And you love to cook? This is so perfect for him honestly. He'll eat up anything you make like it's the most precious delicacy in the world, he might even actually take his time
Luckily for you, he's a pretty laid back dude. He's always so down for a night in, especially after a hard day's work. There's nothing more rewarding than lounging at home with you, getting some much needed recharge
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dinkedupfink · 2 years
so hello yes im back and i read the whole jjk manga in like 3 days or so and i heart todou why are there no todou fics, so i decided i'd do it myself if others cant do it for me haha yes plus i felt like writing and there are like 0 asks that i feel like doing rn so pls send asks in or smth anyways onto the story or fic or whatever
Aoi Toudou x gn!reader soulmate au!
request? no
warnings: none, just fluff not proofread!
important info b4 reading!!
you also have jujutsu or however you say it. yours is plant based, a bit like hanami but you dont really suck the life juices out of plants much, well kinda. youre not at jujutsu tech because they dont know you and that you have jujutsu. from time to time you do defeat some curses if you bump into them while noone else is around, and youre about the same grade as Todou if you were to be ranked in power. its all self taught tho so not really because you havent discovered your true potential because you havent had anyone explain wtf it is to you and how to fully utilize your power yet. you do know Itadori though, but he doesnt want to bother you with the world of jujutsu unless you ask him about your "weird powers" (he's told you that he can take you to a place where you can learn about curses and jujutsu and such but you havent really taken up his offer because of your job).
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Soulmates, a strange thing really if you think about it, the one person you're destined to be with, in this world how you know who your soulmate is is ny everyone having a unique gemstone in their skin somewhere on their body. the gemstone could be large or small, any colour (even multiple colours at once!), any shape, but each one was unique and only the same as their soulmates'.
Now we follow you. your gemstone was on your face, from you left side on the face jawline up to near your left eye. It had a form like vines that had grown up your face, but not smooth, they were rough looking and every twist and turn the vine-like gem had was sharp. The colour started with a dark plant like green, but further up turned a dark shade of purple. You guessed that the green and the shape was representing you, and the sharp edges and purple, your soulmate.
you were at your job, which you were also the owner of. you had 1 other employee, but you were the one who had the most shifts, since the employee was still in school and this was a part time job for them. the employee was none other than the one and only Itadori. His soulmate gem was on his forearm and he hadnt really shown you what it looked like but apparently he had found his soulamte already, a boy named Fushiguro something if your memory served you right. He mostly came on weekends to work, but occasionally he'd come from school and take a shift for you.
A humble boy, really, he was very worried about you the first time he met you because you were managing a plant store at such a young age, but you assured him it was fine because working wasnt something you were new to since your parents abandoned you when you were still a child, but left a shit ton money in your bank account so you could at least support yourself without a job till 18.
You were now 19 and had had this plant shop for about a year now (dont ask how its just fanfic logic okay) and the only reason you had been able to start the shop at all was because of these weird powers you held. you were able to manipulate plant life. you could also suck the life out of the plants, which you used to do sometimes to flowers in forests as "snacks" because it was basically a little energy boost, but you stopped when you realized the beauty of plant life.
the day had gone slowly, with little customers coming in, but you had some regulars that would come and have little conversations with you, because it was like "a breath of fresh air in a stuffy city" to them because of the plants growing around the shop or vines growing up the walls. most were old people but there were some young adults too.
It was about noon, when suddenly the bell chimed and a certain pink haired boy entered the shop. "Hey y/n! had a good day till now?" he said with a big smile. he was wearing a simple outfit since there was no school today because it was on a weekend. "Yeah, how about you Itadori? anything interesting happened over the past few days?" he had been to some sister school event which he hadnt explained too much about other than "physical activities".
"yeah! i was at the Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event that i told you i was going to! and it was, well half of it was pretty fun!" you smiled at the boy who was now leaning on the counter you were sitting at. "thats good, any reason half of it wasnt?" with that his face turned a bit sour for a second, before returning to normal "well.. there was a bit of a, interruption by some thugs and they were pretty strong, we werent too many people and it took a little while to get them to run off."
You felt bad for the boy since you had learned from hearing about his adventures at his school that not everything goes completely according to plan most of the time, but really what could you do? "Oh! before i forget, when my shift ends can i take you to the park? theres someone i met that i'd like you to meet." your eyes that were previously cast down on the counter shot up to him. someone he wants you to meet? who could it be? "uh yeah! sure! i'll go home and relax a little before while i wait for your shift to end but im coming back about-" you checked the clock on the wall above the enterance door "-15 minutes before your shift ends, is that okay?" you said. "Yeah! i'll see you then!" he said his goodbye and so did you as you proceeded to go back home after getting your things and changing out of your work attire in the shops back room.
time skip 2 when ur supposed to meet lolollol
you got into some clothes that were approapriate to go to the city in and started up your motorcycle after putting your helmet on and drove to the parking lot near your shop. The rest of the way you walked and in no time you were there.
Entering the shop resulted in a jingle of the bells over the door and itadoris attention was pulled to you. "Hello mx. y/n, what would thou like to look at today?" he said in an overly formal tone, sending a playful grin to you. "oh, i have come in promise of meeting a mysterious character that my friend oh so longs for me to meet!" you answered, playing along with his game. You then both had a little laugh and he went to the back room to get changed back to his normal attire and the two of you went out of the shop.
Before leaving, you locked the door and turned of the lights to properly close the shop to customers, and started walking to the park. "soo.. why do you want me to meet this guy?" you asked, curiousity getting the best of you. "You'll see when you meet him!" he just said, which made you even more curious about him.
arriving at the park a few minutes later, the two of you sat on a bench, where you talked for a little. The guy was supposed to come in about 10 minutes because he was on his way at the moment. suddenly a little tune came from the boy next to you's pocket and he fished out his phone to answer the call that set of the music. "Hey Gojo! oh, why? can it be a bit later, im a bit busy at the moment. oh well, if you insist, im coming in a few! see you!" and with that he hung up on the phone. "My tea- friend is really needing my help right now, so i cant be here when you two meet but i promise when you see the guy you'll know its him!" was the quick excuse he got out before running off as if someones life depended on it. "oh.. well bye." you muttered watching him run off behind some corner somewhere.
Todo babagrill pov:
my besto friendo had said yesterday that there was someone he wanted me to meet at the park that day, so i went to the park. halfway there he sends me a text saying Gojo called him in for something and that i had to meet the person he wanted me to meet by myself, he said that when i saw them i'd know it was them though, so im hoping he's right.
Arriving at the park, i see that he-S abseloutely right. Sitting on a bench is the most beautiful/handsome/the prettiest person ive ever seen in my entire life, and on the face was a very familliar gemstone that matched mine. "Hey!.. youre the one Yuuji wanted me to meet, right?" i half yelled to the person, their eyes quickly locking upon mine, and at that moment, it felt like there was nothing lese in the world for a few moments but us, and before i knew it we were standing in the middle of the park path in each others embrace. i never thought i could be this gentle towards anyone but takada-chan, but i guess this is the soulmate bonddoing its thing huh.
"Somehow you give off the exact vibe that i expected you to" the person in my arms, correction, my soulmate chuckled. "And im guessing you have some plant thing going on?" "yeah haha, i just cant believe this is real, like, that kid found my soulmate before me! but im glad he set us up to meet each other."
we then seperated from the hug, deciding to hold hands instead, and decided to go and get to know each other over a dinner. Man, soulmates are really cool, arent they?
hahaha yeah so that was it, sorry if some parts were better than others i wrote this over like 2 or 3 days i cant remember and sometimes i wrote later at night than others so really sorry if its kinda shit. but thanks for reading, bye!
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misqnon · 2 months
i stopped reading usosan fanfic for this (actually i was happy to stop bc it was smut and i wasnt in the mood to read smut but was too lazy to look for non smut)
I KNOW.. PLEASE .. why does only sanji get to be free .. im so sad for them. reiju the literal (former) child soldier and pudding with no one to care for her and love her. i assume theyll come back in the cover stories. .. please oda... pls..
NOO AHDNSBF.. i can relate though i always do exactly what im warned not to do
"it was all me. next i will be asking the size of katakur- [gunshots]" NOO HOW COULD THEY SILENCE U LIKE THIS ... dont worry I'll ask in ur place
u cant put improper french in ur fanfic!!!!
reading the water 7 arc when usopp splits always kills me inside... it hurts so bad. i hope that if/when sanji and zoro fight, its THAT emotionally impactful. like all the hidden meanings and . angst.. i want good angst. if they do actually get into a fight To The Death, i dont think anyone but luffy could stop them. i could also imagine theyre fighting to the death and like . what stops them is someone in the crew is put into mortal peril and theyre forced to work together (bc that's always how it goes). what they should actually do is sit down and talk about their feelings... with a mediator perhaps....
"but why does shuggy feel like one of the most likely to me." IT DOES TO ME TOO!!! like the subtext... is there... it is so much There.
"that is canon shuggy to me. oda doing it kinda halfheartedly in a roundabout way for laughs but the fandom is popping bottles (we popping the BIGGEST bottles when shuggy happens tomorrow-)" YEAH i think even if this is the case its a win. canon gay old guys??? who have been pining after each other (well mostly shanks pining after buggy) for what .. 25 years?? that would be amazing..
"do u think zoro will get more development of him as a character by the end of the story?" i do!!! i think he needs a bit more depth tbh. like he is a wonderful character and im not saying he should have a sadder backstory or something but. to me rn i think hes a bit more two dimensional compared to the rest of the crew. like yeah simplicity is wonderful but i think to me hes less.. of a simple character.. and more like a character that needs to have more emotional highs/lows. i know i could love him so much more if i just ... knew him better. anyways i think its coming bc there have been some realizations involving his character? backstory? recently. and i assume oda knows that he could use more emotional depth. stoic and aloof characters are fine but i think the real appeal is when u get to see into their mind for a second and understand who they really are as a person
sexualize him to the point the audience wonders if hes actually a woman
thank u for watching my 4kids sanji video. i actually have like 5 videos saved of trace heatfist because he is so weirdly attractive in the 4kids dub but i will spare u. also idk if uve heard 4kids luffy but imo his voice is way better than the funimation dub???
"WHILE CONNECTED to a GIANT PROJECTOR…THIS briefly flashed on the screen before i frantically clicked away. no one saw but i. i did." this is EXTREMELY FUNNY. i really enjoy embarrassing stories because i find my own embarrassing stories very funny (when i tell them to other people)
brainwash everyone into believing sanji one piece is gay in SOME way.. ur doing gods work
i love how not normal u are about him
"(nodding) no go on what animal parts" see if u had read dungeon meshi i could reference it and everything would be so much easier, BUT YOU HAVENT /lh /teasing
ok but i have been obsessed with animals since i was a kid (especially lions and wolves (special interest go brr)) so probably lotta lion parts... because theyre cooler looking than wolves. and also just give me wings for good measure. i want to fly. nevermind that wings are meant for lightweight creatures. these are magic wings. its one piece..
i saw u post abt nightcrawler and i was never really into x men but hes pretty
i stared at the law comic... for.... like... 10 minutes.... rhank u ... for putting that onto my . feed
YEAH HES 6'3. actually hes the shortest warlord, tied with boa hancock. 6 feet tall is short in one piece
"gay art markets" already intrigued.
THATS SO COOL AJJDHSDJ.. i have been to a few anime cons and i dont remember?? ever seeing any law's??? its very sad .. i went the year before last year i think. i did see a huge furry one time (at the anime con). they looked like they were 7 feet tall. it was really exciting. and intimidating. that weird mix of the two. i am 5'3 for reference.. like wow. u are huge.....
"i love ur insane thoughts pls continue to share."
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"i will do the same someday when i am less shy and ashamed of my unhinged fandom thoughts" pls do!! share ur own!! (when ur comfortable!!) i will not judge .. this is a judgement free zone. and also a shaming free zone
"such as making zoro amvs to abba in my head on the way to therapy." u are so powerful...
"thats a line my therapist actually said in response to something i did once." ur therapist sounds cool wtf. i never got a cool therapist
YEAH I SAW PPL TALK ABT IT SO I RECOGNIZED THE POSSIBLE CROCODILE.. i saw someone say croc was gonna be... some white dude.. and internally i was crying.. how could u do that to him
thank u for ur sacrifice
(watched the video) omg its prozd!!!! i love stuart.... Stuart.. stuart little.. ???? no wonder he got along with mice
YEAH I HEARD THAT TOO?? LIKE WTF IS HAPPENING... its cuz crunchyroll is funding ...
did my meme image come off as ambiguous. i asked my friend if it was ambiguous and they said no.. but i had nothing wlse....
robin canonically having touched (crushed) franky's balls for an extended period of time is so weird to me. thats what i think abt when i see naked franky..
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p.s. i will add u there... my discord is something like. stupid.. stinky... or something... i dont remember. u saw the doflamingo snail just remember that. oh wait i also have my name as my name. ok. i forgot about that.
send me ur sanji pics .
rowan i am honored 
ok that gives me a question tho. i feel like u mentioned sanuso before and im curious. do people?? have ships with characters in them that they dont like?? like before i converted u. i feel like i could never like a ship that had a character i disliked in it. or at the very least i would grow to like both the characters
THE COVER STORIES i didnt think about that!! yes…oda please…i know u havent forgotten about reiju bc u put her in that one really fruity chapter cover with tashigi for some reason…
to all the haters that i dont have….but my silence. for $5,000 a month,
APPARENTLY NOT the french in my fic is all now double checked….to my embarrassment 
TRUE IT WOULD BE LIKE THE USOPP SPLIT…and yea. that moment WAS a lot. i think i teared up. there are a lot of “crewmate almost leaves the crew” moments and i think a fight between two strawhats (which has also happened before! but usually at least one of them is luffy!) could feel similarly. i like ur interpretation of how it could go too…there’s this trope in zosan fanfics where robin ALWAYS is all up in there business trying to mediate them and i both love it and hate it lmao. like yea she probably would notice but also why does she always gotta be ur guys’ therapist….and in canon. for a moment like that. it would probably have to be luffy wouldnt it??
oda: haha guys i made buggy gay isnt that Funny
the fandom: [hooting and hollering]
I AGREE COMPLETELY ABT ZORO. HE DOES NEED JUST A BIT MORE EMOTIONAL DEPTH. MAKE HIM GO THROUGH SOMETHING…stoic and cool characters REALLY DO need a moment where they ARENT STOIC AND COOL to be more well-rounded…and zoro hasnt really gotten that since that one time he cried at baratie like a thousand chapters ago (literally). and that was a very brief moment. he and robin can be similar and enies lobby is what made everyone love her more…when is zoro’s enies lobby. i dont actually need an entire arc like that for him (i mean i'd love that but i dont expect it) BUT AT LEAST GIVE HIM SOMETHING!!
“sexualize him to the point the audience wonders if hes actually a woman” already there babes 🫡 just doing my part
THE GALLERY I WORK AT IS SUPER CHRISTIAN I THOUGH GAY SANJI WAS GONNA GET ME FIRED ZJBFVHDCSKJ it was. it was so funny afterwards tho. i will share embarrassing stories like my life depends on it
“i love how not normal u are about him” 
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not 6’3 and shortest warlord. dkjnvkjnfvkj
“i will not judge .. this is a judgement free zone.” WRONG bangs my sanji gavel. 
my therapist IS very cool she makes fun of me but in a good way and also makes me laugh. and i make her laugh. bc i am ridiculous. i got very lucky
i dont think theyve made any casting choices for s2 publicly yet so…we will See..
STUART KILLED ME but so did “HIS NAME IS LUFFY! THAT’S Monkey Luffy” its been playing in my head. also sanji’s love for mice/rats makes me fucking insane bc its the cutest thing on earth. that scene where he’s completely enamored by a rat that’s sitting in a woman’s shirt and he is completely ignoring the woman. for the rat 😭 SANJI LOVES MICE MORE THAN WOMEN CONFIRMED-
no but i saw clips of that scene and about cried. same to that mouse wedding he attended in a drawing request oda did kfnvkjd. can u imagine the first time they get rats in the galley and they’re all expecting sanji to freak and kill them and then they walk in and he’s made them tiny stir fry and is calling them cutesy names. they would be like. 😮
also all the fan content ive seen where ratatouille is his favorite movie. ANYONE CAN COOK!!!!! 😭
AMBIGUOUS?? I DONT THINK SO? I liked it. we turn a sad into a frrAAANKKYYYYYYYY
I ADDED U ON DISCORD!!!! sanji pics…breathes in…i will add a couple more here but. should i send some on discord as well. is that how i break the ice. images of sanji with his ass up in the air (my collection)
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also check out how much this dude can cry!!! (laughing but also crying):
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0 notes
obscenicon · 3 months
first off i would like to say thay you're my favorite tumblr blog ever!!! your art is so cool!
i know you don't really answer asks, but i was kinda hoping you could answer this one.
im transmasc, and have known that for five years. im interested in starting t, but have some questions about it and no one seems able to answer them :(
what exactly do you have to do with t? like where do you put it? ik that it's an injection, i just dont know where it'd het injected.
is there any side effects or things to worry about when you're on it?
that's basically it, thank you if you do answer these two questions, it's fine it not tho! have a lovely day/ night!!! <3
1. i absolutely answer asks lol i am DESPERATE for ppl to send me asks. pls talk to me
2. i dont do injections! i do the gel which i just rub on my shoulders and abdomen. but with injections i know its mostly done on the outer thigh into the muscle ^.^
3. there are a whole bunch of side effects that could possibly be of concern to you. you can get sweatier and stinkier, get mood swings, acne flare ups, vaginal atrophy, changes to ur sex drive, hair thinning/loss etc etc. its different for everybody but basically just consider that its like going thru a second puberty and can have a lot of unpleasant or unexpected effects on your body
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wribbles · 7 months
The Daddy rape au - izuku's pov in aftermath (a potential)
Transfers out of school bc inko aint having it - probably does online school for a the end of middle school
Still ends up meeting all might & getting ofa
Before that tho he absolutely gets invited to the hospital when hitoshi is born & is the first person after shouta to hold the little hero (he is immediately dubbed godparent & uncle)
Shouta and izuku dont see each other often in the next year, but izuku does get into UA, shouta's class like in canon
Theyre both v happy to see each other again tho shouta really wants to know wtf is up with the quirk situation (izuku tells him eventually - no secrets between them, esp dangerous ones that adult figures are telling izuku to keep without letting him have a support network - we're not having that shit again)
They have a chat and decide to change their nicknames to be less triggering, so shouta goes from ainiki to nii-chan, and izuku from izu-chan to zuku/zu-kun
Izuku doesnt change clothes in front of the others bc The Whole Ordeal made him extremely sensitive to being naked around others and/or sexualized in any way (first time someone flirts with him sincerely he freaks out)
Meanwhile, mineta is a *-phobic bigot and when he talks some transphobia in the class, izuku rails against him so hard (secretly in defense of shouta) that mineta calls him trans and izuku doesnt deny it (even tho its wrong, bc thats not the point), so at least half the class suspects izuku is in fact a transman (theyre fine w that its nbd)
Kaminari, in a bid to show how totally trans friendly and accepting he is, invites izuku to change in the locker room w the rest of the guys, insisting that its all good he's got nothing to worry about, cmon!
Except he goes a little to hard and persistent with it with little explanation of why he's so insistent, which ends up with izuku becoming so uncomfortable he gets shouta for morale support and musters up courage to pull kaminari aside and tell him to "please stop trying to get me to take my shirt off its creepy and im uncomfy" and kaminari backpedals hard and immediately, apologizing and becoming a defender of izuku's right to keep his clothes ON.
(Izuku also tells him hes cis and kami believes him)
(And that aizawa was there bc he and izuku are personally close, not bc he was gunna give kami detention or smtn - they dont explain the closeness other than saying they met some years ago)
Kaminari is also there for izuku's above mentioned flirtation freakout and he gets aizawa to help. He learns that izuku doesnt like being sexualized & that aizawa is "nii-chan" brother to izuku.
Months later in the dorms (fuck canon storyline and timeline, idk and idgaf) someone (probly ashido) ends up pulling izuku's shirt fully off him to like look at an injury he's got and izuku freezes, feeling exposed. Kaminari walks by and yells at them, gets izuku back into his shirt and then takes him fully out of the building away from that bs.
Izuku pulls himself together mostly and gives kami a hug while (trauma-dumping) telling him that he was repeatedly raped a few years ago & thats why he cant be naked around others. Kami is understandably shocked and appalled, and izuku decides they both need a curative dose of hitoshi hugs to feel better.
Kaminari ends the interaction w the (somewhat incorrect) understanding that aizawa was the hero who saved izuku from the rapist. And also becomes friends w the 3yo hitoshi who is delightful and loves his sparks.
Later that night kami has nightmares about izuku being hurt and goes to him asking for more details (pls god say it wasnt a family member...) and izuku tells him a little more but still doesnt elaborate on shouta's presence or why he calls hitoshi "little hero".
As this all happens first/early second year, kaminari is currently the only person aware of izuku's trauma in any way - bakugou knew he was involved in Something when they were younger that pulled izuku out of school but he didnt care enough to look into it and doesnt know more.
Kami and izuku are good friends
(kami's occasional casual flirting & his compliments to izuku's appearance hint at a possibility for something more, which izuku picks up on and they have a vague talk of "im not ready for anything", "hey no worries, i didnt ask :] no pressure". They dont follow up on this other than keeping the potential in the back of their minds.)
This status quo is mostly maintained thru school and past graduation.
By then izuku is dating todoroki (they have not had sex but izuku has told him some of his trauma) and they move in together after school
All goes well for the next year-ish until izu and todo try to have sex and izuku forces himself thru it despite horribly triggering himself and desperately wanting it to end. After they both finish, izuku is sobbing and locks himself in the bathroom eventually getting kami tocome over and help mediate between him and todo.
They try to talk it out and work things out the next few months, but they dont manage to return to a comfortable status quo and break up. (Izuku, as much as he tries, cant feel comfortable being touched by todoroki anymore and ends up moving out before they fully breakup)
During the "we can work it out" period, izuku spends a lot of time being comforted and distracted by kaminari
Shouta makes note & comment that they clearly have affection and care (and probably love) for each other, is that going to go anywhere? Izuku just says he's not ready, and kaminari says he's not asking rn
Kaminari, jsyk, isnt committed to dating anyone rn but does often have casual sex w a few fwbs (this is also part of why he hasnt asked, but izuku does make clear later during some midnight talk that if they did date, he wouldnt ask kami to stop having sex w other ppl - honestly he feels like it kinda takes the pressure off him)
After a short stint living w shouta, izuku gets his own place. He spends a lot of time hanging out w kaminari - at both their places.
And during one hangout, izuku thinks back to highschool when kami tried so hard to make him feel like one of the guys, able to hang out casually without a shirt, and he decides to try it out now. He takes off his shirt - no sexual intentions - and watches kami play a video game on the couch, aggressively trying not to make a bug deal out of it.
When kami notices, he picks up on that and while he smiles proudly at izuku, he doesnt comment and just makes izuku play the game this turn, cmon im sure you'll do great at it!
This goes a loooong way towards making izuku feel more comfy in his own naked skin and they practice until its no more than a hesitation - a self-check-in - before izuku will take off his short around kami (who also regularly joins in the nakedness, no need to make izuku feel alone!)
And when their skinship leads to making out leads to stumbling through mostly-clothed sex (that izuku actually feels comfortable during, even with the multiple hesitations and stop-starts and "pls dont say/do that actually"s. Tbh all that actually contributes to his comfort), izuku feels ready and denki asks him out
And they fit Very Well together
Sex is Not Frequent and theyre both still exploring izuku's boundaries and hard limits, but izuku finally feels comfortable and safe enough to try.
He tells kami not to call him baby or sweetheart, so instead he goes with "pretty boy", which makes izuku blush every time, and they find a safe middleground with "babe".
If izuku closes his eyes for too long during sex, he tends to forget who he's fucking, so he gets kami to tap him with a safe little spark every now and then to remind him (kami fucking adores how izuku's started relaxing at the little jolts)
They are Endgame and this is why/how.
Eventually kaminari finds the old case report & trial 'Midoriya v. Shinsou' that goes into the detail of what all happened and how aizawa was actually involved and how they finally got out (their little hero...), and when izuku comes over he helps him process what he just read bc fucking hell izuku you were 12 years old- and aizawa was- for a year?? Fuck-
They go over to aizawa's house, hang with little hero hitoshi (who really isnt so little anymore, he's like 11 now and shooting up in height) and talk to shouta and hizashi and all of them help kinda talk him through it and offer their support
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stinkyme · 1 year
thank you SO MUCH IM. CRYING. PLEASE YOU R TOO CUTE AND LOVELY AND SKWBHXH im feeling better today, i think its going to be a good day yk,,, and im gonna see my friend there, so it'll be nice to chat w him a little !! but oh my god. im still not used to someone being so gentle to me plss. will put you in my pocket and take care of u !! hehe
LEONA AND HER FRIENDS R ADORABLE BUT SO ARE YOU. ur accent is so pretty, i loved it 😓
MY PLANTS R WELL, AND I JUST REMEMBERED THAT I DIDN'T RESPONDED WHAT THEIR NAME WAS IM SO SORRY FOR THIS 😭😭 i usually call them by cute nicknames that i dont use w anyone, at least not at home or at school. when i water them, i tell them to grow nice and strong bc i just love them sm and i even talk in a sweeter baby voice skwnxhh pls,,, im embarrassed to say all this, but its true !! do you talk to yours? its good to do this, i feel rlly happy. ARE YOURS OKAY TOO?
I HAVEN'T DRAWED YET, BUT WHEN I DO ILL SHOW YOU <3 if you dont mind it, ofc !
btw, i wanted to ask if u dont feel uncomfy w me talking a lot and being clingy,,, if so, ill try to moderate it, no problem ! (niks being insecure again helpp
i didn't do much yesterday, just talked to some friends of mine and stayed w my cat in bed :3
WBU ??
also, i was checking my bag before leaving home and i found a very cute plush bunny 😭 HES SO TINY. JUST LOOK AT THIS
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i am so happy and proud of you for keeping up positive attitude and i hope you had great time with your friend and that your day was amazing :) <3 JSJSS YOU ARE SO CUTE!! I WILL PROTECT YOU AND KEEP YOU IN MY POCKET <3
baby I don't mind at all!! talk all you want about anything, i will always answer you as soon as i can and it's okay to be insecure and unsure, but!! stay reassured, i am completely fine :3 i just apologize if it takes me longer to answer at the times, but do not take that personally my sweet Nik!! :) <3
also i am happy to hear you mostly enjoyed your day yesterday, i was mostly chilling as well :D <3
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baekhvuns · 2 years
hey baekss!!
idk if you're willing to post my ask or nah but the atiny community on twitter are damn desperate to find more atinys to participate in mama voting like oh my god please we are freaking tired at this point 😩 so i hope with this, more tumblrtinys are aware about it. it doesn't take a minute more or less to create one or more accs to vote tbh so please :(( we do it for ateez imdhdjddkkdnf im so sad, desperate, struggle and mixed feelings atp 😔
also, i hope you're doing fine everyday! i keep going back rereading all your fics for gods know how many times there were while waiting for your new yuyu ff 😭🤚 and to say it still feels like im reading it for the first time despite already knowing whatever shit going to happen next in the plot hshdjdjdjd bUT YES KHRONOS THE BEST ANGST EVER IT STILL SLAPS ME HARD ON THE FACE AND ASS AND IM ABOUT TO SMACK HWA IN THE HEAD!!!!
and and and i have sooooo many ideas to write but idk how to start it and my lazy ass won't cooperate and my fingers have no energy to write it down but i really want to share my ff with everyone here but 😩 how do you get the motivation to write baeks like do you have imaginary seonghwa beside you to write such powerful and epic stories because i CANT reach your energy in writing it's so freaking dramatic i love it so mucuhchchchcjc
+ i'm yunho's gf (real) 😏
hello!! im so sorry this is late, the notif never showed up in my notifications,,, omg ofc!! i hope those who can vote do vote! it’ll be fun to see their reactions when they win!!!
also, i hope you're doing fine everyday! i keep going back rereading all your fics for gods know how many times there were while waiting for your new yuyu ff 😭🤚 and to say it still feels like im reading it for the first time despite already knowing whatever shit going to happen next in the plot hshdjdjdjd bUT YES KHRONOS THE BEST ANGST EVER IT STILL SLAPS ME HARD ON THE FACE AND ASS AND IM ABOUT TO SMACK HWA IN THE HEAD!!!!
i aM GOING 📉📈📉📈 everyday dbdbd,, omg thank u so much 😭😭😭🤚🏼I SWEAR I AM WRITING THE YUNHO FIC DONT U WORRY ITS GONNA BE LONG SO I GUESS THATS A PRO !!! JCBWNDDH PLS DO SMACK THAT MF IN THE HEAD but the king hwa 🥰☺️ <33
and and and i have sooooo many ideas to write but idk how to start it and my lazy ass won't cooperate and my fingers have no energy to write it down but i really want to share my ff with everyone here but 😩 how do you get the motivation to write baeks like do you have imaginary seonghwa beside you to write such powerful and epic stories because i CANT reach your energy in writing it's so freaking dramatic i love it so mucuhchchchcjc
i felt this on a very deep, spiritual, cosmic level actually, are u me 🤨 i completely understand that! sometimes u get so lazy that writing seems like a chore 😭😭,,, i tend to look over at booktok (mostly ig reels) and my motivation these days stems from them,,, for example i see this reels and my mind goes boom i NEED YUNHO TO DO THIS in the fic,, i quickly go write it + listening to music while writing can increasingly motivate you!! id rec im yours by isabel larosa atm! you’d imagine yourself as a main character and begin writing,, id rec going thru some accs like those! it’ll def boost some motivation in you!!
+ i'm yunho's gf (real) 😏
i believe u bc im seonghwa’s wife (real) 😏
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yumenosakiacademy · 2 years
i try so hard 2 keep every1 from getting the condition i hav (its not covid, i hav 2 say this everytime.) but whenever i panic bc smth does smth tht could endager some1 else i jus get told off 4 having it in the 1st place bc im gross n a freak (even tho i never chose 2 hav this! nor 4 it 2 not get cured!) or told off bc im a hypochondriac n need 2 stop worrying n jus do w/e when all i want n “we dont have it yet! ohh since u kno so much more than i do fine ill shut up” (i do kno more. i had 2 research this shit bc it happens w my own fucking body. they havent gotten it thru sheer luck n possibly bc i mostly lock myself in my room) but all i fucking want is 4 ppl 2 not suffer the same fate as me n hav simple rules set in place like pls dont turn on a fan while im in a room (even if ive only stepped out 4 a minute, bc my stuff is still inside) but no1 fucking cares but me [buries my head in my pillow]
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punkass-potato · 3 years
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horikou · 2 years
hey bestie i'm here w/ a reqs >:3
so could the reader be ftm, pronouns of he/him plz! genre fluff/crack, and could the plot be how each of the blue period characters would take you out on a date? headcanaons please! have a great day hun, love ya! <3
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pairing : various blue period characters x male reader (ftm)
summary : just a headcanon where you dating our beloved blue period characters
type : fluff / headcanon
warnings : smoking, dysphoria
note : OKAY SO!! i didnt read the "take you on date" so this headcanon is more of general dating headcanon aaa, im so sorry!! this might not turn out that good because im not experienced on writing ftm reader, so this might be more of a male reader but i tried my best albsosjs so i hope you like it zeph ! this might be a bit ooc since i havent rewatched bp for a pretty long time hshshs </3 (new: this is very old and its very shitty im so sorry)
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very very sweet boyfriend.
if you had problems with your grades or a subject you dont understand, he will helped you with it.
boy, he is smart, im jealous.
anyway, he never really told you about what he always do on very early morning, but you somehow find out.
you would scold him for smoking, and he would apologise by hugging you or a peck on your cheek.
" im sorry [name] i promise i wouldn't do that again, pls don't tell my mom " yatora said as he peck your cheek.
a comforting boyfriend.
everytime you feel sad or dysphoric, he will be there for you, cuddling you, maybe even watch movie or something.
comfort kisses all over your face.
he will not push you to tell him what makes you felt this way.
" it's okay [name], im here with you now. "
he has a whole sketchbook full of drawings of you.
he was scared when you found this book and will think that he's creepy, but it seems like you loved the drawings so much, he was glad that you liked it — instead of being creeped out.
(im gonna use they/them pronouns for yuka, since yuka is genderqueer based on lgbt characters wikia)
you both always there for each other.
when you felt dysphoric, they will be there to comfort you.
when yuka feel sad (mainly because of their family problems) you will be there for them.
both of you are kind of similiar in some way.
and that makes you guys closer.
you guys understand each other feelings so well.
shopping date with yuka !
when you guys on a date, you two will mostly go shopping.
yuka will choose your clothes and you will choose their clothes.
" [name] ! try this one out ! "
yuka taste on clothes are so good you cant change my mind.
yuka has an instagram account (over 120K folls if i could remember) and there are many posts of theirs that has you in it, mostly selfies while on date.
yuka has an instagram story highlight dedicated for you only.
their grandma loves you so much.
she sometimes asked you — when you are visiting yuka — some questions that mostly flutter you.
she also sometimes saying that she can't wait to see you and yuka married.
" when are you two will get married ? "
" i can't wait to see yuka marrying you, a handsome young man, in the future. "
i got doraemon stan by me 2 flashback aaaa—
strange but lovely guy.
you probably met in an art museum or tokyo art institute.
dates mostly eating/buy drinks first at a cafe or restaurant, and then went to an art museum or somewhere calm.
you know that he has a weird fetish on art, but you thought that its unique.
hashida definitely hiding something in him, like how he express his arts, you know that there is something going on with him.
you always ask if he's alright and he will said like,
" im okay, no need to worry about me, [name] "
and laugh it off.
i havent read the manga yet but im sure there is something going on with this dude.
whenever you feel dysphoric or sad, he will let you talk about it and listen to you, if he can, give an advice or comfort talks.
if you dont want to talk about it, its fine to him.
he looks like a cuddly guy to me.
he probably will went to you from behind without you knowing and just hug you out of nowhere to scare you.
" ah, sorry love, didn't mean to scare you like that~ "
he knows what he just did.
teasing you like alot.
he let you braid or do his hair, he likes it when your hand caressing his hair, its comforting.
first week when you guys started dating is kinda awkward.
he is pretty shy, but also kind of blunt.
he often says things from his head without explaining the other what he meant.
he is scared if he accidentally said something that doesnt sounds like what he meant to you.
he is scared to accidentally hurt your feelings :(
he is pretty bad at showing his feelings, and you understand.
he mostly shows affection by holding hands or hugs.
he is still shy about kissing you.
when you felt dysphoric or sad, he panicked.
he is bad at comforting and he doesnt know what to do.
he ended up just hold your hands the whole time while either you talk about what happen or cry out your feelings.
" im sorry if i am.. bad at comforting you, i will do better next time "
doesnt really enjoy pda, but holding hands are okay for him.
its hard for him to say " i love you ", so he will caressing your hand with his thumb — while holding hands — three times, meaning that he loves you and he is there for you.
his mother is very sweet to you.
she sees you like her child (or in law).
him and his mom often talks about you on dinner.
mostly saying things like,
" isn't he the perfect guy. "
" im glad that he and you are doing well with your relationship "
" he is such a gentleman is he? "
and my man yotasuke right here, just nod with a red blushing face.
shes very sweet and caring.
if you feel sad or dysphoric, she will give you a lot affection.
like, hugs, kisses, comfort talks, and she also gives you some foods.
" let it all out [name], its okay "
lunch dates!
everytime its lunch time, you two will meet at a spot and have lunch just the two of you.
she often share foods with you.
she is pretty emotional and lack of self confidence in her abilities because her sister.
you are one of those people that maki feel comfortable to when she talks about her life.
you compliments her a lot from her arts, or things that she did.
your compliments always made her days better.
i love her sm ksbsks i want to hug her so bad.
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© HORIKOU ✦ do not copy, repost, or modify my works.
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