#plus i want to be more present in my own very short very precious very beautiful life
johndonneswife · 2 months
Ms. Venus pleasssse share your impeccable taste in the form of pinterest boards with the class, thank you. Also I miss your presence on Tumblr and I selfishly wish you had plans to come back to the fandom side of things but I’m wishing you the best from afar!!
i would totally share my beautiful boards with u if not for the fact that i had a full blown meltdown on pinterest abt yuri on ice and i have soooo many freaking yoi pins lmao and iiiit’s a lil mortifying actually. but i promise my wedding & fashion moodboards are 🤌🏻
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emeritus-fuckers · 5 months
Congrats to 1k followers! You definitely deserve them and more. This is for the Match-up event re-run :) Thank you very much in advance 🖤
Your identity - She/they (AFAB nonbinary) and bisexual. My current best guesses 😎
Who do you like? - Papas + Ghouls
What do you look like? - 5'8", plus size and pear shaped. Dark red shoulder-lenght hair, glasses, blue eyes, few tattoos. I mostly wear black, black jeans, black graphic t-shirts, flannels. Style resembles that of a hobo witch, emo teenager or dad who listens to rock music. More masculine or gender neutral style, if I can help it.
What's your personality? - Introverted, analytical, anxious, short-tempered at times, often grumpy, procrastinator. I try to be friendly and helpful, but I need lots of alone time. I have insane organizational skills ('cause anxiety) and people tend to rely on me too much because of it. I often end up in a leading role in a friend group and I think I have decent sense of (dry) humour. I have trouble getting out of my own head and sometimes I can't shut the fuck up (I do be thinking I'm a stand-up comedian in my rare extrovert moments).
Tell us about your interests! - Writing, books and dark academia stuff and aesthetic. Ghost (obviously), Baldur's Gate (recently), space and astronomy, witchcraft (tarot, cool rocks...), RPing, D&D, guitar and piano.
Trivia time! - I think you got it all up there :)
This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is... Sodo
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You get to see his softer side. He's still grumpy and impulsive but he never aims it at you. So he totally understands your short tempered and grumpy side.
Once he was sure you liked him and that you were wanting to be with him. He just kinda turned to you and bit your shoulder. You look at him slightly shocked as he licks the wound and then declares you are his mate. It's the look of love you catch in his eyes, the total adoration that makes you ralise what a big deal this is.
He looks round to make sure no one is looking and then pulls you into a quick kiss. "That is okay right?" He says with a smile. He rarely ever kisses anyone so it's a big deal. He'll rarely kiss you but it just makes them all the more precious. Of course you say it is and you spend that night celebrating.
He's not too big on affection but he won't push you away if you initiate. He will however hold you if you need it, he loves you and wants to do whatever he can to help with you anxiety.
He loves to bring you things, little presents. He leaves these gifts lying around for you to find.
He will always protect you and stand by you. If you say you need alone time, he will make sure you get it. He will ensure everyone leaves you in peace.
If you've had a really bad day, he'll build a pillow fort for you both to chill inside, out of the way where no one can annoy either of you further.As a fire Ghoul he is always nice and warm, so you can just cuddle close to him while you write or read and never be cold.
Written by Nyx
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saintlike78 · 3 years
i loved your bill fic! maybe a bill x pregnant reader over the course of the readers pregnancy: things like, telling bill, telling his family, cravings, gender reveal, an ultrasound, the baby kicking, the labor, and after the babies born?
Babies on the way [B.W.]
A/N: Thank you so much, it really means a lot that you like my writing! And thank you so much for the request, it was really fun to write, even though I’m not the biggest pregnancy/children fanfic reader, it was still fun to try something out of my comfort zone. I really hope you enjoy the fic, it turned out way longer than I planned.
Words: 1.4k
Warnings: Fluff, reader being pregnant, mentions of food, labor pain, crying (happiness), mention of blood (if you blink you miss it), if I missed anything please let me know.  
Closing the front door behind him, Bill was met with the sweet smell of your baking coming from the kitchen. Without having to see the cake, he already knew what it was because it was his favorite. His mind was racing, trying to figure out why you had baked that of all things because you only baked it for special occasions.
Removing his shoes and coat, he moved towards the kitchen, excited and confused. All he could hope for was that he hadn’t forgotten an anniversary, which he never normally would, but maybe that would be the day.
Standing in the doorway, he watched as you stood with your back towards him, decorating the cake. Happy upbeat music filled the background as you swayed your hips to the sound, clearly happy about something. Bill couldn’t help the smile that broke out on his face as he watched you.
“Hi darling,” he said and made his way over to you, giving you a short loving kiss.
You smiled into the kiss and put your hands on his face, making the kiss last longer.
“Hi,” you breathed out when you broke away from each other.
It was impossible for him not to notice how you were beaming with glee, your eyes shining, little crinkles forming because of how big your smile was.
“What’s the cake for?” He asked cautiously, not wanting to give away anything if he really had forgotten an anniversary or something important.
Letting out a small chuckle, you caressed his cheek, the light stubble coarse against your hand. “Don’t worry, you haven’t forgotten anything.”
He let out a breathy laugh, very relieved, but now very curious as to what you were celebrating.
“Look at the cake,” you said plainly, but eyes holding a playful glimmer.
Raising his eyebrow, he turned and looked at the cake. On the top, in green icing, it said, ‘for Daddy’, which made him chuckle lightly and smirk as he turned to face you again. But when he turned, he was met with you holding up a little baby onesie, tears starting to well up in your eyes.
The sly smirk dropped from his face as soon as he saw you. The things starting to add up in his mind, making tears start to form in his eyes as well.
“Does this mean?” he asked hopefully.
You just nodded, scared that if you spoke you would start crying.
You never in a million years thought you would hear the grown man you called your husband squeal, but that was exactly what he did at that moment. He let out a squeal, startling you, and wrapped you in his arms while he spun around, laughing like a mad man.
“I’M GOING TO BE A FATHER!” he yelled excitedly, still spinning.
“Bill, please stop spinning or I’m gonna be sick,” you said in-between laughs.
Putting you down, he gave you a lingering kiss, happy tears spilling out of both your eyes mixing together.
“I love you so much,” he whispered.
You were laying on the hospital bed, with weird cold goop on your stomach, Bill’s hand squeezing your own, as you both looked at the screen.
“So, as you can see there,” the doctor said whilst pointing at a point on the screen, “you are carrying twins.”
You and Bill looked at each other with a huge smile and then back at the doctor.
“The babies are healthy and doing good, there seem to be no problems at all,” she said with a smile.
Bill gave your hand another squeeze and leaned over to kiss your head. When the doctor looked back at the screen, Bill whispered, “I bet George and Fred will be ecstatic that their twin pack will continue.”
You giggled quietly at his comment and nodded.
“Would you like to know the sexes of your babies?” the doctor asked, turning her head to look at you.
You looked at Bill, asking him a silent question. You both nodded at each other and another grin spread across both your faces as you turned back towards the awaiting doctor and nodded.
“Okay, I have something I want to say,” you said as you stood up from your place around the table.
The chatter died down, all eyes on you. The entirety of the Weasleys (plus partners) present at the Burrow, looking between each other wondering what you were going to say.
You put your hand on Bill’s shoulder as you started to speak, his own hand falling on top of yours, giving it a small squeeze.
“You’re pregnant!” Molly yelled, slamming her hands on the table before you even had the chance to say it.
“yes,” you laughed out.
“Oh, Godric! That’s fantastic,” Molly said excitedly clapping her hands.
The rest of the family talking excitedly and congratulating you and Bill.
“Actually, there’s more,” you said with a slight smirk. The room quieted down again, and all eyes on you again.
“Not only is there going to be one baby, there are going to be two.”
“NO WAY!” Fred and George yell at the same time, making you laugh.
“You hear that Georgie; we get to pass on the legacy!” Fred says excitedly to George.
“oh no you won’t, you will not be allowed near those babies,” Molly scolds.
“We’re going to be the cool uncles who give great gifts and teach them great pranks!” George says, completely ignoring Molly’s statement.
Molly just shakes her head and lets out a sigh of defeat.
“Aaaand, one more thing,” Bill starts, also standing up, “we also know the genders.”
“Unfortunately, we won’t be able to name them Fred and George Jr. unless one of them is named Georgianna or something like that,” Bill says with a laugh.
“How lucky! A girl and a boy,” Molly exclaims.
“We will pay good money…”
“…for them to be named after us,” Fred starts and George finishes.
“Not in a million years,” you and Bill say at the same time.
“BILL! GET IN HERE! QUICK,” you yell from your place on the couch.
You hear the clinking of a spoon being dropped and the sound of rushed footsteps coming from the kitchen.
Bill bursts through the doorway, almost falling over.
“What’s wrong, are you okay, what happened!?” He rushed out, making his way over to you with a milkshake in one hand and a bowl of chips in the other, your main pregnancy craving. The trick was to dip the chips in the milkshake, chocolate milkshake to be specific. Bill thought it was absolutely disgusting, but you told him that you liked it even before your pregnancy, but now it was almost the only thing you wanted to eat.
Setting the food on the coffee table, he quickly starts inspecting you.
“I’m fine, nothing happened, but feel,” you say and take his hand guiding it to your stomach.
He releases a breath of relief and lets his hand rest upon your stomach, feeling after what you were talking about. Suddenly he feels a little kick and he jumps excitedly, giggling like a child and then getting on his knees to be face to face with your belly.
“Who’s kicking your mother right now?” he asks.
Your heart was bursting with happiness, watching Bill talk to your babies and looking so happy. You were so excited to see him excel at being a father, you already knew he would be great. You really didn’t know how you got to be this lucky.
Bill was looking up at you with the biggest smile, still holding your stomach with his large hands, gently feeling around hoping to feel another kick.
“Almost there, my darling, you’re doing amazing,” Bill said as he tried to help and soothe you through the worst pain you’ve ever felt.
Sweat covered your face and tears leaked from your eyes, face red as you tried to shove not one, but two babies out of you.
“I can’t Bill,” you cried as you turned your face towards him.
He stroked your sweat-covered face and kissed your cheeks and then your forehead.
“I know you can do it, my strong girl, you’re so close, I love you so much,” he said, and you nodded focusing on the task at hand once again.
After a lot of blood, sweat, and tears (literally) you were sat with your baby girl in your arms, your baby boy in Bill’s arms, his eyes leaking with tears of joy.
You were exhausted, but yet you didn’t want to rest, too afraid of missing the first moments with your precious ones. You didn’t know that you could feel this kind of happiness, it felt like you were going to burst. You couldn’t explain this feeling to someone who hadn’t felt it for themselves because no words would do it justice.
Looking at your babies and Bill, you felt complete, whole. Your life was a huge puzzle, but you finally had all the missing pieces, and it created the most beautiful picture.  
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snzunii · 3 years
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he went back to where you both started but you were far gone and he couldn't reach you anymore.
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+ pairings. gojo x f!reader.
+ tags. angst, established relationships, hurt with a little bit of comfort (hehehe lol it doesn't hurt that much though 😹)
+ word count. 1.4k
+ notes. hello hello! this is just a very short oneshot (and idek if its good lol shdkshw) cos i watched this sad movie and this is kind of inspired from that 😙 hihi and gojo with angst is just— 😩 i rlly love it hehskdhaksh anyways, i hope u like this one 🤍 ps. i was listening to this song while i write cos i just thought it really fits hiho
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"Babe, look." you said as you laid your hand for Satoru, "My hand looks so dull. What do you think is missing?"
That's the first time that you teased about it and Satoru gave you a laugh as he mess with your hair, answering you with one simple word. "Soon."
You smiled, the giddiness was clearly seen on your gorgeous face. Soon, he would put that something in your hand.
Just the thought was making you feel like you were in seventh heaven.
The second time was on a rainy afternoon, he had just made love to you. Made you feel like you are the most precious thing in this whole universe, he held you in his arms like you are a delicate piece of art.
You are the prettiest thing in the whole world for him and he never failed to show that to you.
Both out of breath, you stare at the ceiling and suddenly, you raise your hand, back of your hand facing you. "Satoru."
"Something's missing from my finger, do you perhaps know where it is?" you teased for the second time, and then again, the only answer that you got was that one simple word.
Satoru chuckled and pulled you close to him, leaning you on his chest as you feel the beating of his heart. "Soon, honey."
You nodded, maybe it's too soon. It only has been seven years.  He didn't say that he doesn't want to, he said 'soon'. It means he would do it. He has a plan, you just know it.
You didn't tease him about it for months after that.
The third time was your eighth anniversary, Satoru just knows that you were waiting for that because the disappointment in your face was evident when you had thought that the small box of necklace was a ring.
"Are you alright? You didn't like my present?" he asked even though he knew why, he just didn't want to admit that it was about it.
You let out a smile, you had been patient for years. You can hold it in, you don't want to ruin your anniversary for something like that. You always remind yourself that he would get there soon.
Plus, you didn't want to pressure him too much anyways, though you have brought up that topic months ago— not on a daily basis. But you shrugged it off, he would eventually get on his knees and ask you to be with him for the rest of his life.
He would... right?
"I'm okay! I love the necklace, babe." you gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I just..."
"What's that?"
"Nothing." you embraced him, leaning your head on his chest as you hide the growing pain inside your heart. "You still love me, right?"
You feel Satoru reciprocate your embrace, he wrapped his arms around you tightly. "Of course, why would you ask that?"
Then that's enough. If he loves you, maybe that's enough. At least, you have him and he have you. You both love each other and maybe that's enough assurance for now.
You tightened your arms around his waist and mumbled, "Nothing, I just wanted to ask... I love you more."
The fourth time was at your sister's proposal party. You tried your very best to hide the bitterness in you. You were happy for your sister, there's no doubt in that.
Although, the only thing that you were doubting as of this moment was your own boyfriend, who was clinging on to your waist tightly as you both watch how your sister say yes to his boyfriend.
"Look at her, she's so happy." you mumbled, you heard him hum as response. You looked at his face, "Satoru-"
"Yeah. She is. Do you want something to drink?" he asked you, not letting you finish what you are about to say because he knows. He knew what you were about to say.
He knows that you would ask him if he still loves you, that why does your sister who is in a three-year relationship got the proposal, instead of you who is in a nine-year relationship with him?
He sighed when he saw the look on your face, he smiled at you and cupped your face as plant a kiss on your forehead. You let out a bitter chuckle as you go outside the venue, he followed you and held your forearm.
"What?" the coldness in your voice was pricking his heart, but he doesn't have the right to complain because he knows he is the one who is making you like this.
"What is your problem?"
Stupid question, that's what it is.
The first time was just a joke, maybe a nudge to let him know that you were ready. You were excited that time, your heart was filled with hope and anticipation. But now, all of that was burned and it turned into ashes that vanished into thin air. All that died and what's next was your heart.
Satoru doesn't know what it is but he can't see you anymore in that plan that you two built years ago. The house, the kids running around and you two crying when they got to college then the two of you, growing old together.
All of that was getting blurry as the day goes by.
Maybe he just woke up one day and realized that he was just used to you being there.
Maybe he woke up one day realizing that the three words that you both say to each other that was filled with love and sincerity before was just an empty, meaningless words that you're both just used to say now.
Satoru just didn't have the guts to say that to your face and hurt you.
"No, what is your problem? Do you not love me anymore? Do you not see me growing old with you and all that fucking bullshit that you promised me?"
"I.." he stopped and looked at your face, the face that he used to looked to with that sparkle in his eyes.
The next words was like a bullet shot through your heart.
"I don't... I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you-"
"Bullshit." tears cascading from your eyes, "If you didn't want to hurt me, why prolong it? Why didn't you just end it instead of dragging it this long?"
Your sobs grew even louder and painful when Satoru wrapped his arms around your body. "I'm sorry. I'm really... sorry."
You don't know if you're just plain stupid but you were desperate because you love him so much. "I'll wait for you, you know. Find it in your heart. I know it's still there, right? I promise I'll wait for you, Satoru."
"Don't.. just don't do that. Don't hold on to me."
But no matter what he says he knows you will and he would blame himself for eternity for hurting you like this.
Satoru looked at you with a smile on his face, your eyes were sparkling as your lips curved upward— it was hard to say if your eyes were open or not because of how wide your smile is.
You smiled as if there was no tomorrow.
You are so happy. The coruscating aura was radiating from you, like you are a ball of sunshine that he wouldn't get tired of looking at.
"Hey." he finally called you after minutes of staring, your eyes widen along with a smile.
"You look really beautiful." he said with the familiar effulgent smile that you have always adored.
"You're not supposed to be back here," you chuckled and he just shrugged his shoulder. "You'd see me later anyways, you know?"
He wasn't supposed to be in here anyways but he really wanted to see you and maybe remind himself.
"I wanted to see you now." he walked towards you until he was in front of you. He held your hand, "Ah, I really don't know what to say. You look really pretty."
Remind himself of what he has lost.
You just laughed and shook your head a bit, Satoru frowned when he noticed the tears from the side of your eyes. "Why the hell are you crying? C'mere."
He pulled you gently close to him and softly taps your back, "I'm sorry, Satoru."
"Silly. It's alright. As long as you're happy then I'm happy." he sighed as he mustered all his strength to stop himself from tearing up, "I told you not to hold on to me and I'm glad you didn't. You just saved yourself. I want you to live a happy life, okay?"
It all came back to him, the house and the kids. The one where you sat on your old house's porch— answering that crossword puzzle like some old couples do.
He saw that once again and he's still picturing it as you walk towards the altar wearing your beautiful white dress, perfectly fit for you.
He was still picturing it until he saw you standing with the man that you are about to spend your life with while he just stood there and watch.
It was getting blurry again not because he doesn't love you but because you belong to somebody else now.
He went back to where you both started and found what was lost but then you were far gone and he couldn't reach you anymore.
You are happy, that's the most important thing for him. He thought that you would be the one to hold on to that promise you made years ago but unbeknownst to him, he would be the one to hold on to it.
But he couldn't blame you for that because he's the one who lost it. He gave you one last look with a faint smile on his face before walking away. If only he could turn back the time, only then...
Only then I would be the one standing beside you.
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+ taglist. @fiona782 @yoshimochii @xoxostrawberrymilkxoxo @cosmiclvsh @whippedbyikemen @tojisqueen @enesitamor @Thatsharklovingwoman @haobrcndy @r-xochitl @joslynthecryptid @toshiswifey @Michelle_simps
if you want to join the taglist, please answer the form here! 🤍
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filmmies-writing · 3 years
Past, Present & Future
pairing : ex!avengers reader x Zemo
word count : 1.3k
warning : mention of death
summary : you used to visit Zemo at the prison after the event of civil war but then he cut you off because he started to have feelings for you. Now that Bucky’s going to break him out, he needs your help babysitting this bad guy.
a/n : hello guyssssss <3 It's been quite a while since I posted my debut one shot. I really do appreciate every like, reblog and comment from my previous work (for anyone who hasn't checked it out yet, here you go!)THANK YOU🥺 At first I was thinking of making a short fanfiction, 3 parts was the first thought that came to my mind but I really enjoy writing this so maybe it’ll be more than 3 parts I suppose. You can also leave your ideas for the next part in the comment or what you think of this chapter, I’d really love to read them :) And fyi, your likes, reblogs and comments are what keep me going so pls 🥺🥺😂😂 Sorry if there’s any mistakes, English is not my first language. Also I’ll pin my masterlist on this blog as soon as I finish making it :))))) 
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“And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be
Right in front of me
Talk some sense to me” 
(I Found - Amber Run)                                     
“Do you still visit him?” Bucky asked through the phone, his voice steady and calm, like he already made a decision in his mind.
“After I’d blipped back I might have been there once or twice, but the last time was last year I guess” you said and you shrugged your shoulders as you walked around your apartment trying to find a chocolate you just bought but forgot where you put it at.
Yes, you’ve visited this criminal several times and some of your teammates know it. After you were informed about why he started all of his demeanors, about his motivation, as a person who doesn’t have any family left and witnessed everything that happened at the battle of Sokovia with your own eyes, you strongly have sympathy for him. 
You see him as a man who let his emotions and anger take over his intelligent-self and just tried to do what he thought was right, what he thought it’ll make him feel better after he achieved it. And now that he succeeded his plan, deep down he still feels pretty empty. You can tell just  from looking at him in the eyes, even there’s a thick glass between. And you bet he had taken some steps back to see his work and spent some time with himself, thinking. And you know he could see it too. Nothing changed, his family is still gone. Only thing new to him is that he now has to spend years after years rotting in German prison, which allows him to have more time to think about his family and his past actions. He was about to go insane.
But thank god you went to visit him.
You started to visit him for the very first time after six months of the airport battle. Bringing him some books considering how boring he would feel behind bars. But you were quite confused when you saw that his cell is more superior than the others. Even though it may seem dark and lifeless like the other cells, his cell is a lot bigger compared to others. He also has privileges to read all the up-to-date newspapers and books given from the guards that he seems to  be paying extra for.
In the beginning, it was him who always started a conversation by questioning you. According to his genius mind’s calculation, he never expected any Avengers to visit him and especially to be this nice to him after what he had done, what he had caused. And clearly he was wrong, so he needed to know why you’re doing all of this since he thought he can never be wrong. Maybe you want to take revenge at him? Or could it be that you’re just really nice? 
“Why being so nice to me?” he asked directly, wanting to see your reaction to his action.
“I just feel bad for what happened to you” you didn’t lie but kept looking down to the ground to avoid his gaze on you. You’ve heard about his reputation, how good he is at manipulating and you didn’t want to be his another victim.
It took only a few more times of visiting him for you to realize that you unexpectedly bonded with your friends’ greatest enemy and surprisingly enjoy spending your time with him, he would always tell you stories from his many journeys, but still not the private ones. He never wanted to share any of his family’s memories with anyone and he intended to keep it that way.
After getting to know him a lot more than you should, you soon realized that he’s a Baron after all, a royalty, which answered your curiosity perfectly about why he can still access so many privileges even behind the bars. 
In return, you shared with him how you feel to be an Avengers, pressures and expectations you had received during that time. A hard decision you made that still haunts you in your sleep every night. 
You two sometimes share your opinion on books you bring to him. You went back to the prison countless times with a handful of snacks, sweets and books. That’s why he thinks you’re too nice, too good for him. 
Although he’s in prison, he still manages to spoil you with many presents that have been sent to your door time after time on  special days such as your birthday and Christmas. 
For Helmut, at first, these acts were only to return your kindness. At least that’s what he convinced himself since he doesn’t want to admit that he started to have feelings for you. He keeps telling himself he’ll never love again, but you make it hard for him.
And for you, no one has ever cared about you as much as he did. But still, you persuaded yourself he’s just a friend, a good friend. 
But when it came to the point that Zemo cannot lie to himself anymore, he decided to face the truth and deal with it in a very definitive way. He cut you off. Completely.
He added your name to the list of people he prohibited to visit him. You were heartbroken when you first found out but maybe it’s for the best that things didn’t go any further than this, you cajoled yourself. In the first few months, it was hard for you not to think of him, but now that it has been almost a year, you’re finally doing fine.
To clarify his action, his mind keeps telling him that after what he had done to you, he doesn’t deserve you. You deserve to be happy, to live your life with someone that’s not stuck in a prison like him. Someone as good as you. Not a state-criminal like him. Another reason for him would be because he doesn’t want anyone to replace his wife. Even after so many years she has passed away, she still holds a very special place in his heart and he would never want any memories with someone else to replace those precious memories he has left of her.
“And do you think it’s gonna be fine if he’s out of the prison?” Your eyes automatically blinked, starting to feel terrified by what Bucky just asked you.
“I... I... I don’t know, I can’t reassure you anything, I mean I believe that he’ll be useful to your case but he can be very manipulative so you must be careful when he’s out” You said what you could think of at that moment. You can never think straight when it comes to the Baron.
Bucky replied with silence for a moment but not too long until he continued the conversation and said “Wanna do your old friends a favor?” 
You know he wants you with them in case things go wrong with Zemo since you seem to be the one who knows him best compared to them. Also in Bucky and Sam’s aspect, your fighting and investigating skills would be really helpful to the team. And who knows what the new cap is about? So it’s clearly better to have you included in this little team.
“Sure..” To be honest, you’re quite afraid to face the Baron again but you can never say no to your friends and plus you want to do something in return for them since they always taking a good care of you, they’re like older brothers to you and you couldn’t let they go out there on their own knowing that you can help them.
“See you at the prison tomorrow then, I believe you know your way there already” Bucky replied before hanging up.
This is going to be a hell of a journey!
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writing-in-april · 4 years
The Case of the Missing Coffee
Spencer Reid x Female Reader 
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Summary: Spencer gets on Reader’s nerves just a little too much one day and decides to get back at him.
A/N: This is my piece for the NSFW fic swap- I got @wave0fg00dvibes​ I had this idea on my long list of random ideas for Spencer and when I decided to go in the “hate fuck” direction I landed on this idea. Reminder that requests are open!
Warnings: Petty Reader, Spencer is a bit of a dick, Hate fucking, Dom!spencer, Public sex (sorta),Biting, Choking, Muffling (hand over mouth), a dash of humiliation kink
Masterlist  Word count: 1.8k
Spencer Reid was getting on my very last nerve. That wasn’t a new thing though. For some reason Spencer and I had never gotten along. It seemed as soon as we met we were destined to annoy and bicker until we retired.
Our latest argument centered around a preliminary profile that we were supposed to send off to the Boston PD and as always we both disagreed on what the profile consisted of. This time Spencer had gotten deep under my skin for some reason. His constant bickering had me seething, plus his not so subtle dig at my abilities as a profiler didn’t do anything to help my mood. The whole situation was giving me a headache.
I need coffee
I opened the cabinet where the grounds and sugar were stored in the break room so I could start a cup for myself. I stopped my movements when I caught sight of a large bag of grounds and another bag full of sugar marked in big sharpie letters with Spencer’s name.
Spencer had started to bring his own bags of coffee grounds and sugar after Emily complained about him going through the bullpen’s supplies too fast.
A smirk was dancing evilly on my face at the thought of riling Spencer up by stealing the items for a short while. Every time he decided to push my buttons too far while we were working I usually found some way to get back at him for it. Even though I knew it was petty I still decided to hide his personal coffee grounds and sugar in the bottom drawer of my desk. Maybe he’d think twice next time he disrespected his coworkers.
I’ll give it back to him eventually after he apologized and after having him beg a little.
Later in the day I was sitting in the small file room going through some old case files. Though, mostly I was waiting for Spencer to come down here and confront me about his stolen coffee as I had already finished my most important tasks for the day. He was a genius after all and it was an easy deduction to figure out who had stolen it, only I would dare touch his precious coffee and sugar. Not even Morgan would dare mess with it.
“Where is it.”
Ah, he’s right on time
His dark tone matched the darkness that surrounded the file room that was only illuminated by one light. However, the smirk on my face did not shake, his tone did little to intimidate me. I decided to further annoy him not wanting to give away what I had done with his precious coffee just yet.
“It’s just coffee and sugar Spencer, I’m sure Emily will let you dip into the rest of the BAU’s supplies for today. Though, maybe you should cut down, considering how aggressive you get when you miss your hourly cup.” I was still standing hunched over the files, not even sparing a glance at the genius as I gave him a snippy remark.
“That’s not the point Y/N. I’m more mad about the fact that I know you took it.” Each little quip I decided to give him was making his tone darken almost to the tone he used when interrogating suspects.
“Well maybe you shouldn’t have implied that I was an incapable agent.” I turned to face him with a feisty glare and crossed my arms before continuing, “Maybe, then I wouldn’t have taken it.”
“Maybe, you could’ve come to me like an adult and told me you were offended. Maybe- then I would’ve apologized.” My gaze was harsh in response to his remark choosing not to respond to his words. Honestly, the nerve of him sometimes. Though, what really caught me off guard was what happened next.
Instead of further verbally berating me for stealing his brew he surged forward and captured my lips in a harsh kiss. I almost pulled away angrily to slap him but, I found my anger morphing into something new. I kissed him back with fervor not giving him the full satisfaction of completely dominating the kiss. Though all sense of control I held was lost when he roughly slammed me into the filing cabinets making a surprised squeak fall from my lips, allowing him to slip his tongue into my mouth.
I yanked aggressively on his hair as a warning in response to when he dipped his head down attempting to suck hickies and bite marks into my neck. He grunted in agitation, pulling his head up to glare at me in retaliation to the harsh tug on his curls.
The glare on his face held as he yanked my skirt up harshly and pulled my panties down roughly until they fell down my ankles.
He wound his hand around my neck, not very tight at all only having it rest there as a simple warning to obey and take whatever he gave me. I almost found myself fighting his dominance once more before all thoughts of disobedience were wiped from my mind as soon as he moved one finger experimentally to my core. I was already obscenely wet just from a few minutes of a heated make out. Arousal further coated Spencer’s fingers as he started to circle my hole teasingly, my legs started to shake a little from the teasing almost unable to take it.
I bit into my lip hard to stifle any noise my body wanted to make when he finally curled his fingers inside me and obliged me. A small moan escaped despite my best attempts when he brought his thumb up to my clit working in tandem with his other fingers. I had to bite my lip even harder to quiet myself when the hand on my neck tightened, silently warning me to shut up. The only reason I obliged his order was because I’d rather not have gotten caught by my other coworkers being fingered by the person I claimed to hate.
I could feel myself teetering on the edge of release before it was cruelly swiped away from me when he removed his fingers from my core. I whined in objection though the noise was covered by a harsh command by Spencer.
“Jump.” His tone left no room for argument to his order, making any protests I had die in my throat. Normally, I’d argue with any order that Spencer thought he could give me but, the slick arousal that pooled between my legs fought with the resentment that I held for him. So, for once I obeyed willingly, jumping to wrap my legs around his wiry frame. I was half expecting him to drop me, I had never considered Spencer to be very strong at all. But, he proved my thoughts wrong by holding tightly onto me with bruising force, pulling out his cock from his slacks with speed and precision before swiftly entering me with no warning.
A whimper at the sudden stretch started to come from me though, it was quickly stifled by his large palm coming down over my mouth stifling any noise that tried to make its way from me. Once he was sure I was going to be able to handle my noise level he removed his hand from my mouth placing it back onto my ass. He then started to rock into me, though his thrusts weren’t fast at first as I had assumed. His thrusts were deep but devastatingly slow.
“I hate you.” I tried to growl out with conviction to goad Spencer to start to pick up his pace. He took the bait, starting to thrust rapidly pushing me closer towards release. However, the growl I had adopted dissolved into a mere pathetic whimper making my whole body burn in embarrassment at his ability to work me up so quickly. My hands pulled at his button up to try and ground myself to stave off my release- I was going to try my hardest to not cum first.
“Sure you do Sugar.” He said breathlessly while letting go of one of my thighs to make his way back to my clit. The little circles he started to rub along with his now brutal pace made angry all over again, I was trying so hard to not release first. And, it didn’t help that he tacked on the stupid nickname at the end, no doubt trying to stoke the fire in my belly that was a infuriating mix of arousal and anger.
Though I tried with all the strength I could muster to hold off a devastating orgasm as soon as Spencer pitched his hips to hit my sweet spot my release crashed over me. I screwed my eyes shut and bit into my fist hard in an attempt to stifle any moans that tried to escape me as my release came through my body in crashing waves. My cheeks were burning hot in humiliation from my disastrous defeat.
“W-where?” Spencer almost incoherently stuttered out to me as a warning that he was getting close to his own release.
“Inside. Safe.”  I was honestly surprised I even formed a literate thought to convey to him as I came down from my devastating high. He pumped into me a few more times before falling into his own release, biting into the sliver of skin he could find beneath my disheveled blouse to quiet his own noises.
Once we had both come down completely and caught our breaths awkward silence and tension simmered in the file room. We both made no moves to break the tension as we tried to make ourselves look somewhat presentable. After I pulled my panties up and my skirt back down to its original position I decided to give Spencer back the thing he had been looking for. Leaning forward I took his tie in my hand and pulled him back towards me so we were chest to chest once more.
“Go look in the bottom drawer of my desk.” I whispered into his ear before sauntering out of the room to find a bathroom to clean up some more though, not before sparing a glance back to see a smirk etched on Spencer’s face. Even though I still hated him (Maybe hate is a strong word) I figured why not give him his coffee and sugar back as a reward for giving me one of the best orgasms of my life. Though, I was definitely still mad at myself for orgasming first. Maybe if there was a next time the roles would be reversed.
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ushidoux · 3 years
Be My Last - Iwaizumi x  Reader (Pt. 4)
Summary: You have trouble getting over a past relationship and it’s preventing you from moving forward. (~1.7 words)
Warnings: questionable fidelity, angst, but otherwise tame
A/N: There isn’t a lot of action in this chapter but a whole lot of feelings.
Part 1|| Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5
You awoke to the sound of Iwaizumi’s careful shuffles around your bedroom as he got dressed for the day. Rising slowly to a sitting position with a stretch and a yawn, you noticed he was a little more dressed up than usual, his usual polo shirt and khakis replaced with a pair of sharp trousers, a nicely pressed shirt and a tie.
“Good morning, baby,” you murmured, voice still heavy with slumber.
Iwaizumi’s eyes shifted from their focus adjusting the sleeves of his shirt and smiled as he watched you rub the sleep out of your eyes, walking around to your side of the bed to kiss you on the forehead - a soft brush of the lips.
“Good morning, love. Did you sleep well?”
The smell of a gentle cologne drove you forward, intending to lean your face against his chest, but he was already back to his side of the bed to gather his things before setting out for the morning.
“I did… I can make breakfast if you’re not in a hurry!” You offered, eyes following the young man as he quickly exited the room.
“I’m alright!” He called, voice distant now. You could tell he was already rummaging around in the kitchen, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafted in your nostrils in sharp contrast to the toothpaste you were using to rid yourself of morning breath once you trailed behind him.
You glanced at the time on the wall clock, leaning against a wall opposite the inlet to the kitchen. He wasn’t exactly late for work, but he was rushing out faster than usual. 
“Is everything okay?” Your voice was muffled between spittle and mild concern.
He glanced at you, hesitating for a split second before smiling. 
“I’ll see you tonight,” he replied without answering your question, and then the door closed behind him.
There was a subtle sense of your blood cooling very slightly, a tinge of worry settling in your chest. Venturing back into the bathroom, you finished brushing your teeth, paying exquisite attention to your tired eyes in the mirror as though your reflection was the issue. 
Maybe you were overreacting. Things had been a little tense since your argument, but it was nothing that couldn’t be smoothed over. 
It was only after you’d settled back onto your side of the bed with your open laptop and your screen flickered on to display your ex’s Instagram page that your heart started to race.
You closed it shut again, wincing.
He didn’t see it. He couldn’t have. He would have said something. The argument would have started right up again. It wouldn’t have ended until one of you was sleeping on the couch or you were sleeping in each other’s arms.
You let out a deep breath, taking a few moments to let your self-defensive thoughts sink into your skin. It was nothing serious after all.
Overreaction after overreaction. The only thing that mattered right now was that you opened your laptop and spent your Friday off of work on getting ahead.
As luck would have it, Iwaizumi was stuck in traffic.  Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise that he’d wanted to escape your apartment as soon as possible and make it out early. He’d actually intended to leave before you woke up. 
As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was still angry. 
Not at you. Never at you. At himself.
He remembered the words he had said to you at the start of your relationship, what felt both like just yesterday and ages ago.
Use me if you need to.
He gripped the steering wheel and grit his teeth, trying to maintain composure despite the fact that he’d been in the same spot on the road for the past ten minutes and people were laying into their horns around him.
What kind of stupid shit was that?
It had sounded good to say it at the time, like most things a guy says to woo a pretty girl. Use him. You’d fall in love with him later, in due time. He believed it was true then.
He hated that he was starting to lose faith in that now.
He hated the idea that someone else, who really wasn’t doing anything but simply existing in proximity to you was doing such a number on him. He couldn’t fault him either. Ushijima had loved you first. 
Did it matter if Iwa loved you more?
You’d given yourself that you weren’t allowed to leave your apartment until you got your work done, lest you come up with another excuse not to finish, which meant by the time the clock neared six p.m., you had laid sprawled in nearly every corner of your apartment typing and by now were cross-legged on the kitchen counter, your laptop balanced on your knees.
But you were finally done.
You sighed with excitement. Now to put that behind you. 
Saving your work, you slipped off of the countertop and back into your pair of slippers, moving back to your bedroom to change into a just as comfortable but more presentable pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.
You were running out of snacks, as evidenced by the frequent trips to the kitchen over the past eight hours. What better way to treat yourself for a job well done but with a walk down to the convenience store to stock up?
Maybe you’d grab Iwa a bag of his favorite chips as a peace offering on the way too. 
“We’re already out, young lady!” the cashier teased the moment you crossed the store entrance, setting off the bell. 
You pout but still glance over to the row of baked goods, where your precious melon bread is normally stacked neatly in clear packaging, waiting for you. It’s a little bit embarrassing that he knew you would never pass up on it, but you’d lived here long enough that it wasn’t inconceivable that it’d become your defining trait.
“I’m absolutely devastated, sir!” You called back dramatically, making your way to the back for ice cream instead. They had what your favorite in stock, plus a limited edition flavor so you had more than enough consolation.
Satisfied, you closed the freezer door after picking your selection only to meet eyes with Ushijima, whose hand closed tightly around the handle of a fridge door. He stood a good distance away, but his eyes had been on you and remained so; the very slight part of his lips betrayed the fact that he had been trying to come up with something to say for the past couple of minutes.
He did say your name, something like a greeting, out loud, and you reflexively looked away, heart pounding. Granted you didn’t own this corner of town, but what were the chances he’d only chosen to go here?
Quickly realizing you still weren’t interested in talking, Ushijima pulled out a large bottle of water and closed the fridge, deciding not to bother you further.
It was suddenly a good thing that a text message to you on his phone was in drafts only, him not having the heart to send it. It wasn’t for a lack of courage… it was more so due to shame. Even if he felt like he had to apologize, there wasn’t much he felt he could say that would make it better, not worse.
His shame and your discomfort only intensified as he ended up queueing up behind you. Timing was never on his or your side it seemed.
Ushijima watched you tense up ever so slightly, your shoulders hunched as your arms overflowed with snacks, including the freezing tub of ice cream. Normally he’d offer to help with your load, given that he wasn’t carrying much more than the water but again, boundaries.
He’d set that distance himself.
In reality, he probably should have chosen another running path to discharge energy after practice had ended early today. However, it had been long enough that alternative courses didn’t come immediately to memory and he’d been willing to take that chance.
And here you both were.
He hated this, the obvious residual feelings bubbling to the surface after having been repressed for so long, the fact that he couldn’t justify any of his actions, the fact that he hated older him.
The fact that you won’t even look at him. 
Just say something. Anything. 
Is closure every really needed, or is it just an excuse to refuse to move on?
He opened his mouth to speak, yet again, but you beat him to it.
You turned towards him, smiling, albeit a weak imitation of what you’d always offered him, back when you loved him recklessly, with your whole heart.
“I… um, don’t want it to be awkward,” you said in a small voice. The sound of your voice, directed finally to him, unprompted made his own beat speed up.
Was this an olive branch you were extending that he didn’t deserve? He pondered this, steeling himself for the worst.
You kept your friendly expression as steady as possible. You weren’t sure what you were trying to prove, to yourself and to Iwa.
You didn’t love him. And for that reason, you had no right to be bitter or cold. Right?
“It doesn’t have to be awkward,” you continued.
Ushijima was at a loss for words now, watching you carefully with his normally sharp, hawk-like eyes but now more like the hawk’s prey, assessing the threat before it. Could he get his hopes up? “We can be friends,” you decided.
It’ll only hurt for a short bit of time, you told yourself. And soon things will be back to normal. As they should be.
A part of Ushijima wanted to reply, I don’t want to be friends. He’d finally realized this, no matter how selfish of a thought it was. However, he was content to nod only and swallow that thought. 
“I’d appreciate it.”
He watched you pay for your items and leave, unsure of what friendship would entail.
As you dug into your tub of ice cream a couple hours later, you realized you weren’t so sure what that entailed either.
If only to make it worse, then came the buzz of your phone with a single message, I miss you.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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CH25- A Series Of Very Fortunate Events
Summary: It’s Fliss’ birthday and Frank pulls off the surprise of the century.
Warnings: Bad language, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 24
I dunno how you do what you do, I'm so in love with you, it just keeps getting better. I wanna spend the rest of my life, with you by my side, for ever and ever. Every little thing that you do, Baby I'm amazed by you
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Fliss gave a start of surprise as two hands grabbed her waist and spun her round.  She laughed as a pair of bright blue eyes, sparkling with love and mischief, met hers, her hands sliding up their owner’s chest to his shoulders, as a warm palm pressed into her back, fingers splaying over the top of her thin camisole. “Happy birthday, Beautiful.” Frank grinned at her and she beamed back, her nails gently scratching at the nape of his neck, tangling in his short hair as he gently swayed them to the soft music which was playing through the speakers in the kitchen.
“Thank you, Sailor.” She smiled as his lips gently pressed to hers, a chuckle flowing from his mouth as he swayed his hips to the gentle rhythm of Otis Redding’s ‘(Sittin’ On) The Dock Of The Bay’. “You know, I had set my alarm a little bit earlier today ” He informed her, spinning them a little across the floor, “planned a little wakeup call plus breakfast in bed. So imagine my slight frustration when it went off and you were already gone.” “Sorry, but I woke up and,” she shrugged giving him an apologetic look, “you know once I’m awake I’m awake.” “I do.” Frank smirked, his hands on her hips gripped a bit tighter as he swayed his own along to the music. “Guess you’ll just have to wait for that particular present, Cowgirl.” She let out a laugh, the hand on his neck tightening a little in his hair as she pulled his head down to hers. “I love you.” “Love you too.” He whispered, his lips catching hers in a deep kiss, tongues sliding gently against one another before Frank pulled back, his forehead pressed to hers. “Can I at least make you breakfast?” “Sure but don’t you need to be getting ready for work?” “Nope.” He shook his head. “Booked the day off.” “Why?” “Well it’s a Friday and your birthday and I wanted to spend it with you.” He shrugged. “I know you’re working but thought I could finish the shelving and what not in the tack room and then we can get everything ready for the guys coming over.” Fliss beamed. “I’m so excited to show them the yard. I know it’s not fully finished but...” she sighed. “I’m really happy with how it’s turned out.” “And you should be.” Frank smiled, his hips swaying to the music. “You’ve put a lot of hard work in. I’m proud of you, Honey.” “We’ve put a lot of hard work in.” She smiled as he revolves them gently on the spot. “Couldn’t have done it without you and everyone else for that matter, Mum, Dad, Joanne, Steve...” “Well,” Frank grinned as he spun her out slightly, pulling her back into him, her back pressed to his chest, her giggle vibrating slightly into his body, “tonight we can fire up the grill as planned, thank everyone properly and have a few drinks to celebrate.” “Sounds good.” She sighed as his lips brushed her neck. “My last lesson finishes at two, I cut them early for the day.” “Perfect.” Frank gently nipped at her skin, his hands splaying over her belly, pulling her back into him. “And just think, this is your last birthday as a Gallagher. You’ll be Mrs. Adler next year.” “Two months.” She rolled her head to the side, allowing Frank to nuzzle into her even more. “I can’t wait.” “Me neither, Baby.” He whispered, his mouth now on her jawline. Eventually his lips found hers and he kissed her again, her head laying back against his shoulder as his right hand started trailing down further, and further, and his fingers had just worked their way into the waistband of her sleep shorts when a soft little whimper, followed by a louder garbled chatter chimed out from the baby monitor. Frank gave a groan, his head sagging forward and his hand moving back up to Fliss hip as she laughed a little, tilting her head to look at the screen where Alex was now pulling himself to a stand using the bars on his crib as leverage. “Cock block.” Frank grumbled as he shot the monitor a look and Fliss stepped out of his embrace, turning to face him. “I’ll go get him, you can start my birthday breakfast.” She smiled, standing on her tip toes to give him a gentle peck. As she padded out of the room, Frank watched her go, eyes firmly trained on her pert ass before he smirked to himself and turned to gather the ingredients for the waffles Fliss had shown him how to make. As he spooned out the flour into the bowl he heard Fliss greeting Alex good morning and their ten month old giving a garbled little response followed by a happy giggle, the one he always gave when he saw Fliss. “Momma’s boy.” Frank scoffed, picking up the baby monitor and pressing the intercom button alongside it. He heard Fliss laugh as she turned to the monitor, sticking her tongue out at the screen, knowing full well he could see and he chuckled, turning back to his task in hand. By the time she appeared after changing Alex’s diaper, Mary had surfaced, Fred hot on her heels, and the kitchen was full of the smell of waffles which sizzled away on the iron. Mary shot over to Fliss, wishing her a happy birthday before she placed Alex in his chair and Frank stepped over to give his son a kiss good morning. He smiled as Alex wound his small hands into his beard, giving a tug before he gently scruffed against the baby’s cheek causing him to shriek in delight. “Think I might try his cup again today.” Fliss pondered for a moment. “He didn’t want his milk after breakfast yesterday as he was full so Mum suggested offering it him alongside, he might be a bit more inclined to take it if he’s doing it himself, what do you think?” “Go for it.” Frank nodded, straightening up. “Don’t worry about it too much though, sweetheart. Mary dropped her morning bottle completely round the time she was his age. He’ll let us know if he’s hungry.” Satisfied with her choice, Fliss sliced up an apple and placed it down on Alex’s tray along with half a lightly toasted piece of bread and a sipping cup half full of formula. Alex immediately went for the apple, jamming it into his mouth making appreciative noises as Frank served their own breakfast of waffles, fruit and syrup up, handing a small piece of waffle to Alex. The baby paused, taking it with a cooing noise and proceeded to look from one hand to the other. “What’s it gonna be, pal?” Frank asked. “It’s a big decision. Apple or waffle?” “Bet you five bucks he goes for the waffle.” Mary grinned and Frank wrinkled his nose. “I dunno, he likes his apples.” “Yeah but waffles are much better.” Mary’s voice was muffled as she shoved a huge fork full into her own mouth and Fliss watched as Alex continued to ponder. In the end he raised both his hands to his mouth, attempting to shove the two items in at the same time. Fliss laughed and gently went to help him out, but no sooner had she done that, Alex had already realised it wasn’t going to work. His fingers still curled round precious apple slice, he dropped the hand holding it to his tray, using the other to shove the waffle piece straight into his mouth, chewing contentedly. “Told ya.” Mary smirked. The kitchen was full of laughter as they ate, and when they had finished and cleared the dishes, Frank and Mary disappeared upstairs coming back with a few gifts held in their arms. Fliss grinned as she took the one Mary handed her first. “That’s from me and Alex.” She nodded as Fliss kissed her cheek and tore off the sparkly blue wrapping paper, her smile growing even bigger as she saw the box which contained a radio mic along with ear pieces. “You said your old one was crap.” Mary grinned, ignoring the pointed look Frank shot at her for her use of the word. Fliss laughed. “Yeah it’s seen better days, everyone says I sound like a Dalek.” “A what?” Mary frowned. “Oh they’re an alien thing from a TV show called ‘Doctor Who’, they talk like broken robots.” Fliss waved her hand. “But this is great. Thank you!” “It’s fully charged and tested.” Mary grinned. “Dad had it on the other night in the garage fixing me a blow by blow description of how he was varnishing the boat. I stopped listening. “No wonder it’s taking you so long to finish.” Fliss smirked at him and Frank arched his brows. “The reason it’s taking me so long is because every spare moment I’ve had recently you’ve put me to work at the yard either building shelving units or painting.” He folded his arms. “You know, I could charge you a fortune.” “I pay you in other ways.” She winked and a Frank snorted as she reached for a smaller wrapped gift. She tore off the wrapper and Frank held his breath a little as she looked at the white leather box emblazoned with the logo of a company he knew she’d recognise. “Did you...” her eyes instantly misted over and Frank nodded as she opened the box with shaking hands. He watched as she studied the item inside before she picked it out to examine it in closer detail. It was a bracelet made out of the hair from Heidi’s tail, wound into a thick, chunky braid, the different shades of chestnut and dark brown perfectly woven together. The claw clasp was silver and there was a small silver horse shoe and heart shaped charms hanging from it, the latter engraved with the words ‘forever in my heart’. “Frank,” she stuttered and he gave her a smile. “You were talking about getting one, did I get the right style?” “Yeah.” She swallowed. “Oh, Sailor it’s perfect.” She leaned over and pressed a kiss to his lips, giving a little sniff as she pulled back. “Can you...?” She handed it to him and then held out her left hand arm and Frank opened the clasp, fastening it around her wrist. She looked at it for a moment before she smiled and wiped her eyes. With a little cough, Fliss cleared her throat as she reached for the final box which was a little bigger and when she opened that one she gave an excited shriek. “You got me a Pivo? How? These are like out of stock constantly!” Her hands trailed the box and she grinned, looking at Frank. “Lucky try.” He shrugged as Fliss opened the box to look at the starter pack. Not for the first time she was overcome with just how much Frank actually listened to the throwaway comments she made. She’d talked about getting one of the smart tracking systems you linked up to your phone for a while, it would make filming her videos for sales and the online blogging and tutorials that she had recently launched on the website so much easier. “Thank you, you’ve spoilt me.” Fliss beamed at Mary and Frank, before she turned to Alex to give him a kiss, and Frank glanced at Mary giving her a wink, both of them fully aware that the gift that was arriving later that afternoon was going to blow her mind.
***** Frank spent most of the morning putting up the shelves as promised, hanging the doors and whatever else he needed to do, whilst Alex was happily entertaining himself in his little pack and play, the air-con in the new large room a godsend as it gave some well needed relief from the sweltering late July heat. Bill and Verity arrived at midday with lunch from their favourite sandwich deli. Fliss beamed when she opened her gift from her parents which was a tripod for her new Pivo plus a year’s subscription to a new editing software app for her MacBook and iPhone. Once they had eaten, Verity offered to take Alex back to the house for his nap, leaving Bill and Frank free to head down to check that the new perimeter fencing had been done properly whilst Fliss carried on with her day's schedule, this time her, Joanne and Mary setting up the Pivo to film a little VLog for their YouTube channel that was linked to the stables. Then at just before two, Frank got the call he’d been waiting for, his big surprise was half an hour away. “I’m a little nervous.” Frank admitted as he and Bill walked back to the yard. “I mean, if she doesn’t like the damned thing when it arrives, I can’t exactly return it.” “Trust me, she’ll love her.” Bill shook his head. “If nothing but because it’s connected to Heidi and it’s something for her to start work with from the ground up. It’s what she’s always loved to do, and she does it well. As this all proves.” Bill waved his hand in the air, gesturing around the land and the various horses as Frank nodded. “Guess we’ll find out soon enough.” He was on edge for the next fifteen or so minutes as he tried to concentrate on a little more painting, but then they heard the rumble of tyres as the truck pulling the transporter trailer wound slowly up the drive. Bill looked at Frank with a grin before he pulled out his phone, no doubt to message Verity, and Frank glanced over to see Fliss had straightened up from where she had been leaning over the laptop at her desk and frowned, her head tipping to one side as she glanced out of the window which overlooked the entrance. “Joanne?” She called and the girl appeared. “Did we book a new client in today that I forgot?” “Nope.” Joanne shook her head. “Who the hell is this then?” Fliss’ frown deepened as she turned and headed out of the room, Frank following with a very excited Mary. As they walked into the courtyard, Frank watched Fliss speaking to the driver as he opened the door and hopped out. He saw the shock register on her face and a small smile played on his own as she stood stock still, blinking at the man who handed her an envelope. With a frown she took it, turning to Frank who merely gave her a puzzled shrug, before she tore open the envelope and her eyes scanned the message inside which Frank had asked them to prepare. There was a delicious moment where Frank saw Fliss’ face washed blank with confusion, like her brain cogs couldn't turn fast enough to take in the information from her wide eyes. Every muscle of her body just froze before a grin crept onto her face, it soon stretched from one side to the other showing every single tooth. This time when she looked at Frank, he smiled back, and she shook her head her own smile not faltering. “You did this?” She managed to stutter out as Bill chuckled, walking to the back of the large transporter to help the man with the ramp. “Well, I had help but yeah, I’ll take the credit for it being my idea.” He wrinkled his nose as Fliss gave a shriek and launched herself at him. Laughing he caught her as her legs wrapped around his waist and she pressed a kiss to his lips. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” She whispered. “But how did you even know I’d been looking at her? I never-“ “Mary.” Frank said simply as her hands slid to cup his face. “You should know by now she never misses a thing.” “Hey, Titch, you gonna let go of Frankie boy for long enough to come meet her or what?” Bill called, and Mary nodded. “Yeah, hurry up Mom, I wanna see her!” Giving him another quick kiss, Fliss moved and Frank dropped her to the floor. She turned, sweeping Mary into a huge hug before she took her hand as they walked to the back of the trailer as the beautiful bay horse was led off. Amazement didn’t quite cover what Fliss was feeling at that point in time as she stood rooted to the spot, observing the animal who stood up tall and glanced round, snorting loudly at the strange surroundings. It was a cacophony of emotions all firing at once and the smile Fliss was displaying on the outside sure as hell couldn't have adequately reflected what she felt inside; like every neurone of her brain was trying to fire in both directions at once - the best kind of paralysis. Simply put, the animal was beautiful. Sleek dark bay with unblemished limbs, two white socks on the hind legs and a blaze very similar to Heidi’s down her dark face. Her mane and tail were shiny black, and whilst the animal had little muscle definition, Fliss new that was down to the fact she hadn’t ever been ridden before having been used as an attempted brood animal. It was clear she had been looked after and cared for as the mare had a sweet eye, it wasn’t looking at anyone suspiciously or worriedly, simply curiously as she spun quickly on the spot, giving a shout which was answered by Cap in the barn, Fliss knew his whinny off by heart. As Cleo turned her pretty head, she glanced straight at Fliss who took a deep breath as shiny, bright brown eyes gazed back at her. At that the horse gave a soft little nicker and there was an explosion in Fliss’ brain... the good sort... the buzz of electricity she had felt when she’d been to view Heidi for the first time. As dramatic as it may have been to admit this out loud, to her it was the calling card of adventure, of paths awaiting both their feet that they could enjoy together. Whatever was ahead could be a great challenge, and there would undoubtedly be tears and frustration, many hours of patience and hard work as there was to be expected with any horse you were backing and teaching from the start, but it was Fliss’ adventure to take. With a gentle breath she stepped forward slowly, towards her new animal and held her hand out, palm up, offering the horse a sniff. “Hey, Cleo.” Fliss spoke gently as her other hand ever so quietly moved to scratch the horse on the wither. “Hi, how you doing, girl?” Frank watched and let the happiness Fliss was exuding soak right into his bones. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned to smile at Verity who juggled Alex in her arms as she stood by his side. “You do realise that if you weren’t already, you’ve effectively just become a horse widow before you even get married, right? Backing a horse is gonna take a lot of her time and become an obsession.” She grinned as Frank offered to take his son from her and she obliged. Frank gently turned him and held him to his chest, facing outwards so he could see what was going on.
“I don’t much care.” Frank chuckled as he watched Mary extend her hand out to pat Cleo as the animal rubbed her head against Fliss who reached up to wipe the tears of joy from her eyes. “Look how happy she is.” He took a deep breath, her happiness was infectious and Frank was simply savouring the feeling of sheer pleasure in his system at seeing his girl so full of joy because of something he’d managed to pull off. Simply put, he wanted to still be able to make her feel like that when they were old. Half an hour later the horse in question had been given a quick feed and a drink of water and left to settle in a spare stable. Fliss had then been given a blow by blow account of what Frank, Mary and Bill had dubbed ‘Operation Cleopatra-Comin’ At Ya’ and she thanked them all, once more getting emotional over how much thought and effort had gone into everything so far. Eventually, once Cleo had been turned out into a field with Monty for the evening, they all made their way back to the house, showered and changed ready for the BBQ they were hosting later, Bill and V taking up residence in the guest suite for the night. Frank was already in the kitchen, dressed in jeans and a blue and white checked button down, sleeves rolled up, when Fliss walked in wearing a pale blue sun dress which accentuated her waist and boobs, much to his delight, her Cowboy boots completing the look.
Their friends arrived and there were more gifts exchanged before drinks started to flow and they then made their way to the yard so Fliss could show their friends around. She laughed as she saw that Bill had jokingly put a ribbon over the gate for Fliss to cut, which she did to a few cheers and some sarcastic comments from her brother, one of which earned him a slap round the back of the head from Verity. Frank watched as she showed everyone around, Jake taking particular interest in the state of the art security system that was installed as he said it was similar to the one he was looking at for Lisa’s cake shop. The pride was simply flowing out of Fliss as she talked and explained everything, and Frank loved to see it. A few hours later, it was dark and their back yard was lit up by the various strings of lights and lamps dotted all around, which Frank fake-grumpily liked to point out made their garden look like a Fairy’s grotto. The air was full of chatter, light music and laughter as everyone milled around in the way they always do at parties. After more drinks and the food had been eaten, Fliss said she was going to head up to check on Cleo and Frank hastily offered to go with her, not least because he didn’t want her going alone, but because he wanted to snatch a moment alone for the pair of them. It was a beautiful, clear night. Peaceful and quiet bar the sounds of crickets. The horses, who were in the fields happily settled, all raised their heads as they passed, Cap trotting over to the fence line to greet them. Frank gave him a quick stroke on the nose before they moved down to the next paddock and Fliss ducked under the electric fencing and strode over to check Cleo. Satisfied that nothing was amiss she came back, a smile on her face and they set off back down the path, her hand linked in his. “Thank you.” She broke the comfortable silence a moment or so later.
“What for?” Frank glanced down at her and she let out a contented sigh.
“Everything today. And everything everyday.” She said, her voice laced with happiness. “All my gifts, it just shows how much you actually listen to me...”
“What you mean is I don’t ignore you deliberately as you accuse me of doing?” Frank shot back and Fliss snorted.
“If anything this proves it is deliberate when you do something I don’t like.” She looked at him and he chuckled before shook her head. “I still can’t believe you managed to get a horse here from England.”
“Yeah and basically empties half our savings.” He snorted and she shrugged.
“She’s worth it. I’m impressed, Francis.”
"Well like I said, I had a little help, it was a family affair.”
“I know and I love that Mum and Dad and Steve all chipped in but still, it was your idea.” She smiled. “It’s so thoughtful.”
“Well, you spend enough time thinking about everyone else, making sure we’re all happy,” Frank shrugged, the pleasure lancing through his system at her happiness made him in turn feel contend. “I thought it was time you got something back.”
“You make me happy every day.” Fliss shrugged. “And I’m not saying that just to be sentimental either. It’s a fact. And you know what else is a fact?”
“That you’ve now imported as many horses into this county as I have.”
“Guess that makes me the Cowboy to your Cowgirl.” He nodded seriously as they stopped at the end of the path by the large open fronted barn just off the main yard area.
“Yeah? Is there a snake in your boots?”
“There’s one in my pants.” Frank grinned, and she laughed. 
“Is it dangerous?”
“No, but it spits.”
“Frank!” She scoffed, elbowing him in the side as he laughed, looping his arm round her shoulder,  pressing a kiss to her head as he pulled her back into him, his chest flush to her back. “Wanna fuck in the haybarn?” His voice was deep and soft in her ear as his lips dropped to the side of her neck, large hands curling softly over the curve of her hip, the cotton of her dress bunched in his fingers. Her entire body erupted into goose bumps and her belly was in knots, but still it was there, that overwhelming sense of comfort and familiarity that enabled her to laugh softly as she tilted her head to the side to look at him. “Only taken you what? Like three years to suggest that?” "So I'm a little slow.” Frank chuckled as she turned to face him, her hands sliding up his chest. “Well,” she smirked up at him, eyes flashing in the moonlight, “better turn up the speed because they’ll be wondering where we are.” “Fuck ‘em.” Frank shrugged, but still he wasted no time as he hurriedly backed Fliss into the haybarn, the two falling into a pile of it with a giggle. His large hands hiked up the sides of her dress, exposing her panty covered mound as his lips latched to hers in a deep and tantalizing dance. Thick fingers, soft and rough in their own way, played at the hemline of her panties just at the apex of her thighs, a thumb pressing into her clit just over the fabric. As his mouth moved from hers to her jawline, the scruff of his beard giving her that delectable burn she loved so much, a needy rumble vibrated from her throat and chest, Fliss enjoying every bit of pressure Frank offered. Then, a cool breeze touched her wet opening as she realized Frank had moved her panties to the side, an elicit sound escaping her lips as he slipped two fingers inside her. "You know today, I remember thinking that your laugh was the prettiest sound in the world.” Frank’s breath was hot on her ear as his teeth nipped at her neck. “I was wrong, it's your moans." Fliss choked a little on another groan as his fingers curled against her spot, over and over, in a beckoning motion, as if he was motioning her towards him. The heel of his palm pressed up against her clit and she pushed her hips down, rotating them a little as she sought out the friction of his strong but gentle touch. “That what you want?” Frank’s voice was husky, his mouth hovering over hers as she gave a wanton mewl, his hand keeping the same steady pace, forcing her to up his. “You wanna cum on my fingers, huh?” “Yeah, God, Frank...” a hoarse murmur  slipped from her lips as her eyes flickered shut, head tipping back in pleasure. “Jesus, that feels good!” “I got something that’ll feel even better.” He quipped in a low, rough tone that was almost a growl and a grin spread across Fliss’ lips as he slanted his mouth over hers, swallowing the noise of protest she made as he removed fingers from inside her, kneeling up, both his hands flying to his belt buckle. Fliss sat up, wriggling her panties down her legs and over her boots. With a cheeky flick of her eyebrow she tossed them straight at him. Possessing reflexes Fred would be proud of, Frank caught them in his left hand and held them to his face, his eyes locked on hers as he pressed his nose into them, inhaling deeply. “You’re a dirty, little shit, Adler.” She let out a naughty sounding chuckle as Frank stuffed her panties into his back pocket. “Yeah, and you’re filthy, goddamned minx, Gallagher.”  He quipped back, and a matter of seconds later he had his jeans and boxers down over his slim hips. Falling back over her, his mouth pressed back to hers again and he gave a hiss through his teeth as she reached down and grabbed him in her hand. Her fingers curled around his shaft and she gave him a few, quick strokes, before she guided him to where she wanted him. Slowly he pushed into her, the pair of them letting out a shuddered breath before his hips began to move quickly back and forth with fast, shallow thrusts and Frank reached down, large fingers curling over her thigh, hooking her leg up round his waist. His hand moved upwards, bunching the hem of her dress up, stopping as he grabbed at her hip, his other palm flat on the rough, coarse hay bale that they were propped up against. His lips crashed to hers in a desperate, needy kiss. His tongue traced the inside of her mouth as her hands tangled in his hair and she let out a little whimper, tipping her hips up to meet his as his thrusts grew deeper, more powerful, his pace still equally as fast as he drove her nearer and nearer to her high, a broken groan rumbling from his chest as he felt her walls tightening down around him. Fliss’ chest hitched, and her eyes closed momentarily, her mouth falling open as she croaked his name repeatedly, almost in time with his thrusts, a mantra as he watched her face which was contorted in pleasure. “Feels so good, don’t stop.” She mumbled, her hands tangling in his hair as her eyes opened. His forehead pressed to hers, a sheen of sweat covering both their red faces as his hips snapped back and forth, simple, fast ruts. Fliss could feel him, deep inside her, and soon that familiar heat and tingling began to burn between her legs and in the bottom of her belly. Her breathing quickened and then the waves of pleasure washed over her, her back arching as she gave a loud cry her nails digging into his scalp. Frank continued thrusting through her orgasm, and it didn’t take him long to catch up with her. “Fuck, Lissy...” his words cut off and a broken whimper slipped from his mouth as he came with a final deep thrust, his fingers tightening around her waist before he collapsed forward, burying his head against her neck. Fliss could feel herself pulsing around him, the aftershocks of her orgasm still coursing through her body, her walls contracting every so often as they lay still, his dick still twitching inside of her. Leaving a soft kiss to the spot under her neck, Frank pushed himself up and brushed his nose against hers, giving her a soft kiss as she gave a hum of satisfaction, the fingers of one hand gently stroking the nape of his neck, the other brushing up and down his bicep. “We should get back.” She whispered. “We’ve been gone half an hour.” Frank gave a groan but nodded and moved gently away, pulling out of her. He stood up, held his hand out and helped her to her feet, tugging her into him, large hands cupping her face. He kissed her again, deeply and she smiled as he pressed his forehead to hers. “Love you.” His lips pecked hers again, and she chuckled, giving him another kiss. “Love you too.” She beamed, stepping back to sort her hair out. Frank pulled his boxers and jeans up, brushing the remnants of forage and dust off his thighs and shirt before Fliss turned round and he did the same to her, plucking away a few strands of straw and hay that had become tangled in her auburn locks. “Am I presentable?” She asked and Frank nodded. “The evidence of our crime is eradicated.” He nodded, giving her a little smirk before he jerked his head towards the outside. “Erm, you’re forgetting something.” Fliss stopped him. “What?” “My knickers.” She held her hand out, palm opened and Frank gave a teasing frown. “Oh, do I have those?” He asked and she rolled her eyes, his hand falling to her hip. “Yes, so gimme.” Her fingers curled into her palm and back out in a demanding gesture and Frank shrugged. “You threw 'em away, so I think I’ll keep 'em.” “Frank, I can’t go back with nothing on underneath this!” She gestured to the floaty skirt of her knee length sundress and Frank shook his head. “Just don’t bend over and we’re good.” He looked at her with that maddening, cheeky smile, holding out his hand. “Such an asshole.” She scoffed, taking his hand and allowing him to lead her out of the barn. 
 As they walked, she squirmed a little, feeling his release beginning to trickle down her leg and Frank looked at her, a knowing smug expression on his face and she glared at him. “I’m going straight upstairs to clean up.” She grumbled and he laughed, letting go of her hand so he could loop and arm round her shoulders. “That would be rude considering we have guests.” He teased, pulling her close he pressed a kiss to her head as her own arm slipped round his waist, a smile on her face, the sounds of laughter and chatter from their guests drifting to their ears as they neared the farm house. They walked into the back yard through the gates and Fliss smiled at Mary who came running over. “Was she okay?” “Yup, settled in the field with Monty and eating away. He’s a good babysitter.” “That’s so cool!” “Where’s Alex?” Frank asked and Mary looked at him. “Poppa Bill has him.” She said, and Frank glanced around to see the man in question did indeed have their son in his arms, the baby grabbing at his short, grey hair letting out squeals as Bill pretended to bite his little neck. “Hey Mom, are we still going in the pool? Joel and Charlie are exited for night swimming!” “Yeah, in fact I’ll go in and get changed right away.” Fliss smiled, shooting a smug glance at Frank as she has been unwittingly handed a perfect excuse to go and clean up. “Cool!” Mary shot off, passing Bill as he walked over towards them. “Hey Dad!” Fliss smiled, “I’ll be right back, the kids want to go swimming so...” “Yeah okay.” He smiled, handing Alex over to his dad who pressed a kiss to his chubby cheeks. “Oh, Titch?” “Hmm?” She spun round to face him and Bill looked at her then to Frank and back again, his eyebrow raised. “Might wanna pull that hay out of your hair too before you come back down.” Fliss felt her cheeks heat up and her hands hastily moved to the back of her head, pulling a few long strands from her ponytail. She threw an accusatory glance at Frank who simply shrugged. “Guess I missed a bit.” He replied innocently, although he was anything but. He knew full well they were there, but there was that naughty, smug little shit inside of him that had wanted everyone to know they’d just been for a roll in the hay, quite literally. It appealed to his macho, alpha-male masculinity. “Dick.” Fliss scoffed, and as she headed inside his laughter accompanied by her dad’s exasperated chuckle hit her ears. 
**** Chapter 26
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I Will Break What Has Broken You
Janus is the heir of a millionaire CEO. He could have anything, anybody he wanted. And he picked Remus. Remus couldn't be happier with what they have. But when they're out one night and Remus runs into his ex, all the unpleasant memories start flooding back.
Written for Day 4 of @dukeceitweek : Free day
AO3 link
Pairing: Dukeceit
Warnings: Past verbal/emotional abuse, deadnaming - though the deadname is not actually typed out, unwanted advances
Word count: 2861
People were usually surprised to hear that Janus was dating Remus.
Janus - the son of old money, an heir to a multi-million dollar business - could have anything and anyone he wanted. All sorts of people threw themselves at his feet, desperate for both his sharp looks and good fortunes.
But Janus didn't want anybody. He wanted Remus. And that sure made Remus feel special.
Janus had been wary about dating. So many people had been after his family's money, after all. But then he met Remus, who didn't care that Janus could afford to buy the movie theater and still insisted their first date be sneaking into as many movies as possible because it was "more fun that way." He didn't care what kind of car Janus drove as long as Remus could drag Janus into the backseat. Who didn't care how many houses Janus owned, as long as they were together. Remus, who looked past his money and liked Janus for his catty, smart personality.
And Janus was utterly taken.
But sure, Janus having money certainly had its perks. Janus would indulge on any random impulse Remus had. Wanted to drop everything and go on a trip without anyone? Janus would treat him to a private jet (Remus was pretty sure they were the top members of the mile-high club at that point). Had the urge to rent a room in the fanciest hotel in Paris just to smoke weed? Sure. Paying for Remus' top surgery? Remus didn't even have to ask for that one. Janus making his birthday present to Roman paying off his entire student loans for his musical theatre degree? Remus was just smitten.
But one of the best parts was getting to be Janus' plus one at parties, where he'd wear his torn up pants with a hole showing his entire thigh and a neon green mesh shirt under his leather jacket. Security guards would try to escort him out before Janus would take him by the hand and kiss his forehead. He would introduce guests to Remus as his boyfriend and they would always do a double-take. Because that must be some sort of joke, right? Janus dating this man? But Janus would take Remus firmly by the waist and glare at them, daring them to actually say anything. And they would put on their pained smiles and complete their pleasantries before rushing off.
They couldn't be happier.
Tonight they were in a sort of underground club in New York. The music was so loud you could hardly hear yourself speak, and most people there this late in the night were too intoxicated to be coherent.
It was one of Remus' favorite places.
Remus was dancing with Janus, which mostly meant Remus dancing as Janus held onto him, occasionally spinning him around or pulling him close. But Remus didn't mind. How could he when Janus would watch him with such eyes, that made Remus feel so wanted?
Janus pulled his phone out of his pocket and scowled at the glowing screen as he pulled Remus close to him.
"I'm afraid I have to take this, darling," he said right against Remus' ear. "I'll have to step outside for a moment."
"That's fine," Remus yelled back. "I'll meet you at the bar, babes."
Janus pulled Remus into a searing kiss that would usually be considered too heat to be appropriate for public spaces, but with all the couples dirty dancing against each other around them it hardly mattered.
"I'll be back soon" Janus promised before slipping away into the crowd. Remus stood, smiling like a fool for a moment before heading towards the bar. The music was slightly quieter here, and Remus could actually hear himself think.
He hopped onto a barstool, spinning once before glancing at the drinks menu. Then someone sat beside him.
"I'm really not surprised to see you here."
Remus froze as his blood turned to ice. He had to force himself to look to see that, yes, it was him sitting on the barstool.
"I would have thought Janus would be with you," Remus' ex said as he sipped his drink. "I'm surprised he trusted his little plaything to go out on his own."
"How the fuck do you know about me and Janus?" Remus asked, hands gripping the edge of his barstool and making his knuckles go white. "Have you been stalking me like a creep? Just couldn't let me go, Aiden?"
"Baby, the whole business world has been talking about it," Aiden said with a smirk, unaware, or perfectly aware, of how the old nickname made bile rise in Remus throat, "It's some of the best gossip right now. Though I personally thought Janus was above spending his time on such things."
"It's so funny that you think you know Janus," Remus said with a grin that was far too wide. "You don't know shit about him."
"I've worked with him before, babe," Aiden said. "He is much too dedicated to his work to bother with someone like you."
Remus' blood was boiling, and he couldn't figure out why. He never cared before what people thought of him. He usually liked surprising people with Janus. So why did it hurt when Aiden said it?
Was it because they used to be together? Was it because Remus used to try so desperately to get the approval of his partner, but never seemed to obtain it? And it seems like he still hadn't.
"That's a nice skirt you're wearing," Aiden said, breaking Remus from his thoughts and making him realize he hadn't said anything for a good minute, "I thought you'd avoid those, given your... situation."
Remus had finally reached a point where he felt comfortable in a skirt, even after all the things Aiden said to him. But now he just felt exposed. It felt so good, when Janus rested a hand on his knee when they sat or gripped the back of his bare thigh as they pulled each other close. But now, all he wanted was to close his legs and pull the edge of his skirt over his knees.
"I like wearing skirts," Remus defended, though he didn't know how effective he was with the tremor in his voice.
How could Aiden keep making him feel worse? Digging deep into old wounds, breaking newly healed scars. Remus took a deep breath. He wasn't going to let Aiden ruin all of his progress after they had been apart for nearly two years.
"Well then," Aiden said in a voice that instantly made Remus worried. He then placed his hand on Remus' knee and he was very much not Janus and Remus suddenly felt like he was going to throw up. "Since Janus isn't here, how about we relive some old times, huh ******?"
Hearing his dead name immediately made Remus feel like the floor was taken from under him. He stood without another word and forced his way through the dense crowd on the dance floor. The bright lights and loud music were suddenly too much and Remus couldn't breath his chest wouldn't move he was suffocating-
He finally reached the emergency fire exit, which he knew the alarm didn't work because he had seen couples use it to sneak out for quickies. Once outside he immediately fell to his knees, hands resting on the asphalt, struggling to breath as the door shut behind him. He managed to crawl over to sit against the wall through short gasps of hair. Remus held his head in his hands and gripped his hair tight. Memories were flooding back - none of them pleasant.
His chest was too heavy. He couldn't get his lungs to work right he couldn't get air he was going to pass out right here in the alleyway-
"Oh, darling, it's okay," Janus said, panicked as he sat across from his boyfriend. He opened his arms and Remus immediately flung himself against him, gripping tightly to the back of Janus' jacket like a life line.
"Follow my breathing, love," Janus said softly into Remus' ear, chest pressed against the other making it easier for Remus to follow.
Remus focused on the feeling of Janus against him, around him. Janus' chest moving against his own, his voice and breath against his ear. Janus, Janus, Janus-
"There you go," Janus said softly as he pulled back just enough to look at Remus' face. Remus closed his eyes, focusing on Janus' hands resting on his cheeks, thumbs moving in soothing motions. "You did wonderfully."
"How'd you find me so fast?" Remus asked, "Knew I'd be out with trash, where I belong?" he forced out a laugh though tears fell down his face.
"Remus," Janus scolded.
"Sorry, sorry. No self deprecating, I know."
Though it had been a tough habit for Remus to break.
"You aren't trash," Janus muttered as he pushed Remus' hair out of his face. "You know I only indulge myself in the nicest things."
"How can you say that?" Remus muttered, glancing down to avoid Janus' gaze. "I'm far from nice."
"You are by far the most valuable, precious thing in my life," Janus said firmly as his hand moved to Remus' chin to force him to look in his eyes. "And I won't stand for you saying such things about yourself."
"You could have anything," Remus said, mouth quivering as tears fell freely down his face. "And yet you waste your time on me?"
"My time is never wasted with you. I'd give away all my fortune and luxuries that come with it if it meant spending just one more day with you."
"Because I love you, and all your craziness and curiosities. You are the most incredible person I've ever met and you only ever make me happier than I've ever been."
Janus wiped the tears off Remus' face, and no more followed.
"I love you so much," he whispered. "And you are deserving of everything good thing in this world"
"You sap," Remus said as he lightly punched Janus' arm, tears threatening to spill again - but not from sadness, "I love you, too."
"Are you feeling okay, my love?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I am. Sorry about that freakout."
"You don't have to apologize," Janus said as he ran his hand back over Remus cheek and pressed their foreheads together, "But who did that to you? push such unfounded doubts in your head? Because I do have to find them now, and ruin their life."
Remus groaned and leaned back, hitting the brick wall behind him. "Do you remember, a couple months after we started dating, I had that freakout and thought we needed to break up?"
"Yes," Janus said, a touch of bitterness in his voice. "You had the insane idea that you weren't good enough, and I made sure you knew that was not true. You're not feeling like that again, are you?"
"No. Well, I was, but- Okay so remember how I admitted that was because of my ex? Well, he's here. He talked to me."
Janus' expression quickly turned into one of fury, eyes turning dark as his mouth set into a scowl.
"He called me your plaything. Said he worked with you and that he knew you were too good for me. Then he touched me and said my dead name and came onto me and that made me feel so gross because he wasn't you and all these shitty feelings came back and just. Yeah. It was fucked up."
"Give me his name," Janus nearly growled. "I'll make sure he regrets every decision he ever made."
"Aiden Scott."
"Scott, Scott..." Janus muttered to himself, pondering for a moment before his eyes widened.
"Aiden Scott? He said- Working? With me? oh dear," Janus laughed as he stood, hand outstretched for Remus to take. "Come on, my darling," Janus said with a large smirk. "We have some things we need to straighten out."
Remus let Janus pull him up, but the thought of going to see Aiden again was making him feel sick. His nerves were dampened, however, by the strong grip Janus had around his waist as Remus led him over to the bar.
"Aiden Scott," Janus announced. When Aiden looked over his face paled as he glanced between them, "What a chance, seeing you here."
"Hello, Janus, sir," Aiden managed to say as he stood, outstretching a hand for Janus to shake. Janus glanced at it before looking back up and pulling Remus closer to his side.
"I heard what you said to Remus," Janus said, leaning against the bar and examining his manicure. "And I can't tolerate such things, Aiden."
"Oh, that?" Aiden let out a forced laugh to accompany the anxious smile on his face, "I was just messing with him. Like we used to, right?" Aiden cast Remus a desperate look, and Remus couldn't believe the absolute gall of this douchebag.
"Cut the bullshit," Janus snapped, saving Remus from having to say something, "You knew you shouldn't and yet you still had the nerve to speak to him that way, and you had the audacity to claim you knew me. Please. You had the privilege of standing in the same room as me. I would say you're nothing but an over-glorified secretary, but I actually like my secretary. It would be an insult to her hard work."
"Sir, I'm sorry. I just-"
"I don't care about your apology. Do you accept his apology, darling?" Janus asked, casting Remus a soft look.
Janus' soft look fell as he turned his attention back to Aiden, and Remus probably found the immediate shift in tone hotter than he should've - but he really didn't care.
"I could easily have you fired. I could make sure you never find another job with any of our companies ever again."
"No, sir, please, I-"
"But I don't think I will," Janus said, surprising both Remus and Aiden. "I want to keep my eye on you. I want to make sure you don't take a single step out of line again. You can keep your lowly job in the office, right where I can keep careful watch.
"I don't want you here at this club again. I don't want you anywhere in the near vicinity of Remus. If you know what's good for you, you'll stay the hell away."
"Yes, sir. Of course. Thank-"
"Get out."
"You won't regret not firing me, sir. I'll-"
"Get out."
Remus let out a loud cackle at the way Aiden turned and ran towards the front door, stumbling over his feet through the crowd. Remus was flooded with relief from the promise that that asshole would never bother him again.
He looked over to Janus, who was still wearing that stone-angry look on his face as he straightened his hat, gaze following Aiden to make sure he actually left. Janus then turned to look at Remus, and his face changed back into one of reverence and comfort. Remus was filled with such overwhelming emotions he had no control over his body as he grabbed Janus' hands and pulled him towards the back.
Janus let Remus pull in into the single stall bathroom. Remus slammed the door behind them before pulling Janus to him, burying his head into the crook of Janus' neck and holding him tight. Maybe if he squeezed Janus hard enough, he could show him just how much Janus meant to him.
"Hey now, love, it's alright," Janus said, voice much clearer now that the loud music was dulled behind the door.
"No, I'm fine," Remus laughed into his neck, "Fuck, babe, you were incredible."
"Anything for you, my darling," Janus said as he pressed a kiss to the top of Remus' head.
"But why didn't you fire him?" Remus asked as he pulled away to look at Janus' face.
"I figured letting him go would be too easy - over too quickly. Now he gets to deal with me hovering over his shoulder for as long as he can handle it.
"Which won't be long. I'll make him regret everything he ever did to you."
Remus was so overwhelmed with love for the man in front of him - a man who actually loved him for who he was - that he couldn't stop himself from throwing his arms around Janus' neck and dragging him down into a kiss.
"I'm glad you're feeling better," Janus leaned away with a light chuckle, but Remus immediately reconnected their mouths.
Janus placed one hand securely on the back of Remus' neck, the other cupping his cheek. Remus leaned back into the hand, tilting his head up and letting Janus deepen the kiss. He let himself go pliant under Janus' lips, Janus' grasp. He was completely content to give all his trust to this man. After all Janus had done for him, hasn't he deserved it?
Janus pulled away again, and this time Remus let him go.
"Should we go back to the dance floor? You looked so happy there. If you're feeling okay enough, that is."
And with Janus' arm wrapped snugly around him, Remus found that yeah, he was.
If you are 18+ and have your age/age indicator in your bio, you can message me for the NSFS sequel that takes place directly after
Thanks for reading! Requests are open in my inbox. Hope you enjoyed <3
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Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
1300 words
Summary/warnings: Really rather sad, nightmares, mentions of earth but no actual death. Super cheesy. It’s late. Sappy ending. Super rushed.
A/N: Hello! I was just kind of messing around with this one. It’s not perfect but it’s always fun to write nightmares. School has also been wild, so I hope you can forgive the long periods of time between posting. A final ‘also’, please always feel free to request something! Thank you so much for reading!
You had never heard the temple so… silent. It was so silent. No masters quietly chiding their padawans, no younglings giggling as they made their way to their next class, no knights celebrating a successful mission. Nothing. Silence. 
Jedi lined the halls, creating a path and watching you as you walked by. You soon recognized the twists and turns were leading you to the council chambers, and the dread that had been creeping up on you fell like a rock in your stomach. 
You could see the door to the council at the end of the hallway, and you were screaming at your legs to stop, to turn around, to slow down- anything to delay whatever was going to happen once you entered that room. As you neared, you recognized the two figures standing guard at the door.
In Anakin’s eyes there was a fury you had only seen on the battlefield, directed at droids and enemy soldiers. But now the blazing fire was focused on you, and you were sure that if he could get away with it, you would be lying dead on the floor. His padawan stood next to him, deep disappointment and almost loathing in her eyes- ice, to contrast her master’s fire.
“What have you done?”
For a moment you didn’t recognize the voice that echoed through the silent halls of the temple. It sounded more vindictive than anything you had ever encountered, and you wondered how that much hatred could be stored in a person. 
“You will suffer.” Oh. You knew that voice. You spoke with it every day. “Greatly.”
The door whooshed open, and you were stepping into the council chambers.
You refused to meet any eyes, instead focusing on the singular empty chair. The chair usually filled by the one man you wished was present.
“Knight (Y/n). You have been charged with treason against the Galactic Republic, and the murder of Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. How do you plead?”
If you hadn’t fallen in love with him he would still be alive. If you had never started this tryst he would still be alive. If you had loved him enough to leave he would still be alive. His death is your fault. You knew this could only end in tragedy.
You took a breath.
You gasped as you sat up. You tried to control your breathing, but tears quickly began rolling down your face. Soon you were sobbing, the terrible, guilty feeling in your chest refusing to accept that it was just a dream. Before your brain could catch up you were already out the door, darting the short distance from your quarters to Obi-Wan’s. You had to make sure he was alright. That he didn’t hate you. You didn’t even consider the fact that knocking on someone’s door at one in the morning wasn’t exactly couth.
Of course, that all came rushing back when he opened the door with a confused, sleepy expression and no shirt.
“I-I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking, I shouldn’t have-”
“Were you crying?”
“I…” You tried to calm yourself as another wave of tears made their way down your face. Maker, why had you done this to yourself? It wasn’t like this was the first dream you had ever had, since the Clone Wars started it was only one of many- why was it this one that sent you crying and knocking on Obi-wan’s door? “I’m fine. I apologize for waking you, Obi-Wan.”
Before you could turn away, he grabbed your arm and pulled you into his quarters. You protested as he sat you on the end of his bed, moving towards the kitchenette to get you a glass of water. You accepted with a watery smile.
“Now, darling, would you like to talk about why you were crying or watch a cheesy holodrama?” He smiled when you laughed just a little. “Ahsoka tells me the best ones play after midnight.”
His heart broke when you looked up at him from the cup in your hands. You looked so… lost. So sad and lost and desperate for comfort that you refused to ask for.
“Um, could we watch something? Or you can go back to bed, and I can leave, I just don’t want to be alone but I could probably go bother-”
“I promise that you are welcome here. Let’s see what’s on.”
You ended up settling on a reality show titled ‘The Real Smugglers of the Outer Rim’, it was dumb and required quite literally no critical thinking skills, which was exactly what you were looking for. His bed was small enough that your legs were pressed together, and you were painfully aware that Obi-Wan had yet to put a shirt on.
“I had a nightmare.”
“I understand. What took place?”
“I…” What could you say? I dreamt that my very real love for you somehow got you killed? That would be a lot to deal with. “I dreamt that you had died.”
You heard him take in a breath.
“I didn’t realize my death would distress you so.”
You turned to look at him, startled just a little when you met his eye.
“Obi-Wan. You’re not dumb.” His face went through multiple emotions in the span of seconds, and you turned your whole body to face him, suddenly itching to run away. Obi-Wan wasn’t dumb. He knew what you were telling him. In your own emotionally-repressed-Jedi-way, you were admitting feelings that you truly shouldn’t be admitting.
Your heart dropped for the second time that night. This was your dream. This was his downfall. Your downfall. How could you have walked into the exact situation your dream had just warned you about?
You jumped off of the bed, ripping yourself away from Obi-Wan, who looked even more startled than you. You couldn’t exactly blame him.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I just… I really shouldn’t have come. This was terrible. I’m so sorry. I’ll let you sleep. I can’t… I’m sorry for putting that on you.”
“Do you have… feelings for me, darling?”
“I- I don’t think-”
Oh, Maker. Your eyes filled with tears yet again.
“Yeah. Yeah, I guess I do.”
“Please sit back down.” You tentatively sat on the edge of the bed, staying as far away from Obi-Wan as you could. “You likely know I… return your feelings, yes?”
You weren’t sure your heart could take any more.
“I honestly had no clue.”
“Oh.” Obi-wan blushed. “Anakin said it was obvious.”
“Obi-Wan.” His expression was serious again. “In my dream you died because I let myself care for you.”
“My dear, I…” He slowly raised his hands to cup your face, giving you every chance to back away. “I would much sooner die because you cared, than die knowing I could have loved you.” You placed your hands over his, pressing your face closer to his calloused hands. “Plus, not every dream is a vision from the future.”
You shared a soft smile. Obi-Wan was the first to break eye contact, glancing down at your lips in a silent question. You answered by leaning in and pressing your lips to his. You felt him smile into the kiss, and you couldn’t help but do the same.
“Can I stay here for the night?”
“Of course you can, precious one.”
You moved to lay next to him in your previous position, but he easily pulled you up and on top of him. You giggled and rested your head on his chest, calm for the first time since you first woke up. You traced the light freckles that were dotted on his skin, almost in disbelief that the night had turned out this way.
“You’ll be here when I wake up?”
He began running his fingers through your hair.
“I promise, my love.”
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thebrochtuarachs · 3 years
Arranged: Chapter 6
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Modern AU. Set in present time. Where Claire and Jamie are arranged to be married.
CH: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
A/N: Hello, everyone! I'd like to start with an apology for not updating for so so long. This story is still very dear to me, I daydream a lot of the next chapters, it's in my head and in my drafts and I just didn't realize that has been quite a while since I posted a chapter. Time flew by so quickly in the pandemic, I hadn't seen it pass. Anyway, posting this short and sweet update. Hope you like it! As always, your comments and suggestions are very much welcome :) Hope that you are keeping safe and healthy! Till the next!
The Ring of the Woman of Balnain – or that’s what they call the ring for generations since the 18th century.
For Jamie, it was simply his 8-times great-grandmother’s ring – a small circlet passed down his family for generations. His siblings never cared for the old thing but Jamie loved it ever since he was a wee lad and asked his parents to give it to him when he was old enough – and that time was, apparently, now.
After his mother ambushed him in the kitchen, Jamie was now in possession of one the most precious things in his life. He promised himself that he would give it to the woman he’ll marry someday as a gift and sign of his love and he hoped that the ring would bring luck in their relationship.
When he realized that Claire Beauchamp was the one, he thought about asking for the ring but then he found out about Frank Randall and had to re-evaluate his chances and options. All of his plans for him and Claire got put on hold until their parents intervened with this crazy scheme. But this crazy scheme, allow him to at least, put some plans in place.
A week later, his mother found the ring box on his bed side table, untouched and unopened.
“Give it to her. I want you to give it to Claire. It’s perfect” she heard Ellen say to Jamie who just groaned in disapproval.
“Mam, I thought we were going to do this in our own time, our own terms. Giving her this does not make all of this any easier.” Jamie replied.
“I know, son. But this has a special meaning to our family, ye ken that. Even if this arrangement is so, I would – no, we would, yer father and I – would love it if ye kept with the tradition.”
Then came one of Jamie’s exasperated sighs. “I’m no promising anything, Mam. I’ll think about it but don’t expect anything”
He and Claire hadn’t really discussed the nature of their relationship one month in since getting reacquainted. But the truth was, with all the time they’ve been spending together ( almost everyday ), they’ve gotten really close that even the people close to them have started noticing up to a point where they asked if there was something going on between them.
Of course, they denied it – not wanting anyone to know about what really was going on – saying they were just friends and reasoned the mere fact that their families were close and that was the way it’s always been for them. A damn, unreliable lie but it’s all they got.
Their research was not progressing in any form which was starting to frustrate Claire. Everything they were getting from “company sources'' just didn’t make sense in any scenario or plan. Money was not an issue, their family relations were not an issue, their business relations were not an issue… they were running out of “reasons” and “clues” but Claire refused to give up. Of course, Jamie knew otherwise but silently played along.
Thankfully, their final exams were coming and Jamie decided to put pause on everything and have a break from their research and each other - their schedule not permitting any free time. They haven’t seen each other in a week.
Today, Jamie had been in the coffee shop for hours since almost all of his classes got cancelled when his building suddenly needed to be fumigated.
“This seat taken?” the voice was unfamiliar and Jamie looked up to find Laoghaire Mackenzie looming over his table. He knew about her and her fondness of him, she was never to shy to show it anyway, but he’d never taken a liking to the lass. She wasn’t his type and he didn’t like her personality at all. Despite numerous turndowns, she was still persistent.
Sensing his refusal, she made another attempt. “The table sits four and yer the only one.” She moved the chair in front of him causing the bag to fall over and all of its contents sprawled over the floor.
“I’m sorry. Here” she said, giving some of his things as he stood to pick it up. “Well?” she asked again, waiting for his invitation. Jamie was a gentleman and seems there was no reason to give the lass a boot or the seat. He was about to reluctantly agree when another voice chimed in.
“Actually, the seat is taken.” Claire’s voice was a happy sound in Jamie’s ear. Laoghaire turned to see whose voice was cockblocking her to Jamie and frowned. Laoghaire and Claire have never had a conversation before past pleasantries and despite that, they seem to have grown a dislike to each other, an unspoken disapproval of each person’s position in Jamie’s life. Too bad for Laoghaire, Claire knew she had the upper advantage and would gladly take that road anytime around her.
Claire wore her smug face proudly as Laoghaire huffed and shoved her way past her. Jamie, to his credit, didn’t say anything but rather he smiled at her in such a way that made Claire’s heart sing and she knew it came from a place of utmost gratitude.
Claire took her seat and Jamie started fixing his bag. Upon inspection, he realized he was missing something. Alarmed, Jamie quickly put out its contents again but still, it was not there.
He stood up and looked around the floor, pacing himself around the perimeter of his area. At one point, he even kneeled and bowed down just to look under chairs.
It was still not there.
Jamie stood up, flushed and a paleness was creeping in his face. He has lost it. How could he have lost it? Did Laoghaire take it with her? How would he tell his Mam that he lost a 300-year old family ring? Questions were pouring out his mind and he felt utter despair in the situation.
He wasn’t even supposed to bring it. It was a last minute decision to have it checked and cleaned.
“Looking for this?” Claire lifted the black leather box.
Jamie turned his head so fast, Claire thought he’d trip with his own momentum. But seeing the relief on his face warmed her heart.
“Thank ye!” he sat and moved to get the box but Claire pulled it away. “What’re..?”
“What is this?” she asked genuinely. “Is this what I think it is?”
“Tis’ nothing, Claire” he said, attempting to grab it from her again but was unsuccessful. She gave him a look and he resigned. “Yes. But there’s no need to think about it now, we have exams coming up.”
It wasn’t the same for Claire. The box did cross her mind from time to time since the dinner. But she, too, resigned and gave the box back to Jamie. “Fine, okay. Can I, at least, see it though?” she asked shyly.
“Can I see it?”
Oh. Jamie was not expecting that. He didn’t think she’d be interested at all but here they are. He looked around, checking the place. The coffee shop was sparse and there’s no one close enough to pay them attention.
Jamie then focused on her, his eyes boring intently on hers, hoping to convey a certain reverence and seriousness on what he was about to show her. Slowly, he lifted the lid of the box revealing the simple silver ring within, his eyes observing her reaction.
Claire’s eyes focused on the ring as soon it was revealed. She honestly wasn’t expecting anything but if it was an engagement ring, at least, she thought, there’d be a diamond on it.
But this one was as simple a simple band can be and she was captivated by it. “It’s beautiful.”
“I’m glad ye think so. My brother and sister never cared for it…”
“But you do.” she finished and he nodded in agreement. “How old is it?”
“About three centuries old? It has been passed down in my family for generations” Jamie shared but not giving away any more details. That was for another story.
“Alright, I have to be honest” Claire began. “I heard your conversation with Aunt Ellen last dinner. I knew about the box. It was accidental, I promise! I didn’t mean to pry.”
“I’m sorry. This is what I was avoiding. We’re in a tough spot as it is and now this. I’m sorry, Claire. Don’t think about it. I’ll deal with my parents.” Jamie rambled on his apology and closed the box.
“No, no. It’s fine. I know what she meant and I know it’s ultimately up to us.” she moved her hand to comfort him and it landed parallel to where he clutched the box. Jamie startled with the proximity but she didn’t seem to notice and he didn’t move either. “Do you think it’ll buy us time if I wore this?”
“Ye want to wear it?!”
“Why not? If it’ll buy us time, why not? Plus, it looks nothing like an engagement ring. Nobody knows if I’m with someone. If anyone asks where I got it, I’d just say I got it from a vintage store or something old family heirloom.” she reasoned.
Jamie doesn’t look convinced still so Claire held his gaze having some unspoken conversation.
“Only if ye genuinely want to.” he countered.
“I want to”, Claire replied earnestly.
After a beat, Jamie lifted his hand and held it out to hers. “Give me yer hand.”
Claire smiled and handed her left hand to his. At that moment, they felt no awkwardness in their bubble. There was a trust, a knowing, a joy, and an excitement that neither thought of and realized until later. Jamie got the ring from the box and slid it on her ring finger.
A perfect fit.
Jamie wanted to kiss the back of her palm but resisted. Instead, he gave it a gentle squeeze and let it go.
Claire pulled back and proceeded to pull out her books and other stuff on the table and Jamie settled back to his. The rest of the afternoon went by as they normally did until it was time to head home.
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High School Musical: The Musical: The Series: The Rewatch pt.3
Ok, full disclosure: I should not be doing this right now. But I've been thinking about it since yesterday and, well, I reckon I can go over 1x4 and 5, and then move on to my actual work. So here we are. I'm really, really excited for these two, so without further ado, I'll dive right into:
1x4: It's hard to believe that I couldn't see... the majority of what happens in this episode when I first watched it
Why is Nini such a pro at making a scene with whoever her current boyfriend is in the middle of a public place? I mean, I get it that she's upset about EJ going through her phone — who wouldn't be — but maybe - and this is just a friendly suggestion — she could try and discuss that in private, not start a shouting match within view of all their classmates. Just saying.
'Ricky would never steal my phone' — well, perhaps not, but he's not quite above deleting stuff from it, either... I wonder if whoever is writing this show knows that there are many other ways to make a relationship unhealthy... it's not funny anymore. Just repetitive.
Ahhh Natalie and her emotional support hamster! At least there's one good thing about this scene.
Sure, Ricky, blame Big Red for the fact that you misplace your stuff... a very nice best friend he's got, indeed.
Gosh, everything is so awkward and there is just so much tension all over the place — Ricky's parents, then EJ and Nini, and then Carlos just being oblivious to the fact that they just broke up... you know, that last part just made me laugh. And then Ricky's reaction to his parents legally separating just broke my heart. That boy's been through too much.
Big Red being completely clueless about theatre terms is super funny and endearing, but let me just put myself in his shoes for a sec. He's followed his best friend into a badly thought-out scheme to get back together with his ex, got dragged into joining the crew, and is now expected to know what everything is. I would not put up with that... ok, who are we kidding, I'm a massive pushover and would put up with anything, but my point is... he shouldn't have to. At least people are doing the bare minimum to help him learn and nobody's laughed at him for not knowing. That's the good thing about this crew.
Ok, so I have posted about my thoughts of their take on What I've Been Looking For before, back when the episode was brand new, so I won't go into detail about that. In short, I think they've got the arrangement all wrong considering that it is a plot point in the original movie, but... the execution is funny. The scene is about Nini and EJ's post-breakup tension and it shows. I just kind of wish now Miss Jenn had pulled Nini out and put Gina in, even just for this rehearsal — and I might or might not be saying this as a Portwell shipper.
Miss Jenn is done with the students' personal drama and honestly, I'm right behind her. These kids are being completely unprofessional — and well, I realise that we can't expect them to be professional at this stage, but... they could at least try to concentrate on rehearsal and not their personal lives for a second.
Ricky hugging a cushion is my spirit animal. That's it, that's the comment.
Ahhh the tension between EJ and Gina though... 'around here seniors don't follow sophomores' — well, we'll see how it goes, Mr. Senior.
What gives Nini the right to shout at strangers about their relationship? I am honestly so frustrated with her these days. Wonder why I never was during season 1. The reasons are all there.
'He loves you' — yeah, like a little sister, he does. Also, Ash is so precious, always trying to see the good in other people. EJ 1.0 is so lucky he had her as an example.
Ok, I'm not going to go into what an amazing best friend Big Red is because we all know that (plus I'm saving it for a certain scene in 1x5), but this must be so hard for him. I mean, he's trying his absolute best to help Ricky feel better and distract him from his problems, and Ricky is turning everything down. I mean, I guess I understand where he's coming from too, but I'm unable to look at things through the lead-centric lens alone anymore. I'm more aware of non-lead characters now (some more so than others) and this is putting a whole new spin on my perception of everything that happens.
I've got no idea how Big Red can sleep with all this noise, though. I could never. But to each their own.
'perfect on paper' — that's EJ 1.0 to a T. I've got to give Nini that.
Ricky wearing the pride t-shirt... we love to see it.
See, this is why I keep forgetting why I ever shipped Rini and then remembering again... their chemistry is just so on-again-off-again, and here it's definitely present, but I just need a couple with consistent chemistry, you know. Hey, isn't that kind of what All I Want is about? Kind of. I don't know. I've been unable to listen to that song ever since it got big irl. I have this... problem with media that becomes popular and mainstream... I mean, I never hold a grudge against things just for being popular, but I just... relate to underrated stuff much easier. Not because it's underrated, but it just so happens that nearly everything I like and relate to is underrated in some capacity. Even HSMTMTS itself — it's practically unheard of here in Bulgaria, so I would not have found it if I hadn't been looking for it specifically. Ok, this comment got derailed several times. I guess I'll just stop here and move right on to 1x5 at this point.
1x5: A bedazzled tablecloth, a perfectly balanced unicycle and bad reception at the barn... not the perfect ingredients, but they can still... Work This Out
'Miss Jenn says that's a life in the arts... well, that and almost constant unemployment' — alright, I know this line is not supposed to be funny, and that it's a painful reality for a lot of people, but... maybe it's the delivery. I just laugh every time.
See, this is what I mean when I say I want to see consistent chemistry — Seblos have it. I mean, I really don't want to jinx things, but... they do.
Big Red seems to be in a more... outspoken mood today, I guess you could say. Too bad Ricky is still shutting everything he says down. Seriously, Big Red and Seb should start a club for people who try their best to be there for their loved ones and still keep being shushed.
I might be super frustrated with nearly everything Nini says and does (can somebody please tell me why that is?), but... flushing her dress down the toilet? Major mood.
Listen, I love Miss Jenn and that she's close to her students, but... emerging from a toilet cubicle and inviting herself to Kourtney and Nini's girls' night was... Will Shuester level of questionable.
Ricky being the mature one about his parents separation is... I mean, it's admirable, but how did he move past the impending depression of last episode and towards being the one who tells his dad to get up and move on? Well, I mean, good for him. But I think the issue is far from buried yet.
'Friend of the year'? Ricky? I don't think so. First of all, if he were, he'd know that Big Red does not have two left feet. Wasn't it you, Ricky, who was stumbling over the steps in HSM a couple of weeks ago? You're one to talk. Plus Big Red's been listening and trying to help while you've just been spouting off about your personal problems for... how long has it been now? I get it, Ricky has issues that he needs to work through, but he's almost legally blind in both eyes when it comes to Big Red.
Ok, but Ricky is the epitome of 'cannot solve his own problems but has a suggestion on how everybody else should solve theirs' in this episode. Maybe take a step back and listen to your own advice?
'My parents think I'm bonding with the livestock' — I've got no idea why I find this line so funny, but I do. And I've got so much love for this entire scene. Carlos' reaction to Seb's response to his invitation is just... the most adorable thing ever! My heart might just burst. Especially given what we're about to go through tomorrow in 2x10... I am. Not. Ready.
The entire karaoke scene just reminds me of... pretty much every extended family reunion on my mum's side. Her cousins love karaoke and are also completely tone-deaf. I love it that they're able to have fun with it, but my ears are still recovering from my great aunt's birthday party two years ago.
'When did you become Nini?' — Why does Mr. Mazzara know so much about his students' dating lives? I mean, Miss Jenn does, too, but he doesn't strike me as someone as invested in them as her. Idk, it just struck me as kind of weird.
'I didn't agree to photos' — please, EJ, I'm sure you'll want memories from your first fake-dating gig with Gina... once you're no longer fake-dating, you know. Boy, these two are going to have stories to tell to their grandchildren.
I've said some stuff about Nini, but... 'a bedazzled tablecloth' is the funniest description I've heard for Gina's homecoming dress.
'Maybe it's not actually about you at all.' Yeah, you tell him, Reddy! Ricky needs to get over himself.
The way Big Red sniffs out the drama, though... I was not-so-randomly reminded of that moment in 2x9 where Seb was like Carlos. and Big Red was like, 'Are you guys fighting?'...
Big Red doing a comedic lip-reading of Gina and EJ's dramatic scene is absolutely hilarious. I might or might not have sold my heart and soul to him after seeing that scene for the first time. But I just remembered how he said earlier that maybe he can't read lips and that just makes this 100% funnier — he was basically like a child who can't read yet making up a story based on the pictures in a book, and I mean it in the best way possible. He's a theatre dark horse, this one, and they should all be intimidated — or inspired, whatever they choose — by his hidden talents. Gosh, I love this guy. But can you blame me?
'You think I'm actually going to confide in you?' — Absolutely. You can't bully someone from your position of authority over them and then act like you're their friend. I do know now that Mr. Mazzara has hidden depths, but he had no right to be as rude to Carlos as he was in 1x3. He was right about one thing, though — Carlos doesn't need a dance partner to dance.
Ricky saying he was going to apologise to Gina and counting that as an apology is giving me major TJ/ Buffy flashbacks. I wonder why that is... * sarcasm *
Nini feeling like a fraud makes me actually sympathise with her for a second. But I feel like Nini's flaw of defining herself through boys and Ricky in particular has been addressed one time too many now, since it was first addressed here in this episode. If they make her and Ricky get back together again in season 2, I will riot. [side note: I feel like the Born to Be Brave scene says a lot about both Rini and Seblos as couples. Nini and Carlos both feel, in the moments leading up to the song, like they are incomplete without their partners. Ricky, too, has built his personality entirely around Nini at that time (and is still not completely over that in s2). And then the song comes in to remind them that they don't need a partner to be happy. I'm just thinking of Big Red's 'perfectly balanced unicycle' comment from the promotional materials, and of how he and Ashlyn, even when they're dating in s2, are never portrayed as being incomplete without each other. I guess there's a reason why they're the Beta Couple of the show — their relationship drama is nearly non-existent, and when it does exist, it's just caused by them caring too much about each other. Every other couple on the show should learn from them.]
Everybody supporting Carlos during the Born to Be Brave number just warms my heart so much... I am actually crying real tears. And then the end, when Seb finally shows up, right in time for the slow dance... I have a lot of feelings about this scene.
Seblos' dialogue here still kind of makes me cringe a little... but like, in a good way.
Yikes... Miss Jenn's getting into trouble... I mean, it was bound to happen sooner or later. But she's lucky she's had enough time with her students for them to love her enough to fight for her. Still, this is a topic for another episode, and so I won't expand on it in this post.
Well, that's it. That was 1x4 and 5. Those were pretty much my favourite episodes when season 1 was airing. And I can definitely see why, even if my views on some things have changed due to stuff that happens later. But, as I constantly say, that's what rewatches are for. In other words, 'once more, with feeling this time' as my choir director used to say.
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stormhaven13 · 3 years
Alright, I wanna talk about the combat in Horizon Zero Dawn. This is probably going to be another long one, and is going to be more focused on game design type things than character or plot, but I promise it'll be interesting! Maybe! Anyway, stick with me cause I have some thoughts :p
Editing Storm here! Yeah this got really long. I think it's really interesting, but just be aware of that :p
So I wanna start by saying I absolutely adore this game's combat, so any critique I have is pretty minor. Also, everything I'm talking about is specific to a blank save starting on Ultra Hard. I have no experience with lower difficulties, or on New Game+, so this may be less applicable to those. The reason I play it only on Ultra Hard is A: I like hard games, B: I like games that require my skill, not just time to get better stuff, and C: I feel like it is much more thematic to the story and characters.
So one of the first things that will make me notice the combat in most games is variety. I've talked about this some already with enemy designs in Horizon, and how hugely varied they are, and how different each of them feels to fight, but this is true about the weapon types too.
Realistically, there are less weapon types than there technically are. For what I count as actually different weapon types, not just ammo types, there's bows, slings, tripcasters, ropecasters, the tearblaster, traps, rattlers, the spear, plus each of the different dlc weapons. Even narrowing it like that, that's a lot of options, and each one of those feels distinct to me, as do many of the ammo types. Combine this with overriding machines, heavy weapons, the large variety of enemy types, and the amount of skill you have to learn with dodging, it makes combat varied and interesting.
Difficulty is an interesting question for me, as at this point I don't actually find Horizon that hard anymore, but that was very much not true when I first started. Part of the difficulty of the game is learning the patterns of each new machine, and given that even the weaker ones can be capable of two shotting you, especially early on, makes learning their patterns quite a challenge. You have to be nearly perfect, and every mistake costs precious resources. This is all compounded by the pricing increase of Ultra Hard, making you pick and choose what weapons you use not just by what works best, but by what you can afford.
All of this creates an excellent puzzle, so even after you have mastered the combat, a time intensive process in and of itself, you have to think of both surviving the current combat, and having the resources to survive future ones. And at least for me, the larger combats against Thunderjaws and the like never lose all their difficulty, though the Shieldweaver armor can make things too easy, and I am considering stopping using it as I feel like it sort of trivializes combat (which is kind of its intention I think).
The only system that I think is not as well thought out is the elemental system. Some of it works great. I think damage and tear are well done in every sense, and I think the idea behind the elemental types is solid as well. I just think there's a few instances that are a little unbalanced.
On Aloy's end, Fire is just too powerful. So many machines, including most of the ones you fight for the main quest are weak to fire, and it's status effect is excellent, dealing damage and even applying a very short stun. The eternal question with video game status effects is would it be better to just hit them, as the best status effect to give an enemy is almost always death.
Freeze is quite good. While few machines are weak to it, there's enough to be noticeable, and the status effect is excellent, letting you deal 300% extra damage AND letting you ignore armor. The only reason Fire is better is because so many enemies are weak to it.
I rarely use Corruption, just due to my own playstyle, but from the little I've seen it's pretty balanced. It doesn't work on Corrupted machines, and the damage machines do to each other is quite high, so it is worthwhile to get it on enemies. I do think it should be on one or two more weapons, as its currently only on the War Bow, but other than that I think its good.
Shock is the big issue. Very few things are weak to it, quite a few are strong against it, and in my experience, it's rarely worth applying given how long it takes. Every status gives some amount of stun, and yes this is longer, but it does little to actually increase damage, and if you want to take a machine out of action, the ropecaster or corruption are far better and more reliable ways to do it.
From the machine's end, it is similar, though less extreme. Frost is a bit overused, and for me is always the elemental potion that I'm running low on, as the machines I struggle with the most all use Frost. I also don't love its status effect on Aloy. All machine status effects basically do the same thing, they leave damage dealing ground. This doesn't work really well for Frost in my opinion, and I wish they had done something a bit more thematic.
Fire is in a pretty solid place. Enough machines use it that it feels present and important, but not too many that it feels overused. The status feels thematic and appropriate for fire. All great.
Corruption is also pretty solid. While few machines outside of the story use it, most of those do, so this works well. It also actually works slightly differently than the other statuses, leaving a trail where machines walk instead of being applied when they attack.
Shock, once again, is in the weakest place. It is used by a total of two machines, and while they are both memorable (one being by the patrolling Shell Walkers, and the other being the massive Stormbird), they are not common enough that shock is ever really a concern. To top that off, its status effect doesn't feel thematic, its just the same as all the others, and to me it just doesn't fit shock.
Overall, I love the combat in this game. It feels thematic, it feels heavy, it has enough challenge to keep me engaged, and enough variety that it never gets stale. I wish the elemental system was a bit better implemented, and maybe it could have been a bit harder in the late game? But I also know that Ultra Hard is the "ridiculous" difficulty that is never quite as balanced, so maybe that's unrealistic. But I also think that it's the best way to play this game, so I really hope they include it at launch in Forbidden West.
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I Spy
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Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales/Fem!Reader (AFAB, no y/n)
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: Brief mention of bad(abusive/manipulative) parents, general adult topics, swearing.
Summary: You meet a cute guy at a bar, you date, you fall in love, and oops, it turns out you’ve both been lying about your careers. Classified only stays classified until you get assigned a mission together. (SpecOps&Spies, with Young!Frankie)
A/N: Hey guys, I was bad and started another fic. Whoops. This one is for Triple Frontier because I love that soft boi Francisco. The flavour of this fic, the vibe if you will, is basically the spiderman pointing meme. I’ve vaguely set the timeline to like mid-2000s? so I’ll be trying my best to stay true to technology and aesthetic of the era. There was so much denim. Anyways, that means I’m trying to write for about a 27-33 year old Frankie and a similarly aged reader. I don’t see this series being more than a couple chapters at best, so it’ll be short and sweet. Also, like, very little angst if I can help it; I just want this one to be a good, cute, fun read. Hope y’all enjoy! Xoxo
“So, you’re coming out tonight, right? You’re not busy or anything?”
“Please don’t say it like that, you know how busy work actually is. And I’m a grown woman; if I didn’t want to go to a shady dive bar with you and your very loud friends from the office, I’d say so,” You loved your best friend, and you missed spending time together, but you really couldn’t say the same for her co-workers.
You had nothing against the women she worked with, and you found that they were all perfectly lovely and usually quite fun to be around… it was just that when the alcohol came out, the volume control and verbal filters disappeared.
You wouldn’t say that barhopping was what you’d prefer to be doing tonight, along with more or less babysitting your friend and her friends, but you didn’t know when you’d next be able to squeeze in a night off to just hang out and have fun, so this was happening. You would laugh and smile and keep the drunk secretaries from going home with questionable people, and then you would look back on your ladies’ night with fond memories until you could eventually attend another.
You had known when you picked your career that it would be an around-the-clock, all-day, every-day sort of thing. You never deluded yourself into thinking you would have much of a social life or long-term relationships. Most partners, hell even most friends, would have a problem with you jetting off for weekends, or disappearing for days at a time under mountains of paperwork and appointments.
It just made your best friend that much more important to you. You’d met as kids, went through years of school beside each other, hung out, did stupid teenager things and then stupid young adult things together. You’d cried and laughed and fought and made up a million times, you’d gone to different colleges and still kept in touch, moved away, moved back, and you were still going strong. She was your ride-or-die, your anchor and your parachute and everything in between, so if you could use some of your precious, hoarded, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it time off to see her, that’s just what you’d do.
“You should take some of that fire, and direct it at your boss. Tell him no for a change. I’d love to see his face at that!” She meant well, always trying to look out for you and your health when it came to your beyond demanding job. You weren’t even allowed to tell her a fraction of what you were doing in your professional life, and she knew it, but that didn’t stop her from being ready to throw fists at your employer at a moment’s notice.
“One does not simply tell the über-rich that they don’t need to fly to Paris, again. Being a PA is a full-time nannying gig, except your charge is an adult who can argue when you say no, and you cannot put them on timeout when they’re being a brat. Where he goes, I go, and unless something drastic happens, it will probably continue on like that for a while.” She laughed at your jokes, and your heart hurt a little less at her glee. You knew she would never give up on you or blame you for your work being unpredictable, but that didn’t make the sting of last-minute cancels and missed outings hurt any less, for either of you.
“But it must be nice, just getting on a plane and going somewhere amazing at the drop of a hat. Travelling the world like a superstar, meeting people, having amazing adventures with mysterious strangers…”
“Easy there, Mamma Mia, your wanderlust is showing. And I’d take you with me in a heartbeat if I could. You were born to be a jetsetter, not to be stuck in this town with nothing but the office cubicle beside you to stare at. And I still think you should apply for one of those immersive culture grants you keep mooning over. They’d be fools not to fund your writing expedition!” She was an incredible person, three full degrees to her name in the time it took a normal student to get one, and a brain that could run miles around the rest of the professionals in her field. But she was tethered to this quiet backwater town, and she wasn’t free to fly like she deserved.
“You know I can’t just… go, like you can. My mom, it’d just break her heart… I don’t want to leave her alone, not after Dad,” You honestly doubted that you’d ever meet a woman more horrible and undeserving of her own daughter’s kindness. Helen was a parasite full of lies and manipulations and greed, and she had attached herself like a bad rash to your friend after she’d chased away the rest of her family members.
Your friend searched for the good in everyone, but you wished she’d stop looking for it at that home.
“You deserve your own happiness and freedom, and she should be encouraging you to spread your wings if and when you’re ready.” Politicking your friend was never something you enjoyed. She was the last person you wanted to use your negotiating credentials and sly subterfuge tactics against, but you wanted, needed, her safety and health more. You considered it almost bribery; dangling her dream future in front of her in exchange of being rid of the garbage in her life.
“Hey now, we’re getting way too deep into sad-drunk night conversations, and this is strictly a happy-fun-drunk night. Please leave all baggage and woes at the door, thank you!” You admitted your defeat and surrendered your verbal power point on Why Helen Needs to Disappear. You would get her next time for sure, give her the accelerant to burn down that bridge. “Anyways, the reason I called was to remind you of our haunt for the night. One of the girls, Kelly, you remember Kelly, found this adorable little hole in the wall. A total boys’ club apparently: darts, pool, sports games on the TV, but Kelly’s sister’s friend’s brother Tyler said the place was a favourite of the local army guys. So, if nothing else, we’ll at least have some hunks to look at for a while. It’ll be great!”
You jotted down the directions to the bar as she listed them, and the time you were expected to arrive there.
“Oh! And wear that cute little blue number you bought last spring; I know you still have it so don’t you dare lie. It makes your ass and legs look divine, and I think you could stand to make a new acquaintance tonight.” That Little Blue Number was buried in the back of your closet where you had hoped it would remain forever, but luck was not on your side tonight it seemed. But it did make you look, and feel, fantastic.  It was just so… breezy. “And heels! Real ones, not your cute little personal assistant kitten heels. Those black strappy ones would work like a dream!” You just sighed dramatically into the receiver and agreed to her demands.
“I’ll let you go now, and yes, I suppose I can be presentable tonight, dress and all. See-ya later!”
Hole in the wall was right. This place was basically underground it was so on the D.L. It was warm inside though, and in the middle of autumn with so much skin on display, you could not be more pleased to get away from the chilled outside air.
You would describe the interior as comfortable with a hint of rustic; lots of warm dark wood and low lights, mixed with the soft Latin music crooning in the background and the few patrons’ conversations adding to the ambience.
All in all, it was probably the nicest dive bar you’d been to in your hometown.
Your party was easy to spot where they had claimed a group of pushed together tables towards the far side of the establishment, and you carefully made your way over to them in your tricky high heels.
You said your hellos to returning faces and introduced yourself to the new additions, and accepted the chair you were pointed to and the drink pressed into your hand.
And so, the hours rolled.
You had enjoyed two fruity cocktails and a flaming shot before you called it quits on the alcohol for the night. You still had a few hours to sober up enough to drive home safely, and you would be able to help the girls get to their rides and ways home too. You appreciated having a social drink or two, but you didn’t care for hangovers and would happily take slightly tipsy over party-hard drunk anytime. Plus, your contract stated you were on-call, always, and you could be required to navigate high-stress negotiations at the drop of a hat. It was just better to cut yourself off, then reap the consequences of your actions later.
You tapped your friend’s shoulder as you walked past and leaned over to talk into her ear. “I’m getting some water for the table; do you want anything else?”
“Mmmm, no I think we’re good for now, thanks!” She was plastered already, but she had a huge grin on her face and was laughing at her co-workers’ stories, so you considered it a win of a night. You gave her a pat goodbye and swayed your way to the bar.
But you just were not accounting for the uneven floorboards, or how much your heels affected your currently less than steady equilibrium, and before you could blink you were teetering over into a nasty fall.
“Whoa there, easy does it, muñequita” Arms wrapped around you and pulled you back into a warm chest. “Careful now, don’t go twisting an ankle in those fancy shoes.”
You certainly did not account for the man you turned around to face. Wow.
His hands glided respectfully from where he had caught you around the waist to your still bent and held out elbows, steadying you as you swayed dangerously again.
Warm brown eyes, soft brown curls, and the sweetest smile you’d ever seen. It felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest, and you knew that it wasn’t left over adrenaline from your near wipeout. He was gorgeous and handling you so gently, and you wanted to spend forever in that moment.
“Hey there, palomita, I’m Frankie, can I buy you a drink?”
[Next Part]
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thotantics · 4 years
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✗ warnings — description of sex, do not read if you’re underage, unprotected sex, oral sex (female receiving), brief mention of overstimulation, slight dirty talk
✎ words —   3.5k
[A/N] wooooow i miss him so much it actually physically hurt to write this :((( like my heart aches :(( i hope this turned out ok for everyone bc i really really REALLY loved writing this im sad lmao. unedited bc im garbage
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He looks more handsome every time you see him, you think. When you’re sitting across from one another, it’s striking and altogether distracting just how good looking he is. Kyungsoo was complimenting the way you prepared the steak, his brows knitting as he makes an appreciative hum at the back of his throat. Sitting there in a plain white tee, his hair just long enough that it’s starting to lay flat on his head, making a sound that’s near-sexual as he tastes the meal you just made together...he’s never looked more attractive to you than he does right this instant. So attractive and so distracting, that you find yourself speaking without fully thinking over what you’re about to say before it comes out, long before you ever touch your utensils.
“I could spend the rest of my life like this.”
A millisecond after the words leave your tongue you know you fucked up. Why in the world did you say that?! The implication of that statement alone is so embarrassing that you feel the heat of shame rise to your face as Kyungsoo, sipping from a bottle of water, chokes just a little bit in surprise, eyes narrowing slightly as he looks at you from across the table incredulously.
“What did you say?”
You shrink back in your seat, eyes darting nervously around the room as your brain entirely malfunctions, attempting to think of a reason for that statement that didn’t end up with you confessing your feelings to your friend. It takes ages and your face, you know, is beat red by now. Kyungsoo is blinking at you, brows raised, waiting for an explanation and a heavy sigh is the only response you can manage to get out. 
It’s embarrassing how much you had meant what you said, and that’s why you feel so ashamed as he just stares across the table at you, patiently as ever. You really could spend the rest of your life like this; in the kitchen making dinner together, laughing, listening to music...just being with him, is the main thing, though. Doing literally anything as long as you could spend the rest of your life like this, enjoying Kyungsoo’s company. 
You can feel your cheeks burning as you continue to avoid his stare, looking at the table, the ground, your untouched food, the wall, literally anywhere except for the man in front of you. The implication in your words was out there, now, though you’ve felt this way about Kyungsoo for pretty much the whole of your friendship. How could you not have developed feelings for him? He was a genuine and kind friend who always was willing to offer you his time, at the very least. He was funny and laid back, he didn’t have any expectations of your time together and his gesture of friendship had been very welcome.
Plus the fact that Kyungsoo was quite possibly the hottest guy you had ever laid eyes on... it was inevitable that you would grow to have these deep feelings for him.
Across from you, Kyungsoo cracks a short smile of disbelief, coupled with a breathy sort of chuckle before he clears his throat, steadies his expression, and says, “No, really. Do you mean that?”
You don’t expect that tone in his voice. The tenderness, the hope, his voice low as if this conversation had suddenly turned into a shared secret between the two of you. Nobody else was home, your roommate was out for the weekend, and Kyungsoo, upon discovering you were alone and bored, had invited himself over for dinner and the two of you had gone grocery shopping together earlier in the day.
The more you stare at him across the table, leaning into it a bit with both his hands gripping the side as he waits for your reply, the more you know there’s no way to deny what you had just said to him. So you give him a small nod in response.
He smiles wide, holds it back, and the tension visibly leaves his shoulders as he stops clutching the table, relaxing back into his seat with a sigh. “Really?” You nod again and this time, it’s Kyungsoo that avoids your eye contact shyly. He smiles at the table between you, shaking his head a bit in disbelief before he takes a short breath and stands.
You aren’t expecting it when he leans over the table towards you, or when he gently cups your chin and lifts your head so that his lips can gently meet your own. It’s over so quickly and he’s sitting back down before you can even register in your brain to blink, looking across the table at your shocked, frozen expression.
“I can arrange that.” Kyungsoo states. You blink in confusion for a moment before it clicks that he’s responding to the words you originally blurted out, about wanting to spend the rest of your life like this. Warmth blooms in your chest, spreading out from the center of your being to the very tips of your fingers and toes.
The tension in the room is so thick from the sudden shift in your moods from calm to embarrassed and now...whatever this is. Kyungsoo locks eyes with you again and you find yourself smiling, biting at your lower lip because he’s looking at you just gave him his Christmas and birthday presents early this year.
He glances back at his plate and uses his chopsticks to poke around at his food like he’s looking for the right bite, but he laughs and drops them again with a quick clatter. “You know, I uh...suddenly can’t focus.” He tells you, and when he makes eye contact with you he admits, “All I can think about is how badly I wanna kiss you again.”
You straighten in your seat, staring across the table defiantly at him. “Ok.”
He smiles a little, moving as if to stand out of his seat again but he hesitates, “Yeah?”
You laugh a little, nodding your head. “Yeah.”
Kyungsoo stands and then kneels by your chair in the floor, eyes unwavering on your expression as he leans in closer. Growing impatient, you wrap an arm around him, a hand in the hair at the nape of his neck and draw him into your lips. It’s the sort of kiss you had always imagined sharing with him; soft lips that sends butterflies flapping like mad in your gut, the kind of kiss that both of you have to pause from not only to catch a breath but to smile at one another before you dive right back in, hungry for more. Kyungsoo keeps a grip on your hair at the back of your head as he deepens the kiss, and you melt into him, nearly tumbling out of your chair but he manages to help you get steady in your seat again, both of you breathlessly chuckling.
You’re about to suggest moving things into your bedroom when he speaks first, “Should we um, finish our dinner?”
“I’m not hungry anymore.” You state, clutching his shoulders to prevent him from standing yet, because you can’t stand the thought of him pulling his body heat from you, not yet.
He smiles, it’s coy and charming and coupled with his teeth capturing his lower lip before he asks you, “What did you have in mind?”
“We can go somewhere with more room,” You offer, “Preferably, somewhere I can lay down? So I don’t fall again.”
“Because I make you weak in the knees?” He asks playfully but you’re dead serious when you nod in affirmation back at him. He falters, but only for a second before he finally matches the urgency that you feel and he stands, tugging your hand until you’re standing chest to chest with him.
He kisses you again, but it’s chaste and he cuts it way too short for your liking, then he steps back so you have room to escort him to your room, lacing his fingers with yours so that you can lead him by the hand. It’s a short walk, but it feels like miles because while he’s clutching your hand tightly, occasionally his chest brushes up against your back or your shoulder, but you can’t see him unless you turn around and you’re thankful when he speaks again so you can peer at him over your shoulder.
“This wasn’t what I had in mind when I came over tonight, you know.” He says and your heart clenches, pulse racing. Does he regret it already? But he continues, “I had hoped...for a long time, actually, but I never wanted to pressure you.”
“There’s no pressure.” You tell him, pushing open your bedroom door and walking in backward so you can look into his eyes, “I’ve wanted this for a really long time.”
“God,” He sighs, stepping forward and eliminating the space between your bodies once more, “I have, too. From day one.” He admits, tilting your chin so he can press a short, sweet kiss to your lips.
He lingers only long enough to feel your tongue reach out to him before he pulls back with a smile, eyes dancing as he tucks your hair behind your ears, brushing it away from your shoulders as he speaks again, “I’ve always wondered how you looked like this.” He runs the pad of his thumb over your lips and you kiss it briefly, “You’re so sexy.” He whispers, then he asks, even quieter, “Do you want me, y/n?”
“Yes.” You breathe, “Please, Soo..”
He doesn’t wait any longer at that, crashing his mouth against yours in a fiery kiss that nearly knocks you right off your feet, your knees dangerously wobbly. He holds you by the face as he kisses you, walking you back until you feel the edge of the bed against the back of your knees.
You hold him, arms around his shoulders, fingers carding through his hair as he kisses the breath right from your lungs. It’s a stark contrast, the frantic way he’s kissing you and the slow, tender touch of his hands moving from your cheeks, brushing his knuckles down the sides of your breasts, your ribs, and finally settling on your hips. He crushes you briefly in an embrace that makes you feel small and precious, and you moan into his mouth, hands smoothing down to flatten on his chest where you can feel his heartbeat pounding in time with your own.
He grazes his thumbs under the bottom hem of your top, feeling for your skin and finding goosebumps spread in his wake. Smirking ever so slightly, he continues to draw little shapes up higher on your sides, lifting your shirt inch by inch, grazing your skin so gently. Mouthing frantically down your throat, licking and nipping at your over-sensitive skin, his hands feel like they’re running in slow-mo and in an attempt to clear the fogginess in your brain from the distinction, you grab his hands and move them to cup your breasts under your shirt and over your bra. 
He exhales sharply, smiling against your skin before he pulls back to admire the sight of your shirt bunched up and your breasts fitting into his palms, “Eager?” He smiles at you. 
You refrain from pouting, though you really want to, opting instead to stare defiantly back at him as you simply reply, “Yes.”
Kyungsoo inhales with an almost tremble, his smirk fading fast. “As much as I’ve thought about this,” he says, thumbs passing over your nipples through the material of your bra, “I always imagined it slow, and I would take my time and worship every inch of you if you ever let me get to that point. I didn’t anticipate you being like this.” You flush, biting at your lip, and Kyungsoo bows his head down and captures that same lip with his own teeth, moaning briefly before he mutters hot and thick against your mouth, “You’re so sexy, it drives me crazy.”
“Are you hard for me?” You ask him while he licks into your mouth, your teeth bumping when the question catches him off guard and you take the opportunity of shocked silence to ask, “Can I touch it?”
Panting, Kyungsoo pulls his hands from under your shirt and hurries to undo the strap of his belt, letting each half fall around your hands as you hurry to help him with the zipper of his jeans, your bottom lip caught between your teeth. 
Kyungsoo cradles the back of your head and makes you tilt back to look at him before he moves to kiss you, your hands now feeling blindly for his dick. Once you find the band of his boxers, he’s unmistakably hard in your grip, skin taut, and velvety as you attempt to stroke his shaft with the barrier of his boxers still in the way. 
He stops breathing for a few seconds, mouth open while you tongue at his plump lower lip, pumping his cock with shallow strokes of your soft hand. It’s when your thumb grazes over the tip of him, collecting a thick droplet of precum that he snaps out of it. Then he’s everywhere. One hand fists in your hair to keep your chin back and your mouth easy to access, the other hand grips the waistband of your pants, tugging twice, a silent request for permission that has you both looking like dummies for a second, hands fumbling, pushing clothes off and aside, panting, giggling when you make eye contact and then eventually, somehow, managing to make it to the bed.
You tumble side by side, fully nude on top of the duvet and there’s the briefest moment of awkwardness when you stop giggling and look each other over naked for the first time. He’s more muscular than you had anticipated him to be and apparently he likes your breasts, though you had felt insecure about them. Something like pride floods your veins when he leans over you, his chest meeting yours until you lay back flat under him, and his mouth moves to kiss a path down your neck until he meets your pert nipple with a brief kiss. 
“So beautiful..” He smiles up at you, waiting for you to give him any indication that he should stop, but you’re suddenly panting again, pupils blown out, lips parted waiting for him to continue, so he does. By now, Kyungsoo reasons that you wouldn’t have gotten naked for him if there was any doubt in your mind about continuing on with this, so there’s no need to be as cautious as he has been. So it’s with abandon that he tastes your breasts, biting, licking, sucking. You arch into him and the sweet sounds you make as he kisses his way down your body make his blood pump fiercely, turning his cock rock solid.
Your thighs are trembling when he spreads them to make room for himself to settle between them, and he sends you a quick glance to make sure you’re not uncomfortable. But you’ve wanted this so long, and the sight of him a breath away from your weeping pussy and staring up tenderly at your face is all too much to handle. 
“Do it,” You encourage him, lifting your hips up so your sex is right against his mouth and he responds immediately with a hungry swipe of his tongue and you gasp, hips jerking involuntarily, “Yes!” You whine as he follows you back to the mattress, one taste and he’s a goner. 
Kyungsoo doesn’t stop until you cum for him. He’s relentlessly claiming that first orgasm from you, ignoring the way your hips jerk and your thighs tremble, palms keeping you spread open and mouth working you over experimentally until he finds the right rhythm in the right spot that has you singing for him until you release against his face, bucking wildly and keening as you grip the bedsheets. 
He’s so good at feeling your body out and taking note of your responses, he manages to keep your orgasm prolonged by drawing away from your clit with a heavy, final suck and then pressing two fingers inside you deep, pumping in time with the clenching of your inner walls, his body flexing as he moves up to suckle your breasts as your orgasm goes on and on. 
You’re wailing for him, unable to believe he can make you feel like this without even using his cock and when you finally can’t take anymore, you slap at his shoulders and head, shoving his hand away from between your legs, thighs clenching shut tight. 
He meets your eye with a laugh, face messy with the remnants of your arousal, but as he sits back on his haunches to watch you regain control of your lungs and thundering pulse, you can’t help but notice he’s got an impressive erection jutting in your direction. 
Kyungsoo notices you noticing his erection and he tells you good-naturedly, “If you wanna stop, or take a break, that’s fine.”
“Can you get on top?” You ask him quietly, “My legs feel like jelly.”
He smiles brightly, moving to lay over you, body stretched out fully, and his hands brush your hair from your face tenderly while he peppers kisses over your chest, avoiding your sensitive nipples. He stays like that for some time, occasionally moving to kiss your lips languidly for a spell before he goes back to your neck or chest, giving you time to relax, hands rubbing your outer thighs as he helps you raise your legs back up. That first orgasm knocked you out and you need all the help you can get, but he’s incredibly chivalrous about it, flexing his biceps as he hooks your knees into the bend of each of his arms as he moves to sit low on his knees. 
“Put me in you.” He tells you under his breath, “When you’re ready.”
But you’re more than ready, hand shaking with anticipation as you wrap your fingers around his shift and guide the blunt head of his cock to your entrance. You rub him up and down, spreading the gush from your incredible orgasm around so it gathers on him perfectly when he begins to nudge his way inside of you, finally, for the first time. 
Your moans echo one another when he finally seats himself balls deep inside of you, and Kyungsoo bows his forehead to bump into your temple while you clench involuntarily around his shaft. “So wet,” He breathes, hips shifting minutely as he builds up a steady rhythm, slowly increasing his pace, “So fucking good.”
The slick sounds are borderline embarrassing, you’re so wet and he keeps snapping his hips hard at the end because he loves the way the audible slickness of your sex is making you blush. You’re rag-dolled, limbs limp and it takes all the last of your strength to just lay there and take his cock, but Kyungsoo is generous with his thrusts, bouncing you up the mattress gently with each downstroke and he angles his pelvis so your swollen clit is stimulated by the contact. 
Your moans are choked, high in pitch and your throat is raw but you can’t stop yourself, especially when he frees one arm, your leg hooking around the back of his thigh, holding him in close, and he brings his thumb between your bodies to roughly circle your clit.
“Soo!” You cry out, “Oh, god, oh, god, you’re-”
He grunts in response, watching your face contort in pleasure as he fucks into you just that little bit harder, hips stuttering as he nears his own end but it’s yours that he’s focused on. “Give it to me,” he murmurs down to you, panting and beginning to sweat above you as he races with you to the finish line, “Cum for me again, baby...let me have it.”
And you do, with one final grunt he slams into you, finishing you off even as he withdraws to spill his cum over your belly, replacing his cock with his fingers. He lets out a breathless, happy laugh as you cum together like this, your face flooding with relief as the final orgasm bursts in one glorious peak and slowly begins to fade. 
Kyungsoo, doubled over you, briefly admires the mess he left on your stomach before he leans in, careful to avoid the streaks of his cum, and presses a kiss to the side of your head while your eyes are blissfully shut. “Let me get something to clean you up,” He says, “Stay right here.” He runs off to the bathroom and you stretch out languidly, your thighs aching and your pussy still sporadically clenching with aftershocks. 
He cleans you up thoroughly with a damp rag, blushing as much as you had been earlier in the evening as your fingers affectionately card through his hair as he does so. “That was really amazing, Soo.” you tell him quietly. 
“Yeah, it was.” He agrees, finally lifting his gaze to see you smiling tenderly at him. He moves up to kiss you, sweet and slow, before he pulls back and says, “I could spend the est of my life like this.”
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sohin-ace · 3 years
Mista - By the Silvery Moon
Werewolf Mista and his vampire girlfriend.
I wanted some soft spice so I made my own food.
You laid peacefully upon your boyfriend on his bed, bodies pressing deliciously against each other with the odd feeling of your temperature difference.
Somehow, never was it unpleasant for you to snuggle on the overbearing warmth of your favourite wolf and neither was it for him to feel the ice of your skin, refreshing on his furry skin.
It was basically a routine by now. You both could only see each other at night time, and Mista was busy as ever. Loyal as he was to his team he always did his best to be present for them at all times, even though it meant not having as much quality time to spend with his lovely girlfriend as he would like.
Tonight was one of those rare nights. He laid lazily on his bed and you would always come lay on top of him, showering him with affection and his most favourite belly rubs and head pats.
You both stayed in comfortable silence. Sometimes, you'd strike some casual mindless conversations, and it was those small moments that made your nights together so precious. Just being close to each other, regardless of species.
In the mondane vampire society that you belonged in, you'd be damned to not marry a man of your rank and class, and Mista would be equally damned to not mate with a proper omega from his own pack. But both of you couldn't care less for these old out-dated traditions. Nobody hardly followed those strict rules anyways nowadays, except for the most conservative of people.
Who cared if a vampire girl and a werewolf boy had fallen in love? Who would even stop you? You found each other and nothing could ever change that.
You were laying your head on Mista's broad chest and caressed the bits of skin on his exposed stomach, making the male shudder delightfully as he held your small frame flush against him.
He never got tired of rubbing your cold back, wondering how you could live with such skin of ice. He also never got tired of touching your hair, the scent of you even more prominent in it, driving him absolutely crazy.
You carefully lifted yourself up to stare at your lover who looked blankly up into nothing in particular on the ceiling, but instantly shot you a lazy and handsome smile as your eyes met. Gosh, he was so cute.
"Hello beautiful." He playfully called out and you grinned at his uncalled spontaneous cheesiness.
"Hi sexy~" You giggled and you could feel his torso spasm under you with his deep chuckle.
You moved to climb up just enough to get impossibly closer to his face and he let you do as you pleased, spreading his legs wider to ease your access and loosening his strong grip around you.
You looked over him with a fondness that was reserved for him only, and he knew there was nothing else in this eternal world of yours that you looked at with the same adoration in your eyes.
"Woah..." He breathed out through a lopsided grin "Girl, your eyes always make me feel some kind of way, dang... Shooting fucking bullets with those red eyes, somebody arrest you before you kill someone!"
"Oh shush, pup." You teased at his dorkiness and booped his nose. He hated it when you treated him submissively, but he never stopped you either.
"Hey, don't call me that! You freaky bloodsucker." He glared at you.
Ignoring his thoughtless offense you made yourself more comfortable on him, your personal mattress for the night, and proceeded to smooth your hands over his 3-days beard, caressing his cheeks and admiring his chiseled face.
You did remember Bucciarati convincing him to shave more often because of how fast Mista's facial hair grew. Funny advice coming from a Mothman who was half covered in fluff himself.
You had to resist the urge to peck Mista's very inviting lips as you hovered over him, propping yourself on your elbows at each side of his head. As sweet as you looked and as cute as you were in his eyes, the poor werewolf could not be immune to your intimidating and pressuring natural vampiric aura.
It was always a blurry thing, the natural hierarchy of monsters and humans. People fought everyday to make this unfair discrimination and hierarchy disappear, but no one could deny the strong overpowering aura some species had over others without even controlling it. Vampires, demons, sirens, titans among many others. Species that could make anyone else falter underneath them with just one look, one word, one step.
He trusted you with absolution to never do him harm and he was confident in his physical strength and power to counter anything, but truly, the intoxicating anxiety your glowy red eyes could put him through sometimes, prompting him to sweat and tightening his throat...
That was hot as hell.
"Come on..." He murmured more to himself than to you, but seeing his hungry gaze on your blood red lips so close to his, it was more than obvious what he wanted from you.
And you obliged. First, pecking his lips in a million tiny blooming kisses, almost too cutely for his own likings. Your sugary little smooches way too innocent for his current needs.
Fortunately for him, you were quick to catch on, or maybe it was on purpose that you teased him, he couldn't guess. Your shy fluttering pecks soon turned much longer, slower and more languorous with time, much to Mista's appreciation.
He couldn't help his big clawed hands from roaming along your back, eager to having you pressed even harder against him if that was possible, never getting enough of you.
Mista was the vocal type. You knew it wouldn't be long until he started making noises that would either alert the neighbours, or alert the most sensitive bugfolks that would most likely come check the commotion and maybe try to bask in some nice lamp light too while they were at it.
So, before he could ask for more, which he was eagerly expecting, you moved your lips to kiss along the corner of his mouth, to his prickly cheeks, then traveled down to his jaw and neck.
He released a low and animalistic growl at your defiance and lack of cooperation.
"... What do you think you're doing?" He asked lowly, his voice deep and gruff as you showered his neck with some sweet loving.
"Nothing," you muffled against his skin and he shivered from your cold lips and breath on his sensitive skin as you sighed, "You smell so good..."
"You... You wanted blood?" He scoffed and clicked his tongue, "You could have just asked... You damn vampires..." Mista did not hide his disappointment, thinking you'd initiate in some hot make out session only to stop cruelly and feed on him.
That wasn't the case though. You didn't like to use your boyfriend for blood, and surely, it wasn't a procedure you took lightly either.
There were plenty of volunteers for that service anyways, and you preferred the person be both physically and mentally ready for you rather than just randomly partake in some unrequited violent neck biting. You wouldn't waste the short and precious moments with Mista on such trivial and unnecessary reasons.
"No, no, I don't want to draw blood from you. I don't need it, I'll just satisfy myself with your scent." You buried your face deeper into him, taking in the smell of his blood, coming strong, fresh and vibrant under his tan skin of musk. "Plus I wouldn't dare bite you with no preparations. That's unfair."
"You're too cute." Mista snorted and wrapped his long and sturdy arms around you, squeezing you hard and lovingly.
Godamnit, he wanted to be mad at you but you were so adorable and sweet, he couldn't help but feel so lucky and privileged to have you. Not everyone could brag about having such a kind-hearted, hot and brilliant vampire girlfriend.
But he could.
"I love you princess. But really, you can take from me anytime you want. We've talked about this already, cara."
You moved to look back up at him, your gaze soft. "No, it's fine. Not now. For now I want to make the most of the little time we have together before the sunrise."
He laid his head back in contemplation. That was right. You'd have to go back home at least 30 minutes before dawn to prepare for bed without being in danger. Nights were too short and Mista's weeks of work were too long.
"My poor little babe will be blood deprived..." He cooed half jokingly and caressed your soft hair, sympathizing with your struggles.
"It's fine. I get less and less hungry when I smell your delicious, sweet virgin blood."
"Vi-.... VIRGIN?!" He shot up, almost shaking you up, "Who said I was a virgin?!"
You laughed at his outburst and his eyes were horrified and wide as saucers on you as you tried to calm your fit of laughter.
"Hehehe hahaha! I can smell it! It's so obvious! Please keep it that way, it tastes great too. Very nutritious and easy to digest~" You commented, giggling behind your hands.
The poor male blushed, unable to counter attack truthful and straight facts. "Nooo...." he whined, his wolf ears flattening down against his head in defeat.
"Don't be down, amorino." You cooed and gently caressed his face, "You know I'm just teasing~. Let me make it up to you."
And as you said that, you snaked your finger in his curly hair, slowly massaging his scalp and eliciting a groany sigh from the male. That was his biggest weakness, besides you, of course. Gentle head scritches. No werewolf could ever stay indifferent.
Just having your long nails rake so pleasurably along his scalp and dancing around and behind his wolf ears sent him to a pure state of bliss.
"A-ah, Y-Y/N... Aah thanks... Feels g-great hehe..."
"So polite. What a good boy."
Subconsciously, Mista's tail bonked loudly the side of the bed repeatedly with excitement, like a natural response to the praise.
It was cute, you thought, how much he could act like a puppy sometimes. Even though he hated to hear it from you, and rathered appear strong, dominant and protective for you, because he could be just that for you, and keep you safe.
You kissed him again and he instantly caged you back in his arms, planting his claws on your back and shoulders possessively. He was so crazy in love for you and the realization that he'd be gone for another long mission without seeing you hit him suddenly, which prompted him to tighten his legs around your hips and effectively emprisoning you with his limbs.
With his mind filled with thoughts of you only, and feeling your body pressed so delighfully against him, he kissed you even harder, giving you all his passion as he was getting drunk off your ministrations and intoxicating scent, both fruity and metallic.
"Hmph Guido..." You moaned on his lips and he could swear you did it on purpose. "Slow down."
"You're testing my limits babe, I don't like that."
"Hmm... It's 5 A.M." You whined softly between his insistant kisses and love bites.
"So what? I don't see your point. Let me have you." He mumbled huskily and you had to push him down to let yourself speak without interruption.
"I have to go, the sun is about to rise."
He groaned in annoyance and went limp under you, defeated. You chuckled at his reaction and propped yourself back on your hands as he released you.
"Fuck... Already? We barely did anything..." He huffed, beaten by time itself which was stealing his girlfriend away from him.
"We did a lot actually. I fed you, we played games, gossiped a bit and cuddled for like... 2 hours."
"We had a tickle fight too. Can't forget about my victory..." He proudly added before smirking, "... And your cute little noises."
"Shut up!" You slapped his arm as you sat up. Oh no, he was going to rub it in again, you knew it.
"Kyaaaah~ stop it! Guido not there aaaah~! AAAAAHHH~" He obnoxiously wailed and moaned exaggeratedly with an awful girly voice.
"SHUT UP! I didn't even say that! I don't even sound like that! You're gross!"
After a few more, well-deserved slaps from you and a fit of laughter from him, you eventually got off of the boy and fixed your clothes, walking away from the bed as he joined you.
"Aww but really babe," He wrapped his long arms around your waist from behind and buried his nose in your hair "I'll miss you..."
"It's okay sweetheart," You craned your neck and reached behind you to hold his face, "5 days fly by fast. And Bruno is kind, he'll give you a vacation if you ask him nicely."
Mista sighed, nuzzling into your hand and relishing in your soft hold. He was probably being dramatic in your eyes, acting like each day was the last one, but he wasn't completely wrong. His work field was more dangerous than he'd ever let you know, and even if you did know, he was well aware that you weren't even close to being afraid of death as he was. Vampires were immortal, after all, werewolves were not.
"Guido..." You called out, voice careful and airy.
"Don't be scared."
The male pulled away from you and stared at you with wide eyes. Scared? Was your kind really that sensitive to other's emotions?
His heart raced and he stuttered. "Huh? What- How did you-"
"I can smell it Guido, your hormones are strong." You turned to face him and grabbed his huge clawed hands in your ice cold ones, looking tenderly into his eyes. "You know I would never let you die."
Mista gulped. You knew. Of course you'd have guessed, you were so perceptive. He was dense to believe he could hide anything from you. There was nothing he could say when you read him like an open book and pinned him into place with your confident stance and fierce eyes.
"I..." He huffed heavily, avoiding your gaze "I can never be sure, Y/N. I didn't tell you everything about my work...."
"I know." You brought his hands up to your face and pressed a gentle kiss on his knuckles, his fur soft against your lips. "But don't forget my abilities. I'll turn you into a vampire without hesitation if anything were to happen. If I'm not here, Giorno will do it, we've already established this."
Mista's eyes widened at this revelation. You talked with Giorno? Even though the blonde was only half-vampire, he did have strong healing abilities, but the werewolf wouldn't have expected the vampires would ever work together to actually revive any of the team members in worst case scenarios. Thinking about it, it may even have been Bruno's idea.
Mista scoffed, unbelieving. "You sly bastards... You guys know the implications of turning people into hybrids, right?"
"I don't care. I want you safe and to stop worrying." You smiled and pulled him closer to you. "We'll talk about this later. Now kiss me."
Pushing his worry and melancholy to the side, the male obeyed and bent down to capture your lips hungrily again, hugging you almost uncomfortably hard. Mista wasn't really one to hold back much, and only you could either handle him, or put him back to place.
"Get home safe babe. Call me when you arrive." He murmured, still craddling your face close and you matched his whispers.
"Will do. Sleep tight, cuore mio."
Not quite wanting to separate from each other, you hesitated to move and had to use all your willpower to actually start walking towards the window, Mista still holding your hand and following close behind.
He opened the window for you and helped you hop on the frame, the moonlight long gone to leave space for dawn.
You shot one last look to your lover and blew him a kiss, making him grin goofily, "Bye bye Guido."
"Love ya, Y/N."
And with those sweet words, you jumped out the window, only to transform into your bat form and flying off into the early morning sky, your presence and your scent still remaining in Mista's room, on his skin and on his clothes.
Certainly, he had nothing to worry about.
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