#poor lady🙈
rebouks ¡ 9 months
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Hana: If you keep feeding that cat, it’s-… Wyatt: You’re late for work. Hana: Wouldn’t you rather do something else today? Wyatt: Not really. Hana: Tch-.. what’re you doing? [Wyatt scowled as Hana snatched his phone away, her features mirroring his as she hastily dropped it] Hana: Seriously? I know we’re not exclusive, but-… Wyatt: Exactly. Hana: You could’ve waited until I left before gawking at random women. Wyatt: I’m waiting… Hana: You’re such a jerk. Wyatt: Have I ever denied that fact? [Hana scoffed as she began gathering her clothes, throwing Wyatt’s shirt at his face indignantly in the process] … Hana: I don’t think we should see each other anymore. Wyatt: Okay. Hana: [pauses] Okay..? Wyatt: Did you want me to say something else? [Wyatt squinted with amusement as Hana fumbled for words, her shoulders drooping as she realised he was grinning] Hana: You think you’re funny? ‘Cause you’re not. Wyatt: Oh, I don’t know.. I’m quite entertained. Hana: Well, you’re the only one! Wyatt: You thought you’d be different, didn’t you? That you were special enough for me to change my ways. Wyatt: But you’re too stubborn to admit that, aren’t you? It’s much easier to blame someone else than accept that you were wrong, isn’t it? [He was right, of course, but Hana wasn’t about to agree that he’d figured her out so succinctly-.. unnervingly so] Hana: Go fuck yourself, Kaito. Wyatt: You’re angrier at yourself than you are at me. Hana: SCREW YOU!
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jazzyblusnowflake ¡ 1 month
OMG hi…I really like your art and was wondering if you wanna be mutuals??????????? Also tell me about your MD ships :3c
honey we are dating- .....okay yknow what- HI PRETTY & TALENTED LADY- yess i will absolutely love toooo 🙈💕💕💕💕💕
also lets see uhhh okay this is an excuse for me to just... expload-
keep in mind not every ship is meant for all of you so dont badger me about stuff that ISNT CANON or YOU DONT SHIP. contrary to whatever you believe, when somone posts about THEIR ships, nobody wants to hear about you NOT shipping it on THAT EXACT post.
hang in there, this gon be a long one >:p
First off we are starting strong with Nuzi- Biscuitbites obviously thats a given- these two just have too much to be said about why and how they make eachother the best version of eachother, whether they ever became canon or not- they fit like puzzle pieces- they lessen eachothers negative traits by being their for eachother.
next is Vuzi- Violentviolet, they are my favorite kind of enemies to lovers 😔 but its also tragic smh. kinda pissed off at how V always does something good in Uzis favor only when she is LITERALLY PASSED OUT- either in the camp ep on the bus or in Alices lab. like damn ofFUCKINGcourse Uzi wouldnt know she cares about her 😭😭😭
envuzi- Violentbitingbiscuits, i love these goobers with all my heart- they deserve the best 😔💕💕💕💕
envy - [does this poor ship just NOT have an exclusive FINDABLE tag name??? im calling them GoldenMemories...], i like to think that if they were in the manor still, and nothing bad had ever happened, these two would be comforting eachother in the healthiest way possible. V needs someone like N and N is just adorable like that uwu
Next we have JxTessa/Jessa- [calling them Fancyblades cuz why not-] J deserves some closure for the shit shes gone through smhhh 😔, its a tragic yuri of J loving and wanting something she probably already accepted she couldnt have, and even then she gotta deal with Ns ass being the favorite one regardless of how hard she tries to be perfect... sighhh i wanna imagine them in a future where Tessa was spared as the only human and J could save her 😭😭😭😭 Tessa might have loved doing mechanical stuff or wore black to hide grease/oil stains on her clothes from her parents and wore gloves to hide her oily stained hands- i want her to have a scene of wiring drones back to life and saving them and saying something like "hey there, you made it! dont worry, ill take care of you, youre my friend now :3" or something //dies//, also before anyone says it- even if Tessa was a teen in the flashbacks- romance is not exclusive to ADULTS, teens can love eachother without having sexual stuff involved. no she was not their MOTHER figure, she was their FRIEND who liked to fix robots for herself to not be alone in a house where her own parents literally chain her up as punishment. i dont even know why im arguing about this, people headcanon or make aus about characters NOT being dead all the time and if Tessa was alive for as long as J thought she was, Tessa would have been a perfectly fine adult either way. so counting this, yes shes canonically considered an adult when Cyn tries to imitate an adult humans body 🙄 makes as much sense as everything else i guess-
next ones i got is NorixYeva/Neva- Solverlilies- i just think theyre neat 😭😭😭 and once again, like everything else in this franchise- they are tragic yuris 😔 damn liam im finding a pattern over here 🤨 anyway, i like to think they either got closer in the lab experimentations or were already close when they were working as WDs in the campsite area for the humans. obviously canonically they were probably straight or just not into eachother romantically- [Nori either u have the worst taste men or Khan just fucking lost it after you died-] but also on the other handddd.... they have 2 hands and they are robots, i want them to kiss like two barbie dolls and im gonna make them do just that-
DollxLizzy/Dizzy- Bloodypink, wost fucking ship names ever, i cant find shit on them with these tags and it makes me angry >:/ at this point 2/3s of my ships are just tragic yuris smh, Doll did not deserve any of the things handed to her, even if she went about doing some things the wrong way i wish Lizzy didnt just abandon her- but then again, Doll did kinda abuse Lizzys trust and Lizzy got scared of being close to a serial murderer so.... morality calls this a draw? 😭 im crying... i wish someone was there to help Doll... sigh... i like to think Lizzy would have waited for Doll to just come back at some point... oh well, thats why AUs exist :"3 //sobs in the corner//
DollxUzi/Dollzi- Bloodybats, this ship is so underrated to me... they could have been... so much more. but why weren't they? did Yeva abandon ever getting close to Uzi when she was a kid after Nori died? did Uzi and Doll just never play around together as kids when their mothers were so close? were they ever close and something went wrong as they grew older? at worst they could have been like sisters together, and at best maybe more than friends. i just dont know what happened here, like Yeva could have tried to keep an eye on Uzi, maybe Uzi could have found Dolls powers so cool before having them too- i dont know theres literally tons of possibilities- but if Doll deserved to be saved or cared for by anyone, at least one of them should have been Uzi... sigh.
ThadxV- Killingblonde, yall this is... the cutest shit... ever???? like from here on out we kinda go into the more or less crackship territory but these two are adorable- Dumbass yet wholesome jock boy that just wants to keep his queen happy 😔👌👌👌 He and Uzi would have so much to talk about on "crushing on literal murder bots that stabbed and almost ate us" its literally love at first stab smhhh 😫💕
ThadxSam- Smokyjock ???? for some fucking reason??? i dont know what my brain did here man- i just like the trope of someone getting under Thads skin- like pair up the healthy sports loving gym boy with the lazy but wholesome dumbass that does drugs or is always just sleep deprived and Thad is always trying to just... take care of his ass and make him take care of himself but he just WONT SMHHH-
okay some more or less crack ships down here:
ThadxN: it speaks for itself. its too adorable and youll go blind from the light of wholesomeness-
ThadxNxUzi: Uzi will die here from the overwhelming wholesomeness... oh bonus if its just a 4s polycule of ThadxNxUzixV i mean i know im pushing my luck but.... random crackships go brr- V and Uzi will complain but love their dumbass golden puppy partners-
ThadxUzi: i think they could have been close and Thad caring about her as a childhood friend turned crush sounds just too cute for me 😔
LizzyxUzi: another random ass rivals to lovers or some shit idk what this is, Lizzy would pay Uzi to kiss the fuck out of her i dont make the rules-
ThadxLizzy: in some cases where they are NOT headcanoned as siblings or cousins, i think they have a good energy of wholesome jock bf and girly queen cheerleader lol, Thad is just a good bf eitherway-
DollxUzixLizzy: the gals would not leave a single second of silence for the small gremlin i swear to God- [Uzi is gay as FUCK for her gfs, absolute girloser unit with her gorgeous but crazy gfs]
okay for the end i have some characters that arent ships but i wish they could have become closer as friends or work out their issues...
J and N- too much abuse and toxicity here, i wish they could talk together more and see they have a lot of things in common- maybe a full line of dialogue from J without threatning N in every sense of the manner would be nice for a change =_=
Doll and V- again, a bit morally ambiguous to ship a character with the murderer of your family, esp when said murderer hasnt expressed regret lmao, but i wish they could at least be friends... Dolls disdain for the murder drones pushed her to end up the way she did. maybe if she didnt do it alone she would have been alive by now. so i like to think what would have happened if she and V could have made up- not necessarily Doll forgiving her- but at least having the space to grow and understand why they did they things that happened.
Cyn and literally ANYONE- i want the solver to be SEPARATE from Cyn- i wish Cyn would have still existed somewhere down there and was savable- i wish this poor child AI had a happy ending to her by connecting with the others as ACTUAL siblings... goddamnit 😔
aaaand thats it for this fine ass day 🫡 yall are welcome to ask about any of these- boy the tags are gonna be.... a lot.
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part..1.5? how james got his glasses and pandora’s introduction!
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P: come in reggie! is he…a friend?
R: not a friend. a blind knight that needs help.
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P: oh, poor creature!
R: i was about to slice his throat.
P: unfair, he couldn’t have seen it coming!
J: rude??
P: hand-blind or foot-blind?
R: foot-blind.
P: how many fingers?
R: mmh…four, i’d say
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P: try giving him these
R: thanks, dora
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J: what are you-
R: you put them on your nose…
J: merlin!
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J: how can i repay you, lady dora?
P: you could stay over for dinner!
J: oh, i wish i could, but i’m not even supposed to be here…
P: just like someone else in this room!
R: dora-
P: you know where to find me, blind knight <3
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J: and thank you for leading me here. i hope our paths cross again
R: i won’t have mercy next time.
J: as long as we meet again
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P: …his eyes are really pretty
R: i don’t see how that’s relevant.
P: and he’s a real gentleman!
R: okay and?
P: …he has my blessing
J: how pretty!
pandora is what is considered by many a witch: she creates potions and accessories with what everyone considers magic, but is actually science.
the kingdoms’ opinions on these “witches” varies from admiration (gryffindor) to persecution (slytherin, ironic i know), however a kingdom in particular (ravenclaw) has academies where students can learn this “magic” (aka chemistry and physics)
pandora studied in one of these academies, but dropped out and moved to the forbidden forest to focus on her own experiments and be closer to nature’s resources.
if regulus’ parents found out his best friend is a witch, and that he is actively helping her in her studies, it would surely be a disaster (hence the “just like someone else in this room”)
pandora and regulus having the same sense of humour <33
foot-blind means that he he’s short sighted (he can’t see his feet because they’re too far) and hand-blind means that he can’t see things that are close (like his hands), and the number of fingers is how serious the “blindness” is
giving james doe eyes might be one of the best design choices i’ve ever made
don’t think too much abt the fact that the first thing james saw clearly was regulus x
i lied in my last post, the wolfstar part will be in the next one w remus and marlene’s backstory (and lily’s) 🙈
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sessakag ¡ 18 days
Now all I can think about is Prey!Papa-Naruto because it would be the wildest funniest thing ever! Poor Hinata is probably trying to make sure her kids grow up to be good morally upstanding people and Naruto is just….Yeah 😬. Funnily enough this Naruto probably wouldn’t have as much of a contentious relationship with Boruto because there’s no way he’s putting work above spending time how he wants 😭. And as a Kawaki hater I’m pleased to say I don’t see this Naruto being altruistic enough to take in some random abused kid so really we’ve got my ideal version of the Uzumaki family 🫢. Anyway, I bet parent-teacher conferences and kiddy playdates and birthday parties are gonna be fun times 🤣. Speaking of bday parties happy early birthday! I hope it’ll be a fun one.
Daddy Prey!Naruto is the funniest thing ever, lol.
For sure, Naruto would spend time with his little mini-me. Who would stop him?
I feel like Boruto would be very aware that his father is a homicidal nutjob and spend his time trying to keep innocents out of harms way, but he does it in ways that are just as bad as his father, because of course, the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree, and that he has this huge blind spot to when his own inner crazy is starting to show, lol. And of course, mess with his mom or baby sister, well then, you'll have a hard time telling Naruto and Boruto apart at all🤭he'd justify his violence and the bodies in his closet because Prey!Narupapa taught him that delusion is just another way to say correct, and there's nothing wrong with customizing your own reality when it's convenient. He'd also spend so much time trying to undo Hima's worst tendencies their dad is teaching her in an effort to help his mom out, but ends up making it worse by teaching her "alternative" tendencies that are just as bad but much more slicker than his father's open bluntness, which ultimately, makes Hinata's job harder, lol. Poor lady, I can see her trying to explain the situation to her crazy husband. Hinata: I'm trying to make sure the kids have a moral compass, Naruto Naruto: The fuck they need that for?
I'll be honest, I really don't know all that much about Kawaki since I don't watch the show, but his design is very cool, and the clips I've seen of him on youtube I vibe with🤭but Naruto being altruistic and adopting a poor orphan? Not fuckin likely at all, lol. Prey!Naruto wouldn't care about any kids but his own🤷🏽‍♀️so you're all set for sure, lol.
Parent-teacher conferences would be lit af😂imagine Naruto's big buff tatted up self sitting in one of those itty bitty chairs at a table lower than his knees while the teacher tries to get him to understand that it's not a good thing that his little girl is drawing her classmates with their heads somewhere other than on their shoulders🤣he would be so insulted and have a very scary diatribe about why Hima's work is "art" not a "red flag". The teacher would resign the next day by the time he was done. Omg birthdays🙈One word: Pinata. Take that as you will, lmao!
And omg, I wanna write Prey!Naruto at a PTA meeting, lmao! And you'd think Hinata was the one that dragged him to it, but NO, he'd go on his own because he's a super paranoid bastard that needs to know what is going on in his orbit and that includes his hellspawns, and if he doesn't like what he hears he'll have to retire a few folks to ensure things are being run for the benefit of his offspring😂
Hima's not doing a kiddy playdate, study date, pretend date, any date. Over somebody else's dead body would Naruto allow his baby girl to do any sorta dating🤣hell naw, and don't @ him about it. End of discussion. Why? Because Naruto knows how guys are, and considering the things he does to Hima's mother on a regular basis, he's dead set on not letting any guy near his daughter until she's at least 80 years old, if she's lucky. Teen!Hima good luck trying to date or get a boyfriend😅especially since big brother's not gonna be too keen on the idea either, lol. And thank you for the early birthday wishes!!💕
I feel like this SOL Prey!Naruto family is set in stone to be a thing at this point, lmao. I'm certainly sold on it. I won't say whether or not I plan on Hinata getting knocked up in Prey, ya'll will have to wait and find out but I definitely think this should be a full SOL fic at this point, lol. It's just too good to pass up🤭
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dangerousbride ¡ 11 months
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They look perfect for your average BL manhwa plot.
Former delinquent Renji is now working as a waiter at a coffee shop in the wealthy district of the city because uhh... his poor grandma (the only family he has left) is sick and needs to pay her really expensive medical bills (this to show you Renji actually has a good sensible heart).
He promised to his grandma he'd never go back to the bad life he used to have (again, he's actually a good boy you see) but he's barely making enough money to survive, he's even about to get kicked out of the place he rents (because everything has to go horrible for him) and all to the point he's about to give up on his promise.
BUT everything changes when he meets stoic handsome CEO of the Kuchiki company, Byakuya Kuchiki. A young widower who's closed the door of his heart after his wife passed away (he's very rich... and very handsome). He starts frequenting the new popular coffee shop near his apartment after his sister took him there.
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Rukia's Byakuya's beloved sister (actual sister, for real, not the sister of the dead lady), he only seems to smile for her. She'll appear from time to time to help our stubborn MCs figure out they're in love with each other. Unfortunately there's not much more to her character, she's probably married already and has no drama going on in her life because you know, girls are mostly irrelevant in BL manhwa (>v<)
So, due to absurd life circumstances I'm too lazy to think of (maybe Byakuya almost runs his expensive car over him, getting him slightly injured), Renji ends up living with Byakuya in his ridiculously enormous expensive apartment and that's where we either have to wait 100 chapters for them to finally kiss or they end up fucking in chapter 3... or both! you know how BL manhwa are teehee 🙈💕
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myimaginesandrp ¡ 11 months
Unwanted Reunions
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Summary: You’re not exactly the best at this superhero stuff, but you try. Everything seems to be going okay until a creature who's  not from around here crashes your universe. And that means… they won’t be the only ones to do so. 
Notes: 2k, Miguel O’Hara x Spider Woman reader
Warnings: Mild angst  maybe?...
A/N: Please be nice. This is the first time I write for the ITSV/ATSV universe. This man just has me in a chokehold rn 🙈 {Also this was 0% Edited. oops}
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The cool breeze of the evening sky brushed against your cheeks as you slowly made your way up another floor on the glass covered skyscraper you found yourself on. Man you wished you were home. You wished you were in your tiny apartment, laying in bed cuddling with a book, or rotting your brain away with a show like you had planned. Instead  you were here, in the middle of the city, crawling up the 50th floor of some random building as balding men in suits watched you trying, and failing, to keep calm because you were scared out of your mind. The last time you had gone up this far you had almost thrown up inside your mask. As it happens, getting bit by a radioactive spider comes with many perks that don’t include taking away your fear of heights. 
Why you still tried to help people on this side of town was a wonder to you. They were all snobby jerks who looked down on people like you. People with “enhancements” or as most of the population liked to call, “unnatural freaks”. Hence why you had decided to opt for the suit and the mask. It helped keep your sanity and your normal life as “normal” as you could get. As “enhancements” went, yours weren’t so bad. You could’ve been some rando with glowing skin, or some deformed fella with multiple limbs, or like that one poor girl who had spikes sticking out of her back.  Such things happen when you mess with stuff you shouldn’t. The people you worked with didn’t know when to stop, and so here you were shooting webs out of your wrists and feeling tingles every time you were in danger. And of course, crawling up ridiculously tall buildings because you were just a girl trying to help people. 
Today people happened to be two idiots who were filming videos on a loose platform instead of cleaning the windows like they were supposed to. They were young, one blonde and the other with rainbow colored hair who were looking around frantically as the platform they stood on swung in the wind. Their camera was a scattered mess of plastic on the ground, and if you didn't hurry, they were going to be joining the scraps soon. But the farther up you went, the harder the wind pushed against you, and honestly maybe this superhero life just wasn't for you anymore. It had been months of near misses and property damage, and rude ladies telling you to mind your own business. 
The snap of a rope above you pulled you away from your thoughts and you looked up just in time to see the last cable holding the platform give out. You leaped up with all the strength you had and grabbed the rainbow haired guy, as the other held on to what was left of the support cables with all his mind. As a series of webs later and you had him all wrapped up around you, holding on as you reached for the other who would not let go. 
“Buddy, you need to let go, that thing is gonna give out!” Exasperated, you reached out to him only to have him kick at your hand, sending his shoe straight up to hit your forehead before it went tumbling down below.
“ I don't want your help, you're a woman! I’ll wait for that one guy with the rocket suit to show up”. Your eyes flashed red. There was no way this guy was for real. 
“Look asshole! He’s in jail! He was laundering money”  you yell back at him while the other young man wrapped around you began to sob.
“I don’t care, I’ll just wait here”  the blonde screamed, shaking his head. A warm puddle of what you hopped were tears spread down your back and you reached forward again only to get hit in the face with another shoe. 
“Look you can either come with me, or you can turn yourself into a puddle of guts once you hit the ground. Your choice!” You took several deep breaths and offered your hand again. This time he reluctantly reached out his arm and you pulled him quickly before he changed his mind. 
The way down was ridiculously slow. The screams and cries of the two men mixed together with the force of the wind made the whole ordeal that much more unpleasant. The last rays of the day were hiding behind the rows of buildings as you focused all your attention on not looking down.  A decent sized crowd gathered at the bottom, a fire truck just pulling into the street to help. Just as you were about to reach the bottom and be done with this mess, you felt your body go rigid. 
No, not now. You thought to yourself as your “tingles” went off, letting you know something was off. What could possibly be happening now… Your answer came in a scatter of screams from the people below. Bodies ran into one another and others pointed up into the sky. You turned in time to see a mass of colors paint the sky and a single figure stepped through. And as a flash of familiarity hit you when you saw him, so did a large creature on your left. 
The two men went flying into the ground and you were lifted into the sky by an enormous pair of wings. It took you a second before you realized it was actually a man, or at least he looked like a man, with a large beak and a set of talons that began clawing at you. Glass broke around you as the man creature flew through buildings heading towards the part of the city you knew was trouble. 
The large green building you worked at came closer and closer and all you could do was try and try to pull and jump and evade his attacks. Still you managed to redirect him towards the river. A moment later you were crashing into a large and thankfully empty warehouse. The creature was shifting and screeching in pain and you rubbed your eyes to make sure you were seeing correctly but this thing was not from around here. And if this thing was not from around here, then others would follow. Your heart dropped to your stomach as you realized you were in for a seriously unwanted reunion. 
Shaking your head you leaped up and made short work of the creature. Now that you had your feet on the ground it was easy for you to work your way around the threat. With a long sigh you finished tying him up and dropped to the ground, to check on your wounds. Most of your arms were scratched up and a nasty gash on the side of your waist was throbbing, but you were okay. You stood up and looked over at the falcon man? Who was knocked out in front of you.
“Now what am I going to do with you? Hmm?” You said as you walked around to get a good look at him.
“I’d be more than happy to take him off your hands” Said a familiar voice behind you. Your body tensed and relaxed as you turned to meet a pair of brown eyes you thought you’d never see again. 
“ Jess!” You made your way over to her and she welcomed you into her arms with a  warm embrace. “I’ve missed you so much” 
“Me too girl, Headquarters hasn’t been the same without you and your big brain” She said with a warm smile. 
“Oh I doubt it, Lyla should have everything taken care of…” 
“Not everything” she replied and nodded her head to the side. Your eyes trailed away from hers as another figure stepped out of the Shadows. 
You took a step back as your heart betrayed you by speeding up to a mile a minute. He had his full suit on so you couldn’t see his face or any emotion behind the new mask as he made his way toward the two of you. He was so tall, taller than you remembered, and his gaze was fixed on you as he began making his way towards you. His name slipped from your lips before you could stop yourself.
“I thought you were going to wait for me by the river?” Jess said as she began to play with her watch, scanning the creature. 
“You took too long,” he replied as he looked over at the creature before coming back to meet your gaze. 
“I guess this one is yours?” you cleared your throat. Your name left his lips and you had to move before your body betrayed you and did something stupid like cry. “He’s all knocked out. You should be able to take him with no issues I-”
“You’re hurt” Jess said as she reached forward and lifted your arm to reveal the gash on your side. “We gotta get this looked at”
“No, it’s fine” you said, stepping away “I’m sure it will heal very soon, it's not a big deal.” A firm hand  wrapped around your wrist as he called your name again. 
“She’s right, just have someone in headquarters look at it and you can come right back” he said stepping closer to you. 
“That’s not a good idea. I have a lot to do here. I have people to look after here” 
“Chiquita, it will be quick. I promise.” Your body went rigid at his words. 
“Yeah I’m not sure your promises have much weight to them anymore.” He winced at your words, letting go of your wrist. 
“I’m gonna let you two catch up for a second.” Jess cut in, “See you at headquarters!” she said before disappearing into a portal.
“Chiquita…” Miguel started but you took a  step back shaking your head.
“No, you don’t get to call me sweet names anymore. You broke your promise”
“You know I had no choice. I had to do what I did for the good of the universe. You know that!” 
“You don’t know that! How could you possibly know what the outcome would be?”
“ All the calculations said-”
“He was a child, Miguel! A child! I told you to give me a chance to help him and you went behind my back and you did what you wanted anyway” your voice getting louder and louder.
“You think I wanted to do that to Miles? You think it was easy for me to do what I had to?” he said pacing around.
“ I needed time” you said shaking your head “ I just needed a little more time and we could’ve found an answer”
“But we didn’t have time!” His tone finally reached yours. “We didn’t have time and he was going to destroy millions of people’s lives.” 
“You lied to me Miguel. You lied to me. You were so hellbent on doing what you thought was okay that you didn’t care who you hurt on the way.” Your breath cuts off as the pain in your side burns through you. He runs over and catches you before you fall over. In a moment his mask is gone and you’re staring into his eyes. His eyebrows furrow with concern as he looks over at the red on your  suit that is growing each second. 
“ We can talk about this later. Please, let me help you.” he pleads.
 You don’t know if it’s the loss of blood making you dizzy but you nod your head reluctantly.
“Fine, but as soon as I heal you bring me back” you say. Or you mean to say, but instead a mess of syllables leaves you.  A moment later he lifts you into his arms and as you lean your head on his chest the world around your shifts into a colorful mess. He steps through the portal and you let the heaviness of your eyelids win, welcoming the darkness. 
Tysm for reading :> it’s been a hot minute since I actually wrote something so I know this is gonna be a mess. Either way if you made it this far, thank you so so much for taking the time to read this ❤️
Ps. I’ve been working in this chapter so I’ll be posting an updated one very soon. Please look for ward to that!
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deepperplexity ¡ 6 months
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Prompt: 11. Imperfect Holiday [D1]
Pairing: Gruber x Fem!OC
POV: First, OC
Setting: Train heading north through the English countryside
Continuation of: RICKMAS2022 Prompts 14. Icy Roads & 15. Frosty Glass
A/N: It’s been a year! Well, three days short of a year but still a year! And I’ve had so many messages, lots of asking about Hans and Anna-Louise — how it turns out, if she finds out who he really is, how she reacts to it if so, and everything else. I’m honestly so thrilled this story caught so many darlings’ attention and I’m more than happy to continue this story. As I write this it’s 16.09 the 10th of December and I’ve yet to actually start writing - the past few days have been hectic and my little one has been sick so there’s been need of extra cuddles which hasn’t allowed me to write until now. But I’m excited! (Continuing this note after I’ve written the fic…)
Okay, so, this turned out to be bloody long - again, why do I do this to myself? Especially on days I have so little time 😅👍 I’m very happy with the continuation of this story though, and in true Hans x Anna-Louise spirit, there will be one more part this RICKMAS - two parts, just like last year, and I’ll probably make it tomorrows prompt actually - why not? It matches up well and I’m sure to have a bloody war with the keyboard yesterday as well given I tend to make these fics longer. WORTH IT THOUGH! 🙈👏
Tags/TW’s: Different Lifestyles, Running Away (technically), Self Doubt, Forehead Kisses, Kissing, Caring, Hand Holding, Being Spoiled A Little, Falling In Love, Unmarked One Bed Trope, Motion Sickness, H/C, Patient MMC/Anxious FMC, Following One’s Heart, Secret Identity
Recap of last year’s fics: Anna-Louise (Lulu/Schnuki) Humphrey met Hans Gruber a snowy evening when he pushed her out of the way of an oncoming car while she were slipping around on an icy road in the middle of her run-down hometown. He captivated her with his handsome features and eyes that seemed to truly see her, and he was in turn captivated by her, seeing much potential and sweetness.
When they met again at the little café where Martha (the old lady with a fat dog and a cane she liked to swat at peoples legs) exclaimed him to be a handsome gentleman while Anna-Louise did all she could not to die of embarrassment at the old lady’s choices of conversation they ended up talking about her coming with him. Anna-Louise told Hans that was how to get kidnapped one-o-one but Hans pointed out he felt they were far more than mere strangers.
All her life she had been treated like a nuisance, a person not even worth mentioning by her full name — sometimes just as blabber missy even — and she had longed for years to leave. But she’d been frightened, fearing she’d end up a lonely puddle of anxiety more than anything. Yet, Anna-Louise ended up running to the train station at nine in the evening, hoping he would be there, and of course, he was. They left the poor little town together on the train heading north after sharing a toe-curling embrace where Hans kissed her forehead while calling her Schnuki and his sweet treat…
Word Count: 4.9k+
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The train lurched into action and my stomach dropped. I was a silly-nilly, a delulu Lulu truly. It’s all gone pear-shaped now, hasn’t it? Dad won’t make it without me, sis will be a furious mess for him to deal with when Ferdinand’s litter box needs cleaning and when he needs his weekly bath with the oils and nobody will do the laundry, and the bins, it’ll pile over and— But my eyes went to Hans at that moment — sitting opposite me in a private cabin with red chequered seating and walnut furnish — and my rampant thoughts calmed down.
He watched me, his undivided attention fully on me. I wanted to squirm under his clear eyes yet I remained still, feeling wholly seen and wanted by that mere look of his. “Is my mind in a hoax with my eyes?” he asked, making me scrunch my brows. “I can’t believe you are actually sitting there, here, with me.” My cheeks burned at his words, spoken in that German accent of his. “I can’t believe it myself to be honest. I feel… Stupid.” “Stupid?” he asked, his eyes widening while his brows shot up. “This is a thing of romance movies and hostage situations, perhaps a police chase movie with bombs and exploding train tracks that’ll force the passengers to jump into the snow at break-neck speeds and run for their lives or—” I clamped my mouth shut. “Sorry, rambling again…”
Hans tilted his head, one leg crossed over the other with his coat only resting atop his shoulders, watching me with a small smirk. He was too bloody handsome. My very bones felt warmed by that daftly charming smirk. It wasn’t as devastatingly chaos-wrecking as his smile though. I liked both equally either way.
“You are worried, no?” he asked. “Worried?” “Well, you said it yourself, we are strangers and it is kidnapping one-o-one for a woman not to go anywhere with a stranger, especially a man. Yet,” he held out his hands, “here you are. Having boarded a train taking you anywhere.” The fact he remembered exactly what I’d said had my heart performing a stutter before my mind kicked into gear. “Not anywhere, last station is Durham, I’ve wanted to take this train many times. Not that I ever thought I would, I kept track, pun not intended mind you, but I never thought I’d actually get on, you know? Where would I go? I have nowhere to go, never had anywhere to go, and why would I leave when my family needs me,” I rambled on, my nerves getting the better of me again. Stop, stop, just, stop, or he’ll kick you off the train before you can say you’re a blabber missy. God, I’m so annoying.
“Well, you are correct, schnuki. The last station is Durham. The rest of your words, I can’t deem as right.” “What? Why?” “You have everywhere to go, many things to see and experience. Your family treats you poorly and I, for one, do not accept someone as bright and sweet as you to be kept bound to such a terrible fate. Cat claws and mints, doing other people’s bidding at all times.” He watched me most intently as he spoke, goosebumps travelled down my spine when he spoke of doing other people’s bidding, the words felt two-fold for some reason I couldn’t wrap my thought-riddled head around.
“You’re rather blunt, you know.” I thought that from the very start so maybe it’s a trait of his? Or a German thing? Martha would have a field day if he were to join for crisply burnt biscuits and cold tea next Thurs— Ah, right… “Schnuki?” I shook my head to focus on the man and not my bloody overwhelming thoughts. “Are you well?” he continued. “S-sorry, just, lots of thoughts.” “Speak them,” he said, leaning back and getting comfortable (at least it looked like it).
I blinked at him for a moment, my hand squeezing the edge of my duffel bag beside me while I did all I could not to weep at those words. He probably thought little of them, but they had me gobsmacked. “Speak them?” “Yes, you know, say them out loud. Is that not the term in England? Works fine in America.” I chuckled while my entire face heated. “Yeah, sure, it’s right but… I talk enough as it is.” “I doubt you could ever talk enough, schnuki,” he said with a deep chuckle.
My face sank, my shoulders slouched and I felt a million utterances of blabber missy and shut it, Lulu attack me from within. From the past. The very, very recent past. But Hans wasn’t like that, he wasn’t some prick spilling poppycock into my ear or forcing me to do something I didn’t want to do. No, he made me do something I’d dreamt myself blue about.
The plush bench beneath me sank on my left side, Hans sat right next to me and I hadn’t even noticed he’d moved. His hand enveloped mine, my eyes turned wide while he squeezed my still-scratched-up skin — Ferdinand was probably at the top of the tree now, swatting at tinsel and knocking off the star at the top while I was nowhere in sight and I wasn’t sure how it made me feel knowing the feral kitty wouldn’t be fully cared for. Would he end up on the street or could I at least count on sis keeping him, and feeding him?
“You are brave, my sweet treat,” Hans said. “I will not allow you to squander your life away any longer, understand me?” he continued and I gulped down a breath before nodding, my constant stream of words quiet for the moment. My insides were in shambles over the sudden close contact though, he was so warm, and he smelt like mint— No, not mint, menthol. Menthol and ginger, and something… something else I’ve never smelt before. “Speak those thoughts,” Hans said beside me. “You smell good,” I blurted out without thinking first.
My ears were given a cacophony of his laugh, deep and rumblingly loud — it was perfect. “You smell like a treat,” Hans said and smiled at me after he’d stopped laughing. “A sweet treat.” “Oh, it’s my shower gel, it’s scented like gingerbread cookies.” “Ah, yes, that’s the smell, partly at least. There’s more to it though.” “More?” “Yes, something incredibly sweet,” Hans continued and we fell silent as our eyes locked. His were so clear, so open, and endlessly bright with sprinkles of grey within the blue I hadn’t noticed before. Blimey, you’re perfection… “I’d say that’s you,” he said softly and I blinked. “Did-, did I say that aloud?” He chuckled and leaned in, kissing my temple, while he rumbled a deep “yes”.
My cheeks burned, feeling bloody mortified and flustered. “Oh,” I managed and he squeezed my hand. “You have the brightest of voices, schnuki. Speak as much as you need,” he assured and what on earth was I supposed to think of that? Nobody had ever said such a thing before, my voice was annoying and far too shrill, and used too often too — ask anyone, I’m a blabbering nuisance.
We fell into a stiff silence, but he never let go of my hand and the train chugged onward toward the north with the winter wonderland hidden in darkness outside the window only reflecting the inside of the space we sat in. Hans urged me to get some sleep, we were apparently a few hours away from our stop, but how could I possibly sleep with adrenaline and nerves turning me into a mess? I felt a sandwich short of a picnic, as if I’d gone completely bonkers — the entire situation was madness, and what if it all went to pot? Dad and sis would take the Mickey out of me if I returned home after a few days, they’d know I tried to get away and have a laugh at my uselessness…
Hans had already drifted off to sleep beside me, his hand softly clasped around my smaller one while my entire body gravitated toward his. He was warm, sturdy, and I couldn’t help but lean against him while my eyelids drooped. It was close to midnight I think when I finally dozed off, my head still spinning with questions and worries of all kinds.
Hans called my name just as I chased Ferdinand through the house to snag him up in a towel after his weekly bath. He hissed and roared in a manner no kitty was ever supposed to, I clamped down on him, rubbing with the towel when Hans called my name again. My home evaporated and I found myself back on the train, clamping down on Hans’ hand too harshly. I let go and scooted to the side a bit.
“Dreams?” “Just, yeah, Ferdinand needed a bath and I had to dry him and rub him with a— Oh, you don’t need to know that, sorry,” I said while my voice went from hoarse to its usual state. “The cat?” “Yeah, right, sis’ cat. He’s a feral thing, he’s sweet, but he’s… Sorry…” He nodded and reached out to grab my hand anew, little indents from my nails littered his skin, just beneath his knuckles. “I’m sorry, I-, I didn’t mean to scratch you.” “This?” he asked, holding our joined hands up. “It’s nothing, don’t fret over it, sweet treat,” he continued and kissed my fingers one at a time — I was sent into a burning heaven of warmth by the action.
The train came to a halt and my sluggish brain went into overdrive again as Hans let go of me and stood. “This is us,” he said and the speakers sparked to life with a woman saying “Darlington Station” and then repeated it once more. “We’re off here?” I asked and he nodded while grabbing my bag for me. He had no luggage at all it seemed.
My nose wrinkled at the sight, he walked ahead of me as the doors were too narrow for us both to go through and the lane just as tight. My bag looked beyond cheap when slung over his shoulder dressed with a seemingly incredibly expensive coat, and the Oxfords on his feet paired with the grey linen trousers matched so perfectly that my bag stood out like a ragged reindeer among Arabian horses.
He took my hand the moment we stepped off the train, the station lay nearly deserted so there was no need to stick close yet he kept me right by his side. “I can carry that myself, you know,” I said and he nearly glared at me. “No.” “I’m perfectly capable—” “I’m aware, but just because a lady is capable doesn’t mean she should. You should know how to change a tire, but you shouldn’t have to do it. You are perfectly capable of carrying your bag, but I will not allow it when I can do such a thing for you, schnuki.” “O-oh…” I whispered, my cheeks once more burning hot while he smirked at me and squeezed my hand.
We moved across the street to a car park with snow crunching beneath our feet. Hans released my hand and bent down by a gorgeous car — it was sleek and maroon blue with an air of richness to it. It looked like it hadn’t been parked there for very long though. He dragged his hand by the wheel and produced a set of keys.
“This is yours?” “Rental,” he said. “Allow me.” He opened the passenger door like a gentleman and I slunk inside, keeping my feet outside the door to dunk them against each other not to drag in more snow than needed. The creamy leather smelled divine even if it were terribly cold, my old jeans did little to keep the chill of the seat from crawling into my skin and up my spine while Hans dropped my bag in the trunk and slid into the driver’s side.
The engine purred to life and I buckled up. “Good girl,” he said and gave the strap over my upper body a tug, cinching it across my middle at the same time. “There, perfectly strapped,” he continued with a cheeky grin and began backing out of the lot while I gaped at him.
Hans drove with skill and ease, weaving through the streets, taking several turns along smaller ones with tightly packed buildings dressed in Christmas lights standing on each side before the open road lay before us and my eyes remained fixed on the road ahead. Should have grabbed my motion sickness patches, I thought while my stomach protested and the back of my mouth filled with saliva I struggled to swallow.
“Are we driving far?” I asked, my voice quieter than usual as I gripped the car door to make my body feel a bit more stable, it usually helped the motion sickness a wee bit at least. “Twenty minutes, given the roads are clear. Why?” Hans glanced toward me and his eyes widened. I was probably a bit pale. “Motion sickness,” I said, slightly shamed by being a nuisance once more. “I’ll drive as steadily as I can. Is it speed, turns or the motion in general?” he asked and I gaped at him, feeling like my jaw got too much exercise since I met him. The care and interest he showed in everything regarding me was insane. “Acceleration and unsteadiness,” I confirmed to be the worst parts for me. “But you drive really well.” “I’ll do my best to keep steady, schnuki.”
Hans eventually slowed down when we entered a narrower street lined by giant trees void of greenery. It was still pretty though. “Here we are,” he said and steadily slowed down before making a smooth turn into a giant estate with several brick buildings. It was absolutely beautiful but truth be told I just wanted out of the car to breathe some fresh are and stave off the motion sickness. The red sign at the end of the driveway dressed with garlands and twinkling lights said Headlam Hall, Rural Resort & Spa in golden letters.
I was out the door as soon as the car stood still. Hans came around and stroked my back a few seconds later while I breathed deeply to take away the worst illness. The fresh air was wonderfully clean and crisp. A faint scent of cinnamon and hay lingered within it and I honestly couldn’t say I disliked that particular smell. Smelled like Christmas on the countryside.
“Are you alright?” he asked gently, his care beyond sweet. “Yeah, just need some air, it’ll pass in a few minutes. Sorry for being such a nuisance, Hans.” “Don’t say such a thing.” He looked almost offended at the words. “What thing?” “You are in no way a nuisance. Had I known I would have procured some pills for you.” “That’s my responsibility, I have patches at home, crazy how well they work for me without side effects. Should have grabbed them, but I packed so fast. Martha got them for me, some Chinese shop had them when she was in London visiting her sister. They’re bloody brilliant really, the pills always make me drowsy for over a day, and I— Oh, sorry, rambling,” I said and stopped myself from spewing more unnecessary words by taking a deep breath. “Stop gifting me words in your sweet voice only to apologize for it,” Hans said gently and kissed my temple. I shivered in my thin, tattered jacket and he fetched my bag while I tried to steady my legs — if it were his sweetness or the motion sickness making me wobbly I couldn’t really tell.
I was in some form of an awed daze while Hans led me inside the three-story brick building covered in vines that still held their leaves even in winter. The building was beautifully decorated with fairy lights around windows and the roof, with a blanket of snow all around it looked like it was taken out of one of those Christmas rom-coms where they needed to save the inn only to end up falling in love and living happily ever after (after some sappy words or cringe-worthy kissing scene).
The reception area was spotless, a beautiful mix of modern and classic English style that made me feel completely misplaced. It was rich, luxurious, and far beyond anything I’d ever dreamt of experiencing up close. Unlike the little café in my hometown with its tacky santas, plastic garlands, and altogether jumbled decorations this place was stunningly decorated in red and gold with real trees and boughs. I felt truly out of my depth. But Hans, well, he moved with an air of belonging to him, his strides confident and his whole look made it feel as if it were an obvious thing he belonged in such surroundings.
I kept looking around, nearly twisting my neck off to see without moving my legs, and Hans got our room sorted and declined any attempts of the receptionist to ring for someone to show him to it. He ended up leading us through the building, past a modern bar with a burning fireplace and sitting area next to it, through a big room with several seating areas, up some stairs, and through some hallways. It was as if he knew where he was going, as if he’d been there before. I merely followed like a lost puppy.
The room was stunning. Absolutely gorgeous with hints of tweed fabric, deeply rich wooden furnishing, and pale beige and white fabrics that soften it all. Tasteful Christmas decorations were placed in perfect spots and there was even a little hearth in the room, with two winged-backed chairs and a little table in front of it as well as two stockings hanging from the mantel. The giant four-poster bed screamed for me to lay down but the bathroom off to the side called for me even more.
Hans came up behind me, setting my bag on the floor before wrapping me in his arms, holding my back toward his front while my heart hammered as if I were some silly little schoolgirl with an irrevocable crush and filled with unruly hormones. “How about a bath before bed?” he rumbled by my ear and I nodded, lost for words by how closely he held me. “I’ll sort the room and you go relax, schnuki. Take a bath, and then we’ll turn in for the night.” “Sounds good,” I managed to say while he kissed my temple quickly before letting me go.
I ended up taking a long shower rather than a bath. I was too tired to wait for the tub to fill and it felt like a waste when I hadn’t the energy to really enjoy a long soaking. Hans didn’t bother me, even if I had left the door unlocked. As I dried my hair, while wrapped in the lushest of white robes, my tired body began to tremble. My hands worst of all while my legs felt like overcooked spaghetti strings beneath me.
I sank down on the chair by the claw-footed tub, squeezing the towel in my hands to try and stop the shaking. I left. I really left. And I’m in a spa resort, with a German bloke I don’t know. I’m a bloody moron for all of this. Am I completely daft? I’m usually not some muppet, but this is beyond stupid. I can’t even get home if I want to, not that I want to. I don’t want to, why don’t I want to go home? Shouldn’t I want to be with my family and all that good old hometown fluffing people always talk about? Especially during Christmas no matter that I know it would be a more than imperfect holiday, a disaster as usual, with things for all others and none for me but those from Santa that really are just from me to me. I'd probably end up wailing in bed with my face pressed into the damn pillow, just like every year...
A knock at the door interrupted my, rambling, pittyfull thoughts. “Yeah?” “Are you dressed?” he asked. “I’m in a robe.” The door opened the next second and I did all I bloody could to stop my hands from shaking and my face from betraying my anxious state. “Schnuki, my sweet treat, are you alright?” Hans asked while he stepped up to me, sinking to one knee while wrapping up my hands, still holding the wet towel, in his. “I’m— Well— I am, I am but, I’m not. I should be, and I am, but not really no.” I made no sense.
“Let’s get you to bed, you need sleep. Did you eat before meeting me?” “No, no Dad had his pals for poker and sis had me running to the shop for a new lipstick and then I packed, and I tried to make sure Ferdinand would have enough food and I did his litter box, cleaned it fully and put new sand and everything and I took out the trash and started a load of laundry and then I packed, and I cleaned my room and stripped the bed so—” “Schnuki, my sweet treat, calm down for me,” he said and cupped my face with his hands, his eyes holding mine steadily while I stopped rambling; in a rush to explain myself to the best of my capabilities so he would understand why I hadn’t eaten.
“There’s a silk pyjama on the bed for you,” he said, talking softly as if I were some delicate thing needing gentle care. “I’ll order some room service and you’ll eat before we sleep. Eggs and bacon, sound good?” “Y-yeah,” I exhaled, feeling all degrees of spoiled and pampered, cared for, and baffled by the warmth it filled my stupidly thundering heart with. I’m such a silly-nilly… I couldn’t help but wonder if I had been right two days ago, about Christmas being the time for kindness and care, perhaps this Christmas would be one like that for me?
“Alright then. I need to make a call, I’ll be on the balcony.” “There’s a balcony?” I asked, my eyes widening, and he smirked with a cheeky look. “We’ll have breakfast with blankets out there tomorrow, sound good? The view is fantastic you see.” “Oh, oh yeah, sounds brilliant,” I replied and he kissed my forehead most softly before leaving me to dry off my hair completely. That I wished to know what those lips felt like against my own was a thought I couldn’t quite get to pipe down. I bet he’s brilliant at kissing, nothing like Bobby Parker… I shuddered at the memory of my first kiss, and soon enough my mind ping-ponged like a rabbit between holes in the ground with memories of the kisses I’d had in life.
Bloody hell, I’ve had terrible luck in the love department… Well, the kissing department, I’ve never fallen in love with anyone. Maybe it’s all the blokes unable to kiss making me unable to fall in love. But I knew it was a place thing, rather than anything else. Living in a tiny town had few options lining themselves up, and with my sis being the pretty and popular one I stood even less of a chance. Every bloke I’d ever kissed she’d already been pawing in one way or another only to lose interest.
I hung the towel to dry and left the bathroom only to see the lilac-coloured pyjama set of silk on the giant bed. It looked like pure luxury. I’m supposed to wear that? I couldn’t do it, so I rummaged around in my bag for my old flannel pyjama bottoms and my old Bowie tee washed out completely and worn at the seams with a little hole right where I always fiddled with the hem. I glanced at the lilac silk once more before scurrying back into the bathroom and changing.
I walked over to the balcony door, finding Hans pacing on the other side of the glass in just his linen trousers and white shirt, his red tie still firmly secured too. He looked good enough to eat whole. Don’t be daft, Lulu…
As he paced back and forth I could hear a muffled snippet of his conversation every time he was close to the door. Words of stocks and vaults, then words of exits and insurances. Perhaps he worked on the stock market? Or a bank? He looked the part, like one of those Wall Street blokes you’d see on TV from time to time. Just, less dishevelled and without the crazed look of rapid exchanges needing one’s full attention.
“We will be in and out in four minutes,” he said while stopping with his back toward the door. I saw him fully through the sheer curtains but he hadn’t taken any notice of me. “Alex can crack it, Henry will be in the car and it’ll be smooth sailing. I’m close to Newcastle, picked up a little something special on the way so I’m a day late and will be two days late getting there. Can I trust you to handle getting the team set up and ready to go in four days? Friday’s are checking days, it’ll be stocked.” I wasn’t sure what the bloody hell I was hearing but it sounded important. His voice was so much harder than when he spoke to me, and clipped in a different way entirely. The sweetness and care had vanished, leaving only a decisive deep voice behind. A commanding one at that.
He ended the call and I scurried back to my bag, rummaging through it, pretending to search for something when the door opened and closed behind me. For some daft reason, I wasn’t scared despite the red flag of him being so different on the phone. Nothing about Hans scared me, not even being in the dark about who he was. He was Hans, he cared and he listened. He tended to me and took me away from the place I’d been dreaming of escaping for years but never dared to leave. He saved my life the very first time we met. I don’t know anyone who’d put themselves in harm’s way for others… Especially not any stranger in the middle of the road.
“Schnuki, what’s this?” he asked and I half turned my head, still kneeling on the floor by the foot of the bed with my hands in my bags. “Do you not like my present for you?” he asked with a glance toward the pyjama set. “You bought them?” I asked while straightening, abandoning my pretend hunt. “Yes.” When? “I love them,” I confessed. “But I can’t wear that.” “ That ? Something wrong with them?” “No, no! They’re perfect and pretty and super soft and a beautiful colour and everything,” I rushed out. “They’re just… expensive looking. I don’t wanna ruin them, you know?” “Ruin them? By wearing them as intended?” Sure, when you say it like that it sounds as silly as a goose having shoes and a bonnet.
Hans stepped closer, his eyes roaming over my form hidden beneath the loose, tattered fabric I wore. He tugged me into his arms and I gasped at the sudden closeness. He was still so warm, despite having been out in the cold English winter for several minutes. “Anna-Louise,” he said gently, “you ought to get accustomed to wearing fancy things, and eating good food, being in luxurious surroundings. I won’t have you in anything less than that.” “Hans… What-, what do you mean? I’m perfectly fine with way less, I don’t need all that fancy stuff. I’m used to—” “You’ll get used to better things quickly enough, schnuki,” he interrupted. “Hans, we barely know each other, you can’t lavish me with things like that.” “Don’t say such a thing.” “That I don’t want to be lavished upon like some fancy old lady sitting in parlours sipping tea in expensive silk while waiting for her dear husband to return home from some overseas journey?” I joked while giggling, but he didn’t laugh. “Hans?” “I do a lot of business overseas, would it be terrible of me to wish to come home to you, waiting in pretty silk, after each trip?”
He took a step back while I tried to take in what he’d said. Our eyes locked together and I damn near couldn’t breathe as he looked at me with such longing. “In pretty silk?” I whispered, wholly overwhelmed and wondering what kind of rich man I’d stumbled upon. “All finery imaginable,” he said with a nod. “Why would you want me?” I asked, for the first time posing the question which had been bugging me for a long time without me realising it. “Why would I not want you?” he asked, but before I could ramble a number of reasons, he kissed me.
I melted. He kissed me softly but with urgency, his thin lips perfect against mine. He kissed me so well my foot came off the bloody floor like in a sappy romance movie, I couldn’t help it. Fireworks exploded in my veins, my mind turned utterly quiet and nothing in the world mattered but him holding me close, kissing me with passion and longing leaking out of him with a dark hum while his arms tightened around me.
…To Be Continued…
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A/N: Oh boy... this really did turn out to be quite long but gosh I love these two so much I can't help but wanting to write for them - and it's just too much fun too 😂👏 I hope you enjoyed the continuation of this story from last year and as I said above there will be one more part to this story tomorrow! Hope you're excited for even more of these two and the secrets they carry along with the love that's flourishing between them 🥰❤
Q: Would you rather spend Christmas at a big resort, with all amenities, or a small town in a picturesque cottage? 🎄 A: I'll take the cottage - I do love those cosy vibes and I don't mind having to stoke a fire and wear an extra jumper and socks 🥰
TAGLIST: @lizlil @snapefiction @darkthought15 @monstreviolet @flowerdementia @marvelschriss @once-upon-an-imagine @ravennight41 @caseydoodles98 @slytherinprincess03 @theconsultingdetectiveswife @grimmyhild @monster-energies @myobscureimaginarium @snowblossomreads @eternal-silvertongued-prince @cherryglossie @setsuna-meiou31 @helena211 @a-queen-and-her-throne @justsaturn0 @turvi @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @sunnylikesfrogs @mamawolfsmith16 @dianilaws @sassanoe @snapesrn @bernadette-peters12 @sammy-13 @smartowl999 @castleofthorns @serenanight87 @mamawolfsmith87 @snowblossomreads @ladykardasi @a-queen-and-her-throne @eternal-silvertongued-prince @lyrixsnape @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @daddythanatos
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27 notes ¡ View notes
loveforfictionalmen ¡ 11 months
Band head canons
These are not sorted by any means, have not read the manga but seen the first season of the anime and done some research on characters hope these are alright. Made these poly btw
Tw:suicide notes, groping
How the band formed: there was a battle of the bands and there was prize money, they needed the prize money for (insert reason here) and there was a producer at the battle and they blew the producer away (let's pretend he's never seen a band with three vocalists 👀) they got signed
They all rotate on who sings and who plays what, baji usually stays put as drummer but every now and then as a treat we hear him sing.
Drummer, occasional vocals (I wanna go with black veil brides but haven't decided on this one yet)
Never wears a shirt on set, claims it gets too hot but we all know it's cause he wants to show off
Has a nipple piercing
Airi taught him to sing
Tries his best to help write lyrics but poor baby doesn't do lyrics
man can he keep a beat going tho
Starts the stage diving shenanigans
Guitar, Drums
Vocals (think beauty school dropout)
Can scream a bit but chooses not to as much as Kazutora and Airi
Him and Airi sing a lot of their songs, kazutora writes a lot of them
Took up music to serenade ladies, it didn't work but now he's good with his voice and hands (that's what she said)
When he gets mad he goes into what he calls "the crazy tank" and works on some songs (he's gonna go drum it all out)
Airi and him do covers too every now and then
Stage dives cause baji did it first
Bass and vocals (think Pierce the veil or bring me the horizon I couldn't choose here.)
Pass the Nirvana I can see him singing idk why
Definitely threw up before their first show
Him and Airi had a suicide pact (if you know you know) 🥺, they turned their notes into song lyrics that they only have shown each other
The most gifted, cannot tell me that Tora can't sing, he's just too shy 🙈
Writes two types of lyrics 1. For stage 2. Songs meant only for Airi, Chifuyu, and Baji
Stage dives cause they both started it
Airi (my OC)
Guitar, Bass
Vocals (new years day)
(League of Distortion is a close second)
Classically trained in piano and music as a kid.
Childhood friends with Baji
Her and Baji make beats in their spare time (as well as editing the music)
Has been performing for such a long time she forgot how to have fun but the boys show her how to have fun with it again
Doesn't stage dive in fear of getting groped
They have just one of those your buses that has a big bed in it and they share it
That way one of them can sing lullabies when the others can't sleep 😴
They take Peke J on tour with them, the fans love him.
They invite the rest of the founders of ToMan to shows, they get backstage passes
When they first got in the studio they invited Mikey and Draken to the studio
Airi and Chifuyu break out into break up songs whenever bickering. Kazutora and Baji are so done
nah but fr the fans love it
On stage shenanigans as well as backstage shenanigans
Interviews are chaotic af
Baji will get bored and start playing with a lighter in his pocket, what starts out as a small fire ends up being a big one by the time they catch him
Something is always on fire on set cause of Baji
At a meet and greet they were asked if they could come meet a fan of theirs that was in the hospital
Of course they said yes
Turns out it was an 80 year old lady who still rocks out, they remember her fondly
The money they make goes to charities for animal rescue
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becasart ¡ 4 months
💕 Characters that inspired my Builder 💕
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♡ Lady Tsunade ♡
☆ I just really love that despite her older age, Tsunade is able to make her pigtails suit her. She makes it look mature somehow, and I wanted that vibe for my girl Biani when she's ready to get business done. I've defo referenced Tsunade for some of my sketches of my girl 🙈
♡ Las Adelitas ♡
☆ Aka a woman mexican soldier during the Mexican Revolution. Y'all already know that my culture and history constantly inspires me and my art. A builder that fights enemies in a game with cowboys (or yakboys ig) and it's called "my time at SANDROCK" with guns being one of my go-to weapons? It made sense 🤷‍♀️
♡Julieta Madrigal♡
☆In my head, she's literally Biani as a mom through and through. Her kids definitely would seek her for comfort since she'd be such a gentle parent. She'd dote on her children, kisses them despite them being slightly embarrassed about it, and no matter what, she'd love her kids equally and is proud of em. You see Julieta doing all of this in the movie and just- AHH I love her sm 🥲💕
♡Hinata Hyuga♡
☆I feel like Biani's character arc would be similar to Hinata's. Hinata, although very hesitant and shy, pushed herself through her internal struggles to train in order to defend herself, and to protect her friends and love ones.
☆ Flora is the most gentle and mature character out of the Winx Club girlies. She often gets nervous, especially during social interactions, but depsite this, she somehow manages to be calm and reasonable during battles. She is also very willing to sacrifice herself for her loved ones (my poor girl flora really went THROUGH it sometimes during the series 😭)
♡Raya from Jem and the holograms♡
☆I'm still watching this show, BUT I LOVE HER SM ALREADY. Raya is a skilled drummer, but lacks confidence in herself. With the push of her father, he manages to convince her to audition as a drummer for Jem's band (way to go pops! 🥲). She is now thriving being surrounded by her new and supportive friends. That is literallllyyyy Biani with her family.
I've never done any oc things like this, but this was sm fun! Thnx to whoever made this template :)
More about Biani here
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emsylcatac ¡ 2 years
it's still july in other parts of the world shhh I'm not late
For @ladynoirjuly 2022, day 21 - chocolate kisses
Read it on AO3
(i didn't beta it so hopefully there aren't too many grammar mistakes 🙈)
─── ·❋· ───
“It’s not that I don’t like dark chocolate,” Chat Noir explained for the third time that evening, gesturing calmly. Ladybug might just be pretending to not believe him, but he wouldn’t let her tease him freely without putting on a fight.
She grabbed a round-shaped chocolate from the small bag resting inches from his crossed-leg, and he suppressed a shiver as he felt the ghost of her hand brush his knee. He truly needed to get a grip—he was way past the age of feeling flustered by that, damnit. “It’s just that I think that milk chocolate tastes better.”
Ladybug let out a hum as she plopped the chocolate into her mouth, her legs swinging above her laying form a little faster as they did each time she ate one. Chat Noir picked a chocolate of his own and imitated her.
It didn’t taste bad. It didn’t taste delicious either. 
He quickly swallowed it.
(if Ladybug snorted, he ignored it.)
Clearing his throat and the after-taste, he readjusted his crossed-legs position, sitting a little straighter, and moving his knee a little further from the treacherous bag that would most certainly soon call Ladybug’s dangerous hand back.
Ladybug’s jaws moved as she took her sweet time to finish melting the chocolate in her mouth, the motion drawing in his eyes. Chat Noir wished, not for the first time that evening (or of his poor lovesick life for that matter), that he would one day reincarnate into a chocolate. Melting inside Ladybug’s mouth sounded like a much more tempting and cocooning fate than melting on the spot from her mere presence on a lone parisian rooftop, while wishing to be a dark round chocolate.
He bet that the inside of her mouth was warm—it was a mouth, afterall—, and soft. Not like he would know.
(well, that wasn’t exactly true, his brain traitorously reminded, he did know; there had been that one evening, on national day a year back, with them a little tipsy, she a little affectionate, and he a little in love, and it had ended with her in his laps with her hands in his hair and her lips on his, and her—
…but they didn’t talk about that.)
“And I think,” Ladybug’s voice pulled him out of the forbidden memory, as per Rule 31 of the List of Things That Never Happened Between Ladybug And Chat Noir, “that you’re a scaredy-cat, and that both milk and dark chocolate taste just as good.”
She looked up at him, smiling sweetly with her head propped on her hand, and grabbed another chocolate to eat, humming an off-key song he still found melodious. 
He scoffed. “You’re a liar, my Lady. Everyone knows that milk chocolate tastes better! And,” he mumbled, “I’m not a scaredy-cat.”
“You’re playing favouritism, Chatounet,” he rolled his eyes at the teasing nickname, “that’s not pretty and it’s very unhero-like.”
He scowled. “But it’s much sweeter! Don’t you prefer sweet and nice things?”
“You’re sounding awfully bitter for someone who pretends to prefer what’s sweet, Chaton,” Ladybug smiled wide, rolling on her back and (be still, his heart,) fluttering her eyelashes.
“And you’re sounding awfully rude for someone who eats chocolate daily,” he crossed his arms.
Ladybug sat up with a giggle, and he fell in love right then and there all over again. 
Twenty-one, and he was still at her mercy. All she needed to do was giggling, even if it was at his expense. He had stupidly thought once, a couple of years back, that he was over it. All he’d needed to be proven wrong had been this exact giggle, beautiful and lovely and Ladybug, after he’d told her a joke, and he knew. Her laugh had long since created the flaw in his immune system when it came to loving her, and he was forever cursed to succumb to her charms. He had then accepted that he was a lost cause, but the reminder always made him feel kind of pathetic.
She scooted closer to him, her knee brushing his (hadn’t he known better, he would have sworn she did it deliberately), and grabbed his hand to play with his ring and fingers as she often did. He watched as she massaged his hand, then pulled on his fingers one by one, before going back to massaging.
“Lots of dark chocolates are sweet, you know,” she told him, bouncing his hand from one of hers to the other this time. “Depending on the brand, or on how dark you pick your chocolate, some are sweeter than others.”
“Maybe, but,” Chat Noir said as she switched to drawing meticulous lines in his hand, “milk chocolate is still sweeter, and therefore, better.”
“And that’s why you gotta appreciate both equally,” Ladybug grinned, “because it makes the chocolate experience more diverse!” 
He pouted, because he was a mature cat. It made her giggle some more. She ruffled his hair affectionately. “Chatooon, I’m sorry there weren’t any milk chocolates left at the shop tonight.”
“What kind of chocolate shop doesn’t have milk chocolate left?” he whined.
She placed a feather kiss to the back of his hand (be still, his heart), and squeezed it. “I’ll make it up to you,” she told him, looking up in his eyes so softly he couldn’t doubt her words for a second. “Next time, I’ll find a shop that still has milk chocolate left. Even if it’s stupid because dark chocolate is just as good.”
“You don’t have to,” he hurried to say. But thank you. Also, that’s a lie and deep down, you know it, Buguinette.”
She shook her head with a tsk, and (disappointingly) dropped his hand to grab a chocolate from the bag.
“Say ‘aah’, Chaton,” she smiled, the lights of the city dancing on her left cheek just right, and making her eyes sparkle so brightly that he briefly wondered if all the happiness from the people of Paris wasn’t also being reflected in them. She was hypnotising, and he could only do whatever she asked of him. 
Dutifully, he opened his mouth. She delicately grabbed his chin, and pressed the chocolate to his tongue. She gently closed his mouth for him, and he might have died a little inside at the tenderness she displayed in her actions. 
He felt her eyes as he sort of chewed on the sweet. He hoped he was chewing okay and in a somewhat normal way—it would be embarrassing if he didn’t. He wasn’t as meticulous nor thorough as she was to completely melt it in his mouth, but he didn’t like tasting the strong bitterness for too long.
“So?” she said expectantly after a few seconds, “sweet, right?”
“Hm, shure, a shittle bit, bush not ash mush ash mishk chosholate,” he said between two bites.
She must have been set on torturing his poor heart tonight, because she giggled, again. He swallowed with a gulp. “You’re too stubborn. But, unfortunately for your poor kitty’s willpower, not as much as I am.”
Well. Didn’t he know it, and didn’t he love it?
She reached for his collar, pulling his necklace out from underneath his suit, where she knew it was hidden. He watched as she fiddled with the kwagatama and the two rings resting at the end of the chain.
“You know….” she started slowly, not looking away from his pendants, “I could prove to you that dark chocolate can be…sweeter…than milk chocolate.”
Chat Noir raised a brow. “And how are you going to do that, my Lady? It sounds like a challenge close to impossible to achieve.”
She bit hard on her lower lip. “I might have an idea.”
He hummed. “What kind of idea?”
“You’ll see.” She raised her eyes to his, bright and full of stars. “So? What do you say, Chaton?”
He tapped a finger to his lips. “What prize do you want, if you somehow manage to win, which by the way, I doubt?”
She blew a chuckle. “I’ll tell you when I do.”
He hummed again. “And what will be mine?”
She stayed silent for a few seconds, looking at him intently, almost shyly. “Anything,” she finally whispered, still searching his eyes, a lovely blush taking over her cheeks. “Anything you want.”
Chat Noir blew out a breath. Anything, she said. Anything he wanted.
But ‘anything’ never really meant anything, when what he wanted was what he knew she couldn’t give. ‘Anything’ made him vulnerable, because he could never really ask for what he longed for the most, unless he wanted to risk scaring her away. He knew from experience that her love wasn’t something he simply could ask for and be granted with at will.
Anything else, really, would have been preferable to ‘anything’ as a prize.
Chat Noir took the time to search her eyes, taking in the nervousness he could see in them and the blush still colouring her cheeks. What did she want him to want? Was it the same—could it be what he actually wanted? He didn’t dare to hope, but alas, his heart had always had a mind of its own. 
“Okay,” he eventually breathed. “I’ll tell you when we get there,” so he could still have time to think and be smart about it.
She nodded almost imperceptibly, took a deep breath, and plopped a chocolate into her mouth.
She held up a finger, signaling for him to wait. He watched as she focused on —he assumed— melting once again the chocolate into her mouth. She closed her eyes as she swallowed, and when she reopened them, they held newfound determination. His heartbeat sped up.
She slid her hands on his shoulders; climbed onto his laps; pressed her body to his. He forgot to breath because surely she wasn’t going to—
…but suddenly, her face was close, so close to his, and Chat Noir didn’t have to process what was going on and what was she doing—
“The taste lasts longer,” Ladybug whispered, her lips so infinitely close to his that he could smell the faint hint of chocolate from her breath.
“Uh?” he said, in the only tone he could really say anything at that moment: dumbly.
“When you melt the chocolate in your mouth,” she explained, but he understood nothing at all, “it makes the taste last longer.”
Chat Noir gulped. “I…yeah?”  The tremble in his voice was the least of his concern considering he managed to emit a sound at all.
Ladybug’s hands felt like feathers as they slid from his shoulders to his neck up to the sides of his face. She touched her forehead to his, and Chat Noir was pretty sure he completely lost the ability to breath this time.
“Are you…are you okay if I…?” Ladybug breathed against his mouth, brushing her lips against his ever so slightly.
If he’d had a voice, Chat Noir would have screamed that yes, of course he was okay, why did she even ask, would have begged her to please press her lips to his and take as much from him as she wanted. Instead, he must have nodded because not a second later, Ladybug lips were on his and she was kissing him. 
Chat Noir’s brain attempted to reboot three times and gave up on the fourth, when he felt her fingers tangling in his hair, and his lower lips being taken by hers.
He tried to kiss her back, afraid she’d stop if he stayed paralysed dumb for too long. His hands settled on her hips, drawing circles with his thumbs, and she must have enjoyed it because he felt her pressing closer to him, and he had to take a sharp intake of breath as to not pass out from feeling her this close. He considered pinching himself to make sure that no, he wasn’t dreaming, and yes, Ladybug was apparently very much willing to kiss him, but he refrained if only so he could keep his hands on her.
He had completely forgotten the hows and whys he had gotten lucky enough to land himself with Ladybug in this situation. The reminder came when he felt Ladybug sliding her tongue against his lips so he would open his mouth to let it in, to let it slide alongside his: that’s when he registered the taste she carried. Dark chocolate suddenly became his favourite, for he was in Ladybug’s arms while she made a complete mess out of him. Chat Noir idly wondered if kissing someone to taste chocolate wasn’t a little gross; but then, Ladybug hummed against his lips, and he decided that nothing about his situation was even close to ‘gross’. He whimpered, helpless against the onslaught of all she was pouring out to him: he felt her affection, her want, her love, everything he’s ever dreamed to receive from her, and he made sure to give it all back to her with just as much dedication. 
Maybe, just maybe, Chat Noir thought as he felt Ladybug’s hands roam in his hair, neck, shoulders, chest, and arms, she too was a little in love with him. Because surely she must have known that he must have gotten a good taste of chocolate by now, yet she was still pressing her lips to his, sucking on his lower one at times as he drowned under her ministrations. While Chat Noir would be damned if he was the one to pull away from her, Ladybug didn’t seem to want to stop either, and the realisation made him feel like he was floating amongst the clouds above their heads. Every time he thought that she was about to pull away from him, she came back with renewed passion.
He dared to bring her closer to him, to which she let out another delightful sound that had him shivering from head to toes.
Eventually, Ladybug slowed her pace, settling on leaving a few slow kisses on his mouth. When she stopped, she stayed close to him, and rested her forehead against his, breathing heavily. 
Chat Noir took his time to open his eyes, only to find himself lost in hers.
“S-so,” Ladybug whispered, panting, and Chat Noir was relieved to hear she was still just as out of breath as he was, “d-do you…do you agree? With me? That…that dark chocolate can be sweeter?”
He chuckled quietly, still unsure to believe what had happened just yet. Her finger brushed his swollen lips, the tenderness of the gesture a testimony it indeed happened. “Yeah,” he blew, “y-you were completely right, my Lady. Sweet. It—it’s very sweet. M-mindblowingly sweet, even.”
She nuzzled his hand. He couldn’t even remember how nor when it had ended up on her cheek. “G-good. I’m…I’m glad,” she smiled.
Chat Noir inhaled a few times, still catching his breath. “S-so…Wha-what do you want?” he managed to ask. “For your prize?”
She laughed, kissing softly his palm, then trailed a path of kisses down till the inside of his wrist, and oh, god, he loved her, she was too much, she was way too much for his heart, she was—
“You,” she said, making him both fall from high and soar. “I want you. All of you. If you’ll have me, too.”
He took her face in both his hands and gave her one long, slow kiss on the lips. “My prize,” he told her, “it would have been you, too.”
Ladybug’s smile was one of the most beautiful he’d ever seen on her. “I was hoping it would be.”
And so Chat Noir let her take him, take him, take him.
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rebouks ¡ 3 months
I got a load of those fact acts stewing in my inbox, so I thought I'd post a bunch about our fave lil lady.. 🤸‍♀️
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Alex is 10!
Her birthday is July 18th! 🥳
She recently grew some new teef, but now she has to wear a stinky retainer at night.
Her & Brodie have been staying in Fabian's watchtower for a few months now, he said he'd be home sooner cos he thought he'd get yeeted home asap but alas.. 🤭
Alex's mom Nylah died when she was five.
Aside from the odd fall out, her and Brodie are pretty close though! They like to do puzzles together or go off exploring when they have time.
Alex was born in Sulani like her momma, Brodie's from Selvadorada though - they usually flit between those two places but their house is technically in Sulani.
Despite being from Sulani, Alex is a poor swimmer at best and doesn't usually entertain the idea of submerging herself in water.. unless it's a bath 🙈
Alex and Brodie stay with Brodie's uncle whenever they visit Selvadorada, it's usually cos Brodie has a lot of work there as an archaeologist.
They've been all over the place for Brodie's work, but her fave was probably Moonwood Mill.. it was fun to explore! (yes she got in trouble for wandering off there too)
Her favourite pastime is exploring when she's been told to stay put... 😅
She's been to a few schools in the past, but she's mostly home schooled via tutors.
Her favourite subjects are science and geography!
Her favourite colours are orange and purple-.. and green and maybe blue too, and yellow-.. she can't pick.
Her fave snacks are brookies 🤤
She has no idea what she wants to be when she grows up.. at one point she wanted to be an acrobat in a circus but she lost interest when she fell off a balance beam and broke her arm - Brodie said she should probably pick something that didn't require so much grace and balance lmaoo 😅
Alex has had a few pen-pals in the past but they've usually fizzled out, she has a bad habit of losing their addresses too - blame all the moving!!
She could spend hours painting her nails and drawing lil pictures on em and stuff 💅
Really REALLY wants a pet rat but Brodie thinks they're gross so no deal-.. they move around too much for pets anyway.
Alex can't put her finger on it either, but there's definitely something up with Robin 🤨
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You smiled at me..
Not just with your lips but with your eyes.
Your eyes...
I never knew anyone smiled with their eyes anymore - but you...
You did.
We sheepishly exchanged glances and grinned at each other.
I didn't know whether to keep staring into your eyes as you looked at me or to look away - blushing I looked away still smiling.
I couldn't believe you saw me.
We saw each other..
You looked so kind..
I wonder what you thought of when you saw me?
I instantly remembered I was wearing my "nobody's going to see me" outfit.
I looked like a bag lady.
But you..You smiled at me.
And not like an awkward smile in passing you casually give to someone on the street to be polite.
Or a "oh you poor slobby girl" kind of sad I feel bad for you smile.
You smiled at me and you meant it.
I secretly made it look like I was on my phone and snapped a few pictures, not because of some weird 'saving that for the wank bank' thing, I honestly just wanted to have evidence that you were real if that makes sense.
I'm not creepy or weird, I promise.
Ugh, why is it the more I try not to be creepy and weird that's when I get extra creepy and weird?
You played on your phone but you kept looking over at me, and I made it look like I wasn't already staring at you and I didn't notice.
I did notice.
We smiled at each other again.
You reminded me of a mix between Roe Kapara and Billy from Stranger Things if you can imagine that.
I sat and stared at you some more like a stalker the whole rest of the ride until you got off at your stop.
I started reading you like a book, noticing every little detail on the page you let me see.
Your hands, I bet they were good at holding things.
Your lips, pouty.
Your chin, one of those chins I like - a chin that you can imagine placing your thumb and forefinger on to lightly pull them close to kiss them.
The outline of your jaw - the way your muscles tightened slightly in your cheeks when you swallowed.
You shaved but you had a little bit of stubble coming in.
Your neck, that little freckle you have -
The way your dark curls just grazed the nape.
Your eyebrows, real and full - not tweezed like most guys nowadays.
The thought you put into getting dressed, nice and put together but not fruity.
I wondered what you had in your satchel...
Gosh, I'm getting carried away...
I did look out the window every now and then as to not give myself away.
But I just couldn't help myself, you were wonderful and you instantly had me at that smile your eyes gave me.
What is it with me and eyes?
I didn't want you to go..
I wish I could've talked to you, or had the guts to do anything but stare at you and grin like a vegetable.
I had visions of me taking my hat off and swinging my hair around like I was an 80's supermodel on the hood of your car.
Then I remembered I was wearing a hat because I skipped hair wash day and that just wouldn't have been pretty.
You glanced at me once more before saying thank you to the bus driver.
I could hear your voice over my earbuds,
Your voice was nice too.
You got off close to where I live,
I was just literally on that street an hour before.
Do you live close?
Will I see you again?
I hope so...
I prayed to God afterwards that I'd meet someone that was kind looking like you.
God definitely did a good job making you,
I hope you know that.
In hindsight re-reading this I sound like a full on stalker 🙈 I'm laughing and crying so hard right now, this is the funniest, most awkwardly romantic thing I think has ever happened to me. But for real why do people appear like this to me, like screw off with your good looking self and stop being so cute wtfudge. It's unnecessary and unacceptable to be that good-looking and leave the damn house. I'm looking like I just spent a year dumpster diving and you smile at me with those eyes of yours. Damn it man, either I'm damn-good looking too or both of us are equally delusional 😂
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tutuandscoot ¡ 6 months
Does Tessa wear stockings in every performance? even with the iconic blue training dress? It seems impossible to me, how can she find such a perfect color?? and aren't they thicker than a pair of regular tights? where does he hide the elastic on the waist?? 🙈😵
To the best of my knowledge yes she does were tights in every performance.
I’m not sure if it’s compulsory - like a rule all females must where stockings similar to how (in certain seasons) they must wear dresses and must cover a certain percentage of skin
Yes I have read that figure skating stockings are thicker than regular ones- I’m not sure where I read that, though I tend to think Tessa doesn’t wear very thick ones.
As for the colour being such a perfect (almost invisible) match, I always thought that about her modestly mesh pieces on her dresses- the nude section that goes over her chest to prevent slips. For the longest time I never knew there was a piece of mesh on her Olympic Mahler dress, I just assumed it was Hollywood taped down.
I am akin with you there are times where I think ‘is she really wearing stockings???’ And the one thing that reminds be she is that if you look closely at her lower legs you can never see her scars.. her scars would be very faint at (the point she was competing especially later on) but in pics where she’s in actual clothes (civilian clothes) you can see them quite clearly (tbt my moment of fame when I commented on her ig that her scars are beautiful and she replied with a love heart 😭😭😭)
She clearly takes (relatively extreme) measures to prevent costume malfunctions (cough 🇫🇷) I can’t think of a time she’s ever had a costume malfunction in completion/on of her own costumes - only shows where it’s not her custom costume and she wouldn’t have time to do all the security adjustments she would in competition.
I’ve read someone else say and it’s quite obvious that she sews down the leotard (undies) part of the dress to her stockings (can’t find a pic of it rn of course 🙄)
In her MR dresses there was an extra piece of elastic connecting under her left armpit to the shoulder bc it was such a wide cut when the dress puckers/relaxes it would open up.
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I know what you mean about the elastic on her stockings never showing- this pic is one of the only times on a low-back costume it’s visible (and it’s not when she skating) this elastic doesn’t look super thick- like thinner than the ones I would wear for ballet so while some girls may choose to wear thinker ones- I’d say this is essential for singles ladies for slight extra protection when they fall, Tessa I’d say wants that seamless- bare skin look and considering she’s so pale she needs the lightest and thinnest ones possible.. I’d say she probably has custom ones made/dyed her colour bc I always struggled to find nude stocking my colour- the theatrical pink (which was the standard) was closer than a typical nude for me 😅
I just think to have bare legs in the cold like that is not healthy/safe, the poor thing already had such little covering her the stockings no matter how thin are a must
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aajjks ¡ 6 months
okaaayyy, so i wasn’t expecting so much feedback like HOLY ISH! i was super nervous to send this but i hope you guys like it 🙈 also pls understand that jk was under the influence!!! he didn’t willingly get chaeyoung pregnant and y/n is more upset at his recklessness to drink before engaging in sexual activities with chaeyoung which, knowing the kind of person chaeyoung is, could have gotten him hurt or killed and he wouldn’t have known it. okay? okay 😊
ji-ae’s heart stops when those three words come out of his mouth. “wh-what? but you said it wasn’t?” she responds but you inform her that jungkook took a paternity test at the hospital and it is confirmed that park jaemin is jungkook’s son and ji-ae can tell you aren’t happy with the news.
she allows the both of you to come in her home and holds her son while you sit by yourself on the couch. your eyes are red and ji-ae is sure you have been crying as well. “it’s okay, jungkook” she says as he lets it all out in his mother’s shoulders. it must be nice to have a shoulder to lean on because your shoulder is in heaven above.
you wonder what your mother would say about a situation like this. surely she’d be upset, well, you would still be stuck in switzerland but she would comfort you through it all. supporting whichever decision you make because whether they’re good choices or bad ones, she always had your back.
you haven’t talked to jorja or yerin about it but you’re sure yerin is gonna tell you to flea the country again and leave jungkook to deal with his mess all alone. jorja on the other hand would tell you to kill chaeyoung, maybe. no chaeyoung, no problems.
“y/n?” ji-ae calls your name and you look up at jungkook’s mother who is sitting across from you with jungkook planting himself to your right. “how are you feeling, sweetheart? be honest. what’s going on in that head of yours?”
you take a deep breath having finally calmed down a bit and reach for jungkook’s hand to caress your thumb on the smooth of his palm. why are people so hellbent on breaking the two of you up? sure, you’re betrayed but you still love him.
he was drunk, she took advantage of him and she knows that, and you two weren’t together so whatever happened is in the past yet here are the consequences starring jungkook in the face. he made his bed so he either lies in it or just refuses to sleep.
meanwhile, you…
“i’m not mad at the baby. the baby is innocent. i’m more-so mad at his recklessness but i’m also mad that this bi—i mean—lady that is using her son to get at me and jungkook but mainly jungkook. she stalked and harassed him, ms. ji-ae she stole a PEN with his dna on it and that’s how she tested him!! i don’t want jaemin caught up in that. it’s not fair to the baby and the baby isn’t safe with her”
“are you two thinking of fighting for custody of the child? unless she has an insider messing with the test results?”
If you’re going to be with him, he’s willing to fight for the custody of the child, obviously cannot let chaeyoung use the poor child, who is not even a week old to have him to herself..
He honestly doesn’t understand her obsession with him. He’s not that special., sure he’s gotten money and looks and the body but she’s famous too, why would she decide to put everything at risk and have the child such a young age as hers?
Jungkook looks at you after wiping his tears, and he’s looking at you with hope. Whatever you decide from now on will happen.
“Y-Yn do you think we should fight for the custody?” He asks you, taking your hands in his, and he caresses them, Jungkook is so ashamed right now his heart feels so heavy.
He is never going to touch alcohol ever again
But his mother suggests something else, that makes his ears perk up. You look a little confused too as you give his mother a knowing look.
Of course, she can easily have a mole, maybe there is an insider that’s… “yn… do you really think that’s possible?” He asks you once again, biting his lip, because he’s so nervous.
“Mama what do you think we should do? I don’t know what she wants now that she has given birth to the child. Maybe I should go and meet her once more?” He says after thinking for a while.
And he knows what happened last time he went to meet her, but… it’s the only way she’ll tell him what she really wants if you go with him… she won’t tolerate that.
And you won’t tolerate that either because you’ve had enough of that bitch. But what if you get in a fight? He cannot risk taking you with him.
“I-I don’t know what she wants… I’m gonna go to the hospital tonight.”
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delicate-moon-princess ¡ 2 years
Clearly I’m in a mood sorry for sending multiple asks 🙈🙈
Do you think Henry would let you tie him up a tease him with a vibe? Cos I Seriously want to see that 🙊🙊
I love multiple asks, bby 😘
Now I am convinced Henry is one willing to try anything in the bedroom. While he seems like the gentle dom type to me, I believe he doesn’t mind letting his lady take the reigns now and again. 😉
Seeing a man of his size tied up and vulnerable… whew, it does things to me. Banking off your blindfold and gaming headphones idea, I would kill to see him start to get nervous and squirming when he can’t hear or see you.
His cock only grows harder the longer you tease him. You let the magic wand buzz on low speed as you trail it up and down his body. Over his chest, grazing his nipples. He jumps with a strangled moan, his length leaking onto his stomach.
When you run the toy along his inner thighs, he finally whines and begs, despite not really being able to hear himself. (I really need to hear Henry beg for me, please and thank you)
“I-I need it, please. I need it so bad…”
He cries out when you finally press the wand to his shaft, gliding it down to vibrate against his base, just above his balls. His groans just so… 🥵
To watch his back arch in pleasure when you rub it against his sensitive tip, there’s nothing like. You don’t want this to end, so when you see his balls start to clench, you pull the toy away.
Henry lets out incoherent pleas as he tries to raise his hips. You only give the toy back after he’s calmed down.
By the third time you’ve edged this poor dude, he’s a blubbering fool.
“Please, please. Let me cum. I’ll do whatever you want, I’ll be a good boy. Please just let me cum. Please.”
He begs are so pretty, you let him cum. And oh boy… does he cum 😮‍💨 Thick ribbons of it coat his chest, his stomach, a heavy dollop even shoots up to his chin 🤭 You gently massage his sack so he gets every last ounce out. Then you lick him clean. 😈
Seeing him covered in his own seed would be so yummy, wouldn’t it? 🤤
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writingsofwesteros ¡ 1 year
A spinoff of the assassination mentioned by #🦌❤️ in the idea bank. Hope it's good 🙈
Someone ssends assassins after princess/Rogan in happy au after the war, people still speculate who the original target was. She's pregnant with their second child at the time. It happens during a feast. Call it mothers intuition but something tells her to go check on Rogan who was asleep. She leaves the feast alone when Robert wasn't paying attention as he was a little drunk.
She enters his room and sees him sleeping in his cradle and goes to kiss him on his head when the assassin appears and attempts to stab them but she catches the blade and manages to hold it, however her hands do get cut and they push her into Rogans crib which tumbles over.
The commotion alerts the guards who manage to stop the assassin's but the pregnant queen and infant prince are injured. So they are sent to the maesters and the guards alert Robert.
It sobers him up so fast, he orders the castle under lockdown and the assassins to be put in the dungeon and races to his wife and son! He just got them back and they were slowly becoming a family again, he can't lose them.
They had minor injuries but were OK. Princess had to get stitches and both her and Rogan were in shock. Poor baby Rogan refuses to leave his mother's arms and cries if any man comes near them even Robert .
Robert refuses to leave their sides until Jaime arrives from Casterly Rock as he is the only person that Robert believes will truly protect princess and Rogan with no ulterior motives, the same way he protected them during the war. Cersei comes too, to act as princesses lady in waiting as if I read correctly they're friends in this au.
Once Jaime arrives, Robert goes to question the assassins, but they killed themselves in the dungeon fearing the Fury of the demon of the trident.
Till this day, no one knows who ordered the assassination attempt or who was the main target princess, Rogan or both. But Robert kows one thing, he is never letting princess or their children wander around castles alone during feasts or parties as anyone can get in as security would be low and he's definitely never getting drunk at feasts again.
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