#post high school musical rp
findroleplay · 8 months
Heyo! I’m searching for people who’d be interested in writing. Interested persons must be over 21. I’m CST timezone but I can work with timezones! NSFW content can be incorporated sparingly, but copious amounts just isn’t my style. Detailed writing is a must - quality over quantity. I’d prefer Discord.
I have some RPF ideas as well as fandom, so here ya go:
——RPF: Just going to make a list of pairings and we can talk ideas: Sophia Bush/Brittany Snow, Austin Butler/Vanessa Hudgens, Dylan Sprouse/Barbara Palvin, Joe Jonas/Sophie Turner, Chase Stokes/Kelsea Ballerini, Ross Lynch/Sabrina Carpenter, Elizabeth Gillies/Avan Jogia, Robbie Amell/Italia Ricci Blake Lively/Ryan Reynolds, Josh Dallas/Ginnifer Goodwin.
—Fandom: Pitch Perfect (Beca/Chloe, Chloe/Aubrey), One Tree Hill (Nathan/Haley, Lucas/Peyton, Brooke/Julian, Brooke/Chris Keller, Clay/Quinn, Brooke/Nathan), Gilmore Girls (Luke/Lorelai, Rory/Logan) Friends (Monica/Chandler, Ross/Rachel), Dynasty (Fallon/Liam), Castle (Castle/Beckett), Post High School Musical (Troy & Gabriella), Harry Potter (Ron/Hermione, Ginny/Harry, Astoria/Draco)The Summer I Turned Pretty (Jeremiah/Belly, Belly/Conrad), Grey’s Anatomy (Meredith/Derek, Mark/Lexie, Derek/Addison, Derek/Mark, Alex/Jo, April/Jackson, Carina/Arizona, Callie/Arizona, Amelia/Owen), Descendants (Mal/Ben, Audrey/Chad), Shadowhunters (Clary/Jace, Izzy/Simon), The Resident(Conrad/Nic), Victorious(Beck/Jade).
If interested, shoot me an IM here and we can talk! Thanks in advance ❤️
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berniesrevolution · 1 year
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DES MOINES, Iowa — Wearing bright yellow Crocs, carrying a backpack and holding a clipboard stacked with papers, Ahmed Musa listens intently to a student. You would be forgiven for thinking Mr. Musa was a student himself; it is ​“staff dress like a student” day during spirit week at Theodore Roosevelt High School, and Mr. Musa looks the part.
Then again, Mr. Musa, 24, was a Roosevelt student not too long ago. He graduated in 2017.
He is talking with senior Jackie in a second floor hallway. She is animated, her purple and white braids falling across her baby blue N95 mask as she explains a problem. She is the president of the K-Club and there was an incident among members. The K-Club, she says, is about all things K-pop, from Korean music to food to movies to fashion. Mr. Musa laughs — he thought it was the ​“Kulture Club.”
Jackie goes on to give a broad overview of the situation: Racist and homophobic memes were posted in the group’s online chat of several dozen members. Tempers flared and arguments spilled over from social media into the classroom. Then a shouting match erupted during a club meeting. Fortunately, it didn’t come to blows. Members contacted the club’s teacher-advisor who contacted the school’s ​“restorative practices” team.
As a restoration facilitator, Mr. Musa’s job is to listen to problems and help students find solutions. Talking with Jackie that morning was the first step (a ​“prerestorative conference”) toward a formal ​“restorative circle.” Restorative circles are a group activity meant to help repair harm and restore relationships.
Jackie was one of several students I spoke with during two week-long visits to Roosevelt this year — once in the spring and once in the fall — to witness the school’s implementation of its new restorative practices program. Vanessa, a freshman struggling with the transition from remote learning during Covid, and Yonathan, a sophomore caught with drugs and weapons at school, were also among them. (Students involved in the RP program are referred to by first name to protect their privacy.)
Before the pandemic, armed officers known as ​“school resource officers,” or SROs, from the Des Moines Police Department would patrol the school hallways. But during the summer of racial justice marches and protests after the police murder of George Floyd, students, parents and community members spoke out against SROs at Des Moines School Board meetings. In the end, the police contract with the schools was terminated. After scrambling to make remote schooling work during the long, mournful slog of the pandemic, Des Moines Public Schools (DMPS) were left to find a way to reimagine school safety — and fast.
The district moved quickly to implement restorative practices, an increasingly popular educational model for school safety, violence prevention and mediation.
The 2021 – 2022 school year was a huge opportunity with the highest of stakes: DMPS could become one of the only districts in the nation to succeed in concurrently removing SROs and implementing restorative practices, or the district and its students could be thrown into crisis.
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Restorative practices (RP) derive from ​“restorative justice,” which is used to bring together, in mutual agreement for mediation, the victim and the perpetrator of an offense. The goal is typically restitution for harm caused while helping the perpetrator restore community ties.
In education, ​“practices” is often swapped in for ​“justice” because it involves children who aren’t in criminal proceedings. Formal conflict resolution, after a dispute or rule-breaking, does play a role, but RP is also proactive, explains Anne Gregory, a Rutgers professor and one of the nation’s leading RP experts.
One core proactive practice is ​“check and connect.” This might be as simple as having teachers and staff say hi to each student as they enter the school, or asking a student between classes how their day is going. When there’s an issue, students can then sit down with a trusted adult to build ​“their own insight into themselves and what’s driving their behavior,” Gregory says.
Gregory emphasizes that relationship building is a two-way street. These micro-interactions of ​“check and connect” also change how teachers see students. They undermine ​“overgeneralization [and] negative stereotyping” and create space for understanding, Gregory says. When a student has ​“attendance problems,” for example, the right mindset involves ​“thinking about and understanding what’s going on for the family of that student that morning in getting out the door” — which is a ​“very different approach,” Gregory adds, from ​“sending a police officer to your house the fourth time you’re truant.”
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nicki0kaye · 4 months
random Kallus hc inspired by someone else's post #1
Kallus' method to resist interrogation is to recite mentally and verbally some form of rhyming verse, the more complicated the better so he has to focus on his diction
I've never realized how well this pairs with @sidhebeingbrand's hc that Zeb loves Old Lasana poetry until right the fuck now, bc I consider Kallus just. Bereft of most understandings of art, both bc of his home-schooled background but also bc the Empire expects he have no vices to distract him from his work, and clearly art is a vice he has not earned.
It's also one of those things where he defies expectations bc he cannot name a single piece of high art, not an opera or a piece of classical music or a well respected novel. All the media he consumed before the Empire was either extremely niche to his region of Lower Coruscant or squarely pop-culture.
BUT him having this method of resisting interrogation even from a force user means he has to know some form of poetry beyond the shitty death metal he was obsessed with as an edgy gangster teen (we will have to leave the Void Screamers genre for another day, its quite involved)
So Kallus definitely knows some complicated tongue twisting poetry and prattle songs, most of them inherently nonsensical like the Jabberwocky or satirical like the Museum song in Barnum (fun musical about a terrible fucking person) , of which I actually rewote the first lines in an RP;
quite a lotta Ryloth terracota, living lava from the flanks of Shu-Torun. Statuary. Sample Bantha dairy. See the Temples tumble and the clone war start.
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veliseraptor · 3 months
Fic Writer Interview
I was tagged by @anghraine - thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
under my main pseudonym that I actually use these days, 610. total, across pseuds, we're looking at 1,013.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
4,930,564, which is so close to 5 million!!! we'll see if I hit that threshold this year, I might if all goes well with big bang fic
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I thought I could do this from memory and I was so close, only missed two.
Life in Reverse (13,990)
With Absolute Splendor (10,436)
some good mistakes (6,551)
The Villain Wrangler (4,445)
half a league onward (4,437)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do not, because I don't know what to say, get overwhelmed, fall behind, get more overwhelmed, and ultimately end up with a backlog I don't feel capable of dealing with so I just don't. I feel bad about this periodically (often) but I don't do anything with that feeling. Just kinda feel bad.
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
I've written a lot of fics with angsty endings but I might have to give this one to Mercy, because that was a very mean fic on the whole. arguably even meaner than my other murder/suicide fic.
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
I have a hard time with this question because I feel like most times my happy endings are at least touched with some kind of bitterness or loss or at least underlying open door that could be a problem down the line, or, like, lingering trauma.
but on the other hand I'm sure I have written generally happy endings in my backlog of fics, there's just a lot of fic in there so it's hard for me to pull them out, because they're probably also the ones that I find less memorable.
in some ways I think With Absolute Splendor might get this one, because it feels like it has ones of the strongest sense of earned catharsis, even if everything isn't all the way fixed. there's probably happier endings in terms of world state, but that's one where the ending feels happier because it doesn't start that way. but how this grace thing works is also one of the fics where I feel like it's on the whole softer/tenderer than my usual work.
7. Do you write crossovers?
not really! I wrote a few once upon a time, and a couple pastiches (one fandom in the style of another fandom), but those are years behind me and I'm not generally a crossover person as a rule.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
oh yes. most of it more entertaining than truly upsetting, but there are a few exceptions. my favorite remains the person who was really bothered by the fact that my Black Jewels Trilogy fic wasn't High School Musical fic. still no idea what was going on there.
9. Do you write smut?
sure do. I haven't been writing as much these days (but then, I haven't been writing as much these days, full stop) and I've never been all that much of a pwp writer but it's still very much a part of my writing.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
once, some time ago - I think it was Life in Reverse got posted on Wattpad. oh, though there was also another MCU fic that got reposted on AO3, but the person deleted it pretty quickly when I commented to inform them I didn't appreciate their doing so.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! into a few languages and it's always super cool and flattering to me.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have the one in progress but never anything I've finished/posted. I've done a lot of RP over the years but I always kept it pretty squarely separate from my fic writing.
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I've had a lot of all-time favorite ships, and there are plenty for fandoms I'm no longer really in that stick around in my head for longer than I'm really participating in the fandom (Celegorm/Aredhel is notable for this), but I think I will say that Xue Yang/Xiao Xingchen occupies a very particular kind of sort of insane place in my brain that feels relatively unique. so I'll give this one to them.
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
oh lord, so many of them. mostly various MCU wips I'll probably never finish but where I'm like "this was a good idea and I like what I have of it so far, too bad the MCU killed my caring about the MCU." outside of those...I'm so loathe to accept that things will or might remain unfinished, so I'll go with one of those and say the "Hela is around when Thor and Loki are growing up" one, which would've been so good and I still sometimes toy with the idea of returning to, only, you know. aforementioned "caring about the original canon" issue making it hard to actually do the writing thing.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I've been slowly filling out this meme for a while and I left this question conspicuously blank almost to the last. I think my strongest area is probably dialogue, though I worry that I'm giving myself too much credit there. I think I'm pretty good at writing it, though. it certainly is one of the pieces of writing that comes most easily to me.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
description and action, for sure. I tend to skimp on description in a way that probably weakens much of my writing (I have so much respect for writers with good descriptive language), and I loathe writing action scenes the way that I loathe writing few things - it always feels like wrestling a bear. I usually know what I want to have happen as a result but getting there is just. very hard.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
something you gotta be very careful with. I was going to say I almost never do it, but the one exception to that is Lymond Chronicles where I do it a lot, but that's because it's a fairly important part of the style of canon and I'm just. following that lead. otherwise, I tend to shy away from it personally, partly because I write from pretty deep in a character's head and if they don't understand what's being said in another language then that's what I want to convey in the story, rather than giving the reader privileged access to what's being said that the character doesn't have.
does that sound really pretentious? probably.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
technically I wrote a cracky Harry Potter fic first, but I consider my first actual fandom to be Wheel of Time.
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
either bingjiu or beefleaf are two pairings that I love and have a lot of strong feelings about but haven't actually managed to write anything for, and both are on my list as like...just #waiting for the right idea.
also hua cheng/mu qing, which is a tiny pairing of my heart that Needs Me (or whatever) and I know the kind of fic I want to write for it but actually executing it is, as usual, proving harder.
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
it fluctuates wildly depending on mood, but I'll give this one for now to the backyard is full of bones - it was the first project I bound into a book, which I feel like says something for it.
tagging @gloriousmonsters, @curiosity-killed, @mikkeneko, @brawlite, and @feralkwe; not actually sure how many people I'm "supposed" to tag on this one so if you want to do it consider yourself tagged as well.
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cringelordofchaos · 8 months
welcome. I like your shoelaces.
And Your Rat's Eggs. •
Salutations, earthlings (or non-earthlings)! I don't know what you're doing here but beware for you are coming in for a ride! The only problem is the driver never went through a single driving lesson so don't blame me if we crash!
Beware, as this blog may include many depictions and discussions of unreality, swearing, death, trauma, ableism, racism, and more. At times I forget to tag these potentially triggering topics.
Yes, I had indeed attempted to make an introductory post! It heavily pains me to write this all, given my distinguished and embarrassing personality, but on this boat we strive to not care! Cringe culture is dead and I'm coming for your pancreas and brain tissue if you so dare to disagree.
So, without further ado!
x DNI x
if you're a bigot in any way (queerphobic, n@zi, racist, sexist, ableist, generally discriminatory, etc etc)
also this isn't really a dni criteria but pls don't behave inappropriately when interacting with me, keep it at a joke level maximum, I value my comfort over your pleasure
I am fine with anything you so dare to call me, be it a regular name or a homophobic slur. I quite frankly don't give a shit. However, nicknames I most prefer amount to DOMINO, TOKI and GOBLIN !!
I am fine with any pronouns, though in terms of preferences I do gravitate towards they/them more than anything else. Everything else is irrelevant, but I am queer, and I don't think I make it subtle (?).
- https://en.pronouns.page/@CringeLordOfChao - my pronouns page
(I'm not as into some of these fandoms as I am in others, for example i barely know crap about Moomintroll I only sometimes watch some scenes of it on yt as a comfort show and I still listed it here, you can ask me about specific fandoms and how much I'm into them)(bold text = obsessed/into it enough to the point of being capable of infodumping about it/having a decent amount of opinions on it/having a conversation about it) (nvm idek anymore just ask me if I'm interested in it or not atm)
Video games: Skyrim, OMORI, BAD END THEATER, her tears were my light, Adventures with Anxiety!, Sonic The Hedgehog (general), Parappa The Rapper, Parappa The Rapper 2, Um Jammer Lammy, Minecraft, MineCraft StoryMode, Duolingo, Pokémon (general), Pizza Tower, Amanda The Adventurer, Cuphead, Word Trip, UNDERTALE. Tomadachi Life, ROBLOX,
Roblox games: Flicker, my eyes deceive, Adopt Me!, Royale High, Sonic Pulse RP, Horse Valley, Rate My Avatar, Speed Run 4, copyrighted artists, Pyrite Adventure, Wolves Life, Total Roblox Drama, Murder Island 2, Sonic World Adventure,
Neurodivergence (such as, but not limited to): Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), Bipolar Personality Disorder (BPD), Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FASD), Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD), Down Syndrome, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), etc etc
Animated series: The Music Freaks, hfjONE, The Owl House, Amphibia, Sonic Prime, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Parappa The Rapper, Sonic X, AVM Shorts, The Loud House, The Casagrandes, Legend of Korra, Pokémon, Total Drama (Island/general), Willcraft's Monster School, LEGO Ninjago, Spirit Riding Free, Moomintroll (2017), DuckTales (2017), My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic, The Cuphead Show, Sonic Boom, The Amazing World Of Gumball, Kipo And The Age Of Wonderbeasts,
Non-animated shows: Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy, Dark, Only Fools And Horses, The Modern Family, Sesame Street,
Comics: Sonic The Hedgehog (IDW)
Animated movies: Sonic The Hedgehog (1996)/Sonic OVA, The Last Guest, Nimona, The Lego Movie, Equestria Girls (all parts), Moana,
Non-animated movies: Sonic The Hedgehog + Sonic The Hedgehog 2 [i guess, I feel obliged to like it since I'm a sonic fan], Avatar, Alpha,
Webcomics (all available on WEBTOON!): Blooming Season, The Last Dimension, Unfamiliar, Jackson's Diary, North Korean Kid, Heartstopper, Is chair still in the park?, Ghost Eyes, Meow Are You?, The Recloseted Lesbian, War and Tea, Hyperfocus, Erma, Emmy The robot, Post Harbor, Spellward Bound, The Little Trashmaid, Of Aliens And Cacti, MAX has AUTISM, Hollow Kid, Aurora Borealis, Always Human, Will There Be A Tomorrow? (H), High Class Homos, Everything Is Fine, Home Sweet Ghost, Notumare, Heartstopper,
Books: The Name Of This Book Is Secret (all 5 parts), Hobbit, Ana, Teo, Warrior Cats (general),
Music creators: Radiohead, Rex Orange County, Laufey, bo en, Jack Stauber, Jay Vincent, Kaden Mackay, Olivia Rodrigo, if I was 9 again the only person on this list would be Alan Walker (I don't care about his music anymore), Pink Floyd, liana flores, Your Favorite Martian,
Gacha Stories: Boy With Bad Luck, Girl With Good Luck, The Music Freaks episodes 1-11, Shy Family, Shy Family PART 2, Lesbian Liar part 1-5, A Walking Disaster, Fated Sisters, A Beautiful Tragedy, The Mute Tomboy, literally anything made by Hxnnah rlly,
Favorite YouTubers: Flamingo, RosyClozy, TheOdd1sOut, Illymation, Hxnnah, [Brii Studios UwU], Cypopps, Emzii, NerdyArty, Marikyuun, ExtraRosy, WowzaDawg, foster on the spectrum, Behind The Meme, LilyTrescot SMP, JaidenAnimations, Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows, Ice Cream Sandwich, How To ADHD, LesbianMindflayer,
Favorite Tumblr blogs (not including mutuals srry xx): @/oneeyedleaf, @/nerdyarty, @/tmf-confessions (technically a mutual), @/i-say-ok, @/sonicshipbattles, @/uncharismatic-fauna, @/official-boob-posts, @/identifying-horses-in-posts, @/sonicthehedgehog, @/inthetags, @/notumare (tech a mutual), @/your-blorbos-are-queer, @/the-owl-house-takes, @/incognitopolls, @/my-autism-adhd-blog. @/hot-take-tournament, @/haveyouseenthismovie-poll, @/aita-blorbos, @/oc-aita, @/jagged--dust-jacket-analysis (also tech a mutual), @/hero-deserves-to-be-happy, @/just-a-blog-for-polls, @/thistmfcharacteris, @/sonicapproves, @/lordystrange, @/aphantimes, @/neurotypical-sonic, @/fishyfishyfishtimes. @/adhd-sonic-the-hedgehog, @/obelisart, @/queeradhdcultureis, @/pd-culture-is, @/content-free, @/starscatteredsky, @/hero-deserves-to-be-happy,
Miscellaneous: zoology, drawing, using Picrew, ninjas, goblins, parallels in writing (this obsession is eating me alive I swear I'll literally analyze my events as if they're fictional and I'll draw parallels between them and my favorite fandoms/past events pls send help), daydreaming, dust, media analysis, character analysis, calculators, singing, mushrooms, weirdcore, goblincore, sociology, vocabulary, MBTI,
Languages (both real and fictional)(I only actually know some of these)(still learning): ninjargon, dovahzul, spanish, japanese, serbian, english, na'vi,
Things I'm planning to get into : Zoology, crocheting, Terraria, The Lego Movie: The Sequel, The Wilds, Warrior Cats, crafting, Nimona (comic), Notumare, The Mechanisms, Dark, Inscryption, The Adventure Zone, DELTARUNE, Teen Wolf, Solitaire, Sonic X, Good Omens, Voltron, The Amazing Digital Circus, Steven Universe, Oblivion, Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, MineCraft StoryMode, Percy Jackson, the pink corruption,
My own stories/Fanfiction plots: ghost!SUNNY AU (OMORI), Mob Academy (Minecraft fanfic), Carla and Silvia, omori!Hanahaki AU (OMORI), Flicker fanfic, HOLLOW HEART, (feel free to ask about any of these!!!)
Things I plan to get into again: MLP;FiM, Ninjago,
(bold text = absolute fave!!)
TMF - Jake Sterling, Millicent Brooks, Drew, Lia, Sean Everett, Daisy,
ST - William Byers, Eleven/Jane Hopper/Byers, Jonathan Byers, Robin Buckley, Joyce Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Kali Prasad,
PTR - Jammer Lammy, Parappa The Rapper, Katy Kat
STH - Sonic The Hedgehog, Miles Tails Prower The Fox, Mimic The Octopus, Whisper The Wolf, Sticks The Jungle Badger, Amy Rose The Echidna-Rascal (personal hc),
TOH - Luz Noceda, Agustus Porter, Edalyn Clawthorne, King Clawthorne, Lilith Clawthorne, Philip Whittebane/Belos (do not excuse his actions whatsoever), Enzo Gabriel The Collector
Amphibia - Marcy Wu, Sprig Planters
SS - SpongeBob SquarePants
Minecraft - Creeper, The Ender Dragon, Herobrine, Enderman, Wolf, Fox, The Wither
RBLX Flicker - Eduardo, Rita, Mikah, Amethyst, Adora, Amani
TMNT - Michelangelo!!
TLH - Luna Loud, Lincoln Loud, Lenni Loud, Lucy Loud, Clyde ??
TD(I) - Noah, Izzy, Dawn, Ezekiel
Ninjago - Jay Walker, Nya, Zane Julien, Akita,
WEBTOON TLD - Alex Hill, Phillip Maxwell, Anne Marie De Delle
[character] x no one = I like the interpertation of said character being aroace/just not dating anyone in general. (Bold text)= otp
OMORI - suntan, sunflower, heromari, goldrush, sunburn, photobomb, KEL x no one, herobowen, etc
STH - blazamy, whispangle, sonknux, sonadow, sonic x no one, kittails, amy x no one, stickmy, sticknux (but in a very specific modern sth way), sticks x no one, sonjet, shadisper, etc
TMF - ooo boy... milliot, jailey, hailia, drake, laisy, saisy, dailia, dadie, jaisy, jenry, drew x no one, drakailey, henriam, ladie/salia, platonic draisy, platonic henria, more xx
PTR - sunny x no one, parappa x matt, parappa x pj berri, parappa x no one, etc
Ninjago - lava, plasma, techno, jaya, bruise, opposite, pixane, glacier, harumya (?), lloyd x no one, cole x no one, nya x no one, qp mud, etc
TD - noco, gwourtney, nowen, breoff, bfffls, dizzy,
WEBTOON TLD - alex x phillip, anne x
x ANIMALS I LIKE x (few are fictional) •
virgin island's dwarf gecko, blobfish, horses, roosters, unicorns, wolves, anglerfish, immortal jellyfish, lion mane's jellyfish, okapis, rats, reek stonefish, doves, pigeons, vultures, cats, echidnas, frogs, star nosed moles, naked mole rats, moths (they seek the light which only further strays them away from life, the truth), spiders, rock doves, blue jaya tongue skinks, australian ghostsharks, aye-ayes, goblin sharks, dragons, whatever the fuck atla's momo is, lemurs, squirrels, flying squirrels, capybaras, OMG I JUST FOUND OUT FLYING LEMURS ACTUALLY EXIST THEYRE CALLED colugos, gerenuks, jabirus, jaguarundis, japanese spider crabs, jerboas, pangolins, potoos, thorny devils, snakes, black cats, vampire squids, northern stargazer,
x TAGS x
ghost!sunny au, >:], to do list, omori!hanahaki au, important, urgent, rb, asks, animalsss, others art, others writing, vent? like among us?, I am not funny, byliner, house design inspo, minecraft fanfic inspo, mari appreciation 💜, sean appreciation, fictional birthday, music, rb, tickposting, mari wheelchair au, serbian shit, carla and silvia, my oc, my ocs, my story, mob academy, hollow heart, 🎩🕊️, 🎩🕊️ • ❓, my polls, polls, 🎩🕊️ • ✉️, 🎩🕊️ • 📜, 🎩🕊️ • 🪬, 🐀🥚, me on anon, freakblr colour war, hailey hair controversy, freakblr colour war 2, freakblr colour war ii, mecoded, cringe confession of the day, gay screenshot collection, my top posts,flicker webseries preparations, hyper-cis, freakblr lore, my mom watches tmf, into the rosyverse, background-chan,
x TAGS FOR FANDOMS x (aka fandom acronyms) •
omori, tmf, st, go, ptr, sth, avm shorts, atla, rblx, amphibia, yfm, etc (if a franchise has 2 words or more when I reblog posts about that franchise the fandom tags I'll use for them will be exclusively the acronyms even if it isn't most preferred)
My life will end incomplete! ~~××
(I'll try updating this later)
(this is like the tenth time doing this, I'm only capable of making intro posts in ONE RUN I guess, I am in pain, sjkdcie)
I occasionally post pretty angsty, overwhelmingly negative, and at times violently suggestive vent content here. If you do not like that, please filter the tag #vent? like among us?
I might have depression and/or adhd so that's probably gonna mess up my life and social interactions ummm (I'm a sensitive individual so please don't be too harsh)
I sometimes draw, don't expect it to look good though. You can request any prompt !!
My Roblox accounts are FinVanzahDovahKiin and stejsi_079 !!
My DeviantArt account is Unoriginal Creator !!
Even though I had formerly stated that this blog may contain triggering themes (even though I can't quite recall much triggering posts/reblogs I have on here??) this blog is mostly silly, it's just me being me
I have a lot of TMF mutuals, we have a lot of inside jokes that may not make any form of sense to outsiders
Even though I had also stated I have my own fanfiction ideas I like, I have not written any of them down and God knows when I will.
I need to spend less time on the internet for the sake of my health
My YouTube account is [InsertUnoriginalNameHere] !! (I've deleted 90% of my former content. Also most of my videos on there are like 2 years because I stopped posting after my parents found out it existed)
I have an alt account @freakblr-lore !! Studying the lore of tmf but mostly the subculture of freakblr
I also have a tmf Sean Everett rp/ask blog called @mr-broom !
I ALSO have a tmf Daisy rp/ask blog called @x-daisy-x !
There's also another one @hailey-i-guess
Another one @xjaded-sadiex
I'm disappointed in myself. I made an rp/ask blog for an entirely irrelevant background character. What the fuck. @background-bg-chan
IM PLANNING TO MAKE A ROBLOX FLICKER WEBSERIES!!! Posts related to it will be tagged "flicker webseries preparations".
There's an Elliot one now too!! @xx0blooming-orchid0xx
@sussy-albertaretz-core my fan blog for the Roblox YouTuber flamingo
please ask me anything about any of my interests
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 8 months
hi wifey happy stan week :* <3 please drop ur favorite ojverse headstannons or else ( i will kiss u )
OH GOD OH FUCK I get asked to talk about OJVerse Stan AND get offered a kiss?? Hehe slay
Alright here’s some OJV Stan hcs:
• So OBVIOUSLY Stan is our plant based KING (every time I write him but specifically OrangeJuiceVerse) and he generally doesn’t push that onto his friends but if you get him started… oh boy. In middle school Randy BANNED him from watching Animal Planet (fuck u rancid randy) bc our boy BROKE DOWN about the endangered buffalo and he SOBBS at every Sad Animal Add on tv TO THIS DAY!!!
• Speaking of Sad Animals, their cat, Moose, WAS, in fact, adopted from an animal shelter that Stan volunteered at for a period post the Sad Sack oneshot before working up the nerve to apply at the vet clinic, and he and Kyle both VERY MUCH consider that cat to be their SON!!! Once Style gets close to Creek during and after BBFA2, Stan and Craig wind up bonding over the way Moose is attracted to Craig’s calm demeanor.
• Also ojv Stan is a MASSIVE FUCKING LOSER like it is canon in the series that he SPEAKS CLUMSY ELVISH in the fucking BEDROOM like a NERD and Kyle CANT RESIST!!! They rp their warrior/elf king personas FREQUENTLY and it is so astronomically Lame I would die for them
• OJV STAN IS A BIG BOY!!! Like the guy is Built for HUGS and WILL HUG EVERY BEING ON EARTH! All creatures great and small get the Stan Hug and Kyle has… a certain fixation… on his arms… (simp). Even after Stan has to stop playing football (I may need to write a whumpshot on that actually), he tries to keep up his physique JUST so he can hold EVERY dog ever like a BABY!!! He also adores holding Kyle (even when Kyle pretends to protest) and They Are!!! Perfect Puzzle Pieces!!!
•Sober KING!!! Stan stopped drinking at the age of 25 after a particularly bad breakdown in which he TOLD KYLE EVERYTHING bc man’s was SO DISTRAUGHT that he forgot how many ice cubes Ky puts in his juice and he was like fuck no this ends HERE!!! He chairs local AA meetings on Wednesdays and is accountability buddies w Tweek.
• On the note of his friendship w Tweek and their sobriety, Stan wrestled a LOT with asking Tweek if he could be his sponsor. The self doubt hit AGGRESSIVELY and he didn’t feel ready to step into that role at first. But doing one daunting thing gives courage for doing another, so once he finally proposed to Kyle, he found the strength to support another recovering addict. Kyle’s really proud of him.
• The poor guy has been suffering depressive episodes for most of his life, but he has always found an outlet through music. He’s an incredibly intuitive guitar player and can pick up just about any genre at the drop of a hat.
• INSANE green thumb, like he can grow just about anything (helped Sharon in her garden always) and when Kyle was struggling with outpatient for his eating disorder in freshman year of high school, Stan brought him flowers EVERY. FUCKING. DAY. Even with Kyle missing a full month of school, Stan Marsh was NOT about to go even a DAY without seeing him and making sure he felt loved. Once Kyle was feeling stronger mentally and physically, that’s when they started dating. Kyle initiated that first kiss, and Stan cried.
• OJV Stan reallllyyyy likes to carry his partner. Like REALLY likes it. It makes him feel like the knight in shining armor he always wanted to be, and he gets so excited when kyle actually LETS him. He takes pride in being a source of comfort, and when Kyle fucked up his knee in AFITS, he got to offer the same kind of reassurance that he always got from the sbf during his Sad Sack episodes. While Kyle supported him mentally and emotionally, Stan supported him physically. Kyle’s a stubborn little bitch about his bad leg, but Stan’s a stubborn little bitch about fussing over him.
• on that note, Stan secretly loves Kyle going Mom Mode on him. On everyone, really. He loves that side of Kyle. For the most part, at least, because occasionally he’ll get annoyed with it and tell him he’s acting like Sheila, and Kyle will get all huffy about that, and Stan will have to apologize and will usually end up going overboard with an elaborate gesture (it almost always goes wrong) and Kyle will laugh so hard that Stan thinks he might combust.
• Kenny has been pulled into FAR too many Stan Plans, and their particular bond in OJV is so bizarre. Like so much goes unspoken, yet understood. As teenagers they’d be jamming together or something and Stan would go “you ever think abt dying?” and Kenny would just be like “all the time brother” and they never spoke of it again. The stenny bond is extremely special to me, and when Stan asked Ken to officiate the wedding, Kenny jumped at the chance.
• A lot of OJV Stan’s happiness (the ones later in the timeline at least) is a fake it till you make it kind of deal. Is this toxic to some degree, yes. But after years of trial and error, he’s gotten pretty good at focusing on the positives of life. He does his intentions daily, checks in with his mental state frequently, and has learned to recognize patterns of dysfunction. He knows that his mentality is a journey, and is slowly becoming more open to help.
• Stan made a playlist and sent it to Kyle to ask him to prom. He obsessed over it for FAR too long.
• OJV Stan LOVES camping, and got so excited to find out his local AA chapter does an annual trip. That’s what really sold him on the whole thing.
• He was the first person that Marj went to when she started questioning her gender, and he was admittedly pretty clueless. But he did his research, made an effort to empathize, and found her some resources to reach out to. They don’t talk about it, but he likes that he helped someone else through a rough spot. Kenny found out a few years later, and cried harder than Stan had ever seen from him. It gave him a second wind during a particularly bad Sad Sack Time.
• OJV STAN is a Taco Bell ENTHUSIAST and that man LOVES any hot sauce. He and the guys (plus Marj) have taken Tabasco shots together on numerous occasions.
• Prefers board games, but fixates on video games easily. Anything story based, he is THERE. Cried playing The Last of Us 2, Kyle held him tight after the end credits. Whenever they play a game together, Kyle handles combat, and Stan takes over for the puzzles. Also, Stan and Ike frequently play Minecraft together and are MENACES on GTA RP servers.
• HAS LOWKEY HELLA TATTOOS!!! (Stealing this from RM btw) DEFINITELY a “chef” tattoo, Sparky’s paw print, a lil Smaug from The Hobbit, cringe ass FOB tat, and a “KYLE” right over his heart. Loser. I love him.
(I love talkin abt OJV especially stan and kyle)
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zoeyslayter · 6 months
Introduction Post
Oh, hi, hello, lemme just:
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Let's get this started shall we?
TW: School sh//ting mention, mention of Col//bine. I tried to put it in the tags but apparently tumblr doesn't like ALL OF THE TAGS!
Name - Zoey
Pronouns - she/her
Species - Zombie*
Sexuality - Pansexual, Alloromantic
Age - 26
Country - USA, EST
I Like:
True Crime**
Magical Girls
Horror (films, books, analog, games)
Writing (stories, lyrics)
I Dislike:
True Crime***
Playing Horror Games
Bigotry (-phobia, "anti-woke,")
Making fun of triggers
My Own Government
My Favorites (all subjected to change):
Game - FFXIV
TV Show - The Tudors I want Natalie Dormer to STEP ON ME
Anime - Sailor Moon (OG and Reboot)
Book Series - Fear Street by R.L. Stine
Movie - Sleepaway Camp
Musical - Six
Bands - Skynd, Ice Nine Kills, Brothers of Metal
Special Interests:
The Six Wives of Henry VIII
Vampire Academy
Cluster-B Personality Disorders (I don't have any, I just think they're very interesting in a hopefully non-creepy and more educational way)
Scream (side note: Fuck Spyglass Films, Free Palestine)
Additional Notes:
I post what I want. There is no theme; only chaos
I can't draw so most art of my OCs are either commissioned or done via avatar makers
Norse Pagan (beginner)
Artist who drew my PFP is linked in my sidebar
AO3 and Goodreads linked in sidebar
*This is not a rp tumblr. Zoey is an internet persona **While I'll tag the TCC for the sake of information to be reached as well as for those who have certain tags blacklisted (I myself live near where a prolific school sh//ting happened) but I do not participate in the TCC on here. ***I don't like that true crime exists, even if I do find it interesting. ****As stated above, I do this for information purposes. I merely find it interesting and there is a lot of misinformation about the tragedy. While Dylan does fall under that category of someone I would have been friends with or had a crush on in high school, I find fangirling over him and Eric, and anyone else who have committed atrocities like theirs, disturbing and insulting. But that's just my onion. It has layers.
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artemis-red-hotd · 1 year
Lucemond Well Met AU
sfw, threadfic cross-posted from Twitter. I recommend reading the original format at the link below, because the og Twitter post contains music link + an image. But if you hate twitter, I copied it below. Based on the romance novel "Well Met" by Jen DeLuca
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Aemond & Luke volunteer at a Renaissance Fair with Rhaena & Helaena. Aemond RPs as a knight, Luke RPs as a lord. They need to interact for the story line, to their dismay. Somehow, their character interactions keep coming off as flirty 🤔
Lucerys had been trying to avoid Aemond since the eye incident a decade ago. Awkward family dinners were inevitable from time to time, with Aemond glaring holes into him. Rhaena had been excited to play the role of a noble Lady at this year's fair.
However, the guy meant to play her Lord cousin bailed. She begged Lucerys to join her so the storyline could continue as is, and he begrudgingly accepted after being reminded about how much they had enjoyed improv club back in high school.
Aemond had been dragged into it by his university HEMA(historical european martial arts) club, being one of the top martial artists and jousters of their region, and had caved when first Rhaena, then Helaena, had begged him to join.
“It will be fun! Aegon will be there too!”
Aemond wasn’t thrilled, but he was passionate about people having an accurate idea of HEMA, so he agreed.
When Aemond and Lucerys saw eachother in the briefing, they pointedly ignored eachother, except when Aemond glared at Luke the entire time. And when Luke nervously checked if Aemond was still glaring at him. He was. Always.
The first day, Aemond is donning a full suit of armor, ready to take part in a tourney for the fair attendees to enjoy. It is also a vital kicking off point to their story lines. Aemond goes up to where Rhaena & Luke are seated.
“Lady Tides! I would be honored to be granted your favor!” calls out Aemond into the stands. His eye is fixed on Luke, who squirms under his glare, even as Rhaena bestows her favor upon his jousting lance. Everyone claps politely. Including Luke, though he cannot help rolling his eyes.
“Oh, you have something to add?” says Aemond sharply, pointing his lance at Luke’s chest. Some people in the audience gasp. Aemond smirks. “My Lord Strong.”
“Tides!” hisses Rhaena under her breath. After a decade of attitude, Luke has had it.
Luke stands up, snatches Rhaena’s favor off the lance and crumbles it in his fist. The gasps get louder. Rhaena shoots Lucerys a horrified look.
“You know what, I don’t think you deserve my cousin’s favour, dear Knight Tower. She can do better.”
Aemond face is alight with fury now, part anger, part mortification. Lucerys doesn’t know where he was going with this.
“Who deserves her favor then?” says Aemond. “Yourself? A bastard?”
Someone in the stands gasps in shock.
“Wow,” says Rhaena, putting her head into her hands.
Luke is fuming now too.
“Is this how you speak to your /liege Lord/, ser Tower?” he calls out, ignoring the dozens of eyes fixed on him in rapt attention now. “I could have you flogged!”
“As if you’re even Strong enough to make a dent in me.”
“Is that a challenge?” Luke is smirking now, until Rhaena elbows him so hard he nearly falls off the stands. “Ow!”
Luke suddenly remembers where he is and shoots Rhaena an apologetic glance.
“Well… I can only hope your opponent lays you on your back for me,” he says quickly.
Someone in the stand hoots. Luke isn’t sure why. Aemond looks puzzled too.
“The favor!” hisses Rhaena. Luke looks down at the flower wreath in his fist. It has been mangled beyond recognition. In a moment of improvisation, Luke quickly grabs his own favor (meant for one of the visitors, but alas) and throws it around Aemond’s lance.
“For bad luck, Ser Tower.” he says, meeting Aemond’s glare with his own.
The crowd claps as Aemond turns back towards the field where his opponent is waiting, confused but rolling with it. Luke sits back down and avoids Rhaena’s exasperated glare.
“Sorry. I’m sorry. He got under my skin,” says Luke quietly, watching the match.
Annoyingly, Aemond wins, meaning Lucerys has to bestow his prizes upon him, when it should have been Rhaena. Aemond isn’t thrilled about it either, as it will involve him kneeling in front of Luke to receive honors.
Aemond does get a gasp when he removes his helmet though, revealing his sapphire eye for all to see. Luke silently begs him to keep his cool, not wanting a repeat of earlier. But.
“Behold,” Aemond throws his helmet to the ground. “This bastard lord… was the one to take my eye.”
“Aemond!” grits Luke, ignoring the gasps of delight from the crowd. “Shut up!”
Aemond finally takes the knee, smirking gleefully up at Luke’s red face. Luke wracks his brains.
“A sword fighting accident!” he calls out, holding his hands out apologetically.
“I am the only one to have ever bested Ser Tower here. A great feat, you must all know, after seeing his skills today.”
Aemond’s face is red in anger again, but Luke quickly places the flat of his blade on his shoulder to keep him from rising up and proving Luke very wrong.
Luke loudly bestows upon Aemond the honors he needs to proceed in his story line. Aemond keeps quiet, but his eye promises a certain revenge. When Luke is done, the crowd disperses, sensing the end of the scene.
“So much better than last year,” Luke catches someone whispering.
Rhaena drags them both into the staff room inside of a tavern, fuming the entire way.
“Boys! People paid to come here!” she hisses, but is interrupted when the tavern bard tumbles into the staff room.
“Oh my god!” says Aegon. “That was so good guys. So fucking hot. Everyone loved it, I could tell.”
“What?” asks Aemond.
“Brother! Didn’t know you had it in you!” Aegon claps him on the back, making his armor clang loudly. To Luke, he says. “Great improve!”
Luke shrugs, shooting Aemond an angry but confused look.
“Thanks man,” he says, uncertain. “Aemond here couldn’t keep his shit together.”
“Wow, still in character I see. Ser Tower and Lord Tides really have chemistry.”
Aegon claps Luke on the back too, then drags him into the tavern for some mead while Aemond changes. Luke sits in the corner of the room furthest away from Aemond, fielding small moments of interaction with the other fair goers. Mostly complimenting his performance earlier.
Luke had worked the dialogue to ensure the weekend’s plot could stay on track after Aemond’s impulsiveness, so he gladly takes the praise, grumbling into his beer. Helaena joins him, after Rhaena commandeered Aegon to vent. She is dressed as a tavern wench, and plays the part.
Luke expects to be told off by the fair organizer, but he only gives him a thumbs up when Luke sidles up to him to apologize. He can only pray that the next day, Aemond will keep it together.
He does not.
Rhaena follows the script, and gets kidnapped by a Dark Knight, and is whisked off. Luke goes around recruiting fair goers on a quest to rescue her, and they need to find Ser Tower to go pull some heroics. Aemond rolls up on his horse. Dismounts.
Luke found the story line a bit cliché , but who was he to deny the audience a little romance. The crowd gathered around them seem happy enough with the events at least. One person even gets bold enough to come speak to Luke, to his delight.
“Aren’t you upset, Lord Strong? That Ser Tower will leave you for Lady Tides?”
“Yes,” says Luke, rolling with it. His character does not want this marriage to happen. “Devastated. Alas, he is the only one who can rescue Lady Tides from the clutches of the Dark Knight.”
The crowd aawwws, and Luke pulls a sad face to match their energy. But on the inside, he is panicking. He is losing the thread of what the crowd is doing, and he looks over at Aemond pleadingly. Aemond smirks, making Luke’s stomach sink.
“Am I? I thought you were stronger than me?”
Luke looks at him with a broken expression. Aemond rolls his eye, but keeps pushing on.
“How about we duel? For the privilege of Lady Tide’s hand? Since you seem to be so reluctant to see me wed to her,” says Aemond, to Luke’s horror.
“No!” gasps the crowd.
“Ew, aren’t the Tides cousins?” says someone.
“No!” echoes Luke. “No dueling!”
“You owe me a debt, boy,” says Aemond, swishing his sword. Impressively, Luke admits to himself. Aemond huffs. “You are a spoiled little Lord. A craven.”
“I cannot fight you,” says Lucerys, grasping at the strings of the conversation with the desperation of a drowning man. “I-Uh... Swore an oath to Lady Tides. That I would never harm you.”
“Should have sworn that to me ten years ago,” says Aemond, pointing at his face.
Luke winces, but the crowd is hooked, hanging onto their every word.
“Whatever debt we have unsettled, Ser Tower… We must put aside for Lady Tides. Your future bride. My dear cousin.”
Someone in the crowd gasps.
“No! You can’t let him go!” calls out someone else.
Luke dramatically clasps his hand over his heart.
“Alas, we must all go. We must rescue Lady Tides,” he calls out into the crowds, making sure to project his voice.
Except, Aemond is not cooperating.
“I don’t give a shit about the Dark Knight!” shouted his uncle, drawing the crowd back to him. Eye rapt in sadistic glee at seeing Luke squirm in mortification. “I only care about this. What we have between us.”
“Aemond! Ser Tower,” Luke grasps his arm and squeezes hard.
“Please… just… We need to go on this mission ok!” he hisses. “Lady Tides needs us!”
“Lady Tides can wait. My Lord Strong, what are you afraid of? Hm?” says Aemond, looking ready to squash Luke’s head in with his shield.
“Jesus Christ!” mutters someone, sounding delighted.
At least the audience was having fun, thinks Luke pathetically to himself.
Suddenly, another horse canters up to them. Upon it is seated Helaena, donning a suit of armour, looking cheery.
“Oh, the it’s Lena the tavern wench!”
“The bard told me to go save and marry Lady Tides,” she says, sounding her usual dreamy self. “Ser Tower is released from his vows by the King himself, he is now free to marry whomever his heart chooses.”
The crowd cheers. Luke cheers along, confused.
He is so fired. He isn’t getting paid much, but he’s definitely fired. Aemond claps along, grumbling, a bit red in the face as his sister glares pointedly at him.
“Alright, let’s go save Lady Tides! Follow me!” sings out Helaena, leading the crowd away.
A young woman dressed in a red kirtle approaches them. She wipes a tear from her eyes.
“That was beautiful,” she says in a wet voice. Aemond and Luke exchange a confused look. “This meant a lot to me. We deserve a happy ending.”
“The King is good,” says Lucerys, not knowing what else to say. Aemond smiles cheerily down at him. “Um… It’s important to follow your heart. Even in the most trying times.”
The woman gives him and Aemond a hug and chases after Helaena, a big smile on her face.
Luke and Aemond watch her go, the silence stretching out significantly.
“I think our characters are gay,” says Luke finally. Aemond lets out a short laugh.
“You think it’s going to save you?” says Aemond, brandishing his sword again. Luke groans.
“Please no. I’m so tired.”
But Aemond does not relent, and Luke runs off, hoping the armor slows his uncle down. It does, only marginally.
Helaena defeats the Dark Knight to the delight of the fair attendees, and whisks Lady Tides off to have their union blessed by the Septon.
The ceremony is almost interrupted when Luke dives under the stage, trying to escape Aemond. Aemond dives in after him, dragging him out by the foot. The Septon, the fair organizer, pulls them apart, looking white with fury in the face.
“A double wedding then!” growls the man, pushing Luke and Aemond on stage to the cheering of the crowd.
“Wait, no!” says Luke.
“Well, come on Lord Tides, pay your debt,” says Aemond, shoving Luke a bit too hard, a vicious smirk on his face.
They play along until the end of the ceremony, where they are told to improvise vows, to both of their chagrin. Aemond looks a lot less gleeful when they are commanded to seal the wedding with a kiss.
But the crowd is cheering, so they can only lean forward and press their lips together. They furiously avoid eye contact when they pull apart.
This weekend had not gone according to plan, thinks Luke to himself.
Next time, he was going to ask to be a Knight, so he can defend himself. Or perhaps a shopkeeper, so he could accuse Aemond of theft and get the fair goers to drag him away.
It’s an unnecessary thought, however. Rhaena never asks either of them to bail her out ever again. ~ Fin
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enigma-absolute · 1 month
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :)
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…This is gonna make a total of 15 but oh BOY
This was mentioned in a previous ask before but singing a whole cover of ‘Rainbow Connection’ I did with friends joining me on the last third of it. It makes it extra special and I want to post it on here, but I’d rather ask the friend who I’d made this for, with posting permissions first.
Honestly? My silly little neopixel lightsaber I’ve (unwisely, in my mother’s opinion) bought at a recent con. It lights up, it makes noises, I can change the blade colour bc of the light, it’s so far everything I’ve wanted in a cheeky laser sword prop.
On a related note, my silly little sword collection! A LARP foam sword, a wooden katana, and even a steel replica of Sting, also from that same con over a few years!
Fashion! Me from 10 years ago being on this hellsite for the first year would never believe it, but growing and defining my own sense of style and aesthetics over time has not only been fun, but I *feel* happier too. I know what I like and what I don’t, and I’m still learning!
The very fact that I was blessed to go to the uni I did. Sure, the culture is different there compared to of course, my old high school and bible college, but I loved what I studied (more rather than less!) and I’m still in touch with people I’m honoured to call friends. To think some of those cool people live near or in the same city as me!
Not to be simple, but, music! I’ve been getting back into some of my favourite songs and remixes from The Living Tombstone as one point, (Long Time Friends you angy catharsis tune), but also listening to playlists I’ve curated for OCs and Stories and even shared songs with me and my friends over on Spotify has been fun!
Travel!!!! I didn’t know how much I’ve missed travel until my Singapore trip earlier this year - I missed boarding planes, taking off and landing, I missed going out to places like malls and cafes and food and friends outside of my own country. I missed the new sights to see and the good vibes to encounter when you look in the right places. And having my first taste of independent sightseeing at the botanical gardens felt like something new was set in stone.
As of recent, RP has been somewhat active between me and a couple buddies on discord. To the Chrumblr RP gang and Star Wars discord RP server: I love you and I'm grateful you allow me to bring plorbo from my brain into Situations with the characters you play!!!
Painting!!! I haven't touched it in a bit since I've been busy with other things, but I adore, ADORE watercolour and gouache painting. It brings me joy to mix colours and use my palettes to bring characters and situations to life, and I even have a whole sketchbook from 2022-2023 dedicated to just paintings. Sketchy paintings, refined ones - the only goal was to PAINT.
The crochet sunflowers I bought last year! I've got a tiny potted one on my study's windowsill with a broken Miles Morales Spidey keychain, and a longer simpler one in a glass bottle in my bedroom. I really wanna get more crochet flowers, but they were from this one random stall that set itself up like, twice overall at uni last year. That being said, I adore them.
From the same con I got my lightsaber on, I got lucky to buy a print poster of A New Hope from Lucasfilms artist Mark Raats direct. I'm not kidding, and we even had a chat and I did a little 'handy-dandy-notebook' portrait of him in line, even getting to airdrop that to him! Best bit, the poster was $30 on INCREDIBLY archival paper. I just need to get a frame for it...
Just recently, I'd gotten a haircut for the dry ends and long, thick fringe; and can I say??? I love my hairdresser? She's a really sweet Japanese lady who came from just outside Osaka and she's out here in my city doing the best and she once cut my fringe to my standards SO quickly than other hairdressers - I was stunned! I'm deeply grateful to have her work on my hair, and I could not thank her enough.
This is a bit silly somewhat to me, but I love the brown messenger bag I'd bought for myself end of last year as a treat to myself for finishing honours. Did the side strap holders snap twice? Yes. Do I care? no. I love this thing, it feels so *right* for adventure and it brings me so much joy.
Something that makes me smile if I glance at it in my study is my shelf of books. Not sketchbooks, not notebooks that have been filled (though I am proud of that too!), just proper books. From comics to 'Tales from the Loop' and cabin architecture and treehouses, and recently a couple Star Wars visual dictionaries from Pablo Hidalgo... I'm gonna need more space soon. (Shoutout to the copy of Farenheit 451 that legit made me scream and kick my feet because BRADBURY.)
Honestly? Just… friends. Online, real life - if I think about you too hard, I’ll cry. I’m blessed to have met friends online In Real Life (looking at you Swift and uni mates!), and blessed to have mailed and wrote and created silly little things to share my love with ‘em. Good are the ones that stick with you. 💙 Get loved, nerds.
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sunnybunny2468 · 1 month
full ask game but bri flavor :)
(og post here, all credit to op :))
💭 not quite sure for any of them.... 🚗 she is 14 years old :) ✈️ traveling!!! traveling yes yes yes!! she would >w< 🎮 talking, rhythm games, and singing/dancing! 💍 no, and she would like small earrings... 🖊️ no, and maybe one or two small ones? a bunny, fox, and butterfly, seperate or together. 📚 shes a high schooler :3 🎻 no, she's more of a singer! 🩹 she has really bad mood swings, but not diagnosed with anything... 🩸 not sure...
𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐒. 🎶 vocaloid!!! she loves vocaloid very much! and it helps keep her from constantly talking, so :) 💯 she was in a milgram rp, she's a pacifist, and she once considered eating glitter.... 💤 light sleeper, she will wake up and stay up if you pique her interest.....her sleep schedule is alright but only cuz her older sis keeps it that way lmfao 🔱 yeah, but she prefers land! splashing strangers however is a fun adventure to her :D 🔺 GOOD GOD NO....SHE IS SCARED OF ANYTHING THAT COULD HARM PEOPLE... 🔶 no, she doesnt know it, and nope- ^^'' 🚫 her big sister would fucking ground her. for a eternity. she knows better.
𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄. 🌈 sapphic asexual, she/her! 🎄 valentines day!! maybe someday she'll get love.... 🐶 no- but she wants a bunny. she would do anything for a bunny. 🐈 she's okay with her small circle, but loves yapping to anyone! 🐷 bunnies. she is not allowed in stores near easter. 🐉 jackalopes! but only cuz of miley.... 🍃 music classs!!! 🌴 no, not really! but she likes flowers :D 🍎 somewhere in america! she hasnt left home, and doesnt mind it! though, she wishes to visit japan someday....
𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒. ❤️ optimistic, friendly, and forgiving! 🤍 clingy, incredibly emotional, and she talks a lot. 💔 naive, easily broken or messed with, and has attachment issues. 💘 her friends, her sister, and by proxy, her sister's pin. in the universe where her sister is missing, she treats it almost like her. when she knows what she's about to do is something her sister would frown upon, she hides the pin or gives it to someone she trusts for the time. 🧡 friends, excluding her sister. her parents aren't...people she knows much about. 💛 she knows english and asl! though, she can only understand asl, and cannot do it herself :( 💚 she doesn't mind either way! 💙 no, no magic here! just a 14 year old girl :) 💜 she doesn't know, haha- 🖤 no, and no. she'd never do either. breaking a promise by harming someone, or hurting someone emotionally that horribly? she could never.
𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐒. 🎂july 11th, 2008! shes a cancer, and the rest who knows ^^'' 🍝 she likes simple stuff! grilled cheese is good for her ^^ 🍰 coffee rolls. she would do almost anything for them. 🍦 cookies and cream! she likes the double sweetness :) 🍔 she knows enough cooking to get by, not much baking....she'll eat almost any sweet you bake, though! 🥯 something simple, like a bagel or donut(s). she tries to, as long as she doesn't miss her walk to the bus with miley because of it! 🥪 school lunch, otherwise whatever her sister picks...and of course, she tries to! sometimes she talks through the lunch period without eating a thing, though.... 🍛 usually chicken nuggets or rice by itself! her sister tries to make sure shes always eating enough, though :) 🍸 she's 14 ^^" ☕️ she likes fruit juices, including juice boxes! :D
𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄. 😊 her ultimate dream is to be a idol! and honestly? she wants to live a life hard for others to forget, a star too bright to ignore. 😖 EXTROVERT. she will YAP. to ANYONE. 🤔 lots of humming, tapping her foot like a bunny, twirling, and switching between censored phrases ("yikes on bikes!" "dangit!" "raspberries...") or just. swearing.
🧐 emotional. so very emotional. 🤓 SHE WILL Y A P. god forbid you bring up something she likes. 🤩 'fuck it we ball' attitude. god stop her. 😥 she stresses EASILY. but she tries hiding it with energy and positivity :3 😓 open minded, and questions things often! but if the answers make her uncomfy, she'll ignore the truth and deny it as long as she can... 😞 she likes making her attitude a light, and people are like moths. 🤒 not really! she doesnt do much to get sick, so... 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 all she cares about is her older sister, who doesnt mention their parents or other family much...her friend group is like a family to her, though!
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findroleplay · 9 months
Heyo! I’m searching for people who’d be interested in writing. Interested persons must be 21+. NSFW content can be incorporated sparingly, but copious amounts just isn’t my style. Detailed writing is a must - quality over quantity. Not opposed to tumblr writing, but I’d really prefer Discord.
I have some RPF ideas as well as fandom, so here ya go:
—RPF: Just going to make a list of pairings I’d like to see and we can talk ideas: Sophia Bush/Brittany Snow, Austin Butler/Vanessa Hudgens, Dylan Sprouse/Barbara Palvin, Joe Jonas/Sophie Turner, Chase Stokes/Kelsea Ballerini, Ross Lynch/Sabrina Carpenter, Elizabeth Gillies/Avan Jogia, Jacob Elordi/Joey King, James Lafferty/Taylor Swift, Nick Hargrove/Sarah Jeffery, Dylan O’Brien/Zoey Deutch, Robbie Amell/Italia Ricci Blake Lively/Ryan Reynolds, Emily Osment/Gregg Sulkin, Josh Dallas/Ginnifer Goodwin.
—Fandom: Pitch Perfect (Beca/Chloe), One Tree Hill (Naley, Leyton, Brulian, Brooke/Chris Keller, Clay/Quinn, Brooke/Nathan), Gilmore Girls (Luke/Lorelai, Rory/Logan) Friends (Mondler, Roschel), Dynasty (Fallon/Liam), Castle (Caskett), Post High School Musical (Troy & Gabriella)
If interested, shoot me an IM here and we can talk! Thanks in advance ❤️
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lookingforroleplayers · 8 months
Disney Shows RP Masterlist!
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Reblog this post and add in the tags
your URL
if you’re a single muse or a multimuse
from which show they're from
your muse’s name
EXAMPLE: scrunklyrpblog, single muse, animal crossing verse, Scrunkly the Mighty
to be added in the list!
this masterlist is specifically for cartoons based on Disney movies, such as the "Tangled" series, 101 Dalmatians Street, or the High School Musical Series.
for the Disney animated movies masterlist, go here!! for other shows not based on movies, check the masterlist here!
NOTE: if you have a multimuse blog, write as many muses as you have; if you’d like, feel free to give your muse a “title” to describe them!
Characters in show and alphabetical order can be found HERE
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charlotte-liddel · 1 month
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NAME :  Elipseon
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION :  If we're mutuals then generally tumblr IM system is fine. Sometimes I'll add some mutuals onto discord after a while too since I don't always haunt the dash. I also speak through tags on threads.
NAME  OF  MUSE(S) : Charlotte (For this main blog, all others are side blogs), @lockhart-investigations for Meia and Enzo, @inky-anemone for Anemone, @grounded-sparrow for Suzume, @lyanna-of-aryllia for Lyanna and @tempestuous-melody for Muirín. (For the side blogs, I will do threads on them usually by request since I don't promote them too much)
EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ) :  Casually for about nearly 20 years at this point.
BEST  EXPERIENCE : I'd have to say that Kinkoz so far has been one of my best experiences in just both RP and OOC chatting. I'm a fairly guarded individual with most, and I don't trust easy. There are others too certainly that I enjoy writing with and do my best to keep up letting people know I am aware and care best I can.
RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS : There are a few things that become deal breakers for me, and some are rather common. To keep it simple I'll quick fire them: Not tagging posts properly (especially leaving meme prompts untagged), Live-blogging mun actions/game playing constantly on an RP blog (This includes trying to hide the live blogging as character actions, and to do so for consecutive hours each day), Any participation in witch hunts/callout culture, Any sort of specified name dropping/airing of a private issue or falling out with another mun on their RP blogs (Just don't do that, it's self destructive), Lying about age to get into NSFW interactions with an older mun (Anyone claiming to be 18-20 I am wary of for the risks they might be 15-17 due to past experiences), and finally Clout/Popularity chasing within the RPC/Giving outwardly Popular blogs reply priority over longer time close mutuals/friends. That last one I see too often, and I will generally quietly remove myself from people who try to play that Popularity chasing game by dropping friends and mutuals the popular people don't like. This is a hobby, not a re-enactment of high school interpersonal drama.
MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT : I enjoy fluff and angst like any other. Smut is reserved for mutuals I trust and discord only, since I will rarely write it and only do so with proper chemistry.
PLOTS  OR  MEMES : I don't really run memes all that often, if it isn't obvious, and I prefer plots. Nothing ever too overly thought out so the interaction can be fun, but just enough so we have an idea of where we're going.
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES :  I'll do either really, but I prefer mid to long over short where I can help it.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : It can vary day to day sometimes, but usually in the evening for me.
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) :  There's a bit of my values set in each of my muses, obviously. The blunt honestly and slightly erratic natures are the obvious, alongside the love of music. Beyond that though, each of my muses has personalities that vary well beyond myself and I enjoy writing them for those differences.
tagged by: @wayward-sword (How dare you tag me Kinkoz XD)
tagging: @baymaxmuses , @strawberry-barista , @hellahell , @hellcab and honestly whoever else of my mutuals who would like to steal this off me!
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girlwithakiwi · 2 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @elder-flower
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
32 (20 are user-locked)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
For the past five years, it has been iterations of A Song of Ice and Fire (the book canon, Game of Thrones, and House of the Dragon). Prior to that, I've written fics for Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, Kingdom Hearts, Fushigi Yuugi, High School Musical, RENT, The Dresden Files, Harry Potter, Glee, and BBC Sherlock.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the gather, the bend, the bringing forth (Game of Thrones S8 canon divergence)
some nights the lighthouse, some nights the sea (transatlanticism) (Game of Thrones S7 canon divergence)
the silhouette of a single memory (Game of Thrones reincarnation AU)
all the ground beneath with tears and blood (Game of Thrones/The Vampires Diaries fusion)
where ruin also exists (A Song of Ice and Fire, post-ADWD)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Even before I started writing in the ASOIAF fandom, I did tend to write bittersweet endings. Loss and grief is a fascinating frame of reference for an otherwise happy ending and I've always liked being able to write about those conflicting emotions. That said, it was probably never let me go.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Haha, lmao—this is definitely the silhouette of a single memory and its adjoining prompt ficlets.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
My canon divergent fics for Game of Thrones sometimes get the rare grumpy butt but honestly, I pay too much in taxes to be bothered by someone trying to be snide behind the anonymity of a computer screen.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sure? I think my smut is pretty tame compared to a lot of stuff I read but I do write it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yes, I've written plenty. Sailor Moon/Gundam Wing and Game of Thrones/The Vampire Diaries might be the craziest though, considering how ridiculously dissimilar the two canon sources are.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
the gather, the bend, the bringing forth has its beginning chapters translated into Russian here
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes and no. My old RP partner @lyrangalia and I used to email RP during slow days at work and through that was born the AMD and Silvered Lightning universes. But since these technically never started as fic, then it's kind of in that weird uncategorized space.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
All time? I'm not sure if I have a single one that takes the top spot. I've liked Tomberly (MMPR), Willabeth (POTC), Neal/Sara (White Collar), Parker/Eliot/Hardison (Leverage), and Jonerys (ASOIAF) but I love them all equally.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hands down, Arcana. The reason I won't finish it is because I fell out of love with the source material (it didn't age well) and the author of said source material (he's kind of an asshole!). I do still love the character that this fic revolves around and it's removed enough from the source material that I could finish it but...
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characterization and dialogue, probably? Who knows.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Characterization and dialogue, lmao.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Eh. It can be done and I've done it a few times honestly. I don't make a habit of it because it's just a bit of a headache to translate.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sailor Moon.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Based on re-readability? a silhouette of a single memory and where ruin also exists
No pressure tags: @jellybeanficwriter @moondancer71 @zavocado @kiaxet @luthien-under-bough @calenlily
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sobeksewerrat · 10 months
☆~~Elvina The Cock-Kicker~~☆
prolly gonna update or change this later (updated: 25/5/24 [d/m/y])
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Uh, hello! Name's Elvina (I also go by AnDrew/AnDrea! And Argo aswell, but you need permission from me to use that one), but you can call me whatever lol
(There is also Eara'as, but who cares-)
Update on 24/2/24: Fuck it I am naming myself Adam too. Yes, after the guy from Hazbin. Sue me. It is one of my favourite names now.
-> لو انت بتكلم عربي و عايز تكلمني بيه ممكن تقلي ربيع او مروان برده!!
I'm an amateur artist and writer; currently trying to graduate as soon as humanly possible (and high school has been kicking my ass)
My tagline is "kinda bored ngl"; seriously it's been in the bio of every social media account I have ever owned since 2019 at some point or another it's actually insane, WHY AM I SO BORED?!?
this intro post pretty much only looks good with the "Vampire" theme, if you don't have that, then it sucks to suck, i guess.
☆I have a full Rules post but these are some others not included in that or TL;DRs.
-> I block very liberally, but I never just randomly block a mutual (unless it is a joke like in the freakblr war or they did sth horrible). I have severe anxiety so I tend to just block anybody who I feel is aggressive (intentionally or otherwise) or weirds me out.
-> I have a really broken sense of humour and I post a lot about inside jokes and stuff with my mutuals. I know I can't stop you, but if we're not mutuals or you're not involved in whatever inside joke I am talking about please dni with the posts. Once a joke of mine blew up and I deleted the original post and made my friends delete their rbs so people would stop seeing it.
-> I tend to forget to tag TWs properly. If I forget to tag sth, please inform me!!
Special Interest (persumably): The Music Freaks
Hyperfixations: Ace Attorney, Luca(2021), The Stanley Parable, Story Thieves, Scott Pilgrim , Hazbin Hotel , Avatar: The Last Airbender
Danganronpa V3 [yes, V3 specifically.I don't interact with the fandom much]
Mark and Friends/The World of Mr.Plant
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Blue's Story (Victaton)
Big Hero 6
Diary of A Wimpy Kid (mainly the Dysfunctional Perspective fancomic)
Al Kabeer (not a fandom technically but who cares)
Jackson's Diary
Aurora (red osp)
Riordanverse (including KC and MCGA)
Unfamiliar (Lavendertowne)
Helluva Boss
Obey Me!
Buncha other stuff that I am too lazy to name (might edit as i post about them)
Fandom Stuff to Tag Me In!!
My Kins!!
Random Bullshit:
fav colour is red
Professional Faggot since 2018 (legally)
Aro/Ace (achillean)
Agender / Aboy (transmasc, pronouns: he/him)
Basically just your local pathetic trans boy with mommy AND daddy issues (the whole package!)
Born in spooky month, loves spooky month
OCD, ADHD, self-diagnosed Autism
Biochemistry nerd. I didn't mean to be one but there was just something very intruiging about toxicology. Blame Lavendertowne.
Massive multi-shipper (also i like crackships, A LOT)
Coffee, vimto and soda addict (blame cockitchy ouma)
Fav. fictional chr. of all time: ✨Manfred von Karma✨(PW:AA)
Drew and Milly kinnie (TMF)
I am Drew irl, all I say about him is canon, I even run the rp blog, don't question me
Menace to society, according to all of my irl friends, and just people who know me (just ask my freakblr mutuals, they'll tell you).
Minor, obv.
Never truly grew out of my Gacha phase
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Other Blogs
Artfol: sobeksewerrat (not super active there lol)
Wattpad: ElvinaHS
AO3: sobeksewerrat
Have a great day/ night!!
Your favourite god,
Sober Skewart 🐊🍻
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kangsxsienna · 10 months
hello! happy to be here as kang siyoung / sienna, angelic’s main rapper & dancer and a soloist in her own right. i was here before at famed as san, kami, xi and etc! i’m also bringing san and will be posting his intro as well! below the cut you’ll find links, some facts and a few idea bunnies! 
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Profile / About / Career / Plots / Open Claims  ( i’ll be working on adding variety and extra things but right now it’s focused on music / choreo related things. not listed but also applies if you wanted a role in mv or directed one.  if people want to back-date working with her or if you’re thinking of bringing a new muse and want to add things to their career.) 
kang siyoung or sienna. sienna is her english name and she since used it as her stage name 
adopted at two years old by parents who’s relationship quickly went south. both still support her but their focus is moreso on their new families respectively. 
got into everlast and debuted in angelic as the groups youngest member, main rapper and dancer 
got into a bit of trouble in high-school because she went out of her way to take the boyfriend of a girl she thought was a bitch and bully. #noregrets 
started to work on the group’s sound in 2015. she since then she’s worked on every comeback in someway including, song-writing / producing, choreography, styling. she’s also done this for other groups canon groups in the rp as well as it being one of her main focuses of income for smaller npc groups in the universe 
random but she’s not good at variety, during promotions one or two shows that are in a group setting though, she does have a love for crime scene 
performances at underground clubs / small festivals and mainly college festivals, her biggest festival performance was this year at waterbomb 
her youtube channel has her personal videos, music videos, dance videos and etc. one stop shop 
is a perfectionist work-a-holic 
trying to work on not being so cold and deadpanned 
is a good artist and likes to go on live and sketch sometimes 
comes off a tad cold and honestly, she likes it that way but is less formal once you get to know her, unformal if they’re friends 
does NOT have a chip on her shoulder when it comes to family and how she feels about hers.
no chip
nope not a one
loves anything horror. listens to the true crime podcast, scream posters, watches the wailing like it’s a romantic comedy 
as a unique relationship with her fans as she’s always had boundaries. has a strict relationship with them in what she shares and how. 
was the sexy-cutie in her group and it fit her well. that being said, her solo popularity didn’t carry over to solo work. often dismissed for her looks but the bigger issue was that the concept didn’t work with her. she has seen a rise since curving out a concept for herself with culture creative. that being said, her reputation is fairly high. known by staff and idols as a hard-working. (still goes around to pass out her album) though people might not know her, they don’t hear bad about her. and then her fandom is pretty good all things considered, she has slightly above average sales for a soloist but a lot of her engagement comes from social media, her connections and etc. 
ideas: (copied from my plot page bc #lazy) 
family relation! she would be the oldest sibling on all sides, unless she step-siblings were older but any half-siblings would most likely be younger! including her birth siblings that she knows about but don’t know about her 
i have to check to see if she has any over-lapping credits, but any connections from them working on something together as creators or an artist or group she did work for!
a little gc of song-writer / producers and they send each other little audio snippets and be amazing together 
one or two ex’s, bc home girl did focus on her career more than her relationships, she also blew threw some people, thinking they were on the same page (they weren’t) 
the one that did break her heart (or will?)
that nice core group of 3-4 friends 
the one bff that you can’t replace
possible enemy? 
someone who catches her resting bitch face and now there is a problem 
featuring on her youtube channel? 
planning to release music together 
some friends or peeps from high school? 
related to the above fact, if your muse was a mean girl or mean girl ish in high school or the boyfriend that she stole and then dropped shortly after 
dancing related friends
stylist related friends 
art friends 
like this and i’ll come to you or if you see something that checks out, lemme know! 
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