#post rots
cypanache · 1 year
obianidala week 2023
Note: This is not complete or ready for prime time, and its a premise I said I'd never write. But ... *shrugs* I'm writing on the fly to make the cut off. So here have a tumblr snippet anyway. Hopefully more to come as the week goes on.
Prodigal (part i)
“Come away with me,” Padme says and for a moment the fog clears. 
“Yes.”  Anakin agrees and for a moment everything seems possible. 
They find Obi-Wan waiting for them in the pilot’s seat of Padme’s star skiff. Face solemn, eyes tired, lightsaber unlit but in hand and for a moment they all just stare at each other.
“So,” Obi-Wan finally says, “What now?”
“Where do you propose to go?” Obi-Wan inquires with quiet contempt when they find themselves alone in the cockpit after Anakin has passed out in the bunk. 
Padme bristles a little. But only a little.  Honestly, she’s too tired to fight. Too tired to pretend she doesn’t doubt her decision with every breath. But it is hers and she has made it. No turning back now. 
“I don’t know,” she admits and something in Obi-Wan’s face softens. 
“We’ll figure it out.”
“You don’t have to come.”
Obi-Wan just closes his eyes.  “Where else would I go?”
She doesn’t have an answer for that. 
They make it less than a week before, without warning or preamble, Anakin finally gives voice to the thing that’s been hanging over them since the moment they walked back up the gangplank. “You came to kill me, didn’t you?”
Across the canteen, Padme stiffens. 
Obi-Wan sets down his tea, runs a thoughtful finger along the rim before answering.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes.  I came to kill you.”
Padme sucks in a sharp shocked breath and presses her hand to her mouth.
Anakin barely flinches.  Just studies him with dead eyes.  He’s obviously worked this all out days ago.
“Do you still want to?”
“I never wanted to.”
“But you would have.”  It’s not actually a question.
“I don’t know.” Obi-Wan admits and he can’t tell whether the acid guilt he feels eating away from inside is because he thinks he would have or because he didn’t.
“I don’t want him here.”  Anakin says that evening when they’re alone in the bunk room.
Padme doesn’t look up from the star map she’s been studying. “That’s not your choice to make.”
“We don’t need him.”
“I need him.”
“For what?” he retorts, not bothering to hide the suspicion and jealousy that have been eating him alive since he found his master on his wife’s ship.
That gets her to look at him, and he immediately wishes she hadn’t.  He doesn’t recognize the woman across from him. Can’t find his angel anywhere in the broken, jagged pieces that are that remain of his wife.  He did that, he knows.  He broke her.  Smashed her. This is his fault.  So why does he resent it?  The way it hurts to have her look at him.  How her eyes cut him open, show him the worst parts of himself reflected back at him in the fragments of her gaze, until he has to look away. 
Padme says nothing and goes back to the star map and the seemingly ever present question of “where next?” that plagues their lives now.  Each of them hunted for entirely different reasons. What would be shelter for one, a death sentence for another. 
He tries again.
“I’d never let anything happen to you.  You know that right?”  Gently he reaches out to put a hand on her belly, spreading his fingers over the swell of life inside, feeling a small flicker of hope when her hand moves instinctively to his.  “Padme, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”
There’s a surge of revulsion in the Force so powerful it makes Anakin almost physically ill, and Padme shifts his hand away. 
“What do you think I need Obi-Wan around for?”
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strsburn · 1 year
𝒂𝒄𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒔 ━ ★ masterlist
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pairing - neteyam x female jedi! reader
synopsis - after order 66 is executed the remaining jedi are sent into hiding as the empire seeks to wipe out any remains of the old republic and any semblance of hope. you, a former jedi and padawan of ahsoka tano crash lands on pandora among the seas of Awa'atlu.
The Metkayina clan are weary of the newcomer seeing as you bares no resemblance to any of the na'vi, being a togruta, and from a different planet altogether. However, your skills prove useful as a force user and you're given sanctuary furthest from the village as they deem you a witch, an thus, an outcast.
It's there where you meet the Sully's and an indescribable bond is formed between you and the oldest son, Neteyam.
see also - the jedi teach the dangers of attachments, but how could love be a bad thing?
mentions of violence, death, genocide.
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skyguy-snips · 2 years
Worth the Wait
inspired by the line "you're dead" from the codywan plan for kenobi that i know we've all seen and cried over by now. except i made it a little bit more sad than that script seemed. oops. anyways, i have cody brainworms and spat this out in one sitting somehow.
summary: Memories were not the only thing that followed Obi-Wan from one dusty planet to another. It had been a long three years on Tatooine. (codywan, post order 66. read on AO3)
word count: 2,486
Shifting his shoulders in discomfort from the heat, Obi-Wan took another subtle glance around the market. He’d only just arrived, but he could already feel eyes on him. There was more white armor appearing each time he went into town, but they all seemed preoccupied with something else. 
He shook his head, trying to clear his mind. Worry had taken root these days, not only for his own safety but for the safety of someone much more important. 
It had been a long three years on Tatooine. 
Keep reading on AO3
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mercysong-tardis · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Satine Kryze Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze, Original Child Character(s) Additional Tags: Planet Tatooine (Star Wars), Obi-Wan Kenobi Gets a Hug, Obitine, Obitine child, infant, Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tatooine, Established Relationship, Songfic, Song: Saturn (Sleeping At Last) Summary:
Obi-Wan takes his newborn son to see his first sunrise on Tatooine
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Partners? Partners.
A sequel to Partners, Perhaps. Read HERE.
“...and so please consider not the removal of the domes, but rather the addition of more across Kalelava and other, more arid planets in our system.” Dr. Reyna paused, waiting for the polite applause to die down. She scanned the room, catching the gaze of Satine in the front row briefly. “The studies have been there - and have only been reinforced these domes improve air quality within them, and thus allow for better usage of machinery, not to mention the affects of pollution and consistent exposure to sand particles among our youth is drastically lowered and causes fewer health issues. Thank you.”
Satine stood and clapped alongside everyone in Congress, well aware of the cameras floating around broadcasting this session to the system. The urge to smooth a hand over her body was there, but she settled instead meeting Dr. Reyna at the steps of the podium. ‘Good job,’ she mouthed to the system medical advisor. She clasped hands with the woman briefly before heading up the podium. 
The polite applause died down gradually, and Satine smiled a little as it did. “Thank you, Dr. Reyna. Your proposal was fascinating and enlightening. The transcript and studies will be - “ she cut herself off at murmuring in the crowd, scanning it and unable to find anything. One of her guards tapped her shoulder, and she leaned over. 
“General Kenobi tried to come in discreetly.”
“Ah - excuse me!” Satine felt a little glee as the room’s attention went back to her almost immediately. “Like I was saying, the transcript of this talk will be available by the end of the week in both print and online forms. Related studies have already been posted.”
She cleared her throat, ignoring a few of the more gossipy reporters trying to shout for questions. “I know this proposal is controversial - I personally will not give my own opinion on the matter. Any opposing arguements that have not already been released can be said at next week’s session. Remember, midterms are only a two months away. It will be voted on then.”
The clamoring and scrape of chairs started.
“I have one more thing to say.” Satine stared at the podium for a moment before gripping the sides of it. “I will be taking a sabbatical at the end of the year. For about six months. I’ll… release more details and exact dates as it gets closer. Thank you.”
Satine ignored the clamor of voices and questions, stepping back from the podium. She began to undo her mic, then nodded in thanks as a crew member from one of the stations came forward and helped her. “Thank you.”
“You’re taking a sabbatical?” Prime Minister Alrich Wren asked, looking intrigued as he was unclipped from the mics. “May I ask why.”
She smirked, well aware that not every news station had shut down their cameras. Making sure they both could not be heard, she muttered: “I’m pregnant.”
Alrich widened his eyes, though he quickly recovered and smiled politely to his old friend. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. “General Kenobi - Su cuy'gar! ”
“Prime Minister - good to see you. Wonderful speech, Satine. My apologies for missing the session - the hyper space lanes were clogged.” Obi-Wan smiled as the Prime Minister waved goodbye, walking away to speak to his staff and a reporter. He waited as Satine checked in on her team one more time, then felt her hand slip into the crook of his elbow. One of the guards gestured, and they followed to one of the side doors, ignoring the flashes and questions of some. “You’re not going to speak to them?”
“I did before the session,” Satine muttered grouchily, though she managed to keep her face neutral. “Everyone wants a piece of me - sirs,” she said to the guards behind the, turning her head. “I’m fine from here. General Kenobi is more than enough for protection.”
Obi-Wan chuckled, rolling his shoulders as they walked through the hallway away from the Senate chamber. He rubbed her hand, feeling her relax as they went into a lift and hit the floor that would take them near her apartment. The actual floor didn’t have a lift, for security reasons. 
"How are you feeling?" Obi-Wan asked quietly as the lift pinged and she took her heels off, taking them out of her hand as she straightened. 
Satine made a face, hitching up her skirts in one hand while looping her other hand through his arm as they began to walk again. "Every time I go up or down stairs I fart."
He tried to keep his face neutral, but a chuckle escaped him nonetheless. An elbow was shoved into his ribcage, though she was laughing. "If that's your worst symptom I say that's a success."
"Most obnoxious symptom, not worst. Morning sickness is more of all day sickness. I've been living on ginger pop and toast."
Obi-Wan shook his head in amusement as they rounded a corner and made their way up a flight of stairs. He kept quiet, feeling her lean into him as they walked. 
Satine gave a small shrug at his inquisitive look. "I've really missed you. It's been…hard."
They finished the rest of the walk in silence. The palace was slow but steady this time of night, with the setting sun filtering through the windows and reflecting on all the plants and stained glass. 
He shouldn't have been surprised to see Satine's handmaiden outside her quarters. "Gwen," he greeted with a nod of his head. "Good to see you."
"General - you as well." Being a distant cousin of Satine's - but still a Kryze - Gwen was similarly built, but with tanner skin and a honeyed tint to her hair. Less vocal with her opinions, but still assertive enough to be her lady's advocate. "Satine - do you need anything? I collected what flismi and notes from the meeting you missed this morning, and rearranged a few gatherings for the next week so your days are longer but start later and have more time between appointments."
Satine dropped her skirts, giving a sigh of relief as she punched in the code to her apartments and the door slid open. "You're the best. Any word from the Fett clan?"
"Nope." Gwen followed Satine inside and down the stairs. She had completely disregarded Obi-Wan, per usual, too focused on giving updates. "Rumor has it they want to fight the Senate on the Clone Naturalization Bill."
"I heard that rumor as well," Obi-Wan murmured as Satine punched in the last code and they went into her apartments - finally. He always thought the amount of security she had was a tad excessive, but given how many assassination attempts there had been in her first years of rule he understood the need. 
"Figures. By popular vote here I offer clones citizenship because they're of Fett blood, but of course the Fett clan denied it because they think that means I'm gonna force clan rites for… how many millions clones? And now that the Republic finally has the support and the vote will be decided in the next general election they're putting up a fight?" Satine gave an aggravated huff, undoing her pins and headdress as she stalked to her bedroom. "Please tell me that's everything?"
"Everything pressing." Gwen went to the kitchenette, opening the fridge. "I'll send the rest over doc, it can wait until tomorrow morning."
Satine turned at the doorway, undoing her earrings. "I'll look at it tonight - "
"Bullshit - excuse my Huttese." Gwen gestured to Obi-Wan still standing by the entrance, smirking as she pulled out a fruit bowl and set it on the island. Plucking a grape from its stem, she pointed at Satine. "Do you want me to send up dinner, or have you two fend for yourselves to save a poor servant girl her eyes?"
"... we'll fend for ourselves, if you think there's enough edible food." 
"And I get tomorrow morning off," Gwen yelled after her cousin, laughing at the disgruntled nod. Shaking her head, she popped another grape in her mouth. "You doing okay, sir?"
Obi-Wan blinked, hearing the shower start in the bedroom 'fresher. Pressing his lips together, he eventually looked at the handmaiden. "It didn't start to sink in why I'm here until now… and I still haven't wrapped my head around it."
Gwen smiled, pulling a grape but not eating it immediately. "She's been okay… the nausea has been hard to hide. The fatigue too. People are starting to suspect something. But," she wiped her hands on a dish towel pulled from a drawer. "I'm gonna get your dinner on a hot plate and skedaddle. Don't want to see anything I shouldn't."
Obi-Wan opened his mouth to argue, then shook his head fondly and went into the bedchamber. The footman had already brought his luggage, and he dropped her heels - still in his hand - beside the pile of clothes next to her vanity. Her bedchamber always smelled like lilies and fabric softener. Methodically he pulled the luggage to the usual side he slept on, starting to unzip it when he heard the shower turn off. He pulled a few shirts out, frowning at the wrinkles before setting them on the bed.
"Can the clones still apply for Mandalorian citizenship?" Obi-Wan asked when the door whooshed open and he heard footsteps. 
"We're still on that? Uh - yes, they can, but Mon and I agreed they are Republic citizens first, so dual citizenship will only be open after the bill passes and - why are you staring at me?"
Obi-Wan swallowed, his ears pinking as he tried to gather his thoughts. "Can I… can I look - can I touch you?"
Satine frowned, studying him for a second. He looked… scared maybe. Timid, though joy was there too. So much joy and -
Oh. Face flushing, she crossed the distance between them. Her heart was racing, she was sure he could hear it. 
Obi-Wan kissed her gently, fingers untying the belt of her bathrobe. He drew away slightly, still not touching her even as the robe fell open. 
"...here," she whispered, taking his hand and putting it against the swell of her stomach. If she wore the wrong clothing now people could easily suspect a pregnancy now, but loose tunics and gowns had worked wonders for now. But… 
A small laugh escaped from Obi-Wan as he spread his fingers along the side and underside of her belly, feeling the changes. The other hand joined, rough palms moving across her stomach and butt and sides, trailing upwards. He pushed the bathrobe off her shoulders, hands ghosting over her forearms briefly.
"Your breasts got bigger," he muttered, playing with a nipple for a second before freezing. "Does that hurt?
"Sensitive, yes. Hurts… no."
Breathing a sigh of relief, Obi-Wan took a step back and sunk into the mattress. His fingers grasped her hips before she could straddle him and -
He leaned forward, pressing a kiss above her womb. "I love you."
Wiping tears from her face, Satine cupped his cheek. He kissed the palm of her hand. "Me or the babe?"
"Both," Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around her waist, head leaning against her belly and breathing shakily. "Thank you, my dear." 
Satine opened her mouth to make some smart ass remark, then closed it. Now was not the time. With a smile she nodded, fingers combing through his hair. “ Gar taldin ni jaonyc; gar sa buir, ori'wadaas'la.”
Mandalorian Translations:
Su cuy'gar! - "Hello!"; literally: "So you're still alive."
Gar taldin ni jaonyc; gar sa buir, ori'wadaas'la. - "Nobody cares who your father was, only the father you'll be."
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xxlittle0birdxx · 2 years
WIP: On the Edge of Hope… Korkie having a “discussion” with Cody
Cody shrugged. 'Even the Jedi have blind spots.' He ran a fingertip around the edge of the broad, slightly fuzzy leaf closest to him. Korkie had an iron grip on his emotions, but even that wasn't enough to quell the vibrations of anger that made his hands shake. Cody's mouth twitched. Obi-wan had a temper, but was able to keep it reined in. Mostly. He'd never seen this sort of hanging on by one's fingernails by anyone except Skywalker. Which suddenly put the Duchess in a whole new light. 'If the tables were turned, I'd’ve reacted the same way.'
Korkie set the shears down just out of reach and curled his fingers around the edge of the raised garden bed, 'Is that so?'
'We both want him to be safe.'
'Then leave.'
'Is it because I'm a clone?’
Korkie scoffed. 'My father's old enough to hold his own cock to piss. I don't care who he wants to fuck. He could spread his legs for a Lesat for all I care.’
‘You kiss your grandmother with that mouth?’
Korkie gritted his teeth, the muscles in his jaw pulsing. ‘Piss. Off.’
‘Do you hate me because I’m a clone or do you hate me for something I had no control over?’
The wood under Korkie’s hands creaked. He was going to have splinters. ‘You have no idea how much I want to punch your face in.’
Cody put his hands behind his back and deliberately widened his stance. ‘Go on, then. Give me your best shot, kid.’
It was a tempting prospect. Could he get in two, with a knee to the balls and a punch to the bridge of his nose immediately after? Korkie bit his lip hard enough to draw blood in order to erase the mental picture. ‘I was raised a pacifist…’ he murmured, squeezing his eyes shut.
‘But I’ll bet you’d make an exception for a dirty clone, eh?’ Cody brought one hand around to his face. 'Right there.' He pointed to a spot on his jaw. 'Or here.' He traced a circle on his shirt over his solar plexus. The back of his hand brushed over the front of his trousers. 'Or just give me a good solid kick in the balls. I'll probably fall over, and you can kick dirt in my eyes for good measure.'
Korkie let go of the garden bed and thrust his face into Cody’s. ‘I don’t give a wet Bantha shit that you’re a clone. I do care that you’re someone who tried to murder him.'
Cody took in a deep breath and swallowed hard. 'You have no idea how much I regret that.'
Korkie's hands clenched, knuckles cracking and turning white from the strain to not haul off and hit the man. Mostly because he knew Cody could take him out without breaking a sweat. 'That's great. That's fantastic. And what's to say you won't try it again?'
Cody exhaled with a punchy breath and stared up at the ceiling. 'You wouldn't believe me if I told you.'
Read the fic here.
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sparkie96 · 2 years
A Short One-Shot/AU: Where Obi-Wan was Anakin’s Padawan before Ahsoka and the events of Mustafar happen a bit differently. And a stirring of feelings Anakin isn’t so sure of and Obi-Wan isn’t giving him answers.
Rated T for language, Canon Typical Violence mentioned, and just feelings of Anxiety and Grief and all that fun stuff.
They narrowly escaped Mustafar with their lives, Anakin seeing the Light and seeing the truth in Obi-Wan’s words at long last. Just as Palpatine had shown up with a gaggle of Clone Troopers and Battle Droids in tow. Although Obi-Wan had seen the truth with his own eyes, Anakin still revealed the truth about the Chancellor turned Emperor. Anakin himself was still at a loss over the reveal as well as the loss of their dear friend, still wracked with guilt over it all. He had killed her and nearly killed their children…as well as nearly killing Obi-Wan, his companion and…
…He didn’t know if Obi-Wan felt the same way, but Anakin admitted it to Padmé; he very much loved Obi-Wan as more than just a comrade and a Brother in Arms. He had been his Padawan before Ahsoka, and Anakin didn’t look at her the way he looked at Obi-Wan.
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fanfictasia · 2 years
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spiribia · 1 year
once you hit adulthood a day will come when you’re suddenly like VEGETABLES 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 and it never goes away
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
even if you're not a supernatural fan, if you've been on tumblr long enough you are, like, culturally. like cultural christianity in america except it's the cw's supernatural. you may never have watched an episode or set foot inside the tag but your regular life shuts down on their holidays and all of your world news is delivered through that point of view. something to think about
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cypanache · 1 year
Prodigal (part ii)
for obianidala week 2023
Sometimes he wants to break something. Wants to reach out in the force and crush something, send something flying, give them a real reason to be so damn wary. Sometimes he thinks about leaving. Thinks about just heading out and never coming back. Thinks Obi-Wan and Padme would probably be grateful if he did, or at least relieved. He saw it on their faces when he came back that first evening, the resignation when he appeared in the doorway and they realized he hadn’t just run off, hadn’t left them alone. Maybe, if he were a better person he’d do it, let them go. Let them live their lives free of the burden of dealing with him.
But they’re all he has left. And Anakin has never been very good at giving things up.
read here
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r0ttinginmyr00m · 2 months
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚at least im pretty !!˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
art by @bylittlenursegirl , @/littlenursegirl on ig
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sparkleofstardust · 19 days
in light of the recent news that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has been found dead after a helicopter crash you might be wondering 'who the hell is this guy and why are so many people celebrating his death??' and i'm here to answer that!
to fully understand what's going on we need to look into Iran's history: when the Iranian revolution in 1979 happened the authoritarian king who was ruling at that time was overthrown, but the ensuing power vacuum lead to the islamic regime seizing power and establishing Iran as an islamic republic
the following years were incredibly cruel to the Iranian people; thousands of people (especially minorities) have been protesting against the strict islamic regime leading to many being jailed, tortured and executed.
and this is where Raisi played a big part: in 1988 he was part of a committee that ordered the execution of thousands of political prisoners who were protesting the islamic regime, earning himself the title of "the butcher of tehran"
do not be fooled by what the state media wants you to believe, the Iranian people are celebrating his death. he was a cruel mass murderer who has destroyed the lives of thousands of people, his death should be used as a time to mourn for all the suffering he has caused, and bring new attention to the political prisoners still being held in Iranian prisions today
because sadly the fight is far from over. many of you have probably heard of the murder of Mahsa Jina Amini back in 2022, causing a new wave of nationwide protests and establishing the "woman, life, freedom" movement. the regime has gotten increasingly cruel in their treatment of the Iranian people, especially women, but the people of Iran are not deterred and keep fighting for a free Iran.
if you want to know how you can help, please keep talking about us. the one thing the regime hates is international attention, and in the past it has been proven that international pressure has stopped the regime from executing various political prisoners. people like Toomaj Salehi are under imminent threat of execution and spreading their names could save their lives. so whether you share social media posts or talk to your family and friends about what is happening in Iran, anything helps 🙏🏼
jin, jiyan, azadi ✌🏼
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nityas-posts · 3 days
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Conception pt One
A companion to "Sexual Dialliances" and “Yuletide Grief," where Obi-Wan struggles with his asexuality versus the desires to expand their family. 
"God damn it!" Satine yelled, banging her hand on the counter.
Obi-Wan jumped, nearly dropping the pillow he'd been fluffing. He knew exactly why there was a teary, frustrated exclamation from the 'fresher.
He had really prayed that he didn't hear that this morning, this week.
Withholding a sigh and the lingering feeling of failure, Obi-Wan tossed the pillow on the now-made bed and walked into the 'fresher.
"... sweetheart."
"I'm fine!" Satine muttered, wiping at her eyes angrily. Her face was red, the color going down her neck and blending into the pink towel around her body. "It was stupid to get my hopes…my hopes up - oh Obi."
Obi-Wan had come closer while she was speaking and pulled her close. He pushed away the braid her hair was in, letting her bury her face in his fresh tunics and sob. "Don't blame yourself."
"We've been trying for months Ben!"
"...and we'll get there." Obi-Wan tried to smile when she pulled her head back and looked at him. He squeezed her hips, wanting to sound encouraging despite how deflated he felt. "We'll get there."
"We didn't even have to try with Korkie - just take antibiotics for a sinus infection and forget that it can mess up birth control!"
Obi-Wan grimaced, letting her step back and stride back into the bedroom, still upset. What he hadn't expected with this whole 'trying for a baby thing' was the mental exhaustion and desperation that came with it. He felt stuck, like he didn't have anyone to turn too.
Well sure, he had Anakin - but given the twins were a complete surprise and they had barely tried for the next kid…well, it wasn't the best idea. There weren't many other Jedi that had children, and those of his friends that were in relationships… well, they weren't parenting material quite yet.
It didn't help that he was nearly in the Outer Rim, in the Mandalore system, five hyperspace days away from Coruscant.
It certainly didn't help that he didn't particularly enjoy sex, especially the frequency that they were having it. He enjoyed being with her, the pleasure his ministrations brought, the enjoyment and satisfaction it brought her - and it did bring him something, if he were being honest, being able to do that, to share that with her.
…and to actually be trying to create life… He hadn't expected it to take so long. Or get so technical. If he even moved his head to the left he could see Satine's charts and notes stacked on the edge of the counter, the dates for recording prime days of ovulating and -
Tilting his head back, Obi-Wan leaned against the counter and tried to calm himself down. He hadn't wanted to voice his frustrations with his dear partner… she was always so busy managing and amending treaties between Republic planets and former Separatist planets, or trying to regulate hyperspace lanes, or even just managing her own system of hotheads and radicalists.
Shaking his head, he swiped the negative pregnancy test in the trash and went to find Satine.
She had migrated to the kitchen, now dressed in loose brown leggings and a fitted emerald green long sleeve. There was a floor-length shawl draped over one of the dining chairs - probably so she could look semi-presentable if she was called away from her office.
"Any meetings today?" Obi-Wan asked, pouring caf for both of them and adding sweetener to hers. He hadn't slept well during the night - no need for tea when he had too much to read from the Council.
Satine paused from setting the table, her eyes still watering. "Just a few, nothing exciting. Same old."
"Korkie's term as interim senator for Mandalore is ending soon… He told me he's announcing the bid for Senator at the end of the week."
"We're discussing strategy tomorrow - Mon has to remain impartial publicly, but I know her well enough that she would probably prefer him to anyone from the Wren clan that's running. I think even Boba Fett is running?"
Obi-Wan dipped at his caf, watching her move around the kitchenette in their palace rooms. "Korkie and you are beloved by Mandalore… I'm sure he'll be fine. You raised a good young man."
Satine attempted a smile, though it was weak. Putting the bread she had pulled from the counter, she spoke to the toaster: "Do you know what you're doing today, besides Council briefings to read?"
"... just that I imagine, unless something changes. Sundari Public Library is doing a fundraiser and auction for less fortunate libraries in the planetary system… I'll probably swing down to help and talk to the director. We could probably get a financial aid package through parliament if I get the numbers from the library director. I've seen some of those departments - the children's literature is often sorely lacking in many of them."
"A noble pursuit - you're too good for this Galaxy Obi-Wan Kenobi." Satine put the slices on a plate, finding the butter dish and putting both on the table. "Could you get the leftover fruit medley from last night? I put it in the fridge instead of sending it back to the kitchen."
"Sure - ah, there it is. What time will you be done?" He hoped it wasn't until late tonight…
Satine shrugged, focusing on her toast while he sat. "Five? Hoping for an early night."
"We could get it over with," Obi-Wan muttered to himself. Unfortunately she overheard and frowned.
"Get what over with?"
Obi-Wan put down the piece of fruit he'd been about to eat, deciding it wasn't worth it anymore to dance around the subject. They'd done it enough every month. "Sex. Love making. Intercourse. Whatever you want to call it."
"We're… we're trying to make a baby - conceive a child. Kind of need to have sex to do that, Obi."
"There are other ways to conceive."
Satine furrowed her brow, opening her mouth before closing it a few times. "...are you - are you suggesting that we can't - we know everything is fine, I've been pregnant before - "
"Satine - "
"What, are you suggesting surrogacy or IVF or some other - "
"Well it'd certainly be easier - "
"To who? You? I have to carry and fucking create a living being for nearly ten months and endure hours of dangerous childbirth only to have an infant stuck to my breast for the next year!"
With a sigh Obi-Wan stood, abandoning his breakfast. He brought his caf to the sink and dumped it out. "Nevermind, my dear. It's nothing you need to be concerned about." Forcing a smile, he walked back over and kissed the top of her head. "See you tonight."
"Ben…" Satine watched him leave, shoulders slumped as he shrugged on a cloak and left through the doors. Frowning, she stared at the abandoned meal before them, trying to think what could have brought on the argument. She knew he badly wanted more children - to bask in what he missed with Korkie, to raise a family with her, to pass on lessons and watch a new person grow into a thriving individual.
Sitting back in her seat, Satine found herself thinking of the twins. She didn't meet them for a few months, stuck on Mandalore trying to smooth her system and the peace treaty of an intergalactic war. But when she did… Oh, how she didn't want to let them go, holding one or the other or both all night. How jealous she felt, that her friends could have two and how much she'd cried - both of them cried, her and Obi - when they started to discuss children and realize that it wasn't the right time, not yet.
…and that had been five years ago.
They were nearing their forties now, which put her as an older mother. Well, according to the media -
The years had given them time to learn and explore each other again, to -
"Oh my God." With a groan Satine put her head in her hands, realizing why Obi-Wan had been so upset. "I'm an idiot.
The chair screeched as she stood, abandoning breakfast and grabbing her shawl as she hurried to the door.
The door to their quarters opened as she messily palmed it - and the guard outside snapped to attention to look her in the eye.
Satine forced a smile, nodding as she hurried up the stairs and to the second set of doors, which separated her chambers from the rest of the apartments. The guards there opened the doors without a word, letting her hurry through -
Only to see at the very end of the hall, the end of Obi-Wan's cloak disappearing around a corner.
She sighed, squeezing her eyes shut to prevent the tears that wanted to fall.
"My lady?" One of the guards asked hesitantly. "Do you need anything?"
"...no. No, thank you." Patting her pockets, Satine turned around. "I forgot a few things in my haste. If someone could contact the offices and tell them I'll be late I would greatly appreciate it."
"When do you expect the new arrival…time…ma'am?"
Satine didn't answer, walking past them and not bothering to hide the tears streaming down her face.
Her apology would have to wait .
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xxlittle0birdxx · 2 years
The scar under Cody's fingers ached as he pressed on it, weighing telling Korkie the truth, despite the risk that it could make him despise the clones even more than he already did. He'd already surmised Korkie was the linchpin here. If he could manage to convince Korkie, then Lady Kenobi might be willing to listen to her grandson. 'Every clone had this… thing… implanted in our brains before we were born. Jedi were told it was to keep us docile and obedient.' Cody's face twisted, like he’d eaten something foul. ‘Kept us obedient all right. All the right person had to do was order us to carry out one of the contingency plans programmed into it, and we would. No questions. We couldn’t stop ourselves if we tried.’ Cody folded his hands together, squeezing them tightly. 'And we tried…' Poor Wrecker still had nightmares about attacking Omega. ‘What’s to keep it from happening again?’ Korkie repeated. Cody tipped his head to the side, parting his hair to display the scar. ‘I had it removed.’ At Korkie’s visible skepticism, he added. ‘I may be a lot of things, but I’m not a liar.’
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