#professor caraway
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i am a high guardian spice apologist if high guardian spice has 1 million fans then im one of them if high guardian spice has 1 fan then i am it
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lolrentz · 9 months
i wish high guardian spice wasnt as poorly written and unanimously disliked bc prof. caraway is sooooo cunty i mean look at this guy
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rock-byumblr · 6 months
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suunkiised · 5 months
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some sketches of the gang as animals
image description below, it's long
[Start Image Description: On a grey canvas are several black ink sketches of characters from High Guardian Spice as animals. At the top left corner is a full body picture of Sage as a Carolina Dog, she has her arms out and is twirling around, her braid flying behind her, and two white arrows pointing right to indicate which direction she's twirling. Sage as her eyes closed a content look on her face. Near the top of the page is an image of Amaryllis as an Asian Small-clawed otter, looking over her shoulder, a shadow over her eyes and a black aura surrounding her. She has a speech bubble that reads: 'Say it to my face Cal.' Below that is a picture of Mandrake as a Polar Bear with white sparkles around him, he's talking to Rosemary (a Snow Leopard-La Perm mix) who has a speech bubble with a small chibi version of her face in it. Mandrake has a speech bubble that says: 'You're my little sister now.' Rosemary's reaction is shocked and mildly offended with her mouth open and eyebrows pointed down, above her speech bubble are three exclamation points. In the top right corner of the canvas is Parsley, a Grand Chinchilla, and Thyme, a Brown bear. Parsley is on Thyme's shoulders with their arms resting on Thyme's head, they're ears are pulled back eyes closed and talking about something. Above Parsley's head to the right, with an arrow point the the text saying: 'Likes feeling tall. Thyme doesn't seem bothered by this, looking mildly interested in what Parsley is saying to her. Small text in front of Thyme and an arrow pointing to her says: 'Is tall' - this is responding to the text about Parsley - Just below that text in asterisk saying: 'She (Thyme) doesn't mind' The piece below the Thyme and Parsley one is of Caraway, depicted as a Lion, his eyes closed and looking proud with white lines surrounding him. In the right corner is a larger piece of Caraway as a lion, looking off-screen at something with a smile on his face. An arrow is point at him with the text that says: 'Caraway as a Lion.' In the left corner of the canvas is a picture of Snapdragon, as a Lynx, she has her head in her hand looking at nothing in particular with a miserable expression on her face. The text in front of Snapdragon reads: 'Envy.' White thought bubbles surround Snapdragon with 3 characters, each with sparkles around them. The first one, Mandrake, is one the far left, he's smiling and looking rather smug with the text next to him reading: 'Androgynous AF (+ Charisma).' The next character, Sage, is directly above Snapdragon, she has shorter hair and is looking to the side with a slightly amused expression, with the text next to her reading: 'Literally the embodiment of female beauty (to Snap).' Finally on near the bottom right is a Caraway, who's smiling and looking off with an expression of understanding, the text next to him reads: 'Aspiration to Transition.' End Image Description]
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askerror87 · 1 year
ROUND ONE- Transmasc Swag Poll
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memeboi2005 · 8 months
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When I watched High Guardian Spice for the first time, my favorite character was Professor Caraway, and that was solely because he reminded me of Professor Sycamore. I was never really too into Pokemon, but I had like, one of those small phases during Gen 6, so I guess I had a lil bit of residual nostalgia brewing in my brain.
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transmascotd · 11 months
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transmasc character of the day: professor caraway from high guardian spice
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thunderstims · 11 months
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• PROFESSOR CARAWAY - High Guardian Spice Stimboard
Requested by @genderqueer-bithing
📔 📔 📔 | ✨ x ✨ | 📔 📔 📔
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enscrawled · 1 year
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Prof. Caraway High Guardian Spice Fan sketches
He’s in more of a manga/anime style now hehe!
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transotd · 11 months
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trans character of the day: professor caraway from high guardian spice
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letsgofoletsgo · 11 months
What You’re Made Of
This is a fic that was inspired by Western Energy, as I thought it would be interesting to see Caraway in this kind of spot. Now did I stretch his character a bit here? Sure, but I had fun writing it nonetheless.
TW: Violence, blood, torture
Also putting the song here bc it  inspired the title for the fic.
The first thing that Caraway realized was the sagging feeling in his upper body. His neck ached as his head hung forward, his torso held up with tight rope. Opening his eyes, he attempted to gauge his surroundings, fighting his groggy disorientation. The room he was in was small and dark, illuminated only by a hanging light overhead. There were no discernible windows, only a door across from him and a table adjacent to it. 
As Caraway came to, the severity of the situation dawned on him. The rope around his body squeezed against him as he struggled, his arms bound firmly to his back. His legs were mostly free, but couldn’t reach anything that could help him. Despite the growing panic in his core, Caraway attempted to look at the situation with a level head. He tried to remember how he got here, where he was, who he was with. He vaguely remembered being with Wyverna and Chervil, in what he thought was the outskirts of some town. His memory faltered from that point, only remembering that they agreed to contact each other with their terraspheres if anything came up…
Wait, his terrasphere! That’s it! He could activate his terrasphere and-
Caraway’s stomach dropped when he realized his earring was gone. 
He knew he had it when he left, whoever was behind this must’ve taken his terrasphere as well. Without it, he was a sitting duck. Panic began to show on Caraway’s face, eyes darting frantically for any means of escape. He felt like the room was closing in, he attempted to call out but the ropes against his chest felt too tight to breathe.
His mind was so preoccupied, he found himself startled by a sound from across the room. The doorknob turned. 
The door swung open, and Caraway recognized the pink-haired figure in the doorway immediately.
“Mandrake?!” He exclaimed, air finally returning to his lungs. 
“Bout time you woke up.” Mandrake smirked, entering the room. 
“W-What am I doing here? How did I get here?”
“You really don’t remember, huh?” He chuckled. “You and some of your guardian buddies were wandering around town, and when you decided to split up, it was all a matter of catching you off guard.”
Caraway racked his memory, trying to piece together what happened. 
“Hell, even if I do have an advantage in that area, you’re one of the most skilled guardians around; I almost feel bad with how easy it was to lure you into a sleeping spell.” Mandrake gloated with a condescending tone, pacing the room. “Though, to your credit, you did eventually realize what was happening, even if it was too late.” 
He vaguely remembered running into Wyverna unexpectedly, and then…
Caraway mentally kicked himself as he put two and two together.
“But… Why me?” He asked, trying to remain upright. 
“Cause of the bunch, you were the easiest to ‘acquire’, so to speak. The demon has magic not confined to a terrasphere, and dragging a centaur all the way out here is easier said than done.” 
“Where is ‘here’ exactly?”
“Hm, I could tell you, but I think it would be more fun if I didn’t. Besides, you won’t be here long. You’ll be headed to Witch Country first thing tomorrow.” He was eerily casual as he spoke.
Caraway’s head was spinning, questions flooded his murky psyche. His head pounded as he waded through foggy memories, trying to get a grip on the situation. “Witch Country? Why? What do you want from me?” 
“If I’m honest, I’m probably not supposed to tell you this, but I’ll let you in on a little secret. If all goes to plan, you’d make for the perfect bargaining chip.” 
“What- What are you talking about??”
Mandrake rolled his eyes. “Well, I can’t tell you everything, that would ruin the surprise. Besides, all they told me was you needed to be alive, never specified what condition you had to be in.”
With a sickening *shing*, he brandished a knife from his pocket. “And I’ve got a bone to pick with you, ‘professor’.”
The silvery sheen glinted against the ceiling light, reflecting in Caraway’s narrowing pupils. His calm, collected front was starting to crack, and Mandrake relished in it, taking sadistic pride in how his eyes were glued to the blade. 
“My plan would’ve gone perfectly if you didn’t intervene.” He began to approach, anger creasing along his face. “You just had to stick your nose where it didn’t belong. If it weren’t for you, no one would have suspected a thing. Instead, I had to come crawling back with my tail between my legs, and beg for my life. You will never know what it's like, to plead on your knees just for the chance to live.” He spat. 
Mandrake was mere feet away from Caraway, his scowl slowly fading. “But now? You’re no better than I was, subject to another’s mercy.” 
Caraway took a breath, regaining himself as he looked at him with a genuine expression, hiding his fear behind understanding eyes. “I’m sorry you went through that, Mandrake. I did what I had to do to protect my students, I never-”
“Don’t.” he snapped, swiftly bringing the blade inches from Caraway’s neck. “I’m not falling for that charade.” 
He lifted his neck away from the knife, but kept his composure. “Mandrake, just listen to me. You don’t have to live this life you’ve been forced into. I can help you, you just need to let me-”
Caraway was cut off by a searing pain in his shoulder, Mandrake striking before he could blink. A guttural cry ripped from his throat, doubling over as far as the ropes would allow.
“SHUT UP.” Mandrake barked, now bristling with fury. 
With a growl, he severed the ropes holding Caraway to the wall, then pushed him onto the ground with a loud thud. 
“I am so tired of listening to your bullshit. You think you’re nothing short of immortal because of your power. You think you’re invincible, and you’ve got your perfect friends to back you up when you feel the slightest bit threatened. Let me be the one to break the news to you, teach; you’re no fucking god.” 
Venom spewed from Mandrake's lips, eager for a vulnerable spot to latch onto. Yet, even with his wound staining his deep blue coat, Caraway’s gaze remained focused.
“You’re right, I’m not immortal.” He stated as steadily as he could. “However, you forget one thing; I'm not entirely helpless either-!” 
Planting his feet on the ground, Caraway struck out with his right leg, violently connecting with Mandrake’s lower jaw. He recoiled backwards, hands flying to his jaw as he stumbled. He couldn’t deny himself a small notion of victory at the sight, but upon seeing the flame ignited in his eyes as a result, the sense of dread returned. 
“Not helpless, you say?” A stream of blood was trickling from the side of his mouth.
He dove to grab Caraway’s right ankle, raising his leg into the air. Positioning the knife in his hand, he sank it into his calf, his technique more calculated this time. This earned another cry, more drawn out as the blade sank deeper. Mandrake savored the sight of his blood rapidly spreading along the fabric, grinning wickedly as it dripped off his knife. 
“Let’s see just how helpless you are without your magic.” He dropped his leg haphazardly, Caraway wincing as it hit the ground. 
When Mandrake looked back to him, he expected a look of panic and agony. However, in place of any vulnerable pleadings for mercy, Caraway was… Smiling? 
“... Fine. If you won’t listen, then I’ll play your game.” Holding his head up just slightly, his eyebrow was cocked in a challenging expression. “On my fourth mission, I went toe-to-toe with a Manticore, and I got much worse than a few jabs.”
This seemed to set something off in Mandrake. Without a word, he dropped down as he plunged the knife into his thigh. Caraway’s reaction was pained, but much more restrained. 
“My seventh mission, had to fend off a flock of harpies. They hit a lot harder than that.”
Yanking the blade out of his flesh, Mandrake rose. “Ah, you think you’ve got this all figured out, don’t you?” 
He knelt beside Caraway’s neck, grabbing a fistful of his hair and lifting his head. “Because I don’t think you realize, I could slit your throat right now, and that would be game over for you.” 
Even so, his resolve remained steadfast. “Had a dragon nick my neck during my twelfth mission. Think you could do better?”
Mandrake’s patience had run out. The desired reaction was locked from his reach, and he’d grown bored. Tossing his head back to the ground, he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. 
Caraway waited a few moments to see if he was truly gone. Once Mandrake’s footsteps left the hallway, his manufactured confidence melted away, a strained sigh leaving his lips. His body tensed as the full extent of the pain registered, his blood now spilling onto the floor. The unrelenting sensation coupled with the cold, hard floor beneath him, his emotions welled up in the back of his throat. Facing away from the door, a couple stray tears fell down his face. 
Caraway didn’t know how long he lay there before Mandrake returned. Given that he wanted to keep him alive, he switched to the method of smaller cuts around his body, but didn’t lessen his ruthless remarks. After what felt like hours, Mandrake seemed to let up. At this point, pain was radiating all throughout Caraway’s body, his clothes soaked with scattered blood stains. His breathing was labored, eyes shut as he began to reach his limit. 
Mandrake tapped the knife against the table, tipping his head back. ‘You know, I’ve been having fun and all…” He sauntered towards Caraway. “But I’ve been thinking.” 
Mandrake stood to Caraway’s side, vision wandering. “After our time is up, what am I gonna do next? Don’t get me wrong, it's satisfying as it is to see you put in your place, but it occurred to me, what if I went the extra mile?” He brought the knife to his chin, propping his elbow on his forearm as if he were deep in thought. “So I wondered, what could I do that would be the cherry on top?” He meandered to the other side of the room, head bobbing from side to side as he went. “After thinking it over, I remembered those little friends of yours.”
This got Caraway’s attention, finally opening his eyes once again. Mandrake could hear him strain as he lifted his head.
“Don’t you dare bring them into this.” He glared, staring him down. 
Mandrake smiled. There’s the weak spot he was looking for. 
“I’m thinking I could pay them a little visit. Though, I still haven’t decided which one I should play with first.”
Thinking out loud, Mandrake’s body began to shift. Caraway’s stomach turned as his body morphed into a familiar figure, his frame grew taller and ivory hair spilled as it overtook his natural pink. 
“Maybe I’ll go for the elf first. Don’t know if I’ll kill her or not, but I’d certainly like to see a few gashes on her lovely skin.” His voice now mimicked Aloe’s.
Turning back to Caraway, Mandrake  brought the knife near his neck, taunting him as he forced the thought of her in his place. A lovely mix of fear and rage burned in Caraway’s eyes, complimenting his battered body perfectly. 
“Oooh, what if I did it in front of her wife?”
He shifted again, his hair retracting to a shorter, purple cut. A leather vest replaced the white dress, and his voice was now that of Anise’s. 
“Wonder how she’d react, seeing her love under a knife right in front of her. Maybe she’d offer herself in her place.” He waved his knife as he described his fantasy. “Of course, I’m not cruel; I’d oblige to her request.” 
Mandrake simply stood to admire the mental image he had painted, almost salivating over the suffering he was to cause; When suddenly, his face lit up in realization. 
“Wait, I almost forgot; There’s one more to your group, isn’t there?” 
Once more, he shifted. His hair grew longer once again, now raven in hue. The vest grew into a blue, loose-fitting blouse. His legs morphed into a non-human shape, two grayish hooves at the end of black fur. 
“That centaur you have a soft spot for.” 
The sight of this near-perfect replica of Coriander, voice uncannily sickening as he stared back with piercing red eyes, had Caraway seeing red. 
“Do not speak of her.” His anger was only restrained by his pain. “How dare you even-”
“I thought you of all people would know that it's rude to interrupt.” Mandrake cut him off. “I’m about to get to the best part after all.” 
He stepped towards Caraway again, the clicking of hooves echoing about the room. “I’d save her for last, so much sweeter that way. I can see it now, she cries and pleads as she watches her friends get sliced open.” 
Mandrake stood over Caraway, staring down with a lethal look. 
“She’d beg for me to stop, to show mercy, to let her friends go. Maybe she’d bargain, maybe offer to go back to Witch Country with me, sort things out herself.”
He then sank down, straddling Caraway and bringing the knife back up to his own throat. “Only for me to turn around and slash her pretty little neck.”
Caraway was seething, almost snarling as he spoke. “If you go anywhere near Coriander or my friends, I will kill you.”
Even through his wounds, the fury of his expression threatened the boy with a fate far worse than he received himself. Mandrake only laughed, awash with power and satisfaction at his broken reaction.
“Oh, I’d love to see you try, my love.” He ran his hand down the knife as he turned it vertically against his throat, teasing in a sing-song voice. 
Caraway was about to retort- when a loud noise came from the door. Mandrake swiveled around, his knife flying to his side. A black, almost fiery essence burst through the doorway, enveloping half the room in an ashy blaze. In a blur, Mandrake leapt from the ground, managing to dash out of sight. The consuming flame flickered and danced in his wake, but couldn’t quite catch him. 
Snaking inward to contain itself, the flame doused to reveal a horned figure. She peered into the hall to see if Mandrake had made himself scarce. Caraway breathed his first sigh of relief in hours upon recognizing her as Dretch. 
She then turned back to him, eyes widening as she registered the situation “Shit- Caraway!” She rushed over to him immediately, scanning his body to assess the extent of his injuries. 
“Am I glad to see you.” He smiled weakly, a wince suppressing his tone. 
“You and me both- god, what did that kid do to you?” Concern was evident on her face as she hovered over him “Just save your energy, I’ll get you out of here.”
Caraway could hardly manage a response. While relief washed over him, the true extent of his exhaustion and pain hit him like a brick. His eyelids felt impossibly heavy, vision blurring as consciousness left him. 
The last thing he remembered was Wyverna returning to her fiery state, lifting him as they made their escape.
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incorrect-hgs · 1 year
Caraway: Why is it when something happens, it's always you four?
Sage: Believe me, Professor, I've been asking myself the same question for three years
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thesquirrelqueer · 2 years
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Day 4: Professor Caraway from High Guardian Spice
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dollsandmasks · 2 years
Does anyone want any High Guardian Spice headcanons? No?
Well, guess what, here they are anyway.
I was thinking about Lavender and Caraway and their school/early adventuring days, and how precious these two are, and brain things happened.
- If you think these two did not explore the entire Academy while they were students there, you are wrong. They looked high and low for any hidden passages, secret rooms and possible buried treasure. One time they got stuck in a small room which closed upon entrance and had to wait for two hours to get rescued; no one was amused and the two got reprimanded badly, but it did not stop the exploration. Caraway still uses some of the passages to move quicker around the Academy and create the illusion of being in several places at the same time.
- They would sometimes sneak onto the rooftop to stargaze, have long deep conversations about stuff they didn’t usually discuss during daytime and practice with swords/magic; miraculously, no one ever fell or got injured.
- Lavender loved exploring outdoors way more than Caraway did, so she usually did not drag him with her and only showed him the best places she’d find while exploring. He still visits those places sometimes to reminiscence.
- Their friendship was always very physical (no sniffing, though): they would hug each other, pretend fight, have two people mosh pits, the works. Lavender was physically stronger, but she always made sure to be very gentle with Caraway. This level of control over her own strength came in handy once she started training with a sword.
- Lavender was very protective of Caraway and did not mind threatening whoever attempted to upset him with a fist (or a sword). Caraway used to be pretty sensitive as a kid, but having to calm down Lavender often took his mind off of whatever was said to him, so Lavender’s attitude kinda helped (even if Caraway was always worried about her getting in trouble for protecting his honour). 
- The two of them would often get competitive and test their strenghts in various contests. Trivia quizes and memory games were Caraway’s speciality, while Lavender excelled at physical endurance tests. When it came to food-related contests, it was usually a tie (if one of them won, it was at a great cost).
- They would also play Gospel or Gauntlet with a ridiculous level of seriousness and dedication. No question or dare was off limits, and boy oh boy did they get up to some wild things sometimes.
- At some point early in their adventuring careers, they were dicking around with potion ingredients and Lavender dared Caraway to take a bite out of an extremely spicy root usually considered inedible. Caraway ate the entire thing in one bite, all while maintaining eye contact. He got very sick to his stomach afterwards, and Lavender kept apologizing and freaking out over it so much she cried. They spent that night on the bathroom floor, one completely in tears and the other laughing hysterically while also doubling over in pain. This is Caraway’s second favourite story of their times as novice Guardians, the first being the manticore.
- Neither of them ever learned how to make flower crowns properly, but God knows they both tried. Lavender would get hers halfway done but end up losing her cool and scrapping the entire thing, while Caraway’s crowns came undone as soon as you put them on. They both still kept each other’s failed attempts.
- Lavender never really got used to keeping pictures neatly in albums like Caraway does, her few pics of them together could be found at random in her work papers, drawers and old books. She somehow could still find a picture she needed within reasonable time.
If (when) I come up with more, you know where to find me.
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sunnyartsstudio · 1 year
What the song says: “Throw care away”.
What my brain hears: “Throw Caraway”.
yeets that worthless goober out the window.
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arsonistsarsenic · 1 month
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Doodle of professor Caraway from High Guardian Spice, because I think he's just neat and an oc I made for it, called Nemesia based on the flower!
I was made to watch it by my partner @prinxen so blame them for this
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